
ubotuNew bug: #204906 in launchpad "Parsing of URLs could use improvement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20490600:31
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jmlthumper: get diffs for merge proposals!04:55
thumperjml: yes what?05:00
ubotuNew bug: #204980 in malone "bug contacts should be able to unsubscribe from implicit subscriptions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20498005:55
ubotuNew bug: #204984 in malone "would be nice to be able to arbitrarily sort bug tasks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20498406:06
G0SUBhello. whom should I contact about email forwarding issues ?07:56
YokoZarDo packages pushed to ppa have to have source in tar.gz format, or can I have orig.tar.bz2?10:01
HobbseeYokoZar: they neeed .tar.gz, afaik.  so does the ubuntu archive10:09
YokoZarHobbsee: Do you know the dpkg-buildpackage command to rebuild a source archive as .tar.gz?10:11
HobbseeYokoZar: bunzip2 foo.tar.bz2 && gzip -9 foo.tar10:11
YokoZarheh, ok10:11
Hobbseethere is no dpkg-buildpackage command for it, unless you're planning to make the package native, and remove the old tarball completely.10:12
YokoZarHobbsee: thanks10:13
HobbseeYokoZar: you're welcome10:14
qensewhat file type should brandings be?14:39
Adri2000can someone accept these translations https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/tasks/+imports, or at least tell me it will be done before the last hardy langpacks upload?14:48
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=== ertial is now known as qense
Seveaskiko-afk, ping15:23
Seveasimproved launchpadduser.py: http://media.kaarsemaker.net/launchpadduser.py15:24
arnetheduckhi, I'm thinking about switching over to bzr for revision control from svn, and move the hosting to launchpad. launchpad is already importing my svn repo, but I'd like to replace that with a repo of my own - how would be the best way to go about?15:32
ubotuNew bug: #205313 in launchpad-answers "see answers via subscription?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20531321:41
sistpotyif I activate my ppa, will I have an option to disable it, once I don't need it any longer?21:54
kiko-afksistpoty, I was thinking about that today. well, you can delete all the packages in it, and when the packages stay at zero for long enough we will reap them.21:56
sistpotykiko-afk: ok, thanks!21:57

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