
maroogna apple is so much more proprietary than microsoft00:00
Dr_willis_by a factor of like 20000%  :)00:00
Dr_willis_'its for the users own good' :)00:01
Level15only difference is they don't own such a big portion of the market, thank god00:01
maroowell they own a fairly large part of the digital music market00:01
Dr_willis_Apple is its own worst enemy in many ways.. They are very good at taking 2 steps forward then 3 back.. so they can keep a deathgrip on 'their' specilized markets00:02
Level15maroo: yeah, true... i was thinking only abt computer market00:02
maroowell i want to browse some f**** podcasts and also look at phobos urls i get :(00:03
maroobut those apple monkeys *grrr*00:03
Dr_willis_Spank the Apple Monkeys00:03
posingaspopularnot on topic00:05
posingaspopularcarlzenox: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras00:06
posingaspopularin a terminal00:06
marooposingaspopular: actual on topic question was: is there some open and free itms browser for podcasts and phobos urls :(00:07
Dr_willis_miro - can do a lot of that stuff.00:07
Dr_willis_or was it mirro00:07
maroomiro? hmm oh yeah have to take a look at this again00:07
Dr_willis_I dont watch 'podcasts' i watch 'web casts' ) :)00:08
* Jucato doubts it can access itunes store though00:08
Dr_willis_and i most definiatly DONT use the itunes store.00:08
marooitunes seems to work with wine more or less00:08
Dr_willis_So good luck therer.00:08
marooi don't want to buy stuff there..00:08
maroobut they actually offer some good podcasts00:08
mDemocritusDr_willis_: but it'00:08
mDemocritusit's such a good value :D *snrk*00:09
Dr_willis_Im old...  i listen to the same music i bought 30+ yrs ago..... :)00:10
=== mDemocritus is now known as mDemocritus_afk
Dr_willis_i wonder at the legality of that.. I own the LP's ! so can i legally download the mp3!  (yea.. right... dream on....)00:11
* Dr_willis_ needs a 8track tape -> usb ->mp3 converter00:11
Level15Dr_willis_: well, maybe, depends on where you live, I guess00:11
Dr_willis_Level15:  thats just it.. it shouldent 'depend' :)00:12
martalliDr_willis_: All you need is a proper line in connection.  You can scrape the audio any which way (audacity is simple, but I am sure there are cli utilities00:12
Level15Dr_willis_: true...00:12
martalli8-track -> old audio cable -> rca -> 2.5 mm connector -> line in == audacity ==> wav file == oggenc ==> ogg files00:13
Dr_willis_I love printing out these mpaa/riaa articals where they claim/say/get quoted in sayi that you need to buy 4 copies of the disney movie, in order for your 4 kids to watch it....00:13
Dr_willis_really gets the guys at work.. taking.00:14
Dr_willis_It realy confuses the peple at work that linux 'people' often focus on these 'legal' issues of software so much.    Then i bring in these outragous patent articals.00:15
jackhelp! im used to gnome.. and now that ive changed to kde i cannot figure out how to remove all the icons from the KDE menu00:18
jackanyone know how to do this?00:18
posingaspopularhttp://imagebin.org/15089 anyone know how to kill all these processes and stop them from running when I boot?00:20
jackwell, sorry i dunno, but atleast i know im in the right channel00:21
Plantainposingaspopular: killall processname00:22
jackplantain, got any fix for removing all the icons in the kde menu?00:22
posingaspopularyea but what is the name of the process00:22
posingaspopularmoreover, i want to stop it from running at all00:22
posingaspopularsince i never print00:23
posingaspopularor at least, stop it from running at boot00:23
flipstarposingaspopular: just kick out everything printer-related in services00:23
posingaspopularah i see, duh00:23
largo24jack, right-click the kmenu to edit00:24
posingaspopulari can't get to system services because of a hardy bug, but at least I know how to fix it now00:24
jacki did00:24
Level15pkill printer, i think00:24
jackthat opens the kmenu editor00:24
jackbut that allows me change the icon for each menu item individually00:24
jacknot remove all at once00:24
flipstarposingaspopular: you can use rcconf or sysv-rc-conf00:24
joh6nni have a very simple shell script in my ~/.kde/Autostart folder that doesn't seem to be running when i log in. i can run it manually from konsole, but if i hit alt+f2 and try to run it from the Run Command dialog, it fails silently.  anyone have any thoughts?00:24
flipstarjoh6nn: if you want to run it without path you have to add it into /usr/bin00:25
joh6nnflipstar: i'm running it with path00:26
jacki want to remove icons in all menus....00:26
flipstarjoh6nn: maybe you need an sh infront of it..00:26
carupiaxcompiz+kubuntu+nvidia  white screen?00:27
joh6nnflipstar: the script works fine if i call it from the shell.  it just doesn't run at the time it's supposed to, when i log in to my KDE user account00:28
flipstarjoh6nn: it is executeable ?00:28
joh6nnflipstar: yes00:28
largo24jack, do you mean remove gnome icons from kde menu or all icons?00:28
jacklargo24: all icons00:28
jacklargo24: for all menus00:29
carupiaxcompiz+kubuntu+nvidia  white screen? when activate00:30
some_dudeI'm trying to get some bbc tv in my browser, but I'm having trouble, the link is http://www.bbcworld.com/Pages/default.aspx can anyone see if that works for them ?00:30
maroohmpf it can't actually be that hard to make a browser for the itunes music store :/.. setting user agent to "iTunes.." helps to see the xml and extract the urls to the mp4 files :/00:32
largo24jack, poke around in Control Center->Appearence & Themes->Icons->Advanced->Small Icons->Size00:33
jacklargo24: set all sizes to 0?00:34
jacklargo24: actually, they can get smaller, but not removed00:34
Erickj92can some one help with with this tutorial: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Getting_Started/Set_up_KDE_4_for_development#KDevelop ... I am having some issues using it00:34
maroook thanks anyway folks.. next time you see an apple fanboy lecture him about how evil apple is and that this makes him evil too (i.e. by using itms to browse podcasts)00:35
=== kristof is now known as freak124
joh6nnanyone know why a shell script would run fine in the terminal, but not from the alt+f2 Run Command?00:38
flipstardoes your script start with #!/bin/bash ?00:40
flipstardoes it work with sh <script> from alt+f2 ?00:41
Erickj92is there a KDE4 development channel?00:41
joh6nni've been using this script since Breezy without problems, but i reinstalled a few weeks ago, and i just now got around to moving this script back to .kde/Autostart00:41
joh6nnflipstar: hold on, i'll try that00:42
jacki should just quit wrestling with kde, it seems its impossible to remove all the icons in all menus at once....00:42
joh6nnflipstar: no, it doesn't00:42
flipstargot no idea then00:43
=== mDemocritus_afk is now known as mDemocritus_dinn
joh6nnall right, well, thanks anyway guys00:45
Erickj92anyone know of a KDE4 development channel to get support with kdevelop00:46
flipstarmaybe ##linux-coders but i guess theres low traffic00:47
Erickj92i can never get anything to work00:47
=== mDemocritus_dinn is now known as mDemocritus
flipstaryou got a specific problem ?00:48
Erickj92yeah, i cant build this program00:49
Erickj92in this tut: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Development/Tutorials/First_program#Build00:49
Erickj92it throws out more errors then my snowblower throws out grass00:49
flipstarthe first line throw this error ?00:50
Erickj92it tells me it cannot locate KApplication00:50
Erickj92no such file or dirrectory00:50
Erickj92it makes me wanna cry00:51
flipstarseems you need kdecore00:55
flipstargot that from http://www.kdevelop.org/1.3/doc/kde_libref/index-3.html chapter 3.100:56
[T]anki am getting the following error with kppp: The pppd daemon died unexpectedly! Exit status: 15 See 'man pppd' for an explanation of the error codes or take a look at the kppp FAQ on http://developer.kde.org/~kppp/index.html.00:58
[T]ankany ideas how to correct it? i looked at the link and have tried everything i have read there.00:58
joseluixDo someone know how I have to install compiz?01:20
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion01:20
joseluixubote, I've installed compiz with emerald, but I had to uninstall it because when I reboot the windows appears without frame01:23
joseluixthen I've installed compiz without emerald so I had the same problem01:24
flipstarjoseluix: you need to run compiz and emerald like "compiz --replace &&emerald --replace"01:25
joseluixflipstar, Can't compiz work without emerald,only with kde01:27
flipstarsure..but then you have no borders..emerald is an window decorator01:27
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Beta Out | Hug Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080313/KDE
joseluixflipstar, but why compiz without emerald in ubuntu does'nt have this problem, workin with gtk the windows appears with borders,I'd like to know if there's some similar for kde01:31
flipstarin ubuntu compiz uses another window manager i guess01:31
flipstarjust ask in #compiz-fusion01:32
boblenyDoes anyone happen to know the directory in which terminal is located?01:32
joseluixok flipstar, thank you01:32
flipstarbobleny: /usr/bin/konsole01:33
fuhrealAnyone know how to change the default app for mp3's ?? Mine keeps opening Mplayer when i want to use rhythmbox01:35
Dr_willis__configure konwueror -> filetypes -> set the defaults there.01:37
boblenyfuhreal: Right click mp3, select open with, choose rhythmbox from list, check the box at the botom to save that app click ok.01:37
boblenyOr what Dr willis said...01:37
Dr_willis__'konqueror' -> settings -> configure Konq. -> file Assoicatuibs01:38
Dr_willis__associations. :)01:38
Dr_willis__what i am 'trying to say' at least. Heh01:38
boblenyIs anyone in here familuare with JAVA? : What is the line used to keep konsole from closeing?01:51
Dr_willis__Hmm..  in bash, or other langisages - one often have a 'read/input' statement at the end of the script.01:52
Dr_willis__Not sure about java01:52
joseluixdo someone know about kde-windows-decorator, i don't want to use emerald01:53
Dr_willis__joseluix,  what about it?01:55
Dr_willis__kde-window-decorator --replace01:56
joseluixDr_willis__, i don't wat to use emerald with compiz, but if a install compiz without emerald doesn't appear the windows border01:57
Dr_willis__Install the kdewindowdecorator and use it.01:57
Dr_willis__!find kde-window-decorator01:57
ubotuNo packages matching 'kde-window-decorator' could be found01:57
Dr_willis__wonder what package its in..01:58
nosrednaekim!info compiz-kde01:58
ubotucompiz-kde (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager - KDE window decorator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1.1 (gutsy), package size 88 kB, installed size 228 kB01:58
Dr_willis__There we go.01:58
joseluixDr_ willis__, in synaptic I don't find it (kdewindowdecorator)01:58
Dr_willis__this is covered in the !compiz factid wiki page i thought01:58
nosrednaekimjoseluix: compiz-kde01:58
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion01:58
Dr_willis__sudo apt-get install compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compizconfig-settings-manager emerald librsvg2-common01:58
Dr_willis__is what the wiki page suggests.01:59
joseluixnosrednaekim, i've istalled it, but the same, without bordes01:59
joseluixemerald eve fails,for example gtk doesnt need emerald so i need some similar but for kde02:00
joseluixi'll continue lookin for02:01
nosrednaekimjoseluix: make sure window decorations is enabled in the compiz-settings-manager02:01
Dr_willis__you can run emerald under gnome.02:01
Dr_willis__i thinkyou can even run the  gtk-window-decorator --replace  under kde.02:02
joseluixwath!! Can i use the gtk -win*** with kde02:03
Dr_willis__joseluix,  try it and see.02:03
Dr_willis__ive swiched btween all 3 at times to try them all out under gnome and kde.02:03
boblenyjoseluix: What is the problem that you are haveing?02:04
joseluixi'll try...02:04
Dr_willis__bobleny,  he was a little vague on that detail. :)02:04
joseluixbobleny, I want some like gtk-windows.decorator, but for kde, idont want to use emerald...02:05
Dr_willis__joseluix,  the kde-window-decorator woule be best to use under kde.02:05
boblenyOh... May I ask why you don't want to use emerald?02:05
Dr_willis__you only have the 3 choices. :) try all 302:05
joseluixemerald fails very much, when i reboot compiz inicia but emerald no02:06
joseluixemerald fails very much, when i reboot compiz execute but emerald no02:07
Dr_willis__is it failing, or just not starting up when you reboot?02:07
Dr_willis__put 'emerald --replace' in your  .kde/Autostart Dir - is one way to get it to always start02:07
* Dr_willis__ fixes some typos on the compiz wiki page.02:09
joseluixnot starting but at the begin works well  with he comand --replace02:09
nosrednaekimjoseluix: are you running these command from a alt+f2 run command dialog?02:10
joseluixwell. i'll install it since 002:10
joseluixyes, in konsole02:10
boblenyHave you tried compize fusion icon? It was the only way I could get compiz to work on my computer....02:11
nosrednaekimjoseluix: use the alt+f2 run dialog... if you close the terminal, you will lose your decoration02:12
joseluixbobleny if this is true, can you say me how to install compiz (in kde of course), like you ..02:12
joseluixI'll intall all since 002:12
Dr_willis__ sudo apt-get install compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compizconfig-settings-manager emerald librsvg2-common compiz compizconfig-settings-manager02:13
Dr_willis__is what i normally do. :)02:13
=== marcelo is now known as marcelo_
joseluixDr_willis__, thank you02:15
Daisuke_Idonosrednaekim, or he can use emerald --replace &02:15
joseluixI've already install compiz-kde with synaptic02:16
joseluixbut in this moment i dont have efects02:16
joseluixI guess that i have to type compiz in konsole02:17
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: that will still kill compiz if you close the terminal02:17
Dr_willis__joseluix,  im just pasting this from that !compiz wiki page.02:17
boblenyI think, for the most part, I followed this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=601310. I also had to clean up my system of all my previuse faild attempts to install compiz...02:17
Dr_willis__im also editing that page.. doing some cleanups.02:17
Dr_willis__joseluix,  check it out - if thers somthing thats not clear - make a suggestion02:17
Daisuke_Idonosrednaekim, using exit instead of just closing the window fixes that :)02:17
flipstarwow there is a difference between exit and close ?02:18
Dr_willis__if by CLOSE you mean the close button.. YES>.02:18
Dr_willis__do NOT use the close button. :)02:18
Dr_willis__use exit.. its much safer.02:18
joseluixYES!!, i  typed compiz in konsole so i have compiz02:18
joseluixbut i don t have a manager02:19
* mneptok types "sense of self worth back" into a terminal02:19
Daisuke_Idomneptok, some things get sent to /dev/null and are never recovered, sadly :P02:19
mneptokjoseluix: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager02:19
mneptokDaisuke_Ido: my filesystem pre-dates journalling theory, too :-/02:20
Daisuke_Idogood thing it's not reiser though, you wouldn't live through it.02:20
joseluixinstalling manager , plugins extra...02:21
mneptokDaisuke_Ido: no body, no crime. ;)02:21
Dr_willis__compiz --replace , kde-window-decorator --replace02:21
joseluixit's workin with kde, without emerald...02:21
joseluixi've not installed emerald02:21
Daisuke_Idomneptok, this is true02:22
flipstarwhere can i get an overview off all these bash commands? like & && ; > and so on ?02:22
mneptokDaisuke_Ido: actually, they prosecutor could probably catch Hans with that trick. "Oho! It seems there has been data loss!"  "WAIT! NO! HERE'S HER CORPSE! ... oh, oops."02:22
Dr_willis__!bash | flipstar02:22
ubotuflipstar: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:22
boblenyI don't know what gtk looks like, but I'm sure you could download a gtk theme for emerald....02:22
Daisuke_Idomneptok, journaling was his greatest mistake >_<02:22
Dr_willis__the gtk thing for compiz - uses the normal gnome theme look.02:23
Daisuke_Idotoo bad he didn't make backups.02:23
joseluixYES!!! i've installed all succeded02:23
joseluixDr_willis, it's working without emerald02:24
joseluixand i have borders, its beautiful02:24
Daisuke_Idocompletely off topic, i appear to be missing some modest mouse albums, because some of the songs on this sun kil moon lp don't sound at all familiar.  guess it's time to hit amazon :D02:25
joseluixi've not close the  konsole, if i close it what happen, i kill compiz i guess02:25
flipstarthanks Dr willis02:26
nosrednaekimmneptok: haha.....02:26
joseluixthak you Dr_willis, thank you nosrednaekim, thank you flipstar....02:28
camilohey.. i need to install amsn but im newbie.. how do i do it?02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:31
nosrednaekim!info amsn02:31
ubotuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97RC1+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 3371 kB, installed size 10956 kB02:32
nosrednaekimcamilo: run the following command from a terminal "sudo apt-get install amsn"02:32
nosrednaekimor you can use adept_manager02:32
Dr_willis__Hmm.. anyone else notice that we basicially just read the 'wiki' pages TO people in here.. quite often..02:33
boblenyYou just now noticed that?02:34
Dr_willis__There we go.. Edited the !compiz wiki page a bit.  See what all ya think.02:34
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion02:34
Dr_willis__ the part on 'how window decorators' work was a little vague02:34
Alan_MDr_willis, thanks was actually about to ask the bot that myself :)02:35
Dr_willis__bobleny,  i only pasted that wiki page a dozen times to him. and gave some strong hints. :)02:35
Dr_willis__Alan_M,  Im editing it :)  if thers somthing vague or wrong . let me know..02:35
Dr_willis__im still a bit vague on how kde and gnome often rember if you had  one window decorator, or the other going after you log back in.02:36
Dr_willis__Must be rembering them in a session, or somthing.02:36
nosrednaekimyes, it does.02:37
* Alan_M is used to GDE and ubuntu...Kubuntu is a totally new experience for me lol02:37
Dr_willis__so it adds another layer of things to break. :)02:37
nosrednaekimoh........ GNOME :)02:37
Alan_MGnome Desktop02:37
Odd-rationaleGDE = Good Desktop Enviroment02:39
flipstarKDE = Koolest Desktop Ever ?02:39
boblenyDr_willis__: You know, it is really weird how he didn't want to use emeraled....02:39
camiloanother question...whats the difference between lilo and grub.. is there anything considerable?02:39
Alan_MK desktop environment flipstar :)02:39
flipstaroh..thats boring02:40
Alan_Mheh, boring but looks sweet :)02:40
* Alan_M loves the KDE vs GDE02:40
nosrednaekimcamilo: grub is easier02:41
Alan_Mlilo is a pain most of the time, GRUB can actually be configured to be more graphically pleasing..as I have completely configured GRUB and Kubuntu to be.02:42
Dr_willis__bobleny,  its really weird it took an hr to get it across that kde-window-decorator --replace   is not using emerald. :)02:42
camilooh ok.. so i keep grub02:42
* nosrednaekim bows to Alan_M's leetness02:42
Dr_willis__I cant recall ever seeing GNome refered to as 'GDE' :)02:42
boblenyDr_willis__: Agreed.02:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gde - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:43
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.02:43
nosrednaekimtaa da02:43
nosrednaekimbye everyone02:43
Odd-rationalecde, kde, gde, why not? :)02:43
Alan_MGnome Desktop Environment...see where i got the letters from now?02:43
nosrednaekimc ya tomorrow02:43
Alan_Mc ya buddy :)02:43
* Alan_M sees this room is a bit more laxed than the ubuntu room...love it.02:44
Odd-rationaleAlan_M: There's just less ops...02:45
* Alan_M used to get griped at every time i opened my trap whether i was helping or not or obeying rules or not :(02:45
askjdfHello, I am having trouble running Kubuntu off of an install CD.  Can someone help me?02:46
Alan_MWhat kind of error messages (if any) are you receiving askjdf?02:46
Alan_Mplease use pastebin if the errors exceed 1 line of text.02:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:47
askjdfWhen I boot off the CD I get a menu to come up with a unch of options.  If I hit F1 through F6 it doesnt freeze but it I choose any off the real options it just freezes02:47
Alan_MDo you have the recommended ammount of ram needed to run kubuntu?02:48
askjdfLike if I select to run Kubuntu or Check Memory or any of the other options it just freezes the moment I select it02:48
askjdfYes, I have 1GB of Ram02:48
boblenyDid you check the md5sum after you downloaded the image?02:48
askjdfI tried it on both my laptop and my desktop and I had the same problem02:48
askjdfyes I did02:48
askjdfI can hit Ctrl Alt Delet and it will reboot my computer once it freezes so I guess my computer is still a little bit responsive when I try to run Kubuntu off the CD02:50
boblenyHave you tried re-burning the image to another disk?02:51
askjdfNo I haven't.  Is the the next think I should try?02:51
Alan_M!es | kimarphilly02:51
ubotukimarphilly: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:51
askjdfIf I put my CD in my computer once windows is running the CD tries to auto run but it get stuck as well02:52
boblenyaskjdf: Did you burn the correct version? ie. 32bit, 64bit, etc?02:52
askjdfI burned the version that the website says works for most computers02:52
Alan_M64 bit would tell you you cant run it period if you put it in a 32 bit computers cd rom drive, ive done that before :)02:52
Alan_Mok, so 32 bit, hmmm02:53
* Alan_M thinks its coffee time on this one :)02:53
askjdfI have the PC (INtel x86) desktop version02:53
bobleny"<askjdf> No I haven't.  Is the the next think I should try?" - Couldn't hurt....02:53
askjdfHaha, ok02:54
Dr_willis__redownload, reburn,02:54
Dr_willis__ive had odd issues in the past where a ubuntu cd wouldent install.. but a xubuntu cd did...02:54
askjdfWell I know my downloaded file is fine since I did that check thing02:54
Dr_willis__same machines..02:54
askjdfI will just try to burn it again02:54
Dr_willis__what would be cool would be a way to put an installer image on a usb thumb drive. that one could customize :)02:55
Dr_willis__so i could set up the defaults/extras i want! :002:55
Alan_MDr_willis_ im aware of a way to do this in Ubuntu :)02:55
askjdfIt is just very strange that is freezes no matter what option I pick02:55
askjdfOK thanks all!02:55
foibleswhats a good program for ripping a dvd movie to hd?02:56
ubotuTo rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings. Also see http://tinyurl.com/2x7qsh02:56
Alan_Mhmmm....that was audio cd's nevermind02:56
* Czessi-m is away: Gone away for now.02:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdrip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:56
boblenyDr_willis__: You could always do a blank install of ubuntu, configure it, clean it, defragment it, and create your own image from it....02:56
* Czessi-m is away: Gone away for now.02:57
* Czessi-m is back.02:57
Dr_willis__bobleny,  i was wantingto be able to easially edit the files on the usb stick.  :) like update a config for the hostname, ip, other bits..  befor i stick it in the next machine im installingto.02:57
Alan_Mive created so many different derivative's of ubuntu's regular install cd its insane, if only i can figure out kubuntu well enough to do it i'd be happy :)02:57
Dr_willis__updating the packatges would also be nice.  save on apt-get updating the first time02:57
foiblesfor dvd though?02:57
Dr_willis__I got a stack of live cd's from other disrtos. :) some of them are very very very  nicer then ubuntus. :(02:58
Dr_willis__but  they have diffrent design goals.02:58
boblenyDr_willis__: You know, I've always wanted to try Gentoo, but every time I've tried, I've faild.....03:00
Dr_willis__i used gentoo for a long time.. then it got to a point where.. it was 'whats the point'03:00
Alan_MDr_willis_, ubuntu has been described by a few members as a gateway Distribution lol03:00
Dr_willis__Im testing out Sidux right now.. it has some nice features compared to ubuntu, but ubuntu has it beat in some other ways03:01
Alan_Mubuntu's been around the block for a while03:01
Dr_willis__Ive not seen a disrto  YET thats as good as ubuntu/kubuntu is for setting up all these special keys on my laptop and media-keyboards03:01
Dr_willis__Im not sure HOW ubuntu manages to do it.03:01
Alan_Mnot near as long as it Debian, but a while03:01
Dr_willis__even on my G15 the volume and other keys work. :)03:02
Dr_willis__none are working on sidux at this time.  heh.03:02
boblenyfoibles: Take a look here... http://linuxappfinder.com/taxonomy/term/1603:02
boblenyThe only linux distro I've ever used in Kubuntu. I tryed the Uubuntu live cd but I didn't like the defualt look... Kubuntu ever since...03:05
Dr_willis__I always install both kubuntu and ubuntu. :)03:06
Dr_willis__and xubuntu, and....03:06
Alan_Mkubuntu is a bit large, but i still like it none the less :)03:06
Dr_willis__large? never noticed03:08
Darkrift2im wanting to get rid of vista and reinstall kubuntu. last time i installed it it took me 3 weeks with help from here to get my wifi working... im wondering if I should install the newest version and hope my wifi chipset is more supported or if id be safer trying the older version and seeing of there are better workarounds out now03:08
Dr_willis__Darkrift2,  next release is due out in  a few weeks...03:09
boblenyPersonally, I like to stay away from the latest version so as to avoid the lates bugs....03:09
Dr_willis__so it depends on how badly you want to play with it.03:10
Dr_willis__You could check the beta forums for your specific card.03:10
boblenyWould you happen to know what wifi chipset you have?03:10
Dr_willis__or test out a live cd.03:10
boblenyYeah, what Dr_Willis__ said...03:10
Darkrift2its a broadcomm03:11
Darkrift2i think 34xx or something liek that03:12
Darkrift2i remember most ppl go "ugh" when i say the version03:12
Darkrift2checking chipset now03:12
boblenyYou should find out exactlly what version you have and check the forums and ndiswrapper for your card...03:13
Darkrift2Hardware IDPCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4311&SUBSYS_1363103C&REV_0103:13
Darkrift2broadcom 4311 i believe03:13
Alan_M!es | g0ku03:14
ubotug0ku: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:14
Dr_willis__there is a lot of new work  on wireless drivers and so forth - it may get to a point where it works easially.. someday :)03:14
Alan_MDr_willis__:I wait to see THAT day :)03:14
Dr_willis__Alan_M,  i just run wires....03:15
Darkrift2see, i dont mind a few hours of work03:15
Alan_Mmy mother wont let me run wires :)03:15
boblenyThat is a long wait...03:15
Darkrift2but i cant live without internet for 3 weeks03:15
Dr_willis__Alan_M,  what she dont know...03:15
Darkrift2im a true nerd, ill end up in teh hospital without my internet :(03:15
Darkrift2withdrawal sypmtoms03:15
Dr_willis__I even have wired internet to  every room in the house.03:16
flipstarDarkrift2: just check out the livecd :)03:16
Alan_MDr_willis__: it wont be hard for her to tell since im in a wheelchair and when i ask her hey mom can you string these across the roof for me?03:16
Dr_willis__including the.. err.. reading room...03:16
Dr_willis__roof? :) Ductwork! thats the place for wires!03:16
Dr_willis__tie one end to the hampster.. put some food at the other end of the duct..03:17
Darkrift2so again, kubuntu 7x or 8x?03:17
Alan_Mstill the idea of having to ask her to do anything03:17
Dr_willis__Darkrift2,  go for it! what do you have to lose.03:17
Alan_MDarkrift2: 7 for now :)03:17
Dr_willis__you can install both if you wanted.03:17
flipstarDarkrift2: the beta for 8.04 just released03:17
Alan_M8 is reasonably stable as far as I am concerned, but hey if your paranoid go to 7 :P03:17
Dr_willis__go back go 2!03:17
Darkrift2see, im normally not afraid of beta03:17
Dr_willis__Achey Amoeba03:17
flipstaryesterday there were only an alpha :P03:18
Darkrift2i used windows 98 me, 2k and 2003 server all about a year before they were released03:18
Darkrift2but im still semi new at linux, and not as easily able to get past bugs as i would be on windows03:18
Darkrift2i kinda want to just get the latest, but i dont know how bad it is03:18
Alan_MDarkrift2: when bugs come around, its not gonna give you the famous lovely page fault error as windows :)03:18
flipstarDarkrift2: l i v e  c d03:19
Darkrift2im guessing something just wont work03:19
Darkrift2i know flipstar03:19
Darkrift2im trying to figure out which way to go with the LIVECD03:19
* Alan_M was scared of commitment at first, but once i installed...i never got scared again.03:19
Alan_Mjust dual boot :)03:19
Alan_Mwhen your comfortable, make the windows partition get smaller, until oops...it disappears.03:20
Darkrift2i know ill be happy, if/when my wifi works03:20
boblenyYeah, it's fun to dual boot vista!03:20
Darkrift2i took the plunge 8 months ago with kubuntu03:20
Alan_Mi took the ubuntu plunge in june of 0603:20
Darkrift2and never used vista after, till hp service center killed my linux partition03:20
Dr_willis__One could always go buy a decently supported wirless card. :)03:20
Alan_Mso...im a veteran ;)03:20
NutzebahnI can't figure out how to install the Emerald theme manager in KDE, help?03:21
Darkrift2my warranty ended 4 weeks ago, and they killed my pcmcia slot but i didnt find out till 5 days after the warranty expired03:21
Darkrift2so they wont fix it03:21
Darkrift2i could do usb, but.....03:21
Alan_MTHEY killed it?03:21
Alan_Mi would demand a refund03:21
Dr_willis__How would you prove they killed it?03:22
Darkrift2i sent it in because my wifi and pcmcia didnt work03:22
Dr_willis__ why would they even touch it...03:22
Darkrift2they replaced the mobo, hd, wifi pci card and the kb03:22
Dr_willis__well if they never fixed it.. you have an argument...03:22
Darkrift2when i got it back i assumed everything worked so i didnt test it03:22
Alan_Myou basically had your pc overhauled then right?03:23
Darkrift2it was in great condition though03:23
Alan_Mif it aint broke dont fix it is my motto :P03:23
Darkrift2i still have the plastic protective sticker on the casing lol03:23
Darkrift2well, it was broke, wifi and pcmcia stopped workign one day03:24
Darkrift2i thought it was a driver issue because of my wifi hassle, so i tried vista and xp and found it they were dead03:24
simulai am trying to upgrade my amarok version, but i'm still too green to figure it out :/  this link is telling me to add a repository, but i'm not sure what address they want me to add :/03:24
Darkrift2sent it in and when they replaced the hd, they lost my kubuntu parition (i didnt have an external drive to backup with)03:24
Alan_Mi have issues where my wireless card just suddenly drops connection...any ideas ipw3945 with intel pro/wireless 3945 ABG card03:25
Darkrift2http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/gutsy/release/dvd/kubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso.torrent <--- will this work as a livecd also?03:25
Darkrift2someone told me all *buntu discs are live also, but i dont think thats true03:25
flipstardvd is both, yes03:25
Alan_Mnot ALL03:25
Dr_willis__the dvd i  think are also desktop cd's03:25
Alan_Malternative installs are NOT03:25
flipstarnot all disc but all dvds03:25
simulai'm gutsy kubuntu03:25
Dr_willis__the alterantive install cd's are bootable and you can get a shell.. and rescue things.. but they do not have a live desktop. :)03:25
flipstardvds have also an alternate installer i think03:26
Darkrift2i dont really need x, just wanna see if i can get wifi working03:26
Darkrift2the only thing id need x for is browsing for drivers, but i can do that on another computer or my handheld03:27
KubuntiacAnyone know how to upgrade from Hardy Alpha 6 to Beta 1?03:27
Dr_willis__Kubuntiac,  the standard apt-get update, apt-get upgrade method03:27
Kubuntiack thx Wasn't sure if it was a dist-upgrade kind of thing03:27
Dr_willis__you could do a dist-upgrade also03:28
NutzebahnI can't figure out how to install the Emerald theme manager in KDE, help?03:28
KubuntiacDist-upgrade fails saying that there's another dpkg etc running (which is just the one that opened the upgrade wizzard). Update/upgrade I can handle though :)03:29
Dr_willis__Nutzebahn,  read the following wiki page yet?03:29
Dr_willis__!compiz | Nutzebahn03:29
ubotuNutzebahn: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:29
Dr_willis__if the bot wakes up. :)03:29
Dr_willis__Im not about to read the wiki line by line to someone else tonight.. :P03:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:30
jtmoneyhey guys, is kubuntu 8.04 beta the last version before the official version, or will there be release candidates, etc.?03:38
KubuntiacI think the deal usually is that it's a final check for showstopper bugs, and unless the find one (or more) it's final. That might be me getting it mixed up with Drupals release philosophy though...03:41
jtmoneyKubuntiac: okay, thank you03:41
Alan_Mkubuntiac, thats right :)03:41
Alan_Munless theres showstoppers...it goes through :)03:41
jtmoneyalright, then i'll give it a go03:42
Alan_Mthere are 4 alpha releases (usually) before we go into our final release. Why they call them ALL alpha....i have no clue.03:42
KubuntiacHey is anyone else having Gimp behave strange since the (A6 KDE4->B1 KDE4) upgrade... like none of the tools do anything?03:43
Alan_Mhi ubuntu, I see your using....nevermind.03:46
Alan_Mlost another one to ditech (joke)03:46
Darkrift2the amount of seeds on the kubuntu dvd is rediculous03:49
Darkrift2130 :S03:49
Darkrift2unless about half of those are 10mb ill be here all week03:49
Darkrift2i need to find an http mirror, i can get 2000k off a good one03:49
fuhreal_Anyone know the name of the application to virually mount nfs?03:54
fuhreal_I started configuring it but now i can't remember what its called and i forgot to bookmark the link03:55
fuhreal_my bad... found it ... Fusesmb03:55
maduserthere is a program that mounts ntfs03:55
fuhreal_maduser: ?03:59
Darkrift2i think he was confused04:01
Darkrift2he thought you meant ntfs, not nfs04:01
fuhreal_Anyone know how I can add my workgroup name to my system?04:01
fuhreal_Darkrift2: ahh i c04:01
KubuntiacWierd. Gimp problem is because Kubuntu thinks my home folder is /root/?!!?04:06
Kubuntiac@fuhreal Check this, but I think it might be System Settings->Network Settings ->Service Discovery and then put it in Domains. My understanding is Domains on Linux == Workgroup on Windows04:11
fuhreal_When mounting a network file system, i know using the computer name you would go //name/share /mountpoint .. what if u wanted to use ip ... would it be /i.p.x.x/share or still double /04:12
ProbeDotI was having some issues with a USB drive with permissions on the content located on it not quite letting me delete it,kept saying it was a Read Only FileSystem ?04:12
Kubuntiacprobedot: can you sudo chmod 777 it?04:13
ProbeDotKubuntiac sory. got it. its ntfs04:13
ProbeDotKubuntiac do you come one dalnet?04:15
fuhreal_If I wanted to make something like a dos batch file, to run my mount commands, what kind of file would it need to be?  Would I just make a text file and then chmod it to 777 to make it executable?04:15
DragnslcrI wouldn't make it 77704:16
DragnslcrBut yes, bash scripts are just plain text files with #!/bin/bash as the first line04:16
fuhreal_Dragnslcr: wikid!!!! I can use my dos 6.1 brain again!!! WOOOO04:17
fuhreal_sorry... i need sleep04:17
DragnslcrYes, yes you do04:18
Dr_willis__fuhreal_,  normally one makes bash shell scripts to do tasks like thgat. make a text file chmod +x textfile04:20
Dr_willis__fuhreal_,  check out the 'advanced bash scripting guide'04:20
fuhreal_Dr_willis__: I just ordered a unix/linux programming bood from adison wels ... $25 ... but yah i'll chek out that guide too04:21
fuhreal_Sik of networking, need to learn some coding .... figured i'd start small ..04:21
Dr_willis__Theres 1000s of sites/books online. :)04:21
Dr_willis__The Oreailly Bash books are a must get - some day. :)04:22
fuhreal_Dr_willis__: whats the +X for ?04:22
fuhreal_err.. +x04:22
Dr_willis__bash basics.. You knew chmod 777  but dont know what +x does? :)04:22
Dr_willis__x = executable04:23
fuhreal_Dr_willis__: Going to pensilvania in the morn... planning on getting that sony ebook reader to get around to the tons of pdf's04:23
Dr_willis__which is 70004:23
fuhreal_nope .....04:23
Daisuke_IdoDr_willis, isn't the + a recent thing?04:23
Dr_willis__recent?  10 yr old recent?04:23
Dr_willis__or more...04:23
* Daisuke_Ido shrugs04:23
Daisuke_Idoguess not04:23
Dr_willis__man chmod04:23
xjjkanyone else taking the 8.04 beta plunge?04:24
Daisuke_Idoxjjk, #ubuntu+104:24
fuhreal_ok... so the file must start with #!/bin/bash04:24
Dr_willis__Im taking this time to test out sidux, if i dont like it.. i will then reinstall the next kubuntu release when its done.04:24
xjjkDaisuke_Ido: well, for Kubuntu..04:24
Dr_willis__fuhreal_,  'must' not really.. but its best to do so04:25
Daisuke_Idoxjjk, yeah, #ubuntu+104:25
fuhreal_Dr_willis__: I realize this isn't a "how to bash script channel" but one more question?  Doesn't the # mean ignore the line?04:25
Dr_willis__fuhreal_,  look at the guides/basics.. for MOST scripts the first line defines what runs the script04:26
Dr_willis__#!/bin/perl for a perl script04:26
Daisuke_Idofuhreal_, except in the first line where the #! def...  yeah04:26
Dr_willis__#!/bin/awn for awk04:26
Dr_willis__#!/bin/basic for basic.. :)04:26
fuhreal_aahh ok04:26
some_dudehey can anyone help me with my mplayer ?04:26
Dr_willis__some_dude, depends on the problem04:27
jcnetosome_dude what is your problem?04:28
some_dudehttp://europe.real.com/smil/bbc_world_news_us.smil?r=plus starts, caches and says stopped04:28
jcnetodo you use xine or gstreamer?04:28
fuhreal_ty guys04:28
some_dudexine I think04:28
some_dudeit's running inside the browser so I don't have a lot of access to it04:29
fuhreal_how do you unmount an smbfs?04:30
jcnetosome_dude, just a minute04:31
fuhreal_found it ... sudo umount mountname04:32
Dr_willis__therea another way also.04:33
Dr_willis__fusermount -u MOUNTPOINT04:34
Dr_willis__no sudo needed04:34
jcnetosome_dude, are you using Konqueror?04:35
some_dudesorry firefox04:35
fuhreal_Dr_willis__: fusesmb isn't very nice for me.... the config is confusing me04:36
Dr_willis__It is? a 3 line config file?04:36
fuhreal_So I made a text file called mounthtpc ... i ran chmod +x mounthtpc but its still not executable...04:36
Dr_willis__fuhreal_,  and how are you running it?04:36
fuhreal_Dr_willis__: no .... but mounting with mount.smbfs is working well for me if i can get this text file to work like a batch file :)04:37
Dr_willis__fuhreal_,  i like browsing my whole network. :)04:37
Dr_willis__sshfs is handy also.04:37
Dr_willis__untill the search tools start indexing the whole lan.04:38
fuhreal_Dr_willis__: oh i c ....04:38
hexonI am using ubuntu with konversation. How do I open up URL links?04:38
Dr_willis__hexon,  just clicking on them dont work?04:39
hexonit brings up a loading bar that disappears04:39
fuhreal_Dr_willis__: well i can't seem to get my workgroup set on this ubuntu box. .... so i can't browse anything :| but i only have my terabyte of media i wanna access on my vista box ... while i'm outside smoking and using this thing ...04:40
hexonactually, that worked...but think URLs at the top of the page will not load04:40
Dr_willis__a single click on the url works...04:40
jcnetosome_dude, try to fix it with the mozzila-plugin-vlc04:40
Dr_willis__the ones in the topic bar?  hmm.. they work here also.04:40
hexonright, the topic bar links don't work, just the google one you put up04:41
hexonI'm not using KDE, maybe that's whats going on04:41
hexon#ubuntu sent me here04:41
The_willisThey do work differently seems.. the top one pops up a download dialog, then opens up the briowser04:42
The_willisthe in channel one just opens the browser04:42
hexoni just get the download dialog, but no browser04:42
some_dudeI've already got the vlc installed04:42
Dr_willis__could be one is trying to load in konqueror04:42
Jucatohexon: try setting the browser that Konversation will use in Settings -> Configure Konversation -> Behavior -> General -> Use custom web browser04:42
hexonit is set as this firefox '%u'04:43
fuhreal_G'nite all !!!!04:43
jcnetosome_dude, lets try another solution!04:43
Jucatohexon: is the [  ] Use custom web browser checked?04:44
hexonwonderful....that worked04:44
some_dudejcneto: I'm willing to give it a go04:44
hexonAmazering. You all rock! Thanks04:44
fuhreal_ty for your help04:44
hexonI tried Xfire just because i couldn't open up links, but I hated it04:44
hexonnow I don't have a reason to switch04:44
Dr_willis__xfire? Hmm04:45
Dr_willis__!info xfire04:45
ubotuPackage xfire does not exist in gutsy04:45
=== alan_ is now known as Alan_M
some_dudekaffine says it can't load cook.so04:45
Dr_willis__xchat opens up links fine for me also..04:45
jcnetoi have this problem to...04:46
some_dudebut I clearly do have a cook.so in /usr/lib/win32 and a link in /usr/lib/codacs04:46
Dr_willis__xchat used to have so many more options.. with each release it gets fewer and fewer.. :( it seems04:46
hexonxChat would open up links, but I didn't like the layout04:46
hexonexactly, it wasn't custumizable enough for me04:46
Dr_willis__I set the tabs at the bottom, and nick list on the right...  lookd about the same to konversation to me..04:46
some_dudedoes the realplayer run under wine ?04:46
some_dudeas sick as the sounds04:47
Dr_willis__thers a lot of xchat settings that are not setable from the gui. ya gotta tweak the configs, or use other /commands04:47
jcnetoi see all my rmvb in Kaffeine04:47
=== abattoir_ is now known as abattoir
some_dudermvb ?04:47
hexongross! no thanks04:47
jcnetoor all other thing comes form Real Media04:48
abattoirsome_dude: you can try real player for linux04:48
hexonI'm just now getting used to ubuntu. Don't make me mess with .config files more than I have to04:48
abattoirsome_dude: or you can try copying the cook.so from the RealPlayer for linux package into /usr/lib/win3204:48
Dr_willis__xchat has a long history. ages ago the defaults were  much more complex. but now they have streamlined all the menus and so forth. Most are configurable however.04:48
jcnetoand you have to set in the options of xine the location of the plugins04:49
DragnslcrI'm gonna try giving up XChat when I switch over to KDE404:49
hexonI like thinks that I can just mess with in drop down boxes and check boxes. I get too lazy for messing with text04:49
ArwenKonversation sucks >_>04:49
Dr_willis__Ive been known to recompile xchat 2.4 :) to get BACK some of the functions it used to have.04:49
Arwenirssi all the way04:50
DragnslcrI only use it because Konversation still doesn't support event-based scripts, even though I only have one script that isn't very important04:50
hexoni looked at irssi, but isn't it all text based?04:50
Dr_willis__irssi is text based. yes.04:50
amigoHi ppl! How to find not fully removed (not purged) packages?04:50
Daisuke_Idogiving up xchat?04:50
DragnslcrI'm still surprised that nobody has added event scripting to Konversation. I can't imagine it would be very difficult to add04:51
Daisuke_Idoi just switched TO xchat -_-04:51
some_dudeyea, it's not playing at rmvb04:51
hexonwell thanks for your help Dr_willis__04:51
Daisuke_IdoDragnslcr, and that's why i switched.04:51
DragnslcrThat's all that's keeping me on it04:51
Daisuke_Idoi actually went to kvirc, but it's a horribly bloated and twisted piece of bovine excrement04:52
DragnslcrMaybe if I get ambitious one day I'll look into hacking at the Konversation source04:52
arcticpenguin380is kde more heavy than gnome?04:52
Daisuke_Idoarcticpenguin380, realistically, they're about the same04:52
Daisuke_Idoi notice no difference in performance on a moderately powered machine when using either one04:52
nick_how do i create icone shorcut on my desktop04:53
jcnetoon the Kaffeine configuration have a Xine Engine Options, ther in the Decoder options you have the path to the codecs, check this04:53
Dr_willis__nick_,  right click -> create new --> pick One.04:53
nick_ok thanks04:53
Dr_willis__nick_,   or drag/drop from the menus to the desktop04:53
arcticpenguin380I find my ram usage less when using KDE.04:54
nick_like my hardrive ?04:54
nick_or home04:54
arcticpenguin380But kde takes more hdd space than gnome04:54
Dr_willis__I got a HOME icon in my panel. :)04:54
Daisuke_Idodo you run kde apps when you're using gnome?04:54
Daisuke_Idolike...  amarok or konversation or anything, really04:54
arcticpenguin380no I dont use gnome anymore04:55
arcticpenguin380couple days ago04:55
Daisuke_Idookay, WHEN YOU DID...04:55
Daisuke_Idodid you run kde apps when you were using gnome before?04:56
nick_Dr_willis__: how do i put a shoircut for stock support04:56
nick_because when i do ctl+maj i only see a white page04:57
Dr_willis__nick_,  that made no sence to me whatso ever.04:59
some_dudehow do I open a .deb file ? I don't want to install it, only "borrow" cook.so04:59
nick_how you do then ?04:59
Dr_willis__!find libmp3lame.so04:59
ubotuNo packages matching 'libmp3lame.so' could be found04:59
nick_to take icone to destop04:59
nick_like garbidge05:00
nick_how i take garbidge to desktop lol05:00
abattoirsome_dude: you can right click on it and open it with ark05:00
abattoirsome_dude: or use 'dpkg-deb --extract file.deb folder'05:01
Dr_willis__nick_,  i have a 'trashcan' icon on the panel also.. much easier for it to be there.05:01
nick_ok how05:02
Dr_willis__right click on the panel, add applets..05:02
Dr_willis__its there by default I thought.05:02
Dr_willis__If you want a icon on the desktop. add shortcut to url, and use the  URL=trash:/05:03
jcnetosee you later people!!05:04
nick77 how do i force strigi to index my entire hd?05:18
=== luciano is now known as CentVrioN
Erickj92what is my data install directory?05:28
Dr_willis__Erickj92,  for what program?05:28
Erickj92not really for a program05:28
Dr_willis__then the question made no sence whatso ever. :)05:28
Erickj92its a thing with programming, and it is set to install a file to my data dirrectory05:28
Dr_willis__'with programming' what exactly?05:29
Erickj92or, let me reword, *where* is it05:29
Erickj92its a tutorial05:29
Darkrift2is it an executable?05:29
Darkrift2then its probably somewhere in your home folder05:30
Dr_willis__its whever the program says it is.. theres no answer to your question.05:30
Erickj92this is where it was set to intstall: $(DATA_INSTALL_DIR/tutorial305:30
Dr_willis__Thats a variable you can set to whever you want05:30
Erickj92so it could be home if i wanted?05:31
Dr_willis__$(foo) = a variable05:31
Dr_willis__Thats a variable you can set to whever you want05:31
Erickj92how do i set it?05:31
Dr_willis__export command.05:31
Dr_willis__export DATA_INSTALL=~/MySpecialdata05:31
Darkrift2then your $(data_install_dir) (with caps) is set somewhere in that script05:31
Dr_willis__Bash Fundamentals. :)05:31
Erickj92can i just set it manually in there?05:32
Dr_willis__export FOO=10005:32
Darkrift2search that script for 'DATA_INSTALL_DIR'05:32
Erickj92like /root/ect?05:32
Dr_willis__echo $(FOO)05:32
Dr_willis__You can most likely set it befor you run the script, OR its set somewhere inside the script at a earlier place.05:32
Dr_willis__a line hear the top may say05:32
Erickj92well i found the other one05:32
Erickj92which was: install(TARGETS tutorial3 DESTINATION ${BIN_INSTALL_DIR})05:33
Erickj92and taht ended up in my /home/erick/bin folder05:33
Dr_willis__bin would be a good place to install bins to05:35
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syntethhey, anybody knows how to install realplayer.bin on kubuntu05:53
syntethhey, anybody knows how to install realplayer.bin on kubuntu?05:53
abattoirsynteth: try sh ./realplayer.bin05:54
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syntethRealPlayer10GOLD.bin: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected05:54
synteththis is what i get05:54
abattoirsynteth: bash ./realplayer.bin05:55
=== Randune is now known as Randuni
Randunihi all05:56
syntethRealPlayer10GOLD.bin: RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: cannot execute binary file05:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:56
RanduniI have a Tecra S4 laptop, when I press on the audio up..the volume goes max to 11% and minimum is zero.05:58
RanduniI use the little knob on the front of the laptop05:59
JucatoRanduni: I think that's a known bug. not sure if updating will fix it06:00
Jucato(but with KMilo)06:00
Randuniyou mean it's a known problem on the Toshiba Tecra S4 laptop?06:01
DreadKnightanyone  with a wacom using hardy?06:01
Randunikmilo seems to be for ibm laptops06:02
Randunihi all, I have a toshiba tecra s4, I have kubuntu on it, while in kde when I flip the volume switch up..the sound says volume: 11% and it won't go any  higher than that06:08
RanduniI cannot actually here anything coming from the internal speakers, but headphones do work06:08
Erickj92Randuni, could there be a volume limit set?06:08
Randunihow so erick?06:08
Randunihow do I check06:09
Randuninot sure06:09
Erickj92you could go to the... voluem control06:09
Erickj92on sec ill look06:09
Erickj92are you using KDE3,5?06:09
Randuniit is fine there06:09
Erickj92oh... hmm06:09
Erickj92well im stumped06:09
JucatoRanduni: when you flip the volume switch, a sign in the middle of the screen shows up?06:09
Randuniyes jucato06:09
Randuniit does..06:09
JucatoRanduni: that's KMilo :)06:09
Jucato(and yes, it's originally for Thinkpads...)06:10
Randunioh?..but it works on toshiba?06:10
Jucatois your system up to date?06:10
RanduniI believe so06:10
JucatoRanduni: well apparently it works on your laptop :P06:10
Randuniokay..now I know where to start digging for answers06:10
KubuntiacIf you type alsamixer in the konsole , you should be able to use the arrow keys to adjust volume bars in the terminal. Can you raise Master/PCM/Front?06:10
JucatoRanduni: you can search in bugs.launchpad.net06:11
* Jucato is pretty sure that has been reported before06:11
RanduniI don't have the laptop infront of me06:11
Kubuntiac>:$ D'oh!06:11
Randunibut I will try as soon as I get it06:11
DOOM_NX"sudo reboot" is the same as restart?06:15
RanduniI'm outtie..thanks all06:17
DreadKnightDOOM_NX: guess so06:18
DOOM_NXhmm thanks :)06:18
DarkriftXanyone know the default root password for the livecd?06:30
Jucatothere isn't any06:30
DarkriftXoh, nice06:30
DarkriftXanyone know the package name for ndiswrapper?06:31
DarkriftXapt-get said not found06:31
Jucatoroot account is disabled. uses sudo. username: ubuntu06:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:31
DarkriftXi dont have browsing ability right now06:31
DarkriftXis it not in the feeds?06:31
DarkriftXoh wait06:32
Jucatonot sure.06:32
DarkriftXno internet on the linux box06:32
DarkriftXthis is gonna suck06:32
krevitz_its somebody home!!?06:47
krevitz_hiii there!!06:49
krevitz_i need a lil help06:49
krevitz_= (06:49
Jucato!ask | krevitz_06:50
ubotukrevitz_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:50
krevitz_i need help with wine and filetopia06:50
krevitz_im using kubuntu  D:06:51
JucatoWine questions would be best asked in #winehq though06:51
Kr|ptiXi was wondering if it was possible to use a bluetooth headset on my laptop i got a dell xps 1210 with built in bluetooth so i think its possible06:51
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup06:51
krevitz_thanks jucato :)06:51
jussi01morning Jucato06:52
Jucatomoin jussi0106:52
krevitz_how i can install a Nvidia GeForce Fx 5500 video card slot pci    ??07:03
chinamannlooking for help to configure ssh07:09
chinamanni copied key into /home/.ssh/07:10
Cain_where do i change the color of the kicker?07:10
chinamannis this ok?07:10
krevitz_how i can install a Nvidia GeForce Fx 5500 video card/slot pci07:10
Jucato!nvidia | krevitz_07:11
ubotukrevitz_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:11
chinamannanyone able to help?07:11
Cain_plug it in, and download the correct drivers then install them?07:11
krevitz_i plug it, but linux crash when is in the reaload screen07:13
chinamannanyone able to help?07:13
jussi01chinamann: what are you trying to do exactly?07:15
chinamannhi jussi, trying to log into my v-server.07:15
chinamanni made keypair..07:16
chinamanncopied it into .ssh in my home folde ron the server.07:16
chinamannadded key to authorized_keys...07:16
chinamanndont know what else?07:17
jussio1then you should be able to do: ssh user@host07:17
chinamanndont work.07:17
chinamannstill need passwort of root07:18
chinamannjussi. where do i need to check?07:18
chinamann<<< is newbie07:18
krevitz_me too D:07:19
chinamannwhere must the /.ssh folder be?07:19
chinamannis it in home ok?07:20
jussio1in $home07:20
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/07:20
chinamannno idea what i did wrong.07:28
jussio1chinamann: sorted now?07:29
chinamannjussi, sorry i checked the helpfile, but still dont work07:30
jussio1chinamann: me either07:30
navetzI am trying to turn my comp into a server. How do I find the DNS so my website points to the correct address.07:30
chinamanni just edited the config file and just rebooting server07:31
chinamannstill habe to login manualy.07:31
jussio1navetz: ifconfig will give the machines ip locally07:33
navetzjussio1: thx07:34
kaboomWhy is the beautiful background image gone in Hardy beta? :-(07:45
chinamannhi again...07:49
chinamannrsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(977) [sender=2.6.9]07:49
chinamannanybody who can help me on this?07:50
chinamannit is quite a long way to get it done in linux...07:52
chinamannrsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(977) [sender=2.6.9]07:53
chinamannblack magic to me... anyone who can help me?07:54
dbgltis there a way to upgrade to hardy beta from the alpha?08:08
Dr_willis__dbglt,  just do your normal updates08:16
matt__When I select the link to download the debian installer version of sype it dosent install.08:26
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:30
Dr_willis_I though there was a repo with skype in it.08:30
annmahi people08:31
annmahow does one use "su" in kubuntu please?08:31
annmasu -c 'make install' for ex08:31
neverendingosudo su ...08:32
annmait's not for me, i don't run KUbuntu08:32
annmabut I am helping someone08:32
annmathanks neverendingo08:32
akhil_kde applications are crashing so many times08:33
annmawhat kde applications? what kde version?08:33
Dr_willis_sudo make install     - is what i normally do.08:33
neverendingoDr_willis_: depends on what you want to do. su gives an other environment, for example sudo env | grep PATH and sudo su -c env | grep PATH08:40
Dr_willis_most install docs i see give the './configure, make, sudo make install' song and dance :)08:42
neverendingoright, same for me08:43
akhil__kde applications crashing frequently,,any help?08:43
annmaakhil__: I asked you what kde version and what kde apps08:44
akhil__kde versions08:44
akhil__some times adept crashes08:44
akhil__sometimes kaffeine also08:44
annmaso everything crashes08:44
akhil__yep..even system crashing often08:45
matt__I've had that problem.08:45
annmathat's bad then08:45
akhil__i dont have a very poor system also08:46
akhil__dell inspiron 1520, 2.2 ghz processor core duo + 2gb ram08:46
akhil__is it because i initially had ubuntu and then added kde later08:47
akhil__ubuntu doesn't crash at all08:47
Dr_willis_we all know ubuntu is perfect. :)08:47
Dr_willis_I have had no issues with a mixed kde+gnome system08:47
Dr_willis_and i use them all the time08:47
akhil__should i switch to a lightweight desktop like xfce?08:50
annma_akhil_: so adept changed when you added kde from ubuntu?08:52
annma_you said ubuntu was fine then you added kde and everything crashes even adept08:53
annma_seems a bit weird to me08:53
=== annma_ is now known as annma
annmathen I got disconnected and did not see the rest of it08:54
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gtmcwhat is the best ircd used in kubuntu?09:12
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.09:12
gtmcand is there any irc-server can support ldap Auth?09:13
gtmcthe most popular?09:15
darkmananyone got UDF 2.5 working how it should?09:18
darkmanif yes i got a few questions09:18
darkmancan't mount Blu-Ray discs...09:20
darkmangot the following error ->09:22
darkmanmount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only09:22
darkmanmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,09:22
darkman       missing codepage or helper program, or other error09:22
darkman       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try09:22
darkman       dmesg | tail  or so09:22
darkmandmesg | tail shows ->09:22
darkman[30130.305346] attempt to access beyond end of device09:23
darkman[30130.305349] sr0: rw=0, want=65624148, limit=4808883209:23
darkman[30130.306292] UDF-fs: Partition marked readonly; forcing readonly mount09:23
darkman[30130.306415] udf: udf_read_inode(ino 288) failed !bh09:23
darkman[30130.306421] UDF-fs warning (device sr0): udf_load_metadata_file_entries: metadata inode efe not found, will try mirror inode.09:23
darkman[30130.306674] attempt to access beyond end of device09:23
darkman[30130.306677] sr0: rw=0, want=48108800, limit=4808883209:23
darkman[30130.306741] udf: udf_read_inode(ino 12027199) failed !bh09:23
darkman[30130.306746] UDF-fs error (device sr0): udf_load_metadata_file_entries: mirror inode efe not found and metadata inode is missing too, exiting...09:23
darkman[30130.306749] UDF-fs: error loading MetaData partition map 109:23
darkmanany idea on this one?09:23
emilsedgh!paste | darkman09:25
ubotudarkman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:25
darkmanbut anyway....anyone got it working?09:26
Dr_willis_Ive never even seen a blueray drive yet. :)09:37
darkmani've an LG GGW-H20L -> reads HD-DVD & Blu-RAy discs...burns blu-ray09:44
icewatermanok, i am currently upgrading to hardy, whish me luck :)09:51
krypteloltre il bot?09:53
Angeluswhat do you kryptel?09:53
Angelusfor italian channel join #ubuntu-it09:53
=== surion is now known as Surion
kryptelho bisogno di creare una specie di web casalingo per trasferire  i file da portatile ad un fisso09:54
kryptele viceversa09:54
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
kryptelnon sapete qualche nome oltre09:55
Angelus"sudo apt-get install apache2"09:55
kryptela BOA?09:55
Angelusyou can create a website with that09:55
kryptelsi volevo qualche cosa di grafico09:55
kryptelok  allora mi conviene vsftpd09:56
Angelusapache2 = command line09:56
Angelusapache2 = http server09:56
kryptele poi per mettere i file?? poichè sono alle prime armi09:57
Angelusyou will set a directory for the public http. like /home/kryptel/publc_html and put the files there09:58
kryptelok grazie09:58
Angelusno problem :)09:59
Angeluskryptel: this can help you09:59
Angelussorry for not typing in italian. but i dont know how to write italian10:00
Angelusdough i understand it :p10:00
Angelusand speak it10:00
kryptelok tanks10:00
Angelusnp :010:00
Angelussee ya  peace10:00
* Angelus gone10:00
KR-data http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60395/10:00
KR-dataups wrong copy10:01
KR-datathis one10:01
KR-datais it safe to interrupt an ldconfig as a part of a system update? It's been working for over 12 hours now10:01
lanoxxthwhere can i configure the auto launch menu that appears when i put a dvd in my drive or plug a usb stick?10:09
lanoxxthi set it to always use this setting and now it wont appear anymore10:09
lanoxxthwhere can i configure the auto launch menu that appears when i put a dvd in my drive or plug a usb stick?10:12
lanoxxthi set it to always use this setting and now it wont appear anymore10:12
luke__can anyone tell me how to fix the rendering problem in this screenshot?10:16
neverendingolanoxxth: look under kcontrol -> devices (or something like that, don't know the english word) -> media10:16
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the_humble_noobanyone help with sorting out wifi card?10:39
the_humble_noobneed to connect laptop to PC.10:43
=== Fujisan is now known as Fujiosan
spawn57any of you tried out hardy heron yet?11:00
emilsedgh!kde4 > farhad_hf__11:12
hawkauHi all. Looking for some assistance, I have a toshiba Satelite M100 (PSMAAA), trying to get the sound operational11:13
neosethi all11:35
jpatrickhi neoset11:35
neosetcan i ask a noob question about installing kubuntu on software nvraid array (raid 0)?11:36
intelikeyyou just did.11:37
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:37
neosetwith installed XP on the nvraid-can i install kubuntu later on separate partition?11:38
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:38
neoseti found that article, but i would like to know if anyone here did it successfuly?11:39
intelikeya larger pool for your poll would be #ubuntu, seeing that installing *buntu is one.11:41
pronin_anhi all11:41
pronin_anрусские есть?11:41
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:42
ubotuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently11:42
hawkauRequire assistance with sounds on a Toshiba Satelite M100 (PSMAAA) - No Sound, I have followed the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and still its not working. I have asked in #alsa and no response there either. Can any provide an idea of where I should start looking?11:50
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=== felipe__ is now known as felipe_
=== Nookie is now known as Noq^
KR-datahow do I make kde archive files in bz2 in stead of gz?12:04
intelikeyhmm an empty file takes up more space as .tar than as .bz2 and more space as .bz2 than as .gz and more space as .gz than in it's natural state...   interesting.12:21
KR-datawell usually you wouldn't compress an empty file, so what is that information useful for?12:22
intelikeyKR-data i've seen many try to compress things that wont compress     (.mp3 for example)12:23
intelikeythus of the normal forms mentioned tar -cjf blah.tar.bz2 file.mp3   will enlarge file.mp3 the most.12:24
KR-databut well the only reason I know for "compressing" (or rather archiving) mp3s is to send for example 20 mp3s in one go in stead of 20 :p12:26
JucatoKR-data: right-click -> Compress -> Compress As?12:26
KR-dataJucato, I don't have that option :(12:26
Jucatoin Konqueror12:26
JucatoD3lphin is wacked12:26
RytmenPinnenhow do I install an older package of a program that I allready have?, I'm trying to degrade wine, but the new install program just says a never version is installed and wont let me press install12:27
KR-dataJucato, I'll try konqueror, but I agree I'm just too lazy to change the default12:27
KR-databut I want it to default to bz2, not just for Archive as12:28
KR-databut I see the option is there as desired, now it's just to find how to change the default ;)12:28
JucatoD3lphin's Archive as is hardcoded unfortunately (I wrote it)12:28
KR-dataok that isn't optimal is that going to change, or?12:29
Jucatono sense in changing it imho.... Dolphin in KDE 4 is probably fixed already12:30
KR-datawell I could check it, though it won't help on the computer I'm using atm12:30
KR-datamaybe I should change the default file manager to konqueror on my box, where do I change it?12:31
JucatoAs for Konqueror-Ark using bz2 instead.. hm..12:31
Jucato!d3lphin | KR-data12:31
intelikeyRytmenPinnen --force-downgrade ?12:31
ubotuKR-data: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.12:31
RytmenPinnenintelikey: yes, how do I do that?12:32
JucatoRytmenPinnen: by default, apt-get will always install the latest version of a package that's available from its repositories.12:33
Jucatosudo apt-get install package=version12:33
KR-datahehe I guess I'm not the first to change that :p12:33
Jucatothat will install the specific version you want12:33
intelikeyJucato what are you doing writing kde apps?  you are the networking Master...      :)))12:33
RytmenPinnenaha, k12:33
RytmenPinnenbut if I already have the package on my desktop and want to install that?12:34
JucatoRytmenPinnen: what format of the package is on your desktop? and it still might be better to do it using repositories to make sure you get dependencies right12:34
Jucato(lower versions might require lower versions of repositories)12:34
Jucatoof dependencies I mean12:34
Jucatointelikey: not really an app. it was just a service menu for D3lphin... and I did it to buffer the pain of having D3lphin as the default in Gutsy12:35
intelikey<RytmenPinnen> intelikey: yes, how do I do that?  kpkg -i --force-downgrade <file.deb>12:35
intelikeydpkg     typo12:36
intelikeythere is a kpkg too   is there not ?12:36
Jucatothere's a kpkg I think.. but related to the kernel :)12:36
RytmenPinnenhmm, well all dependencies should be ok, the thing is it just says: error: "a newer version is allready installed" and the install button is gray. **doesnt like when GUIS are dumbed down to users with an iq of 0.512:37
* Jucato still maintains using apt-get and repository versions of the package is cleaner...12:37
intelikeyyou know on a qwerty key board the d and the k are the same key....12:37
JucatoRytmenPinnen: have you considered how other users feel when GUI expect them to have IQs of 1337?12:37
* intelikey agrees with Jucato about it being cleaner.12:37
RytmenPinnennow its not that, I just find it anoying when the gui doesnt let me downgrade just because there's a newer verison installed12:38
intelikeythat is that   ^12:39
RytmenPinnenand I did pull the older version of the wine repos so it whould be pretty clean12:39
JucatoRytmenPinnen: it's a normal behavior. normally apt-get won't let you either. you have to use a special format to "downgrade"12:39
RytmenPinnenk, whatever, steams seems to be stable with 9.4712:40
darx__hi, where do I set the keyshortcuts of KDE? some shortcuts are conflicting with firefox..12:40
matt1728is there a program to open .cbv (chessbase) files on linux?12:42
ocs_ hi. is there another utility than Curl for sending http commands?12:42
intelikeydpkg/apt/<pick your FE> are writen in a unidirrectional paridigm that all things will be added and newer.   i.e.   no body ever wants to remove or revert.    however the writers did and do realize that the normal is not the rule.  i.e. they did provide for those that disagree with them.12:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chessbase - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:42
intelikeymatt1728 apt-cache search chess12:43
intelikeyocs_ wput ?12:43
ocs_thnks intelikey12:45
Ace2016_Hi all12:48
Ace2016_anyone know a good network-manager front end?12:48
Ace2016_apart from knetwork manager which asks me to type my hidden wireless network info each and every time12:49
intelikeykde-network-manager  ???12:49
Jucatoknetworkmanager is the only KDE networkmanager frontend I know off12:49
Jucatoyou can try looking at kde-apps.org12:49
* intelikey just uses bash for a network manager...12:50
Seldaekhowdy, how can I check the current ubuntu version number I run ?12:50
Jucato!version | Seldaek12:50
ubotuSeldaek: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell12:50
Ace2016_i found kwlan but it just errors with ndiswrapper12:50
Ace2016_intelikey: any howtos for that?12:52
intelikeyAce2016_ ?12:53
Ace2016_nothing works with a hidden wireless connection apart from knetwork manager which forces me to give it the info each and every time12:53
Ace2016_how to use network manager from bash sort of thing12:55
SeldaekJucato: and any idea how I can see which alpha/beta I am running?:)12:55
Seldaekjust trying to figure out if alpha6 has updated to beta1 correctly12:55
JucatoSeldaek: I don't think you can. but if you just performed your regular update from alpha6, it will be beta112:56
Jucatoyou can try asking in #ubuntu+112:56
intelikey<Ace2016_> how to use network manager from bash sort of thing <<< not network manager from bash...    as too howto.    i'm wired.   so wifi is outside my knowledge base.    but for wired management simplest setup is just adding the info to /etc/network/interfaces12:56
SeldaekI ran update-manager12:56
JucatoSeldaek: that would probably be it12:56
Seldaekand aptitude doesn't find any update either now so I think it's fine12:56
Jucato#ubuntu+1 for hardy questions12:56
nosrednaekimAce2016_: if its unencrypted its fairly straightforward12:57
Ace2016_nope aes encrypted12:57
intelikeywhat's producing the error ?   is it perl/python/?????  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d37ba3a9412:57
nosrednaekimAce2016_: then that is going to be difficult... read the man page for wpa_supplicant12:57
Ace2016_works fine with knetwork manager, just forgets the settings12:58
nosrednaekimintelikey: run it with -v12:58
intelikeynosrednaekim run what with -v tho ?12:59
intelikeynosrednaekim lsb_release -v yelds only the error pasted12:59
nosrednaekimhrm... well, try this, run "python fromt he terminal and then run "import site)13:00
nosrednaekim"import site"13:00
nosrednaekimitworks here, and it seems to have alot of OS related stuff13:00
intelikeyyeah it's python.13:01
intelikeyttyp0 [root@zeos486.~] python13:01
intelikey'import site' failed; use -v for traceback13:01
Seldaekhow do I switch back to KDE3 from 4?13:02
intelikey'import site' failed; traceback:13:03
intelikeyImportError: No module named site13:03
JucatoSeldaek: logout, from the login screen, choose KDE from the Session type13:03
nosredna_ekimintelikey: sorry...13:04
nosredna_ekimintelikey: did do anything?13:04
SeldaekJucato: I installed kubuntu alpha6 with kde4 so I don't have kde3 installed :)13:04
JucatoSeldaek: um... so there's nothing you can go back to13:05
intelikeyImportError: No module named site13:05
Seldaekwell I would like to install it and THEN go back:)13:05
nosredna_ekimintelikey: makes sense.... lets wee what package thats in13:05
intelikeylets wee13:05
Seldaekbecause KDE4 doesn't work fine with nvidia drivers + laptop touchpad + hibernation..13:06
Seldaek I can't get them all to work13:06
intelikeyi would just disable it but that seems to be hardcoded into /usr/bin/python13:06
sebrhm, i have a problem upgrading to hardy13:06
sebrwith libc613:06
Jucatosebr: #ubuntu+1 please13:06
intelikeynosredna_ekim where is the module normally located and i'll just symlink /dev/null to it  ?13:07
JucatoSeldaek: install the package "kubuntu-desktop"13:08
Jucatothat should get you the default Kubuntu KDE3 desktop and setup13:08
nosredna_ekimintelikey: actually, lsb_release never calls import site.... only import os13:08
SeldaekJucato: alright thanks13:10
intelikeynosredna_ekim it's the idiotic fact that lsb_releace calls python that is the problem.  python call 'import site'13:10
nosredna_ekimintelikey: lsb_release is WRITTEN in python13:10
intelikey                 ^13:10
nosredna_ekimoh..i'm seeing what you are saying. :)13:11
nosredna_ekimintelikey: so... make a new python module called site.py and put it somewhere :)13:11
intelikeyso if i symlink dev/null to   /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages   it should stop that error13:11
intelikeyactually no.  that won't do it either.13:12
nosredna_ekimactually, try linking it to "/usr/lib/python2.4/site.py"13:13
intelikeyyeah   link null to that.    right   ty13:13
nosredna_ekimintelikey: oh wait... that file is provided by python2.4-minimal13:14
intelikeydoesn't seem to be.13:14
nosredna_ekimhere on gutsy it is13:14
nosredna_ekimthats what dpkg -S says13:14
intelikeybut i have that package and yet     : > /usr/lib/python2.4/site.py    fixes the error.13:15
nosredna_ekimhmm ok...13:16
intelikeynosredna_ekim   dpkg -S python2.4-minimal  ?13:18
intelikeynot -L ?13:18
intelikeyoh wait l and s are the same key too   just like   k and d are...13:19
nosredna_ekimintelikey: dpkg -S /usr/lib/python2.4/site.py13:19
intelikeyyeah   dpkg -L python2.4-minimal   shows it there too but for some reason that   :> still fixes it...13:21
Odd-rationaleCan I upgrade via cd to the kumuntu-kde4 beta release? Is the procedure identical to upgradeing to hardy? Thanks!13:21
nosredna_ekimOdd-rationale: No, I don't think you can do that, unless you had the kde4 version of gutsy installed13:22
Odd-rationalenosredna_ekim: ok13:22
intelikeynosredna_ekim another odity the file /etc/python2.4/site.py shows to be supplied by python2.4-minimal doesn't exist either.   the dir is not even there.    (note. thats not a complaint though)13:23
nosredna_ekimwow.... wierd.13:24
intelikeyi think that most likely something else actualy provides those  (or possably provides another version of them) and it was removed on my system/s13:25
BluesKajHowdy all13:27
intelikeyshalom BluesKaj13:29
Odd-rationaleOK I plann to test the beta. But I have 2 3rd party repos - medibuntu and wine. What should I do with these?13:31
tofHi, how to change the keyboard type in a text console?13:32
BluesKajhey intelikey13:32
benishorHello all13:34
benishoranybody alive ?13:34
Trollinatorbenishor: what's the point in asking?13:35
Trollinatorask your question, and if someone feels like responding, he probably will.13:35
benishorI encountered a problem while upgrading from kubuntu 7.10 to 8.04. I got a debconf warning when configuring samba.common . I specified I want to see the differences of the two config files and then I closed the window13:35
benishorproblem is installing process stalled13:36
benishorI have no clue as of how to make it go further13:36
intelikeytof maybe dpkg-reconfigure console-data  or  kbd-config13:36
benishorthe distribution upgrade tool is still there, running, but stalled, expecting for the samba-common package to configure13:38
benishormaybe I should try killing usr/bin/ucf process started13:39
benishorhello silvio13:39
tofthanks intelikey13:39
intelikeybenishor 8.4 is not released yet.   so help is in   #ubuntu+113:40
intelikeytof welcome13:40
gpmicrophone in any of computer with kubuntu is not working13:40
gpon sony viao fsz11s and two other desktops with asus and msi mo13:41
gpno microphone no voice chat13:41
intelikeybenishor just a note there though   if ucf is exiting and killing a config script.   it's the line " readlink -f ***  "   you can remove the set -e   and it should finish...13:42
gpguys in my office has to boot to windows to make microphone work13:42
Seldaekany reason for the screen to go blank and nothing happening naymore if I do "init 1" ?13:43
Seldaekit worked fine before..13:43
intelikeySeldaek may be dropping you into an inactive tty   try  alt+left_arrow13:43
Seldaekah, good point, too late though13:44
gpwe trying kubuntu for a pilot but MICROPHONE doesnot work13:44
intelikeySeldaek where ever you were when xorg started it's where you return to when x dies    so could be.13:44
intelikeyqp if no one in here answers you    try #ubuntu13:45
Seldaekintelikey: I'll keep that in mind for the next time :)13:45
intelikeyqp sound is not kde specific.13:46
gpubuntu guys are bigger  geeks than kubuntu ;-)13:46
jussio1gp: you made sure everything is turned up/not muted?13:46
intelikeyjsut more of them gp13:46
gpi checked with alsamixer13:47
jussi01gp: which sound card?13:47
intelikeygp also check in the app being used.13:47
gpcan someone pl tell me in kde mixer how do we kno if input is enable13:48
Seldaekis there any way to enforce X11 to rebuild its conf file from scratch?13:48
benishorsudo kill [pid] yields : sudo: unable to resolve host omega .. is there a way I can kill a process during the upgrade ?13:48
gpis red and when i click turns redder13:48
Seldaekbetween my changes and nvidia-xconfig's changes.. it's kinda ruined it seems13:48
intelikeySeldaek dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:48
gpintelikey: its hda intel13:49
intelikeybenishor sudo is broken there.   ummm that error is a simple var not set   but i don't recall which.13:50
intelikeygp ah yes.   as they say "good luck / tre bon chance"13:51
gpintel hda is not supported in ubuntu ?13:52
intelikeynot well supported in linux13:52
intelikeygp there are many postings on the wiki/forums13:53
DragnslcrMy Intel sound chipset works fine13:53
Seldaekintelikey: sorry but.. now that's it has a fresh config, how do I start it ? init 2 doesn't seem to work13:53
gpi can hear the output /but microphone is not working13:53
DragnslcrThough I haven't tried microphone input13:53
intelikeyDragnslcr which hda ?13:53
Seldaekoh, init 1 did, now I guess I can init 2 again13:53
DragnslcrnVidia MCP5513:53
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intelikeyBAH!  i lost a computer.     well that's one perspective, another might be i gained another (now unused) minitor/keyboard/mouse/speakers ...13:58
SeldaekI managed to destroy it I think13:59
thewhitepelicanwhere can I get help with hardy?14:00
Seldaekit froze on boot with kdm-kde4 (I installed kde3 to stop using 4..) so I removed that package and now it doesn't boot at all14:00
Seldaekwell it boots but in command mode14:00
intelikeydoesn't boot ?14:00
intelikeyyeah.  ok.14:00
intelikeysounds like you may not have any ?dm installed14:00
Seldaekkinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/*lotssa junk*14:00
Seldaekkinit: no resume image, doing normal boot14:01
Seldaekthen I get the login prompt :)14:01
intelikeyyeah that's normal.    again  sounds like you may not have any ?dm installed14:01
galorinThat sounds normal for no kdm.  Probably got nuled when you removed kde414:01
galorinnuked rather14:01
intelikeyso install gdm   :)))14:02
thewhitepelicanbite your tiongue14:02
Seldaekintelikey: is it ht edefault kde3 one ?14:02
* intelikey does not sujest kdm. it writes in /root14:02
intelikeyand gdm works just as well as kdm14:02
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Seldaekwell anyway I'll try it14:02
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Seldaekit's not as if I had anything to lose at this point :p14:03
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intelikeyxdm works but may not support all the functions of [g,k]dm14:03
* intelikey also finds gdm easier to configure by hand than kdm14:04
galorinthere's also ldm and sdm if you want to get picky14:04
Seldaekwell I have no clue what is the purpose of these *dm14:05
intelikeyor just use twm  :)14:05
Seldaekso I'll trust you :p14:05
intelikeySeldaek it the graphical login app.14:05
intelikey*display manager14:05
Seldaekas long as it boots me into kde3 with nvidia support I'm happy :)14:05
intelikeythe nvidia support is handled by xorg not the dm   but yeah14:06
Seldaekwell yeah but it's when I played with xorg that it ruined everything14:06
Seldaekit was the start of it all at least14:07
thewhitepelicanI have a question about running kubuntu in virtual box, but it isn't a virtual box question but a kubuntu question14:07
intelikeyok i need to scram.14:07
benishorintelikey : is there *any* way I could get a root bash ?14:07
trappistbenishor: sudo su -14:08
benishorsudo fails on me14:08
benishorsudo: unable to resolve host omega14:08
benishorI am during a version upgrade14:09
trappistbenishor: you're going to have to boot into single user mode (recovery mode) and fix your /etc/hosts14:09
mjaimealguien ha instalado la version 8.0414:10
trappistbenishor: that drops you to a root shell without logging in14:10
jpatrick!es | mjaime14:10
ubotumjaime: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:10
jpatrick!hardy > mjaime14:10
trappistoh, hardy.  yep, #ubuntu+114:10
Seldaekah, it has booted.14:10
mjaimehas somebody install kubuntu 8.04?14:12
thewhitepelicanyou mean hardy?14:12
thewhitepelicanit's still alpha14:12
mjaimeyes it's alpha14:12
thewhitepelicani have under virtual box14:12
dreadknotcan somebody help e14:12
thewhitepelicandon't ask for help, jut ask your question14:13
mjaimewith kde4 or kde314:13
mjaimethe kde4 is unstable? no?14:13
thewhitepelicankde 4 is still a beta as far as I'm concerned14:13
trappist!ask | dreadknot14:13
ubotudreadknot: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:13
thewhitepelicanquite unstable14:13
mjaimeI'll install it with kd3 bye14:13
thewhitepelicangood luck14:14
thewhitepelicanjust remember, it's going to be unstable14:14
jhutchins_wkI haven't heard about any stability problems with KDE4, just lack of applications and usability.14:14
thewhitepelicanit's an alpha14:14
trappistkde4 isn't alpha.  it's released.14:15
Seldaektrappist: didn't work out so well for me:)14:16
thewhitepelicanharsy is an alpha14:16
Seldaekmight have been my fault though I admit14:16
trappistSeldaek: yeah I don't care for it yet either14:16
thewhitepelicankde 4, as it now stands, was never meant for general release14:16
thewhitepelicanthat comes with 4.114:16
Jucatothewhitepelican: it's meant for general release, just not for general, regular, KDE 3.5-like usage14:18
thewhitepelicanwhat's the difference, Jucato ?14:18
Jucatothewhitepelican: it's a general release that's meant for 1. technology preview and 2. testing. it's not meant to replace KDE 3.5 just yet14:19
* Jucato goes now14:19
thewhitepelicanthat was my whole point. you're getting into semantics14:19
BluesKajinteresting how some ppl think alpha/beta means no probs expected ...pretty demanding attitude :)14:19
trappistthewhitepelican: semantics are important.  release vs. usage is an important distinction.14:20
jussio1Lets keep the kde4 discussion in #kubuntu-kde4. thanks :)14:20
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: Google doesn't help with that14:20
Jucatoanyway... it's kinda offtopic for this channel so...14:20
BluesKajnosrednaekim, sometimes i wish someone would type the MOTD in caps ...whaddya want for free ? !  :)14:22
bin4ryhey together14:45
bin4rywhenever i try to fetch my mails with thunderbird (over ssl) i get a security warning, that i want to establish a connection with server xy but the certificate belongs to server yz. So everytime i want to fetch mail i have toclick-ok the dialoge. How can i import the certificate, so there's no noisy dialoge any more14:46
psyAbout 5 weeks ago I lost my wireless and audio devices. No one could help me redetect the hardware so I gave up on Kubuntu for a while hoping eventually an update would fix it. I tried again just now but no joy :(14:49
jhutchins_wkpsy: The new audio chipsets and some of the wireless drivers are in a state of change right now, might work on some distros and not on others.14:50
jhutchins_wkpsy: You could allways fall back to the earlier drivers that were working14:51
psykubuntu can't even detect the devices at the moment14:51
bergbuenos dias14:51
jpatrick!es | berg14:52
ubotuberg: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:52
psythey were working fine in January and suddeny disappeared after an update14:52
rainerhama m 930 under linux14:52
bergé tu péba14:52
benishorhow can I restart the 8.04 upgrade process ? my upgrade process broke because of a silly mistake and I had to reboot. Now the ugprade tool starts and while "preparing upgrade" it just disappears off the screen14:53
nosrednaekimbenishor: run, from the command line "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:54
benishorthank you. dpkg was interrupted14:56
nosrednaekimdatabase is locked?14:56
benishorno, it works. it continues with the dist-upgrade14:57
mazeuraI just recently installed Kubuntu with the help of one of my friends (he's a wiz at Linux, and I wouldn't as much done without his help) and he had to go back ot his dorm to sleep before he was able to help me install my video driver on my laptop.  I have a nVidia 8800M GTX in my laptop, and absolutely clueless on what driver to get for the card.  Any help would be appreciated.14:57
smurfslovermazeura: don't you have an icon in the systray which tells you there's a proprietary driver available14:58
smurfsloverif you don't have it  you probably just need to install nvidia-glx-new14:59
Sebhi fellows14:59
Sebafter dist-upgrading from gutsy to hardy, I can't seem to enter the administrator mode in kde, any idea why that could be ? It doesn't even ask for my password anymore, just says "please wait", and then comes back to regular-mode...14:59
Jucatomazeura: or see Sysetem Settings -> Advanced tab -> Restricted Manager14:59
JucatoSeb: #ubuntu+1 for hardy questions. thanks14:59
Sebi see15:00
psyjhutchins_wk: I tried lsmod and modprobe and the devices are just not there15:00
jhutchins_wkpsy: Meaning only that the drivers aren't loaded.15:00
jhutchins_wkpsy: lspci should show them.15:00
mazeura"Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers"  I remember my friend saying something along the lines of how Vesa only supports 2-D games, and that's what he has it set at currently.15:00
jhutchins_wk!nvidia | mazeura15:02
ubotumazeura: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:02
akhil_unable to access some drives15:03
akhil_hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 100015:03
akhil_how can i fix that?15:03
psyjhutchins_wk: ok thanks, I can see them in that list. How can I force Kubuntu to load some drivers for them?15:04
lg188_hey who got some VB2005 knowledge ??15:08
jhutchins_wkpsy: Well, you'll need to find out what drivers they need, then list them in the modprobe.conf file (I'm not certain right now exactly which file, the header will tell you).  Usually you do something like make an alias for the driver in modprobe.conf.15:09
lg188_VB2005 Knowledge ??? anyone ?15:10
jpatricklg188_: hmm, don't think many of us here do VB :)15:10
lg188_jpatrick: kk do uou know some of it ?15:10
lg188_jpatrick: you*15:10
jpatricklg188_: no, do it at school, don't like it much15:11
lg188_jpatrick: oww kk then nice to meet you ^^15:11
jpatricklg188_: maybe #vb.net can help?15:11
lg188_kk will try15:11
jpatricklg188_: likewise to you :)15:12
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mazeura_Ok, I went to the restricted drivers and nothing is showing up.  I looked at the guide that you linked me to and that did not help either.  Does this have to deal with how he set up the graphic driver with something called "vesa"?15:16
psyjhutchins_wk: thanks, I'll see what I can figure out. So far I think the drivers in question are called ipw3945 and snd_hda_intel15:17
jussio1psy: Sorry, i missed your issue. care to repeat it?15:20
jussio1mazeura: IIRC the 8800gt is not yet supported in the ubuntu repositories. you need to grab the driver from nvidia, but Im not _certain_ of this.15:21
psyjussio1: I'm trying to get Kubuntu to install some drivers for my wireless and audio devices, which used to work fine before an update I did early on in the year15:21
BluesKajmazeura, check in kmenu/system settings/advanced/ , for restricted drivers15:21
mazeura_nothing shows up.15:22
jussio1psy: intel hda sound?15:22
psyjussio1: yeah, but most critical is getting wireless working15:22
BluesKajmazeura , nothing shows up , where ?15:23
jussio1!intelhda | psy15:23
ubotupsy: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto15:23
jussio1psy: its a well know bug in gutsy15:23
Daisuke_Idomazeura, what version of kubuntu are you using?15:23
mazeura_I am in the Restricted Divers and there is nothing inside of the window with the columns15:24
psyI'm not super fussed about getting the sound working, people have told me it can't be done without lots of messing about, however it did work almost perfectly when I first installed Gutsy15:25
psyubotu: thanks, I'll check out that link15:25
jussio1psy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/iwlwifi_Intel_3945_4965/gutsy15:27
jussio1!bot | psy15:27
ubotupsy: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:27
BluesKajmazeura_, then you must DL and install the proper linux driver from the nVidia driver support site15:27
psyjussio1: cheers15:27
jussio1psy: :)15:28
mazeura_And one more question:  The 7.1 is a 32 or 64 bit OS?15:28
psybye and thanks again!15:29
jussio1mazeura_: both, depending which version you installed15:30
siofwolveswhen i try to logout/reboot/shutdown kubuntu it crashes to a black screen, it will never logout to the login screen. i can switch users/start new sessions ok.15:30
BluesKajmazeura_, in the konsole , ' lsb_release -a '15:30
siofwolvesi'me using kde 3.5 on gutsy15:30
flipstarlsb_release -a doesnt show if 32 or 64bit version..15:31
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mkargari have one prblem in kubuntu 7.10!i was installed kubuntu on my system(athlon 64bit),since of installed kubuntu and then selected kubuntu in grub page,all script font in boot is very large!how to changing scrip font in boot?15:32
mazeura_all it says is 'no lsb modules are available'  Then tells me about the Distributor ID, Description, Release, and Codename. (Ubuntu, Ubuntu 7.1, 7.1, gutsy)15:32
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell15:33
mkargarmkargar@musa:~$ lsb_release -a15:34
mkargarNo LSB modules are available.15:34
mkargarDistributor ID: Ubuntu15:34
mkargarDescription:    Ubuntu 7.1015:34
mkargarRelease:        7.1015:34
mkargarCodename:       gutsy15:34
jussio1!paste | mkargar15:34
ubotumkargar: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:34
jussio1mkargar: jut remember, anything over 3 lines, use the pastebin :)15:35
mazeura_how do I make a !shell?15:35
mkargarok brother!15:35
jussio1maz shell is the command prompt :)15:36
mkargarplease reading and helpping me!http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60416/15:36
mazeura_*hand to face*15:37
mazeura_Ok, so after typing the 'lsb_release -a'  and it gave me:15:39
mazeura_No LSB modules are available.15:39
mazeura_Distributor ID: Ubuntu15:39
mazeura_Description:    Ubuntu 7.1015:39
mazeura_Release:        7.1015:39
mazeura_Codename:       gutsy15:39
kaanhey guys15:39
kaanquick question: Is there a way to switch desktops using a keyboard shortcut?15:39
BluesKajmazeura_, look in the kmenu/system for Konsole - Terminal program15:40
mazeura_@ kaan:  I thought you could with ctrl+F#  where F# is what desktop you want to go go.15:40
kaanugh no doesn't work :(15:40
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kaannobody knows?15:41
mazeura_@BluesKaj:  I have it opened right now.15:41
mkargardear fiends,ho to resize script font in boot?15:42
kaanoh nice there is a way to switch desktops when the mouse wheel is over the desktop background15:42
kaanbut keyboard?15:42
BluesKajmazeura_, type or copy and paste , uname -m in the terminal15:44
jussio1Kaevik: on compiz?15:44
jussio1kaan: ^15:44
mazeura_x86_64  so I assume its the 32 bit OS then, correct?15:44
mazeura_or is it using the x86 architecture in teh 64 bit OS?15:45
kaanoh yea i was just googling it and there is such thing as compiz thnx i'll try that out15:46
BluesKajmazeura_, what architecture is the laptop itself ?15:46
mkargar i have one prblem in kubuntu 7.10!i was installed kubuntu on my system(athlon 64bit),since of installed kubuntu and then selected kubuntu in grub page,all script font in boot is very large!how to changing scrip font in boot?15:47
jussio1!repeat |  mkargar15:48
ubotumkargar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience15:48
jhutchins_wkmkargar: use the vga= setting in the boot menu.15:48
mazeura_the laptop has a Core 2 Extreme, which if I remember corerctly is a 64-bit processor.15:48
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mkargarhow to i using vga=setting in boot menu?15:50
BluesKajmazeura_, alt + F2, kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list , there you will see repositories addresses starting with "deb" , if these are listed as 64bit then that's what you're running15:52
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:55
rothchildhi all, how do I get my pics to preview in showfoto easily so that I can fit to screen, rotate and skip through all the pics in a folder but without having to open digikam or showfoto first? (ie click on image and have showfoto open the whole folder the picture is in)15:55
kaanI love you Ubotu15:55
BluesKajfor those who would like a list of shell commands and what they mean : http://www.linuxguide.it/commands_list.php?Choose_Language:English15:55
rothchildI'm sure it used to do it as a default behaviour15:55
mazeura_um I'm looking at the sources.list and looking at the lines that begin with 'deb' and not sure what to be looking for.15:58
mkargarDear Blueskaj:how to using vga=setting in boot menu?15:58
nosrednaekimmazeura_: what are you trying to do? remove a repository?15:59
mazeura_look to see if I have the 32 or 64 bit OS.15:59
mazeura_because I can not remember.15:59
nosrednaekimmazeura_: ah, its not going to be in there16:00
nosrednaekimmazeura_: run "uname -a"16:00
nosrednaekim64 bit then16:01
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BluesKajnosrednaekim, I told mazeura_ to make sure by checking the deb addresses in the sources.list16:05
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: the sources.list doesn't have that.... the real link is generated from your architexture or something.16:06
BluesKajthe sources.list would tell him if he was using 64 bit app sources ...kind of an indicator , don't you think ?16:07
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nosrednaekimthe sources.list doesn't tell you that.16:08
nosrednaekimfor instance: deb http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/linux/ubuntu/archive/ gutsy universe16:09
nosrednaekimid one of my deb lines and I have amd6416:09
=== claudiu is now known as amiralul
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BluesKajfunny , when i ran 64 bit most of the repos showed 64bit sources16:11
amiralulhello. I was trying to select nvidia propietary driver from the Administrator section on Hardware/monitor window, but the radio buttons are grey16:11
nick_how to download cedega from terminal ?16:11
amiralulany ideea on how I install the prop. driver in a more Kubuntu-way?16:11
nosrednaekimamiralul: system settings->advanced->restricted drivers16:12
amiralulit's weird, but I don't have restricted drivers under system setting / advanced16:12
amiralulusing 8.04 beta16:13
nosrednaekimamiralul: are you on fiesty?16:13
nosrednaekimoh... go to #ubuntu+1 please ...16:13
amiralulok, thanks16:13
nick_how to download cedega from terminal ?16:13
nosrednaekimamiralul: you could also try running kdesudo jockey-kde16:13
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amiralulnosrednaekim: I did. I click on Enable, then in Close. If I run the jockey-kde again, the checkbox is not checked16:16
nick_no one know hot to get cedega16:22
Jucato!cedega |  nick_16:22
ubotunick_: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega16:22
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:32
mp_hi all., Ive installed kubuntu w KDE4 using the Wubi which means that my Windows partition should be accessible from Kubuntu I suppose.. But I cant find it, where would it be located_16:39
mp_sry, didnt read topic. Im moving16:40
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.16:50
savetheWorldAnyone know when Kubuntu Hardy is coming out?16:54
NickPrestasavetheWorld, april 21st, I believe16:54
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:54
savetheWorldNickPresta: many thanks!16:54
NickPrestaApril 24th, actually16:54
savetheWorld4, 1 , - its all 1's and 0's anyway... :-)16:59
savetheWorldNickPresta: hmm - I notice that doesnt say Kubuntu.   Will there be a KDE version ?17:00
NickPrestasavetheWorld, Kubuntu and Ubuntu (and I believe Xubuntu) will all be released together17:01
infblissis the hibernate problem fixed in Hardy yet17:01
savetheWorld(die hard KDE preferer. :-) )17:01
NickPrestainfbliss, no idea. Which hibernate problem?17:01
NickPrestainfbliss, you may get a better response in #ubuntu+117:02
infblissNickPresta: actually hibernate/suspend was non-functional on Gutsy (for a wide range of hardware) while it worked flawlessly on previous releases17:02
ubuntuis there any life out there?17:06
ubuntuwhat do you just talk about in here17:07
nick_someone can help me whit cedega plz17:08
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:08
wadSo, guys. Where can I find a document that shows pros and cons between ubuntu and kubuntu?17:09
ubuntuim thinking about changing my desktop over to kubuntu, im using pclos 2007 right now and it doesn't compare17:09
Bauldrickwhat can i use to rip ps2 game to iso ( or is it a command dd ....??)17:09
wadWe're trying to decide on one or the other right now.17:09
claudiuanyone knows how I can set ALT+SHIFT or CTRL+SHIFT to change my keyboard layout?17:10
nosrednaekimwad: the only way if to try both and see which you like better17:18
nosrednaekimyou can install kubuntu-dekstop from within ubuntu easily17:19
wadnosrednaekim, yeah, I am.17:20
wadI'm using Kubuntu right now. KDE seems much nicer than Gnome.17:20
ubuntuwad: i haven't found anything on the net that outlines the pro's con's of each, i would start with the kubuntu and ubuntu websites, they have lots of great info and FAQ's to aid you in your decision. also see wikipedia as there might be some good information in there17:20
wadI found this:17:20
ubuntuwad: im using kubuntu as of right now and i really like it, detects most of my hardware and its one of the nicest OOB distros i've seen yet17:21
claudiuanyone knows how I can set ALT+SHIFT or CTRL+SHIFT to change my keyboard layout?17:21
rtxhello guys! I have just istalled kububtu on my laptop and i am having proplems getting kaffeine to play avis17:22
KalElsorry... "/j #goog" is on the main window, "le\n" came here in xchat17:23
rtxcould anyone help me set up kaffeine to play avis?17:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:25
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
rtxalso does anyone know where to go in order to learn more about linux in nyc?17:27
nick_why i not see how mutch agp and the name of my grafique card ?17:27
nick_ion kubuntu17:27
ubuntu> Now start kaffeine.  Go to Settings -> Engines and select Kaffeine.17:28
ubuntu> This should fix the avi stuff, mostly.  I find that avi and wmv files17:28
ubuntu> are sometimes a little flaky under Linux.  Damned proprietary17:28
ubuntu> mishmosh.17:28
ubuntusorry m8, wrong text17:28
nosrednaekimrtx: there should be a New york Lunix users group or Loco.... if not, you can come to the NJ loco (where I am) we have an IRC channel at #ubuntu-us-nj17:28
ubunturtx: http://www.nylxs.com/announce.html17:29
jhutchins_wkclaudiu: Hotkeys setting in kcontrol.17:30
nick_no one can help me :(17:30
ubuntunick: what exactly are you trying to do?17:31
Dragnslcrnick_- lspci will probably show it17:32
rtxubuntu: i went to engine and clicked on kaffeine but an avi of into the wild only shows a blank screen with no sound as the play bar progresses17:34
intExDKIn Gnome, you can select your default mixer track relatively easy in System Settings. Is there anyway to do the same in KDE? My main volume doesn't control the right mixer track... Anyone?17:34
nosrednaekimintExDK: yes, right click on the kmix icon, a nd choose "select master channel"17:35
ubunturtx: most likely a codec issue17:35
ubunturtx: google kaffeine codecs17:36
intExDKThank you... I found it and choose the Microphone channel, which is the one controlling my volume, but still the same. The master volume doesn't control anything.17:37
intExDKIt's also strange, 'cause both the "PCM" channel and the "Headphone" channel can control my volume...17:39
ubuntuintexdk: are you getting low volume?17:39
eduarnot speak spanis17:40
ubotuEn el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:40
eduarok gracias17:40
nicholas_My friends! I would like to update my BIOS on my Pavilion dv6426us, though the WinFlash program is for Windows (typical.. :\), is it safe to use wine with it? Or is there an alternative? If so, waht is it?17:40
intExDKNo... The volume is fine. I just can't control it with the keyboard shortcuts on my laptop 'cause it's controlling the master volume which isn't the right one.17:41
intExDKBe right back...17:42
BunnyRevolutioni just tanked my kubuntu install because i chose the wrong vid.  how do i fix?17:43
nosrednaekimnicholas_: usually, there is a DOS floppy boot utility17:43
nicholas_nosrednaekim: excuse me? what does that mean? :P17:44
sourcemakerI have a problem with kde... all shortcuts do not work now..17:44
nicholas_nosrednaekim: Oh! And I have no floppy drive. :P17:44
sourcemakerALT+F2... and so on17:44
nosrednaekimBunnyRevolution: boot into recovery mode and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"17:44
sourcemakerwhat's wrong... I can work without shortcuts !!!! ;-)17:44
nosrednaekimsourcemaker: are you running compiz?17:44
sourcemakerall is standard17:45
sourcemakerno update installed...17:45
rtxubuntu: i have been trying to install the codecs and even tried to intall mplayer, but the thing is when it asks me to type command lines i have no idea what i am touching. is phyton the language on the terminal? what is the difference between the ubuntu and kubuntu terminals? is there anywhere i could go to have a basic grasp of theese concepts?17:45
sourcemakermaybe a reboot solves the problem... but I will not reboot my system now17:45
=== roky is now known as roky__
ubunturtx: http://www.linuxcommand.org/ <--- this is a good place to start learning the terminal17:47
rtxubuntu: thanx17:47
Stilo``Hi! Is there a plugin for pidgin which can show my online buddies on the desktop?17:47
yao_ziyua1i typed "kdesu dolphin" and then deleted a directory in this dolphin and then empied the Trash. i wonder if root and my normal user account share the same Trash. and if not, how do i empty root's Trash?17:47
ubunturtx: sorry I couldn't be of more help17:47
yao_ziyua1i see now17:47
yao_ziyua1root's Trash is in root's Dolphin17:47
ubunturtx: I gaurantee it's a codec issue17:48
ubunturtx: i have found kaffeine to be the best all-in-one vid player for linux yet. to my exp.17:48
nosrednaekimStilo``: like the one for kopete? not that I know of17:49
Stilo``yes like that for kopete.. hm okay17:50
nicholas_nosrednaekim: What did you say I could do to upgrade my BIOS?17:51
nosrednaekimnicholas_: use a DOS boot floppy or install windows <_<17:53
rtxubuntu:well i openned the command site. it seems its gonna be more help than you suppose. time to stop looking at the pictures ;)17:53
nicholas_nosrednaekim: ew, install Windows.. XD How do I make this boot floppy? Actually, I could easily make a boot disc instead, correct?17:54
ubunturtx: its really not that bad once you get a few pages into it17:54
ubuntujust TRY all the examples they have and you'll learn fast17:54
Hamrahi, can i do a clean install from the alternate cd? or it just upgrades?17:55
nosrednaekimyou'd have to read the instructions for your BIOS.17:55
nosrednaekimHamra: yes, you can do a clean install17:55
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:00
=== arvind_ is now known as that_dude
nicholas_nosrednaekim: So how would I create a DOS boot disc? And how would I use it to upgrade the BIOS?18:06
nosrednaekimnicholas_: like I said, it depends on your BIOS, you need to go read the manufactorers web page18:06
BunnyRevolutionnosrednaekim: heh, kubuntu hardy has a menu option for fixing x in recovery mode18:13
BunnyRevolutionkubuntu rules !18:13
nosrednaekimBunnyRevolution: awesome :)18:13
nicholas_nosrednaekim: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=ob-58112-1&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=3439463&os=2093&lang=en  <- That is the best thing I can find on the website18:15
nosrednaekimnicholas_: ouch... are you having this problem?18:17
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.18:18
nicholas_nosrednaekim: This problem being?18:18
nosrednaekimnicholas_: well... acually, any problem18:18
nicholas_nosrednaekim: Oh, no power manager can ever sense how much battery I have left18:19
nicholas_nosrednaekim: They all assume 0%18:19
nosrednaekimnicholas_: that probably will not be fixed with a BIOS upgrade18:20
nicholas_nosrednaekim: What will fix it? This began very suddenly, I just booted up into openSUSE one day, and it said 0%.18:20
nicholas_nosrednaekim: I tried with Slax, Kubuntu, and Debian, all said '0%'18:21
nosrednaekimit didn't always do that?18:21
nicholas_nosrednaekim: Correct :)18:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about prefetch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:22
nicholas_nosrednaekim: Though, I have an embarrasingly stupid habit, if my computer hangs and I have no other way to get otu, I would sometimes pop out the battery... >.<18:22
nosrednaekimnicholas_: yeah.... maybe you damaged your batter that way <_<18:23
nicholas_nosrednaekim: damn..18:23
nicholas_nosrednaekim: Solution: Get new battery? D:18:23
nosrednaekimyou could try it... two batteries are always nice anyway :)18:24
nicholas_nosrednaekim: awww, ah well, my battery was always very weak. :P18:25
nicholas_nosrednaekim: I have a 1-year warranty on this laptop, could I simply send in for a replacement battery?18:26
nosrednaekimnot sure what HP's policy is on laptops without windows still installed. they have no way of knowing if its a Linux problem or a hardware problem18:27
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:29
nicholas_nosrednaekim: My mother has the exact same laptop, I am goign to try turning on this laptop using her battery, does that sound safe?18:31
nosrednaekimyeah... sounds ok18:32
Blissexnicholas_: laptop batteries are often compatible. Even more so if it is the same model.18:32
flipstaris there a plugin/addon/program to keep firefox in memory? like opera does18:35
Agent_bobwell i found out why the new kernel diesn't recognize the usb stick.    seem sd_mod is not inserted automaticly with the new kernel...   maybe a depmod issue ?18:36
Agent_bobkeep a ram leaking bug in ram ???18:37
flipstarerr yes18:37
flipstarto avoid the long startup time18:39
* Agent_bob has visions of OOMK fireworks...18:39
Agent_bobhmmm kde Q   ctrl+alt+esc and click desktop    what did i kill ?18:43
alucardromeroAnybody using Kubuntu-KDE4 Alpha 6?18:45
jessicahow do i downgrade from hardy to gutsy18:53
jessicai dont need to but it would be useful to know if i do as i dont know if hardware will work18:53
flipstarAgent_bob: if you care.. alltray was the solution :)18:58
Kejk_PLjessica: it is not easy, you will have to read something about deb pinning: http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Debian/downgrade.html18:58
jessicaok thanks18:59
=== pucko_ is now known as pucko-
nick_i can upgrade my kde 3 to kde 4 ?19:06
Kejk_PLnick_: you can install kde4 separately of kde319:07
nick_i know but 4 gigabyte its to mutch19:07
jckffyiI'm trying to boost preformance a bit, and I've been doing some googleing and learned about hdparm, but I cannot find a good guide, and I don't want to mess anything up, the man page is only moderately helpful, does anyone know of a good guide to hdparm?19:07
Kejk_PLnick_: just install kde4 package19:07
nick_do he have a live cd for kde 419:07
nick_where ?19:08
Kejk_PLjust chose them from synaptic19:08
flipstarjckffyi: since you probably run 7.10 dma is enabled by default.. better check man tune2fs19:08
nick_ok thnaks19:08
flipstarin gutsy you have to add repos for kde419:09
Kejk_PLnick_: rigt, check kubuntu.org19:11
jckffyitune2fs seems to be file system params, I really am trying to optimize disk I/O, also my disk is mixed with ext and ntfs19:11
flipstarright tune2fs probably works only on ext319:12
patricehello everybody19:12
flipstarhi patrice19:12
patricehi flipstar19:12
patricei am a new kubuntu user19:13
patriceand i have no sound19:13
patricehow to configure it?19:13
flipstarpatrice: do you have an intel hd audio card ?19:14
patricei don'tknow...19:14
patriceits a new laptop19:15
Daisuke_Idothis is the #1 problem i see users having.  #2 is probably the hal error when mounting...19:15
Daisuke_Idoyep, you've got an intel hd then19:15
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:15
patriceso you know my problem?19:15
mazeura_Ok, nVidia does not list my graphics card on their download driver's page.  I have a 8800M GTX, and they just list the 8700M GT on their site.  I have a Windows driver CD that has the driver for the card, but I don't think that I can use that, can I?19:19
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.19:21
Daisuke_Idono you cannot19:21
Daisuke_Idoyou should use the restricted driver manager19:22
Daisuke_Idosystem settings > advanced19:22
p-fwhat would be a likely cause of standby behaving in the following way? If I press fn+standby, my laptop (dell 640m inspiron) goes to sleep properly, but upon reopening the lid, it boots back up from scratch as though I had completely shut it down.19:22
mazeura_That was already suggested and the column window that is in that section is empty.  It tells me that there are no proprietary drivers in use on this system.  My friend helped me set this up and he had set graphic driver to I think vesa, I think that's the right name at least.19:24
mazeura_And when I tell it to run in Adminisrator Mode it tells me "Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers."19:25
flipstarmazeura_: you gpu is supported by 169.12 see http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.12/README/appendix-a.html19:26
mazeura_so I don't need to install anything onto my computer then?19:30
benpicco_mazeura_: which gpu do you use?19:30
mazeura_8800M GTX19:31
benpicco_mazeura_: you might need the driver right from nvidia.com19:31
benpicco_might be not supported by the driver in the repos yet19:31
flipstarthe drivers in the repos are 169.12 afaik19:32
nosrednaekimthe driver for that is nvidia-glx-new... it is int he fiesty and gutsy repositories19:32
nosrednaekimhello madurey19:33
madureyhi, i got a question abt kubntu19:33
mazeura_Um, so I need to do 'sudo apt-get instal nvidia-glx-new'?19:33
benpicco_madurey: then ask it19:34
flipstarmazeura_: better use the driver provided by nvidia19:34
nosrednaekimflipstar: not so....19:34
madureyok so i had ubuntu and it kept sho19:34
madureyshowing me to start in safe graphics mode19:34
flipstarnosrednaekim: nvidia-glx-new is Version 100.14.1919:34
mazeura_On nVidia's site they do not list the 8800M GTX.  They only list the 8700M GT, they do have the 8800 GTX for the desktop however.19:34
benpicco_mazeura_: the driver is quiet generic anyway19:35
flipstarmazeura_: again..your gpu is supported see http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.12/README/appendix-a.html for details19:35
nosrednaekimflipstar: hrm... k.. i'm no expert in Nvidia's, but I though all the 8xxx were the same19:35
flipstaryeah..there probably are19:35
mazeura_so I should be able to download the 8700M GTX driver and it will work?19:36
benpicco_madurey: there is prophaly something wrong with your xorg.conf19:36
madureyhow do i fix that19:36
benpicco_madurey: paste it,, it's located in /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:37
flipstarmazeura_: the nvidia driver is called 169.12 see http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.12.html19:37
NutzebahnHi. Does anyone know of any Kubuntu themes which are not Beryl/emerald nor compiz which would enable be to have a Vista-like desktop with multiple desktops on one screen?19:39
kuilevening all19:39
=== Dannilionz is now known as Dannilion
nosrednaekimNutzebahn: those aren't themes, they are window managers19:40
kuilanyone here updated to hardy and has solved the problem with the iwl3945 wifi network module?19:40
benpicco_madurey: so you have installed the restricted nvidia driver?19:40
madureyits fine for kubuntu19:40
madureybut ubuntu19:40
madureyhad this problem19:40
madureyit would work fine for a day or two19:41
BluDog_Anchoritedo i have to recompile the kernel in order to remove useless modules ?19:41
madureythen on some startups19:41
madureyit would say, need to start in safe graphics modde19:41
benpicco_madurey: it works if you use kde but does not if you switch to gnome? oO19:41
madureyweird eh19:41
[B00]hehehe i had that prob with 2 diff desktops just would'nt even run as live cd in feisty19:41
flipstarBluDog_Anchorite: you can unload modules via modprobe -r <module>19:41
BluDog_Anchoritebut will they reload on next reboot ?19:42
madureyhey has anyone tried the hardy heron alpha?19:42
[B00]kubuntu has worked no probs :/19:42
kuilmadurey: I am on beta since a couple of hours19:42
[B00]yeah i got it running on a desktop19:42
mazeura_so which "how to" install the 169.2 nVidia driver package do I use?19:42
mazeura_openSUSE 10.3-IA3219:42
mazeura_ openSUSE 10.3-AMD6419:42
mazeura_ openSUSE 10.2-IA3219:42
mazeura_ openSUSE 10.2-AMD6419:42
mazeura_ SUSE LINUX 10.1-IA32 / SLES10-IA32 / SLED10-IA3219:42
mazeura_ SUSE LINUX 10.1-AMD64 / SLES10-AMD64 / SLED10-AMD6419:42
madureykuil: how you do you like it?19:42
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:42
flipstarBluDog_Anchorite: yes..you might want to blacklist them for permanently19:43
kuilmadurey: well .. so far it looks really nice.. but I have a problem with my wifi card19:43
kuiland since i am on a laptop.. that kind of makes things .. not so nice :(19:43
madureymaybe its cuz of beta?19:43
kuilitwas reported as a bug in kernel 24-1219:43
madureyim using a laptop too19:43
kuilit should work in 24-519:43
kuilbut I don't know how to downgrade (yet)19:44
ahmoshi ,is there any way to make copying file process faster?19:44
kuilits only for iwl3945 driver19:44
madureyi just installed kubun7.1019:44
kuil(it used to be ipw3945.. that one worked)19:44
BluDog_Anchoritefor example, i dont need the sony_acpi or ppc_apci, usb, or anything sound related.  its a headless server19:45
nosrednaekimahmos: get a faster disc19:45
kuilmadurey: and? what do you think of it?19:46
BluDog_Anchoriteand i want to remove all those kernel mods19:46
madureykuil: well i liked ubuntu i think ill like this too19:46
madureyi havent really played with this yet19:46
madureyhas anyone used the mac4lin thing?19:47
kuilah.. I am curious about the compiz things they have added to hardy19:47
madureyoh yeah19:47
madureythat should be nice19:47
kuilso.. looking into that (after downgrading my kernel)19:47
kuilI hope it will :)19:47
ahmosno i have sata disks but this process in windows vista more fast than here19:47
madureyis it possible to upgrade hardy through update19:48
ahmosand i'm tring to compeletly leave windows :)19:48
kuilmadurey: it is19:48
kuilon the kubuntu.org website.. there is a howto19:48
kuilif you go to the 'hardy beta released' page19:48
madureyok noob question :wheres  the update menu thing in kde :P19:48
kuilmadurey: usually when there are package updates.. it appears in the bottom right (next to the clock)19:50
DarkWizzardHello guys.A friend of mine just installed Kubuntu and wants to know how he could get his 5.1 Surround working19:50
kuilotherwise go to 'start'->system->adept19:50
benpicco_DarkWizzard: in which app?19:50
madureyoh awesome19:50
DarkWizzardHe tried setting speaker config to 5.119:51
DarkWizzardin the options, but it didn't work19:51
benpicco_and it does'n work? are the speakers turned on in alsamixer/kmix?19:51
madureyaw man i remember getting my sound to work on my laptop19:51
masai47when starting up it goes straight to comand line instead of graphical login screen19:51
madureyits not 5.1 but still19:51
masai47(kinit: No resume image, doing noral boot...)19:51
masai47any advice?19:52
benpicco_masai47: you can't start x manually, can you?19:52
masai47how? I have no coand line experience19:52
benpicco_masai47: (sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start or just startx)19:53
Kejk_PLmasai47: you probably need to reconfigure X19:53
benpicco_prophaly it's something wrong with your configuration (/etc/X11/xorg.conf)19:53
Kejk_PLmasai47: typy: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:54
masai47x is not installed19:55
nosrednaekimmasai47: are you running hardy?19:56
benpicco_masai47: erm, why? did you choose server install?19:56
masai47I initialy instaled ubuntu, but wanted to try KDE, now it starts up Kubuntu but I loginto gnome19:56
masai47I am running the most recent release19:57
kuilmasai47: gnome probably is the default desktop19:57
masai47it is19:57
kuilif you have kdm .. you should see in the bottom right of the login screen a 'menu thingy'19:58
kuilif you go there.. I think there is an option to login to kde19:58
nosrednaekimgdm has the same thing FYI, but on the bottom left19:58
masai47could not get kde desktop to work right so always used gnome as the default19:58
kuil(there are other options there at least)19:58
kuilnosrednaekim: ah.. thx :)19:58
masai47I am in a text only environent19:58
masai47no idea why19:58
masai47just went into it at startup19:58
masai47(kinit: No resume image, doing noral boot...)?19:59
DarkWizzardbenpicco_: he tried setting it to 6 channel mode in kmix, but nothing19:59
kuilmasai47: that is ok19:59
kuilresume image is when you used hibernate19:59
nosrednaekimmasai47: thats ok, that just means you didn't hibernate last time19:59
kuilare there any (ERR) strings in your xorg.log file? (in /var/log)20:00
masai47I just jave no command line experince and so have no idea what anything means20:00
kuilsomething like cat /var/log/Xorg*.log | grep ERR20:00
masai47I dont know?20:00
masai47I am a beginer to linux20:00
nosrednaekimmasai47: so you have a console? did you try running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"?20:00
nosrednaekimmasai47: thats ok :) we'll fix it20:00
masai47I think it did it20:01
masai47soething about overwriting possibly-custoised configuration20:01
masai47sorry about typing, I am using a strange keyboard20:02
masai47it lists where the backup is20:02
masai47but stil comandline interface20:03
nick_hey i have a question kde4 alpha 6 work well ?20:03
benpicco_kde4 alpha? do you call it that way? ;)20:03
benpicco_it's called stable...20:03
nick_but i only ee alpha20:04
nick_so alpha = stable20:04
benpicco_4.02 is already out20:04
jpatrick!hardy > nick_20:04
nick_i only got beta20:04
nosrednaekimnick_: you mean the hardy alpha 6?20:04
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde420:04
nick_do you have the web page for the good download20:04
nick_nvm lol20:04
masai47should I restart (and what is the comand)?20:05
benpicco_masai47: restart what?20:05
benpicco_masai47: the whole computer? (re)starting x should be enough20:05
nick_do he have it in kubuntu ?20:05
masai47how do I start x?20:06
nosrednaekimmasai47: if you ran that command, now run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"20:06
masai47stopping GNOME Display Manager...20:07
nosrednaekimmasai47: oh... umm, hit control+c... we actually only need to start it20:08
masai47not starting GNOME display manager (gdm); it is not the default display manager.20:08
nosrednaekimmasai47: ah.. ok, then run "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start"20:08
kuilkdm restart then instead I guess20:08
nick_i not find the good web site for download kde 4.02 in a dvd or cd20:09
masai47kdm already running20:09
nosrednaekimmasai47: replace the start with restart then20:09
benpicco_!tell kde4 nick_20:09
nosrednaekimnick_: use the hardy CD or the gutsy liveCD20:09
benpicco_!tell nick_ kde420:09
nick_ok but what is the link20:10
benpicco_nick_: just listen tu ubotu20:10
masai47that looks like it did it20:10
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde420:10
nosrednaekimmasai47: you see kdm? awesome :)20:10
nosrednaekimmasai47: now, you probably don't have 3d acceleration any more.20:11
benpicco_nick_: oh, i just see that it doens't link to the wiki article...20:11
masai47it brought up the log in screen, I looged in normal to gnome20:11
masai47and my background is changed20:11
masai47but that stuff does not matter much20:11
nosrednaekimthis is recovery mode... that may have something to dow ith that20:11
nick_so its again a beta20:12
masai47maybe new question, how do I make it use Ubuntu instead of kubuntu20:12
benpicco_nick_: you need to add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main to your sources.list20:12
benpicco_masai47: sudo apt-et install ubuntu-desktop20:13
nick_kubuntu-8.04-beta-dvd-i386.iso that the good one ?20:13
nosrednaekimnick_: uhh, no, it should have kde4 in the name somwhere20:13
benpicco_nick_: you can use kde4 in 7.10, too20:13
nick_yes buyt i don't know how to install it in my 7.1020:14
* benpicco_ wonders if there is really no translation of http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/KDE420:14
benpicco_nick_: first you need to add the kde4 repo to your /etc/apt/sources.liist20:15
benpicco_nick_: therefore you add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main20:15
benpicco_than you do a sudo apt-get update20:15
nick_where i put this ?20:16
benpicco_nick_: at the end of the file20:16
nick_ok butr where20:16
masai47it was already installed20:16
benpicco_nick_: do a sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list20:16
masai47how do I make it default20:16
nosrednaekimmasai47: you want it to use gdm? run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"20:16
nosrednaekimfrom a terminal20:16
benpicco_nick_: (or kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list if you like this better)20:17
masai47I did that20:18
masai47it said it would when all sessions had restarted20:18
nick_i got a error when i try to whrite in  :(20:18
masai47I loged out and got a crazy screen20:19
nosrednaekimmasai47: that means reboot :)20:19
masai47and had to force reboot20:19
masai47I did and now it is working20:19
masai47though it still starts from Kubuntu20:19
masai47but then goes to GNOME20:20
nosrednaekimmasai47: you mean the splash says kubuntu?20:20
masai47no, now the splash says ubuntu20:20
masai47so thans20:20
nosrednaekimmasai47: ok, great :)20:20
masai47and I got back some capabilities I was missing20:20
masai47thanks a lot20:20
nosrednaekimno problem20:21
masai47I love the fact that I can get on IRC and get live help from the comunity20:21
nick_after put in the source list what i do ?20:23
benpicco_nick_: update the packet list by sudo apt-get update20:23
nick_ok after ?20:24
nick_apt-get upgrade ?20:25
benpicco_nick_: now you can install kde4 packets, you find a list in http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/KDE4#head-89b73a72707a1f359e78497256348c258a97021a under "KDE 4.0 installieren" (german, sorry)20:25
nick_i do upgrade and its work20:26
benpicco_well, basically you do sudo apt-get install kde4-core kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 kdebase-runtime kdeadmin-kde4 kdeartwork-kde4 kdeedu-kde4 kdegames-kde4 kdegraphics-kde4  kdemultimedia-kde4 kdenetwork-kde4 kdesdk-kde4  kdetoys-kde4  kdeutils-kde420:27
benpicco_to get all kde4 apps20:27
benpicco_nick_: no, you install kde4 parallel to kde320:27
nick_i know20:27
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde420:29
ahmoshi, what i can install for playing flv files ,and to convert it to avi?20:33
Nickuiwhere can i download the kde4 package without kubuntu?20:34
benpicco_vlc player can do ahmos20:34
benpicco_Nickui: you can use it in ubuntu, too, or what do you mean?20:34
ahmosthank's going to try20:35
NickuiI need to download kde4 to use on ubuntu http://www.kde.org/download/ do i have to download these files seperatly?20:36
jpatrick!kde4 | Nickui20:36
ubotuNickui: KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde420:36
p-fWhen I press fn+standby, my dell 640m inspiron goes to sleep properly, but upon reopening the lid, it boots back up from scratch as though I had completely shut it down. What would be a likely cause of this? Are there any specific log files that might provide a clue?20:36
benpicco_Nickui: just add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main to you sources.list, do a sudo apt-get update and finally install sudo apt-get install kdebase-workspace kdebase-kde4 kdebase-runtime kdeadmin-kde4 kdeartwork-kde4 kdeedu-kde4 kdegames-kde4 kdegraphics-kde4 kdemultimedia-kde4 kdenetwork-kde4 kdesdk-kde4 kdetoys-kde4 kdeutils-kde420:37
benpicco_oh, kde4-core is missing in the list20:38
benpicco_jpatrick: the problem is that http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php doesn't tell about the ubuntu packages20:39
jpatrickbenpicco_: they are Ubuntu packages20:39
JasonWardHi. I need help installing some -dev versions of some packages. can you help me please?20:40
benpicco_jpatrick: oops, I should learn to read..20:40
Nickuibenpicco_ sorry but i don't understand i'm new to ubuntu what do i have to do exactly?20:42
JasonWardI can't get the commands right in sudo apt-get install <package> .      This is the list of things I need.  http://nopaste.com/p/aYP9v8LEr20:43
=== myrtilles is now known as myrtille
coreymon77JasonWard: umm, if you cant use apt properly, are you sure you want to be doing development? :P20:47
andycrHi, I am writing a KDE 4  application and would like to know the best way to create a "project view" type widget20:49
JasonWardI can program. I am just new to linux. I know apt is easy but only when you have the package names correct. they should put in autocomplete. for python dev package I try    sudo apt-get install lib-python-dev20:49
andycrIn the past I used a tree widget and went through the files manually adding them to the tree20:49
andycrBut there has to be a better way20:49
andycrWhoops, wrong channel.20:50
coreymon77JasonWard: erm, abd whats the matter with that20:50
jussio1JasonWard: 1. there is autocomplete, use tab. 2. I think you may be after python-dev ?20:51
jussio1JasonWard: also, to search apt for packages, use: apt-cache search keyword>20:52
CSlimeRevelations 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" He who hears, let him say, "Come!" He who is thirsty, let him come. He who desires, let him take the water of my peenis freely.20:52
JasonWardjussio1: thanks.20:53
JasonWardCSlime: some people may take offense to that20:53
marjanwhere can i D/l or make my kopete a "live messanger"20:56
Cannoli~ marjan ~ in the options there should be a skins tab20:57
BluesKajI wonder what kind of thrill these idiot trolls get from such a statement. They prolly feel totally powerless in their lives otherwise.20:57
Cannolicheck that20:57
Cannolito uninstall kubuntu, cna i just erase the paritions then make them back into ntfs?20:57
wadIs there any way to get a list of packages that I've already installed? Meen looking through the dpkg man pages, not finding any way...20:57
nosrednaekimCannoli: better switch back to the windows bootloader20:58
wads/Meem/Been/ #good grief20:58
nosrednaekimwad: yes, one moment20:58
Cannolinosrednaekim sorry what do u mean?20:58
BluesKajCannoli, we're here to help ppl run (k)ubuntu , not delete it.20:59
nosrednaekimwad: dpkg -l (thats a small L)20:59
wadthanks, nosrednaekim!20:59
Cannoliwell then maybe u can help me in another then20:59
nosrednaekimCannoli: ask in #windows20:59
Cannolii have a new hdd and i wanna make that strictly kubuntu, i was going to delete kubuntu off current hdd and reinstall it21:00
Cannoliis there any other way to go abt this?21:00
nosrednaekimdo you have windows on the one hard drive?21:00
nosrednaekimhey kallepersson21:00
kalleperssonI'd like to install KDE 4 on my Ubuntu (note, not Kubuntu) desktop.21:00
jpatricknosrednaekim: ##windows ;)21:00
kalleperssonIs it just to do a "sudo apt-get install kde4" ?21:00
nosrednaekimkallepersson: after adding the repositories, yes21:01
kalleperssonnosrednaekim: where might I find those?21:01
nosrednaekimjpatrick: eh.. #windows redirects there anyway21:01
nosrednaekim!kde4 | kallepersson21:01
Cannoli~ nosrednaekim ~ i have windows on drive 1, kubuntu/windows stuff on drive 2, empty drive 321:01
ubotukallepersson: KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:01
nosrednaekimCannoli: those are drives, or partitions?21:01
nosrednaekimoh.. drive.. ok :)21:01
nosrednaekimCannoli: are there more than one partition on the second drive?21:02
JasonWardjussio1: that autocomplete is extremely dodgey. it barely works. even when I type somthing I am sure of it doesn't always work21:02
Cannolintfs, linux, linux memory (i forgot wht its called) and one more parition also for linux21:02
nosrednaekimCannoli: ok, yes, you can just reformat the linux partition as ntfs, but install Linux on the other drive first so you have a working grub boot loader21:02
nosrednaekimCannoli: swap :)21:03
Cannolihaha yes thts it :)21:03
jussio1JasonWard: it works excellently, try pressing tab several times to show all the possibilities21:03
nosrednaekimdo you have a separate /home?21:03
Cannolione is /home, one is  root (i think thts wht its called) and one is swap21:03
Cannolisrry im still new to kubuntu21:03
nosrednaekimCannoli: why do you want to reinstall?21:04
Cannolii want to reinstall to the new empty hdd21:04
nosrednaekimbut why? for more space?21:05
Cannolii want to make my second hdd fully ntfs so i have more spaec for my windows crap21:05
nosrednaekimah, ok. then install Linux on the thrid drive first, doing multple partitions as before, then copy all the data in your old /home to the new /home, then you can wipe those partitions21:06
jussio1Cannoli: you can use ext3 in windows21:06
myrtille@jussio1 how?21:07
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org21:07
jussio1myrtille: there is a driver see the bot response21:07
flipstarfs-driver still doesnt work good for me ..21:07
jussio1not for the windows partition, but for storage21:07
jussio1flipstar: worked great for me21:08
coreymon77when i wanted a win-lin shared storage partition, i just saved the trouble and made it fat3221:08
kuilanyone konws of an alternative for knetworkmanager?21:08
flipstarjussio1: explorer always crashes when accessing very large directorys (much files)21:08
marjan_dude i dont wanna look like live messanger i wanna act like one21:08
myrtille@jussio1 thx, I've been using something called ext2ifs-0.3 which didn't really do the trick21:09
Cannoli~ nosrednaekim ~ so after reinstall and copy, do i just make the old partitions into ntfs, thus deleteing kubuntu from that drive?21:09
myrtillei'll try the other one  :)21:09
jussio1marjan_: you may want to try kmess21:09
ubuntu&nick kubuntu2521:09
kristjan_how is it possible that "apt-cache search beryl" won't show up anything?21:09
flipstar!beryl | kristjan_21:09
ubotukristjan_: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz21:09
coreymon77kuil: ya, iwconfig, the cli method21:09
BluesKajmyrtille, ext2ifs-0.3 is an app for to access linux from windows , i think21:10
coreymon77kuil: i use a combination of iwconfig, the kwifimanager package, settting some stuff in the Network Settings part of system prefs21:10
BluesKajfor to doh21:10
nosrednaekimCannoli: that is correct21:11
jussio1ubuntu: use /nick newnick21:11
Cannolikk thanks alot for your help21:11
kuilcoreymon77: I'd like something that works in a surrounds that I don't knkow up front (converences for example)21:11
coreymon77Cannoli: wait, are you getting rid of kubuntu?21:11
kuilso something like a client to select the network woujld be nice21:11
kuilbut knetwork manager seems a bit buggy still21:12
Cannoli~ coreymon77 ~ more like moving it21:12
coreymon77Cannoli: phew, you had me worried21:12
jussio1kuil: there is wifi radar, dont know how good it is though21:12
kuiljussio1: I will try.. thanks21:13
jussio1kuil: just before you do, i personally have never tried it, so at your own risk21:14
kuilit always is :)21:14
stefanohow can i control speedstepping with powernowd in kde4? my cpu keeps clocking down automatically21:21
nosrednaekimstefano: install either kpowersave or kde-guidance-powermanager21:22
nosrednaekimthere is no kde4 application to do that ATM21:23
stefanonosrednaekim: i'll try that, thanks21:23
kuilhmm.. jjust tried compiz.. but somehow it really does slowdown my system :(21:24
kuiltyping in a fullscreenwindow appears really slow21:24
nosrednaekimkuil: do you have the graphics drivers required?21:25
=== ksut is now known as apollo2011
kuilnosrednaekim: hmm.. not really sure.. I do have my full resolution as it seems..21:25
=== apollo2011 is now known as ksut
stefanonosrednaekim: thanks a lot, it works very well21:26
ksuthi everyone21:26
nosrednaekimkuil: what graphics card?21:26
nosrednaekimhey ksut21:26
ksutis there anyway to share my cd drive over nfs? I'd like to be able to share my cd drive with my mac, and I have other nfs shares accessible on the mac from my linux box, but I can't seem to find a way to get the cd drive to export21:26
kuilnosrednaekim: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)21:27
nosrednaekimksut: you probably have to share your /media/cdrom21:27
kuilin kcontrol it sais driver i81021:27
kalleperssonnosrednaekim and ubotu : thanks for the help, KDE4 up and running now21:27
nosrednaekimkuil: ah, ok, that is correct I believe, ask if there are any problems with that driver in #compiz-fusion21:28
ksutnosrednaekim: That's what I thought would work...but I get an error when I restart the nfs server "exportfs: Warning: /media/cdrom0 does not support NFS export."21:28
nosrednaekimkallepersson: how do you like it?21:28
kuilnosrednaekim: thanks21:28
nosrednaekimksut: thats wierd!21:28
ksutnosrednaekim: I figured it might not work right when there isn't a disc in the drive and its not mounted, but I have a disc mounted in that directory and it gives that error.21:29
kalleperssonnosrednaekim: it's nice.21:29
dergringoMy battery monitor does not show up in tray anymore. How can I start it again? (hardy beta)21:29
nosrednaekimdergringo: run "guidance-power-manager"21:30
ksutnosrednaekim: I just realized, I think I copied the options from another share that had writable set, which it might not like for the cd directory. I'll try changing it, but it seems like it would give a different error if that was the problem21:30
ksutnosrednaekim: nope, same error...21:31
dergringonosrednaekim: shows me an exception and can't be started. Well this problem exists since I upgraded. Do I have to wait for an update?21:31
nosrednaekimdergringo: pastebin the error, I am somewhat familiar with the code21:31
cqhello, i have a question with 7.10... I have a pcmcia card that needs the poldhu driver, i installed pcmcia-source and linux source, compiled and make isntalled it, but it still doesn#t recognize the card...21:31
cqany ideas?21:31
=== jpatrick changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Beta Out | Hug Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080320/KDE
nosrednaekimjpatrick: what did you change?21:32
jpatricknosrednaekim: bug day link: s/13/2021:33
nosrednaekimuhh.... the 20th is over as well.21:33
nosrednaekimhello MiraiWarren0_021:34
Cannoliyou cnat install ddr2 ram in sdram slot can you?21:34
coreymon77hey there MiraiWarren0_021:34
coreymon77Cannoli: ...21:34
jpatrickcoreymon77: watch out, I might flood you off21:34
flipstarmaybe with a hammer or so21:34
=== jpatrick changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Beta Out: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Beta/Kubuntu
Daisuke_Idoit's going to require a dremel, but SURE you can!21:35
Cannolii have a dremel!21:35
Daisuke_Idohowever, it won't work :)21:36
Cannoliso is it that it wont fit?21:36
nosrednaekimksut: this is all I can find http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56463521:36
Cannolicause i have 1 ddr slot empty21:36
Cannoliand i dont know wht kinda ram i can put into it21:37
nosrednaekimuhh DDR21:37
dergringoCannoli: No, you can't ;)21:37
Cannoliim so bad at this21:37
ArwenDDR sure is a boring game >_>21:37
Cannolii shouldnt even be using linux XD21:37
nick_i can't install sim city societies in cedega plz help :(21:38
Arwenwell, I'm personally of the opinion that anyone can learn Linux21:38
Arwenjust that a lot of people aren't willing21:38
dergringonick_: use wine21:38
Cannoliwell im willing21:38
ghendarwoohoo  loving the Beta... but I have a silly question... is their going to be an online upgreade path from HardyBeta->Hardy?21:38
Cannolium just not taht knowledgeable ...yet21:38
Arwennick_, WINE's about as good as Cedega now21:38
dergringowine is way better21:39
nick_Arwen:  umm wine work for app not for 3d app21:39
dergringoin my oppinion21:39
nosrednaekimnick_: we do not support cedega here21:39
nick_on cedega no one answer :(21:39
dergringonick_: It seems that it does not work with wine either: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=9945&iTestingId=1876621:39
ghendarWhen Hardy is official can a user upgrade directly from the Beta or will it require a reinstall?21:41
jpatrickghendar: upgrade from beta is possible21:41
ghendarjpatrick: yay thanks21:41
ksutnosrednaekim: this looks useful, I'll take a look at it. Thanks21:41
ArwenI always reinstall anyway, but it is indeed possible21:42
Daisuke_Idonick_, BZZT wrong.  wine is better than cedega these days.  try it in wine, then ask21:42
nick_i try it lol21:42
nick_i not see colors in wine21:42
nick_all grey21:42
Arwenanyway, Sim whatever doesn't work in WINE because it requires a DRM driver to check the CD21:42
nosrednaekimnick_: please ask in #winehq, we do not support wine here either21:42
ghendarArwen: I do myself to, but I'd like to install it on my gf's 'puter but then I have to fly back to Boston next week and she'll be on her own ;/21:43
ghendarArwen: her current system isn't liking Gutsy much21:44
Arwenmy system isn't liking Hardy much, go figure :-\21:44
Daisuke_Idoi'm wondering how much i'll like hardy...21:45
flipstarany of you tried gnome 2.22 ? how is it compared with kde3 ?21:45
philipp__Weiß jemand wie man den nervigen bug loswird das die kontrollleiste nicht mehr wieder kommt wenn sie sich mal eingeglappt hat?21:45
jpatrick!de | philipp__21:45
ubotuphilipp__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:45
ghendarI'm just miffed that 3.5.* isn't LTS... I've been dying for a more recent LTS KDE release21:46
jpatrick!khardy | ghendar21:46
ubotughendar: Kubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 4 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported.21:46
philipp__sorry.... i have installed my system a few minute before21:46
flipstarguess you cant compare them anyway..21:46
ghendarjpatrick: like I said... it's not LTS21:46
Arwenflipstar, GNOME 2.22... more bloat, less performance, and still no features21:47
MiraiWarren0_0Is it possible to get the kubuntu-desktop package from windows, and then switch it over to ubuntu for the desktop?21:47
dergringoflipstar: GNOME is much easier to handle.21:47
philipp__does someone know how i can fix the bug that i cant open the taskbar when i have activated hyding21:47
ghendarMiraiWarren0_0: you can access it on the CD21:47
MiraiWarren0_0I have the cd that came with the "Ubuntu Book" and I did not find it.21:48
ghendarMiraiWarren0_0: I meant the Kubuntu CD.. sorry21:48
jpatrickMiraiWarren0_0: kubuntu-desktop will not be enough to install Kubuntu on GNOME21:49
jpatrickMiraiWarren0_0: it needs all the packages it actually depends on21:49
MiraiWarren0_0jpatrick: How would one get those to work together?21:49
ghendarMiraiWarren0_0: you can also do a "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" from the terminal in ubuntu and it will download everything that Kubuntu has21:50
nosrednaekimMiraiWarren0_0: you don't have access to the internet from within ubuntu?21:50
jpatrickMiraiWarren0_0: I suggest doing apt-get install kubuntu-desktop from Ubuntu..21:50
flipstarphilipp__: there should be an button to unhide at the left or right side depends on what you'd choosed21:50
MiraiWarren0_0nosrdnaekim: I use netzero dialup which does not support linux.21:51
ghendarok... I have to get back to building this server... peace out all21:51
jpatrickghendar: good luck21:51
nosrednaekimMiraiWarren0_0: well, downloading kubuntu over dial-up isn't going to be fun...21:53
Daisuke_Idoshipit would be the best idea -_-21:54
Daisuke_Idoand it would still get there in less time than it would take to download it21:54
Arwenshipit = when you get your discs, the next version is out21:54
Angelusany bugs found in kubuntu beta?21:54
jpatrickAngelus: see the /Problems on the beta link in /topic21:55
Angelusok dude :P21:56
flipstarwow only 2 bugs listed there21:56
Angelusyeah the microsoft bug and a kde-4 bug :o21:57
nosrednaekimjpatrick: also, you might ask if there are any major bugs in #ubuntu+121:57
flipstarbug #1 is a major problem21:57
jpatricknosrednaekim: yo21:57
nosrednaekimuhhhh Angelus :)21:57
Angelusanyone tried the wubi thing that the new kubuntu has?21:57
Angelusthe one that installs kubuntu as a normal application in windows and dual boot from the windows boot loader?21:58
flipstaror does it run trough wine ?21:58
ArwenI have about 100MB free on my Windows partition, wouldn't work out fer me21:58
Arwenflipstar, no, it wouldn't :)21:58
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philipp__There is a new version of Ubuntu since 7.10?21:59
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AngelusArwen: 100Mb aint enough , minimum is 4G if im noit mistaken21:59
flipstarnope (no stabel)21:59
Angelusphilipp__: a beta one released today, not stable.22:00
flipstarAngelus: yesterday :P22:00
Angelusi live in the past :p22:00
flipstarphilipp__: ubuntu is released in cyles..every 6 months22:00
philipp__debents where you are22:00
Angelustime : 23:0022:00
philipp__seems like my adept is updating to 7.10.... i thougt that is my actual version22:01
nosrednaekimphilipp__: that might be that bug in adept22:01
Angelusphilipp__:  thats a bug in adept if its a fresh install22:01
Angelusonce you run the updates it will be removed22:01
flipstarthe date on cdimage.ubuntu is 20-Mar-2008 22:4322:02
philipp__to late22:02
Angelusprobably you'll have fun doin a format :p22:02
philipp__i have abroat while he has installed the "changeings" but he was by 0% when i abroate22:03
philipp__do you think i need a reinstall of ubuntu now? :S22:03
flipstarguess this was a bad joke22:04
philipp__seems i need a restart22:04
philipp__by than22:04
stefanowhere can i enable the unified menubar at the top?22:05
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nosrednaekimstefano: in kcontrol->desktop IIRC22:05
flipstarAngelus: was a joke or ?22:05
Angelusflipstar: what was a joke ? :o22:05
nosrednaekimstefano: under behavior22:05
stefanonosrednaekim: i can't find it (it's a localised version)22:06
stefanodesktop, appearance, window properties, notifications (that's what i have under Appearance & Behaviour)22:07
nosrednaekimstefano: kcontrol->desktop->behavior22:08
stefanounder desktop i just have effects, screensaver and app launcher22:09
nosrednaekimstefano: are you in kde4?22:09
stefanooh, i thought i'd mentioned it. yes22:09
nosrednaekimoh..lol, then you can't have the macOS style deskbar22:10
stefanothat's too bad then :>22:10
[ka]killerwhy would one of my drives be flaged with a cvs-conflict?22:11
flipstarstefano: you could still use kooldock..22:11
nosrednaekimstefano: in the future, please ask kde4 questions in #kubuntu-kde4, it avoids such confusions22:11
nosrednaekimflipstar: thats not what he is asking about22:11
maduserare there any free screen recorders for linux?22:12
flipstarmaduser: gtk-recordmydesktop maybe22:13
[ka]killerfirst off22:13
cqI have an eth1 wireless card, how do I get it to connect to a certain wireless network?22:13
nosrednaekimmaduser: screencast22:13
* [ka]killer installs kubuntu-desktop on the other computer22:13
[ka]killeri cant f***ing stand gnome >_<22:14
nosrednaekim[ka]killer: nver seen that error22:14
[ka]killerits a marker on the drive22:14
cqI run knetworkmanager and nothing happens...22:14
[ka]killerfirst off im going to install kde... i really cant stand gnome22:14
jckffyiI have a second hard drive connected to my computer, it is the exact same size as the hd inside my computer, If I run dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb will dd properly copy all my stuff to a new drive? Or do I need to add other options to the end of dd?22:16
nosrednaekimjckffyi: that should do it22:17
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pat5starcq: if you right click on knetworkmanager in your task bar, does it show you wireless networks?22:17
cqpat5star: nope, nothing comes up22:18
sourcemakerit is realy critical to enable the kubuntu backport repository?for example there is a amarok update... 1.4.8... but only in unsupported repo22:18
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pat5starcq: then if you right click, options, is wireless 'enabled' selected?22:19
cqright-click where? no network manager comes up!22:22
jckffyiwill that dd command also backup the MBR?22:22
pat5starcq: u mean knetworkmanager won't even start?22:22
nosrednaekimjckffyi: someone just asked that, I forget though.... I think it does22:22
cqits managing the eth0 connection (LAN)22:22
cqbut can't get it to look at eth122:22
pat5starcq: if you open a term and type ifconfig, what interfaces are up and running?22:23
[ka]killerim going to kill this computer >_<22:23
jpatrick[ka]killer: evening22:25
[ka]killerwhen i try to install the kubuntu-desktop package under ubuntu it asks me to insert the ubuntu 7.04 disk into the cd drive o_o22:25
cqeth0 eth1 eth1:avah (no clue what that is) and lo22:25
[ka]killerwtf is going on22:25
pat5star[ka]killer: cause you have your sources set to check cd22:26
jpatrick!ohmy | [ka]killer22:26
ubotu[ka]killer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:26
sourcemakerit is safe to install ubuntu-backports?22:27
jpatricksourcemaker: sure22:27
cqok, got into knetworkmanager, it's the icon in the tray...22:28
benpiccoHi, when I want to run an older app on a cd, I always get "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", I have libstdc++.so.6.0.9, but linking doesn't work (causes an error when I want to start the app)22:28
sourcemakerjpatrick: great22:28
sourcemakerjpatrick: thanks... I will try this22:28
cqhow can I detect networks?22:28
pat5starcq: what have you done (if anything) to get your wifi card working? are you using ndiswrapper or a driver for it?22:28
cqits an old 3com card, I compiled and installed the poldhu driver for it22:28
benpiccoI have all libstc++ or libc6 stuff intalled avaliable in the repos22:28
* Jucato pokes nixternal... you left a spot...points to the corner22:29
pat5starcq: ok ok, if wireless is enabled under options, do you see any networks listed when you right click knetworkmanager?22:29
* nixternal pokes Jucato in the eye22:29
* Jucato runs22:29
nixternalwould be nice if you could just clear all of the bans at once22:29
[ka]killerbaaaa got it22:30
Jucatokonvi feature request? :)22:30
pat5starcq: you can also type 'iwlist scan' from a term22:30
nixternalirssi feature request22:30
cqnope, just disable wireless or switch to offline mode... shoudl be 4 nets around here22:30
nixternalactually, IRC feature request22:30
[ka]killercant wait to have kde over there.... im so dam tired of gnome22:30
sourcemakerAre there futher cool repos? http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/85018822:30
cqshows 2 networks22:31
nixternalah ah ah, no recommending non Ubuntu repos in here22:31
nixternalthey lead to nothing but headaches22:31
nixternalespecially in 23 days when 8.04 is released22:31
cqincluding mine which has a hidden ssid22:31
pat5starcq: on what interface?22:32
cqeth1, the wireless card22:32
cqeth0 the lan is connected with dhcp22:33
pat5starcq: oh ok, so eth1 is your wireless nic22:33
shulman__I'm currently running edgy and I'd like to go up to the latest version. Should I reinstall or can I upgrade via apt-get?22:33
jpatricknixternal: hahahah22:33
nosrednaekim!language | nixternal22:33
ubotunixternal: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:33
cqshulman: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade?22:33
pat5starcq: are you on another computer22:33
nixternalahhh, nosrednaekim has jokes :p22:34
cqi can unplug the eth0 if needed22:34
sourcemakerwhere is ther repository for kde.3.5.9?22:34
* nosrednaekim has Op XD22:34
shulman__cq: I thought dist-upgrade didn't exist as an option until feisty fawn?22:34
cqnot sure, i know it from debian where it's been around for a long time22:34
pat5starcq: i was going to suggest that, then type dhclient in your term, and in another term, tail -f /var/log/daemon.log22:34
nixternal17:35:00 Irssi: >>> No bans in #kubuntu22:35
nixternalnow don't make us change that :p22:35
jpatricknixternal: we have to +b those..22:35
pat5starcq: you'll be able to watch your logs and see what is happening, let me know if you get any kind of errors22:35
jpatrickerr, wait never mind22:35
cqpat5star: too early, I need to give it the wireless key first before it can get the IP, no?22:35
nixternalthose are some super old bans, plus they are 99% ops bots22:35
pat5starcq: is your wireless encrypted?22:36
shulman__cq: My main concern is that I'm running a software RAID (mirror) on the OS disks, so I am concerned that any upgrade attempt will erase the root disks22:36
pat5starcq: hmmm, the easiest way to do that is through knetworkmanager, but I don't know why it's not displaying your networks22:37
cqafaik no updates should erase any disks, they will only update software.  Backing up is still always a good idea... could be that there are some driver update troubles etc, better to be safe22:37
cqhow can I track that?22:38
shulman__thanks... will do22:38
pat5starcq: can you turn off wep/wpa for a couple of minutes to just see if you can get a wifi connection first, then we go from there22:39
sourcemakerdoes hypernate works for linux?22:39
cqsystem just crashed when I tried the dhclient...22:40
jpatrick /ar nixternal we don't believe in warning shots either22:40
pat5starcq: what did daemon.log say22:40
cqgot an address for eth0, didn't get one for eht122:40
nick_why 8.04 not have kde4 ?22:41
pat5starcq: so your cable still plugged in? unplug it, try dhclient again, and watch logs22:41
cqbut the weird thing is, the router isn't even showing the acess...22:41
jpatricknick_: it does22:41
nick_how i enable it then ?22:41
jpatricknick_: the kde4 cd22:41
nick_yes but its like the kde 322:41
cqhm, what's the key combination to get to the console if X crashes?22:42
cqused to be alt-f1 or something like that22:42
pat5staralt f422:43
pat5staror any f key below 722:43
zhal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 100 .... any one has a solution for that22:43
nosrednaekimcq: ctrl+alt+f122:43
pat5starcq: oops, forgot the ctrl key too22:43
cqjust did a hard reset, nothing doing.22:44
cqbooting up without a net cable22:44
cqI need to select which wireless net it should connect to before it can do anything with DHCP22:44
pat5starcq: after you reboot, does knetworkmanager list your wifi network now?22:46
d3jakeThis is going to be a stupid question, but my moniter is set to a resolution that I know it can handle, however now, to get to the rest of ym desktop, I have to move my mouse into a corner and make the whole thing "scroll" to get to the non-shown parts. Any clue what's up?22:46
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cqok now I have something where I can see the eth0 and eth1 interfaces, specify the SSID and the key (in Hex)22:49
pat5starcq: ok good, should work for you now after you enter that info22:50
jussio1d3jake: iirc, remove/comment the virtual part in your xorg.comf22:51
cqit wants the WEP key, I'm using a WPA key...22:51
jussio1!wpa | cq22:51
ubotucq: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:51
cqthanks, was jsut googling for that22:52
jussio1cq: :)22:52
d3jakeAh, thanks jussio122:53
d3jakewhat dir is that in again..?22:53
jussio1d3jake /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:54
d3jakecomment out is #, right?22:54
jussio1d3jake: yes22:54
d3jakeah, good22:54
jussio1you can also add a preffered mode, but I dont remember the syntax, so ask mr google that one ;)22:55
d3jakeI just want it not this way, I can worry about fancy stuff later22:55
jussio1d3jake: yeah, but Im just getting ahead if Im wrong ;)22:56
alex__did anyone else's network manager become useless after the update?22:57
jussio1alex__: gutsy or hardy?22:58
jussio1alex__: hardy in #ubuntu+122:58
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cqOUCH.  I just tried to install kwlan, it removed libc6, everything crashed, now on booting into recovery mode I get a HD error "attempt to access beyond end ov device" ...23:03
sudobashdo you get a prompt at all?23:03
cqnope, at some point I get ext3-fs errors23:04
sudobashhave you tried booting a different kernel?23:04
cqi only have the one kerne23:04
cqthis happens when trying to mount the filesystem23:05
sudobashone second23:05
cqif I boot from CD, how can I 'fix' the system on the HD?23:05
cqI can't scroll back or I could give you the exact point23:05
[ka]killerwell apparently restarting fixed the hdd permissions o_o23:06
[ka]killerstill installing kde on the dam thing23:06
sudobashcq you need to do a fsck23:06
d3jakejussio1 Will it say exactly "virtual" somewhere?23:07
cqI need to do this tomorrow, to tired now to mess with this... thanks for all the help though.23:07
sudobashsudo touch /forcefsck23:07
jussio1d3jake: yes...23:07
sudobashwait one second23:07
d3jakesorry, I was afk for a few minutes23:07
cqboot off the CD; and touch that on the HD fs?23:07
sudobashboot live cd... mount partition... and then: sudo touch /forcefsck23:07
jussio1d3jake: Im off to bed.23:08
d3jakeI'll figger it out23:08
d3jakeI hiope23:08
sudobashthat will force fsck on reboot23:08
sudobashbut you will want to run fsck while in ubuntu live cd23:08
sudobashbut you will unmount before you run fsck23:09
sudobashthat is critical23:09
[ka]killerhumm... forgot kubuntu-desktop didnt install kde Dx23:09
sudobashdid you get that cq?23:10
cqshouldn't journaling prevent this sort of thing?23:10
d3jakeyay! it worked23:10
sudobashwhat kind of pc is it?23:10
cqyes, trying it now, booting CD into safe graphics mode23:10
cqold fujitsu siemens AMD processor23:11
sudobashit will have to be a live cd23:11
sudobashbecause you have to unmount your partition23:11
cqyes, off the live cd23:11
sudobashto run fsck23:11
sudobashor it might screw your disk up if you run fsck while drive is mounted23:11
nick_how i change language in kde 423:13
cqok, thanks for the help... I'll work on this tomorow.23:13
cqI copied your info sudobash23:13
[ka]killerask in #kubuntu-kde423:13
sudobashHappy Easter :)23:13
sudobashsorry about the crash23:14
cqcan you have a look at what adept does on 7.10 when you try to install kwlan? It removed networkmanager and knetworkmanager and libc6 I think...23:14
cqthat shouldnt be allowed to happen (at least libc6)23:14
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cqno problem, happens when playing with old drivers23:14
NickPrestaWhat is the name of the KDE application which allows me to easily rip CDs?23:16
cqNick: google that sentence and you land at KIO and amarok23:17
NickPrestacq, I'm not looking for Amarok. It is something more specific. Perhaps kaudiocreator23:18
NickPrestaI'm going to give kaudiocreator a try. I'll then try cd-paranoia. Thanks.23:19
cqgrip or sound juicer could work too23:19
joh6nnas near as i can figure out, when i try to run a command from alt+f2, KDE is ignoring my $PATH.  anyone know why that might be?23:24
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Arwenwtf is it with people referring to KDE and GNOME as window managers...23:27
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joh6nnArwen: both KDE and Gnome, to my understanding, make use of customized window managers on top of X23:31
joh6nnin KDE it's called KWin.  don't know what it is off the top of my head in gnome23:31
Arwenthey do, but they are not in of themselves window managers23:31
stabbymctwistgnome's is metacity, isn't it?23:32
gttis there a keyboard shutcut for maximize the window I'm missing?23:32
gttin KDE 3.523:32
joh6nnwell, if we're gonna get that technical, linux isn't an OS, either.23:32
joh6nnbut that's a level of pedantry that's usually frowned upon23:32
Arwenno, it isn't23:32
ArwenUbuntu is an operating system. Linux is not.23:33
joh6nnlet me amend, then:23:33
joh6nnStop being so pedantic. period.23:33
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:33
Arwenno thanks23:34
Arwenusing words the right way is never a bad thing23:34
joh6nni didn't suggest that it was23:34
Arwenyou accused me of being pedantic for doing so23:35
joh6nnno, i accused you of being pedantic for throwing a fit over other people being wrong, not for you being right.23:36
NDPTAL85The reason why pedantry is frowned upon is that it is a never ending pit of darkness. Nothing productive is said while one person is arguing with another over how correct they are in the proper usage of a phrase or term.23:38
stabbymctwisthmm, seems familiar23:38
joh6nnNDPTAL85: also, it makes you sound like a jerk23:39
joh6nnanyway, anyone know why the alt+f2 dialog would (seemingly) ignore my $PATH ?23:42
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ramzayГде я ?23:44
ramzayWhere i am ?23:45
savetheWorldwest of the FSU23:46
ramzay= )23:46
* pat5star wonders what pedantic means23:48
* pat5star wonders if he is pedantic23:48
ramzayCan i use Photoshop CS on Linux without WINE?23:49
joh6nnpat5star: pedantic means you nitpick over details that don't make very much difference23:49
cpk1_I think you could buy crossover or cedega instead of using wine23:49
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joh6nnramzay: no, there's no native version of Photoshop for Linux23:49
joh6nncpk1: both cedega and crossover are forks of wine, i think.23:50
joh6nni know crossover is23:50
Daisuke_Idoboth are23:50
pat5starjoh6nn: lol, thx...I looked up the definition and got this: ostentatious of learning23:50
* pat5star wonders what ostentatious means23:50
Daisuke_Idoand you will need Wine, google's been throwing money at it left and right in order to improve compatibility with photoshop23:50
Daisuke_Idoso it's getting a LOT better with every release23:50
flipstargoogle ?23:51
flipstargoogle invests in wine ?23:51
joh6nnflipstar: google's taking potshots at microsoft, so wine is a great investment for them23:51
Daisuke_Idoi'm thinking perfect by .9.6123:51
flipstarmake sense23:51
joh6nngoogle is actually thinking about giving Yahoo money just to keep microsoft from buying them23:52
BluesKajpat5star, ostentatious=showoff23:52
Daisuke_Idoerr...  stupid enter key.  google's the only one big enough to take potshots at MS without fear of suddenly no longer existing.23:52
nick_how to put the icone bar in the right side23:52
pat5starBluesKaj: thx. I gave up looking up definitions. definition for ostentatious I got was: Fond of, or evincing, ostentation; unduly conspicuous;   pretentious; boastful23:53
* pat5star needs a simple mans dictionary23:53
* BluesKaj likes " showoff " better :)23:54
pat5starBluesKaj: I would have understood that right away :)23:55
[ka]killerbah install faster KDE D=23:55
pat5starWhy would google be affected or care if ms bought yahoo?23:55
ramzayOk could you tell me what program of reading iso files is better ?23:55
pat5starcompetition for the ad revunue market I suppose?23:55
[ka]killersome how it would effect their business23:55
[ka]killero i found out something intresting the other day23:56
[ka]killersudo rm -rf / works on macs as well as linux boxes23:56
pat5star[ka]killer: I'll try that right now, brb23:57
ramzayrm -rf/ What is it ?23:57
[ka]killerwe were bored (got 6 new imacs in school for a maclab) and we found the terminal =P23:57
stabbymctwistnw there's proper use of school machines23:57
[ka]killermy class (honors comp programing) is setting the network up and everything23:57
pat5starI like running chown -R root:root / myself23:58
joh6nnpat5star: google cares because Yahoo is google's only real competition in the world of search.  MS's Live search is crap.  so if MS buys Yahoo, then google's main competitor overall (MS) suddenly has a new useful weapon (Yahoo search)23:58
Daisuke_Ido!danger | ramzay23:58
uboturamzay: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!23:58
[ka]killerwe got bored again... and started playing with vnc23:58
[ka]killerand seeing who could take control of the most computers in the lab23:58
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ramzayto ubotu: don't worry i am not stupid23:59
stabbymctwistsin't ubotu a bot?23:59
[ka]killernow i dont know if you done this, but whne more then one person remotes into a mac, apparently one person does not get control of the mouse, and it fights between the 2 or more people for who controls the mouse23:59

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