
jpatrickhey there juliux11:06
Tm_Thi kids11:08
Tm_Tjuliux: hmmm, hi11:13
Tm_Tjuliux: your nick reminds me something, like, finnish loco, shirts, etc ;)11:16
juliuxTm_T, i am still waiting for an valid address13:26
juliuxTm_T, the last package came back to me13:26
encryptzerUSUL: connection issues?13:26
erUSULencryptz: yep; router reset O;)13:35
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juliuxLjL, ping16:30
Tm_Tjuliux: whattaa, ok, one moment16:52
juliuxTm_T, so if you give me a valid address..16:53
Tm_Tjuliux: working on it16:53
Tm_Tjuliux: precise enough? http://www.tm-travolta.net/tekstit/juliux.txt16:55
juliuxTm_T, looks good16:55
juliuxi will resend it tomorrow16:55
Tm_Tthanks and sorry for all trouble16:55
juliuxis it possible to get an ubuntu-de cloack for the german ubuntu community?18:36
LjL-Tempno, cloaks are the same for everyone18:37
juliuxLjL-Temp, the idea was to have /ubuntu-de/user/<nick>18:38
juliuxor /ubuntu-de/supporter/<nick> for good supporters18:38
LjL-Tempi don't think that would be possible18:39
ompauljuliux, it was decided that ubuntu cloaks would be "flat" that is /ubuntu/member/ or nothing18:40
juliuxompaul, ok18:40
ompaulmembership is granted on the back of sustained effort18:40
LjL-Tempand that is mostly to avoid fragmentations resulting in differentiations i believe18:40
ompauljuliux, as you know ;-)18:41
juliuxi know;)18:41
juliuxand if we register ubuntu-de as a GFC?18:42
encryptzit would get declined. ubuntu is registered as an umbrella to all ubuntu-related projects18:42
LjL-Temperr... aside from the fact that we have ubuntu* registered, isn't that a little... separatist? :P18:42
juliuxi am asking bevor i do something18:43
juliuxso don't worry18:43
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