
Brent^cyclonut: :P thats what I meant00:00
cwillucyclonut, that shouldn't be possible00:00
cyclonutcwillu, haha, no, it shouldnt be.00:00
cwillucyclonut, did you add it to /etc/modules?00:00
luca__noelferreira: definitely :)00:00
cwillucheck it00:00
noelferreiraluca__,can you give me a copy of your sources.list? i think i messed up mine00:00
cyclonutBrent^, use synaptic, install compiz config settings manager00:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:00
cyclonutcwillu, I did, it is there, and modprobe points to the bcm43xx driver00:00
Prometheussanyone know where the restricted driver manager is on the alternate install?00:01
cwillucyclonut, kill it00:01
cwillucyclonut, /etc/modules will load despite the blacklist00:01
luca__noelferreira: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60473/00:01
luca__uhm by the way I am actually downloading from locale servers :)00:01
cyclonutcwillu, just did modprobe -r bcm43xx... what would you recommend next (should we take this to PM)00:02
luca__you might wanna change that later, after you have put the new sources.list in place00:02
Prometheussinvite me too I need to get that set up00:02
flipstarPrometheuss: the restriceted driver manager is now calles driver manager00:02
cwillucyclonut, was it in /etc/modules though?00:02
cwillumissed that00:02
gewafter upgrading 125 packages wifi died :) i am using b4300:03
cwilluprometheus, check that as well, you shouldn't have bcm-anything in /etc/modules00:03
cyclonutcwillu - nope00:03
noelferreirathanks luca__00:03
luca__no problem00:03
cwillucyclonut, that's really weird00:03
luca__gew: it's not the driver00:03
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:03
gewluca__: k00:03
gewluca__: i was gona google but is too early00:04
gewunless bugzilla is on00:04
luca__gew: it's probably the same problem as for me and noelferreira - set to download from main repos and update00:04
cyclonutcwillu: :-P00:04
gewluca__: k , i'll give it a try00:04
luca__gew: you should update, among others, libhal1 - I *think* that should do the trick00:04
cyclonutcwillu: well, im not entirely sure what to do with b43-fwcutter after install00:04
cwillusudo b43-fwcutter00:04
noelferreiraluca__ here they come :)00:04
luca__noelferreira: nice and smooth :)00:05
Prometheussdriver-manager is not installed00:05
cyclonutcwillu, it wants options00:05
luca__you won't need to reboot either I think00:05
noelferreiraluca__ i think the problem was 'hal'00:05
cwillucyclonut, :/00:05
luca__yes indeed00:05
cwillucyclonut, try -w /lib/firmware00:05
Brent^I'm new to Ubuntu/linux/unix/whatever. Anything special commands I should know about? any bad advice I should watch out for (like the "delete system32" advice for windows)?00:06
mcquaidcan i delete an existing partition and resize another with the alt cd?00:06
mcquaidor does that require the gui?00:06
cyclonutcwillu: hrmm, nothing yet00:07
luca__Brent^: first thing, if you are new, you should NOT be using this beta00:07
luca__Brent^: it's safer to use the default system, ubuntu 7.10 "gutsy gibbon" :)00:07
TuTUXG_mcquaid, yes u can00:07
cwilluBrent^, be wary before running commands that strangers tell you to run in the terminal00:07
mcquaidTuTUXG_, thx00:07
cyclonutcwillu: excuse the newbie question, but could you tell me how to get the ID of my of my driver from modprobe?00:08
cwilluBrent^, rm -rf is a bad one (it's a recursive delete)00:08
luca__Brent^: here it is home of the brave, curious and stupid (like myself ;) )00:08
TuTUXG_mcquaid, wait what fs do u want to resize?00:08
luca__cyclonut: try lsmod00:08
luca__and then grep for probable names00:08
luca__cyclonut: for example, for nvidia, lsmod |grep nvidia00:08
mcquaidactually shouldn't have said resize, destroy two parts (one ext3 one resier) and reformat together as one ext300:08
luca__ok cool00:09
mcquaidno moving required, the parts are beside each other00:09
luca__going to bed, ye00:09
TuTUXG_mcquaid, ya, u can do that00:09
Dandelsheesh... any idea on why /dev/null keeps changing permissions?00:09
cwilluDandel, are you chmodding it?00:09
cyclonutcwillu, hrmm, I've got a listing for 'b44'00:09
cwilluif so, why?00:09
cwillucyclonut, yep00:09
Brent^is there a book of all the commands or something I can look at somewhere?00:09
cwillucyclonut, I've got that too00:09
flipstar!bash | Brent^00:10
ubotuBrent^: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:10
Dandelcwillu, no, but i haft to chmod it to remove errors with bash.00:10
cwilluBrent^, man <command name>, apropos <general topic to find commands about>00:10
cwilluDandel, it doesn't actually exist, it'll get regenerated by udev on every boot00:10
flipstarBrent^: you probably in the wrong channel.. try #linux or #ubuntu00:10
Dandelwell then why the heck is it set to where only root can read and write to it by default?00:11
Brent^every time I've asked a question so far I get redirected here :P00:11
bastid_raZoranyway to see which repo a package came from?00:11
noelferreiracwillu, that's it just re-update. everything works now00:11
cyclonutcwillu, lol, modprobe -l | grep 43 yields the b43 driver, the bcm43xx, and b43legacy drivers00:11
cwilluBrent^, the problem being that hardy is still veteran territory;  just consider this a crash course :p00:12
cwillunoelferreira, yay :)00:12
cwilluDandel, sec, let me glance at it00:12
flipstarDandel: here i have no problem accessing it via normal user ..00:12
Dandelauto detect on sound cards is also busted... i haft o manually detect my sound card every time.00:12
gewi guess luca left00:12
Brent^cwillu: if I can learn a programming language in a week, I'm sure I'll have the hang of this in no time00:13
cwilluDandel, after it resets itself, can you do a ls -l /dev/null and paste the output here?00:13
Dandelflipstar: i did a fresh upgrade from gutsy and i'm currently trying to debunk what goes wrong with that... last time i did this it killed the install completely.00:13
cwilluBrent^, it's the libraries stupid :)00:13
tomd123brent^: point and click is easy, master the command line if your up for a challenge :P00:13
gewnoelferreira: did u have a problem with b4300:13
Dandelcwillu: i already changed it.... but i know what it's merms where before.00:14
gewcause i am having hte same problem00:14
cwilluBrent^, you can learn java in a day or two, but it takes months to get comfortable with the basics of the api00:14
gewor wireless00:14
Dandelthe permissions went... crw-rw---- or somethin like that00:14
noelferreirayes gew with nm-applet00:14
gewnoelferreira: how did u fix it00:14
gewmy applet would spin 4ever00:15
gewand i had to reboot sao i can use eth000:15
noelferreirajust re-update and there was a new hal release. that's all00:16
Brent^cwillu: I was already using the windows terminal for everything so I figured this can't have too many more commands then that (yes, I know I was very very wrong)00:16
gewgot it00:16
cwilluBrent^, tab is your friend :)00:16
Dandelother note is i am having issues with sound cards on auto detect...><; ... haft to manually probe em each time... namely cmipci for starters.00:16
noelferreiragew that's it00:16
gewnoelferreira: thanx00:16
noelferreiraupdate from main server00:16
cwilluBrent^, you can add a command to /etc/bash.bashrc that makes tab completion case insensitive, which is really useful00:17
Dandelcwillu: i am doing a fresh reboot... i'll give you the details in a sec.00:18
Dandelit's not related to that, but i need to figure out why the sound cards are not auto detecting alsao.00:18
cyclonutcwillu, what are your thoughts on my trying ndiswrapper in hardy?00:18
gewi am doing it now00:18
cyclonutcwillu, its what I've used since edgy00:18
HorizonXPhey, I just installed the Hardy AMD64 beta on my laptop, and the Nvidia drivers under "Hardware Drivers" shows a red light, and Not in use00:18
cyclonutgew - and it works fine?00:19
HorizonXPany way to fix this?00:19
gewlet it finish00:19
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
cwillucyclonut, it'll work, although I've had troubles with wpa;00:19
cyclonutcwillu, hrmm, wpa always worked for me and ndiswrapper... Ill try it out00:19
cwillucyclonut, depends on the card00:19
Dandelcwillu: it reads this exactly: crw-rw---- 1 root root 1, 3 2008-03-21 17:06 /dev/null00:19
cwilluDandel, this is a fresh install?00:20
coz_guys if any of you are running compiz fusion and have the show mouse plugin enabled could you run it to see if it is being pixeleated   I want to find out if it is something on my system or a hardy issue00:20
TuTUXG_i assume the new hal will fix suspend?00:20
Dandelcwillu: upgrade from gutsy.00:20
cwilluno /etc/udev jiggery pokery?00:20
cyclonutI will say that ndisgtk stinks so far though ;)00:20
Dandelfunny, but i got a whole bunch of em that do that junk.00:21
cwilluDandel, what does this give you:  grep -i null /etc/udev/rules.d/*00:21
HorizonXPany ideas on how to enable the NVidia driver?00:21
cwilluHorizonXP, should be about 3 clicks, unless you've upgraded and previously done envy'ish bad things00:22
cyclonutHorizonXP, systems > admin > hardware drivers?00:22
HorizonXPguys, none of those00:22
Dandelcwillu: it gives this as an output: /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules:KERNEL=="null",                         MODE="0666"00:23
HorizonXPfresh install, Hardware Drivers shows a red light, and Not in Use00:23
flipstarjust goto admin mode and click enable ..00:23
HorizonXPthe checkbox is checked00:24
jessicai need help with my networking i have use ndiswrapper to install drivers for my realtek RTL8187B card yet i carnt see it in my network manager00:24
cyclonutruh roh00:24
coz_HorizonXP,   in terminal   gksudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common tell me waht DISABLED_MODULES says00:24
cyclonutjessica, dont tell me that, I was just about to try ndiswrapper for basically the same problem :-P00:24
cwillusorry, one sec, work on the phone :p00:24
HorizonXPcoz_: DISABLED_MODULES=""00:25
jessicadose anyone know how i can fix my network00:25
coz_HorizonXP,  and did you install the drivers thorugh restricted manger or did you install this manually from nvidia00:25
HorizonXPcoz_: fresh install, so I guess thru Restricted Manager/Hardware Drivers00:26
coz_HorizonXP,   in terminal      nvidia-xconfig00:26
* cwillu , some this program won't open. """Okay, that means you unplugged a network cord"""00:26
cyclonutjessica, your network card seems to be being very problematic in hardy at the moment.00:26
cwilluwhy do people need to unplug things?00:27
HorizonXPcoz_: apparently I have to apt-get it, so doing that now00:27
flipstarjessica: you tried ndiswapper?00:27
cwilluDandel, did you say you had scripts or something that touch /dev/null?00:27
Joe__I just had a few questions about Hardy... what's the testers general feeling on it so far?00:27
jessicayes im using ndiswrapper00:27
jessicait wont show in my network manager00:28
bazhangJoe__: some would say awesome00:28
cwilluit's been out for 1 day as a beta, but 90% of the people in this channel are here because they're having problems :p00:28
Dandelit's called bash when i login errors heavily about that and when that is enabled i can't get in to gnome either( and the later is still iffy on non root logins )00:28
HorizonXPcoz_: came up with a VALIDATION ERROR, but then wrote a new xorg.conf, and saved a backup; is that what I want?00:28
Joe__what version of gnome are they using?00:28
bazhangJoe__: kde400:28
wastrelhey i've been having problems for way longer than 1 day00:28
cwilluDandel, sudo grep -r -i null /etc/*00:28
cwilluDandel, it'll take a few minutes00:29
coz_HorizonXP, well is shouldnt have done that for sure00:29
cwilluDandel, but I'm suspecting your old install is doing something silly, because that udev line is creating it with the right permissions00:29
coz_HorizonXP, you know how to use the back up right00:29
HorizonXPcoz_: this a bug I should file?00:29
cwilluDandel, aka, something is changing it after it's created00:29
coz_HorizonXP, restart x if it doesnt boot properly use the back up xorg00:29
HorizonXPsure thing00:29
cwilluDandel, aka, something is changing it after it's created00:29
HorizonXPeasy enough, thanks for the help, brb00:29
coz_HorizonXP, well it didnt work for me either and I just installed the official nvidia driver from nvidia00:29
cwilluwrong window to hit <up><enter> in :p00:29
Dandelcwillu: i'll need to put it up on pastebin since it seem sto be long along with a few errors.00:30
gluerwhen was the beta released?00:31
gluercheers! downloading now :-)00:31
Dandelcwillu: it's a huge list... ><;00:31
cwillugluer, good at troubleshooting?00:31
cwilluDandel, :/, ya, I see that now00:32
Joe__KDE4 looks nice too... any of you using multiple monitors?  If so, how many and any issues so far?00:32
cyclonutjessica - I can confirm that ndiswrapper is not working for me, either.00:32
Dandelcwillu: nothin there that looks like it might modify it.00:32
automatanyone having problems with networkmanager eating 100% cpu?00:33
cwilluautomat, update again00:33
cyclonutim not getting ANY notice of my wireless card in wlan. Not only that, my card wont even turn on.00:33
cwilluafaik there's an update already for that00:33
jessicaok at least i know that im not alone with this problem00:33
automatcwillu: in the lsat half hour?00:33
Dandelonly the one that sets the mode to 0666.00:33
cwillumaybe not then;  somebody told me a few minutes back that an update had fixed it, but it's off the scrollback already, so I can't find it00:34
automathrm.  i should have come earlier :)00:34
jessicano my wireless carnt isnt on ether00:34
cwilluI haven't updated my laptop to beta yet, but it worked when I updated it two days ago00:34
jessicai have posted a post on LQ http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/realtek-rtl8187b-wont-show-in-hardy-629765/#post309648200:34
flipstaryou can still see on http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/00:34
jessicaif you want to keep track of it cyclout00:35
cyclonutjessica, yep, thanks00:35
cyclonutjessica, have you tried b43-fwcutter?00:35
jessicano i havnt00:35
EruditeHermitto all having problems with wireless, downgrade hal and libhal1 to 0.5.10 version00:35
cyclonutjessica, you might try removing ndiswrapper and trying sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter00:36
jessicaim installing it now00:36
cyclonutdont do it through synaptic00:36
cyclonutapparently there is a problem doing it graphically00:36
HorizonXPcoz_: didn't work, had to revert to backup00:37
jessicai dont like synaptic i prefer command line00:37
coz_HorizonXP, ok  you left before I said that00:37
Tuv0kwhats the cmd to get the preset server package list?00:38
coz_HorizonXP,   not sure what the  issue is I know i had the same problem with hardy and thats why I installed the nvidia driver from nvidia however I dont suggest that unless you know what to do00:38
Tuv0kI always forget00:38
jessicahow do i use b43-fwcutter00:38
HorizonXPcoz_: well, I'd need to look up the instructions to install the driver, but I'm sure I could do it...00:38
automatflipstar: thanks.  it sounds like it was a problem with hal and networkmanager.  an update for hal was just pushed out.  i'm not sure if it's fixed, though.00:38
HorizonXPcoz_: but ultimately, that's the only solution?00:38
coz_HorizonXP, hold on00:38
cyclonutjessica, Ive read that simply installing it and going through the little terminal gui will fix things for some folk00:39
EruditeHermityou can download from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/h/hal/00:39
coz_HorizonXP, that I cant answer unless someone here has a different approach00:39
orkunwhere do i set how many viewports i have?00:39
DandelEruditeHermit: do you have any idea why the upgrade from ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 will stop detecting sound cards?00:39
jessicaterminal GUI its probly me because im a noobie but its terminal command line and everything else GUI00:40
EruditeHermitDandel: nope it works with mine00:40
HorizonXPcoz_: ok, that's fine, that's what I'll do00:40
coz_HorizonXP,  you can read here   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual00:40
EruditeHermitorkun: right click the window selector in bottom right corner and click preferences00:40
alex_mayorgahas bug 200338 fix been released already?00:40
cyclonutjessica, correct, but sometimes they put gui-ish things in the terminal... i.e. you can select from two options (yes or no)00:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20033800:40
HorizonXPcoz_: I'll give Hardy this though, the only thing that didn't work was the video card; but that's because it's proprietary, so totally understandable for a beta :D00:40
coz_HorizonXP,  the DISAB LED_MODULES we checkd earlier you will need to change as that tell on that link but you have to uninstall the driver you have onboard now first00:40
orkunokay i had deleted the applet - should not this be found in the menu too?00:40
jessicaooo i know what you mean00:41
orkuni just do not use the bottom panel anymore :)00:41
coz_HorizonXP,  and you will most likely have to run nvidia-xconfig as well00:41
cyclonutjessica, that said, b43-cutter didnt work for me.00:41
jessicano i carnt get it working00:41
Dandelhmm... ok... is /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base still the center for sound card detection?00:41
coz_HorizonXP,  just read thorugh that several times first00:41
Raspberrysince I ran the updates today I can't connect to my wireless networks ... I've got the Intel 965 a/b/g card ... any thoughts?00:41
EruditeHermitorkun: right click the panel and click "Add to panel" then click on the workspace switcher00:41
jessicaour card seems to be causing a lot of problems00:42
EruditeHermitRaspberry: do you get 100% cpu usage too?00:42
cyclonutjessica, yes, it does. Our cards suck.00:42
automatwell, there are no further updates and networkmanager is still hanging with nearly 100% cpu00:42
RaspberryEruditeHermit, I was just going to mention that it seems like the machine is running REALLY hot for just idling00:42
automatjessica: which card?00:42
cyclonutjessica, they are based off the broadcom chipset, and they wont release drivers00:42
EruditeHermitautomat: downgrade hal and libhal1 to 0.5.10 versions00:42
jessicathe realtek RTL818700:43
janusDKhow do I upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04 alpha6 -> beta1?00:43
orkunnono found and done that :> thanks a lot - but just saying. this is one very important feature - adjusting it effects the whole desktop and the pref should not be hidden inside one of maybe 30 applets one could add - even though that applet is enabled by default :>00:43
EruditeHermitfrom http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/h/hal/00:43
cyclonutautomat, and I have the bcm4328 - no luck anywhere for either of us.00:43
EruditeHermitRaspberry: if you get 100% cpu usage too, you should do the same00:43
jessicao great i have a card that the people wont realse drivers for00:43
Brent^how do you get that cube effect using compiz? whenever I try to use it I get some flat desktops that are really chopy and the shading is really messed up00:43
RaspberryEruditeHermit, I can see the wireless networks, but trying to connect to them network-manager just spins and  spins00:43
HorizonXPcoz_: the first sentence in that link says this is not the recommended way..... you did it anyway?00:43
orkunjerks like me tend to disable stuff - especially stuff that gets easily replaced by hotkeys00:43
HorizonXPcoz_: and what's wrong with envy00:43
automatcyclonut: using the b43legacy driver?00:43
RaspberryEruditeHermit, alright, I'll downgrade hal and libhal100:43
EruditeHermitwow lag00:43
coz_HorizonXP, well 6 months agi would have said nothing is wrong with it today I suggest not using it00:44
automatEruditeHermit: i'll wait on the downgrade. manual config is working for the moment, so I'll just keep killing networkmanager00:44
cyclonutautomat, at the moment, not really using anything. I've tried b43-fwcutter, bcm43xx-fwcutter, and ndiswrapper to no avail00:44
HorizonXPcoz_: your reasoning is?00:44
coz_HorizonXP, it changes too many things on the system for anyone to do support if someting goes wrong00:44
janusDKpossible to upgade alpha6->beta1 without downloading new ISO?00:44
ryanpghi all... seems like gphoto2 file system is borked atm, anyone else experiencing this?00:44
coz_HorizonXP, no way to track all the changes down or too many to bother with00:45
HorizonXPcoz_: ok, fair enough, I won't do it then00:45
void^janusDK: you can always update your system.00:45
RaspberryEruditeHermit, ubuntu seems to completely lose the NIC too.. and booting into windows will show it as "powered off" even though it wasn't the last time I booted... I can boot back into linux... fail to connect to a wireless network and boot back into windows and the WLAN NIC is powered off again... If I turn the NIC back on and  reboot right back into Windows... it's still powered on00:45
coz_HorizonXP,  it works for some  but otheres usually a reinstall is in order00:45
automatcyclonut: i have the bcm4306 chipset.  the b43legacy driver is practically useless for me at an average of << 1kB/s00:45
jessicai would get a new card but if i take my laptop apart i brake my worenty00:45
automatcyclonut: however, ndiswrapper seems to work for me.00:45
cyclonutautomat, humm. I followed typical ndiswrapper install, and I got no love.00:46
jessicai carnt get ndiswrapper working for me ether00:46
coz_HorizonXP,  you are safer using the downloaded driver from nvidia at least with that it can be uninstalled00:46
cyclonutautomat, and it doesnt sound like I want the b43legacy.00:46
automati had to try a number of different drivers.00:46
cyclonutautomat, could you send the ones you are using?00:46
jessicawell i hird the 98 driver was the only one that would work00:46
janusDKvoid: Simply run normal update manager?00:46
cyclonutjessica, I used the XP drivers in all previous ubuntu installs :-\00:46
jessicawhen i type lsusb: Bus 007 Device 003: ID 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.00:47
automatcyclonut: what kind of laptop?00:47
void^janusDK: yes.00:47
cyclonutautomat, dell 640m (e1405)00:47
jessicain past ubuntu's ive used a linux driver00:47
automatjessica: same here.  something is horribly broken with the new b43legacy.00:47
cyclonutjessica, I will say that in gutsy, my card worked out of the box00:47
Dandelexit brb00:47
* cyclonut contemplates his lost gutsy install...00:48
automatcyclonut: i'll have to see if i still hvae the drivers floating around.00:48
jessicain gutsy i had to compile a modified driver every time for boot00:48
TuTUXG_jessica, what driver?00:49
wastrelthis channel got exciting00:49
jessicaer hold on ill have a look for it00:49
EruditeHermitRaspberry: any luck?00:49
Raspberryalright I'm downgrading libhal and hal to 0.5.10+git20080301-1ubuntu200:50
RaspberryEruditeHermit, network mgr is sitting at 100% cpi00:50
RaspberryEruditeHermit, should I reboot or just bounce it?00:50
EruditeHermitRaspberry: kill it00:50
dandelok... on the box with the issues... first step might as well be fixing the mouse always being double click ><;00:50
EruditeHermitRaspberry: if you know how to restart hal and network manager you don't need to restart. If in doubt though, just restart00:51
ryanpgand perhaps related, when I restart dbus I get: * Starting System Tools Backends system-tools-backends                                                     run-parts: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/70system-tools-backends exited with return code 100:51
jessicai need to get my wireless working i carnt go around plugging a ethernet cable in everyware i go it sorta takes away the idea of a laptop as you carnt take it anyware00:51
gluerhow do i use the b43-fwcutter?00:51
jessicajust follow the GUI like display in terminal00:51
coz_jessica, did you downlgrade those two things mentioned earlier for wireless?00:52
jessicawhat two things00:52
coz_jessica, hold on let me copy paste00:52
coz_jessica,    downgrade hal and libhal1 to 0.5.10 versions00:52
jessicano i have not tryed that00:53
jessicahow would i go about downgrading00:53
EruditeHermitjessica: scroll back and look at my posts00:53
Palintheusdoes the network issue being discussed also relate to the Intel 3945ABG ?00:53
coz_EruditeHermit, I dont think she was here you may have to copy paste or repeat the posts for her00:53
nickrudEruditeHermit: there are new packages in the repo that fixed my hal issues00:53
coz_but I have to break here   be nice share what you know00:53
bazhangPalintheus: nay; those work very well ;]00:54
EruditeHermitnickrud: I'm not sure they have propagated to all mirrors yet00:54
TuTUXG_Palintheus, what issue?00:54
EruditeHermitnickrud: good to know00:54
nickrudEruditeHermit: nope. I just pointed at the main archive00:54
Palintheusnm-applet just spinning and spinning00:54
Palintheuswon't connect to my WPA2 network00:54
nickrudEruditeHermit: that is, they hadn't hit us a half hour ago00:54
PalintheusIm currently running off the beta liveCD and it connected fine00:54
EruditeHermitjessica:  downgrade libhal1 and hal to 0.5.10 versions from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/h/hal/00:55
cyclonutEruditeHermit, I would just deb install from the packages I find there?00:55
J-_Does anyone else have a problem with panels freezing when they're set to autohide?00:55
jessicaok thanks ill give it a go and tell you my outcome00:55
* nickrud wonders why people don't simply switch to the archive.ubuntu.com and get the most recent. 00:55
EruditeHermitjessica: or if nickrud is right, there is a fix already00:55
jessicai get error later package is allready installed00:56
jessicaand if there is a fix ware may i find it00:56
nickrudEruditeHermit: using it now :)00:56
EruditeHermitjessica: sudo dpkg -i <filename.deb>00:56
J-_I made a script to killall gnome-panel, restart nm-applet, and show a message I clicked on the the script iwth libnotify.00:56
wastrelPalintheus: i have the 3945 it works super00:56
jessicaah right thanks00:56
J-_Palintheus: same here00:56
RaspberryEruditeHermit, since I downgraded HAL I can't log into a Gnome Session... strange I know00:56
Raspberryit logs in... but just sits at the tan background00:57
Palintheuswastrel, J-_ thanks...00:57
nickrudjessica: system->admin->software sources, choose the Main Archive. Then update your sources. Then run in a terminal, sudo apt-get upgrade00:57
RaspberryPalintheus, same thing here00:57
RaspberryEruditeHermit, I tried rebooting too but that didn't solve it00:57
automatcyclonut: did you get my message?00:58
EruditeHermitRaspberry: ok, get the latest libhal1 and hal from us archive and install it from terminal00:58
Palintheusthanks Raspberry, wonder what my issue is then :|00:58
sykejust wanted to quickly pop in and say that ndiswrapper is broken again as of yesterday or so00:58
sykeworking great, dist-upgraded, and now it's busted again00:58
jessicai dont understand ware to find main archive00:58
RaspberryEruditeHermit, I'll have to bring it over on00:58
nickrudjessica: once you've updated your hal stuff from the main archive, you should probably change back to the archive you were using before00:58
Raspberrya usb drive ;)00:58
sykemy wireless light isn't coming on, so it's not even contacting the hardware correctly00:58
EruditeHermitRaspberry: ok00:58
RaspberryI can log into KDE4 fine00:58
sykewanted to mention just in case no one noticed yet00:58
sykealso, powernowd won't stay started but doesn't report any errors either00:59
sykethis is on amd6400:59
jessicado you mean main server00:59
EruditeHermitsyke: upgrade again in an hour or so00:59
* Raspberry is running AMD6400:59
dandeli wonder if doing a fresh cd based install might fix the issue ><;00:59
PalintheusRaspberry, J-_, wastrel: are you guys on amd64?00:59
RaspberryPalintheus, yes00:59
Palintheusyeah just saw, thanks00:59
EruditeHermitjessica: us.archive.ubuntu.com00:59
Jordan_Ulol "Sorry, the program "firefox" closed unexpectedly Your computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze the problem and send a report to the developers."00:59
EruditeHermitnickrud: what version are you using?01:00
EruditeHermitnickrud: and do you know which version is broken?01:00
mcquaidnormally, when i upgrade to a new version, i usually remove all manually compiled debs (like say via checkinstall or grabbed from getdeb.org)01:00
gluer43 mins then i can burn the beta iso, do a fresh install..wax the lot :-)01:01
mcquaidis that really necessary?01:01
EruditeHermitgluer: do you have the wireless problem?01:01
nickrudEruditeHermit: the version on the cd was broken for me (don't have it at hand) and  0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2  is what I'm running now01:01
TuTUXG_gluer, u finally got it, huh01:01
gluerwireless and also graphics issue, running a compaq nx632001:01
EruditeHermitnickrud: cocol01:01
nickrudJordan_U: buy some memory. sheesh.01:02
nickrudmcquaid: a very good technique.01:02
Jordan_Unickrud, 1 GIG + 1.5 GIG swap isn't enough ? :)01:02
RaspberryI can't find the wireless network util for KDE4 now ... I had it installed... they must be changing theings around01:03
nickrudJordan_U: apparently not in the context of your usage?01:03
mcquaidnickrud, ya, i've found one needs to in the past, was hoping it was no longer necessary01:03
EruditeHermitRaspberry: did you install 0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu201:03
Jordan_Unickrud, Firefox was literally the only thing open at the time ( other than gnome )01:03
RaspberryEruditeHermit, no i installed 0.5.10 per your instructions01:03
nickrudmcquaid: that's been the case forever, even in debian. You can only rely on distro integrated packages in an upgrade01:04
jessicai dont know how to update them ive put the package name in a basicly i just dont understand01:04
EruditeHermitRaspberry: ok, sorry try installing 0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2. Download it, put it on the flash drive and install it if you can01:04
nickrudJordan_U: heh. I was laughing inside the whole time. It's a lovely message though :)01:04
RaspberryEruditeHermit, I have hal_0.5.10+git20080301-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb and hal_0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb01:04
mcquaidshould be a way in pinning or something to say, hardy is the latest no matter what.  which i believe is what's indicated during an upgrade, but somehow manually installed software can sometimes be recognized as the latest01:05
RaspberryI started having problems after updating to hal_0.5.11~rc2 today01:05
EruditeHermitRaspberry: 0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2 <--look at the ubuntu201:05
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:05
RaspberryEruditeHermit, duh! ;)  thx01:05
jessicai want to downgrade my hal but i dont understand how to01:05
jessicaim also having problems with my sound i just want my wireless working fist01:06
EruditeHermitjessica: don't downgrade, sorry upgrade to 0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu201:06
jessicao ok01:06
nickrudEruditeHermit: the update I received had libhal1 , libhal1-storage , and hal01:06
jessicaill have a look01:06
EruditeHermitjessica: notice the ubuntu2 at the end of that version. ubuntu1 version is broken01:06
nickrudmcquaid: it's about the version number, that's how the 'later' version is determined.01:07
EruditeHermitnickrud: can you take over for a sec, I have to pop out01:07
nickrudjessica: what wireless card do you have?01:07
nickrudjessica: I ask because I am barely adequate with only a couple. The hal fix, I do know how to walk you through.01:08
jessicarealtek RTL8187B01:08
mcquaidnickrud, in pref distribution in synpatic there is 'always prefer highest version' which is checked but there is also 'prefer versions from'01:09
nickrudjessica: hm, that one I don't know. But, I can get you to the point where hal is not the problem01:09
alex_mayorgahow to get audio back if supposedly the fix for bug 200338 has already been released?01:09
jessicawell ive just finished upgrading my hal01:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20033801:09
jessicado i need to restart or anything for it to work01:09
mcquaidyou'd think that could be used to ensure it grabs all gutsy hardy whatever and update remove local or obsolete pkgs where necessary01:10
nickrudmcquaid: true. But, dependencies come into play.01:10
nickrudjessica: I did01:10
jessicadose it work when you restart01:10
nickrudjessica: sometimes I'm too lazy to figure out the manual way, I just restart. It did for me, but I have a bcm4311 and I used b43-fwcutter to get it working properly.01:10
jessicao ok01:11
jessicaill do a restart and come back and tell you my situation01:11
jessicawell hold on i have 62 updates01:11
* nickrud looks at a nice regression01:11
jessicamaby one of these will help01:11
alex_mayorganickrud, any suggestions to get audio back?01:11
EruditeHermitnickrud: just upgraded too and it works nicely01:11
nickrudalex_mayorga: I haven't even touched audio in hardy. I've been running it for about 3 hours now total.01:12
jessicawhilst im wating dose anyone know how to get my sound working01:12
dandelhmm... found a interesting issue.01:13
dandel/dev/disk/blah is missing.01:13
emmaPeople in here are Ubuntu power users?01:13
jessicasome are01:13
jessicathis channel is for hardy01:13
wastrelmy sound works01:14
wastrelexcept in vlc01:14
jessicamy sound dosnt01:14
alex_mayorgajessica as per bug 200338 seems like we should use generic latest kernel01:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20033801:14
dandelwastrel: set vlc to use pulse audio.01:14
gewhey guys my network-manager freezes after a recent upgrade , i need to force reboot01:14
flipstarjessica: an intelhda ?01:14
dandelwastrel: It should be an advanced option.01:14
gewi was told to unmask repos01:15
gewthat did not work01:15
wastrelk, thanks01:15
jessicaim totally lost01:15
hmullernot having any sound problems here with latest updates, using snd-hda-intel01:15
gewi am using b4301:15
EruditeHermitgew upgrade to  0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu201:15
EruditeHermitgew: upgrade hal to  0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu201:15
flipstarjessica: lspci|grep -i Audio01:15
gewEruditeHermit: let me give it a shot01:15
EruditeHermitgew: hal libhal1 libhal-storage to  0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu201:15
jessica00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)01:16
EruditeHermitjessica: what specifically is not working with the audio01:16
flipstarjessica: the guide didnt helped ?01:16
dandelEruditeHermit: how do i rebuild /dev/disk and /dev/input ?01:16
flipstar!intelhda | jessica this here>01:16
EruditeHermitdandel: they should be created by the kernel01:17
jessicaim readying the guide and nothing works with my sound01:17
dandelwell they are not.01:17
dandelit's not there at all01:17
dandelkernel version: 2.6.24-12-generic01:17
RaspberryI had to connect to archive.ubuntu.com to get the new hal ... none of the other mirrors have it01:18
flipstarRaspberry: maybe its still in /var/cache/apt/archives/01:18
EruditeHermitdandel: I'm sorry I don't know what is wrong with your install01:19
dandel><; sheesh... upgrade from gutsy to hardy is broken.01:19
dandeli'm downloading the cd right this minute to burn that, hopefully i can get it to work.01:19
EruditeHermitRaspberry: is it working now?01:20
gewEruditeHermit: done with the upgrade , i am gona try and connect to my wifi01:20
Raspberryit is very slow to log into gnome now01:20
Raspberryit used to take 30 seconds to load gnome ... now it's about 4.5 minutes and it's still no loading... no CPU activity or HDD01:21
Raspberrystill not loading01:22
dandelRaspberry: try logging in to the terminal.01:22
EruditeHermitRaspberry: have you upgraded the hal yet?01:22
Raspberryhal is upgraded01:22
Raspberryand terminal login is instant01:22
EruditeHermitRaspberry: is wireless working?01:22
dandelEruditeHermit: i followed down to the letter the upgrade information for going from gutsy to hardy... that's all i did.01:23
RaspberryEruditeHermit, yes :)  thx!01:23
yaccini dont have wireless and sound :(01:23
EruditeHermitdandel: its a beta. . . sorry01:23
T1m0thyHello, I installed 8.04 and was able to connect to the internet through my wireless card the first time I booted. I started installing updates, and then everything but the updates froze. So I finished installing the updates, then restarted. Ever since, my network manager always says network disabled. I've tried restarting, and also when I try to go into the "Network" tool, it just stays all gray like it's loading, and I have to kill 01:23
whuytupgraded to 8.04, but can only get gnome failsafe to work. gnome errors and reverts back to login.01:23
dandelI'm downloading the cd and hopefully that'll fix it.01:23
Raspberryit's after the gdm login ... when it's still on the GDM background... it takes about 90 seconds to change to my gnome session desktop background... then it's about another 90 seconds for desktop icons to appear and then another 60+ seconds for the gnome panels to appear01:24
EruditeHermitT1m0thy: whuyt: please upgrade hal , libhal1 libhal-storage to version  0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu201:24
RaspberryI have tried rebooting and the behavior seems consistant... although now there are a few new updates (7) -- so I'll try it again01:24
whuytsudo apt-get hal ?01:24
T1m0thyEruditeHermit: Both of us..?01:24
EruditeHermitwhuyt: sudo apt-get install hal libhal1 libhal-storage NOTE: it may not be in your local mirror yet so if you can't wait, get it from the central mirror01:25
EruditeHermitT1m0thy: yes01:26
whuythal is already the newest version.01:26
T1m0thyuhh, brb01:26
EruditeHermitwhuyt: is it version 0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2?01:27
EruditeHermitwhuyt: or  0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu1?01:28
whuytits ubuntu1, how do i get 2?01:28
whuyti didnt see a central mirror option in repositories?01:28
EruditeHermitwhuyt: wait till it gets to your mirror or get it from http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/h/hal/01:28
whuytthank you!01:29
EruditeHermitwhuyt: it takes some time for all the mirrors to sync01:29
whuytgood to know01:29
hmullerEruditeHermit: Are all these problems you are helping with a result of upgrading to Hardy from Gutsy?01:30
EruditeHermithmuller: yes01:30
EruditeHermithmuller: well they are all hal problems01:30
EruditeHermithmuller: it just so happened that the update broke hal today of all days01:30
hmullerEruditeHermit: Yikes, that's why I backup, reinstall and reinstore!01:30
hmullerrestore that is01:31
EruditeHermithmuller: well hal has been fine in hardy till today =p01:31
EruditeHermithmuller: just bad timing01:31
EruditeHermithmuller: it is a beta so you have been warned01:31
hmullerEruiditeHermit:  I count myself lucky then, no HAL problems01:31
automatEruditeHermit: so, it turns out the latest updates to hal _did_ fix my problem.  unfortunately I never issued /etc/init.d/hal restart, so I was still having the problem.  everything is hunky-dory now.01:31
dandelhmuller, your lucky at least your system didn't break heavily... ><; mine has heavy issues.01:32
hmullerEruditeHermit: I know, this is a testing parition I'm installed on01:32
hmullerdandel: Does a reinstall help?01:33
dandelstill downloading01:33
dandelit's heavy weird actions... hmm.01:33
EruditeHermitdandel: does your mouse work?01:33
EruditeHermitdandel: what exactly are your problems01:33
dandel1) sound cards don't detect at all.01:33
dandeli haft to manually detect each of those.01:33
AlexHooverIf I installed the Ubuntu BETA, is there a way to get Kubuntu-desktop from the Kubuntu 8.x BETA01:33
EruditeHermitAlexHoover: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:34
automatAlexHoover: all it should take is `sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop`01:34
dandeleruditehermit: i have 3 modules that detect my sound cards: snd-cmipci, snd-bt78x, and snd-intel8x001:34
EruditeHermitdandel: something seems to be wrong with your kernel01:35
AlexHooverautomat, but will it get the kubuntu-desktop from the Kubuntu beta or the one from 7.x?01:35
dandelthen 2 is that /dev/null keeps staying with the wrong permissions.01:35
EruditeHermitdandel: can you revert back to an older kernel image?01:35
cyclonutjessica, I found a fix, I think01:35
Timmycan anyone tell me where in hardy i'll find the screen resolution settings for X? it doesn't appear to be in xorg.conf anymore01:35
dandelluckily, yes.01:35
EruditeHermitdandel: try reinstalling the kernel packages01:35
whuyteurdite, just to confirm. i installed hal_0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2_i386, libhal1_0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2_i386, and libhal-storage1_0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2_i38601:35
hmullerTimmy: Are you using GNOME?01:35
dandeli'll try that.01:35
automatAlexHoover: as long as you sources.list has all the "hardy" repositories you should be fine.  you're probably fine.01:35
whuytgnome should be ok now?01:35
Timmyhmuller: yes01:35
dandeland hte third one is a weird one.01:35
EruditeHermitwhuyt: yes01:35
whuytthanks again01:36
dandelthe mouse always thinks i am doing a double click01:36
jessica_i have my wireless picked up on my network network manage01:36
EruditeHermitdandel: just try reinstalling the kernel image01:36
hmullerTimmy: Look under System > Preferences > Screen Resolution and ...01:36
cyclonutjessica, woo!01:36
dandelEruditeHermit: will do once the file iso finish downloading.01:36
hmullerTimmy: And you can also run displayconfig-gtk from a terminal, I seem to be missing the icon in the System > Administration menu01:37
Timmyhmuller: i'm specifically after the .conf file; i'm having issues with setting up a game in wine, and i need to confirm that X recognises a certain resolution/frequency01:37
EruditeHermitjessica_: cool01:37
jessica_i am still having problems with wireless now it detects my networks and things when i go to connect it only gets the the one green light not both then the bar01:38
hmullerTimmy:  My xorg.conf is still in /etc/X11/01:38
dandelEruditeHermit: i'll reboot in to the gutsy kernel image, hopefull that won't be broken... 2.6.22-1401:39
EruditeHermitdandel: I hope so01:39
T1m0thySorry, ErudtieHermit, but which version of hal did you specify?01:39
automatTimmy: check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log.  if there are no resolutions listed in xorg.conf, X is autoprobing for them.  all supported (and unsupported) resolutions should be listed in the log.01:39
dandelit was working just before i upgraded.01:39
T1m0thymeh, typo01:39
Timmyhmuller: so is mine, however; you may notice that the settings for resolutions are no longer stored in /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:39
dandelluckily my linux install partition tends to be kept clean.01:39
EruditeHermitT1m0thy: 0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu201:39
jessica_how do i get my wireless to connect01:40
hmullerTimmy:  I haven't used xorg.conf since I've been testing with Hardy since the beginning of the year ...01:40
jessica_it has picked up my network it just dosnt connect01:40
dandeli cancelled the file download... brb... gonna reboot.01:40
automatTimmy: i believe the autoprobing is controlled by Option "01:40
hmullerTimmy:  I have had to use displayconfig-gtk on occasion01:40
automatTimmy: controlled by Option "DPMS".  if you remove that, you can (or have to) explicitly specify resolutions.01:41
automatTimmy: or at least that's how I understand it.  i could be entirely wrong.01:41
jessica_how can i get my wireless to connect01:42
ryanpgoddly gphoto2 on the command line seems to work fine01:43
automatjessica_: try ndiswrapper drivers.  but before they will work you have to first rmmod b43legacy, rmmod ssb, rmmod ndiswrapper (just for good measure) and then modprobe ndiswrapper01:43
jessica_ok thanks01:43
automatit worked for cyclonut after some tinkering01:43
automatif you can get the proper windows *.inf driver and ndiswrapper -l shows hardware present, you should be able to make it work.01:44
Timmyautomat: my xorg.conf doesn't have an option for DPMS set. thanks however.01:44
automatTimmy: hmm.  did you see all the lines of resolutions in the log?01:44
thompausb stuff don't work anymore. They come up as usb in gui, but cant mount or unknown01:44
whuyterudite. gnome works now but is incredibly unresponsive01:45
ToHellWithGAdpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg does nothing01:45
ToHellWithGAit is as if video is no longer configurable01:45
hmullerthompa:  I had that problem earlier, take a look at /etc/fstab and ensure that /dev/sd# hasn't been autoset to cdrom01:45
thompaToHellWithGA: try sudo -s just in case, but i still had that01:45
automatTimmy: i guess i can't confirm.  i have my resolutions explicitly specified in my xorg.conf so my laptop will work with external monitors.  i know at some point i saw a ridiculously long list of resolutions from the x server startup.01:46
ryanpgalso, seems like gtkam only works when run as root01:46
thompahmuller: what does cdrom do, its walkman and ipod, no os only storage disks01:46
hmullerautomat:  I used to see that in the log ( the long list of resolutins ), but now it's autoset01:46
ToHellWithGAthompa: that just caused it to barf a lot01:46
automathmuller: thanks for confirming... i was starting to think i made the whole thing up.01:47
Timmyautomat: there's a few lines relating to resolution, however it's not as i expected to appear -> log file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60488/01:47
hmullerthompa:  You are just looking to make sure that /etc/fstab doesn't think your  /dev/sdb(or above) are cdroms01:47
hmullerthompa:  I'll copy and paste a line to show you what I had to do01:47
ToHellWithGAi am disappointed with the video performance of hardy and i heard it could be due to improperly selected video for xorg01:48
thompaToHellWithGA: ya its gone anything with dpkg-reconfigure x*01:48
ToHellWithGAmy xorg.conf is pretty much empty01:48
automatTimmy: no, that's definitely different than what i used to see.  it could be that the output reported is driver specific.  i'm using the open ati drivers.01:48
thompahmuller: cheers01:48
hmullerthompa: #/dev/sdb1       /media/cdrom0 ...01:48
hmullerthompa: I had two lines like that I had to comment out01:48
automatTimmy: if you aren't specifying DPMS and you know your resolutions, just add them to Section "Screen" SubSection "Display" Modes "1280x1024", etc.01:49
ToHellWithGAit doesn't have anything hardware specific01:49
hmullerTimmy: $ sudo displayconfig-gtk still works for me too01:50
automatTimmy: yeah, that's probably the easiest way.01:50
Timmysudo displayconfig-gtk01:50
automatif the desired resolution works in displayconfig-gtk, it should be fine01:50
cyclonutjessica_, did you get things working?01:50
hmullerautomat: exactly!01:51
thompaToHellWithGA: something else is used maybe, i cant remember . are you using nvidia?01:51
jessica_it stops when trying to connect01:51
automatjessica_: can you make it connect manually?01:51
automatwhat drivers?01:51
cyclonutjessica_, ah, well at least you got it there... perhaps you should try wicd?01:52
jimmygoonMy system crashing-hard everytime I log out is unacceptable01:52
Timmyautomat, hmuller: thanks for you help. i think the issue may be that my problem with wine depends on having the resolutions specified in xorg.conf01:52
whuytafter gnome failing to start it was recommended i upgrade hal, libhal1, and libhal-storage to 5.11 rc2 ubuntu2. gnome is now working but is incredibly unresponsive01:52
jessica_im using the 98 drivers in ndiswrapper01:52
Timmyso i'll give that a try :)01:52
ToHellWithGAthompa: i am using intel integrated video01:52
ToHellWithGAit worked great since forever ago01:52
automatjessica_: and ndiswrapper -l shows hardware present and the interface is listed in iwconfig?01:53
thompahmuller: i only hav e cdrom and floppy in there and they are already commented out01:53
hmullerthompa:  did you just recently upgrade to Hardy from Gutsy?01:54
jessica_yes it shows it in iwconfig01:54
thompahmuller: not really. my hard drive has 2 partitions. one is upgraded from alpha and is 64, the other is fresh beta..this one beta fresh no usb01:54
thompano sound on the 64 side no matter what i do01:55
jessica_yet when i try and join my network with the correct authentication and everything it dosnt01:55
automatjessica_: so frustrating.  i was having that problem a few hours ago, but the update to hal fixed networkmanager.  even so, in the meantime i was able to set it up manually.01:55
thompahmuller: could be bad install, does your camera show up?01:56
automatjessica_: can you scan with `iwlist wlan0 scan` (with your proper interface name, of course)01:56
dandelNo good... both are broken... same way.01:56
hmullerthompa: the usb thing is interesting, but I probably can't help.  I wonder if it's a PolicyKit issue or HAL.  What sound card do you have?01:56
thompaits HAL01:56
thompaalmost positive01:56
cyclonutjessica_, you downgraded your HAL. try re-upgrading it01:56
jessica_wlan0 interface dosne't support scan01:56
jessica_i could try the xp drivers rather than the 98 drivers01:57
hmullerthompa: I don't have a camera.  It could be a bad install.  I'm downloading the BETA now (I'm running Alpha6) and install it fresh tomorrow.01:57
dandelhmuller: i reinstalled the kernel, but it didn't matter, both had the exact same faults ><;01:57
dandelthe upgrade scripts broke the kernel.01:57
automatjessica_: might be worth a try.  although you'd expect it to work if ndiswrapper shows the hardware present.  well maybe not with an old driver. who knows.  try it.01:57
automatsmoke break.01:58
hmullerautomat:  nicotine lozenges are great, but you lose the break01:58
cyclonuthmuller, you dont get the nice process though01:58
hmullercyclonut: I still go out for 'fake' smoke breaks01:59
thompaautomat: used to be, the only way they would give you a break was if you smoked01:59
cyclonuthmuller: haha01:59
BsimsGot a simple question, I upgraded and it appears to have broken sudo01:59
cyclonutthompa, ironically, that is how I started smoking in the first place01:59
Bsimsanyone got any ideas01:59
thompacyclonut: me too air force01:59
hmullerdandel: I'm sorry I can't help you further.  I'll bet the breakage will be fixed tomorrow ...01:59
cyclonutthompa, subway for me ;)02:00
jessica_no nothing seems to work02:00
dandelhmuller: at least it was better than last time where the box would not even boot... lol.02:00
thompacyclonut: i used to remember smoking on planes, clouds of it02:00
thompaoutside and inside02:01
hmullerdandel:  I had that problem in one of the earlier releases02:01
cyclonutthompa, haha, I dont reach that far back. Thats when first class was actually classy though, eh? ;)02:01
automati have nicotine gum, but it doesn't work.  it's all in the process :)02:01
thompanothing ever works02:01
hmullerI still remember the first airplane ride I ever took (6yrs) had a parachute under the seat02:02
cyclonutdoes FF not having a home button bug the hell outta anybody else?02:02
dandelhmuller: I know this happens... so it's not too much of a big deal... best to find out sooner than later ^.^02:02
thompatook me 22 hours to get from NY to Germany02:02
hmullerautomat: try the lozenges02:02
thompaprop job02:02
hmullerdandel:  that's why I'm testing too02:02
hmullerthompa: You might be a year or two older than me =)02:03
thompano maybe 15 hours02:03
hmullerturbo prop I imagine02:03
thompahmuller: im not that old02:03
automathmuller: i may.  i'd still need blanks though.  maybe a bic pen or a cinnamon stick.02:03
dandelhmuller: I wonder if i haft to reinstall or if tomorrows update will fix it fully lol.02:04
hmullerthompa: lmao02:04
hmullerdandel:  when I have problems with one release, I just try the next day's daily-live02:04
hmullerdandel: The brick wall always win against your head02:05
thompadandel: reinstall day after02:05
dandelhmuller: It's more like... what's that pile of rubble doing behind me ^.^02:05
wastrelcyclonut: i miss the "go" button02:05
cyclonutwastrel, that one too.02:06
thompaxubuntu looks real cool02:06
hmullerdandel:  there's nothing like Obsessive-Compulsive persistence to get you through a mountain!  =)02:06
dandelhmm... should i have the mouse set to vmmouse or what i had in fiesty?02:06
thompakubuntu is running faster right now02:06
=== Timmy is now known as Codestorm
BlazeixHi, is evolution-exchange broken in the beta release?02:08
hmullerthompa:  gcc -omg-optimized02:08
BlazeixI can't find any official information about it, but its broken for me, and I've found a few threads about it as well.02:08
mneptokhmuller: you need a --02:08
thompahmuller: im just pulling files off my walkman from other partition which has the device02:09
thompahmuller: are you running kde?02:10
hmullerthompa: I've been noticing real improvements since the beginning of the year, yet a few glitches.  No I'm a gnomester02:10
hmullerthompa: but I like how the system is becoming more integrated through HAL, D-BUS, and gang02:11
thompaive been using gnome, but kubuntu seems faster right now. not so pretty maybe02:11
* mneptok lives in a DE neutral household02:11
mneptoki'm a GNOME-ist. she uses KDE.02:11
hmullermneptok: Mine still uses XP, still trying to get her to convert.  Maybe Hardy Final!02:12
mneptokhmuller: my job ensures Ubuntu usage for all household occupants.02:13
hmullermneptok:  that's a job I'd like to have02:14
hmullerget paid for my interest!02:14
fitoriaLib6c --configure error02:14
mneptokhmuller: careful what you wish for02:14
fitoriaduring upgrade02:14
cyclonuthmuller, I guess I have it okay... mine uses osX. cant quite get her to take the linux plunge yet02:14
mneptokhmuller: you'd have to work with me. any of my present colleagues will warn you off that road.02:14
hmullercyclonut: osX is *nix isn't it?02:14
Dr_willishmuller,  barely. :)02:15
thompai use xp only for flight sim stuff02:15
hmullermneptok: I spent 11 in the military ...02:15
cyclonuthmuller, enough for them to call it that :-P02:15
thompabut i am bored with that now that x-plane works so well02:15
Dr_willisITs like takin a Supped up Motorbike and putting training wheels on it. :)02:15
hmullerthompa:  I use XP on occasion in kvm02:15
hmullerDr_willis: you're killing me02:16
Dr_willisi couldent think of a better analogy02:16
hmullerhave a good day/night folks, time to put the 3yr old down for bed.  And good luck all of you who upgraded early from Gutsy to Hardy!02:18
wastrel3yo <302:18
mneptokOSX's relationship to Unix is thus. imagine a chainsaw that can cut *anything*. now, paint it cerulean. give it a drop shadow. make any surfaces brushed metal. dull the blade. re-brand it as "iCut." sell blade separately. that's OSX.02:19
=== akumar_ is now known as kumarphilly
kindofabuzzjust installed hardy beta on another hard drive, while logging on it told me that /home/# could not be found and would use /root as the home directory.  i did have a seperate partition for /home02:20
whuytwhat could cause gnome to be unresponsive in hardy?02:20
mneptokwhuyt: you installed Ubuntu server? *bah dum tish*02:20
kindofabuzzbut then i hit ok and it gave me some other error, forgot what it is02:20
Tuv0kdid /home get mounted?02:21
wastrelpresumably not02:21
mneptokkindofabuzz: df -h > pastebin02:21
kindofabuzzoh i dunno, i don't see why it shouldn't have02:21
mneptokkindofabuzz: fdisk -l > pastebin02:21
wastrelwell either that or the homedir on the home partition is owned by a different UID than the user logging into hardy02:21
kindofabuzzwell i deleted it all and gonna start over02:21
kindofabuzzcan i use the home partition on this install?02:22
Tuv0krepeating the same mistake won't help02:22
Tuv0kyou might want to know what happened before wasting your time02:22
kindofabuzzit had it's own /home partition02:22
kindofabuzztuvok, that's why i'm here02:23
Tuv0kif nothing else it will be an experience02:23
Tuv0kdo what the above guys suggested02:23
kevin_hello, i was wondering if compiz-fusion will be included by default in ubuntu 8.04?02:23
Mark_MillimanDoes anyone know what happened to the multimedia keys plugin in Banshee after this update?02:23
mneptokkevin_: yes02:24
kevin_ok thanks02:24
kindofabuzzi can't get banshee to find anything, dunno what's wrong02:24
kindofabuzzit will just search and search02:24
* mneptok "yays!" as a pre-spun Dell Ubuntu restore DVD saves his weekend02:25
kindofabuzzi'm gonna try to install hardy without any seperate boot and home partitions, be back later =)02:25
thompacool kubuntu has compiz installer02:26
thompakubuntu looks awsome, so does xubuntu02:28
=== nickrud is now known as nikrud
mneptokthompa: you should see OpenBox on my Mac68K ;)02:28
thompaneed sunglasses.02:29
savvasat night? :p02:29
cyclonut(so I can, so I caaaan)02:29
mneptokthompa: no, not me. my Mac68K. if you look at me you don't want sunglasses. you want a scalpel.02:29
thompathe 3d windows are pretty intense with compiz, i had effects off and thought it was awsome02:30
thompawhats a mac68k?02:30
thompasounds old02:30
cyclonutabout 4k better than the mac64k02:31
thompait looks kinda arthur clarkish02:31
cyclonutmneptok, are you one of those folks who serves up static HTML on the oldest mac you can find?02:31
* cyclonut hummms @ increased mem usage over gutsy02:32
thompaim running 1440x900 lcd here like 2 pages up02:32
thompaubuntu always has best looking fonts02:34
=== Mark_Milliman is now known as Mark_M|Away
mneptokcyclonut: nah, i just kept my old Quadra 605 and refuse to let it die02:34
mneptokcyclonut: but yes, for a while, http://montreal.canonical.com was served from thttpd on a Mac68K ;)02:35
Andre_Gondimwhen i am installing hardy heron in pt_BR always crash in the keyboard screen =/02:35
thompaim going to ditch gnome for kde losers02:35
* nikrud always wondered why users of kde call all others losers02:36
mneptoknikrud: they like seeing "sets mode +b"?02:36
nikrudnah, it happens in email also02:37
thompadolphin is working really well and I seem to have just enough options02:37
nandemonaiAnyone had troubles nabbing the latest bunch of updates from mirrors?02:37
hustanhello i got a dependacy error for libc6 can anyone help?02:38
nikrudnandemonai probably the mirror wasn't synced up completely02:38
nosrednaekimfor my info (i'm from #kubuntu) is libc6 broken in hardy?02:38
nandemonainikrud, Yeah I was assuming the same, I'll contact my ISP and see what's up.02:38
hustanshouldent be02:38
hustancan anyone help?02:39
nikrudnandemonai no, I mean the ubuntu mirror you're using. my mirror was in that sate earlier today, back to normal now02:39
automatthompa: i did the same, for a single reason.  no one is bothering to fix the 3D bug in the free ati drivers.  gnome without compiz is lacking.  how could it not be possible (without brightside) to drag windows across desktops?!?02:39
nandemonainikrud, Oh yes I understand, it's my ISP mirror you see :)02:40
nosrednaekimautomat: use kde02:40
nikrudnandemonai ah, nice isp :)02:40
automatnosrednaekim: that's what i was saying.  i made the switch.02:40
nandemonainikrud, Yups, unmetered too :)02:40
hustanso no one can help with a dependacy error for libc6?02:40
nosrednaekimautomat: :)02:41
savvashustan: apt-cache policy libc6 | grep "Installed\|Candidate"02:41
automatthat, and kate is the best editor.  not that i couldn't use it in gnome, but the kde panel app that lets you open any of your saved sessions is nice.02:41
hustanim on 7.04 not 7.1002:41
* automat hides after making a "best editor" comment02:41
nosrednaekimhustan: oh sorry, for telling you to come here then..... uhhh come back to #kubuntu02:41
nosrednaekimsorry guys ;)02:42
savvasnosrednaekim: point him to http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/libc602:42
savvasall the dependencies are there if he needs to download one02:42
* automat kicked out of the coffee shop02:43
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* automat detaches02:43
savvasyeah true02:43
=== LimCore is now known as dr_zoidberg
Mark_MillimanDoes anyone use Banshee?  The multimedia keys plugin is gone02:45
nosrednaekimthinking about upgrading, any huge show stoppers ATM? I like missing the final release craze ;)02:45
philipjfryafter installing hardy gnome has become very slow menus take upwards of ten seconds to respond, i have no idea what could be causing this?02:46
mneptokautomat: GNOME supports window movement between workspaces natively, and well02:46
savvasphilipjfry: graphics card?02:46
philipjfryradeon 9600xt02:46
savvasphilipjfry: system - admin - hardware drivers02:46
philipjfrywas working fine in 7.1002:46
T1m0thyHey, about 10 minutes after being logged in and online, in the middle of a Skype call and chatting on Pidgin, my internet just stops working and I have to restart in order to get it working again. Any resolutions?02:47
philipjfryis enabled!02:47
savvasphilipjfry: do you have compiz enabled?02:47
mneptokT1m0thy: DHCP?02:47
T1m0thymneptok: Yeah.02:47
philipjfryi did in 7.10 so most likely it still is02:47
mneptokT1m0thy: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces02:48
savvasphilipjfry: try disable and re-enable it, system - preferences - appearance - visual effects02:48
philipjfrysavvas, will try thanks02:49
savvasphilipjfry: maybe something is eating up your resources, check out the system monitor, ctrl alt del02:49
T1m0thymneptok: http://pastebin.com/m4a74089b02:49
mneptokT1m0thy: there's your problem02:50
philipjfryi was just double checking and the device driver for ati was not enabled. foolishly assumed it would be because it was in gnome failsafe02:50
mneptokT1m0thy: wireless or wired?02:50
T1m0thymneptok wireless02:50
nosrednaekim!info xserver-xgl hardy02:50
ubotuxserver-xgl (source: xserver-xgl): GL-based X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (hardy), package size 1839 kB, installed size 4572 kB02:50
mneptokT1m0thy: you have no entries in "interfaces" for anything other than the loopback interface02:50
nosrednaekimphilipjfry: you might want to remove xgl as well.02:51
nosrednaekimphilipjfry: its not longer required for ati cards +compiz02:51
T1m0thymneptok: Alright.. I know nothing about that file. Could you tell me what I would need? :\02:51
mneptokT1m0thy: you might want to see if a future update populates that file for you02:51
mneptokT1m0thy: there's no "silver bullet" answer guaranteed to work. depends on your hardware.02:51
wastrelT1m0thy: what card?02:52
T1m0thyintel 394502:52
philipjfrynosrednaekim, thanks, sudo apt-get remove xorg-server-xgl i assume?02:52
wastreli have that card,02:52
T1m0thyWhat does yours say?02:52
wastrelit's been droppin connection sporadically02:52
nosrednaekimphilipjfry: xserver-xgl02:52
savvasI have the same in /etc/network/interfaces and a wired eth0, no problems here :p02:52
wastreli thought it was my access point02:53
wastrelyou don't have to reboot to fix tho.   sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:53
wastrelworks for me anyway02:54
mneptokT1m0thy: try with a Gutsy Live CD. if it "just works," write the b0rkeness in Hardy off to beta woes, and be patient :)02:54
philipjfrytim0thy, did erudites suggestion of upgrading hal work for you as well?02:54
T1m0thyI coudln't get it at all before HAL.02:55
mneptokwastrel: for fewer keystrokes, 'sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart'02:55
philipjfryworked for me too!02:56
T1m0thyWastrel: Thanks.02:56
wastrelalias nr=""02:56
mneptokwastrel: "crontab -e yadda yadda" ;)02:57
mykhey, guys.02:58
savvas<guys> hello myk02:58
mykAnyone using the b43 driver for Broadcom wifi? i have some questions before filing a bug report02:58
savvasmyk: crashing up ?02:58
T1m0thyIs the linux-ubuntu-modules for 'x86/x86_64' just for both i386 and 64 bit?02:58
Jordan_U!anyone | myk02:58
ubotumyk: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:58
mykIt seems the range is severely decreased. i usually use my laptop in the living room, maybe 100 feet from the router02:59
savvasmyk: there was a "caveat" in the ubuntu beta documentation about a broadcom wifi02:59
mneptokdoes anyone know anybody who know anyone that knows anybody that knows the !anyone factoid?02:59
mykI can only stay connected if i sit in the same room as the router.02:59
myki will take a look at it02:59
philipjfrysavvas, disable compiz was the solution. thanks!02:59
savvasphilipjfry: no problemo :)02:59
philipjfrysystem is still a little sluggish though03:00
mykthose qho are being helpful, i appreciate it...03:00
savvasphilipjfry: checked the system monitor?03:00
HardyOnemneptok, I dont know anyone who knows anyone that knows anybody who knows about the !anyone factoid03:00
savvasphilipjfry: click on the "CPU" column, i mean on the label where it says "CPU"03:00
savvasthis way you'll see what's eating up your processor03:01
Jordan_Umyk, It may be that you have a lot of interference and the driver doesn't support an interference robustness feature of the card03:01
myksavvas: this is not the issue I am having.03:01
savvasit could be a heavy memory usage too03:01
savvasmyk: ok sorry03:01
mykJordan_U: thanks. is there a way to get ndiswrapper to work properly03:01
Jordan_Umyk, Are there other networks in the area that are on the same channel?03:01
myksavvas: no problem, i appreciate all info that may help me get this sorted03:01
mykNegative. Everything worked fine with ndiswrapper in 7.10 and 7.0403:02
mykI have two routers, one public, on private, both on different channels.03:02
savvaswell he's right about that, it should "just work" :P03:02
Jordan_Umyk, I don't know much about ndiswrapper ( I try to avoid it :)03:02
philipjfrysavvas, cpu is 20% at idle03:02
philipjfryits xgl!03:03
savvasphilipjfry: where's the rest of it going?03:03
BsimsGot a question, I upgraded to heron beta and it lost my music DB what file do I need to restore from back up to recover it?03:03
RaspberryBsims, what music program?03:03
BsimsDoh sorry amarok03:03
savvasphilipjfry: well there you go :p kill it, see if it "calms down" and file a bug about it03:03
nosrednaekimBsims: the amarok DB is in .kde/share/apps/amarok03:04
savvasmyk: there was a gui for ndiswrapper.. ndisgtk, maybe it's easier to install the drivers?03:05
Bsimsnosrednaekim: but why did it disappear though03:05
nosrednaekimBsims: are you now using kde4?03:05
myki have installed the driver using ndiswrapper, but for whatever reason, it doesnt seem to activate the device like it used to. may need to do some blacklisting03:05
philipjfrysavvas, removing xgl fixed03:05
mykof the other driver9s)03:05
nosrednaekimBsims: thats weird then... did you have anything valuable in the database that can't be gotten back?03:06
Bsimstons of music03:06
BsimsI can re import it but its a pain in the arse03:06
BsimsI am gonna try moving it back in03:06
nosrednaekimwell, if thats all that broke, I'd say you are fairly lucky:)03:07
savvasa database should be cleared every once and a while03:07
Bsimsnosrednaekim: sudo was broken too03:07
* Bsims had to reboot and force a dist-upgrade manualy03:07
nosrednaekimsavvas: the silver lining eh? lol03:07
savvasnosrednaekim: more or less.. :D03:08
savvasi like my stuff nice and tidy03:08
savvastotal clearance and reindexing :P03:08
savvasmy home is a bit messy, but i'll see to that03:08
savvasi mean /home the dir :)03:09
nosrednaekimI was about to say that was quite allowed....03:09
emmaanyone who uses Hardy right now is a power user.03:10
savvasI'm a power user!03:10
* nosrednaekim 1$ l33703:10
savvaswow, that felt good :p03:10
philipjfryim not a power user and im using hardy :(03:10
nosrednaekimphilipjfry: thats probably not fun03:11
BsimsFsck it didn't copy the collection over03:11
* Bsims pounds the model M03:11
mneptokBsims: language, please.03:11
philipjfrylots of fun! it didnt go smoothly but thanks to very kind helpful people on irc i got it working and learned03:11
Bsimsmneptok: sorry but fsck was the command that auto ran03:11
Bsimssaid some inodes had changed03:12
mneptokBsims: please.03:12
savvasBsims: is it that hard to leave it populate the database in the background?03:12
Bsimssorry mneptok I'll be good03:13
Bsimssavvas: there is no database03:13
mneptokthankee sahib.03:13
BsimsI'll have to reimport the folders into it03:13
savvasBsims: that's why i said populate, fill it up with your song info03:13
savvasapps such as amarok or rhythmbox can do that in the background, can't they?03:14
BsimsI suppose03:15
* Bsims giggles was hopping to just restore and forget though03:15
savvasah.. believe me, sometimes it's good to erase and recheck03:15
* Bsims grrs off to re-emport03:15
savvaslovely quit message :P03:16
telexicondid something happen to break network manager?03:16
savvastelexicon: like what? :)03:16
telexiconi did an upgrade 2 or 3 days ago and my atheros stopped working, a friend of mine upgraded today and his intel wireless stopped working03:17
savvasi'm glad i use wired then :)03:17
Raspberrytelexicon, yeah03:21
Raspberrytelexicon, hal broke03:21
telexiconRaspberry, oh ok03:21
telexiconi downgraded that update and it seemed to work though03:21
Raspberrytelexicon, I had the same problem today... go out and get the latest 0.5.11-???????-1ubuntu203:21
Raspberrytelexicon, it's fixed if you're using archive.ubuntu.com as your package mirror, but the fix hasn't been populated out ot all mirrors... it was fixed ~ 4hrs ago or so03:22
nikrudWell I used the latest update to hal, started up network manager, everything was fine. Rebooted, back to old behavior.03:22
Raspberrynikrud, right ... update to the new 0.5.11 1ubuntu2 hal03:22
nikrudRaspberry did. That's what failed on the reboot03:23
overridexI'm getting an unresolved symbol in /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1  _nv000040gl   since upgrading to hardy... anyone run into this?  can't run any 3d without glx :)03:23
Raspberryyou also need to update libhal103:23
nikrudRaspberry I was the one that told everyone to use the main archive, that the fix was out ;)03:23
Raspberrynikrud, really?  I had that problem and updating hal fixed it ... I rebooted a few times since then03:23
Raspberrynikrud, are you up to date on all your packages?  I plugged into a wired connection and updated everything03:24
Raspberrythere have been ~7 more updates since the hal fix03:24
Raspberrymost if not all had to do with gnome03:24
nikrudwas up to date as of a couple hours ago. No, not since then. This is worse than unstable :)03:24
Raspberryit is unstable03:25
RAOFoverridex: That suggests a driver version mismatch, basically.  Have you manually installed a driver or something?03:25
nikrudOh well, I'm in gutsy getting a little work done. I'll try the fresh updates when I get home03:25
gluerok installed LTS still b43 not working03:26
nikrudat least unstable didn't push every couple hours, it was once a day :)03:26
overridexRAOF: not that I can remember... :)03:26
Raspberrynikrud, I switched to Ubuntu because I was tired of fixing everything in Unstable :)03:26
nikrudotherwise I'm really happy, only real bug I've found today is bash completion fails with sudo03:26
nikrudRaspberry likewise03:26
Raspberrynikrud, did you install the bash-completion package?03:27
nikrudRaspberry I've got bash completion without sudo , but it fails with.03:27
=== RayRaspi is now known as Raspberry
Raspberrydoes Wireless N work with Linux?  I'm only getting 54mbps on my 5Ghz connection03:28
nikrudI should rephrase that, sudo gedi<tab> fails, but sudo gedit .bash<tab> succeeds03:28
Raspberrymy new WRT600N dual-band wireless router showed up today :)  And I thought it was the router's problem when I couldn't connect... only to find it was the HAL bug03:29
IcemanV9Raspberry: just curious. what's the mbps speed with wrt600n? (i'm sure more than 54mbps)03:31
Raspberryit's like the nic doesn't know it can use both 2.4ghz and 5ghz03:31
RaspberryIcemanV9: 300mbps03:31
IcemanV9wow. nice.03:31
Raspberryyeah it will be when it works :P03:31
Raspberryit works when I dualboot into Vista03:31
AlexHooverHmm- I upgraded from Ubuntu 6 (Dapper) the Ubuntu 8 (BETA) and when I start it up, it gets to the loading screen then it shows a terminal-like screen. But wait, it's not bash. It's "initramfs". What am I supposed to do? O_o03:32
IcemanV9can iwconfig tells the card to use 5ghz?03:32
=== nomasteryoda is now known as dumpsterdiver
nandemonaiAlexHoover, Upgrading more than one version isn't generally wise I hear.03:32
IcemanV9haven't use iwconfig in a long time since it works so well :)03:32
RaspberryThe strange thing is I'm connected to the 5Ghz band SSID ... but I'm only connected at 54mbps according to Network Manager ... so maybe it just doesn't understand it can go faster03:32
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.03:32
HardyOnedumpsterdiver, bring me back some cheese burgers :P03:32
IcemanV9nandemonai: it is okay to upgrade from LTS to LTS03:33
AlexHooverWhich I did,03:33
DanaGhmm, trying to find the thing that says LTS-to-LTS is supposed to be supported.03:33
nandemonaiOh? Well there ya go.03:33
AlexHooverAnd now it's fuuuucked.03:33
Flannel!language | AlexHoover03:33
ubotuAlexHoover: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:33
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:33
FlannelDanaG: it is.  Let me grab the link for you03:33
dumpsterdiverHardyOne, LOL03:33
IcemanV9AlexHoover: i tried last week. it didn't work well.03:33
HardyOnedumpsterdiver, ")03:33
AlexHooverHardyOne, I followed those-03:33
IcemanV9i guess i could try it again later.03:33
AlexHooverEverything went smooth but it's just not loading the UI,03:33
dumpsterdiverHardyOne, they don't have them too much in the dumpster .. not at the back of grocery stores03:33
FlannelDanaG: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-db224ea9add28760e373240f8239afb9b817f19703:34
AlexHooverAnd, well, it doesn't even load bash -_-03:34
philipjfryi stopped dumpstering when i got a job :(03:34
mcoppleIt would only make sense that one should be able to upgrade from LTS to LTS, huh?03:34
RaspberryIcemanV9: apparently actual REAL usage nets about 60MB/sec on the n/a 5ghz spectrum03:34
Raspberrymcopple: I agree03:34
IcemanV9AlexHoover: you could fix it in the terminal. sudo aptitude reinstall bash ... something likes that03:34
Raspberrymcopple: it would be smarter however to keep your data and OS separate and do a clean install03:34
IcemanV9mcopple: yes it is.03:35
IcemanV9and i agreed with Raspberry's suggestion on backup the data (as always no matter what)03:35
nandemonaiMuch cleaner that way anyway :)03:35
AlexHooverIcemanV9, but I cant. It gets to the loading screen, then after about 5m it goes to "initramfs".03:35
IcemanV9AlexHoover: can you go to recovery mode?03:36
mcoppleI think that is smarter, too, but if one is trying to upgrade a large number of machines at once, being able to do an upgrade-in-place could be a useful thing.03:36
nandemonaiAlexHoover, Maybe you can try chroot from a live disc?03:36
mcoppleThat probably means it is trying to load initramfs and either cannot find it or cannot read it.03:37
AlexHooverYeah, I just booted from a live disc03:37
AlexHoovermcopple, it goes TO initramfs after the loading screen03:37
IcemanV9yea. live cd is the way to go, then.03:37
mcoppleSince one is skipping several kernel versions, that is not entirely surprisin03:37
AlexHooverBut initramfs does not allow me to run any commands03:37
AlexHoover"Busybox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built in shell (ash)"03:38
mcoppleinitramfs is a ram disk -- a filesystem created and mounted in memory. It isn't interactive. It performs a lot of your kernel initialization. The contents of initramfs has to match your current kernel version.03:43
=== dumpsterdiver is now known as nomasteryoda
gewi have a little problem with my wifi (network-manager) it will not connect after the recent upgrades  , i already have  0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu203:53
gew 03:53
gewalso i am using b43 , if that makes any diff ... that version is for hal libhal103:53
gluercompaq nx6320, cannot enable the B43 restricted driver? anyone can help?03:53
gewgluer: i dont knopw much but u wanna check /etc/apt/source.list03:54
gewand uncheck a few03:54
gluergew: what will that do? someone told me about b43 cutter or something03:55
pwnguingew: network manager is also consuming 100 percent cpu03:55
pwnguini hear they've identified and fixed it03:55
gewpwnguin: thats my problem also03:55
gewmy fan is going crazy03:55
pwnguinthe challenge is how to download the update if you have no network connection ;)03:56
gewgluer: that will let u install fw-cutter03:56
gewpwnguin: i google for that just now03:56
gewi have no clue03:56
wastrelanother reason to hate network-manager03:56
gewi guess we can wait03:56
pwnguingew: mostly, i think the answer is chroot03:56
gewthank god eth0 works03:56
pwnguinor disable nm03:56
gewhow do u disable it03:57
T1m0thyThis is going to sound really stupid, but where do you change your fonts in gnome?03:57
gewT1m0thy: nothing is stupid03:57
pwnguinT1m0thy: apperances?03:57
wastrelyeah they stuck that in appearance now03:57
T1m0thyah, i was looking at something else in there03:58
pwnguingew: if you can, try updating again ;)03:58
pwnguingew: it's fixed for me03:58
gewpwnguin: really03:58
gewlet me do it again03:58
DanaGHard lockups!03:59
wastreli've had a couple of those on gusty lately03:59
gewk let me try my wifi again03:59
gewbrb , pwnguin do not go please03:59
pwnguini should change my nick. it'd be funny04:00
gluerpwnguin: how did u get wifi working?04:00
pwnguingluer: i lied =(04:00
pwnguini forgot to unplug the cable04:00
pwnguinand mistook it for working04:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204897 in network-manager "[hardy] Network manager causes CPU load to go to 100% (dup-of: 204768)" [Undecided,Fix released]04:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204768 in kde-guidance "[hardy] Latest HAL breaks guidance powermanager" [Undecided,In progress]04:01
wastrelway to go, hal04:02
pwnguinhmm. he musta really broke it04:03
gluerwhat command to i use to download / install hal 0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2?04:04
pwnguinapt-get update?04:04
pwnguinthen apt-get upgrade04:04
gluerpwnguin: says everything is up to date04:05
gluermust already have it04:05
pwnguinis it broke?04:05
pwnguinyou can use apt-cache policy hal to see what you've got04:05
glueryep got it04:06
pwnguinand fwiw, it is fixed04:06
pwnguinupgrading hal via chroot breaks, as the scripts want to restart things that arent running04:07
pwnguinso chroot, download, then boot into the install and upgrade with the download in cache ^_^04:07
werssubpixel font rendering is enabled by default on hardy?:)04:13
Mark_MillimanDoes anyone know what happened to the multimedia keys in Banshee 0.13.2?04:14
DanaGOh hey, is there anything interesting you can do with S3 Savage video?  I have an old laptop around here, with "S3 TwisterK" graphics.  Even 2-D composite seems quite slow.04:14
DanaGHmm, seems like NVIDIA 3D + heavy disk activity == hard lock for me.04:17
matyyhej, is it a known bug right now, that compiz doesn't draw shadows? (At least when you use ccsm)04:17
matyyDanaG, that makes my pc really slow, too04:17
DanaGOh, and by "2D Composite", I mean Metacity.04:19
DanaG_In_ Metacity, I mean.04:19
TuTUXG_lol 2d composite04:19
TuTUXG_doesnt metacity's composite need 3d accelerator?04:20
matyyDanaG, if you use Nvidia and have compiz - could you please tell me if it draws shadows foryou?04:20
=== willis__________ is now known as Dr__Willis
ogreupdates broke my internet connection04:21
DanaGIt draws very very slight shadows for me.04:21
vbabiy-laptophey guys will 8.04 have a vmware server package from the gecko04:22
gluer_bugger! everything but wifi is working04:24
Meshezabeelif I install hardy testing 6, will there be any problems upgrading to the full version when it comes out?04:26
jdh6403Meshezabeel: no04:26
jdh6403i installed r6 and it is doing fine and catches all updates04:26
Meshezabeeltx jdh640304:27
jdh6403i have the 64 bit version and no probs04:27
pwnguinso with the beta out, does the topic still apply?04:29
ogreanything i can do to fix my install? anyway to roll back updates with no internet connection at all?04:29
ogreim on live gutsy cd right now. anyone have any clue? if there isnt just say "no" plz and ill reformat04:31
pwnguinogre: i can help, i hope04:31
ogrepwnguin:  me too hehe04:31
pwnguinogre: get networking up with your live cd. mount the hardy install.  chroot into it. apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-cache policy hal04:32
ogrelast update borked my internet. its not just the iwl3945 package because my wired connection isnt working either04:32
pwnguinskip that policy part04:32
pwnguinogre: need more details?04:33
ogrepwnguin:  yes please04:33
ogrecd media04:33
vbabiy-laptophey guys will 8.04 have a vmware server package from the gecko04:34
pwnguinogre: can you access the hardy install?04:34
pwnguinvia nautiluis04:34
ogrepwnguin:  its not in media04:34
ogrei tried sudo mount -a04:34
ogreno luck04:34
=== Mark_Milliman is now known as Mark_M|Away
pwnguinok, make dir /media/hardy04:35
strabesI just have to celebrate; fglrx finally suspends correctly without tweaking after upgrading to the beta release!04:35
strabesI AM SO HAPPY NOW04:35
pwnguinany idea what /dev/ hardy is on?04:35
ogrek folder was made04:36
pwnguinogre: any idea which device the hardy partition is?04:37
ogrepwnguin:  i can check w/ gparted04:37
ogresudo gparted04:37
overridexanyone having issues mounting samba shares in hardy? (mount error 22 = Invalid argument, refer to mount.cifs man page)04:37
ogreoops again04:37
DanaGHeh, smartctl temperature for my hard drive:04:37
DanaGTemperature_Celsius     0x0002   130   130   000    Old_age   Always       -       42 (Lifetime Min/Max 16/45)  --04:37
pwnguinogre: ok, mount /dev/sda1 /media/hardy04:38
Dr__Willisi have had issues with samba and network shares for ages in hardy04:39
ogreok. did that dont see anything in there though04:39
pwnguinthats not good04:40
ogrew00t! now its up04:40
ogrei did mount -a after04:40
pwnguinhere's the real magic: sudo chroot /media/hardy04:41
overridexDr_willis: that's good news hehe04:41
ogrepwnguin:  ok done04:41
pwnguinso, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade04:42
Dr__Willisoverridex,  i even had the sshfs and fusesmb tools crashing on me.04:42
ogresudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu04:42
Dr__Willisoverridex,  Hopefully it will get better soon. :) but im not on  hardy right now - so cant verify anything04:42
pwnguinogre: is networking up?04:43
ogrebizzzarrrrreee now it looks like its moving04:43
ogrepwnguin:  not sure what u mean. im connected of course04:44
ogrepwnguin: Errors were encountered while processing:04:45
ogre /var/cache/apt/archives/hal_0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu2_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:45
ogrethat bad? or no big deal?04:46
pwnguinok, so it downloaded them all at least04:46
pwnguinif i were smarter i'd tell you to just use --download-only or whatever04:46
pwnguinok, so reboot back into hardy04:46
pwnguinthen apt-get upgrade acan04:46
ogrepwnguin:  you are a freakin' genius as far as im concerned04:46
ogrethank you for yr help04:47
ogreill bbias to tell u if it worked04:47
overridexDr__Willis: hmm.. yeah i use sshfs on my laptop, i was assuming that'd be better hehe04:48
Dr__Willissshfs was crashing in a bad way for me last week.04:49
pwnguinwhen you say smb problems, serving smb or browsing smb?04:49
Dr__Willispwnguin,   The testing box could not browse the samba network.. i dident try it the other way.04:50
Dr__Willisgnome/kde/smbfuse, all - had issues..04:50
pwnguininteresting. ive not had problems04:50
Dr__WillisIt may  of gotten fixed by now. :)04:50
pwnguinive been running hardy since... november?04:51
pwnguinin fact, ive been surpised to find that mplayer now handles smb when launched by nautilus04:52
DanaGHmm, I'd say it's probably bad to run gparted while my system is being prone to random hard-lockups.04:53
charles___I just upgraded to the hardy heron beta; my soundcard no longer works, I have an maudio delta that uses the ice1712 driver; when I do an lsmod it isn't loaded, and when I do modprobe ice1712 it says not found, however locate ice1712 yields several snd-ice1712.ko files04:58
charles___/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/sound/pci/ice1712/snd-ice1712.ko , /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/ubuntu/sound/alsa-driver/pci/ice1712/snd-ice1712.ko04:58
charles___ uname -r  gives  2.6.24-12-386, could the problem be that those are in /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/ instead of /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-386/  ?04:59
ogrewireless still down but at least wired works05:04
ogrei hope its fix for my bday ;P05:04
gluer_whats the ubuntu replacement for winamp?05:06
ogregluer_:  u can run winamp in wine if ya want05:07
teamcobrahrm, grub-installer seems b0rked when using raid5 :/05:08
gluer_ogre: will it let me play the shoutcast radio?05:10
ogreit should. i dunno i dont play w/ that stuff usually05:10
ogrei just use last.fm05:10
DanaGArgh, my consoles are blank!05:11
DanaGIf I log in blindly and run cacafire, I see the colors but not the text.05:11
DanaGI have to setupcon every single time I chvt; it then gives me an error about invalid keyboard config.05:12
pwnguinwell, i donno what you broke, but hey, i found a neat new program ;)05:13
gregcha117can someone help me, my sounds messed when i type alsamixer i get alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default05:13
ogrepwnguin:  whats that?05:13
ogrepwnguin:  what program?05:15
TuTUXG_hoho, ubuntu is no.1 again in distrowatch.org05:18
gluer_Tutuxg: prefer if my wireless was working05:19
TuTUXG_gluer_, what card?05:19
pwnguinogre: cacafire05:20
ogresounds interesting05:20
teamcobrab43 works great on this laptop, I do remember manually fwcutting the firmware though05:20
TuTUXG_what's cacafire?05:20
teamcobragluer: type dmesg in a console, look @ the b43 firmware errors05:21
DanaGOh god, I just did something really funny:05:21
DanaGcombined sink with master is combined-out on remote computer, and slave is combined-out on local computer.05:21
teamcobraand go to the url that the error tells you to visit, it has the instructions + firmware05:21
jimmygoonShould I be worried/annoyed that some bugs I've posted have not been resolved / looked into :(05:21
DanaGIt took a while of seemingly randomly changing speed.05:21
jimmygoonwtf pclinuxos is #2? lame05:23
gluer_teamcobra:  b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43/ucode5.fw" not found or load failed.05:24
SeveredCrossYeah, apparently PCLinuxOS is really popular.05:24
SeveredCrossI WTF-ed as well.05:24
teamcobragluer: yeah, there should be another error right under that with a url05:24
gluer_got it05:24
tritiumFryguy (Bryan Alves) is ban evading.05:24
jimmygoonholy crap. there is a load of updates05:25
mneptokif you want to not be surprised, just remember distrowatch doesn't measure quality05:25
mneptok(oops, was that out loud)05:25
SeveredCrossDid anyone's NetworkManager break today/yesterday?05:25
jimmygoonSeveredCross, several people mentioned it in here yesterday... not mine though05:25
jimmygoon(knock on wood)05:25
SeveredCrossTrying WPA earlier today made it go to 99% CPU usage.05:25
SeveredCrossMy core temps started tweaking out.05:26
tsukasa__hey i need some help getting xen to work.. it just sits at (XEN) booting processor 1/1 eip 8c00005:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204897 in network-manager "[hardy] Network manager causes CPU load to go to 100% (dup-of: 204768)" [Undecided,Fix released]05:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204768 in kde-guidance "[hardy] Latest HAL breaks guidance powermanager" [Undecided,In progress]05:26
gluer_severedcross: happened to me also, and my laptop fans went mental05:26
SeveredCrossMine too gluer_05:27
SeveredCrossAh, there are Launchpad bugs. :)05:27
SeveredCrossI guess I'll just have ot download the HAL package manually.05:27
OmnipotentEntityHas anyone else been having issues with ktorrent failing to connect to trackers?05:28
DanaGOdd... I took moved some cables around (causing a momentary disconnection), and upon reconnection, PulseAudio doesn't reconnect over the network.05:28
teamcobraheh, my headaches involve raid5 :p the amd64 alternate dies @ grub/lilo install, and the server install cd dies during package installation ;p05:28
LimCoreubuntu sucks about security, can this be changed?05:30
teamcobratsukasa: sorry, never had much luck with xen05:30
tsukasa__teamcobra, :(05:30
DanaGI guess I should file a bug about networked "combine" sinks being broken.05:30
teamcobraand LimCore, what sucks in regards to its security05:30
SeveredCrossYeah, what exactly is wrong with Ubuntu security?05:31
teamcobramust..... get...... phenom..... working ;p05:31
DanaGphenom?  AMD?05:32
LimCoreteamcobra: PriceChild: -did you know about this cool program called "scponly"   -no.. hmm ok I will install it. [3 minutes] -omg, how you hacked into my box? I never run an sshd server WTF05:32
teamcobraDanaG: yeah, sweet box ;)   phenom 9500, 780g motherboard, 8gb ram, 2tb raid, 500gb non-raid05:33
SeveredCrossLimCore: What?05:33
SeveredCrossteamcobra: Hot diggety. Only thing wrong with that box is the processor. :D05:33
teamcobraLimCore: I do agree that much has to be done in regards to educating people about security05:33
DanaGHow do ATI chipsets work under Linux nowadays?05:33
teamcobraSeveredCross: heh, the 780g is a _MEAN_ chipset though05:33
DanaGI refuse to buy nvidia chipsets.05:33
SeveredCrossDanaG: ATI video cards?05:34
SeveredCrossThey're okay, the latest fglrx works pretty nice.05:34
DanaGMotherboard chipset also, I mean.05:34
tsukasa__DanaG, whats wrong with nvidia05:34
teamcobraDanaG: better than a few years ago ;)  Compiz works fine, ET:QW works nice @ 1024x76805:34
SeveredCrossIt'll even hibernate (not suspend to RAM though, at least not on my lappy)05:34
SeveredCrossUh, not sure ATI makes motherboard chipsets anymore.05:34
teamcobraSevered: yes they do, 780g ;)05:34
gluer_teamcobra: got lost on the firmware_install_dir05:34
LimCoreteamcobra: one step would be to warn:  YOU ARE ABOUT TO START AN OPEN AVAILABLE SERVER!!!!!!!   user can log into your box!  do you confirm yes/no05:34
teamcobrait's a radeon hd 3200, I believe05:34
DanaGClosed-source ethernet, prone to data corruption (Windows), prone to network corruption (windows), and other such things.05:34
SeveredCrossOh, they do? Had no idea.05:34
DanaGAnd lots more powerful.05:34
SeveredCrossLimCore: Uh, you really should know all that before you install software.05:35
SeveredCrossAlso, no matter what server you start, nobody will be able to log in without a user name and a password.05:35
LimCoreSeveredCross: no05:35
* DanaG wonders how good AMD's next processors will be.05:35
LimCorewhy not just login as root?05:35
SeveredCrossAnd if you are running a server that enables that, then you're an idiot.05:35
teamcobragluer: 1 sec, it's easier than you think ;) you've clicked the checkbox to use the restricted firmware for b43, right?05:35
teamcobraok, 1 sec05:35
LimCoreSeveredCross: no, user just INSTALLS a TOOL name "scponly", he do not RUN a server. he didnt even request to install a server05:35
SeveredCrossUh, they user should read what scponly says.05:36
pwnguinLimCore: so maybe harden-servers?05:36
SeveredCrossIt provides a way for remote users to log in without any execution privileges.05:36
HorizonXPhey, question about Evolution in Hardy: I'm trying to add my Google Calendar to it, but it's only synchronizing to the main calendar; any idea how to fix this?05:36
LimCoreSeveredCross: and there should be no wars and poverty... wtf, get grip on reality05:36
DanaGOdd... my other box (the über-hot Athlon XP notebook) just hard-locked.05:36
LimCoreSeveredCross: btw, Bob's user name will be bob, and his password probably too. So just ask bob install this new "game" called "scponly" and one can own his box05:37
SeveredCrossLimCore: I really think you've got nothing to complain about, to be honest.05:37
tritiumLimCore: please calm down, and treat people kindly05:37
SeveredCrossLimCore: That's why you don't give bob sudo privileges. :-)05:37
teamcobramaybe something could be added so that debconf pops up a dialog when users install new servers for the first time05:37
LimCoreSeveredCross: stupid people that think that every user is an admin with 2+ years in security05:37
LimCoreSeveredCross: it is bob's computer05:37
teamcobraLimCore does have a point ;)05:37
kindofabuzzran across this: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#devicefirmware to get wireless working in hardy beta, how do i found out which set of directions to follow?05:38
SeveredCrossteamcobra: Yes, but I have a feeling that what he's talking about doesn't happen nearly as often as he makes it sound like it happens.05:38
pwnguinLimCore: for every stupid user you protect with warnings, confirmation dialogs and refusuals to cooperate, two developers bitch that it's getting in the way.05:38
pwnguin"The price of freedom is eternal vigilence."05:38
SeveredCrossAnd no amount of security is going to stop that, short of flashing red warnings "You are about to install a server blah blah blah," and even then, people tend to click through though blindly.05:38
LimCoreanyone could own #ubuntu's users boxes in matter of hours05:39
SeveredCrossDo you know WHY people click through them blindly?05:39
LimCoreusing this simple method05:39
SeveredCrossBecause that's the kinda crap they're used to from Windows.05:39
SeveredCrossEndless security nagging, etc, etc.05:39
LimCorebecause ubuntu totally sucks, as much as windows,05:39
LimCorefor not displaying a freaking warning sign05:39
SeveredCrossLimCore: Then don't use it. Leave, go away.05:39
SeveredCrossGo use Slackware.05:39
LimCorehow the hell is it hard to dispaly a confirmation box05:39
SeveredCrossGo use SuSE, CentOS, Red Hat, Fedora.05:39
SeveredCrossNone of them display any warnings.05:39
LimCoreyes, most of the systems are retarded in this area05:40
teamcobrakindofabuzz / gluer_: after checking the b43 checkbox in restricted drivers , open a console. Next, "wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl- ; tar xjf broadcom-wl- ; cd broadcom-wl- ; sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta.o"  without quotes05:40
HorizonXPhey, question about Evolution in Hardy: I'm trying to add my Google Calendar to it, but it's only synchronizing to the main calendar; any idea how to fix this?05:40
pwnguinSeveredCross: i'd argue they're worse, because they require more 3rd party untrusted repos05:40
SeveredCrossI've never seen a distro that displays a warning that says "Hey, you're installing a server!"05:40
SeveredCrosspwnguin: I agree.05:40
HorizonXPalso, how do I download the extra themes for Emerald?05:40
LimCoreSeveredCross: why ubuntu can't be better then them05:40
SeveredCrossLimCore: Then do something about it--add the code to the apps.05:40
teamcobraafter all of that, reboot, b43 should work ;)05:40
SeveredCrossLimCore: There's not a demand for it? It's never been an issue?05:40
teamcobralemme know how it goes05:40
LimCoreI know that many people are too close minded to come up with any change, but common people05:40
kindofabuzzi don't have that in restricted drivers05:40
SeveredCrossHorizonXP: There should be a button in Emerald that says "Download GPL themes" or something like that.05:40
LimCoreSeveredCross: would the attack I described work or not work?05:41
SeveredCrossLimCore: If it's scponly, it shouldn't work.05:41
kindofabuzzand i can't do a wget if i don't have wireless on05:41
SeveredCrossBecause scponly shouldn't give you any execution privileges.05:41
* pwnguin still isn't sure why scponly is dangerous05:41
SeveredCrossUnless there's some sort of fundamental flew.05:41
LimCoreSeveredCross: but it works, install scponly and you have ssh running05:41
HorizonXPSeveredCross: I know, that's what I've been looking for. But it's not there!05:41
SeveredCrossLimCore: Yeah, but scponly gives you NO EXECUTION PRIVILEGES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.05:41
SeveredCrossRead the package description.05:41
LimCorepwnguin: apt-get install scponly - bam - you have sshd server running and if I just guess your username+password I win05:41
SeveredCrossYou can't run programs.05:41
pwnguinLimCore: what do you win?05:42
LimCoreSeveredCross: just read what I written, jesus05:42
SeveredCross!info scponly05:42
ubotuscponly (source: scponly): Restricts the commands available to scp- and sftp-users. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.6-1.2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 32 kB, installed size 168 kB05:42
LimCoreSeveredCross: installing scponly RUNS FULL SSHD SERVER FOR ALL USERS IN SYSTEM05:42
SeveredCrossLimCore: Then that's an scponly bug, or the package description is lying.05:42
LimCoreit depends on openssh-server05:42
LimCoreand installing openssh-server  RUNS IT IMMEDIATELLY05:43
pwnguinabout the best you can do is upload a secret ls to homedir on the assumption that its in path somehow05:43
SeveredCrossThe package description leads me to believe that it restricts the commands available to users who log in.05:43
SeveredCrosspwnguin: Well, if the user is stupid enough, you can sudo.05:43
gluer_teamcobra: ok done, whats next05:43
HorizonXPAnyone know what happened to that Fetch Themes button in Emerald05:43
SeveredCrossThing is, you can do that with ssh, yes, if the user is stupid enough.05:43
teamcobragluer: you reboot? if not, that's all that's next, and the wireless should be working05:43
pwnguinLimCore: so pop up a warning, saying not to trust something. what's a user to do now?05:43
teamcobragotta let me know how it works for you though ;)05:43
LimCoreSeveredCross: installing scponly instals openssh-server, which IMMEDIATELLY, WITHOUT ANY CONFIRMATION  *RUNS*  FULL SSHD SERVER (not scponly server) FOR ALL ACCOUNTS IN THE FREAKING SYSTEM!05:44
gluer_teamcobra: ahh its ticked now05:44
SeveredCrossThey're gonna ask the person who told them to install scponly, and they'll say "Just click it through, it's ok."05:44
SeveredCrossPutting big flashing warnings doesn't help.05:44
pwnguina) your precious users dont read. b)many of them won't know enough to adaquately judge the problem05:44
SeveredCrossBecause users have the Windows mentality of "Ignore the warnings, they're so common."05:44
teamcobragluer: working?05:44
gluer_gimme a sec i'll reboot and see05:44
pwnguinLimCore: why are you worried about all accounts?05:44
SeveredCrossA better solution would be to make libpam-cracklib default installed, and make users have secure passwords.05:45
HorizonXPno one knows?05:45
SeveredCrossBut then we'd annoy the Windows converts who want to use "bob" as their password.05:45
pwnguinLimCore: the two threats to worry about there are exploiting the sshd server and the limited set of programs scponly provides05:45
LimCorether is no scponly jesus05:46
LimCoreguys, just concenterate and read simple sentence05:46
LimCoreSeveredCross: installing scponly instals openssh-server, which IMMEDIATELLY, WITHOUT ANY CONFIRMATION  *RUNS*  FULL SSHD SERVER (not scponly server) FOR ALL ACCOUNTS IN THE FREAKING SYSTEM!05:46
dandeli got it fixed... involved doing a fresh reinstall from the cd though.05:46
pwnguinLimCore: i can read, thank you very much.05:46
SeveredCrosspwnguin: I'm gonna vote we stop feeding the troll.05:46
tritiumLimCore: calm down, please05:46
tritiumRunning sshd doesn't auto-compromise your system.05:47
DanaGTry ssh-ing into it.05:47
DanaGFrom another PC, I mean.05:47
SeveredCrossI'd try it on my server box but it's running regular ssh right now and I'm not sure how that'd screw things up, if at all.05:47
LimCoreDanaG: I did, it works, why it shouldnt?05:47
HorizonXPhttp://www.compiz.org/FAQ/Users <-- That look like someone hacked it to you?05:47
DanaGTry running commands.05:48
SeveredCrossLimCore: What commands are accessible?05:48
SeveredCrossCan you sudo?05:48
LimCorefor the love of retarded ok05:48
LimCoreok I will try to it exacly05:48
LimCoreone minute/05:48
SeveredCrossHorizonXP: Yes.05:48
SeveredCrossWait, you didn't even try any commands?05:48
tritiumLimCore: read the description of what scponly does05:48
SeveredCrossFor the love of $DEITY, you go on this huge rant about security, but you don't even try to see the side-effects of scponly.05:49
pwnguinis this a tirade about scponly or users installing applications?05:49
LimCoretritium: read what openssh-server does05:49
SeveredCrossLimCore: Why is running sshd a security issue?05:49
tritiumLimCore: you don't install scponly unless you intend to run sshd05:49
pwnguinSeveredCross: well, you could hack open-ssh server itself and gain some privledges remotely?05:49
LimCoreinstalling scponly EXECUTES  FULL   SSHD   *NOT* scponly, it runs  FULL REAL SSHD.05:49
DanaGOh hey, are there any easy zero-config LAN file transfer apps?05:49
HorizonXPSeveredCross: Yes?05:49
SeveredCrosspwnguin: I have a feeling that's EXTREMELY difficult.05:49
mneptokLimCore: lay off the <capslock>05:49
tritiumLimCore: you're not reading.  Please05:49
SeveredCrossHorizonXP: Yes, it looks like someone hacked it.05:50
tritiumapt-cache show scponly, LimCore05:50
SeveredCrosstritium: Why is sshd a security issue?05:50
pwnguinbut if your threat model is hacking openssh, well, you're right. linux is insecure05:50
tritiumSeveredCross: why do you suggest that it is?05:50
pwnguinbury the box, unplug the cable, turn the power off, and maybe it's safe05:50
SeveredCrossI'm not, that was an incorrect tab-complete.05:50
SeveredCrossI meant LimCore: why is sshd a security issue?05:50
SeveredCrosssshd is one of the most picked at and prodded pieces of software in the Linux community.05:51
LimCoreSeveredCross: sshd is a security issue if the user is not 100% aware that he is about to execute open server. because he may be thinking he will not run full ssh, and he may used idiotic passwords.  and by default login to all users is allowed (including root)05:51
SeveredCrossLimCore: 1. root is disabled on Ubuntu machines.05:51
DanaGIncluding root?05:51
HorizonXPSeveredCross: Talking to the guys in #compiz-fusion, they said they're actually trying to get compiz.org shutdown, since they use compiz-fusion.org now05:51
tritiumLimCore: again, you don't install scponly unless you intend to run sshd05:51
SeveredCross2. you'd have to be a total moron to give out your password and username to someone online.05:51
pwnguinim reasonably certain root cant ssh in with no password set05:51
bazhangwow that was a big dist-upgrade from gutsy ;]05:51
LimCoreSeveredCross: no problem, then ssh into users account, gues his stupid password, then use the same password for sudo. or just steal his files without sudo05:51
SeveredCrossI'm sorry, but no user in the world is dumb enough to give out their password.05:51
pwnguinSeveredCross: depends05:51
SeveredCrossLimCore: Yeah, but that requires guessing an account name and guessing a password.05:52
LimCoreSeveredCross: get real05:52
nikrudSeveredCross that's a silly thing to say05:52
nikrudSeveredCross you were on a roll there :)05:52
pwnguinSeveredCross: there's the passwords for chocolate survey. but mostly their corporate passwords.05:52
LimCoreSeveredCross: oh wow, what can be user name of my coworker Bob Doe? probably not "bob".05:52
SeveredCrossI have a feeling after all the horror stories and warnings they see on TV and such about giving out passwords online and crap.05:52
SeveredCrossLimCore: If you're hacking into a coworker's computer, just sit down at the physical machine FFS.05:52
pwnguinSeveredCross: mjg recently had someone hack his tv computer.05:52
LimCorewhat can be his password? probably not "desktop" or "secret" or "bobbob" or "1980"05:52
SeveredCrossYou're blowing this WAY out of proprtion.05:52
bazhangover 1000 packages! ;]05:52
pwnguinSeveredCross: username "media" password "media"05:52
tritiumLimCore: again, that's a user issue.05:53
bazhanghi LimCore05:53
nikrudbazhang having any networkmanager issues?05:53
LimCoreSeveredCross: his HOME computer. the one he never suspects anyone will be able to   ***TRY*** to log into05:53
DanaGAre there any avahi-based file transfer thingies?05:53
pwnguinnobody's above stupid mistakes :)05:53
gluerteamcobra: ok i can see my wap's now, but when i try and connect i get max cpu! and no connection05:53
LimCoreyes, users are not trained in security05:53
DanaGMy user password is ********** letters long.05:53
bazhangnikrud: not so far! had back around alpha 5 but now am good; how about you?05:53
LimCoreand system should warn when theyu are about to do something stupic05:53
SeveredCrossI suppose if you're really dedicated you could guess the username and password, but I feel like that's a huge leap to think that someone could go thorugh #ubuntu and take over every user's computer.05:53
tritiumLimCore: you're not listening.05:53
teamcobragluer: hrmmmmmmm..... no idea there, I'm using wpa here no problems05:53
SeveredCrossWithout anyone figuring things out.05:54
DanaGAnd my WPA passphrase is ************************* characters long, with punctuation and mixed case.05:54
LimCoretritium: I am, yes it IS user issue. which good system would HELP to fix05:54
pwnguinLimCore: how about a package that you can install that conflicts with network services and yells real loud if a conflict resolution would remove it?05:54
SeveredCrossMy user account password is 12 letters, mixed lower case, upper case, and punctuation.05:54
bazhangLimCore: but getting a bit offtopic05:54
LimCorepwnguin: this exists already.  run konqueror05:54
tritiumLimCore: scponly is a wrapper to ssh server functions.  You don't install scponly without knowing you plan to run sshd05:54
nikrudbazhang signal 11. Was working for a while today, with the latest updates.05:54
pwnguinhow does konquerer conflict with tellnet?05:55
LimCorekonqueror browser is smarter about security - it even warns when using cookies or sending a form (ok this is a bit extream :P)05:55
bazhangnikrud: I hope you dont have the bcm43xx card05:55
pwnguinLimCore: ff3 has much better cert security. annoynig as hell. but not germane to the subject you raised;05:55
nikrudbazhang yup. I that another issue I haven't found yet?05:55
LimCorekonqueror warns about sending a form to webpage... and scponly do not even mention it just EXECUTED SSHD.  wtf05:55
tritiumLimCore: read teh scponly package description.05:55
LimCoretritium: I did, and?05:55
tritiumLimCore: and stop with the foul-language acronyms05:55
SeveredCrossLimCore: I think it's pretty clear that scponly is going to install sshd.05:56
SeveredCrossIt provides remote users access.05:56
mneptokLimCore: you cannot have scp without ssh.05:56
tritiumLimCore: and it's OBVIOUS that you'll be running sshd, or you wouldn't use or need it.05:56
SeveredCrossIt's pretty clear it's going to install some sort of server.05:56
pwnguinLimCore: it also installs a seperate shell with limited capacity to exploit. but even if a user is told they're running sshd, why would they stop and think twice?05:56
bazhangnikrud: apparently someone was using ndiswrapper and not the fw-cutter and could not understand why it was not working; once that was installed her problem went away ;]05:56
tritiumLimCore: ssh | openssh-server are also listed in the package dependencies05:56
LimCorehey bob, check out this new linux game "scponly".  what will bob do probably  "read scponly description, study man pages, read sources"  -or- apt-get install scponky05:56
nikrudnope, using b43-fwcutter05:56
tritiumLimCore: that is *not* an ubuntu security issue.  That is a user issue.05:57
SeveredCrossAnd I still hold my ground that users who see security warnings will just breeze through them.05:57
bazhangnikrud: the hal pre-update seems to have caused some issues; not sure if that affected you or not05:57
LimCoreeach time friend tells me to check program X, I can't wait to go to my computer and check all the dependencies. Right after that I read entire sources of it, and then I create world peace and invent cure for cancer..... you really think this happens for typical newbie user?05:57
ogreim using *3945 wireless card and it got borked w/ latest network-manager update05:57
pwnguinLimCore: and there is no good solution to that user education05:57
SeveredCrossogre: It's actually HAL.05:58
bazhangSeveredCross: aiya; let it go ;]05:58
mneptokLimCore: what do you expect to install?05:58
SeveredCrossGrab the latest HAL, it's launchpad bug 20487905:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204879 in ubuntu "[hardy] Network Manager is sluggish in making wireless connection and sometimes fails. When failure, it sends CPU usage skyhigh." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20487905:58
tritiumLimCore: again, not a security issue.  That's a user and/or administrator issue.05:58
ogreSeveredCross:  ahh i see. i hope it gets fixed soon05:58
pwnguinLimCore: no. propose to me what SHOULD happen when someone tries to social engineer a single user05:58
DanaGThe solution: read package descriptions.05:58
DanaGThe user has to know to do that.05:58
=== TuTUXG_ is now known as [Hardy]TuTUXG
nikrudbazhang strange thing is I was having that issue early, then got the latest hal stuff. Things worked great. Rebooted into gutsy for work, back into hardy and again, no network manager. Oh weill, it's an excuse to try out manual stuff. Had to learn it some day05:59
bazhangoh wait today is a full moon ;]05:59
LimCorepwnguin: there is:  "You are about to install and RUN ssh server. This will allow anyone to log into your computer FROM LAN AND INTERNET! If only he can guess your user password. Make sure you have a good user password. Type is 'execute' in the box below if you understand that users will be eable to execute any commands and actions on your box"05:59
tritiumLimCore: you'd have your opportunity to troll.  Please stop now.05:59
pwnguinTHE INTERNAET!!!!!05:59
LimCoretritium: every new idea is trolling, yes.05:59
bazhangpwnguin: your internet connection alright?05:59
pwnguinbazhang: fine06:00
pwnguinbazhang: after i repaired it06:00
LimCorepwnguin: the above box should happen.06:00
bazhangpwnguin: nice! ;]06:00
SeveredCrossIf a user is socially engineerable enough to believe something like that, you could easily convince them that it's so they can play the game on the internet with others and they'll type execute for you.06:00
pwnguinLimCore: well a) its' incomplete06:00
pwnguinb) nobody reads it06:00
ogrebazhang:  pwnguin helped me repair mine too06:00
pwnguinyou've proposed an annoyance06:00
pwnguinogre: im surprised you're not fully up and running06:00
bazhangLimCore: take 'er easy, eh?06:00
LimCorepwnguin: b) is they don't read it then they will not install it :) because it requires to input that word, so.06:00
bazhangogre: nice! that pwnguin is a helpful type ;]06:01
ogrepwnguin:  yeah i waited a few minutes to connect but no luck06:01
ogrebazhang:  yeah he is06:01
tritiumLimCore: people need to take responsibilities for their own actions.  If they're going to install a package, they need to at least know why they're installing it, and know what it's for.  Reading the package description is not too much to ask.06:02
LimCoretritium: not true - most people trust ubuntu packages, and they also think that if they do not EXECUTE anything directly, then nothing can brake06:03
teamcobraI'm at a loss :/06:03
=== ogre is now known as [hardy]ogre
bazhangteamcobra: this argument, or your install?06:03
teamcobrabazhang: this install :p :p the argument is getting long in the tooth too06:03
* [hardy]ogre passes around cookies for everyone06:03
DanaGDoes gvfs not support WebDAV?06:04
tritiumLimCore: no, quite true.  People *are* responsible for their own actions -- fact of life, my friend.06:04
LimCoretritium: ok, so windows is secure by that definition06:04
LimCoreI think your definition is not very good for this reason06:04
bazhangteamcobra: is it network stuff as well? or something else?06:04
teamcobraI've done my fair number of linux installs (debian/slack/gutsy/hardy), made a custom hardy dvd, now I need to tackle raid5 ;p06:04
pwnguinnot so much06:04
[hardy]ogrenow i am off to watch ALL harry potter movies for the first time06:04
agroker[hardy]ogre, http://www.noisebot.com/come_to_the_dark_side_we_have_cookies_t-shirt06:05
bazhang[hardy]ogre: have fun! ;]06:05
tritiumLimCore: that definition had *NOTHING* to do with security of an OS06:05
pwnguineven with windows users being intelligent, you're reliant on a reluctant vendor to provide patches in the face of mere disclosure06:05
jester7what kind of negatives do i get from booting with the noapic switch?06:05
charles___what is the difference between a generic kernel and a 386 kernel?06:05
bazhangcharles___: well the generic supports SMP06:05
teamcobranaah, just raid5.... makes the amd64 server install cd b0rk at about 70% installing packages, and makes the grub/lilo install break on the amd64 alternate cd06:06
pwnguincharles___: two things mostly: build's optimized for 686 or better, and smp support06:06
teamcobrajester: noapic will disable hyperthreading on your cpu06:06
LimCorepwnguin: most of windows insecurity comes from the fact how easly one stupid action can get box owned.  with scponly or other programs that open widelly system without warning, ubuntu is the same way06:06
bazhangLimCore: join ##windows then ;]06:06
tonyyarussoLimCore: This channel is for discussion of Hardy issues only.  Please stick to that topic.06:07
LimCorebazhang: and? this insecurity is in ubuntu06:07
LimCoretonyyarusso: it would be nice to path that in hardy06:07
teamcobraLimCore: and imagine the attacker planting ssh keys in the user's trusted keystore via network shares ;) ;)06:07
teamcobrahola gluer06:07
tritiumLimCore: that does not follow.  Nothing about installing openssh-server makes it weak on security, unless there is a vulnerability in sshd that has not been fixed.06:07
pwnguinLimCore: write up a spec and milestone it for intrepid ;)06:07
LimCoreteamcobra: how this attack you proposed will get around user's passphrase06:08
gluerteamcobra: thanks man, worked for me06:08
pwnguintritium: weak passwords, but you solve that by adding in a password strenth checker ;)06:08
pwnguinnot by lecturing users06:08
bazhanggluer all good?06:08
LimCorepwnguin: that should be added too indeed06:08
glueryeh all good06:08
tritiumpwnguin: ?06:08
teamcobragluer: _awesome_ :D06:08
gluerlatest version of hardy all working06:08
LimCoretritium: the weaknes comes from fact that user is not aware that he just, indirectly, installed and executed sshd06:08
teamcobragluer: the b43 drivers are _sooooo_ much nicer than using ndiswrapper06:09
tritiumLimCore: we've discussed this.  His own fault for not reading the package description before installing.06:09
teamcobramy laptop stays up 24x7 thanks to b43, it used to crash every few hours of heavy wireless usage before ;p06:09
simion314something changed from alpha 4 to beta with compiz or the open source driver for ATI, i succesfuly enabled compiz but it works very bad, in 7.10 and 8.04 alpha 4 worked ok, What changed? maybe i can go to the old package06:09
LimCoretritium: you tink how many people do that06:09
gluerteamcobra: so weird it was all working fine in alpha 4-506:09
tritiumLimCore: we're all going to stop discussing this now.06:09
jester7teamcobra: do you get decent speeds with the b43 drivers?06:10
LimCoretritium: yes, you are too closed minded, many people are this way06:10
Hydrogencould yo two take this to a private message?06:10
teamcobrajester: 1.1M/s, yes06:10
HydrogenIt's getting kind of tiresome06:10
tritiumLimCore: watch it with the insults, buddy06:10
mneptokLimCore: we're all going to stop discussing this now. many people are this way.06:10
jester7teamcobra: thats a horrible speed06:10
LimCoreit's not an insult, it's just a fact, you are not willing to discuss any idea that would change existing approach to security06:10
bazhangthanks to this channel and fine folks here I have waited and avoided many of the breakage updates ;]06:11
* DanaG uses iwl3945, and it sucks.06:11
mneptokLimCore: i'm sure such a discussion on a developer mailing list is more appropriate06:11
pwnguiniwl works fine for me06:11
teamcobrajester: no, not Mbit/s, mega_bytes_ per second ;)06:11
mneptokLimCore: we're all going to stop discussing this now.06:11
bazhangDanaG: really? I have success with that now; other than forgetting my wallet password ;]06:11
jester7i see...06:11
LimCoremneptok: you said that last time and failed btw ;)06:11
agrokerwhat did you discuss guys, am i late/06:11
DanaGFor me, I can only connect at 24 or 36 megabits at home; in Windows, I get 54.06:12
mneptokLimCore: i will not next time.06:12
LimCoremneptok: you just did.06:12
tritiumLimCore: we've discussed it for quite some time now.  Time to stop.06:12
bazhangagroker: some network issues06:12
DanaGI also get the card locking up sometimes after a resume from sleep.06:12
jester7teamcobra: i just notice that in the network manager it registers either 1 or 2 Mbit/s.  maybe that's a network manager bug?06:12
DanaGIf I try to modprobe -r the module, moprobe hangs and devours CPU.06:12
pwnguindid anyone even suggest ubuntu-offtopic?06:12
DanaGAnd becomes unkillable with ANY signal (I've tried them all), even from root.06:12
pwnguini know it's about as mean as kickbanning someone, but it migth be more constructive06:13
teamcobrajester: I just checked, and you're right.... but it's a netmanager bug ;)06:13
jester7teamcobra: ok, cool06:13
DanaGOh hey, how do you change UI language after installing the packages with the Language Support thingy?06:13
jester7now, anybody know about this noapic thing?06:13
charles___how can I tell which driver is currently being used by X?06:13
teamcobraaww, and I was just about to msg him w/ a shockwave video of someone getting r00ted via network share and ssh keys, and the pwned box happens to be ubuntu :p06:14
teamcobrajester: yeah, noapic will disable hyperthreading on your cpu06:14
Lynourecharles___: check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:14
bazhangcharles___: open a terminal and cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:15
jester7teamcobra: i'm interested in that shockwave vid06:15
bazhangcharles___: then look for the driver name06:15
pwnguinLynoure: what if you're using bulletproofX at the time?06:15
pwnguinfailsafe mode has a seperate xorg.conf06:15
hiredgoonis there an easy grub switch to disable hyperthreading?06:15
teamcobrajester: I'll have to dig it up, gimme a few mins06:16
Lynourepwnguin: ask the channel about that, I've never used that. Does it ship with Ubuntu?06:16
pwnguinLynoure: ....yes? since gutsy?06:16
pwnguin/var/log/Xorg.0.log will have an accurate hint at what you're currently using, if you know what to look for06:17
Lynourepwnguin: if it is the default (apt-cache search bulletproof did not give any X), that's still the confic file06:17
pwnguinits not a package06:18
jester7so does using noapic mean i'm not using one of my dual cores?06:18
pwnguinits an alternative configuration provided with gdm in case X fails to start06:18
BlueLagunaI just upgraded to Hardy...and my sound stopped working06:19
BlueLagunaKMix says "Mixer cannot be found" :-/06:19
Lynourepwnguin: oh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BulletProofX  , any idea if it also works with kdm?06:20
gluerteamcobra: my wireless is connected and working but my CPU is at 100%, when i turn off wireless its fine again?06:20
pwnguindont quote me on this, but i think it doesnt have any provisions for it06:20
pwnguinkdm is kinda suck06:20
bazhangis the bulletproof x recovery mode?06:20
BlueLagunaAny idea what's causing my sound problem?06:21
teamcobragluer: I'm not sure, someone else said something about that earlier, and I think it was wpa or wpa2 related06:21
glueryeh im using wpa206:21
teamcobrajester: no, it'll still use both cores06:21
bazhangim using wpa2 as well, but Hardy says it is wpa, no problems connecting though06:21
Lynourepwnguin: Seems to work pretty reliably otherwise, *shrug*06:23
pwnguinLynoure: it doesnt work with thinkfinger either06:23
teamcobrajester7, ready for some football? here's the vids: http://www.metasploit.com/research/conferences/  , Check out the videos from Black Hat Briefing 200706:23
pwnguinLynoure: if i recall, there's a problem with it not actually using pam or some such06:23
teamcobradoes /boot have to be on a non-raid drive for grub to work?06:25
SeveredCrossIt might.06:25
Lynourepwnguin: I think that got changed some time back, unless it has broken again06:25
pwnguinLynoure: well then, one less reason to hate it i guess06:25
teamcobraSevered: sweet, I'll give it a shot after smoking..... my body needs nicotine06:26
jester7teamcobra: thanks for the link, i completely forgot i'm on using a cellphone-as-a-modem connection.  128k really won't cut it for checking those vids :)06:26
jester7but i've got it bookmarked so i'll check it out06:26
pwnguinjester7: wget ;)06:26
teamcobrajester: they're small06:26
jester7oh, ok...i'll give it a shot06:26
teamcobrayeah, 1-5mb for each, ssh_masher = 1.7mb06:27
Lynourepwnguin: But thanks for giving a reason. Too much general  "foobar sucks because I don't like it" in the world, makes it hard to improve stuff06:27
teamcobrabrb, smoking my face off06:27
jester7ok, good call.  16K/s not bad for 1xrtt06:28
snerfuhmm my installer got hung up on the last part "writing system logs.." so I closed it down but luckily everything booted up fine after that.06:29
jester7any chance they are going to fix the low volume a lot of computers are having before the final release?06:30
Hobbseeprobably the same chance of fixing the high volume my computer has before release.06:33
pwnguinjester7: have you tried alsamixer?06:34
DanaGI'd need a shrink-ray to reduce the volume of my computer.06:34
jester7pwnguin: what do you mean?06:35
jester7i'm just dealing with the default hardy install...alsamixer isn't default i guess?06:35
jester7well, alsamixer seems to be the default06:36
DanaGI use touchpad, myself.06:36
DanaGIn fact, if I had to get a desktop again, I'd probably actually get a touchpad for it!06:37
DanaGOdd, but true.06:37
DanaGoops, wrong tab.06:37
DanaGDang tabbed chat.06:37
jester7i agree anyway....touchpad all the way :p06:37
SeveredCrossTouchpads suck.06:38
SeveredCrossGive me a good mouse any day.06:38
DanaGMmmm, RSI.06:38
DanaGAt least with my MX700, when playing HL2:ep2 when it's "frickin' cold".06:38
=== ajmorris is now known as chanlog
=== chanlog is now known as ajmorris
telexiconoh, whats the plan for firefox?06:43
telexiconseems like ff3 wont be done until june06:44
HorizonXPanyone use the new evolution yet?06:45
telexiconHorizonXP, not yet, but im definitely planning on it06:45
HorizonXPGoogle Calendar support is good, but it only syncs to my main calendar06:46
HorizonXPdoesn't seem to pick up on the fact that I have more than 106:46
pwnguintouchpads do suck, but on the airplane your choices are limited06:50
pwnguinwhich is why i have a tablet ;)06:51
teamcobrayeah, one of my pet projects is designing a tablet06:51
pwnguinthats quite a project ;)06:52
pwnguinlemme give you a suggestion: lighter is better06:52
teamcobrayeah, it's pocket-based ;)06:52
=== Ronald|Laptop is now known as Ronald
teamcobrafor music tracking and stuff ;)06:53
pwnguinmusic tracking06:53
pwnguinlike .it?06:53
pwnguinor like iPod06:53
teamcobralike .it , I'm a happy Renoise owner ;) www.renoise.com06:53
pwnguinever seen nitrotracker?06:54
teamcobrano, googling now :)06:54
teamcobrahaha, nice06:54
teamcobraI wanted to do the same thing, but never got around to buying a  ds + devkit06:55
pwnguinyea, you can record your own instruments with the mic06:55
teamcobrathe killer app for such a tracker would be a stylus-based scratching utility ;)06:55
pwnguinwell, the ds is expensive, but you can get microsd tools to run ds software for like 4006:55
pwnguinteamcobra: there's also electroplanton ;)06:56
teamcobrayeah, my buddy's brother does a lot of ds dev, he also wrote a snes debugger/resourcer06:56
teamcobrahe still has his superwildcard dx in the snes ;)06:57
teamcobralast I talked to him, he was building a starfox 2 cartridge :p06:57
pwnguinthats quite old06:58
teamcobrayeah, but it was an unreleased beta06:58
teamcobrathat uses a modified superfx chip06:58
teamcobrahe got it working on the swcDX, and wanted to get it working on a physical cart ;)06:58
pwnguini meant the swc06:58
pwnguinoh, and apparently korg is making ds cartr06:59
teamcobrawow, now akai has to follow suit ;)07:01
pwnguinteamcobra: you mentioned scratch on the DS, how's this? http://gorgull.googlepages.com/home207:01
teamcobrampc-ds ;)07:01
DanaGHeh: http://lenovoblogs.com/designmatters/?p=5807:01
teamcobrawowowowowow, it sends midi over WIFI?07:01
pwnguinteamcobra: yep07:02
teamcobrafor scratching!? wowowowo, ds + traktor = pwn pwn pwn07:02
DanaGAnybody here have a Logitech DiNovo Edge (the one with the circular touchpad)?07:02
DanaGI'm curious whether it works with the Synaptics driver.07:02
pwnguinwhy's that keyboard say IBM?07:04
[Hardy]TuTUXGDanaG, there are two drivers for touchpads07:04
DanaGWhat I mean is, it's possible that Logitech has chosen not to expose the touchpad device directly.07:05
xjjkDanaG: yes, I have it07:10
xjjkDanaG: I don't know, I've not tried...07:10
xjjkthat is going to be a sophisticated xorg.conf I have to write, since I've another mouse I use07:10
xjjkDanaG: those would be fantastic if they were wireless07:11
HorizonXPhey, i'm having trouble with google calendar in evo 2.2207:11
HorizonXPin my account, i have more than one calendar. How do I add calendars to evo other than my default one?07:11
DanaGxjjk: look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log   -- look for Synaptics.07:12
gluer_how do i get scrolling icons in bottom of screen?07:13
DanaGA dock?07:13
gluer_dg: yeh07:14
xjjkDanaG: hrm, I need to startup X with the keyboard connected for something to be in there, won't I...07:14
DanaGI'm not sure on that, actually.07:14
xjjkI hotplugged it, and all I got were two XINPUT lines telling me I connected a new keyboard and mouse07:14
xjjkDanaG: what did you want to do with the synaptics driver, just wondering?07:15
DanaGThere are cool things I already do with my laptop touchpad: two-finger scrolling, circular scrolling, multi-finger tapping, and such.07:16
xjjkthe edge trackpad is sort of small for that IMHO...07:16
xjjkit does it's circular edge scrolling already, which I suppose is implemented in hardware07:16
* xjjk types a line with no meaning just because it's fun to type on this keyboard07:17
pwnguindo the nvidia binaries work with vts reliably?07:19
pwnguinive been told before they don't, but ive never personally hit that bug07:19
pwnguinso the new hal supposedly added support for tabletPC awareness07:22
pwnguinany idea what that means in visible features?07:23
telexiconthe features are nice07:24
telexiconhows the push for stability going?07:24
VanDykeanyone here tried the alternate x64 CD ?07:25
teamcobra_back, looks like the update broke b43, owell ;p07:25
nickrudglad to see I'm not the only casualty of b4307:32
nickrudwell, not glad exactly07:32
VanDykeb43 ?07:32
bazhangbroadcom wireless07:33
VanDykethat's a fun one07:36
VanDykeI tried the x64 KDE4 cd here07:36
VanDykeno luck with that one07:36
VanDykeKDE4 came broken by default07:36
bazhangnot so here; worked like a charm07:38
VanDykedid the splash screen work for you, bazhang ?07:39
VanDykeat boot time07:39
bazhangfor kde4? or 64bit?07:40
VanDykethe kde4 x64 cd07:40
VanDykesplash at boot time07:40
bazhangbad burn?07:40
VanDykeno it's after being installed07:41
VanDykemy screen was blank07:41
bazhanghmm that is odd07:41
VanDykethen when it loaded kdm it showed up07:41
bazhangvideo card all right?07:41
VanDyke8800GT, 15" screen07:41
bazhangoh yeah that card..some users have reported problems07:41
VanDykeI changed vga modes on menu.lst, with no success07:42
bazhangfirst adopters always suffer ;[07:42
VanDykeI also installed NVIDIA official driver, but it would conflict in NVRM kernel module07:42
VanDykeI had always to first do rmmod / modprobe then load kdm07:42
teamcobra_bbiab all07:43
VanDykereally weird07:43
DanaGMy consoles are also blank if I use vga=anything, or if I use savagefb (on an old laptop).07:43
VanDykeI'm getting the x86 cd now07:43
DanaGOddly enough, running aptitude or cacafire shows colors, but no text.07:44
DanaGI have to setupcon every time I change VT.07:44
bazhangvery odd07:44
VanDykevery very odd07:44
VanDykealso KDE4 wouldn't load here07:44
VanDykeit shows that initial splash with loading stuff, then crash the plasma desktop and bam, stay there07:45
bazhangthat stinks, because kde4 is really nice in Hardy07:46
VanDykelet's see with the 32bit cd07:46
simihi, after a ctrl+alt+backspace the gnome panels had disapered and i can't make them appear, i can't launch anything because the alt+f2 is not working07:47
gluer_which music player is best to use?08:01
pwnguini like guitars08:01
pwnguinmy roommate is fond of drums, but i say thats not music08:02
gluer_want a player with internet radio08:02
pwnguina player, or player and browser?08:02
pwnguinif you've got a url in mind, i think totem can accomodate you08:03
gluer_yeh i was thinking something like real player08:03
pwnguinthats not an answer anymore =/08:03
pwnguinreal player has shitty promotional crap that gets in the way now08:03
pwnguindid you want that?08:04
gluer_just the music :-)08:04
pwnguintotem might be all you need08:05
pwnguinwhat's the url?08:05
bazhangwww.deezer.com for internet streaming08:07
pwnguinrhythmbox also handles it now it seems08:07
pwnguinbut i have to say, as great as I've found rhythmbox for my personal needs, it seems to be very poorly maintained08:07
gluer_will try totem08:07
DanaGI use QuodLibet or Exaile.08:11
[Hardy]TuTUXGwhat's the random wallpaper app's name?08:25
DanaGFor one thing, that's NSFW; for another thing, can you say, back pain?08:29
BelisarivsHI all.08:29
BelisarivsI have problem with wifi card Intel 3945 in Hardy. Could someone help me?08:30
bluebanana Hello. I'm installing Xubuntu 8.04 beta on a computer. In final stage (Step 8 of 8), the advanced option has a check mark on the box beside "Install Boot Loader". The following line has "Device for Boot loader installation.". In the dropdown list, "(hd0)" is what was preselected. Is this correct? Or should I change from (hd0) to "/dev/sda" or to "dev/sda1". Please help! Thanks08:31
BelisarivsI'd like to fill bugreport in launchpad, but I'd like to ask for help to make it as accurate as possible.08:31
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BelisarivsDo you use SATA?08:31
kebinusanso I started messing around with hardy, but Im noticing some studders in audio playback in things that use xine (kaffeine for example) any ideas on how to fix that08:31
BelisarivsWell, if you don't find solution, you cal still use mplayer as backend in kaffeine.08:32
BelisarivsInstead of xine.08:32
Belisarivs-cal +can08:33
kebinusanyeah I'll try gstreamer and see if it happens as well08:33
Belisarivsmplayer is imho better08:34
kebinusanAlso, I had a similar problem in gusty and I cant find the way I fixed it but I dont get usplash or text during the boot process, just a black screen and fonts on my consoles (alt+f1) is missing I just have a blinking cursor08:34
salty-horsehi. the gworldclock applet has v's marked on "show weather" and "show temprature" but all I see is whitespace to the left of the time and date. should that feature work?08:34
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Belisarivs<kebinusan>which is your graphic card?08:36
kebinusannvidia 8600 gt08:36
Belisarivs<kebinusan>then it is known issue to be fixed.08:37
DanaGI also have blank consoles if I use vesafb or nvidiafb OR savagefb.08:38
BelisarivsYour monitor goes to stand by during the boot and when is boot finished, it turns on.  OK?08:38
DanaGOddly enough, try running cacafire on the blank console, and you'll get colors but no text.08:38
DanaGRun setupcon, and you'll get text back.08:38
DanaG"blinking cursor" implies "monitor on".08:38
Belisarivsmea culpa08:39
BelisarivsI read about something like that. So, I thought, that that's it.08:39
kebinusanyeah I mean after hitting enter a few times08:39
kebinusanI can login and run commands my typing isnt terrible08:40
DanaGI love having a 7200RPM notebook drive.08:40
DanaGI can get 20 to 40 megabytes per second, depending on position (start→end) of the drive.08:41
kebinusanI'll have to remember that setupcon thing DanaG, at least I'll be able to see what I type08:41
DanaGYou have to setupcon every time you vt-switch.  It's annoying.08:41
MFenare there any known issues with encoding mp4a audio on hardy?08:42
MFeni can't get any tool to do it08:42
BelisarivsThen it doesn't have to be issue.08:43
MFeni have the gstreamer0.10-{bad,ugly}{,-multiverse}-plugins installed08:43
BelisarivsI'm quite sure mencoder can deal with it.08:43
MFenmany many posts saying it works (on some indeterminate version of ubuntu), and many many saying it doesn't08:43
MFeni seem to be in the "doesn't" camp08:44
MFenwell, do you know the options to use? i've tried mencoder and vlc08:44
MFenmaybe i'm using it wrong08:44
BelisarivsBTW, why do you use mp4 when there is ogg. Your flash player doesn't support it?08:44
MFenwhat is this flash player you speak of?  i'm trying to use an ipod08:45
BelisarivsI try to avoid name "mp3 player"08:47
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Belisarivsperhaps portable player is more accurate08:48
MFenbut this particular portable player only supports mp4 afaik08:48
BelisarivsOr mp3, but mp4 is imho better08:48
MFeni guess that's the "container format".  i don't know what codecs the container supports, nor whether or not the ipod supports any other codecs than mp4[va]08:48
MFenbut mp4a is broken here, that's all i know08:49
BelisarivsI think, that faac is what you seek.08:49
Belisarivsmp4 is aac in mp4 container IMHO08:49
MFenBelisarivs: the mp4 container won't contain mp3, it seems08:49
BelisarivsI think so, too.08:50
MFeninteresting. faac wasn't installed08:50
MFeninstalling it now.08:50
BelisarivsI think, that ipod supports mp3 as well.08:50
MFenthey certainly do. but this is for ipod *video*08:51
Belisarivsfaac is aac encoder and faad is decoder08:51
Belisarivsbtw, these are cli08:51
MFenthe video container has to contain some combination of compatible codecs08:51
MFenyeah, that's fine08:51
DanaGI would only ever consider buying an iPod Touch if I could find software to do following two things:08:52
DanaG1.  Playback by folders! (iPod software uses tags)08:52
DanaG2.  Ogg (Vorbis) support08:52
DanaGOh, and FLAC too, but that's less critical for me.08:53
[hardy]ogreDanaG:  try rockbox firmware08:53
DanaGOn iPod Touch? I don't think so.08:53
DanaGI already have my iAudio6 that does both of those; I'd just want a mobile internet thingy.08:54
[hardy]ogreya notsure if they have anything for ipod touch yet08:54
MFeni went with avidemux, which is able to use faac automatically it seems08:54
MFenand it looks like "Auto > IPOD" created a file with mp4v and mpga08:55
MFenthat seems plausible. i'll try it on the ipod now.08:55
jindal2hey guys, i ant to upgrade from gutsy to latest hardy beta, is replacing gutsy to hardy in sources.list and update + dist-upgrade is the right way?08:59
Belisarivssudo update-manager -d09:00
BelisarivsYou could screw your system pretty much.09:00
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:00
jindal2Belisarivs, are not both the same? :-)09:01
Belisarivs<jindal2>I think so.09:01
Belisarivsgksudo is just graphical sudo09:01
Belisarivsat ubuntuguide.org they use both09:02
jindal2Belisarivs, i just don't like gui tools that much09:02
musikgoatanyone know if there is really 124 updates since the beta release?09:02
musikgoati'm getting this listing of updates, but I try to Install Updates, and the update manager just hangs09:03
Belisarivs<jindal2>Me too. Perhaps apt-get dist-upgrade wouldhelp, you too. But changing repos and doing apt-get upgrade could screw your system as some apps need to be removed, some need to be installed and so. Apt can't handle it that well.09:03
Belisarivs<musikgoat>try sudo apt-get upgrade09:04
BelisarivsPersonally, I installed all updates minutes ago by synaptic.09:04
musikgoatBelisarivs: i'm waiting to see if update manager will follow my instructions to close, as its not responding to selecting the X09:05
Belisarivstry to kill it by xkill (as root), but not sure if it will not hang and lock pid and so preventing you form use of another updater09:06
musikgoatkilled a gksu process and that fixed09:06
musikgoattesting upgrading though term09:06
jindal2Belisarivs, heh i don't hav update-manager installed :-)09:07
Belisarivs<MFen>Did Ipod play your files?09:07
MFenBelisarivs: now i'm having trouble finding a linux application that will actually transfer the damn thing09:07
MFeni've been using gpodder to put video podcasts onto the ipod, which works fine. but this isn't from a podcast, so gpodder can't do anything with it.09:08
Belisarivs<jindal2>then install it.It is really suggested way of updating. Perhaps adept or so could work, too. I'm not sure. But it is necessary to handle dependencies better than apt-get can, therefore is suggeste update-manager, but Kubuntumay have own updater.09:08
MFenand gtkpod is just buggy09:09
jindal2Belisarivs, ohh yeah am on kubuntu .. wats it called here?09:09
musikgoathmm, i found the reason,  oddly sudo was failing:09:09
musikgoattim@Central:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get update09:09
musikgoatsudo: unable to resolve host Central09:09
musikgoatfixed hosts, and now its working,  but it hadn't even gotten to attempting to download the updates,  sudo failed09:10
Belisarivs<MFen>Problem is, that Apple isn't OS friendly. They just abuse BSD license and give nothing back. They often change transfer protocol to prevent reverse engineering and so.09:10
MFenyes, well, it was free09:11
Belisarivs<jindal2>try to google for suggested way to upgrade. update-manager should work for you, too. It uses same repos and it si same distro IMO, anyway.09:11
MFeni happen to agree with you, i still want to use my ipod.09:11
musikgoatany one know what package the gnome clock is in? gnome-panel?09:11
jindal2Belisarivs, thanks :-)09:12
jindal2MFen, check if your ipod model is supported by gtkpod09:12
Belisarivs<musikgoat>I'd guess it some applets or so. Try to use apt-cache and apt-file09:12
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide09:12
MFenjindal2: it is. gtkpod asks me which model my ipod is, and my model is in the list.  of course, it asks me this EVERY TIME IT STARTS, which is part of the reason i think it's buggy09:13
Belisarivsubotu is not quite accurate. Also synaptic takes care about unused dependencies.09:13
DanaGaptitude does dist-upgrading better than 'apt-get', especially if you use the ncurses UI.09:14
DanaGRun 'aptitude' with no parameters to get that UI.09:14
Belisarivs<MFen>There is no other app to handle it? Try amarok. I think, that it offers management of ipod.09:14
Belisarivs<DanaG>I'm not quite sure about dist-upgradehandling by aptitude.09:15
flowOveranyone have experience with mx revolution?09:15
BelisarivsIt is great, I use it often, but if it could be used for dist upgrade I'm not sure.09:15
musikgoatI'm trying to file a bug report, can anyone help me identify if the new clock applet is in a particular package?09:16
musikgoati searched with aptitude search clock and do not see it09:16
jindal2mebbe check out gnome-applets09:17
musikgoati saw online it referred to as intlclock but that doesn't bring up anythign09:17
rinaldi_hi I upgraded yesterday, everything went fine except now my wireless card fails to work. I had it installed last time through ndiswrapper and nmapplet seemed to find it ok. Now the power light stays flashing. It finds my access point too. It just doesn't connect. Connection information comes up with no driver whereas before it was ndiswrapper before. Any ideas?09:17
jindal2or kicker-applets if using kde :-)09:17
musikgoatjindal2: thanks, i'll look at that, its gnome09:17
DanaGI think the original clock applet has changed; it's not a new package.09:18
DanaGRight-click on it and select Preferences.09:18
chuy_maxI just installed 8.04 and started to get bugs since the installation, I don't know where to start :S, I've got two bugs with installer, and 1 with xorg/dpkg-reconfigure09:19
musikgoatDanaG: whats preferences going to get me?09:19
DanaGYou can add locations and such.09:20
musikgoatDanaG: you didn't read my question, but thanks09:20
MFenamarok won't even acknowledge the existence of the ipod09:20
MFenit just keeps telling me to connect it09:20
chuy_maxany help that gets me on the right track?09:20
MFeni think i need to update this post.. http://strongdynamic.blogspot.com/2007/07/reasons-why-some-podcast-players-suck.html09:20
MFenpodcast players still suck 8 months later.09:21
jindal2rinaldi_ , your kernel upgraded i guess .. your previous kernel version and wifi card chipset?09:21
musikgoatseems that its indeed in the gnome-panel package,  so my bug report is correct09:23
LynoureMFen: meanwhile you have busily contributed to the projects, I hope09:24
rinaldi_jindal2: um dunno the kernel but the chipset is marvell 88w8335 libertas. (netgear card)09:24
rinaldi_jindal2: could it be that hardy now supports the card so now there are conflicting drivers?09:25
chuy_max4 bugs09:25
MFenLynoure: i have my own open source apps to maintain.  you can't guilt me into contributing to projects that are stalled on the basics.  besides, which one? they're all fighting with each other.09:25
chuy_maxwhat package should I file if I've got 2 bugs in the installer?09:25
jindal2rinaldi_, some of the wifi stack was re-written (atleast for my broadcom chipset bcm43xx)09:26
jindal2try to boot into the old kernel from grub09:26
rinaldi_jindal2: ok thanks09:27
LynoureMFen: Not guilting anyone, just saying it is the best way to get results. I use Amarok myself, I can easily look at metadata and it's not too slow for me (downloads sometimes are, but not Amarok's fault), but I should maybe contribute some day to it too09:27
MFenit seems faster now than when i wrote that, but then i have a faster computer now09:27
MFenthe interface is still confusing09:28
MFenand it doesn't do the one thing i need it for09:28
MFenostensibly need it for09:28
LynoureMFen: Which one thing?09:28
MFenrecognize my ipod so i can transfer a file to it09:28
Lynoureoh, dunno about ipods, recognized my DAP fine. But I chose a linux-friendly one.09:29
MFeni've got at least 3 other apps on here which do that much, at least09:29
LynoureIf your ipod mounts, and has a directory where podcasts can be put, easy enough to tell Amarok the mount point09:30
LynoureBut, good luck with the search.09:30
MFenwell, it's not a filesystem interface09:32
MFenit's got some whacky database on it09:32
MFenso it needs applications which understand that database format09:32
MFeni guess amarok doesn't09:32
LynoureApple probably meant it to be hard, higher cost of changing09:33
LynoureMy Vibez also uses a database, but it builds it itself09:33
MFenvery, very few companies actually "mean it to be hard"09:33
Lynoureso one can just drop files in.09:33
MFeni work for a software company. we do things the easiest way possible. it's not always the way everyone else wants it to be done09:33
LynoureMFen: not hard in general, hard without their products. There is a strong business benefit to forcing people to use iTunes09:34
MFenthat said, apple consistently chooses user interface over development ease, every single time09:34
MFenthat's their bread and butter, so you can't blame them, but it's frustrating. they need to find a happier medium.09:34
MFenLynoure: sure, but that's not why it is the way it is09:35
rinaldi1jindal2: no the old kernel doesn't let it work either09:35
MFenit is the way it is because that was what they needed to get their features onto the device09:35
MFennot because of some artificial goal of screwing others09:35
LynoureMFen: I just think "best used with iTunes" was one such feature.09:35
MFenand i say that as someone who is currently being screwed by it09:35
LynoureMFen: :)09:36
MFenin any case, itunes is free and already compiles on unix and non-mac os.  why not port it to linux if "best used with itunes" is the primary goal?09:37
LynoureMFen: too expensive for such reasonably small group of users, I bet09:38
* DanaG dislikes how Apple goes "above and beyond" in their efforts to lock out some things.09:38
DanaGIncluding the allegedly-deliberate bricking.09:38
DanaGAnd the iTunes7 breaking DAAP.09:38
LynoureMFen: seems you look at it from sw point of view and I look at it from the business point of view. Most Linux users like things free... they are not the ideal Buy-it-from-iTunes crowd and a small crowd at that.09:38
* DanaG uses file-based browsing -- Amarok does it, QuodLibet does it, and Exaile does it. Oh, and Cowon's audio devices do it.09:39
MFenLynoure: i'm not sure your business analysis is correct, although apple may perceive it that way09:42
MFenLynoure: one or two of the guys on my team could probably port it in a month, 3 tops.09:42
MFenthey only have to sell 25k songs to make that back. what is that, a day's worth of purchasing?09:43
LynoureMFen: Make them an offer?09:43
MFeni should. i'll talk my boss into it09:43
BelisarivsI'm back. So, anybody who could help me to solve problem with iwl3945 or do some tests to provide them to launchpad bugreport?09:46
sebnerBelisarivs: ?? iwl3945? what problem?09:47
MFenhmm, i think gtkpod-aac may be what i need09:49
Belisarivs<sebner>I have no blue light (it is turned on) and cannot connect to wifi network.09:49
BelisarivsIt does detects wireless networks however. Iwconfig displays device wlan0 and its MAC address.09:50
sebnerBelisarivs: I have the same problem. but only since the latest avahi update09:50
MFenyeah, gtkpod-aac ft09:51
Belisarivsso it might ba caused by avahi?09:51
sebnerBelisarivs: dunno. have you had problems before the update?09:51
MFenvideo transferred, and no sound09:52
MFenso the ipod does not grok mp4{mp4v + mpga}09:52
MFeni guess no mpga codec09:52
Belisarivs<sebner>Which update do you mean? That today?09:52
pwnguinok, so i just noticed hald-addon-input suddenly leaped to 100percent cpu09:52
MFenmaybe vlc will use faac now that it's installed09:53
BelisarivsI upgraded from gutsy few days ago and in Gutsy it worked OK with ipw394509:53
sebnerBelisarivs: hmm yes. I recieved some avahi updates. And I think all the other updates haven't anything todo with wlan09:53
Belisarivs<sebner>So it worked for you before? Interesting.09:53
slytherinanyone using dual boot with os x on a powerpc machine here?09:54
sebnerBelisarivs: yep09:54
BelisarivsThat is weird. For me it ceased to work just after upgrade via "sudo update-manager -d".09:54
sebnerBelisarivs: strange. and what did you say about a bugreport?09:55
BelisarivsBut after update I was still using ipw3945. But I found howto to migrate to iwl.09:55
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pwnguinis ipw3945 even in hardy?09:55
pwnguini think its iwl or bust09:55
sebnerit should be in the kernel09:56
Belisarivsno, it isn't. There are just firmwares.09:56
Belisarivstry "apt-file search ipw3945"09:57
sebnerBelisarivs: damn09:57
Belisarivs<sebner>About that bugreport, I wanted to find some relevant data to make it usefull.09:58
slytherinDoes anyone know hoa can I find group name from group id?09:58
sebnerBelisarivs: well it seems that we doesn't have the same problem09:58
MFenneeded faac, faad, avidemux, and gtkpod-aac09:59
pwnguinslytherin: /etc/groups?09:59
Belisarivs<sebner>So, you use ipw3945?09:59
Belisarivsnot iwl3945?09:59
pwnguinis there a reason not to use iwl3945?09:59
sebnerBelisarivs: iwl09:59
slytherinpwnguin: the group I am looking for is not there.09:59
Belisarivs<sebner>Hm, what problem do you have, then?10:00
pwnguinthen the mapping doesnt exist10:00
sebnerBelisarivs: the same as you. I can't connect to my wlan10:00
Belisarivsexellent. Damn it.10:01
pwnguina number of people have reported that iwl isn't working for them10:01
pwnguini can gleefully report its working fine with MY wpa210:01
sebnerBelisarivs: :(10:01
Belisarivs<sebner>no blue light?10:01
sebnerBelisarivs: orange. but it's also when I turn it off ^^10:02
BelisarivsOr whetever colour your indicator has10:02
sebnerBelisarivs: damn it10:02
jessicai need help with my wirless10:03
jessicai have the Realtek RTL8187B and im using nidswrapper with it10:05
Belisarivs<sebner>So when you turn your wifi on or off, indicator doesn't glow?10:05
jessicait picks up the networks just it wont connect to them10:05
jessicai know i have the network key correct10:05
rinaldi1jessica: i have the same problem as you but with a netgear. Did you upgrade?10:06
Gneajessica: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70980210:06
jessicai upgeded to hardy yesterday and i upgraded my hal10:06
marko-_-does someone know why sound doesn't work ? the card is listed in lspci10:06
Gneajessica: it's a known issue with the .inf10:06
slytherinmarko-_-: which card?10:07
jessicayes i have modified the inf file10:07
marko-_-slytherin, Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller (rev 10)10:07
slytherinmarko-_-: What is the error?10:07
Gneajessica: did you rebuild the ndiswrapper to include it?10:08
marko-_-slytherin, you know the icon for sound in the upper right corner... it's crossed with an X and when i want to configure it or someting i get this error "The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured."10:08
e-r-c-ehello! i was upgrading to edubuntu hardy and now my resolution was gone, so i enabled fglrx. next, x show VERY bad resolution, so in console i uninstalled it... and now, my X doesn't start!?!?!?!?! HELP!!!10:08
slytherinmarko-_-: ahh, I had seen that error some days ago. When was the last time you updated the system?10:09
jessicamy ndiswrapper includes the modified inf file10:09
e-r-c-ei uninstalled fglrx**10:09
marko-_-slytherin, few minutes ago10:09
Gneadoes it work without encryption?10:09
marko-_-should i restart the box ?10:09
jessicaand erce boot up in fail safe and type startx and tell us the error10:09
slytherinmarko-_-: any chance you are using us.archive.ubuntu.com mirror?10:09
marko-_-hm i must check10:09
nomenteroI use latest hardy beta after upgrade via "sudo update-manager -d". I monitoring costant trafic on port 2979 tcp since that upgrade....is a normal insue during beta phase10:09
slytherine-r-c-e: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'10:10
e-r-c-ejessica: i already did. cuz i uninstalled fglrx in console, my X says no displays were found10:10
marko-_-slytherin, where can i check what i'm using ?10:10
jessicao ok follow what erce says then10:10
slytherinmarko-_-: /etc/apt/sources.list10:11
marko-_-slytherin, i'm using this http://si.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/10:12
jessicahow will my i get my wireless working i have tryed most of what people say on forums10:12
e-r-c-ejessica: is your wireless card supported on ubuntu?10:12
e-r-c-eand do you have m$ drivers  for it?10:12
slytherinmarko-_-: Ok. Try restarting the machine. The device nides for your sound card should get created at next bootup. If it doesn't file a bug.10:12
jessicano the wireless card dose not have drivers in the kernal10:13
marko-_-'file a bug' what do you mean by that ?10:13
jessicai asked on the developers channel and they said it wont be supported for a while10:13
slytherinmarko-_-: launchpad.net is the site where you can report a bug10:13
marko-_-ah ok10:13
marko-_-i'm restarting the machine then10:13
* Gnea decides to continue going unnoticed10:13
e-r-c-ejessica: not in kernel, on CD (drivers for m$ windows)10:14
jessicano its not10:15
Gneajessica: it could be a problem with the way it's trying to translate the keys - if you can get it to get an IP and ping without any encryption then you'll at least know where the real problem is at.10:15
jessicaubuntu dose not support my card at all10:15
e-r-c-eyou don't have any cd?10:15
e-r-c-ein the box with wireless card?10:15
jessicano my card is in built in my laptop that was shipped with vista10:16
jessicai have a vista disk that has them10:16
e-r-c-eoh... try google for your model and wget them10:16
marko-_-slytherin, it didn't worked10:16
jessicai have and it brings up loads of forums and ive been though what everyone has said and nothing worked10:17
e-r-c-eno, NO!!10:17
jessicaand gnea i wasnt ignoring your help i researched it because i had no idea what to do10:17
e-r-c-etry search for "(model) driver"10:17
slytherinmarko-_-: Before filing make sure that the archive you are using is up-to-date. Or you can simply try using archive.ubuntu.com, then do apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade10:18
jessicai have i have the right windows dirver it just dose not work10:18
marko-_-slytherin, how do i change the archive so that i don't have to one by one in the sources.list file ?10:18
jessicaim thinking of just taking the encription of my network and seeing if it will work then10:18
e-r-c-ejessica: so your wireless card doesn't work at vista even?10:18
jessicano vista it will work it10:19
jessicabut i hate vista10:19
jessicalike really hate it10:19
IndyGunFreakjessica: what card is it again?10:19
e-r-c-ejes, we all10:19
jessicamy card is the realtek RTL8187B10:19
TheInfinityi also have probs with my wireless adapter - atheros 802.11 a/b/g/n :)10:19
e-r-c-etry google "drivers for realtek rtl8187b"10:19
slytherinmarko-_-: I don't know that part. :-)10:19
marko-_-heh ok:)10:19
TheInfinityagain compiling svn sources like in gutsy? :/10:20
e-r-c-eTheInfinity: for what?10:20
rinaldi1yep my ndiswrapper doesn'nt work here either10:20
TheInfinityatheros 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless adapter10:20
e-r-c-eusb, right?10:21
jessicaim having really big problems10:21
=== e-r-c-e is now known as e_r_c_e
IndyGunFreakjessica: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsRealTek10:22
marko-_-ok slytherin i changed it and then i updated it... what now ?10:22
jinwhen closing an application, I think that application should also kill all the process that it has created.10:22
jessicasorry erce i carnt reply i havnt registerd with freenode yet10:22
jinbut it seems dvd::rip doesn't do that10:22
jessicaand thanks indygunfreak ill take a look10:22
jinwhen closing dvd::rip, I end up with lots of processes in the background10:22
slytherinmarko-_-: Are there any upgrades available? Did you do apt-get dist-upgrade10:22
marko-_-yea i did10:23
marko-_-upgrades no10:23
marko-_-but updates were10:23
Gneajessica: what's this linux driver here? http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#143210:23
slytherinmarko-_-: what do you mean?10:23
jessicaive tryed it it dosnt work10:24
e_r_c_ehe did apt-get update10:24
e_r_c_e& apt-get upgrade10:24
marko-_-when i changed the server... i did sudo apt-get update and i updated someting but when i do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade nothing happened10:24
marko-_-should i go and boot with kernel 11 ? i'm reading that there is sound10:24
Gnea*headdesk* would help if i actually scrolled to the bottom of the page...10:24
slytherinmarko-_-: Ok. So now you should file a bug. :-)10:24
marko-_-what's the site again ?10:25
slytherinmarko-_-: launchpad.net10:25
nomenteroI use latest hardy beta after upgrade via "sudo update-manager -d". I monitoring costant trafic on port 2979 tcp since that upgrade....is a normal insue during beta phase???10:26
e_r_c_ejessica: so you haven't got driver's CD?10:26
e_r_c_emy howto is for cards with driver's CD10:26
e_r_c_esorry i cant help ya........10:27
* e_r_c_e wants some choco10:27
jessicano i dont have a cd with drivers10:27
jessicaits one toshiba made with vista and the drivers as well10:28
jessicabut i have to install vista to get the drivers which i dont want to do10:28
IndyGunFreakjessica: that link i gave you has a link to the win98 drivers, which apparently work better10:28
e_r_c_ethen, try phone your seller and ask for cd????? (i doubt this is good :/)10:28
jessicathe drivers i can download from the realtek site10:28
jessicayes am using the windows 98 drivers10:28
e_r_c_etry to unpack them in ubuntu10:29
e_r_c_ejessica: try /join #driverz10:29
jessicai dont see why you want me to get the windows vista drivers for it10:29
e_r_c_ejessica: try /join #driverz10:29
Gneae_r_c_e: yes, why? it requires the win98 version.10:30
e_r_c_ethere we'll have nice talk :D10:30
J-_Is there a way to rename my sftp folder do a different name rather just <sftp on IP>10:30
Gneaugh, need sleep10:30
jessicathe older driver is more stable10:30
BelisarivsHi. Just wanted to tell you, that mi iwl3945 works.10:32
Belisarivs-mi +my10:33
jessicai need my wireless working10:34
* DanaG wonders if ndiswrapper'd Windows drivers would work any better than iwl3945.10:34
BelisarivsHowever, Hardy could use diff for apt-get update10:34
jessicai know i keep sayin this but its quite important10:34
DanaGiwl3945 is annoying.10:34
e_r_c_ejessica: #DRIVERS !!!!!10:34
DanaGFor a while, it had a bug where suspending and then resuming with wifi hotkey off (killswitch "on") would cause an oops.10:35
DanaGSometimes that'll still happen.10:35
Belisarivs<DanaG>iwl3945 or ipw3945?10:35
DanaGOr networkmanager (and even iwlist) will stop showing new access points.  If i try to unload the driver, modprobe will hang, become unkillable, and eat CPU like crazy.10:36
enycok im confused....  iso images of hardy beta are on  releeases.ubuntu.com but not cdimage.ubuntu.com  -- whats that about?10:36
_Shade_hi there10:36
Belisarivs<DanaG>Hm, so it isn't better than ipw3945?10:37
DanaGNot for me, that's for sure.10:37
_Shade_i have just installed kubuntu-kde4 beta image and - to my suprise - all i got is kde310:37
FestorDoes anyone know why the command update-mozilla-firefox-chrome is not available in beta 4 of firefox 3?10:45
FestorI am in the beta of Hardy now10:45
FestorI am trying to do this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/20471910:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204719 in firefox "Firefox 3 language packs missing" [Undecided,In progress]10:46
ameriohey guys10:56
amerioI've updated from gutsy to hardy last night and sound stopped working , though my card is detected10:57
amerioits SB Live EMU10k110:57
FestorIs there anyone ...?10:58
IndyGunFreakman, the default wallpapers for Hardy are horrible11:08
IndyGunFreaki'd rather have the crap brown ones from 7.10..lol11:09
FestorDoes anyone know why the command update-mozilla-firefox-chrome is not available in beta 4 of firefox 3?11:09
FestorI am trying to do this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/20471911:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204719 in firefox "Firefox 3 language packs missing" [Undecided,In progress]11:09
vincen1Allright, here comes a question: I'm unable to succesfully install new fonts under 8.04 BETA. I can install the fonts through 'sudo nautilus' and drag them to the fonts folder. I have also changed the permissions, so that ROOT can acces them. In 7.10, that worked fine. But now it doesn't. Does anybody have a clue?11:20
vincen1HI, by the way! :)11:20
jin hi, any way to add multiple custom application menu?11:21
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)11:21
rskhello im having massive problems with my computer hanging after the last reboot11:22
rski have to switch from tty1>tty7 where X is when i a) start gdm b) login to gnome11:22
rskif i dont switch it just sit's there for an infinite ammount of time11:22
rskand even when im in X i get completely random freezes11:23
rskwich i have no idea about what's causing it11:23
rskany pointers?11:24
frandavid100I've just read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityPreserveHome11:24
frandavid100do you know if newer hardy installs preserve existing /home directories indeed?11:25
pwnguinis /dev/snd/seq a midi device?11:26
Dr_willisHmm I normally keep /home on its own partition.11:26
Ergo^guys, can anyone confirm that launching system monitor utilises 100% of a cpu ?11:26
Ergo^i have top running and xorg uses a fraction of time, when i lauch system monitor it uses 100% cpu11:27
frandavid100Dr_willis: yeah I do that too11:27
frandavid100I was just wondering if that's become unnecessary now11:28
pwnguinErgo^: i cant dupe that11:28
pwnguinbut it is graphing REALLY fast11:28
fromportergo: if you have a very slow cpu that could be the case. mine uses between 20-40%11:28
Johan-_as an extra for UbiquityPreserveHome it would be cool if ubuntu could check what programs is already installed, remember that and then present that to the user11:28
pwnguinon a weaker CPU, that might be crushing11:28
Ergo^i have dual core intel 6400 ;-)11:28
Ergo^its quite fast :P11:28
HardyOneErgo^, appears to be doing the same for me 100% cpu11:28
Johan-_giving the user an option to install all apps11:29
pwnguinErgo^, HardyOne which video cards are you guys using?11:29
frandavid100That would be cool Johan-_11:29
Ergo^gf 8800gts11:29
Ergo^but it was fine in 7.10 for sure11:29
Ergo^ill check another pc with ati11:29
Ergo^1 sec11:29
HardyOne VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)11:30
pwnguinok, not much common there11:30
pwnguinwhich screen?11:30
pwnguinwhich tab triggers the behavior?11:30
Ergo^pwnguin: even better , at the other pc there is evolution-data- process that uses 100%11:30
HardyOnepwnguin, wich tab? I dont understand11:31
Ergo^pwnguin: its the resources tab for me11:31
HardyOneoh yeah resources11:32
Ergo^now afrr restarting it uses 50%11:32
pwnguinhere's a random question11:32
pwnguinuname -a11:32
IndyGunFreakhmm, hardy is working awesome form e.11:32
HardyOneLinux idleone-laptop 2.6.24-12-386 #1 Wed Mar 12 22:30:29 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux11:33
levanderThere's no songbird package in hardy either?11:33
Ergo^Linux ergo-desktop 2.6.24-12-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 23:01:54 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux11:33
HardyOnedont get me wrong hardy is running awsome for me also but untill Ergo^ asked for a confirm on cpu usage....11:34
Ergo^heh, my pc is workih "fairly well" but my wife's pc is nightmare11:34
* DanaG hates gnome-system-monitor.11:34
pwnguinok, if you can manage it, go to edit-> preferences->resources11:35
kjozsa I've upgraded to hardy beta today, my sound (emu10k1) has gone completely. modprobe also says cannot find its modules.. anyone experienced something similar?11:35
IndyGunFreakErgo^, iv'e not booted my PC yet, just my laptop.. but the laptop has been a pain cuz of some of its newer hardware.. my PC is about 2-2.5yrs old, so I think it will be fine11:35
pwnguinwhat's the update interval set to?11:35
DanaGHere's what it does for me (and I have a fast CPU, though nvidia+compiz):11:35
DanaGslideLURCH slideLURCH slideLURCH slideLURCH11:35
DanaGslideLURCH slideLURCH11:35
kjozsaalso, double clicking the volume applet says No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found11:35
RAOFDanaG: This is because the nvidia driver sucks.  Try it with nouveau :)11:35
pwnguinif you set that to 2.0011:35
pwnguindoes cpu usage drop?11:35
Ergo^changed it to 0.5 and there seems to be progess11:35
Ergo^well it dropped11:35
Ergo^now i have everything at about 25%11:36
DanaGOdd: with my firewire DVD burner, brasero hangs and gets a kernel error of some sort about being unable to "get performance"; yet, with the old burner app, it works fine.11:36
HardyOneno change here. still at 100% after changing from 1.00 to 2.0011:36
Ergo^pwnguin: you are associated with developement ? do i have to file a bug for that ?11:36
pwnguinim not strictly associated with development11:37
Ergo^HardyOne: do a top  and see what is taking cpu time11:37
Ergo^just asking to see if i have to file bugs on that11:37
pwnguini bother developers from time to time though ;)11:37
pwnguinif you dont file a bug i doubt it'll be fixed11:37
pwnguinyou've already found two important bugs, terrible performance and an overactive graph11:38
HardyOneErgo^, setiathome is using 70%11:38
Ergo^well what is process "evolution-data-" ? on another pc i have its using 100%11:38
Ergo^its a low end 1.5ghz athlon machne but still it was fine before...11:39
kjozsaI need some alsa/modprobe help, please. modprobe says it cannot finds the snd_emu10k1 module while it clearly exists at /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/11:39
kjozsathe -386 kernel should be able to load modules from -generic, right?11:40
Ergo^launchpad is down ...11:40
RAOFkjozsa: No.11:40
kjozsaRAOF, it means I should use the -generic kernel and load it from grub instead of the default -386 one?11:40
RAOFkjozsa: -386 is not binary compatible with -generic (there are a bunch of interestingly different kernel options used)11:41
RAOFkjozsa: Yes, very much so.  Very, very few people should be using the -386 kernel at all anyway.  Most people only use it by mistake.11:41
kjozsaRAOF, upgrading to hardy beta made the -386 the default in my grub setup. should I change this to -generic then?11:41
pwnguinalmost certainly11:41
kjozsaRAOF, also in that case, shall I file a bug report about getting -386 being the default kernel in grub after the upgrade?11:42
pwnguinif your system is 686 compatible, you should use it11:42
kjozsapwnguin, intel core quad here11:42
pwnguinyea i think you can handle it11:42
pwnguinin fact11:42
RAOFpwnguin: Or, rather, if your system doesn't need one of the tiny number of drivers that isn't SMP-safe.11:42
pwnguinyou're sorely missing out, heh. 386 is not smp enabled ;)11:42
pwnguinRAOF: i used to have a amd k6-2 500mhz11:43
kjozsaI really wonder how this could made it to the default then: Ubuntu hardy (development branch), kernel 2.6.24-12-38611:43
kjozsathat made it to the top of my kernel list in grub11:43
pwnguini had all kinds of fun after people in #gentoo told me it was 686 compatible11:43
RAOFpwnguin: Oh, does that not work with -generic?11:43
kjozsathat's clearly wrong then, aint it?11:43
pwnguinRAOF: it doesnt work at all anymore.11:43
RAOFNot even with -386?11:43
pwnguinRAOF: it died long ago11:44
* DanaG likes 'htop'11:44
pwnguinbut no, it doesnt run pentium pro instructions11:44
RAOFThat's quite true :)11:44
pwnguintherefore is not 68611:44
kjozsaDanaG, too colourful for me :)11:44
DanaGIt's pretty nifty-spiffy (I think I'm starting to overuse that word)/11:44
pwnguinunless the 686 kernel is merely optimized for advanced pipelines, but still uses 386 instructions, it would not run it even if it were not fried11:45
HardyOnehow do I switch from -386 to generic?11:46
pwnguininstall linux-image-generic11:46
Pirate_Hunterhow can i access my apps menu without using a mouse and what are the commands to check current processes and kill them?11:51
RotlausPirate_Hunter, Alt-F1 opens the menu11:52
Pirate_HunterRotlaus: thanx very much that has been bugging me for a while now what about the rest would you know?11:52
rskhalp me i stuck! ;(11:55
elmargolis there a kown bug in libthread_db? I try to connect to a wireless network and get 100% cpu from Networkmanager11:57
muszekPirate_Hunter: ps lets you find programs... for example ps -Al | grep fire will find you firefox and give you  all relevant data.  kill $pid or killall firefox will close it11:57
muszekPirate_Hunter: also, theres a neat little app called xkill (you might need to install it, I don't know if it's installed by default).  just run it and click on a faulty  window to kill it.11:58
muszekPirate_Hunter: xkill used to change the mouse cursor to the skull-and-bones pirate-like thingy... you'd like it... but now it's just a regular cross :/12:00
HardyOnemuszek, xkill is not in repos12:00
Ergo^it has to be.... just typed xkill and it worked12:00
HobbseeHardyOne: it's in x11-utils12:00
muszekmuszek@bobek:~$ apt-cache search xkill12:01
muszekx11-utils - X11 utilities12:01
HardyOneyeah got it lol12:01
Pirate_Huntermuszek: nice info but since im not using a mouse that will be a problem and its weekend so buying one will be hard especially thanx to good friday and monday being bank holiday :/ so now im doing everything either cli or using alt+f2 however i need to close a download manager but dont know how to do it through cli12:01
HardyOnePirate_Hunter, I can send you a few if you like12:02
seezerif something goes wrong on gutsy->hardy upgrade, should that be reported as a adept_manager bug?12:02
HardyOnegot 2 sitting right next to me here12:02
muszekPirate_Hunter: use the ps & kill(all) combo12:02
Pirate_HunterHardyOne: send what?12:02
seezer(it's probably kubuntu specific)12:02
Pirate_Huntermuszek: wouldnt that just close every window and app ive got open, it may do the jb but will case a lot of hassle12:03
Ergo^heh... so far as i observe how 2 pc's act on fresh install of beta... hardy doesnt look good :(12:03
HardyOnekillall will killall application12:03
Pirate_HunterHardyOne: thats sweet but nah ill buy one its my fault for leaving it this long and DIY my broken mouse, was being quite cheap but meh thats what i get for doing that12:04
muszekPirate_Hunter: no, it will only close that dnl manager... just do ps -Al | grep {some string that might be part of that dnl manager's process name}, for example ps -Al | grep kget12:04
HardyOnethey are cheap enough anyhow12:04
Pirate_Huntermuszek: will try12:04
muszekand then killall {process_name} or killall -s 9 {process_name} if the first one doesn't work12:05
Pirate_HunterHardyOne: I know, i know everyone says that but its cold and i was being lazy :(12:05
HardyOneps aux will list all running processes fine the download manager and then kill pid#12:06
elmargolsynaptic shows me my update history is there a way to jump back to a old status? Or do I have to manually undo every update?12:06
Pirate_Huntermuszek: do you know whats the download manager that epiphany uses, I thought it was gwget but it isnt12:07
rskok whoever replied to my thread, i just posted a reply12:08
Pirate_HunterHardyOne: just used px aux and i cant even scroll up with pageup :/ got any suggestion how i cna scrollup12:09
muszekPirate_Hunter: sorry, I don't know... in case it's some built-in thing, killing epiphany might help12:09
drainmanwhy dont u use keybord mouse thing?12:10
Pirate_Huntermuszek: yeha thats what i also thought but its such a hassle and i have to design a template site by wednesday this 4 day weekend is getting better by the second12:10
muszekPirate_Hunter: also, top lists all processes (ordered by CPU usage by default).  if it's something that gets ~100% of the CPU, you'll see it on the top12:10
Pirate_Hunterdrainman: my keyboard is a standard one it only has the standard key and no other extra functions :(12:11
drainmanPirate_Hunter, but i think it works with a standard, its a app that moves the mouse with user defined keys12:11
jinI should not have upgraded my Feisty install to Hardy :(12:12
CRaMLiNGHi, i think i found a... ehm.. bug(?) in the hardy heron beta12:12
drainmanif u got hardy then its installed by default12:12
HardyOnePirate_Hunter, ctrl+shift+arrow up12:12
pwnguinor try ps aux | less12:12
Ergo^http://www.playwielkanoc.pl/ - rotfl12:12
jinhow to NOT use puleaudio?12:12
pwnguin(q to quit)12:12
Pirate_HunterHardyOne: that wont work in terminal but thanx12:13
Skiessijin why not pulseaudio?12:13
Ergo^jin: so far audio works fine for me12:13
pwnguinPirate_Hunter: "ps aux | less" should work on your term12:13
HardyOnePirate_Hunter, it works for me in terminal12:13
jinSkiessi: when I maximize a window, I get a weird sound effect12:13
Ergo^apart non working volume control (but that was in notes )12:13
Pirate_HunterHardyOne: its control+shift+pageup on my system12:14
Pirate_Hunterpwnguin: hope so cause i had a lot of processes12:14
HardyOnewhatever works :)12:14
Skiessiyou  can set them eff12:14
bjwebbwhy is pidgin 2.3.1 in hardy12:15
bjwebbwhen 2.4 has been released?12:15
pwnguinbecause nobody asked to update it?12:15
Skiessi!info pidgin12:15
ubotupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.3.1-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 488 kB, installed size 1720 kB12:16
CRaMLiNGthe live system doesn't start, i only get a prompt with (initramfs)12:16
pwnguin2.3.1 was released on 12/7/0712:17
jinthey should include 2.3.1 in hardy :(12:17
pwnguinthey do12:18
pwnguinyou want 2.4 :P12:18
jinpwnguin: got it wrong :D12:18
bjwebbwhat I really want is msn personal messages, but i don't think thats even in 2.4 :(12:18
jinyea, I meant 2.412:18
Skiessihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule maybe because 2.4 was released after FeatureFreeze12:18
bjwebbSkiessi: okies12:19
Skiessior that debianimportfreeze12:19
SkiessiI think it will be included in 8.1012:19
raw-bin Greets. Am currently throwing caution to the winds and trying an upgrade from gutsy -> hardy beta. Am facing "dhcdbd: symbol lookup error: dhcdbd: undefined symbol: dbus_watch_get_unix_fd". Any clues on this one ? This prevents network-manager from doing its thing12:19
Skiessior some newer version12:19
Skiessiwhere you get that "dhcdbd: symbol lookup error: dhcdbd: undefined symbol: dbus_watch_get_unix_fd"12:20
raw-binSkiessi, I get that in syslog. network-manager seems to go haywire as a consequence : the tray applet flickers itself to death.12:21
Johan-_has anyone got netatalk with ssl to work in 8.04?12:22
pwnguin!info pidgin gutsy12:22
raw-binI don't know if this is related but the gnome-settings-daemon fails to start as well. I'm basically reporting off of an emergency KDE session.12:22
ubotupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu4.1 (gutsy), package size 589 kB, installed size 1720 kB12:23
HardyOneneed some quick html help. how do I center a bit of java script on the page?12:23
raw-binWhile this is premature, has anyone sailed through an upgrade from gutsy to hardy beta ?12:24
Pirate_Hunterive just started to realise how useful a mouse is after losing my one, my gosh surfing the net nowadays is so difficult, why couldnt they go back to the text version of it :D12:25
pwnguini saw someone report a few days ago that it worked flawlessly12:25
pwnguinnot exactly something that helps you though12:25
rski would like some more input if possible http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=456364212:25
Johan-_raw-bin: done one from 7.10 to alpha12:25
raw-binpwnguin, Johan-_ : Interesting. Looks like I've gone and broken something fundamentally. I thought that my configs were messed up and so created a new user and tried gnome sessions but I get the same result : gnome-settings-daemon spawns out of control and the session eventually dies.12:26
oxigeni wonder why people still buying ati cards for using them on linux?12:27
raw-binAm wondering if a clean install of hardy beta is worth trying ?12:27
hmullerraw-bin: I saw all kinds of problems with upgrades from Gutsy to Hardy in the channel yesterday.  If you run into problems download and install today's daily-live at cdimage.ubuntu.com12:27
pwnguinoxigen: becuause they promised 3d docs really hard12:28
raw-binhmuller, that's an excellent suggestion. Thanks.12:28
Johan-_raw-bin: did an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 and it all worked great. Later I decided I wanted to run 32-bit so did a clean install of alpha6 and that works fine aswell12:28
pwnguinrsk: does it really take your computer 5 minutes to boot?12:28
simonvcHey all, just installed 8.04 beta (saw it on slashdot) and installed the nvidia restricted drivers and its only offering me 640x480 as my max resolution. non-nvidia drivers work fine. Any suggestions?12:28
Johan-_raw-bin: I haven't had any problems but cant say you wount :)12:28
raw-binJohan-_, agreed! :)12:29
raw-binhmuller, was wondering if this channel is "archived" so I could read up on what people were facing ? Sorry am a bit of a noob with IRC.12:30
hmullerJohan-_:  I think an individuals hardware determines their success with upgrading from Gutsy to Beta.  I personally prefer to backup all personal stuff, install new, and restore.  Seems to present fewer problems.12:30
pwnguinraw-bin: it is12:30
ameriohey guys I've installed Hardy heron and sound doesnt work , any help?12:30
hmullerraw-bin:  I think they are at irclogs.ubuntu.com, but I'll have to check12:30
oxigenupgrading isnt tested enough on all possible custom configurations12:31
Johan-_hmuller: I have my /home on a different drive so if anythings breaks I can allways reinstall12:31
Johan-_hmuller: but If one person is able to upgrade it's proof it atleast works for some12:31
oxigenit's always better to make fresh install12:31
* bjwebb had trouble reusing his home partition12:32
rskpwnguin: no more like hm.. 1minute to boot+login12:32
hmullerraw-bin: I told you the truth, just navigate to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com and then to yesterday's date, and find #ubuntu+112:33
pwnguinrsk: the timestamps are wierd12:34
jinany one knows where I can download uslab for Hardy?12:36
rskok :)12:40
raw-binhmuller, Yes, I got those. Many thanks!12:41
jinrsk: do you know here to get it?12:41
raw-binI still seem to be the only bloke hitting these problems though!12:41
rskget what jin ?12:41
rski't in the git kernel afaik12:42
locomopreviously Brasero formatted my DVD+RW (and to wrong size) instead of Fast blanking erase (LOL?). well i trying this again, dunno about wrong size this time, but it still not fastblanking (CD-RW ok). operation should take < 20 seconds and i waiting for few minutes now12:43
rsklocomo: try k3b12:43
locomowell... "i have a problem with ubuntu", "try windows then"12:45
rskok sorry for opening my mouth12:46
amerioanyway just a noobish question , whats the different between apt-get and aptitude?12:49
locomok3b have different options for format and erase BUT its called "erase CD-RW" and "format DVD-RW" or so. LOL?12:49
HardyOneLOL? why LOL?12:50
HardyOnewhat is so funny12:51
locomowhere format CD-RW and erase DVD-RW?12:51
* HardyOne finds the unwarranted use of LOL very aggravating12:51
* HardyOne goes now LOL12:51
locomosense of humor help to keep me alive12:51
locomoits like what you prefer: to do suicide or to become idiot12:52
locomoi made my choise12:52
raw-binA question : I have a daily snapshot CD iso image. However I only have DVD R/Ws. Is it possible/safe to put a CD ISO onto a DVD ?12:53
yaccini installed it yesterday and it works, but i dont have sound or wlan12:55
bobboWhich packages do you install to try out KDE4 on Hardy?12:58
gregorybobbo: maybe kde4?13:00
jpatrickbobbo: kde4-core13:01
bobbogregory, jpatrick; thanks13:01
jpatrickbobbo: or kubuntu-desktop-kde4 or kubuntu-kde4-desktop...13:01
davekhas anyone installed beta on a hard drive yet? does the installer work to find other distros on the PC?13:01
bjwebbdavek: yeah, i installed13:01
gregoryjpatrick: core is only the core, not many applications13:01
bjwebbit found my other kubuntu install as well as my windoze13:02
jpatrickgregory: I know :) but it's enough to try it out13:02
b47619What do you reccommend to edit partitions?13:04
dr_evilfucking Brasero :( Tried to use it for the first time, to burn an ISO image "An unknown error occured. Check your disc."13:04
gregorydavek: i dont know exactly, the installer will find all partitions, not sure if it will parse the bootloader-config and check for strings like windows or ubuntu.. anyone else?13:04
bjwebbdoes apturl work with ff3 in hardy?13:04
dr_evillog shows: "stopped because of an error error = 0 message = "no message"13:04
Dekansdr_evil: wich image ?13:04
dr_evila windows xp ISO image13:04
dr_evilbut thats not really important13:05
bjwebbit knows apt: is a special link13:05
bjwebbbut asks me what app to open them with :/13:05
Dekansbecause i didn't manage to burn correctly the kubuntu hardy beta amd6413:05
dr_evilwow, and now Brasero crashed13:06
gregorybjwebb: apturl is a program?13:06
bjwebbi know13:06
bjwebbbut it shouldn't ask me what program13:06
bjwebbit should really know to use apturl13:06
bjwebbif you get what i mean13:06
davekthank gregory, I just wanted to make sure the beta installer works as well as the Gutsy installer.13:07
gregorydavek: if you have enough resources (RAM), just setup a virtual machine and try beta in that secure environment13:08
gregorybjwebb: can you give me the url that you are trying to open?13:09
davekI never have used a virtual machine, how do i one up?13:10
bjwebbwell, i was just wondering and was making my own urls13:10
gregorydavek: how much ram do you have?13:10
bjwebbor apt:inkscape13:10
davek1.25 gb13:10
bjwebbwhich works fine know ive navigated to /usr/bin/apturl and told it to use that13:10
bjwebbbut if you want to make apturl an easy way to install software13:11
bjwebbit needs to just work "out of the box"13:11
davekwould I install vmware or something like that?13:11
gregorydavek: 1.25 is really RAM (flushed if you shut down the computer) or is it harddisk memory?13:11
gregorydavek: yes, f.e.13:12
davek1.25 gb RAM is what is installed I have three hdds on this test box13:12
gregorydavek: great, that should be enough ram for a vm13:13
davekI don't know what the hdd memory is. my third hdd is a 320gb Maxtor that is a brand new13:13
davekDo I install Vmware from Synaptic?13:14
gregorydavek: you need to install qemulator or any other emulator. just search in package manager for "qemu" as search string13:14
gregorydavek: vmware is closed source, but costs no money. i recommend using open source only.13:14
yaccincan anybody please help with wlan/sound?13:15
gregorybjwebb: i can confirm that it doesnt work from ff313:15
bjwebbi think thats something that ought to be fixed for release13:15
gregorybjwebb: gnome knows how to open "apt" url, but ff3 seems to ignore gnome-registry (use gconf-editor to edit and view)13:16
gregorybjwebb: yes, please file a bug, i already filed a similar for one of the multimedia protocols13:16
davekI found qemu. Is that all I have to install. is it similar to Vmware13:17
bjwebbwell, if its a firefox behaving badly problem13:17
bjwebbthen isn't it the same bug?13:17
gregorydavek: qemu is the core, you should install a frontend. try qemulator13:17
yaccindavek: its more complicated13:17
jinwhy is the package awn-extras not available in the repo? :(13:17
Dekansdoes someone have trouble with kdm in kubuntu hardy ??13:17
gregorybjwebb: basically yes, though i havent submitted in the past concerning all external url types13:18
davekI figure it would be complicated, I should read up on it. Thanks.13:18
gregorybjwebb: you could file a new "meta" bug, and refer to the others.13:19
dpossnerhi, can someone help me with a network-problem?13:20
gregorydavek: just try, you cannot brake anything because its all virtual13:20
dpossneri have these things: http://www.devolo.com/co_EN_cs/produkte/dlan/mldlanhsethernet.html13:21
dpossnerand i can ping my router and also google, but i can not get websites to open in my browser13:21
dpossneri tried dhcp and also static, as well as the roaming mode, but nothing changes13:22
dpossnerany ideas?13:22
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davekI'll install qemu and qemulator and try it out . Once its installed I can install any OS into it?13:22
gregorydavek: yes, you can create unlimited virtual machines. the max is the hd space on your hd in reality13:23
gregorygregory: unlimited number of13:23
dpossneranybody out there? it worked perfectly in gutsy, but seems to be broken in hardy13:24
davekI'll give it a try. Thank you.13:25
ShackJackHi all - since upgrade Gutsy to Hardy, the gnome settings daemon will not start. I get a slightly broken desktop (which has desktop effects running), and when rebooting the X session breaks. Tried to kill desktop effects (compiz --kill) to see if that might causing the issue but it won't stay dead. Any thoughts?13:25
HobbseeShackJack: killing a window manager won't really help you.  use metacity --replace &13:26
dr_evilDekans the CD-R was still completely empty. I'm burning it again (in another computer, with Nero)13:27
dpossnerno ideas? how can it be possible to ping google in a terminal but not get google.com to show up in a browser???13:28
CurtmanI tried upgrading to Hardy beta from Gutsy, and now when I try to log in with Gnome it just hangs.  If I run 'strace gnome-session' it seems to be hanging while reading from the Gnome keyring socket.13:28
dbmoodbdid you have pgp stuff setup ?13:29
ShackJackThanks Hobbsee - alas trying to them start gnome-settings-daemon complains of X window system errors - does anyone know how to manually turn of desktop effects so it doesn't start on startup.. I can't find it in gconf anywhere13:29
Curtmandbmoodb: Me?  I've never set any up.  It does this even when I create a brand new account and try to log in.13:30
dbmoodboh really ... interesting ... apt-get install kdm ? kde ?...13:30
HobbseeShackJack: (re)start g-s-d after metacity.13:30
* dbmoodb wonders if that works13:30
Curtmandbmoodb: 282 packages to install for KDE.13:30
dbmoodbHobbsee: how is the upgrading from alpha to beta doing ? apt-get update anything else ?13:31
ShackJackHobbsee: I did - it complains of X windows issues - I can give you error message in a sec... I figured if I can have it *not* start desktop effects to begin with, that might smooth things over13:31
Hobbseedbmoodb: fine, afaik.  i installed beta 5, iirc13:31
Hobbseethen upgraded13:31
dbmoodbbeta 5 ?13:31
HobbseeShackJack: can't you set that in appearances, last tab or so?13:31
Hobbseeer, alpha 513:31
dbmoodboh i was on alpha 6 before, compiz-fusion buggy ? -- what graphics card13:32
ShackJackHobbsee: No - it won't "take" - evidentally because of the lack of gnome-settings-daemon... Didn't know how to manually set (via gconf or otherwsie)?13:32
dbmoodbso apt-get update, dist-upgrade all ?13:32
HobbseeShackJack: hmm13:32
ShackJackBleh - metacity --relace && gnome-setting-daemon freezes desktop - should've run separately so I can see the error message... I have to shut down and restart as if I logout/in, the X session won't stay up... Just wondeing if there have been other reports of this issue, as there's nothing exotic about my settup (I did see a big in the tracker)13:33
ShackJackAlso my wireless won't find a network :P13:34
dbmoodbshackjack which wireless network card is it ? broadcom13:34
dbmoodbhow is the state of the restricted drivers manager atm ?13:34
ShackJackdbmoodb: No - it's an intel I think - never have any problems, but whenever I upgrade to beta Ubuntu, I always seem to have that problem13:35
ShackJackHobbsee: Restarting X it says the gnome-settings-daemon received an X Windows System Error. This probably reflects a bug in the program (duh!)13:35
dbmoodbah i see yeah maybe change the setting in x.org --> to your  card instead of just intel13:35
ShackJackdbmoodb: Worked a little spotty after the upgrade, now not at all...13:36
dbmoodboh ..really13:36
dbmoodbso ... maybe i will get this bug - you are on the beta yeah ?13:37
ShackJackdbmoodb: Yep - on the beta... I dunno I always seem to have better luck with "fresh" installs vs. an upgrade... I didn't fresh install as *supposedly* (according to fsck) I have a disk error on my data partition and I didn't want the installer check to hang on it...13:38
Crusader_TechHello all.  New Linux user, and I've been running 7.10 inside virtualbox on windows.  I just downloaded and installed 8.04 beta in it's own virtualbox, but I can't seem to pick a resolution higher than 800x600.  Any suggestions?13:38
* ShackJack goes to get ISO for fresh install :)13:38
dbmoodbthere is an beta iso ?13:39
ShackJackOh yeah, for sure (at least there usually is)13:39
* ShackJack looks on web13:39
prutsertCrusader_Tech: you should install the Vbox guest additions13:40
dbmoodbmeh not on my   ftp server so no go atm13:40
Crusader_Techprutsert: Thanks for the help.  Is that a seperate download on virtualbox.org?13:40
ShackJackdbmoodb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta#head-8845f7d03a79ba22bbc3993ed0ffc8395651a9a013:40
ShackJackI'm not equipped to deal with "exotic" gnome settings/X server problems and it'll be interesting to see if a fresh install solves those issues (though I part of me hopes it *doesn't*)13:42
dbmoodbShackJack: the solution is hardly ever to install again13:42
prutsertI am m not around a box running Vbox, but if I remember correctly, you can choose to install the guestadditons when running the guest, and they will be downloaded automatically13:43
noelferreiracwillu, are you there?13:43
ShackJackdbmoodb: Weeell... I dunno - with Windows sometimes it is :)  Some of the interactions just seem to get messed up with an upgrade for some reason... I mean if I'm experiencing this, why aren't scads of other people - there's nothing exotic about my setup to say the least...13:44
dbmoodbi will see what happens with my own setup, windows is special13:44
savvasCrusader_Tech & prutsert: they're not downloaded, it's an iso, virtualboxadditions.iso or something like that13:45
savvasit gets mounted and autoruns in windows guest systems13:45
ShackJackdbmoodb: "Special" - ya, that's what Windows is :)13:45
hydrogendbmoodb: Unfortunatly, it is a lot easier most of the time to install again than to trace down both how xorg and gnome are designed and how ubuntu customizes these designs13:45
dbmoodbsavvas: doesn't it depend on what version of windows it is ? lvista addons thing there is a13:45
dbmoodbbah curse my touchpad13:45
ShackJackhydrogen: True 'dat13:45
savvasdbmoodb: i think windows 2000 and up, i don't believe they support 9813:46
ShackJackhydrogen: Especially if you have a separate home partition :)13:46
hydrogenShackJack: yep13:46
dbmoodb--- i do not believe there is a vista addons back...... in non -free ? i could be wrong (remembers using something... not sure what)13:46
savvasdbmoodb: what do you need?13:47
ShackJackhydrogen: dbmoodb: I may give a fresh install a try anyway - it'll be interesting to see if it fixes it (and my wireless issues)13:47
dbmoodbeh -- sorry i am being very vague and hard to follow13:47
dbmoodbShackJack: dmesg ?....13:47
ShackJackdbmoodb: Wait restarting - should I grep for anything in particular?13:48
savvasdbmoodb: i think i know, hm.. you need a windows xp to vista transformation pack? http://www.crystalxp.net/galerie/en.id.130.htm ?13:48
Crusader_Techsavvas: Thanks.  I'll check it out.13:48
Silvercirclehej, i search a deb packet from vmware-player. anybody knows ?13:48
dominikpossnercome on. ubuntu community, are you already tired of networking problems? :-)13:48
dbmoodbyeah -- get firmware from blah13:48
dbmoodbthat kind of thing13:48
Hobbseedominikpossner: wfm.13:48
savvasdominikpossner: what problems?13:49
prutsertanyone have trouble with hal package when running updates after installing hardy?13:49
dominikpossneri explained it already, i can ping eg google but can not open google.com in a browser13:49
dominikpossnerwith this stuff: http://www.devolo.com/co_EN_cs/produkte/dlan/mldlanhsethernet.html13:49
dbmoodbhave you got the correct dns entered dominik ?13:49
jf_Where did the font Terminal go?13:50
=== jf_ is now known as jf
savvasSilvercircle: try www.getdeb.net13:50
clustywas curios what FS would you recommend using for an external drive13:50
[B00]well heres fingers crossed if ubuntu runs like kubuntu i should be able to get it running on one of my desktops at last13:50
dominikpossnerim currently using the roaming mode, so that should do it?13:50
dbmoodbext3 ..... unless you want something faster13:50
clustyso far its ext3 but i always run into trouble mounting it form windows13:50
dbmoodbah then perhaps ntfs13:50
clustywindows driver is ext213:50
clustyand linux always thinks its screwed up13:51
clustyis ntfs support reliable?13:51
ccharles`When my laptop comes back from suspend, it emits about 6 rapid, high-pitched beeps sounding a little bit like a smoke detector. Then it shuts up, and everything seems fine. I do sometimes get a message in the notification area that it didn't suspend properly, but aside from the beeping it's working fine. Any thoughts?13:51
dbmoodb.... apparently the windows driver is ok but windows keeps wanting to fragment it or blah13:51
Silvercirclesavvas, No results found for your search. (vmware) ;)13:51
dominikpossnerwhat DNS should i enter, dbmoodb?13:51
dbmoodbthe correct one for you13:51
dominikpossnerah :-)13:52
dbmoodbthe one of your isp or your modem / router13:52
dbmoodbdepending on your setup13:52
clustydbmoodb, meaning?13:52
dominikpossnerso, something like
[B00]omg yessssssssssssssss at last :)13:52
ShackJackdominikpossner: No - you need a domain name server - out on the internet (unless you have one running in your house)... Your ISP can provide or there are public ones: http://www.tech-faq.com/public-dns-servers.shtml13:52
savvasSilvercircle: then http://www.vmware.com/download/player/ - i think they have an ./install script included13:53
dbmoodbwell you use the isps .... if you can ping you should be able to go there ...13:53
dbmoodbunless you are not on your own network and blah13:53
ShackJackdbmoodb: I can find anything in dmesg relating to my gnome setting daemon/X problem any thoughts of should I be grepping for something specific?13:54
gregorydavek: /quit13:54
Silvercirclesavvas, yes they have.. but it doesnt work. i get an error while creating the "vmware-module"  for my kernel13:54
dbmoodb-- nothing relating to x ? ... what about firmware try grep firmware13:54
flipstarklipper seems to be resetted on every login..anyone else ever had this ?13:54
savvasSilvercircle: sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-headers13:55
savvasSilvercircle: they might not work with hardy yet13:55
[B00]woooohooo finally ubuntu works on my desktop :)13:56
ShackJackdbmoodb: Nope (dmesg | grep X) nothing related to X, gnome, or firmware13:56
dbmoodbB00 and it did not before ?13:56
dbmoodbany reason why ?13:56
[B00]not sure thought it was the sata drives at first13:56
[B00]then i tried an ide and also a scsi13:57
[B00]tried loading in safe graphics mode cos of the ati card13:57
Silvercircleok thank you savvas. maybe it works with the headers ;)13:57
[B00]however never had a prob installing ubuntu on a lappy they always worked lol13:57
[B00]current lappy is a dell d41013:58
savvasSilvercircle: if it doesn't work, get the gutsy package for virtualbox, www.virtualbox.org is another app for virtual machines13:58
[B00]so i am really happy i can get it to run on the desktop at last13:58
[B00]well one of my desktops :)13:58
dbmoodba dell d410 should work nicelly13:59
[B00]and i tried all the gutsy installs 32 bit 64 bit text only lol13:59
dbmoodbd400 here :)13:59
[B00]yeah the d410 is great14:00
Curtmandbmoodb: Very strange.. I think I found the problem.  /dev/null was set to chmod 0660.  I changed it to 0666 and all seems well.14:00
[B00]i installed it on a d600 d610 d620 d63014:00
dbmoodboh and ..... why ....14:00
Silvercirclesavvas, i have virtualbox ;) but the xserver from the vmwareimage doesnt work with virtualbox... if vmwareplayer doesnt work with the headers i try to configure the xserver for virtualbox ;)14:00
dbmoodbwait why would that matter for starting up gnome and blah14:01
savvasCurtman: try chmod 0664 first, don't make your system more vulnerable :)14:01
Pirate_Hunterwhat kernel image does hardyheron use I want to test it in vbox14:01
XiXaQare you people able to use apturls with firefox?14:01
Curtmansavvas: Vulnerable by writing to /dev/null?14:01
flipstarPirate_Hunter: 2.6.24-1214:01
dbmoodbCurtman: /dev/null ---> other places14:02
Pirate_Hunterflipstar: thanx14:02
savvasCurtman: woops, didn't see what was it, that's ok :P14:02
dbmoodbfor example cat /dev/null /dev/XDSDsda (so no one tries it by accident)14:02
Curtmansavvas: Every box I've ever seen has /dev/null with world writable perms.14:02
dbmoodbyeah but owned by who Curtman ?14:03
savvasCurtman: i know, my mistake14:03
Curtmansavvas: Yeah, it seems dbmoodb is attempting to convince me otherwise though.14:03
dbmoodbno i'm not - just wanting to know what it normally is - i don't pay enough attention to it14:04
savvascrw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2008-03-21 13:50 /dev/null14:04
cwillunoelferreira, ping14:04
dominikpossnerdbmoodb, thank you a thousand times, now it's working14:05
napsy_what's wrong with hardy beta? the system becomes all shugish after a while.14:05
regelnothing's wrong with hardy14:05
dbmoodbnapsy_: its not optimised at all so ...yeah14:05
regelmore stable than gutsy ever was for me14:05
napsy_well it was fine before the updates two days before14:06
[B00]deffo works better thsn gutsy at least i caninstall it lol14:06
napsy_but now ... desktop gets laggy and I have to restart x14:06
b47619I have no /etc/config/gnome and also whenever I try to login to a normal session the xserver restarts (system stops outputting video and dumps me back at login)  I also have 2 sound cards and 2 network cards 1 onboard of each (built in to mainboard) and also an add-on card for each if that could be a cause this issue is only present in 8.04 alpha and beta onboard ATI card restricted driver for it causes more issues...14:08
b47619should I us ethe alternate install cd?14:08
savvashm... crw-rw-rw- what does that c mean?14:08
[B00]b47619 if you are not using onboard they should be disabled14:09
[B00]via the bios so you dont get conflicts14:09
dbmoodblovely gdm segfaults as i'm updating14:09
b47619I switch between the onboard and add-on...14:09
b47619ubuntu doesn't like the add-on14:10
[B00]you should use one or the other not both14:10
dbmoodb-- wifi ?14:10
[B00]try disabling the onboard and see what happens14:10
b47619the one is a creative audi pci...14:10
b47619doesn't work in ubuntu...14:11
dbmoodbbeta ?14:11
[B00]i know i had probs with ethernet with onboard so i disabled it and shoved in a pci one worked fine14:11
b47619works fine in the final release of 7.04 and 7.1014:11
b47619i wonder if I can disable the onboard card...14:12
dbmoodboh ah might be using firmware from elsewhere -- the restricted driver manager is being weird atm (i'm not update with it and all tho)14:12
b47619ubuntu doesn't even seem to find the add-on14:12
[B00]its easy normally found in the bios under advanced and onboard14:12
b47619audio card it is a Creative Audio PCI card from a computer made in 2000 on a computer from 2005 same qwith network card...14:13
[B00]could be because you got both enabled so they are conflicting14:13
[B00]i have a 5.1 live14:13
[B00]in the other pc works fine14:13
[B00]and that is old14:14
b47619now to disable the add-on with out removing it...14:14
[B00]you cant14:14
b47619better just remove it...14:14
b47619Though it has worked fine with 7.04 and 7.10?14:14
[B00]disable the onboard and leave the add on14:15
[B00]see if it works fully14:15
b47619I will try to get the creative card to work in ubuntu...14:15
[B00]creative will work fine m814:15
b47619ok must be a conflict then...14:15
b47619it is an ols card...14:15
[B00]well ya do have 2 different types of soundcard running lol14:16
Infecto i just install fres 8.04 alpha14:16
b47619Hello what is your issue?14:16
Infectoand :) i see only 3g of ram14:16
Infectobut i have 4g14:16
[B00]did you get the 64 bit version?14:16
Infectodo i need to recompile kernel?14:16
b47619do you have a built in video card?14:16
Infecto[B00]: no i dont14:16
Infectob47619: no i have nv 860014:17
Infectoits not buiilt in14:17
bjwebbi can no longer add new users :/14:17
Curtmansavvas: Any idea what package I could reinstall or reconfigure to reset all permission in /dev?  It seems lots of stuff is screwed up in there for some reason.14:17
dr_evilwithout PAE you won't see the full 4 GB14:17
theunixgeekI got the beta and now during usplash startup the little loading bar keeps bobbing back and forth instead of progressing like usual. Then a BusyBox thing pops up. What do I do?14:17
[B00]well my 4 gig shows up fine using the 64 bit version but do you have a 64 bit processor.......... sorry should have asked that14:17
dr_evilwith 32 bit that is14:17
Infectodr_evil: yes i read it, i havrt t9300 core duo 214:18
Infectoi have14:18
b47619sounds like a corrupted file system or corrupte dinstall if you only get a busybox shell...14:18
[B00]you need the 64 bit m814:18
Infectojust install kernel or reinstall all system?14:18
dr_evilthe PCI cards need some memory ranges in the 4GB space, thus not the full 4GB RAM are useable14:18
b47619theunix geek read above14:18
theunixgeekInfecto: system14:18
bjwebbuser settings is broke :S14:18
theunixgeekshould I try booting with kernel 2.6.24-12-generic instead of  -386?14:19
dr_evilPAE isn't relyable on most consumer boards, i don't know if it is included in any kernel by default14:19
theunixgeekyay it's going! :D14:19
theunixgeekI decided to boot with kernel 2.6.24-12-generic.14:20
theunixgeekOooh I like the new xubuntu login screen14:20
[B00]theunixgeek me too :)14:20
Infectoso dl new iso 64bit and reinstall it yes?14:21
Infectobut what will be better if i have 32bit cpu14:21
Infectoi dont lose anything?14:21
savvasCurtman: well.. I could give you my list and you compare with a diff file1 file2 ?14:22
Infectoi mean speed14:22
[B00]should improve14:23
Curtmansavvas: Sure.  I wish I knew what happened to it.  It was fine before the Hardy dist-upgrade.14:23
[B00]its runnning pretty fast on my amd xp 64 bit 4200 with 4 gig14:23
Infectothanks a loot14:23
[B00]no prob14:23
[B00]but i am still a linux noob most guys here should be able to help you more :)14:24
b47619disabled the onboard and the live cd still win't boot... the same thing happens on live cd and on the install... so I though I would try the live cd...14:29
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[B00]what happens when you try the live cd? blank screen?14:30
savvasCurtman: ls -l1 /dev/ at http://pastebin.ca/raw/95274714:30
b47619no same tthing xserver restarts14:31
[B00]try taking out the pci sound card and enabling the onboard see if that works?14:31
b47619everytime or almost everytime I turn on my computer I get this weird distorted image i have hit the computer a few times to stop this buzzing sound that usb devices sometimes make though... that was a while ago and now the issue is becoming more frequent...14:31
Curtmansavvas: Strange.. Mine is very different. http://curtman.mine.nu:8080/~curtis/devlist.txt14:31
[B00]b47619 i just got it running on my desktop where 7.10 would not work14:32
b47619.i think it is the video card...  is fine14:32
[B00]what vid card?14:33
b47619hold on xchat-gnome ran into an error14:33
sayersHello. I can't seem to get java to work properly , .jnlp extended files do not wokr.14:35
savvasCurtman: try this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall base-files udev14:35
thompai got this usb device but wont mount anymore Bus 002 Device 005: ID 054c:0325 Sony Corp.14:36
thompaonly device i have is cdrom14:37
savvasCurtman: if that doesn't work, I've never done the next command, but it could work: sudo dpkg-reconfigure udev14:38
Curtmansavvas: I tried that one already.. Trying the reinstall now.14:39
noelferreiracwillu, are you there?14:39
thompasavvas: that might work for me too come to think of it14:40
thompaanybody having usb device problems?14:41
savvasthompa: well.. give it a shot :)14:41
Curtmansavvas: I don't think it changed anything.  I'll continue manually comparing for now.14:41
thompathe beta install broke usb but the upgrade works for some reason14:41
savvasCurtman: how about this.. cp -R /dev/ to some backup dir, and reinstall udev14:42
overridexi don't think copying /dev/zero and /dev/urandom, etc. will go well14:43
savvasCurtman: sorry, backup with sudo, remove its contents and reinstall14:43
savvasCurtman: it's risky btw :)14:43
CurtmanI think it may be time to admit defeat and download a live CD..14:43
CurtmanI can't open a gnome terminal, the panel doesn't work..  This thing is very sick.  Euthanize it before it suffers any more.. Haha14:44
thompatake a daily build, there are lots of updates already14:45
=== Mark_Milliman is now known as Mark_M|Away
SkiessiI think the wallpaper should be centered when it's zoomed to fill the screen, :| now it shows only the left part and cuts the rest with 16:9 wallpapers in 4:3 screen14:47
jimmygoonThe intel driver n 855gm is simply slow. The redraw time for gtk apps is pathetic :(14:47
thompajimmygoon: did you try no effects14:49
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_Milliman
jimmygoonthompa it is darn near impossible to use if I DONT turn them off :(14:50
Curtmanthompa: This one?  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20080322/14:50
thompaCurtman: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/hardy-desktop-i386.iso14:50
thompaone im downloading ?14:50
Curtmanthompa: Just found that one.. Good stuff.14:51
thompai think all the hal updates are there probably. i hope14:51
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:52
thompakubuntu looks awsome and has desktop effects setting14:53
kbrooks_when will the oldest supported ubuntu release (which?) be EOL'd14:53
CurtmanOuch.. 40KB/sec.  I hope there's a faster mirror.14:53
gewhey guys ... how do i disable NetworkManager  .... i cant connect to wifi , cpu goes crazy .. i wanna do it manually till the fix up shows off14:54
thompa56 minutes remaining  120kbs14:54
catweazlegew: apt-get --purge remove network-manager14:56
gewcatweazle: thank you14:56
thompaCurtman: 243kbs from cdimage but lots of users14:56
gewdo i need to stop it first14:56
abarbacciagew: that will remove it. you might just want to kill it since that'll probably remove ubuntu-desktop14:57
jhaigI have just installed Hardy (beta downloaded yesterday).  I have tried setting the networking to take DHCP and a static IP address and in both cases, the networking doesn't get set up properly on boot.  With "roaming mode" set, the networking gets set up properly when I log in, but this is no good for me as I need to set up NIS and NFS at boot time.  Has anyone else seen this issue?14:57
abarbacciagew: and with the changes being pushed you might lose out on some packages, etc14:57
cwillunoelferreira ping14:58
Skiessilol gnome system monitor disappeared from the administration menu by the last upgrade14:59
lopovhey guys im having issues upgrading from dapper to hardy. my upgrade tool crashes when i run the cdromupgrade script and i cant seem to find the adept_manager in my install but i do have adept... any ideas?15:04
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aileanupgrade to hardy has stopped my sound working - can anyone help?15:08
abarbacciaailean: check to make sure all the volumes are turned up15:11
aileanabarbaccia, done that15:11
abarbacciaailean: theres a script on the wiki which will generate a huge debug file for you - then submit it as a bug15:12
aileank thanks15:12
abarbacciafor debugging sound15:12
abarbacciaailean: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems15:14
aileanexcellent, thanks abarbaccia15:14
maneySo from time to time I accidentally make a "gesture" that Hardy interprets to mean "oh, switch tot he other workspace and really confuse him".  Where can I turn that stupidity off?15:16
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mcquaidok how do i permanently disable trackerd?15:17
mcquaidnot just for this user15:17
nevoeirodoes anyone know when this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/153195) is going to be fixed? it's really annoying to have the computer using almost 30% cpu all the time...15:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153195 in linux-source-2.6.22 "ksoftirqd/0 always using about 30% cpu time" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:19
lopovhow come im missing adept_manager??? even though that i have installed adept?? am i missing something?15:19
Bateljehello,how can i have sudo rights at a liveCD (xubuntu 8.04 beta) ? i need to copy MP3 files from disk sdb to sda before i install xubuntu15:20
Bateljeand i cant reach the mp3 files because ihe says 'permission denied' when i click the folder 'desktop' at sdb15:20
maneyoh, and while I'm poking aeround looking for clues, what's with the things (eg., the crufty "help reader") that appear without a frame and so cannot be moved or resized so as to be usable?15:21
cdm10Is anyone here running Hardy in a VirtualBox VM?15:24
bjwebbhmmmm, flash and java don't seem to isntall properly15:25
_MMA_Anyone having issue with devices that SANE can recognize being busy? Something changed between Alpha6 and Beta.15:27
pagan0nehey guys, anyone have any problems with the 8.04 beta cd hanging on install while trying to set the system clock?15:29
Ashexso.....how does one reconfigure the video driver and resolutions without dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?15:29
Curtman1 hour, 27 minutes remaining..  :(15:30
kebinusanthe joy of beta15:30
AshexI'm trying to configure a system over ssh15:31
Ashexand the old method for setting up video driver and resolution doesn't work15:31
kebinusansomehow, lets get a version of vlc to work well with pulseaudio turned into me installing alsa from source and recompiling wine, and its not even noon yet15:31
pagan0neso no-one else has a problem where 8.04 hangs on install off the live cd while trying to set the system clock?15:32
pagan0newell, anyone have any suggestions on how to install 8.04 if the install hangs every time?15:34
bjwebbin firefox 3.0 b4 on ubuntu hardy beta, the only directory from which plugins seem to be read is /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b4/plugins15:36
gregorypagan0ne: start installation with switches disabling problematic hardware15:36
gregorypagan0ne: or things like acpi etc15:36
pagan0negregory: how would i do that?15:37
flipstarbjwebb: $HOME/.mozilla/plugins also15:38
kebinusanpulse audio seems pretty nice15:38
Asa_ADoes anyone here know how to make gnome's panels not stay on top of everything? I'm trying to play WoW (in wine) in fullscreen and sometimes it covers the panels and other times it won't.15:38
Ashexso nobodu knows?15:38
AshexI assumed it was a pretty simple question15:38
bjwebbflipstar: yeah, true, but i want stuff to install systemwide15:38
bjwebbwhy is stuff not being read from /usr/lib/firefox/plugins ?15:39
kebinusanAsa_A: I just switch my WM when I launch wow, for some reason that seems to fix it temporarily .. course for some reason my title bars in compiz are screwed up in 8.0415:39
kebinusanAsa_A: not a solution, but installing fusion-icon lets you toggle your wm pretty handily15:40
Asa_Akebinusan: I turned compiz off and that didn't help, is that what you mean?15:40
kebinusanAsa, I have to toggle between compiz/metacity after wow launches each time I logon in 8.04 but after I do that it seems fine for the session, so far at least15:41
kebinusanonly been playing with it for a day or so15:41
Ashex!xorg > me15:42
jimmygoonAny good reason why I can connect to my server from my windows box but NOT from my ubuntu machine OR the windows VM inside ubuntu?? this is the craziest thing evar15:42
AlienXmaybe a couple of bizarre questions but does hardy's alternate CD have install time encryption as an option, and also, will there be any repercussions if I do a fresh install over a system that already has hd encryption (gutsy system)?15:42
gregorypagan0ne: one moment15:42
Asa_Akebinusan: thanks, but that doesn't seem to work for me, the other thing i've found to do is shrink both panels to the corner and use compiz to make them almost completely transparent15:43
pagan0nehow would i start the live-cd and disable any hardware that might cause freezing issues? how would i know what hardware to disable?15:43
kebinusanlast time I had a similar problem I just dragged the panels to my other display when I launched wow, I cant remember how I ended up fixing it15:43
jimmygoonwait, how do I disable ufw15:45
flipstarsudo ufw disable15:46
flipstarsee man ufw15:46
jimmygoonflipstar, well its not even running right now though15:46
jimmygoonwth. I still can't connect15:47
flipstarjimmygoon: you have samba /smbclient installed ?15:47
ichatis there a  link related to  *un official know to work hardware - kind of like where i can check if other users got my lappy to work with Hardy?15:47
jimmygoonflipstar, yeah15:47
jimmygoonflipstar, sorry, I meant FTP15:47
jimmygoonwhich makes it even stranger15:47
flipstarcan you access the box from other computer/can you connect to other ftps ?15:48
jimmygoonI can connect to MY server but not the OTHER.... but I can access EITHER from my windows box downstairs15:48
flipstarwhats the error message ?15:48
jimmygoonflipstar, it never receives the welcome message from the server15:49
gregorypagan0ne: ok, i found it15:50
pagan0negregory thanx15:51
gregorypagan0ne: in the installer hit f6, then add: noapic nolapic acpi=off and hit enter15:51
gregorygregory: its not a magic command, but helps in many cases15:51
pagan0negregory, thanx15:52
pagan0negregory noapic nolapic and acpi=off, u sure its not noacpi?15:53
clustywith hardy I am having some sound problems: somehow I can't have multiple apps using the sound card anymore15:54
gregorypagan0ne: acpi is controlled by "acpi=off"15:54
clustyhas the system change in gnome?15:54
pagan0negregory ok, thats cool, well i gotta reboot now15:54
pagan0negregory thanks for the help, cross your fingers for me, i really hope this works... i HATE vista, and thats what came with this laptop15:55
clustyanyone experiencing sound issues?15:56
jimmygoon(not personally)15:57
ShizuoDoes this no-partition thingy from Ubuntu 8 works?16:00
Mark_MillimanDoes anyone use Banshee?16:00
T1m0thyAny reason why the weather part of the clock would say 30 F without hovering, but 21.3 F when hovering?16:00
clustyMark_Milliman, i used to use banshee16:01
T1m0thyI used to.16:01
Mark_MillimanBecause the multimedia keys plugin seems to have disappeared with 0.13.2 from the beta disto16:01
Mark_Millimanclusty, the mouse button events are bound to the X86 media events but banshee isn't recognizing them16:03
clustysorry cant help you amigo :D16:03
Mark_Millimanclutsy, np, thanks16:04
sharperguyAre there any major problems with hardy at the moment? (I assume not since its beta)16:07
kebinusanpulseaudio is a little wonky16:07
ichatwell - thats logics i cant seem to follow up on16:07
sharperguyhow do you mean?16:07
kebinusanyou may have some trouble with some media players16:07
ichatif no known probs where there... it would n't be beta ;)16:08
sharperguyhence the "major"16:08
ichatit would (at least) be an RC16:08
sharperguyAs long as I can use amarok and something to play video ill be fine16:08
sharperguythen again how is it for xine apps?16:09
kebinusanI had problems with xine stuff and choppy audio tbh, but ymmv16:09
kebinusanmplayer worked fine tho16:09
nosrednaekimmy freind just installed hardy, is there a known issue with Intel wireless?16:10
bjwebbokay, from what i can tell firefox 3b4 on ubuntu hardy is looking for plugins in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0 and /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b4 but not /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins or  /usr/lib/firefox/plugins; which means the flash and java plugins aren't opened even thoguh they are installed16:10
sharperguyI could still theorettically put up with it as long as it was fixed before release16:10
ichathmmz me throws them all out in favor of  vlc (but thats just my quarky ways)16:10
sharperguyvlc is good16:10
bazhangnosrednaekim: the kde3 and kde4 versions as well as gnome have all worked well for me; that is the 3945 intel wireless16:10
nosrednaekimbazhang: ok16:10
sharperguyoh anyone using the rt kernel with it?16:11
kebinusanichat, I had problems with VLC, 5sec difference in video/audio, and I couldnt compile the newest build with PA support because it requires libasoun2 > 1.0.16 which hardy doesnt have16:11
sharperguyand I've already managed to break my suspend and hibernate16:11
ichatkebinusan:  - thnx for the warning16:11
kebinusanif you can manage to get alsa 1.0.16 on hardy though, the new vlc is verynice with PA support16:12
nosrednaekimbazhang: ah, this is a ipw496516:12
ichathardy will be the first  (linux)  on my lappy...16:12
T1m0thyAnyone else get like.. colored glitchy lines as they open Firefox? Not sure if it's on other things too, that's just what I always notice it on.16:12
gregoryT1m0thy: yes, i ignore it, restart or move the window16:13
ichatwhen its released stable though :P16:13
T1m0thyGregory, yeah, it doesn't really matter, it goes away without me touching it. Just wondering.16:13
gregoryT1m0thy: it doesnt look very professional. but on the whole there are more urgent issues ;-)16:14
sebbarhi, does the kde4 version of kubuntu come with webkit?16:14
Mark_MillimanT1m0thy, no video artifacts here16:15
ichatkde and webkit? :O16:15
nosrednaekimsebbar: no16:15
sebbarnosrednaekim: ok, tnx16:15
Mark_Millimanmay be a compiz and driver issue, check to see if it happens with other programs16:15
T1m0thyHmm.. I have an Intel 945.16:15
T1m0thyI'm not using Compiz.16:15
ichatwebkit's hardly stable (last time i tryed it about  3months ago)  - it was way to borky (regardles if id use the  QT or the GTK frontend16:16
jimmygoonT1m0thy, I always get those.. Intel driver   855gm16:16
Mark_MillimanI seem to recall some Intel 945 driver issues with the -12 kerne3l16:16
=== TheImp is now known as TheInfinity
=== gregory is now known as gregory_break
_MMA_Anyone know where a Alpha-6 mirror is?16:22
TheInfinity_MMA_: hardy has gone beta16:23
TheInfinityyou wont find alpha616:23
TheInfinityexcept via bittorrent16:23
_MMA_I know what I asked. ;)16:23
TheInfinityok then -> bittorrent :)16:23
_MMA_flipstar: torrent.ubuntu.com Doesnt have the torrent.16:25
TheInfinity_MMA_: i could give it to you if i find it here ...16:26
_MMA_TheInfinity: Thanx. I found one.16:27
_MMA_Something has changed with SANE and I need to compare the beta vs. alpha6.16:28
=== gregory_break is now known as gregory
MajornikkuI would like to run the new beta on a 1.12 TB with 4 Partions with winblows® on one16:35
AlienXdoes hardy's alternate CD have install time encryption as an option, and also, will there be any repercussions if I do a fresh install over a system that already has hd encryption (gutsy system)?16:35
savvasMajornikku: and? go ahead16:35
Majornikkuof the parts. with ubuntu and the other 2 will be data archives16:37
Majornikkuwill ubuntu work on a 1.12 TB raid?16:37
AlienXMajornikku, sure, why wouldn't it?16:37
savvasMajornikku: grab a livecd and try it out :)16:37
flipstarMajornikku: a hardware raid ?16:37
flipstarthen sure16:38
Majornikkugusty had a probleme with my raiod so i figure i wanted to ask first :)16:38
ubotuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM16:39
savvasMajornikku: well.. if you still have a problem, do: lspci -nnv and send the output along with a bug report at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu16:40
scompanyhi everyone16:41
ReL1Kwhens the release date for hardy?16:41
alex_mayorgahow do I turn off SCIM16:41
savvasReL1K: google hardy release schedule16:41
ReL1Ksavvas, sure did and theres about 4 different release dates, most say end of march16:41
savvasReL1K: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule16:42
ReL1Kurr april16:42
savvasgive or take 5 days :)16:42
ReL1Khehe thanks16:42
jkliffhi folks. i'm upgrading to hardy from gutsy right now16:42
scompanyCould someone help me with a problem... I just installed 8.04 beta and it's very slow when compiz is enabled...16:42
luinfanado you have compiz-fusion?16:42
savvasscompany: you have ati?16:43
scompanynop, I have intel 94516:43
jkliffi have this silly question: i clicked unfortnately on cancel when i was asked to keep or update my php conf files.16:43
savvassomeone else had problems with ati and xgl, the same problem16:43
scompanyHow did he fix it?16:43
jkliffthus, everything later that depended on php says there were dependency problems. ok. i know it does. how do i force it to reconfigure this unconfigured packages later?16:44
luinfanait worked fine in gutsy/your previous version?16:44
savvasscompany: no idea, he disabled compiz and xgl :) file a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu16:44
scompanyyes it worked fine in gutsy16:44
luinfanayeah, I'd file a bug16:44
luinfananot sure16:44
pagan0mehey, i just managed to install ubuntu on my laptop, however the installer was unable to install GRUB, so i cant boot it, its installed onto sda with ubuntu on sda2 and vista on sda1, how do i manually install grub, su grub-install sda doesnt seem to work16:45
burkendo i have to uninstall old nvidia drivers before upgrading?16:45
AlexLatchfordAnyone have any ideas on how to keep a netgear wireless card connected after a restart? I am using ndiswrapper with the windows driver.. :)16:45
overridexburken: mine were all screwed up from a manual change that i had made to them, so i had to...16:45
jkliffscompany, i have the same video here. let's see what happens when it finishes installing here. do you have the right x drivers for the 945 installed?16:45
scompanyI have intel drivers, I also tried i810 but problem remains..16:46
luinfanait's like, choppy?16:47
scompanyyes, you could describe it like that...16:48
pagan0mesorry its ubuntu 8.04 version16:48
rsktake a look if possible http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=456364216:48
MFenanyone know how to change (or get rid of) the launching of an application every time an ipod is plugged in?16:48
MFencurrently gnome launches rhythmbox every time i plug in an ipod16:48
luinfanaI've got a question...my system beep stays on even after disabling it in the sound menu. It's really annoying...16:48
nosrednaekimscompany: run "apt-cache policy xserver-xgl"16:49
MFenoh, wait, never mind, i found it16:49
scompany  Installed: (none)16:49
scompany  Candidate: 1:
scompany  Version table:16:49
scompany     1: 016:49
scompany        500 http://hr.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages16:49
scompanyshould I install xserver-xgl?16:50
nosrednaekimscompany: ok, you are good then.... no don't install it16:50
pagan0megrr, this is getting a little frustrating....16:50
=== pagan0me is now known as pagan0ne
savvas!grub | pagan0ne16:51
ubotupagan0ne: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:51
jkliffi just got an error while upgrading16:51
jkliffrelated to the previously unconfigured packages...16:51
jkliffanyone knows what to do?16:52
luinfanawhat's the error, specifically?16:52
savvasjkliff: sudo apt-get -f install16:52
pagan0nesavvas, well if its installed to sda2 and i sudo grub-install sda then it should install, but instead it exits with this error: Format of install_device not reconized.16:52
jkliffluinfana, previously (by my mistake) php was left unconfigured16:53
jkliffso now i got:16:53
jkliffErrors were encountered while processing:16:53
jkliff libapache2-mod-php516:53
jkliff php5-mysql16:53
jkliff php516:53
jkliff phpmyadmin16:53
nosrednaekimpagan0ne: /dev/sda16:53
jkliffand alter thus a stack trace16:53
pagan0nenosrednaekim, ahh thx16:53
blahbohi all. i noticed the sensitivity in iwl3945 is much worse than it used to be in ipw3945. any way of improving the link sensitivity or to revert to ipw3945?16:53
luinfanajkliff: OK, so what does it tell you?16:53
pagan0nenosrednaekim, Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.16:53
savvaspagan0ne: it doesn't work with sata devices, from my experience, there's a way using the grub command though: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-7fb1c88570b006aa14b7daaef2238b432b7f73c816:54
nosrednaekimpagan0ne: this is on the liveCD?16:54
scompan1sorry, I had a connection problem..16:54
blahboalso 'iplist scan' with iwl3945 renders less channels than iwp3945.. any similar experiences?16:54
jkliffit tells me 3 tmes about a bad file descriptor, but doens't tell me what file:16:54
jkliffTraceback (most recent call last):16:54
jkliff  File "logging/__init__.py", line 753, in emit16:54
jkliff    self.flush()16:54
jkliff  File "logging/__init__.py", line 731, in flush16:54
jkliff    self.stream.flush()16:54
jkliffIOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor16:54
jkliffthis error, 3 times in a row. and then ends.16:54
orvokkiFlood. :/16:54
nosrednaekim!pastebin | jkliff16:54
ubotujkliff: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:54
jkliffdist upgrade stopped on 'installing the upgrades16:54
pagan0nenosrednaekim, yes, i just finished running the installer off the live cd, the installer went to install grub, crashed with a fatal error, and before i reboot i need grub installed16:54
luinfanait just quit?16:54
jkliffnosrednaekim, ubotu. i'm really sorry. i'l use that.16:54
nosrednaekimpagan0ne: ah ok, simple enough, run "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt"16:55
jkliffluinfana, the window is still open.16:55
pagan0nejkliff, thanks, was getting to me there... lol16:55
orvokkipagan0ne: Is there supposed to be a boot partition on the disk?16:55
jkliff:( won't happen again. old habits die hard, you know...16:55
luinfanajkliff: did you try removing any partial changes you might have made when trying to setup PHP?16:55
pagan0neorvokki, its setup as follows, sda1 is vista, sda2 is kubuntu "/"  no /boot or swap partitions16:56
loa_Hello, how i can deinstall old kernels?16:56
orvokkiAh, right.16:56
Mark_Millimanloa_, Synaptic Package Manger is the easiest way to do it.16:56
nosrednaekimpagan0ne: then run "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda"16:56
jkliffluinfana, not. i didn't try removing anything. i just let the upgrade process continue, thinking i would be able to fix php later on16:56
orvokkinosrednaekim: I'd have done that with a chroot but I suppose that's better.16:57
Mark_Millimanloa_, just search for the versions that you want to remove16:57
loa_Mark_Milliman, thank you.16:57
Mark_Millimanloa_, I use to manually remove everything, but sometimes you don't find all of the files16:57
luinfanajkliff: well, if you remove PHP completely, and then run the upgrade, then the installer will probably overwrite the files with the new default versions, and you won't get an error.16:57
Mark_Millimanloa_, np16:57
loa_but how i can make it from console/16:57
jkliffluinfana, assuming this is just a php thing, apt-get -f install should be enough?16:58
nikoshi all16:58
luinfanayeah I think so16:58
nikosI got a problem with a fresh install of hardy beta16:58
jklifflet's try16:58
nosrednaekimorvokki: chroot doesn't work because it doesn't have a /dev yet16:58
orvokkiHmm, right.16:58
nikosI can not get the native resolution of my screen (nvidia gpu,restricted drivers enabled)16:58
orvokkinosrednaekim: So you'd have to mount that too. Ok, your way is seriously better and less complex.16:58
orvokkinosrednaekim: That is, I completely forgot the phase where you mount the livecd /dev into chroot /dev. :)16:59
nikosany bugreports on that?16:59
nosrednaekimnever knew that method;)16:59
luinfanajkliff: if apt-get -f install doesn't work, then just completely remove PHP (apt-get remove packagename)17:00
Mark_Millimanlao_, look at the man page for aptitude and grep for the kernels you want to remove17:00
Mark_Millimanthen run aptitude with the appropriate flags to remove the desired kernel packages17:00
steph_Is there someone here who use hardy/ltsp/virtualbox ?17:01
jkliffluinfana, at first it though a dpgk-reconfigure would suffice.17:01
luinfanaand it didn't?17:01
jkliffluinfana, i didn't get to that. i had this error still in the upgrade process.17:01
Mark_Millimanlao_, aptitude purge (regexp for kernel) will do the trick, look at the man page first so you don't do any real damage17:02
scompan2sorry for being boring, but i had connection problem once again...17:02
luinfanajkliff: I still think you should just try to remove the PHP packages, and retry the upgrade.17:02
h3sp4wnDoes anyone else have issues accessing wireless channels 12/1317:02
luinfanaif it's not giving you any other options17:02
h3sp4wn(wpa_supplicant is fine but network-manager won't have any of it⎈)17:03
scompan2did someone maybe said something to me after i asked if i need to instal xorgserver-xgl17:03
nosrednaekimscompan2: yeah.. I said don't17:04
scompan2ok, i didn't... you do have any other suggestion maybe17:04
nosrednaekimscompan2: not really, I don't have a intel card17:05
scompan2ok, thanks anyway..17:06
overridexscompan1: you don't need XGL for compiz with an intel card17:06
overridexjust need to enable AIGLX in your xorg.conf17:06
jkliffluinfana, i just want to be sure i will be carrying on with my update properly regardless of having php installed or not17:07
jkliffand i'm not really sure i am17:07
scompan2my compiz works, but it's veeery slow, especially when scrolling something, like in firefox...17:07
muszekI just plugged in external monitor (1280x1024) to my laptop (1440x900).  It displays same content on both screens.  On the laptop screen gnome panels are shown as if the laptop had the same resolution as the external monitor - upper panel is shortened to 1280px, lower is not shown (it's "below the fold").  How should I proceed from here?  I'd like to have different stuff shown on both screens (what's the point otherwise...)17:07
scompan2and I don't have enabled AIGLX17:07
overridexscompan1: is it using direct rendering?  (glxinfo | grep ^direct)17:08
jkliffupdate-manager --devel-release (the way i started upgrading in the first place) suggests there are only a handful of packages to upgrade...17:08
pagan0nenosrednaekim, The file /mnt/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.17:08
luinfanaOK, let me just make sure we're on the same page. The upgrade manager is giving you an error about PHP configs, and no options to skip configuration or anything, so basically you have a paused upgrade window at this point.17:08
nosrednaekimpagan0ne: you need to do a reinstall.17:08
savvas17:54:04 < savvas> pagan0ne: it doesn't work with sata devices, from my experience, there's a way using the grub command though:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-7fb1c88570b006aa14b7daaef2238b432b7f73c817:08
muszekI have intel x3100 onboard GPU (the one that comes with C2D santa rosa)17:09
jkliffluinfana, exactly. just one thing: this is what i _had_. already closed that and am trying to recover from whre i stopped.17:09
savvasno one ever listens to me :P17:09
* nosrednaekim reads savvas's link17:09
scompan2I don't understand it... everything worked fine with in gutsy with same xorg conf..17:10
jkliffluinfana, but it seems for the better now: update-manager --devel-release is asking me again about php.17:10
* savvas sens nosrednaekim a treat :p17:10
savvasif only pagan0ne would read it :)17:10
jkliffnow i don't know wheter the upgrade will be complete, as it stopped in the middle...17:10
nosrednaekim!helpersnack | savvas17:10
ubotusavvas: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:10
pagan0nesavvas, i am reading it, but it takes alot of effort to read that and keep up here17:11
savvaspagan0ne: then.. just read the guide, if it doesn't work, you come back here17:11
jkliffluinfana, ok, now i don't know where i'm standing.17:12
jkliffthat php problem got fixed, but i don't think the upgrade is complete17:12
luinfanaOK, if the upgrade manager is closed, then just start another upgrade17:13
luinfanaif your PHP problem is fixed, as you say17:13
luinfanado update-manager --devel-release17:13
jkliffit is what i did17:13
jkliffand it finished already17:13
jkliffshouldn't it do the whole thing, including asking to reboot and all?17:14
luinfanaSo if you run that command, you don't get "New Distribution Release 8.10 Available?"17:14
jkliffnot again.17:14
jkliffi did at first. now i don't17:14
luinfanayes, it should, but since you had an error, you should run it again17:14
luinfanathat's not good17:14
nosrednaekimjkliff: you can just run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"17:14
AlexHoover"sudo upgrade-manager -d" too.17:15
jkliff...0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:15
luinfananosrednaekim: but will dist-upgrade show hardy beta?17:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about initramfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:16
jkliffi tryied them all and none says anythng specific about hardy. at first updatemanager --devel-... did, but not no.17:16
luinfanait says "your system is up to date?"17:16
jkliffdo-release-upgrade --devel-release tells me No new release found as well17:16
jkliffluinfana, yes17:16
luinfanaOK, then unless anyone else here has a better suggestion, you should probably just restart and fix any problems you have after that17:17
luinfanahow far along was it?17:17
pagan0nesavvas, ok, error from the grub install: Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition   returned from        setup  (hd0)17:18
AlexHooverOkay, this is really weird. So, I upgraded from 7.x with all the latest updates to the Hardy BETA last night, and the upgrade went smooth or whatever. But, when I boot up, it goes to the Ubuntu loading screen, and instead of going to the login screen, it goes to a shell-like screen. I says something abotu "initramfs" and "BusyBox".17:18
AlexHooverDid the install muck up?17:19
jkliffluinfana, restart you mean the computer, right? this means you think i have the upgrade only half way ready, right?17:19
nosrednaekimAlexHoover: yes.... do you have an older kernel around?17:19
AlexHoovernosrednaekim, I discs for Ubuntu 7.x and 6.x17:20
stefgAlexHoover: you are apparently stuck in the initial ramdisk file system... usually this means that the kernel doesn't findthe root-fs17:20
pagan0nenosrednaekim, im gonna take your advice and reinstall as i seem to be working from a hosed system....17:20
AlexHooverWhat do you think I should do to fix it?17:20
luinfanajkliff: Yes, but I think you were probably far enough along to have a working system. Back up important files and do a reboot.17:20
jkliffbacking up already... sadly this is my work laptop ;) hehe too many important files17:21
HetaUmahi. Just installed hardy and I'm having some trouble with my wifi adapter. At 7.10 I could see the card in restricted drivers and install it from there. Now it's not on restricted drivers and though it seems to recognise that I have a wifi card it doesn't scan or give me any list of networks17:21
jkliff(ok ok i know. upgrading to beta on a work machine is not the most smart thing to do, but i trust ubuntu folks ;))17:21
HetaUmacard is a boradcom BCM430617:22
luinfanajkliff: yeah, I'm questioning my sanity for upgrading my laptop...I use it for everything17:22
luinfanaHetaUma: type "ifconfig" in a terminal17:23
jkliffi don't question mine. i know i'm a little deranged ;)17:23
HetaUmaluinfana, nope it's not there :(17:23
luinfanaHetaUma: OK, I have the same problem. It appeared as wlan0 in gutsy, but it's completely gone in hardy.17:23
=== john_ is now known as jkliff
luinfananot sure how to help...can someone help both of us?17:24
HetaUmaluinfana, same card too ?17:24
jkliffok. i'll reboot17:24
luinfanano, mine's a iwl4965 (intel), but still, the issue is that your wireless card disappears after upgrade17:24
luinfanait shows up in lspci, but not ifconfig17:25
xtknightwoohoo hardy livecd17:26
Infectook :) i reinstall to x64 8.04 alpha17:27
Infectoor beta :)17:27
Infecto 5552 root      20   0 26056  768  564 R  100  0.0  18:59.29 kdm17:27
Infecto100% cpu usage by kdm17:27
Infectoits normal?17:28
xtknightdont think so17:28
xtknightbut i use gdm17:28
xtknightyou could use gdm until kdm is fixed, if it is a known bug17:28
Infectoin 32bit version ther was no this problem17:28
Infectogdm hmm17:28
AlexHooverBah, the upgrade messed my partition. I booted from a Kubuntu LiveCD and I couldn't access any files on my ext3 partition, even as root. Most of the stuff is corrupted. ;(17:29
jkliffluinfana, it is working rather well actually17:29
jkliffonly my screen resolution it completely messed up ;)17:29
xtknightbut you may want to report the bug or discover if others are having the same problem17:29
xtknightafter 5 versions of ubuntu (dapper,edgy,feisty,gutsy,hardy) my graphics adapter isn't detected properly17:29
xtknightbug filed since edgy :O17:29
luinfanajkliff: OK, but you managed to get it back to normal?17:30
jkliffit's usable. dont know yet how normal it is.17:31
jkliffam just apt-getting 915resolution again... (got removed for whatever reason...)17:31
AlexLatchfordHey guys, anyone have any ideas on how to stay connected to a Netgear Wireless Card after a restart? I have the card working using ndiswrapper, but every time I reboot it appears as though ndiswrapper module is not loaded correctly..17:31
jkliffbut thanks for the insights and help17:31
luinfanasure...hope you get everything back to normal17:31
jkliffvery appreciated and useful17:31
jkliffso do i ;)17:32
dandelit seems aticonfig from the latest repository still crashes.17:32
jkliffresolution back on track17:32
jkliffthis is starting do feel right again17:32
Turskihaving a problem :/17:32
luinfanagood good17:33
Turskii just removed manually installed nvidia 169.12 driver and installed it from apt17:33
luinfanacheck the basic stuff...sound, internet connection, keyboard, mouse17:33
Turskibut after reboot X doesnt start anymore17:33
AlexHooverIs it me or does the BETA install faster than the previous versions?17:33
=== Mark_Milliman is now known as Mark_M|Away
AlexHooverThe BETA installed in about 3 minutes here.17:33
xtknightwhat's the proper way to stop gdm?17:33
jkliffdo we still have trackerd issues in hardy?17:34
Turskisudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop17:34
Turskifor xtknight17:34
xtknightTurski,  failsafe keeps kicking in and i just want to install the  nvidia dirvers from nvidia.com17:34
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_Milliman
xtknighti mean i managed to finally kill it with sudo killall gdm and sudo killall Xorg some unknown number of times17:34
xtknightbut hmm kinda odd17:34
xtknightim using the livecd maybe that's why it's more difficult17:34
Turskiwith manually installed nvidia driver AA didn't work for me17:35
xtknightworks fine here i think17:35
xtknightthe one in the nvidia repos should be the same thing, maybe with a patch for the module to install in the ubuntu kernel17:35
xtknightunless it's a different version17:35
Turskibut when i removed that and installed one from apt and rebooted X, Aa worked17:35
Turskibut now X doesnt start anymore after complete reboot17:36
xtknightfor nvidia.com/hardy, i had to use "sudo modprobe -i nvidia" to skip install-script for the module.  otherwise it wouldn't insert into my kernel17:36
xtknightand the livecd doesn't have nvidia.ko17:36
xtknightnot looking forward to doing all this again ;)17:36
Turskiwhat nvidia repository17:37
xtknighti usually like installing the latest so i go w/ nvidia.com17:37
Turskibut there is latest in hardy repos17:37
xtknightbut once i install hopefully restricted will work, andright now restricted is the latest17:37
fw0127someone knows why my terminal is total blank after system boot in X17:37
Turskiand i just installed that17:37
xtknighti just wanted to give the livecd a fair run, and restricted does not exist in the livecd17:37
xtknightthe default video drivier for my card has been screwed up forever17:38
Turskibut can someone help me with this problem :P17:38
xtknighti had to overwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe to get my nvidia to work lol17:38
xtknighthacky tho17:38
xtknightTurski, what problem exactly?17:38
Turskii just explained it17:39
TurskiX doesnt start17:39
xtknighti see.  maybe you're dealing with failsafe issues as well but i dont really know17:39
xtknightwhat's the log say.?17:39
xtknight /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:40
Ashexanyone know how to reconfigure X from terminal?17:40
xtknightAshex, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg17:40
Turskixtknight: failed to load nvidia kernel module17:40
fw0127perhaps /etc/X11/xorg.conf?17:40
xtknightTurski, try "sudo modprobe -i nvidia"17:40
xtknightand then gdm restart17:40
Turskikdm* ;)17:41
Ashexxtknight: that doesn't work for me17:41
Ashexit just exits17:41
xtknightAshex, that means it worked.  restart gdm17:41
Turskiwhat does -i do?17:41
dandeldoes anyone else have issues with the fglrx drivers at all?17:41
xtknightTurski, it skips the install script.  it can be used for modules that have trouble with the kernel17:41
Ashexxtknight: I'm building a machine remotely, I want to configure the driver and resolution17:41
xtknightAshex, ok sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  , without the -phigh17:41
dandelit seems that aticonfig does not work again.17:41
xtknightAshex, this may give you options to configure17:41
Ashexxtknight: I just get the keyboard options with that17:42
Turskixtknight: but... how it helps O_o17:42
xtknightAshex, what video driver are you using?17:42
xtknightTurski, huh?17:42
Ashexthat's how I usually do it, but now with hardy that doesn't work17:42
xtknightTurski, did your works with -i?17:42
Ashexxtknight: I just want to setup nvidia driver with 1440x90017:42
Turskilooks interesting17:42
AshexI might as well just edit xorg.conf i suppose17:42
Turskiwhat was the command for mouse support to terminal?17:42
xtknightAshex, ok "nvidia".  sudo nvidia-xconfig17:42
xtknightTurski, no iea17:43
xtknightno idea17:43
Turskii have it installed but...17:43
Turskijust can't remember17:43
Ashexxtknight: okay17:44
Ashexwow, 7.3 is weird17:44
Turskiah, gpm17:44
xtknightAshex, 7.3?17:44
Ashexxorg.conf has Modes set as "nvidia-auto-select"17:44
=== Mark_Milliman is now known as Mark_M|Away
xtknightoh xorg17:44
xtknighti dont know ya xorg is all weird now17:44
AshexI'm guessing that's how dynamic resolutions are done17:44
xtknighti did "sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf && sudo nvidia-xconfig"17:44
Infectoyep gdm works fine :)17:44
TurskiFATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory17:44
xtknightto remove the weirdo xorg default17:44
AshexI'll try it out when I get home17:45
AshexI had the motherboard died, took a month to do rma for it and then i had grub issues17:45
Turskiwhat do i do :S17:45
xtknightTurski, install nvidia .sh ?17:45
flipstarTurski: you need to reinstall nvidia for the current kernel17:46
fw0127why i can see the boot message before x start,but not after ...17:46
Ashexinstead of trying to figure out what order i plug the 4 drives in to get it to boot, I just grabbed the dpkg selections and reinstalled17:46
xtknightgrub needs to adopt uuid17:46
TurskiAND the interesting part is that i have that file what it blames i dont have17:46
Ashexyeah, you can set the kernel location with uuid17:47
xtknightTurski, and you're using sudo?17:47
Ashexbut the groot can't be17:47
Turskixtknight: yeh17:47
xtknightthe file's permissions are accessible?17:47
xtknighthow is UUID determined anyway?17:47
xtknightis there a standard?17:47
xtknightit would suck if grub and linux generated different uuids17:48
Turskixtknight: I installed it with apt17:48
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)17:48
Turskii think it should be ok17:48
Turskinvidia-glx-new package17:48
xtknightinstall linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)  ?17:48
Turskii have17:49
xtknightnvidia-glx* just has xorg libs17:49
xtknightyou're getting the same problem i am then17:49
xtknighti thought nvidia.ko was just missing from livecd x6417:49
Turskibut this isn't livecd17:49
xtknightyea that's my poiont17:49
xtknightit's more widespread ?17:49
fw0127why the window menus disappere very quickly after i click it? it make me creasy...17:49
Turskiand it's not missing17:50
xtknightTurski, check dmesg17:50
xtknightfw0127, maybe compiz bug17:50
blekosanybody has probs with wireless?17:50
xtknightno blending on fade-out17:50
Turskiwhat about dmesg :S17:50
xtknightTurski, should be something at the end, maybe?17:50
xtknighti dunno17:50
fw0127how i can get it off :( i know little about it17:51
xtknighttry this: "sudo rmmod nvidia" then "sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko"17:51
xtknightfw0127, system->preferences->appearance->Desktop Effects->None17:51
xtknightVisual Effects*17:51
keturnhooray, my networkmanager catches signal 1117:52
fw0127you know the bottun of the left corner when I push it the menus disappered also...17:52
orkunmy wireless does not work with nm-applet anymore! last thing i did was getting ot of standby17:52
keturnthe backtrace is pretty crummy because it finds no debugging symbols.  are there -dbg packages I should install?17:52
alka_trashafter a upgrade, I noticed that I'm still using alsa, Pulse is installed, but I doesn't see to be used. is this correct?17:52
orkunhow can i troubleshoot that?17:53
Infecto01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600M GS (rev a1)17:53
avisin hardy how do i configure xserver-xorg ?  using sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't allow me to choose a video driver or configure my monitor17:53
xtknightwireless problems are normal for hardy now i think17:53
xtknightmay be a known problem17:53
xtknighta lot of people are having it17:53
fw0127so i cannot acess system settings, is there an alternate way?17:53
xtknightfw0127,  gnome-appearance-properties17:53
xtknightin terminal17:53
nosrednaekimfw0127: KDE4?17:53
xtknightavis, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg   ?17:54
orkunavis, with nvidia nvidia takes responsibility for that17:54
xtknighttry priority low for it to show all messages17:54
orkunavis, with intel you have to take care by yourself17:54
orkunavis, with ati everything sucks :) anyway you can go to start other screens and graphics and take some gui action there17:54
blekoscan you plse confirm if wirelles has problem?17:54
Turskihm... now that file disappeared17:54
Turskior maybe my db was old and that's why locate found that17:55
orkunthe changes you apply will be saved there.17:55
Turskihowever, i'm not having nvidia.ko now :/17:55
avisi have nvidia and when i do the sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg after the keyboard configuration it write the xorg.conf to hard drive and never moves on to video17:55
orkunhey there again - can nm-applet have anything to do with xorg.conf?17:55
xtknightorkun, not that i know of ?17:55
xtknightwhy would these be correlated ?17:55
orkunhmpf... how come with computers not changing anything results in not working anything :>17:56
nosrednaekimavis: that command no longer works with xorg 7.317:56
Turskiyeh, not having nvidia.ko for -12 kernel17:56
xtknightnvidia is messed up i guess17:56
orkunbeen to standby and now everything i do in nm seems just not to effect anything :>17:56
xtknightfor hardy bea?17:56
orkuniwconfig essid blabla works fine17:56
fw0127it says there is a conflicts with other systems setting...afterall i enter it and the visualeffects are turned off, but i still cannot acess the menubar17:56
avisnosrednaekim, ok thank you. whats the new one ?17:57
orkunmaybe i can go to standby again and everything will be fixed ^^ brb17:57
xtknightfor hardy wireless problems17:57
xtknightthere's several17:57
Infecto http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html17:57
Infectowhich one of this should i use?17:57
xtknightbug 20118017:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201180 in linux "[hardy] kernel 2.6.24-12 breaks wireless (atheros)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20118017:57
xtknightbug 19906617:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199066 in network-manager "[iwl4965] wireless support broken since 0.6.6~rc2" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19906617:57
Infecto 17:57
fw0127what can i do?17:58
xtknightLinux IA32/Latest Version: 169.1217:58
xtknightor amd6417:58
xtknightfw0127, sorry i'm not really sure17:58
xtknightfw0127, do you recall seeing anything that said HAL did not start17:58
xtknighti also had no menu when i had HAL problems17:58
xtknightbut that coincided with my video issues17:58
fw0127how can i prove it?17:58
Ashexhmm, got most things setup17:58
xtknighti donno17:59
Ashexanyone know if FreeNX works in hardy?17:59
fw0127and my other terminal is black, after boot into x-windows, so i cannot see what happens before17:59
Infecto i`m nto suer too17:59
fw0127test to see if i live18:01
fw0127and it works only in firefox :(18:01
jessicai need help with my network18:01
Raspberrymy iwl4965 network card connects to my 5Ghz wireless router but it won't work at 300mbps, only 54mbps... in Windows this works fine... any thoughts?18:01
xtknightjessica, are you using hardy?18:02
xtknightand wireless?18:02
Raspberryjessica: you're still in here with problems ?18:02
jessicayes im using hardy yes im still here18:02
Raspberryjessica: now what's wrong?18:02
avisi'm unable to use 'screen and graphics' to configure video and monitor in hardy.  it crashes when i select 'nv' and choose 'monitor, widescreen, detect'18:02
=== kumarphilly is now known as kumar98765
xtknightavis, pretty much same here18:03
jessicathe same thing18:03
xtknightavis, nv does not work on my7800gt18:03
avisouch :)18:03
nosrednaekimRaspberry: my freind can't even get 54mbs working18:03
nosrednaekimavis: use vesa18:03
jessicamy wireless dose not work18:03
avisxtknight, if you use envyng does it ever give an option for 'nvidia' instead of 'nv' ?18:03
xtknightya no one's wireles really works right now18:03
xtknighti guess i could try it18:03
Raspberrynosrednaekim: I'm only get connection quality in the 40%-50% range too18:03
avisam using vesa but i have a widescreen monitor and it looks horrible18:03
Raspberrymy wireless works fine18:04
xtknightavis, ah i never useud envyng.  i installed off nvidia.cmo18:04
xtknightused*, .com*18:04
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »18:04
Raspberryjessica: what mfg and model wireless card?  running gnome desktop or kde?  what version of hal and libhal1 are you currently running?18:04
jessicamine dosnt i have ndiwrapper and it picks up the networks it just dosnt connect to them18:04
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
Raspberryjessica: it just spins and spins... right?18:04
nosrednaekimRaspberry: mind telling me the kernel module name for your wireless?18:06
jessicawhen the two dots are there and the blue thing spinning the first bottem light comes on then it stops18:06
Raspberryjessica: well that's different than the problem I had ... I had unsecured networks I was trying to connect to... you're trying to connect to secured networks, correct?18:06
blekosi'm having problems with my wireless as well, but ubotu mentioned there is a bug18:06
Raspberrynosrednaekim: what's the best way to find that out?18:06
nosrednaekimRaspberry: lshw18:07
jessicayes a sercure network with 64 hex WEP sercurity18:07
Raspberrynosrednaekim: I can never remember all the commands :)18:07
blekosLaunchpad bug 199066 in network-manager "[iwl4965] wireless support broken since 0.6.6~rc2" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19906618:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199066 in network-manager "[iwl4965] wireless support broken since 0.6.6~rc2" [High,Incomplete]18:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199066 in network-manager "[iwl4965] wireless support broken since 0.6.6~rc2" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19906618:07
xtknightlooks like ubotu should respond to only one request per line18:08
jessicai really need to fix my wireless18:09
blekosso Raspberry, how did u make ur wifi to work?18:09
davekgregory: I installed Qemulator and followed the instructions and I can't get it to work. Confusing. I added a virtual and set to cdrom but it doesn't work!18:09
Raspberryblekos: it's always worked18:09
blekosoh, i c18:09
Raspberryexcept for 0.5.11-1ubuntu118:09
gregorydavek: ok, will figure that out, nice to have you back18:09
Raspberrywith that hal libhal1 package18:09
Raspberrythat broke it18:10
RaspberryNOW it's just slow since that was fixed18:10
blekoshm, then i should considering of downgrading...18:10
Ashexwee, now thunderbird downloads a months worth of emails18:10
fw0127now i know i have not! install combiz18:10
Raspberryblekos: this is what I'm running now 0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu218:11
Raspberryjessica: then fix it -- instead of sitting in here and saying it's broken... you won't even answer simple technical questions ... make and model of your wireless card... if it's a laptop... what model... what version of hal and libhal1 are you running?18:11
nosrednaekimRaspberry: you can just pastebin all the results of that command, I'll find the answer18:12
nosrednaekimoh.. and you have to run it with sudo to see the driver18:12
xtknightmich54, what's the problem ?18:13
mich54xtknight : i have a prob with my vga driver !18:13
Raspberrynosrednaekim: yeah I did ... i'll pastebin it now18:13
jessicai dont know what version of libhal1 im using i think its the latest its a toshiba equium V200 laptop and my wireless card is RTL8187B18:13
xtknightmich54, what video card are you using, and you have Hardy installed?18:13
davekgregory: I loaded the Hardy live CD and pointed it to /media/cdrom0 . Added the engine as Hardy and created a emu-iso file in my home directory, what am I missing?18:13
fw0127now i installed them18:13
mich54xtknight : yeah , i updated from gutsy today , it was workin very good b4 that18:14
xtknightmich54, what video driver are you using?  and where are you now?  in vesa mode or on another pc?18:15
fw0127now the problem remains18:15
fw0127xtknight, should it be the problem of kde4?18:16
xtknightfw0127, sorry.  i really have no idea18:16
xtknightdoes hardy use kde4?18:16
gregorydavek: qemulator hangs here18:16
xtknighti tried kde4 for gutsy and it was still pretty buggy18:16
fw0127i have installed them, it works fine with gutsy18:16
mich54it's workin but i used to have this problem when i was using windows without installin the driver , the windows doesn't move well , it jumps !18:16
fw0127and it is same unter xfce :(18:17
xtknightmich54, alright, you probably do not 2D XRender acceleration then.  and you need to install the official nvidia driver to get that18:17
xtknighti think nvidia is broken on hardy now.  i'm not sure. but at least three people had trouble getting it to work18:17
davekyou mean, many use it?18:17
Raspberrynosrednaekim: http://pastebin.org/2488218:18
gregorydavek: do you want boot from the physical cdrom, which has hardy burnt onto, or do you use a virtual cdrom drive, which holds the iso-file?18:18
xjjkRaspberry: you've an X61 tablet? same here18:18
mich54xtknight : so is there a way to fix it , or shall i just wait for an update ? and shall i report it ?18:19
Raspberryxjjk: yeah -- I wish they'd have a real 3d card in it, but oh well :)18:19
xtknightmich54, i dont know.  im on a livecd so i can't confirm the problem18:19
Ashexmich54: do a search of launchpad18:19
xjjkRaspberry: hrm, I like the X3100 great...18:19
xtknightno way im installing this thing as -is18:19
xjjkit runs Compiz well enough, that's the extend of 3D acceleration I need18:19
Raspberryxjjk: how do you like yours?  I get about 4 to 4.5 hrs of battery in linux and 6+ in Vista18:19
xtknightdoes anyone know if ubiquity can install to a /dev/mdx device after you mdadm --assemble ?18:20
xjjkRaspberry: yeh, my battery life is terrible in Linux... ~3 hrs18:20
mich54xtknight : oh ok , thx anyway ! i'll  try googling more !18:20
xjjkI'm hoping hardy will change that18:20
xtknightxjjk, enable cpu throttle?18:20
JoeShmoanyone happen to know if the patches to libxcb from 3-16-2008 made it into the 8.04 beta yet?  I'm getting the 'ol locking assertion failures.18:20
Raspberryxjjk: same here18:20
xjjkRaspberry: you using 64-bit?18:20
Raspberryxjjk: you know about the powertop util?18:20
* bluefox83 gets better battery life in ubuntu than in winblows18:20
Raspberryxjjk: yeah, I'm running 64-bit18:20
xjjkRaspberry: yah18:20
RaspberryI was hoping to virtualize windows... I've got 4gb of ram in the thing18:20
gregorydavek: both options are possible, we just have to coordinate which you want to use18:20
xjjkmost my "problems" are that x86-64 doesn't have the same power optimizations as x8618:21
xjjkwhich is supposed to have changed in the 2.6.24 kernel18:21
mich54xtknight , there's also a problem with the sound18:21
Raspberryxjjk: good :)  because x64 is noticeably faster18:21
xjjktickless, etc18:21
xtknightxjjk, 2.6.24 has tickless18:21
xtknightuse -rt kernel18:21
bluefox83i'm wondering if hardy will have better 64 bit support for wireless drivers...18:21
mich54xtknight : to b more specific , the commands sound and esdsound , both don't work !18:21
Raspberryxtknight: so if we're running 64-bit we should be running the rt kernel?18:21
mesconSorry, but I just upgraded to the Hardy Heron beta from 7.10... now the soundcard doesn't seem to be loaded, lshw -C sound gives me 828001G ICH7 HD Audio Controller (UNCLAIMED)... what module needs to be loaded for it to work?18:22
xtknightRaspberry, or 32bit18:22
xjjkI'm using the Intel 4965BGN... 64-bit drivers work great18:22
xjjkxtknight: why do we want the rt kernel?18:22
xtknighti know 2.6.24 has tickless for x64,ARM,etc but i dont know if hardy has it18:22
xtknight-rt is realtime or tickless, it saves power on laptops18:22
xjjkxtknight: it does18:22
JoeShmook, how about this approach...  has anyone gotten hardy + amd64 +java + (firefox || opera 9.5) to work?18:22
xjjkxtknight: er, I don't think rt is tickless...18:22
xjjkif anything it has a high tick rate18:22
xjjkI forgot how rt worked18:23
xjjkbut it's not for power savings18:23
xtknightlinux-image-2.6.24-12-rt - Linux kernel image for version 2.6.24 on Ingo Molnar's full real time preemption patch (
xtknighti dont know what it is18:23
xtknightwell ill check the kernel config for -rt and confirm you18:24
xtknighti have x64 now18:24
xjjkit lets applications that need CPU time immediately get it18:24
davekI was trying to install with the live CD in cdrom. Should the iso be in the emu-iso directory on my home directory?18:24
bluefox83i have to use 32 bit gutsy cus the conexant drivers don't work for 64 bit :(18:24
xjjkwhich is a different problem then only giving the CPU time when there is enough work to do, i.e. for power saving18:24
xtknightxjjk, well i think regular one uses the new scheduler if that's what you mean.  but im not sure about all the preemption stuff18:25
xjjkxtknight: yeh, I don't care about the scheduler too much... I just want 5+ battery life18:25
gregorydavek: please dont forget to message me alas gregory: blabla18:25
brianskiw00t dynticks64++18:25
jessicahow would i install a kernal patch18:25
bluefox83very carefully >.>18:25
gregorydavek: if you want to use the real cd-rom, you dont need the iso-file18:26
Raspberryxjjk: although I came from a laptop that I was lucky to get 2hrs :)  So this 4+hr life is incredible18:26
xtknightxjjk, CONFIG_NO_HZ is enabled in 2.6.24-12-generic, amd6418:26
xtknightcat /boot/config-2.6.24-12-generic |grep CONFIG_NO18:26
gregorydavek: suggestion: remove the real-cdrom and let qemulator use the iso-file. so the iso-file will be your cd-rom.18:26
xjjkxtknight: yes, I know... been saying that the entire conversation, it's why I'm hoping battery life under hardy will be better18:26
xtknight-rt is not tickless i was mistaken18:26
davekWhere do I message you?18:26
gregorygregory: the iso file is named like hardy-beta-desktop-whatever.iso ?18:27
xjjkRaspberry: are you using GNOME or KDE?18:27
Raspberryxjjk: gnome atm18:27
gregorydavek: the iso file is named like hardy-beta-desktop-whatever.iso ?18:27
xjjkhrm, OK18:27
Raspberryxjjk: I used to use KDE18:27
xtknightxjjk, well i thouht you were runnning hardy already18:27
xjjkI'm using KDE and I don't think KDE4 is very "power friendly"18:27
xtknightit's better or it's not better with tickless?18:27
xjjkxtknight: I was for 4 hrs18:27
xjjkand I hosed my system18:27
gregory!quote | davek18:27
xjjkso I didn't really get to test anything18:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quote - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:27
xjjkhosed it trying to test something else18:27
xjjkthat may or may not have been broken in hardy (suspend/resume)18:28
Raspberryxjjk: I have kde4 installed my system -- but it doesn't understand how to put dual displays side by side... it lays them over the top of each other... it might actually be an X problem18:28
xtknightsounds like an Xorg problem18:28
gregorydavek: when your message starts with gregory: my client gives me an visual aid, that i got messaged in the channel. keeps you visible within all the other talk going in18:28
xjjkI've not used dual displays with KDE418:28
xtknightkde4 supports one background-per-display though18:28
Raspberryxjjk: X thinks my desktop is the size of my LVDS display and overlays the 1400x1050 display OVER the 1900x1200 display18:28
mesconSorry, but I just upgraded to the Hardy Heron beta from 7.10... now the soundcard doesn't seem to be loaded -- an onboard Intel ICH7 controller, lshw -C sound gives me 828001G ICH7 HD Audio Controller (UNCLAIMED)... what module needs to be loaded for it to work?18:29
davekgregory: I got it.18:29
xtknightmescon, i dont know i just heard of that problem yesterday18:29
RaspberryI haven't figured out exactly how to file that bug, but I can't believe nobody else has it18:29
xtknightbut with no fix18:29
nosrednaekimRaspberry: did you try using the xrandr configurator for kde4?18:29
Raspberrynosrednaekim: maybe -- is that the one in the control panel?18:29
Raspberrynosrednaekim: it doesn't do anything18:30
xtknightno paravirt in x64?18:30
xtknightthere's kvm tho18:30
RaspberryI tried to flip to a new X session (F8) and the whole thing lockedup18:31
Raspberrynosrednaekim: what were you saying about xrand config in KDE4?  I booted in to KDE418:31
nosrednaekimRaspberry: that tool doesn't work?18:32
Raspberryhmm krandrtray actually seemed to do "something"18:33
Raspberrynow my displays are the same resolution :P18:33
xtknighthm what's krandrtray?  like gnome screens and graphics?18:33
xjjktray applet for adjusting screen res/etc, yeh18:33
Raspberrysomething new ... all the apps keep changing in KDE418:33
mesconIntel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01), should be supported by snd-hda-intel kernel module by default according to ALSA, but it doesnt seem to function properly (at least not in 2.6.24-12-386)18:33
xjjkit's also in KDE3 I believe18:34
Raspberryit adjusted my res the first time, but now it doesn't seem to change it18:34
xtknighthopefully it works better with proprietary drivers than the gnome screens&graphics18:34
xtknightmescon, "dmesg | grep -i codec"18:34
xtknightmescon, does this give you no codec found18:34
Adysany idea how to change the default icons for a specific mime type or extension?18:34
davekgregory: I copied the iso from the cdrom  to the desktop. But it beacame a  cdrom0 folder instead of the original hardy beta .iso.18:34
xtknightRaspberry, are you using "nvidia"?18:34
Raspberryhmm it won't let me make my VGA display any larger than my LVDS display18:34
Raspberryxtknight: no, intel18:34
gregorydavek: i have a problem: i cant support you with qemulator. on hardy it crashes. on gutsy it hangs.18:35
Raspberryxtknight: I posted my entire machine specs here earlier18:35
clustyyou guys running electricsheep?18:35
gregorydavek: do you still have the original iso available, which you downloaded?18:35
clustyany way to make gnome-ssaver able to rate sheeps?18:35
Raspberryxtknight: As A pastebin link ... i don't have it since I got booted18:35
Raspberryok ... now my kde4 panel is gone :P18:35
xtknighthold on..kde4 is not in hardy by default is ti?18:35
xtknightor is it in repos18:36
Raspberryit's in there18:36
Turskiin repos18:36
xtknighti did try kde4 on gutsy with dual displays18:36
xtknightand mine worked side by side.  so it must be an intel thing18:36
Raspberryxtknight: there have been ALOT of changes in Hardy18:36
Raspberrybrb gotta restart again ... no panel18:36
xtknightRaspberry, but doesn't it do the same thing in gnome?  up and down besides left and right?18:36
Raspberrygnome doesn't work at all18:37
Raspberryit won't change my graphics18:37
xtknightoh great ;)18:37
Raspberrymy laptop display is a waste of a backlight18:37
brianskiis anyone else experiencing a lot of program crashes in hardy?18:37
mesconfound the bug18:37
davekgregory: no it was deleted. if qemulator is crashing with hardy now, I'll just wait until the final version comes out. I guess I could try to install another distro just to see how qemulator works.18:37
RaspberryI'd rather just have it off while I'm using the big display18:37
xtknightmescon, oh yeah, what's the link?18:37
Raspberryor just keep email on it or something18:37
xtknightbrianski, not too many18:38
nosrednaekimmescon: what is it?18:38
xtknightive had one thing crash and it's cuz i was messing with compiz i assume18:38
gregorydavek: i have qemulator working now. wow. missing dependencies, but in gutsy.18:38
brianskixtknight: yeah after a few updates and a reboot things seem better now18:38
gregorybug in gutsy18:38
mesconthe default kernel is 2.6.24-12-386, the snd-hda-intel module is not compiled into the kernel, simply changing to the -generic version fixes it18:38
Raspberrywell I Thought I was going to have to restart things -- but apparently not18:39
mescongonna reboot and test it18:39
xtknightmescon, weird is there a bug filed18:39
mesconyeah, hold on18:39
Raspberrythe kde4 control panel for display changes never had the OK button "unlock" -- so it's never clickable18:39
gregorydavek: no i suggest sticking with it. well use the other option now: boot from physical cdrom.18:39
brianskionly big problem i've seen except the sound control panel being copletely divorced from reality is that if you boot single user, remount / ro, fsck it, and reboot, it hangs (unless you remount rw again after fsck'ing, which is not necessarily a good ideea)18:40
gregorydavek: this means: remove anything in your config, which points to the nonexistent iso-file18:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200451 in ubuntu "[HARDY][REGRESSION] No Audio on Thinkpad (T61p) (dup-of: 200338)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released]18:40
davekso if I use the live cd rom in the /media/cdrom0 . What do I do?18:40
mesconseems like thats the problem I'm having (using an ASUS P5W DH Deluxe mainboard with the onboard audio)18:41
mesconnot a laptop, but the same audio chipset18:41
Raspberryyeah something is really screwed up with this dual display stuff yet...18:41
mesconso it affects me too ;)18:41
nosrednaekimwhat package would the wireless driver iwl4965 be in?18:41
mesconreboot, brb18:41
nosrednaekimRaspberry: apparently, my freind doesn't even have that kernel module available18:41
Raspberrynosrednaekim: I thought it'd be in kernel-modules or whatever ythat package is called18:42
gregorydavek: main -> boot options: tick cdrom, ok?18:42
nosrednaekimsure its not in restricted or something?18:42
Raspberrynosrednaekim: it's an opensource driver18:42
nosrednaekimhrm, ok18:43
Raspberrynosrednaekim: apt-cache search iwl4965 doesn't even turn up anything18:43
fw0127anyone know why i cannot use system menus?18:43
Raspberrynosrednaekim: it's in restricted18:43
Raspberrybug #18966618:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 189666 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "Intel iwl4965 microcode not included in rt restricted modules" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18966618:44
xjjkRaspberry: sorry, you're looking for the 4965 driver?18:44
xjjkit's in linux-ubuntu-modules18:44
nosrednaekimI am18:44
xjjkah, OK18:44
nosrednaekimxjjk: ok18:44
xjjkit sometimes does not get installed18:44
Raspberryxjjk: i'm fine :)18:44
Raspberryxjjk: nosrednaekim needed to know18:44
nosrednaekimxjjk: apparently...18:45
RaspberryI'd like to register a bug against this display problem in hardy  / KDE418:45
Infectodpkg --force-all --purge nvidia-glx18:45
Infecto(Odczytywanie bazy danych ... 86927 plików i katalogów obecnie zainstalowanych.)18:45
InfectoUsuwanie nvidia-glx ...18:45
Raspberryit's just such a broad problem I hate to put it in the wrong spot18:45
Infectodpkg-divert: b³±d sprawdzania `/usr/lib32/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory18:45
nosrednaekim!info linux-image-generic18:45
Infectodpkg: b³±d przetwarzania nvidia-glx (--purge): podproces post-removal script zwróci³ kod b³êdu 218:45
InfectoWyst±pi³y b³êdy podczas przetwarzania: nvidia-glx18:45
Infectocan some one help me resolve this proloblem?18:45
ubotulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB18:45
xjjkjust wondering, anyone have any experience using the encrypted disks? any lessons/stories?18:46
nosrednaekim!info linux-ubuntu-modules gutsy18:47
ubotuPackage linux-ubuntu-modules does not exist in gutsy18:47
chiwawa_42Is NetworkManager 0.7 planned for integration in hardy instead of the current 0.6.6 ?18:47
nosrednaekim!info linux-ubuntu-modules hardy18:47
ubotuPackage linux-ubuntu-modules does not exist in hardy18:47
tnncyesterday someone told me to use mediubuntu to get libdvdcss2 and w32codces to be able to watch video i have try to add the links per the mediubuntu site for gutsy but it seems the video still doesnt work can someone tell me what i need to do thanks18:47
xjjknosrednaekim: OK... it's named *something* like that...18:48
nosrednaekimxjjk: apparently linux-ubuntu-modules isn't a package18:48
gregoryInfecto: we cannot read your language, which language is it?18:48
xjjknosrednaekim: actually18:48
xjjkI think the bot is wrong..? http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/main/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic18:48
nosrednaekimxjjk: lol18:48
Infectogregory: its polish but its ok i just get that i have 64 bit sys18:48
Infectogregory: its polish but its ok i just get that i have 64 bit sysnot 3218:48
gregoryInfecto: maybe you are missing a *32 package: you can search for it via apt-cache search Gl | grep 3218:50
tnnci trying to get  video to work in 8.04 which i didnt say above18:50
nosrednaekim!info linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic18:51
ubotulinux-image-2.6.24-12-generic (source: linux): Linux kernel image for version 2.6.24 on x86/x86_64. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.24-12.22 (hardy), package size 17935 kB, installed size 60376 kB18:51
davekgregory: have to run. thanks18:51
VanDykehai pepol18:56
nosrednaekimhey VanDyke18:56
VanDykekde4 here18:56
burkendo i have to uninstall old nvidia drivers before upgrading?18:57
VanDykeit will ask you to uninstall older drivers18:57
burkenVanDyke: sybaptics?18:57
burkenVanDyke: or apt18:58
Infectonow i guest thanks to my friend that i dont need to install 64bit arch to get hig mem avaible :) -server kernel have this posibility :)18:58
VanDykeburken, I'm talking about official NVIDIA drivers18:58
burkenVanDyke: mhm..18:58
VanDykethat's PAE for you, Infecto18:58
InfectoVanDyke: yes, and PAE is in -server, so i dont need to recompile kernel yes? i or i think wong18:59
tnncyesterday someone told me to use mediubuntu to get libdvdcss2 and w32codces to be able to watch video i have try to add the links per the mediubuntu site for gutsy but it seems the video still doesnt work can someone tell me what i need to do thanks19:00
tnnci trying to get  video to work in 8.04 which i didnt say above19:00
zefyrmaybe you could save a feed locally leo19:00
pagan0neok, well ive given up on installing 8.04 in its presant state, on my hardware it seems more like a alpha release than a beta one....19:00
devonwhen i plug my laptop in everything freezes up in kubuntu, this didnt start happening till i updated today...any ideas?19:00
VanDykepagan0ne, what happens?19:02
pagan0neVanDyke the installer bombs on me, and grub fails to detect a hard disk after the installer finishes19:03
VanDykethe installer was bombing on me time after time19:03
pagan0neVanDyke the installer gets to step 7, then i click install and it jumps to step 319:03
VanDykethen I stopped using CDRW's19:03
VanDykethen it worked19:03
pagan0neVanDyke i have cd-r's no rw's and sevral copies, none work19:03
VanDykeI'm using the alternate install image here19:04
pagan0neVanDyke at first it hung while trying to set the system clock19:04
VanDykeare you using the default?19:04
pagan0neVanDyke im using desktop w/ kde419:04
VanDykeme too, but the alternate cd19:04
VanDykebecause I installed on a softraid0 array19:04
pagan0neVanDyke now whenever i get it all installed, and grub goes to install it cant find the harddrive19:05
VanDykedunno what to say19:06
pagan0neVanDyke yeah imma give up for now19:06
pagan0nei hope this is ironed out in the final release19:06
cyclonutso, am I safe in assuming that the latest round of updates do not introduce any major breakage?19:07
pagan0nei mean i love alot of what was done in it, but if it wont install on my system i cant use it, and i HATE vista19:07
VanDykepagan0ne, it's saddening to see you give up too soon :(19:08
pagan0neVanDyke ill just wait for production release19:08
VanDykewhich sata controller do you have? is it a Intel laptop?19:09
gregorypagan0ne: your laptops hardware is just "too new".19:09
pagan0neVanDyke i mean this is a brand new laptop and wireless doesnt work on it under kubuntu w/o ndiswrapper19:09
gregoryone is on the safe side after 1 year after laptop market release19:09
cyclonutpagan: what is wrong with ndiswrapper?19:09
pagan0neyeah its a hp tx1320us19:09
pagan0necyclonut id just prefer native linux drivers19:09
cyclonutpagan0ne, are you on a broadcom card? or is the intel troubles that have been arising?19:10
pagan0necyclonut im pretty sure its broadcom19:10
cyclonutpagan0ne, in that case, you can kick and scream and wish and hope for native drivers, but you wont get var19:10
cyclonutpagan0ne, broadcom will not release the necessary info for their chipset to produce native drivers.19:11
pagan0necyclonut i know that, but i mean im going through all these hoops just to get kubuntu installed so i can run an emulated driver... lol19:11
cyclonutpagan0ne, the emulated driver really doesnt make much of a difference... the only trouble I've had is not being able to use packet monitoring capabilities19:12
cyclonuti.e. no snort19:13
cyclonutbest thing about hardy for me? Under full load, my laptop runs about 15-18 degrees cooler than it ever has under linux before19:14
ali1235maybe they fixed that ACPI bug where the fan doesn't run19:14
cyclonutthe fan always ran for me, just always ran on low19:15
cyclonutand I think thats a possibility... which is why I am a little terrified to install the update to acpi that is sitting in my update manager right now19:15
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ali1235i'm just bitter because i didn't read the release notes for 7.10 and now my laptop is toast19:16
cyclonutI can understand that-I did the upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 and trashed my lappy too19:16
cyclonutI spent yesterday reinstalling. Thank the good geek that I had full backups19:16
ali1235toast, as in totally dead, needs a new motherboard19:17
cyclonutoh dear19:17
cyclonuthow the heck did such a thing happen?19:17
psyhow do I upgrade Kubuntu 7.10 to Hardy?19:18
cyclonutupdate-manager -d19:18
cyclonutbe careful19:18
psyupdate-manager: command not found19:18
cyclonutoh, err kubuntu19:19
cyclonutin that case, Im not sure. sorry.19:19
VanDykeokay how does one install plasmoids ?19:19
xjjkpsy: kubuntu.org, first article19:19
VanDykedamn so many errors19:19
xjjkpsy: if you're going to upgrade, please use the recommended way and report any problems19:19
ali1235well, it happened about a week after i upgraded it to 7.10. i left it running a compile overnight, and in the morning it was off. has not worked since, it does not post. then a few months later i noticed the second to last item on the release notes: "CPU fan no longer runs on Dell Latitude L400"19:20
pagan0necyclonut yeah thats why i dont like it i use snort alot @ work19:21
cyclonutali1235, im sorry to hear that. no good at all!19:21
cyclonutpagan0ne, ah, yeah, well in that case, perhaps you should've investigated the card your lappy came with before purchasing19:21
ali1235i can't prove ubuntu killed it, after all it was 10 years old. i figure the heat stress was just the final straw...19:22
cyclonutpagan0ne, Im not sure how well they work, but could you use a USB wifi card?19:22
cyclonutali1235, yeah, that 10 yr old thing couldnt have helped19:22
pagan0necyclonut i had planned on it, but like i was saying im gonna wait for 8.04 to stabilize a bit19:23
psyxjik: well for starters the command doesn't seem to work for me, I get "Unknown option '--dist-upgrade-devel'."19:23
xjjkpsy: does adept work...19:23
xjjkpsy: that option has been there since dapper or so19:23
psyxjik: oops, forgot the "19:23
xjjkpsy: btw, make sure you disable any 3rd party repositories19:24
bluebananare: boot loader: which device should i install boot loader: /dev/sda/ or /dev/sda1?19:24
SeamusAnyone get some networkmanager breakage lately?  It was using 100% CPU and when I rebooted it didn't want to start back up.19:24
xjjkand if possible, remove 3rd party packages... I had hiccups with some extra packages I had installed19:24
xjjkthat had newer versions in hardy19:24
bluebananai'm installing xubuntu beta 8.04 on a computer. the computer will have nothing else on it (no windows, no other linux)19:24
SeamusWhere is the network manager init script?19:25
psyok, here goes...19:27
cyclonutSeamus, that 100% thing with NM should be fixed19:27
psylol, Adept crashed19:27
Seamuscyclonut: maybe, it actually seems like my notification area is to blame here.19:29
Seamusit's back and up and running and nm-applet is working.19:29
VanDykeadept is buggy19:31
VanDykesynaptic is years ahead19:31
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tnnchas anyone got 8.04 to play mov wmv files in 8.0419:31
VanDykeinstalling jre through adept was impossible19:31
psyyeah, I do miss synaptic19:31
Heartsbaneany word when the Nvidia driver will be fixed? I understand the driver is not free and it might be Nvidia's fault19:31
VanDykeI installed synaptic here, but I find myself using command line apt much more19:31
VanDykeHeartsbane, I'm using NVIDIA official drivers here... no problems at all19:32
SeamusAnyone here tried doing an LTS upgrade of a dapper server yet?19:32
HeartsbaneVanDyke: which card?19:32
HeartsbaneVanDyke: are they ones from the repo? or from NVidia's site?19:33
LoevborgWhat do I add to /etc/apt/sources.list if I installed from a USB stick (not a CD) but I still want those software sources?19:33
psyWell, it's working now. It's going to take 6 hours to download so I'll let it go overnight.19:34
HeartsbaneVanDyke: ah I am using a 5700Ultra on this machince19:34
SeamusI don't think the OSS drivers support much on the new nvidia cards.19:34
LoevborgI mean have an apt source from the USB stick.19:34
VanDykeHeartsbane, nv site19:34
gregorySeamus: try #ubuntu-server19:34
SeamusI'm running an NVS 570m on a thinkpad, the OSS drivers could suspend/resume without a problem but they were very slow19:35
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HeartsbaneVanDyke: ah thanx19:35
Seamusthen I used the proprietary drivers.  Very fast, but no suspend.19:35
VanDykekde4 is so bloody slow19:37
tnnchas anyone got 8.04 to play mov wmv files in 8.0419:38
xtknightmov works on 64-bit 8.04 for me19:38
rskuse mplayer19:38
tnncrsk i try only audio no video19:39
xtknightmaybe a video driver problem19:39
lime4x4anyone else having a problem with unable to capture usb port when trying to connnect to a usb camera?19:39
tnncxtknight the video on the computer is fine just doesnt seem to play19:41
PicklesworthHm... is there a such thing as a metacity theme that does away with the title bar properly?19:42
PicklesworthI realized that I strangely prefer it if I set the titlebar font to 0, which ultimately achieves the effect I want but can't possibly be "good"19:43
Raspberryso how do I use a gui tool in Hardy to setup my dual displays as anything BUT mirrored?19:48
jc-dentonis mp3 support broken in hardy atm?19:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:50
gregoryjc-denton: no, just tested19:51
mohbanacan you install ubuntu from a image on a ext3/ntfs partition?19:52
jc-dentonhrmm wtf19:52
jc-dentonit worked19:52
jc-dentonbut now it does not anymore19:52
jc-dentonwhich package contains mp3 support19:52
jc-dentonit does not with banshee, mplayer and the gnome thing19:52
jc-dentonnow i remember19:53
jc-dentoni had to switch to oss in vlc for some reason19:54
jc-dentonmp3 is not the problem19:54
jc-dentonand i have vlc running which blocks the sound now i guess19:54
ethana2mohbana: yes19:55
mohbanaethana2, how?19:55
ethana2I'm not sure exactly, but OEM's do that kind of thing all the time19:56
vistakillerWARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_new failed: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_new19:56
vistakillerWARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_legacy failed: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_legacy19:56
vistakillerWARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_new failed: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_new19:56
ethana2probably a modified grub...19:56
vistakilleri have this problem with the driver manager in hardy19:56
ethana2actually, mohbana19:56
ethana2i remember seeing a guide to do that somewhere19:57
ethana2..but i don't remember where...  but it's out there19:57
musikgoatanyone seen an issue with the clock, when upgrading from gutsy amd64 to hardy?  where the clock locks up the gnome-panel?   I'm trying to get confirmation of a bug19:58
AdysCould someone help me troubleshoot something weird? I got a folder in my trash which I cant delete nor move, like if it was only modifiable by root, but in the permissions it says Im the owner19:59
musikgoatdo you have the right to write, adys?20:00
musikgoathm, then i'm no help :-)20:00
AdysI tried accessing /home/adys/.Trash as su, but it doesnt show up in there20:00
gregorystrange i cant open more then 3 gnometerminals20:04
skeelxtknight: I got it working now... the generic kernel dropped me to a shell saying it couldn't read the root file system first.. the UUID seemed to be wrong (same as the 386 kernel UUID, weeeeird).. got that working now, so now sound works fine20:06
cyclonutanyone else seeing memory leaks in hardy?20:06
odla_will i be able to track hardy final by installing the beta and running periodically sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade?20:07
odla_or will i miss out on some packages?20:07
musikgoatodla_: you wont have to dist-upgrade20:08
musikgoatjust upgrading will bring you to the same point as when final is released20:09
jewbileehi, i just upgraded to HH and now im running in low graphics mode.  Whay do I do to fix this?20:09
musikgoatonce the repos are loaded with the same packages20:09
odla_musikgoat: really?  no need to run dist-upgrade at all?20:09
musikgoatonce you20:09
musikgoatonce you've done the dist-upgrade, you're in the hardy environment20:10
musikgoatwhether its beta or final release20:10
KalElfirefox 3 beta seems to be buggier than hardy heron beta imho20:10
odla_beta 4 is out now20:11
KalElyes that's what i'm running20:11
jewbileeHow do I get out of low graphics mode?20:11
odla_oh i read firefox 3 beta to mean firefox 3 beta 3 ;D20:11
Adysjewbilee: Whats your video card?20:11
jewbileeGeforce 8600m GT20:12
Adysdid you sudo apt-get upgrade && update yet ?20:12
Adysupdate && upgrade even20:12
Adysdo so, nvidia drivers are a pain sometimes20:12
jewbileeI literally just got done running the upgrade to Hardy20:12
Adysupdate upgrade and highlight me if you still have problems after that :)20:13
Raspberryso should I upgrade from gutsy to hardy or is that just a complete mess?20:13
Adyshardy is stable, ish20:13
musikgoatexcept for a few minor bugs, hardy is doing great20:14
Raspberryi'm saying via dist-upgrade20:14
Adyssound is still a bit messy20:14
Raspberrymy g/f's machine is running Gutsy20:14
musikgoatdist-upgrade is a fine method20:14
Adyswine and pulse dont mess good right now20:14
RaspberryI thought about upgrading her box before she heads back to college tomorrow20:14
jewbileeAndy: i did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade20:14
jewbileeAndy: now what20:14
Raspberryi'm already running hardy20:14
musikgoatRaspberry: as long as she doesn't mind getting alot of updates over the next 5 weeks, go ahead20:15
Raspberryeverybody is saying that they can't boot after dist-upgrading20:15
Raspberrywhich is why I thought I'd ask20:15
musikgoati was able to boot two machines fine, after dist-upgrade20:15
Adysjewbilee: It's Adys :P and try rebooting20:15
musikgoatmy amd64, and my 386 lappy20:16
Raspberryis there a set of official instructions?20:16
jewbileeAdys: hehhe sorry, and thanks, I'll brb I i still have problems20:16
Raspberryor is it just a find and replace in sources.list .. then an apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade then a reboot?20:16
Raspberryi've never done a dist-upgrade20:17
VanDykeback to XP20:17
musikgoatRaspberry: yes,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades20:17
RaspberryI've always just done a clean install20:17
VanDykegotta download the gnome image now20:17
VanDykebecause I'm sick already of KDE420:17
Infectoo man :) i love this game :) i install linux-server20:17
musikgoatRaspberry: dist-upgrade modifies sources.list automagically now20:17
Infectoand on this kenrle which one contains xen support20:18
Infectodont want to run nvidia binary driver20:18
Infectobecaus dont20:18
Infectois there any solution for this?20:18
RaspberryInfecto: if you're trying to do xen stuff i'd recommend installing OpenSuSE20:19
markelhashi ppl i've upgrade to 8.04 beta and now i've xorg using to much CPU. any tips?20:20
Raspberryseriously -- it's got everything tweaked perfectly for xen20:20
Raspberrymarkelhas: what version of hal are you running?20:20
Raspberrymarkelhas: the package version, i mean20:20
markelhasRaspberry, i don't now. how can i check it pleas?20:20
Raspberrythrough the package manager20:21
jewbileeAdys: I rebooted but its still in low graphics mode20:21
Raspberryor through the terminal20:21
Adysjewbilee: how many monitors are you trying to setup?20:21
jewbileejust 120:21
markelhasRaspberry, where can i check the hal pack version?20:21
InfectoRaspberry: no, i just want to have 4g ram support on 32bit system20:22
Adysjewbilee: hmm, try apt-get install nvidia-xsettings20:22
Adysjewbilee:  nvidia-xconfig *20:22
jewbileei think i fixed it20:24
jewbileebut was the upgrade supposed to remove all of my beryl settings?20:24
jewbileeand my avant-window-navigator settings20:24
* Adys doesnt use beryl nor awn20:24
markelhasRaspberry, GNOME hal-device-manager
Adysrisks to take :)20:24
jewbileewell, i still have my launcher for AWN20:25
jewbileebut it doesnt work20:25
AdysActually, I used AWN on hardy a few weeks ago20:25
Adysand it worked fine20:25
Adystry purge install it20:25
markelhasppl can i restore my ubuntu version to 7.04?20:26
sayersIs kde4 going to become more stable through the updates, or will it not be updated untill 8.10 ?20:26
jewbileeAdys: what is a purge install?20:26
Adysapt-get remove --purge, apt-get install20:27
markelhasppl can i restore my ubuntu version to 7.04?20:28
jewbileeactually, before I do that, in the "Screens and Graphics" menu, it says my driver is the Generic VESA one20:28
jewbileewhich should I use since i have nvidia20:28
Adysoh yeah20:28
Adysyou need to use the nvidia one20:28
Adyssystem -> administration -> hardware drivers20:29
Adysuse the nv ones yes20:29
jessicai am considering restoring my system to 7.10 because i cant get my wireless or sound work would you advice it20:29
VanDykejessica, reformat and reinstall20:29
jessicaisnt there a way to downgrade20:29
markelhasjessica, how can i be done?20:30
VanDykeI doubt it20:30
markelhasjessica, how can it be done?20:30
keturnthere's a mysterious ten-second pause during my boot sequence.  where do I report that sort of thing?20:30
jessicao i dont know20:30
VanDykeeven if there was such a way, a lot of stuff would be broken20:30
jessicai was just wondering20:30
Adysketurn:  what sort of pause?20:30
Adysand when exactly :p20:31
VanDykemarkelhas and jessica, just reformat20:31
markelhasVanDyke, !? don't want to do that dude20:31
keturnAdys: dmesg shows a ten second gap between "udev: renamed network interface waster0 to eth1" and "loop: module loaded"20:31
DG19075Got a ? for the trusted brains here. I'm running 8.04 Beta, and even a stab at editing X11.conf, ny login screen is still stuck on 1280x1024. What to do?20:31
RaspberryInfecto: you can't get 4gb of ram suppport on 32-bit system20:31
VanDykeRaspberry, PAE allows that20:32
Raspberryso... if I installed gutsy ubuntu, but then added the kubuntu packages... and now run kde -- should I do a kubuntu or a ubuntu dist-upgrade?20:32
VanDykemarkelhas, well I guess you don't have one too many options20:32
Adysketurn: Not sure where to eport that kind of stuff either nope20:32
jessicaby the time 8.4 is realsed and is stable will my wireless work20:33
AdysDG19075:  Tried dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg ?20:33
markelhasVanDyke, after the update to 8.04 beta my xorg is using to much CPU20:33
VanDykejessica, which wireless card do you have20:33
jessicaits made by Realtek20:34
VanDykeI know, I have one too20:34
jessicaplease help me20:34
jessicai have tryed everything20:34
VanDykehaven't tried it with ubuntu 8.04 but with my slack install it works fine20:34
jessicait worked fine on gutsy20:34
Raspberryjessica: are you the jessica_lilly that's posted all over the forums asking for help ?20:34
jessicaim trying to get help and yes im looking at all my things ive posted on i need to find a answer to my wireless my sound and a few other things arnt working but i will fix them in my own time my wireless is very important20:35
Raspberryand did you see Brian1's response?20:36
DG19075Adys: Just tried that and all I get in terminal is a list of options, even with the space and double dash after dpkg...20:36
Raspberryjessica: and you're the same person that said your webcam didn't work in 7.10?20:37
jessicayes but ive fixed that20:37
jessicaand its made by the same person so its bound to be me20:37
Raspberryyou didn't post your fix in your question20:37
Raspberryif you have a problem register a bug20:37
Raspberryat launchpad.net20:37
AdysDG19075:  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?20:38
jessicai have yet my wireless is important i want it fixed very fast20:38
Adysjessica: Then why are you running hardy in the first place?20:38
jessicaso im trying to use all my resoruses avalable to me to get it fixed asap20:38
RaspberryI agree with everybody else though ... reinstall from an ISO and see what happens20:38
Raspberryjessica: this is BETA... stuff might not be working20:39
xtknightwhy wont my mplayer, vlc, or audacious output any sound, while totem works fine?20:39
jessicayes i realse that half my hardware isnt working but i like a challange just not with wireless20:39
VanDykeubuntu 8.04 supports even my external sound card out of the box20:39
Raspberrycoming in here since last ngiht and repeatedly saying "it's broken" doesn't fix your problem... you know I've been asking you for almost 24 hrs what model and manufacturer your card was and the first time I actually saw you post that was 20 minutes ago20:39
Adysjessica: it's not about wanting your wireless to work, i'd want it to work too if I had the same problem. It's about expecting it fixed fast :p20:40
VanDykejessica, www.realtek.com.tw download drivers and fix it20:40
gaminggeekhmm compiz isnt working in hardy for me20:40
Adysit'll be fixed "before release" if anything, in the meantime if you're not wiling to get away with hardware or software problems you shouldnt be running unstable20:41
xtknightoh i had to use -ao pulse20:41
xtknightwhy does hardy ues pulseaudio now?20:41
VanDykeand if half your  hardware doesn't work, then stick to windows please, especially if you can't even fix a wireless driver20:41
xtknightseems pointless20:41
RaspberryAdys: it'll be fixed before release... if we're lucky ;)20:41
jessicai need wireless my sound i can live with out, my cd drive not working right on hardy for some odd reason i can live with out my graphics having problems i can live with out but my wireless i need20:41
jessicaand rasberry i have posted my details about my problem many times over the 24h period20:41
Adysjessica: Try downgrading to gutsy :)20:41
DanaGHmm, something interesting:  I've now installed OS X on my laptop, and I get the exact same load-cycle issue there; thus, Ubuntu is not the only thing 'abusing' hard drives.20:41
Adysjessica: All we can do is help you troubleshoot your problem, we cant magically fix it20:42
RaspberryI'd just be great if you ask and then let us help ... treat us like equals ... not like we're some Dell tech support person .  I'm not getting paid $8/hr for you to scream at me :P20:42
RaspberryI understand it's frustrating20:42
jessicaok im sorry i am just getting worked up20:43
odlaanyone else have fuzzy fonts in gnome-terminal?20:43
Raspberrybut post your question and file a bug with launchpad and it'll get discussed and hopefully resolved20:43
xtknightam trying to find out why mplayer sounds better than totem also.  totem sounds like tin cans lol20:43
jessicato be honst everything is going wrong in my life and im just under a lot of stress ill try and carm down20:43
xtknightnot that bad just a little worse to be honest :p20:43
jessicasorry for shuting at you20:43
Raspberryjessica: yup -- i know how that goes20:43
Raspberryjessica: so you're using ndiswrapper ?20:43
Raspberryjessica: there is a native linux driver for that card20:44
Adysodla: its fine here, tried rebuilding font cache?20:44
Raspberryjessica: have you seen this?20:44
Raspberryjessica: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70549020:44
jessicaill take a look thanks20:44
xtknightmy day sucked today as wel20:44
xtknightfunny hwo that works.  maybe it's because i tried hardy ;)20:45
Raspberryheh -- hardy always seems to break at the least opportune tines20:45
xtknightwel regressions really get to me20:45
Raspberryor maybe it's because I run the update-manager every 4 hrs :P20:45
xtknightmy mplayer doesnt work anymore? wtf20:45
sharperguyanyone know how to get jre plugin working in firefox 3?20:46
gaminggeek/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Could not acquire compositing manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0"20:46
gaminggeek/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.020:46
gaminggeekwhy is it doing that??20:46
xtknighti mean i hope the final is better, ill do everything i can to ensure it is.  but still20:46
VanDykeit's actually amazing how many people upgrade to a beta distro over their production machines then complain that it's borked and they can't reformat20:46
Raspberryjessica: and there's this http://briancantin.blogspot.com/2007/11/hacking-rtl8187b-on-linux.html20:46
xtknightVanDyke, i havne't upgraded.  im on the livecd.  there's no way i'd commit this to disk as -is20:46
VanDykegaminggeek, do you have composite enabled on xorg.conf ?20:46
xtknightim just a little concerned :)20:46
Raspberryjessica: and this: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70744720:46
xtknightthat's all20:47
VanDykextknight, I am committing to disk, but since my main OS is XP I can reformat anytime I want20:47
gaminggeekVanDyke: I assume so its the default config for an nvidia card20:47
odlaAdys: looks like this here -> http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_id=53995158647e5703d66674&p=screen20:47
VanDykegaminggeek, nope20:47
Raspberryjessica: and these look to be good working drivers: http://www.datanorth.net/~cuervo/rtl8187b/20:47
gaminggeekVanDyke: the metacity composite is working fine..20:47
VanDykedid you install emerald ?20:47
Adysodla: Looks fine here20:47
Adysyou sure its not your screen?20:47
gaminggeekI dont want to install emerald I dont like it20:48
jessicathe drivers at datanorth.net i used with gutsy but it wont work with hardy when i try and compile them i get errors20:48
odlaAdys: nope ... i'm on live cd and debian looks fine20:48
AdysWhat's supposed to look wrong?20:48
Raspberryjessica: errors is a very vague term... care to elaborate?20:48
VanDykegaminggeek, check your xorg.conf to see if you have " Composite "On""  there20:48
odlaAdys: the fonts in the terminal are not very sharp20:48
odlathey are fuzzy20:49
xtknightodla, gome terminal?20:49
odlaxtknight: yup gnome-terminal20:49
jessicaer yes i can tell you the error i got20:49
xtknightodla,  try messing with system->preferences->appearnces->fonts but you may need to restart apps to see the effects20:49
Raspberryjessica: here's your problem... there are no drivers for your wireless card included with hardy20:49
keturnor, really, it might be cheaper to ask who *does* have working wireless, and pick up a new usb or pcmcia card.  if you don't want the latest super draft N wireless technology, new hardware might be cheaper than your time.20:49
Adysodla:  Edit --> Current profile, you can mess with colors here20:49
odla xtknight: i've done that ... 96 dpi, lcd20:49
jessicacan i compile some20:49
Raspberryjessica: "I can confirm this, regretfully the r818x modules are still missing from the kernel in Hardy Heron."20:49
Adysmight help with the sharpness20:50
xtknightodla, have you tried different antialiasing methods20:50
watchmehi all....20:50
Raspberryjessica: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/78255/comments/7020:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78255 in linux-source-2.6.20 "[2.6.20-12] rtl8180 gone missing." [High,Won't fix]20:50
jessicathanks ill have a look20:50
rinaldi_i finally got my wireless working in hardy!20:50
gaminggeekVanDyke: ah ok why isnt it in there by default?20:50
odlaxtknight: where's that stuff?20:50
jessicacan some one tell me what that website is for copying a big amount of code20:51
xtknightodla, in system->preferences->appearances->Fonts20:51
VanDykegaminggeek, nope20:51
nikrudrinaldi_ likewise on wireless. Finally had to learn wpa_supplicant20:51
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:51
Raspberryjessica: pastebin20:51
Adysfonts -> rendering -> Subpixel smoothing20:51
watchmedoes anyone can help me? Im getting the following error: after updating to hardy, I rebootet, and my PC keeps telling me, that I have misconfigured GDM, and he only has the / partition mounted with RO-option20:51
Raspberryhere's my favorite ubuntu hardy bug title of the day... Bug #7716120:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 77161 in linux-source-2.6.20 "r818x driver doesn't work, makes kernel mad (dup-of: 78255)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7716120:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78255 in linux-source-2.6.20 "[2.6.20-12] rtl8180 gone missing." [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7825520:51
watchmeOh,btw Im on console... any helpful URL, in qry please :)20:51
odlayeah i checked that out ... the fonts in gnome-terminal seem to be unphased by any changes20:52
xtknightwhen the kernel's mad, stuff hits the fan :P20:52
VanDykeoh yeah20:52
rinaldi_nikrud: for some reason the upgrade broke ndiswrapper, and since i had nothing to save on my laptop i did a fresh install. it didn't work at first but i eventually got it working20:52
gaminggeekVanDyke: what do I need to put in here again?20:52
VanDykecomposite on20:52
VanDykedo a quick google search for it20:52
xtknighti thiink he meant makes kernel loco20:53
xtknightor something20:53
nikrudrinaldi_ my broadcom makes networkmanager choke. I'd always used it before, but finally had to learn something20:53
VanDykeI'm off to a reinstallation with gnome20:53
Raspberryalthough this one might beat it out... Bug #8422920:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 84229 in linux-source-2.6.20 "[feisty] [amd64] a lot of programs get status D+ (dup-of: 78255)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8422920:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78255 in linux-source-2.6.20 "[2.6.20-12] rtl8180 gone missing." [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7825520:53
watchmeno one?20:53
xtknightD+ he means in the ps ax thing :O20:53
xtknightdaemon i guess20:53
RaspberryI hope that's less abrietary than the grading scale my teachers used20:53
rinaldi_nikrud: i used wpa supplicant before but since gutsy i have found the network manager to work a lot better, along with nm applet20:53
jessicaok this is the error i get from trying to compile the driver http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60622/20:54
xtknightRaspberry, lol http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7404020:54
ubotuKDE bug 74040 in general "(KDE-Start beendet - >10* Bildschirmflackern)/(Kein reset vOn hOtkeys durch KDE-Menu-EditOr)" [Normal,Resolved: worksforme]20:54
nikrudrinaldi_ for me, networkmanager crashes hard in hardy. Worked at some point yesterday, but went back to the same behavior.20:54
odlathis bug looks like mine -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/6340320:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 63403 in fontconfig "Semi-random ugly font rendering in Edgy (no font hinting)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:56
Raspberryjessica: try "  autogen Makefile.def  "20:57
Raspberryjessica: w/o the ""20:57
Raspberryno idea if that'll fix it20:57
jessicafserr 2: cannot stat Makefile.def:  No such file or directory20:58
jessicathas what it said when i try autogen makefile.def20:58
Raspberryhmm is there a Makefile in there anywhere?20:58
Raspberrymaybe without the .def20:59
jessicano i normaly use the ./makedrv20:59
jessicathere is a makedrv file20:59
Raspberrycan you pastebin the content of that file?20:59
AlienXdoes anyone know anything about envyng not working with a geforce 7900 GT in hardy?21:00
Raspberryjessica: do you have the restricted modules package installed?21:00
Raspberrysomebody else was in here today with connectivity problems and it was because they didn't have that installed21:00
jessicai dont know i dont think so21:00
Raspberryjessica: install that before you keep struggling with this driver21:01
Raspberryalso... read this:  Bug #17388021:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173880 in debian "rtl8187b error while compiling" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17388021:01
Raspberryjessica: they're saying use the wrapper21:02
jessicahow would i go about install the restricted modules21:02
Raspberryjessica: synaptec package mgr21:02
Raspberryjessica: read this... this *IS* your fix as far as I can tell... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ToshibaSatelliteL40-14N#head-d55a923f9323984bac07277ca136d2609ceb2ef421:03
Raspberryjessica: starting at paragraph 4 seems to be just about a step by step install guide21:04
jessicasorry to ask that but im in synaptic package manager and i dont know what to install21:05
Raspberryjessica: ok if this fixes your problem... I want you to register a bug against hardy... do you part and report this problem and list this as your fix -- so that other people having this issue don't have to spent an hour trying to figure this out.21:05
Raspberryjessica: I'll help you, but alpha / beta testing doesn't seem to be for you21:06
jessicaok thanks21:06
viatorhi upgraded to hardy and when i gotoo drivers and check the box for my broadcom card and then restart like it asks it is still unchecked when i go back21:06
viatorhow can i fix this21:07
Raspberryif you're going to do this fix as explained in the last link ... you don't need to use Synaptec .. you can just install "Windows Wireless Drivers" using Add / Remove Applications21:07
jessicaok thankz21:07
Raspberryviator: what broadcom card is it?21:07
viatori forget its been a while let me go look21:08
Pirate_Hunternice ppl very nice im installing hardy on vbox and i like the desktop look very jazzy not plain like the previous versions21:08
Pirate_Hunteri give thumbs up to the creators21:08
viatorrev 321:09
Raspberryviator: bug #18897521:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188975 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "Broadcom bcm4306 rev 3 chipset not working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18897521:09
viatorwell isnt that neat :|21:10
RaspberryI thought we have a bot in here ... why am I googling launchpad bugs for everybody :P21:10
nikrudbug 18897521:10
nikrud!bug 18897521:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188975 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "Broadcom bcm4306 rev 3 chipset not working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18897521:10
viatorhope its not like the bug on my other laptop that was a regression starting with breezy  that hasnt been fixed21:10
Raspberryviator: so help them out... and post your dmesg and lspci -nn21:11
nikrudRaspberry probably because you know your wireless ;)21:11
keturn!bug 20525921:11
keturnI just filed that one.21:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205259 in network-manager "sigsegv with bcm4306" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20525921:11
Raspberrynikrud: heh ... I use the bot to post that info :P  But people just come in and say it doesn't work ... I type "hardy ubuntu <wireless card>" and presto ... there's the bug21:11
nikrud!google | Raspberry you got the fu21:11
ubotuRaspberry you got the fu: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux21:11
Raspberryketurn: so then you should mark 188975 as a duplicate of yours or visa versa... let's keep launchpad cleaned up here21:12
Raspberrythe other day I must have spent 45 minutes marking bugs as duplicates of other bugs21:12
nikrudketurn is that a sigsev in network manager?21:12
keturnnikrud: yep21:13
Raspberryviator: http://p-s.co.nz/wordpress/?p=2121:13
nikrudI file so few bugs, they're nearly always there. At least all the ones I saw yesterday. Including that one with bcm431121:13
RaspberryI've filed a few21:13
Raspberrymost of mine aren't there because I've got new hardware :P21:13
Raspberrythe really disappointing thing (that got me to use Hardy in the first place) is how gutsy is so unstable ... and how so many bugs on Gutsy were marked "fixed in hardy / won't fix" and then you go to hardy and they're not fixed.21:14
Raspberryso now I'm on a mission to get all these things fixed :P21:15
Raspberrylike the depressing state of acpi and brightness controls on Thinkpads21:15
derspanksterhope the bcm4318 isn't on a list somewhere21:15
Raspberrybug #19847621:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198476 in linux "[REGRESSION] Impossible to change LCD brightness on Thinkpad R61/T61/X61" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19847621:15
nikrudohhhh, brightness is fixed on my gateway!!! Joy!21:16
RaspberryThinkpad users have to change the acpi scripts because Ubuntu devs hacked the acpi thinkpad stuff and customized it21:16
Raspberrywhat's crazy is it WAS working :P  for a long time21:17
jessica_thankyou rasberry im not on wireless21:17
jessica_its sucsessfully working21:17
Raspberryjessica:  good!  that was a much easier fix, eh?21:17
nikrudI filed a fair number of bugs in the hoary breezy days, there weren't many users. Now there's a lot of clued in people and I'm always behind21:17
jessica_yes ill post up up now21:17
nikoshey there21:18
Raspberryjessica: yeah register the bug with the restricted driver on launchpad and make sure you track it so they can work with you to fix it -- it seems like a lot of laptops have that wireless card21:18
nikoshas anyone got pulseaudio an surround working?21:18
nikrudonly one I've found recently was apt-zip, and it's fixed upstream. Probably won't make hardy though21:18
* J-_ hugs nikrud, s'ok. you don't have to do most of the work now. \o/21:18
nikrudJ-_ I didn't then, either. I just pointed at work :)21:19
nikosI have a 7.1 sound card but I only see a 2 channel sink21:19
Pirate_Hunter77% for hardy to go cant wait to test it out even knowing im so late :D21:19
RaspberryI don't understand my girlfriend... she drinks a redbull and then takes a nap everyday :P21:19
Pirate_Hunteranyway is there anything in particular i should know about hardy?21:20
RaspberryPirate_Hunter: it's buggy21:20
Pirate_HunterRaspberry: shes got a twisted metabolism21:20
jessica_your girl friend is oviusly tolertent to caffeen21:21
jessica_it has no affect on her21:21
Pirate_HunterRaspberry: yeah i worked that out since its still beta thats why i test it only in vbox before sending it to the hd but i feel sad for those that dont learn and just install it on the hd anyway21:21
viatoryeah but it doesnt emul;ate your exact hardware21:22
viatorsometimes all you can do is cross your finers21:22
RaspberryPirate_Hunter: I have been running hardy since Alpha 2 -- no real major issues minus the libc6 issue a week ago and yesterday's hal [no wireless 100% cpu] issue yesterday21:22
Pirate_HunterRaspberry: oh thats better than feisty nice very nice but i have to admit the desktop took me by suprise it was so jazzy way better than the previous version, they really put their heads together on this one21:24
Pirate_Hunternikrud, J-_: its nice to see you guyz here without me having to be asking for help on something :D21:25
Pirate_Hunternikrud, J-_: let me rephrase guyz/females21:25
nikosPirate_Hunter:For the wireless problem you need to downgrade hal21:26
nikrudPirate_Hunter I'm just waiting21:26
nikosor apply todays updates21:26
foxinesshi every time i run Language support i see this "Could not apply changes! - Fix broken packages first." ,i can not fix it from synaptic or aptitude install -f21:26
slavikI am trying to compile wine 58 for hardy(amd64) and it tells me that some libraries are missing.21:26
slavikI have the dev libraries installed and also I have ia32libs installed ...21:26
Pirate_Hunternikrud: waiting for what? your install to complete?21:26
nikrudfoxiness put   apt-get -f install  on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org21:26
nikosanyone got pulseaudio and surround sound working?21:26
nikrudPirate_Hunter no, for yours, so I can help you ;-p21:26
Pirate_Hunternikos: dont use wireless im old fashion will stick to wired connection21:27
Pirate_Hunternikrud: :D21:27
Pirate_Hunternikrud: you know on vbox can i install guest additions on hardy or does that only work for m$21:28
Ramunashey folks21:28
nikrudPirate_Hunter haven't tried vbox, I run vista in vmware for work (very rarely)21:29
RamunasI just upgraded to hardy, everything seems to be fine except for compiz-fusion21:29
Ramunasit doesn't listen to my emerald settings, why is that?21:29
slavikRamunas: install awn :)21:29
slavikRamunas: is emerald set as the window decorator?21:29
Ramunasslavik: I did emerald --replace21:30
Ramunasso it seems to be21:30
slavikhmm ...21:30
Ramunasoh, a restart of emerald helpeds21:30
slavikis compiz running?21:30
slavikoh yeah, that happens sometimes21:30
Ramunascompiz-config-manager doesn't seem to do anything either?21:31
Pirate_Hunternikrud: np i got vbox on both OS just incase i have to test beta version etc havent tried vmware, havent found the need to change yet21:32
foxinessnikrud: http://pastebin.ca/95319821:33
slavikI am trying to compile wine 58 for hardy(amd64) and it tells me that some libraries are missing. I have the dev libraries installed and also I have ia32libs installed ...21:34
Pirate_Hunternikrud: install doen and i have just logged in and i still think the desktop is kl now i need to find out what it offers compared to gutsy21:34
torpedo|doganybody know why there isn't a "leave message" button in my GNOME screensaver?21:34
nikrudfoxiness then  try   apt-get install <the lanuguagepack you want> , paste that21:35
nikrudRamunas you need to install compizconfig-settings-manager , then call it with   ccsm21:35
Ramunasnikrud, yes, I have that, and it doesn't seem to work, it worked just fine before the upgrade21:37
nikrudRamunas does calling ccsm in a terminal give you any errors?21:37
BadRobotanyone in here using Ubuntustudio beta?21:37
nikrudRamunas no real clue then. Did you install anything today?21:38
foxinessnikrud: i select my language and also English and it installed ,but my local language not work will21:38
nikrudfoxiness hm. I speak english only, and have only played with language support. If you can get me some good messages about the broken packages, maybe I can help with that.21:40
BadRobotyou can get other languages but you must set it when you install Ubuntu21:40
foxinessam upgrade from 7.10 to beta21:41
=== hydrogen is now known as GuestOver9000
nikrudBadRobot you can add support as well, system->admin->language support. I added german as a lark in gutsy21:41
BadRoboti try to install Ubuntu in english then switch then locales to Finnish on my wife's laptop but it didn't work21:41
=== GuestOver9000 is now known as Frydrogen
nikrudBadRobot did you try setting the language at the gdm login screen?21:42
BadRobotso it's easier to install in the language that you speak21:42
BadRobotno locales-fin and etc21:42
nikrudgiving it a go again, see if I remember how to set up another language21:43
foxinessfor me can not write on my language even when the my local language installed (this text suppose to be on local language coz am selected the local key)21:44
Raspberrythis is kinda my issue... anybody else seen this?  Bug #2766821:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 27668 in system-tools-backends "Sharing folders doesnt set things up properly (dup-of: 14774)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2766821:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 14774 in gnome-system-tools "[shares-admin] Shared folders requires a login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1477421:44
Raspberrywhoops :P  I mean Bug #2766721:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 27667 in xresprobe "xresprobe drops highest available resolution on certain lcd's" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2766721:44
EdwardXp3i need some help trying to install new drivers or to detect new drivers on my system21:45
EdwardXp3the latest kernel i tried install didn't work21:45
lupine_85so, I'm totally on Lenny at the moment and needing an incentive to try out Hard Heron. suggestions?21:45
BadRobotnikrud which language are you trying to set?21:46
EdwardXp3i have to re-apply my wifi drivers or something,21:46
BadRobotJust try out Lupine_8521:46
BadRoboti was using Lenny too before and i run away from it21:47
nikrudBadRobot I have a totally unintellible finnish interface. I did  system->admin->language support, enabled finnish. Logged out and selected options->language on the gdm login screen.21:47
nikrudgoing back to english21:47
lupine_85OK... let me put it another way. Is it better than feisty? gutsy? both of those were terrible21:47
BadRobotas i said my wife is a Finn too,and i tried the same and didn't work21:47
BadRobotor you do a fresh install in Finnish or you just keep it in English21:48
musikgoatanyone seen an issue with the clock, when upgrading from gutsy amd64 to hardy?  where the clock locks up the gnome-panel?   I'm trying to get confirmation of a bug21:48
BadRobototherwise it will be half Finnish and half English21:49
nikrudBadRobot I only read english myself. Have you tried the steps I suggested?21:49
BadRobotYep,it better the all of them21:49
BadRobotI am using Ubuntustudio right now,the last one was a mess but Hardy it's amazing21:50
EdwardXp3whats the command to search for something specific using ls -l ?21:50
EdwardXp3ls -l  *alsa   ???21:50
lupine_85does the text-mode installer still croak when presented with an LVM2 setup?21:51
BadRobotWell,i have selected Finnish when i did the fresh install Nikrum,it was my easier for her like that21:51
nikrudEdwardXp3  ls -l fileglob , * for many chars, ? for one21:51
BadRobot*no sure lupine21:52
nikrudBadRobot yes, makes sense to install in the language you use mostly21:52
nikrudhm, rum. yo ho ho21:52
BadRobotI use English,but for her it's easier in Finnish ,first because she is more the a noob21:53
KalEldoes hardy come with an rdp server as well as client?21:53
BadRobotor 2x noob with linux21:53
EdwardXp3like ls -l  al    i wanna retrieve everything that beings with al..21:53
nikrudEdwardXp3 ls -l al*21:53
gluercan i enter chinese characters like windows does?21:53
nikrudEdwardXp3 and  ls -l [aA]l* finds everything that starts with an al or Al21:54
anakin_Hello al, i am trying to install hardy, with apt-get upgrade after a fresh apt update. so far hitting the wall.21:54
anakin_do i need a different source.list file to upgrade?21:54
nikrudanakin_ are you on the desktop? I think that   sudo update-manager -d  is the preferred method21:54
EdwardXp3ALSA lib control.c:874:(snd_ctl_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_ctl_pulse.so21:55
EdwardXp3alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory21:55
BadRobottry psychocats.net/ubuntu21:55
EdwardXp3i get that error when i type in alsamixer :(21:55
gluernikrud: is the -d for developer?21:55
BadRobotit's a good guise21:55
nikrudgluer developer or development or something like that21:55
gluernikrud: cheers21:55
BadRobotnikrud r u a Finn?21:55
nikrudBadRobot no, Los Angeleno21:56
BadRobot* you mean from LA21:57
glueranyone have a .deb link for realplayer that works with hardy?21:57
anakin_nikrud, ok, thanks, let me try that21:57
BadRoboti have it in .deb21:58
nikrudamazing how many finns use linux :) http://counter.li.org/reports/arearank.php21:58
BadRobotbut i could to send it to you21:58
gluerbadrobot: does it work?21:58
BadRoboti haven't seen many Finns using linux21:58
BadRobotit's such hassle to any linux help in Finland21:59
BadRoboti have extracted from wife's laptop ,she is still using linux mint22:00
gluerbadrobot: can u send?22:00
BadRobotthey have APTonCD ,so i copy all the important .deb file from there22:00
jester7does anyone have a fix for the low volume issue on hardy yet?22:00
BadRobothow can send it?22:01
gluerbadrobot: NFI22:01
BadRoboti can try to upöpad it22:01
musikgoatjester7: low volume issue?  do you have an intel_hda audio driver?22:04
BadRobotnikrud ,how old are those statistics?22:05
nikrudBadRobot I think they're regenerated at least once a week. At least it was several years ago. From the page, it looks like it's pretty regularly. Remember, it's based on voluntary registration there so it's only so so useful22:07
BadRoboti think in Brazil there are a lot of people using Linux,the government are switch to linux22:07
BadRobotnow France also is switching everything from public sector to linux tii,not long it was the natinal police22:08
K4k-laptopI've installed w32codecs but I can't seem to play MP3s in Hardy yet, is there something I'm missing? I can't remember exactly all you need to play them22:08
jester7musikgoat: no, ATI22:08
musikgoatati makes sound cards?22:08
BadRobotno you need gstreamer22:09
K4k-laptopwhich one?22:09
musikgoatjester7: did you try outputting lspci ?22:09
jester7musikgoat: yeah, thats where i see that it's ati22:09
BadRobotgo to add/remove and search:mp3 then install the gstreamer ,ffmpeg22:09
slavikmusikgoat: as part of their chipset, yes.22:10
K4k-laptopthanks BadRobot22:10
musikgoathmm, i didn't know they made audio chips,  but I cant help ya then... I know of a low sound fix for the intel audio driver22:10
BadRobottry ubuntu-restricted-codecs too22:10
musikgoatsorry jester722:10
jester7slavik: right. Audio device:  ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia22:10
BadRobotit may be useful22:11
jester7musikgoat: is there a fix for the intel problem?22:11
jester7musikgoat: i have a feeling it's pulseaudio22:12
BadRobotVLC usually installs everything needed to play multimedia,K4k-laptop22:12
K4k-laptopBadRobot, I have installed all of the gstreamer stuff, but it still won't play in either banshee or rhythmbox22:12
K4k-laptopBadRobot, I want something to more then just play it, organize it too22:12
BadRobottry VLC and see22:12
musikgoatjester7: yeah, likely...22:12
BadRobotah ok22:12
BadRobotwell, i like amarok for that22:13
BadRoboti can't get my cd covers right with other media player,only with Amarok22:13
BadRobotElisa also it's a nice media player22:14
BadRobotsongbird too22:14
gluerwhats a good gmail checker?22:14
BadRobot*Songbird it's cool,but it's a bit buggy @ moment22:14
BadRobotI use Thunderbird22:15
Andre_Gondimwhen I go to System --> Administration --> Channel sources is write 5.04 Hardy Heron, how may i fix this?22:15
thompai still cant get usb devices to show up or mount anymore22:15
BadRobotit looks for emails every hour22:15
BadRobotbut you can set for a often you need22:16
Jean-PaulHello everyone22:16
Jean-PaulI have a quick question22:16
VanDykegnome ftw22:16
Jean-PaulHardy is set for release at the end of April22:16
VanDyke8.04 beta, everything working so far22:16
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde422:16
Jean-Paulbut firefox 3 final is going to be released in june. How does that fit in an LTS release?22:17
sercikhelp: i can't find a guide to install kde4 under hardy22:17
BadRobot...ubotu bite his tongue22:17
jimmygoonI don't understand why firefox betas got in an LTS release either22:17
Jean-Pauldon't misunderstand22:17
Jean-Paulanything is better than FF2.0.0.1222:18
BadRobot... Ubotu you pervert keep you hands of the keyboard22:18
Jean-Paulit's very unstable here22:18
BadRobotyep,Epiphany Gecko 2.2222:18
VanDykeFF3 is very stable for me22:18
Jean-Paulheeps freezing on me all the time22:18
Andre_Gondimdoes anyone confirmir this problema in channel sources?22:18
BadRobotto me too22:18
VanDykeuses a frickin lot less memory than FF222:18
Jean-PaulFF3 was stable in all the alpha's I tried (but that was Live only, I never installed those alphas)22:19
Jean-Paul@vanDyke: THAT I believe22:19
thompalsusb has Bus 002 Device 005: ID 054c:0325 Sony Corp. but cant mount22:19
Jean-Paulbut stability is worth more to me than mem usage22:19
VanDykebut seriously, no problems at all for me22:19
sercikexcuse me! to install kde 4?22:19
BadRoboti use Midori Web Browser too,it's very fast and it use WebKit and very low memory22:19
VanDykesercik, get kubuntu 8.0422:19
VanDykeanyway, gotta reboot22:19
Jean-Paulbut the solution is to use something that is officially in beta (maybe RC) stage?22:20
sercikkubuntu 8.04 is already out?22:20
thompasercik: i actually prefer kubuntu 8.0422:20
serciki have installed alpha 6 hardy22:20
BadRobotGet UbuntuStudio22:20
Jean-Paul@serick: no, it'll be released in April, hence the version number ;)22:20
thompacan anyone help with no usb devices plugged in showing up22:21
Jean-PaulUbuntu Hardy and all of its derivatives are currently beta22:21
Jean-Paul@thompa: what kind of system are you using?22:21
thompaJean-Paul: athlon x2 box, sata drive,22:22
BadRobotJean_paul i think Hardy is very stable,i was testing Dreamlinx 3 RC3 and it buggy as hell22:22
thompaJean-Paul: i had walkman and camera on an upgraded 64 to beta, now in beta 386 nothing22:22
BadRobottoo buggy for a RC,i couldn't gdebi to work22:23
thompaJean-Paul: ive tried mounting and computer shows an icon for usb when plugged in22:23
Jean-Paulwhat version of Hardy are you using? x86? x86_64?22:23
BadRoboti guess the problemit's the usb-stick22:24
thompax86 on one partition 64 on other22:24
Jean-Paul@badReboot: I never doubted the stability of Hardy, but it is in beta for a reason :)22:24
thompathe 64 partition has usb22:24
Jean-Paulif you try mounting manually, does that work?22:25
BadRobotsorry,i mean probably the problem it's with the USB-stick,thompa22:25
thompaJean-Paul: im not sure what to mount actually22:25
BadRobotif it's that what you using22:25
Jean-Paulthat's actually a very good idea: try another stick22:25
BadRoboti have to format an usb-stick that i couldn't mount 2x22:26
BadRobotformat to FAT16/3222:26
thompaJean-Paul: there is no device to mount but it shows up with lsusb22:26
thompaif i plug it in22:26
watchmedoes anyone can help me? Im getting the following error: after updating to hardy, I rebootet, and my PC keeps telling me, that I have misconfigured GDM, and he only has the / partition mounted with RO-option22:26
thompaJean-Paul: i get a big usb icon that before said walkman22:27
Jean-Paulbut if the stick is not mounted automatically then you could try something like "mount /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpoint"22:27
Jean-Paulyou may have to do the mount command prefixed with sudo22:28
BadRobotyou can try CTRL+ALT+F2 then sudo dkpg reconfigure -a.watchme22:29
thompaJean-Paul: i know but i cant figure out what to mount22:29
thompa771 devices22:29
BadRobotbut when you rebooy22:29
thompaJean-Paul: nothing tells me its the walkman anymore22:29
Jean-Paulif you do "ls /dev/sdb*", what is the output?22:29
Jean-Paulor better yet, try  "ls /dev/sd*"22:30
thompaJean-Paul: /dev/sdb  /dev/sdb122:30
thompai guess its one of those22:30
Jean-Paulsdb is the stick, sdb1 is the filesystem on that disk22:31
thompa/dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sda3  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdb122:31
Jean-Paulerm, stick :p22:31
Jean-Paul/dev/sdb1 is definitely what you want to mount22:31
thompaJean-Paul: mount: can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab22:32
Jean-Paulyou could try to add it22:33
Jean-Paulto the /etc/fsab22:33
thompaJean-Paul: im going to have to add each device. before they were automounted and a window would pop up22:33
thompai guess only the usb22:34
thompaJean-Paul: thanks let me try it22:34
Jean-Paulbe sure to make a backup of /etc/fstab before changing anything22:34
thompaJean-Paul: what do you think i can out there for mount point /media/?22:38
Jean-Paul@thompa: you'll have to make a directory for it, if you want to call it "mountPoint" then do a "sudo mkdir /media/mountPoint"22:39
thompaJean-Paul: i guess i could compare it to the fstab in the other partition22:40
Jean-Paulyou could22:40
thompaJean-Paul: thanks I will try later again. other folks seem to have this issue also22:40
VanDykethis is amazing22:40
Jean-Paulbut most likely it will just yield a name like disk22:40
Jean-Paul@vanDyke: what's so amazing?22:40
Jean-Paulcuriosity killed the cat, and I'm a leopard :p22:41
VanDykeubuntu 8.0422:41
VanDykeusing on x64 now22:41
VanDykegnome and stuff22:41
Jean-Paulbetter than the alphas?22:42
VanDykelast time I tried was alpha322:42
VanDykenow this beta22:42
Jean-Paulhm, I'll have to try it myself then, I just dl'ed the x86 destop version22:42
nomasteryodabeta is good22:42
Jean-Pauldoes flash work reasonably?22:42
nomasteryodaworking pretty sweet22:43
nomasteryodahaven't tried that in beta... was ok in alpha 422:43
Jean-Paulbecause x86_64 has always been a pain in the butt when it comes to flash22:43
thompaJean-Paul: im looking at the other fstab and the device is not in there22:43
Jean-Paulif it worked in the alphas I'm pretty sure it'll work in the beta22:43
nomasteryodalm reboot into hardy22:44
Jean-Paul@thompa: then just make a mount point (sudo mkdir /media/mountPoint) and point to it in your fstab config file22:44
sodokucan anybody please post me a link to the channel log or help me with broken wifi?22:45
thompaJean-Paul: i did that. im not sure what file system to use22:45
Jean-Paul@thompa: depends on your stick's fs. might be Fat16 or Fat32, or ntfs22:46
VanDykeok send me a page to test flash22:46
Jean-Paulor Ext3 if you formatted it to it22:46
Jean-Paul@van Dyke: youtube ;)22:46
thompaJean-Paul: it worked hehe22:47
Jean-Paulgo watch a golden oldie: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FYlKs7R1MFw22:47
linux_loonVanDyke, http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/22:47
VanDykeboth work22:47
VanDykeyoutube, adobe welcome, etc22:48
Jean-Paul@thompa: glad it worked, but unfortunately I think that still won't mean automounting, and unmounting will require root privs as well22:48
thompaJean-Paul: i just copied the stuff i had for the cdrom entry22:48
thompaJean-Paul: its a bug maybe22:48
linux_loonVanDyke, you have Shockwave player working?22:48
linux_loonOr both URLs worked.22:48
VanDykeboth url's worked22:48
Jean-Paul@thompa: it might be, to be sure file a bug report at launchpad22:49
linux_loonOh okay.22:49
VanDykeis there such a thing as shockwave for linu ?22:49
VanDykelinux ?22:49
linux_loonNot that I know of.22:49
VanDykeI also need to address my full RAM now22:49
Jean-Paul@vanDyke: does shockwave still exist?? :O22:49
linux_loonUnless you can use Wine or something.22:49
VanDykegot 4Gb22:49
thompaJean-Paul: the x64 is not doing that for some strange reason22:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bc43 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about b43 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:50
BadRobotFlash works very well in hardy,there are just some issues with java22:50
BadRobotbut i did some work out with it22:50
Jean-Paul@badRobot: what kinds of issues? because 64bit Java problems could very well mean my being "stuck" with just 32bits22:51
alex_mayorgaanyone that knows how to reset the wireless firmware using b43-fwcutter?22:51
BadRobotIf you use Epiphany Gecko everythings works much better the FF322:51
Jean-Paul@thompa: be glad x86-64 works correctly22:52
igorguewhat does the latest gstreamer update fixed?22:52
igorgueI had problems with some audio22:52
VanDykeso what's the deal to make the system get the full 4Gb22:52
BadRobotsomethings ff3 doesn't recognises that java is installed22:52
BadRobotand it keeps asking to install the java plugin22:53
Jean-Paul@vanDyke: on 64bit? should use the full 4Gigs automatically. on 32bits? you need an extention in the kernel22:53
BadRobotif it happens try = about:plugins and see the output22:53
VanDykeon 64bit22:54
VanDykeit still sees 3.2Gb only22:54
VanDykedoesn't do automatically22:54
Jean-Paulthat's weird22:54
Jean-Paulmaybe it still uses that address space for hardware devices22:55
VanDykecould be the video card22:55
BadRobotShockwave Flash22:55
BadRobot    File name: libflashplayer.so22:55
BadRobot    Shockwave Flash 9.0 r11522:55
Jean-Paulwhy would it? do you have an Intel solution or something else which snoops off of your main mem?22:55
VanDykeit's 8800GT22:56
BadRobotso shockwave is flash now22:56
BadRoboti think they are all the same22:56
VanDykebut I've read some garbage on pcie remapping and stuff22:56
Jean-Paulwhat kind of garbage? I'd like to read it22:56
VanDykeah I did a google search and went opening pages22:57
Jean-PaulI'll try the same then22:58
Jean-Paulin any case, I'm beat. Have a nice morning, midday, afternoon, evening or night everybody!22:59
VanDykenow the -rt kernel broke my audio23:00
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_Milliman
K4k-laptopHey, just wondering. I know that Flashplayer-nonfree is broken, but I just installed Gnash but it's not working either, is there some problem with that and hardy now too?23:08
nikrudK4k flashpluin-nonfree worked fine here23:10
rskhere too23:10
K4k-laptopThat's odd, I installed it and it didn't work23:11
nikrudyes. A fresh beta install this morning23:11
K4k-laptoplemme try again, maybe it's fixed now23:11
K4k-laptopI tried a few days ago and it wasn't working23:11
nikrudjava too, after I linked the plugin into my local firefox config23:12
Turskimy firefox isn't working23:13
K4k-laptopO HAPPY DAYS!23:14
K4k-laptopI was dying without my flashplayer23:14
AlienXanyone know if there is a way to use update-alternatives to change the default browser?23:16
katsu_moooanyone have gnome-settings-manager issues after updating to all newest packages?23:18
Turskiwhat's wrong with my firefox23:18
katsu_moooi went straight from alpha 6 to beta23:18
JaymacTurski, more information would be greatly appreciated23:19
Turskiit stopped working after i tried to change nvidia drivers to ones from repos23:19
JaymacTurski, by "stopped working" do you mean it won't open, won't display pages, or what?23:19
Turskiit doesn't say anything if i run it from commandline23:19
Turskiwon't open23:19
JaymacTurski, do you get an error message when you open firefox from a terminal?23:19
JaymacTurski, sorry, on a laggy connection23:20
Turskinp :)23:20
JaymacTurski, do other programs function as per usual?23:20
Turskiyes, i think23:20
rick_I have a kernel problem with the liveCD, is this the right place to ask questions?23:21
odlaso are you suppose to be able to upgrade from dapper to hardy?23:21
Flannelodla: you can, yes23:21
Jaymacrick_, if you're using Ubuntu 8.04 beta, yes23:21
odlaFlannel: nifty23:21
rick_I am.23:21
TurskiJaymac: at least i haven't found any program that doesn't work23:21
JaymacTurski, you upgraded to the proprietary nvidia drivers using the restricted-manager?23:21
tritiumodla: you have to upgrade from one release to the next, in order23:22
Jaymacrick_, then ask your question23:22
rick_The kernel freezes while trying to unpack the initramfs.  I23:22
Turskinot useing restricted managet but apt23:22
odlaalso is anyone else getting fuzzy fonts in gnome-terminal?23:22
odlain hardy23:22
Turskii used manually installed ones before that23:22
rick_I know exactly where in the kernel it fails, I'm just not sure why23:22
teamcobraI want one of these phenom machines for my personal desktop..... hardy is screaming ;)23:22
Turskiand coz those drivers didn't work, i use manually installed ones now too23:22
jimqodehello. does anyone know which package includes the b43 wireless module? I lost it in an accident.23:23
teamcobrabtw, I figured out my problem from last night re: alternate and server installs crashing @70%.... /boot needs to be on the first drive in the machine, cannot be on a raid disk23:23
odlajimqode: you probably mean b43-fwcutter?23:23
teamcobrajim: it should be the modules package for the kernel you are running23:23
jimqodeodla, maybe it's in the same package but i mean the b43 kernel module23:24
teamcobrabut you also need b43-fwcutter, like odla suggested23:24
jimqodeodla, when i do modprobe b43 now it says module b43 not found23:24
teamcobrapretty sure the module itself is in the modules package for the kernel ver you have installed23:24
odlajimqode: oh you mean the actual module23:24
odlajimqode: maybe it's bcm43xx?23:24
odlaor b43phy ... i think is what it might be called23:25
jimqodeteamcobra, odla, i tries reinstalling linux-modules-generic package with no luck23:25
jimqodebcm43xx is old module i think23:25
dandelhmm... mind telling me what is wrong with fglrx considering i keep having it fail to load the kernel module.23:25
teamcobradandel: whatś the dmesg output regarding that module after you load it w/ modprobe23:26
odlajimqode: it's not the old module .. it's for legacy b43 cards23:26
dandelit's short, i can paste it here.23:26
nomentero for the java insue in firefox3 copy /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin.so in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b4/plugins folder23:26
dandel[17884.489442] [fglrx] Maximum main memory to use for locked dma buffers: 929 MBytes.23:26
dandel[17884.489474] [fglrx] ASYNCIO init succeed!23:26
dandel[17884.489477] [fglrx:KCL_enable_pat] *ERROR* Pat entry 2 is already configured23:26
dandel[17884.489481] [fglrx] PAT is disabled!23:26
dandel[17884.491649] [fglrx:firegl_init_module] *ERROR* firegl_stub_register failed23:26
teamcobrathe legacy b43 module is b43legacy ;)23:27
nikrudjimqode  sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) linux-image-$(uname -r) , that will ensure you get it23:27
odlawell i'm running 2.6.24 on debian sid with the bcm43xx module for a legacy chip ;)23:27
odlajimqode: have you thought about ndiswrapper?23:28
teamcobradandel: and this is the fglrx installed from ubuntu´s packages,  or is it the amd/ati installer23:28
jimqodenikrud it says they are already the newest version. should i remove purge first?23:28
teamcobraodla: NOOOOO23:28
dandelubuntu packages.23:28
nikrudjimqode do --reinstall23:28
teamcobradandel: 1 min23:28
nikrudjimqode sorry, should have put that in the line23:28
odlawhy no?23:28
jimqodeodla, i tried ndiswrapper with no luck. actually i'd be glad if someone held my hand at that. my card is bcm4312 on a dell m133023:28
jimqodeeveryone seems to be having difficulties with b43 driver, and they say ndiswrapper works fine23:29
odlajimqode: do you have the correct driver for that card?23:29
jimqodebut i couldn't get the led to light up23:29
jimqodeodla, i downloaded the windows xp 32-bit driver from dell website. my system is 64bit hardy.23:29
nikrudjimqode after you do that reinstall , do /usr/share/b43-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh  to ensure you have the firmware as well23:29
teamcobrahrmm, my keymap seems to be borked.... apostropheś don´t work right ;)23:29
dandeli'm purging the modules real quick and reinstallin em.23:30
odlajimqode: should that matter?23:30
jimqodenikrud, thank you. I got back the b43 module. thumbs up!23:30
jimqodeodla, i have no idea. It just didn't light up my wifi led.23:30
Raspberryhmm I just did a dist-upgrade to hardy and now sound and wireless networking are broken :)23:30
Raspberrythat shouldn't happen23:31
nikrudjimqode I hope networkmanger works with your broadcom chip, mine (4311) caused it to die23:31
jimqodenikrud, mine hangs too. also i have range problems23:31
jimqodenikrud, It only works when i'm really close to the router23:31
RaspberryI have serious range problems after the latest updates with my intel wireless card23:31
nikrudjimqode I ended up doing something I had put off for a long time, learning how to set up wpa_supplicant23:31
teamcobranikrud: I had it working before I upgraded, and then it broke, Iĺl have to check for updates23:32
odlajimqode: i've always had excellent luck with ndiswrapper ... it's just making sure you have the correct driver23:32
teamcobrabcm4311 rev0223:32
nikrudrev 01 here23:32
teamcobraodla: ndiswrapper caused my machine to lock every 1-3 hrs depending on how heavy the network usage over wireless was23:32
teamcobrab43 is the way to go.23:32
jimqodedo you guys use roaming mode?23:33
jimqodeor the plain manual config?23:33
odlateamcobra: well i've always had the b43 module keep losing connection over and over again every 15 minutes and ndiswrapper works flawlessly here23:33
nikrudroaming (when it worked in gutsy)23:33
jimqodehmm i got the some strange behaviour now with b43. when i look at wifi-radar wireless network levels are switching from full (4/4) to none (0/4) randomly23:35
jimqodealso i'm not seeing the closest router but some very far ones23:35
teamcobraodla: last night, when I updated, it broke b43, but I will test it in a bit......23:35
jimqodei think i'll try ndiswrapper again23:36
dandelteamcobra: i tried both, starting with the one from the modules, and it errors either way.23:36
jimqodewhich modules have to unloaded before loading ndiswrapper?23:36
Raspberryi'm a bit confused23:36
Raspberrywhy do I need to use ndiswrapper for hardy when the same hardware worked fine in gutsy23:37
Raspberrywhat the heck are they doing?23:37
jimqodemine doesn't even light up in gutsy23:37
teamcobradandel: hrrm..... on this 780g (radeon 3200hd igp) alpha5´s fglrx didn´t work, but the newer package fixed it.... your issue seems a bit deeper than that though ;) whatś the model of your card?23:37
teamcobraand brb in about 1 min23:37
teamcobraI need to log out/log in23:37
dandelradeon x1900gt23:38
dandelit's strange... worked on fiesty with catalyst 8.323:38
dandeli did a fresh reinstall to hardy to debunk it, so i expected somethin like this.23:38
RaspberryIntel ProWireless 2200BG should just work in Hardy23:38
dandelwhat's odd is i can't even get the kernel module to build from source23:38
odlaRaspberry: it's still in beta ... so problems are expected to happen ... btw, you should open a bug report if something isn't working correctly23:39
teamcobraand I fixed my 's 's 's ;)23:39
drbobbhi, will upgrading to hardy beta break support for broadcom wireless?23:39
teamcobraok, dandel, your graphics card model?23:40
Raspberryodla: thank you captain obvious23:40
dandelPowercolor Radeon X1900GT with 256mb of ram.23:40
dandelit's an r520 i think.23:40
RaspberryI asked more to see if anybody else has seen this issue23:40
* odla puts Raspberry on ignore23:40
nikrudRaspberry hahhahahaha23:41
teamcobraand when you install using ati/amd's installer, there are no errors in /var/fglrx-installer.log (I believe that's it, not 100% sure)?23:41
nikrudteamcobra why did you use the site one, it's the same 8.3 driver in ubuntu ?23:42
ethana2yarr, still bugs in the intel graphics drivers23:42
Raspberryethana2: much better than before though :)23:42
ethana2oh heck yes it is23:42
teamcobranikrud: I didn't.... I had to before b1 because I have a brand-spanking am2+ server in front of me ;)23:42
ethana2in fact, nexuiz would /almost/ be playable23:42
nikrudteamcobra ah, I see.23:43
teamcobrahe has a pretty wild dmesg dump when he tries to load the module though23:43
teamcobraso a log of an install helps ;)23:43
ethana2they'll keep pulling driver fixes for those drivers, right?23:43
Raspberryit's strange that the ipw2200 isn't loading23:43
ethana2after release?23:43
Raspberryif they don't I'll keep bothering them :P23:43
nikrudRaspberry welcome to my heck ;)23:43
Raspberryit's fairly new hardware... and laptop mfgs are still pushing out drivers -- so you know it's pretty unstable23:44
* teamcobra crosses fingers that bcm4311 rev02 isn't b0rked on the laptop today ;)23:44
Raspberryso what was the change to hardy that's borked everybody's wireless?  ... I mean after the HAL issues23:44
Ashexhas anyone else been having issues messaging aim user with kopete?23:45
teamcobranot sure, I updated last night :/23:45
teamcobragetting to the bottom of it though23:45
Raspberryethana2: Lenovo is still pushing new video drivers for the X3100 to the windows platform... which typically never happens...   Every laptop I've owned they basically release a stable video driver and then never touch it again23:45
Raspberryit's like the modules aren't loading in the kernel23:45
Raspberryor they've gone missing23:45
Raspberrythe ipw2200 isn't loaded on this laptop and it was working fine in gutsy prior to the dist-upgrade23:46
dandelteamcobra: i'm retrying the ati download... fresh copy 1 sec.23:46
Raspberryand restricted drivers are installed23:46
nikrudRaspberry someone earlier lost b43, a kernel reinstall fixed it . do a find, see if the module's still there.23:46
teamcobradandel: cool ;)23:46
drbobbi'd risk struggling to unbreak wireless (i've always succeeded), if the upgrade unbreaks my wired ethernet sis90023:46
teamcobraI actually got a phy transmission error last night after the upgrade23:47
jimqodeRaspberry, sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) linux-image-$(uname -r)23:47
jimqodeRaspberry, that fixed my issue (thanks nikrud)23:47
drbobb(sis900 has been very flaky for me since gutsy)23:47
teamcobrawhich reminded me of the old bcm43xx drivers, as the 4311 rev02 wasn't supported until recently23:47
Raspberryrev 3 is broken23:47
nikrud02's been supported since gutsy release, has Works for Me™23:48
Raspberryit's just annoying that a lot of the help requests of the last few days have been ... it worked in gutsy ... now it's broken23:49
teamcobrayeah, it was working _awesome_ until last night ;P I'll see what's up23:49
RaspberryI updated one of my gutsy boxes just to play with a dist-upgrade... and it core stuff... sound / wireless are borked23:49
teamcobraI was too tired to mess w/ it, was setting up this box w/ a 2tb raid5 ;)23:49
Raspberryand lshw shows the wireless and sound to be "UNCLAIMED"23:50
drbobbBCM4318 (rev 02) worked only w/ndiswrapper in gutsy, what's the status in hardy ?23:50
Raspberrydrbobb: rev 3 only works with ndiswrapper @ this point23:50
jimqodelshw hangs on my dell m133023:50
dandelteamcobra: no luck.23:50
drbobbRaspberry: but u r talking about bcm4318 correct?23:50
Raspberrydrbobb: I'd have to dbl check23:51
dandelteamcobra: the installer installs, but when i do a build test of the kernel it keeps erroring saying no make file exists.23:51
Raspberryhmm ... it's strange this basic hardware is UNCLAIMED now... the 82801DB... AC'97 Audio Controller and the intel ipw2200BG wireless controller23:52
jimqodewhy does broadcom make these cards. they are just like winmodems23:52
Raspberrybut on the live CD they're not unclaimed23:52
jimqodethey need a firmware loaded into them every time23:52
teamcobrajim: 'cause they're dirt cheap to make23:52
Raspberrynikrud: the ipw2200.ko looks to be there... /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless23:53
jimqodebut my laptop was not dirt cheap to buy23:54
Raspberryjimqode: marketing is expensive to get you to buy that crap :P23:54
nikrudRaspberry just a thought.23:54
* jimqode is really angry about this wifi issue.23:54
Raspberrynikrud: i did a modinfo ipw220 an dit shows me the options23:54
Raspberrynikrud: I did a modprobe ipw2200 and nothin'23:54
nikrudjimqode a nice thing about loading firmware is you can get updated firmware. Hard to change a chip23:55
jimqodeand I have to download a 54mb joint driver for ndiswrapper now.23:55
dandeli'll brb... later23:55
nikrudRaspberry depmod -a ?23:55
jimqodenikrud, what did a firmware update to a wireless card fix throughout the history? :)23:55
alex_mayorgaanyone else experimenting FF3b4 crashes when using the new Yahoo! Mail??23:55
nikrudjimqode its the _principle_ ;P23:55
teamcobrajim: buffer overflows23:55
thompamy walkman and camera dont show up anymore, same on all 3 computers23:55
teamcobrathat was a big problem across the board a couple years back23:56
thompaso usb is broke23:56
RaspberryI wonder if USB is broke23:56
nikrudRaspberry but I'm just throwing out generic things, nothing that is specifically related to your problem.23:56
thompai can manually add it to fstab, then i need root to mount etc23:56
jimqodeteamcobra, there were buffer overflows in wifi firmware?? Wow remote code execution through hardware.23:56
Raspberrynikrud: I appreciate it :)  an iwconfig doesn't show eth0 ... just lo and eth123:57
teamcobrajim: yup, and in some cases, using ndiswrapper made you vulnerable in linux as well23:57
Raspberrysince alot of these "Win" devices emulate USB23:57
teamcobrait was bad, and still is, since a lot of people never updated their drivers since they bought their laptop/wifi card23:57
nikrudusb stick came up here23:57
teamcobraso, lots of pwnage goes down at starbucks23:58
jimqodesigh. wireless on linux is still a pain in the neck23:58
thompanikrud: can you open it?23:58
Raspberryjimqode: not for me with an intel card ... except now on a dist-upgrade :D23:58
nikrudthompa yes, it even offered to run some autorun stuff23:58
thompai get usb icons is all with a bunch of ??23:58
thompanikrud: are you running x64?23:59
Raspberryjimqode: have you checked /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist?23:59
jimqodedoes anyone know what bus the network card on m1330 uses? pciex or pci?23:59
jimqodeRaspberry, no. what should i look for?23:59
jimqodei'm removing the modules by hand23:59
nikrudthompa no, 32bit.23:59
Raspberrydrbobb: check /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist <-- the bcm43xx is blacklisted in there23:59
bardyri just installed the beta today to get a fresher base and noticed that there where 426 updates :D23:59
Raspberryjimqode: your wireless driver23:59

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