
Keybukvuntz: of course, I can't take a screenshot00:13
Keybukif I go to an empty viewport, and click it, I get all my apps00:13
Keybukif I click it again, I get only 300:14
* vuntz wonders if there's another wm using viewport00:17
vuntzsawfish, maybe00:18
vuntzor maybe compiz does work on my laptop now...00:18
Hobbseeubotu: part06:33
Hobbsee(george is already in here, and i don't have access)06:33
AmaranthGeorge: test06:36
GeorgeI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:37
AmaranthHobbsee: I could just ban George :P06:37
Amaranthbug 6783406:37
GeorgeLaunchpad bug 67834 in kdebase "add an option to disable the system bell system-wide" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6783406:38
Amaranththen again...06:38
HobbseeAmaranth: if you like.  both do it.06:38
HobbseeAmaranth: this ubotu doesn't work with !info basket, etc, though.06:38
Hobbseealthough it'll tell you if something isn't in ubuntu06:38
Amaranthnah, this seems to work for the only thing it ever gets used for06:38
Amaranthbug 4934606:38
GeorgeLaunchpad bug 49346 in metacity "Gnome mistakes window closing confirmation as frozen programme. (dup-of: 29584)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4934606:38
GeorgeLaunchpad bug 29584 in metacity "False reports of "Window not responding" error" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2958406:39
HobbseeGeorge:  bug #17230006:40
GeorgeLaunchpad bug 172300 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Unable to boot 7.10 on abit ib9 due to ata xfermode" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17230006:40
dholbachgood morning06:51
GeorgeSchedule for Etc/UTC: 19 Mar 21:00: Server Team | 26 Mar 21:00: Server Team | 28 Mar 04:00: MOTU06:56
seb128hey hey hey mvo gicmo08:46
seb128gicmo: your nautilus-cd-burner changes work correctly ;-)08:48
mvohey seb128!08:48
gicmoseb128: cool, totally strange that they left that call in there, could you attach the patch to the bug?08:49
seb128gicmo: sure08:49
seb128gicmo: I manage to lock nautilus apparently though08:49
seb128gicmo: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/5860/ looks like a locked situation?08:50
seb128gicmo: I tried to open several folder etc on the sftp location while I was disconnect08:50
seb128that didn't block nautilus which is good ;-)08:50
seb128but when I reconnected it did the actions queued apparently08:51
seb128don't keep fingers on ctrl-alt to switch workspace after typing08:52
seb128or don't delete a char while you are doing so rather ;-)08:52
gicmolooks like its blockin in dbus08:53
seb128anyway, after being connected again it opened several directories on which ones I clicked during the disconnect time08:53
seb128and then got greyed (ie, the compiz way to tell you the app is not responding)08:53
loolseb128: was happening to me all the time; I decided to add DontZap to my config when I was tired of losing my work :)08:54
seb128lool: we should do that by default ;-)08:54
loolI proposed that a while back!08:54
loolBut I was told many users kill their session in this way, especially when it's hung08:55
seb128which is true08:55
seb128we got quite some complain because gdm was not coming back properly after ctrl-alt-del in some cycle08:56
gicmoseb128: hmm tricky08:56
seb128gicmo: don't bother too much with this one, that was just in case there was something obvious there08:57
huatsmorning everyone09:02
=== fta_ is now known as fta
crevetteheu huats09:03
huatshello crevette mvo and of course seb12809:08
mvohey huats09:08
seb128lut huats09:08
pittikwwii: I just noticed that with the new gdm theme the "incorrect password blabla" line is partially covered by the input line; it should be somewhere else09:14
pittikwwii: is this on your radar already or shall I file a bug?09:14
seb128pitti: there is several duplicates from this one already09:14
seb128I'm going to kick the next user bugging gdm about it09:14
kwwiipitti: there is already a bug on that (and I will fix it)09:14
* pitti shuts up09:14
pittikwwii: danke09:14
* pitti hugs seb12809:14
* seb128 hugs pitti09:15
kwwiiI'll have the tweaked package ready a bit later :-)09:15
seb128that's annoying, they all send bugs on gdm09:15
* pitti currently tests pretty much everything in the live system09:15
seb128pitti: how buggy is it?09:15
pittipretty good actually09:15
pittiPK works again, all apps that I tested so far work09:15
pittibug 203612 is a bit nasty09:16
pittibut just cosmetic, too09:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203612 in displayconfig-gtk "Screens & Graphics menu item in wrong section" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20361209:16
pittiall in all we are in a pretty good shape09:16
seb128pitti: I though it had been removed from the menus?09:16
pitti(this can't be right, it's too good....)09:16
pittiremoved entirely? why should it?09:16
pittiit's my live saver to get a correct resolution, and I guess for many other people, too?09:17
pittiSystem -> Administration is a good place for it?09:17
Amaranthoh, i thought Screens&Graphics went away09:17
seb128 displayconfig-gtk (0.3.8ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low09:17
seb128 .09:17
seb128   * Disable displayconfig-gtk in menus (replaced by Screen Resolution tool)09:17
* pitti wonders WTH a "802.1X protected wired network" is09:18
pittiasac: ^ current network-manager09:18
seb128pitti: bryce argued that it's too buggy and not useful now that we have the xrandr 1.2 capplet09:18
Amaranthyeah, since it's really only needed for bulletproofx09:18
pittibut if X misdetects the resolution, xrand doesn't help at all09:18
Amaranththe xrandr 1.2 thing doesn't work for nvidia but then again screens & graphics doesn't do the right thing for nvidia either :)09:18
pitti(e. g. vmware only has 800x600 due to a bug in X.org somewhere)09:18
seb128Amaranth: bryce wants to use the nvidia tool for those09:19
pittiwell, either way, it shouldn't be in Apps -> Other09:19
seb128pitti: well, iz xorg bug09:19
Amaranthyeah, nvidia-settings is better :)09:19
seb128no it shouldn't09:19
pittiseb128: right; but even if this particular one is fixed, we'll always have some09:19
pitti"cannot fix detected screen resolution" is the top #1 complaint from the people around me why they did not install Ubuntu permanently09:20
pittigranted, it got much better in hardy09:20
pittiseb128: ah, and tomboy crashes09:21
pitti(when trying to quit it)09:21
pittiand the tracker search tool doesn't allow me to enable tracker09:22
seb128pitti: you should enable it from system, preferences, indexing09:22
seb128pitti: well, I'm not the one to argue with, but I really don't like this displaygtk-config09:22
seb128I had bad comments about it and I think it's quite buggy09:22
pittiI tend to agree09:23
pittiseb128: hm, System Tools -> Hardware Testing... I don't think we want that there either ,right?09:26
pittiSystem -> Administration, for all users?09:26
seb128pitti: yeah, cr3 mailed me about that yesterday09:27
seb128pitti: I'm not sure to be honest09:27
seb128pitti: I'm pondering moving things back to applications, system tools09:27
seb128system, preferences has too many items now09:27
pittihm, but they mostly fit well into the idea of "system administration" IMHO09:28
pittihwtest doesn't, right09:28
seb128and vmware, virt, etc install items in applications, system tools09:28
seb128which means you quickly get this submenu back when installing softwares anyway09:28
pittiright, gnome-device-manager is, too (universe, though)09:28
pittiit just looks a bit weird to have just one entry in the menu09:29
pittibut *shrug*09:29
pittiseb128: as long as it has been discussed, I'm fine09:29
pittijust want to make sure it's not an oversight09:29
* pitti hugs seb12809:29
seb128pitti: I didn't reply to cr3, but we will not let one item there09:30
seb128either we move back things which were there09:31
seb128ie, gnome-system-monitor09:31
seb128or we move the hardware testing somewhere else09:31
seb128not sure what is the best yet09:31
seb128I'll likely put that on the desktop team meeting agenda09:31
pittioh, system monitor is a great idea09:34
* pitti doesn't even find that in the menu09:34
pittiit's applet-only ATM?09:34
pittiwow, we have a "Network Manager Editor" now09:35
pitti. o O { that doesn't really belong into the main menu IMHO; would be better in right-click nm-applet menu }09:36
pittiseems I'm in a nitpicking mood today09:36
asacpitti: i have seen some discussion about that09:46
asacbut i don't have any details09:47
asacwill try to look it up when i have some time09:47
Amaranthpitti: can you make jockey set UseCompositeWrapper for nvidia too?09:47
* Amaranth should really file a bug :)09:47
pittiAmaranth: sure, but please file a bug and give some explanations09:48
pittiAmaranth: will that cause any regressions for other hardware or performance?09:48
Amaranthit might be a performance hit but it just makes the nvidia driver use something from the X server (that i'm guessing other drivers use) instead of doing stuff by itself09:49
Amaranthapparently Qt apps are basically unusable with the driver we have if you don't enable this09:49
Amaranthwith compiz, i mean09:50
Keybukpitti: it is in the right-click NM menu, isn't it?10:14
pittiKeybuk: oh, indeed it is10:14
pittiso why is it repeated in the menu?10:15
seb128because right click is not discoverable10:15
seb128but I agree on this one, it should not be in the menu10:16
Keybukthe fact that NM has both left and right click menus is, of course, a different issue10:17
Keybuk(and an idiotic one)10:17
pitti. o O { session startup in a fresh vmware installation is delightfully fast again! }10:17
pittiasac: what is a 802.1X protected wired network? Can we change that string to something mere mortals can understand?10:18
asacpitti: huh? didn't you get my answer or did i forget to hit enter? ... i currently have no idea what it is. i just rememberd that someone was happy that it worked now on NM list10:18
asacwhere do you read that string?10:19
pittiasac: ah, there; sorry10:19
pittiasac: left click on nm-applet10:19
pittiseb128: ah, recently you were asking me about floppy, right?10:19
asaci dont see anything there right now. guess have to remove my entry from eni. will do so after a short breakfast10:20
pittiseb128: it just occurred to me that in vmware I can have a fake floppy, and I indeed get that "invalid hal function signature yadayada" error when I select it in the places menu10:20
seb128pitti: yes, I would like to know if those are working in nautilus now10:20
seb128pitti: and using the computer location?10:20
seb128pitti: that's weird because the method is available now10:20
pittiseb128: there it correctly says "no media in the driver"10:20
seb128would be interesting to try with a floppy in the drive10:21
seb128to see if it gets mounted10:21
asacpitti: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/802.1x ... so its authenticated wired apparently (like one could guess)10:22
asacnow breakfast10:23
Amaranthso no one can sniff your wired connection?10:25
pittiseb128: let me find/download a floppy image10:25
seb128pitti: thanks10:25
pittihm, that vmware isntance does not have a floppy...10:26
* pitti shuts down and adds one10:26
slomo_seb128: ah, please sync banshee 0.13.2+dfsg-8 from debian :) adds mtp and gnome-settings-daemon 2.22 support10:27
slomo_seb128: and last-exit 5-210:27
seb128pitti: is that ok to do universe syncs now?10:27
pittiseb128: sure10:28
pittiseb128: ah, convenient: vmware offers me to create an empty floppy image :)10:28
seb128ah, cool10:28
pittiseb128: hmmm10:36
pittiso I created and mformat'ed the floppy10:36
pittiand mount /media/floppy works (standard fstab entry)10:36
pittibut computer place still says 'no media' and places menu has that weird hal signature error10:37
seb128ok, so it's still buggy10:37
pittignome-mount -vbd /dev/fd0 works at least10:37
pittisame result when I remove the fstab entry10:39
pittiseb128: hm, seems to be pretty much bug 188256 for floppies10:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188256 in nautilus "empty CD-ROM Drive doesn't do anything when clicked" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18825610:41
seb128pitti: right10:42
pittiit's mentioned in the second-last comment10:42
seb128pitti: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/197954 too10:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197954 in gvfs "Hardy: Unable to scan Floppy Drive for media changes" [Low,Triaged]10:42
seb128pitti: once the floppy mounted you can browse it though?10:43
pittiwhen I use gnome-mount -d /dev/fd0, then the Places menu gets a secodn icon "disk" with a floppy icon (in addition to "Floppy drive")10:44
pittisame in the computer place10:44
pittithe disk icon opens nautilus with the floppy contents10:44
pittifloppy drive icon continues to be broken10:45
slomo_seb128: oh, and after freeze you can merge glib and sync gvfs please ;)11:16
seb128slomo_: glib is not buggy then? you told me yesterday to wait11:17
slomo_seb128: the bug was somewhere else as expected but i just wanted to be sure :) (n-m had memory corruption, causing a segfault in a glib function)11:17
slomo_seb128: also all those patches are upstream now (or will later today)11:18
seb128slomo_: alright11:18
seb128slomo_: what patches?11:18
seb128slomo_: I did send the gio nfs one upstream today11:18
slomo_seb128: the nfs4 patch?11:18
slomo_ok, none of the others? :)11:18
slomo_i meant 80_static-mutex-aliasing-warnings.patch and 81_c99-inline-warnings.patch11:18
seb128I've enough to carry zillion of changes because Josselin doesn't bother sending what he does upstream11:18
seb128slomo_: no, I was going to look at the other later but if you do it that's good ;-)11:19
slomo_ok ;)11:20
seb128slomo_: btw did you port the single click patch for nautilus to the new version?11:20
slomo_i dropped it iirc11:20
seb128ok, cool11:21
seb128because it's creating issues11:21
slomo_seb128: how was the file called? :)11:21
seb128slomo_: 05_places-sidebar_single-click.patch11:22
slomo_oh, that is still applied (and didn't need porting)11:22
slomo_what issues does it create?11:23
seb128slomo_: bug #18911011:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 189110 in nautilus "nautilus erroneous error message opening Samba share - can't display Samba drive" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18911011:23
seb128slomo_: and right clicking on a location to copy things for example makes it switch to the location11:23
slomo_ok, thanks... will take a closer look at the patch and disable for next upload unless it's possible to fix it easily; )11:24
slomo_i hate all these patches :)11:26
seb128me too11:26
seb128we should really profite of alex being active to get things upstream or drop the distro changes if they are not appropriates11:27
slomo_yes, just needs someone to do it... most nautilus patches were in bugzilla though11:28
seb128alex doesn't use bugzilla a lot, too much things there11:30
seb128better to ask him on IRC or use the nautilus list11:30
slomo_yes, that's my plan11:33
slomo_seb128: apart from that he will have much less time for such things starting in 10 days (i thought you got the mail too?)11:33
seb128slomo_: yes11:34
seb128slomo_: that's why we should try to get changes upstream now ;-)11:34
slomo_seb128: yes, later... need to get some food now and then i'll do it :P11:35
Amaranthwhat happens in 10 days?11:35
seb128Amaranth: alex goes on paternity leaves for some months11:36
Amaranthi thought that was a couple months ago11:36
slomo_seb128: any reason why you didn't commit the nfs4 patch yet? :)11:46
seb128slomo_: I'm not a glib maintainer and nobody approved it yet11:47
slomo_seb128: can't alex approve at least gio related things? well, someone will probably look at it and if not i'll ask mclassen later when i've all patches prepared ;)11:48
seb128slomo_: alex read the gio bug mails and approve patches usually, I just don't want to bother him every 15 minutes on IRC, I'll let him deal with the bug when he wants rather, there is no hurry ;-)11:49
seb128lool: did you get the cheese update uploaded?12:18
loolseb128: It was incomplete12:20
loolseb128: missing b-deps bumps and changelog information12:20
loolseb128: I can easily complete the update in some minutes if you need it at any time12:21
pedro_slomo_: hello, have you seen this bug 199496 ?12:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199496 in tomboy "Tomboy.exe crashed with SIGSEGV in exit()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19949612:21
seb128lool: I don't really need it, but would be nice to have the GNOME 2.22 version12:21
seb128lool: I was just wondering because you said it would be uploaded by tuesday12:22
slomo_pedro_: known gtk# or mono bug12:22
slomo_pedro_: assuming it happened when exiting tomboy12:23
pedro_yes same one12:23
slomo_no fix known yet but it's nothing to worry about too much12:23
slomo_just annoying because of apport ;)12:23
pedro_hehe ok, thanks12:23
loolseb128: I said we should set the deadline to tuesday, but then I backed up when I recalled about the freeze12:23
loolseb128: To be clear: set the deadline, and I'll honor it :)12:24
loolseb128: I've passed the info to tremolux, and he output the update over the WE, but it was slightly incomplete12:24
loolHence the back and forth12:24
loolIf it's too long for you, tell me, I'll finish it12:24
seb128lool: next week would be nice12:28
loolseb128: next Monday?12:29
loolseb128: I'll pass down the target to tremolux12:29
loolseb128: Feel free to escalate to me any time you want it12:29
slomo_seb128: /usr/share/gnome/applications/defaults.list <--- is this a debian invention?12:30
loolslomo_: Isn't this XDG stuff?12:30
seb128lool: monday is a holiday, there is no really hurry, just try to get it uploaded next week if you can, thanks ;-)12:30
seb128slomo_: yes12:31
slomo_lool: yes... but i mean this location, other location are XDG, right12:31
loolseb128: Oh *right* \o/12:31
loolholidays \o/12:31
slomo_seb128: ok, not going upstream :)12:31
seb128slomo_: no12:31
seb128slomo_: that should be dropped from debian too if you ask me12:31
slomo_seb128: why exactly?12:32
seb128because it creates extra diff and should be done in a standard way12:33
seb128that has been discussed on the xdg lists some weeks ago12:33
seb128I'm not sure that KDE is using defaults.list anyway12:34
slomo_ok, did you drop it for ubuntu?12:34
seb128we never had it in ubuntu12:34
seb128that's something josselin did for debian I think12:34
seb128but I never agreed with it12:34
seb128and kubuntu didn't complain either so I think it's a non issue12:35
slomo_yes... how are default applications for a mimetype selected in ubuntu?12:35
seb128as they are upstream12:35
seb128using the defaults.list but not in a gnome subdir12:35
slomo_seb128: what are the other paths? i know the one in the home directory but is there a system wide too?12:36
seb128/usr/share/applications/defaults.list is the standard one12:36
slomo_ah, non-existing here... so it does automagic somehow? ;)12:37
seb128no, josselin patched the debian gnome to look at the debian specific location12:37
slomo_is there a /usr/share/applications/defaults.list in ubuntu?12:38
seb128we ship it in desktop-file-utils though12:38
seb128not in gnome-vfs as debian12:38
slomo_ok, gives more or less the same problem though, just a different patch12:39
seb128what problem?12:39
slomo_these are all gnome applications... now if someone uses for example xfce he will have gnome applications as default unless he sets something different and not what xfce offers12:40
slomo_(same for kde if they use it too)12:40
slomo_not sure if this is important12:40
seb128we go no complain from kubuntu so I guess KDE is using something else12:41
seb128slomo_: there is a mail on the xdg lists stating "KDE uses InitialPreference. GNOME uses defaults.list."12:44
* slomo_ isn't happy with having gnome specific things in glib... but /usr/share/gnome is even worse :)12:46
slomo_seb128: 18_disable_signal_handler.patch  <--- talked with alex about this one already? :)13:08
seb128slomo_: I just noticed that I forgot to drop it when I read your changelog13:09
seb128slomo_: alex fixed it differently upstream, the patch can be dropped13:09
slomo_seb128: thanks13:09
slomo_ok, i have everything ready now to flood alex with patches :P13:09
slomo_vuntz: ping? :)13:17
slomo_vuntz: gnome-menus currently installs /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu and similar things... ubuntu/debian already adds "gnome-" as prefix to them, what do you think about getting this upstream? :)  needs a small fix in gnome-panel too... and resolves a conflict with kde (which has a kde-applications.menu, not sure if it's called applications.menu upstream too)13:20
vuntzslomo_: I've thought about this13:21
slomo_vuntz: ...but? :) it looks like a small change that shouldn't cause any problems at all13:21
vuntzslomo_: problem is that people who have edited their menus will lose their changes if we change the name of those files13:21
slomo_ok, that's bad then :)13:22
slomo_vuntz: any ideas how to solve that better?13:23
seb128slomo_: btw, ubuntu doesn't add gnome- there13:23
seb128slomo_: that's another change josselin did in debian I disagreed about13:23
slomo_oh, i didn't know you dropped that patch13:23
slomo_why did you disagree? except what vuntz said?13:23
seb128slomo_: and I think Amaranth recommended against it because it was creating issues for menu edition or something13:24
seb128slomo_: because it was breaking thing and a distro specific behaviour13:24
seb128slomo_: it requires to patch applications to use the right naming13:24
vuntzslomo_: it's hard to fix now13:25
slomo_ok, so not beautiful forever or until gnome 3.0 ;)13:25
vuntzslomo_: well, I'd love to fix this13:26
slomo_vuntz: ok, what about the gnome-panel-logout application patch? :)13:27
seb128vuntz: btw, could you review http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505488?13:28
ubotuGnome bug 505488 in gconf "gconfd does not unblock signals properly" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:28
vuntzseb128: gconf?13:32
vuntzslomo_: I'm not fond of this patch. Will be fixed properly in 2.2313:33
seb128vuntz: nobody is maintaining it upstream13:33
slomo_vuntz: ok, good enough for me :)13:33
seb128vuntz: so I figured you might be able to review the patch and commit since that's a small one ;-)13:33
seb128vuntz: I'll try kmaraas otherwise13:33
vuntzseb128: I don't understand the patch13:35
vuntzseb128: isn't gconfd.c only used for gconfd? What's the relation with the library?13:35
seb128lool: ^13:35
seb128vuntz: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gconf/+bug/18800713:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188007 in gconf "gconfd does not unblock signals properly" [Medium,Triaged]13:36
seb128vuntz: there is some details there, not sure if that's useful to you though13:36
slomo_isn't gconfd forked from the library?13:36
vuntzslomo_: hmm. In GNOME, no13:37
loolvuntz: gconfd is autospawned by the lib13:37
loolvuntz: such a gconfd inherits whatever state the process had13:37
vuntzslomo_: I mean, yes, but it's started by gconf-sanity-check13:37
loolAs it's a fork() + exec()13:37
vuntzanyway, it can't harm13:38
seb128vuntz: thanks!13:44
loolPff we have ugly patches in gconf13:48
seb128lool: which one?13:50
loolThe syslog one13:50
loolThe other one isn't too ugly, it's just hurd cruft; can probably be merged upstream as is13:50
soulccd burning software?13:57
seb128soulc: hi, you want to go on #ubuntu13:58
soulcwant is desktop concerned with?14:00
seb128getting work done14:02
seb128that's not an user chan14:02
seb128rather a chan to discuss work we are doing14:02
soulcah ok14:03
soulcso #ubuntu will work for me huh?14:03
vuntzAmaranth: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520726 doesn't apply here14:07
ubotuGnome bug 520726 in general "make left and up viewport moves work" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:08
vuntzis there any other patch that you apply before this one?14:08
vuntzah, maybe the patch from bug 52070414:11
vuntzseb128: I think you can kill 80_from_bugzilla_add_action_above.patch in libwnck14:18
seb128vuntz: thanks14:18
vuntzI remember thinking it should be killed a few months ago, but you might need to check why ;-)14:19
seb128Amaranth: ^ confirming? ;-)14:19
vuntzok, no real important patches for libwnck14:20
slomo_pedro_: hi :) want to file FF exception requests for gtk-sharp2, gnome-sharp2 and gnome-desktop-sharp2 and a main inclusion report for the latter (f-spot wants gtkhtml)? :)14:33
slomo_pedro_: would get us rid of gtkhtml3.8 from main among other things14:33
pedro_well if that fixed the crashes14:38
mvoslomo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5871 <- interessting for you? (dapper->hardy)14:43
slomo_pedro_: doesn't fix the crashes... but makes pitti happy and will make it more likely that people can use our gtk# for the complete hardy supported time14:44
loolvuntz: Would you mind merging the hurd support patch in gconf?  http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gconf/debian/patches/25_gconf-path-max-hurd.patch?op=file&rev=0&sc=014:46
loolSince you seem to be on a patch merging day :)14:46
vuntzlool: not now (finishing some gnome-desktop bugzilla crawling and then meeting in 10 minutes)14:48
vuntzlool: but you can ping me later :-)14:48
kwwiimvo: what was the sytax for adding a bug number to a commit message again? (LP: #bugnumber)?14:52
mvokwwii: yeah, "LP: #number" will work14:58
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
kwwiimvo: remeber all the time we spent changing the gtk theme stuff to include clearlooks and murrine? Now it is time to revert that :-)15:02
mvokwwii: meh - sounds like fun. so what is the new plan? do we go back to humanlooks?15:03
kwwiimvo: yes15:03
kwwiimvo: I guess we can just take the older version of the pacakge, or?15:03
mvokwwii: yeah, just doing that might be the easiest way15:04
kwwiimvo: because someone likes it better (and there are good reasons like the scrollbars, progress bars, etc)15:04
mvoheh, ok :)15:05
kwwiiif it was up to me we would be using darklouche or such15:05
kwwiiand now everyone knows why it is not up to me :p15:06
mvoslomo_: if you don't have time to look mono overwrite issue, I'm happy to do it, just let me know15:08
slomo_mvo: would be nice if you could do it15:09
slomo_seb128: ok, so we only have one patch in nautilus left that is not upstream... well, after alex branched and i committed the last ready one :)15:17
seb128slomo_: yeah, I've read the chan activity15:18
seb128we had quite some buggy patches, what did you do with those, dropped them now?15:18
slomo_well, disabled them for now if they're still valid15:19
slomo_attached the last versions to the bug and explained what needs to be done to get it into nautilus15:19
kwwiibtw, if someone wants to take a look at the gdm bug fix, it is in bzr and the source package is here:15:19
slomo_lool: what shall we do about glib now? simply ignore joss and do the XDG_DATA_DIRS hack in gnome-session? ;)15:37
slomo_lool: and a separate package for the defaults of course15:37
loolslomo_: Yeah; Joss just doesn't want to lose face, but you can ignore him now, he kind of admitted XDG_DATA_DIRS in g-s is the only clean way we found for now15:42
loolslomo_: Perhaps glib could be generally more clever, but it would take a while to spec and implement cleverness on such stuff15:43
loolslomo_: For instance, we could teach glib about where it's running in ("this is a GNOME session") and teach it to prefer .desktop files for GNOME15:44
lool(I'm just listing crazy ideas; I'm not actually proposing to do this)15:44
loolBut if you look at it today, the glib patch is pure uglyness for something which should really be achieved with an env var15:44
slomo_lool: ok, will do that then... what would you suggest for the gnome defaults? simply ship with gnome-core? :)15:44
slomo_yes, i really hate the current glib patch15:44
loolI don't like shipping the defaults in a particular package; it doesn't really make sense to me15:45
slomo_for gnomevfs it could stay as it is now, i don't care... the defaults should just be shipped by another package15:45
loolBut for now, you could ship them in gnome-session as it's probably the only thing which will use that XDG dir15:45
loolOn the longer term, it would be doable to have a trigger (haha) generate the defaults based on sensible info; perhaps from the packages or from the existing desktop files15:46
slomo_ok, noted and will do once later... and upload once glib moved to testing15:46
slomo_hehe, triggers... maybe next century :)15:46
seb128having the defaults.list is a lib or desktop applications sucks15:47
seb128because it means changing it is not as cheap as it should be15:48
loolseb128: Yeah, exactly15:49
nxvlmvo: are you still working on Bug #33505 ??16:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 33505 in apt "BADSIG errors using transparent http proxies" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3350516:20
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
pochuseb128: hey, I already have my new desktop! ;-)18:40
seb128pochu: ah, good ;-)18:40
pochuseb128: btw totem-plugins should depend on python-gdata, which is needed for the youtube plugin18:40
seb128pochu: no it should not, that's an universe package and the youtube plugin is quite buggy18:41
pochuseb128: ah, then suggest it? :)18:41
pochuit WFM btw18:42
seb128pochu: I think I'll split the package, move the binary to universe and add depends there18:42
seb128pochu: very weird, it was broken due to the gnomevfs changes, gicmo fixed it and the patch has been uploaded to debian and ubuntu but it's blocked by the freeze18:42
pochuthen the plugin won't be installed by default?18:43
seb128I'll revisit the choice once I've tried with the gnomevfs fix18:43
pochuseb128: I don't have sound though, but that's because I don't have speakers yet ;-)18:43
seb128try searching for ubuntu and play the library example18:43
seb128does it work?18:43
pochuUbuntu @ The library?18:44
pochuCould not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.18:44
* pochu wonders why...18:44
pochuseb128: search for "within temptation" and watch the "Stand my ground" videoclip18:49
seb128pochu: I didn't say none was working ;-)18:53
pochuseb128: ah, ok :)18:53
seb128pochu: but most of the ubuntu ones are broken for example18:53
seb128pochu: and you need the gst-plugins-bad installed18:53
seb128pochu: so it can't work out of the box18:53
pochuthat's a cool plugin ;)18:53
seb128we don't have mp3 working out of the box neither18:54
seb128it's useful too ;-)18:54
seb128patents suck18:54
seb128but we have to do with those18:54
pochuright, but at least we have the easy-codec-installation :)18:54
seb128I'll have a look at the youtube plugin again after beta anyway18:55
seb128pochu: if you are looking at things to do you are welcome to look at all the uploads slomo did to debian and see what we can sync or merge easily18:56
seb128we can likely lower the delta and sync some packages easily after beta18:56
slomo_seb128: the side pane one click patch was updated... and IMHO it looks good now, didn't test it yet though18:56
pochuplugins-bad is in universe btw... perhaps when the required plugin gets some work and is promoted to -good...18:56
slomo_seb128: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=355760  if you want to test... :)18:56
ubotuGnome bug 355760 in Sidebar Panel: Places "Side pane items shouldn't require a double click to open the location" [Minor,New]18:56
seb128slomo_: does it fix the double click smb error and the left click action?18:57
seb128right click I mean, and apparently it does18:57
pochulool, seb128: what was that upnp python module we needed a MIR for? I don't have the logs from the last week or so18:57
slomo_seb128: well, it has the same behaviour as if you set nautilus to single click everywhere18:58
pochuhey slomo_18:58
seb128well, that's not the default so not many people notice18:58
seb128pochu: I think python-coherence should be promoted, would be nice to look at that ;-)18:58
slomo_pochu: if you want, merge gnomevfs :) and gstreamer stuff... and gtk-sharp2/gnome-sharp2/gnome-desktop2 (needs FF exception and the latter need MIR) :)18:58
seb128slomo_: oh you didn't upload the gnome-vfs change to hardy? I though you did18:59
seb128you decided to just work on debian and let other people do the ubuntu merges now? :-(18:59
seb128we need to recrute new contributors ;-)18:59
slomo_seb128: i'll upload gnomevfs after freeze to see if the patch is fine until then19:00
slomo_seb128: and if pochu doesn't want to do that stuff i've to do it ;)19:00
* pochu is on holidays :)19:01
seb128slomo_: you don't "have to" do anyway, but help to merge debian updates is welcome19:02
seb128I'll do what I can but there is lot to do and not so many people active at the moment19:02
slomo_seb128: well, i don't have to but i want to :)19:02
seb128thanks ;-)19:03
pochuslomo_: I can do the gstreamer merges today or tomorrow19:05
pochuslomo_: we are in sync for -base, aren't we? so can't we just sync it? (I didn't look at the changes yet as I'm cathing with the mail though, so I don't know what changed ;)19:06
slomo_pochu: yes, base can be synced19:06
slomo_as can all the others too iirc, except core19:06
seb128pochu: we have to delay syncs to after the freeze, they don't go to the queue but are directly accepted19:08
seb128but feel free to make a list and ping me after beta ;-)19:08
pochuseb128: sure, I'll make a list when I process sid-changes ;)19:10
pochuhey ember19:10
loolseb128, pochu: I'm also looking at getting python-coherence promoted for elisa19:41
loolI think I told people around here to try the RB uPnP plugin; it's now quite capable19:41
loolpitti: ^19:41
loolpitti: In general, python-coherence would enhance the RB plugin and elisa :)19:42
pittilool: hm, sounds like a new feature to me22:37
pittilool: I explained my gut feeling in the MIR bug22:37
pochupitti: where's that bug? I see no bugs for coherence in lp23:14

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