
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
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ubotuNew bug: #151096 in language-pack-kde-fr (main) "bad quanta translation (dup-of: 46156)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15109609:50
ubotuNew bug: #136556 in kdewebdev "Quanta translation missing in kdei18n-pl (and others probabily) (dup-of: 46156)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13655609:55
Ngdoko_: your sqlite changes to launchpadbugs don't seem to work on dapper., in that it doesn't have either of the sqlite modules you want to pull in09:59
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* Ng waves to doko 11:43
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
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klikklakhi, is launchpad still closed source?15:11
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
Pengklikklak: As is Internet Explorer.16:15
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
klikklakdamn, I was hoping to contribute (well I did already a bit) to translation of miro, but now I won't bother.16:16
PengHuh, I thought I was in #bzr.16:16
kikoPeng, more appropriately, as is google web search. :)16:28
PengWait, what?16:30
* Peng cancels his Gmail account!16:30
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
ubotuNew bug: #203959 in malone "Links to attachments of Trac bugs creates an incorrectly linked bug watch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20395917:00
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
ubotuNew bug: #203961 in malone "Prohibit epic bug descriptions by email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20396117:06
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
mikroklikklak: same situation for me... I contribute when launchpad will be free...17:13
klikklakmikro: yeah, well until then. kthxbai17:15
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
ubotuNew bug: #203976 in launchpad "launchpad translation process needs improvement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20397617:30
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
ubotuNew bug: #203988 in launchpad "Build PPA from SVN" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20398817:56
* kiko winks at cprov 17:58
bigjoolscprov: "piece of cake"17:59
=== kiko is now known as kiko-phone
ubotuNew bug: #203993 in launchpad "Link bugs in ubuntu packages to the actual project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20399318:20
qenseIs there a PHP api for Launchpad? Or a WordPress plugin?18:31
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intellectronicaqense: see http://www.understated.co.uk/2008/launchpad-bug-feeds-in-wordpress/18:39
ubotuNew bug: #204002 in launchpad "can't approve/decline a member with a merged user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20400218:41
=== kiko-phone is now known as kiko
qenseis latest-bugs.atom the only possible feed for users at the moment?18:48
kikoqense, what do you mean?19:21
qensethere are bugs feeds, like https://launchpad.net/~qense/latest-bugs.atom19:22
qensebut are there other feeds like assigned-bugs.atom19:22
kikoqense, there are a few other feeds: https://help.launchpad.net/Feeds19:27
kikothere is no feed for assigned bugs19:27
qenseok, thx19:27
qenseI go, bye19:42
alleeHolhi, about PPA.  my upload was rejected:  MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive19:49
alleeHolI assume that's due to the changed .orig.tar.gz.19:50
alleeHolIsn't this allowed?  I used bunzip2 tarfile |gzip for first ppa upload.  but debian sponsor  uploaded a differnt version into debian archive19:51
alleeHolSo I've tried to upload the debian orig.tar instead of mine19:51
alleeHolQuestion: how to get the orig.tar that I copied from debian archive into the ppa, overwriting my 'old' orig.tar?19:52
kikoalleeHol, that's a VVVFAQ19:53
alleeHolkiko: oh, oh, sorry19:54
kikoalleeHol, the first thing you should ask yourself is why is the orig changing.19:54
kikoalleeHol, per-policy, the orig should be as close as possible to the tarball released by upstream19:54
alleeHolkiko: my debian sponsor decided to use pkgname-version.orig/ as toplevel dir.  I used bunzip2|gzip and therefore upstreams pkgname-version/19:55
kikoalleeHol, normally, if the orig changes,  it means that a) the tarball version you uploaded wasn't actually The Upstream Version X.Y or b) the version you are uploading now isn't The Upstream Version X.Y+1 :)19:55
alleeHolkiko: I've no idea why fabo did it, but he is AFK19:55
kikoalleeHol, the short answer is you should rev the version and not care about it too much.19:55
kikoalleeHol, the long answer is that if you are willing to wait (for potentially a long time) you can delete that package and wait for the machinery behind death row to gracefully nuke that package into oblivion19:56
alleeHolkiko: I did diff -Nur  between the unpacked tar balls.  Noting19:56
kikoalleeHol, yeah, but the orig's md5 itself is checked -- not the unpacked content19:56
kikoand if you're using gzip, that means that if you gzipped it twice in separate instances, the md5 will change. yay19:57
alleeHolkiko: okay. thx for the info.  I'll upload with my old tar for now.  After ubuntu freeze, this should be transformed to a debian archive sync so the right tarball finds the way into the official archive.  Thx19:58
kikoalleeHol, cool.19:58
dnearyhi kiko20:02
dnearyWhat's a good Karma score in Launchpad?20:02
dnearyI'm trying to figure out if I have a high score or am a mid-table player :)20:03
kikodneary, 22415 is a good Karma score.20:03
* kiko winks20:03
dnearykiko: I must be a mid-table player then :)20:04
dnearyI'm injured again20:04
dnearyHaven't run at all in over a month20:04
dnearyCycling about 4 hours a week, but it's not enough to keep me happy20:04
kikodneary, how did you get hurt, and what does your physio think of that?20:05
dnearySo, a few different things20:06
dnearyI ran too long for my state of fitness over christmas, on road, and put a muscle in contraction20:06
dnearyWhich caused an inflamation of my left ilio-tibial band (last year it was the right one)20:06
dnearyPhysio says my problems are all muscular20:07
dnearyI also got really mad with a sliding door, and did something to my psoas and something called the iliac20:07
dnearyPlus, I've got a couple of tiny muscles (I know the french names: carré crurale and petit fessier) that are very tight and need to release a bit20:08
dnearyIt was getting mad with the sliding door that did most of the damage20:08
dnearythe ilio-tibial band was pretty much cured by the time I hurt that, I was running about 3 hours a week, slow, with no pain20:08
dnearyI was about to go back to speed work20:09
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ubotuNew bug: #204060 in launchpad "Javascript error 'Not Implemented' in LaunchPad 'Home' menu w/submenu " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20406022:01
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
AnMasterhm is launchpad down?22:07
AnMasterouch why show changelog in release in variable width font22:08
AnMasterthat breaks my list22:08
AnMasterall the "fingerprint" names should be aligned, and they are at sourceforge, why does launchpad insist to break things all the time :(22:09
mptGoooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!22:33
ubotuNew bug: #204071 in launchpad ""include bug descriptions" should be on e-mail settings page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20407122:40
Hobbseewhy are people not shown into launchpad shown a link of "join this team"?23:20
Hobbseekiko: any idea when team mailing lists will actually get done?  iirc, this has been outstanding for a weke23:21
charles_can anyone here point me in the right direction on how to set up my project (Transmission) for translation at launchpad?23:23
charles_when I go to https://translations.launchpad.net/transmission/, launchpad suggests I speak to Registry Administrators about using Launchpad for translations...23:27
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
salgado-afkcharles_, we don't seem to have any launchpad admins around at this time, so I think the best thing to do is to ask a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad23:37
charles_salgado-afk: will do.  Thanks for the link23:38
ubotuNew bug: #204082 in malone "Invalidating bug report that's open elsewhere sends alarming notification" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20408223:41
Hobbseesalgado-afk: thansk, but the link doesn't work (if that was you)23:41
mptIs it just me, or is Launchpad reeeeeally slow today?23:42
salgado-afkHobbsee, eh?23:42
Hobbseesalgado-afk: maybe it was kiko.  someone just approved my mailing list stuff, after i asked in here23:42
mptHobbsee, by "people not shown into launchpad" did you mean "people who aren't logged in to Launchpad"?23:43
Hobbseempt: without sounding like a troll, i'ts always slow.  i haven't noticed it being overly slower today than usual, but it's hard to tell, after it's 15+  seconds to load anyway23:43
Hobbseempt: erm, yes.23:43
mptHobbsee, the same reason we show "Report a bug", "Ask a question", etc to those people23:43
Hobbseeah right23:44
* Hobbsee wonders what URL she's supposed to use for this.23:44
mptBecause they might be either registered but logged out, or unregistered but keen on registering.23:44
mptkiko's our expert on URLs23:44
Hobbseempt: fair enough23:44
* Hobbsee just (after waiting a week, and asking when it would be done ~20 mins ago) got an email about the mailing list stuff.23:45
HobbseeKubuntu Members - KDE 4 Repository has a new team mailing list.23:45
HobbseeIf you would like to subscribe to the list, please use the link below23:45
Hobbseeto update your Mailing List Subscription preferences.23:45
Hobbsee  To subscribe:23:45
mptI've been waiting for these bug pages to finish loading for about 5 minutes now23:45
Hobbsee      https://xmlrpc.lp.internal/~hobbsee/+editemails23:45
HobbseeThe Launchpad team23:46
* Hobbsee can't view that.23:46
Hobbseempt: email interface ftw.  but that does sound bad.23:46
mptI can't use the e-mail interface, I'm still waiting for Launchpad to send me the confirmation thingy about my GPG key23:47
Hobbseesince when does LP send confirmations about gpg keys?23:48
Hobbseeand what for?23:48
sorenI imagine it checks the e-mail adresses?23:49
* soren doesn't spell well this time of day.23:49
mptI don't remember, this was a year or two ago, I reported a bug about it23:49
mptbug 3897323:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 38973 in launchpad "+editgpgkeys should explain better "pending validation"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3897323:52
mptso, nearly two years ago23:52
Hobbseeoh, right23:52

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