
yuriybdmurray: i guess i'm wondering if it's appropriate to have a knetworkmanager page if the bugs on the hug day page are for network-manager and not network-manager-applet00:02
yuriyand each network-manager-applet and knetworkmanager cover almost 100 bugs in addition to the 100+ for network-manager00:05
bdmurrayI think not having network-manager-applet on there may have been an oversight on our part00:05
yuriybdmurray: yeah i was thinking adding it would be good until i noticed how many more bugs that is00:10
bdmurraysometimes I sort the list using "-nr" and just cut it off after 50 or so00:12
bdmurraySo those would be the 50 newest knetworkmanager bugs00:12
bdmurraybecause we really want to get the Hardy bugs triaged / fixed in time00:13
bdmurrayyuriy: Does that help / make sense at all?00:16
jlparisehey hows it going00:20
jlpariseI'm interested in helping out, wanted more info00:21
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bdmurrayjlparise: What kind of info bug triaging is a large topic.00:25
jlparisewell basically I want to help with Ubuntu in some way00:25
jlpariseand I am trying to figure out how00:25
jlpariseI've been using it since Dapper, currently on Gutsy00:26
bdmurrayToday we are looking at bug reports related to update-manager and we have a list of ubgs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2008031800:26
jlpariseI see00:26
bdmurrayFrequently bug reports come in without enough information so we work with reporters to gather that info00:27
jlpariseI see00:27
jlpariseSo how can I help?  Just going through the list here?00:27
bdmurrayWe have a series of debugging procedure wiki pages at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures00:27
bdmurrayright! we could look at a bug together if you'd like.00:28
jlpariseThat would be fine00:29
bdmurraygreg-g: are you still around?00:30
bdmurrayjlparise: lets look at bug 195790 then00:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 195790 in update-manager "do-release-upgrade failed on gusty -> hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19579000:31
jlpariseok, let me pull that one up here00:32
jlpariseok I have it up now00:33
greg-gbdmurray: yeah00:33
bdmurraygreg-g: would you mind helping jlparise out I have to run for a bit.00:33
greg-gok, I'm looking at that bug now00:34
jlpariseok later bdmurray00:34
bdmurraysorry about running off.  thanks greg-g!00:34
greg-gnp, take care bdmurray00:34
jlpariseno problem00:34
jlpariseok greg-g I have the bug opened up00:35
jlpariseI am not sure what langauge it is written in though...00:36
greg-gneither am I, luckily most of the error message is in english00:37
jlpariseyeh I see that00:38
greg-gso, I'm trying to figure it out before I walk you through it since I am not sure as to what the problem is right now, don't want to start you down the wrong path00:38
jlpariseIt looks eastern european perhaps00:39
greg-gjlparise: well, since I couldn't find anything obvious, here is how we can start00:41
jlpariseI tried some online translations for czech, polish, danish, no luck00:41
greg-gsince, looking at the wiki page about debugging update-manager ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUpdateManager ) asks for all the logs which are already provided, that is good00:41
greg-gby the way, debugging procedures for many packages can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures00:42
jlpariseYeh i see them all attached to the posts00:43
greg-gand this is the general knowledge base for triaging: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase00:43
greg-gok, so...  all the information is there that is needed by the developers to start diagnosing the problem.  Are job is not to tell them how to fix it, but just making sure that the information is available so they can.00:44
jlpariseoh ok00:44
jlpariseI did notice something at the end of the apt.log00:44
greg-gbut, we also want to make sure that this bug has not been reported already, to do that we can try to search update-manager bugs for some keywords which we think would pull of duplicates00:44
jlpariserefering to mybuntu00:45
jlpariseok I'll look around00:45
greg-gyeah, I saw that00:45
greg-gso, we could reply and ask the reporter to try "sudo apt-get reinstall mythbuntu-desktop"00:46
greg-gand in this case, we would try to phrase that in the most clear english we can, since they might not be native/secondary/tertiary speakers of it00:46
jlpariseI see00:47
jlpariseit seems like they are not00:47
greg-gso, if you want to reply with something to the effect of "Thanks for your report.  Please try reinstalling mythbuntu by typing this in the terminal: "sudo apt-get reinstall mythbuntu-desktop"  Reply with the output of that command.  Thanks!"00:48
greg-gok, good comment.  one note, in the future try to imply that you are awaiting a response from them00:50
jlpariseI replied before you send that message00:50
jlpariseso I added another00:50
greg-gno worries00:50
greg-gno, that is ok00:50
greg-gyou can leave it as is.00:50
jlparisethat was pretty easy00:50
greg-gbut, now that we have effectively asked for more information (having them try something) we should set the Status to "Incomplete" indicating that the information required to work on fixing the bug is not all available yet.00:51
greg-gyou do that by clicking the down-arrow next to the word New in the yellow bar00:51
jlpariseok, how do I do that00:51
jlpariseI am logged in00:51
jlpariseok should i assign it to me? or no one?00:52
greg-gdo you see the down arrow next to the word "New" in that yellow bar at the top of the page?00:52
jlparisegot it00:52
greg-gno, leave it unassigned, assignment is to indicate who is working on _fixing_ the issue, as in a developer00:52
greg-gbut, check the box that says "subscribe me to emails for this bug report"00:52
jlpariseoh ok00:53
greg-gor, if you have already changed the status, click on the "Subscribe" link on the left00:53
jlpariseok I subscribed when I changed the status00:54
greg-gthat way, when they reply with more info, you will be notified and can then act accordingly (setting to confirmed if more information is provided, invalidating if it is not reproducible, etc)00:54
greg-gnow, lets search for duplicates, just to be safe00:54
greg-gsome good keyterms for that one would be stuff like "mythbuntu-desktop00:54
greg-gand "x11-apps" since that was mentioned in the body of the report00:55
greg-gyou can search update-manager bugs at this link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager00:55
jlpariseok, now to find the search box...00:55
greg-gyou can get to that page by clicking on the package in the yellow bar "update-manager" (I usually open a new tab)00:56
greg-gor, if there is no package assigned (which sometimes happens) you can search all Ubuntu bugs by going here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu00:56
jlpariseI didnt turn up much00:57
jlparisejust oen bug that seems unrelated00:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180032 in update-manager "Update removes vital media codex." [Undecided,In progress]00:57
greg-gyeah, so, we can fairly safely assuming that this is not a duplicate00:58
jlparisethat seems logical to me00:58
jlparisewhat would we havedone if it was a dupe?00:58
greg-gso, quick steps: 1) make sure it is a real bug (not a support request) 2) check for duplicates 3) if no duplicates, ask for more information 4) subscribe to bug 5) wait for reply00:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 5 in rosetta "Plone Placeless Translation Service metadata missing from po files" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/500:59
jlparisewhats step 5 in more detail?00:59
greg-gif it was a duplicate: the bug that is newer/has less information you would click on "mark as duplicate" then enter the bug number of the real bug01:00
greg-gliterally wait for them to provide the requested information, and if they gave you enough that the developers can now start working on the bug you can set it to "Triaged" and ask someone in here to set the Importance accordingly01:01
yuriyit's like a mini triaging class in here :)01:01
greg-gyuriy: ツ01:01
jlpariseyeh I am just learnin the ropes01:01
greg-gunfortunately, I need to start on some other work now... I'll be around to answer quick questions, but no more lecturing ;)01:02
jlparisewell thanks for showing me the ropes01:02
jlparisenow I can finally help out with Ubuntu a bit01:02
greg-gjlparise: be sure to read these pages: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase  and  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage01:02
greg-gthere is a wealth of information there, helped me a lot when I first started01:03
jlpariseOh man homework from professor greg-g....01:03
jlpariseI'll read it over01:03
greg-gthanks for taking interest01:03
jlparisehave a good night01:03
greg-gand I expect a 5 page, single spaced report :)01:03
greg-gtake care01:04
jlpariseyou too01:04
* greg-g is away01:04
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* hefe_bia takes "participate in a BugDay" off the "things not done yet" list and heads for sleep... It was fun. C ya.01:57
jlparisewell I did 5 of them, thats enough for today02:18
jlparisenight all02:20
bdmurrayyuriy: I've started graphing knetworkmanager for you. Let me know if graphs don't show up in a bit.04:39
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* calc likes the way his openoffice graphs look now :)05:30
calconly ~ 37 new bugs05:31
james_wdoes anyone know which package provides the cd boot menu?10:33
james_w1 Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer10:33
james_w2. Install Ubuntu10:33
ogra_cmpcjames_w, thats a mix ...10:33
ogra_cmpcgfxboot-theme is one part10:33
james_wI'm seeing a problem in the help text.10:34
ogra_cmpcdebian-cd another10:34
james_wah, it's probably the former, thanks.10:34
ogra_cmpcthe text likely comes from debian-cd10:34
ogra_cmpcits  tad confusing :)10:34
ogra_cmpc* a tad10:34
james_wah, ok, thanks.10:35
ogra_cmpcjames_w, usually cjwatson is the best person to ask about gfxboot10:39
james_wyeah, I'm guessing he's a tad busy though :-)10:40
james_wI can't find this text in debian-cd or gfxboot-theme-ubuntu either10:40
james_wlet's try gfxboot10:41
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gregoryhello is pedro v. in this channel?13:26
james_wgregory: it's probably still a little early for him, but he will be around later.13:27
pedro_gregory: that's me13:27
* james_w feels silly13:27
gregoryjames_w: thank you nevertheless13:28
gregorypedro_: i have submitted #203676. its an useless stacktrace, though i have installed all dbg-sym packages via  dpkg-query -W -f='${package;-50}\n' | xargs sudo apt-get install13:29
pedro_gregory: let me have a look to it13:29
gregorywhy is it useless. its not possible to catch crashes even with *dbgsym?13:29
pedro_gregory: that's not your side, the apport service was unable to get a backtrace of it13:30
gregoryah is there already a RFE for it? btw. i could not file it since i dont have enough knowledge, but would like to subscribe to the issue13:32
pedro_gregory: It'd be nice if you can submit a complete backtrace, we have some instructions on how to do it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace13:32
pedro_since you have installed all the dbgsym package it'd be easy to do13:32
gregoryare stacktraces "valid", if i run gdb with firefox every time i browse (the crashes appear randomly). i would end with a huge log file of course, but it still be valid?13:34
james_wgregory: when it crashes rub13:37
pedro_gregory: not all the stacktraces are good enough to determine where's the problem for example http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12726996/Stacktrace.txt13:38
james_wrun "bt full" then "thread apply all bt"13:38
pedro_just compare that one with http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11669528/Stacktrace.txt13:38
james_wthose are the important bit usually.13:38
pedro_yep, follow what james_w is saying. And if you want to save that log to a file you can use "set logging on file.txt" inside gdb  for saving the output to a file that you can submit later to a bug report13:40
gregoryjames_w: ok13:40
pedro_hey Iulian!13:40
gregorypedro_: ok13:40
IulianHello pedro_ ;)13:40
gregorysorry, me again: "/usr/bin/firefox": not in executable format: File format not recognized  ?13:44
gregoryscript, not "exe"13:44
james_w/usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin I think13:45
james_wAny suggestion on how I can work out why nautilus fails to start f-spot on the latest hardy live cd?13:46
james_wIt thinks for a while but doesn't start, it starts ok from the menu.13:46
james_wstrace isn't telling me much.13:46
gregoryok or not ok? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60149/13:52
james_wgregory: it doesn't look like you ran firefox? Did it start?13:53
seb128james_w: how do you try to open it?13:53
james_wseb128: I open my CF card and it says "The media contains digital photos" and gives a button to start f-spot at the top.13:54
gregoryjames_w: it doesnt start from within gdb. if i use the same command without the gdb it starts.13:55
gregoryjames_w: one moment13:55
seb128james_w: ok, no idea bout that, I've no CF there13:55
james_wseb128: I've got the source now, I'm trying to find how it does it.13:56
james_wgregory: run gdb on it's own.13:56
james_wgregory: then type "file /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin"13:57
james_wgregory: and then "run"13:57
gregoryjames_w: i made a mistake, sorry, i didnt "run" inside gdb13:57
gregorymy question about the paste is: is it ok that no debug symbols are found at the beginning?13:58
james_wgregory: that seems odd, can you confirm that you have firefox-2-dbgsym or firefox-3.0-dbgsym installed, depending on which version you are running?14:00
james_whi bddebian14:00
bddebianHi james_w14:00
gregoryjames_w: status: install ok installed14:04
james_wgregory: ok, that's strange then14:04
james_waha, it's not passing a needed option to f-spot14:05
gregorythats the status quo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60152/14:06
james_wso, it should be using the f-spot-view.desktop, but it appears to use f-spot.desktop.14:08
seb128james_w: that seems to be correct, f-spot is the application, -view is the viewer, no?14:13
james_wseb128: well, .xsession-errors has the usage message14:14
seb128james_w: what message is that exactly?14:15
james_wI presume it is trying to open it as "f-spot folder"14:15
james_wwhen you need to do "f-spot --view folder"14:15
james_wwhich is what the f-spot-view.desktop has as its Exec14:16
james_wI'm looking in gio as to why it chooses f-spot over f-spot-view14:16
gregorygregory: about the missing symbols i have submitted #203913, will be back when i have more news14:16
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james_wah, default_app = g_app_info_get_default_for_type (x_content_type, FALSE); in nautilus14:17
james_wso it's saying that the .desktop doesn't need to support URIs.14:18
seb128james_w: it's likely just using the one having x-content/image-dcf in his mimetype list14:18
james_wah yes, fspot-view doesn't list that.14:19
james_wI guess this is f-spot's problem then.14:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202998 in f-spot "f-spot doesn't want to open with the nautilus new shortcut bar" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:20
seb128we have a distro patch from a contributor which added the change14:20
james_wI should look more closely at existing reports.14:20
james_wseb128: the change to f-spot's .desktop?14:20
seb128james_w: bug #19147514:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191475 in rhythmbox "[hardy] media tab in file management preferences missing applications" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19147514:20
seb128james_w: maybe we should have used the contributor version, ie using --import14:22
james_wseb128: yeah, that seems to be the most appropriate flag.14:24
james_wso, to get this straight in my head, we need to drop the mime type from f-spot.desktop, and then create f-spot-import.desktop with it.14:25
seb128james_w: yeah, basically drop the patch we have and use the contributor version14:25
james_wseb128: great, thanks, I'll come up with a patch to that bug report and reference the original, or re-open the original?14:26
james_walso, should I propose the bug for hardy? Is that the correct protocol?14:26
seb128james_w: reopen14:26
seb128james_w: milestone it for hardy if you want, if you can let me know I'll do it14:27
seb128I'm not sure about the target for hardy thing14:27
seb128I don't use it14:27
james_wI can only propose I think, so it needs someone with more power to make it visible.14:27
james_wI haven't worked out all the different lists yet.14:27
james_walso, what do you think about nautilus changing the flag that I pointed out to require that applications launched that way support URIs? (i.e. have %u or %U in their Exec)14:29
james_wwill that break on a lot of things that accept it, but don't specify so?14:29
seb128james_w: I'm not sure to understand the nautilus change you want to do14:36
james_wso the function call I posted above has FALSE as the second parameter.14:37
james_wIf that parameter is TRUE it means "whatever application you pass back must support URIs", which translates to having %u or %U in the Exec line.14:38
james_wand if nautilus is going to pass it a URI then it should ask for an application that allows it to do that.14:38
james_whowever, what I am not clear on is whether there will be applications that allow you to do that but don't have %U, and so nautilus wouldn't be able to use them.14:39
seb128ideally nautilus should be clever14:39
seb128and call the applications with a path or uri corresponding to what it can handle14:39
elmargoliwl3945 really sucks :(14:41
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 191475 in f-spot "[hardy] media tab in file management preferences missing applications" [Low,In progress]15:09
james_wshould I subscribe u-main-sponsors?15:10
seb128james_w: yes please15:10
james_wthanks for your help seb12815:12
seb128james_w: you are welcome, thanks for the work on it15:13
james_wno problem.15:14
james_wis this the best use of time during pre-beta testing?15:14
james_wwould it have been better to just file it and add it as a todo for post-beta?15:15
seb128james_w: we need to get those bugs fixed, now is a good time for that15:16
james_wseb128: cool.15:24
james_wso, I still can't find the location of the problematic text in the boot menu of the cd, can anyone else give a hint?15:39
james_wIt's in the F2 or F3 help text, I can't remember which.15:40
seb128james_w: ask on #ubuntu-installer maybe?15:41
bdmurrayjames_w: what text?15:42
james_w"Ubuntu" may be replaced by the name of any other distribution. This help text is generic.15:48
james_wor something similar, I don't think it's meant to be there.15:48
james_wseb128: thanks, I didn't know about this channel.15:48
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qensecan bug 203677 be set as confirmed or does it need more information?17:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203677 in gnome-power-manager "gnome-power-manager cpufreq problem" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20367717:52
pedro_qense: confirmed is ok since the reported submitted the info you requested, if the maintainer needs more info he'll ask for it17:54
qenseok, thx17:58
nxvlcan some put the importance on Bug #20344918:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203449 in dovecot "[dovecot] [CVE-2008-1199, CVE-2008-1218] privilege escalation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20344918:08
james_whi nxvl18:08
nxvljames_w: :D18:08
james_wnxvl: you get everywhere don't you :)18:09
nxvljames_w: i'm a virus :D18:10
pedro_nxvl: done :-)18:16
bdmurraypedro_: hello!18:22
pedro_hey bdmurray18:22
bdmurraytomorrow KDE seems to be looking at knetworkmanager should we add some network-manager-applet bugs for tomorrow?18:24
pedro_yeah totally, it seems to have a lot of new bugs too18:27
pedro_ok, I've already added them18:31
bdmurrayawesome!  thanks pedro_18:31
pedro_sure, thanks you for the reminder18:31
nxvlpedro_: thanks18:33
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pedro_nxvl: de nada :-)18:34
nxvlbdmurray: did you check the mail i send you with my appliance?18:37
bdmurraynxvl: I've seen your e-mail but not had a chance to review it yet18:39
qenseHow's the designing of the new application procedure going?18:40
nxvlbdmurray: oh! ok, let me know when you check it please18:45
* nxvl HUGS bdmurray 18:45
qenseWhat is the upstream bug tracker for GDM, GNOME?19:21
pedro_qense: yes19:22
pedro_qense: http://bugzilla.gnome.org19:22
qenseok, thx19:23
qense(ah, of course :P GNOME Display Manager. I forgot)19:23
qenseI go, bye19:41
gregoryhello, i am stuck with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/20391319:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203913 in firefox-3.0 "debug symbols?" [Undecided,New]19:50
hefe_bia_Hi, can somebody set the Importance for bug #192204 (Wishlist, I think)?20:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192204 in update-manager "Error message on unmet dependencies during update should be improved" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19220420:22
hefe_bia_Also: Might this be a duplicate of bug #63659 ? I'm not sure.20:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 63659 in update-manager "dist-upgrade should give better error-message when it can't upgrade because of transient archive issues" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6365920:25
Arbyfor bug 194186 what is the appropriate log to ask for, dpkg.log?21:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194186 in update-manager "update with adept manager failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19418621:08
Arbyalso, should it be reassigned to adept-manager rather than update manager?21:09
mvoplease reassign adept bugs to adept :)21:14
Arbythought so21:18
Arbyam I right asking for dpkg.log?21:19
* mvo checks21:19
mvoyes, that sounds good21:19
mvoits a bit unfortunate that adept has its own way when it comes to running dpkg, this means that it does not write a termianl log like apt or synaptic21:20
mvousually we have nowdays good debug information in /var/log/apt/term.log21:20
mvoand during the dist-upgrade of course in /var/log/dist-upgrade/term.log21:20
mvothanks Arby!21:21
Arbymvo: happy to help21:21
Arbymvo is there anything else I can do to help with update-manager?21:22
Arbybesides keep whacking the bug list of course :)21:22
mvohelping with the buglist is a wonderful help already, that is really really appreciated :)21:25
Arbywhat else would be needed for bug 191834 to be considered complete?21:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191834 in update-manager "Update-manager could not calculate the upgrade from feisty to gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19183421:30
Arbythe logs are all there but there's nothing obviousl useful there21:30
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bdmurrayArby: the dbus errors sound familiar I'd look around for a duplicate21:34
mvoArby: I think we have enough, it looks (from apt.log) like this is a issue with nfs-common and libnfsidmap2 - there should be a master for this already. IIRC the workaround was to remove nfs-common for the upgrade21:34
ArbyOK I'll go digging21:34
Arbybug 157763 looks similar, is that it?21:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157763 in update-manager "[master] nfs-common makes upgrade calculation impossible (was: Could not calculate the upgrade)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15776321:41
mvoArby: yeah, I think that is the one21:42
Arbymvo: any known bugs for update-manager and either udev or upstart22:13
Arbybug 191418 reports broken dependencies for both udev and upstart22:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 191418 in update-manager "Upgrade failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19141822:13
Arby203765 looks possible22:14
Arbyoops 20375622:14
Arbyalso 76840 looks like a similar upstart error22:18
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mvoArby: 191418 should be fixed now, it was a apt bug - I also added a workaround in my latest udev upload, so hopefully this one is gone now22:37
mvoBut I will ask for what upgrade it happend22:38

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