
LaserJockhi dtrask02:19
dtraskHow's life in NV?02:20
LaserJockgoing ok02:21
cesar_boHi, How can I set a printer from the client side03:49
cesar_boanyone can help me with this?03:50
johnnyhmm.. they seem to just work for me so far..03:50
johnnyor do you mean a printer connected to the client itself?03:50
johnnyi just have it connected to my server03:50
cesar_boto the client itself03:51
johnnyusb printer?03:51
cesar_bolp0 a matrix dot printer03:51
johnnyi don't even remember how to configure that old stuff03:51
cesar_boyea I know :(03:51
johnnywhere do you live?03:51
cesar_bobut, I read tht ltps.org but it seem that doc there doesn't work well03:52
cesar_boBolivia :D03:52
johnnyso printers are not always easily available?03:52
cesar_bowell ... Isn't like wer are on the third world ... but this are the the less expensive for the schools03:53
johnnyhmm.. just figured you might be able to get newer ones donated03:53
johnnypeople are always upgrading printers around here03:54
cesar_bofor now, would be great get this to work03:54
cesar_boI read the ltsp.org docs, and endeed there is a method, using the /etc/lts.conf file03:54
johnnyi think ltsp.org docs are outdated03:55
johnnythe edubuntu handbook is better03:55
johnnyltsp docs are for ltsp4?03:55
johnnyyou're prolly using ltsp503:55
cesar_boyea could be03:55
johnnycheck the file on your computer called lts-parameters.txt03:55
johnnyuse locate to find it.. i forget the path03:55
cesar_bobut isn't working ... and on the cookbook the printer section is empty :/03:55
* johnny isn't in ubuntu atm03:55
johnnyit has the comprehensive list of parameters that work03:56
cesar_bohooo this file ! I don't have it03:56
johnnytry just lts-parameters03:56
cesar_boI use the ltsp-standalone server03:56
johnnyit should be there03:56
johnnyubuntu runs updatedb by default i think03:56
johnnytry updatedb && locate lts-parameters03:57
cesar_bolet me see again03:57
cesar_bolet me get clear one thing03:57
cesar_boI get the ltsp work with out installing the ltsp-client package, just with the ltsp-standalone package03:57
cesar_boIf I try to install the ltsp-client I get dependencie errors03:58
cesar_boso, the file you told me is endeed on the ltps-client package03:58
cesar_boI am quite confuse.... :P jejeje but the standalone server looks to not listen the lts.conf file03:59
LaserJockogra_cmpc: squeak is just evil06:27
LaserJockogra_cmpc: I got emails back from Lex Spoon and the author of the squeak VM about licensing06:27
LaserJockand I also had a look at the squeak-vm package in Debian06:27
ogra_cmpcand ?06:27
ogra_cmpcno way ?06:28
LaserJockwell, the squeak Vm author claims it's been MIT for years06:28
LaserJockbut that's totally not what it says for the current stable version06:28
LaserJockthe Debian package is actually a svn snapshot and *is* MIT06:28
LaserJockthe licensing of the Debian package is awesome, he really did a good job with the debian/copyright06:29
* kgoetz thought debian didnt have one at all - i just learned something *heh*06:29
ogra_cmpcLaserJock, well, then it shouldnt be a prob to pull it in06:29
ogra_cmpcthe other question is ... does it work ?06:30
LaserJock*but*, the debian maintainer is the guy that did the Linex stuff and so there is well over 1MB worth of patches06:30
LaserJockand yeah, I just installed it and it really doesn't work06:30
ogra_cmpcdoesn't ... hrm06:30
LaserJockit has a .desktop, but it just calls the CLI squeak06:30
LaserJockthe browser plugin doesn't work06:31
ogra_cmpcbad debian habit06:31
LaserJockand it's really hard to pull out what all is going on06:31
ogra_cmpcis it worse or better than what we have now ?06:31
LaserJockbecause like the .desktop and icons are in a 96K linex .dpatch06:31
LaserJockit's got a 780K configure.dpatch06:32
LaserJockthat does who knows what06:32
ogra_cmpci'd say we concentrate on either making pitti happy with your current package or we keep what we have in the archive06:33
LaserJockso I looked at maybe taking the .orig.tar.gz (which is dfsg but the maintainer doesn't say what he removed :/ )06:33
ogra_cmpcat least that worked *somehow806:33
LaserJockand using it with the other packaging06:33
LaserJockbut the package from Lex and Matej just has a single 3.9M diff in debian/patches06:34
LaserJockI can't believe the upstream thought it was ridiculous to say the vm was GPL/Squeak licensed06:35
LaserJockit's *his* silly COPYING/COPYRIGHT/LICENSE mess that pitti had a problem with06:35
nixternalholy smokes, it is ogra_cmpc06:35
nixternalogra_cmpc: the chapter has been edited until it has bled, and now I will be the chapter master forever more06:36
ogra_cmpcnixternal, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ltsp-install-ubuntu.png06:36
nixternalwhich means, come the next release, it is getting an Extreme Chapter Makeover06:36
ogra_cmpcsomething for the next chapter :)06:36
nixternalfor Intrepid or Hardy?06:37
ogra_cmpc(i think we talked about that when you had to manually preseed it and there was no gui option some weeks ago)06:37
nixternalI have driven around to every bookstore in the area, and none of them has the book06:37
nixternalOK, so it looks like I am going to have to update the screenshots then06:38
LaserJockreally? my Barnes and Noble had it last I looked06:38
nixternalBarnes and Noble, Borders, Frys, University Book Store...all of them are out06:38
jsgotangcohey guys06:38
LaserJockgeeze, it's like a blast from the past in here06:39
nixternalwhoa, and it is jerome06:39
nixternalno doubt, Edubuntu is going old school tonight06:39
LaserJockogra_cmpc: well, are you insanely busy right now?06:39
nixternalLaserJock: do you have the book (2nd ed.)?06:39
johnnyi'm n00b.. so not that old school06:39
ogra_cmpcLaserJock, sadly, yes06:40
LaserJocknixternal: of the "Official" book?06:40
johnnyhey ogra...06:40
nixternalI gave mine away06:40
LaserJockno, I don't even have the 1st06:40
johnnyfun times tonight..06:40
nixternalI have the 1st, nobody wanted it though :)06:40
nixternalogra_cmpc: do you have a copy of the book (2nd ed.)?06:40
ogra_cmpcLaserJock, UTC 7:00 is my wednesday nemesis06:41
nixternalI have to finish up the chapter edits tomorrow, rearranging the entire LTSP section06:41
LaserJockogra_cmpc: alright. Well, I'm really strapped for time, but I'll really try to get something to pitti ASAP06:41
ogra_cmpcnixternal, i think i have one of the first edition somewhere in a box ...06:41
LaserJockand then I wash my hands of squeak06:41
nixternalhehe, I have that, but there isn't an edubuntu chapter in it06:41
LaserJockI don't want anything to do with it again06:41
ogra_cmpcLaserJock, well, thne blindly syncing from debian would be best06:42
LaserJockthat's what I'm afraid of :/06:42
ogra_cmpci guess they will have sane and working packages for the lenny release, so all we need atm is something to skip that time gap06:42
LaserJockI can see if I can fix it up a tad first06:42
LaserJockbut it should go through pitti no problem06:42
LaserJockthe debian/copyright is beautiful06:43
LaserJockit's also much newer06:43
LaserJockthe VM in the other packages is from 200606:43
LaserJockthe one in Debian is from like 2 weeks ago or something06:43
nixternalg'nite all!06:43
kgoetzlater mate06:44
LaserJocktime for bed here too06:45
LaserJockcya Edupeople06:45
hivo-cmpcogra_cmpc: i think it was a very good idea using abiword and gnumeric instead of OOo09:46
ogra_cmpcthere is a bug ion fstab you might want to fix to not run out of ram09:47
ogra_cmpcremove the line for /tmp09:47
ogra_cmpcand reboot09:47
ogra_cmpci found that when i tried to watch a 30min youtube movie yesterday night09:49
ogra_cmpcwhich actually works fine if you dont fill your ram with /tmp :)09:49
stgraberogra_cmpc: Did you try italc on the classmates ?09:50
hivo-cmpckde apps still start slow, but I think that is to be expected.09:51
hivo-cmpconly so much you can do on this footprint09:51
ogra_cmpchivo-cmpc, only the first time you start one09:51
ogra_cmpcits the shoddy sound daemon that takes so long09:51
ogra_cmpcno meeting on the schedule today09:52
hivo-cmpcoh really? wow. so that means there's a possibility of speeding it up in the future.09:52
ogra_cmpcnot as long as kde uses arts09:52
ogra_cmpcso not in hardy09:52
hivo-cmpckde4 uses something else, don't they?09:52
ogra_cmpcfor intrepid i have some ideas ...09:53
ogra_cmpclike adding compcache to the kernel09:53
hivo-cmpcare UI changes out of the question?09:53
ogra_cmpcthat will add a third of ram09:53
hivo-cmpcwhat does compcache do?09:53
hivo-cmpcoh wow09:53
ogra_cmpci'm planning to start a subnotebook desktop team with bryce in intrepid09:54
ogra_cmpcwe'll try to adjust apps09:54
ogra_cmpcfor hardy the screen switcher in the panel needs to be enough09:54
hivo-cmpcI think it could be worth while combining the panels. the top panel has unused space, and the bottom pannel is mostly used for the application list. I thought that they mihgt be better combined on this small screen09:54
ogra_cmpci'm dropping all apps that dont work on 800x600 atm09:54
hivo-cmpcah, good idea09:55
ogra_cmpcbut that are not many09:55
ogra_cmpcthey usually work at 600px height09:55
hivo-cmpcogra_cmpc: I love subnotebooks, I want to get the Eee with the larger display when it's available here.09:55
ogra_cmpcget a classmate 2.0 :009:55
hivo-cmpcwhat's the specs on 2.0? or isn't the specs available yet?09:56
ogra_cmpcit will have 9" and the flash attached to the ide bus09:56
hivo-cmpcI saw some intel-looking laptops on engadget the other day that looked a lot like a scaled up classmate pc. wondered about that.09:56
ogra_cmpcthere is nothing public yet i think09:56
hivo-cmpcah ok09:57
hivo-cmpcI've shown the cmpc to people at my7 lug and at work. everyone just wants one :)09:57
hivo-cmpcjust want to know where the can buy them.09:58
lagaoh no09:59
hivo-cmpcogra_cmpc: I bought an extra 1GB flash disk, I'm going to purposely trash it, find out how mean write cycles these things have these days. there doesn't seem to be lots of reliable information available on it09:59
lagaare you guys flocking? ;)09:59
hivo-cmpclaga: I prefer firefox to flock myself :)10:00
Kamping_Kaiserlaga, i was thinking breeding perhaps10:00
hivo-cmpclaga: what are you refering to?10:00
ogra_cmpchivo-cmpc, -cmpc10:00
highvoltagethe bigger versions of us are still here :)10:00
* highvoltage points at ogra__ 10:00
ogra_cmpche's sititng upstairs ... slacking again10:01
* Kamping_Kaiser wishes there was full sized low power laptops10:01
hivo-cmpcogra_cmpc: does the full-scale edubuntu use the same desktop wallpaper?10:03
ogra_cmpcnot exactly10:04
ogra_cmpcbut the same look10:04
ogra_cmpc(the original wallpaper has the logo centered ... that looked strange on teh cmpc)10:04
hivo-cmpcah ok. I quite like it. very peaceful.10:05
hivo-cmpcthen again, I like dark bg's10:05
ogra_cmpci'm pondering to do the same for the big screens as well10:05
ogra_cmpcbut i havent had any feedback at all on hardy edubuntu yet10:05
hivo-cmpcogra_cmpc: I think it looks great thee in the bottom corner10:05
hivo-cmpcogra_cmpc: I can have a window open and still see the edubuntu logo :)10:06
ogra_cmpcsomeone should tell rich that the cmpc has 4h of battery life10:06
ogra_cmpcseems there are power outages in his area today and his HP desiced to only run 20min on one charge10:06
hivo-cmpcit is actually quite impressive. I ost my charger for a while and hardly even noticed :)10:07
hivo-cmpcouch. HP's seem to loose their capacity quickly after a year or so10:07
ogra_cmpc(i wish i could get him to do some testing)10:07
ogra_cmpcmy HP2000 lappie only survives 40min ... it started off with 3h once10:08
ogra_cmpcbut then i bought it pre edgy10:08
ogra_cmpcand i'm a heavy users10:08
hivo-cmpcyes, you also travel a lot, so you probably have a lot of charge/discharge cycles10:09
hivo-cmpcogra_cmpc: oh no, tuxpaint doesn't fit in the screen, does that mean you'll drop it?10:19
ogra_cmpcis it on your image ?10:20
ogra_cmpcah, wait i dropped -type10:21
ogra_cmpcit should fit on the extended screen10:21
hivo-cmpcthe hardware feedback thingy is also on here, not sure if that should be on this image, since it would only be used on cmpc's anyway, right?10:22
ogra_cmpcright, that just enetered the desktop last week10:22
hivo-cmpcah ok10:22
ogra_cmpcits a new app10:22
hivo-cmpcyes, it kind of fits in on the extended screen10:22
ogra_cmpcit cuts off half the text at the bottom10:23
ogra_cmpcbut thats bearable10:23
hivo-cmpcthat used to be shipped by default in ubuntu previously though?10:23
hivo-cmpcyes I think people will be able to live with that.10:23
ogra_cmpctuxpaint ?10:23
ogra_cmpcoh, you mean the HW tool10:23
ogra_cmpcno, thats new10:23
ogra_cmpcits the new generation of hwdb10:24
hivo-cmpcah, it's very similar to hwdb though, or am I missing something?10:24
ogra_cmpccr3 took my gui code10:24
ogra_cmpcbut everything else is a new app10:24
ogra_cmpcgui code == glade file10:25
hivo-cmpcok. :)10:25
hivo-cmpcoh wow, it ships liferea by default!10:26
hivo-cmpcis that an ubuntu default these days?10:26
ogra_cmpcfixing the tuxpaint config makes it work fine10:28
highvoltagevery nice. I like liferea. haven't really thought about using it in education... but I can imagine that it could have lots of value.10:28
ogra_cmpcsetting windowsize to 800x480 and fullscreen to true in /etc/tuxpaint/tuxpaint.conf10:29
highvoltageI suspended the cmpc just now... but when I tried to wake it up, it shut down. I guess I shouldn't have hit the power button for wake-up again10:29
ogra_cmpcyou shouldnt have suspended :)10:29
ogra_cmpcits not working yet10:29
ogra_cmpc\i'm still wainting for the kernel team10:30
highvoltageyeah, the suspend part seems fine, just the waking up that's the problem :)10:30
ogra_cmpcthere is no disk anymore after you wake up10:30
highvoltageaaaaah, yes.10:30
ogra_cmpc(btw rmmod button helps with the shutdown prob)10:31
ogra_cmpcif button is loaded it triggers an event to shut down if you press it ... right after it woke up10:31
highvoltageI guess something as simple as a sleep in the acpi scripts wouldn't fix the problem?10:31
ogra_cmpcthe kernel removes the USB host drivers10:32
ogra_cmpcwith no way to prevent that10:32
ogra_cmpcso there is no disk anymore after you woke up10:32
highvoltageah, and you cand modprobe them again because there's nowhere to modprobe them from?10:32
ogra_cmpcif you modprobe them they will create new devices10:33
ogra_cmpcthe kernel needs the old device10:33
ogra_cmpcit cant handle if the sytate changed10:33
highvoltageah, that's a pity. so suspend will have to wait for intrepid then?10:33
highvoltageat least the device doesn't get terribly hot. if a kid would walk around with it powered on, it wouldn't overheat. and at least there isn't a very sensitive mechanical disk either.10:34
highvoltagejust power consumption as the problem.10:34
highvoltageogra_cmpc: did the mandriva it used to ship have suspend working? how did they deal with it, if so?10:34
ogra_cmpcthey used a 2.4 kernel10:36
highvoltageogra_cmpc_: any reason cmpc usb disk can't use GRUB?11:51
ogra_cmpc_it does11:52
ogra_cmpc_or didnt you boot ?11:52
ogra_cmpc_oh, you mean the installer ?11:53
highvoltageogra_cmpc_: yep11:53
ogra_cmpc_grub cant be installed to loop devices without bad hacking11:53
ogra_cmpc_so i had to resort to syslinux for the installed image11:53
ogra_cmpc_the installed system uses grub though11:53
highvoltageI installed grub to a usb disk last weekend, and it wasn't that bad, but I had to make a few minor tweaks by hand.11:54
ogra_cmpc_and i plan to fix grub in intrepid or at least add such functionallity11:54
ogra_cmpc_there is no USB disk11:54
highvoltageI mean, the external flash disk11:54
ogra_cmpc_its an image thats loop mounted on a build server11:54
ogra_cmpc_if you actually have a device its no prob11:55
highvoltageah, I understand now.11:55
highvoltagesorry, I had bread for lunch, turns me into a zombie :)11:55
stgraberogra_cmpc_: plug an external HDD on your server, then dd it to the image once the install process is done :)11:59
ogra_cmpc_stgraber, i wont run to london every night to plug in a HD to  a server in the datacenter ... thats nothing my salary covers (yet)11:59
ogra_cmpc_syslinux is fine for now12:00
ogra_cmpc_its for the installer only anyway ...12:00
ogra_cmpc_soren has some really weird hacks to make his jeos images bootable with grub12:00
ogra_cmpc_i could have used that, but the code scared me12:01
ogra_cmpc_(he's assembling the stage2 of grub by dd'ing pieces of the different stage iages together)12:01
ogra_cmpc_three bytes from here, five from there ...12:01
ogra_cmpc_well, he actually does the same thing grub does ... but in shell12:02
stgraberI don't like things that play with MBR anyway :)12:02
ogra_cmpc_well, its images ...12:02
ogra_cmpc_not as critical as real HDs12:02
stgraberwell, if that was to be run in a VM, no problem but here you boot it on real HW (soren doesn't) so if you are lucky it reads the flash and eventually break it but couldn't it do the same to the HDD too ? :)12:04
=== ogra_cmpc_ is now known as ogra_cmpc
ogra_cmpcstgraber, you have to dd the image to an external flash disk/usb key  ... indeed if the mbr of the image wouldnt work you could not boot from the device but the device wouldnt become unusable ... the installer thatthen runs does a normal grub install to the target device (internal classmate flash or another usb key)13:37
* ogra_cmpc fiddles with https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardyClassroomServer13:50
=== ogra_cmpc is now known as ogra
nixternalogra: is the add-on CD working? as in, I can go ahead and make some screenshots of it in action?17:31
ograthere are two bugs in the menu ... Light desktop is still listed as well as teacher tools17:32
ograboth will have to vanish but my bugfix didnt work right17:33
nixternalI am trying to find the images used in the 2nd ed. book, nobody has the book though :)17:33
ograbeyond that it wont change17:33
ograif you run into cbx33, he might have a copy of the original doc17:33
highvoltageogra: http://www.engadget.com/2008/03/19/classmate-pc-hits-store-shelves-in-philippines-as-neo-explore-x1/17:34
highvoltagenot sure if you've seen that yet :)17:34
ogra16,998 ?17:35
ograthey said it would be a hundret only !17:35
ogra16,998 Philippine pesos is about $408 US dollars17:36
* ogra shakes head17:36
ograah, it comews with XP17:37
ograthat explains a bit of the price at least17:37
highvoltageah, that must be where the R308 went to17:37
highvoltage$308, even17:37
highvoltageogra: you should mail those guys and tell them they can sell it with edubuntu instead of an operating system that's going to be EOL'd one of these days.17:38
ograi doubt MS will EOL it17:38
ogravista adoption is to bad ...17:38
ograthey will surely extend17:38
highvoltageyes, I think they'll have to extend too, otherwise they'll lose even more users to OSX and Ubuntu.17:39
highvoltage(which they ultimately will :) )17:39
ograanyway indeed :)17:39
highvoltageI installed Windows Vista today for the first time. I don't think it's /that/ incredibly bad. but it's nothing exciting. it's really just an updated Windows XP, but just much more resource intensive for no apparent reason.17:40
highvoltageI was thinking "wow! is this really the best a multibillion dollar corporation could come up in 6 years of development!?"17:40
highvoltageI think we've gotten so used to the fast paced development in the various linux distributions that we expect it in other systems too.17:41
ograheh, well, apple manages that17:41
highvoltagein some ways, it's good that we're wrong about that, but I suppose competition is good too.17:41
highvoltagefirst OSX that I've used is Leopard, when I bought my mac mini a few weeks ago17:42
highvoltageI remember seeing OSX the first time a few years back, before compiz17:42
highvoltageI thought that the linux guys would /never/ caught up with those nice effect17:42
highvoltagenow, I use the mac, and it feels *ancient*17:42
highvoltagethe compiz fusion effects are just so much more nicer and abundant.17:42
highvoltageand people still complain that gnome is too simple. I got frustrated with OSX's extreme simplicity, and I'm a gnome user!17:43
highvoltage(sorry, I'm slightly ranty tonight)17:43
highvoltageedubuntu is running quite nicely on the cmpc17:48
highvoltagecouldn't find any real problems yet.17:48
ograone of our OEM guys just tested17:48
ografirst thing he did was open youtube17:49
ograsince he wasnt able to get flash installed he considers it failed17:49
highvoltageah, I haven't gotten to internetty things yet.17:49
highvoltagehmm, flash should be super-easy to install though? what went wrong?17:50
ograwell multiverese isnt enabled by default17:50
ograff now has a nifty hook into synaptic17:50
ograbut that doesnt enable multiverse properly17:50
highvoltagewell, it had in gutsy already. or is this different now?17:50
highvoltageah, I see.17:51
ograoh, i just noticed my lang selector in the image has southafrican :)17:51
highvoltageflash is kind of important in education. I hate to say it, but most of the commercial educational tools require adobe flash. can't wait for the gnash guys to change that :)17:52
highvoltageogra: heh, yes. I can tell you that /that/ works, at least :)17:52
ogranot my work (apart from the selection gui) :)17:53
ograwe have awesome translators17:53
highvoltageogra: why is brasero on this image? is it a gnome dependency now?17:54
highvoltageogra: or is it for people who plug in external optical drives?17:54
highvoltagedoesn't really seem neccessary.17:54
highvoltageogra: something else is also a bit weird. the Applications menu's icons look like Tango (or at least I think it's Tango) icons17:57
highvoltageogra: but the rest (like Places and System) look like Gartoon (like it should be)17:57
highvoltageis this on purpose? or some strange bug?17:57
highvoltagehmm, pity synaptic doesn't know that it should enable multiverse. and it's a pity that firefox says that the plugin installed successfully, even though it fails.18:02
highvoltageI guess that's more work for asac then :)18:02
nixternalogra: how much has the look to LTSP stuff changed since the last chapter edit? ie. single and dual nick setup, booting process, building the ltsp file system, dhcp boot, ldm login screen, windows dhcp reservations, multiboot system in action, setting fuse preferences, thin client manager18:08
nixternalchanged visually that is18:08
ogranot at all18:11
ograapart from the installer integration in ubuntu alternate18:11
nixternaldude, you just so saved my life18:12
nixternalya, I am so excited I can't even talk right :)18:12
ograthe book was for gutsy, right ?18:14
highvoltagenixternal: cool :)18:15
ogra(the original one you refer to)18:15
highvoltageg'night nixternal and ogra18:26
mvohighvolt1ge: hm, apturl has a mechnaism to tell it what component of the archive a package comes from18:39
ogramvo, that hung heavily here18:40
ograwith multiverse in the default sources.list it seems to work though18:41
nixternalogra: with the add-on CD, will Ubuntu/Kubuntu or whatever *buntu recognize it as an add-on and take off, or is there something funky you need to do?18:41
stgrabernixternal, ogra: hmm, we no longer have tcm as it was replaced by italc. Not sure how visual that's18:41
nixternalI am reinstalling Ubuntu in vbox to give the add-on cd a try18:41
ogranixternal, all non ubuntu variants will need net access18:41
nixternalso only Ubuntu then18:41
nixternalKubuntu, Gobuntu, and Xubuntu need to install edubuntu-desktop?18:42
ograstgraber, that should go into the release notes18:42
ogranixternal, same as ubuntu, but the dpes for doing a networkless install from the addon are computed against the ubuntu CD only18:42
ograso all others need net access to pull the necessary libs18:43
nixternalcorrect, is edubuntu-desktop still the main meta pkg?18:43
* nixternal thinks UED 8.10 should be KDE 4 with all of the new KDE Edu apps18:44
nixternalI have been playing around with the KDE 4 Edu apps on my trunk/ dev box for KDE 418:45
nixternalgood stuff18:45
nixternalI have made many pretty flowers with KTurtle :p18:45
RichEdogra: you around ?21:03
ograRichEd, busy with beta21:04
ograRichEd, the classmate has a 4h battery btw21:06
ograyou could have survived a while on it21:06
RichEdi've had a pretty awful day along with the rest of cape town21:07
RichEd2.5 hours outage yesterday afternoon21:07
RichEdoutage again this morning ... jane wasn't well but decided to drag herself into work ...21:07
ograyou should buy some solar panels21:07
ograyou have a lot sun down there21:08
RichEdshe was home 20 mins later saying the roads were blocked solid everywhere21:08
RichEdturns out a truck lost a container (shipping size) going over a bridge and that landed on a car21:08
RichEd2 women sqaushed and trapped inside21:09
RichEdso the main aterial road crossing from anywhere to anywhere in cape town was shut from 6:30am to 1:00pm21:09
RichEdand as a result, people were up to 5 hours late for work ... with all the back-up traffic consequences ... so then you add dead (powerless) traffic lights ...21:10
ograoh fun21:11
ograin case you havent seen it: http://www.engadget.com/2008/03/19/classmate-pc-hits-store-shelves-in-philippines-as-neo-explore-x1/21:12
RichEdso that's why i wasn't at the meeting ... i had 4 hours in the car ... baking sun ... grumpy fellow drivers ... and accomplished exactly 2 things ... which in the normal world would have taken 3 hours tops21:12
RichEdbut took instead the whole $*& day21:12
ograwe didnt hold a meeting21:12
RichEdno-one around ?21:12
ograwell, i'm busy with beta stuff and it wasnt on the schedule anyway ... nobody showed up or pinged so i left it slip21:13
ograworking on an install doc https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardyClassroomServer21:14
RichEd^ well that's what the main topic i wanted to discuss ... prompted by LaserJock21:15
RichEdhe was worried there was no install doc, so i said this week's meeting should focus on docs for hardy21:16
RichEdso if you get the install doc done, then you and i and LaserJock can chat during the week to see what else is missing or needs revision21:16
RichEdKamping_Kaiser was talking about some docs he wanted to write21:17
ograright, i'll flesh that out more21:17
ograbut essentially thats what you need to do21:17
RichEdgreat ... a wiki list would be good ... i'll start a shell page now21:17
ogra(to get a classromm server)21:17
RichEdthen you can add your doc, with a short description, and list what else comes to mind in terms of * new required or * existing to be revised21:18
RichEd? classroom server ?21:18
ograthats what we called the CD in former releases21:20
ograso edubuntu with LTSP and italc == classroom server21:20
RichEdis clasroom server an absolute requirement or can the iTalc manager run on a edubuntu workstation ?21:23
stgraberRichEd: you can run iTalc on a Windows workstation to control an Edubuntu network made of classmate if you like21:24
stgraberRichEd: though you'll have to add your "clients" manually (get their IPs and add them to iTalc)21:25
ograits cross platform and works on any kind of client21:25
ograthat was the main reason to pick it21:25
RichEdstgraber: excellent ... some of the schools in the developing countries would not really have a full network with servers21:26
stgraberRichEd: My LTSP specific change to iTalc is that in a LTSP environment it'll automatically generate a LTSP classroom containing all the thin clients21:26
RichEdstgraber: well as for the manual add, does it "discover"machines it can see on a network, or do you need to add IP for it to see them21:26
stgraberyou need to add the IPs, iTalc doesn't have avahi support or similar stuff21:27
RichEdso is there any tool / utility (gui preferably) that we have by default or in main that would run through a network range looking for responses ?21:29
RichEdogra: ^ ?21:29
stgrabernmap but that's CLI and not really user friendly :)21:30
ograi think the gnome network test tool has something21:30
johnnynmap has a nicer gui option now21:30
* RichEd checks out the gnome option21:30
ograhmm, no you cant scan a range with it21:31
RichEdwas about to come to the same conclusion21:31
RichEdi'll check add/remove with a search ...21:31
johnnyi forget what it is called in ubuntu21:31
johnnyt he package for nmap gui21:31
ograwell, nmapfe21:31
johnnyyes.. nmapfe21:32
johnnyit looks even prettier now21:32
ograits scary for normal people21:32
ograway to overloaded21:32
johnnyhmm.. then just print it out in zenity? from nmap cli?21:32
RichEdsomething light and simple ... then we can add a section to our italc doc (or wiki page) on how to find the IPs from one place (teacher workstation) and then copy / paste into iTalc21:33
ograhmm, and nmapfe doesnt have a .desktop file it seems21:33
ograso it doesnt show up in g-a-i21:33
johnnythat's a change from before21:33
RichEdnmapfe appears in my add/remove21:33
ograit doesnt in my hardy21:34
ograand apt-cache only knows nmap21:35
ograbut no nmapfe21:35
RichEdkswitch *may* help ...21:35
* ogra never heard of it21:35
RichEddamn ... can't copy from the add/remove description21:36
stgraber(10:35:11 PM) Tobias Doerffel:   a plugin-arch. is already in development21:36
stgraber(10:35:17 PM) Tobias Doerffel:   one kind of plugins will be client-import-plugins21:36
stgraber(10:35:58 PM) Tobias Doerffel:   there could be plugins for LDAP, YP and network-scan21:36
ograits called zenmap now apparently21:36
* RichEd head off to the web link21:36
johnnythat's what i said :) zenap :)21:37
ogranontheless its not in g-a-i21:37
ograthat needs fixing if we wantr to recommend it21:37
RichEdare there any commandline utils / commands ?21:38
johnnywell you could build a zenity dialog?21:38
johnnybased on the results21:38
ograwe're in beta21:38
johnnybeta is for dorks21:38
RichEdcommand line is okay 'cos then they can pipe input to a text doc21:38
johnnyalpha FTW21:38
RichEdand then work there way through that21:38
RichEdwe just need to write a recipe level instruction ...21:39
RichEdor a script they can copy & paste into a terminal21:39
stgraberRichEd: I probably can write a script which you give your network and network mask and it'll generate iTalc's config21:41
stgraberRichEd: I do that for LTSP, the only difference is that I'll need to use nmap's output instead of my current "ps aux"21:41
ograactually just ping -b -c1 <net address> should suffice21:42
* LaserJock comes back to his computer21:42
RichEdLaserJock: never realised that you actuall step away from it :)21:43
RichEdstgraber: well if you could do that, then "most excellent"21:44
RichEdyou know the iTalc side of it, so you could mesh the output / input instructions best21:44
* RichEd heads off to get that wiki page for doc started ... and will add the instructions to the list with an outline and a suitable name21:45
RichEdback in a bit21:45
RichEdoh LaserJock scrollback to see what ogra and i just chatted about ...21:46
RichEdhe's busy with an installdoc for hardy server :)21:46
RichEdand i'm making a wiki page for you to add any other docs you think we need to create or revise/update21:46
RichEdback in a short while with the URL21:47
ograno, i'm busy weith beta stuff and classmate  :)21:47
ogranot thye time for docs for me actually21:47
LaserJockstgraber: we have no doc on iTalic, do you think  you could work up some stuff?21:47
RichEdyou just said this a few lines ago:21:47
RichEd<ogra> working on an install doc https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardyClassroomServer21:47
ograyes i started that21:49
ograi dont have time to work on docs on beat day21:49
ogra*beta as well :P21:49
LaserJockogra: have the system requirements changed since gutsy?21:49
stgraberogra, RichEd: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/f18309f6521:50
ograLaserJock, "to install an edubuntu desktop you need 1G of spare diskspace"21:50
stgraberjust call it with something like : sh run-italc
LaserJockogra: but what about the LTSP part?21:50
LaserJockand thin client specs?21:51
stgraberit'll scan the range and generate the xml21:51
ograstill the same21:51
ograLTSP is in ubuntu though21:51
LaserJockwe have to document it though, regardless of where it is21:51
ograwe dont have to care for it in edubuntu :)21:51
ograright, but the docs should belong to ubuntu21:51
LaserJockno, we *have* to care because nobody else will21:51
LaserJockbut they don't and that can't be changed for Hardy21:52
LaserJockthe Edubuntu Handbook is still the only shippable doc that has LTSP info21:52
ograLaserJock, the above wikipage RichEd pasted describes the process loosely21:52
LaserJockwell, I see a couple options21:53
LaserJock1) fix up the Edubuntu handbook and get it updated like now21:53
LaserJock2) don't ship  the handbook and rely on www.edubuntu.org pages for installation/help21:53
LaserJockpersonally I don't think we can really do 1) unless several people have some newly found free time21:55
pygithe Edubuntu handbook, as I already said number of times, isn't really where people want to work21:55
LaserJockpygi: yes, we are aware of that :-)21:56
LaserJocka decision needs to be made though21:57
LaserJockogra: what do you think?21:57
LaserJockRichEd: ?21:57
RichEdLaserJock: i'll make that page ... about to create one with this URL21:58
ograwe have it on the web anyway21:58
RichEdthen i'll add the install doc for server21:58
RichEdone for workstation21:58
LaserJockok, but are we going to do 1) or 2) ?21:58
RichEd(just an outline)21:58
RichEdLaserJock: getting it right online I think is goal #121:59
ograLaserJock, why would you rip it out ?21:59
LaserJockogra: because it's wrong!21:59
ograis it ?21:59
LaserJockwe can't ship gutsy docs in hardy21:59
LaserJockyes, it is21:59
RichEdthen the compendium can come afterwards, assembled from the individual pages21:59
ograwell, but the configuration of ltsp servers for example hasnt changed21:59
ograthe majority of stuff is very likely still valid22:00
RichEdso then if we go the online route, then it is easy to copy & paste into a wiki page the gutsy sections that still are valid22:00
LaserJockso we need to do s/TCM/iTalic/, rewrite chapter 2 and parts of chapter 122:00
RichEdand comment on the ones that need revising22:00
RichEdand then we can tackle those piecemeal and independently22:00
ograLaserJock, ok, drop it22:01
ograi dont see anyone doing that22:01
RichEdogra: you mean updating ?22:01
RichEdor revising from gutsy to hardy >22:02
ograthats the same sadly22:02
ograits more than we can afford to update it ... rewriting whole chapters is just a bit much22:03
ograso dumpi9ng it from the install is the best option22:04
ograthen we can update the online version independently from the release cycle22:05
RichEdif it is not on the install, sobeit ... let's get an online revision moving, then at least as a live resource, it will improve22:05
RichEdthe ship doc is static and frozen22:05
ograwhich was fine when someone kept it up to date22:05
* RichEd gets a list started as a first step forward, which seems more productive than a circular debate here about the sad state of affairs22:06
RichEdthen at least the list will outline *how sad it is and *where it is sad ... and then we can chew smaller pieces rather than try to swallow the whole thing22:07
LaserJockogra: ok then, when Beta is over I'll upload a new edubuntu-docs that will keep the current source, but the binary will only install the "About Edubuntu"22:16
ograsaldy scottie is busy with RL22:17
LaserJockyeah, common problem :/22:17
LaserJockI think we should really focus our doc efforts on www.edubuntu.org22:17
ograwell, he vainshed for four months off the face of the earth22:17
ograjust turned up again recently22:18
LaserJockdevelop stuff in the wiki and then migrate them over to www.edubuntu.org when "release ready"22:18
* RichEd nods22:24
RichEdin agreement and sleepiness22:24
RichEdgo mad ... add docs you think we need22:44
RichEdexisting docs that need refreshing22:44
RichEdand there is a section to make comments on the handbook22:44
RichEdplease add the doc(s) you know scotty is busy with22:45
* RichEd heads to bed22:46
RichEdnight all22:46
LaserJockcya RichEd22:47
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