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Amaranthpitti: nvidia-glx still needs AddARGBGLXVisuals, only nvidia-glx-new works without it05:44
Amaranthsetting those for nvidia-glx-legacy is pretty useless as it does not support running compiz05:48
Amaranthbut i suppose it doesn't hurt05:48
huatsmoring everyone09:13
* lool decided to throw a screen away and enable compiz \o/09:56
loolHmm and elisa works fine from compiz too; cool09:58
slomo__seb128: ah, so freeze is gone... could you please sync gst-plugins-base and python? :) i'll get gstreamer itself merged now10:51
seb128slomo__: will do10:51
seb128slomo__: unstable?10:51
seb128slomo__: is the gazpacho new version worth getting?10:52
slomo__seb128: yes, not very important bugfixes iirc but many :)10:55
seb128pitti: are you the one having the lock on syncs? ;-)10:56
pittiseb128: yes, just doing a few (for elisa and postgresql)10:56
seb128pitti: can you do the ones slomo requested? gst0.10-python and gst-plugins-base0.10 from unstable10:57
* pitti flushes10:57
seb128will do then10:57
slomo__seb128: do you remember my universe syncs from two days ago? :)10:58
pittiseb128: ok, thanks10:58
seb128slomo__: no10:58
* pitti -> off to do some hal work to fix suspend issues10:58
* seb128 hugs pitti10:58
pitti(it's holiday after all :) )10:58
slomo__seb128: oh... that's bad :) i only remember banshee and last-exit10:58
seb128I think those were the only ones10:59
seb128slomo__: I'll add gazpacho in the batch of your syncs since you did the debian update and that seems to be a good idea to get those bug fixes too ;-)11:00
slomo__ok :)11:00
seb128slomo__: btw do you know if somebody is working on the mono crasher on exit?11:01
slomo__seb128: no, but it's known upstream11:02
slomo__seb128: i'm merging gnome-vfs now btw11:02
slomo__you can play your youtube videos in an hour :)11:03
seb128slomo__: ah, good, thanks11:04
slomo__seb128: will you ship the gvfs libarchive backend?11:04
slomo__seb128: ah, you can sync gvfs too btw unless you have a patch again ;)11:04
seb128slomo__: do you build using libarchive?11:05
seb128slomo__: I would like to, but it's universe right now and we need MIR, etc11:05
slomo__yes i do11:05
seb128I'll deal with that, but not today11:05
slomo__seb128: libgnomekbd can be synced too11:07
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seb128slomo__: -debian/tmp/usr/share/icons11:09
seb128slomo__: do you have /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gkbd-indicator-plugins-capplet.png in gkbd-capplet?11:09
slomo__seb128: it uses a standard icon now11:09
seb128ok, good11:10
slomo__wtf, a new gnome-audio release after 5 years11:10
seb128what does gnome-audio is useful for?11:11
crevettesound files ?11:11
crevettethe name is misleading11:12
slomo__gnome-sounds would be better11:12
seb128slomo__: new gtk-doc to sync too I guess?11:12
slomo__seb128: of course, i'm currently going through all my uploads :)11:12
seb128ok, doing that too11:13
seb128I planned to sync and merge easy things after the freeze11:13
seb128I'll do gvfs and nautilus too11:13
seb128anybody wanting to write a MIR for libarchive? ;-)11:13
crevetteslomo__, gnome-sound-theme even :)11:13
crevetteseb128, you'll include libarchive backend11:14
seb128crevette: if somebody write the MIR for it yes ;-)11:14
slomo__seb128: take nautilus from svn... there all activated patches are good ;)11:14
slomo__including the sidebar thing, no idea if you want that for ubuntu... i don't like it but it's really more consistent11:14
slomo__seb128: more things: mono-addins (new bugfix upstream, fixing issues with f-spot... like corrupting the plugin database on every upgrade), librsvg, db4o (new upstream but making the package dfsg clean), libidl, orbit2, schroedinger (new upstream, bugfix only)... but i guess for the new upstream versions i should get on someone else's nerves to get a freeze exception, right? ;)11:19
seb128I'm fine syncing a few bug fix new versions11:20
slomo__i wonder what should be done about new gtk-sharp2, gnome-sharp2 and gnome-desktop-sharp2...11:22
slomo__pitti: you there? :)11:22
seb128slomo__: could you change the bug-buddy libelf-dev Build-Depends to libelfg0-dev in debian?11:22
seb128slomo__: so we could sync11:22
pittislomo__: yes11:22
slomo__seb128: what's the difference between those two?11:23
slomo__pitti: how important for you is it, to get gtkhtml3.8 out of main? :)11:23
seb128slomo__: one is in main and the other one is not ;-)11:23
pittislomo__: if we can achieve it without breaking FF, would be great11:23
seb128slomo__: otherwise nothing obvious, they are similar, we build bug-buddy using the other one without issue11:23
pittibut not at any cost11:23
slomo__pitti: without breaking FF: no... it would even mean another NEW package in main11:23
pittiif switching over from 3.8 to 3.14 in gtk# will help to fix bugs there, it would be good, of course11:24
slomo__seb128: ok, will do so :)11:24
slomo__pitti: well, what must be done is: get gtk# 2.12.0, gnome# 2.20 and gnome-desktop# 2.20 (NEW package, must be in main for f-spot then)... the gtkhtml bindings moved from the second to the third source package and now finally work with gtkhtml3.14 (at the cost of breaking API, rdepends are already fixed in debian)11:25
slomo__pitti: one could argue they're part of gnome 2.22 though :)11:25
slomo__only bad thing is, that they (because bindings for new versions) introduce many new features11:26
pittihm; I think that should get past slangasek11:26
slomo__pitti: well, let's change that sentence... they are part of gnome 2.22 :)11:27
slomo__pitti: slangasek has a incompatible timezone, right? well, i'll talk to him when he's there11:28
pittigtk-sharp2 | 2.10.4-2ubuntu1 |         hardy | source11:28
pittihm, that's almost the same version as we had in gutsy indeed11:28
slomo__of course the new versions also fix some bugs ;)11:29
slomo__seb128: i found something that speaks for libelfg0-dev... it's LGPL instead of GPL ;) not important for bug-buddy...11:30
seb128pitti: btw, do you think libarchive would be alright for main?11:33
seb128pitti: gvfs has a libgarchive backend now, which means you can browse iso, zip, etc from nautilus11:33
pittiah, instead of using file-roller?11:34
pittiseb128: is it just a binding, or does it reimplement cpio, tar, etc? According to the (lack of) dependencies, I'm afraid it might be the latter?11:35
slomo__pitti: would you need a MIR for gnome-desktop-sharp2? it mainly consistents of some parts that were in gnome-desktop2 before, one binding that had it's own source package before and two other's that are new (but of course autogenerated as all the others) :)11:35
pittislomo__: we need a 'please promote to main' bug with a small justification, but not a wiki page in this case11:36
slomo__ok, that's good11:36
slomo__pitti: ok :) everything required is in debian/unstable btw... and until now i saw no new bugreports ;)11:37
pittithat sounds good11:37
pittislomo__: so once Steve agrees, it's just a matter of a few syncs?11:37
pitti(gtk-sharp2 has ubuntu modifications ATM)11:38
slomo__well, merges because of doko's documentation linking11:38
seb128pitti: seems that it does reimplement those at least partially11:38
slomo__and f-spot needs to be merged anyway because the packages differ much... gnome-rdp is just a sync11:38
seb128pitti: it's not meant to be a replacements for other commands, the gvfs backend just allow to browse those11:38
slomo__seb128: uploading bug-buddy... makes one less package on my installation, stuff already depended on libelfg0 and bug-buddy was the only reason why i had libelf111:41
seb128_<seb128> pitti: it's not meant to be a replacements for other commands, the gvfs backend just allow to browse those11:42
seb128_--- Disconnected ().11:42
seb128_if somebody said something for me please repeat now ;-)11:43
slomo__seb128_: uploading bug-buddy... makes one less package on my installation, stuff already depended on libelfg0 and bug-buddy was the only reason why i had libelf111:43
pittiseb128_: ok, I see; I'd like to see the implementation, since if that lib is really a reimplementation (instead of calling the cpio, tar, etc. binaries), then it needs a good audit first11:44
pitticpio and tar are ancient, and people still find vulns in them11:44
seb128_pitti: the source has cpio and tar directories, I'm wondering if those are not copies11:47
pittiugh, likely11:47
pittimaybe it can be built with --use-external-programs or so11:47
slomo__seb128: ok, please sync bug-buddy from incoming then :)11:49
slomo__seb128: and my long list from above too if you don't mind :)11:49
slomo__oh, that was already done11:50
slomo__thanks :)11:50
seb128_you are welcome11:50
slomo__seb128: hm, liboil too (bugfix release, mainly fixing arm and build issues) :)11:51
slomo__for most of the changes we have the patches in our current package anyway11:52
seb128_and now is lunch time11:55
seb128_see you later11:55
slomo__have a nice meal and thanks :)11:56
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rambohello everybody12:30
rambois this the right place to put a quiestion about desktop setting?12:31
seb128_pitti: do you understand what is the issue there http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12784067/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.gtk-doc_1.10-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz?12:52
pittiseb128_: ugh, no; looks like chroot weirdness12:54
pittiseb128_: shall I try a give-back?12:54
seb128_pitti: that should not cost a lot and is worth trying12:55
seb128_thank you12:55
ftaseb128_, cairo 1.5.14 is out, i wanted to package it. Is is still time ? as we want 1.6, i think it's wanted..14:42
ftaseb128_, http://cairographics.org/news/cairo-1.5.14/14:42
seb128_fta: yes, we want 1.6 anyway14:42
fta1.5.14 is a RC of 1.614:44
seb128_fta: yeah, I just meant that any 1.5.n update is alright14:52
ftaok, thx14:52
ftaseb128_, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/debdiff/cairo_1.5.12-0ubuntu2--1.5.14-0ubuntu1.debdiff15:16
seb128_fta: thanks, looking15:17
ftado you need the tarball or the diff.gz ?15:17
ftait's trivial, just the git patch dropped and shlibs bumped15:17
slomo__what's new in cairo 1.6 compared to 1.4?15:20
ftaslomo__, http://cairographics.org/roadmap/15:39
ftait's also mandatory for firefox 315:40
seb128_fta: no, that's ok, debdiff is enough15:43
Solarionwhat do I use to figure out what packages are conflicting?15:48
Solariondist-upgrade to hardy beta wants to un-install ubuntu-desktop, which seems Very Wrong.15:48
ftathe fan of my laptop runs too often.. Is there a gnome applet to display the cpu temp ?16:22
seb128_Solarion: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver16:22
seb128_Solarion: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true16:23
Solarionseb128_: thanks16:23
seb128_Solarion: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes rather16:23
Solarionseb128_: I did it backwards as recommended in #ubuntu+116:23
seb128_Solarion: what do you mean?16:23
Solarionloos like restricted-manager and friends went away which was causing the upgrade to think ubuntu-desktop should go away too (because they conflicted)16:24
seb128_fta: you can try hardware-monitor16:24
Solarionseb128_: found it by apt-get installing ubuntu-desktop and seeing what wanted un-installed.16:24
tedgseb128_: I have a new GPM with a couple of small patches in it.  Should I submit a LP bug?16:24
seb128_Solarion: restricted manager has been renamed jockey16:25
seb128_tedg: is it in your ppa?16:25
tedgseb128_: Yes.16:25
seb128_tedg: I'll sponsor it, don't bother16:25
tedgseb128_: Cool, thanks.16:25
seb128_you are welcome16:26
tedgIs there a way to move a translation between packages in a reasonable way?16:28
Solarionmailservers can stop sending me spam bounces that claim to be from me already.16:28
Solarionah, the nautilus-eel2 thing16:29
Solarionwhat was the resolution to the problem?16:29
seb128_Solarion: do you have something buggy, it nautilus-actions installed?16:29
seb128_tedg: not really, you just want to move one string?16:30
Solarionnautilus-actions is installed, yes16:30
seb128_does removing it makes things better?16:30
tedgseb128_: No :(  Basically I'm looking at the changing the tool tip to a menu thing, and vuntz would prefer it was done in the applet.  But all the strings are currently in libwnck.16:30
Solarionnautilus: Depends: libeel2-2 (>= 2.21.90) but 2.20.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed16:30
tedgSo I guess it's 6 strings.16:31
seb128_tedg: are those actually translatable right now? I noticed they are not translated in french on the beta CD16:31
seb128_Solarion: sudo apt-get install libeel2-216:32
* tedg realizes he didn't check that :) Just a sec.16:32
Solarionseb128_: will un-install the following packages: gedit gnome-core gnome-office nautilus nautilus-cd-burner nautilus-dbg nautilus-image-converter nautilus-share ubuntu-desktop16:32
seb128_Solarion: I bet on nautilus-image-converter16:32
seb128_Solarion: does remove this one makes things better?16:32
Solarionseb128_: no16:33
seb128_we are doing that the wrong way16:33
seb128_Solarion: try to "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop nautilus -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes" and copy the log on http://paste.ubuntu.com16:34
tedgHmm, they are marked so.  And the file is in POTFILES.in.  There doesn't seem to be a string listed in the .po files though.16:35
tedgIs that because it's a patch solely in the .deb?16:35
seb128_slomo__: remove link-monitor-applet16:35
seb128_tedg: right, they are distro specific and will be only on rosetta16:36
seb128_tedg: so there is nothing you can do to do the merge16:36
seb128_tedg: just mail the translators list after doing the change so they can update them there16:36
Solarionseb128_: fixed.  Should I file a bug?16:36
seb128_slomo__: was for Solarion not for you16:36
tedgseb128_: Okay, will do.16:37
tedgseb128_: Is it an issue with the French translation?  Is there something I should be looking for there?16:37
seb128_Solarion: no, there is already one16:37
seb128_Solarion: bug #18531816:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185318 in link-monitor-applet "link-monitor-applet dependency problems" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18531816:37
seb128_tedg: no, they just likely didn't notice the strings are don't know that they come from libwnck and where to translate them16:38
seb128_tedg: well, looks like they did translate it on rosetta now ;-)16:38
Solarionseb128_: kewl16:39
tedgseb128_: Cool.16:39
Solarionseb128: the numbers in 'Considering <pkg1> <num1> as a solution to <pkg2> <num2>" is the number of packages depending on the package?16:59
seb128Solarion: not sure, that's a score I think, the number of depends counts there but might not be the only parameter17:01
fta43-51°C doing not much, it's too high17:02
Solarioni should really pitch in somehow17:02
slomopitti: ok, slangasek seems to be fine with gtk# and friends... now we just need it synced, moved to main... could you care for the syncing? i'll do what else is required17:18
seb128slomo: I don't think he's around, I can do the syncing17:19
slomoseb128: ok, can you care for the move to main too? :)17:20
ftaseb128, so, is cairo ok ?17:21
seb128fta: yes, I've uploaded, thanks17:21
ftacool, thx17:21
slomoseb128: thanks, pitti wanted a bug so here is it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/20472917:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204729 in ubuntu "Please move gnome-desktop-sharp2 to main" [Undecided,New]17:23
seb128fta: you are welcome, thank you for the update17:25
seb128ted: gnome-power-manager uploaded17:25
seb128slomo: what are the packages to sync now?17:29
slomoseb128: gtk-sharp2, gnome-sharp2, gnome-desktop-sharp2... the latter must be moved to main (more specific the libgtkhtml3.16-cil binary package)17:29
seb128slomo: that's not going to break anything using mono right now? or will you take care of rebuilding what needs to be changed?17:30
slomoseb128: it won't break anything, 2 packages need a small change and rebuild to depend on the new version and that's all what is required17:31
slomothese two packages being f-spot and gnome-rdp (universe)17:32
seb128slomo: are you sure the changes to gtk- and gnome- to install the changelog only once and remove the symlinks on update are in debian?17:37
slomoseb128: gnar, again this annoying docs linking... sorry, will merge them all 3... and tell you once you can move stuff around, etc :(17:38
seb128slomo: well, gnome-desktop-sharp2 is new, is there changes to merge there?17:39
seb128slomo: thanks17:39
slomowell, the same docs linking change that is in gnome-sharp217:39
slomoseb128: erm, could you reject the current gnome-desktop-sharp2 upload? new one will come in a minute :/17:59
seb128slomo: done17:59
slomoseb128: ok, now it's ok to accept :)18:01
seb128slomo: accepted18:12
slomoseb128: f-spot and gnome-rdp changed too, everything happy now i hope :)18:32
seb128slomo: thanks for your work on that18:34
* bhale hugs slomo 18:34
slomonp :)18:35
seb128hey bhale, it has been a while18:35
seb128how are you?18:35
bhalehi seb :)18:35
bhaleI am good18:35
bhaletoo busy18:35
bhaleI have been flying for months18:35
seb128doh, the archive is slow with beta today20:29
fta2_on my laptop, control right is mapped to ISO_Level5_Shift instead of Control_R, which confuses Gnome, is that a known issue ?20:48
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seb128fta2: yes, not sure if that's a bug or a wanted changed21:12
seb128fta2 bug #19875921:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198759 in xkeyboard-config "Right CTRL don't work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19875921:13
fta2seb128, on my desktop, it's correct though21:13
seb128you likely don't use the same keymap configuration21:13
fta2France Alternative on the laptop, and France on the desktop21:15
seb128that an france alternative thing21:15
seb128that's a france alternative thing21:15
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crevette15 days without updating = 500 packages to install21:35
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