
r0dzillausing a mythbuntu backend and a frontend on kubuntu installed via the mythbuntu control center00:21
r0dzillajust got through updating the mythbuntu backend server00:21
r0dzillanow frontend won't connect saying protocol version mismatch (frontend=31,backend=40)00:22
r0dzillabut there seems to be no updates for kubuntu00:22
rhpot1991r0dzilla: your frontend and backend version don't match00:29
rhpot1991dpkg -l myth* |grep ^ii00:30
rhpot1991see which one is different then apt-get install it and it should get fixed00:30
rhpot1991you will need to do the same for mythvideo if you had it installed previously as well00:30
r0dzillathanks for the tip!00:52
MUS4SHIIIHi all01:40
MUS4SHIIIAnyone here know how to make MythTV stop filling up the TV directory with junk? I've only recorded 1 show and I've got 33 GB worth of other misc junk in there.01:42
MUS4SHIIIAnyone here? Even if you can't help, say something so I know Pidgin isn't broken or something.01:44
MUS4SHIIIHey Superm1, thanks for the help the other night.01:45
superm1no prob01:45
superm1got all working?01:45
superm1great :)01:46
superm1MUS4SHIII, so for your part, if you see some folks you can help now, please do so :)01:46
MUS4SHIIINow that it is working though, I'm getting extra stuff in my TV folder. I've only recorded 1 show, but I've got like 30 GB of misc junk in there. I know it is supposed to do that, but is there any way to make the livetv files expire quicker than 1 day.01:47
MUS4SHIIII will help with anything I can help with :)01:47
MUS4SHIIIgotta pay it forward01:47
superm1yeah exactly.01:47
superm1i'm not sure about making it expire that much faster than a day though01:48
superm1if the space ends up being needed, it will expire it imm01:48
MUS4SHIIIThat drive is not dedicated to Myth though. I just don't want to have any problems with not being able to download things without cleaning up myth files.01:49
MUS4SHIIIOther than that I'm happy so far with MythTV. I would like a couple more features, but overall pretty good for a non commercial app.01:50
superm1then just make sure you set the "free space" for it to keep on that drive fairly high01:50
MUS4SHIIIahh. Is that set in the backend setup?01:50
superm1i forget, sorry.  it's been ages since i had to change that option01:50
MUS4SHIIII'll find it.01:50
superm1like literally 2 years :)01:50
MUS4SHIIII'm brand new to MythTV. My MCE2k5 was rebooting randomly and I got tired of messing with it. No probs since going to Ubuntu01:51
MUS4SHIIII'm over windows now01:51
superm1once you get used to finding things and working with it a little bit, you'll wonder why u didnt switch sooner01:54
MUS4SHIIINow I've got to get the frontend on my Xbox. Until then I'll play from XBMC, but I need to get the app that renames the mythtv files with the name of the show to make them easier to find across the network.01:55
superm1already exists... :)01:56
superm1will do it for you01:56
superm1it makes a fuse filesystem01:56
MUS4SHIIIthanks, that was what I was looking for01:56
MUS4SHIIIHi again02:42
MUS4SHIIIhaving mythtvfs issues in the fstab. works well with sudo mythtvfs -0 host= /media/Storage/Media/RecordedTV /mnt/mythtvfs but not working with the following fstab entry: mythtvfs#/media/Storage/Media/RecordedTV /mnt/mythtvfs fuse user,host= 0 002:43
MUS4SHIIIhi all02:56
Erik_Anyone know which remote type to choose in Mythbuntu's setup for a PVT-150 remote?03:08
Erik_Err, Mythbuntu 7.10, fwiw.03:09
tuvookError at /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/settings/tmpl/lite/welcome.phError at /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/settings/tmpl/lite/welcome.phError at /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/settings/tmpl/lite/welcome.php, line 29:03:10
tuvookInvalid argument supplied for foreach()p, line 29:03:10
tuvookInvalid argument supplied for foreach()p, line 29:03:10
tuvookInvalid argument supplied for foreach()03:10
MUS4SHIIIHi everyone. Does anyone have any experience with mythtvfs?03:38
Erik_You may have to wait a while to get an intelligent response...  :/03:41
MUS4SHIIIlooks that way03:42
MythbuntuGuest40Can someone point me to a guide to setting up Samba on my Backend...  I am a newbie so need a good walkthrough03:42
MUS4SHIIIat least I know I'm not the only one here now.03:42
Erik_You are not alone.  I just didn't see the point in cluttering things up with my ignorance...  :/03:42
MUS4SHIIIfair nuff03:42
r0dzillarhpot1991, you had me do a dpkg -l myth* | grep ^ii to see what packages were different between my mythbuntu backend system and the frontend on my kubuntu system, it seems the backend is .21 and frontend is .2003:43
r0dzillabut when I try to upgrade the ones on kubuntu that are old, apt says they are newest available03:43
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: if you enable samba sharing via MCC it shares out the default locations automagically03:43
rhpot1991r0dzilla: did you do a sudo apt-get update?03:44
r0dzillayes, in fact adept just finished doing upgrades for kereboes03:44
Erik_r0dzilla: you have to enable unsupported, newer *something or another updates in synaptic to get 0.21.03:45
MythbuntuGuest40Hey rhpot, you got me into this mess... I talked to a friend of mine and he suggested Samba over NFS.  You make it sound SOOO easy... A guide or walkthtough would be helpful.03:46
MUS4SHIIIcan anyone help me with mythtvfs fstab issue?03:46
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: smaba != NFS, they are 2 differen't things03:46
rhpot1991let me show you the nfs guide I showed him03:46
rhpot1991Erik_: he got the 0.21 backend from backports, so he should have them enabled and the frontend should be there03:47
rhpot1991r0dzilla: I'm assuming you didn't add any of the mythbuntu sources to your apt, and this is just the plain kubuntu sources right?03:47
Erik_Ah.  I suspected he might have them on different machines.  :o03:48
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo03:48
rhpot1991r0dzilla: are they on the same box or different?03:48
MythbuntuGuest40So, you suggest I use NFS over Samba?  I truly just need the easiest way to get it done.  Will follow your lead here.03:48
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba?highlight=(samba)03:49
MUS4SHIIIanyone have any fstab experience with mythtvfs?03:49
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: depends on the situation, samba can share out to windows hosts if you need that03:49
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: nfs only shares to other unix boxes03:49
rhpot1991r0dzilla: check the box with 0.21 for your /etc/apt/sources.lists03:49
rhpot1991find the lines (2 of them) that say backports03:49
r0dzillaok I got it to come up by turning on unsupported03:49
rhpot1991and make sure those are on the other box03:49
rhpot1991then upgrade away03:50
MythbuntuGuest40rhpot: that is what I will be needing... So Samba is the correct application here.  Thank you for the link!03:50
Erik_rodzille: in order to get 0.21 on my Kubuntu 7.10 box, I had to go into "Adept Manager", click "Adept", "Mange Repositories", "Updates" tab, "Unsupported updates" check box.03:50
Erik_For what little it's worth...  :/03:50
r0dzilladid just that now I'm waiting for updates to finish03:50
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: like I said if you enable samba via MCC, then it shares out the default locations automagically and you an modify them easily03:50
Erik_So, anyone here have a PVR-150 card and know which remote to select in Mythbuntu 7.10's setup utility?  I've screwed around with it so much now, I'm not sure what the heck I killed...  :(03:51
* r0dzilla is getting ready to buy a pair of hd-5500's03:52
MUS4SHIIIcan anyone help with my fstab? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60120/03:52
* Erik_ needs to show the wife that he can keep this thing running reliably before he'll get to spend any more money...03:52
rhpot1991MUS4SHIII: if you don't get help here tonight try to forums, that is something that not everyone uses so you might have better luck there03:54
r0dzillalooks like the downloads are gonna take a while, gonna get some sleep in the meantime03:55
r0dzillagood night everyone03:55
r0dzillaand thanks for the help03:55
Erik_Night.  :)03:55
rhpot1991Erik_: let me look it up, that should work easily03:55
Erik_Yes, it should.  And, it was until I screwed around with my lircrc files.  I switched them back, but in all the screwing around, I'm not sure if I'm fighting with having the right remote selected, or if I have more problems with my lircrc file...  :(03:56
Erik_There was also an update in the middle of all my screwing around that might have something to do with it.  I'm just wanting to make sure I have the right remote selected before I bother people with anything more in depth...  :/03:57
Erik_FWIW, this is the remote: http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/hauppauge/PVR-350.jpg03:58
rhpot1991same one I have/had03:58
rhpot1991"hauppauge TV card"03:59
MUS4SHIIIcan anyone help with mythtvfs04:00
Erik_Roger.  AFK for a sec...04:00
Erik_Remote now set to "Hauppauge TV card" and still no joy.  I believe the fact that the only "lirc" device I have in /dev is /dev/lircd.  No /dev/lirc0, etc.  Any thoughts on what I could have screwed up?04:10
rhpot1991Erik_: do this04:12
Erik_Standing by.04:12
rhpot1991sudo /etc/init.d/lirc reload04:12
rhpot1991sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart04:13
Erik_"ls /dev/lir*" still returns only "/dev/lircd".  :(04:13
Erik_(As root.)04:13
rhpot1991ok hmmm04:13
rhpot1991can you restart the box?04:14
Erik_Of course.  And, I have, several times.  However, I would be happy to do so, again.04:14
rhpot1991I've seen that clear up some module problems, its worth a shot that way we are working with some freshness04:14
Erik_I haven't made any changes to the config, since I changed the remote type to "Hauppauge TV card" and rebooted...04:14
Erik_Well, it certainly can't hurt anything...  Rebooting the box.04:15
rhpot1991alright do that then check for lirc devices again04:15
rhpot1991after that I can have you pastebin some configs if its still not working04:15
Erik_It's coming back up, now.  The box is pathetically underpowered and slow...  :(04:16
Erik_Celeron 1.1GHz.  :o04:17
rhpot1991thats fine for SD with a hauppauge card04:18
rhpot1991get ready to cry when you try to do HD though04:18
Erik_Indeed.  So long as a commercial flagging job isn't running...  ;)04:18
Erik_Oh, I am well aware daddy's going to have to crack open the wallet to go to HD...04:19
rhpot1991commercial flagging while playing back a problem, or just in general?04:19
MUS4SHIIIanyone know anything about mythtvfs?04:19
Erik_Still only the /dev/lircd .  :(04:19
rhpot1991!pastebing | Erik_04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebing - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:20
rhpot1991!pastebin | Erik_04:20
ubotuErik_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:20
Erik_Commercial flagging while watching live tv doesn't do well.04:20
rhpot1991use that and paste in your /etc/lirc/hardware.conf file04:20
rhpot1991Erik_: if you have an nvidia card you can enable XvMC which should help some with that04:20
rhpot1991you lose color OSD's but playback is pretty good04:20
Erik_This box is currently using an onboard video card...04:21
Erik_More than anything, this is a proof of concept to get my wife to buy in to putting together a real box.04:21
Erik_She's actually really happy with MythTV, at this point.  She just wants to remote to work.  I don't blame her.  :)04:22
tuvookErik_, what kind of remote?04:22
Erik_The remote included with my Hauppauge PVR-150.04:23
tuvookI have the same04:23
tuvookyou need to add a file to the firmware folder04:23
Erik_FWIW, I've also reseated the plug in the back of the card several times...04:23
tuvookthen it will work04:23
rhpot1991Erik_: clarify which version of the OS and mythtv you are suing04:23
tuvookits simple04:23
rhpot1991tuvook: he used MCC to load it, that should work right away04:23
tuvookno it wont04:23
Erik_rhpot1991: Mythbuntu 7.10, fresh install off their CD as of a few days ago.04:23
tuvookMCC will not add the file he needs04:24
tuvookbecause its propietary04:24
tuvookthis is a know issue04:24
tuvookErik_, follow my instructions if you want it to work04:24
Erik_Standing by.04:25
tuvookwhether you use the blaster or not, you will need to add the blaster file to your kernel firmware directory04:25
tuvookI'll provide you with the name of the file04:25
Erik_Where do I get the file, and where do I place it?04:25
tuvookone sec04:25
tuvookfrom haupagges site04:25
tuvookone sec04:25
Erik_Phew.  I was afriad you were going to tell me I needed the CD.  :)04:25
rhpot1991Erik_: do a dmesg| grep lirc and see if it complains about the firmware in there04:26
tuvookdon't bother04:26
tuvookit won't04:26
Erik_[  201.700070] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, at major 6104:26
Erik_That's the only line returned.04:26
rhpot1991alright go ahead with tuvook's instructions and see if that helps, I haven't done a fresh install on my box with that remote in ages so I didn't use MCC to set it up originally04:27
Erik_I seem to recall, many moons ago, having to copy a Win32 binary of some sort from the driver CD to get this thing to work, WAY back when..04:27
Erik_Well, even if the thing explodes in a ball of fire, I'm not out much.  Just some Scrubs episodes and my time...  :)04:28
tuvookput that file in /lib/firmware/whatever_kernel_you_use04:29
tuvookyou'll find your remote will work04:29
tuvookalso make sure you have the ubuntu-modules package as well04:30
tuvooklet me know how that goes04:30
tuvookI filed this "bug" a while ago04:31
tuvookthats why I'm very familiar with the matter04:32
MUS4SHIIIanyone know anything about mythtvfs04:33
Erik_Any hints on an easy way to lay hands on the .bin file?  I downloaded their driver CD, and I'm rummaging through it...04:33
rhpot1991tuvook: I'm fairly certain you don't need that bin to setup the remote (not sure about the blaster)04:33
rhpot1991what with 2 of my boxes working with it and not having that04:33
rhpot1991let me fire up this one and see if it is in here04:34
tuvookErik_, looking for that file for you04:34
tuvookI have it, on a remote box, not this one04:34
rhpot1991that or the way you configure the hauppauge remotes has changed since I last did it04:34
MUS4SHIIICan anyone help me with mythtvfs fstab problem? it mounts with "sudo mount -a" but won't auto mount on boot.04:35
rhpot1991Erik_: do a lsmod |grep lirc and verify lirc_i2c and lirc_dev are loaded04:35
rhpot1991that looks good04:37
tuvookErik_, I have it for you04:38
tuvookcan't remember where I originally downloaded it from04:38
Erik_I Googled it.04:39
Erik_Rebooting the box, again.04:39
tuvookyou have the file?04:39
Erik_Aye.  Got it off blushingpenguin.com.04:39
tuvookvery good!04:40
Erik_Let's hope whoever Mark is didn't do something nasty to the file.  :/04:40
tuvookdoubt it04:40
tuvookthe file should be 302355 bytes04:40
Erik_Hehe.  I can't imagine the time he'd have to have on his hands to modify that thing in such a way as to cause problems.04:41
Erik_302,355 bytes.  :)04:41
Erik_Looks like we have the same file.  :D04:41
tuvookno way04:45
tuvookdid you eun irw?04:45
Erik_Believe me, I wish I had good news...  :(04:45
tuvookrun irw and see what happens?04:45
Erik_I get "connect: Connection refused" when I run irw.04:45
rhpot1991no lirc0 in your /dev?04:45
Erik_I want to say that's an improvement.  If I recall correctly, it had just been dumping me back to the command prompt with NO output.04:46
rhpot1991Erik_: double check that the IR cord is plugged in, mine has a weird little cut out of it that has to be turned near the top to go all the way in04:46
Erik_"ls /dev/lir*" returns only "/dev/lircd".04:46
tuvookit is an improvement, I go tthat too04:46
=== swqws is now known as a1fa_
Erik_Alright.  Lemme see if I can find the cutout...04:46
tuvookmine is weird like that as well04:47
tuvookpush it all the way in04:47
tuvookis the file in the correct location?04:47
tuvookand make sure the ubuntu-modules I forget the correct name for the package04:48
tuvookis installed04:48
tuvookalso, rerun the mcc ir tool04:49
tuvookthat tool should work properly now04:49
Erik_Aptitude reports that I have "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic" version 2.6.22-14.04:52
Erik_How do I go about rerunning the mcc ir tool?04:52
rhpot1991uname -a will tell you the kernel you are running04:52
Erik_Is that something within the Mythbuntu config GUI tool?04:52
Erik_Linux mythtv 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux04:53
MythbuntuGuest40rhpot: need a little help here.04:54
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: go on04:54
Erik_mythbuntu-control-center, got it.  What would you have me do in it?04:54
tuvookthe ir setup portion Erik_04:54
tuvookjust chose your remote again04:55
MythbuntuGuest40smbmount //myserver/myshare ~/.mnt --> get error: 5730: Connection to myserver failed SMB connection failed04:56
Erik_I'm in the "Remote Control" section.  I still have the correct remote selected.  I do not have any other check boxes ticked, or anything else changed from default.04:56
MythbuntuGuest40Have WORKGROUP set for Network Setup and Shared Folders - Domain the Vista machine is on04:57
Erik_Does "Generate Dynamic Button Mappings" need to be checked?04:57
tuvooksure go for it04:57
tuvookonce thats all set, hit confirm or whatnot then exit04:58
MythbuntuGuest40Samba is enabled in MCC04:58
Erik_Ok.  Save, exit out and reboot?04:58
tuvooka reboot may not be required04:58
tuvooktry irw04:58
tuvookyou could also try restarting the lircd daemon with /etc/init.d/lircd restart04:59
Erik_Nothing changed in irw.04:59
tuvookand or relod the lirc modules with modprobe04:59
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: should be able to \\x.x.x.x\sharename05:00
Erik_lsmod leads me to believe the modules are still loaded.05:00
rhpot1991where the x's are your IP address of the box with the shares05:00
Erik_/etc/init.d/lirc restart didn't change much.05:00
MythbuntuGuest40so, no need to setup a MNT directory?05:00
Erik_More to the point, it didn't change anything.05:00
rhpot1991provided I read your question correctly05:00
rhpot1991clarify where the shares exist, and where they are being mounted05:01
tuvookErik_, lirc-modules-source05:01
tuvookinstall that package if you have not already?05:01
MUS4SHIIIanyone know about mythtvfs?05:01
MythbuntuGuest40All I wish to do is take the folders shared on the VISTA box ( and "push" them to the MUSIC VIDEO POSTER directorys05:01
Erik_Was not installed.  Installing now.05:01
tuvookErik_, linux-ubuntu-modules05:01
tuvookthat one as well05:02
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: ah ok, do you have the shares created in vista already?05:02
MythbuntuGuest40Yes, they are ready to go...05:02
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: you don't need samba enabled on the mythtv box then, thats for sharing out05:02
Erik_linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic is already installed.  (That's the one appropriate for my kernel.)05:03
Erik_The lirc-modules-source package was not previously installed.05:03
tuvookthat should help05:03
tuvookit will ask to be setup05:04
Erik_I seem to recall something mystical about that guy, but I don't remember what needed to be done.05:04
MythbuntuGuest40I did see a file: /etc/samba/smg.conf  --> could I create the path there?05:04
tuvookit will ask to check the remote that you have05:04
tuvookthen go about making the appropriate modules for the remote05:04
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: I have a link for you,just need to find it first05:04
tuvookErik_, I went through hell with this remote05:04
tuvookhoping my work makes it easier for you05:05
foxbuntutuvook, which remote?05:05
Erik_I'm remembering part of this.  I'm trying to automatically build the kernel module...05:05
tuvookErik's the pvr15005:05
foxbuntuSTD silver MCE remote?05:06
tuvookErik_, good, I believe we are almost there05:06
tuvooknot the mce one05:06
tuvookwell silver yes05:06
tuvookno tthe grey05:06
rhpot1991hauppauge grey05:06
tuvookI may be color blind :P05:06
Erik_That image I linked earlier is a photo of the remote.05:07
foxbuntuErik_, the remote shown here05:07
rhpot1991no not that05:07
tuvooknot that one05:07
tuvookI have the other05:07
tuvookthat one05:08
foxbuntuwhich receiver?05:09
Erik_foxbuntu, not that remote.05:10
foxbuntuErik_, the one they sent me?05:10
tuvookErik_, reboot?05:10
Erik_I'm installing the source for fricking everything, so I can get this kernel module to build...05:11
rhpot1991you don't need to rebuild the module05:11
rhpot1991its already there05:11
foxbuntuErik_, are you using Mythbuntu?05:11
Erik_foxbuntu, yes I am using Mythbuntu 7.10.05:11
MythbuntuGuest40rhpot: you still digging for the link?05:11
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: thats what I was doing thanks05:12
foxbuntuErik_, are you using a non-standard irreceiver? I don't understand the reasoning for rebuilfing everything05:12
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: its on my laptop I think, let me go get it05:12
Erik_I am using the standard receiver that can with the PVR-150.05:12
Erik_I'm grasping at straws, basically.05:13
tuvookErik_, you only needed to check the pvr150 module05:13
Erik_tuvook, roger.  That part is done.  Rebooting.05:13
Erik_Crossing fingers...  And toes.  :)05:13
foxbuntutuvook, you mind if I step in for a minute? I am the maintainer behind mythbuntu-lircrc-generator05:13
tuvooksure no problem05:14
foxbuntuErik_, let me know when its booted back up05:14
MythbuntuGuest40ah, no problem05:14
Erik_foxbuntu, will do.  And, thank you.  :)05:14
tuvookthis is a great channel05:14
Erik_Celeron 1.1GHz, 512M, not real fast...  :/05:14
tuvookthats what I use for a remote frontend05:15
Erik_Indeed.  Always nice to see the actual maintainers hanging around.  :D05:15
tuvookexcept my chip  is a P405:15
Erik_Considering everything around here is still SD, it still does the job quite well.  :)05:15
tuvookfeels like a celeron though :(05:15
Erik_Indeed.  The P4 never much impressed me.  :/05:16
Erik_(Still on splash screen, booting...)05:16
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313105:17
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: that tells you how to do it with smbfs, you might want to search for ciffs as I think that is the latest and greatest05:17
Erik_foxbuntu, box is back up.05:17
foxbuntuErik_, ok05:18
foxbuntuclose the FE and open a terminal05:18
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: its cifs not ciffs05:18
Erik_foxbuntu, is SSH good enough?05:18
foxbuntuErik_, that will work as well05:18
Erik_The box is physically in the next room...05:18
foxbuntuthats ok05:18
Erik_Cool.  :)05:18
Erik_I can just see the side of the screen, so I know when it's up.  :)05:19
foxbuntuErik_, sudo modprobe lirc_mceusb05:19
Erik_Done, rather.05:19
foxbuntuany output?05:19
foxbuntuerrors or otherwise?05:19
foxbuntuthat means it worked05:20
Erik_That mean my remote'll work?05:20
foxbuntunow do sudo modeprobe lirc_mceusb205:20
foxbuntuErik_, not yet...let me walk through this with you05:20
Erik_Again, no output.05:20
Erik_Roger, rather.05:20
Erik_Awaiting further instructions.  :)05:20
* tuvook hoping it works for E05:21
foxbuntuErik_, ok this means that the proper reveicer modules are properly loading05:21
foxbuntuErik_, sudo depmod -a05:21
=== tuvook is now known as Tuv0k
Erik_Long pause, no output.05:21
foxbuntuErik_, ok that means you arent having errors loading any kernel modules05:22
Erik_I would think so.  :)05:22
foxbuntuErik_, now, is the IR receiver usb? attached to the PVR-350?05:23
MythbuntuGuest40rhpot: ciffs?05:23
Erik_It attaches directly to the PVR-150 via a connector that looks similar to a 1/8" headphone jack, only a little smaller and has a couple extra conductors.05:23
foxbuntuErik_, ok05:24
foxbuntuErik_, sudo modprobe lirc_i2c05:24
foxbuntuErik_, ok now05:25
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: cifs, search http://ubuntuforums.org for it, there are howtos in there05:25
foxbuntusudo nano /etc/lirc/hardware.conf05:25
foxbuntuErik_, hold on a min05:25
Erik_Holding on.05:26
rhpot1991Erik_: does that wire have 2 wires that split off of it?05:28
Erik_Should there not be a pvr150 module mentioned somewhere around here?05:28
rhpot1991one for the blaster one for the receiver?05:28
rhpot1991i2c is the hauppauge05:28
npurcifulerr, irritating, buy a Seagate 500gb hdd and it dies less that 48hours05:28
Erik_rhpot1991, yes, it has the receiver and transmitter.05:28
rhpot1991Erik_: you didn't happen to notice if the ir blaster flashes red when you first boot?05:29
Erik_npurciful, I have the exact same drive in this machine, and I am pleased to report it's lasted longer than 48 hours...  :/05:29
Erik_I have never seen any lights on either of the two things on the ends of the wires.05:29
rhpot1991npurciful: call them up and requiest an advanced rma05:29
rhpot1991npurciful: you can give them a CC number and they will send you a new one while you send yours in05:29
rhpot1991Erik_: you verified its plugged all the way in, right?05:30
Erik_rhpot1991, as well as I know how.  Is there any way I can KNOW it's plugged in properly?  Is it supposed to flash a light at me, or somehow indicate it's fully seated?05:30
npurcifulits weird if i plug my drive in the computer power flashes and goes off,05:31
rhpot1991mine flashes when I boot05:31
MythbuntuGuest40rhpot: should I be using dhcpd or something?05:31
rhpot1991npurciful: not enough juice in the ps?05:31
MythbuntuGuest40I am getting MORE AND MORE confused.05:31
Erik_rhpot1991, the little transmitter or the larger receiver?05:31
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: prob gonna want static IP's so you can hardcode them in there05:31
rhpot1991Erik_: the transmitter05:31
npurcifulwell i tried a external case to it also flashes and turns off05:31
MythbuntuGuest40AHHH do not know what the hell to do here.05:32
Erik_rhpot1991, Hrmm...  I guess I could have a look at it next time.  I have it wrapped up and tucked in the back of the computer, as I am not using it.05:32
npurcifuli think it is overloading the power supplies05:32
rhpot1991Erik_: just go unplug it, and plug it in again, when you are done give it a full rotation to make sure that knotch is in the right place05:32
MythbuntuGuest40Reading this thread.... You can do a central location, you just have to mount that location to each frontend. The mounts can happen automatically at boot. That's how I have mine setup. I have all my music and mythvideo media stored on my fileserver and mounted on each frontend. If you have them mounted then their may be some other problem. You'll want to make sure you've entered the proper directories for myth to scan.05:32
Erik_rhpot1991, I don't have a notch.  I pulled it out and looked at it in fairly bright light.  Although, the way the recepticle is oriented it does come fairly close to the part of the case that separates the expansion cards in the back...05:33
rhpot1991Erik_: by knotch I mean that the plastic isn't completely flush , there is one part that slides up against the top of the pci slot so its snapped all the way in05:35
rhpot1991otherwise it will hit the metal of the case and not plug all the way in05:36
Erik_rhpot1991, I unplugged and replugged it a couple times.  I'll be a monkey's uncle, that little thing DOES flash red.  :o05:36
rhpot1991ah ok, then you got a good connection05:36
Erik_Of course, now I'm curious to reboot the thing and see it flash at me...  But, I don't want to make foxbuntu wait 20 minutes...  ;)05:36
Erik_I always assumed that thing was so little it only has an infrared LED in it and it wouldn't do anything visible...  :o05:37
foxbuntuErik_, do this before you reboot05:37
foxbuntuhal-device > output.txt05:38
foxbuntuthen paste the contents of that file in pastebin05:38
Erik_foxbuntu, do you WANT me to reboot?05:40
foxbuntuErik_, hold off05:41
foxbuntuI want to look this over05:41
Erik_The onlyl reason I'd be doing it was to see that stupid, little LED flash at me...  I've seen LED's blink before.  ;)05:41
Erik_Take your time.  :)05:41
Erik_Can you imagine how much bile would be created if a monster such as that were pasted into a busy chat channel?  :o05:43
rhpot1991Erik_: thats why we have pastebin05:43
Erik_Indeed.  :)05:43
rhpot1991not to mention IRC would kick you for flooding05:44
Erik_Also true.  :)05:44
Erik_But, there was a point in time, before bots, that yokles could get into a channel and paste crap like that.  :o05:44
Erik_Well, probably a couple hours...05:45
rhpot1991IRC server itself will kick now a days05:45
Erik_Aye.  IRC has come a long way.  :)05:45
Erik_I used IRC a lot, way back in the day.  I am still enjoying the novelty of paste-bin type utilities.  :)05:46
Erik_Once ICQ came along, I didn't use IRC much anymore...05:46
foxbuntuErik_, reboot it05:46
Erik_Reboot in process.05:47
Erik_rhpot1991, at what point in the boot-up process should I see that LED flash?05:48
rhpot1991Erik_: mine flash right after it gets power I think, just quick then its off05:49
rhpot1991I believe it also flashes if I unplug it and plug it back in, I will go verify that now05:49
Erik_Meh.  Well, I'm probably ~20' from it...05:49
Erik_Roger, even...05:49
rhpot1991ya it flashes when I plug it in05:51
rhpot1991mine wont even turn in the plug, with that knotch there05:51
Erik_w00t!  23 reboots and fsck has been forced...05:51
rhpot1991did you buy the tuner new?05:51
Erik_Yes, I bought this card new.  But, I've had it quite a while...05:51
Erik_The LED flashes extremely briefly when I unplug it, and seemingly a little longer when I plug it back in.  although, that might well be my imagination.  It doesn't seem like it's any kind of designed behavior.05:53
Erik_fsck is about 2/3 done...05:54
Erik_foxbuntu, box is back up.05:57
foxbuntuErik_, ok05:57
MythbuntuGuest40I would like to use remote access to access my VIDEO directory located on my Vista machine.  From what I have found I need to do this:05:58
Erik_Still only /dev/lircd though.  :(05:58
foxbuntuErik_, ls /dev/lirc <tab key> what do you get?05:58
foxbuntuyou beat me to it ;)05:58
Erik_I kinda figured that's where my symptoms are...  :)05:58
Erik_I want to say there should be a pvr150 kernel module loading to make this thing do something...05:58
foxbuntuErik_, nope05:59
MythbuntuGuest40My only question, after doing this is HOW to point MythVideo to the VISTA machine?  edit smb.conf to the mount point I create?05:59
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: thats for sharing out from linux to windows05:59
foxbuntuthat is one of the easiest remotes to setup05:59
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: follow this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313105:59
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: and search for "smbfs"05:59
foxbuntuErik_, is this a fresh build (i.e. can the machine be rebuilt?)05:59
rhpot1991and do that05:59
Erik_foxbuntu, yes.  It's a fresh install as of last week.  I'd only lose some episodes of Scrubs...  Nothing Earth shattering.06:00
Erik_I can't believe I rebooted 23 times already in the past week.  :o06:00
Erik_I suppose getting my MCSE gave me an affinity for rebooting things.  :P06:01
foxbuntuErik_, sometimes things can get hairy with lirc, I write code for it and it still drives me crazy, so don't worry06:01
* rhpot1991 has been fighting with lirc the past few nights06:01
Erik_Aye.  lirc has been the bane of my interaction with MythTV.  I remember when I first started playing with it, I got everything working perfectly.  I was SO happy.  Then, I made the mistake of rebooting the box.  It was probably a year or more before I got that remote to work again.06:02
MythbuntuGuest40Si this guide would be what I need to follow?06:02
Erik_I eventually got everything running quite well on Kubuntu 7.04 with a 60G drive.  Then, I got the 500G drive I'm on now, and decided to use Mythbuntu 7.10.06:02
foxbuntuErik_, cool...we'll get it working for you06:03
Erik_MythbuntuGuest40, that would seem like it.  You're trying to mount a Windows share from a Ubuntu box, correct?06:03
Erik_I appreciate the help, Fox.  :)06:03
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: that looks pretty good06:04
foxbuntuErik_, all else fails you can just buy one from www.foxmediasystems.com when they come online in another month or so06:05
Erik_I'm tempted, believe me.  :)06:05
MythbuntuGuest40Eric: yes sir.  Ive got my Vista box loaded w/ Movies, Music and Posters... Would like to access them06:05
rhpot1991shameless pimping06:05
foxbunturhpot1991, lol...I know06:05
Erik_There are plenty of people in this world who would rather spend money than fight with some of this stuff.06:05
Erik_Upon occasion, I'm one of them.  :)06:06
foxbuntuErik_, I know it and thats why I am starting a business for just that06:06
rhpot1991Erik_: well intersting here, on a working box with a 150 and the same remote you have, I don't have a /dev/lirc0 and it works06:06
MythbuntuGuest40Unable any documentation that will redirect the MOVIE, MUSIC, POSTERS to the Windows Mounted drives.  Thinking I modify smb.conf06:06
rhpot1991just noticed that06:06
Erik_rhpot1991, do you have JUST /dev/lircd?06:06
rhpot1991oh wait!06:07
foxbuntuErik_, try to copy the lircd.conf from that wiki to /etc/lirc/lircd.conf06:07
rhpot1991Erik_: do a ls -la /dev/lir*06:07
foxbunturhpot1991, waiting!!!06:07
rhpot1991lirc0 doesn't show up in tab complete06:07
foxbunturhpot1991, nope it doesnt06:07
Erik_root@mythtv:~# ls -la /dev/lir*06:07
Erik_srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 2008-03-18 22:57 /dev/lircd06:07
Erik_Indeed.  :(06:07
Erik_Where is the lircd.conf file, Fox?06:08
foxbuntunever mind06:08
rhpot1991I do have a lirc0, so back to that06:08
foxbuntuwont matter till we resolve this06:08
rhpot1991gonna reboot without the wire and see what happens06:08
MythbuntuGuest40Why is it I am unable to get any help here?  NOOBs not welcome?  rhpot has sent me on a wild goose chase.  Sucks when I migrated from MythDora and DID get help, when needed and now I am kicked to the side.06:09
Erik_FWIW, the remote worked for a while, although not all the buttons were configured.  Since that time I have updated the box and monkeyed with the lircrc files.06:09
Erik_MythbuntuGuest40, do you have two Windows boxes?  One with the share, and another you can use to test that the share is setup properly?06:10
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: be patient, I was in the other room06:11
MythbuntuGuest40No, just have a Vista Box, Mythbox, and another Mythfrontend I need to setup.06:11
rhpot1991also I don't really understand your question, are you looking to share files from the mythbox to the vista box now?06:11
Erik_Meh.  In my limited experience with it, Samba can be a bit picky...  :/06:11
Erik_rhpot1991, from what I can gather he has a share with a bunch of media on his Vista box he wants to be able to access from his Myth box.06:12
rhpot1991ok so you have 3 boxes, go over which box needs what06:12
rhpot1991where they share from and what they share to06:12
rhpot1991identify them as vista, BE and FE06:12
rhpot1991foxbuntu, Erik_: lirc0 stayed after reboot without the wire, so back to square one06:13
MythbuntuGuest40I have Movies, Music and the Movie posters saved on my backup drive on the Vista Box.  I would like to access the files on the Vista Machine / redirect them in Myth so I can use my relatively small drive (250 gig) on the Myth FRONTEND for recordings.  Using a Mozart Sx case that doesnt support 2 drives so I am sorta maxed ATM.06:14
MythbuntuGuest40Videos fill 80% of drive...06:14
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: are the frontend and backend on different boxes?06:15
Erik_It would seem that MythbuntuGuest40 just needs to get that share up and mounted, then get MythTV to look at the mounted file system for goodies...06:15
MythbuntuGuest40My setup:  MythBuntu Front/Back (Machine 1)  MythBuntu Front (Machine 2), Vista Ultimate 32 (Machine 3)...  Machines 1 and 3 have a hardwired connection.06:15
hugolphi, is there a guide to get mythweb .21 working?06:16
MythbuntuGuest40Thast is correct Erik06:16
hugolpI cant get audio or video to play06:16
MythbuntuGuest40think SMB.conf:  modify the "path" to mounted "folders"06:16
rhpot1991ok MythbuntuGuest40: for every mythbuntu box that needs the videos, they need mythvideo setup and pointing at a directory that has your windows shares mounted via smbfs or cifs06:16
rhpot1991tells you how to do that06:17
foxbuntuErik_, im stumped but without knowing what else has changed, I might suggest rebuilding the box quick06:17
rhpot1991I second that06:17
Erik_hugolp, I generally feel like punching people in the head that give answers like this, but Mythweb 0.21 works out of the box, for me, with Mythbuntu 7.10.  FWIW...06:18
MythbuntuGuest40I understand.... That is the URL I found.  Nothing is documented in redirecting to the mounted location.  My incling is the /etc/samba/smb.conf06:18
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: why do you want to redirect it?06:18
Erik_foxbuntu, I'm about at that point.  I suppose I'll put that on my list of things to do.  :)06:18
rhpot1991can't all the boxes see each other?06:18
hugolpErik_:  well, thanks for the feedfack, but obviously its not happening here06:19
foxbuntuErik_, keep me in the loop after you get that done06:19
MythbuntuGuest40Set it up in Video/Setup to the mounted location....06:19
hugolpErik_:  did you upgrade from .20 or did you install new?06:19
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest40, Vista is prob your issue...06:19
rhpot1991hugolp: my flash player worked OOB once I enabled it, are you talking about that or the streams?06:19
Erik_hugolp, I understand completely.  Not a particularly useful answer.  But, I figured I'd throw it out there.  ;)06:19
Erik_hugolp, fresh install of Mythbuntu 7.10.06:20
Erik_foxbuntu, it might be a while.  I have a full-time day job along with taking two classes, ATM.  But, I'll keep you posted.06:20
hugolprhpot1991:  how I do enable it?06:20
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: just mount it somewhere, and go type that in the setup menu06:20
Erik_foxbuntu, do you have a mailing list for your site?06:20
superm1MythbuntuGuest40, fwiw, there are some wacky things involved with doing vista file shares06:20
MythbuntuGuest40Changed LMCOMPATIBILITY LEVEL from 3 to 106:20
superm1yeah that's the one :)06:20
foxbuntuErik_, I know that feeling, Im starting a business working, coding, and supporting this :)06:20
superm1and rebooted right?06:20
MythbuntuGuest40Think that was the "fix" for Vista06:21
foxbuntufor my site?06:21
rhpot1991hugolp: settings > mythweb >video playback06:21
Erik_foxbuntu, yeah, the one where you're going to sell me a box with all this crap already working.  ;P06:21
foxbuntuErik_, oh no mailing list yet06:22
foxbuntubut soon06:22
foxbuntuCheck back to it every so often06:22
npurcifulhey what is the kubuntu startup called upsplash06:22
Erik_Roger.  Well, I'm gonna crash then.  Thanks for all your effort!  Good night, all.  :)06:22
rhpot1991hugolp: actually, since rebuilding this it seems like it might not have sound now06:23
foxbuntuok gnight06:23
rhpot1991hugolp: are you running hardy?06:23
hugolpthe message before enabling video is scary06:23
hugolprhpot1991:  no06:23
MythbuntuGuest40I guess the thought I have is, if I would like to access the POSTER directory wouldnt I need the system to point to the MOUNT location.  How do I go about doing this06:24
rhpot1991hugolp: do a ffmepg --version, and pastebin that06:24
rhpot1991!pastebin | hugolp06:24
Georgehugolp: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:24
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: by access you mean have mythvideo see them?06:24
MythbuntuGuest40rhpot: that would be correct...06:25
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: setup > media settings >video settings> general06:25
MythbuntuGuest40I installed XSMBROWER earlier and was able to "see" and "mount" shared folders in Mythbuntu06:26
MythbuntuGuest40Right, that takes care of the movies, but doesnt allow me to enter a file location for posters.  Suppose just dump them into the Mythbunt PC and forget the share?06:27
hugolprhpot1991:  it doesnt find ffmepg neither in the server or in the frontend06:27
MythbuntuGuest40Is there a better GUI for doing this as I did06:27
rhpot1991hugolp: well you need that for the flash, we might be chasing the wrong problem here though if you don't like that warning and so on06:28
MythbuntuGuest40I give up...  Music and Video will need be changed w/in the MythBuntu Setup options.06:29
hugolprhpot1991:  yeah, probably we spoted a future error, but not the present error06:29
MythbuntuGuest40I have been at this for the last 3 days - yesterday had a LIRC issue that took a LONG time to configure - sorry for any impatience I may have.  Just quite frustrated w/ this ATM.06:30
hugolprhpot1991:  Anyway Im running the backend in a VIA C3 so it probably doesnt have cpu enough to transcode on the fly so theres no point in enabling video06:30
rhpot1991hugolp: ya06:30
rhpot1991hugolp: so you are having problems with the streams then?06:31
hugolprhpot1991:  no, the video page doesnt open because of some bad symlink or something like that06:31
rhpot1991ah ok, thats easy06:31
rhpot1991do you know where your videos are?06:31
hugolpalso, I can not play the music06:31
hugolprhpot1991:  yes06:31
rhpot1991music I'm not sure of, but it might be the same issue06:31
rhpot1991go to /var/www/mythweb/data06:32
rhpot1991and fix the links06:32
rhpot1991I was thinking the links, I'm not really sure how the music part works, never used it06:32
hugolprhpot1991:  in the server right?06:32
rhpot1991wherever mythweb lives06:32
hugolpIm in the directory06:33
hugolpoh, so I have to point the symlinks to the proper place06:33
hugolpI see06:33
rhpot1991check your covers as well06:33
rhpot1991or any others for that matter06:33
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: I think you can modify them in mythweb if you really are unhappy with the mythtv interface...06:35
MythbuntuGuest40rhpot: Im not following you...  Mythtv iterface?06:36
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: guess I'm not following you either then06:36
MythbuntuGuest40rhpot: I appoligize... Networking is my pitfall and my brain is just fried ATM...06:38
MythbuntuGuest40You say I can modify what with mythweb?06:38
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest40: this should be pretty easy, all you need to do is mount those shares in /etc/fstab/ on any mythbox that needs them06:38
rhpot1991then go into your mythtv menu, navigate through it till you get to the video options where it has inputs for you to put the locations of those videos and the posters06:39
rhpot1991match them up and it should work06:39
MythbuntuGuest40Ok, I will mount MUSIC and VIDEO in fstab.  Then change the dir path within MythFrontend.06:39
MythbuntuGuest40I think I can get this... Like to have the "roadmap" before getting into this.06:41
MythbuntuGuest40Question:  creating the credentials; use Vista Username/Password?06:42
rhpot1991that I don't know about sorry, might want to hit the forums for that06:43
rhpot1991don't have any vista boxes06:43
MythbuntuGuest40Well I guess this might better fit; Credentials is used to log into the Host machine06:45
MythbuntuGuest40Is that correct?06:45
MythbuntuGuest40Shit, there is nothing to this...  Just read through the entire doc - not much there...06:46
hugolprhpot1991:  I fixed the symlink but Im getting the same mistake Could not create a symlink to /var/lib/mythtv/videos, the local MythVideo directory for this hostname (server). Please create a symlink to your MythVideo directory at data/video in order to use the video portions of MythWeb.06:46
hugolpbah, I should read first06:46
hugolpI just wake up06:46
hugolpnever mind06:46
MythbuntuGuest40I think I will pick up on this tomarrow....  THANK YOU and sorry if I came off a bit prickish!06:48
hugolpok, so theres a /var/www/mythweb/data/video that seems ok, do I have to delete it and make it point to /var/lib/mythtv/videos?06:48
hugolpalso, what package do I need to install to get ffmpeg part working?06:49
MythbuntuGuest40You really did help as I am about to get a buddy of mine on this and, well, this is the test setup for the situation he is facing.06:49
MythbuntuGuest40*setting up Mythbuntu06:50
MythbuntuGuest40And I was needing it as I crashed my database being full.  Thanks again RHPOT; have a good evening!06:51
rhpot1991no problem MythbuntuGuest4006:52
rhpot1991take care06:52
rhpot1991hugolp: if you ls -la in the data dir it will show you where they point at06:52
rhpot1991I've always deleted old ones and replaced them with new ones (sudo ln -s <location> <link>, man ln to verify I didn't swap them)06:52
rhpot1991there might be a way to edit them, but I don't know it06:53
rhpot1991as far as the flash video, you just need to install ffmpeg, but it needs mp3 support, if you have medibuntu repos enabled this isn't a problem06:53
hugolprhpot1991:  installing ffmepg did it06:58
rhpot1991the flash player is pretty nice, 4x3 only though06:59
hugolpnow I get the list of movies, but cant play them07:00
KillerKiwi2005is mythstream not compiled for gutsy?07:00
rhpot1991hugolp: it doesn't play movies at all, as far as I know07:00
hugolprhpot1991:  only recordings?07:01
rhpot1991just lets you modify their info07:01
rhpot1991as far as I know07:01
KillerKiwi2005im getting compilead agaist 20.0 but 20.1 installed.. ive updated everything in synaptic07:01
hugolpok, going to try, hope my C3 doesnt blow up trying to transcode :-P07:02
rhpot1991KillerKiwi2005: I believe mythstream is not an official plugin, that might be why07:02
KillerKiwi2005rhpot1991: how come its in backports then ?07:03
rhpot1991its prob not, its prob the old version07:03
hugolpyeah, it lags a lot... but its working, thanks rhpot199107:03
rhpot1991np hugolp07:03
hugolprhpot1991:  if I get no sound is probably cause I have installed the ffmpeg version that doesnt have mp3 support?07:05
rhpot1991KillerKiwi2005: there is a bug out there for it07:05
hugolpand now my C3 is holding up with the transcoding, surprising07:05
rhpot1991hugolp: yep, run ffmpeg --version, and look for something like liblame07:06
rhpot1991like I said the medibuntu gutsy ones have it, so enable that via MCC and update and you should be good07:07
rhpot1991KillerKiwi2005: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gutsy-backports/+bug/20298807:07
rhpot1991KillerKiwi2005: hold up being backported it seems07:07
KillerKiwi2005needs a patch to build..... hopefully it will come throug soon then07:08
rhpot1991things in backport needs to be accepted and all07:08
sam_ir blaster question10:17
sam_anyone home..10:17
laga!question | sam_10:21
ubotusam_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:21
sam_ok, sorry..10:23
sam_how do i configure channels in myth-setup so that mythtv displays the channels i need, when using an external setopbox?10:26
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
sam_the set-top-box will need channels to be changed by an ir-blaster10:33
weiserWell now we are in the ir blaster conor... Does anyone know if the ir blaster for the "MCE (new version)" does work, I can't find some good documation about it?12:25
thoma2I updated my myth installation to 21. Now I get 'green' videos while playing recordings... Is it an known issue?13:18
Aquahallicanyone know if there are any "Howtos" for setting up flash streaming for mythbuntu??13:18
Aquahallicthoma2: ATI video card???13:18
thoma2sorry, I forgot its a ps313:19
directhex|workthoma2, nvidia on gutsy?13:19
directhex|workoh lord, fbdev13:19
thoma2no, there is something like X driver13:20
lagai think someone created some mythtv patches to use the SPE to assist with video decoding in myth13:20
thoma2Section "Device"13:20
thoma2Identifier"Generic Video Card"13:20
thoma2Option "ShadowFB" "false"13:20
groutWhen i hit the "Watch Tv" button nothing happends.  What can I do to find out why?13:21
thoma2Yes, I use this13:21
lagagrout: check /var/log/mythtv/*13:21
lagathoma2: did you build mythtv yourself?13:21
thoma2no, it's from ubuntu for gutsy13:22
directhex|workspu_fbdev? how enormously experimental13:22
thoma2worked wel with 2013:22
directhex|worktry messing with playback profiles then13:22
Aquahalliclaga: will those patches possibly help with the blue people on an ATI??13:23
directhex|workbut it *is* a bug with your experimental video driver13:23
directhex|workAquahallic, less than 0 chance13:23
directhex|workAquahallic, unless you also have a cell coprocessor board13:23
directhex|workand they're about £3000 each13:23
lagaAquahallic: no, normal computers do not have cell processors..13:23
Aquahallicyeah I know13:23
lagaAquahallic: blue people on ati? that should be fixed in 0.2113:24
Aquahallicthat's when I got it13:24
thoma2I have one ;-)13:24
Aquahallicworked fine on .2013:24
Aquahallicwhen I upgraded my people went blue on my ATI Radeon13:24
lagaAquahallic: using fglrx or the free driver?13:24
AquahallicI use the free so my compiz works13:25
lagaodd. try without compiz13:25
groutlaga: which logs are the newest?13:25
AquahallicI've seen a patch out.... but it looks like it's for fglrx13:25
lagagrout: use ls -al to find out13:25
Aquahalliclaga: any idea where I can find instructions on setting up the flash streaming in .21?13:28
lagathoma2: maybe you have more luck over at http://psubuntu.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=6&sid=5aa7c988377be7401f70a53da4b60caf13:28
Aquahallicspecific to ubuntu that is13:28
lagaAquahallic: the forums, it's been covered there13:28
thoma2will try, thanks13:28
AquahallicI think I'll work around the "Blue People" by just streaming it in flash and picking it up with vlc13:29
Aquahallicthen I'll just have to straighten out the issue with the nvidia-legacy drivers on my main frontend upstairs13:29
lagawell, "streaming in flash" means that it'll be played in a flash player on the website13:29
lagayou can download the shows..13:30
lagaAquahallic: what issue?13:30
Aquahallicsec.. let me get that error13:30
Aquahallicmy frontend bombs with a libmyth error says... "undefined symbol : glXGetProcAddress"13:33
lagaAquahallic: yeah, we are working on that13:33
lagaAquahallic: is that on hardy?13:33
Aquahallicno I'm still on Gutsy.. I saw that it's supposed to be fixed on Hardy so I was gonna d'load a iso and upgrade that box13:34
lagais it supposed to be fixed? let me check13:34
lagaah, right. two days ago13:35
lagaof course you can upgrade, but you can also just get the mythtv source package from hardy and rebuild it13:35
lagaand let me know if it works ;=)13:35
groutlaga: unable to initialize plugin 'mythstream'13:35
lagagrout: that's not your problem..13:36
groutlaga: is mythstream the plugin for tv?13:36
lagagrout: no, for various online media13:36
groutlaga can i pastebin the last few lines of the log?13:36
lagagrout: sure13:36
Aquahalliclaga: I can't just get a .deb can I?? I'd have to compile it from source right?13:37
lagaAquahallic: i think so.. it's possible that someone has a package on their PPA, but i don't know :) maybe you can ask on the forums13:38
lagai'm just saying that rebuilding is what i would do, but i already have all the prereqs etc ;)13:38
AquahallicI'm thinking about upgrading that box anyways... see how it runs...:P13:38
lagalet us now how it goes then :)13:39
Aquahallicyup yup13:39
Aquahallicit's too bad this is a laptop with the ATI in it.. or I'd just rip it out and put a nvidia....:/13:40
AquahallicI liked the smurfs when I was little and all.. but this is ridiculous13:40
lagathe odd thing is that it was broken with fglrx in 0.2113:40
lagain 0.2113:40
lagabut it should work in 0.2113:40
lagai run a ATI card myself and it works..13:41
Aquahallicworked in .2013:41
Aquahallicnow.. I'm using the mythtv-frontend package13:41
Aquahallicnot the mythbuntu package13:41
Aquahalliccause this is my laptop13:41
lagamythbuntu uses mythtv-frontend :)13:41
groutlaga: http://pastebin.com/m743823fe13:42
Aquahallicyup.. I know... I just wasn't sure if there were some fixes in it that aren't in the mythtv-frontend package is all13:42
lagaAquahallic: no13:43
Aquahallicit's a inspiron 9200 with a radeon card13:43
lagagrout: there is nothing interesting in there. you should try to select "watch tv" and see what happens in the logs.. in the backend log, too13:43
Aquahallicand it's weird that I'm using the free driver and it's happening13:43
groutlaga: i did13:44
lagagrout: what's in the backend log?13:45
groutlaga: i hit it at 9:3213:45
groutone sec let me pastebin it, nothing interesting i can see13:45
lagawait a second, my browser just crashed..13:45
lagaoh, now it's working again. :)13:45
groutlaga: http://pastebin.com/m3ab9939813:46
groutlaga: 9:32 is when i hit 'watch tv'13:46
lagagrout: did you add capture cards in mythtv-setup?13:47
lagadid you create input connections?13:48
lagayour logs tell me nothing.. there's nothing interesting in there. the most interesting thing is the lack of information ;)13:49
laga2008-03-17 12:17:53.343 TV: Attempting to change from None to WatchingPreRecorded13:49
lagai'd expect to see something like that.. (this is for recordings, tho)13:50
groutok let me play around a little more13:50
groutmake sure i have things configed13:50
Aquahalliclaga: I just searched the forums for 'mythweb flash' and didn't see anything about setting it up... do you know any link in particular you were thinking about?13:55
lagaAquahallic: the ubuntu forums?13:55
Aquahallicyeah... specifically the mythbuntu threads13:56
lagayou need to look harder then13:57
rhpot1991_laptopAquahallic: you need an ffmpeg with libmp3lame supports13:59
rhpot1991_laptopthe medibuntu ffmpeg in gutsy has this13:59
rhpot1991_laptoptheir hardy ffmpeg has lagged a few versions behind though13:59
AquahallicI found those links.. but they're more of problems people were having... not howto set it all up13:59
Aquahallicyeah.. I have ffmpeg from medibuntu on my backend running Gutsy14:00
rhpot1991_laptopAquahallic: ffmpeg --version, verify it has libmp3lame14:00
hugolphi, how can I play music with mythweb? when I hit play I get the option to download a m3u playlist and not totem not vlc can play it14:10
rhpot1991_laptophugolp: try something like xmms or rhythmbox14:11
hugolprhythmbox does nothing and I dont have xmms installed, do you know if xmms plays it for sure? or it might be something that I have bad configured?14:14
hugolpI am completely new to mythweb14:14
rhpot1991_laptopno, I don't was just guessing14:14
directhex|workopen the m3u in notepad or similar, check it's valid14:14
rhpot1991_laptopI don't have any music on here to test with either, sorry14:15
directhex|workm3u is basically a plain text files with locations of music files in it14:15
rhpot1991_laptophugolp: you checked the music symlink last night when you were working on the videos ones right?14:15
hugolprhpot1991_laptop:  for me it was this morning, and yes, I corrected the symlink14:16
hugolpwhats this force http for streams about?14:16
rhpot1991_laptopheh, kinda this morning for me as well, but I slept in between then and now14:16
hugolpit has something to do with this?14:16
directhex|workhugolp, i suspect so. did you look in your m3u yet?14:17
hugolpno, going to14:18
Aquahallicrhpot1991_laptop: I don't see libmp3lame anywhere when I do a --version14:18
hugolp#EXTINF:215,Amy Winehouse - Rehab14:18
hugolpjust this14:19
directhex|workand if you visit that url?14:19
hugolpI get a black screen with the no video message on the center (mplayer plugin for firefox) and nothing happens14:20
directhex|workand if you wget the url?14:21
thoma2green video on ps3 fixed, use libmpeg +xv with spu_fbdev, scales up to 1080p14:22
rhpot1991_laptopAquahallic: do this: dpkg -l ffmpeg |grep ^ii14:22
thoma2thanks for your help!14:22
rhpot1991_laptopverify that its from medibuntu14:22
hugolpit derives me to a ftp and then I get 'Name or service unknonw' and 'unlink:No such file or directory'14:23
Aquahallicii  ffmpeg         3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu4 multimedia player, server and encoder14:23
Aquahallicwhen I look at it in synaptic it has the little star on it saying it's a medibuntu package and it's installed14:24
rhpot1991_laptop3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu4+medibuntu3 is the medibuntu version14:25
rhpot1991_laptopverify you have medibuntu in your /etc/apt/sources.list14:25
directhex|workhugolp, smells buggy. try fiddling the http forcing option14:27
hugolpdirecthex|work:  do I need to specify a port for the forcing streaming option or can I leave it blank?14:28
Aquahallicrhpot1991_laptop: yup... free and non-free is checked14:28
directhex|workAquahallic, huh?14:28
Aquahallicmedibuntu sources..14:28
rhpot1991_laptopAquahallic: you have a line like this in your /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ gutsy free non-free14:29
Aquahallicrhpot1991_laptop:  nope... but it shows in my software sources.... strange14:33
Aquahallicshould I manually add it to the sources.list file??14:33
rhpot1991_laptopcheck for files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d that might contain it first14:34
MythbuntuGuest06hi...is anyone usuing the new diskless feature?14:34
Aquahallicsources.list.d is empty14:34
Aquahallicthere's also a .save but that's like a backup file isn't it?14:35
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest06, Im not using it but have helped dev it...whats up?14:35
hugolpcould it be a permission problem? when I select totem or vlc for playing the m3u file they ask for the login and password again, I enter it and vlc just keeps on asking it like it is wrong and totem ask it once and then fails saying I dont have the right codec (but I have ffmpeg installed from medibuntu in the server and in this computer)14:36
MythbuntuGuest06nothing is up...yet :p  Was just wondering if i need to use the 'extra' commands..or if everything can now be done in MCC14:36
rhpot1991_laptopI'd try adding that line, then sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade and see if you get the medibuntu version, if you don't want to edit it by hand that line should get added if you enable the codecs via MCC14:36
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest06, you should be able to build an image and write a boot image to a USB drive via MCC14:37
rhpot1991_laptophugolp: I get a similar password prompt when trying to stream asax recordings, never figured out what the heck its looking for there14:37
AquahallicI did enable it in the Mythbuntu Control Center and put checks in all the codecs including ffmpeg14:37
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest06, give it a whirl and post your results in the forums for testing it14:37
Aquahallicstrange that it didn't populate the line in the sources.list file yet it shows in the sources application as enabled14:38
MythbuntuGuest06i was hoping to pxe foxbuntu, is that not possible?14:38
hugolpok, so I guess no music with mythweb at the moment14:38
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest06, not yet...we are still working on that14:38
hugolpthanks for the help anyway14:38
rhpot1991_laptophugolp: unless you figure out what username/password its looking for, in which case let me know14:38
MythbuntuGuest06ah, so i have to use the usb stick option...i thought PXE was possible already14:38
rhpot1991_laptopI didn't care enough to figure it out14:38
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest06, you can setup dhcpd with pxe and point to your server, but its not in mcc yet14:38
hugolprhpot1991_laptop:  XD I think I only put one user and password there...14:39
hugolpwell two. the mythweb one, and the database one, and I dont think it wants the database one14:39
MythbuntuGuest06foxbuntu,i have dhcp and pxe pointing to the server  will 8.04 Alpha do the TFTP?14:39
hugolpby the way, why mythweb doesnt have log out?14:39
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest06, not yet14:40
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest06, you will have to set that up as well14:40
MythbuntuGuest06foxbuntu, if i setup tftpd-hpa to point to /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default will it work?14:41
MythbuntuGuest06foxbuntu: or should i do a vanilla ubuntu install and create my own diskless clients using debootstrap?14:41
foxbuntulaga, ping14:42
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest06, the image part is taken care of14:43
foxbuntuwhen you build it with MCC it resides /opt/ltsp/<arch>14:43
MythbuntuGuest06i managed to do that over VNC this am, easy!  not at home to boot the client...does the kernel not reside in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default  like on the wiki page for PXE boot?14:44
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest06, no it does not14:45
foxbuntuits a custom build process for ltsp speccifally building a mythbunut image14:45
foxbuntuminus all the fat figering14:45
MythbuntuGuest06ok, so if i was to setup tftp-hpa, where should i point it to?14:45
MythbuntuGuest06here?? /opt/ltsp/amd64/boot14:46
foxbuntui belive so14:46
foxbuntuI myself helped write some of the code but don't fully know how all the parts fit together14:46
foxbuntuif you have trouble see the forums and catch laga when he is around14:47
MythbuntuGuest06then it should boot ok, wonder how it will effect upgrades14:47
MythbuntuGuest06read the forums, but some stuff seems out of date14:47
foxbuntuyou read the mythbuntu diskless testing forum?14:47
foxbuntuIm not sure the last update on that14:48
Aquahallicrhpot1991_laptop: that did it... I see --enable libmp3lame14:49
MythbuntuGuest06last post 3 days ago..a lot happened over the period on the forum14:49
Aquahallicfor some reason just checking off the codec in MCC didn't populate the line in sources.list14:50
rhpot1991_laptopAquahallic: have sound in flash now?14:50
rhpot1991_laptopcould have gotten out of synch or something14:50
Aquahallicheh... I wasn't having an issue with sound... I was looking for instructions on how to setup the flash streaming... I would have needed this anyways...:)14:51
Aquahallicyou're so good you fixed it before I could break it14:51
rhpot1991_laptopwell, all you need to do now is enable the flash video14:52
Aquahallicyeah.. that's what I'm looking for instructions on...:)14:52
Aquahallica "HowTo" or something14:52
foxbuntuAquahallic, what did you enable in mcc that didn't show up in sources.list?14:52
Aquahallicmedibuntu sources14:52
rhpot1991_laptopsettings, mythweb, video playback14:53
rhpot1991_laptopits a checkbox there14:53
Aquahallicon mythweb??14:53
rhpot1991_laptopyep, after you are logged in14:53
rhpot1991_laptopthe settings is the key and wrench button on top14:53
foxbuntuAquahallic, ok...can you file a bug against MCC for that on launchpad?14:53
Aquahallicyup.... I'll do that14:54
Aquahallicoh.. phooie.... I gotta fix my symlinks... I fixed the videos one.. now I gotta fix my coverart one14:57
Aquahallicthere was a setting somewhere that you path to your coverart... anyone remember where that is???14:58
MythbuntuGuest06foxbuntu: i changed i few config files in the /opt... wont know if it will work until i get home, but right now dont see a reason fo rit to fail...why is it not working fom mcc? anything i should look out for?14:58
rhpot1991_laptopAquahallic: in the frontend its under setup->media->videos->general I think15:00
Aquahallicfoxbuntu: this was on gutsy after I took the .21 update... you still want me to file a bug?? it's not on Hardy15:00
foxbuntuAquahallic, what version of MCC si that?15:00
Aquahallicwhere I find it?15:01
rhpot1991_laptopdpkg -l mythbuntu* |grep ^ii15:01
foxbuntufor control centre?15:02
Aquahallicyup.. sec15:02
foxbuntuwow..no don't file a bug15:03
rhpot1991_laptopfoxbuntu: I think it might just be from using multiple things hitting apt or something15:03
Aquahallicii  mythbuntu-control-centre   0.11-0ubuntu1~ppa1   Mythbuntu Configuration Application15:03
rhpot1991_laptopsomehow it might have gotten overwritten by something not MCC and the entry got lost15:03
Aquahallicoh... I read something that .21 torched mythvideo15:07
rhpot1991_laptopAquahallic: you need to do a sudo apt-get install mythvideo15:08
rhpot1991_laptopto get the latest version, cause mythdvd is now in mythvideo and it needs confirmation that mythdvd is ok to remove15:08
Aquahallicdon't you have to remove something first??15:08
Aquahallicdoes it automagically...:)15:09
AquahallicI remember a script that was in knoppmyth it was called mythpretty15:12
rhpot1991_laptopwhat did it do?15:12
Aquahallicwent through and made symlinks to your recordings that were readable names so you could path to the dir from a share and know what they were15:12
Aquahallicwas pretty handy15:13
rhpot1991_laptoplike mythrename?15:14
AquahallicI have my recordings, videos, music, and gallery dir all shared out with nfs and samba so the kid can get them and watch his movies in winblows media player15:14
Aquahallicmaybe that's what it is now15:14
rhpot1991_laptopmythrename renames your recordings to something readable15:14
rhpot1991_laptopinstead of 1001_1278123123.mpg15:14
Aquahallicis that incorporated with .21 or an addon??15:15
Aquahalliclike a cron job15:15
rhpot1991_laptopits in the contrib folder on your system15:15
rhpot1991_laptopyou would need to script that yourself, would work bets as a user job after recordings complete15:15
Aquahallicso mythrename is already there??15:16
AquahallicI just need to set it up as a user job?15:16
Aquahallicnice... do I need to setup variables or does it already name it to what the guide name is??15:16
rhpot1991_laptopI'm not really sure, you'd have to play with it and see15:17
Aquahallicwill do15:17
rhpot1991_laptopyou can poke at my screenshots here to see how to setup the user job: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythExport15:17
Aquahallicjust made it nice cause then you don't really need a frontend to watch something.. just hit mythweb fire up a recording then go find it and watch it from your favorite player...:)15:18
Aquahallichmm... can you setup a user job that runs like 20 secs after you start the recording??15:19
Aquahallicso you see the symlink right after you start the recording??15:19
rhpot1991_laptopwell it actually renames the recording file15:20
rhpot1991_laptopthe last screenshot there I show where you can have it run after its done recording15:20
rhpot1991_laptopalso, mythweb doesn't really require renaming for recordings15:20
rhpot1991_laptopit grabs all that info from the db15:20
Aquahallicmythweb doesn't... but if you're looking at the files from "My Network Places" in winblows you do15:21
AquahallicI'd want it to rename it like immediately15:21
Aquahallicbut that's prolly not gonna work...:(15:21
rhpot1991_laptopthat will, right after its done recording15:21
AquahallicI might have to setup that mythpretty somehow to run right after the recording starts to create a symlink with a real name then you can view the recording as it's happening from a real name15:22
* Aquahallic sees a "HowTo" coming down the pipe...:P15:22
Aquahallicit was a REAL handy feature15:23
rhpot1991_laptopdo you really need to watch it as its being recorded though?15:23
* foxbuntu wonders where this "pipe" is =P15:23
rhpot1991_laptopmight be helpful to you15:23
Aquahallicit's like watch live tv but from a different player is all15:24
rhpot1991_laptopyou will have to see if you can make a user job fire off on recording, I *think* they fire off when its done15:24
foxbuntuAquahallic, you just need to record more shows...then there would be no purpose in watching livetv :)15:25
Aquahallicwell... gotta NBA game tonight... better go get ready for work15:25
Aquahallicthis is true...:)15:25
Aquahallictell that to the g'friend and kids....LOL15:25
Aquahallicthanx for all the help folks!15:26
rhpot1991_laptopnp Aquahallic15:28
lagafoxbuntu: pong18:22
groutwhere the heck in setup do i enter my schedule direct account info?20:02
rhpot1991_laptopdata sources I think its caled20:03
rhpot1991_laptop3rd or 4th menu, after you define your card20:03
tuvookuse it, and be patient20:03
tuvookread stuff20:03
tuvookits all very self explanatory and very well documented20:04
Stemming78I am needing some help setting up a fstab21:51
tgm4883_laptopStemming78, whats the problem?21:52
Stemming78Need specification on how to create the file; Server, Share, Mountpoint...21:52
tgm4883_laptopwhat are you trying to mount?21:53
Stemming78I am wanting to mount folders on my Vista Machine; share has been enabled21:53
tgm4883_laptopso you want to mount a cifs drive21:54
Stemming78Using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently21:54
Stemming78Unsure what needs to happen; I am a total NOOB21:54
tgm4883_laptopah ok21:55
tgm4883_laptopwhere on your computer do you want to mount it?21:55
Stemming78Doesnt really matter...  Mounting my VIDEO and MUSIC directory so I dont have to use drive space on my Backend21:56
Stemming78*from the Vista machine of course21:56
Stemming78I will modify the Frontend setup to reflect the mount location; think this will work?21:57
tgm4883_laptopyea, sounds fine21:58
tgm4883_laptopcan you mount it from the command line?21:58
tgm4883_laptopsudo mount -t cifs //netbiosname/sharename /media/sharename -o username=winusername,password=winpassword,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=077721:58
Stemming78will try; sec21:58
Stemming78Do I change "netbiosname to IP address of Vistabox?21:59
Shred00hrm. i'm confused.  will an 0.21-fixes not be maintained for gutsy (at least) until hardy is released?22:00
Shred00it seems so, but i don't understand why22:00
tgm4883_laptop.21-fixes will not be in gutsy22:00
Shred00tgm4883_laptop: indeed, that was my interpretation.  but why not?22:01
Stemming78tgm4883_laptop: media/sharename    example?22:01
Stemming78Or will this be the mount point22:02
tgm4883_laptopShred00, AFAIK, .21-fixes is a lot of work to keep up for more than one release.  (ie, there is some stuff in hardy and .21 that ties it together that is hard to implement in gutsy).  I'm not totally sure thats the case, but I will make sure when the maintainer comes online22:03
Shred00hrm.  istm that if you can make an initial 0.21 work on gutsy, simply updating from 0.21-fixes and rebuilding is the easy part22:04
tgm4883_laptopStemming78, that would be where on your machine that you want it mounted.  IE, a good place for your videos dir to be mounted is /var/lib/mythtv/videos/22:04
Shred00i'm just imagining the scenario, that 0.21 goes into gutsy backports and before hardy goes GA some showstopper bug is found in 0.21.  what happens then to those of us on gutsy?22:05
tgm4883_laptopShred00, like i said, i'm not really sure the issue.  I thought I had heard that (what I posted) was the reason.  I would be happy to verify the reason as to why though22:05
tgm4883_laptopShred00, well  you have to realize that hardy != .2122:05
Stemming78tgm4883_laptop: mount error 20 = Not a directory22:05
Shred00tgm4883_laptop: i don't understand your "0.21 != hardy"22:06
tgm4883_laptopI'm not exactly sure why you think there would be some showstopper bug found in hardy .21?22:06
tgm4883_laptopStemming78, show me the command you tried to use22:06
Shred00tgm4883_laptop: no, not a bug in hardy a bug in myth 0.2122:07
Shred00tgm4883_laptop: if gutsy-backports (or mythbuntu or whatever else) does not track 0.21 for gutsy and i ugrade my gutsy installation to 0.21 and then a bug is found in 0.21, i'm screwed until hardy is released and can track 0.21-fixes again.22:08
tgm4883_laptopShred00, I believe that any showstopping bugs would be fixed and that would be backported itself.  However, there would have to be made a case and exemption for that to be backported22:08
Stemming78tgm4883_laptop: nm...  was using the Music directory... Not the Movies Directory....  Not getting an error now...  How do I check if it is mounted22:08
tgm4883_laptopHowever, that would only be the case for showstopping bugs22:08
tgm4883_laptopStemming78, cd /path/to/mounted/dir22:09
tgm4883_laptopit should show what is on your windows drive22:09
Shred00tgm4883_laptop: yeah, the sad reality is though, that backports seem to take ages to get accepted and published.  with an 0.21-fixes weekly build (like we have for 0.20-fixes and gutsy currently) I'm only hosed for a week at most22:09
Stemming78bash: cd: /path/to/mounted/dir: No such file or directory22:10
tgm4883_laptopStemming78, can you post the command you used to mount the drive?22:10
Stemming78sudo mount -t cifs // /var/lib/mythtv/videos -o username=corey,password=,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=077722:12
tgm4883_laptopok, try this22:12
tgm4883_laptopls /var/lib/mythtv/videos/22:13
Stemming78*dont have a password set22:13
Stemming78*on the vista machine22:13
Stemming78sudo mount -t cifs // ls /var/lib/mythtv/videos -o username=corey,password=,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=077722:13
tgm4883_laptopdo this command at the command line22:14
tgm4883_laptopls /var/lib/mythtv/videos/22:14
lime4x4is it possible to have 2 folders for video?22:15
weiserWhen I play DVD on my system, I have a blue line at the bottom og at the rigth side, anybody know how to remove them?22:15
tgm4883_laptop!ask | hmmm3222:16
ubotuhmmm32: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:16
tgm4883_laptophmmm32, ask your questiono22:17
hmmm32I'm trying to get the channel list from schedules direct22:17
Stemming78shows a list of movies....  maybe a prob here however... I loaded these movies on the machine already.  Trying to delete them now and get "permission denied22:17
hmmm32when i do the fetch channels in mythbuntu22:17
hmmm32nothing hapens22:18
Stemming78Either it mounted, or it is files I already have on the drive22:18
tgm4883_laptophmmm32, did you set it up in mythtv-setup22:18
tgm4883_laptophmmm32, did you run mythfilldatabase?22:18
hmmm32im updating the mythbox right now22:19
tgm4883_laptopStemming78, are there movies on there that were not on the drive before?22:19
tgm4883_laptophmmm32, any error messages?22:19
hmmm32hopfully no22:19
tgm4883_laptoplime4x4, you can, but you need to mount one of the folders inside another22:19
hmmm32when i click the fetch button nothing happens22:19
Stemming78Im not sure... any reason for them to be "locked"?22:19
hmmm32i doesn't look like it's trying to do anything22:19
tgm4883_laptopStemming78, well you most likely do not have write permission22:20
Stemming78real stupid I didnt delete them first...22:20
hmmm32im thinking there's a setting somewhere thats wrong22:21
hmmm32i dunno22:21
hmmm32oh btw22:21
hmmm32this is my first mythtv setup22:21
tgm4883_laptophmmm32, how did you start mythtv-setup?22:22
Stemming78It is mounting...  Just set it to music directory and all movies are showing doing a "dir" command on directory path22:22
hmmm32somewhere in the setting there was one called mythbuntu22:22
Stemming78*mounted movies to Music directory22:22
hmmm32then clicked the setup option22:22
hmmm32under myth tv control panel22:22
Stemming78hmmm32: did you run MythTV Backend Setup and "fetch channels" after inputting your http://www.schedulesdirect.org/ account information22:24
hmmm32that worked22:24
hmmm32the lineup was found22:25
hmmm32but when i try to get the channel info off the lineup22:25
hmmm32it doesn't do anything22:25
tgm4883_laptopStemming78, sounds good, now we just need to stick it in fstab22:25
Stemming78So it shows the account name you setup at schedules direct underneith the username/password after performing "fetch"22:26
hmmm32im confused22:26
lime4x4well it's actually a whole hard drive so instead i've having the drive mount in /media just have the drive mount in the default video folder?22:26
hmmm32i shows the lineup name22:26
hmmm32after i tell it to fetch that22:26
tgm4883_laptoplime4x4, probably easiest to setup a sym link to the video folder22:26
Stemming78tgm4883_laptop:  lets do it together than...  I am REAL BAD with this portion.22:27
tgm4883_laptopStemming78, you will need to edit the /etc/fstab file and add a line like this for both mounts22:27
tgm4883_laptop/netbiosname/sharename    /media/sharename        cifs    credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 022:27
tgm4883_laptop^^ note, that is all one line22:28
tgm4883_laptophmmm32, what type of card?22:28
tgm4883_laptophmmm32, tuner card that is22:28
tgm4883_laptophave you tried scanning for channels?22:29
hmmm32does the 64 bit version of mythbuntu have a lot of bugs22:29
tgm4883_laptoptry scanning for it22:29
* tgm4883_laptop runs 64-bit version22:29
* foxbuntu also runs 6422:29
hmmm32after i finishes updating22:30
tgm4883_laptopin order for us to stop the myth that 64-bit isn't as good as 32-bit, we have actually added bugs to the 64-bit version so they will have an equal amount with the 32-bit version22:30
Stemming78tgm4883_laptop:  so forgo the document https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and enter the command line you inputted...  Each boot will auto mount the drive; gstab is a init.d file?22:30
tgm4883_laptop/etc/fstab is what mounts all your drives during boot22:31
tgm4883_laptopwell, it's where the info is stored22:31
Stemming78sweet... .  HOW EASY was that.22:31
Stemming78which directory has the posters?22:32
Stemming78*for movies?22:32
tgm4883_laptop/home/username/.mythtv/mythvideo/ or something like that22:33
Stemming78thank you....  Here is the first mount point:  #MUSIC22:36
Stemming78/ /var/lib/mythtv/music cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 022:36
tgm4883_laptopappears to be ok22:39
Stemming78tgm4883_laptop: currently deleting the videos of the Myth drive....  Will try after deletion is complete.22:54
Stemming78Is there a trick to getting the Snapstream remote to function properly22:55
Stemming78....  I used the .lircrc and Lircd.conf (Fedora 7) taken from;  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Snapstream_Firefly...  Changed the name on /etc/hardwre.conf to "Snapstream" so it matches Lircd.conf22:56
Stemming78Currently some of the buttons work, but many are not...  Including the buttons I setup in Mythfrontend with jump points.22:57
tgm4883_laptopdo they work in irw?22:57
Stemming78Yah, will get output for EACH button with correct name... example:  0000001455800000 00 FIREFLY Snapstream23:00
Stemming78That is the MAIN button that should put me to the Main Menu (jump point)23:01
tgm4883_laptopbut IRW doesn't say that it is the MAIN button?23:01
tgm4883_laptopwhat do buttons that work say when pressed?23:01
Stemming78Button that works:  00000014749f0000 00 RIGHT Snapstream23:04
tgm4883_laptopand button that doesn't work?23:05
Stemming78Another button that doesnt:  00000014f5200000 00 EXIT Snapstream23:05
tgm4883_laptopcan you pastebin your .lircrc file?23:05
Stemming78never done this23:07
tgm4883_laptop!pastebin | Stemming7823:07
ubotuStemming78: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:07
tgm4883_laptopopen up your .lircrc file in gedit, and copy and paste it into a pastebin, then post the link here23:08
tgm4883_laptopgedit ~/.lircrc23:10
Stemming78Yah, I got that, what would you like for me to save it as at Pastebin:  several options23:10
tgm4883_laptopoh, none23:11
foxbuntuText only Stemming7823:12
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu, you going to be around for awhile?23:13
foxbuntuplaying CoD4 though23:14
tgm4883_laptopok, cause I have a final in 16 minutes that i will have to sign off for23:15
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu, wii?23:15
tgm4883_laptopi never guess right23:15
Stemming78Here is the problem.... It was working on the "original" lircrc file...  I had updated the ~mythtv and not MY lircrc file...  After updating it with the file pasted, nothing works...  Must be my lircrc file that is not working23:19
tgm4883_laptopand the exit button doesn't go back in the menus?23:20
Stemming78Nothing works now as I used MY .lircrc file which was taken off the wiki.  Before, it was using Snapstream X10 (auto created at setup).23:21
Stemming78*updated the lircrc as I noticed it was NOT the correct file ---> aftwards it doesnt work... Am I making sence here?23:22
tgm4883_laptopdid you restart the frontend?23:22
tgm4883_laptopafter changing the file?23:23
Stemming78yah...  /etc/init.d/lirc restart23:23
Stemming78and rebooted...23:23
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu, any ideas23:23
Stemming78I know... strange....   Again, using the http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60229/23:24
foxbuntuStemming78, use MCC to configure the remote23:24
Stemming78Thats what I did, but it is for the Snapstream X10....  I have the Firefly...23:24
foxbuntuStemming78, the firefly is in there some where too23:25
Stemming78It was somewhat working when I changed the LIRCD.conf and HARDWARE.conf to reflect Snapstream Firefly but used the lircrc from "autoconfig23:25
Stemming78After replacing the "autoconfigured" file with the (Fed 7) found at http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Snapstream_Firefly it isnt working23:26
Stemming78IRW shows output....  problem HAS to be in the lircrc.23:26
Stemming78I was not able to locate the firefly in MCC23:27
Stemming78checking again23:27
foxbuntuStemming78, do this..use irrrecord to create a new lircd.conf and then run mythbuntu-lircrc-generator23:27
Stemming78what if I just ran the mythbuntu-lircrc-generator23:28
Stemming78had this lircd.conf working great on Mythdora; before I switched23:29
foxbuntuStemming78, that would work as well23:29
Stemming78This is weird... it is now working again, but same buttons which did not work prior, arent again....  OK, EXIT, ENT and defined jump points...23:34
Stemming78new lircrc file23:34
foxbuntuStemming78, not all buttons will map23:35
foxbuntum-l-g will map the basics23:35
foxbuntubecause the name space for the buttons is so strange in lirc right now we just cant23:35
foxbuntubut I am working on a soultion to that very issue and hope to have it ready for 8.1023:35
Stemming78So, I suppose I will need to mod this file to reflect the orig file I had - that should work.... Or just wait until 8.1023:36
foxbuntulol...either way yea23:36
foxbuntuyou should have all the basics, play pause, skip ectr23:37
Stemming78Ahh, great!  either way, a fix!23:37
Stemming78tgm4883 signed off?23:37
groutwhen i hit 'watch tv'  the screen just goes black23:39
groutanyone have ideas?23:40
MUS4SHIIIanyone have any experience with mythtvfs?23:40
MUS4SHIIISorry, I'm decent user, but not much for support yet.23:40
Stemming78Is there any reason for "loading..." to appear and stay static when in Video Manager?  Permits me from entering Title or manually grabbing IMDB23:41
MUS4SHIIIdo you know if your backend is working properly? also, do you know if your frontend is connecting to the backend?23:42
Stemming78grout: You should look in your front and backend logs to see what errors are ocurring.  They should be located in:23:43
grout2008-03-19 19:06:10.348 TV Error: StartRecorder() -- timed out waiting for recorder to start23:45
grout2008-03-19 19:06:10.348 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started23:45
grout2008-03-19 19:06:10.391 TV: Deleting TV Chain in destructor23:45
grout2008-03-19 19:06:10.392 DPMS Reactivated.23:45
groutwhy wouldnt the recorder start?23:46
Stemming78grout: check Information Center/System Status/Tuner Status23:47
grouttuner status is not recording23:48
Stemming78Are you up to date on updates?23:49
Stemming78make any changes?23:49
groutno its never worked23:49
grouti just set this box up23:49
Stemming78Video card?23:49
Stemming78Tuner Card?23:49
groutnvidia geforce 590023:49
grouthauppage pvr-15023:50
Stemming78Backend Setup option 5l; could you scan for channels23:50
hmmm32when i do the channel scan should it have at least some noise on each channel?23:50
MUS4SHIIIanyone have any experience with mythtvfs?23:51
Stemming78sorry MUS4SHIII, nope23:51
Stemming78Seems like a setup issue ATM23:52
Stemming78hardware is all good?  cabling and such...23:52
MUS4SHIII:( It works great, but I can't get it to mount at bootup in the fstab. It works with "sudo mount -a" but not at startup.23:52
Stemming78I am in the process of setting mine up as we speak MUS4SHIII so I would be of NO help!23:54
MUS4SHIIIIt was really easy to set up for me, but it just won't mount automatically in the fstab. I'm thinking of putting the bash command in rc.local to mount it that way as a workaround, but that just seems sloppy to me.23:55
hmmm32when i scan it keeps saying timout23:55
hmmm32will the channels found say something else23:55
Stemming78grout: Check your cabling...  Then I would walk through the Backend Setup again then mythfilldatabase23:56
hmmm32or is it finding no channels23:56
Stemming78hmmm32: you dont need to do a channel scan (option 5)23:56
hmmm32what is that?23:56
Stemming78Backend Setup23:57
Stemming78option 523:57
Stemming78You did run MythBackend Setup?23:57
hmmm32just skip channel scan23:57
hmmm32and goto 523:57
Stemming78What is your tuner card23:58
Stemming78hmmm32: what type of tuner card is installed in the machine23:59

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