
j1mcanyone around?03:11
sommerj1mc: yo03:11
j1mchi sommer03:11
j1mci'm putting the finishing touches on xubuntu docs.  cody somerville was going to help me build them, but i think he's a little busy lately.03:11
j1mci was hoping someone could help me.03:12
sommeruh, I *may* be able to03:12
sommerhave you built a package before?03:12
j1mcnope.  not one.03:13
sommerthat's cool, it's really not that hard03:13
sommerbest place to start is the packaging guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide03:14
j1mci think i can ping mrpouit for help.  cody said that he'd be willing to help me out (i just remembered)03:14
sommercool, the getting started link will point you to which packages to install03:15
sommerI've never actually built the doc package, but if you have any specific questions just let me know03:16
j1mcthanks, sommer03:19
j1mcthe server docs have really improved a lot for this release.  i think it's great.03:19
sommerthanks, they were in need of a few updates :-)03:20
sommeralso mdke can probably answer any package related questions, but he's probably not on at the moment03:22
j1mcsommer: do you have access to updating the ubuntu global.net file?  the kernel version listed isn't correct.03:26
j1mcit says 2.6.22, and hardy uses 2.6.2403:26
sommerI think you should be able to update it03:26
sommerI did ask mdke about it and he recommended to update all branches03:27
sommerand since I don't have them all checked out, he said he'd update it03:27
sommerif you have them checked out I'd say go ahead and update it03:27
j1mci don't know about glibc, but i've checked the other ones.03:28
sommerheh, I'd imagine that glibc has been updated as well03:29
j1mcwould it be under package libc6  (do an apt-cache show libc6)  i show version 2.7 for glibc, based on that03:31
sommerummm... I think so, but you might want to double check03:33
j1mc/lib/libc.so.6  (entering that command gave me the info)03:35
sommerah, I guess I'm not 100% sure, is libc the same as glibc?  isn't glib a gnome library?03:36
sommerI'd imagine it is03:37
sommercause there isn't a glibc in dpkg -l | grep glib03:37
j1mcbut wouldn't the "g" stand for gnu?03:37
j1mcgnu c library?03:37
sommerheheheh... yep, your right03:38
sommerI think I was thinking of gtk or something03:38
j1mcsommer: what did i just do??03:55
j1mcall of the updates are there, but the history isn't correct now.03:56
j1mcmdke is going to kill me.03:56
sommerthe history isn't correct?03:58
sommerwhich commit do you mean?04:00
j1mccheck your email04:02
sommerhow about 365604:02
sommerdid you do a bzr push after a bzr merge?04:02
nixternalj1mc: my battery died04:03
j1mcah, ok04:03
j1mcsommer: yes04:03
j1mcsommer: all of the docs are ok in terms of content, but the history is screwed up04:04
sommerit's not a big deal (I don't think) what happens is that a merge affects your local copy04:04
nixternalj1mc: it is right on LP and my local history04:04
nixternalthe history matches just fine here04:04
sommerso when you then push it the repo the history goes along as well04:05
sommerI'm pretty sure it's just a bzr thing04:05
sommerheh... sort of a pun ;)04:05
j1mcsommer: yeah, but it still sucks.  and why doesn't it happen to other people?04:06
sommerI've done a bzr bind on my check out, which makes it act pretty much the same as svn04:06
sommerwhen I do bzr commit it automatically goes to the repo04:06
sommeryou can find the command to bind the repo at the bottom of the repository wiki page04:07
sommerI think it's just bzr bind bzr+ssh://path/to/repo, but you'll probably want to confirm that04:07
j1mci found it...04:10
j1mcis there any way to fix this, though?04:10
j1mci'm embarrassed.04:10
sommerdon't be, others have done the same thing, and the content is the important thing anyway04:10
j1mci guess this way it will make it look like i wrote all of the documentation for ubuntu, though.04:11
j1mcwhich is great.04:11
j1mcum... but i wish there were a way to fix it.  obvs...  you all have accurate local histories at this point.04:12
j1mcCRAP!  i was trying to be helpful.04:12
sommerthere probably is, but I'm far from a bzr expert04:12
j1mci'll ask in bzr04:13
nixternaldamn, the firefox start pages are a mess04:21
j1mckgoetz: :(04:22
kgoetzj1mc: i was watching your bzr question - i did the same thing to myself a while ago04:23
j1mcmdke: sommer nixternal http://pastebin.ca/94848504:25
sommerj1mc: wow... we should turn on that options, heh04:27
sommerI really wouldn't sweat it, ping mdke tomorrow and see what he wants to do04:28
sommermaybe send an email to the doc ml to expect a few messages, then do the proposed fix?04:29
* kgoetz suspects now is a bad time to run bzr up04:29
sommerI updated, but then I'm also working in an update :-)04:29
j1mcyeah, a day before string freeze i screw up the history.04:30
j1mctrying to be helpful04:31
* kgoetz passes j1mc the lamp of shame04:31
* j1mc puts on lampshade04:31
sommerno worries, the history shouldn't be affected by the freeze04:32
sommerat least I don't think it gets translated, heh04:32
j1mcentering the command "bzr log --show-ids > ~/Desktop/ids" does show everything correctly.04:35
j1mc(i sent the output to a file cos there's a lot of it)04:36
j1mci sent matthew a note about it04:36
j1mche probably won't be available for a while now cos he's flying over from england to kick my ass.04:37
sommerlol, just get in some good quick shots while he's jet lagged04:37
nixternalbzr commit --fixes lp:bug_num04:49
nixternalgreat flag right there...never knew about it until just now04:49
nixternalit will add a link in the description showing the new fix04:49
j1mcbzr bind... how about that one?04:49
j1mcthat's the best one ever04:49
nixternalhell no04:49
nixternalbzr co04:49
nixternalthat's all I do04:49
j1mcbut you can't commit locally if you do a co04:50
nixternaldon't need to04:50
nixternalall of my fixes go right into the repo for everyone04:50
nixternalwhen it comes to funky setups, I am not a bzr fan04:51
nixternalMercurial and git are good for funky stuff like that ;p04:51
kgoetzhehe. when it comes to funky setups i still think patches are cool :P04:51
nixternalvery true, I am with you there04:51
nixternalI like the bundles feature of mercurial04:52
j1mci would be much happier right now if i had just done bzr diff > patch and emailed someone.04:52
nixternaland with bzr co, I don't have to worry about mucking up the history :p04:52
j1mcwith bzr bind you don't have to worry about mucking up history either04:53
nixternalj1mc: did those fixes in pastebin work?04:53
j1mci haven't tried.04:53
j1mci don't want to send out 108 emails to the entire doc team from launchpad.04:53
j1mcnot w/o people being aware of it04:53
nixternalj1mc: oh well, mdke and I did it from dapper -> feisty with translations04:54
nixternalwe have like 6mb emails too :)04:54
nixternalto bad there isn't such a thing like 'svn commit -m "SVN_SILENT: foo foo foo foo"'04:55
nixternalas long as the triggers are added04:55
j1mcdo you think i should try the comment from lifeless?  he's an old hand at bzr development, so i trust him.04:56
nixternalI would04:56
nixternalif it messes up, blame him :p04:56
j1mckgoetz: what do you think?04:57
kgoetzj1mc: i rec'n you should try it out.04:58
sommer+1 from me, what's the worste that could happen :-)04:58
kgoetzj1mc: we all support your actions, until you send the emails :P04:59
* j1mc goes to join #bzr again to ask another question05:01
* kgoetz watches05:01
* nixternal laughs05:01
sommerhrmm... doc.u.c doesn't seem to be updated05:05
j1mcyou need to make sure you refresh the page05:08
j1mci've encountered that quite a bit05:08
j1mcwe could all set our email notifications to "no emails" and then turn it back on.05:09
j1mchttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-hardy  > edit subscription05:10
j1mckgoetz: are you following in #bzr?  any thoughts?05:14
kgoetzj1mc: let me read up (being tought perl by my boss atm...05:16
kgoetzi think you branch from the last commit befor yours. try it out, just stop following lifeless' steps where you commit back to LP :)05:18
j1mckgoetz: or sommer ... could one of you do "bzr log --show-ids > ~/Desktop/ids" and pastebin the top of the output from that log?05:42
kgoetzsommer: is probably your best bet05:44
kgoetzas my repo is about a week old (when i last hacked on the docs)05:44
j1mcright... and he committed the last valid commit.05:44
sommerj1mc: the file is pretty big05:52
j1mcsommer: right...05:52
j1mcbzr log --show-ids > ~/Desktop/ids05:52
sommerwant me to email it to you05:52
j1mcjwcampbell ate gmail.com05:53
sommeron the way05:54
kgoetz*grin* @ ate05:56
sommernp, bed time for me05:56
sommerlater all05:56
kgoetzlater mate05:56
* kgoetz nurses his could-happen-but-just-on-edge-currently rsi05:57
kgoetzrepeditive strain injury05:58
kgoetzeg, typing05:58
* kgoetz reads doco to try and avoid pain05:59
j1mci have the command ready, but i'm just apprehensive06:03
j1mcbzr branch -r revid:asommer70@gmail.com-20080318135647-hbbpj5bl819nu1oa trunk local; cd local; bzr merge -r revid:jwcampbell@gmail.com-20080315024243-bzrus01hxn3r6v9y ../trunk; bzr commit; bzr push --overwrite ../trunk06:03
kgoetzi understand your nervousness06:07
kgoetzwant my advice?06:07
kgoetzrun ` bzr commit; bzr push --overwrite ../trunk` as a second command06:07
kgoetzand check what has changed after the first bit runs06:07
j1mcmy gut is to send the chat info to mdke and let him decide06:08
j1mcwhat do you think?06:08
kgoetzi think run the first bit, and if your not positive it'll do what you want, wait for mdke06:08
j1mc"the first bit" being...06:09
kgoetz16:33 < j1mc> bzr branch -r revid:asommer70@gmail.com-20080318135647-hbbpj5bl819nu1oa trunk local; cd local; bzr merge -r revid:jwcampbell@gmail.com-20080315024243-bzrus01hxn3r6v9y ../trunk;06:09
kgoetzeg. stopping before you commit back06:10
j1mcand then checking the log...06:10
j1mcgood idea06:10
j1mchm, this may take a while06:14
j1mcit's going though06:15
kgoetzit may take a while yeah :)06:16
* kgoetz wonders if theres been any updates to the [ed,k]ubuntu docs (if there hasnt, no need for me to pull again)06:16
nixternaljust firefox startpage updates06:26
nixternalprobably make a few changes tomorrow if I have time06:27
kgoetzcutting it fine :)06:27
nixternalas fine as possible...tend to do that every release06:31
j1mci fixed it06:46
j1mckgoetz: are you getting a flood of emails?06:49
kgoetzj1mc: i'm not part of docteam06:49
j1mcah, ok06:49
kgoetzi'm heading to dinner+ home06:50
kgoetzcatch you later all06:50
* j1mc goes to bed06:52
GeorgeNew bug: #203827 in ubuntu-doc "serverguide error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20382707:00
GeorgeNew bug: #203829 in ubuntu-doc "server guide error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20382907:05
cgeI'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm rather confused by the MacBookPro page on the wiki (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro). Why does it have a bizarre warning at the beginning, before a bunch of random information about things like proprietary programs for theming vista? Is the warning at all valid, or is it just the result of some misinformed editor?07:49
mdkecge: that is seriously weird07:52
cgemdke: There seems to be a group of one or two editors very strongly responding to any attempts to remove some of the stuff.07:52
cgeI can't figure out how to get information on the launchpad users behind the usernames, so I have no idea who they are.07:53
mdkethere are clearly parts of the page that are inappropriate07:54
mdkealso, the whole page should be moved to help.ubuntu.com07:54
cgeI was wondering why it was on wiki.ubuntu, yes.07:54
mdkeI'll move it now, it will provide an opportunity to remove the vista stuff07:55
cgethank you07:55
mdkecge: moved. I've deleted the sections dealing with Windows and OSX - I will try and contact the author to discuss08:04
cgeVery good - thank you. I'll also try to update it if I have time in the next few days.08:05
sommermdke: I don't think doc.u.c has been updated for a while... at least the latest serverguide changes aren't showing up :-)13:15
=== jonasbjo1k is now known as jonasbjork
ubotuNew bug: #204030 in ubuntu-docs (main) "package ubuntu-docs 7.10.5 failed to install/upgrade: fork falhou" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20403020:05
l3onHi... I'm walking into wiki and find this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KennethBaafour20:12
l3onNothing strange by a quick look... but look at attachfiles ;)20:13
l3onHere is the right place to comunicate it?20:13
l3onmdke: are you there?20:17
cgeNow we're going to have a revert war on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro it seems. I had hoped that sort of thing was limited to Wikipedia...21:34
seisensomebody delete before?21:37
cgeA user keeps adding a bunch of stuff about Vista themes, games, and whatnot, and keeps adding it back in whenever anyone removes it, even if it's mdke doing the removal...21:38
mdkel3on: what's up?22:18
l3onmdke: files attached to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KennethBaafour were full of spam...22:21
l3onlinked to porn site & co...22:21
l3onI deleted them...22:21
mdkel3on: thanks for doing that. You can also report the username responsible in #launchpad and ask for the account to be deactivated22:22
l3onmdke: controll before ;)22:22
mdkel3on: sorry?22:23
l3onnothing mdke, I've read that you'll contact them... I've read wrong :P22:25

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