[00:20] I'm installing ubuntu server and went with default disk configuration. why are there three partition on the disk? [00:21] soren, i've got tls running on postfix but ssl isn't. aren't they pretty much the same thing? do you recommend ssl over tls? [00:23] how do you run an OpenPGP keyserver.... [00:25] oops misunderstood fdisk [00:26] yeah it just looks like it at first [00:34] timboy: TLS is a newever version of SSL. [00:35] ScottK, thx [00:40] what should i do about "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition" [00:40] the live cd can read it [00:40] any docs on tracking down a kernel panic? I get nothing logged, and no cores, so all I've got to work with is a photo of the terminal noise [00:40] i mean the install cd [00:41] were you in X or at a terminal? [00:41] it you're at a terminal it should give you some info which could even tell you which driver did it [00:42] terminal .. linux-xen in hardy is messy enough that I can't get as far as raising X [00:42] (for me, atleast) [00:42] hmmm, normally when you are a terminal and it panics, you get a page of cryptic information... [00:43] yeah, I have a photo of that page. just nothing that makes good google-fodder [00:44] it doesn't help that I'm on a mac laptop, so I can't pause, scroll, etc [00:46] ah... nothing that would suggest which module caused it? [00:46] can't really help then... [00:46] i've had panics which made it very clear that my wireless driver did it [00:48] not a great source of debug, but what I did get is http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2083/2336356800_7013535f96.jpg?v=0 [00:48] which all looks like page/memory faults to me, but every test I've tried works out okay [00:50] right now, all I'm really looking for is a way to create better logs / dumps / cores of the situation. I know working from a screengrab isn't exactly optimal [00:53] scrolling back .. which partitions were created? I'm used to default creating root + swap [00:57] oh i was wrong about my partitions [00:57] however. now it won't boot [00:57] i can use hte rescue feature of hte live cd to access the drive fine [00:57] but grub won't mount root [00:59] oh nm it had them in the wrong order [01:06] Anyone have a recommendation for the most simple "just works" IMAP daemon that can read maildir? [01:07] infinity: dovecot works great [01:07] some minor configuration required though [01:07] so does anyone know how to run your own openpgp keyserver? [01:17] what should I choose for authentication methods and why? i'm using tls and under authentication methods have plain-text selected should I change that? [01:32] michalski: I have not done that, however this link looks promising. You will most likely need to do a bit of research. www.jcacademy.nl/spottedByTHTI/_down/sthuy_article_pgpkeyserver.PDF - [01:33] thank you [01:36] yay....its long [01:44] This is a quick attempt to get mrtg going. I'm pasting the error message and two config files. This is a gutsy install. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5752/ [01:48] hmmm. it seems to be working. just needed data I guess. [02:18] i did sudo apt-get install lm-sensors, and it asked me for the CD [02:18] however, i'm not at the machine [02:18] is there a way to make it use the network for future package installation? [02:19] BCMM: Comment the CD out of the /etc/apt/sources.list [02:19] ScottK, thanks [02:20] that worked thanks [02:40] hello, does anyone knows if there are any dependencies error in Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn mysql package? [02:45] RoAkSoAx: Feisty has been out long enought that if there were, there are probably bug reports. [02:45] If there aren't it's reasonably safe to assume there aren't [02:45] ScottK2: i see, im trying to install mysql and i get this error, it is on a VPS: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59889/ [02:49] That's not a dependency error, that's the postinst failing. [02:49] It's difficult to tell why. [03:00] ok thanks, i had to download the package manually for i386, because the package it downloaded was for all archs. [03:04] RoAkSoAx: What makes you think all doesn't include i386 [03:05] ScottK2: i know all works for all archs but that package shows me the error during installation while the package for i386 arch does not. [03:05] What did the package management system provide you and what did you decide you should install instead? [03:05] it provided me this one: mysql-server_5.0.38-0ubuntu1.2_all.deb [03:06] i download this one: mysql-server-5.0_5.0.38-0ubuntu1.2_i386.deb [03:08] All the 'all' package does is depend on the latest arch specific package. It shouldn't have made a difference. [03:09] If you've got the arch specific one installed now, then you've got what you need. [03:09] ScottK: well i used apt-get to install it and that is what happened, so i downloaded the other package manually and it installs [03:13] RoAkSoAx: OK. That's odd. All's well that ends well I guess. [03:17] ScottK2: i guess so, but well i've tried changing archive and the same thing [03:19] seems to be aproblem with the pkg [03:58] RoAkSoAx: Would you please file a bug on that then. [04:00] ScottK2: the problem was his mysql.conf file [04:00] ScottK2: already fixed [04:02] ScottK2: postinst was faling on starting the service due a broken mysql.con [04:02] conf* [04:02] nxvl: know i have a similar problem with proftpd :S [04:03] nxvl: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59897/ [04:04] nxvl: Thanks. [04:09] ScottK2: btw, now that there is no ubuntuwire, is there any other app showing the FTBFS bugs? [04:11] nxvl: I think they've got it running somewhere else. Ask in #ubuntuwire [04:17] ScottK2: thnx [04:20] hi is anyone active here? [04:20] !anyone [04:20] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [04:20] lol ok... [04:20] i need to make my ubuntu install into a wireless router... [04:21] my internet is my wireless, and i need to make my wired available to my other systems [04:22] DrIP: any guide to turning a system into a router/gateway is what your after [04:22] ok [05:28] is there any reason why the mediawiki1.10 package puts files in /usr/lib/mediawiki1.10 and /usr/share/mediawiki1.10 and they are all like symlinked to eachother [05:28] wtf is up with this? [05:29] theres probbaly a reason, but i dont know it. [05:29] i have my own version of mediawiki installed without the package manager [05:29] and all of those files are in ONE directory [05:29] bcause you installed from tarball [05:29] right [05:30] debian policy will requir certain files in certain places, which i expct is why theres a symlinkk farm [05:30] im just saying, it seems to unreasonably complicate things [05:30] would be nice if there was less symlinks, but files would have to be certain places for policy reasons [05:30] i want to transfer my custom installation into the debian installation and im afraid of overwriting the symlinks and fucking things up [05:31] if yours is one dir, you shouldnt have a probem surely [05:31] bbs [05:31] dont just leave me with that! [05:34] back [05:34] stiv2k_: whats up? :) [07:50] root@unknown # time mkfile -v 10g testje.img [07:50] real 0m17.416s [07:50] <_ruben> damn :p [07:50] mkfile? [07:51] soren: Solaris [07:51] Ah. [07:53] Jeeves_: root@unknown - deja vu [07:53] kgoetz: :) [07:53] That's another one! [07:54] :) [07:54] Got it booted yet? [07:54] Jeeves_: work T1k? or yours? [07:54] Mine [07:54] no, i havent had time yet [07:55] i'll be back inn "a while" - i'mm catching up on some sleep. then i may catch up on my SC> skills :D [07:56] Jeeves_: What exactly does mkfile do? [07:57] soren: Not sure [07:57] Jeeves_: Never mind, found a man page. [07:57] soren: It's not the best way to test speed, I know that much [07:57] Jeeves_: So you have a storage system that does 600MB/s? === blue-frog__ is now known as blue-frog [08:03] soren: A Sun Fire X4500 [08:04] 48X 250GB SATA [08:04] Using zfs [08:04] I'm (or we, but it's my pet-project) going to run the Hardy release for .nl on one X4500 and two T1000's [08:05] I'm afraid I have yet to drink the ZFS cool-aid. Hence, I'm not going to subscribe to the belief that using zfs can somehow magically boost I/O performance by > 500% :) [08:06] Er... Sorry. [08:06] *cough* [08:06] 48 258GB drives? [08:06] Er, 250GB drives. [08:06] soren: Yes [08:06] http://gallery.bit.nl/main.php?g2_itemId=29482 [08:07] * soren drools uncontrollably [08:07] ;) [08:08] soren: sales@sun.com, you might even get a extra discount because canonical and sun are friends :) [08:09] :( [08:10] Hmm? [08:10] It's not that expensive [08:10] 20.000 EUR or so [08:11] I think I'm going to have a hard time justifying that sort of expense. :) [08:12] soren: Try and Buy :) [08:12] You can try it for free, for 60-90 days [08:13] And than, when you're done drooling, you send it back :) [08:14] Hm... Tempting :) [08:14] <_ruben> wonder if they'd accept it back when its covered with drool :p [08:16] _ruben: :) [08:29] _ruben: as long as its in the box they sent it in, should be ok ;) [08:29] only 48 drives though? soft :P [08:31] try 128 ;) (running a properietary fs :( ) [08:31] kgoetz: In a 4U box [08:31] 48TB storage, in 4U... [08:31] moin [08:32] Jeeves_: is that one of the 'drop in from the top' arangements? [08:32] kraut: hey [08:32] hi kgoetz [08:34] kgoetz: Hmm? [08:35] Jeeves_: is it one of the boxes with hdds that drop in from the top? [08:35] kgoetz: Yes [08:35] i love that idea :D [08:36] :) [08:36] :) === blue-frog__ is now known as blue-frog [11:12] has anyone tried running a binary made by installjammer on ubuntu 7.10-server ? [11:12] i run the binary file in shell and nothing happens. [11:31] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-March/000400.html [11:31] Hmmm [11:33] badluck, no sparc release for 8.04 :( [11:33] :O [11:34] thats quite a blow for anyone who wants to use ubuntu on stable hardware [11:34] badluck for Jeeves_ playing with his T1000's [11:34] bugger Jeeves_ , what about pschulz01 and me? :P [11:36] kgoetz: Hmm? [11:36] Ow, the release will run on gutsy :) [11:37] Too bad though that Canonical and Sun will not support eachother in Hardy [11:37] seems a little silly - only 12 months support [11:37] and theres not another lts for 18-24 months === blue-frog_ is now known as blue-frog [11:38] Indeed [11:38] Anyways, luch [11:38] +n [11:38] later [11:38] Jeeves_: wait and see, we could announce stuff with sun on x86... [11:38] x86 sun != sun [11:38] right [11:43] sigh. and my amd64 just crashed. *heh*. [11:48] morning [11:49] heh [11:49] morning zul [11:50] morning [11:50] yay for internet time [12:02] nijaba: nice msg to -doc [12:02] * faulkes- agrees [12:03] thanks === linuxba is now known as penguim === \sh_away is now known as \sh === blue-frog__ is now known as blue-frog === blue-frog__ is now known as blue-frog === juliux_ is now known as juliux [16:02] im not sure if this is considered general but, i have a server with 2 connections to the internet (2 gateway dsl modems) and im wondering if there is a way to load balance them or route between them on a port basis (ie :80 goes to gateA :21 goes to gateB) [16:02] jester45: man ip [16:04] nijaba: re: link to server guide from help.ubuntu: no - we must shroud the server edition in mystery so that only the "advanced" initiates will know the true secrets of its magic! [16:04] :-) [16:04] :-) [16:04] i figured i would have to use that.. does it let me have fail over incase 1 line goes down or would i have to change the settings [16:06] neal: with ever increasingly complex rights of passage and secret irc handshakes right? [16:06] nijaba: what do you think about my idea of actually labeling all the server guides with version numbers? seems to me that it would help with clarity for readers and documentation developers alike [16:06] faulkes-: shh- this is an open channel - do not speak of these things here [16:06] neal: I believe it's a good idea, iirc Sommer is working on something like that [16:07] alot of the confusion I see on the forums stem from two places, 1. people using non-communit/official documentation, 2. people using outdated or different version documentation [16:08] "but I followed what www.xyz.com/randomguy said to do and now my system doesn't work!" [16:08] not saying all offsite stuff is bad, just think people need to look at ubuntu first, then offsite [16:09] a sort of, shall we say, indoctrination of sorts [16:09] * faulkes- whistles innocently [16:11] eek - I just saw more concrete proposals to hide the development version of the server guide via a robots file: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+bug/122297 That would hide good documentation for testers and developers. I think a site guide would be better [16:11] Launchpad bug 122297 in ubuntu-doc "Server Guide draft has higher Google rank than released version" [Medium,Confirmed] [16:14] nealmcb: your proposal would make even more sense if we added a link/drop down menu to quickly jump to the other versions. [16:14] see also https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+bug/192202 on version numbering [16:14] Launchpad bug 192202 in kubuntu-docs "copyright dates not being updated" [Undecided,Fix committed] [16:14] nijaba: yes! [16:15] often, the new additions to the server guide apply to older versions, so hiding it entirely seems counterproductive [16:17] nealmcb: sure, but until we had the DRAFT watermark, people were really being confused. [16:17] in addition to that, doc.x.com is usually the official doc, not help.x.com [16:18] nijaba: true - the DRAFT helps a lot, but links and version numbers would help also - like the packages site etc [16:19] nealmcb: could you draft a proposal for the version numbers and link that we could group to my request regarding the h.u.c landing page? [16:20] nealmcb: ask for comments about it on the server ml, then we'll forward to the doc ml once everybody agrees. [16:36] nijaba: if sommer or someone on the doc team can wrangle the files Dean notes at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+bug/192202/comments/4 to do links, versions or site maps, I think it would be better received [16:36] Launchpad bug 192202 in kubuntu-docs "copyright dates not being updated" [Undecided,Fix committed] [16:41] nealmcb: yes :) [16:46] nealmcb: sure.... do you know anyone good with good html/xsl knowledge that could propose a fix? [17:21] nijaba: I started looking at it, but am really hoping sommer knows how :-) [17:25] sommer: can you help? [17:25] jdstrand: you are taking a look at Bug #202706, didn't you? [17:25] Launchpad bug 202706 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "MySQL 5.0.51: ORDER BY not working with GROUP BY" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202706 [17:25] nxvl: I not only took a look at it, I fixed it :) [17:25] oh, so its already fixed! [17:25] fine [17:26] * nxvl looks for the patch [17:26] nxvl: I didn't attacha debdiff to the patch [17:26] s/patch/bug/ [17:26] jdstrand: yes i know, but thats why diff.gz exist :D [17:26] nxvl: but it is uploaded and needs to get accepted due to beta freeze [17:27] jdstrand: is there any way to look at it now? [17:27] * jdstrand is checking [17:30] nxvl: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+queue?queue_state=3&queue_text=mysql-dfsg-5.0&start=20 [17:30] nxvl: oh wait [17:30] nxvl: I think that is the old one [17:31] nxvl: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=mysql-dfsg-5.0 === \sh is now known as \sh_away [17:42] nijaba, nealmcb: sure I'm in, what's the question? [17:43] nxvl: yep uploaded this morning [17:43] jdstrand: was on the ball [17:44] sommer: we would like to propose a patch for the documentation template so that the version of the doc being looked at is always shown + provide a link to other versions of the doc available [17:44] for the serverguide or all docs? [17:44] server guide is our main concern, but could benefit to all [17:45] sommer: nealmcb pointed to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+bug/192202/comments/4 [17:45] Launchpad bug 192202 in kubuntu-docs "copyright dates not being updated" [Undecided,Fix committed] [17:45] the comment list some of the template files [17:45] ah, I'm with ya... I'll take a look [17:46] * nijaba hugs sommer [18:01] anyone with experience setting up ircd-hybrid for client-ssl? [18:16] nijaba, nealmcb: are you wanting the version numbers on a header at the top of the page, or something similar? [18:16] I guess I'm not clear on that part [18:17] sommer: yep + a menu that links to other versions [18:17] I see, looks like that will take some hackery, but it should be doable [18:19] sommer: yeah - that's what I was thinking of [18:19] labelling as "hardy draft" with links to other versions is probably the biggest help [18:20] so you're only talking about doc.u.c? [18:20] then link that to the help.u.c versions? [18:20] that is the immediate concern [18:21] but I think versions on everything would be appropriate - people probably copy this stuff, etc [18:21] ah... that shouldn't be too hard, but doesn't help.u.c aleardy have the version (in the tab at the top)? [18:32] sommer: it does but it's somewhat confusing in how it works [18:32] at least I've found it to be [18:34] okay, I'll work up some new htmls and do some testing [18:34] or try to :-) [18:35] don't worry [18:41] sommer: yeah - h.u.c has release info, but not any "last updated" or version info. we may know that it is rarely updated, but most folks won't, and contributors won't know how to diff it against other versions etc [19:00] hi, anyone here that can help with mailscanner installation? === RB2_ is now known as RB2 [19:12] what about mailscanner? [19:14] I have run apt-get install on mailscanner [19:14] when I try start it, it's does nothing [19:14] doesn'te ven give me an error [19:16] root@phoebe:~# /etc/init.d/mailscanner start [19:16] root@phoebe:~# [19:20] should i be pointing my virtualhost's DocumentRoot to /var/lib/mediawiki1.10 or /usr/share/mediawiki1.10 [19:21] Anyone running Dapper on a Dell Poweredge 600SC? [19:29] N0s25: what does "ps -ef | grep -i mail" show [19:30] root@phoebe:~# ps -ef | grep -i mail [19:30] root 3979 3922 0 21:29 pts/0 00:00:00 grep -i mail [19:31] it should create a log, or otherwise tell the system what is happening [19:31] is there anything in /var/log/syslog, /var/log/messages or /var/log/mail.* [19:33] syslog - /USR/SBIN/CRON[3951]: (root) CMD ([ -f $LOCKFILE ] && exit 0; run_mailscanner=0; run_nice=0; if [ -f /etc/default/mailscanner ]; then . /etc/default/mailscanner; fi; [ $run_mailscanner = 0 ] && exit 0; [ -f /var/lock/subsys/MailScanner.off ] && exit 0; trap "rm -f $LOCKFILE" EXIT; touch $LOCKFILE; /usr/bin/nice -$run_nice /usr/sbin/check_mailscanner >/dev/null 2>&1; exit 0) [19:33] Mar 17 21:15:58 phoebe -- MARK -- [19:33] Mar 17 21:17:02 phoebe /USR/SBIN/CRON[3977]: (root) CMD ( run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) [19:33] but I have set runmailscanner = 1 [19:43] What is the best way to find if a fix has been released for a specific CVE? [19:44] My Googling has been ineffective. [20:14] dthacker-work: currently, looking through http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker's "master" branch for an arbitrary CVE. [20:14] dthacker-work: if it's for a package in main, http://ubuntu.com/usn/ will list it if it's fixed [20:14] keescook: thank you [20:14] dthacker-work: I'm hoping to get a full report published that's easier to read/navigate === \sh_away is now known as \sh [20:23] by default, vim doesn't have highlighting turned on for me -- can someone let me know how to get that turned on? [20:25] emily_: :syntax on [20:25] emily_: add 'syntax on' to ~/.vimrc [20:25] emily_: you probably want 'vim' and not just 'vim-tiny' IIRC [20:26] jdstrand: yeah i tried that earlier, but it didn't work, it says I have the wrong version. how do I see if I have vim or vim-tiny? [20:27] jdstrand: I think it was syntax enable that I tried actually [20:27] dpkg -l|grep vim [20:27] if it's not there as 'vim', then apt-get it. can change the default with 'sudo update-alternatives --config editor' [20:28] (system wide default that is) [20:28] vim-common and vim-tiny showed up [20:28] * jdstrand nods [20:28] apt-get install vim [20:30] thought I had done that. apparently i was using the default vim then? [20:30] yes [20:30] well that explains it :-) thanks! [20:32] np [20:33] jdstrand: there's also a vim-full...that supports gui? is that like a x gui or an ncurses gui? [20:34] apt-cache show vim-gnome [20:34] (I don't use vim-full, but it points to vim-gnome) [20:36] ahh. got it..probably x then [20:36] dendrobates: Have you looked at bug 196778 ? [20:36] Launchpad bug 196778 in likewise-open "Provide likewise-open-gui and likewise-open binaries rather than domainjoin-gui and domainjoin-cli" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196778 [20:36] dendrobates: wrt kde support [20:36] mathiaz: I saw it, I will fix it with next upload. [20:38] I am running a dapper server. and I need a more up to date version of git, are there backports for git? [20:39] lucasvo: there is a backport of git in dapper-backports: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper-backports/git-core [20:44] mathiaz: cool, thanks! [20:45] mathiaz: I've been fighting with my gitweb for days. it finally works. [20:45] thanks a lot [20:45] lucasvo: you're welcome :) [20:46] lucasvo: but this is a community supported repository - just FYI [20:46] mathiaz: yes. it is not my production server [20:46] and hopefully it will be in hardy when it'll come out. [20:47] lucasvo: hardy has [20:49] sommer: do you know how the server guide is translated ? [20:56] mathiaz: I think part of it is by LP and part by translaters [20:56] sommer: I got an email from a french guy that is looking for ways to contribute to the Server Team. [20:56] sommer: amongst the different task I though I could do is to translate the Server guide. [20:56] sommer: I thought *he* could do [20:57] sommer: I wondering if you had any pointers to help [21:00] umm... I haven't really been too involved with the translation part, but if you/he sends a message to the doc ml I'm sure someone knows [21:00] seems like there's a translation/translator site somewhere [21:01] mathiaz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFrenchTranslators?highlight=%28translat%29 [21:01] maybe? [21:02] kgoetz: I'm starting without you! [21:02] sommer: kwel - I'll look into that. Thanks :) [21:02] mathiaz: np [21:30] hey gus.. what ap do I install so I can run mail "email" -s from root? [21:30] guys [21:32] hey guys.. what ap do I install so I can run mail "email" -s from root? [21:32] I've got a notebook I'd like to try on an LDAP enviroment [21:33] But I've seen only 'ldap only' specifications [21:33] I don't want to be required to use LDAP, only when I want. Is it possible? [21:34] N0s25: There is no such application. What are you trying to do? [21:36] just from root.. type mail "emailaddress" -s test [21:36] and send a test mail from root [21:36] apt-get install mailx [21:36] k [21:36] thx [21:38] Hmm [21:39] The T1000's are connected to the wrong physiccal interface [21:39] It seems that I cannot boot from the interface I connected them to [21:40] Jeeves_: Isn't that when you cut off the network cable, put on a splitter and solder it all back together? [21:40] Don't laugh, I've seen it done - it didn't work, and they didn't blow anything up, but I shuddered :) [21:53] owh: Eh, right. :) === \sh is now known as \sh_away === lamont` is now known as lamont [22:04] How do I set up LVM on a hard drive with known bad sectors? [22:09] Buy a new hard drive. [22:09] Bad sectors are the beginning of the end. [22:14] owh: I was half-hoping to use the disk for caching, so data loss wouldn't be a problem [22:14] owh: but if it's non-trivial, bah, I'll toss it [22:16] ctgPi: I do not know if it's trivial or not, but if you make it into an ext2 then it should just work. If you know which blocks are bad AFAIK you can tell it in advance. Not sure why you'd want to put LVM on it just for caching though. [22:17] owh: well, I wanted to skip over the neighborhood of bad blocks [22:18] owh: but I suppose I could instead lie to mke2fs and blacklist the whole interval [22:18] Yup [22:18] owh: with LVM I could pretend it was all a single contiguous block of space, that's why I asked [22:19] owh: thanks for the help :) [22:22] ctgPi: But if ext2 has bad blocks on the single partition, it's still a single partition, just some bad blocks in it. [22:23] ctgPi: As for the help, not sure I gave you any, but you're welcome :) === \sh_away is now known as \sh [22:58] is there an apt repo where i can get apache 1.x instead of apache 2 for 7.10? [23:04] Jeeves_, :o === \sh is now known as \sh_away