
bddebianHeya gang00:33
* ajmitch hides00:34
protonchrishey bddebian00:35
* ScottK2 sees ajmitch and wonders what he's hiding.00:35
ScottK2heya bddebian.00:35
bddebianHi protonchris, ScottK200:35
* bddebian shines a light on ajmitch00:36
RainCTbmk789: sorry, I upgraded to Hardy and my 3G modem didn't work anymore :/00:36
ScottK2Ubuntu: upgrade and simplify your life.00:38
RainCTbmk789: if you haven't discovered how to uuencode the file yet, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/BinaryFilesInDiff (dunno why I wrote all that if I could have explained the same to you with two lines, but well... :P)00:38
* RainCT wonders why 3G works out of the box in Hardy where network-admin theoretically has no support for it but doesn't work anymore on Hardy where it has support for GPRS/UTMS devices :P00:39
bmk789thanks RainCT00:40
RainCTgood night all00:57
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HobbseeRAOF: refers to gnome-do, actually01:44
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RAOFHobbsee: Ah.  Ok.02:09
RAOFWhat part seemed to be wrong?02:09
HobbseeRAOF: i dont' know if it's because i was using an old version, but...02:10
Hobbseeoh, hang on.02:10
HobbseeRAOF: would be nice if gnome-do --help worked.02:11
HobbseeRAOF: and the tab completion in zsh for it02:11
RAOFYes, it would.  This is kinda being worked upon (moving to the ndesk getopt library will bring it in for free).02:13
Hobbseeah goody02:19
HobbseeRAOF: it wouldnt' keep working02:19
HobbseeRAOF: so, how do i launch the lp plugin?02:19
RAOF<super>tab launchpad <tab> nautilus <tab> bug search02:21
RAOFFor example02:21
RAOFIn what way "wouldn't keep working"?02:22
RAOFI've not had it crash on me.02:22
Hobbseei haven't been able to reproduce the "wouldn't keep working" - seems i needed to restart X or something02:23
Hobbseei get "no results for nautilus"02:23
RAOFHm.  My do-enabled computer is not netted at the moment.02:24
RAOFLet me see...02:24
StevenKRAOF: I wonder if Do plugins have to register themselves, and if so, if there is a way to see which ones have done so02:29
RAOFHobbsee: So, I go: <super>space -> lau(nchpad) (This brings up the launchpad icon in the first pane, selected text in the second pane, and project page in the third pane)02:30
RAOFThen <tab> nautilus, to make that the search item, then <tab> bug se(arch) to select "ubuntu bug search"02:30
ajmitchit sounds like a useful tool02:31
RAOFStevenK: It does. ~/.xsession-errors should include a list of all the plugins it loads.02:31
RAOFOr, of course, the terminal you run it from.02:32
Hobbseeyeah, that's working02:33
Hobbseeforogt i had a few lp bookmarks already02:33
RAOFRight.  It'll pick those up, too :)02:33
RAOF(But now prioritise the launchpad plugin, if you use it a lot)02:34
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slangasekkeescook: thanks for the acpi-support upload (and thanks to blueyed, though he's run away)03:27
ScottK2Adri2000: There are people in #ubuntu+1 whining about python-wxgtk2.8 being broken.03:46
nehis there anything I can do with bug #172300 so that it doesn't get overlooked for hardy?04:47
LaserJockI've got an sbuild/LVM question. To use mk-sbuild-lv do I need to have a volume group with unallocated space?04:48
nehoops, meant that for ubuntu-devel04:49
LaserJockmy guess is that I do, but before I go resizing stuff I'd like to make sure04:49
RAOFLaserJock: Yes, yes you do.04:54
LaserJockRAOF: is resizing safe to do with LVM? I'm guessing so04:56
StevenKLaserJock: First you need to resize the filesystem itself04:56
LaserJockoh dang04:56
LaserJockforgot about that04:56
StevenKLaserJock: If you're using ext3, that's okay, reiser I've got no clue, and XFS can't be shrunk04:57
LaserJockI've got all ext304:57
StevenKThen reboot into single-user, unmount the partition you want to shrink and run resize2fs04:57
LaserJockI can't do it logged in now?04:58
LaserJockjust unmount the partition04:58
StevenKDepends where it's mounted04:58
StevenKLike /usr you'd to be in single-user, but /media/junk is fine now04:59
LaserJocknothing special, I have a /data partition04:59
StevenKAh. Then umount it, fsck it, and resize2fs it04:59
RAOFreiser can also be shrunk, if you feel the need.04:59
StevenKI'd prefer reiser to not be used. :-P04:59
RAOFXFS on laptops!05:00
* StevenK isn't playing *that* game05:00
RAOFext4 on laptops? :)05:01
StevenKXFS really *really* doesn't like sudden power disruptions05:01
RAOFSuch is my 3rd party understanding, yes.05:01
StevenKI will use XFS on server if I need online resizing, but only if it has a UPS05:02
RAOFI don't know why though.  I thought journals were meant to magically make gold nuggets out of incomplete transacitons.05:02
LaserJockok, so with have 3 different release I want to have like 15GB of free LVM?05:03
RAOFGive or take, that sounds about right.05:03
StevenK"XFS practices a type of journaling called "metadata journaling." This means only the inodes are journaled, not the actual data. This will preserve the integrity of the file system, but does not preserve the integrity of the data."05:04
StevenK"As noted, the actual data tends to be considered rather boring and unimportant in file system design." -- I note that Ted T'so disagrees with that statement.05:04
LaserJockdo I need <# of chroots> or <# of chroots>+1 ?05:05
RAOF# chorrts +? 105:05
RAOFLag FTW!05:05
LaserJockwell. like if I want to support 3 release, do I need room for 3 or 4?05:05
RAOFStevenK: Um... who thinks the actual data is boring & unimportant in FS design?05:05
RAOFLaserJock: 405:05
StevenKYou need room for 3 releases, plus room for the snapshot, so 405:06
StevenKRAOF: SGI05:06
LaserJockthat's what I thought05:06
RAOFDesigners of XFS.  Right.05:06
StevenKFun, huh?05:06
RAOFThat seems an odd statement for a FS designer to make publically.05:06
StevenKWell, it wasn't made by SGI, but more by conjecture05:06
nixternalI just noticed a SGI as the comeback kid the other day when doing stock market analyst reports05:07
StevenKRAOF: That was taken from a blog entry explaining XFS, so isn't taken from SGI.05:08
* StevenK sighs.05:08
* StevenK wishes CDBS was slightly more transparent than a house brick.05:08
StevenKRAOF: That sigh wasn't directed at you, rather CDBS05:09
RAOFNiether was my "right" directed at your sigh :)05:09
StevenKThat bit I figured. :-)05:10
LaserJockk, mk-sbuild-lv has: # Allocate the "golden" chroot LV05:10
LaserJocksudo lvcreate -n "$CHROOT_LV" -L 5G "$VG"05:10
LaserJockwhy do I need 5GB?05:11
LaserJockaren't chroots normally like 500MB or so?05:11
StevenKLaserJock: Because the builds are done in a chroot that is limited to that size. Try building, say X in a 500Mb chroot05:11
LaserJockahhh, that makes sense of course05:12
LaserJockI was still thinking of it using / but that's silly05:12
StevenKAnd if it's using /, you're doing it wrong05:12
* StevenK should clean up the seven chroots he has05:13
keescookonce schroot 1.1.6 is in the archive (intrepid), I'll be re-arranging mk-sbuild-lv to use a common build area05:14
keescookit's not presently possible to do it and retain one's sanity05:15
StevenKYay kees!05:15
keescookthe reason for the (wasteful) sizes of both the chroot LVs and the snapshots (4G) is to account for very large builds (kdebase)05:15
keescookas it turns out, 5G isn't enough for OOo05:15
keescookheya StevenK :)05:15
* StevenK remembers discussing this at UDS and AllHands05:16
keescookin the new arrangement, the chroot will only need enough space to grow for build-deps05:16
keescookand I use a common 15G build filesystem05:16
StevenKkeescook: Don't make me hit you with a spec. :-)05:16
keescookthe common build area also addresses the surprising speed concerns that soren demonstrated05:17
StevenKSpeed concerns?05:17
keescook(writing to a snapshot is about 4-8% slower than writing to a native filesystem)05:17
StevenKAnd just as long as schroot can be backported, I'll be happy.05:17
StevenKOh. Didn't know that one.05:17
keescookbackported?  to hardy?  sure, just grab the Debian 1.1.6 and slap it in place05:17
StevenKOh, so the Debian release already does it?05:18
keescookthat's what I'm using current on Hardy.  Well "does it" meaning "allows arbitrary mounts" yes05:18
keescookthe horror of a custom script I wrote to do it -- that's not published, but I can put it up as a demo somewhere... one sec05:19
nixternalI am to lazy to futz around with chroots nowadays, I have virtual ubuntus and kubuntus running everywhere05:21
LaserJockwould 4G handle most builds?05:21
StevenKProbably most05:21
StevenKsbuild helpfully tells you in the build log how much space something took05:22
keescookLaserJock: I only had to push it there to handle kdebase.  everything else is tiny by comparison.  :)05:22
* StevenK plays the OOo card05:22
LaserJockI guess I could always make bigger ones if I need to05:23
StevenKAnd they can resized thanks to the magic of LVM05:23
StevenKEr, can be05:23
LaserJockI just don't have a ton of diskspace for stuff I'm not using05:23
* StevenK has 124Gb in VFree (from vgs output)05:24
LaserJockI hate you ;p05:24
* RAOF wants some of StevenK's HDD05:24
StevenKIt's only 250Gb SATA05:24
LaserJockwhat I really need is to blow away the Vista partition :-)05:25
StevenKMost of my large stuff is on the 800Gb LVM in my fileserver05:25
LaserJockit's taking 114GB05:25
StevenKkeescook: Does this "horror of a custom script" replace or augment mk-sbuild-lv?05:28
LaserJockStevenK: what does VFree give, unallocated space?05:28
StevenKYeah, unallocated space in the VG05:29
keescookStevenK: it augments schroot.  Here's a write-up: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/schroot/README05:29
keescookStevenK: I'm uncertain how to modify mk-sbuild-lv to support it -- I'll worry about that in intrepid05:30
TheMusokeescook: I'm interested in this also, as as of Monday, I've joined the amd64 crowd, with some disk space to go with it, so dynamic chroots in terms of size sounds great.05:30
keescookTheMuso: cool, yeah.  I've dropped all my schroots down to 500M now.  What a fantastic savings in space.  :):)05:31
keescooks/now/each now/05:31
StevenKHaving one chroot for the 6 build environments I build in has to a good thing.05:32
TheMusokeescook: But how big an lv do you ahve for expansion?05:32
* StevenK is happy to wait, given the unallocated space he has to burn05:32
keescookI have a 15G build lv -- which is used by any running sbuild05:33
TheMusoooo thats really sweet!05:33
TheMusoBut what about concurrent sbuilds?05:33
keescookit's safe for concurrent builds05:33
TheMusoOk cool.05:33
keescookas long as they don't need more than 15G combined.  :)05:34
keescookwe'll see what happens the next time I have to do a security update of kdebase05:34
keescook(I wonder if 500M is actually enough -- the default debootstrap partition is already 358M)05:35
StevenKkeescook: You might play the "Here Riddel, *you* deal with it" game? :-)05:35
StevenKEr, Riddell05:35
keescook  VG       #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree05:36
keescook  systemvg   2  24   1 wz--n- 694.82G 19.82G05:36
keescookI could really use to clean up05:36
StevenKWay cool05:36
TheMusoSOunds good, will keep it in mind once I get this new box fully in commition.05:38
LaserJockalright, sweet. makin' my first sbuild chroot05:40
StevenKIf it breaks, keescook is over -> there05:41
* StevenK grins05:41
LaserJockdo you guys use LV snapshots to play around in to like for test installs?05:42
StevenKI use LV snapshots to test installation and such like05:42
LaserJockthat's wasn't a particularly great sentence05:42
LaserJockmy mother would cry05:42
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LaserJockso it seems Ubuntu isn't a Summer of Code organization this year05:44
TheMusoLaserJock: Yeah I use lv snapshot chroots for package installation/testing. Very handy as you don't have to worry about cleaning up.05:46
TheMusoEven if you break it badly.05:46
LaserJockyeah, I occasionally use pbuilder --login for that05:46
LaserJockbut generally just have some chroots hanging around05:46
LaserJockif I can us shcroot snapshots for that instead then I can ditch the chroots and save some space I think05:47
keescookLaserJock: I use schroots for install and other testing when it's easier than testing in a kvm05:47
LaserJockah, I don't quite have the luxury of kvm05:48
keescookStevenK: I've added another horror-show commandline to the README for doing a bulk shrink of the "golden" LVs05:51
LaserJock"keescook, the Stephen King of CLI"05:52
keescookhm 19G free is now 56G free.  nice05:52
keescookerr..  that's not right05:53
TheMusoLaserJock: I find user testing is better if you are actually running as a user.05:53
TheMusoas it allows you to test non-root stuff.05:53
StevenKkeescook: Your horror-show script also makes assumptions ;-)06:01
LaserJockhmm, so does sbuild use an apt-cache?06:01
StevenKLaserJock: For what?06:02
StevenKkeescook: You can get the VG name if you use lvs -v06:02
LaserJockwell, for caching build deps06:02
keescookStevenK: ah, good call06:02
HobbseeStevenK: mos tpeople just refuse to build OOo06:03
keescookokay, 72G up from 19G.  I'm happy now06:03
keescookHobbsee: i think it's the computers that do the refusing of OOo :)06:04
StevenKI think artigas and sejong just plain refuse to try.06:04
Hobbseekeescook: only if the users are stupid enough to let them even try...06:04
Hobbsees/stupid/crazy/ perhaps06:05
StevenK"That package *again*? That one gives me a CPUache!"06:05
keescookHobbsee: last time I tried it, my snapshot ran out of space, which confused the ext3 layer so badly I had an unkillable "mv" using 100% CPU06:05
keescookI'm really ... afraid of OOo now06:05
keescookanyway, it's past my bed time.  StevenK, let me know how the common-build partition hack works out.  *wave*06:06
Hobbseedear update manager, please stop stealing my focus!06:07
StevenKkeescook: If I can be convinced to try it.06:07
Hobbseeand again.06:07
* Hobbsee wonders why the default option for gnome-do is to open a .odt file in a terminal...06:10
LaserJockit certainly has it's oddities06:10
Hobbseeit's really useful though :)06:12
StevenKFrom the sounds of it, more useful than Katapult06:12
Hobbseeyeah, it's got a few more plugins now06:12
Hobbseecan't decide whcih theme i prefer, either :)06:13
StevenKIt also seems Do will deal with mutliple options being returned better, and now learns06:13
StevenKSuper+space won't work on my laptop, though06:13
LaserJockI'm too used to QuickSilver I guess06:13
StevenKLaserJock: That's because you're an Apple fanboi06:14
LaserJockI expect to be able to wait a sec and retry if I don't get what I want06:14
LaserJockStevenK: not a fanboi I don't think. I don't even run Leopard ;-)06:14
HobbseeStevenK: you can change it06:15
StevenKHobbsee: I assumed I could06:15
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nixternalhere all this time I thought Gnome Do was the perfect Quicksilver ripoff^Wknockoff06:29
MrGrayanyone who could help me understand how NFS works, it just aint workign for me, chuckles06:32
nixternalMrGray: this is the furthest thing from a support channel you will find around here, unless of course it has to do with packaging06:33
MrGrayah sorry didnt know it was meant for that onlym my bad, have a nice day, yawns, smiles.06:33
nixternalUbuntu Masters Of The sUpport06:34
slangasekMrGray has a funny way of emoting, squints06:34
* nixternal winkies06:34
nixternalalthough, in some countries that could mean something totally illegal to do in public06:35
warp10Good morning06:43
dholbachgood morning06:51
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warp10morning dholbach!06:51
dholbachhi warp1006:52
Hobbseeright.  replied to emgent's motu application.06:56
coolHobbsee, Hi!07:22
Hobbseehey cool07:22
coolWhats sup07:23
coolHobbsee, should a MOTU should know programming ?07:24
Amaranthcool: not required but it helps07:24
Hobbseewhat Amaranth07:25
coolWhich languages are most widely used?07:26
slangasekPOSIX shell; makefile; python; C07:26
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/FAQ#head-1459f4f9811bc9dde6cae1af4c36c954ba1cad39 :-)07:26
cooldholbach, Thank a lot07:27
* cool checks07:27
coolhaving some detective skills?07:28
cooldo i need to spy my Girlfriend?07:28
dholbachno, but investigate why stuff stopped building/working/etc :)07:28
coolSebastian, it would look better like this "ChanServ removes channel operator status from Sebastian"07:41
Sebastiancool: It would be better if ChanServ wouldn't op me in the first place :)07:42
coolSebastian, for that reduce you level in ACL07:42
* cool checks ACL07:44
coolSebastian, can't find your name in Channels Access List :S07:45
Hobbseeoh damn, did a staffer *still* not do that?07:46
coolHobbsee, only you could add new ops, rest have level 1007:48
Hobbseesladen: ping07:48
Hobbseecool: i know.07:48
Hobbseecool: unfortunately, i'm not the channel contact, and the staffers don't seem to actually be on irc07:50
coolyeah i see, sladen is the channel contact07:51
coolbut he has just level 10 ?07:51
Hobbseeapparently so07:52
Adri2000ScottK2: arghhh. I guess it's bug #203526 ?08:10
ubotuAdri2000: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: HTTP Error 404: Not Found08:10
Hobbseeubotu: part08:10
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Amaranthbug 20352608:58
Amaranth:/ dang ubotu08:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203526 in wxwidgets2.8 "python-wxgtk2.8 uninstallable due to post-installation script error" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20352608:59
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sorenDoes anyone here use ppaput? I see that the script was moved into a module, but what happened to the command line tool?09:03
james_wsoren: it is not shipped in the binary package any more09:04
james_wbug 194634 is referenced in the changelog09:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194634 in ubuntu-dev-tools "ppaput incorectly asserts it's part of the MOTU sponsorship process in the code and in the man page" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19463409:05
sorenThat doesn't really answer my question :)09:05
soren*shrug* It's not like doing it manually is really difficult.09:07
\shoh dear god...I need to upgrade ftecc too for nexuiz :(09:39
slomo_siretart: hey, any news for ffmpeg? :)10:01
siretartslomo_: well, sort of. have you seen the recent messages on pkg-multimedia?10:10
slomo_siretart: nope, have a link or shall i search? :)10:10
siretartslomo_: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-multimedia-maintainers/, look in both february and march10:12
slomo_siretart: thanks :)10:12
siretartdebian bug #471136 is perhaps the best status update10:13
ubotuDebian bug 471136 in ffmpeg "Please package upstream snapshot 20080206" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47113610:13
slytherinDo I need to log a bug for moving a package form multiverse to universe or do I just need to bug archive admins?10:14
slomo_siretart: would be really nice to have that in lenny ;)10:16
siretartslomo_: well, any help is welcome!10:16
slytherinslomo_: Do you think I should bug developers again on #gstreamer about VCD support?10:18
slomo_slytherin: oh, definitely... tim has forgotten about the cdxa stuff it seems10:19
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hellboy195\sh: I also have problems with this flash crap ;) though not with a headset11:28
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slytherincan anyone tell me what is exactly difference between icedtea and openjdk?12:11
_rubenbah .. pdebuild is messing with me :/12:13
_ruben(read: cant get it to work)12:13
jdongslytherin: you mean the Ubuntu packages by those names, or the projects themselves?12:14
slytherinjdong: ubuntu packages12:14
jdongslytherin: openjdk-6 is an implementation of released/"stable" Java 6 while icedtea-java7 is an implementation of upcoming Java 712:15
jdongslytherin: i.e. one's more or less stable, the other's an alpha/VCS snapshot of an indevelopment language stack12:15
jdongslytherin: hence why it's probably not the best idea to use the latter when the former is available :)12:16
slytherinjdong: Java6 is not Free AFAIK. So I don't think openjdk packages contain Java 6.12:18
jdongslytherin: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk6/12:18
jussi01whats the correct syntax for closing a bug via changelong?12:18
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slytherinjussi01: LP: #xxxxxx12:19
jdongjussi01: LP: 12345612:19
jdongoops forgot #12:19
jussi01no brackets?12:19
Hobbseebrackets aren't required12:19
jdongjussi01: optional12:19
slytherinjussi01: brackets are not necessary12:19
jussi01ok, thanks :)12:19
Hobbseejussi01: you should use vi.12:19
jdongjussi01: only the LP: #123456 is globbed for. Brackets can be placed as you please.12:20
jdongjussi01: make sure the final .changes/.dsc you generate has the Launchpad-Bugs-Closed: header12:20
jdongor whatever it's called12:20
jdongslytherin: from what I understand, openjdk-6 is essentially the OpenJDK 6 (half-free) sources bootstrapped with IcedTea's build strategy12:21
slytherinjdong: Thanks for that link. I didn't know it existed. :-) So now openjdk packages are my best bet. It gives me latest, Free, stable java. :-D12:21
jdongslytherin: indeed. I'm very happy for its existence :)12:21
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jdongdoko: poke; what do you think about shoving openjdk-6 into gutsy-backports so that Gutsy users have access to it too?12:21
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jussi01can I poke someone to have a look at bug 201480 ?12:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201480 in alsa-tools "Icon has no transparency/white background. " [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20148012:22
dokojdong: I don't mind that much, but please wait for the next upload before backporting12:22
jdongdoko: certainly. Do you think it'll directly backport with no source changes, or is there some voodoo magic? :)12:23
dokohmm, I think you have to turn off lzma compression, or replace it with bzip2 compression12:24
slytherindoko: There are at least two packages which build-depend on icedtea/openjdk but are in multiverse. rest of the dependencies are in main. Do you think I should file bugs or just poke some archive admin?12:26
dokoslytherin: s/main/universe/ ?12:26
slytherindoko: no, s/multiverse/universe12:27
jdongdoko: I know you're a busy guy, but would you be willing to shove some version of openjdk-6 that you like into gutsy-backports? It would save me the uncertainty of making those changes myself and the hassle/delay of finding a core-dev sponsor to do it :)12:28
dokojdong: I need to upload this week to hardy, then you could backport.12:29
RainCTuh.. why is "Screen and Graphics" in Applications -> Others in Hardy?12:29
slytherinRainCT: +1, in fact it was supposed to be not in menu. Looks like someone changed .desktop in wrong way12:30
RainCTslytherin: why shouldn't it be in the menu? o_O12:31
slytherinRainCT: The new 'Screen Resolution' tool replaces it. In fact that was the changelog entry for displayconfig-gtk12:32
RainCTah I see12:32
RainCTslytherin: shouldn't displayconfig-gtk be just uninstalled then? (but keep the menu entry for the case someone wants to install and use it?)12:33
slytherinRainCT: I haven't used it. So I am not sure if there is anything in displayconfig-gtk that is not in screen resolution tool. So I can't comment. :-)12:34
RainCTyou can choose the driver, for ex.12:34
slytherinRainCT: have you filed the bug for this? I will add my comments to it. :-)12:35
slytherinRainCT: Of course selecting a driver is not something you want average user to do. :-)12:36
slytherina bug is already there12:37
RainCTbtw, is it a known issue that admin -> networking still asks for the password (with gksudo)?12:40
slytherinRainCT: for display or for editing?12:43
RainCTslytherin: for display12:44
slytherinRainCT: problem with your setup then. It doesn't ask for password here and other 2 machines. :-)12:45
RainCTslytherin: and I *can't* edit it running it from the menu; the "unlock" button is disabled as it's already running as root, but all edit options continue locked12:45
RainCTstarting it from the terminal (without gksudo) I can unlock it and it works correctly (beside don't working with my UMTS modem, which worked in Gutsy :P)12:45
slytherinRainCT: never seen those symptoms12:46
RainCTstrange.. the .desktop file is calling network-admin without gksudo12:48
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stefano_someone here?12:53
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:53
persiaHey, Hey, I do know the answer.  It's "Yes", isn't it?12:54
slytherinpersia: you need a break form MOTU work. :-P12:55
* persia is trying to stop having a break currently, and expects the equinox to be assistive12:55
stefano_so, i have an idea for a programm and i'd like to discuss it. the idea is to make something that could be called easyshare or similar, should be - from a users perspective - a little form in which you can select a folder, and then click a button "share" to share that folder. (user gets asked for a password if he wants one, but thats system independent). the program would continously see of others on the network have made easyhshares and dis12:55
stefano_play them in the network neighbourhood. i think it should be possible with avahi, what do you thin?12:55
DktrKranzpersia, hard times to have a break :)12:55
persiaDktrKranz: Exactly :(12:56
DktrKranznow ubuntuwire's back, so we need to hurry!12:56
james_wstefano_: yes, something like that is wanted, but it is preferred that it be possible to share files with a default Windows install with it.12:56
* Fujitsu apologises for not working out how to get it back earlier.12:56
persiaDktrKranz: Rather, we have the list of things we haven't done in larger flashing lights :)12:56
DktrKranzFujitsu, thanks for bring it back in time! :)12:57
james_wstefano_: http://code.google.com/p/giver/ <- how does that look compared to your idea?12:57
stefano_james_w, woulnt it be possible if you stick to the bonjour protocol? (windows user would have to install bonjour) - but that would rid them of all the hassle with samba12:57
DktrKranzpersia, now we have our tools back in action, so we can announce more "fix-it" days focused on some activities12:57
FujitsuIf it wasn't for some routing errors a couple of months back, I wouldn't have been able to revive it.12:57
james_wstefano_: yes, but that's not default windows install.12:58
stefano_james_w, seems like a very nice project12:58
persiaFujitsu: In that case, are they really "errors"?12:58
Fujitsupersia: They stopped various people from accessing it for some hours, so yes.12:58
persiaAh.  Comprehension dawns12:59
stefano_james_w, i just had to use samba and though "couldnt it be easier", i guess not... samba is, from a usability standpoint (!) - not ideal at all12:59
emgentgood morning people12:59
Fujitsupersia: They resulted in imbrandon giving me the console password to poke further, which turns out to be the same as that needed for the VM management software.13:00
persiaBest password management practices for the win!13:00
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FujitsuI think they're probably looking at the same auth DB.13:01
hellboy195DktrKranz: u-u-s day :P13:03
DktrKranzI'm doing some13:03
hellboy195\o/ \o/ \o/13:04
* Fujitsu adds a link to the rebuild results.13:04
slytherinTo the people who brought back qa.ubuntuwire.com. A big Thanks. :-D13:04
DktrKranzand with my shiny new debomatic, process is quicker :)13:04
RainCTstupid question, how can I disable emerald? :P13:06
persiaRainCT: aptitude purge emerald ?13:08
slytherinRainCT: I remember there was a applet when I used beryl that let me choose between different window managers. Not sure if it is still present13:10
DktrKranzhellboy195, beagle fixed in sid too13:14
DktrKranzjust too late to sync from it :)13:14
hellboy195DktrKranz: damn it ^^.But I'm impressed. with no C# knowledge fixed it. Thouch it's only in configure13:15
DktrKranzheh, I was lucky13:15
hellboy195DktrKranz: I'll choose sulfa. ok?13:25
DktrKranzas you wish :)13:25
hellboy195hmm no13:25
hellboy195DktrKranz: sebner :)13:25
DktrKranzhi Iulian13:40
IulianHiya DktrKranz.13:40
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_rubenis there a way to go from a source tree (including a debian/ dir) to a .dsc file & co without having to satisfy the build deps like you have with (p)debuild .. i'd like to keep the system itself as clean as possible, and only "polute" build roots13:48
_rubenthe .dsc etc would be used for pbuilder eventualy13:49
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sebnerDktrKranz: and. how does it look like?13:50
sebnerDktrKranz: non hai coraggio per dire a me che il nuovo nickname e` terribile? :P13:52
geser_ruben: you can only build the source package and need usually only some of the build-depends for that, like cdbs or debhelper13:56
sistpoty|workhi folks13:59
sebnersistpoty|work: ahoi13:59
bddebianHeya gang13:59
bddebianHi sistpoty|work13:59
sistpoty|workhi sebner and bddebian13:59
geserHi sistpoty|work, Hi bddebian13:59
sistpoty|workhi geser13:59
bddebianHi geser13:59
sebnersistpoty|work: I'm hellboy195 ^^ --> new nickaname. I wonder that I meet you here :)13:59
sistpoty|workah, heh14:00
sebnersistpoty|work: what do you think. change the audacious merge to a sync?14:00
sebnersistpoty|work: bug #20251814:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202518 in audacious "[FFe] Merge audacious 1.5.0-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20251814:01
sistpoty|worksebner: /me looks14:01
sebnersistpoty|work: thx14:01
sistpoty|worksebner: if the only change is to use pulseaudio, and that doesn't work, a sync might make more sense to me.14:02
sebnersistpoty|work: yeah I know. But I want a confirmation that it's broken ...14:02
sistpoty|worksebner: how about testing it?14:03
sebnersistpoty|work: that's the problem. For me it seems to work14:04
sistpoty|worksebner: and using pulseaudio?14:04
sebnersistpoty|work: yep. changed the output plugin to pulseaudio14:05
sebnersistpoty|work: in the preferences14:05
sistpoty|worksebner: shouldn't the patch make it default to pulseaudio? (reading from the bug report)14:06
sebnersistpoty|work: /me is reinstalling14:06
_rubengeser: im not sure what you mean14:08
sebnersistpoty|work: nope. working14:08
sistpoty|worksebner: have you talked to nenolod yet?14:09
sebnersistpoty|work: He never respones :\14:09
_rubengeser: im guessing the real question would be: how to create a source package only .. then again, having rephrased that, i guess i should go look at man pages and google again :)14:10
_rubennow if only i hadnt already tainted my root system to easily test this :/14:10
sebnersistpoty|work: argh. after a extreme total manual file delete action it seems that it's not working O_o14:14
_rubennm .. scrolled back to the satisfy builddep output14:14
sistpoty|worksebner: hm... ok, then I'd rather go for a sync14:15
sebnersistpoty|work: I'll change it. Make a seperate one for the plugins?14:15
sistpoty|worksebner: yes, please14:15
sebnersistpoty|work: np :)14:15
sistpoty|workTheMuso: can you take a look at bug #202518, or subscribe s.o. from ubuntustudio please?14:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202518 in audacious "[FFe] Merge audacious 1.5.0-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20251814:16
sebnersistpoty|work: let me change it first :P14:17
geser_ruben: debuild -S will give you a source package only and you only need the tools used by the clean target, that's mostly debhelper and cdbs (if the package uses cdbs)14:30
Hobbseehmm.  i might make the next motu meeting14:30
_rubengeser: debuild -S and installing debhelper did the trick indeed, thanks14:30
_rubencdbs apparently isnt used14:31
sistpoty|workoh, nice... we'll discuss edit conflicts in the next meeting *g*14:32
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protonchrissistpoty|work: thanks for your comments on bug 19074414:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190744 in libgdamm3.0 "Request: Upgrade libgdamm3.0 to upstream version 2.9.81" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19074414:42
sistpoty|workprotonchris: you're welcome14:43
_rubenis there a way to do module-assistant stuff with pbuilder ?14:45
_rubenexcept for logging in into the buildroot14:46
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* sistpoty|work heads home... cya15:19
\shScottK: for nexuiz 2.4 it needs a new fteqcc too15:28
sebnernexuiz nexuiz nexuiz15:30
jdongbut don't we want new nexuiz at all costs?15:33
\shjdong: it compiled already here...need to test the functionality :)15:33
jdonglook at y'all doing productive things while I'm breaking my system with upstart :)15:34
\shjdong: do me a favour and reintroduce position settings to firefox, so that a cli call a la firefox -x 100 -y 100 -width 200 -height 200 is working again ;)15:35
jdong\sh: I believe the new official Ubuntu response to that is "it should be fixed by a compiz placement quirk"15:36
\shjdong: no..it's a bug in firefox not to have this anymore15:37
sebnerjdong: yes we need nexuiz at all costs :P15:38
jdongsebner: I actually totally agree :)15:38
sebner\sh: if you need a tester. put it on your PPA and I'll be there :)15:46
bobbocould someone check out my debdiff for jabref in Bug #203636 ?15:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203636 in openoffice.org "replace icedtea-java7 references with openjdk-6 references" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20363615:57
james_wbobbo: in the Depends: line you've replaced icedtea by sun-. Is that intentional?16:05
james_walso, it's a good idea to state what you did to make it compatible with the new standards version. "No changes" is fine if that is true.16:05
bobbojames_w; ah no, will fix those and do a new debdiff16:05
bobbojames_w; http://bobbo.mooo.com/~bobbo/jabref_2.3.1-1ubuntu2.debdiff16:08
james_wbobbo: I know you're not changing this, but I would have assumed that openjdk be the first option, rather than sun, do you know why it isn't?16:10
james_wor is openjdk not reliable enough yet?16:10
bobbojames_w; not really sure, just following the instructions int he bug of replacing icedtea with openjdk :)16:10
bobbos/int he/in the16:10
james_wbobbo: that's fine, I was just wondering.16:11
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hefe_biaFor FTBFSs do I request a sync at this time of development, if the newest Debian version builds, or do I patch the current Ubuntu version? (Looking at cedar-backup2)16:48
james_whefe_bia: you can request a sync if the only Debian change is to fix the build, and perhaps other bug fixes, and that package builds and works in hardy.16:53
hefe_biajames_w: Debian has a new upstream version, so I guess a sync is not right in this case?16:55
james_whefe_bia: it might be. I believe the rules for a sync are exactly the same as if you were doing the fix yourself.16:56
james_wso in this case it would be the difference between writing a patch or using the new upstream.16:56
james_whefe_bia: is it the new upstream that fixes the build, or just that they did both at once.16:56
james_wdo you have a reference to the debian bug?16:57
hefe_biajames_w: no, I didn't check whether it FTBFS in debian, too, yet.16:57
james_whefe_bia: what's the package.16:58
hefe_biajames_w: Source package is cedar-backup2.16:58
hefe_biaUbuntu version: 2.14.0-2, Debian version: 2.16.0-116:59
james_whefe_bia: well there are no bugs in Debian, so it's unlikely it was a FTBFS there.16:59
hefe_biayup, I saw that just now.17:00
hefe_biaAlso changelog mentions no bugfixes17:00
james_wmy guess is python2.4/2.5 issue.17:00
james_wdo you have python2.4 installed?17:00
hefe_biano,  2.5.1-5ubuntu5.1 here on gutsy, but I tested using pbuilder.17:01
\shtime go go home..cu later17:03
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hefe_biaIt breaks in the unit tests. I guess I would investigate the broken method and compare what has changed in the new version.17:04
james_whefe_bia: yeah, I was just wondering if you had a python2.4 installed.17:04
james_wjust to test something.17:04
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hefe_bia_james_w: You're right: It is a 2.4/2.5 thing. Should be easy to fix.17:28
nixternalwhat's the chance of somebody in here having the Official Ubuntu Book 2nd Ed.?17:32
* jdong registers the apocalypse17:37
Amaranthjdong: it is a big collection of hacks17:38
jdongAmaranth: indeed :)17:39
Amaranthjdong: are they all still tuned to your system?17:40
jdongAmaranth: yes, I plan within the next two days to re-do everything based off a fresh install of Hardy in a VM17:41
jdongAmaranth: I've raced gdm to start as soon as dbus started instead of waiting for hal in the meantime ;-)17:41
jdongAmaranth: the risk is the user can probably log in before hal is ready...17:42
jdongAmaranth: AFAIK hal isn't necessary for GDM?17:42
jdongif I'm wrongon that assumption that change should be reverted :)17:42
Amaranthhal is needed for X...17:42
jdongAmaranth: crap. really?17:42
Amaranthinput hotplug17:42
jdongAmaranth: didn't consider that. Well obviously time to revert17:43
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\shphew...nexuiz works18:35
\shwithout compiz that is18:35
\shat least with my ati x30018:35
sebner\sh: yeah. publish :)18:36
\shsebner: na first the paperwork18:37
sebner\sh: ^^18:37
zulnixternal: several bookstores here has it18:45
nixternalnone have it here18:45
zulbut that probably doesnt help you18:45
nixternalI don't really need it anymore, ogra confirmed there haven't been any LTSP changes visually18:46
nenolodsebner, i already said to change it back to a sync18:48
sebnernenolod: to me it seemed that you are not fully sure. but nvm. did it already18:48
nenoloddebian-games needs to bump nexuiz to 2.418:49
\shnenolod: nexuiz is already at state 2.4 they just need to release it18:49
nenoloddebian-games doesn't really interest me at any rate, though.18:52
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\shbut nexuiz 2.4 is cool...regarding the new screens are awesome...mac feeling inside a game ;)18:54
cool\sh, Please stop using word "cool" :|18:55
coolIt very irritating , learn a new word :p18:55
\shwhois shiny ; whois incredible? ;)18:57
\shScottK , Hobbsee : would you review bug #203210 , thx :)19:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203210 in nexuiz-data "Please upgrade nexuiz/nexuiz data to 2.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20321019:04
bobbojames_w; did you get a chance to look at the fixed debdiff for jabref in bug #203636?19:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203636 in openoffice.org "replace icedtea-java7 references with openjdk-6 references" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20363619:34
\shScottK , Hobbsee : please also review bug #204016, thx...actually done with my normal work for today19:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204016 in zend-framework "[FFe] zend-framework 1.5.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20401619:38
james_wbobbo: I can't see a fixed one there. The second one you posted looked ok to me though. Sorry, but I can't sponsor it.19:45
bobbojames_w; no problem :)19:45
NafalloI read beerseek first :-P19:51
\shNafallo: hehe19:53
RainCT\sh: just to be sure, you already know that you added the .desktop translations for wine (Catalan and Polish) with the wrong encoding, right?19:56
enycUmm....  I think it would be beneficial if the Hardy8.04 universe package for 'zoneminder' could be updated to the debian lenny version....  but i dont know who else thinks what....19:57
\shRainCT: polish I fixed now...what's wrong with catalan?19:58
RainCT\sh: accents don't work here19:58
enycinterestingly ubuntu has an old 'zoneminder' version that doesnt appear in any debian stable release...19:58
RainCT\sh: for example in wine-winecfg.desktop I see "Canvieu la configuració"19:59
RainCTwhere that should bé "configuració"19:59
\shRainCT: oh crap...yes...19:59
\shRainCT: fixing it now :)19:59
\shRainCT: you should have reopened the bug already...:( sorry for the mess20:01
RainCT\sh: wanted to do so when I noticed it when my connection was broken, and then forgot about it :P20:01
enycfrom my experimentation the 1.22.3 version in ubuntu isnt very usable -- unstable,   i would like to know from somebody more experienced if i should like post a bug about this etc.20:01
RainCT\sh: no problem20:02
enycor if its not likely to get there fore hardy8.0420:02
\shRainCT: btw...for wine-uninstaller...the comment[ca] line is correct in your diff:20:02
\shElimineu programes del Windows que hageu instaŀlat amb el Wine20:02
\shwith this strange point between the l l?20:02
sebnerenyc: well we are in beta freeze20:02
RainCT\sh: yes20:02
\shRainCT: good...I hate utf8 ;)20:02
RainCT\sh: that's a Catalan letter, ŀl :)20:02
\shor I hate more not to know more languages then english, german, a bit french, and the important hungarian words ;)20:03
enycsebner: ive get a uvf exception before.. but im not useri f that still applies now or what etc.20:03
sebnerenyc: bug number20:03
\shRainCT: it looks like only wine-uninstaller was buggy...20:04
\shah no...still one missing20:05
\shok..clean now20:05
enycsubner ?20:10
enycsebner ?20:11
sebnerenyc: ?20:11
enycsebner: i didnt understand about bug #20:11
sebnerenyc: have you already filed a bug for the exception?20:12
enycsebner: no i havent... sorry we are talking cross-purposes.   im saying  a)  i want to know if what im asking is sensible / howto-do  b) pointing out that *in the past* i have managed to get whats called a 'uvf exception' in a different package20:16
sebnerenyc: file a bug and the concerned dev will say you if it's possible or not20:17
enycsebner: ok because its only really on my opinion you see.. confusing... ok  what info do i need to include?20:17
sebnerenyc: I'll search for some docs :)20:18
sebnerenyc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess20:18
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\shguys, we need some rules :)20:37
sebner\sh: what rules?20:39
\shsebner: to not push diffs for hildon to universe packages without letting us know ;)20:40
DktrKranzhefe_bia_, re bug 203978, debdiff is missing :)20:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203978 in cedar-backup2 "2.14.0-2 FTBFS in hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20397820:58
sebnerDktrKranz: Debdiff attached. ^^20:58
sebnerRainCT: around?21:07
RainCTsebner: yes21:07
sebnerRainCT: you are the gbrainy maintainer in debian and ubuntu. would you mind if I file a FFe sync bug for it?21:08
* RainCT remembers that he hasn't finished yet the script for ScottK's -.-21:08
RainCTsebner: go on :)21:08
sebnerRainCT: thx :)21:08
RainCTI haven't filed it myself as iirc it hasn't no important fix and think I've annoyed the archive admins enough about it for this cycle :)21:09
RainCTbut if you file it give me the URL and I'll ack.21:10
sebnerRainCT: fine :) KEEP hardy users mentally fit :)21:11
RainCTif there's any pythoneer around, is there some other way to get a tuple with the name of all files in a directory, beside os.walk?21:16
thekornRainCT, glob.glob(9 for example21:19
RainCTthekorn: thanks :)21:20
sebnerRainCT: bug #204048  :)21:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204048 in gbrainy "[FFe] Please sync gbrainy 0.60-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20404821:23
RainCTsebner: great, I'll ack it once it gets the FFe :)21:26
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sebnerRainCT: thanks :) always a pleasure21:27
slangasekazeem: who is doctormo, exactly? opensync upstream?21:29
RainCTbtw, if someone could have a look at why tapiir doesn't build that would be awesome :)21:30
RainCTit complains about a library not being installed, although it is already a build depends, and I and ./configure are not really good friends :P21:30
DktrKranzRainCT, have you buildlog in handy?21:31
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hefe_bia_DktrKranz: oh, sorry. I copied my comment to the "comment for this change" box, therefore the diff did not get attached.21:32
hefe_bia_attached now.21:32
RainCTDktrKranz: no, but I remember that the library is libfltk1.1-dev21:32
RainCTDktrKranz: configure.in contains:  AM_PATH_FLTK(1.0.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR("missing fltk"))21:34
RainCTand "missing fltk" is the error it gives21:34
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DktrKranzhefe_bia_, thanks :)21:34
DktrKranzRainCT, I'll dig in LP then21:34
RainCTNot sure if it failed to build there, but I noticed that it didn't build anymore yesterday fixing its watch file21:36
DktrKranzIt FTBFS on lpia21:37
DktrKranz(and some others)21:37
DktrKranzchecking for FLTK LDFLAGS...  -lfltk  -lX11 -lXext21:38
DktrKranzchecking for libfltk headers version >= 1.0.0... found.21:38
DktrKranzconfigure: error: "missing fltk"21:38
DktrKranzit should be already fixed by debian 37853121:39
ubotuDebian bug 378531 in tapiir "tapiir: FTBFS: missing fltk" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/37853121:39
* RainCT headdesk21:39
RainCTDktrKranz: uhm.. but the version where that's fixed is the same as in Ubuntu21:41
DktrKranzyes, it's strange for that21:42
RainCTand here it says "checking for libfltk headers version >= 1.0.0... not present"21:42
RainCTwhile we get "... found"21:42
DktrKranzhttp://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=&pkg=tapiir is happy21:42
DktrKranzRainCT, libfltk's fault then?21:43
RainCTDebian has a newer version21:44
DktrKranz   * Add a libfltk1.1.symbols file to permit looser reverse dependencies in21:45
DktrKranz     many cases.21:45
sebnerShall I file a FFe sync bug? :)21:46
RainCTsebner: you like them? heh21:47
sebnerRainCT: merges and syncs are the best in the world :)21:47
DktrKranzRainCT, we can try it with new Debian version21:47
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DktrKranz(or rebuilding tapiir in debian chroot)21:48
DktrKranzRainCT, I'll arrange a quick rebuild in Debian now, just to see if it builds there,21:49
RainCTDktrKranz: don't worry, it hasn't much build dependencies so I'll try it here with the new lib :)21:50
DktrKranzI'm interested for Debian QA too :)21:51
sebnerRainCT: ScottK is awaiting for input for gbrainy :) please make a comment later if you have time21:53
* RainCT is writting a comment :)21:54
sebnerRainCT: I'm off for today. If a sync is necessary for libfltk and it's not urgent I would do it tomorrow :)22:05
sebnergood night folks :)22:05
RainCTsebner: good night22:05
RainCTDktrKranz: ok, now I don't understand anything22:07
RainCTon my PC (that is, without pbuilder) it works with the version from Hardy22:08
rick_h__anyone give me a hint where I'm missing something. I'm trying to backport a package from hardy to a gutsy ppa22:16
rick_h__I'm getting W: gnome-do source: binary-arch-rules-but-pkg-is-arch-indep22:17
rick_h__so trying to see where it is that it thinks it's arch-indep22:17
RainCTrick_h__: what does Architecture in debian/control say?22:19
RainCT*what is the value of the Architecture field in debian/control22:19
rick_h__that's the way it is in the hardy package so maybe they got the same warning22:19
RainCTrick_h__: all = architecture independent :)22:19
rick_h__basically I've gotten close to getting the backport to work. I can debuild it with that warning, but then I get the following during a pbuilder build: http://www.paste2.org/p/1659822:20
RainCT(building on all architectures would be "any")22:20
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RainCTgood night22:31
\shported this lpia patch towards claws-mail 3.3.1 and hopefully it still builds22:39
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azeemslangasek: no, a random Ubuntu guy22:44
azeemslangasek: one of the conduit people said that conduit doesn't do opensync yet because doctormo pissed them off, and the opensync people don't particularly like him either22:44
StevenHarperUKHi I have a Feature Freeze Exception (bug #204073) what do I do now please22:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204073 in easycrypt "FeatureFreeze Exceptions for easycrypt-" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20407322:48
slangasekazeem: ah, lovely22:49
StevenHarperUKHobbsee: can you do that Freeze Exception?22:50
rick_h__anyone have any hints on this error? dpkg-genchanges: failure: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory22:50
HobbseeStevenHarperUK: subscribe motu-release22:50
rick_h__I can find lots of failed to build message with my google-fu, but not much else22:50
Hobbseerick_h__: when did you get that?22:51
StevenHarperUKHobsee: I have done that, is that all I do?22:51
StevenHarperUKHobbsee: I have done that, is that all i do22:51
rick_h__I am trying to backport something. I got it to debuils and that's where my pbuilder run fails22:51
HobbseeStevenHarperUK: yes22:51
StevenHarperUKHobbsee: thanks a lot22:51
Hobbseerick_h__: does it happen if you update the builder, then run it again?22:51
rick_h__Hobbsee: looks like it22:54
\shHobbsee: how do we proceed with patches who are introducing a new behaviour or changing ui things for lpia/hildon? I think our mobile devs need to file an FFe for it too, even the package already exists in our archives, right?23:06
\shsee bug #198861  as an important example ;)23:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198861 in claws-mail "There's no flag to enable hildon interface when building for lpia" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19886123:07
rick_h__Hobbsee: sorry, my mistake23:07
rick_h__there was a mess up with the arch in the control23:07
Hobbseerick_h__: ahhh...that'll do it23:08
rick_h__yea, just the error was strange and I couldn't figure out where it was trying to point me to23:08
charles_can anyone here point me in the right direction on how to set up my project (Transmission) for translation at launchpad?23:23
Hobbseecharles_: #launchpad23:23
charles_Hobbsee: thanks23:23
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
j1mchello, i've finished updating the xubuntu documentation, but would need help packaging them.  i think members of the xubuntu team are a bit busy.  is there someone where who'd be willing to help me package them?23:48

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