
oxigendang, my bronken en: :)00:00
oxigenwhy java need so many symlinks anyway!? :/00:01
oxigenoh, yea and there is also blackdown java!00:02
Flanneloxigen: Because java is a behemoth00:04
oxigenwell,  file libjavaplugin_oji.so libjavaplugin_oji.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped00:04
Dr_willis_its amazing how complex java can be.00:04
oxigenis 32bit obviously00:04
oxigenbut where is 64 bit then!?00:04
Muellican anyone explain update-initramfs to me? I have a script called local-top/cryptroot and it contains calls to "udevadm". In all my current initrds, I have calls to "udevsettle". So I run "sudo update-initramfs -u" in order to update my initrds, e.g. updating that cryptroot script to not call udevsettle anymore. But it doesn't work: If I unpack the newly created initrd, calls to udevsettle are the00:05
RAOFoxigen: 64bit Java browser plugin?  There isn't one.00:05
RAOFoxigen: Well, not an official one.00:05
oxigenblackdown, huh?00:06
RAOFAnd, I think, icedtea (which should work better)00:06
ogreis java fixed?00:06
RAOFogre: Is java broken?00:06
ogreRAOF:  i had issues with it00:07
oxigenicedtea is some new thing?00:07
setuidAnyone seeing this? http://rafb.net/p/t1MnRf27.html00:07
oxigenoh, java --version gives me error, that's new here i think!00:08
oxigenError: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. :/00:08
flipstartry java -version00:09
twosouls82why doesn't /dev/disk/by-uuid exist when I boot into recovery mode?00:09
jer132I was under the impression that Sun Java was going to be broken (for some people) in Hardy final due to issues that sun aren't going to fix until Java 7.00:10
savvasbeta source on cdimage?00:11
martalliwow, a broken java would be a really big deal, especially for an lts release00:11
flipstarsavvas: also images00:11
martalliI doubt that's the case for the final release00:11
martallikubuntu is only on dvd images currently00:11
setuidhrmph, this is weird00:11
oxigenerr, that was my syntax..00:12
oxigeni have IcedTea 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.7.0-b24, mixed mode)00:12
savvasflipstar: the only thing i see is the source iso, is that it?00:12
bazhangkubuntu beta is on cd00:12
flipstarsavvas: oh, right but they say releasing is in progress00:12
setuidapt-file is broken (again), as is libapt-pkg-perl00:13
savvasah oki doki00:13
flipstari just looked for the kde version00:13
savvasalso the countdown in the wiki release info isn't working: https://www-admin.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown00:14
flipstaron http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ are more images00:14
savvassweet :)00:15
martallithe kde-4 version has cd images, but the kde-3 has only dvd images00:15
martalliWell, why looka gift horse in the mouth?  I have a dvd drive00:15
martalliI'll bet there will be cd images before my dvd is downloading =)00:16
jer132I'm confused by this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73034300:16
flipstarmartalli: see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Beta/Kubuntu00:16
jer132Is the beta out or not?00:16
martalliwell, you are right...I was looking at: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hardy/beta/00:16
martallithx, flipstar00:17
flipstarhm wired i didnt get an announce mail yet00:18
jer132That's what I was wondering.00:18
jer132Are we downloading the wrong version?00:18
Jaymacthere was nothing there until an hour or two ago; if it's up, it's the beat00:18
jer132Then why does the forum admin say otherwise: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73034300:19
flipstarmaybe there still syncing or so00:19
Jaymache doesn't want people breaking the servers00:19
Jaymaclike happened with the release of gutsy00:19
jer132well it's not a final.  So I wouldn't be that worried00:20
andre3I just tried today's daily DVD ISO, and the keyboard doesn't work at the boot screen. So I can't boot neither in live mode nor the installation.00:20
andre3Anyone else seen that?00:20
savage_machinehi. i just upgrade to hardy and i have this error when running gnome-setings-daemon : The error was 'BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)'.00:20
flipstarandre3: yes..with a ms keyboard on some distros..00:20
andre3flipstar: This is a Logitech keyboard. Gutsy works fine.00:21
oxigeni have ln -s /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so which is also 32bit, but still no luck, what's wrong with it?00:21
b47619beta has been released!00:23
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:23
b47619The Beta haas been Released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!100:23
flipstarcool down its still not official00:23
oxigenaxisys_ & RAOF: do you use 64 bit release?00:23
oxigenRAOF: and you have working ff java plugin?00:24
b47619still something!00:24
RAOFI don't know.  Websites seem to work, but I don't know if any of them use Java :)00:24
savvasb47619: thanks, we know :)00:25
Jaymacthere's an announcement on the planet: http://planet.ubuntu.com/00:25
oxigenRAOF: can you see this chessboard? http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=141588600:25
b47619i can't00:26
setuidJaymac, I hope you don't mean a beta of Hardy went out00:26
setuidit's terribly broken right now, because their version of perl was compiled wrong00:27
Jaymacsetuid, i'm just watching the fun from the sidelines :)00:27
Jaymacthe beta is up, but not officially released00:27
setuidOh, it'll get colorful shortly... like the glibc breakage a few days ago00:27
Jaymaci'll upgrade next week I think00:27
Jaymacjust running it in a vm at the moment00:28
setuidtry running apt-file00:28
setuidThe version of perl build here was built threaded... BAD move on 64-bit arch00:28
setuidSo everything breaks... gzip, compress, scalars, everything00:28
Jaymacyou've just upgraded recently?00:29
Jaymacto the new perl00:29
jer132*puts Hardy back in the oven*00:29
setuidA few hours ago00:29
setuidit was a new install00:29
jer132has the issue been flagged?00:30
setuidNo idea00:30
b47619Hardy isn't done yet...00:30
b47619juet beta100:30
oxigenhuh, that perl thing sound scary00:30
b47619it is just a programming language00:31
jer132there's only one beta.00:31
Jaymacb47619, if the perl libraries are broken00:31
setuidb47619, Sure, and the same one used to run about 80% of the udev, init scripts and other things on the system00:31
setuidperl -MScalar::Util -MData::Dumper -e 'print Dumper(\%INC)'00:31
setuidRun that, and tell me the path where Scalar/Util.pm is seen00:32
setuidOk, fixed...00:32
setuidThe version of Scalar::Util shipped with 64-bit Hardy, was built with a 32-bit threaded perl00:33
Jaymacbut then again, i'm on gutsy and it's working fine :)00:33
setuidAnd it was in /usr/local/lib/perl5/.../Util.pm00:33
setuidI blew it away, and the one in /usr/lib/perl5/ was also failing00:33
setuidso I force-installed the latest via CPAN, and now it works00:33
flipstarwhen i tested the 18.03 build it was okay ..00:33
setuidperl -MCPAN -e 'force install "Scalar::Util"'00:33
ethana2my mom is making me pillow cases00:37
ethana2one's going to have Tux embroidered on it00:37
agrokerafter playing with compiz, gtk widgets under gnome dissappeared - how to get them back?00:37
ethana2the other, the ubuntu logo00:38
oxigenagroker: did you try to disable compiz and enable it again?00:39
agrokeroxigen, I purged it, it did nto help00:39
jer132Is the Ubuntu Logo copyright protected?  :)00:40
oxigenoh, purge?!00:40
agrokeroxigen, yes, purged00:40
EdwardXp3what the hell00:41
EdwardXp3why would it matter00:41
* agroker puzzled00:41
oxigenagroker: why? system > preferences > appearance00:41
oxigenis better way probably00:41
ccooke... No updates to hardy? since some time yesterday? gosh.00:42
agrokeroxigen, where exactly under appearance - no option would bring the widgets back00:42
oxigenyou purged .. :)00:43
agrokerI'll bring it back in a moment...00:43
agrokeroxigen, playing with visual effects helped, thanks00:44
oxigensome 64 bit java guru around? :)00:46
oxigenat least my 64 bit blender work!00:49
oxigenbut not smooth with compiz :(00:49
* oxigen hopes that will be blender & compiz issue fixed soon00:51
* oxigen likes both00:51
agrokerwhat does compiz really bring? I mean, who needs it for everyday work?00:53
RAOFagroker: Faster UI, useful window management.00:53
benplautwait, hold on a sec... the beta is out?!00:53
benplautwaste of a disk, i just burned a6 ten minutes ago...00:53
agrokerbenplaut, ;-)00:54
agrokerRAOF, ok, I'll bring it back and give it another try00:54
benplautwell... that makes me much more comfortable using a pre-release00:54
RAOFbenplaut: Just upgrade your A6 install.  It's (very nearly) exactly the same thing.00:55
brian__Hmm I only see the source on the cdimages site must be a while longer yet for the binaries..00:55
benplautRAOF, luckily, i didn't install yet... just burned00:56
flipstarbenplaut: thats why i use cd+rw's :)00:57
benplautbut then you won't be able to go back in twenty years and say "Oh, the 8.04 alpha!  I remember when they screwed up........"00:58
ethana2benplaut: i may just remember libc6 when i'm 3000:59
flipstarthats why we have the internet :P00:59
ethana2yeah, pretty much00:59
ethana2a lesson on the meaning of 'alpha'00:59
ethana2...so 'cause its beta now, that won't happen again, right?01:00
flipstarthis happens from time to time also to an final01:00
setuidDid someone figure out the key repeat bug?01:05
setuidOr is that still outstanding?01:05
setuidHrm, gnome-appearance-properties is also broken on 64-bit. Can't change wallpapers or themes.01:06
ethana2thank goodness for potrace01:13
ethana2...ok, got the ubuntu icon ready for my mom to embroider, color wise, 6 scans01:13
leftyfbfucking comcast01:14
leftyfbhardy beta probably had hundreds of people downloading/seeding ... yet i'm only connected to 40 at 30k/s01:14
ethana2they'll get theirs, lefty01:14
ethana2..and by the way01:15
leftyfbno they won't01:15
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:15
ethana2they will, we'll make sure of it01:15
flipstarim speading kde via p2p ..01:15
ethana2if they're available in your area, switch01:15
leftyfbeven if the FCC wins their legal case, the FCC has no legal authority to force comcast to make any changes to their network01:15
skwashdwhere can i get a hardy iso from atm?01:23
skwashdalpha6 has gone from cdimage ... and the beta isn't there yet01:23
cmorgankde4 doesn't appear to be performing any of the desktop effects. running nvidia proprietary driver and latest hardy, how can i debug further?01:24
flipstarskwashd: just wait a second or use http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/01:24
skwashdflipstar: thanks ... would have been nice to delete the old versions _after_ uploading the new01:25
flipstarskwashd: the mirrors are syncing now i guess01:26
skwashdthis was cdimage.ubuntu.com ... anyway ... i have what i need now ... thanks for the info01:27
eklofOh, beta is out ?01:27
eklofAnyone using Landscape btw ?01:29
flipstarokay..beta is now official released (still 14 minutes ago) :)01:35
Martinp23Something strange just happened to me while browsing through g-s-m.  An (porn) image flashed up for a fraction of a second, taking up the whole right side of the screen as far as I could see.01:37
setuidAnyone know if there is a fix for the key repeat bug?01:37
setuidTurning off key repeat in GNOME doesn't help01:37
benplautMartinp23, contextual advertising01:37
benplautthat's what was on your mind01:37
RAOFsetuid: Yes: downgrade to xserver-xorg-core 2:1.4-301:38
setuidThis seems to help also:01:38
setuidxset r rate 1000 5001:38
Martinp23benplaut: hah01:38
Martinp23benplaut: No it's just strange.  I wondered if I'd imagined it, but part of the gnome-panel is still "cut through" by it.01:39
benplautuh... spyware?01:39
setuidRAOF, Where can I pick up that older package?01:40
RAOFsetuid: Um, somewhere.  You may be able to find it on launchpad.01:40
Martinp23Mmm maybe - there was a dodgy "explorer.exe" process running, location "c:/[.....]", which seemed *very* strange.01:40
agrokerMartinp23, you must be enlightened enough to distinguish porno image from erotic one in a fraction of a second :-)01:40
flipstarMartinp23: this is probably wine01:40
Martinp23Although I wonder if that's actually part of wine01:40
Martinp23agroker: :p01:41
agrokerMartinp23, I guess Ralph Yarro would be happy to built you in into his CP80 matrix :-))01:41
Martinp23agroker: Haha it wasn't that bad. :D01:42
Martinp23s/it wasn't/I'm not/01:42
setuidRAOF, I can't seem to find it in the repo01:43
RAOFsetuid: You may wish to ask DanaG; they found the old package.  I'm simply git-bisecting Xorg now.01:44
setuidThatt's what I'm about to do01:44
Martinp23Though this image flashing looked like something like xteddy (ie didn't have a window border around it - that I saw)... strange.01:45
* Martinp23 will wait to see if anyone else experiences it, as a bug report would probably be ridiculed :p01:45
slavi1why does tracker get paused by system?01:48
setuidRAOF, http://altruistic.lbl.gov/mirrors/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xserver-xorg-core_1.4-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb01:48
setuidWill that work on x86_64?01:48
agrokerMartinp23, what's g-s-m anyway?01:48
jscinozi hate regressions >_<01:49
Martinp23gnome-system-monitor , agroker01:49
jscinozdid anyone else notice in the most recent alsa update, the option with the snd-hda-intel driver "use microphone as output" went away?01:49
jscinozi need that option but its gone now :(01:49
agrokerMartinp23, whatever you are smoking I want the same!01:50
sleepsterwould anyone know how to get ubuntu VNC server to see both monitors01:50
sleepsterI am connecting to my machine through VNC and it only reads one01:50
Martinp23agroker: lol :D01:50
Martinp23agroker: It did happen... it's just slightly unbelieveable :(01:50
Dr_willis__sleepster,  what vncserver are you using?  vnc is a ratehr complex thing. You mean you are using the gnome-vnc stuff to share the existing desktop?  thats not quite the same as running a vncserver.01:50
sleepsteroh :) well I am running the vnc server thing provided with ubuntu :)01:51
agrokerMartinp23, if you can't recreate it resist from submitting a bug report for a while01:51
sleepsterdr_willis meaning, I went to the remote_desktop configuration and enbalbed it01:51
agrokerMartinp23, may be an Easter egg, who knows01:51
Dr_willis__sleepster,  its possible your vnc client needs to  have some scroll bars/settings to scale. I always go the Other way. :) i have the vnc session of the remote box on the 2nd monitor.01:51
Martinp23agroker: Yeah I will.  I've no idea what process caused it so a bug report would offer no value anyway.01:51
Martinp23haha how appropriate01:52
m1ri have little problem , i downloaded beta1 and i dont have emty cd's at hand , only dvd's , can i install iso on dvd normaly ?01:53
Dr_willis__i have never been able to  burn a cd iso to a dvd disk.01:53
Dr_willis__at least not and have them WORK. :)01:53
SaraphimIs it possible to upgrade to Hardy without using a cd/dvd?01:54
leftyfbit works just fine01:54
* agroker wonders if that would work with LAser Disk?01:54
flipstarSaraphim: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades01:54
leftyfbSaraphim: gksudo update-manager -d01:54
leftyfbremove all non-official repositories first01:54
flipstarno need for gksudo01:54
flipstarno need for that either01:54
leftyfband preferably uninstall non-standard packages as well01:54
leftyfbit certainly helps01:55
flipstarupdate-manager will do this on its own01:55
leftyfblets it go much smoother01:55
setuidRAOF, Reading the bugreports on this, it seems a kernel update fixed it, then broke it again for hundreds of people01:55
SaraphimThank you kindly :)01:55
ViOhello fellow ubuntu'ers01:58
SaraphimOkay, that update -d bit is reaaally smooth01:58
ViOthe question was.. "hi guys, how do i fix my cpu speedstep in oh-holy-ubuntu 8.04 ?"01:59
LeerokLacertaWhat is update -d?01:59
Saraphimsorry, update-manager -d01:59
SaraphimWas expecting to sift through my sources.list forever01:59
leftyfbman update-manager01:59
leftyfbLeerokLacerta: man update-manager01:59
DanaGRAOF: any news on the bisecting?  I hadn't heard anything about it.01:59
LeerokLacertaIt appears that I do not have update-manager installed.02:00
ViOsry to intrude.. just buzz me when some1 has the answer.. or knows where to find it.. it's draining my laptop battery quickly02:00
leftyfbof course you do02:01
LeerokLacertaNo man entry.02:01
LeerokLacertaleerok@MagnaLacerta:~$ man update-manager02:01
LeerokLacertaNo manual entry for update-manager02:01
leftyfbwhat OS are you running?02:01
LeerokLacertaKubuntu 7.04, specifically.02:02
leftyfbwhat version?02:02
RAOFDanaG: I'm doing it now.  But git is composed _entirely_ of rough edges, and the X server doesn't exactly build in moments.02:02
leftyfbthere's the issue02:02
LeerokLacerta7.10, actually.02:02
leftyfbI don't know the update manager in kubuntu02:02
LeerokLacertaI had installed it from a CD at 6.10 and upgraded.02:02
flipstarupdate-manager is also in kde02:02
LeerokLacertaI just use apt-get.02:03
LeerokLacertaEasiest thing ever.02:03
flipstarupdate-manager gives you a nicer overview :)02:03
SaraphimTaste and preference. :-)02:03
LeerokLacertaI love not needing to go to a website to manually download, then run a programme to install everything.02:03
flipstarsays what changed and stuff02:03
DanaGHow long does it usually take, anyway?  I've never built Xorg myself.02:04
SaraphimLeerokLacerta: update-manager does that too02:04
LeerokLacertaI don't care what changed and stuff, I just want to install.02:04
DanaGJust one build, I mean.02:04
RAOFDanaG: A couple of minutes, give or take02:04
LeerokLacertaI'm sure update-manager does, but I've used apt-get for years.02:04
SaraphimLeerokLacerta: The thing is, you need new repositories and things, apt-get does not handle that for you afaik.02:04
LeerokLacertaI was once on Knoppix, before I found Ubuntu.02:04
LeerokLacertaNope, but I can handle that.02:05
ViO<-- having HUGE issues with his battery coz of the speedstep..02:05
LeerokLacertaBesides, I use apt-proxy so I need to do it manually anyway.02:05
ViObuzz me.. i'm impatient..02:05
flipstarViO: sudo /etc/init.d/laptop-mode start .. ?02:06
=== Shadow_mil2 is now known as Shadow_mil
hackeron_is there anyway to record from line-in and use skype or any other voip at the same time? - It seems I have to select my source to be either the microphone or line-in - is there no way to do both?02:06
Flannelhackeron_: It's rude to cross post02:06
ViOflipstar: might be the magic words..02:06
hackeron_Flannel: why, it broadens the audience02:06
Dr_willis__hackeron_,  you want to record your skype session?02:06
flipstarViO: probably wont change anything to the cpu02:07
hackeron_Dr_willis__: no, I want to record from line-in and I don't want it to interfere with my skype session02:07
setuidThere's a tool to do that02:07
ViOflipstar: oh? got a c2d 2.2ghz02:07
ViOcould use the cpu-cool-down mode02:07
ViOit did something though02:08
ViOthe usage went down to 15w from almost 1902:08
DanaGpowertop is cool.02:08
ViOgot a led screen & other nifty stuff on my santarosa platform here..02:08
ViOcould use the "save some power" mode =)02:09
ViOdo i have to go laptop-mode on every restart?02:09
hackeronDr_willis__: sorry got disconnected02:09
flipstaryou could just enable it in services02:09
flipstarViO: ↑02:09
ViOflipstar: i'm just a ubuntu noob..02:10
ViOlinux in general..02:10
ViOyet the alpha is very stable..02:10
ViOfor me02:10
flipstarjust search for services or so in menu..i dont run gnome..02:10
nikrudany pointers, gotchas anyone has seen in the beta install yet?02:10
Martinp23agroker: I suspect it could be in some way related to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311783 , just by the fact it could easily have been something in a banner popup or whatever.  At least now I'm able to feel for myself that I'm not totally insane :p02:10
ViOreally starting to like services..02:11
ViOi mean the search BAR02:11
Martinp23Looks fairly rare whatever it is, and I doubt it's reproducable02:11
ViOflipstar: seems like i don't have the su enabled to modify things there.. like non su mode (everything is gray'ed)02:12
agrokerMartinp23, it seems this bug really discloses your recent browsing history :-)))02:13
Martinp23agroker: lies.  :p02:13
asdrubalWhy did ubuntu get rid of the bug report for cx88-alsa?02:13
asdrubalthere is no cx88-alsa module anymore02:13
asdrubalcx88-alsa.ko was removed from the kernel02:13
asdrubalI don't understand why02:13
Martinp23agroker: I didn't recognise the image.... so I suppose it probably came form sometihng I ignore, like an ad.  Ahh well02:14
agrokerMartinp23, you make it worse, realize? ;-))02:14
agrokerasdrubal, I think ALSA has been replased with pulse-audio02:15
RAOFNo matter how many people say that, it's _still_ not the case ):02:16
asdrubaluhm.. pulse audio is a layer on top of alsa02:16
nikrudyummy, no more alsa ;)02:16
agrokerRAOF, what ppl and what not the case?02:16
DanaGWhy is PulseAudio installed by default, if none of the GUI tools are installed?02:16
asdrubalI want to know if ubuntu plans on dropping support for a linux kernel module I use every day?02:16
jimmygoonthe "beta" didn't include many update02:16
RAOFDanaG: Because it's still a better ESD than ESD, so you can have system sounds?02:16
jimmygoonthats a crazy bug02:17
DanaGThey should also add the libasound2-plugins and asoundconf set-pulseaudio, then.02:17
nikrudjimmygoon: thats actually a good thing, probably means all that's left is polishing with only a few serious bugs02:17
asdrubalI don't like the way ubuntu is forking the linux kernel02:17
asdrubalit is causing way too many problems02:17
SaraphimSay what now?02:17
jimmygoonnikrud, absolutely. a few of my major show stopper problems ( that have really been problems since feisty) have been resolved. tomorrow I hope to test a couple of other things and test dist-upgrade on a friend's pc to see how "seemless" it is02:18
jimmygoonforking the kernel?02:18
DanaGMore like 'remixing' than 'forking'02:18
asdrubalalsa is completely hosed02:18
nikrudjimmygoon: been checking the release page practically every hour today, finally the beta is out. I'm ready to try this one02:19
jimmygoonnikrud, I ran alpha 6 and it was fine I just had to use a workaround that I had been using (and a lot of 855gm users were apparently) and actually now that I think about it... I've still got a few hackish bits in my xorg.conf that I had to add manually. I'll have to see what happens if I remove those. but alas, I need a stable system tonight. need to do some drupal prototypign02:20
nikrudjimmygoon: same reason I stuck with gutsy. I am so done with running unstable software these days. Let you whippersnappers deal with it :)02:21
nikruddownload will be done by the time I head home. excellent02:22
SaraphimGutsy never was stable for me on my Mac Mini.02:22
SaraphimGraphics driver is funky.02:22
nikrudgutsy was fine for me, best since breezy.02:23
jimmygoonSaraphim, what card?02:23
SaraphimIntel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS02:23
jimmygoonfeisty was better than gutsy for a few bugs that plagued me but feature wise was worth it02:23
ViOok.. more speedstep info (for my laptop w/drainig battery issues due to my cpu) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60367/02:23
jimmygoonSaraphim, thats the brother of my damned card... is it doing better in hardy as of the last couple days02:23
Saraphimjimmygoon: I'll let you know in 30. :-)02:24
SaraphimThough i don't have high hopes, I tried manually getting the newest driver and it was still funky.02:24
SaraphimConsole  + framebuffer is stricly verboten.02:24
SaraphimAnd don't even think about changing resolution. *grins*02:25
nikrudprobably still the same with my ati,but oh well.02:25
ViOsome1 give me a pointer ;)02:25
nikruddon't know a thing about centrinos, I use amd02:25
andre3Is there a solution for the problem of Firefox not remembering it's window position next time it's launched?02:26
andre3It always appears in the upper left corner02:27
andre3I can see that the localstore.def file is correctly set if I move it to the new location and close firefox, but that file is rewritten with the window's X parameter set to 0 next time I start firefox.02:27
SaraphimI don't have that issue on firefox 3, but maybe it's a hardy + ff3 issue02:27
andre3Saraphim: Are you sure? Drag the window to the upper right corner. Then restart firefox.02:28
agrokermy bad, pulse-audio is replacement for ESD, not ALSA02:28
Saraphimandre3: I can't test right now, my current window manager does not allow floating windows.02:28
nikrudSaraphim: dwm?02:29
SaraphimOnce I'm done updating I'll give it a go.02:29
LeerokLacertaWhat is a "floating" window?02:29
Saraphimnikrud: Yessit02:29
nikrudgeek ;-P02:29
SaraphimTerminally. ;)02:29
DanaGargh, my pager is broken.02:30
nikrudLeerokLacerta: a window you can move around with the mouse on the screen02:30
DanaGSomehow I have 4 sides to my cube AND 4 desktops.02:30
nikrudLeerokLacerta: overlapping is another term02:30
DanaGYet, compiz is set to only ONE desktop.02:31
flipstarwow you have 4 cubes then ?02:31
flipstarthats pretty impressive02:31
SaraphimFigures that someone wouldn't be satisfied with a cubic, bouncy, rotating desktop and end up multiplying them.02:31
SaraphimSoon there will be extradimensional desktops.02:32
nikrudI'm looking forward to trying a 3x4 matrix, compiz was unusable on xgl and early aiglx ati. Got lazy about upgrading.02:32
DanaGI don't find it impressive; I find it broken.02:32
SaraphimDanaG: Sorry, I was kidding. :p02:32
DanaGIt means that my taskbar shows all 4 sides even though it's set to show only 1.02:32
DanaGHow do I fix it?02:32
nikrudask me tomorrow, testing that will be high on my list02:33
flipstarmaybe impressive broken02:33
SaraphimI wish apt-get would parallelize a bit.02:38
setuidSaraphim, it does02:38
Saraphimreally? Seems it goes package by package.02:38
Dr_willis__Saraphim,  so it hammers the hd even more! :)02:38
SaraphimIn config, that is.02:38
SaraphimYes please!02:38
Dr_willis__I need to set up an apt-cacheing server for my homelan..02:38
Dr_willis__that would help me out a bit.02:39
hmullerAll I want for my birthday (Apr21) is a seahorse-agent that plays nice with pcscd, so that I don't have to run gpg --no-use-agent in a terminal just to decrypt02:39
RAOFDr_willis__: apt-zeroconf (mostly) works (generally).02:39
hmullerEspecially since seahorse is now mandatory in ubuntu-desktop02:39
ViOflipstar: is there a way to get the cpu speed down (it's enabled in the bios)02:39
setuidDr_willis__, I do that with Squid on a BSD machine02:40
Dr_willis__yea - thers several ways to do it.. but i only rember to do it.. after i got my machines all updating at the same time.. :)02:41
setuidIt's a transparent proxy, sitting there... no client configuration at all, it all happens on my Buffalo Wireless WAP (running Linux) with 3 iptables commands.02:41
Dr_willis__!info apt-zeroconf02:41
ubotuPackage apt-zeroconf does not exist in hardy02:41
SaraphimWell there you have it. ;-)02:41
flipstarViO: i bet there are ways to do so..i just dont have a laptop02:42
ViOok =( thx for the help flipstar02:42
flipstaryou can use google if it doesnt take too much power :)02:43
ViOflipstar: i did b4 i came here..02:43
Prometheusare we able to install with dm-crypt?02:43
ViOflipstar:  but i either sux at googlin or google just doesn't like me..02:44
LeerokLacertaWhat is dm-crypt?02:44
setuidLeerokLacerta, A very useful and necessary thing ;)02:44
Prometheusit encrpts the root partition02:44
setuidWell, not quite02:45
setuidIt -can- encrypt the root partition02:45
LeerokLacertaI use cfs myse.f02:45
Prometheusit didn't come up as an option on install02:45
setuidMy entire laptop is an encrypted LVM02:45
SaraphimLVM seems to be all the rage now02:46
Prometheusyou boot from usb?02:46
flipstarViO: you might try "sudo echo 1000 > /proc/cpu/frequency" where 1000 is the cpu speed you want but dont blame me if anything breaks :P02:46
setuidPrometheus, Nope, it's encrypted root02:46
ViOflipstar: will blame you ;)02:46
setuidflipstar, No such var02:46
setuidstat: cannot stat `/proc/cpu/frequency': No such file or directory02:47
Prometheussetuid, is there some option I'm missing on install to enable dm-crypt02:47
setuidPrometheus, Nope, you need to do it at partitioning time02:48
Prometheussetuid: I did it with manual partitioning do I need to do it with automatic02:48
setuidYou need to do it with manual partitioning02:48
Prometheussetuid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedFilesystems?highlight=%28dm-crypt%29 says otherwise02:49
Prometheusnow that I use google02:49
flipstarViO: just try emifreq-applet02:49
flipstar!info emifreq-applet hardy | sounds like this is what you want02:50
ubotusounds like this is what you want: emifreq-applet (source: emifreq-applet): CPU Frequency Scaling applet. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.18-3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 63 kB, installed size 312 kB02:50
setuidPrometheus, Dunno how they do theirs, but I have a 200M /boot/ which is unencrypted, and a dm-crypt LVM that holds swap, / and /home.02:50
PrometheusI'm gonna try to boot from usb first then put it on the laptop if it doesn't work out02:51
setuidPrometheus, Beware of the serious performance degradation though02:51
setuidSecurity always comes at a price02:51
Prometheussetuid: I heard it was 5-10%02:51
SaraphimExcept for, you know.. Linux.. O:-)02:51
setuidDepends on hardware02:51
Prometheussetuid: using loop-aes on my server02:51
DanaGOh yeah, another random note: I'm using git compiz.02:51
setuidUse twofish, it's faster and more secure than aes and blowfish02:51
DanaGThat probably affects the wnck interaction.02:51
ViOflipstar: i don't have that applet..02:51
ViOflipstar: do i need to dl it?02:52
SaraphimViO: apt-get install emifreq-applet02:52
* Prometheus loves loop-aes02:52
setuiddm-crypt superceded it, didn't it?02:52
Prometheussetuid: yes and no02:52
flipstarViO: with sudo before of course02:53
ViOye, ;)02:53
setuidemifreq is neat02:53
Prometheussetuid: they do the same thing different ways02:53
setuidPrometheus, Not quite, one was shown to have an attack vector...02:53
setuidI remember this02:53
setuidI just can't remember which one ;)02:53
Prometheussetuid: it was loop-ase if I remember right but if you use a keyfile it doesn't work02:54
setuidOh weird... emifreq doesn't support all of the mhz that my proc supports02:54
ViOlal dropped to 5.0Watts!!!02:54
setuidGoes down to 1200Mhz, but mine goes to 800Mhz02:54
ViOnow that's better02:54
* Prometheus runs off to restart his ubuntu install02:54
SaraphimBeat me to it, damn you02:54
Prometheus1.21 jiggawatt jive02:54
RAOFDanaG: Found a git revision later than 1.4 that doesn't exhibit our bug.  3 builds to go.02:55
setuidViO, 5W?02:55
setuidWhat did?02:55
Prometheusa ULV processor me thinks02:55
ViOlaptopmode & emifreq-applet02:56
setuidBut how did he see/measure the wattage?02:56
ViOnot a ulv..02:56
setuidemifreq only shows the temp02:56
ViOif i right click the battery icon i can choose power history02:56
setuidbattery icon? In the battery applet? or something else?02:57
setuidViO, You running KDE?02:57
ViOViO doesn't know..02:57
ViOprob kde02:57
ViOi'll take a screenshot02:57
Prometheusare you running ubuntu or kubuntu?02:57
setuidIs there a start bar at the bottom? or a grey one at the top/bottom?02:57
ViOtop/bottom thingy (yet modified by me)02:58
setuidGNOME then02:58
Prometheusbeat me to it02:58
setuidRight-click the battery applet and go to About02:58
setuidWhat applet is it called?02:58
SaraphimOho! Upgrade complete. Here goes nothing. See you soon. I hope. :-)02:58
ViOpower manager 2.22.0 (gnome)02:58
setuidWeird, must be old or legacy... the new version is "Battery Charge Monitor"02:59
flipstarsetuid: there is powertop ..02:59
setuidflipstar, Sure, but it isn't an applet with wattage history and such02:59
ViOit has that capabillity02:59
setuidI'd love a power/charging graph like Windows has02:59
ViOit show's me different graphs02:59
setuidViO, What package owns it?02:59
ViOi dunno.. how can i check03:00
ViOit came pre installed03:00
ViOhmm hmm my fan is still running..03:01
setuidWeird, it's not in Hardy at all03:02
ViOit's usually quite inside windows03:02
Prometheussetuid: the automatic install is not bringing up the encryption dialog03:02
setuidPrometheus, You have to choose it as a filesystem type03:02
setuidWhen partitioning03:02
setuidYou can do guided w/encrypted LVM or manua03:02
setuidI choose manual03:02
PrometheusI saw it in neither03:02
Prometheusyou use the desktop install?03:03
setuidI had to use the alternate installer03:04
DanaGOnly three builds to go?  Cool.03:04
Prometheusthen that is my reason03:04
setuidDanaG, clone them03:04
DanaG(was for RAOF)03:04
RAOFDanaG: It would be a bit easier if there weren't some revisions around the critical point which broke the build :(03:05
=== sarah is now known as Saraphim
ViOhow do i enable more effects on hardy =D03:08
ViOlike cube.. etc03:08
ViOneed to prob dl a package..03:08
Dr_willis__install the ccsm tool and have fun03:08
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:08
ViOsweet dr!03:09
Dr_willis__and yes. the ccsm tools interface is a bit over-whemling at times.. explore it.03:09
SaraphimMkay, graphics driver is definitely still funky.03:09
SaraphimBut nothing seems to be -worse- than in Gutsy.03:09
ViOi've done that on 7.1003:09
andre3Saraphim: You're using metacity now? If so, can you try to reproduce the Firefox bug?03:10
Saraphimandre3: Yep, hang on03:10
ViOno wonder linux is fear'd03:10
ViOit has no competition03:10
LeerokLacertaNo competition?03:11
Saraphimandre3: Aye, size gets saved but position gets reset.03:11
LeerokLacertaThat's a bold statement.03:11
Dr_willis__Competition in the 'useelss eye candy market' :)03:11
andre3Saraphim: Right, that's my experience as well. Thanks for testing.03:11
andre3Saraphim: I've reported the bug in launchpad.03:11
Saraphimandre3: bugid?03:11
ViODr_willis_ how do i find ccsm03:12
andre3Saraphim: bug 20448003:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204480 in firefox-3.0 "Window position is not remembered between starts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20448003:12
Dr_willis__ViO,  ubuntu 101 --- rember this .. 'apt-cache search ITEM'03:12
Saraphimandre3: Thanks03:12
Dr_willis__ViO,  the bot just gave the name of the package earlier also...03:12
Dr_willis__!ccsm | ViO03:12
ubotuViO: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:12
ViOye it's installed03:12
ViOjust couldn't find it while searching ..03:12
ViOhad to push my enter button03:13
Dr_willis__Egads! :)03:13
Dr_willis__'wheres the anykey!'03:13
ViOit's compizfusion right?03:15
flipstaryep compiz and beryl are melted03:16
ViOabout time03:17
ViOboth were very unstable in the old days03:17
PrometheusAH the olde days03:18
PrometheusI remember those03:18
Dr_willis__i rember when "enlightment" was the hard-core eye candy window manager/desktop03:19
Dr_willis__and was bloated.03:19
Dr_willis__now its called 'light and fast'03:19
raidiumoh man those were the days03:19
raidium8 desktops OMG lol03:20
LeerokLacertaCompiz and Beryl have merged?03:20
ViODr_willis_ i can't seem to enable 4 desktops.. only103:20
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz03:20
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:21
LeerokLacertaAh, I see.03:21
Dr_willis__ViO,  use the ccsm tool. the general tab.03:21
LeerokLacertaNo wonder why Compiz was acting like Beryl.03:21
jester7anybody here having problems with low volume?03:21
Dr_willis__NOT the gnome   desktop panel widget03:21
ViOjester7: YES03:21
raidiumjust got all 4 LCDs working not to long ago myself03:21
raidiumyes low volume here03:21
jester7ViO: ok...glad to know it's not just me03:21
jester7wait, that came out wrong :p03:22
ViODr_willis_ can't seem to enable more than 1 there (inside general)03:22
ViOnumber of desktops: 1 .. not possible to make it 4.. etc03:22
flipstari can make up to 32 or so ..03:23
jester7ViO: you its not under desktops...its something else like "horizontal windows"03:23
* ViO ignoring flipstar03:23
Dr_willis__I dont mess with compiuz much.. and i HATE the cube thing.. so guess ya just play with it...03:23
raidiumgetting them all active with gl acceleration is what took me a bit of work03:23
flipstar32 desktops are pretty awesome :P03:23
raidiumflip, you have 32lcds, or just 32 virtual desktops ?03:24
flipstarlol virtual of corse03:24
jester7there can't possibly be a use for 32, other than a pretty...uh..32agon03:24
DanaGOh hey, I fixed my compiz.  The problem: wrong ccp backend.03:25
ViOneed a decent cpu for that to run03:25
raidiumone of mine just makes pretty pictures to music most of the time lol03:25
ViO*reboot* time03:25
jester7for those with low volume, what type of soundcard03:25
jer132Wow.  Just thought to give Hardy Beta a try.  What a mess!  Any idea if Flash and Java will work out of the box upon final?03:26
jester7jer132: do you mean the installs aren't working correctly?03:26
raidiumihave an nvidia 680i board03:27
jer132The install for Java doesn't work.  And once flash is installed it just crashes Firefox.03:27
BunnyRevolutioni've heard it's a mess this time around.  devs get to aggressive?03:27
jer132I should be more clear.  This is all in relation to Firefox.03:27
BunnyRevolutionisn't this supposed to be the LTS edition?03:27
FlannelBunnyRevolution: It will be, except Kubuntu03:28
jer132In my mind, Gutsy was a lot more stable at this point in time during development.03:28
Dr_willis__poor kubuntu.. left out in the cold.. like a ...err... somthing you leave out in the cold...03:28
BunnyRevolutionexcept kubuntu?03:28
BunnyRevolutionbecause of kde4 ?03:28
* BunnyRevolution uses kubuntu03:29
BunnyRevolutionwhich is why i ask03:29
LeerokLacertaRealPlayer plugin crashes Firefox.03:29
FlannelBunnyRevolution: yeah, Kubuntu is splitting KDE4 and KDE3.5, so no LTS.  You'll still be able to upgrade from dapper, it just wont be supported longer than 18 months03:29
ViOscreen goes 800x600..03:30
ViOeverytime i reboot03:30
jer132ViO: same here03:30
ViOwhat computer ?03:30
flipstarhm ?03:30
ViOlaptop here.. dell xps m133003:31
jester7flash is working just fine for me03:31
ViO*testing* 2advanced03:31
jester7but volume is still so low :(03:31
jer132jester7: youtube works?03:31
jester7yep, exactly what i tried first...LOL03:31
jester7i'm 1:30 into a video03:31
jer132hehe  same here.  results weren't the greatest03:32
ViOg00d results03:32
ViOfor flash03:32
jer132Firefox crashed on my end.03:32
asdrubalI have a question about /lib/firmware03:33
asdrubalIf I compile my own kernel, how do I get /lib/firmware stuff?03:33
jer132and my wirless that worked in Gutsy doesn't want to work in Hardy03:33
jester7ViO: what soundcard do you have?03:33
ViOHDA intel03:33
jester7wow, we all have different soundcards03:33
ViOflash ain't to good03:33
jester7yet all have low volume03:33
Dr_willis__ HDA intel - is like the old days of saying "creative compatiable" it seems. :)03:33
flipstarim out03:34
Dr_willis__only theres 100 variants it seems. :)03:34
ViOi actually have hi def audio from intel.. (santa rosa thingy)03:34
ViOi can look deeper into it03:34
ViObut my vista kinda locked it self03:34
* DanaG has an Sound Blaster 16 ISA PnP (with IDE controller) around here somewhere.03:34
ViOno wifi bug or somethin03:34
DanaGHDA Intel is a standard; Realtek or SigmaTel or Analog Devices (ADI) or other such things are the actual chips.03:35
jester7i have an ATI "Azalia" soundcard03:35
jer132I like how my video defaulted to 1280x1024 instead of taking the max resolution.03:35
ViOye... that's true03:35
jer132Bluetooth crashes when I pull the dongle out.03:37
ViOthe wifi icon on my laptop is missing.. yet the brightness/soundlevel osd are showing..03:39
ViOphysicly that is.. not inside ubuntu it self..03:39
ViOso strange03:39
ViOthe bluetooth does show03:39
jer132do you have a switch to kill the bluetooth?03:39
ViOit's the same as wi-fi/BT03:40
jer132(hardware switch)03:40
ViOso if i shut down bt the wifi is integrated..03:40
ViO(hardware swith with both not cingular)03:40
ViOboth on/off03:40
ViOyet the led lamp on my comp shows only bT (in ubuntu)03:40
jer132If you hit the switch I wonder if the Bluetooth will crash03:41
ViOlet's try03:41
jer132Probably the wireless driver isn't loaded.03:41
ViOthe bt icon dissapeard03:41
ViOin ubuntu03:41
ViO& on my laptop03:42
jer132No crash report icon appeared?03:42
ViOthere it is03:42
ViOit poped up03:42
ViOthe bluetooth i mean ;)03:42
ViOnot the crash report03:42
jer132I wonder what the deal is with your wifi...   did you take a look in the restricted drivers?03:43
ViOi didn't have to..03:43
ViOit was only for my graphics..03:43
ViOdidn't show up on the list03:43
jer132that's strange.03:43
ViOYE iknow03:44
ViOit works.. otb03:44
ViOjust no icon on my laptop.. who cares eh?03:44
ViObut my wifi catcher doesn't work (hardware switch)03:44
jer132Icon on the taskbar or indicator light?03:44
jester7ViO: same here03:44
SaraphimHmm. How do I completely reset my gnome settings so that I start with the "hardy defaults" on next login?03:44
ViOye i have the indicator03:45
ViOand % of signal lvl03:45
ViOit simply works.. (the wifi)03:45
ViOi did see some error messages on startup03:45
ViOso i expected it dead03:45
LeerokLacertarm -rf ~/.gnome ?03:46
SaraphimLeerokLacerta: Tried it, and .gnome2, and .gconf. Doesn't seem to make a difference.03:46
ViOmy computer is in general more hot in ubuntu than vista03:46
=== lamalex_2 is now known as lamalex
m1ri have download ubuntu alternate cd and insert it in pc, but it not asking me that it found updgrade cd. how can i start it manually ?03:47
jer132That's always been my complaint.03:47
crwebViO: thats cause ubuntu you can actually do things...03:47
leftyfbSaraphim: delete ~/.?*  ... that'll delete ALL app settings03:47
ViOcrweb: i do prefere a silent and deadly computer..03:47
ViOthe specs are decent..03:47
Saraphimleftyfb: I tried moving all ~/.* to a safe place - no go either. It's quite strange.03:47
leftyfbm1r: you put the cd in while ubuntu is running in order to do an upgrade03:47
Saraphimleftyfb: I also tried logging out and moving them all from console, thinking that gnome somehow might save them on logout03:47
crwebVista has time to cool off while you're trying to navigate  to next page of the network settings 10 times to change IP ;)03:47
LeerokLacertarm -rf /*03:47
SaraphimThe best I can gather it's not in my home dir03:48
SaraphimLeerokLacerta: Great idea.03:48
ViOi so wanna try the x64.03:48
leftyfbSaraphim: what does ls -al ~/ show you?03:48
ViOcan't use my 4gb's of ram in 8603:48
Saraphimleftyfb: Well, quite a bit now, but nothing when I was last logged out.03:48
crwebViO i have 6gigs. but am hit with disk I/O problem in hardy03:49
XceIIIs there an audio program that i can use to increase my audio?03:49
crwebif i even copy a file between to sataII 10k rpm drives,  GUI completely halts till cp is done03:49
ViOoh =/ bummer03:49
SaraphimXceII: alsamixer?03:49
LeerokLacertaHmm, it seems that I've been banned.03:49
XceIII have it03:49
leftyfbXceII: ubuntu has audio controls very similar to windows03:49
LeerokLacertaOr not.03:49
ViOget a raptor ;)03:50
leftyfbLeerokLacerta: for your rm comment03:50
crweb6gig 800mhz ram, Core 2 Duo E6700... that shouldn't happen03:50
LeerokLacertaI guess that common, harmful command is taboo.03:50
LeerokLacertaYes, I realised.03:50
ViOcrweb: lal.. dual cpu ?03:50
crwebViO: dual core 2.66ghz.. it doesn't get much faster...03:50
naliothban evasion03:51
ViOye i got the old 2,2ghz (mobile) cpu c2d ;)03:51
SaraphimVery odd. I would assume all gnome config was in my home dir. Gonna completely move it away now.03:51
Amaranthstupid script03:52
ViOit's the T7500  ? can't be03:52
XceIII must say: with an asus mobo and a nvidia card, this os is rockin its butt off, i never had a linux setup run so fast and be to fruitful, nice job folks.03:52
ViOis there a similar cpuz prog from ubuntu?03:53
m11sry my wlan reset03:54
m11how can i make cd rom upgrade autostart when i put cd in drive ?03:54
ViOcube finally workin03:54
corevettewill this be in Hardy? http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=r500_glxgears&num=103:55
sarahOkaaay. I moved my entire homedir away now and made a clean one while being logged out of gnome. It still somehow recovers the gnome settings.03:56
sarah*goes nuts*03:56
=== sarah is now known as Saraphim
leftyfbcorevette: "As this work is still quite early, don't expect it being merged to master immediately and right now the only PCI ID inside his Mesa code is for the RV530 (0x71C4) M56 FireGL GPU."03:56
SaraphimClearly there's something sinister at work here. Must be gconfd.03:56
leftyfbSaraphim: what settings exactly?03:57
virtualdwhats the accepted method for submitting patches on a bug?03:57
Saraphimleftyfb: Everything! For instance, I removed my bottom bar ages ago.03:57
jer132corvette: open source ati/nvidia 3d drivers are still in their infancy from what I understand.03:57
corevetteleftyfb: do you know if there is graphical improvements for ATI X1xxx03:57
SaraphimSure, I can recreate it, but I just want to start with a completely fresh gnome config.03:57
SaraphimAnd now it's annoying me that it is evading destruction. ;-)03:58
ViOnight guys =)03:58
ViOtake care03:58
leftyfbSaraphim: sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ....  this will uninstall anything gui along with their global settings and reinstall it.03:58
SaraphimGood idea.03:59
SaraphimI can't believe there's no better way to clear gnome settings though. I imagine gconftool, but then again, I'm no wiz at that.03:59
m11leftyfb: taht will restore all original desktop settings , right ?03:59
leftyfbm11: global ... I'm pretty sure it doesn't touch any user settings.04:00
leftyfbbut I would backup just in case you're concerned04:00
m11leftyfb: probably will leave applications i installed and showed them in program list ?04:00
leftyfbmind you, this suggestion was meant for Saraphim's issue04:01
SaraphimI.. think04:01
SaraphimActually, maybe that was a bad idea. xD04:01
SaraphimNope, it solved it.. Just needed to relog. gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /04:02
* DanaG hates nvidia and wants ATI next time, frankly -- at least they've open-sourced stuff!04:03
SaraphimI wonder where it saves all its blah.04:03
leftyfbDanaG: i'd tend to disagree with that opinion04:03
XceIIme 204:03
leftyfbATI has not open sourced it's video drivers04:03
DanaGYeah, but they've open-sourced the specs!04:04
SaraphimI've had naught but problems with ATI on Linux, Nvidia worked out of the box every time.04:04
DanaGAnd they're actively working with the community.04:04
leftyfbas is nvidia04:04
DanaGI've had my fair share of nvidia issues, even under Windows, too.04:04
XceIIme 2 Saraphim04:04
DanaGPlus, I kinda' like to play devil's advocate.04:04
leftyfbnvidia has always worked with the community. ATI has just recently said they would04:04
DanaGNVIDIA hasn't released any specs, though!04:05
XceIIalthough i installed 7.10 on my brothers stuff, he had an ati 9200se, and it worked flawlessly04:05
DanaGOh yeah, why does PulseAudio not remember where I put audio streams?04:05
leftyfbDanaG: part of the reason is, nvidia's current drivers actually work, as opposed to ATI's04:06
XceIIkinda looks like amd (ati) is tanking.04:06
DanaGNo native-resolution framebuffer!04:06
XceIIthey are losing 5% of the work force.04:07
m11how can i sstart cd rom upgrade from alternate cd ? it is not autrostarting anymore ?04:07
DanaGI'm a bit odd... you want to know what bugged me most (at least at first) when AMD bought ATI?04:08
DanaGThey changed ATI's website from red to green!04:08
XceIIthey should have bought (merged) with nvidia04:08
DanaGThat's what bugged me most.  It's supposed to be Red (ATI) versus Green (NVIDIA), not Green versus Green.04:08
XceIIpretty dunb04:08
XceIIi really was shocked, when that 9200se workes like mit did, after reading all the dox saying ati stunk04:10
* DanaG is currently using an orange Aurora theme.04:10
XceII*worked like it did04:10
DanaGAurora is the GTK engine I'm using.04:10
SaraphimThe new background really does wonders. Maybe next time we'll get more than one shade. :-)04:10
DanaGI want a variant of that wallpaper against HP's business laptops' very specific color on the lids.04:11
DanaGhp.skinit.com -- I want that Heron on the back of my next laptop.04:11
SaraphimWell. Looks like Heron is bug-free to me. Except the firefox bit.04:12
XceIIwhat is the issue04:13
SaraphimDoesn't remembe position between restarts.04:13
leftyfbit's not bug free04:13
Saraphimleftyfb: Bug free to me. Nothing that affects me. :)04:13
leftyfbtry double-clicking a .deb on your desktop04:14
XceIImine seems very nice, im glad i did it, all my stuff works faster / evenly / and complete.04:14
Saraphimmmmlemme find one04:14
* DanaG wishes Ubuntu kernels would incorporate the HP MDPS (Mobile Data Protection System, also known as 3D DriveGuard) kernel module.04:14
XceIIcompize even seems extremely lite on its feet.04:15
Saraphimleftyfb: Ok, what's the issue?04:15
XceIIcompiz in 7.10 had me pulling my hair out.04:15
leftyfbworked for you?04:16
Saraphimleftyfb: Yep.04:16
leftyfbmaybe it was a .deb ... let me try a different one04:16
SaraphimXceII: Can you try checking if you have that firefox bug too though?04:17
XceIIthe only bug i have is sound in flash, i have to use flash 1rst so as to get all audio working.04:18
XceIIin the browser04:18
SaraphimXceII: So it DOES remember the last position when you close and reopen it?04:18
SaraphimOkay, strange.04:18
SaraphimBeta 4?04:19
XceIIill say this, ff, is so fast, i cant beleive it04:19
SaraphimMkay. Very strange.04:19
XceIIbut, i did install libdvdcc04:20
XceIIthats the (only) bug i have04:20
XceIIill trace it down tho04:21
XceIIany way, ill leave for now, take care folks.04:22
SaraphimWas it the deb leftyfb?04:25
DanaGwtf?  All my utf-8 filenames on my ntfs partition are missing.04:25
DanaGSkipping unrepresentable filename (inode 66333): Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character04:26
DanaGWTF?  I have 'nls-utf8' in fstab!04:26
DanaGer, nls=04:26
leftyfbSaraphim: looks like it, trying another one now and it seems ok04:26
DanaGAnd I even manually ro-mount that with the SAME options if it didn't mount the first time as RW.04:26
DanaG"/dev/sda2 on /media/XP type fuseblk (ro,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)04:27
DanaG/dev/sda3 on /media/Vista type fuseblk (ro,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)"04:27
snerfuDid I read somewhere that they are working on livecd persistance in this version or is that for the next version? or is that another distribution.04:49
nikrudthey were talking about how to notify people about saving stuff before ending the live cd session in devel for a while04:51
KalElhi... if i'm upgrading from alpha 6 to beta, is it still supposed to show up as a distribution upgrade with update-manager -d?05:11
KalElhow can i confirm that i'm running a beta versus alpha 6?05:13
nikrudKalEl: no it won't show up as a new distro, and you'd be up to date to beta when you upgrade (when the packages propagate to your mirror)05:14
crwebKalEl: it doesn't.  if you apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade you will always be current05:14
crwebKalEl:  many of the time, you are more up to date than the beta release is.  Its just a flow of packages05:14
KalElgreat, thanks05:14
Tuv0kKalEl, yes05:21
nikrud42 seconds and counting05:26
hrlrI can't seem to get Java to work in Firefox no matter what I do.  It's like Firefox 3 isn't finding the plugin and keeps asking to install it.  Any ideas?05:27
alex_mayorgahrlr: check Bug #201143 for my workaround05:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201143 in sun-java6 "no Java plugin for Firefox with sun-java-6 installed in Hardy alpha 6" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20114305:35
hrlrthanks alex!05:36
Tuv0kKalEl, I gave you the short of it05:37
Tuv0ksome like to be verbos05:37
Tuv0k42 sec til what exactl?05:37
alex_mayorgahow do I clean up all the menu mess after installing kubunutu-desktop?05:39
Positronicwhat do I have to do to upgrade from 8.04 alpha to 8.04 beta?05:39
hrlralex_mayorga: with a symlink like that.  If Firefox or Java were to be updated the symlink would need to be updated every time.  Wouldn't it?05:39
nikrudPositronic:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:40
jimmygoonhrlr, use icedtea-java7-plugin instead of java605:40
alex_mayorgathere should be a better way, why mix KDE and GNOME stuff like that when installing another desktop on top of ubuntu?05:40
HobbseePositronic: if you need to ask that, you should never have been running the alhpas.05:41
Hobbseealex_mayorga: so that people can use gnome apps on kde and vice versa.05:41
Positronicyeah but I do that and it says 0 to be installed05:41
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, you can install just kde without reseting your usplash, gdm->kdm etc...05:42
nikrudPositronic: then you are already there, or the latest packages haven't hit your mirror yet05:42
HobbseePositronic: then you've already upgraded....05:42
alex_mayorgaHobbsee: but why not ask me? do you want all combined or do you want to switch sessions at startup?05:42
PositronicI have not05:42
jimmygoonthere weren't a lot of updates for alpha 6 (today) to beta (Today)05:42
Hobbseealex_mayorga: because it already gets stored in the same place, basically05:42
HobbseePositronic: how do you know you have not?05:42
jimmygoonlike if you had your updates yesterday/ last night... you may not have had any updates05:42
nikrudPositronic: it's just a nother upgrade, like any other for you.05:42
* nikrud is looking forward to installing it tomorrow, seeding now :)05:43
alex_mayorgaHobbsee: I've seen a couple of ideas about this in brainstorm, but never found the bug to subscribe to05:43
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, I don't understand. if you don't want to convert to kubuntu then just install kde packages to get that session option for gdm.... :S05:43
alex_mayorgasay I don't want kubuntu anymore, would removing kubuntu-desktop get me back a clean gnome? I don't think so05:44
jimmygoongr update/upgrade are conflicting terms.... I would consider gutsy->hardy an "upgrade" and package changes to be "updates"05:44
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, oh. yeah. doubtful. what about "sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop" ... it will leave the kubuntu crap behind but maybe a combination of the two?05:44
Positronicwell it appears to be fine, then, but for some reason launching "Restricted Drivers Managers" forces me to Force Quit it05:44
nikrudjimmygoon: think update package list, and upgrade installing updated packages ;p05:44
jimmygoonPositronic, "sudo aptitude reinstall jockey-gtk" .... post a bug if you still have problems afterward05:45
jimmygoonnikrud, nah, I understand its just not what most users are used to05:45
hrlrWould Hardy eventually get Java 7 or would they stick with having a broken Java in there?05:45
hrlrSorry...  Sun Java 705:45
nikrudisn't that listed as a bug already? I thought I read something about that on the hardy beta wiki page05:45
jimmygoonhrlr, did you see my comment above... java 7 is available... its based off of openjdk and I think it works fine :(05:45
alex_mayorgajimmygoon, it is messy IMHO, but I guess it is what it is, I've never get to file the actual bug, because I have not much clue, but I know it irks some other peoble besides me05:45
alex_mayorgahrlr: Java 7 is not even out yet05:46
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, I'm just not sure what the alternative would be, I agree though, I've made the kubuntu-desktop install mistake before and regretted it FULLY until I wiped/reinstalled05:46
hrlrRight.  So when it does come out, would they include that in Hardy?05:46
jimmygoonI'm using some version of java 7 with icedtea/openjdk.... :O05:46
alex_mayorgahrlr: an the breakage you're seing is more llikely a Firefox bug at that05:46
Positronicjimmygoon: The reinstall was successful, but still a crash05:47
jimmygoonPositronic, run it from a terminal see if there's any feedback05:47
jimmygoonii    icedtea-java7-plugin    7~b24-1.5+20080118-105:47
alex_mayorgajimmygoon: so not hope for a cleanup here?05:47
hrlrFrom what I've read on the forums, it's something to do with Sun's Java.05:47
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, I was too incompetent to figure anything out... after that I just tried kde4 for the heck of it and then wiped it. I'm not saying its not possible.. it just wasn't worth the effort/time for me05:48
jimmygoonPositronic, jockey-gtk or that05:48
alex_mayorgahrlr: the plugin register to all known mozilla based browsers prior to FF305:48
nikrudjimmygoon: what does the sun java test site report it as?05:48
jimmygoonnikrud, link? I'll google and try05:48
nikrudjimmygoon: google what I typed, first hit05:49
jimmygoonso far its taken everything I've throw atit05:49
alex_mayorgajimmygoon: just do "java -version" on a terminal05:49
jimmygoonnikrud, alright.05:49
andre_plwhats the proper way to configure the nvidia driver in hardy? I dont see the restricted driver manager anymore05:49
jimmygoonnikrud: Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. Version: 1.7.0  O/S: Linux OS Version: 2.6.24-12-generic05:50
jimmygoonandre_pl, run jockey-gtk and install it if you don't have it05:50
jimmygoonandre_pl, its called "Hardware Drivers" now too... Under System-> Administration05:50
nikrudjimmygoon: interesting. I wouldn't expect sun to report iced tea as sun. Unless it is the open source sun? I'm not up on the latest news there05:50
alex_mayorgaso icedtea is running the development version of java 705:50
jimmygoonnikrud, my understanding is its the package based of of openjdk05:51
jimmygoonIcedTea Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b24)05:51
jimmygoonIcedTea Client VM (build 1.7.0-b24, mixed mode, sharing)05:51
jimmygoonIs what java -version says05:51
andre_pljimmygoon: says jockey-gtk is already the newest version, but I dont have 'hardware drivers' in my admin menu05:52
alex_mayorgajimmygoon, upvote http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/item/4778/ just for the kicks :)05:52
jimmygoongrr I hate registrations... OpenID?05:52
alex_mayorgahttp://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9/ :)05:53
Positronicjimmygoon: it gives me an error: 'NameError: global name 'KernelModuleHandler' is not defined'05:53
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, nice05:53
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
alex_mayorgajimmygoon: so register and upvote :)05:53
jimmygoonPositronic, above my head. bug filing time maybe.. (plus make sure you have your updates...)05:54
jimmygoonalex_mayorga, haha. okay05:54
nikrudwhy don't they use the launchpad id?05:54
jimmygoonor ubuntuforums05:54
jimmygoondrupal has auth bridges for that sort of thing though launchpad would probably be harder since its externally maanged05:54
nikrudstill don't have a forum login.05:55
DreadKnightanyone with a wacom on kubuntu hardy (beta) ?06:01
=== j_ is now known as flowOver
andre_plI can't get the nvidia driver to load, Xorg.0.log says 'Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)' but the nvidia module is loaded06:08
crdlbandre_pl: "X driver"; apparently you're using nv or vesa06:09
crdlbit could be that bulletproofX is throwing you to vesa though06:10
andre_plcrdlb: It is indeed.06:10
andre_pli found something..06:10
andre_plAPI mismatch: the client has the version 169.12, but06:11
andre_pl[  406.205624] NVRM: this kernel module has the version 169.09.  Please06:11
andre_pl[  406.205625] NVRM: make sure that this kernel module and all NVIDIA driver06:11
crdlbif you look at your /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old, it _might_ show the real error06:11
andre_plsorry about that06:11
RAOFcrdlb: Actually, you _can_ load the nvidia blob and not get 3d :)06:11
andre_plthough it would be cleaner06:11
crdlbRAOF: since when? :o06:11
crdlbandre_pl: that works too :)06:11
RAOFSince nvidia started shipping xorg/modules/libglx.so :)06:12
andre_plso, can I roll back the X Driver?06:12
RAOFandre_pl: It sounds like your using an older kernel?06:12
andre_plRAOF: Oh, you might be right actually, I'm dual booting with gutsy and using gutsy's grub, it has an entry directly to this kernel.06:13
=== j_ is now known as flowOver
andre_plthat explains it06:13
dbmood1how is the alpha to beta movement atm - is it safe and how much space do i need ?06:14
crdlbRAOF: so nvidia + xorg glx "works"?06:15
RAOFcrdlb: Yup.06:15
andre_plRAOF, crdlb Thanks. rebooting. I'm sure I'll be right back. :)06:15
nikruddbmood1: its just a package update, less than 100mb download I hear06:15
RAOFcrdlb: As someone who's been installing xorg glx _all day_, I guarantee this :)06:16
crdlbbut that doesn't have anything to do with his problem :)06:16
crdlbit's the nvidia glx that's giving him the error06:16
dbmood1doesn't like the new kernel ?06:16
crdlbRAOF: my only wish is that the nvidia driver could function without the kernel module06:17
m1ri am installing beta4 alternate cd and i cant see any data of installing but on screen1 , is that ok ?06:18
RAOFcrdlb: Keep a wishin' :)06:18
nikrudsilly crdlb ;)06:18
RAOFcrdlb: For what it's worth, reasonably soon you won't be able to use intel or ati drivers without the kernel module.06:18
crdlbRAOF: but they generally don't die if the version isn't exactly right :)06:19
crdlband they're not in l-r-m06:19
RAOFYes; more important.06:19
RAOFAnd they're easier to keep in sync, yes.06:19
DanaGHeh, my CPU runs far cooler under Linux than under Vista, even when not completely idle (i.e. not entering sleep states) -- Vista doesn't let the CPU drop down to low speed; instead, it bounces all over the place.06:20
alex_mayorgawhat's the package for the new clock? looks like I've managed to crash it06:21
andre_plok, nvidia driver is loaded, yay.06:21
andre_pli think its running at 1280x800 instead of 1440x900 and its panning to 1440x90006:21
andre_plits gross06:21
andre_plthis "new" screen-resolution applet is kinda crappy.06:22
alex_mayorgaand looks like it took my panels with it :(06:22
DreadKnightandre_pl: are you having problems with the mouse?06:22
andre_plDreadKnight: no. that seems ok.. why?06:22
crdlbandre_pl: blame nvidia :)06:22
andre_pldo I still have to configure dual displays through nvidia-settings?06:23
DreadKnightandre_pl: i had in alpha 6 of kubuntu, it's like the movement of the mouse was calculated for a different lower resolution.. eh06:23
andre_plah, no, the mouse movement is fine06:23
andre_plits doing that virtual-resolution thing that X does06:23
m1ri am installing beta4 alternate cd and i cant see any data of installing but only on screen1 , is that ok ?06:23
DreadKnightanyone with a wacom tablet around here? D06:23
andre_pli dunno what its called, viewports or some nonsense06:23
andre_plDreadKnight: I have one, but not working. :)06:24
DreadKnightandre_pl: ubuntu or kubuntu? not working just in hardy?06:24
andre_plits a bamboo, so there is no driver in gutsy06:24
alex_mayorgahow do I recover my panels?06:24
andre_plhaven't tried hardy yet06:24
flowOveri have an mx revolution.  when i installed hardy studio it was working. even when i rebooted it would work.06:25
DreadKnightandre_pl: as i recall, the latest wacom-linux drivers have (at least some) support for bamboo06:25
andre_plYeah, i think it works a little, but most of the features dont06:25
andre_plit's my gf's, so I don't really know06:25
flowOverwhen i turned the mouse off one night, it stopped behaving with the wheel modes and i lost the middle mouse to toggle modes.  how can i configure this back?06:26
RAOFandre_pl: Yeah, the new screen resolution applet really would like your driver to not suck.  Sadly, nvidia don't provide the "don't suck" interface06:26
andre_plRAOF: What's my alternative? doesn't ATI Suck just as bad for linux drivers?06:27
flowOverfor now06:27
* hrlr can't wait for nouveau06:27
RAOFandre_pl: Specifically, the resolution applet would really like XRandR 1.2 support.  The radeon drivers, and possibly fglrx (but I'm not sure here) support it, as do intel & nouveau.06:28
andre_pli had hardy working with the nvidia driver a few weeks ago, but its been that long since I came back and did some updates.06:28
andre_plRAOF: is nouveau usable?06:28
andre_pli don't care about 3d performance, I just want tv-out06:28
RAOFandre_pl: If you don't want 3d, and don't need to suspend.06:28
andre_plwell, and vga out06:29
andre_plnvidia module is required to suspend?06:29
andre_pli would think it would interfere if anything06:29
RAOFI'm not totally sure about TV out.  But nouveau is actually one of the best 2d drivers going around right now.06:29
andre_ploh, nouveau won't suspend?06:29
RAOFandre_pl: You just plain can't suspend with nouveau.  Or rather, you can suspend, but it won't resume.06:30
andre_plthat sucks, half the reason I want hardy is because its the first version to successfully suspend/resume my laptop06:30
RAOFYeah.  None of the suspend/resume stuff is hooked up in nouveau at all.  Someone's working on it.06:30
andre_plwhat about nv? will it do dual monitors?06:30
andre_plapparently the nvidia driver wont at the moment anyway.06:30
flowOveri'm using nvidia driver06:31
andre_plflowOver: I always do... and its worked up until now06:31
RAOFandre_pl: nv will, with a sufficiently new nvidia card (it supports xrandr1.2 as long as you've got an nv5x, ie: 8 series or higher).06:31
andre_plhmm... Go 760006:32
andre_plno good?06:32
RAOFandre_pl: Nope.06:32
RAOFandre_pl: But you're in the sweetspot for nouveau support, at least :)06:32
andre_plok how do I try it out?06:32
andre_plits better than this crap06:32
ubotuNouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive06:32
RAOFHang on a sec, I'll upload a new snapshot while I think of it :)06:33
hrlrI get the feeling that nouveau will be like wine though.06:33
andre_plso it looks like I found the right guy to help me with this at least :)06:33
hrlrNever quite "there".06:33
andre_plhrlr: I doubt that.. wine has dozens of moving targets.. nouveau has one, and its not moving THAT fast.06:33
RAOFhrlr: No, I don't think so.  There was a time where the free ATI drivers were _faster_ than fglrx, and nouveau has better infrastructure to work with (gallium is really, really awesome)06:34
RAOFThis was while there was no documentation, too.  There's no reason for the nouveau drivers to not outperform the blob.  It just takes developer-time.06:34
hrlrBut will it be relevant when it is eventually released?06:35
RAOFI'm still going to have a 7600Go and a 6600GT when it's released.06:35
hrlrI mean, will it run great on old GPUs but lack the new hardware support?06:35
RAOFIt'll always lag behind the cutting edge hardware, yes.  But so does the blob, for that matter.06:35
VanDykesup yal06:36
RAOFhrlr: But nvidia don't drasticly change their hardware very often (nv5x excepted).06:36
andre_plRAOF: i added the repo, did you upload the latest yet?06:36
hrlrSo any new hardware would be easily adapted?06:36
RAOFGenerally, yes.06:37
RAOFThe differences between the various nv5x parts aren't particularly huge.06:37
alex_mayorgaRAOF: would that work on a GeForce go 440?06:38
RAOFalex_mayorga: Yes, probably.06:38
locomowhy alternate CD required for upgrade (in case of offline upgrade) and normal live cd cant be used?06:38
alex_mayorgaI was recently left without video :(06:38
RAOFlocomo: Because the live CD doesn't have any packages on it :)06:38
hrlrI just wish we could ask users to run a REnouveau dump every time they activate their proprietary nvidia driver in Ubuntu.  :)06:38
locomoRAOF: and what it have on it?06:38
RAOFlocomo: The process of installing from the livecd is basically just copying over the livecd's filesystem.  From the alternate CD you install from packages (which is why it's a lot slower)06:39
RAOFandre_pl: I've just uploaded a new snapshot.  It'll be about half an hour before the PPA builds it, though.06:40
locomo<RAOF> mmm i see, thanks, but i should notice live cd install to slow for just copying image of cd or something, always wondering why its slow...06:40
alex_mayorgawhat's the name for the new fancy clock process?06:40
locomoRAOF: i think it can be tested if you compare copying livecd in installed os to live cd install time06:41
RAOFlocomo: I don't understand what you are saying.  Are you saying that copying ~600MB of data off the livecd takes longer than you'd expect?06:42
locomowhat installing is longer than just copying 700 MB data06:43
locomowell its still reasonable06:43
alex_mayorgaRAOF: how do I make my gnome-panel crash?06:45
DogIs the upgrade procedure the same for Ubuntu Server as it is in the desktop versions?06:46
alex_mayorgait is already irresponsive/unusable, but is not crashing yet06:46
locomoso all filesystem now mounted with relatime? and access time updates once a day?06:46
andre_plRAOF: i installed it, but how to I use it?06:46
andre_plit wasn't an option to choose from the driver list when bulletproof X came up... AGAIN06:47
andre_pli hate that thing06:47
m1rfinally loading up 8.04 :)06:48
RAOFandre_pl: You want need to put "nouveau" as your driver in xorg.conf, and preferably "option" "xrandr12" "true".06:48
andre_plRAOF: but my card doesn't support that?06:48
RAOFandre_pl: See http://cooperteam.net/xorg.conf.nouveau for an example.06:49
locomohow good nouveau work these days? its kind of pre-alpha, no?06:49
RAOFandre_pl: Oh, no.  Nouveau supports XRandR12 _everywhere_.  The _nv_ drivers only support it on nv5x06:49
RAOFlocomo: nouveau on an nv4x is pretty much the fastest 2D X driver available right at the moment.06:50
m1romg , whos decision is to put bird on desktop wallpaper ? :D06:50
RAOFFor all those interested in nouveau: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/Nouveau_Companion_3706:50
hrlrlol@mlr  :)06:51
elkbuntum1r, it's better than the flat boring stuff we've had, isnt it06:51
m1rit is nice :D06:51
locomoyou expected to see Hardy Heron on wallpaper ? :)06:51
m1roliver hardy acctualy :D06:52
andre_plRAOF: I put it in my Xorg and restarted, but I dont see a difference. I'm stuck at 800x600 still.06:53
andre_plhow can I verify its running?06:53
RAOFandre_pl: Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.  Also, try the screen resolution tool; it should have many more options.06:54
m1rhmm , in 7.10 my usb wlan was working perfectly , on 8.04 not working06:54
alex_mayorgaanyone that knows how to make gnome-panel to crash for good, it is unusable and non responsive, but has not crashed as far as I can tell06:55
andre_plRAOF: only 2 options... no mention of 'nouveau' in my Xorg.0.log06:55
RAOFandre_pl: Right.  That suggests that it's not working :)06:55
RAOFandre_pl: So, installing xserver-xorg-video-nouveau should have pulled in a kernel module (linux-nouveau-modules) - you should make sure that this is an apporpriate version.06:56
stefgI'm looking for the (previously so called) msttcorefonts package. Did the name change? No longer available? Any repo to add ?06:57
m1rhow can i post bug on wireless card ?06:57
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots06:57
stefg!find masttcorefonts06:58
ubotuNo packages matching 'masttcorefonts' could be found06:58
stefg!find msttcorefonts06:58
ubotuFound: msttcorefonts, ttf-liberation06:58
jussi01stefg: ?06:59
locomostefg: its in multiverse06:59
stefglocomo: ah, thanks06:59
Dog!find res06:59
ubotuFound: freeradius-postgresql, jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde, kaddressbook (and 227 others)06:59
jussi01!info msttcorefonts06:59
ubotumsttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.4 (hardy), package size 34 kB, installed size 196 kB06:59
andre_plRAOF: I dont see anything in /var/log/messages about that module07:01
andre_plthe nvidia module is still loaded though :S07:01
RAOFandre_pl: Well, that's going to break it :)07:02
DogIs the upgrade procedure the same for Ubuntu Server as it is in the desktop versions? Can't do update-manager -d, obviously07:03
stefgDog: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:03
RAOFandre_pl: So, you can do this without rebooting, as follows: stop X, modprobe -r nvidia, modprobe nouveau, start X.07:03
DanaGOh, and the DRI module, too.07:04
RAOFDog: There's a do-release-upgrade (or possibly do-distribution-upgrade) thing, which you should use.07:04
RAOFDanaG: No, I don't distribute the DRI module.  You're thinking of the DRM module :)07:04
stefgDog: given that your /etc/apt/sources.list points to the hardy repos already07:04
DanaGStupid acronym.07:04
andre_platal, module nouveau not found07:04
DogIt does?07:04
DanaGI mean, it collides with some evil thing now.07:04
DogI just installed 7.10 server half an hour ago o.O07:05
stefgDog: not by default... and this is not the orthodox way to do it, so better keep a backup before you do it07:05
RAOFandre_pl: Have you actually installed the xserver-xorg-video-nouveau package?  If so, check that you've got the *correct* linux-nouveau-modules-2.6.24-whatever package installed.07:05
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:06
Dogstefg: if I pooch this, I won't lose anything meaningful, fresh install anyway07:06
RAOFDog: The do-release-upgrade program _is_ the orthodox way to do it.07:06
KalEli suppose the artwork will be released only in the final version?07:06
Dogthat link should have it, thanks07:06
DogThe hardy alpha wallpaper is frickin awesome, actually.07:06
Danaman5I just upgraded to Haredy, and everything is slow as molasses now07:06
KalElwhich one... i've been using it since alpha 407:07
Danaman5apologies for typos, I can barely type at all07:07
KalElthis one's for Hardy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades07:07
andre_plRAOF: should I be using generic or rt module?07:08
RAOFandre_pl: Which kernel are you using?  uname -r should tell you what you need.07:08
Danaman5Xgl is using a ton of memory and cpu.  I didn't have this problem in gutsy, does anyone know what is going on?07:09
andre_plRAOF: ok, I got the right module loaded, restarted X, and still stuck at 800x60007:09
RAOFandre_pl: Try the resolutions thing again?07:10
musikgoatanyone know where to get the countdown banner?  The information here points to an authentication page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta?action=show#head-40b980f7f681f54481d6e7fff6a44daf4a742f7e07:10
RAOFandre_pl: Does Xorg.0.log say anything about nouveau?07:10
andre_pland its in my xorg.conf07:11
RAOFCould you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf?07:11
andre_plhttp://rafb.net/p/xJe6O488.html < Xorg.0.log07:12
andre_plttp://rafb.net/p/hXkKR918.html xorg.conf07:12
matyyis it a know bug that in Hardy Compiz doesn't drow shadows?07:14
Danaman5oh thank god, I turned off visual effects and my computer runs at a decent speed again07:14
musikgoatsorry, got lost... anyone know of another location for the hardy countdown banner?07:15
RAOFandre_pl: Hm.  Do you deliberately have two Screen sections? :)07:16
andre_plRAOF: I did,  yes, for TV Out07:16
stefgI'm unsure wether i should file a regression bug about my DVB-T card (digital Tv) not working anymore. dmesg says 'firmware found' and 'frontend registered', but if i try to watch TV with vlc i get  "DVB: frontend 0 frequency 11954000 out of range". This was working in feisty/gutsy07:17
RAOFCan you try with a really minimal xorg.conf?  Get rid of the modelines (which may freak out the randr12 code), get rid of the second screen sections, etc?07:17
RAOFBecause your Xorg.0.log tells me that bulletproof X is kicking in and loading VESA for you :)07:18
DanaGoh hey, can somebody open gparted and see if it can move the beginning of ntfs volumes?07:18
stefgDanaG: This is asking for trouble.... i wouldn't trust gparted07:19
RAOFandre_pl: Failing that, posting Xorg.0.log.old may be useful, because it should be the failing X log.07:20
DanaGI realized that I have a 40-gig partition for Ubuntu (moy primary OS, actually), a 60-gig for Vista (which I use when I need Windows), and a 60-gig for XP; I'm considering trimming down that XP since I rarely ever ever use it.07:20
Danaman5have there been any bugs reported for the gnome-settings-daemon?07:21
Danaman5it refuses to start in Hardy for me07:21
stefgDanaG: use some windows backup software to take images of the partitions, do a clean repartitioning of your hd and restore the backups... and gain a backup along the way07:22
m1rcan someone help with bug report ? under which project should i post wireless bug ?07:22
KalElnow i only wish foxmarks and gmail manager extensions authors upgrade them to support ff3b407:22
andre_plRAOF: nothing in xorg.0.log about nouveau either07:23
DanaGI have only my old 75GB drive to back up into.... but then again, I'll probably get a big backup drive anyway, soon.07:23
stefgDanaG: the trouble is that ntfs support in linux is limited.... i consider resizing ntfs with a reverse engineered file system driver too dangerous07:24
* stefg is off for a reboot to try another firmware for his DVB card07:26
DanaGOh hey, how much space should I reserve for a "just for the sake of curiosity" installation of Ubuntu on a PS3?07:28
DanaGIt's a friend's PS3, but I'll be using my old 75GB drive, that I'll also be putting my MyDocs stuff on.07:29
DanaGAnd how about swap size?07:30
DanaGEeh, from the wiki, it looks like I should do the PS3 thaaaang first.07:31
LynoureDanaG: hardy on PS3? That's funny way to test the beta :)07:36
DanaGIs there even a PS3 version of Hardy?07:37
jimmygoonWhat arch is PS3?07:38
jimmygoonubuntu doesn't maintian ppc anymore does it07:38
jimmygoonstefg, if it makes any difference I've resized my ntfs partitions amny times... the read/write is actually stable now (its been included for a year now I think) allbeit slow at times and the resizing is a separate process anyhow07:40
DanaGEeh, I'll wait until I get a backup drive.07:40
DanaGBut I can at least move stuff around, first.07:40
musikgoatcan anyone tell me if there is a secret username/password needed for https://www-admin.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown07:41
_rubenmusikgoat: it being an admin page, im guessing its ubuntu council/canonical access only07:43
stefgjimmygoon: YMMV .... i saw quite a few people in #ubuntu who had their data eaten by gparted, especially when the partition table was in bad shape before. I don't say it's impossibel, i say i wouldn't advise it07:43
musikgoatI'd guess as well,  but why is it offered here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta#head-40b980f7f681f54481d6e7fff6a44daf4a742f7e07:44
DanaGHmm, remember testdisk first.07:44
jimmygoonhuh. well. its your data after all ;)07:44
DanaGWho created that software, anyway?07:44
_rubenmusikgoat: someone put the wrong url there07:44
richard__go go beta paaaartey! FD07:44
DanaGIt's saved my data (and others', too) soooo many times.07:44
_rubenshould www instead of www-admin07:44
jimmygoonjesus firefox is hard to get around security cert problems07:44
DanaGjesus firefox?07:45
DanaGSorry, making a joke.07:45
richard__christian ubuntu?07:45
* jimmygoon rolls eyes07:45
DanaGmy variant is 'jeeez'07:45
_rubenmusikgoat: looks like the url on the website itself is also wrong07:45
musikgoat_ruben: thanks, fixed the wiki07:45
richard__I wonder why sound wont work...07:46
richard__pulseaudio *mumble*07:46
_rubenhttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown also shows that poup, but can be canceled, but wont show the countdown07:46
musikgoat_ruben: hmmm...07:46
Johan-_no beta yet?07:46
stefgBTW .. to whom it may concern. VLC disabled some playlist parsing features for security reasons, so anyone using it for TV will need a new playlist for zapping thru the channels07:47
richard__therei s a beta!!! :D07:47
_rubenJohan-_: it *is* out07:47
Johan-_oh, not in my apt-get ./07:47
DanaGWhat party?07:47
richard__the one in my house07:47
matyydoes someone with a nvidia card have shadows with compiz?07:50
DanaGMust quit to muck around with removing drive letters (in windows).07:51
mmmiiikkkeeei am getting this error when i run "sudo apt-get upgrade"   http://pastebin.com/m1018a09c    is this the right place to ask how to resolve this?07:52
stefgmmmiiikkkeee: i'm VERY tempted to just mumble /topic .... :-)07:55
Johan-_so how to get the beta? What sources do I need do add to get it NOW? :)07:56
stefgJohan-_: so what do you have now?07:57
Johan-_stefg: running latest alpha, and use the swedish sources07:58
stefgJohan-_: so if you did your updates you should already be on the beta...07:59
Johan-_stefg: but shouldn't there be any new updates from the latest alpha up to the beta?07:59
Hobbseemmmiiikkkeee: run a dist-upgrade.08:00
Hobbseemmmiiikkkeee: and where did you come from?08:00
Hobbseeas in, gutsy, or?08:00
stefgJohan-_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade... There is no formal beta release except for the CD images to be rebuilt. so if you got your latest updates, say. yesterday, then you probably have it already08:02
Hobbseestefg: that may be a problem with the upgrader.08:02
Hobbseestefg: as for why he's not doing a dist-upgrade to resolve it, i've got NFI, and suggest the /topic, but...08:02
mmmiiikkkeeei had read else-where that the issues with "libc6" were resolved;  I was just confused why i am having an issue with it.  Are you saying this is not the right place for me to look to resolve this? If so Please let me know I will search/ask some where else. I did read the topic and i do believe that i now how to deal with the listed things.  dist-upgrade does the exact same thing08:02
Johan-_stefg: I know the beta is just a snapshot but I was sort of hoping for some more updates of something :)08:03
stefgHmmm... don't know. I did a fresh alpha 5 install, did a dist-upgrade yesterday, got no updates today. everything works, and i *think* i have the beta now08:03
* stefg is stressing the fact that this is the first ubuntu beta release where stefg has nothing to really moan about .... quite unusual :-)08:05
stefgmmmiiikkkeee: would a fresh install be an option ?08:06
DanaGUgh, no "tell me what's using the drive" feature.08:07
mmmiiikkkeeeHobbsee: I was upgrading from gutsy(kubuntu).  the graphical updated crashed and I tryed to 'finish it' in the terminal but it won't install anything at all08:07
DanaGThat's another thing sorely missing in Windows, that's in Hardy now.08:07
Hobbseemmmiiikkkeee: did the graphical updater let you file a bug?08:08
Hobbseestefg: dist-upgrades are usually a pain08:08
Hobbseemmmiiikkkeee: and if you're in the middle of a dist-upgrade, then run 'sudo apt-get install dist-upgrade'08:09
marlunI've got a extern monitor connected to my laptop. When I installed ubuntu it was connected and everything was shown at it but the first time I restarted and got into gnome everything is shown on the laptop screen. The progressbar before gnome is opened is shown on the extern screen. How can I use the extern screen now?08:10
mmmiiikkkeeei click the bug report button but then some thing "core dumped" and i got LOTS of errors.  and nothing loaded to report the error08:10
marlunI can't find any Monitor settings in System > Preferences.08:10
mmmiiikkkeeei think you mean sudo apt-get  dist-upgrade ??? that give the same problem: libc6-i686: PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.7-5ubuntu2) but 2.7-9ubuntu2 is installed08:11
RAOFmarlun: Tried system->Preferences->Screen Resolution?08:12
RAOFmarlun: You should be able to set up dual-head there08:12
marlunRAOF: all I have there is my laptop screen and I see no option for dual screen.08:13
RAOFmarlun: Hm.  What card/driver?08:13
stefgRAOF: checking that on my box the item seems to have disappeared here, too. we had a xorg update, and i swear it was there before08:13
marlunRAOF: Nvidia08:14
RAOFmarlun: Right.  If you haven't installed the binary drivers (System->Hardware Drivers), then you're using the nv drivers which are (A) crap and (B) don't support dual head (IIRC).08:15
marlunWhat is prefered to have the extern screen connected when installing or connect it after the install? (could that make any difference?)08:15
marlunRAOF: I have installed those and they are enabled.08:15
DanaGOh yeah, would I really be better off with ATI?08:15
DanaGIn summer, I mean -- end of June.08:16
RAOFmarlun: In that case, you want to install the "nvidia-settings" package, and then System->Administration->Nvidia Settings08:16
richard__functionality wise I think they are mostly the same08:17
marlunRAOF: ok, will try :) thanks.08:17
RAOFMan, nouveau + xserver git is _fast_.08:19
m1rwhat i need to do to get installed sun-java6 ? ubuntu restricted extras ?08:19
RAOFm1r: I'd suggest installing the "sun-java6-jre" package :)08:19
RAOFm1r: In fact, "aptitude search sun-java" should give you some pointers :)08:19
marlunRAOF: it worked :) thank you very much,08:20
m1rRAOF , search shows nothing :/08:20
RAOFmarlun: nVidia are special.  Basically nothing but their tolls will do anything.08:20
m1rdo i need to enable some repositoryes ?08:20
RAOFm1r: "aptitude search sun-java" doesn't return anything?08:21
m1rRAOF, no08:21
Dr_willis_!find sun-java08:21
marlunRAOF: their trolls? :) Their own software?08:21
arvindI have reinstalled Firefox beta 4 and when i open it , it says process is already running. I restarted my system and when i opened it again , it says the same. What should i do now?08:21
ubotuFound: sun-java5-bin, sun-java5-demo, sun-java5-doc, sun-java5-fonts, sun-java5-jdk (and 12 others)08:21
RAOFtOOls :)08:21
RAOFm1r: It's in multiverse (being non-free and all).08:21
Johan-_any one have netatalk working? I had it working fine in 7.10 upgraded to 8.04 and still working. Now I'm on a new install of 8.04 with my old configfiles but it still doesn't work08:21
mmmiiikkkeeerunning "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" i get:   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60389/08:21
marlunhmmmm :) I read trolls... weird :P08:21
m1rok tnx i try enable08:21
mneptokm1r: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin08:22
RAOFHe'll need multiverse enabled, of course.08:22
arvindpls help08:22
mneptokRAOF: he could be a machine telepath.08:22
mneptokRAOF: those guys are *all over* IRC08:22
Dr_willis_arvind,  you could try moving your .firefox dir, then restarting firefox08:23
DanaGI use the java7 plugin, even though it's not guaranteed functional.08:23
m1ri have hardy multiuniverse  enabled , but still no luck with java08:24
mneptokm1r: sudo apt-get update08:24
Dr_willis_I normally install the ubuntu-restricted-extras  package and it grabs it as well.08:25
Dr_willis_Yes. a update/upgrade , and try again.. may help08:25
m1rok tnx guys i try08:25
m1rso should i install ubuntu restricted after upgrade ?08:27
m1rdoes ubuntu have gnu java installed by default ?08:29
marlunwhops :)08:29
Dr_willis_ls -al08:29
Dr_willis_file not found.08:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:30
marlunDr_willis_: not sure why it wouldn't work :P08:30
stefgAnyone has a repo for w32codecs and libdvdcss for hardy already ?08:30
marlunWhen connecting to a windows computer with the remote desktop viewer, what port should I use? I can't seem to connect.08:31
Dr_willis_Not in the  medibuntu repos yet?08:31
stefgDr_willis_: no, seems not. skimming over the site just tells me about gutsy08:31
m1rwhat is Seahorse ?08:32
henkjanm1r: ssh agent08:33
Dr_willis_stefg,  check the actual ftp site?08:33
m1rhenkjan: i did 1st upgrade and on installing it seems it's stoped on setting up seahorse08:33
stefgDr_willis_: they have Feisty packages, and i'm reluctant to try these08:36
Dr_willis_for the codecs. you could grab the ones from the mplayer site. and the dcss stuff has a script that can install it...08:36
m1rcan someone confirm : seahorse 2.22.0-0ubuntu2 cant update ? or is it really taking it 5 min to updgrade ?08:38
cwillu!info transmission08:42
ubotutransmission (source: transmission): free, lightweight BitTorrent client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB08:42
stefgDr_willis_: just took individual packages from medibuntu... works for know.08:42
stefgknow == now08:42
stefgARRRGGHHHH .... how to get rid of that blinking cursor in gnome terminal... the checkbox to turn it off is gone!!! my eyes hurt!!!08:43
Dr_willis_I like the blinky thing. :)08:44
Dr_willis_set the blink rate to 100000000000000000000 times a sec!08:44
m1rdo i need seahorse package for system to work ?08:45
stefgNO! if i can't turn the blinking cursor off, i'll move over to fedora :-). If there's one thing i can't stand it's a blinking cursor !! :-)08:45
DanaGOne thing I can't stand: text boxes that look like they have focus, but really don't.08:46
cwillustop putting spaces between the last word of the sentence and the punctuation, and maybe I'll help you :p08:46
stefgcwillu: plenking is one of my trademarks08:46
richard__but uhhh | woot08:47
cwillustefg,  blinking cursors is ubuntu's :p08:47
m1roh my, 5 min setting up seahorse , like it is xserver :)08:47
richard__is alsa still the default in +1 beta?08:47
RAOFrichard__: Yes, and will be for the forseeable future.08:48
marlunTo be able to see my windows computer that is also connected to my home network, do I need to tell Ubuntu which workgroup it should look in?08:48
richard__RAOF, :o really?08:48
cwillustefg, configuration editor (gconf-editor), /desktop/gnome/interface/cursor_blink08:48
bazhangbetter to upgrade to kde4 in gutsy then do the dist-upgrade, or the reverse? am currently running kde3 gutsy08:48
Dr_willis_marlun,  normally it shows all the workgroups here. from what ive seen08:48
richard__I thought pulse would be the next big thing! THE FUTURE!08:48
m1roh finaly managed to get to restricted extras :) tnx guys08:48
marlunDr_willis_: hmmm ok, here it finds nothing and I can't use Virtual Desktop Viewer to connect to it, connection fails.08:49
morphirevolution consumes a lot of cpu on idle (100%), and I can't see any issues on launchpad that adresses this.08:50
marlunDr_willis_: I've got windows installed on this computer to and it works from there. :)08:50
Dr_willis_marlun,   that only prioves you got good wireing. ;008:50
RAOFrichard__: Pulse doesn't replace ALSA.  ALSA is an audio-driver system, pulse is a sound server.08:50
morphirhave evolution been replaced with thunderbird?08:50
lacostejhi. Does anyone know what creates the /dev/disk entries ? Is that udevd ? at what time ?08:51
marlunDr_willis_: yeah, thought that wouldn't tell you much :P08:51
Dr_willis_thers a dozen ways to browse the samba networks.. marlun  i have had MAJOR issues with hardy finding remote networks.. it will work one week, then updates happen and it breaks again.08:51
Dr_willis_marlun,  i perfer the fusesmb tools08:51
richard__I'm stumped08:51
Dr_willis_!info fusesmb08:51
ubotufusesmb (source: fusesmb): filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.7-1 (hardy), package size 30 kB, installed size 140 kB08:51
stefgcwillu: ok, i give up. I looked in gconf-editor, but it's not there either. So where is it?08:51
cwillustefg, I gave you the path08:51
Dr_willis_but even that was broken for me a week or so ago.08:52
cwillu /desktop/gnome/interface/cursor_blink08:52
richard__I think I'll have to visit the wikipedia...08:52
stefgcwillu: ah, yes08:52
richard__ahhh ESD replacement..08:52
richard__software mixing..08:52
* stefg feels *much* better now08:53
marlunDr_willis_: is it easy to use? :)08:54
Dr_willis_marlun,  yes. google for 'ubuntu fusesmb wiki' to learn how to use it. :)08:54
cwillumarlun, nautilus issues?08:54
richard__hmm there is no ubuntu +208:55
richard__I thought I could contact the future08:55
richard__ask them where I left my slippers, and when an X replacement will appear08:55
marluncwillu: no, home network/windows and remote desktop issues :)08:56
* Dr_willis_ installs the Y windowing system08:56
cwillumarlun, care to elaborate (again)?08:56
Dr_willis_Ive had severe problems with samba networking/browsing not working in  the testing releases.. its possible its broke again.08:57
PFAwhat's a heron?08:58
RAOFA bird.08:58
PFAis it like heroin?08:58
PFAis that drug slang?08:58
bazhangso no clue about the path to kde4Hardy from kubuntu gutsy? best to dist-upgrade then go for kde4 or the reverse?08:58
Dr_willis_google.com is our friend.08:58
Dr_willis_lots of bird pictures!08:58
PFAare people going to ask for "ubuntu hardy heron" and get a light orange variety of smack?08:58
marluncwillu: won't see my windows computer on my home network when browsing the windows network in nautilus and I can't find my computer in Vinagre or connect to it if i give it the address.08:59
PFAis it for pornography?08:59
cwillumarlun, xp or vista?08:59
marluncwillu: server 200809:00
elkbuntuPFA, stop now.09:00
HobbseePFA: google is your friend?09:00
* DanaG is going to bed now.09:01
stefgAny hints on how to import a bookmarks.html file from FF2 into firefox 3? i didn't upgrade an existing profile, i just want to copy over my bookmarks from the gutsy install. But no import wizard, no bookmark manager anymore???09:02
DanaGTry just copying the file and then restarting Firefox.09:02
DanaGI mean, copy the file into the new profile.09:02
stefgDoesn't work09:02
stefgDoesn't work09:02
m1rfirefox , if i remove bookmarks toolbar , where does home icon go ?09:02
cwillustefg, open the bookmarks, import and backup, from file09:03
DanaGAway, unless you move the button somewhere else.09:03
Johan-_Anyone got netatalk to work with ssl in 8.04? Even if it actually compiles with ssl support it won't start the necessary stuff.09:03
DanaG!info netatalk09:03
ubotunetatalk (source: netatalk): AppleTalk user binaries. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.3-7 (hardy), package size 701 kB, installed size 1932 kB09:03
DanaGNever used it, actually; thus, I had to ask what it was.09:03
Dr_willis_stefg,  i use one of those online bookmark keeper-extensions normally :) saves me a lot  of hassles09:04
flowOveri use googletoolbar09:04
stefgcwillu: thanks again. i wonder why they needed to put new labels on old boxes. so the wizard is there, it's just called differently09:04
DanaGYou should see the Windows version -- it's quite fugly.09:05
DanaGOh, and Home can be dragged off the Bookmarks toolbar.09:05
cwillustefg, more people figure it out the first time the new way.  Honestly, it wasn't _that_ hard to find :p09:06
andre3Fonts are much smaller in Firefox 3 in Hardy compared to Gutsy. Anyone else seen that? I have to change the "Minimum font size" in the preferences to get decently sized fonts.09:08
stefgcwillu: i'm too old to constantly track the wierd ideas of FF dev's to push things around. So 'open all bookmarks' isn't exactly descriptive for the bookmark manager. i would have expected FF to open /all/ bookmarks in tabs09:09
flowOverandre3,  its the new font rendering09:09
andre3flowOver: Aha. Something new in firefox 3?09:10
flowOvernew rendering engine in ubuntu09:10
andre3Aha. Rendering of fonts?09:10
andre3What's it called, and how can it be configured somehow?09:11
flowOverappearance > fonts09:11
andre3I've changed that to Subpixel smothing09:12
andre3What do you mean was changed there? Some rendering option?09:12
cwilluandre3, if you previously had the zoom set to enlarge it a bit, that works differently now09:13
DanaGGood night09:13
askand Is it correct that the restricted drivers manager wont show that I need restricted drivers when running from livecd? It shows up after I have installed and rebooted?09:13
andre3cwillu: No, I didn't have any zoom setting done. I was using default settings.09:14
andre3Setting "Minimum font size" in Firefox fixes it, but it feels like a bad solution.09:14
clustyweirdest thing happens: if i try to resize the thunderbird compose email window X crashes09:15
andre3flowOver: What was changed actually? Can I set it back? DPI was different?09:19
=== kim_ is now known as caffeineguy
gribeluandre3: try setting layout.css.dpi to 0 in about:config09:20
andre3gribelu: Sorry, no noticable difference.09:21
gribelurestared ff?09:22
andre3What does that setting do?09:22
gribelumaybe try setting it to 9609:24
andre3-1 Use the host system’s logical resolution or 96, whichever is greater, for interpreting dimensions specified in absolute units. (Default)09:24
andre3That's what I have09:24
andre3And 96 DPI is set in Gnome09:24
gribelumy firefox used to have smaller font too but i configured too much stuff.. i don't remember what did the trick09:25
andre3It sort of sucks that defaults are changed without any info on how to change it back09:26
gribeluit's a beta.. :)09:26
andre3But I'm pretty sure this won't be documented in release notes once final either;-)09:27
cwilluandre3, report a bug.  I haven't seen any weird font size changes, so I'm guessing it wasn't deliberate09:28
andre3Will do that. Thanks.09:28
jinI cna't go back in firefox  the back button is disabled why?09:28
gribeluubuntuforums has quite a few threads on the subject.. some people have large fonts, others small09:28
cwilluubuntuforums fosters an interesting approach to problem solving :p09:31
cwillutweak first, ask questions later09:31
cwillumakes for an interesting set of problems months down the line in my experience :p09:31
cwilluI've seen a few bugs (a hal issue with a vantec external usb enclosure is the latest that sticks out in my mind) where the solution that was eventually found on page 18 didn't work for anybody just tuning in, because of what somebody else tried on page 13 that didn't seem to fix it, but ended up being required to make the solution work09:33
gribeluso only 18 pages to read09:34
cwilluit was a short topic :p09:34
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Unksihmm, can anyone edit any documents with openoffice?09:41
Unksisuddenly, i can't seem to be able to edit any documents because it thinks the content is read only09:42
Hestv4with the latest kernel my computer just reboots when X should start09:54
Hestv4known bug?09:54
Dr_willis_be sure it dident install the 386 kernel when you want the -generic kernel09:55
Hestv4I didn't choose anything ;)09:56
Hestv4I just follow the updates09:56
Dr_willis_double check what you are using09:57
Dr_willis_the 386 kernel kept getting reinstalled as the default for me last few weeks09:57
Hestv42.6.24-11 works09:58
Hestv4sometimes I can get the system up if I choose recovery and start X from there09:59
Hestv4this is a "strange" via epia mini-itx09:59
Hestv4if that matters09:59
theunixgeekWhere can I get the Hardy wallpaper without the heron?10:01
Hestv4Dr_willis: root_dev 0x6801 instead of root_dev 0x801, can that matter?10:02
Dr_willis_Hestv4,  no idea on that..  sorry.10:03
Dr_willis_i wonder if the hd is slow to spinup?10:03
Hestv4no no10:03
Hestv4it's already spinning when X should start you know...10:04
Hestv4hmm.. I can try with nosplash to see if that helps10:04
Dr_willis_i alwyas disable the splash and framebuffer10:04
theunixgeekCan anyone send me their /usr/share/pixmaps/wallpaper as a tar.gz or zip file? :)10:06
Hestv4Dr_willis: it helped.10:08
Hestv4but that's not the way to run it :(10:08
Hestv4"everything should work", right?10:08
Hestv4theunixgeek: cannot access /usr/share/pixmaps/wallpaper: No such file or directory10:12
theunixgeekHestv4: backgrounds instead of wallpaper, sorry10:12
luke__Hello, I have a rendering error and I don't know what is causing it, I just upgraded from 7.04 and it's been doing it ever since, here is a screeny10:13
Hestv4theunixgeek: I have nothing special there...10:13
[mbm]anyone try xen in hardy yet?10:13
jessicai need help with my webcam i can get it working but when i put it on my whole system freeze's10:13
[mbm]noticing some odd glitches trying10:13
theunixgeekHestv4: if you go into system > preferences > appearance > wallpaper, hold the mouse cursor over the wallpaper and that's the directory :P10:14
luke__does anyone know how to fix this problem, it is intolorable10:14
Hestv4theunixgeek: /usr/share/backgrounds then10:14
theunixgeekHestv4: ah, that's it :)10:14
jessicamy system freezes when i put my webcam10:16
jessicahow can i stop it freezes10:16
theunixgeekjessica: more detail, please?10:16
theunixgeekjessica: what do you mean by "it freezes" ?10:16
jessicamy whole system stops i carnt move my mouse my music playing stops and i to retart it by the restart button10:17
[mbm]luke__: Option "AccelMethod" "XAA" in your xorg.conf and see if that fixes it (looks like an EXA bug)10:17
Hestv4theunixgeek: either you're not accepting the dcc, or there's a damn firewall somewhere...10:17
theunixgeekHestv4: probably a firewall.10:17
theunixgeekHestv4: citiskyline@yahoo.com10:17
lintelhi, I just tried the new 8.04ß KDE4 Live CD. My QN: If my Atheros AR5007eg isn't supported => then the same occurs for Ubuntu and I can 4get Hardy for my laptop?10:17
luke__[mbm]: thanks, I'll try it10:18
theunixgeeklintel: have you tried the regular, non-alpha ubuntu? (7.10)10:18
Hestv4theunixgeek: ahh, I'm not registered on the irc network.. that's it10:18
theunixgeekoh ok10:18
theunixgeekHestv4: /msg nickserv register [NICKNAME] [PASSWORD]10:19
theunixgeekHestv4: type that in ^10:19
[mbm]lintel: there are some unofficial madwifi patches for that -- is this an eeepc?10:19
linteltheunixgeek: AR5007eg was never supported so far10:19
theunixgeeklintel: ok10:19
[mbm](seems to be the most common use of those chips)10:19
luke__[mbm]: where am I putting this option?10:19
Hestv4theunixgeek: I know.. but I'm registered on too many networks already...10:20
Hestv4theunixgeek: mail sent...10:20
lintel[mbm]: I know there are, but I report here, since IMHO UBU should support this quite common device "out of the box"10:20
[mbm]luke__: device section10:20
theunixgeekHestv4: ok thanks10:20
[mbm]lintel: well, issue is actually that madwifi hasn't accepted the 5k patches10:21
theunixgeekHestv4: hmm... I'm not getting it. can you try citiskyline@gmail.com :)10:21
lintel[mbm]: indeed, but I really wonder how Mandriva Beta did it then?10:21
[mbm]lintel: presumably by hacking together an unsupported madwifi release, which imho is not the way to do it10:22
lintel[mbm]: NB his is NO nagging, but I want UBU to work for many pple10:22
[mbm](that's fine for personal use, but don't distribute something and expect the madwifi team to support it)10:22
lintel[mbm]: in fact I tried the last madwifi hack as posted @ UBU-forums but it never worked10:23
[mbm]lintel: ditto, I have an eeepc that happens to have one of those cards, but I'm being patient with the madwifi teamand understand their reasons for rejecting a new hal binary blob which may introduce more bugs10:24
[mbm]lintel: mbm.openwrt.org/eee .. I have a patched madwifi sources posted there10:24
lintel[mbm] avail. via apt-get?10:25
[mbm]sources. not packages10:25
lintel[mbm]: :( I tried these in vain, thanks nevertheless10:26
theunixgeekHestv4: hm... I'm not receiving it. What's the subject?10:26
Hestv4Mar 21 11:25:10 bunke postfix/smtp[27987]: 5E8CC1FF81CD: to=<citiskyline@gmail.com>, relay=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25, delay=144, delays=1.3/0/1.3/141, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1206095110 f4si11130355nfh.26)10:26
[mbm]lintel: it's trivial to compile, but out of the scope of this particular channel10:27
[mbm]and yes it does have the atheros 5k support10:27
Hestv4theunixgeek: check yahoo again. they were greylisting me10:27
[mbm]some time when I'm not so lazy I may be inclined to compile the hardy packages you require10:27
theunixgeekHestv4: no, still not there10:27
theunixgeekHestv4: let me empty my spam and then resend it in case it went into spam10:28
[mbm]anyone play with xen yet?10:28
lintel[mbm]: please link10:28
Hestv4theunixgeek: http://ambricka.se/tmp/backgrounds.tgz10:29
theunixgeekHestv4: thanks :) it's downloading10:29
[mbm]lintel: subdirectory of what I linked before, specifically http://mbm.openwrt.org/eee/kernel/wifi/madwifi-src-patched.tar.gz10:29
[mbm](make sure to remove your existing madwifi modules first so you don't mix them up)10:30
theunixgeekHestv4: thank you very much :)10:31
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Hestv4next box will be a mythbuntu10:59
hardytestrunhello there11:16
hardytestrunhad some trouble with hardy beta, is does not detect my nvidia card with restricted hardware manager11:16
hardytestrunany one has the same experience?11:16
hardytestruni had to resort to envy to get it up and running11:17
hardytestrunfor the rest , it look pretty good11:19
hardytestrunjust wondering why they keep those gnome games in gnome11:19
* [mbm] noticed several xen bugs but nobody here seems interested11:21
fromporteverybody is interested but it doesn't seem to have priority :-(11:22
hardytestrunyes i see11:22
hardytestrunmaybe the wrong time?11:22
[mbm]doubt it, there have been bugs opened in launchpad for awhile with no official response11:23
hardytestrunall are at a conference some how?11:24
fromportxen-3.2 was updated this week. there is response ;-)11:25
hardytestrundoes it have an decent gui frontend now? ( xen )11:25
[mbm]fromport: hardly; the xen kernel is compiled with everything xen as modules and yet initramfs is completely clueless about xen, as if nobody had even bothered trying to boot hardy under xen11:26
[mbm]and assuming you look past that *cough* minor oversight, the networking is broken11:27
fromporti filed the bugreport about "networking notworking" ;-)11:27
[mbm]noticed that one11:28
hardytestrunwell there still is some time before final release11:28
fromporti'm using KVM right now. that is working really nice. Only thing that's unclear to me is how to get public ip bridging enabled: the wiki's aren't clear at all/dont work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KvmWithBridge11:29
hardytestrunlets hope for you they take a look at the xen issue11:29
hardytestrunand the restricted hardware not detecting nvidia cards...11:29
hardytestrunany way got to call it a rap, see you all next time11:30
* [mbm] has a few colo servers running xen and ubuntu domUs under .. users can't upgrade to hardy because it breaks xen11:30
henkjan[mbm]: does it break the dom0?11:30
drainmanif i install hardy now, will it upgrade to the rls version?11:31
[mbm]henkjan: likely, although I haven't been crazy enough to switch a dom0 over to hardy when it won't even run as a domU11:31
drainmanwhen it comes out i mean11:31
fromporthardytestrun: my wife's laptop with a nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce Go 6600] is recognised perfecty and running accelerated X ;-)11:31
fromportdrainman: sure, why not?11:31
henkjan[mbm]: talk to zul in #ubuntu-server11:32
drainmani just dont want to reinstall it and stuff11:32
fromporthenkjan: i'm talking for the last few days to zul on #xen ;-)11:32
fromporthe's starting to dislike me ;-)11:32
DarkMageZanyone used usenet on ubuntu? which client would you recommend ?11:33
henkjanfromport: :)11:34
foxinesshi,am working with GPRS conn ,the epiphany change to workoffline often when am online ,how can i tell the network manager am online or is there workaround ?11:40
foxinessam using Gnome-ppp to conn11:41
jng i just installed hardy and in the install it spotted my gutsy install and offered to import accounts -- neat.  I passed on the option (not sure how much it would have done) but wonder if there is any way to do this post-install -- or any doc of what it would have done?11:41
caffeineguyRealtek ALC268 just won't work. whenever any sound is played it just goes into an eternal echo thing.11:49
caffeineguyon latest backports to11:49
caffeineguylogin sound just repeats five or six times tough11:50
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caffeineguy*drinks coffee and tinkers on*11:52
mollitzwie kann ich von hardy alpha auf beta upgraden? apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade?11:54
mollitzwie kann ich von hardy alpha auf beta upgraden? apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade?11:59
coz_any issues with todays updates/12:00
orkuncompiz nukes my webbrowser's rendering speed(opera and firefox) - will i be able to avoid that effect using xserver-xephyr to open another xsession in a window?12:00
Hobbseemollitz: ja.12:00
foxinessthe output of badblocks are "Pass completed, 37 bad blocks found." ,what i need to do next?12:02
TheInfinityfoxiness: buy a news hdd ;)12:03
foxinessok cancel -- i will select cancel12:03
TheInfinityyou can still use this hdd, but you will get more and more bad blocks which means more and more data loss12:04
foxinesseven if i will delete all partition and start form 012:05
TheInfinitythis has nothing to do with partitions12:05
mollitzohh this is english i am sorry ;)12:05
mollitzok the problem is, nothing happens12:06
mollitzon update he is downloading 7 MB of new sources but on upgrade and dist-upgrade nothing happens!12:06
mollitzhow can i check the ubuntu version ?12:06
neosetanyone here successfully installed (k)ubuntu hardy on nvraid with installed XP on it?12:07
foxinessTheInfinity, k thank u a lot12:07
TheInfinityneoset: nvraid is fake raid12:07
neoseti know12:07
TheInfinity-> makes no sense and is simulated in xp12:07
TheInfinityso you cant use it12:07
mollitzis it possible to use a fake raid with both, linux and windows12:08
TheInfinityyes linux can use its own soft raid12:08
TheInfinitybut this can be done without nvidia12:08
mollitzim off bye12:09
neosetso you have to install linux first and then windows?12:10
glowyhey guys, my 8.04 beta installation is stuck at 100%. what should i do?12:10
TheInfinityneoset: windows cant use linux soft raid12:10
TheInfinitybecause its soft raid ans simulated by linux kernel12:10
neosetso it is impossible dualbooting windows and linux on fake raid?12:11
TheInfinityyou can set up for every os an own fake raid12:11
TheInfinitybut soft raid has no sense on user systems12:11
glowyany1 know what to do with stuck installation?12:12
fromportglowy: The five R's of windows tech support: Retry, Reboot, Reinstall, Replace & Resign12:14
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glowyfromport: well i thought i'd install ubuntu to not have windows probs12:14
fromportglowy: got you! ;-)12:15
fromportwhat do you mean with "stuck at 100%" the graphical progress indicator?12:15
glowyfromport: so is there no other solution than totally reinstalling it?12:16
fromportdunno, but you're not giving much detailed info, so nobody is responding12:16
glowyok what should i tell u? os: ubuntu 8.04beta12:16
glowypartitioning worked flawlessly12:17
fromport < fromport> what do you mean with "stuck at 100%" the graphical progress indicator?12:17
glowyand at the step "installation protocolls are being copied" (100%) it's stuck12:17
x1101how long has it been stuck?12:18
minimecHi. I am setting up a sources.list for hardy. What do you think, should I add the medibuntu repo or is hardy good enough, when it comes to multimedia and codeces...12:18
sotofoxiness: You can specify -c to mkfs so it avoids using detected bad blocks. But your drive might be failing: Strongly consider replacing it or returning it as defective under warranty.12:18
glowyx1101, about 30 minutes12:18
x1101glowy: any install went normally up till now?12:19
glowyx1101: exactly, everything went smoothly12:19
x1101glowy: is this a clean install (sorry if i'm asking things you have already said, i just joined the channel)12:21
glowyx1101: what do u mean with clean install?12:21
foxinesssoto, thanks , i think i will replace it soon12:22
x1101glowy: are you installing the fresh, or are you upgrading from a previous version of Ubuntu>12:25
glowyx1101: fresh install and have also gutsy and vista on other partitions12:25
x1101glowy: have you tried the install more than once?12:27
glowyx1101: no it's the first time with hardy12:28
glowyso shall i abort it and try it again?12:28
x1101glowy: yes, and when it boots, if there is an option to check the disk, do that before you install, there might be an error in your download12:29
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glowyok ill do that12:29
x1101glowy: good luck12:29
glowyx1101: thx12:29
marlunAnyone have any idea why rdesktop would give me "ERROR: recv: Connection reset by peer" when started? I'm trying to connect to a windows server and I've got remote desktop setup.12:30
freexeI ran am upgrade to hardy and have had a few issues, it seems to use the 386 kernal and the generic ones causes my system to fail to book12:30
glowyx1101: it booted without problems with the (incomplete) install12:31
glowyso should i really reinstall?!12:32
x1101glowy: is anything acting odd?12:32
glowyx1101: didnt notice til now...12:33
glowyx1101: what would u do?12:35
savvaskernel gurus around? do i need the fuseiso package to mount isos in hardy?12:35
x1101 glowy if it booted on a (partial) install, and everything seems to be working fine, i would try to run 'sudo aptitude update' just to make sure everything is up to date, the try to use it, but be ready for it to fail @ any time, and have to re-install then12:36
_rubenmounting isos requires loop only12:36
glowyx1101: ok that sounds reasonable12:36
x1101glowy: this is a beta after all, we can't expect it to be perfect12:37
glowytrue indeed12:37
x1101glowy: the other thing you could do is just go to your gusty partition, install virtualbox and try it in there...12:37
glowyx1101: maybe the install gui wasnt updated but the installation process was already finished12:38
x1101glowy: or it could have been a bug in the X server12:38
glowyx1101: could be. as i dont already had some probs with xserver...12:39
x1101glowy: what kinds of problems12:39
minimecThere are definitly some progresses in Hardy since alpha5. Starts to be quiet nice our new baby...12:39
glowyproblems with the resolution12:40
x1101glowy: ah12:40
x1101glowy: widescreen monitor?12:40
madgodoi anyone here?12:41
minimecglowy: I have a virtual hardy running here. Guest additions work well... You can test hardy the hard way in Virtualbox...12:41
MenZamadgod: several people.12:42
madgodwell i need a little help12:42
combatmadgod, why dont you just ask?12:43
madgodthe title bar for firefox is gone or somthing12:43
madgodi never had this happen before12:43
x1101glowy: do you have a widescreen monitor, those have always been problematic in linux12:43
glowyx1101: 16:10 laptop screen12:44
minimecmadgod: >view<sidebar?12:44
madgodthe title menu is gone12:44
madgodeverything above the address bar is missing12:44
tuxanyone else having issues sending email in evolution via gmail's smtp ?12:44
madgodhold on i have an idea12:44
madgodnvm that didnt work12:44
combatmadgod, maybe you pressed some f-keys like f1112:44
madgodnah it was after i used wine to test css12:45
x1101glowy: that would be the issue12:45
madgodcounter strike was in fullscreen @ 1024x768 and it was gone then and i closed it and its still missing12:45
madgoderr i started firefox when it was in fullscreen12:46
glowyx1101: but it worked for some time and then the login screen was at 800x60012:46
x1101glowy: now that is odd, is it right now (post install)?12:47
combatmadgod, did u restart firefox or reboot your pc/notebook?12:48
madgodyeah both12:48
glowyx1101: no right now the resolution is okay. another question: which package do i need to install in order to open jar files12:48
madgodfirst things i had done12:48
madgodi installed opera just to fix it12:48
madgodbut eh12:48
madgodoh major lulz i fixed it12:50
madgodthanks anyways12:50
x1101glowy: i think you need at least the java jre installed12:51
x1101glowy: do you install vai command line or GUI12:51
glowyx1101: both :D im downloading the java 6 webstart via gui now12:51
arvindi installed HH alpha6 but i still hav my old kernel shown at the start up12:51
glowyarvind: why didnt u install the new beta?12:52
minimecarvind: Di dyou do an upgrade from gutsy? In this case it is logic.12:52
x1101glowy: sounds good12:52
arvindis the beta out?12:52
glowyarvind: i guess thats just the string in grub loader12:52
arvindits on 27 th12:53
stefgHi, can someone help me remember the name of the compiz-plugin that zooms out and shows your desktops/viewports side by side ... i had that on ubuntu gutsy, but can't remember the name or find out if i have it already12:53
arvindglowy ,i upgraded frm gutsy o12:54
combatstefg, maybe expo?12:55
arvindwhen is HH beta release?12:56
minimecarvind: As you upgraded from gutsy, hardy keeps the latest gutsy kernel to have a running system in case of fail... I guess with sudo apt-get autoclean you can remove it.12:56
glowyarvind: so i'm pretty sure u have the new kernel installed. the string at startup doesnt check the kernel but just display the predefined12:56
arvindi have kernel12:57
arvindglowy,wat abt beta12:57
stefgcombat: thx.. #compiz-fusion got me going12:59
WicksHi all - just upgraded to hardy beta... when logging into gnome, I'm getting "gnome-settings-deamon" not starting...13:01
Wicksi have a feeling it has something to do with XGL on previous installation - anyone else had the same problem?13:01
vega--Wicks: yes, occasionally13:04
vega--Wicks: .. and started from terminal works ok13:04
vega--i vaguely remember a workaround in some bugreport13:04
Wicksvega--, so just tyoe gdm at the terminal?13:07
arvindi am using hardy alpha,but not sure which version i m using13:07
arvindhow to find which version of HH i m using?13:07
combatarvind, Hary is 8.0413:07
sebrdudes, i have a problem when updating to hardy13:07
sebrE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (1) on libc613:08
arvindi want to know whether i m using alpha 5 or 613:08
voxanyone know why mousekeys would turn itself on every 2-3 days for no apparent reason?13:08
combatarvind, after installing hardy you are permanently getting updates, so you cant exactly find out which alpha-version you are using13:09
arvindi m not getting updates13:10
spawn57then the same one you were using ..13:10
combatarvind, you should, open the update-manager or type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:10
Davo_DinkumWill KDE4 be in hardy?13:11
vega--Davo_Dinkum: no13:11
arvindi m not getting updates on HH13:12
minimecarvind: Whe you just did the upgrade, you should be up to date...13:13
arvindi upgraded to HH yesterday13:13
arvindis beta released?13:13
sebri can't upgrade :(13:13
sebrE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (1) on libc613:13
sebrwhat am i supposed to do about that13:14
combatarvind, yesterday, so maybe there are no updates yet13:14
minimecarvind: verify your /etc/apt/sources.list.13:14
minimecarvind: You should be up to date...13:14
arvindany new repository for HH?13:14
combatarvind, yesterday beta was released, so most exactly you are running the beta version13:14
arvindhow to find?13:15
arvindcombat ,how to find whether i m using alpha or beta13:16
combatarvind, you cant find out13:16
combatarvind, the updates between these minor versions are very smooth13:16
combatsometimes there are daily updates13:16
combatthe ubuntu-team only releases some minor versions13:17
minimecarvind: Once you have the hardy repos in /etc/apt/sources.list you are hardy 'bleeding edge' ;)13:18
arvindwhat r the hardy repositories?13:18
bazhangarvind: you going to dist-upgrade?13:19
minimecbazhang: He did ...13:19
bazhangarvind: then what is your question?13:20
WelshDragonHi, i've got a slightly wierd and annoying problem. I can't open any new internet connections. If i open my browser everything times out. (Including my router)...Updates are not working, none of the online games are working either. But before it all broke, i was already on IRC and had an ssh session open with my server and thye are still working. Any idea how i can get it wroking properly again? (Without Restarting)13:20
minimecbazhang: He was not sure, what he is running...13:20
arvinddo i want 2 add any new links to my repos?13:20
minimecarvind: Medibuntu could be your friend.13:20
bazhangarvind: you want to add 2 new links to your repos? which ones?13:21
arvindis there any new ones?13:21
MenZaMedibuntu doesn't have Hardy yet, I believe.13:23
MenZaAlthough the Gutsy packages might work.13:24
stefgWelshDragon: checked if your DNS is working?13:24
WelshDragonYes, All my other computers are working fine, Use the same DNS13:24
minimecMenZa: It does. Just activated it.13:25
arvindbazhang,are there any new ones?13:25
bazhanggutsy mediubuntu does work so far with hardy13:25
WelshDragonOh nevermind sorry...moblock....13:25
stefgWelshDragon: Does 'ping www.google.com' work ?13:25
bazhangarvind: official or not?13:25
WelshDragonThanks anyway stefg13:26
MenZaminimec: Oooh.13:26
minimecMenZa: ...But you have to copy/paste the gutsy line and change manually to 'hardy'13:26
MenZaminimec: Yeah; I can tell13:27
MenZaJust browsing the files13:27
arvindhas any one tried swiftweasel13:28
bazhangarvind: official or not? what do you want to add? in terms of software etc13:28
MenZaminimec: added, updated. :)13:29
bazhangarvind: that really depends on you; there are some unstable repos you could add; but I will let you find those on your own13:29
arvindbazhang,give me the official links13:29
slavikare there issues with keyboards in hardy?13:30
Davo_Dinkumis there a list of mirrors hosting hardy ISOs?13:31
ompaulDavo_Dinkum, no - they are not on mirrors you have to go to the cdimage.ubuntu.com to get the sources you want reason - it is not released yet13:32
ompaulat least that is my understanding13:32
Davo_Dinkumoh ok13:32
Davo_Dinkumhi ompaul :D13:32
ompaulDavo_Dinkum, hi13:33
Davo_Dinkum:/ sloooow download13:33
arvindbazhang, give me some official links13:33
voxany issues with update manager at present? my appears to not be workink13:34
arvindVox,it is fine13:35
arvindcombat, give me some official repos links13:36
voxmy update manager starts and shows what's to be updated. Click on Update, and it just sits... and doesnt bring up the gksudo password box13:36
arvindvox, reboot ur system and try it again13:37
voxarvind: i just did13:37
arvindvox, try updating via Terminal13:37
voxusing apt-get?13:37
voxyeah that works fine13:38
minimechow do you handle RealPlayer streams?13:38
voxminimec: with realplayer or vlc13:38
arvindminimec,install mediaplayerconnectivity plugin in firefox13:38
arvindminimec,i dont know the exact name13:39
minimecvox: Evry time I do a Ubuntu installation the struggle starts with a good RealPlayer deb. Do you have a good repo?13:39
minimecarvind: I tried that once too...13:39
voxi.. just turn uni and multiverse on and install realplayer *shrug*13:40
minimecHelix doesn't play the streams that I want to watch...13:40
minimecvox: Hmmm? I have no realplayer...13:41
minimecno 'realplay' too13:42
=== daubafk is now known as daubers
mc-georgehey guys, where do I check if a new comp I'm thinking of buying will be compatible with Ubuntu13:44
voxmc-george: im not aware of any current machines that arent13:44
drainmananyone have crash when autocompleting in terminal with tab?13:45
voxthere's some older intel chipsets that have issues, thats about it13:45
drainmani have to force rebook13:45
mc-georgevox: could I paste the specs in here, just to e safe?13:45
voxmc-george: paste into a pastebin13:45
drainmanand the information notification makes my computer crash to...13:46
mc-georgevox: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60408/13:46
ubuntuhi everyone13:46
ubuntuI have problems installing hardy 64 bit, it says errno 513:47
amikropIn a Feisty installation how could I use Hardy's repos for a while, only for installing a single package, and then change back to the Feisty's repos?13:47
voxmc-george: looks pretty run-of-the-mill stuff13:48
captainmamikrop: That's not a good idea13:48
mc-georgevox: thanks13:48
mc-georgevox: I was also wondering if Hardy beta is good for "new linux" users?13:48
tdoggetteubuntu is reacting as though i am continuously pressing the up button, and the shift and capslock keys do not work. i assume i hit a key combination of some kind, because this happened suddenly.13:48
mc-georgeas in safe13:48
voxmc-george: friend of mine has a similar setup, but quad-core and 8gig of ram13:48
amikropcaptainm: why?13:48
vbabiy-laptopHey guys what is the best way to upgrade from alpha to beta13:48
tdoggettei cannot reboot, as i cannot save data in open applications13:48
voxmc-george: i wouldnt use hoary until it's officially released13:48
mc-georgevox: still problems?13:49
arvindsudo apt-get dist upgrade13:49
captainmamikrop: there's a good chance it'll mess up you're system13:49
voxmc-george: it's a work-in-progress, it hasnt been officially released yet13:49
vbabiy-laptopthanks arvind13:49
=== ubuntu is now known as luca85
amikropcaptainm: even a single package (a game)?13:49
mc-georgevox: ok, I had a lot of people telling me to get it, so as to not have to do a huge upgrade in a month, and that it was pretty much usable13:50
amikropI will immediatelly change back to Feisty's repos.13:50
luca85amikrop: the problem is, that that game will have MANY dependencies13:50
luca85in system libraries13:50
arvindvbabiy-laptop,dont use that command use this sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:51
luca85trust me, I did things like these before, it just becomes a horrible mess13:51
vbabiy-laptopthanks arvind I will try that13:51
luca85amikrop refrain and wait for hardy :)13:51
amikropluca85: ok :-)13:51
arvindbazhang,tell me the official repos for HH13:52
mc-georgeluca85: he could just get beta13:53
bazhangarvind: do you have hardy installed now?13:53
arvindyes i have13:53
arvindi m not sure its beta or alpha13:53
vbabiy-laptopHow can I check what version I am running13:53
bazhangarvind: is there some program you cannot install?13:53
chdstdist-upgrading from a6 to beta...with me luck ^^13:53
chdstwish, too13:54
minimecas usual I use the realplayer package from debian-multimedia... You have to put the plugin files in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b4/plugins13:54
bazhangvbabiy-laptop: well if you are fully updated then it is beta, assuming you installed hardy at some point13:54
combatarvind, why dont you wanna know which version you are running?13:54
combatwhy do you13:54
arvindvbabiy-laptop,i m also trying how to find it13:54
voxmc-george: it's definately usable, but it's not 100% stable yet, and there's daily updates13:54
tdoggetteincidentally, replacing the keyboard doesn't help13:54
vbabiy-laptopbazhang: Yeah I am fully updated13:55
bazhangvbabiy-laptop: welcome to beta ;]13:55
slavikanyone know anything about RT?13:55
voxslavik: the ticketing system?13:55
tdoggetteubuntu is reacting as though i am continuously pressing the up button, and the shift and capslock keys do not work. i assume i hit a key combination of some kind, because this happened suddenl13:55
mc-georgevox: if there aren't serious problems, just minor ones most people can live with... I'm just afraid of security problems, and other serious stuff, and seems a lot of people are using it OK13:55
arvindslavik,what is RT?13:55
slavikrequest tracker13:56
slavikyes, vox13:56
vbabiy-laptopbazhang: it was only a 8 meg upgrade ?13:56
voxmc-george: nah no real issues there13:56
arvindbazhang,i have nt received any updates13:56
voxslavik: yeah i've used it for a year or so13:56
chdstslavik: I use it extensively at work. PM if you want13:56
mc-georgevox: so its reasonable safe :p13:56
voxmc-george: yep13:56
voxslavik: personally i prefer cerberus13:56
slavikdo you know if it's possible to change the pages? and get it to accept users with same e-mail addresses?13:56
mc-georgevox: then I think I'm gonna download the beta and burn it to cd once I get new comp13:56
bazhangvbabiy-laptop: how about sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade? does that have nothing else?13:56
vistakilleri still have problem with nvidia driver in kubuntu kde 3.5.913:57
vbabiy-laptopbazhang: np13:57
chdstslavik: Not trying to be smart here, but it's open source Perl. It's definitely possible.13:57
bazhangvbabiy-laptop: and this was from the alpha 6?13:57
vistakillerthe hardware manager dont regognize my 8800gts and the only way is to install the driver with envyng13:57
vbabiy-laptopbazhang: yeah13:57
arvindvistakiller,try updating KDE to 413:58
MenZavistakiller: nvidia-glx-new should work.13:58
voxvistakiller: why not use the nvidia binaries?13:58
vistakilleris not working13:58
slavikchdst: I am mainly looking for guides ...13:58
bazhangvistakiller: kde4 will not change anything contrary to what arvind is saying13:58
vistakilleri have try to manual install the driver but then the xserver crash13:58
vistakilleri dont like kde 4 like ti is now :P13:58
vistakilleri try to reinstall all nvidia packages and restricted modules but still nothing13:59
vistakillerand finally once more time i have install driver with envy14:00
bazhangvistakiller: best to learn how to recover from the terminal then; envy could lead to some issues when you have a kernel update for example14:01
vistakilleri have go to recovery and from there the option to recover the xserver or like that14:02
vbabiy-laptopbazhang: is there a way to check what version you are running?14:02
arvindi cant install flash plugin in FF3 b414:02
vistakillerin hardy the command sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is not working to change driver :(14:02
arvindit says it has some issues14:02
luca85arvind: it is not in the repos, neither of the two possible choices14:03
vistakillerarvind the have ton upload addons for ff314:03
luca85arvind: as far as I know, we will have to install it manually (i.e. from the tar.gz from the official site) until it is added to the repos14:03
luca85arvind: I MIGHT be wrong14:04
luca85but that's my pov :)14:04
vistakillerbazhang it seems to be the only way to install the driver14:04
vistakilleri use kubuntu 2 years and this system is from 2 upgrades14:05
vistakilleri know to use the tools to install driver or to recover my system14:05
vistakilleri have to say that something is wrong with the nvidia driver in repositories or how to load to kernel14:06
Pres-GasOkay, I installed Hardy Beta on a Dell Latitude D630 and having issues with the new wireless drivers.  I am gathering logs for a bug report.  Anyone know of quick links for iwl3945 drivers?14:06
* Pres-Gas thanks the gods he repartitioned and still has 7.10 as well14:06
edgyHi, how can I connect to a wireless router with no WEP or WAP encryption? there is no none option?14:08
TheImpedgy: if your router supports this yes ...14:10
edbashubuntu hard users. I'm with a litlle problem with my dsl conection. In the boot, sometimes the dsl conection is up correctly. But to set up the dsl conection after the boot i have to do this: ~cd /etc/init.d; sudo ./networking restart. How can i fix it?14:11
irelinquishare you using a router?14:13
LilacorPres-Gas: that sounds like a intel card, you should be able to wipe your /etc/network/interfaces clean [back it up first] and then restart to get it working. I have an intel card and this works for me. [not the same model however]14:13
bazhangvistakiller: well as long as you know how to recover; this is still beta however and there will be some breakage likely in the next month or so14:13
edbashirelinquish, no14:13
edbashLilacor, my network interfacer is ok. not wrong with it14:15
edgyTheImp: yes my router supports this but knetworkmanager deson't give me this option14:15
TheImpis it activated in your router?14:16
irelinquishwell i'm about to install 8.04 kde, wish me luck you guys : )14:16
edgyTheImp: yes14:16
bazhanggood luck irelinquish14:16
TheImpthen networkmanager should do it. otherwise make a bug report with everything you need to analyze it14:17
jessicai am having a problem updating to hardy14:19
jessicawhen i do update-manager -d on gutsy i get a error14:19
edbashplease, in what log file the dsl errors is?14:20
prometheuswhen I boot up the alternate cd I get a blank screen14:20
prometheusis there a kernel switch to bot use X?14:21
jessicacan some one help me update to hardy14:21
edgyTheImp: any way you can try this yourself?14:23
prometheusor the kernel switch for text mode14:24
prometheusor disable the framebuffer14:25
cwilluprometheus, alternate cd doesn't bring up x as far as I know;  the usual kernel switch though is 'single'14:26
cwilluprometheus, if its just the splash screen causing trouble, just remove 'splash' from the boot line14:26
prometheusI think loading the framebuffer is locking it up14:26
cwilluand remove quiet as well if you want to see more debugging info14:26
sachaelhi! where can i get a torrent for the 8.04 beta? site seems down? :/14:27
davekHow's the installer working in HH beta? I'm running it live right now the it looks good, would like to install on hdd if the installer can see my other drives.14:28
prometheusis goes blank after syslog starts14:28
noelferreirahi. i just upgraded to hardy and i get this error running gnome-settings-daemon :The program 'gnome-settings-daemon' received an X Window System error.14:29
noelferreiraThis probably reflects a bug in the program.14:29
noelferreiraThe error was 'BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)'. My themes, icons ... don't work! any help?14:29
davekhow's the new installer?14:33
thompai just did a fresh install but now no walkman device is showing up, only as usb14:41
thompaand it is unmountable14:41
flipstaranyone else had problems with the inet ?14:46
arcticpenguin380should i mount my /home if i have to reinstall Hardy? I have to use gutsy to get to hardy14:47
flipstarwould make sense14:48
arcticpenguin380wont the older programs mess up the config files?14:48
vistakillerok i was afk, I can live with manual nvidia driver install :)14:49
vistakilleris np14:50
flipstaryou are updating from gutsy to hardy? so everything including the config files would get updated(except you keep them)14:50
arcticpenguin380Im on my laptop My computer with hardy got mest up14:51
Sebhi fellows14:53
T1m0thyI was just reading through the Beta wiki page and it says "Ubuntu 8.04 Beta includes ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall), a new host-based firewall application configurable from the command line which is designed to make administering a firewall easier for end users while not getting in the way of network administrators." Shouldn't end users and network administrators be switched?\14:53
Sebafter dist-upgrading from gutsy to hardy, I can't seem to enter the administrator mode in kde, any idea why that could be ? It doesn't even ask for my password anymore, just says "please wait", and then comes back to regular-mode...14:54
ArandHey, anybody know what version of fglrx currently in hardy repos (for jockey) or knows how to find out (interpret version numbers...)?14:55
nikrud!info xorg-driver-fglrx hardy14:56
ubotuxorg-driver-fglrx (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:7.1.0-8-3+ (hardy), package size 9716 kB, installed size 29352 kB14:56
nikrud8.3 , the latest fglrx14:56
nikrudargh, cannot read, thought I couldn't type14:57
prometheusif you have trouble with a blank screen on install add "vga=791" to your kernel params14:57
Arandok so the 8-3 does mean 8.3, that's basically what I wanted to make sure, cheers.14:58
nikrud 7.1 X 8.3 ati on 2.6.24 kernel14:58
nikrudburn is done, time to install14:58
jessicais hardy nerly stable yet14:59
Flanneljessica: Its beta software, so not quite14:59
ArandDepends on your hardware I'd say.14:59
raidiumi find it very solid so far14:59
raidiumrunning some new high end hardware as well in a non standard config14:59
jessicai tryed it about a month ago and some things that didnt work in gutsy worked but somethings didnt work that worked in gutsy15:00
Sebno idea, eh ? :)15:00
nikrudburn don't put away messages in notices15:00
trappistok I'm about to upgrade from gutsy, anything I should know first?15:00
jessicaim upgrading now15:00
jessicai tryed it when it was still in developer edition and now its beta im expecting most of the problems have been fixed and there just fixing the last things15:01
BUGabund1hi thre15:01
Sebtrappist: apart from the fact that kde won't let you go into admin mode, no :>15:01
BUGabund1can someone explain this to me?15:01
trappistSeb: ew.15:01
flipstarSeb in which menu you have this ? or in general15:02
trappistas long as sudo works I should be ok though15:02
BUGabund1why is there the source?15:02
Sebtrappist: it's actually happening to a friend15:02
BUGabund1shouldt there be the beta iso?15:02
Sebtrappist: had him over the phone yesterday, need to find out more about whether sudo still works15:03
FlannelBUGabund1: there is.  http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/15:03
ArandBUGabund1: The beta's at a different place...15:03
trappistSeb: oh, that's an important distinction from the way I heard it15:03
jessicayou should be able to get hardy by using update-manager -d15:03
trappistSeb: I suspect if sudo was busted I'd have heard about it :)15:03
ArandFlannel: exactly...15:03
raidiumi had some issues with compiz and xinerama and menus running slow when my desktop got larger than 8000pixels and spanned 2 video cards15:03
Sebtrappist: i assume so15:03
jessicadose hardy come with beryl or do you have to put that in your self15:04
K4ksudo works just fine for me and I just updated so it's not broken I'm pretty sure15:04
raidiumand the synaptic package manager hangs once and a while but is resolved with the dpkg --configure -a15:04
captainmjessica: It's called compiz now and it's included in hardy15:04
flipstarat least in gnome15:04
Flannelcaptainm, jessica, its now called compiz-fusion15:04
BUGabund1thanks prometheus15:04
raidiumconfirm sudo works great for me15:04
Sebok cool15:05
K4kraidium, interesting note about that dpkg command you just mentioned. When I updated my install of hardy, I had to run that in order to get my eth0 back...somehow the updates foobared it, idk what happened but dpkg --configure -a somehow fixed it15:05
flipstardid anyone else had issues with firestarter..?15:05
flipstari just had no internet today until i killed firestarter ..15:05
jessicawhen the developer edition was realsed i had problems with compliting things is that still a issus ?15:06
K4kflipstar, it might be conflicting with the included firewall program...erm, can't remember the name, but it's new in 8.0415:06
raidiumk4k: i have been playing with ALOT of packages , uninstalling and reinstalling. i dont think its a fluke. its resolved network problems , sound problems and install hangs for me15:06
matjanhi, is libdvdcss2 already installed in hardy to be able to play dvd's?15:07
K4kraidium: the biggest install hang I keep running into is with the kernel images, I setup a separate /boot and on this machine since I have limited hard drive space I can only have one image installed at a time so it hangs unless I go in and manually remove the old kernel if there is a kernel update15:08
flipstarK4k: hm ufw isnt enabled here..nvm i will just use this from now on15:08
jessicais it recomended to update to hardy now or wait for the stable realse15:09
flipstarstable is always better15:09
K4kjessica: depends on your use15:09
raidiumk4k: i have a few installed, no hangs here but I have load of space and memory15:09
K4kI have it on all my machines and after a few initial bugs it works just fine, only a few hiccups, but you have to be able to figure out what breaks when it does15:09
HardyOnejessica, if you dont want to have to deal with things possibly breaking then wait15:10
jessicai dont mind working around problems and trying to get my system working as long as main things like graphic's and wireless works15:10
flipstarim running hardy since first alpha or so and still had no major problems15:10
HardyOnejessica, then go for it15:11
jessicaok thanks15:11
K4kjessica: I have found that the graphics stuff actually works better in hardy then feisty15:11
raidiumjessica: i have been on since around alpha 4 and the largest problems are really just nuisance , havent hit a deal breaker yet15:11
K4konly thing that sorta is broken is some wireless cards15:11
raidiumalso some USB Drives are not mounting15:11
K4klike my ipw3945 on my laptop, the light doesn't come on for the wifi card, but it works15:11
K4kit's weird15:11
ArandAnyone knows why "screens and graphics" settings is moved to applications menu all of a sudden?15:11
jessicawell my graphics are still problamatic in gutsy but when i tryed it in hardy in alpha 1 it worked fine just everything else didnt seem to15:12
MenZaArand: I'd say it's a bug, Took me ages to find it yesterday15:12
HardyOneArand, been there for a couple days now15:12
flipstarhm no gui for ufw availible..?15:12
raidiumjessica: i have 2x 8800gts cards in my box. 3d aps perform well IF i disable compiz, when it is on and you have multiple displays you have to do a little hacking to keep the fx and not slow framerate or menu response15:13
K4kflipstar, it's cli only I believe, yes15:13
flipstarokay just checking out man ufw its pretty easy :)15:13
ArandOky, it's undobtedly odd.15:13
simion314hi, i just install 8.04 beta and i can't run compiz, it sais that Xgl is not present,Found laptop using ati driver, what can i do?15:14
K4kI like how they fixed the radeon oss driver, made me much happier on my laptop since the fglrx driver is broken15:14
HardyOnesimion314, #compiz-fusion15:14
* Skiessi wasn't going to say that15:14
jessicai have a file server that runs gutsy perfect no problems at all and i dont know if i should update it to hardy i so no real point but i like all my computers to run the latest stuff15:15
Skiessime too15:15
K4kfor server apps I always stick with stable15:16
K4kand then I usually even wait a little after that sometimes15:16
jessicai put gutsy on it when it was on developer edition and it worked perfect and i just kept it running but i dont know if its time to update it to hardy15:17
raidiumsimion314: you probably need to use something like envy to install your latest ATI driver15:17
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »15:17
simion314raidium: compiz worked on 7.10, then i do not had this driver installed?15:18
K4kraidium, is that how everyone is getting the fixed fglrx driver?15:18
K4kthe one that can do suspend and all that jazz15:18
ArandEither envy or manual install (see "cchtml" guides) but in Hardy the default driver (installed via "hardware drivers" (jockey)) should be the latest 8.3 from ati. (Or so I've recently been told.)15:21
K4kit gave me the oss radeon driver15:21
K4k...i think15:21
K4kwhat is the default terminal app for xfce, I can't remember15:23
theblueK4k, don't know, qemu crashes as soon as i run the terminal app.15:26
jimmygoonah crap. my laptop still beeps at me when I open/close it15:27
alex-weejanyone know of some kind of guide to getting a Dapper VM going in Hardy with Xen or QEmu or something?15:30
flipstaralex-weej: you might try kvm15:30
alex-weejdoes that work even if i don't have VT on my CPU?15:31
flipstarvt on cpu..?15:32
alex-weejis that the wrong name?15:32
sotoHow do I move the location of the desktop-switcher in gnome?15:32
alex-weejthe virtualization features on new CPUs15:32
flipstaroh..yes of corse15:32
alex-weeji only have a Pentium 4 Northwood 'C' from like 5 years ago15:32
flipstaralex-weej: cool :) same here15:32
alex-weejhey what motherboard are you on?15:33
flipstara cheap asrock15:33
alex-weejdoes it work with S3 suspend?15:33
alex-weeji have an Asus P4P800 which just enters suspend then immediately wakes back up (even the fans power down for a fraction of a second) :(15:33
flipstarguess yes15:33
ace_ace121When i login, i get a dialog saying: HAL not started. I have to manually start it each time. how to start HAL at startup?? i tried sudo update-rc.d hal defaults,which gives this message " System startup links for /etc/init.d/hal already exist"15:35
Chokeshi all15:37
J-_Anything break with the new updates?15:39
alex-weejflipstar: no go, kvm doesn't wanna load with my CPU :'(15:39
alex-weejUbuntu does not support running KVM without hardware acceleration. Sorry.15:40
Chokesok now ubuntu + Fakeraid on ubuntu is starting to piss me of......15:40
Chokesi try to follow the how to but it wont work....15:41
flipstaralex-weej: what kind of type the vm is? you might use qemu or vbox15:41
flipstarChokes: whats the problem ?15:41
alex-weejflipstar: i just want a Dapper VM15:41
Chokesi dont understand why ubuntu cant setup a fake raid15:42
flipstarChokes: the installer doesnt support it..15:42
Chokeswhen almost all other distro can15:42
flipstaryou can use as a workaround debootstrap15:42
Chokesbut i tried to follow the how to...15:43
flipstarhad to do it by myself15:43
Chokesbut i wont work15:43
flipstarChokes:  i used this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:43
Chokesi used this one too15:44
flipstarwhere does it fail ?15:44
ChokesMount the Temporary File Structure15:45
Chokesare you a dev here?15:46
Chokesill retry i later15:46
Chokesbut i think that we dont have to do all this15:47
theunixgeekI'm surprised at how much faster the torrent download for the Xubuntu Hardy Beta. 15 KB/s for the server, 300 KB/s bittorrent :)15:47
Chokesit supposed to be the easyest distro15:47
theunixgeekChokes: easiest15:47
theunixgeeknot easyest ;)15:47
Chokeseasiest ;)15:48
flipstarChokes: you might ask in #ubuntu-dev if they will support it someday15:48
jessicawhy is it taking so long to update to hardy last time it only took about a hour its taking me about 4 this time and its working at the same speed15:48
jpatrickflipstar: #ubuntu-devel is the channel name :)15:48
flipstarChokes: ↑15:49
Chokesya im on it ;)15:49
=== gregory is now known as tuxbox
jessicawhy is hardy taking so long to update last time i did it 4x quicker but its downloading at the same speed15:50
jessicait carnt have that many things added to it sins alpha 1 can it ?15:51
Chokesmaybe its because it have more updates?15:51
gribelumaybe you're more impatient this time15:51
jessicaquite possably15:51
ViOlent_p0rnany new ffox updates?15:52
ViOlent_p0rni got this PINK glow around my windows.. :/15:53
ViOlent_p0rnso gay..15:53
ViOlent_p0rnany way to change it?15:53
jessicadont use gay as a insult15:53
ViOlent_p0rnthat's just the way you interperit it jessica15:53
gribelui remember seeing some threads about the pink stuff on http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=30515:54
ViOlent_p0rnthanks Skiessi15:54
Solarionwhat do I use to figure out what packages are conflicting?15:54
Solariondist-upgrade to hardy beta wants to un-install ubuntu-desktop, which seems Very Wrong.15:54
jpatrickSolarion: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop should say them15:55
gribeluSolarion: if that's the only removed package you can always reinstall it later15:55
gribeluit's a metapackage anyway15:55
Solarionlots of stuff wants un-removed15:55
flipstarhm ufw blocks even localhost ?15:56
gribeluare you using the main servers as your package sources? sometimes it takes a while to update all the mirrors and you get missing packages and what not15:56
ViOlent_p0rnhi flipstar15:56
ViOlent_p0rndid the low sound bug get fixed?15:56
Skiessidoes GF 8600GT work well with Ubuntu?15:57
ViOlent_p0rnSkiessi: i think so15:58
gribeluSkiessi: slowish when it comes to some 2D stuff.. especially if using kde.. but i think it's pretty much fixed with the latest drivers15:58
Skiessiso I'm buying one15:59
gribelushould be fine15:59
ViOlent_p0rni got the 8400 works like a charm..16:01
gribelufirefox3 is very slow on some pages with nvidia cards ATM :/16:02
gribelusome cairo bug thing16:02
gribeluor is it xorg16:02
simion314how can i install the ati proprietary driver ? iis there a menu launcher ?an applet?16:05
flipstaranyone here confirm with ufw ?16:06
flipstarim trying to access services on localhost :/16:06
flipstarnow thats wired it doesnt even work when ufw is disabled16:08
henkjanflipstar: # allow all on loopback16:08
henkjan-A ufw-before-input -i lo -j ACCEPT16:08
henkjan-A ufw-before-output -i lo -j ACCEPT16:08
henkjanflipstar: that are default rules from ufw16:08
ulisse'lo guys16:09
ulisseis there any known workaround for the kernel-soundcard issue? I'm using 2.6.24-12-i386 and I get no audio devices...16:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sysreq - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:11
ubotuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu16:11
amiralulhello.  I was trying to select nvidia propietary driver from the Administrator section on Hardware/monitor window, but the radio buttons are grey16:15
amiralulI'musing Kubuntu beta 8.0416:15
amiralul*I'm using16:15
amiralulit's weird, but I don't have restricted drivers under system setting / advanced16:16
LibertyShadowWhat kernel is beta using.16:17
LibertyShadow2.6.24-13 ?16:17
LibertyShadowI am wondering if I should test wubi16:18
simion314how can i install the ati proprietary driver ? iis there a menu launcher ?an applet?16:19
LibertyShadowThe wiki's are pretty good.16:20
=== Spec[x] is now known as Spec
LibertyShadowSpec is no longer a function of x16:21
amiralulLibertyShadow: and for NVIDIA?16:21
LibertyShadowThat helped me16:21
LibertyShadowRead everything carefully.16:21
ViOlent_p0rnbug noticed..16:22
ViOlent_p0rnthe "pink glow" (shadow)16:22
ViOlent_p0rnupon color changeing the pink'nes removes itself16:23
ViOlent_p0rnleaving no window glow left..16:23
ViOlent_p0rneven though the color is originally choosen black16:23
amiralulLibertyShadow: that is for 7.10 and for Ubuntu. I'm using Kubuntu 8.04. Will it work?16:23
flipstarhenkjan: thx but works now16:24
asdrubalj #linux16:24
LibertyShadowYou will probably need restricted--manager-kde, amiralul16:24
LibertyShadowrestricted-manager-kde *16:25
stefgNice one... switched on my printer/scanner (Epson DX 3850) and before i even had the chance to configure something i was greeted with a 'printer configured' and 'scanner working' message. Hardy rocks! i hope there's still something which needs to be configured, otherwise i would get bored :-)16:25
LibertyShadowUnfortunately, my experience with KDE is limited. I am a gnome type of guy.16:26
LibertyShadowstefg, agreed16:26
LibertyShadowSuspend and wireless are always a challenge.16:26
LibertyShadowamiralul there is a section on that link for Kubuntu 7.10. Do that16:27
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels16:27
stefgLibertyShadow: true, but for suspend not working in my case is to blame to nvidia... still the same driver issue after all that years :-(16:27
ubotuSupport: #xubuntu | Developer Discussion: #xubuntu-devel | Offtopic chatter: #xubuntu-offtopic16:27
LibertyShadowstefg NvAgp 1 ?16:27
LibertyShadowPOST_VIDEO = false?16:28
LibertyShadowSAVE_VBE_STATE = false ?16:29
LibertyShadowin /etc/default/acpi-support16:29
LibertyShadowI also added "force" to the QUIRKS in /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-suspend-linux16:30
stefgI might try to get it working later... i spent days on feisty and gutsy to make my (Desktop) machine suspend without success, and in reality i don't use that feature often. For the moment i'm really impressed by Hardy, and don't want to spoil that16:30
LibertyShadowOh.... a desktop16:31
LibertyShadowWell I have a calculus midterm in 2 hours... good luck stefg16:31
stefgGood look to you!16:31
chdstI've gone from having a working fglrx driver in Alpha 6 to a broken one in the Beta after a dist-upgrade. Does anyone have any quick recommendations on resolving by using only my mouse (i.e. Am I missing something obvious/known)?16:33
lucahi everyone16:33
lucaI have just realized that while pm-suspend functions, the default acpi suspend does not16:33
stefgchdst: we had a kernel update. might be you need to reinstall the driver/wait for the ati driver to be ready also16:34
steph_Hi everybody! I can't set up vbox'addon with hardy. Anyone had succes?16:34
lucaI am going to write a launchpad bug, but in the meantime, is it possible to rig the system so that it uses pm-suspend as default?16:34
chdststefg: I've tried reinstalling, but no luck so far. I'm probably just going to let it simmer over the weekend and deal with it Monday.16:36
stefgchdst: sounds reasonable16:37
ulisseI tried with kernel -generic and audio worked, but this time was the video not working...16:41
spiderfireulisse: are you using the glx?16:41
ulisseis there any specific package for -generic kernel to get nvidia-glx working?16:41
mp_hi all., Ive installed kubuntu w KDE4 using the Wubi which means that my Windows partition should be accessible from Kubuntu I suppose.. But I cant find it, where would it be located?16:41
spiderfiretry the glx-new package16:42
spiderfirewell what card you have?16:42
ulissespiderfire: I already have it installed, and works nicely with -386 kernel16:42
ulisseno, no, it's a -new one16:42
spiderfiredo  you have startup manager?16:42
spiderfirewhat does your uname -a say?16:43
ulisseLinux Albus 2.6.24-12-386 #1 Wed Mar 12 22:30:29 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux16:43
ulisseand now I have glx working but no audio16:43
spiderfireso you are using the 386 kernel now?16:43
ulissethe issue is with the -generic one16:44
ulissethat gives me back the audio, but I lose the video :)16:44
spiderfireyes i had issues but their fixed16:44
spiderfireyou nvidia module doesnt load?16:44
spiderfirewhats your video card?16:44
ulissenope, and trying with modprobe returns an error16:44
spiderfirei had this prob16:45
ulissemy card is a geforce 7600gs16:45
spiderfirei have the same card16:45
setuidAny showstopper bugs in today's update?16:45
thehumanerrorIf I install 8.04 beta, and it doesn't blow up my face, will I have to reinstall it to get a clean system when it's released?16:46
spiderfireulisse: maybe install the startup-manager16:46
setuidThe keyboard repeat issue is still there, and Network Manager is still as useful as a box of hair.16:46
thehumanerrorNetworkManager is well useful! :)16:46
ulissespiderfire: what is it, something like BUM ?16:46
setuidthehumanerror, It does _absolutely nothing_16:46
flipstarthehumanerror: nope16:46
mp_thehumanerror / I don\t think so. You can just update through ubuntu16:46
spiderfireulisse: yes but i dont think it will fix your problem16:46
setuidIt certainly doesn't "manage networking"16:46
thehumanerrorno but it means I don't have to configure text files when I want to connect to a wireless network16:47
setuidI still have to stop and start my networking with shell scripts, because Network Manager is braindead16:47
thehumanerrorwhich is what I had to do in Slackware16:47
thehumanerrorokay, thanks guys for the beta question16:47
dennishello everyone  i am new one16:48
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1!16:48
marlunWhen compiz (normal) is enabled, how do I remove that the inactive windows' titlebar is transparent?16:48
thehumanerrorI don't mind doing dist-upgrade if that's what it takes to go from beta to 8.04, so as long as that's it, I think I'll install it on a machine that I don't have much access too16:48
marlunI've looked in the compiz setting manager but can't find it.16:48
spiderfireulisse: do you have the restricted-manager and -core installed?16:49
dennisso .... how about ubuntu 8.04  ?16:49
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents16:49
ulissespiderfire: is it in the default packages?16:49
ulissespiderfire: I updated a standard gutsy16:49
lucahi everyone again16:49
dennisgutsy  for what ?16:50
fromportmarlun: i found al lot of help at http://www.futuredesktop.com/16:50
spiderfireulisse: manage non-free hardware drivers - GNOME frontend16:50
denniswhat type user ?16:50
lucaI have some problems with pm-suspend16:50
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ulissespiderfire: yep, already there16:50
spiderfireulisse: and your xorg.conf says nvidia instead of nv?16:50
denniswhen u restart  can u see nv logo16:51
lucaif I check /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux I see that the system uses pm-suspend to go into S2RAM, but16:52
dennisi had some question  ... like that ,,,   can't start 3d desktop16:52
spiderfirebrb restart16:52
* ulisse tries to reboot, cul16:52
marlunfromport: unfortunately it didn't have what I wanted...16:52
lucaif I use pm-suspend from command-line it resumes ok; not if I suspend with the graphical options16:52
lucathat somehow buffles me...16:53
dennisfinally  i install latest dirver version16:53
dennisi found some detail about X 200 can't support 3d16:53
Aranddennis: mean radeon express 200M ?16:54
dennisArand: yes16:55
ulisseok, reconfiguring the kernel image after having installed restricted-modules worked for me, now i get either audio and glx :)16:55
ArandI'm running on that card, and using the proprietary ATI drivers 3d Compiz and stuff like that works.16:55
prometheusyes it does16:55
prometheusI use it16:56
spiderfireulisse: its working?16:56
prometheuswith fglrx16:56
ulissei have to run now, see you16:56
ulisseand thanks16:56
spiderfirenp take care16:56
Aranddennis: I think it's the open-source "radeonhd" which does not support 3D along with the card X200.16:57
ArandBut if you're okay with using fglrx it "should" work.16:57
dennisnv is best choice16:58
ArandIf only one had the luxury...16:58
dennisbut  can't just for a system to change graph card ....16:58
setuidWeird, 8.04 doesn't light up my CapsLock, but it does change the state of the caps16:58
setuidMan, 8.04 is getting more and more unstable16:59
setuidThey should seriously put off the release16:59
setuidStuff is just cascaaadng all over the place16:59
ArandIt's still beta...16:59
setuidit's not even beta ;)16:59
denniswho know  www.getacoder.com  ?16:59
flipstarsetuid: same here16:59
denniswho are  java programmer16:59
XceIIQuestion 1: How can I (if it is possible) increase my audio output, it seems 30% lower.17:00
prometheusnice to see you around setuid17:00
setuidprometheus, hola hola17:00
dennisi looking for a java programmer17:02
setuiddennis, rentacoder.com17:02
infblissis the hibernate problem fixed in Hardy yet17:02
dennisno la  .... just want make a friend ...17:03
fromportnot @ my laptop with fglrx17:03
dennisinfbliss: hello  ?17:03
dennisinfbliss,hello  ?17:03
dennisinfbliss, hello  ?17:03
prometheushe left17:04
denniswhat the fuck  ........17:04
dennishow to use irc .....17:04
mneptok!language > dennis17:04
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:04
XceIIdennise, get a job (son).17:05
dennisssh  ?17:05
mneptokyes please17:05
XceIIgrow up17:05
XceIII stifle.17:05
savetheWorlddennis - FYI all the ubuntu related channels (and most large mainstream channels) have the same language policy.17:06
XceIIcrappy language comes from crappy minds.17:06
mneptok+1/whois dennis17:06
mneptokdennis: malay? sg?17:07
mneptokk la17:07
dennisu ?17:07
mneptokUSA. euro most.17:07
XceIIHave a super day folks, ./ignore the trolls. God bless.17:08
mneptokdennis: #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. +1 should (try) to be a support channel.17:08
denniswhat's that ?17:09
mneptok /join #ubuntu-offtopic17:09
dennislet me change channel  ?17:09
mneptoksame language policy, but not a support channel17:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:10
* mneptok burns ubotu 17:10
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:10
dennisi know17:11
ArandWhat is the project associated with mounting/permissions handling for partitions in ubuntu, I'm trying to file a bug...17:11
Arandor rather, spacify an existing one...17:11
mneptokArand: that would tend to be the kernel17:11
dennis+1/whois <mneptok>17:12
dennis+1/whois mneptok17:12
mneptokdennis: http://irchelp.org/irchelp/new2irc.html17:13
dennisi dont real know that mean17:13
Arandmneptok: so if I still can write on a partition that is set to non-writable and shows up as non-writable (ls -l) it would be the kernel that's the offender?17:14
dennismneptok: thanks17:15
* dennis hello everyone im new hewre17:17
* dennis hello everyone im new here17:17
harkinganyone else have issues logging in after a fresh install of 8.04?17:17
coz_harking,  well I no longer have a fresh install so i really cant answer that with confidence17:19
Arandharking: what kind of issues, fresh beta?17:19
dennismneptok: how long u used hibernate  ?17:20
harkingArand: fresh install, login fails to work.17:21
harkingi tried a reinstall17:21
harkingtrying it again17:21
=== dennis is now known as daidai
=== daidai is now known as dennis
=== dennis is now known as daian
clustybeta has been released?17:24
clustyi see a big chunk of updates17:25
clustygreat stuff17:25
Oli``Is it possible to let `make` use both of my cores? Seems a bit of a waste it only using one17:26
clustyOli``, do a make -j317:27
clustythat starts 3 threads17:27
clustyyou can also do just a -j17:27
clustythat will start one thread for each file :D17:27
marlunHow can I share a folder in ubuntu through command line?17:27
clustyassume your machine frozen D:17:27
marko-_-why in hardy sound doesn't work ??17:28
clustymarlun, you gotta mnodify your smb.conf file17:28
harkingmarko-_-: i think they used a new sound engine17:28
marko-_- ?17:28
marko-_-and ?17:28
marko-_-what should i do ?17:28
clustyharking, well there is something fishy with it17:28
clustycant have 2 apps accessing card17:29
clustyjust like 10 years ago :D17:29
harkingi'm glad they switched then17:29
marlunclusty: so when sharing between ubuntu machines it's still samba? Saw something about NFS.17:29
harkinggutsy was doing too well.17:29
clustymarlun, nfs surely17:29
clustymarlun, dunno much about it though17:29
marlunclusty: ok. :)17:30
clustymarlun, better use ssh and you can do sftp from other machine17:30
marko-_-how do i have sound back?:>17:30
clustymarko-_-, write santa a big letter17:30
marko-_-i already did17:30
marko-_-the bastard didn't response17:30
harkingmarko-_-: dunno, you'll have to describe the issue in more depth. what kind of sound card? have you had any issues before? maybe post to the forms or file a bug17:30
clustymeans you were a bad boy :D17:30
marko-_-harking the problem is that i don't know excatly which sound card is in this computer... and it didn't had any issues on gutsy17:31
clustymarko-_-, lspci tells you card17:32
marko-_-80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller (rev 10)17:32
clustyvery specific :D17:33
flipstarthats a bug with that card i heard17:33
marko-_-damn you hardy !17:33
marko-_-i need sound17:33
flipstaralso in gutsy17:33
flipstar!intelhda | but see here17:33
ubotubut see here: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto17:33
marko-_-flipstar, it worked fine17:34
marko-_-in gutsy17:34
clustyflipstar, i have a intel hda and is just fine17:34
thompai have my walkman mount and show up in 64, but not in 386 only as unmountable usb?17:39
federicoin ubuntu 8.04 beta, when i press the <tab> key on a terminal, it doesn't autocomplete the commands... any ideas of how can I activate this function?17:39
thompafederico: ive had that problem for a while, and I sudo -s for the time being17:40
federicohmm let me check..17:40
thompafederico: it will work as root17:41
federicowow its true, it works in that way17:41
thompafederico: are you running 64?17:41
harkingyay, third time is the charm for my password17:41
federicothank you... i didn't think about that17:41
federicono, i'm using i38617:41
mcquaidis wubi limited to 4 gig size virt disks because of grub4dos?17:41
thompafederico: are your usb devices mounting17:42
thompafederico: like ipod walkman and stuff17:42
mcquaidi saw it mention because of a fat limitation, but fat32 has the 4 gig limit, not ntfs17:42
federicodont have my pendrive here.. but my usb mice works :S17:42
thompafederico: im having a weird issue, in 386 It wont detect my walkman, but will in 6417:43
tnnccan someone tell me where i can get libcss2 and win32codecs as it doesnt seem to be avaialbe17:43
thompajust want to drag and drop files17:43
federicolet me try with the camera17:43
thompatnnc: media ubuntu17:43
thompafederico: thanks17:43
thompafederico: what kerenl you got?17:44
Paavohmm, "*** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/perl terminated" while upgrading libc during the 7.10->8.04 upgrade.17:44
tnncthompa i try that i think where is it do you have an link17:44
federicothompa: 2.6.24-12-generic17:44
federicothompa: and nope,m it doesnt detect my dig. camera17:44
Paavoand not packages are failing their pre-depends on libc17:44
thompafederico: good, i mean bad. we got the same issues17:45
thompafederico: did you upgrade or clean beta?17:45
federicothompa: i did a clean beta17:46
federicothompa: im trying to mount manually now.. i dont remember how thou :P17:46
thompafederico: thanks you saved me some time17:46
thompafederico: look for usb device in computer17:46
thompai gotta run.. good luck17:46
thompait wount mount here htough17:47
jessicahardy is taking a long time to update17:47
tnnccan someone tell me where i can get libdcss2 and win32codecs as it doesnt seem to be avaialbe as i cant seem to get to play wmv files etc17:47
thompajessica: servers are ver slow right now17:47
co0lingFir3hey there, how do i encrypt a folder?17:48
jessicaits been running for the last 2 hours and its still telling me there is 6 hours remaning17:48
federicothompa: bye, and thanx 4 ur help :)17:48
thompawell me too17:48
flipstar!win32codecs | tnnc17:48
ubotutnnc: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages17:48
Paavoany idea if it's a better idea to abort the upgrade now and try to fix the libc problem first, or to let it continue with the other packages?17:48
jessicait seems as though its stuck on "fetching file  799"17:48
co0lingFir3can someone help me to encrypt a folder coz i dont seem to get it...17:49
olyhi, i have been testing hardy on the eeepc, i have hit 2 problems wireless not working fixed by compiling drivers, and more annoying a 3 minute pause in booting up, anyone hit this problem or know whats causing it ?17:49
tnncflipstar i mean the w32codecs17:50
flipstarco0lingFir3: tar -cf - <dir> | gpg -c > <name>.tgp17:51
flipstar!medibuntu > tnnc17:51
co0lingFir3flipstar: what about the "right-click" -> "encrypt"? does that work too?17:51
flipstarbut thats too easy17:51
jessicaok my updates picking up again17:52
tnncflipstar ok i try the repo but it said it couldnt do it17:52
marlunI've created a nfs share on my server computer and run exportfs -a but I still can't see it from this computer when I go to Network in Nautilus. Do I need to do something else?17:52
co0lingFir3flipstar: ^^ but there are no keys shown... and i dont know how to create 1.17:52
flipstarco0lingFir3: gpg --gen-key17:52
co0lingFir3flipstar: is it possible to use a keyfile on a usb-stick?17:53
tnncflipstar maybe i had the wrong link for the repo do you have it17:53
flipstarco0lingFir3: the gpg keys are stored in a local keyring afaik17:53
flipstartnnc: see http://www.medibuntu.org/17:54
co0lingFir3flipstar: so no way to use a keyfile on a usb?17:54
tnncflipstar thanks17:54
flipstarco0lingFir3: not that i know17:55
flipstardoesnt have to mean any17:55
co0lingFir3flipstar: hmmm. i guess i will continue using truecrypt17:55
co0lingFir3thanks anyway17:56
tnncflipstar ok i looked at that site i see how to add for all but hardy how do i get it for hardy17:57
flipstarco0lingFir3: the experts are probably in ##crypto17:57
flipstartnnc: there is no repo for hardy yet just use this one for gutsy17:57
tnncflipstar ok use the lastest one17:58
flipstarco0lingFir3: i also used truecrypt once but had much better performance with cryptsetup/LUKS17:58
federicothompa: i found that if u install bash-completion, the <tab> key will work normally.17:58
federicothompa: this is like a regression :S but well.. after doing that, it works17:59
jessicadose hardy come with my wireless driver i have a realtek RTL8187B18:00
fromportare other peoples gnome-panel also crashing a lot ? i have compiz enabled but this is not funny: # dmesg | grep gnome-panel | grep segfault | wc -l  gives 16 times (in 10 hours)18:04
jessicadose hardy come with my wireless driver i have the realtek RTL8187B18:04
ompaul!hardy | jessica18:05
ubotujessica: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:05
ompaulwoops :)18:05
fromportjessica: hardy comes with 2.6.24 kernel, better check if it's in there ;-)18:05
jessicaok thanks18:05
ompauljessica, get a live CD and check18:05
Niklas_Eanyone know which driver to use to get xvideo for ati radeon card?18:06
fromportompaul: clever ;-)18:06
ompaulfromport, not something I would have claimed18:06
* fromport has ati radeon 9600 and am using fglrx18:06
jessicaim upgrading now but i just wanted to know in advance18:07
gnubuntuNiklas_E: just activate the restricted driver. or desktop effects. ati 8.3 working fine with xv here.18:07
fromportompaul: i keep forgetting about the live cd, i really hate it (for install),always use the alternate. but for testing it's perfect18:07
ompaulfromport,  97.3% of the time :)18:08
theunixgeekWhere can I download all the docs at http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/, preferably in a PDF?18:09
jessicahow would i find out if the drivers is in the kernal18:10
jimmygoonjessica, not direct support: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70980218:13
jimmygoonjessica, but ndiswrapper supposedly works18:13
=== Griswold__ is now known as Griswold
fromportrtl8187 is in hardy but it's _not_ compatible with rtl8187B18:14
jessicasorry im a bit of a noobie if the driver is in hardy why wouldnt it work with a card that requres the driver18:16
flipstarits rtl8187 not rtl8187B18:17
jimmygoonthe driver is not in hardy. the driver for the model's brother is.... but you can use something called ndiswrapper with the windows driver to get it wokring. The link I sent you details how to do so :)18:17
fromportThe catch is that the Linux drivers for the RTL8187 chipset don't include the B model.18:18
jessicais there anyway of putting the driver inplace18:18
steph_I would like to report a *bug* for the first time. I thought I have to use launchpad, but I gives me this message: "UbuntuStudio Artwork does not use Launchpad as its bug tracker". Where do I have to report the bug?18:18
fromportif you have the knowledge: yes, but it's not "out of the box"18:18
jessicaso if i use that it will just put the driver inplacce and that will be it18:19
LibertyShadowWireless is a challenge to get going.18:19
flipstarsteph_: try in #ubuntu-bugs18:19
fromport*lol* indeed it is (launchpad)18:19
jessicabecause with 7.10 i have to compile the driver every time on boot18:19
steph_flipstar: thanks18:20
fromportjessica: probably will be the same with hardy, until 2.6.25 comes out ;-)18:20
fromportmayby with 8.1018:20
jessicao right18:21
flipstarwow more than 1000 peers on ubuntu beta torrent18:21
jimmygoongr, why am I not seeding. silly me18:22
_dan_nvidia seems broken for latest upgrade, anyone has a workaround for that?18:22
LibertyShadowDid you rebuild the kernel module?18:23
benanzobrightness controls and NetworkManager break for anyone on latest updates?18:23
_dan_LibertyShadow ofcorse not since they come packaged with ubuntu18:24
LibertyShadowoh, sorry I don't use the restricted driver manager :(18:24
jessicawhat is the irc channel for the developers of ubuntu18:24
fromportbetter try and report a "bug" to the hardy kernel on www.launchpad.net18:25
flipstarthere is also an suggestion box somewhere18:27
AlexLatchfordHey guys, just installed Hardy Beta1, firing up Firefox noticed that the Home Button has disappeared in the icon toolbar.. It is also not on the customise list, anyone have any ideas on how to get it to return?18:29
_dan_since -12 kernel nvidia is not working for me anymore18:29
borschtydoes somebody else have problems with NetworkManager after one of the recent updates?18:30
flipstarAlexLatchford: look closely :) its the first entry in the bookmark bar here18:31
AlexLatchfordflipstar: Ah yes, I disabled that, I keep my bookmarks over at del.icio.us.. (Sorry should have specified)18:31
Stormx2Hey. Flash in Firefox seems to block my sound card. Any suggestions on a fix18:31
AlexLatchfordThus I wanted more screen space..18:31
SkiessiI didn't even notice that the home button is missing :/18:32
flipstaroh..then its probably gone18:32
AlexLatchfordhmm.. great18:32
jimmygoonthat home button is the stupidest thing ever IMO18:32
AlexLatchfordoff to mozillateam then18:32
AlexLatchfordwell I use it alot :P18:32
jimmygoonenable the bookmarks bar then move goto customize then drag the menu button back18:32
flipstarask the dudes in #firefox :)18:32
jimmygoonAlexLatchford, no, I'm on your side, the moving of the button was lame18:33
AlexLatchfordjimmygoon: doesn't appear to work18:33
AlexLatchfordI will go talk to asac18:33
minimecAlexLatchford: That works. Did that too...18:33
jimmygooncan you see the home button when you enable the bookmark toolbar?18:33
AlexLatchfordahhh jimmygoon I see18:34
borschtycurrently NetworkManager is using 99%cpu and sudo takes several minutes to show the password-input - after killing NetworkManager it is fast again18:34
AlexLatchfordjust written a wifi guide on getting the WG111T to work, easy enough.. Now just need to work out how to get it to stay connected after a restart.. Anyone have any ideas?18:35
borschtyand NetworkManager does not establish any connection18:36
JohnFluxHey all18:38
JohnFluxI tried to upgrade, but I didn't have much free disk space18:39
JohnFluxThere is a check at the start of the upgrade for enough free space to download the packages18:39
alex_mayorgaanyone using Yahoo! Mail new version that's experiencing repeated crash of Firefox 3?18:39
JohnFluxbut this isn't enough disk space to actually install18:39
JohnFluxI get the error:  failed in buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1)       for example for some of the packages18:40
nikruddoes someone have a pointer to getting broadcom 4311 up and running? NetworkManager goes ballistic if I have any firmware in /lib/firmware18:43
borschtynikrud: does it use 99% cpu?18:44
nikrudborschty: as much as 101% , requires kill -918:44
jessicadose hardy work better with laptops than gutsy because some of the power options is a little tempromental18:45
dr_evilmust be a pretty powerful CPU if it can source 101%18:45
nikrud:) probably rounding error18:45
borschtyok, i'm experiencing the same problem, but i have a ipw2200 from intel18:45
borschtydid the problem start recently, but it worked some days ago?18:46
nikrudfresh, brand new beta install18:46
nikrudtried the bc43-fwcutter , which dropped bc43 and bc43legacy in /lib/firmware , the issue started then.18:47
nikrudso I moved them out, and Network manager worked fine, with plugging & unplugging ethernet18:47
nikrudafter reboot18:47
borschtyhmm i think i'll try unloading the ipw2200 driver and starting NM again18:48
borschtydoes logging in using sudo take several minutes when NM is going insane?18:49
nikrudno. But that's another issue. bash completion fails with sudo <anything>Tab18:49
borschtywithout the ipw2200 NM does not use 99% cpu18:50
borschtyhowever neither the kernel nor NM got changed since the last time it worked18:50
nikrudhaven't had a chance to look it over, or check bugs. I've got a small list already for checking tomorrow.  I was just hoping someone had a 'Oh, yeah here's the workaround' right now. Off to work now18:50
borschtyi'll try a hal downgrade18:51
hydrogenyou're a hal downgrade.18:52
noelferreirai upgraded to hardy and now i am having some problems playing avi files with i haven't in gutsy. do you now what is the problem?18:58
vistakillerwhat problems you have?18:58
noelferreiravistakiller, the freezes and cuts in the screen. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/17366318:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173663 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[fglrx] compiz will not launch with fglrx driver - falls back to metacity on xserver 1.4 (1.3 is ok)" [High,Fix released]18:59
vistakillerwhat driver you have?19:00
noelferreirafor ati xpress200 m19:00
simion314in 7.10 compiz work from Live Cd in 8.04 the compiz is not working. error is: Xgl not found, Found ati driver19:00
simion314any sugestion?19:01
vistakillerati difficult situation19:01
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noelferreiravistakiller, so how i downgrade to xserver 1.3 vistakiller ? or there is any solution?19:01
SeveredCrossStrange, compiz works for me.19:02
SeveredCrossWith fglrx.19:02
SeveredCrossHowever, I'm using the latest version from ATI that I built for myself, rather than the UBuntu packages.19:02
steph_Is there someone here who use hardy with vbox?19:03
noelferreiracompiz works for me too. but i can't play avi files without freezes and crashes19:03
vistakilleri use hardy with vb19:03
simion314SeveredCross:  but in 7.10 the compiz worked from CD, witjhout any installation19:03
vistakillerand i use hardy with vb inside hardy :P19:03
SeveredCrosssimion314: The fglrx version might have changed and that broke something?19:03
simion314SeveredCross:  and my card ati radeon m6 ly is not on the list of suported cards19:03
steph_vistakiller: (pretty name :) I try to install the addon, but it gives me an error. Did you succeed with that?19:04
SeveredCrossActually, IIRC, there was a Compiz bug that allowed it to work on fglrx in Gutsy, that was fixed by a later compiz update/upgrade.19:04
vistakillerwhat addon guest additions?19:04
oxigeni dont know why my hd run so hot!?19:04
SeveredCrossAlso, they probably have fglrx blacklisted in Compiz.19:04
_dan_since -12 kernel i cnat get nvidia to work, neither with ubuntu package nior with envy19:05
_dan_can anyone give me a hint pls19:05
SeveredCrossBecause techically it does not work very well.19:05
locomoi clicked "Login Window" administration entry and Ubuntu "trashing" my hard drive for 3 minutes before applet showed itself. :/ second, network manager still forgeting to write "auto eth0" line to /etc/network/interfaces19:05
SeveredCross_dan_: I think they broke nvidia in the -12 kernel, but I thought it was fixed.19:05
vistakiller_dan i have the same problem19:05
vistakilleruse envyng19:05
flipstaroxigen: maybe a fan died @_@19:05
steph_vistakiller: VirtualBox 1.5.0 Guest additions19:05
oxigenflipstar: my hd dont have fan19:05
vistakillersteph i can i have install them19:05
vistakillerwhere is the prob?19:05
flipstaroxigen: maybe its getting old ..19:05
_dan_SeveredCross  hm dont think so, not even envy is working thats weird19:06
SeveredCrossHmm. Then it's probably still broken.19:06
vistakiller_dan i have the same problem try to install not the simple envy but envung19:06
oxigenflipstar: ~10.000 hours isn't that old yet, i guess..19:06
steph_It tells me: "kernel configuration is invalid"19:06
vistakilleri try to install driver with differnet way but only this works19:06
vistakillersteph try to update the distro19:07
flipstaroxigen: it can be nearly everything..maybe sensors doesnt work correct ..19:07
steph_I'll do my homework :)19:07
locomo"Put display to sleep..." started at 11 minutes, but i read on launchpad it is bug, and it is really not 11 minutes... why 11 minutes anyway? still not fixed since 7.1019:09
steph_vistakiller: it says that my system is up-to-date. My kernel is 2.6.24-12-386. I already installed linux-headers-`uname -r`INSIDE my virtual machine. Could be a problem with the host (or the guest)? :|19:11
vistakillerno i have this problem the sam prob with xubuntu in vm19:11
vistakillerbut it works in ubuntu and kubuntu kde419:12
noelferreiracan i downgrade to xserver 1.3?19:15
LaserJockanybody having problems with NetworkManager after recent updates?19:16
locomoit seems ubuntu use vesa driver and not nv for 8800 GTS 512 (G92)... and it had not autodetected my native resolution 1680x1050... only 1280x102419:16
_dan_does anyone have a workaround for the nvidia not working on -12 kernel?19:16
flipstar_dan_: did you do an kernel update ?19:17
_dan_yep, since a few weeks when -12 kernel came19:17
borschtydowngrading hal worked19:17
_dan_nvidia inst working anymore19:17
flipstar_dan_: you need to reinstall nvidia drivers19:17
_dan_already did19:17
flipstarwith running -12 kernel ?19:18
_dan_purged restriced modules purged nvidia-glx19:18
noelferreiravistakiller, what should i do?19:18
_dan_reinstalled everything19:18
_dan_which package did u mean to reinstall?19:19
flipstari dont use the packages provided by ubuntu..so i dont know which package exactly19:19
raidiumdan: did you use envy ?19:19
locomowhat is this "hardware testing" tool? i followed few pages and cant stand it anymore... does it look like Everest if you made it to the end?19:19
vistakilleri have the same problem with _dan19:20
_dan_raidium no, i tried envy yesterday that didint wortk either19:20
vistakillerand i use envy to install the driver19:20
_dan_i usually try to avoid envy19:20
vistakillerit works fine to me19:20
vistakillerme to but was the only way19:20
_dan_wierd thing, it works now19:20
_dan_after installiny envy, end removing it again19:20
raidiumi pulled the installed glx stuff , ran envy and now both my 8800gts work great (in same box)19:20
_dan_thx envy for fixing my ubuntu install ;)19:21
raidiumthe updater is running so slow today , must be getting hit hard19:21
_dan_beta was released lately19:22
_dan_many ppl upgrade with beta19:22
locomoNew theme should have its own entry and not "Custom". i switched to Human and cant switch back to default theme, "Custom" dissapeared19:24
vistakillerdan the have fix the problem with nvidia in 12 kernel19:24
vistakillerbut they have break it again when they fix the problem with audio :P19:24
dotpavanhi.. anybody experiencing FF3b4 freezing issues on 8.10? I couldnt find any bug report either19:26
locomowhere you got 8.10? :/19:27
locomotime machine?19:27
noelferreiradoes anyone knows what should i do with ati driver to play avi files? can i downgrade to xserver 1.3?19:27
dotpavansorry 8.0419:27
dotpavan:) cross breed of 7.10 and 8.04 ;)19:27
cwillulocomo, just change the controls theme to human-murrine19:27
flipstarnoelferreira: do you have ubuntu-restriceted-extras installed ?19:28
noelferreirayes flipstar19:28
cwillunoelferreira, what problem are you seeing?19:28
locomocwillu: thanks19:28
flipstarnoelferreira: which player are you using ?19:28
cwillulocomo, afaik, I think there's still discussion as to whether that's the final theme or not19:28
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flipstarnoelferreira: with mplayer you could use different video drivers19:29
noelferreiraevrything was perfect in gutsy. its seems is a poblem with the new server xorg19:29
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cwillunoelferreira, lets not be jumping to conclusions19:29
cwillunoelferreira, what is the exact problem you're seeing?19:29
noelferreirai read the bug. i'm not jumping19:29
locomocwillu: i liked human buttons more, they was 3D and cool, and new are flat19:29
noelferreiracwillu, i can't play avi files. freezes and crashes like before when we need XGL server to use compiz19:30
cwilludid you still need xgl under gutsy?19:30
noelferreirano cwillu19:30
cwilluyou can probably run gstreamer-properties and changes the video output method, but that approach is far from ideal19:31
cwillunoelferreira, have the bug number handY?19:31
noelferreirain gutsy everything was ok using aiglx19:31
noelferreirayes 1 second19:31
noelferreiracwillu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/17366319:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173663 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[fglrx] compiz will not launch with fglrx driver - falls back to metacity on xserver 1.4 (1.3 is ok)" [High,Fix released]19:31
ethana2How feasible would it be for a fresh ubuntu dual boot to rip proprietary codecs right off of windows and run them in WINE?19:32
cwilluethana2, afaik, the 'ugly' codecs _are_ the windows codecs19:33
cwilluat least, there's a gstreamer wrapper that lets you do that, if it's not installed by ubuntu-restricted-extras already19:33
cwillunoelferreira, they claim its fixed?19:34
noelferreiracwillu, i can't put it working here19:35
cwilluk, I'm still reading the bug, just not sure if you saw that19:35
cwilluyou get the same fallback to metacity?19:35
cwilluor are you using skip_checks to force it despite a blacklist?19:36
Johan-_anyone got ssl to work with netatalk?19:37
borschtycwillu: ugly codecs are not the windows codecs, they are codecs which can not be licensed under lgpl, lame for example which is gpl19:37
jessicai dont think this is normal my ubuntu 7.10 is freezing and i think its because im in the middle of upgrading to hardy but when i upgraded from other editions of ubuntu it never happend19:37
borschtypitfdll + w32codecs are the windows codecs19:38
cwillujessica, this is still a beta, there's still problems19:38
flipstarjessica: afaik you can break the update at downloading and resume later19:38
cwillujessica, is the update freezing, or is it just slowing down other things you're doing?19:39
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noelferreiracwillu, yes i have the same problem with metacity. even worst i guess19:39
jessicano the update carrys on when it freezes its just i am unable to move the mouse and or use keyboard input it lasts about 10 seconds then returns back to normal19:40
noelferreiracwillu, i will restart my xorg. one minute19:40
cwilluborschty, ugly is just anything that has distribution problems;  but either way, pitfdll is included in restricted-extras19:40
borschtyhowever ugly does not include the windows codecs19:41
jessicait seems to be picking up now19:41
EruditeHermithey I did an upgrade today and network manager is now unable to connect to a network and eats 100% cpu. I've been trying to track it down to network manager, hal but I've not had any success. Has anyone experienced similar?19:42
Niklas_Eis there any tool like xf86cfg or something for ubuntu? Need top change the drivers but don't find any tool for it19:42
jessicadid that happen with anyone else i just found that odd19:43
EruditeHermitNiklas_E: displayconfig-gtk19:43
noelferreiracwillu, :( no good luck. any idea. should i change something in xorg.conf?19:43
cwillunoelferreira, how are you running compiz?19:43
noelferreirawhat you mean cwillu. compiz is not the problem.19:44
noelferreiracwillu, the problem is worst without compiz19:44
cwillunoelferreira, then that bug you posted isn't the same bug19:44
cwillumay be related, but its not the same19:44
cwillunoelferreira, other than video, what issues are you seeing?19:45
noelferreirai thought it was. can i downgrade to xserver 1.3?19:45
noelferreiracompiz a little slow cwillu19:46
cwillunoelferreira, it'd be more useful to figure out why it's broken19:46
cwillubug 197639 sounds like it might be related19:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197639 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[hardy] fglrx xv output not available for video playback" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19763919:46
EdwardXp3i got error on my kernel upgrade19:47
noelferreiracwillu, i use other instead of xv and i have the same problem.19:47
EdwardXp3kernel panic not syncing VFS .. unable to mount root19:47
cwillupastebin me your xorg.conf file19:47
cwillunoelferreira, what videocard do you have, and which arch of ubuntu are you running? (x86, amd64, ?)19:49
noelferreiraamd64, ati radeon xpress 200 M cwillu19:50
cwillunoelferreira, is that xorg.conf coming?19:50
noelferreiracwillu, http://pastebin.com/m3cfc49f419:50
cwillunoelferreira, did you see that bug I posted?  does that sound like it?19:51
noelferreiramaybe cwillu19:51
noelferreiranot sure19:51
cwilludid you modify xorg.conf recently?19:51
noelferreiracwillu, should i try Option "AGPMode" "4"19:52
cwillunoelferreira, :)  no, unless somebody has reported it makes a difference (preferably on a bug report, not ubuntuforums)19:53
cwilludoubt its related19:53
Johan-_sorry for spaming, anyone got ssl to work with netatalk?19:54
cwilludon't be sorry, just don't spam :p19:54
cwillunoelferreira, how are you in a terminal?19:55
Johan-_cwillu: have to spam a couple of times/h to get any respons :/19:55
noelferreirai'm using tilda ok cwillu19:55
cwillunoelferreira, can you backup your current xorg.conf, and then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and see what you get then?19:57
tobylaneCan I use this with wubi?19:57
cwillunoelferreira, might need to manually reset fglrx as the driver, but don't add any other options to the device19:57
noelferreiraok cwillu19:57
noelferreiracwillu, by the way: http://pastebin.com/m182680e719:58
noelferreirasome info19:58
cwillunoelferreira, you're an upgrade, right?19:58
tobylaneCan I use ubuntu8 with wubi?19:59
jimmygoonhas anyone else dealt with the ccsm csm-simple appearance dialog problems?19:59
jimmygoontobylane, the ubuntu 8.04 beta includes wubi yes19:59
noelferreirayesterday. first problem was running gnome-daemon-settings. but i delete xrand on gconfig and now it is ok19:59
noelferreirayesterday. first problem was running gnome-daemon-settings. but i delete xrand on gconfig and now it is ok cwillu19:59
cwillutobylane, I'd advise waiting for hardy to go final if you're not comfortable with troubleshooting19:59
tobylaneNo, im not really19:59
jimmygoong-d-s / xrandr problems were (mostly to my knowledge) fixed as of updates two days ago20:00
tobylaneI have livecds with install cds, can I use something off them for wubi with ubuntu 7?20:00
jimmygoontobylane, what?20:00
tobylaneI have live cds, install cds, an awful internet connection, and wubi without its iso20:00
tobylaneCan I use an iso off either cds for wubi20:00
cwillutobylane, you could just boot off the livecd20:01
tobylaneIsn't wubi like live cd, testing without installing20:01
noelferreiraone minute cwillu i'll restart X20:01
cwillutobylane, no, it's an install to a file on the drive, without repartitioning20:02
cwilluit's still a bit experimental (this will be the first release that actually supports it in any way)20:02
tobylaneOk... so ill stick to live cds20:02
tobylaneSo in 32 days I can shipit order ubuntu 8?20:02
cwillutobylane, you should be able to just put the cd in the drive and reboot, and have it run off the cd;  you can install from there if you want (although it'll have to repartition to install)20:03
cwillutobylane, probably, although I don't know for sure20:03
tobylaneOk, thanks20:03
thompafederico: hey thanks for the tip20:05
cwilluis exa on by default across the board, or are some drivers still xaa by default?20:07
noelferreiracwillu, :( nothing20:09
noelferreiracwillu, any idea?20:14
cwilluwas hoping you'd give me a bit more to go on :p20:15
cwilluwhat does your xorg.conf look like right now?20:15
cwillu(after the reconfigure at least)20:15
noelferreirai change  to the  previous configuration.20:17
noelferreiracan i downgrade to xserver 1.3 cwillu ?20:18
cwillunoelferreira, is that newer or older than an x1050, do you know?20:19
noelferreiraits the previous one in gutsy20:19
cwilluno, the video card20:20
EruditeHermithey I did an upgrade today and network manager is now unable to connect to a network and eats 100% cpu. I've been trying to track it down to network manager, hal but I've not had any success. Has anyone experienced similar?20:20
noelferreiracwillu, i don't know.20:20
thompaanyone know whats up with usb devices, they all worked in alpha and are now not showing up20:20
borschtyEruditeHermit: downgrade hal20:20
noelferreirabut it was working so good in gutsy20:20
EruditeHermitborschty: I did but it didn't work20:20
borschtyEruditeHermit: to which version?20:21
EruditeHermitborschty: 0.5.920:21
borschtyand libhal, too?20:21
EruditeHermitborschty: yep libhal1 libhal-storage hal hal-info20:21
cwillunoelferreira, that's what I'm trying to figure out, because everything I've read says it shouldn't have been working there at all unless it was under xgl, or it'll work just as well under the latest with the right config20:21
zcat[1]Woohoo!! the difference between alpha6 and beta1 is awesome!20:21
Odd-rationaleI'm testing out the beta. I got this message: Could not install 'libc6' Is this ok?20:21
noelferreiracwillu, i will try drivers from ati20:22
nikrudborschty: just checked in, what doesn downgrading hall fix?20:22
cwillunoelferreira, fglrx is the driver from ati20:22
zcat[1]well, I assume I have beta1 -- I upgraded last night.20:22
borschtyEruditeHermit: i solved it by downgrading to 0.5.10+git20080301-1ubuntu220:22
noelferreiracwillu, a new one20:22
EruditeHermitborschty: where did you get that hal?20:22
cwillunoelferreira, you can try theirs, but you'll be beyond the point where you'll get much willing help here (i.e., no longer contributing towards getting hardy working for as many people as possible before it's released)20:23
borschtyEruditeHermit: still had those in my /var/cache/apt/archives folder20:23
cwillunoelferreira, do you have a copy of xorg.conf from before the upgrade?20:23
EruditeHermitborschty: is there a snapshot.debian.net equivalent for ubuntu?20:23
noelferreirai lost them in the upgrade20:23
borschtynikrud: you had the NetworkManager-problem, too?20:23
zcat[1]screenlets still flakey as, they need to wait until compiz is launched before they try to run is all20:24
EruditeHermitborschty: somewhere where I can find old versions of packages20:24
nikrudborschty: yeap20:24
cwillunoelferreira, give me a sec, I'm making a device section for you to try20:24
borschtynikrud: did you try downgrading hal?20:24
zcat[1]I hacked a script that waits 10s and then runs the screenlets.20:24
benplauti install, fglrx is broken at first glance, and i think to myself "i've done this before, but is it really worth it?!"20:24
xtknightthere's still no sw raid LiveCD config right?20:24
nikrudborschty: I'll take a look. I do believe I got some hal stuff in an upgrade from the beta disk20:25
benplautand now i'm rebooted, back to an old OS :P20:25
borschtyEruditeHermit: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/h/hal/20:25
borschtyEruditeHermit: maybe even downgrading only hal or only libhal would be enough, but i downgraded both at the same time20:26
nikrudborschty: nope, no hal even in my archives. git 20080301-1ubuntu2 you said fixes that?20:26
borschtynikrud: thats a working version for me, maybe ...ubuntu3 works, too20:27
borschtydid not try it20:27
nikrudno problem for me really. I'll just wire up until some fixes roll downstream. I try to keep these as close to actually released as I can20:27
Ergo^hello just installed hardy, everything is working good so far - but there is a small problem, when i installed 7.10 and had compiz-config-manager - there was additional entry "custom effects" - in "visual effects" tab in apperance preferences - its gone now and i dont know how to get my custom effects to load on logon. any hints ?20:28
cwillunoelferreira, http://pastebin.com/mfd9115720:28
cwillucopy that into xorg.conf, and restart x.  If it doesn't work, comment out the Textured2d line, and try again20:29
noelferreiracwillu, i will try20:29
EruditeHermitborschty: ok let me try; thanks20:29
simion314compiz vorked on my laptop without ATI proprietary drivers in 7.10 but is not working in 8.04 beta(it worked when i tested alpha 4) so what changed?20:30
noelferreiracwillu, what is the difference from mine?20:30
ethan961Ergo^, do any affects load?20:30
cwillusimion314, blacklisted on laptops due to power management issues20:30
Ergo^ethan961: everything works , and loading my config manually via "advanced desktop effects" works fine too20:30
cwillunoelferreira, the disabled videooverlay (deprecated), added texturedvideo, et al20:31
cwillunoelferreira, and deleted all the repeated options that confuse matters20:31
simion314cwillu:  can i modify the start script for compiz to work? i must install other packages?20:31
noelferreirahere i go20:31
cwillusimion314, iirc, you lose significant battery life by forcing it on20:32
cwillusimion314, there's a manner to disable the blacklist, I'm not dead sure what it is offhand (somebody else here probably knows, chime in if you do :p)20:32
Ergo^ethan961: if i right click desktop , select "change desk.. bgr..."  and ho to visual effects there are 3 options : none , normal , extra. I had one more in 7.10 - custom20:33
simion314i seen compiz using less then 1or 2 % of CPU  and not all the time so not so much power saving20:33
nikrudcwillu: simion314 http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist20:34
noelferreiracwillu, nope20:34
cwillunoelferreira, how so...20:34
EruditeHermitborschty: thanks it worked20:34
EruditeHermitborschty: someone should put it in the topic20:34
noelferreirasame problem cwillu and i can't notice difference. one thing i see is that the movie in fullscreen have more problems for rendering. in original size it is almost ok20:35
cwillunoelferreira, is that with or without compiz?20:35
noelferreirawith cwillu . with metacity it is even worst :)20:36
EruditeHermitborschty: also does the ubuntu archive keep old versions of packages in the pool so you can downgrade easily?20:36
cwillunoelferreira, is gstreamer-properties set back to autodetect?20:36
noelferreirai think yes20:37
cwillunoelferreira, can you check?20:37
borschtyEruditeHermit: i don't know how long packages are kept on the server20:37
noelferreirashould i have v4l or v4l2 in input plugin of cideo?20:38
cwillunoelferreira, input doesn't matter unless you're doing video capture20:39
noelferreiraso it is ok20:39
noelferreiracwillu, the problem is that this is the only system i have :)20:40
noelferreirai didn't bakcup gutsy20:40
noelferreiraand like always i never can wait for the stable releases20:40
cwillunoelferreira, that's, um, uh...20:41
cwilluit's not a great combination of habits20:41
cwillunoelferreira, okay, came across some new info20:42
cwilluone sec though20:42
EruditeHermitthanks borschty btw20:42
cwilluno, that doesn't make any sense20:43
noelferreiraone last check20:43
noelferreira1 minute20:43
stephansI just installed alpha 4... still no way to join a windows domain like SUSE?20:45
stephansI thought I read that this was supposed to be included in this release?20:45
cwillustephans, might try installing the beta instead of a 3 month old alpha :p20:45
cwillubut no idea, sorry20:46
Ergo^ok, anyone maye has a clue what caused the custom configuration for compiz missing ?20:46
AlexHooverHmm, has anyone else had issues updating from 6.04?20:46
cwillualmost certainly can join a domain via terminal, but I don't know if we have a gui yet20:46
AlexHooverDapper Drake20:46
AlexHooverWhatever it is. :p20:46
cwilluAlexHoover, if you had done extensive customization, you may have all sorts of fun20:47
AlexHooverMy update manager or whatever gets to the "calculation" phase and then errors.20:47
AlexHoovercwillu, nothing changed except I installed LAMP.20:47
cwilluAlexHoover, as much as possible, remove 3rd party packages and repositories20:47
AlexHooverI don't know if this is the problem20:48
AlexHooverBut in the terminal it says,20:48
stephanscwillu... beta?20:48
AlexHoover"WARNING: Failed to read mirror file"20:48
stephansok.. wait20:48
J-_So, not it starts hurting, wth!20:48
J-_whoops, thought it was #ubuntu-offtopic20:49
J-_(finger btw) frozen turkey landed on it20:50
* Ergo^ wonders why he is always the only one who never receives help on irc :]20:50
bjwebbErgo^: awwwww20:50
simion314the reson that compiz blacklisted my card is that something bad happen and now it is not working  fine, on 7.10 worked ok, a bug appeared in some place and i hope they will find it20:50
lamalexDid they move the location of the beta isos?20:51
Ergo^simon what gf card do you have ?20:51
* bjwebb is lucky20:51
cwilluErgo^, just means you have more interesting problems :p20:52
bjwebbmy card works out of the box in the beta, but didn't in the alphas20:52
Johan-_sorry for spaming (yet again), anyone got ssl to work with netatalk?20:52
bjwebbErgo^: what are these interesting problems of yours?20:52
simion314i have an ATI radeon20:52
Ergo^cwillu: lol ;-)20:52
cwilluErgo^, I haven't gotten meaningful assistance in, well, a couple years :p20:52
Brent^I'm installing Ubuntu 8.04 from inside Windows Vista and the window for the installer seems to have frozen up. It says "setup was completed succesfully" but the install progress bad is only about 2/3 there. Can I close the window or will this mess up the install?20:52
Ergo^bjwebb: small problem, cant seem to find configuration setting for compiz for custom effects.. it was in 7.10 - maybe ill try reload ? :D20:53
cwilluErgo^, not installed by default (wasn't in gutsy either)20:53
stephansOK OK -- i did not knwo that a beta was available..20:53
calcErgo^: install compizconfig-settings-manager20:53
Ergo^i installed it the same way as in gutsy (synaptic)20:53
Ergo^calc its there20:54
stephansSo I intend to install it using a preseed file.. anything I need to think about?20:54
noelferreiracwillu, news?20:54
cwillunoelferreira, puzzlement20:54
Ergo^i can load the compiz profile with it - it works20:54
calcmaybe gnome-compiz-manager too, i'm not sure20:54
Brent^anyone know?20:54
calci don't use compiz as it is too limited20:54
Ergo^the problem is  i have only 3 settings in visual settings : none, normal, extra ... on 7.10 i had "custom" also20:55
stephans7.10 would refuse to use local sources... we will see if this one will do better.20:55
noelferreirawhat cwillu20:55
Ergo^ok maybe its something that is integrated deeply20:56
Ergo^ill try to reboot and see if it helps (yes naive... )20:56
cwillunoelferreira, jumped through 4 bug reports, a couple wiki pages, settled on an update which should solve it, which is apparently already in mainline20:56
cwillux200 you said, right?20:56
noelferreirayes cwillu20:57
noelferreiraradeon xpress 200 M20:57
Brent^hmm... forcing that window to close then restarting, good idea or bad idea?20:59
cwillunoelferreira, what does xvinfo give you?20:59
tgelteris there a reason that my gdm theme hasn't been updated like everyone else's?21:00
alex_mayorgathrow me a bone here, not audio at all21:01
b47619I installed the beta and am still having the same issue!21:01
b47619the xserver restarts in a normal gnome session and i have no /etc/gnome/config21:01
sectechHas anyone had any luck getting Java working in Firefox3b4 on hardy yet?21:02
SeveredCrossHas anyone had problems with Totem not playing DVD's?21:03
noelferreiracwillu, http://pastebin.com/m7204347421:03
fromportsectech: 32 or 64 ?21:03
alex_mayorgasectech: check bug 201143 for my workaround21:03
cwillunoelferreira, um21:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201143 in sun-java6 "no Java plugin for Firefox with sun-java-6 installed in Hardy alpha 6" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20114321:03
cwillunoelferreira, xgl shouldn't be showing up there21:04
SeveredCrossI just installed icedtea's JDK, then Java worked.21:04
cwillunoelferreira, is xserver-xgl installed in synaptic?21:04
sectechok :) thanks alex_mayorga21:04
sectechfromport, 3221:05
b47619does anyone know of a cause for this: the xserver restarts in a normal gnome session and i have no /etc/gnome/config21:05
cwillub47619, is this still an update, or a fresh reinstall?21:05
b47619fresh reinstall21:06
Ergo^still no "custom" setting for compiz :D21:06
cwilluErgo^, where are you looking?21:06
cwilluErgo^, system | preferences | advanced desktop effects settings?21:06
Ergo^cwillu: thats the compizconfig-manager , yes ? i have that21:07
alex_mayorgaany known workaround for the "no audio" situation?21:07
cwilluErgo^, commas and question marks have no spaces before them :p21:08
cwilluErgo^, do you have that menu entry?21:08
fromportsectech: i have java working in my browser: i used sun-java6-jre. to run non browser java i had to install icedtea-java7-jre21:08
Ergo^im looking in " right click desktop > change backround >visual effects21:08
Ergo^cwillu: yes i have that menu entry21:08
cwilluErgo^, that's the settings for compiz21:08
noelferreiracwillu, yes21:08
cwilluunless you're looking for something else21:08
cwillunoelferreira, that shouldn't be installed21:09
noelferreiralet me see21:09
noelferreiraah wait no21:09
noelferreiraxgl no21:09
fromportb47619 try a clean install and make sure you have no old "data": wipe your partions21:09
noelferreirait uses AIGLX no21:09
cwillunoelferreira, what does ps aux|grep X give you?21:09
b47619i format EVERY time21:09
b47619and can ubuntu 8.04 write to ntfs as a clena install?21:09
cwillub47619, yes21:10
noelferreira 19407 30.9 17.9 227104 161332 ?       S    21:52   5:13 Xgl :1 -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer -nolisten tcp -fullscreen -br +xinerama21:10
noelferreira :)21:10
fromportand everytime it's not working ? you dont restore any old config /home dir ?21:10
sectechfromport, I just tried the work around that was posted.... The applet tries to load (using a popular java game site)21:10
b47619i thought so21:10
cwillunoelferreira, caught you :p21:10
Ergo^cwillu: yes i have the setting manager for compiz installed, i just cant get it to rememver what settings i set ;-)21:10
fromportsectech: url ?21:10
cwilluErgo^, ahhhh, looking for what you had set before21:10
noelferreirai will remove and restart X21:10
cwilluErgo^, was it a synaptic install before, or did you run a compiled or thirdparty compiz?21:11
sectechactually wait a sec.... I think something got mixed up here....21:11
cwilluErgo^, but you might be out of luck, although you can dig around your home dir21:11
b47619and I can't resize an ntfs partition...21:11
sectechheh,  lets try removing firefox2 and 321:12
Ergo^cwillu: it was synaptic install21:12
sectechdidn't realize I had both installed21:12
cwillub47619, run a scandisk from windows, reboot twice CLEANLY, and then boot into ubuntu's live cd (again, clean restart, no power buttons)21:12
cwillub47619, ubuntu knows better than to try to mess with a partition that might have errors on it :p21:12
cwilluErgo^, :/21:12
b47619I can't boot into the live cd it retsarts there also21:12
b47619the xserver also restarts on the live cd.21:13
cwillub47619, what video card?21:13
b47619onboard ati radeon xpress 20021:13
cwilluI think you have hardware problems21:13
Brent^I installed ubuntu 8.04 beta but when I boot to that partition it doesn't give me a GUI. Is their something I have to type?21:14
b47619i think so21:14
b47619also what should I do get another hard drive or a cd drive?21:14
cwillub47619, noelferreira has the same chipset, but it doesn't kill it21:14
b47619I am burning to sony dvd since I think I am out of cds21:14
b47619should I try a cd?21:14
b47619I have had issues with these dvds before21:14
cwillub47619, it's really hard to say;  if the iso test worked fine, then it's probably not the drive, but there's so many possible places a problem could arise21:15
freexeMy sound has stopped working since I've upgraded, is there a way to get Ubuntu to re autodetect my sound drivers?21:15
b476192 sound cards and 2 network cards21:15
b476191 onboard and an add-on21:15
* cwillu wishes he had a couple clones21:17
cwillufreexe, run this in a terminal: lspci|grep -i audio21:18
flipstarnot Audio ?21:18
freexe00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)21:19
cwilluflipstar, I just use -i to ignore case and ignore the fact that the case may vary :p21:19
flipstaroh right oversaw that21:19
freexeI get the error No Volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found if I double click on the speak on the toolbar21:20
Brent^Ubuntu 8.04 hates me ;_;21:20
nikolas_Hi all21:20
nikolas_ I have trouble connecting to my wireless network (wep encrypted) after upgrading today to hardy beta21:20
SeveredCrossBrent^: Why, what's wrong?21:20
SeveredCrossnikolas_: Any errors?21:20
nikolas_so here it goes21:20
nikolas_before the dist-upgrade to trouble at all21:20
SeveredCrossnikolas_: A good way to look for errors is to tail -f /var/log/daemon.log and see what happens there, look for anything NetworkManager related.21:20
Brent^it wont show any kind of GUI when I try and use it and I dont know what commands to type to get it to do so21:21
nikolas_I upgraded and still no trouble with the network21:21
freexecwillu, is there anything else I can look for?21:21
Ergo^cwillu: http://img85.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotub5.png - can you confirm you dont have "custom" setting too ?21:21
nikolas_then i did the proposed updates and lost the wireless netwrking21:21
cwilluone sec21:21
flipstar!intelhda | freexe did you looked at this ?21:21
ubotufreexe did you looked at this ?: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:21
nikolas_give me a sec to check for the error messages21:21
Ergo^compiz guys say its probably a bug in ubuntu not compiz21:21
sectechThe work around worked great21:22
sectechthank you21:22
nikolas_I checked the syslog 5 minutes ago and there were tons of messages on wlan021:23
Brent^how do I check if I accidentally installed the server version of ubuntu?21:23
napsy_hm something strange is happening with my system after the latest upgrades21:23
napsy_the system gets very unresponsive for a short period of time21:23
cwilluBrent^, just install ubuntu-desktop, that'll get you a normal desktop install (server install is really just a barebones)21:24
nikolas_rebooting the laptop and fetching the daemon.log21:24
Brent^cwillu: I know, but how do I check what is already installed21:24
cwilluErgo^, where you just looking for the fourth option?21:24
cwilluBrent^, package manager?21:25
Brent^dont know what that is21:25
cwilluBrent^, it'll have whatever you've installed21:25
Ergo^on that screenshot it was under "extra" , at least in 7.1021:25
insomninjaBrent^, if you installed the server version, you wouldn't have a graphical environment21:25
insomninjafrom the beginning at least21:25
b47619do you think 2 sound cards and 2 network cards is causing my issue? or is it the sony dvds instead of cds?21:25
cwilluErgo^, ya, I remember that;  my laptop just shows the three with none selected21:25
freexeDoes hardy still use asla, what is all the pulse audio stuff about21:25
cwilluErgo^, feel free to report a bug :p21:25
Ergo^bah :D21:26
Brent^only graphics I saw when I booted it was "ubuntu" and a load bar. then no GUI21:26
cwillufreexe, yes;  alsa hasn't been replaced, esd has21:26
cwillufreexe, alsa is the low level drivers (alternative to oss), where esd is the mixer that allows more than one app to use sound at a time (and which is replaced by pulse)21:26
cwilluBrent^, log in, and then type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:26
freexecwillu, how do I find out if alsa is broken21:26
cwillufreexe, look at the link flipstar pointed you at21:27
insomninjaBrent^, if it went/stayed in terminal mode, without any xserver error messages I would suppose you have the server version installed21:27
eklofIs there a regexp-wizkid around? How do I extract only v4 ip-addresses out of any logfile?21:27
b47619woulkd 2 sound cards and 2 network cards cause my issues or sony dvds?21:27
freexecwillu, I have, it's quite long winded, and I wanted to be sure before moving away from the package manager21:28
eklofCan't print columns using cut or awk since the ip is not on a specific column21:28
cwillueklof, /d+\./d+\./d+\./d+\ is approximately what you want21:28
insomninjaBrent^, (since a wrongly configured xserver would also drop you to terminal, but leave messages)21:28
eklofcwillu: hm ok.21:28
zcat[1]ever since I installed nvidia drivers, I get no loading splash, just grub, black screen until gdm loads21:28
cwillu /d = digit, +=at least once, \. = literal dot, etc21:28
Brent^alright I'll try that. Gotta reboot this machine to find out21:28
Brent^so I type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" correct?21:29
cwilluzcat[1], odd, I wouldn't expect it to affect that off a clean reboot21:29
zcat[1]Brent^: that'll work21:29
cwilluBrent^, it might take a little while though21:29
cwilluBrent^, might be quicker to just reinstall21:29
zcat[1]I think it was working b4 the nvidia drivers.. it might have been broken from the start21:29
cwilluzcat[1], did you install any fb stuff, or change the grub lines?21:30
TobiasTheCommieanyone running hardy beta with fglrx driver? X keeps crashing whenever i right click with the mouse....21:30
TobiasTheCommiestill playing with stuff to see if i can find a cause...21:30
TobiasTheCommiebut, the fglrx driver crashes21:30
cwilluI'm starting to think fglrx might be the bane of hardy21:30
nikolas_The problem with the wireless propably starts with the line wlan0 fully supported using driver '(null)'21:31
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: haha, so i take it this isn't the only problem with fglrx21:31
pejI'm having troubles with my LUKS encrypted partitions not being recognized by Hardy. Whenever I boot the computer, I'm never asked for the passphrase, and I get an error message saying cryptsetup can't find the partition. Any ideas as to what might be wrong?21:31
* cwillu glances at noelferreira 21:31
zcat[1]oh well, gtg move some files about, bbl...21:31
Brent^cwillu: last time I installed (from instide windows) the window froze up and I couldn't do anything like task manager or shutdown. so I had to hold the power button for 6 secs. bad idea?21:31
cwilluBrent^, it's not ideal21:32
cwilluBrent^, sorry, I haven't played with wubi much at all21:32
nikolas_after a bunch of lines on wlan0 activation stages i have a <WARN> tag21:32
Brent^cwillu: it said "installation completed" so I assummed it was finw21:32
Brent^well I'll try the other thing and be back when its done21:33
cwilluahhhh, I get it21:33
atlefanyone experience this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayerplug-in/+bug/20420321:33
MasterScriptcan somebody help me with shoutcast?21:33
cwillusorry, too many conversations I'm trying to have :021:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204203 in mplayerplug-in "difficult to remove FF3 beta, and keep FF2 functionality" [Undecided,New]21:33
nikolas_nm_signal_handler(): Caught signal 11. Generating backtrace21:33
cwilluBrent^, ya, if you've gotten that far, the ubuntu-desktop will work21:33
TobiasTheCommiehehe, also middle button crashes it21:33
noelferreiracwillu, sorry. i was eating sometinhg21:33
cwillunoelferreira, no problem, I was just pointing people at you to commiserate with21:34
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
flipstarMasterScript: whats the prob with shoutcast ?21:36
noelferreiraah ok cwillu thanks21:36
MasterScriptflipstar: -bash: ./sc_serv: No such file or directory21:37
flipstaryoure in the right directory ?21:37
=== ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris
nikolas_any help on getting the wireless network back up?21:38
MasterScriptmasterscript@masterscript-desktop:~/shell$ cd sc21:38
flipstarls lists it ?21:39
MasterScriptREADME.TXT  sc_serv  sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz  sc_serv.conf21:39
TobiasTheCommiewow, there are indeed many bug reports regarding fglrx21:39
TobiasTheCommiethough none that seem to have anything to do with my problem...21:39
flipstarMasterScript: try with full path and autocomplete (tab)21:40
SkiessiI think the default channel should be set to #ubuntu+1 in testing versions of ubuntu and then set to #ubuntu after the release21:40
MasterScriptflipstar: for example?21:40
freexeCheers, that fixed my sound, I presume that I don't need to file a bug report or anything?21:41
flipstarMasterScript: $HOME/sc/sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux/sc_serv or wherever it is21:41
flipstarfreexe: nope21:41
flipstarthen type /home/masterscript/shell/sc/sc_serv21:42
flipstaruse autocomplete to make sure its correct21:42
flipstarbtw this is not a hardy topic -_-21:44
MasterScripti am tired21:47
MasterScripti dont know how to do it21:47
TobiasTheCommiewell, doesn't crash with vesa21:48
nikolas_anyone on the network manager bug?21:50
borschtynikolas_: 99%cpu usage?21:50
nikolas_I tailed the daemons.log and dumped it on a file,anyone willing to take a look?21:50
nikolas_thats one symptom21:50
MasterScriptflipstar: can u tech me step by step?21:50
borschtydowngrade hal to 0.5.10+git20080301-1ubuntu221:51
flipstarMasterScript: copy & paste /home/masterscript/shell/sc/sc_ into a terminal..21:51
flipstarthen press tab21:51
nikolas_capable of scanning but not connecting to the network21:51
borschtymaybe you need to downgrade libhal aswell21:51
borschtyhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/h/hal/ there are the packages21:51
nikolas_any guidelines on that?21:51
nikolas_ok will try that21:51
borschtyand wait till new hal packages will be released21:51
tgelterummm...anyone else have cpu usage jump to around 50% per cpu when gnome-system-monitor is open?21:52
mneptokMasterScript: what is sc_serv?21:52
nikolas_any bugreport fied on it yet?21:52
flipstarmneptok: shoutcast server21:52
borschty0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2 might fix that issue, it will be on the archive in a few hours21:52
nikolas_can I have the link ?21:52
nikolas_i want to contribute :P21:53
MasterScriptflipstar: -bash: /home/masterscript/shell/sc/sc_serv: No such file or directory21:53
hmullerIs the 3-19 daily live iso the same as the beta?21:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204773 in hal "Latest HAL breaks NetworkManager (dup-of: 204768)" [Undecided,New]21:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204768 in kde-guidance "[hardy] Latest HAL breaks guidance powermanager" [Undecided,In progress]21:53
flipstarMasterScript: you used tab this time ?21:53
nikolas_ok tnx a lot!21:53
MasterScriptflipstar: i dont understand21:54
flipstar!tab | MasterScript21:55
ubotuMasterScript: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:55
Angelusany major bugs in kubuntu-beta?21:57
Daisuke_Idoit's beta, i'd say that's a given...  but check the release notes and such21:57
hmullerAngelus: Depends on your definition of major.21:58
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:58
axisyslooking for steps on how to setup mod_perl with apache2?21:58
AngelusDaisuke_Ido: the things is that on its page there only 2 bugs listed, the microsoft bug wihich is bug #1 and the kde-4 bug21:59
TobiasTheCommiehm, oki, i need some help debugging this21:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121:59
flipstaraxisys: try in #apache21:59
axisyssudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2 <-- i did that21:59
axisysflipstar: ok thnx21:59
TobiasTheCommieXorg[6540]: segfault at 58 rip 7f808e2bda16 rsp 7fffa73bb150 error 4 <- it is kinda hard to find this problem when all the numbers(except "error 4") changes, which they do21:59
TobiasTheCommieXorg[6530]: segfault at 51 rip 7f2c73043a16 rsp 7fff8c2dc210 error 4 <- this is another crash21:59
MasterScriptflipstar: yup22:00
flipstarMasterScript: is it executeable ?22:01
cwilluTobiasTheCommie, welcome to the joy of proprietary drivers.  Go forth and complain to amd22:01
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: hehe, yeah, trying to change to normal radeon drivers... but, tv-out is no worky for me on it, i have filed a bug report...22:02
cwilluTobiasTheCommie, there's a trick to that (I have it working on a mythtv box, but it's a bit hacky)22:02
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: i just wasn't sure if those registers were fglrx or if they were xorg...22:02
MasterScriptflipstar: i see file .bash ....22:03
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: well, i can get tv-out to work with the opensource drivers in ntsc mode, but that gives me black and white output.. with pal mode the display is in colour, but it flickers..(or rather, moves rapidly from left to right)22:03
flipstarMasterScript: right click on that file and go to properties or so and check if its executeable22:03
cwilluTobiasTheCommie, http://nokia.cwillu.com/radeon.txt is what I run on logon (not all the options have xorg.conf equivilents, annoyingly)22:04
MasterScriptflipstar: type:executeable22:06
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: well, i could give it a go with the xrandr i guess.... though i believe i have tried taht before :D22:06
TobiasTheCommiebut, it does work for me in ntsc mode, as i said, though being in b/w(but that is because my telly is only pal)22:06
flipstarMasterScript: please ask in #ubuntu , i dont have gnome22:07
TobiasTheCommiestill weird that the mouse buttons crash xorg.....22:07
TobiasTheCommiewait a minute...22:07
cwilluTobiasTheCommie, might still need some xorg.conf settings22:07
cwillu Option "TVStandard" "ntsc",  Option "ForceTVOut" "on"22:08
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: no, my problem is not settings... it is the driver22:08
TobiasTheCommiei'm on an r53022:08
cwilluTobiasTheCommie, no, I just mean for the open radeon driver22:08
TobiasTheCommietrust me, it isn't...22:09
TobiasTheCommienot an xorg setting...22:09
TobiasTheCommiethe problem is the frquency on the tv out for my specific card.. in some way or another....22:09
TobiasTheCommiethe problem i am having is NOT fglrx22:09
TobiasTheCommieit is evdev22:10
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: so you can relax now, i don't have an fglrx problem ;)22:10
cwilluTobiasTheCommie, did I mention that I like 9250's because I can put 4 in a machine and get an 8 seat computer if I screw around with evdev enough? :p22:11
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: http://rafb.net/p/u2siEU52.html <- this is the crash, not fglrx :D22:13
TobiasTheCommieehm, what was the link to the hardy bugs?22:13
Brent^alright I ubuntu 8.04 working (thanks cwillu) but my wireless card wont connect to my wireless network22:13
TobiasTheCommielauncpad something i think22:13
cwilluBrent^, you know what chipset?22:13
Brent^no but I can look that up... example?22:14
Brent^of what I'm looking for22:14
TobiasTheCommiefound it22:14
cwillulspci|grep -i net22:14
insomninjaWhen I run screen my backspace key doesn't work, any ideas?22:14
cwillu(Brent^, that was for you)22:15
Brent^oh, alright :P22:16
=== hydrogen is now known as Frydrogen
TobiasTheCommieinsomninja: i seem to remember it is a screenrc problem22:17
Brent^I have to reboot to get to ubuntu :P I'm gonna go borrow my brothers computer while I'm waiting so I don't have to keep switching between22:17
TobiasTheCommieonce my computer is rebooted i'll see if i can find it...22:17
marlunMy TAB completion is not working when using "aptitude install xxxTAB or with apt-get. What could be the cause of this?22:18
=== JohnFlux is now known as JohnFlux2
=== JohnFlux2 is now known as JohnFlux
budmangAnyone know how to get extended desktop working?22:21
cwillubudmang, depends on the videocard22:21
TobiasTheCommieinsomninja: can't find anything in my screenrc file22:21
cwillualthough it's getting better22:21
budmangThe screen resolution has been getting better with each update.22:21
Ergo^i have a problem with antoher pc, that has uses a wifi card - the networkmanager seems to use 100% of cpu when it tries connecting to AP22:21
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
budmangBut I can only mirror currently, I want extended.22:21
budmangIntel GMA cwillu22:21
cwillu:/, the one chipset I haven't done this with yet22:22
insomninjaTobiasTheCommie, thanks anyway22:22
RAOFbudmang: It's pretty easy; there's just one real trick.22:22
budmangRAOF: what trick?22:22
budmangcwillu: I can test for you if you would like.22:23
TobiasTheCommieinsomninja: try here http://www.cs.brown.edu/~dnr/the-almost-perfect-backspace-solution.txt22:23
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: disabled evdev, playing now :D22:23
RAOFbudmang: The trick is that, by default, X will only allocate a framebuffer as large as the screen you have plugged in, and it can't make it bigger.  You need to set the Virtual size in xorg.conf, or otherwise specify things in there.  This is a good reference: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1222:24
Brent^cwillu: it gave me Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8039 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 14)         Network controller: Intel Corperation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)22:24
Brent^from typing in "lspci|grep -i net"22:24
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: yup, no more crashes.. :D22:25
cwilluBrent^, okay, intel chipset22:25
Brent^grr nevermeind22:25
cwilluunfortunately, that also falls under the category of things I don't know much about :p22:25
Brent^I fixed it22:25
cwilluoh, goodie :)22:26
cwilluI was under the impression intel wireless just worked :)22:26
Brent^I guess everytime I get a problem I just have to reboot to fix it :P22:26
cwilluthere's almost always a way to do it without rebooting if its important, but learning all the ways isn't always worth the effort :p22:27
Brent^:P exactly22:27
mneptokBrent^: the 4965 should "just work" with Hardy22:28
Brent^it did22:28
Brent^It just needed a restart22:28
budmangsorry was disconnected I didnt get either replies!22:28
mneptoksudo invoke-rc.d networking restart22:28
K_DallasHi guys! I am reading wubi site and I am wondering what it actually does? It allows the user to install ubuntu from inside windows but does it work as a virtual machine or you can boot into ubuntu alone without windows presence? Thanks22:28
cwilluK_Dallas, it's standalone, but installed as a file in the windows filesystem instead of partitioning, afaik22:29
budmangcwillu: would I be able to test something on my card for extended desktop for you?22:29
budmanganyone know the extended desktop trick for an intel gma?22:30
cwilluoh, ya22:30
cwillubudmang, I'm working on it22:30
cwillubudmang, my laptop is intel, just hadn't played with it yet22:30
[mbm]budmang: you want the virtual desktop with screen panning?22:31
budmangSomeone else had mentioned they knew a trick.  I do not need virtual desktops per say, really just another mointor with its own desktop. 2 real desktops no virtuals.22:31
RAOFbudmang: The trick is that, by default, X will only allocate a framebuffer as large as the screen you have plugged in, and it can't make it bigger.  You need to set the Virtual size in xorg.conf, or otherwise specify things in there.  This is a good reference: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1222:32
[mbm]oh, dual monitor22:32
cwillubudmang, it needs a oneline adjustment in xorg.conf, I'm just working it out :p22:32
K_Dallascwillu, thanks22:33
budmangcwillu: working it out now? or in the future?22:33
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: i found a patch that fixes my problem, it is in upstream, but anyway i can get it into the final hardy before it launches?22:34
budmangI see, let me know when you come up with something.22:34
budmangWould be a life saver to have that :)22:34
mican i do upgrade 7.10 to 8.04 with envy driver or i must first uninstall evny ?22:34
cwilluTobiasTheCommie, not sure; launchpad and the mailing lists would be your best bet22:35
budmanganyone have any TOUCHPAD tips? scrolling, click and drag22:35
TobiasTheCommiecwillu: oki, thanks22:36
cwillubudmang, what resolution are you running right now?22:36
budmangmy laptop screen is 1440x900 my external vga lcd is 1280x102422:36
=== daubers is now known as daubafk
cwillubudmang, are you attached to compiz?22:37
budmangits not needed, but nice.22:38
cwillubudmang, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, add the line Virtual 2720 1024 to the screen>device section22:39
budmangVirtual 2720 1024 ?22:39
jessicaok i have just updated and im getting error messages when i try and compile my wireless drivers22:45
jessicaplease help me with my wirelss22:50
jessicai need it to work22:50
J-_!wireless | jessica22:51
ubotujessica: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:51
jessicait dosnt have my device ive looked on the web22:52
cwillumy laptops max texturesize is 56 pixels smaller than my laptop's screen size + 800x60022:54
cwilluaka, I have to run at 640x480 on the external monitor if I want compiz :)22:54
jessicai have the realtek RTL8187B22:54
jessicait wont work i have tryed compiling the driver but it comes up with errors22:55
RAOFjessica: Why aure you compiling the drivers?22:56
RAOFjessica: And what Ubuntu version are you using, and what card do you have?22:56
jessicabecause there is no driver in the kernal22:56
* mneptok whispers "kernel"22:57
b47619I gave up with trying get it working and will just us ea failsafe session22:57
b47619there is no drive rin the xolonal22:57
b47619there is no driver in the colonal22:57
RAOFjessica: So, what is your wireless card, where did you get the drivers from, etc22:58
jessicamy drivers came from http://www.datanorth.net/~cuervo/rtl8187b/23:00
alex__I'm connect to the internet but, my wireless network-manager-kde is "saying connecting", anyone have this problem?23:00
RAOFjessica: So, what network card is this, and did you notice the line on that page saying "this may work with 2.6.24, but the only person who has tested said that it kernel panics"?23:02
jessicawell basicly i have just upgraded from 7.10 and when i was upgrading someone told me to use the same driver23:03
jessicaso i am and i get errors23:03
b47619what kernel version r we at?23:03
RAOFRight.  So, the first thing to check would be: is that driver really not in our kernel?23:03
jessicawell ive been told its not in the kernal and it hasnt picked up my carnt and im on hardy now23:04
jessicaim pretty sure its not in ther kernal23:04
RAOFjessica: Apparently you can use ndiswrapper to load the windows drivers.23:06
jessicado they not have a native linux driver23:07
RAOFApparently not.23:07
jessicawow ok ill try ndiswapper23:08
jessicais it pre-install or do i have to download it and install it23:08
jfFlipped my screen upside down and now it does not start gnome anymore. Where does it save this setting?23:09
jessicaits ok i done sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common23:09
ToHellWithGAis it possible that a kernel module for my wireless chipset is causing my desktop to wifi at pitifully slow speeds?23:10
ToHellWithGAi can't think of any other reason that i can't get 300 kb per second on only this machine which had that rate on dapper drake23:10
orkunhey there. i fixed a bug using the most up 2 date alpha. compiz conflicts with EXA acceleration mode - which makes desktop effects kind of work but drastically effect scrolling speed at firefox and other gtk tools. how can i contribute?23:11
budmangcwillu: that works :)23:11
budmangHow can I change the position of them :)23:11
ToHellWithGAthe network card has an rt2500 chip.  i'm pretty sure ubuntu switched to a free/open source module some time after dapper23:11
budmangcompiz disappeared :)23:11
RAOForkun: How did you fix this?23:11
ToHellWithGAorkun: really really?23:11
zcat[1]Hmmmm password dialog works OK except afterward the screen stays dark.. I can drag one of the windows around and 'paint' wherever I drag it so it goes back to normal again23:12
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org23:12
ToHellWithGAi've been wondering wy firefox has been dead slow23:12
RAOFbudmang: Yes.  Your card can't run compiz with a display size > 2048 in either dimension.23:12
cwillubudmang, you can change the virtual line to 2048 2048, and get compiz back23:12
jessicahow do i install the driver on ndiswrapper23:12
cwillubudmang, but you'll have to run a lower resolution on at least one screen for it to still work okay23:13
DandelAny ideas on how to fix the install where users don't have access to their home directories even though permissions state they do?23:13
cwillubudmang, you can use xrandr from a commandline to adjust which is where23:13
orkunyes. desktop effects were simply unusable. i preferred "metacity --replace". with my laptop the used acceleration method should not be EXA -  if i change to i810 or use XAA as the acceleration method(one line in xorg.conf) everything works smooth as ice. how can i contribute?23:13
cwilluorkun, swithc it back to exa, but add this line23:13
RAOForkun: On the other hand, using XAA breaks video+compiz :)23:13
Dandeli just updated today and all of my users on the box i setup with it can't access the home directories i had configured before.23:13
orkunit is not like a performance upgrade or something. this issue made surfing almost impossible23:14
orkunreally RAOF ? let me check23:14
cwilluorkun, Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"23:14
stefgToHellWithGA: i vaguely remember that on some box i set up in the past i had trouble with the rt2500 drivers as well. That was around feisty time and iirc the fix was to disable the faulty native driver, recompile the (then current) ndiswrapper and use the win-driver23:14
cwilluorkun, that'll fix your video+compiz and scrolling23:14
ToHellWithGAstefg: i'll give that a go23:14
orkunthanks let me try23:14
thompaanyone know how to get the automount feature to work23:14
orkunbut its an intel not an ati23:14
ToHellWithGAstefg: i had that issue with feisty alpha as well.  iirc the driver was outright dropped during a transitional period so i downgraded to edgy :(23:15
Dandeloh nvr mind... somehow the permissions /home prevented access to sub directories within home.23:15
ToHellWithGAorkun: do you know how to reconfigure the video side of xorg?  it used to be something like dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that only gives me non-video options now23:16
thompai wonder of permissions is the problem here too. I can't access my usb devices anymore23:16
orkuni used my old backup and copy pasted23:16
thompaalpha6 no problem also 64 beta of heron automounts my devices. not the beta23:16
orkunhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/204308 there you can find my configs23:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204308 in ubuntu "html rendering speed WAY decreased. conflict opera / firefox vs compiz" [Undecided,New]23:17
orkunand try to adjust them23:17
orkuncwillu, just curious. i can zoom etc using XAA right now23:17
thompatons of updates coming now. one for hal23:17
orkunshould this not be possible?23:17
stefgthompa: so you should have a look at dmesg, lshw and the syslog to get a clue what's going on23:18
cwilluorkun, it'll work, but you'll have issues with some things23:18
thompastefg: ive been looking at dmesg23:18
jimmygoonWhat should I reinstall to find out why in god's name my laptop beeps at me every time I open close the lid23:18
orkunhmm k - let me check out your method. maybe ill come back23:18
orkuni add this to the section i adjust acceleration method?23:18
thompastefg: the walkman  eg shows up as usb in computer23:19
jessicaevery time i try and do something on ndiswrapper i get this "Error: no ndiswrapper utils found!"23:19
stefgthompa: so are you able to mount manually ?23:19
cwilluorkun, I used to run xaa, I took out every option, and left it with just that migrationheuristic, works great23:19
thompastefg: im going to try that again,23:20
orkunbut it comes to the same spot where i set xaa right?23:20
orkunin my config :>23:20
orkuntrying it out anyway brb :>23:20
thompastefg: wierd because i can boot to the 64 version which has been upgraded and my usb devices show up23:20
jfDo someone know where the setting is for flipping back my X?23:21
thompastefg: i cant find the device to mount23:21
stefgthompa: lsusb ?23:21
thompait says only usb, and lots of unknowns23:21
jessicaif you have just plugged it in try dmesg23:21
thompastefg: Bus 002 Device 005: ID 054c:0325 Sony Corp.23:22
thompathat did it23:22
jessicawht did it23:22
andymillarhi guys, I`m seeing "kernel: [ 9560.954583] audit(1206140623.583:14): operation="inode_permission" request_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" name="/var/lib/named/etc/bind/named.conf" pid=10875 profile="/usr/sbin/named" namespace="default"" when trying to chroot named in Ubuntu 8.04 :/23:22
andymillaranyone seen that before?23:22
thompastefg: lots of upgrades coming in for vital stuff23:23
andymillargoogle shows up loads for cups causing that23:23
andymillarjust nothing for bind that i can see :(23:23
thompastefg: so how do i mount that23:23
thompastefg: i have hiddendevice0, soemthings amiss, going to reboot after upgrade23:24
stefgthompa: so if you just upgraded and possibly got a new kernel a reboot would be necessary. the lsusb command was only to check if the hardware is seen23:26
thompastefg: this was from beta install23:27
thompathats why its a regression for me to go back a kernel23:27
JohnFluxthe dist upgrade to hardy heron crashed on me after installing everything23:28
thompaon my other partition i have 64 alpha upgraded and it pops up and loads window so i can drag and drop23:28
JohnFluxwere there any further steps that it does?23:28
JohnFluxi've run  apt-get upgrade -f    to clean it up, anything else I should do?23:28
JohnFluxit seems okay23:28
thompaJohnFlux: try plugging stuff in23:29
thompaJohnFlux: like usb devices23:30
JohnFlux"system policy prevents mounting internal media"23:30
JohnFluxand asks for my password23:30
JohnFluxthis is new23:30
JohnFluxtyping in my password work23:30
JohnFluxhow do I turn that off :-D23:30
Dandelhmm... where's the system policy manager located at?23:31
thompaadnin authorizations maybe23:31
JohnFluxwhere's admin authorizations? :)23:31
Dandelwould that explain why users can't login to the xsession?23:32
thompa*administration authorizations23:32
thompaapt-get update then upgrade for a while first23:32
JohnFluxDandel: what do you mean specifically?23:32
Dandelnvr mind.23:32
Dandelit's somewhat workin now.23:33
Dandelbut every click is a double click ><;23:33
thompaim going to reboot there were like 50 updates just now including hal23:34
JohnFluxthompa: sorry for being ignorant...  but where is 'administration authorizations' ?23:34
JohnFluxthompa: I have nothing like that in system settings23:34
JohnFluxthompa: and I can't see that elsewhere on the kmenu23:34
sectechI'm having a problem with network manager (hardy) and I need some help trying to debug it so I can submit a bug report.23:34
JohnFluxkde3, if that matters23:34
Dandelhmm... policy is broken... >< i think... upgrade from fiesty does not seem to prove very clean.23:35
thompaJohnFlux: in ubuntu heron beta from the menu23:35
sectechWhen it loads my CPU load goes right up to 100% and it won't connect to the network23:35
RAOFDandel: Did you upgrade Feisty->Hardy without going through Gutsy?  That's not supported.23:35
thompaJohnFlux: i dont understand all the options though23:35
JohnFluxDandel: hmm23:35
Dandeli was at 7.1023:35
JohnFluxDandel: I went Feisty->Hardy, fwiw23:35
sectechI just did an update and that's when network manager broke23:36
thompaDandel: no the authorizations for xsession should not be a problem there23:36
thompaJohnFlux: i have one clean install and it is there23:37
JohnFluxthompa: under what menu?23:37
thompasystem admin23:37
JohnFluxthompa: system?23:37
thompathere are only 323:37
JohnFluxthompa: maybe I need to install it23:38
thompaJohnFlux: two little keys icon23:38
JohnFluxor restart even23:38
thompaJohnFlux: no23:38
JohnFluxthompa: click on KMenu, then "System"   right?23:38
thompaJohnFlux: eh? gnome23:39
Dandelhmm... how do i reset the mouse settings to how gutsy had it... they keep going about making everything double click23:39
thompaJohnFlux: i thin my problem is there so this conversation helped me23:40
thompausb issue that is23:40
JohnFluxthompa: cool23:40
sectechHow can I install a previous version of a package?23:40
thompatime to reboot first23:40
Tuv0ksectech, synaptic, force version23:41
sectechand is there a way to tell what packages were updated during the last update?23:41
flipstarsectech: you could download it from archive.ubuntu.com23:41
sectechflipstar, does update manager keep a log of what was updated last?23:41
flipstarsectech: theres a log file in /var/log/dpkg.log or so23:41
mneptokremove the package, specify the previous version explicitly during a reinstall, pin the package23:41
=== Frydrogen is now known as Hydrogen
insomninja=_= x just restarted, I think a "usb 1-6: USB disconnect, address 3" message was left in dmesg at the time23:44
lucahi everyone23:45
digitalfoxHas anyone on Hardy noticed a regression wherein extended mouse buttons don't work? the "buttons" option in the xorg.conf simply... doesn't work?23:45
lucaam I the only one for which last update batch broke wireless networking?23:45
lucadigitalfox: maybe it's related to the new xorg (7.3)23:45
mesilliacCan anyone tell me a website with some flash on it that should work correctly with the gnash plugin in firefox?23:46
digitalfoxluca: I'm not sure how though. In any case, if the option really is gone, it shouldn't silently drop it.23:46
JohnFluxmesilliac: youtube23:46
flipstarmesilliac: youtube :)23:46
lucamesilliac: here not even youtube functions23:46
mesilliacoh really? I guess it's definitely not working correctly then :/23:46
lucauhm...new batch of updates23:46
lucaamong which, libhal23:47
* luca hopes that wireless connection will be restored23:47
digitalfoxit doesn't complain about the option line in question23:47
lucaok let's try it...23:47
digitalfox(**) Option "Buttons" "8" <--- in my Xorg.0.log23:47
lucaprobably gonna be kicked out, bye23:47
noelferreiracwillu, are you there? i resolved the problem of the avi. Hoewever i installed some updates and now my network applet manager (nm-applet) hangs up my system on the start up. i had to remove it from the startup sessions. you know any workaround?23:47
thompai rebooted after updates and still can mount any devices23:48
digitalfox(**) Configured Mouse: Buttons: 12 <--- it even says this later23:48
lucanoelferreira: it's just the wireless23:48
digitalfoxyet the button in question reports as button 223:48
digitalfox(normally it reports as button 823:48
noelferreirawhat should i do luca ?23:48
lucanoelferreira: disable the wifi radio and it should function23:48
cwillunoelferreira, not yet, I've seen a few people with that problem, but I haven't run into it yet (updates are still downloading on my end)23:48
thompais the default for authorizations for user23:48
lucaif you have a cable, that is :-/23:49
lucaok gonna try wifi connection, wish me luck23:49
[Hardy]TuTUXGgood luck23:49
noelferreiralol i don't have cable23:49
flipstarthompa: modprobe sd_mod then try again23:49
cyclonutSerious Hardy issues w/broadcom card. Have tried b43-cutter, to no avail23:49
digitalfoxno one's run into this problem? :/23:49
cyclonutI have all the latest updates23:49
cyclonutcan anyone give input?23:49
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:50
digitalfoxI'd file a bug but I suspect I'm doing something wrong.23:50
noelferreiracwillu, so the solution is wait, right?23:50
luca__it functions23:50
cwillunoelferreira, well, probably :p23:51
cwillunoelferreira, I have no solution myself to give23:51
luca__noelferreira, re-update and NM will be fixed23:51
luca__can confirm this on my end :)23:51
luca__uff now hardy is almost perfect for me23:52
luca__flash, skype, wine, connection, and suspension...all work flawlessly23:53
cyclonutany advice on getting this blasted broadcom working with hardy?23:53
luca__thx to today updates :D23:53
JohnFluxluca__: awesome :)23:53
noelferreiraluca__, i have no updates23:53
luca__JohnFlux: yep :)23:53
[Hardy]TuTUXGluca__, suspend works with compiz?23:53
luca__yes indeed23:53
luca__nvidia 169.12 here23:53
luca__by the way, rechecking suspend23:54
[Hardy]TuTUXGluca__, it just worked after today's update or it's always working since hardy for u?23:54
cwillucyclonut, b43-fwcutter23:54
cwillucyclonut, hardy's the first release that actually works with broadcom without going through ndis for me23:54
cyclonutcwillu, tried installing that, no dice23:54
Dandelok... this is weird... sound was working before upgrade, and now it does not detect any of my sound cards.23:54
cwillucyclonut, did you run it23:54
cyclonutcwillu, hrmm, let me try again23:55
cwilluI carry a screwdriver :(23:55
noelferreiraluca__ how can i re-update ?23:56
cyclonutI ran it, not sure what Im supposed to be doing with the output though23:56
luca__awesome - suspend functioned with no problems, internet again up23:56
luca__noelferreira: try to update the information23:56
luca__noelferreira: I updated less than 10 minutes ago23:56
noelferreirawhat information, luca__ ?23:56
cyclonutcwillu: apparently bcm43xx is installed by default.... is that an issue?23:57
luca__besides, if you are using local (not main) servers, maybe the updates have still to arrive23:57
luca__noelferreira: update-manager, then click on "update" :)23:57
Brent^I've seen videos on youtube of something called "beryl". Is there somewhere I can download this?23:57
cyclonutBrent^, it is installed by default in hardy.23:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:57
cwillucyclonut, odd23:57
cyclonutBrent^, err, compiz is23:57
cwillucyclonut, could have sworn we were on b4323:57
cwillucyclonut, old driver is really troublesome23:58
cyclonutcwillu, yes, can you do modprobe -l | grep bcm and tell me what comes up?23:58
noelferreiraluca, i don't have. maybe i should try main server23:58
cwillucyclonut, I only have rt2x00's and b43's23:58
cwillulet me check my blacklist23:58
cwillucyclonut, upgrade or fresh install?23:59
Brent^how do I use compiz?23:59
cyclonutcwillu, well, I upgraded and got completely borked, so this is a fresh install23:59
cwillucyclonut, my /etc/modules.d/blacklist has a blacklist bcm43xx line, which I didn't add (it has a boilerplate comment on it)23:59
cyclonutBrent^, you are using it. you might want to look for compiz settings manager23:59
cyclonutcwillu, mine has that line too, yet it still installed that driver.23:59

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