
=== AtomicPunk is now known as ToddBrandt
bspencer_lool, ping.05:12
bspencer_what is the mobile dev package called?05:12
* bspencer_ searches05:12
loolbspencer_: as virtuald said :)07:14
bspencer_lool, thx07:15
=== bspencer__ is now known as bspencer
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== doko_ is now known as doko
\shis it just me, or is ports download very slow today?13:07
agoliveira\sh: Ports is usually slow from here too.13:08
\shagoliveira: it's mirroring since yesterday evening...13:09
\shagoliveira: you rebuilt claws-mail_3.3.1-1ubuntu2 and you say it's working and not ftbfsing anymore? :) if so, I'll upload it now19:44
agoliveira\sh: Yes, it worked fine here.19:45
\shagoliveira: ok...I can't wait until lpia archive is down on my harddrive..ports is broken somehow :(19:45
agoliveira\sh: Go on with it :)19:46
\shagoliveira: stay tuned, check -changes ;)19:46
agoliveira\sh: Hmmm... I'm also unable to reach ports.ubuntu.com... damn...19:49
\shI asked on #canonical-sysadmin already19:51
\shagoliveira: uploaded...20:06
agoliveira\sh: Cooly!20:07
\shhow do I activate claws mail now in this lpia environment ? :) I tested it yesterday at work...and the whole theme thingy looked weired ;)20:08
agoliveira\sh: Just buind on it and the resulting binary should come up all setup already.20:10
\shagoliveira: so when I click on this email button claws should show up...20:11
agoliveira\sh: Ooops, not really. You have to check if the link is correct. Claws don't change it.20:11
\shagoliveira: will test it when I get the ports download ready 20:12
\shand somehow I need to check where I get those gadget like those n8xx series models :)20:13
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away

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