
seeleTonio_: awesome!00:28
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nixternalwho broke what tonight?02:52
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n8k99my heart02:55
ScottK2nixternal: For me initramfs doesn't see my md0 array on the server I upgraded to Hardy tonight.03:01
nixternalI have some booged python pkg, probably from a non-testing motu03:06
nixternalhrmm, people already announcing the beta release and it isn't even released yet03:13
nixternalare the latest ISOs working fine anyone know?03:20
daSKreechI have like a Alpha 4 ISO and I just update from that03:25
ScottK2nixternal: Which package?  It may also be the recently python-central changes.  Nothing like changing the tool chain in incompatible ways the day before beta freeze starts.03:28
nixternalhehe, python-wxgtk2.803:29
nixternalI just purged it03:29
nixternaldon't even know why it was installed in teh first place03:29
nixternalnixternal@ShakaDoobie:~$ dpkg -l *gtk* | grep ii | wc -l03:30
nixternalthat is way to much gtk crap on this machine03:30
* nixternal gets to cleaning03:30
daSKreechnixternal: what was all that?03:32
nixternalnixternal@ShakaDoobie:~$ dpkg -l *gtk* | awk '{print $1}' | grep ii | wc -l03:33
daSKreechnixternal: Yes :) what apps made you install gtk?03:43
nixternalinkscape and gobby03:43
nixternalthe others I have no clue03:43
nixternalthe gtk files left are needed for the gtk-qt-engine, gobby, and inkscape03:44
daSKreechwhy do you have a gtk engine for apps you don't use?03:51
nixternaldaSKreech: that is a good point actually05:05
daSKreechI made a good point?05:06
nixternalunbelievably so05:08
nixternalVBox is the shiznit05:12
nixternalit totally flies on my desktop, where as MS VPC is slow and so is VMWarez05:12
daSKreechI forget is it open source?05:13
nixternal!info virtualbox-ose hardy05:13
daSKreechI keep hearing it is then it isn't05:13
daSKreechI'm still in qemu mode05:13
nixternalI don't have a cpu that can do virtualization anymore05:13
daSKreechNeither do I05:14
nixternalqemu was way to slow for me on my amd64 and my pentium d05:14
daSKreechI have a live Cd that I start and run Qemu off it to boot the Debian image then in that I run qemu to run Haiku05:16
daSKreechseems to be ok to me05:16
nareshovHi, adept_manager crashed, what -dbg package do I have to install to get a reasonable backtrace?06:21
mornfallnareshov: 2.1 or 3.0 alpha4?06:56
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nareshovmornfall: 2.108:13
nareshov"2.1 Cruiser"08:13
mornfallAh, well.08:14
mornfallCan't help with that, I'm afraid.08:14
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nareshovwas trying out that adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel :|08:18
mornfallThat's something I don't even know about...08:20
mornfallSomeone else probably did that.08:20
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yao_ziyuanwhat i want is very simple:09:37
yao_ziyuana ubuntu-style language selector09:37
yao_ziyuanjust a simple list with checkboxes09:37
yao_ziyuanno confusing concepts like "default language", "install languages", "system language", "system locale"09:37
yao_ziyuanterminology consistency is very important09:38
yao_ziyuanand an additional checkbox for enabling east asian input (scim)09:38
yao_ziyuanor, a fedora-style language selector09:39
yao_ziyuansame thing09:39
yao_ziyuanshould only use one concept: enabled languages09:40
yao_ziyuanif chinese is enabled, it automatically means scim must be enabled too09:40
yao_ziyuanbecause there is no reason why it shouldn't09:40
Nightrosemorning jpatrick :)09:45
* Nightrose starts isotesting again09:45
jpatrickmoin Nightrose09:46
Tonio_hi there09:47
Tonio_Riddell: can you approve kdesudo 2.5 waiting in the queue ?09:52
RiddellTonio_: no, we're in beta freeze10:24
Tonio_Riddell: ah okay, that's why ;)10:25
davmor2Riddell: is there a reason for the two about kubuntu icon on the kde4 desktop?11:34
Riddelldavmor2: no, it's a bug11:37
davmor2okay cool11:37
Riddellits on my todo list for after beta11:37
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davmor2Riddell: I can test now I have t'interweb again and some connection speed :)11:38
Riddelldavmor2: 20MBit goodness?11:39
davmor2Riddell: Yes yesterday I was only able to rsync at about 10kb/s and downloading direct was at about 56kb/s but the fault looks fixed now rsync is averaging 1.2Mb/s11:40
davmor2Riddell: you notice the difference11:43
Riddelldavmor2: what did they have to do to fix it?11:46
davmor2Riddell: apparrently there was excessive noise on the line11:47
serzholinowill Kubuntu DVD contain both KDE3 and KDE4 live CD's &11:48
Riddellserzholino: no (no space, and too complex to make)11:48
serzholinook, and what about kde4 packages?11:49
Riddellserzholino: what about them?11:49
Riddellthey're on the kde 4 CD, DVD is kde 3 only11:50
serzholinowill they be included in DVD11:50
sahin_wI installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop on hardy11:50
serzholinook, thanks11:50
sahin_wI realized I can't use spell checking in kwrite.11:50
sahin_wI'm talking about the KDE4 version.11:51
sahin_wIs spell checking works for somebody in KDE4?11:51
davmor2shouldn't jockey auto start to say there's an Nvidia card in my machine?12:03
davmor2Riddell: ^12:04
Riddellmhb ^12:05
Riddelloh, he's not around12:05
jpatrick /msg SeenServ seen mhb12:05
Riddellit runs  jockey-kde --check12:05
davmor2Riddell: kde4 isn't :(12:06
davmor2I got skim/nm/klip/my computer/clock and that's it12:07
NightroseRiddell: testing alternate kde 4 desktop - it lets me choose my timezone but only american ones - no way to get mine - is this known? want me to file a bug?12:12
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Nightroseumhhh never mind - /me headdesks12:25
sahin_wI found spell checking is broken in KDE4. So this is an upstream problem.12:29
ubotuKDE bug 159507 in kwrite "dictionary not found kate/kwrite" [Normal,Assigned]12:29
davmor2Riddell: I like the restart now that's been added to the installer it's about time :)12:40
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Riddelldavmor2: been meaning to do that for about three releases now :)12:58
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davmor2Riddell: Much better anyway :)13:01
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* Jucato finds it amusing that a comment on seele's blog is telling her to talk to openusability.org :D13:44
Jucatoseele: btw. I don't think your most recent post made it to planetkde13:46
seeleJucato: yes, i've seemed to have dropped from planetkde.  i emailed clee about it13:46
n8k99i noticed that i only saw your post once in akregator13:47
Jucatoseele: too bad... that particular post is extremely relevant to KDE :(13:47
seelei'm not sure when that happened.. it might have been before my last post13:47
n8k99i think its because your hair is no longer blue13:47
Jucatolol :)13:47
Jucaton8k99: yeah I saw it from ubuntu planet/planet ubuntu13:48
davmor2Riddell: jockey doesn't auto start on Kubuntu 32-64bit or kde4 32-64bit13:50
Riddelldavmor2: what happens if you start it manually?13:51
davmor2Riddell: kde4 starts the app but fails due to kdesudo once I ran the updates rebooted it still didn't seem to work properly but I'll test that again latter.14:10
davmor2Riddell: works manually on Kubuntu the pop up screen doesn't appear on kde4 (pop up reads some thing like are you sure you want to enable this?)14:12
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Tonio_seele, Riddell: fancy testing kdesudo-kde4 3.1 ?14:50
Tonio_it should fix icon and app name when starting apps from kmenu/kickoff14:50
Tonio_or anyone else using kde4 ;)14:52
Riddelldavmor2: have you come accross bug 199129 in any auto-resize install tests?14:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199129 in ubiquity "Auto-resize install fails to mount drive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19912914:52
RiddellTonio_: got packages?14:53
Tonio_Riddell: http://www.toniox.org/temp14:53
Tonio_Riddell: of course :)14:53
Tonio_Riddell: just install and start adept_installer from kickoff14:54
Riddellyou'll need to wait until I actually have a working machine again14:55
Riddellall busy with installs14:55
Tonio_Riddell: sure ;)14:56
Tonio_Riddell: I'm not on contrib day today, so no time to install kde4 and test14:56
Tonio_Riddell: if you can't test, that'll wait for friday, no pb14:56
* Nightrose wonders what that little tray icon is...14:56
Nightrosein kde 4 - never seen it before14:56
Nightroseohhh scim...14:57
RiddellNightrose: scim, which for some unknown reason is on the CD14:57
Nightrose;-) ok14:57
davmor2Riddell:  No but I'm about to do another resize on Kubuntu 32 bit so I'll keep my eye out for it14:58
davmor2Riddell: jockey won't run correctly in oem mode14:58
Riddelldavmor2: at what stage of oem mode?14:59
davmor2Riddell: once you in oem phase for update and adding packages, before you hit the Prepare for shipping button.15:00
Riddelldavmor2: what doesn't work about it?15:00
seeleTonio_: works for when you start adept manager from kickoff, but not clicking adept notifier from the system tray15:01
davmor2Riddell: same as kde4 the kdesudo appears and asks for password the you get the window that list prop h/w.  You then select the nvidia card and nothing else happens15:01
Tonio_seele: hum interesting..... I'll try to figure out what happens on that side15:04
seeleTonio_: close though, that gets half a hug :)15:04
Tonio_seele: hehe :)15:05
Riddelldavmor2: did it work in a normal KDE 3 session?15:05
davmor2Riddell: yes15:05
Tonio_seele: the problem is that there are different ways to call kdesu, without or without -c etc.....15:05
Tonio_seele: original kdesu doesn't resolve icon and app name, now I know why :)15:05
Tonio_seele: to have to do it differently depending the way it is called15:06
davmor2Riddell: Ive just hit the Prepare for Shipping button and am going to see if you can install it once in real mode15:06
seeleugh.. i woke up this morning with one meeting on my calendar for today15:08
seelethere are now *six*15:08
mvoa file overwrite problem on dapper->hardy for kmplayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5874  if someone is interessted :) (and http://paste.ubuntu.com/5875)15:09
Riddellmvo: is it better to add Conficts and Replaces for such issues or is just Replaces fine?15:19
mvoRiddell: if its just about files moving from one package to the other a Replaces is fne15:19
davmor2Riddell: doesn't work in normal mode either :(15:19
Riddelldavmor2: at least that's consistent then15:23
Riddellmvo: when is both replaces/conflicts needed?15:24
mvoRiddell: when you want to get rid of something in favor of something else (Conflicts/Replaces: python2.4-foo when python-foo is now taking over the job of python2.4-foo for example)15:26
mvoits a bit confusing, because "replaces" can mean two different things: 1) replaces files that belong to some other package 2) replaces a package entirely15:26
Riddellmvo: ok, thanks15:27
mvocheers :)15:31
Riddellmvo: uploaded fixed kmplayer15:40
* Jucato sees seele on planetkde now :)16:26
* Jucato waits for the number of comments to go up :P16:26
seeleRiddell: i thought kickoff was resizable in 4.0.2?16:39
seeleor just panel?16:39
Riddelljust panel I think16:39
daSKreechseele: You must be thinking of 4.2 :)16:45
* Jucato whacks daSKreech with a club of 4.116:46
* daSKreech rolls a saving throw16:46
* Jucato steals the dice/die16:46
* daSKreech whaks Jukato with a klub of plenty16:47
daSKreechseele: I guess designing a software project for "people" is not sufficient as user research16:50
Jucatowhat kind of people? what do these people want to do with the product? what do people expect from the product? how are we going to evaluate the success of the product?16:52
seeleexactly.  that is why i say "everyone/anyone" as an answer to "who" is not the correct answer16:52
seeleit might be a lot of different types of people using your software, but they are not all using it in the same way for the same means16:53
daSKreechpeople with working digits hopefully at least one opposable, do groovy things, it not to crash and get better with time while taking up at most no more resources, when everyone can't function without it on the computer they are using16:53
* daSKreech fully expects to be kicked now :)16:53
nosrednaekimdaSKreech: where the heck is THAT from?16:54
seelei think he made it up16:54
daSKreechnosrednaekim: My head16:54
seeletime for meeting 3/6 for today..16:55
* seele goes afk16:55
daSKreechI was going to say gwenview might fit that but I can probably narrow gwenview down16:55
Riddellseele: not only do you have lots of meetings, you also have no internet during them?!16:55
daSKreechThat;s inhuman16:55
seeleRiddell: luckily they are all phone calls.. but i do have to pay attention to most of them16:56
seeleRiddell: i'm at home in pajamas and slippers :D16:56
Riddellseele: that's the best way to work :)16:56
daSKreechHa ha :-)16:56
daSKreechI'm nearly there16:56
daSKreechminus slippers16:56
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Jucatoat least not "minus pajamas"17:13
nixternalanyone here have the Official Ubuntu Book 2nd Ed.?17:20
Riddellseele: you can add your testing results from yesterday to iso tracker if you want17:49
CzessiHi, is there a way, that I can build kde4 packages for gutsy in my ppa?18:00
comm_a_nderhi there18:00
jpatrickhi comm_a_nder18:02
RiddellCzessi: what needs building?  I can add you to the kubuntu kde4 ppa if that's easier18:03
jpatrickCzessi: since the current kde4 ones are in their ppa, I don't think so. :(18:03
CzessiRiddell: coremoid, http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/CoreMoid?content=7278918:04
Czessiworks great on hardy18:04
* Nightrose would like to note that an installer that asks for all the information needed at the beginning and then installs would really rock (compared to one asking something now and then)18:04
seeleRiddell: ok.  I'm testing wubi right now18:05
daSKreechNightrose: isn't that what the current installer does?18:06
daSKreechor since the last time I installed18:06
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daSKreechwhich was a year or two back18:06
NightrosedaSKreech: not really - I have to wait a few times each install18:06
daSKreechWhat gets asked in the middle?18:07
Nightroseusername, proxy, ...18:07
daSKreechthis is the GUI installer?18:08
Nightrosethe gui one is fine18:08
nareshovadept_manager crashed on gutsy and I can't devel-upgrade to hardy ;/18:08
nareshovand I don't know what -dbg package to install to get meaningful bt18:09
seeleuhm.. hmm.. wubi failed18:17
seeleanyone else try this?18:17
seelewell i dont knwo if it failed, it jsut didnt create a start entry, but i dont know how to start it in windows otherwise18:18
nixternalI haven't tried on the new one18:18
seeledo you know how to start it without the shortcut?18:18
nixternalI used it this weekend though at a LUG event and it made quite a few people really happy18:18
nixternaldid you reboot your computer?18:18
nixternaland there wasn't a menu item in the windows boot loader?18:19
nixternalwell that stinks18:19
nixternalI am a windows dummy unfortunately for something like that18:19
seelei'm in a meeting now.. i'll uninstall and reinstall it on a different computer18:19
nixternalI haven't edited a windows boot loader since probably NT18:19
seelethis isn't the cleanest windows box18:19
nixternalI installed it onto multiple Vista laptops this weekend with great success18:19
NightroseRiddell: tested alternate kde 4 cd with crypto setup - not good :( - trustno118:20
nixternalpeople were affraid of the dual boot option and after talking to them about wubi, they said go for it18:20
Nightrosewrong window but still18:20
nixternalNightrose: I am so glad you just said that, I was going to do my desktop18:20
NightroseRiddell: crypto setup seems borked18:20
nixternalas soon as that gets all worked out, I am going to redo my laptop18:20
NightroseI get this when booting: modprobe warning: error inserting padlock:sha (/ib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/kernel/drivers/crypto/padlock-sha.ko): no such device18:22
Nightroseand then:18:22
Nightrosecryptosetup: failed to setup lvm device18:22
Nightroseand it seems to stop at: running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)18:24
Nightrosejep stops there18:26
gamemankuhoh an n-m upgrade broke my internets18:32
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davmor2Nightrose: was the crypto on 32bit or 64 bit?18:33
Nightrose(I only test 32 bit stuff)18:34
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davmor2Nightrose: Did you check your cd image?18:46
Nightrosenope - install went fine so.. - but I will check now18:46
nixternalyuriy: it broke my internets a few days ago, actually only broke my eth0 internets because I had an old eth0 line in /etc/network/interfaces18:47
nixternalman, KDE Edu is doing some sweet arse work18:47
yuriynothing weird in /etc/network/interfaces and neither eth0 (wired) or ath0 (wireless) seem to work, manually or through knm18:48
yuriyrebooting seems to have done the trick though18:48
nixternalahh ya18:48
nixternalusually does :p18:48
nixternalnew yakuake-kde4 awaiting approval :)18:48
nixternalnevermind, it was accepted18:49
Riddellnixternal: did you report wubi installs on iso testing?18:49
RiddellNightrose: crypto setup?18:49
nixternalRiddell: I did the wubi installs from the Alpha 6 CD this weekend18:49
NightroseRiddell: install on disk with encryption18:50
RiddellNightrose: in the alternate installer?18:50
Nightrosetesting the image now18:50
Nightrosemaybe it was broken18:50
nixternalwe had an older gentleman, I would say around 80, come in with a brand new HP dv9000 laptop, totally gorgeous and one of the sweetest laptops I have seen18:50
davmor2Riddell: I got it installing now18:50
nixternalwe installed Kubuntu on there because he doesn't like brown18:50
nixternaland he was in heaven with it..it was pretty neat18:50
nixternaland Kopete worked with his built-in Webcam right from the get go18:51
davmor2nixternal: I got one of them they are nice :)18:51
nixternalonly thing that didn't work was the wifi (intel soemthing or other)18:51
NightroseRiddell: test on the cd says the cd is fine18:51
nixternaldavmor2: his had the volume slider up top, where you can slide your finger across it to pump up the volume :)18:51
Nightroseso something is b0rked18:51
davmor2nixternal: it needs ndiswrapper :(18:51
nixternalahhh, I will make sure I tell his neighbor that so he can get him setup then18:52
davmor2Yeap thats the one18:52
nixternalit is so awesome18:52
nixternalCore 2 Duo 2.5 GHz, 3GB RAM, 17" widescreen, 2x 160GB SATA 7200 RPM drives (umph!)18:52
nixternalGutsy didn't work worth a damn on it, but Hardy worked great18:53
davmor2nixternal: the only issue I had with mine is the sd card reader is a bit off :(18:53
nixternalahh ya, that was a bit off we noticed18:53
nixternaldon't know if that got fixed or not, but he was way to happy being an 80+ year old geek :)18:53
nixternalhis daughter bought him the laptop so he could stay in touch with her easily when she travels18:53
nixternalit was a neat thing18:54
daSKreechmy general feeling is that gutsy doesn't work18:54
nixternalit is nice having fairly generic hardware, even the most broken of distros works great on it :p18:54
davmor2nixternal: I actually got the amd version of the same machine it was like 300 quid cheaper for the same spec.18:54
nixternalshe paid $1,100 USD for it at a Costco here in Chicago18:54
nixternalif I had $1,100 USD burning a hole in my pocket, I would go and buy it18:55
nixternalif I had $1 USD burning a hole in my pocket, I would go and buy anything right about now :p18:55
davmor2nixternal: just save the dollar  and go to LRLUS 08 :)18:57
nixternalI thought about LRLUS, not sure if I want to go or will go just yet18:57
nixternalone of my buds, Joe Born from Neuros, is going and is trying to drag me along18:58
nixternaltime to take the dogs for a walk19:00
* daSKreech lights all of nixternal's dollar bills on fire and sticks them in his pants19:00
davmor2Nightrose: at which point do you get the error mine seems to work fine?19:01
Nightrosedavmor2: when booting after I type in the password19:01
Nightrosethen it boots until the line I posted19:01
Nightroseand stops19:01
davmor2No works fine here.19:02
NightroseI will install again19:02
Nightroselet's see if it happens again19:02
Nightrosewill take some time though19:02
davmor2what package gives you the rest of the plasmoids ?19:11
yuriyhmm can't seem to figure out how to set a plasma clock to UTC19:35
yuriymeeting tonight? almost nothing on the agenda...19:36
Riddellhmm, so there is19:38
Riddellyuriy: no, saturday according to fridge19:39
Riddellbut today according to wiki19:39
yuriyand topic19:39
Riddellwaily waily19:39
Riddellnixternal: do you know where fridge got its date from?19:39
jjesseoxen free?19:39
jjessesorry wrong window19:40
Riddellyou want #cattle-market19:40
jjessedoes that exists?19:40
jjessehrm new channel19:40
RiddellCzessi: I've added you to kubuntu-members-kde4, you can upload packages there if you want19:44
RiddellCzessi: is that package in hardy?19:44
CzessiRiddell: thanks. no, there is a hardy testpackage in my ppa. but i think it a good idea to have it in hardy. when its poosible to upload it at this time, i'll create a package19:46
apacheloggerwell, worst case would be hardy-backports when ibex development starts19:47
RiddellCzessi: can you put it on revu, we can take a look at it19:47
RiddellI'm going out now, hopefully I'll be back in time for the meeting19:47
Riddellif not, I'm sure someone else can clerk it just as well19:48
apacheloggerRiddell: have fun19:48
davmor2Riddell: on beta testing day your going out I don't know how you have the nevre ;)19:49
Riddelldavmor2: I've got tests running!  these net installs take a long time you know19:50
apacheloggerRiddell: I commit the current patch for amarok's media device detection to bzr20:00
NightroseRiddell, nixternal, davmor2: second install seems to be ok now - I wonder what went wrong with the first one...20:26
Nightrose(I did exactly the same)20:27
davmor2Nightrose: did you forget your password :)20:27
Nightrosehaha nope20:27
Nightroseand I booted the first one 3 times without success20:28
seeleNightrose: did you check the CD?  I had that problem last week and it ended up I burned 2 bad CDs in a row20:29
Nightroseseele: jep image is fine - I didn't burn it - using virtualbox20:30
davmor2Nightrose: that could be the issue :)20:31
Nightrosebut why doeas it work the second time?20:31
nixternalhey, for the encryption, do you have to do manual partitioning?20:32
nixternalhrmm, I don't see the option on the ubuntu iso20:33
nixternalor I totally missed something20:33
Nightrosenixternal: using the gui installer?20:34
nixternalno, alternate20:34
nixternalis it gui only?20:34
Nightrosehmm same here20:34
Nightrosebut I guess it is missing there20:34
nixternalI will reinstall the Kubuntu one and see if I figure it out20:34
Nightroseit was the third guided option here IIRC20:34
nixternalahh, maybe I just overlooked it then20:34
nixternalthe ubuntu wallpaper is one oogly wallpaper20:35
* Nightrose isn't really a fan of the new Kubuntu one either ;-)20:35
Nightrosebut I use my own anyway so...20:35
nixternalI actually like the new Kubuntu one20:35
nixternalpretty much a first for me on liking a default wallpaper20:35
daSKreechnixternal: does it really have a heron on it?20:36
nixternalyes it does daSKreech20:36
mhbwhat's the current Kubuntu default?20:36
daSKreechOh wow20:36
mhbthe bluish abstractish one?20:36
mhbor something else20:36
nixternalI have to admit, whoever created that wallpaper did a good job, but the colors are to much20:36
daSKreechI liked it better when it was a bunch of Humans20:36
nixternalI like it better when it just black :p20:36
nixternalfirst thing I do with any non-blue install is go blue20:37
mhbhi folks as well20:37
nixternalhowdy mhb20:37
Nightrosehey mhb20:37
mhbso what's the current kubuntu wallpaper?20:37
mhbthe blue one?20:37
nixternalit is blue20:37
mhbvery blue, very light, not much on it20:38
nixternalyes, that's it20:38
nosrednaekimno..... its got a ton of little curly spirals..20:38
mhbah, I like the Ubuntu one more then20:38
daSKreechnixternal: it was never just black20:38
nixternalmhb: the one with the heron on it?20:38
nosrednaekimyeah, I like the heron :)20:38
mhbnixternal: yes, but it seems I can't find that one anymore, all I can find is heron-simple.png20:39
daSKreechVisually I odn't mind the heron it's just such a departure from the minimal guidelines20:39
daSKreechit's really overpowering20:39
mhbah, warty-final-ubuntu20:39
mhbwho could have thought20:39
mhbyes, that one I like20:39
mhbthe blue one not so much20:39
mhbprobbly because the heron is bold, and really fresh looking, unlike the blue one, which does not have anything defining on it20:40
* Nightrose takes care of the dishes before the meeting - afk20:41
mhbI can't even describe it properly :o) ah bubbles, I miss you20:41
nixternalumm, how the heck do you change your video/monitor setup in Ubuntu?20:48
nosrednaekimsomewhere DEEP in settings :)20:49
nixternalobviously...all I see is a resolutions setting, but I need to setup the monitor and vid card before I can setup resolutions20:49
Nightroseheya fregl :)20:55
mhbconsole line is the best20:55
mhber, command line20:55
freglevening Nightrose *g*20:55
* mhb ist sehr dumm heute20:56
nixternaljeesh, getting ubuntu support is like picking boogers from a lions nose20:58
emunixternal: ping21:10
apacheloggermhb: now you know how I feel ... everyday -.-21:11
mhbapachelogger: me too, especially these days21:13
mhbbut there's a lot of new things I do these days21:13
mhbI've made my first edit to wikipedia! Added the note that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirchhoff's_theorem extends to multigraphs :o)21:14
* apachelogger is wondering why he doesn't need to scroll on that page21:15
apacheloggerusually maths related pages are awfully long :S21:15
mhbapachelogger: guess I should add a proof21:18
mhbapachelogger: but I hate when something I do gets deleted21:19
apacheloggeryou could just write in uncyclopedia21:19
apacheloggerthe possibility something gets deleted there is quite low I guess21:19
mhbyeah, I guess21:20
mhbbut adding math proofs there is not much fun21:20
apacheloggermhb: proof the theorem wrong21:22
mhbapachelogger: that's kinda hard21:26
mhbapachelogger: disproving something that has been proven and checked :o)21:26
apacheloggerproofing others wrong is the ultimate goal of any scientist21:27
apacheloggercause usually when you proof some more valuable/bigger/whatever you proof someone other's work wrong21:27
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jpatrick+b *!*@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net!##fix_your_connection21:38
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mhbapachelogger: well, at least in science, the best solution can be determined easily21:49
mhbapachelogger: or at least the correct solution21:50
apacheloggercorrect until someone superseeds the correctness ;-)21:51
mhbapachelogger: when someone develops a better algorithm for something, people do not ignore it just because it's GNOME only :o)21:51
daSKreechYou have Gnome only algorithims?21:52
daSKreechhow does that work outside of patents?21:52
mhbdaSKreech: well, no21:52
mhbdaSKreech: but you have Gnome only apps, which I was hinting at21:53
apacheloggerthere are gnome only apps which are better than KDE/generic ones?21:53
mhbfor instance21:54
daSKreechOh cheese is nice21:54
mhbit's the same as photo booth, a really cool app for OS X21:55
mhbI like both of those, except cheese is not really working out of the box on my mac21:55
apacheloggernever heard of it21:55
mhbno such thing for KDE21:55
coreymon77mhb: photobooth is so fun to goof around with :P21:55
apacheloggernever heard of photo both either21:55
* Nightrose has used photobooth on her ex's mac21:56
Nightrosewas fun21:56
apacheloggerthat app21:57
apacheloggerI think my fancy switch windows scripts are more useful :P21:57
Nightrosemhb: is cheese as good as it yet?21:57
mhbno, at least not working with my mac yet21:57
nixternalemu: pong?21:59
mhbapachelogger: there you go - one app that is GNOME only21:59
mhbapachelogger: if we're lucky, someone contacts the project and tries to work on a frontend with the same base code21:59
* apachelogger meanwhile crashed his gnome -.-21:59
coreymon77mhb: that doesnt mean that you cant run the app in kubuntu though, isnt it? cant gnome apps run anyways?22:00
nixternalheh, I have been writing a webcam Qt app trying to get some cooler webcammage in Kubuntu with my webcam22:00
apacheloggeruhhhh, that was a hidden message!!!22:00
apacheloggerNightrose: did you see that22:00
apacheloggermhb is using hidden messages to confuse me22:00
Nightrosewas it?22:00
mhbapachelogger: if we're not, someone tries to do that from scratch and we've got Yet Another Duplicated Work22:00
daSKreechUse the same lib22:01
apacheloggerthe thing with duplicates is that they are mostly not duplicates22:01
daSKreechdon't see why an algorithim is gnome only22:01
daSKreech dont we use libgphoto2 ?22:01
apacheloggerno duplicates would cause an MS-like status22:01
mhbapachelogger: show me a duplicate for rm then22:01
mhbbash: del: command not found22:02
daSKreecha bunch of my students made an alias for del to rm22:02
daSKreechand ren to mv22:02
nixternalwho in their right mind would go after duplicating command line apps let alone GNU tools anyways?22:02
apacheloggerdaSKreech: I did do this as well22:02
mhbextending that argument makes all the GNOME guys unright, also all us Kubuntu ones22:03
daSKreechnixternal: sco?22:03
nixternalI don't care about duplicated work...if someone wants to duplicate it, they have that freedom22:03
nixternalbut if someone duplicates an app and sticks it on gnome-apps or kde-apps, then it isn't either Gnome or KDE's fault22:04
mhbnot so22:04
apacheloggerfreedom is a duplicate in itself IMO22:04
mhbsomeone duplicates, we help them out and bam - there are two big projects which do the same thing yet nobody really helps each other22:04
daSKreechmhb: Not if the projects are just front ends?22:04
nixternalis there something duplicated where we helped them out?22:04
daSKreech then they can both work on the underlying algorithim22:05
daSKreechlike parted22:05
mhbthe whole Kubuntu, I guess22:05
mhbis just duplicated Ubuntu :o)22:05
nixternalit isn't the duplicators fault then, the problem lies within "we"22:05
mhbjust a point of view, of course22:05
nixternalthen every distro is a duplicated Linux kernel22:05
nixternalthey should all die and everyone work on the kernel22:05
daSKreechnot KDe4 :)22:05
apacheloggeressentially everything is a duplicate22:05
daSKreechIt has windows as a distro22:06
* mhb studies math, not philosophy :o)22:06
daSKreechIt's unique :)022:06
* mhb studies CS, to be exact, but math is pretty close22:06
apacheloggera computers is a duplicate of the brain22:06
apacheloggerdoing calculations how stupid is that22:06
apacheloggerit's slow and looks stupid, and even needs an own device to output it's results22:06
daSKreechCS is a subset of applied math in most Universities22:07
nixternalwhile we are at it, lets eliminate all humans, they are copies!22:07
daSKreechOf germs!22:07
nixternalwell, I guess it would depend on your beliefs22:08
daSKreecha virus Mr Anderson22:08
daSKreechOne which I intend to wipe off this earth22:08
mhbit's going a bit off, I guess22:08
nixternalIRC is a duplicate, eliminate it...email is a duplicate, eliminate it, the Internet is a duplicate, eliminate it22:09
* nixternal grabs the cat and eliminates it22:09
nixternalthis is fun!22:09
* nixternal gets back to writing22:09
mhbstill, seeing the freedom of math, I can't really stop myself drifting away from all this gnome and kde and ubuntu stuff22:10
nosrednaekimdaSKreech: why do you mention my name? shhh its supposed to be a secret :)22:10
mhbit feels so blocking the creative mind22:11
mhbI see it as obstacles. But as many other things, it's just my point of view22:11
apacheloggernosrednaekim: secrets != freedom22:11
apacheloggeri.e. evil22:12
daSKreechmhb: sorry go over why the implementation of math is evil again?22:13
mhbwhat's the SendQ that keeps kicking people?22:13
mhbI haven't seen that exit message before22:13
mhbdaSKreech: the implementation of math is fine, but the current state of Free Software, especially the GUI frameworks and distributions is evil, or rather: harmful to innovation22:14
daSKreechmhb: nope22:14
mhbdaSKreech: you're blocked in many ways, like you have to care for all sort of silly and unneccessary package managers etc.22:15
mhbdaSKreech: also desktop environment22:15
mhbdaSKreech: from a scientist's (or engineer's) point of view there has to be a theoretical "best" desktop environment but in reality there's no such thing; both of the main ones are really slow and memory-hungry.22:16
daSKreechmhb: Why do you care about package managers?22:17
mhbdaSKreech: a 2001 OS by a commercial company provides all the "bling" one needs for a lot more speed22:17
mhbeven though it has one significant flaw: it's not unix :o)22:17
daSKreechmhb: It would be ultimately customizable but 100% secure and stable do everything faster than you can react but take up less memory than the kernel22:18
mhbdaSKreech: I don't get your last comment22:20
daSKreechthe theoritcal "best" desktop environement would22:22
mhbdaSKreech: ah yes, indeed :o)22:22
mhbdaSKreech: unfortunately no software is bugless22:22
mhbdaSKreech: even the ol' unix command line tools have bugs22:22
daSKreechas noted inthe man pages22:24
daSKreechbc does not actually do math22:24
apacheloggermhb: sendq is some buffer on the irc server22:25
apacheloggerIIRC the connection breaks with the sendq exceeded message when your connection can't take the amount of data the server is sending to you22:26
mhbapachelogger: thank you22:26
apacheloggerthen the server starts using that sendq and if that buffer is filled up some servers will break the connection22:26
mhbah, so the q stands for queue :o)22:27
daSKreechwho would have thunk?22:27
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mhbdaSKreech: it's hard to guess when it's not your native language, I guess22:28
mhbdaSKreech: even though I know people use it that way, I didn't "get" it before the explanation22:28
mhbdaSKreech: or I'm plain old stupid :o) your choice22:28
daSKreechEnglish people are really quite lazy :)22:29
jpatrickwelcome back Riddell22:34
nosrednaekimok, I'm messed up, is the meetin in 20 minutes?22:35
mhbI hope so22:35
Riddellnosrednaekim: 25 yes22:35
jpatricknosrednaekim: yep22:35
nosrednaekimok... day-light savings time just happened here and I'm all messed up :)22:35
RiddellUTC has no summer time22:36
nosrednaekimyeah.... i'm going to have to add another plasma clock and set it to UTC :)22:36
coreymon77so the meeting is when?22:37
coreymon777 for me?22:37
coreymon77im on edt now22:37
jpatrickmhb: send q is when the client reaches the limit of requests it can send to a server22:37
nosrednaekimcoreymon77: yep.22:38
coreymon77is the meeting in about 20-25 minutes-ish?22:38
jpatrickcoreymon77: what nosrednaekim said22:38
coreymon77wow, this whole switching to edt earlier than normal thing has really made things confusing22:38
nosrednaekimcoreymon77: thats what I say22:40
coreymon77nosrednaekim: its rediculous, the US jumps, we jump with them22:41
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nosrednaekimcoreymon77: its ridiculous that the US jumped in the first place.22:43
coreymon77i know22:44
jpatrickdaSKreech: +122:44
daSKreechwe don't engage in war time frivolities so I have no idea what's going on22:45
apacheloggertotally uninformed22:45
Hobbseekubuntu meeting...now, right?22:45
jpatrickHobbsee: in 15 minutes22:45
jpatrickHobbsee: btw, I removed some 2 year bans of yours in #kubuntu, hope you don't mind :)22:46
coreymon77jpatrick: ya and by doing so you almost kicked me off due to excess flood22:47
* alleeHol suggests date --utc # <- work without a webbrowser, irc client ;)22:47
Hobbseejpatrick: no problem22:47
coreymon77jpatrick: since it happened right when i connected22:47
jpatrickcoreymon77: whops, sorry :)22:47
coreymon77jpatrick: no prob22:47
coreymon77jpatrick: "almost" is the key word there22:47
\shHobbsee: if you could have a fast look on nexuiz 2.4 ffe ;) I could start the upload tonight ;)22:48
Hobbsee\sh: that's a crackful package.22:48
\shHobbsee: well...I made one in the past for suse ;) so I knew already what comes onto me ;)22:48
\shHobbsee: but 2.4 is sane and easy :)22:49
Hobbseesure sure.  does it have a valid source?22:49
\shHobbsee: no one uses the .zip from upstream, because of binaries inside..so they are splitting them up from what's in the .zip...so you have 3 orig tar gzs..22:50
nosredna_ekimheh.... we aren't on the meeting docket.22:50
* apachelogger is looking for meeting music22:50
\sh(3 because fteqcc needs to be upgraded as well)22:50
\shHobbsee: the new packages do have valid sources, yes :)22:51
\shHobbsee: they were modelled after the original debian ones :)22:51
Riddell** Kubuntu Meeting in 5 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting22:55
Riddellhah, jpatrick beat me to it :)22:55
nosredna_ekimRiddell: is that some sort of semi-global message?22:55
jpatrickRiddell: I inform #kubuntu, -offtopic, -es, and -de ;)22:55
nosredna_ekimjpatrick: and kubuntu-kde422:55
jpatricknosredna_ekim: arg, too many22:56
Riddellnixternal: about for the meeting?22:57
Hobbseeif i stop responding in the meeting, i've probably passed out23:16
* daSKreech preps the First Responder manual23:16
yuriyblueyed: were you working on packaging gtk-engine-qt4?23:18
blueyedyuriy: I've tried it, but it failed..23:18
yuriyblueyed: oh. i wanted to add its inclusion to the meeting agenda, but since noone's even started packaging it yet it's most certainly too late23:21
blueyedyuriy: well, I started, but it failed.. just pbuilding it again to see what it was.. you may want to ask there though..23:22
blueyedyuriy: at least there's some uglyness with gtk apps now.. but that can be worked around, e.g. by running apps from krunner directly (or unsetting GTK2_RC_FILES in a shell)23:23
mhbgood night folks23:29
daSKreechRiddell: ping23:29
mhbI'm not of much help at today's meeting anyway23:29
daSKreechshould I add debian tracking trunk on the agenda?23:30
daSKreechmhb: night23:30
RiddelldaSKreech: add whatever you like23:30
daSKreechRiddell: Of course :)23:30
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