
spide1quick question: does anyone know if the support for the broadcom 43xx wireless card is any better in 8.04?00:05
unbanRONANDIanyone know how long bans taking away ur right to talk last in #ubuntu?00:06
DanaGHeh, gnome-system-monitor's sorting leaves a lot to be desired.00:06
DanaGIt thinks 20 MB > 1.2 GB; apparently it ignores units.00:07
aaron__i am having a lot of trouble with wireless on hardy.  Is anyone else?00:07
=== daubers is now known as daubafk
IenorandI'm having a lot of trouble with _wired_ network at the moment.00:08
aaron__I think that the problems probably came with the recent updates00:09
DanaGNetworkManager sucks at roaming between different APs of the same SSID.00:09
DanaGOh heck, it sucks at roaming, period.00:09
KalEloh no i recently updated00:10
aaron__What is weird is that I set the hex password for my ssid, and it says that the reception is at 100%00:10
spide1I really like using wicd, but the wireless drivers have been my issue00:10
DanaGTry using your laptop while riding a bus, and you'll see that it stops updating the list of networks after a while.00:10
IenorandYea, I've heard there were some changes in acpi recently, which may cause trouble...00:11
DanaGFor example, I'll pass an area with 20 networks, then go into an area with zero, and it'll still show the 20.00:11
DanaGThen I'll go into another area with 15 or so, and it'll show none at all.00:11
spide1what if you refresh the list, does it update correctly?00:11
DanaGThere is no manual refresh.00:11
IenorandAt the moment I can't get connection at all, and thus cannot do updates...00:12
AirBenderDanaG: I think that's not only Networkmanager, I's more likely the scanning process itself, wich is part of the wireless driver I think00:12
DanaGI end up having to killall NetworkManager (what the heck kind of person names their thing in caps?)00:12
DanaGOften I'll start NetworkManager again and it'll work again.00:12
DanaGSometimes, though, the card will have mysteriously broken -- and then, if I try to modprobe -r iwl3945, modprobe will hang and eat 100% of one of my CPU cores, and be completely unkillable.00:13
spide1what if you do a "iwlist scanning"00:13
DanaGI'm not having the issue right now, but it'll sometimes work and sometimes not work.00:14
DanaGEasy way to run into the issues: use suspend, and then move elsewhere.  Oh, or ride a bus with your laptop and repeatedly open and close the applet's menu.00:14
DanaG(the point of using a bus is that you aren't driving it.)00:15
theunixgeekDoes Hardy have a new usplash? :S00:17
DanaGNot currently.00:17
AirBenderI think that's the scanning algorithm... It seems like the scanning algorithm has some kind of memory that acts like a dumping effect...00:17
theunixgeekI just upgraded to Alpha 6 and now the usplash is like the live cd one, where the progerss bar bobs back and forth00:17
DanaGOh, I guess that part is new; the theme just hasn't changed.00:18
Ienorandit does in the beginning at least00:18
theunixgeekIenorand: does that mean after first boot it stops that?00:18
theunixgeekIenorand: or just after a while?00:18
Ienorandis that like the "detecting hardware stage" or something?00:18
DanaGIt "throbs" until root is mounted.00:18
DanaGI think that's it.00:19
theunixgeekDanaG: does it take too long for root to mount?00:19
IenorandNah, at least for me it does at every boot00:19
theunixgeekIenorand: ok, for how long? because it's taking quite a while.00:19
Ienorandfor me... maybe ~10 seconds00:19
theunixgeekyay it's going!00:19
theunixgeeksomething about BusyBox appeared00:20
Ienorandat least not more than 20.00:20
theunixgeekit's doing suff00:20
theunixgeekIenorand: well, it's my first boot with Hardy :)00:20
IenorandOh, pray !00:20
DanaGArgh, quodlibet is buggy.00:21
theunixgeekhmm... it keeps repeating something about Emask status DRDY00:21
DanaGIt's stopped showing any contents of any folders.00:21
KalElfor me it searches for a non-existent /dev/rtc during boot, which keeps it busy for a couple of seconds00:21
theunixgeekI'm gonna force shutdown00:22
DanaGArgh, had to restart quodlibet.00:22
IenorandRaise the elephants...00:22
theunixgeekhmm.... upgrading to hardy broke my install I think00:24
DanaGWell, try an old kernel.00:24
Ienorandtheunixgeek: If it doesn't completely halt for a minute or so, don't restart yet...00:24
theunixgeekIenorand: oh00:24
theunixgeekIenorand: already did00:24
theunixgeekloong time ago00:24
IenorandAt some points I get a bit of errors but the whole thing turns out okay in the end...00:25
KalElok i'm going to restart now after a long update... hope the computer reboots right... otherwise... goodbye cruel world!00:26
IenorandAlthough i haven't seen the errors you're desscribing...00:26
theunixgeekIenorand: it keeps bleating [NUMBER] ata2.00:status:{DRDY}00:27
DanaG[NUMBER] is a timestamp.00:29
IenorandAs I said, I have no good clue about the actual errors, but I just know that it might work if one leaves it for a while to run through all the errors.00:29
KalElit... worked! :)00:29
theunixgeekDanaG: like [416.659279] ?00:29
theunixgeekKalEl: not for me :(00:29
DanaGSo when you google for the error, leave out the timestamp.  Yes.00:29
Ienorandbut then again, it might just be broken....00:30
DanaGHmm, what kernel?00:30
theunixgeekHow do I fix this? :(00:31
theunixgeekDanaG: whichever one Hardy has00:31
DanaGLinux GLaDOS 2.6.24-12-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 23:01:54 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux00:32
DanaGTry booting the old .22-14-generic one.00:32
theunixgeekit reboot00:33
theunixgeeki went into recovery mode00:34
spide1I wouldn't use 2.6.24-1200:37
spide1sound stopped working for me with that one, still using 24-1100:37
DanaGsound in -12 has been fixed, actually.00:38
theunixgeekHow can I get my resolution up to 1280 x 1024? It's not available in either Screen Resolution nor Screens and Graphics00:43
IenorandThink you have to set another default screen00:45
theunixgeekIenorand: how?00:46
IenorandIn administration -screens and graphics, or something like that00:46
theunixgeekIenorand: not there00:47
IenorandYou weren't able to set a different screen there?00:48
theunixgeek no00:49
Ienorandum... there should be some screen selection in the admin menu I think, might be just in preferences...00:50
theunixgeekhmm... I'll try installing nvidia-settings00:50
theunixgeekI hate how GTK tries to oop C...00:50
theunixgeekdoesn't work00:50
theunixgeekshould just use D or C++00:51
theunixgeekor C#00:51
theunixgeekI know they exist00:51
theunixgeekbut by default00:51
Ienorandand you could probably edit xorg.conf manually somehow, but I am not the one to tell you how...00:51
RAOFtheunixgeek: On the other hand, interop with !C is really, really hard.00:51
RAOFAs in "I'd like to write some python bindings".00:52
RAOFReplace python with $LANGUAGE_OF_CHOICE00:52
theunixgeekI love the new login screen00:52
theunixgeekI'm surprised how early the artwork came in!00:52
theunixgeekctrl-alt-backspace restarts the x server, right?00:53
theunixgeekRAOF: I installed nvidia-settings and it told me to run nvidia-xconfig and restart the x server and it still says I didn't do that.00:54
RAOFtheunixgeek: What did running "nvidia-xconfig" say?00:55
RAOF(Hint: probably something along the lines of "permission denied" :))00:55
RAOFSo what _did_ it say?00:56
RAOFPastebin is your friend.00:56
RAOF!pastebin | theunixgeek00:56
ubotutheunixgeek: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:56
theunixgeekRAOF: it said it wrote the new xorg.conf file well and that all is fine :)00:57
theunixgeekbut it isn't :(00:57
RAOFWanna pastebin /etc/00:57
theunixgeek(hold on)00:57
theunixgeekRAOF: http://theunixgeek.pastebin.com/m7b71066200:58
theunixgeekgotta go00:59
iceswordis beta out01:00
Ienorandnot yet I think01:00
iceswordso when01:00
virtualdso every time my computer boots, according to dmesg it takes 13 seconds to initialize the console01:02
Ienorandscheduled on the 20th, today be 18th01:02
virtualdany thoughts on how to make that shorter?01:03
Black_Magicis it good for compiz.real and compiz to be running at same time...?01:04
Black_Magici thought they where same thing...01:04
virtualdgranted its not a huge issue -- cept its my carputer, and I'm trying to make the boot time as small as possible01:04
willis_compiz is a script hat runs the real.. i thought01:04
Black_Magici dont think its good for two compizes to be running at same time..01:04
willis_I doubt if there are 2 running at the same time01:04
Black_Magici thought the official name for compiz is01:04
willis_Thers a lot of toosl that do a similer thing.01:04
willis_try  cat `which compiz` see if its a script..01:04
iceswordso next LTS release will be 9.10?01:04
Black_Magicwhen is that?01:05
Black_Magicalso will there be a 8.10?01:05
FlannelBlack_Magic: yes01:05
Jordan_UAnybody know where the tab completion scripts for apt-get are stored?01:05
Black_Magicyou where right :P Compiz Manager wrapper script01:05
Flannelicesword: probably not01:05
Black_Magicwill it be LTS?01:05
FlannelBlack_Magic: No01:06
Black_Magicsince its Hardy just updated...?01:06
Black_Magicso its like01:06
Black_Magicubuntu gusty...?01:06
willis_Jordan_U,  in /etc/bash-completion or somthing liek that i recall.01:06
Black_MagicSince 7.04 was Fiesty and its LTS01:06
FlannelBlack_Magic: Its just another release01:06
FlannelBlack_Magic: feisty was not LTS01:06
Black_Magicso it skipped a err...01:07
Black_Magicthats why Gusty was LTS01:07
FlannelGutsy isn't LTS either.01:07
FlannelThe only other LTS is 6.0601:07
virtualdthey're quite far apart01:07
Jordan_Uwillis_, I don't see apt-get in there01:07
J-_<3 Hardy01:07
Black_Magichmm my labtop company skipped me out..01:07
FlannelThey'll never be more than 3 years (and actually, can't realistically be more than 2.5 years) apart01:08
Black_Magicthey only gave my labtop 438.6MIB01:08
Black_Magicsame with my friends Comp he was supposed to have 1GIG01:08
Black_Magicand it was 900MB01:08
virtualdBlack_Magic: video memory takes up the "missing" part01:08
Black_Magicis there a way to replace ram sticks..01:08
virtualdand various caching01:08
Black_MagicVideo memeory...?01:09
virtualdyou're using an integrated video card01:09
Jordan_Uwillis_, nvm, I think it's all in the single /etc/bash_completion file01:09
virtualdtheres no seperate RAM for those01:09
virtualdit eats out of system memory01:09
Black_Magic@ math calc 438.6+6401:09
Black_Magic@math calc 438.6+6401:09
virtualdyeah, various caching options too -- video BIOS and normal BIOS too01:10
Black_Magicwhy am i always using 84.1% Of Memeory..01:10
iceswordhoho,it is normal01:10
Black_MagicHmm im gunna get another 512 Stick of ram01:10
looksiewerd up yall01:11
iceswordwhy linux uses so much mem,you should ask #kernel01:11
looksiewerd up y'all01:11
virtualdwerd to your momma01:12
Jordan_UThat was surprisingly easy :)01:12
Milos_SDWhy I don't have Screens And Graphic in Administration menu?01:13
Black_Magicalso is it impossible to login as root in Hardy?01:13
Black_Magicbecause if i try and startx from root terminal in recovery mode01:14
looksiewerd to my momma01:14
virtualdBlack_Magic: logging in as root is bad01:14
Black_Magici get xserver errors01:14
virtualdif you want to be root, then sudo su01:14
Black_Magicvirtuald, i know i disabled everything and the kitchen sink for root i just want to see the default hardy01:14
Black_Magicthemes and such01:14
Black_Magicbecause i upgraded instead of a new install01:14
virtualdcreate a new user then?01:15
virtualdor mv -R ~/ /home/tmp01:15
Black_Magicnty with the chome moving thing01:16
virtualdlooksie: your momma01:16
gamergod131Err...hello. I joined #ubuntu and they told me to come here for help.01:18
virtualdyou must be using hardy01:18
gamergod131Well, I followed this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=658523&highlight=ipod+classic01:19
gamergod131to get my ipod working, and it gave me some massive partial update01:19
DanaGinstead of sudo su, you can sudo -i01:19
Black_Magici know that01:19
gamergod131When I rebebooted, it gave me some busybox thing01:19
gamergod131They told me to f1 into grub menu, and apparently i upgraded to hardy, and it I can't get back to the gui logon screen :(01:20
virtualdsounds like you partially upgraded though01:21
gamergod131and my keyboard doesn't work after I select an option in grub01:21
gamergod131and I have no idea what to do01:21
lethalambycan neone help me with my webcam prob.. forum didn't help much :(01:21
gamergod131yeah, I was using 7.10 before01:21
Black_Magicanyone get something like this01:22
gamergod131so, how do I get back to the gui logon?01:22
Black_Magic (nautilus:10813): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Not supported01:22
Black_Magicor shounldnt i be worried about it01:23
looksievirtuald: your your momma01:23
gamergod131can anyone help me, or would it be better to turn to the forums01:24
virtualdgamergod: sounds annoying. what does your /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?01:24
virtualdprobably some error at the end01:24
looksiejust to clarify, you can log on as yourself, but cannot startx?01:24
gamergod131I can't use my keybored...01:25
virtualdeven better01:25
Black_Magicnvm cya01:25
looksiecan you connect to via SSH?01:25
looksiei mean01:26
gamergod131Err...no I just installed my first linux distro about a week ago, so I have no idea what you are talking about anyway01:26
virtualdah, so you don't have any data on there that you care about?01:27
gamergod131Let me guess, a format01:27
virtualdwell thats the non-fun way of doing it01:27
virtualdyou could boot into the livecd you installed with01:27
gamergod131all right, I'll see if i can find it01:28
gamergod131give me a sec01:28
gamergod131booting now01:29
gamergod131which option01:29
gamergod131just the first one?01:29
virtualdprobably. i've used linux since 2002, but only ubuntu for awhile :)01:29
virtualdlil while*01:30
lethalambyvirtuald, can u tell me how to use my webcam on lappy01:30
gamergod131Woah, say hello 800x60001:30
gamergod131What the01:30
lethalambyI've installed uvcvideo module of kernel01:31
gamergod131there are three loading bars on my screen01:31
lethalambyand I can see my image in gstreamer-properties01:31
lethalambybut other applications are unable to find a channel01:31
lethalambyfor the webcam01:31
gamergod131It just shows me a tan screen01:32
virtualdthe livecd can be slow :)01:32
gamergod131Okay, I'm at the desktop01:32
virtualdlethal: i've not used a webcam in linux01:32
lethalambyk :(01:32
gamergod131Have you tried the forums?01:32
gamergod131Well, guess it's time to pay up then ;)01:33
lethalambyand then the forum started redirecting me back to login after showing logged in.01:33
lethalambypay up01:33
gamergod131for professional support01:33
virtualdgoogle is your friend too01:33
gamergod131that works01:33
lethalambyya tried that01:33
lethalambycan get input in test mode01:34
lethalambyno application I could find is able to detect the device though01:34
gamergod131so what should i be looking for?01:34
ogrehey guys, just wanted to mention something scary. fresh ubuntu install fresh hardy upgrade. all of the sudden I was in the middle of a full root account01:35
virtualdgamergod: good question. :) see, if i was in gentoo, I would chroot into the hard drive, and then run an update01:36
virtualdfix things up and such01:36
virtualdi would say you need to mount the drive though, remove that line from that file01:36
gamergod131which file01:36
virtualdthe link to the forum mentioned you updated a file... /etc/apt something or other01:37
virtualdyou added a hardy repository to it01:37
virtualdso it needs to be removed01:37
lethalambydisconnected :(01:37
virtualdthe last line, it'll have hardy in it01:38
lethalambyhey virtuald01:38
lethalambywhats new in 8.1 release01:38
lethalambyI mean Hardy Heron01:38
virtualdwell, my touchscreen works better :)01:38
lethalambyu have a tablet01:39
lethalambynice :)01:39
virtualdno, a carputer01:39
gamergod131All right, what now01:39
eegoreHardy is Alpha 6 but is acting like beta 301:39
virtualdyou removed the line?01:39
lethalambyeegore, nice01:39
enigma-patrolI have had Hardy for a few days and it has been very nice to me!01:39
virtualdi would open a terminal then, and do a01:40
lethalambyI had a prob with reloading GRUB01:40
virtualdchroot /dev/<devicename> /bin/bash01:40
virtualdwhere <devicename> is your hard drive device file01:40
lethalambythe live CD's never wanted to recognise my hd001:40
lethalambynot mine actually01:41
eegoreKDE 4 isa going in too01:41
lethalambyne suggestions01:41
virtualdgamergod: then do a01:41
eegoreall this on an old Toshiba believe it or not01:41
virtualdsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:41
lethalambythats the power of linux for u (Y)01:41
virtualdpossibly a sudo apt-get upgrade01:42
lethalambythat takes a long long time with my connection :(01:42
virtualdthen reboot and see what happens01:42
virtualdunless the above commands didn't actually appear to do anything01:42
lethalambyvirtuald, what can be a problem when live cd not able to write MBR01:42
virtualdlethal: do you have "Virus warning" enabled in BIOS? might cause that01:43
virtualdor "MBR protection"01:43
lethalambyne other possibility01:44
virtualdi never liked the ubuntu installers01:45
gamergod131chroot says i dont have permission01:45
lethalambythats not ubuntu specific01:45
LeerokLacertaI love the Ubuntu installers.01:45
Dr_willisYou need to setup the /dev/ thing properly when you chroot.01:45
LeerokLacertaCompare it to Windows.01:45
Dr_willisothereise you cant write to the /dev/ entries.01:46
lethalambyI love apt-get in linux01:46
lethalambynothing like on necessity applications :)01:46
lethalambyand that too customisable01:46
LeerokLacertaapt-get makes installers almost obsolete.01:46
LeerokLacertaNo more InstallShield.01:46
lethalambystill I am now preferring source codes01:46
virtualdwhen i said installers, i meant the initial install01:47
virtualdapt is nice01:47
LeerokLacertaapt-get build-dep01:47
LeerokLacertaapt-get source -b01:47
LeerokLacertaAye, the initial install of Ubuntu is excellent compared to Windoze.01:47
lethalambyvirtuald, u mean booting by a live CD and then installing01:47
LeerokLacertaMake it install and browse the internet in the meantime.01:47
virtualdgamergod131: not working?01:47
lethalambyand it gives no interrupts in between01:48
gamergod131I caznt update since i have no internet w/ wifi rt73 drivers01:48
virtualdwell... theres probably a way to do it from the livecd... not sure what that is, however01:48
lethalambyvirtuald,  do wat ??01:48
lethalambygamergod131, wats the prob on urs ??01:48
virtualdgamergod: no hard wire available?01:49
gamergod131not booting right01:49
lethalambynot booting right01:50
lethalambyu mean grub having problems01:50
lethalambyor no grub ?01:50
virtualdhe added a hardy repository01:50
gamergod131nope, nearest outlet is over 50ft away01:50
virtualdwithout actually upgrading01:50
lethalambyand finally he suffers01:50
gamergod131this will be the third time this week that I've had to format01:50
virtualdhaha, well.. gotta learn somehow01:51
lethalambygamergod131, u say u cannot update01:51
lethalambycoz no drivers01:51
lethalambyhow come chatting01:51
lethalambydifferent pc01:51
gamergod131using dads vista laptop01:51
virtualdthats one thing i liked about gentoo... really forced you to learn how to make things work01:51
virtualdway annoying though01:51
lethalambyu learn a lot abt making things work in linux ;)01:52
gamergod131is there an idiot proof linux distro01:52
lethalambyesp coz of such good worldwide tech support01:52
lethalambygamergod131, ya there is01:52
LeerokLacertaIdiot proof?01:52
LeerokLacertaNothing is idiot proof.01:53
lethalambyproofs the comp from idiots01:53
lethalambyand not let them do anyhting01:53
virtualdgamergod: ubuntu is IMHO closest to idiot proof01:53
virtualdmy friends gf uses it... and shes a moron01:53
LeerokLacertaGet DOS.01:53
LeerokLacertaIdiots cannot do anything.01:53
lethalambygood old days01:53
hydrogenno, it's just dangerous enough for idiots to hurt themselves.01:53
lethalambyha ha01:53
LeerokLacertaWrite protect the floppy.01:53
lethalambyI had a pc that had a lock01:54
lethalambyturn it off and it won;t boot01:54
lethalambygood old times01:54
savvashas anyone noticed that the replace command is missing?01:55
LeerokLacertaWhat is replace?01:55
lethalambyhas neone noticed that there is no op on the channel :O01:55
savvaswoops false alarm :P01:55
HardyOnelethalamby, there never is any01:55
savvaslethalamby: don't try anything funny :)01:55
HardyOneexcept if you provoke them'01:55
lethalambynice :)01:55
savvaswoops false alarm :P LeerokLacerta: I wanted the rename command01:56
savvasbad habit of re*forgetting commands :P01:56
lethalambyreally bad :P01:56
HardyOnebrasero is not working for me01:57
retardedwhat does it mean when somebody used to look down on my dick like my sister used to? and i got angry at her for that and police called me the one for sexual harassments. this concept has destroyed my life01:57
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!01:57
lethalambywasn't working for me01:57
HardyOnethank you01:58
lethalambywat was dat :O01:58
HardyOnelethalamby, see what I mean01:58
gamergod131idiot proff as in i can't mess it up for the 4 time thiss week01:58
HardyOnethat was a provocation01:58
lethalambyI have never been a spammer01:58
lethalambyspecially banning spams on my DC hub01:59
lethalambya big one at that01:59
lethalambyPici is a user or bot ??01:59
HardyOnehe is a user01:59
Picilethalamby: bot I think, I saw him spew similar meaningless rants in #defocus the other day.01:59
Picilethalamby: oh.. you mean me.. hah.01:59
lethalambythanks Pici02:00
HardyOne!botsnack | Pici02:00
ubotuPici: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!02:00
PiciHardyOne: :p02:00
HardyOneHobbsee, is another bot you dont want to upset02:00
ethana2on engadget I'm known as 'the linux zealot'02:00
HardyOneevening Hobbsee02:00
lethalambyHardyOne, u using Hardy Heron release ??02:00
ethana2i think their writers all use macs02:01
HardyOneinstalled it today on laptop02:01
ethana2HardyOne: did you see touchpad prefs?02:01
lethalambyme using ubuntu ultimate 1.6 :(02:01
ethana2i have a laptop that doesn't have them02:01
HardyOneethana2, have not02:01
ethana2...does that mean that touchpad..02:01
ethana2doesn't support.... that kind of thing?02:01
ethana2i have another, newer laptop that does02:01
ethana2same software, exactly02:01
lethalambyHardyOne, how can I strip off ubuntu ultimate to basically ubuntu02:02
lethalambyI do not want to format02:02
HardyOnefresh install02:02
ethana2change repos02:02
lethalambyjust want to remove beryl02:02
ethana2swap out your list of apt sources02:02
lethalambyreally frustrates me02:02
HardyOnechanging repos might do it02:02
ethana2sudo apt-get remove beryl02:02
LeerokLacertadpkg --remove beryl02:02
ethana2or that02:02
lethalambyor removing modules from kernel02:02
LeerokLacertaSame thing.02:03
lethalambynew installer02:03
lethalambyor old02:03
ethana2lethalamby: i'd swap apt servers first02:03
ethana2they may do most of the work for you when you update02:03
lethalambyethana2, how to update a specific application02:03
lethalambymore than 400 updates available02:04
ethana2lethalamby: i'd update all of them02:04
ethana2yeah, i'd go ahead and do it02:04
ethana2today's a good day02:04
lethalambyand I do not have patience to update all with my slow speed02:04
ethana2tomorrow may not be02:04
ethana2i'm sorry02:04
ethana2get a new disk via shipit02:04
ethana2and when it asks you if you want to install the packages on it02:04
ethana2say yes02:04
lethalambynice Idea02:04
ethana2or ask someone else to burn you one, may be faster02:05
lethalambybut it takes abt 25 days02:05
ethana2you may have another linux user in your neighborhood02:05
lethalambycollege connection02:05
lethalambysame story everyone02:05
ethana2i'd recommend that if so02:05
ethana2ohhhh, i'm sorry02:05
ethana2what city?02:05
ethana2even mail is faster02:05
lethalambyGandhinagar India02:05
ethana2ok, there i have no clue02:05
lethalambyits india server rite ??02:05
ethana2i'm in alaska02:05
lethalambyu will be having speeds in MBPS02:06
ethana2how fast is your connection, exactly?02:06
lethalambyhere its good if I get 10kbps02:06
lethalambyya I know02:06
ethana2worth the wait02:06
ethana2...probably about the same anyway02:06
lethalambyneways gtg now02:06
HardyOnehow do I kill brasero I have 3 pids02:06
ethana2might as well not tie up your isp02:06
lethalambybye all02:07
ethana2sudo killall brasero02:07
ethana2bye, lethal02:07
HardyOneethana2, they are still there02:07
ethana2i'd restart X02:08
DanaGBest speeds I've ever seen: 30 megabytes per second, on gigabit ethernet in the Cal Poly computer science lab, downloading from mirrors.kernel.org.02:08
DanaGYou haven't seen fast until you've seen 5-digit numbers of kilobytes per second.02:08
ethana2I had 12Mbit from Cox for two months02:08
ethana2never got to use more than like 3 though02:08
ethana2still, 3Mbit solid is fast, for me02:08
ethana2torrents were amazing02:08
* DanaG wishes Ubuntu would install the gsynaptics touchpad-preferences thingy by default02:10
HardyOnehmmm brasero is messed up but not giving me any errors02:10
DanaGAnd if you're going to use pulseaudio, INSTALL THE GUI!02:10
ethana2DanaG: heh02:11
DanaGPulseaudio without GUI is nearly useless.02:11
ethana2DanaG: i'm running dual seat, one mono sink for each02:11
DanaGYou figured that one out now?  Cool.02:11
ethana2DanaG: NEVER say PA is useless without it's utils02:11
ethana2yes ^_^02:11
DanaGHow'd you do that?02:11
ethana2some fine folks on that channel02:11
M__hey just upgraded to hardy from gutsy and shen it starts up on my x60 lenovo laptop about 50% of the cpu is being used by compiz and it is dang slow to use. If I do metacity --replace compiz goes away and all is good. What should I do? was working great in gutsy.02:11
ethana2step by step help from a ninja02:11
DanaGAah, I have the opposite thing: one user (me), multiple audio devices.02:12
ethana2I still want to combine gnome's panel and window decorator02:12
ethana2i want the volume applet in each title bar02:12
ethana2for that app02:12
ethana2with a sink chooser02:13
DanaGI want PulseAudio to remember where I last put my audio apps.02:16
DanaGIf the card is not present at start, then it does not remember.02:17
ethana2DanaG: go on their channel and ask them about it02:21
ethana2Don't start feeling resentment until they dismiss your idea as horrible02:21
ethana2like the amarok folks with my variable tempo playback for classical music and rap02:22
rhshi, there's no xmms in hardy02:29
rhswhere did it go ?02:29
RAOFIt was (finally) removed from Debian, on the basis that it's been unmaintained for _years_.02:29
rhsah, thanks02:30
RAOFrhs: You're probably after beep, or xmms2, or whatever.02:30
DanaGArgh, I just got a random, complete, hard lockup.02:30
DanaGWith black screen.02:31
ogre if i wanted to see what driver my wireless card is using what do I do?I was using ipw3945 in gutsy and now when i go to driver section in "administration" it says no proprietary drivers.02:40
M__hey just upgraded to hardy from gutsy and shen it starts up on my x60 lenovo laptop about 50% of the cpu is being used by compiz and it is dang slow to use. If I do metacity --replace compiz goes away and all is good. What should I do? was working great in gutsy.02:42
ethana2M__: rub your head and pat your belly02:48
ethana2M__: seriously though, I don't know how to work startup scripts02:49
ethana2BUM, perhaps?02:49
M__ethana2, I have been still no good... Should I just uninstall and install from source?02:49
ethana2there's a file that tells ubuntu what to load when you log in02:49
ethana2you need to go there and replace compiz with metacity02:50
ethana2..but i don't know what file it is02:50
ethana2nor how to manipulate it02:50
M__ethana2, I want compiz working not metacity!02:50
ethana2you could /try/ BUM02:50
ethana2...metacity has compositing now02:50
ethana2is it actually compiz that's using all that CPU?02:50
ethana2what all effects do you have turned on?02:50
M__ethana2, nothing has changed except upgrading and it worked fine before02:51
ethana2check to see if it's raining in your root window02:51
ethana2yeah, i don't know02:51
ethana2you may consider filing a bug02:52
ethana2in fact, go ahead and do that02:52
ethana2someone else can help you fine tune it and isolate the exact package02:52
M__ok thx02:52
JavidAnyone else notice Hardy taking ages to boot?02:57
HobbseeJavid: dist-upgraded from gutsy/02:57
Javidnope, clean install02:58
Javidit's taking probably 4x as long as a fresh install of Debian on the same configuration02:58
Hobbseewhat does bootchart show?02:59
JavidI don't know what that is02:59
Hobbseeit's a package.  apt-cache show bootchart02:59
JavidI'll install it in a week or so when this boot finishes03:00
shirishAnybody here having single soundcard?03:01
shirishI'm just looking for output they get from  cat /proc/asound/cards03:02
Hobbsee 0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel03:02
Hobbsee                      HDA Intel at 0xdfebc000 irq 2003:02
shirishHobbsee: thanx03:02
shirishHobbsee: nice seeing u here as well03:02
* shirish out03:02
Javid6 minutes of booting now03:06
Hobbseedid you boot it without quiet and splash?03:07
DanaGArgh, if I use vga=anything, my consoles are blank.03:09
JavidHobbsee, I have not altered any boot-related settings since installing it03:11
Javidif I knew how to grease up the boot sequence I'd do it to my main machine :v03:11
HobbseeJavid: if you boot without quiet and splash, it should give you an idea of what it's stopping on03:11
jimmygoonDanaG how random are your crashes? I get full crashes when logging out, restarting gdm, swithcing to ttys... etc...03:13
DanaGI was messing around in my console and got a lockup, and then once I got some oops or panic or something on trying to modprobe -r fbcon.03:14
DanaGIn addition, the "don't use blacklists in initramfs for vesa" change hasn't taken effect, despite being listed in changelogs!03:14
DanaGWhen I go to a console, I have to manually setupcon every time I chvt anywhere.03:15
DanaGOddly enough, if I do 'cacafire' while in the no-text state, I can see the background colors.03:15
* DanaG ponders trying uvesafb.03:16
mooboo1want 10-15 times better file system performance in Ubuntu? vote up this idea on Brainstorm - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/4983/03:17
nomasteryodaJohnnie Cochran died03:18
nomasteryodasometime last year i think03:18
void^mooboo1: i've read that linzxgazette link again (had already seen it before), where do you get "10-15 times" from? :-)03:18
mooboo1void^, WIKIPEDIA!03:19
nomasteryodahe could do the work while doing time03:19
mooboo1As of 2004, synthetic benchmarks performed by Namesys show that Reiser4 is 10 to 15 times faster than its most serious competitor ext3 working on files smaller than 1 KiB. Namesys's benchmarks suggest it is typically twice the performance of ext3 for general-purpose filesystem usage patterns.03:19
void^haven't been so blatantly trolled in a while :(03:19
mooboo1oh website is down :(03:20
RAOFmooboo1: With the small problem of it not being in the mainline kernel, nor apparently likely to get there soon.03:20
mooboo1RAOF, yeah we need to merge it in mainline03:20
void^filesystem doesn't make a difference for the "typical ubuntu user" anyway03:21
mooboo1void^, if it was 10-15x faster, it would :)03:21
void^yes, but apart from marketing, it still wouldn't03:22
RAOFNot necessarily.03:22
RAOFI mean, 10-15x faster than really fast is still... really fast.03:22
DBOdoes anyone know why scripts in /etc/acpi/resume.d are not being run at all (as far as I can tell)03:36
DanaGDangit, if I use uvesafb, then exiting the console reboots my machine!03:46
DanaGWhat the heck?  That's just plain weird.03:46
Agrajag-g'day, i've done a dist-upgrade to hardy, just wondering if there's a howto or anything on setting up pulseaudio?03:51
Black_MagicAnyone have a !worksforme Java situation can they load the applet at the site www.runescape.com press already have account then choose random world see if ti asks for plugin. If so and there using Firefox Tell me what java related packages you have installed please03:54
dashua+OK 1boNn/RBKvW/OBTR3/kvNyE.AGZ7b0PO32q1WKiz8/5dwq8.DUgAe1x6hoS/R/Se1.7tWsO070hee1xWSfL.TdJbn0rOiKD/03:59
DanaGWhy are my TTYs blank when I use any framebuffer drivers?04:00
Hobbseedashua: ?04:00
dashua+OK TdMqG1At.AN.fazxK1PWihz0LwQSD.r./qO004:00
DanaGWhat's that mode?04:00
HobbseeDanaG: a nice one :)04:01
HobbseeDanaG: means ops can read people who are quieted04:01
tonyyarussoDanaG: known bug...want the link?04:02
DanaGThe "Blank Consoles" one?  I've seen it.04:04
* DanaG wonders why the Ubuntu kernel includes uvesafb module when v86d isn't packaged.04:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129910 in linux "Blank ttys when using vesafb (vga=xxx)" [Medium,Fix released]04:10
DanaGOddly enough, they didn't acutally remove "-Qb" in initramfs-tools!04:10
DanaGIt's NOT fixed.04:10
DanaGOddly enough, once I manually modprobe vesafb, then I get my consoles working only until I chvt or logout.04:13
DanaGThen they go blank.04:13
DanaGOddly enough, cacafire still is visible!04:14
jimmygoondoes blank = crash/04:18
setuidRAOF, ping04:19
setuidRAOF, How did you manage to work with/work around the dm-crypt 90% performance/disk/IO hit?04:19
setuidI may reformat to unencrpyted partitions because it's *IMPOSSIBLE* to function using vmware with kcryptd taking almost all of the processors04:19
RAOFsetuid: I have to say that I don't notice it.04:20
RAOFBy 90% performance hit, what do you mean?04:21
setuidI mean files that normally copy at 30-40M/sec across unencrypted partitions, are 3M/sec. over the encrypted oine04:21
setuidIf you google 'dm-crypt performance' there are hundreds of people complaining about it04:21
setuidMostly with Debian and Ubuntu distros, unfortunately04:21
* RAOF doesn't actually notice it. Maybe x86-64 FTW?04:21
jimmygoonI didn't notice it when I was using it a few months back. I got tired of typing in my password though04:22
setuidI have two 2.4Ghz Intel procs in here, and when I load up vmware, it takes a good 15 minutes before it's usable04:22
RAOFAnd I get plenty of read/write performance; all the stuff I've been doing lately has been network limited by rsync's 10MB/sec limit.04:23
setuid100% processor usage, grinding the drive the whole time, system load at 7.00+04:23
RAOFRight.  I don't see *anything* like that.04:23
setuidLots of people are though, so it's a real problem04:23
RAOFI don't doubt it.  But your question was how *I* work with it, and I don't :)04:24
RAOFAnd I do quite a bit of disc-io heavy stuff, like packages building, on this lappy04:24
setuidI just doubled the RAM today, it didn't help at all04:26
jimmygoonmaybe its a HD-vendor or interface specific problem, though that makes very little sense as dmcrypt probably isn't THAT low level04:26
cgeDoes anyone here happen to have a vfat partition and the desire to help confirm that a gedit bug has been squished?04:26
* jimmygoon just reformatted his jump drive to ext2 for rsync'ing ~04:27
setuidI'm going to test this 2.6.25-rc5 kernel and see if that changes performance04:29
Black_Magicstill scared to reboot :P04:42
`sam`cge, what's the bug?04:48
cge`sam`: 6918404:49
Black_Magic i finnaly fixed my wireless problem after 2months..04:49
Black_Magic and it worked a couple weeks ago i upgraded to Hardy04:49
Black_Magic and then rebooted..04:49
Black_Magic and vralla back to square one..04:49
Black_Magic hopefully it stays fixed but too scared to restart..04:49
`sam`cge, it's working for me, no error message, it creates the backup file04:55
cge`sam`: great04:58
DanaGOh no, there's something stuck on my fące.  (it's a joke.)04:58
jimmygoonoh god, libc6 updates05:27
ethana2jimmygoon: ubuntu2+ is fine05:34
jimmygoonI was only slightly serious ;005:34
voidmageis anyone else having problems with bash tab completion?05:42
voidmageit works for some commands but for others it doesn't05:42
DanaG!info tab-completion05:43
DanaG!info bash-completion05:43
ubotuPackage tab-completion does not exist in hardy05:43
ubotubash-completion (source: bash-completion): programmable completion for the bash shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 20060301-3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 120 kB, installed size 464 kB05:43
voidmagewhy did they separate that?05:44
Black_Magicmmhmm can some one get me to Reboot lol im really scared that im gunna get a "go to jail DO NOT pass go Do NOT Collect 2,000,000 Dollars"05:48
penI have a problem with alsa05:50
penI can't have mltiple sound sources simultaneously05:50
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:50
peneven after I install alsa-oss05:50
voidmagepen: tried telling your apps to use pulseaudio?05:50
penBlack_Magic: please let me finish my problem plz05:50
penvoidmage: how?05:50
penany app, like amarok05:51
Black_Magichmm woudl you happen to have a Toshiba05:51
Black_Magicwith digital audio... oh05:51
Black_Magicbecause i didnt have sound with ALSA05:51
Black_Magici had to use Digital instead of PCM05:51
penWell, my problem is that I can't have multiple sound sources05:52
penand usually that will result my amaork to crash05:52
penor warning saying xine lost control of the sound device I think05:52
penso it will produce no sound whatsoever05:53
penany solutions?05:53
siriusnovatime to install ubuntu hardy on my thinkpad05:53
siriusnovawish me luck05:53
penI wonder why isn't alsa-oss installed on default in hardy?05:54
Black_Magicsiriusnova: iF you already have gusty installed just run update-manager -c -d05:54
siriusnovai dont05:54
Black_Magicoh ok05:54
FlannelBlack_Magic: you don't need the -c05:54
siriusnovaits running windows xp05:54
pensomeone said pulseaudio05:55
Black_MagicFlannel: What does the C Do anyways...? someone told me it got the most recent upgrades..05:55
penhow can I use that?05:55
Black_Magici have no idea mines worked by default when i upgraded..05:55
FlannelBlack_Magic: It upgrades you out of an LTS to a non LTS (like dapper -> edgy)05:55
Black_MagicFlannel, Well i was using Gusty and its not an LTS05:56
FlannelBlack_Magic: right, the -c didn't do anything.05:56
Black_Magicthe last LTS was dapper i think05:56
FlannelBlack_Magic: that's correct.  In fact, I told you that earlier today.05:56
Black_MagicHow come they only do LTS once in a while...?05:56
Black_MagicDapper is old as dirt in the ubuntu timeline..05:56
ubotuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:56
jimmygoonLTS = long term support... too expensive to give LTS for every version05:57
ubotuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead05:57
penhow to replace it correctly?05:57
jimmygoonDapper is also very stable05:57
FlannelBlack_Magic: Because LTS requires a lot more resources, and inhinits the amount of change that can go into a version if it needs to be rock solid05:57
Black_Magicjimmygoon: Hmm...too much money how so...?05:57
jimmygoonhows the upgrade path from dapper -> hardy looking for those LTS'ers?05:57
Black_Magicoh ok05:57
Flanneljimmygoon: It works.  Could use some more testers, but its working.05:57
Black_Magicill be keeping hardy for about 6 Years then :P05:57
FlannelBlack_Magic: 3 years on the desktop.05:57
Black_Magic3 years then05:58
jimmygoonFlannel, I suppose its not terribly useful to go from fresh dapper -> hardy is there? otherwise I might test it out05:58
FlannelBlack_Magic: in two years, you'll say the same about Hardy that you just said about DApper.05:58
Flanneljimmygoon: it is!  Yes.  If you're feeling adventurous and needing to install fresh, yes, go dapper-> hardy05:58
jimmygoonFlannel, alright. I'll test it out on thursday when the beta disc comes out05:59
FlannelBlack_Magic: In two years you'll be saying "Hardy is as old as dirt in the ubuntu timeline"05:59
LynoureBlack_Magic: assuming ubuntu and not kubuntu (which I think is not LTS this time)05:59
Black_Magiclol no i wouldnt...05:59
Black_Magicisnt dapper like 6 years old..?05:59
FlannelBlack_Magic: its two.05:59
jimmygoon... ubuntu isn't 6 years old05:59
Black_Magicwell im slow didnt know ubuntu developed so fast...05:59
Black_Magicits had05:59
jimmygoonwell the distribution isn't... the concept/word ubuntu is...05:59
Black_MagicDapper Egy Gusty Fiesty and now hardy06:00
FlannelBlack_Magic: F then G06:00
jimmygoon6 month release schedule ;) 6.04  (6.10)  7.04  (7.10)   8.04   see a pattern06:00
Flanneljimmygoon: 6.06 though06:00
Black_Magicdoesnt ubuntu mean "too beautiful to translate to english"....06:01
jimmygoonFlannel, well, that one doesn't count, I forgot about that... that year was actually supposed to be on my birthday but they ended up delaying for LTS06:01
Black_Magiclol i accedentally installed java 4 times over..06:02
penwill pulseaudio fix the multiple sound bug?06:02
Black_Magicnow when i do java -version i get06:02
DanaGyou know, 'sudo gedit' is bad; that wiki page says 'sudo gedit'.06:04
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:04
voidmageis mysql-server still broken?06:05
voidmagei think my system is in a weird state and i forget how to recover.06:05
penno one know how to fix this?06:06
Black_Magichmm that didnt give me the error i usualy get when using sudo nautilus!06:11
Black_Magicusing gksu06:11
ethana2DanaG: thanks, i didn't know that06:14
voidmageoh derf.06:14
voidmagereinstall changed my debian-sys-maint password06:14
DanaGSomebody should have ubotu trigger on anybody saying "sudo <gui app>" for a list of common GUI apps.06:14
DanaGlike nautilus and gedit and such.06:14
voidmagewhat about a patch to sudo to recognize gui apps and run them with gksu?06:15
Flannelvoidmage: Like everything in linux, the OS assumes you know what you're doing.06:16
Black_MagicErr i have problems with Miro i cant watch Youtube videos in it it just shows06:16
voidmagewas worth a try. :P06:16
Black_Magica blackish blue screen06:16
Black_Magicwith the video title at the bottom06:16
Black_Magicit may be all Videos i just have downloaded test Youtube ones ATM06:17
RAOFBlack_Magic: Does _any_ video player work?06:17
Black_MagicWhat you mean...?06:17
AmaranthBlack_Magic: can you watch a regular video in totem?06:17
Black_Magicfor youtube videos or just any video...06:18
voidmagedoesn't totem play youtube in hardy?06:18
voidmagethis gives me a chance to check that now06:18
Amaranthvoidmage: err, i don't think that is enabled06:18
RAOFBlack_Magic: Just any video at all, in any player.06:18
voidmageedit->plugins->youtube doesn't let me enable that?06:18
Black_Magicmmhmm totem played that Experience.ogg in the examples file06:19
Black_Magicalsom on some tsites like06:21
voidmageit needs python-gdata06:21
voidmagewhich totem-plugins suggests but doesn't depend.06:21
Black_MagicIETV.CO.UK it shows a black with grey outline lil papaer or somthine06:21
Black_Magic*paper Somthing also *sites06:22
Black_Magicanyone knwo how to revert to original drivers if you have ATI right now..06:34
=== Griswold_ is now known as Griswold
Ali_ixhi, any one having problem with mono-based apps in hardy?06:43
Ali_ixi get 'Segmentation fault' and cant start any mono-based app (eg f-spot, gnome-do)06:43
calcwell evince doesn't seem to work for me06:44
calcbut thats not mono based afaik06:44
Ali_ixsome libmono-thing might be broken :(06:44
ubotuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions06:57
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto06:57
Black_MagicHere i go im breaking my fear to reboot..07:00
* Black_Magic Hears Angels Sing I have internet after reboot :P07:15
gluercant get my broadcom b43 wireless restricted driver working tried everything, maybe someone can give me a fresh perspective on what to do?07:17
Black_MagicAre there  any Benifits to having more then one DNS server enabled...?07:18
Black_MagicBecause i have Enabled OpenDNS for my Ubuntu install and wondering how it helps..07:19
DarkMageZBlack_Magic, if the first dns server fails then the second one will be used.07:49
DarkMageZBlack_Magic, also if the first dns server doesn't have the record for a name then it'll ask the secondary.07:50
Black_Magicoh ok07:50
Black_Magici have the default DNS enabled when it connects to an AP07:50
Black_Magicand OpenDNS07:50
chris062689Does anyone here run Hardy on their Eee?08:14
Sonicadvance1I've had a strange error for a while now that I finally feel like bringing up. When booting up my Desktop, it just shows black forever unless I hit CTRL+Alt+Delete, then it loads up GDM and I have to go to a virtual terminal to mount all my partitions Manually08:23
Sonicadvance1Anyone know the cause or willing to give me some insight?08:23
h3sp4wnIs it normal for networkmanager to just not work with keys with certain chars in08:25
Sonicadvance1Is that the key?08:26
h3sp4wn(wpa_supplicant has no problems with keys like that)08:26
h3sp4wnfew numbers changed08:26
h3sp4wnWell I copy and paste it and have it in a file on a flash drive08:27
Sonicadvance1I've only used WEP so I'm not sure about WPA08:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:28
Black_Magicif i hibernate for more than08:28
Black_Magic5mins it just becomes a blinking cursor ontop of a black backthing08:29
Black_Magicif i just gfoset it to standby or hibernatye for as second08:29
Black_Magicthen come back wiggle mouse or touchpad08:29
Black_Magicit comes back up08:29
bod_hey guys,. im gettin impatient now, so how can i make a 10 gig partition on my hd and install hardy on it?08:31
Sonicadvance1You in windows or live CD bod_?08:32
bod_gutsy 6408:32
Sonicadvance1bod_, use gparted08:33
bod_ok,. will i have to download the hardy live cd or something?08:33
Sonicadvance1bod_, yes, you will need the live CD08:34
bod_damn,. i long download ahead,. ok cheers,. oh and whats the name of that program that can let you build your own live cd,.,.lets you add other things08:35
Sonicadvance1I'm not sure myself :D08:35
ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen08:35
bod_no, its a program that lets you add files to the iso08:36
bod_ok it may be me being stupid, but i can only see 6.6 and 7.10 on the ubuntu download page,.,. any thoughts Sonicadvance1 ? a link would be handy,.,.hehe08:38
DanaGToo many choices:08:39
DanaGkqemu, kvm, xen, virtualbox, vmware, parallels.08:39
DanaGI use VirtualBox.08:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alpha6 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:40
Sonicadvance1bod_, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/alpha608:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alpha - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about much - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:40
DanaG!much of anything08:40
DanaGI give up on that.08:41
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.08:41
bod_Sonicadvance1, cheers dude08:41
DanaGIt would be good to add factoids for the latest alphas.08:41
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu08:41
LynoureDanaG: there you go.08:42
DanaGI meant for the specific download links.08:42
DanaGBut that works.08:42
bod_is there an expected date for the beta release?08:42
LynoureDanaG: that page has them... too many to list in factoids08:42
DanaGHmm, perhaps just make "alpha" be an alias to "hardy"08:47
DanaGThat'd be enough right there.08:47
LynoureDanaG: then same woulb be needed to beta, and needed to upgrade every time for new release.08:47
LynoureThe path of least maintenance :)08:48
=== daubafk is now known as daubers
DanaGThey could have !{alpha,beta}->!ubuntu+1->!hardy and then only ever change that last one.08:49
LynoureFeel free to propose that :)08:51
bod_why not have !list that links to the page for all download links?08:52
J-_will the brightness applet work when Hardy is released, or will there be a fix?09:07
h3sp4wnIt works on my thinkpad (overriding the proper keys)09:13
h3sp4wnwhich work flawlessly in cli09:13
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=== Knofi_ is now known as Knofi
fromportJ-_: what hardware do you have ?09:18
jinello, I have no sound after an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.0409:27
jinkernel version is 2.6.24-12-38609:28
Galgajin: you using onboard sound ?09:28
jin00:10.2 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 AC97 Audio Controller (rev a2)09:28
jinyes, it is onboard sound09:29
arpuhi all09:29
arpui update to hardy and now i have the problem09:29
arpudoes my home and end keys09:29
arpujump always on start and end of the line09:30
arpuand not only one char09:30
Galgajin: well i fixed mine yesterday, with help of guys from #alsa09:30
arpuall other keys like @ works09:30
jinGalga: mind to tell what you did to get it working?09:30
Ali_ixany one having prblem with mono on hardy?09:31
Galgajin: well the trick that worked for me was to download the alsa-drivers, alsa-utils, alsa-lib and some tips from this link09:32
coz_oo I have never used the --with -kernel= option09:33
jinlsmod | grep snd gives nothing back :(09:34
Galgajin: follow the link it worked for me I am sure it will work for you09:35
coz_jin  also you can go to #alsa   to ask questions on installation09:36
oxigenAli_ix: i prefer stereo :P09:36
coz_jin also just try lsmod   in terminal09:37
oxigenstereo is as twice as good as mono!09:37
Ali_ixoxigen: :D09:37
savvasanyone tried the latest updates?09:39
coz_savvas, not yet let me get dist-upgrade to see whats there09:40
jinat the configure  command, shouldn't I replace --with-cards=hda-intel with somehting else?09:41
oxigensavvas: can we fear another libc like strike?09:41
coz_jin,   depends on the card you use   I use a layla24 so mine is   --with -cards=layla2409:42
jinhow to find out what mine is?09:42
savvasoxigen: nothing like the libc6 problem :)09:42
oxigenok :)09:43
savvasexcept maybe a kernel panic, I surely hope not09:43
* oxigen apt-get update09:43
savvasbut that's easy to switch to an older one hehe09:43
coz_savvas, what have the current updates done?  broken anything?09:43
coz_jin,  here is a link  to for debugging sound problems... it may come in handy09:43
savvasNeed to get 14.2MB of archives.09:43
savvasI'll get back at you when it's done :)09:44
jin/proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory09:44
jindoesn't hardy use a new sound system?09:44
coz_jin,  you may want to go to #alsa channel  while doing this09:44
Ali_ixjin: yeah, it is called Pulse Audio (PA in short)09:45
Galgajin: well i used my chip number from the soundcard. It was reported ens5880 but was actually ens137109:45
jinGalga: how do you find the chip nummer?09:46
Galgajin: well its not recommended but i opened side cover, pulled out he sound module and used a magfyglass to read the number :)09:47
oxigencool, that's how was my first debian installed09:48
Galgajin: but you should know some cmdline commands to find ur chip nubmer09:49
oxigenyea, but not /quit09:50
Galgaanyone using anysoftware to watch TV ?09:52
savvasoxigen: everything's peachy :)09:52
Galgai am using mplayer, but dono how to change channel09:52
jinalsa is not even loaded in the kernel09:52
Ali_ixhow can i debug (get more details on crash) mono-based apps?09:52
savvasGalga: maybe mythtv09:53
jinhow do you reconfigure alsa with apt?09:54
jinor dpkg09:54
savvasmaybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base09:55
savvasnever tried it though, i used to reinstall it09:55
savvassudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base :)09:55
* oxigen starting install 65Mb of stuff, huh09:56
jinthis is weird09:59
jin /dev/asound does not even exist :\09:59
savvasjin: lspci | grep -i audio10:00
jin00:10.2 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 AC97 Audio Controller (rev a2)10:00
savvashaven't seen that in a long time :)10:00
Galgajin: http://alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main10:02
Galgajin: perhaps more appropriate http://alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-intel8x010:03
jinthanks Galga10:06
jincompiling the driver :-)10:06
Galgajin: you welcome :)10:07
savvasshouldn't jockey-gtk get that?10:08
oxigenhmm, everything's ok so far..10:13
jinsounds works again :-)10:14
h3sp4wnYou could have just used module-assistant10:15
h3sp4wn(alsa source is 1.0.16)10:15
jinmhh that program should be installed by default :\10:16
h3sp4wnMost of the time its not that useful for Ubuntu10:16
h3sp4wn(Unless there is a newer version in Debian some time later)10:16
h3sp4wnThey don't even have gcc by default10:17
Galgahow to kill a running instance of a program10:18
savvasGalga: ps x10:19
savvasand kill -9 pidnumber10:19
Galgak thanks10:19
savvasor ps ax (for all the programs10:19
savvasyou can use the system monitor to kill it too10:19
jinI have a folder with .VOB and .NFO files. how do I encode these video files to avi?10:20
h3sp4wnDon't use kill -910:20
h3sp4wnunless all else fails using it straight away is a bad idea10:20
Galgaits too late i already did and program is killed10:20
ccookeGalga: if it's a graphical program with a recognisable window, the easiest way to kill it is to run "xkill". Then click on its window.10:21
h3sp4wnIts very rare that I would have to use -910:21
savvasi.e. when virtualbox hangs while running freebsd 7 on boot :P10:22
Galgaccooke: thanks10:22
h3sp4wnsavvas: speaking of Freebsd - I switched my server to it just yesterday10:23
savvasccooke: thanks for the tip too ;)10:23
ccookeNP :-)10:23
h3sp4wnsavvas: The thing about -9 is it doesn't even try to exit gracefully and leaves whatever crap around10:24
savvash3sp4wn: i know, but as you said, when everything else fails.. :P10:24
Galgaxkill is cool but i just killed the creator of resource 0xe0003, while i was trying to maximize a window10:24
savvassome person at #vbox told me that it works in the new svn, but I'm not doing so well with compilations :)10:24
h3sp4wnI use pgrep / pkill most of the time10:25
ccookesavvas: it's useful when everything else fails, yes. But you should try something else, first :-)10:25
ccookeGalga: you can *right* click to exit the xkill10:25
Galgaok, next time i will remember that10:25
savvasbe back in a while10:26
h3sp4wnGalga: Depends what program it is but because of kill -9 I have spent hours looking for a wierdly named lock file10:28
ccookeI try to avoid kill -9 whenever I can... Mostly, I use it as 'kill -9 -1', to clear up remote systems with astronomical loads10:28
ccooke(like the time the devs at $employer[-4] loaded an entire DB table into memory, then forked about two hundred times... Every single time someone clicked search on our rather busy web site...10:30
Galgahmm so kill -9 is strongest of all10:30
ccooke(that was fine initially, but every single search appended a row to the DB table... until eventually ten concurrent searches on a box would make a search take longer than the time between searches...))10:31
ccookeGalga: Unix defines a set of signals that can pass between processes. For every signal other than KILL(9), the process can install a handler. The default handler is usually to kill the process.10:32
h3sp4wnThat usually means it gets cleaned up though10:33
ccookethe KILL signal, however, is handled by the kernel and cannot be overridden. It forcibly destroys the process without ever passing control back to it10:33
ccookeso the killed process has no way to do anything.10:33
ccooke(there are times, however, when a process cannot be KILLed - when it's blocking waiting for a read call to return is the most common. This is seen a lot when NFS mounts die)10:34
ccooke(anything reading from the NFS blocks on that read until the NFS comes back or a minutes, hours or *days* long timeout expires10:35
=== daubafk is now known as daubers
sergiu87i have installed ubuntu hardy and the sound card was not installed :D10:37
ccooke(for anyone interested: The ability to suspend processes in a unix shell comes from the default handler installed on the STOP and CONT signals - namely, one stops the process and the other tells it to continue ;-)10:37
sergiu87no volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.10:37
ccookesergiu87: which alpha did yuo install?10:37
sergiu87ccooke: how do i know10:38
sergiu87i think the latest10:38
h3sp4wnccooke: whatabout nohup (which signal does that use)10:38
ccookeh3sp4wn: when your terminal exits, it sends a HUP signal to everything in its process group (basically, everything that was started by it).10:39
ccookeh3sp4wn: the default HUP handler kills the process, so they die10:39
h3sp4wnYeah I know that but10:39
h3sp4wnnohup (must do something to make that not happen)10:40
ccookenohup installs a handler that ignores the HUP signal, the exec()s the program you wanted.10:40
sergiu87ccooke don't you know how to repair the sound =]10:40
sergiu87the ubuntu hardy hearon is totaly unstable :D10:40
ccookesergiu87: well, yes. It's supposed to be at this point10:40
ccookesergiu87: There were some sound problems a few days ago10:41
h3sp4wnI think its not so bad in terms of stability10:41
ccookesergiu87: Could you try updating to the latest packages?10:41
sergiu87ccooke, how to know what alpha i use10:41
h3sp4wn(Too many issues for a month to go and a LTS though)10:41
sergiu87ccooke: sergiu87: Could you try updating to the latest packages? - how to do this..10:41
ccookeh3sp4wn: Dapper was delayed until .06, remember10:42
ccookesergiu87: System -> Administration -> Update Manager10:42
h3sp4wnccooke: Yep - still needed loads of updates shortly after release though10:42
sergiu87it says that system is up to date10:43
Galgasergiu87: :)10:44
Galgasergiu87: start with finding your soundcard10:44
Galgasergiu87: i mean do you have onboard or not10:45
sergiu87sergiu@ubuntu:~$ lspci | grep Audio10:45
sergiu8700:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)10:45
sergiu87found this command on the net10:45
sergiu87alsamixer alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device10:46
sergiu87ok, trying to resolve thjis problem with google..10:46
Galgahow can i kill a connection to website / remote host.10:49
Galgakill -9 will work here as well ?10:49
theunixgeekHow do I upgrade to GNOME 2.22 in Ubuntu without upgrading to Hardy?10:50
theunixgeekI tried that yesterday... didn't work out too well ;)10:50
sergiu87can anyone connect to my pc with remove desktop and to help10:50
Galgasergiu87: anyone can ?10:50
theunixgeeksergiu87: with what?10:50
sergiu87theunixgeek, no volume control gstreamer plugins and/or device found ..10:52
sergiu87music dosen't work10:52
theunixgeeksergiu87: I'm not good with sound drivers :P10:52
Galgasergiu87: u need to follow the website. it worked for me yesterday10:53
Galgasergiu87: i remember i downlaoded libasound2 or something10:54
sergiu87just to install libasound210:58
sergiu87the package is installed10:59
nacerhi i have some dirty image rendering into firefox311:00
jscinozcan't wait untill i finally install hardy alpha this weekend :D11:00
nacerthereis a reported bug for this ?11:00
jscinoznacer dirty images eh?11:00
nacerpicture ?11:00
jscinozI assume you mean distortion or graphical corruption of some kind11:01
nacerjscinoz, its not what tou thinking11:01
nacerjscinoz, somethink like that yeah11:01
jscinozone second11:01
naceri can make a screen if you want to see it11:01
Galgasergiu87: have you tried to compile with alsa-lib-1.0.16rc2.tar.bz2 ?11:01
nacerjscinoz, the seem to be only with png11:02
jscinozhave you tried reinstall libpng or whichever lib it is11:02
nacerjscinoz, w8 i try11:02
sergiu87Galga :D11:03
Galgasergiu87: well keep trying, something will definitely work for you :)11:03
jscinoznacer couldnt find anything on it >_<11:04
nacerjscinoz, mmm11:04
h3sp4wnA newer alsa-lib probably won't you11:05
bod_what is the command to upgrade from gutsy to hardy?11:05
nacerbod_, update-manager -d11:05
nacersomethink like thaht11:05
Galgaupdate-manager 0d11:05
nacerjscinoz, not better faster reinstall of the libs11:06
jscinozif i get something added to debian before intrepid, will that package be in ubuntu too?11:06
bod_this little dist upgrader thingy is nifty ;~)11:06
jscinoznacer ugh sorry, not sure >_< my hardy install seems to work fine (but then again its only in vbox right now)11:07
bod_should i have backed up my files first?11:07
nacerjscinoz, yep oki11:07
nacerjscinoz, perhaps you dont have website with png11:07
jscinozlet me make sure11:07
bod_ouch 1095 files to download,. il go put the kettle on11:08
jscinoznacer just to be sure, can you link a page that shows this issue11:08
bod_why cant i see the terminal thingy while its downloading? like you can when synaptic is downloading something?11:08
jscinozbod_ not sure, its always been like that >_<11:09
bod_weird,. the drop down arrow thing is there,. just greyed out,.11:09
bod_can i ask opinions plz,.,. on a scale of 1 to 10    how stable is hardy?11:09
nacerbod_, 511:10
jscinozi would have said 811:10
nacerjscinoz, its in developppement :)11:10
jscinozbut mine isn't running on real hardware yet11:10
jscinozi know11:11
* bod_ thinks this could be interesting,. 11:11
bod_im upgrading my only os to hardy (good idea/bad idea)??11:11
jscinozbod_ are you going to be majorly screwed over if you bork your install?11:11
bod_yeah huh11:11
jscinoznacer, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:PNG_transparency_demonstration_2.png and other png display fine in my hardy vbox11:12
arkygeekhi.  any opinions on moving from gutsy to hardy on my 24" imac?11:12
nacerjscinoz, this one seem fine for me11:13
bod_nacer, u said 5,. you have major problems with hardy?11:13
jscinoznacer can you give me a link of the png that fails to display properly11:13
nacerbod_, some kernel problem11:13
nacerand some unxeptected crash of app11:14
bod_nacer, is that universal or unique? (the kernal)11:14
nacerbod_, univesal ?11:14
nacerbod_, i dont understand11:14
bod_nacer, has everyone got the same problem or just you?11:14
nacerbod_, yeah the kernel bug was reported11:15
jscinozmine is working fine, but its not on real hardware (vbox)11:15
naceri have a lot of bug after the upgrade from gusty11:15
jscinozgoing to clean install mine on weekend11:15
naceri have to reinstall all the kernel11:15
bod_so im about to experience some kernel problems ,.,.nacer?11:15
jscinozmy gutsy install is majorly borked after some kernel hackery i did a while ago11:15
nacerbod_, perhaps :)11:15
bod_sounds like fun fun fun11:15
nacerbod_, i have a persistent bug about my bluetooth headset11:15
nacerbod_, but its dont seem to be a ubuntu bug11:16
bod_i have no bluetooth headset and bluetooth dongle was major difficult to get working on gutsy11:16
theunixgeekI can't get a resolution over 800x600. How do I fix this?11:16
* arkygeek is watching the d-u happen now, crossing his fingers11:16
bod_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg     ???11:16
* bod_ is in the same position as arkygeek 11:17
jscinoztheunixgeek, graphics card?11:17
bod_arkygeek, eta 45 mins11:17
arkygeekhopefully my wifi, iSight, and graphics card will recompile11:18
nacerjscinoz, http://www.facebook.com/home.php?11:18
arkygeektook me about 14 minutes to download everything11:18
nacerthe facebook is dirty with pixel11:18
bod_arkygeek, damn you and your fast internet11:18
nacerfacebook logo11:18
bod_i dont like facebook, bebo,. and all that malarky11:18
arkygeekbod_: heh.  this is slow compared to what i used to have.  but 16 mbit adsl is ok11:18
* bod_ starts crying,. he hates his 2mb virginmedia internet11:19
* jscinoz hates australian internet11:20
arkygeekbod_: virginmedia offers 20mbit11:20
arkygeekthats what i had to give up but went with sky11:20
jscinoz150gb per month limit on an ADSL connection is horrible11:20
jscinozunlimited data please :P11:20
Galga150 gbbbbbbbbbbbbb wow11:20
jscinozi can nuke that in a week :P11:21
nacerbod_, i have 20mbit + TV + illimited national and international phone for 30 euro11:21
jscinozwe're one block from the exchange and get 21mbit11:21
Galgai m using 10gb pm only :)11:21
jscinoz21mbit + 4TB NAS + torrents = bye bye 150gb limit11:21
bod_arkygeek, im aware,. but that wont stop the fact that the bandwidth is majorly overcrowded,. youll only get 10 mb max if we paid for 20mb,.,.switching to sky in a few weeks,. cause i wanna wach terry pratchets colour of magic11:21
bod_nacer, ^^^^11:21
nacerbod_, sure i dont have any quota11:23
arkygeekbod_: i was getting consistently 18+11:23
bod_im getting constant .8 mb11:23
arkygeekbut sky is pretty good11:23
nacerso i go eat11:23
arkygeekouch that sucks11:23
jscinozwell hthat was unexpected, my hardy vbox just paniced while idling at the desktop11:23
bod_wait,.,. how many mb is 200kb?11:23
bod_ur joking?11:23
jscinoz200kb is 0.2mb11:23
bod_omg who do i listen to??11:23
arkygeek2 megabit11:23
bod_i thought it was 2megabit11:23
arkygeekwell, 1.5 probably11:23
bod_thats the fastest ive ever seen my network go11:23
arkygeek8 bits in a byte11:23
Galga2mb is 250Kilo Byte ?11:23
* jscinoz needs to pay more attention to capitalisation11:23
jscinozyeah i know what you mean11:23
jscinozdidnt see it was b not B11:23
* bod_ wants a terabyte connection speed ,.,.;~) heheheh11:24
* jscinoz needs more coffee11:24
orvokkibod_: 100Mbps is still fairly enough.11:24
bod_oh coffee,. good idea,. brb11:24
Galgabut what will you do with a terrabyte connection ?11:24
jscinozGalga, i think we both know the answer to that.11:25
Galgajscinoz: well there is a limit to everything :) don't you think11:25
jscinozporn.. oh wait i mean host a repository mirror11:25
jscinozupgrade your collection to 1080p with 7.1ch sound :P11:25
jscinozmake good use of that connection :P11:25
bod_orvokki, dont be silly watch this,.,. Galga il do this -- http://www.w3schools.com/downloadwww.htm -- ;~)11:25
ExilantI'm wondering if that is a common problem, youtube videos don't play if amarok is open (sound however plays fine)11:26
Tengudoes someone has a real doc on automatic install of hardy using preseed ?11:26
sergiu87i have resolved the problem with spund11:26
jscinozexilant,  hmm is ff3 pulse audio aware?11:26
sergiu87needed to install linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-38611:27
Tengudebian doc is nice, but doesn't work with hardy... -.-11:27
sergiu87was needed*11:27
Galgasergiu87: congrats11:27
jscinozexilant if so you could try setting FIREFOX_DSP="pulse" in /etc/firefox/firefoxrc11:27
Galgasergiu87: it took 18 hours for me to fix :)11:27
Exilantjscinoz: don't know, i'm using konqueror (sorry, forgot that)11:27
jscinoznever used it, can't really help you11:27
sergiu87Galga, maybe you had the another problem=]11:28
Exilantalso, i'm not sure, sound plays fine anyway, just the video or controls don't show up if amarok is open11:28
Galgawell 8.04 is the first version that really convinced me to switch to linux11:28
Exilantrather weird11:28
bod_what would happen if windows went open source? (dont linkme to the blog post) do you think people would still switch to linux?11:29
sergiu87Galga :D11:30
sergiu87the 8.04 is unstable11:30
Galgabod_: well as far as window is concerned, i think its better if it don't switch to opensource11:30
sergiu87you better use 7.1011:30
Galgabod_: if window does, the competition will be over11:30
willis_what if bill gates started handing out candy bars with golden tickets in them.....11:30
bod_Galga, what do you mean the competition will be over?? who wins?11:31
fromportwill he also built the elevator ? ;-)11:31
Galgabod_: the technology must win :)11:31
willis_fromport,  and Free the Ooompa-loompas from their coding  cubes!11:31
bod_is that us or them Galga ??11:31
Galgaits neither, its for all11:32
jscinozWell, the coffee isn't doing to for me, night guys :) happy debugging :P11:32
jscinozdoing it*11:32
bod_is tux an Ooompa Lumppaa?11:32
* arkygeek hands jscinoz some speed :P11:32
jscinozsee what lack of coffee makes you do11:32
willis_but why discuss whats not going to ever ever happen..11:32
jscinozo noes11:32
Galgajscinoz: night night11:32
bod_Galga, you still havent answered my question11:32
arkygeekheh  g'nite jscinoz11:32
jscinozi want one of those tux droids arstechnica reviewed, python programmable tux robot = awesome minion11:32
jscinoznight guys :)11:32
bod_bod thinks everyone should watch this ,.,. -- http://www.cenda.cz/downSources/KillerTux.html11:33
Galgabod_: well i think i did dude. Lets take ubuntu for example11:33
Galgathe login screen11:33
Galgathe compiz11:34
Galgabeautiful icons and so on11:34
willis_Now if all the manafactures started opensourcing their drivers...  that would be an interesting turn of events.. but thats proberly not going to happen any time soon either.11:34
Galgawindows is defining infact progressing and so is linux11:34
bod_willis_, you ruined the answer thing we had going11:34
bod_Galga, so who wins?11:35
willis_windows is very good at taking 2 steps forward and 3 back...11:35
sergiu87yeah. the movie player in ubuntu 8.04 is more mature11:35
sergiu87like it11:35
bod_4 back,.,.,.lol11:35
Galgathe new generation11:35
bod_can i ask,. whats with all the orange?11:35
willis_vista was about 5 steps back in many areas.11:35
bod_Galga, who is the new generation?11:35
ccookebod_: why not orange?11:35
bod_willis_, the ubuntu orange11:36
willis_The Littigation Generation.11:36
bod_ccooke, i think its too 'in ya face' and not at all modern,.11:36
Exilantwillis_: with vista and 64-bit, hardware support in win isn't as good anymore11:36
ccookebod_: what's 'modern', then?11:36
willis_64bit hardware support in most OS;'s is not that good.. like a chicken and egg problem. :) but its slowly progressing11:36
willis_ the turning point i guess will be when people start needing more then 4gb of ram11:37
bod_ccooke, damn,.errm,.,. not bright orange11:37
Exilantyeah, probably11:37
Galgabod_: students, investors, scientists, doctors, teachers.....11:37
ccookebod_: but it looks good.11:37
Exilantcan't really see that coming11:37
Galgabod_: all having access to good and mateure tools11:37
bod_ccooke, when i installed gutsy,.,. the first thing on my mind was getting rid of the horrible them,.11:38
Exilantmaybe with hd-video-devices at low cost?11:38
Galgawillis_: i think the next version of windows will be another OS of choice for many11:38
ccookewillis_: 64 bit is already good enough on Linux. The *only* downside remaining is the lack of java support in the web browser.11:38
ccookethat's the only remaining reason to run a 32bit browser (and hence to have a horrible mess that makes everything fragile)11:39
bod_the refresh rate in npveiwer.bin is crap!!11:39
ccookebod_: looks fine to me. Besides, it's themable - what's the problem with it?11:39
spirooWondering, I know there is no support for Hardy just wonder. I wondering the wubi package for Windows. After I installed it, the OS does not appear when I boot. Maybe I did forgot to update grub :P Well I wondering, is it not possible to install it on a free partition or overwrite another GNU/Linux dist.11:39
spirooAfter I installed Hardy inside Wubi I mean ,)11:39
bod_ccooke, what npviewer? the refresh rate is really slow11:39
ccookebod_: no, the theme.11:40
willis_wubi installes to a file on the windows drive, and i thought tweraked the windows bootloader to boot the wubu-ubuntu  thing.11:40
spirooI thought it was to install without to boot from LiveCD inside WIndows.11:40
willis_I think.. I dont plan on EVER using wubi. :)  so i may be wrong.11:40
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://wubi-installer.org/11:40
bod_human theme isnt themable ccooke,.,. not in gutsy,. you have to theme a different theme then change,.,. i think the orange and whitegrey dont compliment eachother,. a more black and silver is to my liking,. i dont mind that its orange i just dont like it,.,. it gives a childish impression to it,. well human gutsy theme does,. i havent seen hardy theme yet ;~)11:41
h3sp4wnThe ubuntustudio theme is ok11:42
Galgabod_: try this blackwhite theme its really cool11:42
ccookebod_: in general, *themes* are not themable themselves. That would be silly.11:42
spirooWhy not a beige and coffe latte color theme?11:42
bod_Galga, i have a black and silver theme,. with black and white 2 icons11:42
ccookebod_: but *ubuntu* is themable. There are several other choices you could use.11:42
h3sp4wnI dunno whether it would be silly11:42
h3sp4wnOther wm's allow it11:43
Galgabod_: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SlicknesS+Emerald?content=73972&PHPSESSID=1bf2671782c3f065e6e3c229c89c317a11:43
Galgaits awesome11:43
bod_Galga, that is the exact theme i have ,.,.;~) hehe11:43
Galgabut i m still searching how to change the icons11:44
bod_Galga, did you get the icon set they recommended?11:44
willis_the massive flexiabilty of gnome and  the other desktops/wms in linux - can be amazingly confuseing to ex-windows-xombies.. err.. users..11:44
Galgayeah i have neon, style perhaps others as well11:44
bod_Galga, i no how11:44
Galgabod_: i would really appreciate if you guide me :)11:44
willis_Fire up the gnome theme settings tool. download new icon theme, drag/drop it to the theme tool.11:45
willis_It should install them in your .icons dir.11:45
Galgawillis_: where is gnome theme settings tool ?11:45
willis_the gnome-art tool/program 'used' to work.. but its a bit broken now. It can download, but not install the parts last i tried it.11:45
bod_Galga, System--> Pref--> Appearence--> select your theme then click 'customize'-->icon tab11:45
willis_Galga,  look in your menus..11:45
willis_explore, learn, try things out.11:45
willis_its amazing all the 'drag and drop' things that you dont realize exist in gnome.11:45
bod_to true!!11:46
willis_'How do you add a directory to your places' -> drag and drop it to the sidebar.11:46
spiroowillis_: Allright, well I think it could be quite handy in some cases.11:46
bod_how do you install a them,. drag and drop into appearences menu11:46
spiroowillis_: I mean Wubi11:46
willis_themes install that way also.  NOW some will only get added to the  settings only when you CUSTOMIZE the theme you are using.11:46
Galgaok customize clicked11:46
willis_spiroo,  I imagine when this gets officially out. there will be WAY too many wubi questions.11:47
bod_Galga, go to the 'icons' tab11:47
arkygeekis kde4 installed by default with hardy?11:47
willis_you dont even need to go to the icons tab to drag/drop the icon themes. :)  you can do it on the first tab.11:47
willis_arkygeek,  its to be optional i think11:47
bod_willis_, i think were talking about changing an icon theme that is already there11:47
arkygeekwillis_: ok thx11:47
willis_bod_,  :)11:48
Galgabod_: i have downloaded icon.tar.bz2 packages in a desktop folder11:48
bod_Galga, what does the readme say?11:48
Galgai mean those icons from the website link11:49
bod_Galga, yer,. what does the readme say?11:49
Galgabod_: no readme, yet11:49
bod_pastebin it11:49
Galgai think i need to extract to get that readme11:49
Galgahmm ok11:50
bod_Galga, thats isnt thesame theme as me actually,. i have SlicknesS u haave SlicknesS Emerald11:50
bod_Galga, is this icons or the gtk theme? link me to the download and il download and try aswell11:51
Galgaok wait11:51
bod_11 mins then my attention goes on my hardy install11:52
bod_it has to reboot im afraid11:52
arkygeekthings are still installing and srtting up here...11:53
Galgabod_: the links on the page i posted. i think i downloaded most from these11:53
bod_im still downloading ,.,.lol11:53
bod_Galga, i see no links to icons?11:54
Galga71993-SlicknesS.tar.gz, black_white_2_Gloss_big_by_DBGthekafu.tar etc11:54
bod_oh thats the one i have,.,.hang on11:54
amon__i have a tricky question11:55
arkygeekclose now i think - update initramfs11:55
amon__how can i prevent the copy files dialog from getting focus everytime i copy more files?11:55
arkygeekhald restarated11:55
* arkygeek is getting scared :P11:56
Galgabod_: its left to last line LICENSE: GPL11:56
bod_Galga, im downloading now11:56
Galgabod_: k11:56
arkygeekwow. all done11:56
arkygeekany bets on whether it is going to work or not when i reboot? hehehe11:57
arkygeekhere goes.... talk to you all again in a few days ;-)11:57
bod_Galga, OMG that readme is crap!!! just drag the tar.gz   into the icons bit of the appearence window11:58
willis_[14678.776926] sshfs[28161]: segfault at 00001287 eip b7dbf39c esp b42fcf18 error 411:59
willis_bod_,  :) drag and drop - so intuituve in ways,., and so hard to actually rember its doable..11:59
willis_then theres cases where it should work and it dont12:00
Galgabod_: cann't12:00
bod_willis_, lol,.12:00
bod_Galga, why?12:00
Galgathe folder flys back to its original window12:01
bod_1 sec12:01
willis_and sshfs crashes again.. *sigh*12:02
willis_you may be dropping it in the wrong place..12:02
willis_its the kind of thing thats hard to describe in words. OR it may be the archive is packed in a funny way12:02
willis_ive only isntalled the icon pacs ive downloaded with gnome-art12:02
bod_Galga, i got it,.,. unpack untill u have just the folder,.,. untarred12:03
bod_Galga,  then put it into /home/galga/.icons12:03
bod_10 secs till download finished12:04
bod_ok now its gonna install for an hour,.,.lol12:04
willis_'there are 254 packages avialable for updateing' :)12:06
willis_dare i update?12:06
fromportupdated this morning (laptop) and everything is still working ;-)12:06
willis_Been testing out SidUX disrto on my other machines this week.. debating tossing it on this box as well. :P12:07
fromportdoes sidux do xen of kvm ?12:09
willis_Ive never messed with xen. or kvm. so no idea. :)12:10
bod_"" "" heard of """"""""""""12:11
arkygeekhehe - hi all12:11
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arkygeeki had to recompile my video driver12:11
bod_hehe hi arkygeek12:11
arkygeekbut other than that, all seems well12:11
arkygeeksound, wifi...12:12
bod_arkygeek, that cant be good, i dont know how to do that......12:12
willis_Hmm.. Hardy just lost my dvd burner.. after i burnt one disk...12:12
LeerokThere's no day like today.12:12
arkygeekoops.  lost my iSight12:12
bod_willis_, that damn Hardy,. where did he put it this time..12:12
arkygeekguess i have to recompile that too :-(12:13
LeerokGet a text-to-speech programme.12:13
willis_K3bDevice::Device) Unable to do inquiry. /dev/scd0 is not a cdrom device12:14
willis_Oh YES it is! :012:14
willis_ heh heh12:14
bod_Leerok, dont start me on that,.,. the women in this house went mental when they found out windows had one of those,. hours of irritating voices12:14
LeerokQuite funny.12:14
bod_willis_, thats what you get for using kde apps,.,.;~)12:14
LeerokWhat about KDE apps?12:15
LeerokI've had no trouble with them.12:15
willis_It seems its more of a kernel issue then a kde issue12:15
bod_Leerok, tbh im using amarok atm but i just think most of them r clunky12:15
LeerokI rather like KDE apps.12:15
willis_I wont be mean and say.. 'the more i use gnome, the more i perfer kde' :)12:16
LeerokKate, k3b, Konqueror, and all that.12:16
willis_Of course this week ive been twiddling/tweaking my own fluxbox desktop12:16
bod_i like gnome apps,. just because the name is like gnasher and i like denace the menace12:16
LeerokI wish it were called Dwarf.12:16
* willis_ has no idea who anyone/what bod_ just mentioned is....12:16
willis_im wondering if the  Hardy release date will get pushed back..   but it will get done when its done.. so why worry.12:17
willis_i always wait about 2 weeks after a new releae to install anyway. Heh.12:18
bod_willis_, the person in front is dennis  -- http://www.noblepr.co.uk/Press_Releases/liberation/images/beano/pack.jpg12:18
LeerokI generally install upon release if I have time.12:18
bod_i havent used linux long enough to see a *release* yet12:18
bod_i think we should have a big party in here,. on release day,. bring the bots and have a laugh12:19
willis_this channel normally gets closed after the release. for a few days. :)12:19
willis_Then repopens for the NEXT release...  heh12:19
bod_10 mins till install is done12:20
willis_Then you will have 4 hrs of updates12:21
fromportand 24 hours of debugging ;-)12:22
bod_sounds like fun12:23
cwillubod_, should have been here for the big libc crash of ought-eight12:24
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bod_cwillu, i dont understand what you said so it wouldnt affect me ,.,.hehe ;~)12:25
willis_the sound shortage of 0612:25
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cwillubod_, if you had tried this a week ago, you'd be crying pretty hard in ten minutes :p12:25
willis_in the last few weeks.. thers been some MAJOR bug/update problems..12:25
bod_cwillu, lol,.,. i cant be bothered to wait anymore,.,.12:26
cwillubod_, I'll just tell you what I told the last dozen folk12:26
cwillubod_, just because it works perfectly today doesn't mean it'll work at all after you update tomorrow :p12:27
cwilluso don't update until beta if everything works, unless you like digging around in single user mode :p12:27
bod_cwillu, its ok ,., me and my machine have an understanding,.,. he is the holder of all worldly knowledge........and i have a huge hammer!!!!12:27
bod_omg,.,.the install said 10 mins ten mins ago,. it still says 10 mins12:30
flipstarafair its downloading packages during install..12:31
bod_my mozilla just died??12:31
bod_damn,.,. i get this error when trying to load mozilla from terminal        Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9b4 and 1.9b4.12:32
bod_maybe the install of hardy is screwing things up already12:33
flipstaryou are upgrading ..?12:33
LeerokWhat is a GRE?12:34
bod_flipstar, yes12:35
bod_Leerok, dunno12:35
flipstarwikipedia says its kind of networkprotocoll12:42
PiciI vaguely remember that error from one of the early Hardy alphas, check LP.12:43
bod_cleaning up, then the maic reboot moment12:44
bardyri just installed gnome-do and played with it for a little time12:44
bardyrand i LOVE it :D12:45
bod_nice knowin yall,.,. brb maybe,.lol12:45
flipstar!info gnome-do hardy12:48
ubotugnome-do (source: gnome-do): Quickly perform actions on your desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 50 kB, installed size 216 kB12:49
bardyrits like alt+f2 on steroids with bling bling12:49
bardyrand plugins :D12:49
bod_ok,. whats different?12:52
bardyrthe feel and look, behaviour, and it can connect to ssh, find files, etc12:54
bod_i have a theme12:54
bod_it looks the same??12:54
bod_ok,.,. the only difference i have noticed is the login screen looks better12:55
h3sp4wnso its a katapult rip off12:58
h3sp4wndunno why people never come up with new ideas12:58
Oli``is the "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon." error a beta thing or a "Oli broke it thing"?12:58
h3sp4wnIts happened to me before12:59
h3sp4wndidn't make any difference that I noticed though12:59
Oli``I'm getting it every boot - and yeah it doesn't have any noticeable effect12:59
bardyrh3sp4wn, its better then katapult, its gnome ;)13:00
Oli``I don't see why it has to be a "new idea" to be better?13:01
hydrogengnome has to copy kde13:01
hydrogenIt has for a long time13:01
hydrogenJust accept it and use kde to get new features in a timely fashion13:01
h3sp4wnThe thing I find funny about gnome is people say how simple it is13:03
h3sp4wnBut to do normal day to day stuff you have to mess around in gconf-editor13:04
h3sp4wn(because its not at all obvious where stuff is)13:04
bardyrh3sp4wn, define normal?, it has been ages since i was in gconf-editor13:04
h3sp4wnif its even in the gui at all13:04
* Oli`` uses gnome *all* the time for about a year and has only used gconf twice13:04
bardyri just prefer gnome's much less bloated interface compered to KDE13:04
bardyrand the look and feel of gnome13:05
hydrogenI find it funny how people say that13:05
hydrogenand yet13:05
h3sp4wnputting a wpa_passphrase in because for some reason its trunkated by the gui13:05
hydrogenpeople go and put all sorts of doodads in gnome13:05
hydrogenbecause the default isn't good enough for them13:05
h3sp4wnSun's gnome is pretty nice13:05
penHow to start using pulseaudio?13:05
bardyrdefaults work pretty good for me13:05
penI can't have multiple sound source13:05
h3sp4wnUbuntu's isn't its the little things13:05
hydrogenif the defaults worked you wouldn't be after installing gnome-do, and gdesklets, and everything else13:06
Oli``hydrogen: I've got to say that the only thing I've done to really customise gnome is move the panels about and change the applets - than add programs like Do and conky13:06
penDo is quite nice13:07
bardyrhydrogen, the only thing i have installed is gnome-do, and the reason its not included is because its new13:07
h3sp4wnHaving loads of python junk around makes the desktop sluggish13:07
h3sp4wnat least with kde its written in C++ (and you can avoid the kubuntu python)13:07
hydrogenits not just python13:08
hydrogenit's also mono (slow and stupid)13:08
h3sp4wnany interpretted crap13:08
Oli``Mono isn't *that* slow.. It's not interpreted for starters13:08
h3sp4wnsawfish was quite good though13:08
hydrogenif all you install is gnome-do13:09
h3sp4wnlisp is an ideal language for extending13:09
hydrogenI'm really interested to hear how kdes default desktop is more congested than gnomes default desktop13:09
hydrogenGnome comes with two panels, kde comes with one13:09
hydrogenother than that, they have the same things13:09
Oli``hydrogen: it's not the desktop for me - it's the UI13:09
penfor me gnome is more artistically pleasing than KDE13:09
hydrogensame thing13:09
Galgai prefer one panel, it leaves more space to display, unless using large display13:09
hydrogengtk is pretty horridable13:10
h3sp4wnI never ever use any gnome apps13:10
h3sp4wnThey are just so simplistic as to be useless13:10
Oli``<hydrogen> gtk is pretty horridable < we'll have to agree to disagree on that point - and that probably answers your question13:10
hydrogenlook at the options... xchat vs. konversation...13:10
hydrogenepihany vs konqueror.. about even13:10
h3sp4wnOli``: gtk is horrible to program properly thats why they use python and mono etc13:11
hydrogenamarok vs. any of the gnome options that come right out and say "a gtk _clone_ of amarok"13:11
Oli``pish, everybody uses firefox =)13:11
h3sp4wnkonqueror4 is much nicer than fireox13:11
hydrogenfirefox isn't a gnome app, so it's not a valid point of discussion13:11
Oli``h3sp4wn: oh sure - but I'm also a .net programmer so I'm not going to fly too far from the nest =)13:11
h3sp4wnI just don't want kde3 and kde4 services at once13:11
penwhy hardy can't have multiple sound sources?13:12
h3sp4wnIt can13:12
penor how do I enable it?13:12
Oli``hydrogen: I wasn't saying it was - just that everybody uses firefox so why compare two browsers that practically nobody uses?13:12
h3sp4wnIt can pipe the same stuff through both as well13:12
penI use both13:12
hydrogenOli``: because we are comparing their respective desktop environments13:12
hydrogenunless you have other applications that can be compared across the two ... ?13:13
h3sp4wnkonqueror4 is exactly what I want from a browser really13:13
h3sp4wnIf there was a build everything in build of that I would swap it for firefox in an instant13:15
Oli``One place I will bend - Kaffeine and even SMplayer beat the living daylights of any GTK+ media player13:15
h3sp4wnand k3b and amarok are in similar situations13:16
Oli``... though I've gone back to using xine-ui13:16
Oli``Amarok yes (though there are 3 gtk alternatives that are improving at massive speeds) and I've never seen why people think k3b is all that.13:17
h3sp4wnAll the gtk alternatives are written in python13:18
Oli``and mono13:18
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Galgacan i reclaim my swap partition ? i have like 2gb and noticed it never being used13:19
Oli``But I'm not running this PC with a 133mhz P2 and 64megs of RAM... I don't need to be stingy about the technologies things use13:19
h3sp4wnEverything should be lightning fast with the processing power we have these days13:20
Ngwe're not running C64 apps though13:21
orvokkih3sp4wn: With the ever-increasing amount of eye candy, not really.13:21
h3sp4wnorvokki: Why should I care about eye candy13:21
Ngit's not even just eye candy13:22
Nglook at OpenOffice13:22
bmk789Galga: you should probably run with at least 256mb or so swap MINIMUM13:22
orvokkiHeh, true.13:22
orvokkiNg: Or even FF2. ;>13:22
Ngit's a huge application suite13:22
h3sp4wnThe stuff IRIX did 10 years ago impressed me more and there is certain things even now that a high end geforce gets wrong13:22
h3sp4wn(and that was with a 200 mhz mips)13:22
Ngyour PC might be 10 times faster than the last one, but your software is 10 times bigger ;)13:22
orvokkiAt least 10 times bigger.13:23
Oli``h3sp4wn: No that's silly things only need to run as fast as you can use them.. Audio playback just isn't important enough to require it be programmed in ASM13:23
Galgabmk789: ok thanks, i was looking for how to reduce swap size from 2gb to 1gb, since i already have 1gb ram. making it 1:113:23
orvokkiSometimes it feels that when the PC gets 10 times faster, software gets 15 times bigger.13:23
h3sp4wnOli``: look at imlib213:23
orvokkiSo performance decreases all the time.13:23
h3sp4wnthat uses mmx / see assembler and its lightyears ahead of the alternatives13:24
h3sp4wnorvokki: There is no reason for it to be like that other than programmers becoming lazy13:24
orvokkih3sp4wn: Why should the programmers not be lazy if they can?13:25
Galgahow about cell processors ?13:25
h3sp4wnorvokki: Forcing people to pay intel / amd money to run their junk13:25
Galga9 core procs. 1 Main and 8 parallel13:25
orvokkih3sp4wn: That's not away from the programmers.13:25
orvokkiNor the software companies.13:26
orvokkiEnd user is the only one who complains.13:26
orvokkiEveryone else either benefits or isn't affected by the situation.13:27
h3sp4wnI don't benefit from people ramming stuff down my neck I don't want13:27
orvokkiThen again, you are probably an end user. ;>13:27
h3sp4wnI hope OpenSolaris takes off13:29
orvokkiHeh, OpenSolaris is mostly Solaris - stable proprietary server software. :P13:29
h3sp4wn(Sun does have closer to my interests at heart - If I could get my engineering apps on Solaris x86 I would be very happy)13:30
h3sp4wnPeople use Solaris for visualisation also13:30
h3sp4wnMy sparc if it had texture_from_pixmap would probably run compiz well13:31
Galga8.04 supports HT ?13:31
h3sp4wnhyperthreading ?13:31
h3sp4wnor highres timers13:31
Oli``h3sp4wn: I see your point that bloat is evil but I don't see how people are ramming stuff down your throat. You've got as much choice as anybody on Linux ever what you run. If you want to use ultra-efficient apps on Enlightenment, please be my guest. I play games. I'm going to keep upgrading my PC until I die. And, hell, I'd like it if using a few extra cycles made my desktop a little nicer and easier to use. I'm also a programmer and I know how much faster13:31
Oli`` it is to get things done (and deploy them) if you're using a framework (Mono) or common runtime/interpreter. I would rather apps were improved faster than them running at inperceivably super fast. Lunchtime.13:31
Galgawhen i run system monitor i see only one proc. but in previous 7.10 i had two procs13:32
Galgah3sp4wn: yup hyperthreading13:32
penAnyone know how can I start using pulseaudio in hardy?13:32
h3sp4wnGalga: uname -r ?13:33
Galgapen: there is an ongoing session in #alsa about pulseaudio howto13:33
h3sp4wnI wish the pulseaudio was compiled against the soundcard.h from oss413:33
penGalga: ok13:33
h3sp4wninstall the -generic13:33
h3sp4wnaptitude / apt-get install linux-generic13:33
h3sp4wn(it uses 686 specific features so cannot work on a 386 kernel)13:34
Galgaalready the newest version13:34
h3sp4wnwell remove the 386 kernels then13:34
h3sp4wnor just select the right one from grub13:34
Galgaoh, will removing the kernel means no voice again ?13:34
penGalga: are you sure? I see only no one talking13:35
Galga< KFP> Zider: ...And when I try "aplay -vv file.wav", it says "*** PULSEAUDIO: Unable to connect: Connection refused    aplay: main:546: audio open error: Connection refused".13:35
Balaams_MiracleI see that xmms has disappeared from the repos, does anyone know why this is?13:36
penis pulseaudio enabled by default in hardy?13:36
Galga< Thingol> KFP: pulseaudio not running? run "pulseaudio -D --log-target=syslog".13:36
Galgapen: you should wait a while13:37
sobersabreI have downloaded the cd image from:13:39
sobersabreand I compared the md5sum, and it's different from what is in the MD5SUMS file.13:39
sobersabrecan somebody check if the md5sum in the file is correct ?13:39
bardyrsobersabre, the md5sum is correct13:43
bardyrsobersabre, if you are on a unix box use rsync to complete the download13:43
Balaams_MiracleNevermind the question about XMMS, guys. I've found this answer: http://people.debian.org/~terpstra/message/20070702.155802.ad2e5b7d.en.html13:44
bardyrBalaams_Miracle, try audacious instead, its just like xmms there is even a xmms theme, it just works much better13:45
Galgahow to check which XSERVER version is inuse13:45
Balaams_Miraclebardyr: I know Audacious, but i was quite attached to XMMS.13:46
bardyrBalaams_Miracle, with the xmms theme i cant tell the difference between xmms and audacious13:46
bardyrand wow they actually killed xmms :O13:46
bardyrits been a long time overdue13:46
Balaams_Miraclebardyr: I've already installed Audacious, it's better than BMPx (to me, at least) but still my second choice.13:47
h3sp4wnBalaams_Miracle: For xmms 4front oss is king13:49
lootoowhat linux developers think about moving drivers to userspace?13:55
h3sp4wnlootoo: They like the idea13:57
axisyshow do I make a usb a bootable ubuntu? my laptop bios is capable of booting off of usb13:57
h3sp4wnlootoo: especially for non-free anyway13:57
lootooh3sp4wn: so it was not a wrong decision which MS done with transition to Vista? cuz kernel latency tester show latency increased from 50 in XP to 100013:58
Galgaaxisys: perhaps making an image of the partition and copy it to usb ?13:58
h3sp4wnlootoo: I think some things belong in the kernel13:58
hereliesjoeaxisys, use remastersys13:58
h3sp4wnaxisys: I made a bootable alpha 4 using nothing but the iso13:59
h3sp4wnand syslinux13:59
axisysGalga: that wont work13:59
bardyrshoudnt it be possible to mount the iso and use dd to copy everything from the iso including bootloader etc to a flash device?13:59
h3sp4wnI just used cp and installed syslinux correctly13:59
axisysh3sp4wn: I get this when I run syslinux /dev/sdb1: Cluster sizes larger than 16K not supported14:00
bardyryou will lose all space above 700mb but you should have a quick and dirty install media14:00
Exilantis there a way to comfortably remove some packages and their dependencies other than deborphan/autoremove fiddling?14:00
h3sp4wnaxisys: I think I needed some options to syslinux14:00
axisysbardyr: its a 2GB usb.. i like to keep the space14:00
bardyraxisys, then you need to copy the file and install syslinux correctly, there are tons of guides on google14:00
h3sp4wnIt didn't take a long time though14:01
axisysbardyr: syslinux gave me the following message..14:01
axisys/dev/sdb1: Cluster sizes larger than 16K not supported14:01
bardyrh3sp4wn, yea but you are a uber l33t linux g33k :)14:01
h3sp4wnaxisys: take a look at the grml2usb script14:01
hereliesjoeaxisys, use remastersys, it works !14:02
h3sp4wnaxisys: (search for it grml is a similar thing squashfs etc and they use syslinux14:02
hereliesjoeaxisys, http://loscompanion.com/forums/index.php?board=58.014:02
h3sp4wnIf you just read that shell script and apply the steps to ubuntu by hand then it will work14:03
hereliesjoeaxisys, http://www.remastersys.klikit.org/14:03
Galgawell how about a virtual box ? copy paste to usb will work ?14:04
axisyshereliesjoe: looking at your last link.. remasterkeys link14:06
h3sp4wnIf you want it on usb (I at least) would want the livecd possibly with some packages changed14:07
hereliesjoeaxisys, it works, it's simple, cd/dvd or usb and the guy behind it responds in the forum to questions14:07
h3sp4wnIn this case there was too much stuff infront of the place where my external cd was14:07
hereliesjoeaxisys, you can also make a small usb distro by installing command line system, followed by gdm, then a window manager of your choice and your packages, then use remastersys14:08
h3sp4wnthere is live-package as well thats pretty easy to use14:08
hereliesjoeaxisys, i made my own usb distro for pen testing14:08
h3sp4wnI think if I wanted to use it for anything really though I wouldn't base it on ubuntu14:09
h3sp4wnor if I did I would use some stuff from somewhere else for hardware detection14:10
axisysi like knoppix14:10
h3sp4wnI like grml14:10
hereliesjoeh3sp4wn, why go with something else? you can customize your ubuntu install how you want then run remastersys14:10
h3sp4wnProbably you could base a knoppix remaser on ubuntu14:10
h3sp4wnhereliesjoe: Is there a toram option ?14:11
axisysh3sp4wn: which is based on knoppix14:11
hereliesjoeh3sp4wn, I haven't checked14:11
h3sp4wnaxisys: grml was now its based on sid14:11
axisysh3sp4wn: still looking for the grm2usb script14:12
axisysgrml2usb that is14:12
lootoodid hardy upgraded to gnome 2.22 already?14:13
h3sp4wnthe packages are -014:13
Nglootoo: yes14:13
h3sp4wnso I would think its a RC (I didn't check though)14:14
h3sp4wnor were14:14
lootooand Xorg? it was release candidate for all latest alphas14:15
h3sp4wnI dunno - people have different definitions of RC though anyway14:16
lootooyou may check Xorg --version14:16
lootooit was labeled as prerelease version14:16
h3sp4wnSome people its we really think its almost perfect14:16
h3sp4wn(e.g emacs)14:16
h3sp4wnSome people intend to have loads of point releases within only a few weeks14:17
axisyswhen I try to wget anything for example http://hg.grml.org/grml2usb/raw-file/tip/grml2usb  I get this error14:18
axisysError parsing proxy URL http://localhost:4001 : Bad port number14:18
axisyshow do I remove the proxy14:18
axisysI was playing with tor and privproxy and now I am not sure what I did *sigh*14:18
axisysi can browse thru ff fine14:18
h3sp4wnbe in there somewhere (grep for 4001)14:18
axisysbut i cannot even apt-get now *sigh*14:18
h3sp4wnor try with wget --no-proxy14:19
h3sp4wnenv | grep 4001 and it will tell you the culprit almost certainly14:19
axisys(root)@ghar:~$ env | grep 400114:20
h3sp4wnhttp_proxy= I would guess14:20
h3sp4wnbeat me14:20
axisysh3sp4wn: u r good .. amazingly impressive14:20
h3sp4wnnow to find where its defined14:20
axisysh3sp4wn: now let me find how I get that set14:20
h3sp4wnbe somewhere in /etc14:20
axisyswget --no-proxy works like a chame14:20
h3sp4wnmaybe /etc/environment  (but just grep -r http_proxy /etc will find it eventually)14:21
axisysh3sp4wn: yep.. it is exactly that file14:21
axisysh3sp4wn: dude u r too smart14:21
axisysnow I do I clear it from memory or do I need to restart the ubuntu?14:22
axisyshow do I?14:22
h3sp4wnYou have to logout and back in14:23
h3sp4wn(because /etc/environment is sourced by the initial login shell14:24
axisysi just exported the variable for now14:24
axisysthat cleared it from memory atleast for this terminal14:25
axisysuntil I reboot I will just keep doing it on new terminal *shrug*14:25
h3sp4wnyep those type of things are annoying14:25
axisysh3sp4wn: heh14:25
h3sp4wnI was messing around getting rxvt-unicode working to a bsd box earlier14:25
h3sp4wn(and some stuff uses termcap and some terminfo) and when its not working you cannot even use vi properly14:26
axisysh3sp4wn: oh yeah14:27
h3sp4wnFreeBSD took a long term view (around when I last worked with it) and its come to fruition properly now 7 years or so later)14:28
hereliesjoeLet's talk about marijuana http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/opinion/2004288440_kathleentaylor18.html14:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drugs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:29
h3sp4wnYou shouldn't talk about drugs in here14:30
h3sp4wnIts not family friendly14:30
ArandHardy is the only legal drug here.14:30
hereliesjoesorry wrong window, it's a plant btw14:30
hereliesjoenature is family friendly14:30
h3sp4wnIs it ?14:31
h3sp4wnI think alot of parents are scared of things happening to their kids these days14:32
hereliesjoemicrosoft's software should be at the front of their worries14:33
hereliesjoemicrosoft office - remember, the first hit is free14:33
h3sp4wnYeah you can see that with the ultimate steal offer to students14:34
h3sp4wn(for Office 2007 Ultimate)14:34
h3sp4wnMatlab is worse though £50 for the student version - £5000 for the commercial (Without any of the toolboxes)14:36
=== hereliesjoe is now known as marijuana_munchk
jimqodealpha 6 users. Does clicking on the clock applet hang gnome-panel?14:38
Galgajimqode: the clock panel is the one which displays day, date, time ?14:39
Galgajimqode: if so, no it doesn't14:39
jimqodeGalga, yes. Do you have a location set? Do you see a world map on the applet?14:39
lootooomg it still hangs?14:40
lootoowith gnome 2.22 release?14:40
oxigenif i try to set pulseaudio i get this error: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument14:40
oxigenhmm, maybe i should reboot after today's apt :P14:40
jimqodehmm weird. I installed from the alpha 6 image and updated today14:41
Galgajimqode: ok done it14:41
Galgajimqode: its working like a charm14:41
beerockxsAnyone know of a bug that would cause single mouse clicks to register as doubleclicks?14:41
jimqodeclicking on the clock applet when there are no locations set hangs the panel14:41
jimqodeWhen I add a location it does not hang anymore14:42
AutoMatriX_ghost AutoMatriX viper14:43
=== AutoMatriX_ is now known as AutoMatriX
Galgajimqode: no, it was working fine before without settings and even working fine after i set it14:45
Galgaalthough i don't see any weather updates or wind speeds14:45
Arandno, sorry.14:47
Galgabeerockxs: perhaps checking for mouse click settings ? configured for double click or single click14:47
ConstyXIVanyone had a bug where NetworkManager simply wouldn't work after suspend/resume?14:48
GalgaConstyXIV: yes the network manager is not responsive. the icon disappeared and reappeared after 3 to 4 time boot14:49
GalgaConstyXIV: and if opened, all options are grayed out14:50
beerockxsGalga: they're configured for single click, but the "test your doubleclick settings" lightbulb thing show I make a double click each time I single click. And the mouse is not broken, it works in Windows.14:50
lootooi cant belive beta is in 3 days14:50
oxigenno luck with pulseaudio :(14:51
oxigenwhat's the trick anyway?14:51
beerockxsxev shows 2 ButtonPress events when I click just once14:51
Galgabeerockxs: well, try to clean it hope it helps ? or check if its plug well14:52
Galgaoxigen: #alsa :)14:52
beerockxsGalga: As I said, it's working fine in Windows, so it must be a software issue14:53
oxigenGalga: oh yea, they will be happy with pulseaudio questions, huh?14:53
lootoobeerockxs: not an exactly correct logic, but high chance it is true14:53
ArandIt may be that the particular mouse disagrees with ubuntu, do you have any others to test with?14:54
Galgaoxigen: well, if you can join another channel i can post something, a previous session from #alsa14:54
Galgaoxigen: but at your own risk, since i m newbie14:55
oxigenwhy can't we talk here?14:55
Galgaoxigen: because that include a copy paste from another channel14:56
Galgaoxigen: i dono whether its allowed or not14:56
Arandyou have some copypaste thing... http://cl1p.net so you can just have a link.15:01
Galgathanks for tip15:02
setuidCan someone show me how to get more than 3GB of RAM on an Intel C2D laptop? I've tried adding the mem=4096M to the kopt line in grub's menu.lst, no luck.15:02
setuidThe BIOS sees 4096M, but Linux does not15:03
setuidMemTotal:      3114612 kB15:03
setuidMemFree:         14948 kB15:03
henkjansetuid: install 64bit ubuntut15:03
setuidhenkjan, I tried running a 64-bit kernel, that didn't help either15:03
setuidSo I doubt a 64-bit OS would either15:03
setuidSeems to be an Intel chipset limitation, from what I'm reading15:03
setuidi.e. hard-wired.15:04
setuidCurrent kernel I'm running is a 64-bit "server" kernel with PAE enabled, still only sees 3.1G15:04
lootoowhat devices you have in PC? and what video card15:04
setuidlootoo, It's a discrete adapter (i.e. separate, not "shared" RAM).15:04
setuidIt's an NVidia15:04
setuid01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Quadro FX 570M (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])15:05
lootooit may take address space15:05
setuidhenkjan, It'll take me about a day and a half to convert from this 32-bit install to a 64-bit build15:05
setuidlootoo, Over 1GB of address space?15:05
DanaGArgh, I left my computer on overnight to run a torrent, and then this morning I found that it had mysteriously locked up with a black screen overnight.15:06
lootoobut doubt it is matter for 64 bit... do you have 4 gb remapping or something enabled in BIOS?15:06
setuidlootoo, No such option in my BIOS... (it's a Thinkpad, 1 week old)15:07
Wobbocurrently the splash screen still has a wrong aspect ratio on widscreen monitors, the logo and the progressbar are stretched horizontally, will that be fixed?15:07
setuidWobbo, Did you edit your usplash.conf?15:07
DanaGwtf?  my computer just randomly beeped at me!15:08
DanaGohhh, it's that stupid gnome-power-manager "make sounds on errors"15:08
Wobbosetuid: yes, the resolution it's using is ok but the 2 items are stretched15:08
DanaGCLosing and opening the lid is NOT an error!15:08
setuidhenkjan, Is there a 64-bit bootable ISO somewhere with the alternate installer?15:08
setuidWobbo, I don't have that problem with 1920x1200 res here.15:09
setuidLooks great15:09
jimqodeboot splash look weird on my laptop too. 1280x80015:09
Wobboi have an 1680*1050 and 1280*80015:09
Wobboi have an 1680*1050 and 1280*80015:09
DanaGOh yeah, vga=anything breaks consoles for me.15:10
setuidI use vga=37D here, again, works great15:12
jimqodesetuid, well i didn't change anything. it is supposed to work great by default15:13
jimqodejimqode, it does in gutsy15:13
setuidjimqode, Try editing your usplash.ocnf15:13
setuider, conf15:13
jimqodetalking to myself again? :)15:13
PiciGalga: dont do that...15:13
Galga11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h111o11w111 11t11o1111 1111d1111o111w1111111111111111111111111s11n1111t11o1111p111 111t111h11a11t111111111111111111111111111111111115:13
setuidPici, Could be a keyboard issue, latest 64-bit kernels have this probvlem15:13
setuidRepeating keys at a very rapid rate15:14
PiciGalga: pick a different kernel when you reboot and join again.15:14
Galga1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h111o1w1111 1t111o111 1111s111111t111o111p1111111111 1111t11h1a11t111115:14
Galga1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1t111s11 1111n11t1o11111 111s111t11o111111p1111p111i11n1111g1115:15
orvokkiCould you please dump your core already?15:15
setuidGalga, Use a 32-bit kernel15:15
Galga1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h111o1w1111 1t111o111 1111s111111t111o111p1111111111 1111t11h1a11t11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111115:15
DanaGsetuid: can you take a look at /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/framebuffer to see whether 'modprobe fbcon' has "-Qb" ?15:15
setuidhenkjan, Would an AMD64 kernel work on an Intel C2D?15:15
Galga111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h11a11r11111d 11111111111b1111111o1111o11t1111 11111111111115:15
TheInfinitywhat an idiot15:15
setuid        modprobe -Qb fbcon15:15
* setuid answers his own question 15:16
DanaGHmm, they said they'd changed the package to "not respect blacklists on fb modules", but that didn't change.15:16
tgelteris it just me or is selinux pretty much useless on ubuntu because of an overly-undeveloped policy?15:16
beerockxsok, fixed my mouse. The InputDevice section in xorg.conf was not setup quite right.15:17
beerockxsIt was either the wrong protocol or the missing CorePointer option15:17
setuidI hate Intel processors and chipsets, they're so broken and buggy15:18
setuidBuying 4GB for a machine that is hard-wired to only see 3GB max is fraud.15:18
DanaGMy 965+ICH7 laptop works fine for me; better than my old nforce2 ever did.15:18
DanaGPerhaps Lenovo is the one at fault.15:19
DanaGHP offers a workstation laptop that supports 4 gigs of RAM/15:19
lootoo<setuid> if BIOS see it, its not hardware issue probably... try other distros, OSes or something15:19
DanaGOr wait, maybe even 8.15:20
setuidSure, and Lenovo claims that it supports 4GB, and it does, until you load a 32-bit or 64-bit OS on it15:20
lootoosetuid: and its not intel fault, same problem i had with AMD15:20
DanaGYup, it supports 8.15:20
setuidlootoo, Nope, there's only 1 version of 1 OS that claims to see it, and that's Vista 64-bit Ultimate15:20
setuidNot even 64-bit 2003 Server supports iut15:20
DanaG8 is ungodly expensive, though:  http://h71016.www7.hp.com/dstore/MiddleFrame.asp?page=config&ProductLineId=539&FamilyId=2623&BaseId=23735&jumpid=re_R2515_store/smProdCat/PSG/notebooks/HP_8510w_notebook_CFG915:20
setuidNor Gentoo 64-bit, Ubuntu or SuSE15:20
lootoosetuid: did you tried vista?15:21
lootoojust to know if it see it15:21
lootooand kernel options like HIGHMEM64G or something15:22
setuidI could pop the original drive that came with this laptop (default Lenovo Vista install), and see15:23
setuidBut I'm willing to bet they fraudulently change the displayed value to reduce customer complaints, because Vista *DOES NOT* support 4GB RAM on Intel C2D chipsets.15:23
lootooalso you may try bios update15:24
setuidLatest bios as of a week ago15:24
setuidI'll see if they released one in the last few days15:24
tgelterI've got a C2D w/ 4 GB RAM (all recognized and used)...15:24
setuidLooks like it'll be 44 hours before the hard-amd64 alternate ISO is downloaded15:24
setuidcdimage is *CRAWLING*15:24
tgeltersetuid: using the torrent?15:24
setuidtgelter, no15:24
tgeltersetuid: I'd recommend the torrent, it usually screams compared to direct DL15:25
DanaGsetuid: run 'cpuid' (google for it) under Vista, then.15:25
setuidNo torrents for these15:25
tgeltersetuid: ah, that makes a difference =)15:25
DanaGOddly enough, the usually wicked-fast mirrors.kernel.org is currently being slow, for some reason.15:26
LibertyShadowTorrents are so much better for the servers too15:26
=== lamalex_2 is now known as lamalex
setuidLibertyShadow, I've been a production torrent tracker for a handful of OSS projects for about 6 years, I'm aware of the benefits ;)15:27
DanaGOOh, 8 gigs of RAM in a laptop.... would you use it?15:27
LibertyShadowsetuid: Just saying :D15:27
DanaGFor 1200 bucks (over base 1x2GB DIMM)15:27
setuidDanaG, Use Crucial, they were 1/2 the cost of the same RAM from Lenovo directly15:29
DanaGMy current laptop just has dirt-cheap RAM from newegg.  It came with 1x512, and I added a second one.15:29
setuidcdimage is at 5.3k/sec now15:29
DanaGBut the fact that that HP supports 8 gigs is pretty cool... though I wouldn't use it.15:30
nemoDanaG: would be good for a dev laptop15:30
Ayabarahey. I use FF3b4 in Ubuntu with a dark theme, and I'm having problems with dark letters on dark background in dialog boxes. I had a userContent.css that fixed this on FF2, but it doesn't seem to work on FF3b4. Anyone know the why of this?15:30
setuidWould be horrible for battery life though15:30
nemoDanaG: say, one running oracle database, a java application server, an IDE and other memory hogs...15:30
DanaGYou'd be able to get an extended 12-cell battery that adds on to the existing 8-cell.15:30
nemothose all get pretty greedy on my system :-/15:31
setuidadds onto? For a total of 20 cells?15:31
DanaGI believe so.15:31
setuidThat's the same weight as a second laptop! :)15:31
DanaGBase laptop is 6 pounds.15:31
setuid+4 pounds for batteries15:32
DanaG1.77 pounds, says Newegg.15:32
Galgamy keyboard was locked and '1' key was auto-pressed15:35
Galgawas it because of a bug or something ? i was playing with mplayer15:36
nemoGalga: there are several bugs on this15:37
nemoGalga: the older one having been duped on a newer one15:37
Galganemo: ok. But i think it was due to mplayer15:37
nemoif you want the annoying workaround, turn off keyboard repeat in keyboard settings15:37
setuid91.189.88.{34|39} must be getting hammered15:37
nblracerhello, i have a problem, i dont think it is is a bug, just user error15:38
nblraceror me beeing a n00b15:38
nemoGalga: well, I could be misunderstanding you, but if it is same bug, it isn't mplayer.15:38
DanaGIs it this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/19421415:38
nemoseems to have a variety of triggers.15:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Confirmed]15:38
DanaGthe stuckage.15:38
setuidnemo, it's a load issue15:38
nemosetuid: ... load.15:38
DanaG(sorry, I'm a bit obsessive-compulsive about my own punctuation)15:38
nemosetuid: you're joking.15:38
setuidUnder heavy load, the kreyboard goes nuts and repeats15:38
Galgathanks for the link DanaG15:38
nemosetuid: ok. I have a dual core system15:38
nemosetuid: I open gedit15:38
nemoI hold down a key while clicking on the mouse15:39
nemomy CPUs don't even crack 1%15:39
nemoand it sticks.15:39
DanaGAAh, keyboard+mouse is exactly the trigger.15:39
setuidThat's intentioanl15:39
setuider, intentional15:39
nemoDanaG: yep. that's what does it for me. just found the idea of "load" to be amusing15:39
DanaGTemporary workaround: go back to xserver-xorg-core 1.415:39
setuidIt doesn't stick, it stops if you let go of the mouse15:39
nemosetuid: not at all15:39
setuidI just tested it here, it stops when I release the mouse15:39
nemosetuid: it sticks. every single time, it sticks.15:39
setuidLinux version 2.6.24-12-server (buildd@palmer) (gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu4)) #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 23:34:17 UTC 200815:39
nemosetuid: USB mouse, USB keyboard, FWIW15:40
DanaGPS/2 for me.15:40
setuidThinkpad here, so PS2 as well15:40
nemobut, yeah, turning off keyboard repeat fixes - if you know of a way to turn that "feature" off completely though.15:40
nemoif indeed the idea was to make it do that, and it isn't picking up a keyboard release.15:40
nemoI'd prefer to have keyboard repeat than turning everything off just to avoid some silly feature like "repeat keys while mouse down" that appears to be broken :)15:41
nemo'cause there isn't any way for me to solve it except to disable repeat in menu if I can reach it (even clicking on a gconf disable script I made didn't help) or restarting.15:41
DanaGRestarting Xorg alone will fix it, too: use alt-sysrq-k instead of ctrl-alt-backspace.15:42
setuidAny one have a faster mirror for http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily/current/hardy-alternate-amd64.iso15:42
nemoDanaG: interesting.15:42
nemoDanaG: well, I can usually get to a terminal. you can restart Xorg without killing gnome?15:42
DanglyBitshow do i do a remote desktop session with my hardy box at home , from work computer (windowsXp)?15:43
DanaGNope, that's not possible -- killing Xorg kills everything under it.15:43
setuidDanaG, rdesktop15:43
DanaGWrong tab-complete?15:43
setuidDanaG, Assuming your RDP host allows external connections and firewall rules permit the port across15:43
DanaGDanglyBits: That's a funny nickname.15:43
DanglyBitsdo i need to look at freenx?15:44
setuidDanglyBits, Why?15:45
DanglyBitshow do i do a remote desktop session with my hardy box at home , from work computer (windowsXp)?15:45
setuidDo you have the ability to punch holes through the firewall?15:45
setuidWait, you can't15:45
DanglyBitswork firewall or home?15:45
setuidIf you're at work, sitting at your XP machine, you can't initiate an rdesktop connection from there to your Hardy box at home, back into your XP machine at work.15:46
DanglyBitsso what can i use to do that ?15:46
DanaGThere are no RDP host applications for Linux; use that FreeNX instead.15:46
DanglyBitswhat software?15:46
setuidvnc over ssh, probably15:46
Wobbo is there a new usplash human theme incomming? Perhaps in the same style as the new login screen15:46
nemoDanaG: sooo. what whould be the point in not using ctrl-alt-backspace? :)15:46
setuidI'm not even sure why you'd want to do that15:46
nemoDanaG: anyway, I usually can manage to sign out normally using mouse...15:47
DanaGCtrl-alt-backspace won't be working under the stuck keyboard.15:47
setuidYou're already at the XP machine, why go out and back in, just to get to the same machine15:47
nemoDanaG: works under my stuck keyboard. I think.15:47
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nemoDanaG: hard to remember. lately I have just signed out normally.15:47
nemoor disabled keyboard repeat :-p15:47
DanglyBitsdoes anyone know if there is a freenx 0.7.2 version for hardy yet?15:47
DanglyBitsgentoo has one15:47
setuidI don't think you're describing your problem accurately15:47
DanglyBitssetuid: i am at work and want to visually see my hardy linux desktop on my home computer...how can i accomplish that?15:49
setuidAh, that's different15:49
setuidSo you can use vnc/tightvnc to do that15:49
setuidand install vncviewer on the Windows machine15:49
DanglyBitsis tightvnc just as fast as nx?15:50
setuidFast or faster, yes.15:50
DanglyBitsok...ill try tightvnc15:50
GalgaDanaG: yes, i did pressed '1' key for quite sometime and this happened. secondly, whenever i try to run apt-get install in a terminal. it jumps to 5 blank lines and usually 3 to 5 cmdline ENTER15:52
DanaGSame for me: it'll spam 'enter' and cause the "are you sure" thingy to appear multiple times on unauthenticated packages.15:52
Galgabut i m happy i haven't pressed the del key for that long :)15:53
Galgaok repeat key is disabled now15:54
flipstarGalga: theres a bug report for that.. #20357315:54
DanaGbug 20357315:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203573 in apt "apt-get produces empty space/lines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20357315:55
Galgaflipstar: yes i am already reading one15:55
nemosetuid: "fast or faster"  - not in my experience :-/15:55
nemosetuid: plus, interfaces are more responsive and natural.15:56
setuidnemo, Depends on your configuration. In my experience, FreeNX was slower.15:56
setuidbut then again, my systems are optimized for that kind of usability15:56
nemosetuid: remote over web. nxserver/nxclient running ssh connection, compressed.15:56
setuidWhich ssh crypt algo?15:56
nemovnc, even with tightvnc with bgr233 and jpeg compression, was significantly laggier15:56
setuidblowfish is MUCH faster15:56
nemosetuid: that's not really relevant once the connection is established15:57
setuidSure it is15:57
nemoPKE is only for setting up the private key session alg...15:57
setuidNope, read up on it. What do you think encrypts the session data?15:57
nemoprivate key random number streams are all about equally fast15:58
setuidOr run libgcrypt's tests on your machine and see15:58
setuidNope, completely false. See above.15:58
nemoI have read up on it in past in context of HTTPS. perhaps ssh does differently. which seems foolish15:58
setuidI just did benchmarks on 32/64 bit Linux and 32/64-bit SunOS yesterday. The results were shocking.15:58
nemoPKE algs are all horribly slow compared to a private key stream15:58
nemosetuid: example test you ran?15:59
setuidThe stock libgcrypt tests in this particular case15:59
nemosetuid: 'cause, yeah. initially it may be slower...15:59
setuidThe Sun box took 8 hours to run them ;)15:59
nemosetuid: that doesn't necessarily invalidate what I said15:59
setuidOf course, that's just an aside that Sun hardware sucks ;)15:59
nemocan you link me to where ssh does not use private keys for the stream? since you said I should read up on it, perhaps you have a resource?15:59
nemosince, well, I *am* only familiar with it in another context.16:00
nemos/private keys/private key exchange/16:00
leptahaving great problems over ubuntu hardy with xorg .. cant dpkg-reconfigure it properly,.. anyone can explain me why i cant configure the driver and resolution section?16:00
setuidLook at the -c option to ssh16:00
nemosetuid: I'm aware of what that does16:00
setuidThen  you should be clear16:00
setuidNot -C16:01
nemosetuid: dude. that's for the PKE. I've already said that most SSL only uses PKE to setup the connection16:01
nemoyou disagree16:01
nemoso. I'm requesting more info than "-c"16:01
setuidI don't use SSL for ssh sessions...16:01
nemoI said that was the context I was familiar with it in.16:01
nemoI'm still waiting for your information. I'm not being hostile, you just said I was "completely wrong" so I'd like to learn more about why ssh would do things the inefficient way.16:02
setuidIt doesn't... We were talking in the context of "more responsive", and using a faster crypt algo will make that experience smoother...16:03
setuidI didn't say it "compresses better" or anything like that16:03
nemosetuid: and I noted the algorithm you use only matters in initial setup of the stream.16:03
nemoso, say the first 30 seconds of the session16:03
nemowell. cypher block chaining might vary a bit between algs16:03
setuidAnd how are all packets after that sent across the connection?16:03
nemosetuid: using a private alg exchanged during initial public encryption16:04
nemopublic key encryption is horribly inefficient16:04
nemorequires a lot of modulus operations just for small chunks of data16:04
nemoat least, that is how it is normally done. maybe ssh is different - since you seem to know, you must have a resource16:04
setuidI didn't say I was an expert, but several years of anecdotal usage of various crypt algos remotely, blowfish is SIGNIFICANTLY faster and "smoother" (to use your word), than the others.16:05
nemook. so annecdotal.16:05
nemofair 'nuff.16:05
setuidAnd not just the initial 30 second handshake16:05
Exilantanyone else experiences problems with logout from X?16:05
flipstarsetuid: i thing this depends on the cpu you use16:05
setuidflipstar, Sure, and if I change what -c I pass, the results differ16:06
setuidOn the same target and source cpus16:06
nemosetuid: and wasn't saying you said you were an expert either. although you did say I was "completely wrong" :)16:06
flipstaramd or intel i mean..mostly blowfish is faster on amd..aes faster on intel..16:06
nemothat I take exception to, since I thought I had some understanding of how public key encryption is normally used16:06
setuidI'll have to write up some actual benchmarks and publish them16:07
setuidWe use a thing at work, some web-based, java-based RDP client, and it's at least 2x faster than the standard Remote Desktop Connection. I don't know what they're using, or how they did it, but it's almost identical to working local. No lag.16:08
setuidIt's this: http://www.hobsoft.com/16:08
nemoanyway, RTFMing the openssl crypt man pages now16:09
savvasyou got two more like that setuid, like nomachine.com and loginsomething, can't remember the exact name16:09
nemosetuid: it does appear that blowfish does efficient CBC16:10
nemosetuid: I find it hard to believe it would be noticeable. but, ok. :)16:10
nemosetuid: anyway. I guess my point is.  I found VNC to be a LOT slower - and neither machine was close to maxing out its CPU16:10
nemoplus, of course, nomachine isn't polling the display, it is smarter16:11
nemothus no clipping artifacts or missed polls16:11
DanaGdamnit, I just had another one of those hard lockups.16:12
DanaGOhh great, now my fat32 partition will be screwed up, and I'll likely lose my Firefox bookmarks.16:19
Galgathere are other partitions on drive. whenever i try to open them, message says you are not privileged to mount drive. they were accessible in 7.1016:22
Wobboanyone having hickups with synergy?16:22
nemoDanaG: um. your bookmarks *are* backed up :)16:26
nemoDanaG: you know, I've been thinking of ditching my FAT32 partition - NTFS-3g seems pretty stable lately16:26
DanaGAah, it didn't lose bookmarks this time; just lost my session.16:27
savvasi use ext3 with http://www.fs-driver.org/16:27
nemosavvas: hm.16:27
nemosavvas: that direction worries me more :)16:27
nemoI'd care less if my NTFS partition was corrupted.16:27
savvaswell... it's easier to manage :P16:28
nemoactually, what I should do is move my user data on both NT and Linux into separate partitions16:28
nemothen mount those16:28
savvasi use ubuntu as my main o/s, and once or twice per fortnight i use windows xp16:28
nemoI can back up, say, the D:\Program Files  and if it gets corrupted, restore it without worrying about that registry crap16:29
nemoand I guess D:\Documents and Settings16:29
savvaswell true :P16:29
DanaGext2ifs doesn't work very well.16:29
DanaGFor example, if it's uncleanly unmounted, it'll ask you to format the volume,16:29
savvasDanaG: it works if you use a read only :P16:29
DanaGinstead of just read-only.16:29
DanaGYou can't set it to do read-only on failure.  Same with ntfs-3g.16:30
DanaGIt's all or nothing: rw or nothing.16:30
savvasi generally have another hard disk for windows, and I don't really need anything else besides stuff that I download while i'm on ubuntu :P16:31
* DanaG wonders how big is big enough to back up a 40GB ext3 partition with multiple snapshots.16:32
* DanaG likes his Hitachi 7k200-200.16:35
SplexI am having troubles with the acpi-support 0.106 package.  Is there a way for me to downgrade to 0.105?16:36
nemoDanaG: ... snapshots?16:36
DanaGI want to keep backups of multiple points in time.16:36
nemoDanaG: btw, have you heard of the idea of checking in $HOME in subversion (and before that, CVS)?  I thought that was neat :)16:37
DanaGI have lots of stuff in /etc, though.16:37
DanaGLots of customized stuff, I mean.16:37
nemommm. but that tends to be tied to system16:37
nemoDanaG: you should perhaps use RCS in /etc16:37
nemosince that disassociates it from your backup policy16:37
nemo... or even check /etc into subversion too :)16:38
DanaGMy xorg.conf has sections for intel and nvidia (current) and vboxvideo.16:38
nemothe precursor to CVS16:38
nemoDanaG: very lightweight, so you can just use RCS inside /etc16:38
DanaGIf I have one section for each type of video device, then it's interchangable.16:38
nemono need for separate repo.16:38
=== daubafk is now known as daubers
Exilantwhenever I logout of X, my system crashes16:48
Exilantany idea where to find out sth. about that?16:48
Ayabarais it possible to have FF2 and FF3 installed at the same time, with different config directories?16:48
nemoAyabara: sure.16:50
nemoAyabara: ... now. what do you mean by config directories. do you mean profiles?16:50
Ayabaranemo: I think that's what I mean :-)16:51
nemoAyabara: you can then have your firefox 2 shortcut pass the -P for its custom profile16:51
nemois indeed often necessary with custom extensions, unless you don't mind stuff vanishing when you have FF2/FF3 share a profile :)16:52
Ayabaranemo: got it16:52
ant30hi all16:58
DanaGWhat's the best blocksize to use to make dd unobtrusive to the system?  I'm dd'ing between two hard drives.17:08
vallhalla81having sound card can anyone advise?17:30
minimecvallhalla81: I would do lspci | grep -i audio in a terminal and search for your chip in combination with hardy17:32
LaserJockanybody know what things you have to change if the UUID of your swap partition changes?17:34
LaserJockI've already changed the fstab entry and did an update-initramfs but still no swap17:35
LaserJockbah, I just found it: /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume17:36
vallhalla81minimec: i will lookin to it now ty17:36
Galgagrep stands for gnome report right ?17:38
ReL1Kanyone ran into any issues with hardy and vmware 6+?17:38
ReL1Kthinking about updating17:38
flipstarReL1K: you cant compile vmware on the latest kernel..17:39
flipstarneed a patch for that17:39
LaserJockGalga: I'm pretty sure it doesn't. grep doesn't have anything to do with gnome17:40
ReL1Kflipstar, gotchya thanks17:40
GalgaLaserJock: yes, reading on wiki now17:40
savvasReL1K: you could try virtualbox, the gutsy compiled release works fine here17:44
SeamusHello, I'm looking for a suspend/resume solution for a thinkpad t61p17:45
Seamusnvidia 570m proprietary drivers seem to be the issue17:45
Seamusthe VESA drivers are annoyingly slow but suspend works fine with them.17:45
ReL1Ksavvas: been having some major issues with USB and virtualbox..would pick virtualbox in a heartbeat but because of the USB support ive steered away17:48
LCID_FireHow does one replace the current running kernel - with one built from git?17:50
ccookeLCID_Fire: 1) use kernel-package. 2) Is there a reason you need that? should you be submitting a bug against the hardy kernel?17:52
LCID_Fireccooke: I changed a driver and I'd like to try it out - problem is since it's the same kernel version the install script appearently does not replace the current running modules :(17:53
askandI understand that aticards are being blacklisted in compiz in current hardy, can someone explain why?18:07
Amaranthaskand: If you are using a laptop and using the ati driver (not fglrx) compiz will not load for you because of problems with basically all of the mobility cards18:14
AmaranthWell, it's actually a problem with the ati driver but since we're going on 9 months or so of it being broken and no fix in sight we're just blocking the cards18:14
Amaranthaskand: the 'fix' is to install the fglrx driver18:15
SeamusAmaranth: don't I know you? P18:16
* Amaranth hides18:16
SeamusOh, he left.  Oh well.18:16
SeamusAmaranth: have you ever been in a channel that sounds like "word"?18:17
askandAmaranth:  ok..cause the restricted drivers manager tells me I dont need restricted drivers..is that a bug then?18:17
AmaranthSeamus: I don't think so18:18
Amaranthaskand: No, this is something I still need to fix18:18
Amaranthaskand: You have a very old mobile ati chip that fglrx no longer supports, these are also the ones that work fine with the ati driver18:18
SeamusI think you have some friends in this channel.  or "friends", I dunno.18:18
AmaranthI hoped to get the fix in yesterday but it's going to have to wait until after the beta release18:19
AmaranthSeamus: lateralus?18:19
askandAmaranth: fglrx is the same drivers as you download from atisite? cause them support my card..18:19
AmaranthI imagine he has not good things to say about me :)18:19
Amaranthaskand: yes18:19
Amaranthaskand: I just answered this18:19
SeamusThose guys need to lighten up a little anyway.18:20
askandAmaranth: Ah ok.. well I wish you luck in fixing :)18:20
Amaranthaskand: you have a radeon mobility 9000 or something, right?18:20
SeamusI think he mentioned you being "retarded" or something18:20
askandnono x60018:20
Amaranthaskand: oh, in that case you won't get fixed18:20
Amaranthaskand: the x600 mobility is one that is known broken18:20
Amaranthand the fglrx driver does support it18:20
SeamusAnyway, I saw your blog, so you're working on ATI drivers now?18:20
AmaranthSeamus: yeah, he is a very angry man :)18:21
Seamushow about making the nvidia VESA drivers not suck?18:21
AmaranthSeamus: nah, I don't work on drivers18:21
Amaranthi work on compiz :)18:21
Seamusoh that's right.18:21
askandAmaranth: hrm..what will happen when hardy is released? is there a way I can fix that manually then?18:21
Amaranthaskand: you can start compiz with SKIP_CHECKS=yes18:21
AmaranthSeamus: I know a lot of high-level stuff about driver though, that's kind of required for this stuff :)18:22
SeamusAmaranth: Do you know what's wrong with emerald?  When I enable compiz it causes poor tab performance in firefox.18:22
askandAmaranth:  hm..but there must be a reason I must use skipchecks? what is wrong? im just curious :)18:22
AmaranthSeamus: the nouveau driver is getting very good, it's already better than nv (and nvidia) for 2D stuff18:22
AmaranthSeamus: emerald is a dead project, no one cares for it anymore18:22
Seamusdoes it support the quadro 570m laptop chip?18:22
Amaranthah, you have an NV5x chip18:22
Amaranthin that case you'd be better off using the vesa driver, i think :P18:23
Amaranththey don't have any acceleration for NV5x yet18:23
Seamusuh, the performance with it sucks unless I dumb down the res18:23
franeki have lite problem :/18:23
Amaranthand they don't have any support (officially) for 3D18:23
Amaranthand it'll be quite some time before compiz works on nouveau18:23
franeki update my ubuntu 7.1 to 8.4 and18:23
Seamusand when I enable the nvidia drivers performance isn't much better, I think this is related to the stupid ass frequency scaling18:24
franeknautillus is now dead18:24
Amaranthaskand: the driver is buggy, most people with your chip get random lockups or X crashes when compiz starts18:24
SeamusAmaranth: do you have any idea how to turn that frequency scaling BS off?18:24
franekI kant go to any directory....18:24
askandAmaranth: Oh I see, so the best would perhaps be to stay in gutsy? :)18:24
franekwhy is this?you know?18:24
Amaranthaskand: no, it's actually broken in gutsy too :P18:24
Amaranthfranek: can't say i've heard that one before18:25
askandAmaranth: it have worked flawless since gutsy alpha :O18:25
Amaranthaskand: we actually tried to block the x600 mobility in gutsy too but there are too many variations and we missed a bunch18:25
askandAmaranth: thats good...cause it works great :)18:25
Amaranthso for hardy i took a hammer to it18:25
AmaranthSeamus: there is something, let me see if i can find it18:26
franekalpha for testing:)18:26
SeamusAmaranth: I did some google searches, forum searches, etc, one solution seems to be install drivers without the scaling.18:27
franekthanks this os is installed in pendrive:)18:27
SeamusBut ideally I'd like to be able to increase the sensitivity so it isn't noticeable when it switches.18:27
Seamusor have it run at the middle performance level and then go to high when necessary.18:28
AmaranthSeamus: it's hard to search for this thing :P18:28
franekwhen to be final HH?18:28
Amaranthit's a option you pass to the kernel module to lock it to full performance18:29
Amaranthfranek: april 24th18:29
SeamusAmaranth: ah.  Maybe there's something in /proc ?18:29
franek37 days only hihi18:30
askandAmaranth: A last question..my ATI X600 card has worked very well with compiz in gutsy..will it work as well in hardy if I use the skipcheck thing? :)18:30
Amaranthaskand: should18:30
askandAmaranth: great18:31
AmaranthSeamus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3873077&postcount=2218:31
SeamusAmaranth: if there's something in proc I can use I might be able to make it go full performance when I plug it in, enable the scaling when it's on battery18:31
Seamusby editing an acpi script.18:31
AmaranthSeamus: nope, you have to do it at module load time18:31
franeki'm new user and i'm so happy so using linux :)18:31
SeamusDoh.  Well thanks for the help anyway, Amaranth.18:32
Seamusthis should suffice for now18:32
franekhow to repair nautillus?18:33
savvasfranek: if you're new to linux, you shouldn't use hardy, it's not stable yet18:33
franekI have hardy id hdd I wond only try hh:)18:36
franekachehh :P18:37
franekwhere there's a will, there's a way18:38
savvas< franek> how to repair nautillus? <- not with that kind of questions :)18:38
savvashave you updated?18:38
ysth1recently when I select a url in a terminal window and try to "Open Link", I get Could not open the address "...":18:39
ysth1There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location.18:39
franeksavvas hahahah18:40
savvasysth1: a problem to link firefox, choose it from preferred applications at system > preferences > preferred applications18:40
savvasi think it's not reported18:41
ysth1gah, it's set to look for b3 still18:41
franeksavvas you misadvise to use widwos?:P18:41
savvasfranek: i was serious if you have updated18:42
savvasand you're using the main server in apt sources.list18:42
franeki change repositorium 7.1 to 8.4 and update18:43
savvasfranek: apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop | grep -i "installed\|ubuntu\.com"18:45
franek500 http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages18:49
franekthis shell give me18:50
savvasfranek: system > administration > software sources > download from: main server > close > reload18:50
franekproblem if i kant open software source i click an not work18:53
franekin desktop i dont have icons and right clic mouse be out of kilter18:54
askandIs  xorg-driver-fglrx based on latest driver from ati? Is it updated when a new driver is released over there19:00
franeksavvas thx:)19:00
jimmygoonThe Vinagre menu item text is decieving19:03
jimmygoonIt implies more than simple VNC connections. How is this better than the Terminal Service Client? TSC supports liek 6x as many protocols19:04
oxigenmy hd run on 46 celsius, is this normal?19:09
jimmygoonthats like around 100 degrees19:09
oxigen100 degrees?19:10
jimmygoonjust saying19:10
jimmygoon120F to be more exact19:10
* savvas shuts up :p19:12
penI installed mplayer and mozilla-mplayer, when I stream a video it has no sound19:21
penhow can I solve this?19:21
flipstaryou could try a different audio device.. mplayer -ao alsa for e.g.19:22
penI tried19:22
flipstaryou stream this video or watch this stream ?19:22
penwatch this stream19:23
flipstardoes other clients have sound? like vlc or so19:24
penbefore I install mplayer totem xine was doing a good job except it was laggy19:24
penit is faster with mplayer but with no sound19:25
flipstaryou already tried oss or pulse ?19:25
flipstarmaybe codecs for mplayer are missing ..19:25
penI have no idea19:26
penpulse I'm not sure19:26
pencodecs missing? but I can watch mov files19:27
penjust no sound19:27
penI think use alsa because I haven't changed any sound settings so I assume it uses alsa19:27
savvaspen: what video? real media? avi?19:32
penwell, real media is still problematic, avi I think I can, but no sound in streaming19:34
savvaspen: try with realplayer: http://www.real.com/linux19:34
savvasit worked for me for some mobile videos and real media stuff i have19:34
pensavvas: ok, but let me solve the sound in mplayer first19:35
penI don't understand19:35
nerdygirl_ellieDoes anyone have the linux-restricted-modules-nvidia driver working in hardy?  I had it working under Gutsy, but X won't start with it enabled in 8.04.  Something in the glx module is dying with an error message that I can now not recall.19:35
penno sound in mplayer19:35
savvaspen: maybe restricted codecs, try get w64codecs or w32codecs from www.medibuntu.org19:36
flipstarpen: are local files of same format working ?19:36
savvasalso you have to change your codecs in the preferences to make it work with mplayer i think19:36
penwell, for local files I use totem19:36
flipstarjust try with mplayer once19:37
penaha, no sound in mplayer on local files too19:37
penit says can't open DirectShow codec wmvdmod.dll19:38
flipstarthen see the tip above :)19:38
penwhat is that?19:38
pensavvas: but is threre a repository for hardy?19:38
gregory_savvas: sudo apt-get install w32codecs19:38
savvaspen: gutsy works for now19:39
penare u using hardy?19:39
penthen how do I add the repository? with gusty?19:39
penok, I will try19:39
savvasif it says gutsy, it doesn't mean it doesn't work on hardy :)19:40
nerdygirl_ellieare you looking for the hardy medibuntu repository?19:40
pensudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list19:40
penlike this?19:40
savvasthere is one?19:41
savvashold a sec pen19:41
savvasnerdygirl_ellie: they opened the hardy repo at medibuntu?19:41
nerdygirl_elliehttp://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy free non-free19:42
savvaswell i'll be19:42
nerdygirl_elliestick that in your System -> Administration -> Software Sources -> third party software19:42
savvaspen: do as nerdygirl_ellie suggested, press add and add the line: http://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy free non-free19:44
nerdygirl_ellieThen you can see what's available via systeem -> administration -> synaptic -> The origin button in the lower left -> select packages.medibuntu.org (free/non-free/main)19:44
penthat's nice19:45
* nerdygirl_ellie installed acroread, w32codecs, and non-free-codecs (in suspected violation of a number of federal laws)19:46
savvaspen: don't forget to add the key btw19:46
penis it the same as the gusty one?19:46
penif so then it's already added19:46
penstill have no sound19:47
penand now it says there is no sound device19:48
pensavvas: how do you configure your pulse?19:49
savvaseasy, I use less salt in my diet19:50
penpulseaudio :p19:50
savvasand i try not to strain myself lol19:50
penI'm a bit unhappy with it19:50
penI have waste all this morning trying to make this work19:51
savvasalso, a good effector to increase it is adrenaline aka epinephrine :P19:51
savvaswell.. I don't use pulseaudio :)19:51
penare you using hardy?19:51
penholycow, the sound is up!!19:52
penshit, firefox is taking the sound device19:52
penthat's why19:52
savvasaccording to volume control, i use oss mixer19:52
penyou can change that19:53
penin sound settings19:53
savvasit works19:53
pensavvas: thx you and the other guy for the repo19:54
pennow I'm happy19:54
savvasI suppose nerdygirl_ellie is a girl :)19:57
nerdygirl_ellie(Thanks for noticing! :) )19:59
nerdygirl_elliethe L-r-m nvidia driver/module... is it working for anyone?20:00
Gnineis libc6 safe to update from 2.6.24-11-generic x86_64  yet20:12
savvasGnine: sudo apt-get update; apt-cache policy libc620:14
flipstarlibc6 version 2.7-9ubuntu2 should be safe20:15
Gninethat was 10-4 message acknowledged, flip20:16
clustysome weird stuff is going on with the python-wx package20:24
clustyit won;t install cleanly20:24
clustyis it just me?20:24
savvastry reinstall it20:25
clustyapt-get install -f?20:26
flipstarno changes to python-wx ..20:26
clustySetting up python-wxgtk2.8 ( ...20:27
clustyfile does not exist: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/wxaddons/__init__.py20:27
clustyfile does not exist: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/wxaddons/setup.py20:27
clustyfile does not exist: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/wxaddons/sized_controls.py20:27
clustyits wxgtk20:27
Gnineif system is still operational i suggest wait 'til next update20:27
clustyi can wait no sweat20:27
clustyno idea who needs the wx stuff20:27
clusty...also, was curious of another thing:20:28
clustymy ACPI reports 3 sesors and i have no idea which is what20:28
clustyDTS01 ATF020:28
clustyis there some standard naming scheme?20:28
Gninei run with noacpi so cant help you there20:31
clustyprobably the DTS stuff are the 2 cores20:32
clusty...yet another mystery :D20:32
flipstari have no systemsetting>advanced>system services :(20:37
flipstarit always say some problem occured and hangs at 0%20:37
Gninei dont have those menus at all20:39
Gninerecap. i do have Services in system>administration20:40
* flipstar running kde20:42
nerdygirl_ellieclusty: I have the same problem, and have for the last couple of updates.  I am ignoring it.20:42
Gninegnome here20:42
clustynerdygirl_ellie, cute20:42
nerdygirl_elliedoes anyone have the restricted nvidia module working in hardy?20:42
RAOFnerdygirl_ellie: Yes.20:42
clustybut with envy20:42
Galgahmm the service manager authentication / unlock idea is cool :)20:43
* RAOF wonders why people use envy on testing systems. Especially when nvidia-glx-new is the latest released driver.20:43
clustya bit too suse-like :(20:43
nerdygirl_ellieRAOF: X won't start when I enable it here.  Are you using nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new?20:43
clustyRAOF, because somehow the modules screw up20:44
RAOFnerdygirl_ellie: nvidia-glx-new.20:44
clustyRAOF, ...constantly20:44
* nerdygirl_ellie admits she has no idea, but that her WoW performance sucks without nv.20:44
RAOFclusty: Generally, because you've used Envy, yes :)20:44
clustythis is first time i use envy20:44
* flipstar uses binary packages from nvidia.com20:44
clustygrowing tired switching to the intel card till new update comes out20:44
Galgabesides which services i can safely turn off ? power management ?20:45
nerdygirl_ellieflipstar: do they still used the .sh installer, or did they publish a repository.  For the record, since my issue is with GLX, that won't help me.20:45
flipstarthey provide a binary..but with a nice installer script..20:45
clustyGalga, you that strapped on resources?20:45
Galgaacpid, apmd20:45
nerdygirl_ellieRAOF: thanks, I'll try it tonight...20:45
Gninenvidia Go6100 with nvidia-glx-new. ok. no issues20:45
dr_evilI'm dist-upgrading right now, installing the last 324 updates. X just shut down/crashed/quit, doesn't appear to be normal. anyone got an idea?20:46
Galgaclusty: not really, but wanted to test any performance gain.20:46
clustydr_evil, check X logs20:46
flipstardr_evil: use update-manager/upgrade without X20:47
nerdygirl_ellieGrine:  Do you know if it will an nVidia G72M [GeForce Go 7400]  (from lspci)20:47
nerdygirl_ellies/will/'will work'20:47
dr_evili'll check, can still login on console :)20:47
flipstardr_evil: X doesnt work anymore ?20:47
clustynerdygirl_ellie, i have a 740020:47
nerdygirl_ellieclusty:  Could I sweet talk you out of a dpkg -l and a copy of your x config?  Pretty Please?20:48
clustyanything for nerdy galz20:48
clustynot a lot of those in the linux world :D20:49
Gninei assume that should be the case, nerdygirl_ellie .. otherwise my testing with nvidia has always been succesful20:49
nerdygirl_ellieclusty: Did you get my pm?20:49
clustyin preocess20:50
nerdygirl_ellieGnine: Thanks.  Clusty has it working, I'm going to see what's different between our configs.20:50
nerdygirl_ellieGnine Clusty RAOF:  Thanks all.20:50
Raspberryany suggestions for more stability with the npviewer flash plugin for firefox?  seems to crash after each use20:55
dr_evilflipstar I'm not sure what happened. but I now completed the update using dpkg --update -a20:56
dr_eviland I try a reboot20:56
dr_evilbut yes, X wasnt running anymore20:57
RAOFRaspberry: Are you up-to-date?  The -2ubuntu1 version should offer loss crashes :)20:57
Raspberrypatched up as of an hour ago20:57
Raspberryit doesn't say it crashed every time -- flash just stops working20:57
dr_eviluahhh, its alive and running again20:58
Agrajag-g'day, is anyone else getting some webpages rendered with huge fonts in ff3b4? e.g. twinklephone.com21:09
Agrajag-didn't happen with beta 321:09
spideylinuxAgrajag`: are the icons huge too?21:09
Agrajag-spideylinux: what icons? images on the webpages are normal size21:10
spideylinuxAgrajag`: like the back button and the status bar21:10
Agrajag-no, they're normal21:10
Agrajag-just fonts21:11
leptahaving great problems over ubuntu hardy with xorg .. cant dpkg-reconfigure it properly,.. anyone can explain me why i cant configure the driver and resolution section?21:11
Agrajag-on some webpages. e.g. google.com is fine, twinklephone.com is not21:11
spideylinuxAgrajag`: ok, that's a different issuse than I had21:11
spideylinuxAgrajag`: You might need to set your font size max, google uses their own21:12
Agrajag-spideylinux: i've tried changing the font size, doesn't seem to change much. even unchecking "Allow pages to use their own fonts ..." doesn't fix it21:12
clustyAgrajag-, tried ctrl and spin mouse wheel? :D21:13
spideylinuxAgrajag`: that's weird21:13
Agrajag-yes, but that makes pages look horrible, as the aspect of other elements does not change21:14
Black_Magichow do i get this package for hardy21:14
Black_Magic openssl-devel21:14
flipstarAgrajag-: maybe forcing 96dbi helps..21:14
Agrajag-flipstar: force 96dbi where?21:15
jpatrick!info openssl-devel hardy | Black_Magic21:15
ubotublack_magic: Package openssl-devel does not exist in hardy21:15
clustysudo apt-get install libssl21:15
clustypick version21:15
clusty!info libssl-dev21:15
ubotulibssl-dev (source: openssl): SSL development libraries, header files and documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.8g-4ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 1896 kB, installed size 5532 kB21:15
Black_MagicE: Package libssl has no installation candidate21:15
flipstarAgrajag-: dont know where it is in gnome..under apereance somewhere i guess21:16
spideylinuxAgrajag`: check your about:config, layout.css.dpi21:17
Agrajag-default, -121:17
spideylinuxAgrajag`: I think you can set that to 96 to force the dpi for firefox21:17
Agrajag-ok.. gnome dpi is already 96dpi21:18
wursthardy <321:18
wurstgood job, guys ;)21:18
Agrajag-hmm.. now fonts are tiny21:18
Agrajag-wait.. that might just be firefox remembering that i changed the font size21:19
Agrajag-yeah. looks good now21:19
Agrajag-wonder why it's getting the gnome dpi wrong21:19
spideylinuxAgrajag`: don't know but I had a similar problem with Beta3 and had to force it21:20
wurstwhat about language files for firefox 3?21:21
wurstwill they get included soon?21:21
Agrajag-does anyone here happen to use twinkle? i just can't get it to work with pulseaudio. twinkle uses alsa, and other alsa apps work fine, but twinkle blocks the device, and wont work if other apps are using the device21:23
ethana2Any thoughts on this?21:28
flipstari dont get it21:31
=== dos4gw is now known as dr_evil
ethana2flipstar: two users, one machine, same time21:32
ethana2flipstar: with 2 of everything else you'd expect, but i made due with one stereo out21:33
ethana2...and just split it into two mono sinks, giving one to each user21:33
flipstarusally you can play different things at the same time..you tried using alsa instead ?21:35
ethana2oh wait, sorry21:41
ethana2no alsa21:41
ethana2one user has one speaker from my stereo set21:41
ethana2the other user has the other speaker21:41
ethana2....there are no exceptions to that policy21:42
ethana2it's as good as hardware, from the userland21:42
flipstaroh..then setting on channel to left and on the other users channel to right doesnt work..?21:42
ethana2i made two virtual sound devices that things can use21:43
ethana2one is the right speaker21:43
ethana2one is the left speaker21:43
ethana2...each user has their own ... i think it's like21:43
ethana2default.pulse or something21:43
ethana2in their home, that tells them which one to use21:43
flipstarokay..this is probably more advanced21:43
ethana2it's not as elegant as it could be, that is.. each user has to use the same seat21:43
ethana2or they're not placed properly21:44
ethana2but we haven't had any issues21:44
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ethana2how are updates liking us all today?21:56
flipstarmore or less21:57
ethana2more or less?21:57
ethana2well, as long as nothing completely explodes21:57
ethana2and leaves me with my livecd to clean it up21:57
ethana2..it's good enough for me, i guess21:57
flipstarat least i didnt had critical issues21:58
SplexI am unable to load thunderbird, not sure why... anyone else having this trouble?21:59
SplexWhen i run 'thunderbird' from console, nothing happens, no errors are shown, no window comes up22:00
flipstarhm there were no changes to thunderbird in the last few weeks..22:01
SplexYeah I know,  it makes no sense22:01
Splexit was working yesterday22:01
flipstarjust try reinstalling ..22:01
Splexi did twice22:01
flipstaryou probably didnt changed any ?22:02
Niklas_Eis there any fix for /dev/null device? it makes the login go crazy22:02
Splexand i tried moving my ~/.mozilla-thunderbird dir22:02
Splexnothing comes up22:02
flipstarNiklas_E: what do you mean ?22:02
Splexim not sure where to check for any logs/errors for that prog.22:02
flipstarSplex: try backup all you settings then purge it and reinstall ..22:02
Splexwhat do you mean by purge?22:03
Niklas_Ewell, when I login (as my normal user, in terminal) it says something about /dev/null, and repeating that and it goes away if I do chmod o+rw /dev/null22:03
Splex'mark for complete removal' ?22:04
flipstarSplex: sudo apt-get purge.. or sudo apt-get remove --purge22:04
Niklas_Ethe null is only crw-rw----22:04
kumarphillywhens the beta suppose to be out?22:04
flipstartwo days22:04
flipstartesting isos are already out22:04
kumarphillyalpha users wont have to do anything22:05
flipstaralpha isnt beta..so we have to update..22:05
kumarphillywill i have to redownload an iso22:05
kumarphillyand install it22:05
kumarphillyor distribution upgrade?22:06
Splexflipstar:  I just purged it, and installed again.   Same problem =/22:06
flipstarwired thing22:06
flipstarkumarphilly: just update as usual22:06
kumarphillyand at final release22:07
kumarphillysmae thing?22:07
protocol1when does hardy release?22:07
ubotuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:07
flipstarprotocol1: on 8.04 ..22:07
protocol1flipstar, yeah22:07
kumarphillyanyone use hosting serce22:08
protocol1flipstar, April?22:08
flipstarsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule for details22:08
kumarphillydoes anyone know a good hosting servicwe22:09
Niklas_Ewhere can I download the cd ?22:11
flipstar"the cd"..which cd..?22:12
kumarphillylike iso image to burn?22:12
Niklas_Edev, iso22:12
flipstaror http://torrent.ubuntu.com/22:12
kumarphillyif you use http:/ftp to download it then get a eureopean server22:13
kumarphillytorrents only use if you have settings and know what your doing22:13
kumarphillyanyone notice that the main server was being as slow as hell22:13
kumarphillyi was installing azureus a few days ago22:14
kumarphillyand it was going 20 b/s22:14
kumarphillyim like screw this.... then i changed it to some randome one:-p22:14
flipstari dont like azureus anyway22:14
gregcha117my sound isnt working anymore can anyone help?22:14
Splexwhat is the best/fastest torrent client for linux?22:15
kumarphillyspeed all are same22:15
kumarphillyi use azreus22:15
kumarphilly** azureus22:15
Splexahh ok, yeah i do also22:15
flipstarno ..some support extra features..22:15
Splexi use vuze22:15
kumarphillymy ISP blocks torretns22:16
kumarphillyso i have to edit ip tables22:16
flipstarjust change port and use encryption22:16
Splexwow, they block torrents??22:16
flipstarsome isp just *****22:16
kumarphillyflipstar, nah that doesnt work..22:17
kumarphillythey block rsd or something..22:17
flipstarif you use encryption..everything is encrypted22:17
gregcha117can anyone help me get my sound back?22:18
spideylinuxgregcha117: what kernel are you running?22:18
crimsunwhy are you running -386?22:19
crimsun(vice -generic)22:20
gregcha117it was the default entry when i updated22:20
spideylinuxgregcha117: try going back to 2.6.24-11, people are having problems with sound on -1222:20
ethana2no wait22:20
ethana2-12 had two releases22:21
ethana2the second one sound works fine22:21
flipstartry the generic one first..22:21
gregcha117alright ill test out the generic one then22:21
crimsunethana2: right, because -386 won't pull in l-u-m22:21
gregcha117k thanks ill try that22:21
crimsunalsa now sits in l-u-m and not in l-i22:21
flipstarl-u-m ?22:21
Splexflipstar:  it was suggested to me that i try running strace thunderbird....  i am seeing a lot of 'No such file or directory' when it is trying to open libc.so.622:28
Splexso, im thinking maybe what is in the title of this channel happened to me22:28
flipstaryou still running an older vesion?22:29
Splexi ran all updates22:31
Splexi think it broke when i ran today's libc upgrade22:31
K4k-workDoes anyone know about a problem with any of the updates for 8.04 breaking the network connection?22:37
K4k-workI have checked resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces and everything is set properly, however, ifconfig says that I don't have an IP22:37
K4k-workand I have tried restarting the network interface22:37
Splexk4k, what network device do you use?22:38
SplexI had that problem too22:38
K4k-workit's built into my laptop22:38
Splexohh, is it intel?22:38
Ward1983_how's hardy these days? nothing for users yet i presume?22:39
K4k-workSplex: o, it's broadcom22:39
K4k-workbrain fart22:39
K4k-workI have IPW wireless and broadcom wired22:39
Splexim using the ipw3945,  had troubles as soon as i updated acpi-support from 0.105 to 0.10622:39
K4k-workso just role back acpi-support then?22:40
Splexonly have the problem when i run 2.6.24-1222:40
Splexwhen i run 2.6.22, seems to work fine22:40
K4k-workI had it with *-11 too22:40
K4k-workit doesn't matter which I boot to22:40
K4k-workit worked before I updated though with *-1122:41
Splexthat is all you updated before it broke?22:41
K4k-workno, I just ran apt-get upgrade and then rebooted22:41
K4k-workit got like 300 something updates22:41
raulhallo pple i cant configure my radeon hd 2400 pro on hardy22:44
raulbecause i cant install ati drivers fglrx on hardy22:44
Splexk4k-work: do you know which intel module you use?22:44
raulbecause dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg cant configure the driver section22:45
J-_Is wireless broke?22:45
K4k-workSplex: for the wireless it's ipw3945 and for the wired it's a broadcom...something22:45
raulcan anybody help me please?22:45
SplexJ-:  which wireless do you use?22:45
Ward1983_how's hardy these days? nothing for users yet i presume?22:45
rauliwl3945 by the way\22:45
J-_Splex: how can I find out?22:45
Splexme too22:45
raulis newer22:45
Splexseems we are all having similar problem here22:45
K4k-workI'm currently trying to downgrade acpi-support but I can't seem to force version on it22:46
K4k-workis there a way to restore the version from the CD?22:46
gregcha117well restarting using the generic kernel didnt help my sound problems at all22:46
J-_can I go down a kernel version to see if wireless is still broke, or, will it not work like that?22:47
raulfirst of all.. just be sure to switch on the hardware button22:47
raulfor you wireless22:47
raulhowever anyone willing to help on a radeon hd on brand new hardy xorg?22:47
K4k-workraul: is there just no fglrx package for hardy yet or something?22:48
raulis not a matter of fglrx.. but a matter of xorg22:48
rauli installed fglrx22:48
K4k-workI have experience with fglrx, what do you need to know?22:48
SplexJ-:  you can find what model by running 'lspci' in console22:49
Ward1983_please ignore me22:49
K4k-workWard1983_: to answer you question you all but need to read everything we're saying. YMMV22:50
SplexJ-: when i run 2.6.22-14 my wireless works, if i run 2.6.24-12, then it doesn't work...  but i think the problem is related to acpi-support 0.10622:50
Ward1983_K4k-work, i qssume people without trouble dont come here :)22:51
PiciSplex: What arch are you running in .24?22:51
Ward1983_doesnt mean they dont exist22:51
Splexbefore i updated from 0.105 to 0.106, wireless was fine22:51
K4k-workWard1983_: more then likely22:51
Splexright when i updated that package, wireless went offline22:51
PiciMake sure you're on -generic not -i38622:51
K4k-workWard1983_: you could always try it. It seems to work pretty well, the only gripe I have is this network being broken at the moment22:51
K4k-workit seems to be a lot faster then Gutsy22:51
J-_Splex: my wireless card is an Intel Prop/ Wireless 3945ABG22:52
Splexand every time i start, i get : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60104/22:52
SplexJ-: same as me, except mine is not pro22:53
Ward1983_i was thinking of trying it for my little home server (unimported server)22:53
Ward1983_unimporTANT server22:53
=== daubers is now known as daubafk
Splexfor some reason, radio frequency kill switch is on... but i don't have any physical 'switch' on my notebook22:53
K4k-workWard1983_: for a server application I would recommend sticking with the current stable dist22:53
J-_my wireless switch is always on22:53
Ward1983_K4k-work, but its not an important server, its just to fool around and try out stuff22:54
K4k-workThen this might be what you want22:54
SplexJ:  i think this is nothing to do with the actual switch... it is some sort of hw thing22:54
K4k-workit's just a matter of what you're looking for22:54
J-_Splex: yep22:54
Ward1983_this way i could do two things at the same time22:54
Ward1983_test the new ubuntu, and setup my little server22:54
J-_Splex: have you tried updating today?22:54
Splexyes, i am totally up-to-date22:55
J-_so no new updates have been released today?22:55
Splexearlier today there were some updates22:55
K4k-workActually, has the beta been released publicly yet?22:55
Splexwith libc622:55
K4k-workI see that the beta freeze happened a few days ago22:55
J-_I wonder if that aspci update messed up the laptop, not yesterday, but day before22:56
flipstarK4k-work: only for testing yet22:56
Splexthat is when i hate the problem22:56
Splexthere was a time where i updated one thing, it was acpi-support22:56
Splexand right after the update finished, my wireless stopped working22:56
K4k-workhm...2 days...maybe I can live without my laptop till then22:56
J-_I'm gonna go update, there might be a fix, brb22:56
Ward1983_K4k-work, you should get a spare (old second hand) laptop if you got the money :)22:57
K4k-workWard1983_: negative22:57
K4k-work...I'm in college22:58
K4k-worksince when do college kids have money22:58
Ward1983_K4k-work, im unemployed, even worse22:58
Ward1983_doing a course though22:59
Ward1983_CCNA 1 and 2 included, some server stuff, hardware, ...22:59
Ward1983_every damn day for 4 months, and then 2 months "stage" dunno the correct term in english, but its working in a company for free to get experience in the field23:00
K4k-workhm...I'm curious, maybe the driver didn't stay put when I updated the kernel...I'm going to see if I can't find a deb package for my broadcom driver'23:06
K4k-workgah, bugger I guess I'll just live with it till Thursday23:08
Aranddoes anybody know what fglrx vresion that's durrently supplied by jockey?23:09
ArandI am not really sure what the version numbers actually mean23:09
Arandthere's a 8-3 something at the end, does that imply that it is indeed v. 8.3 that's in the repos?23:10
J-_hmm, wireless is still broke23:10
thompadoes anyone know how to fix the sound in ubuntu 64 I am 2.6.24-11-generic23:10
thompai mean no sound card issue23:11
Arandwasn't that due to kernel? tried *.12 ?23:12
thompaArand: that the one that dont work here23:12
J-_will backing down a kernel get wireless working for now?23:12
* J-_ tries23:13
thompa-11 if its atheros23:13
thompamaybe worked for me23:13
J-_I'm on an Intel hehe23:13
* J-_ tries23:13
thompathere is something wrong with the acpi in acer plastic box23:13
thompalike there is no acpi23:14
ArandI heard there was a lot of dabbling in the acpi lately, my network was broken just recently for example, so that might be it...23:15
thompai think there are two bugs on the atheros wireless and it broke after something about backporting acer_acpi23:15
mithraicDo I have any reason to believe that a HH install will fix my Xorg, open-source ATI driver, and xrandr so that rotating my display doesn't freeze the machine?23:16
thompawhat is the new module for acer_acpi?23:16
Flannelmithraic: Its got an updated xorg.  So possibly.  You could try a liveCD (although failure on liveCD isn't sufficient to mandate failure on install)23:17
SplexJ-_: my ipw3945 works in 2.6.22-14 with all the current updates installed.23:18
mithraicIt's too bad there's no straightforward way to downgrade Hardy to Gutsy (or is there?)23:19
Splexseems things broke with acpi-support package 0.106, im not sure what exactly....23:19
Flannelmithraic: no, downgrading is a messy process (although not technically impossible)23:19
mithraicThanks, Flannel.23:19
mithraicThis is a pretty expendable machine (basically just runs a VNC client), so I'll just upgrade and see what happens. :)23:20
Flannelmithraic: that's the spirit ;)23:21
alex_mayorgasavvas: ping23:21
J-_weird, I only kernel's -8 and -12 I think it was23:22
J-_wireless no workie, either.23:22
mithraicIncidentally, running Synergy + VNC is a lovely combo. Gives me an extended desktop from machine 1 (a laptop, which otherwise supports only 1 external display), but if I keep moving left, synergy kicks in and I'm controlling machine 2!23:22
SplexJ-_ which arch?23:22
J-_I hope my router isn't borked23:24
J-_it's weird, lsat night my wireless, just stopped working. I'm not sure if it was from an update or not23:31
flipstarprobably yes23:31
chaosrldoes anyone know how to configure sound in hardy?23:33
Dr_willisI thought it was the same as in gutsy - the alsa tools.23:33
chaosrlmm, i just updated from gutsy and when i try to open the volume control, i get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."23:34
Arandhas anybody experienced mounted media permissions not working, as decribed in Bug #19840323:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198403 in ubuntu "file permissions not working for mounted media" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19840323:34
J-_I was having problems before, but I think I fixed them. Although, I didn't know what I was doing.23:35
J-_with the mounted midea issue23:36
Raspberrythe inconsistancies with dual displays and gdm / X has really gotta get fixed23:37
RaspberryI need to go find a bug on this or file it23:37
Raspberrywhen I can CTRL+ALT+BKSP and get the display to pop up on both monitors and then do it again and only get it on one... then do it again and only get it on 1 then do it again and get it on both and do it again and get it on both... and then restart and it works on both... it just makes no sense23:38
ArandThe media permissions thing has folowed me all through alpha 4-6 and is still there, I'm getting a bit worried...23:39
J-_Arand: I'd turn my external drive on, it worked, and wouldn't. Then wanted to change permissions so I right clicked /media/disk as root in nautilus, fooled around with the gui and figured out permissions whereas I could only write as root, but when copying the file to my desktop, it wa sstill protected.   And I lefti t like that.23:42
ArandMo problem is with an internal, ntfs partition...23:45
ArandAnd the permissions when i click properties or do a "ls -l" clearly shows up as non-writable for non-root users, but yet I can write all I want as non-root!23:46
Dr_willisIm thinking thats becuase the ntfs-3g drivers are set to allow it that way.23:47
Dr_willisYou normally dont set permissions on the mountpoint for ntfs/vfat filesystems.23:47
J-_I got rid of ntfs as fast as I could. I don't know much about the filesystem, but I know it's in relation to windows. And there's only 1 Vistabox in this house, and 3 Linux, 1 Linux server here. The Vistabox isn't mine though =)23:48
Arandhmm, I've set permissions in fstab... That worked just fine in Gutsy.23:49
J-_Yeah I did that by following a tutorial a while ago with my destop pc before getting this laptop, and I didn't like how I did it23:50
Dr_willisI rarely mess with ntfs-3g much. So i havent checked its docs.23:50
Arandntfs is beacause I use XP as main system.23:50
Dr_willisyou could always just not automount the ntfs filesystems, that way only root can mount them.23:50
J-_I like sudoing into a drive to remove, or add anything to it. Reading as user.23:51
ArandBut it worked fine to do this in Gutsy! That's what's bothering me, it should work in hardy to in my opinion...23:51
shirishguys after today's updates, my power-manager doesn't function23:53
J-_I wish WPA2 worked on my router/ Hardy, but I haven't got it to work so I use WPA. Maybe I'm having these problems because someone is cracking the connection, I don't know. Like last night before changing the password, I didn;t have a secure router until I changed the password. Before when it worked it was always secure.23:54
Arandshirish: in what way23:54
shirishArand: I have gnome-power-preferences set up as Put display to sleep when inactive for more than 2 minutes23:55
shirishits been 5 hours & it still hasn't put the display to sleep :(23:55
Dr_willisshirish,  perhaos its using the webcam to see that you are watching it.... (kidding!)23:56
Arandshirish: Hum... for me it seems to think the computer is "idle" all the time, and runs on constant low brightness.23:56
Arandmebbe something's up with power-m23:57
RainCTI've just upgraded to Hardy and I can't get my 3G modem to work anymore (I'm on another PC with Gutsy right now)...23:57
RainCTany idea?23:57
ArandI'm going to check if I get any low-battery messages...23:57
shirishArand: I'm on a desktop23:58
shirishsomebody filed that bug about 12 hours ago23:59
shirishBug #20351323:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203513 in gnome-power-manager "display doesn't go to sleep after today's gnome-power-manager update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20351323:59

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