
ere4sithunar is just hanging - it can't open any folder at all01:01
TheSheepere4si: tried to strace it?01:13
ere4siTheSheep: I have nfs mounts from a file server and the server wasn't on - turned the server on and thunar works - thnx anyway01:15
TheSheepere4si: I think you can set the timeouts for nfs somewhere01:15
ere4siTheSheep: that will be handy :)01:16
TheSheepere4si: but I can't find it now :(01:16
ere4siTheSheep: google will solve it - thnx :)01:17
ere4siTheSheep: from this site - http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterprise/RHEL-4-Manual/sysadmin-guide/s1-nfs-mount.html - timeo=14 is needed in fstab01:20
ere4sihmmm - I already have that in fstab...01:21
ere4siTheSheep: just needed "soft" in the fstab entry :)01:38
joeyjojohello everyone02:52
joeyjojois there a way to update the menu panel when new non-repository apps are installed02:52
joeyjojolike a menu updater?02:53
RedHeronNot sure what you mean.02:53
RedHeronSkype isn't in the repository, and that went into the menu just fine for me (as an example).02:53
joeyjojoi am talking about apps that don't do that automatically and are NOT from the repositories or deb packages02:55
joeyjojosome of the apps such as games are way to old for network play for example so I have to grab the installer and patch em from scratch02:57
joeyjojothe stuff in the repos is like years old02:57
joeyjojois there a way to add them to that pull down thingie - whatever its called in xfce02:58
joeyjojoin the games section?02:58
RedHeronI think there's a menu editor, but I can't seem to find it... I'm kind of a xubuntu noob myself.03:00
RedHeronAh, it's under "settings"03:01
joeyjojoSettings >> Menu Editor is for the log out thing only it seems and the docs are not really that helpful03:01
RedHeronSorry, don't know.03:06
diginuxgreetings, quick question, why does xubuntu have rsyncd installed and running by default?03:15
RedHeronI just installed, hold on and I'll check.03:17
RedHeronps -aux doesn't show rsyncd03:17
diginuxhmmm, i had a fresh install too03:19
diginuxroot@heisenberg:~# update-rc.d -f rsyncd remove Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/rsyncd ...03:19
diginuxroot@heisenberg:~# /etc/init.d/rsync stop * Stopping rsync daemon rsync                                           [ OK ]03:19
RedHeronOh, that just means "yes, it's stopped"03:19
diginuxi just did a fresh ubuntu install as well on my other computer, same thing, it had the startup script in /etc/rc2.d/03:19
RedHeronWhat does ps -aux say?03:20
diginuxwell it is shutoff now, i didnt check ps -aux before i did /etc/init.d/rsyncd stop03:20
RedHeronDo another stop on it, see what it says03:21
diginuxhmm yeah, it just keeps saying the same thing03:21
diginuxbut. am i right in thinking if it is in /etc/rc2.d/ that means it was set to start automatically?03:22
diginuxmaybe im wrong in this thinking..03:22
diginuxroot@heisenberg:/etc/rc2.d# ls S20rsync03:22
RedHeronIs that a symbolic link?03:23
diginuxroot@heisenberg:/etc/rc2.d# ls -lh S20rsync03:24
diginuxlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2008-03-07 16:44 S20rsync -> ../init.d/rsync03:24
diginuxcheck this out..03:25
diginuxroot@heisenberg:/etc/rc2.d# /etc/init.d/rsync start03:25
diginuxroot@heisenberg:/etc/rc2.d# ps aux | grep rsync03:25
diginuxroot      7852  0.0  0.0   2972   748 pts/2    R+   22:25   0:00 grep rsync03:25
diginuxso i guess its there but doesnt start03:25
diginuxmust just not start if there is no config maybe or something03:25
diginuxso i guess it wasnt running by default, just confused me why it was in there to begin with03:25
RedHeronMight be there so that the permissions are correct when it's installed?03:26
diginuxi guess that is possible03:27
diginuxhard to say03:27
RedHeronYeah, not being behind the distribution, difficult.03:27
diginuxthanks for the help03:28
RedHeronOn of the aspects of Ubuntu. :-)03:28
RedHeronIn your "home" directory, look in the "Examples" folder and watch the ogg video of Nelson Mandela. :-)03:29
RedHeronIt's why I went to Ubuntu in the first place.03:29
diginuxnot used to distros having videos :)03:32
RedHeronHehehe.... it's so that we can do our own viral marketing.03:32
* RedHeron plans to get Ubuntu running on one of his servers and then proudly displaying the logo.03:33
RedHeronAs "powered by" with the Apache and Ubuntu logos.03:33
Ultraputzhey is there a way to get the xubuntu install cd out of the sources so you can net-install packages?04:48
Ultraputzi'm trying to get build-essential onto an old laptop and the cd rom has decided to die.04:48
ere4sisynaptic has a checkbox to download packages only04:49
ere4siopen /etc/apt/sources.list and comment the cd04:51
Ultraputzstill says "please insert the disk labeled: xubuntu 7.10 gutsy ... "04:51
* RedHeron would like to see a distro with X, KDE, Gnome, etc., all on one distro and all available for login and working.05:02
gaurdrohow stable is selecting the gutsy-proposed option for what updates to install?05:09
ere4sigaurdro: where do you get that option?05:10
gaurdrosynaptic->settings->repositories->updates.   it's also called pre-released updates.05:12
* RedHeron is away: Busy for a bit... away!05:13
ere4siI asked because gutsy has been released for 5 months now - and I don't have that option05:15
gaurdrohmm.  that's odd.05:16
gaurdrodo you have any other repositories installed?05:19
ere4siyep - universe & multiverse05:20
gaurdroI mean,  like medibuntu or apt.last.fm ?05:20
=== gaurdro is now known as gaurdro|away
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Ultraputzok, next. two wifi monitors have appeared in the sysem tray. any ideas?07:06
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benpiccoIf I cancel moving of several files, the transered files will keep their new place and will be removed in the old place where not yet moved files remain untouched, right?11:46
pulseezarhello everyone, I have a graphics problem on my laptop and was hoping there would be someone around to give me a hand?11:54
DougalI've downloaded a .Bin file which is supposed to be the 'installer' for the linux/x86 release of Realplayer. What should I be doing with the file? Total linux newb. Till now I've only downloaded things I can find in the Synaptic Package Manager11:54
DougalI've only *installed* things. Sorry.11:55
pulseezarnot sure that there's anyone around here mate, might be better to try #ubuntu11:56
DougalThanks for the advice.11:57
RedHeronSimple solution: don't use RealPlayer... it's actually (seriously) considered malware. :D12:11
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ant0nMy X did just "krasch" and Im running in low-graphich mode, how to do now? I've downloaded the driver via the terminal but I can't figuer out how to start using that one. Any tips ?14:32
RandomDestructnnice. xfdesktop is using 2 gigs of ram.14:35
RandomDestructnperhaps thats a bit much14:35
RandomDestructnanother 2 gigs for xfce-menu-plugin14:36
diginuxwhoever makes the ubuntu installer, I think it should have some kind of note or something that says hyperthreading is disabled by default.. took me a while to figure out why my system seemed boggy compared to gentoo14:41
maxamilliondiginux: it shouldn't be disabled by default15:00
maxamilliondiginux: with the upstart boot process and the generic kernel, the module to support it should be loaded automatically15:01
diginuxmaxamillion: i had to do this in order to get it to work: http://www.livingubuntu.com/?p=44#comment-94315:02
diginuxmaxamillion: you sure it is supposed to be enabled by default?15:03
maxamillionhuh .... must have been a flaw since i last ran ubuntu on a HT enabled processor15:03
maxamillionyeah, it used to work "out of the box"15:03
diginuxmaxamillion: http://www.livingubuntu.com/?p=7015:03
maxamillionhmmm... maybe it wasn't ubuntu (i use a lot of different distros all the time, so i could just be mistaken)15:08
ant0nIs it possible to change the panel to mac-theme without compiz?15:21
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gotischhey in Ubuntu there is system->administration->login window / security: Deny TCP connections to Xserver . Whats that counterpart in xubuntu?15:30
maxamillionant0n: not sure, you could poke around xfce-look.org ... there may be a theme15:30
ant0nmaxamillion: Ok, thanks for that one :)15:34
maxamillionant0n: np, there's lots of fun stuff on that site15:34
gotischsduo gdmsetup :)15:34
maxamilliongotisch: i'm not too familiar with how gnome does things like that so i don't know what would be comparable .....15:34
ant0nI see, but unfortunality I can't use copmiz :(15:34
maxamilliongdm ... nvm, i just didn't understand15:35
maxamillionant0n: you don't need compiz15:35
ant0nCompiz is cool :P15:35
maxamillionant0n: there is plenty of non-compiz stuff on that site15:35
gotischdo i need to restart after that or something?15:35
ant0nAh, okej, I'll look around a bit ;)15:35
ant0nI'll try some new icons, I hope I succes to install it =P15:39
ant0nHow do I install the new icons, there was no "how to" included in the download and I'm not that good in english, if someone would try to explain to me it would be great :)15:41
cyberixzoredache: trying to get tray icon of gnunet-gtk to work15:48
maxamillionant0n: some of the icon packages are in the repositories and you can just install them with the package manager of your choice, otherwise you just unpack them into /usr/share/icons/15:48
ant0nAh, okej :) Thanks ;)15:49
maxamillionnp :)15:51
ant0nBut there is one prblm, I cant move a file to that dir, it just goes back when I tryes to put the map there.15:52
maxamillionant0n: are you doing it with sudo or as root?15:56
maxamillionyou don't automagically have permissions to those files15:56
ant0nNo, can i choose the option root?15:56
ant0nI can't choos root/sudo I think, or I dont know how =P15:57
maxamillionthere is a level of understanding about the system that you need to understand before we continue this conversation15:57
maxamillionerrr ... you need to grasp*15:58
ant0nYeah, I think so to, I'm  learning n00b.15:58
maxamillionthat's good, everyone has to start somewhere BUT at the same time, for me to start to explain things to you, i would simply be re-typing things that many people before me have taken time to carefully publish prestine documentation in order to distribute knowledge16:02
Binkycan anyone help me, i'm trying ot set up duel monitors16:02
maxamillionant0n: here is some good xfce4 general documentation, but you might want to look into some of the material here ---> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Guide_to_Unix/Linux as well16:04
maxamillionant0n: sorry, didn't paste the link for the xfce docs ---> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/xfce-config.xml16:04
maxamillionBinky: what graphics card?16:04
Binkygeforce 780016:04
Binkyi downloaded the nvidea driver16:04
ant0nMaxamillion: Yes, i understand that to, I'll use google and see if I find something (I know there is a lot of good stuffs on google) :)16:05
Binkythat got the duel screen working, but the desktop is now massive, no matter what resolution, i can move mouse around revealing what is off screen16:05
maxamillionant0n: yes, google is a wonderful resource and you can even have google filter its searches for linux-only topics by going to www.google.com/linux16:06
Binkyhaha awesome i'm bookmarking that16:06
ant0nThat's something new 4 me, nice function =)16:06
maxamillionBinky: ohhh ok, i've seen that before ... you might need to edit or re-do your /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:07
maxamillionyou probably just need to either add or edit some metamodes16:07
Binkyah ok, i've been trying to use the front end ubuntu stuff, but i've ended up with xorg.conf 1-7 xorg.conf failsafe 1-7 and some with the date after it as well16:08
maxamillionBinky: ahhh, ok ... well what graphics card do you have?16:08
Binkyit's a real mess, and i can't seem to access route to delete anyone of them, sorry i'm totally new ubuntu16:09
Binkygeforce 7800 gtx16:09
Binkyhow do i get root to delete some of these conf's? i tried su command, but my normal password not working and i've not set any others16:09
maxamillionBinky: sudo su -16:10
maxamillionBinky: then use your password16:10
Binkyah ok great got it16:13
Binkyi'm in the xorg.conf i scrolled down to the hansol (my brand) monitor16:14
Binkyand there's alot of lines of info giving different screen sizes and alot of numbers16:14
Binkymaxamillion: would it have anything to do with the fact my xorg.conf is missing a screen section, i've got monitor but not a screen section, or is that normal for a duel view display?16:25
ViakenI'm having a bit of a problem with Xubuntu on this laptop. The battery monitor xfce plugin is ...flaky. gnome-power-manager isn't handling it any better, so when it's on battery power, I get no warning when it's about to die.16:26
maxamillionBinky: you might want to do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' in the command line and then use the nvidia-settings application to configure your dual monitors16:26
Viakenacpi -V displays correct info16:27
maxamillionViaken: make sure the acpi support is being enabled in kernel level at boot, check your grub's menu.lst to make sure its not passing a 'noacpi' parameter16:27
Binkycool thanks16:29
maxamillionBinky: anytime :)16:31
Viakenmaxamillion: ACPI is being enabled.16:34
dezrikwhy can't i install firefox 3.0?17:01
zoredache_dezrik: that is a good question, why can't you install firefox 3?  Perhaps you can tell us how you are trying to install it, or what error you are getting?17:12
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
dezrikWell I trying to find it in synaptic but i can';t find it17:13
zoredacheif you are still using gutsy, it wouldn't bee in there since the selection of packages for gutsy was frozen back in October17:13
test-3Rhow do i check my version of xubuntu easily? is there commandline i can use?17:13
test-3Rer OH17:14
dezrikuname -a17:14
zoredachetest-3R: lsb_release -a17:14
test-3Ryeah UNAME is giving me the name i gave it which is BS name :)17:14
test-3R"no LSB available" then it tells me im already running 7.0417:15
MasterScripthow to connect to wirellss?17:15
test-3Ri think i leave it. this has intel video . laptop.17:15
test-3ROLD hp17:15
zoredache!wifi | MasterScript17:15
ubotuMasterScript: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:16
test-3Rive been testing with all sorts of stuff lately. i got Slax to work from USB stick, and it runs a ton. WINE apps. Pidgeon.17:17
test-3Rits pretty kewl. i setup ubuntu on gForce2 box,too, and it has full CompizFusion running17:17
gaurdro|awayhas anyone turned on the gutsy-proposed updates option?17:18
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MasterScripthow to ssh to my ubntu?17:18
test-3RI have not, and i don't have much to test that on. most of my boxes are low version linux because they are too old to run newest with Fusion integrated17:19
zoredacheinstall the ssh server if you haven't allready (sudo apt-get install openssh-server) figure out the ip address, then connect17:19
test-3Ri rly hope they figure out how to enable Hardware Accell on ALL cards for Fusion to run17:19
zoredacheif your computer is behind a nat then you might have to setup portforwarding on the nat-device17:19
test-3Rhey so i was trying to use SSH to connect to an SSH FTP the other day?17:20
diginuxtest-3R: use sftp17:20
test-3Rcouldnt get it to go from cmnd line. mighta! but it was full near the end trys. i ned to re-try17:20
test-3Ryeah i think i tried that from cmndline17:20
test-3Rnormal ftp with GFTP is great17:21
test-3Rthere is option in there for your 'ssh' program17:21
test-3RDo i just put SSH into that box? or does that need more specific pointer in that?17:21
test-3Ri have openssh - so would i just put the name of that paket inh that box then?17:21
zoredachetest-3R: gftp worked perfectly fine for me17:22
test-3Roh yeah it works great for normal FTPs. tested.17:22
test-3Rbut this special one is SSH/TT???  ftp17:22
zoredacheI never use normal ftp... I am saying it is fine for sftp17:22
test-3R!!!!. OK, so in the setup for gftp, whn it asks for my secure SSH file pointer, in the box in the setup, if I type "sftp" into that box will THAT work?17:23
zoredacheall you should have to do is select ssh from the connect drop down and it will work17:23
test-3Rhuh! OK i'll try.17:24
test-3Rty :)17:24
test-3RHey theres some rly good knowledge/training on the NEWS right now17:25
zoredacheobviously the host you are trying to connect to must have an ssh server installed already, and it must be allowed through any firewalls between you17:25
test-3Rif u know what im saying u should chek it out17:25
test-3Rzoredache > yeah, naturally. Yeah I think his setup is fine its guys from IRC17:25
test-3Rthere are others that connect into his system from the chat - so it Must b setup ok17:26
test-3Rthis box is charging. ima show this laptop to a perspective employer soon17:27
test-3R(he wants me to network his new office, then actionscript insanity)17:28
test-3Ri rly hope it goes thru! & I hope I'm able to use *BUNTU to help it work. then I can credit u guys & it will be kewl.17:29
MasterScriptcannot detect a wirelless connect device17:29
MasterScripthow to add it?17:29
gaurdroit can't find a network or it can't find a wireless card?17:31
MasterScriptwreless not in listed17:32
MasterScriptjust have 2 connection17:32
MasterScriptWired & Moden only17:32
test-3RMasterScript & gaurdro >   zoredache tried to show you the help - here -17:32
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:32
MasterScripti am read it17:33
test-3Rsee- if you use the ! then what you need it will tell you link. its nifty17:33
dezrikwhere is Source.list?17:33
test-3Rmmmmmm - what version are you on? I am on slightly old Xubuntu17:33
zoredachedezrik: /etc/apt/sources.list17:33
dezrikThank you17:33
MasterScriptno wireless extension17:34
test-3Rdid you have your wireless card plugged in?17:34
test-3Rwhen u ran the install CD?17:34
zoredacheMasterScript: have you tried searching google with a search string like 'linux wireless {your device model}'17:35
zoredacheso like 'linux wireless dlink 522tx' or whatever?17:35
test-3Rzore > yes that's where I began, I believe. Then I found out I can use MADWIFI drivers17:35
dezrikWhy do i always get -> Install these packages without verification [y/N]? Y17:36
zoredachedezrik: a maintainer of a repisotory has the ability to use GPG to cryptographically sign all the files in a repository so that you know that they are all real and haven't been corrupted17:37
zoredachedezrik: but some repository maintainers haven't set that up17:37
* test-3R learns everytime he comes in here, LOL17:38
zoredacheyou might also need to import a gpg public key for the repository you have added into your apt-keychain17:38
zoredachedezrik: if you trust the repositories in your list, you can probably just answer 'y' yes and ignore the message17:39
dezrikThats what ive been doing, i only have the ubuntu reps and mediabuntu reps17:40
test-3Rzore >> without the GPG key - will the system still verify, by, say, MD5?17:40
dezriki got firefox 3.0b4 installed. WOW its fast17:40
test-3Rzore > or will the system simply install the pak even if it came across corrupt17:40
gaurdrohow stable is the gutsy-proposed update option?  I don't care if functionality changes (IE new version) but I don't want a broken install.17:40
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:41
zoredachedezrik: for importing the mediaubuntu the key use: wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update17:41
dezrikthe only complaint i have about xubuntu is nm-applet17:42
gaurdrotest-3R,  I"m not looking to upgrade the version of my install...17:43
test-3Roh you are asking about the Upper Right icon?17:43
test-3Rthe update from Tray? RUn update that is in tray17:43
test-3Rthats in Ubuntu17:44
test-3RI don't know what it will do to Xubuntu17:44
test-3Rhonestly - in the past many versions17:44
gaurdroI"m talking about synaptic->settings->repositories->updates->gutsy proposed.17:45
test-3Roh, snap. Um, they're prob alpha? maybe beta? itll prob break something. You prob know this.17:45
gaurdroyea prolly,  but i want to find someone who knows for sure, because in my experience, it's really hard to break ubuntu without manually messing with something.17:47
test-3Ryou've never used PyPar2, have you?17:49
test-3Ror other buggy, weird, user made apps to do things, that I, find nessecary?17:49
test-3Rit all dpends on whats in it and whats its trying to do ultimately17:50
gaurdroI have used a few, but they weren't from the repositories.  thus manually editting.17:50
test-3Rchek the pak descripts ? may B u want some and not Others?17:50
test-3Rive rly had mixed mixed results trying to CONFIG MAKE MAKEINSTALL on buntu, but i havent tried in a while17:54
test-3Rsometimes it takes - other times its prob some weird DEP thats blocking it17:54
test-3Rbut what YOu';re talking about is pre-compiled, i believe, yes?17:54
test-3RHEY I got a good-n for you guys17:59
test-3RI got this hakt version of CDRECORD for doing very specific disks17:59
test-3Rthey are XA disks. a 600k sector in front, and several tracks after18:00
test-3Rthey must be precise18:00
test-3RDO you think the version of CDRECORD patched to NOT have a 2-sector-default-offset will work in BUNTU? or not?18:00
test-3Rand what if I already have cdrecord installed? should I just Conf-Make-MIns the new one? WIll that just patch up where the files are sitting normally? or will that break it all?  :)18:01
test-3RI think I have to try it in older Ubuntu too probably18:07
test-3Rthe new ubuntu seems to have a power calibration issue with Both of my USB burners18:07
test-3Rif i wasnt so chickensh*t id try it on this laptop but it is my 1-n-only  :)18:08
test-3RGAH ! I have meeting in 1.5 hrs, now! I hav to tune this box's Example Work!!!!18:18
test-3Rtime to sync with my new projects18:18
test-3Rez all kr3w18:18
ant0nHow to install a new theme in xubuntu? xfce18:46
tuvook!theme | ant)n18:54
ubotuant)n: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:54
tuvook!theme | ant0n18:54
ubotuant0n: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:54
AskariiI would need some help for adding new themes/icons19:24
AskariiI know i have to send them in usr/share/themes or usr/share/icons19:25
Askariibut its set to READ ONLY19:25
Askariiand i don't know how to change that :(19:25
zoredacheas a regular user you can't write there.  You could get super-upser privileges with sudo19:25
Askariieven if i gave myself all rights?19:26
hyakuheihrmm, I think I did something a bit stoopid.... I only had a gutsy server disc so I installed that and updated and then installed xubuntu-desktop. I had to change some linux-image stuff to get wifi working but I don't think I'm using an SMP kernel... I have a core2duo but /proc/cpuinfo is only showing 1 cpu...19:27
hyakuheiIs there anything I should have to install or typically do to migrate from *server* to xubuntu-desktop ?19:27
zoredachehyakuhei: what do you get from uname -r19:28
Askariizoredache.... whats should I do exactly?19:28
StroganoffAskarii: open terminal.19:29
Askariii tried with terminal aswell :S19:29
Askariibut ok19:29
zoredacheAskarii: I don't know...  If you want write access in those folders you will need to either change permissions (which will probably break things) or get root privileges with sudo...19:29
Askariiwhat is sudo?19:29
zoredache!sudo | Askarii19:29
ubotuAskarii: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.19:30
StroganoffAskarii, also this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto19:31
Stroganoffhyakuhei, you should use the alternate cd with cmdline install mode.19:33
hyakuheiStroganoff, that wasn't and isn't an option right now19:42
Stroganoffi know :(19:42
Stroganoffi'm trying to find precise docs about the server iso19:42
Stroganoffcan't even find the download right now19:42
hyakuheizoredache, 2.6.22-14-38619:43
hyakuheiheh, irony19:43
Stroganoffthere should be a MANIFEST file on the iso19:43
lecheups, sry xD19:48
zoredachehyakuhei: that kernel is for 386 cpu which are not multicore19:50
hyakuheiok zoredache which should I be running ?19:50
zoredachehyakuhei: try doing an 'sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic'19:50
hyakuheibeen there already, breaks wifi :'(19:51
zoredacheactually try 'sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic'19:51
TheSheepzoredache: ls: Command not found20:08
zoredacheOH NOES!  So that is what rm -rf does... :(20:09
TheSheepyes kids, be careful with that .*, it also matches ..20:09
zoredacheDo you know if there is a way to hide an application from the 'alt-tab', but still have it visible and show up in the task lists and all?20:11
TheSheepzoredache: yes, there is the 'skip pager' hint20:12
TheSheepno, wait, that will hide it form the workspace preview20:13
TheSheepzoredache: the freedesktop.org standard lists all the hints20:13
zoredacheskip_tasklist maybe...20:13
TheSheepzoredache: the stanrad is called XD-something-MP20:13
TheSheepICCCM :D20:14
TheSheepI knew my memories are uncanny20:14
zoredacheTheSheep: yeah, skip_tasklist seems to be what I want... now my terminal with irssi is invisible... I should be able to avoid it much easier20:19
TheSheepzoredache: explring devislpie, eh?20:20
TheSheepzoredache: fine occasin to learn lisp :)20:20
zoredacheI have been using it for a couple months.  Hopefully I'll be able to avoid typing 'ls' in the channel every other week now20:22
TheSheepzoredache: yeah, you will be typing (ls (x (cv xxx)))20:29
adacany idea what is wrong with the soud applet in the panel? when I try to add it i can't see it in the panel20:53
TheSheepadac: yeah, it crashes for me too20:54
adacTheSheep: is there a solution for that? do you have 64 bit version?20:54
TheSheepadac: I have 32 bit system, but 64 bit cpu20:55
TheSheeplooks like Bug #9026120:56
adacTheSheep: oh i see. I can remember the last time i installed xubuntu i had the same issues...this was a 32 bit version. But this weas some time actually a long tiime ago20:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 90261 in xfce4-mixer "Volume Control plugin can't be added to xfce4-panel" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9026120:56
adacstill same problem it seems20:56
adacyes this is exactly what happens20:58
adacstill not solved? that is strange20:58
TheSheepadac: I found out a workaround20:59
adacwould say sound is something essential20:59
TheSheepadac: remove the aumix keyboard bindings form keyboard settings20:59
adacyea? tell me20:59
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