
rhineheart_mCan anybody here tell me if this bug has been alreadu fixed and added to the repo? Bug #15674800:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156748 in iperf "Thread library bug for kernel >= 2.6.21" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15674800:00
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
blueyedrhineheart_m: no, it's not. I've just filed a sync request and will leave a comment in the bug, linking to it.02:36
rhineheart_mthanks..so what bw monitoring you could advise ?02:36
blueyedrhineheart_m: dunno. I would use the source package from Debian and build it from source.. but I've not used iperf myself yet..02:39
IulianHey qense10:31
FestorI am in the beta of Hardy now, but...10:45
FestorDoes anyone know why the command update-mozilla-firefox-chrome is not available in beta 4 of firefox 3?10:45
FestorI am trying to do this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/20471910:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204719 in firefox "Firefox 3 language packs missing" [Undecided,In progress]10:46
charmgene(on ubuntu hardy beta) i see this :"update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-12-generic" when installing basket. i wonder whether this have anying to do with its failure to boot this morning after installing basket last night. i am now on a reinstalled system. the error messages on screen when failed to boot is something like:/init: /bin/sleep:not found......i am afraid to turn of my computer now! anyone can help?10:46
FestorIs there anyone ...?10:58
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qenseFestor: you could ask in #ubuntu-devel11:33
jpatrickqense: he did.. and -motu11:37
qensethekorn: what does the new function Manage Teams of the 5-a-day applet do?11:38
thekornqense, hi, as you can see here: http://daniel.holba.ch/5-a-day-stats/   dholbach added a team summary to the stats11:39
qenseah, so you can select for which teams your bugs should count?11:39
thekornwith this dialog you can choose the team you want to participate for this stats11:39
qensejust one or more?11:40
qenseand just LoCo teams or more11:40
thekornit is limited to Loco-teams11:40
thekornyou can choose as much as you like11:40
qensebecause all teams I'm a member of show up11:40
thekornunfortutatly there is no way in LP to find out in wich loco-teams a user is11:41
thekornwhen the stats are crteated there is a script to filter all non-loco-teams out11:41
qenseok, thx for the information11:41
thekornyou are most welcome11:43
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qenseWhat's the purpose of the Ubuntu Desktop Bugs team?13:56
jpatrickrecieve mails from Ubuntu Desktop team packages?13:57
qenseah, ok, thx13:57
hggdhqense: deal with bugs associated with the desktop14:03
hggdhqense: for example, we do not deal with kernel issues, but we deal with Evolution14:03
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=== ertial is now known as qense
qensewoot! https://edge.launchpad.net/hal lists me as 4th top contributor :P15:01
qenseI don't do that much for HAL ;)15:01
qenseWhose fault is bug 205161? Ubuntu or GNOME? I know alacarta is maintained by GNOME, but doesn't Ubuntu decides what to put in the System menu?15:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205161 in gnome-applets "Control center is shown twice when editing menu" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20516115:38
dsasqense: The .desktop files decide what menus a program appears in, they come from GNOME I think. Ubuntu sometimes patch them though15:40
qenseok, I'll forward it upstream15:41
qenseI think it's caused by a script that checks if gnome-control-panel is present in alacarte15:41
dsasok, if the bug is in alacarte then the bug should be reassigned to that source package then.15:43
seb128qense: that's a duplicate15:43
qensewhat's the other bug?15:43
seb128bug #6341515:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 63415 in gnome-menus "Double Gnome control center" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6341515:44
seb128you are welcome15:44
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qenseis bug 205079 medium or high?18:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205079 in update-manager "kubuntu Hardy Heron could not install libc6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20507918:36
qenseshould it be*18:36
qenseI think medium, since it's an update18:36
qensebut it does affect a lot of people I suppose18:36
ScottK2I'd call it a high.18:39
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BostonPen1Hi qense19:23
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BostonPen1I'm doing my first batch of 5-a-day and I'm looking at bug 192885. It's a known issue but has been resolved in later builds of Firefox 3. What status should I set for the bug?19:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192885 in firefox-3.0 "firefox keeps crushing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19288519:32
BostonPen1I'm guessing the proper status is Fix Committed since the fix is in nightly builds and will be in Fx3b5 when it comes out. Am I right?19:34
qensewhere is the fix?19:36
qenseYOu could at least add https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=402204 as upstream bug19:37
ubotuMozilla bug 402204 in General "Crash on http://www.howtoforge.com/ [Xerror calls exit on 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)']" [Critical,New]19:37
BostonPen1I'm not sure where it is. I just get nightly updates every morning and couldn't get a crash on the site specified in the bug19:37
qenseI too can't get a crash at amd6419:38
qensebut the bug report at moz is against 1.819:38
BostonPen1Actually qense it has already been added on the bug by topdog19:38
qenseif I've read it we;l19:38
qensebut it has been deleted by alexander sack19:39
qensehe marked the complete bug as invalid19:39
BostonPen1Hmmm. The Bugzilla bug says it has a NEW status wit a severity of Critical19:39
qenseand DUPEMe19:40
qensemaybe someone with a moz bugzilla account should give the url of the LP bug and ask what the status is19:40
BostonPen1The bug against Mozilla Firefox has been marked Invalid, but the bug against firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu) is new, which is why it came up in my search for bugs to triage19:41
qenseand that is weird19:42
qensebut is the bug in 3.0?19:42
qensedid anyone confirm it for that19:42
qenseor just 2.019:42
BostonPen1I have a Bugzilla account. I'll ask over there19:42
BostonPen1I've got a WFM in 3.0 although it's with a nightly build, not what's in the repo19:43
BostonPen1Should I confirm the LP bug or what? I'm new to triaging19:44
qenseI think bug 205149 is invalid, since it's probably caused by a new update, just uploaded when he switched DE. Does anyone disagree?19:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205149 in update-manager "update manager and aptitude not in sync" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20514919:44
qenseaptitue isn't adept19:46
qenseI've got to go anyway19:46
BostonPen1I'm looking at bug 204641 and it's definitely not duplicated, but it's something for the WishList. What status should I set it to?20:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204641 in tomboy "Give Tomboy mindmapping capabilities" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20464120:00
BostonPen1Any advice on bug #204641? It's not a duplicate and I think it's a great candidate for the Wishblist. I'm trying to confirm what it's status should be after triaging the bug20:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204641 in tomboy "Give Tomboy mindmapping capabilities" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20464120:08
BostonPen1Nevermind on the bug I'm asking about. It was my 5th bug for the day but I need to close out this task so I left it unconfirmed and moved to another bug I can confirm20:12
greg-gBostonPen1: you can set it to confirmed/wishlist20:13
greg-gand ideally forward it upstream (after looking for duplicates in the upstream bug tracker) and link the upstream report with the LP one20:14
BostonPen1Oh, ok. I didn't see I could set it for the Wishlist once I confirm it.20:14
BostonPen1Forward it upstream? Not sure what you mean by that20:14
greg-goh, you probably can't, I will set it for you20:14
BostonPen1No problem. I moved to a different bug for my 5th for the day. But now I'm getting connection/permission errors when submitting my 5 bugs to 5-a-day20:15
BostonPen1I think I found my problem in submitting my 5-a-day. My LP name is DJ_Peng, but add-5-a-day is trying to use LP account dj_peng. Does anyone know what I need to do to fix this?20:27
greg-gecho DJ_Peng > .5-a-day20:35
greg-gwait, first, cat .5-a-day and tell me what it seays20:35
BostonPen1I had actually changed my LP ID to lowercase "dj_peng", which is still resulting in No such Launchpad account: dj_peng20:36
james_wBostonPen1:  https://launchpad.net/~dj_peng leads nowhere.20:41
BostonPen1Ok, I think I know what I nee dto do. Let me try something20:42
james_wBostonPen1: if you go to launchpad and click on your name in the top right what page do you end up at?20:42
BostonPen1It gets me to https://launchpad.net/~bostonpeng so I added bostonpeng to .5-a-day and I'm trying to report my bugs now20:43
BostonPen1Yea! It worked!20:44
BostonPen1Thanks for the help. Now I'm afraid I need to run because I should have hit the grocery store at least a hour ago but I wanted to finish my first day's bugs20:45
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urc_jimhowdy all22:23
urc_jimne1 else new here?22:26
Tuv0knot much small talk here22:28
urc_jimok...thx; just joined the launchpad team and was wondering where else to start....I'm here22:53
dsasurc_jim: find a package you're interested in on launchpad and go through it's bug lists :)22:55
dsasor look via one of the premade lists..22:55
urc_jimok...after I find one?22:57
dsaswell go through it's bugs one by one (probably starting at bugs which say 'new') and triage them22:58
dsashttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage for how to do that22:58
urc_jimwonderful...thxs dsas22:59
dsasurc_jim: no problemo. Just ask the room if you have any specific questions.23:00

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