
mario_limonciellevand, did you verify that change to grub-installer with an install?  It would appear something else is messing with which partition is active.  Just running /usr/share/grub-installer/grub-installer /target doesn't trigger it, but ubiquity does... so it can't be the preseed error, are there any other steps that might be changing what partitions are active?00:05
mario_limonciellnvm - i answered my own question00:11
mario_limonciellif you seed any partitions to be active in the expert recipe, that causes it to get jumbled up00:11
mario_limonciellmichael_e_brown, we are going to need one more late script to make sure that the partition gets set active last step.  It shouldn't hurt FI since FI will boot to the UP, but it will fix issues I'd expect on "reinstalls" from hard drive or DVD.00:12
TheMusoevand: FYI I am testing a11y profiles on the live CD, and have found that using orca-customizations.py is ineffective, i.e orca doesn't pick up the settings set in there. Now rebuilding a custom ISO with this changed, to see if using the user-settings.py works.04:23
michael_e_brownsuperm1, you are correct. You can add that to the end. Look in bootstrap for an example04:41
superm1michael_e_brown, already done.  hopefully amro will have it all dropped in FI HA to test tomorrow :)04:43
michael_e_brownsuperm1, you have a /dev/sda instance in preseed file04:44
superm1EDD isn't working it appears04:44
superm1well at least not in the sense that it would need to.04:45
superm1it doesn't expose anything in /dev/disk04:45
michael_e_brownudev rules should create stuff in /dev/disks/by-id/04:45
superm1well that's not via edd though04:46
superm1is it?04:46
superm1i've got that on my standard boxes too04:46
michael_e_brownthere are several names in by-id/04:46
superm1well here's the problem though04:46
superm1we won't know what vendor drives are in there04:46
superm1nor model04:46
michael_e_brownsome of them are created by udev when edd is loaded04:46
superm1oh this i wasn't aware.04:46
michael_e_brownsome of them are created by other means04:46
superm1is there already a udev rule in place?04:46
superm1or does that need to be added yet04:46
michael_e_brownlook for something like edd=on or something on kernel cmdline04:47
superm1yeah I did that already04:47
superm1but i didn't see anything fancy in /dev/disk/by-id04:47
michael_e_brownI've seen edd entries on a box in the recent past...04:47
superm1i'll verify in the morning after the town hall meeting04:47
michael_e_brownforgot about that. I have a stupid presentation to do.04:48
superm1at the town hall meeting?04:48
michael_e_brownfor immediately after that04:48
* michael_e_brown tries to find the old one to recycle04:48
michael_e_brownsuperm1, the name of the device you need is /dev/disk/by-id/edd-int13_dev8004:50
superm1yeah i don't recall seeing that in there04:50
superm1i'll check again though04:50
superm1i'd suspect just a udev rule is missing04:51
michael_e_brownsuperm1, I like the reorganization of the dell.seed04:52
superm1yeah i wanted to make it easier to follow and read04:52
superm1makes maintainability better04:53
evandTheMuso: argh, ok let me know if that works.06:03
TheMusoevand: Will do, just building the ISO now.06:18
TheMusoBTW I've ocmmitted the change to loca bzr, I'll push them if it does work.06:18
TheMusoevand: meh, we were writing the file as root, so of course it didn't work. Switching back to the customizations file again and trying again.06:48
TheMusowriting as the user this time.06:48
evandargh, I am so tired of the as-a-user bugs ;)06:49
evandgood catch though06:50
TheMusoheh yeah.06:51
TheMusoevand: Like the one where orca won't speak in only-ubiquity mode because the session doesn't know about the audio group,a dn hense can't talk to the audio device?06:51
evandyeah, that confused me.  How is it not aware of the audio group?  That's handled well before ubiquity-dm starts.06:53
TheMusoevand: My only guess is that even though the group details are set, the dropping of privelages doesn't do enough to initiate a session/refresh of the groups of the ubuntu user.06:54
TheMusoIt works on the desktop because gdm starts a new session, which checks and sets all that stuff.06:54
evandThe ubuntu user is added to the audio group in casper, no?06:55
TheMusoYes, it is.06:55
TheMusoBut just because you add a user to the group doesn't mean it automatically works. As a user for example, if you add yourself to a new group, you have to log out and back in again.06:56
TheMusoto be a member of, and use the resources, of that group.06:56
superm1so how are you forcing it then?06:57
TheMusosuperm1: We're not.06:57
superm1so how are you solving the problem then?06:59
TheMusoThere is no solution yet.07:00
superm1can you set the group before spawning the process?07:01
superm1similar to how the effective user id is set in general in ubiquity07:01
TheMusoI don't know.07:02
TheMusoI intend to do more troubleshooting on it tomorrow, as I have promised the a11y community this will work, and I have to come through.07:02
superm1worst comes to worst, you can spawn the audio daemon as root?07:02
TheMusoYeah, true enough.07:03
TheMusoI am going to try finding out just what groups the orca process knows about when its launched.07:03
superm1knowing these things you're running into, i wonder if only-ubiquity is a little more broke than i expected on mythbuntu_ui.  there are a few areas i haven't pushed it on, that it might want more permissions07:05
superm1i'll have to play with that his weekend07:05
TheMusosuperm1: Wouldn't hurt.07:05
TheMusoevand: Do you know if you/anybody else has done testing with wubi in windows vista?07:25
evandTheMuso: people have, I have not yet07:25
evandI have a Vista VM, so I can take care of that tomorrow.07:25
evandthough don't let that stop you from doing the same07:26
TheMusoYeah, I have aquired vista with my new box, this being one of the reasons, as well as personal projects, so yeah I will likely install it tonight to be ready for tomorrow for wubi testing.07:26
evandshouldn't root be a reserved username?08:23
evandhrm, it is08:24
evandand the bug disappears :/08:24
evandthere seem to be problems with oem-config and certain language choices09:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203648 in ubiquity "ubiquity fails in OEM-mode after choosing locale" [Undecided,New]09:29
evandcjwatson: ^ I'll take a closer look after some sleep, but if you want to beat me to it (not sure if this is a beta blocker and would thus require immediate attention), by all means.09:30
evandShqip does it for me.  From the look of that bug there are others.09:32
cjwatsonok, I'll have a look10:29
CIA-24ubiquity: cjwatson * r2575 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog rules): * Disable the intro message in preparation for Ubuntu 8.04 beta.12:04
xivulonMany new machines come with a Vista partition and a recovery partition. I noticed that when menu.lst is generated both are named the same way, which makes things quite confusing IMO.12:10
xivulonwell filed it in bug #20388312:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203883 in grub "Windows recovery partitions and normal partitions are listed in menu.lst with the same title" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20388312:27
xivulonOther issue I noticed in my yesterday run, is that when ubiquity is run in non-interactive mode, every time something is mounted, nautilus popups up. I assume you are aware of that.12:29
xivulonehm in interactive mode ^12:29
cjwatsonreassigning 203883 to os-prober12:30
cjwatsonyour other problem is bug 199129 and I'm working on it right now12:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199129 in ubiquity "Auto-resize install fails to mount drive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19912912:30
xivulonlast issue is that I still do not get layoutcode when I preseed that12:30
xivulonI am not passing it anymore as kernel commandline parameter though, only preseed12:30
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
cjwatsonevand: the text on the RHS of the auto-resize slider widget seems to flicker between centred and right-aligned; is this known?12:35
xivuloncjwatson the nautilus windows appeared in several occasions, and I did not run auto-resize, even though probably the 2 situations are related12:36
cjwatsonxivulon: it's not exclusive to auto-resize; don't worry about that12:37
cjwatsonauto-resize is just how Henrik happened to reproduce it12:38
xivulonok, glad you are on top of it12:38
cjwatsonwell, provided I can reproduce it12:42
cjwatsonhaven't quite managed so far ...12:43
evandcjwatson: it does so for me only initially.  That is, it starts right-aligned and switches to centered when I mouse over it.  I haven't been able to track down the cause of it.12:45
* evand out for a bit12:45
xivulonah one other thing to report, when I click on the zoom-map widget it zooms out, not sure if that is intended12:47
xivuloncjwatson I can give it a look, but I'll be on holiday in the coming days and the relevant other forbids pc use...12:49
cjwatsonnah, it's ok, I'm sure I'll manage12:50
xivulonit seemed to me though that the "normal" behaviour (I.E. popping up nautilus whenever a new device gets mounted) is still active when ubiquity runs12:50
xivulonsorry if I cannot be more specific12:50
cjwatsonxivulon: right, read the bug for more details12:51
cjwatsonwe've been playing whack-a-mole with desktop automount systems since ubiquity first started12:51
xivulonah yes, looks plausible12:53
cjwatsonsoren: bug 203542: how is jeos preseeding handled?13:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203542 in pkgsel "JeOS 8.04 (Hardy) Alpha 6 Cannot be installed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20354213:00
cjwatsonsoren: it should probably preseed away the language-support-not-available question13:00
sorencjwatson: I honestly don't know.13:01
cjwatsondo you just boot a CD image?13:01
sorenI misunderstood your question.13:01
sorenErm, yes, that's how I use it currently.13:02
sorenI thought you were asking me where the preseed files on the iso came from or something.13:02
cjwatsonoh, I know that bit :)13:02
cjwatsonso a comment in that bug notes that it will always ask whether you want to install language support13:03
sorenYes, I figured you might :)13:03
cjwatsonis this ever going to be a reasonable question for jeos?13:03
sorenYes. I meant to talk to you about that today.13:03
sorencjwatson: I'd like to know where/how to fix this.13:03
soren...so that I don't have to bother you another time.13:04
sorenI realise it's a preseed setting, but how to get that onto the iso is a bit..13:04
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5866/ in http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/debian-cd/ubuntu/13:04
cjwatsonyou need to be in the cdimage group to edit it13:05
cjwatsonso you will probably need to bother someone anyway, although of course it's easier if it's "please merge this branch"13:05
sorenAh..  That was easy :)13:05
sorencdimage people are... You, slangasek, StevenK, pitti?13:06
cjwatsonmost of cdimage is actually quite easy - the problem is that you need to know exactly where to put the easy thing13:06
cjwatsonrolled out for the next build13:06
sorencjwatson: Ah. And http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/debian-cd/ubuntu/ is the url to branch from?13:07
sorencjwatson: Any reason why that's not mirrored on Launchpad?13:07
cjwatsonit probably is13:07
cjwatsonhmm, apparently not13:08
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu registered, should mirror at some point13:09
sorenLovely, thanks.13:09
cjwatsongrr, screensaver kicks in too13:15
CIA-24ubiquity: cjwatson * r2576 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-wrapper debian/changelog): * Run ubiquity under hal-lock if possible (LP: #199129).14:15
cjwatsonevand: I'm going to create a branch for the beta14:16
CIA-24ubiquity: cjwatson * r2567 hardy-beta/ (configure configure.ac): bump to 1.8.014:50
CIA-24oem-config: cjwatson * r434 oem-config/ (debian/changelog oem-config-firstboot):15:11
CIA-24oem-config: * Now that we allow user creation even if a non-system user already15:11
CIA-24oem-config:  exists, we can only delete the temporary oem user once oem-config has15:11
CIA-24oem-config:  actually succeeded (LP: #153311).15:11
CIA-24ubiquity: cjwatson * r2568 hardy-beta/ (bin/ubiquity-wrapper debian/changelog debian/rules): merge r2575 and r2576 from trunk15:44
james_whi all.15:49
cjwatsongood afternoon15:49
james_whi cjwatson15:49
james_wcan you confirm for me whether the cd boot menu help text should say something like15:49
james_w"Ubuntu" may be replaced by the name of any other distribution. This help text is generic.15:50
james_w(quoting from memory)15:50
cjwatsonsounds about right15:50
james_wI don't know what the package is to look for possible bug reports.15:50
cjwatsonit's easier than having help text that's agnostic among Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.15:50
james_wIt sounded to me like something that was for developers, rather than for displaying to the user.15:50
cjwatson  <para condition="gfxboot">15:50
cjwatson   ("Ubuntu" may be replaced with other related operating system names. This15:50
cjwatson   help text is generic.)15:51
cjwatson  </para>15:51
james_wthat's the one.15:51
james_wI thought it was more like theming instructions. I see what the point is now though.15:51
cjwatsonit's for the user, because the help text says "Install Ubuntu" and stuff, but that might actually be Kubuntu on the CD they're using15:51
cjwatsonbetter text welcome15:51
james_wok, thanks, it just looked out of place.15:51
cjwatsonif it looks out of place to you, it might also look out of place to a user, so I'm not discounting it15:52
james_wI think it was "replaced" that threw me.15:53
james_w'You can read "Ubuntu" as the name of any other related operating system...' perhaps?15:53
cjwatsonthat might work, yes; could you file a bug for it? I'll need to break string freeze and mail translators and stuff15:54
james_wdo you think it's important for hardy?15:55
james_wI noticed that a few languages were missing strings for the menu.15:55
cjwatsonnot critical for hardy, but would be nice to get it right16:07
cjwatsonyes, translations are rarely entirely up to date; we update them fairly frequently from Launchpad though16:07
evandcjwatson: ack'ed16:17
evand(on the branch)16:17
CIA-24ubiquity: cjwatson * r2569 hardy-beta/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.8.016:24
evanderr whoops, I shouldn't type while reading scrollback :)16:25
Dragon2How can i install ubuntu from iso?16:30
evandcjwatson: whenever you have a moment can you push/bind the beta branch?  It's not showing up as published yet.16:50
cjwatsonyeah, I tried but it was taking ages - will try again16:55
evandthanks, it's not an immediate concern as I caught the changelog in the queue, so feel free to cancel it and try later if it's still going slowly.16:57
cjwatsonevand: pushed now, modulo LP mirroring time17:21
james_wIs the magnifier option supposed to start with the magnifier running?18:03
TheMusojames_w: Yes but its broekn, and I'm working on a fix.18:04
TheMusojames_w: IMO not a beta blockert.18:05
james_wTheMuso: thanks. It's my first time testings cds, so I'm not always sure what to expect.18:05
james_wI orca running but no magnifier, so I guess it is part way there.18:06
TheMusojames_w: Same with some of the other profiles not working... I went through them yesterday, and am aware of issues.18:06
james_wTheMuso: great, good to know you're on top of it.18:06
evandargh, wubi incorrectly requires a network connection18:20
TheMusoevand: You sure?18:22
TheMusoI'm testing on vista her currently, and unless Vista found my NIC, wubi worked fine for me. Second stage install is running as I type this.18:22
evandTheMuso: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/203998 .  I'm getting an endless "please connect to the Internet" popup with my VMWare NIC disabled.18:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203998 in wubi "Wubi requires an internet connection" [High,New]18:24
TheMusoevand: When I get back to Vista, I'll check device manager to see if the NIC is known...18:24
TheMusoevand: And yeah, orca is not speaking either. :)18:25
evandindeed :)18:26
TheMusoWell, second stage for wubi on vista went ok.18:28
TheMusoOk, things load, but grub4Dos I'm assuming it is, takes a long time to come up, and when it does, it gives a warning. Haven't read it yet.18:30
* TheMuso heads back to vista to see if it kows about my NIC.18:36
TheMusogah typing bad this morning...18:36
TheMusoOk, I am now going to attempt booting of a completed FAT32 wubi install...18:36
TheMusoWoohoo! FAT32 wubi boot works.18:39
TheMusoOn the flip side, booting back into vista asked whether I wanted to start normall, safe mode etc. Normal start didn't happen, so trying safe mode...18:41
TheMuso...and the computer promptly rebooted.18:41
TheMusoHrm this is not a good sign.18:42
TheMusoIt would appear my vista install is somehow trashed.18:43
TheMusoYeah I agree.18:44
evandtrying a Vista Wubi install now18:52
TheMusoOk. Startup repair didn't fix my issue.18:53
TheMusoIt starts booting, then blue screens.18:53
mario_limonciellTheMuso, you might want to see if you can still mount the partition18:53
mario_limonciellsay off a live stick or live disk18:53
mario_limoncielldoes Wubi not require a windows fsck on the first boot after doing stuff?18:54
evandit doesn't require one, but it should be able to handle such situations gracefully, iirc18:55
TheMusosuperm1: good idea, checking now.18:55
TheMusoevand: Do you know off hand what files wubi modifies to offer itself as an option for vista boot?19:05
TheMusoWell, I can access the partition fine, read files and all.19:09
TheMusoWow, managed to get back in to safe mode once I changed my SATA controller to IDE mode...19:14
evandTheMuso: it calls bcdedit19:16
TheMusoJust wonderful.19:17
evandit's very odd that it would put your system in an unbootable state.  It just tells the bootloader to add an option pointing to grub4dos19:17
TheMusoThere also appears to be no uninstall executable for wubi in vista.19:18
evandI'd say check the install logs, but wubi is kind enough to delete those for you on install completion (necessary evil, they contain passwords)19:19
evandhrm, I have it19:21
evandit seems like something went very wrong along the way in your install19:21
evandas I was successfully able to install, use, and uninstall Wubi in my copy of Vista19:21
TheMusoi'LL TRY AGAIN...19:22
TheMusoWUBI THAT IS19:22
evandTheMuso: before you reboot wubi from windows, go into the ubuntu folder and modify the preseed file to not contain ubiquity/reboot boolean true19:22
evandthat way you can scp logs out of the installer19:23
evandalso there should be a boot option on the first instance of grub4dos that lets you boot in verbose mode or something along those lines19:23
evandthat will enable debugging in ubiquity19:23
TheMusoWell if things don't work out this time, I can re-install vista if need be, once you get through the prompts, it doesn't take very long.19:24
TheMusoevand: Are the logs in /var/log/installer? are those the ones you are referring to?19:42
evandTheMuso: /var/log/installer/debug, /var/log/partman, and /var/log/syslog19:58
TheMusoevand: Right, just wanted to be sure.19:58
TheMusoevand: Oh yeah, the warning from grub for dos is about an unrecognised partition table. The table was created fresh with vista.20:00
evandhrm, perhaps this is an EFI issue?20:03
TheMusoEi has nothing to do with anything here.20:04
TheMusoevand: I re-installed vista and doing wubi again, and uninstall is now there.20:55
evandvery odd20:57
TheMusoYeah. Now I have to wait for vista to install automatically fetched updates before it reboots. :/20:58
TheMusoI still don't kow enough of vista to turn that off yet.20:58
TheMusoHowever, vista does know of my network card, so I haven't gotten any errors relating to no network connection.20:59
evandI haven't run into that yet in Vista, but in XP it was a matter of selecting a link in the reboot text to reboot without installing updates.21:01
TheMusoYeah I know about xp.21:01
TheMusoLast night and this morning are literally the first time I've had a chance to play with vista.21:02
mario_limonciellhey evand i was just thinking a bit about oem-config. how come it doesn't center in the screen like ubiquity does?21:21
TheMusoevand: Ok this time everything worked. I think it had to do with a weirdness where some dmraid/fakeraid metadata was still on the disk, and that confused things somehow...21:23
TheMusoI cleared that before re-installing and all is well.21:23
TheMusoAnd on that note, breakfast time.21:24
CIA-24oem-config: evand * r435 oem-config/ (debian/changelog gui/glade/oem-config.glade): * Center the oem-config window to match ubiquity.21:28
evandmario_limonciell: thanks for catching that.21:28
mario_limonciellevand, np, thanks for the quick fix :)21:28
evandyou're welcome21:29
mario_limonciellgiven how much of a common code base there is, have you considered abstracting the two further?21:29
evandTheMuso: ah, that's a relief.21:29
evandmario_limonciell: I believe there was a specification to merge oem-config into ubiquity a while back21:29
mario_limonciellmaybe at least worth bringing up at UDS then to discuss it's feasibility?21:30
evandI think so.21:30
evandcjwatson: thoughts?21:30
mario_limonciellmaybe still having the binary packages oem-config-gtk and oem-config-kde, but spinning them out of the ubiquity source package at least21:31
evandIn my head it seems pretty simple to merge it into the frontend, call only a subset of the components, and have a replacement for the install component, but I'm sure there's a hurdle or two that I'm missing.21:35
mario_limonciellwell don't need to hash it all out now.  there's more important things w/ beta coming up around the corner :)  Just something to consider later21:36
evandhaha, indeed. slangasek might take a swing at me if I filed a freeze exception for that :)21:36
evandor just laugh hysterically and reject it21:37
mario_limonciellevand, i looked for a blueprint, but didn't see an existing one.  I threw a quick one together and added you and cjwatson to it so it doesn't get forgotten by UDS time.21:55
evandmario_limonciell: awesome, thanks a bunch21:57
mario_limonciellno prob.  today i've been coming up with lots of ideas for some reason at really weird times.  i swear i need a whiteboard in my shower.21:58
evandoh man!  I had the same plan.21:59
mario_limonciell haha21:59
evandI really need to find washable markers that work on the shower walls21:59
CIA-24oem-config: evand * r436 oem-config/ (debian/changelog lib/components/language.py):22:18
CIA-24oem-config: * Port fix for correctly answering the countrychooser/country-name question22:18
CIA-24oem-config:  from ubiquity (was LP #174937).22:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174937 in ubiquity "[hardy] Selecting Finnish or Danish on the language page triggers an infinte loop." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17493722:18
evandI knew that looked familiar.22:18
evandthat resolves the issue I ran into earlier this morning, and I imagine also does so for bug 20364822:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203648 in ubiquity "ubiquity fails in OEM-mode after choosing locale" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20364822:20
cjwatsonah! thanks, I hadn't managed to finish that22:25
cjwatsonevand: on merging, if it helps us avoid this sort of forgot-to-copy-and-paste-the-bug-fix bug, I'm all for it22:26
cjwatsonevand: could you stick LP: #203648 on that, unless you're going to dup the bug?22:27
evandwill do22:27
cjwatsonstill slightly weirded out by the guy having an ancient ubiquity on his image22:27
cjwatsonbut the actual image he downloaded has gone, so22:27
evandbut the build logs are still up, no?22:28
CIA-24oem-config: evand * r437 oem-config/debian/changelog: Add bug 203648 to the previous changelog entry.22:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203648 in oem-config "ubiquity fails in OEM-mode after choosing locale" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20364822:30
cjwatsonyeah, that's the thing, I checked the build logs and they were sane22:30
cjwatsonplus, the DVDs weren't actually using the ubuntu-dvd live filesystems until I made some cdimage changes like three hours ago22:30
cjwatsonthey were just using the regular ones, which I'm prepared to bet weren't on a two-month-old ubiquity22:31
evandhaha, I'd have to agree with you there.22:31
nxvlwhich is the package which asks for root password on server instalations??22:42
cjwatsonuser-setup, and it doesn't ask for the root password on server installations by default22:45
cjwatsononly in expert mode22:45
nxvlcjwatson: thanks :D22:46
* nxvl HUGS cjwatson 22:46
evanddear nautilus, do as I say and stop putting volumes on the desktop and opening windows of them! ugh.23:00
cjwatsonare you using the fix I committed for that?23:04
cjwatsonand this is happening while ubiquity is running?23:05
evandindeed, it's showing 3.0 GB Media on the desktop and opening a window for /target.23:06
cjwatsonI hate my life23:08
cjwatsondidn't happen during my tests23:08
cjwatsonis this reproducible?23:09
evandI'll be able to tell you in about 5 minutes.23:10
evandodd, no it's not reproducible.  I tried two more times.23:16
TheMusoevand: Give me 5, and I'll do a ubiquity install from a live session also. What arch were you testig on?23:18
TheMusook will test.23:18
evandI did a complete format all three times.23:18
TheMusoAs in, a fresh partition, or using entire disk?23:19
evandusing the entire disk23:19
mario_limonciellFWIW, i've done a mix of automatic-ubiquity from a desktop and noninteractive installs throughout the last two days while working on our seeds (ubiquity 1.7.18).  I've not seen the partitions pop up at all.23:19
evandI'm going to give resizing a few tries in a moment as that's where it was really a problem previously23:20
CIA-24ubiquity: cjwatson * r2577 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac debian/changelog): merge from hardy-beta branch, bumping to 1.8.123:21
* TheMuso needs to find a suitable partition imaging solution thats Linux & vista friendly...23:34
TheMusoPreferably FOSS.23:34
sorenTheMuso: dd?23:36
evandresizing looks ok for me23:44
TheMusosoren: Preferably not backing up non-used parts of the partition...23:49
TheMusoevand: Am going to try resizing now to see if I get that same issue...23:50
TheMusoJust been doing detailed wubi testing.23:50
sorenHm.... I guess qemu-img could be used. Never tried it like that, though.23:50
TheMusoPartimage sounds alright, but vista support, as well as NTF ssupport in general is somewhat "use at own risk"23:51
mario_limonciellhmm evand it appears simplified chinese doesn't work in noninteractive properly :(23:54
evandmario_limonciell: yikes, should be an easy fix though.  I'm coming to the end of my core hours for the day and I have to run out soon, but I'll take a in-depth look later tonight.23:56
mario_limonciellevand, okay23:56
mario_limoncielllet me throw my seed your way23:56
mario_limonciellit is getting a bit late.  i'll probably head home too.  i'll touch bases with you later then23:57
evandok, enjoy23:58

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