
[ka]killerinfinite loops are also fun00:00
ramzayto ubotu: i newer use a commands if i don't know it00:00
Daisuke_Ido!ot | [ka]killer00:00
ubotu[ka]killer: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!00:00
[ka]killeri'll just be quite untill i have another problem00:00
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:00
ramzayвыпейте все йаду сразу00:01
pat5starramzay "I am not stupid" as he tries to convince a bot :P00:01
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:01
pat5starramzay: j/k, I didn't realize that either :)00:01
ramzayhe is really bot?00:02
stabbymctwistramzay tripped the english only alarm00:02
stabbymctwistubotu is a bot00:02
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.00:02
stabbymctwistit replies instantly00:03
stabbymctwistubotu is a bot00:03
pat5starjoh6nn: I get your point. It's just that I don't think it's that big a threat. I personally don't know anyone who uses yahoo or msn search...everyone I see use a computer goes first to google, I mean the word google is synonimous with search nowadays anyways00:03
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.00:03
flipstar!repeat | ubotu00:03
ubotuubotu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience00:03
joh6nnpat5star: every install of IE7 comes with MS preselected as the default search engine, and lots of software comes bundled with the Yahoo toolbar. so it does make a difference00:03
[ka]killer1. why use ie 2. yahoo toolbar fails at life00:04
ramzayWhat time in your city now ?00:04
flipstarhaha this bot is talking with himself00:04
[ka]killerxD i think the bot needs help00:04
[ka]killerit has multiple personalities00:04
stabbymctwistthere's an interesting study00:05
joh6nn[ka]killer: the yahoo toolbar does indeed fail at life, but it's hard to avoid; where i live, most of the local ISPs are bundling yahoo utilities with their connection services00:05
joh6nnand while i agree that IE is a crap browser, 60 some odd percent of the world still uses it.00:06
pat5starjoh6nn: good point. I've just been such a google fan for so long, and see that so many others are, that it just seems to me there isn't anything ms can do to catch up...but they do have the money to try and purchasing yahoo is probably a step in the right direction if there is one00:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about preload - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:06
Kaevikjoh6nn: installing the crap from your ISP is worse then using a toolbar extention.00:06
ramzayprogrammer ,who has written this bot is invalid00:06
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.00:06
[ka]killerjoh6nn, i dont know about your isp but i just go direct to the internet and use none of the software they gave me what so ever00:07
pat5starsry all, never interacted with a bot before, just playing around...won't do it anymore :)00:07
=== tommy is now known as tommy_fi
joh6nnKaevik: heh.  trust me, i know.  i work at a local computer repair shop.  i spend all day uninstalling bundled software for people.00:07
=== tommy_fi is now known as tommy_
joh6nn[ka]killer: all of my isp's software is windows only, so it's a non-issue for me; it didn't run in Wine00:08
flipstarpat5star: just type /msg ubotu and spam him to death :)00:08
=== tommy_ is now known as tommy_F
[ka]killerwhen i get a new pc, first thing i do is format the drive and do a clean install of what ever os im going to use00:08
tommy_Fhello everyone00:08
joh6nnwhen i got this laptop, i turned it on first, just to see what Vista looked like.00:08
pat5star[ka]killer: anyone somewhat tech savy knows not to, but I spend so much time helping friends family fix their computers and am amazed at how they all believe that bundled crap is essential00:08
Daisuke_Idomakes it easier to avoid the bundled junk00:08
pat5starflipstar: ok thx, I'll check that out00:09
joh6nnbut i had it formatted pretty quickly; Vista is crap00:09
[ka]killerthat it si00:09
Daisuke_Idoi usually take that one further and build my pcs myself :)00:09
stabbymctwisti haven't had a new pc, ever00:09
[ka]killerDaisuke_Ido, cant really build a laptop yourself =P00:09
Daisuke_Idothis is true00:09
joh6nnstabbymctwist: still in school?00:09
stabbymctwistmy stuff is build out of trash from other people00:09
Daisuke_Idoit would look interesting in you tried00:09
[ka]killerim building my own desktop and server but im hoping to get a macbookpro (getting a brand new one for 1600 hopefully)00:10
Daisuke_Idoactually...  a slim enough case with a thin keyboard and trackpad clued into the bottom of a briefcase with an lcd monitor in the top...00:10
ramzayi so want sleep    ....00:10
Daisuke_Idogives me ideas -_-00:10
joh6nn[ka]killer: www.system76.com00:10
joh6nnbuy a cheap server with linux already installed00:10
pat5starstabbymctwist: me too, I've got a ton of spare computers/parts lying around from people discarding them because they think they are outdated. I probably got enough to start a sever farm good enough to compete with google now :)00:11
stabbymctwisti probably can't00:11
stabbymctwistpat5star -- i can't even run two complete machines, heh00:11
pat5starstabbymctwist: lol00:12
ramzaygood luck00:12
carlzenoxsudo apt-get install wine         <<< type that to get wine?00:12
stabbymctwistpat5star -- but i have enough parts to replace just about verything00:12
joh6nncarlzenox: yes00:12
ramzaysudo apt-get install bed00:13
ramzaymake sleep00:13
|unimatrix|make party00:13
ramzay= ) add drugs00:13
stabbymctwistx crash00:14
|unimatrix|why? we have linux00:14
pat5starI just did a whois on myself and it printed out a bunch of info, is that only viewable to me or did all of you see it too?00:14
ramzaybecuse it is00:14
flipstarpat5star: to everyone00:14
pat5starflipstar: oh, so if I wanna snoop on others, how do I do that where only I see it :P00:15
flipstarpat5star: does this scare you? see www.irclog.ubuntu.com00:15
joh6nnpat5star: a little of both. we can all see it if we whois you ourselves, but it didn't just print out in the channel00:15
joh6nnat least, it didn't for me00:15
stabbymctwistthe whois list only comes back to you00:15
flipstarpat5star: does this scare you? see * www.irclogs.ubuntu.com00:15
stabbymctwistit just means to be careful what you say00:15
pat5starflipstar: that url didn't bring up anything00:16
flipstarthe second..00:16
flipstarforgot that s00:16
joh6nnstabbymctwist: nah, it just means to log in as someone else00:16
flipstaror use tor00:16
stabbymctwistjoh6nn -- hah00:16
pat5starflipstar: the second url still doesn't bring up anything00:16
flipstarhmm http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ works00:17
pat5starI did that the other day to someone on here, and then they asked the channel why I pinged them...I was wondering how they knew I did that00:17
flipstarits mentioned in the freenode tab i thing00:18
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
pat5starflipstar: oh that worked, I see that all chats are logged and available for anyone to see forever apparently. So I must be careful what I say, because when I run for prime minister of Canada it may be used against me right?!   :P00:19
unix_lappyanyone here using the download them all firefox plugin and noticing a slow down/00:19
flipstarlol i dont think anyone knows the irc name of the prime minister from canada :)00:20
stabbymctwistthey will now00:20
pat5starstabbymctwist: oh I got some weird message from you, so I guess that means you pinged me...I see now, thx :)00:21
stabbymctwistpat5star -- thanks?00:21
pat5starstabbymctwist: well for showing me what that person who questioned me  the other day would have seen00:21
stabbymctwistpat5star -- ah, i just thought it would be ironic/funny00:22
pat5starflipstar: if the prime minister of Canada did have an IRC name, I wonder what it would be and what channels he would hang out on! I bet #kubuntu is one of them :)00:23
stabbymctwistpat5star -- well, naturally  every prime minister uses kubuntu00:24
flipstarwho knows..maybe he is here..right now!00:24
stabbymctwisthey, prime miinister of canada, are you here?00:24
* pat5star thinks flipstar is Stephen Harper :)00:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whoami - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whoiam - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:25
joh6nnflipstar: whom, maybe? ; )00:25
flipstarin a private channel with ubotu it works :)00:26
stabbymctwistman, i didn't even know who he was until just now00:26
pat5starstabbymctwist: he's the first coolest pm we've had in years, but I'll leave politics out of this :)00:27
|unimatrix|would i break kubuntu's dependencies if i compiled wine over the repository version?00:27
flipstar|unimatrix|: but remember pining the package or it will be overwritten on the next wine update00:28
joh6nnanyone familiar with how KDE handles users $PATH variables?  mine seems not to be set properly00:29
stabbymctwistum, maybe a fedora place knows more about that, since /sbin doesn't seem to be in the default $PATH00:29
stabbymctwistit would be a more common problem there00:30
gttI've just about had it with quanta00:30
|unimatrix|flipstar: i want it to be overwritten... but still, how do you pin it?00:30
flipstarecho package hold|sudo dpkg --set-selections00:30
flipstarwere package is wine in this case00:31
joh6nnstabbymctwist: well, the issue is that my $PATH is just fine in bash; from Konsole, everything works00:31
|unimatrix|and how do you unpin it?00:31
bkudriai'm seeing a strange issue with akregator: fetching feeds works only very sporadically, mostly the fetch fails immediatly, and "akregator: WARNING: Error listening on socket: -1" is printed on stdout.  googling for this message, or a simialr issue yields nothing helpful.  i'm using akregator 1.2.7 on kde 3.5.8 on kubuntu gutsy.  any advice?00:31
joh6nnbut if i try to run things from alt+f2, KDE says it can't find anything00:31
flipstar|unimatrix|: echo package install|sudo dpkg --set-selections00:31
|unimatrix|thanks flipstar, i'm gonna write that down00:31
fuhrealAnyone know if there is an app in adept for online TV ??/00:32
flipstar|unimatrix|: i did that too :)00:32
stabbymctwistfuhreal -- Miro00:32
fuhrealstabbymctwist: ty00:32
stabbymctwisti'd suggest googling it first, it might not be exactly what you're looknig for00:33
flipstarfuhreal: zattoo is also good..but not in adept00:33
joh6nnbkudria: url of an example feed?00:33
fuhreali'm looking for something like ..... tvants for windows00:34
bkudriajoh6nn: i see it across 95% of my feeds, but here is one, for example: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default00:35
carlzenoxok i apt-get firefox but how do i actuwally use it >.<00:35
joh6nncarlzenox: alt+f2, "firefox"00:35
flipstarcarlzenox: it should also in kmenu->internet->firefox00:35
bkudriajoh6nn: problem seems more likely to happen if i fetch more than 1 feed at once, but it happens with single feeds too00:36
carlzenoxthx guys00:36
mikesanyone know how come my GTK based apps (firefox, xchat) only have the default, blocky theme? gtk+ theme changer allows me to pick more, but it affects not any apps :-(00:36
carlzenoxflipstar: it aint there =/00:36
mikesin kde4 this is00:36
flipstarcarlzenox: run kbuildsycoca and check again..00:36
bkudriajoh6nn: i'm able to download the feed otherwise (konqueror, wget, ect) without problems - this is limited to akregator00:36
joh6nnbkudria: gimme a sec, i'm googling00:37
bkudriajoh6nn: tried that :)00:37
fuhrealstabbymctwist: i think miro is what i need00:38
stabbymctwistfuhreal -- you can find other feeds for tv shows via google, too00:38
fuhrealstabbymctwist: Leafs vs sabres... and i'm in pensilvania right now :(00:40
joh6nnbkudria: try purging akregator and reinstalling it? (be sure to back up your feeds, first)00:40
bkudriajoh6nn: tried that already.  it's definetly more prevalent with multiple feeds - it looks like when the first feed doesn't immediately return, the other feeds bail out and fail00:42
joh6nnbkudria: this is gustsy?00:42
fuhrealstabbymctwist: darnit... sportsnet isn't avail00:44
bkudriajoh6nn: yep00:44
stabbymctwistfuhreal -- try tvrss00:44
carlzenoxhow can i like waatch  youtube videos :x00:45
flipstarcarlzenox: try  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:46
joh6nnflipstar: restricted extras would be better, i'll bet00:46
joh6nnsave us answering more questions in about 30 seconds.  : )00:46
carlzenoxE: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree00:46
joh6nncarlzenox: try apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras00:46
carlzenoxE: Couldn't find package kubuntu-restricted-extras00:47
flipstarcarlzenox: it is in multiverse..you need to enable this repo00:47
carlzenoxhow O.o00:47
joh6nnbkudria: are you using KDE 3.5 or KDE 4?00:47
flipstarcarlzenox: adept->manage software sources00:47
bkudriajoh6nn: kde 3.5.800:48
jckffyiHow long dose it usually take to copy 80 gig via dd? I started the process at 5:44 chicago time, it is now 7:46, and the process has not yet finished.?00:48
joh6nnbkudria: ; (.  i got nothin', sorry00:48
flipstarjckffyi: depends on your disc speed..00:48
carlzenoxflipstar: how do i enable a repo?00:49
flipstarcarlzenox: adept->manage software sources00:49
carlzenox"New repository:                               "00:49
flipstarjckffyi: with 20MB/s it should take an hour or so00:49
stabbymctwistjckffyi -- ipod, i'm guessing?00:50
stabbymctwistjckffyi -- if so, you might be plugged into a usb1 port, which would slow it down a lot00:51
jckffyi20meg? no, I am going to do a riskey experiment, so I am making a duplicate of my laptop hard disk so I can revert if something gose terribly wrong00:51
joh6nnjckffyi: if that's what you're doing, you'd have been better off with partimage00:51
carlzenoxomfg why the fu** couldent it just come with it >=[00:52
joh6nncarlzenox: for a variety of very complicated legal reasons.  yell at the government00:52
Arwenjckffyi, did you set the blocksize in dd right? it'll be REALLY slow without.00:52
stabbymctwistcarlzenox -- because in the usa, not everybody can distribute adobe cflash00:52
flipstar!multiverse | carlzenox00:52
ubotucarlzenox: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:52
carlzenoxi hate the goverment there di** heads >=[00:52
* savetheWorld prepares to sue carlzenox for using patented technology without paying for a license 00:53
stabbymctwistcarlzenox -- it's not hte government, i's adobe's patenting00:53
Arwenwhich is enforced by bad government policy00:53
jckffyino, I didn't, I just ran streight dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb00:53
joh6nncarlzenox: we are the government, and the government is us.  welcome to self-loathing00:53
carlzenoxim on probation O.o00:53
Arwenjckffyi, that is gonna take hours and hours and days and days to complete00:53
Arwentry again with bs=4096 or bs=819200:53
jckffyihow do I figure out the block size? and set it, Ive do this before and id didn't take nearly as long00:54
flipstardd copies _everything_ afair00:54
flipstarthe whole disc00:54
flipstarincluding free space00:54
jckffyiyeah, that's what I want, and need00:54
RSC-232does anyone recommend a program like linuxmce00:55
joh6nnRSC-232: what's it do?00:55
bkudriajoh6nn: ok, understandable.  thanks for looking!00:55
ArwenRSC-232, how about "linuxmce"? It's very much like it.00:55
RSC-232... the people in the chat are insulting00:55
RSC-232i refuse to use it00:55
stabbymctwistthat's plural00:55
g_m_t_shi guys somebody here speak spanish?00:55
Arwenthen, um... try explaining what features of "linuxmce" you need.00:55
stabbymctwistthe insult was singular00:55
joh6nnstabbymctwist: i think he means #linuxmce00:56
tekteenRSC-232: linuxmce is a combination of other programs00:56
Arwenor get over it and ignore the idiots00:56
flipstar!es > g_m_t_s00:56
RSC-232i know00:56
RSC-232i want home automation + PVR00:56
tekteenRSC-232: with some of there own code00:56
bkudriag_m_t_s: try #kubuntu-es00:56
ArwenRSC-232, MythTV00:56
tekteenRSC-232: mythtv may work00:56
RSC-232what about home automation?00:56
WeaponXhow big should i make my / partition?00:56
Arwenwell, what do you mean by "home automation"?00:56
tekteenRSC-232: there is nothing "like" linuxmce00:56
Arwenif you need to schedule tasks, that's what cron/anacron are for00:56
joh6nnWeaponX: 10G is more than adequate00:57
flipstarWeaponX: at least 5gig i would say00:57
joh6nni usually keep mine around 5G00:57
WeaponXyea i was gonna go with 5gb00:57
RSC-232turn off lights etc00:57
WeaponXand is a 1gb swap ok?00:57
joh6nnhow much ram have you got?00:57
flipstarWeaponX: but if you want to test kde4 or some some more would hurt :)00:57
joh6nnconventional wisdom is about 1.5 x ram00:57
WeaponX~ joh6nn ~ 1gb ram00:57
ArwenRSC-232, write a shell script that calls whatever function that is. Then use cron or anacron to run it at a specific time or as a result of an event.00:57
joh6nnWeaponX: then i'd go with 1.5-2G for swap00:58
WeaponX~ flipstar ~ ive had kubuntu for a bit now, just dont wanna make the partitions too small00:58
WeaponX~ joh6nn ~ ah kk00:58
flipstari made mine 15gig just for fun00:58
joh6nnflipstar: you have 15G of swap?00:58
flipstarno..root filesystem00:59
joh6nni was gonna say00:59
joh6nnWeaponX: strongly recommend that you put /tmp on its own partition00:59
WeaponXwhy do you say that?00:59
flipstarmaybe he means /home instead of /tmp ..?01:00
joh6nnflipstar: no, i mean /tmp01:01
flipstar../tmp gets deletet every login afair01:01
joh6nnyeah, but i don't log in and out all that often.  lots of people don't01:01
joh6nnwhich means it can pretty big pretty fast01:01
WeaponXyes /home has its own partition01:01
joh6nnif it's on its own partition, and it fills up, then the worst that happens is some particular app crashes01:02
RSC-232is 20gig enough for kubuntu?01:02
joh6nnif /tmp is on /, and /tmp gets huge and fills / to capacity, things can get kind of interesting01:02
flipstarokay..make sence but since i login regular doesnt affect me ..01:03
stabbymctwistweaponx -- /boot is also handy to have on a seperate partition01:04
tekteenRSC-232: yes01:04
flipstaris there a way in koversation to switch tabs without mouse?01:06
SlimeyPeteshift + right iirc01:06
tekteenworks with most programs01:07
SlimeyPeteoh wait, yeah, that might be right01:07
flipstardoesnt work both ..01:07
flipstarokay ctrl+tab work if the focus is on the window itself01:08
tekteenso it does work?01:09
flipstarjep :) thx01:09
jckffyiwill the grub install see windows even if windows has been wiped off of the mbr? Or will I need to edit the menu.lst afterwards?01:10
stabbymctwistubuntu will see windows and configure grub accordingly01:10
flipstartekteen: it just dont make sense since i have to click on the window..and after switching tabs the focus is again on the speech bar :/01:11
* dudlas is away: Gone away for now.01:11
=== dudlas is now known as dudlas`medzioja
tekteenflipstar: :-(01:12
Dr_willis!find synaptic01:16
ubotuFound: synaptic, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, gsynaptics, ksynaptics, libsynaptics-dev (and 3 others)01:16
Dr_willis!info  ksynaptics01:16
ubotuksynaptics (source: ksynaptics): Synaptics TouchPad configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.3-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 228 kB, installed size 1156 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc sparc)01:16
Apple_CatPM ?01:18
=== alan_ is now known as Alan_M
fsleeperanyone versed in loading flashplayer?01:20
joh6nndefine "versed" and "loading"01:20
fsleeperknowledgeable and putting it on your computer01:21
flipstarfsleeper:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:21
stabbymctwistflseeper -- in ubuntu, sudo apt-get install flashplayer-plugin-nonfree01:21
stabbymctwisti think01:21
stabbymctwisti haven't done that in a long time01:22
fsleeperdid that - it doesn't take01:22
fsleeperor I might be doing it wrong01:22
flipstar>it< ?01:22
flipstarfirefox ?01:22
stabbymctwistoh, you probably don't have the extra repositories enabled01:22
flipstarmultiverse in this case01:23
stabbymctwistgo into adept, manage->repositories01:23
flipstarfsleeper: is it enabled in konqueror? konqueror setting>java&javascript>javascript01:24
fsleeperwell when I launch the browser java is off but javascript is on01:25
Arwenugh, compiz and Xorg are leaking memory on me :-\01:35
Arwenthey've grown to using 200MB01:35
pat5starArwen: quick, get the duct tape :)01:35
Arwenso yeah, my memory load is ridiculous, 80% RAM use and 60% swap01:36
flipstar~130 here01:36
flipstar39% & 0% :)01:37
tekteen~200 here01:37
Apple_Cat120 here01:37
pat5star28% and 128 here, since we're polling :)01:38
pat5staronly 4 tabs going, and probably no where near the addons everyone else has01:39
flipstarcompiz & xorg memory usage01:39
philipp_how i can add me to the group vboxuser?01:39
philipp_how can i add me to the group vboxuser?01:40
nosrednaekimphilipp_: run "kdesudo kate /etc/group" and find where the vbouser line is.... add your user name after the colon at the end01:40
pat5starphilipp: or addgroup --ingroup vboxuser <username>01:46
flipstarwill *ubuntu ever support a raid on installation ?01:47
klerfaytcan anyone find package scroller?01:47
flipstar!find scroller01:48
ubotuNo packages matching 'scroller' could be found01:48
klerfaytflipstar: it is listed with apt-cache showpkg ubuntu-desktop01:48
nosrednaekimflipstar: in the alternate installer01:49
flipstarnosrednaekim: do i have to do something special to enable this ?01:49
nosrednaekimflipstar: I don't know, I have never done it before01:51
klerfaytflipstar: never mind it is not listed, my mistake01:51
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:51
flipstaryes..just asking about an official implementation or so..01:51
ErtainHello everyone.01:53
nosrednaekimhello Ertain01:54
ErtainIs anyone else's version of Gutsy freezing for no apparent reason?  I think mine's freezing up because of Firefox.01:55
nosrednaekimErtain: mine certainly isn't01:55
dthackerErtain: what's the last thing you do before it freezes?01:55
fuhrealstabbymctwist: this worked http://www.linux.ryukent.co.uk/show.php?id=3601:56
ErtainI opened up a website.01:56
Ertainhave heard it's because of Flash but I have my doubts.01:56
dthackerErtain: was it a flash website?  Do you have the flash plugin installed?01:57
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:57
flipstarnosrednaekim: i just read everywhere "dmraid is currently not integrated into the installer" so i thought there might be plans to do so..01:57
ErtainYeah, I have it installed.01:57
nosrednaekimflipstar: I think that means ubiquity, not the command line installer01:58
dthackerErtain: was it a website with flash?01:58
philipp_how can i install in konqueror the flashplayer? is he open source?01:58
flipstarlast time i tried it wasnt recognized..01:58
flipstarwith alternate01:58
philipp_how can i install in konqueror the flashplayer? is he open source?01:59
nosrednaekimphilipp_: go into the konqueror settings->plugins and enable the flash plugin... (if you already have ti installed for firefox)02:00
Apple_Catphilipp_: is english your native language ?02:01
Apple_Catwhat is ?02:02
flipstarnot you Xef..02:03
philipp_is there an opn source flashplayer?02:03
flipstarphilipp_: yes.. gnash02:04
nosrednaekimphilipp_: gnash... but it doesn't work real well IMO02:04
philipp_libflash-swfplayer seems to be os too02:04
XefWhat do you do when a live Kubuntu ask you a login ID and a password?02:05
flipstarlogin:ubuntu password:none(no password)02:05
XefI refer to a Kubuntu live DVD or CD.02:06
nosrednaekimXef: it should log you in automatically02:07
nosrednaekimXef: did it? if not try enter02:08
philipp_i have installed them but i cant load it...02:10
draikApple_Cat: Thank you for vbox02:11
fuhrealDoes anyone use awn ?02:11
Dr_willisfuhreal,  i see a lot of people asking bout it in here from time to time.02:12
Dr_willisand ive seen several guides on installing it on the varioys ubuntu tutorial/news sites02:12
Apple_Catyou're welcome draik : )02:12
fuhrealDr_willis: I think it would work well with something like E , flux or fvwm but i kde doesn't need it i think02:13
fitoriaI am upgrading to Hardy02:13
draikApple_Cat: I get things working on it. I'm asking in #vbox on how to get USB functionality02:13
fitoriaand the following error comes out02:13
Dr_willisAWN as far as i know Requires a composting window manager - so that means compiz is needed... I dont think it will work at all with E/Fluxbox/fvwm02:13
fitoriael subproceso post-installation script fue terminado por la señal (Fallo de segmentación), volcado de «core»02:13
fitorialibc6 error02:13
ubotufitoria: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:13
fitoriain libC6 --configure02:13
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf02:14
fuhrealDr_willis: compiz seems like overkill ....02:15
Dr_willisfuhreal,  awn seems like overkill02:16
=== philipp_ is now known as philipp__
Arwencompiz, awn, and all 3d effects are shitty, slow, and resource hogs02:16
fuhrealDr_willis: its nice to have a launcher02:16
Arwennot to mention buggy and prone to causing kernel panics02:16
Dr_willisfuhreal,  i have plenty of launchers...02:16
fuhrealDr_willis: but then again, to each his own ...02:16
philipp__i have installed now gnash but i have problems to integrate it in konqueror02:16
Dr_willisawn also did not like my twinview setup last i used it.02:17
philipp__i have installed now gnash but i have problems to integrate it in konqueror02:17
=== nicholas_ is now known as Strangework
StrangeworkI recently installed the package 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' in order to play movies and listen to music, now I have no audio.. XD what happened?02:21
ahmoshi, i've a problem setting my locales ..can any body help?02:22
nosrednaekim!sound | Strangework02:22
ubotuStrangework: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:22
RSC-232im using Homebuntu02:23
RSC-232something i put toether02:23
ErtainI have returned.  Even when I removed Flash and installed Gnash it still froze up.02:32
ErtainHeck, when I use Firefox my entire X server freezes up.02:32
nosrednaekimErtain: no matter what site you go to?02:34
hustanhello i have a dependacy error on libc6 can anyone help?02:35
RSC-232hustan: join #linuxmce and ask there02:37
nosrednaekimhustan: ask in #ubuntu+102:37
hustanok thanks02:37
VitaminHHello Kubuntu users!  I've got a bit of trouble here, hoping someone can help...02:39
erichola alguien que me ayude a instalar los codec de mp302:39
nosrednaekimVitaminH: ask :)02:39
nosrednaekim!es |eric02:39
ubotueric: En el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:39
VitaminHI've just installed Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 4 and in the KDE control panel I enabled 3d desktop effects....and now I have a black screen with nothing but the arror/cursor02:40
nosrednaekimVitaminH: ah..ok, thats fairly easy to fix.can you log into a recovery console02:40
nosrednaekimVitaminH: fromt he login manager that is, if not, there are other ways02:41
VitaminH(admittidly I am a newbie here...) I can get into a console window logging in as Session Type: Failsafe?02:41
fuhrealAnyone know the tar command to unrar ?02:41
nosrednaekimVitaminH: yes02:42
VitaminHok, looking at the shell window02:42
nosrednaekimhustan: ok, so whats the error?02:42
hustanits a dependacy error for libc602:43
nosrednaekimcan you pastebin the exact error?02:43
=== LimCore is now known as dr_zoidberg
hustanit wont paste i can type it hold on02:43
sensaeIn xorg.conf in Section Screen Subsection Display, I can see my proper resolution is in the list, but I can't switch to it.02:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:44
hustanError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc602:44
hustanso any fixes?02:45
nosrednaekimhustan: run "apt-cache search libc6" in a terminal02:45
hustanok hold on02:46
sensaeAnyone know why I can't switch to a higher resolution even though it's listed in xorg.conf?02:46
hustanhere   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60490/02:47
hustannosrednaeakim http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60490/02:48
nosrednaekimhustan: what were you doing when you got this error? and in what app were you doing it02:49
william_tem alguem do brasil02:49
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:49
hustannosrednaekim, im trying to install sdlmame and i get this error02:50
nosrednaekimhustan: ok, from the console, run "sudo apt-get install sdlmame" and pastebin the output02:51
VitaminHnosrednaekim: I am at a console window, is there a specific thing I need to change to either reset the 3d desktop effects or alter so I don't just have a black screen?  ;)02:52
nosrednaekimhustan: you may need to close adpet, or synaptic or whatever you were suing before02:52
hustani did02:52
hustancant find the packages02:53
nosrednaekimpastebin the error02:53
hustannosrednaekim: cant find packages02:53
ForzaPalermoanyone know how ot get system-config-samba working with kde4?02:53
hustanE: Couldn't find package sdlmame02:53
hustanthats it02:53
hustanheres where im getting it from  http://wallyweek.altervista.org/rel123.php02:54
nosrednaekimhustan: oh, I see, install that with Gdebi-kde02:55
fuhrealAnyone know where amarok would put its icon ?  mine seems to have changed to somethin ugly :|02:55
hustanso you know im not using kubuntu02:55
hustanim using ubuntu02:55
fuhrealhustan: ubuntu and kubuntu are the same just gnome vs kde desktops .... or whatever wm/desktop ur using02:56
fuhrealat least i think :/02:56
hustanah ok02:57
nosrednaekimhustan: they vary in little parts, but not for things like this02:57
hustanil try kubuntu later see how that is02:57
hustanso got a idea whys it doing this?02:57
hustanil update to 7.10 tommorow02:58
nosrednaekimprobably a good idea02:58
hustanalright thanks02:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:00
sensaehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60493/ Here's my xorg.conf. My resolution's listed there but I can't switch to it.03:01
ericdisculpen para kubuntu es03:01
ubotuEn el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:01
fuhrealAnyone know where amarok would put its icon ?  mine seems to have changed to somethin ugly :|03:01
VitaminHnosrednaekim: I am at a console window, is there a specific thing I need to change to either reset the 3d desktop effects or alter so I don't just have a black screen?03:03
nosrednaekimVitaminH: run "rm .kde4/share/config/kwinrc"03:03
VitaminHit's been removed...didnt seem to like me giving it the "exit" command so i've had to restart...03:08
VitaminHexit brought me to a funny flashing screen wiht a bunch of colors and flashing alpha and beta signs.  it was scary03:10
VitaminHsuccess! back to the desktop03:11
VitaminHthanks so much03:11
VitaminHnow, should I dare trying to enable 3d again or should I just wait until the "stable" release03:11
nosrednaekimyou are welcome..... now, install some decent video drivers and then renable it03:11
VitaminHhahah...so that was my problem03:12
nosrednaekimor choose advanced->engine->Xrender03:12
VitaminHi thought i'd enabled my nvidia proprietarty drivers03:12
VitaminH...hup nope they're not enable03:13
nosrednaekimtry "glxinfo | grep -i direct03:13
VitaminHgotta install glxinfo first it appears....installing03:14
nosrednaekimVitaminH: FYI, hardy support should be in #ubuntu+103:15
nosrednaekimand kde4 support in #kubuntu-kde403:15
VitaminHhah...oh sorry03:15
VitaminH<--- new guy03:15
nosrednaekimits ok03:15
VitaminHjust dove into Linux about 2 months ago for the first time03:15
VitaminHMac convert03:15
nosrednaekimwow.... hardy certainly ain't for the faint of heart:)03:16
nosrednaekimVitaminH: well, good luck, I have to go :)03:17
VitaminHthanks for the help friend!03:18
=== alan__ is now known as Alan_M
nick_can i have a move background on linux03:36
Jucatomove background?03:36
nick_yeah like water or image moving03:36
Jucatoah. no animated GIFs. but I think there might be ways around that... just not sure03:37
nick_yeah a gif03:38
Daisuke_Idono animated gifs?03:39
* Daisuke_Ido weeps03:39
NickPrestaThere is an easy way around that :)03:40
NickPresta`mplayer -rootwin -loop 0 image.gif` or even `mplayer -rootwin -loop 0 movie.avi`03:42
NickPrestaI don't know how bearable the buffering/flickering is on older machines but it works well on my machine03:43
DeadS0ulis there a screenshoot tour for kde 3.5.9 in hardy heron beta?03:43
NickPrestayou can also add the 'nosound' flag if it is a movie and you don't need/want the sound03:43
JucatoDeadS0ul: there isn't really much change from 3.5.8 to 3.5.9. mostly bug fixes03:44
Darkrift411a tutorial im following for my os says 6) Open System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager, but i dont have "administration" under system03:44
Daisuke_Idoso i could actually use http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/1557/1205113542608jy1.gif (warning, unashamed anime fan here)03:44
Darkrift411wher eelse would i find this?03:44
=== DeadS0ul is now known as spawn57
Jucatoas for a screenshot tour of hardy heron itself... might have to google for that03:44
JucatoDarkrift411: K Menu -> System Settings -> Advanced tab03:44
Daisuke_IdoDarkrift411, system settings > advanced03:44
Jucato(that tutorial is for GNOME)03:45
Daisuke_Idothose are gnome instructions :P03:45
Daisuke_Idobeat me again :\03:45
* NickPresta pats Daisuke_Ido's back.03:45
NickPrestaIt's okay. Jucato beats me frequently too03:45
spawn57Jucato: it says tht there's compiz effects in kubuntu's hardy heron release notes.  Any idea what kind?03:45
Jucatospawn57: dunno03:45
prince_jammyswobbly stuff03:46
Daisuke_Idosince part of kubuntu hardy's roadmap was feature parity with ubuntu, i would imagine the same effects03:46
Daisuke_Idotypical is shadowing and inactive titlebar transparency, advanced moves into min/max effects and wobbly windows03:47
Jucatospawn57: kubuntu doesn't have compiz that is separate from ubuntu's. basically what it probably means is that either compiz is installed by default or that it's very easy to install it03:47
spawn57Jucato: probably, I'll find out when i upgrade in a few weeks.  I upgraded to 3.5.9 on gutsy and it broke hal so I'm pretty annoyed :(03:49
Jucatospawn57: you can always ask in #ubuntu+103:51
spawn57yeah, I treid.03:51
spawn57i'm just gonna wait for 2 weeks, I think it comes out then03:51
Daisuke_Idoabout a month.03:52
Alan_Mlater everyone03:57
maduserwhats konversations scripting directory?03:59
Jucatomaduser: the system-wide/default installed scripts are in /usr/share/apps/konversation/scripts04:00
Jucatomaduser: you can put your own (per user only) in ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts/04:00
maduseryou also can specify the area where the script is04:01
maduserbut I get a permisons error04:01
Jucatospecify the area where the script is?04:02
maduseryeah like exec /home/script04:02
posingaspopularsudo the command04:03
Jucatoposingaspopular: hm?04:03
maduserlets see04:03
Jucatomaduser: well true, but for convenience, you can keep them with all the other scripts04:03
Jucatobut what permission errors do you get? is the script executable?04:03
maduser Could not execute script "/home/kevin/woo". Check file permissions.04:04
maduserthats it04:04
madusernow nothings happening04:08
Jucatowithout knowing what the script is or what it's supposed to do, can't really help you there04:09
maduserit spose to print out information04:09
Jucatowhere and how? in the current tab?04:10
maduserwell it worked04:11
Jucatomaduser: next time, do not test scripts in here04:11
nick_he have a way to connect to another pc whit linux ?04:14
=== willis__________ is now known as Dr__Willis
hatetank_Need help with a new install!04:22
* Dr__Willis wonders if hatetank_ is typing the actual problem/question, or waiting for someone to ask what the problem....04:24
asobianyone uses noscript with firefox?04:24
asobiwhen you allow a site on the white list, it will allow all the flash, java, etc yes?04:24
hatetank_did a fresh install and then updates, then had a crash in adept.04:25
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:26
posingaspopularnixternal: depends on which computer04:26
posingaspopularsamba, ssh, telnet, rloging, ftp, etc.04:26
wadI'd like to disable to automatic "apt-get update" functionality that my kubuntu box has. What's the best way to do this? Should I just delete /etc/cron.daily/apt ?04:27
hatetank_says a signal 6 sigabrt04:27
Jucato!adeptcrash | hatetank_04:28
ubotuhatetank_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:28
PendetaInstalling KDE I'm asked my DVB card type. I don't have on yet, but may get one. Our Internet connection is DSL so would the card type be terrestrial or cable?04:31
intelikeyoh !04:31
intelikeyooops.   that was a new lesson.04:33
intelikeywith bx dont try to ^Z04:33
hatetank_uboto :thank you that  worked!04:35
intelikeysay Jucato.   how is ya ?04:35
Jucato!thanks | hatetank_04:35
ubotuhatetank_: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:35
hatetank_newbie sorry!04:35
Jucatohatetank_: no worries :)04:36
intelikeyir ?   uv ?   convexion ?04:36
Jucatointelikey: sunburn :)04:36
Jucatooh right04:36
intelikeysorry to hear that.   at least it wasn't convection.04:37
Daisuke_Idointelikey, why would you use bx when there's irssi?04:38
nick_witch program i use for connect to another pc04:39
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido i'm lazy04:39
Daisuke_Idofair enough04:39
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido :)04:39
Daisuke_Idojust something i've noticed recently concering ubuntu (as a collective)...  there have been more and more "linux purists" (read: trolls) trying to detract attention because they fear mass adoption...04:40
intelikeynick_ depends on what you mean by connect.    web browser... ftp client... vnc viewer... ssh(and all it's facets)... samba/nfs... ?04:41
nick_like vnc04:41
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido yeah i don't like the dirrection that cannonical is taking linux.   it's ok to take one distro that way.  problem is it's dragging all FOSS with it...04:42
intelikeyat least up to this point the shift is minor.04:43
intelikey!find vnc | nick_04:43
ubotunick_: Found: libvncserver-dev, xvnc4viewer, directvnc, libsvncpp-dev, libsvncpp0c2a (and 18 others)04:43
nick_the better one ?04:44
intelikeytight-vnc  ?04:44
Dr__WillisTheres a dozen vnc variants. :) most work about the same.04:44
nick_ok good04:44
Dr__Willisfor windows i tend to nstall 'ultravnc'04:44
Dr__WillisTightvnc, or vnc4server is what i use on linux normally04:44
intelikeydoc don't look now but you're spreding out in the middle...04:45
Dr__WillisYep. :)04:45
kanadiancan I connect to a cisco based system at my university via VNC software such as those?04:45
Dr__WillisMiddle aged spread.04:45
Dr__WillisIf they are running a vncserver.. yes.. if not.. no.. :) i guess..04:45
kanadiansorry. newb question04:46
kanadianthey are running a vnc server though04:46
Dr__WillisYou may want to read up on vnc. its a very flexiable tool.04:46
kanadianI sense a sunday project coming on :)04:46
intelikeynick_ i purposly omited "telnet" in the list ^ up there04:46
intelikeyi can't believe i got this computer working....04:47
nick_tightvnc or telnet04:48
Dr__Willisssh !04:48
nick_linux to windows04:48
nick_not linux to terminal XD04:49
intelikeylightening popped it the other day.    i tried for three days (off and on) to get it to post bios without success.     finally pulled all usable componants out of the box and pitched the box and mobo in the garbage (outside)04:49
nick_tightvnc no .deb :(04:50
Dr__Willis!find vnc04:51
ubotuFound: libvncserver-dev, xvnc4viewer, directvnc, libsvncpp-dev, libsvncpp0c2a (and 18 others)04:51
intelikeyabout five days later i happened to think of one other trick...    went out and dumped the water out of it, brought it in, hooked the psu back up and plugged a cpu in(without heatsync "duh OOPS") and it almost posted bios before it pooped and smelled funny (hot)04:51
Daisuke_Ido!find tightvnc04:51
Dr__Willis!find tightvnc04:51
ubotuFound: tightvncserver, xtightvncviewer, tightvnc-java04:51
Dr__WillisIts riht there in the repos...04:51
intelikeyheh.   added a heatsync and ram...  i'm talking on it.04:51
Daisuke_Idonick_, i highly recommend you read up on repositories and package managers04:52
Dr__Willisapt-get install  tightvncserver  xtightvncviewer04:52
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:52
Dr__WillisMy  Theres a lot of argumentive people in #ubuntu tonight04:54
intelikeyreally ?   i'd go see but i'm banned still04:54
rmattbdoes the MOTD say "It's not Windows" :)04:55
Darkrift411is there anyone in here familiar enough with the process of getting bcm43xx (4311) installed and working to walk me thru it? I have tried many tutorials (7 mo's ago i got it working after 3 weeks). Im running a 7.10 liveDVD right now, and i want to make sure i can get it running before wiping vista off. I know im asking for a lot, but it would be much appreciated04:55
nick_Dr__Willis:  i install tight vnc but i not see it lol04:55
Dr__Willisnick_,  you may want to read its docs..04:56
Dr__Willis'not see' as in you dont see an icon? Thats normal...04:56
Dr__Willisits not a gui app. :)04:56
nick_o ok04:56
crxyemI've tried firefox/mozilla-mplayer plugin but streaming medai opens in an external window, is there a way to have the content viewed in the webpage as streaming video ??04:57
intelikeyrmattb echo 'cat /dev/random | cut -c66 > /etc/motd' >> /etc/rc.local       :)))04:57
* Dr__Willis rembers suggesting reading up on vnc earier.. 04:57
Dr__WillisI tend to use vnc4server, not tightvnc. not sure how the 2 differ04:57
crxyemwmv streams for example04:57
nick_like crossloop or logmein04:58
nick_do you have something comparable04:58
intelikeytightvnc is formulated specifically for slower networks.    not needed much anymore by most people.04:58
Dr__WillisYea. I was wondering more how the confiugs/defaults are set up04:59
Dr__Willisvnc4server makes a .vnc dir and ,vnc/xstartup file to allow easy tweaking. :)04:59
Dr__Willissome others seem to do it differently04:59
intelikey.tightvncrc ?04:59
Dr__Willistightvnc seems to be identical to vnc4server in this area.05:00
Dr__WillisHmm.. tightvnc only let me use a 8 letter password for the vnc server05:00
intelikeyummm single packet limit there ?05:01
* intelikey hadn't noticed but doesn't normally use a vnc05:01
posingaspopularhey all, when I to launch frostwire, it doesn't run properly.. here is the output when I type it into the terminal05:09
nick_how to install a .tar05:10
Possum234after installing Kubuntu Gutsy, I got grub error 1705:11
Possum234can anyone explain what happened05:11
posingaspopularnick_: tar -xvzf (tar name)05:11
Daisuke_Idozvf if it's not gzipped05:12
Daisuke_Idono, xvf05:12
Darkrift411how to install tar: light cigarette, inhale, hold, exhale... tar installed in /lungs properly05:12
nick_sudo apt-get install limewire not work :(05:14
posingaspopularnick_: install frostwire05:16
posingaspopularapt-cache search limewire05:16
nick_E: Impossible de trouver le paquet frostwire05:17
posingaspopularsomeone is french :P05:17
nick_lol its said imposible to find the package frostwire05:18
posingaspopularnick_: i know french :P and that error output too05:20
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire05:20
nick_ok thnaks work now05:21
sudobashi bet it doesn't have BS adware and spyware like Limewire also05:21
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
sudobashbut it is linux05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about realvnc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:23
nick_grr lol05:23
posingaspopularmsg Jucato http://imagebin.org/1512205:24
nick_lol a page of full code appaear when i downlaod it05:27
nick_i got froswire but java error05:36
nick_i install the 5.0 environement05:37
asobiis divx included in restricted extras?05:38
Jucatoshort answer: yes05:38
Jucato(longer answer: depends on what video and audio codec  was used for the video)05:39
asobiso i shouldn't need the divx webplayer then05:40
* Jucato is not familiar with it05:40
intelikeyhmm not bad hardware clock was only 2 houndred million seconds off...05:45
asobihow do you display /whois in chan instead of server tab with xchat?05:45
Jucatoasobi: might want to ask that in #ubuntu or #xchat05:45
asobiis xvid included with restricted extras?05:46
intelikeyi guess five days under water kinda reset the clock.05:46
Jucatoasobi: same answer as divx05:46
asobithought so05:46
intelikeyxvid >< divx05:47
EightiesKum... i have a WUSB54g version 4 wireless card anyone know if i can use it in kubuntu?05:50
nick_i forgot how to install .tar.gz05:51
Jucatonick_: what are you trying to install?05:51
asobidoes kaffeine play .mkv files?05:51
nick_im boring to try to install java and flash player05:51
intelikeynick_  ;/05:51
Jucatoasobi:  I think so05:51
Jucatonick_: just install the package "kubuntu-restricted-extras" and you'll get those without having to compile them05:52
nick_not working05:52
nick_i try to open frostwire05:52
nick_and said java error05:52
JucatoI think it's a problem with frostwire, not java05:52
Jucato!wireless | EightiesK05:53
ubotuEightiesK: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:53
nick_o ok05:53
Jucatomight want to see the docs and check your brand/model05:53
nick_so im in ....05:53
nick_to use frostwire lol05:53
nick_my bad05:54
asobithey need to make ark able to handle .ace files ~_~05:54
nick_i try to install that05:55
Jucatoasobi: Ark uses utilties to do its extracting/compressing.  try installing whatever utility is needed for ace formats05:56
Jucatonick_: again, if you have installed kubuntu-restricted-extras, you do need to make your life harder05:56
intelikey!info unace05:56
ubotuunace (source: unace): extract, test and view .ace archives. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2b-5 (gutsy), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB05:56
nick_Jucato:  wher i can find restric in kde05:57
Jucato(of course, that depends if Ark was built to support ace files if the utility/backend is installed)05:57
asobii assume i can install unace from adept?05:57
intelikeycan still use unace if he needs to access an .ace05:57
Jucatonick_: K Menu -> Add/Remove Programs -> type "Kubuntu Restricted Extras" in the search box at the top. when it shows up, click on the checkbox to mark it for installation. then click on the Apply Changes button05:57
Jucatoasobi: yes05:57
nick_ok thnaks05:57
Jucatointelikey: of course. but that doesn't really 'fix" his original quesiton/problem :)05:58
nick_Aucun module externe trouvé pour «Média Shockwave Flash»05:58
nick_i need flash player05:59
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JucatoI do not speak french05:59
Darkrift411is there anyone in here familiar enough with the process of getting bcm43xx (4311) installed and working to walk me thru it? I have tried many tutorials (7 mo's ago i got it working after 3 weeks). Im running a 7.10 liveDVD right now, and i want to make sure i can get it running before wiping vista off. I know im asking for a lot, but it would be much appreciated05:59
nick_its said he need macromedia flash05:59
nick_!flash player05:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash player - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:59
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:59
Jucatonick_: yes. and you install Flash through Kubuntu Restricted Extras!05:59
JucatoFlash, Java, MP3 support, etc!05:59
nick_yes but he not work05:59
Jucatowhat browser are you using?06:00
nick_Adobe Flash was not detected...06:00
Jucatogo to Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> in the left side, there is a list with icons, go to the Plugins options. click the Scan for new plugins button06:00
Jucatothen click on Apply, then OK. then try again06:00
Jucatoif you need help translating, there's a #kubuntu-fr channel too06:01
nick_o thanks06:01
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pattytahay alguien despiertoo??06:03
ubotuEn el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:04
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.06:04
JucatoEnglish only06:04
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pattytahellp me xD06:04
intelikeyno speek geek in here some06:05
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pattytaNeed to Know ...06:05
Jucatoknow what?06:06
Jucato(you can ask in #ubuntu-es or #kubuntu-es if you are having a hard time using English)06:06
pattytaInstall programs on kununtu, I06:06
intelikeyit's down the hall to the left.   has a sign, one say men other say women06:06
Jucatointelikey: um?06:06
asobiinteli is trying to be funny06:07
posingaspopularwhich one pattyta06:07
Jucatopattyta: click on the K Menu. click on Add/Remove Programs. search for the program or programs you want to install, click on the box beside their name to check it, then click Apply Changes to install them06:07
asobijucato is the most patient, helpful person i know06:08
Jucatonah. :P06:08
Jucatothere are others too. probably better than me. they just happen to be asleep or at work :)06:09
pattyta  But I get nothing06:09
pattyta  I need help, I am new to this06:09
asobiso where are you?06:09
intelikeyor even sleeping at work.06:09
intelikeyman i can't stay on top of this thing today.06:10
Jucatogo bottom :)06:10
Colonel_Panichey does anyone in here know anything about configuring eggdrop bots?06:10
pattyta  There is some room in Spanish ??06:10
Jucato!es | pattyta06:10
ubotupattyta: En el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:10
asobiis there a #eggdrop chan? =P06:11
intelikeyColonel_Panic what in particular ?06:11
Colonel_Panicyeah, but it's dead in there06:11
asobioh -_-06:11
pattytaThanks guys, it became =)06:11
Jucatoof course that doesn't make *this* channel the correct place to ask. :)06:12
Colonel_PanicI keep getting this error every time I telnet to it06:12
Colonel_Panicfor some reason my bot won't recognize my password06:12
Jucato(if you do find someone in here who does know, please take the questions/conversation in private or in #kubuntu-offtopic  thanks)06:12
Colonel_PanicI have to delete the user file06:12
Colonel_Panicthen re-log in as NEW to reassume control of it06:12
pattytaApologize for the inconvenience, but I am new xD06:13
Colonel_Panicwhen I try to re-log in after restarting the bot06:13
Jucatopattyta: no problem06:13
Colonel_PanicI get this error: "Can't telnet until you have a password set"06:13
pattytaThe bad thing is that there is nobody in the other room :(06:14
Colonel_Panicfor some reason it's not saving my password06:14
* Jucato *kindly* points Colonel_Panic to the fact that it is offtopic in here...06:14
Colonel_Panicyeah I know06:14
intelikeyColonel_Panic hmm never had that happen  but i always controlled locally.    maybe someone in ##linux  would know06:15
Colonel_Panichmmm ok thx06:15
EightiesKwhen i try to install kubuntu it errors ans won't start x server anyone know why?06:16
EightiesKthen it errors in Safe gfx mode...06:17
intelikeyEightiesK maybe boot with "noacpi vga=normal"  ?06:18
EightiesKintelikey: where would i type that?06:18
intelikeyat the boot prompt06:19
PendetaI just installed KDE on Ubuntu Server Edition. How do I start KDE?06:19
intelikeystartx ?06:19
intelikeyPendeta or are you asking for a display manager ?     install gdm06:19
* intelikey doesn't reccomend kdm cause he doesn't like it.06:20
Jucatoor "startkde"06:20
nixternalor "startjucato"06:20
intelikeyJucato does that now bring up the xserver ?06:21
Jucatoit always has06:21
Jucatooh no wait06:21
intelikeyhmmm never has for me.06:21
Jucatostarx + startkde06:21
nixternalthere you go06:21
Jucatobah! that signals bed time :)06:21
nixternalor, export DISPLAY=:0 ring a bell?06:21
* Jucato is incoherent when he's incoherent06:21
nixternalsudo /etc/inti.d/kdm restart06:21
Jucatonope. no bells here. only buzzers06:22
nixternalworks all the time...or s/restart/start06:22
intelikeyyeah.    but if he has only installed kde on top of ubuntu-server   startx will default to kde06:22
asobithanks for the help and good night06:22
nixternalintelikey: not necessarily06:22
nixternalif he installed kubuntu-desktop then yes06:22
Jucatodepends on the setting for X06:22
nixternalif he installed the kde-core stuff then I don't believe it does06:22
nixternalI know I had to create a custom start script for my trunk build of KDE 4 and KDE 306:22
intelikeynixternal kde != kde-core06:22
nixternalintelikey: then how else would you install a fully functional KDE? by installed libs, pimlibs, base, pim, and so on?06:23
intelikeynixternal by installing kde06:23
nixternalkde-core is the meta package that install a vanilla KDE06:23
intelikey!find kde06:24
ubotuFound: atlantikdesigner, edubuntu-addon-kde, edubuntu-desktop-kde, gdebi-kde, gettext-kde (and 572 others)06:24
intelikey!info kde06:24
ubotukde (source: meta-kde): the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:47 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB06:24
asobican someone dcc me something, want to test?06:24
nixternaloh ya, forgot about the kde metapackage..you are right intelikey06:24
intelikeysorry wrong switch.06:24
nixternalI am thinking kde4-core06:24
asobisay a picture, something small06:24
nixternala picture, something small06:24
nixternalyou told me to say it06:25
nixternalI have DCC blocked06:25
pattytaI can send someone in the courtroom Spanish please06:26
asobiwhy does my dcc not work06:26
intelikeyasobi router firewall06:26
asobii use guarddog06:26
EightiesKintelikey: it says starting powernode can't create long line of code directory none existant06:26
Pendetastartx is giving a "no such file or directory" message. Does that mean I have a bad install?06:27
intelikeyEightiesK yeah that's cause you told it not to insert the acpi modules        and ?06:27
EightiesKit started xserver then went back to the prompt06:28
EightiesKand its just stuck there.06:28
EightiesKjust blinking.06:28
intelikeyPendeta no.  it means you installed a desktop environment without an xserver    install xwindow-system-core06:28
EightiesKdo i need alt install disk?06:29
intelikeyEightiesK ok.   do you have at least 256m ram there ?06:29
Pendetaintelikey, thanks. I'll do that now.06:29
EightiesKold computer.06:29
EightiesKwell ya06:29
intelikeyEightiesK that's your problem.   and yes alternate install06:29
EightiesKexactly 25606:29
intelikeyerrr then it should be plenty for the livecd06:30
EightiesKwould oem be ok?06:30
EightiesKor will it format the whole comptuert?06:30
intelikey</shrugs>  and points at jucato06:31
asobianyone use guarddog?06:31
asobijucato went to bed06:31
intelikeywell i didn't even know that ubuntu was producing OEM cd's06:32
intelikeyhey don't laugh too hard.   i'm a linux fan   but not really much of a ubuntu fan.06:34
EightiesKi fixed it06:34
EightiesKI went in thru oem mode.06:35
intelikeyasobi i installed guarddog and firestarter both one time to see if either would support the kind of custom tabeling i needed and neither did.  so i haven't seen them sense.06:36
EightiesKanyone else here have a WUSB54g version 4 wireless card06:36
asobiwhat firewall do you use?06:36
intelikeysame one you do     iptables.06:37
asobioh right06:37
intelikeyall guarddog and firestarter are is frontends to iptables06:37
asobiso how do you dcc?06:37
intelikeyi leave a port open06:37
asobihow so?06:38
asobii prefer gui but i am willing to use prompt06:38
EightiesKtruthfully if it wasn't for amorok and kopete oh and katapult i'd stil with windows06:40
intelikey$iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 10100 -j ACCEPT06:42
intelikeysomething like that will open a port for you06:42
asobihow do i know which port to open?06:42
intelikeyof course 10100 is an example onlyu06:42
intelikeydefault irc is 666706:43
asobiwell i can use irc fine06:43
intelikeyyou can "pick one" and set your client to use it.06:43
asobii think 59 is default for dcc?06:43
intelikey8000 here06:43
asobi#xchat is dead06:43
asobihow do i set xchat to a dcc port06:44
intelikey##linux is probably drunk    and #ubuntu is newbish06:44
asobiit looks like my entire port ranges are open06:44
intelikeyasobi in it's menu06:44
asobiwhat menu?06:44
DarkriftXis there anyone in here familiar enough with the process of getting bcm43xx (4311) installed and working to walk me thru it? I have tried many tutorials (7 mo's ago i got it working after 3 weeks). Im running a 7.10 liveDVD right now, and i want to make sure i can get it running before wiping vista off. I know im asking for a lot, but it would be much appreciated06:44
intelikeyasobi you have a version of xchat that doesn't have a menu ?06:45
asobidefine menu?06:45
DarkriftXasobi right click in the center of the chat window, should bring up the menu06:45
intelikeyasobi ;/06:46
DarkriftXi htink he means he "file view" etc menu06:46
asobii do06:46
asobiwhich menu do i want06:46
asobimy settings show i have all ports open06:46
asobisettings -> preferences -> file transfer -> ports 0 to 0 is all ports open yes?06:47
asobinothing in dcc ip address though06:47
intelikeyi haven't used xchat in many years now...06:47
EightiesKis there a mirandaIM client for linux or is is windows only?06:48
intelikeywell thanks for wakeing me up.     i need to make rounds.06:48
asobiuse pidgin06:48
EightiesKi used pidgin since .07 GAIM Alpha06:49
EightiesKlatley theres so many bugs....06:49
asobiit's fine here06:49
EightiesKin linux i prefer kopete.06:50
asobithe layout/organization is unattractive to me06:51
EightiesKthe only way i can get into Xserver is in oem mode but i can't do a regualr install from there....06:51
* asobi is a newb, can't help you there :/06:52
asobitried live cd?06:52
asobiit was very easy for me06:52
EightiesKit is the live cd06:52
EightiesKbut the live cd won't open xserver06:53
asobidamaged cd?06:53
asobino idea then06:53
EightiesKit runs the live cd in oem mode06:53
asobitry another live cd?06:53
stdinBT note: please don't remove these:07:00
Arwenum, libiconv is part of libc6, right?07:11
ArwenI've got a source package that's searching for libiconv.so07:12
cqis shutdown -r a good idea under kubuntu, or are the log-off options better?07:14
Arwenit's a good idea if you want to reboot...07:14
Arwenyou might wanna log out first if you prefer not having a term signal being sent to all your apps07:15
cqsure, i just had a term running, so it's ok07:15
cqis there anyone really technically good here?  I think I managed to hose my whole system with one apt-get install ...07:17
cqnow on boot in recovery mode the system hangs saying it's trying to read beyond the disk limits07:17
cqhow exactly do ubuntu and kubuntu work, they take debian's archive and system, preconfigure it and add gnome/kde and change some bootups, or is there more to it?07:22
cqhow stable/unstable is 8.04?07:28
cqI know it's beta, but is it early or late beta ;)07:28
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stdincq: the beta was releases on thursday07:59
cqI looked at the changes... looks like mostly desktop improvements, right?08:00
cqover 7.1008:00
stdincq: for the beta, yes. but remember there were alphas before that and quite a lot has changed "under the hood"08:01
cqwhere are the under the hood changes listed?  is there a changelog somewhere? I didn't find one08:02
stdincq: the entire changelogs? those are stored per source-package, have a look at http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/ to see them all, though they aren't sorted per release08:03
stdinso the entire changelog for packages are there, from the 1st packaging08:04
cqah... there's no 'under the hood changes from 7.10 to 8.04' summary somewhere? :)08:04
stdinno, it would take months of effort just to do that and, to be frank, we have better things to do ;)08:05
cqunderstood ;)08:05
cqI'm just trying to figure out if I want to install the beta or not.08:05
cqare the releases based on debian stable, testing, or a mixture?08:05
stdinthat is, debian unstable08:06
cqunstable? that's gutsy...08:06
cqwhy not testing? or are some things too slow there?08:06
stdintesting breaks too much08:06
cqI thought the point of testing was to move it from unstable into testing only when it _doesnt_ break too much08:07
cqi.e. dependencies OK, no bugs filed in XX days ...08:07
stdinI thought it was testing -> unstable, but I'm not sure any more. haven't used debian for years now08:08
stdinif you want to test the ISOs, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing though we recommend you keep backups, etc... etc...08:08
cqno, unstable -> testing -> stable08:08
cqhttp://www.debian.org/devel/testing is a good quick summary08:09
cqthere's also experimental for stuff too unstable to go into unstable08:10
stdinhardy should be stable enough for an experienced user, but probably not for the "average" one08:10
stdincq: give me main, restricted, universe and multiverse. less confusing :p08:11
* djdarkman is installing hardy....08:11
djdarkmanso far soo good, no troble with the upgrade tool that worked nice when I upgraded to gutsy08:11
cqstdin: it's different, debian develops the base system, so their stuff is organised along stability lines.  the ubuntu worls is along base system to userland dimensions08:12
stdincq: yes, I know :)08:13
re-alignAnyone know where Firefox stores the images used in its themes?08:15
david__I just installed 7.10 and let adept install all the updates. Now everytime I try to use adept or add/remove or similar, I get an error saying another package manager is running08:17
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »08:17
david__I let it try to stop it and get a crash handler. even rebooting doesn't solve this08:18
stdindavid__: do what ubotu said there08:18
david__o thanks, will try now08:18
re-aligndavid, I had the same problem, the above fixed it.08:18
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david__ubotu: Which option do I choose when it asks which config file to keep? default is to keep your current version08:21
stdinjust press enter to choose the default08:21
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:21
david__wow that ubotu is pretty damn smart, it knew exactly what i wanted08:22
jussio1david__: ubotu is a robot08:22
david__Which option do I choose when it asks which config file to keep? default is to keep your current version08:22
david__yes I know08:23
|Cain_|can someone tell me how to change the color of the kicker?08:23
david__thats why I said "it" lol08:23
user5vai nella sez. it08:23
stdindavid__: choose the default if you want08:24
david__stdin: thanks08:24
jussio1|Cain_|: its part of the theming, but you need to enable it by right clicking kicker and configuring it08:24
jussio1!it | user508:24
ubotuuser5: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:24
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:30
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ProbeDoti have a text file having one word on each line. how can i delet duplcate words?09:15
SSJ_GZProbeDot: Run in through sort and uniq09:17
ProbeDotSSJ_GZ nickrud if there are sentences on each line instead of words. then what will this do. cat /home/a.txt | sort | uniq   ?09:18
SSJ_GZProbeDot: sort | uniq sorts the lines into alphabetical order, and filters out lines that are identical to the line before it.09:19
ProbeDotSSJ_GZ you mean exact lines?09:20
SSJ_GZProbeDot: I think they have to be 100% identical, yes.09:20
ProbeDotthis will not be sorted? 1. helo how are you 2. helo how @are you        (both lines will be untouched)?09:21
ProbeDotSSJ_GZ ok. thanks!09:21
SSJ_GZProbeDot: np -:)09:21
pat5starProbeDot: I'm hurt!  :(   I gave you the answer in another channel already! touch newfile.txt < oldfile.txt | uniq09:24
pat5starProbeDot: I'm hurt!  oops, meant touch newfile.txt < cat oldfile.txt | uniq09:24
ProbeDotpat5star that was witha windows app. linux is better09:25
ProbeDotSSJ_GZ pat5star i have another small txt files. each line with one word. how do i delete the words in a.txt that match with words in the small file b.txt ?09:25
pat5starProbeDot: well I won't argue that with you :)09:26
ProbeDotpat5star :)09:26
SSJ_GZProbeDot: Hmmm ... can't think of a good way of doing that; sorry!09:26
JucatoProbeDot: you might want to try asking in ##bash or ##linux (probably the former)09:27
ProbeDotJucato iam baned in linux09:27
ProbeDotdont know why09:27
pat5starProbeDot: depending upon how big it is, if it's not too big, you can do diff -u a.txt b.txt and compare the 2, if it's too big to manually edit, we can come up with a one liner to handle it :)09:27
ProbeDotpat5star the smal files has just 50 words. but the big file has about 500009:28
* Jucato guesses a mixture of bash, grep, cut, etc09:29
ProbeDotso what you  should i do09:29
* Jucato thinks its offtopic for this channel anyway09:29
Jucatoif anyone's interested in continuing to help ProbeDot, please head over to #kubuntu-offtopic for it09:30
ProbeDotyour welcome Jucato :)09:30
pat5starProbeDot: a one-liner bash script would go something like this: for word in `cat a.txt`; do; grep $word b.txt; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; do echo $word >> c.txt; fi; done;09:32
Jucatoahem :)09:32
pat5starProbeDot: c.txt would contain all unique words09:32
pat5starJucato: u have a cold?09:38
ProbeDotpat5star thanks09:40
pat5starProbeDot: yw, hope that worked, I'm drunk and high and worried that I didn't get syntax quite right :)09:40
pat5starProbeDot: nothing like spending a Friday night drinking alone, popping percocets like candy, and chatting with a bunch of geeks on irc :P09:41
jussi01pat5star: he has left. can we move on now please?09:42
pat5starand so everyone knows, I mean geeks in nicest form :)09:42
pat5starjussi01: oh, quite right...what is the next topic/question sir jussi01?09:42
pat5starjussi01: seeing that it's so busy and all09:42
jussi01pat5star: this is a kubuntu support channel, you were asked to go to #kubuntu offtopic for other discussion09:43
pat5starjussi01: I answered his question on one short line, I'm sure it didn't upset this very important/busy channel that much, but if it did I offer my utmost apologies09:44
pat5starjussi01: and I promise to never, ever do something that bad again!09:45
pat5starjussi01: do you live in your parents basement and have lot of pimples? Don't mean to stereotype, but just trying to form a mental image :P09:47
Jucatopat5star: that is totally uncalled for09:48
pat5starJucato: it is? my bad.09:48
pat5starJucato: just wondering why a short one line answer to someones question gets a person in trouble, instead of thanked, that all. guess I'm a little perturbed09:49
Jucato1. I already gave a warning to take the bash/scripting conversation to #kubuntu-offtopic (that was what the ahem was for). 2. please stay on topic and behave towards others09:49
Jucatoit was not for that one single line but for the entire topic. and as I said, I already gave a heads up to continue in the offtopic channel09:50
pat5starJucato: are we allowed to ask why? Or are we to accept orders without question? I'm trying to be helpful to new linux users...what you may not know was that he was asking for help in the #windows channel first09:50
pat5starJucato: seems to me that our goal is to convert users to linux (any distro), and he moved here09:51
Jucatowhy? simple. this channel is for Kubuntu support questions. this channel (along with other ubuntu channels) have rules. one of them is to stay within the topic (which is Kubuntu support). we have offtopic channels for other kinds of conversations09:51
pat5starJucato: I'd consider my one line answer a success that may help convert another user to becoming a fulltime user, but am being reprimanded by ops on the channel, just seems contradictory09:52
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:52
Jucato<Jucato> it was not for that one single line but for the entire topic. and as I said, I already gave a heads up to continue in the offtopic channel09:53
pat5starJucato: I'm aware of that. But his problem was solveable in kubuntu, which he is new too, and I offerred him help on one line.09:53
Jucatoyou keep on insisting that it's that *one liner*09:53
pat5starJucato: how many lines do you think it was?09:53
pat5starJucato: cause I do tend to ramble :)09:54
Jucatopat5star: and look, ProbeDot understood and had no problems about it09:54
pat5starJucato: right, my point exactly. He couldn't get help on #windows but we solved it here. Is that not our goal?09:54
Jucatolet's see, 10 minutes worth of conversation?09:54
pat5starJucato: cause I could argue that most questions asked here should be taken off topic otherwise09:55
* Jucato sighs09:55
Jucatopat5star: this should be simple. we have rules. please abide by them09:55
pat5starJucato: hey look, I'll sign off an leave permanetly if that helps you/makes you feel better. I'm just a huge kubuntu fan that wants to help others and convert them over too. Maybe I don't belong here09:56
Jucatono one's telling you to leave09:56
Jucatothis conversation itself is already offtopic. and wouldn't be happening if you just 1. let it go like ProbeDot and 2. didn't bite back with that almost insulting remark09:57
pat5starJucato: well then let's not have an argument over something as silly as this. I peruaded the user from #windows to here, sovled his problem that couldn't be solved on #windows, and the channel isn't busy. I really don't see your point, but I won't do it again either09:58
pat5starJucato: ok I'll drop it and I apologize09:58
harpalplz help with mpg123 equiliser file format09:59
pat5starjussi01: I apoligize for my comment earlier as well09:59
cqI have a machine which shows HD problems, "attempt to access beyond end of device". just did a clean reintsall, still there10:00
cqany ideas on what it could be? the machine is old, HD is new, 30gb...10:00
cqtry with a smaller partition maybe?10:00
devnul1Evening all...  Need a quick question answered using xubuntu... Unable to locate any info in forms10:15
devnul1any advailible to help real quick10:18
pat5stardevnul1: what do you mean in forms?10:18
devnul1The ubuntu web forms... My question is quick and simple.. I am using xubuntu but dont like the file manager it uses... I installed Kubuntu but to resource intensice... I was woundering if I can use DOLPHIN the Kubuntu file manager in xubuntu. Or can I install it with that version of ubuntu10:20
pat5stardevnul1: I'm not sure if dolphin will run without kde, you can remove everything kde related, then apt-get install dolphin, and look to see what it wiil install and decide if it's worth it or not10:23
devnul1Kewl Thanks for the info...  I check that out and look around the web some more and see if i can find anything as well... Thanks for your time10:24
philipp_I have installed a flashplayer called gnash how can i use him wiht Konqueror?10:25
philipp_j #kubuntu-de10:26
_Shade_hi there10:29
_Shade_i just downloaded and installed kubuntu-kde4 beta image, and - to my suprise - i got kde3 os instead10:30
pat5starShade_: if you logout, then click the button to the right of the form fields, you'll have the option for session. Choose kde4 and enter login info and it will load up kde4 for you10:37
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_Shade_pat5star: the point is i haven't got any kde4 in sessions menu.10:38
Jucato_Shade_: that'd be weird. sure you got the right ISO?10:39
_Shade_Jucato: i followed the kubuntu.org's announcement :)10:40
philipp_I have installed a flashplayer called gnash how can i use him wiht Konqueror?10:41
Jucato_Shade_: which one specifically?10:41
Jucatophilipp_: try going to Settings -> COnfigure Konqueror -> Plugins -> click Scan for new plugins and click Apply and then OK10:42
_Shade_Jucato: oh man... my mistake, sorry.... aargh10:42
pat5star_Shade_: oh sry, did you download kde4-core (I think that's what it's called, I can't check now). apt-get install kde4-core10:42
Jucatopat5star: he thought he downloaded the KDE 4 remix ISO :)10:43
JucatoI guess he didnt :P10:43
pat5starJucato: oh I misunderstood10:43
Jucatopat5star: I actually thought he downloaded the packages too10:44
_Shade_but anyways... does anyone know how can i set up the nvidia restricted drivers? jockey doesn't install anything for me10:44
* Jucato had to read the sentence twice10:44
philipp_Jucato it dosent work... i think i have to to give it the path where i have installed it at first10:44
pat5starJucato: i'm on my server right now and don't have the extra repositories added so i can't look up what it is he needs to download10:44
Jucatopat5star: no problem. there's a #kubuntu-kde4 channel where _Shade_ can find lots of helpers for that :)10:45
pat5star_Shade_: you can type systemsettings in a term, then go to advanced, then restricted drivers and go from there10:46
Jucatophilipp_: oooh looks like you have to install konqueror-plugin-gnash10:46
Jucato(or K Menu -> System Settigs :P)10:46
pat5staror like Jucato said too :)10:46
philipp_philipp@hufi:~$ whereis gnash10:47
philipp_gnash: /usr/bin/gnash /usr/lib/gnash /usr/share/gnash /usr/share/man/man1/gnash.1.gz10:47
Jucatoor Alt+F2, "systemsettings"10:47
pat5staryou gotta love linux, there is a ton of ways to do the same thing10:47
* Jucato nods10:47
philipp_jucato what have i to do?10:47
Jucato<Jucato> philipp_: oooh looks like you have to install konqueror-plugin-gnash10:47
_Shade_Jucato: havent got THAT option in the advanced tab10:48
Jucatosame way you installed gnash (how did you do that?)10:48
Jucato_Shade_: hm... KDE 3.5 right?10:48
_Shade_Jucato: indeed10:48
Jucato_Shade_: can you run "kdesu restricted-manager-kde" ?10:49
Jucatoif it complains about it not existing, then install restricted-manager-kde10:50
_Shade_Jucato: i have jockey installed already10:51
* Jucato doesn't know jockey10:54
Jucatomore over, I don't know how to use it...10:55
_Shade_Jucato: it's a replacement for restricted manager in hardy10:55
Jucatoum.. _Shade_ that is on hardy right?10:55
Jucatook.. you might find more/better help in #ubuntu+1 for your questions then :)10:55
m4nwhat would be the best option to have some automatic wireless network configuring system tray application10:58
m4nanything that can scan for network at startup and enable selecting any one of them10:58
Jucatonot a wireless expert, but I think knetworkmanager can handle that10:59
jpatrickm4n: I think KNetworkManager does that10:59
m4nlet me see if I have that installed10:59
pat5starm4n: if not, you should install that...imo it's kubuntus best wireless network manager: apt-get install knetworkmanager   and it will be in kmenu -> internet -> knetworkmanager11:01
m4ni just installed that.. let me check it out11:01
pat5starm4n: important tip with knetworkmanager is to make sure your /etc/network/interfaces file doesn't have any entries other than the lo interface11:02
m4nah no wonder11:02
m4nits showing manual only for me11:02
m4nlet me try removing those entries11:02
pat5starm4n: right, remove any entries in interfaces, then you may need to reboot your machine11:03
MushanHur stänger man ner "apt-get"? kan inte lägga till/ta bort program heller för den körs någonstanns.. eller? :D11:18
kheopshow to install drivers?11:22
kheopsubuntu 7.10?11:22
Apple_Catwhat are the drivers for ?11:23
mohihi :)11:23
emilsedghkheops: driver of what? ubuntu or kubuntu?11:23
emilsedghhey mohi :)11:23
kheopsAti mobility X60011:23
mohihey emilsedgh ;)11:23
emilsedghkheops: use the restricted manager from System Settings->Advanced11:24
m4nhey whoever helped me, it worked perfectly :)11:24
m4nall I had to do was remove those manual configuration entries from that file11:24
cqhow do I change the keyboard to german once ive booted from the live cd11:24
m4nthanks a lot guys11:24
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emilsedghcq: System Settings->Reginal and Language->Keyboard Layout11:25
Apple_Catemilsedgh is on the ball tonight : )11:26
mohiwhat can I do for this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5989/11:26
emilsedghApple_Cat: i just could answer easy questions ;)11:26
kheopsError : The software source for the package xorg-driver-fglrx is not enabled11:26
cqgot it thanks11:27
emilsedghkheops: hm, please open Adept Manager and enable reporitories from there11:27
yoann_hi all11:30
emilsedgh!hi | yoann_11:31
ubotuyoann_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:31
Apple_Catmohi: what happens if you use Adept, or aptitude to install php5-cgi, usually they will sort out dependency  problems11:31
yoann_no french here?11:32
emilsedgh!fr | yoann_11:32
ubotuyoann_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:32
mohiApple_Cat: the same story but with this msg: There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.11:33
Apple_Catyou could try apt-get with the -f option, ie sudo apt-get -f install php5-cgi11:35
emilsedghmohi: btw why you want php-cgi?11:36
cqOK, something is messed up in this computer, I get HD errors that completely crash or even trash the system from time to time, memtest+ shows no problems, neither does smarttools on the HD... any other diagnostic ideas?11:38
kheopsThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.11:38
mohiemilsedgh: for php511:38
jpatrick!aptfix | kheops11:38
ubotukheops: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:38
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kheops If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » there are no changes12:03
flipstarhi, i decided to install gnome beside kde..where do i start? just install ubuntu-desktop ?12:03
flipstaryou guys dont like gnome ?12:06
jpatrickflipstar: just install ubuntu-desktop12:07
Jucatowow... what a conclusion drawn from 2 minutes of silence :)12:07
Jucatoflipstar: more detailed instructions: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/gnome12:08
flipstar2 minutes are much on irc :P kdm will still be my default login manager ?12:08
jpatrickflipstar: it will ask you if you want kdm or gdm12:09
ramzayWhat do you know about last games for ubuntu  ?12:09
flipstarokay the site answers all my questions12:09
Jucatoflipstar: you can keep it12:09
Jucatothe last games?12:09
Jucatofor Ubuntu? you mean GNOME games? might want to ask in #ubuntu about those12:10
Jucato(Kubuntu doesn't install KDE games by default. not sure about the KDE 4 version of Kubuntu though)12:10
Letzei've a question...I am upgrading to hardy..i was in gutsy with kde312:11
Letzehow can i disinstall kde3 and have only kde4?12:11
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:12
Letzesorry if the question is stoopid12:13
ramzayЧорт ктулху сожрет вас = )12:13
Letzenoone knows...thank you12:16
flipstarLetze: as far as i know you can only have kde4 beside kde3..12:16
flipstaryou could do a clean kde4 installation..12:16
Jucatobah.. too late12:17
flipstarmaybe he will check the logfile someday :)12:18
ajdamhi all12:18
flipstar!hi | ajdam12:18
ubotuajdam: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:18
ajdamhey, i'm here first time12:19
Jucatoso welcome :)O12:19
JasonWardajdam: hi12:19
emilsedghJucato: a few really cool games are coming for 4.1, kubuntu should really include them in next release12:19
ajdamthis is British server?12:20
Jucatoemilsedgh: it's a matter of disk space :)12:20
ubotuJoin us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk12:20
flipstarajdam: this is a international server12:20
Jucatothis is English Kubuntu channel on the Ubuntu IRC server.12:20
emilsedghJucato: i know, but they arent huge, i hope you could free up some space for them12:21
flipstarhe was asking about the server :P not the channel12:21
Jucatoemilsedgh: the winapps are probably the biggest offender :P12:21
Jucatoemilsedgh: but yeah I agree with you12:21
emilsedghyes, i really prefer them to not to be included12:21
emilsedghwubi is enough :D12:21
Jucatoflipstar: you'll find out sometime that people have different ideas about IRC :)12:21
flipstarhm right :=)12:22
Jucatoemilsedgh: I'd rather not have even wubi.. but :P12:22
emilsedghubuntu is live disc, those apps are just a waste of disc space12:22
ajdamwhen relase the Hrady Heron?12:22
Jucatosometime next month12:22
emilsedghwhat about a countdown widhet Jucato?12:23
JucatoI think there's one over at Planet Ubuntu12:23
flipstarthere were some depencies errors while installing ubuntu-desktop in kde..(acpid,ubuntu-desktop,acpi-support,powermanagement-interface) can i ignore this ?12:29
Jucatoum... that would be weird, since those are already installed (except for ubuntu-desktop)12:29
flipstarhm i'll try to login to gnome12:31
hell_is there anybody russian?12:33
Jucato!ru | hell_12:33
ubotuhell_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:33
hell_thx a lot12:34
Nerdoe's anyone know how to run counterstrike properly on kubuntu?12:42
Nerit's the only thing holing me back from a complete switch over12:42
holai neded elp to configure my webacm....it seem s impossibile12:49
fuhrealanyone know how to launch KDM theme manager once its installed?13:05
Dekansfuhreal: in kcontrol13:06
fuhrealDekans: looking ... but can't see it ...13:07
fuhrealDekans: k found it. under system admin13:07
flipstarin the last tab somewhere13:07
fuhrealDekans: ty13:07
vbhidehi!... some of my mp3's dont play on amarok, though they play on vlc.... they have a lock sign on their thumbnail in amarok, and amarok says that the file does not exist13:08
fuhrealflipstar: ty too13:09
holai neded elp to configure my webacm....it seem s impossibile13:10
Dekansis there someone on ubuntu hardy up-to-date ?13:13
fuhrealhrmmm now KDM Theme manager won't install the new files from kde-look13:13
jpatrickDekans: #ubunutu+113:14
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kheopshow to install a splash screen?13:25
kheopson kubuntu13:26
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork13:27
bnex10umm, i have been trying to get vnc to work13:30
bnex10so i tried the kde desktop sharing again13:30
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bnex10and it said that kded is not running13:31
nosrednaekimbnex10: start it in systemsettings->advanced->service manager13:32
mythis there a way to get my screen not so dark on my laptop? have tried xgamma its just not enough13:33
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bnex10myth: it won't really let me run as root13:33
nosrednaekimmyth: doesn't your laptop have some hot keys for screen brightness?13:34
nosrednaekimyou need to increase the brightness of the backlight... increasing gamma will only make it washed-out13:35
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shadowboxhey folks13:39
shadowboxI cant figure out why my sound isnt working13:39
stefanosorry to ask here, i have kde4 and i have two desktops at the same screen :O13:40
nosrednaekim!sound | shadowbox did you see this?13:40
ubotushadowbox did you see this?: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:40
shadowboxcool thanks13:41
nosrednaekimshadowbox: and if you have a newer intel chipset....13:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inhda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:42
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto13:42
damdambonjour, je suis tout nouveau dans la communauté kubuntu, ce serait cool de me souhaiter la bienvenue13:45
jpatrick!fr | damdam13:45
ubotudamdam: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:45
antonio_salve atutti13:54
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:54
antonio_ok sorry13:55
ere4sidon't be sorry :)13:55
hydrogenbe english!13:57
hydrogenits a much better solution13:57
shadowboxI am being asked (to get my SC working) if I am using Hg Mercurial. How do I find out?13:58
ubuntuhello.. was wondering if its ok when installing kubuntu to set mount point /home that is mounted as /home on another distro?13:59
flipstarshadowbox: lspci|grep -i audio13:59
nosrednaekimubuntu: yes, thats the point of separate /homes :)14:00
ubuntueven if i chose the same user name as the other distro14:00
vbhidei tried to install limewire by doing :  kon14:01
hydrogenthat was your first mistake14:01
vbhidei tried to install limewire by doing sudo dpkg -i LimeWireLinux.deb14:01
hydrogenthat was your second mistake14:02
vbhideand the error i get is this :14:02
vbhideUnpacking limewire-basic (from LimeWireLinux.deb) ...14:02
vbhidedpkg: error processing LimeWireLinux.deb (--install):14:02
vbhide failed in buffer_write(fd) (9, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/LimeWire/LimeWire.jar': No space left on device14:02
vbhidedpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)14:02
vbhideErrors were encountered while processing:14:02
vbhide LimeWireLinux.deb14:02
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:03
hydrogenI think!14:03
hydrogenIf I'm wrong you can say thingies to me14:03
ubuntunosrednaekim: i chose not to install bootloader. How do I create an entry for kubuntu in the bootloader that i already have installed?14:04
shadowbox00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller         (rev 02)14:07
shadowboxwhat does this tell me about hg Mercurial?14:08
nick_i not able to install flash player on my x64 :(14:08
flipstarshadowbox: i was SC means SoundCard..is this incorrect ?14:08
shadowboxI had same prob nick so I switched to 32 bit14:09
shadowboxyes, sc= sound card14:09
nick_32bit is better ?14:09
nick_to play game and anything ?14:09
shadowboxwell its easier to get everything working14:09
nick_o i c14:10
nosrednaekimubuntu: ubuntui'll give you a entry.. just a second, what partition is kubuntu on?14:10
nosrednaekimshadowbox: that is an Intel HDA14:10
shadowboxI actually have a quad core and I am STILL using 32 bit software14:10
nosrednaekim!intelHDA | shadowbox14:10
ubotushadowbox: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:10
shadowboxI am already there14:10
nosrednaekimshadowbox: did you find the right method for your card?14:11
nick_me i have a q extreme 1066 mhz14:11
shadowboxthey are missing a step or two (they take for granted they are not talking to a newbie14:11
nick_12 meg in cache14:11
shadowboxwhat kind of m/b?14:12
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ubuntunosrednaekim: hdb714:12
nick_so i have to download 32 bit edition and is i386 right?14:12
nosrednaekimubuntu: alrighty14:12
flipstarnick_: correct14:12
nick_flipstar:  allright thanks14:13
shadowbox12 meg cache is killer I'm running only 8mb14:13
nosrednaekimubuntu: and this is a fresh, un-updated installation of gutsy,7.1014:13
shadowboxand I cant imagine anything faster14:13
nick_flipstar:  dvd or cd ?14:13
shadowboxno you dont have to nick14:14
flipstarnick_: dvd includes live cd and an alternate installter, cd is only live cd or alternate installer14:14
shadowboxthe people here can help you with the setup14:14
nick_flipstar:  so better to take dvd or live ?14:15
shadowboxBUT it is a little easier with the 32 bit version, and you really dont benifit with the 64 bit version (truthfully)14:15
flipstarnick_: depends on what you want..if you only want to install just take the alternate cd14:15
ubuntunosrednaekim: im in live cd right now... how can i tell?... sory im a newby14:15
nick_flipstar:  ok then livve cd look better to me14:16
flipstarnick_: if youre some advanced you could just set an 32bit chroot environment14:16
nosrednaekimubuntu: hrm, I forget what the default kernel was...14:17
flipstar2.6.22 ..14:17
nosrednaekim-12 or -14?14:17
ubuntui downloaded about 2.5 weeks ago14:17
nosrednaekimubuntu: the default ones hasn't chnaged in several months.14:18
flipstarwasnt there a trick with ubotu ?14:18
nick_flipstar:  im going well in 2 week of reinstall and try to install anything now im able to install a lot of thing but not anderstand all14:18
nosrednaekim!info linux-image-generic gutsy14:18
ubotulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB14:18
nosrednaekimdoesn't say which one is ont he CD though, I'm betting on the -14 though14:19
nick_nosrednaekim:  better cd or dvd then14:19
nick_nosrednaekim:  i hate condole install14:19
nosrednaekimnick_: I'd do CD, but I have low bandwidth14:19
ubuntunosrednaekim: let me check14:20
flipstarnick_: then just choose live cd14:20
nick_nosrednaekim:  low bandwith ok but dvd have a better bandwith ?14:20
nick_flipstar:  ok thanks14:20
nosrednaekimnick_: it takes longer to get the DVD14:20
nick_nosrednaekim:  its why i not want to get it and 4 gig of more in my download rate14:20
ubuntunosrednaekim: 7.10: the Gutsy Gibbon Release14:21
nosrednaekimubuntu: ok, run, from the command line "uname -a"14:21
ubuntunosrednaekim: in live cd mode14:21
nosrednaekimthe kernel is the same14:21
ubuntunosrednaekim: ok... i did14:23
nosrednaekimoutput please?14:24
ubuntunosrednaekim: Linux ubuntu 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux14:24
nosrednaekimok, great, thanks14:24
RayTraceris there a package list of the kubuntu live cd somewhere? I want to know if kstars is included in the live cd.14:24
nosrednaekimRayTracer: its not :)14:25
RayTracerthis is :(14:25
bnex10kded is dead for some reason14:25
BluesKajHowdy all14:25
nosrednaekimubuntu: add this to your /boot/grub/menu.lst on your other partition http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60539/14:25
ubuntunosrednaekim: ok.... can I do that from live cd mode?14:27
bnex10can anyone help me start kded again without rebooting?14:28
ubuntunosrednaekim: or do i need to boot into the other distro?14:28
nosrednaekimubuntu: yes, run "sudo mount /dev/otherpartition /mnt" then "kdesudo kate /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst"14:28
* flipstar got a really ugly depency problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60542/14:29
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nosrednaekimflipstar: remove that konqueror deb from your /var/cache/apt/archives... it seems to be bad14:30
BluesKajflipstar, whynot just reinstall kubuntu-desktop ?14:31
* bnex10 needs help with kded!!!14:31
flipstarBluesKaj: i already tried14:31
flipstarnosrednaekim: still the same ..14:32
ubuntunosrednaekim: it opened up in kate, but 2 errors in the console14:32
bnex10come on14:32
bnex10i need help with kded please14:32
nosrednaekimubuntu: thats ok, paste that at the ends14:32
flipstarbnex10: you started the deamon ?14:33
bnex10it's supposed to be running14:33
flipstarjust restart it and try again14:33
ubuntunosrednaekim: then close and save??14:33
bnex10it seems to be not running14:33
hydesterhi.  i was thinking of upgrading my Laptop from Gutsy to Hardy Beta.  is this Beta more stable than Gutsy Beta was?14:33
asdfehelp.... what does this mean? rsync: failed to set times on "/home/repo/kubuntu/.": Operation not permitted (1)14:33
flipstarbnex10: then start it14:33
bnex10by "kded" in terminal?14:34
nosrednaekimubuntu: yes14:34
flipstarasdfe: means directory is not accesable to your user14:34
flipstarbnex10: just like you was told before14:34
asdfeflipstar: but i can write to it14:34
nosrednaekimhydester: depends on your hardware14:34
flipstarasdfe: then maybe the user rsync if it exists14:34
nosrednaekimflipstar: try manually installing that deb with dpkg14:35
flipstari still get "dpkg: errorprocessing /var/cache/apt/archives/konqueror_4%3a3.5.9-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--install): trying to overwrite `/usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop', which is also in package kio-umountwrapper"14:36
hydesternosrednaekim, so it is better to wait until the release at the end of April?14:36
nosrednaekimflipstar: ah.. now thats more useful :)14:36
asdfethanks flipstar14:36
nosrednaekimhydester: if you are not experienced with apt.... debugging, etc, it certainly is14:37
ubuntunosrednaekim: i think the root and kernel lines may be jumbled compared to the other entries???14:37
nosrednaekimubuntu: well, it boots for me, so its fine :)14:37
ubuntuill give it a shot14:38
bnex10well i need a vncserver that have a specific vnc encoding and can view an already existing display :014:40
nosrednaekimflipstar: try removing that file with "sudo rm /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop"14:40
flipstarnosrednaekim: i already did :( but seems to be a bug since it is mentioned in launchpad14:41
nosrednaekimflipstar: force it in...14:42
nosrednaekimflipstar: dpkg -i --force-all debname.deb14:43
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:43
dibonaventuraciao a tutti14:44
flipstarnosrednaekim: thanks you very much :=)14:45
nosrednaekimflipstar: that fixed it?14:45
nosrednaekimgreat.... that is a very useful command (but dangerous too)14:46
flipstari'll remember this :)14:46
coggzneed help with dolphin, how do i add an action the the context menu?14:49
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yakuziok i've a very strange problem: i can't change my wallpaper with the graphical desktop-tool. What i can is place an image on my desktop and then set it as background by righclicking it, but not from some folder or something14:51
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coggznosrednaekim: any ideas?14:52
nosrednaekimcoggz: no, I only know how to do it for konqueror14:52
coggzhmm, how, it might be similar14:53
nosrednaekimyou add it to a file in /etc/apps/kde/konqueror I think14:53
nosrednaekimnope, thats not it14:54
arvind_i m confused whether 2 go for gnome or kde14:54
bnex10arvind: get kde14:54
bnex10i tried gnome before14:54
nosrednaekimcoggz: /usr/share/apps/dolphin/servicemenus/14:54
nosrednaekimcoggz: add appropriate .desktop files to that DIR14:55
arvind_any specific reason14:56
nosrednaekimarvind_: GNOME feels, to me, like it was made for idiots14:56
arvind_as quoted by torvalds!!!14:57
william_i am having flassh issues14:57
bnex10arvind_: well kde is a lot better made than gnome14:57
pagan0nehey, anyone have problems installing the 8.04 beta cd w/ kde 4.0? whenever i try it hangs while trying to set the time14:57
nosrednaekimwilliam_: such as?14:58
william_i have nonfree/restricted enabled and i have reinstalled them as well as flash in synaptic but i still cannot view videos in ff14:58
flipstarpagan0ne: 8.04 in #ubuntu+114:58
william_it says i don't have the latest version so i enabled backports14:58
william_gnash locks up the system (possibly because i actually have 2 flash pluins?)14:59
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william_so i completely got rid of gnash and want to just try straight adobe flash14:59
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yakuziwhat i've got so far with my wallpaper problem: it doesn't listen to changes in kdesu kcontrol, system settings desktop, right-click configure desktop15:00
ctwwilliam_: did that work? I'm having similar issues ...15:00
coggzhmm, it hasnt worked nosrednaekim15:00
=== bnex-AFK is now known as bnex11
lopovhey guys, im having issues upgrading from dapper to hardy... ive tried both steps of upgrading but to no avail it wont let me upgrade ie upgrading from cd and ive tried using adept :(15:00
william_ctw, nothing has worked.  that is why i'm here ;)15:00
yakuziwhat does work: right-click on an image and select set as background15:00
ctwwilliam_: ahh15:00
nosrednaekimwilliam_: did you try installing flashplugin-nonfree?15:00
flipstarlopov:  8.04 in #ubuntu+115:00
ctwFor me Flash works in Firefox, but not in Konqueror15:01
ctwNo idea why15:01
bnex11flash won't install in firefox15:01
ctwWould appreciate any suggestions15:01
william_yes.  i used to have regular flash but i have updates auto install and perhaps something broke it?15:01
lopovflipstar, isnt this for kubuntu??? hence the channel name?15:01
bnex11hardy is getting released soon?15:02
flipstarits both in this chan btw its still beta15:02
flipstarca one month15:02
flipstarthis= #ubuntu+115:02
ctwlopov: ubuntu+1 is for hardy, this one is for the current released version15:02
nosrednaekimflipstar: not so......15:03
lopovctw, ok kewl thnx15:03
ubuntuwhen installing kubuntu wht partition type should the swap be?15:03
nosrednaekimubuntu: swap15:03
flipstarnosrednaekim: there is a kde channel for hardy ?15:03
nosrednaekimflipstar: no... they do it all in #ubuntu+115:03
yakuzianyone knows something about wallpaper problems?15:03
ctwflipstar: there is a #kubuntu-kde4 channel15:03
nosrednaekimyakuzi: no, your's sounds pretty exotic... sorry15:03
william_yay@the relese of hardy.  every six months a newer hotter version of ubuntu comes along and gives me a new reason to party15:04
ctwflipstar: but it's not hardy specific15:04
ubuntuwhen installing kubuntu wht partition type should the swap be?15:04
william_swap should be swap partion15:04
nosrednaekimubuntu: swap... as I said before15:04
ctwubuntu: like somebody said above, swap!15:04
ubuntuim sorry15:04
ubuntui meant extended?15:04
ubuntuor primary?15:04
flipstarubuntu the root partition should be primary15:05
william_(i mean is there any real reason not to use ext3?)15:05
ubuntuthe rest should be exptended?15:05
ubuntuits official i cant type -_-15:05
bnex11my partition setup:15:05
bnex11hold on let me get a list15:05
flipstari just set everything to primary dont now it this is bad15:06
william_nope thats fine flipster15:06
nosrednaekimubuntu: it can be either.... extended partitions are only used if you have more than 4 partitions on the disc15:06
bnex11 /dev/sdb1 14.0GB / ext315:07
bnex11 /dev/sdb2 1.0 Kb proc15:07
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bnex11 /dev/sdb5 957.0Mb none swap15:07
ubuntuok so how big should the home partition be?15:07
ubuntuwill 5gb do?15:08
bnex11more than 15 gigs15:08
ctwubuntu: 5 GB for swap is more than enough15:08
bnex11if you have a lot of files15:08
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:08
flipstarctw: 5gig for swap...?!?15:08
ubuntunot for swap, the home partition15:08
bnex11i got 1GB swap15:08
ctwflipstar: oops, sorry, misread15:08
ctwubuntu: ok, sorry15:08
bnex11Sysinfo for 'brant-desktop': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: PentiumIII(Coppermine) at 548 MHz (1097 bogomips), , RAM: 119/122MB, 106 proc's, 1.16d up15:08
bnex11old pc15:09
ubuntuso 5gb for home isnt good enough?15:09
ctwubuntu: it depends on what kind of data you have, but it seems small15:09
bnex11not if you want to resize it in the future15:09
bnex11and i don't have enough room to make a complete backup of everything15:09
ubuntui just use on this pc for one thing, the child games15:10
ubuntucause i have a bab15:10
ubuntuand he loves to play those games15:10
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nosrednaekimubuntu: it might be enough then15:10
nosrednaekimubuntu: you don't need a separate /home15:10
bnex1115GB is not enough for me15:10
ubuntui thought so too cause this pc doesnt get used for anyhting else15:10
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ubuntuthe little bugger loves his video games15:11
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bnex10> bnex10@<removed>:~$ tightvncserver :015:15
bnex10> Warning: brant-desktop:0 is taken because of /tmp/.X0-lock15:15
bnex10> Remove this file if there is no X server brant-desktop:015:15
bnex10> A VNC server is already running as :015:15
nosrednaekimtry :115:15
bnex10i don't want a new display15:15
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aimeenosrednaekim: This is the person you helped earlier with the bootloader.15:18
nosrednaekimaimee: did it work?15:19
aimeenot as planned15:19
nosrednaekimwouldn't boot?15:19
aimeenosrednaekim: when i installed kubuntu i chose the same user name as the user i have on the other distro. Now when i log in to the other distro it says i cant access the /home/vinnie15:20
nosrednaekimbut kubuntu does work?15:20
nosrednaekimand all your files are there?15:21
aimeeno... my monitor displays a big red warning ...out of range, something wrather. and just stops15:21
nosrednaekimaimee: ouch.... on pclinuxos, can you login as root?15:22
aimeeim not sure how?15:22
lopovanyone know why i missing the command adept_manager?15:22
nosrednaekimaimee: enter "root" in the login manager and then put in your root (admin) password15:22
aimeei can give it a shot15:22
aimeewhat do once im logged in15:23
nosrednaekimaimee: popup konversation or xchat or whatever pclinux os uses and we will see15:23
aimeewont this chanel ban be for joining as root?15:25
AshexI'm currently rebuilding my machine remotely15:25
Ashexrunning dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg for some reason is only configuring keyboard15:26
flipstaraimee: you dont have to run xchat as root..just login as root in a shell as far as i understand15:26
nosrednaekimaimee: no, it won't15:26
Ashexwhats the switch to reconfigure video driver and res?15:26
aimeeso i can stay as aimee and open terminal and su to root15:26
flipstaraimee: oh wait..he said login as root..sorry15:26
nosrednaekimAshex: keep going through the dialog, it will get to the monitor part15:27
Ashexnosrednaekim: I'm saying it ends after that15:27
nosrednaekimaimee: wait, what are you logged into now?15:27
nosrednaekimAshex: it didn't ask you ANY questions about your monitor?15:27
aimeethis is my wifes account on pclos. mine is /home/vinnie15:27
Ashexnosrednaekim: none, just goes through keyboard settings and exists15:27
nosrednaekimaimee: ah ok... then thats good enough, no need to log in15:28
nosrednaekimas root15:28
nosrednaekimAshex: wow.... try with -phigh15:28
AshexI'm running the hardy beta on a side note15:28
bnex10tightvnc seems to work15:28
bnex10but why do i get gnome terminal?15:28
nosrednaekimAshex: oh.. thats explains it XD.... go to #ubuntu+115:28
Ashexheh, I suspected they changed things up15:28
nosrednaekimAshex: dpkg-reoncifgure xserver-xorg doesn't work in hardy15:28
nosrednaekimthe new X server and all15:29
Ashexoh lame15:29
nosrednaekimaimee: go into su15:29
aimeenosrednaekim: terminal?15:29
nosrednaekimaimee: then see if all your files are still in /home/vinnie15:29
aimeenosrednaekim: i browsed them in konqueror and they are still there15:30
lopovwell well wouldnt you know that you need update-manager to perform dist upgrages...thanks for the hand ball flipstar :D15:30
nosrednaekimaimee: thats good....now, run, as root "chown -R vinnie.users /home/vinnie"15:32
nosrednaekimaimee: was vinnie the second user on this computer?15:33
aimeenosrednaekim: first15:33
aimeenosrednaekim: i ran chown -R vinnie.users /home/vinnie15:33
aimeenosrednaekim: vinnie is the first user15:34
aimeenosrednaekim: pl??15:34
flipstarright next to ok :)15:34
aimeenosrednaekim: huh?? what am i supose to be doing?15:35
nosrednaekimaimee: run this command: "cat /etc/group | grep vinnie:"15:35
nosrednaekimaimee: look at where pl and ok are on the keyboard15:36
* bnex10 is away: Gone away for now.15:36
=== bnex10 is now known as bnex-AFK
aimeenosrednaekim: i ran the command "cat /etc/group | grep vinnie:" now whats this about pl and ok ???15:37
ASCEwhat is the kubuntu equivilent of ctrl+alt+del?15:37
nosrednaekimaimee: what was the outpu of that command?15:37
coggzwhen making a sevice menu, is %u the file name variable?15:37
aimeenosrednaekim: x:501:15:38
nosrednaekimaimee: if you have a standard US keybaord, look at where the letters p and l are in relation to o and k... it was a typo;)15:38
aimeenosrednaekim: lol... oic15:39
nosrednaekimaimee: I see your problem, ok... and we should have just fixed it.15:39
nosrednaekimaimee: log out and then back in as yourself(or just switch users)15:39
aimeeok... brb15:39
simihi, i had used ubuntu and now i install kubuntu to try it. How i install compiz to start automaticaly and is a compiz graphic interface for setting it up?15:41
flipstar!compiz | simi it is explained here15:41
vinnie_nosrednaekim: u r a freakin life saver!! Thanx so much15:41
ubotusimi it is explained here: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion15:41
Ashexlooks like nobody knows the answer15:41
nosrednaekimsimi: you can use ccsm15:42
Ashex!xorg > me15:42
Al-MaisanHello there!15:42
Al-MaisanJust installed kubuntu 8.04 beta15:42
nosrednaekimvinnie_: not sure how thats going to work with ubuntu....15:42
Al-Maisanon a dell d63015:42
nosrednaekim!hardy | Al-Maisan15:42
ubotuAl-Maisan: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:42
sigma_1234where is the kontact data files stored?15:42
vinnie_nosrednaekim: thats ok... it was just installed 45 minutes ago.. i can give it another shot15:43
Al-MaisanI am having trouble using the intel-4965 WLAN in my laptop15:43
Ashexsigma_1234: ~/.kde/share/apps/15:43
Ashexsomething like that15:43
Al-Maisanwith my WPA protected WLAN at home15:43
vinnie_nosrednaekim: so... i take it I shouldnt choose the same user names as on other distros??15:43
Al-Maisanintel-4965 WLAN with WPA-PSK anybody?15:44
flipstar!wpa | Al-Maisan see this here15:44
ubotuAl-Maisan see this here: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:44
nosrednaekimvinnie_: you can.... but they need to have same user ID's.... ubuntu uses "1000" for the first user, and pclinuxos uses "501" apparently, that causes issues15:45
vinnie_nosrednaekim: so, no way of overcoming that?15:45
nosrednaekimvinnie_: hopefully thats what we just did15:46
nosrednaekimbut if not, we just change your ID in PCLINUXOS to 100015:46
vinnie_so... if i can fix the boot problem in kubuntu, it should work??15:46
nosrednaekimvinnie_: yes... not what was that problem exactly?15:47
vinnie_ive tried kubuntu before and the same issue. just before getting to the login or desktop my monitor turns black and a red warning pops on the screen saying display out of range... max 1024x768 something wrather and just hangs15:49
nosrednaekimvinnie_: I see, ok, lets chroot in from pclinuxos15:49
nosrednaekimvinnie_: run "mount /dev/hdb7 /mnt"15:50
nosrednaekimthen "chroot /mnt15:50
nosrednaekimthen "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"15:50
vinnie_nosrednaekim: do i need to "su" to root first?15:50
sigmafor some reason i can never delete the last contact in my Contacts list in Kontact, why is this? Where is the contacts data stored?15:52
vinnie_nosrednaekim: im ther15:52
nosrednaekimvinnie_: where?15:52
LimCoreis there a good way to propose a new package for ubuntu?15:53
LimCorein example, a small tool that will fix security for some people, by warning before starting sshd and so on. or warning about weak passwords in general15:53
savetheWorldLimCore: UNIX philosophy is to be as quiet as possible.  How would you prevent the tool from issuing the warning when the password wasn't weak?15:54
vinnie_nosrednaekim: I am so sorry.... can i get back with you on this problem some other time?? I have to go feed my son15:54
nosrednaekimLimCore: too late for hardy, but talk to #ubuntu-motu15:54
nosrednaekimvinnie_: ok, run those commands I put in above15:55
nosrednaekim <nosrednaekim> vinnie_: run "mount /dev/hdb7 /mnt"15:55
nosrednaekim[11:50] <nosrednaekim> then "chroot /mnt15:55
nosrednaekim[11:50] <nosrednaekim> then "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"15:55
vinnie_i did15:55
LimCoresavetheWorld: people can have different philosophy, if I would setup a computer for not educated user, I would like to prevent him from accidental doing some things. Then I would install in example restrict-no-servers that would conflict with installation of openssh-server ; and will depend on restrict-simple-firewall (drops all incomming)15:56
vinnie_nosrednaekim: ok... im in some kinda package configuration screen15:57
flipstarLimCore: why dont you just dont give him any rights (such as installing anything)15:57
flipstarso he can go to the sysadmin if he needs anything15:58
LimCoreflipstar: because he may want to install new programs15:58
savetheWorldLimCore: the warning should only be issued if it is certain that the problem exists.15:58
=== ubuntu is now known as ASCE
nosrednaekimvinnie_: actually, I thought of a better idea sorry....quit that....15:58
nosrednaekimlets just copy over your PClinuxOS xorg.conf15:58
savetheWorldLimCore: so- a weak password warning should only be issued when the password is being set, and in fact PAM allows you to set password requirements, such as length, dictionary entry, required types of chars etc..15:59
LimCoresavetheWorld: task is following: user should not ever start any servers (esp. open to world/lan), but on the other hand he should be able to do stuff like install normal programs, i.e. games, from repos15:59
flipstarLimCore: as soon as they have to right to install they can do anything..install ftp servers or so15:59
LimCoreflipstar: yes, or they can get a hammer and smash the PC - the point is to warn before doing some dengerous actions by accident16:00
LimCoresavetheWorld: how to enable that?16:00
flipstari think it was libpam-cracklib16:01
savetheWorld" user should not ever start any servers "  the systems today start lots of "servers" which are transparently enabled by the user (mostly at install time) and the user has know idea they are even doing it. We cannot place such a restriction in place today.16:01
savetheWorldLimCore: see the documentation on PAM?16:01
LimCoresavetheWorld: bvasicly16:01
savetheWorldLimCore: I reccomend finding a tutorial or howto16:01
nosrednaekimvinnie_: hello?16:01
savetheWorldLimCore: the man page (iirc) wasnt wonderful... ;-)16:01
vinnie_nosrednaekim: im here16:02
nosrednaekimvinnie_: you quit that application?16:02
vinnie_nosrednaekim: i just closed the terminal16:02
nosrednaekimnow,open another one, and log into su again16:02
LimCoreubuntu uses own patches to kernel?16:02
LimCoreI tried running selfbuilded kernel and it was not very well working... it worked ok in example on my debian box16:03
vinnie_nosrednaekim: im in16:03
flipstaryes the ubuntu kernel is modified from the original16:03
nosrednaekimvinnie_: and run "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /mnt/etc/X11/xorg.conf"16:03
simihi, i am comming from ubuntu, i installed compiz but after a relogin it does not start automaticaly, i can make a script to start it but why it does not start automaticaly?16:04
vinnie_nosrednaekim: its asking me if i want to overwrite16:04
nosrednaekimsay yes16:04
nosrednaekimsimi: use fusion-icon16:05
vinnie_is this going to overwrite pclos file16:05
nosrednaekimit will overwrite the ubuntu one16:05
simiin the advanced desktop effects wjen i try to set my keys for the zoom in and zoom out  when i type the key combination CTRL+1 is not  working, in ubuntu it worked fine16:06
flipstarctrl+1 is default size16:06
nosrednaekimsimi: switch to the flat file config under general16:06
flipstartry ctrl+216:06
flipstarbtw here its super+<num>16:07
simiiwhere is the file configuration ? in my home/.configure?16:07
flipstarin ccsm16:07
AzzcoHow do I check CPU temp? What do I need to install and do I need to mess with the kernel?16:07
flipstarAzzco: after that just run sensors from terminal or use gkrellm or so16:08
flipstarno you can leave the kernel as it is16:08
Azzcolm-sensors is allready installed, should I be able to see cpu temp in karamba themes with just that?16:08
flipstarkaramba might be need mbmon or so16:09
ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto16:10
feistelwhat is the best way for migrate from DAPPER DRAKE to GUTSY GIBBON ?16:10
LimCoreAzzco: run:  sensors16:10
vinnie_nosrednaekim: is that all i need to do?16:10
d3NieDcan anyone help make my usb optical mouse go in a straight line ? PLZ16:11
feistelwithout re-install Kubuntu16:11
nosrednaekimvinnie_: yes, sorry, try rebooting into kubuntu16:11
flipstarfeistel: afaik you need to go over edgy and feisty..16:11
nosrednaekim!upgrade | feistel16:11
ubotufeistel: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:11
feistelflipstar, dapper -> edgy -> feisty -> gutsy ?16:12
flipstarjust take a look at the link :)16:12
feistelok , thanks !16:12
d3NieDhow do I change mouse hardware settings/driver ?16:14
LimCorehow to disable sshd from starting at startup?16:15
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto16:15
d3NieDmouse is optical usb16:16
d3NieDwont go in straight line !16:16
alexbe01__yay for defective pointing devices!16:17
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nosrednaekimd3NieD: 0.o16:17
d3NieD :'(16:17
Daisuke_Laptopin seriousness though, that's the first time i've ever heard of a problem like that16:17
romunovhow do i choose which kde version do i want - kubuntu 8.04 with kde3 or kde4?16:18
Daisuke_Laptopall depends on what ISO you download16:18
romunovah, never mind. i see the remix download section16:18
LimCorenoone knows how to disable sshd from starting at srtar?16:22
flipstarprobably in systemsetting>services16:22
LimCoreand command line?16:24
flipstarsudo rcconf16:24
LimCoreflipstar: nope, it is not there16:24
LimCorefunny, it is not in rcconf, but it indeed is in services gui program... wtf16:25
m4ncan someone help me with setting up vpnc in network manager16:28
m4nit doesnt seem to recognise my username and password16:28
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m4nbasically, I dont see an option to specify the IPSec secret16:28
vinnie_nosrednaekim: still no go16:29
nosrednaekimvinnie_: still the monitor problem?16:29
vinnie_nosrednaekim: http://pastebin.com/m5c26e17716:30
nosrednaekimvinnie_: mount the ubuntu partition again... lets have a look at its xorg.conf16:35
nosrednaekimvinnie_: pastebin it...16:37
vinnie_nosrednaekim: is this right "mount /dev/hdb7 /mnt"16:38
chef_jemand aus deutschland auch da16:38
nosrednaekimvinnie_: yes16:38
vinnie_and whats after that?16:38
nosrednaekimvinnie_: cat /mnt/etc/X11/xorg.conf and pastebin that16:39
vinnie_nosrednaekim: http://pastebin.com/d724fb7bd16:40
euroxers_Hello everyone ... I have installed compiz−fusion (it works) and my keybord doesn't work very well anymore .. i can't write special character with the touch Alt Gr16:41
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WeaponXis there anyway to boot an iso file off a slave drive?16:42
jussio1!install | WeaponX16:44
ubotuWeaponX: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:44
jussio1WeaponX: see the last link16:44
WeaponXcan this work for other bootable isos aswell or only linux?16:45
jussio1I m not certain, sorry16:45
WeaponXkk thanks anywayz16:46
nosrednaekimvinnie_: looking... sorry, had to grab something to eat16:46
vinnie_nosrednaekim: np16:47
nosrednaekimvinnie_: ok, I see your problem here, you are telling it to use the nvidia drivers when you don't have them installed yet in ubuntu.16:48
vinnie_nosrednaekim: ok16:48
vinnie_nosrednaekim: we copied that conf file over earlier16:49
nosrednaekimright... :)16:49
euroxers_nobody can help me?16:50
vinnie_nosrednaekim: should i just do a reinstall?16:50
vinnie_nosrednaekim: or boot with the cd?16:50
flipstareuroxers_: its usally alt+altgr+key..16:50
nosrednaekimvinnie_: no... don't.... you need to add the failsafe recovery boot option, just one moment16:50
nosrednaekimadd this to the menu.lst http://pastebin.com/m3e2aae216:52
euroxers_flipstar: it doesn't work: when i try to make appear the sign under 8 with Alt Gr, it doesn't work any more16:52
luke__does anyone here know hot to format an external hard drive into ntfs while running kde?16:53
jussio1luke__: I dont think you can...16:54
jussio1unles you do it from a vm16:54
luke__any fs type that xp will recognize?16:54
flipstareuroxers_: nothing appears then? but works without compiz ?16:54
flipstarluke__: fat16:54
jussio1luke__: you can get xp to recognise ext316:54
jussio1!ext3 | luke__16:55
ubotuluke__: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org16:55
luke__how? i have a bootable under linux hd that xp wont read16:55
jussio1luke__: see the last link there16:55
luke__is it because i made it bootable that it wont read?16:55
vinnie_nosrednaekim: ok... brb16:55
flipstarluke__: no .. you have to install those drivers16:56
euroxers_flipstar: my keybord worked normally this afternoon before i installed compiz fusion: non, when i try to make appear a sign with Alt Gr, the wrong character appears16:56
luke__oh i see.... well fat will work automatically right?16:57
flipstareuroxers_: just check systemsetting->language/keyboard once.. and then ask in #compiz-fusion :)16:57
flipstarluke__: right..fat and fat3216:57
flipstarfor ext2/ext3 you have to install drivers16:58
luke__if i format it in fat (because the windows is on a different cpu that im not at liberty to configure) will it work without extra drivers?16:58
euroxers_flipstar: thanks for help16:58
luke__fat32 is for amd64 and i386 64 archs only, right?16:59
nosrednaekimluke__: no...17:00
flipstarfat can even readed from dos17:00
luke__i see.... you've been very helpful; and i'm grateful17:00
luke__i run a amd64 and had alot of  hassle last year with the lack of suppport for the processor...but the new distros like gutsy and hardy seem to have bridged the coompatability issues.....17:02
nosrednaekimyep... its much better now17:02
luke__what do you run nosre?17:03
luke__have you used the compiz effects like the cube?17:04
nosrednaekimyes..... but I am running kde4 now, so there is no need17:04
luke__really? i'm runnind kde gutsy and i have to run the command "compiz --replace' to get the 3d effects, and have little quirks pop up in the dm sometimes....17:05
luke__does kde4 fully integrate without any meddling?17:06
nosrednaekimnot really.17:07
nosrednaekimyou need to do the same thing17:07
flipstarwired apt-get autoremove just remove kdesu :O17:07
luke__does your dm wig out sometmes, like when confifuring your screensavers?17:07
nosrednaekimnot really17:08
nosrednaekimflipstar: as long as you stillhave kdesudo, thats ok17:08
flipstarjust installed it17:08
luke__hmmmmm.... methinks i might have conflicts between x and compiz17:08
flipstarluke__: might be an question of the graphic card ..17:08
luke__true....its not a great one...nvidia 650017:09
nosrednaekimthats good enough17:09
flipstar6600 here17:09
luke__but it borrows system memory and leaves me with 1.3 gigs ram17:09
luke__for high end games, i need a bit more17:10
luke__flipstar what enviornment you use? kde, gnome?17:11
flipstarkde of corse :P:P:D17:11
luke__wait were all on kde arent we?17:11
nosrednaekimshould be17:11
luke__i like gnome too17:11
* nosrednaekim goes on witch-hunt17:11
NickPrestaGnome is evil ;)17:12
luke__the way the configs are set up in gnome makes more sense to me17:12
Daisuke_Laptopgnome is just a choice17:12
luke__but i digress because kde rocks17:12
flipstarits totally confusing..i searched an hour or so to find one simple thing :/17:13
luke__i know, but the administrator options are setup nice if you get used to it17:13
diopwhat's up men17:14
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NickPrestahi, diop17:14
diophi nick17:14
luke__anyone have the story behind beryl and the new compiz effects? they seem to be the same stuff, but i cant get the beryl repos. like i had it last year, where it would work with emerald17:15
flipstarthey just merged17:16
NickPrestaluke__, beryl is now compiz-fusion. They merged back together17:16
luke__i see17:16
luke__i really liked the beryl setup17:16
NickPrestaberyl is no longer in development (although you're free to use it if you really want to). Compiz-fusion and fusion-icon should satisfy your needs. It is almost identical to beryl17:17
vinnie_nosrednaekim: guess i should have figured out what to do before i left...lol17:17
luke__but compiz has that awesome paper airplane....17:17
luke__anybody try virtualbox yet?17:18
nosrednaekimvinnie_: hehe17:18
nosrednaekimvinnie_: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"17:18
nosrednaekimthen run "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"17:19
vinnie_nosrednaekim: what then?17:19
luke__i use it(virtualbox) to run yahoo messenger and veohtv, but the graphical abilities are limited17:19
nosrednaekimthat should give you a login scree,17:19
vinnie_nosrednaekim: ok17:22
vinnie_nosrednaekim: will that get me to a desktop?17:23
kkerwinHi. I upgraded to 8.04, only to find that it broke my wireless network. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to figure out what went wrong. I was wondering if there was an easy way to downgrade back to Gutsy?17:23
feistelflipstar, I read the page and run update-manager17:26
feistelbut say: Cannot install all available updates17:26
feistelSome updates require the removal of further software.17:27
feistelrun "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a terminal to update your system completely.17:27
feisteland show 3 packages: gtk2-engines-gtk-qt kdebluetooth wpasupplicant17:27
nosrednaekim1hardy | kkerwin17:27
nosrednaekim!hardy | kkerwin17:28
ubotukkerwin: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:28
kkerwinnosrednaekim: Thank you.17:28
flipstarfeistel: did you run that ?17:28
feistelflipstar, then I run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", and say:17:28
feistel0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.17:28
feistelI have my box up-to-date17:29
flipstaryou might try to remove these packages manually and then run update-manager again17:29
feistelyes, I try but: kubuntu-desktop depends on kdebluetooth. :-(17:29
feistelubuntu-minimal depends on wpasupplicant.17:29
feistelI can't remove that packages17:30
feistelbecause are basic pckages17:30
flipstarkubuntu-desktop is only an metapackage..you can reinstall after the upgrade is complete17:30
feistelflipstar, but wpasupplicant depends on ubuntu-minimal !17:31
feistelflipstar, you say : "dpkg -r kubuntu-desktop" ???17:31
feistelI need my desktop :-)17:32
flipstarits the same..but usally you shouldnt do so while updgrading..17:32
flipstarfeistel: so update-manager just stopped with that message ?17:32
feisteland show the window "Software Updates"17:32
feistelwith "INSTALL UPDATE" button disabled17:33
feistelwithout Changes17:33
flipstarhm..nothing more on the site..?17:33
feistelflipstar, yes : Upgrading using apt-get -- NOT RECOMMENDED17:34
flipstarhm you could remove kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-minimal for upgrading..but these file are usally helpful with upgrading..17:35
flipstari would wait until i get a better tip :)17:35
feistelok, :-(17:35
feistelflipstar, I am upgradding  to 6.10 "Edgy Eft" from Ubuntu 6.06 ("Dapper Drake")17:36
feistelthe 1st step17:36
martijn81what kde4 packages come with the latest beta?17:37
flipstarthe latest stable..kde 4.0.217:37
deMzhow can I make a downgrade of lib xine ?17:38
ArwendeMz, apt-get install package=version17:38
deMzI tried this, how can I check now my xine version?17:40
Arwendamn it, anyone using Konversation? can I make it not reply to CTCPs?17:40
flipstarfeistel: dont know it this helps.. http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_upgrade_from_Hoary_Hedgehog_-.3E_Breezy_Badger_-.3E_Dapper_Drake17:41
flipstarCTCPs ?17:41
feistelflipstar, ok17:42
feistelflipstar, that page say the same17:43
feistelhave a copy+paste content from ubuntu official website17:43
feistelflipstar, the B method say : Change every occurrence of dapper to edgy, and then apt-get update/upgrade17:44
jussio1hi Fabio_17:47
Fabio_i need something17:47
jussio1ask away17:47
Fabio_please can you send me a kde desktop wallpaper ?17:47
Fabio_kde 4*17:47
Fabio_fields of peace17:48
romunovhow about if you google for kde4 desktop? :>17:48
jussio1Fabio_: here is for kde3, I suggest you try in #kubuntu-kde417:48
Fabio_there is no one there...17:48
Fabio_nobody using kde 4 ?17:49
jussio1Fabio_: not in here17:49
romunovi'm about to burn the remixed 8.04 beta17:49
blekosis there a specific channel for 8.04?17:49
Fabio_ok thank you17:49
flipstar#ubuntu+1 blekos17:49
jussio1#ubuntu+1 blekos17:49
Jucato#ubuntu+1 blekos17:49
* Jucato yawns17:49
madohello guys ...17:49
madohttp://phpfi.com/304467 ... currently my hard disk looks like this ...17:50
madoi wanted to know if i can delete all partitions and create new ones because i want to reinstall windows and also want linux installed on my computer17:51
flipstarsure..if you dont use it right now..why not17:51
madowell flipstar ... the problem is ...17:51
ramzayдыц-дыц-дыц все гениальное просто17:52
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:52
madoi don't know if i need the "DellRestore" and "DellMD3Play" partitions17:52
ramzay yes it is = )17:53
flipstarmado: since they keep usally tools to restore..you should keep them17:53
jckffyiI have a laptop with windows xp installed, I am trying to set it up to dual boot with kubuntu, the issue is when the installer gets to the point about partitioning disks, is says that the hard disk is blank, I know that the drive is not blank since xp boots, Ive googled the laptop and the problem, but no luck at all, any one have any ideas?17:53
madoso ... all i can delete is "sda2" ?17:53
flipstarmada what is sda4 ?17:54
madoqtparted tells me that "sda4" was "DellRestore"17:54
flipstarokay then you should keep sda4 and sda117:55
madoand "sda5" is "DellMD3Play" ...17:55
madowhy keep "sda1" ?17:55
flipstarit says dell utilies..17:55
nosrednaekimrecovery partition17:56
tzangerhmm, how on earth do I copy a movie dvd?  k3b says it can't play copy-protected data, and mplayer dvd:// won't even play it17:56
tzangerI do have libdvdread installed17:56
madohmm ... yeah ... but isn't there a way to burn those partitions on a dvd?17:56
philipp_does someone know a charakter resignation software?17:57
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LjL-Tempphilipp_: err... perhaps "character recognition" is what you mean?17:57
philipp_LjL-Temp yea17:58
LjL-Temp!ocr | philipp_17:58
ubotuphilipp_: OCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.17:58
bulioI have installed ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop17:58
buliothen I did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:58
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bulionow how can I remove the gnome section of ubntu?17:59
bulioany ideas how?17:59
madoflipstar: ... one more thing ... i thought i could delete every partition because i got some "driver and utilities"-cds17:59
jussio1!purekde | bulio:17:59
ubotubulio:: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »17:59
LjL-Tempbulio: removing libgnome-whateveritscalled will probably remove most things17:59
flipstarmadar__: if you dont care about looding this partitions (support from dell) sure you can delete it18:00
LimCorebulio: why do that18:00
LimCorethis is silly18:00
ubotupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »18:00
jussio1mado: I would not delete the dell partition, as you cannot replace it18:00
LimCorethere are many good (well, as for linux) apps that are created using gnome libs, so what18:00
madoi will lose my support from dell when i delete it?18:00
madoso i have to keep every "dell partition" ?18:01
jussio1mado: we cannot anser that18:01
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flipstarmado:  at least you wont be able to restore..ask the dell support18:01
jussio1mado: again, a dell question we cannot answer. :(18:01
madouhuu ... ok ... then i will wait until tuesday to ask dell18:02
madobut thanks for your help18:02
madoerm ...18:03
andrasteff     /msg nickserv set hide email on18:03
madocurrently i am using the live-cd ...18:04
madothe "speaker"-symbol near the clock ...18:04
madoit has a white X on red background on it18:04
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jussio1mado: which sound card?18:04
madoi guess that's why i haven't heard any sound yet18:04
madoi don't know what sound card the computer has in it ... isn't there a command to detect that?18:05
jussio1yeah, lspci18:05
madothanks ... just a sec18:05
madowell ... let's see18:06
flipstarmado: rather use lspci|grep -i audio18:06
madohttp://phpfi.com/304486 ... the only thin with audio is "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller18:06
mado (rev 02)"18:06
flipstarthats it :)18:07
madothanks *g*18:07
mado*g* is :) isn't it?18:07
jussio1mado: ahhh yes, that particular card needs some attention in gutsy18:07
flipstarbtw how can i make a script call a terminal and then run in it ?18:07
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto18:07
nosrednaekimflipstar: "run in terminal"?18:08
madois that for me nosrednaekim?18:08
jussio1mado: yep, thats for you18:08
nosrednaekimflipstar: right click on the script in kde->open with-> put in bash, check run in terminal18:09
flipstarnosrednaekim: for interactive autostart scripts for e.g.18:09
madothanks jussio1 ... nosrednaekim ... flipstar18:09
madooh! ... do i really have to use the "compile" and "make install" commands?18:10
ether_cis this the channel for discussion on the new Kubuntu 4 beta?18:10
ether_cor is there a separate one for that?18:10
flipstarmado: you can also use checkinstall i guess18:10
flipstarether_c: nope.. kde4 in #kubuntu-kde418:11
nosrednaekimether_c: or #ubuntu+1 if they aren't kde4 specific18:11
flipstarnosrednaekim: does this work with autostart scripts ?18:11
madoisn't kde4 already stable?18:12
nosrednaekimflipstar: under .kde/Autostart? probably18:12
madoerm ...18:13
madoso thank you guys ...18:13
madohave a nice day ... see you soon18:14
flipstaropen with-> put in bash, check run in terminal for a script..doesnt work..seems like it dont remember the setting..when i click on in it runs in background18:15
Manadnewbie question: if I have the .ttf file for a Windows font, can I use it in Kubuntu?18:16
flipstaryes..see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto18:17
william_manad: excellant question18:18
Manadif I write documents to use a certain font that is not available on other peoples' OS, will they still be able to display them (for example, by using <insert free font here> instead of MS Sans Comic)?18:19
Manadthanks for the link flip18:19
flipstarManad: no i guess not since you need that font to display it18:20
Lami set my screensaver to turn on automatically and lock my computer after 30 minutes, and it worked up till a while ago and now it doesn't do it automatically anymore.  can someone help?18:22
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flipstarLam: is it still enabled ?18:25
Lamflipstar: yeah. i can see that it's enabled and set to start after 30 minutes18:26
william_i had a weird thing.  i had a widget in kde that worked fine unless my system went into powersave mode.  if this happend sometimes i had to ctrl+alt+bksp and even sometimes a hardreboot18:27
sebbarwhat's the package to install xv?18:28
nosrednaekim!find xv18:28
ubotuFound: kfaxview, libxcb-xv0, libxcb-xv0-dbg, libxcb-xv0-dev, libxcb-xvmc0 (and 46 others)18:28
sebbarthat doesn't help too much :)18:29
nosrednaekimno.... :)18:29
sebbarwow, this is turning out to be incredibly complicated... what a pain!18:36
flipstarwhat actually is xv ?18:37
devonhas anybody else experienced some problems after updating hardy today?18:38
sebbarflipstar: a fast and functional image viewer/editor that's been around for ages... well I guess I have to compile it18:40
sebbarfound this... http://blog.trivadis.com/blogs/yannneuhaus/archive/2007/09/19/xv-an-image-viewer-quot-on-ubuntu-7-04.aspx18:40
devonhe left..18:41
_Angelus_how is hardy beta doing dudes?18:43
Manadis there any way I can disable the shadow effect that occurs when I bring up the shutdown menu?18:46
Arwen_Angelus_, poorly18:46
Manadi just looked all over System Settings18:46
_Angelus_Arwen: :/18:47
_Angelus_is it so bad?18:47
Arwenthe newest kernel doesn't like me18:52
Arwenit kernel panics if I have both X11 and vesafb at the same time18:52
alucardromeroknetattach needs to be fixed in KDE418:53
m15ksomeoney might give me some hints installing kde4?18:53
maxymwhat is the server for freenote18:54
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Manadarwen, the next release is behind in terms of progress?18:54
maxymnot connect18:55
Manadjust "irc.freenode.net"18:55
Arwenactually, it's more properly "chat.freenode.net" now18:55
Manaddo "/server irc.freenode.net"18:55
m15kif i try to install kd4 vie apg-get install kde4-core apt-get messeges "kaputte pakete | corrupt packages"18:55
alucardromero "/server irc.freenode.net"18:55
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Jucatomaxym: btw, this is in freenode already18:56
Jucatoirc.ubuntu.org is an alias for freenode18:56
alucardromeroI was gonna say that, but.... hehe18:57
m15kno ideas?18:57
Jucatom15k: try asking in #kubuntu-kde418:58
Manadanyone else feels the next 2 years are make-or-break for the linux desktop? (unless the next Windows is as unpopular as Vista)18:58
m15kthanks you18:58
alucardromeroIt would have been funny to see "maxym has left #kubuntu, maxym has joined #kubuntu".18:58
sebbargood I made it after I found a xv deb on ubuntuforums :)18:59
alucardromeroManad, if Windows bombs another OS, it's gonna be Mac vs. Linux.19:00
alucardromeroAt least, that's what I think.19:00
Evil_MikeHi, i have a problem with LCD4Linux 0.10.1-RC2-796, installed over aptitude on Kubuntu 7.10. My display works fine, if i start lcd4linux with -Fvv. If i try to start it without parameters, what should be normal, i get "Error 15: 'problems getting a response from "localhost" on port 6600 : Connection refused' ' Error: Cannot connect to MPD! Is MPD started?'. No, it isn't! I'm not using somethin with mpd in my config and i don't19:01
Evil_Mikewant to use it. How can i get lcd4linux to start?19:01
Evil_Mikeany ideas?19:10
Manadis there any way I can disable the shadow effect that occurs when I bring up the shutdown menu?19:14
mkargarwhat is best audio editor for kde?(For cut and Paste)19:25
mkargaris audacity powerfull?19:29
nosredna_ekimits not a kde application though... but it works in KDE19:30
mkargari want a audio editor only for kde!19:30
nosredna_ekimI don't know if there is one... but audacity works fine19:32
mkargardear friend.i want audio editor that writting by qt!no GTK!19:34
secleinteerhi, does anyone know if k9copy works with newer dvd drm schemes? i know that dvd shrink fails on these, and k9copy advertises itself as a 'linux dvd shrink'19:37
simiaudacious is not working in kubuntu, it hangs. why?20:04
simiand i installed compiz set 4 desktops and i had displayed in the task bar 1620:05
simiin reality i have 4 desktops20:05
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=== Flare is now known as Flare183
p-fAre there any pdf viewers that allow one to select which fonts to use when rendering documents? I recently got my hands on a particularly blurry pdf (but KPDF allows me to select and copy text from it, so I presume that it's changeable somehow).20:16
p-fI tried pdftohtml, but it converted the whole thing to underscores20:19
buliodoes anyone have a guide to installing compiz-fusion on Kubuntu?20:19
seventhdoganyone?? i got problem with no screens found..im using acer 4520...graphic card NVIDIA Geforce 7000M..using ubuntu 7.04.0420:20
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion20:21
sercikkubuntu hurdy is fantastic20:23
sercikfinally my acer 5920 is perfectly suypported20:23
dennisterhey folks...having some networking issues here...20:27
dennisterquestion: can lisa and samba co-exist?20:27
Dark_ðóññêî ãîâîðÿùèå åñòü òóò?20:28
manuel__Anybody has an idea why adept says there is a new distribution version available? I'm pretty sure I installed Gutsy20:28
dennistermanuel__: probably it's a kde4 thing20:29
serciki think could be hardy??20:29
sercikhey!! to install nvidia driver??20:29
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:29
manuel__Well it says it's Gutsy Gibbon20:30
dennisterisn't it too early for hardy? april is development cycle20:30
manuel__I'm confused20:30
dennistermanuel__: check which packages are available in the new distribution...betcha any $ iot has to do with kde20:30
serciki have installed manually nvidia-glx-new20:31
dennistersercik: r u sure that's the right one for ur card? check with the howto20:31
sercikyes is newer20:32
sercikgeforce 860020:32
manuel__dennister: The distribution upgrader program failed, it says there was another packaging program open, which I can't see. How can I open the distribution upgrade tool again?20:33
dennistersercik: like i said, follow the howto...if you've already manually installed the nvidia-glx-new, and that's the right one for ur card, you shouldn't need to be asking how to install the nvidia driver...u may have already done that20:34
dennistermanuel__: hmmm...another packaging program open that you can't see?20:35
dennisteri'd restartx with ctrl-alt-backspace if i were you, to close any remianing apps and processes u can't see20:35
manuel__dennister: Adept won't open because it says there is something else open, I guess another packaging program, but I can't see any.20:36
dennisterany networking gurus in here?20:36
dennistermanuel__: that's why i suggested ctrl-alt-backspace to restartx20:37
manuel__dennister: oh ok, didn't see that.20:37
dennister<------needs some networking help here...strange stuff happening20:38
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nick_when i try to lisen music he said audio output is in use ?20:46
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manueelI think I installed broken packages or something,  how can I check for broken packages?20:47
dennisteranyone know why a mode/router would, all of a sudden, stop showing the second computer? they're both connected, able to surf on both, but only one computer is showing up, no matter what i do...this wasn't the case a few days ago...20:47
kokkinelle32salut les gars20:47
dennistermanueel: sorry, i forgot how to do that...i'm hoping a better helper than i will become active in here soon20:48
manueeladept says i didn't install firefox, but it appears installed in my menu and I'm running it.20:48
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xav__bonjour je cherche comment pourvoir les pseudo de couleur sur kopete20:49
dennistermanueel: there should be an option in adept to "fix broken packages" somewhere20:49
lotuxanyone can help me to install a gt8800 on kubuntu ?20:49
dennisterxav__: english please20:49
dennisterxav__: !french20:50
xav__i want to know how i can see the colors in the pseudonyme kopete20:50
philipp__konqueror dosent find the konqeror-plugin-gnash. Where could it be?20:50
lotuxanyone can help me to install a gt8800 on kubuntu ?20:50
dennisterlotux: u mean the nvidia card?20:51
manueeldennister: yeah that's what I'm looking for20:51
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:51
dennisterDarkWizzard: do I remember you correctly as a good helper in this channel?20:52
DarkWizzarddennister: maybe :)20:53
xav__is it forbiden to speak french ? my english is not totaly good20:53
dennisterok, well i really need a bit of elementary networking assistance here, if i could beg a few minutes of ur time20:53
DarkWizzardI'll try20:53
dennistergreat...question, do u know if samba and lisa can co-exist on the same 2 pc's20:54
xav__i see that anybody can help me so byebye !20:55
DarkWizzardNo idea20:56
DarkWizzardnever had anything to do with samba or lisa20:56
lotuxDENNISTER: i cant ifind in Kubuntu this shortcut: System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager in Ubuntu .20:56
dennisterok...how bout this one: why would my modem/router, which saw 2 computers one day, refuse to see the second or list it the next day?...both pcs are cpmmected amd o cam sirf pm bptj20:57
dennisteroops...fingers slipped: both pc's are connected and i can surf with both of them20:57
dennisterbut the modem/router only lists one device, unlike yesterday20:58
dennisterlotux: that's probably the howto you want20:58
lotuxdennister: i i dont know where i can find Restricted Driver Manager in Kubuntu...20:59
dennisterlotux: follow the ubuntu one, it'll work20:59
lotuxdennister: yes i have no doubt that works bun to follow it i have to go in Restricted Driver Manager and i cant find it in Kubuntu21:01
shadowboxhow do I get movies tp play? I forgot21:03
nick_how to see what i listen in my kopete from amarok21:04
philipp__konqueror dosent find the konqeror-plugin-gnash. Where could it be?21:07
shadowboxnever mind I got it21:07
shadowboxwhat lib file do I need to play restricted formats?21:13
shadowboxwhat lib file do I need to play restricted formats?21:16
emilsedgh!mp3 | shadowbox21:16
ubotushadowbox: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:16
emilsedgh!patience | shadowbox21:16
ubotushadowbox: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:16
emilsedgh!repeat | shadowbox21:16
ubotushadowbox: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience21:16
emilsedghshadowbox: ;)21:16
sourcemakerI have read the release notes of the new kubuntu version. This release notes descriptes the possibility of using an encrypted file system... Is this working well? Performance Issue?21:17
william_hey shadowbox21:20
william_do an add/remove and search for restricted and you should be fine21:21
shadowboxoh ok21:21
william_i like when people ask questions that even i know the answer to, because then i can actually help for a change :D21:22
shadowboxlol that worked21:22
shadowboxgreat thanks21:22
william_good stuff :) anytime21:22
=== william_ is now known as nonewmsgs
shadowboxif you need any whole pc/ipod stuff. Look me up21:23
nonewmsgsshadowbox will do (this is my forum and registered nick)21:23
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
nonewmsgseverytime a new version is coming out i keep hearing how great it is and it makes it sooooo hard to wait21:25
nick_salut tlm21:27
nonewmsgsoh what is the gtksudo command for kde?21:27
nick_jaurai une petite question21:27
nick_doh sorry21:27
Dragnslcrnonewmsgs- kdesudo21:28
sourcemakercan I use the SAP GUI with Linux? For example with wine?21:34
nick_hey guy21:36
nick_i install wow21:37
nick_and i want the icone in my destop do he have a way to do that ?21:37
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=== GuestOver9000 is now known as Frydrogen
philipp_how can i cange dolphin with konqueror?21:51
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* bnex-AFK is back.21:59
=== bnex-AFK is now known as bnex10
martijn81philipp_: +1 i also like to know that22:00
martijn81doing an smxi upgrade...22:00
sourcemakerhow can I allow users to change the image on kde22:04
bnex10the desktop background?22:05
vonMannsteinhas anyone encountered a loss of video signal + freezing up of the install right after initializing?22:07
klerfaytvonMannstein: install of what?22:08
vonMannsteinKubuntu OS22:08
klerfaytvonMannstein: tried "safe graphics" mode install?22:09
vonMannsteinsafe graphics mode doesn't make a difference, made sure dvd-rom/hd were running in IDE mode (SATA)22:09
vonMannsteinyeah :(22:09
vonMannsteintrying to install on a abit ip35 board, quad core intel22:10
vonMannsteini even tried disconnecting my sata drives and attempting the install with straight IDE dvdrom and HD, to see if it was a sata controller driver issue22:11
klerfaytvonMannstein: tried googling for similar problems?22:11
vonMannsteinstarts initializing the installation....then blank screen, no video feed, dvdrom spins down22:11
klerfaytvonMannstein: it would make sense to make sure that motherboard will run on linux before buying it22:12
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde422:13
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:14
jpatrick!msgthebot | sercik22:15
ubotusercik: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:15
scott_greetings...  I am a linux/kubuntu noob... I need some assistance with a couple installs...please..22:15
sercik!msgthebot | jpatrick22:15
ubotujpatrick: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:15
vonMannsteinthe one result i did find via googling suggested i switch from IDE to AHCI mode for both drives22:16
nosrednaekimooooh, watch it!22:16
sourcemakerhow can I change the user account image...22:16
sercikjpatrick: you have much humour, congratulation!22:18
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jpatrick!opabuse | sercik (joke)22:19
ubotusercik (joke): Leave the ops alone!22:19
bnex10sourcemaker: Settings > Apperance and Themes > Background22:20
sourcemakerbnex10: thanks22:20
sourcemakerbnex10: "Your administrator has disallowed changing your image"22:20
nosrednaekimscott_: whats the trouble?22:20
bnex10well your adminstrator have to allow it22:20
bnex10sourcemaker: let me poke around a bit22:21
scott_1.  trying to d/l a good version if GIMP... IIRC 2.4 is the newest, but I am looking for a source.  2. skype for ubuntu22:21
bnex10sourcemaker: you want to change the desktop wallpaper (background) right?22:22
scott_gimp is separated into a bunch of separate tar files... not just a single d/l22:22
sourcemakerbnex10:  no... Security-Privacy/Password & User Account22:22
bnex10scott_: or use add/remove programs22:23
bnex10oh hold on22:23
bnex10sourcemaker: are you at your user info?22:23
sourcemakerbnex10:  yes.. I am22:23
bnex10sourcemaker: ok22:24
nosrednaekim!source | scott_22:24
ubotuscott_: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html22:24
bnex10sourcemaker: click on the grey button in the upper left corner22:24
scott_ok.. found the "add program"  installing gimp...thanks so far...22:25
sourcemakerbnex10: thats me problem... I am not allowed to change the image22:25
scott_adept is scary good...  :-|22:25
bnex10sourcemaker: well it shouldn't forbid you22:25
bnex10sourcemaker: since it doesn't affect the rest of the system22:26
bnex10sourcemaker: let me switch to a non administrator account22:26
scott_question:  what do you folks recommend for a good wysiwyg  HTML editor for kubuntu?22:28
sourcemakerbnex10: problem solved...22:29
bnex10sourcemaker: ah wth it won't let me spawn a new kde session22:29
bnex10sourcemaker: and good22:29
bnex10sourcemaker: what was wrong?22:30
nosrednaekimscott_: kompozer22:30
sourcemakerbnex10: I have to change the user image source at the Login Manager.. and enable "Show List"... really strange feature22:30
scott_ok.. I will try that!22:30
bnex10sourcemaker: weird, oh well22:31
sourcemakerhow can I clean my home directory for unused configuration files?22:32
scott_As noob to linux (decades of windoze)  it's amazing how much power you get for free, and kubuntu is just a little more work to learn.  Worth it to save $$$$22:32
bnex10too bad that only dell offer ubuntu computers22:33
bnex10wish i could get an empty laptop without vista22:34
sourcemakerbnex10: that's right... by the problem is... that a beginner can't use linux... :-)22:34
nosrednaekimkubuntu is simple to add22:34
bnex10nosredkaekim: yes i know22:35
nosrednaekimbnex10: oh.. I read the "only" in the wrong place ;)22:36
scott_ok, this rocks!!!  I have completed gimp and skype install.  It's going to be easier than I though to have a full-function system to ween me off windoze...22:36
scott_I dove into linux, because *something*  blew past my macaffee anti-virus and wiped out my XP box...22:38
scott_removed the windows system files22:38
bnex10that's not good22:38
bnex10but linux is as vulnable as windoze22:38
bnex10virus writers target windows22:38
scott_..and of course, my win xp install dvd got cracked in half :(22:38
scott_kubuntu would not install on my blister pack (sony viao)  desktop, too much proprietary crap to recognize22:39
scott_I build an amd x2 6000+  machine and it worked 1st try22:40
nosrednaekimbnex10: thats not true.... UNIX is inherently more protected22:40
bnex10i read that somewhere22:40
bnex10source is wrong :D22:40
scott_I did read that 98% of all viruses are written for win, and other platforms are more difficult22:40
scott_now if I can get the system to work with my maxtor 1-touch 4 I'll be happy22:41
bnex10stupid menu22:41
* bnex10 tries kde im client22:42
nosrednaekimscott_: external HD?22:42
bnex10kopete? weird name for an im client22:42
scott_yep, it's a one-touch 250gb backup/ usb 2.022:44
sourcemakerbnex10: where is there orginal name from?22:44
bnex10name for what?22:44
sourcemakerbnex10: kopete22:44
nosrednaekimscott_: should work fine.22:44
bnex10sourcemaker: no idea22:45
bnex10sourcemaker: it's a IM client for kde22:45
sourcemakerbnex10: I know22:45
sourcemakerare there any translation tools like babylon for windows available?22:45
nosrednaekimscott_: try just plugging it in22:47
scott_it's plugged in, I am working on accessing it...to see if it appears on the system.  Also, I am installing kompozer atm22:48
scott_I am also looking for GIMP plgins22:49
bnex10awwww adept installer crashed23:05
nonewmsgsthats a bad time23:08
drbrownis it possible to create a custom kicker menu for one user and only give them access to a small number of apps?  I have locked down the users desktop with kiosktool, but want to eliminate items from the kicker menu as well.23:27
duke_I need help please23:29
nosrednaekimdrbrown: I believe you an do that under "apps to be excluded from session"23:29
SlimeyPete!ask | duke_23:29
ubotuduke_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:30
nosrednaekimhi duke_, whats the problem?23:30
bnex10i notice Qtparted in adept23:31
bnex10i have gparted23:32
duke_I need to know how to rename the file initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic.bak in the boot directory because I have to change the filename everytime I boot kubuntu, this appened after I updated in adept manager23:32
bnex10should i install qtparted and remove gparted?23:32
Knightlustbnex10: heh, don't use qtparted... it killed my (3) 1GB flash disks23:32
bnex10Knightlust: what about gparted?23:33
Knightlustgparted's nice, it's actually better than qtparted23:33
bfroghows the new kubuntu?23:33
bnex10i still have feisty23:33
nosrednaekimduke_: what do you have to change it to?23:34
duke_I need to remove the .bak entension23:34
* bnex10 is removing all gnome packages23:35
=== rjb is now known as drbobb
duke_there was an error during the update and i found out in the forums that the file was renamed after the error and it prevents Kubuntu from booting since the file needed has been renameed23:36
Apple_Catjust rename it with sudo, duke,sudo mv intitrd........-generic.bak initrd............generic23:36
drbobbhi, how does the hardy beta do wrt broadcom wireless?23:36
dthackerdrbobb: hardy discussions are in #ubuntu+123:37
SlimeyPeteto rename a file, use "mv oldfilename newfilename" e.g. "mv file1.txt file2.txt". If you don't have permission to move the file you may need to use sudo e.g. "sudo mv file1.txt file2.txt"23:37
drbobbie. will i spend most of a day struggling to regain connectivity if i update?;)23:37
drbobbdthacker: ok thx23:37
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=== _Angelus is now known as _Angelus_
bnex10why not put hardy stuff in #ubutnu-hardy instead?23:37
bnex10just pointing that out23:38
duke_i'll try that SmileyPete23:38
dthackerbnex10: because there is always a +1.....23:38
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duke_its says 'file' is not a directory....23:42
duke_sorry i'm nnooob23:42
SlimeyPeteduke_: what exactly are you typing?23:43
=== _max is now known as _max_
duke_sudo mv /root/boot/ initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic.bak /root/boot/  initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic23:43
SlimeyPeteyou've too many spaces in there, I'd guess23:44
SlimeyPetesurely it's /root/boot/initrd... each time23:44
SlimeyPetethough.... it's probably meant to be /boot23:44
SlimeyPetebecause the initrd files are in /boot, not /root/boot23:45
SlimeyPete"/" is known as the "root directory", which may have confused you23:45
SlimeyPeteso in summary I reckon you want: sudo mv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic.bak /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic23:45
duke_wow it worked23:46
duke_thanks a lot23:46
SlimeyPeteno problem :)23:47
* bnex10 is now removing a ton of gnome crap23:47
duke_I'll reboot to see if it solved my problem23:47
brmassaGuys, will Hardy KDE4 have a IRC client (konversation is not installed by default)?23:48
Ashexhas anyone else been having issues messaging aim user with kopete?23:48
brmassaops... sorry. didnt see about a proper forum for kde423:48
nosrednaekimbrmassa: I guess not23:49
nosrednaekimAshex: in kde4?23:50
Ashexnosrednaekim, nah, I'm running hardy in kde323:50
nosrednaekimAshex: then, no...23:50
bnex10kde4 better have konversation installed23:50
AshexI'm running pidgin just so I can talk to the woman23:50
bnex10i got pidgin too23:51
nosrednaekimok.... later ya'll23:51
we6jboI'm trying to setup NIS23:51
Ashexthe computer runs sloooooooow when I'm updating the amarok database23:51
Ashexdoesn't help that it's thousands of songs all at once23:51
bnex10Load average: 5.59 5.10 3.0023:51
bnex10not good :D23:51
Ashexhighest I've had was 10023:52
Ashexhow I love apache23:52
we6jbobut when I type ypcat I get, YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound No such map passwd.byname. Reason: Can't bind to server which serves this domain23:52
bnex10Sysinfo for 'brant-desktop': Linux 2.6.22-14-generic running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: PentiumIII(Coppermine) at 548 MHz (1097 bogomips), , RAM: 115/122MB, 116 proc's, 2.1d up23:53
bnex10wish that have disk space usage, load average, and uptime23:53
bnex10Uptime: 2 days, 01:40:2023:54
Ashexyour computer is blazing23:55
bnex10i'm going to reboot when adept finishes removing all of gnome crap23:55
bnex10if you have konversation, type "/exec sysinfo"23:55
* Ashex loads up konversation23:56
bnex10this is taking longer to remove than it would to install23:57
=== ahmed is now known as Generic
GenericSysinfo for 'Phorin': Linux 2.6.24-12-generic running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+ at 1000 MHz (2011 bogomips), HD: 502/679GB, RAM: 1975/2025MB, 173 proc's, 37.32min up23:57
bnex10173 running23:58
profxhow do you add Flash to Konquero ?23:58
bnex10use firefox23:58
profxits not working properly in FF23:58
bnex10no idea23:58
bnex10it won't install in FF?23:58
profxthen dont epl :D23:59
bnex10flash won't install on firefox for me23:59
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:59
profxit installs fine on FF23:59

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