
sistpotydoko: thanks a lot for your comments on bug #192887 !00:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192887 in ubuntu "FeatureFreeze exception request for sun-javadb" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288700:01
* sistpoty is off to bed00:46
sistpotygn8 everyone00:46
bddebianHeya gang01:22
protonchrishey bddebian01:23
bddebianHello protonchris01:23
Hobbseesistpoty: done, and yes i can give back02:08
Hobbseeslytherin: (done)02:09
Hobbseegeser: i have backscroll and highlights.  it's OK02:09
RAOFHobbsee: Howdie :)02:09
HobbseeRAOF: good luck!  hope you find that before release!02:12
Hobbseehey RAOF02:12
Hobbseeannoying that most people have left before i got to respond to them, though02:12
RAOFgit bisect: 10 revisions to go.02:13
FujitsuRAOF: Out of how many?02:13
RAOF20 :)02:14
RAOFIt seems to have been introduced pretty quickly after 1.4 was released.02:14
RAOFI would have liked to test git head first, but that seems to be a real pain to build.02:15
HobbseeRAOF: woot!  keep going :)02:25
RAOFgit bisect: 5 to go.02:33
protonchrisRAOF: you're an animal :)02:34
RAOFWell, not really.  That's a single data point (yay binary search!)02:34
RAOFgit bisect: 2 to go.  I hope these results aren't invalidated by another bug I'm running into while testing :/02:53
* Czessi-m is away: Gone away for now.02:57
RAOFCzessi-m: Thanks very much for that: very useful :(02:57
* Czessi-m is away: Gone away for now.02:57
RAOF!away > Czessi-m02:57
* Czessi-m is back.02:57
RAOF...and Ubutu can get an automated reply message :)02:57
Czessi-msorry, wrong checkbox select in konversation02:58
FujitsuWhy don't we remove that feature from our Konversation builds? It's useless.03:00
Hobbseebecause people occasionallyl like it?03:05
RAOFBut those people are wrong, and should be shunned.03:05
ScottK2There are non-Ubuntu IRC channels.03:05
* RAOF wills this git revision to build. Build, damnit!03:06
* RAOF hates on X developers commiting code that doesn't build.03:11
Hobbseeyou mean you want *building* code?  sheesh, you're asking a lot!03:13
RAOFIt would make it easier for me to help them, yes :P03:13
emgentheya gang03:16
RAOFWoo.  One more good build.03:41
FujitsuRAOF: How many revisions could it be in now?03:43
RAOF2, apparently.03:44
RAOF2 to check, at least.  Having to skip a bunch of revisions that didn't build hasn't helped.03:44
RAOFHah!  Actually, _none_.03:44
RAOFRight.  Time to update that bug.03:45
RAOFBetween a working revision and a known bad revision there are 4 revisions that fail to build.03:46
HobbseeRAOF: try harder, then.03:46
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
slytherinAnyone willing to sponsor FTBFS fix for sugar-pippy-activity?06:24
RAOFAww, curses.  The binary blob doesn't work with xserver git.08:09
slytherinany universe sponsors here?08:26
RAOFslytherin: You're after sugar-pippy-activity?08:27
slytherinRAOF: :-)08:27
RAOFWant to give me a URL?08:28
slytherinRAOF: bug 20436308:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204363 in sugar-pippy-activity "[patch] Fix for FTBFS" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20436308:28
* RAOF 's system is now decidedly non-Hardy. But, man, xorg 1.5 is fast.08:29
StevenKRAOF: How did the bisecting go?08:31
RAOFStevenK: Not bad, not well.  There are 4 git revisions which fail to build between the last known-good revision and the first known-bad revision.08:32
RAOFAlso, I can't reproduce that bug on my system with the git xserver, because the binary blob doesn't work on the git xserver.08:32
FujitsuRAOF: Got an Intel machine you can test on?08:34
RAOFFujitsu: Umm, not really.08:35
RAOFIt suddenly occurs to me that there's a macbook sitting opposite me...08:35
RAOFSo, technically, I *could* fire up a livecd on there, build xorg git, and give it a whirl.08:36
RAOFHm, I could try DRM2 at the same time :)08:36
FujitsuIf not, I can test it.08:36
RAOFThat'd probably be easier.08:37
FujitsuDo you have an i386 deb?08:37
RAOFBuilding the stack on a livecd doesn't sound like a barrel of monkeys.08:37
FujitsuNot really, no.08:37
RAOFI've got an i386 deb of libdrm git, but I've been doing all this on the bare filesystem (on an LVM snapshot, to preserve my root).08:38
sebnermorning folks :)08:38
sebnerpersia: around?08:38
RAOFFujitsu: To build xserver git you need to check out a new x11proto-input, you'll need libdrm git, and mesa git.08:39
RAOFI *could* build you packages of all this for you, if you want, but it's probably easier for you to do so?08:40
FujitsuRAOF: Right, I can build all that myself, and am on LVM.08:41
FujitsuIf you tell me where to get the stuff, and and craziness needed to build.08:42
RAOFFujitsu: You'll need: git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/mesa/mesa (to pass to the --with-mesa-source configure option of xserver)08:43
=== rraphink is now known as raphink
* Fujitsu snapshots and modifies fstab.08:44
RAOFYou may well need to build a newer intel driver: git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel08:44
RAOF...which will need: git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/lib/libpciaccess08:44
FujitsuOh dear, OK.08:44
RAOFYou'll need git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/proto/inputproto to build the xserver08:45
RAOFAnd git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/mesa/drm also, both to build the xserver and to get the new intel drm module.08:45
FujitsuDo I just git clone those?08:46
RAOFYou might want to use my PPA package of libdrm, though.  You'll need to grab the source to build the intel DRM module (I don't build that), but the rest should be easier.08:46
RAOFOh, and then you'll actually need xserver git: git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/xserver08:47
FujitsuSo... that's 6, or did I miss one?08:48
RAOFNo, that's it.08:48
RAOFYou _may_ have to copy xserver/hw/xfree86/common/xf86cvt.c from a different xserver source package in order to build properly; I'm not sure if that was something wrong on my end or if it's a problem with git.08:50
RAOFIt's really very easy to build xserver git</sarcasm>.08:51
RAOFOn the plus side, you'll get to try out DRM2, TTM, and all that goodness :)08:53
FujitsuNo insane (ie. non ./configure; make; make install) build systems?08:53
RAOFNo.  It's all autotools.  And ./autogen.sh calls configure, so you can just call that.08:54
FujitsuAha, thanks.08:54
FujitsuWhat's new in DRM2 and TTM?08:55
RAOFCompiz + opengl doesn't suck any more; EXA is blazing fast.08:55
RAOFBasically, all the rendering glitches go away and everything gets magically faster.08:55
RAOFHere's the xserver autogen line you probably want to use (replacing Temp/mesa with where you've cloned mesa git): ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --enable-xorg --with-mesa-source=$HOME/Temp/mesa ...08:57
RAOF... --with-default-font-path="/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc,/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic,/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled,/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled,/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1,/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi,/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi,/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType" --with-serverconfig-path=/etc/X11/xserver --with-rgb-path=/etc/X11/rgb --enable-freetype --with-xkb-path=/usr/share/X11/xkb ...08:57
RAOF... --with-xkb-output=/var/lib/xkb08:57
RAOFHm.  Maybe I just want to pastebin that :)08:57
* Fujitsu waits for xserver to clone, then reboots and hopes he snapshotted things properly.09:00
RAOFI plan to blow away this install at some point anyway, so I'm not so totally concerned there :)09:01
RAOFslytherin: Any tests I could perform on that package?09:04
pkernDo I need FreezeExceptions atm for bug fix syncs from Debian?09:06
RAOFpkern: Not unless they introduce new features.09:13
pkernRAOF: ok09:14
FujitsuRAOF: Do I actually build mesa, or just point xserver at it?09:18
RAOFFujitsu: Just point xserver at it...09:18
RAOFFujitsu: Actually, no.  You'll need to build it, won't you.09:18
RAOFBecause you'll actually be _using_ mesa for your 3d.09:19
FujitsuAha, indeed.09:19
RAOFHm... I'm not sure precisely which branch you'll want.  ./autogen.sh --disable-glut should apparently work to build it, though.09:20
FujitsuI was just trying to find out what I needed for GLUT.09:20
RAOFGLUT only builds you the xdemos, you probably don't care about it too much.09:20
FujitsuAh. Right.09:21
loolHi folks; I am about to request syncs for elisa* packages in version 0.3.5 which were completely broken a couple of weeks ago and for which I got green light to push 0.3.4; 0.3.5 is just a followup release with some bug fixes from upstream and only affects some modules09:34
loolIf you think I need a formal exception, please ack #204555 :)09:34
Fujitsulool: If it's only a bugfix release, no approval is required.09:35
loolOk; /me carries on to ubuntu-archive09:36
FujitsuRAOF: Is xserver meant to take ages to configure, with no output?09:38
lool(And thanks:)09:38
slytherinRAOF: Sorry I was away. You can only try it if you have sugar environment installed.09:54
wolfgergood morning, MOTUs10:54
wolfgerI've got a question on the PackageUpdate wiki page...10:55
wolfgerstep 4 instructs me to copy the packaging into the new source, but I don't have those files at this point... just the dsc I've downloaded10:55
wolfgercan somebody point me the right direction on this? I assume it's because I didn't dget the source?10:57
man-diwolfger: yes10:57
man-didget downloads all files10:57
man-didsc, orig.tar.gz, diff.gz10:58
man-diand with dget -x ... it will also unpack the sources10:58
wolfgerok, thanks10:59
RAOFFujitsu: Sorry.  No, xserver too a while to configure for me, but it spewed the usual copious autotools verbiage at me.11:03
FujitsuRAOF: I ended up having the wrong automake, I believe.11:04
RAOFOh.  Right.11:04
FujitsuRAOF: It's building now.11:04
RAOFI thought I filed a bug against it for 1.10 support, and it was fixed?11:04
Fujitsu1.10 worked.11:04
FujitsuI had 1.7, I think.11:04
RAOFAh.  Crazy old versions :)11:04
RAOFFujitsu: Good luck.  I'm off to sleep.11:06
FujitsuNight RAOF.11:07
FujitsuThanks for trying to get rid of that bug.11:07
RAOFEnlightened self-interest.  Yay open source!11:07
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
\shhmm..ports.ubuntu.com is slow today :(11:59
IulianHi \sh12:00
sebner\sh: I need you :)12:00
\shsebner: well I needed my sleep first ;) so I just woke up ;)12:00
\shjust working down my todo12:00
sebner\sh: ^^. nvm. if you have time bug #19687812:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196878 in xmoto "Modified .desktop for easier use with submenus" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19687812:01
\shsebner: what's up with that?12:02
sebner\sh: you introduced a xmoto-edit.desktop -> 1) it doesn't show up in the applications menu 2) upstream doesn't have plans for it. sispoty told me ...12:03
HobbseeRAOF: any more luck?12:03
\shsebner: hmmm..no..there was another package named xmoto-edit at some time, could be a left over12:04
\shsebner: xmoto-edit but was removed12:04
sebner\sh: fine. than I can sync new xmoto version from debian :)12:05
\shsebner: just make sure that the .desktop files are valide....test them before with desktop-file-validate12:05
sebner\sh: already done ;)12:06
\shsebner: cool12:06
\shoh that's I word we are not able to say anymore since we have a nick named cool ,->12:06
sebner\sh: I would have asked you yesterday if you were online ^^12:06
\shsebner: I wanted to do some things after work but I was so tired, that I slept away when I came home and layed down12:07
sebner\sh: np ;)12:07
FujitsuHobbsee, RAOF: After building and installing all the bits, I have no DRI. :(12:09
sebnerhoi RainCT12:11
* jdong has seeded 85GiB worth of beta desktop ISOs :)12:13
jdongthat's the first time I've went over 100 for a seeding ratio :)12:13
slytherinCan anyone please tell me how can I use rsync to update ISO?12:14
sebnerjdong: ah you reminded me on seeding the hardy final. thx :)12:14
=== doko_ is now known as doko
elmargolHi I try to create a vlc pakage using the --enable-mediacontrol-python-bindings setting... and i get a permission problem for /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/vlc.so12:51
elmargolany ideas?12:51
bddebianHEya gang12:52
sebnerheya bddebian12:52
bddebianHello sebner12:53
ScottKHobbsee: Are you still around?12:54
ScottKelmargol: vlc is in Main.  You might have more luck in #ubuntu-devel.12:55
HobbseeScottK: ish12:57
ScottKHobbsee: Would you please ack Bug #20459712:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204597 in dkim-milter "FFe for dkim-milter 2.5.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20459712:57
geserHi bddebian!12:58
bddebianHeya geser12:58
sebnerScottK: would you ack bug #202518 and bug #203919 for me?13:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202518 in audacious "[FFe] Please sync audacious 1.5.0-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20251813:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203919 in audacious-plugins "[FFe] Please sync audacious-plugins 1.5.0-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20391913:06
ScottKGive me a few minutes and I'll have a look.13:06
sebnerScottK: thx :)13:07
sebner\sh: already testing nexuiz debian packages? :P13:10
\shsebner: It's on my todo list on point 6 :) and I worked down to point 3 :)13:11
sebner\sh: fine. fine :)13:13
ScottKsebner: "Pulseaudio-by-default is broken so we should sync it" isn't really a good reason.13:20
ScottKsebner: I think you need to go look at the impact of dropping the Ubuntu changes and explain it better.  I'd also like to see a description of the testing you've done.13:21
ScottKsebner: From reading the bug, all I know is "Someone said pulse-audio-by-default is broken."13:23
sebnerScottK: oh. sry if it's not clear. I tested it. Do you also want to see screenshots?13:23
ScottKsebner: I don't see anywhere in the bug where it says you tested it.13:24
persiasebner: Good text is always better than screenshots.  While a picture is worth 1000 words, that does make it 1000 times more complicated to understand.13:24
ScottKsebner: Also did you test if pulse-audio-by-default is broken?13:24
sebnerScottK: yes. both. all. :) Otherwise I wouldn't have changed it to a sync. Sry for not documenting it13:25
ScottKsebner: I noticed a whole stack of FFes in my inbox from you that I haven't had time to digest yet.  I'd encourage you to go back on all of them and make sure you describe the testing that was done.13:25
ScottKsebner: Now that we're past beta and moving toward RC, we will get pickier about testing and verification.13:26
ScottKsebner: Also, with the FFe's you're filing for RC bug fixes, it's probably worth a look (if you didn't) to see if the bug fix can be extracted and applied to our current package rather than jumping to the new upstream.13:27
sebnerScottK: yeah sure. audacious is an exception. Most of the other FFe never had remaining ubuntu changes and does have RC bugs13:27
ScottKEven the ones with RC bug fixes need testing.13:27
sebnerScottK: understood. I will (again) go through all FFe's I filed. Do I attach some words to audacious now?13:28
ScottKsebner: Only if you want me to ack it.13:32
sebnerScottK: ^^13:32
* sebner in on the way13:32
jdstrandemgent: uploaded #20242213:36
jdstrandbug #20242213:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202422 in smarty "CVE-2008-1066 smarty allows attackers to call arbitrary PHP functions via templates" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20242213:36
sebnerScottK: f5, please13:36
jdstrandemgent: I am not going to push to soyuz until monday though13:37
sebnerScottK: may I also copy this text to the plugins?13:37
jdstrandemgent: thanks!13:37
ScottKsebner: If you tested them the same.13:38
sebnerScottK: ok13:39
ScottKsebner: Audacious and plugins approved.13:44
sebnerScottK: thank you and sry again. :( Will keep that in mind for the future13:45
sebnerhoi siretart13:46
sebnerhoi sistpoty13:46
sistpotyhi folks13:46
sistpotyhi sebner13:47
sistpotysebner: so you're spamming motu-release again :P13:47
sebnersistpoty: sry. ScottK already told me. Won't do in future13:47
sebnerJust after intensive checks13:47
sistpotysebner: heh, if the there are good fixes we should pick up, there's nothing wrong ;)13:47
ScottKsistpoty: Would you please ack Bug #20459713:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204597 in dkim-milter "FFe for dkim-milter 2.5.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20459713:48
sebnersistpoty: yeah but maybe we can extract that fix instead of always jumping to new upstream13:48
* sebner is now doing intensive investigations13:48
persiasebner: Now that Beta is out, reverse merging is generally preferred, as it is often safer (although jumping may be appropriate sometimes)13:49
sebnerpersia:  :) it's my first beta phase ^^13:49
ScottKsebner: What you're doing is very good.  We're just doing some education along the way.  Keep it up.13:50
sebnerScottK: btw, for graphicsmagick. Just attach the links. like http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-498513:50
ubotuImageMagick before 6.3.5-9 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service via a crafted image file that triggers (1) an infinite loop in the ReadDCMImage function, related to ReadBlobByte function calls; or (2) an infinite loop in the ReadXCFImage function, related to ReadBlobMSBLong function calls. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-4985)13:50
persiasebner: Understood.  That's why you get pointers rather than complaints :)  Thanks a lot for chasing the RC bugs.13:50
sistpotyScottK: acked13:51
ScottKsebner: If you look, you'll see there's a specific place for cve links on the right where you just input the cve number.13:51
ScottKsistpoty: Thanks13:51
sebnerScottK: ah. great thank you. never used that before :)13:51
sebnersistpoty: and also sry to you for such a bad documentation on audacious. Though we talked about it. Nevertheless. sry.13:52
sistpotysebner: heh, no need to apologize13:52
sebnerWell, a clear style and documentation is always important :)13:54
* sistpoty just switched to kde4 and seriously considers switching back to kde3 *g*13:54
sebnersistpoty: or even better. to gnome :P13:55
sebnerpersia: np. I also want a *better* ubuntu though I'm not using any software which is on ubuntuwire and has RC bugs :)13:56
ScottKsebner: Gnome is better only if you happen to like Gnome.  Not all of us feel that way.13:57
Hobbseesistpoty: yeah, it's a bit like that...13:57
ScottKsistpoty: kde4 is for enthusiasts at this point IMO, not actual use.13:57
sebnerScottK: yeah. because of that I used ":P" which means that's only a joke :)13:58
sistpotyHobbsee: well, it's nice and everything and I don't have real big problems, but it feels somehow unorganized (maybe I'm just too used to kde3 *g*)13:58
ScottKsebner: Understood.  If I thought you were serious you'd have got a much grumpier reply.13:59
sebnerScottK: ^^. Nevertheless I should avoid to joking in english. It's simple not working14:01
StevenHarperUKHi I have new candidate https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/easycrypt/+bug/203145 that has got an ack for its release freeze bug   https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/204073 does it need any more action from me please14:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204073 in easycrypt "FeatureFreeze Exceptions for easycrypt-" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:04
ScottK2StevenHarperUK: You have an approved Feature Freeze exception.  It's still up to you to get an upload sponsored.14:05
sistpotyHobbsee: please give back haskell-edison on sparc, thanks!14:05
StevenHarperUKIts already in hardy - is an upload sponsored a different thing14:05
StevenHarperUKit new candidate14:06
StevenHarperUK*its a14:06
ScottK2siretart: Ping.  I'd like to discuss SE Linux packages when you have a moment.14:06
ScottK2StevenHarperUK: I'm confused.  It's already uploaded?14:07
siretartScottK2: what's up?14:07
StevenHarperUK0.2.2.6 is already in hardy - I need to get up during the freeze14:07
ScottK2siretart: Did you see manoj being upset that we forked the SE Linux packages yesterday?14:07
Hobbseesistpoty: done14:07
sistpotyHobbsee: thanks!14:07
StevenHarperUKas TrueCrypt 5.1 has Finally been released, so it actaully works on Hardy14:08
ScottK2siretart: I thought when we talked about SE Linux at UDS there was consensus not to do that, but we seem to have.14:08
StevenHarperUK0.2.2.6 doesnt work on Hardy at all14:08
StevenHarperUK0.2.2.8 does perfectly14:08
StevenHarperUKI thought I had to get a Feature Freeze exception to get it updated14:08
StevenHarperUKI have done that14:08
StevenHarperUKIs there now another step?14:08
ScottK2StevenHarperUK: Yes.  It has to be uploaded.  For that you need sponsorship since IIRC you aren't a MOTU.14:09
siretartScottK2: well, I *think* it went like this: Manoj updated his packages pretty late, and was pretty unresponsive when the tresys guys worked on selinux in ubuntu14:09
ScottK2Right.  He was practically MIA for a while.14:10
siretartScottK2: OTOH, manoj was offered help in packaging, which he rejected14:10
persiaStevenHarperUK: The sponsor queue has been unfortunately lagging the past few weeks.  If you've an approved FFe, it's very likely to get uploaded, but it may take a bit more time.14:10
StevenHarperUKScottK2:how do I get sponsorship?14:10
StevenHarperUKpersia: does it require an action from me?14:10
ScottK2StevenHarperUK: Put a .diff.gz in the bug if it's not there already and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors if it's not done already.14:10
StevenHarperUKThats all done14:11
ScottK2siretart: I think he just got really busy with work and was not paying attention to Debian for a while.14:11
ScottK2StevenHarperUK: Then no.  Nothing more you need to do14:11
ScottK2siretart: So now he's back and about to upload current packages to Debian.14:11
siretarthe already did14:11
siretartdebian is ATM more uptodate than ubuntu14:12
ScottK2siretart: In setools we did a wholesale renaming of binary packages (he hasn't uploaded that one yet).14:12
\shStevenHarperUK: can you add a debdiff to bug #203145 ? I don't like this interdiff stuff ;)14:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203145 in easycrypt "Candidate revision easycrypt_0.2.2.8-0ubuntu1" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20314514:13
siretartScottK2: and IIUC, he doesn't intend to pick up that change14:13
\shStevenHarperUK: and assign the bug to me...I'll take care about it14:13
ScottK2siretart: I'm concerned in setools because with the package renaming we have either a forked package and an upset DD or we rebase on Manoj work once he uploads it.14:13
persia\sh: You really want a debdiff for a new upstream?  Why not the diff.gz?14:13
ScottK2siretart: That's my understanding.14:13
\shpersia: or this...but I don't see a diff.gz14:13
ScottK2siretart: So I think maintaining a permanent diff is not a good plan.14:14
siretartScottK2: well, you guys also replaced his packaging with cdbs, right?14:14
StevenHarperUK\sh:  its an interdiff14:14
\shStevenHarperUK: then please add a diff.gz14:14
ScottK2siretart: You guys doesn't include me.14:14
ScottK2But yes.14:14
persiaStevenHarperUK: Do note that the process has changed, and diff.gz files are now requested (and yes, the documentation is out of date)14:14
siretartScottK2: ah, sorry. ok14:14
StevenHarperUKpersia: whats the command to generate that please14:14
\shStevenHarperUK: debuild -S -sa ? ;)14:14
ScottK2siretart: My thought is to go through and merge from Debian and rip out the gratuitous changes.14:14
persiaStevenHarperUK: I typically use `debuild -S -sa`14:14
ScottK2siretart: But I'm concerned about doing it late.  Since you were involved in the UDS discussion, I wanted your perspective.14:15
\shpersia: I thought there was already a debian pkg available ;)14:15
StevenHarperUKpersia: I do this >debuild -S -sa -kD330E9E8BEE08F9E -I\.svn -tc already14:16
persia\sh: Not for that upstream.  It's Ubuntu local.14:16
siretartScottK2: well, it was done just around FeatureFreeze. IIRC, the packages have been tested even FF in the ubuntu-hardened PPA, and got uploaded in time14:16
StevenHarperUKpersia: how does that make a diff againsta previous version?14:16
persiaStevenHarperUK: Then you should have an updated -0ubuntu1.diff.gz in the parent directory.14:16
siretartso I don't have the impression that this change was unreasonably late14:16
\shStevenHarperUK: so upload the .diff.gz from the package you created14:16
ScottK2siretart: If not for all the package renaming, I'd just wait and do it at the start of Intrepid.14:16
ScottK2siretart: It'd be late to revert the cdbs stuff now it my concern14:17
siretartScottK2: FWIW, the energy spent on the iscsi-related as far too late in the release cycle14:17
siretartScottK2: and not really an option, IMO14:17
siretarthis packaging does heavily rely on his way of using tla. it is totally unreasonable to get familiar with that way of packaging just for the selinux packages14:18
ScottK2siretart: For this cycle on selinux I'm a lot less concerned about package content alignment with Debian than I am package naming.14:18
ScottK2Yes, but this was already considered at UDS.14:18
ScottK2I remember you showing me some of his packages.14:18
siretartTBH, the way the ubuntu selinux packages are maintained really scares me14:19
siretartI mean the bzr branch. that's really scary14:20
siretartbut as long the guys keep on working on that, I won't tell them how to use bzr14:20
ScottK2I don't see a lot of other packages by the guy whose name is in the changelog, so I don't know about that either.14:20
ScottK2siretart: The big concern I have is keeping relations good between Debian and Ubuntu.  I know manoj packages are hard to deal with, but I think that's the price of being downstream.14:22
StevenHarperUK\sh: its done now diff.gz uploaded - LP#20314514:22
siretartScottK2: I do hope that the tresys guys are again at UDS in Prague. We should discuss this in person there14:23
StevenHarperUK\sh: Is that ok14:23
ScottK2siretart: So you'd be against changing packages for Hardy to realign with Debian?14:23
siretartdepends on what you mean with 'realign'ing14:24
ScottK2siretart: At a minimum, I'd like to get the package namespace aligned so we don't end up carrying transitional packages for multiple releases.14:25
siretartScottK2: that sounds indeed reasonable14:25
ScottK2With the idea that we'd rebase to a mimimal diff from Debian in Intrepid.14:25
StevenHarperUK\sh: do you have everything for the easycrypt package now?14:26
ScottK2As soon as manoj uploads setools then, I'll look at that difference and mail ubuntu-devel.  We can pick it up there.14:26
ScottK2siretart: ^^^14:26
siretartyes, sounds like a plan14:27
StevenHarperUK\sh: I cannot assign the bug to you : I dont know what your LP name is14:27
StevenHarperUKpersia: does bug 203145look complete enough now please14:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203145 in easycrypt "Candidate revision easycrypt_0.2.2.8-0ubuntu1" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20314514:27
persiaStevenHarperUK: I'd encourage more detail in the description, but all the necessary bits are there, and the right teams are subscribed.14:29
StevenHarperUKpersia: So more of an explanation : add another comment??14:29
persiaNo.  Edit the description to explain about the update, etc.14:30
persiaToo many comments tend to get lost after a while.14:30
StevenHarperUKpersia: Thanks I have done that - I didn't realise you could edit the description14:32
persiaStevenHarperUK: Ah.  That explains it :)14:32
StevenHarperUKpersia: it all makes sense!14:32
StevenHarperUKpersia: thanks for telling me more - I have to go now the wife want me to tidy up the house14:33
persiaStevenHarperUK: Thanks for working with us to get your updates in, so we don't have to poll upstream so much.14:34
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cody-somervillegpocentek, ping14:53
sistpotyScottK | Hobbsee: bug #196073 needs another ack14:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196073 in libpciaccess "Please sync from libpciaccess from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19607314:56
* ScottK2 looks14:58
ScottK2sistpoty: I asked for test results.15:00
gpocentekcody-somerville: pong15:01
sistpotyScottK2: ok, thanks15:02
sistpotytjaalton: ^^15:02
hefe_biaIn a debdiff for main: Shouldn't Original-Maintainer be the Debian developer and Maintainer be Ubuntu Core Developers?15:02
ScottK2sistpoty: Now that we're past beta, I think we need that for all FFe's.15:02
ScottK2hefe_bia: Yes.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField15:03
sistpotyScottK2: well, I assume from everyone filing an FFe to have the package tested actually, but having something written to the bug report would make some sense, yes15:04
ScottK2Well I guess it depends on who it is to some extent, but I think they ought to say it.  It's actually listed in the FFe page as a required element.15:05
hefe_biaScottK2: thanks15:05
sistpotyScottK2: *nod*15:06
* persia believes everyone should provide test results, even if they have a strong track record for perfect updates15:06
ScottK2sistpoty: Is there an easy way to find if there's been a soname change without building a package?15:06
sistpotyScottK2: looking at debian/control... but of course no SONAME change doesn't always guarantee that there shouldn't be a SONAME change ;)15:07
ScottK2sistpoty: I'm packaging a new upstream and I need to tell if there should be.15:07
broonieScottK2: You need to review the ABI manually, pretty much.15:08
ScottK2I'm doing clamav 0.93 RC1 so I can be ready if they release before we do.15:08
persiaScottK2: If the upstream is well behaved, the SONAME is defined in the build system, but few upstreams should be trusted implicitly.15:08
sistpotyScottK2: well, you'll need to build the new shared object, but of course grab the shared object from the old deb for diffing15:08
ScottK2sistpoty, persia, and broonie: Thanks.  No shortcuts then.  Of I go ....15:08
broonieFor ClamAV sgran may already know the answer.15:09
persiaScottK2: Depending on the code, you might be able to write a script that examines the code for public objects and their formats, but it's typically easier to build :)15:09
sistpotyoh, persia: you know some bits about java in ubuntu, don't you? I'm pretty clueless about bug #19338615:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 193386 in ubuntu "Feature Freeze Exception for glassfishv2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19338615:09
ScottK2broonie: He told me that since Lenny is getting it's first touch of frost, he wasn't touching release candidates anymore.  Hopefully I get this right and he can just use it when the time comes (we cooperate pretty closely).15:09
persiaErr.  I've been hiding from that bug for weeks :)15:10
ScottK2persia: They're playing nice with it.  I would appreciate it if you'd give them a good review.15:10
persiaI don't have a quick answer, although I have a fair backlog of email from upstream about it.  I'm going to bed soon, but will be sure to comment in the morning.15:10
sistpotyScottK2, persia: actually I'm not really asking for a review right now, but rather if the package would fit in the archive (of course then, if the FFe is granted, we'd need to review the package)15:11
persiaScottK2: I'd agree.  I'm fairly happy with Nitya.  My objection was mostly that I didn't see the point of Sun-branded derby vs. vanilla upstream.  That seems to have been resolved in favor of JavaDB for Hardy, so at this point I don't have specific objections, and just need to review it.15:12
persiaFor intrepid, I'm hoping someone packages Apache derby so we can drop JavaDB (as I have had several people report that there are no functional patches, just branding and licensing changes).15:12
persia(unfortunately, my Java Packaging is not yet at a point where my first package is acceptable enough to submit, so it likely needs to be someone else)15:13
persiasistpoty: Ah.  In that case, the main issue is whether we want to have both GlassFish 1 and GlassFish 2 in the archive.  It is a new upstream version, but the transition isn't easy, and applications need to be ported.  We don't have any reverse dependencies, but Sun doesn't think users should have to switch if they don't feel like it (or at least that was the state before I fell behind in my email, and I'm still not caught up).15:15
sistpotypersia: ok, so it's not really completely overlapping with s.th. in the archive, right?15:16
persiaFrom what I understand, the packages have been arranged to work in parallel, and there has been testing on hardy by Sun Quality Engineering, so it should be safe.15:16
ScottK2Right now the choice is glassfish 1.  The decision would be do we offer the glassfish2 choice or not, right?15:16
persiaNo.  There ought be no overlap except in mindshare.15:16
persiaRIght.  It's a matter of whether we offer the choice.15:16
sistpotyok, I guess I don't have a problem granting the FFe itself15:17
persiaThe alternative I was hoping for (although my unplanned absence made this hard) was to have only glassfish 2, and an entry in the release notes.15:17
sistpotyhowever the hard part will be to get the package reviewed then15:17
ScottK2I think it's very late for that.15:17
ScottK2(galssfish 2 only)15:17
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persiaYes.  Far too late for that.15:17
persiaA month ago, it might have been possible, but my activity has been insufficient for about that period of time :(15:18
sistpotyhm... so what do we do with this FFe? *shrug*15:19
* jdong kneels down before confessions.15:19
jdongI just wrote the most evil python script in the history of mankind.15:19
ScottK2sistpoty: I say approve it.15:20
jdongan automatic sysv to upstart converter15:20
sistpotyScottK2: ok15:20
ScottK2sistpoty: I acked first, so you have to approve ;-)15:21
ScottK2jdong: Automatix was largely done in Python, so you don't qualify.15:21
jdongScottK2: oh believe me this has the potential to break a lot more than automatix!15:22
jdongScottK2: though the types of breakages caused will be fairly obvious.15:22
jdongi.e. cannot boot.15:22
ScottKjdong: The evil part of Automatix wasn't that it broke stuff, but that the breakage wasn't obvious until the next upgrade so it looked to the user like Ubuntu was AFU, when it was really Automatix.15:23
ScottKjdong: They win by a lot on evil points.15:23
jdongScottK: indeed -- hard to detect breakageas like that are the most evil15:23
sistpotyScottK2 | Hobbsee: bug 204038 needs another ack (I've personally tested it, and I'm so bad at playing *g*)15:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204038 in xmoto "[FFe] Please sync xmoto 0.4.2-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20403815:27
ScottKsistpoty: Done and approved15:32
sebnerScottK: thx15:32
avoineIf a package that I need in Ubuntu just get into the debian's sid repository, I will see it soon in ubuntu?15:34
sebneravoine: we are past beta release. unlikely if it's not super important and super urgent15:34
jdongwhat sebner just said15:34
avoineok but after the release it will be?15:34
jdongin Hardy+1 yes15:35
persiaavoine: after release, it will be automatically added to intrepid, and a backport may be requested.15:35
avoineDebian also sync with Ubuntu sometime?15:38
sebneravoine: http://wiki.debian.org/Utnubu15:40
avoineoh great!15:40
ScottKavoine: Not automatically.  People work at it.15:40
cody-somervilleWill someone be kind enough to upload the xubuntu-docs? (bug #204501)15:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204501 in xubuntu-docs "Please update Xubuntu docs from bzr" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20450115:47
sistpotycody-somerville: if you walk me through the steps, I'll upload it ;)15:48
sistpotycody-somerville: do I need bzr-buildpackage or s.th.?15:48
ScottKcody-somerville: By asking for sponsorship from bzr, you've limited your chances of sponsorship.  I'd suggest using actual Debian packaging tools and following the sponsorship process.15:48
cody-somervilleScottK, Is it not Ubuntu policy to manage packages in bzr?15:48
persiaNot at all.15:49
ScottKcody-somerville: It is not15:49
cody-somervilleI thought I remember Scott starting something a few releases back15:49
ScottKMany people do it, but there is no overall policy15:49
persiaWhile many of the core packages are managed in BZR, and packages maintained by groups are encouraged to use a VCS, the majority of packages are handled directly.15:49
* RainCT can look at it if nobody does15:50
persiaWhen asking for sponsorship for a VCS managed package, the best practice is to update the VCS to match the candidate, and submit the candidate via the standard sponsor processes.15:50
ScottKFor me, it's in bzr translates as "I don't want ScottK to look at it".15:51
persiaSome sponsors will want to pull from the VCS, and some from the debdiff/diff.gz.  Many will complain if the two are not in sync, but simply using a VCS doesn't mean one can circumvent other processes.15:51
cody-somervilleI'm almost positive that keybuck was encouraging people to manage packages in bzr a release or two ago15:51
persiaNote that if the NoMoreSourcePackages spec is ever implemented, the "standard sponsoring process" will change, and this would be widely announced.15:51
ScottKEncouraging yes, but there is no policy15:52
persiaYes.  Encouraging.  Further, that the packages be maintained in a VCS, but not necessarily that it was standard practice.15:52
cody-somervilleThe plan was to move everything over at the time IIRC15:52
cody-somervilleor to start in that direction15:52
cody-somervilleBut anyhow15:52
ScottKFor those of us that like the fact the Ubuntu is a Debian derivative, it'd be time to move on15:52
persiaThat's the NoMoreSourcePackages spec, which has yet to be anywhere near implementation.15:52
ScottKcody-somerville: Until bzr can scale to deal with the entire archive, it's pointless15:53
persiaScottK: Maybe.  See the latest dpkg-source in Debian :)15:53
persia(not that git is bzr, but...)15:53
ScottKpersia: I think git's a lot more scalable than bzr.15:53
* sistpoty thought he'd read a patch to add bzr as well15:53
* persia refuses to argue the relative merits of VCS solutions15:53
sistpotyon debian-dpkg, which I recently read for amusement *g*15:53
ScottKIt took minutes yesterday for me to check out a single package yesterday (it was in Main).15:53
jdongScottK: probably because the branch has not been updated to the packs format15:54
siretartdoes somone know who https://edge.launchpad.net/~aizul75 is?15:54
persiasistpoty: tar'd local bzr repos as a supported source package format?15:54
jdongScottK: the newest bzr format should have similar network performance characteristics to git.15:54
cody-somervilleRainCT, So you're able to sponsor from bzr?15:54
ScottKIt was on Launchdad.  What do they use?15:54
persiajdong: From a dpkg-source perspective, the network performance isn't the important bit.15:54
RainCTcody-somerville: I think so15:54
sistpotypersia: not too sure, I didn't look at the patch15:54
jdongpersia: agreed15:55
sistpotypersia: http://lists.debian.org/debian-dpkg/2008/03/msg00156.html15:55
persiaYes.  compressed local bzr repos.  Interesting.15:56
persiaOn reflection, adding such support to Debian is the right way to meet the derivative objection.15:57
persiadevelopers can use their preferred package format, dpkg-source can do the right thing, etc.15:57
persiaOf course, it becomes annoying from a sponsor perspective, but that's more an Ubuntu issue than a Debian issue.15:57
persiaAnyway, it still doesn't mean "please pull from some random VCS branch and upload" is the right solution.15:58
persiaAnd if done cleanly, dpkg-source, debdiff, and debuild would still do the right things.15:59
ScottKIf you're a member of a team and asking for a team sponsor and that team has a VCS policy, then it may be reasonable, but not generally.15:59
persiaMaybe.  I've seen the argument that producing evidence of a locally built package is important to demonstrate that the VCS is indeed as clean as is implied.16:00
ScottKFrom my perspective bzr is an Ubuntu unique tool.  I know it's used elsewhere, but I've never run into it.16:00
persiaDoes it matter if it is Ubuntu unique?  I think it only matters if it is supported cleanly by the standard tools.16:01
ScottKpersia: It works well in the Debian Python teams (dpmt/papt).16:02
ScottKpersia: It matters if I care to expend brain cells on n+1 VCS.16:02
persiaScottK: I think we are having different arguments.  I don't care about the implementation as long as I can download and apply a patch easily, and continue to use dpkg-source, patch, debuild, and debdiff.  I suspect you don't want to learn a new VCS.16:05
persiaSo for me, having the tools I use support BZR means that I'd be happy to work with BZR packages.16:05
ScottKHaving the tools make it so I don't have to know it's a bzr package is fine with me.16:06
persiaWell, it's listed in debian/control, so maybe hard to miss :)16:06
ScottKThat would require a level of abstraction in interaction with the source format that we are a long way from, however.16:06
=== cool is now known as gary4gar
ScottKknow/work differently with.16:07
persiaScottK: See the dpkg-devel discussions: we're getting much closer than the hassles of foo-buildpackage16:07
persiaErr.  debian-dpkg16:07
ScottKI've seen the bits that leaked out onto debian-devel16:07
ScottKAs long as Ubuntu follows Debian on fundamental packaging tools, I'll manage it.16:08
ScottKIf Ubuntu gets out front, I see danger.16:08
persiaI think the number of installation failures from the dh_iconcache issue in Hardy should demonstrate the risk of that.  I'm bemusedly awaiting the flood of bug reports.16:09
ScottKI worry about stuff like "We're going to port all the main init scripts to be upstart native in Intrepid".16:10
* ScottK will be afk for a bit now.16:10
jdongScottK: I don't think it'll be that bad16:11
* persia will go to bed, but encourages anyone who wants to get a lot of last-minute uploads to grab a hardy source mirror, and grep all the debian/rules files for dh_iconcache, or just submit rebuilds for anything not updated in hardy that relies on CDBS.16:11
ScottKjdong: It's a permanent fork unless Debian somehow adopts Upstart16:13
* ScottK really afk now.16:13
siretartsistpoty: btw, bug #194919 is about including a new package, and not really replacing openal in main16:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194919 in openal "libopenal needs replacement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19491916:15
RainCTuh.. why does debuild still say "bad-distribution-in-changes-file hardy" after I upgraded to Hardy?16:16
cody-somervilleRainCT, it does that sometimes ;p16:16
sistpotysiretart: oh, I see16:16
persiaRainCT: No "ubuntu" in the revision?16:16
RainCTpersia: ah, thanks :)16:17
siretartsistpoty: from what I understand from the openal mailing list is that openalsoft is more or less a port from the windows version of openal16:18
cody-somervilleRainCT, we don't we want ubuntu in the version btw16:19
cody-somervilleRainCT, it is a native package16:19
sistpotysiretart: how does this relate to the openal lib in main? different codebase or a fork?16:19
siretartcompletely different codebase16:19
siretartthe SI is defacto dead upstream, from what I see16:19
siretarthowever, I think we really should replace openal with openalsoft in debian16:20
RainCTcody-somerville: yes, figured so. ubuntu-docs hasn't ubuntu in the version, neither16:20
siretartunfortunately, nobody is currently working on that :(16:20
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RainCTcody-somerville: why don't you add overrides?16:21
persiasiretart: Is there a deadline soon?  I'd like to be working on it, but keep running into other things.  I can raise the priority if it needs doing sooner (and there is really nobody else, I've seen a couple hints that someone would do something)16:21
cody-somervilleRainCT, They're only warnings16:21
sistpotysiretart: I'll take a look at it16:22
siretartpersia: actually, we are already past the first deadline for the soft freeze for lenny16:22
siretartbut I think if we are really quick, we can do it16:23
siretartpersia: see http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.devel.announce/117916:23
* persia needs to pay better attention to Debian mail, and will prioritise a transition test (unless sistpoty is planning a quick upload to experimental)16:24
RainCTcody-somerville: actually that one is an error, but it can be ignored anyways16:24
siretartthe package from the launchpad bug does not provide any development headers, though.16:28
sistpotysiretart: I just commented on the bug, and I'm not really in favour of adding openal-soft to hardy16:46
RainCTcody-somerville: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5974/16:47
cody-somervilleI'll add a call to dh_fixperms16:48
cody-somervilleRainCT, did you upload yet?16:49
huatspochu: are you around ?16:49
cody-somervilleRainCT, oh wait, it is CDBS16:50
\shbuh....wine 0.9.58 released16:50
RainCTcody-somerville: just "chmod -x" should do it16:51
ScottK2\sh: Why isn't it uploaded then?16:52
\shScottK2: lol...yokozar needs some uploads?? :)16:52
cody-somervilleRainCT, Okay. Thanks for pointing that out.16:53
ScottK2He needs some non-WINE uploads.16:53
cody-somervilleRainCT, Let me know when you upload so that I can notify the appropriate people.16:53
\shScottK2: also :)16:53
\shwell...point 10 on my todo for tonight16:54
RainCTcody-somerville: have you fixed it in bzr?16:54
cody-somervilleRainCT, Oh. I can fix that now for you, sure.16:55
* sistpoty is afk... later16:55
siretartsiretart: thanks17:04
milli \sh:  I tested out lighttpd 1.4.19, round-robin still doesn't work.  It cycles thru the back-ends once, then sticks on the first back-end.  :(17:13
elmargolsomeone knows how many users use popcon?17:14
cody-somervilleRainCT, Test build is almost done17:15
sebnerRainCT: Sry. I totally forgot to add the missing changelog entry. Are you reviewing it now or can I subscribe u-u-s?17:15
james_welmargol: check the popcon installed count for base-files, that should be close.17:16
james_wwell, that would be how many machines have submitted at least once, but it would give you an idea.17:16
\shmilli: bah...upstream issue :917:17
RainCTsebner: ubuntu-archive is already subscribed iirc17:17
RainCTsebner: so just wait for them to sync it :)17:17
ScottK2\sh: Upstream apparently over promising in their changelog17:18
sebnerRainCT: through motu-release? because I confirm that they are subscribed17:19
elmargoljames_w: I',m looking for a percentage... like 10% of the userbase has popcon enabled or something17:19
sebnerRainCT: * can't confirm17:19
james_welmargol: tell me what the userbase is and I'll give you a percentage based on the number that have installed base-files.17:19
RainCTsebner: oh, it seems like I looked to fast at the subscribers :)17:20
slomoLucidFox: hi, see #ubuntu-devel... we'll have gtkhtml-sharp-3.14 soonish, would be nice if you could not drop that patch from debian when merging :)17:20
sebnerRainCT: np ^^. I'll subscribe. But you may want to ACK first (sponsors ACK) ?17:20
LucidFoxslomo> yes, I answered your mail :)17:20
elmargoljames_w: your are right I'm looking for the userbase D17:20
slomoLucidFox: when will it be ready? :)17:21
LucidFoxmerging has other benefits as well17:21
LucidFoxslomo> after gtkhtml is17:21
james_welmargol: it looks like maybe as much as 10%.17:21
RainCTsebner: yeh, just ack'd and subscribed ubuntu-release17:21
slomoLucidFox: ok, ping me then please :)17:21
sebnerRainCT: you mean archive-admins17:21
ScottK2RainCT: ubuntu-release or ubuntu-archvie?17:21
ScottK2archive even17:21
sebnerRainCT: np and thx :)17:22
cody-somervilleRainCT, I'm having some problems with my branch17:27
cody-somervilleRainCT, Weird permission issues :(17:27
cody-somervilleRainCT, If you could just make the change and push the branch to launchpad under your own username and request a merge, I'll be sure to take care of it17:28
RainCTcody-somerville: ok17:35
* ScottK2 makes notes about how simple using bzr makes everything ... ;-)17:36
RainCTcody-somerville: about those weird permission issues, how did you do the chmod -x?17:37
cody-somervilleI dunno, for some weird reason it wouldn't even let me access the xubuntu/ directory17:40
* cody-somerville is still waiting for the branch to download again.17:41
RainCTcody-somerville: then you've -x'd the directory itself :P17:41
slangasekbzr: 1, coreutils: 017:42
* RainCT is waiting for the package to build to check if he got the permission thing right before uploading17:45
RainCTis it possible to commit into a new branch from a lightweight checkout?17:48
cody-somervilleyes but I think you need write access on the server17:50
RainCTand how can I do that?17:50
james_wRainCT: you can use switch to switch your checkout to another branch, but that branch must exist first.17:50
james_wso I think if you push first, and then switch you should get what you want.17:51
* cody-somerville still checking out the heavy branch17:57
RainCTcody-somerville: it's clean now, uploading :)18:01
cody-somervilleRainCT, thank you.18:02
RainCTnp :)18:03
RainCTjames_w: seems like it even works. didn't know that you can push from a lightweight checkout.. thanks :)18:04
james_wRainCT: no problem, push still works, it would just be slower as it sucks all the data down to your machine, and then pushes it to the other location.18:05
* RainCT is hoping that the LP guys will get server-side branching ready soon :P 18:07
FestorWould it be possible to add transmission 1.10 to 8.04 Ubuntu repositories?18:14
FestorIt launched the first beta18:14
cody-somervilleProbably not18:15
Festor:( ... 1.06 is a bit buggy18:16
cody-somervilleIs 1.10 just a bug fix release?18:16
Festoradded libnotify support18:16
Festormore translations18:17
ScottK2Is transmission Main or Universe?18:17
ScottK2jdong: ^^^18:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about transmission - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:17
Festorand bugfix18:17
cody-somerville!info transmission18:17
ubotutransmission (source: transmission): free, lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.72.dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB18:17
ScottK2I think it may be Main in Hardy18:17
cody-somervilleI agree.18:17
cody-somervilleIt is in main.18:17
Festorare all changes18:18
cody-somervilleFestor, Transmission is in Main.18:19
ScottK2Festor: Since it's in Main, you need to discuss on #ubuntu-devel, not here.18:19
Festorok. thanks :d18:19
xtknightit isn't at all possible to upload a full new version of a program for Gutsy, is it?  e.g., gnome-schedule 1.0.0 is in gutsy, and repacking 2.0 for it instead of fixing the bug in 1.0.. it just seems logical in this situation  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-schedule/+bug/20449618:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204496 in gnome-schedule "gnome-schedule GTK About Box frozen and help nonfunctional" [Undecided,New]18:23
cody-somervillextknight, You can backport from Hardy18:24
ScottK2It is possible, but it's a last resort.  It seems extreme for an about/help problem.18:24
ScottK2cody-somerville: Backports are for feature upgrades, not for bug fixing18:25
xtknightah ok i guess i was thinking more alone the lines of since the program is so small, 2.0 prolly contains updates that are worthwhile and would also fix the problems18:25
slytherinxtknight: why not backport the fix for the particular problem?18:26
ScottK2xtknight: Right, but that's not generally how stable release updates work18:26
cody-somervilleScottK2, I'm well aware. However, SRU only permit specific bug fixes where xtknight was suggesting uploading an entire new version instead of putting the effort to patch the old version. Hence, I suggested backporting.18:26
xtknightslytherin, well that's my other choice ya18:26
xtknighti don't mind i was just wondering what you guys thought18:27
ScottK2cody-somerville: Thereby avoiding the SRU and preventing people who do not have backports enabled (the default configuration) from getting the benifit of the fix.18:27
cody-somervilleScottK2, indeed.18:27
slytherinwow, elisa is in main. :-)18:27
ScottK2xtknight: I'd suggest try to figure a bug specific patch18:27
xtknightwill do18:27
cody-somervillextknight, if you need help, feel free to ask18:29
cody-somervillextknight, You might refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:29
xtknighti do "sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-schedule" and then "sudo apt-get -b source gnome-schedule" fails with missing dep during ./configure18:34
cody-somervillextknight, the new version must have a new dependency :)18:37
cody-somervillextknight, Maybe something to do with the new inotify feature?18:37
xtknightcody-somerville, well i am trying to build the old gnome-schedule-1.0.0 from repositories18:37
xtknight(gutsy amd64 that is)18:38
xtknightcan you reproduce the problem ?18:38
cody-somervillextknight, Why not try building it in a chroot using pbuilder?18:38
xtknightif you have a gutsy machine and dont mind18:38
xtknightcody-somerville, oh i am trying a chroot next, but should build-dep not install dependencies on an actual machine/18:38
cody-somervillextknight, Yes.18:39
fbondDoes ${misc:Depends} ever have a value?  Under what circumstances?18:47
slytherinfbond: Good question. Even I am looking for an answer. :-)18:52
fbondslytherin: I don't see it in the manual pages anywhere...18:53
slangasekit's populated by various debhelper scripts that need to set extra dependencies18:54
slangaseke.g., dh_installdebconf18:54
fbondslangasek: Should every binary package have `Depends: ${misc:Depends}'?18:56
pochuhuats: I'm now18:56
slangasekfbond: if you're using debhelper (or cdbs), it's good practice18:57
\shbah..ports.ubuntu.com ha hickups today18:57
\shtimeouts, forbidden etc.18:57
emgentheya people :P18:57
huatshey pocu18:57
fbondslangasek: thanks!18:57
huatshey pochu18:58
\shtrying to mirror lpia now since yesterdays evening18:58
sebner\sh: already at uploading stage for nexuiz? :P19:00
calamariI'm trying to get a binary rpm working (with the goal of creating a debian package out of it).  What are the equivalents of libssl.so.6 and libcrypto.so.6.  I'm seeing versions like 0.9.7 which is hard to relate with "6"19:02
slytherincalamari: Why don't you instead try to created debian package from original source19:03
\shsebner: I don't upload anything...it will be a sync..19:03
calamarislytherin: I'd love yto, but the source is not available19:03
slytherincalamari: what do you mean by source is not available?19:04
calamarislytherin: binary only19:04
\shsebner: I'll file the sync reqs just in a few mins19:04
sebner\sh: hmm what about uploading your mind to do the nexuiz sync?19:04
\shsebner: I can't do any syncs...those will be worked on after the easter holiday I think :)19:04
sebner\sh: however. great. :D19:05
slytherincalamari: Do you mean to say it is not a open source software? By the way, people usually recommend using alien to convert rpm to deb19:05
calamarislytherin: correct.. not open source.  alien is certainly a first step, however I'm past that now and need to do some internal tweaking19:06
calamarislytherin: so my main question is what are the Ubuntu equivalents of libssl.so.6 and libcrypto.so.6?19:07
slytherincalamari: I can not find one at least on hardy. Looks like it is very old version19:07
slangasekcalamari: what does the ELF binary actually depend on?19:08
slangasekcalamari: I have *never* seen a libssl.so.6 library on Linux; I would want to confirm that this is the library name that the binary is looking for, as opposed to just the virtual package name that the package is looking for19:09
calamariaha.. I think it's 0.9.8b19:09
ScottK2I doubt it.19:10
james_whey, jdong, could you sponsor that bzr-svn fix I was talking about please?19:10
\shsebner: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nexuiz-data/+bug/20477119:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204771 in nexuiz-data "[FFe SYNC Req] nexuiz nexuiz-data fteqcc" [Undecided,New]19:11
slangasekcalamari: then the answer should be libssl0.9.819:11
RainCTcody-somerville: damn is that slow :/19:11
cody-somervilleRainCT, bzr?19:11
RainCTcody-somerville: yes, and my connection :P19:11
calamarislangasek: thanks19:12
* RainCT aborts the pushing19:12
sebner\sh: why making a new one. why not attaching to bug #20321019:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203210 in nexuiz-data "Please upgrade nexuiz/nexuiz data to 2.4" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20321019:12
* cody-somerville wishes bzr was faster.19:12
RainCTcody-somerville: just get the clean source from bzr (if you haven't it yet) and run this:19:12
RainCTcody-somerville: find common -type f | xorg chmod -x19:12
\shsebner: because it's easier for me and hopefully the archive admins to find the necessary bits :)19:12
RainCTcody-somerville: find xubuntu -type f | xorg chmod -x19:12
calamarihere was the ldd http://rafb.net/p/on9jNH68.txt19:12
RainCTcody-somerville: that should do it19:12
sebner\sh: k, great then :D19:12
sebner\sh: what about setting the importance to Critical? :P19:13
cody-somervillexorg cmd isn't found19:13
calamari(just to prove I'm not crazy.. hehe)19:13
slangaseknice typo though :)19:13
\shsebner: think you need to learn more about the ways of workflow for ubuntu ;)19:14
RainCTcody-somerville: oops, I mean xargs :P19:14
RainCTslangasek: heh19:14
* cody-somerville pushes.19:16
calamarithanks for everyones help, you guys are great19:20
\shbah...how do I unsubscribe a team?19:27
slangasekby being part of it?19:29
slangasekand clicking Subscribe/Unsubscribe19:29
\shgrmpf...can someone add me to sponsors pls :)19:30
\shpersia: ?? ;:)19:30
xtknighthmm can anyone get a PPA?19:34
xtknightor just special members19:34
pochuyou need to sign the CoC19:35
pochuthen you can19:35
xtknightah cool19:35
emgentxtknight: you can also read https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart19:36
cody-somervilleRainCT, Would you be able to upload xubuntu-docs again?19:37
* RainCT knew that he shouldn't have deleted the checkout :P19:41
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Bruno_hello, i need some help with patchin...20:03
RainCTHi Bruno_, just ask20:03
xtknightum so compiling anything you find on sourceforge and then debianizing it is fair game for uploading to PPA right?20:03
xtknightif you provide source packages should there be modifications..20:04
Bruno_RainCT: well, im trying to fix this bug (it my first try at fising bugs) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/typo3-src/+bug/132703/ and i dont know how to make the patch20:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132703 in typo3-src "Suggests: ooo_extract, which is an illegal package name" [High,Confirmed]20:04
\shxtknight: no...you provide source packages for everything you are going to distribute...20:04
\shxtknight: and you need to read the license before..if it's possible to redistribute20:05
\shnot everything on sf.net is redistributable20:05
RainCTBruno_: you don't need a patch there; you can just change the debian/control file directly20:06
xtknight\sh, anything open source in the ubuntu repositories is redistributable isn't it?20:06
xtknightor not necessarily?20:06
\shxtknight: seems so :)20:07
xtknightand btw i did read the agreement for ppa but that's why i'm paranoid ;)20:07
\shxtknight: I meant the license of the stuff laying around on sf.net :)20:08
xtknightah ya20:09
RainCTBruno_: but this is already fixed in Hardy20:09
RainCTBruno_: "Suggests: catdoc, httrack, ppthtml, unrtf, webhttrack, xpdf-utils, xlhtml"20:09
Bruno_RainCT: so there is nothing left to do?20:09
RainCTBruno_: no, just close the bug and say that it's fixed in Hardy20:10
RainCT(close = Fix Released)20:11
Bruno_RainCT: ok, done. Where can i find bugs that i can fix?20:12
Bruno_RainCT: or at least attempt to fi20:12
RainCTBruno_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize20:12
RainCTBruno_: for example bug #164181 doesn't seem too difficult to fix20:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164181 in cryptsetup "Manual page typos" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16418120:13
Bruno_RainCT: ok i'll try to fix it20:15
RainCTcody-somerville: you owe me a hug ;)20:16
* cody-somerville gives RainCT a bear hug.20:16
RainCTBruno_: for this one you'll need a patch, using the "dpatch" system (you can check what patch system a package is using running "what-patch" inside the source directory, if you have ubuntu-dev-tools installed)20:19
RainCTBruno_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems#head-5f4642a5564760bd8aae0fd2cbd70e6cd78c126020:20
Bruno_RainCT: thanks20:21
Bruno_RainCT: ok i ran dpatch-edit-patch to apply all the patched, but how do i create mine20:27
RainCTBruno_: dpatch-edit-patch will leave you in a subshell. just do all the changes you want there and then exit with "exit 0" and it will create a patch in debian/patches20:33
Bruno_RainCT: ok20:33
RainCTBruno_: note that with dpatch you have to add the name of the patch to the debian/patches/00list file (in a new line) to enable it20:34
* RainCT is away now20:34
\shguys, do you think it would be a good idea to package drupal6 for hardy? :)20:35
ScottK2\sh: Maybe two months ago.20:37
\shScottK2: yeah..sad story20:39
\shScottK2: I just checked the svn repo of the drupal maintainer...but it looks like, that they didn't even start with packaging20:41
ScottK2\sh: I think we need to let it pass for Hardy.20:46
\shScottK2: yepp...well...backport is always an alternative20:46
sebnerslomo: around?20:47
ScottK2\sh: Yes.  That'd be the way to do it.20:47
sebnerslomo: gtk-sharp2 2.12 is now in hardy. But it seems you/they ignored my merge?20:47
slomosebner: oh... sorry :/ i didn't notice that you also did a merge, i thought you just took the data from the debian package20:49
slomosebner: did i miss something when merging?20:49
sebnerslomo: now I'm sad. I asked you how I could help and you told me that it would be nice if I merge gtk-sharp and gnome-sharp and I said ok20:50
sebnerslomo: bug #20329820:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203298 in gtk-sharp2 "[FFe] Merge gtk-sharp2 2.12.0-2 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20329820:50
sebnerslomo: and. bug #20331420:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203314 in gnome-sharp2 "[FFe] Merge gnome-sharp2 2.20.0-2 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20331420:51
slomosebner: damn, sorry again :/ would've saved me some time too if i'd known that you've merged it already... wasn't my intention to ignore your merge20:51
sebnerslomo: well you asked me to do it and I accepted. Wired :(20:51
ScottK2Stuff happens20:52
\shall the time :)20:52
sebnerMaybe I should have asked you after 2-3 days if there is an update20:53
ScottK2sebner: When you want to get sponsored there's a fine line between asking for updates and being a pest.  Once you're a developer it's easy to forget to check what others have already done.20:54
sebnerScottK: well, he wanted it to get sponsored. I just made it because I wanted to help him ^^. nvm. S*** happens. And you are right. I don't want to annoy you everytime20:55
* \sh should not forget to call his wife after 00:00am ... it's her birthday 20:55
Bruno_i made a patch for Bug #164181 how do i apply it?20:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164181 in cryptsetup "Manual page typos" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16418120:56
sebnerIt seems that I have now the pleasure the set the status to "Fix Released" I suppose20:56
\shBruno_: make a debdiff with your patch applied or just attach the patch to this bug...and tag it with "patch"20:56
Bruno_\sh: ok20:57
\shBruno_: a debdiff is appreciated...subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors then20:57
slangasekslomo: er, you merged mono-tools but didn't fix the FTBFS?20:58
slomoslangasek: hrm, you mean the dep-wait on libxul-dev? well, will fix later, don't worry :)21:00
sebnerslomo: just interested. what did you think what I was doing?21:01
\shtomboy needs to be rewritten in python or c just because mono stinks ;)21:01
slomosebner: i thought you had just collected the changelog diff, etc to file a FF exception bug21:01
slomo\sh: that was already tried by a few people... and they all disappeared before anything was released ;)21:02
sebnerslomo: Well, true I filed the bug. ^^21:02
\shslomo: did you see basket? the kde app ?21:02
sebner\sh: mono is cool :P21:02
slomo\sh: nope, why?21:03
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\shslomo: something like this but without the window, so directly positioning notes on the desktop...that would be cool for gnome, too :)21:03
\shslomo: http://basket.kde.org/21:03
\shsebner: read stephen kings "The Dark Tower", then you know why "mono" stinks ;)21:05
slomo\sh: where's the connection between the dark tower and mono? i've read the books some years ago21:06
slangasekyes, all the best insights into software design come from Stephen King books21:06
\shslomo: the monorail train21:06
slomoah... hehe :)21:06
\shslangasek: and some abbreviations are cudos to arthur C. clarke ;)21:11
* \sh goes a bit in the background....watching futurama :)21:23
Bruno_when i run debuild, it doesnt find my gpg key21:31
Bruno_how can i fix that21:31
ScottK2Bruno_: man dpkg-buildpackage and look at the -k option.21:32
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Bruno1ok, so now i have a .diff.gz , how do i upload it?21:43
RainCTBruno1: create a debdiff against the version which is currently in Hardy21:55
RainCTBruno1: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Debdiff21:56
goukiCan anyone help me out? When running dh_make I can't set the maintainers name.22:01
RainCTgouki: export it in a DEBFULLNAME variables (and the mail in DEBEMAIL)22:04
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goukiRainCT: Thank you.22:06
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* gouki may have built his first package 22:13
Bruno1RainCT: when i run the las debdiff command i get "cant check signature"22:16
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Bruno1RainCT:  never mind, i got it signed22:22
Bruno1RainCT: do i upload the debdiff to the bug page?22:23
RainCTBruno1: yes22:25
Bruno1RainCT: ok22:26
RainCTBruno1: and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to it22:26
Bruno1RainCT:  ok22:26
Bruno1RainCT: do i change status or anything?22:27
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sebnergn8 folks22:41
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\shBruno1: ubuntu-main-sponsors is better for cryptsetup22:58
Bruno1\sh: ok, and umm i dont know if my patch worked... i mean it there, but when i built a the cryptsetup .deb it didnt have the changes in the man page.23:01
\shBruno1: if you patch doesn't work..why did you upload it then?23:03
\shBruno1: make sure it works :)23:03
\shBruno1: think about this: it's a main package :)23:04
Bruno1im not sure if its not working23:04
ScottK2Then don't subscrive ubuntu-main-sponsors until it's figured out.23:04
\shBruno1: test it :) install the package and man <bla>23:04
\shScottK2: can you remove u-u-s from the bug?23:05
Bruno1i did dpatch-edit-patch and added my patch, but i dont know if it was also applied since my patch is not appearing in the patched folder23:05
ScottK2What bug #?23:06
Bruno1Bug #16418123:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164181 in cryptsetup "Manual page typos" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16418123:06
ScottK2Bruno1: For dpatch you also have to add the patch to debian/patches/00list23:07
* ScottK2 does23:07
\shpersia: needs to add me somehow to sponsors23:07
Bruno1ScottK2: ok i added it to the list23:08
ScottK2uus removed23:08
ScottK2\sh: I don't know about that.  You're a pretty new motu....23:09
Bruno1ScottK2: so if it wasnt on the list when i made the .debdiff its not going to work?23:10
ScottK2It means the patch wouldn't be applied.23:10
Bruno1so i make a enw debdiff23:10
ScottK2Some patching systems patch what you tell them to (dpatch) others essentially use everything in /patches.23:11
Bruno1ok. is there a way to remove the patch i uploaded?23:12
\shBruno1: bug attachements -> edit attachment -> delete23:13
\shit's on the left portlet23:13
\shor is it "zopelet" ? dunno23:14
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\shok...time to hit the bed23:15
\shgood night folks...23:16
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Bruno1bye, thanks for the help23:17
Bruno1ScottK2: i downloaded the source to start again and after doing dpatch-edit-patch and doing the patch and editing the 00list, i couldnt find my patch on the debian/patches folder, it is, however, listed in 00list23:29
ScottK2I have had occasional trouble like that.  I don't know why.  I've found that if I create the patch file manually (touch debian/patches/patchname.dpatch) and then use dpatch-edit-patch it works.23:35
Bruno1ScottK2: you mean for example i create manpage_typo_fix.dpatch and then use dpatch-edit-patch to make the changes?23:37
RainCTgood night23:44
Bruno1ScottK2: i tried doing what you said and it got some errors about the patch not existing. Im doing the whole thing again, i just have this question, do i edit the 00list while in the shell dpatch-edit-patch gives you, or afterwards.23:44
Bruno1RainCT: bye, thanks for your help23:44
RainCTBruno1: afterwards23:44
RainCTno problem, good luck :)23:44
Bruno1RainCT ok thanks23:44
ScottK2Bruno1: Don't change anything inside the debian/dir while you're in the dpatch-edit-patch shell.23:48
Bruno1ok now i have the new patch and the debian/patches folder and its also listed in 00list23:53
Bruno1now do i run debuild ?23:53
ScottK2did you make a debian/changelog entry describing what you are changing, why, and making a new version?23:54
Bruno1i ran dch -i and added23:54
Bruno1Fixed man page typos (LP: #164181)23:55
ScottK2Then run debuild -S to make your source package.23:55
Bruno1should i make a .deb before the debdiff to test the patch?23:57
ScottK2My recommendation is you use pbuilder or sbuild to build in a clean environment.23:59

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