
lagaStemming78: probably a line ending conflict..00:07
MythbuntuGuest16I need some help installing Mythbuntu. It seems that it cannot configure my graphics card and is hanging.00:20
KillerKiwi2005whats the best place to put irxevent to start it on boot?00:29
Stemming78Anyone have a an lrcrc configured for playing videos (xine, vlc)?  Need to set one up.00:51
Stemming78*willing to share00:51
lagaStemming78: mythbuntu-lirc-generator can do that00:52
Stemming78I did and for some reason those were not configured....00:54
lagaStemming78: mythbuntu-lirc-generator --help ?00:54
Stemming78command not found; tried different variations... Might not be an option.00:55
Stemming78rhpot1991: mythbuntu-lirc-generator --help    Dont think that is a valid command00:56
rhpot1991lircrc, not lirc00:57
lagaboth seem to work here?00:57
Stemming78ahh, that works00:57
rhpot1991laga: the lirc is the help file, on my system at least00:58
Stemming78If I did mythbuntu-lirc-generator --xine    That will ADD to my lircrc file or replace it?00:59
rhpot1991it will replace them01:00
rhpot1991I'd just back the folder up01:00
rhpot1991then regenerate everything01:00
rhpot1991and piece everything together that you want01:00
Stemming78Thats what I will do...  How soon until the NEW lircrc creator will be release (heard it will be released with 8.04?)01:01
foxbuntuStemming78, sometime in the 8.10 Dev cycle, its getting a new app Mythbuntu Remote Manager01:02
Stemming78Right on, this will surely make life easier....01:05
Stemming78Checking the help file for mythbuntu-lircrc-generator;  xine, vlc and others should be automatically generated.01:06
Stemming78It is not (only giving me output for mythtv...  So, I run this command:  mythbuntu-lircrc-generator --xine 1  and still nothing (only mythtv mapping)01:07
Stemming78what could I be doing wrong01:07
foxbuntuStemming78, they are in included files01:07
foxbuntuthey do not all end up in the same spot01:08
foxbuntu~/.lirc/xine for example01:08
Stemming78foxbuntu: maybe I'm not following you, but all I have in /.mythtv directory (pertaining to this) is lircrc and lircrc.old...  No sub directories.01:10
foxbuntuStemming78, its in your home dir01:11
rhpot1991~ is /home/<user>01:12
Stemming78no /.lirc directory...  lircrc writes to /home/<user>/.mythtv01:13
Stemming78its not a big deal... Will manually edit the file; probably could have it done by now rather I try for the easy way out...01:15
* MythbuntuGuest61 stabs Stemming78 violently01:15
tgm4883_laptopthat was....interesting01:16
abarbacciayeah - what was that about lol01:16
* tgm4883_laptop shrugs01:16
rhpot1991Stemming78: dpkg -l mythbuntu-lirc-generator |grep ^ii01:16
Stemming78Im a little surprised01:16
foxbuntuStemming78, is your system up to date?01:20
Stemming78update came through today, havent installed it yet...01:20
rhpot1991I have 0.17-0ubuntu1~gutsy1 on my gutsy box, and 0.20-0ubuntu1 on my hardy box01:21
wotten_tgm4883_laptop did you see my question earlier?01:22
wotten_I made a mistake and setup a slave BE as its own master....01:23
wotten_ I corrected it but now when I set a program to record every week....01:23
wotten_ everything looks correct but when the program is highlighted...01:23
wotten_ it says that the recording is not listed.....when it really is01:23
wotten_ and the program doesn't record....01:23
wotten_ I can correct it by re-selecting it on the master....01:23
wotten_ how can I correct the slave BE?01:23
tgm4883_laptopyou have corrected it in mythtv-setup?01:23
wotten_yes...I adjusted the ME address01:24
wotten_what is weird.....I had a program selected to be recorded tonight earlier but it wasn't selected to be recorded01:26
wotten_when it was highlighted to be recorded?01:27
Stemming78Cant seem to get it to output for xine or vlc...  No biggie...01:28
tgm4883_laptopwotten_, i think you need to do a dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database on the slave backend.  Make sure that is pointed to the right machine (your master backend).  It is most likely pointed at your slave machine01:29
wotten_ok ty01:29
Stemming78Anyone have a answer/fix to an issue I am having with Video Manager?  Everytime I enter it "loading..." appears and remains...  Not a huge distraction, but it prevents me from using MANUAL fetch from IMDB01:31
Stemming78Unless that was disabled with 0.2101:31
Stemming78Also, the field to rename a movie has been removed;  0.21 update?01:32
wotten_this is what I get...01:34
wotten_william@AMD:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database01:34
wotten_[sudo] password for william:01:34
wotten_Package `mythtv-database' is not installed and no info is available.01:34
wotten_Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,01:34
wotten_and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.01:34
wotten_/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mythtv-database is not installed01:34
tgm4883_laptopwotten_, my bad.  I believe the package is actually mythtv-common01:39
tgm4883_laptopon the slave01:39
abarbacciadoes the current lirc package take care of setserial for you on serial blasters?02:03
JDStonewell, I upgraded to 0.21 and now my frontends won't connect05:43
JDStonehow do I go back to 0.20.205:44
rhpot1991perhaps you should try and diagnose the problem first?05:44
rhpot1991did you upgrade the frontends and the backends?05:44
JDStoneI have been trying05:44
JDStoneI can't upgrade the frontends05:44
JDStoneI'm using xbmcmythtv05:44
JDStoneI'm using the latest version05:44
rhpot1991thats your problem then05:44
rhpot19910.20.2 can't talk to 0.2105:45
JDStonei know05:45
JDStonethat now05:45
JDStoneI just read that05:45
rhpot1991use upnp in xbmc is part of a solution05:45
rhpot1991otherwise reinstall 0.20.2 and restore the backup of the db that the installer made05:45
JDStonehow do I reinstall 0.20.2?05:45
JDStonei don't know how to05:46
JDStonewhen xbmcmythtv tries to connect to the backend, the backend gives "unknown socket"05:47
rhpot1991use something like synaptec to remove the old one, then take out the backports sources and reinstall it all05:47
JDStoneand then the connection on xbmcmythv fails05:47
rhpot1991ya, cause 0.21 is protocol 4005:47
rhpot1991and thats looking for 31 IIRC05:47
JDStoneyeah, I noticed that05:47
JDStoneso, "apt-get remove mythtv"?05:48
JDStoneand then remove the backports sources05:48
JDStoneI'll try that, thanks05:48
rhpot1991ya, you should go read around first and make sure you shouldn't be backing some stuff up first though05:49
rhpot1991just incase things get deleted05:49
JDStonerhpot1991: doing my usual 'dist-upgrade' is what got me in this mess05:49
JDStonegood point, thanks05:49
rhpot1991.21 is nice though, I'd recommend you keep using it and wait for the xbmcmythtv guy to upgrade05:50
JDStoneI'd like to05:50
rhpot1991depends how badly you need those frontends working05:50
rhpot1991and how quickly05:50
JDStoneit's my only frontend05:50
rhpot1991last I checked the dude wasn't even answering forums posts05:50
rhpot1991and its a one man project05:50
JDStonethat's exactly what I was reading05:50
JDStoneyeah, I'm getting sick of using xbmcmythtv05:51
rhpot1991try doing upnp though, I think you can access all your media with that05:51
rhpot1991just not do any of the mythtv stuff05:51
rhpot1991might be a good temporary solution05:51
JDStoneI can access the media over samba05:51
JDStonejust fine05:51
JDStoneis that what you mean?05:51
rhpot1991well upnp does that all for you05:51
rhpot1991pretty much the same end results05:52
JDStonebut I can't use the xbmcmythtv frontend, right?05:52
rhpot1991would just be in xbmc05:52
JDStonemaybe I'll give that a try05:52
JDStonerhpot1991: wait, how will I know what I'm watching if the file names of the mythtv recorded shows are all named weird05:53
rhpot1991upnp might handle that for you, I'm not really sure05:54
rhpot1991try it and see, if not you can make a userjob to use the mythrename script in the contrib folder05:54
WcktKlwnis there a way to adjust the screen position?05:55
Killerkiwihas anybody tried irxkeys ? http://frodo.dyn.gno.org/~brettk/irxkeys05:58
JDStonewhat port does the UPnP server run on?06:02
JDStoneoh, wow!06:06
JDStoneI got it06:06
JDStonethanks rhpot1991!06:06
Killerkiwiok.... irxkeys works in sdl games...06:34
chrisorkwhat a nice morning. perfect to set up the new beta. :)07:07
nbagsWhen my mythbox is doing commercial flagging, watching live tv (or recordings) becomes jumpy. This is on a dualcore machine, and the commflagging doesn't even max out 1 cpu. I assume the jumpiness is from IO congestion. Is there anything I can do about this without having to buy more/faster drives?08:22
nbagsI've tried running 'ionice -c3' on the mythcommflag processes but that didn't seem to help08:22
nbagsi only have this problem with high-def recordings08:24
MUS4SHIIIanyone know how to get the switch_audio command to work in mplayer?08:50
Rigologood afternoon11:00
Rigoloanyone here using the weekly-build script locally (my_build_trunk.sh) in combination with pbuilder that can give me some help?11:01
=== MythbuntuGuest61 is now known as aSpastic
aSpasticIf install from a alternative CD..does it still have X? and MCC??11:55
lagaaSpastic: you'll have to install mythbuntu-desktop.. X should be there12:51
Rigololaga: can you give me some help with the weeklybuild scripts?12:52
RigoloI want to use those to compile my own version of mythtv with some patches applied to it12:52
lagaRigolo: what do you need to know?12:53
RigoloI can compile mythplugins , but mythtv gives an error with a patch in de debian/patches directory12:53
lagaRigolo: add that patch to PATCHES_TO_IGNORE.. it's in the script somewhere12:54
RigoloI would like to disable some patches (that can be done from the script) but also add patches12:54
RigoloHow can I add patches to debian/patches my self? automagically ofcourse :-)12:54
RigoloI looks like I need to add something to the generate_source_packages script to also include my own patches12:55
Rigolojust like the debian patches are added from the bzr repository12:55
lagaif you want to add patches, i suggest you bzr branch the mythtv-fixes branch, then add your patches (bzr add xx_my_patch.dpatch), then you tell the weekly build scripts about your new repo12:56
lagaso, you basically do:12:56
lagabzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mythtv/mythtv/mythtv-fixes12:56
lagacd mythtv-fixes/debian/patches/12:56
lagathen you read up on dpatch and how to create your own12:56
lagathen your add that dpatch you've just created to 00list12:57
lagathen you bzr add your patch12:57
lagathen you bzr commit to make your changes permanent12:57
aSpasticlaga..does the diskless thing in MCC auto create and start th tftp server?12:57
lagathen you set MYTHTV_BZR_BRANCH to your local branch, eg like file:///home/laga/dev/mythtv/packaging/mythtv-fixes12:58
lagaaSpastic: i hope so. it should be added to /etc/inetd.conf and ientd should be running12:58
lagaRigolo: that's a bit complicated, but the proper way of doing things12:58
Rigololaga: thanks ... that was exactly what I was looking for ...12:58
aSpasticlaga: thanks, will be setting it up tonight12:59
lagaRigolo: you can just patch the mythtv source locally, but changes like that tend to vanish once you rm -rf work/ ;)12:59
lagaaSpastic: let me know how it goes on the forums.12:59
Rigolobtw: patches/12_changeset_16483 can be removed .. it is already fixed in the latest revision12:59
lagaaSpastic: dhcp isn't set up automagically, so you'll have to do it yourself or use that usb stick thingy12:59
Rigolothat is the patch that did not apply when I tried to build myth12:59
lagaRigolo: you're semi-right on that one.. in ubuntu, we have 0.21 and cherry-pick patches.. so for ubuntu, it's still needed13:00
lagajust add it to PATCHES_TO_IGNORE13:00
aSpasticlaga: got that setup on my monowall box, so i am set13:00
lagaaSpastic: cool13:00
lagaRigolo: what patches do you need?13:01
Rigololaga: but the branch is calles mythtv-fixes .. should that then not be mythtv-021 or something13:01
lagaRigolo: i'll agree that the branch naming is confusing at best..13:01
Rigololaga .. the patch from janne from ticket 364013:01
Rigolono idea if it works against 0.21-fixes13:02
Rigoloit is already 8M old13:02
lagagood luck :)13:02
Rigolowell, you really need that patch in order to use mythtv with dvb-c here on the @home network in .nl13:03
lagastupid cable networks :/13:03
Rigolowell, that is debatable ... but I will just start testing that patch and then see what happens13:04
Rigolohopefully I can get it to work, and then see if we can get it fixed in trunk :-)13:04
Rigololaga: I have no experience with bzr, but after I have done my patch and the main repository get's updated, can I just do a bzr up to get the latest version? or will it start to complain about my updates?13:06
lagaRigolo: you can try 'bzr up'.. if it complains, use 'bzr mergE'13:07
lagathat should work, also i regularly f*** up when using bzr ;)13:07
lagasame applies to english. ;)13:08
Rigoloat least you know your regex :-)13:08
Rigoloany idea when 0.21-fixes weekly builds will start?13:09
lagano.. but i don't see why we shouldn't start uploading them soon13:09
Rigolotrunk is to adventures for me .. with the qt4 work still going on13:09
lagathe trunk build pushed up last night didn't build properly.. and i won't fix it until trunk stabilizes again13:10
Rigoloso the weekly builds will be then 0.21-fixes and trunk .. both for hardy? or do you still plan to also build for gutsy?13:10
lagaonly for hardy13:11
lagathey don't build out of the box for gutsy anymore :/13:12
Rigolookee, and btw, is there anything I need to do to update an alpha4 to beta? or is that just the install media that is in beta now? and a simple apt-get update/upgrade is enough13:12
lagayes, dist-upgrading should be enough13:13
Rigolookee, I need to dist-upgrade even to move from alpha4 to beta?13:13
lagaRigolo: dist-upgrading is always encouraged on 'unstable' distros13:14
Rigolowell, I will do that right now then ... let's see what breaks :-)13:16
lagaRigolo: if you don't *dist*-upgrade, new packages probably won't be installed.. eg new dependencies13:17
Rigololaga: how does pbuilder deal with that ... there you "just" tell it to use hardy13:18
lagaRigolo: sudo pbuilder update AFAIK ;)13:19
laganot sure if it dist-upgrades internally13:19
lagabut the pbuilder chroot is pretty minimal13:19
Rigololaga: does it retreive all the dep packages then each time you compile?13:19
lagaRigolo: no, they're saved in a tarball13:21
laganot the packages themselves, but the base system13:21
Rigololaga: okee. btw apt-get dist-upgrade does nothing here ...13:21
Rigolono new packages13:21
lagaRigolo: you're probably up to date then :)13:21
RigoloI would think so .. so a simple apt-get update/upgrade is enough then :-)13:22
Rigolowell, I need to do some shopping ... and then going to work on those patches ...13:22
RigoloI will let you know when it is working ... maybe you can add it to mythtv-fixes .. (most likely not, because you need to hard-code your network id in the source at the moment)13:23
lagait's a bank holiday today here ;)13:23
lagaRigolo: yeah, i doubt it we're gonna add that :/13:23
Rigololaga: here the shops are open untill 19:00 .. then on sat they are open .. but closed on sun, some are open on monday ... so you never know what is open when :-)13:24
lagagood luck then :)13:25
Rigololaga: this weekend I'm away anyway ... just take some days off (although I've been off for the last 5 weeks anyway: changing jobs and using those accrued holidays)13:26
* Rigolo is shopping13:26
aSpasticlaga: after install the beta on the server, and make the diskless image...how do i keep both uptodate?13:36
lagaaSpastic: you can do that in mythbuntu-control-centre.. in the diskless tab, start another mcc instance for the chroot and do you update there, then exit the second MCC and run "commit" in the first one13:54
lagacommitting the changes will take a while13:54
galorinI've got a combined frontend/backend that I am trying to add another frontend to.  I have most things done except for tv playback.  I've tried standard and xvmc; both lockup my additional frontend14:00
aSpasticthanks laga, sounds easy as14:03
lagayay, snow14:04
aSpasticwhere r u laga?14:10
aSpastic:( i want snow in Scotland14:20
EvilGuruI am considering playing around with Mythbuntu, however, I am interested if the installer supports LVM partitioning?15:57
lagause the alternate disk15:57
lagaand then install mythbuntu-desktop15:57
lagaor use the 8.04 beta which comes with an alternate disk15:58
tgm4883_laptopEvilGuru, i'd also point out that unless you already have LVM, or need it for some special case, that you could instead use storage groups15:58
EvilGurutgm4883_laptop: I also want to use it to hold my music/media files to be served over NFS, so LVM is quite nice for merging multiple disks15:59
tgm4883_laptopso you also want to use your music/media disks to capture recordings, or you want to have 1 large drive16:01
EvilGuruone large drive, which will be used for captured recordings, and my own media16:01
tgm4883_laptopok, lvm is probably what you want then.  Otherwise storage groups are really great to use16:02
EvilGuruSo I was thinking of 10GB for / and then the remaining space (320 * 2 - 10) for stuff16:02
EvilGurualthough, I am still unsure where I should mount this large LVM drive16:02
tgm4883_laptopunless you want to change all the default spots for music, movies, recordings, mount it at /var/lib/16:04
EvilGuruwould that also be a logical place to create a subdirectory such as music/ or movies/ to use as an NFS share?16:04
tgm4883_laptopwell actually, what you would want to do is16:05
tgm4883_laptopmount the drive at /var/lib/mythtv/16:06
tgm4883_laptopinside that dir, you should make dirs of16:06
tgm4883_laptopthose are the dirs that mythvideo, mythmusic and mythtv will use16:06
foxbuntuEvilGuru, I use one large LVm for everything as well but I mount to /mythtv16:06
tgm4883_laptop^^ is another option.  But in doing so you will have to change the location of where mythtv and plugins look16:07
JThundleyhmmm, mythvideo wants to remove mythdvd16:49
Shred00JThundley: yeah.  let it.  mythdvd was usurped into mythvideo16:51
JThundleyok, thanks16:56
=== tgm4883_laptop changed the topic of #ubuntu-mythtv to: Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv :: MythTV 0.21 is released. Please see http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/321398#321398 for information on switching to it :: Mythbuntu 7.10 Released :: See our website at http://www.mythbuntu.org :: Paste logs @ http://pastebin.ubuntu.com :: See http://www.mythbuntu.org/support for support information. Mythbuntu 8.04 Beta released. See the release page here http://www.mythbu
Aquahallicdoes mythbuntu hardy have an upgrade option from 7.10??17:18
AquahallicI took the .21 upgrade in Gutsy and it torched my nvidia-legacy drivers soo.. looks like they fixed that in Hardy17:20
Aquahallicso i have to upgrade to that now I guess17:20
Aquahallicunless they've fixed it in Gutsy now????17:20
Aquahallichmmm... does a secondary backend need mysql server installed??17:27
AquahallicOr just client17:27
gandalfcomeI am using mythbuntu with mythtv 0.21,I have oneproble,, when streamingvideo withflash I dont get audio. any ideas?17:35
rhpot1991_laptopgandalfcome: you need ffmpeg with libmp3lame enabled17:36
rhpot1991_laptopif you are on gutsy you can get it from medibuntu, if not you have to wait for them to make it available or build it yourself17:36
gandalfcomeyes I'm on gutsy, whats medibuntu17:37
rhpot1991_laptopdid you enable the codecs in MCC?17:39
gandalfcomemythtv controll center? I can only accessthis with mythweb. remote machine.17:40
rhpot1991_laptopcan you ssh in?17:42
gandalfcomethats a good idea17:44
gandalfcomeopening it now17:44
rhpot1991_laptopadd this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ gutsy free non-free"17:45
rhpot1991_laptopthen sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade17:46
rhpot1991_laptopand you should get a good version of ffmpeg17:46
gandalfcomealready done17:46
gandalfcomebut still no sound - i also upgraded the ffmpeg.do I need to restart the backend or so?17:46
rhpot1991_laptopdo this first17:47
rhpot1991_laptopffmpeg --version17:47
rhpot1991_laptopand see if it says --enabled libmp3lame anywhere17:47
gandalfcomeit does17:47
rhpot1991_laptopmight want to restart the box and try then if you can17:47
gandalfcomeFFmpeg version SVN-rUNKNOWN, Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Fabrice Bellard, et al.17:47
gandalfcome  configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-pp --enable-swscaler --enable-pthreads --enable-libvorbis --enable-libtheora --enable-libogg --enable-libgsm --enable-dc1394 --disable-debug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libfaadbin --enable-libfaad --enable-libfaac --enable-xvid --enable-x264 --enable-liba52 --enable-amr_nb --enable-amr_wb --enable-shared --prefix=/usr17:47
rhpot1991_laptopit should work at this point17:47
gandalfcomerestarting box, ey. Is there any other way?17:48
rhpot1991_laptopyou can try restarting the backend and apache, but to be honest I'm not sure why its not taking if something needs to be reset or something17:48
rhpot1991_laptopso restarting the box is a safe bet, if you can17:48
gandalfcomestill no sound18:02
gandalfcomei restarted the box18:02
gandalfcomeI also get error 255 when trying to transcode18:04
rhpot1991_laptopdid you try on more than one video18:04
rhpot1991_laptopand do you have sound with other things18:04
rhpot1991_laptopgoogle around and see what 255 is, I don't know about that18:05
gandalfcomei did,imlooking through the log now18:08
=== MythbuntuGuest76 is now known as chuk
=== chuk is now known as chuk1
chuk1is this step still needed for the diskless server with the current beta:18:09
chuk1Download an updated version of the mythbuntu-diskless LTSP plugin:18:09
=== MythbuntuGuest70 is now known as Troll
=== Troll is now known as Trollgaard
=== abarbacci1 is now known as abarbaccia
EvilGuruMy target system is a dual 1Ghz PIII, 512MB RAMBUS, GF4 MX something and a PVR-150 -- will this be quick enough for SDTV recording/playback?18:51
abarbaccia1GHz PIII should be good18:52
EvilGuruIt is dual18:52
EvilGuruEx-workstation system18:52
abarbacciao, even better - SDTV doesn't have very high requirements18:53
abarbacciaesp if you put xvmc on it, etc18:53
EvilGuruI doubt HDTV will be big over here for a while18:53
abarbacciawhere's "here"18:54
EvilGuruUK (England)18:54
abarbacciaah gotcha18:54
abarbacciahey laga you around?18:55
EvilGuruWhen I can I will upgrade to a dual DVB-T tuner18:56
EvilGuruWhat kind of decoding requirements are there for HDTV (out of interest)18:57
abarbacciaEvilGuru: the mythtv wiki has a good article on this topic19:06
EvilGuruI will take a look now19:06
cosmic_hi @ all19:15
cosmic_would anyone please be so kind to help me fixing this problem ? : http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/131663/19:16
cosmic_When i watch liveTV , then it looks bad19:17
cosmic_like not enough frames/sec19:17
cosmic_sorry for my bad english19:18
lagacosmic_: your video driver is broken, fix it19:27
cosmic_@ whitch point of the paste do you see that ?19:28
laga2008-03-21 20:10:06.949 VideoOutputXv Error: Could not find suitable XVideo surface.19:29
laga52008-03-21 20:10:06.950 VideoOutputXv: Falling back to X shared memory video output.19:29
laga112008-03-21 20:10:07.304 VideoOutputXv Error: GetRefreshRate(): X11 ModeLine query returned zeroes19:29
laga122008-03-21 20:10:07.335 VideoOutputXv Error: GetRefreshRate(): X11 ModeLine query returned zeroes19:29
laga^^ that's odd, too19:29
cosmic_would you please explain the meaning of "odd" ?!19:29
lagaassuming you're german: http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&lang=de&searchLoc=0&cmpType=relaxed&sectHdr=on&spellToler=on&search=odd&relink=on ;)19:30
cosmic_laga,  yes i am , thx for helping19:31
cosmic_it seems that i have to restart X , be back in a mom19:31
tuxfreak_anybody in here ?20:53
Tuv0k65 ppl plus you20:53
rhpot1991!ask | tuxfreak_20:53
ubotutuxfreak_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:53
tuxfreak_ok sorry. Im looking for a media center solution thtat is able to record tv play music and videos and to start games(supertux) is mythbuntu able to do that ?20:56
rhpot1991not sure about supertux, but everything else yes20:58
rhpot1991might be able to make mythgame do it, I've only ever done emulators in there20:59
tuxfreak_ok then il try to install it I come back if i have problems thx & cu21:13
abarbaccia...as if its that easy21:14
nico_good night from Scotland22:27
nico_laga, did anyting change in the Myth code recently regarding lcdproc usage?22:27
nico_Since I moved to Hardy, the display is acting differently and I get error messeages in syslog22:28
MythbuntuGuest93laga are you there?22:51
=== MythbuntuGuest93 is now known as aSpastic
grahamis there a way to cue videos to play in sequence?22:51
grahamlike a video playlist?22:51
grahamnico: any suggestions how?22:52
nico_when in the video manager, edit the file, and you can specify the next one to play22:53
nico_it is not a play list, but more like "when done playing this file, play this one next"22:53
nico_I think that if the files are named the same and using sequential final numbers it would do it automatically22:53
grahamthanks. can i set the player to automatically play through folders?22:55
lagaaSpastic: yes22:56
nico_graham, I'm not sure22:56
laganico_: no clue :)22:56
grahamlaga: so also in the video manager?22:57
lagaerr, sorry.22:57
* nico_ is battling Nova-T-500 disconnects that reappeared with 2.6.2422:57
aSpasticlaga: just about the diskless thing22:58
lagagraham: you meant nico_?22:58
lagaaSpastic: yeah22:58
nico_that card became so stable, back to square 122:58
laganico_: the nova t 500 must be a great piece of hardware :/22:58
aSpasticgot it booting, but when i click MCC on the server, nothing happens!22:58
nico_laga, I'm back on the v4l-dvb list, bugging the devs22:58
lagaaSpastic: you're the second person to report that.. can you run sudo /usr/share/mythbuntu-control-centre/bin/mythbuntu-control-centre, click 'mcc' and give me the output?22:59
nico_and I am stuck with nvidia, my TV sends crap modelines  to my Intel over HDMI :o(23:00
nico_I am not having a great time with my system ATM23:00
laganico_: are you camelreef?23:00
=== nico_ is now known as camelreef
lagai get tearing since upgrading to hardy.. i'll have to fix that23:01
camelreefI wuld be happy with tearing23:01
camelreefI think I have lost stability in my DVB-T tuners, and the remote too, on the same board23:01
camelreefI'm stuck with nvidia23:02
camelreefand Myth23:02
aSpasticlaga: no such file /sys/block23:02
camelreefand Myth acts weirdly as an lcdproc client23:02
camelreefyeah !23:02
lagaaSpastic: and when you click the mcc button?23:02
lagacamelreef: lcdproc isn't that crucial, though23:02
lagafor me at least.. i dont use it, actually ;)23:03
camelreefit serves no purpose, so it has to be there23:03
camelreefone of those things23:03
aSpasticwhen i run sudo.... it brings up MCC - then i click diskless, select amd64, then MCC, that is the error msg23:03
camelreefit used to work great23:03
lagaaSpastic: can you click 'terminal' and then run mythbuntu-control-centre inside the terminal?23:04
camelreefand the display truly changes the appearance of the case, from an ugly PC thing to an acceptable Media thing, and my wifes sees it like this, that is what counts (the brainwashing sessions worked)23:04
camelreefit even worked great with the Gutsy backport23:05
aSpasticErrno 2 - no such file... '/sys/block'23:05
lagayeah, distro upgrades never are painless :/23:05
lagaaSpastic: that's what you get when you click the 'Open Terminal' button?23:05
camelreeflaga, I could become insuting, there. but I never had distro upgrade issues with either Debian or Ubuntu until now23:06
aSpasticopen termial works....then type mythbuntu-control-centre23:06
aSpasticand get the /sys23:06
lagaaSpastic: does mythbuntu-control-centre launch?23:06
lagacamelreef: you're lucky then..23:06
camelreeflaga, I have multiple systems, some dating from Debian potato, some from the first Ubuntu, whatever its name was. Some were even transfered accross hardware as-is23:07
aSpasticOSError: [Errno2] no such file... '/sys/block'23:08
aSpasticthen gives me prompt23:08
camelreefthe original ubuntu install saw 3 laptops in it life, the office laptops23:08
camelreefthe debian package system and the quality control and release rules make the upgrades work23:09
lagacamelreef: yeah, but for things like breakage in the kernel...23:09
camelreefor lcdproc clients ?23:10
lagai always encounter problems when upgrading. i dont remember a upgrade where stuff didn't break.. i do have unusual setups which are not well tested, so it's to be expected.23:10
lagaaSpastic: that's odd.. let's see23:11
camelreefI tend to be conservative, maybe that os the difference23:11
aSpasticthe only thing i changed was in inetd.conf23:11
aSpasticadded /ltsp/amd64 onto the end on the tftpboot line23:11
camelreeflaga, I setup the mythexport stuff for the iPod Touch, I talked a bit with rh and solved a few things with him, I should order the iPod tomorrow23:12
lagaaSpastic: why did you do that? i don't think that's a smart idea23:12
lagacamelreef: cool23:12
lagai should get myself a mp3 gadget, too23:12
camelreeforder in the US, delivery in the US office, inter-office overnight FedEX to Aberdeen23:13
aSpasticit could not find the file otherwise23:13
aSpasticbut even before i changed it, i was getting the same error23:13
lagaaSpastic: yes, it's not related to the m-c-c error. you probably didn't set up your dhcpd correctly.. but that doesn't matter right now23:14
lagaaSpastic: does /opt/ltsp/amd64/sys/ exist?23:15
aSpastici can chane the dhcp to have the ltsp/amd64/pxelinux.0?? it exists but is empty23:15
lagaaSpastic: you can find example dhcpd configuration files in /usr/share/doc/ltsp-server/examples/23:16
lagaaSpastic: does /sys/block/ exist on the server?23:16
aSpasticyes hda etc ram0 - ram1523:18
lagaaSpastic: that's very odd. i wonder why it works for me.23:18
lagaaSpastic: what version of mythbuntu-control-centre do you use?23:19
camelreefanyway, good night23:19
aSpasticit is amd64 not i386, client boots to busybox login23:20
aSpasticbusybox prompt i mean23:20
aSpasticafter the mythbuntu graphical boot23:21
lagayes, you probably need to sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-diskless-server23:21
lagaand answer 'yes'23:21
lagathat will be fixed..23:21
lagaaSpastic: in what environment are you using mythbuntu-control-centre? gnome? anything special?23:21
aSpasticout of the box..tryng your fix..2 secs23:22
weiserHey, I have some anoying problem with my pvr. I have a pvr-500 with 2 tuners on, but sometime it wont to record on the tuner I watching livetv with, also when the other one is free. Anyone have a clue og a solution?23:23
aSpasticgot a new error cannot chroot to ltsp/...../i38623:24
lagaaSpastic: where?23:25
aSpasticwhen i click diskless>MCC...a terminal pops up23:26
aSpastictafter cannot chroot /opt/ltsp/i386  is says cannot delete /opt/ltsp/amd64.img23:27
aSpastici have to go to the PC in the hall and back, sorry if messages are vague23:27
lagaaSpastic: it'll only ever complain about not being able to delete things if you click the "delete image" button..23:27
aSpastici didnt click it...ill go do it again23:28
aSpasticthe /proc/9083/exe does not exist [Errno2]23:30
aSpasticsame with /sys/block23:30
aSpasticdidnt get the terminal window this time23:31
aSpasticonly get the message with /usr/share/mcc, not going Applications - MCC23:31
lagayeah, you usually don't see messages unless you start it in a terminal23:33
aSpasticjust trying to give you as much info as i can23:33
lagaaSpastic: i dont know where those messages are coming from and i can't fix them unless i know some context (text surrounding the messages) and the exact error messages. maybe you can gather them on your hall computer and then file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythbuntu-control-centre23:34
* laga scratches head23:35
aSpasticgive me 2 tics, ill try something23:37
aSpasticlaga, can i paste in here?23:43
lagaaSpastic: use a pastebin, eg www.pastebin.ca23:43
lagaaSpastic: great, thanks. that should be easy to fix, i'll do it tomorrow23:45
lagait's actually a miracle that it's working for me. very odd.23:45
aSpasticwhat is it thats wrong?23:46
lagaaSpastic: it's trying to populate the flash drive combo box in the diskless tab by reading from /sys/block/.. but /sys/block/ doesn't exist inside the diskless environment23:47
lagaso it's bombing out23:47
aSpasticah ic23:48
laganow i wonder why it doesn't happen here.. it's got to be magic23:48
aSpasticwould that explain why i get the mythbuntu logo on the client, then a busybox prompt?  or is that cos i dont have the backend started?23:49
lagaaSpastic: no, it's totally OK that /sys/block/ doesn't exist in /opt/ltsp/amd64/, it's only supposed to be populated on a running system..23:49
lagaaSpastic: have you done sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-diskless-server?23:50
aSpasticyep, not booted the client since then23:50
lagatry it now :)23:50
aSpasticgot kernel, then mythbuntu loading bar23:54
aSpasticjust flashing cursor now23:54
lagano output whatsoever?23:55
aSpasticnot yet...do i need to download that server file? like in the wiki, or is it now incorporated?23:55
lagawhat version of ltsp-server do you have on your server?23:56
laga5.0.40~bzr20080212-0ubuntu3 <- that's the one you will need. the _3_ at the end is important23:56
aSpastic dpkg -l | grep ltsp23:57
aSpastic 5.0.40~bzr20080212-0ubuntu323:57
lagayup, that's correct..23:57
lagaso, for debugging...23:57
aSpasticjust loaded to a busybox shell23:58
lagajust out of curiousity, can you pastebin /etc/inetd.conf?23:58
lagaaSpastic: cool. any error messages?23:58
aSpasticremove the quiet from pxeconfig?23:58
lagayes, and the splash as well23:58
aSpasticnope got a (initramfs) promt23:58
aSpasticonly added /ltsp/amd64 to top line23:59

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