
Raspberryheh my display won't wake up :)00:00
Arandnope, no low-power messages for my power-manager, I think it definitely needs a hug.00:02
shirishguys, there was a g-p-m update00:04
mcphailWill nvidia 8400GS cards be supported by the binary nvidia driver in hardy?00:14
mcphailAnyone any idea which iteration of the binary nvidia drivers we will have in hardy?00:21
Flannel!info nvidia-glx00:25
Flannel!info nvidia-glx-new00:25
ubotunvidia-glx (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:96.43.05+ (hardy), package size 3761 kB, installed size 11992 kB00:25
ubotunvidia-glx-new (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.12+ (hardy), package size 5125 kB, installed size 15228 kB00:25
mcphailThanks Flannel00:25
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:26
alex_mayorgaE: python-wxgtk2.8: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 ???00:39
alex_mayorgalooks like jockey-gtk is dead on arrival00:40
crimsun-D1337 please00:40
crimsunand the spew will be enormous, so pastebin it00:40
crimsunjocket* upgraded fine here00:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:41
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:41
alex_mayorgacrimsun: you mean me?00:41
crimsunalex_mayorga: yes00:42
crimsunalex_mayorga: I want the spew from python-wxgtk2.8, ofcourse00:42
alex_mayorgacrimsun: can you dumb it down a notch for me?00:44
alex_mayorgaI can't copy from the error on update-manager :(00:45
RAOFcrimsun: -DLEET?? :)00:45
crimsunno, this is sudo dpkg -i -D1337 /var/cache/apt/archives/python-wxgtk2.8(whichever version).deb00:46
* RAOF didn't know dpkg had a leet-speak option.00:47
alex_mayorgawhere is the log of u-m?00:47
jimmygoonWhats wrong with jockey-gtk?00:47
alex_mayorgarefuses to install over here00:48
DanaG               1000   Lots of drivel about e.g. the dpkg/info dir00:49
DanaG                200   Lots of output for each configuration file00:49
DanaG                100   Lots of output for each file processed00:49
DanaG                 20   Output for each configuration file00:49
DanaG                 10   Output for each file processed00:49
DanaGgaaack, didn't mean to do that.00:49
alex_mayorgacrimsun, the output for that is huge00:52
alex_mayorgacrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60107/ hope it helps00:54
crimsunwelcome to 13 minutes ago.00:54
crimsunmy connection is horribly aggy ATM00:55
crimsunI can't look right now, because something's up with this connection00:55
alex_mayorgacrimsun: did you get the paste?01:04
J-_yep, an update must have broke wireless. It's enabled, looks like it's working proper on the router.01:09
m1ris HH 8.04 alpha 6 latest version to download ?01:20
Dr_willisHmm.. ive been testing out various live cd's this week. and ONE of them had a stand-alone flash player from adobe, which was handy. But i cant seem to find it in any other disrtos/flash  anyone know was it part of the flash installs or a stand alone app?  Was there one in Hardy?01:22
m1rdoes anyone know when does beta 1 coming out ?01:25
Flannelm1r: Thursday is when it's scheduled01:26
m1rok many tnx Flannel , think i can wait till then then to try :)01:27
tonyyarussoCan anyone else see http://java.freenode.net/index.php?go=1 okay?  I'm getting a message about needing the java plugin, but I have one installed.01:28
m1rtonyyarusso: works here01:29
tonyyarussom1r: any idea what packages you're using for it?01:29
m1rall default01:29
m1rbut i am on 7.10 atm01:30
gravemind-hardyI am about to do an update01:30
gravemind-hardyand libc6 is one of the packages being updated01:30
xnixHey guys, can anyone tell me if there is a way to make ubuntu unmount a certain hard drive before going to sleep....its fine if i have to manually remount it on resume01:31
gravemind-hardyshould I just not install it01:31
tonyyarussogravemind-hardy: should be fine now, provided your mirror is up to date01:31
ogrehey guys, having issues with the iwl3945 drivers and monitor mode. any suggestions?01:39
Arandwhat does xorg-video-driver 1:7.1.0-8-3+ mean in terms of ATI:s naming convention, what version?01:40
ogreerr im getting the wlan0_rename for the name of my wireless card as well which is kinda irritating01:40
ogreeth1 is still there but doing nothing (which was my wireless card with ipw3945 drivers) some sort of collision is suppose?01:41
protonchrisProbably a silly question, but you don't happen to have both drivers loaded?01:42
ionstormcan someone apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 because I think that package is broken01:43
ionstormhttp://pastebin.ca/948351 im getting a crzy install error http://pastebin.ca/94835101:43
ionstormshit pasted twice lol01:44
protonchrisionstorm: I get the same.01:45
ionstormbug report I guess01:45
ogreprotonchris:  its telling me i have no proprietary drivers installed and ipw3945 (my previous driver) was the proprietary intel one01:45
ogreissue is somewhere with the new iwl3945 driver01:46
ionstormfound out how to fix it01:46
ionstormgotta install wx addons01:46
ionstorm*but* shouldnt the deb auto install that as a dep?01:46
protonchrisIt should.  I think there is active wx dev work going on.01:47
ogreoops sorry i just realized you probably werent talking to me :/01:47
protonchrisionstorm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxwidgets2.8/+bug/20352601:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203526 in wxwidgets2.8 "python-wxgtk2.8 uninstallable due to post-installation script error" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:48
protonchrisogre: I probably can't help you.  I haven't used the 3945 drivers on hardy yet.  I do use them on gutsy though.01:49
ionstormthnx chris01:49
virtualdso, i want the system to hibernate by default when i press the power button -- any thoughts on how one would enable that?01:51
protonchrisogre: the lsmod command will list all of the loaded modules (just to make sure).01:51
ogreprotonchris:  actually looking through forums it is an issue with the iwl3945 drivers. i may just have to switch back to ipw3945 drivers and blacklist the iwl3945 as I have no problem using proprietary drivers01:51
protonchrisogre: good to know.  I plan to switch my laptop to hardy soon and it has a 3945 wireless chipset.01:52
ogreother than the weird interface name and inability to switch to/from monitor mode properly it seems to work okay\01:54
ogrejust not good enough for my tatses01:54
ethana2hold on a minute...01:55
Arandwhat does xorg-video-driver 1:7.1.0-8-3+ mean in terms of ATI:s naming convention of versions, anybody knows?01:55
virtualdno, carputer01:55
levanderWhat's the status of hardy?  Is it pretty much ready for everyone to start using it?01:56
Dr_willisI would say..'if you have to ask' then no its not. :)01:56
ArandI'd say no...01:56
protonchrislevander: not yet.01:56
levanderdamn, i'm excited, but don't have time for testing01:56
levanderthanks guys01:56
ogrelevander:  still alpha but works for me. release is scheduled for the 24th of next month\01:57
Dr_willisi find it safer to wait a week or 2 after the release happens. :) to be on the safe side01:57
levanderDr_willis: i see you all over the place, we must have a lot of the same interests in software01:57
virtualdi found the scripts in /etc/acpi and stuff in /etc/default, but it seems like i could just change a setting instead of screwing with the scripts01:57
ArandFor me it works to and fro.01:57
ogrelevander:  i see him too01:57
levanderogre: maybe he's just everywehere?01:57
levanderthe omnipresent dr. willis...01:58
Arandvirtuald: gnome-power-manager under general tab01:58
ogreya prolly just lurks alot of places and answers questions he knows01:58
guspaddoes anyone know the procedure and how hard will be pushing a core2 optimized ubuntu for ubuntu+1+1 ?01:58
levanderguspad: your just talking about how easy the dist-upgrade will be?01:59
ogreto ibex i believe he means01:59
guspadlevander,  and entire new CD01:59
guspadogre, yes01:59
ogreguspad:  dont you think thats a little premature?02:00
virtualdArand: is there just some global thing instead of gnome-specific?02:00
=== bmk789 is now known as you_guys
=== you_guys is now known as bmk789
guspadogre, maybe, i was just curious02:00
DanaGOh hey, a fix for that wlan0_rename: dig around in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules02:00
ogreDanaG:  I love you02:00
ogreahahah thx02:00
DanaGThey really should fix that thing.02:01
virtualdsince, hibernate is about twice as fast starting up as a normal startup would be02:01
ogrethat should go in the wiki somewhere02:01
ogreDanaG:  yes they shout as its a very popular chipset02:01
Arandvirtuald: sorry, no clue as to that.02:02
donomoall audio apps work except flash in firefox. any ideas?02:02
ogreDanaG:  so i should just rename to iwl3945 right?02:04
ogrei noticed it said IPW3945 there02:04
Cpudan80Hello all02:05
Cpudan80Will Hardy roll out with Gnome 2.22 ?02:05
donomoCpudan80: its already there, so yes02:05
ccharles`is nvidia-glx-new busted right now, or is it just me?02:06
Cpudan80Great ty ty02:06
Cpudan80What's the release data again?02:06
Cpudan80April 21 ?02:06
FlannelCpudan80: 2402:06
FlannelThursdays are the days Ubuntu goes 'round.02:06
Cpudan801 week after my birthday :-)02:06
Cpudan80A belated gift from the good folks at Ubuntu :-)02:07
ogremy birthday is march 24th I wish they'd push it up a month ;P02:07
DanaGActually, instead of changing driver, change the interface name.02:10
DanaGrename wlan0_rename to wlan002:10
ccharles`is there an easy way to disable the bulletproof X stuff temporarily? i.e., if X doesn't start with my config, I'd like it just to die like it used to.02:11
ogreDanaG:  thanks. what about non working eth1 interface? should I just delete it?02:15
DanaGIf it's not present, it won't do anything but reserve the space for itself.02:16
ogreDanaG: eth1 is actually there but no wlan0_rename there02:17
myk_hello, all.02:17
myk_i need help with the Kubuntu Hardy Alpha 6 live cd. If i boot in normal mode, the graphics/fonts are HUGE to where i cannot use it. If i boot into safe graphics mode, it boots to console02:17
myk_is there an issue with Intel graphics chipset? i945GM02:17
ogreDanaG:  heres a pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60117/02:20
myk_anyone around tonight?02:23
DanaGDinner time for me.02:23
myk_i'll have some....02:23
hmullerI have a usb smartcard reader that stopped working within the last week.  Uses libccid, but is no longer creating the device when inserted.  Is this related to any current breakage, or should  I create a bug?02:36
HardyOnesound stopped working after I installed VBox last night. any ideas what it could of caused this and how to fix it?02:48
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:51
LunksI can't seem to use multimedia keys from my notebook03:02
LunksI'd like to know how to find if they're being recognized by ubuntu03:02
Lunksor if it's just exaile problem03:02
DanaGGnome recently changed the multimedia-keys interface somehow; many apps are now broken.03:03
DanaG"quodlibet" is one that still works.03:03
Lunksok, I'll install and see if it works. :)03:04
Raspberryanother network-manager update03:06
DanaGGet the -ext, too.03:06
LunksDanaG: don't work =P03:06
Lunksoh ok03:06
DanaGAnd then go to plugins and enable ones you want, including multimedia keys.03:07
h3sp4wnRaspberry: Well the last one wouldn't even take my key03:07
Raspberryh3sp4wn: I don't use secured wireless networks03:08
Raspberryinformation should be free03:08
RaspberryI provide free wireless to my neighborhood03:08
LunksDanaG: yeah, it's working.03:09
RaspberryI was complaining about the poor quality of the flash plugin ... I see there's a flash plugin update :p03:09
DanaGThe only annoying thing: File Browser view is buggy.  It sometimes stops showing folder contents.03:09
LunksDanaG: thanks for help, hopefully there's a fix somewhere for exaile. ;P03:09
h3sp4wnRaspberry: I don't disagree with it but I don't like being legally accountable for something I have no control over03:11
Kl4mIs sun-java6-plugin not registering with Firefox right now (hardy)03:13
tgeltersince ya'll are talking about this anyway...are flash/java supposed to be working on amd64 w/ firefox right now?03:13
Kl4mOh. Am I the annoying guy who's asking this for the millionth time? I'd understand03:15
Raspberryh3sp4wn: you're not legally accountable03:16
Raspberryh3sp4wn: it's kinda like how they don't fine the mother when the children download music on the internet, even though the mother pays the bill03:16
Raspberryh3sp4wn: congress also passed a law recently that defined who would be responsible... and basically the law states you're only responsible if you keep logs... if you don't keep logs of the internet traffic they you're not responsible03:17
Jordan_UKl4m, I think it's just low traffic right now :) But check current bugs anyway03:17
h3sp4wnRaspberry: I am in England though03:17
Raspberryh3sp4wn: good luck with that then :P03:18
Raspberryweird ... it updated my network-manager and didn't even drop the connection ... that's odd... the last half a dozen net-man updates have dropped the connection03:18
Kl4mI usually upgrade around the end of alpha (yesterday), to make sure I can voice particular issues with my hardware or usage patterns in time to make a difference. I'm confident this Java thing will get noticed by someone else (or the java team is really asleep on the switch)03:23
RichWpython-wxgtk2.8 is broken?03:40
RichWor is it just me?03:40
Kl4mRichW: What is the app choking up?03:45
ScottK2There was a new upload of it today.03:45
bwlang_i'm having some keyboard trouble... the caps lock key is stuck on.... anybody know how to reset the keyboard without having to restart X?03:45
Kl4mMy shift keys get stuck sometimes... just saying...03:46
RichWapt error here: http://pastebin.ca/94845103:47
bwlang_Kl4m: there's a bug #19093403:47
RichWplz look :)03:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190934 in libgnomekbd "[hardy] keyboard modifiers randomly forgotten" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19093403:47
bwlang_but my usual fix of changing the keyboard mapping from 104 to 105 is not working at the moment.03:47
RichWI suppose developers dont put much effort into testing a package on an alpha os03:48
bwlang_on an unrelated note i can't seem to nominate that bug for hardy.03:48
RichWKl4m: any ideas?03:49
HardyOnealsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory   what do I do with this error?03:52
* HardyOne sticks it in his hat with all the other errors03:52
Kl4mRichW: I really don't know. I really never focused on understanding the GNOME or X structure so I don't even know where to begin03:56
troxorah ha, here we go03:57
troxorso, the hardy background looks really cool, but it looks like the heron's neck has been slit o.O03:59
Administradorhi guys, i need some help with remounting a usb with read-write permisions after suspend (8.04 alpha6)03:59
=== Administrador is now known as Ina
LibertyShadowtroxor, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers/+bug/19654303:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196543 in ubuntu-wallpapers "[Hardy] Bloody Heron on background wallpaper" [Undecided,Fix released]04:00
=== Ina is now known as InadeArg
LibertyShadowtroxor, I didn't notice that until someone pointed it out.04:00
troxoroh sweet, who knew it would actually be considered a bug?04:01
troxorLibertyShadow: same here :)04:02
troxorthe black one is REALLY cool looking04:02
InadeArghi guys, i need some help with remounting a usb with read-write permisions after suspend (8.04 alpha6)04:02
Stormx2First ubuntu release in a while which seems to make my computer more responsive. Nice work.04:03
Stormx2Though I can't get my keyboard into british english04:03
Stormx2pound signs etc.04:03
RichWsystem --> preferences --> keyboard --> layouts04:04
RichWI'm british too.04:04
J-_Has wireless been fixed yet?04:10
troxorJ-_: wireless is an adjective ;)04:11
J-_I'm pretty sure that sentence made sense...04:12
h3sp4wnIts fundementally broken04:13
h3sp4wnMaybe wimax will fix it eventually04:13
HardyOnewhere is the theme manager?04:14
h3sp4wnIts a bit better if you use the a band04:14
J-_h3sp4wn: When will that be? Hopefully not too long. =)04:14
h3sp4wnJ-_: well the n standard is not finalised either (That doesn't seem like it will help much either)04:16
InadeArghi guys, i need some help with remounting a usb with read-write permisions after suspend - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72833104:17
J-_h3sp4wn: I don't think I use wireless N. I'm using DSL.04:18
J-_Not sure what type of device, but I04:18
J-_'m pretty sure I don't use N04:19
kumarphillythey just banned me on #ubuntu04:26
tritiumkumarphilly: you clearly wanted me to, by provoking04:27
kumarphillyi am just04:27
kumarphillytrying to prove a point04:27
tritiumYou failed to do so.04:28
LibertyShadowjbond00747, I like your nick04:28
kumarphillytritium, yes04:29
kumarphillyand you failed to follow the code of conduct04:29
tritiumNo, that would be you.04:29
tritiumkumarphilly: this is offtopic here.04:29
kumarphillyit would be04:29
kumarphillyi admit it04:29
tritiumkumarphilly: take it to #ubuntu-ops, if you want to discuss it further04:29
kumarphillyi cursed 2 times04:29
kumarphillymeet me there04:29
hydrogenthis discussion is going places.04:30
kumarphillytritium, PING!04:33
jimmygoonI'm sure that we all have something better to do that lurk #ubuntu/#ubuntu+1 and troll04:34
jbond00747I just installed the alpha/beta of 8.04 (it was from the alpha6 cd, but it's updated to current at this point. I'm not sure what the current rev is) on a new Dell D830. That machine has point a trackpoint and a touchpad. Is there any way to configure the acceleration for each of them independently? If I adjust the acceleration so the touchpad is good the trackpoint is way to fast. I get the reverse problem if I try to adjust the04:34
jbond00747 other way.04:34
jimmygoonjbond00747, do they appear as separate devices in your xorg.conf file04:35
jbond00747don't think so, but I'm not sure04:36
jbond00747I have a "Configured mouse" and "Synaptics Touchpad"04:36
jbond00747but there is no device listed under configured mouse04:36
jbond00747and under serverlayout it seems to be using the synaptics touchpad04:37
nhainesI have perhaps an interesting problem.05:13
nhainesOkay, I am running hardy on my desktop machine.  With kernel 2.6.24-12.13, the system booted fine (twice).  This last time, it warned that /dev/hdb1 was unclean and paused.05:14
voxanyone able to shed some light on why mouse-keys would be turning itself on every 2-3 days?05:15
nhainesSo I rebooted and booted into recovery mode and ran fsck, which found nothing.  I rebooted again, and the boot process freezes early on.05:15
nhainesBooting back into 2.6.22-14 will work, but X drops back to failsafe mode for some reason.  I don't want to reconfigure it there.05:16
nhainesIn recovery mode with 2.6.24-12, it does the raid6 stuff, then the md stuff, then it runs /scripts/init-premount, then Mounting root file system...05:17
nhainesThen running /scripts/local-top..., then it says: 'Begin: Waiting for root file system...' and that's it.  Nothing more.05:18
nhainesAha, I think I know what the problem is.  Maybe.05:20
nhaines(I'll share once I verify.)05:21
=== tuvook is now known as Tuv0k
nhainesI may have been still running the -386 kernel.  I ran 'update-initramfs -k 2.6.24-12-generic -u' and am rebooting right now.05:23
nhainesAha, fixed!  And sound too!  :D05:25
nhainesOkay, hopefully that helps someone else.05:26
=== OSUKid7 is now known as zachallia
RichWIs python-wxgtk2.8 broken? I am having trouble installing it. http://pastebin.ca/94845105:53
=== zachallia is now known as OSUKid7
RichWShall i file a bug?05:53
LunksHow to change what closing lid does? I'm getting an error beep on lid closing/opening. I'd like to lock the screen, but 'blank screen' does this.06:21
DanaGdamnit, hard lockup again.  If I turn out not to get that hard lockup with the 'nv' driver, then I'm going to be SOOOO pissed off at nvidia.06:29
DanaGThe open-source NV driver sucks -- doesn't even accelerate 2D video.  In fact, it may even be slower than VESA!06:29
DanaGThat's it.... next time, I AM getting ATI.  Period.  At least they help open-source now.06:29
DanaGIs "nouveau" usable for desktop right now?06:31
GeorgeI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:31
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:31
GeorgeNouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive06:32
ubotuNouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive06:32
DanaGyay, that'll ping.06:32
DanaGSucks having your nickname in a commonly cited thing, like Seveas was a while back.06:32
Hobbseeheh, yeah06:32
* J-_ wonders if there are any wireless updates06:33
J-_Is anyone else having any problems with Intel wireless?06:37
Hobbseewhich card?06:37
RAOFDanaG: Yes.06:38
J-_03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)06:38
LunksHow to change what closing lid does? I'm getting an error beep on lid closing/opening. I'd like to lock the screen, but 'blank screen' does this.06:38
HobbseeJ-_: mine works06:39
RAOFDanaG: Or rather, yes, depending on what your card is.  nv5x support isn't good, nv4x support is better than the blob at 2d, and nv2x & nv3x are both pretty well supported.06:39
J-_Lunks: preferences > power management06:39
* DanaG has a G73 (GeForce Go 7600).06:40
LunksJ-_: I'm getting a beep error when opening/closing, which tells me it must be happening an error.06:40
DanaGnvXX to GXX is confusing.06:40
RAOFDanaG: Welcome to "awesome support" (that's probably an nv4b)06:40
DanaGI just want to see if it fixes that damn freezing.06:40
J-_Hobbsee: weird, I think my network got owned last night, since then, it hasn't worked proper. It's either from updates, or that. I'm not sure.06:40
RAOFWell, it will... because you can't run Compiz on it.06:40
J-_Is WPA crackable? I do have encryption on the router enabled.06:41
DanaGOddly enough, I'll even get freezing with the lid down.06:41
DanaGPerhaps even under Metacity.06:41
calcJ-_: wpa/aes shouldn't be afaik06:42
DanaGI'll go back to nvidia binary for a while after that, to see if metacity freezes.06:42
voxanyone know why mouse-keys would start itself every 2-3 days?06:42
RAOFDanaG: You can play with the gallium branch of mesa, and get respectable framerates with OpenArena.  But no compiz, and no Wow.06:42
Amaranthunless you have a weak password06:42
* DanaG doesn't play WoW, anyway.06:42
calcJ-_: looks like it might be brute force crackable but that isn't really a vulnerability persay06:42
J-_bleh /me shakes fist.06:42
AmaranthDanaG: also, no suspend support and no power management06:43
J-_I'm using TKIP06:43
RAOFOh, yeah.  I may want to mention that :)06:43
DanaGWhich is worse: hard lockup, or stuck keys?06:43
LynoureJ-_: everything is bruteforcable, excluding stuff that blocks you out or self-destructs :)06:43
DanaGBoth are quite horribly annoying.06:43
calcJ-_: not sure about tkip06:43
DanaGI'm on xserver-xorg-core 1.4 because it doesn't get stuck keys.06:43
calcJ-_: wpa is crackable if the user picks a bad password06:43
LynoureJ-_: tkip, with long enough key, also ok, afaik06:43
DanaGOh yeah, how can I "Prove" to my dad that WPA2-PSK with AES is essentially "competely" secure?06:44
LynoureJ-_: 20+ was currently the "not in your lifetime" lenght06:44
* J-_ doesn't get the problem then. =|06:44
J-_Maybe I need to reset the router, and set it up again06:44
LynoureDanaG: heh, study cryptography and show him the math, then teach him what it meant :)06:44
DanaGMy passphrase is 1234567890123456789012345 characters long (one digit per character... that's 25, I think), and it has mixed case and some punctuatuin.06:45
DanaGyup: *************************06:45
calc"Yes Aircrack and coWPATTY are considered brute force methods as they stematically attempt to crack the WPA-PSK by testing numerous passwords, in order, one at a time. Obviously this can be a time consuming process. coWPATTY can only try 30-60 words per second with the possibilities in the realm of 200 billion!"06:45
* DanaG goes to restart Xorg.06:46
J-_I've used about 12 alphanumeric characters06:46
LunksJ-_: You shoudln't have a problem with long passwords.06:46
LunksUnless someone knows it, you should be fine06:46
calceasy way to make hard to crack passwords is take a sentence and abbreviate it06:46
calcassuming you take a long enough sentence06:46
LynoureGetting a long passphrase bruteforces is less likely than someone entering your network through your house window, with cable06:46
J-_I just go crazy on the keyboard, and numbers and copy the password on paper. =P06:47
Lynoureand wlans are a bit like bicycles06:47
DanaGOkay... kernel module didn't load.06:48
DanaGMissing or wrong-version symbols.06:48
LynoureWhat normally makes a difference is having yours less yummy and better locked than the ones next to it :)06:48
calcon my i have wpa2/aes/11g only/mac address06:48
RAOFDanaG: Yeah, I'm going to have to make some dpkg-divert magic.06:48
calci used to have it set not to broadcast ssid as well but haven't bothered with it since it seemed to cause problems with NM06:48
RAOFDanaG: For the moment, manually insmodding the version in /extra will get you the right drm module.06:48
RAOFDanaG: (Note that this doesn't happen to me at all.  Maybe x86-64 is better :))06:49
DanaGWhat should I dpkg-divert?06:49
J-_Lynoure: I did have a problem last night where I was having problems with my router, looked at nm-applet, and there was a 'shield' symbol beside my wireless name. That's why I figure someone cracked the darn thing06:49
RAOFNo, *I* should dpkg-divert.  So that my packages replace Ubuntu's drm kernel module, so the problem you see doesn't happen.06:49
J-_I quickly changed it, and with the secure symbol back up it hasn't worked06:50
J-_I also live in a big city, so it is possible06:51
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calcJ-_: er the shield symbol means your connection is secured06:52
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
calcJ-_: did you mean the shield went away?06:52
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
calcJ-_: ah ok, you said the shield was there so you thought you were cracked ;-)06:52
J-_whoops =P06:53
DanaGoops, forgot to kill finch.06:53
calcJ-_: so with security on the wireless connection stopped working?06:53
DanaG(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)06:53
DanaG(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering06:53
DanaGHmm, where can I get that file?06:53
RAOFDanaG: That's meant to happen. :/06:53
DanaGI saw that in the package description.06:54
calcJ-_: you can right click on nm-applet and edit wireless networks and try to delete the settings for the connection and see if it works after entering the password again06:54
DanaGOh yeah, what is backingstore?06:54
LynoureJ-_: no idea what a shield symbol means, I think I still get just a lock. Could be up to your icon theme, too06:54
RAOFDanaG: No, you'd be thinking of the DRM kernel module; that error is about not being able to find the mesa userspace-module.06:54
J-_calc: Yes, it was previously secured, then I had a lot of problems(still have). while the problems were persistent the security went away, then I reset my password which in turn put the security back up and it hasn't worked since then06:54
J-_Lynoure: ah sorry06:55
RAOFDanaG: Since I'm not particularly interested in overwriting people's whole 3d stack with a git snapshot of a kinda-working Gallium, you don't get 3d from my packages :)06:55
J-_I've changed the password about 3 or 4 time since then too06:55
RAOFDanaG: Backingstore would be the offscreen buffer.06:55
LynoureJ-_: try a firmware upgrade (but not really a topic for this channel)06:55
DanaGI guess I'm better off using nvidia binary with metacity, perhaps.06:55
RAOFDanaG: What, it didn't start X?06:56
* calc gone to ubuntu-meeting06:56
DanaGIt did, but software rendering.06:56
DanaGAs expected.06:56
RAOFRight.  Yes, if you want 3d, nouveau is still not really for you :)06:56
DanaGWell, at least for a test, I can leave the laptop on overnight and see if it freezes.  If it doesn't, then next time I'll test nvidia binary with metacity.06:57
DanaGAt least metacity composite works.06:57
Jordan_UIs fglrx supposed to work with AIGLX by default in hardy?06:57
RAOFJordan_U: Yes.06:57
RAOFJordan_U: As I understand it.06:57
Jordan_URAOF, option "composite" "false" was added to my xorg.conf automatically when I enabled fglrx06:59
DanaGAnd at least 2D is not painful with nouveau.06:59
RAOFDanaG: Damn straight.07:00
DanaGAnd with xorg core 1.4, I don't get keys sticking.07:00
RAOFDanaG: You're not even seeing it at its best.  It's quite a lot faster with xorg > 1.4 :)07:00
DanaGDo keys get stuck under it?07:00
RAOFJordan_U: You may wish to file a bug :)07:00
crdlbJordan_U: it shoudn't do that07:00
DanaGBut I'm still pretty certain I'm going to go ATI next time I buy a laptop (perhaps end of June).07:00
RAOFDanaG:  Not for me, but then I can only stick keys under Compiz anyway.07:01
AmaranthRAOF: but i thought it already had the fastest render accel07:01
Amaranthyou're telling me it got even faster?07:01
AmaranthSticking keys is never compiz's fault07:01
RAOFAmaranth: Yeah, but EXA got much faster in newer Xorgs.07:01
RAOFAmaranth: I know.  It's just easier for me to trigger when compiz is running.07:01
DanaGOh yeah, you said something about Nouveau not supporting suspend?07:01
AmaranthI have to fight people to leave that bug assigned to xorg :P07:01
ubotuDanaG: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: not enough arguments for format string07:02
AmaranthDanaG: doesn't support it at all07:02
RAOFDanaG: That's right.  It doesn't support suspoend.  At all.07:02
RAOFSomeone's looking at adding it.07:02
Amaranthas in don't even try it you might break the hardware ;)07:02
* DanaG wonders what'd happen if he tried anyway... hang on shutdown?07:02
RAOFThis should be easier with kernel modesetting :)07:02
* DanaG wishes nvidia wouldn't make such sucky VBE modes.07:02
DanaGI don't have a native-res VBE mode -- and consoles are blank if I use vga=anything, anyway.07:03
AmaranthRAOF: when is that happening?07:03
AmaranthRAOF: intel already has experimental multi-master drm and kernel modesetting07:03
Amaranthoh, and dri207:03
* DanaG goes to try suspend just for the heck of it.07:03
RAOFAmaranth: Dunno.07:03
Amaranthall the cool features i keep saying will be available by the end of the year have experimental versions right now :P07:04
J-_freakin hilarious07:04
J-_I had to reset my security on my router07:04
J-_I should actually set a bigger password07:04
J-_17 characters long though07:05
AmaranthJ-_: dude07:06
J-_yes sir?07:06
AmaranthJ-_: you just gave away important information about your password and dramatically narrowed down the number of passwords i have to try to brute force it07:06
J-_Amaranth: Yeah, but I doubt you live around herem or does that matter?07:07
Amaranthi'd have to live next door or something :P07:07
J-_exactly. =D07:07
crdlbunless you enabled remote administration, but nobody's _that_ stupid07:07
J-_Yeah, but that's not the point I suppose07:07
LynoureAmaranth: people try the shorter ones first normally anyway. :)07:07
Lynoureand even saying it's 64 characters would only cut off a fraction of the keyspace, it would still be too long to be unfeasible07:09
DanaGIt does support suspend..........................07:09
DanaGIt just doesn't support resume.  Bwahahahaha.07:09
DanaG(yes, I know that's lame.)07:09
* J-_ high-fives DanaG 07:09
LynoureDanaG: does not make you lame...07:10
LynoureDanaG: makes you part of the majority, that's all :)07:10
DanaGDeliberately lame jokes can still be amusing, as long as you know they're lame.07:10
Lynouresame here, I bet, but going to try anyway. Should experiment with blacklisting07:11
DanaGWhat's bad is people who make really lame jokes and then think they're funny.07:11
J-_that's why I don't make jokes. I is not funneh!07:11
DanaGAnyway, back to nvidia binary, but this time with metacity.07:12
J-_oh man, here I am blaming Ubuntu when my wireless flattens, and then reset security, and it works again. /me is ashamed of himself.07:12
* DanaG is glad to use dd-wrt.07:13
J-_I have a wrt54gl07:13
J-_but dd-wrt firmware would be nice07:13
DanaGWHR-G125 is what I have.07:13
DanaGViva la QoS!  I can run BT on one specific port, and de-prioritize it.07:13
J-_ohh man, that's a good idea, and I have QoS07:14
DanaGThen you can still use encryption, too.07:14
J-_Before even taking a look at QoS I figured, I would let either my server, or laptop have most of the connection and leave the rest of the computers on the network to be. But then I looked at how QoS is arranged(settings and so) and I quickly said no. But, I need to figure how to use it since it's effective.07:16
DanaGThe wiki can help.  Do try to prioritize by port, since the other (packet-inspection) method is CPU-intensive.07:17
J-_neat, thanks for the info. Hopefully I can remember it. =)07:17
* J-_ unplugs lappy, and moves to a more comfy spot in the house(kitchen table)07:19
* DanaG leaves the laptop on the desk and goes to a more comfy spot: bed. To sleep.07:20
J-_I need to do that too. But, sadly I am really awake and won07:20
J-_won't be able to sleep07:21
* DanaG randomly points at the HP laptop that supports up to 8 gigs of RAM, and asks.... would any of you use that?07:21
J-_supports 8gb of ram? what the hell07:21
AmaranthDanaG: I could use it07:21
Amaranthvirtual machines07:21
J-_I thought 4 was large and up to Laptop limit.07:21
* J-_ only uses 2gb of RAM, supports 4gb07:22
DanaGDo 4GB SODIMMS exist?07:22
DanaGNote that preconfigured (up a level) is cheaper than custom-configured.  They also offer freedos, but make it tricky (due to stickers, of all things) to get an Intel wifi card with FreeDOS.07:23
J-_I don't know much about hardware, but it did say this lappy supports up to 4gb.07:23
J-_that thing is a beaut07:24
J-_double the price of mine =P07:24
J-_I should have bought one with a nvidia card in it. But I don't game too much anymore anyway07:26
* DanaG is actually going ATI next time, for the sake of true open-source now.07:27
Daisuke_IdoDanaG, i wish you the best of luck in your lollipop and ice cream land of make believe and fairy tales :)07:28
J-_Nice, I just have an Intel chipset, not sure how well games like cs:s will perform on it07:28
J-_I haven't played that in years anyway, probably a waste of cash anyway07:28
Daisuke_Idoi really hope ati's drivers do get better in a hurry though07:28
J-_If they're open or some are they will07:28
J-_They have to =P07:29
Daisuke_Idothat's what they said about networkmanager07:29
J-_I just figured the more people going open source, the more technical things are talked about and the more interest people will get.07:30
Daisuke_Idoi'm a bit of a pessimist when it comes to AMD/ATI keeping their promises :\07:30
AmaranthDaisuke_Ido: already got specs for everything except the r600 3d07:30
Daisuke_Idoi really do hope things get better with ati - i've been running nvidia for years, but if good open 3d drivers come out, i'll switch :)07:30
Daisuke_IdoAmaranth, which is a really impressive step, but what's been done with those specs so far?07:31
Amaranthnvidia is crap07:31
Daisuke_Idonvidia's drivers are a boatload better than fglrx.07:31
AmaranthDaisuke_Ido: full RenderAccel for r200-r50007:31
J-_I asked Amaranth what to get, and he said yay to this chipset and Hardy so I bought it. And, I can't be more happier.07:31
Amaranthno, not really07:31
* J-_ wiggles07:31
fromporti've got a laptop with ati raden 9600 and boy... it took some convincing to let it run fglrx/compiz on hardy...07:31
Amaranthsince the fglrx rewrite fglrx has less features but seems to have less problems07:32
Daisuke_IdoAmaranth, whereas nvidia still has the features, and still very few problems*07:32
Daisuke_Ido*for the vast majority of users07:32
Amaranthno, because the vast majority of _our_ users use compiz and that is where the problems are07:32
Daisuke_Idothere will always be a VERY vocal minority whining about how they can't get this and that to work, then blame the drivers or the OS when in reality it's their inability to read07:33
J-_Next I want to get a firewire port for the lappy, and get a m-audio external soundcard, and some kickarse m-audio studio monitors for the bedroom.07:33
DreadKnightlast time i tried upgrading to hardy alpha 6, installation went smooth07:33
DreadKnightbut after reboot, it kept hanging during booting.... loading and loading...07:34
DanaGI sure am sick of my nvidia issues.07:34
DanaGEven in Windows, in fact, I've had my own share there.07:34
Daisuke_Idoi can't speak for everyone, but i've had no problems with my nvidia07:34
DreadKnight(i use kubuntu btw)07:34
J-_My desktop with a nvidia 5200fx card is smooth, but dying. Although, I don't have Hardy on it07:34
BadRobothi there07:34
AmaranthDaisuke_Ido: memory leaks, random lockups, random display corruption, etc07:34
DanaGFailure to suspend.... some of the time.07:35
Daisuke_IdoAmaranth, nope, nope, and nope.07:35
RAOFBlack flashes all the time.07:35
Daisuke_Idohaven't had issues with any of that07:35
BadRobotwill be there an upgrade from Alpha 6 to Beta?07:35
RAOFDanaG: Failure to resume... more often :)07:35
Daisuke_Idothis in really new cards?07:35
DanaGI actually haven't had the blinking in a while.07:35
DanaGThat's what I meant, actually.07:35
AmaranthDaisuke_Ido: you have the memory leak07:35
fromportdreadnight: change the boot options to boot without splash screen and look what's going wrong.07:35
Daisuke_Idooh, there is a graphics chipset i do have big problems with though07:35
DanaGI can suspend reliably, but only resume perhaps 2/3 of the time.07:35
Daisuke_IdoAmaranth, glad you told me, or i never would have known07:35
DanaGAnd no native-resolution framebuffer.07:36
DanaGDoes radeonhd get along with radeonfb?07:36
Daisuke_Idobecause from where i'm sitting, everything's peachy07:36
Amarantheveryone has the memory leak, you just won't notice it if you don't use compiz, don't open many windows, or have tons of VRAM07:36
Daisuke_Idoi don't, i DO, and i don't.07:36
* Daisuke_Ido shrugs07:36
Daisuke_Idothe chipset i do have a problem with is the satanic intel 965.07:37
Daisuke_Idomajor resume problems, getting compiz working was such a pain that i just said screw it...07:37
posingaspopularhey all, im running kubuntu hardy, and im looking for the place which determines what runs on boot and what doesnt'07:38
* J-_ barely used compiz, but since it is working a lot better on this lappy I enabled the extra settings a few days ago07:38
BadRobothave the libc6 been fixed already?07:38
posingaspopulari have a kde printer applet that is always booting and running on it's own, but I've bever printed with it before07:39
AmaranthBadRobot: yes, long ago07:39
AmaranthDaisuke_Ido: funny, 965 works perfectly for everyone else :)07:39
Amaranthaside from us blacklisting it in compiz in gutsy07:39
fromportposingpopular: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/07:39
BadRobotso is it save to update the libc6?07:39
AmaranthBadRobot: yes07:39
BadRobotwhat about the kernel?07:39
* J-_ didn't want to say anything about lib6 it could have been problematic for others. =)07:39
Daisuke_IdoAmaranth, the compiz problems i understand, but the resume issues are what i have trouble with07:39
Daisuke_Idohowever, i'm going to do a fresh install of hardy (that laptop was upgraded from feisty to gutsy) when it goes final07:40
BadRobotso i am going to the libc6 and kernel updates ,wish me luck07:43
J-_luck has been given07:43
* DanaG has only 128MB of VRAM.07:43
DreadKnightBadRobot: +1 Luck Granted!07:44
J-_How much RAM do EeePC's have? Or, much can be put in them?07:44
BadRobotlast time a updated my hardy box ,it got very messed07:45
DreadKnightlast time i upgraded my kubuntu gutsy to hardy alpha 6 it didn't boot, stoped at the "loading..." part07:46
BadRoboti am using Ubuntu Hardy07:46
BadRoboton my laptop07:46
BadRobotno so fun of Kubuntu's07:47
BadRobotor kde07:47
damo22is there going to be hardy xubuntu?07:47
BadRobotxfce is so ugly,i hope they make xubuntu a bit nicier07:48
calcxfce is supposed to be ugly07:48
calcits a clone of cde07:48
damo22i like xfce07:48
damo22it uses less memory than gnome07:49
BadRobotit can't be as much ugly the Darwin or freeBSD07:49
BadRoboti know,but gnome 2.22 rocks07:49
J-_xfce is quite nice, I just don't like some of default programs in the DE07:50
BadRobotGnome-DO,Epiphany WebKit, and many other new cools features07:50
calcBadRobot: what gui does darwin/freebsd use by default?07:50
J-_I like the look  better than Gnome, but I like gnome better. =)07:50
calcwell xfce isn't nearly as ugly as real cde07:50
BadRobotyou have to install one07:51
damo22the thing i like most about xfce is switching desktops by scrolling off the screen07:51
calcBadRobot: so why did you say the gui for darwin/freebsd is ugly? ;-P07:51
calcdamo22: i'm pretty sure you can configure compiz to do that also07:52
J-_damo22: workspaces you mean?07:52
J-_yeah compiz-fusion does it07:52
damo22yeah workspaces07:52
calcBadRobot: shows it running gnome07:52
calcBadRobot: looks almost identical to ubuntu07:53
J-_updates yay!07:53
damo22where can i post a screenshot?07:53
J-_don't have to register.07:53
BadRobotyou can get gnome to run on FreeBSD,but i am not sure on Darwin07:53
calcBadRobot: today.png is just windowmaker07:53
BadRobotlast time i used Darwin it was Darwin 7 and now they are on Darwin 9.107:54
calcBadRobot: the screenshot on wikipedia for darwin was running gnome07:54
J-_that update killed my connection =P07:56
BadRobotDid you update the kernel J-_ ?07:57
J-_No header update there.07:57
BadRoboti am afraid to update my box and have to install everything again07:58
J-_I did that when libc6 had its trouble07:58
BadRobotso is it stable now?07:58
=== kim_ is now known as newguy
J-_But, I know I can use the livecd and fix whatever breaks. With a little bit of guidance of course.07:58
BadRobotso guys,should i update my box?07:59
J-_BadRobot: I haven't had any problems so far, but I'm not really with the technical of things.07:59
Amaranthi am completely up-to-date08:00
J-_Same here =D (I think)08:00
* DanaG goes to bed NOW.08:00
* Hobbsee wonders how that was possibly ontopic.08:06
gordonjcpis it possible to roll the version of Ubuntu in Hardy back to a 2.0.0.x version?08:09
Hobbseethink.  read again.  try again.08:10
gordonjcpHobbsee: is that aimed at me?08:12
Hobbseegordonjcp: yes.  ubuntu never did version 2.0.0.x08:12
gordonjcpHobbsee: <sig>08:13
gordonjcpHobbsee: ok, the previous version that *worked properly*08:14
Hobbseegordonjcp: of what?08:14
Hobbseegordonjcp: all the versions of ubuntu worked properly08:14
Hobbseeoh.  now that you actually *say* that....08:14
Hobbseeyou can try firefox-2 in the repos.  i've not had success in it being coworkable (mine always uses 3.0 to launch), but it's worth a shot.08:15
gordonjcpHobbsee: sorry, what did I start off asking about?08:15
Hobbseegordonjcp: the version of ubuntu in hardy. :)08:15
gordonjcpwell 3.0 is totally broken for me anyway08:15
gordonjcpHobbsee: haha, oops, sorry08:15
Hobbseehence the "think.  read.  try again"08:15
gordonjcpuptime > 36 hours08:15
gordonjcpand firefox crashing and hammering memory like nothing I've ever seen isn't really helping here08:16
Hobbseegordonjcp: new profile?08:16
damo22i reckon theres memory leaks in firefox
gordonjcpdamo22: it's quite likely08:16
gordonjcpI'm going to have to make this PC dual-boot08:16
gordonjcpat the moment too much stuff doesn't work properly in Hardy, not that I mind testing it08:17
gordonjcpbut sometimes I don't want to test my OS, I want to get some work done08:17
=== ubotu is now known as Ubot6
damo22i'll never go back to microsoft08:20
gordonjcpdamo22: microsoft?08:22
gordonjcpoh, windows08:22
gordonjcpis it any good?08:22
damo22lol, its crap08:22
gordonjcpone of the guys at work seems quite keen on it08:22
damo22have you never used it?08:23
gordonjcpI actually have a real genuine bought-and-paid for copy sitting on my bookshelf08:23
gordonjcpbut I think the mail-in rebate for the upgrade to 3.11 is probably expired by now08:23
gordonjcpother than that, not really, no08:24
damo223.11? ancient08:24
gordonjcpI pretty much went from DOS to various Unixes08:24
damo22nice move08:24
damo22i only used xp for gaming08:25
gordonjcpdamo22: started out with SCO Unix on some horking great machine at Uni08:25
gordonjcpwhen SCO was SCOC the really good software company, not SCOX the patent troll08:25
damo22now i dont play games anymore i have switched to ubuntu08:26
gordonjcplinux has *lots* of games, as long as you like FPSes08:26
J-_damo22: There are much greater things to learn than games. =) it happened to me, but it benefits.08:26
damo22ive been playing around with php and mysql, its amazing what you can build08:27
gordonjcpdamo22: you should look at Django, too08:28
damo22gordonjcp: wow i never knew stuff like this exists08:31
gordonjcpdamo22: it's a framework, rather than a CMS08:31
damo22yeah cool08:32
gordonjcpdamo22: it takes the hassle out of things like dealing with the database and templates, but you've got to make the clever stuff yourself08:32
gordonjcpdamo22: a website is like a house, you've got to get the foundations right08:32
gordonjcpPHP + MySQL is like having a wheelbarrow and a shovel08:32
gordonjcpDjango is like having a JCB08:32
gordonjcpright, it's off to work I go08:34
damo22thx cya08:34
finfin82hi, anybody here owning an ati using aiglx with that on 2 monitors???08:58
BadRobotdoes someone in here uses Midori Web browser?09:13
* gordonjcp returns09:14
J-_How well does firewire play with Hardy?09:28
BadRobotit plays nicely09:29
J-_f/me needs an external soundcard09:29
BadRobotthere is no problem with firewire on hardy09:29
finfin82hardy rulz09:30
finfin82the first version where ati+aiglx+compiz work out of the box for me09:30
flowOveri took a chance and installed it.  it runs stable where i was having random reboots and freezing on gutsy09:30
BadRobotanyone using the Midori WebKit webrowser?09:30
BadRobotor Midori Web Browser09:30
finfin82i will give it a try with 2 monitors today.... if it works fine, it will become my new working os09:31
flowOveri have nvidia twinview up fine09:33
finfin82well this worked allready fine in 6.109:34
J-_mmm two monitors09:34
finfin82well this worked allready fine in 6.1 @ flowOver09:34
fromportbadrobot: just installed it, when on a webpage i used middle mouse to open link in new tab at wich point midori simply crashed...09:37
BadRobotok,yep.I am using it too,it's nice and fast,but it crashes if i try to download something09:41
BadRobotnow i am using Epiphany 2.22 with WebKit09:41
Amaranthyou compiled it yourself?09:42
Amaranththere is only epiphany-gecko in ubuntu09:42
Amaranthwhich is really worthless in hardy as firefox 3 is nearly as good plus has all the extensions09:43
MM2I installed ubuntu+1 server (LAMP) and /etc/apache2 has some weard directories: them are visible, but none characters on their names09:45
MM2ah... I think them are black text on black background in terminal... annoying...09:47
MM2I installed ubuntu-desktop and login to graphical login freezes. Should I install something else too?09:48
BadRobotno there is with webKit too.09:50
BadRobotsorry,it was one debian09:51
BadRobotanyone knows how to set up Gnome DO09:58
BadRoboti mean a shortcut on the keyboard for it09:58
=== Malnilio_ is now known as Malnilion
m1rwin key + space = gnome do10:00
Amaranthhow do you configure gnome-do :)10:07
Amaranthit seems to be setup almost perfect already but i want to change a couple things10:07
RAOFAmaranth: The current setup is: don't.10:11
Amaranthgood thing my only complaint is that i can't type 'bug 99508' into it and go to the launchpad bug :)10:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 99508 in compiz "Window titlebar displayed not right with compiz enabled" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9950810:12
RAOFOh.  You can mess around in gconf to change the keybinding, but I've never tried :)10:13
BadRobotdoes someone hows how install a new usplash?10:18
cwilluis gnome-do worth while?10:25
cwillu(coming from someone who really wants to use the deskbar, but has yet to find a use for it)10:25
BadRobotit's nice and easy to find stuff with Gnome-do10:29
explicitlyam I right in thinking that "Version 2.7-9ubuntu2" of libc is OK to install -- ie is not the version that caused many people to have problems?10:30
Amaranthexplicitly: yes, it's alright10:30
explicitlythanks Amaranth -- been holding back the update...10:31
BadRobotme too10:32
NgAmaranth: I'm pretty sure I've seen a launchpad plugin for it floating around somewhere10:32
cwilluexplicitly, just make sure you update if you haven't since that debacle, if you're set up to download the updates automatically even if they're not installed10:32
BUGabundohumm lets see10:33
BUGabundonothing on the # topic about python probs...10:33
BUGabundoso it must be a local or very fresh...10:33
BUGabundoI just hope its not a new libc6 bug update10:33
AmaranthNg: whiprush wrote one10:34
jimqode_hardware test hang at lshw for me. does anybody have the same problem?10:35
explicitlycwillu, thanks for the heads up10:35
Rasiis the totem youtube plugin broken?10:39
Rasiit always says "ffflv_dec the data cannot be handled" or seomthing like that10:40
Rasi(german system)10:40
BadRobotrasi just use vlc plugins10:47
BadRobotor flashplayer plugins10:47
BadRobotvlc play flv formats nicely10:47
Rasibut not directly from youtube.com :)10:49
Rasijust see its broken not only on ubuntu10:50
Rasidoesnt work on arch too10:50
Rasifunny.. on gnome homepage this is one of the new key-features :P10:50
darxhi, is some one here on kubuntu kde4? how good is it? I'd like to get the hell out of gnome but the last time I tried KDE4, it was buggy as hell and not very space efficient.10:56
Rasispace efficient?10:57
jimqode_hardware test hangs at lshw for me. does anybody have the same problem? (Dell XPS M1330)10:57
Rasiwell kdelibs are 30+10:57
darxRasi: generally linux desktops feel constrained compared to windows and macs10:57
jimqodeWhat do you mean by constrained?10:58
darxwastes space10:58
jimqodescreen real estate? disk space? memory space?10:59
Rasiah that you mean11:00
Rasidarx: you havent tried openbox11:00
jimqodejust remove the top bar on gnome and you have the same workable screen size with windows11:00
Rasii guess?11:00
darxRasi: nope11:00
Rasiyou should11:00
darxi did run fluxbox on gentoo11:00
Rasisame with fluxbox11:00
jimqodeI work with wmii11:00
darxit was pretty good but then i got tired of emerge11:00
Rasimuch more space than on windows11:00
Rasidarx: openbox/fluxbox exist for ubuntu too of course11:01
darxRasi: I know but I'd like KDE4 if it wasn't so buggy. I'm eagerly waiting for the beta11:02
darxthats tomorrow isn't it?11:02
Rasikde4 wont feel much better before 4.111:02
Rasiubuntus version will be 4.0.211:02
Rasiall major changes for kde have been made in 4.1 trunk11:03
Rasiand only little parts of it were backported to 4.0.x11:03
darxRasi: :-(11:03
vallhalla81when trying to use sound i get this msg The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plug-ins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. please help11:03
jimqodevallhalla81, could you pastebin the output of lspci11:05
Rasivallhalla81: vallhalla8111:05
Rasilsmod|grep '^snd'11:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:07
Rasiwhat about lsmod command?11:09
vallhalla81it di nothing when i typed it11:10
jimqodehmm weird? Rasi, do you know how to restart the sound server in hardy?11:12
jimqodeit might help11:12
Rasi/etc/init.d/pulse restart11:12
ionstormhaving an issue with my nvidia, with movies, i get screen ripping sometimes during the movie11:12
ionstormwhat could cause that11:13
vallhalla81still no change11:14
ionstormits tearing11:15
Rasivallhalla81: try sudo modprobe snd-cmipci11:16
vallhalla81FATAL: Module snd_cmipci not found.11:17
Rasithats bad11:17
vallhalla81reinstall all bad or fixable?11:17
Rasithe kernel should include that module normally11:18
Rasitry reinstalling kernel11:19
Rasiafter that run alsaconf11:19
vallhalla81ok how do i do that?11:19
Rasidont know how the kernel in ubuntu is called11:19
Rasiapt-get install kernel26 i would guess11:19
Rasibut i am not sure11:20
Rasijust look in synaptic11:20
Rasithe package is installed already11:20
Rasijust force a reinstall of it11:20
vallhalla81ok cool  i will let you know how it goes11:20
vallhalla81ok reinstalled kernal and tryed alsa config11:31
vallhalla81audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument11:32
Amaranthvallhalla81: sounds like you have pulseaudio running so you should either setup alsa to use pulseaudio or setup gstreamer to use pulseaudio11:35
Rasithat should be standard in hardy....11:36
Rasiapart from that having pulse runnig doesnt prevent you from using alsa directly11:36
=== catweazle_ is now known as catweazle
Rasiit should work just fine11:36
AmaranthRasi: only if pulse is setup to release the sound device on inactivity and nothing is using pulse to play something11:37
Rasivallhalla81: lsmod | grep snd11:37
vallhalla81i dont seem to be able to find pulse11:37
Rasiany output?11:37
vallhalla81i cant get any sound at all11:38
catweazlevallhalla81: what kernel?11:39
HobbseeUbot6: quit11:39
catweazlemore numbers please11:40
catweazleuname -a11:40
catweazleshow complete name with uname -a11:41
vallhalla81 2.6.24-12-386 #1 Wed Mar 12 22:30:29 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux11:41
catweazleaha, install the generic kernel11:41
catweazleor test this11:41
catweazle "sudo aptitude install module-assistant" followed by "sudo module-assistant auto-install alsa-source" should do it.11:41
vallhalla81i will give it a test11:42
catweazlevallhalla81: the -386 kernel is not the hit11:42
vallhalla81how do you meen sorry11:43
catweazlevallhalla81: install better the 2.6.24-12-generic11:44
catweazlesound should be fixed in latest version11:45
vallhalla81ok then i will look it up now11:45
vallhalla81how is best to install?11:51
vallhalla81and search for 2.6.24-12-generic?11:52
Rasisearch for kernel11:53
Rasiit should list it11:53
vallhalla81linux image 2.6.24-12-generic i am guesing11:55
vallhalla81ok thank  you11:55
vallhalla81ok just rebooting wish me luck11:56
radonehow can I get to know on which port mysql listens?11:57
radoneI am sure that Mysql is running11:58
Piciradone: check /etc/mysql/my.cnf and/or sudo netstat -tanp | grep mysql11:58
radonenetstat responed: tcp        0      0*               LISTEN     31167/mysqld12:00
radonebut telnet localhost  3306 respondes:12:00
radonetelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused12:01
Rasiwhat does /etc/hosts.allow say?12:01
radonehosts.allow is empty (each line is commented)12:02
Rasimysqld: ALL12:03
Rasiadd that12:03
Rasithen restart mysql12:03
arcticpenguin380why does every tune2fs change force fsck?12:04
radoneplease, what does it do? Will this hit a security of the server?12:04
LeerokAlways nice being here.12:04
Leerok#i2p-chat is too quiet these days.12:04
Rasiradone: it will allow access to your mysql12:06
Rasiwhich is needed to use it :P12:06
Rasiopening services always pulls in security issues12:06
Rasinothing to worry about tho12:06
Rasiyou can of course add an IP instead of ALL12:07
Rasibut normally computers are behind a router anyway12:08
radoneopened & restarted, but without success. Mysql client works, telnet and my application fails with message: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused12:08
edgyHi, yesterday I downloaded hardy kubuntu dvd and tried to burn it using k3b but it couldn't burn it, any one met this?!12:09
Rasiradone: probably telnet access is blocked12:09
Rasiwhich is wise to do anyway :P12:09
Rasihave you set up a user for mysql?12:09
radoneyes of course. Using a mysql -u xxx -pxxx xxx I am able to connect12:11
radonewhen I do the same with my JAVA application the connection refused is reported12:11
h3sp4wnPersonally when I have needed to do that I have tunneled over ssh12:12
Rasiradone: honestly this doesnt make sense12:12
Rasihave you executed mysql -u etc.. on the server itself?12:12
Rasior remotely12:13
radoneboth - mysql client & JAVA app12:13
Rasisure the java app knows the password?12:14
Rasiif mysql connects, mysql access is fine12:14
radoneRasi: checked out, yes, everything correct, but: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused :-/12:17
Rasimaybe as in #mysql12:18
radoneok, thanks or help12:18
edgyI now see the error is: Data doesn't fit on disk!!12:23
kozurehi! Does Heron package gnome 2.22?12:23
Picikozure: yes12:24
kozurecool. thanks!12:24
kozurewhere can I find a list of "major" packages? (Xorg, gcc, etc)12:24
Picihttp://packages.ubuntu.com  would be a good place to start, provided you know the package names.12:25
kozureah, ok. thanks again.12:25
h3sp4wnkozure: depends what you want to do12:25
kozureI'll just browse packages.ubuntu.com for now :)12:26
sliptteesE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:32
sliptteesE: Unable to lock the list directory12:32
sliptteeswtf ?12:32
Leerokrm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock12:32
LeerokIf you know you're not currently using apt or any related programme.12:32
h3sp4wnYou don't always know unless you check12:33
sliptteesLeerok: thx work apt-get update now :D12:33
LeerokYou're welcome.12:33
h3sp4wns/always/ever (That damn gui updater just keeps coming back)12:34
* slipttees install in other machine ubuntu warty :D12:34
LeerokThat sounds like plain Debian?12:35
h3sp4wnYou can upgrade woody -> warty12:35
sliptteesh3sp4wn: true ?12:35
Amaranthnot supported at all12:36
Amaranthbut it will probably work12:36
nemoThis is odd.12:36
nemoIn Gutsy I had no trouble using ffmpeg to convert videos for my SO's iphone.12:37
nemoIn Hardy, it seems AAC support was removed?12:37
nemoor maybe I'm halucinating and AAC support wasn't in Gutsy and I used my Gentoo machine12:37
Ngnemo: if it was, it would have been for legal reasons because the AAC libraries are in multiverse12:37
nemomy memory isn't that great.12:37
nemoNg: faac is legally encumbered?12:37
Ngnemo: afaik, yes12:38
sliptteesmy hardy broken :-(12:38
nemoNg: anyway, enabling a codec isn't same as installing12:38
Ngit's a patented codec12:38
sliptteesupdate manager ehehee12:38
LeerokUse mplayer.12:38
Ngnemo: indeed, you'd need to rebuild it I suspect12:38
nemoNg: otherwsie totem would be unable to link to any of its legally encumbered codecs12:38
nemoLeerok: tried that :(12:38
LeerokMplayer doesn't play AAC?12:38
h3sp4wnDepending on where you live you may not have to care12:38
LeerokThis is an outrage!12:38
nemoLeerok: not once was I able to create something itunes would accept - and that was after many many many frustrating attempts.  I would prefer mencoder - it allows more sophisticated encoding12:38
LeerokThen again, I don't have any AAC.12:38
nemoLeerok: looking around, it appears mencoder might be weak on the container format more than the vid/sound codecs12:39
NgLeerok: I fully expect mplayer can link against libfaac, but we almost certainly don't build it that way12:39
Ngpatents for the lose12:39
nemoNg: I am rebuilding it, just, I thought I had done my ffmpeg encoding on the ubuntu box12:39
nemoso, was a little surprised is all.12:39
h3sp4wnNg: Why is that they use the one from Debian Multimedia not the plain Debian one12:40
Ngh3sp4wn: hmm?12:40
h3sp4wnNg: Its based on the package from debian-multimedia12:41
nemook. so, I'm a little unfamiliar with ubuntu build-dep.12:42
nemoI did it once, but totally forgot since what the next thing to do is12:42
nemoI'd like to rebuild ffmpeg with --enable-faac12:42
nemoI believe I have all *-dev deps installed12:42
nemoubuntu automates this right?12:42
sliptteeshey update manager broken my complete system12:42
sliptteestty 1 tty2 broken too12:43
* slipttees report bug now!12:43
sliptteesThis problem report is damaged and cannot be processed.12:44
sliptteeswtf ?12:44
LeerokHardy: try at your own risk.12:44
nemon/m. I remember12:44
nemoapt-get source12:44
Leerokapt-get remove linux12:44
LeerokI wonder what that would do.12:45
nemoPackage linux is not installed, so not removed12:45
caffeine'lo all i'm having some strange sound issues12:45
caffeinelike echoing sounds12:45
nemocaffeine: that can happen with some sound systems...12:46
LeerokOh, you probably need to disable all your recording devices.12:46
nemoyep :)12:46
nemoLeerok: I screwed that up once.  Set one of my sound outputs as an input :)12:46
LeerokI've done that many times.12:46
nemothat is a very cross-OS bug12:47
nemobut maybe in this case ALSA or something misdetected his sound card.12:47
LeerokImagine doing that with a rock-concert quality speaker!12:47
caffeinelike in system sound?12:47
nemohaha. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg <- looks like my problem is a common one :-p12:49
nemothat one may burn a lot of people as apple products get popular12:51
nemoubuntu has bent on linking to (unused but installable) libs of uncertain legal status.12:52
nemoperhaps it should do so again with ffmpeg12:52
LeerokBurn the Apple products!12:52
nemobut they are just so darn elegant :-p12:52
nemoiphone is like a miracle of circuitry origami12:53
LeerokBurn the cranes!12:53
stefano_nemo, here's a tip: don't start that discussion :>12:53
nemodidn't know there were enough strong feelings about it :)12:54
nemostefano_: certainly it pisses me off that my wife has to reboot into linux to use the iphone... at least until I A) get itunes working under wine with iphone or B) [preferably] get the latest libgpod working with jailbroken iphone12:54
nemoEven better would be (C) Someone start a hackint0sh firmware for iphone :)12:55
Ngnemo: you could stop buying proprietary lockin phones too ;)12:57
nemoNg: hey. do you own a qtopia greenphone?12:58
nemowell then.12:58
nemoiphone is closest thing to an open phone in the entire damn market :(12:58
nemogrep: /var/tmp/qgVXeafFGgZGRqlGLGPGo/newfile: No such file or directory12:58
nemoCopying files to the temporary directory... FAILED!12:58
Dr_willisI keep hearing about that Linux open phone, whatever its called... every so often. If it does come out... it will be my next phone. :)12:59
Dr_willisassuming its not some nasty $$$ like 300+13:00
nemoDr_willis: ditto13:00
nemoDr_willis: I came that close to getting one last year13:00
Dr_willisMy current cellphone cost me $2013:00
nemocould not convince boss to shell out for a dev phone.13:00
nemomy current cellphone cost me $0 since I as planning to renew my contract anyway13:00
Dr_willisId have to convince my wife.13:00
Dr_willisthen after she saw all the neat things.. i bet she would take it from me13:00
nemoDr_willis: I've seriously considered using a subnotebook as a "phone" :)13:01
nemowith one of those cell system cards of course :)13:01
Dr_willisWell this winter shes mainly at home. The Skype Phone is her main phone,13:01
nemoif it can fit in my large inner jacket pocket, I'm set.13:01
nemono idea how well that would work with linux though13:01
nemoSooo. Anyone happen to know why checkinstall failed ?13:02
Ngnemo: I didn't say an open phone, I said a proprietary lockin phone ;p13:02
nemowith this whole "newfile" missing thing?13:02
nemoNg: whatever. same applies to every phone on the market13:03
Ngnemo: nonsense13:03
nemoNg: Nokia locks their phone13:03
nemoand gives FAR less access to subsystems13:03
Ngnemo: also nonsense, I can run anything I like on my n95, including python scripts13:03
nemohell. you can't even write an app to get CELLID without a signature13:03
nemoNg: and I can run apache on my iphone. your point?13:03
Ngmy point is that i don't have to void my warranty to do it13:04
Ngyou do13:04
nemoNg: can't do it with self-sign13:04
Ng=> proprietary lockin13:04
nemoNg: revirginising is trivial.13:04
Ngwhy would you want cellid anyway? the thing has gps13:04
nemoand in terms of modification, that flimsy legal protection is hardly comparable with the things one can do to an iphone. it is like a mini mini subnotebook13:04
nemoI'm cheering on the linux ones anyway13:04
nemoNg: Even in the blackberries, enabling GPS is a stupid idea13:05
nemoNg: but not all nokia phones have gps assuming one wanted to enable it13:05
nemonone of the ones I developed on did13:05
Ngwhy is it stupid?13:05
NgI quite like knowing where I am ;)13:05
nemogiant waste of battery life - pisses off users when your app "kills their blackberry"13:05
nemousing cell ID for positioning usually allows placing person within 100-200 metres in most urban areas.13:06
nemosometimes less13:06
nemoin fact, in most urban areas, it is more reliable than gps13:06
Ngerr, no13:06
nemoheck. even works in buildings, while GPS requires a clear LOS13:06
nemoNg: um. look ok. I was testing on a dozen friggen phones13:06
nemoNg: we always had GPS issues.13:07
Ngnemo: be that as it may, to say "you can't get CELLID therefore iphone is win" is a bit of a thin argument. unless you void your iphone warranty, you can't do anything useful with them13:07
Ngthe same is not true of lots of other phones13:07
nemoNg: I already argued that that flimsy legal protection you get for "not voiding your warranty"  (as if revirginising the iphone isn't a mouse-click away) is hardly comparable to what the iphone DOES allow.13:08
Ngand good luck getting apple to bless a python interpreter13:08
nemothings you can never never do with other phones.13:08
nemoNg: but yes, apple blessed apps is another issue13:08
nemobut at least they don't have a 12 stage signing program13:08
Ngit's an issue of proprietary lockin!13:08
nemothere is faaaar more of that with other phones13:08
nemoif you try to get anything done with them13:08
nemoand many times you get to negotiate with the networks too. insane13:08
jussio1hmmm, gps on n95 apps :) company I work for has made one of those :D13:09
NgI don't have to negotiate with anyone to run anything on my phone13:09
nemohell. AT&T/Cingular did not even know what their own code signing levels were13:09
ConstyXIVbeta out today?13:09
NgI'm not talking about being an ISV, because I'm not an ISV13:09
nemoit took us 3 months to get a simple app on it13:09
nemoand of course, J2ME - limited, Symbian - a !@#$ed up nightmare.13:09
nemoI am still cheering on Android though13:10
LunksI've got a dv6000 series notebook. If Ubuntu starts with Wi-Fi switch turned off, it seems to ignore it. No problem if it starts with it on, then I switch it off.13:10
nemoI think it is the best hope for us all.  The other linux phones don't seem to be gaining traction13:10
Ngthen stop buying proprietary nonsense phones, support the linux phones13:10
jussio1nemo: go have a look at navicron :)13:10
nemoNg: I tried. do you own one?13:11
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:11
nemoNg: couldn't even get boss to approve the $$$ for a phone.13:11
nemoLunks: he started it :-p13:11
nemoanyone happen to know why checkinstall failed with something about a missing temp dir?13:12
Zampaktuhi, does anybody know if i can get my intel 3945 card to work in monitor mode using the iwl3945 that comes with hardy?13:12
edgyAny one managed to burn hardy dvd?13:15
Dr_willisI dont bother with the dvds :)13:20
LunksI've got a dv6000 series notebook. If Ubuntu starts with Wi-Fi switch turned off, it seems to ignore it. No problem if it starts with it on, then I switch it off.13:21
Stormx2Hey. ALSA is broken since my upgrade to Hardy, it says it doesn't have an audio device to output to. Things like alsamixer don't work. And suggestions on what to do now?13:22
Lunksedgy: where to get? and where to check the changes?13:22
Dr_willisStormx2,  check what kernel you are booting. Make sure  a 386 kernel dident get installed/booted by default.13:23
Stormx2Is that wrong?13:23
h3sp4wnuse generic13:23
Stormx2linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic ?13:25
Dr_willisheh - lucky guess on my part.13:25
Dr_willisI had to remove  the 386 kernel like 4 times in the last few weeks..13:25
Stormx2Why did it install the wrong one?13:25
Lunksedgy: I've found the DVDs, but no input from what difference it has from a CD13:26
Stormx2What's the procedure for switching? install linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic and remove the other one?13:26
Dr_willisStormx2,  thats what i did13:26
Stormx2Okay, thanks13:26
Stormx2linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic is already the newest version.13:27
* Stormx2 reboots13:27
Dr_willisremove the 386, or move it down the grub list :)13:27
LeerokDon't Macs come with Python?13:28
Dr_willisI imagine you can get Python for OSX . but not sure whats default on macs :)13:29
edgyLunks: the problem with me it didn't burn because it's too big for the dvd disk!13:31
edgyDr_willis: I spent days downloading it and now it's too big for my disk! It's 4.5 G and my dvd disk is 4.7G and still k3b complains it doesn't fit!13:32
LeerokI believe that Python comes by default.13:32
LeerokMy superiors certainly didn't install it explicitly.13:34
Dr_willisedgy,   I cant even thinkof a reason to use the dvd. :)13:35
sliptteescat /etc/issue13:35
sliptteesUbuntu 4.10 "Warty Warthog" \n \l13:35
LyricaldoggHey guys, wot do i need to make my computer to host a web page ?13:35
Stormx2Dr_willis, it never gets past "Loading, please wait..."13:36
Dr_willisinstall a webserver :)13:36
Piciedgy: Did you download a daily iso?13:36
Piciedgy: did it by chance have the word OVERSIZE in the filename?13:36
Dr_willisStormx2,  No idea on that. Theres some odd.. issue wehre the 386 kennels keep getting installed  when they are not needed.13:36
LyricaldoggDr_Willis : thak you... wot about naming the site ? wot can i name it ?13:37
edgyPici: I downloaded yesterday iso and it has no OVERSIZE in the filename13:37
edgyPici: any solution to my case now?13:37
Dr_willisLyricaldogg,  If you are wnting your own website on the internet,, YOu got a lot of reading/research to do. :) those comercial hosting sites will do it for you for a minimal fee.13:37
Dr_willisLyricaldogg,  or for a toy to play with. You can install a web server, and connect to your ip# and play with the site.13:38
Piciedgy: Download a new iso, Daily builds are hit and miss.13:38
edgyDr_willis: I will give you my reason for the record. I have a very sloooow connection at home so I asked a friend with a good connection to download the dvd so I can install all my programs. I have no other option13:38
Dr_willisi agree with Pici13:39
Piciedgy: Don't get a daily iso then, get one of the milestone releases.13:39
edgyPici: can I download a CD and then mount the files on the dvd as a repository?13:39
LyricaldoggDr_willis: that is what i want, just a toy that i can play with and keep building up.13:40
Piciedgy: Only for the alternate CDs.13:40
Dr_willisLyricaldogg,  check out the various apache docs/guides, install apache, go to http://localhost13:40
edgyPici: why can't I define a repository for the liveCD?13:40
Piciedgy: Because they arent setup the same way.13:40
LyricaldoggDr_willis : thank you very much13:41
edgyPici: do you mean during the installation or even after the installation I cannot define the dvd as the repository for both of the them?13:42
=== hellboy195 is now known as sebner
LyricaldoggDr_willis: so Apache will be my web server?13:44
eklofHrm, is it possible to install firefox2 on Hardy?13:45
eklofmy webmail at work requires that unfortunately13:45
eklofI want to keep 3 also13:45
LeerokDoes your webmail tell you to "upgrade your browser"?13:46
arvindenriqjoin irc.freenode.net13:46
eklofLeerok: no some sort of SOAP:: error13:46
eklofWeb 2.0 crap13:46
Dr_willisLyricaldogg,  apache is one web server you could use. theres apache, and apache2, and proberl others you can toy with.13:46
Dr_willis!find webserver13:46
ubotuFound: libpod-webserver-perl13:46
LeerokPut a rough surface in your tub.13:46
eklofLeerok: no kidding, hang on13:46
LeerokYou'll have no more soap errors if you rough the surface of your tub.13:47
Dr_willisPut the soap on a rope.13:47
eklofLeerok: "There was no SOAP:ENV:body in the XML payload sent by the server"13:47
eklofwhen trying to log in13:47
LyricaldoggDr_wilis: not pestering you, but what is your suggestion of the best one ?13:47
LeerokNo idea.13:48
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eklofLeerok: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/SOAP_in_Gecko-based_Browsers13:48
eklofWay beyond my comprehension anyway13:49
eklofSo i thought installing fx 2 would be faster13:49
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LeerokAh, Firefox 3 doesn't have soap.13:50
LeerokA sticky problem.13:50
eklofWhy not?13:50
LeerokNative WSDL and SOAP support has been removed from Mozilla 1.9/Firefox 3.13:50
eklofCrazy, would probably break lots f stuff13:50
sliptteesLeerok: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20041013 Firefox/0.9.3 (Ubuntu)13:50
Dr_willisLyricaldogg,   I dont use any.  and sinceyou are totally starting out on this.  I would say go find some 'web server for begeinners' guides :) and see what they say.13:51
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:51
eklofI have another question. In previous versions when I typed ssh://server I was able to just browse around and do stuff. But know it mounts it as sft all the time. I find it quite annoying.13:52
eklofIn nautilus that is13:53
eklofWhat is up with that?13:53
Dr_willisTheres  a lot of...'issues' with some of the network/remote/mounting stuff..13:53
eklofHm ok13:53
* Leerok just uses console ssh and sftp.13:53
Dr_willissshf was doing some nasty crashing on me yesterday13:53
Dr_willissshfs i mean.13:53
eklofsshfs is the future and needs to be rock-solid :)13:54
Dr_willis!info sshfs13:54
ubotusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-2.1 (hardy), package size 34 kB, installed size 120 kB13:54
LeerokMounting volumes with ssh?13:54
eklofLeerok: secure shell fils system, all I use these days.13:54
Dr_willisYou 'mount' a remote server as if it ws a local directory13:54
LeerokVery interesting!13:54
Dr_willisIts handy13:54
eklofNFS and samba - crap!13:54
Dr_williswhen it dident crash. :)13:54
eklofsshfs - beaty13:54
Dr_willisi wish all the fuse tools would get their names together..13:54
Dr_willisits sshfs but smbfuse, and fuseiso, or isofuse13:55
LeerokAre you threatening me?13:55
* Leerok hides behind the LAMP.13:55
eklofLeerok: transfers are fully encrypted aswell in sshfs.13:56
eklofSo some overhead it is.13:57
LeerokHmm, rather like sftp, but easier to use.13:57
Dr_willisIve been practicing my scp - skills today. :) but sshfs is handy13:57
LeerokIs Windoze able to mount sshfs devices?13:57
Dr_willisI need to get my ssh skills up ..  theres some things i know it can do.. i just dont know hows13:58
Dr_willisLeerok,  not that i am aware of.13:58
eklofDr_willis: like what?13:58
LeerokI'm very interested in Linux/Windows interoperability.13:58
eklofLeerok: windows is depricated!13:58
LeerokNot when your superiors say it isn't.13:58
Dr_williseklof,  likei gotta rember how to set up scp/ssh where i dont need to keep entering my password.. :)13:58
LeerokAnd when the customers don't know what Linux is.13:58
Dr_willisi forget how.. somthingto do with the right keys copied over.. time to dig out my ssh book/guides13:59
eklofDr_willis: ok, just use public key authentication then13:59
Dr_willisYep. on my todo list.13:59
eklofI still use passwords.13:59
Dr_willisHeck. today was the frst time i dident have to google for scp notes to remeber how to use scp.13:59
LeerokSCP, another protocol for file transfers?13:59
eklofLeerok: then tell your bosses a few things and educate the customer :)13:59
Dr_willisim just on a local lan.13:59
Dr_willisscp is 'ssh cp' :)14:00
eklofLeerok: yes. copy using ssh14:00
Dr_willisscp thisfile username@server:/place/to/copy/to14:00
LeerokI do tell my bosses, but not all of them know Linux.14:00
eklofA client for windows to connect to a ssh server and copy file-14:00
LeerokI'm slowly introducing it to them, though.14:00
Dr_williswinscp is a gui interface to scp :)14:00
Dr_willisits handy also.14:00
eklofAll I use14:01
eklofNo FTP here. Just SCP from windows.14:01
eklofAnd sshfs from linux14:01
Dr_willisit would be neat if you could find somting like sshfs for windows.14:01
eklofssh is all you need :)14:01
Dr_williswell night all.14:01
Sami88is lib6 safe to upgrade yet?14:01
LeerokAnyone read reddit here?14:08
darxLeerok: whats up?14:09
LeerokNot much.14:09
LeerokJust enjoying my time on Linux.14:10
LeerokAlways a pleasure compared to Windows, with the sole exception of games.14:10
darxLeerok: why did you ask?14:10
LeerokJust wondering.14:11
nemoLeerok: games don't do too bad either. at least the ones I play14:11
darxLeerok: are you sniffing IP's?14:11
LeerokWhy do you ask?14:11
darxJust wondering. IRC is an easy way to sniff IPs14:12
LeerokAh, I see.14:12
Sami88Hey everyone, I <3 Hardy!14:12
LeerokThough not when they register as "nat/canonical/x-ae64da79bbaeee3e"14:12
LeerokAnd other similar things.14:12
LeerokHardy will be rather nice.14:13
LeerokIt's been working well for me thus far, on the two computers I've installed it on.14:13
Sami88Yeah, its worked better for me than gutsy did!14:14
insomninjaIs there a way to manually mount an eos 350d, I'm not running gnome atm, so I can't make use of the automatic image import functions14:16
LeerokWhat is an eos 350d?14:16
fromportapt-get install gphoto214:16
fromportgphoto -P14:16
LeerokA camera?14:16
fromportgphoto2 -P14:16
insomninjaa canon camera14:16
Sami88How is that camera?14:16
LeerokShooting people with cameras isn't nice.14:16
fromportinsomnia: that's how i read my canon eos20d ;-)14:17
Sami88I've got a Nikon D40, and love it.14:17
J-_I have a D5014:18
darxsami88: nikons are awesome i've a d8014:18
J-_i want to learn how to do HDR pictures.14:18
insomninjaI were hoping to be able to mount it as a regular drive but couldn't find anything likely in /dev/14:18
Sami88Do you guys mount your cameras or just use the memory sticks?14:18
Leeroklsd /dev/s*14:18
J-_memory card reader14:19
Leerokls /dev/sd*14:19
darxj-_: its pretty easy just take 3 or more pictures with different exposures and hdr em under photoshop. there are tons of tutorials. just ask google.14:19
insomninjaLeerok, I tried, that only showed me my regular drives14:19
J-_darx: cool. I don't use photoshop =P14:20
Sami88Can't GIMP do it too, =P14:20
J-_don't know =)14:20
Wobbowhat are the system specs on this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=g-s-m-alpha6.png14:20
Sami88dual quad core?14:20
Sami88Is there such a thing?14:21
flipstarrather 2x quad14:21
savvasand only 2.5gb memory, that's a shame :P14:22
Sami88Sorry, thats what I meant.14:22
darxtrue hdr needs 16 bit or more per channel methink14:22
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:22
insomninjawell it could be a server14:22
insomninjaor just overkill ;)14:22
darxi don't know if gimp does that. but most hdr are tone mapped into a pretty narrow field.14:23
darxit appears nice thats about it14:23
Sami88Does gimp have downloadable filters?14:24
NeuroStuMITDoes anybody here know the estimated Hardy Heron release date?14:25
Sami88looks like it http://registry.gimp.org/list_content14:25
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:25
savvasNeuroStuMIT: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule14:26
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LunksHibernation is not working on me, can anyone help? I've got an HP laptop.14:28
LeerokLower your body temperature to 5 C.14:29
Lunksfor me14:29
savvasactually, you can't do that, our body is homothermic14:30
LunksGotta pay more attention on how I'm writing... too much time without English lessons. :P14:30
LeerokIf a body can suffer from hypothermia, its temperature can be lowered.14:30
savvasLunks: have you tried with uwsusp ?14:30
LunksI haven't tried anything per say.14:30
LunksJust Hibernate button.14:30
Sami88Whats the difference between Hibernate and Sleep?14:31
savvassorry http://sourceforge.net/projects/swsusp14:31
savvasswsusp :)14:31
Sami88err Suspend*14:31
arvindenriqi have prob in gutsy ,if i install hardy will the prob be solved?14:31
LunksSami88: suspend is just a low-power state14:31
arvindenriqalpha 6?14:31
savvasor http://suspend.sourceforge.net/ - uswsusp14:31
Sami88Lunks: Thanks14:32
darxsuspend to ram, suspend to disk.14:32
darxsleep, hibernate respectively14:32
LunksSami88: hibernate you can remove your battery and it will work after. ;P14:32
Sami88Oh, Awesome!14:33
darxarvindenriq: what problem?14:33
arvindenriqcant right click on desktop and no icons on desktop.14:34
Lunkssavvas: how to use it with ubuntu? and btw, suspend is working14:34
savvasLunks: suspend.sf.net has an introduction page, and the man uswsusp has enough info to help you14:35
savvasi don't guarantee it'll work though :P14:35
Lunkssavvas: I'd like to do it 'ubuntu' way14:35
NeuroStuMITwill FF3 ship with HH?14:35
savvashey how do we view the manually installed packages? the ones that aren't marked auto14:35
Leerokapt-get install <package name>14:36
savvasLunks: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com then, I expect a good suggestion about hibernation :)14:36
darxarvindenriq: open the terminal, and type killall nautilus and hit enter see if it works now14:36
cccharlesis nvidia-glx-new broken right now?14:37
savvascccharles: apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-new | grep "Installed\|Candidate"14:38
arvindenriqit says no process killed14:38
darxare you sure you spelled it correctly?14:38
darx"killall nautilus"14:39
savvasarvindenriq: run it in terminal: nautilus ,then hit ctrl-c14:39
cccharlessavvas: thanks, but I'm more wondering if the package itself is known to be broken.14:39
savvascccharles: i can't help you if i don't know the version you're using14:40
savvas  Installed: 169.12+
savvas  Candidate: 169.12+
savvasthis one works for me14:40
arvindenriqyes i did it but no effect14:40
darxps -A | grep nautilus14:40
BashtoniI know it's not the 'official' virtualisation technology for hardy, but is Xen going to be supported in hardy?14:41
cccharlessavvas: now I gotcha. unfortunately, my nvidia box is at home, and I'm currently at work. Maybe I'll bring it in tomorrow (it's a laptop).14:41
BashtoniAt the moment it's completely broken :(14:41
arvindenriqdarx Then14:41
darxarvindenriq: what does the last command output?14:42
savvascccharles: what's wrong with it? :)14:42
LeerokThe last ten lines of the file.14:42
darxarvindenriq: what did it say?14:42
arvindenriqno msgs14:42
savvashow come i'm the only one that has an nvidia working graphics card? :P14:42
catweazlesavvas: me too :)14:43
cccharlessavvas: the package installs fine, but doesn't show up in jockey-*. that's not a huge problem, since I'm pretty good at editing xorg confs (I used to be a Gentoo guy). but even manually editing the xorg.conf, the X server fails to start. I'm finding the bulletproof X stuff quite annoying--ideally I'd like it to just die nicely :-).14:43
darxarvindenriq: that means that the process which is supposed to display icons and stuff (nautilus) is not running.14:43
arvindenriqhow to solve it?14:44
darxtype "nautilus" and hit enter see what it does14:44
cccharlessavvas: I don't recall the exact X.org errors right now. do you know of a way to disable bulletproof X temporarily?14:44
Lunkssavvas: do you use uswsusp?14:44
darxarvindenriq: type "nautilus" without the quotes that is14:44
arvindenriqthis is shown:nautilus: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libeel-2.so.2: undefined symbol: gnome_bg_new14:44
savvasno Lunks, a friend of mine does why?14:44
Lunkssavvas: I've got a question about a configuration step: "The device node through which uswsusp can talk to the kernel"14:45
darxarvindenriq: I think you'll have to reinstall nautilus. I'm not sure though. You can try "sudo aptitude reinstall nautilus"14:46
arvindenriqi ll try that later14:46
savvascccharles: I don't know how to disable it.. but try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to load in the default vesa-driver settings, then configure your graphics card from the system > administration > screens and graphics window14:46
savvascccharles: which graphics card are you using?14:46
cccharlessavvas: thanks for the tip, I'll try that tonight. it's a 7400 Go.14:47
savvascccharles: ok, just checking if you have the right driver pack :)14:48
cccharlessavvas: It worked beautifully on Gutsy. 1280x800, plus 1024x768 over the VGA or S-Video. Compiz was smooth, everything was perfect :-). But, then again, I like the unpredictability of running alpha software. Gives me something to do :-).14:49
savvasLunks: no idea, sorry, i just know it works in some cases :)14:49
Lunkssavvas: ok =P14:50
savvascccharles: you should've been here a week ago when there was a problem with the glibc/libc6 :P14:50
Sami88Lucky guys with your Nvidia and ATI... I have an intel g965...14:51
Lunkssavvas: I'll try some stuff here. :)14:51
cccharlessavvas: I wasn't in this channel, but I was dealing with it :-). w00t chroot!14:51
savvasaye heheh14:52
savvasi was feeling like a cripple for a couple of hours14:53
savvas(no offense to anyone)14:53
LeerokI wonder, is there a way to open .docx in Linux besides unzipping and stripping tags?14:55
Sami88I'm pretty sure OpenOffice has a plugin/extension for it.14:56
KrimZonwhen i click the gnome clock panel applet it freezes the whole of gnome14:56
hydrogennovel released a docx to useful converter I think..14:56
* Leerok seeks.14:57
KrimZoni have about 3 extra timezone clocks in it under the calendar14:57
hydrogenwhich of course depends on mono14:57
hydrogenbecause mono is definatly the best thing since sliced bread14:57
hydrogenand everything should be rewritten in it14:57
hydrogenI heard they were rewriting the kernel in mono14:57
KrimZonbut i have to go out anyway... bbl14:59
savvasLeerok: http://www.sigmundvoid.com/?p=81 - might work15:00
DanaGOh hey, something new:15:01
DanaGEven rss-glx screensaver Flux can cause my hard lockup.15:01
savvaspfff... great, microsoft has a converter for mac, but not for gnu/linux :P15:04
Sami88cest la vie.15:04
LamegoLeerok, there is an odf converter15:04
LamegoLeerok, http://katana.oooninja.com/w/odf-converter-integrator15:04
Sami88My gnome-do is acting funny.15:07
Sami88spoke too soon.15:07
h3sp4wnI still get evolution-data-server taking a full cpu at 100%15:08
h3sp4wn(pretty often)15:08
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savvashow do we view the manually installed packages? the ones that aren't marked auto?15:09
h3sp4wn! is not15:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is not - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:10
DanaG¡exclamation point!15:11
h3sp4wnaptitude search \~i~n\!~M15:13
savvaswow, so many :)15:14
h3sp4wninstalled and not manually installed15:15
savvasah ok15:15
savvasty sir :)15:15
h3sp4wnaptitude search '~i~n!~M'15:16
h3sp4wnthat looks maybe nicer but I just always use \15:16
Johan-_is there some easy way to free up space on /? Ive already done "apt-get clean"15:18
hydrogenyou need to know whats taking up the space first.15:19
hydrogencheck out filelight for showing you that15:19
savvasJohan-_: your packages? use synaptic to remove some installed packages that you don't need15:20
Johan-_don't think I have that many packages :)15:21
Johan-_but checking filelight out15:21
dwidmannAck! This is maddening! My keyboards up key is acting like printscreen.........15:22
savvasdwidmann: maybe someone tampered with system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts15:23
Johan-_or is it reasonable for / to take up almost 7GB? Having gnome and xfce installed along with the basic stuff from ubuntu-desktop. Not counting /home15:24
dwidmannsavvas, not likely, I'm the only person who uses this computer15:24
dwidmannxev reports that it's print ..... my laptop keyboard is behaving normally though, very strange15:24
dwidmannJohan, I'd check your /var/cache/apt/archives ..... that can eat a lot of space15:26
savvasKeyRelease event, serial 31, synthetic NO, window 0x3a00001, root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 84454785, (-277,202), root:(397,253), state 0x10, keycode 98 (keysym 0xff52, Up), same_screen YES, XLookupString gives 0 bytes: XFilterEvent returns: False15:26
savvasdwidmann: try it on some other operating system, check if the keyboard is actually working :)15:28
dwidmannsavvas, it worked this morning ..... maybe the evdev driver is having issues in hardy?15:28
savvassimilar to that happened to me once, the problem was that the cable wasn't attached correctly heh :P15:28
dwidmannor maybe kde 3.5.9 isn't liking it ... doubtful, but hard to tell15:29
tomaskohi. just started to play with hardy. quick question: why is opera kept at 9.25 while firefox went up to firefox 3 beta?15:30
tomaskoopera 9.5 has a nifty full history search feature that's somewhat like the firefox 3 beta feature (though, imho, the opera version is better [though, with a large enough history, it comes with more lag])15:30
Johan-_ /usr takes up 4GB, /usr/lib/ 2GB and /usr/share/ 1GB. Can I remove anything there?15:31
tomaskodabble with /usr/share first, then /usr/, then /usr/lib15:32
Johan-_or is it easier to use gparted to resize it?15:32
savvastomasko: opera isn't even included in my repositories15:32
tomaskosavvas: oh, right, hmm. i wonder why the canonical repositories don't yield 9.5 then15:32
dwidmannsavvas: you can't get opera 9.5 through the repos, you'd have to get it from labs.opera.com IIRC15:32
tomaskoso what's keeping it out of canonical / ubuntu repositories?15:33
savvasJohan-_: my / is 3.7 gb, without /home :)15:33
* tomasko has a bad habit of typing suppos^H^H^H^H^H^Hrepositories15:33
dwidmanntomasko: license15:33
tomaskodwidmann: 9.25 is allowed, what changed with 9.5?15:33
dwidmanncome to think of it ..... it is, in the partner repo15:34
dwidmannThough, 9.5 isn't out yet15:34
dwidmannand I don't think there's a specific timeline of when it will be released either.15:34
tomaskodwidmann: i think it's supposed to be late 2008, early 2009, but even still, why is firefox's beta allowed but 9.5's not?15:35
tomasko9.5 beta 1 is out15:36
savvastomasko: plus, opera doesn't have 64-bit, right?15:36
tomaskosavvas: so?15:36
dwidmannsavvas: it does, as of opera 9.515:36
tomaskosavvas: i don't know if it does or doesn't, but even if it didn't, so what?15:36
Stormx2Sorry I left earlier without checking to see if I had an answer. My -generic kernel won't boot, gets stuck on "loading, please wait..."15:36
savvaswell i have 64-bit, i can't install it15:36
tomaskosavvas: why would that exclude it from the repositories?15:36
savvasi didn't say that that is the reason :P15:36
dwidmannyou have to get it from their ftp .... it's buried somewhere, but it's there15:37
savvasask mark, how am i supposed to know :)15:37
dwidmannsavvas: and to install the 32-bit one you would need to sudo dpkg --force-architecture install opera*.deb it.15:37
dwidmannand it would work fine15:37
savvasdwidmann: i know, but i want 64-bit :P15:37
tomaskosavvas: mark as in marko?15:37
savvastomasko: I meant mark shuttleworth :) and your suggestion could be here already: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com15:38
dwidmannsavvas: I forget where it's buried, but google for +case_f +opera and you'll find what you're looking for15:38
savvasthanks dwidmann ;)15:38
dwidmanntomasko:  doesn't matter much to me .... I stopped using opera 9.5b after my bookmarks&config got nuked the third time.15:39
tomaskodwidmann: how did that happen? it's never happend to me before15:40
tomaskoalso, imho, the theme for hardy is less tasteful than for gutsy15:40
dwidmanntomasko: If I knew, it wouldn't have happened the second and third times15:40
tomaskodwidmann: oh well, the problem i remember reading about was that some people used 9.25 and 9.5 together with the same profile15:40
savvasfound it hehe15:40
dwidmanntomasko: I'm somewhat guilty of that, though, I uninstalled 9.2x before installing 9.515:41
dwidmanntomasko: used the same profile though15:41
dwidmannCan someone paste/pm me a "regular"/"default" keyboard section (that doens't involve evdev)?15:42
savvashttp://www.opera.com/download/index.dml?custom=yes <- they don't even include it in the architectures15:43
dwidmannsavvas ... yeah, they buried it pretty good15:44
Stormx2Okay. I need some help seeing what the problem is with my kernel. I have 3 versions available in GRUB, a -386 and two -generics. The on -386 my sound doesn't work. the newer -generic doesn't boot at all (get stuck on Loading, please wait) and the older can't detect my video card and won't let me get resolutions above 800x600. Any ideas on a fix?15:47
Stormx2I just want a working version.15:47
savvasStormx2: it could help if you provided the versions of the kernel images15:48
Stormx2One moment.15:48
Stormx22.6.22-14-generic (bad video) 2.6.24-12-generic (won't boot) and 2.6.24-12-386 (no sound)15:50
tomaskowow. does it work with a livecd at least?15:50
savvasyou're using grub boot menu to switch from one to the other?15:50
Stormx2I don't know, I haven't got a hardy live cd.15:51
Stormx2I upgraded.15:51
Stormx2savvas, yeah.15:51
savvasStormx2: how about the recovery option?15:51
Stormx2recovery mode works for all but the -12-generic15:51
savvasjolly good, you're on the machine right now15:52
Stormx2Yeah. Under 22-14-generic15:52
Stormx2Dr_Willis recommended I use -generic to fix my sound problems, so I'd like to focus on getting .24-12-generic working, even though it's the one which works least at the moment15:53
savvasStormx2: apt-cache policy linux-generic15:54
savvaspaste it in http://pastebin.ca15:54
savvasi need the whole bit15:54
Stormx2savvas, http://pastebin.ca/94904115:55
savvaswhich graphics card by the way? :)15:55
Stormx2I can't remember the exact name15:55
Stormx2I use the nvidia-legacy driver normally.15:55
savvasmodel of your nvidia card?15:56
Stormx2It's like a nvidia RIVA TNT215:56
Stormx2or something.15:56
Stormx2video[nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] @ Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] AMD-760 [IGD4-1P] System Controller]15:56
Stormx2There we go.15:56
savvasok the driver is correct, your archive mirror is a great choice.. hm..15:57
savvasapt-cache policy linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic15:57
savvasjust the installed part15:57
Stormx2remember that that one is the one which won't boot at all15:58
Stormx2Actually I might quickly go and fiddle with grub a bit, see if I can't find out what's going wrong15:59
Stormx2Be back in a jiffy.15:59
savvasupload your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file at pastebin.ca - let's have a look at that15:59
savvaswell i'll have to go now, i bet it's his xorg.conf16:01
savvasSomeone tell Stormx2 when he's back to keep a backup of his /etc/X11/xorg.onf and to substitute it with this one: http://pastebin.ca/raw/945227 - then to reboot to the 24-12 kernel, and go to system > administration > screens and graphics to configure monitor and driver16:05
Stormx2Hey back. For some reason recovery mode worked this time on the non-booting generic.16:09
Stormx2It hands on "Waiting for root filesystem ... ..."16:09
ConstyXIVanyone in here running hardy on something with an atheros 5007-based wifi (like the Eee)?16:10
Johan-_Someone tell Stormx2 when he's back to keep a backup of his /etc/X11/xorg.onf and to substitute it with this one: http://pastebin.ca/raw/945227 - then to reboot to the 24-12 kernel, and go to system > administration > screens and graphics to configure monitor and driver16:11
Johan-_from savvas16:11
Johan-_Stormx2: "< savvas> well i'll have to go now, i bet it's his xorg.conf"16:12
Stormx2Tbh I'm not worries about that kernel version16:12
Stormx2I'm more interested in getting the more recent -generic to boot16:12
ConstyXIVanyone have any insight on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/197177 ?16:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197177 in network-manager "[atheros] Wireless stops working after sleep (wubi-hardy-alpha5)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:15
e\ectro_with regards to the libc6 issue, how can I resolve this to update my machine?16:17
e\ectro_libc6-i686: PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.7-9ubuntu1) but 2.7-5ubuntu2 is to be installed16:17
kim_Consty: I am, used this http://www.linuxmint.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=10470&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=atheros to get it running, don't know about sleep though...16:19
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ConstyXIVyeah, i've got the drivers installed, but they break completely upon suspend16:24
ConstyXIVwhen i try to rmmod the ath_pci for the 5007, i get a segmentation fault, and everything goes downhill from there16:28
e\ectro_is libc6 2.7-9 fixde?16:29
jinwhat tool do you install to get more compiz configurations?16:30
tomaskoso it's nice that apparmour is in hardy and all, but how do i actually use it? do i need to fiddle with it at all?16:35
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KrimZongnome panel clock applet crashed even without any locations in it16:41
KrimZonwell... not crashed but frozen the whole of gnome16:41
Dragon2How can i install ubuntu from iso?16:41
KrimZonas in the panels - alt-tab still works16:41
KrimZonso do ctrl-alt-left and ctrl-alt right, so presumably just the panels16:42
KrimZonthey also don't reappear until i reboot - ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't fix that16:42
KrimZonno idea where to look for new information though - gonna reboot anyway16:43
KrimZoni dont know what time it is16:56
KrimZonoh... its in the timestamps16:57
KrimZonso much for being melodramatic16:57
lufiswhat should I do if I change my screen resolution and xorg henceforth is broken? In hardy, xorg pretty much ignores xorg.conf, so sudo dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work anymore. What to do, besides completely reinstalling?16:57
ConstyXIVi thought x had some sort of "bullet-proof" safe mode.  that isin't coming up?16:58
lufisum, apparently not... i sat with a black screen for about 3 hours last night ;)16:59
lufissudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't do anything16:59
lufisi finally broke down and just reinstalled17:00
lufisxorg.conf apparently has nothing about video drivers in it anymore17:01
lufisand short of that, i have no idea how to fix it17:02
lufis(not that it's an issue anymore, but just for future reference)17:02
dwidmannlufis, that really doesn't do anything any more? Ouch. ....... I wonder if there's an equivalent somewhere17:04
lufisit didn't for me17:04
lufisI even copied all of the contents of /etc/X11 from the livecd system to the local one, just to make sure i was running cleanly, and nothing17:04
steph__hi everybody. If I have a alpha 4 image, wich I have installed, then upgraded, will it be the same as alpha 6?17:10
dwidmannsteph__: pretty much17:11
romulohi there17:13
romulothere is some guide on how to get ati fglrx 8.47.3 to work with hardy ?17:14
steph__dwidmann: not the desktop setup (desktop, gdm, blablabla), but the packages (ltsp, kernel, blablabla)17:14
dwidmannsteph__: yes, the packages, right down to the version. Granted, you should probably do a dist-upgrade, maybe.17:15
Pici!final | steph__17:16
ubotusteph__: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:16
steph__would it be the same for the final release?17:19
dwidmannsteph__: yes17:19
steph__in april?17:19
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steph__If I don't want to use restricted modules for video card, wich one do I have to install (except ATI and NVIDIA, is there something else ;)17:28
dwidmannsteph__: which card?17:30
steph__Well, I have to build a server for school, and I don't know wich card to buy. I would like to buy one who has respect for linux'users17:31
steph__*who has drivers ;)17:31
steph__Does it exist :|17:32
dwidmannsteph__: integrated intel (like x3100 or better) would be pretty linux friendly, ootb, no restricted drivers needed.17:35
LibertyShadowMy sound is really wacky.17:35
steph__what about 3d acceleration?17:35
dwidmannsteph__: 3d accel is decent on it17:35
romuloyou arent getting advanced pixel shaders but it works fine17:35
Amaranthyou can't buy an intel card though17:35
dwidmannsteph__: I woudln't count on it for playing the latest games, but it'll work fine17:35
Amaranthit has to be on the mobo17:36
dwidmannAmaranth: which is why I said integrated :P17:36
Amaranthwhich means you have to use intel processors17:36
romuloyeah, but you can get nice fps on not so old games :D17:36
Amaranthand an intel chipset17:36
dwidmannAmaranth: what's wrong with intel procs?17:36
Amaranthnothing, i love them17:36
dwidmannAmaranth: and intel chipsets?17:36
Amaranthbut some people are weird17:36
romuloi like em too17:36
dwidmannGranted, I like AMD too .... but performance-wise they've got a while until they catch up with the "Core" Cpus ....17:37
steph__Ok for the video card. Now the motherboard/cpu. I saw that hardy will not support kvm (who needs special features in the cpu). Can you help. I will build a server for 15 thin clients (LTSP).17:37
steph__Is there something that I have to care of , or all new cpu...17:38
steph__has those instruction's set17:38
romuloget the q6600 :D17:38
LibertyShadowDoes anyone have an idea as to why my system sounds stop working after I log in?17:39
dwidmannromulo: sounds expensive ........... I want one :D17:39
fromporthardy NOT support kvm ? you're not reading it right: look again at the announcements17:39
LibertyShadow(in hardy a6)17:39
dwidmannLibertyShadow: probably some sort of esd issue, maybe17:40
steph__sorry. I tried to say will support17:40
fromporthttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/alpha6 : KVM is now officially maintained within the Ubuntu kerne17:40
romulodwidmann, im getting one in one month17:40
romulomy friend has one and he said its awesome17:40
steph__*steph_ try really hard to speak/write in english17:40
romulobtw, anyone is running fglrx with hardy from repo?17:41
LibertyShadowdwidmann: Its crazy because the beats sound fine, but the Startup sound fails... and the testing fails as well17:41
fromportyep: i'm running fglrx, with compiz on my ati radeon 9600 : works perfect17:42
romulohmm i installed fglrx here and its not running, i dunno why....custom instalation though....whats your version? 8.47.3?17:42
dwidmannLibertyShadow: search UF, I know I've seen that one on there before17:42
LibertyShadowdwidmann, it was working until I started trying to get suspend going :(17:42
LibertyShadowdwidmann, thanks17:42
steph__To be *more* clear, does all the new cpu will support kvm? (is it eally clear :| )17:43
fromportii  xorg-driver-fglrx                          1:7.1.0-8-3+    Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators17:43
romulofromport, you are using the one from ubuntu right?17:43
dwidmannromulo,fromport: ati cards ..... poor guys :(17:43
fromportsteph: yes: all newer one does exept celeron (likes) probably17:43
steph__and does the motherboard makes any differnces17:44
romulofromport, will try to use the ubuntu one instead of custom ;)17:45
LibertyShadowdwidman: I try to install esound and it tries to remove ubuntu-desktop O.o17:46
dwidmannLibertyShadow: fun fun17:52
LibertyShadowanother fun thing is when I use the sleep command it works, but when I press the suspend button it doesnt :(17:54
fromportromulo: when i tried the ati-driver-installer-8-3-x86.x86_64.run i end up with a all white screen with only a mouse outline that moves...17:56
fromporthmm he's gone allready ;-)17:56
dwidmannfromport: you might need to kill X and run that from a virtual terminal17:57
fromporti've got that after a fresh boot, and the text-console are "stripes" so i cant use it (only over the ethernet)17:58
hackeronhey, can someone please tell me how to record from the right channel of line-in from the command line? - I tried arecord -c1 but that only records the left channel - I need the right one only :(18:02
dwidmannfromport: wow, that sucks ...............18:02
dwidmannhackeron: what if you use --seperate-channels and only keep the one you want18:04
hackerondwidmann: I have 2 different microphones I want to be able to open from different processes so I only want to open 1 channel18:05
naranhais there an easy way to give a user all authorizations in hardy? do I have to add it to a certain group?18:06
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hackeronnaranha: add the user to the suduers file in /etc/?18:08
taupter_nb_Hello. Hardy doesn't create /dev/input/mice here. Somebody could help me?18:09
tomaskoedit udev rules18:10
naranhahackeron: the user is in the admin group which is in sudoers18:10
taupter_nb_tomasko: Could you please guide me through it?18:11
naranhaanother strange thing: when i run users-admin as root, I can't modify anything. seems even root is not allowed to do everything18:11
fromportdwidmann: adduser [username] admin18:14
dwidmannfromport: hmmm?18:14
taupter_nb_tomasko: Strange. /etc/udev/rules.d/20-names.rules , line 29, already contains KERNEL=="mice",                         NAME="input/%k"18:15
fromportthan the user can use /do sudo and is capable of doing *anything* ;-)18:15
naranhafromport: was that an answer for my question?18:16
taupter_nb_tomasko: just like it is in 7.1018:16
jimmygoonYay. my most annoying bugs got fixed. hopefully I can switch to tty's without a crash and I'll be ecstatic!18:17
dwidmannjimmygoon: life without ttys must be hard18:18
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jimmygoondwidmann, well. Its not every time18:21
LibertyShadowWoot, I finally got suspend going18:29
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taupter_nb_Still no luck with my mouse.18:31
jimmygoonWhat time will the beta be out tomorrow?18:33
spideylinuxis it going from Alpha 6 to Beta 1 tomorrow?18:33
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yuriyhmm an n-m upgrade broke my network connection18:34
jimmygoonspideylinux, according to the schedule it should be18:34
yuriyi bet restarting would help, but i really don't want to18:34
jimmygoonWould it be awful for "Human" theme to include  a background for gnome-apenl?18:35
jimmygoontoo late. artwork deadlines was last wednesday18:36
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jimmygoonmy firefox looks nothing like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=fx3alpha6.png18:41
Stormx2I can not get ubuntu to remember to use the british keyboard layout18:41
Stormx2Every time I want to use it I need to go to Keyboard Preferences > Layouts. Remove the current layout, even if it's already British English, then re-add it.18:41
m1rbeta 1 coming out tomorow ?18:42
kumarphillyi think18:42
m1ri heard but not sure18:42
m1r!ops beta1 release time ? :)18:43
Stormx2m1r: Err.18:44
Stormx2That's asking for a kick18:44
m1rsrys :)18:44
m1rstormx2 , do you know when beta 1 is out ?18:44
jpatrickm1r: many of us ops have !---ops on hilight18:45
m1ri dont see :/18:45
Stormx2m1r, just check the release scedual in the wiki18:45
m1rsrys for joke18:45
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases18:45
m1rok many tnx Stormx218:45
irelinquishstormx2, you little waffler you18:46
asdrubalwhen do you guys think alsa problems will be fixed?18:50
asdrubalI can't use my tv card18:50
asdrubalcx88-alsa.ko won't load... and now it doesn't even exist in ubuntu-modules package.18:50
PriceChild!ops > m1r18:50
PriceChildm1r: read that factoid in the pm with ubotu.18:50
PriceChildm1r: what does it say? (besides pinging a whole lot of ops?)18:51
finfin82hi how do I get german local for ff3 installed?18:51
m1rPriceChiled , tnx , i learned lesson18:51
finfin82in synaptic I only see the locale for ff218:51
TheInfinityfinfin82: moz website18:52
irelinquishits still in beta, they might not have it18:52
TheInfinityuntil now18:52
finfin82;-) I don't remember, but I think I already got it for windows18:52
PriceChildm1r: When the beta is released, there will be a mail sent to ubuntu-announce@l.u.c and an op will change topic etc.18:52
finfin82I will have a look18:52
m1rok many tnx  pricechild18:53
dholbertPriceChild: Is that happening today?18:55
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PriceChilddholbert: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule indicates that it is scheduled some time tomorrow. It will be released when it is released.18:56
dholbertPriceChild: Kthanks18:56
finfin82is there a way to build .deb packages from tar.gz?18:57
m1rhas anyone tested any MFPrinters on 8.04 ?18:57
dholbertfinfin82: Usually, you do this:  extract the .tar.gz, run "./configure", and then run checkinstall18:57
finfin82this will build an deb-package?18:58
dholbertfinfin82: yes, usually18:58
dholbertfinfin82: it basically makes the package think it's installing, and captures it all in a .deb18:58
dholbertfinfin82:  which ends up in the current directory18:58
dholbertfinfin82: It'll try to install the deb for you, too (but that part will fail unless your root. (but that's ok))18:59
finfin82kay, ;-)19:00
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jimmygooncheckinstall builds  a deb :D19:07
jimmygoonI didn't know that19:07
finfin82its cause I don't like manually installed stuff flying around19:08
crdlbit's also pure evil :(19:08
finfin82checkinstall also builds rpms ..... seems to depend on your default package-format19:08
finfin82I guess on suse it will build rpms?19:09
jimmygooncrdlb, why is it evil :(19:09
finfin82ahh there is an option to tell checkinstall which package-architecture to use19:10
Stormx2irelinquish: Nice to see you here ;D19:13
irelinquishHa, i bump into you in all the cool places19:14
irelinquishhave you tried xbmc for linux yet?19:14
Stormx2I have actually19:15
Stormx2I put it on my xbox a couple of months back19:15
irelinquishits amazing, i can't wait to get a better pc to use19:15
jimmygoonis xbmc for linux out? like even a dev version?19:15
jimmygoonI use it on the xbox and its pure bliss19:15
irelinquishyeah, its in beta19:16
irelinquishwell dev19:16
Stormx2i haven't used it19:16
Stormx2haven't had the need19:16
jimmygoonwhats going on between xbmc for windows and MediaPortal19:16
jimmygoonmy understanding was MediaPortal was a spinoff of XBMC and/or included some of the devs19:16
irelinquishyou have to build xbmc from source and intall it, but its really easy19:16
irelinquishumm the guy that thought of xbmc moved on to media portal19:16
irelinquishxbmc will eventually be ported to windows/osx/linux fully19:17
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danageyeeeha... network manager fixed atheros today!!!19:27
b47619I can only start gnome in a failsafe gnome session. can you think of a possible cause? I am using ubuntu 80.4 alpha 6 I start a normal session and it evetually goes back to the login page19:34
twinkie_adictseems after an up grade my sound stoped working . whats the best way to fix it ? reinstalling asla-utils ?19:35
fromportb47619: look in your homedir (on text console) in the .xsession-errors file19:36
flipstarb47619: or try reinstalling graphic driver19:36
b47619I never installed a graphicsa driver and graphics driver caused errors19:36
b47619what is the command to check the log19:38
fromportless [filename]19:39
fromportb47619: if you have a video-driver issue you will probably find it in : /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:41
b47619i noticed this: ** (nautilus:7227): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Not supported19:42
b47619gnome-screensaver: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.19:42
b47619** (gnome-settings-daemon:7192): WARNING **: Error opening directory '/etc/gnome/config': No such file or directory19:43
twinkie_adicti get this error after upgradeing to Hardy " No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"19:43
twinkie_adicti have All the plugins installed19:44
jester7anyone here happen to be running hardy on an inspiron 1525?19:45
irelinquishi ran in on a 1501, whats up?19:45
jester7i dont' think they are that close.  the 1525 is the one that dell sells with ubuntu on it.19:46
b47619what do those errors sound like?19:46
irelinquishi know but what is your problem?19:46
jester7there is a backport that gets all of the mics and jacks working on 7.10, but they are not (yet) available for hardy19:47
jester7just wanted to know if it works out-of-the-box with hardy19:47
jester7otherwise, i have to choose.  do i want the mics to work (gutsy) or do i want compiz to work (hardy)19:48
irelinquishor wait a month19:48
irelinquishand you can use envy and get your latest video drivers19:49
irelinquishand get compiz like that19:49
jester7on gutsy?19:49
irelinquishthats your problem right the drivers?19:50
jester7not sure exactly what it is.  i just know that gutsy doesn't support compiz on teh intel x310019:50
jester7and the "hacks" that get it to work don't work very well19:51
jester7but it's supported perfectly on hardy19:51
irelinquishnot sure, i would just wait a month for 8.04 official19:52
irelinquishenvy updates nvidia and ati drivers i'm not sure about intel19:54
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »19:54
twinkie_adictlspci shows my sound card listed , as  Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2, so i'm wandering why its not working19:54
flipstartwinkie_adict: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:56
jester7irelinquish: maybe i'll do that.  of all the pretty things that compiz does, what i'm going to struggle with is not having the zoom.  i use it so much19:56
irelinquishohh well i read on barinstorm.ubuntu.com that there going to implement a ZUI zoomable user interface19:57
irelinquishthats pretty cool though19:57
jester7nice, i assume that means witout compiz?19:57
irelinquishi think so19:57
jester7awesome.  thats the one.  is so nice to zoom in on tiny text or even fullscreen a youtube video in seconds19:58
marlunJust intalled Ubuntu HH and I can't seem to find where I change the settings for multiple monitors?19:58
irelinquishi'll brb, i'm going to try that with my 50 inch tv : )19:59
wshaddixwhen will kernel 2.6.25 make it into ubuntu 8.04?20:00
tuvook!kernel | wshaddix20:01
ubotuwshaddix: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages20:01
fromportwhat happened to xmms btw ?20:01
fromportPackage xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:01
fromportThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or20:01
fromportis only available from another source20:01
fromportE: Package xmms has no installation candidate20:01
tuvookdon't paste here20:01
tuvook!paste |fromport20:02
ubotufromport: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:02
tuvook!xmms | fromport20:02
ubotufromport: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:02
fromport4lines ?20:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:05
fromportare you a bot or a human ?20:05
marlunThere is nothing about monitors in the System > Preferences... :/20:05
wshaddixI understand, but phrased a different way, is updating to the 2.6.25 kernel planned for ubuntu 8.0.4? It has a lot of wireless drivers and fixes and I happen to need one of them. I'm trying to decide if I should use the files provided by linuxwireless or wait for the updated kernel (when they will be part of the kernel)20:06
jester7irelinquish: in case you don't know, it's superkey+scrollwheel20:07
Stroganofffromport, ubotu=bot, tuvook=human20:07
fromportwell in that case: he is certainly not helping.20:07
Stroganoffyou should use pastebin.20:07
fromportonly operating the bot is not helping20:07
fromportfor 4 lines ?20:07
fromportnext time i'll put them all on one line20:08
fromporthappy ?20:08
Stroganoffthats rather unreadable.20:08
Stroganoffxmms is deprecated20:08
fromportnow that's an answer, and not refering to stupid general knowledge what xmms is. i know that...20:09
Stroganoffaudacious (fork) replaces it. or use xmms2 (wholly new server/client architecture)20:09
fromporti tried xmms2 but couldn't get it to work,will try audacious. znaks20:10
ethana2i'm trying to get a list of my music collection20:11
fromportthanks! looks nice20:11
ethana2cd Music && ls -R | vim music20:11
ethana2..that didn't work20:11
Stroganoffby the way, fromport. "xmms is not in the repos anymore" would be sufficient, no need for 4 lines.20:11
flipstarbtw audacious 1.5.0 was released a weed ago20:11
fromportit's a bug that another package is refering to it....20:11
ethana2so how do I pipe that ls -R to a text file?20:12
fromporti thought this channel is for interaction to fix hardy ?20:12
Stroganoffyes, file the bug.20:12
fromportehtan ls -l > [filename]; vi [filename] ?20:12
ethana2ok, it didn't complain20:13
ethana2yarr, it's still blank20:14
Stroganoffls -l is not recursive, fromport20:14
fromportls -lR20:14
ethana2i know20:14
ethana2why -lR20:14
fromportlong list, recursive20:14
ethana2thanks, fromport20:22
tonyyarussoAnyone else having trouble getting java plugins for firefox/epiphany recognized?20:23
fromportit's not easy, that's for sure : i have java6 installed. that seems to work best (for me)20:24
fromporticed-tea7 is definatly not working for me20:24
tonyyarussoSo do I, but it's not showing up in about:plugins20:24
fromportyou have to restart your browser before you see it...20:25
tonyyarussodid that20:25
flipstartonyyarusso: maybe you have to link it into the ff plugin dir20:25
fromportal windows ?20:25
tonyyarussoflipstar: maybe?20:25
fromportincluding all minimised windows ?20:25
fromportor use "force quit"20:25
tonyyarussofromport: most definitely20:26
tonyyarussoanthony@experimental:/usr/lib/firefox-plugins/plugins$ ls20:26
tonyyarussothat should be all it needs I would have thought20:26
flipstartonyyarusso: did you enabled java in ff ?20:27
tonyyarussoflipstar: define "enable"20:27
flipstarsetting>content>check java or somewhere else there20:27
Stroganofftonyyarusso, u need that package: icedtea-java7-plugin20:27
Stroganoffths works for me in hardy.20:27
tonyyarussoStroganoff: why icedtea?20:28
tonyyarussoflipstar: looking...20:28
Stroganoffbecause sun-jre is broken at the moment20:28
flipstar..works here..20:28
Stroganoffat least at default20:28
tonyyarussoflipstar: yes, that's checked20:28
flipstarmaybe you should give icedtea a try then20:29
tonyyarussoall righty...20:29
tonyyarussolol @ how much package cruft I build up...  :P20:29
Stroganoffyes. some1 should write a script for that ;)20:30
tonyyarussoWell, you could always dpkg --get-packages after a fresh install and revert later.20:30
tonyyarussoRe-installing's more fun though, right?20:30
Stroganoffre-installing with the created script, yes.20:31
tonyyarussouh, what?20:31
Stroganoff<-- just talking20:31
hmullerany takers for a few seahorse-agent questions?20:32
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:32
tonyyarussoicedtea seems to be working.  All right then.20:33
indomitiafter upgrading from gutsy to hardy i can no longer mount ntfs ;\20:35
fromportwhat's the error ?20:36
Stroganoffhave you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure ntfs-3g'20:36
hmullerHow do I link my ~/.gnupg directory to a directory on a usb flashdrive without borking seahorse?20:36
Burnhello, are the fglrx drivers and an ATI1400 working yet?20:36
Stroganoffhmuller: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link20:36
hmullerStroganoff: you don't understand the question, I want to know how to do it without breaking seahorse20:37
hmullerStroganoff: I know how to link20:37
Stroganoffmove the dir to the usb drive and create a symbolic link at ~/.gnupg20:37
Stroganoffwhy would that be borking searhorse?20:38
hmullerStroganoff:  Let me paint the picture in a few lines20:38
Stroganoffk :))20:38
hmullerStroganoff:  I'm using an openpgp card with a usb smartcard reader, and I was testing to ensure that I had properly stubbed by secret keys ...20:39
hmullerStroganoff:  Then I linked ~/.gnupg to /media/<usbdrive>/.gnupg20:39
hmullerStroganoff:  And then I was unable to use the smartcard reader again, and had to reinstall completely to access it20:40
hmullerStroganoff:  seahorse-agent is the culprit if I am to believe the straces before and after.20:41
hmullerStroganoff:  The only way to complete the test successfully, is to first kill seahorse-agent, do the linking and then test20:42
hmullerStroganoff:  Similar results are experienced when just copying the contents of /media/<usbdrive>/.gnupg to ~/.gnupg, the reader will not work afterwards20:43
Stroganoffsry hmuller, i don't quite get it. could it be related to bug 99231?20:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 99231 in seahorse "seahorse-agent gets confused by Xgl startup script" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9923120:43
Burnis there a page with fglrx/ati problems?20:44
hmullerStroganoff: np, but no, it's not related.  I guess I'm trying to understand why seahorse-agent hijacks gpg keys and gpg.conf in ~/.gnupg, and if there is a way around that20:45
spirooDo you guys know how to change language in Hardy?20:46
spirooI have installed swedish packages but I cannot use them.20:46
Stroganoffspiroo you could use the gnome control panel20:46
spirooAh, well I use KDE4 :P20:46
hmullerspiroo: System > Administration > Language Support ... Is that what you are looking for, never mind, that's gnome20:47
Stroganofftry installing language-pack-XX then, spiroo20:47
spirooI am there but in KDE. I can only find english/USA language support ./20:47
spirooI already have20:47
spirooI just have to switch to the isntaleld language20:48
jeplerI notice that python-tk uses tk8.4, but tk8.5 is also in hardy.  will python-tk get tk8.5 before release, or will it be stuck at tk8.4?20:48
Burnthx Stroganoff20:49
spirooAnd I cannot find out how to do20:49
Gninefeature freeze is in effect.. whats there most likely wont change20:49
jeplerhow far into the past do I need to send my complaint about this, then?20:50
jeplerjust one month?20:50
spirooWell I gotta ask one thing, I am not requesting you guys to fix it though. I wondering when you install an application, the icon does not appear in menu :P Only if you re-login or restart computer.20:50
Stroganoffjepler, file a bug and see what happens.20:51
Stroganoffspiroo, ask in #kde20:52
Stroganoffkde4 is quite between alpha and beta yet20:52
spirooI see, or depends how you see it ;) But yes it is kind of an alpha version for Hardy.20:53
Stroganoffyou could restart kicker i suppose, spiroo20:54
flipstarspiroo: you can manually run kbuildsycoca20:54
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.20:54
Stroganoffso that's kde! i see ;)20:54
spirooflipstar: Thanks20:55
nixternalOK, I don't use Ubuntu/Gnome at all, and it is obviously showing right now...where the heck do you setup your video card and monitor with the latest Hardy iso's?20:55
nixternalis there something missing from these recent installs?20:55
Stroganoffhave you installed a proper driver yet, nixternal?20:56
nixternalumm, I haven't installed any other drivers than the ones that come with ubuntu20:56
Stroganoffdisplay setup should be somewhere in the settings menu (duh)20:56
nixternali just need to setup my monitor easily20:56
nixternalwell it isn't20:57
Stroganoffthats a shame ;)20:57
flipstarsystemsetting>monitor (in kde)20:57
nixternalI know how to do it in KDE, it is this gnome that is a bugger20:57
spirooMust say Hardy is well done. Works a lot faster. Only wish it could boot faster also :P Now with SP1 for Vista it goes faster :P Quite a shame. GNU/Linux should be the less taking resources :P20:57
Stroganoffspiroo, try bum (boot up manager)20:58
Stroganoffdisable some services (be careful!)20:58
spirooStroganoff: What does it do for speed up?20:58
jeplerhm, seems that tk8.4 is in main and tk8.5 is in universe, so it's not reasonable to ask that python-tk be linked against tk8.520:59
jeplerin this case, no use filing a bug20:59
Stroganoffspiroo: it offers you to disable unneeded startup services and scripts like bluetooth.21:00
Gnineyou think vista boots up faster.. ?  blah21:01
Stroganoffuh oh, here comes the cavalary21:01
spirooGnine: It does now with SP1 :P21:02
Stroganoffspiroo: and almost no software installed ;)21:02
spirooStroganoff: Allright :) Well, of course you can do different things, but I think it should/could be faster even with everything in start.21:02
flipstarspiroo: go to ##windows please21:03
Stroganoffthat may be right21:03
Stroganoffbut not that simple, spiroo.21:03
spirooflipstar: why?21:03
flipstarthis here is ubuntu related..?21:03
spirooYes, I understand of course. Just making the point :P21:03
Stroganoffthis is not general discussion21:03
spirooflipstar: Bootup is regarding ubuntu too ;P21:04
spirooWell sorry for my OT.21:04
Stroganoffread something about upstart21:04
lucasvoI've been using Hardy for a while now. I did an update today and the sound stopped working.21:08
lucasvoalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory21:08
Gninescreenlets is installed but does not show (as installed) in synaptic; i'd like to remove it, any suggestions?21:08
Stroganoffsudo apt-get remove screenlets21:09
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)21:09
spiroogah, how do I install flash in Konqueror or Firefox. It does not work as usual21:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about synatpic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:10
hmullerspiroo:  sudo apt-get install -y flashplugin-nonfree21:10
Gnineno results.. i had a feeling about that..21:11
spiroohmuller: thanks21:11
hmullerspiroo: np21:11
burkenmy bootloader is corrupted :(21:11
StroganoffGnine, me too21:11
hmullerspiroo:  and you will have to restart FF321:12
spirooI know, thanks21:12
burkenhelp me :(21:12
Gninei know the location of the files.. but what intrigues me is that the system seems not to be aware it is there21:13
flipstarburken: you mean grub is brocken..?21:13
Gninethats what happens on upgrade vs fresh install21:13
Stroganofflucasvo, you could try sudo alsaconf21:13
Gnine!grub | burken21:14
ubotuburken: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:14
burkenubotu: thank ya!:)21:15
fromportburken: download the "alternate" cd image, during but is has a "rescue" option and you can re-install grub from the menu21:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank ya!:) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:15
hmuller!ubotu | hmuller21:15
burkengotta check this up thx guys21:15
lucasvoStroganoff: sudo: alsaconfig: command not found21:15
lucasvoStroganoff: same21:15
lucasvoit's the same error21:16
Stroganoffi got that, lucasvo21:16
BurnStroganoff: there is no info about ATI binary drivers and Hardy21:17
Stroganoffwhats your problem then?21:17
BurnStroganoff: the binary driver crashes, somehow, but my installation is an update of gutsy21:17
Gnine!ati | Burn21:18
ubotuBurn: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:18
lucasvoStroganoff: in the terminal the alarm sounds work21:18
BurnGnine: did that21:18
Rumpsteak; /me waves!21:18
Stroganoffhave you tried reinstalling xorg-driver-fglrx, Burn?21:19
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:19
Stroganoffthats some heavy bot spamming ;)21:20
Gninespamming is this21:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cake - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about deliciouscake - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:20
lucasvoubotu: cake is delicious21:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cake - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:21
Stroganofflucasvo, more info plz21:21
lucasvooh, you can't do it yourself anymore21:21
lucasvoStroganoff: on my sound issue or on the cake?21:21
jpatrick!cake-#ubuntu-offtopic | lucasvo21:21
ubotulucasvo: The cake is a lie.21:21
Stroganofflol wut?21:21
lucasvoStroganoff: do you know what could have caused my sound config to break?21:22
lucasvoany recent updates of the sound stuff?21:22
Gnineyou mentioned you are currently using gutsy..21:23
lucasvoStroganoff: the stuff should be in syslog, right?21:23
Stroganoffrather in apt log21:24
Stroganoffhave you installed any OSS packages?21:24
Gninesupport for gutsy is in #ubuntu not #ubuntu+121:24
lucasvoStroganoff: not that i know of21:24
Stroganofftry asoundconf21:25
lucasvoGnine: talking to me?21:25
StroganoffGnine, he upgraded from gutsy21:25
BurnStroganoff: no, but I got 2 -> xorg-driver-fglrx and xserver-xorg-video-ati ?21:26
Stroganoffuninstall *ati21:26
Stroganofflucasvo, try sudo asoundconf21:27
BurnStroganoff: regex compilation error21:27
Stroganoffuninstall xserver-xorg-video-ati21:28
Stroganoffsudo apt-get remove ...21:28
=== daubers is now known as daubafk
Gnine https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting might have some clues21:28
lucasvoStroganoff: sudo asoundconf tells me about unintended consequences21:29
Stroganoffnice :D21:29
lucasvoasoundconf list doesn't say anything at all21:29
lucasvoI'm running hardware testing right now21:29
lucasvoit might have caused the sound to break21:29
lucasvothat's the other thing I did apart from upgrading21:29
lucasvo(I was running hardy heron before, I just ran an apt-get upgrade today)21:30
BurnStroganoff: did that, should I reinstall something?21:30
StroganoffBurn: sudo dpgk-reconfigure xorg-driver-fglrx21:30
Gninehardware testing is a poll, not meant to fix issues21:30
lucasvo!paste > lucasvo21:31
BurnStroganoff: [drm] failed to remove DRM signal handler I got now21:34
pwuertzfirefox3 + flash-player + pulseaudio-hack + nvidia21:37
StroganoffBurn: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-restricted-modules21:37
binaricaloh to be like ubotu21:38
pwuertzthis combination is crashing almost everytime you open/close flash sites like youtube21:38
McAbrehmm, update busted wifi...21:38
pwuertzanyone experiences this instability too?21:38
binaricalyes lock the package so that it dosnt update21:38
flipstarpwuertz: lol you using hacks and wondering why its instable..21:38
pwuertzflipstar: just to let you know.. this hack is the default configuration in hardy21:39
flipstarhm why you call it hack then21:40
pwuertzbecause its a hack21:40
ubotuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions21:40
flipstaroh wait thats the package name ?21:40
pwuertzthe flash-player is using alsa for sound, and ubuntu installs/preloads a library for hijacking alsa-lib calls from libflashplugin21:41
Black_MagicDoes VMWare Workstation Work in Hardy?21:42
ciplogicHi all, I have a video card issue: one screen resolution my video card supports, I cannot setup in xorg.conf cause of BulletProof X (exactly 1280x800), where I may be able to setup it? The X server setups a lower resoltion which still works21:42
ciplogicI have an Ati mobility card21:42
pwuertzpushing pulseaudio as default audio library is one stupid kind of idea anyways...21:43
Black_Magicit keeps asking me to reconfigure and theres an error during the building of a vmmon module for my system21:43
lucasvowhat driver do I need for this soundcard: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60219/21:43
flipstarBlack_Magic: theres a patch for that..21:43
ciplogicpwuertz: pulse audio is more advanced, so it has to replace an older concept API like ALSA one21:43
Black_Magicive never had to use the patch before21:44
ader10is there a way to synchronize with time servers?21:44
Black_Magicit stopped working after upgrading..21:44
lucasvosomething is wrong with the modules it tries to load: lucasvo@mrburns:~$ lsmod | grep snd -> no output21:44
Stroganoffi wouldn't expect sound and binary drivers to work until rc ^^21:44
Black_Magicsame was for virtualbox but installing the modules package for VBox fxed that21:44
ciplogicdoes anyone know how to specify a specific resolution for the X server in 8.04?21:45
pwuertzciplogic: pulseaudio isn't advanced enough to get alsa-applications running21:45
Gninepulseaudio is NOT alsa21:46
pwuertzdidn't say that21:46
lucasvoanyone has an idea what driver I need for an intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)  sound card?21:46
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:47
pwuertzciplogic: after so many years... finally almost every OSS application has been ported for Alsa-usage... I got a system running smoothly with multiple applications running seamlessly and just fine21:47
Gninepulseaudio is "A sound server is basically a proxy for your sound applications. It allows you to do advanced operations on your sound data as it passes between your application and your hardware"21:47
lucasvohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/122560 << it matches exactly my situation, though I am on hardy now21:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122560 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "no sound with 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller" [Medium,Fix released]21:47
lucasvoflipstar: well, it stopped working only after an apt-get upgrade today21:48
pwuertznow... some wiseguys are telling me or all those developers: "nice work porting your applications from oss to alsa... but we decided that alsa is deprecated... please port all your stuff to pulseaudio now"21:48
pwuertzthats just stupid21:49
lucasvoflipstar: why should they suddenly stop including intel HDA drivers into the ubuntu packages?21:49
Gninesounds like you should wait 'til the stupid send you another update21:49
RAOFpwuertz: Except that's not what's happening.  Applications that use ALSA (properly) are supported just fine under PulseAudio.  As are OSS applications, for that matter.21:49
Stroganoffpwuertz #pulseaudio ;)21:50
flipstarlucasvo: just check which packets wre updated and maybe use an older version of sound related staff21:50
gordonjcpjust as long as it's possible to permanently and completely disable pulseaudio, that will be just fine21:51
jinif you have made a very usefull utility, how do you get it included in the next Ubuntu release?21:51
Gninethats a dev question21:51
Stroganoffjin, go to debian.21:52
lucasvoflipstar: 4hrs ago I updated my installation, can you spot any package that might trigger the problem? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60221/21:53
lucasvo(I can't)21:53
lucasvosnmp is some kernel related stuff, is it?21:54
flipstarwhy not (/var/log/dpkg.log or similar)21:54
lucasvoflipstar: would you prefer the dpkg log?isn't it the same as the apt log?21:55
flipstarprobably not21:56
flipstarsince apt based on dpkg21:56
Stroganofflucasvo, smp is dualcore support. hardy stock kernels have this already included.21:57
lucasvowell, I am not sure what really is the problem21:57
BurnStroganoff: I find this now -> fglrx(0): could not detect X server version21:57
Stroganoffin xorglog?21:57
BurnStroganoff: Xorg.0.log21:57
lucasvothe wikipage /SoundTroubleshooting says I should search on the alsa wiki for my driver. I can't find it there21:58
BurnStroganoff: he tells fglrx doesn't know my ATI X1400 card :|21:58
lucasvobut there must be one, otherwise it wouldn't have been working before21:58
ulohi everybody21:58
uloIs there a CLI command to get a video settings dump such as contrast settings?21:58
ader10is it just me or is ntp not installed by default21:58
lucasvoader10: I have it. Mine isn't a clean install though21:59
BurnStroganoff: AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support viaual 0x46....21:59
Stroganofffall back to hardy, wait for RC.22:00
Stroganoffi mean gutsy22:00
uloIs there a CLI command to get a video settings dump such as contrast settings please?22:01
BurnStroganoff: yes, this was only a test, fglrx or X issue?22:02
Stroganoffulo, this question is not related to hardy22:03
Stroganoffask in #ubuntu, #xorg or #linux22:03
uloStroganoff: ok, sorry, thanks for the redirect22:03
Ruronihelp :O22:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anyeone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:07
gnubuntuI have a problem with eclipse 3.2 in hardy. embedded browser don't work with mozilla.22:08
Stroganoffgnubuntu, possible solution would be to install firefox-222:09
gnubuntui still can't find a solution for that problem.22:09
gnubuntuah. i did installed firefox-2. should i deinstall firefox3?22:09
Stroganoffare u using eclipse from the ubuntu repos?22:12
gnubuntuyes. i can start eclipse. the only issue is the embedded browser22:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199271 in eclipse "[hardy] Eclipse needs to depend on libxul0d" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:14
gnubuntui have seen that. libxul0d is installed.22:15
Stroganoffthx for the info ^^22:15
Stroganoffare there no error messages? try to start eclipse from terminal22:16
gnubuntuno errors from terminal22:17
gnubuntui get only i blank welcome page22:17
Black_MagicHow do i use a S-Video Cord to connect my computer to a TV and show my Desktop screen on the TV?22:17
Stroganoffgnubuntu, are there no errors in terminal if you try to access browser view in eclipse22:18
Stroganoff(sry i dont use eclipse)22:18
StroganoffBlack_Magic, plug it in. go to settings -> display and set it up22:19
gnubuntuStroganoff: i get this error: No more handles [NS_InitXPCOM3 /usr/lib/firefox error -2147467259]22:21
gnubuntuorg.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [NS_InitXPCOM3 /usr/lib/firefox error -2147467259]22:21
StroganoffBlack_Magic, nvidia gfx card?22:21
Black_MagicStroganoff: ATi22:21
Stroganoffgnubuntu, try this 'MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/firefox eclipse'22:23
gnubuntuStroganoff:with export command?22:25
Stroganoffnot yet22:25
StroganoffBlack_Magic: sudo apt-get install fglrx-amdcccle22:26
Black_MagicStroganoff: I already have all that22:26
Stroganoffthx for the info then22:26
ubotuPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)22:27
gnubuntuStroganoff:  with this 'MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/firefox eclipse' i have i normal welcome html page. it seems browser is working22:29
StroganoffBlack_Magic, what was your problem again?22:30
Black_MagicStroganoff: Nvm i asked in 6 channels someone gave an answer22:31
gnubuntuStroganoff: but in preferences i can't select 'use internal Web browser'. It's deactivated!22:31
atlefis it possible to remove firefox , completly, without loosing plugins and such?22:31
Stroganoffso someone asked you to give out more hardware information, Black_Magic?22:32
StroganoffI should have done that, too ;)22:32
Stroganoffatlef, yes.22:32
atlefoh really pray tell22:32
Black_Magici just said Ati Was my card22:32
Black_Magicand they took about 15mins and came back with that..22:33
Stroganoffbtw Black_Magic, you might be interested in grandr22:34
Stroganoffatlef, for example: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/flashplugin-nonfree22:35
Stroganoffas you see, the plugin does not depend on firefox22:35
atlefStroganoff: mplayer plugin does22:35
atlefand it has twice changed my ff2 profile, because some program called on ff322:36
atlefno luck in synaptic22:37
Stroganoffatlef: the mplayer plugin works in other browser, too, right?22:39
atlefwhen they both are installed yes22:40
Stroganoffmaybe you should file a bug about an unnecessary dependency22:40
Stroganoffi couldn't imagine why mplayer-plugin would need firefox22:40
atlefi'll look into it22:40
Stroganoffother than it's name which would have been chosen unwisely (mozilla-mplayer)22:41
atlefit wants mozilla-mplayer and mozplugger22:42
atlefto remove22:42
jscinozis it just me or is the alpha-6 ISO oversize?22:44
Stroganoffatlef, you could write the maintainer of the package22:44
TheInfinityjscinoz: it is not22:45
jscinozi just wget'd it from cdimage.ubuntu.com came in at 1.1gb.22:45
=== J_- is now known as J-_
gnubuntuStroganoff: What does that means: 'add libxul0d to the explicit package dependencies' ?23:08
Stroganoffsomething the package maintainer should do23:09
gnubuntuah ok. then i will wait for the fix. I can live without internal browser now, thx for help.23:09
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
lucasvoFirefox keeps crashing when I try to open my online banking, can someone else try it out: https://directnet.com23:20
hmullerlucasvo:  sure, give my your account and login information!  =)23:20
atleflucasvo: problem loading page23:20
lucasvohmuller: well, it crashes BEFORE logging in23:20
hmullerlucasvo:  That was made in jest23:21
lucasvoatlef: what happens if you go there without SSL?23:21
lucasvojust directnet.com?23:21
lucasvohmuller: I hope so23:21
atleflucasvo: no problem23:22
lucasvois there some debug thing I can use ?23:22
lucasvook, I opened the error console23:23
lucasvoit was throwing up a number of errors23:23
lucasvobut it closed again23:23
lucasvoI should probably contact my bank23:23
lucasvothanks for testing23:23
coz_any issues with the most recent updates ?23:24
hmullerlucasvo: It's probably at their end, I just logged in through ssl to my company webmail with no problem23:24
atlefyou are welcome23:24
Stroganoffmaybe its firefox3-related?23:24
hmullerStroganoff:  I'm using FF3, no problem here23:25
atlefi am using ff223:25
hmullercoz: none that I've bumped into....    yet!23:25
coz_hmuller, oh cool  thanks  I was just slightly concerened  :)23:26
coz_ok updating then23:26
hmullercoz: np, just remember it's not polished until April.  But it seems to be getting shinier.23:28
hmullerseahorse is losing it's luster though23:33
sotoAnybody have gnome multimedia keys working in Amarok?23:35
hmullerNot using Amarok, but my MM keys work fine with Rythmbox.23:36
spzhow big is ff3 ?23:36
spzi have 182 MB free space but when i click on ff3 link i get "disk is full" lol23:39
sotospz: How partitions do you have? (What does df -h say?)23:39
theunixgeekHow can I get GNOME 2.22 installed on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon? I know Hardy's coming out next month, but I want to test out the new features. :)23:41
=== Black_Magic is now known as Darkmystere
spzi have two partitions but 1 is irrelevant to ubuntu and the other one got 182 mb left23:43
spzanyone knows how big ff3 is ?23:44
hmullertheunixgeek: I recommend you try what I'm doing then, and use a separate partition to install Hardy for testing/review23:44
HowardTheDuckis this fixed in +1?23:44
theunixgeekhmuller: ooh, that's a good idea! :)23:45
hmullerspz:  don't know.  did a "which firefox" and followed the trail to a shell script.23:47
=== Darkmystere is now known as Black_Magic

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