
gicmoanybody here?00:27
nxvlis there any way to tell a .desktop file to use gkdu or kdesu depending on if it is KDE or GNOME?05:31
nxvlor do i just need to install 2 .desktop files?05:31
dholbachgood morning05:49
nxvldholbach: guten nacht!05:51
dholbachhi nxvl - hehe :)05:52
loolnxvl: su-to-rootN07:16
slomo_seb128: the youtube plugin works fine here for me... do you get the same failure?08:30
seb128slomo_: did you try on hardy or debian?08:31
seb128slomo_: searching for videos work correctly, ie ubuntu lists lot of those08:31
seb128but playing doesn't work08:31
seb128trying to play "Ubuntu @ the Library" for example08:32
seb128"0:00:28.448213545 11128 0x80a2490 ERROR                totem /build/buildd/totem-2.22.0/src/backend/bacon-video-widget-gst-0.10.c:330:bvw_error_msg: uri     = http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=nWIrxuF5NSo&t=OEgsToPDskJBHaSvPvJkOqOMX83tFaJT08:33
seb128** Message: Error: Could not open resource for reading.08:33
seb128gstgnomevfssrc.c(841): gst_gnome_vfs_src_start (): /play/source:08:33
seb128Could not open vfs file "http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=nWIrxuF5NSo&t=OEgsToPDskJBHaSvPvJkOqOMX83tFaJT" for reading: Generic error (2)08:33
slomo_seb128: that was on debian, i don't think there's any important difference with the used packages... hm, let me try that one :)08:33
slomo_yes, that one fails for me too08:33
seb128I've been trying a lot of different one in the ubuntu query and most don't play due to similar errors08:33
slomo_seb128: search for "badger", the first result plays for me08:34
seb128slomo_: is that the eeePC gutsy one?08:35
seb128same error, that seems to be random08:35
seb128I get some videos to play sometime08:36
slomo_no, the badger song :) www.badgerbadgerbadger.com08:36
seb128trying to play the badger song one08:36
seb128"** Message: Error: Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file a bug.08:36
seb128gstffmpegdemux.c(1372): gst_ffmpegdemux_sink_activate_push (): /play/decodebin13/ffdemux_flv1:08:36
seb128failed to activate sinkpad in pull mode, push mode not implemented yet"08:36
seb128but I might not have gstreamer-plugins-bad installed08:36
seb128let me check08:36
slomo_yes, that's missing definitely08:36
slomo_you need the flv demuxer from -bad08:37
seb128shouldn't the easy codec thing be triggered?08:37
slomo_no, gst-ffmpeg can demux flv too... just not in push mode (i.e. http)08:38
seb128ok, it works now08:38
seb128slomo_: alright, so the thing just doesn't like the ubuntu videos for some reason08:38
seb128doesn't like the one from a debian query neither08:40
slomo_yay, i'm playing ubuntu @ the library now08:40
slomo_seems to be something broken in gnomevfs, with soup it works08:41
seb128what did you change?08:41
slomo_we should talk with gicmo ;)08:41
seb128I doubt he's still interested in gnomevfs ;-)08:42
slomo_last time i had a similar bug he listened to me... and now we can seek over http without bigger problems08:42
slomo_btw, for some reason when using gnomevfs one gets a "forbidden" when trying to download the video itself, all redirects before work fine08:42
loolslomo_: Missing referrer?  cookie?08:44
slomo_then soup would miss it too... well, let's ask wireshark :)08:44
slomo_seb128: do you keep track of http://live.gnome.org/GioPort and get patches for gio ports in ubuntu?08:47
seb128slomo_: no08:48
seb128slomo_: we stick to what GNOME do, they usually get things to svn08:48
slomo_hm, maybe found the bug...08:49
slomo_most notable difference between soup and gnomevfs is, that gnomevfs sends keepalive http requests and includes "Range: 0-" in the header... apart from that they do the same. so i guess the range makes youtube unhappy and it should work fine with gnomevfs 2.21.90 or something08:52
slomo_seb128: if you still have that version around (without the http seeking patch) could you test? :)08:52
seb128slomo_: ok, trying08:54
loolslomo_: Not sure, but I would guess the particular range "Range: 0-" can be ommitted, no?09:01
seb128slomo_: that makes it work correctly09:01
slomo_seb128: thanks, would you mind filing a bug upstream? i've to leave now for an hour or something... i could do it afterwards though09:01
slomo_lool: iirc gnomevfs uses this to determine if it can seek later or not09:01
seb128slomo_: I'll let you do it, there is no hurry and you know what to write there ;-)09:02
loolslomo_: Aha09:02
slomo_lool: but then... if that Range stuff failed it should fallback to a request without Range... maybe the "forbidden" confuses it here09:02
slomo_lool: or that all redirects before happily accepted the range09:02
slomo_whatever, bbl :)09:03
loolslomo_: Right09:04
DktrKranzHas someone familiar with mono seen something similar to debian 470328 ?09:33
ubotuDebian bug 470328 in beagle "beagle: FTBFS: GConfThreadHelper.cs(30,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `GLib' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47032809:33
slomo_DktrKranz: nope09:33
DktrKranzslomo_, there's a fix in gnome 514252 but it seems incomplete.09:35
ubotuGnome bug 514252 in General "beagle evolution backend doesn't build" [Trivial,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51425209:35
slomo_DktrKranz: why incomplete?09:37
DktrKranzit keeps FTBFS09:37
slomo_did you regenerate or patch configure too (not only configure.in)?09:37
DktrKranzwell, probably it's because of my very poor mono knowledge09:37
slomo_and when getting a svn checkout it fails too?09:38
DktrKranzdidn't tried, let's see09:38
DktrKranzoh, wait a sec...09:40
DktrKranzis backslash required?09:40
DktrKranzglib-sharp-2.0 >= $GTK_SHARP_REQUIRED      \09:40
DktrKranzso, I missed it09:44
slomo_seb128: btw, don't sync glib 2.16.1-2 from debian :) it breaks network-manager in a way that doesn't make much sense09:45
seb128slomo_: ok, thanks, I was no planned to do soon due to freeze but good to know ;-)09:46
huatsmoring everyone09:48
seb128hey huats09:50
huatshello seb12809:51
huatshow are you ?09:51
seb128good, thanks09:52
seb128how are you?09:52
huatsgood too09:52
huatsnot very available to work on desktop stuff for a few days since I am quite working on the new ubuntu-fr website09:53
huatsbut I try to find some little time :)09:53
huatsseb128: you might be able to tell me : do you have any idea why gnome-commander has been sync for powerpc and not for i386 ?09:59
huatsor amd64 ?09:59
huatswhere can I find such information ?09:59
seb128huats: we sync sources, not binaries09:59
seb128so your question is why it didn't build on those10:00
huatsyeah that was my question ...10:00
seb128huats: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-commander/ has informations10:00
seb128hardy i386   Failed to build10:00
huatsI guess there is a FTBFS somewherre :)10:00
seb128installability issue10:00
seb128ask some buildd admin to give it a retry10:00
DktrKranzslomo_, backslash was the key :)10:02
huatsseb128: you were right, the rebuild of the sources fixes the pb...10:25
seb128huats: you are welcome10:25
=== Hobbsee is now known as Spiky
=== Spiky is now known as Hobbsee
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
_MMA_Can we turn off "Show Weather/Temp" in Hardys Clock prefs? Because a location is not set by default, it adds a large amount of space on the left of the applet in the panel.17:02
_MMA_Turn off by default that is.17:03
seb128_MMA_: no17:09
seb128_MMA_: that is a bug and it should be fixed rather17:09
seb128_MMA_: vuntz knows about the issue17:09
_MMA_It being on by default or no location set?17:10
seb128adding space when no location is configured17:10
_MMA_I see. Will it make Hardy?17:10
_MMA_The fix?17:10
Amaranthcrap now i can't get rid of it17:10
Amaranthi added my own location and it added the temp but it doesn't do the forecast so it's no use to me17:11
Amaranthand now it won't go away :P17:11
seb128_MMA_: depends on whether if somebody work on a patch for the issue17:11
Amaranthah, unchecked the boxes17:11
_MMA_seb128: If the "fix" won't make Hardy, and it can be set in gconf (unchecking the options) I would think that would be a fine solution for now.17:12
seb128_MMA_: we have space on this panel, I don't think it's that an important issue17:14
seb128I would prefer having the feature working out of the box when adding a location17:15
seb128and we go no complain so far17:15
_MMA_Sure. I'll just turn it off for Ubuntu Studio till there's a proper patch.17:16
_MMA_seb128: And nobody is gonna complain 'till it's released. Classic situation. And if you won't listen to people like me, we'll continue to put out  product with quirks like this.17:19
seb128_MMA_: oh, that's not true, subscribe one week to the desktop bugs if you want to see if nobody complains about issues ;-)17:22
_MMA_seb128: Pales in comparison to after a release. And sure, "nobody" should have been "most people".17:24
seb128_MMA_: still don't agree with you, but let's not discuss on that17:25
_MMA_seb128: But this will quickly go into how we work and what I feel the shortcomings of our system are. Not really something to get into here.17:25
seb128_MMA_: "how we work" being?17:25
_MMA_seb128: In Prague. :)17:25
seb128_MMA_: you don't like having somebody in charge of packages and controlling changes we apply or not?17:25
_MMA_Some things are better in person.17:26
_MMA_I'll just leave it at that for now. :) We _really_ don't wanna get into it here. :)17:26
seb128well, I'm not sure if I should take it as a personnal criticism, but as you want17:27
seb128there is no perfect answer to most changes17:27
_MMA_seb128: Sure, but others might and text just isn't best for some chats.17:27
seb128that's like having tracker enabled or not, or deskbar installed17:27
seb128you can't make everybody happy and you need to decide on something17:27
lmanulseb128: ping?17:33
seb128lmanul: hi17:34
lmanulseb128: Hi !17:34
lmanulAny news for mentors? Should I subscribe to something if I want to help out?17:34
seb128no idea17:35
lmanulseb128: Okay, I saw the list of organizations was out, but I guess if you don't know it mustn't be time yet :)17:35
lmanulseb128: Thanks anyway17:35
seb128I've been busy updating GNOME to 2.22 etc and didn't read those discussions17:35
seb128you are welcome17:35
seb128try asking dholbach tomorrow17:36
seb128he might know better17:36
mvono seb128?18:52
mvodoes anyone here particullarly cares about evo-data-server?19:03
Keybukin what kind of sense?19:05
mvofixing a file overwrite problem, but I'm happy to do it, I had hoped that seb128 would be around19:10
Keybukit's a bit late ;)19:11
mvoyeah, good point :)19:11
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Keybukvuntz: why is it that sometimes, when I click the Window Selector applet, it gives me the applications from all of my viewports19:27
Keybukbut then sometimes it only gives me from my current viewport19:27
vuntzKeybuk: the window selector always lists all windows23:50
vuntzif it doesn't, then, there's a bug23:50
vuntzmaybe it happens when all your apps are in the current workspace?23:50
vuntzcould also be some viewport weirdness23:51

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