
apachelogger\sh_away: thanks for the revu :)00:17
ScottK2awen_: I don't find it in any way superior to apt.  The times it can figure out a path that apt can't, I can manage and that's no real benifit compared it aptitude's cache getting confused and insisting my entire kde needs to be removed (has happened to me).00:19
awen_ScottK2: I use both of them for different purposes... the aptitude safe-upgrade is good when running alpha and an upgraded package with missing dependencies is precent in the archive; and the console interface for looking at packages is also nice00:22
apacheloggerRiddell: gtk-qt-engine-kde4 is in the queue https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=gtk-qt00:22
ScottKapt-get dist-upgrade gets you the same thing.00:22
awen_ScottK: you mean that apt-get upgrade = aptitude safe-upgrade ?00:23
ScottKIt used to be called aptitude dist-upgrade until the aptitued devs changed it for reasons that completely escape me.00:25
awen_ScottK: aptitude still has dist-upgrade ... {safe|full|dist}-upgrade00:26
* awen_ now sees that full-upgrade and dist-upgrade are synonyms00:28
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ForzaPalermoanyone know how ot get system-config-samba with kde4?02:53
nosrednaekimForzaPalermo: install the kde3 system settings.02:54
ForzaPalermonosrednaekim, ?02:55
ForzaPalermohow do i do that?02:55
nosrednaekimwait... is that the kde3 system settings module, or the gnome module?02:56
ForzaPalermoit uses gnome02:57
ForzaPalermohad no problem with kde302:57
ForzaPalermoloads fine02:57
ForzaPalermohere it asks for my root password02:57
ForzaPalermothen nothing02:57
nosrednaekimForzaPalermo: ah.. right, run it from the command line with "kdesudo <appname>"02:57
ForzaPalermokde 4 has been nothing but headaches :(02:59
ForzaPalermoany other ideas?03:01
nosrednaekimForzaPalermo: if its a gtk app, try running it with gksu03:01
ForzaPalermona,  wont load03:02
ForzaPalermothere any debs around for the svn kde4.103:05
nosrednaekimnot yet03:05
nosrednaekimyou could go use debian though03:05
ForzaPalermowhat do u mean?03:05
ForzaPalermothe distro?03:05
ScottK2Is this Gutsy or Hardy?03:05
nosrednaekimdebain has 4.1packages03:05
nixternaldebian don't have theirs up yet if they are working on them03:05
ForzaPalermothose packages work with kubuntu?03:06
ScottK2The Debian 4.1 snapshots aren't actually in Debian yet.03:06
nosrednaekimForzaPalermo: no, no, i'm just saying that if you want to use 4.1 you will have to use debain03:06
ForzaPalermoalright thanks guys03:08
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Hobbseenixternal: only because i'm not there :P06:00
nixternalbut you are here :p06:26
* Jucato follows suite06:27
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stdinhmm, why is bug number 1 on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Beta/Kubuntu ?08:20
jussio1stdin: LOL that very funny08:26
Nookie^hi someone told me yesterday where i could find kubuntu logos and ubuntu on ubuntupage10:39
Nookie^does anyone know the link10:39
=== Nookie^ is now known as Noq^
Noq^Riddell: when you come back.. i need to leave now. here is a image for RC i have created.. http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/3138/kubuntuboxnookiekw9.png11:32
stdinNoq^: try https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Artwork/Official11:32
Noq^stdin: found it but thanx anyway11:33
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freglafter updating to hardy my kde3 splash shows no graphics11:55
fregland during the update when asked to choose which config file should be used the "Next>>" buttons are irritating as they make the dialog appear sometimes11:56
freglthat made me think it crashed at first11:56
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yao_ziyuantrying kubuntu 8.04 beta in vbox13:30
yao_ziyuanseems the default wallpaper has been replaced13:30
yao_ziyuanprobably due to the aspect ratio problem13:30
yao_ziyuani can't say anything now...13:34
yao_ziyuanthe default style and window decoration isn't as good as 7.10's13:34
yao_ziyuani want polyester back!13:34
nosrednaekimyao_ziyuan: then get it back13:35
yao_ziyuani think the best combination is polyester style + polyester window13:35
yao_ziyuanand 8.04 beta's wallpaper is too mundane13:35
yao_ziyuanthat Tend To Zero is actually a very good and inspiring one13:35
yao_ziyuanit just can't adapt to different screen resolutions13:35
yao_ziyuanthere is a workaround:13:36
yao_ziyuanby default, use "Scale & Crop" as the wallpaper drawing option13:36
yao_ziyuanor better: if the current wallpaper is not exactly the same size as the current screen, then automatically set to "Scale & Crop" as the default13:37
DekansI get an issue with kdm on hardy beta13:39
Dekansif I logout, i get a black screen13:40
nosrednaekimDekans: do you have an ATI card?13:40
Dekansno it's a nvidia13:40
yao_ziyuani know you guys want to mimic windows xp...13:40
yao_ziyuanmakes it look as dumb as possible13:41
yao_ziyuanso the dumb majority will adopt it...13:41
yao_ziyuanyou know, win xp is dumb...13:41
nosrednaekimDekans: you may want to ask in #ubuntu+1...13:41
nosrednaekimif they can't solve it, file a bug13:41
yao_ziyuani played with PCLinuxOS 2007. its look is most similar to xp13:43
Dekansokay I'll do it13:44
yao_ziyuanlet me tell you guys what looks good:13:47
yao_ziyuan1. Polyester style + Polyester window + default kubuntu 7.10 color scheme: http://infowire.googlegroups.com/web/workspace080228.png?gda=eagiskQAAACGqirY5nHUpt9oVyi7lmg1Ryes1Ae_r_26J5OutG9lVGG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDSi_7LkP3M6egTwwyaOk0t9IegfnwZa-Ew6rpGDNRO6hA13:48
yao_ziyuan2. Polyester style + Polyester window + kubuntu 7.10's "Polyester Orange" color scheme + Tend-To-Zero-(Hot) wallpaper: http://infowire.googlegroups.com/web/%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84%20%E6%BB%A1%E5%9C%B0%E7%BA%A2%20%E6%A1%8C%E9%9D%A2.png?gda=xDfmN3YAAACGqirY5nHUpt9oVyi7lmg1Ryes1Ae_r_26J5OutG9lVGG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDRuvQL_2aXrHpkK98OZ1RGXS7Uak5YB2GYUdUKhqhlpDB9QO5YuzggilrGxGjW-AoqBnU_2Acz3tqO4i2KXL8AQT4UiRSvtnlU6232iqWRRZQ13:49
yao_ziyuanthose who don't think they're beautiful, raise your hands13:49
Hobbseethose poly-orange buttons don't look too great.13:51
Hobbseeyao_ziyuan: btw, it's a holiday in most countries, and a wekeend.13:52
yao_ziyuanHobbsee: buttons? aren't they the same buttons just with a different color scheme14:03
Hobbseeyao_ziyuan: yeah, but it really shows them up as looking quite dirty14:03
yao_ziyuandirty? i think the window titlebar buttons (minimize, maximize, close) are a little dirty14:03
yao_ziyuanbut the pushbuttons are good14:03
Hobbseewintitle ones were what i meant14:04
yao_ziyuani think so too14:05
Hobbseetoo late for hardy, though, and most of the artists don't read irc14:05
yao_ziyuanbut after a while i think it's a feature :)14:05
yao_ziyuannot too late14:05
Hobbseeyou've hit UI freeze.14:05
yao_ziyuanthese things can change in the last minute14:05
Hobbseelong ago14:05
yao_ziyuandon't be so inflexible14:05
yao_ziyuani agree that Polyester's "Glass window buttons" are dirty14:06
yao_ziyuanbut when applied with Kubuntu 7.10's default color scheme, it becomes so good: http://infowire.googlegroups.com/web/workspace080228.png?gda=eagiskQAAACGqirY5nHUpt9oVyi7lmg1Ryes1Ae_r_26J5OutG9lVGG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDSi_7LkP3M6egTwwyaOk0t9IegfnwZa-Ew6rpGDNRO6hA14:07
yao_ziyuanthis one is not dirty, right?14:07
yao_ziyuanif only it can have a red version, too14:07
HobbseeRiddell: speaking of which, you're not planning to put a new default windeco into hardy now, are you?14:08
HobbseeRiddell: or are all the books, etc, not using kubuntu?14:10
yao_ziyuanthat ugliness is due to Polyester's "button style". it can be Glass, Gradient, Reverse Gradient, Flat14:10
jpatrickHobbsee: he's out till tomorrow14:10
yao_ziyuanGlass causes the dirtiness14:10
Hobbseejpatrick: yeah, thought so14:10
yao_ziyuanthere is another way:14:14
yao_ziyuanKubuntu 7.10's Polyester Orange Juice color scheme + Polyester style + Crystal window14:14
yao_ziyuanthis creates a red look without ugly window buttons14:14
Hobbseehmmm, looks like qtcurve is supposed to have gone thru14:15
Hobbseeso much for UI freezes or anything.14:15
yao_ziyuanbut Crystal window has its own problems. ignore me.14:16
yao_ziyuanconsider this look for 8.04: http://infowire.googlegroups.com/web/workspace080228.png?gda=eagiskQAAACGqirY5nHUpt9oVyi7lmg1Ryes1Ae_r_26J5OutG9lVGG1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDSi_7LkP3M6egTwwyaOk0t9IegfnwZa-Ew6rpGDNRO6hA14:19
Hobbseeyao_ziyuan: have you seen the release schedule?14:19
yao_ziyuanthe wallpaper is optional14:19
yao_ziyuanit has a meaning for me personally14:19
Hobbseeparticularly the part on UI freeze?14:20
yao_ziyuanthe day i registered to my college is a rainy day14:20
Hobbseewhich was...a month ago?14:20
yao_ziyuanlet's twist time14:20
Hobbseeand notify anyone who's planning to publish books with screenshots of kubuntu hardy, which will now be obsolete.  yes.14:21
nosrednaekimsounds like an awesome plan.... so good for our reputation.14:21
yao_ziyuani think people can still understand illustrations in books14:22
yao_ziyuanand they will so appreciate that the actual distro has a better look14:22
* Hobbsee decides to walk away, instead of further arguing.14:23
yao_ziyuanlet 7.10 users judge14:23
* Hobbsee will likely stamp it with the big rubber "no" stamp, when it gets to the ubuntu release team.14:23
yao_ziyuani think many of them will go back with Polyester14:24
Hobbseethey needed to have a poll and decide months ago.14:24
Hobbseelike, >1 month.14:24
yao_ziyuanwas there a poll?14:24
Hobbseedid you set one up?14:24
Hobbseedid you email the kubuntu-developers ML with these mockups at all, any time in the past 2 months?14:25
yao_ziyuani thought the alpha 6 look is final14:26
yao_ziyuani didn't expect someone changed it all14:27
yao_ziyuanprobably with evil intention14:27
yao_ziyuana microsoft spook14:27
* Hobbsee is fairly certain those with commit rights are not evil.14:27
yao_ziyuanif so many developers and testers didn't notice the look change is a regression, then maybe it's acceptable...14:28
yao_ziyuanthis sleeping society... only me is waken... :)14:29
* nosrednaekim watches the cluebat hit yao_ziyuan14:29
* Hobbsee is still uncertain as to why the licence wasn't checked on the original image, before putting it in...14:29
Hobbseenosrednaekim: i've not put on my "i am the release manager" hat yet.14:29
nosrednaekimHobbsee: :)14:30
Hobbseewell, one of them.14:30
* Hobbsee is double checking with the head RM first, but is fairly certain of what he'll say14:30
yao_ziyuanstart a coup14:30
yao_ziyuanoverthrow the scheme14:30
Hobbseethere are good reasons for the schedule.  it's long been public.  it's not my fault that you weren't organised.14:31
yao_ziyuanwhat if it's a bug?14:31
Hobbseethen, as it's a UI change, it'll still need a UI exception, which i don't think you'll get at this point.14:32
yao_ziyuanthere's still something you guys can do14:35
yao_ziyuanput Polyester back to the Styles list and Window Decorations list14:35
yao_ziyuanand add a "Kubuntu 7.10 color scheme" to the Color Schemes list14:36
Hobbseeyou should be able to add colour schemes, or make a package of nice kubuntu colour schemes14:36
Hobbseeand stick it in universe, probably14:37
yao_ziyuanactually, i care more about the Languages feature14:37
Hobbseeso, have you gotten that fixed?14:37
yao_ziyuani want a simple Languages list14:37
yao_ziyuanwhere each item is an available language with a checkbox before it14:38
Hobbseehave you emailed the list saying what neesd to be done, and presented a patch?14:38
yao_ziyuanno patch14:38
Hobbseeif not both, have you at least done the first/14:38
yao_ziyuani did the first14:38
Hobbseegood.  any traction?14:39
yao_ziyuanmy bug report is about the scim setup14:42
yao_ziyuanbut now i have a new demand:14:42
yao_ziyuani just want a simple Language Selector like Ubuntu's and Fedora's14:42
yao_ziyuanit is a simple listbox control14:42
yao_ziyuanif the user wants to enable a language (including install if needed), he just checkes the checkbox before that language14:43
yao_ziyuanlikewise he can uncheck a language14:43
yao_ziyuanif chinese is checked, scim will be automatically installed and configured and run14:43
yao_ziyuanUbuntu and Fedora already can do that. i want kubuntu to do it also14:43
jpatrickis he gone?14:49
nosrednaekimseems to be :)14:50
nosrednaekimhow do you add tabs to a tab widget in desginer-qt4?14:55
jpatrickright it and I think there's an option14:56
nosrednaekimah.. its called a "page"14:56
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davebvhi! may I get support here for ebox in hardy?16:29
ScottK2davebv: Try #ubuntu-server16:30
davebvok! hanks16:31
=== Nookie^away is now known as Nookie^
=== Nookie^ is now known as Noq^
jjessegood afternoon, in kde4 and dolphin when i right click on a folder and select sharing, it is lookin gofr kcm4shell fileshell which can't be found, what is kcmshell4 fileshare18:21
nosrednaekimapparently a kde4 system settings module18:23
nosrednaekimnot working here either18:23
jjessehrmm so what would then be the easiest way to configure a folder for windows sharing?18:24
nosrednaekimand one which isn't installed18:24
nosrednaekimare you on kde4 only? no kde3 stuff around?18:25
jjessekde4 so far18:26
jjessefresh install of hardy kde418:26
jjessewell besides konversatation18:26
apacheloggerhm, no filesharing kcm4 ... that sounds like a missing dependency18:26
jjesseapachelogger: yes but what dependcy and how can i help track it down?18:28
* apachelogger diggs in18:30
apacheloggerjjesse: what does `dpkg -s kdebase-data-kde4` say?18:32
jjessehelps if i can spell :018:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:33
jjessepriority is optional18:34
jjessebut it is installed18:35
apacheloggerwrong package :D18:38
apacheloggerjjesse: `dpkg -s kdenetwork-filesharing-kde4`18:38
jjessenot installed and no info is available18:40
apacheloggerthere is the missing dep :)18:40
apacheloggerjjesse: thanks18:40
jjesseapachelogger: no thank you for helping18:40
jjessedo i have to restart to load that lib?18:41
jjessecause still getting command not found18:41
apacheloggerkbuildsycoca4 should fix it18:42
jjessenope still gettting file not found18:43
apacheloggerjjesse: are you in bug finding mode? :P18:45
jjessesure why not :)18:45
jjesseanything i can do to help18:45
apacheloggerjjesse: kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kcmshell4 filesharing18:46
jjesseok let me paste bin as a long output18:47
apacheloggermy bad, sorry18:48
apacheloggerjjesse: kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kcmshell4 fileshare18:48
apacheloggerthat should work18:48
jjessecorrect that does work18:49
jjesseno worries on that18:49
jjessehowever crashwhen i click on add18:49
jjessewould a  back trace help or do i need some debugging package addedfirst?18:50
apacheloggerjjesse: you need kdenetwork-dbg-kde418:51
yuriyhow about kde4libs-dbg?18:51
jjessehow bout both?18:52
apacheloggerthat is a dep of kdenetwork-dbg18:52
apacheloggerdep == both + even more18:52
apacheloggerjjesse: please report this bug on bugs.kde.org if you have time18:52
jjesseapachelogger: sure i will do18:52
jjessenp thanks for the help18:52
jjessei'll attach everything we did18:53
jjessebe back in a bit18:53
apacheloggerwho knows in which bzr branch kubuntu-kde4-meta resides?18:53
jjessefiling bug right now19:19
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:20
jjesseapachelogger: what package does that go against?19:22
jjesseapachelogger: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15970919:33
ubotuKDE bug 159709 in knetwork "unable to use file sharing through dolphin -- file not found" [Normal,Unconfirmed]19:33
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mhbhowdy, partners21:54
mhbhow's everyone? hope well21:55
mhbhappy Easter to everyone21:55
mhbdo you know if anyone is going to do anything with the guidance configuration tools?21:55
mhbsome new blood, volunteers and the like?21:56
jpatrickmhb: happy easter, mate, hope you're well too :)21:56
mhbor old dogs doing new tricks?21:56
jpatrickI know nosreakin's working on the printer thing21:57
mhbjpatrick: I'm very well, I've passed some small mid-term exams (is that how they're called?) last week, and I've got sunday and monday free21:57
mhbjpatrick: other than that, nobody spoke about pykde4 migration?21:57
jpatrickmid-term exams is the term :)21:58
mhbjpatrick: I think I'm going to check if I can still write some python today, so I'm checking first to avoid duplicating stuff21:58
mhbby the way, what's your opinion on this policykit stuff?21:59
jpatrickmhb: not much in the backlog... and our leader is off till tomorrow21:59
mhbare you seeing it as a neat feature or rather as a useless un-unix principle that worsens performance and complicates code?22:00
mhb(guess what my opinion is)22:00
mhbjpatrick: no opinion on it?22:02
* jpatrick isn't up to date with teh policykit stuff22:02
mhbjpatrick: no gnome on your system, eh?22:04
mhbah, just the fellow I'd like to meet22:04
mhbhi nosrednaekim22:04
mhbhope you're doing well22:04
nosrednaekimhey mhb... I am kinda... a bit singed right now22:04
jpatrickmhb: no gnome what so ever, apart from the dependencies of vim-full22:04
mhbsinged? what's that?22:04
mhbjpatrick: that explains it - the "Unlock" button is all over the gnome UI22:05
nosrednaekimmhb: as in burnt..... just put out a mini-forest fire here22:05
mhbnosrednaekim: as in wounded? Physically?22:05
mhbnosrednaekim: or is it a metaphor I'm not getting?22:05
nosrednaekimuhh yeah.... literally, my hair is burnt and so are my eyebrows22:06
mhbevil connection22:09
nixternalnosrednaekim: wth, don't you listen to Smokey the Bear?22:10
nosrednaekimnixternal: talk to my mom 'bout that22:10
nixternalI bet you stink...I hate that singe smell22:10
nosrednaekimthrew out hot ashes...22:10
mhbnosrednaekim: anyway, are you working on any of the guidance modules?22:10
jpatrickmhb: < nosrednaekim> uhh yeah.... literally, my hair is burnt and so are my eyebrows22:10
mhbnosrednaekim: or do you know people are?22:10
nosrednaekimmhb: I am working on system-config-printer.... but other than that I am not away of any development of guidance going on22:11
nosrednaekimand thats really not guidance22:11
mhbokay, thanks22:11
nosrednaekimI think only the wine configurator needs to get ported.... and I guess mountconfig22:13
mhbor is there a better tool for that in KDE4?22:14
nosrednaekimhrm... apparently that too.22:14
mhbI'm not really following the recent development there; I've never been attached to the KDE upstream project much.22:14
mhbtoo much design by committee for me, I guess :o)22:15
nosrednaekimyou like benevolent dictator methods?22:15
mhbif I like the dictator, yes22:16
nosrednaekimbenevolent or not? :o22:16
mhbnon-benevolency has its advantages22:17
mhbpeople have the tendency to add countless features and overcomplicate22:17
mhbKDE UI is a good example22:17
nosrednaekimyup..... or remove countless feature...22:18
mhbthat's me :o)22:18
mhbthere's a thin line after which you should say "Stop. Do not add that - if you need stuff like this, it's time to learn Unix administration.:22:19
mhband unix administrations == command line22:19
mhbno GUI tools should ever change that22:19
nosrednaekimI agree22:19
nosrednaekimtry to write a GUI for dpkg...22:20
* nosrednaekim shudders22:20
mhbmany have tried, and failed :o)22:21
mhbI'm aiming low today - just port & polish some guidance tools22:21
nosrednaekimcool, the one that I would most like to see is mountconfig22:21
nosrednaekimthats the one which is most used IME22:22
mhbnosrednaekim: right-o22:22
mhbnosrednaekim: do you know whether gnome has such a tool?22:24
mhbI can't seem to find one22:24
mhbgnome == ubuntu's gnome for me22:24
nosrednaekimI believe they just got one in hardy... i'm not certain22:25
mhbnosrednaekim: ah, you have the limited network connection at home, don't you22:25
mhbnosrednaekim: I can't ask you to take a look then :o)22:26
nosrednaekimif I had hardy i'd grab it.... it wouldn't be that big.... but I don't22:27
nosrednaekim!find mount hardy22:33
ubotuFound: gnome-mount, kio-umountwrapper, libpam-mount, mount, asmounter (and 14 others)22:33
nosrednaekimmhb: check out gnome-mount....22:34
mhbnosrednaekim: thanks22:37
mhbnosrednaekim: that doesn't really configure anything, it's one of the horde of daemons that GNOME uses22:39
mhbit reads information from the registry22:39
mhband mounts it using HAL22:39
nosrednaekimoh... ok22:39
jussio1Just a quick word for anyone who is working on kde4, It wold be great to have you also in the official kubuntu kde4 support channel, #kubuntu-kde4 :)23:58

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