
gmazk_kitche: is there a IRC channel where I can report this failure?00:00
dvoid_whats is the equivalent to inittab in ubuntu?00:00
hischildyowshi, .... you have to use chown the sudo binary as root:root in rescue mode ...00:00
yowshiwil;l do unop__ sorry for delay was writing all that down00:00
hischildunop__, the sudo binary is no longer owned by root ... he has to reown it (ls WILL say it's owned by root)00:00
wantE17styleis there a way to make a source who is sending a ping of death wait 24 hours??//?????????????????/00:00
geniiexegesis: That's not an Ubuntu question, perhaps ask in ##windows for vista-relaed issues00:00
wantE17stylemy router doesn't seem to offer a timeout.........00:00
yowshiunop_ does this require a full reboot or will a change session into failsalfe terminal work?00:01
hischildwantE17style, you can drop the packages00:01
exegesisgenii it has to be an Ubuntu question because I had no problems booting into Vista before, and if it's a Windows issue I might as well forget it since their help sucks00:01
hischildyowshi, you have to be root ... thus a reboot into rescue is needed00:01
unop_yowshi, you could drop down into runlevel 1 if thats what you mean00:01
kitchegmazk_: I wonder if it's a heat issue00:01
unop_hischild, the problem is that $(which sudo) is no longer setuid root - thats what we're trying to fix00:01
yowshiyeah at the login screen it allows me to change session into terminal and login as root00:01
hansderagonGreetings.  Is there an equivalent of consolehelper for Ubuntu?  I have a script that needs to become root after asking for the password to the user.00:01
kitchegmazk_: or it's draining the battery so fast that your laptop will shutdown00:01
shivAre you pretty safe with Ubuntu for security, in terms of firewall? Or should I install Fwbuilder?00:01
unop_yowshi, that should work00:02
wantE17stylehow do I write the IPTABLE rules to drop packages? I think it is dropping ICMP pings already............I set that rule with firestarter00:02
yowshicool bbs00:02
dai1313belkinhelp, acctually im pretty useless too, ask someone else00:02
slideHow can I restore an old servers mysql installation? I have the entire old ubuntu filesystem and a fresh install and need to migrate the mysql server over. Any guide or anything?00:02
Jack_Sparrowshiv, You dont need to add one00:02
portamenteffshv: i've had good luck with the native firewall in Ubuntu and other *nixes00:02
hischildunop_, i know, the problem in it, is that the sudo binary is no longer owned by root ... if he reboots into rescue mode he's auto set as root ... if he then chown's the sudo binary as root:root and does your chmod thing, he will have sudo access again00:02
unop_racemap,  --  date -s "$(cat date_file | tr -d '\n')"00:02
shivJack_Sparrow: K00:02
wantE17stylewhat is fwbuilder??????????00:03
racemapunop_:thanx so much00:03
gmazk_kitche: it may be. But different users of different notebook manufacturers are reporting the same issue since last week. So I'm suspecting about some update problem or something.00:03
unop_hischild, hmm, i dunno if i paid attention to his sudo's ownership -- let's see when he gets back00:04
geniiexegesis: Any idea of what the last thing was that happened that might be relevent? updates,downloads,cold reboots, etc?00:04
MUS4SHIIICan anyone help me with mythtvfs in the fstab?00:04
gmazk_kitche: maybe some wrong ACPI table.00:05
wantE17style:( no knows how to help me? :'(00:05
ConstyXIVanyone have a link to the hardyheron background by chance?00:05
yowshithe ls -l $(which sudo) hasnt changed00:05
hischildunop_, if you ls -al the file it'll say it's owned by root ... yet chowning the file root:root actually fixes it (i've experienced it myself by a "slight" mistake)00:05
exegesisgenii no because I don't usually boot into Vista, and I tried a couple months ago and that's when it happend00:05
yowshii wonder incidentally if this has something to do with my home folder privs and my .d,rc file00:05
unop_yowshi, ok, let's see the output of that ls command anyway00:05
Jack_Sparrow!helpme | wantE17style00:05
ubotuwantE17style: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience00:05
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ ls -l $(which sudo)00:06
yowshi-rwsr-xr-x 2 proxy root 106336 2007-06-15 08:54 /usr/bin/sudo00:06
unop_yowshi, ahh, seems hischild was right after all --    run this command (as root) -- chown root:root $(which sudo)00:06
hischildunop_, somewhere it has a thread on the forums about it that helped me out on it00:06
yowshiok bbs00:07
unop_hischild, thats strange, why did they change ownership of sudo like that -- pretty stupid imo00:07
wantE17stylewell, how about someone explaining if I need this 'fwbuilder'?????00:07
hischildunop_, they didn't ... he probably did a chown on the /usr/bin folder which contains the sudo binary00:07
hischildwantE17style, perhaps a little attitude change would help00:08
geniiexegesis: I'm not sure if Windows still has the boot menu you can access by F8 key and select Safe Mode or so on, but perhaps worth trying before using some recovery strategy off the bootable cd like fixmbr or so on00:08
jester7anybody here have a dell inspiron 1525?00:08
unop_hischild, thats likely00:08
hischildunop_, made that mistake once myself00:09
wantE17styleI'm not patient anymore - this vaunted linux is supposed to be able to withstand web attacks00:09
exegesisThis is gonna sound dumb but I'm using XChat IRC and just deleted the Menu toolbar from appearing; how to I get it back?00:09
Jack_SparrowwantE17style, if you understand firewall/iptables.. you know that you dont00:09
yowshithat di8dnt fix it00:09
exegesisgenii I'll try that00:09
yowshithough now it says root root00:09
wantE17styleI want to know why this flaw is crashing my server........00:09
wantE17styleof course, I don't00:09
hischildwantE17style, take a look at a good look at iptables and look for a manpage.00:09
wantE17styleif I did, then I could solve this problem00:09
unop_yowshi, what happens when you try and sudo now?00:09
ConstyXIVare there any gnome-based irc clients besides xchat and pidgin?00:09
yowshioshi@ubuntu:~$ sudo pcmanfm00:09
yowshisudo: must be setuid root00:09
unop_yowshi, damn -- output ls -l00:10
hischildunop_, .... let me check for that site again00:10
Jack_SparrowConstyXIV, Konversation, kvirc etc00:10
wantE17stylemanpages are too arcane......00:10
unop_yowshi, what does ls -l output now?00:10
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ ls -l $(which sudo)00:10
yowshi-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 106336 2007-06-15 08:54 /usr/bin/sudo00:10
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ConstyXIVJack_Sparrow: i said GNOME-based00:10
yowshii am thinking i should unedit the sudoers file as well00:10
yowshisinc ei did try and edit that ealier and never removed what i added00:11
hischildchmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo and chwon root:root /usr/bin/sudo .... unop_ and yowshi  ... do those 2 commands and you'll be good00:11
hischildmake that chown and not chwon00:11
unop_yowshi, hmm, setuid seems to reset -- let's give this one more try --  run this command (as root) -- chown root:root $(which sudo)l chmod 4755 $(which sudo)00:11
wantE17styleI notice that near the time my router is forced to reset is when my server crashes00:11
unop_yowshi, no l :p00:12
yowshijust checking00:12
unop_yowshi, that should be a ;00:12
yowshiah ok00:12
yowshii see two command one line thing00:12
hischildunop_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21976700:12
yowshiisnt the command seperater a : not an ;?00:12
hischildyowshi, no, it's a ;00:12
yowshiok bbs00:12
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Jack_Sparrowgigi, Hello, welcome to ubuntu00:13
minimecConstyXIV: There is a special xchat-gnome version with a different layout. But ... irssi beats them all...00:13
wantE17styleis it possible to deactivate ping for tcp/udp for linux?00:14
unop_Wanderer, ping uses icmp not tcp/udp00:14
unop_wantE17style, ^^^00:15
wantE17styleok, thanks00:15
wantE17styleI"m simply mystified why ubuntu is freezing :/00:15
shawnharnis tritium herte?00:15
unop_shawnharn, seems to be -- could be afk00:16
yowshiok that didnt work and removing the entry i put in sudoers for my user has gotten me back to permission denied00:16
hischildunop_, you seen the link?00:16
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unop_hischild, aye, pretty much what we recommended00:17
yowshiwish i could just login here as root and run the commands as you guys give them to me00:17
hischildunop_, indeed00:17
yowshiwithout all this logging out crap00:17
shawnharnhe was going to helo me today00:17
unop_yowshi, what error did you get prior to removing the sudoer entry?00:17
MUS4SHIIIcan anyone help me with mythtvfs fstab config?00:17
hischildyowshi, you can use irssi in the recovery mode and then do it :-)00:17
Bob_DoleCommand line IRC client00:18
unop_yowshi, what does ls -l $(which sudo) read now?00:18
Bob_DoleI've not used it, because I'm one of those n00bs who prefers to not venture out of the GUI very often00:18
yowshiunop_ i didnt try i figured i would remove my editing first and then run the commands00:18
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ ls -l $(which sudo)00:18
yowshi-rwsr-xr-x 2 root root 106336 2007-06-15 08:54 /usr/bin/sudo00:18
yowshiwith the usr/bin/sudo bit in red00:18
unop_yowshi, ok, thats good -- now you need your group/user in sudoer to be able to sudo00:19
hischildunop_, you made him create a new group? or he still has his old details?00:19
yowshibut it was already in there a yoshi ALL=(ALL) ALL entry00:19
unop_yowshi, is it in now tho?00:19
erle-swapon: /dev/sda1: Invalid argument00:19
erle-what the fuck?00:19
unop_yowshi, it has to be in now00:19
yowshino thats what i added00:19
yowshiand then just commented out00:20
Jack_Sparrowerle-, Watch the language please00:20
* Pelo needs a new hobby00:20
erle-Jack_Sparrow, sorry00:20
yowshiok bbs00:20
unop_yowshi, uncomment it00:20
crossm0veI am trying to install 'dchroot' I get the error E: Couldn't find package dchroot00:20
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unop_hischild, using his existing group membership00:20
Pelocrossm0ve, do it through synaptic, dchroot might not be the exact name of the package00:21
minimecBob_Dole: irrsi is a monster (in good/bad terms). irrsi can do evrything and drive you mad at the same time. I   guess it's like being married ;)00:21
crossm0vePelo: How do I do it through synaptic?00:21
Pelocrossm0ve, you have a gui right ? gnome ?00:21
hischildunop_, then he should be able to sudo now00:21
crossm0vePelo: Yes00:21
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Pelocrossm0ve, menu > systm> admin > synaptic package manager,  use the search feature00:21
crossm0vePelo: Thank iyou00:22
unop_crossm0ve, sure you didnt make changes to /etc/apt/sources.list ?00:22
* Pelo thinks the quality of gratitude is dropping in this channel 00:22
xjkxi installed ubuntu on usb flashdriver. i created only one partition with 2gb. its not even close to that, but somehow it seems to have mounted it all separately, its saying /usr is full, what should i do ? I am using the persistent thing00:22
shivPelo: why00:22
yowshithat didnt work00:23
yowshithere is also this wierd little %admion entry in there that i commented out00:23
unop_yowshi, error message?00:23
yowshipermission denied00:23
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ sudo pcmanfm00:23
yowshisudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied00:23
shivPelo: ah, lol. cause I appreciate all the help :P00:24
Peloxjkx, 2 gig isn'T much to run ubuntu ,  you might want to consider puppy linux for a flash drive00:24
unop_yowshi, uncomment admin -- it's needed :)00:24
Jack_SparrowPelo, it should be plenty for persistent00:24
demonsporkwhenever I try to set my time in the menu, it changes, but after every reboot it changes to one hour ahead. I have the correct time zone selected and other OSs detect the hour correctly00:24
yowshiwell the admin line wasnt in the how to you linked me to00:24
Pelodemonspork,  daylight savings time in your area ?00:25
AndersonMy external hdd is mounting as RO how do I make it RW?00:25
crossm0veunop_: I just booted the CD... so I don't think so00:25
Jack_SparrowPelo, I have a couple of 256meg I use for persistent.  the persistent image on them is only 45 megs when fresh00:25
unop_yowshi, the howto was just to demonstrate how to add stuff to the sudoers file -- but you have ruled yourself out of being able to sudo by commenting out the admin group00:25
ma5t3rw1ttI have a question. In Windows, I am able to share my wireless internet connection through my ethernet . Are you able to share your internet connection here on Ubuntu?00:26
PeloJack_Sparrow,  i'll beleive you , I know little about it00:26
captmorganhello, I have some questions regarding putting /home on a new HDD I just got00:26
Peloma5t3rw1tt, yes,   I think you do it using firestarter or someting , check sharing internet in the forum00:26
Jack_SparrowPelo, you may have been thinking iso2usb, and 2 gigs is not really enough for that00:26
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ sudo pcmanfm00:26
yowshisudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied00:26
yowshisame problem00:26
unop_crossm0ve, ahh, you trying to install dchroot in a live CD session?00:26
crossm0veunop_: Yes00:27
ma5t3rw1ttPelo: Will do, thanks00:27
unop_yowshi, pastebin the contents of /etc/sudoers00:27
AndersonMy external hdd is mounting as RO how do I make it RW?00:27
crossm0veunop_: dchroot and debootstrap00:27
PaulOgle591I have a question about wubi00:27
unop_crossm0ve, you'll need to enable the universe repository00:27
Pelocaptmorgan, just make a partition on that hdd,  , copy your current /home to it , edit fstab to reflect that your new hdd shold be mounted to /home and reboot00:27
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:27
Jack_SparrowAnderson, let people know what type of partitions are on that external00:27
yowshii cant view the file00:27
Pelocaptmorgan,  you might want to use the live cd to delete the content of your old /home folder00:27
AndersonJack_Sparrow, how do I find that?00:27
AndersonJack_Sparrow,  mount?00:28
unop_yowshi, errm, sorry -- make a copy of it (as root)00:28
ido-how can i resize my partition without reformatting ?00:28
Jack_Sparrowcaptmorgan, you want sep partition for home right?00:28
PaulOgle591I have wubi installed and as I get in to kubuntu, after it gets past the kubuntu splash screen i am left with a blank screen00:28
Anderson/dev/sda1 on /media/usbdisk type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)00:28
Jack_SparrowAnderson, sudo fdisk -l00:28
Itakuwhats the command to go to a mounted filesystem off of live cd to use like passwd and that00:28
Peloido-, just use the live cd and use the gnome partiton editor in the admin menu00:28
Peloido-, backup first00:28
unop_Itaku, chroot ?00:28
depItaku: chroot00:29
AndersonJack_Sparrow, HPFS/NTFS00:29
ido-and if i done have a livecd handy ?00:29
Jack_Sparrowcaptmorgan, Here is a link with the basics  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:29
amenadoItaku-> have you mounted the FS yourself ?00:29
fevelim looking for a good torrent aplication for ubuntu, i need one that has good criptography, works with upnp and alternates ports whenever it starts, can anyone indicate me a good program?00:29
Peloido-,  you cannot rezise a working partiton, if the partiton is not the one you are working on it won'T be a problem00:29
PaulOgle591you wouldn't need crpytography for legit downloads ;)00:29
Peloido-,  you might also consider getting the gparted live cd00:29
Itakuand whats the apt-get package for like the core utiluties?00:29
CahoneI really like the idea of Linux but it is exhausting to say the least00:29
amenado!who | Itaku00:29
ubotuItaku: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:29
Fryguy--fevel: dunno about upnp, but deluge will probably work, and of course azureus is available (I personally recommend rtorrent, but I think you might be looking for a gui)00:29
Jack_SparrowAnderson, I am preoccupied, I was only trying to help you form a better question so you would get the right answers..  look into ntfs-3g00:30
* Pelo is getting too good at this, it's scary00:30
chris062689I love Ubuntu :)00:30
AndersonJack_Sparrow, gotcha, thanks00:30
MUS4SHIIIwhat is the best widget system out there? I want to pin certain things to the desktop so that I can hotkey to the desktop and see my widgets on my third monitor.00:30
Itakuwhats the apt-get package for like the core utiluties?00:30
ido-Pelo: can i duplicate a working partition to a larger drive ?00:30
Itakulike rm00:30
Pelochris062689, so do we all00:30
fevelFryguy--,  yes ill like one that runs on a gui soh I dont need to keep a terminal open00:30
AndersonMy external hdd is mounting as RO how do I make it RW? It is type HPFS/NTFS.00:30
ido-via dd or something ?00:30
Jack_SparrowAnderson, Windows may have also locked it in which case you would be looking at ntfsfix00:30
fevelFryguy--, thanks for the tips00:30
AndersonJack_Sparrow, k00:30
captmorganPelo  & Jack_Sparrow - I am going with  fresh install of 7.10 and I currently have one 120gb (orig drive w/ ubuntu on it) and I just got a 500gb drive. I am wanting to move all my music and videos to the new HDD and do a fresh install of Ubuntu of the 120gb drive00:30
Peloido-,  you can always copy it , but you won'T be able to swtith to it "hot" I guess00:30
unop_Itaku, coreutils ?00:30
Jack_Sparrowcaptmorgan, so far so good00:31
CahoneI guess i have to buy practically a whole new system to get everything to work properly...or so it seems00:31
lordleemofevel: ktorrent   azureus00:31
Itakumeh i got to reinstall00:31
amenadoAnderson-> you did man mount? the man pages will give you some idea of how to do it right00:31
Fryguy--captmorgan: why do you need to reinstall?00:31
Itakunow i got my security breeched00:31
Itakunot an exploit00:31
ido-no need to switch hot, i can reboot for that, i just want to replace my drive with a larger one00:31
ido-how do i do that ?00:31
demonsporkPelo, it adjusted the error to daylight savings time when it happened00:31
CahoneWhat are the best components that work with Linux00:31
Fryguy--Cahone: way too vague a question00:31
captmorganJack_Sparrow so can I just copy my stuff to the 500 gb drive and install to the 120 drive?00:31
fevellordleemo,  transmission doesnt alternate ports right?00:31
unop_Cahone, everything and nothing all at the same time . :)00:32
yowshiit's no good00:32
lordleemofevel: never used it sorry00:32
Jack_Sparrowcaptmorgan, yep. you may need to give yourself permissions later, but that wont be a big deal00:32
Pelocaptmorgan, I have two 80 gig drives as follows,  hdd1   10 gig / , 2 gig swap , 68 gig /home, hdd2   9 gig windows,  1 gig vfat , 60 gig download00:32
yowshii have tried the cp command twice and the copied just wind up as protected as the original00:32
PaulOgle591i find that my nvidia card has pixel diahrea with liunx video drivers00:32
CahoneFryguy--, well i got an MSI video card and AOE Flat screen and KDS CRT and it is a mess00:32
bastid_raZorfevel; it doesn't automatically switch ports but it can be done in a quick three clicks of the mouse00:32
captmorganFryguy-- I was messing with a customization of adding the File Menu View Tools bar to the bar on top and it got totally screwed up so I am just going to re-install\00:32
PaulOgle591thats the only component along with hd audio that has problems00:32
* nikrud has never heard of a download file system00:32
PaulOgle591will they fix HD audio drivers?00:32
Jack_Sparrowcaptmorgan, no need for that...00:33
_polto_hi all00:33
Fryguy--ChaosMachine: shouldn't be00:33
yowshii could login to gdm as root00:33
Jack_Sparrowcaptmorgan, we can fix it with one line00:33
unop_yowshi, ouch, cp would copy permissions too -- copy using cat --  cat /etc/sudoers >> /tmp/sudoers00:33
CahoneFryguy--, yes?00:33
Pelodemonspork,  this is a fresh install ? do the upgrade there was a bug fix for the daylight thing, it might fix it00:33
Fryguy--captmorgan: there are very rare circumstances to reinstall an operating system, screwing with menus shouldn't be one of them :/00:33
fevelwhat do you guys have to say about deluge? has anybody used it?00:33
zocky_how do I make compiz start automatically without using system->preferences->appearance, since that doesn't seem to work with my driver setup?00:33
Fryguy--Cahone: sorry I mistyped.  your equipment is fine, linux is going to work with any monitor, and pretty much any video card00:33
nikrud!resetpanels | captmorgan00:34
Pelonikrud, not a download file system, more an explanation of the use of the partitons00:34
ubotucaptmorgan: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:34
bastid_raZorfevel; deluge is similiar to transmission00:34
ChaosMachineFryguy--, :)00:34
Fryguy--fevel: i've used it, it's fine.  I prefer rtorrent00:34
captmorganFryguy-- I have been without desktop effects for over 6 weeks after that00:34
ido-Pelo:  ?00:34
orbisvicisfevel, deluge nice, but not on windows ; (00:34
Jack_Sparrowcaptmorgan, ctrl-alt F2     then    rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity00:34
nikrudPelo: I know, just all the others were file systems. Was funny ;)00:34
orbisvicisdepends what you are looking for00:34
Fryguy--captmorgan: so? fix it.  (desktop effects are a waste of cpu cycles btw)00:34
TheMusoPaulOgle591: You were wanting to ask about wubi?00:34
Peloido-, ???600:34
TheMusoPaulOgle591: Have you received an anwer yet?00:34
Jack_Sparrowctrl-alt F7 to come back00:34
MUS4SHIIIanyone know how to pin desklets to the desktop so they don't go away when I hotkey show desktop.00:34
Jack_Sparrowcaptmorgan,   http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/00:35
lordleemofevel: i just had a look at the sight looks like a good client maybe ill try it00:35
fevelorbisvicis, what do you mean windows? im looking for getting around those damn isp restrictions, they denie it00:35
CahoneFryguy--, well I cant get the resolutions i want and cant use dual monitors and I cant use enhanced video modes that Ubuntu says it offers00:35
Peloido-, you would do better to clean installn an dthen copy the content of your /home to the new hdd00:35
Fryguy--Cahone: so configure your system correctly so that you can.  The problem isn't your hardware00:36
orbisvicisfevel, deluge does support torrent encryption if thats what you are asking ?00:36
depMUS4SHIII: Not possible. If you want a more detailed description of why, ask, but it's related to their gtk implementation00:36
orbisvicisbut so does azureus 2.5 for win00:36
ido-too much time00:36
_polto_I am running a 64 bit ubuntu Gutsy on my desktop and i am trying to get Xilinx ISE work. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XilinxISE#head-c95f0e4e1b1574f6f38d37ff4400188041b3e5c5 say (last lines) what ia32-libmotif3 package does not exist. On Feisty i already run Xilinx with all futures. the Gutsy 64 bit is looking for /usr/lib32/libXm.so.3 where can i find it ?00:36
ido-i can however mount my home elsewhere.00:36
CahoneFryguy--, well i looked for the drivers everywhere and cant find them for any of the devices00:36
ryzkayour name???????????????????????????????????????????????????00:36
PaulOgle591As i am still a windows user, what is the best c++ compiler that I can use, with a reasonable ide that still follows all of the gcc rules00:36
CahoneFryguy--, I would love to know what im doing wrong00:36
Fryguy--Cahone: what devices are you having problems locating or configuring drivers for00:37
Peloido-, you can copy yor /home to the new hdd and change fstab to point to it00:37
PaulOgle591im looking into visual studio and am finding that makes its own rules00:37
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unop_PaulOgle591, anjuta00:37
* Pelo is getting a bit confused about ido- 's issue00:37
PaulOgle591how about devc++00:37
bperryPaulOgle591: monodevelop :-)00:37
orbisvicisPaulOgle591, vis studio free for students. or bloodshed dev-c++00:37
yowshii couldnt figure out how to make it cat to a file i had made so i could find the bloody thing00:37
MUS4SHIIIThanks dep. Is there any way to get some kind of widget layer pinned? I miss my "Outlook on the desktop" from my MCE install.00:37
* Fryguy-- is a software engineer00:37
yowshibut there are only 3 uncommented lines and i wrote em down00:37
Fryguy--what do you want to know about programming?00:37
unop_PaulOgle591, gcc (or rather g++) is the c++ compiler -- you can use any ide you like00:37
PaulOgle591i have vis stuio 200800:37
_polto_any idea on how to install 32 bit version of libmotif3 on 64 bit Gutsy ?00:38
theunixgeekWhat's the difference between a delete_event and a destroy event in GTK?00:38
PaulOgle591one more question00:38
* Pelo thiks Fryguy-- might be too good for this crowd, he should go to #debian and talk down to the ops there 00:38
CahoneFryguy--, Graphics drivers for the MSI RX1600Pro-TD256E and AOC Flatscreen monitor and KDS CRT00:38
PaulOgle591does anyone know about Wubi?00:38
orbisvicisPaulOgle591, eclipse and netbeans have good ides. Vim has good syntax highlighting00:38
PaulOgle591and how to use Wubi?00:38
theunixgeekPaulOgle591: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wubi_%28Ubuntu%2900:38
Jack_SparrowPaulOgle591, yes.. enough to stay away from it00:38
PaulOgle591but i am running into troubles00:38
arvind_khadrihi are there any GUI html editors,a one like frontpage00:38
PeloPaulOgle591, as I understant it , wubi creates a  virtual ubuntu that runs inside windows00:38
nikrudPaulOgle591: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  for wubi forums00:39
unop_theunixgeek,  the former is a result of a user action -- the latter usually means the object is unreffed -- usually the result of code00:39
depMUS4SHIII: Compiz's "Widget Layer" may be what you're looking for, it is a toggle-able widget display00:39
Jack_SparrowPaulOgle591, we dont support it in here00:39
PaulOgle591i understand that too00:39
CahoneFryguy--, i have looked everywhere and tried to use other drivers offered in Ubuntu but i dont know which ones to choose00:39
stwangedoes anyone know of a text editor with a GUI that runs over SSH? ie. something like BlueFish or GEdit, but instead of X-Forwarding, it just synches the text up over the connection, not the graphics00:39
PeloPaulOgle591,  sort of like if it was running on a vrtual macine00:39
theunixgeekunop_: thanks00:39
PaulOgle591any particular reason why you don't support it?00:39
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PeloPaulOgle591, we just deal with straight ubuntu here, it's more then we can handle usualy00:39
arvind_khadriJack_Sparrow, hi are there any GUI html editors,a one like frontpage00:39
MUS4SHIIIthanks, I'll look into that. I've got Compiz working pretty well, so I'll see what's available in there.00:39
Fryguy--Cahone: monitors don't have drivers.  As for the video card, that's a plain ati card, they get detected out of the box with 0 issues.  What is the specific problem you are having?00:40
Jack_SparrowPaulOgle591, That would drift into discussion, simply put.. it isnt a good way to install ubuntu00:40
unop_arvind_khadri, there's ooweb part of open office00:40
Jack_SparrowPelo, Last I heard.. it can be very dangerous00:40
PaulOgle591well thanks for your help00:40
cogenoIs anyone here familiar with systemimager?00:40
arvind_khadriunop_, thanks ,i dont have any knowlwdge of htm would i be able to create  a webpage00:40
* Pelo thinks Jack_Sparrow should have used his quiet voice00:40
Fryguy--arvind_khadri: nvu, but please learn proper html it's not that hard00:40
PaulOgle591actually one more question00:40
AndersonI am trying to get RW to my external HDD, originally formatted in windows, type HPFS/NTFS. I ran ntfsfix and it gave back some errors. So I tried mounting and creating a folder. No luck. I tried running ntfsfix on the mounted device, and it says 'Refusing to operate on read-write mounted device /dev/sda1.' Can any explain what is not working for me?00:40
PaulOgle591is HD audio support planned for the next release?00:41
PaulOgle591i plan on moving my HP to linux00:41
yowshiunop_, http://pastebin.com/m36f39dde00:41
depMUS4SHIII: Good luck, personally I just wish they'd code the show desktop button so that it didn't screw up things so badly. Meh.00:41
Fryguy--PaulOgle591: define "hd audio"00:41
Pelo!ntfs-3g > Anderson check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu00:41
yowshithose are the three lines i wrote down00:41
PaulOgle591HD audio drivers00:41
yowshithe only three uncommented lines00:41
CahoneFryguy--, I cant seem to pick an ati driver  (which i have tried) that will work.  for example i want to run in 1280 x 1024 and all i can get is 800 x 600 and no dual monitors either00:41
Jack_Sparrow:)   Jack must be tired.. yo are right00:41
MatToufoutuheya happy linuxians :)00:41
unop_arvind_khadri, ooweb is the openoffice counterpart to frontpage -- its a WYSIWYG editor00:41
arvind_khadriFryguy--, :) am taking a chance on it,will surely learn00:41
Fryguy--PaulOgle591: what makes hd audio drivers different from normal audio drivers00:41
yowshithe rest is default stuff telling you what the file is00:41
arvind_khadriunop_, thanks a lot00:41
captaingeekanyone know how to make a gdm session that uses compiz as the windows manager00:41
DJ_HaMsTai just installed ubuntu on an amd 64 machine, using ati radeon xpress 200 built in vid card, had to install under safe mode because normal mode would not display screen, now when i boot it wont display anything unless i enter recovery mode how can i fix this problem ?00:41
orbisvicisarvind_khadri, use kompozer, not nvu (which is no longer maintained .. ?)00:41
AndersonPelo, Oh, I see. So even though it is mounted as read write, I have to use my ntfs-3g program to mount it.00:41
Fryguy--Cahone: so then edit xorg.conf so that it does what you want00:41
cogenoIs anyone here familiar with systemimager?00:42
arvind_khadriorbisvicis, i use GNOME :)00:42
cogeno(Sorry for the repeat, but it got bumped up awfully fast)00:42
PeloEVERYONE , as you can see the channel is quite busy tonight, please don'T use the enter key for puntucation and use the name of the person you are talking to in each line00:42
Fryguy--DJ_HaMsTa: edit your xorg.conf file, or dpkg-reconfigure xserver00:42
* yowshi is in need of a smoke00:42
PaulOgle591I don't know exactly, I just know you have to fix settings in order to implement it.00:42
CahoneFryguy--, ok well i dont know how to do that "per say"00:42
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto00:42
depcaptaingeek: gdm doesn't use a window manager at all00:42
Fryguy--Cahone: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:42
MatToufoutudoes anyone knows a driver for a "hercules classic silver" webcam? i couldnt find any....00:42
captmorganHey guys I am back, I tried what the ubot suggested that I put into the terminal and that didnt work, I didnt realize what ctrl-alt-F2 would do and wasnt prepared so I didnt have the commands I needed to enter whn I got there and had to shut down00:42
orbisvicisarvind_khadri, we all make exception i guess. I feel its the only decent wysiwyg html editor ... so youll have to install kde deps00:42
PaulOgle591I know. But for the next release will the make it so you don't have to "fix" intel HDA00:43
unop_yowshi, you have the strangest problem i've seen in a long time00:43
Fryguy--Cahone: and xorg.conf is very well documented, has it's own manpage, 10s of thousands of google results, and I believe examples in /usr/share/doc00:43
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yowshii think this is related to my .dmrc problem00:43
yowshiit says my home folder aint owned exclusivly by me00:43
AndersonI ran ntfs-3g and I got back an error that mounting that device is not supported, with a list of windows fixes and ntfsfix options to correct it.00:43
Jack_SparrowPaulOgle591, Please understand, I am not trying to be rude.  We want to you use and enjoy ubuntu.  But in a virtual file inside widows... you wont get the full effect of how nice it is00:43
unop_yowshi, is this as a result of something you did, changing permissions, etc?00:43
AndersonI have already ran ntfsfix00:43
arvind_khadriorbisvicis, :) i would first try nuuv nd then maybe komposer00:43
Fryguy--PaulOgle591: what specific problems are you having with "hd audio" i have an "hd audio" card and it works just fine00:43
yowshii was trying to change permissions around in wine00:43
PeloAnderson, my mistake I didn'T read all the way throught,  unmount it ,  sudo umount /mountpoint ,  then remount it just as a regular ntfs drive   sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/whatever /mountpint ,  then run that thing again00:43
yowshiin the .wine folder00:43
arvind_khadriorbisvicis, am nt against KDE!!!!00:44
yowshiusing pcmanfm00:44
yowshierr pc file manager00:44
unop_yowshi, is your username YOSHI (mind the caps) ?00:44
CahoneFryguy--, ok i will try to learn about it00:44
yowshiyes it is00:44
Jack_SparrowPaulOgle591, It has more to do with hda implementations of the standard by different manufacturers.. but it will be better with each release00:44
AndersonPelo, run ntfs-3g after already mounted?00:44
captaingeekdoes anyone know how to make a session that uses gnome/compiz and can be selected at the login screen under options > session?00:44
Fryguy--Cahone: as for dual monitor support, be sure to enable xinerama and use a window manager that supports it (both compiz and metacity do000:44
CahoneFryguy--, it pulled up a blank document when i entered it in the terminal00:44
unop_yowshi, ok -- can you ouput this --  whoami; groups00:44
yowshithing is even the root account cant use sudo00:44
TXTadoh, good...I see dual monitor talk00:44
Fryguy--Cahone: then you didn't enter it correctly00:44
unop_yowshi, ehh?00:45
PeloAnderson,forget about ntfs-3g,  unmount the drive and remount it without write support00:45
TXTadany idea why I can't have compiz with Xinerama?00:45
whitehat_hello ppl00:45
Fryguy--Cahone: /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:45
yowshiyoshi adm dialout cdrom floppy tape audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin00:45
CahoneFryguy--, thats what i thought00:45
meherenyowshi, root has no need of sude00:45
whitehat_if i was a mexican midget00:45
meheren*sudo lol00:45
whitehat_I would use windows00:45
MatToufoutudoes anyone knows a driver for a "hercules classic silver" webcam? i couldnt find any....  (i appologize for repeating, but it's going so fast here!!)00:45
PaulOgle591what is the release date for Heron00:45
Fryguy--PaulOgle591: i think april 27 is the tentative date00:45
meherenyowshi, sudo is like a fake root account00:45
yowshiyes but it shouldnt get permission denied when you run sudo should it?00:45
Fryguy--i'm sure it's on the wiki/all over the internet00:45
unop_yowshi, i seriously suspect by changing permissions you might have upset permissions on other system files00:46
AndersonPelo,  I can't write to it, which is what I need.00:46
jimbojweasy question: i just installed memcached, and now it appears the user 'nobody' is firing it up during the boot process - i grepped through /etc for "memcached" and found references in rc0.d through rc6.d - what should I change in which file to make it not start up by default?00:46
jimbojwthanks in advance00:46
yowshioh crapshot00:46
unop_yowshi, when you sudo as root what error message do you get?00:46
yowshipermission denied to sudoers00:46
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, what about setting a new root user password ?00:47
unop_meheren, root needs sudo to be able to login as other users like with su00:47
PeloAnderson, I thought you were having problems because the drive was corrupted or someting and you ran ntfsfix to fix it but it wouldn'T because it was read/write,  so you unmount,  run ntfsfix again , then remount it and use it00:47
yowshiJack_Sparrow, ummm huh?00:47
Fryguy--unop_: uh, don't think so00:47
MUS4SHIIIanyone know of a hotkey that lets me switch audio streams in mplayer during play? I have MythTV installed with the default player set as mPlayer. My Anime is mostly dual language audio tracks and I would like to switch with the remote.00:47
Fryguy--MUS4SHIII: #mplayer00:47
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, understand, it is something to be avoided... but in this particular case it might work00:47
meherenunop_, yeah did'nt think of that but why would root ever need to be logged in as other users...00:47
void^MUS4SHIII: # for me00:47
unop_Fryguy--, when you are logged in as root -- how do you change to another user?00:47
PeloAnderson, if i didn'T understand your problem just ignore me00:48
Fryguy--unop_: su <otherusersname>00:48
yowshiJack_Sparrow, yeah i dojt know how to do that00:48
meherensu user00:48
jimbojwor, should I install "bum" as per the factoid to control my init scripts - or is there a widely used gui editor00:48
yowshior wqhat to do with it once i have done that00:48
void^MUS4SHIII: doesn't work on the fly with ogm though00:48
AndersonPelo, No you are on the right track, but ntfsfix returns errors and remounting does nothing.00:48
unop_Fryguy--, right, exactly what i mean -- sudo provides that alternative00:48
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, one sec00:48
AndersonPelo, Also, even after ntfsfix ntfs-3g gives errors.00:48
PeloAnderson, run ntsf fix while the drive is unmounted00:48
Fryguy--unop_: sudo is a glorified shortcut to su -c, if you are already root, sudo does nothing00:48
AndersonPelo, No change00:48
MUS4SHIII:( that's dissapointing00:49
Super_Napalmcan anyone hear me I was on earlier trying to get my question answered but it was ignored, so either no-one knows or I don't have Xchat configured right...00:49
Fryguy--as root, sudo su [user] and su [user] will do exactly the same thing00:49
yowshiwe can hear you00:49
Super_Napalmah kk00:49
MUS4SHIIIare there any other players that will?00:49
PeloAnderson, can you read the drive if you mount it without ntfs-3g ?00:49
* Dr_willis_ gives Super_Napalm a cup of coffee00:49
Super_Napalm^^ thx00:49
unop_Fryguy--, err, i dont agree sudo is a shortcut to su -c .. it's an entirely different executable providing better control of who can and cannot do things on the system00:49
AndersonPelo, no, it won't even mount with ntfs-3g. If I mount it regularly I can read it though.00:49
Jack_SparrowPelo, have you been following yowshi 's problem.  What about recovery mode, set a root password or reset it as the case may be...  would he then have the use of sudo again ..?00:49
Fryguy--unop_: it's a glorified shortcut to su -c00:50
AndersonPelo, I am trying to back up my data on this computer so I can put a fresh install on.00:50
Fryguy--unop_: note the "glorified" part.  of course it's a different executable00:50
yowshiJack_Sparrow, current solutions have revoleved around chmodding the sudo and sudoers file and editing the sudoers file00:50
unop_FrancoGG, i disagree -- really i do -- su -c has no interaction with /etc/sudoers (which is crucial in deciding which users and groups are given different levels of permissions)00:50
PeloAnderson, uninstall ntfs-3g ( completely uninstall ) ,  delete the line from the fstab file,   reboot,  reintall ntfs-3g, try to remount the drive00:50
PeloJack_Sparrow, hold on , reading up00:50
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, I saw that, and they have not seemed to work..00:51
Super_NapalmOkay, I got a problem starting up Half Life 2, everything downloaded and installed fine but when i try to launch it nothing happens, no intro video, menu or even an error message. Only thing it does do is change the resolution to 1024x768. Anyone know whats wrong?00:51
AndersonPelo, Thanks I'll work that00:51
yowshiyep but nothing else has been suggested00:51
Fryguy--unop_: yes. i know this.  I didn't say sudo was a shortcut to su -c, i said it was a glorified shortcut to su -c.  it does the exact same thing with some additional security measures and other things that dont' really matter.  If you are already root, sudo does nothing.00:51
arvind_khadriunop_, where do i get ooweb00:51
yowshii did try a gnome reset though00:51
PeloJack_Sparrow, can you summerize yowshi 's problem ? just the current status, I don'T need to know how he got there00:51
yowshithat was the very first suggestion00:51
Fryguy--Super_Napalm: wrong channel, try #wine00:51
yowshii cant sudo00:52
gligorhoriahellow i have e tehnical question, i have an old pc and i want to change the timer interups frequency from 100 hz, to aroud 50 or 66. Are these values safe? And can i change this without recompiling the kernell? (it takes aboute 3 h and i run a server...)00:52
Super_Napalmah kk00:52
Super_Napalmsorry for bothering :P00:52
yowshii have permission denied to the sudoers file00:52
Peloyowshi, are you sure your caplock is not enabled or something silly like that &?00:52
yowshils -l $(which sudo) spits out as being owned by root root00:52
Fryguy--yowshi: then you aren't root00:52
cahoneFryguy--, So what driver should i use for the RX1600Pro Card?  I know you said it is ATI but i tried the different ATI drivers in Ubuntu and they didnt work really00:52
unop_Fryguy--, you can control what sudo does in the context of root -- which is why /etc/sudoers needs an explicit entry for root00:52
Jack_SparrowPelo, he lost the ability to use sudo password denied I believe00:52
gligorhoriasudo nano sudofilelist00:52
arvind_khadriFryguy--, , where do i get ooweb00:52
Fryguy--arvind_khadri: >?00:52
yowshiyou dont need to be root to use sudo00:52
BleckmI'm having a problem when booting with the Ubuntu LiveCD, it's not going straight into Gnome, its bringing up a login prompt, any idea whats wrong?00:52
Fryguy--arvind_khadri: why are you asking me?00:52
yowshiit isnt even asking for a password just telling me permission denied00:52
unop_Fryguy--, and if thats the case, you can prevent root from using sudo too00:53
anteayai am working through a tutorial and have looked at my user.log for the first time.  I have been using sudo to execute commands when necessary and if i am reading the .log file correctly it appears that when i use sudo to execute a command i don't drop back down to a regular user afterward.  I am i doing something wrong, or perhaps i am reading user.log incorrectly.00:53
PeloJack_Sparrow,  I think nikrud  might be better able to solve that00:53
Peloyowshi, is this your computer ?00:53
unop_arvind_khadri, as long as you have open office installed -- ooweb is available -- CTRL+F2 and type in ooweb00:53
Jack_Sparrownickrud will be on after work00:53
arvind_khadriFryguy--, oops sorry,ok where do i find nvu00:53
yowshii can get into the root account so yes00:53
Fryguy--unop_: what does that do? nothing....  the ENTIRE PURPOSE of sudo is to elevate a users priviledge to root level for 1 command.  If you are already root, elevating roots priviledge to root does nothing00:53
Peloyowshi, can you go into  menu > systm >admin > users ?00:53
Fryguy--arvind_khadri: www.google.com/?q=nvu00:53
l3onHi all... someone know why this "while" is broken?00:53
yowshiprobavly not00:54
nikrudyowshi: have you edited /etc/sudoers at any time?00:54
Fryguy--l3on: this is #ubuntu, not #programming or #shellscripting00:54
Pelol3on, we need an actualyu question ?00:54
=== ajmorris is now known as bhb
yowshisince it requires a sudo thing i did nikrud do that00:54
jimbojwcan anyone help me understand the difference between /etc/rc#.d/K##blah and /etc/rc#.d/S##blah  - I'm happy to rtfm, just don't know what manpage to read or what to google for00:54
yowshiand no i cant get into users and groups from this account500:54
l3onFryguy--: ok :)00:54
nikrudyowshi: that wasn't a very clear statement. What sudo thing?00:54
Lord_VaMpyrowhen go out the 8.04 beta?00:54
yowshii would need to logout and back in under the root account00:54
arvind_khadriunop_, thanks...ooweb aint available in GUI menu00:54
=== Old_Soldier is now known as thc
Fryguy--yowshi: as a user, obviously you can't edit a file owned by root.  That should be obvious00:55
Dr_willis_jimbojw,  S = started , K - killed. One is ran when a service starts, other ran when it shutdown.00:55
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nikrudyowshi: no, if you have a root account, you can do   su root  in a terminal00:55
Pelojimbojw, they are run levels,  the apps in each of those folders will load in turn00:55
danandgligorhoria - are you talking about the kernel rtc?00:55
jimbojwthanks Dr_willis00:55
yowshiahha i did not know that00:55
unop_Fryguy--, err no .. sudo isnt always about elevating priviledges, you can use it to drop privilidges (or should i say, logging in as different users) too -- and if you prevent root from using sudo (like how yowshi has somehow done) sudo does something under root -- you get me?00:55
jimbojwthanks Pelo00:55
Dr_willis_jimbojw,  check out the various 'sysv' type docs for more info. the # is the Order they get started in.00:55
nikrudyowshi: so, what exactly did you do to /etc/sudoers?00:55
BleckmDoes the LiveCD have a default user/password that it auto logs into normally?00:55
Pelojimbojw, there is actualy a read me text in eacch folder that explain a lot about those rc sthing00:55
Jack_SparrowBleckm, yes00:56
Fryguy--unop_: name one thing I would want to do as root that I can only do by using sudo first00:56
yowshii added yoshi ALL=(ALL) ALL00:56
Lord_VaMpyrocan i download the beta release of hardy heron?00:56
gligorhoriadanand rtc = (real time clock)?00:56
jimbojwthanks Dr_willis_ / Pelo - how do I determine which of those is responsible for enacting the service I want to disable?00:56
Fryguy--Lord_VaMpyro: join #ubuntu+100:56
yowshiwhich basically means i added my account00:56
PeloLord_VaMpyro, ask in #ubuntu+100:56
danandgligorhoria - yes00:56
Jack_SparrowBleckm, I believe ubuntu is the user name00:56
jimbojwi'm guessing runlevel 200:56
nikrudyowshi: hm.   did you use visudo to edit it?00:56
jimbojwthanks Pelo - i'll check out the readmes00:56
Dr_willis_jimbojw,  lots of reading ? :)00:56
Pelojimbojw, you need to look into them an check the names of the fies00:56
BleckmJack_Sparrow, thanks, any idea what the password might be, or how change it?00:56
yowshiyes i did nikrud00:56
Jack_SparrowBleckm, you dont..00:56
whaaahi guys. my windows have no toolbars/statusbar. how do i fix this?00:56
Dr_willis_jimbojw,  ssh = ssh, samba = the samba service. and so forth... :) i find the names rather straight forwared00:57
unop_Fryguy--, when you say "sudo first"? -- does that include things like "sudo cat /etc/sudoers" ?00:57
=== bhb is now known as ajmorris
Fryguy--whaaa: run a window manager00:57
nikrudyowshi: do   sudo -i  as your regular user, and put the full output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org00:57
Jack_SparrowBleckm, What exactly are you trying to do?00:57
Pelowhaaa, check in the display menu00:57
Fryguy--unop_: sure00:57
BleckmWell, unfortunately I'm booting up the LiveCD, and it giving me a login prompt.00:57
Dr_willis_jimbojw,  most are links to the other actual startup scripts also. do a 'ls -l'00:57
whaaai am running compiz00:57
yowshithis problem started when i was trying to fix some permission problems with my .wine folder using pc file manager00:57
Pelowhaaa, ask in #compiz00:57
jimbojwDr_willis_ - yeah, i just need to turn one off - I've done this before, i just don't remember how, nor where I read about how to do that00:57
unop_Fryguy--, right, there's one example then :) -- you need to do that as root but sudo first00:57
whaaaPelo: thanks00:57
yowshicant nikrud00:57
Fryguy--unop_: cating /etc/sudoers as root is going to be successful under any circumstance, you don't need to sudo to cat a file00:57
BleckmI'm guess there is another problem, but I just used the CD to install it on the box I'm currently using.00:57
aldarsiorIs there a bittorrent client for linux with remote http control?00:57
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ sudo -i00:58
yowshisudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied00:58
jimbojwdon't know if I need to edit a symlink, or delete a file00:58
Jack_SparrowBleckm, ah.. ok.. it isnt seeing your video card correctly would be my guess...00:58
Dr_willis_jimbojw,  thers varuous 'sysv' front end tools. you can use.00:58
lordleemoyowshi: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sudo write down on paper what you need  then boot into recovery mode00:58
aldarsiorI'm worried about constantly running a vnc server00:58
__infurnus__does /etc/hosts.deny overwrite hosts.allow e.g. in hosts.allow sshd: ALL but in hosts.deny ALL: ALL00:58
nikrudyowshi: is that the only error line (I was looking for all the errors)00:58
Fryguy--aldarsior: there are several00:58
Dr_willis_jimbojw,  or theres some command line tools also.. or you can do it manually with the links00:58
Pelojimbojw,  that,s waht the read me files explain00:58
yowshiyes it is nikrud00:58
BleckmOh thats weird, I could've sworn they are using the the same card, GeForce 7300.00:58
gligorhoriadanand hmm i'm not sure, the only thing i can tell u thow that ther is a setting when compiling the kernell that configures how many times the procesor stop to reschedual the proceses and send out the data that it procesed, more like pframes per second00:58
Dr_willis_aldarsior,  ktorrent has a web interface plugin.00:58
Jack_SparrowBleckm, nvidia 8000 series?  64 bit maybe00:58
nikrudyowshi: what does   ls -l  /etc/sudoers  say?00:58
unop_Fryguy--, right .. ok, i see what you mean -- being logged on as root, why do you need sudo -- well, you might want to login as another user (in the way you use su)00:58
Fryguy--aldarsior: rtorrent works well for remote control (run it in gnu screen and reconnect via ssh), azureus has a web interface, i think deluge does.  Or you can remotely forward x applications using xpra00:58
Dr_willis_aldarsior,  rtorrent in a screen session is also doable. :)00:58
dep__infurnus__: deny overwrites allow, or in apache speak: ORDER allow, deny00:59
jimbojwthanks guys - i'll check out the readmes00:59
Fryguy--if i'm root, and I want to log in as another user, I use su, not sudo00:59
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ ls -l /etc/sudoers00:59
yowshi-r--r----- 1 root root 423 2008-03-19 20:25 /etc/sudoers00:59
anteayai am looking at my user.log file for the first time and it seems to me that when i sudo, i am not dropping back down to regular user status but staying as root.  Is there a way to confirm this?00:59
aldarsiorI had a little trouble with rtorrent in the past00:59
Jack_SparrowBleckm, try this  At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"00:59
aldarsiorbut that was a long time ago00:59
__infurnus__dep: not apache.../etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny which takes priority?00:59
aldarsiorthanks a lot00:59
nikrudyowshi: next, what does  groups   say00:59
BleckmThanks, I'll try that.00:59
yowshifull command please00:59
nikrudyowshi:   groups00:59
dep__infurnus__: deny will take priority, sorry, I just was making a bad apache joke before00:59
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ groups01:00
yowshiyoshi adm dialout cdrom floppy tape audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin01:00
__infurnus__dep: ahh lol thanks01:00
yowshii tried to ls -l groups LOL01:00
Peloanteaya, sudo stays enabled  for a few minutes so you don't hve to enter the passw for every single command during a long series01:00
nikrud!who | yowshi (when the channel scrolls fast, it helps)01:00
ubotuyowshi (when the channel scrolls fast, it helps): As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:00
Fryguy--aldarsior: probably pebkac, it runs wonderfully01:00
anteayaPelo: thank you01:00
=== shiv___ is now known as shiv
anteayaPelo: can i execute a command to force a drop?01:00
nikrudyowshi:    have you edited    /etc/sudoers   and removed the line you added?01:01
Peloanteaya, probably,  try man sudo , there should be options to let you do that in there01:01
anteayaPelo: thank you01:01
keithclarkI seem to be experiencing an extremely long bootup time on my laptop with Ubuntu 7.10.  Any ideas?01:01
aldarsiorFryguy--: No, I'm pretty sure it was missing some very basic feature01:01
lufisdoes hardy have an smp kernel or what?01:01
Fryguy--aldarsior: i haven't experienced that01:01
aldarsiorof course, what's very basic to me could be obscure and unnecessary to somebody else01:01
yowshiyes i have nikrud01:01
Pelokeithclark, bios power saving features slowing your cpu and/or hdd ?01:01
Fryguy--lufis: wrong channel, join #ubuntu+1 (and yes it does)01:01
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark, remove splash from the grub command line.. see if that helps01:01
rddyeah xp boots faster than ubuntu on my toshiba laptop01:02
meherenrdd, ! wow01:02
yowshinikrud, and it tells me the exact same thing. permission denied01:02
yowshito sudoers01:02
gligorhoriaPelo not realy01:02
nikrudyowshi:   su  root ,  visudo /etc/sudoers01:02
yowshinikrud, i just did that01:02
Fryguy--yowshi: then you are editing the file01:03
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, I will modify.01:03
AndersonPelo, no luck01:03
BleckmJack_Sparrow, it seems to be slowing down at a point and saying I/O error, dev fd0, sector 001:03
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark, It seems to have helped some people01:03
BleckmAnything to worry about?01:03
nikrudyowshi: and it said permission denied ??01:03
PeloAnderson, hmm, are you sure01:03
yowshiand you dont need the /etc/sudoers bit and yes nikrud even after removing what i added it says permission denied01:03
BleckmAnd now a lot of SQUASHFS errors.01:03
Jack_SparrowBleckm, it should hang there for two passes then go through01:03
danandgligorhoria - your talking about interupts right ? Got to say I'm no expert on this but i think were talking about the same thing :) try man rtc. you can control through the sysctl command ie sysctl dev/rtc/max-user-freq=1024 and view settings in /proc and /sys. Other than that i'm not too sure :) Hope that helps01:03
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, I hope it works for me as well!  Thanks.01:03
yowshinikrud, but i can edit from the root no problem01:03
PeloAnderson, I mean are you sure you deleted the fstab line for your ntfs drive and made ntfs-config make a new one ?01:03
AndersonPelo, Yea, I uninstalled, there wasn't even an entry in fstab for the dev rebooted and reinstalled. tried to mount and no luck01:04
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark, good luck.. let me know if it works eh01:04
nikrudyowshi: please, I'm trying to check things ... , and thanks for answering the actual question :)01:04
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, will do. (I just have to wait for it to boot first!!!)01:04
AndersonPelo, tried ntfsfix again to no avail01:04
yowshinikrud, no problem i am trying to answer as best i can01:04
nikrudyowshi: next ,  ls -l /usr/bin/sudo01:04
PeloAnderson, mignht not be listed asa a dev might be listed using the uuid ,  check the fstab again and try to look for a line with fuse in it01:04
yowshi ls -l /usr/bin/sudo01:05
yowshi-rwsr-xr-x 2 root root 106336 2007-06-15 08:54 /usr/bin/sudo01:05
yowshi nikrud01:05
PeloAnderson, or a line with ntfs-3g01:05
AndersonPelo, the dev doesn't show up at all, as fuse as /dev/sda1 or as ntfs-3g01:06
PeloAnderson, please pastebin your fstab file so I cna have a look01:06
Pelo!pastebin > Anderson01:06
gligorhoriadanand The ubuntu server kernel is set to a timer interrupt rate of 100 Hz (CONFIG_HZ=100, CONFIG_HZ_100=y), which means it accepts 100 interrupts per second. can i change this on the fly (without recompiling the kernell?)  is this it? ty for the first answer i will try that01:06
nikrudyowshi: I'm stumped at the moment. I'm gonna google a bit01:07
gligorhoriadanand yes indea i think we were on the same subject :D01:07
BleckmJack_Sparrow, same thing happens, starts up Gnome, and gives me a login box, I'll try the other fix you recommended after removing quiet and splash now.01:07
yowshii may have like unop say changed various file systems with one click when i was trying to much with my .wine folder nikrud01:08
isleshocky77If I have a program which is giving me a Segmentaion Fault, what's the best way to figure out what's going on?01:08
slylockhello guys i am having some problem here01:08
Jack_SparrowBleckm, one sec.. want to try something01:08
yowshimanewhile i need a smoke bbs01:08
slylockwhen i run01:08
slylockapt-get build-dep libqt4-core01:08
Fryguy--isleshocky77: learn to program and read crashdump/stacktrace01:08
Peloslylock, please don't use the enter key for punctuation01:08
nikrudyowshi: could be. But, with sudo set suid, sudoers with the correct read permissions ....01:08
AndersonPelo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60243/01:08
isleshocky77Fryguy--: I know how to program.  It's subversion which is doing it on commits01:08
PeloAnderson, hold on01:08
danandgligorhoria - I'm not too sure... :D - try cat cat /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq ??01:08
Fryguy--isleshocky77: so look in /var/crash01:09
AndersonPelo, k01:09
dep*grumble* the only problem with being named 'dep' is anytime anyone talks about build-dep it thinks they're talking to you01:09
isleshocky77Fryguy--: Thanks. Will do that now.01:09
Jack_SparrowBleckm, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (to just set res) If you get locked out Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max res.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults  not sure if you will need sudo.. in live..  try startx at the end of that..01:09
aldarsiorIs there anything like Debian-testing for ubuntu?01:09
Flanneldep: write a more strict regexp?01:09
Atma26is this the right channel for basic questions?01:09
FlannelAtma26: yep01:09
afabianWhat about Johnny Depp?  or a bank deposit?  Or a depo shot.  Or the Home Depot.01:09
PeloAnderson, sudo apt-get install ntfs-config01:09
aldarsiorbecause while the current version of deluge appears to have a web interface, the version currently in ubuntu doesn't appear to01:09
aldarsior(or I can't find it)01:09
AndersonPelo, K01:10
Flannelaldarsior: The dev version, or the stable version are your two choices01:10
slylock apt-get build-dep libqt4-core01:10
BleckmSorry for a dumb question, but how do I drop to a terminal from the x login screen?01:10
Peloslylock, waht is the issue ?01:10
depFlannel: yeah, I should, grrr xchat =)01:10
aldarsiorFlannel: is there a sample apt/sources.list file for the dev version?01:10
slylockReading package lists... Done01:10
slylockBuilding dependency tree01:10
slylockReading state information... Done01:10
slylockE: Unable to find a source package for qt4-x1101:10
Atma26i keep getting a "cannot eject volume error", but I have no discs in my disk drives or usb volumes attached, any ideas?01:10
Fryguy--Bleckm: ctrl-alt-f1 or f2 or f3 or f4 or f5 or f6, or just run a terminal emulator in x (gnome-terminal for example)01:10
Jack_SparrowBleckm, not a dumb question at all.01:10
Peloslylock,  then instal the dependency first01:10
unop_nikrud, i wonder if the permissions of any of sudo's libraries might have something to do with it (/usr/lib/*sudo*)01:11
AndersonPelo, couldn't find it in APT, what section is it in?01:11
Flannel!hardy | aldarsior01:11
ubotualdarsior: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:11
Jack_SparrowBleckm, Has this same cd worked on another machine?01:11
slylockPelo: i cant find the qt-x1101:11
PeloAnderson, just type sudo apt-get install ntfs-config in a terminal01:11
BleckmYeah, the one I'm using now actually.01:11
unop_yowshi, what does this output?  ls -l /usr/lib/*sudo*01:11
Peloslylock, did y ou check using synaptic ?01:11
Flannelslylock: What version of Ubuntu are you running?01:11
DrIPhi all01:11
DrIP i need to get my ubuntu server as a wireless gateway (where wireless has my internet and LAN has my other computers attached to the same router)01:11
AndersonPelo, That's what I did. It said it couldn't find the package01:11
PeloAnderson, do you ahve all the repositories enabled ?01:12
Jack_SparrowBleckm, I need to start dinner.. someone elase will have an answer for you .. after I eat I amy think of something01:12
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, Woohoo!  From 3 minutes to 30 seconds.  Thanks!01:12
BleckmAnd its worked on the machine I'm using it on before, but I installed another harddrive so, being that I'm more familiar with windows I did all the formatting with parition magic, and decided to clean out the ubuntu install and put a fresh one on the new harddrive.01:12
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark, happy now01:12
AndersonI think so, hold on01:12
BleckmThanks for helping.01:12
nikrudunop_: I wouldn't expect it, since sudo is the parent (or whatever the tech term is)01:12
slylockPelo: yea nothing there01:12
isleshocky77Fryguy--: There is not /var/crash01:12
slylockPelo: it cant search anythign there01:12
keithclarkJack_Sparrow, I'm very happy.01:12
Jack_Sparrowkeithclark, enjoy..  Im off to start dinner01:12
Peloslylock, qt-x11-free01:12
FlannelAnderson: Is this feisty or gutsy?  You need universe enabled.01:12
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AndersonPelo, main restricted, universe multiverse,01:13
tim3049Hello...can anyone give me a shove in the right direction with Samba?01:13
AndersonFlannel, Edgy01:13
yowshiback nekrid01:13
yowshineeded a smoke01:13
Fryguy--isleshocky77: no idea then, that's where my crash dumps go01:13
FlannelAnderson: Ah!  Well, that'd be why.01:13
Fryguy--tim3049: #samba01:13
PeloAnderson, back port,  3rd tab01:13
AndersonFlannel, hence the attempt to put a fresh install01:13
AndersonPelo, gotcha01:13
tim3049Fryguy: thanks!01:13
FlannelAnderson: Sorry, I just got here01:13
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ ls -l /usr/lib/*sudo*01:14
yowshitotal 1201:14
yowshi-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  787 2007-06-15 08:54 sudo_noexec.la01:14
yowshi-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6448 2007-06-15 08:54 sudo_noexec.so01:14
yowshinekrud unop_01:14
FloodBot2yowshi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:14
slylockPelo: letme try it01:14
PeloAnderson, not sure it ' actualy available in edgy,  that,s quite a while back01:14
Peloslylock, sudo apt-cache search packagename is your friend01:14
FlannelPelo: it's not.  Feisty and Gutsy only.01:14
cameodemonanyone successfully used an ~/.xsession file with gutsy? its been a real pain01:14
AndersonPelo, Yeah, I couldn't update while I was in Iraq. It's not in backport either01:15
unop_yowshi, ls -ld /root01:15
PeloFlannel, we found the problem then,  he'll need to install his rw ntfs support the hardway01:15
slylockPelo: its a bit confusing01:15
slylockPelo: i was getting error related to glib and also x1101:15
PeloAnderson, you'll need to install ntsf write capability the hardway01:15
yowshidrwxr-xr-x 44 root root 4096 2008-03-19 20:36 /root (unop_ nekrud)01:15
yowshii added the () so as to not flood01:16
AndersonPelo, I'm always up for a challenge.01:16
Peloslylock,  apt-cache search glib01:16
slylockPelo: but i cant find glib in the repo either01:16
PeloAnderson, I don't know if I still ahve a link for hat , hold on01:16
AndersonPelo, k01:16
unop_yowshi, so su works fine?01:16
PeloAnderson, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy01:16
yowshisu works yes unop_01:16
FlannelAnderson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions  7.04 instructions01:16
FlannelAnderson: er, wait.  6.10, sorry.01:16
yowshii actually have the root account in a second tab right now01:16
FlannelAnderson: Still on that page though.01:17
Atma26any ideas for mysterious "cannot eject volume" errors?01:17
aldarsiorFlannel: thanks!01:17
FlannelAnderson: I suppose that'd actually be: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G01:17
slylockPelo: i found libglib1.2-dev01:17
Peloslylock, anyreason you are not installing using synaptic ?01:17
Peloslylock,  that would probabaly do01:17
slylockPelo: i hope thats glib01:17
kris_phwhat's the command to know the version of apache2 running?01:17
unop_yowshi, i really suspect that permissions upset on system files/dirs might be to blame .. I can't think of anything more01:17
AndersonFlannel, Pelo, alright I have some reading to do. Thanks for the help.01:18
Flannelkris_ph: apache2 -v01:18
yowshiunop_, how do i check and correct them though using the cli only01:18
NMajikHow can I check why a port is open? I figure there should be a way using netstat but I don't know how01:18
iceswordyowshi, nano /etc/sudoers,move to root all =all all,below it,add (username you want ) all =...,just like that root line01:18
yowshiunop_, i am preferential to guis since i typo so much01:18
Fryguy--NMajik: man netstat01:18
BleckmI hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 at the login prompt when Gnome starts on the liveCD and it says "Loading, please wait..."  Then repeats "User not known to the underlying authentication module" 11 times, and I can't type any commands.01:18
Flannelicesword, yowshi, DONT use nano.  ALWAYS use visudo01:18
yowshiicesword, huh01:19
PeloAnderson, best of luck01:19
iceswordFlannel, i cannot use vim01:19
kris_ph Apache/2.2.4 (Ubuntu) <<< is this the latest in the repo?01:19
Fryguy--Bleckm: what about ctrl-alt-f201:19
Flannelicesword: visudo will use nano if that's your preferred editor.  But what are you trying to accomplish anyway?01:19
yowshiicesword, also i already tried adding my username it didnt work01:19
Fryguy--icesword: so learn it. it's not that hard.  I use it for 8+ hours a day01:19
BleckmTook away the loading please wait, but has the errors repeat.01:19
Flannelicesword: You're trying to add a user to be able to use sudo?01:20
nikrudunop_: yowshi I've been looking around with out any luck. I think you're on the right track unop_ but figuring out what ...01:20
Flannelkris_ph: In gutsy, yes.01:20
=== kirby is now known as everything
NMajikFryguy--: That's all greek to me01:20
unop_yowshi, you'd need to compare permissions of each and every file against some sort of baseline -- let me think about this01:20
Fryguy--NMajik: that's unfortunate.  it looks like english to me01:20
=== everything is now known as Charitwo
lilythwhy can I record from my line in with 'arecord' but not be able to get to my device with /dev/dsp or hw:0,0?01:21
yowshiunop_, each and EVERY file in noth my hard drives?01:21
Fryguy--NMajik: google + documentation is your friend.  this is #ubuntu not #ihaverandomproblemswithcoreunixcommandsandcantreaddocumentation01:21
kris_phFlannel: running sudo apt-get upgrade will upgrade apache2 once the latest stable version is already available in the repo, right?01:21
adrian_2002cai was wondering if the ubuntu web page https://help.ubuntu.com/  is also open source01:21
NMajikFryguy--: I've checked that channel; I'm the only one there, I expect there should be more people01:21
digin4where can i get ubuntu studio themes?01:21
Fryguy--kris_ph: assuming you updated your repo using apt-get update, yes01:21
BleckmFrom googling it seems like the CD might be corrupt, I'll just burn another one.01:22
unop_yowshi, well, in every directory that matters atleast, yes -- let me see what i can script up01:22
Pelodigin4, try www.gnome-look.org01:22
Flannelkris_ph: Gutsy will *always* have 2.2.4.  It will still recieve bugfixes/security updates though.01:22
Fryguy--digin4: apt-cache search ubuntu studio01:22
adrian_2002ca(can i use the style to make my own web page?)???01:22
Flannelkris_ph: So, depending on what you mean by that question, maybe.01:22
tim3049Looks like everyone in #samba is looking for answers as well. I'm trying to figure out why when I run "sudu apt-get install samba" that I get the error "Package samba is not available..."01:22
Fryguy--digin4: will list you all of the icons, menu,s graphics, themes, etc that you want01:22
yowshithank you unop_ and nekrud and everyone else who has tried to help01:22
digin4thank you :)01:22
kris_phFlannel: I've seen in the official site that the latest version is 2.2.6....01:23
Flanneltim3049: pastebin your sources.list01:23
Flannelkris_ph: Thats correct.  Gutsy will never have 2.2.601:23
yowshilast time i tell pcmanfm to apply permissions to every folder in wine01:23
kris_phFlannel: for what reason?01:23
tim3049Flannel: Sorry, i'm not sure what that means. Is there a link that will help me through it?01:23
Fryguy--kris_ph: releases of ubuntu don't upgrade major revisions of software01:23
Flannelkris_ph: Because thats how Ubuntu does stuff.  Versions are frozen for the life of any Ubuntu version.  They *do* get updates though. bugfixes and security updats.01:24
Flannel!paste | tim304901:24
ubotutim3049: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:24
CThodoes gutsy install any port scanners by default?01:24
Flanneltim3049: /etc/apt/sources.list, copy it to pastebin, and give us the URL01:24
Fryguy--CTho: if you count nc + shell script as a portscanner, then yes01:24
CyberCodis there a specific ubuntu brainstorm irc channel?01:25
minimectim3049: Verify your /etc/apt/sources.list. de/activate #CD-Source,the ubuntu sources.01:25
kris_phFlannel: uhuh. for that reason then.. though some of the web servers running in earlier version of apache...it is still secured in the since that patches made available for higher versions could still be installed in their old version.. right01:25
iceswordCyberCod, #ubuntu-ops?01:26
Flannelkris_ph: correct.01:26
whitehat_hey, guys big problem, my laptop has this error when trying to play sound (it's ubuntus problem cause debian works fine) it says01:26
Flannelkris_ph: Just any new features released in 2.2.6 wouldn't be present.01:26
Fryguy--kris_ph: security updates are made, major revisions aren't upgraded. simple.01:26
whitehat_that Gstreamer is not found01:26
Fryguy--kris_ph: you realize like, 1/3 of the internet, is still using apache 1.x, right?01:26
whitehat_that means that 2/3 isn't :)01:26
CyberCodwhat would happen if I were to add ubuntu repositories to another debian linux OS?  Would it work? Could I install software?01:27
whitehat_i can do math hahahaha01:27
Fryguy--CyberCod: no01:27
yowshiFlannel why not include 2.2.6?01:27
kris_phFlannel: yeah.. I noticed that.. I thought honestly that their web servers are not secured anymore since their apache version is not updated01:27
PriceChildCyberCod: things will break01:27
brent113Question: When I try to shut down in Gutsy, the first time I click the shutdown button in the top right it takes ~50 seconds to bring up the shutdown/restart/other options window.  If I cancel out and do it again though it behaves normally.  Anyone have an idea?01:27
fevelhas anyone seen the iphone development kit?01:27
Fryguy--yowshi: because 2.2.4 is what was available when gutsy was available, and is what the rel-engs decided to go with01:27
CyberCodIts in Virtualbox...01:27
PriceChildCyberCod: things will break01:27
minimecCyberCod: Not a good idea. Imagine all the dependency problems...01:27
Flannelyowshi: With a stable version number for all software, you can make sure it plays well together01:27
CyberCodwon't break anything too bad01:27
Fryguy--brent113: did you go through your session and disable things? namely the power management daemon?01:27
yowshiyeah i get it01:28
CyberCodwouldn't dependencies be IN the repos?01:28
brent113fryguy: I'll try that01:28
yowshihardy might have 2.2.6 then?01:28
Fryguy--brent113: no DON'T try that, it's what causes that problem01:28
Fryguy--yowshi: maybe01:28
fevelwhitehat_, its really easy with that "what you see is what you get" framework01:28
CyberCodWell, I wanna respin Ubuntu01:28
Fryguy--yowshi: join #ubuntu+1 for hardy issues01:28
kris_phI guess hardy will have 2.2.6... :)01:28
Fryguy--or just compile it from source yourself01:28
CyberCodand Dreamlinux has that nifty MkDistro tool01:28
brent113fryguy: well it is disabled, if it's that predictable01:28
yowshifryguy i am not using hardy01:28
fevelI was wondering if theres something like that for coing in python01:28
Fryguy--brent113: if it's disabled, then enable it01:29
snerfuI was looking at the hardy heron release schedule on the wiki. It says the first beta release is supposed to be tomorrow but there is an exclamation point next to it, does that mean it will be delayed a bit?01:29
whitehat_no, it's only for winodws :(01:29
CyberCodso I was thinking, if you can't bring the tool to Ubuntu, can you bring Ubuntu to the tool?01:29
fevellike an ide I could get running on ubuntu01:29
CThoFryguy--: if you can give me a command line to get it to scan (or a shell script that loops ports?) that would do01:29
Fryguy--snerfu: join #ubuntu+1 for hardy01:29
Fryguy--CTho: just install nmap01:29
snerfuThanks Fryguy.01:29
cahoneFryguy--, Hey Fryguy i was able to edit the xorg.conf file to get a good 1024x768 Resolution for my one monitor.  Do you know how to use the System Appearance Preferences in Ubuntu and is that application simply modifying the xorg.conf file? or what?01:29
ektobot_What room is ubuntu UK?01:29
minimecCyberCod: Well... the problem sometimes is not only the package, but the version too. Imagine hardy repo on debian etch... Impossible.01:29
CThoFryguy--: ok01:29
brent113fryguy: well, thanks.  do you know why it does that?01:29
Flannel!uk | ektobot_01:29
ubotuektobot_: Join us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk01:29
whitehat_nope fevel, where out of luck apple seems to like supporting microsoft01:29
ektobot_:P thanks bot01:29
Fryguy--brent113: not specifically, but the power daemon is what is responsible for figuring out the current and available power states of the machine01:30
CyberCodI was hopeful synaptic would be smart enough to resolve dependency issues if all the packages were present01:30
whitehat_hey guys this is driving me nuts what does XD mean?01:30
brent113ah, i found a site, thanks so much!!01:30
whitehat_oh it's a laughing face01:30
FlannelCyberCod: Only if their versioning scheme is compatable01:30
cahoneFryguy--, In the Appearance Preferences I am specifically trying to use the Visual Effects Options but they wont enable?01:30
Fryguy--cahone: yes it just modifies the xorg.conf file, and then makes a backup of it.  And provides a fancy gui wrapper around text editing that usually just gets in the way (in my opinion)01:30
fevelXd is like a large smile with closed shut eyes01:30
whitehat_cahone, install the compiz manger01:30
cogenoIs anyone that is currently in here familiar with systemimager?01:31
Fryguy--cahone: enabling compiz on ati is outside the scope of this channel, google is good, #compiz-fusion, and I think #ubuntu-effects exists01:31
jsoftwAny suggestions on a decent visio like program? Dia sucks, no decent icons/images01:31
fevelwhitehat_, I meant not coding for the iphone...I meant an ide that would run on ubuntu and code python using a lego like approach01:31
cahoneOMG so Compiz is that complicated?01:31
Fryguy--jsoftw: i use dia01:31
Fryguy--cahone: yes01:31
minimecCyberCod: This goes far beyond package managment...01:32
whitehat_fevel, ah I wonder....01:32
Fryguy--cahone: desktop effects are a waste of cpu cycles anyway :(01:32
CyberCodwell, does anyone know a good tutorial on remastering Ubuntu01:32
ryrysjsoftw: i use Dia with icons packages :)01:32
Fryguy--(compositing is not, however)01:32
fevelwhitehat_, would be nice right?01:32
cahoneSo when do i just get to use my computer?  Does everything require that you work on your computer and not with it?01:32
cahonesorry for the neg attitude lol01:32
Fryguy--cahone: not at all01:32
NMajikFryguy--: I am completely stumped, will you help?01:32
veliushello, i have recompiled my kernel several times. I cant get my ethernet card to work. even though i chose the right drivers.01:32
adudehow can i make a webpage as the background01:32
Fryguy--NMajik: ask a question, and I answer it01:32
Fryguy--NMajik: or direct you to the location of the answer01:33
veliusshould i compile ethernet driver as a module or built in?01:33
fevelwhitehat_, python is easy to get logic going...If I could build a gui for the logic using building blocks would be nice01:33
Fryguy--velius: you almost certainly don't need to be compiling an ethernet driver01:33
Atma26anyone know how to get rid of a repeating "cannot eject volume" error?01:33
veliusno fryguy01:33
veliusi am recompiling the kernel01:33
veliusi selected the right ethernet module but it isnt working01:33
cahoneI really dont get it?  It seems as though the simplest of things is so complicated in Linux?01:33
fevelAtma26,  if you could restart gnome01:33
Fryguy--velius: well, since you pretty much use ethernet 100% of the time the machine is on, it should be compiled in01:33
cahoneSee i cant even speak strait anymore01:34
veliusshould i compile the ethernet driver as a module or build it into the kernel01:34
matthobHi, anuone know why when I use Gpart, shows my HDD unallocated complete even when I have 3 partitions there?01:34
Atma26fevel: i tried that01:34
veliusi will try that01:34
Atma26fevel: no effect01:34
NMajikFryguy--: I used the command "sudo netstat -e -e -l -p > ~/tmp". Used grep to look in that file for the port shown, which I found. Instead of a PID/Program name though I just get a hyphen01:34
cahoneGuess i just have a massive learning curve to join in on all the fun01:34
veliuswell thanks for the help im off to compile :)01:34
veliusman i miss freebsd01:34
UbubeginHi, where is nice site to get nice desktop themes and logins for ubuntu...01:34
Fryguy--NMajik: then it's something in the kernel using that port01:35
Fryguy--NMajik: (i think, not 100% sure, i'm like 90-95% sure)01:35
bperryUbubegin: gnome-art?01:35
Fryguy--Ububegin: gnome-look.org01:35
Fryguy--and bperry's suggestion, that i was in the middle of typing and got beat01:36
NMajikFryguy--: But I can't use netstat to look further into what it's being used for?01:36
Fryguy--NMajik: not that i knwo of01:36
NMajikFryguy--: Is it reasonably safe to assume it's not a security issue?01:37
adudehow can you make a webpage as the desktop background?01:37
matthobAnyone know how to solve that Gparted shows UNALLOCATED all the HDD even when I have 3 partitions?01:37
Fryguy--NMajik: probably01:37
cahoneFryguy--, are things like compiz temorary patch programs (for lack of a better term) that i will have to implement and delete everytime i make a simple hardware exchange like installing a new video card?01:37
CyberCodI guess thats a "no".. :(01:37
fevelmatthob,  did you choose the right HD01:37
Fryguy--cahone: no01:37
Flannelmatthob: what does `sudo fdisk -l` (lower L) show?01:37
UbubeginFryguy, bperry : looking at it now... :D01:37
cahoneFryguy--, so you use compiz with other cards too?01:37
Fryguy--cahone: yes01:38
matthobfevel, yes its the right hdd, the only one in fact.01:38
byrdI have a odd question: I have a CD here burnt and I want to find out if it's Alpha 4 or 5 of Ubuntu 8.04 - is there a way to do so?01:38
bperrybyrd: md5sum it01:38
Fryguy--cahone: compiz interfaces with X, it doesn't do anything directly with your video card.  Assuming you have X11 configured correctly, then it works, regardless of what video card it actually is01:38
matthobFlannel, i need to reboot to see what does, What probably need to show ?01:38
bperryand compare it to the two md5sums canonical offers01:38
whitehat_snivel, only 59 ppl bought my program :(01:38
cahoneFryguy--, this is interesting so many hidden delights...i dont know how i would have ever guessed i needed compiz without someone like you to tell me?01:38
byrdbperry: can you check md5sum with a whole cd? or do you mean the isos?01:39
Fryguy--cahone: you don't need compiz01:39
cahoneFryguy--, ahh ic01:39
byrdaight, thanks01:39
cahoneFryguy--, then how do i get the visual effects to work?01:39
Fryguy--cahone: use compiz01:39
Fryguy--compiz IS the visual effects01:39
cahoneFryguy--, kk01:39
slylockPelo: u there01:39
Fryguy--but you don't need compiz to get your computer to run (alluding to the point you made earlier about working on the computer, not with it)01:40
Peloslylock, more or less , you'll be competing with torchwood for my attention , make it good01:40
cahoneFryguy--, i do like a level of cool computing experience and not simply a terminal screen when i use a computer01:40
bperryterminal is better :-)01:41
Fryguy--cahone: that's somewhat of a hyperbole, but ok (I actually prefer a screen full of terminals whenever possible)01:41
bperryFryguy--: wtf? you know gnome-terminal has tabs right?01:41
Fryguy--the only noteworthy thin i do outside of terminals is web browser and video playback01:41
matthobFlannel, If any property, what should show the "fdisk -l". I just have one HDD and four or five NTFS partitions01:41
slylockPelo: package glib-2.0 was not found in pkg-config perhaps you should add  the directory containing 'glib-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH evvirnoment variable01:41
bperryunless you use xterm01:42
Fryguy--bperry: yes, usually only have 1 open with multiple screen sessions split up01:42
cowboy29how do i compile a source code in ubuntu?01:42
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:42
Peloslylock, libglib-2.0 and ibglib-2.0-dev01:42
slylockPelo: it says the same for gthread01:42
cahoneI build websites and use PHP CSS HTML and the rest of the crap too01:42
LadyNikondang wrong one.01:42
Peloslylock,  robabaly01:42
Fryguy--bperry: I dislike tabs because it hides an entire interface, and I have a large enough monitor that I can show several terminals at once, and i like to be able to read them all without hitting keys to change tabs01:42
byrdbperry: do you have an idea as to where the alpha 4/5 checksums? the pages http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-5/MD5SUMS are dead01:42
Fryguy--cowboy29: install the build-essential package and have at it01:43
Peloslylock, doyou have a gui ? gnome ?01:43
Flannelmatthob: it will list the partitions01:43
cahoneI am a visual person and like working in graphics programs as well as programing01:43
slylockPelo: yea01:43
cowboy29i am very new to all this so please put this in lamen terms01:43
MatToufoutuquelqu'un a dejà utilisé freenet?01:43
Flannel!fr | MatToufoutu01:43
Fryguy--cowboy29: if you are new to this, then you shouldn't be compiling code01:43
ubotuMatToufoutu: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:43
Peloslylock, menu > stystem > admin > synaptic package manager,  always install the -dev related package of the dependency you need01:43
MatToufoutuoups excuse01:44
MatToufoutumistook channel01:44
cahoneI dont think Deamweaver works in a Linux environment thought01:44
Fryguy--large guis like that just cause me to work more slowly01:44
Peloslylock, what app are you trying to install again ? it's probably in synatpic as well , just do a search for it first,  synaptic will isntall all the required dependencies01:44
bperrybyrd, do you have the isos on hand?01:44
cowboy29hehe well is all i am trying to compile is ftpd pro01:44
matthobFlannel, I guess shows no partitions, just the hdd without partitions or type ofs01:44
byrdbperry: yup01:45
Fryguy--cowboy29: there's plenty of ftp daemons available in ubuntu, there is no need (or good reason) to be compiling your own01:45
cowboy29well this is the one the forusm had instructions on how touse and setup but i went to install it like it said and it told me package could not be found01:45
slylockPelo: i am trying to compile the source code of qt01:46
cowboy29so i downloaded the package and have it untared just need to compile it so i can install it01:46
Flannelcowboy29: Which one?01:46
icanhasadminHaving difficultly starting fglrx/AIGLX on radeon xpress 200m. tried nearly everything.. willing to follow suggestions01:46
bperryon the disk and in the isos, there is a file called md5sum.txt01:46
slylockPelo: i need the 4.3.2 not the older one01:46
capitalideaI have ntfs-3g but I cannot mount a larg (500GB) NTFS volume, I need help I have no idea how to proceed from here...01:46
slylockPelo: thats why i am compiling it01:46
Fryguy--cowboy29: install packages using ubuntu's package management sytem (synaptic) unless you have very good reason to do otherwise01:46
bperrybyrd: compare the two md5sum.txt's to the one on the CD01:46
bperrythat will tell you01:46
Flannelcowboy29: proftpd is in the repositories.  install the 'proftpd' package, and you're good to go.01:46
slylockPelo: actually i had ubuntu  6.06 before and qt compiled fine on it but now i have 7.10 and i am having problems01:47
Peloslylock, ok , well , you can still install the dependendies from synaptic, , like I said , always install the -dev packages , close synaptic before running make ,  and you might also need to compile some of the dependencies ifyou need more recent ones01:47
nicodarioushey all01:47
byrdbperry: i found the one on the cd, but which ones should i compare them to? the only other checksum file i could find was the alpha 6 one :x01:47
cowboy29wel i did the sudo apt-get install proftpd-1.3.1 and it is still telling me it can not find the package01:47
nicodariousjust jumping in here.  I'm new to this channel but have a little knowledge on Ubuntu.01:47
exegesisI want to do a fresh install of Gutsy but don't want to lose my preferences etc.  How do I do that without using an external drive?01:48
Peloslylock,  installing the current qt from synaptic, and then removing it , leaving thedependencies migth speed things up01:48
Flannelcowboy29: Because the package name is 'proftpd' without the version information.01:48
bperrybyrd, heh, that will tell you also, if they don't match, you have alpha 501:48
Peloexegesis, just move your /home folder to a seperate partitons01:48
Fryguy--exegesis: back up your /home directory somewhere01:48
nicodariousexegesis, what prefs do you want to keep?01:48
slylockPelo: hmmmm how do i remove it then after installing it01:48
unop_yowshi, are you still here?01:48
exegesisnicodarious my firefox, amarok things.  I'm sure there's more but that's all that comes to mind01:49
nicodariousexegesis, you don't have to delete your home partition to do a fresh install of Gutsy, or any Linux for that manner01:49
cowboy29and i get this error when i try to use the synaptic01:49
yowshii am back01:49
capitalideaI have ntfs-3g but I cannot mount a larg (500GB) NTFS volume, I need help I have no idea how to proceed from here...01:49
yowshiwent for a smoke unop_01:49
byrdbperry: hah, fair enough.. i think i might as well download alpha 6 as i'm going to have to mass update whatever alpha i have anyway.. thanks for your time :)01:49
Peloslylock, use synaptic,  search for qt,   which ever pacakge you end up installing ,  remove the same package with right ciick uninstall01:49
exegesisfryguy my last name's fry, why'd you choose that name?01:49
Flannelbyrd: mount them and check timestamps01:49
Fryguy--exegesis: super mario brothers 201:49
clearzencapitalidea: are you mounting it from the CLI?01:49
nicodariousexegesis, do a backup of your synaptic packages through synaptic and save it on your desktop.01:49
capitalideafrom Nautilus01:49
exegesisfryguy oh, cuz people call me Fryguy from time to time, haha01:49
cowboy29error E: Encountered a section with no Package: header01:50
cowboy29E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_main_binary-i386_Packages01:50
cowboy29E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.01:50
cowboy29E: _cache->open() failed, please report.01:50
cowboy29W: Duplicate sources.list entry cdrom://Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016) gutsy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/Ubuntu%207.10%20%5fGutsy%20Gibbon%5f%20-%20Release%20i386%20(20071016)_dists_gutsy_main_binary-i386_Packages)01:50
FloodBot2cowboy29: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
unop_yowshi, cool -- i need a smoke now -- the script is almost finished, i need to test it out and generate a baseline of my system for you01:50
cowboy29W: Duplicate sources.list entry cdrom://Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016) gutsy/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/Ubuntu%207.10%20%5fGutsy%20Gibbon%5f%20-%20Release%20i386%20(20071016)_dists_gutsy_restricted_binary-i386_Packages)01:50
capitalideaARGH FLOOD! KILL IT!01:50
icanhasadminflooding seriously unnecesary01:50
unop_what a cowboy? (literally)01:50
capitalideapastebin mutherfooler01:50
yowshithanks unop_ you and nekrud have been a life saver01:50
Flannel!ops | grey_01:50
ubotugrey_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!01:50
icanhasadminlol@ "don't use enter as puncuation"01:50
nicodariousexegesis, that will be your install fille for when you reinstall.  also, when reinstalling, just don't format your /home partition and relabel it as home.  that way, all your stuff on /home is safe and sound.01:50
pushpopCan someone help me with this question http://pastebin.ca/94981001:51
Pelopushpop,  jsut summerize the question in here01:51
zezui'm trying to get audio working on a notebook, i tried modprobe snd-intel8x0 and get errors :|01:51
zezuanyone know what might be the issue, i'm reading a ton of forums atm01:51
exegesisnicodarious I'm confused.  If I do a fresh install my /home won't necessarily be deleted?01:51
capitalideazezu, paste the errors to a pastebin like pushpop did01:51
Fryguy--exegesis: it will, which is why i said to make a backup of it01:51
exegesisnicodarious I'm doing a fresh install because I want to delete Vista from my cpu, but also don't want to loose my preferences01:52
nicodariousexegesis, if you tell the installer NOT to format /home, then it won't touch it.01:52
Fryguy--nicodarious: the installer isn't able to do that if it's on the same partition (which it is by default)01:52
Pelonicodarious, that only works if /home is on a different partitosn then /01:52
zezucapitalidea: will do01:52
bj0ng0hmm, could anyone recommend a commandline cpu,ram or something benchmark..? :)01:52
nicodariousexegesis, ahhh... didn't know it was on the same partition.01:52
yowshii've never really understood how to save a /home partition01:53
* capitalidea wishes belgian beer wouldn't skunk before it reaches Texas01:53
Peloyowshi, just create a new partition,  copy your /home to it , and make a line in fstab that the new partitson mojunts to /home01:53
zezuAll operation not permitted errors for modprobe :: http://rafb.net/p/WQf49P65.html01:53
capitalideayowshi, you make several partitions, you make a mount point for one of them /home01:54
depbj0ng0: try top01:54
Old_Soldieryowshi, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:54
=== byrd is now known as byrd_
Fryguy--yowshi: tar cjf /tmp/Home.tar.bz2 /home01:54
nicodariousexegesis, then do this, copy everything from /home (primarily all your .hidden files, like firefox settings and all) onto a separate hard drive or partition.  then do a backup from synaptic of all your installed programs and save that somewhere safe, like where you put your /home stuff.  then you're all set to reinstall.01:54
yowshiyeah but i dont understand fstab editing01:54
Old_Soldierjust copying will mess up your permissions01:54
Peloyowshi, you just ask here and we can give you a line to put in your fstab , we'll just have to ask you a couple of queisotns first01:54
=== byrd_ is now known as byrd
exegesisnicodarious ok, thanks01:55
cowboy29i am getting a erro telling me it can not lock my adminstration direcotry01:55
nicodariousexegesis, then when you're reinstalled, have synaptic look for that file you saved and it will redownload and reinstall all your programs you had installed before.  move all the saved /home stuff back to your home and log in as your user.01:55
Fryguy--cowboy29: need to be root to install software01:55
yowshiheheh i mean i have a seperate /home partition but if i ever had to install fresh well i'm at a loss of how to save my data hehehehe01:55
capitalideaAnyone have any advice for troubleshooting an ntfs-3g problem? I can't mount a 500GB drive with one large NTFS volume, and I really really need to be able to01:55
Pelogotta go , later folks01:55
yowshicool Pelo01:55
nicodariousexegesis, lost connection?01:55
Dr_williscapitalidea,  mount it manually with sudo, look for error messages01:55
bj0ng0thanks ;D01:55
clearzencapitalidea: I assume you are trying to mount it in a terminal right01:55
nicodariousexegesis, did you get my last?01:55
exegesis nicodarious actually my biggest concern I just realized is my music and documents.  How can I keep them on my cpu and not have to transfer them (there's a lot) to an external hd?01:56
exegesisnicodarious yeah, I did01:56
capitalideaclearzen: I was using nautilus actually. I'll try from the CLI though01:56
cowboy29i get that  message as root too01:56
exegesisnicodarious I can xfer the important stuff from /home and that won't take long, but the music will kill me01:56
nicodariousexegesis, if they are on your /home/exegesis/Documents/* folder, you HAVE to transfer them.01:56
Fryguy--cowboy29: then you have another window open that you are installing software in (your package manager is open or something)01:56
nicodariousexegesis, if you want to keept hem that is lol01:57
zezui'm reading something about a bug w/ acpi, anyone know if this might be the case with my audio prob ?01:57
=== Black_Magic is now known as Darkmystere
Fryguy--capitalidea: what is the filename of the device you are trying to mount?01:57
exegesisnicodarious oh, dang01:57
nicodariousexegesis, i'm afraid that the time will be the key here.  best thing to do is to COPY your /home/exegesis/* folder to a safe spot.01:57
Fryguy--zezu: probably not01:58
* capitalidea is perplexed01:58
nicodariousexegesis, sorry there isn't any other way around it.  but when you reinstall do it this way:01:58
clearzencapitalidea: ?01:58
capitalideaThere seems not to be any trouble doing it manually without any options.01:58
captaingeekanyone know how to delete a group?01:58
nicodariousexegesis set up a / partition, and then a /home partition.  this way you don't have to do this again01:58
zezui'm hoping not too, i dont want to disable acpi or manually build a new kernel01:58
cowboy29more or less reboot and try again01:58
Fryguy--exegesis: why are you reinstalling?01:58
* capitalidea looks suspiciously at nautilus01:59
zezukernel isn't that bad, but more time than i'd like to spend atm01:59
encryptzcaptaingeek: man delgroup01:59
Ouroborosityi've hit a wall here01:59
nicodariousfryguy to get rid of Vista =-)01:59
icanhasadminzezu: sorry i just steped in, are you getting ANY audio at all?01:59
cahoneare there any movie or tv show websites you can watch on Ubuntu01:59
capitalideacaptaingeek: be careful, some groups, many, are necessary01:59
georgy_28nicodarious, : groupdel01:59
zezuicanhasadmin: none01:59
Ouroborosityi've tried the livecd, alternate install, and even wubi01:59
Ouroborosityand ubuntu will not work01:59
icanhasadminzezu: Toshiba laptop?01:59
Fryguy--nicodarious: how why not just get rid of vista then? there's no reason to reinstall ubuntu to get rid of vista01:59
zezuin sound settings autodetect and nothing else dont make a peep01:59
exegesisfryguy because I want to get Vista off01:59
capitalideaicanhasadmin: icanhascatmacros?01:59
zezuHP notebook, w/ ICH801:59
FlannelOuroborosity: Have you verified the CDs? (Check for defects)01:59
nicodariousgeorgy_28  ???01:59
exegesisnicodarious will it be obvious how to set up a / and a /home when I do a fresh install?01:59
Ouroborositycd is perfect01:59
Fryguy--exegesis: there's no reason to reinstall ubuntu to get rid of vista.  just get rid of it...02:00
Ouroborosityeven dl'd again and reburned02:00
aetaricis it safe to migrate from debian's etch to gutsy?02:00
icanhasadminzezu: VERY unlikely it's an acpi error. you can pass a command to turn acpi off, then you'll know for sure. but very very unlikely. it's probably an alsa issue. I'm assuming you have alsa installed?02:00
exegesisfryguy how?  I've dl gparted and started messing around with that02:00
Ouroborosityit locks up in the middle of booting02:00
exegesisfryguy but I wasn't able to satisfactorily figure it out02:00
Fryguy--exegesis: well what do you mean "get rid of vista"02:00
zezuicanhasadmin: yes alsa is installed02:00
zezuicanhasadmin: i get an error w/ modprobe http://rafb.net/p/WQf49P65.html02:00
nicodariousexegesis, when you are reformattion, you can set two partitions up.  just make one (the first) as about 25 gigs (your / part), then your swap (about 1 to 2 gigs), then new partition for the rest.02:01
Ouroborosityfor all the talk of ubuntu being the easiest to work with i'm getting fed up02:01
cahoneIs there any entertainment websites that are compatible with Ubuntu...like itunes does not work with it?02:01
exegesisfryguy completely erase it from my hd02:01
nicodariousexegesis, after this, label the last one as /home02:01
icanhasadminzezu: same output when you "sudo modprobe" ?02:01
nicodariousexegesis, when it asks to label them02:01
exegesisnicodarious what will the / partition do and be?02:01
Fryguy--exegesis: so then just remove the partition using gparted, and edit /boot/grub/menu.lst so it doesn't show up in your boot menu02:01
captaingeekhow do i list users through the terminal?02:01
nicodariousexegesis, that is your / (root)02:01
Fryguy--captaingeek: cat /etc/passwd02:01
exegesisnicodarious ok02:01
zezuicanhasadmin: tbh I hadn't tried, used to being logged in as root in a LFS dist.02:01
nicodariousexegesis, that is where all your programs will be installed.02:02
Ouroborosityany suggestions on why even LiveCD won't boot?02:02
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capitalideaIs there some way I can determine what trouble nautilus has in mounting this NTFS volume of mine? (Which otherwise mounts without issue from the CLI)02:02
nicodariousexegesis so make it about 20 to 25 gigs.  depending on how much you install.02:02
aetaricim now stuck between etch and gutsy02:02
encryptzOuroborosity: bad cd?02:02
FlannelOuroborosity: I'd be worried more on why the alternate CD doesn't boot.  Thats a safer bet.  Does it not boot, or not install completely?02:02
Ouroborosityredl'd and burned it02:02
exegesisfryguy then how could I make a / partition and a /home partition by just deleting vista with gparted?  I want to do that b/c I hear it's beneficial02:02
icanhasadminzezu: 100 percent positive you were logged in as root? doesn't seem that way in the pastebin, i could be wrong02:02
byrdWhen looking for themes for Ubuntu on gnome-look.org (Is there a better site?), what category do I look under, like GTK, Metacity, etc?02:02
encryptzOuroborosity: check the checksum?02:02
Ouroborositythe CD is find02:02
Fryguy--exegesis: you can just create a partition to use for /home using gparted02:02
exegesisnicodarious ok, that helps02:02
aoeuidproblem: computer no longer produces any sound, from any programs, even after restarts02:02
Ouroborosityi tried three times from three different sources02:03
Fryguy--and then mount it in /etc/fstab02:03
encryptzOuroborosity: but did you check the md5 checksum on the iso?02:03
capitalideaOuroborosity: boot options, have you explorex them?02:03
aoeuidanyone have any ideas?02:03
nicodariousexegesis, just label it as   /     .  linux knows that that is root02:03
capitalideaexplored them*02:03
exegesisnicodarious ok02:03
digital_freak_0_aoeuid: what sound card do you have?02:03
zezuicanhasadmin: no i'm not i meant that i'm not used to sudo, i was using another distro prev. (LFS=you build it)02:03
Fryguy--nicodarious: there is no reason for him to reinstall ubuntu so the conversation is pointless02:03
Ouroborositywhat boot options would you recommend to a nub?02:03
aoeuidno idea, but it was workinfg fine before02:03
nicodariousexegesis.  if you want i can give you an output of my own partitions so you can get an idea what i mean02:03
aoeuidfor about half a year02:03
zezuicanhasadmin: anyhow it works just fine w sudo, no errors, no output at all02:03
aetaricdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg_1.14.5ubuntu16_i386.deb (--unpack):02:03
aetaric unsupported dependency problem - not installing dpkg02:03
Fryguy--I have my /home on another machine heh02:03
Ouroborositybecause i've tried every different installation possibility out there02:03
encryptzOuroborosity: you still haven't answered my question02:04
exegesisnicodarious I'm pretty sure I get it now, but thanks02:04
nicodariousfryguy, i understand this, but this cleans up his hard drive, just in case, and also helps him learn the ins and outs of Linux a little bit.02:04
digital_freak_0_if you look at your volume control do you see a tab called switchs02:04
icanhasadminzezu: Ok.. and still no sound i'm guessing? All the normal stuff checked? Nothing muted? physical sound control on computer if there is one? alsamixer checked?02:04
Ouroborosityyes, the CD is fine02:04
Ouroborosityi checked it02:04
aoeuidalsamixer checked?02:04
encryptzOuroborosity: that's not my question, if the cd is fine. my question is verifying the md5 chekcsum against the iso02:04
Ouroborositybut even without the CD02:04
Fryguy--nicodarious: it's a waste of time.  Manually remounting /home to a new partition on an already running system is going to teach him far more about how linux works, in a shorter amount of time, with less work and hassle involved02:04
OuroborosityWubi should have worked02:04
Ouroborosityor the alternate installer02:04
FlannelOuroborosity: does the alternate CD stall during boot? or during install?02:05
Ouroborosityduring boot02:05
digital_freak_0_is there an analog/digital switch?02:05
nicodariousfryguy, i know when i got rid of windows, i didn't like how the partitions were set up and separated, and the easiest way for me to move them around without having in depth knowledge is to back-up and reinstall.02:05
zezuicanhasadmin: yes everything checked there, my keyboard icon says i'm muted, but its not in software, alsa etc02:05
capitalideanoacpi stuff I would guess, Ouroborosity02:05
Seven_Six_Twofor some reason, I can't use the ubuntu 7.1 cd that I burned. It has been checked. It's on an mdg machine and gives me an i/o error on my floppy. I turned it off in bios, but now the cd just goes to busybox02:05
capitalideasomething similar02:05
encryptzOuroborosity: i'll take that as a no. that should be the first think you do before burinng the disc02:05
capitalideai don't know, just use bluunt for trauma and try them all02:05
cahoneI may be wrong but so far Linux makes a great web server but it does not seem to work well with almost everything02:05
Ouroborosityi've about come to blunt force trauma yeah02:05
icanhasadminzezu: That's an acpi thing, ignore that. can you pastepin your .. uh,, hold on. /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base ?02:06
Ouroborositythree different approaches, all fails02:06
Ouroborositymust be my computer itself02:06
Fryguy--cahone: it's just you.  And it makes an OK server, but there are better solutions for that as well.02:06
yowshiencryptz, doesnt the ubuntu install cd have a checkdisk in the boot menu?02:06
Seven_Six_TwoI tried modifying the boot options (erasing quiet and adding irqpoll) but then I get lots of text with no errors and it still goes right to busybox02:06
clearzenFryguy--: ok server?02:06
Fryguy--cahone: it's just you being inexperienced with a new operating system02:06
Fryguy--clearzen: yes02:06
FlannelOuroborosity: It fails during boot, but boots the integrity check fine?02:07
encryptzyowshi: yes. but, before even risking buring a bad disc, you should always check the checksum. it'll save you discs02:07
Ouroborositythat's what's so wierd02:07
nicodariousfryguy, i understand that, but for now, i want to make sure that he can od a basic setup of a partition table before he learns the in-depth part like that...  i know that it's not necessary, but when i was first starting out (back in red hat 6.0), it took forever to learn how to manipulate partitions...02:07
cahoneI guess cause I cant use it with itunes or cinemaNow or lots of websites02:07
Fryguy--nicodarious: you probably didn't have a good teacher then, it's pretty basic and simple02:07
cahoneIs there a good Movie rental website for Ubuntu?02:07
Fryguy--cahone: works fine with all of those (I happen to know that for a fact because we are developing a competitor to those products at work)02:08
encryptzcahone: eh?02:08
Seven_Six_Twoare there any other options that I should try?02:08
nicodariousfryguy, you're right.  I had NO teacher... as i do not have now.  everything I have learned, I have learned for bbs's and webpages, and books that i found.02:08
Ouroborositycan anyone recommend a different livecd distro so i can even see if any linux works for me?02:08
phaedralI got this MacBook Pro as a gift, but really miss my linux; thinking about Ubuntu 'cause the guy at boingboing.net speaks highly of the combo; suggestions?02:08
nicodariousfryguy, and a lot of it is still over my head, heh.02:08
zezuicanhasadmin: http://pastebin.com/d3166bd1c02:08
cahoneFryguy--, So your saying there is an iTunes install for Ubuntu?02:08
Ouroborosityi may have just committed heresy or soemthing02:08
yowshiOuroborosity, LOL i doubt it02:09
Fryguy--cahone: yes, itunes runs in linux just fine02:09
markycan somebody help and tell me why Xorg sigsegv's when i enable twinview in nvidia-settings?02:09
Fryguy--cahone: if you insist on using it you can02:09
icanhasadminzezu: is that the whole file? it seems to be seriously cut off02:09
capitalideaWe're breaking a hole in the ice just for you at this very moment Ouroborosity02:09
epitronis there a way to grant a user Administrator privileges from the commandline?02:10
capitalideaIf you float, we'll know for sure you're a witch at which point we will burn you alive for root's sake02:10
yowshicapitalidea, a nhole in the ice?02:10
epitron(i installed ubuntu from debootstrap)02:10
Fryguy--Ouroborosity: i've run linux on a 386 with no hard drive.  i'm PRETTY SURE linux is going to run for you02:10
Flannelepitron: sudo usermod -G admin -a [username]02:10
epitronFlannel: oh, that's all it is? nice. :)02:10
Ouroborosityfryguy: well that's what i thought too02:10
cahoneFryguy--, well i got shows like Star Trek Voyager I have bought though iTunes and would like to watch them still02:10
Ouroborositybut this pos is proving me wrong02:10
Flannelepitron: Yeah, you just have to add them to the admin group02:10
yowshiFryguy--, why would you run a computer with no hdd?02:10
phaedralfound the how to at the wiki02:10
epitronFlannel: how do the gnome menus know to show you the admin features? is that hardcoded?02:10
encryptzFlannel: me prefers gpasswd02:11
Fryguy--yowshi: computers didn't always have hard drives...02:11
encryptzgpasswd -a <user> <group>02:11
zezuicanhasadmin: http://pastebin.com/d6769919 sorry try this02:11
Flannelepitron: I'm not really sure02:11
yowshiFryguy--, i have never seen a 386 with no hdd02:11
KuroachiaWhat is the ubuntu equivalent to something such as netstumbler?02:11
Fryguy--yowshi: had one laying around, wanted to see if I could do it02:11
epitronFlannel: ok.. thanks :)02:11
encryptzthat way, you can't forget the -a with usermod -G, and screw up all your groups02:11
phaedralOuroborosity: you might ask in ##linux where it's not OT; and $.02, knoppix has always worked live for me02:11
epitronencryptz: gpasswd does the same thing?02:11
Ouroborosityknoppix, ok02:11
encryptzepitron: yes02:11
Ouroborosityoff to ##linux02:12
epitronencryptz: sweet02:12
Fryguy--Kuroachia: aircrack or kismet probably.  The *nix toolset for network sniffing is MUCH more diverse than it is on windows02:12
Flannelencryptz: adduser would also be appropriate02:12
Fryguy--Kuroachia: this isn't an appropriate channel for that though02:12
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capitalideaOuroborosity: there are boot time options02:12
encryptzepitron: gpasswd -M larry,moe,curly stooges02:12
encryptzfor example, adding larry moe and curly to the stooges group02:12
Kuroachiafryguy: I don't want network sniffing or cracking or anything of the sort, simply something that will update me on the local networks02:12
icanhasadminzezu: add "options snd-hda-intel model=auto" to the last line, save it, and reboot entirely.02:13
Fryguy--Kuroachia: network-manager does that already02:13
Fryguy--(the network icon in your gnome-panel)02:13
zezuicanhasadmin: will do, thanks02:13
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Kuroachiafryguy: I have an issue with network-manager though, it has such a slow refresh time02:13
Kuroachiafryguy: unless there is a way to reconfigure this?02:13
rrowellI've got a buddy who is trying to install a video card... Total linux newb he is and of course X won't start because it needs a different driver then what it needed when he installed.  X works if he boots from the live CD though so I was curious if there was some dpkg-reconfigure or something that will auto-detect his screen stuff without much (any) input from him...02:13
capitalideaOuroborosity: do you have an NVIDIA card?02:14
Fryguy--Kuroachia: so then start using some of the other tools that I mentioned and doing more research into the matter.  Although ubuntu very much wants you to be using network-manager02:14
encryptzrrowell: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:14
icanhasadminzezu: i'm restarting too, video driver issue, i'll be back in a min02:14
Fryguy--rrowell: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg02:14
yowshiwouldnt the normal dpkg thing from xorg.cong work?02:14
Fryguy--shit i got beat02:14
nicodariousrrowell, have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?02:14
encryptzFryguy--: ツ02:14
Ouroborositycapitalidea: y es02:14
robby_kanecan i ask a question02:14
yowshii can never remember all those seemingly random letters02:14
icanhasadminencryptz:  is that a japanese "shi" or "ji"? :P02:14
Fryguy--encryptz: my terminal doesn't do unicode..02:14
cahoneFryguy--, So how do you install iTunes?  All i see are windows and mac downloads?02:14
yowshii just call it the dpkg thing02:15
encryptzicanhasadmin: you know your katakana, eh?02:15
Kuroachiafryguy: ok thanks, the reason I ask is because whenever I move somewhere (think like from home to school) I have to restart the manager completely in order to view the current networks. Is this normal?02:15
exegesisHow do I format an external hdd?02:15
Fryguy--cahone: windows applications typically run in linux just fine via wine.  if you have further needs than that, you can run a virtualized instance of windows using virtualbox02:15
icanhasadminencryptz: boku no nihongo ga warui da :(02:15
Fryguy--Kuroachia: no idea, i never use wireless on my machines02:15
capitalideaOuroborosity: try it with nosplash02:15
cahoneFryguy--,  hmm interesting02:15
Kuroachiafryguy: okie dokie thanks though :)02:15
robby_kaneitunes sucks... sorry to say it... but i was wondering if i have 2 partions of ubuntu how can i acces the files on 1 partion02:16
Ouroborositysorry, help a newbie out, nosplash?02:16
Fryguy--robby_kane: just mount the other partition02:16
capitalidearead the boot options page and use the option "nosplash" per the instructions there02:16
Fryguy--Ouroborosity: a newbie, who runs LFS?  lol02:16
patrick_is it possible to play video games (diablo, wow etc) on ubuntu using wine? or some other method?02:16
robby_kaneFryguy: how?02:16
yowshiFryguy--, whats lfs?02:16
Fryguy--robby_kane: using the 'mount' command02:16
robby_kanehow do i chak what its listed as to mount it02:17
encryptzicesword: unfortunately, i don't know japanese. i know my unicode though. ツ02:17
rrowellencryptz, Fryguy-- nicodarious : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is asking a million questions, any way to make it a bit less verbose?02:17
Fryguy--yowshi: 'linux from scratch' a project that involves building an entire linux system from scratch by manually compiling everything from source02:17
yowshioh wait linux from scratch02:17
encryptzmeh. bad tab complete. and he left02:17
Fryguy--robby_kane: well what drive on your system is it on02:17
iceswordencryptz, pardon??????02:17
Fryguy--rrowell: no02:17
robby_kanei only have 1 hard drive02:17
robby_kaneit has 2 partions02:17
Fryguy--rrowell: try -phigh, like i suggested02:17
encryptzicesword: sorry. meant for someone who left, so your nick got the tab complete02:18
clearzenrrowell: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg02:18
Fryguy--robby_kane: so mkdir /mnt/tmp; mount /dev/sdXN /mnt/tmp  where X is the drive and N is the partition number02:18
robby_kaneim going to reinstall ubuntu but want to store a file for later use02:18
nikrudyowshi: how's your sudo issue? any resolution? (for my notes)02:19
robby_kanehow do i check witch partion is witch02:19
yowshiunop_, is writing up a script02:19
robby_kaneis there a comand to check?02:19
encryptzrobby_kane: sudo fdisk -l02:19
nicodariousrrowell dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg02:19
encryptzrobby_kane: will list your disks and partitions02:19
Fryguy--robby_kane: mount them and look. or use a tool like fdisk to get more information, or use df to see what is currently mounted and make inferences from that02:19
odlawhat is the notifier that tells me i need to update my packages in gnome called?02:19
patrick_how do you add backgrounds so when you zoom out of the cube desktop you see like the sky in the back instead of just the grey area02:19
nikrudyowshi: ah, reset all permissions?02:19
clearzenodla: update-manager02:19
rrowellFryguy--, Thanks, perfect02:19
nicodariousrrowell it'll ask a little less questions with the -phigh options.02:20
yowshinikrud it is generally thought now that my problem lies in some general file system problems i caused sop he is writing up a script to find which files are fucked up02:20
Fryguy--patrick_: #compiz-fusion02:20
rrowellnicodarious, Only asks one about screen resolution for me02:20
patrick_fryguy no one in there seems to respond at all02:20
yowshiman i cause the wierdest and most insane problems i tell ya02:20
nikrudyowshi: thanks. And, don't forget this is supposed to be a family friendly, G rated channel :)02:20
Fryguy--patrick_: that's unfortunate.02:20
nicodariousrrowell you need to pick your video driver though?02:20
robby_kanewhat is a linux swap?02:20
robby_kaneit was listed in my dives02:21
Fryguy--robby_kane: a partition for swap space (virtual memory that's stored on the hard drive)02:21
patrick_oops haha02:21
yowshii once erased my entire grub by accident while trying to add my gentoo installation into the boot list02:21
nicodariousrrowell you could do this too:  vim into /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the video driver manually to vesa02:21
robby_kaneok i see02:21
icanhasadminyay i'm back02:22
nicodariousrrowell that way you can bypass the questions, but still get a base video till you can get your drivers for nvidia installed.02:22
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nikrudyowshi: as they say, with great power comes 'Oh crap I messed it up again'02:23
DareDevyli have no idea to change its default runlevel to 1,ubuntu has no /etc/inittab02:23
yowshiLOL yep nikrud that about sums it up02:23
FlannelDareDevyl: /etc/event.d/02:23
aetaricis udev required by gutsy?02:23
clearzenDareDevyl: sudo telinit 102:23
nikrudDareDevyl: why would you want a default of 1, anyway?02:23
yowshithey should hand over all future devs of ubuntu to me for 1 month to se ehow idiot proof they are02:23
aetaricbut is it a req.02:24
aetariccan i remove it?02:24
yowshilike every month i gotta go to into failsafe mode to fix something i screwed up02:24
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Fryguy--aetaric: why do you want to play with things that make up the fundamentals of ubuntu as a distribution?02:24
zezuicanhasadmin: that didn't help :|02:24
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icanhasadminzezu: still nothing? you checked alsamixer?02:25
DareDevylFlannel clearzen thanks , nikrud  my X is crashed02:25
Cranehelp. somehow a directory disappeared. I have no clue how, my best guess someone did rm. is it possible to recover it or lost forever?02:25
aetaricim trying to swich from debian's etch to gutsy.....its breaking (like i would expect.)02:25
zezuicanhasadmin: yes, its looks ok to me, master and pcm are up high and not muted02:26
Fryguy--Crane: it's possible to recover, but generally pretty hard.. outside of the scope of this channel02:26
nikrudDareDevyl: ah, hit escape when you see something about grub starting, then select recovery mode. Drops you into runlevel 102:26
aetarici didn't want to build it from the ground up again02:26
icanhasadminzezu: That's extremely odd, to be honest with you. Sorry, it's out of my realm of expertise now :-/ see if you can asd crimsun when he is around02:26
robby_kaneok how do i unmount using the comand line02:26
Fryguy--aetaric: debian and ubuntu are different operating systems, you can't switch from one to another..02:26
Fryguy--robby_kane: use 'umount'02:26
icanhasadminzezu: er, i mean "ask" crimsun lol02:26
zezuicanhasadmin: thanks02:27
Craneit's not unrecoverable (someone has a copy but is not around for another 3 days) so I thought more of a undelete option02:27
yowshirpbby umount mount point no?02:27
icanhasadminzezu: sorry :(02:27
aetarici was hoping you weren't going to say that..oh well.....destroy and recreate02:27
yowshilike umount cdrom002:27
DareDevylnikrud ok. which file should i change ?02:27
Azodonis there a better system monitor program availble besides the one that comes with gnome02:28
Fryguy--Azodon: what do you want to monitor that you are lacking?02:28
nikrudDareDevyl: you shouldn't need to change any file if you enter recovery mode. Otherwise, it's rc-default02:28
Azodonyea top, but GUI02:28
aetariclol GUI HA02:29
aetaricalthough ubuntu is a GUI friendly system02:29
icanhasadminthere is one.. somewhere.. it's called something.. but i never use it02:29
yowshiwait isnt gnomes system monitor gui based? or am i thinking of the processes monitor02:29
icanhasadmintop is awesome02:29
Azodonthere is nithing wrong with eye cady, it's 2000 frekin 8 not 198702:29
Fryguy--i like htop more02:29
aetaricnothing is wrong with eyecandy...on a desktop....not my $20,000 server02:30
yowshii prefer guis because i make to many tpyo's02:30
Fryguy--i prefer cli's because it's faster and more efficient for me02:30
aetariceyecandy takes up proc power...02:30
cahoneWhen you download with FireFox where are the files located?  I am trying to find a file to install with Wine02:30
yowshifryguy to each his own. for me a gui is truely faster02:30
Fryguy--cahone: by default they go to your home directory i think02:31
icanhasadminOh god, here comes the gui vs command line argument..02:31
PositronicDefault is desktop I though02:31
Fryguy--yowshi: then you probably haven't learned cli tools sufficiently02:31
eegoreanyone here familiar with Sun Netra T1's and installing a server on them?>02:31
aetarici can be02:31
yowshiFryguy--, i used to use dos fluently but then windows came along and i didnt touch much of a command line for like 10 years02:31
capitalideaI prefer my preference because Jesus loves me more when I use it and you are a cretenous scoundrel who should be locked up and never allowed near any transistor for the rest of your natural life, and then some. Idiot.02:31
noble-what's the name of the package for screenlets? I can't find it now.02:31
Fryguy--yowshi: dos is an extremely poor example of a cli02:31
robby_kanety for helping me mount a drive02:32
capitalideaHey guys, which is better: Vi or Emacs?02:32
aetaricdos is suckware02:32
Fryguy--capitalidea: lol, i'll laugh, and then answer (vim)02:32
robby_kaneim going to reintall ubuntu now lol02:32
capitalideaGnome or Fluxbox?02:32
yowshiFryguy--, maybe it is but trhe point is i havent touched a cli in like 10 years then i come to linux and well massive lists of commands to remember and my typo rate and such...yeah guis are my friend02:32
Fryguy--we are split 50/50 vim/emacs at work, gets pretty funny sometimes ;)02:32
aetarici use both02:32
capitalidea(the answer to that was ratpoison is better)02:32
aetarici don't use gnome i use kde02:33
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capitalideaWrong answer.02:33
yowshicapitalidea, gnome for the win02:33
nikrudofftopic but dos gave more control than windows (especially with some extensions you could get or write)02:33
TuxOtakuokay, I have a bit of an odd question....is there any way I can get a copy of ubotu's help scripts it uses?? I'm trying to build a similar help bot on another network (it's not ubuntu related though)02:33
Fryguy--yowshi: which goes back to my point, you haven't learned cli tools sufficiently, so of course you aren't going to prefer them and you are going to find them slower02:33
capitalidea(shot) you ded02:33
yowshiFryguy--, yeah but we arent in the commodore age any more guis are widely dispersed everywhere. while i admit i like the cli in linux i would like a gui for most of what i do02:34
aetariccisco routers.....cli or interface02:34
TuxOtakuaetaric, cli02:34
Fryguy--yowshi: not really.  at my job all of my files are located on an nfs mount that is mounted on a development server that I connect to.  if I REALLY want to I can mount nfs on my local workstation, but it's easier and faster to just work on the development server directly02:34
morgancan anyone help me with setting up a custom resolution?02:34
Fryguy--yowshi: just because your experience indicates that guis are prevalent doesn't necessarily make it true02:35
noble-can anyone tell me why screenlets doesn't show up in the package manager? I had it last week now nothing.02:35
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:35
nikrudnoble-: screenlets were never in ubuntu repos, you may be thinking of gdesklets, or had a 3d party repo enabled02:36
mixedanyone knows how to create a ghost back up of your partitions?  I want to create a backup of my distro before I make any changes to it, I just finished installing it02:36
alanbshepard70does anyone know of a package that will allow me to recover files from a hard drive that had it's file table corrupted? The table has been restored and before anything is written to the drive I'm hoping to avoid 100% data loss.02:36
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aetaricbuy a 2nd pc and install the norton crapware to it02:36
capitalideaalanbshepard70: disk forensic tools I am guessing yeah?02:37
capitalideaI think there are some in the repos02:37
* capitalidea looks02:37
Fryguy--mixed: probably look at dumpe2fs02:37
alanbshepard70capitalidea: Yea something like that. Is something like that in the repos?02:37
cahoneWell Wine failed to install iTunes02:37
mixedFryguy, I will google it, thanks!02:37
Fryguy--mixed: whoops nevermind, that's not the same as bsd's dump at all02:37
silent_on a scale of 1-10, how lame is running cygwin through wine?02:38
aetariccahone: XD did you think it would work?02:38
mixedFryguy, ok thanks either way! LoL02:38
Fryguy--mixed: apt-get install dump and try that02:38
cahonekeeps saying this installer requires the computer to be running XP or Vista02:38
aetaricsilent_: -102:38
mixedanyone knows how to create a restore point in ubuntu?02:38
cahoneaetaric, yes Fryguy said Wine would install and run windows programs02:38
yowshicant run nTune with wine though :(02:39
nikrudmixed: create a backup02:39
aetaricit will......but i wouldn't just expect it to work all uber-like out of the box like the rest of ubuntu (minus mp3 support)02:39
capitalideaalanbshepard70: foremost is one such program02:39
cahoneFryguy said iTunes will run on Linux with Wine but i dont know exactly how to make it work02:39
aetaricyou can play WoW on wine though XD02:40
mixedmikrud,  how do you recommend I should create the backup?  Is there a utility similar to ghost except for linu?02:40
yowshitry winecfg and adding it to specifically run as a winxp prog02:40
MUS4SHIIIcan anyone help me with an fstab issue?02:40
icanhasadminubuntu works mp3s fine out of the box. takes all of 2 seconds to install restricted drivers02:40
silent_I set up my bro's laptop with gutsy... he plays WoW regularly on it02:40
aetaricif it can be done...its called www.google.com02:40
Fryguy--MUS4SHIII: just ask a question02:40
capitalideawho cares about itunes on linux when gtkpod works great02:40
alanbshepard70capitalidea: Thanks I'll check it out.02:40
capitalideaalanbshepard70: you can find more02:40
cahonewill gtkpod play my iTunes purchased files and movies02:41
silent_apparently amarok also accesses up to the iphone02:41
capitalideaby searching for 'forensic' from Synaptic02:41
silent_for music and stuff02:41
aetaricit does02:41
icanhasadminhint for profit: don't purchase DRMed anything02:41
aetaricidk about the purchase file though02:41
nikrudcahone: if they are drmed, no02:41
silent_what is drm?02:41
Fryguy--hint for big profit: don't buy any form of media :)02:41
MUS4SHIIII can't get one of my mounts to mount with permission for all users to have access. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60254/ it is the last line about mythtvfs02:41
aetaricdigital rights management02:41
JohnRobertwhat's the name of that alsa oss wrapper program?02:41
nikrudsilent_: it's a way to keep your player your namesake02:41
cahoneThis is a real pain02:41
capitalideaDid you mean _drum_?02:41
alanbshepard70capitalidea: I found three including your recommendation, if they don't work I'll keep looking. Thanks again.02:42
aetaricno he ment drm02:42
icanhasadminFryguy--: please don't encourage people to steal things :P02:42
silent_nikrud, I found a way to keep my wallet full :P02:42
aetaricnot steal.......but not drm02:42
capitalideaNo results for 'drm'. Thank you for choosing Windows Live Search!02:42
unop_yowshi, you there?02:42
aetarictry DRM or digital rights management02:42
yowshiunop_, yes02:42
nikrudsilent_: not to sound pompus, but I honor _all_ licenses ;p02:42
Fryguy--MUS4SHIII: what permissions do you want it to be mounted with?02:43
silent_nikrud: I'm a poor university student02:43
morganhey quick question, I just installed mintLinux and some text is really small while others is normal, anyone have an idea where to fix that?02:43
unop_yowshi, can you allow private msgs ..?02:43
silent_nikrud, haven't a dollar in the world02:43
Fryguy--morgan: wrong channel02:43
nikrudsilent_: I'm not wealthy. And have limited media02:43
MUS4SHIIII would like to be able to read and write with my primary user02:43
morganFryguy its basically ubuntu and no one is on that channel02:43
silent_nikrud: stop listening to your morals02:43
Fryguy--MUS4SHIII: so use uid and gid options to set it to the uid and gid of your user (default 1000)02:43
capitalideaNo results for 'DRM or digital rights management'. Are you a terrorist?02:44
yowshiunop_, done already why wouldnt they be allowed02:44
silent_I sure am02:44
Fryguy--morgan: "basically ubuntu" isn't ubuntu.  join mint's support channel for mint supportr02:44
JohnRobertdigital restrictions management02:44
nikrudsilent_: and I didn't want to sound judgemental, sorry if I did. rflol. Ok, I'm enough off topic, this strait jacket they gave me sucks02:44
aetaricwtf no windows live sucks search on google02:44
silent_nikrud: lol02:44
morganyou probably know the answer too02:44
Fryguy--morgan: probably02:44
MUS4SHIIII just added rw to the last line, but my "sudo mount -a" says "fuse: mountpoint is not empty fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option"02:45
morganFryguy-- yeah I use that word a lot lol02:45
yowshiunop__, why wouldnt they be allowed?02:45
silent_apparently age of empires III runs with wine02:45
silent_I'm trying now02:45
Fryguy--MUS4SHIII: use uid and gid like i said02:45
unop__yowshi, let me try pming you again02:45
Fryguy--MUS4SHIII: and don't mount to an existing location02:45
yowshiif it is disabled i dont know where it is disabled02:45
yowshiunless your trying to dcc pm me02:46
unop__yowshi, ok, pm me then02:46
Fryguy--god i hate when people message me..02:46
Fryguy--i have enough windows to deal with as it is02:46
aetariclol cli pwns02:46
Fryguy--aetaric: ?02:46
Fryguy--aetaric: yes it does02:47
Fryguy--if only finch weren't so awful02:47
yowshihmmm on a router but simple query should work02:47
yowshiworks on every other irc server02:47
yowshino wonder02:48
yowshii am ajn unregistered user02:48
FrailmageHow do I open up ports with Ubuntu?02:48
Fryguy--Frailmage: there is no firewall installed by default on ubuntu02:48
aetaricstop iptables........02:48
Frailmageokay then.02:48
unop__Frailmage, you run the service/application -- it opens ports (or rather, it listens on ports)02:49
FrailmageOkay thanks.02:49
aetaricanyone know if centos is a good server dist02:49
Fryguy--aetaric: it is, we use it at work02:49
unop__aetaric, that depends on how you define "good" :)02:49
Fryguy--not my first preference, as I prefer debian based systems, or bsd if possible, but it works well for our operations engineers02:49
yowshiquery unop__02:50
unop__yowshi, you dont seem to be getting my replies -- i see yours tho02:50
Fryguy--you need registered nick to send messages on this server02:50
nikrudunop__: you sure you have this alias registered?02:51
m0ng0apewhy would I be able to use smbclient -L xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -U samdude (works perfectly after password prompt), but then my winxp system gets bad password errors when trying to connect to same system ?  this is driving me NUTS02:51
Fryguy--m0ng0ape: winxp or vista?02:51
unop__nikrud, hmm, didnt realize that -- i'd been disconnected and xchat's logged me on another alias02:51
oboy03how do i scan mounted disk with avast?02:51
unop__yowshi, gimme a sec02:52
m0ng0apeFryguy--: winxp02:52
Fryguy--is the directory you are looking at browsable?02:53
Fryguy--m0ng0ape: how are you trying to connect to it on windows02:53
Positronicis Microsoft's Zune recognized by Ubuntu?02:53
Fryguy--m0ng0ape: and are you specifying a domain on windows02:53
Azodonmy ubuntu 7.10 doezsnt seem to be using my swap partiton at all. system mon say  0 of o used. i have a swap partion . maybe during install it didnt get set to mount? is there a way to fix this ? my swap is sda202:53
jetscreamerAzodon: it isn't using it, no need02:53
m0ng0apenet use x: \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\share /USER:samdude02:54
jetscreamerAzodon: do swapon -s02:54
aetaricswap /dev/sda202:54
m0ng0apeFryguy--: net use x: \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\share /USER:samdude02:54
jetscreamerAzodon: mine gets not used also02:54
aetaricyeah thats the right vcommand..i would ahvae tabed till i got it02:54
Fryguy--m0ng0ape: you need to specify a domain as well, depending on how samba is configured02:54
Azodonok, but the system monitor says 0 of 0 being used. ok mabey ,no need02:54
Fryguy--Azodon: is it listed in /etc/fstab ?02:54
Fryguy--Azodon: what does 'free' tell you about swap02:55
jetscreamerswapon -s will tell you if it's activated02:55
AzodonSwap:            0          0          002:55
aetaricswapon -a adds right?02:55
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u0
jetscreamer'mounts' all02:55
jetscreamereven thought it's not mounting i guess02:55
Azodon swapon -a02:55
Azodonswapon: cannot canonicalize /dev/disk/by-uuid/eba9b7b6-6262-406c-a2e0-e947b430fdc3: No such file or directory02:55
Azodonswapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-uuid/eba9b7b6-6262-406c-a2e0-e947b430fdc3: No such file or directory02:55
jetscreamerAzodon: don't worry about that, do swapon -s02:56
Fryguy--check fstab02:56
aetaricmkswap on that disk?02:56
LifeisfunnyDoes anyone know how to get the 'streamtuner' ap to give a list of categories in the sidebar pane?02:56
m0ng0apeFryguy--: net use x: \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\share /USER:WORKGROUP\samdude also fails02:56
=== ka2u0 is now known as ka2zzzz
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u0
Azodonit is not in fstab02:57
jetscreamerlooks like it is in fstab02:57
leonidazhello azodon02:57
austin987howdy. After upgrading from gutsy to feisty, I no longer have sound. My ac'97 onboard sound is no longer recognzied. $ sudo modprobe ac97_bus does not help, $ aplay -l still lists no sound cards02:57
jetscreamerbut uses uuid02:57
Azodonjetscreamer:  swapon -s02:57
AzodonFilename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority02:57
jetscreamerAzodon: ok easy to fix02:58
leonidazsomebody from mexico?02:58
aetaricwell its a good thing my desktop is XP and my server is ubuntu02:58
austin987anyone have any suggestions/seen this problem?02:58
jetscreamerit's listed by uuid in your fstab apparently and all you have to do is comment it out and copy the line but change the new line to /dev/sdb2 or whichever02:58
jetscreamerAzodon: or, you could mkswap -v1 /dev/whatever and change the uuid to the correct one02:59
Ouroborosityhey, i'm back02:59
jetscreamercorrect new one or change it to the existing uuid (but no mkswap)02:59
Splashaya naon02:59
Ouroborosityso i tried running nosplash02:59
ziggy_does someone has a suggestion for creating incremental backups? preferably with tar?02:59
Ouroborosityand i found something02:59
aetaricaustin987:did you google for the problem first? cause i've seen it work b402:59
Fryguy--ziggy_: i use rdiff-backup02:59
Ouroborosityerror_code 0x72/0x8003:00
Ouroborositymean anything?03:00
ziggy_does rdif only sync folders or also writes into tar?03:00
aetaricdang stupi code...forget a space and you look stupid for it03:00
Ouroborosityi googled it, and other folks have the exact same problems and error, but no one knows03:00
austin987also checked ubuntuforums.org03:00
Fryguy--ziggy_: it doesn't do tars, it keeps an intact filesystem with incremental diffs between executions03:00
yowshii wonder if trying to send me that fuile crashed him03:01
anathematichow do i install a .deb on ubuntu server?03:01
Malik_hey can some1 help me with ubuntu installation03:01
jetscreamerdpkg -i03:01
Fryguy--anathematic: dpkg -i .deb03:01
Malik_iam stuck at the partioning03:01
m0ng0apedpkg -i *.deb03:01
Fryguy--Malik_: we can't help you until you ask a meaningful question03:01
anathematici should write this stuff down03:01
Malik_wats a swp partion03:02
Fryguy--Malik_: it's a partition used to contain virtual memory on your hard drive03:02
austin987aetaric: typically see ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory (in wine)03:02
aetaricaustin987: no idea03:02
Fryguy--Malik_: depending on circumstances, the linux kernel will use swap space in place of real system memory03:02
austin987or ALSA lib conf.c:3513:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory (in vlc)03:02
Malik_frguy--: can u be my guide for a 3 mins i will tell u where iam in the installtion and where iam stuck03:02
Azodonthanks , brb,03:02
austin987thanks anyway03:02
Fryguy--Malik_: just ask questions03:03
m0ng0apewhy would I be able to use smbclient -L xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -U samdude (works perfectly after password prompt), but then my winxp system gets bad password errors when trying to connect to same system ?  this is driving me NUTS.   tried net use x: \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\share /USER:samdude and net use x: \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\share /USER:WORKGROUP\samdude03:03
Malik_i got the live cd03:03
Malik_ran it03:03
Fryguy--don't ask to ask, and don't ask for help, just ask questions03:03
Malik_and went to installation03:03
aetarichmmm alsa was always problematic fo me..........03:03
Malik_rite now i got a dell 40 gb hd pc03:03
Malik_with windows xp03:03
rainwalkerwhere are the settings for network connections stored? I need to delete the one I have for the hotel I'm at so I can re-connect the right way03:03
Malik_and aim going to hav to have xp on it to03:03
aetaricswap is a space that ram gets dumped to03:03
whitehatok, when I try to turn my voulme on I get this error... no volume control Gsreamer plugins and/or devices found!!! how do I fix please03:03
Malik_and i donot know how to partion it03:03
Malik_i ahv never partioned anytin before03:03
Fryguy--Malik_: why didn't you just use guided03:03
Malik_cause that does it to the whole disk03:04
Malik_doesn't it?03:04
Fryguy--Malik_: no03:04
aetarichow much ram in system?03:04
whitehatplease the volume prop?03:04
Malik_does it allow u to use the frree soace03:04
Fryguy--Malik_: there's a magical option that basically "installs ubuntu side by side with windows, sets up dual boot automatically and doesn't ask any more questions about it"03:04
Fryguy--yes really03:04
Malik_it will also levae my data D partion alone rite?03:04
Fryguy--Malik_: yes03:04
Malik_so which option is that agin03:05
aetaricomg drive names ick03:05
Fryguy--Malik_: guided03:05
whitehatpleae guys could ya help me with my volume prob?03:05
Malik_and does it create the swap and root stuff to03:05
Ouroborositywell ok then03:05
Fryguy--Malik_: it does everything, correctly03:05
Ouroborosityi go to ##Linux asking for help03:05
aetaricif xp is installed it should leave it alone and put it in the boot menu03:05
Malik_alrite lemme go there and see03:05
Ouroborosityand in 2 minutes i get harassed, and yelled at by mods03:05
KingMorpheusdoes anybody use ubuntu as a ghost operating system?03:06
tclevalhey, how can i list the processes that opened a tcp port?03:06
aetaricis it an alsa proble?03:06
aetaricwhite hat03:07
aetaricis it an alsa problem?03:07
whitehatyes!, you have a answer!03:07
Fryguy--tcleval: use netstat03:07
aetaricnope i hate alsa03:07
whitehatalsa ? never heard of also03:07
tclevalFryguy-- i ll try it right now03:07
aetaricadvanced llinux sound architecture03:07
whitehatCOuld ya please tell me how to make ubuntu reconzie the laptop speakers03:07
tritium!sound | whitehat03:08
aetaricit play your sound03:08
ubotuwhitehat: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:08
tritiumwhitehat: try looking at those docs03:08
instaanyone have a tutorial on making the "mark as junk" feature in evolution actually work?03:08
vonkhello :)03:08
KingMorpheus<---------- wonders if anyone here is usin ubuntu as a ghost operating system and details of that :)03:08
vonkwould anyone have the patience to deal with a noob having ubuntu installation problems?03:08
tritiumKingMorpheus: what do you mean by "ghost"?03:09
instavonk just explain what's going on the best you can03:09
Fryguy--vonk: just ask questions, don't ask to ask03:09
aetaricno if you want to use "ghost" that is symantic/nortan crap....but thats my opinion03:09
aetaricand that runs on windows03:09
KingMorpheuscan ubuntu pull files from windows when it needs it tritium??03:09
icanhasadminalsa actually works pretty good03:09
tritiumKingMorpheus: yes, it can mount fat and ntfs partitions read and write03:09
vonkhehe, fair enough :-). My computer has 4 harddrives, all of them are SATA. Windows sits on the first of these disks, and I have tried to install ubuntu on the second disk03:09
aetaricit kills my laptop all the time03:10
vonkunfortunately, when i get to grub and try to boot to linux, i get an error 1703:10
vonkunable to mount selected partition03:10
KingMorpheuswhat about drivers, i will be running in sli, can ubuntu support03:10
cahoneEnter the command  ati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_64.run to launch the ATI Proprietary Linux driver installer. The ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Setup dialog box is displayed. WTF?03:10
vonkwhen i try to load windows, i get  an error 13, invalid or unsupported executable format03:10
aetaricvonk: do you know what kernel you were using?03:10
tritiumcahone: please don't do that03:10
tritium!ati | cahone03:11
ubotucahone: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:11
vonkaetaric: i don't. perhaps you can tell me how to figure that out?03:11
KingMorpheusis amd really doing that good of stuff with ati?03:11
aetaricare you at the grub menu?03:11
cahonehow do you navigate to the install file in terminal and run it?03:11
vonkno, i am currently running off the live disc03:11
JohnRobertI'm having trouble with a bunch of games, they all work fine, but the sound is screwed up if I use an alsa driver, and if I use oss emulation the video takes a framerate hit (although the sound is ok)..any ideas?03:11
JohnRobertI'm talking about quake2, doom3, ut200303:12
icanhasadmincahone: you're actually in the right folder already, just "sudo ./ati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_84.run"03:12
ziggy_how can I add a timestamp to a filename? I want to create backup tars like this backup20081224-122006.tar03:12
tritiumcahone: don't use that, please03:12
JohnRobertand it's all running on a core 2 duo 2.4ghz, 3gb ram, geforce6 8300 GT03:12
icanhasadminziggy_: sounds like you need to make a fun batch file to do that :D python ftw03:12
cahoneicanhasadmin, so just put sudo in front03:12
ziggy_bugger, never did before ;-)03:12
cahonetritium, dont us what?03:13
tritiumcahone: or, if you decide to go through with that, realize that we won't support any ati problems you have03:13
aetarichmmmm your best bet would be to press esc when it says so on the screen doing a normal boot and editing the root(hd*,*) line if it is the 2nd drive 1st part. it will be root (hd1,0)03:13
tritiumcahone: non-ubuntu-packaged ati installer .run file03:13
vonkyup, it is set that way03:13
tritium!ati | cahone (for the second time)03:13
ubotucahone (for the second time): For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:13
m0ng0apewhy would I be able to use smbclient -L xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -U samdude (works perfectly after password prompt), but then my winxp system gets bad password errors when trying to connect to same system ?  tried net use x: \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\share /USER:samdude and net use x: \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\share /USER:WORKGROUP\samdude03:13
infernal_jesuscahone: su is much better, don't have to bother with sudo03:13
infernal_jesuscahone: or just login as root :P03:13
tritiuminfernal_jesus: wrong answer03:13
icanhasadmininfernal_jesus: yeah please don't tell him that03:13
aetaricso your linux root"/" is the first part03:14
infernal_jesusbut that's what it's all about :D03:14
infernal_jesusbeing root :P03:14
unopziggy_, timestamp=$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%m%S');   # do command with file$timestamp03:14
efirewickI am trying to install 7.10 on a evo n600c laptop off the live cd, and the partition editor just hangs. Does anyone have a quick fix?03:14
millllmannnnwhat is a good alternative to webmin?03:14
tritiuminfernal_jesus: no, please don't advise that here.  Sudo is the recommended approach.03:14
Starnestommymillllmannnn: ebox?03:14
millllmannnnive heard its buggy with 7.103:14
aetaricsu - root owns fyi03:14
Sebhow is the gutsy->hardy dist-upgrade on i386 these days ?03:14
infernal_jesustritium: oh ok, oh, oops, it is ubuntu :P sorry03:14
joshritgercan someone help me with keyring manager? it is my first time using a wifi card03:14
Fryguy--Seb: join #ubuntu+103:15
SebFryguy--: ah ok03:15
vonkaetaric: i am not sure i understand youl. when i was in grub and i pressed e, and the line read root (hd1,0)03:15
icanhasadminsudo -i ftw03:15
vonkaetaric: am i supposed to point it to the "/" directory or something?03:15
paNix3dis anyone fimiliar with commview for wifi?03:15
aetaricthen try (hd1,1)03:15
icanhasadminor 0,003:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:15
tritiuminfernal_jesus: it's channel policy.03:15
aetaricno it has to mount you root folder to find your kernel to boot the os03:16
vonki believe i tried that already. i think my 2nd partition was swap (hd1,1). and i think (hd0,0) is where i have windows03:16
icanhasadminoh you have windows, n/m03:16
icanhasadminvonk:  you aren't installing on an external hd are you?03:16
infernal_jesustritium: ok :)03:16
icanhasadminn/m then, sorry :)03:16
cahoneThis is a Nightmare...why cant i simply click on a dam install file and then thing works03:17
vonkperhaps this is relevant, when i boot to the live disc, i need to edit the boot options to take off the 'quiet' and 'splash' tags or else it just black screens03:17
vonkand sits there and wont get anywhere03:17
joshritgerI just setup ubuntu with wifi for the first time, i type in my password and it connects. do i let keyring manager allow once or allow so it will remember the passkey03:17
tritiumcahone: I've given you URLs to follow for ati.03:17
Fryguy--cahone: we gave you plenty of resources to follow03:17
vonkwhen i take off those, at one point i see a "buffer I/O error on device fd0 logical, block 0"03:17
tritiumjoshritger: that's up to you03:17
icanhasadminvonk:  that could be an acpi issue03:17
cahoneYa but they dont make sense03:17
Fryguy--cahone: so then go and install windows03:17
vonkfollowed by another line end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, logical disc 003:17
=== lipsinAway is now known as lipsin
joshritgertritium: what is the difference? I couldn't find any documentation03:18
Fryguy--cahone: what do you want from us03:18
vonkand it says that several times03:18
aetaricvonk fd0 is you floppy03:18
tritiumcahone: they make sense03:18
aetaricthats so weird03:18
vonkah, okay. well i have unplugged the floppy03:18
cahoneso i got to learn how to program to run this crap03:18
fevelhow can I save the positioning of my windows when I close them?03:18
Fryguy--cahone: not at all03:18
tritiumcahone: no, not at all03:18
cahoneomg well off to read my but off03:18
Netham45how do I keep a monitor from shutting off?03:18
tritiumcahone: read the URLs03:18
xqcahone: No, you just need to learn to learn ;)03:18
Fryguy--cahone: nobody has asked or directed you to a link that involves editing source code as far as I know03:18
vonkicanhasadmin: it might be an acpi issue indeed.. there was some confusing stuff going on with the discs on this computer from the get go03:18
fbcHow do you replace the vista bootloader with grub?03:19
aetarichey can someone tell me if mounting a disk is possible on alive cd03:19
icanhasadminvonk: laptop? and if so what type?03:19
Fryguy--cahone: you obviously want to just go and use windows, so go and use windows03:19
vonkicanhasadmin: nope, it is a desktop that i have built myself03:19
cahonewell the learning curve is tremendous thats all03:19
tritiumjoshritger: it's a matter of if you want to type your password each time you log in, or if you want the keyring manager to always remember it03:19
xqLinux, no matter the distro, takes some getting used to03:19
icanhasadminvonk: very confusing. sorry i don't know a lot. just try to help where i can :)03:19
tritiumcahone: it's a few minutes of reading03:19
Fryguy--cahone: so was windows when you first started using it03:19
vonkicanhasadmin: anything you can help with is appreciated :-)03:19
aetaricthats so wierd03:19
Fryguy--cahone: if you aren't willing to take the time to learn a new operating system, then don't03:19
aetaricis it sata or ide?03:20
vonkaetaric: i am quite confused myself :-/03:20
vonkit is SATA03:20
cahonewell im trying but im also trying to get up and running quick03:20
Netham45How do I keep a screen from timing out and blanking?03:20
xqcahone: It will become easier with time. :) Actually, you'll look back and appreciate the learning and reading. Trust me03:20
tritiumcahone: summary: use System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manger03:20
=== anthony is now known as tonyyarusso
cahonesorry im just frustrated thats all03:20
aetarictry this sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt03:20
tritiumcahone: 20 seconds of reading would have shown you that, cahone03:20
vonkaetaric: i can do that from the live disc, right?03:20
Fryguy--cahone: of course you are, and you have been, for some time.  being frustrated doesn't get things done, getting things done gets things done03:20
fbcHow do you replace the vista bootloader with grub? I currently have a dual boot system and have decided to go ubuntu all the way!03:20
aetarici think so...im bankking on it03:21
xqcahone: Maybe try to do it when you have a little patience and just a few more minutes of time :\ I understand your frustration of the switch. But do have a bit of patience and understand there is a bit of a curve.03:21
Fryguy--fbc: ?? you are booting ubuntu with vista's bootloader?03:21
fbcFryguy--,  yes03:21
vonkaetaric: okay, i did it. no messages display03:21
vonkjust another line for me to enter stuff into in the terminal :)03:21
xqcahone: Just bear with us and bear with Linux. You will appreciate the change. There are many, many advantages :)03:21
aetariccd /mnt03:21
tritiumcahone: also, you have to be willing to listen.  We've told you many times about those instructions, and you kept ignoring, and asking for help on that .run file03:21
xqFloodbot going whacko?03:22
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!03:22
xq(yeah, Floodbot is going whacko)03:22
Fryguy--fbc: this applies to you, though the title is misleading: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:22
vonkthat was odd03:22
aetariccd /mnt/boot/grub03:23
vonkaetaric: i do ls and i see desktop documents music pitures public templates videos03:23
vonkaetaric: okay, there03:23
aetaricls that03:23
vonki ls and see menu.lst as well as all other fun grub things03:23
icanhasadminmenu.lst is my hero03:23
aetaricvim menu.lst03:23
nikhello umm are the wacom drivers available for ubuntu yet?03:24
vonkluckily i know how to use vi (i am not a total linux nub :-))03:24
tritiumnik: for quite some time, yes03:24
xqnik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom03:24
nondescripthey sexy people03:24
Fryguy--nik: pretty sure wacom drivers have been available forever03:24
Netham45hey nondescript03:24
aetaricthe insert key or i allows you to edit this doc. when done hit esc the type :wq!03:24
vonkaetaric: title           Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic03:25
fbcFryguy--,  Which part of that applies to me? the part about overwriting the windows bootloader???03:25
vonkaetaric: root            (hd1,0)03:25
Fryguy--fbc: yes03:25
xqnik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151 is also valid to your case, most likely.03:25
vonkaetaric: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=e992a327-7f95-4291-adce-fef15cfa7870 ro quiet splash03:25
xqnik: have fun!03:25
aetaricchage to (hd1,1)03:25
aetarichit esc then type :wq!03:25
Fryguy--for some reason I giggle whenever people recite super basic vim commands :)03:26
vonkaetaric: it is write protected03:26
aetaricvim for edit emacs for program03:26
vonki guess i need to sudo vim it03:26
aetarictype :q!03:26
Fryguy--vonk: yes03:26
hischildhow can i see what the device name is of my hd when it's nto mounted by command line?03:27
aetaricand run sudo vim menu.lst then make the change03:27
Fryguy--aetaric: i use vim for programming as well (albeit with a .vimrc and .vim/ that would rival some emacs setups)03:27
vonkalright, success03:27
fevelhow can I reposition my windows03:27
vonkaetaric: shall i reboot now?03:27
unop_hischild, mount ?03:27
tritiumfevel: with the mouse03:27
Fryguy--hischild: it will probably be /dev/sdX, where x is either a, b, c, or d03:27
hischildunop_, it's unmounted so it doesn't show up under mount03:27
IndyGunFreakfevel: you'll need a good saw, preferrably circular.. and soem carpentry skills03:27
aetaricyou shall reboot and pray lol if that don't work then i got nothing03:27
vonkaetaric: also, i should have my 2nd harddrive (sdb) as the first in my boot list, right?03:27
vonkhehe, okay03:27
unop_hischild, ohh, misread your typo :)03:27
hischildFryguy-- i'm looking for a way to be sure03:28
feveltritium,  but when I close them they default to the corner03:28
Fryguy--fevel: assuming you are using a standard ubuntu install, window management works just like you'd expect it to03:28
unop_hischild, fdisk -l03:28
vonki'll do it :-). see you in a few minutes. thanks for the help03:28
aetaricit can be anywhere03:28
HardyOneto install a app into /usr/share I would move the .bin file to that directory first?03:28
hischildunop_, a thanks03:28
fevelFryguy--,  cant I rearrange the windows permanently?03:28
Fryguy--fevel: I'm not using the standard ubuntu window manager, so I don't know if it supports that03:28
fevelwat you using?03:29
tritiumHardyOne: if you insist on installing non-ubuntu-packaged software, you really should put it under /usr/local03:29
Fryguy--fevel: no03:29
Fryguy--fevel: xmonad03:29
qcjnhi, anyone uses mpd, i want to know my comprehension of it03:29
efirewickhas anyone heard of partition editor hanging when trying to install 7.10?03:29
unop_HardyOne, but a .bin file might be an installer not the actual program executable -- like the java one03:29
IndyGunFreakefirewick: it happens.... i've had it happen03:29
MarupaApproximately how much does a 'settled in' installation of Ubuntu take?  I estimated 5GB, but it seems to be pushing it....On that note, what places usually take the most space, and how do I clean them out?03:30
Fryguy--tritium: and if it's prepackaged, like a .bin, it should be in /opt03:30
xqqcjn: what do you want to know about MPD?03:30
IndyGunFreakefirewick: i've found the best thing to do, is partition the drive, prior to installing, then install.03:30
fevelFryguy--, seems pretty cool03:30
Fryguy--Marupa: my ubuntu install is like 2.5 gigs not counting my home directory03:30
HardyOneunop, it is the installer so it would install to /usr/share by default?03:30
MarupaFryguy--, Not including my /home either.03:30
HardyOnetritium, noted :)03:30
efirewickThat is what I was going for... just utilizing some time while downloading some iso's...03:31
qcjnxq: from what i understand, gmpc and phpm2 are clients for mpd... but is jinzora similar to phpm203:31
unop_HardyOne, that depends on whether the installer installs to the current directory (.) or not -- in most cases, the installer has hardcoded paths and it doesnt matter where you run the installer ffrom, the installed files always land up where they should do03:32
efirewickthe whole drive is ntfs right now. so i figured it had a funky problem.03:32
HardyOneunop_, ok thank you03:32
qcjnxq: or is jinzora different03:32
Fryguy--qcjn: jinzora is a replacement for all of mpd03:32
* Krozy is getting giddy about Hardy Heron03:33
lee___Yeah, I seriously need some help .. Something is seriously wrong I think03:33
xqqcjn: MPG is just a remote access DAEMON/"server" for playing music files from your P.C. while you are on another P.C./laptop/workstation or whatever (at work, on a LAN, wherever). As long as the client supports it. It provides music playback over a network...it can ALSO act as a client if you want it to though.03:33
lee___Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server03:33
lee___Xlib: No protocol specified03:33
lee___(firefox-bin:16473): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:03:33
xqqcjn: Jinzora is kind of the same thing so it would replace it entirely like Fryguy-- just said03:33
lee___I can't run anything for some reason, can someone help?03:33
Fryguy--lee___: restart X?03:33
lee___I did03:34
qcjnxq: ok, it's like a kit03:34
xqqcjn: Jinzora is easier to use and is friendlier to a lot more platforms -- web based etc.03:34
unop_lee___, how are you attempting to start firefox?03:34
Fryguy--lee___: what is the output of ls -a ~/.[xX]*03:34
m0ng0apewhy would I be able to use smbclient -L xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -U samdude (works perfectly after password prompt), but then my winxp system gets bad password errors when trying to connect to same system ?  tried net use x: \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\share /USER:samdude and net use x: \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\share /USER:WORKGROUP\samdude03:34
tritiumqcjn: I use mt-daapd03:34
xqqcjn: Basically. Kind of like how we have to choose between which mp3 player we want to use to play a song when we go to play a song ;-) No need to use two.03:35
lee___Fryguy--: Can I PM it to you?03:35
Fryguy--lee___: no, pastebin it if you must, it should only be one line03:35
xqqcjn: Pick which one best fits your needs or which you feel most comfortable with.03:35
unop_m0ng0ape, what does net use spit out (error messages) ?03:35
lee___Fryguy--: It's multiple lines, and I can't open firefox, so how do you expect me to pastebin it?03:35
Fryguy--install pastebin?03:35
Fryguy--use a cli browser like linx?03:35
Fryguy--scp it to another machine and pastebin from there?03:36
Fryguy--manually type it out ?03:36
Fryguy--it really shouldn't be that long03:36
MarupaIs there a way to see a list of packages that are installed but sorted by size?03:36
lee___Forget it, Fryguy--, It's like 7 lines, but I think I know which one you want03:36
lee___/home/lee/.Xauthority  /home/lee/.xsession-errors03:36
Fryguy--lee___: no03:36
qcjnxq: i've already installed mpd with GMPC and phpm2, with icecast..It works good03:36
jumpkickcan anyone recommend a good app for adding / deleting tracks from an Ipod on Ubuntu?03:37
lee___No what?03:37
Fryguy--lee___: if i was looking for .xsession-errors I would have asked for it03:37
Fryguy--jumpkick: gtkpod03:37
lee___Fryguy--: Then do you want xmms, xine, or xchat2?03:37
unop_jumpkick, gtkpod03:37
jumpkickokay thanks gents I'll apt-get that one03:37
Fryguy--lee___: so the entries are .xsession-erorrs, .Xauthority, xmms, xine, and xchat2?03:38
=== morgan is now known as elcapitan
elcapitandoes anyone know of a good resource where I could look into adding the resolution 1280x768?03:38
xjkxi removed gnome* (apt-get remove gnome*) now my usb ubuntu doesn't book anymore :P03:38
Fryguy--elcapitan: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:38
xqMarupa: I don't know how to sort by size. I just know you could dpkg --get-selections > my-pkg-list03:38
xqMarupa: Then you should see a file called my-pkg-list and just gedit it (or open it or what not) and it will have all installed packages in it...03:39
lee___What's a CLI browser (I mean, give me the name of one)03:39
icanhasadminmobiCHAT: pong03:39
unop_Marupa, i dont think that is possible (easily atleast) -- because some packages contents when installed to the file system have different sizes depending on the environement03:39
jribMarupa: you can use aptitude search with a custom output and 'sort'03:39
m0ng0apeunop_: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password03:39
Fryguy--lee___: linx, lynx, w3m, links203:39
m0ng0apeunop_: Logon failure: before I put in password I get System error 1326 has occurred.03:40
lee___Fryguy--: Says no such package "linx", but "lynx" is installing.03:40
qcjnxq: from what i've understand, it's easier to use jinzora, like it would be the best thing to do... or there advantage doing otherwise ?03:40
yowshiunop_, your script isnt finding the baseline file anymore :(03:40
ShpookHello everyone. I'm trying to burn a cd, so I insert the blank CD, set up what I'm going to burn, and click on Write. Ubuntu(Well, Nautilus I guess) keeps telling me to insert a blank cd.03:40
xqMarupa: You could sort afterwards if you export the file to a program of choice03:40
nondescriptlynx is sexy03:40
unop_Marupa, if you can script .. you can list installed packages with 'dpkg -l' and package contents with 'dpkg -l packagename' -- together you should be able to script up a solution03:40
Fryguy--lee___: w3m is installed by default as well i think03:40
unop_yowshi, just a sec03:41
xqqcjn: If you're already using one and it is working fine -- then...well, I don't see a point in changing. However, if you want to test Jinzora out by all means feel free to try it out. I've heard good things about it.03:41
ShpookWould it be Nautilus not recognizing the cd? Or a hardware problem?03:41
diegohello what we can do to solve lgobla warming03:41
lee___Anyway, Fryguy--, what do I need to do03:42
tritiumdiego: please stay on topic03:42
Fryguy--diego: stop wasting energy by having a computer on to ask about it03:42
xqdiego: lol03:42
Fryguy--lee___: before you do any of this, try deleting .Xauthority and restarting X03:42
qcjnxq: ok, thanks, it gives me a good idea03:42
vonkno luck :-(03:42
diegohello how we can save energy ?03:42
efirewickshpook: I was running into this same problem, 20 hrs later I just installed k3b and it works just fine. Much better program.03:42
xqwe should all turn off our PCs and stop the huge carbon footprint of this channel!03:42
lee___rm -rf /home/lee/.Xauthority?03:42
nondescriptlol @ diego03:42
tritiumdiego: this is an ubuntu support channel.  Please stay on topic.03:42
Fryguy--lee___: sure03:42
xqor aim for more energy efficient PCs and data centers! that would help as well.03:43
diegohow we can save water?03:43
Shpookefirewick: You know, I never even considered k3b. I completely forgot I have KDE installed...lemme give it a shot. Thanks!03:43
IndyGunFreaktritium: he's a troll, just let him let out enough rope to hang himself.03:43
xqdiego: we could stop the rain from falling.03:43
HardyOneguess that was the end of the ropw03:43
* nondescript waves to diego03:43
m0ng0apeunop_: ?03:43
vonkwell, when i tried (hd1,1) it said that the partition did not exist03:44
nondescriptI dont like xchat03:44
vonkso i /e cried03:44
millllmannnnis vmware server free?03:44
jumpkickFryguy--, uncop_ -- er...  I guess I'll have to try something else... gtkpod doesn't support m4a files in gutsy.... :(03:44
nondescriptwhats a good alternative03:44
vonknondescript: irssi03:44
Fryguy--nondescript: irssi03:44
xqmillllmannnn: I believe so, it's just workstation that is $$ because of the snapshots03:44
nondescriptis that the command line one?03:44
Fryguy--nondescript: yes03:44
KrozyI like xchat, but wish I could filter out the "has joined" and "has left" messages03:44
jumpkick... .m4a' failed: m4a/m4p/m4b not supported without the mp4v2 library. You must compile the gtkpod source together with the mp4v2 library.03:44
xqWell, and Fusion is $03:44
nondescriptah nice, totally forgot about that one. thanks03:44
unop_m0ng0ape, what i would do if i were you is monitor the samba log files --  tail -f /var/log/samba/log.[ns]mbd03:45
vonkit seems that my buddy aeteric who was helping me earlier has left :-(03:45
unop_m0ng0ape, and then try logging in from the remote machine again -- hopefully you should be able to see whats going on with samba as and when the user is being authenticated03:45
vonkdo any of you other ubuntu gurus have any ideas for how i might fix my error 17 woes?03:46
lungtenhi everyone, is hardy beta out yet?03:46
Fryguy--lungten: #ubuntu+103:46
lungtenOK. Thanks03:46
Shpookefirewick: Thanks! That worked perfect. :-D03:47
Tommy`theneb: ping03:48
vonkhm.. well, if you guys dont know how to fix this problem, would any of you mind doing the trouble of scrolling up to see the command aeteric gave me to mount sdb and then go to the proper grub directory?03:49
vonki can play around some more then03:49
tritiumvonk: is the drive mounted?03:49
DareDevyltrying to write a simple script...i need to add a few directories to my path...However "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/pathto/dir" isnt working...please help..03:49
vonktritium: it might be. i can get there graphically, at least. so i suppose it is mounted03:50
vonkbut i dont know how to get there in terminal03:50
SpookyETI'm having trouble with synaptics in X. While it gets detected, it does not work. It says, "Synaptics Touchpad The '/dev/input/event* device nodes seem to be missing."03:50
tritiumvonk: grub's configuration directory is /boot/grub/03:50
unop_DareDevyl, how are you running the scrupt?03:50
nicholas_oh hi, I have a humourous dilemma, I pinged my router with the 'ping' command, now I don't know how to make it stop (besides x'ing out of the console). WHAT DO I DO!!?! D:03:50
vonktritium: aye, there is something funny going on though since i am running on the live disc03:50
jumpkickFryguy--, uncop_ --  gtkpod-aac works for m4a though!  Thanks03:50
Fryguy--nicholas_: press ctrl-c03:50
Krozynicholas_: ctrl+c03:50
tritiumvonk: meaning?03:51
nicholas_thank you.03:51
vonktritium: so /boot/grub is for the live disc install, i think03:51
nicholas_what does ctrl+c mean? XD03:51
vonkso the root directory is different03:51
nicholas_it worked, but why c, of all letters?03:51
Marupahit the control key, and hit C03:51
Fryguy--nicholas_: c for cancel03:51
tritiumvonk: yes, but you'd navigate to /path-to-mounted-drive/boot/grub03:51
vonkand i am not sure how to make it point to the root directory on sdb, where is where the linux partition sits03:51
nicholas_I have learned, thank you my friends!03:51
dimedohi, i'm looking for a way to script simulated mouse and keyboard inputs for my x windows system on ubuntu 7.10, any ideas?03:51
unop_dimedo, what kind of script?03:52
vonkdimedo: i dont, but i know of an open source program which does that. it is called synergy, might be able to pull some code out of it03:52
DareDevylunop_ nevermind done03:52
unop_DareDevyl, forgot to source the file?03:53
vonktritium: do you know what "path-to-mounted-drive" would be? (i am le noob, sorry)03:53
Jimmmhi all03:53
dimedounop_: i just need to control mouse and keyboard virtually by some kind of script03:53
vonkdimedo: http://synergy2.sourceforge.net03:54
unop_dimedo, i dunno about mouse control -- but there's something called xmacro/xmacroplay that might be able to sendkeys03:54
vonkthere should be some useful code there for you, dimedo03:54
JimmmI just did a wubi ubuntu install it will read y my recovery partition but not the first c drive partition03:54
vonktritium: aeteric told me how to do it, but sadly i have forgotten already.03:55
Jimmmis there any way to get it to read drive c?03:55
vonkguess i shouldnt have smoked so much pot in my younger days.03:55
diktushello all03:56
vonkhello diktus03:56
diktusi have a problem with my sound03:56
diktusi use linux mint 3 cassandra03:56
ircleuserI am new to linux and i need some help; I am installing ubuntu (i think it is 7.04 or 6.06 not sure) on a machine previously running windows xp. I use windows to play games and I do not want to wipe the windows partition. Is there any way to create a new partition with the live cd or the windows disk?03:56
tritiumdiktus: wrong chanel03:56
dimedovonk: i'll check that, thx03:56
diktussound card detect but no sound hear03:56
ircleusersorry to jump in03:56
=== ircleuser is now known as tempo-
dimedounop_: i already found that, but i can't find any usefull example on how to use that03:57
vonktritium: could i bother you to scroll up and give me the command that aeteric did? normally i'd be logging all this stuff, but logging on a live disc isnt really practical/useful03:57
vonkdimedo: you're welcome :-).03:57
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:57
tritium!sound | diktus (You might try these, but we don't officially support non-ubuntu distros)03:57
ubotudiktus (You might try these, but we don't officially support non-ubuntu distros): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:57
tritiumvonk: what is it you want to do?  Mount the drive?03:58
vonktritium: mount it, and then cd to it03:58
tritiumvonk: do you know which /dev/sdX corresponds to it?03:58
vonktritium: yup, sdb03:59
tempo-um guys?03:59
tritiumvonk: and what is your mount point?03:59
vonktritium: i dont know what that is, sorry.03:59
tempo-oops sorry04:00
tritiumvonk: you can pick any place to mount it.  You're sure it doesn't auto-mount at boot?04:00
J3KYLLhi, i have a quick question about hd's and installing. i'd appreciate any help thanks.04:00
unop_dimedo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=279697#post27969704:00
Fryguy--J3KYLL: just ask questions, don't ask to ask04:00
tritium!enter | J3KYLL04:00
ubotuJ3KYLL: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:00
vonktritium: i dont think so. i dont see anything in / that seems like a likely candidate04:00
tempo-Fryguy: "just ask questions, don't ask to ask"04:01
tritiumvonk: it wouldn't auto-mount under /.  It would be under /media.04:01
tempo-How should i go about partitioning a hard disk running windows for ubunto 7.04?04:01
vonktritium: /media is empty04:01
tritiumtempo-: throught the installer04:01
Fryguy--tempo-: the installer will take care of it for you04:01
tritiumvonk: one second04:01
DG19075agreeing with tritium here04:01
vonktritium: thanks much for your patience :D. glad to see this is not a RTFM spot :P04:02
tempo-i got that far... but the HD has an XP partition already that i dont want to ge rid of...04:02
tritiumvonk: did you create a directory to use as the mount point?04:02
tritiumvonk: :)04:02
vonktritium: i dont think so04:02
DG19075my usb drives mount under /media04:02
MUS4SHIIIDoes anyone know if it is possible to get a room list of either ICQ or AIM with Pidgin? I have both ICQ and AIM set up, but when I look for room lists I can only choose my IRC accounts.04:02
Fryguy--tempo-: the installer will take care of it for you04:02
vonktritium: unless you mean on sdb. when i made the ubuntu install, it has "/" as its mount point.04:02
tritiumvonk: well, you had to mount it somewhere.  Create a directory, say /media/temp.  Then, sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/temp04:02
diktusi have read and i think the problem is the module doesn't load04:02
vonkmount point /media/temp does not exist04:03
Fryguy--MUS4SHIII: join #pidgin04:03
tritiumvonk: I told you to create that directory first04:03
diktusi confuse to add module name in /etc/modules04:03
diktuswhat module name should i add04:03
ppibburrtempo: i think the installer will first want to take the whole disk, you'll have to choose manual04:03
tritiumdiktus: /etc/modules is a text file.  Add the module name on its own line to that text file.04:03
tempo-Fryguy: the installer gives me some options for the partitioning setup. I just want to make sure I am not overwriting my windows drive04:03
nifeis there some way to make java take less memory to install ?  I have a virtual dedicated server with 256 megs and it keeps failing04:03
tritiumdiktus: which module have you determined is not loading?04:03
Fryguy--tempo-: it should be pretty self explanatory04:03
diktusbut i dont know the module name04:03
diktushow to know the soundcard module name??04:04
Fryguy--diktus: ask google04:04
tempo-Alright, thanks guys, I'll be back in a few04:04
NeT_DeMoN_hello all04:04
diktussoundcard module04:04
vonktritium: well, unfortunately i think i am too tired and confused for this right now. thanks a lot for your help, but i think i will return to this problem tomorrow when i am better rested04:04
diktusin konsole show only fuse and lp04:04
=== giovani2 is now known as giovani
ApOgEE-hi all...04:04
tritiumvonk: are you sure?  All we have to do is create one directory.04:04
vonktritium: haha, okay, if it is so easy then we can do it :-)04:05
NeT_DeMoN_im dual booting vista and ubuntu on this laptop but my networking does not work, how wouldi fix that?04:05
crxyemis there a way to change the color of the scrollbar  I change the title bar color etc... I'd like the scrollbar match04:05
tritiumvonk: so, create the directory of your choice, perhaps /media/temp, and then "sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/temp"04:05
ppibburrmkdir foo | sudo mount /dev/blah foo04:05
NeT_DeMoN_its an atheros wireless network driver04:05
diktushow to get the list of module??04:05
FAJALO1hello all, is there a way  so that the startup / menu is only the ubuntu icon, instead of all of the stuff after it?04:05
Fryguy--crxyem: yes the scrollbar is themable along with the entire rest of the interface04:06
vonktritium: mount: /dev/sdb already mounted or /media/temp5 busy04:06
tritiumppibburr: don't pipe those two commands together04:06
vonk(i did sudo mkdir temp5)04:06
ZimboAnyway know why I'm not getting any system beeps on this laptop?  I have checked System->Preferences->Sound->System Beep and it's set to both sound a beep and flash the window, but only the later happens.  This is on Gutsy with an Acer 4520.04:06
Fryguy--FAJALO1: yes take a look at the available applets to put onto the panel one of them will do what you want04:06
Stroganoffvonk, have you tried reinstalling grub with chroot?04:06
SidStudiosYeah, Zimbo04:06
crxyemFryguy: yeah I figured so I just can't seem to find what actually changes it04:06
tritiumvonk: it's already mounted.  Type "mount | grep sdb"04:06
vonkStroganoff: i havent, maybe you could help me do that?04:06
ZimboYes, Sid?04:06
FAJALO1fryguy, where would i find these said applets?04:06
SidStudiosYou're not using the correct ALSA driver for System beep, zimbo04:06
Fryguy--crxyem: just use a different them, there should be a few available04:06
Fryguy--FAJALO1: right click on the panel and add04:06
ZimboThanks... any suggestions on how I might go about fixing it?04:07
vonktritium: done. nothing happened04:07
FAJALO1fryguy ok thank you.04:07
ZimboSid: Regular sounds (like the log-on/log-out sound work)04:07
Stroganoffvonk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435104:07
vonkStroganoff: thanks much04:07
tritiumvonk: "mount" should list all mounted filesystems.  Please run it.04:07
Stroganoffthats not the chroot method04:07
vonktritium: done. i do not see sdb on there though04:07
ppibburr/dev/sdb should be /dev/sdb#04:07
ppibburrwhen you mount04:08
tritiumvonk: yet you say mount said it was mounted?04:08
crxyemFryguy: that's the easyway out, I cutomized the default theme, and would like to change the scrollbars etc... .  without loosing the theme I have now04:08
vonktritium: it seems that way... weird, huh?04:08
Stroganoffvonk: here are the compact methods: http://www.oc-tec.de/forum/showthread.php?t=1222104:08
ApOgEE-I'm using Ubuntu Gutsy on HP Compaq nx9010... How can I get blender to work on this laptop?04:08
tritiumppibburr: ah, right04:08
Fryguy--crxyem: well save your current theme and work with another one.  The customize part of the themes menu is pretty full featured04:08
tritiumvonk: you need to try mounting either /dev/sdbX, not just /dev/sdb04:09
vonkStroganoff: http://www.oc-tec.de/forum/showthread.php?t=12221 i am sure would be very helpful if i knew german :-/04:09
tritiumvonk: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb, please04:09
Stroganoffjust read the commands, vonk ^^04:09
ZimboStill there Sid?04:09
m0ng0apestill no idea...04:09
yowshii am about to give up on this problem04:09
vonktritium: okay, done04:09
tempo-I am back.04:09
yowshiand reinstall ubuntu04:09
vonk   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System04:10
vonk/dev/sdb1   *           1       59323   476511966   83  Linux04:10
vonk/dev/sdb2           59324       60801    11872035    5  Extended04:10
vonk/dev/sdb5           59324       60801    11872003+  82  Linux swap / Solaris04:10
vonksorry for the spam04:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:10
yowshii never thought i would have to do that04:10
ApOgEE-I'm using Ubuntu Gutsy on HP Compaq nx9010... How can I get blender to work on this laptop? can anyone point me to the right direction so I can fix it?04:10
tritiumvonk: okay, use that sudo mount command from earlier with sdb104:10
chris062689I have a question.  When you use the Live CD, is it all loaded into RAM?  So the Hard-drive is never used correct?  (No swap file)04:10
tempo-The windows partition takes up the whole disk and the smallest ammount of continuous free space is 205mg. is there a way to back up my windows system?04:10
vonksudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/temp5 great, it worked!04:10
Fryguy--chris062689: the hard drive is never used04:10
vonkthanks tritium04:10
tritiumvonk: sure04:10
vonksorry it was so troublesome :)04:10
tritiumvonk: no, it wasn't04:11
Stroganoffchris062689: the livecd will mount the linux swap partition, if availalbe04:11
unop__tempo-, you could use something like ghost04:11
chris062689but other than that, it's all in RAM correct?04:11
Fryguy--chris062689: yes04:11
Stroganoffthats right, chris062689, no worrries04:11
vonktritium: based on the sudo fdisk -l sdb up there, i should be booting to (hd1,0) right?04:12
tempo-unop__: can you elaborate on ghost?04:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clam - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:12
tritium!botabuse | RoAkSoAx04:12
ubotuRoAkSoAx: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.04:12
Greyergwow. IMHO it's really dumb to have the default xchat package in ubuntu automatically join a channel. I seems like it would lead to a channel crowded with people saying stupid things.04:12
yowshiunop__, it failed and comparing chmod files before running bash and after there is no change04:12
unop__tempo-, ghost is a software for windows (primarily) that creates a backup image of all the files for a given partition/drive04:13
sFEARsis my /proc/ioports file supposed to be empty?04:13
masakaCan anybody help me with Intel video drivers? G35 chipset, onboard graphics04:13
Fryguy--masaka: ask questions, don't ask to ask04:13
unop__yowshi, and the bash script ran fine?04:13
tempo-how big would the backup file be?04:13
yowshiyeah it didnt spit out any errors04:13
tempo-my system takes up around 100gb04:13
unop__tempo-,  <= the size of the parition04:13
Fryguy--Greyerg: hrmm, a channel like that sounds very familiar04:13
fatguyI cant get the usb mouse to work on my laptop, Ive looked in the forums and cannot find a solution04:14
tempo-grrr. I dont have an external hd larger than 80 X(04:14
KrozyI'm contemplating getting a new SATA hard drive to replace 4 IDE drives and installing fresh.  I saw that there is an encrypted file system option available now.  Is there anything I should be mindful of before pursuing such an endeavor?04:14
unop__tempo-, wow, thats big -- the backup file could be upto 100gb in size -- depending on things like compression, etc used when creating the backup04:14
masakaFryguy-- I can't even find the chipset in the FAQ list. Am I out of luck?04:14
SidStudiosfatguy: I bet It'll work on Windows04:14
fatguySidStudios, it does04:15
Fryguy--masaka: probably not04:15
Fryguy--Krozy: would recommend truecrypt instead04:15
masakaFryguy-- What to do next?04:15
Fryguy--masaka: what is the problem04:15
GreyergFryguy--: it's familiar because you're there now. excuse my while I figure out how to add ircstorm with this new gui...04:15
unop__tempo-, i guess the best strategy then is to try and move as much as you can off the drive onto another, defragment the drive and try and resize it with partition magic or something else that splits paritions04:15
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tempo-unop: yeah. my computer has a ton of music and dvds that I have ripped, not to mention games. the only reason i use windows is because of games. otherwise I would be permanently linux and mac.04:15
IndyGunFreakdonkey_1234: test04:15
donkey_1234it works04:15
masakaFryguy-- the best driver it finds has only 55 Hz refresh rate.04:16
IndyGunFreaki know. :)04:16
J3KYLLi tried install ubuntu to my 6g hda HD and i got an error message around 30% saying "cannot write to (read-only)" whats going on? if this one doesn't work should i try to install on my 320g sata HD?04:16
Fryguy--masaka: on an lcd or ?04:16
KrozyFryguy: What makes truecrypt a better choice?04:16
mEck0hi! is it possible to install Gnome 2.22 in 7.10?04:16
masakaFryguy-- I have CRT04:16
Fryguy--Krozy: better encryption, more secure, easier to use04:16
tempo-if there was a way to run my games on linux then i would just trash the windows and start fresh with ubuntu04:16
Fryguy--masaka: probably just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually04:16
vonktempo-: you can04:16
Ashfire908asking now seems too late, but if i install/update programs on a livecd with a usb drive to make it persistent, will they stay the next time i boot?04:17
vonktempo-: get Cedega04:17
unop__tempo-, there are quite a few applications for linux that allow you to play games -- wine, cedega, x-over-office, etc04:17
=== _max is now known as max
tempo-and to connect to the internet... I am using a USB wireless card and i am so new to linux i dont know how to find the right drivers.04:17
ZimboIs there a means to get double-tapping a laptop's (Synpatics) touchpad to send a double-click event rather than two single-click events?04:17
SidStudiostempo-: Be warned, if it runs at 99FPs on Windows, It'll run at 60FPS on ubuntu04:17
Fryguy--SidStudios: ??04:18
unop__SidStudios, what?04:18
tempo-the big games are flightsim X and it runs slow on windows.04:18
Ashfire908FPS = frames per second04:18
tempo-correction, big game...04:18
Fryguy--Ashfire908: yes i know what basic acronyms mean04:18
coolgnome-panel are disappearing & come back when i hover mouse over them. but i check auto hide is disabled. What can be the reason?04:18
vonkSidStudios: it will, yes, if you enable vsync and your moniter is 60hz :P04:18
highbassHey guy!! i just installed the newest alsa drivers according to the instructions here...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=455147 ... because i was having problems where sound would come form speakers even thou headphones were plugged in... also note i stalled the newest alsa drivers 1.6 .. anyways now i dont have nay sound wahtsover when i click on the volume control i get the error saying "no volume control GSTREAMER plugins and/or devices" .. i d04:19
tempo-if it goes from 99-60 than i dont want to know what 40-10 would be like...04:19
tempo-I have heard of wine04:19
belkinhelp2hello fellow ubuntu users....does anyone know how to change the LAN settings from 10 to 100mbit/s?  It seems my NIC is bottlenecking my connection.04:19
Fryguy--in my experience, frame rates in linux have been better than they were in windows.  Very limited samplesize though, so it doesn't mean much04:19
SidStudiosvonk: I'm sorry, my games run faster on Vista than Ubuntu.04:19
J3KYLLare there any important things or guide lines i should know when selecting a HD to install ubuntu on? one's that will work, ones that won't, etc ?04:19
yowshiSidStudios, where you getting your facts from04:19
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: linux driver will autonegotiate a link04:19
unop__tempo-, you could cechk the wineHQ to see if your game/app is supported04:19
tempo-ok, brb04:20
belkinhelp2Fryguy...then where is the bottleneck?04:20
SidStudiosyowshi: Err, my own computer?04:20
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: if it's running at 10mbps, then that's either because of your network card, your switch, the cabling, or some other piece of networking04:20
unop__yowshi, so did the script run fine?04:20
|2-bits|I have a problem. I installed some package, and now I have some strange new menu items04:20
vonkSidStudios: it shouldnt be that way, i dont think04:20
yowshisomething running faster on vista then anything else? i find this highly suspicious04:20
|2-bits|It has Other -> { Lock screen, shutdown }04:20
masakaFryguy--: looks like all my attempts to set up the hardware are recorded in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Is there a way to start from a clean slate?04:20
|2-bits|How do I remove these items?04:21
yowshiunop__, yes it did04:21
SgeoG'night all04:21
Fryguy--masaka: just edit the existing file (it has a lot more in there than just your video card)04:21
tempo-nope, AOE, rise of nations, and flightsim X not supported at all04:21
|2-bits|they are in the applications menu, I might add04:21
unop__SidStudios, you probably did have the right drivers/configuration for your particular video adapter -- if optimized right, games can run quite well on linux04:21
coolJ3KYLL, just learn how Ubuntu names partions. in windows its C,DE but in Ubuntu its hda1,hda2...04:21
yowshiunop__, it didnt spit out any errors while running the bash script04:21
SidStudiosvonk: Why, not everyone has a Pentium 3 computer04:21
donkey_1234     /msg nickserv set hide email on04:21
Fryguy--cool: linux doesn't use hdx anymore apparently, ide got merged into the sdX disks04:21
ZimboHere's another one... how do you disable the "feature" where the scroll wheel of a mouse switches desktops when the pointer hovers over a blank part of the desktop?  My touchpad simulates a scrollwheel and sometimes this just cases Gnome to go nuts thinking I'm trying to change desktops when I'm really just trying to move the mouse.04:21
tempo-coult i do a 50/50 partition and wipe windows then just reinstall my games.04:21
SidStudiosunop__: If Ubuntu is so good, why don't they just make Linux ports? From what I know, It's not very hard to build a linux version, therefore increasing their target audience by a LOT..04:22
tempo-I have all the movies/music on my mac04:22
donkey_1234 /msg nickserv link donkey7186 trackstar04:22
masakaFryguy--: is there a way to force re-start video detection?04:22
belkinhelp2well the modem is an adsl2+ capable of 25mbits, the router is a di-524 with a 10/100 WAN and the NIC is an integrated Ausu 1400+ so im assuming its also 10/100, and lastly im running CAT5e cables04:22
Fryguy--Zimbo: that's part of compiz, just install compizconfig-settings-manager and edit that behavior04:22
Krozy|2-bits|: You can manually edit the menu via, System > Preferences > Main Menu, but I'm not sure if thats what you want to do, or if you want to uninstall those packages.04:22
tritiumSidStudios: ports of what?04:22
Fryguy--masaka: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg04:22
Fryguy--masaka: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:22
tempo-I would rather just backup my special files then do a reformat04:22
SidStudiostritium: Games like Counter strike source, and other popular games04:22
Ashfire908If i install/update programs on a livecd with a usb drive to make it persistent, will they stay the next time i boot?04:22
|2-bits|Krozy: I have no idea which packages caused it (it happened in my last install too), so I think I am just going to edit the main menu04:22
tritiumSidStudios: that's up to the game companies.04:22
ZimboThanks Fryguy, I'll try it04:22
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: then you'll have a 100mbps connection, what is indicating to you that you only have 10mbps?04:22
vonkSidStudios: Loki tried that. it did not work and was not profitable =/.04:23
SidStudiostritium: The whole "free" thing will never work; people want to make profits. That's the only reason they will be motivated to make anything for anyone at all04:23
J3KYLLthanks COOL, but one more thing. are there HD requirements for install? eg. a certain size, type?04:23
coolFryguy--, Nice. it removed lot of confusion but in think grub still uses hdx naming convention, inst'it?04:23
Krozy|2-bits|: What are the names of the applications?04:23
Fryguy--cool: no idea04:23
unop__SidStudios, there are ports being created for games all the time .. or platforms to run the games (and well) all the time04:23
tempo-can i reformat from the live cd?04:23
vonkSidStudios: in any case, you should not see any performance decreases when running cedega. it does not go through a virtualmachine or anything so theres no extra steps. should be exactly the same04:23
belkinhelp2Fryguy...my speed tests are constantly topping out at 6mbits or so04:23
Fryguy--tempo-: the livecd has an installer on it, yes04:23
|2-bits|Logout and Lock Screen04:23
Krozy|2-bits|: when you edit the main menu, you can view the properties of those unwanted items that may give a clue as to what they are04:23
unop__tempo-, sure04:23
J3KYLLCOOL, im getting confused about the HD intstall because i've tried numerous times04:23
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: mbps or MB/s04:23
|2-bits|somehow these functions made their way to my applications menu04:23
vonkalso SidStudios, i think many open source developers would disagree with you about the money being motivation for everyting :P04:23
coolJ3KYLL, this would help you,https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation04:23
coolJ3KYLL, ask whats your confusion04:24
unop__yowshi, hmm, guess a reinstall is imminent then -- i'm out of ideas completely :(04:24
vonkSidStudios: linux is both excellent and (for hte most part) free, so there you have it :D. proof that good things come without money, sometimes04:24
tempo-cool. one last thing. My live cd is either 7.04 or 6.06. will compiz fusion come on either?04:24
ppibburri'm writing a dvd creator, comparable t qdvd, as a hobby :)04:24
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: what does ethtool eth0 tell you04:24
SidStudiosunop__: Maybe if "Linux" was just an operating system, much more applications will be made for it. Because, a) The whole world isn't comfortable with building things from source. b) Linux should adopt ONE kind of package management and really work on the GUI. Windows is really winning in on this part.04:24
tritiumSidStudios: that's one opinion.04:24
J3KYLLCOOL, this is my confusion : i tried install ubuntu to my 6g hda HD and i got an error message around 30% saying "cannot write to (read-only)" whats going on? if this one doesn't work should i try to install on my 320g sata HD?04:24
yowshiwell them tommorow i will have questions on how to not lose my /home or my /usr/amovie directories04:24
Fryguy--SidStudios: nobody cares04:24
tempo-keep in mind that I am an EXTREME n00b with linux and i have no idea what i am doing short of installing it and starting firefox04:24
highbasscan somone please guide me in the right direction.. ! i updated my alsa sound card drivers to the newest one because i was having issues... and now my system doesnt even detect a sound card!!!! i am on ubuntu 7.1004:25
taintsaucequick question - i've gone through two installs recently on my laptop (an older dell latitude PIII) and on both XFCE and KDE, the ctrl+alt+f2 tty is too large to work with - you can't see the bottom line ever04:25
yowshiuntil then night all and unop__ thanks for all your patience time and effort04:25
taintsauceanyone know how to fix this?04:25
vonkSidStudios: so theres 2 instead of 1 :-P. whats the big deal?04:25
vonkSidStudios: also, you dont need to build everything from source. theres plenty of compiled binaries available for many applications for linux04:25
coolempo-, on7.10 it would,  but on 6.06 it won't has there was no compiz-fusion back then. there was beryl & compiz04:25
belkinhelp2Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes04:25
belkinhelp2        Speed: 100Mb/s04:25
belkinhelp2I knew that there was somthing screwy about this dlink router04:26
tempo-ok thanks. by yall04:26
belkinhelp2i thought the firmware upgrade would have fixed this04:26
belkinhelp2but it didnt04:26
unop__SidStudios, the reason linux proliferates so much then is a contradiction to your philosophy of "it should be this and should be that" ,... it's about the choice of doing it differently, to each his own and that works like the way that not everyone drives a mercedes or likes it being painted pink :)04:26
SidStudiosFryguy--: You don't because you have a 2D mind, and because you know how to use Linux, you think that everyone should be able to compile things from source. You think that OSS is better than paid for software? I'm sorry, but I'd have to say Microsoft Office 2007 is much better than OpenOffice, in terms of usability, speed, and stability04:26
coolJ3KYLL, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall04:26
yowshiSidStudios, building from source itsnt that hard and ummmm who cares if theres two package managers or that the desktop doesnt look b;ling b;ling i want reliability not eyecandy04:26
KrozySidStudios: Most users can get by just fine without building anything from source, and 2) there are a few good package managers, 3) GUI is great, leaps and bounds ahead of XP and Vista.04:26
tritiumSidStudios: please stay on topic.04:26
SidStudiosyowshi: It's little details like this which will cause people to switch to Linux instead of Windows04:26
Fryguy--SidStudios: I don't think that everyone shoul dbe able to compile things from source.  I am able to because I am a programmer, so I choose to use linux to get my work done, and because of the tools it provides me, I get my work done faster and more efficiently.  Your mileage may vary04:27
SidStudiostritium: Sorry about the off-topicness04:27
yowshibesides if you want eyecandy so much SidStudios you can use compiz fusion04:27
crxyemFryguy: I found the setting04:27
unop__SidStudios, and you can run an entire ubuntu system without even compiling anything ... that's almost not necessary anymore04:27
SidStudiosyowshi: I don't want eye candy, I know what Compiz Fusion is.04:27
J3KYLLCOOL : thank you very much. ill check out the resources you gave me04:27
belkinhelp2I switched to Linux when I read that the NSA was doing "security work" for windows Vista!04:27
vonkSidStudios: total control is hardly a 'little detail' :D. but that said, if you like windows so much, why don't you just use windows?04:27
coolJ3KYLL, the recommend way to install to Ubuntu is to leave free space atleast 10GB & ask installer to use that free space04:27
fatguyI cant get the usb mouse to work on my laptop, Ive looked in the forums and cannot find a solution: [  137.964000] [<f88856a0>] (usb_hcd_irq+0x0/0x60 [usbcore]) [  137.964000] Disabling IRQ #7 [  139.500000] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -250264335 ns)04:27
belkinhelp2there is something wrong about that all the way around04:27
ZimboI checked out compiz config settings and I'm not seeing one related to regular old desktop switching (there is stuff like "desktop cube," but that's not enabled)04:28
SidStudiosunop__: I'm sorry, but you fail to see that every time I reinstalled Ubuntu when I used to use it, I had to RE-Compile ALSA, get NDISWRAPPER and about 10 different files, and then perform some really weird-ass tasks just to get wireless working.04:28
tritiumSidStudios: truly, there is no need to know how to compile anything at all to run ubuntu04:28
vonkSidStudios: no one is going to try to convince you to use linux if windows is what you prefer. not sure what kind of response you are trying to provoke here..04:28
Ashfire908how do i check the space usage of a device (i mean /dev/???? not "flash drive")04:28
SidStudiosvonk: Wow, that's the first time I've heard someone not give dumb reasons why I should'nt use the OS I'm using. That's why I like this so much more than forums..04:29
Stroganoffstating facts is not provoking. and it isn't completely a matter of choice or preference either, vonk04:29
KrozySidStudios: My personal advice on the whole ndiswrapper debacle is simply avoid at all costs using hardware that sux-out-of-box.04:29
unop__SidStudios, well if you don't like putting in effort to getting the best out of your system -- then ubuntu is _NOT_ for you04:29
Fryguy--SidStudios: that's an unfortunately experience for you.  I haven't had that experience at all, and neither have 10s of thousands of other users.  I haven't compiled a single piece of code on this ubuntu systems for the purpose of running the machine, and everything that i've tried to do i've found ample documentation online, typically well written and well organized04:29
SidStudiosKrozy: So I should buy another laptop just because my Wireless isn't supported out of the box?04:29
asmerHi. Does anyone know if it is safe to increase my ubuntu partition size with Acronis Disk Director, without losing any data or making ubuntu unbootable? Thanks04:29
Stroganoffvonk, just stop playing games except quake, teewars ut2007 ;)04:29
ZimboI have a suspicion desktop switching with the scroll wheel isn't a compiz-only thing... anyone care to agree/disagree?04:29
tritiumSidStudios: if you want to continue this conversation, please move it to #ubuntu-offtopic, so as not to spam this channel.  This channel is for support.04:29
Stroganoffsry i mean SidStudios04:30
Fryguy--Zimbo: disagree04:30
belkinhelp2Fryguy...wait its the wrong NIC04:30
vonkStroganoff: i think you are getting me confusing with sid :P. i am not talking about playing games :-).04:30
belkinhelp2Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes04:30
belkinhelp2        Speed: 10Mb/s04:30
belkinhelp2        Duplex: Half04:30
ZimboThe compiz "Expo" effect is pretty cool04:30
SidStudiosFryguy--: Haha, lucky for you, I think it's something with the AMD/Broadcom software developers that nothing is detected right on my compouter..04:30
Zimbook, Fryguy, I'll disable compiz for a bit and see what happens :-)04:30
tritiumSidStudios: the problem is the hardware manufacturers, in your case04:30
Fryguy--SidStudios: again, unfortunately that's a bad experience for you04:30
ppibburrbroadcom becomes esy with firmware-cutter04:30
josh__can someone help me with gnome?04:30
SidStudiosI'd also like to know who here can actually hibernate their computers?04:30
vonkin any case, these are problems for later. thanks a lot for the help tritium and Stroganoff! have an excellent night, everyone04:30
Fryguy--josh__: don't ask to ask, just ask04:30
tritiumSidStudios: I can.04:31
SidStudiostritium: With no work arounds?04:31
tritiumvonk: no problem.  GOod night.04:31
ppibburrinpirion 1501, hibernates04:31
Fryguy--SidStudios: i can04:31
tritiumSidStudios: none whatsoever.04:31
unop__SidStudios, I can but dont04:31
* vonk hibernates.04:31
tritiumSidStudios: and sleep as well04:31
Fryguy--every computer I have *nix on hibernates just fine04:31
belkinhelp2sidstudios.....how much do you get paid to disrupt the ubuntu community?04:31
Odd-rationaleSidStudios: Mine worked out of the box04:31
josh__i want to be able to open a folder and when i do it opens file browser instead of the little rinky dink windows showing the contents of the folder04:31
tritiumSidStudios: again, you better take this to #ubuntu-offtopic, please04:32
asmerHi. Does anyone know if it is safe to increase my ubuntu partition size with Acronis Disk Director, without losing any data or making ubuntu unbootable? Thanks04:32
* Ashfire908 can't hibernate when he is using the restricted nvidia driver04:32
Stroganoffjosh__, the file browser shows contents of folder04:32
Fryguy--SidStudios: if you don't want to run *nix, then don't run *nix.  Dont' join a channel on irc and complain about your problems.  Either solve them yourself, ask for help in solving them, or give up.  Trolling IRC isn't going to help you, and it's just wasting my time for people who have legitimate questions04:32
coolasmer, why you want to use  Acronis Disk Director?04:32
Stroganoffare you using xubuntu, josh__?04:32
Fryguy--asmer: should be fine04:32
killer_who knows how to use qq04:33
ubotu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい04:33
Stroganoffasmer, you should use the gparted livecd instead04:33
josh__okay, go to applications, system tools , then file browser, it has the back arrow and menu, but when i open a folder directly, it doesn't have the arrow and navigation tools04:33
killer_ Is there any body Chinese?04:33
asmerfryguy thanks04:33
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:33
unop__!cn | killer_04:33
ubotukiller_: please see above04:33
SidStudiosbelkinhelp2: I don't get paid, it just irritates me to see people saying "Ubuntu rocks, everything works!" when in reality, a lot of hardware is not supported, and neither is half the software out there. Maybe you guys might get the hint when you finally realise why Adobe isn't spending money on building software for Ubuntu. Obviously, they've done market research and found that linux has little potential, and Windows will still rule for the 04:33
killer_I see04:33
asmerstroganoff because i have experience (have used many times) with Acronis04:33
Fryguy--josh__: so just click on the view menu and check off the toolbars you want visible?04:34
tritiumSidStudios: that's not the reality.  A small subset of hardware has issues, not "a lot of hardware."04:34
unop__!ot | SidStudios04:34
ubotuSidStudios: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:34
Ashfire908ok uh how much wear and tear would installing a bunch of updates and a few new programs (~50 mb worth total) onto a livecd with usb drive for persistence, and would they stay installed after i restarted?04:34
Stroganoffasmer, the ui of gparted is basically the same ;)04:34
coolasmer, we can't help you in it, if you use Gparted then we could04:34
acxtyHi guys, is it necesary to reboot the computerr when I change the ip address? or a way to avoid this of happening04:34
SidStudiostritium: Ubuntu is for home computers, and isn't the most productive thing in the world. The Mac OS X dock is even worse than the ubuntu menus.04:34
unop__acx_, not necessary04:34
asmerstroganoff and i can use it to just increase the size without deleting or formatting?04:34
Fryguy--SidStudios: nobody here is claiming "ubuntu rocks" and as for you citing a single company not developing for linux, that's fine.  And yes you are right, the desktop userbase of linux is very small.  What exactly is your point of that statement?04:34
Stroganoffyes, asmer04:35
coolacxty, no, use sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:35
ZimboFryguy: Looks like you're correct; if I tell compiz to go away there's no more desktop switching with the mouse04:35
tritiumSidStudios: it has been more productive for me than any other OS04:35
ZimboNow if only I could find the right setting to change!04:35
Fryguy--acxty: ifup and ifdown should work fine04:35
josh__doesnt' do what i want it to do.04:35
acxtythanks guys04:35
ppibburrAshfire, if they were wrote to usb they will be there...04:35
SidStudiostritium: Then why don't big companies use it? Why do they stick to "Virus prone windowS"?04:35
Stroganoff!flood > Stroganoff04:35
ppibburrbut if the cd is setup for persistence is another matter04:35
tritiumSidStudios: they do, including Dell.04:35
Fryguy--SidStudios: uh, plenty of big companies use linux.04:35
SidStudiostritium: Maybe, because the average person that sticks t04:35
unop__tritium, Fryguy--,  SidStudios, we should continue this conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic and leave folks here get on with support04:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:36
Ashfire908ppibburr it is04:36
Fryguy--SidStudios: last check, more than half of the webservers on the internet were running linux or another *nix04:36
coolFryguy--, Please stop going offtopic on main support channels04:36
Fryguy--SidStudios: you really should become more educated on the whole situation instead of just being an anti-fanboy trolling and flaming in a channel04:36
acxtyother question, I have access by ssh to a computer, I want to run a python script on it, the problem is that if I close the ssh window the script stop, it is possible to have a program continue running after close the ssh windows04:36
ppibburrthen when it boots and it mounts the usb, usually / then youre good04:36
SidStudiosFryguy--: A webserver is not the same as a personal computer.04:36
Fryguy--cool: I spend multiple hours a week in here supporting noobies, I'm going to spend a few minutes having a slightly offtopic discussion04:37
KrozySidStudios: Companies generally don't "turn on a dime" to switch entire architectures.04:37
SidStudiosFryguy--: You call me a troll just as you cannot come up with any useful arguments04:37
tritiumSidStudios: #ubuntu-offtopic, now, please04:37
Ashfire908ppibburr, ok04:37
Fryguy--SidStudios: nobody said it was, and if you'll notice I already cited low desktop penetration like 5 minutes ago.  please read what I say04:37
coolFryguy--, for that join #ubuntu-offtopic04:37
Stroganoffjosh__, you could copy /usr/share/applications/defaults.list to ~/.local/share/applications/ and edit04:37
josh__Fryguy: do you know what i'm asking04:37
Fryguy--josh__: I thought i did, but since you are asking me that i guess not04:38
ZimboHere's the answer for disabling scroll-wheel desktop switching: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=601716 .  My problem (after Fryguy's pointed me in the right direction) was not realizing the scroll wheel events just show up as "mouse 5" and "mouse 6" "buttons"04:38
Ashfire908ppibburr, is doing 50-70 mb of install/updates very hard on the life expentancy of the drive?04:38
Stroganoffjosh__, edit the two lines "inode/directory" and "x-directory"04:38
ppibburrashfire no04:38
josh__k stroganoff i'll try it04:38
belkinhelp2fryguy...im at 10mbps04:38
belkinhelp2how do i change that04:38
ZimboThanks Fruguy04:38
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: install a network card that doesnt' suck?04:38
ingestanyone here a doxygen user?04:39
belkinhelp2dont let sid get under your skin04:39
jaguar6Ashfire908: No04:39
belkinhelp2hes a well paid agent04:39
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: i don't know.  something in your network topology is causing it to negotiate low, or your network card is poorly supported in linux04:39
belkinhelp2its a realtek04:39
josh__i should probibly sayi'm using debian04:39
ppibburrAshfire the way the inserted data is inserted into the filesystem and the writes to usb, are configured to extend life expetancy04:39
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: realtek cards are generally AWFUL, invest the $20 in a nice intel card04:39
Krozybelkinhelp2: I found this online that may be of help to you: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-change-the-speed-and-duplex-settings-of-an-ethernet-card/04:39
Stroganoffthats ok, josh__04:40
Cpudan80Hey - when formatting/partitioning ubuntu manually -- do you set swap to primary or logical?04:40
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: IIRC there's comments in the realtek drivers for both linux and freebsd with lots of profanities about how poor they are :)04:40
ppibburrbut ensure reboots or shutdowns are clean04:40
belkinhelp2let me do a bit of reading here04:40
belkinhelp2and ill be back04:40
josh__there's no defaults.list04:40
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: 1 sec04:40
Cpudan80nevermind my bad04:41
* Cpudan80 smacks self04:41
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: i'd recommend this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683310612204:41
zezuI've got no audio on a HP notebook w/ ICH8, alsamixer shows volume up/no mute, modules are loaded properly it seems, and main system volume is up, but no audio (7.10) .. anyone have any ideas?04:41
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: extremely well supported on *nix (there's a dedicated employee at intel who writes the drivers for freebsd), and very good performance04:41
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: and it's gigabit, so if/when you choose to upgrade your lan you are already set04:41
Stroganoffjosh__, qry04:41
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: and not overly expensive ($30 shipped is well worth it than trying to get your realtek to give any sort of performance)04:42
hischildwhat is a decent command line torrent program?04:42
Fryguy--hischild: rtorrent BY FAR is the best choice04:43
Fryguy--hischild: for cli or gui04:43
chapocer3Hi ya'll. I have been having a problem booting in to Ubuntu... every time after i choose ubuntu from GRUB, my monitor goes in to Power Saving mode.. sometimes my monitor will come back on once i get to the login screen... but sometimes my comp just reboots after about a minute of not recieving a video signal.. I've researched this from both the perspective of possible issues with my monitor (LG L1920P) and from the perspective of an issue wi04:43
Stroganoffjosh__, have you tried "preferred applications" or something like that in your gnome settings menu?04:43
hischildFryguy--, it's cli i'm looking for04:43
Fryguy--hischild: then rtorrent is what you want.04:43
hischildFryguy--, any chance you can help me get it running? =)04:43
Fryguy--rtorrent has wonderful documentation, pretty self explanatory04:43
Stroganoffchapocer3, try to uninstall usplash04:43
hischildi failed the last time i tried ..04:44
Fryguy--hischild: so try again, and read more documentation04:44
hischildFryguy--, i'm already reading =)04:44
Fryguy--hischild: i'm on freebsd, so I don't know how much help I'd be to you anyway04:44
hischildFryguy--, that's ok, i welcome any help04:45
gr1ff1nis there a way to make a card reader working on gutsy ?? Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 22) pls04:45
OwnatikHi, I installed ubuntu but Grub doesn't load at start. I tried reinstalling it from a tutorial on the forum but it's still not working. Someone can help me?04:45
ppibburrthere is a rtorrent deb04:45
hfhey guys i am really stuck at a problem!... i was haivng problems with my sound card... so i updated to the newest alsa drivers.. and now my sound card isnt even being detected!!!!! can anyone please help me!04:45
Fryguy--Ownatik: how many hard drives do you have04:45
Stroganoffchapocer3, have you tried the recovery option in grub yet?04:46
OwnatikFryguy-- 204:46
gr1ff1nhf: run: module-assistant auto-install alsa04:46
chronosI'm on my laptop in a city about 38 miles away from my home computer. I have ubuntu installed on each computer with SSH and FISH access to each. I really need to see my Firefox history on my home computer so I can show a page to my boss. Is there any way to see the history from here?04:46
Fryguy--chronos: you can use X11 forwarding if you want04:46
acxtydoes screen is available for ubuntu?04:46
Fryguy--ssh -X04:46
Stroganoffchronos, copy the whole .mozilla folder ^^04:46
Fryguy--acxty: that's not english04:47
Ownatikbut one is an old used only for backup, windows and linux are installed on the same HD04:47
acxtyFryguy--, ???04:47
chronosStroganoff: where's the history in that folder? I don't want to replace the contents of my firefox with the one from home?04:47
Stroganoffchronos, no just the history.dat04:47
Fryguy--chronos: just do X11 forwarding and run firefox remotely04:47
Ashfire908Is doing 50-70 mb of install/updates (downloading, unpacking, configuring) hard on the life expentancy of a usbdrive at all?04:47
Fryguy--chronos: will probably be faster to get set up04:47
HinHinhey guys, how do i make an application get called globally?04:47
Stroganoffchronos, you could make a backup of your firefox04:47
ppibburrashfire no04:47
Fryguy--HinHin: what do you mean04:47
chronosFryguy--: will tha take over the sesson that I have running at the house?04:48
Fryguy--chronos: no04:48
chapocer3Stroganoff, after uninstalling usplash (it also uninstalled ubuntu-desktop with it), is there anything i need to reinstall in order to not bork my boot process?04:48
=== _Vinnonet is now known as Vinnonet
OwnatikFryguy--: i have 2 HD, but one is an old used only for backup, windows and linux are installed on the same HD04:48
Fryguy--Ownatik: what happens if you try to boot from the other hard drive?04:48
HinHinFryguy--, let's say i compiled some program and e.g. aircrack but i can only access that program if i call it while i'm in the directory it's installed in04:49
OwnatikFryguy--: didn't try04:49
Stroganoffchapocer3, was there anything else that has been uninstalled by this?04:49
chronosFryguy--: so essentially, my wife can continue surfing without me disturbing her firefox?04:49
HinHini want to just type 'aircrack-ng' to open the program anywhere04:49
Fryguy--HinHin: put the executable in a directory that is in your PATH (echo $PATH to see it)04:49
ppibburrhinhin symbolic link04:49
Stroganoff!paste > chapocer304:49
Fryguy--chronos: yes04:49
OwnatikFryguy--: but when i was installing grub i didn't hear the scratch of my old HD04:49
chapocer3Stroganoff, no i just selected to remove usplash, and it removed usplash and ubuntu-desktop04:49
Fryguy--chronos: your wife should be a different user on the system though :)04:49
Fryguy--Ownatik: so, try it04:49
chronosAlright I'll give it a shot04:49
ppibburror add the dir to your path04:50
Stroganoffi'm not sure about these -desktop meta packages anymore (i dont use them)04:50
Stroganoffbut you should be fine, chapocer304:50
HinHinppibburr, how do i make sym links?04:50
josh__i want :  http://www.flickr.com/photos/21166408@N04/2347177100/  to replace  http://www.flickr.com/photos/21166408@N04/2347178230/04:50
zezuanyone even have suggestions on where i can find more info about non working audio? i've looked at much of the audio related threads on forums etc, but there are many many04:50
josh__that shoudl clear things up04:50
chapocer3ok, thank you very much for your assistance, im going to see if that solved me04:50
Fryguy--chronos: it should be as easy as ssh -X yourname@yourothercomputer.com, then when you get a connection, if you run firefox from the command line it should run your remote firefox and display it on your local screen.  you might need to google some of the details but yah04:50
ppibburrsudo ln -s path/to/file /usr/bin/04:50
ppibburrmight work04:50
Stroganoffchapocer3, your video driver could still be messed up04:50
HinHincool i'll try that04:50
Stroganoffchapocer3, no info, no answers ;)04:51
Fryguy--chronos: if you run into enough problems you can just swap .firefox directories for the time being (back up your current one, grab the remote machines one, put that in place, run firefox, get bookmarks, and then switch back04:51
Fryguy--chronos: also, i recommend google bookmarks with the gmarks firefox extension if you do multiple machine bookmarking a lot04:51
Fryguy--ppibburr: don't put non-ubuntu things in /usr/bin, self-compiled things should go in /usr/local/bin or /opt04:52
ThkaalLe sigh, I have a question about Feisty if people are still answering those.  I transferred my hd to a new system and now it won't boot.  The splash screen freezes the moment it shows up.  Then after a few moments it gives me that /bin/modprobe abnormal exit error.  Any fixes?  I checked the forurms, but the mobo doesn't have raid.04:52
Stroganoffchronos, the session is in sessionstore.js04:52
StroganoffThkaal, does the recovery mode work?04:53
hischildFryguy--, i can't get my torrents to move from closed ... it's a 600 meg torrent yet it won't start ... :(04:53
StroganoffThkaal, there should be an option in grub04:53
Fryguy--hischild: select the torrent and press ctrl-s04:53
Fryguy--what happens04:53
Thkaalrecovery mode from the live cd?04:53
hischildFryguy--, closed state moves yet doesn't start04:53
Stroganoffno from your hard drive grub04:53
Stroganoffpress esc while grub is starting04:53
Thkaaloh that...04:53
Stroganoffyou could uninstall usplash04:54
Zach_im trying to install linux on my flash drive (fat) and i get the directory too deep error so i tried NTFS and that doenst work ether any ideas04:54
Fryguy--hischild: press right arrow and see if you are connected to any peers, or if there are any trackers04:54
Thkaalit loads up to a certain point, then it just stops.  no prompt at all.04:54
Stroganoff"certain point"?04:54
hischildFryguy--, one tracker, that i know is up ... and peer list shows UBFAILED04:54
Thkaalit states that error and then stops04:54
fatguyhow do I tell if I have the ohci_hcd module?04:54
gr1ff1nlsmod | grep ohci_hcd should tell you that04:55
Fryguy--hischild: make your terminal wider04:55
Fryguy--hischild: is the torrent something you can share?04:55
ThkaalThe recovery mode loads and when it comes to that error, it stops.  That's what I mean by certain point.04:56
ZimboCould someone clue me in as to what the different between aptitude and apt-get is?  The later retrieves "bundles" of packages all at once rather than just individual packages or something?04:56
fatguyohci_hcd               22916  004:56
fatguyusbcore               138632  5 ndiswrapper,uvcvideo,ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd04:56
hischildFryguy--, i'll ssh ... second04:56
gr1ff1nfatguy: your module is loaded then04:56
Fryguy--Zimbo: aptitude is newer, functionally for day to day use there is little to no difference between them as far as I know04:56
StroganoffThkaal, what about backupping /home and reinstalling? :D04:57
ZimboAnd "aptitude SomeRandomPackage" will generally work the same as "apt-get SomeRandomPackage" ?04:57
fatguygrlffln, its supposed to run my usb ports and its not working...04:57
StroganoffZimbo, generelly yes, but there are minor differences04:58
Zimbook, thanks04:58
hischildFryguy--, the huge and amazing difference is that you have to apt-get autoremove to remove unused packages as where aptitude does that, aptitude sorts the searches, has a nicer front end and apt has a lot of different programs (apt-cache, apt-file etc) which are all integrated into aptitude.04:58
gr1ff1nfatguy: what have you got when you run: lsusb ?04:58
StroganoffZimbo, in gutsy you should always use apt-get04:58
ZimboBack in a bit... I have to re-start the X server...04:58
fatguyBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000004:58
fatguyBus 002 Device 002: ID 0c45:62c0 Microdia04:58
fatguyBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000004:58
ThkaalStroganoff, I tried reinstalling, but it comes up with the same error.  I would love to try to do some of the chroot fixes on the forums, just to test if installing the modules listed would help, but I don't kno whow to do that.04:59
fatguyThe microdia is my webcam I am guessing04:59
StroganoffFryguy-- apt-get is newer..04:59
Fryguy--Stroganoff: no it's not04:59
Fryguy--apt-get has been around since before ubuntu04:59
josh____> i want :  http://www.flickr.com/photos/21166408@N04/2347177100/  to replace  http://www.flickr.com/photos/21166408@N04/2347178230/04:59
josh__i hope this helps04:59
Stroganoffaptitude even longer, Fryguy--04:59
Fryguy--Stroganoff: are you sure?04:59
tritiumStroganoff: no, apt-get came first05:00
Stroganoffmkay :/05:00
tritiumBut both apt-get and aptitude preceded ubuntu05:00
Fryguy--i was using apt-get back in the 1.x versions of debian05:00
unop__Zimbo, aptitude installs recommended packages by default, and has better dependency resolution algorithms for when you have broken package scenarios05:00
hischildFryguy--, the peer lsit is empty05:00
Stroganoffaptitude is deprecated nonetheless ^^05:00
gr1ff1nfatguy: your usb ports isn t recognised, hold on05:00
Thkaali could wait for hardy heron to come out, but has that module been a fix?05:00
tritiumStroganoff: no, it's not deprecated.  It's a valid tool.05:01
Stroganofffor some tasks05:01
fatguygrlffln, ok05:01
unop__Stroganoff, like what tasks exactly?05:01
Fryguy--hischild: so then you aren't going to download if you don't have any peers05:01
tritiumStroganoff: for all the same tasks apt-get performs.05:01
Stroganoffmanaging package freezes and what not05:01
hischildFryguy--, which makes perfect sense ... yet how can i get em in there ... as i can't see an error nor does it give me one05:01
efirewickIndyGunFreak: Finally got 7.10 to install. used gparted boot cd, and also had to unflag ntfs boot and mark as hidden for ubuntu live partition editor not to hang.05:02
Fryguy--hischild: maybe nobody is seeding the torrent05:02
Stroganoffyeah but apt-get recently got pretty good orphan packages / autoremove abilities, too05:02
fatguygrlffln, I believe this is my USB  controller http://hardware4linux.info/component/17663/05:02
hischildFryguy--, doubtfully ... just checked it on the other box, which downloads it perfectly05:02
IndyGunFreakefirewick: great.. problematic installs always suck05:02
efirewickthanks for the help.05:02
Fryguy--hischild: dunno then05:02
unop__Stroganoff, hmm, that might be an ubuntu specific thing ( i heard ubuntu wasnt developing aptitude as eagerly as debian) but not so on debian05:02
Fryguy--hischild: might be a firewall thing05:02
hischildi'll look tomorrow ... nwo i'm gonna get some sleep05:02
Fryguy--hischild: go bug the rtorrent people05:03
StroganoffThkaal, are u using any strange hardware?05:03
captaingeekholy crap fryguy!05:03
captaingeekhow long are you gonna be on here?05:03
hischildFryguy--, i'll bug em when i'm awake and not as sleepy as i am now =)05:03
hischildthanks though!05:03
Fryguy--captaingeek: ?05:03
efirewickI was just getting nervous, thought I had to force my wife to start using windows again...=-O05:03
ThkaalStroganoff, no.  It's a hellish packard.05:03
Thkaala wally-world special.05:03
gr1ff1nfatguy: have you got any error mesg after pluggin in ?05:04
Fryguy--captaingeek: what do you mean how long am I gonna be here?05:04
Fryguy--i've only been here like 5 hours05:04
fatguygrlffln: none tried mouse and usb drive05:04
darkscriptwhen i am in fedora i use rpm -ql [packagename] too look at a package i installed via yum05:05
ThkaalIt's wierd, the thing worked fine.  Was even able to get the decss and flash to work on it without problems.05:05
darkscripthow do i look at where things are installed via debian files?05:05
captaingeekwhat are some cool things to do with linux that you can't do with winblows?05:05
linuxfreak78Hello everyone05:05
darkscriptis there an rpm -ql equivalent?05:05
unop__darkscript, dpkg -l05:05
Thkaalcaptaingeek, you can brag that you have a windows free system05:05
Fryguy--captaingeek: have a usable shell that has useful functionality, remotely connect to that shell, export it to other machines05:05
StroganoffThkaal, have you analysed /var/log/syslog?05:05
Thkaalcaptaingeek, that alone is work billions.05:05
ppibburrCaptian: write custom interface script to every thing? OTB05:05
leo_rockwcaptaingeek: move windows like jello? lol05:06
gr1ff1nfatguy: run dmesg | tail after pluggin any usb...05:06
Thkaalstroganoff, let me go look at it.05:06
Stroganoffplox :roll:05:06
Fryguy--i love when I ask people to not message me, and yet they continue to05:06
Fryguy--I have WAY TOO MANY windows open right now to deal with messages05:06
captaingeekhow do you make a shell script that can format user-inputted data into an email and send it?05:06
slagHey all, I have a nvidia card with an S-video out and was wondering if I can pipe AVI movies out of the ubunt box to my TV?05:06
josh__can people read this?05:07
Fryguy--josh__: yes05:07
Fryguy--captaingeek: outside the scope of this channel05:07
Krozycaptaingeek: A major reason why I switched was for better hardware support.05:07
dsfhey guys i am having a VERY weird problem... for some reason i am getting sound coming out of my speakers and my headphones whereas that shouldn't happen when my headphones are plugged in!!... anyone know how to resolve this issue!????05:07
Stroganoffcaptaingeek, look into shell scripting, into the "read" command and into the launch parameters of your mail client05:07
r00723r0Anyone know of any good GTK audio players like Exaile?05:07
slagCan someone tell me how.....what application i need?05:07
Fryguy--r00723r0: quodlibet05:08
r00723r0Quodlibet comes with that annoying tagging program.05:08
ppibburrxmms is gtk05:08
r00723r0Something without skins.05:08
Stroganoffr00723r0, rythmbox?05:08
Fryguy--r00723r0: imo that "annoying tagging program" is one of the absolute best available05:08
Thkaalstroganoff, var/log/syslog is empty05:08
Stroganoffr00723r0, audacious?05:08
r00723r0I'll give quodlibet another try.05:09
StroganoffThkaal /var/log/syslog.0 ?05:09
unop__captaingeek,   read msg; sendmail person@domain.com <<< $msg   -- although it might not work and depends on your version of sendmail05:09
Thkaalstroganoff, i only have one syslog there, and it's empty.05:09
Stroganoffstrange ^^05:09
nortyQuestion: When I open pdfs and often time other programs my screen opens to a size larger than my screen, how do I get it so that it opens to the screen max but not over?05:10
Stroganoffwe're talking about the syslog of your broken installation, right? :D05:10
dsfhey guys i am having a VERY weird problem... for some reason i am getting sound coming out of my speakers and my headphones whereas that shouldn't happen when my headphones are plugged in!!... anyone know how to resolve this issue!???? ps... i have Intel Corporation 82801H  soundcard05:10
r00723r0Something's wrong with my Gstreamer. I have no clue what, or even how to diagnose. Anyone have any advice?05:10
Thkaalnot from filesystem.05:11
unop__!pm | captaingeek05:11
ubotucaptaingeek: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:11
r00723r0I get some fakesink shit.05:11
Thkaalthe one from /media/disk/var/log/syslog05:11
captaingeek!pm | unop__05:11
ubotuunop__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:11
fatguygrlffln: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24847229@N03/2347206020/05:11
StroganoffThkaal, have you reinstalled clean (deleting everything but /home)?05:11
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:11
leo_rockw!ohmy r00723r005:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy r00723r0 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:11
leo_rockw!ohmy | r00723r005:12
ubotur00723r0: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:12
Thkaalstroganoff, i did more than that, I completely rebuilt the partition.  formatted and everything.05:12
josh__why is noone helping me05:12
UbubeginAnyone knows how to change this skin... *when u click the red button on the top-right corner, which shows the Logout, Switch User and Lock Screen etc..*05:12
slagHey all, I have a nvidia card with an S-video out and was wondering if I can pipe AVI movies out of the ubunt box to my TV?05:12
slagdo i need a special application ?05:12
ThkaalI did a completely clean reinstall of ubuntu.05:13
Stroganoffgutsy? :D05:13
slagyes gutsy05:14
Stroganoffhave you tried alternate cd -> command-line system (install mode)05:14
ZimboSince I'm a somewhat lame Windows user at times, is there a means to set double-clicking a window's "root" menu (the upper left-hand button) to execute "Close" like Windows does?  I used to have a KDE install around that I believe did this, although machine has Gnome on it05:14
Thkaalstroganoff, a different version of ubuntu?  because that cd was brand new, just burned it.05:15
Stroganoffalternate cd is an alternative installer for the current ubuntu (gutsy)05:15
Fryguy--Zimbo: i don't think the default ubuntu window manager supports that.  There are hundreds of window managers available though, i'm sure you can find one that has the feature set you are looking for05:15
fatguygrlffln: you get that?05:15
Thkaali haven't even downloaded gutsy yet, this is all feisty.05:16
ZimboFryguy: OK... it is a Gnome issue rather than a Ubuntu one, right?05:16
leo_rockwZimbo: yeah, what you're describing can be done easily in kde, idk about gnome tho05:16
=== leo_rockw is now known as leo_away
Stroganoffok then Thkaal05:16
Stroganofftry gutsy ;)05:16
ZimboAlright, I'll do some Googling and see what I can find05:16
abhi_help my monitor has gone blank. i don't know what went wrong i think it's displaying at the wrong resolution. i get the login screen but after i log in, the screen goes blank. how to resolve? the machine is working fine, i can ssh to it.05:16
Fryguy--Zimbo: it's neither, it's your window manager05:16
=== ka2u0 is now known as ka2zzzz
Fryguy--abhi_: ssh to it, go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and grab an older version of it05:17
Fryguy--or dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:17
abhi_Fryguy--: wat u mean older version?05:17
Thkaalstroganoff, alright.  and to update to heron, I just save the /home?05:17
StroganoffThkaal, ubuntu.com -> download -> "Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD"05:17
Fryguy--abhi_: i'm assuming you were making changes when it broke?05:17
Thkaalyeah, i know.  already dl'ing05:17
StroganoffThkaal, if your gutsy is running fine, you can just update to heron in a couple of weeks without worrying about /home05:18
ZimboFryguy: My window manager would be Compiz at the moment?05:18
Fryguy--Zimbo: yes05:18
Fryguy--Zimbo: probably05:18
ZimboSo what window manage to Kubuntu use?  (Since KDE is where I've seen this feature before)05:19
Thkaalokay.  i had heard that gutsy had this problem too.05:19
Fryguy--the kde window manager, kwm i think it's called05:19
StroganoffThkaal, start a topic in the forums then05:19
Stroganoffthis channel has its limits ;)05:19
Fryguy--Zimbo: i'd give you recommendations on window managers, but you wouldn't like what i use :)05:19
ZimboAh, gotcha... so desktop managers often have preferred windows managers, although in theory you can mix and match?05:19
Fryguy--Zimbo: yes05:19
StroganoffThkaal, try installing a cmdline system first05:20
=== nino is now known as liEta
ZimboWhere does something like GTK come into all this?  Does a GTK app "talk" (call) the window manager or the desktop manager?  Or both?05:20
ThkaalWill do.  thanks for the help.05:20
Fryguy--Zimbo: gtk has nothing to do with either of those things05:20
Fryguy--gtk is just a mechanism for drawing windows and controls inside of windows on the screen05:21
abhi_Fryguy--: pretty weird i am able to get an output on Vncviewer from my laptop. i checked the resolution using that, its correct for the monitor, i am able to switch resolutions also using vncviewr but i strangely don't get any output on the monitor. why is this happening?05:21
* nikrud wonders if Fryguy-- ever sleeps05:21
ZimboRight, but doesn't gtk itself have to talk to either an X server or a windows manager?05:21
Fryguy--Zimbo: it will communicate directly with x05:21
kindofabuzzwhat would be a good way to delete my XP from one hard drive and then move my ubuntu partition to that hard drive?05:21
Fryguy--abhi_: no idea, i don't use vnc05:21
Ububeginwhich player can play radio channels from *ShoutCast* .. I have tried Rhythmbox and xmms but to no avail05:21
ZimboAnd X will notify the windows manager that will then add decorations to the window?05:21
kindofabuzzand get grub right05:21
Fryguy--Zimbo: yes05:22
Stroganoffkindofabuzz, format xp partition, move your filesystem to that partition and edit grub menu.lst and /etc/fstab accordingly05:22
Stroganoffthat should be it, roughly05:22
ZimboAh, ok, I can see now why theming (more or less) works regardless of whether you have a native GTK app or wxGTK app, etc., then, I guess05:22
kindofabuzzthat's it?05:22
Fryguy--kindofabuzz: yes05:22
RCA`is it possible to install ubuntu on my pc ( i am running windows vista ) i just want to use both, like ubuntu in a different window or something.... ((i do have the original ubuntu cd in my hands))05:22
Fryguy--Zimbo: wxGTK is just a wrapper around gtk to make things easier, it's still gtk05:23
unop__Zimbo, the xserver asks gtk applications to draw themselves to the screen -- the window manager typically asks a gtk application to maximize, minimize, stick, etc05:23
kindofabuzzso when i format the xp part it won't get rid of the grub?05:23
Fryguy--RCA`: it's possible, but not recommended, to install ubuntu inside of windows.  If you really want to install both, look at virtualization programs like virtualbox or vmware05:23
nikrudRCA`: you can either install it on another partition on the drive, and boot alternately, or install vmware-server on your vista and run ubuntu inside that (a window in vista)05:23
Stroganoffkindofabuzz, you could do all that with the livecd including reinstalling grub05:24
bladinhofelips ;D05:24
felipshi, bladinho05:24
Fryguy--kindofabuzz: if you do get rid of grub, you can use a livecd to just reinstall it05:24
abhi_can anyone tell me why do i get a blank screen on my monitor after login? i am able to see this screen on a remote machine using vncviewer though05:24
kindofabuzzwhy would you install linux inside windows?  kinda defeats the purpose05:24
Fryguy--kindofabuzz: not really05:24
ZimboI've written wxWidgets apps before (on PCs), where essentially it's wxWin32 -> win32 GDI calls -> (video card driver, I suppose).  If I write a wxGTK app it's wxGTK -> GTK -> X server which then fires off messages to the window manager and desktop manager?05:24
unop__kindofabuzz, for the inverse of the reason you install windows within linux i suppose :)05:24
individual_elevehello,is there a site in which could help me how to put 2 hard disk on a single pc,i want to use the other hd to install ubuntu05:24
nikrudkindofabuzz: I run windows inside linux, makes better sense to me but some might want the opposite05:25
Fryguy--kindofabuzz: there's plenty of uses to have a linux sandbox like that05:25
jester45how do i change my icon theme? i have the folder in /usr/share/icons/05:25
Stroganoffjester45, using the gnome settings manager05:25
Napoleon98for vbox I need to enable my usb devices in the /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh file, but I'm new to linux so have no idea how to do this...05:25
nikrudjester45: system->prefs->appearance, hit the customize button. Then you can select icon theme05:25
Fryguy--jester45: right click on desktop, hit change background, click on the first tab, then customize, and you'll see an icon tab there05:25
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:26
Stroganoffgoood night05:26
individual_elevehello,is there a site in which could help me how to put 2 hard disk on a single pc,i want to use the other hd to install ubuntu..05:26
jester45ok thanks Fryguy--05:26
bladinhofelips ;D05:26
Fryguy--!rpeeat individual_eleve05:26
unop__Zimbo, you could see it that way but the x-server isn't always the bridge between the application and the window manager05:26
Fryguy--!repeat | individual_eleve05:26
ubotuindividual_eleve: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:26
jester45individual_eleve: not a site but i cant help05:26
nikrudFryguy--: interesting change to the background switcher05:26
Zimbook, thanks unop__05:26
RCA`ok ill download vmware server and ill try it on05:26
jester45individual_eleve: i meant i can05:26
RCA`i don't know what it is but ill find out soonn05:27
Fryguy--nikrud: ?05:27
ZimboAny suggestions -- given that I've done a few wxWidgets apps -- whether it'd be better to try writing Linux apps with GTK++ vs. wxGTK?05:27
StroganoffRCA` wait05:27
StroganoffVMware costs money05:27
Fryguy--Zimbo: wrong channel05:27
nikrudFryguy--: haven't changed the background enough to realize it pulls up gnome-appearance-properties now05:27
individual_eleveok,,can u tell me how..05:27
ZimboGood point, sorry I was getting carried away05:27
Fryguy--nikrud: oh05:27
nikrudStroganoff: no, vmware-server is free05:27
Fryguy--nikrud: back when I was using gnome, I didn't have any panels, so I found it faster to do that than to alt-f2 and start typing05:28
spartan7_question. i am running compiz cube but I cannot see the whole cube. can anyone help?05:28
Stroganoffbut you need machine files too?05:28
unop__Zimbo, it's gtk+ not gtk++ :) and you probably will have better support/progress using the gtk+ api instead05:28
cyborgcan somebody help me, how can i write files biger then 2 GB on my DL drive?05:28
jester45cyborg: what filesystem05:28
unop__cyborg, whats DL ?05:28
* nikrud starts just about everything with alt-f2 now05:28
Fryguy--cyborg: ?05:29
cyborgduble layer05:29
Fryguy--nikrud: you mess with gnome-do at all?05:29
nikrudFryguy--: not yet.05:29
jester45individual_eleve: can you join #viddandme ?05:29
ZimboThanks unop__ ... I'll look into that and get back on topic in this room :-)05:29
StroganoffRCA` http://wubi-installer.org/05:29
nikrudFryguy--: it's not in the repos yet, so I wait, patiently05:30
StroganoffRCA` if it doesn't work, file bug reports ^^05:30
spartan7_anyone know how I can view the whole compiz 3d cube?05:30
nikrudStroganoff: wubi has some issues, RCA` should wait for the hardy version if he's going to use that05:30
geektasticgirlnew to ubuntu, love it.. anyways.. when I installed it, it recognized my nvida 7950gt fine (in my PC).. it set me up at 1920x1200 resolution no problems.  But for some reason after a recent reboot I stuck at max resolution of 1600x1200.  I go to screen resolution and dont' see 1920 option. sigh05:30
jester45individual_eleve: what part are you stuck at ?05:30
RCA`Stroganoff can i run a ircd a eggdrop and a bnc on this ?05:30
Fryguy--nikrud: gnome-do might get me to come back to using a desktop environment again, we'll see (i use quicksilver at work and it's pretty nice)05:30
nikrudgack, I hate this05:30
Fryguy--RCA`: sure, but if that's all you want to do why not just use cygwin if you are determined to stay in windows?05:30
cyborgi have some big .mkv files05:30
RCA`cygwin ?05:31
StroganoffRCA` it's included on the hardy heron alpha 6 iso05:31
Fryguy--cyborg: pretty sure the limit of iso9660 is 2GB05:31
Stroganoffcygwin is a good idea too05:31
unop__cyborg, it might be a limitation of the filesystem05:31
RCA`ok look , my plan is ...05:31
Fryguy--RCA`: www.cygwin.com05:31
cyborgno any chance?05:31
jester45cyborg: you could use split rar files05:31
geektasticgirli can't get 1920x200 any longer.. max is 1600x1200 why?05:31
unop__cyborg, compress or split the files down05:31
RCA`i want to host a ircd (gnuworld compatible) a eggdrop and bnc for undernet ( for me ) someone told me to come here and ask help about it :s05:32
cyborgor make iso?05:32
RCA`i have a ubuntu cd here05:32
StroganoffRCA` http://debian-cygwin.sourceforge.net/05:32
Fryguy--RCA`: this isn't really the appropriate place to be asking about server and application setup05:32
jester45geektasticgirl: try running this in a terminal cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep 192005:32
RCA`i know05:32
Fryguy--we answer ubuntu questions, not linux server administration questions05:32
Ashfire908i'm trying to share a printer with samba but i can't connect to it and a windows coumputer can't either.05:32
geektasticgirlok 1 sec jester05:32
Fryguy--jester45: don't cat | grep :(05:33
Fryguy--jester45: it hurts kittens05:33
unop__cyborg, you could make an iso file but you might not be able to burn it -- or you might be but not be able to read contents of the disc later on05:33
jester45sry its habit05:33
StroganoffRCA`: either use the newest alpha of ubuntu, or use some emulator like "virtualpc" or "vmware", or use cygwin05:33
Napoleon98how would one change /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh to allow usb devices in vbox? I know what i need to change, just not how to, new to linux...05:33
Fryguy--Napoleon98: i'm pretty sure the ose edition of virtualbox doesn't support usb passthrough, might want to check into that05:33
cyborgthen winxp  & nero?05:33
Fryguy--ok i really should go to bed now05:33
geektasticgirljester i get nothing05:33
Fryguy--geektasticgirl: you'll need to add the 1920 resolution  back then,  you deleted it somehow05:34
geektasticgirli have no idea how i deletee it05:34
ZimboThe one thing I still haven't been able to figure out is how to get system beeps in, e.g., a terminal actually produce a sound (being able to select a .wav file would be nice, but anything is better than nothing).  Any ideas?05:34
geektasticgirli just installed system05:34
Fryguy--probably as simple as editing that file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) and finding the 1600x1200 lines and changing it to 192005:34
geektasticgirland didnt' mess with any confs05:34
=== tom_ is now known as tomvolek
cyborgor any other linux distro?05:34
Fryguy--Zimbo: wow you actually like your terminal to beep at you?05:34
geektasticgirlhave no clue how it got deleted05:34
nikrudgeektasticgirl: did you install the restricted driver ?05:34
geektasticgirli was playign with wine resolution, that's it05:34
geektasticgirli have the "New" nvidia driver05:35
Napoleon98the faq said to just delete a comment out of the file, but its read only, and i dunno the terminal script well enough atm to figure it out05:35
ZimboI don't really like the nasty long PC speaker beep, but if I can't have a .wav (or similar) file, I'll take it over nothing05:35
nikrudah, resolutions in wine. Not something I know in the least.05:35
Fryguy--ok i'm going to bed now :(05:35
cyborgok thanks the help05:35
geektasticgirlwell my desktop is 1600x1200 now all the way around lol05:35
Fryguy--5.5 hours is enough :/05:35
nikrudFryguy--: good night05:35
unop__cyborg, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660 does say that 2GB is the maximum file size for a file on the iso-9660 filesystem05:35
geektasticgirlgonna edit theat conf file thanks05:35
ZimboThanks for the help Fryguy!05:35
fbcWhat would be the equivalent to the PUBLIC folder in ubuntu? I'd like to share music with the other users on my computer.05:35
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
fismoll8is nx a better remote desktop server than freenx?05:36
Fryguy--fbc, set up samba or nfs or cifs (google)05:36
Fryguy--fismoll8: xpra is better than both05:36
fbcFryguy--, no, not across the network05:36
unop__fbc, i dont think there is one, but there are a variety of ways you can set something like that up05:36
nikrudgoodnight, Fryguy-- ;)05:36
cyborgahaammmm unoip__05:36
fbcFryguy--, on the same computer05:36
=== lipsin is now known as lipsinOffline
Stroganoffgeektasticgirl, have you tried nvidia-settings?05:36
cyborgahaaammmm unop__05:36
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:36
iskinI'm running 8.04 and when I try to use effects I loose the window border. Does anyone know how to fix this?05:37
geektasticgirlsays: Device : Generic Video card in teh xorg.conf05:37
Fryguy--fbc: oh, there is no default public folder, it would be easy enough to create one.  just pick a location and make it, and make it owned by group "users" with g+rwx permissions on it05:37
Fryguy--and just put it anywhere (/media might be a decent choice)05:37
bazhang!hardy | iskin05:37
ubotuiskin: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:37
fbcunop__, ok any guide or howto?05:37
fbcFryguy--, cool05:38
=== _Magilla is now known as Magilla
geektasticgirlgeez looks like i am gonan have to reinstall unbuntu just tog et this rez working again. cause i have no clue how to edit this file05:38
abhi_Fryguy--: how do i resolve blank monitor issues? the only thing i remember doing is disabling compiz special effects, since then my monitor appears blank05:38
fbcFryguy--, thanx05:38
nikrudgeektasticgirl: try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:38
unop__fbc, sudo mkdir /media/shared; sudo chmod -R 777 /media/shared05:38
geektasticgirlnikrud ok05:38
cyborgthx unop__05:38
Gary_inNYChi, is the latest update libkrb53 legit?05:39
grammwhere is the install directory for gnuplot05:39
unop__cyborg, it's probably why most DVD movies are split down into various .vob files .. the size limit05:39
grammbetter question: where does gnuplot (through the repos) install to?05:39
unop__gramm, find out -- dpkg -L gnuplot05:39
geektasticgirlgonna reboot05:39
grammunop__: thanks05:39
cyborgok  i m not an expert this topic    ...   i m just downloadin some HD movies05:40
Gary_inNYCi just have a quick question about an update prompt i'm getting for "libkrb53"... is it ok to install?05:40
unop__Gary_inNYC, sure05:41
=== Maz is now known as Mazus
owen1i want to temporary unload gnome from memory. is it possible?05:41
owen1or maybe just the gui.05:42
unop__owen1, you'll need to stop the GDM05:42
owen1unop__: can i bring it back?05:42
tritiumowen1: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop05:42
unop__owen1, sure05:42
HinHinsudo /etc/gdm/stop05:42
HinHini think05:42
tritiumHinHin: close05:42
Stroganoffsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:42
HinHindarn :P05:42
HinHinXD yea05:42
tritiumowen1: then, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start, when you want to start it again05:43
Stroganoffowen1, use Ctrl+Alt*F605:43
fismoll8Fryguy: xpra is better than nx?05:43
owen1tritium: and to start :  invoke-rc.d gdm stop05:43
Stroganoffand F7 is back.05:43
owen1tritium: (start)05:43
tritiumowen1: yes05:43
Stroganoffowen1, why do you want to unload it? :D05:43
owen1Stroganoff: thanks05:43
tritiumowen1: F1 through F5 are also valid.  No reason to prefer v.c. 605:44
tonyyarusso!8ball are you a bot05:44
Johnny4tonyyarusso, my 8-ball says how appropriate, you fight like a cow...05:44
fismoll8anyone know of a remote desktop server that is free and faster than nx?05:44
fismoll8I think nx might be the fastest05:44
owen1i have only 512 ram and try to play flightGear. it's amazing flight simulator.05:44
Stroganofftritium, let people have some discoveries of their own :p05:44
thenetduckhey, can someone here help me understand what IBM's DB2 Express -c virtual appliance does?05:44
onefunkanyone using Ardour?05:44
FlyerfyeHey guys, Im having trouble killing a process, Ive tried "killall wormux" and it doesnt work05:44
Stroganoffok owen1, it wont run without xorg05:44
Stroganoffand gdm stops xorg05:45
tritiumStroganoff: he missed my comment, so he essentially did05:45
lartza_I can't compile QuesoGLC, OpenGL Utility missing05:45
Stroganoffi mean stopping gdm stops xorg05:45
unop__Flyerfye, what does killall say when you try and kill that process?05:45
unop__. o 0 ( I tried driving my car and it doesn't work .. ?? )05:46
Flyerfyeit completes without error but the process continues05:46
fismoll8Flyerfye: try killall gnome-panel and killall nautilus05:46
lartza_I can't compile QuesoGLC, OpenGL Utility missing05:46
fismoll8if that doesn't work, type in /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:46
fismoll8then, make sure never to run that program again05:46
unop__Flyerfye, try this -- killall -15 wormux || killall  -9 wormux05:47
Stroganoffowen1, create a special gdm session for flightgear05:47
fismoll8good one unop--killall 9 is a beast05:47
owen1Stroganoff: tritium i am confused.05:47
tritiumowen1: by what?05:47
unop__Flyerfye, why kill nautilus ??05:47
Flyerfyeone of them worked05:47
FlyerfyeI think unops05:47
unop__err fismoll8 why kill nautilus and the gnome-panel?05:47
fismoll8I thought his program had to do with one of them05:47
Stroganoffowen1, stopping gdm will prevent games from working.05:47
Flyerfyebut the gnome panel and nautilus did nothing05:47
neohow to install modems in ubuntu? laptop model hp 9601au05:47
Flyerfyeso.... thanks05:47
lartza_I can't compile QuesoGLC, OpenGL Utility missing05:47
owen1Stroganoff: why?05:48
jhonovichhow can i kill multiple processes at once, i know the pid numbers for each process05:48
tritiumStroganoff: because it stops X05:48
unop__fismoll8, he's trying to kill something called wormuz05:48
lartza_owen1: They depend on drivers what X runs05:48
unop__fismoll8, and kill -9 should be used sparingly -- which is why i used -15 first05:48
owen1Stroganoff: mmm.05:48
Stroganoffowen1, there is a way05:48
lartza_I can't compile QuesoGLC, OpenGL Utility missing05:48
Bongrips4lifehi.  i am new to ubuntu and was having a hard time with amarok05:48
Stroganoffyou know how to use the terminal and sudo?05:49
unop__jhonovich, for i in pid1 pid2 ..; do kill $i; done05:49
Bongrips4lifeit plays a mp3 file but i dont get sound05:49
owen1Stroganoff: yes. i am actually using irssi now.05:49
tonyyarusso!dialup | neo05:49
ubotuneo: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up05:49
jhonovichunop__:  sweet, thanks05:49
Bongrips4lifei know my speakers are working i dont know what is wrong05:49
Stroganoffowen1, find this settings dialogue in ubuntu: http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c101/scottgm/Screenshot-Sessions.png05:50
owen1Stroganoff: ok. thank you!05:50
tritiumowen1: are you good?  I'm going to bed, unless you have another question for me?05:50
owen1tritium: no. but thanks for the help!05:50
tritiumowen1: no problem.  Good night.05:50
onefunkanyone using Ardour?05:51
lartza_I can't compile QuesoGLC, OpenGL Utility missing05:51
levanderHas anyone else checked out Magnatune on rhythmbox?  How do I get rid of the lady who counts tracks in between in each song?05:52
owen1Stroganoff: my session screen looks different. i am using 7.1005:52
neoactually i could not find any drivers for my modem05:52
Stroganoffowen1 create a session05:52
ZimboI'm reading about the slocate command here, and it says that typically 'updatedb' is run by a scheduled job every day or week... how do I verify whether or not that job is scheduled?05:52
Stroganoffowen1 a new session. it must not contain "gnome-session" but "xterm"05:52
lartza_I can't compile QuesoGLC, OpenGL Utility missing05:52
ChrisULMhey guys, whenever i open up "movie player" it opens up in fullscreen and I cant close the window. the only way to get it to close is by using alt+f4. Any ideas?05:53
owen1Stroganoff: how to create new one?05:53
unop__Zimbo, the job is a cronjob -- and it should be in /etc/cron.d/daily05:53
Stroganoffclick the button05:53
lartza_I can't compile QuesoGLC, OpenGL Utility missing05:53
Stroganoffit dont use gnome, owen105:53
Stroganoffotherwise, use this help file or similar, owen105:53
co_maniescah ganteng05:53
Zimbounop__: The only thing in /etc/cron.d is a file named anacron?  (and .placeholder)05:54
owen1Stroganoff: in my sessions form, i don't have this button.05:54
lartza_one problem: libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/libasound.la' or unhandled argument `/usr/lib/libasound.la'05:54
ZimboAh, but there are other cron directories (looking now)05:54
Zimbocron.daily is where it is05:54
ZimboCool, thanks unop05:55
ZimboIf your PC has been powered off do all the "missed" cron jobs run when you next power it up & log on?05:55
lartza_HOw can I install OpenGL Utility? I can't compile QuesoGLC05:55
Stroganoffowen1 there are two way: use sudo and a text editor (like nano) and edit in /etc/gnome/sessions05:55
Stroganoffor use that alternative method, owen1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomXSession05:55
nikrudZimbo: a few minutes later, yes.05:55
Stroganoffowen1, i cant help you with buttons for i have no gnome.05:56
ZimboThanks nikrud.  (Looking at some jobs...)  I see they 'nice' themselves... clever folks, those linux guys...05:56
nikrudZimbo: /etc/init.d/anacron handles that05:56
owen1Stroganoff: what do u have instead?05:56
Stroganoffsome mix up of xfce and icewm05:56
Stroganoffowen1 i will post a minimal install script on the forums soon, stay tuned :D05:57
lartza_I'm using gnome, what's your problem?05:57
Stroganoffuntil then, use above methods.05:57
owen1Stroganoff: install of what, icewm? is it a gnome replacement?05:58
lartza_owen1: Gome or metacity replacement05:58
ZimboGoodnight guys, thanks for all the help05:58
Stroganofflartza_, he wants to create a minimal gdm session in order to play a flight simulator05:58
lartza_Stroganoff: I can't play it neither, I mean FlightGear05:58
owen1i can play. but not full screen.05:59
lartza_owen1: Maybe try sudo apt-get install icewm and icewm --replace?05:59
unop__Stroganoff, he can do away with the GDM completely -- and start XFCE/Fluxbox from a terminal05:59
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Stroganoffjust create a minimal GDM or X session damnit05:59
howdyhoYou guys I have a question.. you don't have to tell me HOW to do it.. just if it's possible.. I'll try to find the answer somewhere05:59
unop__!ask | howdyho05:59
ubotuhowdyho: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:59
owen1lartza_: sure. but i first want to try Stroganoff idea.06:00
Stroganoffthats right unop__06:00
howdyhoSorry =(06:00
lartza_mine would be easier...06:00
Stroganoffread this wiki page06:00
lartza_helped for me with couple games06:00
howdyhoWell the question is: The menu where I get to pick the sessions in the beginning when I log in. Is there a way to have multiple gnome sessions each with a different theme?06:00
owen1Stroganoff: lartza_ ok. i will. but the idea is to get rid of gnome but still keep X?06:00
Stroganoffand the ability to choose06:01
Stroganoffbut it would be more user friendly for you to just edit /etc/gnome/sessions/06:01
lartza_owen1: That doesn't remove gnome, only metacity with a little more lightweight wm06:01
owen1lartza_: Stroganoff: btw, i don't have sessions file inside gnome folder.06:03
Stroganoffi mean /etc/gdm/sessions06:03
Stroganoffi wrote it 3 times, one of them was wrong :D06:03
bullgard4What is th purpose of the kernel thread pdflush?06:03
owen1Stroganoff: i don't have it there either.06:03
Stroganoff/etc/gdm/sessions/ is a directory, owen106:04
lartza_I have modified gnome session to use icewm and it was a pain to get back to metacity because i didnt remeber the file and nobody didnt know how to help06:04
lartza_Stroganof: owen1: No06:04
Stroganofflartza_ then DONT MODIFY the session06:04
owen1Stroganoff: i don't have this folder..06:04
StroganoffBUT create a new one06:04
lartza_It's not the folder06:05
unop__lartza_, probably was ~/.xinitrc06:05
Stroganoffyeah it might be /etc/X11/gdm/Session/06:05
unop__lartza_, do you use the GDM ?06:05
lartza_unop_ it was session06:05
lartza_unop_ and already fixed06:05
lartza_Stroganoff: No it should be on home dir06:06
unop__lartza_, i was going to say, you could use the GDM to pick and set the default session06:06
owen1Stroganoff: no gdm folder there.06:06
lartza_its in home dir, but ill search what dir06:06
Stroganoffowen1, i hope you have bookmarked this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession?highlight=%28Session%2906:07
owen1i thought that ubuntu-gnome=debian...was i totaly wrong?06:07
Stroganoffno you were almost right ^^06:08
owen1Stroganoff: bookmarked06:08
howdyhoIn menu where I get to pick the sessions in the beginning when I log in. Is there a way to have multiple gnome sessions each with a different theme?06:08
lartza_here ~/.gnome2/session06:08
lartza_i used that06:08
unop__howdyho, sure -- you can use GDM to startup on different displays or have GDM nested in another display via XNest06:09
owen1lartza_: i don't have session folder there.06:10
AdemoSGetting Evince crashes in Ubuntu 7.10 64 bit. Here's the log: http://pastebin.ca/94996106:10
lartza_owen1: It should be session file06:10
owen1lartza_: no session file there.06:11
lartza_owen1: Then I don't know, not the biggest ubuntu geek around here06:11
Stroganoffhowdyho, have you looked into System->Preferences->More Preferences->Sessions06:12
owen1lartza_: np. thanks.06:12
howdyhounop_: I'm sorry I have no idea what that means.. I just started using Linux last night06:12
howdyhostroganoff: I'm there now.. Nothing that looks useful =/06:13
Stroganoffowen1, there it is (maybe): /usr/share/xsessions/06:14
unop__howdyho, this is what i mean - http://dailypackage.fedorabook.com/uploads/2007-08-02-Xnest2.png06:14
unop__howdyho, another - http://dailypackage.fedorabook.com/uploads/2007-08-09-Xephyr.png06:14
AdemoSnevermind, figured it out06:14
owen1Stroganoff: yes.06:14
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owen1Stroganoff: i have gnome.desktog file inside.06:15
Stroganoffcreate a new gaming.desktop file06:15
howdyhoThat's not what I meant.. But I'll be playing around with those later06:15
owen1Stroganoff: before i start. is it risky?06:15
howdyhoWhat I meant was: Right at the beginning.. when I first log in.. How can I have multiple options for different gnome themes06:15
Stroganoffno, owen106:16
Stroganoffjust dont delete your gnome.desktop06:16
owen1Stroganoff: ok. 1 sec06:16
howdyhoJust like how I can choose between gnome and enlightenment06:16
howdyhoBut GnomeX and GnomeY or something06:16
Stroganoffowen1, http://pastebin.se/19387606:16
Stroganoffhowdyho, the same for you06:16
Byron54Hi, i just installed ubuntu 64bit for the 1st time, but the ubuntu loading screen doesnt show up when ubuntu is booting up06:17
Stroganoffcreate a new file in /usr/share/xsessions/06:17
jmdcI am having problems importing the gedit module in python. all of the gedit plugins work, and they all import gedit, but if I start a python shell and do import gedit I get module not found errors06:17
Nergari was trying to install skype(x86) in a x86_64 system following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype#head-6c3cbecd1f1ecd4388bde1462ee364bb57e4533b but now when i boot GDM fails to start :'(06:17
owen1Stroganoff: done. what's next?06:17
Stroganoffhowdyho http://pastebin.se/193876 thats the basic structure of a sessions file. instead of xterm you want "enlightment" or "enlightment-session" or something06:17
Byron54ubuntu is booting fine, but instead of that loading screen (with the orange progress bar) the screen goes blank06:18
Stroganoffowen1, if you have created a valid new .deskop file, just logout into GDM and choose it06:18
Stroganoffthen from xterm, fire up flightgear06:18
jimmywwwi need some help will someone please help06:18
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:18
howdyhoso if I put Gnome in there.. It'll be a completely different Gnome than the one I'm using now?06:19
owen1Stroganoff:  invoke-rc.d gdm stop ?06:19
Stroganoffno owen106:19
jimmywwwi have just got given a x-sersis 22006:19
jimmywwwand i would like to install xubuntu on it06:19
Stroganoffowen1, are you in gnome? if yes: just log out06:19
jimmywwwi have the cd06:19
jimmywwwbut i cant get06:20
Stroganoffthen you are at the graphical login prompt where you can choose ur new session06:20
jimmywwwit to do anything06:20
owen1Stroganoff: can i do it from the command line?06:20
jimmywwwbut go thru the bios06:20
jimmywwwcan someone help06:20
Stroganoffjimmywww, xseries 220?06:20
Stroganoffowen1: invoke-rc.d gdm start06:21
Stroganoffowen1: then ctrl+alt+F706:21
Stroganoffthen choose session06:21
jimmywwwwas used as a server i think before i got it06:21
owen1Stroganoff: after i log out. i will not be in the irc anymore so i need to understand what to do...06:21
Byron54hmmm just looked on the forum, looks like its my video card (Nvidia 8600GTS) and there are apparently no fixes06:21
ArthialasHello, can anyone help me with network problems?06:21
Stroganoffowen1 i won't explain to you a dozen times06:22
jimmywwwso what does anyone recommend06:22
Stroganoffat your login screen you can choose between "GNOME" and "GAMING"06:22
Stroganoffjust open your eyes and dont **** ur *****06:22
jimmywwwi have the computer right next to me and the live cd is in the drive06:22
owen1Stroganoff: ok. let me right all the stuff u wrote.06:22
Stroganoffjimmywww WHAT is your problem?06:22
Stroganoffowen1 just start gdm06:22
Stroganoffnothing will break06:23
olieHi all. From sound juicer, I cannot extract to mp3. After editing the sound profiles and enabling the mp3 profile, I can not select it!!! Any idea? Thx.06:23
Stroganoffyou can come back here if you just dont get it06:23
jimmywwwstroganoff, i cant get it to boot into the live cd06:23
pat6starArthiala: what's your problem?06:23
ArthialasI can't get system to connect to the wireless network, can anyone help?06:23
pat6starArthialas: what's your problem?06:23
Stroganoffjimmywww, use the alternate cd instead06:23
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal06:23
jimmywwwor any cd06:23
olieI have the impression something is broken in the sound profiles' system!06:23
howdyhoStroganoff: I can't write anything to /usr/share/xsessions06:23
mkquistjimmywww: have u set ur bios to boot from cd first?06:24
howdyhoOr copy for that matter06:24
Stroganoffjimmywww, go into the bios setup and change boot priority06:24
pat6starArthialas: are you using wep, wpa wpa2?06:24
jimmywwwi have done that06:24
mike__is there a defult fire wall in ubuntu ?06:24
mkquistjimmywww: and it still wont boot to any disc, even ones you know work?06:24
owen1Stroganoff: ok. i am scared but i guess i have no choice..06:24
Byron54anybody here had problems with Nvidia 8600GTS card?06:24
jimmywwwmkquist, i am unsure but i think thats the case, this live cd has worked for me before06:25
owen1Stroganoff: ok.  1 sec06:25
pat6starByron54: besides the price?06:25
Byron54pat6star:  :) mine was cheap06:25
mkquistjimmywww: and you have tried other discs that have worked?06:25
Stroganoffif it breaks, hit ctrl+alt+backspace06:25
owen1Stroganoff: ok06:25
Stroganoffyou will be back at login06:25
Byron54pat6star: but my boot splash screen doesnt show up06:25
Arthialasnope, it's just a plain wireless06:25
pat6starByron54: lol, mine wasn't, but no...I don't have any problems with it...ubuntu detected mine and worked right out of the box06:25
jimmywwwmkquist, no other cd works06:26
sFEARshow do i change the color of the screen that shows while booting between the login window & the desktop06:26
pat6starArthialas: what is the result of typing ifconfig?06:26
tieTYT2how can i redirect to a file that is named the current date every time i use it?06:26
Byron54pat6star: everything else works fine just my screen goes into standby while ubuntu is loading06:26
mkquistjimmywww: id try to burn the live cd again.  Maybe it was 'marginal' and now it just fails.  That's the only thing I can think of...06:26
StroganoffsFEARs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto?highlight=%28usplash%2906:27
phobos_anomalySEND DCC _HELLO_HELLO_HELLO_06:27
mkquistjimmywww: i know people say it doesnt matter, but burn the new one slow...06:27
Arthialasactually i'm new to linux, what are the normal procedures?06:27
mike__is there a defult fire wall in ubuntu ?06:27
mkquistjimmywww: what kinda media do you use?  I know I buy the cheap stuff and usually it works, but...06:27
mkquistmike__: yes, its built in.. called iptables06:28
jimmywwwmkquist, i have 3 copys of the live cd and 1 has been burned really slow it doesn't work either06:28
pat6starByron54: have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to see if it auto-detects the right settings?06:28
mkquistmike__: usually u dont have to  mess with it, but if you want a gui frontedn for it, install firestarter06:28
mike__well i got my modem set for DMZ mode id like to forward a port in ububnt ...06:28
jmdctieTYT2: you can do something like this: echo foo > `date FORMAT`06:29
sFEARsStroganoff, i already have the usplash configured.. then right before the desktop loads after the usplash & login window it splashes a screen for about 5 seconds in the original ubuntu yellow/orange. curious about that one06:29
jmdcsee man date06:29
StroganoffsFEARs sorry that was the wrong one06:29
Byron54pat6star: no i will try that now06:29
jimmywwwmkquist, i think the problem might be the computer and getting it to boot of the cd06:29
mkquistjimmywww: maybe time for a new download then.  have u checked the midsums?06:29
mkquistjimmywww: could be, but if others work...  I'd try that first before giving up06:29
mike__thanks mkquist :p06:29
sFEARsduh... nevermind, i found it06:30
mkquistmike__: np06:30
StroganoffsFEARs, you have to edit the gnome session for that06:30
Stroganoffnot sure06:30
pat6starArthialas: what program are you using for wireless network connections? can you connect the computer you are having wireless problesm with via a cable?06:30
jimmywwwmkquist, others dont work06:30
owen1Stroganoff: i typed invoke-rc.d gdm start    and it say "starting gnome display manager..."06:30
Byron54pat6star: No X server known for your video hardware06:30
mkquistjimmywww: oh, well, not sure then, sorry, I'm outa ideas06:30
Stroganoffowen1, press ctrl+alt+f706:30
mkquistjimmywww: maybe try a new cd/dvd drive?06:31
Stroganoff!behave | Stroganoff06:31
howdyhoHey Stroganoff06:31
Byron54what does that mean? wrong drivers? im using the nvida-glx-new06:31
howdyhoJust one minute of your time06:31
jimmywwwmkquist, that wont be possible06:31
mkquistjimmywww: or first check ur cables, sometimes they can be a prob, make sure ur jumpers are correct too06:31
tux97what about pressing a key to do a one time boot process?06:31
mkquistjimmywww: check the basics first06:31
jimmywwwdoing that06:31
mkquistjimmywww: g/l06:31
lartza_does gpl offer anyone right to modify the program?06:32
mike__are there applications that i can use on ubuntu that will enable me to convert an Avi file to DVD ?06:32
Arthialasit's a default network tools in ubuntustudio, i think it is called "NetworkTools"? I can try a cable connection, would that help?06:32
owen1Stroganoff: nothing (visual) happened.06:32
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howdyhoOh shit you guys I erased everything in my gnome.desktop file by mistake06:32
lartza_howdyho: dont save it?06:33
Stroganoffowen1, switch to all your F keys, somewhere is the GDM login prompt06:33
lartza_use undo06:33
mariohola, alguien habla castellano?06:33
Stroganoffi dont use a login manager like GDM so..06:33
tieTYT2how can i redirect to a file that is named the current date every time i use it?06:33
howdyhoNo no.. I played around with it 10 mins ago06:34
lartza_mario: This is an english channel06:34
howdyhoNow I opened it and it's blank06:34
owen1Stroganoff: not sure if i understand what u mean. do u want me to try ctrl+alt+F1...F12 ?06:34
mariobuenas noches, quisiera saber si alguno de ustedes habla castelllano06:34
Stroganoffhowdyho how have you managed that06:35
Stroganoffhowdyho it dazzles me06:35
howdyhoI have no idea06:35
howdyhoI opened it up in notepad and it was gone06:35
jimmywwwmkquist, cables fine06:35
howdyhoor whatever the ubuntu equivelant is06:35
mariook, gracias06:35
Stroganoffyeah right06:36
Stroganoffhowdyho http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60261/06:36
Stroganoffthere you go06:36
mike__are there applications that i can use on ubuntu that will enable me to convert an Avi file to DVD ?06:36
owen1Stroganoff: can u elaborate about the last message?06:36
aanybody know when hardy beta will be launch06:36
Stroganoffowen1, press ctrl+alt+f1 then ....f2 ...f3 until you see your graphical gdm login screen06:37
Stroganoffotherwise reboot, then you WILL see that login screen for sure06:37
owen1Stroganoff: ok06:37
Stroganoffhowdyho, did you use sudo to open that file?06:38
howdyhoyes *embarrassed*06:38
Stroganoffthats ok06:38
Stroganoffi just dont get how you deleted it06:38
howdyhoNeither do I06:38
Stroganoffdont use "notepad"06:38
Stroganoffuse "nano" instead in a terminal window06:38
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howdyhoJust to clear things up06:39
owen1_Stroganoff: i see black screen, no GUI...thanks god i use irssi. what's next?06:39
howdyhoso if I make a file called gnome2.desktop.. with the Name Gnome206:39
Stroganoffowen1_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:39
howdyhoIf I use GDM to log in to that.. it'll be a completely different session?06:39
Stroganoffyes, howdyho06:40
howdyhoThanx.. I'm off to try it out06:40
owen1_Stroganoff: sure, but please explain what's going on, i am scared.06:40
Stroganoffrestarting gdm should bring up the login screen at ctrl+alt+f706:41
owen1_Stroganoff: what is gdm?06:41
unop__the display manager06:41
ZeronGnome Display Manager06:41
Stroganoffgdm manages login and X (graphical core)06:41
owen1_Stroganoff: ok. i'll try restart06:42
unop__Stroganoff, I should say it doesnt necessarily manage the xserver tho because the xserver is independant of the display manager06:42
Stroganoffthats right unop__06:42
Stroganoffthx for ur help ;)06:42
howdyhoStrog my man06:43
jimmywwwso can anyone help me06:43
howdyhoGnome works fine (thank god)06:43
howdyhoBut Gnome and Gnome2 are exact copies of one another06:43
howdyhochange one thing in one and the same change is reflected in the other06:44
Stroganoffyou have to edit the the gnome2.desktop file06:44
howdyhoWhat do I have to edit in it?06:44
unop__jimmywww, whats up?06:44
Stroganoffto manage different settings is not so easy ^^06:44
howdyhoI changed the name in the file.. same thing06:45
Stroganoffyou have to invoke "gnome-session" with customized environment variables06:45
howdyhoI don't need different settings.. just different themes06:45
Stroganoffyou have to look tnto that06:45
howdyhoAny clues on where to start looking?06:45
jimmywwwunop__,today i have been give an x-series 220, and i would like to install xubuntu or ubuntu on it, but i cant get it to boot to cd i have set the bios to boot off cd first06:46
tarkusomg guys!06:46
Nergari was trying to install skype(x86) in a x86_64 system following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype#head-6c3cbecd1f1ecd4388bde1462ee364bb57e4533b but now when i boot GDM fails to start :'(06:46
tarkusim gonna poop06:46
tarkusim gonna poop06:46
unop__howdyho, you could install xnest and use gdmxnest to startup GDM within your current session06:46
jimmywwwwhen it boots it seems to ignore there is a cd in the drive06:46
Nergargdm: error while loading shared libraries06:46
* tarkus poops all over the kitchen and smothers it all into a nice little bun sandwich.06:47
Nergarwrong ELF class06:47
unop__jimmywww, did you burn that CD? was it burnt properly?06:47
howdyhoBut would it allow different themes for different gnome sessions?\06:47
jimmywwwcd is burnt correctly has been used before06:47
tux97jimmyww try wipeing off the cd and see if u can press the one time boot key06:47
jimmywwwwhat is that06:47
tux97varies on puters mine on my dell 1521 is f1206:48
unop__jimmywww, have you tried booting some other minimal linux distro?06:48
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tux97jimmyww how fast is your puter?06:49
jimmywwwunop__, no but im almost cetain thats not the problem as before i got the computer it was used in a school as a serve06:49
jimmywwwnot sure06:49
jimmywwwabout server06:49
jimmywwwit got wiped before i got it06:50
tacosaladis there an ubuntu program equal to access?06:51
jimmywwwthe computer say on "server" and in another spot "x-series 220"06:51
owen1strongarm: ok. i am back and now the gui is back. what's next?06:51
unop__jimmywww, well, you could try -- there are some tiny boot cds out there -- that'll rule out the CD and perhaps find fault with the drive, it's probable that the drive could be misbehaving06:51
ompaul!enter | jimmywww06:51
ubotujimmywww: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:51
ompaul!bootoptions | jimmywww06:51
ubotujimmywww: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions06:51
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:52
unop__jimmywww, ^^ about 50MB (when i last checked)06:52
unop__sorry, 10 mb :)06:52
Stroganoffowen1, on the edge of the login screen should be the sessions menu06:52
Stroganoffthere you can choose your gaming session06:52
owen1so i neet to log out again, choose the gaming session and fire the game from command line?06:53
owen1Stroganoff: cool. let me try06:54
Gary_inNYCshould i be worried that my filesystem is 9.9% non-contiguous?06:55
AvlancheCan anyone help me with the 041e:4055 (web cam) Linux Drivers06:57
grammis there a way the motu's can update gnuplot in the repos?06:57
unop__gramm, sure, it's their job, is it not? :)06:58
Stroganoffgramm: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess06:58
Napoleon98ok i have a fun retarded question... im using a howto guide to let me use vbox and connect to my wireless card.. it says to use parprouted, and when I use that command line it switches to a new command prompt... how do I use it since it seems to basically be a word editor? or more accurately how would i save what im typing in it?06:58
unop__gramm, well, it depends on what they can do in terms of modifying source to change functionality --- but sure, they sometimes do06:58
Gary_inNYCit seems the more i use my computer, slowly but surely that non-contiguous %age increases.  When should I get concerned?  Should I be?06:59
StroganoffGary_inNYC: sudo apt-get install defrag06:59
jimmywwwmimmal cd does not work either06:59
jimmywwwbut i forgot to say06:59
jimmywwwi goess thru all this stuff the gets stuck07:00
jimmywwwat a screen07:00
unop__jimmywww, can you describe the screen?07:00
jimmywwwwhere, it is illustrating a floppy disk going it07:00
Gary_inNYCim using ext3, would that defrag utility work?07:00
tarkuslet me know what you guys think of this idea for a project. do you think it could gain a respectful base of users? would you join if it was well designed and had potential?07:00
tarkusa collaboration system for members to share ideas and concepts for respective areas. there would be discussion and rating systems so the concepts discussed would mature quickly. this would be similar to ted.com but rather creating collective notions as a community.07:00
StroganoffGary_inNYC, yes07:01
tarkuswould be a great way to brainstorm new ideas for opensource, design, and of course many others.07:01
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u0
tarkusdevelopers can use this as a tool to give them ideas that the users would like to see.07:01
jimmywwwunop__: it also motions toward pressing f107:01
howdyhoIs there a way to install Gnome twice?07:01
howdyhoSo that the first installation is completely unrelated to the second07:02
unop__jimmywww, i dont think thats anything i've seen on a linux CD booting --07:02
tarkuswhat do you guys think of that project idea? ^^07:02
jimmywwwi havent got the live cd to boot07:02
jimmywwwthats the problem07:02
unop__jimmywww, do you reckon it's one of the system's screens then, a BIOS or utility screen?07:02
grammunop__: thanks07:03
howdyhotarkus: Everyone has an idea.. How many people are actually going to start working on them though?07:03
jimmywwwi dont know,07:03
jimmywwwi you give me five mins i will take a photo07:03
unop__jimmywww, hmm, have a windows CD you can try out?07:03
Stroganofftarkus, such project do exist07:03
Stroganoffkind of07:03
Gary_inNYCwow, that defrag utility is just a delete and rewrite task... that'll take forever heh07:03
unop__jimmywww, ok, take a photo then07:03
tarkushowdyho, very, very few. thats the point of this site, because people have ideas but leave them since they wouldnt get to doing it, so why not share it so others might if they know about it?07:04
grammhowdyho: anybody with enough tine and interest to take up the crusade07:04
unop__Gary_inNYC, I reckon it only rewrites files that are fragmented -- so as to not take forever07:04
ompauljimmywww, go into the bios and (A) tell it to boot off the CD rom and (B) check what processor and ram is in there and disk drives07:04
Ububeginshit,I accidently deleted my top panel... what do i do now... :~(07:04
tarkushowdyho, plus the initial concept tat someones starts, WILL branch out into a more mature and better presented idea.07:04
StroganoffUbubegin: Alt+F2 -> gnome-panel07:05
Gary_inNYCi thought in general I'm not supposed to worry about file fragmentation in linux?07:05
tarkushowdyho, for any develper to adopt into his software as a feature or something new.07:05
howdyhoWell it does sound like something that'll work if implemented right07:05
hanasakiwhat is a good pda/phone that runs ubuntu07:05
jimmywwwompaul,  will do that as well07:05
StroganoffGary_inNYC, contagiousy isn't fragmentation07:05
Gary_inNYCso is there any real benefit of using such a tool?07:06
howdyhoYou just gotta work on making it appealing to the developers and not people who think it's a place to ask for programming favors07:06
unop__Gary_inNYC, that's true -- it's a trivial worry -- the filesystems do a good job of keeping files well organised-- but not to perfection, so sometimes defragmentation might be needed (but i cant think of any scenarios)07:06
StroganoffGary_inNYC i would say so07:06
UbubeginStroganoff : I get this *I've detected a panel already running,and will now exit.*07:06
tarkushowdyho, we need to be convinced that it would generate a decent base of contributors, but once we are. we're commited for the long haul to make it work well.07:06
StroganoffUbubegin: Alt+F2 -> xterm -> killall gnome-panel07:07
unop__Ububegin, ALT+F2 - killall gnome-panel && gnome-panel07:07
Stroganofftarkus, just join existing projects07:07
unop__tarkus, sounds like microsoft :)07:08
Stroganofflike svn07:08
=== Mattz is now known as MatBoy
xjkxi did apt-get remove gnome* on my usb-ubuntu and it doesnt boot anymore :s what did i remove in that big list that messed up ?07:08
tarkusunop__, despite your hatred, certain things about microsoft are good..07:09
unop__xjkx, errm, it should boot up -- thought you might not get a graphical display07:09
AvlancheCan anyone help me with the 041e:4055 (web cam) Linux Drivers07:09
unop__tarkus, you infer wrong, i dont hate microsoft -- and by that implication, your project is a good idea :)07:09
tarkusunop__, and what im thinking doesnt steel people money or constrain them in proprietary and commercial cages.07:09
Stroganofftarkus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_collaborative_software07:09
xjkxunop__, yea :/ ubuntu-desktop was removed in that list, is it bad ?07:09
owen1Stroganoff: it worked but most of the keys on the keyboard didn't work...07:09
owen1Stroganoff: so i couldn't play it.07:10
UbubeginStroganoff : no use, even after killall, i still get the same msg..when i do this *Alt+F2 -> gnome-panel*07:10
Stroganoffthats odd07:10
unop__xjkx, well, no -- ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage that pulls in all the other gnome packages -- it can be safely removed to no ill-effect07:10
StroganoffUbubegin: xterm -> ps -all07:10
UbubeginStroganoff : will restarting ubuntu work...07:11
unop__xjkx, what worries me is that by removing all gnome* packages, you might have rendered your system without a graphical display07:11
xjkxunop__, no, i have fluxbox07:11
unop__xjkx, do you get to a console/virtual terminal at all?07:11
tarkusStroganoff, yeah, these are all methods of working a "current" project. and the ideas would be tied to it, either improving it or adding something it lacks..07:11
xjkxit says there is nothing to load on usb07:11
Stroganoffxjkx, just reinstall gnome-desktop07:11
Stroganoff(haven't read everything)07:11
xjkxStroganoff, hard, if usb-flashdriver doesnt boot07:12
jimmywwwunop__: http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/2366/img0928at2.jpg07:12
UbubeginStroganoff: when am i supposed to do now :?07:12
Nergari was trying to install skype(x86) in a x86_64 system following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype#head-6c3cbecd1f1ecd4388bde1462ee364bb57e4533b but now when i boot GDM fails to start :'(07:12
tarkusStroganoff, but im thinking of something to convey general ideas.07:12
Nergarwrong ELF class07:12
Ububeginwhat i mean07:12
Stroganoff!paste | Ububegin07:12
ubotuUbubegin: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:12
=== lipsinOffline is now known as lipsin
xjkxunop__, you know when you try to turn on a machine without HD ? and there is a message printed out that there is nothing to load, its like that the message i get07:12
Stroganofftarkus, i know that07:13
owen1Stroganoff: maybe it's because i have a bluetooth keyboard?07:13
xjkxmight have removed something in mbr of this - crazy/random guess-07:13
unop__jimmywww, yea, does look like one of the systems utility screens -- it's probably waiting for you to insert a boot floppy from the looks of it -- time to revisit the BIOS and see what else can be changed07:13
=== ka2u0 is now known as ka2zzzz
Stroganoffowen1, you have xterm in the gaming session, right?07:14
jimmywwwhttp://img156.imageshack.us/img156/2366/img0928at2.jpg is a picture of that thing i was trying to discribe if a let the computer to run07:14
owen1Stroganoff: don't know what xterm is.07:14
xjkxdoes anybody know if qemu can load a bootable usb-flashdriver ? i could test more here, without rebooting over and over :p07:14
jimmywwwunop__: so what do you want me to do07:14
owen1Stroganoff: where is the location of this file again?07:15
jimmywwwi shall start up the computer and enter bios07:15
Stroganoffgo to you gaming session and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:15
unop__jimmywww, well, i'd check the BIOS again -- there might be other options that need setting07:15
unop__jimmywww, yes07:15
Stroganoffowen: /usr/share/xsessions/07:15
owen1Stroganoff: ok. 1 sec07:15
tarkusStroganoff, k. do you think it might work well?07:15
jimmywwwunop__: what should i be looking for07:15
Stroganofftarkus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainstorming#Software07:16
unop__jimmywww, i can't be specific -- but something along the lines of -- first boot device - or - {get rid of annoying screen wanting me to insert floppy drive} :)07:16
Stroganoffi meant log out to your gaming session07:17
Stroganoffnot edit the file07:17
unop__jimmywww, what do the various function keys do ?? have you tried pressing them ?07:17
unop__jimmywww, @ that screen07:17
owen1Stroganoff: sure. i am writing down the stuff u wrote.07:18
huntekeso, I see http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/94/ (suspend, #1 idea), and have read some of the comments, such as "this is extremely difficult for many factors".  Is there any momentum on this front, despite the many factors?07:18
owen1Stroganoff: after i run this command, try play the game?07:18
Stroganoffno, logout again07:18
owen1Stroganoff: and..07:19
Stroganoffor better ctrl+alt+backspace07:19
Stroganofflogin and play07:19
Stroganoffbut i have no high hopes07:19
Stroganoffyou should start a topic in the forums about your keyboard and your minmal gdm session07:19
jimmywwwunop__, nothing f1 restarts07:19
owen1Stroganoff: should i try cord keyboard?07:20
Stroganoffif all fails, yes07:20
Stroganoffi gotta go now07:20
owen1Stroganoff: thanks!07:20
Stroganoffnp ;)07:20
tarkusStroganoff, molecularthinking might be the closest thing to it, but its still very far away form it.07:20
unop__jimmywww, you could refer to the products manual which might be available on the manufacturers website07:20
jimmywwwi will try07:20
Stroganofftarkus: no reason to start from scratch07:21
jimmywwwi got some more photos of it07:21
jimmywwwuploading now07:21
Stroganoffok its not OSS tarkus07:22
tarkusStroganoff, so you're saying to work with whoever is behind molecularthinking and transform it into something else (if they aprove)07:22
Stroganoffso you may have to start from scratch07:22
glitchI'm new to Ubuntu and have got a question07:22
unop__glitch, ask :)07:23
xjkxglitch, ask07:23
kill_me2I have a question about mounting a ntfs drive in ubuntu07:23
glitchum, I installed it, without it being connected to the internet and it said it needed to connect to get the updates, so when it was all finished, i connected it, and it said it was up to date07:24
glitchbut it wasn't and i don't understand how to make it update07:24
glitchi ended up reinstalling while it was connected and then it downloaded like 200 updates07:24
unop__glitch, i suggest you enable the various repositories and try updating then-- you should see a slew of updates waiting to be installed07:25
glitchhow do you do that?07:25
Hamleddoes anybody have an opinion on which non-adobe flash library/plug-in works best? The proprietary one keeps dying randomly on my system (not sure if it would be affected by compiz or not)07:25
unop__glitch, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources07:25
jimmywwwunop__, http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/1230/img0930oj2.jpg07:26
chris062689So how is everyone tonight?07:26
xjkxchris062689, quiting07:26
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chris062689I'm quite happy, I was able to shave a 3.4 GB Ubuntu installation down to 2 GB :)07:27
jimmywwwunop__, is that any help07:28
unop__jimmywww, you seem to have the primary master device set to the CD-Rom -- which means that the only device recognized by the computer is the CD-rom device -- no harddrives, nothing :)07:28
glitcheverything is checked on that.  Would it have done it later by itself?  I'm just confused cause I'm coming from windows, so when something isn't updated, it keeps telling you.07:28
unop__jimmywww, you should set the primary master to the first HDD -- primary slave to the second HDD -- secondary master to the first CD/DVD drive and secondary slave to the second optical device07:29
jimmywwwunop__ so what should i do07:29
bullgard4What stands 'pd' for in 'pdflush'?07:29
jimmywwwwill this help07:29
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unop__jimmywww, i'm willing to bet it does :)07:29
fabouneysomebody use Flex builder for linux ?07:30
jimmywwwhttp://www-304.ibm.com/systems/support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-41893&brandind=5000008 here is a link to what you ask for b4 i think07:30
unop__jimmywww, but ensure that the first boot device is the CD-Rom drive -- it might be on another BIOS option screen07:30
godzemoAnyone have any experience with setting up xmonad to run with gnome?07:30
glitchit also happened with clamtk, it said it was updated when it didn't update at all... is there a cache file i have to clear to get it to work right?07:31
IcomeyDoes anyone have experience getting a US Robotics USR5686E modem to work with Gutsy?07:31
MinusSevenIs there an easy way to upgrade to Gnome 2.22 in Ubuntu 7.10 ?07:32
[Hardy]TuTUXGglitch, open synaptic, and click reload, it will show u the packages that are upgradable07:32
bashcahi there07:32
jhonovichi am downloading ubuntu for an amd turion 64 and am trying to determine the answer for the type of computer question - would i be a standard or a 64bit AMD for ubuntu's purposes?07:33
MockYboth would work07:34
MockYbut go 6407:34
jhonovichMockY: thanks, appreciate it07:34
[Hardy]TuTUXGMinusSeven, u could update to 8.04 or compile gnome by urself07:34
mark[oz]is there a video player for ubuntu that can handle fast forward without skipping ahead chunks?07:35
MinusSevenwhich do you recommend, wait for 8.04 ?07:35
[Hardy]TuTUXGMinusSeven, probably..07:36
MinusSevenJust looking for a date it is supposed to be released07:36
glitchoh wow, so i clicked on reload, then on installed to bring those to the top, all those can be upgraded?  They have a green box by them07:37
[Hardy]TuTUXGMinusSeven, sometime in April (hopefully)07:37
godzemoAnyone have any experience with setting up xmonad to run with gnome?07:37
[Hardy]TuTUXGglitch, green box means it's installed07:37
jimmywwwunop__ can seem to do that07:38
jimmywwwcant see where07:38
[Hardy]TuTUXGglitch, upgradable packages should be shown with a yellow arrow with it07:38
glitchoh ok.07:38
bashcahi there07:38
glitchThat helps out a lot07:39
glitchI was just confused why it would say it was all updated when it wasn't, next time i'll try using synaptic07:39
[Hardy]TuTUXGglitch, to upgrade whatever is available, just check "mark all upgrades"07:40
[Hardy]TuTUXGglitch, usually u dont need to use synaptic for just upgrading, the upgrade manager will handle that automatically and gives u a notice07:41
os2macyeah about that... mine doesn't07:41
glitchoh good.07:42
fabouneyi have the same problem, but i not understand the answer, can you help me ?07:42
jimmywwwunop__, any sugestions07:43
[Hardy]TuTUXGfabouney, that's fedora, and u prably should go to their channel07:43
fabouneyi have ubuntu ...07:43
glitchok thank you [Hardy]TuTUXG for your help! :+)07:43
foxinessglitch: i like to use aptitude from CLI ,i do not know if synaptic based in it or not07:43
os2macfabouney:  but it sounds like you need to update your Jave Runtime Environment (JRE)07:43
glitchi'm still very new with the CLI, although i got a book on some commands07:44
UltraNavshouldn't be hardy beta1 released today (according to the release schdule) ?07:44
glitchi get around with the very basics on that07:44
[Hardy]TuTUXGUltraNav, later maybe07:45
[Hardy]TuTUXGit will be out when it's ready07:45
glitchspeaking of books, is there any you guys recommend for me to read? I'm new to linux all together, but i'm a+ and net+ certified, after the net+, thats when i got interested in Linux07:45
[Hardy]TuTUXGglitch, i learned linux all from internet and man pages07:46
UltraNav [Hardy]TuTUXG: it will be out when it's ready -- sounds like these fortune cookies to me...07:46
foxinessglitch: its good to learn more and more ,u can read about it on wiki07:46
MinusSevenglitch, so you got tired of microsoft you mean?07:46
[Hardy]TuTUXGUltraNav, but u don't want a incompleted or bugged beta, do u?07:46
glitchok cool, thats pretty much what i've been doing.07:46
iceswordglitch, red hat certified engineer exan ,that is a book also a test07:47
glitchyea, getting very tired of it lol!07:47
glitchok i'll check that one out07:47
[Hardy]TuTUXGibm has some nice docs for linux07:47
[Hardy]TuTUXGall available online07:48
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foxinessglitch: the guy how guide me on my start point me to ( www.tldp.org ) ,there are a lot of pdf file good to read07:50
glitchok, I'll check those out too.  There is so much its hard to figure out where to start.  Right now i'm dual booting, but thinking of getting rid of windows all together, just don't know enough to get comfortable yet.  The craziest thing is not needing antivirus, i can't seem to wrap my brain around that.07:50
[Hardy]TuTUXGUltraNav, and afaik, fedora 9 beta is scheduled out today as well, but it's also been held07:50
bullgard4On my computer exists the script file /usr/lib/pm-utils/functions. I would like to know what program calls this program. I tried to answer this question: In http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.22.14/ I searched for 'functions' but obtained 4959 estimated hits. How to solve this problem?07:51
glitchfoxiness: i'll check that out and start there, thanks!07:52
CVD-PRHey there, Today ubuntu log me out 2 times automatically by his own, any way to know why this i happening?07:53
Gary_inNYCpower failure?07:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGglitch, http://www.freeos.com/articles/3399/  it's a good on for starters07:53
CVD-PRand now the third time in arow!!!07:56
=== lieTa_cuTe is now known as BENCE
ximunder what definition of "online" is man "online manuals"07:57
ximit doesnt search them on the internet so i must be misunderstanding the word online07:58
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
Avlanchehey guys how come everytime i open TVTime it auto-closes?08:00
Blakstalum_Is there anyone on here from Baltimore area?08:01
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
phynixdid you try launching it from the terminal Avalanche08:03
glitchwow, there's a lot to read, thank you for all your help everyone!!08:03
Blakstalum_I mean people are just joining and quiting. What's going on?08:03
Avlancheno i just clicked it under Apps>Sound & Video08:04
phynixwell it sometimes helps me to go to the terminal and type the command and see what comes up08:04
phynixi am not saying that will help, but its worth a try08:04
Avlanchexvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images.08:04
ximblakstalum theres over 1000 people in here so you gotta expect lots of joins and quits08:05
Blakstalum_ok, I see! this is for help issues, not socializing.08:05
phynixi don't see why it can't be08:05
Blakstalum_neither do I. I think this is great, but not for me. Peace08:06
phynixyou might want to try and past that into google08:06
phynixand see if anyone has posted a fix08:06
=== ce_imutz is now known as andi`medan
Avlancheyep doing that now :)08:08
phynixtvtime is hit and miss with me08:09
Avlanchei think the drivers for my Tv Tuner are not installed or working properly but under hardware I see a Video4Linux thingy so thought it was working08:10
phynixjw what kind of card do you have08:10
AvlancheConexant Falcon II08:10
tricaricHi! I seem to have a problem with 'svn' on a server with Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS08:11
tricaricnow I have installed: svn, version 1.3.2 (r19776)08:11
tricaric   compiled Aug  3 2007, 11:49:3708:11
tricaricbut when I try to use it in a repository, I get: svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'; please get a newer Subversion client08:11
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:11
tricaricso... what's the clean way to upgrade svn?08:12
kortopiHi all!08:12
phynixhello kortopi08:13
kortopiwhy does the smtpd.conf file doesn't exist on /etc/postfix/sasl?08:13
kortopiim configuring postfix on ubuntu 7.1008:13
tricaricon another box I with ubuntu 7.10 I have svn, version 1.4.4 (r25188)08:13
kris_phhello.. is this message is significant: [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts?08:14
phynixyou might try howtoforge.com kortopi08:14
phynixi thought i saw a postfix post08:15
Huohi all, anybody here have some experiences with truecrypt (version 5)?08:15
phynixman from what i saw its pretty hard to install right08:15
tux97i was wondering how do u install themes?08:16
Huoi have installed just deb package and it wasn't so difficult08:16
phynixmight give it a try08:16
phynixtux97 well where did you get the theme08:16
phynixhow far have you gotton08:16
tux97i dont know where to go08:16
tux97i'm just looking08:17
tux97i'm there now phynix so if i see one i like how do i install it08:17
damo22E: Couldn't find package compiz-config-settings-manager08:17
damo22how can i fix that08:17
=== Malnilio_ is now known as Malnilion
shane__could anyone here help me with networking Ubuntu08:18
crdlb!ccsm | damo2208:18
ubotudamo22: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion08:18
crdlbyou spelled it incorrectly08:18
phynixok tux97 go to the metacity part08:18
shane__with windows xp or vista08:18
phynixfind one08:18
kristian_Hi! Is there anyone who knows how to change the ownership of a folder? I have read some how tos but I can't do it. The folder I want to change the ownership of is "/home/kristian/Cut_Copy-In_Ghost_Colours-MODCD050-2008-EUPHORiC", so I write "chown -R kristian /home/kristian/Cut_Copy-In_Ghost_Colours-MODCD050-2008-EUPHORiC". The terminal doesn't say anything and the owner is stil root. What am i doing wrong?08:18
phynixtux97 download the file. Go to appearance and click install find the file and click apply. That should do it08:18
shane__is it hard to network with Ubuntu08:19
zmattshane__: not at all08:19
tux97shane i'm doing it08:19
phynixtux97 http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=101&PHPSESSID=cc1bdf4ec66a7383ebe86e1aa990406708:19
damo22 kristian_: chown -R  kristian:kristian ....08:19
shane__where could i get some info on how to network it all ?08:19
tux97shane what do u want to do/08:20
byrtsory, whar make wi-fi ;>08:20
shane__i want to access from Ubuntu to my vista box08:21
shane__and or from my vista box to Ubuntu perferably08:21
phynixtux97 did you figure it out08:21
kristian_damo22: Now i've wrote "chown -R kristian:kristian /home/kristian/Cut_Copy-In_Ghost_Colours-MODCD050-2008-EUPHORiC" in the terminal. still nothing happens?08:21
tux97i'm just lookin at the moment08:21
tux97shane check into samba08:21
bullgard4Auf meinem Computer gibt es die Skriptdatei /usr/lib/pm-utils/functions. Ich möchte herausbekommen, welche Programme dieses Programm aufrufen. Ich habe versucht, diese Frage mittels http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.22.14/ zu beantworten. Ich suchte dort nach 'functions' aber erhielt > 4959 wahrscheinliche Treffer. Wie löst man dieses Problem?08:21
Ganiam just for you08:21
tux97hold on let me get u my link i used shane08:21
zetheroois there a way to unpack a .dmg file in linux?08:22
shane__is that  a program08:22
GanNot is that08:22
phynixzetheroo if you figure that out tell me08:22
tux97http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605 shane how to for samba08:22
tux97phynix whats your theme?08:23
ace_ace121i cant login to this applet : http://www.topcoder.com/contest/arena/ContestAppletProd.jnlp .. i have sun java web start 6 installed.08:23
ryancrin rhythmbox is it possible to share a playlist instead of the whole music library?08:23
phynixhope this helps tux97 http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SlicknesS?content=7199308:24
tux97ok how do i d/l it08:25
phynixclick on the link at the bottom08:25
kristian_repost: damo22: Now i've wrote "chown -R kristian:kristian /home/kristian/Cut_Copy-In_Ghost_Colours-MODCD050-2008-EUPHORiC" in the terminal.  still nothing happens?08:25
zetheroophynix: seems like qemu is the way to go08:25
brianlightcould someone test my ampache server and tell me if my streams are droping out of playing good08:26
phynixzetheroo thanks08:26
phynixtux97 work?08:26
tux97phynix i'm lookiing for the file to d/l08:27
kortopidoes smtpd.conf file exist? or i'll just have to create it my own. im following the steps on https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/postfix.html for postfix configuration08:27
phynixthere should be three links at the end of the first post08:27
tux97ok then the first link correct phynix08:28
phynixyes tux9708:28
chris062689Does anyone know of a simple, lightweight web server with PHP that I can easily install / remove?08:28
kortopiI also installed the smtpd08:28
ace_ace121it gives a java.net.MalformedURL Exception08:28
tux97ok i saved it now what08:28
phynixgo to appearance08:29
phynixand click the install button08:29
phynixfind the file you downloaded08:29
brianlightchris just search lightweight web server in synaptic08:30
phynixtux97 did that work?08:30
tux97ok i did that now how come i can't see nothing in firefox?08:30
phynixno you can pick from the list right08:31
phynixyou might not like it cause some apps are weird colors08:31
roman_hi! why is there empty /etc/apache2/httpd.conf????08:31
tux97i like it phynix but hwo come i can't see no pages in firefox?08:32
huthidohi everybody08:32
phynixtux97 i don't know why. I wish I could see it so I could guess08:32
phynixmine didn't have that problem08:32
tux97ok i closed it and reopened it and it worked08:33
tux97so make sure themes are metacity?08:33
phynixyou know i always get them mixed up08:33
phynixgtk i think is the right one08:33
phynixi think metacity is the window borders08:34
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phynixi always spend a little while guessing08:34
nanobughello everyone08:35
phynixhello nanobug08:36
nanobughi phynix, how are you this morning?08:36
olieHi all. How can I move a panel from the left to the top? (I cant drag and drop it because there is no free space on the panel!)08:37
huthidoCan someone help me about Server of Linux08:37
nanobugunless i'm assuming things and you're across the pond i should say08:37
phynixtired nanobug and ready for some sleep08:37
nanobug:i hear ya08:37
roman_what a lamers channel!08:37
phynixwell we are nerds08:37
nanobugi was in bed but waking up every hour so i said to hell with it and grabbed some cold pizza08:37
zmattphynix: speak for yourself buddy08:37
tux97yep phynix i'm proud of it lol is there a tux theme u know about phynix?08:38
phynixzmatt i am sorry i am a nerd08:38
phynixtux97 be more specific08:38
nanobugim a nerd as well08:38
zmattphynix: nothing to be sorry about08:38
nanobugnot like pocket protector or world of warcraft style but a nerd anyway08:38
tux97phnix tux theme for ubuntu08:38
phynixhaven't herd of a tux theme08:38
phynixbuthido what kind of server08:39
nanobugthere are lots of tux wallpapers on deviantart and gnome-look08:39
nanobugi don't know of any 'themes' per say but you should be able to find something you like and then a gtk/kde theme to go with it08:39
nanobugif all else fails, you can customize the colors on clearlooks to match08:40
kindofabuzzis checking the "use" box for nvidia restricted driver the same as installing the nvidia driver say from Envy?08:40
nanobugkindofabuzz - somewhat.  it used to be (don't know for sure, i run arch on my nvidia laptop now) that the ubuntu proprietary driver lagged a bit behind the ones available through envy08:41
tux97ok nanobug ty08:41
phynixnanobug why arch08:41
kindofabuzzwhat is arch?08:41
phynixtype of distro08:41
thkaalOkay, color me an idiot, but i don't know how to chroot or anything so i can use this mobo with jmicron sata/pata08:41
unop_thkaal, why do you need to chroot to use a motherboard?08:42
nanobugits based on slackware, it's a real barebones type of distro08:42
kindofabuzzwhy does ubuntu see my drives as scsi??08:42
BenniBoyahey, When i start ubuntu it says "import error: libdb-4.5.so, no such file or dir08:42
kindofabuzzthere not08:42
BenniBoyaand it goes kaboooom08:42
phynixkindofabuzz mine do it too08:42
phynixnanobug i think arch is on my new project list08:42
nanobugand i like it mainly for the package manager and the bsd style init system08:42
nanobugits a good stepping stone on my pursuit of linux (and unix) knowledge08:43
thkaalthat's what the forums say.  i get that sbin/modprobe abnormal exit error on feisty.08:43
BenniBoyahey, When i start ubuntu it says "import error: libdb-4.5.so, no such file or dir, Then when python starts after it it tries to run that file and says command not found the finally command not found crashes08:43
unop_kindofabuzz, it doesn't see them as scsi .. the underlying device driver is just more uniform now, it just makes all disk devices appear as /dev/sdXX08:43
nanobugi still run ubuntu on my server though.  it's easy to use and i don't have to fuss with it.08:44
nanobuguptime going on 60 days and that would be longer if it werent for a power outage08:44
bullgard4On my computer exists the script file /usr/lib/pm-utils/functions. I would like to know what program calls this program. I tried to answer this question: In http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.22.14/ I searched for 'functions' but obtained 4959 estimated hits. How to solve this problem? 'lsof | grep functions' does not produce any output.08:44
nanobugand i'm running hardy alpha :)08:44
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ere4siBenniBoya: see if this gives a clue - http://kenno.wordpress.com/2007/10/22/fix-usrliblibdb-45so-no-version-information-available/08:44
nanobuga testement to the ubuntu developers08:44
shane__i can only see my files and printers now08:45
BenniBoyaty m808:45
shane__how can i make it so that i can make a dir08:45
unop_BenniBoya, try installing the libdb4.5 package08:45
shane__and what not08:45
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.08:45
CVD-PRWhy i cant find in add/remove the samething that sypantic have?08:45
phynixshane_  sudo mkdir name08:46
nanobugphynix i would definately recommend giving arch a spin.  it's educational.  nothing like ubuntu, you'll be making friends with a text editor, but it's pretty sweet.  pacman is nice, in my opinion better than apt-get08:46
shane__where do i have to do that from08:46
shane__the Ubuntu machine08:46
BenniBoyaere4si: hey, i looked at that p[age, i ddnt instlal that prog, and i cant even get to the logon nscreen, only a terminal on revoery after it crashed08:46
phynixnanobug ill will have to give it a try this weekend. How is hardy08:47
nanobugadd/remove only lists the most popular packages if i recall correctly08:47
unop_bullgard4, can i ask why you want to know what the caller of that script is?08:47
ere4siBenniBoya: did you install amorak or something before the error?08:47
nanobughardy is running extremely well thus far.  as i said it's a server so I don't actually do much beyond host files and web pages on it08:47
nanobugbut i'08:47
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BenniBoyaere4si: nup, i installed a game but that wasw it08:47
nanobugi've encountered no issues08:47
shane__i did that but its still only seeing MyFiles and Printers08:48
shane__when i go from the windows vista machine to the Ubuntu08:48
ere4siBenniBoya: what was the game?08:48
nanobugshane__: what are you trying to do?08:48
bullgard4unop_: Yes. I want to understand the pm-utils better and thus use them more intelligently. Hibernate and suspend to sleep work on my computer with certain restrictions. I wnat to circumvent those restrictions.08:48
phynixnanobug the only server i have running is to cache updates08:49
BenniBoyaere4si: uuuuhhh... I think it was crossfire08:49
BenniBoyai had ubuntu-satanic aswell08:49
shane__trying to use Ubuntu as a shell from my windows vista computer08:49
phynixshane_ look into ssh08:50
shane__so i can run linux programs on08:50
nanobugok ssh as in just shell or x over ssh08:50
shane__so there is no way to make a directory on the Ubuntu machine from windows ?08:50
unop_bullgard4, i see -- you could use grep to search through all the text files in the directories of $PATH -- that should list other scripts that might call it08:50
phynixyou can over ssh shane_08:50
nanobugdo you not have access to the server physically?08:51
shane__so thats something else i need to install now08:51
shane__i can see ubuntu08:51
thkaalso, can anyone help me put in some modules in my /etc/initramfs-tools/modules?08:51
shane__on the windows machine08:51
unop_shane__, sure -- you just need to share a folder with write permissions on samba -- and you should be able to create folders in it08:51
shane__i just can not access the folders on it08:51
nanobugyeah you wont be able to make that folder unless you have write permissions through samba08:51
phynixwait are the windows and ubuntu the same machine08:51
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shane__this one runs Ubuntu and the other Windows Vista08:52
phynixwhat folder are you trying to create08:52
unop_thkaal, it's a text file, you add modules to it in the same way you add modules to /etc/modules -- but remember to run update-initramfs afterwards08:52
phynixand why08:52
shane__how do i add through Samba08:52
ere4siBenniBoya: from this page - http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=1768372 - "-ldb-4.5 is the name of the Berkeley DB library to use. The actual library file will be called libdb-4.5.{a/so}"08:52
unop_BenniBoya, try installing the libdb4.5 package08:52
thkaalbut it won't let me save that file.  says i only have read permissions08:52
unop_BenniBoya, sudo apt-get install libdb4.508:52
nanobugok on the ubuntu machine you want to open a terminal, type in (without quotes) "sudo aptitude install ssh"08:52
BenniBoyaunop_: will that work from a recovert terminal08:53
unop_thkaal, yes, you need to open the editor up under sudo08:53
unop_BenniBoya, it should, yes08:53
BenniBoyawithout the net?08:53
BenniBoyai dont thkn my wireless drivers had loaded08:53
thkaalokay, i'm on the livecd right now, and i want to save this to the disk.  so sudo it still?08:53
bullgard4unop_: I do not what I should replace $PATH with.08:54
nanobugi don't think my doc gave me enough vicodins.  teh pains are great.08:55
unop_BenniBoya, worth a try -- if you are not connected to the net -- you can always download and install the package manually - http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libdb-4.5.so&mode=exactfilename&suite=gutsy&arch=any08:55
shane__okay ssh is setup now08:55
shane__is there a file i need to edit08:55
shane__or can i now ssh to it08:55
nanobugok now do you have putty or another ssh client on the windows machine?08:55
FinnishI'd need some help installing Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 on a laptop08:56
[Hardy]TuTUXGFinnish, what kind of help?08:56
nanobugyou can ssh in to it, but if you want to keep your box secure you should change the ssh port08:56
phynixFinnish why do you need help08:56
unop_bullgard4,  for i in $(perl -Wle 'print "@{[split/:/, +shift]}"' $PATH); do grep -inRH "scriptname" $i/*; done08:56
phynixif y ou want to get fancy shane_ you could look into webwin08:57
FinnishMy main concern is the available space in laptop and how the installer is going to use it08:57
nanobugwhich you can do by (w/o quotes) "sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config"08:57
FinnishIt has 1 disc, in two partitions08:57
nanobuglook for the line # What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for08:57
nanobugunder that it will say Port 2208:57
phynixFinnish whats on both of them08:57
Finnish1 partiotion is Windows, about 5gb of space lef5t08:57
phynixand the other08:57
shane__what port would you recommend08:57
tux97nanobug how do u change the ssh port?08:57
unop_bullgard4, you'd need to expand $PATH -- split the directories and then loop through them to use grep .. like there so08:58
FinnishSecond is a storage partition, abpit 30gb space left08:58
nanobugchange it to an open port (something in the 5000-5100 range should be open)08:58
nanobugthen save08:58
shane__ssh works now i can log into my ubuntu machine through putty08:58
thkaalnvm, figured out how to sudo it08:58
phynixdo you want to keep windows?08:58
shane__of course08:58
ajmorris|AFKdoes anyone know if VPS is the only way to host an irc bot?08:58
FinnishYes, I want to keep win08:58
nanobugnow when you make the directory you want to make, unless you are making it under a shared directory already, you will need to share it08:58
phynixok well when you put ubuntu on it, it makes its own partition08:59
phynixyou can control it08:59
shane__can i get help making it secure now08:59
phynixand its pretty safe08:59
unop_ajmorris|AFK, i shouldnt think so -- there are thousands of bots for different needs and requirements -- although i have no experience with them firsthand08:59
phynixbut i would back up your stuff08:59
nanobugand im not entirely sure how to set those permissions from the command line but if you need help i'll be happy to help you out, i just need a minute to figure it out08:59
FinnishOk, how can I assign where the installer is taking it's Ubuntu space?08:59
lappyHi, i need some help on getting tv out working  with a laptop, output of lspci is here if that helps http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60265/09:00
shane__how can i access Samba and set permissions to use other folders ?09:00
nanobugshane__:  follow the instructions http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#How_to_change_SSH_Server_Port_Number09:00
phynixwhen you open the installer it lets you manual edit partition tables09:00
phynixnad it will show all of the ones you have09:00
omar_Can anyone give me the link for the pastebin please?09:00
nanobugthat help file also explains how to share samba folders if you scroll up to the index at the front09:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:00
FinnishManually partition, not automatic?09:01
phynixfinnish try this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing09:01
shane__is it easy to tell samba what directories to share with09:01
ikonia!dualboot > Finnish09:01
tux97thanks nanobug i made a note of it09:01
gan_when i install ubiquity in my system i am getting the error like this @WARNING: Undefined kernel key code for 214@09:01
ikoniaFinnish: please see the official link sent by ubotu09:01
phynixthanks ikonia09:02
nanobugYes.  if you go into nautilus (the file manager) and right click on a folder you want to share you can share it that way09:02
unop_shane__, yes .. consult the samba documentation09:02
nanobugyou said that you're already able to access the myfiles folder, correct?09:02
nortyQuestion: I am trying to compile a program in C and it says i can't find a header file, where are header files kept in ubuntu?09:02
gan_when i install ubiquity in my system i am getting the error like this WARNING: Undefined kernel key code for 214@09:02
nanobugtux97: you're quite welcome09:02
shane__which one do i ready ?09:02
ikoniaphynix: no problem always nice to give an ubuntu url so that its an official solution if there is problems09:02
ikoniagan_: stop asking every 15 seconds09:03
unop_norty, it depends how the #include directive is set09:03
tux97nanobug are u running a html server?09:03
unop_norty, if it's  #include <path/file.h>  -- then it's probably /usr/lib/path/file.h09:03
ikonianorty: it will depend on which headers it's looking09:03
phynixtux97 its pretty fun then you can make your own repo09:03
lappyanyone know of some links about tvout on a laptop?09:03
nanobugtux97: yes09:03
nortyunop_, its just #include <file.h>09:03
ikonianorty: is it actually "file.h" that it's looking for09:04
unop_norty, probably /usr/lib/file.h then09:04
tux97phynix what was that directed to sorry09:04
nanobugnothing special i mainly set it up to host a jinzora jukebox09:04
nanobugwhich btw is flippin sweeeeet09:04
phynixtux97 just a really random comment about html servers sorry09:04
tux97cool nanobug same here09:04
nanobuglisten to your mp3s from anywhere09:04
unop_norty, was this code written by you?09:04
nortyunop_, no im trying to learn how to write plugins for pidgin and they gave me code and i tried to compile it but it says it can't find #include <glib.h> ..09:05
nortyunop_, so im trying to find out where header files are kept to see if it's really not there09:05
tux97not me lol that sounds cool nanobug09:05
unop_norty, ahh .. you probably need to install the glib-dev package09:05
ikonianorty you'll need to install the glib-headers (devel) package09:05
nanobugit is pretty cool, and easy to set up as well09:05
nortysudo apt-get install glib-dev ?09:05
tux97phynix and and nanobug wanna see my site lol09:05
unop_norty, errm, let's see09:06
nanobughere is a link about jinzora if you want to check it out09:06
tux97ty nanobug09:06
phynixsounds like fun tux9709:06
unop_norty, sudo aptitude install libglib2.0-dev09:06
ikoniaunop_: well found09:07
lancerockeCan anyone help me with my KTorrent issues? I do port forwarding, but ports seem to be closed. I'm not behind any firewall. http://www.imagebam.com/image/ccb7e13977183/ and http://www.imagebam.com/image/ce0ea93977185/09:07
nanobugnice haha reminds me of the old days09:07
thkaalone final question.....09:07
shane__thanks for the help all09:07
shane__very much appreciated09:07
unop_ikonia, only coz i've been programming gtk+/glib recently too :)09:07
nanobugshane__: you're welcome09:07
tux97what does nanobug lol09:07
gan_if i try to install, i can not set the / filesytem what to do09:08
shane__i can not find the samba file to read how to share folders though09:08
nanobugtux97:  your site.  it reminds me of my old homepage09:08
shane__maybe i am not looking in the right one09:08
ikonia!samba > shane__09:08
nanobugshane__: one moment, i'll give you a link09:08
maxlinuxhi guys09:08
ikoniashane__: check out the link from ubotu, that will give you some good docs09:08
shane__thanks again09:08
maxlinuxi have some files id like to copy from linux to windows09:08
omar_Guys I've been facing a problem with G++ lately. Every time I try to sudo apt get install it, I get this result: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60267/09:08
maxlinuxhow do i do that09:08
thkaalhow do i run update-initramfs so it updates the right place?09:08
J-_I'm trying to configure for a static IP on my server. I've changed interfaces, and resolv.conf, is this correct? http://pastebin.ca/950060 If not, what do I need to change or fix?09:08
ikoniananobug: if possible try to give official links09:08
omar_can anyone help me please??09:09
nortyunop_, i installed that but it still gives me the same error.. hmm09:09
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tux97cool nanobug i stole the frames from one of my friends friends site lol09:09
unop_thkaal, update-initramfs knows exactly what to do -- you just run it :)09:09
nanobugikonia: sorry ikonia i'll try to be more mindful of that.09:09
nortyunop_, maybe I need to reinstall?09:09
nanobugforgot this is a semi-official help channel09:09
unop_norty, reinstall what?09:09
thkaalunop, i did and it said it couldn't find /lib/modules/[all]09:09
lancerockeCan anyone help me with my KTorrent issues? I do port forwarding, but ports seem to be closed. I'm not behind any firewall. http://www.imagebam.com/image/ccb7e13977183/ and http://www.imagebam.com/image/ce0ea93977185/09:10
nanobugtux97: have you ever used mysql and php?09:10
unop_thkaal, is that the exact error message?09:10
nortyunop_, nevermind ... i dunno its still giving me the same error.. hmm09:10
tux97no just frontpage cause its easy lol09:10
unop_norty, hold on a sec09:10
thkaalnvm, i see what i did wrong09:10
phynixalreaight tux97 nanobug i am out good luck with the web server09:10
nortyunop_, np :]09:10
nanobugphynix: have a good one, friend :)09:10
vekeHi people ... I've a problem : I got a old fijjitsu computer that has some problem with the keyboard... I can't use it untill i'm on a operative system like a live... How could i install linux without keyboard? ( remember that i dont have to use keyboard neither at the bootloader ) ... Or some suggestion for make the keyboard working?09:11
tux97phynix ty for your help email me if u want :)09:11
omar_Guys I've been facing a problem with G++ lately. Every time I try to sudo apt get install it, I get this result: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60267/09:11
phynixill be on here tomorrow so talk to you then tux9709:11
thkaalbe back shortly, rebooting, hopefully this works09:11
tux97ok phynix09:11
nanobugtux97:  you should look in to php+mysql.  the set up is a little prolonged but once you get it set up you can install wordpress which is about as easy as it gets09:11
nanobugof course you won't learn much about html running wordpress :)09:12
vekecould someone help me please?09:12
nanobugbut it all depends on what you want your page for09:12
nanobughere's my page, not a whole lot there yet:09:12
nanobugveke: how may i help?09:12
tux97nanobug is there away to listen to music over the network instead of clicking on one at a time?09:13
unop_norty, what happens when you change the include to - #include <glib/glib.h>09:13
maxlinuxHow can i copy files from linux to windows????09:13
fw0127 hello, is there someone have the problem with pop-menu with gui in hardy? when I09:13
lancerockeCan anyone help me with my KTorrent issues? I do port forwarding, but ports seem to be closed. I'm not behind any firewall. http://www.imagebam.com/image/ccb7e13977183/ and http://www.imagebam.com/image/ce0ea93977185/09:13
fw0127                click on the menu bottun, no menu item pop out :( hello, is there someone have the problem with pop-menu with gui in hardy? when I09:13
nortyunop_, same error, should I recompile?09:13
vekedid you read my problem?09:14
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vekeHi people ... I've a problem : I got a old fijjitsu computer that has some problem with the keyboard... I can't use it untill i'm on a operative system like a live... How could i install linux without keyboard? ( remember that i dont have to use keyboard neither at the bootloader ) ... Or some suggestion for make the keyboard working?09:14
nanobugveke: i see it now, one second09:14
omar_Guys I've been facing a problem with G++ lately. Every time I try to sudo apt get install it, I get this result: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60267/09:14
fw0127                click on the menu bottun, no menu item pop out :(09:14
unop_norty, how are you getting that error? and/or what do you mean by recompile?09:14
SlayerFaithmaxlinux: Within windows, you can access linux partitions with an OS tool called ext2fs09:14
tux97maxlinux u got samba installed?09:14
maxlinuxi want to copy from linux To windows09:14
nortyunop_, I didn't use apt-get to install it, I compiled it from a tarball and now that i've installed all these library files and dependencies should I recompile?09:15
unop_omar_, try this -- sudo aptitude install -f09:15
nanobugveke: thats an interesting one.  do you want to run windows and linux on the same system?09:15
lancerockemaxlinux: i can read and write to and from my linux partition from Vista09:15
nanobugtux97: are you using samba to browse your music folders from the machine you're listening on?09:15
maxlinuxlacerocke how?09:15
maxlinuxlancerocke how ..?09:16
tux97yes nanobug09:16
vekenanobug i'm interested only on windows09:16
lancerockemaxlinux: its like SlayerFaith said09:16
vekeon linux09:16
unop_norty, ok, i'm confused now -- what is "it" here? glib? or the source (for the pidgin plugin) you are trying to compile?09:16
lancerockemaxlinux: That app09:16
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nanobugin that case you should be able to boot from the live cd and do a full install09:16
lancerockemaxlinux: Or some app. I forget which one I have09:16
maxlinuxlancerocke: is it workin on linux?09:16
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nortyunop_, recompile/make pidgin09:16
nortyi dunno im confused09:16
lancerockemaxlinux: I know i have 3 different apps for accesing Linux09:16
maxlinuxlancerocke: im a real noob09:16
maxlinuxlancerocke: i need these files really09:16
omar_unop_:  I tried million times, but all I get every time is this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60268/09:17
vekenanobug: does exist a live cd without boot prompt? Only starts09:17
unop_norty, you apt-get glib and you compile the source tarball09:17
lancerockemaxlinux: I write TO my NTFS windows partitions from here (linux) too09:17
zetheroocan someone help me mount a .dmg through qemu09:17
nanobugveke: the boot prompt should have a timer that will run out and do a default boot09:17
maxlinuxi have some important files on my ubuntu and want to copy them to windows!!09:17
lancerockemaxlinux: Just google "read and write ntfs from windows"09:17
maxlinuxcoldfyre: yes?09:17
nanobugi may be wrong about that, however09:17
nortyunop_, sudo apt-get glib?09:17
vekenanobug i tryed 5 live :P09:17
lancerockemaxlinux: I mean read write ext from windows09:17
unop_omar_, always include the command when you include output -- it gives context to troubleshooting and makes it easier -- what command was giving you the previous error/>?09:17
unop_norty, sudo aptitude install libglib2.0-dev09:18
lancerockemaxlinux: there are many apps that let u do it09:18
nanobugveke:  ok i'm probably wrong about that then.09:18
lancerockeCan anyone help me with my KTorrent issues? I do port forwarding, but ports seem to be closed. I'm not behind any firewall. http://www.imagebam.com/image/ccb7e13977183/ and http://www.imagebam.com/image/ce0ea93977185/09:18
vekei want to upgrade my bios09:18
vekebut the starting floppy09:18
vekeneed the keyboard09:18
Tesla|Workis hardy beta already out?09:18
omar_unop: it was: sudo apt-get install g++09:18
vekesome suggestion for starting an automated command ?09:18
nanobugyou could use isobuster to open the livecd .iso09:18
nanobugthen change the configuration for the boot menu09:19
nanobugthat would be a bit of a chore though09:19
unop_omar_, try this to install g++ --  sudo aptitude install build-essential09:19
nortyunop_, ok i did that now should i do ./configure and then make ?09:19
nanobugveke is your keyboard usb or ps2 plug?09:19
unop_norty, go ahead :)09:19
maxlinuxlancerocke: i need the name of one of these apps09:19
lancerockemaxlinux: fine09:20
vekebut i tryed to change09:20
lancerockemaxlinux: one second09:20
unop_omar_, you might also want to ensure your package list is upto date -- sudo aptitude update09:20
lancerockemaxlinux: http://fs-driver.org/09:21
nanobugso you tried a usb keyboard?09:21
mark[oz]is there a video player for ubuntu that can handle fast forward without skipping ahead chunks?09:21
maxlinuxok thx ill try lacerocke09:21
unop_norty, any luck?09:21
nortyunop_, yeah i think i got it, thanks!!09:22
unop_norty, cool :)09:22
tux97nanobug forget about me lol09:22
nanobugtux97:  no i didn't forget09:22
tux97ok cool nanobug09:22
kadakasheelp! My Logitech V470 bluetooth mouse keeps disconnecting from my ubuntu 7.10 if i dont use the mouse for 5minutes or more!?!?09:23
unop_. o 0 (he needs more omega3 in his diet)09:23
nanobugif you are, say, browsing from windows09:23
lancerockemaxlinux: http://fs-driver.org/ u can read and write09:23
nanobugyou can right click on the folder and play the whole folder of music09:23
lancerockemaxlinux: http://fs-driver.org/ u can read and write to ext from windows09:23
lancerockeCan anyone help me with my KTorrent issues? I do port forwarding, but ports seem to be closed. I'm not behind any firewall. http://www.imagebam.com/image/ccb7e13977183/ and http://www.imagebam.com/image/ce0ea93977185/09:23
unop_!repeat | lancerocke09:23
ubotulancerocke: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:23
nanobugif i recall, there is also a way to mount a samba share as another drive09:23
omar_unop_: I just tried " sudo apt-get install build-essential", I got this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60269/09:24
nanobugthen you can access it as though it were on the host computer09:24
nanobughow you would go about that depends on what os you're running09:24
unop_omar_, have you run this recently? sudo sh -c "aptitude update; aptitude upgrade"09:24
tux97nanobug i dont see play when i right click on the folder09:25
DragginGood day.  I have some trouble with my Feisty installation - what is the appropriate room to go to for advice?09:25
unop_nanobug, on windows you mean?09:25
nanobugok, what os are you trying to play the music on?09:25
nanobugand what os is the music hosted on?09:25
unop_Draggin, this should be the room ..09:25
Dragginunop_ isn't this for Gutsy help?09:26
tux97well from gusty to gusty shares09:26
omar_unop: I've been trying to upgrade to Hardy Heron Alpha 5 lately, but it wasn't working, so I guess this is why I'm having this problem.09:26
XB23ive just installed ubuntu, how do i set the root password via sudo?09:26
unop_Draggin, no, it's for all types of ubuntu :)09:26
nanobugwhat media player are you using?09:26
DragginCool :)  Thanks unop_09:26
tux97i'm runing two gusty lol09:26
unop_omar_, ok, did you try to dist-upgrade recently?09:27
wressleHello, is there _any_ way that I can access my software raid (which I made in Ubuntu) from a Windows XP system? I.e, mount it somehow.09:27
tux97it was using tmodem something like that but i dont know witch one to run09:27
DragginOkay, well - here goes... I am currently in text mode only - I totally broke X and I can't quite remember what the command line based package manager is called.09:27
stefan_sudo passwd root09:27
omar_unop: nope, do you think it will work?09:27
unop_Draggin, apt-get/aptitude/dselect/dpkg -- few of many :)09:27
DragginAlso, is there an easy way (like one command) that I can issue to reinstall critical packages to get back into my system?09:27
XB23yeh i did that stefan_09:28
XB23 tgbedcpp09:28
XB23all it says is Sorry, try again.09:28
unop_omar_, well, you could very well experience the problems you have now if you have hardy sources in your /etc/apt/sources.list but the system hasn't fully dist-upgraded (in otherwords, it's still gutsy or whatever)09:28
nanobugtux97: mount -t smbfs -o username=name,password=password //machinename/sharename /media/sharename09:28
unop_omar_, what repos do you have in your sources.list?09:28
nanobugreplacing everything with it's obvious counterparts09:29
nanobugyou will need to sudo mkdir /media/sharename09:29
omar_unop_: can you tell me exactly how to check that out?09:29
unop_omar_, !pastebin the output of this command - cat /etc/apt/sources.list09:29
nanobugyou can add that to /etc/fstab to have it mount on bootup09:30
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unop_Draggin, sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg; sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg09:30
nanobugor just make a shell script that runs when you start gnome/xfce/kde09:30
omar_unop_: There you go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60272/09:31
tux97ok nanobug is it like mount -t smbfs -o username=myname,pasword=mypassword //tuxy/music /whats /media/sharename?09:31
unop_tux97, you need to make that directory -- sudo mkdir /media/sharename09:31
nanobugtux97:  so for instance, sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=tux97,password=yourpassword //tuxy/music /media/directory_you_need_to_make09:32
Dragginunop_ thanks - I'll go give that a shot...09:32
XB23whenever i run apt-get install it tells me to insert the cdrom for ubuntu - but i dont have access to the cd rom09:32
omar_unop_: Do I try to dist-upgrade??09:32
nanobugwhatever your samba username is should go after username=09:32
unop_omar_, it doesnt look like sources.list was modified for the dist-upgrade -- can you tell me how you tried dist-upgrading earlier?09:33
vekeyes nanobug09:33
vekei tryed both usb and ps209:33
vekei'mgoing to have a shower09:33
mecikagood luck09:34
unop_XB23, are you connected to the internet?09:34
jokerjrcould you enable multiple desktop background in ubuntu09:34
unop_XB23, i mean that machine..09:34
nanobugveke: honestly, i don't have a solution for your problem, but while you shower i'll google around and see what i can come up with09:34
jokerjrhow do you do that09:34
XB23ah iv got it09:35
tux97nanobug i got  a error09:35
XB23just editted sources.list09:35
XB23remvoed cdrom09:35
unop_jokerjr, as if one wasnt enough, you want more- - why would you want multiple backgrounds ?09:35
waylandbilljokerjr, do you want to rotate the background images after some time?09:35
tux97mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //tuxy/music,09:35
tux97       missing codepage or helper program, or other error09:35
tux97       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try09:35
tux97       dmesg | tail  or so09:35
MohammadBoozaryHappy Nowruz :)09:35
nanobugthats.. nice09:35
nanobugone sec09:35
jokerjryou see i am using 2 screens for the time being09:35
tux97ok nanobug09:35
unop_tux97, you seem to have a command there .. //tuxy/music,  ??09:35
jokerjrand i want to make both screen different09:36
unop_tux97, sorry, s/command/comma/09:36
hyakuheihi all, I'm having some big problems here. I initially installed using the server disc so I could have encrypted lvm. now I have kernel issues I cant get restricted to work ...09:36
jokerjrbec  i get confused sometimes09:36
nanobugtry replacing tuxy with the ip address09:36
omar_unop_: I totally forgot about the dist-upgrade command until you mentioned it now, so all I was doing was: "sudo apt-get update -d" or "sudo apt-get upgrade -d"09:36
waylandbilljokerjr: using xinerama? is it just one big desktop or one desktop per screen?09:36
hyakuheiuname -a : Linux typhoon 2.6.22-14-generic09:36
omar_unop_: Or the same too, but with "aptitude" instead of "apt-get"09:36
madmnis it hard to lock a user in one directory09:36
nanobugyou know09:37
nanobugtux97:  i skipped a crucial step :)09:37
jokerjr1 desktop per screen09:37
nanobugi blame vicodin09:37
unop_omar_, but before you run the dis-upgrade command -- you need to modify the sources.list to contain hardy repos, otherwise it wont have an updated list of hardy packages09:37
xjerXanyone having problems with the ubuntu-docs 7.10.5 update for Gutsy?  It says "Setting Up" and sits there.09:37
jokerjris it possible to do that09:37
tux97what nanobug09:37
nanobugtux97: sudo apt-get install smbfs smbclient09:37
madmnlike if i only want to allow them to stay in their own directory09:37
omar_unop_: And how do I do that?09:37
unop_omar_, and while you're at that -- you might as well clean up your sources.list file -- it's all over the place :)09:37
xnoxwhat's the difference between irc.ubuntu.com and freenode.net?09:37
waylandbilljokerjr: if there are seperate desktops, you should be able to right click one desktop and configure the background for it independent from the other.09:37
madmnis it hard to do such thing09:37
explicitlyi asked over at #ubuntu+1 but I'll ask here too......Does anyone have any experience with evolution-addressbook-export?09:38
explicitlyI have used it successfully in gusty but when I try in hardy i get an warning: "** (evolution-addressbook-export:16195): WARNING **: FIXME: wait for completion unimplemented"09:38
omar_unop_: Can you help do these things? :D09:38
gan_ i am getting error when i install from live cd to my harddisk09:38
nanobugtux97:  then try this09:38
unop_omar_, usually, all you have to do is replace each instance of the word gutsy with hardy  in sources.list -- except the 3rd party repos09:38
jokerjrbut how ? on my lower right corner, there are 2 screens right09:38
vallhalla81what do i need to install to play mp3 on rythmbox?09:39
reza_20any iran09:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:39
nanobugtux97: sudo smbmount //sharename/music /media/folder_you_created -o username=yourusername,password=yourpassword09:39
waylandbillexplicitly: sounds like the developers put a stub for a function that's not yet written09:39
jokerjrbut when i change the screen for one of hem the other changes too09:39
explicitlyahh...that would explain....09:39
jokerjrbut how ? on my lower right corner, there are 2 screens right09:39
jokerjrbut when i change the screen for one of hem the other changes too09:39
nanobuglet me know how that works for you09:40
madmndoes anyone know how hard it would be to keep a user in their own home directory and not let them go anywhere else ?09:40
unop__omar_, this should do the trick / work -- sudo perl -i.bak -pe 's/gutsy/hardy/' /etc/apt/sources.list09:40
unop__omar_, this should do the trick / work -- sudo perl -i.bak -pe 's/gutsy/hardy/' /etc/apt/sources.list09:40
krautis there a method to debug what debconf-frontend is doing? everytime i install a new package, the postinst fails because there is an error 1.09:40
tux97nanobug sharename that would be the ip right?09:40
jokerjris it possible to change just one screen and keep the other.09:40
nanobugyeah that's probably the best way to do it09:40
waylandbilljokerjr: then it sounds like you have one desktop that is spanning both monitors. You need to configure two seperate desktops, not one that continues on to both to have two backgrounds. However, please note that you may not be able to drag windows between them if you do.09:40
krautfor example: http://pastebin.com/m657d38f209:40
jokerjroh so its not possible then09:41
madmnnanobug any ideas09:41
jokerjroh so its not possible then?09:41
unop__kraut, you get the post-inst script to be verbose -- usually you edit the post-inst script and add "set +x" (i think)09:41
krautunop_: i did, but it's still the frontend i think:09:42
jootmadnn, users do stay in there own dir09:42
kraut+ /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.postinst configure 2007f-3ubuntu109:42
nanobugmadmn: can't say that i know how to do that.  i've never had a need to09:42
krautdpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von tzdata (--configure):09:42
waylandbilljokerjr: it is possible. I've done 3 desktops. 1 on two monitors and a third on my television set. It all depends on the way you set it up. I used nvidia-settings since I have an nvidia card.09:42
nanobugi mean, they can't do anything outside of their home directory09:42
nanobugby default09:42
nanobugthey can look but not touch09:42
nanobugif you want to restrict them to not even being able to look i wouldn't know how to do that09:43
jokerjri dont use nvidia but is it possible09:43
jokerjri use dell media accelerator09:43
omar_unop_: And after that, I should "sudo aptitude update". right?09:43
jokerjrhaha sad huh09:43
nanobugtux97: how did that work for you?09:43
unop__omar_, or two-in-one -- sudo sh -c "aptitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade"09:44
tux97editing my notes n then i'm trying09:44
madmnso they could not touch any files then ?09:44
tux97so change the machinename to ip addy and what else needs to be the ip addy nanobug09:44
unop__kraut, that looks like the postfix preinst script failing -- is that the script you modified?09:44
jootmadnm, they cannot alter them they do have permission09:45
omar_unop_: Uh-huh, okay. And are you sure this is going to solve the G++ problem?09:45
nanobugthat should be it09:45
waylandbillmadmn: usually if there is something you need secured, in other words noone else look at, you remove read privs from others and maybe even from groups if applicable. You can use sticky bits and/or umasks to make newly created files follow that sort of scheme as well.09:45
unop__omar_, i bl**dy well hope so :)09:45
nanobugfor my system it looks like this:09:45
krautunop_: every script fails on the same way09:45
omar_unop_: So, it's not guaranteed, huh?09:45
waylandbilljokerjr: sorry, I don't know anything about dell media accel. You may try contacting the developers of that software to ask if they know how it is done if at all possible.09:46
unop__omar_, well, let's say i believe it to succeed almost 95% .. there's always a remote chance something else might be at play09:46
tux97nanobug whats the sharename?09:46
nanobugsudo smbmount // /media/music -o username=myusername,password=mypassword09:46
nanobugthats my system09:47
tux97ok ty09:47
unop__kraut, every preinst script fails ?09:47
nanobugi would just do: sudo mkdir /media/music09:47
krautunop_: every postinst or postrm.09:47
omar_unop_: LOL, 95% is not a bad chance, I guess. :D09:47
waylandbillmadmn: without read privs, they couldn't view the files. Without read privs on the directories, they couldn't even get the listings of the directories.09:47
nanobugthen once you get it mounted just point your media player to build a library from that directory09:47
unop__kraut, can you post a more elaborate output -- that maybe contains many of these errors?09:48
krautunop_: no, because at one time only one package fails. when i do an exit 0 into the postinst of postfix, another package will fail after that.09:49
krautunop_: is it possible to recover the template-files from dpkg of another machine?09:49
nanobugtux97:  did it mount for you?09:49
tux97hold on09:49
nanobugwhat is the error that it gave you09:50
tux97sudo smbmount // /media/music -o username=tux,password=password09:51
tux97what i did09:51
unop__kraut, i'm not sure, i've never tried -- but i think it's crucial to try and debug the script and get to the source of the problem -- if i understand this german right -- does the error say there was an error unpacking the .deb file?09:51
krautunop_: no, with processing the postinst script. it gaves an error 1 back.09:52
tux97Could not resolve mount point /media/music09:52
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nanobugthat means that you need to make the folder in media to mount it to09:52
nanobugsudo mkdir /media/music09:52
unop__kraut, - this is the same error right - http://translate.google.com/translate_t?langpair=de|en09:53
unop__kraut, ohh crap --sorry09:53
omar_unop: Thank you very very much, my system is now being upgraded to Hardy Heron, and I hope this is going to fix everything. :)09:53
krautunop_: wait09:53
cintacore lehy knln g?09:53
omar_unop: Thank you again. :)09:54
unop__kraut, this one - http://pastebin.com/m657d38f209:54
unop__omar_, i hope your problem is fixed and you upgrade all in one -- good luck :)09:54
tux97ok nanobug i forgot what i did make sorry09:54
krautunop_: http://pastebin.com/m43db431609:54
tux97mounted now nanobug now what09:55
nanobugdo you want it to auto-mount every time you boot up?09:55
gan_ubiquity is making problem09:56
tux97sure why not :)09:56
nanobugok do me a favor09:56
nanobugcopy and paste what you used to mount but change your username and password to something generic09:57
kadakasheelp! My Logitech V470 bluetooth mouse keeps disconnecting from my ubuntu 7.10 if i dont use the mouse for 5minutes or more!?!? How can i fix this?09:57
tux97sudo smbmount // /media/music -o username=tux,password=password09:57
nanobugdo this: sudo nano /root/.credentials09:58
nanobuginside the file, add these two lines09:58
unop__kraut, very strange -- have you tried adding "set -x" to  /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.postinst ?09:58
nanobugthen hit ctrl-O to save and exit09:58
bullgard4"apt-cache showpkg pm-utils; Package: pm-utils. Reverse Depends:  kpowersave,pm-utils". What does 'Reverse Depends' mean?09:59
nanobugsudo chmod 600 /root/.credentials09:59
krautunop__: sure09:59
krautunop__: but at the point frontend starts with $1 on that script, i see nothing09:59
gan_ubiquity is making problem09:59
nanobuglet me know when you're done with that09:59
unop__bullgard4, it means kpowersave depends on this package09:59
hyakuheihmmm, when aptitude lists packages, 'i'=installed, 'p'=package (not installed), what does 'c' mean ?09:59
tux97ok done09:59
grubif i do have the backports repo added in my sources.list along with other repos, i shouldnt have any problems, right?10:00
nanobugnow you want to do this:10:00
robby_kanehay im trying to install vmware tools can enyone help me out10:00
bullgard4unop__: What do you mean by 'this'?10:00
nanobugsudo nano /etc/fstab10:00
unop__kraut, if you are making reference to "set -x" -- it can be added anywhere in the script -- preferably at line #2 just after the shebang10:00
nanobugadd this line:10:01
unop__bullgard4, this here is pm-utils  -- kpowersave depends on pm-utils thus kpowersave is a reverse-dependant of pm-utils10:01
robby_kanei have vmwate tools on the vm but not on the host (ubuntu 7.10) how do i install it lol :P10:01
nanobug// /media/music   smbfs   auto,credentials=/root/,credentials,uid=1000,umask=000,user   0 010:02
nanobugthen ctrl-O to write out and exit10:02
nanobugwhen you reboot it will auto-mount10:02
unop__hyakuhei, it means the package was most likely removed but it's configuration files have been left behing for when (and if) you reinstall the package10:02
tux97ok nanobug ty10:02
robby_kanethats sweet10:02
nanobugyou're welcome10:03
hyakuheiunop__, thanks10:03
nanobugto access the music just open your media player of choice and tell it to build your library from /media/music10:03
krautunop__: nothing usefull10:03
nanobugwhat media player do you use?10:03
grubif i do have the backports repo added in my sources.list along with other repos, i shouldnt have any problems, right?10:03
d3vt4rhello room10:04
robby_kanestill want o know how to ass vmware tools to ubuntu 7.1 gutsy thats the host lol XD10:04
Ar-PharazonHi, I'm sorry if this offends anyone but I want to make my kubuntu as insecure as possible.10:04
unop__kraut, you could try the guys in #debian -- they helped me through something similar once -- i'm lost with this one10:04
krautunop__: http://pastebin.com/m6aca435110:04
krautthat's also interesting10:04
Ar-PharazonWell, not exactly as possible, but much less secure at any rate.10:04
d3vt4rhow would one get their application in the debian/ubuntu software repository?10:04
krautunop__: i think it's more painless to reinstall then to hang around with debian-guys.10:05
CowlolHey, is there something like the migration assistant but for the alternate CD?10:05
robby_kanecose i have to have the shared folder to install firefox cose i have a lite ver. of xp that dosent have iexplorer lol :(10:05
Johnny_5Ar-Pharazon: y the hex0r would u want to do that?10:05
d3vt4rim already working on the gentoo ebuild, but i have no idea how to get my app downloadable with Synaptic10:05
d3vt4ror apt-get10:05
unop__kraut, actually you could try this -- sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow debconf   (and select the ncurses interface)10:05
waylandbilld3vt4r: MOTU has a list of requested applications for addition.10:06
Johnny_5Ar-Pharazon: just curious10:06
krautunop__: root@kaya:~# sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow debconf10:06
d3vt4rwaylandbill: MOTU?10:06
Ar-Pharazonjohny_5: Well, I don't have anything worth securing on this laptop and I seriously don't care how bad it's f'ed up so I figure why bother with all the login screens and confirmations and what not?10:06
ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU10:06
bullgard4unop__: Is your sentence: "kpowersave depends on pm-utils thus kpowersave is a reverse-dependant of pm-utils" true? I cannot see that this is logical.10:07
unop__kraut, you weren't prompted for anything at all?10:07
krautunop__: nope10:07
UateC_i like how vista requires like 512meg of ram minimum10:07
reza_20i a m irani10:07
UateC_but i'm running ubuntu in parallels and it's using up less ram than outlook10:07
d3vt4rmasters of the universe, damn u guys sure have a knack for names10:07
Ar-PharazonJohnny_5: It's like wearing a crash helmet when you go for a walk.10:07
waylandbilld3vt4r: yes. I thought it was cute when I first saw it. :-D10:07
tux97nanobug i see it but having probs to connect to it since i'm using wifi10:08
Johnny_5better safe than sorry i always say10:08
Ar-PharazonJohnny_5: Uh... O_o10:08
unop__kraut, sheesh, sounds like a debconf problem -- try reinstalling it -- I have a feeling it might solve the problem, it certainly looks to be it now -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall debconf10:08
nanobugwhat kind of problems?10:08
robby_kanethe people at #vmware arnt responding lol i think thay r all away from keybord :(10:08
waylandbillAr-Pharazon: crash helmet during a walk. Depends on the size of the city. ;-)10:09
unop__bullgard4, why is that illogical -- it certainly makes sense -- if someone depends on me, they are reverse-dependants to me10:09
tux97says opening music and just siting there10:09
Oli```Ar-Pharazon: I see your want to do something like that but where does the current security model get in your way? What of the current set up is bothering you?10:09
nanobugif its mounting okay i'm really not sure what the problem is10:09
nanobugsorry :/10:10
benplautQ: i haven't used linux since the time when ATi drivers really sucked (before they supported aiglx).  Do they still really suck?10:10
tux97its just siting there and looks like it doesn't want to open up10:10
robby_kaneanyone here use vmware?10:10
nanobugbenplaut: depends on what card you're using really10:11
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benplautx1400... not supported by the open source drivers afaik10:11
Ar-PharazonOli```: It's not *that* big of a bother really. If it was I wouldn't be using Linux at all. But the login screen, the wifi password wallet nag thing, the you sure you want to install this dialogs, the you can't access these drives and these folders you dumb n00b hurdles are things I can think of from the top of my head.10:11
Johnny_5Ar-Pharazon: i don't know how 1 would do that...all i can tell u is don't bother with security updates, and don't tell ur screensaver 2 lock whenever it comes on...10:11
bullgard4unop__:  To me makes the following sense: "If someone depends on me, then he is a dependant on me. Not a reverse-dependant."10:12
robby_kaneanyone use vmware?10:13
waylandbillunop__: if they depend on you, they are a dependent. You would be the provider.10:13
Oli```Ar-Pharazon: auto-login can be done. keyring cannot currently be set at no password. You *could* add yourself to the root group but I think that might stop you logging in. You can give yourself a blank password but that will break the current keyring manager. Give yourself a (1-3 char) short password is my best idea.10:13
tbfhow can i tell aptitude to update just one single archive?10:15
BurningPandahello! Im having some trouble with my graf card... can anuone help me in finding the right drivers?. Heres my computer info - http://pastebin.com/m60b3d0b310:15
tux97nanobug can i comment out the last line in the second file to see if that helps?10:15
Ar-PharazonOli```: Here's one example case: I just installed Nero, I run it, it gives me a dialog box that says /dev/sg0 is not accessible because I don't have the permissions... I mean, I have zero problem with giving everybody permissions for everything. Yes, I realize what that means. I don't care.10:15
nanobugyou mean comment that line in /etc/fstab that i gave you?10:15
nanobugfstab is the file that your computer looks at on bootup to know what filesystems to mount10:16
Ar-PharazonOli```: I know about the auto login, and I did see a HOWTO on getting rid of the wifi password thing but couldn't get it to work... Which brings me to my problem, can't I just disable all the security stuff from someplace? It's gonna be even more of hassle to set things up one by one.10:16
nanobugcommenting that out will stop it from automounting10:16
nanobugwere you able to access the music before adding it to there and rebooting?10:16
BurningPandahello! Im having some trouble with my graf card... can anuone help me in finding the right drivers?. Heres my computer info - http://pastebin.com/m60b3d0b310:16
realacan anyone help me setting up portfowarding in ubuntu to use with utorrent in wine ?10:17
nanobugcause if thats the case, then just mounting it manually may be your better option10:17
tux97yes when i added it and rebooted just stalled and wouldn't let me so i commented it out and did the sudo mount u gave me and it worked10:17
waylandbillBurningPanda: debian/sid? brave soul. :-D10:18
nanobugok are you booting into a gnome desktop?10:18
nanobugSystem > Preferences > Sessions10:18
BurningPandadidnt understand  the joke wayland ?10:18
nanobugadd the mount line to there10:18
nanobugsudo smbmount // /media/music -o username=tux,password=password10:18
waylandbillBurningPanda: what generated that list? usually you would want to 'lspci' to find the video card type.10:19
nanobugthat way it will just happen when you get to your desktop10:19
realacan anyone help me setting up portfowarding in ubuntu to use with utorrent in wine or link me to a tutorial, not having much luck ?10:19
BurningPandaah. it trough a game thing i got.10:19
BurningPandai can generate another if you give me the command :)10:19
egoleoi have installed ubuntu server version10:20
waylandbillBurningPanda: debian/sid is unstable and can break without warning. I'm not that brave.10:20
egoleoand i have more than 1 processor10:20
nanobugreala: install firestarter and use that, it's fairly straightforward10:20
egoleowill my system make use of all processors by default?10:20
realathanks nanobug10:20
waylandbillBurningPanda: in a terminal, just execute: lspci10:20
BurningPandadebian/sid the drivers im suosed to use?10:20
nanobugyou're welcome10:21
nanobugyou can find it in add/remove programs or just sudo apt-get install firestarter10:21
waylandbillBurningPanda: it must be the program you used to generate that report. Debian/Sid is a version of the Debian distro.10:21
nanobugif you run into any problems from there just let me know i'll help you out10:21
realayeah i've learnt to use sudo apt-get install for everything, only command i can remember off by heart so far :)10:21
waylandbillBurningPanda: obviously, if you're not running Debian, the program's output is not very useful.10:21
BurningPandaim on ubuntu.10:22
BurningPandabut the program is a cedega invention....10:22
BurningPandabut dont mind. just help me finding the right drivers for my graf card :)10:22
waylandbillBurningPanda: I figured you were on ubuntu or you wouldn't be here. :-D10:22
waylandbillBurningPanda: ATI Technologies Inc R420 [Radeon X800]10:23
tux97nanobug ty10:23
tux97nanobug whats ur media player?10:23
bertvdphi, a quick and quite dumb question: what do I have to press to move something only vertically or only horizontaly in the gimp?10:23
waylandbillBurningPanda: the ubuntu website has pages to help with ATI drivers.10:23
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:23
BurningPandargr. aking a look10:24
BurningPandathanks so far.10:24
neztit1guys anyone can hejp gere???? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60274/10:24
nanobugtux97: I use exaile on linux10:24
nanobugwmp on windows10:24
BurningPandathat vas easy :)10:25
BurningPandawheni enable the restricted driver it should be ok, right?10:25
tux97nanobug ty10:26
BurningPandaor must i update the driver somehow.10:26
BurningPandaa shit. gotto go for a while.10:26
BurningPandabe right bacvk10:27
neztit1guys anyone can hejp gere???? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60274/10:27
iceswordcompiling what10:27
DragginHello again - I have a new question.  If I have an existing Ubuntu installation that is totally broken and I install the same version of Ubuntu into the same partitions, will it keep the files that are already there in tact?10:27
tux97so nanobug can i put music on the voulume i mounted or do i have to go to conect to server to do it?10:28
moslimyes u can10:28
newbie291Does Ubuntu use Gparted during the installation?10:28
moslimof course10:29
YgorAbreu_ESP_BRis true that today canonical would release the beta of hardy heron?10:29
iceswordDraggin, depends if you have a /home partition10:29
newbie291I mean the partition manager we see during the installation of Ubuntu is Gaprted?10:29
YgorAbreu_ESP_BRis true that today canonical would release the beta of hardy heron today?10:29
jokerjrhow do i make different workspace have different background10:29
zmattjokerjr: what DM ?10:29
Dragginicesword - do you mean an entirely separate partition for the home folder?10:30
nanobugwell you would have to give your samba user read/write permissions for that folder10:30
waylandbillDraggin: if you only have a single / partition, I'd suggest backing your data up, like to a cdr or dvdr.10:30
jokerjri would like to make diff workspace have different background10:30
nanobugSystem > Administration > Shared folders10:30
nanobugon the computer that has the folder, of course10:30
iceswordif you want to reinstall ,format the whole / partition10:30
jokerjris it possible?10:30
Dragginicesword... I don't think I set it up like that... If I remember correctly, I set up a separate boot, root and swap partition, but that's it.  I believe my home folder is in the root partition10:31
iceswordDraggin, i am afraid you d to format /10:31
nanobugif it's listed in there, which it should be, make sure that there isn't a check in the properties under read only10:31
iceswordnot damn it,if you dont want mess up10:32
DragginHehe, true...10:32
tux97ok nanobug ty10:32
nanobugif you're all clear there10:32
DragginWill I be able to write to DVD while booted up in the live CD?  I have a separate DVD Writer (which is not the drive the live cd is in)10:33
ash_ /msg NickServ@services.dal.net IDENTIFY 12345610:33
nanobugthen as long as you don't mount it read only10:33
nanobugyou should be able to write to it10:33
waylandbillDraggin: sure. as long as its a seperate drive.10:33
jokerjrhow do i make different workspace have different background10:33
Dragginwaylandbill - thanks10:33
DragginThink I'll just need to do that then...10:33
Draggin*sigh* It's good to learn new things, but it takes so much time... This is the first time I've completely, irreparably destroyed my Linux installation :)10:34
nanobugDraggin: the nice thing about major screw ups is you tend to learn more from them10:34
waylandbillDraggin: after you format and re-partition, it'd be best to make a seperate /home partition. :-10:34
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iceswordDraggin, how did it happen10:34
Dragginwaylandbill, yes, I now see how that can be extremely useful.  When I initially installed it, I didn't see the point in having a separate partition for the home folder10:35
nanobugmajor screw ups are why i recommend to ALL new users that if you really want to get your hands dirty you should buy an old computer on craigslist for cheap to install linux on10:35
nanobugthat way you don't bork any important stuff on your windows install in the process10:35
waylandbillDraggin: i think it is more important to have a separate /home than a separate /boot.10:35
Dragginicesword - graphics driver.  I tried getting rid of it which threw me out of X, and then I started mucking around with aptitude, which caused the utter destruction :)10:35
jokerjrheyy there is something wrong with my recycle bin. files that i put in it just disappear. Could someone help me10:36
waylandbillnanobug: or if they are currently using windows, vmware or virtualbox is a good alternative.10:36
Dragginwaylandbill - yet a separate boot is useful too, isn't it?10:36
nanobugwaylandbill: yes, that is a good alternative as well.  although a bit more limited10:36
jokerjris there a prob with my settings.10:36
adachow to create a bootable disk from loose files (not an image) with k3b? any ideas?10:36
iceswordi think it depends on how many systems you have10:36
jokerjri am new with linux10:37
waylandbillDraggin: it used to be when the bios can not boot from a large capacity partition. This is uncommon these days.10:37
Dragginicesword - yip... I don't think I would have caused as much destruction as I had if I could only have figured out how to properly select things in aptitude.  I think I ended up uninstalling pretty much everything except the kernel :D10:37
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iceswordadac, what you want ,a linux or win cd?10:37
nanobugk i need to get some coffee and some frozen peas10:38
Dragginwaylandbill - but isn't there some other reason too... Something like - if the rest of your file systems become corrupt or unreachable, you can still at least get to the boot files to try and repair things?10:38
nanobugthe advantage of a boot partition is that you can install multiple kernels independent from the rest of the filesystem10:38
adacicesword: shoud be a boot cd for a bios update...10:39
jokerjrheyy there is something wrong with my recycle bin. files that i put in it just disappear. Could someone help me10:39
iceswordadac, do yo know it is dangerous?10:39
nanobugnice for if you're compiling particularly troublesome modules into the kernel10:39
waylandbillDraggin: I'm not sure of that. I would just use the LiveCD to recover. Even if you could get up from a boot partition, most tools are not located there anyway.10:39
iceswordadac, and you followed the mainboard website 's guide10:39
nanobugfor most users, and at the risk of sounding prejudicial, the ubuntu crowd especially, a separate boot partition is really unnecessary10:39
adacicesword: well I know. It is a update on the acer websirte for the mainbord10:40
nanobugthe separate /home partition is recommended though, so you can hold on to downloads, bookmarks, config files in the event of a need to reformat10:40
Dragginwaylandbill... That's true.  Thanks for the advice.  By the way - how big would you recommend one makes the home partition?10:40
adacicesword: but i have no floppy so i need to do this over a cd10:40
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iceswordadac, you need to follow the guide carefully,also remember backup10:40
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nanobugDraggin: your root partition should be fine with 15 gigs, even 10 unless you plan on installing half the repository10:41
waylandbillDraggin: I made my / 10 GB, but could have been smaller. I made the /home the remainder of the space.10:41
Dragginokay, I intend to install quite a lot of software though...10:42
nanobughome should be whatever you can spare and feel you will need for the equivalent of your "my documents" folder on windows10:42
adacicesword: this is what the guide says: http://pastebin.com/m30004dbe10:42
adacicesword: but i have no floppy so I wanted to do that over a cd10:42
waylandbillyeah. home should big enough to hold the data you plan on using. I do gis software development, so I needed very large home in comparison to the root.10:43
red_onewhy can i only see an application when it's maximised? and 'move' doesn't work at all10:43
iceswordadac, as it says,you need to create a bootable cd like it said dos10:44
adacicesword: yea..but when i extract the archive with the updatee there are only loose files on it as I told you10:44
iceswordadac, you need a dos cd,then extract zip to that cd10:44
kbkanghi everyone10:45
rebelThorhello, i'm using the latest Hardy and 2.6.24-12-generic but no sound, wasn't that problem fixed when hardy started using this kernel?10:45
waylandbilladac: you could burn it to a freedos disk which would be bootable. If you need dos and don't have it.10:45
DoublenoobI'm having problems installing my graphics card, every time i run install.sh in the terminal it says "could not locate pkginfo file. aborting," even though i can locate it with ease.10:45
iceswordadac, see,that it said there is a p.bat,you need to run it in dos environment10:45
adacicesword: oh i see now...i need the dos environment on the cd10:45
DragginThanks for all the help guys10:46
adacicesword: but how to create such a cd?10:46
iceswordadac, that is right,just download like dos.iso and burn it to the cd10:46
waylandbilladac: look into the freedos project.10:46
adacan then add the data?10:46
ting_hi everybody10:47
iceswordadac, yes,the you said loose file to the cd10:47
iceswordadac, you must carefully follow the guide there10:47
adacicesword: ok i try to be carefully10:48
adacthx for your help10:48
nanobugman im gonna kick my friend in the balls when i see him10:48
PendetaIf you are downloading a large new package, and you you need to stop the download for some reason, will the download have to be restarted from the beginning? or will it restart from where you left off?10:48
nanobugi had a vasectomy yesterday afternoon.  my friend told me it doesn't hurt that bad.  he's a damn liar.10:48
ting_i would like to know if i can set a shortcut key to load an application like windows (Alt + Ctrl + Key)10:49
waylandbillPendeta: apt can resume partial downloads. They are kept in /var/cache/apt.10:49
Sinnermanwaylandbill: just to take up from Pendeta's question, is that the default behaviour? what if you're using synaptic?10:49
nanobugting_: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts10:49
unop__Pendeta, it depends what application is downloading the file10:50
ting_ummm thanks, i am new in linux10:50
ting_thanks nanobug10:50
nanobugting_: no problem, friend10:50
waylandbillSinnerman: since synpatic is a front-end to apt, then yes. As well as apt-get, aptitude, adept, etc.10:50
unop__Sinnerman, apt/synaptic have resumes10:50
PendetaI'm using aptitude.10:50
waylandbillSinnerman: and it is the default behavior.10:50
Sinnermanunop__, waylandbill: brilliant. thanks.10:51
unop__Pendeta, that too10:51
waylandbillPendeta: aptitude is also an apt front-end. It will resume as well.10:51
ddaltonok can the ubuntu installer resize my windows partition? Do I just need to defrag? Like do I have to resize my win partition before running the ubuntu installer?  I'm wanting to set up a dual booting windows/linux box.10:51
PendetaOk, all you guys, many thanks!10:52
unop__ddalton, it's better to have the partition setup before starting the ubuntu installer10:52
kbkangguys, i'm going crazy ^_^ is there anyone who can help me installing Nvidia drivers? thanks people^^10:52
waylandbillddalton: you can do it before hand. GPartEd Live CD works well for doing so.10:52
unop__ddalton, i've had the ubuntu CD cras on me several times -- especially when manipulating the disk -- and it's not a comfy feeling when that happens, if you know what i mean10:53
DragginThanks again everyone.  See you later!10:53
ddaltonunop__: Could you please pm me or join ##ddalton since I'm blind and this channel of 1000 people is impossible to follow reading braille...10:53
blue-frogting_: install a program called keytouch, it should do what you want to do10:53
tux97nanobug thank you for your help ttyl night10:53
nanobugtux97: you're welcome, nice talking to you :)10:54
tux97ttys bye10:54
DoublenoobI try to install my graphics card by running install.sh in the terminal but it says "could not locate pkginfo file" even though i can locate it. Can somebody help me with this?10:54
ddaltoncan someone familiar with dual booting please join ##ddalton?10:54
unop__ddalton, i'm there10:55
zyclopI have a dual head setup with Big-Desktop (aticonfig). It works in Gnome, but not in Fluxbox.10:57
KemrinHHey everyone10:57
ting_thanks blue-frog, yes i am gonna do it10:57
KemrinHI've got a Gigaware CIF Single Chip USB camera; and I'm trying to figure out how to use it.10:58
blue-frogting_: if you like to leave dangerously, you can even try that: http://www.mylot.com/nr/viewframe.aspx?id=199002&url=http%3a%2f%2flifehacker.com%2fsoftware%2fhow-to%2fconfigure-custom-keyboard-shortcuts-on-ubuntu-256955.php&type=Blog10:59
FinnishI still don't know how to exactly manually partition my laptop HD during Ubuntu installation10:59
TheDarkBGMcan some 1 tell me if there is a cpu temperature moniter for ununity some where hidden away11:00
zyclopTheDarkBGM, gkrellm, I think11:00
FinnishWhat file type must I choose for Ubuntu?11:00
DoublenoobI try to install my graphics card by running install.sh in the terminal but it says "could not locate pkginfo file" even though i can locate it. Can somebody help me with this?11:00
waylandbillDoublenoob: where'd you get the install.sh from?11:01
FinnishOk. And I mount the new ext3-partition to "/"?11:01
ting_thanks blue-frog, i am trying the keytouch but i think that i am gonna stick with the second option11:01
DoublenoobI got it from Intel's website.11:01
KemrinHFinnish, have one partition of 100-500mb in swap format. Have two more in ext3, one should be around 5000mb, and be mounted to /, the other should be the rest of your free space, and be mounted to /home11:02
KemrinHdoes that help?11:02
waylandbilldid it come with a way to checksum it to make sure it downloaded okay?11:02
ting_blue-frog: do  you know how i can set the icon size for the desktop ?? because i am tired  to strech the icon manually11:02
TheDarkBGMim new to linux how do i use gkrellm?11:02
blue-frogting_: don't know11:02
FinnishAargh, that exceeds the partition number amount11:03
zyclopTheDarkBGM, have you installed it?11:03
ting_thanks any way, i appreciate your help11:03
iceswordTheDarkBGM, in terminal,run gkrellm?11:03
burken_can i access a win network from the livecd?11:03
KemrinHHey, I have a CIF Single chip webcam; it doesn't seem to work. I don't have experience with webcames, were should I start?11:03
technolabI want to create a local hots web saver in my pc11:03
FinnishRight now mylaptop shows 3 partiotions11:03
zyclopTheDarkBGM, if not, use synaptic to install it, then search for it in the menu11:03
blblmejoin #ubuntu-cn11:03
waylandbillFinnish: if you need more than 4 partitions, you need to make an extended partition to house the others.11:04
blue-frogting_: the gconf editor thing for shortcuts is quite easy to follow oin fact11:04
KemrinHWhy would you need more than 4? What are you doing to your hard disk Finnish?11:04
zyclopKemrinH, http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/USB-Digital-Camera-HOWTO.html11:04
FinnishI wan't my Ubuntu on top of windows11:04
KemrinHa triple boot would be pretty cool ^_^11:04
KemrinHOh, thanks zyclop.11:05
FinnishAnd right now windows has created 3 partitions for itself11:05
zyclopKemrinH, GIYF11:05
TheDarkBGMno i havnt installed it11:05
KemrinHWhat windows system needs 3 partitions?11:05
TheDarkBGMim now stuck at the partitions section of the install11:05
KemrinHWindows naturally exists in 1...11:05
TheDarkBGMim using a raid 0 array11:05
Finnishhda1 is 5gb, hda2 50gb and hda3 50gb11:06
FinnishWindows has C-drive and D-drive11:06
TheDarkBGMhow can i select the whole array as my partition?11:07
FinnishD-drive is a storage-drive11:07
* Tm_T slaps Finnish 11:07
burken_do i need a guest account for LAN to woRK?11:07
ting_yes blue-frog, the config was the solution that i was looking for11:07
ting_the touchkey program is not was i was looking for11:07
ddaltonok is it fine to use ntfsresize from the cli in a ubuntu livecd?11:08
zyclopburken_, define LAN working11:08
KemrinHI'm back. Finnish, I don't understand why windows needs a storage partition. Why doesn't your windows exist in a single partition like a normal windows?11:09
burken_zyclop: i nwant to have access to my ubuntu computer from my win xp computer..11:09
KemrinHIf the answer is "for no reason" then you should change is so that it has only the one partition; and spend the other three on linux, which naturally exists in 2-3 partitions.11:09
FinnishKemrinH: Yeah, it's kinda stupid, but that's how it is in that laptop11:09
zyclopburken_, access via SSH? FTP? Sharing an internet connection?11:10
KemrinHWell, I recommend formating and rebuilding that structure then. The formating isn't nessasary I just always suggest it.11:10
Doublenoobwaylandbill: I got it from Intel's website and the graphics adapter is an Intel 82852/855GME.11:10
nanobughaving a storage partition on windows isn't a bad idea11:10
Juhazit's a very good idea11:11
steven_hi, i'm having some problem uninstalling a package, when i do sudo apt-get remove wicd it complains about /opt not beeing deletable11:11
nanobugbetter to have one from the start than need one when you need to reformat and reinstall because of eventual windows slowdown11:11
TheDarkBGMhow do u select a whole partion from the installaton of ubuntu?11:11
KemrinHYou should format, reinstall windows in a 5Gb partition; then install linux with a 5gb / partition, a 500mb swap, and the rest in a /home partition; which you can download a windows program to make windows see it to, and use that as storage from both OS11:11
steven_i tried with sudo rm -r /opt but nothing to do...11:11
nanobugreinstall windows in a 5gb partition?11:11
nanobugwhat version of windows?11:11
nanobugxp needs more than 5gb11:12
eifzonHey, I just installed ubuntu and the restricted driver for graphic card, I also rebooted and its say its working but how do I change the resolution?11:12
KemrinHNo it doesn't11:12
=== burken__ is now known as burken
nanobugunless you like running w/o a swap file and any programs11:12
burkenzyclop: sorry my laptop battery went down11:12
nanobugand xp uses the swap file a lot11:12
KemrinHI installed all programs to my /home directory11:12
iceswordxp embeded,or optimized.whatever you call it11:12
nanobugyes, it does KemrinH.11:12
zyclopburken, so, how exactly do you want to acces your ubuntu PC?11:13
burkenzyclop: i want to reach the shared folders on my xp system from my ubuntu system..11:13
FinnishI'll just go to windows and delete the extra-partition11:13
eifzonHey, I just installed ubuntu and the restricted driver for graphic card, I also rebooted and its say its working but how do I change the resolution?11:13
zyclopburken, that looks like a job for samba11:13
KemrinHNo, not for it's root systems. Extra programs and stuff take up room; but if you keep them in your ext3 /home directory, then you only need basically room for your WINDOWS folder11:13
dbmoodbhi is any one aware of an initrd bug where ubuntu will reboot ...11:13
dbmoodband continue to do so...11:13
KemrinHGood plan Finnish'11:13
zyclopburken, I'll search for howtos.11:14
ikoniadbmoodb: why do you think thats initrd ?11:14
burkenzyclop: ok =) does samba need me to have a guest account on ubuntu?11:14
nanobugyou would need to install windows then install the ext3 driver in windows to write all programs to a folder on the /home partition11:14
dbmoodbwell its not the mbr ...11:14
nanobugand then every time you install a program you would need to change the directory it installs to11:14
zyclopburken, afaik not.11:14
dbmoodbas far as i know11:14
zyclopburken, and: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba11:14
ikoniadbmoodb: what happens.....exlecty11:14
nanobuga major pain in the butt for what amounts to little benefit11:14
KemrinHI know it works because I worked my system like that for months before moving fully into linux. My friends system is still like that. I format and set it back up when she destroys it; and it always works. Yeah, the ext3 driver is on a CD in my drawr11:14
burkenzyclop: ok thanks really!11:15
nanobugbetter to just let windows be windows and let linux be linux.11:15
zyclopburken, np11:15
steven_how to remove /opt? sudo rm -r /opt says "access denied"11:15
nanobugever hear of the kiss philosophy?11:15
ikoniaKemrinH: just because it works for you does not mean "it works" the ext3 driver on windows can cause corruption11:15
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nanobugkeep it simple.  overcomplicating things for no particular reason is never a good idea.11:15
jogishi i got question how to configure fluxbox?11:15
ikoniasteven_: is anything using /opt11:15
eifzonAnyone know?11:16
zyclopjogis, what do you want to configure?11:16
ikoniasteven_: eg: any open files etc11:16
ikoniaeifzon: know what ?11:16
KemrinHIt never caused me any trouble. I guess sometimes it might do something, I'm not a programmer. But I'm talking from months of experience, it didn't trouble me as a common user.11:16
dbmoodbi am not sure -- talking to a user today ikonia11:16
eifzonikonia: i wrote it11:16
eifzonHey, I just installed ubuntu and the restricted driver for graphic card, I also rebooted and its say its working but how do I change the resolution?11:16
ikoniadbmoodb: thats ok, so what actually happens exactly11:16
steven_ikonia: i don't remember the command to see who is using files, i'm fixing a pc (not mine) it just boots to textual interface11:16
jogisi install fluxbox and no menu... in right mouse button :|11:16
Javideifzon, system -> preferences -> screen resolution11:16
nanobugwindows does on the fly defragmentation and other optimizations that would at best be completely useless and at worst would cause file corruption11:16
ikoniaeifzon: use the system --> admin --> display properies11:16
ikoniasteven_: fuser or lsof11:16
Javideifzon, what he said, ignore me11:16
ikoniaJavid: no no, I think you could be right11:17
nanobugand there is really no benefit to doing what you suggest11:17
zyclopjogis, if there is no menu, you'll have to make your own11:17
steven_ikonia: nothing, no process using /opy11:17
Javidikonia, I'm right on Feisty, you're right on Hardy, hell if I know what it is on Gutsy11:17
zyclopjogis, are you familiar with the console?11:17
eifzonhmm wierd, it said my nvidia driver was properly installed but I cant choose any resolution over 1024x76811:17
dbmoodbikonia: apparently it boots --> grub --> kernel .... and then fails somewhere - the guy can chroot in ...and that works11:17
TheDarkBGMcan i install ubuntu on a raid 0 drive o.o11:18
ikoniadbmoodb: can you tell us where it fails11:18
jogiszyclop,  yep.. i lost command to generate that menu... i dont remember it11:18
burkeni get 404 not found when tryuing to get samba from repo :(11:18
nanobugin fact i would go so far as to suggest you're better off mounting a windows share as your /home folder than installing windows programs to an ext3 partition11:18
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: you can - but I'd advise against using a.) raid0 b.) fakeriad11:18
ikoniaburken: see if the repo is running11:18
ikoniaburken: as in available sorry11:18
burkenikonia: how do i do that?11:18
TheDarkBGMy sould i avoid raid 0?11:18
dbmoodb-- i will look on launchpad thank you ikonia11:18
zyclopjogis, I don't know that command either, but i have a menu file I could give you11:18
ikoniaburken: browse it via http11:18
burkenikonia: ok..11:19
jogisok send it11:19
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: on home kit it will give pretty much zero performance increase and provide a higher risk of consistancy problems, this risk is even bigger if you are using a fake raid chipset on your motherboard11:19
tgillespiehey all, why doesnt evolution minimise to the systray? is it just not implemented yet or has someone made the concious decision that it shouldnt?11:20
TheDarkBGMi have nvidia raid11:20
ikoniatgillespie: ask in gnome11:20
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: thats fakeraid11:20
kbkangI'm trying to install video drivers for my Nvidia GF FX 5700 LE, everytime i do install drivers my pc works good until reboot, then it goes blank before login, can anyone help me?11:20
TheDarkBGMits a true hardware raid11:20
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: no it's not11:20
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: nvidia is fakeraid chipsets11:20
TheDarkBGMworks for windows ^.^11:20
KemrinHThe benefit is that it makes a usable windows partition without wasting my space. I guess I'm thinking from the perspective of someone who only jumped over there for what I absolutly had to, during my transitional phase, and spent 96% of my time in linux though.11:20
tgillespieikonia k thanks11:20
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: your not using windows and it's still fake raid11:20
TheDarkBGMthen ive set it up as a raid11:21
zyclopjogis, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60276/11:21
Javidtgillespie, use alltray11:21
burkenikonia: the version synaptics is trying to fetch is not even in the archive :(11:21
nanobugyeah but with ntfs3g there's really no wasted space11:21
KemrinHI'm just saying, It's never caused me or my frined steph trouble, and it lets us have a "usable" windows partition during the transition.11:21
TheDarkBGMhow can i install ubuntu on the full raid?11:21
ikoniaburken: what package are you trying to get11:21
jogiszyclop,  thanks for the help!!! :)11:21
KemrinHwait, what's a ntfs3g?11:21
zyclopjogis, do you know how to edit the menu?11:21
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:21
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: again I would advise against this very STRONGLY, but you need to look at how/if the nvidia fakeraid driver is supported under ubuntu11:21
jogiszyclop,  yes :)11:21
zyclopjogis, then my job here is done.11:22
burkenikonia: samba_3.0.28-1ubuntu3...11:22
babo_someone is sending me word documents and they are showing up in my gmail attachments as .bin11:22
nanobugyou can store things on windows partitions and you don't introduce the problems that come from installing programs somewhere other than c:\program files\11:22
eifzonom jag drar in på restricted drivers så säger NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards) (enabled) in use (with green colour)11:22
babo_anyone suggest a reason for that ?11:22
ikoniaburken: what version of ubuntu is that indended for11:22
ikonia!de | eifzon11:22
ubotueifzon: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:22
burkenikonia: hardy alpha 6..11:22
jogiszyclop,  :)11:22
TheDarkBGMwell the ubuntu disk has leaded and11:22
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ikoniaburken: ahhh join #ubuntu+111:22
TheDarkBGMis getting me to choose a partition11:22
burkenikonia: ok :)11:22
Javidwhen I'm dueling windows and linux I'll usually just give each OS 5 gigs or so then make the remaining space its own FAT partition, since both of them can use that11:23
eifzonIf I go into the restricted drivers, I see it says NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards) enabled and status its a green icon, how come I cannot choose the res I want?11:23
steven_ikonia: nothing, no process using /opy any ideas? i already tried with chattr..11:23
TheDarkBGMwont let me slect the whole raid only 1 drive11:23
nanobugeifzon fat is a very limited filesystem that you should avoid11:23
ikoniasteven_: sorry, forgot about you, sudo rm -rf /opt11:23
Javidcan even mount it in /home if you want11:23
eifzonnanobug: fat?11:23
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: because it can't deal with the fake raid driver11:23
ani1eifzon: install nvidia-settings11:23
basti_1988hey all11:23
steven_ikonia: that was the 1st thing i tried :P11:23
nanobugeifzon: sorry, i read the wrong name there11:23
TheDarkBGMjust install it on 1 drive?11:23
ikoniasteven_: ahhh, so you've booted up11:23
nanobugJavid:  fat is a limited filesystem that you should avoid11:24
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: no, that will break your raid set in windows11:24
nanobugespecially considering ntfs3g11:24
KemrinHI usually installed everything to L:/Program Files/ (just saying)11:24
ikoniasteven_: and it's in text mode, yes /no11:24
TheDarkBGMi dont have windows on these disks11:24
steven_ikonia: yes11:24
nanobugif you never work with files larger than 4gb then it's fine11:24
TheDarkBGMthere clean11:24
basti_1988I got a strange problem.....I just installed Ubuntu and somehow Im not able to change my resolution from 640x480 to something else....any suggestions what I can do?11:24
ikoniasteven_: are you booting of the hard disk or the cdrom11:24
steven_ikonia: hd11:24
eifzonI got another prob to, it says that almost all fonts failed to write cache11:24
Javidnanobug, has linux NTFS support gotten to the point where it's reliable? I remember it being filed under "don't do this if you'll miss your data"11:24
nanobugbut good luck ripping dvd's or backing up games11:24
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: ok, so in that case if you install onto 1 disk - it will break the raid set for any other os11:24
nanobugi would say ntfs3g is reliable11:24
ikoniasteven_: is /opt on a seperate partition or hanging off /11:25
nanobugive never encountered issues and ive used it for well over 2 years no11:25
JavidWell, then take what I said and replace FAT with ntfs11:25
Doublenoobwaylandbill: I'm not trying to offend but are you not answering my question because the driver's not open source?11:25
ikoniaDoublenoob: what is your question11:25
JavidI wouldn't just enlarge the windows partition though, if you decide to nuke it, less crap with moving files11:26
nanobugit's really not a good idea to limit xp or vista to a 5gb partition though.  i'm not just saying that11:26
steven_ikonia: the're in the same partition11:26
waylandbillDoublenoob: I'm sorry, I was in the middle of something.11:26
albechhow can i find out if my driver/nic is supporting wpa2?11:26
nanobugthe windows swap file is dynamically sized and needs room to grow11:26
ikoniasteven_: that sounds very odd, so you can't remove /opt it complains of permission denied11:26
TheDarkBGMi set the raid up in the bios so do i have to destroy that or can i keep it and get ubunty to install on 1 drive?11:26
Doublenoobwaylandbill: ok.11:26
Javidnanobug, why not put the swapfile on the big shared partition?11:26
waylandbillDoublenoob: I asked if you had verified that it downloaded successfully, preferrably with a checksum they provide.11:26
ani1!wpa2 | albech11:27
Napoleon98ok, im installing vmware right now,, and it asks for my cd key, or press enter to cancel... I put in my cd key, but what do i push now?11:27
ubotualbech: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:27
steven_ikonia: yes, i tryed even with chattr to remove things like Undeletable11:27
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: if you install ubuntu onto one drive, it will either be a.) over written byt he bios raid b.) destroy the raid group11:27
steven_ikonia: just fond that there is a ssh server on that pc :P i can provide remote access11:27
ikoniasteven_: can you touch a file on it11:27
nanobugbecause the windows swap file should be as close to the beginning of the disk as possible11:27
steven_ikonia: yes, just touched11:27
ikoniasteven_: can you delete.11:27
Javidthere is that.11:27
Doublenoobwaylandbill: good point! I haven't, i'll try and find one!11:27
steven_ikonia: yes11:28
nanobugwindows should be on the first partition, and for fast access (since windows overuses the swap file) it should have enough space to grow as needed11:28
ikoniasteven_: this may sound silly, but what is your pwd11:28
steven_ikonia: i can delete anything inside /opt but not /opt11:28
eifzonHow can I change the name of my windows disk that is named sda1?11:29
nanobugthats why there is no benefit to manually setting the size of the swap file. it will decrease performance11:29
TheDarkBGMim going to c what happens and let u know11:29
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: I know what will happen11:29
ani1eifzon: the name is determined by the order of the disk and the partition what do you mean change the name?11:30
nanobugreally the ideal setup, if you can afford it, is to just get an old computer, install linux on it and stick a bunch of hard drives in it11:30
eifzonani1: the one that is displayed on the desktop11:30
nanobuguse it as a samba share accessable by whatever os's/computers you use11:30
ani1eifzon: unmount it then create a directory in media for what you want to call it then remount it to that directory11:30
geektasticgirli've seen a lot of demos of kiba-dock on youtube running on ubuntu, but i dont' see the package anywhere in teh package installer.  is kiba dock the best dock or there a more favored one now?11:30
nanobugyou can do it with an old pentium 3 and an sata pci card, its cheap and effective11:30
nanobugdon't even need xwindows on it11:30
nanobugadminister it by ssh11:30
eifzonani1: will I need to change anything in the grub options to+11:31
ikoniaeifzon: the mount point is determined by the disk label11:31
ikoniananobug: who are you talking to ?11:31
geektasticgirli'd like to try the kiba dock. i can't staand the gnome task bar, too much like windows11:31
ani1eifzon: not grub but /etc/fstab !fstab | eifzon11:31
ani1!fstab | eifzon11:31
ubotueifzon: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:31
bullgard4Why do exist two slightly different files /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin?11:31
ani1geektasticgirl: awn and avant are pretty cool dock bars11:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba-dock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:32
eifzonani1: now its called /media/Windows and I mounted it there11:32
ikoniabullgard4: they are different files11:32
eifzonyeyw orks :)11:32
auraxis there an easy network configuration wizard in console ?11:32
nanobugikonia: i was talking to javid11:32
ikoniabullgard4: package file cache and source package fil ecache11:32
ani1geektasticgirl: its not in the repo but you use !info for package info11:32
bullgard4ikonia: What is their difference?11:32
auraxanyone ?11:32
geektasticgirl!info kiba-dock11:32
ubotuPackage kiba-dock does not exist in gutsy11:32
ani1aurax: ifconfig :\11:32
CoOlGhOsThey.. need some advice on a laptop purchase: are there any limitations as to CPUs not supported by kernel?11:32
geektasticgirlwhy doesn't the package exist? doesn't that dock rock?11:33
auraxani1: nah, i need it for newb users11:33
geektasticgirli want a doc like apple's11:33
ikoniabullgard4: one is for packages one os fir source packages11:33
geektasticgirlfor my ubuntu11:33
nanobugaurax:  what are you trying to do w/ it?11:33
CoOlGhOsTin an advert it clearly states that windows xp is not supported11:33
CowlolHi, I have a volume wheel on my laptop and in Ubuntu it only affects the 'front mic' volume, is there a way to make it change the speaker volume instead?11:33
ani1aurax: eh stick to the gui then its easier to set static ip's and such through the network manager applet11:33
ikoniaCowlol: any x86 and x86_64 cpu is supported11:33
bullgard4ikonia: What is the difference between 'packages' and 'source packages'?11:33
auraxnanobug incase i copy a vm guest and there's a new CID i want the user to be able reconfigure the network easily11:33
CoOlGhOsTCPU is a 2.40 GHz Intel C2 DUO T8300 800MHz 3MB11:34
nanobugdebconf migith work11:34
ikoniaCoOlGhOsT: sorry - any x86 or x86_64 is supported11:34
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unopbullgard4, the former has compiled binaries -- the latter the source for them11:34
auraxall are console installation here...11:34
ikoniabullgard4: packages and compiles source packages are the source packages used to be packages11:34
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nanobugdpkg-reconfigure etherconf11:34
auraxthere's no such package11:35
aurax!info etherconf11:35
ubotuPackage etherconf does not exist in gutsy11:35
BurningPandariiight.... i enabled ati drivers from system - admin - restricted . but the screen is kinda messy.... VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R420 JJ [Radeon X800SE] - anyone to help me find the correct drivers?11:35
nanobugthere goes that idea :)11:35
bullgard4unop, ikonia: Thank you for explaining.11:35
ani1!ati | BurningPanda11:35
geektasticgirlWhat is a good package for a dock like Apple Max OS X dock?11:35
ubotuBurningPanda: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:35
nanobugits in edgy11:35
ikoniageektasticgirl: if you want a mac look - buy a mac11:35
ani1geektasticgirl: awn \ avant11:35
geektasticgirli dont'w ant a mac look, this beats that11:35
geektasticgirlbtw, they copied mac genie effect, the lamp effect11:36
ani1geektasticgirl: their both pretty buggy i think awn is alpha11:36
steven_ikonia: check pm :P11:36
geektasticgirlit's obvious many linux users like the mac features11:36
geektasticgirli wanna replace the bottom gnome panel with a dock11:36
ikoniasteven_: one minute please11:36
CoOlGhOsTikonia: so linux kernel does not give a rats *ss about registers and internal structure of a CPU as long as its x86 or 64. why cant xp run with it?11:36
steven_ikonia: oh sorry, just in case you didn't notice it11:36
ikoniaCoOlGhOsT: I don't know - ask microsoft11:36
ikoniasteven_: I've not got a pm from you11:36
Ssam`where do i get a gnu11:37
ani1CoOlGhOsT: what are you trying to ask...?11:37
ikoniaSsam`: gnu is not a package11:37
geektasticgirlcompiz really tears up the mac lol'11:37
nanobugaurax: you could try installing the edgy package11:37
skillzhi, im using Compiz Fusion, with the Screenlets manger. However now the title bars of every window have dissapeared, and i cant resize windows or move them. Is there a way of stoping compiz fusion and then restarting it agian or something like that?11:37
geektasticgirlis compiz faster then quartz compositor?11:37
CoOlGhOsTikonia: nah they suck11:37
nanobugi don't know if it would work or not11:37
geektasticgirli sure can do a lot of neat stuff with my desktop i can't on  a mac or pc11:37
ikoniaCoOlGhOsT: ok, so don't ask about it then11:37
geektasticgirlerr windows11:37
geektasticgirlms windows*11:37
ikoniageektasticgirl: thats great,11:37
Doublenoobwaylandbill: There's no checksum but I downloaded the file again and ran it with the exact same result, there's a bug in the file, Intel hasn't fixed it because Linux isn't popular enough or because of some other thing but that's for the conspiracy forum.11:37
Ssam`but they said u must get a gnu before u start to write down the source11:37
unopgeektasticgirl, something like this  http://static.flickr.com/74/190717823_3bbb5a90fb_o.png ?11:37
Ssam`man i am confused11:37
bazhangskillz: have you tried enabling the plugin move windows in ccsm?11:37
CoOlGhOsTani1: what i want is to dualboot with XP cause I sure as hell dont wanna run vista11:37
ikoniaSsam`: who said that ? what do you want to do11:38
skillzbazhang: no, how do you do that?11:38
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ikoniaCoOlGhOsT: so ask microsoft if XP is supported11:38
ani1!dualboot | CoOlGhOsT11:38
ubotuCoOlGhOsT: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:38
xompHello, I ran ubuntu live cd (gutsy) prior to installing to test if my wireless card was recognized. The wireless card showed up as a prism 2 card and was working a treat with the live cd, but after installing to my hard drive I got nothing. Could anyone explain why this is happening and how to resolve?11:38
bazhangskillz: open up ccsm and click the box with move windows11:38
Ssam`but before packaging id have to learn sourceing11:38
Ssam`there must me sumthing to compile into a binary11:38
ikoniaSsam`: what do you want to package11:38
geektasticgirlcoolghost, i installed vista on 30gb partition, then installed ubuntu on partition after that11:38
waylandbillDoublenoob: the intel driver in the repository doesn't work for your needs?11:38
skillzwhat is CCSM?11:38
Ssam`learn it generally11:38
ikoniaSsam`: thats right, to package something, you must have something to package11:38
ani1!ccsm | skillz11:38
ubotuskillz: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion11:38
geektasticgirland ubuntu you automatically made the boot loader menu11:39
bazhangskillz: should be called advanced desktop effects manager11:39
Ssam`where do u write the source in and is the source in c++?11:39
ani1Ssam`: source can come in many languages11:39
stimpiehow do I install mysql 4 instead of 5?11:39
ikoniaSsam`: source can be anything, any language11:39
Ssam`ubuntu source can be in any language?11:39
skillzbazhang: i have advance desktop effects settings11:39
ikoniastimpie: I don't think mysql 4 is available for later ubuntu versions11:39
CoOlGhOsTani1: I know how to dualboot.... what i want to know is why a laptop manufactorer can say that a CPU is not supported by an OS11:39
ani1stimpie: via synaptics mysql-server-5.011:39
CoOlGhOsTgeektasticgirl: yeah but i sorta wanted to avoid vista11:40
geektasticgirllinux has like sdk's for over 200 langauges probably lol11:40
Ssam`can i get a source of packages to get a know how11:40
ikoniaCoOlGhOsT: so ask that company - not ubuntu11:40
ani1!info mysql-server-5.0 > stimpie11:40
bazhangskillz: then open it up and search for that plugin11:40
DoublenoobNo, I want a driver that will use my card to it's full extent.11:40
ikoniaSsam`: go to http://www.tldp.org and read up about building software11:40
ani1CoOlGhOsT: its not up to the manuf to decide that...its if the OS supports it11:40
CoOlGhOsTikonia: i know thats where i'll get the real answer, but I thought I would try asking here11:40
Ssam`its a dummys guide right?11:40
ikoniaCoOlGhOsT: why ? it's nothing to do with ubuntu11:40
Ssam`everyone takes things for granted11:40
ikoniaSsam`: it ranges ffrom beginners to advanced, start at the begining11:41
CowlolHi, I have a volume wheel on my laptop and in Ubuntu it only affects the 'front mic' volume, is there a way to make it change the speaker volume instead?11:41
KemrinHI have a Gigaware USB webcam that I'm trying to find a driver and program to run. Suggestions?11:41
Ssam`okay but i get to see a source of a package right?11:41
ani1!webcam | KemrinH11:41
ubotuKemrinH: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:41
ikoniaSsam`: no - it explains how to build software, once you have understood that, you can look at moving onto packaging11:41
xompHello, I ran ubuntu live cd (gutsy) prior to installing to test if my wireless card was recognized. The wireless card showed up as a prism 2 card and was working a treat with the live cd, but after installing to my hard drive I got nothing. Could anyone explain why this is happening and how to resolve?11:41
skillzbazhang: ok, that works, no i can hold shit+click lmb to move windows.. but how do i get my title bars back?11:41
neopsyche_can someone help me install madwifi?11:41
CoOlGhOsTikonia: well... i had two questions... kernel in ubuntu support... and supplementary question: xp11:41
ani1!wireless | xomp11:42
ubotuxomp: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:42
KemrinHThanks ubotu11:42
ani1KemrinH: its a bot not a person11:42
CoOlGhOsTikonia: and stop being a troll :|11:42
nanobugSsam`: you can't learn to drive a car before you learn how to turn a steering wheel.  baby steps, my friend.11:42
bazhangskillz: you using emerald as a window decorator?11:42
ikoniaCoOlGhOsT: I'm not trolling anyone.11:42
bazhangCoOlGhOsT: ease up please11:42
ani1CoOlGhOsT: learn how to ask intelligent questions and you will receive intelligent answers :)11:42
stimpieikonia, ani1, thanks I guess I just need to install it manualy11:42
Ssam`yes exactly11:42
Ssam`where to start11:42
Ssam`start from the source right11:42
skillzbazhang: no, not that im aware of.. all i have is compiz fusion11:42
ani1!compile | Ssam`11:42
CoOlGhOsTikonia: hehe ok11:42
ubotuSsam`: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:42
ikoniaSsam`: http://www.tldp.org will explain the basics of linux and then how to build pckages11:43
Ssam`i am there11:43
CoOlGhOsTbazhang: im at ease... just asking a question i thought some of the gurus here would know11:43
Ssam`linux softwares?11:43
ikoniaCoOlGhOsT: may serve you well to check the topic11:43
PiciSsam`: Are you looking to just compile something for yourself? or package something that already exists? or?11:44
Ssam`nope start from the begining11:44
xompani1, the Wireless documentation doesn't seem to contain my issue. I'm fairly new at this.11:44
PiciSsam`: okay, then ikonia's link would be a good place to start then.11:44
nanobugSsam`: if you want to learn to start from the beginning, buy a book and install slackware11:44
nanobugtrial by fire. :)11:44
CoOlGhOsTikonia: i know i know.... i wont bother you with questions not 100% concerning ubuntu again then11:44
Ssam`i am downloading slackware11:44
bazhangskillz: alt f2 emerald --replace does something? if not then sudo apt-get install emerald followed by that command11:44
Ssam`it should download in about 4 days11:45
stevr1ithello, i have a problem with pdf files when i try toprint them with evince . I have ubuntu gutsy and my printer is a xerox phaser 6180 working perfectly (normally) with linux, any suggestion to solve the problem?11:45
Ssam`12 kb/s11:45
nanobugall ive got to say is good luck11:45
CoOlGhOsTikonia: thanks for helping about though even though the question was "off-topic"11:45
unopSsam`, i should imagine you need to learn to program first, understand how programs work on linux and how they fit onto the filesystem, etc before creating packages11:45
ani1Ssam`: torrent muuuch faster :)11:45
ikoniaSsam`: slackware support is in #slackware channel11:45
Ssam`i am torrenting11:45
nanobuglast time i installed slack was over a decade ago and i remember it about as fondly as my first root canal11:45
LollinopiLcan i install a .JAR file ? ? ? ? ?11:45
=== sergiu87 is now known as Ninj1
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:45
ani1nanobug: heh11:45
skillzbazhang: what is emerald? becuase copiz fusion was working perfectly before a restart11:45
Ssam`ill get there when ithe download is done11:45
ikoniaLollinopiL: you don't install it, you run it with a jvm11:45
LamegoLollinopiL, no, you can "execute" it, with java, java -jar file.jar11:46
nanobughaving a book helps a lot though11:46
Lamegoassuming its a program jar, and not just an archive11:46
bazhangskillz: window decorator11:46
nanobugespecially when you can't for the life of you get your network to work :)11:46
waylandbillLollinopiL: that's just run with java11:46
CoOlGhOsTbazhang: thanks... off-topic chan would have been a better place... sorry again11:46
ikoniaLamego: thats an excellent point11:46
ani1nanobug: Ssam` usually when you buy a book you get a live cd also :)11:46
nanobugani1: yes, this is true as well11:46
Ssam`buy a book?11:46
Ssam`in the middle east?11:46
LollinopiLok guys, how can i install java ? it was told to me that i've not the official version ... :(11:46
Ssam`u kiddin me11:46
nanobugyou're in the middle east?11:46
nanobugwhere at?11:47
Ssam`people dont get over pirated cds here11:47
LamegoLollinopiL, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre11:47
Ssam`like 10 cents for vista11:47
Ssam`okay over exajuration like a dollar11:47
ikonia!offtopic | Ssam`11:47
ubotuSsam`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:47
Ninj1anyone know, i have installed bittorrent_5.0.9_python2.5 , how to lunch this ?11:47
iceswordhmmm.,dirt cheap11:47
Ssam`well he asked11:47
Ssam`okay i am tdlp11:47
xompMay I please get help from someone other than bot spammers with their !<insert generic command>? The WifiDocs don't appear to relate to my issue. When I ran the live cd my wireless was showing up, now that I've taken the plunge to install gutsy on my harddrive it no longer appears. Bait and Switch! :(11:47
LollinopiLLamego but i mustn't uninstall the version that i currently have ?11:47
bust3rnlSsam where you from?11:47
Ssam`where do i click11:47
ani1Ninj1: in the term type bit then hit tab tab11:47
Ssam`middle east11:47
LamegoNinj1, no idea what that is, why don'y uou just install one of the many torrent clients from the repositories ?11:47
skillzbazhang: im trying sudo apt-get install emerald.. and i get an error saying unable to lock the download directory11:47
Ssam`wotn be specific if u dont mind11:47
LamegoLollinopiL, no, each jre is usually installed at a specific location11:48
Ninj1Lamego good idea11:48
ikoniaSsam`: this isn't anything to do with ubuntu you get better support in ##linux11:48
Ssam`i am on tdlp i dont noe where to click11:48
nanobugNinj1: sudo apt-get install deluge11:48
unopNinj1, dpkg -L bittorrent_5.0.9_python2.5 | grep -i bin11:48
LollinopiLLamego what happens if i install 2 times the same program ?11:49
Ssam`well you gave me the link i wanna know where to go guides or howtos11:49
LamegoLollinopiL, nothing happens11:49
LollinopiLokz thx ;=)11:49
unopLollinopiL, depends if you reinstall the package or not11:49
Lamegoanyway, since you seem to be new to Ubuntu, you should keep with repository programs11:49
Ninj1sorry, i haven't yet installed the package11:49
LollinopiLi can't live without this chat11:50
unopNinj1, chances are it places a link in the gnome menu -- perhaps under "internet" or something like it11:50
unopNinj1, if it doesnt -- you can find out using that command i gave you11:50
nanobugSsam`: If I may make a suggestion, if you don't know what you're doing and you want to learn, it is best to stick with something like ubuntu rather than diving head first into slackware11:50
LollinopiLso if i install java , with the installation there's JVM too ?11:50
simion314hi, please tell me a nice softwre to view pictures in linux,something like infraview11:51
PiciLollinopiL: yes.11:51
Ssam`i agree which is why i am just downloading it :P11:51
Ninj1unop, thanks11:51
nanobugi mean, you can learn with slackware.  i did, so did a lot of other people.  but if i could have learned with ubuntu 10 years ago, i would have.11:51
unopsimion314, gthumb11:51
Ssam`got it start off with linux11:51
bazhangskillz: you have some other add/remove or synpatic open? how are you trying to install this? via terminal? close the others first then try again11:51
nanobugyou will catastropically screw up your system multiple times in slackware11:51
nanobugnot a matter of if, but a matter of when it will happen11:52
Ssam`eh well u skrew up u learn anyways11:52
waylandbillSsam`: if you really want to learn the in's and out's of linux, try LFS.11:52
Ssam`where do i click on tdlp?11:52
unopnanobug, sounds like the linux equivalent of openbsd11:52
Ssam`well lfs takes a lott for granted11:52
bazhangSsam`: you really are offtopic now11:52
Lamegonanobug, don't make catastrophic assumptions based on your own experiences, anyway, let's keep on topic11:52
Ssam`hold on!11:52
xompHello, I ran ubuntu live cd (gutsy) prior to installing to test if my wireless card was recognized. The wireless card showed up as a prism 2 card and was working a treat with the live cd, but after installing to my hard drive I got nothing. Could anyone explain why this is happening and how to resolve?11:53
geektasticgirlany good program available for ubuntu like the dashboard on mac?11:53
simion314unop: i use it but when i rotate a picture and save it ,always move me much forwared in the chain and always i had to press sace to get back where i was and find other picture that must be rotated and if i  save it it brings me back at the begining11:53
Ssam`i want to learn ubuntu packaging from scratch11:53
geektasticgirlwidgets that ius11:53
ikoniaSsam`: this is really offtopic for ubuntu support - can we stop please.11:53
ricosecadaIs there a way to issue a command and all the listed jobs in my crontab gets run right away?11:53
TheDarkBGMubuntu booted sucessfully11:53
neopsyche_need help installing wifi card.11:53
nanobugLamego: a complete newbie installing a linux distribution without modern package management will screw up their system11:53
ChousukeSsam`: There's the Debian packager's manual11:53
bazhanggeektasticgirl: screenlets for compiz gdesktlets with out11:53
ikoniaTheDarkBGM: of course it will boot successfully11:53
Ssam`from scratch?11:53
nanobugwhether its by chasing their way into a rats nest of dependencies11:53
unopsimion314, I've never had that problem but you can always save the rotated picture in a subdirectory so as to not experience that11:54
bytecodesimion314: gthumb *is* good, but it's worth get into F-Spot, it has some rudimentary photo processing functions too - not quite as indepth as irfanview, but the image management side of it, slide show etc is superb11:54
nanobugor being unable to get all their hardware working11:54
nanobugit will happen11:54
mad_max02neopsyche_, check ubuntuforums for wifi help11:54
nanobugmore than once11:54
waylandbillSsam`: there are documents on the ubuntu website showing how to contribute in the form of packaging. Good place to start.11:54
Ssam`aight thanks why didnt no one say so!11:54
Ssam`thanks bye11:54
nanobugstick with ubuntu and make friends with apt, buddy.11:54
ChousukeI packaged some software ages ago for myself :P11:54
MrSteinHi! Is there a reason ubuntu does not configure the network with APIPA in home network ?11:55
bytecodesimion314: if you rotate a pic in f-spot - it stays rotated (within f-spot) - all processing is done on copies so non-destructive.11:55
ChousukeI don't even remember what it was11:55
nanobugomg teh indigestion11:55
unopMrStein, it should and i believe it does11:55
MrSteinunop: it does not :-(11:55
bazhangneopsyche_: what card11:55
MrSteinunop: I see I can select manually APIPA (Local Zeroconf LL) in settings.11:56
technolabi want  to install Apachi web saver11:56
simion314thx all i will try f-spoot, i just want to see my pictures, and a lot of them must be rotated, for advanced effects gimp is the solution11:57
waylandbillpackaging isn't that difficult, most of what it requires is time really.11:57
LollinopiLhow can i verify that java is installed ?11:57
unopMrStein, so, what happens when you do select that option?11:57
TheDarkBGMubunty 64 but is up and running11:57
bytecodesimion314: yeah - if you right click on a pick in f-spot you can choose to edit it within gimp. It will launch gimp with the modified (or un-modified) version of the pict if wish.11:57
TheDarkBGMwhat the application to shoe cpu temperature again?11:58
MrSteinunop: nothing yet. I tried to disconnect the wire and back.11:58
unopsimion314, you can always use something like imagemagick's convert from the command line to rotate a bunch of pictures in one go11:58
waylandbillLollinopiL: simple way is to execute 'java' in a terminal.11:58
unopMrStein, you might need to restart networking prior to that (a guess)11:58
simion314unop: yes but not all the pictures must be rotated11:59
LollinopiLUsage: java [-options] class [args...]11:59
LollinopiL           (to execute a class)11:59
LollinopiLok ? is it ok ?11:59
LollinopiLit started with that string11:59
unopLollinopiL, yes, it is a yes :)11:59
waylandbillLollinopiL: it's installed11:59
simion314in 8.04 gthumb remained or was replaced with other application?11:59
bazhangsimion314: wrong channel for Hardy12:00
bytecodesimion314: one note - by default, f-spot tries to import images by copying them into your specifed library folder, if u have an existing collection, to avoid trying to overwrite your existing images with themselves, ues the file->import menu option, and un-tick the "copy files into photo folder" option.12:00
MrSteinunop: just a moment, I was only watching eth0, when I should eth0:avah ...12:00
MrSteinthat works12:00
unopsimion314, If i were you, i'd make a list of those that need rotating and then use convert anyway .. it saves time from having to do all the clicking12:00
unopMrStein, so APIPA works then?  I wonder why you need APIPA anyway, any particular reason?12:01
unop. o 0 ( APIPA = autosense is nonsense )12:02
MrSteinunop: APIPA makes sense, when there is no DHCP server. That is why they invented it and ubutu implemented it ;-)12:02
simion314unop: in infraviiew i just press Lor R then  Ctrl+S and enter and i move quickly so i do the rotation fater, no mouse clicks12:02
Ninj1i have an dependence problem. bash: /usr/bin/bittorrent: /usr/bin/python2.4: bad interpreter: No such file or directory - i think this problem is with package , nothing to do to ubuntu..12:03
xompI've resolved my issue with wireless not showing up with a reboot. Not sure why ubuntu decided to flake out on me like that.12:03
xompNow I'm unable to connect to my wireless network... wonderful.12:03
danandxomp - several things to check. since the live cd detects and allows you to use your wireless card, look at what modules the live cd is loading in to the kernel - run lsmod > lsmod-livecd.txt and compare that with the output from lsmod you get with the hard disk install. Secondly, check that you have all the relevant software installed on you hard drive install to allow you to use wireless. ie wireless-tools, wpasupplicant etc - look at the wireless docs fo12:03
murmurfuck up man12:03
Pici!language | murmur12:04
ubotumurmur: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:04
bytecodesimion314: in f-spot, hold CTRL button, click each pic you want to rotate and then they'll all get done when you press [ or ] to rotate. nice and quick12:04
bazhangmurmur language12:04
Traeis there a way, in Linux, to scan files (mp3 actually) for viruses?12:04
unopMrStein, it makes sense only if your infrastructure supports it -- in most instances, even routers don' know how to handle the 169.254/16 network .. let alone anything past that -- and forget about anything on the internet12:04
Ninj1anyone has tried to install bittorrent_5.2.0_python2.4.deb .. ?12:04
xompthanks danand :) Got the card to atleast show up now haha12:04
murmuryew i12:04
waylandbillTrae: sure, there are virus scanners for linux, such as clamav12:04
TraeI've got some mp3's I want to make sure are ok... before I give them to my wife on her windows machine heh12:04
murmuri have utorrent12:04
Traewaylandbill, ahh can I apt-get install that12:04
J-_Is 'drwxr-xr-x 4' in any regards safe?12:04
egoleoif i delete my boot files, is there a way to fix it without reinstalling whole system?12:05
waylandbillTrae: yup12:05
danandxomp - that's something at least :)12:05
Traesweet (what's mine say?)12:05
unopegoleo, yes but your mileage can vary (depending on what you deleted)12:05
NET||abuseHi guys.. i'm having issues with the usb ports on my laptop, my memory sticks usb mouse just won't work alot of the time, and if that's the case if i reboot they usually start to work again. It seems to be an issue with the usb hub/host drivers or something. I'm really not sure12:05
IndyGunFreakTrae: its extremely unlikely a virus could get attatched to an mp312:05
egoleomy boot folder is empty man12:05
TraeIndyGunFreak, ahh...12:05
NET||abuseIs there a way to reinitialise them by unloading/reloading host drivers from the modprobe command?12:05
egoleoso what can i do to save it12:06
egoleosince is a server?12:06
xompdanand, yeah, seems a reboot was in order. It failed to hibernate last night so I think that may have caused my problem. Now if I can only connect to my wifi network lol. Is there an application I can use to scan for my network? My SSID is "linksys" but when I put that in it refuses to connect, just fails after a while I guess.12:06
bazhangxomp: you want the gui way or the cli way?12:06
unopegoleo, how did it empty? was it a mount-point that is no longer mounted? or did you delete the files ? :)12:06
bytecodeIndyGunFreak: that's what I used to think about JPEG images - but then look at what happened with Microsofts Jpeg decoder exploit.12:06
xompbazhang, either would be fine :)12:06
egoleomistake man12:07
TraeIndyGunFreak, well I dl'ed an album (I had bought -- several times I might add) years ago from bit torrent, and wanted to put it on my wifes mp3 player12:07
IndyGunFreakbytecode: i didn't say impossible, i said extremely unlikely12:07
murmurmoi seppo12:07
danandxomp - you can scan from the command line - iwlist scanning <wireless interface name>12:07
seppohello everybody12:07
waylandbillTrae: That was my next statement, but IndyGunFreak beat me to it. Usually virii are found in executable format, not usually in an mp3 music file.12:07
jescisHey, what's up with this? : securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)12:07
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 xomp this the definitive cli how to12:07
NET||abusei've gone through the device drivers listed under modprobe -l, and identified the group of usb/host drivers, or atleast are under the path, "/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/host"  => uhci-hcd.ko, u132-hcd.ko, sl811_cs.ko, ohci-hcd.ko, ehci-hcd.ko, sl811-hcd.ko12:07
sepposhut up motherfucker12:07
xompthanks danand , I'll give that a try. Thanks too bazhang :)12:07
dgjones!ops | seppo12:07
ubotuseppo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!12:07
FloodBot1murmur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:07
bytecodeIndyGunFreak: agreed - but worth protecting against ;-) especially if you're responsible for a server serving mail to a load of windows machines.12:07
bazhangmurmur: you have a support question?12:07
aetaric!rules |seppo12:07
ubotuseppo: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:07
FloodBot1seppo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:07
* Mez pats FloodBot1 12:08
dgjonesPici murmur as well12:08
IndyGunFreakbytecode: well, i wouldn't admin windows machines...lol12:08
TraePici, thanks mate.12:08
danandxomp - good luck :)12:08
unopegoleo, i should assume that if you reinstalled the grub and linux-image packages, you'd be ok12:08
J-_Is 'drwxr-xr-x 4' in any regards safe?12:08
=== w4ypa2koV is now known as noone
simion314i removed gthumb and it removed automaticaly the packaged ubuntu-desktop, is this strange?12:09
egoleobut how do i get a terminal and login to do this12:09
egoleosince is not logging in12:09
Lamegosimion314, ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package which lists all the ubuntu standard desktop packages12:09
egoleois there a way?12:09
unopegoleo, is the system up and running?12:09
mad_max02hey guys I cant get azureus to work in 64bit gutsy. Any help with that ?12:09
Lamegosimion314, there is nothing wrong with removing it12:09
IndyGunFreakbytecode: Trae  waylandbill http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070718165132AA85ZhA12:09
IndyGunFreakwhat the.12:10
bytecodeIndyGunFreak: No - I've dumped windows at home and try to avoid them at work too - Ubuntu is installed all over the office :-) we only use windows for Hallife2 and Team fortress 2 during lunch breaks. Wine and cedega don't seem quite slick enough yet. but we try, we try .....12:10
FloodBot1murmur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:10
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!12:10
bazhangmurmur stop12:10
sound_hearthow can i add extension name to a group of image files with a command line?12:10
egoleoyes is up and running12:10
unopok ,. open up a terminal and run this -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub linux-image-generic12:10
Dr_willissound_heart,  thers several 'bulk rename' command line tools. I tend t use the one called 'qmv' a lot12:10
waylandbillIndyGunFreak: thanks. confirmed what I knew to be true.12:10
IndyGunFreakbytecode: makes sense, i just use windows for my occasional gaming fix.12:11
sound_heartDr_Link, thank you.12:11
IndyGunFreakwaylandbill: well, i would hardly consider yahoo answers conclusive..lol, but its a good answer12:11
egoleobut i cant login12:11
jescisI think I came with a question at the wrong time. :/12:11
TraeIndyGunFreak, hey thanks man12:11
egoleoi am using a livecd now12:11
Dr_willis!info renameutils | sound_heart12:11
ubotusound_heart: renameutils (source: renameutils): Programs to make file renaming easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-4 (gutsy), package size 80 kB, installed size 268 kB12:11
IndyGunFreakTrae: np12:11
egoleoso how do i do this plse12:11
bazhangjescis: just ask12:11
waylandbillIndyGunFreak: agreed12:11
unopegoleo, why not? did you delete more than just the /boot folder?12:11
TraeIndyGunFreak, I'll obviously make sure all the files are playable ;)12:11
J-_Is 'drwxr-xr-x 4' in any regards safe?12:11
IndyGunFreakTrae: thats the big thing.12:12
egoleoonly what is in boot12:12
jescisbazhang: I did but those guys where spamming12:12
IndyGunFreakTrae: if they are playable, then a virus is very unlikely12:12
egoleoso how do i login then12:12
GpalcoPeople, have a problemm! My templates folder is GONE! I don't where it is moved. I cannot remember deleting it either. I created another one with name TEMPLARES. But NAUTILUS doesn't use the files in it as templates !!! What do I do ???? HLP12:12
egoleoand doo this commands plse?12:12
unopJ-_, depends on what "safe" means -- it's pretty safe from other people who are not the owner -- but if the owner is reckless, the file is not safe :)12:12
unopegoleo, so why can't you log in?12:12
bazhangjescis: what's up with this is not a very specific question12:13
waylandbillIndyGunFreak, Trae: having valid ID3 tags is probably even sufficient.12:13
egoleobcos i the menu.lst file is also deleted12:13
egoleowhich is grub12:13
jescisbazhang:  securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)12:13
J-_unop: ah okay, cool. thanks man. =) I used the permission in my root directory on my server...12:13
simion314it is nice in linux world that you have alternatives, and you know to program at a medium level than you can make the changes you need to improve the apps  :-))12:13
IndyGunFreakwaylandbill: probably.., i've download *mp3's* from Frostwire that were poor attempts to mask themselves a virus.12:14
bytecodeIndyGunFreak: thank you for the link, but the author of the response to the question didn't consider the possibility of buffer exploits. and whilst the differentiation between a worm, virus or trojan is relevant in a technical sense, to the layman they're all just viruses and malware as far as they're concerned.12:14
unopegoleo, but that only comes into play when booting up the system -- it doesnt affect the ability of a user to log in to the system12:14
bazhangjescis: is there a question in there somewhere?12:14
egoleoplse help me to login then12:14
bytecodesimion314: yeha - it's all about freedom :-)12:14
egoleobcos i am stack12:14
egoleoand i dont know how to login12:14
jescisbazhang: DARN  YOU!! >(12:14
egoleobcos it stacks at the grub12:14
IndyGunFreakbytecode: i was just passing it along, i agree, it is *possible*, but it is extremely unlikely12:14
GpalcoHow do I reate TEMPLATES folder in UBUNTU ??????????12:15
unopJ-_, you shouldnt have to change the permissions of any of the system  folders, they are set at safe defaults anyway12:15
egoleoand give me grub 15 error12:15
jescisbazhang: it was on two lines >(12:15
bazhangjescis: please restate your question then12:15
jescisHey, what's up with this?: securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)12:15
unopegoleo, so the system is _NOT_ running -- why dont you say so, instead of driving me around the county :|12:15
bytecodeIndyGunFreak: I realise - just conversing :-D it's nice to have a chat, I've asked questions the last few days and had no repsonses, I started to worry that I was invisible ;-)12:16
egoleooh sorry12:16
simion314i tried linux 3 years ago ut i do not have internet connection, and i haven't a way to get programs and answers, now if i have internet Linux is the best12:16
Dr_willisGpalco,  they come from the /etc/skel dir when a user is created - I belive12:16
unopegoleo, you'll need a rescue CD -- one that allows you to chroot into the system -- once you have chrooted in, then you should run the commands i have given you12:16
IndyGunFreakbytecode: lol, what kind of questions?.. and if your'e in off-topic, there's all sorts of random banter.12:16
IndyGunFreakalthough its slow this time of morning12:16
unopegoleo, gimme a second, and i'll have a link with a howto to chroot12:16
waylandbillIndyGunFreak: nautilus and konqueror have good algorithms for detecting file type without relying on the filename. God bless them!12:16
IndyGunFreakwaylandbill: yup.12:17
=== WHiZZi`afk is now known as WHiZZi
bazhangjescis: are you having trouble mounting a ntfs drive, an iPod or what precisely is the issue please12:17
bytecodeIndyGunFreak: Nautilus problem; I want to resolve why esoteric characters in file names are represeted as questionmark-type diamonds.  Is it my font? my character set?12:17
GpalcoHi Dr_willis, very glad to hear you. I had the Templates folder be4, but it is gone. I created another one and named it like that. But it doesn't work12:17
jescisbazhang: it's two vfats12:17
IndyGunFreakbytecode: hm, never heard that one, can't say i know the answer to that one;12:18
jescisbazhang: I can't change the permissions :(12:18
GpalcoDr_willis, there is a shortcutin Nautilus: Go > Templares . But it doesn't redirect to the new TEMPLATES folderI created12:18
linuxfaulthey all, i install apache, php, mysql on a 7.10 but i cant connect remotely to my ip (only localhost). any ideas?12:18
waylandbillbytecode: could be an unmapped character in the font.12:18
GpalcoDr_willis, Do i need to put a file or add settings to that TEMPLATESfolder ??12:19
aetaricis apache set to listen to port 80?12:19
bytecodeIndyGunFreak: I reckon it must be a character  encoding issue, but I haven't figured it out yet :-/ need to spend a lot more time carefully googling I think. yeha I think it is unmapped, copying the name into gedit shows me the character codes. maybe I need to change my system font.12:19
Lamegoaetaric, yes12:19
aetaricim helping someone else?12:20
bazhangjescis: do these drives have entries in fstab?12:20
jescisbazhang: and thought that line was the cause of the permissions bazhang yes12:20
waylandbillbytecode: if you're using unicode, the likelihood of an unmapped character goes way up.12:20
unopegoleo, http://cutecomputer.wordpress.com/2007/01/07/howto-dev-file-system-in-chroot-ed-environment/12:20
aetariclinuxfault: do you have a router?12:20
Flannellinuxfault: Are you properly port forwarding at your router?12:20
egoleothnx man12:20
egoleothnk u so much12:21
Dr_willisGpalco,  Linux IS case senesitive . If the dir name is 'TEMPLATES' thats not the same as 'Templates'12:21
bazhangjescis: what do you see when you issue the command mount? are the drives listed?12:21
bytecodeIndyGunFreak: trouble is, many of my file names contain foreign (to the United Kingdom / British English) characters.12:21
jescisbazhang: yes12:21
Dr_willisGpalco,  you can add new dirs to the Places menu  item. JUst open up your file manager, and drrag the folder to the sidebar on the left.12:21
AutoMatriXhi folks12:21
IndyGunFreakbytecode: yeah, i see the issue, i just don't know how you coudl address it.12:21
linuxfaultwhere would the port 80 be aetaric?12:21
bazhangjescis: so they will not automount but you can mount them manually?12:22
Lamegolinuxfault, if you didn't touched your apache conf, that is the default listener setup12:22
bytecodeI'll have a play with my system at lunch time and see what I come up with.12:22
bullgard4bytecode: The cause is probably your locales. Please type in a terminal 'locale' and no-paste the output here.12:22
xompok, this would be easier to do on the laptop instead of through windows :)12:22
jescisbazhang: they are mounted12:22
bytecodebullgard4: no-paste?12:22
d0ntp2nicgot damn.. MST =(12:23
linuxfaultLamego: i just added ServerName "localhost" to httpd.conf cause it would throw an error12:23
jescisbazhang: I just can't write files or folders to them :/12:23
bullgard4bytecode: Yes. Do you know what a No-paste service is?12:23
tichhow would i convert pdf to xml?12:23
Lamegoit would throw a warning, not an error :)12:23
bytecodebullgard: like pastebin?12:23
waylandbillbytecode: pastebin, etc.12:23
xomphey bazhang, that guide you pointed me to is giving me fits hehe. Apparently I don't have the brain power to work cli. Did you say there was a gui way to do this?12:23
bullgard4bytecode: Yes indeed.12:23
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
bytecodebullgard4: http://pastebin.com/d7f6aa0b912:24
aetaricick gui!12:24
jescisbazhang: if you want I'll paste the mount out put on pastebin.ca12:24
waylandbillxomp: don't short change yourself. You and many other people have the brain power to use the CLI. They just have to overcome their fear of it. :-D12:25
TyphoxCan you tell me how to add samples to the rightclick>New Document-Menu?12:25
xompI know, but I'm getting errors with the cli that I have no idea about heh12:25
Dr_willis'give in to the CLI side!'12:25
co0lingFir3hi, is the hardy beta already available?12:25
jribTyphox: create a file in ~/Templates/12:25
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:25
Dr_willisco0lingFir3,  check #ubuntu+1 topic12:25
ArthurArchnixjoin #ubuntuforums12:25
bazhanghttp://blogs.sun.com/richb/entry/group_ownership_problems_with_files jescis is this your general issue?12:25
aetariclol thats why google was made. so we can figure out from others mistakes12:25
malebriaHello, in Gutsy Gibbon, when I use emacs with sudo, it doesn't open the file in arg.  Like sudo emacs /usr/local/bin/wine, it goes to *scratch*.12:25
malebriaIs this a bug in this version of emacs?12:26
malebriaI'm using emacs-snapshot-gtk12:26
unop_malebria, you could try  - gksudo "emacs file"12:26
bullgard4bytecode: Your locales are all right. They are not the cause of your Nautilus' trouble. --  I do not know a solution to your Nautilus problem at the moment. Sorry.12:26
waylandbillxomp: It probably would give the same error in a gui form. It just doesn't make the error pretty to look at.12:26
unop_malebria, if that doenst work -- sudo sh -c "emacs file"12:26
aetaricso wait hardy is still alpha12:27
Flannelaetaric: yes.  #ubuntu+112:27
malebriaunop_: hum, but do you know why it isn't working with sudo?12:27
jescisbazhang: I'll tell you after I read it ;)12:27
xompwaylandbill, true, my wireless card appears in gutsy, just I can't scan for network or manually connect by entering my SSID? I'm a wifi noob too so I'm doubly blessed </sarcasm>12:27
bytecodebullgard4: OK - thank you for your collaboration anyway  - it's appreciated :-)12:27
Typhoxjrib: hm, the directory doesn't exists. I created it, but i think it doesn't work12:28
malebriaI just noticed.12:28
malebriaunop_: not even with the default user it works.12:28
ApOgEE-i got Segmentation fault (core dumped) when try to run blender12:28
ApOgEE-any ideas?12:28
jribTyphox: "think"?  It either did or it didn't :)  Pastebin the output of 'ls ~/Templates'12:28
malebriaunop_: like emacs file.txt12:28
malebriagoes to scratch.12:28
jescisbazhang: basically yes12:29
Rods_TigerWhen it says 'updates are available, click the notification icon' etc, I click the orange icon on the menu bar, nothing happens, so I click it again and again until something does happen. Then ages later I get lots of Update Managers. Why can't it just give me the one?12:29
unop_malebria, not really sure -- might be a feature (or bug) with that version of emacs --12:29
waylandbillmalebria: does /usr/local/bin/wine exist? and it's a binary file if it does. editting it wouldn't be likely what you wanted.12:29
aetaricrods_tiger: you click several times, so you got serveral windows12:30
aetaricnext time click once and wait12:30
malebriawaylandbill: it exists and is not a binary file..12:30
Typhoxjrib: There are the files "html" and "html~" which have been created by myself. Do they need special filenames?12:30
malebriawaylandbill: but this was just an example.12:30
Rods_TigerI clicked several times because it ignored me - I only want the one Update Manager, anyone could work that one out.12:30
unop_waylandbill, /usr/local/bin/wine is probably a wrapper script around the real executable12:31
waylandbillmalebria: after I said it, I thought it was probably just a for instance.12:31
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aetaricit wasn't ignoring you its working, just very slowly12:31
terminalduring updating steam  i got error  steam.exe (main exception): unable to load library steam.dll12:31
malebriawaylandbill: ok. =)12:31
* xomp downloads 216 updates :o12:31
malebriaI got what the problem is here, thanks.12:31
neopsyche_can someone please help me set up recording for my tv card.12:31
waylandbillunop_: yeah. editing it is probably not the desired course either way. :-D12:32
aetaricterminal: i got that too when i ran steam with wine12:32
Rods_Tigerwell, it didn't give any evidence that it was doing something. It was acting the same as when I click on a button but the button is too small and the mouse misses. Same reaction.12:32
xompneopsyche_, what type of card?12:32
jribTyphox: please pastebin the command12:32
adidashi people, i have a little probleme : ubuntu doesn't recognize my monitor and my graphic card, so it puts resolution to 640*480 or something12:32
neopsyche_xomp, genius12:32
terminalaetaric ; so how u fix ur prob12:32
adidasfor info, i've got a samsung 931bw 19" and a geforce 8800 gt12:33
jribTyphox: and the actual command12:33
novato_bris there some kind manager education software for linux?12:33
xompneopsyche_, flattery will get  you everywhere :) but seriously.. what brand of card? lol12:33
unop_waylandbill, probably, probably not -- I once had a problem with firefox that wouldnt shut down properly, so i had to edit the wrapper script to kill all instances of it first before launching12:33
neopsyche_xomp,its called genius12:33
Rods_TigerIt needs to work out that the Update Manager has already been clicked on several times, so only present it once, not several times. It's not sensible to give me several Update Managers under any circumstance, so why do it?12:33
unop_!edubuntu | novato_br12:34
ubotunovato_br: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org12:34
hywI just installed ubuntu, and it booted to windows.. why idea why this happens? no signs of grub or anything12:34
neopsyche_xomp, GENIUS is sticker on the card.. card is .. chipset.. SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder12:34
neopsyche_xomp, Phjllips semiconducter12:34
xompneopsyche_, If you would like to translate my nickname to genius that's cool with me :) I am looking to "try" and use my hoaky ATI TV Wonder USB device at some point.12:34
Typhoxjrib: http://pastebin.com/m3d9aee5712:34
aetaricbecause the user clicked it that many times....what if you wanted that many it can't disern either way so it gives you many insted of one.12:34
novato_brokay, unop12:34
hywany idea*12:34
neopsyche_xomp, ?12:34
waylandbillunop_: firefox has irritated me like that in the past. I had to play around to get two instances on two separate desktops.12:34
xompneopsyche_, what program are you using? MythTV?12:34
unop_hyw, probably because grub wasn't installed at all -- or wasnt installed to the MBR12:34
Rods_TigerNo, there's no possible situation where a user might want several Update Managers. You can't use more than one at a time.12:35
neopsyche_xomp, XAWtv12:35
jribTyphox: ubuntu version?12:35
hywunop_: hmm but I booted to LiveCD and isntalled ubuntu12:35
hywunop_: setup the partitions chose the language location etc12:35
xompneopsyche_, cool, I've never heard of that one, I'll have to check it out when I go into the realm of finding a way to work my tv capture card.12:35
unop_hyw, things do go wrong sometimes -- even with ubuntu :)12:35
waylandbilladidas: errors or warnings are stored in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. I'd look there first for resolutions that are unsupported and the like.12:35
unop_!grub | hyw12:35
ubotuhyw: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:35
=== adidas is now known as CyuLat
aetaricbut making that function is a pain from the programers stand point. i know i don't want to put that in the code...its a pain12:36
neopsyche_xomp, can you help with recording feature or not?12:36
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xompneopsyche_, no sorry, I was just curious about the hardware :)12:36
terminalduring updating steam  i got error  steam.exe (main exception): unable to load library steam.dll12:36
Typhoxaha, depends it on ubuntu-version? Sorry I have 8, i'll go to the other channel where my questions rarely be answered...12:36
hywunop_: thanks I'll check it out, though it is the 3rd time I tried installing12:36
Jack_Sparrowhyw, Sorry I missed the question, does it boot to a black screen after installation12:36
xompneopsyche_, hopefully someone here who has the knowledge will see our chat and pick up to help.12:36
unop_waylandbill, why dont two seperate windows work for you? :)12:37
aetaricterminal: that is a glitch with using steam with wine uninstall and instal again12:37
sound_heartcould anyone please recommend a pic viewer package?12:37
unop_hyw, you should be able to just reinstall grub and be ok .. could be that simple12:37
Jack_Sparrowsound_heart, I like gthumb12:37
Rods_TigerIf I click on 'Install Updates' on mo4re than one Update Manager, it says 'Another Synaptic is running/ So it obviously knows it can't run more than one.12:37
unop_sound_heart, gthumb12:37
hywJack_Sparrow: it used to boot to a blackscreen it had resolution issues I guess I fixed it using sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and gksudo gedit /boot/grub.menu.1st   lol not sure if it fixed it though12:38
terminalaetaric ; is there any other process to install it12:38
waylandbillunop_: with seperated desktops, I couldn't drag one to the other desktop. I seperated the desktops, cause the windows never appeared where I expected them to.12:38
Jack_Sparrowhyw, what did you edit in grub?12:39
xompconfiguration: broadcast=yes driver=p80211_prism2_usb driverversion=0.2.8 link=no multicast=yes12:39
unop_Rods_Tiger, it is quite dangerous for many instances of synaptic and/or apt* to run at the same time -- the possibility of data corruption arising out of race-conditions is too much of a risk12:39
aetaricthats the lock file. the instanace of any apt/dpkg system lock that file so you don't break stuff so it stop it. if you load update manager, then switch to tty1 and give the command sudo apt-get update it will say that the lock file is locked12:39
EddieHi folks12:39
Rods_Tigerthen why does it give me loads of update managers?12:39
aetaricbeacuse you clicked it serveral times12:39
nurdinmsg nickserv register <your-password>12:39
Rods_Tigeryes, but why does it give me loads of update managers?12:40
Rods_TigerI only require the one12:40
unop_waylandbill, yea, i was kidding -- i worked around that issue by creating two seperate firefox profiles12:40
hywJack_Sparrow: oh btw when I typed gksudo(before installing ubuntu) it poped an empty text file12:40
hywJack_Sparrow: I just closed it12:40
aetaricterminal: i don't remember the porcedure. google for install steam on wine12:40
waylandbillunop_: that's what I did to.12:40
unop_Rods_Tiger, different ones do things differently ..12:40
aetaricbut you asked it for more than one so it gave you more than one.12:41
waylandbillaetaric: I click update manager and it only brings an existing one to the top. Makes sense, the code probably locates the existing instance.12:41
unop_Rods_Tiger, you can always get rid of the ones you dont like :) the reason many exist is for the one-size-fits-all feel to debian/ubuntu12:41
Rods_Tigerno, I only asked for one, but it didn't respond, so I made sure I asked for it12:41
aetaricif you want to click it 20 times and still get one goto the dev page and do a feature request12:41
Jack_Sparrowhyw, ok, I guess it is time to test it unless you would like me to look at your xorg and grub first.  Are you on the machine that has a problem now?12:41
timefrostHinHin, can someone tell me how to install OTR (Off-The Record) plugin for gaim. there is a packet for kopete, but not for gaim, help?12:42
hywJack_Sparrow: I am booting with LiveCD now12:42
xompaetaric, I have this sore on my lip, each time I mash it with my tongue it hurts, can you explain why this happens? It appears to happen each instance I mash it. I'm at a loss ;)12:42
hywJack_Sparrow: how can I show you xorg and grub12:42
Jack_Sparrowhyw,  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)12:42
unop_Rods_Tiger, perhaps i'm not really following you when you say "more than one" -- but anyway, work on the premise that only one works best :)12:42
timefrostHi, can someone tell me how to install OTR (Off-The Record) plugin for gaim. there is a packet for kopete, but not for gaim, help?12:42
PriceChildtimefrost: what version of ubuntu are you using?12:42
Rods_TigerI want to have it respond, or tell me it's about to respond. When I click on something or type something and nothing happens, either it's not working, or I've missed the bit where I click or type, so I try again. It's unacceptable that it pretends I've not clicked, then ages later it springs into life and gives me loads of whatever I did12:42
timefrostPriceChild: 7.1012:43
hywJack_Sparrow: ok thanks12:43
jribtimefrost: install the pidgin-otr package12:43
PriceChildtimefrost: 7.10 uses 'pidgin', the new name for gaim. sudo apt-get install pidgin-otr12:43
PriceChildtimefrost: you can then enable it from pidgin's plugin manager.12:43
aetaric!rules |rods_tiger12:43
uboturods_tiger: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:43
Jack_Sparrowhyw, adjust path if needed ecause of the live cd.  not sure how you mounted the hard drive in your situation12:43
timefrostjrib, PriceChild: thanks a lot!12:43
unop_Rods_Tiger, that can happen if the application was busy doing something and the window buffererd your actions .. but if you keep getting a continuously busy window like that, you should probably investigate -- but thats normal and expected of synaptic from time to time12:44
aetariclike i said if you want it changed to do something put a feature request on the programs dev page12:44
Rods_Tigerso pointing out a deficiency is not allowed? Ridiculous12:44
Jack_SparrowRods_Tiger, THis is the wrong room for that discussion..  It is more suited to the offtopic room12:44
CyuLatubuntu doesn't recognize my monitor and my graphic card, so it puts resolution to 640*480, how can i have my monitor to the list gived ?12:45
aetaricit works for the rest of us.......maybe you comp is to slow12:45
waylandbillaetaric, Rods_Tiger: could multiple instances be a bug. I've tried multiple times to click the update manager in the panel and in the system menu and the existing one just gets put in the foreground. It looks like it was intended to keep one instance, much the same way pidgin does.12:45
Jack_SparrowRods_Tiger, It is not a support question.  Feedback always helps.. but it needs to be directed to a better spot for it12:45
Jack_Sparrowwaylandbill,  Please also see offtopic12:45
Rods_TigerI though this was the spot. Obviously nobody wants to know. Fair enough12:45
hywJack_Sparrow: ok am trying to boot with LiveCD and it shows this again Display server has been shutdown about 6 times in the last 90secs12:45
noelferreirawhat is the file in where can i change the default background color of my gnome panel? because if i put it transparent it stays some parts transparent and other parts with system color.12:46
nurdinim new user12:46
aetariclmao wtf i've told him like 5 times to put a feature request for it if he wants it to do that12:46
nurdinhow to register my nickname12:46
Jack_Sparrowhyw, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"12:46
Jack_Sparrowaetaric, Please watch the language...12:46
aetaric /nickserv register password12:47
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.12:47
newTruth_UKGreetings all. Anyone knows of an app like fspot (tagging) for pdf documents ??12:47
benny269can someone help me get drivers for my printer?12:47
neopsyche_how do i configure my wifi card as an AP?12:48
Jack_Sparrowhyw, There are several other options for hardware that is being difficult that you can try12:48
xomp<Jack_Sparrow> aetaric, Please watch the language... | funny coming from a pirate, albeit a Disney pirate but funny still :)12:48
Jack_Sparrowbenny269, What printer..12:48
qiwikouu inglish12:48
aetarici read it the first time......12:48
benny269Jack_Sparrow: hp DeskJet 843C12:48
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.12:48
yowshican the live cd be booted from a flashdisk? i kind of need mto do a fresh install and i dont have any cd's at the moment12:48
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, Yes.. one sec12:49
neopsyche_anyone know how to configure wifi card12:49
yowshiwow Jack_Sparrow your still up and here?12:49
xompneopsyche_, I saw how to just a sec12:49
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, Yes.. one sec   Make an iso on usb bootable http://jak-linux.org/tmp/iso2usb.sh12:49
hywJack_Sparrow: remove quite and splash and leave this ( --| )  at the end?12:49
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, Morning here now12:49
yowshiJack_Sparrow, morning here too. i just woke up figured i would get started on my reinstall12:50
yowshiJack_Sparrow, is there a hotto or help file or something like how do i run this .sh and what do i do with it12:50
Jack_Sparrowhyw, there are two options in the command I gave you, the first was simply remove two items.. the oter remoed two and added two12:50
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, ./iso2usb.sh                or bash iso2usb.sh12:51
aetaricyowshi to execute a shell script use ./scriptname12:51
yowshisee i didnt know it was one of those kind of files12:51
Jack_Sparrowbrb gotta grab coffee12:51
nicodariousdoes anyone have any suggestions on how to flash a BIOS from Linux?12:52
xompneopsyche_, the link to that document is on my windows pc and I'm currently doing updates on this one.12:52
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:52
aetaricjust fyi sh and bin are typically shell scripts writen with bash12:52
yowshiother questions like how do i keep my /home partition from beeing formatted and how do i keep all my programme settings and stuff12:52
Name141Would Ubuntu work fast (enough) , on a USB2 external ?12:53
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, Scripts are simple text format and often have user notes embedded inside12:53
Name141Just for "testing" to see if I want it as the primary OS12:53
bytecodeGuidance needed - is there an IRC Channel for evdev / mouse configuration issues within ubuntu that I can direct my colleague to?12:53
captainmName141: sure12:53
Jack_SparrowName141, Useable, speed is relative to your needs12:53
benny269Jack_Sparrow: any printer help?12:53
nicodariousI'm trying to update my mobo bios so I can install my new AMD 6400 CPU, but everywhere I go there's either sites telling me "use a floppy", although my machine has none.  Any suggestions?12:53
phwI want to boot a live ubuntu cd from a usb stick. does that work by just copying the iso onto the device? like "mv ubuntu.iso /dev/usbdevice" ?12:54
ppibburrphw no12:54
Jack_Sparrowbenny269, Sorry.. had not checked the wiki yet..12:54
benny269Jack_Sparrow: which wiki? perhaps i can check?12:54
captainmphw: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/12:54
unop_yowshi, you shouldnt need to format any of the partitions -- just name and mount the partitions as you have now and install ..12:55
simplexiophw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=515112:55
waylandbillnicodarious: I think you can burn the files to a CD and use the floppy image as the bootable image for the CD. I don't have instructions to do so though.12:55
neopsyche_can someone help me set up wpa enable wireless AP on ubuntu?12:55
yowshiunop_, except i want to make my home partition bigger. i have a /usr partition i made for simplcity when i made my final uibuntu install because i couldnt figure out how to make the two partitions on different hdd's one /home partition12:56
yowshiand i figured /usr was me so i would have full access to it12:56
nicodariouswaylandbill hmm... using a floppy image to make a bootable CD?  interesting..12:56
unop_yowshi, you might need to resize the partitions to make /usr smaller and /home bigger ...12:57
waylandbillnicodarious: yes. k3b I know can burn that type of disc.12:57
Stroganoffyowshi, use gparted livecd12:57
noelferreirawhat is the file in where can i change the default background color of my gnome panel? because if i put it transparent it stays some parts transparent and other parts with system color.12:57
yowshii know that i just dont wanna nuke my /home partition in the process12:57
unop_yowshi, although the best way would be to backup /home onto another HDD .. install and then copy it's contents back12:57
yowshiand Jack_Sparrow thanks for the script but i cant use sudo12:57
Name141Alright.  I figure this would be the simplest way to not worry about losing data (other than on the external drive) , keeping the internal "c" ?12:57
Name141(left alone)12:57
yowshihmmm unop_ i do fortunatly have a third unused hdd12:58
Jack_Sparrowbenny269, There dont seem to be many issues with that printer, have you gone through normal printer detection etc?12:58
unop_yowshi, you can su - and use the commands from the root shell instead of sudo12:58
yowshisitting around waiting for me to decide which second linux distro i want12:58
nicodariouswaylandbill: do I need the floppy info in order to burn it onto the disc or does k3b already have it in it's system ready?12:58
yowshiyes but his script uses sudo everywhere12:58
waylandbillnicodarious: you'll need the floppy yes.12:58
unop_yowshi, if you were like me -- you'd install linux within linux within linux :)12:58
waylandbillnicodarious: the image of it.12:58
benny269Jack_Sparrow: I haven't done anything. First time use with Ubuntu. Its been hooked up since installation but I've done nothing more?12:58
yowshiLOL unop_ i did that with windows once12:58
nicodarioushmm.. ok.  i'll see what I can find.  thanks!12:59
unop_yowshi, just logon with su -- and run those commands without sudo -- same effect12:59
Jack_Sparrowbenny269, Let me see what we can do..  system ... admin... printing...12:59
nicodariouswaylandbill: hmm.. ok.  i'll see what I can find.  thanks!12:59
yowshisure unop_ bring logic into it hehehdehhe12:59
Name141I am guessing I would need to set my BIOS to boot from DVD First, USB, then Internal , for this to work ?12:59
benny269Jack_Sparrow: yep12:59
auraxi'm having a problem with start-stop-daemon12:59
unop_yowshi, just kidding -- i have a debian chroot on this machine -- and windows in vmware -- thats all13:00
noelferreirahow do i upgrade for beta release of 8.04?13:00
neopsyche_how can i make please help anyone need to create wireless AP so my laptop wifi can connect to main internet pc.13:00
auraxtrying to chdir before executing java ... but it allways fails13:00
auraxthis is what i'm trying to do :13:00
jrib!hardy | noelferreira13:00
ubotunoelferreira: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:00
Jack_Sparrowbenny269, do you see your printer listed if not click add priinter13:00
auraxstart-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/loader.pid --make-pidfile --startas "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 -jar loader.jar"13:00
yowshiunop_, of course if i mod the script and remove all sudo instances it probably would work too no?13:00
noelferreirajrib, it is already secure?13:00
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, doubtful13:01
FloodBot2neopsyche_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:01
benny269Jack_Sparrow: what is PDF listed under Local Printers?13:01
jribnoelferreira: it's beta (unfinished)13:01
Jack_Sparrow!hwlpme | neopsyche_13:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hwlpme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:01
Jack_Sparrow!helpme | neopsyche_13:01
ubotuneopsyche_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience13:01
DaveTarmacwhich is better for sound: OSS or ALSA?13:01
jribyowshi: what are you trying to do?13:01
unop_yowshi, yes, as long as the script was invoked under the root shell13:01
yowshinothing it didnt work13:01
neopsyche_unreadable channels suck13:01
noelferreiraok but beta is beta jrib. i think i'll try :)13:01
IanLiuHow do I access my smb://address by terminal?13:01
neopsyche_wifi card need to setup as AP.. anyone?13:02
unop_IanLiu, smbclient / smbget13:02
olimpicois there a way to measure the maximum velocity from a direct connection with another computer?13:02
yowshicrap i forgot i am going to have to mount the usb the hardway13:02
IanLiuI want thanks13:02
yowshisince i cant gksudo13:02
xompis it normal for iwconfig to output this "wlan0     no wireless extensions.13:02
xomp" for a wireless card? i guess what I'm trying to say is, would that indicate a "problem" with my card? Or am I simply not connected via wifi?13:02
unop_yowshi, you can mount in the su shell too :)13:02
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.13:02
=== Mindpoke is now known as Mindpoke^afk
Po-mashi all13:03
unop_Pici, his whole problem is sudo (or the lack of it ATM) :)13:03
yowshii know that unop_ but i had created a button to run the mount and umount command for me13:03
Po-masi have a problem with evolution13:03
Jack_SparrowFYI yowshi has a unique situation in regards to permissions and using sudo or gksodo.. we never found a way to fix it13:03
unop_yowshi, you're lazy, i'll give you that :p13:03
yowshican anyone help me with a walktrhough of how to mount an unused but hooked up harddrive so i can back up all my data?13:03
benny269Jack_Sparrow: thanks its working, should I remove PDF?13:04
yowshiunop_, lazy? HA after what i had to go through to to figure out how to make thre button work?13:04
hywJack_Sparrow: ok I removed quite and splah rebooted and adding no apic now, how do I save it shall I just click enter?13:04
Jack_Sparrowbenny269, no.. you never know when you want to make a pdf eh?13:04
yowshiitr is just i mount and unmount the flash sticks so often i needed a faster way to do it13:04
hywJack_Sparrow: it failed btw13:04
jribyowshi: create a directory to mount it, then issue 'sudo mount -t TYPE /dev/blah /mount/point/you/created13:04
Po-masit keeps asking for my global adress list pw when i want to make a new agenda entry13:04
Jack_Sparrowhyw,  just try it13:04
benny269Jack_Sparrow: is there an analogous way to get my scanner working? Again I've done nothing to set it up yet?13:04
unop_yowshi, sudo fdisk -l  should list the devices -- find your HDD -- and mount it -- sudo mkdir /media/hdd; sudo mount /dev/sdXX /media/hdd13:04
waylandbillneopsyche_: a wireless router would be inexpensive and save alot of time.13:05
yowshigood it did find it13:05
Jack_Sparrowhyw, noapic not no apic         and acpi=off  should also be added13:05
hywJack_Sparrow: yeah I just miss typed in here, what should I do next btw|?13:06
Jack_Sparrowbenny269, apps...graphics... xsane13:06
IanLiuI wanted to make a symbolic link from my smb://address to my WWW folder.. is that possible?13:06
StroganoffIanLiu: use fusesmb13:06
indomiti!hardy | indomiti13:06
yowshiok so do i just copy the entire /home folder to this? or should i zip it or something13:06
unop_IanLiu, better you mount the smb://address in the WWW folder -- man smbmount13:06
ibouI'd like to copy sound frome cd to my hard drive which could be as much conform as cd as possible. Wavpack let me chose between stereo mid/side and stereo left/right. What should i chose ?13:07
Jack_Sparrowhyw, if you tried both of the options I posted.  you can try burning the cd at 4x ...  or the alternate text install..13:07
IanLiuOk, I will try that13:07
unop_yowshi, it's your call -- whichever is faster :)13:07
benny269Jack_Sparrow: thanks13:07
=== xcasex_ is now known as xcasex
newTruth_UKGreetings all. Anyone knows of an app like fspot (tagging) for pdf documents ??13:07
unop_newTruth_UK, pdftk13:08
yowshiunop_, the question isnt which is faster the question is which will cause fewer complications after a long and probably complicated process of reinstalling unbuntu and resizing my /home partition13:08
DaveTarmacI have a LogiTech MX3000 keyboard and mouse set and for some reason the volume control on the keyboard doesn't work, although it is registering with the OS as I get the big volume indicator on screen - is there a way I can actually have this work?13:08
unop_yowshi, the normal copy is the least complicated and probably faster way13:08
olimpicoHow can I check if my networkcard is actually giving me 100 MB instead of only 10 MB/s?13:08
unop_olimpico, ethtool <interface>13:09
hywJack_Sparrow: I booted to ubuntu now13:09
bartmonHey. My virtual terminals are getting spammed with ip stack debug messages. Is there a kernel argument to turn these off or can I just change the /boot/config-2.6.x?13:09
yowshiroot@ubuntu:/home/yoshi/Desktop/download# cp /home/yoshi /media/hdd13:09
yowshicp: omitting directory `/home/yoshi'13:09
yowshi LOL13:09
unop_yowshi, :)  cp -R /src /dest13:09
hywJack_Sparrow: what these options supposed to do, enable me to boot to ubuntu or fi the display error?13:09
yowshiwhats nall that bstuff13:09
unimatrixwhy is ubuntu's alsa-plugins crippled up? it's missing the jack plugin13:10
yowshilike whats -R13:10
unop_yowshi, -R == recursively13:10
xomp_ok, is there an easy way to verify that ubuntu has my wireless adapter installed and working?13:10
yowshiok i am going for a smoke bbs13:10
Jack_Sparrowhyw, they were to get the live cd to boot by getting around problem hardware13:10
unop_xomp, ping the interface's address then it's gateway13:11
Stroganoff!bash > Stroganoff13:11
xomp_unop_, ok, is there an easy way to find the interface addy and gateway? lol13:11
newTruth_UKunop_ isn't pdfk used for  hacking pdf documents? I'm more interested in adding tags to PDF and using that to archive, cathegorize them like you do with JPG in fspot.13:11
Stroganoff!bash > yowshi13:11
hywJack_Sparrow: shall I reboot and try booting to ubuntu without hitting F6?13:12
olimpicounop_: Thanks a lot, that workes great! i just bought a LAN HUB, it's 10/100MB/s but when I copy files from one computer to the other I get only 10MB/s transfer rates.13:12
hywJack_Sparrow: or is there something I need to fix before rebooting as I am in LiveCD now13:12
olimpicounop_: Both are Ubuntu machines and both have 100MB in eth013:12
unop__olimpico, you have to make sure that both adapters on the link are explicitly set to full-duplex 100MB13:13
Jack_Sparrowhyw, all I can say is try.. I know you did some editing.. do you know the command to get past black screen at boot?13:13
olimpicounop_: I did, using the command you told me, both are13:13
donkey7186I have a question. How can i make my connection startup on boot.13:13
hywJack_Sparrow: which black screen btw?13:13
jescisbazhang: oooh, I got rid of everything except the default option. Do I need gid and uid?13:13
Jack_Sparrowhyw, sorry if I am a bit slow.  Still waking up.  could you please give me a one liner of your original problem13:13
ibouI'd like to copy sound frome cd to my hard drive which could be as much conform as cd as possible. Wavpack let me chose between stereo mid/side and stereo left/right. What should i chose ?13:13
unop__olimpico, the rates you are estimating by might be in megabytes per second -- while the speed of the line in in megabits per second -- so you would typically see a 1/8th in speed13:14
Jack_Sparrowibou, what format is the cd13:14
hywJack_Sparrow: no worries,13:14
bullgard4Synaptic > <DEB package name> >  Properties > Dependencies lists DEB package names and associated attributes 'Needs' and 'Recommends'. What is the equivalent command on the command line?13:15
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: do you know of a good link on how to make a wireless connection start on boot up?...13:15
Picibullgard4: apt-cache show packagename13:15
hywJack_Sparrow: I was confronting the display error so I clickec F6 booted to LiveCD and installed ubuntu, then I reboot and there was no grub it just booted Windows13:15
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak, nothing much13:15
IndyGunFreakhm, ok.13:15
ibouJack_Sparrow: it's an original music cd13:15
unop__olimpico, also .. transfer rates never happen at 100% the bandwidth -- and there are disk and processor overheads .. what speeds are you experiencing exactly?13:15
ibouJack_Sparrow: i guess it's cd audio13:16
Jack_Sparrowibou, So you wnat to rip it but in good quality13:16
ibouJack_Sparrow: yes, in wav13:16
unop__bullgard4, apt-cache show package ?? perhaps?13:16
xomp_ok, updates all done.13:17
Jack_Sparrowhyw, Try it, you can always come back13:17
ibouJack_Sparrow: but wavpack ask me to chose between sterero mid/side and stereo left/right...13:17
babo_when i try to downsize some of my images ... the quality turns out really bad. Is that just gimp ? or does it happen with PS as well ?13:17
unop__bullgard4, also -- aptitude show package13:17
olimpicounop_: I get nothing more than 11 MB/s13:17
donkey7186I have a question. How can i make my connection startup on boot. Whenever i startup my computer i have to go into manual configuration for the wireless and change the password type from WPA Personal to WPA2 Personal, in order for me to be able to get an internet connection!13:17
waylandbillis there a way to view man pages on the desktop in gnome similar to how konqueror has a man:// type address?13:18
yowshinext question what about the games i have installed and stuff with compying the home folder same all my games settings and the stuff i have on my panel?13:18
hywJack_Sparrow: I did install ubuntu btw, it is already in the drive but it does not show a grub it just boots to windows13:18
xomp_can someone help me with iwlist? I'm getting nothing when I should be getting several items.13:18
hywJack_Sparrow: it acts as if no linux is installed13:18
unop__olimpico, 11MiB/s is quite good -- that's about 88Mib/s13:18
TyczekI've got problem... I have rtl8185 -based wifi card... I want to blacklist it... I added entries in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, but it is load on start...13:19
Jack_Sparrowibou, I was unaware of any regular audio cd that had more that two channel sound...13:19
waylandbillhyw: grub may not be installed on the drive that is booting13:19
bullgard4Pici, unop__ An OP in another channel gave me the correct answer: It is apt-cache depends <DEB program package>. --  Thank you.13:19
Jack_Sparrowhyw, Did you install to a second hard drive in your pc or maybe an external?13:19
olimpicounop_: I think you are right, I thought the Hub was 100 MBps, but I just checked and it's 100Mbps, and also the networkcards. Thanks a lot!!!13:20
hywJack_Sparrow: yeah windows in primary ubuntu in secondary13:20
hywJack_Sparrow: but it doesnt matter because I am just reinstalling ubuntu and it worked just fine earlier13:20
xomp_my laughter sounds like crying right now :(13:20
unop__Tyczek, make sure it isnt included in one of /etc/modules or /etc/modprobe.d/*13:20
Picibullgard4: apt-cache rdepends is helpful too if you're concidering removing something and aren't sure what it'll take with it.13:21
Tyczekunop_, ok, I'll check13:21
waylandbillhyw: you can (re)install grub to the mbr of the primary drive using grub-install.13:21
unop__xomp, i'm sorry you're hysterical atm .. but life gets better, trust me :)13:21
Jack_Sparrowhyw, that often causes issues if the mbr of the wrong drive is selected13:21
olimpicounop_: i just needed to understand, now I'm happy, Thanx again!!!13:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:21
Jack_Sparrowwaylandbill, exactly..13:21
nicodariouswaylandbill: you still here?13:21
neopsyche_I have laptop on .. with wifi and my card in PC.. how can i configure it?13:21
hywwaylandbill: just grub-install ?13:21
hywwaylandbill: sudo grub-install ?13:22
newTruth_UK? Anyone knows of an app like fspot (tagging) for pdf documents ?13:22
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche_, have you checked to see if your card is supported13:22
waylandbillhyw: grub-install with argument of the device to install to like /dev/hda or /dev/sda etc.13:22
SupaFlyHey does anyone have a link for a "How to" thread on installing and setting up Conky?13:22
waylandbillhyw: yes with sudo.13:22
waylandbillnicodarious: yes I am13:22
nicodariouswaylandbill: wow, there's a lot of kde stuff I have to install just to get k3b installed, heh.  I'm running purely gnome right now, and I hate to install useless programs for just one.  you know of any other programs that will definitely write a floppy image?13:23
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, right click iso and send to cd13:23
TheDarkBGMstupid question13:23
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, sorry misread that13:23
xomp_is there a need to "enable" a wifi adapter? I see wlan0 in the network manager but it's not "checked" and according to the wifi doc's it has to be checked to enable (but it's not working for me)13:23
TheDarkBGMi have 2 hard disks installed13:23
TheDarkBGMhow do i acess the 2nd hard drive?13:24
hywwaylandbill: yeah it says grub device not specified13:24
Jack_SparrowTheDarkBGM, please keep the question on one line13:24
hywwaylandbill: sudo grub-install /dev/hda   ?13:24
TheDarkBGMsorry i am used to talking on games where the lines are limated not like here sorry for that13:24
PiciSupaFly: conky is in the software repositories, see the conky manpage, http://conky.sourceforge.net/ and #conky for configuration help13:24
waylandbillnicodarious: I don't know if gnomebaker will. I'm curious, so I'll find out.13:24
danandnicodarious - floppy image? the dd command will create an image of a floppy for you and transfer an image to a floppy for you.13:24
waylandbillhyw: hda is usually primary IDE drive and looks reasonable.13:25
nicodariouswaylandbill: i'm trying that too right now also.13:25
Jack_SparrowTheDarkBGM, internal or external drive, what format on the partitions on that drive13:25
xomp_also, the wifi doc's seem old, kind of sorta REALLY old, there is no "Networking" in "System > Administration" secondly, there is no option to choose the "Default Gateway device" as shown in the images..13:25
nicodariousdanand: that would be fine... IF I had a floppy drive, but I gave those up five years ago! lol13:25
unop__waylandbill, i dont think you'd ever find /dev/hd* on a recent ubuntu -- it's all /dev/sd* now13:25
bullgard4Pici: Ok, I will try to keep that in mind also.13:26
yowshiunop_, sd is sata hd is ide13:26
SupaFlyPici yeah ive read that that version shouldnt be there, its really buggy, ive had conky installed and running before but a long time ago, and i remember that theres some loops to jump through to get it working correctly13:26
nicodariouswaylandbill: I found that Nero has a Linux install.  I want to try that one too.  I'll let you know.13:26
unop__yowshi, on other linuxes yes -- on ubuntu, no :)13:26
Crashanybody have got a problem with bus' mainboard K7s5A?13:26
danandnicodarious - brasero is pretty good13:26
waylandbillunop_: really? I thought hda is ide and sda is scsi13:26
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, It will accept seriol number from your windows copy of nero13:27
Crashanybody have got a problem with bus' mainboard K7s5A?13:27
IndyGunFreaknicodarious: nero has a linux version13:27
waylandbillunop_: my desktop has kubuntu 7.10 and it shows hda and sda.13:27
Crasherror smbus_63013:27
mad_max02anyone here using Gnash for Flash in 64bit Firefox ????13:27
unop__waylandbill, you'd be right to assume that on any other linux -- but iirc, the underlying mechanism for identifying drives is more or less consistent on ubuntu13:28
jrib!anyone | mad_max0213:28
ubotumad_max02: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:28
Crashanybody have got a problem with bus' mainboard K7s5A?13:28
unop__waylandbill, my ide drives only show up as /dev/sd* .. let me try and find that link if i can13:28
vijayis ubuntu hardy beta out??????13:28
jrib!hardy | vijay13:28
ubotuvijay: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:28
mad_max02jrib, and how did that help ?13:28
IndyGunFreakvijay: its still alpha if i recall13:28
nicodariouswaylandbill: it seems that Nero Linux 3 has a DOS boot image with the install.  Going to try that out and reboot.  I'll let you know when I come back13:28
waylandbillunop_: thanks. I'd be interested to see it.13:28
mad_max02I asked coz I'm looking for someone who is running it13:28
chdstToday's Beta day, according to the schedule ^^13:29
yowshigrrr i wish i knew what all these commands were supposed to do and what values i should substitue for $TEMPORARY13:29
waylandbillnicodarious: thanks. I may have to check it out.13:29
IndyGunFreakmad_max02: just ask, if someone is, they'll respond13:29
vijaybut beta is suppose to come today 20 th  according to schedule :)13:29
jribmad_max02: those types of questions just increase the traffic in this room.  Just assume the answer is "yes" and ask your next question.  That's the best way to get help13:29
=== Crash is now known as ZERO_COOL
Jack_Sparrowvijay, Which month?13:29
chdstvijay: There's plenty of "today" left.13:30
unop__waylandbill, http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2008-02/msg00787.html but also read http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2008-02/msg00605.html13:30
vijay\chdst :)13:31
nicodariouswaylandbill: if this works, It may just well be worth the $20.00 for the full version... to me.13:31
waylandbillunop_: thanks. learn something new everyday. Looks like there still could be hd* if the system doesn't support the new libata code though.13:31
unop__waylandbill, depends on the chipset apparently13:32
donkeyboyI made my ubuntu very sad :-( was trying to upgrade from daper to gutsy, so changed the sources list and then did a apt-get dist-upgrade, now everything is broken :-( libc6 broke, is there any hope of fixing (I have tried downgrading back to dap, tried apt-get install libc6, etc) but so many dependencies are now missing, vim, locals, the list goes on. is there anything I can do or should I...13:32
donkeyboy...just reinstall?13:32
Picidonkeyboy: Did you try to upgrade directly from Dapper to Gutsy? without going through the versions inbetween?13:32
donkeyboyyes :-(13:32
donkeyboyI am an idiot :-(13:33
jribdonkeyboy: that's not the proper way to upgrade.  At this point I would just backup and reinstall.  That will probably be the fastest way13:33
IndyGunFreakdonkeyboy: most likely.. directly from dapper to gutsy, is sure to cause a problem.. you should ahve read up on upgrading a little bit13:33
waylandbillunop_: so eventually it will be all sd*, when all the legacy machines end up in the scrapheap.13:33
jrib!upgrade > donkeyboy (read the private message from ubotu)13:33
donkeyboyyes :-( I acknowledge my idiot status, the question is, is there anyway to fix the sillyness I have done, or is a reinstall the only answer?13:34
unop__waylandbill, i dunno -- ubuntu's doing really funny things that the rest of the linux community don't see any sense in doing -- guess it will only be ubuntu that does it, but yea, the idea is to use a single library to identify and interact with both PATA and SATA (amongst others) drives13:34
waylandbilldonkeyboy: you're not an idiot. I'm sure others have made that mistake. If you have your data backed up, you can install a clean copy.13:35
hwildeanybody have a resolution for    BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!    ?13:35
IndyGunFreakdonkeyboy: can it be fixed?  maybe.. but you'll rip your hair out trying for that .001% chance that it can.  reinstlal will be easiest and definitely successful13:35
donkeyboywaylandbill: no data on it, it brand spanking new, running on a XEN instance, the only reason I don't want to reinstall is the guys who are hosting it take forever to do anything, so thought I could fix it myself13:36
donkeyboyok, thanks guys. Will just send a mail to the hosting guys and ask them to reinstall. hopefully have it back up before the end of the universe :-D13:36
waylandbilldonkeyboy: heck, if there's nothing important on it you have options.13:37
donkeyboywaylandbill: I only got it up about 40 minutes ago13:37
hywwaylandbill: tried sudo grub-install /dev/hda  didnt work so I tried the Super Grub Disk chose language then linux then Fix Boot of Linux Grub it succeeded rebooted the Grub appeared but it says Error 22 no such partition when I chose ubuntu13:37
sinboxdonkeyboy, that was fast :D13:37
donkeyboyand 30 of those have been spent trying to fix this bugger up I made :-D so absolutely no data on it13:38
hywwaylandbill: though I have ubuntu installed13:38
donkeyboysinbox: hahahaha13:38
donkey7186I have a question. How can i make my connection startup on boot. Whenever i startup my computer i have to go into manual configuration for the wireless and change the password type from WPA Personal to WPA2 Personal, in order for me to be able to get an internet connection!13:38
chdstdonkeyboy: If you really set on the bleeding edge, there will be an upgrade path from LTS to LTS release, that is, from dapper to hardy.13:38
unop__waylandbill, this might interest you too - http://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=4148913:38
waylandbillhyw: you may have to edit the menu.lst. The location of ubuntu may not reflect the current location.13:39
hywwaylandbill: how do I do that13:39
ting_blue-frog_: are u around there ?13:39
blue-frog_ting_: yes13:40
Jack_Sparrowhyw, That wrote the mbr to hd0,0 for you, it does not point to the correct drive with ubuntu.  Why not reinstall.. it will probably be less hassle than what you are doing now13:40
waylandbillhyw: you need to edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and verify that the device and partition are correct for your root partition.13:40
komputeswhere is the wakeup from suspend script located?13:40
hywJack_Sparrow: I would reinstall but I am afraid that I might confront the same issue again13:41
geniikomputes: /etc/acpi13:41
VletHow could one automatically create a directory called 'Mail' in any new users home directory?13:41
=== crummygummy_ is now known as CrummyGummy
ting_blue-frog_: you know how i can recover my last keyboard setting. I installed the keytouch and it change my keyboard config and now my left ctrl button doesnt work. hehehe so it is a little bit hard for me to do copy&paste13:41
GpalcoIs TEMPLATES folder in UBUNTU just a plane folder, or are there any specific setting for it ??? NEED help113:42
jribVlet: create it in /etc/skel/13:42
geniiVlet: /etc/skel contains user directory templates13:42
jribGpalco: plain folder13:42
unop__waylandbill, the actual official ubuntu reasoning for libata : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks13:42
blue-frog_ting_: remove keytouch should be ok13:42
Vletjrib, genii: thankya :)13:42
waylandbillhyw: I don't believe a reinstall is necessary. You just have to tell grub the correct location is all. Installing into the mbr doesn't fix an incorrect location in menu.lst.13:43
PiciGpalco: its just a folder in your home directory named Templates13:43
blue-frog_ting_: but at the same time I never used keytouch so I don't what it is changing13:43
Gpalcothank you jrib, could you please copy the exact name of it here. 'cause mine is deleted and I wanna creat same one for templates to work13:43
hywwaylandbill: how do I list all the drives connected to my pc13:43
jribGpalco: Templates13:43
ting_blue-frog_: hehe no problem, let see if i can recover my keyboard13:43
yowshigrrr i tried to look up how tos for making ubuntu install off a flash drive but all i get is how to install to one13:43
waylandbillunop_: what kernel version started using libata? I have 2.6.22, but when I do mount, I have only hda partitions. Is this only for new installations maybe?13:43
ting_blue-frog_: thanks very much any way13:44
pro-rsoftHi, does anybody know a lightweight text editor which can handle big files and can replace using regexp?13:44
jribpro-rsoft: vim, emacs?13:44
Picipro-rsoft: I beleive scite or scintilla can do that.13:44
pro-rsoftwill try them, thanks13:44
yowshiooops didnt mean to close xhcta13:44
blue-frog_ting_: in the meantime to copy/paste, highlight what you want to copy and then paste by clicking your whell (or both buttons at the same time)13:44
GpalcoPici, jrib, for some reason Nautilus doesn't wanna read the templates in it!!! Want them badly13:44
ting_blue-frog_: is there a way to auto-detect again the keyboard ?13:44
jribpro-rsoft: make sure sed is not a better tool fro what you want to do13:44
jribGpalco: pastebin ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs13:45
waylandbillhyw: sudo sfdisk -l13:45
pro-rsoftwill try to do it with sed, thanks13:45
art_hello...i just installed opera but the shortcut is not showing up in applications.13:45
Gpalcojrib, ???13:45
ting_blue-frog_:  it is just my left ctrl key is working but the system doesnt recognize13:45
Gpalcojrib, is it something to read, run?13:45
unop__waylandbill, it appears that ubuntu started using libata patches around the launch of edgy -- i think the kernel team merged libata around 2.6.19 or so -- but i think the failover exists for systems/chipsets not compatible with libata - which explains why some people see both /dev/hd* and /dev/sd*13:46
jribGpalco: in a terminal, type 'gedit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs'.  Then paste that on the pastebin13:46
jrib!pastebin > gpalco (read the private message from ubotu)13:46
Gpalcojrib, aaaaa13:46
waylandbillunop_: must be my chipset falls in that category. Was just curious.13:46
Gpalcojrib, uno sec13:46
unop__waylandbill, whats really weird is that some people see /dev/sd* one release and /dev/hd* in another -- so, it depends on which side the wind is blowing too :)13:47
AraneidaeOne one recently installed Ubuntu box Ctrl-Alt-F1 works (takes me to the console), on other virtually identical(?) box nothing happens.  What's the difference?!13:47
waylandbillhyw: keep in mind that the format that grub uses is a little different than how ubuntu's.13:47
Uateccan you get boot CDs for ubuntu that allow you to install over the internet?13:47
Jack_Sparrow!install | Uatec13:47
ubotuUatec: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:47
Jack_SparrowMisdirected.. sorry13:47
ApOgEE-/me goin out13:47
hywwaylandbill: lol yeah probably I'll have another problem13:48
blue-frog_ting_: try     setxkbmap us   but I am afraid keytouch changed something else13:48
ere4si!minimal | Uatec13:48
ubotuUatec: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:48
yowshiJack_Sparrow, i could use a little help i am not sure what to make of your script13:48
* finek_ lol13:48
hywwaylandbill: 3 adys trying to install ubuntu now13:48
finek_/me lol13:48
Adyshyw:  hmm?13:48
Gpalcojrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60282/13:48
LiGhTOnEdoes someone know this error: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/128645/13:48
hywAdys: lol hi13:48
Gpalcojrib, and I think I know the prob now13:49
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, Let me go over your problem again.  You cant burn a cd right? you are running live, your hd install is trashed etc,13:49
Adysneeded something? :P13:49
Gpalcojrib, =)))13:49
yowshino i am not running live13:49
yowshii dont have any cd's13:49
yowshii need to do a freesh install though13:49
Gpalcojrib, SO greatfull!!!!13:49
d0ntp2nichi all13:49
jribGpalco: np13:49
yowshibut i cant get any cd's till nexst month13:49
unop__LiGhTOnE, what command gives you that output?13:49
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, please keep it on one line13:49
yowshia long time to wait with a crippled system13:49
hywAdys: will try to fix /boot/grub/menu.1st to be able to boot to ubuntu andhopefully it works13:49
LiGhTOnEunop: after installing realtek drivers i have this error13:50
yowshiJack_Sparrow, i am not running a live cd right now, i just need to reinstall but i dont have any cd's and cant get any for 2 weeks13:50
Gpalcojrib, fixed it !!! WORKS !!!! Thank you13:50
waylandbillhyw: I had to do the same thing when I got a new drive. I rearranged the partitions and had to edit the menu.lst. It seems a huge task, but it's not bad once you've done it a time or two.13:50
GSMXhow can i install 8.04?13:50
unop__LiGhTOnE, ok, but where are you seeing this error? is it because you are doing something?13:50
=== jasonb2007 is now known as ubuntuisloved
AdysGSMX: if you're asking, you probably shouldnt13:50
yowshiJack_Sparrow, and i cant use the sudo command which is why i am reinstalling13:50
hywwaylandbill: yeah always good to learn13:50
ere4si!hardy | GSMX13:51
ubotuGSMX: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:51
=== [1]TheDarkBGM is now known as TheDarkBGM
GSMXAdys: todays the beta launch13:51
LiGhTOnEunop__: yes i am trying to login13:51
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, even recovery mode does not let you sudo rihght13:51
ikoniaGSMX: so ?13:51
yowshiJack_Sparrow, right13:51
ubuntuislovedim new to electricsheep screensaver and really wanted a transparent one does anyone know what its downloading on first load its taking forever?13:51
yowshiJack_Sparrow, but i do have access to the root account13:51
Adysdoesnt change much to the matter :)13:51
unop__LiGhTOnE, and you can't login because of this?13:51
HinHinwoot :D... Soul Storm installs + runs awesome via wine!13:51
ikoniaubuntuisloved: where di dyou get that screen saver13:51
GSMXso i'm going to give it a try13:51
HinHin^_^ very happy13:51
Adysbut join #ubuntu+1 if you are sure you want to install it13:51
LiGhTOnEunop: yes13:51
=== finek_ is now known as finek
waylandbillhyw: if you pastebin the sfdisk output, I can try to give you the grub format for your ubuntu location if you can't seem to figure it out.13:52
ubuntuislovedsudo apt-get install electricsheep13:52
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, what about root account and trying to run that script13:52
LiGhTOnEunop: i can log in konsole13:52
ikoniaubuntuisloved: ok, so its the one from the repo, I think it's a map file it downloads on first run13:52
ubuntuislovedthen im loading as from terminal electricsheep and its says please be patient while the first sheep is downloaded13:52
yowshii cant use the sudo command at all13:53
ikoniaubuntuisloved: why are you launching it from the terminal ?13:53
ikoniaubuntuisloved: I guess be patient13:53
ubuntuisloveddo you know like how long it takes im getting impatient13:53
unop__LiGhTOnE, you mean the console/virtual terminal13:53
yowshiJack_Sparrow, i tried removing the sudo instances from your script but it didnt work13:53
hywwaylandbill: having difficulties to boot to LiveCD froze at checking batery and running local boot scripts /etc/rc.local13:53
unop__LiGhTOnE, what happens when you issue the  startx command?13:53
Error4o4does tar -czf   keep the file/folder permissions??13:53
LiGhTOnEunop__: yes and don´t know how to fix this from console13:53
ubuntuislovedikonia: ohh because i didnt see the transparency option in gnome-screensaver13:53
ikoniaError4o4: it does (check out -p tar cvpf)13:53
ikoniaubuntuisloved does it support transparency13:54
yowshiJack_Sparrow, the sudoers file isnt gone it just seems no account has any permissions to access it any more13:54
unop__LiGhTOnE, what happens when you type startx ??13:54
Error4o4ikonia: so -p  needs to be there too? the man page was not 100% clear to me13:54
hywwaylandbill: deleting quite and splash as Jack_Sparrow suggested earlier will see how it goes13:54
ikoniaError4o4 better to use -p to preserve13:54
ubuntuislovedikonia: umm from what i googled yes thats the only reason im trying to use it unless you got any other suggestions for transparent screensavers13:54
Error4o4ikonia: ok thx13:54
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, there isnt too much we can do for you.  you dont have a live cd and you dont have a working os.. unlesss you want to trow any old os on there13:54
LiGhTOnEunop_: how? prompt: startx?13:55
ikoniaubuntuisloved don't forget some features are only available in some versions13:55
waylandbillhyw: I had to do the same thing on my laptop interestingly. Seemed to hang with quiet and splash. I prefer the output anyway. :-)13:55
unop__LiGhTOnE, just type it out at the cli13:55
blue-frog_hyw: paste your menu.list at pastebin.com13:55
yowshiJack_Sparrow, i have a flash stick i figured i could make an iso bootable on it13:55
LiGhTOnEunop__: ok13:55
hywwaylandbill: lol13:55
unop__LiGhTOnE, just this >  startx13:55
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, not without a working os to get it on there.13:55
ubuntuislovedikonia: ouch dont tell me that i hope im not wasting bandwidth for nothing13:55
ikoniaubuntuisloved: perhaps better investigation is neeeded before jumping in then13:55
hywblue-frog_: sure13:55
yowshiJack_Sparrow, i can run commands that need sudo i just cant use the sudo part13:55
yowshiJack_Sparrow, like i said the root account still has privs and i have access to it13:56
ikoniayowshi: just create a sudoers file13:56
ubuntuislovedikonia: yea i'll do more research thnks13:56
LiGhTOnEunop__: Fatal Server Error Server is alread aktive for display 013:56
yowshiikonia, the sudoers file is still there. and we tried fixing it there. my filesystem is mucked up bad13:56
Jack_Sparrowikonia, we tried all of that yesterday.. he really messed things up13:56
unop__ikonia, it's much more than just that -- we tried it all yesterday -- seems like a permission problem all over the filesystem13:56
ikoniajust re-install then if i'ts that bad13:56
waylandbillyowshi: if you can get in as root, via su or logging in. You should be able to view /etc/sudoers and see if there is an issue with it13:56
ikoniaunop__: understood, I don't know the full story13:57
Jack_Sparrowikonia, he has no live cd from which to do it13:57
Hewushi guys. SuperTuxRacer just crashed on me; everything is back to normal except my mouse is frozen and unresponsive. Anyone know a command or two that will reset my mouse? I don't feel like restarting right now..13:57
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: buy one/download one/get one from a magazine13:57
waylandbillyowshi: or you already had... I must type slow. :-)13:57
unop__LiGhTOnE, ok -- try this --  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop; startx13:57
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: the no cd thing doesn't wash well with me13:57
yowshiisnt there a way to make the livecd bootable from a flash disk?13:57
Jack_Sparrowikonia, coses one is two weeks away.. that is what we were discussing13:58
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: there is no-where local he can download, or buy a magazne with one on ?13:58
unop__yowshi,  http://edoceo.com/liber/ubuntu-live-usb13:58
waylandbillyowshi: is /etc/sudoers permissioned correct? I think it will not work with anything but 400.13:58
ikoniayowshi: if you want to make the livecd bootable from a flash drive, then you must have the livecd ?13:58
Jack_Sparrowikonia, I know several guys in the field that need to wait 2 weeks for any mail..  but those are special cases13:58
yowshiwaylandbill, yes wayland this was all tried last night13:58
yowshiikonia i have the livecd iomage13:59
ikoniayowshi: so what is stopping you burning it, where are you ? is there no-where with access to a burner ?13:59
yowshiikonia, i have no cd's and cant get any more till next month13:59
unop__yowshi,  http://edoceo.com/liber/ubuntu-live-usb  :)13:59
ikoniayowshi: I don't mean to push the matter, but what is stopping you gaining access to cd's ?13:59
yowshithanks unop__13:59
=== trucMuche is now known as trucMuche_
Jack_Sparrowunop__, Not without a working system14:00
yowshiikonia, lack of money14:00
unop__Jack_Sparrow, sorry?14:00
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, COme back in two weeks14:00
ikoniayowshi no-one will lend you a cd and you don't have $5 for a cd cake box ?14:00
ActionParsnipscreenname92834: howdy14:00
screenname92834folks I have mounted a network drive with cifs14:00
unop__ikonia, he probably lives on a desolate island off of newfoundland :)14:01
valberghey :) does anyone know how i get my sound working? when i try to run alsamixer i get this error : "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device" ...14:01
screenname92834and then it refuses to let me enter the directory (fnar fnar)14:01
waylandbillyowshi: did you try purging sudo package and reinstalling as well?14:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:01
yowshiwaylandbill, purging the sudo package?14:01
ikoniawaylandbill: Jack_Sparrow and unop__ where explaining his whole system is messed up, just just sudo14:01
valbergJack_Sparrow, i can't open volume control14:01
ActionParsnipscreenname92834: do you have access rights on the folder?14:02
waylandbillikonia: more than just sudo? :-O14:02
valbergit says that it didn't find any device14:02
ikoniawaylandbill everything apparantly14:02
yowshiwaylandbill, permissions on every system file is fracked14:02
LiGhTOnEunop__: done, displaymanager is running, but no gui login screen. blank orange scr.14:03
Jack_SparrowGrenade landed in the permissions bunker14:03
waylandbillyowski: any cause known?14:03
yowshilast time i ever tell pc file manager to do something on all folders in .wine14:03
Jack_SparrowUser error14:03
screenname92834sudo mount -t cifs //networkcomputer/dir /mnt -o username=user,workgroup=wkgp,dir_mode=076614:03
pjvwhat's a good gui program to burn avi movies14:03
unop__ikonia, waylandbill, I assume it's because he tried resetting permissions on his ~/.wine directory -- but there's a link pointing z: back to / ,.. so, in doing so, he did quite a lot of damage14:03
ActionParsnipscreenname92834: does that username have access to the share?14:03
yowshiwaylandbill, i was changing the permissions for me .wine folder with pc file manager14:03
ikoniaunop__ seems a reasonable assumption14:03
screenname92834how would I discover that? with ls14:03
ikoniascreenname92834: what do you want to discover ?14:04
linuxmongerIs there a simple way to pop a message up on a remote machine? I have ssh and sudo there, I want something that works from the command line and can be scheduled in cron, either locally or remotely - I guess I'm looking for an x-wall, but so far I can't get anything to actually work.14:04
screenname92834i want to cd to the mounted dir14:04
unop__LiGhTOnE, you should actually be in the desktop -- so you dont see the desktop now?14:04
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ikonialinuxmonger: dtpopup, dtwindow, something like that14:04
ActionParsnipscreenname92834: right click the folder -> properties -> security14:04
ikoniascreenname92834 what's stopping you ?14:04
yowshianyway back to reinstall preperations. how do i keep all my panel stuff and various programme settings. tey arent all in /home after all14:05
arjhi, what is the ubuntu channel for talking about virtualization?14:05
screenname92834ActionParsnip: I'm not using gnome14:05
Seveaslinuxmonger, you could use notification-daemon14:05
ikoniayowshi: don't take / keep anything as if you keep anything you'll be installing stuff with questionable permissinos14:05
kleingeistis there a possibility to log _every_ url my browser (firefox) requests?14:05
ikoniaSeveas: thats a cool idea14:05
Seveasikonia, I'm full of cool ideas :)14:05
unop__yowshi, all your user preferences are stored in $HOME ..14:05
yowshiikonia, hmmmmm i have like 160 gigs of files i need to keep14:05
ActionParsnipscreenname92834:  is the share on a windows box14:06
Jack_Sparrowyowshi, and no backups...14:06
ikoniayowshi: as longer as they are meant to be owned by "you" as in your user, that shouldn't be a problem14:06
kleingeistis there a plugin that saves every url? or something14:06
screenname92834I think so14:06
Seveaskleingeist, you'll want to look at the 'tamper data' extension14:06
ActionParsnipscreenname92834:  then you need to get on there and check the file permissions as I stated14:07
yowshiholy crap the cp for my home folder still hasnt finished14:07
screenname92834ok then14:07
ActionParsnipscreenname92834:  or if you enabled remote logon you can do it with rdesktop :)14:07
ubuntuislovedis it possible to lock the screen without having it blank/black color and keeping the screen transparent like?14:07
hywwaylandbill: I typed gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst   in LiveCD it opens an empty file14:07
screenname92834but if the security refuses to allow people to connect to it, then why is the mount successful?14:07
ActionParsnipscreenname92834:  you can mount anything. doesnt mean you can access it14:08
yowshiok so any otjher preparations i need. folders for things like my email inbox and stuff thats all covered?14:08
Seveashyw, the live cd doesn't use grub14:08
LiGhTOnEunop: there is a desktop, but after login there´s an error message, when i close it the login screen appears again14:08
Lamegohyw, you need to chroot to your HD root dir first14:08
unop__hyw, the liveCD runs off a CD .. and grub is only applicable to harddrives .. thats why its empty14:08
Jack_Sparrowhyw, menu.LST   but lower case ?14:08
screenname92834I can mount it successfully with smb protocol14:08
unop__LiGhTOnE, can you let me know that that error message is ?14:08
linuxmongerCan I get any pointers on using notification-daemon? It doesn't seem to have a man page.14:08
waylandbillunop_: I would've never paid a second thought to the z: symbolic link. Must've been done as root, as changing as the user certainly would've failed after following the link.14:08
unop__waylandbill, it was done as root :)14:09
ActionParsnipscreenname92834: check permissions on the local pc for write / read access for the username you are mounting as14:09
LiGhTOnEunop__: this one:http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/128645/14:09
yowshialso where can i find the md5sums for the cd's so i know my downloads didnt go bad14:09
ere4silinuxmonger: thought about a script using   gedit somefile.txt14:09
waylandbillhyw: if you are on the livecd, you need to mount the hard drive where ubuntu is located to somewhere like /mnt14:09
hywJack_Sparrow: gksudo gedit menu.list empty14:09
screenname92834ActionParsnip: I can mount it successfully with the smb protocol14:09
Seveaslinuxmonger, you need notify-send from the libnotify-bin package14:09
unop__LiGhTOnE, you really shouldnt be seeing the login screen at all -- i wonder if you got the command right14:09
linuxmongerBut that won't pop up a message on my son's computer telling him to go to bed.14:10
unop__LiGhTOnE,  try this from the console again - sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop; startx14:10
ActionParsnipscreenname92834:  you could mount your windows directory, doesnt mean you have access rights14:10
Seveaslinuxmonger, it will14:10
LiGhTOnEunop__: i´ll try again with that command14:10
unop__linuxmonger, ha ha -- you can always knock on his door :)14:10
hywwaylandbill: /mnt ?14:10
screenname92834When I say successfully I mean that I can move files around14:10
ere4silinuxmonger: it will open gedit showing the contents of the named file14:10
ActionParsnipscreenname92834:  so where's the issue14:11
waylandbillhyw: for instance mine would be sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt  (yours may be different based on device naming)14:11
ere4silinuxmonger: and that could be in large, bold text14:11
screenname92834I said I could mount it successfully with the smbfs protocol which is not cifs14:11
screenname92834so it's ok with smbfs but  not ok with cifs14:11
ActionParsnipthen use smbfs (?)14:12
burken_would it be any difference between the daily build 19/3 and the beta release14:12
unop__screenname92834, smb and cifs are quite synonymous -- they are pretty much one and the same14:12
screenname92834I can't for reasons I am  not going to explain14:12
Seveasburken_, there might14:12
Seveas!hardy | burken_14:12
ubotuburken_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:12
screenname92834unop__: no they aren't14:12
hywwaylandbill: yeah how can I get the list of drives connected14:12
bullgard4Pici: Why does the DEB program package 'pm-utils' recommend the DEB program package 'radeontools' although it is not available to me?14:12
waylandbillhyw: sudo sfdisk -l14:12
ubuntuislovedLet me ask a better question where does one find the options to change settings for screensavers i dont see an option to change text on screensaver GLTEXT14:12
Rabbitbunnybullgard4: you don't have enough repos enabled.14:13
burken_Seveas: but not a large difference right14:13
hywwaylandbill: heh I typed number 114:13
Stroganoffubuntuisloved, screensavers are stupid.14:13
fake_id_join #ubuntu-my14:13
Seveasburken_, correct, but if there's a difference then it's important enough to break all release freezes so you'll probably want it14:13
KR-datais it safe to force an ldconfig (in synaptic) to stop? I can see it's running it, but I has run for over an hour now, which seems too long for me14:13
LiGhTOnEunop__: done, now i´m back at the prompt.14:13
ubuntuislovedStroganoff: I agree what i really want is to have my pc lock and not blank the screen black14:14
unop__screenname92834, check out the wikipedia entry for CIFS :)14:14
burken_Seveas: ok, thanks14:14
ubuntuislovedStroganoff: I've not found any real answer through googling14:14
bullgard4Rabbitbunny: What repository stores the DEB program package 'radeontools'?14:14
Stroganoffubuntuisloved, isn't there a blank screensaver?14:14
unop__LiGhTOnE, did you get any output?14:14
Pici!info radeontools14:15
ubotuPackage radeontools does not exist in gutsy14:15
waylandbillhyw: after you are able to mount the ubuntu root, you will edit the file as /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst.14:15
ubuntuislovedStroganoff: yes but hence i want it to not blank the screen just to lock it14:15
LiGhTOnEunop__: yes everything seems ok14:15
ubuntuislovedStroganoff: keeping all items under it running but locking down the pc14:15
unop__LiGhTOnE, and you are in a desktop session now?14:15
hywwaylandbill: hmm ok it is /dev/sdc2 start 250 end 1494 System Linux S14:15
bullgard4Pici: So I can safely ignore the recommendation of the maintainer of the pm-utilities package?14:16
Picibullgard4: yes.14:16
waylandbillhyw: sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt14:16
Adysis it okayish to use the ubuntu or debian repositories for eee's xandros?14:16
Stroganoffubuntuisloved, you don't mean running but showing?14:16
LiGhTOnEunop__: no, a console session, no desktop around with alt-ctrl f714:16
LamegoAdys, not likely14:16
Stroganoffubuntuisloved you want to lock without hiding the apps?14:16
bullgard4Pici, Rabbitbunny : Thank you for advising.14:16
Seeebwhat does "depmod -a" do?14:16
unop__LiGhTOnE, what happens when you type this out??   startx14:16
xphisherhey guys.. i wanted to know if ubuntu has a site or program that teaches newbies about terminal commands and such14:16
xphisherbesides the wiki or guides14:16
hywwaylandbill: ok no errors.. what is it supposed ot do14:17
ubuntuislovedStroganoff: yea14:17
AdysLamego: Any alternative? Im trying to install openssh-server and xsane on it particularly14:17
Seeebxphisher: there are tons of it, just google for "linux commands"14:17
Lamegoxphisher, that is Linux and bash shell, there is a LOT of documentation for it on the net14:17
Adysand those are just not there14:17
ubuntuislovedStroganoff: hence if someone in my office walks by they would think i just stepped away and it protects my pc14:17
Pici!cli | xphisher14:17
ubotuxphisher: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:17
waylandbillhyw: good now you have that partition under /mnt and can edit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst14:17
unop__xphisher, it depends on which aspect of terminal commands you're after -- system administration, shell scripting, etc, etc14:17
LamegoAdys, you should not use repositories which are not officialy supported by your distribution, openssh-server should be on your regular repository14:17
LiGhTOnEunop__: after startx screen gets blank, but no desktop14:18
Lamegoanyway, this is not a xandros support chan :)14:18
AdysLamego: thats pretty much the problem, its not :P14:18
unop__LiGhTOnE, did you say that the system worked fine before you installed realtek drivers?14:18
hywwaylandbill: gksudo edit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst14:18
hywwaylandbill: ?14:18
bazhangAdys: check #eeepc and their wiki for that14:19
Adyscheers :)14:19
xphisherunop_: yes.. i'm a newbie with linux and I'm trying to get myself familiar with the commands.  and i wanted to know if there was a tutorial program i can run or some exercises that won't cause me to mess up my computer.14:19
LiGhTOnEunop: yes don´t know how to get rid off the driver14:19
ActionParsnipxphisher: man <command>14:19
waylandbillhyw: gedit14:19
ActionParsnipxphisher: or goole14:19
AboSamoori want to enable compiz with Intel 965 chipset, i followed many solutions none works :( , can anyone help me ?14:19
QuickGoldhow do I determine the location of sendmail?14:20
bazhang!training | xphisher14:20
ubotuxphisher: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training14:20
hywwaylandbill: hmm still empty14:20
ere4sixphisher: there is a manual for each command  - in a terminal type  man "command"  e.g. man depmod14:20
ActionParsnipQuickGold:  type which sendmail14:20
unop__xphisher,   http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/   http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html14:20
waylandbillhyw: if you browse to /mnt/boot/grub in the file manager, do you see grub's files?14:20
xphisherthank you.14:20
QuickGoldActionParsnip: Thank you14:20
unop__LiGhTOnE, how did you install the driver?14:20
bazhangwww.ubuntuguide.org xphisher14:21
ActionParsnipQuickGold:  its really good for ln -s :)14:21
LiGhTOnEunop: it was an automatic install with : ./install14:21
QuickGoldFpr php.ini, what should I put for the sendmail_path?14:21
linuxmongerSeveas: notify-send is close, but I get dbus error messages, even when using sudo, any thoughts?14:21
hywwaylandbill: sudo gedit /mnt/boot/grub  ?14:21
unop__LiGhTOnE, did you have to do a ./configure or make before that?14:22
LiGhTOnEunop: no wasn´t necessary14:22
waylandbillhyw: let's try a terminal. do you get any listings from "ls /mnt/boot/grub"14:22
unop__LiGhTOnE, can you pastebin the output of the ./install file -- perhaps we can learn from there14:22
ActionParsnipQuickGold: is that the path to the sendmail binary?14:22
AboSamoori want to enable compiz with Intel 965 chipset, i followed many solutions none works :( , can anyone help me ?14:22
ActionParsniphyw, use gksudo not sudo for gui apps14:23
LiGhTOnEunop: i tried manually with ./configure but there where errors in both14:23
kkathmanI have an opportunity to pick up a really heavy duty system but it has an intel 965 chipset + a Core2Duo processor - whats the support level for this combo?14:23
QuickGoldActionParsnip: the path is /usr/sbin/sendmail14:23
Seveaslinuxmonger, sudo -u user_to_run_as -i14:23
Seveasthen run notify-send14:23
LiGhTOnEunop: compiler couldn´t create executables, something like that14:23
hywwaylandbill:  shows default device.map e2fs fat_Stage1 installed version .. etc14:23
stefano_is there an Equalizer plugin for totem?14:24
waylandbillhyw: and menu.lst too I hope14:24
LiGhTOnEunop: is there a startup sequence in linux i can modify?14:24
hywwaylandbill: I'll be back14:25
DiemWhat's the shortcut to get to a blank terminal?14:25
beddamatrixmi serve un aiuto!!!!!14:25
ActionParsnipAboSamoor: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28839214:25
Seveas!it | beddamatrix14:25
ubotubeddamatrix: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:25
LiGhTOnEDiem: alt-ctrl F114:25
ActionParsnipAboSamoor: near the bottom14:25
Diem:P goodday14:25
DiemIt doesnt work?14:26
ActionParsniplo Dr_Willis14:27
DiemCTRL ALT F1 didn't work14:27
linuxmongerThat still gives dbus errors,14:27
FinnishI installed Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 on a laptop. After GRUB it shows only black screen!!!14:27
FinnishVideo card is  ATI Radeon XPress 110014:28
Dr_Willis_Finnish:  try the recovery/failsafe gryb entry yet?14:28
LiGhTOnEDiem: i am absolute newbie, but it must work if linux is loaded.14:28
thesurvivormanDiem, is it possible that you have another action assigned to that key combination14:28
FinnishNot yet. What should I do in that mode?14:28
DiemI just updated to 7.10 does that make a difference14:28
thesurvivormanIt should work.14:28
LiGhTOnEDiem: no14:28
Dr_Willis_Finnish:  you may need to install the ati drivers., or set xorg to use the radeon, or vesa drivers so youc an get X going, to use the restricted-manager tools.14:29
bazhangkkathman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=610407 this seems to address the vid card; the core 2 duo works well in gutsy and ubuntu+114:29
Dr_Willis_Finnish:  you can install the drivers from the console. BUt i dont know the specifics.14:29
ere4siFinnish: in recovery kernel type   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   and choose defaults for all except vid card - choose vesa - it is a failsafe14:29
ere4siFinnish: then you can install the proper drivers14:30
DiemI did "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to change graphics card could I have set the wrong keyboard14:30
Uateci just installed destar using apt-get but when i run it i get the following message: http://www.rafb.net/p/FvcSmX69.html14:31
Dr_Willis_Diem:  its possible.  :)14:31
Uatecit looks probably like i just need to update something14:31
LamegoDiem, just rerun the configure14:31
Uatecbut i can't imagine what, does anybody have any ideas?14:31
Diemthanks guys will try14:31
Dr_Willis_!info destar14:31
ubotudestar (source: destar): management interface for the Asterisk PBX. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 181 kB, installed size 1128 kB14:31
FinnishOk, I'll try that after coffee, need to calm down a bit...14:31
encryptzanyone know why, when clicking on an administration utility in the System -> Administration menu, it won't ask for the password the first time, but clicking it a second time is successful?14:31
bullgard4Pici: I made a mistake: The name of the DEB program package is not 'radeontools' but 'radeontool'. This package is installed on my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop computer and thus the recommendation of the pm-utilities maintainer fulfilled.14:32
LiGhTOnEnuop: i have an output: Setting up ALSA failed with error message: libasound.so.2 cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory14:32
ere4siFinnish: coffee isn't so great at calming folks down :) - but a bit of time is :)14:32
encryptzthis goes for anything that requires admin access, including update-manager14:32
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encryptzi find it very annoying14:32
ActionParsnipencryptz: your admin pass is remembered if you set it. once you put it in for some stuff it ok. specailly from cli14:33
Piciencryptz: It caches the password for a short amount of time after you enter it.14:33
encryptzActionParsnip: yes, but it takes twice every time to get the initial dialog asking for it14:33
speedhunt3rhi... need some help regarding my wireless connection... windows easily picks it up, and it stays connected... but in Ubuntu, the connection drops alot... and it usually doesn't reconnect till I reboot. Given that the signal strength is low, is there anything I can do in Ubuntu to get max connectivity out of my situation?14:34
encryptzPici: i'm aware of that. but the initial access takes twice to pull up the pass prompt, before caching. i'd like it to ask just once14:34
LiGhTOnEis there a way to stop linux loading sound libraries?14:34
whatspyhi, what's the *name* of the application launched when we use when we click Locations --> connect to server...14:35
encryptzwhatspy: nautilus-connect-server14:36
jribwhatspy: it's probably part of nautilus since file -> connect to server in nautilus is the same thing14:36
Uatecany ideas? http://www.rafb.net/p/FvcSmX69.html14:37
xompCan anyone explain this "roaming mode"? I have somehow blown up  my internet connection messing with this and now I can't get online with my laptop via wired or wireless...14:37
LamegoUatec, the app that you are running is not compatible with the installed python quixote  library14:38
Uatecpython quixote eh?14:38
encryptzxomp: you have NetworkManager managing your network connections14:38
Uatechmm, i wonder if i can update them in anyway then14:38
Four23619When exactly is Hardy Beta out?14:38
xompencryptz, yes, I do, is that wrong?14:38
albechim looking for a nice way to turn my Nokia N95 into a remote control for my Ubuntu box.. Anyone have an idea?14:38
encryptzxomp: no. that's what 'roaming' means14:38
encryptzxomp: uncheck 'roaming', and set everything static if you'd like14:39
whatspythank you14:39
xompencryptz, ok, I've tried disabling and enabling roaming, I honestly think I've clicked and unchecked every possibility there is and I still can't get online lol14:39
encryptzxomp: with wifi, or cat5?14:39
hwildewhat's the best way to remove the gui after a desktop installation, to make it more like the server install?14:39
sbaynhamCan anybody help me playing css'd DVDs, I've install ibdvdread, libdvdcss2 libdvdnav and everything else I can think of, but I still can't play encrypted DVDs through any application. I can't even mount them. I've been to /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3 and run the install.sh thing, but it still doesn't work. Neither does automatix.14:39
ActionParsnipalbech: you can get vnc / rdesktop for it to run it14:39
bazhangFour23619: #ubuntu+1 please14:40
xompencryptz, I was messing with it to "try" and get my wifi working (which still doesn't work) but now I can't get a connection via cat5 :(14:40
ActionParsniphwilde: sudo apt-get remove kdelibs14:40
albechActionParsnip: that might be a way..14:40
sugoruyohi i'm trying to clone an HFS+ partition from an internal SATA HDD to an external USB, i'm doing that with dd. I started this morning and i was getting 5.5MB/sec throughput (which i found slow, but adequate). At some point i began to see a decline in speed and the extern. HDD was hot so i hit ^C to let the thing cool down, now tryin' to pick up where i left i get like 650KB/sec in throughput which is veeeeery slow and i hope is software rela14:41
sugoruyoted cuz if the USB HDD was damaged while copyin' earlier i am so dead14:41
encryptzxomp: could be several things. probably best, is to reset roaming, then reboot14:41
xompencryptz, ok, do you know how to reset roaming? I'm new to all this heh14:41
sugoruyodoes anyone have an idea how to diagnose and|or fix this?14:42
Uatecthat's weird Lamego, the destar installer chose and installed it's own version of python and quixote14:42
encryptzxomp: click the network applet in the system tray, do manual configuration, and make sure wireless and wired are set to roaming14:42
sugoruyoi'm getting my info on how dd's doing by kill -USR1 <dd-pid>14:42
encryptzxomp: gotta run. bbiab14:42
DiemI made it work but now my keyboard is set up american :P14:42
xompencryptz, I think I've tried that before but will try again :) thanks14:43
cjsis there a quick answer to "how does ubuntu server edition stack up against other server-geared distros like CentOS/RHEL?"14:43
cjstrying to decide which to install here ...14:43
xompcjs, I don't think this is the channel to ask about server editions14:44
amenadocjs you want enterprise level? go for rhel suse or oracle14:44
ActionParsnipcjs: i'd use it for the support but it doesnt perform as well as some of the others14:44
ActionParsnipcjs: for enterprise i'd run bsd14:45
sugoruyodoes anyone know anything about the problem i just mentioned?14:45
cjsxomp: the ubuntu channel isn't the right place to ask about ubuntu's server edition?14:46
cjsthat's weird :)14:46
ActionParsnipsugoruyo: usb is slow. have patience14:46
geniicjs: #ubuntu-server exists :)14:46
sugoruyoActionParsnip: 3 hours ago i'd get 5.5mb/s14:47
ActionParsnipsugoruyo: do it over night :)14:47
sugoruyonow i get like half14:47
cjsah, so it does :)14:47
xompsugoruyo, I've been here (on/off) for 2hrs 45mins for a relativily simple problem with no luck yet. Although it seems everyone around me is getting a better support experience :)14:47
sugoruyothat's what i'm worried about14:47
SirronTMI'm new to C programming on linux, anybody know where I can find some information on conventions and things?14:47
ActionParsnipxomp: wassup?14:47
xompActionParsnip, wifi not connecting to my router was what the original issue was lol14:48
AboSamoorSirronTM , you can install gcc as C compiler14:48
ActionParsnipxomp: ok give us a pastebin of lspci, lsusb and /etc/network/interfaces14:48
doppelgaengerSiliconViper, C in a nutshel from Oreilly is a good choice14:48
sugoruyothe disk activity on the USB HDD does not even appear on disk monitor14:48
ActionParsnipSiliconViper: pointers on c is good too14:49
doppelgaengerThis should go to SirronTM sorry SiliconViper14:49
geniisugoruyo: It would seem that your data transfer speed issues with dd are related to the condition/temperature of the equipment involved.14:49
xompActionParsnip, and when I was pranking around with network manager disabling and enabling roaming I've now lost my internet on cat5 :(14:49
sugoruyothat sure as hell ain't USB speed14:49
sugoruyogenii: like i said it heated up earlier14:49
sugoruyoso i let it cool down14:49
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:49
ActionParsnipxomp: then rename your /etc/network/interfaces and reboot14:49
sugoruyonow it's cool (at least the extern.) but it's much slower14:49
xompActionParsnip, ok :)14:49
ActionParsnipxomp:  if its no different name it back, you'll need sudo14:50
geniisugoruyo: Perhaps you've plugged the external into an usb1 instead of usb2 plug14:51
sugoruyogenii: it's the same port14:51
xompActionParsnip, rename interfaces interfaces2 output this "Bareword "interfaces" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line1.14:51
sugoruyoit might be the temp on the disk i'm reading from but i doubt it14:52
metalfan_whats the default mp3 player on ubuntu?14:52
ActionParsnipsugoruyo: is the usb drive basically a hdd in a caddy. as you could dismantle it and use PATA speed (or SATA if thats what it is)14:52
ggergelyi just want to state that ubuntu sucks. it lacks LVM support, the only useful feature of the lajnugz kernel. i wanted to use it to recover my root password on a machine, but now i'm shot.14:52
metalfan_ggergely: thx for the input14:52
ere4si!lvm | ggergely14:53
ubotuggergely: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO14:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGggergely, good shot14:53
bazhangggergely: any support questions in there?14:53
ggergelybut i do not want to install ubunu14:53
blue-frog_ggergely: lacks LVM support :)  . you must use something for use but it's not ubuntu then14:53
sugoruyoActionParsnip: it's a Seagate FreeAgent, not really dismantleable unless you wanna void the warranty and break stuff in the process (no screws, it's clipped on and has two clips that break when you open it)14:53
ggergelyi wanted to use lvm from a live session14:53
metalfan_whats the default mp3 player on ubuntu?14:54
ActionParsnipsugoruyo: ah, no dice there then. I always make sure they are dismantlable for REAL speed (USB s slow)14:54
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:54
\lartgreetings all..  One of the apt repos I use (packages.medibuntu.org) has an AAAA record published for packages.medibuntu.org.  IPv6 works fine here, but there's no server bound to the IP they've published in the DNS.  Any way to force apt-get/aptitude to use IPv4, other than changing the repo entries to use IPv4 addresses rather than hostnames?14:54
Jack_Sparrowggergely, may I have a brief pm14:54
ggergelyyou may14:54
ActionParsnipmetalfan_: amarok I guess but you can install anything you want14:54
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs14:54
sugoruyoActionParsnip: i don't really mind USB speed...14:54
sugoruyobut this is ridiculous14:54
bazhangmetalfan_: see above14:54
xompActionParsnip, is there a way to release and renew the ip address? I can't seem to rename the /etc/network/interfaces at this time :(14:54
metalfan_wasnt ubuntu sometimes based on gnome?14:54
sugoruyo650kb/s is not even USB1.114:54
ActionParsnipxomp: not even with sudo mv ./interfaces interfaces.old14:55
jribmetalfan_: it is14:55
SupaFlyHey i got conky almost to where i want it, theres just one thing that im still fixing, how do i get conky to show the cpu temp? i installed and ran lm-sensors, and all of that, but it still wont show in conky :S14:55
ere4simetalfan_: ubuntu uses gnome - kubuntu uses kde - xubuntu uses xfce14:55
SupaFlywhen i type "sensors" in the terminal, it will show the correct cpu temp, but it dont in conky14:55
metalfan_jrib: so whats the default mp3 player?14:55
bazhangmetalfan_: you choose14:56
xompActionParsnip, that did it lol, apparently my cli skills stink. I did that, I'm now rebooting the laptop.14:56
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ere4sirhythmbox metalfan_14:56
FinnishI tried VESA and VGA14:56
metalfan_theres a preselecte default, just tell me14:56
metalfan_ah, thx14:56
FinnishAnd still laptop shows only black screen after GRUB14:56
ActionParsnipFinnish: edit xorg.conf and set your graphics REALLY low14:56
ActionParsnipFinnish: like 320x640 @ 50hz14:57
ActionParsnip16bit colour14:57
FinnishAh, ok14:57
bazhangmust have been an interesting PM..14:58
Jack_SparrowFinnish, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"14:58
nortyQuestion: I installed a game through the add/remove application and I played it and then when I quit all of my windows were messed up, the top part where it says informationa bout the program and the minimize, maximize and close part was completely missing, how do i fix this next time it happens?14:58
chris062689norty: metacity --replace?14:59
chris062689Does that work?14:59
chris062689Alt + F2 (then type) metacity --replace14:59
Jack_Sparrowbazhang, :)14:59
malifalhello i'm having trouble uninstalling interchange-ui, can anyone help14:59
bazhangsorry Jack_Sparrow ;]15:00
nortychris062689, ill try that next time it happens... anyone else have any other ideas?15:00
xompah man he left!!15:00
pcormackhello all15:00
xompok, who wants to pick up where Actionparsnip left off? He had me rename my /etc/network/interfaces to interfaces.old and reboot now I don't know what to do since he left :/15:01
ere4sinorty: using compiz - desktop effects?15:01
nortyere4si, I was but that got all messed up/reset15:02
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levmattahello all, I am having problems suspending my Hardy Alpha6 on a Dell Inspiron 152515:02
ere4sinorty: and the window was messed up after?15:02
xompanybody? I'll award +10 internets for any help?15:02
bazhanglevmatta: #ubuntu+1 please15:02
nortyere4si, yeah I fixed it by trying to change themes and somehow it reset15:02
Jack_Sparrow!hardy | levmatta15:03
ubotulevmatta: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:03
nortyere4si, even restarting didn't fix it15:03
levmattaalright thanks15:03
xompmorning neverblue15:03
bazhangevening ;]15:04
stefan__join #ubuntu-de15:04
stefan__Wrong channel sorry15:04
malifalhello i'm having trouble uninstalling interchange-ui, can anyone help, it just keeps giving apt and dpkg error, why doesn't dpkg just delete the files and not run the post-init pkgs15:04
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:05
nortyQuestion: I've had ubuntu freeze up or the screen go completely blank and unable to force quit anything so that i can resume, ive had to manually hard reset my computer, is there somehow I can quit programs so that i dont have to reset my computer for ubuntu 7.10.... something like ctrl-alt-del for windows?15:05
neverbluenorty, enter a ttyl, ctrl-alt-f1 (or most function keys)15:06
Jack_SparrowF1 - F615:06
ere4sinorty: that seems to be a common complaint with people using compiz - there is an easy fix but since I don't use it I never paid attention15:06
nortyneverblue, what is a ttyl?15:06
neverbluenorty, then ctrl-alt-f7, should bring you back to your GUI session15:07
Jack_Sparrownorty,  /join #Compiz15:07
xompcan't connect to interwebs, can anyone help?15:07
neverbluenorty, give it a try, ctrl-alt-f1, then ctrl-alt-f715:07
recon69hi all, having a problem setting up wireless wpa on my dapper 6.06, get this error "ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported" , can get wireless connection without encryption. anyone got any ideas?15:07
nortyneverblue, ok i did that, it brought me to a black screen with just text and then back to gui again..15:07
ere4sinorty: there is a panel app called force quit that will do that15:08
neverbluenorty, you can use that to view process, and kill if necessary15:08
ere4sictrl+alt+F@ then top15:08
recon69more info at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60293/15:08
nortyere4si, I tried the force quit apt but that didn't work15:08
ere4sinorty: when you were running compiz?15:09
Jack_Sparrownorty,  sounds like you may need to kill the pid15:09
nortyere4si, yes15:09
ere4sinorty: then you need to ask in #compiz15:10
nortyi did, thanks!15:10
mysterycoolmy sound is really silent and i need to have it to the full (my speakers) ti listen just a bit15:10
BelisarivsHi all.15:10
nick__does anyone have  a preferred snmp client with a graphical front end?15:10
Jack_Sparrowmysterycool,  /join #Alsa15:10
nortyere4si, what do you use instead of compiz?15:10
BelisarivsWhy does upgrade to Hardy remove restricted-manager?15:11
Jack_SparrowBelisarivs, please ask in HArdy room15:11
ere4sinorty: gutsy server with fluxbox window manager15:11
amenadorecon69-> it means your driver does not support that encryption method15:11
St0n3-C0lHmm... is Ubuntu 8.04 Beta out?15:11
xomplol it's like calling tech support round here, what with all the transfers :)15:11
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:11
newTruth_UKDoes Obama use UBUNTU at home ?15:12
Jack_Sparrowxomp, Just trying to triage the questions.. I am in COmpiz and alsa...15:12
jpatrick!ot | newTruth_UK15:12
ubotunewTruth_UK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:12
nick__does anyone have  a preferred snmp client with a graphical front end?15:12
=== iNeo is now known as ineo
xompJack_Sparrow, I know, just making an observation :)15:12
Belisarivs<Jack_Sparrow>Which room is about hardy?15:12
ere4sinorty: a pic of the desktop - http://ubuntuforums.org/g/index.php?n=243515:12
Jack_SparrownewTruth_UK, offtopic...15:12
KR-datais it normal that ldconfig can go on for hours as part of an system update?15:13
xompKR-data, mine took about 2 hours15:13
Jack_Sparrowxomp, video compiz questions other than basic I work with in compiz and sound issues in alsa15:13
KR-dataxomp, how fast is your system?15:13
nortyere4si, no offense but that is kind ugly  :)15:13
xompKR-data, 3Ghz dual core, 2Gb RAM15:14
ere4sinorty: none taken :)15:14
KR-dataxomp, I'll just look at my computer tomorrow then :S thanks15:14
xompsmoke break bbs15:14
neverbluelol @ ere4si gotta be careful with those screen shots :D15:14
ere4sineverblue: I said oops :)15:15
neverbluerebooting, bbiab15:16
nick__my snmp client is where?15:17
rwycuffdoes any one here have experience with qmail-ldap and active directory15:20
xomp+10 internets to whomever can get my ubuntu laptop online!15:21
kurtisnone of the eclipse cvs functions are working, namely the cvs wizard and cvs perpsective. I know this is a known bug. Does anyone know a work around?15:21
Jack_Sparrowxomp, what network card?  Not that I can help15:21
xompJack_Sparrow, not sure, it shows up as a prism2 usb15:22
kurtisxomp, do you know the SSID of your wirelesss network and wether or not it is encrypted?15:22
xompJack_Sparrow, the wireless is a prism2 usb, the onboard NIC (cat5) is an Intel 82801CAM PRO/100 VM15:23
=== lipsin is now known as lipsinOffline
xompkurtis, yes, I entered it's SSID in and it won't connect. I don't use encryption.15:23
Jack_Sparrowxomp, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/prism2_usb       check into manual config15:23
neopsyche_hi.. i need to connect to wireless using my linux pc.15:24
neopsyche_in other words.. i need to use my ubuntu box as AP for my laptop.15:24
ere4si!wireless | neopsyche_15:24
ubotuneopsyche_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:24
neopsyche_I have configured Atheros card.. but now need to configure it to be the AP for laptop.15:25
neopsyche_ere4si: i know that but need help with some more advanced info i have already found on the ubuntuforums/help15:25
xompJack_Sparrow, thanks, I don't see anything about manual config on there though, perhaps I'm overlooking?15:25
recon69neopsyche_ : you ever think of getting a wireless router , it's much easer and not that dear15:26
neopsyche_ere4si, i need help with this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint15:26
mananan2can anyone help?15:26
Sinnermanhi, anyone know how to get monodevelop v1.0 to run on gutsy?15:26
Jack_Sparrowxomp, see the two links right below line 215:26
neopsyche_mananana2 what do you need help with?15:26
ere4sineopsyche_: reading15:26
xompJack_Sparrow, got it lol, thanks again :)15:26
mananan2having problems with startup disk after running ubuntu from live cd15:27
neopsyche_recon69, no resources for that .. please dont take up lines of text if you are not able to help me with this issue.15:27
Skiessixomp do you have linux-wlan-ng installed?15:27
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche_, do you have multiple nics in that machine15:27
neopsyche_ere4si, thanks15:27
xompSkiessi, I have no idea really lol, I just installed Gutsy last night.15:27
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow, im not sure what you mean by nics.. rings a bell. but not sure what its about.15:27
CreativeEmbassycan someone help me check my paths?15:28
Skiessi:o can you open a terminal and type in "sudo apt-get install linux-wlan-ng"15:28
chombeeAnyone tried watching a DVD in Ubuntu using an external DVD drive connected via USB 1? Is that likely to work? It's an idea for an old Thinkpad X22 laptop15:28
CreativeEmbassyi think they're really screwed up, which is messing up ubuntu completely15:28
CreativeEmbassylike I can't run install-info15:28
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche_, Do you have more that one network interface in the box you want to make your access point, one for the internet and one for the ap15:28
mananan2i changed the startup disk in os x to the live cd now i cant control the ubuntu startup grup screen to change the startup disk back too os x15:28
CreativeEmbassyand xwindows doesn't start on boot, I have to run startx15:28
xompSkiessi, early today I could have done that, but now neither of my internet connections (wireless and ethernet) are working :(15:28
vallhalla81chombee: worked fine for me15:28
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> how did you manage to mangle your $PATH ?15:29
chombeevallhalla81 -- and ut was USB 1 not USB 2?15:29
CreativeEmbassywell, I'm not sure15:29
xompSkiessi, it works lol strange15:29
vallhalla81it was yes15:29
rwycuffxomp: when you run lsmod does it show up there15:29
CreativeEmbassyI modified my .bashrc file a while back15:29
schnootopanyone know of a good colour picker tool for ubuntu which can grab colours from external applications ?15:29
waylandbillchombee: usb 1 could be choppy playing a dvd. Data rate is close to limit15:29
obionecan someone please help me ?   I have amsn version from signaptic repository, but has no sounds of incoming messages :(15:29
CreativeEmbassyto add stuff for running both ruby and flex15:29
chombeevallhalla81 well, then there's some chance it'll work for me. Cool.15:29
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow,I have internet through switch.. which gives dhcp to the box i want to use.. the switch is connected to the Radio.. which is in turn connected to the WISP.. I have a PCI ATHEROS card in the box.. which i want to connect to using wifi on laptop .. so box must be AP. .. any ideas?15:29
CreativeEmbassyand it seemed to be gine15:29
xompactually, it's not working lol, thought it was but still no internet15:29
obioneI already snoop the net 4 more info, but still nothing :(15:29
chombeewaylandbill okay thanks15:29
CreativeEmbassybut it's not working now15:29
xomprwycuff, lemme check15:29
SupaFlyhow do you get conky to display the cpu temp, i installed lm-sensors and everything, when i type 'sensors' it shows the cpu temp, but it doesnt with conky :S15:30
Skiessi!pastebin | xomp15:30
ubotuxomp: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:30
stinger05hello there, i need driver for my modem called: actiontec MD56ORD V92 MDC15:30
CreativeEmbassyi've been trying to get it working now15:30
stinger05anyh ideas ?15:30
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> you can always modify your .bashrc and try to remember what you added, assuming those are the only things you have done15:30
kurtiscan anyone help me with an eclipse CVS problem15:30
Skiessican you paste the result?15:30
CreativeEmbassycan I compare my path with anyone else? is there a way to do that?15:30
neopsyche_ere4si, any ideas?15:30
xomprwycuff, the prism2_usb shows up as does the onboard nic in lsmod15:30
mananan2can anyone help me with os x ubuntu startup problem?15:30
amenado!who |CreativeEmbassy15:30
adacI get this error at pxe boot: PXE-T01: File not found ...any ideas what to do?15:30
ubotuCreativeEmbassy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:30
=== vorian is now known as help
xompSkiessi, I can't pastebin since I don't have interwebs :(15:31
vinoocan anybody help me with my monitor?15:31
ere4sineopsyche_: first clue - http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/559351.html15:31
SupaFlyhow do you get conky to display the cpu temp, i installed lm-sensors and everything, when i type 'sensors' it shows the cpu temp, but it doesnt with conky :S15:31
waylandbillchombee: I've seen it work okay on one system and choppy on another.15:31
=== help is now known as vorian
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:31
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> paste your $PATH in pastebin15:31
Skiessixomp, so it did install the necessary stuff?15:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:31
QuickGoldgod bless the tab key15:31
obionemananan2    ->    in the shell  do     dpkg -reconfigure-xserver-xorg15:31
rwycuffxomp:what happens with ifocnfig15:31
stinger05hello there, i need driver for my modem called: actiontec MD56ORD V92 MDC15:31
vinoowidescreen is not working, there's two black bars15:31
obionemananan2  in the shell  do  -->        sudo dpkg -reconfigure-xserver-xorg15:32
xompSkiessi, I thought it was communicating but it was hanging at "contacting site" sorry15:32
chombeewaylandbill okay. I guess the other question is, will the video show up on the external monitor? On my newer thinkpad it does, but this X22 is much older15:32
amenadostinger05-> you may do better me think if you search via google15:32
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche_, Im am not the best sorce on this, but the atheros is how you are gtiing internet into the pc correct?  and you are trying to use the saame atheros as your ap?15:32
CreativeEmbassyamenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60297/15:32
Skiessixomp, >_< ...yeah you didn't have internet access15:32
xomprwycuff, ifconfig shows eth0 and eth0:avah15:32
Skiessiwait a sec15:32
stinger05amenado: i couldnt find it in google :S15:32
ere4sineopsyche_: doesn't seem like a common thing folks do...15:33
xomprwycuff, eth0 doesn't show an ip attached, but eth0:avah has an APIPA addy attached to it, funny there is no loopback showing too.. *hmm*15:33
obionemananan2 sorry ....     here is the correct one --->        sudo   dpkg-reconfigure   xserver-xorg15:33
rwycuffxomp: is the eithernet pluged in  if so try dhclient eth0 and see if yuo can atleast get ip from it and get back online15:34
amenadostinger05-> certainly not us here..your chances is better searching google15:34
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> add  /usr/local/bin  to your PATH15:34
stinger05okay,, but how can i know what's it's name in ubuntu ?15:34
Jack_Sparrowere4si, I have seen people use direct connect pc to router or switch to get internet and a wireless card in the same pc  with bridge using firestarter for laptop to access the web etc15:34
obionecan someone please help me ?   I have amsn version from signaptic repository, but has no sounds of incoming messages :(  and already snoop about it on the net, but still nothing15:34
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow, no.. i am getting internet into the pc from a radio that is on the roof with an antenna that is connected to a wireless internet company .. which runs down and ethernet cable from the radio on the roof through the ceiling into the switch/router D-Link Ethernet broadband router (WIRED .. Not WIFI) from one of the four ports on the router the ethernet link goes into the pc via DHCP .. that is what gives me internet on this BOX.  On the bo15:34
neopsyche_x.. i have an ATHEROS chipset card which i want to use as the AP for my home networking for when I use my laptop around the house.. say.. in the lounge for example.. or if friends come over who have wireless capability ;-)15:34
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> rather clean-up your PATH to remove redundant path on it15:35
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche_, that does not anser my question15:35
xomprwycuff, ok, did that and it's just repeating DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 ineterval 6 etc.. No DHCPOFFERS received, No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.15:35
mananan2you dont know the problem how could i possibly take your advice?15:35
SvenstaroIs this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization?highlight=%28live%29%7C%28cd%29 still valid for 7.10?15:35
xompwonder how it got as my subnet?! lol15:35
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow, no.. i am not getting internet into my main PC using ATHEROS.15:35
ere4siJack_Sparrow: the link I gave was for an ad_hoc one to one connection - best google would give me with what I gave it :)15:35
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow,not sure if i understand the question.15:36
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow,the internet is coming from a service provider.15:36
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow,from a radio on the roof15:36
amenadoneopsyche_-> a nice drawing is worth a thousand words..can you draw one and paste it?15:36
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche_, keep it on one line.. thanks...15:36
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow,the atheros chipset is seperate on a radio within the pc.15:36
CreativeEmbassyamenado: I'll clean it up, thanks.15:36
neopsyche_amenado, text will have to do for now :-)15:37
vallhalla82can anyone help me get dual screen working on a nivida card?15:37
waylandbillneopsyche_: you need to bridge the ethernet and wireless cards.15:37
mananan2how do i change the startup disk when running ubuntu from the live cd?15:37
neopsyche_amenado,I dont have time or energy to draw up a diagram for one question.15:37
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche_, that is what I was asking.  yes...  Look into firestarter internet sharing15:37
SvenstaroIs this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization?highlight=%28live%29%7C%28cd%29 still valid for 7.10?15:37
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow, cool ;-)15:37
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:37
Seveasere4si, this is no netsplit15:38
ere4sishould have scrolled up :)15:38
Skiessixomp: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/wireless-tools http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/linux-wlan-ng I would try downloading these and somehow getting them to the another PC but yeah maybe rwycuff knows better15:39
Odd-rationalewhere did all these poeple come from?15:39
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.15:39
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.15:39
amenadoneopsyche_-> well then you must be really clear, as it its difficult to picture what your network layout is15:39
Seveasdud, stupid floodbots...15:39
waylandbilllooks like a FloodBot fight. place your bets. :-D15:39
CreativeEmbassyamenado: where else does the path get set?15:40
CreativeEmbassyamenado: I only see the path in /etc/profile15:40
xomp Skiessi , thanks, I'm seriously thinking of re-installing ubuntu all over again to get internet working then checking those packages out.15:40
MezSeveas, It seems their attack timeouts might be a little too slpw ?15:40
SeveasMez, dunno15:40
xompI've been up since 8:00am working this with no resolution so the time it's taken here could have been spent just re-installing haha15:41
Skiessiwtf is happening here?15:41
Jack_SparrowSkiessi, not a problem.. a little ops work15:42
Odd-rationaleSeveas: what are you doing? who are these people?15:42
Javidethnic cleansing!15:42
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:42
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, my guess is that they all have exploits open15:42
bazhangteh bad peepul15:42
Jack_SparrowSeveas, thanks15:42
Odd-rationaleplease don't kick me...15:43
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!15:43
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.15:43
CreativeEmbassybad time to get help?15:44
Jack_SparrowOdd-rationale, relax.. almost back to (abby) normal15:44
SeveasCreativeEmbassy, slightly15:44
eiKeihello all15:44
seisenspring cleaning?15:44
CreativeEmbassyi'll keep googling then15:44
Odd-rationaleJack_Sparrow: :)15:44
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:44
mananan2any have a clue how to change the startup disk on ubuntu live cd??15:44
AndycasssWhere can i see the amount of space used and free?15:45
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow: im at the point where firestarter is asking me to configure internet connection sharing.. its asking me to select the local area network device .  would this be the ethernet or the wifi?15:45
Ashfire908how do i update the list of servers in the Software sources list/how can i edit the list?15:45
ere4siAndycasss: in a terminal type    df -h15:45
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche_, I cant help with that.. someone else can help ,  read up on it while you wait15:45
xompouch, K-lined!15:45
jeffMASTERflexAndycasss: or just use system monitor15:45
ere4siAshfire908: going to upgrade?15:45
waylandbillAndycasss: Applications->Accessories->Disk Usage Analyzer is a gui way.15:45
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow, i tried to enable ath0 as sharing device but firestarter says its not ready15:46
neopsyche_can anyone help with firestarter?15:46
bohsainin hardy, i get an error say that i may be out of diskspace, but i have enough space!!15:46
Jack_SparrowAshfire908, If you are trying to add unsupported repos, may I ask which ones and for what purpose15:46
amenadoneopsyche_-> am sure you can come up with the energy if you want this resolved... it help both you and us to troubleshoot with drawings15:46
bazhangbohsain: #ubuntu+1 please15:46
Andycasssthank you waylandbill & ere4si15:46
SkiessiAshfire908, "sudo apt-get update" "sudo [nano or gedit] /etc/apt/sources.list" or something like that15:46
Ashfire908i'm running the pick the best server and i know that one it likes to pick is offline/not working15:46
zeldinohola a tutti15:47
Jack_SparrowAshfire908, gksudo gedit /apt/sources.list15:47
Seveas!it | zeldino15:47
Skiessithat's good too15:47
ubotuzeldino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:47
rwycuffxomp: do you have say mac filtering or something setup like that that owul block your nic's mac or hardware15:47
Ashfire908i want to edit the Software Sources's Choose a Download Server list, not the sources list15:48
xomprwycuff, actually yes, would my mac change though?15:48
Skiessi:o it's /etc/apt/sources.list still, I thinks15:48
Jack_SparrowAshfire908, ok.. sorry15:48
Some_PersonHow can I get more than one sound at a time?15:48
rwycuffxomp: no it wouldnt unless you spoofed it or it just happen to get taken out of the list of mac's15:48
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:49
jake2point0can someone help me with getting my wireless card to start working15:49
ere4siAshfire908: I don't think you will get a server list in the /etc/apt/sources.list file15:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about randombannings - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:49
xomprwycuff, ah ok, I wasn't 100% sure if a MAC could change, at this point in time I'm ready to believe anything hahaha15:49
amenadojake2point0-> which chip does your wifi card have?15:49
jeffMASTERflexAshfire908: in Synaptic, go to Repositories, and it allows you to choose the server from a list15:49
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: No, it's not that. Sound is working, but I can only have one sound at a time playing.15:49
Jack_SparrowSome_Person, correct, and you want to play a game with sound while listening to music etc ?15:50
rwycuffxomp:it doesnt seem logical that those settings would just change unless yuo knew you did it but heydont hurt to check these things15:50
xomprwycuff, I'm in the process of doing a complete re-install to atleast get my ethernet working again :)15:50
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: exactly15:50
jake2point0amenado i dont know.  ill do some googling to see what chip is in my Trendnet TEW423PI B1.1R15:50
Jack_SparrowPlease see the link15:50
amenadojake2point0-> is that also a usb dongle?15:50
xomprwycuff, I was messing around with "roaming mode" earlier that completely hosed my system.15:50
Ashfire908what i want to do is not in /etc/apt/sources.list. I'm not trying to edit which server i want to use (at least not directly.) i want to edit the list of servers in the Software Sources program's "Choose a download server" list.15:51
CreativeEmbassyamenado: my path is being loaded twice... I'm just setting that path in /etc/profile. Is there some other file that's also run that loads the path again from /etc/profile?15:51
amenadoAshfire908-> same soure it uses to select what to download.15:51
rwycuffxomp:oh thats over kill just to fix a nic but if thats what you need to do15:51
rwycuffyour wireless should have shown up as eth115:51
waylandbillAshfire908: the select the best server likely pings using ICMP and the server's HTTP daemon may be down. I'd select one that is geographically close to your location.15:51
busfahrer    Option     "TwinView"15:51
busfahrer    Option     "MetaModes"  "1280x1024,1280x1024; 1280x1024; 1024x768,1024x768; 1024x768; 800x600,800x600; 800x600"15:51
busfahrer    Option     "TwinViewOrientation"      "RightOf"15:51
busfahrer    Option     "SecondMonitorHorizSync"   "UseEdidFreqs"15:51
Jack_SparrowAshfire908, you need to rephrase your question as you are getting the right answer as we intrepet your question15:51
xomprwycuff, I know, but I'm a masocists lol. It will learn me not to mess with stuff I don't know about hehe. Once it comes back up after install I'll then try the wireless again to see if we can get it working :S15:52
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> your .bash_profile perhaps?  look around your home directory for .xxxx  and see if they set PATH15:52
Jack_SparrowCreativeEmbassy, /bashrc perhaps  ?  just a guess15:52
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: So I have to run every OSS program in an aoss wrapper?15:53
rwycuffxomp: understand ive done my share of reinstalls15:53
jeffMASTERflexSome_Person: alsa has an oss wrapper and usually does this on its own15:53
Jack_SparrowSome_Person, It should be as simple as selecting alsa in settings15:54
waylandbillIf I understand correctly, in System, Admin, Software Sources, Download From, Other, Select Best Server is selecting a server, but the daemon on the server is down. and Ashfire908 wants to remove that server from the list of available.15:54
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: not every program supports alsa15:54
ere4siJack_Sparrow: Ashfire908 wants to change the server apt gos to for d/loads15:54
Ashfire908waylandbill: exactally15:54
xomprwycuff, when I was messing with the "roaming mode" of the network manager I got this awkward feeling. Similar to the feeling I got last night when I was playing Team Fortress 2 on a russian server and after the opposing team beat us there was some russian dude singing that "Beating me down" song by KoRn. It was just awkward and strange to hear that haha15:54
jake2point0amenado no its not.  one source said my chipset is ACX111 chipset but my ubuntu lists it as 03:09.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 03) doing lspci15:54
CreativeEmbassyamenado, jack_sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60300/15:54
CreativeEmbassythat's a grep for PATH in anything .*15:55
Jack_SparrowSome_Person, then you may want to /j #Alsa for specific help as those programs that do not support alsa or if you are working with wine etc.. may need additional considerations15:55
waylandbillAshfire908: It should be a temporary problem. You should be able to just pick another that is close to you.15:55
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> so unset it where it gets sets twice15:55
rwycuffxomp: yuou will have that with korn songs..tf2 good game though15:55
Ashfire908waylandbill: it was happening yesterday too15:56
amenadojake2point0-> you can try  lshw -C network to give you a lil more info15:56
neopsyche_amendado, ok here is your picture.. you think it is going to solve the problem? > http://www.suzao.net/wifi_Challenge.png15:56
Some_PersonJack_Sparrow: Could I somehow uninstall OSS?15:56
CreativeEmbassyamenado: I'm trying to figure out where that is!15:56
Jack_SparrowSome_Person, then you may want to /j #Alsa for specific help as those programs that do not support alsa or if you are working with wine etc.. may need additional considerations15:56
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> keep looking around..15:56
neopsyche_anyone help! http://www.suzao.net/wifi_Challenge.png15:56
jake2point0WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.15:57
jake2point0  *-network UNCLAIMED15:57
jake2point0       description: Ethernet controller15:57
jake2point0       product: 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless15:57
jake2point0       vendor: Marvell Technology Group Ltd.15:57
jake2point0       physical id: 915:57
FloodBot2jake2point0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
jake2point0       bus info: pci@0000:03:09.015:57
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=== monica is now known as kalpik
amenadoneopsyche_-> wires? how do they interconnect?15:57
neopsyche_amenado, cat515:58
MenZaI have a TwinView setup, but I'm forced to scroll on one of my screens if I want to see the full area. What gives?15:58
neopsyche_amenado,what difference does that make?15:58
neopsyche_amenado, so .. you can solve the problem now that you see a picture and know what wire it uses?15:58
amenadoneopsyche_-> again once more, it makes a difference if you provide good info on how things are interconnected..15:58
waylandbillAshfire908: I'm grepping my filesystem for the server list. No hits. It is possible that it is compiled in or stored on a remote location.15:59
amenadoneopsyche_-> do you want help or like to argue?15:59
neopsyche_amenado, it only makes a diffrence to me if someone can actually solve the problem.. otherwise its just a waste of time.15:59
neopsyche_I want help.15:59
amenadoneopsyche_-> well with that kind of attitude..15:59
neopsyche_amenado, i only argue when I think something might be a waste of time.15:59
Jack_Sparrowneopsyche_, when a user needs help with an uncommon problem it takes longer to find the right person with the answer16:00
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:00
waylandbillneopsyche_: have you created a bridge between the ethernet and wireless card?16:00
recon69neopsyche_ : you need to do the AP step by step, first get internet working on wired computer from the radio connection, then setup you local wireless network unencrypted, then setup the bridge on you main computer using ipchains16:00
neopsyche_waylandbill, how do i do that?16:00
neopsyche_recon69, can you talk me through it.16:01
Jack_Sparrowwaylandbill, I already suggested firestarter as an option16:01
recon69neopsyche_ : well, first do you have internet on you main PC?16:01
omarWhat's the command for checking the version of the distribution?16:01
waylandbillJack_Sparrow: will that create br0 or will that just create a NAT connection? I think an actual bridge is needed.16:02
Jack_Sparrowlsb_release -a16:02
Seveasomar, lsb_release -a16:02
jake2point0amenado did you goto my pastebin16:02
RymHmm, Just now i enabled the restricted nvidia drivers (clean ubuntu install)16:02
Rymi restarted, only i didnt have any resolution options, I was stuck to 640x48016:02
neopsyche_recon69: yes.. that is how i am talking to you.. have you looked at the png?16:02
Rymas it was hard to work in that situations, i disabled the drivers again so i could look for a solution (in normal res)16:03
Rymonly now i my max resolution is 800x60016:03
Jack_SparrowRym, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"16:03
Rymand if i force-change it i get a checkered pattern16:03
rwycuffdoes any on have any experience with qmail ldap and active directory16:03
Jack_SparrowRym, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (to just set res) If you get locked out Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max res.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults16:03
amenadojake2point0-> can you repaste the link to the pastebin you created?16:04
CreativeEmbassyamenado: maybe my problem has nothing to do with the path? like why would install-info not run, but apt-get tells me I already have dpkg installed?16:04
Rymoki, let me try it out16:04
CreativeEmbassyis there a way to make apt-get REinstall something?16:04
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> what was your problem again? you were the one that suggested it maybe your PATH...16:04
PiciCreativeEmbassy: apt-get install --reinstall package16:05
mananan2anybody know how i can change the startup disk on my mac to avoid the ubuntu live cd?16:05
CreativeEmbassythere's a bunch of stuff that seemingly disappeared16:05
[Hardy]TuTUXGmananan2, cant u eject the cd?16:05
CreativeEmbassytons of simple programs that run all the time16:05
nubuntuis nubuntu still supported?16:05
recon69neopsyche_ :  well, I setup APHOST a couple of years ago to do this. took quite a while to get working16:05
SeveasCreativeEmbassy, apt-get install --reinstall packagename_here16:05
CreativeEmbassyand xwindows doesn't automatically start16:05
SeveasCreativeEmbassy, in that case you might need an apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:05
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[Hardy]TuTUXGmananan2, so eject the cd and boot osx16:05
[Hardy]TuTUXGmananan2, cant u?16:06
mananan2but then it keeps saying "grub hard disk error" without the disk16:06
CreativeEmbassySeveas: I'll try that then...16:06
[Hardy]TuTUXGmananan2, eject and reboot?16:06
bazhangmananan2: you want to get into osX is that right?16:06
mananan2i cant16:06
[Hardy]TuTUXGmananan2, u cant reboot?16:06
mananan2but it wont recognise the disk16:06
neopsyche_recon69, what is your suggestion?16:07
CreativeEmbassyi can't run apt-get install anything because it can't find install-info16:07
bazhangmananan2: eject the disk; reboot the computer16:07
mananan2just keeps looking for the ubuntu cd16:07
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> and may I suggest, keeping a safe copy of the PATH and configs you use before making major changes? that way you get a backup just incase you need to go back?16:07
neopsyche_Jack_Sparrow, what do i now need?16:07
[Hardy]TuTUXGmananan2, take out the cd and reboot and u still have grub?16:07
waylandbillneopsyche_: you can google for several network bridge howtos. Basically your ethernet card will have a br0 device that will send data to your wireless card as if they were on the same network.16:07
neopsyche_amenado, all wires are running through the Router.16:07
CreativeEmbassyamenado: yeah, I know to keep backups now :-/16:07
[Hardy]TuTUXGmananan2, so u installed ubuntu accidently16:08
bazhangmananan2: may need to reinstall OS X; for help on that please head to ##apple16:08
mananan2flicker and then grub hard disk error?16:08
neopsyche_waylandbill, cool.. can you talk me through it?16:08
amenadoneopsyche_-> how many routers do you have on your network? which one is acting as the main gateway to the ISP?  is same router acting also as AP?16:08
[Hardy]TuTUXGmananan2, ya, call apple16:08
neopsyche_recon69, any suggestions?16:09
neopsyche_amenado, 116:09
recon69neopsyche_ : well, first check that you wireless card is working on main pc. use ipconfig to see what interfaces you have setup16:09
knightzis nubuntu still supported?16:09
neopsyche_amenado, have you looked at the png?16:09
Seveasknightz, it never was16:09
waylandbillneopsyche_: that is not a simple thing to do. It can take a while get set up and assumes you have good networking knowledge.16:09
Seveasbecause it never was :)16:09
Piciknightz: Because its not an offical Ubuntu release.16:10
amenadoneopsyche_-> yes and it is unclear, i asked you about interconnectivity, where are the wires? whats what? which router is gateway?16:10
omarGuys, I've just upgraded to Hardy Heron Alpha 5, and everything seems to going normally, except that FireFox 3 (beta 4) is sluggishly slow at scrolling pages, is there a way to make it run faster or is this one of the problems I must live with until the official release??16:10
neopsyche_waylandbill, can you help me with a simpler solution.. other than.. install windows.. plugin usb wifi device .. install software .. select ap optoin?16:10
Pici!hardy | omar16:10
ubotuomar: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:10
CreativeEmbassyseveas: what if I don't even have a /usr/local/sbin or a /usr/sbin ?16:10
SeveasCreativeEmbassy, reinstall.16:10
Polishpauli added an alias to my .bashrc file alias vi='vim' however when i say which vi = /usr/bin/vi (even after reloading bash) - this works on another distro.. help?16:10
waylandbillneopsyche_: which is why I said when you first asked that you may find that a wireless router is an inexpensive alternative.16:10
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> yep, if you loose those, you are up the creek16:10
knightz @seveas hm.... so how could i cont. it's development?16:10
CreativeEmbassyholy cow16:10
CreativeEmbassyohhh kay16:10
SeveasPolishpaul, try 'type vi'16:10
recon69neopsyche_ : well i take it you have a pc that has a wired connection to your isp, and you want the pc to share the connection wireless to your lap top16:10
Polishpaulbasically i wanna say vi ... and get vim (syntax colors)16:10
CreativeEmbassybacking up now...16:10
neopsyche_amendado, theres only one router16:11
neopsyche_get it?16:11
Seveasknightz, no idea, it's not an ubuntu project :)16:11
PolishpaulSeveas: its says its aliased to vim...16:11
waylandbillrecon69: that's what he wants.16:11
SeveasPolishpaul, apt-get install vim-full16:11
amenadoneopsyche_-> so, what is it that is causing you headaches? and mine too? you can not use your router?16:11
jake2point0amenado did you see my link16:11
GladiatorHi there, I was having some trouble booting up. The solution to my problem was to remove Quest and Splash from the boot command, and to add "noapic acpi=off". As this fixed my problem, I was told the way to make it permenant was to edit /boot/grub/menu.list and make the chanegs permenant. However, it's not letting me save the file.16:11
PolishpaulSeveas: ah... ofcourse ty16:11
CreativeEmbassySeveas, amenado: does the ubuntu install cd by chance have "repair" functionality?16:11
amenadojake2point0-> are you sending that to me via pm? you cant, my system will not accept..paste the link here16:12
CreativeEmbassyor should I back up my home folder and start new?16:12
biebGladiator are you editing as "sudo"?16:12
dgjonesGladiator, have you used sudo?16:12
neopsyche_amendado, i simply need to know what to install and what configurations to make to allow the wireless card in my pc to allow access for my laptop to be on the wired network using the connection supplied from the wirelss card on the pc it is installed in.16:12
GladiatorErm. No. How do I do that16:12
amenadoCreativeEmbassy-> i suggest you backup your /home  and since i dont know what else you had..maybe a re-install would not be so bad..16:12
biebGladiator: how are you trying to edit?16:12
NoXeDHi Ppl16:12
CreativeEmbassywe'll see, I guess16:12
NorthByNorthWestQuick question... if I want to test a live CD on a laptop prior to purchase, and its a core 2 duo, do I need the 64 bit version of ubuntu?16:12
CreativeEmbassythanks for your help, everyone16:13
neopsyche_amenado, see above16:13
GladiatorI double clicked on it, found the lines I had to edit before, and edited them appropriately16:13
recon69neopsyche_ : so you need 3 interfaces. eth0 for your ips connection, ra0 for you wireless network and br0 as a bridge between the two. so run ipconfig and post it so we can have a look at what is working now.16:13
RoAkSoAxGladiator: sudo /boot/grub/menu.lst16:13
SeveasNorthByNorthWest, you could try both :)16:13
waylandbillneopsyche_: I'm not sure if it is clear. Do you want to share the internet connection as well, or just access files and such on the desktop?16:13
dgjonesGladiator, in a terminal type "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list"16:13
neopsyche_waylandbill, share internet16:13
dundelare there any open source windows terminal server solutions?16:13
amenadoneopsyche_-> do not get frustrated. just answer my querries... is your router/gateway acting as AP also?16:13
ere4siNorthByNorthWest: I'd use the 32bit16:13
biebGladiator: do you know any command line editors?16:13
RoAkSoAxGladiator: do what dgjones told ya, i forgot to put the command xD16:14
bartekHello! I am looking for some application like PPJoyMouse for ubuntu. Any ideas? :)16:14
biebNorthByNorthwest, the 32bit16:14
JockeoI'm connected to a wireless network. How can I see the names of other connected nodes?16:14
amenadoneopsyche_-> as you note, we are at a loss on what you are trying to accomplish...your drawing is inadequate to give us good info to advise you...16:14
dgjonesGladiator, it will ask for your user password as well16:14
waylandbillneopsyche_: okay. it's just like recon69 and I said. you need br0. post your ifconfig as recon69 recommended.16:14
neopsyche_amenado, ap for what? as i understand it .. ap is a term used for wifi.. the router is wired.. theres no wifi on router. the router gets its access from a seperate network.. think CABLE16:14
ere4sineopsyche_: ap = access point16:15
amenadoneopsyche_-> if you want wireless.. then you need an AP.  now where is in the drawing do you have an AP ?16:15
NorthByNorthWestThanks everyone! Do you know if the intel graphical chipset is easy to use with dual monitors... running on LCD projectors and so on?16:15
neopsyche_I am so frustrated.. as i dont see why it is so difficult to understand16:15
NorthByNorthWestIve found one perfect laptop but Id rather have nvidia, thats the only catch!16:15
amenadoneopsyche_-> in order for any wireless client to work, it has to access and AccessPoint, do you have an AP ?16:15
Seveasneopsyche_, your drawing is rubbish, your explanation is bad and your attitude is not helping. I'm not surprised you have trouble getting help...16:15
neopsyche_heres all you need to know.. MY PC has internet .. i have a wireless card in my pc.. i want to be able to get internet on my laptop.. which also has wireless ;-)16:15
[Hardy]TuTUXGNorthByNorthWest, what laptop?16:16
GladiatorIt's giving me command not found16:16
biebNorthbynorthwest: what laptop?16:16
recon69neopsyche_: the AP is a bit of software that makes your computer act as a internet server. gives IP address and such.16:16
Gladiatoroh, hang on, didn't see dgjones's line16:16
ere4siamenado: that's an ad_hoc connection he needs16:16
NorthByNorthWestIts an Fujitsu Siemens Amilo PV3525... ive googled it but not come to any real conclusions...16:16
neopsyche_amenado, it frustrates me that you are asking me if i have an AP as part of my original questions were.. how do i set up an AP so i can connect my laptop to my pc16:16
recon69neopsyche_: most people just buy a router as it's so much easer16:16
NorthByNorthWestAIGLX seems to be the deal with intel chipsets anyway...16:16
bartekI am looking for some application like PPJoyMouse for ubuntu. Any ideas? :)16:17
biebNorthbynorthwest: check the Ubuntu hardware forums also16:17
dgjonesGladiator, in a terminal type "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list" it will also ask for your user password to check that you have admin rights on the machine16:17
SeveasNorthByNorthWest, aiglx is only needed for closed-source ati16:17
bazhangneopsyche_: get a router, they cost about $3016:17
amenadoere4si-> its more complicated for a newbie to setup an adhoc connectivity...has to take care of several things..16:17
GladiatorGot it, thanks16:17
ere4siamenado: I gave him a link ages ago16:17
amenadoneopsyche_-> as people has been suggesting.. buy an AccessPoint  its not that expensive..16:17
neopsyche_Everyone please stop telling me to buy a router. I am quite aware of that and would not be having this disucussion if i wanted to buy a router.16:18
NorthByNorthWestbieb: yeah, those forums have a great compability chart, but that particular one isnt listed!16:18
amenadoere4si-> the thing is its quite difficult for a user to setup an adhoc, they really need to understand networking..16:18
bazhangneopsyche_: also some ISP's do not allow that16:18
Sinnermanhow can i get monodevelop v1.0 to run on gutsy? or better still, how would i go about making a package out of the sources?16:18
NorthByNorthWestanyway... i think Ill try the live cd on the candidates, and go for an with nvidia instead... seems safer!16:18
ere4siamenado: I agree16:18
ChristozCan anyone tell me how to change the privileges of folder in terminal?16:18
NorthByNorthWestThanks for the help everyone!16:18
biebnorthbynorthwest: is there a similar model listed? I bought an HP dv9520 laptop and the dv6000 and dv9000 instructions worked for me16:19
recon69neopsyche_: but to set it you, you need to set up your wireless card with some access point software. the first step to getting help is to run ipconfig on the command line and post the results into a paste box !!!!16:19
ChristozI mean the chmod function16:19
* Mihira away: [Inativo por mais de 30 minutos] [desde: 13:19, page: on]16:19
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Polishpaulok, so i installed vim and vim-full ... still no syntax coloring?16:19
ChristozPlease is emergency!!!16:19
ChristozCan anyone tell me how to change the privileges of folder in terminal?16:19
ChristozPlease is emergency!!!16:19
SeveasChristoz, chill a bit...16:19
smartboyathomeOk, I need help with my mic. I am trying to run a male to male cable direct from my paino to my computer running ubuntu so I can record a song I made, but I 1) Get tons of background noise, and 2) I can't figure out what settings need to be used in the volume control to make it work (I have capture and digital)16:20
SeveasChristoz, man chmod16:20
bazhangChristoz: bad day for that16:20
PolishpaulChristoz: chmod16:20
amenadoneopsyche_-> okay, i believe ere4si have suggested a link for you to look at adhoc connection, try that?  its a bit difficult to establish, your wifi driver has to support adhoc, and you have to do more work in terms of assigning ip address and route16:20
rwycuffxomp: any luck16:20
bazhangneopsyche_: caps16:20
waylandbillChristoz: chmod is the command you want.16:20
[Hardy]TuTUXGChristoz, on a linux exam?16:20
edbashanybody have trouble with dns in ubuntu 8.04?16:20
neopsyche_why would i want to set up and ad-hoc connection when my request is for someone to help me set up an AP which i already have instructions for?16:20
Christozfor example ... chmod rw-rw-rw foldername?16:20
=== knightz is now known as nubuntu
ere4siChristoz: sudo chmod -Rv user:group /path/to/folder - where user is the login name and group is usually the same16:21
Piciedbash: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.16:21
edbashPici, thanks16:21
ere4siChristoz: oops \16:21
amenadoneopsyche_-> you are being argumentative, we told you to use an AP, since you prefer not to, the next best thing is adhoc, but more work..16:21
neopsyche_Why does this have to be so complicated.. and so easy on windows?16:21
Christozere4si hehe16:21
amenadoneopsyche_-> then go back to windows, if you believe it is that easy16:22
neopsyche_amenado, you did not tell me HOW to use the AP16:22
waylandbillneopsyche_: because most of the implementation is hidden from you in windows.16:22
neopsyche_windows = $ which is why I am here..16:22
Seveas!attitude | neopsyche_16:22
ubotuneopsyche_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:22
recon69anyway , anyone able to help me, just want a wpa tpik wireless link using a edimax g turbo card, info here  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60293/16:22
NET||abusehmm, i added some filters for newsgroups i'm in under gmail, but i connect to gmail with evolution over imap, how can i get evolution to pick up the new folders for my newsgroup labels?16:22
amenadoneopsyche_-> how many times do i have to tell you buy an AP?  once you buy one, we can help you  more16:22
neopsyche_!attitude | seveas16:22
ubotuseveas: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:22
Christozere4si actually i want to paste files in my ftp folder of "gFTP" in order a friend of mine  to download music from there16:23
smartboyathomeCan anyone help me with my mic problem?16:23
Seveaswb jake2point016:23
Christozere4si but i can't change the privileges ...don't know how16:23
amenadojake2point0-> if you have been sending that to me in pm, my system dont accept pm..paste the link here..16:24
Christozere4si if i could "use" the chmod man iwouldn't ask in this room ok?16:25
slaytanicIs there an easy way to migrate from an amd64 Ubuntu to x86?16:25
ere4siChristoz: sudo cp -v /path/to/fileTo/Copy /path/to/whereithastogo/filename16:25
recon69Christoz: well in gnome you can right click->propeties->perssimisons and change them that way. but dont think it's your problem.16:25
waylandbillChristoz: if you want to know the insides of chmod... the rw and x are bits who's value are 4,2 and 1 with a byte for user, group and world. Mask the bits you don't need. See http://linuxbasics.org/course/book/sect_03_0416:26
Christozrecon89 negative this is not posiible16:26
xomprwycuff, you still around?16:26
jake2point0it kept banning me for bots ...why..16:26
jake2point0is that the tech difficultys goin on16:26
DRebellionjake2point0, what? freenode wouldn't yet you connect?16:27
jake2point0i tell ya what,  nothing is easy nowadays16:27
recon69Christoz: if you just want to move the files and dont have permission , you should go to the command line and use sudo cp16:27
jake2point0ya it kept banning me not letting me in.. i didnt do anything16:27
amenadoChristoz do you have a hard time using  man pages?  man man  helps a lil bit in understanding manpages,  then man chmod  for the specific command16:27
[Hardy]TuTUXGChristoz, chmod 711 the folder and chmod 644 the file16:27
xompahhh $#*@^!@!!!!16:27
jake2point0but hey im back in!16:27
Seveasjake2point0, you were collateral damage, when I saw that I alerted staff and they undid it :)16:28
xompthis is really starting to upset me..16:28
Christozwaylnandbill iknow what r  | w | x means just give me the syntax....16:28
rwycuffxomp:yes im here but currently pry getting myself kicked from fedoras channel16:28
Christoz[Hardy]TuXuXG thanks mate16:28
amenadogessh people are so demanding, just give me, give me..16:28
bliffleDrat! Cursor jumping, computer slow: should I try Heron?16:28
jake2point0thank you then16:28
AndyCRDoes anyone know how I can see what packages I have installed from a given repository?16:29
bazhangamenado: must be the moon ;]16:29
DRebellionbliffle, no16:29
xomprwycuff, lol ok. I just finished reinstalling gutsy and still can't connect to the internet. This is so strange. I tested the cable on another laptop running windows and it works fine.16:29
jake2point0ok back to my wireless info ... ill repaste the link16:29
amenadolol@ bazhang16:29
AndyCRIE if I wanted to remove all packages installed from a repository so I could remove the repository?16:29
amenadoxomp-> you are using ethernet cables right not wireless?16:30
rwycuffxomp:ok does ifconfig show anything more this time16:30
xompamenado, correct, cable only16:30
xomprwycuff, lemme check16:30
xomprwycuff, ok, now with ifconfig it showes eth0, eth0:avah and lo16:31
amenadojake2point0-> that meant your driver for that wifi chip is not loaded or not running correctly..dont know if using ndiswrapper and the windows driver would help you on that..16:31
CShadowRundoes anyone have an up to date tutorial on how to get an ATI (X1600 Radeon) to work properly (IE: Compiz)16:31
sansaroplz i want ask how much Giga ubuntu need to install ?16:31
DRebellionsansaro, RAM? 256 MB16:31
bazhangCShadowRun: which ones have you tried?16:31
Exterissansaro, 2 i think in disk16:31
CShadowRunIt's changing all the time and all the tutorials i find are diffrent lol, i want one that works16:31
sansaromy ram 2G16:31
CShadowRunwell when i last tried ubuntu i tried around 15 of them and had no luck16:31
waylandbillChristoz: if you knew what they meant, you have the hard part. You can get the syntax from a man page or google.16:31
amenadoxomp-> okay, paste into pastebin your   ifconfig; route -n;  cat /etc/resolv.conf  and  sudo iptables -vL  to help us troubleshoot it with you16:32
CShadowRunso this time i'm asking in advance.16:32
[Hardy]TuTUXGAndyCR, on synaptic check origin to see repos/pkgs , if u want to remove one repo just remove it the package can be kept installed as ur will16:32
DRebellionsansaro, 2G is more than enough RAM16:32
sansarobut im asking16:32
sansarohow many giga i need to install ubuntu16:32
stevr1itproblem with evince and acrobat reader . when i try to print a file imagine in pdf evince says MVerror acrobat reader that the printer is not conencted. the printer a xerox phaser 6180 in connected to the pc with lan cable port 9100. could you help me?16:32
xompamenado, ok, I'll have to type the output out by hand since I have no internet hehe16:32
murlidharhow to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to a desired directory?16:32
DRebellionsansaro, on hard drive?16:32
amenadosansaro-> harddisk  about 2.5 gig minimum16:32
recon69xomp: cut and past the results to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ , then paste the resulting link back here16:32
bazhangCShadowRun: if you want the real pros you best head t0 #compiz-fusion ;]16:32
Christozwaylandbill ok thanks anyway16:32
sansaroi have 2 G free is that enough to install ubuntu with compiz + awn ?16:33
murlidharhow to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to a desired directory?16:33
nikrudCShadowRun: system->admin->restricted manager, enable ati driver. reboot. run fglrxinfo , make sure it's using ati 8.37.6 driver. Install xserver-xgl , compizconfig-settings-manager, log out and back in. Go to system->prefs->appearance effects tab16:33
CShadowRunum, how would they help me with a driver problem? :P16:33
amenadomurlidhar-> you set it like any environment variable and export it...  export XXX=/path/towherever/    note no spaces16:33
murlidharthanks amenado i will make a try16:33
recon69murlidhar: "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH  = path "  , you migh want to echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATH  first to see it anything already in there16:34
amenadosansaro-> not enuff i dont think16:34
CShadowRuncool, thanks nikrud16:34
nikrudCShadowRun: the fglrxinfo check is important, if it's not the ati driver you won't get compiz16:34
amenadorecon69-> not good to put spaces...in between =16:34
sansaro:( np thank you16:34
rwycuffxomp: exaclty what type of laptop is this16:34
CShadowRunyup looks good16:35
xomprwycuff, it's a compaq evo n610c :)16:35
CShadowRunATI Technologies, Radeon X1600 series, 2.0.6473 (8.37.6)16:35
nikrudyup, looks good16:36
jake2point0amendo ive tried the ndiswrapper windows wireless drivers package and adding the driver inf file doesnt do anything16:36
recon69anyone know how to fix "ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported" in wifi encryption ?16:36
CShadowRunand the other thing is how do i get my second display working?16:36
CShadowRunmy card is dual head :P16:36
jake2point0amendo i just cant figure out why my ubuntu can list the device but not use it16:36
murlidharamenado, export openssl=/home/murlidhar/transmission-1.06/16:36
amenadojake2point0-> dont know if that Marvel chips have a native linux drivers..dont seem like it, youhave to google and look for one..16:36
murlidharamenado, still doesn't find it.16:37
rwycuffxomp: what is the physical wireless nic thats in there16:37
xompbrb guys smoke time lol16:37
bazhangrecon69: what card and what are you trying to do?16:37
murlidharamenado, and i have openssl package installed.16:37
amenadomurlidhar->  is it looking for $openssl  or $OPENSSL  ?16:37
amenadomurlidhar case matters16:37
murlidharamenado, openssl16:37
recon69bazhang: edimax 11g turbo mode wireless lan pci adaptor16:37
murlidharamenado, sorry OPENSSL16:38
amenadomurlidhar-> then the way you set it is wrong , use caps16:38
murlidharamenado, checking for OPENSSL... configure: error: Package requirements (openssl >= 0.9.4) were not met:16:38
murlidharNo package 'openssl' found16:38
bazhangrecon69: what are you trying to do when you get that message16:38
waylandbillChristoz: when you say you know what the rwx are, I'm assuming you know how they translate to the numbers like say 644 right?16:38
amenadomurlidhar-> is openssl installed? thats different from just setting the $OPENSSL variable16:38
nikrudCShadowRun: don't have a dual monitor, never ried16:39
NasraI am a newbie....how do I into irc?16:39
recon69bazhang: see  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60293/  for full info. I'm tring to connect to my router, wpa tpik encryption16:39
amenadoNasra you are on irc now.. google for tutorials on how to use irc please16:39
murlidharamenado, openssl is already the newest version.16:39
Christozwaylandbill no r=read x =xecutable w =write16:39
nikrudCShadowRun: googling   ubuntu ati dual monitor pulls up some stuff16:39
Nasraamenado using windows16:40
Christozwaylandbill 644 it's a stadrd seup16:40
high-bassHey guys im struggling with getting my sound card working properly... i installed the Newest alsa drivers... and my sound doesnt work at all!!... i dont understand why... dmesg gives the following error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60302/16:40
murlidharamenado, that's what i get when i apt-get install openssl16:40
Nasrain ubuntu16:40
bazhangrecon69: does that card support it? is it ralink chipset or realtek?16:40
Christozwaylandbill 644 it's a stadrd setup as i can remember16:40
rwycuffxomp:is it a usb wireless or is it internal to the laptop16:40
waylandbillChristoz: r = 4, x =2, w =1. The value of their bits. 6 means 4+2 or r & w. so 644 is rw-r--r--16:40
Christozwaylandbill sorry guys bad from man pages i can't understand (i'm from greece)16:41
recon69bazhang: it should, but i will have to check what chipset it using.16:41
Christozwaylandbill i want rwx-rw-r16:41
amenadomurlidhar-> if its installed,  then you need to set the environment variable, i dont know which variable is required to be set..16:42
amenadomurlidhar you can tell if it complains it can not find the path to whatever script or executable16:42
amenadoNasra it does not matter, you can still use google to search for tutorials on how to use irc16:42
ExterisChristoz, 76416:42
waylandbillChristoz: r=4,w=2,x=1  ... so  rwxrw-r-- is 764 ...16:42
murlidharamenado, k16:42
Christozwaylandbill 764 will be also for the files inside the folder?16:43
ExterisChristoz, chmod -R 764 folder16:43
hywwaylandbill: still there16:44
waylandbillChristoz: when you want to calculate the numbers just think of each rwx as governed by each number for a set of 3. You'll be able to get it with no trouble.16:44
waylandbillhyw: yes. what's up?16:45
Christozwaylandbill thank you very much and all of you guys16:45
waylandbillChristoz: the tutorial link I gave explains it way better than I could ever.16:45
jimbojwis there a built-in GUI app for managing init services like Apache, MySQL, memcached, etc (gutsy)16:45
amenadoChristoz-> may I suggest buying a book on linux? specially one with ubuntu name on the book?16:46
nikrudjimbojw: no, but you can install bum , or sysv-init-rc (first is gui, second is sorta gui from command line)16:46
hywwaylandbill: how can I edit /boot/grub/menu.lst if I am using LiveCD16:47
fbcDoes anyone remember the command that gets you to the "registry" tool?? it something like gnome-config but that's not it.16:47
nikrudhyw: you mean the one on the hard disk?16:47
waylandbillChristoz: amenado has a good point. A book to look at is a great idea.16:47
Christozok i think i should...one more question ...cp is only for files?16:47
nikrudfbc: gconf-editor16:47
jimbojwnikrud: apt-get installing bum as we speak - thanks16:47
hywnikrud: actually I tried to boot ubuntu but it says error 22 no such partition16:47
murlidharamenado, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60306/16:48
ere4sifbc: gconf-editor ?16:48
waylandbillhyw: mount the partition to /mnt and then use a text editor to edit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst16:48
ChristozI'm downloading the rute.pdf16:48
fbcnikrud, ere4si , you guys are the sh*t!16:48
fbcnikrud,  ere4si ,, awesome thanks16:48
nikrudhyw:   sudo mount /dev/<rootpartition> /mnt , then it'll be at /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst16:48
recon69Christoz: yes cp copies files, sudo make you the super user so you can access any files. you should be very carfull anythime you use sudo16:48
waylandbillChristoz: cp works on files and also file-like objects.16:48
ere4sifbc: thnx - I think :)16:49
amenadomurlidhar-> the error it is telling you, is not clear enuff?  do you really have openssl 0.9.4 installed? how did you verify this?16:49
* nikrud takes a quick sniff16:49
Christozwaylandbill i see...how about copying entire folders?16:49
DRebellionChristoz, cp -rv folder/ destinationfolder/16:49
Christozrecon69 you mean sudo su16:49
waylandbillChristoz: if you use -R to tell cp to recursively do it yes.16:49
hywnikrud: hm says already mounted on /mnt16:49
murlidharamenado, murlidhar@murlidhar-desktop:~$ openssl version16:50
murlidharOpenSSL 0.9.8e 23 Feb 200716:50
DRebellionChristoz, no, don't use sudo su. prefix the command with sudo:    sudo cp file1 file216:50
nikrudhyw: then you should see it at that path I gave16:50
hywnikrud: is there a way to check it16:50
jake2point0cool. i can burn cds and dvds for free16:51
waylandbillhyw: gksudo gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst16:51
nikrudmurlidhar: if you're trying to compile something with openssl , you need libssl-dev16:51
* fbc running legacy apps in an XP VMWARE session, and still can't believe it.16:51
recon69Christoz: sudo makes the next command run as super user, su changes your login to super user so all you command run as super user16:51
leogermanihi, I was trying to get all my pendrives and ipod to be mounted everytime at the same mountpoint. I right-click ont the ipod icon on the desktop and changed the mount point for the drive to "16:51
hywwaylandbill: hmm still empty16:51
waylandbillhyw: and it's an L in lst, not a number 116:51
Christozrecon69 ok it's understandable thanks16:51
leogermaninow my ipod wont mount anymore... how can I undo this option?16:52
hywwaylandbill: lol yeah L16:52
nikrudleogermani: ah, you should have said just disk , it's really misleading16:52
waylandbillhyw: in a terminal, ls /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst16:52
murlidharnikrud, i am compiling a torrent client and openssl is just a dependecy. do u think it requires libssl-dev?16:52
nikrudmurlidhar: yes16:52
jake2point0amendo well i found out that is should work with ndiswrapper16:52
hywwaylandbill: oh ok now it works16:52
nikrudmurlidhar: all the header files needed to compile against opensll is in libssl-dev16:52
hywwaylandbill: can I paste it here?16:53
murlidharnikrud, thanks anyways . i have i libssl-dev installed16:53
Christozwaylandbill i've copied the folder in the ftp one (that's the one tat gFTP using) but nothing is there!!!16:53
waylandbillhyw: to a pastebin16:53
leogermaninikrud: hmm. I see.. do you know how can I reset this option?16:53
minimecDoes anyone of you have a Logitech G15 Keyboard or some Z-10 speakers?16:53
hywwaylandbill: can I install pastebin in Livecd16:53
=== {devil} is now known as Devil
nikrudleogermani:   gconf-editor /system/storage/volumes , the devices will be under that. Change the mount points there16:53
=== Devil is now known as {devil}
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:53
waylandbillhyw: pastebin is just a website.16:54
recon69bazhang : would appera my card uses RalinkRT61 driver16:54
nikrudmurlidhar: very odd then. you may have to tell the configure script where to look for the ssl headers16:54
waylandbillhyw: paste it there, not in the channel.16:54
hywwaylandbill: I was given this command sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:54
murlidharamenado, ok it worked . i pkg configured the path of OPENSSL_CFLAGS and OPENSSL_LIBS16:54
minimecwould be nice if you could pastebin me your /cat/bus/proc/input/devices.16:54
amenadojake2point0-> i have to attend a metting..sorry i have to leave now..16:54
RyanofGileadHello, I am tryign to get a game running on my computer, and I keep getting an error message when I try and run it in the console.  Can anyone help?16:54
amenadomurlidhar-> okay cool..am off16:55
murlidharnikrud, thanks it is working now. just have to give make command.16:55
ExterisRyanofGilead, depends what your error message is16:55
ere4siChristoz: move your file browser to another file then back and it will update16:55
waylandbillhyw: no. go to http://paster.ubuntu-nl.org in your webbrowser and follow the instructions.16:55
murlidharthanks amenado for helping me;16:55
hywwaylandbill: lol sorry I forgot about internet on that machine16:55
RyanofGileadExteris: hold on16:55
ExterisRyanofGilead, use the pastebin16:55
leogermaninikrud: Cant find it... got only storage > default options > vfat, ntfs, etc...16:56
NET||abuseHey guys.. i updated folders in my gmail through the web interface, and now i'm not able to see the new folders on the left in evolution, imap connection. How do i update these folders? I've tried restarting evolution but no luck?16:56
=== AJC_Z0- is now known as AJC_Z0
nikrudleogermani: you mean you only have default options under storage, no volumes directory?16:57
hywwaylandbill: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/6031016:57
leogermaninikrud: yep16:57
Christozwaylandbill man... it's seems so hard to me the only thing appeared is  file with the name off  the folder that i 've just copied but can't acces it (looks like an empty text file)!!!16:57
RyanofGileadExteris: ok, hold on16:57
CShadowRunumm, i enabled my secondary display with the display manager and now when i login the screen goes yellow for like 10 seconds, then goes black displays a bunch of text and sends me back to the login screen16:57
biebnet||abuse: do you have to "subscribe" to new folders?16:57
nikrudleogermani: that seems very strange. are you running sudo gconf-editor ?16:57
CShadowRunontop of that the text in the username box is like 80px16:57
RyanofGileadExteris: Pasted16:57
CShadowRunand my primary display is scrollable? :S16:57
nikrudleogermani: don't, you're looking at root's config. just run  gconf-editor as your regular user16:57
waylandbillChristoz: what was the exact command you wrote to try to copy the folder?16:58
ExterisRyanofGilead, where?16:58
ere4siChristoz: what was the command you ran?16:58
kazim59My Ubuntu caught a virus!! Keybindings are changing... without reason!16:58
RyanofGileadpaste bin16:58
hywwaylandbill: is it allright?\16:58
NET||abusebieb, where's that?16:58
ExterisRyanofGilead, what's the url, because otherwise i cant see it16:58
recon69ok, can anyone tell my while i cant upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 ? tried the command  gksu "update-manager -c" but find no update16:58
wickedsmaatDoes anyone know how to "clone" an Ubuntu Installation?  Copy all system settings, all installed programs, all system and program preferences to another computer???16:58
nikrudleogermani: all the gconf settings are per user, it's not a system wide registry like windows is.16:58
waylandbillhyw: you said /dev/sdc2 earlier for your ubuntu partition right?16:58
RyanofGileadok, hold on16:58
RyanofGileadExteris: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60311/16:58
hywwaylandbill: yeah sdc216:59
Christozwaylandbill sudo cp -rv music/ /home/ftp/16:59
wickedsmaatDoes anyone know how to "clone" an Ubuntu Installation?  Copy all system settings, all installed programs, all system and program preferences to another computer???16:59
Exteriswickedsmaat, just copy over everything, and reinstall grub16:59
nikrud!clone | wickedsmaat16:59
ubotuwickedsmaat: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate16:59
kazim59PageDown opens Firefox (how??), and Ctrl+W in pidgin opens "New Message" when I used it to close tabs. How can these bindings changed?16:59
biebnet||abuse: somewhere in evolution. I am not sure if that is the answer, but give it a try16:59
nikrudwickedsmaat: and also copy over everything in /home/<username> , that has the user's personal settings and data16:59
Exterisuhm RyanofGilead what game is it? i really need more info16:59
waylandbillChristoz: big R  cp -Rv17:00
RyanofGileadExteris: Tibia, www.tibia.com17:00
wickedsmaatIs there a website that can walk me through this process???  I'm a noob at this stuff.17:00
NET||abusebieb, under the Folder->subscriptions menu's i see the gmail account and it lists the newly created folders, they are ticked... but they're not appearing on the left..WAIT!!17:00
kazim59wickedsmaat: is the other machine the same hardware?17:00
waylandbillNET||abuse: this may sound silly, but did you do a send/receive assuming it doesn't do it at startup?17:00
idefixare the fonts of kformula and kcontrol somehow connected to each other?17:00
leogermaninikrud: tks.. solved. I need this because Im writing a python script to copy data to ipod and pendrives.... but for this I need to know beforehand where they are going to be mounted... unless there is a way to find these devices thorough bash script or something17:00
bliffleWhich Heron alpha? mininova=alpha-6 and others are alpha-417:00
wickedsmaatNo, it's going FROM a Dell Ubuntu Desktop to a laptop I got from e-bay.17:00
ExterisRyanofGilead, can i see the rest of the output from the game?17:00
NET||abusebieb, yeh, it came up there,, dunno why it took so long,, possibly i have 20 different apps running on a 4 y/old laptop is why17:00
Christozwaylandbill so what i did ...?is there a possibility that the folder is transfered to the "lost*found:one?17:01
biebglad to help17:01
nikrudleogermani: it makes better sense to give the devices mountpoints imho17:01
pestilencehas anybody figured out ncaa march madness on demand???17:01
NET||abusebieb, and like the looney i am, I HAVE to have my compiz17:01
wickedsmaatNo, it's going FROM a Dell Ubuntu Desktop to a laptop I got from e-bay.17:01
NET||abusewaylandbill, thanks for the suggestion ;)17:01
NET||abusewaylandbill, all well now :)17:01
biebwickedsmaat: is it the same style laptop?17:01
waylandbillChristoz: if you did cp -rv, that's not the same as cp -Rv17:01
kazim59What should I do if I don't want my PgDn key to open Firefox?? Instead I want it to do a Page Down..... :( :(17:02
waylandbillhyw: I know your answer...17:02
RyanofGileadExteris: What do you mean by the rest of the output?17:02
wickedsmaatNo, it's going from a DESKTOP to a LAPTOP.17:02
ramseizeQuestion: im having a problem regarding on how to connect two laptops, what i mean is my internet connection is currently wired on my laptop, and i want to share an internet connection with the other laptop, is it still adhoc? what will i do? how will i do it? hoping for you kind help17:02
ExterisRyanofGilead, if you run it from a terminal, paste the full output17:02
IcemanV9pestilence: what was your issue? mine wasn't working. :-/ black screen; found out it was missing x-zip plugin17:02
DRebellionwaylandbill, Christoz, actually, both -r and -R (and --recursive) will copy directories17:02
hywwaylandbill: answer?17:02
omarGuys I'm having a problem with my desktop (I'm using Hardy Heron Alpha 5), All I can see is the taskbars, and the applications (windows). No background, no icons, not right-click menu.17:02
nikrudkazim59: did you do some kind of command binding to the pagedown key?17:02
biebwickedsmaat: not sure you can clone form desktop to laptop, different drivers and hardware17:02
waylandbillhyw: change this: root=UUID=22d1a0ea-91d5-43a6-b9eb-d5e3dba58819  to root=/dev/sdc217:02
pestilenceIcemanV9: it works this year?17:02
wickedsmaatokay, thanks.17:02
DRebellionomar, /join #ubuntu+117:02
omarCan any one help me please??17:02
Christozwaylandbill now gives me a permission denied statement17:03
kazim59nikrud: I swear, I didn't do anything. It happened all of a sudden.17:03
nikrudwaylandbill: using devices directly may cause issues down the road17:03
kazim59nikrud: I even don't know how to set keyboard bindings but...17:03
=== nevermore_ is now known as nevermore
ramseizeQuestion: im having a problem regarding on how to connect two laptops, what i mean is my internet connection is currently wired on my laptop, and i want to share an internet connection with the other laptop, is it still adhoc? what will i do? how will i do it? hoping for you kind help17:03
Christozwaylandbill wait a sec (sorry)17:03
waylandbillDRebellion: hmm.. darned if you aren't correct. I must've been thinking different command17:03
IcemanV9pestilence: yes, but all i got is black screen (cannot see anything)17:03
nikrudkazim59: are you using compiz?17:03
RyanofGileadExteris: That ws the full output17:03
waylandbillnikrud: as bad as not booting presently?17:03
pestilenceIcemanV9: oh, well it doesn't even load a plugin for me.  i just get an error message17:03
kazim59nikrud: no Nikrud.17:03
nikrudwaylandbill: as a short term solution, no :)17:04
omarDRebellion: Is this another Ubuntu room on IRC?17:04
biebnet||abuse: where were you able to add folders in gmail??17:04
kazim59nikrud: I checked the Keyboard Shortcuts app, and I found Launch Web Browser set to PgDn. But there's a greater trouble here.17:04
DRebellionomar, it is the hardy room17:04
ExterisRyanofGilead, does it say Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". before that?17:04
Christozwaylandbill nope didn't work either17:04
RyanofGileadExteris: No17:05
sveakexhey, i am on a sony vgn-c2s laptop, when i plug in my headphones the normal speakers are not muted17:05
sveakexhow can i solve this?17:05
waylandbillnikrud: I have a feeling his UUID changed and he can't boot. Simpler solution than determining his new UUID.17:05
kazim59nikrud: for example Launch Calculator is set to 0xa1, Launch help is 0xf5... what are these keys?17:05
omarDRebellion: Thanks, but I couldn't find it in  the list. (I'm using XChat)17:05
IcemanV9pestilence: my other box is running on dapper; it gives me an error message saying that i need to update the plugin (new window media player)17:05
DRebellionomar, that's odd17:05
erUSULomar: and other language support rooms17:05
recon69Christoz: so you login does not have permision eather to read the file or right in the directory you trying to copy them to. you can eather change the permissions or change your user17:05
pestilenceIcemanV9: thats the one17:05
NET||abusebieb, no no,, hah,, it's labels, the way gmail(googlemail) works is when you create labels for your emails, the imap store creates a folder with that label name, then emails with that label are symlinked to the folder17:05
nikrudkazim59:   run gconf-editor /apps/gnome-settings-daemon/keybindings , you can change it there. Those are the keycodes for keys that aren't named, like pgup17:06
omarerUSUL: can you name some?17:06
ere4siChristoz: can you - in you're file browser - right click the /home/ftp folder select properties and check who owns it?17:06
nikrudkazim59: try setting www  to  a blank17:06
hywwaylandbill: there are many lines with these numbers and letters shall I change them all?17:06
erUSUL!es i'm op there | omar17:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es i'm op there - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:06
tgillespiehi, does anyone use glade? how can i make a 'wizard like' interface, similar to the one used by gnome-pilot in evolution17:06
biebnet||abuse: gotcha... I was wondering, I was going to go into gmail and start creating folders and moving stuff around. I already have labels setup17:06
erUSUL!es | i'm op there omar17:06
hywwaylandbill: 3 actally17:06
ubotui'm op there omar: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:06
arashubotu totem17:07
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:07
kazim59nikrud: thanks nikrud, I've set it to blank. And it is fine now. But one more problem...17:07
waylandbillhyw: shouldn't be a problem.17:07
omarerUSUL: can you name some?17:07
erUSULomar: where are you from?17:07
* nikrud makes a note to stay out of es17:07
omarerUSUL: I'm from Jordan17:07
LainyDoes anyone know how to change system beep into speaker beep?17:07
nikrudkazim59: ?17:07
* erUSUL makes a mental note about nikrud ... XD17:07
DRebellionLainy, you mean hardware buzzer to actual speakers?17:08
kazim59nikrud: I used to use Ctrl+W to close tabs in pidgin (also in firefox etc.). This fine morning, I found that Ctrl+W opens up "New Instant Message" dialogbox. #pidgin has no clue.17:08
IcemanV9pestilence: dang. yea. i am disappointed that there is no update plugin in the repo. *sigh* even on the latest version of ubuntu, it just showed black screen. pretty much useless.17:08
LainyDRebellion: Yes17:08
recon69hell, think i going to have to use windows till next LTS comes out.17:08
Df_YzHello all.17:08
jpatrick!hi | Df_Yz17:08
ubotuDf_Yz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:08
Df_YzCan you help me?17:08
jpatrick!ask | Df_Yz17:08
ubotuDf_Yz: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:08
Christozere4si owner:root group:nogroup17:08
tgillespierecon69 why whats up?17:08
erUSULomar: usually the loco channels are #ubuntu-<iso code of country>17:08
Exterisrecon69, the next version will come out in less than a week or 2, and that ones a lts17:08
kazim59nikrud: Didn't update pidgin. But now even the menu shows "New Instant Message Ctrl+W". How can a binding change overnight?17:09
hywwaylandbill: done17:09
sveakexhey, i am on a sony vgn-c2s laptop, when i plug in my headphones the normal speakers are not muted.17:09
=== insomninja_ is now known as insomninja
ere4siChristoz: and it's in you're /home folder?17:09
Christozere4si yep!17:09
nikrudkazim59: hm. very strange indeed. a sec, I don't use pidgin. Need to look at the configs17:09
waylandbillhyw: reboot and cross fingers.17:09
sveakexhow can i solve this issue?17:09
hywwaylandbill: lol17:09
recon69cant get my 6.06 to up grade to 6.10, and cant get my wireless working on 6.06.17:09
Exterisrecon69, i'd just reinstall to 8.0417:10
ere4siChristoz: you need to chown that folder17:10
ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/17:10
tgillespierecon69 why not install 7.10?17:10
Df_YzI'm need to apply IMQ patch on iptables. In IMQ FAQ people says, that I must apply it on sources from netfilter.org17:10
waylandbillhyw: the hd(2,1) should be okay for sdc2, so you should be good to go17:10
DRebellionrecon69, just clean install 8.0417:10
kazim59nikrud: Well thanks. Thats one strange thing in my ubuntu experience (which has been very good for many years) :)17:10
Df_Yzp.s. sory for my bad English :)17:10
iNeosveakex: thats normal a hardware switch and not software17:10
Christozere4si can you guide me please?17:10
rwycuffxomp: orinoco_usb driver is that installed on your laptop17:10
Df_YzHow I can debianise package after patch?17:10
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/17:10
biebkazim: on pidgin 2.2.1 Ctrl+m = new instant message17:10
Df_Yz*debianize source17:10
hywwaylandbill: no such partition :S17:10
nikrudkazim59: try putting the mouse cursor over the close window menu item, and pressing ctl-w17:10
sveakexiNeo, so how can i solve it? on vista i didn't have this issue17:11
iNeosveakex: Are you not using the line-out17:11
ere4siChristoz: sudo chown -Rv :you:you /home/ftp - you = your login name and make sure the folder name is right17:11
recon69tgillespie: well one of the reasons i stopped using windows was having to reinstall it every 6 months or so. doing good with 6.06, got a good two years and would not change only for wpa not working with my card.17:11
iNeosveakex:  ???, I don't no17:11
kazim59nikrud: Beeps.17:11
nikrudno change?17:12
sveakexiNeo, it's alright, it's just really weird.17:12
ere4siChristoz: sudo chown -Rv you:you /home/ftp17:12
iNeosveakex: I agree17:12
hywwaylandbill: I would reinstall but I hope I wouldnt confront the same issue17:12
kazim59nikrud: No. Earlier, "New Instant Message" was Ctrl+M, I clearly remember.17:13
Christozere4si console says :invalid group17:13
biebkazim59: you are correct I have 2.2.1 running Ctrl+M = New Instant Message17:13
nikrudkazim59: what I'm trying to do is use the gtk system for changing keystrokes. A sec, while I look for how to enable17:13
waylandbillhyw: I would think that a re-install would fix it. I wouldn't recommend that unless you have good backups already.17:13
benkong2hello all17:14
recon69Christoz: did you yous your group name instead of "you"17:14
Christozere4si actually this:chown: `:chemical:chemical': invalid group17:14
benkong2can wgetpaste be used on ubuntu?17:14
kazim59bieb: an angel has changed it to Ctrl+W for me. Overnight.17:14
Df_YzI'm need to apply IMQ patch on iptables. In IMQ FAQ people says, that I must apply it on sources from netfilter.org. So, I download sources and patch, do what I need to patch. How I can make a debian package "in Ubuntu(Debian) way"? I think, threre is many another patches\addons in repo package.17:14
hywwaylandbill: its a new install nothing to backup17:14
biebkazim59: nice angel17:14
Christozere4si chemical is me17:14
hywwaylandbill: but how can I fix the root problem so that it does not occur again17:14
ere4siChristoz: there was a typo - sudo chown -Rv chemical:chemical /home/chemical/ftp17:15
ibrahimkocyigithi guys17:15
kazim59nikrud: Hey nikrud, I changed it to Ctrl+M the way you told me. I didn't know if GTK allowed to make shortcuts like that? Is this a general way?17:15
waylandbillhyw: oh. you just installed and it's doing that? I thought you had done some hardware changes. :-/17:15
nikrudkazim59: gconf-editor/desktop/gnome/interface/can_change_accels , enable that and try the mouse over the menu item, press preferred keys17:15
xomprwycuff, not that I know of.17:15
nikrudkazim59: yes17:15
LainyDoes anyone know how to change the system beep so that my speakers beep instead?17:15
kazim59nikrud: Thanks. I've set Ctrl+W for the Close item. And its working now...17:15
kazim59nikrud: I guess sometime I may've made this accident of changin accels. Since I really don't believe on angels...17:16
IcemanV9is there x-gzip decoder plugin for totem?? i got an error message that it is missing.17:16
nikrudkazim59: you might want to go to that gconf-editor key and disable it after you have them back to normal17:16
Christozere4si no it wasn't the folder of mine that  my friend is seeing through gFTP is /home/ftp17:16
rwycuffxomp : ok was this wireless card built in17:16
hywwaylandbill: yeah lol I just reinstalled actually, was having Grub Error 17 before yesterday and fixed it with fixmbr windows recovery console17:16
kazim59nikrud: Thanks a lot. You solved 2 problems today.17:16
Christozere4si no it wasn't.... the folder of mine that  my friend is seeing through gFTP is /home/ftp17:16
nikrudkazim59: makes up for yesterday ;)17:16
xomprwycuff, sort of yes, it attaches to the top of the laptop and according to ubuntu, it's using the prism2_usb driver out of box17:16
=== lmr_ is now known as lmr[lunch]
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beta - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:17
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:17
waylandbillhyw: any idea what led to the error 17? did something change?17:17
ere4siChristoz: the typo was the extra : in front of you:you17:17
jdecostei have an error with my xorg.conf17:17
jdecostefor some reason my keyboard ain't working anymore17:17
salmanderwhich pci-e hardware raid5 card would you guys recommend that is supported by either opensuse or ubuntu/debian out of the box?17:17
rwycuffxomp:and this wireless card mac is in your mac filter right17:17
biebsalmander: 3ware17:18
Christozere4si so is this the right one? sudo cchown -Rv :chemical: /home/ftp17:18
xomprwycuff, yes.17:18
Christozere4si so is this the right one? sudo cchown -Rv :chemical /home/ftp17:18
hywwaylandbill: lol I messed up with ubuntu it was a new install so I erased the drive tried to install again and it led to grub error 1717:18
waylandbillhyw: how many hard drives are in your box? 3?17:18
hywwaylandbill: yeah17:18
sveakexcan anybody help me with sound issues?17:18
ibrahimkocyigiti have never used ubuntu but i want to. so i downloaded 7.10 amd and wrote it to a cd. my computer is hp tx1000 (amd). i boot my computer from cd. and try to install ubuntu. but a white screen comes, and nothing else happens. before the white screen it says 'can't set the system clock' etc. what do you think is the problem? (ps: there is vista on my computer and i did not uninstall it and...17:18
ibrahimkocyigit...formatted my computer)17:18
Christozere4si so is this the right one? sudo chown -Rv :chemical /home/ftp17:18
dhaiemsi want join chat17:18
ere4siChristoz: sudo chown -Rv chemical:chemical /home/ftp17:19
xomprwycuff, for some reason I think maybe there's an issue with my network. Seems I'm having probs throught the house with certain pc's. My media center PC can't get online either now for some reason, but I have 2 other pc's that can get online (these are all wired connections not wireless). So something is awry :(17:19
hywwaylandbill: 1 storage 1 windows 1 ubuntu17:19
rwycuffxomp:ok that other driver i said is one on line that is also known to work17:19
dhaiemsi want join chat17:19
rwycuffxomp:what kinda router you use17:20
Picidhaiems: What are you looking for?17:20
xomprwycuff, yeah, awhile back ago I heard of the orinco drivers heeh. I use a linksys router currently.17:20
dhaiemsno apa bisa di report17:20
Christozere4si yupee!!! you are a Diamond17:20
highhey guys im in dire of some Serious help!... i installed alsa drivers according to instructions found online... and i am not getting any sound... dmesg returns the following error !  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60302/17:20
biebdhaiems: then jump in and chat17:20
Pici!id | dhaiems17:20
ubotudhaiems: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:20
waylandbillhyw: it has to be that grub doesn't think it's hd(2,1) if grub is giving the error. I'm trying to figure out how to get grub to list the devices it sees.17:20
ibrahimkocyigitcan anyone help me please?17:20
dhaiemsyes i want to joint, im indonesia man17:21
ere4siChristoz: happy for you :)17:21
Picidhaiems: type /join #ubuntu-id17:21
biebibrahimkocyigit: did you say you did NOT uninstall Vista?17:21
hywwaylandbill: u said earlier that super grub disk can cause issues17:21
gem2501waylandbill: grub has tab-completion17:21
ibrahimkocyigityes i did not :(17:21
rwycuffxomp:have yuo tried power cycling the thing to see if that fixes the other pc's17:21
hywwaylandbill: and I used that disk to install grub17:21
biebibrahimkocyigit: desktop or laptop?17:22
Christozere4si i have to read the book17:22
dhaiemspici i want join17:22
ibrahimkocyigithp tx100017:22
xomprwycuff, nope, lemmee try (may disconnect here) :)17:22
ere4siChristoz: it takes practise17:22
chdstwaylandbill: To get grub to do tab completion on devices, it's not completely intuitive. Try root (<tab> to get a list.17:22
biebibrahimkocyigit: you will probably have to use the Ubuntu alternate CD17:22
ere4siChristoz: I read here then practise17:22
ibrahimkocyigitthat's the fifth cd i used..17:22
chdst...if tha tmakes any sense. :)17:22
hywwaylandbill: because I installed ubuntu but the grub was missing dunno why so it just boots to windows after the installation17:22
ibrahimkocyigitand a dvd =(17:22
ibrahimkocyigiti downloaded it three times17:23
biebibrahimkocyigit: the alternate Cd does not use the GUI installer17:23
dhaiemshow are you17:23
rockcityviGood day everyone17:23
sinboxhigh try in #alsa17:23
Christozere4si yes reading & practicing17:23
ibrahimkocyigitoh ok. i will search information about alternate cs17:23
ibrahimkocyigitthanx bieb17:23
waylandbillhyw: if you did fixmbr, it put a windows boot loader. You need to put grub in place of that.17:23
anteayamy goal it to get my EDIROL UA-25 external sound card working with ubuntu feisty.  I am dual booted with Windows XP and the UA-25 came with software for windows but none for linux.  Where should I begin?17:23
biebibrahimkocyigit: in ubuntu forums, do a search for your model laptop. there were good instructions for my HP laptop17:24
Seveasanteaya, plug it in and see is ubuntu autodetects it17:24
waylandbillhyw: the hd(x,x) to put in grub all depends on the drive you told the bios is your boot drive or your boot order.17:24
hywwaylandbill: now I have a grub used super grub disk to fix linux17:24
ibrahimkocyigitbieb: thanks..17:24
feveldoes anyone have any experience using vncserver, when I login to remotely control my ubuntu box it displays me an ugly X screen with a terminal in a window instead of gnome, can anybody help me?17:24
biebibrahimkocyigit: glad to help17:24
anteayaSeveas: i have and there is no power going to the sound card so I would have to assume no detection17:24
Svenstarofevel, type "gnome-session" in the terminal17:25
anteayaSeveas: or is there a command to confirm this?17:25
waylandbillhyw: and you installed it to your windows drive or your linux drive?17:25
cptmorganwhat package do i lock if i dont want the kernel to be updated? linux-kernel-version or linux-kernel-generic17:25
tiaxis there a way to use MS VirtualPC images under Ubuntu? A converter or something?17:25
rockcityviWill I have any problems using a shared network printer that is on a windows machine?17:25
hywwaylandbill: ubuntu?17:25
Seveasanteaya, try #alsa, they're good at soundcards17:25
nauwrais there a way to modify window behavior in gnome via a text config file? trying to have right-click rollup windows.17:25
Seveastiax, no17:25
anteayaSeveas: thank you17:25
hywwaylandbill: installed ubuntu or grub?17:26
waylandbillhyw: the drive you installed grub to. Your ubuntu drive?17:26
hywwaylandbill: not sure really just loaded the cd then chose fix linux17:26
biebtiax: there is no converter, but you can try Virtual Box, it is available for Windows and Linux17:26
fevelSvenstaro, on the terminal that appears from the remote machine right?17:26
alwrwr2003from where can i install GTK?17:26
tiaxSeveas: really, nothing? I've read some guys talk about an import feature in vmware-server, but that menu item is missing in my installation from gutsy-partner repos17:26
Svenstarofevel, yes17:27
cst-studentcan anyone point me in the direction of getting a doc for ubuntu?17:27
jastivI installed build-essential but I'm still not able to configure.17:27
biebcst-student: what doc?17:27
waylandbillhyw: It may be a bit of a hack but, since hd(2,1) doesn't work, try hd(1,1) and hd(0,1) and see if they make a difference.17:27
Seveas!comipiling | jastiv17:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about comipiling - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:27
cst-studentbieb, like a icon doc17:27
leogermaniwhats the easiest way to make any pendrive or ipod to be mounted allways at the same mountpoint (even if I can use onlu one at a time)??17:27
tiaxbieb: too bad. It's just that I have some premade images (windows+ie -testing images from microsoft.com) I want to use for webdev testing etc17:27
biebcst-student: have you searched Ubuntu forums?17:27
alwrwr2003guys how can i install GTK+?17:28
biebtiax: I see... yeah that bites17:28
cst-studentbieb, nope17:28
shandy /join #django17:28
recon69jastiv: think you need to install "make" to use configure17:28
hywwaylandbill: hmm how do I try17:28
Seveasleogermani, give them the same disklabel17:28
biebcst-student: check there first, they would have the most docs https://help.ubuntu.com/17:29
waylandbillhyw: by mounting sdc2 to /mnt and editing /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst and trying each one.17:29
leogermaniSeveas: impossible. the idea is exactly to get any pendrive ... even unknown ones17:29
recon69jastiv: look up "make" in packet manager and see if you have it installed17:29
nauwraalwrwr2003, ubuntu comes with gtk+ 2 by default17:29
* grumpy_gramps I have a new ubuntu 7.10 install and my pentium III box is id'd as an i386. Consequently many of the shipped apps will not install. Is this usual?17:29
Seveasleogermani, modify udev rules17:29
alwrwr2003i can't install pidgin 2.4 it says i don't have GTK+17:30
biebgrumpy not that I know of17:30
alwrwr2003You must have the GTK+ 2.0 development headers installed to compile Pidgin.17:30
alwrwr2003If you want to build only Finch then specify --disable-gtkui when running configure.17:30
leogermaniSeveas: can you point me where I learn to do that?17:30
alwrwr2003this is the msg i got17:30
Seveasleogermani, looking already :O)17:30
CShadowRuncan anyone take a look at my xorg.conf and try and get my secondary display to work?17:30
Jack_Sparrowalwrwr2003, you can get that in a deb from getdeb.net  i believe17:30
tiaxalwrwr2003: try the .deb files from getdeb.net17:30
CShadowRuni tried using this tutorial and managed to make aticonfig core dump...yay.17:30
leogermaniCShadowRun: what video card youre using?17:30
CShadowRunATI Radeon X1600 (Dual head)17:31
tiaxalwrwr2003: or if you must compile it yourself, try typing apt-get build-dep pidgin first, that would install its dependencies17:31
KiraHi guys.17:31
alwrwr2003k thank a will try now17:31
hywwaylandbill: will boot wih LiveCD now17:31
CShadowRunhttp://rafb.net/p/1DPT0F77.html heres my xorg.conf :P17:31
biebgrumpy_gramps: what apps?17:31
* grumpy_gramps bieb xChat17:32
KiraWhat should I install if I want to run my own mail server? libnet-smtp-server-perl?17:32
waylandbillhyw: okay. good luck. I'll cross my fingers. :-D17:32
ricko12345can i extract .tar archive in windows17:32
biebgrumpy_gramps: is there an error? how are you trying to install?17:32
erUSULricko12345: yes most archive programs support them17:32
ffazziohello all. I am currently stuck, and was hoping I could bother the channel for assistance please.17:32
hywwaylandbill: lol but I dont really know where to change the hd thingy in menu.lst17:32
Jack_Sparrowalwrwr2003, http://getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=pidgin17:32
erUSULricko12345: winrar; 7zip; peazip etc17:32
* grumpy_gramps I use add/remove17:33
dgjones!ask | ffazzio17:33
ubotuffazzio: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:33
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caceresahow to enable ATI  acce17:33
biebgrumpy_gramps: try this... open a terminal... type in   sudo apt-get install xchat17:33
Seveasleogermani, it should be somewhere in /etc/udev17:33
caceresahow to enable ATI   dirvers17:33
Seveasbut I can't find it :)17:33
waylandbillhyw: the root line.17:33
hywwaylandbill: isnt there a way to erase everything and start from scratch17:33
* grumpy_gramps thank you bieb I'll try it17:34
benkong2could someone tell my how to correct this apt-error http://pastebin.ca/95054317:34
=== Spec is now known as Spec[x]
biebgrumpy_gramps: ok.. let us know if it works or if there is another error17:35
ffazzioI have a 7.10 install, that I was performing an update of Envy on from Ubuntu4 to Ubuntu7, during the update via double clicking the .deb package I accidently hit cancel.  This caused the installer to fail, and not respond.  So I rebooted my PC.  Now when I try to boot into Ubuntu normal or recovery I get the following error: unable to execute /bin/sh for rcS: No such file or directory17:35
waylandbillhyw: when you reinstall you tell it to format, but I'd try changing grub's root argument. It doesn't always follow the same order as device names from the kernel.17:35
H0lyD4wghow can i open two gnome sessions simultaneously?17:35
caceresahow enable ATI graphics Driver ?17:35
ffazzioI boot from the liveCD to try and mount my OS install and I am unable to mount the FS to perform diagnostics.17:35
caceresahow to enable ATI graphics Driver ?17:35
caceresahow to enable ATI graphics Driver ?17:35
ritalinwhats the command to fetch the google earth after you install the google earth package?17:36
LjL-Temp!repeat | caceresa17:36
ubotucaceresa: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:36
erUSUL!ati | caceresa17:36
ubotucaceresa: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:36
leogermaniSeveas: neuther do I17:36
LjL-Tempritalin: err... if you have installed the package, then it's installed and there is nothing to fetch.17:36
erUSULffazzio: can you give as the error you get??17:36
LjL-Tempritalin: i personally would suggest you get the package from Medibuntu17:36
benkong2updated http://pastebin.ca/95054617:36
ritalinLjL-Temp: it doesnt install the package, it allows you to build your own17:36
ritalingoogle wont allow you redistirbute it17:36
ritalin!google earth17:37
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository17:37
LjL-Temp!medibuntu | ritalin17:37
uboturitalin: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:37
fabouneyWhat directory is remanded to install an application ?17:37
armandhow can i get new version of ubuntu17:37
LjL-Tempfabouney: if it's an application you're building yourself, /usr/local or /opt17:37
dfshey guys!~ im having the hardest time starting my sound card drivers... i installed the newest alsa drivers and after that no sound worked!>.. dmesg returns the following error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60302/17:37
LjL-Temp!ubuntu | armand17:37
ubotuarmand: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:37
fabouneyfor example i install Flex builder IDE17:37
ffazzioerUSUL: I boot into the console, issue sudo fdisk -l and I see three partitions /dev/sda1 ID 83 / System Linux :: /dev/sda2 ID 5 System Extended and /dev/sda5 ID 8e Linux LVM17:38
ffazziothe /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda5 both have the same start and end blocks.17:38
fabouneyLjL-Temp, For exemple i've installed Flex Builder17:38
ricko12345is there a way to tweak net speed in ubuntu becouse i did in suse17:38
ffazzioi tried to so a mount /dev/sda2 /mnt and mount /dev/sda5 /mnt and both say I must specify a filesystem type.  I tried ext2 to no avail.17:38
HugoBI'm trying to install ubuntu. All goes fine until setup starts detecting hardware. Then it just hangs there. Either it doesnt like my SS2 or the USB WIFI adapter.. What to do?17:39
FastZwhat port are you supposed to on when using IRC?  6667 is one of them, what's the other one?17:39
LjL-Tempfabouney, no idea about it, just don't touch /usr. use /usr/local or /opt (/opt being more apt for programs that don't follow the normal unix directory conventions)17:39
biebfastZ there are a few ports 6669 is another17:39
ffazziofastz: i think it's tcp 6660 - 666917:39
peter77if I install php5 on my ubuntu gutsy system will that enable me to run php scripts locally as if they were on a server?17:40
FastZwhat is the one that you sometimes get here in #ubuntu saying there's a security flaw in one port and you need to switch to using another one instead17:40
IcemanV9pestilence: are u still there?17:40
LjL-Temppeter77: uh, "as if they were on a server" - no, you need a server, such as apache2. of course you can then just reach it locally.17:40
FastZi know a few times before i got kicked from this channel for using the default IRC port17:40
peter77installed apache217:40
LjL-Temppeter77: otherwise, you can install "php5-cli" and use it as a scripting language like many - but nothing to do with the web17:41
LjL-Temppeter77: then yes.17:41
LjL-Temp!lamp > peter7717:41
biebfastz: try 666917:41
AldarHawkI am having major issues with my wireless card (again).  I run a dmesg and get the error: wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13).  the only problem I have is this used to work until recently.  Anyone know what I can do to fix this?17:41
Yanch0is there any type of trashbin in ubuntu? if yes how can i go to it so i empty it please?17:41
minimecdfs: did you modify 'sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base' with 'options snd-hda-intel model=MODEL17:42
FesekIs anyone else having trouble downloading package info from the repositories?17:42
SeveasYanch0, look at the bottom right of your screen17:42
dfsminimec: no i didnt lemme try!17:42
Yanch0great thanks Seveas :)17:42
peter77I also take it setting this up on my laptop will not cause any performance issues?17:42
hywwaylandbill: which root line do I have to change in here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60318/17:42
minimecdfs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto (at the end)17:42
peter77as I will only be using it for testing and not public access17:42
minimecdfs:  in the last third ;)17:42
waylandbillhyw: line 13117:43
HugoBI'm trying to install ubuntu. All goes fine until setup starts detecting hardware. Then it just hangs there. Either it doesnt like my SS2 or the USB WIFI adapter.. What to do?17:43
erUSULffazzio: if you are using lvm you may have to specify a different /dev/* node not just the partition directly17:43
ere4siHugoB: ss2?17:43
HugoBskystar 217:43
hywwaylandbill: to (hd1,1) and reboot?17:44
HugoBhow come it hangs17:44
* grumpy_gramps on execution it reports not found17:44
benkong2I have an apt-get install -f problem would someone mind looking here http://pastebin.ca/950546 and advise me on how to proceed?17:44
keithclarkWhy is it that when I share a folder through smb that it asks me for a password on a remote computer?  I tried the same one as I log in on on the hosting machine and it does not work17:44
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biebgrumpy_gramps: how did you execute?17:45
chdstHugoB: Is the installer completely frozen at that point, or do you think you've be able to "Alt+F4" to get a more useful error message than, well, no error message.17:45
caceresahow to enable ATI graphics Driver on terminal ?17:45
caceresahow to enable ATI graphics Driver on terminal ?17:45
AldarHawkI am having major issues with my wireless card (again).  I run a dmesg and get the error: wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13).  the only problem I have is this used to work until recently.  Anyone know what I can do to fix this?17:45
* grumpy_gramps in the term window I executed the command string you suggested17:45
hywwaylandbill: sorry I just started using linux few days back17:45
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:45
caceresahow to enable ATI graphics Driver on terminal ?17:45
caceresahow to enable ATI graphics Driver on terminal ?17:45
Yanch0is it safe to remove ubuntu-desktop ? trying to remove gnome-games and it needs to remove ubunt-desktop too17:45
caceresahow to enable ATI graphics Driver on terminal ?17:45
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:46
biebgrumpy_gramps you mean the apt-get fails?17:46
HugoBchdst: it froze completely17:46
dfsminimec: what do i put for MODEL? cause when i do cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec ... itsays directly not found17:46
* grumpy_gramps yes17:46
taime1_question about console-kit-daemon.... is it caused by fast user switching?17:46
HugoBchdst: I can try again and perhaps get the error message, alt+f4 that is?17:46
tiara299hi there17:46
tiara299hi there, reach me at tiara299@tradeyourpics.com17:47
caceresahow to enable ATI graphics Driver on terminal ?17:47
biebgrumpy_gramps: sudo apt-get install xchat  you enter your password and what is the exact error?17:47
caceresahow to enable ATI graphics Driver on terminal ?17:47
AldarHawkI am having major issues with my wireless card (again).  I run a dmesg and get the error: wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13).  the only problem I have is this used to work until recently.  Anyone know what I can do to fix this?17:47
Slartcaceresa: there is no point in repeating every 30 secs.. wait at least 5 minutes before repeating17:47
chdstHugoB: It's probably worth a shot. I asked because I'm not familiar enough with that step of the install process or hardware compatibility to hazard a guess. If there was a good error message in the installer debug logs, though, we might be able to get to the root of the problem more quickly.17:48
dabbillWhat is the wine channel?17:48
meanoflifeserver irc.freenode.net17:48
Slartdabbill: #winehq17:48
LjL-Tempdabbill: first left the beer one. but also #winehq17:48
dabbillSlart, thanks17:48
taime1_what is fast user switching? is it the same as logging out and then in again as a different user?17:48
waylandbillhyw: try hd(1,1) and if unsuccessful hd(0,1)17:49
rockcityviWill I be able to use a shared printer that is a windows network?17:49
HugoBchdst: how do I see the deubg logs17:49
rockcityvion a windows network, I mean17:49
Slarttaime1_: I think it keeps the apps and stuff running for the first user.. even while the second one is logged in..17:49
xqtaime1_: But retaining user settings, windows and current states when you log in/out17:49
xqSlart: yep! correcto.17:49
taime1_how do i use it?17:49
=== Sinn3rman is now known as Sinnerman
Some_PersonI'm having trouble getting aMSN to run17:50
Slarttaime1_: press the little exit icon.. the door thingy.. and "switch user"17:50
Some_PersonI get a huge long error17:50
taime1_oh duh...17:50
digin4i'm having trouble waking up early17:50
hywwaylandbill: just tried 0,1 didn twork now trying 1.117:50
chdstHugoB: That's what's being printed to the 4th virtual console during the install. Sorry to change up terms on you. It's genreally only useful to look at that if something breaks on you. :)17:50
taime1_well, can that feature be removed?17:50
Stupid^Kidcan some one give me a copy of file /etc/init.d/vsftpd17:50
chdstHugoB: You can hit Alt+F4 to view it, and Alt+F1 to return to the installer UI.17:50
Some_PersonCan someone help me? aMSN wont run!17:50
erUSULStupid^Kid: reinstall the package?17:51
Slarttaime1_: why would you want to do that?.. just curious..17:51
SeveasSome_Person, pastebin the error17:51
Some_PersonSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60319/17:51
fabouneywhere i can get the lastest sourcelist ?17:51
HugoBchdst: alright, thanks, I'll go try again17:51
benkong2fabouney: !sources17:51
SeveasSome_Person, reinstall amsn17:51
erUSULfabouney: there is no such a thing  "lastest sourcelist"17:51
taime1_slart: well, i read that fast user switching is what causes console-kit-daemon to run... and i dont want to have to kill it all the time, plus, i dont use fast user switching17:51
* grumpy_gramps Reading package list done; building dependency tree; reading state information....done; E: Couldn't find package xchat17:51
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:52
jake2point0i need to install ndiswrapper 1.28 but i have a higher version installed already.  how do i get the older version17:52
Seveasgrumpy_gramps, don't abuse the /me command17:52
biebgrumpy_gramps: sudo apt-get update17:52
Stupid^Kidi install it with source , and finish my configure ,so i'm afraid if i reinstall it something may goes bad17:52
Yanch0is it safe to remove ubuntu-desktop ? trying to remove gnome-games and it needs to remove ubunt-desktop too17:52
AldarHawkI am having major issues with my wireless card (again).  I run a dmesg and get the error: wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13).  the only problem I have is this used to work until recently.  Anyone know what I can do to fix this?17:52
Stupid^KiderUSUL: i install it with source , and finish my configure ,so i'm afraid if i reinstall it something may goes bad17:52
Tobias92The monodevelop 1.0 wont compile on my feisty box. Are there any deb packages available yet?17:52
SeveasYanch0, it is safe17:53
* grumpy_gramps bieb ok17:53
Slarttaime1_: hmm.. ok.. well.. all I found was this forum-thread.. perhaps there is something useful there http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70067517:53
Some_PersonSeveas: didnt work17:53
biebgrumpy_gramps did it run?17:53
SeveasSome_Person, what did you do to reinstall?17:53
Some_PersonSeveas: sudo apt-get remove amsn tcl8.5 tk8.5 && sudo apt-get install amsn17:53
taime1_Slart:  cheers17:54
jake2point0i need to install ndiswrapper 1.28 but i have a higher version installed already.  how do i get the older version17:54
SeveasSome_Person, you might need to move your ~/.amsn out of the way17:54
Yanch0Seveas oki thanks - for a second i thought i would break ubuntu17:54
bullgard4What is the filename of the Gnome Quit dialog?17:54
SeveasSome_Person, which version of ubuntu do you use, what does 'apt-cache policy amsn' say?17:54
erUSULStupid^Kid: i'm sure that in the source tarball there is a sample config file17:54
nikrudYanch0: the only issue will have is when you upgrade to the next version, you'll want to have ubuntu-desktop installed to make sure you get a good upgrade17:55
Some_PersonSeveas: gutsy, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60320/17:55
Yanch0ok thanks nikro17:55
jake2point0i need to install ndiswrapper 1.28 but i have a higher version installed already.  how do i get the older version17:55
Yanch0nikrud* will install it before i upgrade then17:55
* grumpy_gramps bieb something happened it fetchet 1B in 1s then reported Reading package lists done17:55
AldarHawkI am having major issues with my wireless card (again).  I run a dmesg and get the error: wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13).  the only problem I have is this used to work until recently.  Anyone know what I can do to fix this?17:55
Seveasgrumpy_gramps, don't abuse the /me command17:56
nikrud!gutsysources | grumpy_gramps (you don't have universe most likely)17:56
ubotugrumpy_gramps (you don't have universe most likely): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).17:56
biebok.. now run the apt-get install command again17:56
Some_PersonSeveas: and moving my ~/.amsn folder didnt help17:56
Stupid^KiderUSUL: yes, i  want the script used to start/stop/restart the deamon, maybe i can write it myself , but now i don't know howto17:56
SeveasSome_Person, which version of ubuntu do you use, what does 'apt-cache policy amsn' say?17:56
Some_PersonSeveas: gutsy, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60320/17:56
jake2point0haha i stumped all the linux gurus17:56
SeveasSome_Person, ah, you're using backports17:57
keithclarkWhy is it that when I share a folder through smb that it asks me for a password on a remote computer?  I tried the same one as I log in on on the hosting machine and it does not work17:57
Seveasnot supported17:57
=== burken_ is now known as burken
Some_PersonSeveas: yes17:57
nikrudjake2point0: what was the question? You're tempting fate :)17:57
jake2point0i need to install ndiswrapper 1.28 but i have a higher version installed already.  how do i get the older version17:57
nikrudjake2point0: uninstall the current version, compile the 1.2817:57
Seveasand your sources.list has feisty in it still -- pastebin yout sources.list please17:57
Some_PersonSeveas: and by the way, i want amsn with anti-aliased fonts, so the regular package wont work (anti-aliased fonts requires version compiled for tcl/tk8.5, which i believe that one is)17:58
AldarHawkath0 is strange17:58
* grumpy_gramps bieb it still reports that the package was not fount. Btw why is seveas telling me not to abuse the /me command?17:58
AldarHawkremove and installed the module seven times to get it to actually work17:58
t0rpmy ubuntu computer lost a connection to the internet after a restart, can anyone help me diagnose what's wrong?17:58
AldarHawkyeah tell me what dmesg says17:58
AldarHawkpastebin it17:58
gRaCiOsOwhat i need to do to return back to linux when im using windows xp on virtual box ???17:58
biebbecause every message you send has ***grumpy_gramps17:59
hischildgRaCiOsO, hit the right ctrl and it should let go of windows.17:59
biebgRaCiOsO: using Virtual Box? or VMware?17:59
nikrudgRaCiOsO: I'd try ctl-alt , see if that releases the mouse18:00
jake2point0nikrud ok i uninstalled it via synaptic package manager.  now how do i get ahold of 1.2818:00
nikrudgRaCiOsO: that's vmware-server, but might be the same18:00
SeveasSome_Person, gutsy doesn't even have tcl/tk 8.518:00
hischildnikrud, thats for vmware in general ... but as long as he uses the right ctrl it should let go as well18:00
biebgRaCiOsO: if you install the guest additions in VirtualBox then you wont have to "release" from the window18:00
SeveasSome_Person, you're way out of standard ubuntu practice there -- please don't count on support18:00
hywwaylandbill: congratulations! 1,1 worked!18:00
Some_PersonSeveas: then why does this package depend on tcl8.5 and tk8.5 and where is it getting those packages from?18:00
SeveasSome_Person, probably backports as well18:01
gRaCiOsObieb,  what is that?18:01
hywFinally, after 2 days I installed ubuntu18:01
nikrudjake2point0: a sec, the ndiswrapper site ( ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net ) seems donw18:01
biebgRaCiOsO: are you running VMWare? or Virtual Box?18:01
hywwaylandbill: thanks a bunch!18:01
Some_PersonSeveas: i'18:01
gRaCiOsOhischild,  i tryied18:01
hywand thanks everyone for helping18:01
Some_PersonSeveas: i'll try using http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64936418:01
jake2point0nikrud figures.  ill check it out18:02
gRaCiOsObieb,  virtual box18:02
nikrudjake2point0: you can get there from here: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list/18:02
jake2point0nikrud am i pming you correctly ... not sure18:02
waylandbillhyw: excellent. I knew it grub was seeing a different order. My UUID was an incorrect guess, but didn't hurt... for now. Congrats.18:02
biebok.. to release from the windows VB, click the Right Ctrl button18:02
nikrud!register | jake2point0 (and pm'ing without asking first is considered bad manners)18:02
ubotujake2point0 (and pm'ing without asking first is considered bad manners): By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.18:02
hywwaylandbill: thanks18:03
biebgRaCiOsO: did that work?18:03
jake2point0nikrud i dont pm unless the public pms me first18:03
=== _weltall is now known as weltall2
gRaCiOsObieb,  yeah it works thanks a lot18:03
hywwaylandbill:  there are 200 updates shall I install them all18:04
waylandbillhyw: seems kinda hackish to try each possibility until one worked, but can't argue with results. It was fun anyway. :-)18:04
waylandbillhyw: I don't see why not. Not much to lose at this point. :-D18:04
hywwaylandbill: I didnt expect it to be as easy as you typed it18:04
biebgRaCiOsO: at the top of the VB window click Devices>Install Guest Options, then the mouse wont be locked into the window18:04
hywwaylandbill: I thought there were would be more to adjust and change lol18:04
macddenconf has a notification type called teletype that works as I expect it to, but there is no way to set this as the type when doing dpkg-reconfigure debconf, ideaS?18:05
gRaCiOsObieb,  ok i will see it18:05
biebgRaCiOsO: np18:05
sveakexhello, i am having sounds issues on my laptop, can anybody help me?18:05
waylandbillhyw: now you know what to do when you buy a bigger hard drive.18:05
waylandbillhyw: or what you're in for I should say. hehe18:05
t0rpwhy is my internet not working?18:06
PriceChildI'm trying to get OpenPTC installed, anyone any experience with it?18:06
t0rp*im on irc on another computer18:06
DeanJHi guys, just a quickie, anyone know how to restore the ubuntu icons? I screwed mine up by messing about with them now they are all wrong sizes! ;_;18:06
nikrudmacd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf18:06
burkenanyone know when beta is here+18:06
biebt0rp: because you forgot to pay the internet bill?18:07
PriceChild!hardy | burken18:07
ubotuburken: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:07
Seveasburken, when it's released18:07
jake2point0nikrud ive downloaded it.  looks like a zip file .  how do i giter going18:07
macdnikrud, yeah tried that, teletype is not in the list18:07
t0rpno the network works, Im on it on another computer18:07
Some_PersonSeveas: dangit, i get the same error18:07
nikrud!compile | jake2point018:07
ubotujake2point0: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:07
waylandbillt0rp: could be any number of reasons. Is this ethernet, wireless? Has it worked before? LiveCD or hard drive install?18:07
hywwaylandbill: lol yeah lets just hope I wont confront another issue by tomorrow, I always have bad luck with ubuntu whenever I install it I'd face a problem wouldnt know how to fix it and am noob in linux then I'd just forget about ubuntu.. hopefully this time I will learn18:07
DeanJdoes anyone know how i can revert my Human icons, i messed them up by replacing them with the wrong sized files18:08
DeanJi was hoping i could d/l the originals and c&p them back to where they should be18:08
t0rpits wired it worked before the restart18:08
waylandbillhyw: get a book. I found it helps alot.18:08
t0rpi was messing around with non-working hibernate and standby stuff18:08
burkennot released yet .((18:08
SeveasDeanJ, reinstall the theme package18:08
DeanJthanks Seveas18:08
bieb!ubunto-br | simara18:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubunto-br - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:08
DeanJgood thinking18:08
hywwaylandbill: are there free pdfs online18:08
t0rphold on im trying a live gutsy cd18:09
biebhyw: help.ubuntu.com18:09
FinnishI've got a laptop with a fresh ubuntu gutsy 7.10-install18:09
waylandbillhyw: there's tons of info online. I find a book is nice for those times when you can't be online.18:09
FinnishVideo card is18:09
bluefoxx_how do i reset my keyboard shortcuts in gnome?18:09
FinnishATI Radeon XPress 110018:10
waylandbillt0rp: the big thing is if you have an ip address. That's what I'd check first.18:10
FinnishWith VESA, I can boot but ubuntu launches slowly18:10
FinnishSo what to do now?18:10
keithclarkHow do you share a folder over the network?  I've tried NFS and it never shows up, and SMB asks for a password of which I have no idea what that is.18:10
hywwaylandbill: yeah that would be interesting, though it wont be pratical18:10
hywbieb: thanks18:10
biebhyw: like waylandbill suggested there are some good books out for Ubuntu, and dont need internet for them and you can read them on the train or what-not18:11
waylandbillhyw: you can skip the book, if you just simply learn quickly.  You may try linuxbasics.org if you're completely noob.18:11
bieblinuxbasics are good people.. thats for sure18:12
hywwaylandbill: yeah that would be helpful as well am a real linux noob18:12
waylandbillI find there are times I like to read a little and not be online. Doing everything at the computer is good way to get an RSI.18:13
nikrudmacd: not sure, I've always mildly wondered where that was kept, looking for later18:13
hywbieb: heh I barely get on trains18:13
hywbieb: no trains here, though one is on progress18:13
macdnikrud, yeah it doesnt exist in debconf.conf, and theres really no way to edit the flatfile debconf uses for its "database"18:13
biebhyw: me either.. but was only analogy I came up with18:13
=== _weltall is now known as weltall
waylandbillbieb: repetitive stress injury18:13
AldarHawkokay new problem.  I have Ubuntu 7.10 and I am attempting to get the wireless working now that it is installed correctly.  I am doing a Static IP for the laptop with all the WEP encryption information.  I can ping anything internal to the network but when I attempt to ping externally it does not respond.  I attempted fixing the resolv.conf by forcing the nameservers but that is not working either.  any thoughts?18:14
hywwaylandbill: too many things to learn about actually, but it is a good idea to learn something and abandon microsoft18:14
waylandbillhyw: try the linuxbasics.org site. gives the fundamentals, which is very helpful.18:15
waylandbillAldarHawk: do you have the gateway set correctly and the routing?18:16
t0rpIve tried the live cd and Im not getting an internet connection, ifconfig looks strange too18:16
AldarHawkyes gateway is set to the wireless router.18:16
AldarHawkI have hard coded in the name servers for openDNS which worked before all the ath_pci problems I have been having18:16
Belisarivshi all18:16
AldarHawkrestarted networking and dhcdbd18:17
hywwaylandbill: looks nice and organized18:17
hywwaylandbill: many in google as well18:17
Genius314I installed Firestarter, but when I run the firewall, it gives me the error "The device eth0 is not ready." I am using a wireless connection, but it doesn't show up in preferences for FS.18:18
t0rpo wait i switched the port which i connect to on my switch and it started working, worked automatically, hehe, i guess there wasnt a good connection on that port18:18
salmanderbieb: 3ware which one?18:19
hywwaylandbill: thanks again for helping and I hope I was not a burden18:19
waylandbillt0rp: better than any alternative. :-D18:19
waylandbillhyw: it's snowing outside, so I'm indoors anyway.18:19
Some_PersonSeveas: I figured it out. I uninstalled tcl/tk8.4 and tcl/tk8.5, and reinstalled amsn. now it works18:19
waylandbillAldarHawk: and the routing table looks okay? The outside world is listed to go through the gateway?18:20
grumpy_grampshi all18:20
biebsalmander: you will have to look through and see which fits your needs, I think all the 3ware cards have good linux support18:20
hywwaylandbill: heh it only rained for 1 week this winter in here18:21
AldarHawkI will look at this later...to busy now :(18:21
=== bluefoxx__ is now known as bluefoxx
salmanderbieb I though they had software raid cards mostly18:21
tkoodacan anyone tell me if Ubuntu will run on a "Dell Precision M2300"??18:21
biebsalmander, I believe they are hardware raid18:21
waylandbillAldarHawk: you may try dig and/or tracert later to see if you even can make it out to the nameservers.18:22
DRebelliontkooda, what are the specs?18:22
grumpy_grampsI was booted for abuse of the /me command.  I didn't know and I apologize.  Thanks for the help from Bieb and Ubotu.  It solved my problem.18:22
salmander9650SE ?18:22
biebgrumpy_gramps: good deal18:22
bluefoxxhow do i reset my keyboard shortcuts in gnome?18:23
largosI'm having some problems with the fonts displayed by kpdf an evince, but only for some pdfs (it seems to be a subset of pdfs created on Windows that cause problems.)  The fonts are readable, but the characters are crammed very close together.  Example: http://ciscavate.org/data/evince.png18:23
keithclarkIs there a network specific irc channel?18:24
tkoodaDRebellion, http://laptoping.com/dell-precision-m2300.html .  (I'm confident I can get the NVIDIA graphics, intel 4965 wifi, and CD drive going.  dunno about hybernate, audio, etc??)18:24
waylandbilllargos: looks like a font you don't have on your system was used in the pdf and not included in the pdf.18:24
largoswaylandbill: that was my first thought too, but the same doc looks fine in Emacs with doc-view mode18:24
biebOT:  http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/03/20/stingray/index.html18:24
DRebellion!hcl (you may want to check here) | tkooda18:25
tkoodaDRebellion, http://tinyurl.com/35wz8d <-- Dell Precision M2300 specs from dell.com18:25
sveakexcan somebody please help me with my sound? the laptop speakers won't mute when i plug in my headphone18:25
DRebellion!hcl | tkooda18:25
ubotutkooda: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:25
bluefoxxops can you ban my other nick bluefoxx_ please? it keeps ghosting itself <<18:25
largoswaylandbill: emacs version: http://ciscavate.org/data/emacs.png18:25
waylandbilllargos: kpdf and emacs may be substituting with different fonts from the same family18:25
largoswaylandbill: ah..18:26
=== lmr[lunch] is now known as lmr
tkoodaDRebellion, yah, I couldn't find any mention of the "Dell Precision M2300" in the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ ?18:26
waylandbilllargos: if the font can't be found, the specification I think is just to find another font in the same family.18:26
DRebelliontkooda, try the individual hardware pieces18:27
computer13137I have a Ubuntu related question.  If I wanted to run Ubuntu 7.10 on a server, what is the upper limit for how much ram it can support?18:27
Seveascomputer13137, depends on whether you use the 32bot or 64bit version18:27
combatcomputer13137, depends on 32 or 64 bit18:27
crshmanhi all, i have a SW raid 5 with 8 SATA disks that's rebuilding right now but it's only going at 23MB/s seems a little slow....is that about right?18:27
combatcomputer13137, so its almost unlimited :D18:27
largoswaylandbill: do you know if there are any packages I could try installing to see if they may provide a better font match?18:27
Seveascomputer13137, that supports more than fits in the most bulky server :)18:27
computer13137Combat: What is it precisely?18:27
computer13137I was thinking about doing 8GB.18:28
combatcomputer13137, yes that works18:28
DRebellioncomputer13137, 8gb is nothing18:28
computer13137lol, cool. ;)18:28
waylandbilllargos: if you knew the font and had a copy of it, you could install it and all would be good. Authors really should embed the font if it's not of a small, standard set, but they don't :)18:28
biebcombat: what is the limit for 32bit ubuntu?18:28
computer13137I might be able to get a cheap colo.18:28
computer13137So I'm looking at building a 4U rack.18:28
combatbieb, 4GB18:28
computer131372TB of space, 8GB of Ram. :)18:28
computer13137Quad core AMD18:28
waylandbilllargos: you could try the ms tt fonts if you don't mind non-free software.18:28
bieb2tb? thats all?18:28
computer13137That's plenty. :P18:29
Seveascomputer13137, that's not mush for a 4u18:29
computer13137I'm not gonna be a fucking web host.18:29
Seveasyou could fit that in 218:29
computer13137Why do I need multi terabytes? :P18:29
biebthats only 2 - 1tb drives18:29
largoswaylandbill: yeah, just found out that I don't have msttcorefonts installed -- I'll try that18:29
largoswaylandbill: thanks!18:29
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master
jastivlori@lori-desktop:/usr/local/src/gnash$ ./configure18:29
jastivbash: ./configure: No such file or directory18:29
computer13137Why do I keep getting booted?18:29
Seveascomputer13137, don't drop the F bomb again18:29
reconcomputer13137: your language.18:29
digin4computer13137, cuz you are swearing18:29
computer13137Oh. :P Sorry. :P18:29
combat64bit supports 16384 petabytes, just for your info18:30
biebcomputer13137: porn, Mp3z, vidz18:30
computer13137Cool combat.18:30
jastivI don't understand why it says that, there is a configure in the directory18:30
AldarHawkokay I am back now.18:30
computer13137Bieb, I have no intention of running a piracy ring. :P18:30
computer13137I just want a few game servers, a little HTTP, and some nicely impressive specs.18:30
combatcomputer13137, why not, but involve me :P18:30
biebnot a piracy ring, personal use :D18:30
computer13137lol that's stupid.18:31
IcemanV9jastiv: empty .configure file?18:31
computer13137That's what my LAN server does.18:31
Seveascomputer13137, combat: offtopic talk elsewhere please18:31
waylandbilldid someone say porn? ;)18:31
grumpy_grampsIs there a device manager somewhere in ubuntu 7.10 that actually allows you to manage devices?18:31
AldarHawkI had the same setup before this all crashed.  Anyone able to help me out?   I have set up my system static in interfaces with the essid and key all set up.  in resolv.conf I have hardcoded in external name servers (openDNS name servers) and now I cannot ping anything external to my network.  Any thoughts on fixing this?18:31
ey-nonymous=/  I have a newbie question: I just installed and formatted an external drive, but the permissions say only root can access....but the login screen won't let root log in....help with the command after 'su'?18:31
Seveasgrumpy_gramps, what do you want to manage about them?18:32
computer13137Combat, can you get Pms? :P18:32
h00k_grumpy_gramps: what to manage about them?18:32
Seveas!root | ey-nonymous18:32
ubotuey-nonymous: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:32
h00k_Seveas: you beat me ;)18:32
jastivlori@lori-desktop:/usr/local/src/gnash$ empty .configure file18:32
jastivbash: empty: command not found18:32
* ApOgEE- busan18:32
reconThe repeat on my keyboard (you know, when you hold down a keyboard key, it works as if you keep pressing it rapidly) isn't working. Preferences>keyboard isn't working, either, I get "Error activating XKB configuration." I also get a choice between Gnome and X keyboard configurations at start of session, even though I didn't edit the keyboard config.18:32
computer13137Vmware isn't liking Ubuntu today.18:32
computer13137I can't get the installer to start.18:32
computer13137I wanted to test something with virtualbox :P18:32
Seveasrecon, that could be gnome-settings-daemon crashing or dbus failing18:32
computer13137Within VMware.18:32
IcemanV9jastiv: i meant is it the file empty? since you cannot "./configure"18:33
combatcomputer13137, ?18:33
computer13137Can you get pms? :P18:33
reconSeveas: gnome-settings-daemon is up, so I'm guessing it's dbus.18:33
combatcomputer13137, i just answered18:33
ey-nonymous=/  Well, Any ideas on how to set-up the drive for all user access?18:33
computer13137My PM?  No you didn't...18:33
largoswaylandbill: that worked like a charm :)18:34
reconSeveas: even odder, once I hit it, it seemed to ignore the crash and now my keyboard's working normally. huh.18:34
waylandbilllargos: good deal.18:34
grumpy_grampsSeveas, functions similar to the system properties >hardware> device manager in win XP18:34
combatcomputer13137, hmm thats weird, i received your message and answered now 10 times18:34
Seveasgrumpy_gramps, ubuntu isn't windows xp. You don't need to fiddle with drivers in ubuntu18:35
genii!register | combat18:35
ubotucombat: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.18:35
grumpy_grampsSeveas, OK that sounds reasonable18:35
sveakexcan anybody help me with my sound?18:36
waylandbillgrumpy_gramps: with a generic kernel like ubuntu's usually a device just works if it is supported. Thankfully.18:36
combatah thx genii18:36
waylandbillgrumpy_gramps: I don't miss the stacks of driver CD's from XP days. :-D18:36
IcemanV9jastiv: are you trying to compile gnash? have you try repo for gnash?18:37
alwrwr2003guys i can't use apt-get it said18:37
alwrwr2003E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)18:37
alwrwr2003E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:37
grumpy_grampswaylandbill thanks18:37
geniicombat: np18:37
alwrwr2003what should i do18:37
mats_whats SELinux?18:37
Seveasalwrwr2003, close all package managers and update managers18:37
h00k_alwrwr2003: do you have anything else being installed or Synaptics opened?18:37
alwrwr2003i'm not running anything18:37
Andrew12Hello, i'mma mac18:37
AldarHawkI had the same setup before this all crashed.  Anyone able to help me out?   I have set up my system static in interfaces with the essid and key all set up.  in resolv.conf I have hardcoded in external name servers (openDNS name servers) and now I cannot ping anything external to my network.  Any thoughts on fixing this?18:37
grumpy_grampsMy next issue it to get my dlink wireless netword w/usb wireless adapter working but maybe I should save that for another session.18:38
IcemanV9alwrwr2003: check another terminals with apt-get or aptitude running18:38
Seveasmats_, security enhanced linux, modifications that give you mandatory access control and restrictions18:38
biebalwrwr2003: nothing at all open other than IRC?18:38
Nasrahello ppls...how are you ..18:38
SeveasNasra, pastebin the output of ps aux18:38
waylandbillalwrwr2003: if you aren't using an apt program you can 'sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock' in a terminal.18:38
keithclarkok, I'll try later....18:38
NasraSeveas ...I am new here what you mean?18:39
waylandbillalwrwr2003: but be sure you aren't running in the background like a terminal or anything18:39
prince_jammys!aptfix | alwrwr200318:39
ubotualwrwr2003: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:39
SeveasNasra, sorry, I meant someone else18:39
sveakexhey, can anybody please help me with my sound?18:39
alwrwr2003thank u all it's worked18:39
alwrwr2003yeah i'm sure there is nothing running on background18:40
mats_Seveas is SE any good?18:40
alwrwr2003btw how can i know the processes that running?18:40
Seveasalwrwr2003, ps aux18:40
alwrwr2003in the background18:40
alwrwr2003thx :)18:40
waylandbillalwrwr2003: ps in a terminal or System-Admin-System Monitor18:40
rebelThor_hey, i'm still having no sound, using pulseaudio on hardy with 2.6.24-12-generic (completely updated). Anyone willing to give some debug tips?18:40
Seveasmats_, it's supposed to be. I've grown to hate it due to the crappy default settings in CentOS (I'm forced to use centos at work :))18:40
BelisarivsI'm back. Something froze my screen. Could use Magic key, though.18:40
rebelThor_(worked on
NasraI am very happy with ubuntu....so far so good...now my question is this:18:41
fabouneyI recently installed flex build beta 3 and eclipse 3.3.2, when i create a new flex project, i have a error message "Beta expired" ... i've installed flex builder today and eclipse too ... :(18:41
Nasrais there live cd for instructions on how to use it somewhere around here?18:41
waylandbillNasra: where to send the check? :)18:41
Nasrajust give a call ....18:42
WhipsMcGeeI'm trying to get a program called html2ps working, would someone be willing to take a look at the documentation for it and see if they can help me get it working?18:42
Nasrathrough skype...18:42
waylandbillNasra: System-Help and Support is a good place to start.18:42
Nasraneed a live cd for instructions oh now to use ubuntu with commands....etc...18:43
Nasraoh yeap?18:43
xompfinally, I have internet lol18:44
Nasrasystem-help and support huh?18:44
xomprwycuff, you still around bud?18:44
jastivno, configure.ac has stuff in it, Yes, I am trying to compile gnash.18:45
waylandbillNasra: http://help.ubuntu.com is a good place too. You may even find a good ubuntu book helps out too18:45
Seveasjastiv, ./autogen.sh18:45
Seveasjastiv, but why not install gnash from a package?18:45
Nasrawaylandbill..how about ubuntu for dummies.?18:45
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:46
waylandbillNasra: I've never read it, but I've been told it's okay.18:46
=== Wedge_Antilles is now known as Les
Ben____How OT this is I don't know, but I understand you basically can't run linux like Ubuntu in VirtualPC. Is there a (free) alternative that will?18:46
Nasrawaylandbill...since I am new to this ubuntu world.....I am very happy so far...wanna learn more....thats all..18:46
SeveasBen____, vmware server, virtualbox18:47
ubotuYou might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.18:47
WhipsMcGeeI need to install a package for inline images, either ImageMagick, pbmplus, or netpbm.  is there an apt-get for any of these?18:47
waylandbillNasra: if you're new to linux altogether, I like to recommend http://linuxbasics.org .. it starts from the very beginning.18:47
=== Les is now known as LesEnfantsDeLaRa
SeveasWhipsMcGee, all of them18:47
Nasrawaylandbill...thanks alot....I am going over right .....18:47
jastivI did, I heard they fixed some things in the cvs version.18:47
IcemanV9greencookie: please /msg ubotu ... and don't abuse it as well. :-)18:47
rwycuffxomp: will be here for atleast another 3 hours18:48
Seveas!universe | WhipsMcGee you might need this18:48
WhipsMcGeeSeveas: like an apt-get install ?18:48
ubotuWhipsMcGee you might need this: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:48
xomprwycuff, lol sorry to hear that, and glad at the same time :P I got my cat5 connection working and a fresh install of gutsy, thinking of trying the wireless soon heh18:48
Ben____Seveas: thanks a lot. Is there one you would recommend, or one that is known to be particularly good or has particularly well documented implementations?18:48
SeveasBen____, I'd recommend vmware server18:49
depWhipsMcGee: Use the search function in Synaptic (System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager) to look for packages. Searching for any of the 3 that you mentioned will bring up the required package18:49
Ben____Seveas: That isn't server emulation only then presumably18:49
WhipsMcGeedep: cool, thanks18:49
SeveasBen____, correct, it's just the product name of the vmware version that costs no money18:49
rwycuffxomp:alright try the network gui in ubuntu and dont do roaming just set profile with your ssid and see what happens18:49
Ben____Seveas: Ah, I see. Thanks a lot!18:49
FinnishI still need some help with ATI-drivers and my laptop! Please, someone?18:50
FinnishMy card is ATI Radeon Xpress 110018:50
rwycuffxomp:and its not bad being here for 3 more hours as much as it is working with active directory18:50
xomprwycuff, ok, let me take a screenshot of what it looks like when I click the network icon so you can get an idea of what I have showing.18:50
xomprwycuff, lol, I am familiar with active directory :)18:51
Nasrawaylandbill: so far I am doing email, using xchat, listening to music...just through automatix, and easyubuntu, etc...what you think?18:51
rwycuffxomp: but are you familiar with active directory working with mail server on linux18:51
SeveasNasra, automatix is crap18:51
Seveas!automatix | Nasra18:51
ubotuNasra: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »18:51
SliMMhow do i create an icon pack?18:51
depFinnish:  XKB is x keyboard, the message you posted indicated there is a problem with the keyboard setup, not your graphics card18:51
NasraI am new did not know...18:52
SeveasNasra, yes, it's notorious for breaking systems18:52
Nasraso what you recommend?18:52
SeveasNasra, remove it18:52
Nasraoh chit lol..18:52
Parsec300Finnish, I installed it on my neighbours laptop last week with that card and I got it to work18:52
Nasraoh my god....18:52
xomprwycuff, there's the brutus mail daemon that will work with exchange 2000 on up. The domain I used to admin was all exchange 5.5 so we were SOL until upgrading heh.18:52
waylandbillNasra: ooh.. I don't recommend automatix or easyubuntu. Better to learn to do what they do yourself.18:52
xomprwycuff, you're wanting to run active directory from linux?18:53
FinnishHow I can give you info about my drivers or xconf?18:53
hischildNasra, not only is it better, it is still very easy to learn what they do and we're willing to give you step by step instructions if you need them18:53
Nasrahow do I remove it in linux...(don't know much though)...18:53
IcemanV9Nasra: use apt-get or aptitude to install or remove any application18:53
FinnishBecause I can't boot with ATI drivers, only VESA18:53
SeveasNasra, sudo dpkg -P automatix18:53
ere4si!paste | Finnish18:53
ubotuFinnish: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:53
FinnishOk, I know where to paste18:54
rwycuffxomp: No that would be horrible now wouldnt it18:54
rwycuffi am trying to use 2003 and active dir for back end auth for qmail-ldap on a linux server18:54
Nasraguys what do you recommedn in place of automatic/easyubuntu....etc?18:54
depFinnish: could you post your xorg.conf?18:54
xomprwycuff, I was never able to do it hah, thought maybe someone else had :) I always RDP to work on my domain controllers from linux.18:55
wubrgame1hey guys, quick question, i just did a fresh command-line install, and my ifconfig doesn't show any interfaces other than lo, what should i do to bring up eth0 ?18:55
Armagidonplease help ! What is WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 ?18:55
waylandbillNasra: you can find info to do what those do on help.ubuntu.com, the forums or irc.18:55
hischildwubrgame1, if you're on a dhcp enabled network, sudo dhclient should bring up the default interface18:55
Nasraletme remove it then....18:56
Nasrasomeone mentioned ----> sudo dpkg -P automatix18:56
rwycuffxomp:unfortunatly im linux/unix admin here and no one is wanting to go in other directions so i gotta make it work some how18:56
depFinnish: You're missing large configuration sections in your xorg.conf file. I'd highly recommend starting from scratch by executing 'sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg'18:56
IndyGunFreakNasra: did you already install automatix?18:57
Nasranow what?18:57
waylandbillNasra: while those scripts where make with good intentions, their authors don't maintain the packages in the repository, so they can't anticipate changes.18:57
* IndyGunFreak sighs18:57
wubrgame1anybody ?18:57
IndyGunFreakNasra: that wasn't very smart.18:57
Armagidonplease help ! What is WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 ?18:57
IcemanV9Nasra: like i said earlier, use apt-get, aptitude OR synaptic package manager (gui-based)18:57
hischildwubrgame1, i gave you an answer18:57
NasraI am new..18:57
xomprwycuff, that stinks man :(18:57
Nasrawhat can you expect?18:57
wubrgame1how do i install eth0 ? or bring it into existance ? it's not in my /etc/network/interfaces file either18:57
FinnishAnd how to get it done with xconf?18:57
Nasrajust learnt about this irc today...18:57
FinnishI mean from scratch?18:57
depFinnish: could you rephrase your question? I'm not sure what you mean18:58
wubrgame1oh, i didn't configure the network in the installer18:58
xomprwycuff, http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/7596/screenshotpo0.png is an image of what it looks like when I click the network icon :)18:58
wubrgame1i forgot to say that18:58
IndyGunFreakNasra: it might be easier to just do a clean install.18:58
Nasraso what do I get instead of automatix?18:58
FinnishIf i configure it from scratch, should it be ok?18:58
Nasragood advice..18:58
rwycuffxomp:hey i made linux p2v work this shouldnt be too hard just over looking something18:58
rwycuffi can get linux ldap client to index everything just not able to get qmail service to do it18:58
IndyGunFreakNasra: if you don't, its just gonna hose you when you get an update.18:58
hischildwubrgame1, i shall say this again to you: If you are on a wired network that does have dhcp, you can type "sudo dhclient" and it will bring up your network interface.18:58
FinnishJust go through it?18:58
Nasraso how do I write the ubuntu on top?18:59
IndyGunFreakNasra: is this a fairly new install,t hat you ahve now?18:59
depFinnish: the command I mentioned before will recreate your xorg.conf file in a way that should work18:59
Nasrafor fresh install..18:59
wubrgame1not working18:59
waylandbillNasra: don't worry about it, it's not all your fault. Their websites didn't have a disclaimer about not being officially supported or anything.18:59
rebelThor_hey, does sound work in 2.6.24-12-generic ?!18:59
Nasrayes is fairly new install18:59
depFinnish: it may not use the specific driver you want if you intend to use a binary driver, but we can work on that after we get x working again18:59
xomprwycuff, anyone that can get anything to work cross platform like that has my respect :D18:59
IndyGunFreakNasra: if its fairly new, i'd just say goa head and start over, otherwise, you're gonna have a ton of settings, options, and your desktop tweaked just how you want it, and then it will happen.18:59
Nasrajust remember my nick....guys have to start allover again.... I am going for a fresh instal....19:00
Nasrasee you later...19:00
Nasralol....it took me a long time to get this running....19:00
Nasrabecause all the updates....19:00
IndyGunFreakNasra: are you using the live CD?19:00
wubrgame1ooh, thanks ! one more issue, the wireless card is showing up as an eth device19:00
rwycuffxomp:right on19:00
FinnishI typed sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg19:00
rwycuffxomp:your image wont load for me19:00
IndyGunFreakNasra: well, youc an come here on the live CD(assuming your internet connection is picked up)19:01
xomprwycuff, yeah, probably imageshack problems :(19:01
FinnishIt says dpkg: unknown option --reconfigure19:01
IcemanV9Nasra: use alternative CD for a quick install19:01
IndyGunFreakNasra: what version of ubuntu are you installing?19:01
Nasrais it good?19:01
depFinnish: sorry about that, it should be 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'19:01
IndyGunFreakNasra: the alternate install is a good suggestion, but its totally text based, so it scares some newbs, i personally prefer it19:01
wubrgame1oops. it's working ! yay !19:01
Nasraor should I go for 6.0619:01
IndyGunFreakNasra: yes, it is..19:01
backgenhey guys i'm looking to install a torrent client for unbuntu linux, do you guys have any recommendations?19:01
waylandbillis it good? would we be here if it wasn't? ;-)19:02
IndyGunFreakNasra: no, 7.10 is where you want to be19:02
Nasraso I am going for it....19:02
IndyGunFreakNasra: start the live CD19:02
rolandhello all19:02
Nasrajust gonna install it on top19:02
backgen*unbuntu gibbon sorry19:02
FinnishOr not?19:02
rwycuffxomp:dont you have a dynamic dns and say a working linux box to throw it on19:02
ere4sibackgen: I use rtorrent19:02
xomprwycuff, basically, when I click the network icon my options are "Connect to other wireless networks" > "Create new wireless network" > "Manual configuration"19:02
IndyGunFreakNasra: and when you get it open, presuming you can get online... open a terminal, and run "sudo apt-get install xchat".. then xchat will be in the internet menu, and come here if you have a problem19:02
depFinnish: yeah, autodetect19:02
roland could any1 help me! whenever i try to open any of my applications i get a "DCOP communication error" wht might b the cause of tht! how can i fix it!19:02
nagarajanhow do i change the screen resolution in ubuntu 7.10??19:03
FinnishAnd ATI?19:03
xomprwycuff, I've only this one linux box for now lol19:03
Nasrathanks IndyGunFreak....and everybody else....19:03
IndyGunFreak!res | nagappan19:03
ubotunagappan: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:03
depFinnish yes19:03
Nasrabye for now...19:03
backgenere4si: ok and i guess you like it? i was thinking of Azureus but a lot of people say that it's pretty heavy and there are better ones out there for Linux19:03
FinnishUse kernel frame...?19:03
nagappanIndyGunFreak, ?19:03
Nasraso far I am happy with ubuntu distro...19:03
depFinnish: actually, ctrl-c out of that and lets just do 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg', that will make the right choices19:04
rwycuffxomp:laptop not good place to start with linux takes lot to get it runing fi everything deosnt work just outta the box19:04
IndyGunFreaknagappan: read it, it tells you how to fix resolution problems19:04
ere4sibackgen: I use rtorrent because it is the lightest I've found - it is cli - but controlled from a text file19:04
roland could any1 help with a "DCOP communication error" wht might b the cause of tht! how can i fix it!19:04
xomprwycuff, yeah, that's me in a nutshell, always take the hard road first haha19:04
backgenere4si: oh...is it easy to use though?19:04
nagappanIndyGunFreak, I don't have any X resolution issues with Ubuntu :)19:04
ere4sibackgen: takes a little time to learn - but there is a chat for it - one file to control settings19:05
ThkaalHello again everyone.  your friendly neighborhood /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit is back19:05
rwycuffxomp:well if you wanna take hard road go try gentooo linux19:05
xomprwycuff, I had gentoox installed on my xbox way back when heh19:06
ere4sibackgen: http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki - it is in the repos19:06
jake2point0i finally got my wireless card to list under ndiswrapper -l but how do i connect to my unsecured wireless network?19:07
xompseems like everyone is having wireless issues today hah19:07
cameodemonany people familiar with ati cards? my second monitor is kinda wobbly even at the correct resolution19:07
MasterShrakjake2point0 do: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <network name>19:07
rwycuffxomp:not the same go look at the old install guide to it youu will see what i mean19:07
backgenere4si: ok thanks!19:07
ThkaalAnyone have any other hints on how to deal with sbin/modprobe errors?  i've done the fix for the raid controllers, and that didn't help.19:07
MasterShrakjake2point0 then grab an ip by: sudo dhclient3 wlan0   (this is all assumming that your interface name is wlan0)19:07
xomprwycuff, yeah, back when I was running slackware 8 I think, gentoo came out and you basically have to build every aspect of the OS. It was a real turn off for me.19:08
copyleftdevthere are prebuilt distros of gentoo19:09
jake2point0my essid is called F-3 Computers and when i typed in  sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid F-3 Computers it said iwconfig: unknown command "Computers"19:09
rolandany1 ev er faced a DCOP error ?19:09
ere4sicopyleftdev: isn't sabyon one?19:09
nikrudjake2point0: put the name in quotes19:10
xomprwycuff, if it would help, here is the output of my "ifconfig" http://pastebin.com/mc7439fe19:10
hischild!u | roland19:10
uboturoland: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..19:10
nikrudroland: dcop is kde, you will probably have better luck in #kubuntu19:10
* Rev667 returns to linux after a long break, and installed ubuntu... and has issues19:10
rolandnikrud,  thanks19:11
jake2point0i think that did it19:11
MasterShrakjake2point0 make sure you grab an ip address too with the dhclient3 command19:11
nikrudjake2point0: using ubuntu, rather than k or xubuntu?19:11
jake2point0ok now for the real issue..  what ubuntu package allows me to launch it and view all available wireless access points and able to connect to them19:12
hischildjake2point0, wifi-radar?19:12
nikrudjake2point0: you should have a couple computers on the task bar, click it19:12
jake2point0dude ubuntu rocks with that new crud that makes your vid card rock the windows graphics better looking than VISTA19:12
Rev667eye-candy is nice19:13
styrmanany codecs that play .rm files for movie player?19:13
IcemanV9jake2point0: nm-applet (installed by default) have the view of all available wifi19:13
MasterShrakstyrman i think vlc should play it19:13
jake2point0nikrud yes it lists it but it didnt do anything before i had to type in that long command to get on the network first19:13
ar0nicstyrman google19:13
ar0nicbut vlc and mplayer both should have no problem doing this.19:14
MasterShrak!real | styrman19:14
ubotustyrman: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:14
nikrudjake2point0: hm. Worked well here, never used iw* stuff myself19:14
Rev667i broke the sound on my ubuntu19:14
KalEldoes aptitude know what apt has done, and vice versa?19:14
nikrudKalEl: yes19:14
MasterShrakKalEl yes19:14
tonyyarussoKalEl: kind of.  It knows some things, but not all.19:14
Rev667easy to do, still the conflicts, oss vs alsa :(19:14
jake2point0i had to type in this sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "F-3 Computers"19:14
jake2point0jake@jake-desktop:~$ sudo dhclient3 wlan019:14
KalElthanks a lot... that clears one of my confusion about aptitude19:15
jake2point0why didnt the built in tool show the stupid access points... now its working in the tool but before it didnt.  silly19:15
ThkaalAny hints on how to handle the sbin/modprobe abnormal exit?19:15
IcemanV9KalEl: if you might want to take a look at /var/log/aptitude, it has some nice info19:16
nikrudjake2point0: I've had it take a minute or two to come up19:16
chiehhello, if i write a program and i would like people using ubuntu to install it directly with the ubuntu installer, how do i go about doing that?19:16
ltcabralhm... hello. i installed realplayer and it didnt add the comand to bash... so when i run realplay it says command not found... how can i add it?19:17
MasterShrakltcabral type: whereis realplay19:17
jake2point0well im very very lucky to get my Trendnet 423PI PCI wireless card to work. very lucky indeed.19:17
KalElIcemanV9, thanks19:18
MasterShrakltcabral then either refer to it by its absolute location, or symlink it to /usr/bin/realplay19:18
nikrudchieh: you'd have to learn packaging, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide19:18
ltcabralMasterShrak its in ~/RealPlay19:18
jake2point0its fun to get non supported hardware working19:18
bastid_raZorltcabral; you could cp realplay to /usr/bin/19:18
chiehthank you for the guide, i'll read through them19:18
ltcabralokay ill try that19:18
IcemanV9ltcabral: type . .bashrc in the terminal and try the command again19:18
MasterShrakltcabral i would cd into ~/RealPlay   then do: sudo ln -s realplay /usr/bin/realplay19:18
chieha quick question which i don't understand19:19
chiehis there a central place we upload our program to , and then everybody downloads from that central location?19:19
chiehor we have to some how provide a server , or a link location for all the package downloaded?19:19
MasterShrakchieh sourceforge may be a good option\19:20
nikrudchieh: you'd have to convince the motu's to carry it. There's things called personal package archives on launchpad.net , you can look for guides there19:20
rymI was messing around with xserv-org earlier today cause i had resolution issues19:20
ltcabralMasterShrak: didnt work19:20
rymbut now when i boot ubuntu gnome doesnt load19:20
rymit keeps looping for a while and then it stops the gnome display manager19:20
ltcabral MasterShrak: do i have to reload or something?19:20
MagicDuckwhat are the keys to switch between linux and windows when using rdesktop, alt+tab does not work...19:20
mokkpr01Hi.. where can i get the list of packages that come with ubuntu.. i mean wubi n things like that..19:20
chiehoh so currently motu is hosting all the packages?19:21
graftrym: obviously you messed up your xorg settings, why not roll it back to the previous version?19:21
chiehis there a link to them to check them out?19:21
rymhow would i do that19:21
h00k_mokkpr01: check out Synaptec19:21
graftrym: you did save a backup of your xorg.conf before messing around with it, right?19:21
logi2hey all, i am putting together an ubuntu system to use as a media center of sorts, and am having issues with the video card, i am replacing an agp nvidia with a newer agp nvidia card (128 mb), tried putting in the new one to no avail, now it wont boot with any of the cards i have19:21
rymi tried dpkg-reconfigure in recovery mode19:21
rymgraft: *cough*19:21
graftrym: *slap* well, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg SHOULD restore it19:21
nikrudchieh: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas . And #ubuntu-motu is the place to ask motu's stuff. But putting your stuff in the actual ubuntu archive? A serious process, and the next opportunity won't be until october19:22
rymwell it doesnt19:22
MasterShraklogi2 it wont boot or it wont load x?19:22
MasterShrak!enter | rym19:22
uboturym: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:22
rymi think i typed xserver-org in stead of xserver-xorg19:22
mokkpr01h00K_ : but thats after installing ubuntu... if i want to know before downloading the iso...19:22
graftrym: the lowly typo brings down even the best of men19:22
nikrudchieh: I mean, released in the ubuntu archives. You'd have to start now, if you want the motu's to consider advocating it19:22
chiehwhy is it such a serious process?19:22
logi2MasterShrak im not smart enough to know the difference, it just doesnt do anything19:23
chiehohhh i see19:23
nikrudchieh: trust, quality packages, etc19:23
chiehi probably won't make it in for the next term19:23
chiehi was more curious how it works in general for my future reference19:23
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rymgraft: i also added -phigh for automatic configuration19:23
rymthat should work, right?19:23
h00k_mokkpr01: http://packages.ubuntu.com/19:23
graftrym: no idea19:23
nikrudchieh: then the two links, the packaging guide and the ppa's will get you a good working knowledge19:23
mokkpr01h00K_ : if it is already there in the iso, i dont have to download wubi. .. which it says is included in 7.10 live cd.. i've just want to make sure..19:24
ltcabralMasterShrak: it says ln: accessing `/usr/bin/realplay': Too many levels of symbolic links19:24
rymah, well we'll see :p19:24
chiehthank you very much , i will go read both of them19:24
MasterShrakltcabral does it run if you just type ./realplay from that folder (~/RealPlay) ?19:24
rymhuzzah it worked19:24
mokkpr01h00k_: Thanks a lot; i'll go thru the stuff..19:24
chiehso it sounds like i'll have to make a case to them why they should include my package19:25
logi2MasterShrak-actually it makes noise and the fans turn on etc, i wired up a fan to the new card and that works, so its getting power there at least19:25
h00k_mokkpr01: Good luck :)19:25
chiehdo they only take open source, or close sources as well?19:25
h00k_chieh: Windows - Closed source19:25
ltcabralMasterShrak: oh i made it work... the first time i made the link made me get this message... i used ur command but with full path19:25
chiehi see, oh then19:26
MasterShrakltcabral ah, cool19:26
MasterShraklogi2 does it have onboard video? maybe try disabling that in the bios19:26
logi2MasterShrak, its not displaying anything at all, so i dont think i can get to the bios, it doesnt work with the old card either19:27
jasonxhhi, anyone know when we can download Hardy beta?19:28
jasonxhits supposed to be out today, right?19:28
ritalinyou guys familiar with teh ipod on linux?19:29
ritalini plugged it in and ubuntu regonized it just fine19:29
ritalini was wondering if I could somehoe extract my music19:29
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ritalini didnt back it up any other way :(19:29
h00k_ritalin: ephpod19:30
aetaricritalin: not if it is an mp419:30
aetaricso if you bought it in itunes then no19:30
h00k_ephpod will extract to mp319:30
h00k_I believe19:30
ritalinnah i uggg bought it elsewhere19:30
mirakhello, I have a problem, ubuntu creates a device for my sata drive in /dev/mapper19:30
aetaricyou can also browse the directories of the ipod to get the mp3s19:31
aetaricmirak: how is that bad?19:31
ritalinh00k_: no ephpod in repo19:31
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there19:31
mirakaetaric: mkswap and mkfs.xfs fails on some partitions19:32
aetaricah that would be bad19:32
mirakaetaric: it says device busy19:32
bastid_raZorritalin; i always use command line to get in to my psp to move files around.. it normally mounts it on /media/disk/19:32
Le-Chuck_ITAnautilus is telling me that it won't open my paper, because its name indicates a "pdf document" but it is  a "Documento PDF" (in italian)19:32
Le-Chuck_ITAapart from the windowish feeling19:32
mirakwhile there is not much reason it's busy aetaric19:32
h00k_ritalin: http://www.ephpod.com/download.shtml19:32
Le-Chuck_ITAis this a known bug?19:32
Le-Chuck_ITAmaybe I'd better ask on ubuntu-ti19:33
* ApOgEE- going offline... bye all19:33
aetaricis it your only disk?19:33
Drk_GuyHi guys19:33
Drk_GuyHow can i enable time control on a machine?19:33
Drk_GuyI mean, i want to install ubuntu on an internet cafe19:34
jake2point0i noticed something funny about the update i just recieved.  it was gzip.   i mean how much better can it get?19:34
yowshii just dont have the hdd space to back up my shit19:34
logi2tried changing video cards, didnt show anything on the screen, nothing with any video cards now, any ideas?19:34
EdwardXpcan someone help me out trying to figure out how i get GL_Desktop to work and do the 3dCube19:35
EdwardXpalt_shift control doesn't work19:35
IndyGunFreakyowshi: what are you trying to do?19:35
EdwardXpleft and right mouse don't work :(19:35
Drk_GuyEdwardXp: You can get better help with #compiz-fusion19:35
yowshii need to back up my home folder and my media folder before i do a fresh install. i have about 250 gigs pf backup space19:35
mirakaetaric: no19:36
ubuntu-user100hello! can anybody tell me where i can find ubuntu 8 beta download links?19:36
Drk_Guyyowshi: compression?19:36
yowshimy home and desktop is all backed up but my media is another story19:36
yowshii didnt use compression i was told it causes less hassles later not to19:36
jake2point0i cant believe i can use yahoo messenger (gyachi) and actually use the voice chat... sweetness i say19:36
Drk_GuyMaybe dvd's or portable hd's19:36
jngubuntu-user100: not sure beta is out yet19:37
komputesjake2point0: how did you pull that off?19:37
ubuntu-user100jng: oh ok. thanks.19:37
mirakI have a problem, gparted fails to format my partitions, it says device busy19:37
Bob_DoleMirak, are you botting from a Live CD?19:37
Drk_Guyubuntu-user100: Read the /motd19:37
lordleemohe he sorry guys just had to share this . the msn summer virus has just hit windows again msn messenger is being hit for fun . poor old redmond users19:37
bastid_raZorthe alpha6 is located here :: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/hardy/alpha619:38
Bob_Doleif you are running it from the HD, yeah, it will fail.19:38
jake2point0komputes i just installed gyachi.  i had to get rid of my 64bit version of debian though and install the 32 bit version of Gutsy Gibbon.  after that it works19:38
phonoheadis it possible to convert RPM's to DEB's?19:38
komputesjake2point0: nice i'll add it to my videoconference list19:38
aetaricphonohead you want to install alien19:38
minimec_awayphonohead: 'alien' sudo apz-get install alien19:39
stianI wonder about something, How can I convert .uif files to .iso? In windows i used ISO Magic, is it some "apt-get install" can use?, ubunut noob19:39
mirakBob_Dole: no19:39
phonoheadwhat is alien?19:39
ubuntu-user100thanks everybody.19:39
Bob_Dolemirak if you are using a liveCD, make sure all the volumes are unmounted.19:39
tvnzalien is rpm to deb converter19:39
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phonoheadthanks, it's not harder than that?19:39
IndyGunFreakphonohead: alien is a bad idea19:40
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)19:40
bastid_raZorstian; poweriso can do lots of things.. i think converting those file types is one of them19:40
phonoheadIndyGunFreak: the good idea is?19:40
IndyGunFreakphonohead: i said horrid idea, not a good one19:40
bastid_raZorstian; it isnt' in the repo's.. google for it.19:40
Bob_Dolemirak: if you are running ubuntu from the HD, gparted is an unhappy camper when it comes to changing anything on the same HD, or any HD that has any mounted volumes19:40
phonoheadIndyGunFreak: yea, but what _is_ the good idea then?19:40
mirakBob_Dole: good, it's not the same HD19:40
IndyGunFreakphonohead: well, what are you trying to do?19:41
neverbluexorg command to manually setup monitors/video (writes to xorg.conf) ?19:41
IndyGunFreaki guarantee there is a better way than alien19:41
Bob_DoleOK, then just unmount every and make sure ubuntu doesn't automount it(pain in the butt, that automounter can be!)19:41
Bob_Doleevery volume from that HD*19:41
phonoheadIndyGunFreak: i've got transgamings cedega here, but it's a RPM, i need it on to run on this machine with Ubuntu19:41
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:41
* Drk_Guy asks "How can i control the time users spend on a machine in an e-cafe?"19:42
IndyGunFreakphonohead: don't they have source?.. compile the source code19:42
phonoheadIndyGunFreak: i'd need to purchase it again in that case19:42
IndyGunFreakphonohead: well thats stupid.19:42
phonoheadyeah, i know..19:42
IndyGunFreakthey'll make you purchase it again to download a different version19:42
Bob_DoleYou deleted your sourcecode?19:42
phonoheadi got it as a RPM, that's it. no sourcecode whatsoever19:43
Bob_DoleThey must provide the source if they provide a binary.19:43
graftDrk_Guy: cron?19:43
VenkoI'm having some issues with video playback using the fglrx driver. wxvlc crashes on start-up and the movie players that do work freeze a lot. Any ideas?19:44
Drk_Guygraft: Picture this, i have 4 pc's, and one of them controls the time users use the other pcs19:44
Drk_Guygraft: It's an e-cafe19:44
IndyGunFreakphonohead: i would probably stick w/ an RPM distro if its that important to you..., but that is one jackedu p policy19:44
Bob_DolePhonohead, just make them provide you witht he sourcecode19:45
Parsec300ritalin, you can also try Amarok. To get it to work in Ubuntu you need to do something extra other than just install it.19:45
CJS3141If I want to run a command in a terminal window, and do it with a shortcut from the "applications" menu, what is the proper syntax?19:45
phonoheadi'll give them a call19:45
Bob_Doleyou bought the binary, they( I think..use the GPL) must give you the source as a result :|19:45
graftDrk_Guy: i mean this is really beyond the scope of this channel, but, just set a cron job when the user logs in, so that after X amount of time it locks their screen or logs them out or something19:45
phonoheadthis is LInux, there's always a solution19:45
Shepherdyo, can someone tell me how I can set keyboard keys to open a certain program19:46
ShepherdI went to "keyboard shortcuts" but I cant change the program19:46
neverbluehow do you repair a terminal's res. when outside of X ?19:46
phonoheadthanks dudes/chicks19:46
Drk_Guygraft: Nice idea19:46
bastid_raZorhe left too soon.. ubuntu docs claim alien can convert rpm's to debs19:47
ShepherdHey Ross.19:47
ross`_Shepherd: hi19:47
ShepherdCan someone tell me how I can set keyboard keys to open a certain program.19:47
ross`_can someone tell me how to manually set a key by a command in shell, or which file to edit?19:48
VenkoIs it the graphics driver I'm using? The proprietary ATI one that's causing the problem? It's worked fine in the past.19:48
bastid_raZorShepherd; System>Administration>Keyboard Shortcuts19:48
ShepherdI stated before that I tried that :( IS there another method that allows me to set the program as well.19:48
Drk_Guygraft: But they wont know how much time is left19:48
jngShepherd: xbindkeys might help19:48
IndyGunFreakbastid_raZor: it can, yes, but its a horrid idea19:48
Shepherdthanks :D19:48
bastid_raZorIndyGunFreak; i agree.. how else to convert an rpm to deb though.. it is possible i'm sure19:49
CJS3141If I want to set up a shortcut in the "applications" menu to run a command in a terminal window, how do I do it?19:49
graftDrk_Guy: run a little timer applet in the corner, dude... be creative19:49
IndyGunFreakbastid_raZor: its best to obtain the source ccode and compile from source19:49
bastid_raZorIndyGunFreak; okay.. noted..19:49
captainmCJS3141: Right click on the applications menu > Edit menus19:50
CJS3141catpainm: yes, I know, but say I want to run "ls -al" in a terminal window then?19:50
LasivianI'm just looking for a recommendation. I need a wireless card that is USB, very linux/ubuntu compatible and can use an external antenna. Thanks :)19:51
neverbluehow do you repair a terminal's res. when outside of X ? (its set at a low res. )19:51
Drk_Guygraft: But the thing is, how can i remotely control cron?19:51
graftDrk_Guy: why do you need to remotely control it?19:51
=== stefan_ is now known as StefanW
Drk_Guygraft: To specify how much time the user buys19:52
jdrivexpHow do I install Ubuntu along side Windows?19:52
graftDrk_Guy: i think this is really beyond the scope of this channel, guy... and you should get yourself a knowledgable programmer19:53
sinsuncould I install KDE on Ubuntu?19:53
StefanWjdrivexp: create linux partitions with a partition manager19:53
Drk_Guysinsun: kde-desktop19:53
StefanWjdrivexp: then install ubuntu with the install cd :)19:53
bastid_raZor!dualboot > jdrivexp19:53
boriswhats the command to start rhythmbox in system tray ?19:53
captainmCJS3141: You can just specify that in the dropdown menu can't you?19:54
stefan_jdrivexp: the easiest way would be to install windows first, then ubuntu onto another partition... ubuntu automatically installs a bootmanager. then you can choose between win/linux every time you boot19:54
jdrivexpwindows does not have a partition editor preinstalled, do you recommend one?19:54
CJS3141captainm: yes, but it pulls up the terminal window, runs the command, then closes it! :-(19:54
stefan_jdrivexp: windows has a partition manager19:54
StefanWPowerques Partition Manager or Paragon Partition Manager19:54
bastid_raZorjdrivexp; the live cd will give you the option to resize your partitions19:54
jngDrk_Guy: you suggested /motd had info on the beta release.. i don't see anything :(19:55
yowshialmost done ditching media anyone know exactly what i have to do to make 2 partitions on 2 seperate hard disks act as one?19:56
stefan_ive got a problem with my wlan-card: i use a t41 thinkpad and i have a atheros-card installed. i cant get a logical device in monitor-mode to run..19:56
Drk_Guyjng: /j #ubuntu-119:56
Lamegoyowshi, you need to use lvm19:56
jngah.. of course tks19:56
Drk_GuyRats, thanks graft, ill keep on researching about cron19:56
Lamegomirak, just write your question19:57
mirakI alreay did it19:57
mirakI can't format my partitions on a secondary hard drive19:57
Lamegowhat error do you get ?19:57
stefan_and another "problem" after installing a lot of packages, my hdd is doing something every few seconds.. just a "tick" like when youre downloading something. how do i check which process is doing that? top doesnt help19:57
mirakLamego: mkfs.xfs: cannot open /dev/sdb9: Device or resource busy19:58
Lamegostefan_, probably is the trackerd process19:58
stefan_Lamego: can i kill it?19:58
stefan_and what is it?19:58
mirakLamego: the device is not mounted19:58
mirakof course19:58
amortvigilhow can i make this as a starter? DISPLAY=:0 wine "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -dsound -noshaders flags -repair -image -dx819:58
mirakthere is no fs on it anyway19:58
bastid_raZorjng; i just did an update on my alpha6 running in VMWare and i'm not sure if it went to beta1 status or not.. it had about 70Megs of updates though19:59
scrackhello help pls19:59
auraxanyone here knows something about jsvc?19:59
auraxi'm trying to start a jar file as a service but it gives me the headache20:00
jngbastid_raZor: tks.. i decided to do a fresh install.. so was debating whether to go for alpha-6 or wait for the beta20:00
cameodemonhey im having flickering on my second monitor setup in dual-head ati20:00
matti_hey people, i need oe help intalling pidgin20:01
matti_*some help20:01
cameodemonfrom the repositories?20:01
cameodemonare you using gutsy?20:01
cameodemonok did you try clicking?20:02
matti_iy says something is comflicting with it20:02
matti_somethings conflicting with it20:02
cameodemonum....................try installing from source20:02
matti_wher that????20:02
matti_ive only had ubuntu a day20:02
mirakhow can this command fail ??20:02
mirakmkfs.xfs /dev/sdb9 -f20:02
mirakmkfs.xfs: cannot open /dev/sdb9: Périphérique ou ressource occupé20:02
bastid_raZorjng; once you start the hardy process the updates move you along.. you'll be up to date with apt-get... unless you want nightly builds.. and that is tough road to travel20:02
nikrudmatti_: run   sudo apt-get install pidgin   in a terminal, and put the complete output (including the command) on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org20:03
auraxso anyone here experienced with jsvc?20:03
auraxi'm trying thsi command : jsvc -Xmx1024M -debug -user root -outfile SYSLOG -errfile SYSLOG -pidfile "/var/run/fag.pid" -cp "/usr/share/java/commons-daemon.jar:/home/sharepath/loader/loader.jar"20:03
jngtkns bastid_raZor:  i've decided to go with the alpha-6 for now20:03
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:03
bastid_raZorjng; same thing i've done.. that is where i started in VMWare.. just to see how badly it breaks and not really affect me.20:04
yowshii wonder if updating to hardy would fix my permission crap20:04
matti_Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have20:04
matti_requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable20:04
matti_distribution that some required packages have not yet been created20:04
matti_or been moved out of Incoming.20:04
matti_Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that20:04
matti_the package is simply not installable and a bug report against20:04
FloodBot2matti_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
matti_that package should be filed.20:04
mdkehi there. I need some help with gnupg - what is the best way to import my keys and use them on a new computer?20:04
nikrudmatti_: I gave you the link to paste into20:05
matti_so can anyone help me?20:05
tvnzmatti_,  what version Ubuntu u use?20:05
matti_sory, ill aste it in there now20:05
matti_gutsy gibon20:05
mirakis there a way to disable a periphéral ?20:05
* nikrud avoids gpg as much as possible20:06
Ward1983how can i install the open source flash player? i installed the regular one and the sound doesnt work20:06
souperhey everyone20:06
saschahlmirak: like what?20:06
matti_i pasted what it said at that URL20:06
rwycuffxomp: the gentoo installation i have it memorized and yes it is horrible20:06
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tvnzmatti_,  give link to page :)20:07
rwycuffxomp:it seems like your wireless nic card isnt loading20:07
souperso i'm having a problem with hibernating and my swap partition20:07
matti_that what u wanted?20:07
gregoryWard1983: try sudo apt-get install gnasg20:07
gregoryWard1983: try sudo apt-get install gnash20:07
jacohello everyone..i seriously need some help...i deleted the i386 folder on an external HD that used to be the HD of a laptop.  any advice?20:08
Ward1983gregorah, thanx20:08
nikrudmatti_: you have getdeb stuff in your repository list?20:08
jacothe HD wont start...it wont let my open it20:08
matti_in my add or remove programs list?20:08
nikrudmatti_: let me ask it this way: did you download pidgin from getdeb and try to install it?20:09
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matti_it was already on the OS then it wudnt work so i uninstalled it then tried mercury but that wont work so then i tried to install pidgin again and it says conflict20:10
Lamegomatti_, remove all packages starting with pidgin20:10
nikrudmatti_:  dpkg -l *pidgin* | grep ^ii , delete those packages.20:10
souperWhen i first installed ubuntu on this computer, hibernation was working fine. But I did a little reorganization of my partitions including adding a new one for my home directory. Since then every time i hibernate it doesn't resume it just starts up as it would from a regular restart and it corrupts my swap partition everytime20:10
nikrudmatti_:   sudo apt-get remove <all those packages>20:11
souperanyone have any ideas on what would cause that and how to fix it?20:11
jacojoin ##windows20:11
nikrudthank you  but no, jaco  ;)20:11
matti_what do i put after the word remove?20:11
TolyanHiya, I need some advice... I've resized a vista partition with gparteowd from the gutsy livecd... and now I can't boot vista. I tried to repair it using both vista and xp cds, that failed ...20:12
danandsouper - did you resize your swap partition?20:12
nikrudmatti_: that first command,   dpkg -l '*pidgin'* | grep ^ii   (copy and paste into a terminal)  will list the package names you put after remove20:12
jacosry nicrod i was tryin to get in that room haha20:12
souperdanand i removed it and created a new one20:12
LamegoMatthai, sudo apt-get remove pidgin*20:12
zschallz_Tolyan: You can't boot it, or you don't have the option to boot it?20:12
nikrudmatti_: erg, typo: dpkg -l '*pidgin*' | grep ^i  is correct20:12
Shadow_milEveryone, if you want a 'private mode' in Firefox3 (A mode where your history, cache, and saved data is disabled while active).   Go to: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=248970   and vote!20:12
Lamegoops, was matti_20:12
cdeszaqDoes anyone have experience setting up multiple Bugzillas on the same server?20:12
souperit's sda reference changed20:12
nikrudeveryone should have unique 3 char prefixes to nicks20:13
danandsouper - is the partition the same size or bigger than the ammount of ram you have?20:13
gregoryczk: better ask in bugzilla channel ;-)20:13
souperits double the ram i have20:13
gregoryczk: sorry20:13
matti_Package ii is not installed, so not removed20:13
matti_E: Couldn't find package 1:2.4.0-1~getdeb120:13
cdeszaqnp, just curious20:13
TolyanIt appears in grub and it booted fine before the resize.  Now when i choose it the comp reboots20:13
gregorycdeszaq: : better ask in bugzilla channel ;-)20:13
matti_i got that when i put that in20:13
cdeszaqgregory: do you happen to know the chan name?20:13
Lamegomatti_, sudo apt-get remove "pidgin*"20:14
gregorycdeszaq: sorry, no, google..20:14
Lamegoor just go to synaptic20:14
Lamegoand remove the pidgin packages20:14
yowshioh nikrud i dont know if you got the final update from my problem last night but all efforts failed20:14
nikrudyowshi: not suprising. sudo is a fragile beast sometimes20:14
zschallz_Tolyan: hmm... probably not much you can do. should probably back things up and reinstall20:14
matti_nothing happened...20:15
yowshinikrud i am currently sifting through files to decide what to kea20:15
nikrudmatti_: something happened, it says something when you do that20:15
bloatedyakpeople actually use this channel?20:15
jussio1bloatedyak: yeah, about 1300 currently20:16
matti_rite just redid it and it says press y or n20:16
matti_what shud i do//20:16
nikrudmatti_: say yes20:16
matti_what now?20:16
Tolyanzchallz: ... But ubuntu can mount the partition and it works just fine20:17
nikrudmatti_: then it will say something about removing  some packages, should have removed pidgin-data (and pidgin)20:17
matti_so now i should be able to install pidgin?20:17
gnuskoolirc is the best support tere is 4 ppl who like to help themselves, leave the hand-holding to 'you know who'20:17
nikrudmatti_: it's a good bet20:17
tvnzmatti_,  now try sudo apt-get install pidgin20:17
matti_it says yes or no again20:18
matti_do yes?20:18
Lamegoerm, what part of yes or no you do not understand ?20:18
nikrudmatti_: read what it says, so you have a better understanding, then say yes :)20:18
matti_lol okay im sorry, im new at ubuntu, ive had it for a day20:18
nikrudmatti_: no problem, you learn by doing (and paying attention to what you are doing :) Beginners are always welcom20:19
matti_aha, i think its working :D20:19
matti_thanks man, uve bee a massive help20:19
gnuskoolis performance hard hit by running kde n gnome simultaneously?20:19
Cann0ngnuskool, running both at the same time?20:20
ramiHello, I need help in running a native Visual Basic program on Linux using wine....20:20
nikrudgnuskool: if you have enough memory, running kde apps in gnome (and visa versa) works fine, no real slowdonw20:20
matti_aw man20:20
gnuskoolinstalling both, in different sessions20:20
matti_its still not working!20:20
marco__i forgot /j20:20
matti_the program wont boot20:20
tvnzmatti_,  write pidgin in console , and paste answer20:21
nikrudgnuskool: again, memory is gonna matter much more than anything else20:21
Lamegomatti_, sudo apt-get remove "libpurple*"20:21
Cann0ngnuskool, you can only run one at a time. im not sure about ubuntu, but slackware you can install how ever many you want.20:21
nikrudCann0n: incorrect. You can run them both, in separate X sessions20:22
Lamegohe can run both, using 2 X sessions20:22
oddchildhello all, my laptop does not notice when I plug things in the USB unless I do it before i turn it on. I recently bought a USB hard drive, it works for 30 minutes then shuts off (while doing things or not) then I cannot plug it back in... Any ideas?20:22
matti_just did what lamego said and its taking pidin off20:22
souperwhen ubuntu hibernates it stores the ram to swap correct?20:22
Lamegomatti_, yes, you will need to reinstall it, now with th proper libpurple*20:22
Cann0nnikrud, thank you for the correction. i misunderstood. i am aware of multi x-session. :P20:22
nikrudmatti_: that's ok, Lamego remembered that pidgin uses a silly name for the libs20:22
matti_so now i can reinstall and it should work?20:23
bjameshi all, I'm trying to build cisco VPN client, it asks me to specify "Directory containing linux kernel source code [/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/build]" and I press enter (expecting that to be ok), but building fails20:23
gnuskoolnikrud: dont have much memory, might have to use flux20:23
EdwardXp3whats' the command to reconfigure the kernel to install more options?20:24
danandsouper - yes, but some suspends and hibernates are controlled by the systems bios20:24
bjames/home/bjames/Desktop/vpn/vpnclient/linuxcniapi.c:12:26: error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory20:24
EdwardXp3" auto config something... "20:24
Centaur5Every time I try to run oem-config-prepare and reboot I start typing in the new user information but it automatically continues loading to the login screen and doesn't create the user. What can be done?20:24
Lamegobjames, did you install the linux headers package ?20:24
Cann0ngnuskool, how much memory do you have?20:24
bjamesLamego: I will check20:24
matti_i just tried to intall using add or remove programs and it still says omething i comflicting with it :S20:25
Lamegosudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)20:25
gnuskoolcannon: 128MB20:25
tvnzmatti_, show error20:25
EdwardXp3Lamego:  i just want to try and configure the existing20:25
matti_says this20:25
matti_his application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'pidgin' the conflicting software must be removed first.20:25
matti_Switch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict.20:25
Cann0ni wouldn't attempt to run multi x-sessions on different wm's20:25
Lamegomatti_, uff, what about reading the specific message that you get, is terrible that you don't care to read the error messages in detail20:26
bjamesLamego: what is the name in synaptec?20:26
leodamasceno_Alguém aqui mexe com Drag and Drop em java?20:26
souperwell i found something about resume=/dev/hdaX as a kernel parameter, so if that's how it resumes from a hibernate I'm thinking that because the dev reference for my swap changed that it's trying to resume from a partition that's not my swap20:26
Lamegobjames, on the terminal:  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)20:26
bjamessynaptic tells me I have them20:26
souperwhich would leave the image on swap and causing the partition to appear corrupt20:26
oddchildhello all, my laptop does not notice when I plug things in the USB unless I do it before i turn it on. I recently bought a USB hard drive, it works for 30 minutes then shuts off (while doing things or not) then I cannot plug it back in... Any ideas?20:26
Lamegook, build-essential is also installed ?20:27
matti_is there anyway i can restore ubuntu from when i installed it?20:27
Stirnersuis en train d'installer ubuntu7.10 sur une carte mère P31-NEo de chez MSi et pas moyen de faire fonctionner l'usb20:27
souperso if i changed the grub config and fixed that boot param shouldn't that fix the problem?20:27
corinne_Hey, everyone.  I was wondering, is there a way to play .rm files in ubuntu?  vlc and mplayer aren't agreeing.20:28
gregoryStirner: /join ubuntu-fr :-)20:28
oddchildcorinne_,  you can get realplayer for linux :D20:28
corinne_Oh man.  I guess I have to.  *sigh*20:28
oddchildcorinne_,  there is also helixplayer20:29
bullgard4[GNOME] How to determine the filename of the dialog that appears when I click System > Quit... ?20:29
corinne_helixplayer works?20:29
EdwardXp3can someone teach me how to upgrade the kernel to the newst one?20:29
oddchildcorinne_,  yeah it should ;)20:29
matti_is there anyway i can restore my ubuntu to when i first got it?20:29
bullgard4EdwardXp3: Join the channel #ubuntu+1 and ask there.20:29
oddchildmath_b,  like how it was when you first installed?20:30
c3f59d4hey @all,   someone in for some touchscreen questions?20:30
oddchildmath_b, with just default programs etc?20:30
gregorycorinne_: i tried to use helixplayer, no luck20:30
brambi1i need help20:30
bjamesLamego: any ideas?20:30
brambi1how do i set my identd in xchat?20:30
gregorycorinne_: standard players dont offer to install the plugins for you?20:30
matti_are thee any other decent msn programs20:30
corinne_They offer, and then they tell me they can't fine them.20:31
souperc3f59d4 did you uncomment the wacom lines the the xorg.conf?20:31
souperthat's a good place to start20:31
gregorycorinne_: hmm, would you have an url for testing?20:31
c3f59d4okay, so xorg.conf and reboot?20:31
_Martin23254hi everyone20:31
souperyea make sure any line about wacom isn't commented20:32
c3f59d4okay, ill try that .. see you in 5 minutes :)20:32
corinne_gregory, I'm not sujre what you mean.20:32
gregorycorinne_: ok, my mistake. one step back. what is the message when it "doesnt find the plugins"?20:33
corinne_matti_: sudo apt-get install pidgin20:33
tvnzmatti_, gaim, amsn20:33
corinne_gregory: "There is no matching application available."20:33
Cann0ni thought gaim was discontinued20:34
ximis there no way to find out where a file is on your system after it comes up in a search?  it would be really nice if there was a column in the search window for location, but it seems like all you can do is right click each file and do properties, and even then it cuts off with a ..., it seems like there theres litterally NO way to find these files20:34
|KoCoBo| kosovo je srce srbije!!!20:34
|KoCoBo| kosovo je srce srbije!!!20:34
Cann0ntvnz, pidgin is gaim. gaim was renamed last april.20:35
corinne_Cann0n: gaim became pidgin because aim was bitching about the name20:35
gregorycorinne_: you were using synaptic. could be a problem with the repositories (database where all the software is stored)20:35
Cann0nall good. i didnt know until i spent a week looking for it lol.20:36
oddchildhello all, my laptop does not notice when I plug things in the USB unless I do it before i turn it on. I recently bought a USB hard drive, it works for 30 minutes then shuts off (while doing things or not) then I cannot plug it back in... Any ideas?20:36
gregorycorinne_: which version of ubuntu are you using?20:36
_Martin23254i just installed ubuntu and put screen resolution to 1024x768, but after rebot it's 640x480 and I cant go higher... What do i do?20:36
corinne_oddchild: I had the same problem.  I found a linux nerd, bought her dinner and she fixed it.20:36
oddchildcorinne_,  lol none here on this small island... i think i would have to ask skipper or giligan20:37
SavageOnehey guys:  I'm installing zimbra open source, and it says I'm missing:  libltd1320:37
corinne_Surely gilligan could figure it out20:37
SavageOneI tried apt-get, apt-cache search etc20:37
SavageOneanyone know what that is?20:37
gregory_Martin23254: is it first time you reboot? try again. worked for me. after second reboot everything was ok ;-)20:37
oddchildcorinne_,  that dunderhead ;)20:37
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:38
corinne_Try googling "ubuntu usb mount problem" or something along those lines20:38
_Martin23254Its the third reboot..20:38
oddchildcorinne_,  tried that... :( i found a lot of people having different problems20:38
Flare183!who | corinne_20:38
ubotucorinne_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:38
souper_hmm well editing the grub config didn't work20:39
corinne_Flare183: I was talking to oddchild20:39
=== souper_ is now known as souper
gregory_Martin23254: which version of ubuntu?20:39
oddchildcorinne_,  i just found my own post on ubuntuforums .. lol20:39
Cann0n... most people in here dont type their targets screen name. :(20:39
ccokay, so im back20:39
Flare183corinne_: did you read the what ubotu said?20:39
Flare183Cann0n: yeah i know20:40
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:40
Flare183Cann0n: they should through20:40
corinne_Flare183: yes...?20:40
=== cc is now known as c3f59d4
c3f59d4souper, you french?20:40
* Flare183 ignores corinne_20:41
Cann0nFlare183, i agree20:41
gregory_Martin23254: sorry, me cant help, but other people can ;-)20:41
gregorycorinne_: which version of ubuntu are you using?20:41
tvnzSavageOne, paste error code20:41
c3f59d4okay, your name suggests... so i decommented, changes nothing20:41
Cann0n_Martin23254, configure your graphics card and screen20:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:41
corinne_gregory: 7.1020:41
ricko12345is there a way to install unrar or anything on ubuntu gnomme without compileng and all the other stuff is there a way to make it automatic like windows20:42
itakuis there a program that could give me stats of NCAA games for ubuntu?20:42
Cann0nricko12345, apt-get20:42
gregorycorinne_: could you also give me the internet address of the rm you are trying to play?20:42
jrib!unrar > ricko12345 (read the private message from ubotu)20:42
Flare183ricko12345: depends on the software20:42
Jordan_U!rar | ricko1234520:42
uboturicko12345: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:42
c3f59d4souper, got another hint for the unknowing of ubuntu that i am ?20:43
corinne_gregory: http://www.mininova.org/get/125622420:43
souperc3f59d4: sorry i only knew to try that because i've heard of other people having success but that's about as far as my knowledge goes when it comes to touchscreens20:43
=== ar0nic is now known as ar0nic-gone
ricko12345its becouse every time i want to install a program i dont want to compile20:43
c3f59d4kay.. so maybe one of the other things i have to solve?20:43
souperis it the touchscreen on a tablet pc?20:44
noAudioMakeMeCraHey guys i am having the WEIRDEST problem... for some reason my headphones are plugged in and i am hearing sound form my speakers at the same time~!! i have 7.10 installed and have a built in intel soundcard!!!!! can anyone please help me out!???20:44
Jordan_U!rar | ricko1234520:44
uboturicko12345: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:44
geniiricko12345: How have you been installing things up til now? Downloading the source code and compiling it??20:44
c3f59d4ist a lifebook20:44
gregorycorinne_: hold on for a few minutes. i am just installing 7.10 into a virtual machine20:44
Cann0nc3f59d4, what are you trying to do?20:44
gregorycorinne_: needs to be done anyway..20:45
steven__hello everyone does anyone know how to connect an external harddrive on ubuntu that is nfts20:45
ricko12345ya but it gives me this error configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check20:45
c3f59d4well three things: 1st get to work my touchscreen on fujitsu lifebook20:45
Cann0nsteven__, is it usb?20:45
steven__cann0n, yes it is20:45
ximtheres some ntfs tools20:45
ximbut ive been dealing with that20:45
c3f59d42nd get to work the mouse knob its got20:46
oddchildstefano__, does it connect when you startup?20:46
Cann0nsteven__, not to sure, but i'd imagine you need to go into the "fstab" direction.20:46
Stroganoffwrong CaBa|20:46
oddchildsteven__,  ... i meant20:46
c3f59d43rd reconfigure the text console resolution20:46
Stroganoffthere are auto mount tools today, stefano__20:46
ximsteven__, are you trying to use it on windows also?20:46
souperc3f59d4: give me a minute I'll see what i can come up with20:47
geniiricko12345: Try installing programs with the package manager.eg: Add/Remove Programs20:47
c3f59d4cool, babe, thx20:47
steven__cann0n, oddchild,xim, i use it on windows vista as well its my friends im just trying to back my files up to ubuntu20:47
Cann0nc3f59d4, have you configured your xorg.conf and installed the modules needed?20:47
=== wayn is now known as noAUdio
c3f59d4i dont know what modules are needed CannOn...20:47
c3f59d4didnt find no docs20:48
oddchildsteve__,  does it notice when you plug it in? what about on startup? i wonder if i have the same problem20:48
Cann0nc3f59d4, try google?20:48
geniiricko12345: The only time you should need to compile something is if you can't find it there, or when you can't find a .deb package for it from a reputable place.20:48
oddchildsteven__,  does it notice when you plug it in? what about on startup? i wonder if i have the same problem20:48
ximsteven__ ntfs should auto mount, ive been doing the SAME thing but im trying to replace ntfs with FAT32 so its more compatible, but my HD isnt accepting it easily20:48
=== piero is now known as goku
c3f59d4CannOn sure man!20:48
Stroganoffsteven__: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g20:48
ximim dealing with it as we speak20:48
=== piero is now known as goku
Chris|how do i delete or uncomment the tty's from starting?20:49
Chris|i only want 2 tty's running20:49
corinne_steven_" are you on a toshiba satellite20:49
oddchildsteven__,  have you tried using sudo mount -a20:49
corinne_oddchild: same question20:50
ricko12345not all the stuff i download is .deb20:50
steven__oddchild, xim, stroganoff, the system recognizes it but it won't let me access the files does it have something to do with the fact that its in a windows format20:50
ricko12345it is source20:50
steven__oddchild no i haven't20:50
ubuntu2i installed java but it says missing plugin? how can i start java?20:50
oddchildcorinne_,  mine starts on startup but shuts down .. then doesnt work again.. usbs do not work unless they are plugged into begin with20:50
Stroganoffsteven__ are you using windows real time file compression?20:50
steven__oddchild, i put that command but nothing happen20:50
steven__stroganoff, i dunno what that is20:50
corinne_steven and oddchild, does this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=568420:50
ximsteven__ do you mean it recognizes it as a device or it actually mounts20:50
Jordan_Uricko12345, What is it that you need to install that isn't available in the default repositories ( Add Remove / Synaptic ) ?20:51
steven__xim, i don't see it at all actually20:51
ricko12345the only version i can find for unrar is source not .deb20:51
jribubuntu2: pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy sun-java6-plugin'20:51
Stroganoffsteven__ MORE INPUT20:51
ubotuPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:51
oddchildcorinne_, AFS? ... i dont understand20:51
jribricko12345: have you enable the multiverse repository20:51
ricko12345also if i have .deb on desktop how do i install it with synaptic20:51
Jordan_Uricko12345, unrar is available in the default repositories, System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager20:51
WhipsMcGeeis there a place that shows what packages I've got installed and how to remove them?  I want to remove netpbm20:52
jribChris|: look at /etc/event.d/tty*  Check the upstart notification to see how to properly stop those from getting executed20:52
Chris|ricko12345 open the deb with gdebi20:52
Chris|ok thanks jrib20:52
jrib!upstart > Chris| (read the private message from ubotu)20:52
steven__stroganoff, xim, oddchild, I'm trying to connect a mass usb storage device to my ubuntu partition i have a dual boot with windows vista, the usb drive is in windows format im trying to get it to mount and access the files inside how do i do this20:52
Jordan_Uricko12345, Or run "sudo apt-get install unrar"20:52
jribChris|: (I don't know if there is a cleaner way than just removing them)20:52
WhipsMcGeen/m found it20:53
Chris|yeah thats just what i want to do20:53
Jordan_Uricko12345, *always* check add remove / synaptic first20:53
oddchildsteven__, what does it do when you start up?20:53
ross`_can someone tell me how to set which display modes can be used?20:53
ximsteven__ ok do "sudo apt-get install lsscsi"  and then do "lsscsi"20:53
steven__oddchild, nothing at all it seems like its not being recognized20:53
souperc3f59d4: I think this might help with your touchscreen problems http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32755420:53
Cann0nJordan_U, you don't have to check those first. most of the time, its easier to type apt-get and the package name than is it to locate it.20:54
Chris|jrib just delete the tty's i dont want running?20:54
oddchildsteven__,  are you in 7.10?20:54
steven__oddchild yes20:54
steven__xim im gonna do that now20:54
biabiaif i install xubuntu 7.04 i can upgrade then to 7.10?20:54
biabiai have the 7.04 disk handy20:54
Jordan_UCann0n, I know, but right now he is searching on the internet and just finding source packages.20:54
oddchildbiabia,  yeah it is easy20:54
ross`_can someone tell me how to set which display modes can be used please20:54
jribChris|: probably best to back them up somewhere.  If you look inside, you can probably just comment the line that tells it to run on runlevel 2.  Again, I'm not really familiar with upstart, so at least glance through their docs20:55
Lamegobiabia, yes, but it would be preferable to installl 7.10 from a fresh install, it should take the same bandwidth as doing the upgrade20:55
Jordan_UChris|, What's the point in removing the ttys?20:55
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:55
c3f59d4souper thx man! ill follow that through20:55
Chris|Jordan_U i heard that the tty's arent never used, only 2 or 3 would be needed20:55
ross`_ubotu resolution20:55
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto20:55
Cann0nJordan_U, true. i wasnt familiar with apt-get when i started with ubuntu, and i had been running slackware for years.20:55
ximsteven__ lsscsi lists your scsi devices, tell us if the device is listed and what its name is (ex /dev/sdg)20:55
steven__xim,  disk    ATA      HTS541060G9AT00  MB3W  /dev/sda20:55
ximthats your primary hard drive20:56
steven__is it?20:56
steven__ok then nothign shows up20:56
ximonly that one?20:56
souperc3f59d4: no problem20:56
steven__the other thing is my cd drive20:56
wonsnotim new here20:56
ross`_ubotu changing resolutions to be used20:56
steven__ disk    ATA      HTS541060G9AT00  MB3W  /dev/sda20:56
LamegoChris|, tty's don't use much resources20:56
ross`_ubotu changing set resolutions20:56
ross`_can someone help me here!!20:57
Chris|i want to conserve everything i can get20:57
noAUdioI am having problems where my headphone and speakers have audio coming out at the same time... i read on the forum to update to the newest alsa drivers but that iddnt resolve anything.. Can anyone pleae help me!?????20:57
ximsteven__ the letter at the end 'a' like /dev/sda it gives those letters out in order i think, if its not even listing your HD as a device, im not sure you should probably make a post on ubuntuforums.org20:57
wonsnotis there a build that supports pre 1999 bios?20:57
dlxi'm using autofs on a debian etch system to mount a nfs share of a ubuntu system. so far this works great. but if the mount point is the current directory and i shut the nfs server down, there is no way to recover. Is there any way to handle this gracefully?20:57
Cann0nnoAUdio, double click on your volume tray icon20:57
biabiaoddchild thanks20:57
biabiaand Lamego  good point20:57
steven__xim, that sucks so my plan B is sharing files with vista and ubuntu how do i do that?20:58
noAUdioCann0n: ok ?20:58
corinne_oddchild: that fix helped me with my speakers, so it might help.20:58
Cann0nnoAUdio, then in edit > preference, look for an option labeled "headphone jack sense"20:58
corinne_I'm trying to fi gure out how to install w32codecs20:58
oddchildcorinne_,  ah okay20:58
jrib!w32codecs > corinne_ (read the private message from ubotu)20:58
wonsnotis there somewhere i can go to get an older build of ubuntu?20:58
jribWhipsMcGee: why? ...20:58
catfishlollipophow do I get this package?  "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-server"20:59
ricko12345jordan when i type sudo apt-get install unrar it says unrar has no installation canidate20:59
Lamegocatfishlollipop, from the repositories ?20:59
ricko12345Package unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:59
ricko12345This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or20:59
ricko12345is only available from another source20:59
Cann0nnoAUdio, did that fix it?20:59
jribricko12345: go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources and enable Multiverse.  Please do not paste in the channel21:00
steven__how do you share files between vista and ubuntu21:00
Lamegoricko12345, the multiverse needs to be enabled21:00
Lamegostefano__, using samba21:00
catfishlollipopLamego, I tried to do apt-get and it said it couldnt find the package21:00
ricko12345i cant see software sources21:01
jribricko12345: what version of ubuntu?21:01
jrib!version | ricko1234521:01
uboturicko12345: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell21:01
* IndyGunFreak sees dead peo[ple, but no sources21:01
ricko123455.10 daper21:01
IndyGunFreakricko12345: you have an amazing distro, it doesn't exist21:01
jribricko12345: please run the command that ubotu just gave you21:01
coleosisHere's a question for you, at school I can access Windows shares via the network just by typing in the computer name, for example: \\COMPNAME, Is there a similar way I can access these shares from Ubuntu?21:01
corinne_I'm having the same problem as ricko12345, but with w32codecs21:02
steven__how do you share files between vista and ubuntu21:02
Liorcsame network ?21:02
jribcorinne_: did you read what ubotu sent you?21:02
ricko12345the sudo command21:02
ximsteven__ check my pm21:02
danand_coleosis - yes. with smbmount command - smbmount //server/share /mountpoint21:02
soupercoleosis: you need samba installed and you can access them by smb://21:02
jribricko12345: lsb_release -a21:03
coleosisthanks guys for the help21:03
urlwolfI'm backwards from most people21:03
geniicoleosis: in file browser, smb://workgroupname              or smb://computername21:03
danand_coleosis - install smbfs to do that command from a cli21:03
urlwolfI have a fonts problem21:03
Liorctry use Places --> Network you might see vista on the same lan21:03
urlwolfbut not an OS fonts problem21:03
corinne_jrib: A-HA!  I will try that, thank you! :D21:03
mirakis there a way to copy a ntfs partitions to another ntfs partition ?21:03
urlwolfIt's netbeans (a swing application)21:03
geniisouper: smbclient only21:03
steven__xim, i didn't get your pm21:03
geniiwhich is on default install21:03
urlwolfThe damn thing doesn't see the fonts I have installed on my system21:04
=== fanskap is now known as Styrbjorn
ricko12345lsb version:    n/a21:04
coleosisYou guys are life savers.21:04
souperif you don't want to share folders to windows computers21:04
ximdoes it say my name on the left?21:04
urlwolfanyone knows a workaround?21:04
Ace2016look at the xorg on my desktop, i can't keep switching from my laptop to my desktop constantly21:04
Ace2016woops wrong tab21:04
ximsteven__  im sortof a beginner too, im just going through something similiar as you, i think vista has a new file system called WinFS that linux probably cant read yet (i havent researched this) otherwise you could probably just mount your vista partition in linux, NTFS will work in linux tho although it gets REAL pissy if you dont safely remove hardware before you plug into linux, but someone should be able to help21:04
Scuniziurlwolf, sudo fc-cache -f -v21:04
xim you if you make a post describing what your trying to do and maybe also what you got from lsscsi21:04
xim the forums are really better than IRC IMO, lots of really knowledgable people that can tell you exactly what to do if you just ask, usually within a day21:04
urlwolfI did that21:04
rolandim facing a DCOP server issue.. i went to #kubuntu.. they pointed me back here since im an UBUNTU user..21:05
Scuniziurlwolf, where did you put any new fonts that you need access to?21:05
urlwolfit'll refresh the fonts for the system21:05
Lamegoxim, you are wrong, Vista uses NTFS21:05
souperxim: samba can communicate with my vista computers... vista still uses ntfs21:05
urlwolfbut not for hava apps21:05
urlwolfI wonder why that is21:05
ximoh ok like i said i hadnt reasearched it21:05
corinne_jrib: wow, this is complicated...21:05
ubuntu2jrib bash: apt-cache: command not found21:05
greasy_leftwingxim: this is true21:05
ubuntu2i installed java but it says missing plugin? how can i start java?21:05
trendanyone have antivirus recommendations for my fileserver to scan my windows files?21:05
jribcorinne_: really?  What are you reading exactly?21:06
greasy_leftwingyou can mount using ntfs-3g21:06
steven__xim, thank you i wish i could find a way to do this easier haha21:06
Cann0nbut vista is still very glitchy.21:06
Lamegotrend, clamav21:06
jribubuntu2: erm.  What distribution are you using?21:06
ricko12345i ran sudo apt-get install unrar but i got error21:06
danand_trend - clamav?21:06
ubuntu2jrib sus21:06
trendclamav doesn't do filesystem scanning anymore.. just antivirus21:06
urlwolfany java wiz here?21:06
jribricko12345: did you enable multiverse?21:06
trendi mean email21:06
gnuskooli got LAMP, phpmyadmin running, but when i try install a cms with the index.php file it keeps re-opening the file in mozilla, help21:06
Cann0nricko12345, check your source file21:06
jribubuntu2: suse?21:06
Lamegoricko12345, have you enabled the repository as described21:06
Scuniziurlwolf, you should put additional fonts in /home/<username>/.fonts21:07
jribubuntu2: /join #suse21:07
ximsure, you gotta make friends with the forums tho dude its really helpful once you get registered21:07
urlwolfI don't understand where java grabs its fonts21:07
ubuntu2jrib banned from there21:07
jribubuntu2: this channel is only for ubuntu support21:07
IndyGunFreakubuntu2: lol, well then you have a serious problem21:07
IndyGunFreakubuntu2: maybe #linux21:07
corinne_jrib: wait, I think I've got it.  http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/gutsy-seveas/21:07
urlwolfnot from standard locations it seems21:07
ricko12345i cant find software sources21:07
Scuniziurlwolf, probably from where they are register in the system..21:07
Scunizi!fonts | urlwolf21:08
ubotuurlwolf: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:08
Malik_can some1 help me out with the partioning part in the ubuntu installation21:08
trendmaybe I am wrong about clamav.. but clamav.org says just email scanning21:08
Malik_i kinda screwed it all up21:08
jribricko12345: oh right.  I asked you to run 'lsb_release -a' and tell me the output21:08
jrib!who | ricko1234521:08
uboturicko12345: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:08
danand_ricko12345 - check your /etc/apt/sources.list file21:08
urlwolfmy terminal, all other apps etc show any new fonts I add after doing  fc-cache -f -v21:08
Malik_can some1 help me out?21:08
urlwolfbut Netbeans won't21:08
jribcorinne_: yes, that is one way21:08
Liorcyea Malik what you need ?21:08
Malik_i kinda need a guide for a few secs21:08
TheGhostRiDERI cannot run any programs on this newuser I made.21:08
urlwolfthey show completely unrelated lists of fonts21:08
jribcorinne_: but the wiki page has the instructions for actually using it21:08
IndyGunFreakricko12345: just system/admin/software repositories, and check all the boxes(assujming you have a GUI)21:08
Malik_i hav a 40 gb hd21:08
Malik_with xp on it21:09
Malik_and i am installing ubuntu21:09
TheGhostRiDERHow do I fix this?21:09
Liorchow many partition you have ?21:09
Malik_rite now i hav 2 partioins21:09
Ward1983Malik_, its best to just ask your question :)21:09
IndyGunFreak!enter | Malik_21:09
ubotuMalik_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:09
jribTheGhostRiDER: be more specific as to what exactly you did and what the outcome was (pick some program that is not working)21:09
ricko12345it says 5.1021:09
Scuniziurlwolf, maybe netbeans has something in its .conf file that describes where to look for the fonts it uses.21:09
Malik_i see 7 partins21:09
IndyGunFreakricko12345: thats a very dated distro.21:09
jribricko12345: 5.10 is no longer supported, you need to upgrade21:09
TheGhostRiDERjrib: im trying to run iroffer21:09
Malik_and i only had 2 but i messed up21:09
urlwolffor example I have a font in netbeans called DialogInput21:09
Malik_how can i figure out which is which21:10
urlwolfthat is nowhere to be found in my system21:10
urlwolfit must come with java21:10
Malik_i wana restart the install and do a fresh 121:10
TheGhostRiDERLike I said, I made a new user and I cant even sudo21:10
jribTheGhostRiDER: I have no idea what that is.  Is there no default application that is not working?21:10
Malik_and put my partioins back to normal21:10
Scuniziurlwolf, try sudo updatedb then locate DialogInput21:10
Malik_how can i find otu which hav xp on them21:10
LiorcMalik_ : are you in live CD ?21:10
Ward1983Malik_, mount them with the ubuntu live CD to make sure, and prey you didnt mess up too bad21:10
Malik_yes iam in live cd21:10
jribTheGhostRiDER: new users can only sudo if you add them to the admin group21:10
corinne_jrib: I'm not sure what to do on this page.21:10
Cann0nMalik_, dual booting?21:10
TheGhostRiDERhold on21:10
danand_Malik_ - run sudo fdisk -l to see your current disk partitions21:11
jribcorinne_: link me to the page you are reading (ubotu made 2 different suggestions)21:11
greasy_leftwingthis is gettin messy21:11
Malik_i see my current partioins21:11
corinne_jrib: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages21:11
Malik_and there r 721:11
danand_Malik_ - the ones that say NTFS will be your Windows partitions21:11
Malik_where there should be 221:11
Malik_o okay21:11
Malik_but i only see 1 nts21:11
TheGhostRiDERjrib: how21:11
urlwolfthe fonts I install are in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/custom21:11
urlwolfie consolas21:11
IndyGunFreakMalik_: so what are all the other ones?21:11
Malik_there should be 2 nts cause i ahd to winodws partioins21:11
=== LesEnfantsDeLaRa is now known as Wedge
jribcorinne_: use medibuntu, the instructions are probably easier to follow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu21:12
danand_Malik_ - pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l21:12
Cann0nMalik_, when i dual booted windows xp and gutsy, i had 421:12
jake2point0how can i tell if im registered21:12
Scuniziurlwolf, have you looked in ~/.fonts ?21:12
Ward1983Malik_, please pastebin what fdisk -l returned21:12
Malik_how else can i find otu which is windows21:12
jribTheGhostRiDER: System -> Administration -> Users and groups  and give your new user administrative permissions21:12
TheGhostRiDERjrib: im doing this all through a terminal21:12
danand_Malik_ - do you know how to use pastebin?21:12
Ward1983Malik_, paste.ubuntu-nl.org21:12
Ward1983now he does :)21:13
jribTheGhostRiDER: as your original user, "sudo adduser NEW_USER admin"21:13
danand_!pastebin | Malik_21:13
Malik_iam starting all over21:13
ubotuMalik_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:13
corinne_jrib: "Resolving www.medibuntu.org... failed: Name or service not known."21:13
Cann0nMalik_, NTFS is windows xp and vista21:13
urlwolfI have no /.fonts21:13
gregorycorinne_: i am just downloading the updates. 15 more minutes.. and the also the rm. stay tuned! ;-)21:13
TheGhostRiDERadduser: The group `admin' does not exist.21:13
Malik_and the swap r wat ubuntu created rite21:13
jribcorinne_: you need to give me context.  What did you do to receive that error?21:13
corinne_gregory: thank you!21:13
Scuniziurlwolf, you have to /home/<name>/.fonts otherwise it won't cd21:13
Lasivianany recommendations on best wifi chipset for Ubuntu? The HCL lists several, but doesn't rate them really21:13
souperTheGhostRiDER: what about group sudo?21:13
corinne_jrib: I wrote "sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list"21:13
Ward1983Lasivian, i would recommand anything atheros based21:14
Lasivianthanks :)21:14
IndyGunFreaki just checked my XP/Gutsy machine, I have 1 NTFSS(25gigs), 1 Linux(ext 3, 220gigs), 1 extended(3gigs), 1 swap(3gigs)21:14
ubuntu2how do i install sun-java6-plugin in suse?21:14
jribcorinne_: is your comuter connected to the internet?  Can you visit http://www.medibuntu.org in a browser on that computer?21:14
Lasivianmy Hermes 2 card can't do monitor mode, so I gotta replace it21:14
IndyGunFreakubuntu2: you've been told repeatedly this is not suse support.. if you're banned from suse, ask in #linux21:14
Ward1983ubuntu2, does this look like a suse channel???21:14
Cann0nmalik, did you get my private message?21:14
Scuniziubuntu2, ask in #suse?21:14
Lamegoubuntu2, please stop doing suse questions here, you have been warned already21:14
Cann0nMalik_,  did you get my private message?21:14
IndyGunFreakScunizi: he is banned from there, i'm beginning to understand why21:14
ScuniziIndyGunFreak, I guess :/21:15
gligorhoriahey guys i think the ubotu should talk aboute "itself" at the third person, because a lot of persones (new persons) are confused when he replys21:15
ubuntu2i am fcn banned from there21:15
rolandany1 faced a dcopserver error ?21:15
thesurvivormanhe probably was asking ubuntu questions there21:15
urlwolflooking at the conf file for netbeans21:15
urlwolfI have -Dswing.useSystemFontSettings=true21:15
corinne_jrib: yes, which is why I'm a bit confused21:15
Malik_cann0n: i did21:15
urlwolfso it must be looking21:15
jribubuntu2: you're offtopic here21:15
Ward1983ubuntu2, well nobody will help you here... ask them to unban you21:15
IndyGunFreakubuntu2: well maybe you should do as suggested ask in #linux, or switch to a distro  you can use21:15
gligorhorianow who can help me with some kernel isues21:15
urlwolfbut who knows where, because it doesn't find fonts21:15
ubuntu2it will take too long21:15
TheGhostRiDERjrib: command not found21:15
Cann0ni'll will walk you through it21:16
jribTheGhostRiDER: what did you type?21:16
TheGhostRiDERsudo group21:16
ubuntu2why are you people so selfish21:16
jribTheGhostRiDER: that's not what I said though :/21:16
ubuntu2is suse your enemy?21:16
LamegoTheGhostRiDER, sudo usermod -g admin user21:16
TheGhostRiDERwhat did you say?21:16
Malik_can0n: private21:16
Liorcnah but its ubuntu chat lol21:16
greasy_leftwinghow do I install the grubnuts-loop-transverter in mandrake?21:16
thesurvivormanand yes, suse killed my father21:16
jribubuntu2: stay on topic or I will have to ban you here as well.  The topic is *ubuntu* support21:16
souperTheGhostRiDER: That's what i said but i didn't mean to type it as a command i meant to try and add the user to the sudo group21:16
danand_gligorhoria - read up on that kernel interupts timing. Unfortunately thats not configurable on the fly - its set in the config when you compile the kernel.21:16
TheGhostRiDERusermod: unknown group admin21:17
jribTheGhostRiDER: as your original user, "sudo adduser NEW_USER admin"21:17
ubuntu2what is ubuntu?21:17
Cann0nMalik_, I am, you aren't replying.21:17
TheGhostRiDERi am!21:17
gligorhoriai have a kernell panic, non synking, nenory fail to write or something, i get there erros at high loads, should i change my ram?21:17
TheGhostRiDERim in root21:17
jrib!ubuntu | ubuntu221:17
ubotuubuntu2: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:17
rwycuffubuntu2: suse is very different from ubuntu you would pry get more helpin say #centos or #fedora then here21:17
urlwolfok I have a ~/.fontconfig/ folder21:17
jribTheGhostRiDER: what distribution is this?21:17
urlwolfnot a .fonts21:17
Malik_can0n: i replyed21:17
LamegoTheGhostRiDER, you don't have an admin group ? are you able to sudo with other users ?21:17
Scuniziubuntu2, maybe we can't support it because we're not aware of how it's packagning system works, or what's in it's repos or may it just because were too busy supporting UBUNTU21:17
rolandany1 faced a dcopserver error ?21:17
Ward1983Cann0n, Malik_ you need to register to be able to send PMs21:17
Malik_u do?21:18
IndyGunFreakMalik_: gotta be registered to pm21:18
Ward1983Malik_, yes :)21:18
TheGhostRiDERjrib: ubuntu 7.10 i believe21:18
IndyGunFreakMalik_: the two of you can just join a private room, its not that difficult21:18
Ward1983Malik_, jsut register your nickname :)21:18
Cann0nWard1983, oh, didnt think about that. i am registered. :)21:18
Malik_can0n: iam not rigestered21:18
TheGhostRiDERLamego: nope21:18
jribTheGhostRiDER: what does "lsb_release -c" return?21:18
Ward1983Cann0n, i know thats why i used highlight to make sure you read it :)21:18
IndyGunFreakCann0n: just make a channel and the two of you go there, thats the easiest thing w/ an unreg'd user21:18
Bob_Dolewait, ubuntu2 wants help with SuSe, so why doesn't he go to #SuSe?21:18
Ward1983Bob_Dole, hes banned there21:19
souperTheGhostRiDER: have you tried  "sudo adduser NEW_USER sudo"   ?21:19
IndyGunFreakBob_Dole: he's banned21:19
greasy_leftwinghe's banned from there apparently21:19
Malik_can0n: jus gimme a second to check sometin and tthen u can help me witht he partioning21:19
Flare183!lol | Bob_Dole21:19
ubotuBob_Dole: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.21:19
TheGhostRiDERhold o21:19
ubuntu2and ven if ai am unbanned it takes too long21:19
gligorhoriadanand_ ty, that is most helphul information, i am surprised to get an answer from u today, don't get me wrong it is still verry usefull, the thing is now that i'm having problems whith compiling the kernel... ty again21:19
LamegoTheGhostRiDER, if you have removed the admin group you will need to boot into rescue mode, recreate the group and add the users to the group21:19
* IndyGunFreak thinks Bob_Dole is a bit slow on the uptake..lol21:19
Bob_DoleSo, I use it once, and that is a regular basis.21:19
Bob_DoleI've been AFR.21:19
greasy_leftwingwhy are you banned? and if so, why come to us? are you selling big issue or summt?21:19
TheGhostRiDERLamego: i never touched it21:19
Cann0nMalik_, join #Cann0n21:19
Bob_Doleand also I don't type very well, stiff hands and such.21:19
danand_gligorhoria - np :) sorry to hear about kernel compile problem :(21:20
TheGhostRiDERjrib: worked21:20
jribgreasy_leftwing: please don't discuss it here anymore21:20
greasy_leftwingthat was a bit overboard, my apologies21:20
RototoRHi! I`m trying to configure LDAP+Samba. But OpenLDAP doesn`t read in samba.schema, at least it does not allow to create samba user accounts (using phpLDAPadmin) and the samba schema entries don`t show up in the schema display of phpLDAPadmin. Any clue how I can debug this?21:21
gligorhoriadanand_ right at the end it gives me somme errors but that was on debian, i changed to ubuntu server (the thing is i doesn't give me kernell panics on debian...)21:21
corinne_jrib: WHOA.  I just tried the exact same thing again and it worked this tim e21:22
urlwolfone more clue: using sdk6 does get some more fonts21:22
urlwolfif I use sdk5, it offers only about 10 (all horrible for programming)21:22
=== _Cain__ is now known as Cain_
gligorhoriadanand_ any way i will post the info from the server in a way or another so i can get a better feedback21:22
ubuntu2i an settleing and relaxing21:22
urlwolf(in netbeans you can chose which java sdk to use)21:22
urlwolfto run the IDE21:22
danand_gligorhoria - k21:22
gligorhoriadanand_ the sistem is froze so i can't copy paste ...21:23
Malik_can u install windows on top of ubuntu or do u hav install windows first and then linux????21:23
zenlunaticdid 8.04 beta come out today?21:23
LamegoMalik_, if you install windows after you will need to restore grub21:23
gligorhoriaMalik_ it is easier to install windows first21:24
Malik_wats grub?21:24
Lamegozenlunatic, for hardy questions, go to #ubuntu+121:24
Flare183i'm back21:24
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:24
ubuntu2why does it take too long to get help21:24
Trance_Music||||||||||||||||HI EVERYBODY :)||||||||||||||||21:24
jribTrance_Music: please do not do that21:24
gligorhoriaubuntu2 we are not paid for this don't be rood21:25
ubuntu2ood is not a word21:25
jribcorinne_: good21:25
LamegoTrance_Music, lower your CAPS21:25
Trance_Music<((JRiB))> BETTER?21:25
gligorhoriaok don't be an ass21:25
alpha123456anybody know how i can sort this out?    i have somehow run or installed ubuntu on my mac os x.       ubuntu runs from the live cd no problem.          but now i cannot boot 'os x'  anymore.          my mac doesnt recognise any of the boot commands.  or the 'os x' disk.             when i reboot without the ubuntu live cd, i just get an error saying 'grub hard disk error'.   with the live cd ubuntu starts up.   i think its because i changed the startup di21:26
* IndyGunFreak laughs at jrib's abuse of OP powers..lol21:26
TheGhostRiDERjrib: it still doesnt work for me21:26
jribTheGhostRiDER: what was the output of 'lsb_release -c'?21:26
jrib!caps | Trance_Music21:26
ubotuTrance_Music: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:26
LamegoIndyGunFreak, use is not abuse21:26
jrib!guidelines > Trance_Music (read the private message from ubotu)21:27
IndyGunFreakLamego: it was a joke.... i don't think jrib took it seriously, or i'd be gone, take a paxil21:27
jribTheGhostRiDER: 'grep admin /etc/group' returns what?21:27
poamjHi there. Does anybody know how i can configure the fonts for kde applications on ubuntu (I am using gnome). I've downloaded qt3-config and qt4-config and configured the font size and style in both, however i can't see the results on applications like Kile and Ktorrent.21:27
Trance_Music<((JRiB))> NOW I CAN?21:27
gligorhoriaalpha123456 u might try to mount the last disk in ubuntu live and reset the grub loader (use fdisk -l to see if the hard disks show up)21:27
ubuntu2i recieved 3 ubuntu cds and they were all defective? why? is it becasue my name sucked?21:27
juank_pradawhen is beta being released?21:27
jribTrance_Music: I'm going to have to ban you, which is a pain because I don't have a script setup for this client yet21:28
corinne_jrib:juank_prada: april21:28
Lamegojuank_prada, for ubuntu hardy, join #ubuntu+121:28
TheGhostRiDERjrib: nothing21:28
IndyGunFreakubuntu2: could just be your hardware doesn't cooperate w/ the live CD, it happens21:28
gligorhoriaubuntu2 it seems u have an internet conection, why don't u download them?21:28
jribTheGhostRiDER: weird.  Can you pastebin what /etc/group does look like?21:28
ubuntu2IndyGunFreak i check with back of the cd and it was all out of shape recording21:28
TheGhostRiDERroot@kingnetcodingnetwork:~# grep admin /etc/group21:29
ubuntu2gligorhoria becasue i don't want to download stupid 7000 mb of files21:29
IndyGunFreakubuntu2: i really don't know.. burn it yourself then21:29
TheGhostRiDERthats what happens.21:29
alpha123456any chance of a bit more detail... i'm kinda stuck... being a new bie an all21:29
IndyGunFreakTrance_Music: then join the ubuntu support channel in your native tongue, yhou're just gonna get banned here.;21:29
Gloohi. i need a chatscript for my sony ericsson w890 mobile phone. trying to configure my ppp bluetooth connection. anyone who can help me out?21:29
danand_TheGhostRiDER - can you pastebin your /etc/groups file?21:29
gligorhoriaubuntu2 as u can see everybody is sugesting the same thing!21:29
FinnishHow can I receive/download all mail from GMail to Evolution/my computer?21:30
IndyGunFreakgligorhoria: well, you'll learn here, that means the person just keeps asking until they get the answer they want21:30
ubuntu2gligorhoria i think they did it on porpose. it was well planned21:30
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ubuntu2i think they did it on purpose. it was well planned21:30
IndyGunFreakubuntu2: ?  on purpose?21:30
LamegoFinnish, you will need to configure the POP3 account for it, not sure if there are instructions for evolution on the gmails page21:30
ubuntu2why did they do it21:30
henryvpswhere can i find a some old repository where could be mysql-query-browser 5.0 r6?21:30
gregoryFinnish: you could use "POP3" if its new for you just read on wikipedia..21:31
gligorhoriaIndyGunFreak ty i will shut my piehole :D21:31
rolanddcopserver any1!?21:31
Lamegocould someone shutup ubuntu2 ?21:31
thesurvivormani can help finnish... pm if you want21:31
souperevolution supports IMAP right?21:31
ani1Lamego: /ignore21:31
IndyGunFreakhm.. i bet they mailed your CD's to to the russian space station, set burned it there, knowing it would not work, then beamed the image down, and it was burned by nasa, and mailed to you.. all those steps, you can only expect problems21:31
RymHmm i cant seem to get my sound to work on gutsy21:31
gligorhoriaani1 ty :D21:31
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Rymwell it used to work, now it keeps saying the device is in use21:31
Lamegohenryvps, the last time I checked mysql provide it on a binary package, it should be as simple as untar and run21:31
Lamegoani1, that doesnt work for all the useless talk on the channel21:32
Rymalso skype keeps saying that thereś something wrong with my capture device (before the deviec in use problem)21:32
HelpWithWineI'm on a widescreen laptop: can someone tell me how to make games run in 640x480 without cutting off the bottom of the screen?21:32
zenlunaticLamego: thanks21:32
ubuntu2Lamego f u21:32
rolanddcopserver any1!?21:32
ubuntu2Lamego fcn21:32
IndyGunFreakbye bye ubuntu221:32
gregoryubuntu2: watch you language, please21:33
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!21:33
ubuntu2Lamego nerd21:33
IndyGunFreakthank goodness21:33
gligorhoriajrib: ty21:33
corinne_ani1: thanks!21:33
IsrefelBUenas noches21:33
JonjonbtWhat Windows files should I back up if I want to dual-boot?21:34
Lamego!es | Isrefel21:34
ubotuIsrefel: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:34
Finnishthesurvivorman: Help needed...21:34
YgorAbreu_ESP_BRdoes any1 know why the beta1 of hardy heron?21:34
gligorhoriaJonjonbt the ones that u need later on in case of system crash (data loss)21:34
PeterGriffinhi all !21:34
IndyGunFreakYgorAbreu_ESP_BR: its not beta yet21:34
IndyGunFreak!hardy | YgorAbreu_ESP_BR21:34
ubotuYgorAbreu_ESP_BR: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:34
Jonjonbtso like WINDOWS and Documents and Settings?21:35
ani1Jonjonbt: theirs not one speicif file anything you deem important21:35
jribTheGhostRiDER: reboot in recovery mode and see if your /etc/sudoers says anything about "admin".  Write down the line, come back, and tell us21:35
JonjonbtNot really21:35
PeterGriffincan somebody help me ? i have this problem with wine : err:advapi:service_get_status service protocol error - failed to read pipe r = 0  count = 0!21:35
YgorAbreu_ESP_BRIndyGunFreak: not beta? so this page is fake? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta21:35
rolanddcopserver any1!? help21:36
IndyGunFreakYgorAbreu_ESP_BR: that is alpha, not beta..21:36
gligorhoriaJonjonbt the pictues that u have, you documents, stuff on the descktop, music, gamesaves etc...21:36
JonjonbtOkay, so Documents and Settings only?21:36
gligorhoriawill there be a hardy server ?21:36
JonjonbtIt'll save "WINDOWS"?21:36
ani1Jonjonbt: just take note of the partition and the device name as this is the most likely of situations where you will overwrite your windows install if its a SATA disk its probably /dev/sda1 make swap sda2 and ubuntu sda3 check and write down what its dev name is21:36
gregorygligorhoria: sure - desktop and server iso21:36
ani1Jonjonbt: if its on a different disk then unplug that disk if your totally unsure21:36
LamegoJonjonbt, you are the only person that can be aware where you have saved your data, the default place is under document and settings21:37
TheGhostRiDERhow to reboot in recovery mode?21:37
YgorAbreu_ESP_BRo.O so correct me if im wrong(guess i am) but why is called beta then---?21:37
souperPeterGriffin: I would suggest joining #wine21:37
Jonjonbtso "Documents and Settings".21:37
LamegoYgorAbreu_ESP_BR, for questions about hardy, please join #ubuntu+121:37
JonjonbtAnd that's it?21:37
PeterGriffinok souper thanks !21:37
gligorhoriagregory ok, ty - that's neat :D21:37
ani1Jonjonbt: again it depends on where you save your data it could be anywhere21:37
amortvigilwhat programs i need to run dvd's21:37
JonjonbtSo it shouldn't delete "WINDOWS"?21:37
ani1Jonjonbt: not if you dont want to you can dual boot21:38
LamegoJonjonbt, your questions is turning a bit off-topic, try ##windows21:38
DreskenMy refresh rate shows a maximum of 65Hz for 1024x768 when my monitor supports up to 87Hz, any idea how I can fix this?21:38
Liorcamortvigil : totem installed by defaualt can do it21:38
rolandJonjonbt,  backup up ur prvt data and so on like pics documents etc... then boot with ubuntu and partition ur hdd manualy so u could edit ur partitions to give ur new ubuntu instalation space it needs.. while keepign windows intact... b careful not to over resize ur windows partitins...21:38
bobbo85Hi all, wondering what I can use to backup my files to DVDs with Ubuntu.  I just installed HUBackup, but nothing happens when I run the command, so I uninstalled it.  Any ideas?21:38
JonjonbtAnd also, should I backup Program Files21:38
auraxanyone here uses jsvc?21:38
gligorhoriaJonjonbt all of it man!21:38
ani1bobbo85: if your just trying to burn i suggest k3b choose dvd data then drag drop and burn21:38
* Jonjonbt doesn't have enough mobile space to hold it all21:39
jribTheGhostRiDER: when you reboot, it is a choice in the grub menu21:39
rolandJonjonbt,  no no need to backup ur documents and settings! just backup ur OWN data... ur PERSONAL files.. windows cant b abcked! u coudl do a recovery cd if ur worried bout ur windows21:39
bobbo85anil, I'm talking like backing up 20 gb onto DVDs, will k3b do that?21:39
gligorhoriaJonjonbt think as when u buy a new computer, every file u would want to put on you new computer should be saved21:39
ani1Jonjonbt: you should probably stop with the same question...burn it to a disk , go buy another disk , go buy an external do whatever it is that is most important to you but you and you alone are the only person to decide that21:39
ani1bobbo85: you can back it up in chunks its like nero if you use windows if your looking for a whole system back up its a different story21:40
amortvigilwhen i mount dvds i get "mount: not a directory"21:40
gligorhoriaani1 my next answer would have been "yes delte windows" :D21:40
amortvigilhow to fix?21:40
corinne_jonjonbi: an external drive is a sensible investment anyway, as you can use it to back up your system in the future21:40
JonjonbtSo the installer probably won't delete anything in "WINDOWS"?21:41
Lamegoamortvigil, you are providing "mount" where you should provide an existing path, for the mount point21:41
ani1amortvigil: read the mount command its mount /dev/xxx /path/to/mount/point21:41
rolandJonjonbt,  the installer is setup for u to use it.. it depends on ur iq..21:41
LamegoJonjonbt, if you create a differente partition, it will not delete it, the installer works partition wise, it doesn't care about directories21:41
ani1Jonjonbt: if you write it to a different partition it wont do _ANYTHING_ to the windows install21:41
gligorhoriaJonjonbt if u do it right21:41
souperJonjonbt: not unless you tell it to21:41
JonjonbtOkay, I'll work around with it21:41
Lokianhi all21:42
walilo789hello i'm searching for program like "internet download manager" in windows please help me !!!21:42
rolandJonjonbt,  as i said... backup ur OWN data just in case (dont back up windows thts stupid) and then do a MANUAL install21:42
PeterGriffinhi all , is there a TACACS client for linux available ?21:42
LokianWhere do I find a vnc server install for Ubuntu server?21:42
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:42
Cann0nwalilo789, this is Ubuntu, not Windows.21:42
rolandwalilo789,  evern though this isnt the place to help for such windows based issues.. but my fav is "flashget"21:42
Jonjonbtroland: What's my OWN data?21:42
Lamegowalilo789, Add/Remove programs, search for "download manager"21:42
rolandJonjonbt,  tht gotta b the stupidest Q any1 has asked here21:43
gligorhoriaman this ubotu is cool21:43
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tim167desktophi, my bluetooth worked, but after eboot hcitool scan returns 'No such device' how can i make it work =21:43
amortvigilLamego: anil ok ty but i get this error while ubuntu is auto mounting21:43
bobbo85anil, the last program I used was called Genie backup (windows).  I would select what directories and files I wanted to backup with check marks, and save that backup routine as like "my backup" - then I would run that backup, and it would tell me I needed 6 DVDs and just ask me to insert one after another...  Is this sort of thing possible with Ubuntu?21:43
Jonjonbtroland: Docs and Settings?21:43
walilo789tanks I tried it but they are not to useful21:44
ani1Jonjonbt: it is getting really annoying i think you know the answer but are getting a rise...When you ask an intelligent question you shall receive an intelligent answer...Your own data is data owned by you..21:44
Cann0nJonbo, your own data is YOUR data that is Yours21:44
Centaur5Should installing oem-config-prepare on a machine that was installed in regular text mode still work?21:44
rolandJonjonbt,  man if u dunno tht u cannot backup windows as a whole.. i dont think u could start up with linux21:44
Cann0nsounds like a troll to me21:44
ani1bobbo85: heh i just stumbled on this article http://packratstudios.com/index.php/2008/03/11/symantec-ghost-who-a-list-of-open-source-alternatives/21:44
corinne_jonjonbt: your data means your music, porn, films, etc.21:44
ani1bobbo85: i think this is what your looking for21:44
rolandlol corinne_21:44
phuzionHow can I take a screenshot in Gnome?21:44
ani1phuzion: print screen button on keyboard21:45
corinne_jonjonbt: if you are dual booting, then all your windows "documents and settings" etc. will remain part of your windows boot.21:45
JonjonbtThank you21:45
gligorhoriaplease stop spaming!21:45
bobbo85Cool anil I'll check it out thanks21:45
rolandcorinne_,  its hist first time using linux.. hes worried he might mess up21:45
phuzionani1, where does it save to?21:45
bastid_raZorphuzion; or Applications>Accessories>Take a Screenshot21:45
souperi'm worried he might mess it up21:45
corinne_roland: I installed ubuntu less than a week ago.21:45
morn-good evening21:45
bastid_raZorphuzion; you tell it where but normally it saves to ~/21:45
rolandcorinne_,  good for u21:45
houmalaHas anyone used the Belkin USB hub with U 7.10 ??21:45
DjViperevenin' morn-21:46
=== Mindpoke_ is now known as Mindpoke
DjVipercorinne_: happy with it?21:46
rolandk so back to my prob...21:46
phuzionbastid_raZor, thanks dude21:46
IndyGunFreakLamego: you still here?21:46
rolandany1 fdaced a DCOPSERVER communiccation error ?21:46
corinne_DjViper: so far, once I figured out how to actually use it, yes.  But remember, I'm coming from Vista, so Windows 3.1 would have been an improvement.21:46
LamegoIndyGunFreak, yes21:46
rolandi know its KDE based.. but kubuntu wont help! and KDE is full with zombies...21:46
Possu2im getting Kubuntu right now but I am thinking maybe i should wait until the 26th? I am thinking to wait because how well does an OS upgrade work from Ubuntu version to a new Ubuntu version?21:47
rolandcorinne_,  vista sucks21:47
IndyGunFreakLamego: lol, for some reason, that idiot ubuntu2, is threatening you in a PM to me, don't ask me why21:47
bobbo85by the way, using XChat, I am trying to figure out changing the colors - coming from mIRC.  Example, when someone puts my name in a message, make that text bright yellow or something...21:47
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houmalaanyone with any experience with Belkin network to USB hub device??21:47
DjVipercorinne_: hehe okay :)21:47
gligorhoriawill xorg slow ubuntu server?21:47
pisecxhi all. evolution is always started _not_ in network mode. I should always switch it. why? how can I resolve it? did not found any options in preferencies.21:47
LamegoPossu2, upgrade is supported, but I personally recommend a fresh install21:47
DjViperroland: language:p21:47
ani1houmala: state the problem...21:47
rolandDjViper,  lol21:47
bobbo85I see "colors" in preferences, and I even see "mIRC colors:"  but it's just a bunch of unlabelled numbers...21:47
mDemocritusgligorhoria: a bit... depends on the machine21:47
houmalagetting printers to work through it21:47
amar-zeis beta out ?21:48
lascadoalguém pode me ajudar21:48
Possu2will a direct upgrade from Gutsy to Heron work well or will i have to reinstall the whole os21:48
souperbobbo85: xchat did that automatically for me21:48
KalElamar-ze, not out21:48
Lamegoamar-ze, for hardy, check #ubuntu+121:48
gregoryamar-ze: #ubuntu+121:48
ani1!en | lascado21:48
ubotulascado: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:48
Shadow_mildoes the alternative CD have a text-based partitioner that allows you to resize?21:48
Cann0nis there a way to bind my laptop's sound buttons to the headphone jack?21:48
houmalain particular the HP L768021:48
corinne_rolans: I didn't even know what linux was until I was forced to use vista.  After a week of vista, I had to do something.21:48
LamegoPossu2, an upgrade should work21:48
pisecxhi all. evolution is always started _not_ in network mode. I should always switch it. why? how can I resolve it? did not found any options in preferencies.21:48
gligorhoriamDemocritus old amd 850 Mhz 256 ram, will that kill it?21:48
rolandcorinne_,  heheh i used linux for the first time when i had to install asterisk at work21:49
Cann0njust realized hardware volume controls dont effect the headphone jack21:49
rolandcorinne_,  and since then ive been using it none stop...21:49
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=== bhbn is now known as bhb
Cann0nroland, i was 15 and installed slackware21:49
mDemocritusgligorhoria: ick ick ick... what do you use it for now, and what do you want xorg for?21:49
corinne_Conn0n: right click on the volume control and click open volume control21:49
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rolandCann0n,  i was 12 when i drove my first car.. :P lol21:49
Possu2I've used Linux since the first version of Fedora Core and even in this period of time it has improved a lot21:50
gligorhoriawill xorg slow ubuntu server? and will it make any diference if i install xorg, do my job..., and then start linux in runlevel 2 again21:50
Possu2although I am still having problems with HD audio21:50
kjashkjwhat channel ubuntu in Portuguese?21:50
Cann0ncorinne_, i know how to adjust volume, i had volume control buttons on my laptop, and they aren't binded to my headphone jack.21:50
corinne_Cann0n: edit > preferences and select everything (especially headphones)21:50
jrib!pt | kjashkj21:50
Shadow_mildoes the alternative CD have a text-based partitioner that allows you to resize?21:50
ubotukjashkj: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:50
IRCLemurHello, I'm running ubuntu 7.10 on a Micronpc Transport GX that has a savage-IX Video card. When I mouse over certain things (Images mostly, but not all images, perhaps images without links) there is a white square, as opposed to the normal cursor. Can anyone help?)21:50
xomphi everyone21:50
Lamegogligorhoria, it will depend on your server capacity, and it's load, running X will use considerable resources21:50
mDemocritusgligorhoria: on an 850mhz machine it won't slag it too much... but it depends21:50
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gligorhoriamDemocritus hlds and apache server, not at top performance becaus i have to recompile the kernell first21:51
pisecxhi all. evolution is always started _not_ in network mode. I should always switch it. why? how can I resolve it? did not found any options in preferencies.21:51
mDemocritusgligorhoria: just use a simple wm like xfce21:51
walilo789so i have another problem21:51
corinne_Cann0n: after this, you should be able to control the headphones' volume in volume control.  If sound still comes out of your own machine's speakers, then just mute the "Front" sound and turn up the speakers.21:51
walilo789with my printer21:51
whileimhereI was wondering. I have been offered one of two old towers from work. There is a p3 with 384 megs of ram or a celeron with 256 megs of ram. What one is better?21:51
mDemocritusgligorhoria: what exactly do you need xorg for? like what apps?21:51
walilo789canon LBP-80021:51
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walilo789i can't work with it on ubuntu Gusty21:51
gligorhoriaheadphones' that coul work for me 2, i just want mozilla and a chat or something21:51
mohbanahow do i change the look of the taskbar i.e. instead of the dull grey, i've seen people change it, i am not just talking about the colours i mean the actual look aswell21:52
tim167my computer won't boot when the bluetooth adapter is plugged in, how come ?21:52
gregorywhileimhere: i would take the one with 384 megs of ram21:52
gligorhorianot headphones aah21:52
Cann0ncorinne_, again, i have these external buttons on the side of my laptop with up and down arrows. i want to be able to adjust volume via those buttons, instead of going into volume control.21:52
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whileimhereI just dont know the difference between a P3 and a celeron21:52
walilo789so i have another problem with my printer canon LBP-800 i can't work with it on ubuntu Gusty21:52
gregorywhileimhere: me also dont, but ram is more important then a fast processor21:53
mDemocritusso you just want real basic stuff? i'd use fluxbox or xfce for your windows manager... they're pretty lightweight21:53
corinne_mohbana: system > preferences > appearance >  visual effects21:53
rolandwhileimhere,  stay away from celeron21:53
mDemocritusgligorhoria: so you just want real basic stuff? i'd use fluxbox or xfce for your windows manager... they're pretty lightweight21:53
mohbanacorinne_, i am not talking about compiz21:53
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riaalanyone know what the equivalence to the GUI "lookup" is at the command-line?21:53
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Cann0ncorinne_, they work for the speakers, but not the headphone jack. the alsamixer works fine for adjusting volume21:53
gligorhoriaok i will refraze, will xorg be overkill for 850 MHz 256 ram and would it be so much better to use 51221:53
whileimhereI see okay21:54
whileimhereI will get the p3 then21:54
corinne_Cann0n: I can't do that on my machine, so if you figure that out, let me know.  What I do is plug in speakers with adjustable volume, and plug the headphones into the speakers so I can control the volume with that21:54
mDemocritusgilgorhoria: probably21:54
tim167i have to unplug my bluetooth adapter for my computer to boot, how can i circumvent that ? thanks21:54
rolandgligorhoria,  i got xubuntu working on a pc with those specs.. its a bit slugish21:54
gligorhoriamDemocritus ty i think i will use xcfc21:54
mDemocritusgilgorhoria: but it would still run21:54
gregoryriaal: sudo apt-get install lookup21:54
lilumi????????????? ???????????? ?????21:54
corinne_mahbana: did you check the forums?21:54
riaalgregory: cheers21:54
LjL-Temp!ru | lilumi21:55
Cann0ncorinne_, yeah, its a common glitch i hear.21:55
ubotulilumi: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:55
BjornWIs it possible to use Control + Left-Click for a right-click of the mouse similar to how OS X it does?21:55
gligorhoriaroland ok, slugish compared to?21:55
Cann0n!ru | LjL21:55
ubotuLjL: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:55
corinne_Cann0n: are you on a toshiba?21:55
Cann0nwoots my bad lol21:55
Cann0nno im on a presario r3k21:55
rolandgligorhoria,  if u want to mess with ur nerves.. then use tht pc :)21:55
mDemocritusgilgorhoria, roland: i've gotten xubuntu to run alright on an ibook g3 for chrissakes... 300mhz and 160mb ram....21:56
mDemocritusbut it isn't pretty lol21:56
Cann0nmy bad LjL-Temp. sorry.21:56
walilo789so i have another problem with my printer canon LBP-800 i can't work with it on ubuntu Gusty21:56
soupergod everytime i look at the feature list for hardy, i can't help but ask why out loud when i see transmission is the default BT client21:56
riaalgregory: are you sure?21:56
bobbo85souper, yeah right now, messages with my name in them are dark red.  I was just wondering what the deal is with using numbers and colored boxes, instead of labeling what they are!21:56
rolandmDemocritus,  itll run alright but not as it should! opening firefox would hang the entire sys for a few sec21:56
corinne_Cann0n: Maybe this will still work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=568463&page=821:56
gligorhoriaroland i would use something better... ...21:56
mDemocritusroland: for sure21:56
rolandnow am using ubuntu on my laptop ... 2.5 core 2 duo, 2 gb ram21:57
spartan7how do you keep the compiz cube zoomed out?21:57
riaalanyone know an terminal equivalence to the GUI tool "lookup"21:57
walilo789hello i'm nex21:57
walilo789i'm new21:57
Jaymacriaal, nslookup domain ?21:57
gligorhoriaspartan7 u post in fetatures request :D21:58
mDemocritusroland: heh on my ibook, firefox takes like 30 seconds to start21:58
LamegoJaymac, apt-cache show lookup, it is not related to nslookup :)21:58
walilo789idon't know how to have answers pls help me21:58
rolandmDemocritus,  loool see :P21:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ibook - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:58
Cann0ncorinne_, mine works for the speakers, and i even get the pretty OSD21:58
mDemocritusgilgorhoria: an ibook is an old mac laptop... like REALLY old21:58
=== philMe is now known as philme
Lamegowalilo789, you already posted your question, unfortunatelly there is no one familiar with your printer (guessing from the lack of answers)21:58
mDemocritusgilgorhoria: it looks like a toilet seat21:58
spartan7sorry is that another channel?21:59
gregoryriaal: no, try nslookup, would that be the one you need?21:59
gligorhoriai ddn't mean to post iflamatory questions, sorry, i just have to try an C21:59
rolandso u guys! any1 faced a dcop communication error b4?21:59
rolandgligorhoria,  dont worry bout it.. good luck! though thertes more light weight ubuntu distros outethere..22:00
riaalgregory: not really, think it only doeas name lookup ? :S22:00
mDemocritusroland: dhcp?22:00
rolandmDemocritus,  no no! dcopserver.. someting related to KDE22:00
mDemocritusroland: ah ok22:00
walilo789thank you Lamego22:01
gregoryriaal: what is the exact name of the gui-program you need the substitue for?22:01
Lamegogreasy_leftwing, apt-cache show lookup22:01
gligorhoriaroland i'm not looking for another distro, u server is the best for my needs but ty :D22:01
rolandmDemocritus,  eachtime i open an application i get a "dcop communication error" check if DCOpserver program is running22:01
riaalgregory: Network Tools -> Lookup22:01
Jaymacgregory I think he is talking about lookup in Network Tools22:01
mDemocritusroland: and i'll bet it is running?22:01
rolandgligorhoria,  GOOD LUCK THEN22:01
rolandmstrobert,  lol ya22:02
Tooommiso I changed my video card and now my linux won't boot to the x server anymore. it just stays at the command prompt. what should I do now?22:02
rolandmDemocritus,  ya..22:02
gligorhoriaroland i'm not leaving :(22:02
flexhello, i'm trying to turn off some settings in my nividia card, (using the restricted drivers) how do i turn get access to these settings?22:02
mDemocritusroland: kubuntu, or running kde apps in ubunt?22:02
JaymacLamego, the package you're talking about is for looking at text files isn't it?22:02
Lamegoriaal, that is nslookup22:02
rolandmDemocritus,  running kde apps in ubuntu22:02
LamegoJaymac, forget it, I misunderstood the "lookup" meaning,22:02
Jaymacah ok :)22:03
bicchiwill there be an ubuntu beta CD today or tomorrow?22:03
Lamegoriaal, the network tools gui lookup, is a gui for nslookup22:03
Jaymacbicchi, Beta is "Coming Soon"22:03
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:03
mDemocritusroland: huh... i did that for like six months without problems, besides ktorrent kept crashing...22:03
bicchiJaymac: will there be a CD for beta22:03
Jaymacbicchi, when it is released, yes: see #ubuntu+122:04
CShadowRuncan anyone help me with my aticonfig? i'm getting horrible errors from it.22:04
CoasterMasterIs there any way to transfer files to a windows mobile phone over USB in Ubuntu?  I don't need to sync contacts or anything like that, just transfer some MP3s22:04
rolandmDemocritus,  it started with amarok.. and now almost everything has the same error22:04
mDemocritusroland: try uninstalling all the kde stuff and try again.... or maybe a debconf on the kde stuff22:04
IRCLemurI'm running ubuntu 7.10 on a Micronpc Transport GX that has a savage-IX Video card. When I mouse over certain things (Images mostly, but not all images, perhaps images without links) there is a white square, as opposed to the normal cursor.22:05
rolandmDemocritus,  lookikng for an easier solution lol22:05
mohbanahow do i change the look of the taskbar i.e. instead of the dull grey, i've seen people change it, i am not just talking about the colours i mean the actual look aswell22:05
Lamegomohbana, eventually you are refering to other type of taskbar like awn ?22:06
Rymhow do i restart alsa?22:06
mDemocritusroland: try running amarok the command line, see if you get more detailed info22:06
integrationis there a program for linux that teaches human anatomy?22:06
Rymor a sound device in general..22:06
georgebmaybe somebody can help me, #kubuntu seems asleep... what's the latest method to test kde4 on gutsy ? I just install kde4* from the regular gutsy repos; or should I add some kde4 specific repos ?22:06
gregoryriaal, Jaymac sorry, i cant seem to find the gui app22:06
flexcan someone tell me where the advanced nividia settings are so i can tweak the performance level. can't seem to find it.22:06
LamegoRym maybe sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart ?22:06
allad__mohbana : did u try right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting Properties?22:06
rolandmDemocritus,  command :$!22:06
erdnushi, i run Ub7.10 _64 with restricted drivers for my ati2900 (newest drivers)+ compiz. every time i start my ubuntu it freezes right when the GUI is comin up22:06
Rymlet me try22:07
Jaymacgregory, go to System > Administration > Network Tools > Lookup22:07
geoffxhi, why cant i see my windows partitions ? i did before but now that im turning my pc on i cant see any partition besides the swap and linux22:07
Tooommiso I changed my video card and now my linux won't boot to the x server anymore. it just stays at the command prompt. what should I do now?22:07
mDemocritusroland: huh?22:07
Rymstill cant playback sound22:07
ivahi, how can I make ubuntu show the loading, and shutdown screens (the ones with bars, and ubuntu logo), thanks.22:07
EdwardXp3can someone help me out with my kernel issue :(22:08
DRebellioniva, it should by default. What does it show instead?22:08
DRebellion!ask | EdwardXp322:08
ubotuEdwardXp3: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:08
mDemocritusroland: just try running amarok in terminal22:08
TooommiRugg: I've tried that. It told me that "xserver-org was not installed"22:09
rolandmd5, same issue22:09
IRCLemurDoes anyone know anything about the cursor switching to a white box when mousing over an image?22:09
EdwardXp3cannot open root device "<null>"     --- kernel panic not syncing VFS unable to mount root fs on unknown  <--- i get these kernel errors i did make make install on the extracted contents of thekernel :022:09
morn-sorry iam noob to linux :) ... can someone tell me how to find out about  my gfx-onboard chip - i dont know the exact modell No22:09
md5roland, ?22:09
Jaymacmorn-, try lspci22:09
geoffxhi, why cant i see my windows partitions ? i did before but now that im turning my pc on i cant see any partition besides the swap and linux22:09
Cann0nmorn-, lspci22:09
Lamegogeoffx, on the terminal: sudo fdisk -l22:10
morn-ill do22:10
Lamegoto list your partitions22:10
rolandmDemocritus,  trying to creater local folder.. .kde/share permission denied22:10
gregoryriaal, Jaymac ok, found the gui version. i think nslookup would be what you need22:10
mDemocritusroland: huh22:10
ivaDRebellion, black screen and nothing on it...22:10
morn-Jaymac: does it check the chip direct, or the driver ive installed ?22:10
Jaymacmorn-, it lists your hardware22:10
=== geos888 is now known as geos
riaalNeed the command-line equivalence of Administarion ->Jaymac22:10
BsimsI am having a problem with vlc... full screen does not work, I get nothing except a dark transparent overlay when I close the app any ideas?22:10
Bizzehcan you install ubuntu and tell it to NOT install a boot loader?22:10
mDemocritusroland: ls -ld /home/<username>22:11
riaalJaymac: sorry ;)22:11
DRebellioniva, probs your monitor can't handle the resolution. edit /etc/usplash.conf and put in a resolution like 640x48022:11
Cann0nmorn-, what kind of computer do you have?22:11
morn-Jaymac: allright ... ill be back with questions ;)22:11
geoffxLamego:  done what i do now? i can see the other partitions there22:11
BsimsBizzeh: ya should be able too why do you want to though?22:11
IRCLemurAnyone?! Big white box over images?22:11
Lamegogeoffx, well, if you can list them it's good news, now you just need to mount them22:11
morn-Cann0n: i got a twinstar note book with VIA onboard chip22:11
Lamegosudo mount partition path22:12
rolandmDemocritus,   drwxr-xr-x 49 roland roland 409622:12
morn-Cann0n: i am trying to get the openchrome stuff running22:12
spartan7Does this question need to be asked in another channel? "how do you keep the compiz cube zoomed out?" i am new to IRC22:12
clexEvery time i start ubuntu, i am in low-resolution mode. It won't remember my settings of monitor and graphics card driver. Happened when i tried to update driver. Any ideas ?22:12
ToastGuy_Do I have to re mount every time I restart my computer?22:12
Slartspartan7: you could ask it here.. or try in #compiz-fusion22:12
mDemocritusroland: mkdir /home/roland/.kde22:12
ToastGuy_I mounted a external windows directory22:12
caveman26how do I get the sys tray menu to work when I click on an icon for a widows program running in wine?22:13
spartan7thnks, anyone know ?22:13
DRebellionToastGuy_, not if you add it to /etc/fstab22:13
Cann0nToastGuy_, you can set up automounting in fstab22:13
Bsimsclex: look in /var/cache/apt/archives/ and install the previous one22:13
LamegoToastGuy_, automounts are set on /etc/fstab22:13
geoffxLamego: ex: if the partition is "/dev/hda1" i should type "mount /dev/hda1" or am i missing something22:13
gregoryriaal, Jaymac i see nslookup doesnt provide all the info the gui does. too bad22:13
gligorhoriahttp://pastebin.com/m67e5e865          kernel problems...22:13
caveman26I should get a menu when I click the sys tray icon22:13
SlartToastGuy_: you can add a line or two in /etc/fstab and it will be automounted.. if you want to22:13
Lamegogeoffx, sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows22:13
rolandmDemocritus,  file already exists22:13
erdnushi, i run Ub7.10 _64 with restricted drivers for my ati2900 (newest drivers)+ compiz. every time i start my ubuntu it freezes right when the GUI is comin up22:13
ToastGuy_Okay, thanks guys... I'll do a man on fstab22:13
Bsimsclex: you may need to install the dependencies manually as well22:13
ivaDRebellion, thanks! I'll try that now22:13
linksliceanyone know what I can use to burn a .bin disk image?22:13
mDemocritusroland: cd /home/roland22:13
riaalgregory: I know, really want all info from the GUI one22:13
DRebellion!burner | linkslice22:14
ubotulinkslice: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:14
Bsimslinkslice: apt-get install k3b22:14
clexbsims: thanks, will try. any idea why when i set manually after booting it reverts when reboot?22:14
geoffxLamego: !? why /media/windows?22:14
rolandcreate it there?!22:14
Ashfire908to specify a device to install grub on, how do i format a device (the /dev way)? do i just enter plain /dev/xxxX?22:14
mDemocritusroland: ls .kde              use pastebin for that one, it'll be big22:14
clexbsims: or even restarting x, i lose my mouse config also22:14
Bsimsclex hrm not a clue what kinda card ya got22:14
Lamegogeoffx, well, just mount it anywhere, /media/windows was an example, if you use /media/dir it will showup on your desktop22:14
Cann0nwell, im out. good bye all.22:14
Lamegoyou will need to create that directory first22:14
SlartToastGuy_: you can mount windows shares, nfs shares, ftp folders, webdav-folders.. well.. almost anything you can mount in a terminal.. you can put in /etc/fstab22:14
BsimsI am having a problem with vlc... full screen does not work, I get nothing except a dark transparent overlay when I close the app any ideas?22:14
clexbsims: radeon x800, seems like when i make changes to xorg.conf with mouse that is lost on reboot, like a failsafe is regenerating the file22:15
rolandmDemocritus,  result=   "share" thts it22:15
BsimsAh ATI's drivers suck even worse on linux than on windows... dunno but dowgrading might help22:15
mDemocritusroland: huh... run amarok again, any other errors, or is that the last one before it dies?22:15
Slartclex: check /var/log/xorg.log to see what configuration file it's using.. it might be usign the failsafe file..22:15
clexbsims: yeah i tried using their driver for linux and it is what started this mess! i even used their command to revert.  ok, so i'll go into /var/cache/apt/archives/ ... what should i look for22:16
clexslart: ok if it is, how do i make it use mine22:16
Bsimsit lists the debs by name22:16
AkhaianI recently performed a BIOS upgrade on my lenovo laptop. Now, instead of booting to GRUB it just displays the text "GRUB" and doesnt respond to input. Any ideas?22:16
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:16
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html22:16
DRebellionCoasterMaster, you want apt-get source packagename22:17
zewbdcc send startkeylogger 0 0 022:17
Slartclex: I'm not really sure.. I think it uses the failsafe version if the normal one fails.. but I'm not sure..22:17
zewbDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 022:17
DRebellionCoasterMaster, it will dump it in the current directory22:17
mDemocritusroland: actually, pastebin all the messages you get when starting amarok22:17
CoasterMasterThat wasn't the factoid I wanted, actually DRebellion.  I have some source, but I want to make a deb out of it22:17
Slartclex: I think gutsy was the first version of ubuntu to use that feature.. bulletproof X or something22:17
flexcan someone tell me where the advanced nividia settings are so i can tweak the performance level. can't seem to find it.22:17
CoasterMastermostly so I can uninstall later22:17
clexslart: what gets me is that i can edit it, get my current config right, then reboot X , and be fine. then when rebooting computer, nothing22:17
rolandmDemocritus,  doing so22:17
Slartclex: that sounds really annoying...22:18
gregoryriaal: its available from a range of command line programs, sadly i dont know all of them, me cant help more, sorry22:18
clexi feel like i'm using a livdCD :(22:18
LamegoCoasterMaster, use checkinstall22:18
Ashfire908to specify a device to install grub on, how do i format a device (the /dev way)? do i just enter plain /dev/xxxX?22:18
vinboy_how do I launch a terminal from a cron job along with the command?22:18
DRebellionCoasterMaster, check on the ubuntu wiki. there's a wealth of info there.22:18
erdnusanyone who has a ati video card, and can pastebin me his xorg.conf file?22:18
Ashfire908*format the device's location22:18
kazol_Is there a way to get more verbose info (by default) when updates are installed?22:18
gligorhoriaanybody locked at my pastebin?22:18
clexerdnus:  i would but i just messed mine up with atis driver :(22:18
DRebellionvinboy_, perhaps launch gnome-terminal?22:18
linksliceBsims, k3b doesn't support .bin it jsut complains about not being an iso22:18
IRCLemurCoasterMaster: You seem to be well informed. Can you tell me where I might be able to get support for my mouse over problem?22:18
Bsimshrm what does /var/log/ whatever xorg file say22:19
DRebellionlinkslice, the file extension makes no difference under linud22:19
Lamegovinboy_, a graphical terminal is not expected to be launched from a cron, there is no device associated with the output22:19
DRebellionlinkslice, the file extension makes no difference under linux22:19
gregorycorinne_: confirmed22:19
Bsimslinkslice: hrm dunno then let me google22:19
vinboy_DRebellion: ok.. but where so I specify the command i want to launch.. (e.g. ls /usr)22:19
Slartlinkslice: you can convert a bin/cue file to an iso.. with bchunk22:19
Slart!info bchunk22:19
ubotubchunk (source: bchunk): CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-6 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 68 kB22:19
CoasterMasterIRCLemur, what is your mouseover problem22:19
gregorycorinne_: let me just test in hardy22:19
z3wbDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 022:19
vinboy_Lamego: ok.. but how can I tell if the command was launched?22:19
DRebellionvinboy_, look at the manpage:  man gnome-terminal22:19
vinboy_DRebellion: thx22:19
Slartwhy is z3wb still here?22:19
Lamegovinboy_, command >> somelogfile22:20
IRCLemurWhen I mouse over images (it seems to be images with out links) the cursor is replaced with a white box.22:20
erdnusi installed the newest ati driver manuelly tonight22:20
nevoeiro<z3wb> DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 0 -> wtf is this?22:20
mDemocritusSlart: he hasn't been killed with fire yet?22:20
vinboy_Lamego: oh ic.. thx.. that's one way22:20
LjL-Temp!exploit | nevoeiro22:20
SlartmDemocritus: mm.. now I think he has =)22:20
LjL-Tempplease don't repeat that22:20
ubotunevoeiro: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit22:20
erdnusand after following a howto it didnt start the GUI anymore22:20
linksliceDRebellion, I know that, but file type does, .bin is not an iso format  :-)22:20
ompaul!lol | nevoeiro22:20
ubotunevoeiro: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:20
ToastGuy_Where is the file full of my commands I've executed?22:20
morn-i got a problem with my VIA S3 Unichrome Pro VGA - onboard GFXcard - ive tried the via driver - and now the openchrome driver .... but i cant use §D support22:21
ompaulToastGuy_, .bash_history22:21
IRCLemurCoasterMaster: When I mouse over images (it seems to be images with out links) the cursor is replaced with a white box.22:21
tomawnevoeiro: please don't paste them.  they're exploits that knock people offline22:21
high-bassHey guys ! im havinga really weird problem that i CANT figure out!.... i have audio coming from my speakers and my headphone jack.. i read online that newest alsa resolves the issue but it hasnt for me!~! can ANyone PLEASE help me out!????22:21
morn-does anyone know witch would be the best driver for me22:21
LamegoToastGuy_, ~/.bash_history ?22:21
ToastGuy_ompaul: just type in .bash history?22:21
CoasterMasterIRCLemur, what kind of video card do you have?  Are you running any compiz effects?22:21
ToastGuy_thanks Lamego22:21
Ashfire908nevoeriro, don't repeat the exploit text22:21
nevoeirook ok, got it. thx for the info :)22:21
ompaulToastGuy_, do you and to read them?  -- just type history22:22
Ashfire908nevoeiro: sorry i'm a slow typer...22:22
Slarthigh-bass: if you don't get any answers here you can always try #alsa  ... it's a smaller channel but ask and wait.. you might get an answer22:22
nevoeirohehe, np.. ;)22:22
ToastGuy_ompaul: ya... that was it. thanks22:22
high-bassSlart: ok22:22
kazol_tomaw: Really? IRC clients recognize the commands and could be exploited?22:22
DRebellionkazol_, no, routers have bugs22:22
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:22
ompaulkazol_, no stupid routers - and read the url https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit22:22
kazol_DRebellion: But they're most likely patched.22:22
bluebananaIn Gmail / Firefox, I see red-zigzag underlines under incorrectly spelt words. However, when I right-click on the word, I don't see the spelling suggestions, as before. What happened?22:23
ompaulkazol_, no - and even then a lot of them fail22:23
tomawkazol_: routers mostly.  they think they're being attacked so close the connection22:23
kazol_Is there a way to get more verbose info (by default) when updates are installed? I always have to click on the arrow for downloading/installation info.22:23
rolandmDemocritus,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60348/22:23
bluebananaWHen I do "Shift+F10" while my cursor is somewhere in the word,  that's when I see the spelling suggestions in the popup context menu22:23
corinne_gregory: what's confirmed?22:23
IRCLemurCoasterMaster: I have a Savage-IX video card (this is a transport GX laptop) I am not running compiz at all. I am currently running a cvs install of e17, however this issue happens in Gnome as well.22:23
Slartkazol_: perhaps you could run the update-manager with some kind of verbose switch.. just a thought22:24
Ashfire908kazol_: even if there's a patch "normal" users setup their new wireless router, remove the "annoying" password and never touch it again22:24
gregorycorinne_: the error message you gave on 7.122:24
DRebellionkazol_, just open a terminal and use the command: sudo apt-get upgrade22:24
mDemocritusroland: what's the prompt you get?22:24
kazol_DRebellion: I know, I just want to have automatic updates.22:24
ToastGuy_So using fstab what part of this mount command would I use?    sudo mount -t cifs "//" /mnt/share -o user=MyUserName,password=MyPassword22:24
wilplease help :S my mouse has stopped working, its just jammed in the middle of the screen after coming out of a game, I cant restart because I have open windows, please help, hjow do I restart?22:25
mDemocritusroland: like right before you type in commands22:25
ToastGuy_assuming I've already created the folder22:25
corinne_gregory: I am going to ask my pet linux nerd next week; until then, I will stick with the bigger .avi files22:25
wilalso, if you respond, please type garbage a few times because the resolution has changed and I cant change the shape of the window, so I have a few lines that are not visible :(22:25
DRebellionToastGuy_, here's mine: //  /media/homeoffice  cifs  username=guest,password=,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode,  0  022:25
rolandmDemocritus,  :~$22:25
mDemocrituswil: ctrl+alt+backspace will restart the window server, but you'll lose any unsaved docs22:25
SlartToastGuy_: did you check the man page for fstab? it has it's own syntax.. but you mostly just move stuff around a bit22:25
mDemocritusroland: before that...22:25
Ashfire908to specify a device for grub in the "/dev/device" format, how do i put it in? do i put it in quotes, or () or nothing at all?22:25
corinne_Thank you for your help, though! I'm going to take a nap. later y'all!22:25
ToastGuy_DRebellion: thanks22:26
mDemocritusroland: your username is roland?22:26
biabiaim installing xubuntu and instead of accepting the suggested partition sizes it permits manual. does anyone know of a guide for that, like recommended sizes and mountpoints22:26
ToastGuy_Slart: Ya... It's still confusing... but what DRebellion has makes sense to me22:26
rolandmDemocritus,  ya22:26
mDemocritusroland: what the heck? that's so strange22:26
ompaulkazol_, if you want the lowdown on 99% of all updates: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-security-announce22:26
wilyeah, I really dont want to restart :S got open stuff... is there a command I can type that will restart the mouse?22:26
IndyGunFreakbiabia: swap should be 2-2.5x your amount of memory, hard drive space, probably at least 5gigs.22:27
wilit is there, it just seems to be jammed in the middle of the window :(22:27
IndyGunFreakbiabia: i should say, / should probablyl be at least 5gigs22:27
rolandmDemocritus,  why22:27
SlartToastGuy_: give it a try.. use sudo mount -a to mount all the drives configured.. the worst thing that can happen is that it doesn't get mounted.. experiment away22:27
biabiamem is 2x1Gb and 2x256Mb's22:27
danand_wil - can you not alt-tab to your windows?22:27
mDemocritusroland: because you're getting permission errors even though you have permission to write to the folder22:27
IndyGunFreakbiabia: ok, so you have 1.5gigs, so you'd want probably a 3-3.5gig swap.22:28
IndyGunFreakbiabia: i would think 3gigs is fine22:28
rolandmDemocritus,  iknow.. which is why im here22:28
biabiano i have 2.5Gb total22:28
pretender_can anyone tell me how to do dvd covers in glabels or where to download a template22:28
danand_wil - alt-f4 to close - that should give you a chance to save your work22:28
highbassHey guys i installed the newest alsa drivers and i am having a problem where i get sounf from speakers and headphone jack at the same time.. anyone know a solution to this problem?22:28
IndyGunFreakbiabia: whats the proc speed on this machine?22:28
IRCLemurCoasterMaster: I have a Savage-IX video card (this is a transport GX laptop) I am not running compiz at all. I am currently running a cvs install of e17, however this issue happens in Gnome as well.22:28
biabiaathlon 6422:28
mDemocritusroland: that's wacky... i'm really not sure where to start.... if a reboot doesn't fix it, i'm out of ideas... sorry man22:28
RymHow do i remove Alsa22:28
biabiahm not sure the speed22:28
Rymso i can reinstall it ?22:28
IndyGunFreakbiabia: why on earth are you using xubuntu?.. or do you just like xfce?22:29
rolandmDemocritus,  am thinking of deleting this user and creatign another22:29
biabiai like xfce22:29
wilI cant, it is mozilla windows with stuff typed in to fields22:29
IndyGunFreakbiabia: oh ok..22:29
mDemocritusroland: is it a fresh install?22:29
rolandmDemocritus,  like 7 days ago22:29
biabiait used to be a windows machine but the hdd died22:29
IndyGunFreakbiabia: well, how much hard drive space, do yuu plan on giving to your xubuntu install?22:29
danand_wil - no joy?22:29
biabiaso the hdd in it is fresh 160Gb22:29
wilsorry, the resolution is also screwed, and iut takes me a while to respond as I can only see the message after it is about 20 lines old :S22:29
IndyGunFreakbiabia: oh ok.., is Xubuntu going to be the only OS on it?22:29
mDemocritusroland: i would just reinstall then...22:30
mDemocritusroland: consider using kubuntu if you use a lot of kde apps...22:30
biabiawell. i dont know how to dual boot. if i can add windows after..then maybe but for now im not ready to put windows22:30
IndyGunFreakbiabia: well, windows is a pain in the ass to add afterwards.22:30
mDemocritusroland: certain kde apps tend to crash a lot in gnome22:30
wilI have to much stuff typed in the mozilla windows :( this will teach me for playing a game whilst hating work :(22:30
biabiai can do without it22:30
IndyGunFreakbiabia: and dual booting is quite simple.22:31
rolandmDemocritus,  ur right.. and nah sticking to ubuntu.. i just use amarok as kde.. and something rekated to a wireless radar22:31
mDemocritusroland: aha22:31
IndyGunFreakbiabia: ok, so isn't ther an option there, like "Take over the entire hard drive" or something?22:31
digin4is there a way to install kde 4 on ubuntu 7.1022:31
mDemocritusroland: you didn't install them wierd right? just through synaptic or apt-get?22:31
rolandmDemocritus,  apt get22:31
crazybob2noob question, how do i stop using the 7.10 Live CD to boot to my Hard drive for the freshly installed ubuntu? I installed overtop a corrupt Windows drive in my laptop and the boot error is: "Error booting operating system". I chose the option, guided install, entire hard drive. I dont get why it never works straight off a windows HD.22:31
biabiai was hoping to make a /home partition so in case i decide to reinstall xubuntu or something all my data would be preserved?22:32
mDemocritusroland: very strange... i've got nothing... best of luck22:32
rolandmDemocritus,  thanks :)22:32
og_Hello, im trying to fix some drivers with a friends ubuntu system - unfortunatly i dont know much about ubuntu, from which repository should i be using packages? dapper, edgy, feisty or gutsy?22:32
c3f59d4souper still on?22:32
rolandmDemocritus,  appraciate the help22:32
IndyGunFreakbiabia: well, you can do that.22:32
mDemocritusroland: np22:32
IndyGunFreakyou just ahve to setup your partitions probably22:32
Starnestommyog_: depends on the version22:32
Slartog_: use the repos from the version you have installed..22:33
og_Starnestommy: Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu222:33
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biabiait permits manual setup of them but im not sure how to do it22:33
flexcan anyone assist me in finding my nvidia settings.. (i want to turn off some settings to increase fps)22:33
Slartog_: are you a debian user, by any chance?22:33
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Starnestommyog_: what does the output of lsb_release -a say?22:33
og_Slart: Starnestommy: they have no access to internet so im downloading manually22:33
souperc3f59d4:  yea I'm here22:33
ToastGuy_how do I test to make sure my FSTAB command worked?22:33
og_Starnestommy: gutsy22:33
DRebellionToastGuy_, sudo mount /path/to/mountpoint22:34
Slartog_: ouch... perhaps you would be better off downloading one of those DVD's.. lots of common packages on those22:34
ToastGuy_DRebellion: but do I have to restart the system?22:34
DRebellionToastGuy_, no22:34
c3f59d4souper: unfortunately it did more bad than good :D22:34
SlartToastGuy_: sudo mount -a should mount all the stuff in your fstab..22:34
souperc3f59d4: oh no22:34
biabiaIndyGunFreak:  im trying to find some guidance in the forum but im not sure what to do22:34
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kebinusanI installed some update for mysql this morning and since doing so mysqld_safe seems to be eating one of my cores, any suggestions how to stop/fix or figure out whats going on... Ive tried restarting mysqld but that hasnt fixed anything22:35
c3f59d4touchscreen don't work and my scroll wheel doesnt work anymore :D22:35
IndyGunFreakbiabia: sorry i can't help on that one, i don't separate my home partition22:35
og_Slart: well maybe if i cant solve it today22:35
ToastGuy_Slart: oops... it says it's bad...22:35
DRebellionToastGuy_, what's the error?22:36
crazybob2how do i get my bootloader to recognize my new 7.10 install which went 'guided, entire drive install' overtop a Windows XP laptop drive? I dont mind reformatting/installing, i just need to know how.22:36
c3f59d4But thats the challenge, aint it?22:36
arooni-mobileis there software that lets me simply & easily edit 3 or 4 video files.... all i want to d ois cut them together22:36
arooni-mobilerunning gutsy22:36
biabiaIndyGunFreak/  hm ok22:36
Slartarooni-mobile: have you tried avidemux ? it's pretty straight forward22:36
c3f59d4souper: say, i read that knoppix did recog the touchscreen at factory state.... do you think knoppix is an alternative to ubuntu?22:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avidemux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:36
ToastGuy_DRebellion: lol... it just says line 10 in /etc/fstab is bad22:36
Slart!info avidemux22:36
ubotuavidemux (source: avidemux): a small editing software for avi (especially DivX). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.3.0-0.0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 3270 kB, installed size 8256 kB22:36
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: sure i t is, not a very good one, but its an alternative.22:36
DRebellionToastGuy_, heh, pastebin your /etc/fstab for us and give us a link:22:36
DRebellion!paste | ToastGuy_22:37
ubotuToastGuy_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:37
ivaDRebellion, same. but the logo appeared on the shutdown screen. on login is still black screen.22:37
DRebellioniva, half is better than none ey?22:37
ToastGuy_DRebellion: okay... give me a sec... I didn't include those two Zeros at the end...22:37
ivaDRebellion, , yep:)22:37
souperc3f59d4: well as far as ease of use it won't be as much as ubuntu22:37
dubbyok anyone, Im trying to get direct rendering enabled and need some help22:38
ivaDRebellion, is there a way to reset the login screen resolution or appearance?22:38
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: if you like the ease of use of ubuntu, you could look at either LinuxMint, or a Debian Etch install.22:38
dubbyin xorg.conf i have the module LOAD "dri"22:38
DRebellioniva, i personally didn't get any splash screens at first. i edited that file to fix shutdown, and a kernel update fixed my startup ;)22:38
tux97hi nanobug22:38
lesshasteI am using the restricted ati drivers and mplayer can't find xv. xvinfo says noinfo too.. how do you configure those drivers?22:39
TheRealFaceOfBoehi all, i'm hoping to install ubuntu on a dell dimension 5100 that was bought in 2005, it did not come with an xp install disk and i have an oem license22:39
ToastGuyDRebellion: Here's the Line22:39
TheRealFaceOfBoehow would i go about getting hold of a copy of xp, ( i want to do a fresh dual boot )22:39
ToastGuy"// shows" /mnt/share cifs -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD 0 022:39
DRebellionToastGuy, no quotes, and no "-o"22:40
ddaltonhey anyone know if there is an accessible ubuntu installer?22:40
c3f59d4IndyGunFreak: whats the thing about knoppix? is it as reduced as DSL?22:40
tux97well therealfaceofboe call dell and see what u can do i did for my laptop22:40
ddaltonI'm blind22:40
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: i just don't like it... KDE, slow, didn't care for it.22:40
ToastGuy_DRebellion: i think I need quotes because I have a space in the directory name22:40
DrIPhi all how can i run things at startup?22:40
TheRealFaceOfBoe@tux97, what details do you need to have?22:41
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: not reduced though, has a ton of apps ready to go.22:41
DRebellionToastGuy_, =/ didn't spot that one.22:41
Joeb454DrIP, you edit the sessions in System>Administration>Sessions22:41
ivaDRebellion, so if a kernel update appear mine could be fixed too. ^_^22:41
tux97your service tag on the bottom of the puter and some money i got lucky on mine since i'm renting mine i didn't have to buy em therealfaceofboe22:41
nomi1if i want to find ubuntu ocr from a .png file where do i ask?22:41
lesshastewhere does the X log hide?22:42
ToastGuy_DRebellion: So I'm good with the quotes?22:42
Slartlesshaste: /var/log is a pretty common place for logs22:42
ToastGuy_DRebellion: I took out the -o and nothing22:42
DrIPJoeb454: i don't have that menu... gnome...22:42
c3f59d4slow is the word22:42
c3f59d4i need a distro thats fast, because i wanna run it on an 2001 lifebook22:42
c3f59d4say 500MHz and 256MB RAM22:42
DRebellionToastGuy_, still the same with the -o?22:42
c3f59d4bit still i wanna have goof hardware support without so much trouble as debian ist :D22:42
ivaDRebellion, thanks for help. I'm going to bed. bye22:42
TheRealFaceOfBoe@tux97, surely they have to give you the disk  for free?, or is there a small postage cost?22:42
nomi1hi ubuntu22:42
ubuntuhello everybody22:42
ToastGuy_DRebellion: Ya... same error....22:42
RabidWeezleHow do I enable mouse in console?22:43
Slartc3f59d4: xubuntu? works on my mini-itx machine with 256 MB memory22:43
DRebellionToastGuy_, okay, try:   //\ shows22:43
=== nomi1 is now known as nomic
Sonderbladewhat does: dpkg - warning: when python-pyorbit-dev was removed directory was not empty "/usr/include/pyorbit-2" so it wasnt removed mean?22:43
tux97therealfaceofboe i know the disk is cheap probally not more than 10 bucks if all you need is xp22:43
jribRabidWeezle: install gpm22:43
ubuntui'm speak spanish, i don't speak english22:43
ompaul!xubuntu | c3f59d422:43
ubotuc3f59d4: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels22:43
DRebellion!es | ubuntu22:43
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:43
TheRealFaceOfBoe@tux97, ok, seems simple enough, will probably give them a ring tommorow22:44
ToastGuyDRebellion: Here's the actual error22:44
tux97do it today therealfaceofboe and maybe be here tomrrow the cd who knows g/l22:44
ToastGuy[mntent]: line 10 in /etc/fstab is bad22:44
c3f59d4IndyGunFreak: butif it is slow it is no good. already ubuntu is not lightweight for the book22:44
c3f59d4Slart: and how is it with hardware?22:44
lesshastewith the ati drivers I get (EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727)22:44
lesshaste(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering22:44
lesshasteany ideas?22:44
Slartc3f59d4: same as ubuntu.. it's basically the same os.. but without gnome.. and xfce instead22:44
ddaltonHi, does anyone know of an accessible ubuntu installer with either braille or speech? I'm totally blind.22:44
DRebellionToastGuy, you did try what i said above without the quotes right?22:44
tux97do it today therealfaceofboe mine came to me the next day22:45
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: what is the speed of this pc?22:45
nomicaticonfig is ok for ati cards i found22:45
DRebellionToastGuy, //\ shows22:45
ToastGuyDRebellion: Here's what I got: //\ shows /mnt/share cifs username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD 0 022:45
nomiclike don't bother hacking the file22:45
c3f59d4Slart: Xubuntu is based on xcfe, right?22:45
DRebellionToastGuy, =/ and your edited line is line 10 right? :P22:45
nomicyep c322:45
TheRealFaceOfBoe@tux97, well its coming up to 11 at night where i am, but yea, might as well, tbh its a project to do in the next 2 weeks, no rush22:46
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: what are the specifications of the pC you're running22:46
DRebellionc3f59d4, yes22:46
ToastGuyDRebellion: Yes...22:46
nomicxubuntu is ubuntu 'lite'22:46
Slartc3f59d4: well.. it uses xfce..it's still ubuntu22:46
DRebellionToastGuy, perhaps remove the space in the folder name on the winxp box would be my next step22:46
mDemocritus_afkxubuntu -- for when your computer sucks, but you just can't let the thing die22:46
tux97ok therealfaceofboe good luck22:46
Rymwhen i use sudo my password works fine22:46
Rymbut when i try su22:46
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Rymit says auth failure22:47
ddaltonShadow_mil: did you see my question?22:47
LjL-Temp!root | Rym22:47
ubotuRym: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:47
DrIPmDemocritus_afk: oh, also that and for uber fast servers :p22:47
IndyGunFreakmDemocritus_afk: lol, no, i think thats Flux.. Xfce is pretty good.. i like it22:47
nomicdon't use su use sudo22:47
DRebellionRym, use, sudo -i22:47
Shadow_milddalton, yes lol22:47
mDemocritus_afkRym: su is asking for the root password22:47
c3f59d4IndyGunFreak wait ill look up the specs22:47
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: ij'22:47
mDemocritus_afki usually use sudo su when i want a full blown root shell22:47
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ToastGuyDRebellion: Ya I'll try pointing to a different directory that is on the network22:47
ddaltonhey anyone know of a ubuntu installer that talks or suports braille? I'm blind.22:47
LjL-TempmDemocritus_afk: i call that a bit redundant, but then again...22:47
mDemocritus_afkLjL: it works22:48
=== mDemocritus_afk is now known as mDemocritus
lesshasteI am using the restricted ati drivers and mplayer can't find xv. xvinfo says noinfo too.. how do you configure those drivers?22:48
brianlightddalton I'm not sure if there is and installer that has speech22:48
lesshasteis aiglx connected to this?.. I  have an AIGLX error in the X logs22:48
Slartddalton: perhaps wubi? I think it installs ubuntu from windows.. so I guess you would have the same assistive techs you have normally in windows.. I'm not sure though22:48
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shad_hello :)any1 know how to move bar with user to the right side in XChat?:) now i have like popup :\22:49
peter77I've installed apache, php and mysql on my laptop to enable me to test web apps without the need for a server, will this cause any disruption to normal use of ubuntu when I am not using thwebserver applications for testing?22:49
tux97hi drag22:49
Draghows everyone tonight22:49
Dr_LinkHow do I list the packages installed with sudo apt-get?22:49
brianlightI know that when you have ubuntu installed you can open a console and do a ls | espeak and have it readback your terminal22:49
Dr_Linkor sudo, period?22:49
glamDoes anyone install Jboss 5.0 beta on Ubutnu 7.10?22:49
c3f59d4Celeron @ 500; 256MB RAM; IDE 60GB; ATI RAGE 4MB :)   ;22:50
SlartDr_Link: dpkg -l (lowercase L) might work..22:50
glamI copy an .ear to the deploy directory, however it22:50
glam             still not being deployed on Jboss 5.022:50
SlartDr_Link: there is a way using aptitude too.. but I can't remember the switch to use22:50
DragAlso side note, Having ATI driver issues here. I swear I'll never get an ati card again.22:50
tux97drag i'm good and urslef22:50
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: i would run fluxbuntu on that if i were you.22:50
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IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: is that  apC or laptop?22:50
IndyGunFreak*pc or laptop22:50
c3f59d4aaah i love fluxbox :D22:50
DragJust said, but Im good besides the ati trouble22:50
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: use fluxbuntu.22:51
DRebellionIndyGunFreak, c3f59d4, bah! i run gutsy on that22:51
c3f59d4i cureentlx run gutsy22:51
IndyGunFreakDreamThief: he said gutsy was to slow, he tried it.22:51
tux97bye all22:51
IndyGunFreaki think the hiccup might be video ram22:52
c3f59d4well its not tooooo slow but then again, its not a racing engine22:52
Draganyone here good at ATI radeon 9200 driver installation and such >_>?22:52
Dr_LinkAlright, now how do I uninstall a package with sudo?22:52
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: well i imagine Fluxbuntu will runfine on that machine22:52
IndyGunFreakand still be fairly easy to use22:52
lesshastehow do I configure the ati drivers so that xvinfo actually says I have an adaptor??22:52
StarnestommyDr_Link: sudo apt-get remove package22:52
LjL-TempDr_Link: sudo apt-get remove <package> (although, apt-get is the thing installing/uninstalling packages, sudo just gives you administrator rights)22:53
c3f59d4IndyGunFreak definitly the VRAM, windows tend to build up in 5 seconds when its busy22:53
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: but you have plenty of Ram, hard drive space, etc.22:53
GlooOMGG!! im surfing on my laptop with ubuntu using my mobile phone using bluetooth! ;D22:53
SlartDr_Link: sudo apt-get <remove packagename> to just remove it.. sudo apt-get remove --purge <packagename> to remove all the config files created by the package too22:53
legend2440Dr_Link:  to list pkgs     dpkg --get-selections > file-name22:53
lesshasteor.. how do I tell if I need aiglx?22:53
wnstncongrats Gloo!22:53
Gloothis is cool stuff!22:53
SlartDr_Link: oops... typo there.. "sudo apt-get remove <packagename>"    and "sudo apt-get remove --purge <packagename>"22:53
NasraI am back22:54
IRCLemurGloo: I'd like to know how you did that... I can connect to the net through my phone using Granular linux, but not ubuntu.22:54
shad_How can i load themes from emerald themer ?:))22:54
IndyGunFreakwelcome back22:54
Nasraquestion regarding driver22:54
IndyGunFreakNasra: what driver?22:54
ToastGuydamnit, I can't get the original mount i had working...22:54
ToastGuysudo mount -t cifs "// shows"  /mnt/share -o user=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD22:54
Nasrahi IndyGunFreak..22:54
ToastGuyWhat's wrong with that mount?22:54
NasraNvidia...it says no support through ubuntu?22:54
Nasrawhat is that?22:54
Draghey anyone know why I got this when I tried to install an ATI driver? "The distribution 'ubuntu' is not supported22:54
DragRemoving temporary directory: fglrx-install.Tl566522:54
DRebellionToastGuy, what's the error?22:55
Nasrajust installed that driver on a fresh install...22:55
IndyGunFreakNasra: system/admin/restricted driver, doesn't have a restricted driver option there22:55
jskulskiwhat is the file that has all the hosts in it22:55
Nasradon't tell me I screwed up again....22:55
Dragthanks rugg, cant respond in the private chat though22:55
DRebellionjskulski, /etc/hosts ?22:55
GlooIRCLemur: i just found a nifty guide, and it works :)22:55
Slartjskulski: all the hosts? you mean /etc/hosts?22:55
ToastGuyDRebellion: It just gives me a list of instructions on how to mount22:55
jskulskiyep thanks22:56
IndyGunFreakNasra: well, probably not screwed, but restricted driver manager will manage most nvidia cards, unless its really new22:56
ubuntuHello everbody i need to lear to use apt-get, please how can help me?22:56
IndyGunFreakNasra: what Nvidia device?22:56
c3f59d4IndyGunFreak, DRebellion: is there a way to make the videocard share some of the system RAM?22:56
DragI just installed so much on here too>_< argh time to go back to 6.0622:56
Slart!apt | ubuntu22:56
ubotuubuntu: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)22:56
IRCLemurGloo: URL?22:56
Nasrathe system was asking for it....22:56
brianlightHey would some one be willing to test my Ampache server for audio playback quality the streams are set to downsample at a low rate 34kbps but I want to know if the streams are cutting out22:56
Dragdoes World of Warcraft run on 6.06 with ati?22:56
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: hmm, maybe, but i think that would be a bios option22:56
Nasrajust updated from the nvidia one in here..22:56
Slartbrianlight: sure.. give us the url22:56
IndyGunFreakNasra: go to system/admin/restricted drivers manage, what does it say there22:57
Nasraand I enabled it too...so it can work properly...22:57
ubuntuthank ubotu22:57
IndyGunFreak!thanks | ubuntu22:57
ubotuubuntu: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blind - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:57
archangelpetrohas anybody here installed CodeBlocks ??22:57
xavthenubhey, does anybody know if there an ubuntu package for getting an offline version of javadocs?22:57
c3f59d4well thanks for the fish, people! i'll go check the BIOS22:57
Shadow_milIs there any guides for blind users?22:58
brianlightok did you get that info Slart22:58
GlooIRCLemur: private? or can i post links here?22:58
RymI trying to isntall alsa-utils but its telling me i need a curses library22:58
Slartbrianlight: got it.. trying now22:58
IndyGunFreakc3f59d4: if you bump up the memory, you might be able to run a traditional gnome/kde enviro22:58
Rymbut i installed build-essential AND curses-dev22:58
soonWill there be a new version of ubuntu next month? Ubuntu 8.04 ???22:58
GlooIRCLemur: anyways. here it is: http://bi03.co.uk/home/blog.php?id=1822:58
Starnestommysoon: yes22:58
IndyGunFreaksoon: yes22:58
Rym* l libncursesw5-dev22:58
Mahisonawhen i try to boot ubuntu from my usb key il display22:58
Cpudan80!javadoc | xavthenub22:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about javadoc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:58
NasraIndyGunFreak it says accelerated graphic driver latest card enabled and in use...22:59
IRCLemurGloo: Thanks. :)22:59
GlooIRCLemur: think this one works aswell :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup22:59
Cpudan80is that not the right factoid?22:59
Mahisonaand waiting on the screen22:59
IndyGunFreakNasra: ok, so whats the problem?22:59
danand_Rym - the curses lib will probably be for alsamixer - its a curses based mixer app22:59
Mahisonawhat i have to do ?????22:59
patrick_i tried downloading an update, it gave me an error and told me to run "dpkg --configure -a" but when i type it into terminal it says i require super user priveliges. what should i do?22:59
Rymwhat should i do then ?22:59
IndyGunFreakNasra: is it nvidia?22:59
Nasraok..no problem though made another mistake...22:59
tarkushey guys, a few buddies and i thought of this project. let me know if you think this would be successfull. would you join if it was active and well implemented/designed? http://dpaste.com/40492/22:59
Starnestommypatrick_: put sudo before it22:59
IndyGunFreakNasra: ok, what mistake did you make now?22:59
patrick_starnestrommy ill try hd on22:59
Nasralast time ...it was with autometix / easyubunut, remember?23:00
Mahisonaouin frankais23:00
IndyGunFreakNasra: yes..23:00
IndyGunFreakwhat did you scrwe up thistime?23:00
matti_hey guys23:00
IndyGunFreakNasra: oh ok, so you're ok now?23:00
Nasratell me what do I have to do to install a replacement of automatix?23:00
Nasrayou said no good23:01
IndyGunFreakNasra: you dn't need automatix23:01
LjL-TempNasra: why do you feel you need a replacement for it? i think Add/Remove Applications is quite good for installing things easily23:01
IndyGunFreakNasra: type this w/o quotes, and i'll explain the package manager to you.. "/join #indygunfreak"23:01
LjL-Tempi mean, if they wanted to make things hard to install, they would have created something different from Ubuntu23:01
Nasramade a big mistake before had to install freshly again...23:01
Nasraget it?23:01
Mahisonahello guys23:01
Mahisonais it the official chatrooom ?23:02
StarnestommyMahisona: this is it23:02
LjL-TempMahisona: type /topic23:02
Mahisonathen why noone help here23:02
Starnestommywe do help here23:02
Mahisonaok i repeat23:02
Mahisonawhen i try to boot ubuntu23:02
LjL-TempMahisona: i haven't seen a question23:02
NasraIndyGunFreak ....need to to install mplayer so I can hear my favorite radio station ....what is the howto?23:02
xompI've spent all day trying to get this wireless working, could someone please help me? My wireless (wlan0) shows up, but when I enter in my SSID it just stays at "Attempting to connect to wireless" then fails out after a couple minutes with no error message.23:02
LjL-Temptry to make it fit all in one line23:02
IndyGunFreakNasra: ok, type this w/o quotes, "join #indygunfreak"  i'll explain the package manager to you23:03
Mahisonawhen i try to boot ubuntu from my usb key il display initramfs23:03
Mahisonaand waiting for a command  line to boot23:03
brianlightSlart where you able to play anything and if so was the stream cutting out?23:03
Mahisonawhat i have to do ?23:03
* danand_ sympathises with poor xomp....23:03
xomplol danand_ you're still here too?23:03
Slartbrianlight: it's loading.. slowly.. =)23:04
danand_xomp - yeah ... i come and go :)23:04
StarnestommyMahisona: it sounds like it's crashing on booy23:04
tarkushey guys, a few buddies and i thought of this project. let me know if you think this would be successfull. would you join if it was active and well implemented/designed? http://dpaste.com/40492/23:04
Prettohi all, can anyone explain to me what the therm preseeds means?23:04
=== Thirsteh` is now known as Thirsteh
xompdanand_, I know what you mean, after asking for like 2 solid hours straight with either no response, or someone getting you started on something then leave you have to take a break.23:05
souperPretto: precedes?23:05
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Mahisonathe message is exaclty : busybox v1.1.3  (debian 1:1.1.3-5 ubuntu 7)23:05
Prettosouper, nope, preseeds23:05
Prettosouper, let me show the full sentence23:05
StarnestommyMahisona: if something like that is appearing, it's having problems mounting the root filesystem from the usb key23:05
Mahisonabuilt in shell (ash)23:06
Prettosouper, There are several ways to automate the Ubuntu installation process, for example using preseeds, kickstart, etc...23:06
desmo_hi i search proramm for skype amd 64 bit23:06
danand_xomp - i spent about a week getting wireless working with my debian laptop ... i know how you feel. Have you tried working through the stuff on that web page to set up your wireless?23:06
Peloevening folks23:06
Prettosouper, is preseed a word with no translation like kickstart?23:06
Mahisonawhat i have to do in this case ?23:06
xompdanand_, I've spent the past hour looking at the wifidocs, it appears that all is well with the setup. Just don't know why it won't work :(23:07
desmo_ubuntu 7.10 64 Bit amd23:07
Malik_i jus got uuntu now wat do i do23:07
souperIt's basically a configuration file to automatically install ubuntu23:07
danand_!install | Malik_23:07
Prettosouper, yeah.. i thought that23:07
Malik_i installed it to23:08
ubotuMalik_: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:08
StarnestommyMahisona: you probably need to reinstall it to the usb key23:08
wsfultonHi, can anyone suggest a good IRC reader on Feistry that is customisable? I would like certain select channels to aggressively tell me if there is any activity on it, eg flashing, popping up or making a sound. It doesn't seem possible with either xchat-gnome or Gaim.23:08
Mahisonareinstall what ?`23:08
Malik_o can some1 help me wirlessly connect to my router23:08
Pelowsfulton, xchat does that natively23:08
Pelo!wifi | Malik_23:08
ubotuMalik_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:08
LjL-Tempwsfulton: have you tried xchat (not -gnome)? i don't use it, but it's certainly more configurable than both clients you mentioned23:09
StarnestommyMahisona: you need to rewrite the usb key23:09
Prettosouper, thank you23:09
PeloMalik_, that is all I can personaly do for you ,  I don'T know anyting about wifi myself23:09
souperPretto youre welcom23:09
DEXTREXthere are 2 diffrernt gnome xchats23:09
wsfultonLjL-Temp and Pelc, thanks I'll try those next23:09
mDemocritusMalik_: what's the problem?23:09
xompok, rebooting again to try yet another thing with this haha bbs23:09
danand_xomp - how is your card working? ndiswrapper, kernel module?23:09
* Pelo wonders who it is that is temping for LjL , he hopes it works out 23:09
xompdanand_, kernel module I believe23:10
Mahisonau mean the path os syslinux ?23:10
Mahisonarewrite the path23:10
StarnestommyMahisona: I think so23:10
LjL-TempPelo: the fifth personality, at the moment23:10
danand_xomp - what card do you have?23:10
xompdanand_, I did an lsmod for prism2_usb and it's all there, even shows up in network tools.23:10
Mahisonai will try tomorrow23:10
danand_xomp - k23:10
PeloLjL-Temp,  that's the one that starts screaming obsenities every 30 min right ?23:10
xompdanand_, I just installed the linux-wlan-ng package, going to reboot and see if it fixes it hehe23:10
Mahisonabye Starnestommy23:10
LjL-TempPelo: no that's Six23:11
danand_xomp - cool, luck :)23:11
Malik_i can;t do it23:11
Malik_i put in my wirless card installation cd23:11
Malik_and i donot know wat to do23:11
mDemocritusMalik_: don't use the cd man lol... that's for windows and stuff23:11
Malik_wat do i do then23:11
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:11
mDemocritusMalik_: what kind of card is it23:11
Malik_i jus got ubuntu23:11
DrIPwhat is { security/pam_appl.h} contained in?23:11
Malik_air link 10123:12
LjL-Temp!find pam_appl | DrIP23:12
ubotudrip: No packages matching 'pam_appl' could be found23:12
PeloMalik_,  wifi cards in ubuntu/linux do now generaly work using the drivers that are made for windows,  you either have to get the linux driver which should already be in the kernel or you need to use ndiswrapper go use the windows driver in ubuntu23:12
DrIP!find pam23:12
ubotuFound: libapache2-mod-auth-pam, libpam-cracklib, libpam-doc, libpam-foreground, libpam-gnome-keyring (and 70 others)23:12
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LjL-TempDrIP: no sorry, but had a feature to search for files but it seems to be gone.23:12
mDemocritusMalik_: shut off the system, put the card in, reboot, see if it finds it in the network manager23:12
LjL-TempDrIP: you can search for it on http://packages.ubuntu.com23:12
DrIPi got tit thanks23:12
jappdevI have a strange problem: I had and HD fail, got a new one, go to re-install Ubuntu, but when I try to boot, it locks up, don't even get to POST or the BIOS flash screen, just a black screen with the HD light constantly on, if I unplug the drive, power-on then plug it in as soon as I see the BIOS screen, it works just fine, and yes, I know that doing that is dangerous/bad, but anyone have a clue whats going on here?23:13
LjL-TempDrIP: if the package is already installed, you can also type "dpkg -S pam_appl"23:13
mDemocritusMalik_: then follow the wireless documentation23:13
JockeoWhere can I see a list of the most popular gpl games?23:13
DrIPLjL-Temp: yea, thanks!23:13
SlartJockeo: happypenguin.net I think.. might be .com or .orc23:13
mDemocritusjappdev: SATA or IDE?23:13
LjL-TempJockeo: try http://www.happypenguin.org23:13
Malik_for my router though it has the linux picture on the cd cover so i think its compatible with linux23:13
jappdev*its a laptop23:13
Malik_not compatibly i mean good with linux*23:13
mDemocritusjappdev: jumper's on right?23:13
jappdevyes, its the same as the old HD which worked fine for 3+ years23:14
mDemocritusMalik_ it should work fine with your router, that's why there's standards... once you get the drivers loaded for your card it should work ok23:14
JockeoI've already seen happypenguin, and they have a lot of games. However, I can't find a top list or similar. Like I don't know if AlienArena, OpenArena or Nexuiz is the best...23:14
LjL-TempJockeo: well i think they do have ratings, and you can sort by rating23:15
Malik_i restarted with card connected and nothing popped up23:15
mDemocritusjappdev: try clearing cmos?23:15
xompdanand_, no love with the linux-wlan-ng package lol23:15
JockeoLjL-Temp: ahh, I'll look again then :)23:15
jappdevhow would you do that on a laptop?23:15
danand_xomp - bah :(23:16
xompI've just about exhausted every "suggestion" on the wifi docs site.23:16
mDemocritusjappdev: very good question... lol you should be able to do it from bios, use load defaults23:16
xompI'm seriously at a loss now, I've followed suggestions from the bot and google with nothing to show for it other than a lost day :/23:16
mDemocritusjappdev: then just make sure you've got the drive connected properly23:16
mDemocritusjappdev: and snug23:16
jappdevI'll try clearing the CMOS, i'm using it right now, i just have to play with it to get it to boot right23:17
Pelojappdev, check the hdd if there are any jumpers on it , make sure it is set to master or just take out the jumper and let the bios handle it23:17
danand_xomp - alternative - buy a plug in card thats supported :)23:17
mDemocritusjappdev: good luck23:17
jappdevok, i'll be back it it still doesn't work23:17
xompdanand_, I could do that, but I was laid off work recently so I have no monies lol23:18
Pelojappdev, #hardware might also be of some help23:18
ryan__I have compiz related question, am i in the right room?23:18
xompryan__, /join #compiz-fusion23:18
xompnp :)23:18
* xomp was actually helpful today \o/23:18
danand_xomp - i just got made redundant too ... :( ... lousy job anyway :)23:19
Pelo!helpersnack | xomp23:19
ubotwoxomp: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:19
ubotuxomp: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:19
Malik_how do i get my wirless card to work23:19
danand_xomp - two cookies ... not bad :)23:19
PeloMalik_,  ok , use the install cd and look for a package on it called ndiswrapper install it ,  then start it and copy the .inf file from your cd for the windwos driver for your wfif card ,  point ndiswrapper to it23:20
PeloMalik_,  ie,  read the dam documentation we gave you earlier23:20
Pelo!wifi | Malik_23:20
ubotuMalik_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:20
ubotwoMalik_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:20
mDemocritustell it, pelo23:20
Pelocan we kill one fo the bots ?23:20
Pelothank you Pici23:21
PiciPelo: np23:21
xompPelo, think you can halp me with my wireless probs? rofl23:21
xompI have offered +10 internets to the one who can help me, but I've had no bitters.23:22
Peloxomp,  I have no knowledge of wifi , exept to tell ppl to use ndiswrapper when theiir card isn'T supported23:22
* Pelo likes wires 23:22
infernal_jesusxomp: what do you need?23:22
xompoh thank you infernal_jesus23:22
xompinfernal_jesus, my wifi card uses the prism2_usb drivers that come standard with gutsy and I can't connect or scan my wireless network23:23
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mDemocrituswhy the heck to people use the ubuntu as their nick.....23:23
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mDemocritusthat just gets confusing23:23
Malik_where to i go to insert a command23:23
souperit's the default username in the live cd23:23
Malik_do i go*23:24
archangelpetroHas anybody here installed CodeBlocks??????//23:24
infernal_jesusxomp: your card is external?23:24
PelomDemocritus, lack of imagination23:24
xompinfernal_jesus, for some reason my little green light on the wifi card isn't lit up even though it's enabled and when I was using windows when I had the thing enabled the light would light up when it was enabled.23:24
mDemocritusmalik_: applications->accessories->terminal23:24
PeloMalik_, open a terminal23:24
robobobguys my sound volume just keeps going up and down any ideas???23:24
xompinfernal_jesus, yes, it attaches to the top of the monitor of my laptop. It's a compaq evo n610c23:24
m1rxomp , usb card ?23:24
Pelorobobob, bad files ?23:24
xompinfernal_jesus, even though it attaches with a screw and is part of the top panel of my display, it's considered a usb card for some reason.23:25
xompmlr, yes, usb card ;)23:25
infernal_jesusxomp: does it connect into the usb port?23:25
infernal_jesusand what type of card is it?23:25
infernal_jesuswhat make?23:25
mDemocritusxomp: that's pretty effed up...23:25
robobobposs any other ideas what it might be or amy ways to fix it?23:25
PelomDemocritus, they are quite popular I am told23:25
juniechohey can anyone help me?23:26
xompinfernal_jesus, not a standard usb port no. It's a prism2_usb card is all I know hah.23:26
Pelojuniecho, we need to know the problem first23:26
mDemocritusrobobob: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart23:26
xompmDemocritus, yeah, it's your typical compaq deal hah23:26
bazhangjuniecho: please ask23:26
urlwolfmy sudo doesn't work :)23:26
peter77I'm running apache, php and mysql for testing web apps on my laptop running ubntu gutsy gibbon, will I experience any performance issues while using the OS normally due to these apps being installed?23:26
urlwolfI did apt-get install sudo23:26
Pelourlwolf, sudo apt-get install  package name23:26
RabidWeezleanyone know how to enable the framebuffer? *fbdev*23:26
mDemocritus!ask | juniecho23:26
ubotujuniecho: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:26
IRCLemur_sudo goes first23:26
juniechoafter installing 64bit version of ubuntu 7.10, i can't see ubuntu logo and progress bar when booting - just blank screen and then login screen23:26
raintheoryhi guys, can anyone help me set up a static ip for ubuntu 7.10  ... Wireless and Wired?23:26
m1rpeter77: just boot time23:26
urlwolfbut when using it, it ask for a password, but drops you on the command line without doing anything23:27
peter77m1r, ok np23:27
urlwolfno, I mean I tried to get package sudo23:27
urlwolfbut it's not working23:27
ubotuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub23:27
Peloraintheory,  you can set a static ip in menu > system > admin > network23:27
peter77m1k, I didn't think it ould make much of a difference, just wanted to be sure23:27
nikwhats the best video and audio palyer for ubuntu?23:27
bazhangurlwolf: what package do you want to install?23:27
infernal_jesusRabidWeezle: configure xorg.conf23:27
raintheoryPelo, thx I'll give it a go...   funny i couldnt find that before ;)23:27
m1rpeter77 , boot time and some small ammount of ram for processes23:28
urlwolfbazhang: package sudo23:28
juniechois it normal to see blank screen when i boot into ubuntu 64bit?23:28
Pelourlwolf, linux is case senstive make sure caplocks is not enalble and that you have capitals at the proper pace in your password23:28
mDemocritusnik: that's a timeless debate... i like amarok for audio and kaffeine for video23:28
urlwolfbelieve it or not, my system came without sudo23:28
ToastGuyOMG... LibVNCServer is awesome!23:28
bazhangurlwolf: that is not something you need to install23:28
xompinfernal_jesus, I believe while I had windows on here it listed as a compaq miniport wan something or other lol23:28
ToastGuyIf anyone is using a windows machine as their primary... You MUST check this out23:28
m1rpeter77 , i would sugest lighttpd for laptop setup23:28
Pelourlwolf, is this your computer ? did you install it , do you have permision to instll stuff on it ?23:28
peter77m1r, yeah, will it be unnoticable?23:28
urlwolfI did ask (I'm using andlinux, ubuntu based) and it did come without sudo23:28
urlwolfit's my computer23:29
infernal_jesusxomp: that's weird23:29
Bippehi  :) anyone know if there's a driver out for intellimouse explorer usb ? (old one..)23:29
urlwolfI'm root23:29
bazhangurlwolf: wrong channel for you then23:29
Daisuke_Idourlwolf, short answer, we don't support it23:29
urlwolfandlinux is ubuntu-based23:29
mDemocritusurlwolf: if you're root, then you don't need sudo23:29
bazhangurlwolf: read the /topic23:29
m1rpeter77 , it eats less then apache23:29
Daisuke_Idolong answer, we have never supported it and will never support it.23:29
peter77m1r, boot time doesn't seem to have suffered too much23:29
Rugg xomp - does dmesg |grep usb  show it listed?23:29
* Daisuke_Ido shrugs23:29
infernal_jesusxomp: does lsmod | grep prism223:30
infernal_jesusgive you anything?23:30
m1rpeter77 ,if it is new laptop , u wont have any problems, 512mb ram+23:30
mDemocritusurlwolf: i use ubuntustudio, same deal with that or any of the ubuntu derivatives23:30
genuserhow often does ubuntu release a new kernel?23:30
bazhangurlwolf: install the *real deal* and then we can talk23:30
Daisuke_Idoubuntu's based on debian, try going to #debian for ubuntu help, they'll laugh you into oblivion23:30
peter771gb ram, 1.8 ghz core 2 duo :-)23:30
m1rpeter77, i run similar setup on 256mb ram with np23:30
LjL-Tempgenuser: ubuntu doesn't release kernels... ubuntu releases new versions of ubuntu, and they usually contain a different kernel from the older version23:30
xompRugg, infernal_jesus, yes it shows up there23:30
urlwolfhmm, it says ubuntu in the can :)23:30
m1rpeter77, no worries then23:30
urlwolfI see23:31
infernal_jesusxomp: and even lsusb lists it?23:31
urlwolfok thanks anywa23:31
xompinfernal_jesus, http://pastebin.com/d7157b66 for lsmod23:31
danand_urlwolf - help that someone gives you here could break your andlinux install... something that works or is ok to do in ubuntu may not work or may even be dangerous to do with andlinux.23:31
peter77m1r, cool, just got a web project to do and upload to a server is a pain, plus I don't always like my peers seeing what I'm doing with my uni work :-)23:31
jappdevOk, in reference to the problem i mentioned a few minutes ago: When I power on my computer, if the HD is plugged in, it doesn't do anything, no BIOS, just case lights.  When i wait and plug in the HD as soon as the BIOS screen comes up, it boots like normal.  I have checked the jumpers, its set for cable select, its the only IDE device in the computer, and I've reset the bios settings to the factory settings.23:31
brianlightwhat the hell is andlinux anyways?23:31
genuserLjL-Temp: oic.23:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ident - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:31
mDemocritusholy crap... andlinux is some strange virtualized linux on windows... odddd23:31
xompinfernal_jesus, http://pastebin.com/d3111b21c is my lsusb23:32
brianlighturlwolf wait for hardy and use wubi23:32
infernal_jesusxomp: well it's there, what did you use to scan it? how did you try and scan for networks?23:32
xompinfernal_jesus, I've tried iwlist and downloaded airsnort or something that I can't even find after installing lmao23:33
douglasI have an integrated intel graphic media accelerator X3100, what should i do?23:33
douglasit wont detect it23:33
LasseNCBeen trying 10 times now, and I can't register a user on the forums site. Keeps saying username is taken (Which it isn't) or that it may not apply to some admin rule. Anybody?23:33
infernal_jesusxomp: what ubuntu do you have?23:33
xompinfernal_jesus, gutsy gibbon23:33
Christozere4si hei how is going?23:33
LjL-TempLasseNC: tried asking on #ubuntuforums?23:34
Christozere4si can you tell me how can i remove this from the sources list23:34
infernal_jesusxomp: have you tried installing linux-wlan-ng?23:34
Christozere4si sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list23:34
LasseNCThis client23:34
xompinfernal_jesus, I would assume that since I have an "eth0, wlan0 & lo" interface, that the wlan0 is my wireless adapter?23:34
LasseNCWell, no23:34
LasseNCWill try23:34
infernal_jesusxomp: sometimes it can be eth023:35
xompinfernal_jesus, yeah, I installed linux-wlan-ng and rebooted about half an hour ago hehe23:35
dBeraI must be doing something stupid - I am trying to upgrade mono in gutsy - I have the hardy source in source.list but yet apt refuses to upgrade to mono 1.2.623:35
brianlightwhat are you trying to do Christoz?23:35
prettyrickyhas anyone here used x86 with ubuntu installed?23:35
juniechoI installed 64bit version of Ubuntu 7.10 and from then I see nothing while booting; just blank screen and I wait to see the login screen. When I used 32bit version I remember seeing ubuntu logo and boot progress bar, I kinda miss it and I think there should be one same thing in 64bit.23:35
LjL-Tempprettyricky: ...?23:35
xompinfernal_jesus, xomp@sammich:~$ iwlist eth0 scanning eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.23:35
prettyrickymac os x x86 project23:36
urlwolfbrianlight: is wubi based on that same colinux kernel?23:36
infernal_jesusxomp: then it is wlan023:36
infernal_jesusxomp: what's the output when you try iwlist wlan0 ?23:36
xompinfernal_jesus, xomp@sammich:~$ iwlist wlan0 scanning wlan0     No scan results23:36
Christozbrianlight hi,when i'm updating smth this line is prompt by the update manager23:36
infernal_jesusxomp: are you sure you are in range of the AP ?23:36
LjL-Tempprettyricky: ah. you see, "x86" is simply the intel processor arch that pretty much everyone here uses. anyway, we don't support os x :)23:36
xompinfernal_jesus, No scan results is what I get. I have 100% signal strength on another laptop running windows.23:36
mDemocritusxomp: what's lspci tell you about the wireless card?23:37
xompinfernal_jesus, I sware this thing has a little light on the wireless adapter that stays lite up when it's enabled but it's not on right now.23:37
Christozbrianlight 3 days before i've insert this line with this command sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list23:37
mDemocritusxomp or lsusb....23:37
prettyrickyI been seeing alot of videos on Youtube, with mac os x, ubuntu, and Xp installed triple boot23:37
brianlighturlwolf I'm not sure http://wubi-installer.org/ check it out23:37
prettyrickyJust wondering if anyone here has done that. thanks!23:37
urlwolfI did23:37
xompmDemocritus, , http://pastebin.com/d3111b21c is my lsusb23:37
urlwolfit's not clear23:37
Matthe1Anyone know how do mount a second hard drive and not have root as the owner so I can actually write to the drive?23:38
urlwolfbrianlight: are you part of that project?23:38
mDemocritusxomp: wtf it's orinoco?23:38
brianlighturlwolf no I'm not23:38
xompmDemocritus, afaik, orinoco works too, but I'm pretty sure the prism2_usb driver is loaded.23:38
Christozbrianlight and in the Restricted Drivers Manager it doesn't write the the model of the g force card23:38
brianlightChristoz sounds like you need to edit your sources.list23:39
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mDemocritusxomp: yea, it should... it's been a while since i've messed with those drivers... back when i was trying to put gentoo on a g3 ibook23:39
* mDemocritus shudders23:39
Christozbrianlight where is this file which path?23:39
infernal_jesusxomp: have you tried using ndiswrapper?23:39
urlwolfthis is similar: http://www.topologilinux.com/23:39
infernal_jesusxomp: since it works on your windows machine23:39
danand_Matthe1 - is the drive listed in the /etc/fstab file?23:40
brianlightjust open a terminal and do a sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list23:40
xompinfernal_jesus, no, I'm not familiar enough with linux to begin with haha. I attempted ndiswrapper in the past and got lost bigger than sh**23:40
Christozbrianlight i've typed  whereis  sources.llist in console but can't find it23:40
infernal_jesusxomp: haha nvm then, are you sure the driver is loaded?23:40
Matthe1danand_: I can't find it in there. My first attempt at listing it in fstab ended with me having to boot in failsafe terminal mode to take it out again as well123:40
xompinfernal_jesus, as sure as someone who knows nothing about his system can be :)23:40
Christozbrianlight sources.list23:40
infernal_jesusxomp: try, 'modprobe prism2_usb prism2_doreset=1'23:40
LeChacalhello, has anyone gotten ubuntu to run in qemu? i am getting an error dealing with the cdrom. I am running ubuntu 7.10 as host and  trying 7.10 as guest.23:40
dBeraanyone here using mono 1.2.6 ?23:40
brianlightit's /etc/apt/sources.list23:40
danand_Matthe1 - is the drive internal or external ?23:41
xompinfernal_jesus, ok, that is done.23:41
Matthe1danand_: internal23:41
infernal_jesusxomp: try iwlist now..23:41
xompinfernal_jesus, same thing "No results" immediately.23:42
mDemocritusxomp: sudo iwlist scan23:42
xompmDemocritus, same thing :)23:42
=== garra|laptop is now known as garra`laptop
infernal_jesusxomp: hm..23:42
arooni-mobilegiven 5 separate avi files... how can i easily stitch them together to be one big avi file?23:42
Ruggxomp dmesg |grep usb23:42
xompmDemocritus, "Not supported" on eth0 & lo, and "No results" on wlan0 hah23:42
danand_Matthe1 - what is the output of sudo fdisk -l ... does that list the drive your trying to add23:43
mDemocritusxomp so it is showing the card23:43
xompmDemocritus, I believe so23:43
Flyerfyehow do I eject a cd when installing a program?23:43
xompRugg, http://pastebin.com/d763e612f for dmesg23:43
Matthe1danand_: yes it does23:43
mDemocritusxomp ifconfig wlan023:43
xompmDemocritus, http://pastebin.com/d3b11693223:44
brianlightFlyerfye in terminal eject /dev/cdrom or what ever you cdrom device is23:44
danand_Matthe1 - can you pastebin that output?23:44
rwycuffxomp: any luck yet23:45
xomprwycuff, lol nope!23:45
=== slide23 is now known as slide
Matthe1danand_: have pm23:45
brianlightFlyerfye you may have to sudo eject /dev/cdrom23:45
xomprwycuff, I've got several fine folks helping me now but I think it has stumped them as well :)23:45
Matthe1danand_: so as not to flood the channel23:45
mDemocritusxomp and for sure you've got wireless in the area?23:45
danand_Matthe1 - ok23:45
Christozbrianlight actually  the manger prompts me this...W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com gutsy Release: The following signatures could n't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26323:45
infernal_jesusxomp: do iwconfig and paste the outpu23:45
xompmDemocritus, yeah, there is mine that uses no encryption and I do broadcast my SSID. And there are about 10 others in my area that use different encryptions and broadcast their SSID's as well.23:46
mDemocritusxomp: make sure you're running iwlist as root....23:46
mDemocrituswith sudo23:46
infernal_jesusxomp: oh wait, do 'ifconfig wlan0 up' .. :P23:46
arooni-mobileis there software that lets me simply & easily edit 3 or 4 video files.... all i want to do is cut them together to upload to youtube.......... how can i do this?23:46
brianlightoh you need ther public key23:46
rwycuffxomp:its not stumpped its the fact that the wireless driver isnt working or the nic itslef is busted other wise eth1 would show up in ifconfig23:46
brianlightyou need to insert there public key23:47
mDemocritusrwycuff, it's showing as wlan023:47
rwycuffoh ok that works23:47
infernal_jesusxomp: do 'ifconfig wlan0 up' and then 'iwconfig'23:47
danand_Matthe1 - you have to be registered with nickserv to be able to pm people ... i can't see your messages23:47
geoffxhow can i assign a custom amount of memory to a program ?23:47
mDemocritusxomp: for sure you're running "sudo iwlist scan" right?23:47
brianlightwget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -23:47
xompinfernal_jesus, xomp@sammich:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device23:47
Matthe1danand_: blast!23:47
xompmDemocritus, correct :)23:47
mDemocritusthat's effed23:48
danand_Matthe1 - never mind ... just use the channel23:48
Matthe1danand_: could you give a couple of pointers on the important bits and I'll try and figure the rest out for myself then?23:48
infernal_jesusxomp: that's weird :P23:48
brianlightChristoz did you do this in terminal wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -23:48
xompinfernal_jesus, iwconfig results in lo, eth0 & wlan0 - no wireless extentions23:48
Matthe1Disk /dev/hdb: 41.1 GB, 41110142976 bytes23:48
Matthe1255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4998 cylinders23:48
Matthe1Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes23:48
Matthe1Disk identifier: 0x0002ec0723:48
Matthe1   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System23:48
Matthe1/dev/hdb1               1        4998    40146403+  83  Linux23:48
FloodBot2Matthe1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:48
Christozbrianlight ok but i don't this line anymore23:48
danand_!pastebin | Matthe123:48
ubotuMatthe1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:48
Ruggxomp - "hfa384x_usbctlx_complete_sync: CTLX[1] error: state(Request failed)"  seems to be that a Intersil Prism 2/2.5/3 has no drivers loaded.23:49
Christozbrianlight i mean ok to insert it but after that how can i remove it?23:49
infernal_jesusxomp: the wlan_ng drivers you installed? are they the latest drivers?23:49
gizzoi have a very annoying problem, every time a window comes out of focus its title becomes semi transparent, i dont know which option this is in the desktop effects23:49
Christozbrianlight ok let's insert it first sorry23:49
xompRugg, are you cereal?23:49
brianlightdon't insert that line I gave you into your sources list23:49
danand_Matthe1 - oops, sorry. when i said use the channel i didn't mean paste in it. use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and then tell me the link23:49
brianlightrun it as a command in terminal23:50
xompinfernal_jesus, I'm not sure, I just did it not too long ago from the synaptic package manager23:50
brianlightwget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -23:50
knoppix_Hi. I am on a knoppix system right now and want to rescue some files. Unfortunately "copy -R" does not work properly . Any ideas why ?23:50
EdwardXp3can someone help me out with this issue im stuck make mkpg clean right under that >> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-kernel/23:50
xompinfernal_jesus, sorry, not the package manager, but rather apt-get linux-wlan-ng23:50
LokianI set my network config in Ubuntu, but can't connect to anything or ping, help please?23:50
knoppix_I only seem to get links or something like that23:50
EdwardXp3make-kpkg clean  right underthat im really really stuck23:50
matti_guys, is it tillpossible for me to make the artition that is runnig ubuntu bigger withount erasing anything on my windows xp partitio?23:50
brianlightbasicly it's just a public key to make sure that your installing things from trusted sources23:50
infernal_jesusxomp: check for a newer version23:51
xompRugg, if you could suggest a fix for that error I would gladly award you +10 internets :)23:51
brianlightI would think WineHQ would be a fairly trusted source23:51
danand_knoppix_ - copy -R is a dos command if i'm not mistaken - use cp -r instead23:51
Flannelmatti_: Assuming you have freespace on your windows partition, yeah, you can shrink them.23:51
xompinfernal_jesus, ok, is there a n00b way to do that? I basically need hand holding :(23:51
matti_ooo, thank flannel :D23:51
knoppix_oh my bad. i meant "cp -R"23:51
infernal_jesusxomp: just do sudo apt-get install linux-wlan-ng :P23:51
knoppix_(i typed it wrong)23:52
infernal_jesusand it will tell you whether you have the latest driver or not23:52
Matthe1danand_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60354/    - I think23:52
knoppix_(in the chat)23:52
mDemocritusxomp: without the :P  lol23:52
xompinfernal_jesus, rofl, ok, doing that now hah23:52
juniechocan anyone help me when i see no splash screen while booting? and no boot progress bar...23:52
SpookyETHow do you hardwire a configure script with the path of a library when it's too dumb to detect it by itself?23:52
brianlightwine is also included in ubuntu repositorys can't remember if it's universe mulitverse23:52
danand_Matthe1 - cool. wait one...23:52
xompinfernal_jesus, invalid character ":P" halp!!23:52
brianlightor actually in main?23:52
xompj/k :D23:52
infernal_jesuscompbrain: hahahaha remove the :P23:52
infernal_jesusoh ok :D23:52
infernal_jesusI got worried for a second there :P23:52
xompinfernal_jesus, ok, did that and got this linux-wlan-ng is already the newest version.23:53
mDemocritusxomp: we're left with one option.....23:53
mDemocritusxomp: kill it with fire23:53
mDemocritusLOTS of fire23:53
xompmDemocritus, lulz23:53
danand_Matthe1 - is that the entire output of sudo fdisk -l ?23:54
brianlight<-------likes wired connections23:54
rwycuffxomp have you tried this without wep or wpa on just to see what happens23:54
brianlightit adds to the decor in my room23:54
xompmDemocritus, I have seriously lost 25 yrs off me life just from fighting this thing today hah23:54
mDemocritusxomp: psh... there's an easier way....23:54
xomprwycuff, I don't have encryption on my network, it's open. Wouldn't know how to use it in linux either haha23:54
Christozbrianlight ok fixed,thank you ....what realy happened in there?23:54
mDemocritusxomp: go find an atheros card23:54
brianlighttons and tons of wires everywhere23:54
Matthe1danand_: there was another disk above it23:55
NeoGeo64Hi does anyone know a free VM app for XP that will allow me to run/install Ubuntu23:55
ene_deneI've just formated one of my disks to ext3, and to mount it I have to use sudo password. But the problem is if I want to use disk later (write something on it) I don't have a premission. How do I put it as disk available to me as user?23:55
og_whats a good lightweight browser (with flash player etc)23:55
juniechoneogeo64 try virtualbox23:55
infernal_jesusI gpt to gp23:55
xompmDemocritus, that or use a carrier pigeon to do all my wireless work haha23:55
crshmani have a newly expanded raid 5 that's 1.7Tb large and i currently have an LVM of 1.36Tb, do i have to do grow the pv for the lvm or will it automatically detect the change?23:55
mDemocritusxomp: too bad the carrier pigeon driver isn't GPL ;)23:56
danand_Matthe1 - paste the entire output.... that disk thats listed is your ubuntu disk. I guess you want to add your windows disk /dev/hda??23:56
Matthe1danand_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60355/ should be the fuller text, sorry, didn't think the first hdd was releveant23:56
ene_deneI can't change ownership because I can't be root in nautilus, or I don't know how23:56
danand_Matthe1 - k :)23:56
Flannelcrshman: You would need to create a new (or change the old) PV, then add it to your VG, then expand the LV (or create a new LV, or leave it blank)23:56
NeoGeo64Oh, also, my PC is new and doesn't have a floppy drive, how would I create a Windows boot disk so I could flush the MBR when I need to23:56
NeoGeo64Is there a way I could make a Windows boot CD?23:56
FlyerfyeI tried the sudo eject cdrom thing and it wont eject because it says the device is busy, any advice for ejecting a CD during a multiple CD installation23:56
Matthe1danand_: no windows disk on this machine, it's a pure ubuntu machine, I'm setting about going cold turkey on windows23:57
crshmanhow do i change the old pv (which points to the raid5) to increase in size?23:57
xompsmoke break guys, brb :)23:57
brianlightChirstoz You needed public keys for the repository synaptic and update manager complain if you don;t have the keys to a repository basicly it's a protection feature so that your not installing things from untrusted sources23:57
ene_deneok, is it possible to work as root in nautilus and then "unroot"?23:57
danand_Matthe1 - ok, so you need to add /dev/hdb disk.... Can you pastebin your /etc/fstab file?23:57
geoffxhow can i assign a custom amount of memory to a program ?23:57
Flannelcrshman: pvresize23:58
danand_Matthe1 - pure ubuntu .... :)23:58
brianlightFlyerfye I think there may be a force eject let me man eject really quick23:58
mDemocritusene_dene: not especially... gksudo nautilus will run it as root23:58
DG19075has a pure Ubuntu box here too23:58
ramiHello my fonts are all jagged up in wine...what should I do? Thank you23:58
ene_denemDemocritus: thanks23:58
mDemocritusene_dene: no prob23:59
Matthe1danand_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60356/ there is already the remnants of my first attempt in there modified slightly (first time I mapped it onto my home drive and couldn't log on at all)23:59

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