[00:00] well i'm completely new to operating in a unix system so thats new to me :p i was wondering where apt was putting the files. [00:00] Well I installed the second card so the machine can work as firewall of sorts, so how would I configure it to pass traffic from my router to to hub on my LAN [00:00] TheSheep: complete text dump of the entire operation: http://pastebin.com/m626b2906 [00:01] Bisclaveret: apt puts them in /usr/lib/angband most likely, but since you're compiling your own version, it will go to /usr/local instead of /usr [00:02] Bisclaveret: try ./configure --with-libpath=/usr/local/lib/angband [00:03] Bisclaveret: then try to run /usr/local/bin/angband [00:12] they think the problem is something from fiesty that prints the command not found string thats preventing the executable from running [00:13] Bisclaveret: have you tried running '/usr/local/bin/angband' ? [00:13] Ok, I setup both network cards with the same settings, since only one is connected, and I'm not sure which one that is, but I still can't connect to anything. [00:14] Lokian: disable one of them [00:14] TheSheep: How do I do that? [00:14] Lokian: there are checkboxes next to them in the config [00:14] TheSheep: Ok, I thought that might be their function. Thanks. === Lokian_ is now known as Lokian1 [00:35] and now firefox just crashed. [00:35] how do i kill it? [00:36] killall -9 firefox [00:36] or use the system->system monitor [00:36] i manage to crash the stablest things, it's just me :p [00:37] Bisclaveret: did that command work? [00:37] Bisclaveret: the one with /usr/local? [00:42] How/where do I get a taskbar for xubuntu like windows has? [00:42] no, apparently i'l need to ./configure --with-setgid=games --with-libpath=/usr/local/games/lib/angband [00:43] according to the developer [00:43] Lokian: right click on a panel, select 'add item', select taskbar plugin from the list [00:44] Bisclaveret: edit /etc/environment and add /usr/local/bin to your PATH, then relog [00:46] TheSheep: Ok, thanks again! [00:47] ah, is that how linux does path= statements? [00:48] can someone help me out for a minute [00:49] ive put xubuntu on two computers [00:49] one thats pretty old [00:49] and one thats farely new [00:49] and it runs smoother and faster on the older one [00:49] why? [00:50] ? [00:51] Sl4y3r: one possibility is that the newer one has a graphics card that is poorly supported, and it fell back to the generic "vesa" driver [00:51] Sl4y3r: which is slow [00:52] yeah [00:52] but its wierd [00:52] TheSheep:Um, what is a panel? [00:52] he has the same modem i do from sbc [00:53] a motorola [00:53] and his network is slower too [00:53] Sl4y3r: Lokian1 the strips at the top and bottom of your screen [00:53] like firefox takes forever to load [00:53] for some reason xubuntu fell back to 'intel' for mine because 'i810' doesn't work right in terminal. i get multiple colorstripes [00:53] TheSheep: I don't have any strips, just a desktop with a few icons [00:53] lokianl? [00:53] Bisclaveret: I believe that 'intel' is a newer driver than 'i810' [00:54] Lokian1: can you press alt+f2 and type 'xfce4-panel' in there, then press enter? [00:54] o [00:55] it says 'intel' is experimental [00:55] TheSheep: Ok, that worked! How can I get it to stay like that when I log in again thou? [00:55] Bisclaveret: yes, and also newer :) [00:55] Lokian1: save your session when logging out [00:55] Lokian1: it will be remembered [00:56] TheSheep: Ok, how do I save my session? [00:56] Lokian1: be sure to uncheck that 'save session' checkbox on next logout though, weird things somethimes happen when you save session every time [00:56] we need to start buying TheSheep shots at this point [00:56] Lokian1: when you log out, there is a window with a checkbox for that [00:56] TheSheep: OK, thank you very much! [00:56] Bisclaveret: did you add /usr/local/bin to your PATH? [00:57] Sl4y3r: can you check what graphics card you have on the slow computer? [00:57] hi all [00:57] hi Radlager [00:57] its at my dads [00:58] is where any way to switch (x)ubunutu to iso8859-x? [00:58] TheSheep: it's already added [00:58] PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games" [00:58] Radlager: in your language preferences [00:59] Radlager: there should be two versions of your locale, one with -utf8 and one without [00:59] Radlager: but I'd encourage using utf8 [00:59] TheSheep: I only can find utf-8 and utf-8 with euro symbol where [01:00] Radlager: which locale? [01:00] yes utf-8 would be fine, if the rest of the world would use it, and finally somebody would _really_ utf-ing the console [01:00] Bisclaveret: is there 'angband' binary in /usr/local/bin? [01:00] I would like to have ISO-8859-1 or 15 (western europe, with or without euro symbol) [01:00] Bisclaveret: or is it in /usr/local/angband/bin ? [01:01] Radlager: if you mean the terminal emulator, it supports utf great. if you mean utf-ing the text mode, it's not really possible without framebuffer enabled [01:02] Radlager: what language/locale do you use? [01:02] TheSheep: utf-8 with euro [01:02] Radlager: that's a strange language [01:03] Radlager: most people would speak English or something [01:03] actually I am more on the FreeBSD side, but the (x)ubuntu guys are doing a great job and it's the perfect system for my wife [01:03] TheSheep: I dont speak utf-8 :) actually most of the time German [01:04] lol [01:04] which is the problem, we have some funny symbols like ö ä ü [01:04] Radlager: ok, and there is no de_DE locale on your system? [01:05] i have 2 computers running the same xubuntu kernel and ones alot slower [01:05] could it be caused from the other one needing a non-generic kernel? [01:05] TheSheep: yes of course: de_DE.utf-8 (@ euro) [01:05] Sl4y3r: you already said that, and yes, a slow graphics card driver would make everything seem slow [01:06] Radlager: what do you get from 'locale -a' [01:06] dont think its the graphics card or i wouldnt have asked a second question [01:06] Sl4y3r: there are also other possibilities, but I can't think of anything especially likely [01:06] long live the esszet [01:06] Sl4y3r: you could check in the system monitor if there is some process taking up the cpu [01:07] Bisclaveret: how did you know? :P [01:07] TheSheep: de_DE.utf-8 something, there is no GUI way to get rid of the utf-8, I was just wondering, if there is an non gui way [01:07] Radlager: yes, 'export LANG=de_DE' in /etc/environ, *provided* that you have that locale installed [01:08] TheSheep: i was born in Stuttgart but I don't know the language half-well :p [01:08] TheSheep: doesn't work, I found that position already [01:08] Radlager: does 'locale -a' show it? [01:09] a there it is: ß [01:09] de_De would only change the behavior of things like three and half liter are in Germany written as 3,5 (not 3.5) [01:09] it is still a utf-8 machine, with iso8859 it doesn't work [01:10] Radlager: that's LC_NUMERIC [01:10] of course I could live with utf-8, but if I log into a remote ISO machine, I am not able to use German Umlaute [01:10] RedHeron: LANG will change the encoding [01:11] Huh? [01:11] RedHeron: that's not true, if the remote machine is configured properly ssh will translate the encodings [01:11] TheSheep: yes an LC_MONETARY etc also programs with NLS suddenly talk German to me, but it is a utf-8 machine still [01:11] You're not talking to me, then. [01:12] RedHeron: ah, sorry [01:12] np, just thought I'd find out who was beeping me. ;-) [01:12] Radlager: you can change encoding temporarily for one program by running 'export LANG=de_DE' before running that program [01:13] Radlager: for exmaple, 'export LANG=de_DE; xterm' will start xterm in iso-8859-1 mode [01:14] TheSheep: yes, but it is all time a work around, actually the most comfortable way is to use putty, where you can easily save the the charset and used font [01:14] Radlager: but all this will only work if you actually have that locale installed, so can you tell me already if you do? [01:15] Radlager: you can also edit the .dmrc file in your home directory [01:15] TheSheep: iI most get downstairs for it to check and pick up another glas of wine on the way, brb [01:15] .dmrc ??? [01:15] Radlager: it's where the default settings from your login are stored [01:16] dmrc first hit on google ... Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd ... shit [01:16] Radlager: just edit that file with a text editor, it should be evident === Lokian1_ is now known as Lokian [01:22] Say, is there a website that has video guides to using Ubuntu and linux in general? [01:23] TheSheep, okay on my system are only de_DE locaes in /usr/lib/locale/ [01:23] Lokian: not sure about video, but there is the ubuntu desktop guide [01:24] utf8-Radlager: does 'locale -a' show them? [01:24] Lokian : http://www.ubuntuvideo.com/roblimos_downloading_ubuntu_tutorial [01:25] keb: Thanks! [01:25] np [01:26] good night everyone [01:26] ni [01:26] TheSheep, I think I have it: /var/lib/locales/supported.d/de [01:27] echo "de_DE@euro ISO-8859-15" >> /var/lib/locales/supported.d/de && dpkg-reconfigure locales [01:28] brb, I am checking [01:32] it works! [01:33] thanks a lot TheSheep [02:05] hello [02:23] I just installed xubuntu [02:23] but i have no sound [02:23] any ideas === Lokian__ is now known as Lokian [02:42] hey [02:42] i have xubuntu fresh install on an Acer Aspire 7720-6569 [02:42] I have no sound at all [02:42] Any idea? [02:47] :( [02:54] Nobody? [03:11] Hello? [03:18] How do I enable XDMCP in xubuntu? [03:29] nevermind [03:29] Anyone home? === Lokian__ is now known as Lokian [03:51] How do I figure out my IP? [04:08] Oh no, it's...it's...the Colnel! [05:57] Hi; anyone able to help me get ATI/DRI support with a HD3850 ? [05:58] dual screen support... ? === zoredache_ is now known as zoredache [06:59] How do I set up my xubuntu machine to allow traffic to pass thru it? [07:00] !firestarter | Lokian [07:00] Lokian: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [07:00] of course personally I prefer using firehol, but firestarter is the more popular choice [07:01] But I don't want to use a firewall, I'm using moblock [07:05] well you will need to use at least parts of the netfilter infrastructure to get get things going [07:05] ok [07:06] read through the howto, and/or look up iptables/netfilter on google [07:06] ok thanks === cody-somerville changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Xubuntu 7.10 Released: http://xubuntu.org/get | Xubuntu 8.04 Beta Released, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/BetaAnnouncement/Xubuntu === cody-somerville changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Xubuntu 7.10 Released: http://xubuntu.org/get | Xubuntu 8.04 Beta Released, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/BetaAnnouncement/Xubuntu - i386 alternative broken [08:02] Hi , when I restart my system time change :( anybody know why that happened ? === jandark is now known as Jandark[AwAy] [08:18] jandark you might not have a cmos battery or it might be dead [08:56] Anyone home? === Jandark[AwAy] is now known as Jandark [10:30] slimjimflim, mmm just houres changed and days did not change [10:53] hey [10:53] i have an xubuntu laptop but there is no sound [10:53] any ideas [10:54] Dougal, What version of Xubuntu? [10:54] *Dougy [10:55] Uhm [10:55] The latest one off the site [10:56] 7.10 [10:56] :) [10:57] Dougy, Internal or external speakers? [10:57] internal [10:57] on a laptop [10:58] Can you paste the output of lsmod snd? [10:58] err.. [10:58] lsmod | grep snd [10:59] i booted into livecd to reload it [10:59] will doing it via lcd work [10:59] live cd [11:00] The live cd works fine? [11:00] no sound [11:00] but i mean will it affect the output whether its booted after installed to hdd [11:00] or if i do it off of livecd it'll give same output (lsmod | grep snd) [11:00] If it doesn't work on the live it won't magically work when installed [11:00] Yes, it will give the same output [11:00] www.pastebin.com/m1ea3a80c [11:01] Says that post doesn't exist [11:01] http://pastebin.com/m1ea3a80c [11:01] even [11:01] yeah, try second url [11:01] imma reload it now so i can get it to work [11:02] Try changing the sound system from alsa to oss [11:02] well, have a fresh bas [11:02] e [11:02] how would i do that [11:02] System > Preferences > Sound [11:03] system -> pref doesnt exist [11:03] Are you sure? [11:03] Yes. There's the one drop down, Applications [11:03] under System [11:03] there is no preferences [11:03] Oh, sorry [11:04] lol [11:04] Open up the mixer [11:04] And select the device from the menu [11:04] settings -> mixer? [11:04] open [11:05] You can select the device in there [11:05] Ok, I opened it, and chose device #0: HDA Intel [11:05] and its Master,0 [11:07] * Dougy just does the install [11:07] ill tweak after install [11:07] cody-somerville, what do i do after i choose it [11:08] Try increasing the volume? [11:08] Play the music in the examples file [11:09] doesn't work [11:09] What is the laptop model? [11:10] Acer Aspire 7720-6569 [11:15] :) [11:19] cody-somerville, any further ideas [11:20] Dougy, no sorry [11:20] It should work [11:20] Should, but doesn't :( [11:21] Anyone else have any ideas? [11:21] cody-somerville: is there an easy way to switch to oss and try it? [11:23] What kind of sound card does the laptop? [11:27] sec [11:28] dont know [11:28] googling [11:29] !sound | Dougy [11:29] Dougy: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [11:30] ty [11:31] my laptop isnt on their friggin site [11:31] wtf [11:32] there is no file -> [11:32] wtf [11:33] cody-somerville, lspci says its an Intel Corporation 82801 HD audio [11:34] cody-somerville, http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Intel I'm an ICH8 [11:34] there is none there. [11:37] Dougy, http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2007/10/19/getting-intel-ich8-family-rev-3-sound-card-to-work-in-gutsy/ [11:39] Dougal, Enable backports in the Software Sources and install the linux-backports-modules-generic package [11:39] *Dougy [11:39] * Dougy tries [11:40] * Dougy reboots laptop [11:42] k [11:42] ill test in a while [12:10] cody-somerville, trying now [12:16] nope [12:19] may anyone tell me if it is possible [12:19] to get an xubuntu working [12:19] without any window manager [12:19] just X11 [12:20] sure, but that kinda defeats the purpose of xubuntu [12:20] Lol. [12:20] so to say: a minimized version for an embedded device... [12:20] ablomen, do you have any idea about my issue [12:20] Dougy, no idea sorry, never had problems with sound myself [12:20] : [12:21] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller [12:21] i'm trying that [12:21] horvatj73, just use debian for that [12:21] or ubuntu server edition if you really want the ubuntu repo's [12:22] Dougy, lol ehm its a pretty big list, you have to be more specific [12:22] okay, I'll give it a try (ubuntu server ed) [12:23] ablomen, i tried #2 [12:23] the build alsa [12:23] now the volume control has like 7 options instead of three [12:23] so that must've worked [12:24] but? [12:24] no sound [12:24] hmm well i really have no idea sorry [12:24] you could try asking in #ubuntu [12:25] there are a "few" more people there ;) [12:25] got one more idea. [12:25] then i will [12:27] got it [12:27] :) [12:28] for an acer laptop when there is no sound [12:28] edit /etcin /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base [12:28] add [12:28] options snd-hda-intel model=acer [12:28] :) [12:29] hi all, congrats on the nice xubuntu distro. This has been asked before I'm sure, but can somebody give me an update on when thunar will include network browsing? [12:30] Does it depend on the new gnome-vfs? [12:34] Thanks ablomen and cody-somerville [12:34] :) [12:35] cody-somerville, much appreciated [12:35] keep that fix in mind, might help someone else in need one day :) [12:35] thanks again guys, i owe you [12:37] thanks for coming in [12:37] cody-somerville, one quick question [12:37] how do you screenshot in xfce :) [12:38] Add the screenshot panel applet [12:38] and click it [12:53] Hallo [12:53] bin grad am googlen wie man bei acroread die Pfadangabe richtig zum Printserver cups setzt [12:54] i'm really sorry, but i only speak english [12:55] ah okay [12:55] What language is that? Malay? [12:56] i am searching for the config to printing server cups in program acroread [12:57] there is a choice in acroread direct to the printer, but i need this link to cups [13:03] maxamillion, Coming to the Xubuntu meeting on Wednesday? [13:03] maxamillion, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2008-March/005242.html [13:03] cody-somerville: maybe === Mattz is now known as MatBoy [15:47] I'm surprised at how much faster the torrent download for the Xubuntu Hardy Beta. 15 KB/s for the server, 300 KB/s bittorrent :) [15:49] theunixgeek: torrent is a wonderful thing [15:49] theunixgeek: what torrent client you use? [15:50] maxamillion: transmission on os x :) [15:50] maxamillion: that's where I need to run the emulator for xubuntu [15:50] maxamillion: but I'm talking to you right now from my ubuntu desktop [15:51] theunixgeek: ah ok [15:51] theunixgeek: well if you are ever looking for a torrent client for linux, i recommend deluge torrent :) [15:53] maxamillion: I'll google it :) [15:53] theunixgeek: okies :) ... i just really like it and think others would too so i attempt to advertise for it whenever i am able [15:54] :) [15:54] Xubuntu 8.04 has Transmission built into it [15:55] hi, anyone have an idea how xubuntu 7.10 will run on a 455mhz 128mb machine? I'm getting the alternate cd right now because it froze at livecd session when i tried it [15:55] you got it right, use the altCD [15:55] TMN: I'd try to upgrade your ram [15:55] your computer doesn't have enough RAM to support the Live CD [15:56] TMN: the live installer needs 192mb of ram to work, but the alternate installer will be fine and once its installed it should perform wonderfully but since there is a small amount of ram you will have some lag when launching "heavier" programs [15:56] * cody-somerville notes that someone told him today that the memory consumption is down in 8.04. [15:57] ok. maybe i can take one from downstairs [15:57] thanks [15:57] is there no livesession installer for 8.04 beta? [15:58] cody-somerville: you wanna take that one? .... i haven't been involved in the development process in over a year [15:58] cody-somersville: I can agree with that. I'm running 8.04a3 and it runs so nicely on my low RAM lappy [15:58] There is a live cd for 8.04, yes. [15:59] i mean non-live cd installer [15:59] xubuntu ran so much nicer before jani slaped it with half the gnome-libs in existance >.> [15:59] * maxamillion grumbles off [16:00] Adding the gnome-libs had minimal performance impact [16:00] The performance slow down was from the core ubuntu getting slower [16:00] Specifically, font rendering and the like [16:00] i think 8.04 fixes that [16:01] People will have to do tests to determine that [16:01] However, people are reporting 8.04 is faster than 7.10 [16:02] much [16:02] i like it [16:02] it fixes the lag my lappy had with my keyboard [16:02] it also boots up quicker [16:03] cody-somerville: well that's good [16:03] However, I've successfully removed openoffice.org from being shipped today so I'm happy :) [16:04] oooo, good good [16:04] been reverted back to abiword and gnumeric? [16:04] Well, we had been using that, yes. [16:04] but openoffice.org was being included in the cd [16:04] I've managed to rid the cd of it [16:04] so more space for other stuff! :) [16:05] the live install CD? [16:06] ok, so I'm sorta newish to xfce and I'm trying to install a different icon theme, I made a ~/.icons directory and extracted the theme zip file into there, but when I go to change my icon themes, it isn't showing up. I did this on my laptop and it worked just fine with this same theme but my desktop won't do it, anyone have any ideas? [16:08] hi all. [16:08] hello [16:08] any ideas what's going on with my icon theme anyone? [16:09] K4k: you don't need to do all that [16:09] K4k: not sure why that didn't work, but you could always just extract it in /usr/share/icons/ as root (make sure to set the permissions to the directory to match the others though) [16:09] It should work [16:09] !icons-theme [16:09] !icons [16:09] K4k: open up the theme manager and drag the .tar.gz or whatever into the window. [16:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about icons-theme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:09] * cody-somerville sighs. [16:09] Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) [16:09] theunixgeek, I tried that and it didn't work... [16:09] maxamillion, I put it in there too after it didn't work in ~/.icons [16:10] K4k: never mind then [16:10] maxamillion, want to do me a favour? [16:10] maxamillion, lemme check the permissions though [16:10] cody-somerville: shoot [16:10] K4k: okies [16:10] maxamillion, Will you see if the the beta for Xubuntu live cd will load with 128mb of ram [16:10] cody-somerville: yup, got a url for the download? [16:11] maxamillion, it's in there with the same permissions [16:11] http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/hardy/beta/ [16:12] K4k: interesting .... [16:12] maxamillion, yea, do there have to be any special permissions on ~/.icons? [16:13] K4k: there shouldn't be, if you unpack as your user into a directory your user owns then you should have full permissions on it [16:13] cody-somerville: wow that mirror is horribly slow [16:13] maxamillion, that's what I thought...hmm [16:13] cody-somerville: i'm sitting at about 60k/s ... i pulled an image from mirrors.kernel.org at like 8mb/s an hour ago [16:15] maxamillion, want to try a different mirror? [16:15] cody-somerville: sure [16:15] what country? [16:17] maxamillion, the only thing I saw out of the ordinary was that the directory for the icons was owned by root, so I changed that to my user but it's still not there, I'm going to keep looking though, i think it's a permissions issue [16:17] hmmm... that is strange [16:18] I know why though, I was root when I unpacked it [16:18] * K4k smacks head [16:18] :D [16:18] * maxamillion has done that before [16:18] accept on a server [16:19] spent hours trying to figure out what was wrong just to find out the process owner couldn't access its config file [16:19] haha [16:19] can you do chown -r? [16:19] to change the owner of the dir and all contents? [16:20] o, it's -R, nvm [16:20] grrr, still can't see it [16:28] maxamillion, how goes it? [16:28] cody-somerville: slow and steady [16:28] hi, is the ISO still overweight? [16:29] why can't you use the development feature to update to Hardy Beta? [16:29] alex_mayorga: no [16:30] The alternative i386 iso is overweight [16:30] HACKhalo2: because i don't run xubuntu, i left the project over a year ago ... i just hand out in the channel because i like the community [16:30] cody-somerville: my mistake [16:30] ah [16:30] i was just saying as if the ISO was overweight, why not do it within Xubuntu [16:31] instead of using a CD? [16:31] HACKhalo2: i used to be a contributor to project development, documentation, etc.. but some internal things went wrong and i decided to leave but i still help out when cody-somerville asks me too because he and i are friends [16:31] :) [16:31] :) [16:32] i get that [16:32] what im saying is why not update Xubuntu within Xubuntu? [16:32] HACKhalo2: because i don't have xubuntu, i have to download it first [16:32] I'm asking him to try the live cd in a VM limited to 128mb of ram [16:32] using the development flag when running the update manager [16:33] HACKhalo2: i think i might be misunderstanding what you are asking of me [16:33] in general, not towards anyone [16:33] * cody-somerville is already running Hardy :) [16:33] HACKhalo2: oh, you could just edit you /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade and everything would in theory be perfectly fine [16:33] s/you/your [16:34] are you asking if you can upgrade? The answer should be yes... [16:34] right [16:34] HACKhalo2: i wouldn't recommend using the update manager to do it though, i would edit the sources.list and use apt-get .... less possibility of things going wrong [16:34] basically saying, if the ISO was unsuable, couldn't you just update within Xubuntu [16:34] ah [16:35] HACKhalo2: yes, you could [16:35] Actually, the update-manager is generally safer [16:35] It is "smart" [16:35] and i'm not that Unix savy in order to use apt-get [16:35] * cody-somerville nods. [16:35] Use the update-manager [16:36] which i use with the -d flag [16:37] i just can't update now because my lappy charger took a dump [16:37] cody-somerville: accept that its often bug-ridden [16:37] update-manager --devel-release will update you to 8.04 [16:38] i did update-manager -d to update to 8.04a3 [16:38] -d is probably short for --devel-release [16:38] maybe [16:39] It is [16:39] i just did what the wiki told me to [16:39] update-manager -d and update-manager --devel-release do the same thing [16:39] wiki is generally good about sending you in the right direction [16:40] i just need to figure out how to get the source code for the Xfce4-battery-plugin [16:40] why? [16:40] the command is apt-get source xfce4-battery-plugin btw [16:41] i want to dabble in coding [16:41] Okay [16:41] make it like the GNOME counterpart [16:42] there is also links to the source packages from packages.ubuntu.org [16:43] that confuses the hell outta me [16:43] lol [16:47] what confuses you? [16:48] the whole packages part of ubuntu [16:48] i tried that once [16:49] HACKhalo2: if you are into learning you might take a look at ack [16:49] i already have a decent PHP background [16:49] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFzPrzY2KFM - Anatomy Of A Debian Package [16:50] oh [16:50] sorry, my clipboard didn't have what I wanted in it [16:51] that was a neat leacture a guy did a google that went over how exactly a package is made and how to work with it [16:52] ah [16:54] or if learn more by reading, check out the debian new maintainers guide [17:23] maxamillion, how goes it? [17:24] cody-somerville: only at 29% downloaded [17:25] :( [17:25] cody-somerville: i have downloaded 2 dvd images while this has been running [17:25] cody-somerville: it won't go over 60kb/s [17:25] try a different mirror? [17:25] cody-somerville: i don't have one [17:25] just use the ones from xubuntu.org/get [17:30] ah ok [18:20] * cody-somerville ponders. [18:20] Whats with all the clones? [18:20] * cody-somerville pokes Pumpernickel. [18:40] Must be connection issue [18:51] I installed Xubuntu, but it does not start the X server. I changed some settings in xorg.conf, as part of a trying. How do I start X manyally now? [18:54] wow xubuntu 8.04 download is slooow [18:55] alex_mayorga, I'll update the list of mirrors [18:56] cody-somerville: even the torrent is slow [18:56] it reports there are 11 hours to go :( [18:58] hi [19:00] hello [19:07] Okay [19:07] Release announcement updated with 15 new mirrors [19:20] besnik_b: gdm or kdm or startx [19:21] or xdm or startxfce or startkde or telinit 5 (depending on your distro) [19:24] "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"? :) [19:28] hi guys [19:28] could someone help me??? [19:28] could someone help me??? [19:28] !ask [19:28] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [19:29] whooo what a chann... [19:29] ^^ [19:29] so [19:30] i installed ndiswrapper with my driver's inf file on it but i still dontt have wifi and iyt worked when i had ubuntu [19:31] how did you install xubuntu? (I'm assuming that's what you have) [19:31] live cd [19:33] does iwconfig give you any interfaces that have wireless extensions? [19:33] i'll just type iwconfig and copy you what he gives me [19:33] copy it to pastebin, so you don't flood the channel. [19:34] http://pastebin.com/ [19:34] elia@elia-laptop:~$ iwconfig [19:34] lo no wireless extensions. [19:34] eth0 no wireless extensions. [19:34] eth1 IEEE 802.11b/g ESSID:off/any Nickname:"Broadcom 4311" Mode:Managed Access Point: Invalid RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Link Quality=0/100 Signal level=-256 dBm Noise level=-256 dBm Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 [19:34] elia@elia-laptop:~$ [19:34] woops [19:34] didn't read this before i pasted it [19:34] sorry [19:35] it's detecting your wireless card, eth1. in your panel do you have the network manager running? [19:36] dunno i'm using the cable right now [19:37] but my wifi light th'ats suposed to beblue isn't [19:37] it should still show up in your panel. [19:37] it should... [19:37] but i don't see anything [19:37] in a terminal type 'nm-applet' [19:38] does anything new show up in your panel? [19:38] i don't have anything [19:39] my nick}@comuter doesn't appear neither after that [19:40] well, a new instance is running, it's still attached to that terminal so it shouldn't return you to the prompt [19:40] brb [19:41] uh?? what do i have to do? [19:44] pff tired.. i'll just leave that for tomorow and whatch a stupid thing at the tv to to relax my poor head tht is in hollyday since last weak [19:44] bye [20:03] I'm having a problem [20:03] I have music cd's [20:03] and i get a mount error when i try to put it in and read it [20:04] mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only [20:04] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0, [20:34] The Xubuntu alternative cds are now available for 8.04 Beta for testing. [20:35] Feel free to help test them out at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/xubuntu/all [20:35] Once we get enough successful reports, we'll be able to release the alternative image :) [20:36] The ISOs can be found at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/ [20:38] I'll see what i can do about install it on my sandbox this evening. [20:40] cody-somerville, when to use alternate? [20:41] alex_mayorga, hmm? [20:43] I'm planning to install xubuntu for my mom on and old pentium II machine and I wonder if 8.04 would break for her [20:44] also the downloads from the mirrors are also very slow, so seem I've seetled with the 7.10 torrent [20:46] !alternate [20:46] The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal [20:54] guardro: are you recommending alternate for my use case [20:55] I just posted that as what the alternate cd install actually is, I would suggest trying the livecd since it's generally easier to work with. then if that doesn't work try the alternate or minimal cd. [21:00] gaurdro: thanks on your suggestion [21:02] You need atleast 192mb of ram to install with the live cd [21:04] we have 256 I believe [21:06] Okay. [21:14] hm [21:14] is there a good app like WMP for Linux [21:14] i'd like it to rip music from a CD and store it [21:14] and playbakc [21:14] playback [21:14] audacius? [21:14] Ah, no idea [21:15] That's something they need [21:16] a big mainstream one for Linux. [21:17] Ok [21:17] douglas, have you tried rythmbox or kaffeine? [21:17] Det var aldeles för enkelt att ta bort panelerna så det blev svårt att göra det :p [21:18] Sorry, posted in wrong channel. [21:21] nein [21:21] nien [21:21] ser gut [21:21] einz svie drei [21:21] Nicht deutsch :) [21:22] oh [21:22] fier f [21:22] sweedish? [21:22] English :) [21:22] Yes, im swedish :P [21:22] aha [21:22] But the language here is English :) [21:22] ok [21:22] yes [21:22] i don't know any swedish words [21:23] 'hey lets go down to the fyord' [21:23] lol [21:23] no? [21:23] no [21:23] Okej, here is some: "Hej" = "Hello" , "Hej Då" = "Bye Bye".. [21:23] douglas: you can rip music with sound juicer [21:23] fyord? [21:24] hey i'm in the wrong channel too [21:24] no wonder i don't know any of you [21:24] Try [21:24] xubuntu- your country language [21:30] TheSheep: RhythmBox seems to do [21:31] glad [22:17] What is the ubuntu site where you can rate the idea to be implemented or have it worked on more in a future release? [22:19] Basically like 'digging' a story, you can increase or decrease the rating/popularity [22:20] charding: I suspect you are thinking of brainstorm http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/ [22:21] zoredache_: yes, thanks === zoredache_ is now known as zoredache [22:44] sup peoples [22:56] sup? [22:56] Sup as the swedish word for get drunk= [23:13] Hi all [23:15] Can anyone tell me how to set up VNC on my xubuntu machine and be able to connect to it from MS windows? [23:15] !vnc | Lokian [23:15] Lokian: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [23:16] Kinky, thanks