
ScottK2nixternal: Here's one for the beta release notes (I'll let you know if a miracle occurs and it's not needed) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/59981/00:13
nixternalthanks too :p00:16
* apachelogger throws all sorts of stuff at jpatrick00:24
apacheloggerjpatrick: that luks patch totally broke amarok's media device detection00:24
* Riddell picks up stuff and throws it at apachelogger (nonviolently)00:25
Riddellremoving the debian/dirs from oxygencurors broke install00:25
nixternalalrighty, I am going to be editing the Release Notes page on the wiki, so if you could, don't go there for a while and try to edit00:26
* apachelogger is wondering who did that :P00:26
nixternalif you have anything that you feel needs to be added, highlight me and tell me, thanks!00:26
* apachelogger goes patching00:27
apacheloggerRiddell: I guess the autodetection was also the problem you had with the ipod support?00:27
Riddellapachelogger: yes00:28
Riddellapachelogger: which are you patching?00:28
apacheloggerRiddell: amarok00:30
apacheloggerthe problem is that luks is introducing new information to kded's mediamanager00:31
apacheloggerwhich breaks the parsing in amarok00:31
awen_Riddell: there is something seriously wrong with the brightness keyup... just tried changing ubuntu.xmodmap to use XF86LaunchF for keycode 212, and to recompile kmilo with XF86LaunchF pointing at brightnessUp; and this has no effect00:42
RiddellI wonder if gnome works00:43
awen_it is indeed very strange...00:44
* awen_ doesn't have a gnome to test on atm00:44
seeleRiddell: no, but i will look at it00:50
Riddellseele: its things I want to send to kde-core-devel to suggest as changes in kde00:54
apacheloggerRiddell: rewrite KDM00:58
Riddellapachelogger: whit?00:59
apacheloggergdm is living in the year 2005, kdm is living in the year 199701:00
apacheloggersomething's defenitely wrong there01:00
Riddellapachelogger: in what respect?01:00
apacheloggerin every, theming, readability of code, usage of bleeding edge standards like policykit01:01
apacheloggerkdm just doens't fit in with KDE 401:02
apacheloggerit didn't even with KDE 3 IMO01:02
Riddellwhat's brought this on?01:02
Riddelljpatrick: where did those luks patches come from?  I thought it was from suse but seems not01:03
Riddelltime to sleep01:06
awen_Riddell: http://kubuntu.org/shops.php ... SHS link (3rd last) is broken01:08
awen_(just noticed by chance)01:08
* awen_ also heads for sleeping01:10
Riddellawen_: fixed, thanks01:10
awen_and sleep well01:11
seeleRiddell: do you want email comments or wiki comments (if i have any.. i see a few items i might add to the comments)01:17
jjesseon the daily cd from today i get a msg at 80% installing saying there was a problem with the cd01:32
nixternaljjesse: known01:40
nixternalCDs have been broken for about a week now I believe01:40
ryanakcaAnybody experiencing DBus issues when trying to mount volumes in Dolphin?01:41
nixternalDolphin or D3lphin?01:42
ryanakcasomething along the lines of "an error occured while accessing, the system said: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file"...01:44
ryanakcaThat's what I managed to copy/type into Konqueror, since Dolphin doesn't let you hilight/copy&paste error messages. Capitals might not be exact and all, but its close enough.01:44
ryanakcaAfter accessing, there was a Hal.somethingorother, just a sec, I'll get it.01:45
* nixternal tries with USB stick01:48
nixternalmy USB stick just mounted fine01:48
jjessenixternal: any idea when i'll be able to install kiubuntu-kde4?01:51
nixternalI have using the Alpha 6 CD01:52
jjessehrmm so i shoulnd't be burning a new cd?01:52
nixternalI wouldn't until we know the CD issues are fixed01:52
ryanakcawhile accessing 'Valume (*vfat)', the system said. ... see message bus configuration file (rejected message had interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member "Mount" error name "(unset)" destination "org.freedesktop.Hal")      is the rest of the message.01:52
jjessetoo late ;(01:52
nixternaljjesse: re: mailing list (kubuntu-devel)01:52
jjesseah must have missed it01:53
nixternaldang, new update for guidance...01:56
* nixternal crosses fingers in fear :p01:56
jjessewow slow download tonight from vmware :(02:01
jjessenixternal: so should i just download the alpha of kde4 hardy and start from there?02:02
ScottKnixternal: From a displayconfig perspective if you have and xorg.conf only two new lines of code even get executed.  If you don't have the xorg.conf, then it would've crashed before.02:02
nixternalthat is what I do02:02
nixternalScottK: well it totally wrecked my intel config02:02
nixternaljust kidding :p02:02
ScottKKewl.  Two powerful lines of code.02:02
ScottKDunno what havoc awen wreaked on power-manager.02:03
nixternalnone thus far that I can tell, but then again, power manager has never worked a day on this laptop02:04
nixternalwhen it runs, I get about an hour or hour and 15 minutes of battery02:05
nixternalw/o it just under 2 hours02:05
ScottKSo it's clearly doing something ;-)02:05
nixternalshows up with 2 batteries, doesn't do cpu scaling or even show my cpu freq02:06
nixternallittle things like that02:06
nixternalbut I noticed that linux doesn't recognize this laptop cpu (celeron m) with a scalable cpu, but in winblows it scales02:07
ScottKnixternal: You might talk to awen about it when he's around.  He's doing some good stuff on powermanager.02:12
apacheloggerRiddell: please test the patched amarok https://edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/+index?field.name_filter=amarok&field.status_filter=published02:14
DaSkreechapachelogger: ping03:13
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jpatrickRiddell: it came from bugs.kde.org08:39
jpatrickRiddell: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113629#c2908:43
ubotuKDE bug 113629 in media "Complete LUKS support (especially mounting)" [Wishlist,New]08:43
jpatrickRiddell: we tested it and it worked better than the SuSE one08:43
jpatrickRiddell: not to mention the SuSE one depended on another program not in the repos...08:46
jpatrickapachelogger: oxygen you can blame on Che :P08:48
jpatrickRiddell: buz told me the current one worked like a charm09:03
Riddelljpatrick: it probably does, trouble is it breaks amarok :)09:33
seregajpatrick: I have finished the translation09:54
seregajpatrick: where to put it?09:54
jpatrickserega: jpatrick AT kubuntu.org09:58
jpatrickRiddell: well I don't use amarok :) So I couldn't have known09:59
Riddellseele: on the wiki is fine10:00
jpatrickserega: shame ubuntuwire's still down..10:08
Riddellapachelogger: your new amarok seems an improvement10:08
seregajpatrick: maybe your homepage is a right place for .tar.gz ?10:09
jpatrickserega: _awesome_ work10:10
seregajpatrick: or kubuntu wiki10:10
seregajpatrick: thanks :)10:10
jpatrickserega: what latex packages do I need to build this?10:11
seregajpatrick: texlive-lang-cyrillic I guess10:12
* serega is total n00b in TeX10:13
Nightrosemorning :)10:17
NightroseTonio_: you said you got a patch for ksniffer's sudo problem?10:18
Tonio_Nightrose: hum nope, doesn't work as expected10:18
Tonio_Nightrose: I'm still planing to work on it on friday10:18
Nightroseok thx10:18
* Nightrose will look for something else to work on then ;-)10:19
jpatrickserega: sorry, irssi decided it was too clever for me10:21
jpatrickserega: this looks very well done10:21
seregajpatrick: :)10:22
seregajpatrick: if there are more basic developer tutorials I can translate them with a time10:23
seregaNightrose: how you about bug #201379? :)10:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201379 in kdelibs "kioexec hangs on exit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20137910:24
seregaNightrose: it blocks kaffeine codec autoinstallation10:24
Nightroseserega: doesn't sound like something I would want my hands dirty with :P10:24
Nightrose+to get10:25
jpatrickserega: http://alioth.debian.org/~jpatrick-guest/tutorials/10:25
* serega sighs and continues to dig kdelibs :)10:26
seregajpatrick: one another nice thing for my wife :)10:27
jpatrickserega: I'm sure you can get some people in #ubuntu-ru to become Kubuntu devs :)10:27
seregajpatrick: enlist or just kidnap?)10:29
nareshovjpatrick: no amarok? what do you use?10:48
jpatricknareshov: cmus or codeine10:48
jpatricknareshov: I would use it but I have to save resources on this laptop10:49
nareshovcodeine looks good10:50
nareshovxine backend?10:50
jpatricknareshov: it "just works"10:50
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Riddellserega: what are you looking into?11:17
seregaRiddell: I got stuck on "kioexec gdebi-kde <url_to_libdvdcss>, it does not exit when gdebi-kde exits. see  bug #20137911:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201379 in kdelibs "kioexec hangs on exit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20137911:20
seregaRiddell: now I building kdelibs with debug information11:20
RiddellI wonder what the difference between kioexec, kfmexec and kfmclient is11:21
seregaRiddell: kfmclient invokes file manager bindings fro filetype, doesn't it?11:25
seregaRiddell: but kfclient does not open .deb from http url11:26
seregaah... seems like things was changed since then: kfmclient exec http://kubuntu.org/packages/libdvdcss-i386.deb works good11:29
smarterwhy is libdvdcss on kubuntu.org?11:30
Riddellsmarter: its just a redirect11:32
smarteroh I see11:32
smarterit's used by kaffeine?11:33
Riddellalthough libdvdread is a bit broken so it doesn't actually work11:35
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jjesseare the cdimages for the beta Riddell mentions in the email installing correctly yet?12:41
Riddelljjesse: did they ever not install correctly?12:41
Riddell** please testing 20080318.1 images, beta candidates12:42
jjesseRiddell: i downloaded the last 3 dailys and always got a failure at 80% of the install12:42
jjesseof the kubuntu-kde412:42
jjessedisc tested fine, burn was sucessfull12:42
jjesseinstall failed at 80%12:42
Riddelljjesse: and what was the error?12:42
jjesseRiddell: mentioned the cd was bad which could sometimes be caused by overheating or there was a problem during the burn process12:43
Riddellbut what did the logs say?12:43
jjessedon't remember the logs of the top of my head12:43
jjessei can retry tonight with one of the discs i burnt12:43
jjessethey are at home and i'm at work12:43
jjessei think nixternal was having problems installing as well12:44
Riddelldavmor2: up for a day of testing?12:50
RiddellArby: able to test some today?12:50
davmor2just got notice thanks Riddell just updating the images I have :)12:50
* Nightrose downloads12:50
ArbyRiddell: I can this evening sure12:51
ArbyI'm at work right now12:52
jjesseredownloading the iso for testing right now12:52
Riddelljjesse: which one?12:52
Arbyyep mine are syncing at home right now12:52
Arbywith that said, I'm hugging bugs on my lunch break :)12:53
Riddelljjesse: kubuntu 20080318.1 needs testing, no current kubuntu-kde4 ones12:54
jjesseoh ok12:54
jjessei stop that download12:54
jjessewhen will kubutnu-kde4 be ready for testing again?12:54
Riddellyou can always rsync12:54
Riddelljjesse: half an hour or so12:54
jjesseok cool12:54
Nightrosehmm 20 KiB/s - that will take a while...12:56
jjesseNightrose:that's what i'm getting as well :(12:56
ArbyRiddell: did you ever find the problem in the kde3 liveCD?12:56
RiddellArby: colin found a work around late last night12:58
RiddellArby: likely just it ran out of memory12:58
Arbyhmm, not so great but as long as it's sorted12:59
Arbyright back to $dayjob more kubuntu later12:59
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Next meeting: Wednesday 19th 23:00UTC | Test Beta Candidates!
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Riddellah, Tonio_, just in time for some beta candidates testing :)13:22
Tonio_Riddell:  ;)13:24
Tonio_Riddell: I can't test the live cd, doesn't work on macbook pro13:24
Tonio_Riddell: but I can test in a VM ;)13:24
Tonio_Riddell: I'm currently workong on knetworkconf, I discovered an horrible bug in it, breaking sudo13:25
Tonio_Riddell: what do you want me to test ?13:25
RiddellTonio_: anything http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all13:26
Riddellbut if you're fixing horrible bugs, that's probably just as useful13:26
Tonio_well atm any change in knetworkconf will break samba, sudo and winbind :)13:27
Tonio_Riddell: that's not that bad :)13:27
Tonio_Riddell: but I can find a moment to test toonight13:27
NightroseTonio_: downloading takes ages right now anyway13:27
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Next meeting: Wednesday 19th 23:00UTC | Test Beta Candidates and Gutsy upgrades!
jpatrickjjesse: just in time :=13:42
jjessefor what?13:42
jpatrickjjesse: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all13:42
jjessethe download is taking forever13:43
Riddelljjesse: sometimes it helps to stop it and wget -c13:44
jpatrickor use rsync13:44
jjesseusing wget and only getting 28k/sec13:44
* nareshov <3 rsync13:44
* jpatrick goes to sit by nareshov 13:45
seelewhat is KDE Alternate?  KDE4?13:50
jpatrickseele: no live installer I think13:50
seeleah ok13:51
Riddellseele: its the old installer13:55
Riddellstill useful for various advanced configurations, and still needing testing13:55
Riddellalso if anyone has a windows machine with 5 gigs of free space, wubi needs testing14:00
sobersabreI have downloaded the cd image from:14:09
sobersabrecan somebody check if the md5sum in the MD5SUMS file is correct ?14:09
Riddellsobersabre: hard for it to be wrong14:09
sobersabreI got another md5sum than the specified in the file.14:10
Riddellcdimage@antimony:~/cdimage/www/full/kubuntu-kde4/releases/hardy/alpha-6$ md5sum hardy-desktop-i386.iso14:11
Riddelle6318e4b40a014e1e08852a101d2ef55  hardy-desktop-i386.iso14:11
sobersabreI downloaded alternate.14:11
sobersabrecan you please calculate it ?14:11
sobersabre[and, yes, I compared to the right sum]14:11
Riddellcdimage@antimony:~/cdimage/www/full/kubuntu-kde4/releases/hardy/alpha-6$ md5sum hardy-alternate-i386.iso14:12
Riddell7d808a63f927e2839b1547befef336db  hardy-alternate-i386.iso14:12
Riddellrsync is your friend14:12
Riddellsee KubuntuFiles14:12
sobersabreI'm on winoz...14:13
sobersabre32933acf98e6c85eaedcaec6e5d33e74  hardy-alternate-i386.iso14:14
sobersabreI'll try to upload the file to a linux machine...14:14
sobersabrehmmm... it will take 4-5 minutes...14:15
Riddellalpha 6 is old news anyway, we're onto beta candidates now14:16
Riddellah, Lure, come to help test beta candidates :)14:16
sobersabreare they also avail. for download ?14:16
Riddellhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/daily/  20080318.1 will appear there in a minute14:18
LureRiddell: will do tonight on my desktop at home, quite busy right now14:19
* Lure thinks it will be fun to work on "old" kde 4.0.2 again ;-)14:19
LureRiddell: do we have also desktop cd for kde4?14:20
RiddellLure: in a minute yes14:22
LureRiddell: will at least try running desktop-kde4/amd64 on my laptop to14:22
Riddellah, CheGuevara, he'll help testing beta candidates :)14:23
CheGuevarawhat are we testing14:23
CheGuevaraCD ?14:23
RiddellCDs, windows installer, gutsy upgrades14:24
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LureRiddell: windows installer?14:25
Riddellmm hmm14:25
CheGuevaraah wubi14:25
Riddellneeds a windows machine with 5 gigs of free space14:25
CheGuevarai got someone who will test wubi14:25
LureRiddell: how do you do that? I may try that on my wife's PC14:26
* Lure hopes it removes windows xp "by accident" ;-)14:26
RiddellLure: put in the desktop CD, click "Install to Windows" and it'll put it in c:\ubuntu14:26
CheGuevarai tried the ubuntu one so far14:26
CheGuevaraRiddell, how come u nuked the dependency change for oxygencursors14:26
RiddellCheGuevara: it wasn't needed, it just needed the /usr/share/icons/default directory to be there14:27
jpatrickCheGuevara: next time I http://i.u2701u263b.eu/14:28
CheGuevarasorry jpatrick14:28
jpatrickCheGuevara: nah, could happen to anyone14:28
jpatrickhappened to me _loads_ of times14:28
CheGuevaradidn't even think there was another way to fix this14:29
RiddellCheGuevara: it's all apachelogger's fault if its any consolation :)14:30
CheGuevarabut yeah Riddell count me in testing wubi on vista14:31
Riddellhi nelli14:38
jjessesorry been really busy w/ work and didn't know if the kde4 disk has been built yet?14:40
Riddell** kubuntu-kde4 desktop and alternate 20080318.1 ready for testing!14:40
jjessegetting it now14:40
jjessesorry wasn;'t atying attention14:41
Riddellit took a long time to sync that one14:41
Riddellthe cdimage servers are probably busy14:41
seelecant be that busy.. i'm pulling 300KB/s14:42
jpatrickthat explains it..14:42
sobersabrebusy like SH1T!14:42
Nightroseha seele is the one blocking all the intertubes :P14:43
* apachelogger is the clueless ubuntu dude14:43
jjessewo 1mb/second download :)14:44
jjessemy ds3 connection at work is sure nice14:44
* seele drools14:44
jjessetransfer rate: 1.06MB/sec14:44
apacheloggerRiddell: improvement != status before breakage?14:44
Riddellapachelogger: I don't follow14:45
apacheloggerRiddell: about amarok14:45
Riddellapachelogger: "clueless ubuntu dude" but we love you for it :)14:45
apachelogger[11:08:36] <Riddell> apachelogger: your new amarok seems an improvement14:45
apacheloggerRiddell: :)14:46
Riddellapachelogger: amarok picks up the ipod now but it needs to be mounted first14:46
Riddellapachelogger: I seem to remember amarok had a popup saying "oh, looks like a music device, let me handle that"14:46
Riddellor similar14:46
apacheloggergotta talk to jeff14:46
Riddellits missing from suse too though14:47
jjessedang dropped to 800kb/sec14:47
apacheloggerso that might be an issue in amarok itself14:47
Riddellapachelogger: I'd guess so14:47
apacheloggeror maybe suse just did the same make-my-amarok-useless patches ;-)14:48
Riddellthey don't have the luks changes14:53
Riddellnot the same ones anyway14:53
Riddellapachelogger: please put the patch name in the changelog, makes it much easier to find in future14:54
jjessewow i've never seen cdimage run this fast14:54
jjessesustained transfer rate of 750kb/sec14:54
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, that was just a dummy line for the PPA upload14:54
* jussio1 has has sustained 950kb/s before14:55
* jjesse drools14:55
* Riddell spots an obvious problem on the kde 4 CDs15:14
seelewhich is that?  (was about to burn it)15:16
Riddellseele: kdm-kde4 doesn't auto login15:17
Riddellseele: it should work fine you just have to log in as "ubuntu" and blank password15:17
RiddellI'll need to change to kdm (kde3) and remake the CDs though15:17
jjessebut besdies that nothing preveniting burning and installing?15:25
Riddelljjesse: nope15:30
apacheloggerRiddell: how is the autologin configured anyway?15:30
Riddellapachelogger: its done in casper15:31
Riddellso it'll be a post-beta change15:31
RiddellScottK: hrm, that cyrus-sasl2-heimdal is not the stuff of beta freeze15:33
seelehmm.. not using the most updated version of kickoff?15:38
Riddellseele: no, this is 4.0.215:38
seelehuh, i thought some of the changes made it in 4.0.2, but i guess not15:39
Riddellseele: some did, I think more are to come in 4.0.315:40
Riddellyou can resize panels in 4.0.215:41
seeleRiddell: should i follow the KubuntuDekstop test case or is there a KDE4 one?15:41
Riddellseele: where's the KubuntuDekstop test case?15:42
seeleTesting Amarok is case #2 but it isnt in the live sesson15:42
seelei got the link from QA15:42
Riddellseele: I guess I should update that for KDE 415:42
Riddellsee if juk works :)15:42
Nightroseyay download for first image finished - testing kde 3 desktop now15:43
seeleRiddell: re your default settings page.. what does NoDisplay mean?15:57
apacheloggerseele: NoDisplay means "this application exists, but don't display it in the menus". This can be useful to e.g. associate this application with MIME types, so that it gets launched from a file manager (or other apps), without having a menu entry for it (there are tons of good reasons for this, including e.g. the netscape -remote, or kfmclient openURL kind of stuff).15:59
seeleapachelogger: dont display in menus as in dont list it in kickoff or kdemenu?16:00
seeleor in the taskbar?16:00
NightroseRiddell: helpcenter in kde 3 still shows a lot of duplicate entries - besides that everything seems fine - installing now16:04
damjanhi guys, I'm trying to make a bootable kubuntu (with kde4) USB to try it on my x60s (which doesn't have a CD)16:55
damjanNow, I know to handle syslinux etc.. and I already have made bootable usbs with different rescue distros16:56
damjanI've also, tried to make one with kubuntu.. the kernel and the initramfs load, but then it doesn't find the squashfs file, to loop mount it...16:56
damjanwhat do I miss?16:56
Riddelldamjan: dunno, this is the documentation if it's not what you're already following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:00
Riddellbut its not something I've ever done17:00
damjanahh I hate those documents that don't say how things are supposed to work, but only expect you to follow a numbered list of points17:02
seeleugh, i have to l2use launchpad.. does it save the last "affecting..." project when you create a new bug?17:02
seeleoh, i clicked on bug within a section so it reported it for that section17:05
Riddellseele: what are you trying to do?17:06
seelei have installer bugs to submit and i was in the kdemultimedia part of launchpad when i clicked submit bug17:06
seeleso it got categorized until kdemultimedia17:07
Riddellseele: fixed17:18
apacheloggerstable ktorrent-kde4 is now available for gutsy as well \o/17:21
Nightrosethx apachelogger17:21
Riddellseele: juk is playing ogg for me, the lack of mp3 will be just the normal no mp3 on CD policy17:25
seeleare 4.0.2 packages only available for Hardy or is there a Gutsy release?18:15
seeleor.. where can i find that information so i dont have to ask stupid questions all the time18:16
jpatrickjussio1: you killed it18:16
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:16
Nightroseseele: kubuntu.org ;-)18:16
jussio1nah, just slow18:16
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seelestupid question: are distro defaults hard coded or configured in .kde/?19:09
jpatrickseele: I believe we do it with kubuntu-default-settings19:10
smarter_I think it's hardcoded in KDE19:10
smarter_grep -r KDEHOME /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings doesn't return anything19:11
Riddellseele: see /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/19:12
Riddelland /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/19:12
seeleok thanks19:16
Riddellseele: are you looking at KubuntuDefaultSettings ?19:16
seeleRiddell: doing that right now.  i don't know if i agree with your suggestion for kwalletrc not doing the wizard thing19:17
seelei agree it is confusing, but so is asking a password the first time around19:17
seeleit makes sense if you configure something like kopete, and when you create your account you include your password in the configuration19:17
seelebut if you don't include your password, the first thing kopete does is try to connect you and ask you for your password19:18
seelebut before you provide kopete with the password you get a password dialog for kwalletrc19:18
seelemost people dont read everything in front of them, so theyre probably going to type the passowrd for whatever account they thought they were logging in to19:19
seeleand not realise they just used that password as the global password for kwallet19:19
seeleit might be the default position that is the problem.. the kopete window opens in the top right corner by default, and then the kwallet password dialog overlays it in the top right corner19:20
seeleso it looks like it belongs to kopete19:20
seelewhen maybe something like that should be centered since it is a utility application19:20
seelelike ksudo is always centered19:20
seelealso, i would probably suggest adding a groupware module to system settings then removing the three links to the wizard from the menu19:27
Riddellseele: where are they in the menu?19:32
Riddellfound 1 under Office19:33
Riddellthat should really be just within the kontact application, but there's some technical reason why it isn't19:33
seeleinternet, office, utilities19:33
Riddellgoodness, so it is19:33
seeledo you know some system settings modules are broken/missing?19:34
Riddellseele: which?19:34
seelemmm.. i found a few.  I'm looking at Network Settings right now, Connection Preferences and Proxy are missing.  Service Discovery works19:35
seeleSharing is also missing/broken19:35
seele"The shared library was not found.Library not found"19:35
seelethis is today's install cd, not an upgrade19:36
Riddellyep, I see that19:36
* Riddell adds to list of things to fix after beta19:36
seeleadd About Me19:36
seelealso, the Administrator button is missing?19:37
Riddellseele: that's a known issue19:37
Riddellcoolo ripped it out and nobody has replaced it19:38
seeleadd File Associations to the list, and i think that is all of them19:39
seelehmm.. no printing?19:39
CheGuevaraits quiet annoying19:39
CheGuevarawhen you try to change options19:40
CheGuevaraand you just cant lol19:40
Riddellseele: hmm, indeed printing is missing (and the shiny new printer tool isn't in a fit state yet)19:40
* nosredna_ekim feels convicted, stops look for GSoC projects and gets to work ont he printer tool19:42
Riddell** all new kubuntu-kde4 20080318.2 is up for testing19:42
seelejust as i get .1 installed, lol19:42
Riddellseele: just fixes the kdm issue is all19:42
nosredna_ekimwhy couldn't ubuntu apply so I could work for you wonderful people :(19:42
seeleok, i wont bother then19:42
yuriyubuntu isn't doing SoC??19:43
jpatricknosredna_ekim: there are Kubuntu projects no?19:43
nosredna_ekimnope... Ubuntu never even applied19:43
seelenosredna_ekim: apply to the linux foundation printing project and work on kprint!19:43
awen_Riddell: I found a report in /var/log/kdm.log about the brightnessUp not working whereas brightnessDown doesn't: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60070/ ... it is very little verbose; but does it give you any hint of where to proceed?19:43
nosredna_ekimkprint is C++.... so, no joy.19:44
seeleprinting needs love too.  ask Riddell19:44
yuriynosredna_ekim: or apply for KDE19:45
jpatricknosredna_ekim: you'll need C++ in the future for KDE development :)19:45
nosredna_ekimjpatrick: I know, but I don't want to learn C++ on the job(and I doubt any one is going to want to teach me on the job)19:46
Riddelljpatrick: he shouldn't need it, except for libs19:46
yuriynosredna_ekim: go cram before may!19:46
nosredna_ekimyuriy: problem is getting accepted in march with nothin C++ related at all :)19:47
yuriynosredna_ekim: if you know java or something, do a project for yourself in c++, you should be able to learn it in a month or 219:47
nosredna_ekimnope, no java either.19:52
* nosredna_ekim wanders away trying to think up another project.19:53
Riddellnosredna_ekim: entirely possible the new printer config tool could be done as a project within KDE19:53
nosredna_ekimRiddell: is there enough left on that to qualify?19:54
jpatricknosredna_ekim: http://www.kuarepoti-dju.net/index.php?p=15019:54
Riddellnosredna_ekim: not sure19:55
seeledoes anyone know how kdesudo works?  sometimes it inserts the readable name for an application and sometimes it lists the command19:57
seelee.g. "Adept Manager" or "/usr/bin/adept_manager"19:58
nosredna_ekimjpatrick: Riddell: that sounds interesting enough.... is that something to be built off of system-config-printer or something entirely new?19:58
Riddellseele: running Adept Manager shows the command for me19:59
Riddellseele: there's a --comment option to kdesudo to get it to have a more friendly text19:59
Riddellnosredna_ekim: that's the printing dialogue, part of kdelibs20:00
Riddellfor when you run File->Print20:00
seeleRiddell: if you run kdesudo adept_manager from the command line (no --comment) it runs with Adept Manager as the title20:01
seeleer, the "readable" name instead of the command20:01
seeleah hah20:03
seeleRiddell: back to the kwallet thing.. maybe the default solution would be similar to the konqueror message20:03
seeleinstead of the wizard or the password dialogs, it shows a dialog with a short explanation and asks the user if they want to use kwallet or not20:04
seelemaybe that would be a good default for everything20:04
Riddellseele: curious.  tonio's the guy we should poke about kdesudo20:04
seeleRiddell: ok20:05
Riddellseele: yeah, that's the default we have for kwallet20:05
seeleoh, i thought it was the password dialog20:05
seelethat's what i got from kopete20:05
Riddellmaybe you already have it set up for kopete20:05
seelefresh install.. unless kopete sets it up automagically20:05
nosredna_ekimRiddell: ah... I see. ok. is KDE going to want C++ for that? (and is this the best place to be talking about this?)20:06
Riddellnosredna_ekim: yes, it's in libs so needs c++20:07
nosredna_ekimeh.... too bad :-(20:07
_StefanS_Riddell: did you get those things changed for qtcurve ?20:14
_StefanS_Riddell: just saw the package updated20:14
Riddell_StefanS_: yes20:15
alleeHolRiddell: bug 201053 submitter asked for upload before beta?  Is that possible?  Pkgs are ready at https://edge.launchpad.net/~allee/+archive/ only version in changelog needs adaption20:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201053 in digikam "[Hardy] digikam duplicates downloaded images while overwriting existing ones" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20105320:17
_StefanS_Riddell: uhm where is the config stored for the qtcurve style ? /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/?20:19
Riddell_StefanS_: there isn't a global one, that's why I have to patch the package20:22
RiddellalleeHol: no, after beta I'm afraid20:22
RiddellalleeHol: but we can still upload any time20:22
_StefanS_Riddell: ah ok20:23
alleeHolRiddell: whatever you prefer,  Upstream asked me backport 3 more kipi-plugin fixes, so maybe let them envolve in ppa20:23
nixternalcheck out bug 20368120:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203681 in kde4addons "kde4addons: dependency problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20368120:24
nixternalnotice anything peculiar about it?20:24
Riddellnixternal: it's for obsolete packages?20:25
nixternalhaha, slightly20:26
Arbyis there an official upgrade method for gutsy->hardy yet?20:30
ArbyI've got a gutsy vm here waiting for some testing20:30
awen_where to find the newest beta testing cd 20080318.2 ?20:31
jpatrickArby: "kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel""20:31
Arbyjpatrick: thanks20:31
nareshovah, that's the one20:31
jpatrickawen_: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all20:31
=== jpatrick changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Next meeting: Wednesday 19th 23:00UTC | Test Beta Candidates and Gutsy upgrades! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
* nareshov shall remember20:31
=== wolfger_ is now known as wolfger
sobersabrehi guys.21:00
sobersabreI'm trying to download the alpha6 via the torrent.21:00
sobersabreit is hell slow!21:01
firephotoRiddell: bug 203681 ... the old kde4 packages. it because of the old packages in universe. source of problems for people in #kubuntu-kde4 more than a few times.21:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203681 in kde4addons "kde4addons: dependency problems" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20368121:02
Riddellfirephoto: hmm, they're only in gutsy though, not much we can do about them now21:04
nixternalthey should have follwed the instructions on kubuntu.org21:07
firephotoI can't imagine anyone has them installed and is using them daily but I don't know if there's a process for removing packages like that but it would be better than them being installable.21:08
nixternalyou can file a removal request, but it will (99.9%) more than likely get denied by archive admins if it makes it that far21:08
nixternalsobersabre: nothing we can do about torrent speeds21:09
awen_will update-manager disable extra sources... or will all sources just have a s/gutsy/hardy?21:10
sobersabrenixternal: when is going the beta to be avail ?21:10
nixternalubw: HardyReleaseSchedule21:10
nixternalthat worked, I am in irssi, not Konqueror :p21:10
awen_nixternal: if the latter is the case transition packages could be uploaded to the kde4-ppa?21:11
Riddellawen_: it disables extra ones21:12
* nixternal goes to school21:12
awen_okay (then it doesn't work :/ )21:12
nareshovhmm, I thought nixternal was working in MS21:12
Riddellhe's learning something better21:20
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
james_wHi all. I'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/14772121:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 147721 in kde-guidance "displayconfig-gtk crashed with IndexError in _syncXorgConfig()" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:34
james_wI think that it is really a bug in guidance-backends, rather than displayconfig-gtk.21:35
james_wI have talked to bryce, and he says that the new xrandr gui tool in hardy doesn't use guidance-backends, so it is safe, and displayconfig-gtk was never meant to handle the situation that triggers the bug.21:36
Riddelljames_w: ScottK is our current guidance hero21:36
james_wHowever I wanted to know if there was anything in kubuntu that uses the guidance-backends (or indeed DisplayConfig or displayconfigabstraction) before I drop the bug.21:36
Riddelljames_w: yes, displayconfig does :)21:37
Riddellin kde 321:37
LureRiddell: sorry, no testing today - download is just too slow (5KB/s)21:37
james_wIf there is then it is worth chasing down the bug as it will probably bite someone in the ass at somepoint.21:37
Riddellkde 4 has an xrandr tool21:37
james_wRiddell: ok, thanks.21:37
james_wbryce made it sounds like it could never be made to really work, but at least we could stop it falling over so spectacularly.21:38
Riddellthat has been ScottK's tactic with his recent fixes21:38
* Nightrose is still downloading the second image at 10 KiB/s...21:41
RiddellLure, Nightrose: it might pick up if you stop it and restart with wget -c21:42
Nightrosehmm might try that21:42
RiddellTonio_: bug 203690 for you21:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203690 in kubuntu-meta "kdesudo does not display correct comment in some cases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20369021:43
Nightrosewoah 100 \o/21:44
Tonio_Riddell: interesting21:45
RiddellI imagine there's a perfectly rational explanation21:45
Tonio_yes, that's a kde bug ;)21:46
Tonio_we had the same with kdesudo kde321:46
Tonio_lemme look at the code21:46
Tonio_Riddell: in fact we have to load KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceDir("apps","/usr/share/applications/kde");21:47
Tonio_otherwise, desktop file icons are not resolvable21:48
Tonio_that sounds like a bug to me, as /usr/share/applications/kde is supposed to be a standardir I assume...21:48
Tonio_lemme look at kde4 code21:48
Tonio_hum, haha :)21:48
Tonio_Riddell: we are changing kde4 path right ? ;)21:48
=== never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi
Tonio_Riddell: hum, nope, the issue is still there with kde3.... seems to be due to X-KDE-SubstituteUID21:51
Tonio_Riddell: when using kdesudo "mycommand" as the exec command, it works, but fails when using X-KDE-SubstituteUID.... desktop files informations are not visible21:52
Tonio_Riddell: hum, little issue and probably very hard to fix, as the X-KDE-SubstituteUID is deeply in kdelibs, I'm confirming the bug and will work on that one later, but that's not a priority for hardy imho21:53
Tonio_hum isn't that just the fact that the path is complete ? seems to be that :)21:55
Tonio_Riddell: okay I know how to fix, will do  :)21:57
seeleRiddell: to add to your list of things that shouldnt be in Kickoff.. Marble is installed with two Kickoff entries.  One in Education (where I assume is the correct place) but then again in Utilities > More Applications (why it is here I have no clue)22:07
seeleoh what the hell22:08
seeleRiddell: it is both Utilities and Utilities > More Applications22:09
seelemaybe that is a packaging problem22:09
Riddellah, ScottK222:11
Riddellseele: "Categories=Qt;KDE;Education;Utility;X-KDE-More;Science;"  looks like a marble bug22:12
Riddellseele: added to me post-beta todo list22:12
RiddellScottK2: james_w was just wondering about bug 14772122:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 147721 in kde-guidance "displayconfig-gtk crashed with IndexError in _syncXorgConfig()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14772122:12
ScottK2I saw that in my bugmail.22:13
* ScottK2 looks at it.22:14
james_wHi ScottK22:14
james_wthere's a lot of noise in the bug I'm afriad.22:14
james_wI was saying that it's a bug on the QA team's hardy list, but it is not important for Ubuntu hardy now, as the xrandr gui tool is preferred.22:15
ScottK2Right.  The crash in commetn 5 is now fixed.22:15
james_whowever it's still probably a bug in kde-guidance, so I came here to find out whether it was important for Kubuntu hardy.22:16
james_wI don't think http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9622580/Traceback.txt is22:16
james_w(I haven't tested at all, just peered at the code)22:17
ScottK2james_w: One of the beauties of Python is it's easy to trap errors and have the program not die.22:17
james_wAre you fixing this above that code then?22:18
james_wfixing these, sorry.22:18
ScottK2With some minimal lying to it, displayconfig will eventually do the right thing sort of in most cases.22:18
ScottK2I hadn't seen that bug until now, but I can at least not crash in that case.22:18
james_wyeah, it's a shame it wasn't reassigned earlier.22:19
ScottK2james_w: I've fixed some similar ones, but not that one.22:19
james_wScottK: cool.22:19
ScottK2Most of the comments in that bug are about a lack of serverlayout section.  That's I've fixed.  If it's missing, I just add one and it seems to work.22:20
ScottK2I've assigned myself the bug.22:22
ScottK2Riddell: Additionally, there was an apport bug that meant that in many (most) cases were weren't getting apport reports on guidance crashes.  pitti has fixed that and it's waiting to be accepted, so we should get a better idea soon of home much it's still crashing.22:23
ScottK2Riddell: Is Guidance still being worked on upstream?22:24
RiddellScottK2: not currently, sime is mostly working on pykde itself22:25
james_wScottK: great, thanks.22:25
ScottK2Riddell: Someone is going to need to teach it to speak to xrandr.  I'm not the guy for the job.22:25
awen_the "about kubuntu" icon appears twice on the desktop (only one of them works) on the newest live-cd... should i report a bug for that, or is someone already looking at that?22:26
awen_^^^ kde422:26
ScottK2Howdy awen_.  You going to have some more power manager patches for after the beta release?22:26
awen_ScottK2: I have one thing more regarding brightness, I was going to look at... but the biggest problem right now is that the brightnessUp is broken somewhere between acpi and the dcop call, and just can't figure out where; and the little fix is pretty useless when this doesn't work22:28
RiddellScottK2: there is already a KDE 4 kcontrol module to talk xrandr, I'd expect displayconfig to be retired after this release22:30
Riddellawen_: about kubuntu issue is on my todo22:30
awen_Riddell: okay... won't include that then22:30
awen_Riddell: regarding display config in kde4: bug 20284322:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202843 in kdebase-workspace "Can't change settings in size & orientation in kcmshell4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20284322:31
Riddellawen_: yep, I hope that gets fixed22:31
awen_Riddell: do we have another bug report fro that; or should we confirm it + mark importance on this one?22:32
Riddellawen_: it's an upstream issue I'd think22:33
seeleRiddell: may i ask how long your todo list is? :D22:33
Riddellseele: should keep me busy until release :)22:33
seelehehe.. but what about everything that gets added from now until release?22:34
awen_ScottK2: http://people.freedesktop.org/~david/hal-spec/hal-spec.html#device-properties-laptop-panel - we should look at "laptop_panel.brightness_in_hardware" ... that's what I wanted to fix?22:36
ScottK2Riddell: You think this is that last kde3 release then?22:43
seeleif kde 4.1 isn't ready for mainstream use by october, we've got some problems22:46
Tonio_Riddell: bug 203690 fixed22:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203690 in kubuntu-meta "kdesudo does not display correct comment in some cases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20369022:47
awen_Tonio_: kdesudo-kde4 you are working at?22:48
Tonio_awen_: kde3 version atm22:48
Tonio_awen_: but the fix for kde4 is the same, I'll release a second kde4 version friday22:49
awen_Tonio_: if you are looking at kde4 version... bug 20334422:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203344 in kdesudo-kde4 "[Hardy] kdesudo does not use correct PATH variable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20334422:49
Tonio_awen_: lemme look22:50
Tonio_awen_: hum afaik this works..... lemme check22:51
awen_Tonio_: just checked on the live-cd ... i get a popup "Command failed"22:52
awen_missing tab completion in konsole, both kde3 and kde4 version... is that a known problem (can't locate a bug report)?22:52
Tonio_awen_: okay I'll try on a kde4 full session22:53
ScottK2awen_: I have a laptop with no brightness if I can help you work on it, it would be great.22:53
awen_ScottK2: you mean, that it isn't done in hardware on yours?22:55
Tonio_awen_: right, this is not a kdesudo issue, but a sudo one, or I'd say a kde4 one :)22:55
Tonio_awen_: kdesudo uses sudo, which doesn't preserve the current path22:55
ScottK2awen_: I haven't investigated it in detail.  IIRC brightness worked in Feisty and/or Gutsy and doesn't now.  You'll see I put a patch in about not crashing if there was no brightness.  I was able to trigger that one on my laptop.22:56
Tonio_awen_: I'd say sudo should be patched to preserve path22:56
Tonio_Riddell: I can workarround with kdesudo-kde4 reexporting the shell path, but as sudo as a build option to preserve env variables, I must say I don't know what to do....22:57
awen_ScottK2: that's a HAL issue i would assume ?22:58
ScottK2awen_: I assume.  Wanna fix that?22:59
Tonio_ScottK2: any opinion regarding to kde4 and the path env variable ?22:59
ScottK2I have no opinions at all on KDE4.22:59
ScottK2Generically, I think kdesudo should be like sudo on such things, but that's just a guess with not a lot of thought behind it.23:00
awen_ScottK2: I could look at it... make an LP bug with the relevant lshal output, and assign me to it; i think that would be easiest?23:00
ScottK2OK.  I'm not on that laptop now, so it'll be a bit.23:01
Tonio_awen_: can you ping me tomorrow so that we can discuss this with Riddell ?23:02
Tonio_awen_: I know how to fix, but I think we should do it differently23:02
awen_Tonio_: I'll do that... but I wont be online before around 22h UTC tomorrow23:04
awen_ScottK2: will not look at it until around thursday anyway, so that's okay... and also remember the generic "computer" part of the HAL output :)23:05
ScottK2OK.  First time I've tried to report a HAL bug, so I'll do my best.23:06
Tonio_awen_: oki, I'll be connected anyway ;)23:06
awen_ScottK2: if in doubt, just attach the complete lshal, and I should be able to dig it out ;)23:07
* awen_ is rather amazed at the speed of the live-cd desktop of kde423:08
Tonio_seele: I fixed your kdesudo problem for kde3, kde4 will be fixed and released on friday23:14
awen_any reason why both konsoles is included on the kde4 live-cd?23:18
awen_ScottK2: update: probably having two updates to kde-guidance-powermanager; I'll hopefully also have a fix for bug 202867 later this week23:30
nixternal_probably because we are pulling in kdebase23:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202867 in kde-guidance "Battery is "not present" in Hardy on hp6720s" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20286723:30
nixternal_haven't looked through the seeds23:30
ScottK2awen_: OK.  I've got a couple more small displayconfig things to consider.23:31
ScottK2awen_: The other thing you should know is that for some time now apport has been crashing on many (most) guidance crashes and so they don't get automatically reported.  pitti has fixed apport and it's waiting to be accepted.  Once that's out, I expect we'll see more crash reports.23:32
awen_ScottK2: that sounds reasonable to expect... I'll have a look for bug reports against the powermanager-part when I've fixed the other two issues23:33
ScottK2awen_: Do you have multiple dists on your Hardy machine?23:34
awen_ScottK2: nope... it's a laptop; so I only have multiple partitions23:35
ScottK2Mine too.23:35
ScottK2There's a UUID releted bug in mountconfig that I've been scared to mess with.23:35
awen_ScottK2: should you be able to test it using a live-cd?23:36
awen_ScottK2: btw, have you looked at bug 48008 regarding your upcoming changes to displayconfig?23:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 48008 in kde-guidance "Modifies xorg.conf way too heavily on resolution change" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4800823:36
ScottK2awen_: I looked at it and my eyes got blurry.23:37
awen_ScottK2: okay... but it does really mess things up; and not even the backup it makes is usable23:38
ScottK2awen_: I've not experienced it myself, so it's hard for me to sort through.23:38
ScottK2I should probably upgrade this laptop to Hardy so I have more diverse hardware to play with.23:39
awen_ScottK2: I have a rather minimalistic xorg.conf (no modes in it) ... and that seems to confuse it23:39
ScottK2awen_: Would it hurt to add the missing section?23:40
ScottK2My strategy for the missing ServerLayout crash was to detect it missing, create a generic one, and then lie to displayconfig.23:41
awen_ScottK2: not really... but I read through the xrandr / new xorg recommendations regarding xorg.conf files, and followed those to the point23:41
ScottK2That's easy enough to do if there are xorg.conf bits that can be made sufficiently generic to not be actively harmful.23:41
milian_is it just me who's missing many libraries for configuring konqueror for example23:41
milian_or in systemsettings23:42
milian_using kubuntu-kde4 hardy23:42
ScottK2awen_: We are far away from recommended here.  This is more about hacking our way to something semi working.23:42
ScottK2So if we can catch a missing xorg.conf bit, add it, and have displayconfig play nice without hurting anything, I think we should.23:42
awen_ScottK2: yeah... but in my case it actually removes all my depth-modes given except one; removed my virtual desktop settings, and added a modeline containing 640x480 only23:44
ScottK2awen_: With your xorg.conf as you made it or with the missing bits added?23:44
awen_ScottK2: that was a xorg.conf without modelines... and the result after rotating the desktop, and rotating it back23:45
ScottK2awen_: Does it work if your xorg has modelines?23:46
* awen_ is testing...23:46
Nightrosetesting hardy alternate kde 3 now23:47
awen_ScottK2: no ... all SubSection "Display" except one is gone; virtual size is set down to 640x480 and my modeline is reducet to contain only 640x48023:49
ScottK2awen_: OK.  Nothing simple we can do to help that case then.23:49
awen_ScottK2: okay... let's hope for an xrandr-based backend for hardy+123:51
ScottK2awen_: The two things I'm planning on focusing on to release for displayconfig are: 1. Don't crash and 2. automatically discover the monitor config if there is no xorg at all.  I think display rotation, dual monitors, etc aren't going to make it.23:51
Nightrosemeh or maybe not... - download b0rked again :( - will continue tomorrow23:51
ScottK2awen_: Yeah23:51
ScottK2awen_: Patches gratefully accepted of course.  If you get a flash of genius for displayconfig I won't mind a bit.23:51
awen_ScottK2: sounds like the right focus... but not likely with patches; there seems to be enough to look at regarding p-m23:53
ScottK2Fair enough.23:53

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