
salty-horsehi. is there a reason I don't see displayconfig-gtk in the application menu? (file is /usr/share/applications/displayconfig-gtk.desktop )09:15
pochusalty-horse: are you in KDE?10:43
pochusalty-horse: it's in Applications->Others here10:44
salty-horsenope. just upgraded to hardy gnome10:44
salty-horseI think it's an accidental error.. it should be in system->preferences or administration10:44
salty-horse"other" is when no category exists10:45
salty-horseI'll check the repos10:45
salty-horsewhat's the meaning of this commit message? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~displayconfig-gtk/displayconfig-gtk/ubuntu/revision/bryce%40canonical.com-20080320034502-g3q97wykkav22so9?start_revid=bryce%40canonical.com-20080320034502-g3q97wykkav22so9&file_id=displayconfiggtk.des-20070322180214-dyw3rxw0wcvy94go-110:46
salty-horseI'll ask Bryce10:48
=== asac_ is now known as asac
salty-horseasac, what's does the ubuntu firefox extension do?11:12
huatsseb128: hello13:41
seb128hey huats13:41
Hobbseehi seb128, huats13:42
huatshello Hobbsee13:42
seb128hello Hobbsee13:44
seb128slomo_: around?13:49
slomo_seb128: yes13:49
seb128slomo_: I've noticed an issue in gnome-settings-daemon13:50
seb128slomo_: the xrdb datas are not installed13:51
slomo_/usr/share/gnome-settings-daemon/xrdb here13:51
slomo_right, that should be /etc/gnome/xrdb13:51
seb128I think the debian gnome-control-center package used to change those and install them under /etc/gnome/config13:51
slomo_seb128: will move again, thanks :)13:52
seb128can conffiles be moved between binaries? or does it require some postinst work?13:52
seb128I think it's one of those annoying cases13:53
seb128I'm not sure right now though13:53
slomo_i'll try13:53
seb128slomo_: http://wiki.debian.org/DpkgConffileHandling can be useful14:03
slomo_i hate conffiles :)14:04
slomo_seb128: yay, first time that conffiles don't cause extra work... :)14:07
seb128how they didn't create extra work?14:08
slomo_only change needed was the .install file14:10
seb128I doubt of that14:13
seb128slomo_: at least there is a package conflict, since the file moved from capplets-data to an another binary14:15
seb128slomo_: and those are conffiles and might have been changed by the user, how will that be handled? will it keep the user version of conffile prompt on upgrade?14:15
slomo_seb128: "Replaces: capplets-data (<< 1:2.21.5)"14:16
slomo_but for the other part... i don't know :/14:16
seb128need to talk to cjwatson when he'll be around14:17
seb128the openssh has a changelog entry about that14:18
slomo_seb128: another thing... could you move nunit to main and nunit2.2 to universe? last dependency in main is gone now but wants the new version which is supported upstream (while nunit2.2 is very old) ;)14:25
slomo_seb128: ok, gst-plugins-base0.10 is uploaded now... please sync :) and move nunit stuff around ;)14:45
seb128what is this nunit about?14:45
* seb128 looks14:45
seb128dunno this package14:45
seb128nunit wants to go to main apparently14:46
slomo_seb128: unit testing... we have old nunit2.2 in main because mono-tools didn't build with nunit some time ago14:46
slomo_seb128: that's fixed now and we should use the new version because it's supported upstream14:47
seb128are those the same software?14:47
slomo_just different versions14:49
seb128ok, will do the changes then14:50
seb128I doubt pitti will have issues with those14:50
slomo_nunit2.2 was uploaded to debian only for mono-tools btw :)14:50
seb128understood ;-)14:50
slomo_now monodevelop needs it too but that's in universe14:50
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
slomo_asac: ping? :)16:48
slomo_seb128: ok, so the complete gtk#2.12/gnome#2.20 transition thing is done now, everything built fine ;)17:31
seb128good, that was quick and smooth ;-)17:31
slomo_except that mono broke in between because we set CPPFLAGS in the build environments now and theyr build system is ugly... yes ;)17:32
seb128didn't notice, I just upgraded to the new f-spot, the new libgtkhtml thing got installed correct and it's still working17:33
asacslomo_: ?19:50
slomo_asac: problem already solved :)19:51
asacthats good news :)19:51
slomo_asac: well, not good but solved... how can i get the MOZILLA_HOME for xulrunner? :)19:51
slomo_asac: before one could simply get the libdir from the pkg-config file19:52
asacslomo_: if you need that you are doing something wrong19:52
asacyou upgraded mono binding for gtkmozembed19:52
slomo_asac: no idea if i do something wrong, we have a patch to export the correct MOZILLA_HOME in mono-tools and other packages since ages :)19:52
slomo_no, mono-tools19:52
asacslomo_: what does mono-tools do?19:52
slomo_i mad it build again19:52
slomo_it contains a unit testing gui, documentation browser, etc19:53
asachow is the documentation browser calle?19:54
asaci remember something about that one :)19:54
asacah ... monodoc-browser19:54
asacslomo_: so how is MOZILLA_HOME exported?19:55
slomo_in /usr/bin/monodoc19:55
slomo_just grep for MOZILLA_HOME and you see it19:55
asacbefore xulrunner 1.9 MOZILLA_HOME was needed to set the proper -rpath19:55
asacbut thats not the case anymore19:55
slomo_ok, so the patch is obsolete... will it hurt?19:56
asacslomo_: plesae drop the current _home patch and use http://paste.ubuntu.com/5999/ instead20:02
asacwhich basically drops the complete mozilla_home business20:02
asaclet me know if it doesn't work20:03

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