=== TheDeadAngel666 is now known as TheJokeMan000 | ||
=== TheJokeMan000 is now known as TheDeadAngel666 | ||
* P3L|C4N0 slds | 03:30 | |
popey | what's the ubotu thing that tells you how to compile stuff from source? | 09:29 |
popey | !source | 09:29 |
ubotu | You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 09:29 |
popey | hmm | 09:30 |
popey | aha! !compile | 09:30 |
jussi01 | popey: you can use !search <keyword> to assist with that :) | 10:06 |
popey | cool, ta | 10:06 |
jussi01 | :) | 10:07 |
persia | Hi. There's been a recent unbanning of a previously banned person on #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-motu. My prior understanding was that a ban was retained until removed by either the banning operator or another operator, or an issue was raised as part of dispute resolution. | 13:56 |
persia | Could someone please confirm my understanding, or point me to documentation that might help better educate me? | 13:57 |
encryptz | so the ban has been released? | 14:02 |
persia | Apparently, but the operator removing the ban indicated they had done so under pressure, and I'm not sure if that is ideal. | 14:02 |
encryptz | generally, the one who does the ban releases the ban | 14:03 |
PriceChild | persia: could you tell me which ban so I can find logs on the bantracker? | 14:03 |
persia | Further, the ban was in support of a MOTU Council decision for somebody to not participate. While it is properly up to the IRC Operators whether to ban or not, rather than MOTU Council, I have an interest in the ban. | 14:03 |
persia | PriceChild: unaffiliated/Kmox | 14:04 |
PriceChild | ahhh | 14:04 |
persia | Err. unaffiliated/Kmos | 14:04 |
PriceChild | One moment. | 14:04 |
persia | (Actually, I don't understand IRC very well, it may have only been a removal of voice rather than a channel block) | 14:05 |
PriceChild | j #ubuntu-motu | 14:08 |
Hobbsee | PriceChild: you need a pastebin? | 14:09 |
PriceChild | I hate typos. | 14:09 |
PriceChild | No I've found it all I think. | 14:10 |
Hobbsee | PriceChild: http://pastebin.ca/950309 | 14:10 |
PriceChild | persia: I'm not sure what you're asking for. An operator of #ubuntu-motu chose to remove the ban? | 14:11 |
Hobbsee | PriceChild: because the MC did not deem that it should be banned, and various people complained. | 14:12 |
Hobbsee | PriceChild: what the MC really needs to do is to issue a statement requesting a ban, in which channels, and what type of ban (ban or quiet), to the irc & motu ML's, imo | 14:13 |
persia | PriceChild: I'm mostly trying to understand the rules. I thought any operator could institute or remove a ban, and was allowed to do so as long as it didn't get raised for dispute resolution. That doesn't match what Hobbsee said, which confuses me. | 14:13 |
Hobbsee | persia: oh, they can. | 14:13 |
PriceChild | persia: people on the access list are free to ban/unban etc. etc. as they wish. It is up for the channel contact/owners to put their own policy and ask their ops to follow. | 14:13 |
persia | The official MC position is that MC doesn't have jurisdiction over IRC, but appreciates support for decisions (like Kmos not participating) from the IRC Operators. | 14:14 |
Hobbsee | persia: but, the MC, etc didn't agree with that, and i got mass emails telling me i was wrong. | 14:14 |
persia | PriceChild: Thanks for the confirmation. | 14:14 |
Hobbsee | persia: hence, i don't plan to act again until the MC actually gives a hard request on !irc requesting a ban, so then i can point anyone who decides to cause problems about it to the MC. | 14:14 |
persia | Hobbsee: Speaking for the MC, we agree. I'll get another op to reinstate the ban if you don't want your name on the list. | 14:14 |
persia | Any volunteers? | 14:15 |
Hobbsee | persia: i want that written, publically, in !irc | 14:15 |
* Hobbsee is happy to reban, but... | 14:15 | |
Hobbsee | i dont' want more mass emails about how it should'nt have been done | 14:15 |
Hobbsee | and if i get them, i'll forward them straight to you guys, and it won't be my problem, as i've followed the requests of the MC. | 14:16 |
persia | Right. I'll have to get that reviewed, but this isn't the forum. | 14:16 |
persia | PriceChild: Thanks again for the confirmation. | 14:16 |
persia | Hobbsee: Thanks for the ban. I'll let you kow. | 14:16 |
Hobbsee | cool | 14:16 |
Pip | How can I reach ubuntu channels as a tor user and without registered | 14:33 |
Hobbsee | you can't. | 14:34 |
Pip | :D | 14:35 |
Pip | I'm trying your advice | 14:35 |
jpatrick | !tor-gpg | this ought to do it | 14:35 |
ubotu | this ought to do it: You can use tor and still access #ubuntu and other channels that have tor blocked. How? Read http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor to find out how to bypass all the tor hassles on freenode. | 14:35 |
Pip | I see | 14:37 |
encryptz | tor is slick. i just wish it wasn't so laggy | 14:37 |
Pip | good | 15:02 |
encryptz | !tor | 15:27 |
ubotu | TOR is a project aiming to provide anonymous connections via specialized !proxies - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR for information and help - Note that TOR is blocked on most Ubuntu IRC channels, please see !hostmask and !tor-gpg | 15:27 |
encryptz | i see tha factoid has been updated to something more accurate and less biased. ツ | 15:27 |
_r1_ | hi | 15:43 |
TheDeadAngel666 | _r1_: plop | 15:43 |
_r1_ | oO | 15:43 |
erUSUL | !ar | 17:08 |
ubotu | La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe | 17:08 |
erUSUL | !jo | 17:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 17:08 |
Pici | jo? | 17:15 |
nalioth | jordan ? | 17:16 |
erUSUL | nalioth: yes; i was trying to figure out the jordan channel | 17:25 |
erUSUL | nalioth: it does not exist; isn't it? | 17:25 |
nalioth | erUSUL: it is registered | 17:27 |
erUSUL | nalioth: well nevermind it was just someone asking on #ubuntu | 17:29 |
emgent | hello | 19:20 |
emgent | It's possible to join ubot in #ubuntu-hardened ? | 19:20 |
Tm_T | emgent: hmm, try #ubuntu-bots and/or #ubuntu-ops ? | 19:32 |
=== dantalizing is now known as benny_lava | ||
=== TheDeadAngel666 is now known as UnknowMan | ||
=== UnknowMan is now known as TheDeadAngel666 |
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