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krauthi jrib13:35
jrib hey13:35
krautgimme a moment13:35
krautis there a flag for perl to see, where the script fails?13:36
krautlike sh -x?13:36
krautroot@kaya:~# /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.config configure 2007k-0ubuntu0.7.10.113:37
krautroot@kaya:~# echo $?13:37
krauti want to see, where this fails13:37
krautjrib? *highlight*13:40
jribdon't know about perl, why are you concentrating there?  It seemed like .postinst was the issue13:41
jribkraut: try changing "#!/bin/sh" to "#!/bin/sh -v" in your .postinst13:43
krautjrib? (forgot a highlight) ;)13:50
jribI see it, but don't know what to make of it yet :/13:50
krautjrib: you ar'nt alone ;)13:51
jribkraut: you tried -x too instead of -v?13:59
krautyep, mom14:00
jribsame output?14:00
kraut+ /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.postinst configure 2007f-3ubuntu1 <- that's the tricky part i think14:01
krautthat's why i said that:14:01
kraut<kraut> root@kaya:~# /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.config configure 2007k-0ubuntu0.7.10.114:01
kraut<kraut> root@kaya:~# echo $?14:01
kraut<kraut> 114:01
jribkraut: getting rid of -x and instead using: DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer dpkg --configure tzdata       gives no more information?14:08
krautnothing usefull, jrib.14:10
jribkraut: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/116193 people there had luck by changing /etc/timezone to "Europe/Berlin" and then trying to configure.  Don't know why, but try it and see14:12
krautEurope/Berlin is my default zone14:13
krautroot@kaya:~# cat /etc/timezone14:13
jribkraut: I don't know what else to suggest.  Try the main channel again later.  If you can't resolve or do and find it was a bug, file it.  Try the mailing list and forums too14:18
krauthrmpf, ok.14:20
jribgood luck14:20
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visualdeceptionj #ubuntu-us-in22:13
visualdeceptionj #ubuntu-us-in/22:13
* pleia2 chuckles and gives visualdeception a cookie22:19
visualdeceptionlol yea my brilliance was on full display there22:20
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=== datten is now known as txwikinger

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