
Fryguy--andar4: dependant on hardware00:00
ani1Radit: ~/.mozilla00:00
rahdukehey can someone help me out, I lost access to my second desktop00:00
andar4yeah.. my manufacturer is compaq.. they don't exactly make stuff like that readily available00:00
tronyxit's 2point0 NSN|Brainstorm00:00
Fryguy--rahduke: as a question00:00
Xucgregory: I want to run Proxomitron (with wine), and after it loads, to run Tvxb. Problem it halts after proxomitron. Only continues after I close it00:00
ani1!ask | rahduke00:00
uboturahduke: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:00
NSN|Brainstormah ok, was waiting for ya00:00
tronyxare you registered?00:00
tronyxi sent you a private message, i wasn't sure if you got it00:00
Fryguy--Xuc: wine support is outside of the scope of this channel00:00
andar4fryguy is there some other way i can run the fsck? like from a live disk or something?00:00
rahdukeI lost access to my second desktop after installing compiz fusion00:00
NSN|Brainstormin this channel? no think not00:01
rahdukei can drag things to it but i cant get to it00:01
Fryguy--andar4: run a hard drive diagnostic first00:01
rahdukeif that makes any sense00:01
Fryguy--rahduke: "my second desktop" what do you mean00:01
noble-Xuc, /join #winehq00:01
tronyxjoin #ubuntuforums-beginners00:01
sorbazzAnyone whos been on dreamlinux and got some bad/good experiences with it?00:01
tronyxsorry, that message was to NSN|Brainstorm00:01
ethan961rahduke, all in one line please00:01
XucFryguy: wine works.. I am lost with a script... can you give me directions to some channel?00:01
Fryguy--sorbazz: wrong channel00:01
ani1!ot | sorbazz00:01
ubotusorbazz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:01
noble-sorbazz, why even ask that in a ubuntu channel?00:01
Fryguy--Xuc: somebody already did00:01
noble-Xuc, /join #winehq00:02
xb3rtFryguy--: says i have to pay for WebDAV access00:02
rahdukemy other workspace is not accessible thru workspace switcher in panel, nor can i get to it any other way00:02
=== Snoman^ is now known as Snoman``
ani1rahduke: control alt left or right see if you can switch desktops that way00:02
Fryguy--xb3rt: then that's apparently what you have to do.  hotmail business issues are outside of the scope of this channel00:02
rahdukethats the 1st thing i tried00:02
andar4fryguy if my disk were dead it wouldn't work right in windows would it?00:03
Fryguy--andar4: it migth00:03
Fryguy--andar4: will you just go and run a hard drive diagnostic00:03
gregoryXuc: can you pastebin the script?00:03
freak124does kde have an alternative for system-->preferences->sessions in gnome?00:03
Fryguy--andar4: instead of sitting around asking the same questions over and over again in disbelief00:03
tronyxNSN|Brainstorm, type, /join #ubuntuforums-beginners please00:03
NSN|BrainstormIm there00:03
ani1andar4: it could be a dead sector on the partition where your installing ubuntu i would follow the advise :)00:03
Xucgregory: pastebin?00:03
eisenhowerhey where is firefox located by default?00:03
Fryguy--eisenhower: type whereis firefox00:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:04
Starnestommyeisenhower: I think /usr/bin/firefox00:04
Slasher`lol snap00:04
eisenhoweraite ty00:04
andar4ok.. can you maybe tell me how i can find out what hard drive i have so i can get a diagnostic -- because the laptop manufacturer doesnt believe in making tools like that available it seeems00:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:04
freak124does kde have an alternative for system-->preferences->sessions in gnome?00:05
Fryguy--andar4: if you are in a unix system, dmesg shoudl have it, if you are in windows obviously device manager00:05
Fryguy--!repeat | freak12400:05
ubotufreak124: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:05
Fryguy--rahduke: probably just edit your xorg.conf file to get the second monitor back, or dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:05
Xucgregory: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60475/00:05
eisenhowerFryguy- Thanks, didn't know of that command00:05
freak124ok, I'm sorry00:05
rahdukethanks ill give it a whirl00:06
WAKDandar4 hdparm -i /dev/sda1 or whatever device is00:06
rahdukehow do you act as root in terminal?00:06
Fryguy--rahduke: su or sudo00:06
ani1rahduke: sudo00:06
andar4if i run this disk diagnostic from windows won't it just check the windows partition?..00:06
jga23anybody have debs of the newest version of gstreamer and plugins?00:07
Fryguy--andar4: a disk diagnostic checks the disc, it doesn't care about partitions00:07
Fryguy--andar4: most of them are bootable CDs00:07
maneyBUG: alternate-install i386 beta: boot "menu" - all entries change to "Install Ubuntu" when selected (by down-arrow) and stay that way :-(00:07
rahdukeUnknown id: dpkg-reconfigure00:07
a1famy monitor only supports "800x600" anyway to run "1024x768" and 'zoom-out', so to speak so it fits under 800x600?00:07
oriezi'm installing ubuntu daul-boot with vista and I made the vista partition smaller what do i have to do now00:07
andar4this one from fujitsu is a windows executable :(00:07
gregoryXuc: oh, you might ask in #bash  - give them also the pastebin url00:07
Fryguy--alfanick: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, or just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually00:08
Fryguy--oriez: install ubuntu00:08
ani1a1fa ^^00:08
GnewtI've got a question for install of Wine.  Am I in the right place?00:08
[sTeReo]andar4, i gave you a hint in a private message :)00:08
Fryguy--Gnewt: no, join #winehq00:08
oriezthat it?00:08
andar4wakd can i do that command from a live cd some how?00:08
Fryguy--oriez: yes00:08
Xucgregory: thanks!!!00:08
Fryguy--andar4: yes00:08
a1faFryguy-- : it only supports 800x60000:08
bastid_raZoris there a way to see which repo a package comes from? i added a repo for AWM and had some conflicts.. then i reinstalled via synaptic using the support packages.. i'm needing to know which set of repo's to remove considering i have two sets for avant.00:08
Fryguy--alfa: what only supports that00:08
LOGANhttp://www.colinux.org/ <- your thoughts00:08
a1fai want 1024x760 scaled to 800x60000:08
a1famy monitor00:08
a1famy lcd screen00:08
ani1a1fa: you can change the settings when you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg hit the space bar in the resolutions you want00:09
a1fai want to run 1024x768 and scale i00:09
andar4do i have to mount the disk somehow? or how does the command see the disk?00:09
a1faani1 : dude, i know.. thats not a solution00:09
Fryguy--alfa: you'll have to edit xorg.conf manually to get that00:09
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a1fawhat option needs to be set for that?00:09
a1fai can run 1024x768 but i have to scroll across the screen00:09
a1fai dont want that00:09
Fryguy--alfa: no idea, read the manpage or google around.  We don't cover exotic X configs in here00:09
ani1!xorg | a1fa00:09
ubotua1fa: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:09
[sTeReo]andar4: my advice would be to try some tool like SpinRite00:09
a1fai want to fit 1024x76800:09
WAKDandar4 yeah - liveCD and then terminal then su that command with the right device....00:09
bastid_raZora1fa; it sounds as if you need to reconfigure X.. the command ani1 gave you will fix that issue.00:10
andar4ok thanks everyone00:10
maneyBUG: okay, did that once, this time it's fine.  huh?00:10
jessicai need help with ndiswrapper00:11
a1fathats not the deal00:11
a1faLCD only supports 800x60000:11
zach382hello i installed ubuntu and in the advanced section i uncheked the install grub option. Now id like to install grub onto root (the partion i installled ubuntu on) and i cant seem to get it to install.00:11
a1fathats the size it can do00:11
a1fait cant do anything more than that00:11
jessicait says i have installed the card and everything yet when i got to my network manager it dosnt detect it00:11
Fryguy--alfa: i already told you, if you want to do an exotic X setup (zooming), that is outside of the scope of this channel, please see the manpage, /usr/share/doc, or google00:11
a1fanothing in that doc00:12
a1famaybe its not supported00:12
Fryguy--alfa: it is00:12
amenadojessica-> which chip does your wifi card have?00:12
a1fais unzoom supported00:12
Fryguy--alfa: like I said, outside of the scope of this channel, please stop asking00:12
a1fahater ;P00:12
jessicai am using a realtek RTL8187B00:12
Malik_TuTUXG_: u there00:13
Fryguy--alfa: i've linked you to plenty of resources to help you on the search to get your configuration right, good luck00:13
zach382can someone help me install grub?00:13
ani1!grub | zach38200:13
ubotuzach382: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:13
rahdukehey i just reran the xorg config settings and it didnt help my lost access to extra workspace, should i reset or logout and back in or something?00:13
Fryguy--zach382: why don't you just let ubuntu install it for you00:13
TuTUXG_Malik_, yes?00:13
amenadojessica-> that require an ndiswrapper?00:13
Fryguy--rahduke: yes00:13
Malik_TuTUXG_: can you help me configre the cube efffect...lol00:13
rahdukethanks again00:13
jessicayes i requres ndiswrapper00:13
Fryguy--Malik_: install compizconfig-settings-manager00:13
keith__How do I redirect stdout using sudo to an area I don't have write permissions?00:14
TuTUXG_Malik_, head to #compiz-fusion00:14
zach382Fryguy: i didnt want it to overwrite windows00:14
Malik_TuTUXG_: i jus did a few random things and it kinda slowed my computer down so i unchecked most of em00:14
jessicawhen i do ndiswrapper -i i get this00:14
jessicanet8187b : driver installed00:14
jessicadevice (0BDA:8197) present00:14
Malik_TuTUXG_: i got the ccsm00:14
zach382Fryguy:i mean windows bootloader00:14
Malik_TuTUXG_: everytin si workin00:14
Malik_TuTUXG_: iam jus askin can u help me configre my settings00:14
ani1Malik_: then go to #compiz-fusion as you were asked00:14
Fryguy--zach382: so what exactly are you trying to do?00:14
TuTUXG_Malik_, #compiz-fusion, i will help u ther00:14
amenadojessica-> now when you  iwconfig   does its show your nic is active?00:15
Malik_TuTUXG_: i put that in the terminal?00:15
zach382Fryguy: get grub to install. when ever i run grub and then type find /boot/grub/stage100:15
jessicaeven when i do a lsusb i get this: Bus 007 Device 003: ID 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.00:15
TuTUXG_Malik_, no it's a irc channel00:15
ani1Malik_: its a channel on freenode.... /join #compiz-fusion00:15
jessicai get no wireless connections00:15
Malik_TuTUXG_: i feel stupid lol00:15
whileimherehi. I'm trying to figure out how to make ubuntu boot into X and then auto open my Wah!Cade program. I do not need a desktop of any kind once it boots so I can save on resources. Anyone know how to do any of this?00:15
Fryguy--zach382: so what is this about windows bootloader and keeping that. you'll need to explain yourself some more before I can give you meaningful advice00:15
amenadojessica-> were you configuring this with network manager? did you set the ESSID ?00:16
rahdukehey hate to be a pain, but reseting xorg settings didnt help :(00:16
TuTUXG_Malik_, here is ubuntu channel, ur question should be asked in the compiz channel, what irc client ur using xchat?00:16
jessicayes i have filled in everything correctly00:16
ani1whileimhere: you can set programs to auto start under sys -> prefs -> sessions00:16
keith__"sudo ./program > /etc" doesn't work. How do I apply the sudo to the redirection?00:16
rahdukeany other tips?00:16
Malik_TuTUXG_: iam on it00:16
WAKDjessica - check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571046&page=300:16
jessicaok thanks00:16
Fryguy--rahduke: edit xorg.conf manually00:16
rahdukeany settings specifically?00:17
Fryguy--rahduke: and google xinerama for some help on configuring it right00:17
rahdukeok thanks00:17
amenadojessica-> can you paste the results of  iwconfig;  also if you can  iwconfig wlan0 scan  if it scans AP in your aread00:17
whileimhereani1: Cool but will that help if I get it to boot into X or will that only work with a given desktop like GNOME?00:17
zach382Fryguy: Okay lets see.  I want to keep the vista bootloader and i have a program on windows that lets me edit the vista bootloader and add options for grub and such. so today i installed ubuntu and i chose not to install grub in the options. I thought i could just install grub onto the same partion ubuntu sits on and not to the mbr. the problem is that now I cant get grub to install at all.00:17
Fryguy--keith__: probably easier to just become root first complete with sudo su00:17
Skiessimus4shiii are you here?00:18
ani1whileimhere: i cant speak for fluxbox or KDE i know for GNOME it will but surly they have the same sort of settings00:18
rahdukehey fry-guy i wasn't talking about dual monitors i was talking about the other desktop u can get to inside ubuntu00:18
Fryguy--zach382: grub isn't going to work like that, use grub to boot windows, windows bootloader supports basically nothing00:18
pluxFryguy--: to become root use either sudo -s or sudo -i00:18
Fryguy--rahduke: ??00:18
jessicathe results of my iwconfig are:00:18
jessicalo        no wireless extensions.00:18
jessicaeth0      no wireless extensions.00:18
Apachey guys00:18
Joe__Got up this morning to find Ubuntu restarted(I just lock the screen at night), now when I try to start gedit(I use it for code snippets to reference) it doesn't appear... process is there, but it isn't anywhere to be seen00:18
Fryguy--plux: i'm well aware of the various ways of becomming root00:18
rahdukehaha you know the extra desktop space dealy where u can drag apps to00:18
ani1Joe__: is it on any other desktops?00:18
whileimhereani1: now can you tell me how to stop Ubuntu from booting into the GDM or into a desktop? I just want it to boot directly in Wah!Cade.00:18
zach382Fryguy: no grub will work like that. Ive had it working before i just cant remember or recreate how i did it. And even what you just said would be fine. Except i cant get grub to install at all00:19
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
Fryguy--rahduke: install compizconfig-settings-manager and edit the keybindings for it i guess00:19
amenadojessica-> try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart  and lets see if your nic responds00:19
ani1whileimhere: i have no idea what Wha!Cade is if its a WM then you should be able to selection the session at the login screen00:19
WAKDwhileimhere - you do need a X server and a window manager to do that mate00:19
Joe__anil: Checked other desktops, checked wmctrl and it doesn't see it either00:19
whileimhereWah!Cade is a MAME arcade frontend.00:19
Fryguy--zach382: no idea why you are doing it the hard way, but ok if you insist.  That type of install isn't supported by ubuntu, so nobody in here is going to be able to provide support for you on that.  Go google.00:19
ani1Joe__: hm thats pretty weird have you tried to kill -9 the process and reopen?00:20
Joe__anil: restarted X as well, was about to restart the whole thing but figured I'd ask here first00:20
zach382Fryguy: can i be supported on how to reinstall grub?00:20
keith__Fryguy--: Way to be logical... ;-D That works for now but there has to be a better way00:20
jessicaive tryed restarting my nework and nothing happens00:20
whileimhereI just don't want to waste system resources booting into a full desktop when all I really need is X.00:20
Joe__anil: yup, a few times... it's quite odd00:20
rahdukehey fryguy i already have it, how do i run the setting program... sorry im retarted00:20
jessicait says its restarted it ok yet i still carnt see the device00:20
ani1!grub > zach38200:20
Fryguy--zach382: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:20
ani1Joe__: thats pretty weird hopefully someone else in the chan has input i dont have any other ideas :\00:21
Fryguy--rahduke: it's in your menu somewhere, or it's probably called compizconfig-settings-manager if you want to press alt-f2 to run it (i'm guessing, i don't use compiz or gnome so)00:21
rahdukei tried00:21
rahdukeno go00:21
amenadojessica-> i dont use ndiswrapper..but can you what you have in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless00:21
zach382Fryguy--: now what happens when "find /boot/grub/stage1" does not work?00:21
Joe__let me try a whole restart... maybe there's something hung up somewhere00:22
Fryguy--zach382: no idea00:22
bastid_raZorrahduke; System>Preferences>Advanced Desktop Effects Settings00:22
computer13137Anyone, please advise.  I'm having trouble with XRDP, which is a program to remotely access a Gnome session.  When I run it it fails.  The information in the logs have the following error.  Please advise on how I can fix this.  http://p.just-owns.eu/p/t_1231206145175.txt00:22
jessicaok thanks ill take a look00:22
Fryguy--computer13137: run on a different display00:22
arteniusas a test, would someone just tell me what nick I'm using?00:22
computer13137Fryguy: How? :P00:22
zach382Fryguy--: okay well thanks anyways00:22
arteniusani1: thanks00:22
Fryguy--computer13137: no idea, this is #ubuntu, not #randomxserverthatisntinstalledbydefaultonubuntu00:23
ani1hey thats my chan00:23
computer13137Fryguy: The way I see it, the problem is with X not with the program.00:23
computer13137So I would think you could help.00:23
Fryguy-- computer13137: the way i see it, the problem isn't with ubuntu so why are you here00:23
ddaanyone know why gnomebaker reads audio CD ~20 minutes, but writes the same image in ~4 minutes?00:23
computer13137Fryguy: I have xrdp working in a virtual machine.00:24
computer13137I just can't get it to work on a real PC...00:24
computer13137I'm thinking a setting I forgot to change this time.00:24
Fryguy--dda: probably does multiple pass reads to account for error correction and such to get a better quality rip00:24
fbcWhat is the best video conversion utility in Ubuntu? Something similiar to Super C?00:24
Joe__odd... restart fixed it though00:24
bastid_raZorfbc; i like handbrakecli and tovid00:24
Fryguy--computer13137: like i said, wrong channel00:24
Joe__anyone here been in any of the testing for 8.04?00:25
Fryguy--Joe__: #ubuntu+1 for hardy issues00:25
fbcbastid_raZor, I'll check them out thanks00:25
ddaFryguy--, thanks! Is there a way to make sure that that is the reason?00:25
ani1Joe__: #ubuntu+100:25
Fryguy--dda: no idea00:25
tatorsI installed gparted00:26
tatorsI can't find it tho to use it00:26
ddaFryguy--, okay :). I'll try a data CD now... I did not rip, just created image.00:26
tatorshow do you actually partition the drive00:26
Fryguy--tators: press alt-f2 to run it if it's not in your menu (assuming you are running gnome)00:26
askandIs there a way to mount or convert ISZ files in ubuntu?00:26
dem0nk1d_how do i disable from boot into X00:26
dem0nk1d_ubuntu doesn't use a initrd, how can i set boot to runlevel 300:26
ani1tators: gksudo gparted00:27
dem0nk1d_the box i have is having video card issues/drivers and hits a black screen when done fully booting.  so i managed to boot it into single user mode under grub.  then installing openssh server/client00:27
Fryguy--dem0nk1d_: my ubuntu uses an initrd, not sure why you don't00:27
dem0nk1d_nothing located in /etc00:27
dem0nk1d_like most of all other distros00:27
Fryguy--dem0nk1d_: ?00:27
dem0nk1d_running fluxubuntu00:27
dem0nk1d_alix1c board00:27
amenadodem0nk1d_-> you are getting /etc/inittab confused00:27
Fryguy--dem0nk1d_: initrd is a ramdisk loaded at startup alongside the kernel, it has nothing to do with /etc what are yo utalking about00:28
xb3rtdoes anyone know what 0xa1 means on the keyboard shortcuts00:28
dem0nk1d_fry: ok you maybe right lol00:28
WAKDxb3rt looks like a hex code for a key mate00:28
Fryguy--xb3rt: i think it's left control, not sure, i dont' really have the keyboard map memorized :900:29
pelegI am looking for a software that knows how to create nice picture-slideshows with music in the background (ogg?), and export it to a movie format of some kind. Do you know any one which is good?00:29
dem0nk1d_inittab doesn't exist00:29
BossmanbetaFor some reason, when I use nautilus within the last day or so, it locks up when I try to show my HOME dir, when I force it to quit, it pops up again, but freezes again ... any ideas? (I tried to pkill nautilus) and reboots dont work... (Ubuntu Gutsy)00:29
amenadopeleg-> you can take a  look at wink, a tool to create slides for tutoring00:29
dem0nk1d_i just need the box to boot into level 3, i have to ssh into to get it to 1/2 ass work00:30
Fryguy--Bossmanbeta: put anything strange in your home directory recently?00:30
pelegamenado: thanks!00:30
BossmanbetaFryguy--, I had trouble ripping a DVD last night00:30
amenadodem0nk1d_-> you have to understand level 2-5 is same level in ubuntu..00:30
WAKDBossmanbeta check for any wierd filenames and any '.' files too :-)00:30
Picidem0nk1d_: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm remove      stops the gdm from starting up, or if you can ssh in, you could just do sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop to temporarily stop it.00:30
Fryguy--Bossmanbeta: i'd take a look at the contents of your home directory using terminal or whatever and see if there is anything weird in there00:30
BossmanbetaFryguy--, what tyype of weird stuff should I be looking for?00:31
dem0nk1d_ok so then how do i not get it to boot into X00:31
Picidem0nk1d_: er, no invoke-rc.d gdm remove, update-rc.d gdm remove00:31
dem0nk1d_runlevel 0 then00:31
Fryguy--Bossmanbeta: should be somewhat obvious I guess00:31
Fryguy--Bossmanbeta: files with null characters, super huge files, etc.00:31
ApacAnyone here familiar with setting up a pptp connection in Kubuntu?00:31
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Fryguy--Apac: ask questions, don't ask to ask00:32
BossmanbetaFryguy--, would it have to be something in HOME itself, not a subdirectory00:32
Fryguy--probably home itself, i dunno00:32
Fryguy--Bossmanbeta: use some common sense and look around for yourself00:32
peleghmmm.. wink is not open source, it seems00:32
ApacWell, hows this one for you, I've been trying to get a ptpp connection going, I get an error for the DNS routing, yet the DNS is set properly.00:32
WAKDApac what's the DNS error?00:33
Fryguy--Apac: are you doing peerdns or something?00:33
ApacCant resolve.00:33
BossmanbetaFryguy--, but if there were  afile like that, it would have to be in the home dir itself, right? not a sub dir, so I can limit where I'm looking00:33
Fryguy--Bossmanbeta: yah sure whatever00:33
ani1Bossmanbeta: as it was explained look in the home dir first if you dont see anything unusual then look in subdirectories00:33
dem0nk1d_PICI: invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/gdm not found.00:34
pelegso in that case, I'll give it another shot: do you know about any nice slideshow-making software?00:34
ColdFyrewhen you plug in an sd/cf card from a digicam, what is the name of the program that pops up to import photos from the card?00:34
Fryguy--Apac: like i asked before, are you using peerdns or anything?00:34
ani1ColdFyre: gthumb is the default for camera but its just a picture viewer00:35
bastid_raZorColdFyre; if you don't mind KDE apps you could use something like digiKam.. for my picture transferring needs i use CLI.. to me much faster and easier00:35
ApacFryguy, not really sure what you mean.00:35
Fryguy--Apac: and do you have the right static route set up to whatever network you are connecting to00:35
swajpeleg:  have you tried OpenOffice.org Presenatation?  or will that not accomplish what you need?00:35
StroganoffColdFyre: there gtkam00:35
ApacIt auto configures the resolvers00:35
bastid_raZorColdFyre; digiKam 'will' automatically detect the card and ask you where to import.00:36
swajpeleg:  I think the exact program is called "Impress" -- it's basically a powerpoint clone00:36
Fryguy--Apac: and where are the resolvers located physically?00:36
ColdFyrei remember i had it in ubuntu in gnome, it was just to show thumbnails/import/delete pics from the cam00:36
BossmanbetaFryguy--, I guess i got it........... I think... I deleted some of the files that the dvd rip (failed rip) had created00:36
ApacOn another network, in Dallas Texas00:36
Fryguy--Apac: on your network segment or the network segment that you are connecting to00:36
StroganoffColdFyre: sudo apt-get install gtkam00:36
Fryguy--Apac: ok, and do you have the proper static route set up?00:36
oriezhow long does it take to shrink an hard-drive?00:36
ApacUsing interface ppp0pptpconfig: monitoring interface ppp000:37
ApacConnect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/200:37
ApacCHAP authentication succeeded00:37
ApacMPPE 128-bit stateless compression enabled00:37
ApacCannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP00:37
FloodBot2Apac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:37
Fryguy--oriez: depends on the hardware and the specific operation. i've had it take anywhere from 5 seconds to 3 days00:37
ApacWhoops, didnt mean to post all that00:37
Fryguy--Apac: you need static route set up to route to the new network00:37
pelegswaj: impress? it looks much too complicated for my needs, and I don't know if I want to invest so much time creating full presentations; what I need is even a command-line software that will get a list of pictures + some parameters, place them one after another, place an ogg on the background, and create a nice mpg video file of 4-10 minutes... Windows had something similar to this, back in the black days.00:37
ApacWhat do you mean?00:37
oriezit's laptop with 180GB hard drive and i'm gonna be dividing it equally00:37
Fryguy--Apac: i mean basic cross segment networking.00:38
daChdo you speek spanish?00:38
Fryguy--Apac: a static route that maps the IPs of the network segment you are connecting to to your local segment00:38
ubotuEn el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:38
bastid_raZororiez; by shrink do you mean partitioning to different sizes?00:38
ApacFryguy, you mean like I need to have my resolvers set properly?00:38
andar4ok.. im trying to run hdparm from an ubuntu live cd but it needs root permission... is there a password for the live cd's root or some other way i can do this?00:38
Fryguy--Apac: probably not00:39
subsumehow can I tell how powerful my server is?00:39
ani1whoa lagggggy00:39
daChok tanks.00:39
oriezyes from 180 to 90 GB00:39
m-cFryguy--: how can I send you a private message?  ... not a technical question00:39
Fryguy--subsume: ?00:39
subsumeThe specs, etc.00:39
Fryguy--m-c: don't message me00:39
Stroganoffpeleg: have you tried "dvd-slideshow"00:39
Stroganoffit creates a VOB file00:39
Slasher`night everyone00:39
ApacFryguy--, well, in short, it changes my resolvers to the resolvers they should be, I can see the change when I cat /etc/resolv.conf00:40
DevourerHow do I get the vim-tutorial command?00:40
Fryguy--Apac: ok, so now add a static route so that the IPs that those resolves give you route to meaningful locations00:40
Fryguy--Devourer: join #vim for vim help00:40
pelegStroganoff: I have installed it, but I am not sure what to do with it. is it only for dvd? I need something that I'll be able to put on the internet00:40
oriezFryguy--: it's an 180GB partition and i'll make it 90GB00:40
bastid_raZororiez; if it is the drive you are using then you'll have to partition it from a Live CD.. if not should take no more than 4 or 5 minutes.. possibly less according to your CPU/RAM00:40
Fryguy--oriez: i heard you the first time, and i already answered your question, the answer is "it depends"00:41
ApacYou mean like adding a route to the routing tables?00:41
Fryguy--Apac: yes00:41
ApacIt does that already.00:41
oriezyes i'm using live CD00:41
janusDKhow do I upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 alpha6 -> beta1?00:41
Stroganoffpeleg: you could convert the .vob to xvid.avi00:41
Stroganoffpeleg: read the docs at http://dvd-slideshow.sourceforge.net/wiki/Main_Page00:41
FlanneljanusDK: #ubuntu+1 for hardy support, but just regular updates.00:41
pelegStroganoff: thanks!00:41
bastid_raZorjanusDK; by doing the updates via apt-get or synaptic..00:41
Fryguy--Apac: if you have dns, a pptp connection, and a route, then your connection works unless there are some extra limits/needs of your connection that are more than usual, and that is even more outside of the scope of this channel than this conversation already is00:41
Fryguy--janusDK: #ubuntu+100:42
janusDKok - thanks00:42
oriezi'm using the drive and a Live CD00:42
Fryguy--Apac: if you are routing to ltsp on windows or something you'll probably need to enable windows specific options.  Covered in pretty much every pptp tutorial i've ever seen00:42
Tuv0kI forgot the cmd to start the preset server package managment program00:42
Fryguy--Tuv0k: synaptic?00:43
amenadoApac-> paste in pastebin your route -n  results; and ifconfig; and cat /etc/resolv.conf00:43
Tuv0kyou know where I can select xubuntu-desktop LAMP00:43
Tuv0knot synaptic00:43
ApacYeah, I've tried everything I can think of.00:43
Tuv0kthis is cli00:43
WAKDBTW anyone know a good channel for networking specifcs talk?00:43
ApacAnd everything I've seen00:43
Fryguy--WAKD: #networking00:43
Tuv0kI hate I keep forgetting it00:43
bastid_raZorTuv0k; apt-get or aptitude?00:43
Tuv0kits a specific command00:43
Tuv0kbrings up a list with a blue window with all the preset configurations00:44
Tuv0kLTSp LAMP etc00:44
BorisDmitriTuc0k : dpkg ?00:44
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iGadgetif I notice a clear and evident abuse of the *buntu trademark, who should I contact @ canonical?00:44
Tuv0kthat by itself wont do it00:44
iGadgetI sent an email to webmaster@canonical.com, but is this the way to go?00:45
BorisDmitriTuv0k, is to reconfigure some package?00:45
oriezso most of the times making the partition takes more time than installing ubuntu?00:45
Tuv0kno0tic, to reconfigure the install00:46
Fryguy--oriez: usually not00:46
bastid_raZororiez; no00:46
Tuv0kto reconfig the install00:46
m-ciGadget: probably cc: the pr@canonical.com00:46
BorisDmitriTuv0k dpkg-reconfigure <packagename>00:46
Tuv0kthats not it00:46
iGadgetm-c: will do, thanks00:46
Fryguy--Tuv0k: where did you first see it00:46
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Tuv0kwhen I last used it00:47
Tuv0kI had to be reminded then00:47
zeljkohello there00:47
Tuv0kwhen I find it I will share00:47
Fryguy--Tuv0k: why not just ask what you are specifically trying to do instead?00:47
iGadgetwell... let's see if we get any response00:47
bastid_raZorTuv0k; you're not giving very much info to help you.00:47
oriezso only in my case? cuz i'm doing it on the drive that i'm using via a Live CD?00:47
Tuv0kI have00:47
newtubuntuI need to know how to get the mount point (or path) to a FireWire drive so I change it's ownership in order to be able to change permissions on it00:47
Tuv0kI'm trying to install a preset configuration00:48
Fryguy--Tuv0k: your end goal is to see the blue screen with options on preconfigured packages to install? i doubt that...00:48
Tuv0kfrom cli00:48
WAKDTuv0k does 'history' help ?00:48
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kazol_Does anyone here have problems with k3b when not running it as root? (problem with cdrecord when verifying the compilation)00:48
bastid_raZororiez; since you're not taking any answer .. is partitioning your drive taking a long time?00:48
Tuv0kFryguy--, doubt it after I show you00:48
Fryguy--Tuv0k: ?00:48
patrick_i need a good, easy on the eyes, easy to download theme for gutsy, got any suggestions?00:48
BorisDmitrinewtoubuntu run mount from the command line00:48
Fryguy--Tuv0k: what?00:48
Tuv0kif you run this cmd from cli it will do exactly as I have described00:48
Fryguy--Tuv0k: you obviously want to do something more than see a blue screen with options, what00:48
Tuv0kI'm not  making this up00:48
newtubuntuBorisDmitri, how do I get the path to it ?00:49
Tuv0kread above00:49
bazhanggnome-look.org patrick_00:49
Fryguy--Tuv0k: i missed it, please repeat00:49
Tuv0kpreset install via cmd line00:49
bastid_raZorkazol_; i don't run k3b as root.. never have. gnome has brasero now.. looks/works very nice00:49
WAKDnewtubuntu you can also cat /etc/mtab to see what is mounted at the moment00:49
Tuv0kI have 4 times now00:49
WAKDTuv0k so it reconfigures a running system on the fly or on new install?00:49
Fryguy--Tuv0k: you don't care about the blue screen, you obviously want to bring up uthe blue screen to select an option on it, what option do you want to select00:49
patrick_bazhang in that site, on the side bar which link do i want? compiz or metacity or what idk00:49
oriezyes it's 15 minutes now i think... it's my second time that i'm installing ubuntu so i was just wondering if it's normally can take so long00:50
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Fryguy--oriez: gparted is overly protective of your data, so it can take a while if you are shifting a partition over00:50
bazhangpatrick_: well that depends on you? do you want static themes? or something to use with compiz that is more 3D-ish; in that case you might check out screenlets and the widgets they have00:50
BorisDmitriTuv0k: you want to install  xubunto desktop and lamp? i you could install them using sudo aptitude xubuntu-desktop00:51
Tuv0kthats it00:51
Moduliz0rhow would I go about exporting the audio track of an avi video to wav or mp3 or some other audio format?00:51
patrick_bazhang i really just want something to change the window bars and panels and stuff00:51
oriezi think it's finishing00:51
BorisDmitriTuv0k: aptitude?00:51
Fryguy--patrick_: art.gnome.org or gnome-look.com then for themes00:51
Tuv0kBorisDmitri, tasksel00:52
Tuv0klooks blue huh?00:52
bazhangpatrick_: metacity would be the non compiz ones--so if you avoid the eye candy (like I do) then that would be the way to go; or the reverse00:52
BorisDmitriTuv0k: ok... glad to help you...00:52
Moduliz0rhow would I export the audio track of a video?00:52
patrick_okay ill try it out00:52
oriezohh it's now sayin 45 minutes... it's "moving filesystem to the right"00:52
* Fryguy-- is getting sick of his window manager :(00:53
bastid_raZororiez; how old is the laptop?00:53
RprpDoes someone know why Firefox isnt asking for 'saving' my password at some websites? (LIke paypal, i want to save my user/pass there)00:53
oriezmonth even less00:53
newtubuntuhow do you refer to 'long names' with spaces in them in console mode ?00:54
Moduliz0rRprp: maybe you pressed never save my password there once before00:54
WAKDRprp - bad idea mate - if you computer get's nicked they get your accounts.00:54
Starnestommynewtubuntu: put a \ before the space00:54
bastid_raZorFryguy--; compiz-fusion with emerald and a OSX theme with OSX mod (for icons ) avant dock.. all looks well00:54
Moduliz0rnewtubuntu: a space is a "\ "00:54
Fryguy--Rprp: banking institutions don't give you the opportunity to save your info for security reasons usually00:54
RprpModuliz0r: there was never a popup like that00:54
newtubuntufor example:  My Pictures Folder ...   ?00:54
anteayai have been instructed in #alsa to install the beep package.  Is the command sudo apt-get install beep  ?00:54
Moduliz0rRprp: I have no idea then, sorry :P00:54
oriezit's a sony vaio cr-something00:54
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: i'm looking for functional, not pretty.  I'm using xmonad right now00:54
RprpFryguy--: I just did a re-install, and before i was able to save my pass.00:54
mcopplenewtubuntu: There are two ways to do it -- a) your\ long\ name\ here00:54
Moduliz0rnewtubuntu: Then it would be My\ Pictures00:54
Moduliz0ror use tab00:54
mcopplenewtubuntu or b) 'your long name here'00:54
tekteenanteaya: yes00:55
WAKDanteaya thinks so or 'apt-cache search beep' to make sure00:55
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bastid_raZorFryguy--; so far gnome has been very good to me.. i'm not sure how hard you abuse your computer.. i tend to be mean to mine. always working00:55
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anteayatekteen & WAKD : thank you00:55
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: gnome isnt' a window manager...00:55
patrick_bazhang, this is where i get mixed up, sorry im new to linux in general. I download this theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/VistaMix?content=76851  .........then extracted it on my desktop, now what do i do?00:55
bastid_raZorFryguy--; you're right.. i meant to say compiz00:56
Jordan_Upatrick_,  Don't extract it, just drag it into the theme selector00:56
Fryguy--patrick_: dont' extract it. go to system | preferences | themes and install it there00:56
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patrick_okay ill try that00:56
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: compiz lacks a lot of window manager features that I find necessary00:56
bazhangpatrick_: is that a tar.gz file? you should just be able to drag it to the theme thingamajig for gnome (am on kde here)00:56
bastid_raZorFryguy--; like?00:56
patrick_bazhang yes i think i got it hold on one sec00:57
Moduliz0ranyone know how I would save the audio from a video?00:57
patrick_bazhang got it, thanks for the help guys00:57
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: full keyboard control of everything, auto-tiling, uses too large window borders and wastes screen space, doesn't support any sort of window profiling, and has no mechanisms for dealing with overlapped windows easily00:57
bazhangpatrick_ but Vista? oh noe!00:57
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: I abandoned it a long time ago00:57
WAKDModuliz0r - http://www.openmovieeditor.org/00:58
Moduliz0rok thanks00:58
Moduliz0ris it in the repositories?00:58
Moduliz0rawesome :D00:58
bastid_raZorFryguy--; you need more monitors00:59
WAKDModuliz0r - apt-get install openmovieeditor00:59
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: I have a 30" monitor, 2560x1600 resolution, and duals at work00:59
helluesi have a problem00:59
helluesalsaconf doesntwork00:59
helluesi installed alsa-base and alsa-utils00:59
Moduliz0rit wont open the video00:59
WAKDwhat format is the video?00:59
hellueswhat is way to fix this01:00
Moduliz0ran XVID AVI thing01:00
bastid_raZorFryguy--; a 22" and 17" here.. i've been pondering buying another card just to hook up my old 17" CRT01:00
Moduliz0ryeah XviD01:00
piffmoduliz0r: You need xvid decoders01:00
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: uh.. ok...    **doesn't care**01:00
Moduliz0rI have them01:00
piffMod: Do you have mplayer?01:00
Moduliz0rI can open it in Movie Player, etc01:01
bastid_raZorFryguy--; so you don't use your mouse? just keyboard shortcuts01:01
Moduliz0rand Mplayer yeah01:01
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: pretty much01:01
mark[oz]vlc rox01:01
piffAh.. so it's just one application that is giving you the problem?01:01
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: I only use the mouse when it's more efficient to do so01:01
helluesalsa problem01:01
helluesalsaconf doesnt work01:01
Moduliz0rOpen Movie Editor can't open it01:01
piffSorry, just entered.  :)01:01
Moduliz0ri just need to save the audio track01:01
piffWhat's the error message?01:01
WAKDFryguy - Solaris HPUX?01:01
Fryguy--WAKD: ?01:01
Moduliz0rwell Open Movie Editor just cant open it01:02
helluesany help ?01:02
Fryguy--!repeat | hellues01:02
ubotuhellues: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:02
WAKDFryguy - Peeps I used to work with wouldn't GUI to even word process - all Solaris and HPUX engineers :-)01:02
EruditeHermithey does anyone have privileges to change topic in #ubuntu+1?01:02
EruditeHermitcan anyone help me out?01:02
Fryguy--WAKD: freebsd on server, ubuntu on desktop01:02
Moduliz0rThis is not a Quicktime video file This file cannot be read by ffmpeg This is not an image file01:02
TaRDyWAKD, one of the guys I work with is like that01:02
WAKDFryguy-- hmm freebsd must play with that sometime :-)01:03
tnkiehi what kernel version is ubuntu 7.10, and/or does it contain the iwlwifi drivers?01:03
TaRDyhe said he will almost never use a GUI unless he must01:03
WAKDTaRDy - I learnt my *nix on Solaris from guys like that :-)01:03
Fryguy--tnkie: 2.6.22-1401:03
tnkiecheers mate01:03
WAKDtnkie - uname -a will tell you the kernel you're on mate01:03
Fryguy--pretty much only gui i use is web browser01:03
TaRDyWAKD, I'm learning unix on Solaris now for work, as well as starting to learn with ubuntu at home01:04
ani1hellues: the more specific you are about your alsa problem the better and quicker somebody will help saying you have a problem with alsa isnt enough information01:04
helluesi installed alsa-utils and alsa-base01:05
bazhanghellues: there is also a channel for that #alsa01:05
greasy_leftwinghellues: are you running ubuntu as packaged with the gnome gui?01:05
og_hey - using gutsy, why does the Update constantly ask me for the gutsy cd while downloading updates?01:05
edward_can someone tell me how to install yahoo messenger in ubuntu?01:05
WAKDTaRDy - Solaris sssooo rocks - Have you checked out ZFS and dtrace yet? *drool*01:05
Fryguy--og_: edit your sources.list so it doesn't01:05
helluesbut alsaconf doesnt work01:05
helluesit says command not found01:05
Fryguy--WAKD: both of those have been ported to other operating systems01:05
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og_Fryguy--: Cheers i'll check itout01:05
TuTUXG_sudo apt-get install yahoo-messenger01:05
ani1og_: sys -> admin -> software sources uncheck the cdrom if you need it the gui way01:05
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bastid_raZorTuTUXG_; pidgin can do all that for you.01:06
WAKDFryguy-- yeah I know but - I dunno - there's just something about solaris that speak to the soul you know? I dunno what or why!01:06
Fryguy--WAKD: i feel differently01:06
TuTUXG_bastid_raZor, altho i was kidding, but thank you!01:06
bazhangis this the #solaris channel?01:06
Fryguy--bazhang: yes01:06
ani1pft heh01:07
TaRDyWAKD, I am not too familiar with them although I heard somebody mention ZFS at work as I intern at SMI01:07
Fryguy--ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer01:07
greasy_leftwinghellues: then there possible answers - 1.. you arent typing the right name for the command that opens the config dialog, 2.. it hasnt installed correctly, 3.. it isnt in the command interpreter path and you need to locate the directory where it is located and type the command for the prog preceded by './'01:07
ani1!ot | TaRDy01:07
ubotuTaRDy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:07
Lis_taylorhi..i got problem with my wireless. I'm using gutsy right..Connection cut off every 1mins..how to solve? I'm using all-in-one dlink 2649T01:07
Moduliz0ranyone know how to use transcode to extract the audio stream from a video?01:07
bazhangFryguy--: that was uncalled for01:07
WAKDFryguy-- yeah lots of folks do - don't get me wrong I love Debian and Ubuntu but there's something really special for me with Solaris. maybe because I learnt my *nix on them :-)01:07
ani1!ot | WAKD01:07
ubotuWAKD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:07
WAKDTaRDy - check out http://opensolaris.org/os/community/zfs/01:08
greasy_leftwingif you only just installed it, then it might be a good idea to log out than beck in again from yoursession, cos that will set the session back up again woth the new parameters according to the programs inastalled01:08
buttonModuliz0r: man transcode :))01:08
Moduliz0rbutton: but its hard to find in man01:08
Fryguy--so slow in here tonight :/01:09
bastid_raZorFryguy--; you've pissed off all the newbies and the rest are afraid to ask ;)01:09
subsumeFryguy--: refreshing.01:09
greasy_leftwingI'm goin back to windows 2mo01:10
WAKDgreasy_leftwing - why?01:10
greasy_leftwinggot so much stuff to get done01:10
subsumegreasy_leftwing: dual b00t =)01:10
TaRDyFryguy--, if you would like you can help me get Firestarter working, or simpler my PS3 in eth1 to use eth0 to get onto the internet01:10
greasy_leftwingthis linux malarky is slowing me up something chronic01:10
TuTUXG_greasy_leftwing, virtualbox01:10
WAKDgreasy_leftwing - what is slowing you up mate?01:11
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Fryguy--TaRDy: all of my firewall config is in freebsd (read: not firestarter) so i can't really help you there01:11
greasy_leftwingbugs n that01:11
greasy_leftwingI need to get developing01:11
TuTUXG_ya, windows "slow me up" too01:11
WAKDgreasy_leftwing - oh right - your coding for windows?01:11
Fryguy--lol at switching from *nix to windows for development purposes01:11
subsumehar har guys.01:12
subsumegreasy_leftwing: whatcha developing?01:12
Fryguy--oh SURE, ask him :/01:12
greasy_leftwingwhy you laughing?  development is about how fast you can create something sustainable, treliable and useable01:12
subsumegreasy_leftwing: I don't know that windows has the clear advantage.01:12
subsumegreasy_leftwing: _what_ are you developing? =)01:12
Fryguy--greasy_leftwing: and believing that windows is faster at that than linux is a pipe dream in most circumstances01:12
bastid_raZorand we see how quick vista was put together and tossed out to the computing world01:12
ani1!ot ><01:12
WAKDgreasy_leftwing - actually that's called productization. developing is about creating something beautiful and getting is as 'right' as possible without time or money pressures. ;-)01:13
TuTUXG_subsume, vb and stuff i guess01:13
Pelobastid_raZor, you think 7 years is quick ?01:13
greasy_leftwingtrue, but I like to listen to music at the same time, and possibly have a film playing too so I can divert my attention every 5 minutes01:13
bastid_raZorPelo; exactly my point.01:13
subsumeTuTUXG_: who knows? I can only ask him twice. my money is on VB =)01:13
rhineheart_mtcptrack -i eth0 pcap_open_live: socket: Operation not permitted <<<what is the cause?01:13
Fryguy--greasy_leftwing: and I like to have #ubuntu open to distract me while i'm programming01:13
greasy_leftwingwithout the system stalling and me having to log back in again01:13
Fryguy--rhineheart_m: run as root01:13
subsumeI like to ask inane questions to #rubyonrails to distract me. we all have our entertainment01:14
rhineheart_mgot it..01:14
BorisDmitrirhineheart: add sudo to de begining of the line01:14
WAKDgreasy_leftwing - err I'm currently coding, answering here, watching 'The Fountain' and downloading...errr.. whats the issue on your machine?01:14
WAKDFryguy-- what you coding?01:14
Fryguy--WAKD: stuff01:14
WAKDFryguy-- *LOL*01:15
greasy_leftwingit could be that its just shit?? is that what you mean?01:15
TuTUXG_subsume, i bet on office01:15
TaRDyis there something in ifconfig that i can edit to make it so it takes incoming and puts it through to eth001:15
greasy_leftwingweel youre probably right01:15
TaRDyfrom eth1*01:15
WAKDFryguy-- bet that's what the the Vista dev team said too ;-)01:15
greasy_leftwingbut whatever works best, thats where I'm at01:15
amenadoTaRDy-> what are you trying to do?01:15
WAKDgreasy_leftwing -  not really mate - if you've got issues we can help you fix them but if your more comfortable on Windows then thats cool :-)01:16
subsumegreasy_leftwing: WHAT TEH KFEU ARE YOO DEVELOP-ING01:16
TuTUXG_greasy_leftwing, have fun with window01:16
BorisDmitriTardy, what do you want to do?01:16
Fryguy--WAKD: working on debugging a server interface to libpurple right now, and working on a testing architecture for our new application at work, and i'm logged into another one of our servers working on some network synchronization code for movie playback in flash.  Oh, and I am updating our p4 robot to do CI with the newfound testing architecture01:16
TaRDyallow my incoming from eth1 connection access the internet which is eth001:16
pros978anyone familiar with ubuntu voice recognition01:16
greasy_leftwingOS's arent comforatble full-.01:16
Fryguy--TaRDy: ip masquerading01:16
WAKDFryguy-- ok - that beats my puny efforts to build a web based though mapping engine then @;-)01:17
greasy_leftwingtheyre all software products and I am fully aware of the inherent disadvantages01:17
Pelopros978, looking for a package name or just info on the app ?01:17
amenadoTaRDy-> you want to share internet access?01:17
greasy_leftwingbut if I want to get something done, and I'm time constrained..01:17
greasy_leftwingI need a solution..01:18
=== reZo_ is now known as reZo
* Pelo wishes nickrud would stop using seveas' chanserv script and jsut op himself until he is done01:18
pros978pelo package name would help01:18
TaRDycorrect amenado01:18
greasy_leftwingI dont want to be fafing around reconfiguring a sytem thats supposed to install and do all that itself01:18
subsumegreasy_leftwing: you're being totally vague.01:18
TheViLliNwhat can you do if you forgot your root password?01:18
Pelopros978, just open synaptic and do a search for  voice , or voice recognition , a list of packages will turn up,  I know there is one in there01:18
Fryguy--TheViLliN: use sudo to reset it01:18
bastid_raZorFryguy--; and to think you could be doing so much more if you had windows01:18
Fryguy--TheViLliN: or log into a recovery console and reset it that way01:18
subsumeTheViLliN: sudo if you got it. =)01:18
greasy_leftwingkk, fine, goin off-topic01:19
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: I think windows would crash if I ran as many putty sessions as I have ssh sessions right now01:19
PeloTheViLliN, it's the same as the password you use to login01:19
subsumeI use windows at work, debian and OS X at home01:19
amenadoTaRDy-> you have a process to assign ip addresses to your client from your server(acting as gateway) ?01:19
Fryguy--i use linux at home, freebsd on the server in my house, and centos and osx at work01:19
komputagrcan i run beryl directly from the livecd (7.10 x64) ?01:20
Tuv0kFryguy--, how you like tasksel? :)01:20
komputagri have ati radeon 955001:20
TheViLliNodd,   i try switching to another terminal and logging in but it tells me its wrong.01:20
Fryguy--komputagr: using compiz-fusion, not beryl, beryl is long deprecated01:20
Fryguy--Tuv0k: haven't used it, why01:20
bastid_raZorkomputagr; that would be a negative.01:20
amenadoTaRDy-> on your ubuntu you  sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward01:20
TheViLliNI will attempt to reset it though...01:20
whuythow do i configure x in 8.04? i can only get the gnome failsafe to work01:21
Fryguy--whuyt: #ubuntu+1 for hardy01:21
TaRDyamenado, I am not sure what you are saying, so I am assuming no, it is my desktop PC (the ubuntu) i want to allow my ps3 on eht1 acces01:21
komputagrFryguy-- i thought it was beryl, thanks for updating me. can i run ubuntu with that 3D effects from the livecd without installing/setting up?01:21
Pelowhuyt, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:21
Tuv0kFryguy--, to aleviate your doubts?01:21
bazhangwhuyt: try hardy channel please #ubuntu+101:21
shawnharnis tritium on01:21
Fryguy--komputagr: no idea, i haven't used compiz in a very long time01:21
Pelowhuyt, #ubuntu+1 for hardy help01:21
Fryguy--Tuv0k: what doubts?01:21
* Pelo is actualy looking forward to hardy 01:21
amenadoTaRDy-> on your ubuntu you  sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward01:21
BorisDmitrithTardy: the first thing you need to do is 'echo 1> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward01:22
TaRDyamenado, I receive a permission denied when trying your command01:22
komputagris there any guide for running ubuntu with that 3D-desktop?01:22
* Fryguy-- is looking forward to removing ubuntu from his machine this weekend01:22
bazhangkomputagr: no you need to install ccsm once you have installed01:22
* bastid_raZor has been toying with it in VMWare.. looking very nice.. 01:22
shawnharnhello room01:22
shawnharni have a problem01:22
BorisDmitritardy (as a root)01:22
amenadoTaRDy-> what is the exact command you typed?01:22
TaRDyyup, i copied and pasted01:22
amenadoTaRDy-> what is the exact command you typed?01:22
Pelokomputagr, the ppl in #compiz might be able to direct you01:22
bazhangkomputagr: yes there are tons of guides and two channels that can help with that01:22
komputagrthanks guys01:22
shawnharncan somone helo me01:22
shawnharnwith ym 3d01:22
Fryguy--shawnharn: not until you ask a question01:22
shawnharnmy 3d*01:22
Peloshawnharn,  we need specific questions01:23
TaRDyamenado, BorisDmitri : sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward01:23
shawnharnokay when i launch css it says direct 3d hal not dectected01:23
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Dr_willisshawnharn:  give more details to the channel, exact problem, exact card, what have you done so far...01:23
BorisDmitriTardy, yhes01:23
shawnharnand then my monitor goes out01:23
shawnharnand says synce out of range01:23
bruenigTaRDy: using sudo there is pointless01:23
Fryguy--shawnharn: that is a wine problem, not an ubuntu problem, join #winehq01:23
og_when my wifi reconnects itsay nn-applete wants the ring-key password01:23
shawnharnno its not01:23
og_or something of that ilk)01:23
Fryguy--shawnharn: yes, it is01:23
shawnharn'its an ubuntu problem01:23
shawnharnwith ym driver01:23
amenadoTaRDy-> what was the error you got?01:24
Peloshawnharn, what's your video card ?01:24
shawnharnits an ati x130001:24
TaRDyamenado, bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied01:24
WAKDshawnharn - you need to tell us what you have done so far mate01:24
shawnharnand ive updated to the 8.4 drivers01:24
rectec794613yeah, uh, i need help too01:24
Flannelshawnharn: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support01:24
Peloshawnharn, are you running hardy ?01:24
WAKDshawnharn - what does fgrlx_info give ya01:24
shawnharni have went into the configuration at start up01:24
bruenigTaRDy: echo 1 | sudo tee filename01:24
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:24
amenadoTaRDy-> you had type the correct password?01:24
bruenigamenado: redirection is done by the shell01:25
shawnharncommand not found01:25
TaRDyamenado, it never gave me a prompt01:25
shawnharnthats what it sayd01:25
og_is there are better wireless manager for ubuntu gutsy than the standard?01:25
shawnharnwhen i typed fglrx info01:25
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:25
bruenigamenado: therefore since you are using the shell as a user, the redirection fails01:25
shawnharnthe new drivers dot hat01:25
Peloshawnharn, are you running hardy ?01:25
Peloshawnharn, are you running hardy ?01:25
shawnharni dont know01:25
amenadobruenig okay, i forgot about that..01:25
TheViLliNsudo passwd    ;)    thx,  almost to easy lol01:25
Peloshawnharn, what version of ubuntu are you using ?01:25
agrokerog_, I use qt based wlassistant, works better for me, than gnome one01:25
Fryguy--TaRDy: sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=101:25
shawnharndisplay: :0.0  screen: 001:25
shawnharnOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.01:25
shawnharnOpenGL renderer string: Radeon X1300/X1550 Series01:25
shawnharnOpenGL version string: 2.0.6473 (8.37.6)01:25
shawnharnthats my fglrx info01:26
Pici!paste | shawnharn01:26
FloodBot2shawnharn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:26
ubotushawnharn: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:26
shawnharnooops sryt01:26
* Pelo gives up 01:26
BorisDmitriTardy, try sudo -i01:26
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og_agroker: ok great i've used that one before01:26
og_agroker: I'll use it here aswell01:26
Fryguy--TaRDy: or just do what i said01:26
FlannelTheViLliN: You shouldn't set a root password, use sudo instead.01:26
TaRDybruenig, tee: filename: No such file or directory01:26
shawnharnim using edubuntu01:26
BorisDmitriyou will have a # prompt (root)01:26
Fryguy--BorisDmitri: or just use sysctl01:26
komputagris there any custom livecd with compiz-fusion as default ?01:26
Pelo!version > Pelo01:26
og_agroker: will ihave to stop the NetworkManager from starting?01:26
WAKDkomputagr - sabayon linux01:26
dontpanicI'm having a problem: I can't connect to my samba server.  I switched from debian to ubuntu, and it worked fine on debian.  I copied my exact config file (except for the shares) and it now doesn't work.  I can connect to the apache2 server on the same machine.  Why could it not be working?01:26
TaRDyFryguy--, what did you say? sorry01:26
pros978Mint Linux01:26
agrokerog_, no need to stop it01:27
ani1komputagr: look up reconstructor  not supported by ubuntu but  you can get custom livecd's01:27
Fryguy--komputagr: i'm sure there's something floating around, www.google.com01:27
Pici!ask | rectec79461301:27
uboturectec794613: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:27
BorisDmitriFryGuy: ok, didn't tried that way...01:27
Fryguy--TaRDy: sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=101:27
bruenigTaRDy: the real filename obviously01:27
amenadoTaRDy-> then next is   sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE01:27
komputagrthanks guys01:27
patrick_komputagr the live cd for ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy gibbon) has compiz fusion installed with it01:27
Peloshawnharn, open a terminal and type  lsb_release -a , tell me what it says01:27
Peloshawnharn, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel01:27
komputagrpatrick_ i have it, how can i start it ?01:27
TaRDysorry bruenig i have just been copying and pasting the commands you give me01:27
komputagrpatrick_ do i have to install ubuntu, i would like to run it from the cd01:27
komputagris it possible?01:27
Fryguy--komputagr: that's the point of a livecd...01:28
amenadoTaRDy-> then you must assign an ip address to your ps3..to be in same subnet as your ubuntus eth101:28
rectec794613Problem: I tried to enable my effects on compiz with the ~$ SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz command and now i cant keep them enabled without closing the terminal01:28
bastid_raZorkomputagr; are you trying and it is failing or have you even tried yet?01:28
komputagrFryguy-- what is the point?01:28
patrick_komputagr, no you can use compiz fusion from the live cd, just mess with the settings01:28
ani1Fryguy--: eh it could be internet cafe's school comps etc01:28
Fryguy--komputagr: to run linux without installing it01:28
ani1!ccsm > komputagr01:28
Fryguy--ani1: ?01:28
komputagrbastid_raZor: i have 7.10 but it starts gnome with no 3d01:28
Fryguy--ani1: wouldn't that speak more towards running a livecd?01:29
TheViLliNFlannel:  ya ,  i know.  I was trying to use a program that would not run for some reason even though i prefixed sudo.  just trying stuff :)01:29
Fryguy--komputagr: then there is probably not proper driver support for your hardware on the cd01:29
bastid_raZorkomputagr; System>Appearances>Appearances then goto the Visual tab.. see if you can enable that.01:29
rectec794613I don't know what ur talking about,01:29
komputagrthat was nice (i mean ubotu) :)01:29
komputagri think i wasnt able to enable, it`s not active01:29
bastid_raZorkomputagr; ugh.. system>preferneces>appearances01:29
shawnharndid you get my fglrx info?01:29
cabrioleurrectec794613, press alt+f2, type SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz, then close the terminal and press ok in the run program window.01:30
komputagri have intel x3100 on my laptop and ati radeon 9550 on my box01:30
Peloshawnharn, open a terminal and type  lsb_release -a , tell me what it says01:30
komputagri think i dont get fglrx info01:30
rectec794613kk, tnx01:30
shawnharnpastebin it?01:30
Peloshawnharn, it will just be one line01:31
rectec794613that didn't help01:31
Peloshawnharn,  and use my nick in each line when you talk to me, it makes it easier to follow01:31
ani1Pelo: got to baby step him lsb_release -a | grep Release rofl01:31
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:31
shawnharnokay it says ubuntu 7.1001:31
annakamillaalguem pode me ajudar??01:31
Flannel!br | annakamilla01:31
ubotuannakamilla: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:31
shawnharnpelo ok01:31
Peloshawnharn, there we go ,  ok not sure how in eubuntu never ran it , but I want you to check in the admin menu for a restricted driver manager01:32
shawnharnpelo ok01:32
bastid_raZorkomputagr; were you able to enable compiz by the directions i gave you?01:32
shawnharnpelo, there is a restriced driver01:32
shawnharnpelo, its an ati one and it says in use01:32
komputagrbastid_raZor: im booting gutsy on my laptop now01:33
Peloshawnharn, ok , open the xorg.conf file,  sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf , see if you have glx enabled,  in the module section toward the top01:33
shawnharnpelo when i make the older driver come back ti seems to make more process then the one i have now01:33
TaRDyhmm I could not get the networking fixed, however, I must go now, thank you all for help01:33
rectec794613Problem: I tried to enable my effects on compiz with the ~$ SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz command and now i cant keep them enabled without closing the terminal01:33
Fryguy--rectec794613: press alt-f2 and run the command there01:34
shawnharni dont see anything like that01:34
Timmycan anyone tell me where in hardy i'll find where X keeps its settings for screen resolutions. it doesn't appear to be kept in xorg.conf anymore01:34
squarebracketwhat's the best way to install nvidia's control panel?01:34
Fryguy--Timmy: #ubuntu+1 for hardy issues01:34
ani1!hardy > TigerCR120001:34
annakamillauso o ubuntu 7.04, só que depois de instalar o automatix e alguns pacotes reiniciei a maquina, so que quando tentro na tela do linux modo gráfico ele da um problema  e al01:34
Fryguy--ani1: not only did you type it slower, but you failed at nickcomplete as well01:34
Peloshawnharn, ok join the #compiz channel and ask them what glx pakcage you need to install for your video card01:34
elkbuntu!pt | annakamilla01:34
ubotuannakamilla: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:34
Peloshawnharn, what ?01:35
shawnharnpelo here is my pate biun of what i have http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60487/01:35
rectec794613Problem: I tried to enable my effects on compiz with the ~$ SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz command and now i cant keep them enabled without closing the terminal01:35
shawnharnin my xorg01:35
Fryguy--rectec794613: are you even paying attention at all?01:35
Peloshawnharn, hold on01:35
Fryguy--rectec794613: 1. stop repeating every 30 seconds, 2. pay attention when people answer your question01:35
supremecompiz doesn't save my configuration :/01:35
ani1errrr !hardy > Timmy01:35
ani1read the topic01:35
rectec794613i did, it didn't help01:36
Fryguy--rectec794613: what happened01:36
hischildrectec794613, he said: hit alt+f2 and type the command there.01:36
ani1Fryguy--: im lagging horribly :\01:36
rectec794613it said no such file exists or something01:36
jribrectec794613: you need to be precise, don't paraphrase errors01:36
rectec794613Could not open location 'file:///~$ SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz'01:37
Peloshawnharn, you'll need to ask in #compiz to figure out what might be wrong , i'm not all that familiar with the ati cards and compiz,  they will know better01:37
rectec794613The location or file could not be found.01:37
rectec794613thats what it says01:37
jribrectec794613: did you include the "~$" for some reason?01:37
crdlbyou can't put an environment variable in the run dialog01:38
Fryguy--rectec794613: just run compiz, don't append skip_checks to it01:38
Fryguy--err, prepend01:38
crdlbpresumably, he has a blacklisted card01:38
elkbuntuwhich will be blacklisted for a reason01:39
Fryguy--rectec794613: or use nohup in a terminal to run what you want01:39
subsumeI'm trying to setup a fat client and its saying /proc is busy when I try to unmount it. What can I do to umount this thing!!01:39
* Fryguy-- has no idea what everyone's obsession with compiz is anyway01:39
komputagrhow to install install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'01:39
hischildFryguy--, it looks great ...01:39
Starnestommysubsume: leave it mounted.  It's used for process management01:39
rectec794613no, thats not it, my effects are already enabled, it's just that i used terminal to do that and i cant close the terminal or my effects will be lost01:39
Fryguy--komputagr: apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager01:39
amenadosubsume-> i dont believe you can unmount it while it is in use01:39
subsumeStarnestommy: its necessary. I'm chrooted01:39
jribcrdlb, Fryguy--: sh -c "FOO=bar COMMAND"    might work in the run dialog?01:39
Fryguy--hischild: i use my computer to get work done, not to look at fancy window effects01:39
crdlbelkbuntu: indeed, but "not stable enough for default in ubuntu" isn't always the same as "not stable enough rectec794613" :)01:40
Fryguy--jrib: probably, nohup in a terminal will work too01:40
subsumeamenado: don't I owe you one?01:40
jribFryguy--: true01:40
subsumeamenado: =)01:40
Ruggrectec794613: try adding & at end of command. ie: firefox &01:40
yowshiok thats crap apparently when i installed virtualbox i installed a server kernel01:40
ere4sirectec794613: shut the terminal by typing  exit01:40
amenadosubsume-> owe me? only a few thousands...hehe01:40
hischildFryguy--, i understand that. But some of us also use it for relaxing and it's nice to have some nice window effects.01:40
jribRugg: that will still get closed when he closes the terminal though01:40
jribrectec794613: Fryguy--'s nohup suggestion should work01:40
crdlbrectec794613: if you want to permanently override the blacklist, please join #compiz-fusion01:40
komputagrit says: couldnt find package compizconfig-settings-manager01:40
seismicmikeI live in Korea, so yes this really is an issue for me. I'm trying to watch the stream of the NCAA basketball games online, but at first it told me I needed a plugin (x-mplayer2) I installed mozilla-mplayer from the repositories. Now instead of insisting on my need for a plugin, it just doesn't play the stream. It shows me a blank frame. Help?01:41
Fryguy--komputagr: need to enable extra repositories then01:41
Ruggjrib: you right......01:41
elkbunturectec794613, we dont need to see your collection of silly smilies01:41
Fryguy--komputagr: either universe or multiverse, i forget which01:41
Fryguy--hischild: I guess :/ if window effects make you a happy person i guess you are pretty easy to please01:41
rectec794613well,well,well. someones ina bad mood01:41
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rectec794613i have no idea what ur talking about01:42
rectec794613i dont get it01:42
Fryguy--rectec794613: just run nohup in a terminal01:42
crdlbrectec794613: "compiz --replace" does not work, correct?01:42
rectec794613let me try it01:42
komputagr"checking for xgl: not present", how to enable xgl?01:42
Fryguy--LOLOL he hasn't even tried it yet?!01:42
lewis2can someone help me get sound working on my new ubuntu install? Something about the wrong Gstreamer plugins.01:42
FeloniousIs there an easy way to reinstall ubuntu over my old install01:43
hischildFryguy--, I use metacity on my laptop due to it's smaller strain on resources and longer battery time. But it's fun if you're showing off at friends that you can write with fire, windows wobbly or fishes swimming inside of you cube.01:43
datakidhi, i've just put a d-link dwl 520 wireless network adapter in my box running gutsy. the device appears when i lspci but doesn't appear in network tools. Network manager has found my wireless network, but it's asking for a leap wireless security login and password - my network has no security on it at all (at teh moment)01:43
seismicmikelewis2: do you have any sound at all? Like in flash movies online? Or is it only when you try to play mp3s?01:43
FeloniousI want to start fresh... I installed so much crap with synaptic and now I dont know what came with the distro or not01:43
WAKDkomputagr - apt-get install xserver-xgl .....01:43
datakidhow can I get it to connect without the leap pass?01:43
komputagrok and how can i start compiz ?01:43
Fryguy--hischild: I'm not sure why you'd want to show off 3d effects to friends, or what kind of friends would be impressed by that, but ok.01:43
rhineheart_mhow to quit iperf\01:43
WAKDSystem -> Appearance01:43
Fryguy--komputagr: run "compiz"01:43
komputagri did and it didnt start01:44
komputagrin appearance last 2 ones are inactive01:44
Fryguy--komputagr: then you need to make sure you have 3d stuff enabled01:44
bastid_raZorkomputagr; system>preferences>appearances then the visual tab. enable it01:44
hischildFryguy--, do you want an answer on that or was it more of a statement? (no hard feelings, i do understand your point of view)01:44
lewis2seismi, no sound what so ever.01:44
og_Fryguy--: compiz serves two purposes, one it impresses those who dont 'use' computers01:44
FeloniousCan I just pop the install disc in and format and install again or will grub cry when the original install has been changed?01:44
Fryguy--hischild: i didn't see a question mark01:44
og_Fryguy--: t2o, its acutally useful01:44
komputagrwhen i try to enable them i get a box "desktop effects could not be enabled"01:44
seismicmikehmm... I had a similar problem and had to fiddle around with all my settings.01:44
hischildFryguy--, you can interpret "What kind of friends would be impressed" as a question01:44
komputagrbastid_raZor it doesnt work01:44
bastid_raZorFelonious; do you have /home on a seperate partition or are you going to let the liveCD automatically partition your drive?01:45
Fryguy--hischild: i typed a complete sentence, with no question mark, can't really interpret it like that, but ok01:45
Fryguy--og_: i guess :/01:45
rectec794613it didn't work.. and i had to reboot01:45
yowshihow do i add myself to vboxusers group?01:45
og_Fryguy--: it does have useful features01:45
FeloniousI made my own bastid_raZor01:45
lewis2seismicmike, no sound at all.01:45
Felonioushome is its own partition01:45
bastid_raZorkomputagr; #compiz-fusion would be a better channel to ask .. they will have much more experience in this..01:45
Fryguy--yowshi: edit /etc/group or user the users and groups administration tool in system | administration01:45
og_Fryguy--: the windowgrouping, the expo for starters01:46
FeloniousI have system, home and, a swap partitions01:46
Fryguy--og_: and those useful features pale in comparison to other window managers, and it lacks some major features01:46
subsumegrr..why in god's name do I get Gnome errors from a fresh 7.10 CD01:46
seismicmikelewis2: My first suggestion is to double click on the volume control manager. This should get you a full sound mixer. Make sure everything is up. Also click Edit > Preferences and click on all the check boxes01:46
og_Fryguy--: Which has better?01:46
FeloniousIm just scared of grub really... i dont want to bork my mbr01:46
bastid_raZorFelonious; the new install will want to use your /home you have now.. if you want a true fresh install reformat the partitions while in the install partition stage.01:46
seismicmikemake sure all the sliders are up, and nothing is muted.01:46
Fryguy--og_: xmonad, pekwm, sawfish, dwm, ratpoison, ion3 off the top of my head01:46
Feloniousbut what about grub that I have installed now01:46
seismicmikeAre you on a laptop or a desktop?01:46
danandyowshi - use the adduser command - something like adduser USER GROUP - check man page though01:47
og_Fryguy--: *box style ones come close01:47
rectec794613oh well01:47
Fryguy--og_: I find *box wms to be very lacking as well01:47
bastid_raZorFelonious; do you dual boot?01:47
Feloniousyes sir01:47
datakidactually the wireless card has just turned up in network tools, but it's 'unrecognised' and I can01:47
datakidt configure it01:47
og_Fryguy--: I actually like *box, (after heavy configuration)01:47
lewis2audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing.01:47
Fryguy--og_: I use xmonad01:47
og_Fryguy--: not tried xmonad01:48
bastid_raZorFelonious; if the only affect partitons are the ubuntu ones then you should have no issues. grub will detect windows and add it to the menu.lst01:48
danandyowshi - sudo adduser yowshi vboxusers should do the trick01:48
og_Fryguy--: I'll look it up in a sec01:48
seismicmikelewis2: is that the error you got?01:48
FeloniousI understand that... but will it autodetect my current instal of ubuntu has been removed?01:48
og_Fryguy--: The other advantage of compiz is the composite extension take thework load off the process and putsit onto the graphics card01:48
seismicmikelewis2: in a terminal do: lspci01:48
og_Fryguy--: Improoving performace, (that is if you have a decent card)01:49
bastid_raZorFelonious; if you format your ubuntu partitions.. there is no former install of ubuntu01:49
Fryguy--og_: which isn't an issue for me, since all of my windows except for firefox and a media player are terminals01:49
og_Fryguy--: fair comment01:49
lewis2now what seismicmike?01:49
dryderHi - newbie to irc - are questions about XSANE allowed in here?01:49
seismicmikedoes one of them list a sound card?01:49
og_Fryguy--: sorry that wm again?01:49
yowshialready a member added from one of the other methods and it still says i am not a member01:49
Fryguy--og_: xmonad01:49
FeloniousI know... but what happens with grub is what I am saying... I do not want to damage my mbr01:49
og_Fryguy--: checking it out01:49
yowshiand i cant use virtualbox until i fix this problem01:49
WAKDdryder ask away mate01:49
Fryguy--yowshi: after you add yourself, you need to log out and log back in01:50
bastid_raZorFelonious; your grub will be fine..01:50
Feloniousbecause if I bork my mbr I have no way to get back online to resolve my problem01:50
danandyowshi - log out and then back in again01:50
datakidhow can I make it recognise teh card? ATM it comes up as 'unknown interface'01:50
yowshiok brb01:50
amenadoFelonious-> you can make a backup copy of your mbr01:50
amenadoFelonious use  dd01:51
Feloniousmbr scares me01:51
lewis2seismi cmike, done. now what?01:51
WAKDdatakid - you mean network card?01:51
lewis2seismicmike, done. now what?01:51
seismicmikelewis2: is your sound card listed in lspci?01:51
bastid_raZorFelonious; look up some howto's before you do the reinstall..01:51
datakidWAKD yes.01:52
yowshiall this rebooting and i am trying to convert all my mp3's into ogg format using sound converter this is only slowing that down :(01:52
bastid_raZorFelonious; print them out.. grub isn't all that hard to work with01:52
lewis200:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia01:52
Feloniouswell if you say I can just reinstall the same way I installed them the first time I should be ok01:52
WAKDdatakid - it's a PCI card right?01:52
danandyowshi - no need to reboot01:52
lewis2seismicmike, 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia01:52
WAKDso what does lspci -vv show?01:52
WAKD!paste | datakid01:52
ubotudatakid: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:52
dryderI'm using xsane to scan - can copy, save, email OK. But the efax settings don't send the fax only 'queue' it. If I use -d /dev/ttys0 (instead of the default FAX SEND) it sends it without waiting for a dialtone or dialling the number - ergo the fax doesn't get sent. Any ideas please (I want to avoid saving as documents)01:53
yowshilog out retsrat rbeoot all thbe same to sound converter01:53
bastid_raZorFelonious; if you format your ubuntu partitions it is as if you've never had ubuntu at all.01:53
Fryguy--bastid_raZor: except for mbr01:53
yowshiwoot i can finally try and install windowsxpblack to this thing01:53
datakidWAKD it appears in lspci as teh d-link dwl 520 wireless card, which it is01:53
seismicmikelewsi2: OK. I think you need to install a driver for that.01:53
danandyowshi - think theres a way to background them processes so they still run when you log out01:53
seismicmikehere's a link, but it's for dapper so it might be out of date: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide01:54
og_Fryguy--: Looks ok actually01:54
danandyowshi - if its a GUI based app you might be in trouble though01:54
ApacFryguy--,  I got it fixed.01:54
yowshidanand: yeah i bet there is but my newbie a$$ dont know it01:54
og_Fryguy--: you must be a console lover01:54
Fryguy--og_: yes01:54
ApacYou did point me in the right direction, thanks.01:54
og_Fryguy--: Iam a bit01:54
yowshidanand: i would bet the default sound converter can be run in cli01:54
danandyowshi - my old ass can't remember :\01:54
Fryguy--og_: the only 3 gui apps i have open are pidgin, firefox, and media player.  and i have about 30 terminal sessions up right now, spanning a few machines :)01:55
WAKDdatakid - ah wireless card. boo - what chipset is it? do you know?01:55
og_Fryguy--:all i every have is a ton of consoles and an instance of firefox running01:55
og_Fryguy--: indeed01:55
og_Fryguy--: I would check out the wm now01:55
og_but im not at home01:55
yowshiwhat i want is a way to convert all my mp3's to ogg i have like 1810 mp3's i dont care what programme gets used as long as it does 2 things. converts them and then deletes the mp3's01:55
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Fryguy--yowshi: transcoding is bad but w/e01:55
WhiteNerdI'm running Ubuntu Server 7.1 and need to use apt-get method of getting to desktop upgrade, what is the name of the package?01:55
og_Fryguy--: what would tou say its definingpoint is?01:56
Fryguy--just write a quick script to run ogg on all of the mp3s01:56
yowshiFryguy--: rythmbox doesnt have mp3 support. least not nativly01:56
og_Fryguy--: oryour mostloved features?01:56
Stroganoffyowshi, its not wise to transcode a musical collection01:56
Stroganoffyowshi, you might regret it01:56
yowshialso Fryguy-- i have managed to convert mp3's before and they te nd to turn out well01:56
Fryguy--og_: easy to do very custom behaviors on keyboard, and configurable via haskell01:56
Fryguy--yowshi: so install it01:56
danandyowshi - you converting mp3's to ogg?01:56
yowshitrying to danand :)01:56
datakidWAKD: Intersil Corp Prism 2.5 wavelan chipset01:56
og_Fryguy--: heh i was gunna guess shortcut keypresses01:57
danandyowshi - sudo apt-get install mp32ogg :)01:57
seismicmikelewis2: This page looks like from a guy who has the exact same card as you and the same problem: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/115645-no-sound.html. It looks like there's only 3 things you have to do.01:57
og_Fryguy--: it looks like the type for that01:57
og_Fryguy--: Its why i used to love the *box type01:57
Fryguy--og_: if you want to operate x without a mouse, you'll enjoy xmonad01:57
fnord123Hi all, I am a bit slow... I installed antlr-doc package and it installed a lot of documents in /usr/share/doc/antlr-doc.. is there a documentation viewer for this stuff or am i to just trawl it w/ nautilus or whichever?01:57
CRINGOI was getting a boot error, here ubuntu wasn't mounting my /home partition, even though everything is fine in fstab, I had to manually mount /home then start it up.  Is that a failing hdd?01:57
WhiteNerd'm running Ubuntu Server 7.1 and need to use apt-get method of getting to desktop upgrade, what is the name of the package?01:58
og_Fryguy--: could have very strong control over the positioning of windows with shortcut keys01:58
og_Fryguy--: theother feature of *box wasthe window tabbing01:58
Fryguy--WhiteNerd: ubuntu-desktop01:58
seismicmikelewis2: if that doesn't work. I'd suggest going to http://google.com/linux and searching for the name of your card01:58
og_Fryguy--: andthe ability to remove decorations altogether01:58
EruditeHermitwhuyt: did you upgrade everything else too? it works fine here01:58
WhiteNerdFryguy:It says that the package couldn't be found01:59
lewis2thanks a lot01:59
Fryguy--WhiteNerd: then your repostories aren't right01:59
fnord123oh it's all webpages. sorry for wasting time01:59
WhiteNerdany way to fix that?01:59
danandyowshi - for i in `ls | grep *mp3$`; do mp32ogg $i; done01:59
Fryguy--WhiteNerd: edit /etc/apt/sources.list01:59
yowshidanand: ???01:59
Fryguy--danand: would much rather use find to do something like that, ls | grep is an awful hack02:00
WAKDit's 2 in the morning and I'm still sitting in front of a computer. i need a drink - brb02:00
og_danand: on subject do you know of a commandline tool to output id3tag details02:00
seismicmikelewis2: did that help?02:00
marceloboa noite..02:00
Fryguy--og_: id302:00
danandFryguy-- i'm an awful hacker02:00
yowshidanand: also u,mmm what happens to the source mp3's with this?02:00
marceloalgum brasileiro aq?02:00
og_Fryguy--: nice02:00
Fryguy--danand: note by "awful hack" i mean "won't work with certain things"02:00
og_Fryguy--: how about some scripts to tidy upmp3 collections?02:01
og_Fryguy--: else i'll write myown02:01
Fryguy--og_: i use mutagen to do that02:01
amenadoCRINGO-> can you paste in pastebin your /etc/fstab ?02:01
Fryguy--og_: and exfalso02:01
CRINGOokay, hold on02:01
WhiteNerdFryguy: Ahh... To many errors, I'll just reinstall.02:01
danandyowshi - they stay, mp32ogg just creates a new ogg file from the mp302:01
Fryguy--og_: i also don't have any mp3s02:01
Fryguy--og_: my entire collection is in another format02:01
og_Fryguy--: Oggs or flak?02:02
Fryguy--og_: flac02:02
og_oops :/02:02
danandFryguy-- - won't work with mp3's that arent in the pwd :)02:02
og_Fryguy--: yeah I got 300Gb of music to try and sort out02:02
Fryguy--danand: ?02:02
Malik_TuTUXG_: u there?02:02
danandFryguy-- - gonna have to learn that find command one day02:02
Fryguy--og_: I just spent $1400 on hard drives + raid controllers to maintain proper backups of my collection (it's significantly more sizable than 300gb hehe)02:03
og_Fryguy--: that must be quite a collection02:03
Malik_TuTUXG_: u there?02:03
og_Fryguy--: the HD devoted to music?02:03
WAKDFryguy-- what's the setup with the disks and RAID? 5?02:03
og_Fryguy--: about 2TB worth?02:03
Fryguy--og_: I have an entire computer basically devoted to it02:03
yowshidanand i guess when i am happy with my ogg's i delete all mp3's via the gui search engine?02:03
Fryguy--og_: dual raid arrays with incremental backups02:03
Fryguy--danand: example find command         find . -name *.flac -exec flac -f --best '{}' \;02:04
og_Fryguy--: Raid what?02:04
CRINGOamenado, http://pastebin.com/d5b4955d102:04
Fryguy--takes every flac file and reencodes it with best settings02:04
Fryguy--og_: dual raid502:04
Fryguy--one backs up to another02:04
CRINGOamenado, my uuid nums are the same still02:04
Fryguy--on an areca hardware card, with all hotswappable bays02:04
og_Fryguy--: woah, you got what i want!02:04
yowshiwoot virtual box deoesnt seemt to slow down much being a virtual system and all02:05
amenadoCRINGO-> let me take a look02:05
og_Fryguy--: I got 1.5TBor storage right now02:05
Fryguy--yowshi: if you have a processor that supports virtualization it should run at full native speed02:05
blbrownis it safe to say that you still shouldn't use apt for java applications.  I tell people this all the time, am I the only one?02:05
og_Fryguy--: I need to find a spare $1500 to sort itout02:05
Fryguy--yowshi: if make sure to install guest additions too, adds some really nice features to a virtual machine02:05
Fryguy--og_: i had a friend who owed me a favor :)02:05
danandFryguy-- - think you just killed my enthusiasm for find :) - regexp's are not my thing, Powerful but awful.02:05
Fryguy--danand: there's no regex02:06
og_grr this keyboard is driving me crazy (not mine) gotta a sticky space bar02:06
Malik_can some1 help me configre my wirless internet02:06
datakidah malik_ you an me both amtey02:06
og_Fryguy--: Gunna go all this typing is too difficault on this machine02:06
og_Fryguy--: thanks for the help with the id3 tools02:06
og_Fryguy--: I'll look them up02:06
Malik_datakid: ?02:06
Fryguy--find . -type d -exec sh -c "metaflac --add-replay-gain '{}'/*.flac 2> /dev/null; echo '{}' done" \;02:06
danandFryguy-- whats the '{}' \ stuff about then02:07
Fryguy--^^ recursively apply replay-gain to every album02:07
Fryguy--danand: find syntax, read manpage02:07
lancerockeAnyone know of any GTKRC Editor apps? Is there any such thing?02:07
datakidMalik_ im trying for the same help :)02:07
Malik_datakid: o lol02:07
Fryguy--lancerocke: what are you trying to do exactly02:07
Malik_datakid: how far hav u gotten02:07
datakidMalik_ you will at least need to let people know what version of ubuntu, what card/laptop you are using etc02:07
Fryguy--lancerocke: system | preferences | appearance will get you where you wan to go i think02:08
lancerockeFryguy: I just wanna edit GTKRC themes with a GUI02:08
datakidMalik_ ive got my box recognising teh card, but not installd i think02:08
Malik_datakid: thats simple02:08
amenadoCRINGO-> yeah it looks okay, can you get into single user mode and do an fsck of your /dev/sda3 and see if it will fix anything?02:08
lancerockeFryguy: I want to make my own GTKRC theme02:08
seismicmikeOK. Since I haven't heard from lewis2, I'm going to assume that I helped him sufficiently. And since I solved my own problem (FIREFOX ADDON: Media Player Connectivity) I'll catch you guys later. This place rocks!02:08
Fryguy--lancerocke: and if it's really gtkrc you want to edit, just edit it, it's a file in your home directory02:08
CRINGOamenado, what does it mean really to "get into single user mode"?02:08
WAKDFryguy-- I take it I can just get the FreeBSD boot CD and install from network from there?02:09
nich0sAnyone know of a wiki for the new nvidia-glx-new?02:09
lancerockeFryguy: you know how Dreamweaver enables you to edit in preview mode?02:09
Fryguy--WAKD: yep.  i got the first disc so I could get a running system without internet, but yes02:09
Fryguy--lancerocke: no, i don't use gui tools for html editing02:09
lancerockeFryguy: Thats what I want to do with GTKRC02:09
CRINGOamenado, I'll look it up and come back when I figure it out02:09
amenadoCRINGO-> no network access, only root is able to get on..02:09
lancerockeAnyone know of any GTKRC Editor apps? Is there any such thing?02:09
porchohi there. I need help installing sun java 1.4.2 in ubuntu 7.10. I've already downloaded the self-extracting file (.bin) from Sun's website...what should I do next?02:10
Fryguy--porcho: any reason why you need to install such an old version?02:10
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Nasraany1 try the mediaplayer exaile in ubuntu?02:11
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Fryguy--porcho: and you should try just installing j2sdk1.4 instead (name of package)02:11
Fryguy--Nasra: yes02:11
Nasrahow is it ?02:12
Fryguy--Nasra: fine i guess02:12
LimCorewhy open office is totally broken in ubuntu gutsy amd64?02:12
Fryguy--Nasra: why don't you run it and see if you like it yourself02:12
NasraI hear as Amarok..02:12
yowshiFryguy--: guest additions?02:12
Nasracause I am new in linux....right....02:12
Fryguy--yowshi: yes02:12
porchoFryguy--: I need to use a specific JDeveloper version which works best with java 1.4.2 AFAIK...02:12
yowshiFryguy--: explain please02:12
Fryguy--yowshi: google02:13
Nasraneed to find out that I already have amarak...can I have both at the same time?02:13
JFerretHi, I am looking for a web based patient management system, for NGO's . Does anybody know any?02:13
guitrokri can't get my pen to work on my hp tc1100 tablet with fiesty OR gutsy02:13
Fryguy--Nasra: yes02:13
* yowshi grumbles02:13
Fryguy--Nasra: you can do whatever you want02:13
yowshican you give me a hint as to what to google?02:13
Nasralemme try it....02:13
Fryguy--yowshi: "virtualbox guest additions howto"02:13
yowshinarrow it down some02:13
guitrokri've followed every tutorial... and even though it SHOULD work... nothing02:13
yowshiFryguy--: thanks02:13
WAKDJFerret - nope but I could write you one if you want ;-)02:14
poseidonWhen I've tried to install ubuntu I've gotten to the installing part, and its failed :(  It usually stalls when it's partitioning my drive.  Any way to make sure this doens't happen again02:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:14
Nasraneed to ask you a question....need to listen my radio stations (may favorite)....which program is good to use?02:14
Dr_willisNasra,  depends on what they are streamig in. I tend to use bmpx02:14
Fryguy--Nasra: there are a lot, you've mentioned a couple, try them out to see which one is good to use for you02:14
guitrokrcan anyone help... i can't get pen working on my wacom tablet (HP tc1100) no matter how hard i try, and i'm an experienced linux user02:15
og_Nasra: Vlc although not great pretty much will play everything02:15
JFerretWAKD: seriously?02:15
bruenigwrong channel02:15
og_Nasra: and will 'just work' becuase it uses its own built in codecs02:15
NasraI have it but don't play what I want though02:15
porchoFryguy--: j2sdk1.4 contains Blackdown Java, not Sun Java...02:16
Fryguy--porcho: so?02:16
WAKDJFerret - if you have specs and don't need it like tomorrow - yeah02:16
og_Nasra: As i said not great, but if your looking for something easy02:16
og_Nasra: there it is02:16
helluesare there anyone knows latex02:16
helluespls check02:16
helluesand say my mistake02:16
newtubuntuHELP!!:  I deleted an IMPORTANT folder (cannot put to trash, folder will be permanently deleted... and I clicked OK thinking it was the right thing to do, but then I've seen 'files' being deleted that I hadn'nt backed up).  I have lost 5Gb of data out of 15. Is there a way or tool I can use in Ubuntu to 'UNDELETE' my files ????  I havent written back on the disk yet....02:16
Fryguy--porcho: if you don't want to install that, then install sun java, you have the package, just install it02:16
poseidonI've been told to use cfdisk to stop it from hanging up02:16
Fryguy--hellues: wrong channel02:16
Nasraok....and use the apt-get thingy...02:16
nich0sI'm "special" and I forgot. How do you get the apt-get updated list?02:16
StroganoffQuestion: whats the command to create an xorg.conf with full auto detection? not dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg but the one the full installer uses.02:16
MEtaLpREs__is there a better way to play games than wine?  like a more compatible program, or a way to get 3d acceleration in a windows vm?02:16
Fryguy--newtubuntu: just recover your backup02:16
CRINGOamenado, it says that running fsck on a running filesystem can cause damage, should I do fsck a different way?02:16
Nasrathanks alot Fryguy....02:16
JFerretWAKD: can I PM?02:16
helluesi know but nobody answer me on latex channel02:17
WAKDJFerret - yes02:17
porchoFryguy--: but I can't find a package for Sun Java 1.4.2...02:17
Nasrathanks alot Og_02:17
drydermy qestion might have been too long ... has anybody got efax setup in XSANE?02:17
Fryguy--porcho: that's because there isn't one because java 1.4 is OLD02:17
guitrokrnewtubuntu: just navigate to your home folder and press CTRL-H and you should see a .Trash folder02:17
piffhellus: I know basic latex - why?02:17
poseidonWhat does cfdisk do during install?02:17
LimCorewhy is ubuntu so full of shi^h butterflies02:17
LimCoreand have openoffice and/or xorg totally broken in amd64 gutsy02:17
og_Nasra: vlc looks ugly unless you download and use a skin02:17
RavenTrigunUmmm Excuse me guys. I have a problem.02:17
guitrokrcan anyone help... i can't get pen working on my wacom tablet (HP tc1100) no matter how hard i try, and i'm an experienced linux user02:17
Fryguy--LimCore: because it's designed to appeal to as wide of a userbase as possible02:17
og_Nasra: itdoesnt bother me02:17
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Fryguy--!repeat | guitrokr02:18
ubotuguitrokr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:18
og_Nasra: but if you look at it and think god that looks ugly - then download a skin02:18
LimCoreFryguy--: being broken seems to appeal to less users02:18
Fryguy--LimCore: it's not broken for the majority of users02:18
subsumeClean install of Ubuntu gives me GRUB error 1502:18
* LimCore slaps ubuntu02:18
RavenTrigunUmmm Excuse me guys. I have a problem. My Logitech USB headset isn't working with some apps.02:18
guitrokrguys i have a wacom tablet HP tc1100 and can't get pen working, need help badly02:19
Fryguy--guitrokr: wtf learn to read02:19
LimCoreRavenTrigun: uhm? and if you connect speakers instead headset then it works?02:19
JFerretWAKD: I have got to run, can you please email me at nick@daenim.com, thanks02:19
LimCoreRavenTrigun: strange.. but I dunno.02:19
RavenTrigunI set it up to were if i play music or something it comes out my USB headset02:19
guitrokrfryguy i can read just fine, shut the hell up because this is a place to get help, and i've already checked every damn wiki page in existence02:19
RavenTrigunbut streaming options like Youtube and stuff doesn't work02:19
og_guitrokr: you havnt even given any indicationof what could be wrong02:20
Fryguy--guitrokr: repeating your question every 2 minutes isn't going to get it answered02:20
Fryguy--guitrokr: if nobody knows, nobody knows, asking again isn't going to change that02:20
LimCorereading documentations is for dorks anyway, if it requires to read docs then it lacks UI02:20
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WAKDJFerret - done.02:20
Fryguy--LimCore: if you honestly believe that mindset, then *nix based systems aren't right for you02:20
RavenTrigunOr Games. It is trying to read my default audio called C-Media02:20
guitrokrog_: i've edited my xorg.conf, i've installed wacom tools, i've found out that the port is ttyS0... and i've read every page about it, still the pen doesn't react02:20
LimCoreFryguy--: stupid *nix systems are not for me indeed02:20
RavenTrigunIs it possible to select a Default Audio?02:21
* LimCore uses the less nerdy ones02:21
pike_RavenTrigun: best bet may be ubuntuforums logitech usb headset should be pretty common02:21
nich0sLimCore: rofl. i like you02:21
RavenTrigunalright thanks a lot i will search it there.02:21
nich0sLimCore: All my Windoze are belong to you.02:21
Fryguy--LimCore: so what brings you to #ubuntu, then? what can I help you with?02:21
og_guitrokr: dunno, its a prety specialist item, might better off looking else where02:21
LimCorenich0s: do a surgery on yourself, after readins a wiki and man page =)02:21
og_guitrokr: cant sujest where though, perhaps some linux base graphic related software channel (i guess)02:22
piffRaven : sudo asoundconf set-default-card nForce202:22
guitrokri've looked EVERYWHERE, i'm an experience linux user and i've been working on this tablet for a week straight now og_02:22
nich0sLimCore: I'm working on that right now. I'm about to cut the main tendon to my ha02:22
LimCoreFryguy--: ubuntu have smallets amount of nerdy philosophy of "I will do surgery on myself, after reading 3423423 wiki pages and man pages" attitute02:22
* LimCore calls dr House to assist nich0s02:22
og_guitrokr: no help getting angry or angering others who dont have thehardware though02:22
og_guitrokr: perhaps you could find a suitable forum to ask in02:23
nich0sLimCore: Dr. House learned from the wiki. Oh nos. :P02:23
guitrokrwell i figured the largest channel would be the best place to probe for ideas02:23
LimCorenich0s: sure he did02:23
LimCoreguitrokr: for not trivial question, indeed try forum02:23
Fryguy--LimCore: it has much less of that than other *nix based systems.  It makes an attempt to be friendly to intermediate users, and does a somewhat decent job at it.  Like I said, if you aren't comfortable using a *nix based system, then dont' use one.  If you disagree with the philosophies they use, then don't use a *nix based system.  If you aren't going to use a *nix based system, then just leave.  Trolling is a waste of everyone's time02:23
guitrokruseless people02:23
og_guitrokr: fair enough wortha  try02:23
subsumeClean install of Ubuntu gives me GRUB error 15. wtf?02:24
og_guitrokr has a useless attitude02:24
LimCoreFryguy--: oryginal *nix philosophy is for idiots. Fortunatelly Ubuntu changes that, and Im for that \o/02:24
og_hope he doesnt solve it02:24
LimCores/idiots/people that have too much time to waste02:24
BlackChaoshow do i install winrar in linux02:24
Fryguy--LimCore: original *nix philosophy is what made modern computing what it is today, and what makes the internet what it is today, and what drives a vast majority of talented developers and engineers to do what they do02:24
og_LimCore having time to waste does not make one an idiot02:25
LimCoreBlackChaos: you dont, you install unrar application instead02:25
Fryguy--BlackChaos: use rar instead, no need to install the windows version02:25
og_BlackChaos: rar02:25
LimCoreog_: therefore I changed that :)02:25
newtubuntuFryguy: that file WAS the backup, and it hadn't been 're-duplicated' anywhere else....02:25
anteayai can't get bash to give me a beep when i press the left arrow at an empty prompt.  I have spoken to the folks in #alsa and in #bash and my speakers work fine on my laptop02:25
porkpiehi guys .... I have a major problem with a network issue02:25
datakidIm still getting asked for a password on my wireless network when one isn't needed02:25
LimCoreFryguy--: wasting time to be 9475852432 th person to breach open dors is not driving any development, it only drives people crazy02:25
Fryguy--newtubuntu: then might want to get a few thousand dollars handy and call a data recovery specialist service02:26
Fryguy--LimCore: care to elaborate?02:26
datakidis it built into the network manager that all nets will have a password?02:26
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:26
nickrud!offtopic | Fryguy--: LimCore02:26
ubotuFryguy--: LimCore: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:26
ed_edHi all, I was wondering am I able to use my ubuntu network card driver for other linux distros i.e knoppix?02:26
og_LimCore: my appologies - itsgetting late02:26
Fryguy--ed_ed: probably not02:26
piffed_ed: Maybe.02:27
piffed_ed: Did you compile the driver yourself?02:27
BlackChaoshuh i see that there r the non free and free version02:28
BlackChaosfor unrar is the non free unrar good enough02:28
=== nickrud is now known as nikrud
Fryguy--BlackChaos: yes02:28
LimCoreFryguy--: smary, lazy people, use vlc to start palying movie in 2 seconds.  Nerd will study man page and after 15 minutes come up with 200 char long command line to do same thing. And smary, lazy person will use saved time to develop something *new*, or just to get laid/wasted02:28
BlackChaosok thx02:28
Malik_TuTUXG_: u there02:28
ed_edpiff: No I didn't, when I installed ubuntu, the driver was already there.02:29
Malik_wat channel is for the cube effect02:29
Fryguy--LimCore: you are stereotyping people into a category that many of us don't fall into (how do you think vlc came into existance in the first place btw, it didn't grow on a tree)02:29
piffed_ed: Well, your other distribution might also auto-detect it.  If not, if your network card is pretty common, there should be drivers available for it.02:29
nich0sWow... The strangest thing just happened to me.02:29
RoBzZMalik_: #Cube02:29
nich0sI read the Wiki02:29
LimCoreFryguy--: thanks to people like me, indeed ubuntu is not equal to bunch of nerds wasting times on stupid manuals02:29
nich0sand it worked...02:30
LimCorewow, I started vlc.. and it just worked02:30
Malik_can some help me with figuring out wirless connection02:30
dryder(not impatient) - looks like I'm out of luck today with XSANE+efax - r there other channels I could try pls? (I'm new to all this ...)02:30
BlackChaosok i installed it but i still cant extract the rar file02:31
LimCorenich0s: it took me 5 seconds, how long for you to read wiki/man page to enter cmd line to play a file.img being DVD image, with hue,contrast,saturation settings, volume 50%, using opengl output, with PL audio and subtitles02:31
anteayai would like to get my terminal to beep.  there is no sound when i press the left arrow at an empty prompt02:32
nikrudLimCore please drop the subject. Everyone has their preferred method, let them use it.02:32
ed_edpiff: Thats the thing, it didn't , and I've searched a fair bit for help with this and haven't had much luck, so I was going to try and use the ubuntu one. What would be the problem with that? Sorry, I'm kinda new to linux.02:32
pike_anteaya: the pcspkr module is supposed to take care of that is it loaded? lsmod to see02:32
piffed_ed: Well, Ubuntu is just particularly good at being user friendly.  There are other user-friendly distros out there: Try Suse or even Fedora02:33
anteayapike_, : pcspkr                  4224  002:33
piffed_ed: Who makes your card?02:33
poseidonWhats that partitioner for windows? nietin booten?02:33
poseidonI want to shrink my windows partition so I can install ubuntu02:34
pike_anteaya: most people hate that beep.  you can i think turn it on/off in the gnome-terminal preferences too maybe02:34
RoBzZpiff: ed_ed's card is Intel, he'll be back in a minute02:34
piffKDE beep sounds are horrible02:34
efirewic2poseidon: you can download gparted iso from download.com02:34
poseidonefirewic2, whatis gparted?02:34
newtubuntuguitrokr:  my disk WAS full, so it warned me that it could not place the contents of my folder to the Trash. It asked if I wanted to delete anyway. So it's not in .Trashes02:35
anteayapike_, : i want to write a little notification script with it, and i have looked in the sound settings and tinkered with what i could find to no avail thus far02:35
efirewic2poseidon: a good partition editor02:35
poseidonO, if I use the partitioner that is on the live cd to shrink my windows partition, will that affect it?02:35
ed_edpiff: Sorry, it is intel02:36
piffno problem02:36
anteayapike_, : the terminal bell is enabled in terminal preferences02:36
poseidonIt gives me the choice of using x amount of a partiton.  Does it auto shrink it before it uses it?02:36
dryderthanks ppl - I will try another day. :)02:36
piffed_ed: Some distros are more user friendly than others.  If you want to use Noppix, you might have to do a bit more work.02:36
Malik_can some1 help me get onlien ib ubuntu02:36
newtubuntuWAKD, may I pm you ?02:37
FreewareFanHello all.  First timer here, I'm just going to sit back and see how things go in this channel....02:37
efirewic2poseidon: if you have enough free space aval. windows likes to be in the front of the drive, then ext3 then your swap.  I would back up everything if you are not familiar/ comfortable doing this02:37
hustancan someone help with a dependacy error for libd602:37
RavenTrigunProblem Fixed. the command was asoundconf list02:37
pike_anteaya: python is really easy for that but you can also use `beep` in the shell02:37
dnyfreewarefan: they go fast :o02:37
RavenTrigunand then you did asoundconf set-default-card INSERTCARDNAMEHERE02:37
FreewareFandny: LOL02:37
anteayapike_, : beep produces no sound02:37
poseidonefirewic2, so will the partition manager on the livecd work, or should I use gparted?02:38
pike_anteaya: try echo -en "\007"02:38
efirewic2poseidon: gparted is the one live uses.02:38
pike_anteaya: if that doesnt work.. i dunno02:39
WAKDnewtubuntu - yes02:39
poseidonefirewic2, k.  Then I'll use that.  Last time I tried to do it, it did hang up though, could that just have been a bug?02:39
anteayapike_, : no sound02:39
mbtanteaya: Did you enable the system beep in System->preferences->sound?02:39
efirewic2poseidon: what is your sys specs?02:39
anteayapike_, : thanks though, i just got a suggestion to maybe just play a sound and forget the beep02:39
poseidonWhen I clicked for it to partition the disk and begin the install, the window just left, and I had to do a full system re-isntall02:39
anteayambt: not at first but i have before i came to this channel to ask02:40
poseidonI have a gig of ram, and 160 gb hard drive02:40
WAKDnewtubuntu - or create a chan with your username and I will join02:40
efirewic2poseidon: win xp?02:40
poseidonsp2 yes02:40
RoBzZpiff: ed_ed is having some problems with his irc client. He says thanks for the help :)02:40
efirewic2poseidon: desktop?02:40
pifflol.  ;)02:40
poseidonefirewic2, so should I try the installation again?02:43
ghostnobsomeone help!02:43
efirewic2poseidon: well, what I would do is download the gparted iso file burn it, then boot off it. Create your partitions, after your done make your ntfs hidden and unmark it for boot. boot your live cd and you should be able to install ubuntu.02:43
ed_edpiff: Sorry again, ok what type of work would be involved? Like writting your own drivers and stuff?02:43
ani1!ask | ghostnob02:43
ubotughostnob: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:43
=== LimCore is now known as dr_zoidberg
newtubuntuhow do I create a channel with my name ?02:43
ani1join that channel then register it with chanserv02:44
Shadow_milis there a way to boot into a different run level, other then 2?02:44
piffed_ed: God no.  The worst case scenario for any sane person would be to find the most generic drivers for your chip and compile them yourself.02:44
piffed_ed: Most probably, though, you'll find a package of some sort.02:44
pike_newtubuntu: /join #name02:44
ghostnobI have ubuntu server and a Windows 2003 server, should I give them different domain names to function well or the same domain; what will the outcome be if I give them the same domain name on my network?02:45
efirewic2poseidon: you will then have to unmark hidden when your done installing everything for windows to work again, but in the end even your grub should be correct without manually editing anything.02:45
Malik_can some1 help me02:45
ed_edOh ok, that sounds ok. Basically I'm looking to try out another distro, a bit more hands-on than ubuntu, if you know what I mean. Any recommendations?02:46
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
WAKDMalik_ what's up?02:46
dataki1in network manager, what is "roaming mode"?02:47
Malik_WAKD: 1sec brb02:47
dataki1WAKD Malik_ is have wireless issues as well02:47
newtubuntuok WAKD, can you join channel under my name ?02:47
Andre_GondimI installed ubuntu hardy heron, but I only installed in english, couse if I choose pt_BR in keyboard screen from   installation crash, does anyone know about it?02:47
WAKDdatakil - wireless roaming mode - means your going to different points where you can connect02:47
piffed_ed: It really is down to taste.  Fedora is a very good place to start.  Good balance between ease-of-use and high configurability02:47
nomiccan anyone tell me how to get a MSDOS app (6.2) working on ubuntu?  pls02:47
WAKD*is away*02:48
ani1nomic: wine02:48
nomicwine QB.EXE doesn't work02:48
nomici thought wine would just configure and run02:48
xtknighti installed kubuntu-desktop and it changed my bootup logo to kubuntu.  how do i get my bootup logo back to ubuntu?02:48
ani1nomic: join #wine-hq02:48
ghostnobdid anybody see my post? I need an answer...:'(02:48
nomicta ani102:48
Malik_WAKD: aim back u there02:49
ed_edpiff: Oh ok, I'll look into that. Would slackware be too much of a jump?02:49
WAKDghostnob - both can be same domain but make sure they have different hostnames mate02:49
ani1ghostnob: i doubt many people here run both a 2003 and ubuntu server with the same domain name...if somebody knows they will answer your question02:49
WAKDwhat's up Mailk_02:49
magmackI have an evga 680i motherboard, and every time I install dmraid under ubuntu, on the very next reboot and every boot after I get the message "target file system does not have /sbin/init", making the system unbootable. I have not tried reinstalling ubuntu for about a month. Has anyone else heard of this problem? Has it been solved recently?02:49
Malik_WAKD: i need help with wirless02:49
ghostnobok... thanks02:49
MasterScriptWAKD: how to publish my local ip to internet so people can connect to my local server irc?02:49
xtknightmagmack, is your /boot on a non raid partition?02:50
Malik_WAKD: i got ubntu running on the computer beside me u jus gotta tell me wat to do02:50
piffed_ed: Depends how patient and how much of an aptitude for that kind of thing you have.   Fedora is a good step.  You can learn a great deal from it.02:50
ghostnobI will let you know my development in what I'm trying to achieve.02:50
Malik_WAKD:  can u help me out02:50
WAKDMasterScript - you can't you need an public IP and either route that to your local or NAT.02:50
magmackhowever, even when I un plug the raid drives, it still does not boot02:50
xtknightmagmack, i havent really heard of your problem but it sounds like your root isn't getting mounted02:50
HardyOneMasterScript, you dont give people your local ip because they have/use the same local ip's02:50
xtknightmagmack, /boot only contains boot loader but not enough to boot linux02:50
WAKDMalik_ ok - what's the issue02:50
Malik_WAKD: i hav been trying to configure my wirless but i find the tuorials on wikipedi a bit confusing02:51
yaroIt is time to volunteer mine. Hello, all!02:51
Malik_WAKD:  can u help me do it...i can easily follow ur instucations i got ubuntu on rite beside me02:51
FreewareFanHello folks.02:51
WAKDMalik_ - create a chan with your nick and I will join so we don't bombard this chan....02:51
yaroFreewareFan: Hello!02:51
ed_edpiff: Ok cool, I'll try Fedora out. Thanks very much for your help, appreciate it.02:51
Malik_WAKD:  how do i do that02:51
efirewic2xtknight: this should help your splash screen pblm: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/02/20/restoring-the-ubuntu-usplash-after-a-kubuntu-install/02:52
Malik_WAKD:  can u do it02:52
piffed_ed: No problem.  :)  Good luck.02:52
MasterScriptHardyOne: so what i do? i want publich my server irc to my friends02:52
Malik_WAKD:  and i will join it02:52
monkey_guruhi, i run ubuntu from live cd, and it takes a very long time to start up (around 4-5 minutes).  how fast do your computers boot up? PS i run windows on a 10 month old sony lappy, and it boots up in a minute and a half.02:52
xtknightefirewic2, ah thanks, shoulda searched02:52
HardyOneMasterScript, what port ?02:52
FreewareFanyaro: How you doing tonight?02:52
piffmonkey: Booting and running from the liveCD will be MUCH slower than a hard drive install02:52
xtknightthat was easy :)02:52
yaroFreewareFan: I am great, thanks for asking. Havew you a problem?02:52
BlackChaosis usbhostfs available for linux02:52
efirewic2np, just had to do it yesterday...02:52
MasterScriptHardyOne: what do u means?02:52
magmackxtknight: I have an ext3 driver for windows and I just verified that the partition does in fact have /sbin/init02:52
monkey_gurupiff: how fast do you boot?02:52
piffmonkey: If you installed Ubuntu on your HD, it will be very quick.02:53
HardyOneMasterScript, port 6667 6668 6669?02:53
Malik_WAKD:  r u doing it??02:53
FreewareFanyaro: No, this is my first time on IRC, just getting the feel of things.02:53
MasterScriptHardyOne: yes02:53
xtknightmagmack, yeah that is probably the case.  (btw how did you read a raid drive with ext3 ifs?)02:53
piffmonkey: Haven't timed it in a long time, but it's quicker than my Windows boot (dual boot system).02:53
monkey_gurupiff: thanks02:53
WAKDMalik - '/join #Malik_'02:53
xtknightmagmack, i guess your raid is a true hardware implementation then?   i'm surprised it lets you do that02:53
piffmonkey: Sure.02:53
magmackxtknight: the drive with all operating system files is not a raid partition02:53
FreewareFanyaro: Thanks for asking, though!02:54
xtknightmagmack, oh?02:54
GuyFromHellIs it possible to install a deb built for hardy (specifically beta nvidia drivers) on gutsy?02:54
xtknightmagmack, /boot and / are not RAID?02:54
HardyOneMasterScript, have you opened port for irc in your router?02:54
Malik_WAKD:  ur not replying..02:54
magmackxtknight correct02:54
xtknightmagmack, which partitions are raid?02:54
MasterScriptHardyOne: #MS02:54
magmackjust my ntfs archive drive (video, music, games, etc)02:54
xtknightmagmack, ah ok.  this is just a mount point then?  like /videos or something?02:55
Malik_can some1 plz help me out???02:55
xtknightmagmack, it's not your home folder is it?02:55
FreewareFantux97: hi02:55
magmackno, it's not02:55
Fryguy--Malik_: are you paying attention at all?02:55
tux97hi freewarefan do i know u lol02:55
Fryguy--Malik_: he's been telling you what to do for a while now02:56
FreewareFantux97: Nope, this is my first time on IRC.  But you do now..  hehe02:56
Kirawhat does the '>>' redirection in bash mean again?02:56
Malik_Frguy: who is?02:56
xtknightmagmack, have you tried rebooting ubuntu without installing dmraid?02:56
Fryguy--Malik_: wakd02:56
xtknightmagmack, doesit even reboot once?02:56
efirewic2malik: what are you trying to do?02:56
Malik_WAKD:  he is not replying02:56
Malik_WAKD:  iam on his channel he otold me to join02:56
Fryguy--Kira: append to file02:56
smallfryhow do i get the bass on my subs to work in ubuntu?02:56
magmackxtknight: no, after installing dmraid, after even one reboot, system becomes unbootable02:56
tux97ok freewarefan lol02:56
monkey_gurui have a sony with intel centrino core duo.  which chipset should i download for ubuntu?02:57
Malik_frguy: i joined his channel and he isn't talking02:57
Kirathanks Fryguy--02:57
Fryguy--Malik_: that's unfortunate02:57
Malik_Frguy--: can u help me out?02:57
FreewareFantux97:  Just checking out this whole IRC thing..  Seems like conversations go by real fast!02:57
xtknightmagmack, (rather, are you sure it is due to dmraid?  have you tried rebooting without installing dmraid?  what i am thinking is that you install ubuntu and on the first boot install dmraid, then reboot and it doesn't work.  but need to make sure it's dmraid that's the problem)02:57
tux97yep freewarrefan lol02:57
Fryguy--Malik_: stop spamming in here asking for help every 15 seconds.  if nobody can answer your question, then nobody can answer your question. asking it again isn't going to help02:57
efirewic2malik: what are you trying to do?02:57
magmackxtknight yes. it reboots fine without dmraid installed02:57
Fryguy--Malik_: and yes i could probably help, but I refuse to help complete dumbasses02:57
smallfryhow do i get the bass on my subs to work in ubuntu?02:58
Malik_Fryguy--: come on its my firts day in ubuntu and i already got liek 2 problems solved02:58
xtknightmagmack, ok how did you create the drive array to begin with?02:58
[agatha]hi here guys :) i have lost my buttons to reboot and turn off the computer... any ideas?02:58
HardyOne!patience | smallfry02:58
ubotusmallfry: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:58
Malik_Fryguy--: and i was a hardcore vista user jus 1 day ago giv me a break02:58
Fryguy--smallfry: too vague, what subwoofer, what isn't playing with it, how is it connected, etc02:58
snypzzIRC has been around a long time !!!02:58
Fryguy--Malik_: that's not an excuse for lacking common sense and spamming the channel02:58
tux97freewarefan what version do u have?02:59
Malik_Fryguy--: iam sorry02:59
FreewareFantux97:  Gutsy 7.10.  Why?02:59
smallfryfryguy: what do you mean?02:59
Fryguy--[agatha]: did you disable the powernow daemon by any chance?02:59
tux97just wondering freewarefan02:59
[agatha]not intentionally Fryguy-- ... i don't even know what is it02:59
FreewareFantux97 And you?02:59
tux97freewarefan same02:59
Fryguy--smallfry: well, is your sub connected directly to a soundcard, or is it connected to other speakers? is it on a receiver? what sound card is it? what makes you think it's not working?03:00
magmackxtknight: I have an array manager in the bios. I created a RAID-0 array and made the whole thing (1TB decimal: 2x500GB drives) one NTFS partition. It mounts, reads and writes fine under linux, but as soon as I reboot...death03:00
WAKDMalik_ I create a chan with your user name and am in there waiting mate...03:00
[agatha]any way to get it? i have all options to log out and change users and so on, but not to turn off the computer, which is weird (in caps)03:00
FreewareFantux97:  Just got it installed about two weeks ago, and I've been loving it since!03:00
Malik_WAKD: dude ur not answering03:00
xtknightmagmack, i see.  are you using any particular howto for setting up dmraid.  i'm trying to get a picture of how it works and what goes on03:00
Malik_WAKD: i went on the channel03:00
Fryguy--xtknight: dmraid isn't applicable to him at all03:00
tux97cool freewarefan03:00
Fryguy--xtknight: he's using real hardware raid03:00
yoand1hi, is any plan on ubuntu/oracle to support oracle/ubuntu?03:00
FreewareFanTux97:  Never used linux at all before, not in all my computing days, since the Commodore64.03:01
Malik_WAKD: i was there trying to chat with you but u weren't answering...there must be a problem03:01
[agatha]see Fryguy--  i can suspend, hibernate, logout, switchuser and lock screen. nothing like reboot or simply turn ff :S03:01
sFEARsthis might not be the correct room, but i'll ask anyway.  files that i drag onto my mp3 player from ubuntu play fine but when i go to transfer them onto a windows machine they're not shown.  Any idea why?  do i need to mount the mp3 player as a different file system type?03:01
tux97dont feel bad freewarefan i'm just been using linux for a a month or so regualarly03:01
OhmHi! How can I see which xmodmap.<something> is used at the moment?03:01
Malik_Fryguy--: do u know wat mite be the problem with our communication?03:01
Fryguy--[agatha]: are you logged into your normal user account03:01
xtknightmagmack, didi read wrong or were you using dmraid?  that is probably a problem since dmraid is SOFTWARE raid only03:01
smallfryfryguy: its connected directly to a sound card. the sound card is called sound blaster. i think its not working because in windows i needed a driver. but i cant find any drivers compatible with ubuntu.03:01
[agatha]yes Fryguy--  it's the only one i have in the computer03:01
Fryguy--Malik_: no, and please learn to type and spell03:01
FreewareFantux97:  What made you want to start using it?03:01
magmackxtknight yes, I am using dmraid03:02
Fryguy--smallfry: so the subwoofer is separate from your speaker system?03:02
WAKDMalik_ - you are in channel #Malik_ ??03:02
efirewic2sFEARs: what format is your mp3?03:02
unop__Fryguy--, you're being harsh on him -- have a little patience03:02
WAKDMalik_ I am there now! :_)03:02
tux97well i was kinda using it when i went to school and then i want server stuff so thats what made me use it lol03:02
tux97and u freewarefan03:02
sFEARsthey're mp3 format03:02
Fryguy--unop__: have you been paying attention to his conversation.  he is borderline retarded03:02
xtknightmagmack, ok how exactly are you installing it?03:02
xtknightmagmack, sorry im a little confused because dmraid is for software raid, and you have a hardware raid implementation so i'm not sure why it works03:03
yoand1hi again, does anyone knows if there is a plan on ubuntu to support oracle or vice ?03:03
nDuffxtknight, dmraid is for software raid that pretends that it's hardware03:03
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:03
unop__Fryguy--, you should keep those opinions to yourself -- it makes the channel more professional (as it should be(03:03
nDuffxtknight, ...or, rather, it's a software raid implementation that's compatible with several fake hardware raid formats...03:03
xtknighti see03:03
Fryguy--unop__: this channel is hardly professional03:03
icesword! oracle > icesword03:03
FreewareFantux97:  I just ran across a version of it on usenet, and thought that I'd try it out.  Once I did, I found that I like it very much.  And it goes along with my lifelong view of free software.03:03
nDuffxtknight, ...so I don't think there's necessarily a contradiction.03:03
efirewic2sFEARs: I know the mp3's are is the player formatted?03:03
[agatha]hmmm Fryguy--  i was thinking, is there any way to reboot the computer from the commandline? maybe rebooting will be fixed i just don't think pushing the power button is going to be any good...03:03
magmackxtknight I install the packages (dmraid and ntfs3g), activate the array, mount it to /media/win (adding it to fstab), and it works until reboot03:03
unop__Fryguy--, it tries to be03:03
regeyayeah, not nice to call people retarded; okay to keep it to yourself tho03:03
Fryguy--[agatha]: there is a reboot command yes, and a shutdown command03:04
smallfryfryguy: like all the speakers connect to the box where the subwoofer is mounted with rca jacks. but then theres an input for the with a different end.03:04
tux97good idea freewarefan03:04
yoand1icesword: ?03:04
Fryguy--smallfry: so it's a standard pc speaker setup?03:04
efirewic2sFEARs: Does windows see the drive and not the files?03:04
[agatha]do you think it may fix something?? i can give it a try and if not maybe we can see more things... to be honest, i dunno what i did03:04
smallfryfryguy: yes03:04
magmackxtknight actually, since the ntfs driver that comes with ubuntu has write by default, I dont think I even installed ntfs3g this last time03:04
nDuffmagmack, well -- a few things. you want to be very sure that you're actually mounting the dmraid device, not one of the raw partitions03:04
iceswordyoand1, what?03:04
Fryguy--smallfry: how many connections are made to your sound card?03:04
sFEARsi don't know efirewic2 how do i format it?03:04
FreewareFantux97:  well anyways, nice to meet you.  Maybe I'll see you on the fourms one day.  Gotta go for now.  Later.03:04
yoand1icesword: oracle?03:05
nDuffmagmack, ...and you want to be sure that dmraid actually detected all the relevant partitions.03:05
snerfuIs there some kind of list of wireless cards that are working in either gutsy or hardy kernels without having to use restricted drivers like madwifi?  I couldn't find much in the way of that on the wiki.03:05
iceswordyoand1, http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html03:05
tux97later freewarefan03:05
xtknighthis boot and / aren't raid03:05
xtknightnDuff, ^03:05
xtknightjust one exeternal mount03:05
sFEARsi can't see the files i put on there from windows on ubuntu & i can't see files i put there from ubuntu on windows03:05
nDuffxtknight, isn't it the win32 partition where this is an issue?03:05
smallfryfryguy: there are 3 connections. one for the front speakers. one for the subwoofer. and one for the surround speakers.03:05
magmacknDuff: as I said, dmraid works as expected for all intents and purposes until I reboot03:05
* nDuff not sure -- too much traffic in this channel to go through the backtrace.03:05
nDuffmagmack, that doesn't surprise me at all.03:05
[agatha]ok Fryguy--  just "reboot" in the commandline?03:05
c-ronwhat's a nice bittorrent client for x? i'm not liking ktorrent03:06
xtknightnDuff, well basically he has linux and / and /boot are not raid.  then he has a 1gb ntfs dmraid he's installing03:06
sensaehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60493/ <-- A pastebin of my xorg.conf. The resolution I want (1680x1050) is listed but I can't change to it.03:06
Fryguy--small, you'll only hear the subwoofer then on content that contains a subwoofer channel (movie soundtracks and such).  you'll need specialized drivers/config to mix the channels together in other modes03:06
pike_c-ron: deluge or transmission or utorrent+wine03:06
xtknightnDuff, and the 1gb ntfs mounts and works fine, then he reboots and he can't even boot.03:06
iceswordc-ron, utorrent03:06
unop__snerfu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards03:06
xtknightwhich doent make sense cuz his / and /boot are not raid03:06
yoand1icesword: sure, it may work, it actually work, but does oracle officially recogn ubuntu as a certified os ?03:06
unop__snerfu, courtesy !google :)03:06
efirewic2sFEARs: r u using it through your usb?03:06
snerfuunop__: thanks a bunch.03:06
sFEARsyes efirewic203:06
smallfryfryguy: how do i do that?03:06
xtknightmagmack, ok.  well we might have to make it fail in order to debug it again.  it could be a number of things really.  it would be helpful if you somehow had access to the ubuntu shell, probably thru recovery mode to try and mount your root.03:06
iceswordyoand1, you beat me,ask oracle03:06
Fryguy--smallfry: no idea03:07
nDuffmagmack, re what I was thinking -- dmraid will work fine if it's a RAID-1 and it only mounts one of the two partitions, except that any write operations will be corrupting the store by bringing the two disks out of sync... but as long as they're initially in-sync, whichever of the two disks you mount will be internally consistent so you won't notice until you reboot.03:07
smallfryfryguy: thanks for the help03:07
Fryguy--smallfry: I use dedicated sound hardware in my audio setup, and my sound card doesn't really do anything, so I can't offer any meaningful advice03:07
iceswordyoand1, they charge for service only,right?03:07
yoand1icesword: ok, thanks! do you know if ubuntu heads have any interest on that?03:08
magmackxtknight: that's what I was thinking. I also have an update for my mb's bios I can install. I'm going to try to install the latest version of ubuntu and install it, see if it still fails. this will take about an hour. will you still be on in an hour?03:08
xtknightmagmack, probablyh03:08
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iceswordyoand1, maybe you could go to #ubuntu-ops03:08
FrogzooI get occassional hangs running on battery power, when nothing will do but power off - any suggestions?03:08
xtknightmagmack, i will be here but can't guarantee i will know what to do.  but ill try anyways ;)03:08
nDuffxtknight, is what I just described (bringing the RAID out of sync, leading to a failure on reboot) believable to you?03:08
yoand1icesword: mmmm nope, not just for service, they charge every thing, and very expensive!03:08
xtknightnDuff, well this is a mount point noncrucial to booting so i dont really tihnk so03:08
bluefox83alt + f2 should start that little "run application" dialog thingy, right?03:09
magmackxtknight: ok. i'll get started then. brb. and thanks for the help regardless :)03:09
iceswordyoand1, it worths ,i think03:09
Fryguy--bluefox83: assuming you are running gnome and haven't changed the keybinding, yes03:09
smallfryfryguy: do u think that if i use dedicated sound hardware it will work for me?03:09
Fryguy--smallfry: yes03:09
PurpZeYGood evening to all.03:09
bluefox83to my knowledge i haven't, but it's not working!03:09
KiTsUnEoh boy...03:09
smallfryfryguy: how would i do that?03:09
Fryguy--smallfry: buy a lot of stuff heh03:10
PurpZeYSeems that no one around here knows who I am. That's OK though03:10
KiTsUnEi have messed up something completely Fryguy-- ... mouse won't work over anything at all03:10
sensaeFryguy--: Alt-F2 works on KDE as well03:10
smallfryfryguy: ok thanks03:10
yoand1icesword: sometimes, :) sometimes not, i mean, its just software, and like any other soft, is buggy :)03:10
Fryguy--smallfry: talking about audio setups is outside the scope of this channel, and talking to me about it is going to make you feel depressed03:10
smallfryfryguy: i c03:10
Fryguy--(i've got tens of thousands of dollars worth of audio equipment in my house)03:10
Fryguy--KiTsUnE: why did you pick my nick lol03:11
iceswordyoand1, not only buggy,what we say is "right one for us",but it basically is the universal one03:11
dataki1I seem to have driver=hostap for my wireless card, but synaptic says it's not installed?03:11
sensaeDoes anyone know why Xorg is seemingly ignoring xorg.conf?03:11
Fryguy--sensae: doesn't ignore mine03:11
Frogzoosensae: /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:11
piffsensae: You need to kill X and then restart03:12
bruenigxorg has taken its cues from xorg.conf for far too long, it's tired of it. It wants to be its own boss.03:12
piffI for one, welcome our new Xorg overlords03:12
nikrudFree X! Free X!03:12
sensaebruenig: Well it's horrible at managing resolutions without it.03:12
piffFree X!03:12
bruenigdon't you manage it, that is what it is pissed off about03:13
bruenigit wants to be its own manager03:13
iceswordnikrud, what makes you so happy03:13
unop_less power to the people!!03:13
piffis that /bin/less power to the people!!?03:13
yoand1icesword: let's move to #ubuntu-ops, i would like seen ubuntu as a certified os for oracle, to cut my company's cost :),  $1K annual per redhat server... uff03:13
nikrudicesword in a word, Friday.03:13
yoand1icesword: thanks.03:13
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sensaeWell /var/log/Xorg.0.conf shows it's using xorg.conf. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60493/ But I can't get it to switch to 1680x1050, it demands to be in 1280x102403:14
iceswordnikrud, yeah,good day03:14
* Fryguy-- wonders why he doesn't have any problems with linux like these people do :/03:14
nikrudsensae the log would be interesting, but also: did you by any chance set the resolution with system->prefs->screen resolution? It overrides xorg.conf03:15
efirewic2sFEARs: I "im'd" you... I was trying to figure out that little pblm...03:15
unop_sensae, is 1680x1050 a valid mode supported by your adapter?? verify using this command -- xrandr -q -s 003:15
newtubuntuanybody know how to recover data from an ext3 filesystem folder ?03:16
sensaenikrud: I may have set it to what it was already set to, lol. However, it doesn't even list the proper resolutions there03:16
sensaeunop_: Works in Windows. Let me test the command.03:16
iceswordnewtubuntu, did you overwrite,try testdisk03:16
nikrudsensae then the log would be even more interesting03:16
Fryguy--newtubuntu: if it's deleted, then it's deleted.  Call a data recovery specialist if you actually want the data back03:16
newtubuntuI did not overwrite yes03:16
h3xisi'm trying to format a disk to fat32 using gparted, however fat32 is grayed out in the list of filesystems that i can choose from. anyone know why this may be?03:16
unop_sensae, works in windows - because you might have the right drivers loaded in windows ..03:16
newtubuntuwhat is testdisk ?03:16
sensaeunop_: It says maximum is 1280x1024, though my card + monitor supports it. I'm using VESA. This is a fresh install03:16
nikrud!recover | newtubuntu03:16
ubotunewtubuntu: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Remember that it's tricky to recover deleted files from your journalled !filesystem, and you should keep !backups of important data.03:16
Fryguy--newtubuntu: any other recommendation you follow is only going to lower the chance of data recovery03:16
Fryguy--sensae: vesa maxes out at SVGA, you need to use a real adapter03:17
efirewic2sensae: what's you vid card?03:17
Fryguy--err, a real driver03:17
unop_sensae, what kind of apapter is it?03:17
sensaeATI X1800 All in Wonder03:17
sFEARsefirewic2, you have a private message03:17
iceswordnewtubuntu, google it03:17
unop_sensae, you'll need to load the ATI modules -- see !ATI03:17
nikrudsensae system->admin-restricted manager, enable ati restricted and reboot03:18
Kira*sigh*, we have 1000m residential fiber in HK but the HK Ubuntu archive mirror is so f'ing slow. A shame.03:18
efirewic2Lot's o fun with ati...03:18
overridexis there an easy way to remove all my old kernels/kernel modules?03:18
sensaenikrud: Running KDE, no restricted manager. #kubuntu wasn't being any help at all :/03:18
sensaeUnless I just can't find it03:18
Fryguy--sensae: run "restricted-manager"03:18
iceswordnewtubuntu, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk03:18
nikrudsensae sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules$(uname -r) xorg-driver-fglrx , edit vesa to fglrx , and reboot03:19
nikrudsensae typo in my line, did you try Fryguy-- 's thing (quicker, easier)03:21
sensaenikrud: Yeah I'm just using restricted-manager03:21
sensaeWish me luck - restarting Xorg03:21
Fryguy--heh, i guessed that that program existed03:21
IcemanV9overridex: sudo aptitude remove linux-image-2.6.15-28-686 (replace the version nbr that you want to remove)03:21
yowshivirtualbox guest additions howtoooooh i didnt realize guest additions are in that tab there. in virtualbox at what point would i install those03:22
Fryguy--you install them in the guest os03:22
overridexI'm getting an unresolved symbol in /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1  _nv000040gl   since upgrading to hardy... anyone run into this?  can't run any 3d without glx :)03:22
Fryguy--just mount the iso and run the installer03:22
yowshiah ok so after windows is done gotcha03:22
Fryguy--overridex: #ubuntu+1 for hardy problems03:22
monkey_guruhey, im not sure whether i should download ubuntu for the chipset of "intel" computers, or x86 for "standard PCs"  i have an intel centrino core duo03:22
Fryguy--monkey_guru: what are the choices?03:23
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monkey_guruFryguy--: Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM)  64bit AMD and Intel computers03:23
unop_overridex, you running an nvidia card?03:23
Fryguy--monkey_guru: get x8603:23
dthackerHi.  One of our loco members has not worked with his machine for awhile.  He has lost his password. Now he gets a login prompt of "Nobody" and can't login.  How can he reset the password?03:23
monkey_guruFryguy--: ah, whats the difference03:23
hexonI am trying to run wine /home/hexon/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/OFFICE11/WINWORD.EXE but the spaces in the folder names wont allow it...How do i fix it?03:24
Fryguy--monkey_guru: 32bit versus 64bit03:24
Fryguy--dthacker: log in as root and create/fix the account03:24
sensaeThat didn't go so well..03:24
lucretianhexon: try quoting the executable?03:24
monkey_guruFryguy--: and duo isnt 64 bit then huh03:24
xtknightdthacker, he can go into single-user(Recovery Mode) and type "passwd username" to get a prompt to reset "username"'s password03:24
sensaeIt boots to a completely black screen. I'm glad I have a second system03:24
Fryguy--monkey_guru: it is, but 64bit has some weird quirks in linux, and it's slower than 32bit03:24
dthackerxtnight: boot with the live CD?03:24
yowshiFryguy--: heh i have the 64 bit version since i have a 64bit processor. i originally tried to install the 32bit version of 7.06 but it wouldnt even boot03:24
xtknightdthacker, recovery mode appears at the GRUB start.  standard boot03:24
unop_hexon,   wine "/path/to/exec with spaces"03:24
hexonlucretian: should i put the entire thing in "quotes"?03:24
hexonlet me try it03:25
monkey_guruFryguy--: i see, thanks for the advice. for other stuff in the future, i should choose 64 bit then right?03:25
lucretianhexon: like this: wine "/home/hexon/.wine/drive_c/blahblahblah/"03:25
piffthe entire path, hexon03:25
yowshiFryguy--: the 32bit install cd spat out an invalid archetecture kind of message03:25
Fryguy--monkey_guru: no03:25
efirewic2sensae: you are probably going to have to edit the xorg.conf manually.03:25
xtknightdthacker, sometimes you need to press ESC at bootup to show the grub menu.  Recovery Mode is there.03:25
monkey_guruFryguy--: ok cool thanks.03:25
sensaeefirewic2: Control / Alt + Fkeys (Don't remember the virtual terminal keys) does nothing.03:25
overridexunop_: yeah03:26
unop_sensae, it's F7 -- but you might like to try this -- sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart03:26
lucretian1-6 is vtty, 7 is X:0, f8 is X:103:26
Possu2if i downloaded 7.10 now, would I be safe to keep it on my computer and just install the OS update to Heron when it comes out? I don't want to have to reload everything and do a new install03:26
sensaeI can't get it to switch out of 7. I don't even have a bash prompt.03:27
Fryguy--Possu2: yes ubuntu upgrades in place just fine03:27
yowshiPossu2: yes03:27
unop_overridex, you enabled the resitricted modules?  see !nvidia if you havent03:27
Fryguy--sensae: use the other ctrl and alt keys03:27
jribPossu2: yes, as long as you stick to official repositories for your software03:27
efirewic2sensae: when you restart your machine do it in recovery mode and run sudo nano -w etc/X11/xorg.conf03:27
sensaeFryguy--: No dice. Restarting03:27
efirewic2change the driver to ati03:27
overridexunop_: yeah, i have... shows up in use there, and it's running, just not the glx part of it03:28
Possu2will they have more servers hosting the update? I remember that on the last OS update it took me 3 days to actually get a decent speed03:28
Fryguy--Possu2: probably not03:28
jribPossu2: did you use a local mirror?03:29
sensaeefirewic2: Okay, changed it from fglrx to ati. Restarting and crossing fingers03:29
poseidonwubi says that it installs ubuntu 8.04 beta, but when I download the installer it says it's going to install ubuntu 7.1003:29
nikrudPossu2 find a fast local mirror03:29
unop_overridex, try this -- sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules$(uname -r) xorg-driver-fglrx03:29
overridexwhat does "pn" mean in dpkg -l for a package?03:29
Possu2ok, being in wyoming I woudl probably have to look to Colorado?03:29
jrib!mirror > possu2 (read the private message from ubotu)03:30
overridexunop_: for some reason hardy intalled nvidia-glx-new instead of nvidia-glx for me...03:30
mcopplepossu2: If you try to upgrade immediately after release, it will be horribly slow. But if you give it a week, it should be much faster.03:30
sensaeefirewic2: A slight improvement. It now boots to a text only login03:30
jribPossu2: or just use the System -> Administration -> Software Sources  to find one for you03:30
efirewic2sensae: that's not all...03:30
Fryguy--overridex: #ubuntu+1 for hardy problems03:30
unop_overridex, sounds reasonable -- should be ok03:30
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efirewic2sensae: you should make sure default depth is 2403:30
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nikrudoverridex purged, no action desired03:30
overridexnikrud: thanks03:30
efirewic2sensae: you should add virtual size of 1024 x 76803:31
sensaeefirewic2: It is set to 24. Virtual size?03:31
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ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P03:31
belkinhelp2oh...thats quit a bit of clients03:31
nich0sOk. Once upon a time I was using Linux and I had this super cool, yet amazingly nerd IRC client that was based out of a term. What would it have been calleD?03:31
Starnestommynich0s: irssi?03:31
belkinhelp2is anyone familiar with bittorrent on ubuntu?03:31
Daisuke_Idobelkinhelp2, oh yes, yes i am03:32
Fryguy--nikrud: irssi03:32
jribnich0s: irssi, weechat, bitchx, one of those probably03:32
belkinhelp2I just downloaded a file and would like to seed it, how would i go about doing that?03:32
benplautanybody around here using two-finger scrolling on their touchpad?03:32
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nich0sStarnestommy, I love you. :P03:32
lucretianif it was really super cool, definitely irssi03:32
Daisuke_Ido!ohmy | nikrud03:32
ubotunikrud: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:32
nikrudFryguy-- yeah yeah just had to03:32
Possu2it should seed automatically03:32
Daisuke_Idojust kidding, of course :)03:32
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BlackChaosi installed unrar but i still cant extract rar files03:32
nich0sYall are incredibly helpful! :)03:32
lucretianbitchx is a terminal IRC client03:32
nikrudDaisuke_Ido you were not far off the mark ;)03:32
evandposeidon: don't download it from wubi-installer.org03:32
evandit's on the CD03:32
lucretianoh, I see03:32
Daisuke_Idobelkinhelp2, you're best using deluge or azureus03:32
Fryguy--nikrud: missed nickcomplete. sorry03:32
evandjust put the CD in the computer when you're in Windows03:32
BorisDmitrii have an acl883 audio (using snd_hda_intel) somebody know how can i enable 5.1 audio?03:32
poseidonO, ok03:33
Possu2i have had problems with azureus taking up huge resources..i don't know if i am the only one03:33
efirewic2sensae: add the line virtual 1024 76803:33
Daisuke_Idoit's java03:33
CrossFireManiacevening all..... I need some help to add cairo dock to auto start, I am using CF as well03:33
Daisuke_Idoit happens03:33
Daisuke_Idodeluge is another good choice, probably the most utorrent-like of all of them03:33
piffCrossFire: KDE?03:33
[agatha]well ok after a bit of "stuff" i still miss the options to turn off the pc and to reboot it... yet the windows behave normally... any clue why may that be?03:34
* Fryguy-- would like to give honorable mention to rtorrent03:34
dontpanicIs there any way to check how packages were removed?03:34
dthackerxtknight: can you useradd from recovery mode?03:34
Daisuke_IdoFryguy--, oh, most definitely, for a terminal client.03:34
belkinhelp2well how do you use the standard torrent already installed?03:34
nich0sStarnestommy: YAY! This is exactly what I remember. Thank you.03:34
Possu2i like azuereus because if there is a collection of files and there are some you want and some you don't want you can remove the ones you see fit03:34
dontpanicFor some reason samba just got uninstalled by itself somehow03:34
sFEARsBorisDmitri, in your mixer make sure IEC958 switch is turned on.. and sometimes the volume slider for IEC958 playback has to be turned to 0 to activate extra features on higher end audio cards03:34
Fryguy--Possu2: i think every single client in existance supports that03:34
downstairsquick question: anyone know of an inexpensive pci-e graphics card?03:34
Possu2i am not finding that on bittorrent03:34
downstairsthat's at least 128MB03:35
xtknightdthacker, why, did "passwd username" not work for changing username's password03:35
unop_dontpanic, perhaps -- aptitude why-not samba03:35
sensaeefirewic2: I see the Virtual command on the xorg documentation. It's not clear what it does, and setting it / trying to start Xorg did nothing.03:35
lucretiandownstairs: look on newegg03:35
lucretiandownstairs: well, are you europe or north america?03:35
xtknightdthacker, you just need to change a passowrd right?  but ya useradd works03:35
downstairsNorth america03:35
dontpanicunop_: I already installed it03:35
dontpanicunop_: (again)03:35
efirewic2sensae: add it in the "display" section?03:36
sensaeefirewic2: Yes I did03:36
BlackChaosplease im trying to extract rar files03:36
unop_dontpanic, i dont think there's a way then -- does it matter now?03:36
Daisuke_Idodownstairs, a 7300gs would be a good choice03:36
dthackerxtknight: I'm not sure if he remembers his username, so I thought I might have him add one.  thanks03:36
lucretiandownstairs: look here http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010380048+1069609641&name=PCI+Express+x1603:36
dontpanicunop_: Well... It would be best if random packages weren't removing themselves03:36
dontpanicunop_: I was just wondering if theres a kind of history03:36
xtknightdthacker, oh.  you can list usernames03:36
dontpanicunop_: The why-not thing is still very useful though, thanks03:36
xtknightdthacker, just type "cat /etc/passwd"03:37
sensaeefirewic2: It's dying with no screens found03:37
efirewic2sensae: below the default depth it lists out modes. leave 1024x768 and 800x60003:37
xtknightdthacker, and you will probably recognize a username somewhere in there03:37
downstairsdaisuke_ido:thanks, but what brand is that?03:37
Fryguy--more specifically, though it's not 100% would be 'grep bash /etc/passwd'03:37
BorisDmitrisFEARs: iec 958 is tyrned on, bot no level for IEC on the mixer03:37
xtknightya that's better03:37
unop_dontpanic, it was probably uninstalled because something conflicted with an installed package but you required the conflicting package to be installed -- pay more attention to warnings and errors :)03:37
nikrudunop_ when in the world did why-not appear? that is so cool ;)03:37
xtknightdthacker, follow Fryguy-- 's suggestion "grep bash /etc/passwd" it will list any worthwihle users03:37
dthackerxtknight: ok, will do03:38
unop_nikrud, sometime in the last release  -- i dunno when -- it doesn't appear to be in debian's aptitude03:38
dontpanicunop_: Ok, thanks03:38
downstairslucretian: thanks03:38
Daisuke_Idodownstairs, no clue03:38
Daisuke_Idoit's an nvidia card03:38
sensaeefirewic2: They are still there. The log simply says "Fatal server error: no screens found"03:38
downstairslol, daisuke_ido03:38
efirewic2sensae: I have a generic xorg I'll send you. what kind of monitor do youhave?03:38
downstairsok thanks03:38
Daisuke_Idodifferent manufacturers produce them03:38
AndA1-2-3<sensae> are you using a LCD or a CRT monitor03:38
sensaeefirewic2: It's an Acer AL22W. 22 inch 16:10 LCD03:39
BorisDmitrisFEARs: also, the mixer only shows front channel03:39
Daisuke_Idoi just named a particular chipset/model that would be a good price03:39
dontpanicunop_: Wouldn't /var/log/apt/ have all the info in?03:39
efirewic2sensae: what pci port is the ati card on?03:39
AndA1-2-3sensae you need to reconfigure your xorg.conf to include the refresh rate and supported resolutions for your video card / monitor combo.03:39
belkinhelp2ok, so going to the bittorrent site an downloading another client and attempting to install it wont work.  The error msg given is that there is already a client installed.  What to do?03:40
downstairshas anyone bought from newegg?03:40
sensaeAndA1-2-3: Even though all I've changed is the driver?03:40
downstairsi wouold like to be safe.03:40
BorisDmitridownstaris : i have03:40
Fryguy--downstairs: i have03:40
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downstairs(but i have bought from ebay, so....)03:40
unop_dontpanic, perhaps -- depends on how the package was installed/uninstalled -- you could have a look03:40
sensaeefirewic2: PCI:1:0:003:40
AndA1-2-3sensae, what module were you using and what module are you using now?03:40
sensaeAndA1-2-3: I was using VESA, I used the restricted-manager to install the fglrx driver (black screen) so I switched to the ati driver.03:41
sensaeAndA1-2-3: Now the x server just dies with no screens found03:41
AndA1-2-3Yes, then you need to reconfigure it.03:41
sFEARsBorisDmitri, you may have to display the other channels.. just because they're not shown doesn't mean they're not there03:42
AndA1-2-3If you paste your xorg.conf to http://pastebin.ca/ then i'll fix it for you.03:42
melhiserevening all... I'm trying to sort out the "beautification" that the ubuntu dist does during boot time... can anyone point me to the packages that do the nice graphical loading screens?03:42
AndA1-2-3or you can use  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to reconfigure xorg.conf yourself.03:42
unop_sensae, you probably need to reconfigure xorg - sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg03:42
Fryguy--melhiser: usplash03:42
BorisDmitrisFEARs: i have activated every channel available  in the mixer preferences03:42
pike_!usplash | melhiser03:42
ubotumelhiser: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork03:42
GTduffmanI'm using crossover office and when I open word docs on a samba share it still defaults to open office.  However, when I open local docs they will open in word (excel, ppt.. yada yada)... anyone know why I cant open docs on a samba share via MS Office?03:42
AndA1-2-3melhiser, http://art.gnome.org03:42
* melhiser awards fryguy the hero badge03:42
dthackerxtknight: this user has "noboby" in his login prompt, and he says it won't clear out.  Suggestions?03:43
* melhiser wonders off to visit usplash docs03:43
sFEARsthat's all i got BorisDmitri, i had to enable IEC958 to get my fiber optics working, i'm not sure what's up with 5.103:43
xtknightdthacker, hmm that's odd.  ive never seen that before.  this is at gdm?03:43
unop_GTduffman, what happens when you copy a file from the samba share (that opens in OO.org) to a local directory and you try and open it then?03:43
Fryguy--sFEARs: what is wrong?03:43
GTduffmanunop_ it will open in MS Office03:43
AndA1-2-3dthacker, has he tried restarting GDM?03:43
sFEARswhat is wrong with my problem or BorisDmitri's?03:44
sensaeAndA1-2-3: And how do I do that with a text only interface?03:44
Fryguy--sFEARs: oh nm, misread03:44
sFEARsmy problem, i can see files i put on my mp3 player from a windows machine03:44
dthackerAndA1-2-3: how can he kill it?03:44
sFEARssorry.. can't* see03:44
BorisDmitrisFEARs, i do not have fiber, is just 5 speakers (5.1 analog)03:44
GTduffmanI want to open it via the network so it's locked for editing03:44
xtknightdthacker, he can press ctrl alt backspace03:44
sFEARscan't see files on my mp3 player from a windows machine03:44
dthackerxtknight: will it auto restart?03:44
xtknightdthacker, it just restarts the gnome program03:44
AndA1-2-3sensae, try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"03:44
xtknightdthacker, ya03:45
melhiserok, million dollar question... is there ANY way to make the ubuntu install CD only install the basic desktop... not all the nice bits (since all I really need is a VERY basic X desktop)03:45
unop_GTduffman, I can't think of anything but to check the default application in the file's properties -- i dont use gnome, so, i cant be very helpful03:45
sFEARsi know BorisDmitri, but the IEC958 has to do with higher end audio cards.. so if you audio card process true dolby 5.1 it's a higher end card03:45
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AndA1-2-3dthacker, in a bash prompt "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"03:45
* melhiser needs a dumb X-Terminal03:45
Fryguy--melhiser: use a different distro like xubuntu, or use ubuntu server and then build up from there.  Or consider using a different distro03:45
GTduffmanbummer... in the nautilus properties it's set to use MS office, but when I double click it still opens in OO03:45
pike_melhiser: server install using the alternate install cd then sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xfonts-base03:45
Cinderellahey, I got a problem.. I need an MP3 player program that supports playback to 2 different sound cards, any suggestions? :)03:45
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Fryguy--Cinderella: try xmms2 or mpd'03:46
BorisDmitrisFEARs: it's an onboard card froma asus motherboard. i don't believe is high end03:46
GoldsteinYay I'm using ubuntu03:46
WAKDmelhiser - what you are looking for is best done by installing from server and then adding what you need. but you will also need to know what from the server packages you will need mate. there's no 'click here' solution for you.03:46
melhiserFryguy: the catch is, I need the Ubuntu dist... cause the "binary" only driver I need only recoginizes the ubuntu 7.10 signature... I've tried faking it with others... but no luck.  I only have a 2gb flash rom to work with.03:46
sensaeAndA1-2-3: No screens found03:46
GTduffmancongrats on using ubuntu.... first time?03:46
Fryguy--melhiser: so then use ubuntu server and build up from there, or use xubuntu, like i said03:47
melhiserWAKD: this sounds like what I want...03:47
Goldsteinto linux no03:47
AndA1-2-3sensae, try going through it manually then. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:47
GTduffmanGoldstein, what was your last distro?03:47
melhiserWAKD: I just needed the usplash bit... I want my users to have a pretty screen to look at during load... they get scared when they see text ;)03:47
Goldsteini've used all from edgy on03:48
unop_melhiser, maybe some text you can include is "don't be alarmed, this is a routine .... " :)03:48
efirewic2sensae: I'm sending you that xorg03:48
melhiserunop: lol03:48
sensaeAndA1-2-3: No dice03:48
sensaeefirewic2: Alright, though I'm at a loss as to how to get it over there03:48
AndA1-2-3sensae, what is the model of your graphix card?03:49
VadiHow can I tell what kind of a CPU do I have from the terminal?03:49
melhiserif only my users could read... err... would read... I don't know which ... but text makes my phone ring FAR too much03:49
Fryguy--Vadi: look at /proc/cpuinfo03:49
Vadifryguy: exact command please?03:49
sensaeAndA1-2-3: ATI X1800 All in Wonder03:49
Fryguy--Vadi: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:49
Goldsteinbefore that I played around with dsl linux and the puppy linux03:49
efirewic2sensae: at least try and compare it, a few things were thrown in generic but it should work with your card...03:49
AndA1-2-3sensae, give me the result of this command.03:49
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BorisDmitrisFEARs: i just want to be able to play 5 channel audo from dvds to 5 analog speakers.03:50
GTduffmananyone here running the 8.04 beta?03:50
Fryguy--GTduffman: join #ubuntu+103:50
AdemoSUbuntu 7.10 64 Bit; OpenOffice refuses to start. Tried completely removing the whole suite through synaptic. And installing it fresh. Still getting the same error message: "Error forking '/usr/lib/openoffice/program//soffice': 'Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice" (Bad address)'"03:50
AndA1-2-3sudo grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:50
Vadifryguy: thanks much03:50
AndA1-2-3ok sensae ?03:50
bluebananaP3 650 Mhz, 192 SDRAM computer--- What ubuntu flavor should/can i use?03:50
AndA1-2-3you'll see your video card driver in there03:50
sensaeAndA1-2-3: ati03:50
Daisuke_Idobluebanana, xubuntu03:50
GTduffmanahh.. ok, i'm not running it.. i was just wondering what percentage of folks use the beta03:50
sensaeSame one I selected when doing dpkg-reconfigure03:50
unop_AndA1-2-3, you shouldnt need to use grep there - :)03:50
dthackerbluebanana: xubuntu03:50
Daisuke_Idoand it will still feel a bit sluggish03:51
AndA1-2-3why not unop_03:51
bluebananaDaisuke_Ido: dthacker: thanks.03:51
AndA1-2-3better than lessing through it.03:51
bluebananai'll find xubuntu beta 2008 somewhere03:51
unop_AndA1-2-3, because the file is usually world readable03:51
AndA1-2-3I just wanted lines containing "Driver"03:51
sensaeunop_: You mean sudo?03:51
unop_AndA1-2-3, sorry -- i meant -- you ddidnt need to use sudo -- lol :)03:51
Daisuke_Idounop_, so why would he not use grep?  sudo maybe?03:51
sFEARswhat do you plan on hooking up 5 speakers to BorisDmitri?03:51
Daisuke_Idolate again03:51
AndA1-2-3sensae, is this a desktop or a laptop?03:51
sensaeAndA1-2-3: desktop03:52
IcemanV9bluebanana: or you can use server iso to build up from there03:52
AndA1-2-3unop_, i dont know if he's "sudo -i"ed in.03:52
AndA1-2-3sensae, what is the make/model of your monitor03:52
unop_AndA1-2-3, well, whatever the case - xorg.conf can be read by anyone03:52
bluebananaIcemanV9: why build up from server iso?03:52
AndA1-2-3ok unop_03:52
sensaeAndA1-2-3: Acer AL2216W. 22 inch 16:10 LCD03:52
AndA1-2-3old on sensae03:53
IcemanV9bluebanana: if you cannot find xbuntu beta03:53
Fryguy--bluebanana: so you can customize what you want and have a little bit less cruft03:53
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AdemoSUbuntu 7.10 64 Bit; OpenOffice refuses to start. Tried completely removing the whole suite through synaptic. And installing it fresh. Still getting the same error message: "Error forking '/usr/lib/openoffice/program//soffice': 'Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice" (Bad address)'"03:53
bluebananaFryguy--: isee03:53
bluebananai see03:53
BorisDmitrisFEARs; to the 3 plugs on the back of my motherboard. one is for front speakers, the second can be used for a mic or rear speakers, and the third for input or center/sub speakers. it only uses the front speakers03:53
bluebananai have 2 older computers with serial ports. Can i transfer the serial port over to my newer computer, so that my newer comp has a serial port?03:54
Fryguy--BorisDmitri: what are you playing back to test?03:54
BorisDmitrihelp. anyone? i have an acl883 audio (using snd_hda_intel) somebody know how can i enable 5.1 audio?03:54
AndA1-2-3sensae, "grep -i HorizSync /etc/X11/xorg.conf"03:54
BorisDmitriFryguy" a dvd03:54
AndA1-2-3sensae, "grep -i VertRefresh /etc/X11/xorg.conf"03:54
unop_Ademan,  you could try reinstalling oo.org -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall openoffice.org203:55
sensaeAndA1-2-3: 30-82 and 56-76 respectively03:55
AndA1-2-3thats incorrect.03:55
Integrationsay I try to connect a client to my AP (access point) what exactly does it mean by client?03:55
AndA1-2-3   HorizSync 31.5 - 67.003:55
AndA1-2-3   VertRefresh 50.0 - 75.003:55
AndA1-2-3you need to edit your xorg.conf to those settings.03:55
sensaeAndA1-2-3: Still no dice03:56
AndA1-2-3we're not done.03:56
AndA1-2-3are you sure you changed it?03:56
sensaeAndA1-2-3: Oh alright XP03:56
sensaeAndA1-2-3: Yes I'm sure.03:56
unop_Integration, that could be a PC, laptop, xbox, psp, mobile phone, camera, fridge, bed, car, etc etc :)03:57
Alan_Mlater everyone03:57
AndA1-2-3sensae, change the following03:57
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shonenxtknight: Hey, this is the guy that was having trouble with dmraid03:57
xtknightshonen, oh03:57
shonenI'm installing updates right now03:58
xtknightshonen, k03:58
bluebananaa comp has a ram thing that says "8x64". Does that mean it's got 512 MB of ram?03:58
AndA1-2-3sensae, you need to switch back to VEST and paste me your xorg.conf03:58
xtknightshonen,  lucky you caught me before i tried some new video driver lol03:58
nbrunsonI just got a external 1tb drive, ubuntu only registers it as 916GB, and formatted it to ext3. But it says that there is only 870GB free on the disk. Would the journal be taking up that much space? 46GB?03:58
AdemoSUbuntu 7.10 64 Bit; OpenOffice refuses to start. Tried completely removing the whole suite through synaptic. And installing it fresh. Still getting the same error message: "Error forking '/usr/lib/openoffice/program//soffice': 'Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice" (Bad address)'"03:58
sensaeandar4: VEST?  You mean VESA?03:58
AdemoSunop_, sorry didn't see you before03:58
unop_bluebanana, no -- well, it depends where you are reading 8x64 from03:58
WAKDsnap pole : it's 4am - is it worth going to bed? :-)03:58
AdemoSunop_,  lease try to use my nick so it will highlight your message, otherwise your help can be missed03:58
bluebananaunop_:  the sticker on the sdram chip/green thing03:59
BorisDmitriFryguy: righ now i tried vlc, and used the 5.1 track. i can't ear the caracters conversation because they play in the center channel. all i here is left and right03:59
shonenxtknight my updates will be done downloading in 16 min, so after that and a reboot or two, we can start troubleshooting this03:59
unop_AdemoS, did realize that i had the wrong nick --03:59
xtknightshonen, ah ok03:59
xtknightshonen, i may be rebooting myself but ill try and get on here03:59
Newbuntu2I'm having problems reading a file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60369/03:59
AdemoSunop_, <unop_> Ademan,  you could try reinstalling oo.org -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall openoffice.org2 <--- done and done. I also completlely removed and tried again03:59
AndA1-2-3vEST = VESA03:59
Newbuntu2can some one help?03:59
shonenxtknight ok03:59
sensaeAndA1-2-3: I've switched the driver to VESA and still can't get a display04:00
shonensensae have you tried vga?04:00
unop_bluebanana, I dont think so -- that probably refers to the architecture of the motherboard that this RAM is compatible with04:00
bluebananaunop_: i see04:00
AndA1-2-3sensae, you need to go back through dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and make sure you're choosing the right options.04:01
AndA1-2-3you need to choose ATI and choose "simple" configuration on the monitor section.04:01
AndA1-2-3then choose the size of your LCD.04:01
belkinhelp2does ubuntu come with something like VNC?04:01
AndA1-2-3choose some low resolutions.04:01
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: yes04:02
unop_AdemoS, I think you might need to completely purge _all_ of the oo.org packages and have them reinstalled --04:02
efirewic1sennsae: that card is going to perform the best probably with the ati driver04:02
AndA1-2-3belkinhelp2, X11 over SSH04:02
unop_AdemoS,   sudo aptitude purge $(dpkg -l | grep -i openoffice | cut -c 3-30); sudo aptitude install openoffice.org204:02
belkinhelp2is this x11 over ssh found in the synaptic package manager?04:02
AdemoSare you sure that won't cause any other issues?04:02
AndA1-2-3sensae, http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=3818552404:02
unop_AdemoS, what do you mean?04:02
silentwhat was the special parameters or whatever for dual core "make " builds?04:03
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: it04:03
Fryguy--belkinhelp2: it's already installed04:03
AdemoSunop_, I'm just cautious of using console commands I've never heard of before.04:03
AdemoSunop_, but if you're sure it's safe, I'll try it04:03
sensaeAndA1-2-3: I got the x server to run in VESA. Still want my xorg.conf?04:03
BorisDmitribelkinhelp: for x11 over ssh, just  use ssh -X hostname04:03
AndA1-2-3paste it to http://pastebin.ca04:03
sensaeAndA1-2-3: Alright. I've gotten this working before on this exact machine, dunno why it's such a pain this time04:03
AndA1-2-3cause you're moving too fast sensae04:04
AdemoSunop_, so after purging, just install from repo normally?04:04
unop_AdemoS, well, it's safe -- but you should watch what is happening and take actions accordingly, no?04:04
unop_AdemoS, yes04:04
AdemoSunop_, okay thanks04:04
xtknightbelkinhelp2, just use Remote desktop04:04
xtknightbelkinhelp2, system preferences remote desktop04:04
xtknightthis is xVNC04:04
sensaeAndA1-2-3: http://pastebin.ca/95242504:05
xtknightbelkinhelp2, for a client, vncviewer is the vnc client.  remote desktop is a vnc server for your desktop.04:05
AndA1-2-3hold sensae04:05
AndA1-2-3well A sensae04:06
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AndA1-2-3you have your display section IN your screen section.04:06
AndA1-2-3That'd do it.04:06
fxdthere are vertical bars whenever i try to play a video file, can anyone help me?04:07
sensaeAndA1-2-3: Isn't it a subsection? Also: That's how my xorg.conf was when I installed04:07
AndA1-2-3you sure?04:08
talciteis there a way to have the system email me when someone uses sudo?04:08
AndA1-2-3What version of ubuntu are you using?04:08
AdemoSunop_, purage appeared to work, error during install: http://pastebin.ca/95242904:08
AndA1-2-3If it was a subsection wouldn't it say "End Subsection"?04:08
unop_talcite, you could always monitor the /var/log/auth.log file04:08
AndA1-2-3oh im trippin.04:08
AndA1-2-3my bad.04:08
sensaeAndA1-2-3: Very sure. I installed right before joining this channel, lol. I peeked at the xorg.conf before using any automated tools. It's Kubuntu 7.10 (I'd be in #kubuntu but they aren't being helpful)04:09
AndA1-2-3sensae, paste me the oldest xorg.conf you have in /etc/X11 also please.04:09
josh_marshallssh -X user@host04:09
fxdcan anyone help me with a video playback problem?04:09
unop_AdemoS, pastebin.ca seems to be timing out -- can you use another pastebin -- pastebin.com e.g.04:09
sensaeMan, I'm glad Windows doesn't parse Ctrl+C. I would've killed Mirc so many times trying to kill a process with the wrong keyboard XD04:09
AdemoSo_O really04:09
talciteunop_: is there a way to have the server tell me what commands were run as sudo though?04:10
AdemoSunop_, reposted: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60497/04:10
Fryguy--talcite: BSDs do it, i imagine linux can too04:10
sensaeAndA1-2-3: http://pastebin.ca/95243304:10
unop_sensae, well it depends what application is running under windows-- but it does recognize ctrl+c as an escape sequence04:11
sensaeunop_: Well true, but it doesn't generally kill programs04:11
Sebwhat's with wlan0_rename ?04:12
unop_talcite, errm -- it might be possible that root's shell's history file is populated -- you could look in there04:12
unop_AdemoS, and you are getting this output as a result of what command?04:12
mark[oz]does anyone know how to fix the "can't fast forward movies correctly" bug in ubuntu04:13
mark[oz]its alllllllllllll movie plays04:13
AdemoSunop_, as result of pasting your command into the terminal, typing in my sudo password, and typing "y" for each prompt. Download and install for some parts worked, most failed install.04:13
shonenmark[oz] which program are you using04:13
shonenand what filetype is doing it04:13
mark[oz]mplayer, vlc, etc. avi, mov, etc. etc.04:14
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shonenhuh wierd04:14
mark[oz]you name it, if I try fast forward it skips about 30 seconds, and it jumps04:14
mark[oz]nah no way shonen its never worked correctly since horay, on the last 4-5 pc's I've had04:14
mark[oz]is there a package or something?04:14
mark[oz]is there anything?04:14
AndA1-2-3sensae, try this one http://pastebin.ca/raw/95243404:14
unop_AdemoS,  ok, make sure this command runs first -- let's take it step by step -  sudo aptitude purge $(dpkg -l | grep -i openoffice | cut -c 3-30);04:15
AndA1-2-3you can wget it and change its name and whaat not.04:15
AdemoSunop_, okay04:15
shonenmark[oz] i don't know. I'm still running gibbon, so I guess I can't help you. sorry.04:15
AdemoSunop_, success04:15
il3dsmhey, does anyone know if it is possible to download and install a program from a browser without users consent using a java applet?04:15
mark[oz]?? shonen ...04:16
* mark[oz] walks away04:16
bluebananaI want to install Xubuntu on a computer which has no Ubuntu/Linux on it yet. I want to save from using a CD. Can I install from a USB-connected iPod?04:16
unop_AdemoS, ok, then this -- sudo aptitude install openoffice.org2   (mind the 2, it's required)04:16
bluebananaCan I put the xubuntu.iso  onto the iPod to install onto the comp?04:16
AdemoSunop_, okay, are you sure using the synaptic gui is inferior?04:17
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bluebananasorry i left for a minute. if anyone said something when i was gone, please say so again04:17
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fxdcan anybody help me with a video playback problem?04:17
unop_AdemoS, no -- it should achieve the same thing -- but it's easier to troubleshoot with the cli04:17
AdemoSunop_, alright will do04:17
sensaeAndA1-2-3: No dice. No screens found. I give up for now, I've gotta get going.04:18
unop_AdemoS, another thing is I dont have a synaptic to work on too04:18
AdemoSunop_, "y" to all prompts?04:18
AndA1-2-3ok man.04:18
AndA1-2-3read up on it.04:18
AndA1-2-3you're close.04:18
unop_AdemoS, sure -- if you do run into trouble -- paste then entire output including the command, etc04:18
AdemoSunop_, okay04:19
AdemoSunop_, yup here it comes, same error04:19
sensaeAndA1-2-3: I will. If I have no luck I'll hop back in here when I have more brain power. Thanks for the help.04:19
AdemoSunop_, will paste entire thing when it's done...failing04:19
unop_AdemoS, ok, i'll wait04:19
AdemoSunop_, thanks04:20
GoldeNArXhey guys.  attempting to use the vnc function (over internet) its on a test box so no data worries.  the ports are forwarded but is the vnc server that comes with ubuntu listening on the generic vncports?04:20
AdemoSunop_, current failure: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60499/04:20
belkinhelp2ok, i started remote desktop.  On my windows machine the vnc client is asking for the server name.  What would that be?  Or better question is, where on ubuntu can i find the machine name?04:21
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GoldeNArXbelkinhelp2 : the RDP client wont work for you.  you have to get a vnc client04:21
GoldeNArXits free04:21
belkinhelp2thats even better04:21
Dr__Willisbelkinhelp2,  use the ip # of the machine - is easiest04:21
GoldeNArXget tightvnc and install the viewer only.04:21
DCLXVIsorry about the confusion, thanks for the quick fix04:22
unop_AdemoS, ok, this should do it -   sudo aptitude install openoffice.org openoffice.org-core  openoffice.org-common openoffice.org-java-common04:22
AdemoSunop_, hmm the java eh?04:22
AdemoSunop_, trying now04:23
AdemoSunop_, run purge first?04:23
DarthJimWhen trying to install (at the partition phase) I get an error: "Failed to create a swap space. Creation of swap space in partition #5... failed" It's a 40GB drive; AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core04:23
unop_AdemoS, no no- not necessary -- it's a no-op anyway, it wouldnt do anything since everythings already purged04:23
AdemoSunop_, affirmative, running most recent command04:24
Meshezabeelif I install hardy testing 6, will there be any problems upgrading to the full version when it comes out?04:24
unop_Meshezabeel, shouldnt be -- but best to ask for hardy support in #ubuntu+104:25
Meshezabeeltx :)04:25
unop_AdemoS, any luck?04:25
AdemoSunop_, nope, new error though http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60500/04:26
bluebanana is it possible to install Xubuntu onto a computer from an iPod that is connected to it04:26
blbrowngeneral server question.  I have setup a host with a virtual hosting service and already have a domain associated with it.  Can I have a two domains point to the same ip?04:26
bluebananaI want to save my CDs04:26
Fryguy--bluebanana: if the computer supports booting from usb it should work04:26
bluebananaFryguy--: ok. cool.04:26
bluebananaFryguy--: how should i prepare the iPod?04:26
Fryguy--bluebanana: why didn't you just try it instead of asking04:26
bluebananaDo i have to create anything special?04:26
Fryguy--bluebanana: no idea04:26
GeraldBurnsexcuse me, but why isn't there a ubuntu version called "Swarthy Swashbuckler"?04:27
mark[oz]your mum took it already?04:27
bluebananaGeraldBurns: where not in the letter "S" yet, that's why?04:27
Fryguy--GeraldBurns: it's on the list of possible candidates when we get to letter S04:27
Dr__WillisThe !install factoid covers isntalling in alterantive ways.. but - it  may be beyond many people new to linux.04:27
GeraldBurnswell, when you get there, call me04:27
nich0sbluebanana: If it works, no. :) If it doesn't, come back and we'll brainstorm a little. I knwo there are a couple of doze based applications for modifying usbsticks04:28
mark[oz]we'll ask her nicely04:28
technolabhelp me how to configer apchi websaver04:28
mark[oz]technolab, #apache04:28
Fryguy--technolab: #apache04:28
unop_AdemoS, for some reason the openoffice.org-core package is failing to be installed -- one sec04:28
AdemoSunop_, btw, OpenOffice used to work in the past. It did upgrade recently and I haven't used it till now, with issues. But I the upgrade was done from the update manager, from the official repos, so...I think I'm stuck with this one04:28
AdemoSunop_, thanks04:28
GeraldBurnsmy phone number is 911, and when you call, say "i'm looking to buy an ounce of yeyo"04:28
GeraldBurnsthat's the password to speak with me04:28
technolabyes how to do it]04:28
mark[oz]GeraldBurns, I'm in australia.. 911 won't work..04:28
GeraldBurnsgo fuck a kangaroo04:29
Dr__Willis911 dosent work with skype very well either.04:29
mark[oz]typical, thinking everyone lives in the usa.04:29
mark[oz]there aren't any other countries04:29
AdemoSmark[oz], we aren't all as stupid as Bush.04:29
DarthJimDoes anyone know about the "Failed to create swap space" error when installing? Is there a better/easier way to prepare a hdd for installation (it's not empty at the moment).04:29
fxdcan anybody help me with a video playback problem04:29
GeraldBurnshint: hostmasks can be useful for identifying someone's country04:29
mark[oz]:) I hope so Ademan04:29
* melhiser runs around boinking wallabies04:29
mark[oz]:) I hope so AdemoS04:29
Dr__Willismark[oz],  guess he showed you!04:29
shonenxtknight:rebooting after updates. brb04:29
mark[oz]Dr_willis, ??04:29
GeraldBurnsyou have to reboot a unbutu machine after updates?04:29
melhiserfxd: only if you help me first04:29
GeraldBurnsi don't have to do that with my windows machine04:29
unop_AdemoS, ok, can you issue this command first and then the last one again -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall util-linux04:30
GeraldBurnssounds superior in my opinion..04:30
fxdmelhiser: uh, i'll try04:30
Daisuke_Idono, no you don't have to reboot after ubuntu updates.04:30
GeraldBurnsyes you do04:30
mark[oz]lol, GeraldBurns go buy a mac04:30
Fryguy--GeraldBurns: ubuntu users don't have to do it either, unless it's a kernel update04:30
AdemoSunop_, what is util-linux? sounds important04:30
unop_AdemoS, and we are installing the same packages you installed via synaptic, just using a different method04:30
GeraldBurnsmacs are for black people04:30
rodrigouse debian, ubuntu sucks04:30
LSD|NinjaI've been prompted to restart after updates plenty of times in Ubuntu04:30
Daisuke_Ido!ops | GeraldBurns04:30
ubotuGeraldBurns: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!04:30
yowshianyone know how to get virtualbox to use a slave hdd image?04:30
mark[oz]use freebsd04:30
GeraldBurnschannel emergency?04:30
GeraldBurnswhat a bunch of faggots.04:30
unop_AdemoS, it's the package that contains getopt -- it appears to be missing from your error's output04:30
yowshior force it to expand it's curront one04:30
rodrigobetter, user slackware04:31
Daisuke_Idotrolls :\04:31
nich0sI knew we were in for it at "go fuck a kangaroo"04:31
melhiserfxd: I need to find change the via_fb_free function to work with the V4L stack change in the 2.6.22 -> 2.2.24 release cycle so the VIA chipset drivers for the CX700M2 will do hardware mpeg2/4 decoding... whats up with you04:31
nich0sThanks. :)04:31
AdemoSAmaranth, that was like superman. From regular guy, to op, then back into plain clothes :P04:31
AdemoSunop_,  ooh okay04:31
blbrownsurprised there are still racist in 2008...and he uses Ubuntu...shiver04:32
mark[oz]he was from the youSofA04:32
LSD|NinjaAdemoS: exc ept no phone box :P04:32
yowshianyone know how to get virtualbox to use a slave hdd image?04:32
yowshior force it to expand it's curront one04:32
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box04:32
Fryguy--yowshi: jus tadd another hd04:32
Fryguy--the config is straightforward04:32
nich0sblbrown: He's using Win 3.1. He got lost.04:32
blbrownmakes sense04:32
melhiserfxd: to top it off... VIA doesn't want to play nice and talk about how their chips work on the mini-itx boards they're planted on.04:32
yowshiFryguy--: i tried that but the windows installation isnt seeing the second hdd04:32
* nich0s agrees with himself.04:32
Fryguy--yowshi: pebkac04:32
PhoebusDoes Ubuntu run well on vmware? :)04:32
fxdmelhiser: well, i got nothing on what you just said, i'm just trying to watch season 3 of weeds on my computer and i get vertical lines instead of video with whatever i try to play the file with04:32
Fryguy--Phoebus: yes04:32
* melhiser runs around poking random peoples eyes out04:32
mark[oz]Phoebus, depends on the host..04:33
LSD|Ninjahttp://www.hexellent.com/files/26/Windows.jpg Windows 3.11 is cool! :P04:33
yowshiFryguy--: pebkac?04:33
Fryguy--yowshi: yes04:33
bluebananasomeone here told me about xubuntu server iso. where is that? I'm looking for 2008 edition04:33
mark[oz]Phoebus, if the host is windows, you won't get the true ubuntu experience04:33
unop_AdemoS, any luck?04:33
yowshiFryguy--: what is pebkac04:33
Fryguy--bluebanana: there is ubuntu server, it's right on the main ubuntu page04:33
Fryguy--yowshi: google is awesome04:33
LSD|Ninjayowshi: problem exists between keyboard abnd chair04:33
* yowshi sighs04:33
* melhiser looks for Linux Vista 200904:33
AdemoSunop_, sorry got delayed, trying now04:33
blbrownfxd: something wrong with your via graphics card?  I hate to say it, but you probably want a nvidia 5200-6200 or something.  very common and work well with ubu04:33
yowshisorry not using chair LOL04:33
* yowshi is sitting on head thats problem04:34
LSD|Ninjais there anything _right_ about a VIA graphics card? :P04:34
melhiserblbrown: sorry... not an option... needs to be an embedded system04:34
GoldeNArXok so I have confirmed that the built in vnc server isnt listening on 5900. does anyone know what port it is listening on?04:34
blbrownLSD|Ninja, nothing, my sound card is working and that is about it04:34
fxdblbrown: any way to watch video without having to get new hardware?04:34
melhiserblbrown: been down this path... I'm just here for bitching at VIA in a public forum04:34
Alivesi cant figure out how to get lm-sensors to load the right modules at boot... every boot i have to run sensors-detect to get the modules loaded.  lsmod lists lm90 loaded at boot, which is what sensors-detect says to modprobe, but it only works after i run sensors-detect... any ideas?04:34
Fryguy--GoldeNArX: it's listening on 5900, if it isn't then you don't have it set up correctly04:34
Phoebusmark[oz], I see... well I've been trying all day to get betrayal in antara to work... with a xp 64-bit host. I tried compatibility: failed. I tried windows 98: sound wouldn't effing work, drives gave me blue screen. Tried  windows 3.11 even, and doh.. I give up. I'm going to vmware linux and run betrayal in antara in WINE lol.04:34
AdemoSunop_, another error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60501/04:35
unop_GoldeNArX, could be any one of the ports in the 590X range04:35
bluebananaFryguy--: is Server edition = alternate CD?04:35
xtknightGoldeNArX, well it is listening on 5900.  it's tcp i think04:35
Fryguy--bluebanana: no04:35
GoldeNArXok. is there a way for me to specify that is listens on port 5900 only04:35
melhiserblbrown: I wish NVidia would hurry up and join the mini-itx market space... but their shit runs TOOO damn hot04:35
blbrownfxd: maybe, there are sometimes flags to set, if I remember that via site wasn't that bad, and had linux information04:35
mark[oz]Phoebus, the free vmware-server doesn't work on a 64 bit machine.. you'll need to purchase esx04:35
Fryguy--GoldeNArX: if it's set up correctly then it is listening on 590004:35
tritiummelhiser: watch the language, please04:35
GoldeNArXFryguy-- : i've changed no settings. this is default04:35
mark[oz]Phoebus, we had the same problem at work on our dell1950's..04:35
melhiserblbrown: true dat... just not for anything after 2.6.2204:35
blbrownmelhiser, now that you mention it I have two cards.  I probably need to cool my box04:35
Fryguy--GoldeNArX: then it isn't running04:36
Phoebusmark[oz], I'm using workshop 6, that doesn't work..?04:36
bluebananaFryguy--: i click the server ed pic, it brings me to http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/serveredition. then i go to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download, but server ed is n't there04:36
GoldeNArXyes it is because I can connect to it within the lan.  I need to conenct to it outside of the lan04:36
unop_AdemoS,  we're running around in circles -- purge oo.org again and run this - let me know when it completes--  sudo aptitude purge $(dpkg -l | grep -i openoffice | cut -c 3-30);04:36
GoldeNArXthe "wan" so to speak04:36
blbrownmelhiser, dual monitor/nvidia...sweetness04:36
* melhiser hands blbrown a liquid hydrogen tank04:36
Phoebusmark[oz], esx as in the server? :X04:36
AdemoSunop_, so run the previous purage command, then this one?04:36
mark[oz]Phoebus, esx is a vmware piece of software... what virtualisation software are you using?04:36
unop_AdemoS, no no, just this one04:37
Fryguy--bluebanana: it's there for me, in bold text no less.  Reading skills are important04:37
melhiserblbrown: nice... now shrink that to a set-top-box size that doesn't need to live in -30c04:37
AdemoSunop_, okay04:37
mark[oz]I thought you said vmware somewhere?04:37
fxdblbrown: i don't have any via hardware04:37
Phoebusmark[oz], VmWare workstation 6.04:37
blbrownfxd: shrug?04:37
* melhiser pokes fxd in the eye04:37
=== Fuuma is now known as |czero|
mark[oz]Phoebus, ahh sorry... I miss read it.. uhmm it should work then.04:37
AdemoSunop_, done04:37
melhiserfxd: sorry brutha... he got the two of us twixed04:37
Skitzohey guys, when i go to add/remove and try to install anything aMSN, VLC, ect. i keep getting the same error, "This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'program name'04:37
mark[oz]maybe its something for the "vmware" forums.04:37
mark[oz]Phoebus, maybe its something for the "vmware" forums.04:37
blbrownmelhiser, crap, I only added a extra small fan.04:38
Fryguy--GoldeNArX: if you can connect to it, then you obviously know which port it's running on04:38
unop_AdemoS, ok, now, just this one -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall util-linux04:38
AdemoSunop_, okay04:38
Phoebusmark[oz], believe me when I say I've tried everything... I'll give esx a try, maybe you're right.04:38
* nich0s le stabs melhiser 04:38
AdemoSunop_, seemd to work04:38
* nich0s with something non-lethal04:38
melhiserblbrown: might wanna start blowing on that beeotch! ;)04:38
mark[oz]Phoebus, esx cost a lot of money, and is itself an o/s04:38
bluebananaFryguy--: i saw "Server ed" at the bottom. the words weren't in bold.04:38
bluebananaare you looking at some other words?04:38
unop_AdemoS, did it complete?04:38
tritiummelhiser: I've already asked you to watch the language04:38
blbrownmelhiser, is there a temperate monitor with apt.  I have an asus board.04:38
mark[oz]Phoebus, sorry I couldn't help more..04:38
AdemoSunop_, yes, it seemed to install correctly04:38
AdemoSunop_, paste what happened?04:39
unop_AdemoS, not necessary04:39
AdemoSunop_, ok04:39
unop_Ademan, now -- just this -- sudo aptitude install openoffice.org-core04:39
AdemoSunop_, alright04:39
Fryguy--bluebanana: http;//fryguy.nevercontent.com/AreYouBlind.png04:39
Fryguy--bluebanana: http://fryguy.nevercontent.com/AreYouBlind.png04:39
AdemoSunop_, same errors, paste results?04:40
Skitzohey guys, when i go to add/remove and try to install anything aMSN, VLC, ect. i keep getting the same error, "This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'program name' the conflicting software must be removed first." this is a brand new install of ubuntu, the only thing i've added to it is ndiswrapper for my wifi, can anyone help me?04:40
unop_AdemoS, please04:40
AdemoSunop_, ok04:40
Phoebusmark[oz], so do you think my vain idea will work? ubuntu w/ wine -> betrayal in antara (old win 95/3.11 game).04:40
* melhiser wields a +3 shield while sporting a double damage -march=native -j6 narative on nich0s04:40
Fryguy--Skitzo: what version of ubuntu are you running?04:40
* melhiser flops his geek out for all to see04:40
GoldeNArXdoes ubuntu have a firewall installed by default?04:40
bluebananaFryguy--: I now see!04:40
Fryguy--GoldeNArX: no04:40
tonyyarusso!firewall | GoldeNArX04:40
ubotuGoldeNArX: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:40
AdemoSunop_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60502/04:40
tonyyarussoFryguy--: Yes it does...04:40
Fryguy--tonyyarusso: mine never did04:40
mark[oz]Phoebus, yea it should.. if not, get FreeDos, and virtualise it!04:41
Skitzo7.10 i36804:41
* nich0s is "powned" by melhiser obvious advantage.04:41
mark[oz]using vmware-server04:41
tonyyarussoFryguy--: Linux has had a firewall since before Ubuntu existed.04:41
brent113Phoebus->you could always virtualbox windows95 within ubuntu.  I'm really happy with my vms04:41
Fryguy--tonyyarusso: yes, but it's not installed by default04:41
* melhiser give the point to McEnrow04:41
Fryguy--tonyyarusso: or configured to do anything04:41
mark[oz]Phoebus, I use freedos when playing dukenukem 3d :)04:41
tonyyarussoFryguy--: Yes, it is.  Deny by default, enabled in the kernel.04:41
Phoebusmark[oz], this stupid game likes to be installed while in windows...04:41
* melhiser runs around looking for people with short skirts and a long jacket04:41
Fryguy--tonyyarusso: so then why does ssh work out of the box with no additional work?04:41
unop_Ademan, now -- just this -- sudo aptitude install openoffice.org-core openoffice.org-common04:42
tritiummelhiser: cool it, please, with the channel spam04:42
PhoebusI tried running it on the xp laptop in compatibility also, fail, fail faiiil! :(04:42
tonyyarussoFryguy--: It doesn't.  The ssh server isn't installed out of the box.04:42
Daisuke_Idomelhiser, would you like a piece of Cake?04:42
Daisuke_Idoand now it's bedtime04:42
AdemoSunop_, okay, but please, use the right nick so I can find your commands later, highlighted04:42
brent113phnoebus: xp doesn't run dos, that's why04:42
melhiserdaisuke: nice obsequious reference pick up04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cake - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:42
brent113phoebus: i've tried scorched earth, you have to run it in a dos vm04:42
unop_AdemoS, my bad04:42
Fryguy--tonyyarusso: it was on my system. And arbitrary programs I write that listen on INET sockets worked fine too with no configuration necessary04:42
SkitzoFryguy--: 7.10, sorry04:43
melhiser!eat cake04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eat cake - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:43
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:43
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Phoebusbrent113, if I could figure out how to install it and make it use the cd... hmm.04:43
RadiobuzzHi all! I'm having some issues and I was wondering if someone here would be kind enough to help me :)04:43
* melhiser informs ubotu04:43
Daisuke_Ido!dosbox | brent113. Phoebus04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dosbox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:43
brent113phoebus, you can yuo have a lot of options04:43
Fryguy--Radiobuzz: we can't help you until you ask a meaningful question04:43
AdemoSunop_, same error, pasting04:43
tonyyarussoFryguy--: Sorry, but you're quite mistaken.  The ssh client is installed, but not the server.  There are NO open inbound ports on a default install.04:43
Dr__Willisdosbox is a very well done tool. :)04:43
PhoebusI know, I used it to play death rally :P04:43
bluebananawhere can i get xubuntu alternate 2008 iso?04:44
AdemoSunop_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60503/04:44
RadiobuzzFryguy, but what if the question is "could somebody help me"? :P04:44
PhoebusYou should try out death rally, its addictive :P04:44
Fryguy--tonyyarusso: so then why can i write a simple 20 line C program that listens on a socket and receives connections?  If iptables was configured as deny all this wouldn't be the case04:44
bluebananaDoes Xubuntu have an 2008 alternate iso?04:44
xtknightiptables is empty on ubuntu by default04:44
Fryguy--Radiobuzz: that's not a meaningful question04:44
Radiobuzzjust kidding, you can find the question here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=455955604:44
xtknightthere is no firewall on ubuntu04:44
Flannelbluebanana: 8.04, not 2008, and most likely.04:44
Fryguy--tonyyarusso: you are very mistaken about the default security of an ubuntu install04:44
Daisuke_Idoxtknight, no rules != no firewall04:44
xtknightDaisuke_Ido, at least effectively i mean04:45
bluebananaFlannel: i tried searching for it. Xubuntu is  harder to find then ubuntu04:45
tonyyarussoFryguy--: I don't know what program you're referring to...04:45
xtknightat least on my Gutsy iptables is empty and i can connect vnc or w/e04:45
Fryguy--tonyyarusso: a hand written 20 line C program that just opens up a socket and accepts connections04:45
tritiumFryguy--: openssh-server is *not* intsalled by default04:45
Flannelbluebanana: Let me grab one for: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/8.04/beta/04:45
xtknightbut openssh server is not installed no04:45
Fryguy--tritium: it was on my machine04:45
unop_Fryguy--, what tonyyarusso means is that there are no open and listening ports on a default install -- and i dont think iptables is configured to an implicit deny04:45
tritiumFryguy--: no, it wasn't04:45
Daisuke_Idono it wasn't.04:45
bluebananaFlannel: thank you!@!!04:46
Daisuke_Idoit has to be manually installed.04:46
brent113wow, everyone flame fryguy hahaha04:46
Fryguy--unop_: no applications listening on a port has nothing to do with the default firewall configuration04:46
Flannelxtknight: iptables is installed, but no rules exist by default.04:46
Stroganoffbluebanana: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/hardy/beta/04:46
tritiumopenssh-client is installed by default, but the the server04:46
Fryguy--tritium: I installed ubuntu on a headless server and never plugged a keyboard or mouse  or monitor into the machine...04:46
bluebananaFlannel: i found the main iso pages, but i hope the link you sent me has the alternate/"server edition" isos.04:46
JosdellHey everyone I just wanted to ask if the reason most games I download on Ubuntu won't start is because I have an ATI graphics card.04:46
Fryguy--tritium: that's a hell of a trick of openssh isn't installed by default04:46
unop_Fryguy--, ok, so there are no applications that have ports open, listening for connections on a default install - is that clear now?04:46
oriezi'm installing ubuntu from the live CD and i get the following error "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu." when i try to to select the partition04:47
Daisuke_IdoJosdell, that depends on what games they are04:47
sbingnerJosdell, uh... we have no idea04:47
Dr__WillisJosdell,  depends on the game. You do have the fglrx drivers installed.04:47
brent113josdell: not sure, but personally I have had 0 luck with ati cards, so i think so04:47
Daisuke_Idoexamples, perhaps?04:47
sbingnermy ATI card works great with fglrx04:47
sbingnerI can play WoW on it04:47
tritiumFryguy--: I'm referring to the desktop CD.  Evidently, you're talking about the server intsall.04:47
Fryguy--unop_: yes that's what I was saying indirectly, and everybody seems to not believe me04:47
brent113depends on the card, but mine doesn't support compositing so it's terrible04:47
Fryguy--tritium: server install is still ubuntu, no?04:47
malakhiI can play WoW with the open source ati driver.04:47
Josdellyeah i have downloaded Urban Terror, Nexuiz, and I downloaded World of Padman but they all freeze when I'm about to begin playing04:47
* Dr__Willis dosent play WoW at all.. he has a life.04:47
sbingnermalakhi, the open source is useless to me I think... I have Radeon X180004:47
sbingnerDr__Willis, I don't really either ;)04:48
tritiumFryguy--: yes, but not the standard install for the vast majority of its users04:48
malakhisbingner: quite likely. Mines an R250. fglrx doesn't support it.04:48
Dr__WillisJosdell,  be sure you have the  fglrx drivers installed properly.04:48
BorisDmitriFryguy, and all of you, i want to share this, for anyone using some hd audio card04:48
brent113josdell, what card do you have?04:48
JosdellI do, i"m pretty sure I do04:48
JosdellI have a Radeon 1100 i think04:48
Daisuke_Idoget a cheap $20 card that will actually work by default without having to recompile alsa?04:48
* Daisuke_Ido grumbles04:48
brent113josdell, are you using the newest drivers off the ati site? they fixed a lot of issues with that release04:49
Daisuke_Idoworst problem i've ever had to help someone with...04:49
BorisDmitrii just edited the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and added options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch, and voila!! i have 5.1 audio04:49
unop_AdemoS, can you try this  -- sudo aptitude clean04:49
unop_Ademan, then -- sudo aptitude install openoffice.org-core openoffice.org-common04:49
Josdellbrent113: what site is that, just ati.com? and how would I install the drivers04:49
Fryguy--BorisDmitri: blog about it04:49
unop_AdemoS, ^^04:49
brent113josdell: one second and I'll send the link, have to find it04:49
BorisDmitrii will ! for sure!!!04:49
brent113it's not restricted manager04:49
Josdellin the Screen and Graphics right?04:50
AdemoSunop_, sorry sorry04:50
AdemoSunop_, someone come in and distracted me04:50
Josdellhow? thanks for the help.04:50
AdemoSunop_, trying now04:50
unop_AdemoS, likewise04:50
fushortsis there a way to just install grub  i have a perfectly good install of linux on my machine but the grub is giving me a error 1704:51
AdemoSunop_, done04:51
Fryguy--so tritium, that justifies "correcting" me with something that is blatantly wrong?04:51
Flannel!grub | fushorts04:51
tritiumFryguy--: even on 7.10, the server install require openssh-server to be installed: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/openssh-server.html04:51
unop_AdemoS, then -- sudo aptitude install openoffice.org-core openoffice.org-common04:51
ubotufushorts: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:51
bluebananaFlannel: i went to the links you sent me, but all the ISOs are for desktop. The reason I want an alternate / [server ed] of Xubuntu 2008 is because I want to have less "cruft".04:51
FlannelFryguy--, tritium, take it somewhere else please.  #ubuntu-offtopic is a good choice04:51
brent113josdell: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58838304:51
Josdellthanks alot brent04:51
Fryguy--Flannel: how is discussing packages that are installed in the operating system this channel is named after offtopic? lol04:51
tritiumFryguy--: warning.04:51
Flannelbluebanana: there is no "xubuntu" server edition, as the server edition is GUI-less04:51
brent113josdell: it's my pleasure04:52
Fryguy--tritium: for what?04:52
tritiumFryguy--: your last comment04:52
Fryguy--tritium: which one? the one that I ask a question?04:52
JosdellI'll come back if I need anything else, thanks, see ya.04:52
AdemoSunop_, trying now04:52
bluebananaFlannel: um, i don't  think i follow. isn't there a Ubuntu server edition?04:52
shonenok, xtknight, so far so good04:52
tritiumFryguy--: scroll up.  Need I define "last" for you?04:52
shoneni'm about to install dmraid04:52
xtknightshonen, hmm ok04:52
Fryguy--tritium: if you don't want me contributing 5 hours a day to this channel, just say so, I don't mind not helping people.  I'm here more than you, if you'd like to take over for me and help these people out, just let me know.04:52
Flannelbluebanana: Ubuntu is a distro.  Theres also an Ubuntu flavor for that distro.  Xubuntu is a flavor of Ubuntu.  But you're right, there's no alternate CD there.  Thats odd.04:53
tritiumFryguy--: i.e., the one where you claim that https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/openssh-server.html is offtopic.  Hard to imagine how ubuntu support is offtopic here.  Check the /topic04:53
bluebananaFlannel: ok. i'll just go with desktop.iso04:53
Fryguy--tritium: uh, please scroll up, i never said that04:53
PhoebusFight, fight!04:53
Fryguy--tritium: I would demand an apology for that right now04:53
xtknightbluebanana,  xubuntu alternate CD http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/gutsy/release/04:53
PhoebusDon't be wussies, start swinging, not flinging :P04:53
Daisuke_Idothat really sounded like a "fine then, i'll take my ball and go home if you don't agree with me" comment...04:53
mrynitis there an easy way to roll back update installs?04:54
brent113fryguy, you've helped me solve my 3 major problems, yuo gotta stick around04:54
Alivesi cant figure out how to get lm-sensors to load the right modules at boot... every boot i have to run sensors-detect to get the modules loaded.  lsmod lists lm90 loaded at boot, which is what sensors-detect says to modprobe, but it only works after i run sensors-detect... any ideas?04:54
Flannelxtknight: looking for hardy04:54
xtknightAlives, ya [put them in /etc/modules04:54
xtknightFlannel, ahh04:54
PhoebusAnd we have helper's competition ^^04:54
Fryguy--tritium: http://rafb.net/p/H1AjKO85.html04:54
Alivesits in /etc/modules04:54
Alivesthe module gets loaded04:55
Fryguy--brent113: apparently my help isn't welcome here04:55
onefunkerror messsage keeps popping up at bout about Gnome daemon not loading any solutions?04:55
xtknightAlives, ohh sorry didn't see04:55
squizziHey guys.. I'm getting the infamous VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) kernel panic ... and I'm pretty new to Linux in general. Sooo, yeahhh, any ideas would be helpful, I'm currently burning a live CD so I can get in to my kernel, somehow.04:55
brent113well i appreciate it04:55
JohnMMAlives, put sensors-detect in /etc/rc5.d script04:55
Flannelbluebanana: It's possible, although seems sort of odd, that xubuntu doesn't provide alternate editions for development version at this time.  You could use the server CD and then add xubuntu easily enough (or any of the other two alternate CDs, at that)04:55
tritiumFryguy--: saw the nick highlight, and your nick, but it was from Flannel.  Nevertheless, your comment about "blatantly false" was unnecessary, and incorrect.04:55
Alivessensors detect isnt a daemon etc... it just figures out what module you need and edits the appropriate file04:55
Fryguy--squizzi: did it just start happening out of the blue? are you using raid or anything else "exotic" for your hard drive setup04:55
squizzino, just started out of the blue04:55
AdemoSunop_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60504/04:56
squizziI was messing with Usplash recently though04:56
AdemoSunop_, thoguh nothing in the Main Menu...04:56
Fryguy--tritium: great job dodging blame and responsibility there04:56
squizziSo that could be the issue04:56
tritiumFryguy--: again, lose the attitude, please.04:56
bluebananaFlannel: the comp will be used as a desktop. but the reason I was asking for "server edition was because someone told me installing with the server edition will give me less cruft.04:56
bluebananatrue or false?04:56
brent113tritium, fryguy is very helpful to this channel, can we maybe let this 1 misunderstanding go?04:56
* Phoebus is now taking bets: tritium vs Fryguy-- 04:56
unop_AdemoS, ahh paitience -- we still have a few packages to install04:56
Daisuke_IdoPhoebus, no bet.04:56
Fryguy--tritium: i'm sitting here helping people out, and you and I are having a conversation (that at this point has veered way off topic).  Besides the parens, what exactly is the problem?04:56
unop_AdemoS,  sudo aptitude install openoffice.org04:57
Fryguy--tritium: like I mentioned before, if I'm not welcome here just say so and I will leave.04:57
PhoebusDaisuke_Ido, you sure? Its X1,25 :P04:57
charles___I just upgraded to the hardy heron beta; my soundcard no longer works, I have an maudio delta that uses the ice1712 driver; when I do an lsmod it isn't loaded, and when I do modprobe ice1712 it says not found, however locate ice1712 yields several snd-ice1712.ko files04:57
AdemoSunop_, oh I'm not annoyed, just curious :P04:57
squizziFryguy--: Any ideas? ..04:57
tritiumFryguy--: did I ever say you were not?  Just relax.04:57
AdemoSunop_, trying now04:57
Flannelcharles___: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thanks.04:57
Jmanhey can have XP and ubuntu on my computer at the same time?04:57
Fryguy--tritium: you didn't say if i was or not, which is why i'm asking, because it seems like you are making that inference.04:57
charles___Flannel, opps, sorry04:57
PhoebusJman, yes with vmware-- running at the same time, or with dualboot.04:57
tritiumFryguy--: either stop, or /query me, please04:57
Fryguy--tritium: just answer my question(s)04:58
kanadianJman: search for linux and windows xp dual boot articles on google04:58
zachstarHello everyone04:58
PhoebusJman, or 3rd option and my fav, have a server sit in the corner serving ubuntun over vnc :P04:58
ere4sihow can I find out what theme engine I'm using?04:58
unop_Fryguy--, what you are discussing about now is ot anyway :) and you're most welcome here04:58
bluebananais the command "zcat" basically uncompressing?04:58
Jmanhaha phoebus04:58
Alivesvnc sucks compared to nx04:58
Fryguy--squizzi: sorry, without more context as to how/why it started happening, I can't offer any meaningful input04:58
nich0szachstar: Hi, Dr. zachstar04:58
Jmanthanks guys04:58
=== subsume_ is now known as subsume
tritiumFryguy--: as you've pointed out, it's way offtopic.  Will not discuss this further in channel.04:58
PhoebusAlives, whats nx? New proggy?04:58
zachstarI am wondering how to install a theme for the boot manager that comes with the latest ubuntu beta04:58
Aliveslike rdp for linux04:58
RadiobuzzI didn't know this channel was so chaotic so I understand that you don't have the time to go through my thread, so I'll write my questions directly04:58
Fryguy--Phoebus: nx is software that allows multiple shared x sessions04:59
shonenxtknight: dmraid has been installed, the partition has been mounted, and both read and write work04:59
PhoebusAlives, are there clients for other OS's?04:59
Fryguy--Phoebus: see a product called FreeNX04:59
xtknightshonen, ok04:59
xtknightshonen, well how did you install dmraiad up to this point04:59
xtknightshonen, like what commands04:59
PhoebusLast q, does the server work on windows? :P04:59
Fryguy--Phoebus: and see newer substitutes like xpra.  Also see related items X11 forwarding and xdmcp04:59
fushortsif i am using a sata drive as my main drive would linux say that is an hd or would it say sd?04:59
Radiobuzzwhat does this error I get in Nautilus mean and what can I do about it? --- Hash table keys for warning below:04:59
Radiobuzz--> ���/var/lib/gconf/defaults/defaults.bak   (nautilus:5776): Eel-WARNING **: "nautilus-metafile.c: metafiles" hash table still has 1 element at quit time (keys above)04:59
shoneni used synaptic to install the dmraid package04:59
Aliveswindows has a great server called remote desktop04:59
=== slaytani2 is now known as slaytanic
shonenthen sudo dmraid -ay05:00
Fryguy--tritium: do you even help peopl ein here?  It seems like the only time I see you chatting are for channel infractions05:00
AdemoSunop_, appeared....to work. Paste? Attempt to run?05:00
shonenthen sudo mount /dev/mapper/nvidia_bjgfdead1 /media/arc05:00
tritiumFryguy--: of course, and I have for years, but I have a job.  How is that question on topic?05:00
unop_AdemoS, attempt to run05:00
AdemoSunop_, affirmative05:00
Fryguy--Alives: if you want to mimic that, take a look at the x server xrdp.  i'm not sure how complete it is, but it is certainly worth looking at05:00
fushortswhen i do the find /boot/grub/stage1 it is telling me that it is on hd2,0  but i have linux on my sata drive05:00
Alivessounds cool05:00
Fryguy--tritium: it's not, but since i'm helping people and you aren't, i figured i'd ask out of curiosity.  since, frankly, you seem useless05:01
Newbuntu2_I'm having problems reading a file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60369/ How can I recover it>05:01
Flannel!coc | Fryguy--05:01
brent113fushorts: do not worry about it, the defaults can be overridden without affecting anything05:01
fushortsdont want to mess with the other drives bootloaders if possible05:01
ubotuFryguy--: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:01
AdemoSunop_, same old error: Error forking '/usr/lib/openoffice/program//soffice': 'Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice" (Bad address)'05:01
xtknightwell he had colorful words for a lot of people in here anyways05:01
brent113fushorts: ubuntu names the drives in a certain config file, they can be changed without affecting anything05:01
unop_AdemoS, ahh man -- that's no good05:01
AdemoSunop_, yeah I don't understand it05:01
nich0sPhoebus: 10 USD on tritium05:01
fushortsbrent113, will it know to use the sata drive for booting linux?05:01
AdemoSunop_, I've cleaned it all out, what is going on? It worked fine before05:01
shonenxtknight: got all that?05:02
AdemoSunop_, should I get rid of other java jres?05:02
xtknightshonen, doh... nope my nick wasn't highlighted05:02
xtknightshonen, but i can see05:02
AlivesFryguy--: im having issues with lm-sensors ... the lm90 module is loaded at boot but `sensors` says it cant detect any sensors until i run `sensors-detect` everytime i boot (which just modprobes lm90 anyway)... ideas?05:02
PhoebusNx server doesn't seem to run on windows, so still not as good as vnc (accessibility), but good to see more in this field.05:02
brent113fushorts: that is determined by the bios which drive it boots to, and secndly by the grub menu05:02
Phoebusnich0s, noted! ;)05:02
shonenxtknight i used synaptic to install the dmraid package05:02
brent113fushorts: do you need help configuring grub?05:02
shonenxtknight then sudo mount /dev/mapper/nvidia_bjgfdead1 /media/arc05:02
unop_AdemoS, i dunno really -- have you tried a reboot?05:02
xtknightshonen, ok and you're saying at this point when you reboot (after mount /media/arc) it wont work?05:02
AdemoSunop_, hmm I did before. I'll try another05:02
shonenxtknight yes05:02
xtknightshonen, let's check a few things.  look at your fstab05:03
AdemoSunop_, brb05:03
Zack1403hey can anyone help me out with how to deselect packages marked for install05:03
fushortsbrent113, possibly05:03
shonenok, what am i looking for05:03
brent113!grub | fushorts05:03
ubotufushorts: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:03
shonenxtknight ok, what am i looking for05:03
FlannelZack1403: in synaptic?  or what?05:03
fushortsi am reading this link that was given to me however i dont know that hd2 is the proper drive for grub05:03
xtknightshonen, hmm.  im not surebut i was thinking maybe dmraid modified your fstab somehow, preventing boot05:03
Possum234I ran into the infamous grub error 17. Can anyone help me?05:04
squizziAnyone else? I'm getting the infamous, VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) kernel panic ... and I'm pretty new to Linux in general. I was messing with uSplash, and customizing my uSplash a bit and rebooted after customizing it to be welcomed by that kernel panic.05:04
shonenxtknight: fstab is still using the uuid to mount the root partition05:04
Possum234or point me where to start looking fo a solution?05:04
fushortsOOH possum234 that is what i am talking about lol05:04
shonenxtknight and the raid is not in the fstab05:04
Possum234yes. lucky I have xp that magically appeared05:05
xtknightshonen, ok.  do you know if dmraid modifies the kernel at all05:05
brent113fushorts: if you are not positive which drive is which, type df -H into a terminal to list the drives and their sizes to get the names05:05
Zack1403Flannel: well i was using apt-get05:05
xtknightshonen, i know md does05:05
* Daisuke_Ido facepalms05:05
Solari1hey, anyone able to help me out with a quick question re: triple booting (ubuntu/fedora/xp) and the highest number of partitions available?  (i'm pretty much brand new at this)05:05
Possum234or else i would still have the live cd to go off of05:05
Zack1403Flannel: new to ubuntu05:05
Daisuke_Idorule one; never taunt ops05:05
shonenxtknight I do not know05:05
fushortsPossum234, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:05
Possum234no, I had windows before ubuntu05:05
shonenxtknight it did not install a new image or anything, so at most it is just loading some new modules05:05
FlannelZack1403: I don't understand your problem then.  You had something installed and now you want to remove it? or what?05:05
xtknightshonen, do you know if recovery mode booted fine05:06
xtknightshonen, (dont try it yet)05:06
Possum234I would like to know how to solve grub error 1705:06
brent113fryguy, if you want to jump in here, by all means, you probably know more about grub than I do05:06
shonenxtknight recovery mode did not work before05:06
Possum234so that I can begin to ween myself off of windows and go to linux05:06
xtknightshonen, same error right?05:06
shonenxtknight correct05:06
Daisuke_Idobrent113, fryguy has left the building05:06
xtknightshonen, you're on gutsy?05:06
Solari1hey, anyone able to help me out with a quick question re: triple booting (ubuntu/fedora/xp) and the highest number of partitions available?  (i'm pretty much brand new at this)05:06
PhoebusPossum234, that will happen for me when Adobe goes Linux.. or fully supports it. Wining CS 3 doesn't work well, tried it.05:06
squizziYeah, so starting my LiveCD gives me a PCI-BIOS Bug Found, could this be connected with my kernel panic?05:06
RadiobuzzHey, can I re-ask my question? Are there any rules against repeating lines?05:06
brent113daisuke, o snap05:06
Zack1403Flannel: by accident i did apt-get install b43*, it said a bunch of stuff is marked for install, will this stuff get installed on like a apt-get upgrade?05:07
AdemoSunop_, *sigh* still not working, but new errors, panel....errors: http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/7043/twopanelerrorsqf4.png05:07
Solari1if there are, i'm about to be kicked radiobuzz05:07
shonenxtknight yes, the latest gutsy05:07
Zack1403Flannel: i was looking for the fc equivilant like yum search b43*05:07
Newbuntu2_I'm having problems reading a file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60369/ How can I recover it??05:07
squizziYeah Solari1 and Radiobuzz ... I would of been megakicked :O05:07
fushortsbrent113, right now i am running off the live cd of linux so it is not giving me a very accurate display of what i was hoping to see05:07
FlannelZack1403: did you hit 'n' to cancel it?  you want apt-cache search [stuff],  but, why not use synaptic?05:07
brent113fushorts: for a grub error 17: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294505:07
shonenxtknight I just modified my menu.lst to disable the splash screen and quiet so that we will get messages on the next boot05:07
nich0sQuestion: Is there a recommended C++ environment for Linux?05:07
xtknightshonen, try "sudo update-initramfs -k `uname-r`" ( i believe this is the cmd)05:07
brent113fushorts, I'm not exactly certain what your problem is05:07
xtknightshonen, this updates initrd i think.  i dont know but sometimes thats a fix for the other sw raid05:08
unop_AdemoS, hmm .. do they restart if you ask them to?05:08
xtknightshonen, dont have much to lose05:08
Possum234nich0s, do u mean IDE?05:08
fushortsok i will read more into the links you have provided thank you05:08
AdemoSunop_, what command should I use for that?05:08
Daisuke_Idonich0s, vim.  although eclipse with the c++ plugins is a good option05:08
brent113nich0s: I have used anjuta before and liked it a lot05:08
Daisuke_Idoassuming that's available05:08
FlannelZack1403: sudo apt-get -s update, will simulate, so you can double check that it wont05:08
AdemoSunop_, and should I click delete or don't?05:08
Possum234devc++ is good although I am not sure its available for linux05:08
xtknightshonen, maybe same problem here http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?page=2&t=63064505:08
Daisuke_Idoi should have checked before spewing info05:08
nich0sI guess I'll have to try them all! Thanks. :)05:09
FlannelZack1403: er, upgrade.  update refreshes your package.litss05:09
Radiobuzzwhat does this error I get in Nautilus mean and what can I do about it?05:09
Radiobuzz --- Hash table keys for warning below:05:09
unop_AdemoS, ohh .. just click on the button that says "dont delete" and log out and log back in05:09
Radiobuzz--> ���/var/lib/gconf/defaults/defaults.bak   (nautilus:5776): Eel-WARNING **: "nautilus-metafile.c: metafiles" hash table still has 1 element at quit time (keys above)05:09
orudiehow would i make a user name for mysql?05:09
AdemoSunop_, okay05:09
Zack1403Flannel: it said that there were broken packages and ended, would i have to confirm before any install?05:09
shonenxtknight: "You must specify at least one of -c, -u, or -d."05:09
Zack1403Flannel: but it still said a bunch of packages were selected05:09
Solari1NEED HALP... i'm trying to triple boot ubuntu/xp/fedora and currently have a swap partition and two ext partitions set up with ubuntu and fedora on installed... i tried to install XP now and when i tried to partition the extra space, it said it was impossible due to there being too many partitions... is there any way around this?05:09
Zack1403Flannel:  ill run the simulation05:09
xtknightshonen, try "sudo update-initramfs -u -k `uname-r`"05:10
AdemoSunop_, indentical errors on re-login....on a side note, updater wants to install gnome-panel *laughs*05:10
brent113radiobuzz: http://tinyurl.com/22qwzv is this applicable at all?05:10
xtknightshonen, maybe when you add the dmraid it creates another drive.  potentially drive order problems in grub? i dont know what sense this makes but it's possible.  i didn't think dmraid was loaded that quickly05:10
lucretianSolari1: reinstall one of the linux installations as non-primary drive (logical partition)05:10
FlannelSolari1: you need to create an extended partition, and then put logical partitions inside of it for additional ones05:10
Solari1ah... thanks to both of you flannel and lucretian... i'm very new to this05:10
shonenxtknight: "No arg for -k option"05:10
Solari1time to start over!05:10
unop_AdemoS, you probably need to install that update -- it might fix the issue -- and i dont think this has anything to do with openoffice, its a completely different issue05:10
Zack1403Flannel: ok so it said 0 for everything, that means nothing will be installed right ? :)05:10
xtknightshonen, sudo update-initramfs -k `uname -r` -u05:11
AdemoSunop_, well I remember during the purge it mentioned panel....not sure why. Installing from updater now05:11
xtknightthat works here05:11
PhoebusWow the nx testdrive is impressive :D05:11
xtknightshonen, sudo update-initramfs -k $(uname -r) -u05:11
shonenxtknight: wait now its working... you missed a space between uname and -r05:11
xtknightis also the same thing05:11
xtknightahh sorry05:11
FlannelZack1403: uh, I don't know what '0 for everything' means, but sounds like it, yes.05:11
shonenxtknight: the command seems to have worked05:11
Zack1403Flannel: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:12
FlannelZack1403: aye.  Looks good.05:12
xtknightshonen, alright.  well how about we try something else.  type grub.  yes, grub05:12
AdemoSunop_, brb05:12
Zack1403Flannel: Glorious!05:12
gregcha117i think i broke my sound can someone tell me how to reinstall my sound drivers05:12
Zack1403Flannel: Thanks for your help, always paranoid im gonna bloat a new install with my stupidity05:12
gregcha117when i type alsamixer i get "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default"05:12
shonenxtknight now what05:13
FlannelZack1403: well, if its a fresh install, you can always reinstall.  But yeah, check synaptic out.05:13
SkinnypuppY34Anyone know a good deal online for 22 + inch lcd monitors other than pricewatch?05:13
unop_gregcha117, I think all you might need to do is set the default sound device05:13
Flannel!offtopic | SkinnypuppY3405:13
unop_!sound | gregcha11705:13
ubotuSkinnypuppY34: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:13
Zack1403Flannel: thanks!05:13
ubotugregcha117: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:13
xtknightshonen, sorry. exit.  then "sudo grub"05:13
Radiobuzzbrent113, no, I don't think so, for some reason my password doesn't work when I call "su" :S05:13
shonenxtknight i did now what05:13
Radiobuzzbut in any case seems like a different problem...05:13
xtknightshonen, um now we're going to do some detective work05:14
gregcha117when i doubleclick on the volume i get "no volume control Gstreamer plugins and/or devices found"05:14
OhmHey, is there any way to check which xmodmap I am using? I need to see which one the keyboard configurator is choosing to make things work.05:14
FlannelRadiobuzz: Ubuntu doesn't use the root account.  Use sudo instead.05:14
AdemoSunop_, hmm same error. Will try deleting and re-installing the pannel aps from menu05:14
xtknightshonen, you have to type this exactly.  type "cat (hd0," and then press TAB.  it shold list devices under hd005:14
AdemoSunop_, urgh....every time I try to drag out a new panel app, same error05:14
AdemoSunop_, >_<05:14
xtknightshonen, then you'll want to open your /boot/grub/menu.lst in another text editor or something.  we are going to make sure that the HD numbers haven't changed for some reason.05:15
unop_AdemoS, hmm, not sure i can help much with this -- i dont use gnome05:15
shonenxtknight partitions are 0,1,405:15
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Radiobuzzthanks, but if I understand, that guy has problems with Nautilus, but in my case the error shows up only when I'm on a folder which I've moved recently. In other word, I made a copy of a folder and that backup folder gives me that error, which makes me think that the files are somehow corrupt05:15
AdemoSunop_, ah sorry....and gnome appears to be installed. Well thanks anyway for your help05:15
AdemoSunop_, *panel appears to be installed05:16
tarkuswhat do you guys think of this idea? let me know if you would use it if it was well implemented: http://dpaste.com/40492/05:16
Phoebus_nxtestThis is too cool, I'm using the nx client and-- running this from the server :)05:16
unop_Can someone who uses/knows gnome help AdemoS with this issue - http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/7043/twopanelerrorsqf4.png05:16
shonenxtknight: filesystems are unknown, ext2fs, unknown respectively, partition types are 0x7, 0x83 and 0x82 respectively05:16
xtknight# WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not use 'savedefault' or your05:16
xtknight# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.05:16
dryderinstall method - is there a way to do this? I like to boot via f12 if I don't want my default. I install ubuntu versions on separate hdds - unplugging all others so grub gets installed on that one drive. Problem: when I plug in the other drives the original "sd" designations in my fstab file are wrong - which means it doesn't 'line up with mtab and the Disk Analyzer is wholly inaccurate. Do I have to unplug other drives when installing 05:16
xtknighthmm that's interesting.  i just noticed that in menu.lst05:16
fushortsbrent113, would sda1 be (sd0,1)05:16
jeff__cvbvb vc05:17
xtknightsda1 should be (hd0,0)05:17
Captain_Asshathey quick question, the swap partition has to be twice my ram it says05:17
onihello all how r we 2nite?05:17
shonenxtknight: ok, I will remove all instances of savedefault now05:17
AdemoSunop_, what the heck. OTHER panel apps work, but volume and trash are broken X_X05:17
xtknightshonen, hmm ok05:17
AdemoSunop_, will try to completely remove gnome-panel and reload it05:17
=== Captain_Asshat is now known as Jman
fushortsi have 1 sata and 2 ata and it says that (hd2,0) is grub but i think that is wrong that is why i ask05:18
unop_AdemoS, yea, it's probably because they are seperate process on their own -- and the processes might be failing to stay alive05:18
xtknightshonen, so i assume hd(0,4) is your /boot and hd(0,1) is your /05:18
JmanIt says my ram should be 2x my ram, is there a max size to that cuz i have 2 gigs of ram, should i really make it 4 gigs?05:18
unop_Jman, is this regarding swap size?05:18
xtknightfushorts, sda1 is (hd0,0)05:18
Jmanexcuse me i meant to say that05:18
AdemoSunop_, still stuck.....trying re-loging then rebooting05:19
shonenxtknight: no, 0 is my windows partition, 1 is my root and 4 is my swap05:19
unop_Jman, well, it can be as big as possible -- but atleast 2x size of ram05:19
xtknightfushorts, sometimes grub can diff from linux notations though because of drive order and recognition05:19
xtknightshonen, oh ok.  so /boot is on root05:19
Jmanok so for gigs isn't gonna freak anything out05:19
shonenxtknight: commented out one instance of savedefault on my windows partition line05:19
shonenxtknight: correct05:19
xtknightmy swap is 805:19
Jmanok lol05:19
Jmanthank a lot guys05:19
xtknightshonen, alright so (hd0,1) is /05:19
xtknightshonen, and do you see that in menu.lst05:20
xtknightshonen, for root05:20
shonenxtknight: lets open a private chat window so that i dont have to keep typing xtknight05:20
xtknightshonen, sounds good05:20
fushortsrestarting hope this works thank you for the help05:20
FAJALO1right now im working with compiz, and i cant find the 3d windows stick out when in cube plugin, but i already downloaded the extras plugins.05:20
unop__shonen, don't you use tab-completion?05:20
unop__shonen, i.e. xt<tab>05:21
xtknightshonen, you might need to register your nickname to do private messaging05:21
FAJALO1any ideas?05:21
xtknightshonen, i'm not receiving anything05:21
shonenxtknight : it is working. go back to our window05:21
DAC1138got a question about ubgrading from a CD. if my cd has a defective file on it, can i still install it just omitting that one file?05:21
AdemoSunop_, urgh....still stuck. I know Ubuntu can't get virsues but I feel like I have one....>_<05:21
FAJALO1right now im working with compiz, and i cant find the 3d windows stick out when in cube plugin, but i already downloaded the extras plugins.  any thoughts05:21
shonenxtknight: isnt it?05:22
xtknightshonen, i cant hear you though05:22
xtknightshonen, youll have to register with NicksErv05:22
shonenxtknight: ah ok...and i forgot my ident password :p05:22
shonenxtknight: ok 1 sec05:22
=== shonen is now known as masakari098
AdemoSunop_, so I've tried complete removing the panel, reinstalling the panel, *sigh*05:23
=== masakari098 is now known as gbglop
unop__Can someone who uses/knows gnome help AdemoS with this issue - http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/7043/twopanelerrorsqf4.png05:23
zero88How do I correctly install FLuxbox?05:23
Flannelzero88: sudo apt-get install fluxbox05:24
AdemoSunop_, is there a gnome channel on freenode?05:24
DAC1138zero88: apt-get install fluxbox05:24
unop__AdemoS, I dont think i can help you much on this eh? i'm sorry -- lets hope somebody else can05:24
unop__AdemoS, i believe it is #gnome05:24
AdemoSunop_, thanks for trying05:24
AdemoSunop_, are support questions allowed there?05:24
gbglopxtknight: how do i register again?05:25
unop__ AdemoS probably not, they might refer you back in here05:25
zero88Flannel,  DAC1138 ive done that and chose fluxbox as my session. but when i boot into fluxbox. the only thing that appears is the bottom panel.which i can absolutely do nothing with, and none of my mouse buttons work!05:25
AdemoSI'll try it05:25
unop__AdemoS, but you should try05:25
xtknightgbglop, /msg nickserv help05:25
FAJALO1right now im working with compiz, and i cant find the 3d windows stick out when in cube plugin, but i already downloaded the extras plugins.05:25
Starnestommygbglop: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup05:25
unop__zer0ne, the only thing that works in a fluxbox session firstly is the menu -- right click on the desktop and you should see it05:25
unop__zero88, ^^05:26
zero88unop_, I do rigt-click on desktop but nothing happens at all05:26
lucretianis your mouse configured correctly?05:26
unop__zero88, thats not normal --  reinstall fluxbox??05:26
lucretiantry some other mouse buttons first05:27
RadiobuzzOk, I'll ask another related question: do you know those files called %gconf-tree-x? 1) Where do they go? On /var/lib/gconf/defaults or on a folder inside that? 2) What are they? Because the real problem is that I think I've lost my Gnome settings since everything is working weird, the desktop, the start menu, the mouse...05:27
zero88unop_, ya i guess i could try that05:27
ere4sizero88: you need to make a menu file in .fluxbox05:27
zero88unop_, thanks05:27
zero88ere4si, Really? Before i use fluxbox? How do i go about doing that?05:28
tux97whats the program name for rar files?05:28
ere4sizero88: I'll get you a link05:28
AdemoSunop_, yeah I asked, we'll see05:28
zero88ere4si, k thanks. all the tuts ive seen just say apt-get install fluxbox05:29
ere4sizero88: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=371144 - is the one I used for the box I'm on now :)05:29
zero88ere4si, k thanks i will check it out05:29
dryderu guys v busy - I'll ask another time :) g'night all ...05:30
LimCoreubuntu sucks about security, can this be changed?05:30
PriceChildLimCore: what is wrong?05:30
unopLimCore, what's bad about ubuntu's security?05:30
amenadoLimCore-> how did you come to that conclusion?05:30
squizziw00t I fixed my issue on my own05:30
lucretiandryder: you don't need to take out the drives05:30
tux97what do you guys use to open rar files?05:31
tritiumLimCore: could you please give an example of what you mean?05:31
LimCorePriceChild: -did you know about this cool program called "scponly"   -no.. hmm ok I will install it. [3 minutes] -omg, how you hacked into my box? I never run an sshd server WTF05:31
unoptux97, unrar05:31
belkinhelp2is there a client VNC on ubuntu.  I have found Remote Desktop but thats server...i need a viewer05:31
zero88ere4si, thanks this is EXACTLY what i need05:31
PriceChildLimCore: so ubuntu's security sucks because you install something, don't know what you're doing, and get rooted?05:31
LimCoresimply INSTALLING scponly security tool, results in EXECUTION of SSH server! (and with root permit!)  so its trivial to hack in05:31
tux97unop where do i get unrar from?05:32
dryderlucretian - just about to leave ... may i re-ask another day without offending any1?05:32
ere4sizero88: good luck - fluxbox is excellent :)05:32
lucretiandryder: you just need to be able to figure out which drive is which, which you can test during the install by switching to a console (ctrl+alt+f2), mounting the different /dev/sd*# devices and finding the one you wish to install onto next05:32
unoptux97, apt-get install unrar05:32
LimCorePriceChild: yes. this is less secure then windows.  on windows you have to install and RUN a server to get owned05:32
tux97ok ty05:32
orudieis there a way to create a new database user in phpmyadmin ?05:32
lucretiandryder: probably05:32
mrynitunrar out dated05:32
zero88ere4si, ya it is. alot cleaner05:32
SeveredCrossorudie: Use the Permissions section.05:32
belkinhelp2speaking of server...i need a viewer for VNC05:32
belkinhelp2not server like remote desktop05:32
unopLimCore, that depends if the installer chooses to run the server when it completes -- most ubuntu package installers do that05:33
lucretianLimCore: is there some vulnerability in sshd?05:33
dryderthanks - sorry to cut n run ... - nite all ....05:33
TuTUXG_i thought it's default in gusty05:33
belkinhelp2right....is vncviewer already on ubuntu?05:33
belkinhelp2if so, where05:33
LimCorelucretian: weak passwords. user think: I never will run any server, so I will use "lolcat" as my root password05:33
=== emma is now known as emmma
PriceChildLimCore: this is user error. We are also offtopic.05:33
LimCorelucretian: and it is system fault to not WARN user: you are about to execute public open SERVER!05:33
PriceChild!bug | LimCore05:33
ubotuLimCore: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:33
lucretianLimCore: can't log in as root, they have to guess username + password.  still a bad idea05:33
tritiumLimCore: weak passwords are a user problem05:34
tux97unop can unrar be used in the gui?05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xvncviewer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:34
LimCoretritium: and it's system fault to not warn that you are about to run a server.05:34
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX05:34
unoptux97, no, its a cli util05:34
PriceChild!offtopic | LimCore05:34
ubotuLimCore: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:34
lucretiantritium: that doesn't in any way address the problem that is present when sshd is running without user knowledge05:34
tux97oh ok05:34
InfestHi, how to check the partition table?05:35
tritiumlucretian: I was responding to a point he made about weak password.05:35
Infestlike hd0,1 and hd0,2 ..05:35
PriceChildInfest: sudo fdisk -l05:35
=== emmma is now known as emma
unop!away | emma05:36
ubotuemma: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»05:36
kenbooubuntu is so slow on PIII machine05:37
lucretianInfest: what do you want to know about it?05:37
kenboohow much memory does it need at minimum?05:37
lucretian"mount" will show active partitions05:38
tritiumkenboo: 256MB is recommended05:38
Infest lucretian, just need it for the grub configuration..05:38
kenboouh i just have 256MB ;-) barely passed the minimum. haha05:38
RadiobuzzOh... I *think* I've fixed it... I'll be right back05:38
unoplucretian, are there passive partitions too?? j/k :)05:38
lucretianInfest: be careful, IIRC gurb uses 0-indexing and udev uses 1-indexing05:38
lucretianso /dev/hda1 is actually (hd0,0) in grub05:39
lucretianInfest: check fdisk -l05:39
Infestlucretian, thanks.. I'm not new to linux though..just forgot the cmds :)05:40
davidanyone happen to know of a good CAD application for electrical installations? :P05:40
unopdavid, 2d or 3d?05:40
dannyMy 'window list' on the panel isn't taken up all the available space.  it takes up maybe a fourth of the pane, then starts squeshing itself.  any way to fix this? :x05:40
internet_What is the best pdf app for linux (create, convert to/from, edit)05:40
david2D mainly05:40
davidor only :)05:41
unopdavid, dia might be worth looking into05:41
zero88Yes Fluxbox is Alive!05:41
davidI'll have a look at that05:41
DAC1138if my cd has a defect in only 1 file, can i tell it to omit that file when installing?05:41
unopdavid, http://www.gnome.org/projects/dia/05:42
dannyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4561541#post4561541  <-- I also posted the Q there. :X05:42
zero88anyone know how to install a new theme in fluxbox?05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:42
shonenxtknight: broken05:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:42
xtknightshonen, ah back to PM05:42
shonenwhat was my last nick again?05:42
davidunop: looks like its for electronic circuitry05:42
xtknightnot sure i was on my other pc05:42
DAC1138zero88: move the theme/style file to the styles folder in the .fluxbox folder05:42
shonengb...what? ive already forgotten05:42
lucretianzero88: it looks in ~/.themes I think05:42
zero88DAC1138, lucretian will do thanks05:43
lucretiandanny: you have a separator or invisible widget squeezing it05:43
=== shonen is now known as IHateGrub
WebfreakHey guys05:43
unopdavid, well, not limited to just that -- it can draw diagrams for computer networks, wiring, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, this that and the other05:44
unopdavid, maybe you need to be more explicit about what it is you require05:44
dannylucreation:  so just click around the panel 'til i see "remove from panel" ?05:44
xb3rtunop: what are you using05:44
unopXB23, helping david ..05:44
zero88DAC1138, lucretian would i put the untarred folder in there? or the tar.gz?05:44
xb3rtunop: for the diagrams05:44
lucretiandanny: I guess, if there's no better way to list things05:44
lucretianzero88: extract it05:44
zero88lucretian, k05:45
WebfreakHey, I have a botnet on my Windows partition, so I came to my Ubuntu partition to try and get rid of it. How would I go about doing this? Is there a way to scan for botnets?05:45
unopXB23, im not doing anything, david is looking for "a good CAD application for electrical installations"05:45
lucretianhaving to untar style effects on the fly would be a little bit of a performance hit05:45
tbsdyhi all... in ajunta, you can add a c/c++ file easily, what about adding a python file?05:45
internet_What is the best pdf app for linux (create, convert to/from, edit)05:45
davidunop: I use AutoCAD today at work to design schematics of electrical installations (wiring, outlets etc) for houses, offices and industries05:46
lucretianWebfreak: there are some anti-virus programs for linux that will find windows viruses05:46
davidit would be fantastic to find a nice supplement to use on *nix05:46
Webfreakluc, really? I'm kinda a beginner at Ubuntu security, could you recommend some for me?05:46
unopdavid, dia can help with wiring blueprints for buildings, its meant for just that actually05:46
davidunop: oh, my bad!05:46
davidI found a poor link then :)05:47
jams_connect epsxe05:47
tux97night all05:47
=== tbsdy is now known as ta_bu_shi_da_yu
WebfreakCan anyone recommend a virus scanner for Linux, that can detect malware on a Windows partition?05:49
lucretianWebfreak: all I ever used was Clam and that was for mail servers05:49
lucretianI think there's an avast! for linux05:49
unopWebfreak, clamav05:49
Webfreakthanks unop05:49
* GreySim thirds clamav05:49
Webfreakand lc05:49
unopWebfreak, there's an AVG for linux servers -- how that interacts with windows machines i'm not sure05:50
Webfreakunop, I'm gonna try clamav, and see if that does anything05:51
unopWebfreak, ok05:51
blastronHello, I'm getting a new, unexpected error message whenever I try to boot: "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off".05:51
Josdellhi everyone so i just tried to install the latest ATI drivers(8.42.3) but the guide ask me to check fglrxinfo, but whenever i type that command in, my whole system just goes black and takes me to the login scrren. any ideas what's wrong?05:51
blastronAh, sorry, I'm trying to boot from my hard drives, not from a CD. This has worked before and does not now.05:52
EightiesKum... i have a WUSB54g version 4 wireless card anyone know if i can use it in Ubuntu?05:53
echinoswhat brand is it?05:53
Shrugzcan someone gimme some input on something rkhunter just gave me a warning on  /usr/bin/ldd  anyone have a clue on what it might be?05:53
xtknightShrugz,  well ldd is a normal program but something could have infested it05:54
orudiehey all, following the instructions on installing hlstatsx, following their instructions my server.php now looks like this, well a part that i had to modify http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60507/ and i keep getting this http://www.selsovet.com/hlstatsx/hlstats.php?mode=admin05:54
Shrugzok xtknight what program would that be?05:54
xtknightShrugz, type "man ldd" for more info on it05:55
echinosEightiesK: try this: http://prism54.org/newdrivers.html05:55
xtknightShrugz, it basically prints dependencies of executables that have been linked dynamically05:55
Webfreakunop, is there a way to scan an entire partition, not just a directory?05:55
yowshiquestion. what programme other then network manager can i use to auto connect to the internet via my router as i do currently. or if not other programme, the how to for virtualbox says to disable NM, what do i need to do to make ubuntu do this05:55
unopWebfreak, scan the directory under which the partition was mounted05:56
Josdellhey anyone know whats wrong? when i try fglrxinfo, my scrren goes black and takes me back to the login screen05:56
Webfreakunop ok thanks05:56
lucretianJosdell: it's crashing your X server, browse /var/log/Xorg.005:56
lucretian/var/log/Xorg.0.log that is05:56
orudiehow would i check if perl is installed, and if its not how would i install it?05:57
Webfreakadd/remove programs05:57
belkinhelp2Anothe VNC question.  Is xvncviewer compatible with VNC Server for windows 4.1.2?05:57
echinosEightiesK: you get it?05:57
Webfreakand search perl at the top05:57
Josdellhow would i go about fixing it? or do you want me to post it?05:57
unoporudie, perl is installed by default05:57
belkinhelp2im tying to connect to my windows machine but there is a host unreachable error05:57
unoporudie, to check -- type this at a command prompt - perl -v05:57
belkinhelp2do i have to specify a port in the viewer connection?05:58
unopbelkinhelp2, does the windows machine run a vnc server?05:58
Webfreakunop, what do you mean by the directory the harddrive was mounted on? I click the C drive (win32 partition), but it only scans in that one C:\ directory, nowhere else. What am I doing wrong?05:58
=== TuTUXG_ is now known as [Hardy]TuTUXG
belkinhelp2yes, the windows machine has VNC Server Free Edition 4.2.105:59
EightiesKechinos: ya05:59
EightiesKhow would i install it05:59
echinosEightiesK: good luck05:59
EightiesKi'm a noob lol05:59
Josdelllucretian: how would i go about fixing anything?05:59
belkinhelp2no firewall installed btw05:59
unopWebfreak, i dont understand C drive or C:\ (neither does linux) .. what directory are you actually scanning?06:00
belkinhelp2both machines have static IP NIC06:00
echinosEightiesK: dunno, didn't read it, just found it... follow the instructions, and if you get stuck, come back06:00
amenadobelkinhelp2-> can you ping the other end?06:00
simion314hi, what is the version of compiz in 7.10?(in 8.04 is 1.0.7)06:00
EightiesKi'm on my laptop06:00
unopbelkinhelp2, have you verified that vnc server is running and the port is open on the windows machine06:00
Webfreakunop, I want to scan an entire partition, the C drive. It's only scanning the files in the c drive, and not the subdirectories.06:00
EightiesKputting it in my desktop06:00
ajmorrishi all, how do i fork off a proccess in normal cli?06:00
belkinhelp2ugh, no.  Ping destination host unreachable06:00
echinosajmorris: put a & after the command06:00
belkinhelp2unop, yes06:01
ajmorrisechinos, no not subtask, fork06:01
echinosajmorris: that's to run in background06:01
amenadoajmorris-> exec does not do it?06:01
ajmorrisechinos, yes, subtasking is not what i want06:01
echinosajmorris: easiest way is to use sceeen06:01
unopWebfreak, i'm not sure, it's been sometime since i used clamav -- play around in the interface, there has to be an option somewhere06:01
echinosajmorris: I mean screen06:01
unopbelkinhelp2, so which port is it listening on?06:01
Webfreakunop, alright06:01
ajmorrisamenado, yes exec does do it, however, im doing it on an ssh session, and it just crashes the ssh session06:01
unopbelkinhelp2, i think you connect to the machine using a name like this "machine:0" or "machine:1"06:02
ajmorrisechinos, screen is not installed, and upon closing my ssh session, screen would close06:02
lucretianJosdell: what errors/warnings showed up in the log?06:02
belkinhelp2im stumped about the ping....i dont know why the ping wont go through06:02
blastronHello, I am receiving an error when I try to boot from my RAID array: "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off". This is a new error as of this morning. I do not believe any new software was installed recently. Searching the forums proved fruitless, as the person with a similar problem fixed it by accident and couldn't remember how. Is there anyone who might be able to help me?06:02
Josdelllucretian: hold on one sec I'm getting them.06:02
echinosajmorris: nope. you detach from the screen session, then disconnect ssh, screen keeps going06:02
blastronAh, sorry, that was longer than I thought it would be.06:02
belkinhelp2either way...pinging from ubuntu to windows or vice versa06:02
amenadobelkinhelp2-> look at your client route table06:03
echinosmy irc client is in a screen session. it has been running for weeks06:03
ajmorrisechinos, if possible, i want to fork it off without running screen06:03
=== ogre is now known as [hardy]ogre
echinosajmorris: well, in that case, I dunno off the top of my head06:03
lucretianajmorris: I'm not real sure but would nohup do what ou're looking for?06:03
belkinhelp2topology goes like this 2  PCs connected to one router.  Both NICs with static IP06:03
ajmorristks lucretian, ill give it a shot06:04
simion314if i remove evolution, and evolution data server will affect  other apps?(i do not like that evolution server runs sometimes in background and eats my CPU)06:04
amenadobelkinhelp2-> paste in pastebin the   route -n ;  and  ifconfig06:04
unop_belkinhelp2, if you are unable to ping -- it's quite likely that the windows machine still has the firewall enabled06:04
Josdelllucretian: can i PM you on here? its kind of long, i don't want to hog the space, do i pm by putting "lucretian:"06:04
lucretianJosdell: I'm not registered so I can't receive PMs06:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:05
belkinhelp2unop, windows 2000 fresh install without any firewall06:05
ubotuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x06:05
WebfreakHow do I run a program under root? I am logged in as root... but this program is saying I need to be root.06:05
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:05
noobuntucna i has linuxburger06:05
StarnestommyWebfreak: use sudo06:05
unop_belkinhelp2, is the ping problem bi-directional ?06:05
Josdellhow would i go about PM you lucretian? AIM maybe?06:05
WebfreakStarnestommy thanks06:05
belkinhelp2route -n pastebin:  http://pastebin.com/m781f1bbf06:05
belkinhelp2unop, yes06:06
lucretianjust do: grep "\([EW][EW]\)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:06
Josdelllucretian: maybe i could AIM you?06:06
lucretianthat'll show things that start with (EE) or (WW)06:06
amenadobelkinhelp2-> you have to correct that  metric 100 problem..06:06
lucretianand it should be pretty short06:06
lucretianif that doesn't work pop it in pastebin06:06
unop_belkinhelp2, it could also be that both interfaces have IP addresses in the same network -- thats not playing nice06:07
amenadobelkinhelp2-> and why do you have two nics with same gateway?06:07
belkinhelp2ifconfig pastbin:  http://pastebin.com/m62b15ed206:07
echinosajmorris: yeah, nohup looks like what you want06:07
echinosgj lucretian06:07
belkinhelp2second NIC is currently disabled06:07
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unop_belkinhelp2, duh, no wonder you cant ping -- both interfaces have th same IP address ..06:08
ajmorrisechinos, yep, i have to tweak my python code first, it mucked up, but im trying it06:08
belkinhelp2no,,,one is 10 the other is 2006:08
amenadobelkinhelp2-> they are both up06:08
ajmorrislucretian, yep nohup worked a charm, tks06:08
unop_belkinhelp2, thats not what your ifconfig output is showing06:08
amenadobelkinhelp2-> no they are not, both are .1006:08
belkinhelp2the second is on "roaming"06:09
Josdelllucretian: this is what comes up : (EE) fglrx(0): incompatible kernel module detected - HW accelerated OpenGL will not work06:09
Josdell(EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable06:09
belkinhelp2i just assumed that the grey shading meant that it was disabled06:09
unop_belkinhelp2, stop making excuses -- a setup like that is not allowed06:09
amenadobelkinhelp2-> once more, that will not work having two nics with same ip address on same subnet06:10
brazil_nuti want to use apple ipod on ubuntu, i connected to usb and open a window where i cannot see any songs whereas alot of songs are already in the ipod before i was using their software on windows. is there anybody who can help me out ?06:10
xb3rtwhats the best "paint" program for linux06:10
belkinhelp2ok...so how do i disable the second card AFTER i change that ip06:10
unop_xb3rt, the gimp06:10
lucretianJosdell: sounds like the kernel modules didn't install.  what guide are you following?06:10
amenadoifdown eth106:10
lucretianxb3rt: try inkscape?06:10
xb3rthave both of em06:10
kenboowhere'd eth0 gone by the way?06:10
jeetbrazil_nut: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/itunes06:10
lucretianit's vector-y but cool, not the same approach as MSpaint but good for simple stuff and shapes06:11
xb3rti was thinking more along the lines of a photoshop looking one06:11
WebfreakHow do I use the sudo command to run a program as root?06:11
lucretianoh, then the Gimp06:11
unop_Webfreak, sudo program06:11
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Webfreakunop_ ok lol06:11
unop_!away | Ttech06:11
ubotuTtech: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»06:11
amenadoWebfreak-> which program you were trying to run?06:12
Josdelllucretian: hold on I think i found a way to fix it, ill brb okay. if i fail, ill come back here lol see ya06:12
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Webfreakamenado, clamtk, I am now root. But, I don't know how to scan a windows partition...06:12
EightiesKechinos: i dunno how to compile anything ; ;06:12
LimCoreboy, is ubuntu+1 full of close minded people like mneptok06:13
amenadoWebfreak-> scan a windows partition?06:13
earlmredholler holler holler holler06:13
Webfreakamenado, yes. I have a botnet there.06:13
belkinhelp2ok...i DHCP the second card06:14
belkinhelp2wow....that stopped my internet radio connection06:14
belkinhelp2did i lose connection06:14
ip81good day everyone06:14
belkinhelp2what the hell was that?06:14
belkinhelp2can you see me?06:14
mneptokbelkinhelp2: yes06:15
* belkinhelp2 sticks out tongue06:15
ip81how do i use the bluetooth analyzer? im using ubuntu 7.1006:15
belkinhelp2both nics are on and with different IPs06:15
ethan961we can see the food on your tongue. :P06:15
belkinhelp210 and 15 respectively06:15
belkinhelp2let me try connecting again06:15
amenadobelkinhelp2-> can you ping now?06:15
belkinhelp2still boths ways unreachable06:16
ip81there's no help in it, im trying to open or create but nothing happens06:16
amenadobelkinhelp2-> you have two nics on same pc with same gateway..that will not work still, lest you know how to manipulate your route table06:16
belkinhelp2changing gateway....brb06:16
Lapinuxcan someone tell me the easiet way to create a raid 5 array?06:18
ip81can someone tell me how to use bluetooth analyzer in ubuntu gutsy?06:18
BlueLagunaI just upgraded to Hardy...and my sound stopped working06:18
BlueLagunaKMix says "Mixer cannot be found" :-/06:19
tritiumBlueLaguna: #ubuntu+1 please06:19
tocmo0nlordany one tried installing cpanel in ubuntu ?06:20
belkinhelp2_god is that annoying06:21
belkinhelp2_what happened?  I just changed the gateway of the NIC i wasnt using and i lost conection06:21
belkinhelp2_ok two nics with two address and gateways...one is set on roaming06:22
belkinhelp2_and i still get no ping to work06:22
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore06:22
amenadobelkinhelp2-> which ip address do you want to ping? from which ip address?06:23
belkinhelp2_from 10 to 2006:23
VarangerI keep getting "/dev/sdb6 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive." after I run grub-install06:23
VarangerWhat could be wrong?06:23
amenadobelkinhelp2-> paste route -n and ifconfig of both ..you're basically pinging locally right?06:24
belkinhelp2_yeah 2 PCs across the router06:25
belkinhelp2_all on the same address06:25
amenadobelkinhelp2-> what do you mean across? one on one subnet of the router and the other is on another subnet?06:26
amenado!who| belkinhelp206:26
ubotubelkinhelp2: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:26
belkinhelp2_!amenado like this?06:27
zhanxgetting ready to change over to my new pc.. to back up my home folder i just copy it to my usb harddrive and then copy it to the new pc right?06:27
amenadobelkinhelp2-> yes, as i do mention your nick06:27
amenadobelkinhelp2-> one more time, please clarify, what do you mean across?06:28
belkinhelp2_!amenado gotcha....Windows machine is 20, router is 2 and Linux is 1006:28
zachstarI need assistance with a building issue I am having. I am trying to compile a dependency for another program and I get this "configure: error: could not find working GL library" please help!06:28
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amenadobelkinhelp2-> you are trying to ping .10 from .20?  and these two host are on one side of the router?06:29
belkinhelp2_!amenado yes, both are on the LAN side06:29
belkinhelp2_!amenado wow...i can ping the router from 20 but not from 10...windows sees the router but linux does not06:30
vijayhi guys im doing dualboot ; i was wondering whether there is a way to defrag my ntfs partitions from linux ???????06:30
belkinhelp2_!amenado thats very odd...im only a month old on linux so im not to sure what to make of that06:30
amenadobelkinhelp2-> paste the netstat -rn; ipconfig  on windows,  and route -n ; ifconfig on ubuntu side06:30
[Hardy]TuTUXGvijay, use vmware to create a virtualmachine from ur existing windows and run defrag inside the vm?06:31
zachstarThat dosent make any sence06:32
[Hardy]TuTUXGzachstar, how come?06:33
vijay@Hardy]TuTUXG hmmm; i have vmware already installed ; but isn't there a native app on linux to do tht ??...... i thought tht they would be one sure for linux :P06:33
zachstarRun windows from inside windows to defrag windows?06:33
[Hardy]TuTUXGvijay, native ntfs defrag is a no go on linux06:34
[Hardy]TuTUXGzachstar, ... i said run vm inside ubuntu06:34
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zachstarAny help on the compile issue?06:34
amenadobelkinhelp2-> paste the netstat -rn; ipconfig  on windows,  and route -n ; ifconfig on ubuntu side  <-- anything? am stepping out very soon06:34
vijayhmm ok i will check through vmware;06:35
belkinhelp2_!amenado windows DNS...had to enter06:35
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luckywrenchDCC SEND LOL_1_AM_743_R0X0RZ_LOL_06:37
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belkinhelp2_!amenado those are the netstat -rn for both windows and linux06:39
daWelcome  to the new outsourcing hub of the world.... http://tinyurl.com/2demuu06:39
belkinhelp2_!amenado you still with me?06:39
amenadobelkinhelp2_-> why cant you not disable eth1 on the ubuntu?06:39
belkinhelp2_!amenado love to! where?06:40
BenniBoyahey, atm i have a ubuntu mirror (3fl.net) that i can get free traffic tp, can i make it so ubnutu only updates from there? because i dont want to waste my downloads06:40
SkiddyFiskis there a way to filter programs in apt-cache by if they're command-line or graphical?06:40
belkinhelp2_!amenado in the device manager?06:41
amenadobelkinhelp2_-> sudo ifdown eth1  on ubuntu06:41
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:41
belkinhelp2_ifdown: interface eth1 not configured06:41
unop__BenniBoya, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the other mirrors06:42
belkinhelp2_!amenado ifdown: interface eth1 not configured06:42
BenniBoyakk ty06:42
amenadobelkinhelp2_-> then why you are pasting the ubuntu with two nics eth1 and eth2 ?06:42
belkinhelp2_!amenado i dont know06:42
belkinhelp2_!amenado you tell me06:43
amenadobelkinhelp2_-> that would not work, turn off one of them06:43
belkinhelp2_!amenado how do i turn one off?  in the device manager?06:43
amenadobelkinhelp2_-> sudo ifdown eth1  on ubuntu06:43
mark[oz]videos in linux suck.. how can I not seek?06:43
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mark[oz]I can only seek to keypoints... pffft!06:43
unop__mark[oz], thats down to individual codecs -- you might like to experiment with different codecs06:44
belkinhelp2_!amenado I did that and here was the output after entering that command:  ifdown: interface eth1 not configured06:44
mark[oz]unop__, could you recommend one?06:44
unop__!codec | mark[oz]06:45
ubotumark[oz]: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:45
mark[oz]thanks unop__06:45
amenadobelkinhelp2_-> well what ever you are doing, it does not match to what you have pasted, you pasted that ubuntu has two nics.06:45
belkinhelp2_!amenado yes i see that.  How do i turn one off other than that command?06:46
amenadobelkinhelp2_-> you told us earlier you have a wireless and an ethernet nic on your ubuntu?06:46
belkinhelp2_!amenado no...both are cable nic...only one is connected to the router....the other is disconnected06:47
blackboxim new to ubuntu06:47
DistroJockeybelkinhelp2_: Try System - Administration - Network06:47
blackboxex windoezzz06:47
juannicolasHi, I need some help on installing ubuntu 7.10 on a IBM T60P machine, I dont have audio06:47
tritiumblackbox: welcome!06:47
amenadobelkinhelp2_-> which is connected eth1 or eth2 ?06:47
Lapinuxwow, i cant believe how ignorant some people can be in some of these channels06:47
unop_Lapinux, be respectful -- it helps -- see !coc06:48
bazhangLapinux: support question?06:48
Lapinuxthey are in a help channel, you ask for help and they are just complete pricks to you06:48
blackboxbeen with windows since win 3.11 and then 95.....vista killed it from me....I would have used anything other than vista06:48
unop_!language | Lapinux06:48
ubotuLapinux: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:48
tritiumLapinux: take it easy, please06:48
Lapinuxwhat bad lang. did I use?06:48
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unop_Lapinux, complete *****s06:49
belkinhelp2_should i remove the card completely;  Try System - Administration - Network06:49
bullgard4top reports "5 users". One of them is 'messageb'. What is 'messageb'?06:49
Lapinuxi was commenting on how mean people over in linux were when i asked a question, i wasnt calling anyone here stupid or anything :)06:49
bazhangLapinux: can we help you today? ;]06:49
unop_belkinhelp2_, i think you have your IP addressing all messed up06:49
amenadobelkinhelp2_-> do a  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart on ubuntu so that whichever nic is not connected will not show up..then I;d like you to paste route -n  again after you restart06:49
Lapinuxsorry, didnt know the p word was bad?06:49
Zack1403hey everyone, any there willing to help me out with some wireless problems?06:50
unop_Lapinux, it is not neutral - its offensive and therefore bad06:50
tritiumblackbox: please register your nick06:50
bullgard4Lapinux: Stop complaining about other people.06:50
Lapinuxdont mean to get off on the wrong foot, was just making an observation another channel that i tried asking a question in06:50
Lapinuxomg, sorry bullgard406:50
blackboxhow do I do that?06:50
tritium!register | blackbox06:50
ubotublackbox: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.06:51
mark[oz]unop_, that didn't help at all06:51
blackbox!register | blackbox06:51
tritiumblackbox: no, read that URL ;)06:51
mark[oz]unop_, can I ask which codecs you use for video?06:51
tritiumblackbox: and then do as it says to register your nick06:51
Zack1403i really want to use linux as my main machine but i cant connect to my wireless network.  Is there anything common problem that would prevent me?06:51
Lapinuxbullgard4, Is complaining against the rules?06:51
unop_mark[oz], it depends on the individual type of video you are trying to play -- e.g. mpeg videos require a set of codecs, avi's another, etc etc06:52
tritiumLapinux: please stay on topic.  This is an ubuntu support channel.06:52
unop_mark[oz], i have the w32codecs install as well as codecs from mplayer06:52
bazhangZack1403: what wireless card do you have?06:52
LapinuxTrioTorus_, I was just checking myself so people can stop yelling at me is all06:52
Zack1403a broadcom06:52
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Zack1403bazhang: i manually installed the firmware and it is recognized but will hang when i try to connect06:53
unop_!w32codecs | mark[oz]06:53
ubotumark[oz]: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:53
DarthJimDoes anyone know how to remedy the following error when attempting to install: "Creation of swap space in partition #5 of IDE2 slave (hdd) failed"?06:53
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx did you see this Zack1403?06:53
mark[oz]thanks unop_ I'm getting them now.. I hope this fixes my ff, rw problem06:53
FYIis there a firefox plugin for VLC06:54
|2-bits|Every time I try to install a package, it shows up under the non-authenticated packages list. How can I make this not happen?06:54
Parsec300Zack1403, are you on 7.10 or 8.04 beta?06:55
kevinGHello, I was wondering if anyone can help me in getting my sound to work. For some reason Ubuntu stopped recognizing my sound card after I updated to Hardy beta.06:55
StarnestommyFYI: try the mozilla-plugin-vlc package06:55
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solid_liqlook here:  http://tinyurl.com/jaydk06:55
bazhangsolid_liq: is there a support question with that?06:56
unop_|2-bits|,  (why have such a difficult name?)  install the ubuntu-keyring package06:56
FYIfound it06:56
jhonovichi am trying to kill a process with "kill pid" where pid is the number;  the process just won't die, what can i do?06:56
mark[oz]unop_, mplayer still sucks06:56
solid_liqbazhang, yeah, what do I do for that?06:56
mark[oz]I'm trying to seek in a .mov06:56
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u0
unop_jhonovich, kill -15 $pid && kill -9 $pid06:56
|2-bits|unop_: It's already installed06:57
unop_mark[oz], i'm not sure then06:57
Zack1403bazhang: i followed basically those steps without the walkthrough,06:57
Belkinhelp3this should be somthing simple06:57
Belkinhelp3where do i disable a NIC06:57
tarkusim looking to develop an active website. does anyone have any ideas? or is there an opensource project site anyone needs?06:57
mark[oz]thanks unop_ I'll keep searching06:57
Zack1403bazhang, if i run an iwlist scan i can pick up networks06:57
jhonovichunop_  thanks06:57
Belkinhelp3is it in the network settings?06:57
Parsec300Zack1403, what OS is running on that computer? 7.10 or 8.04 Beta?06:58
unop_Belkinhelp3, you disable (bring down) an interface by - ifdown <iface>06:58
Belkinhelp3and why is this applet so small that i cant read which et.... as in ethX it is06:58
bazhangsolid_liq: well just ask your question providing as much info as possible, and if someone knows the answer they will help06:58
Zack1403Parsec300: 8.04 Beta06:58
solid_liqbazhang, I just don't know what to do for that situation06:59
bazhangsolid_liq: how about giving a brief synopsis your problem here first06:59
Parsec300Zack1403, I had big problems too getting a Broadcom chip to work. Found a step-by-step instruction on how to get it to work, but the best I could get it to work in 8.04 was in roaming mode. Any other setting would fail.06:59
Belkinhelp3ok...both cards are down07:00
unop_Belkinhelp3, now what does route -n show?07:00
Zack1403Parsec300: Damn you Broadcom!!!07:00
solid_liqbazhang, I'm not really sure how to describe it07:00
xJPM100xis Gnome 2.22 available for Ubuntu 7.10?07:00
Belkinhelp3um...how do i activate them again?07:00
Belkinhelp3route n shows nothign at all07:00
unop_Belkinhelp3, ifup <iface>07:00
Zack1403Parsec300: i really want to use ubuntu full-time but i just need to wireless, my roaming doesnt even work all the time07:01
Zack1403or at all07:01
Belkinhelp3er i mean netstat -rn shows nothing07:01
ethan961xJPM109x, if so, it will most likely be in backports repo, check there07:01
unop_Belkinhelp3, you working on ubuntu here right? not windows?07:01
xjjkhas anyone used encrypted disks? how is it?07:01
unop_Belkinhelp3, because netstat -rn is valid on windows too07:01
Belkinhelp3route -n also shows nothing07:01
Belkinhelp3IRC right now with windows07:02
Belkinhelp3since both NICs are down on ubuntu07:02
Belkinhelp3now im going to bring only one up at a time07:02
Zack1403Parsec300: are you able to connect using the normal wireless tool in the upper right hand corner?07:02
bazhangsolid_liq: well no info then no help; if you can give a clear idea of what is wrong then this is a good place for it; if not then no idea ;]07:02
unop_Belkinhelp3, did you say both computers are connected via a router?07:02
unop_Belkinhelp3, can both machines ping the router?07:03
Parsec300Yes, I was able to do that. Zack1403, the best advice I can give you is to use 7.10 for the time being as that card I mentioned works flawlessly in 7.10. Then wait until sometime in April for the actual release version to come out. I think it all should work fine by then.07:03
Belkinhelp3windows can ping the router07:03
Belkinhelp3ill see if ubuntu can now that the other card is disabled07:04
Belkinhelp3roaming mode means DHCP im assuming?07:04
Belkinhelp3That was teh problem the whole time i think07:04
Zack1403Thank you Parsec30007:04
unop_Belkinhelp3, don't use gnome to set your networking -- do it yourself07:04
tsukasa__okay! who wants to help me try to un-fuck up my networking!07:06
tsukasa__its really, really, really screwed up.07:06
belkinhelp2yeah,,,,evil gnome07:06
unop_!language | tsukasa__07:06
ubotutsukasa__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:06
bazhanglanguage tsukasa__07:06
Lapinuxcan anyone tell me what they would consider to be the best way to impement a 3 disk raid 5 software array?07:06
belkinhelp2yeah! can ping router now07:06
belkinhelp2and the windows machine07:07
unop_belkinhelp2, so ubuntu can ping windows?07:07
bullgard4top reports "5 users". One of them is 'messageb'. What is 'messageb'?07:07
belkinhelp2vncviewer still cannot logon07:08
* belkinhelp2 sighes07:08
unop_belkinhelp2, what name are you using in vncviewer?07:08
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belkinhelp2the address and listening port of the VNCserver that is running on the windows machine07:09
unop_bullgard4, probably the messagebus user07:09
tsukasa__anyone? need some networking help..07:09
unop_belkinhelp2, in what format exactly? type it out07:09
belkinhelp2!unop the address and listening port of the VNCserver that is running on the windows machine07:09
bazhang!anyone | tsukasa__07:09
ubotutsukasa__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:09
bullgard4unop_: Please tell me what 'the messagebus user' is. I do not understand.07:10
unop_belkinhelp2, no, that wont work -- try or or
xJPM100xcould someone tell me how to upgrade Gnome 2.20.1 to Gnome 2.22?07:10
belkinhelp2!unop  the entire network is on 192.168.1.X07:10
bullgard4xJPM100x: My recommendation: Wait for the new Ubuntu release in April.07:11
unop_belkinhelp2, ok, substitute the right address there, you get my point07:11
tsukasa__okay, i installed ubuntu-xen-server using default settings and my networking doesnt work anymore. After playing around with the settings i figured out how to enable nat networking in Xen, but all these bridges are still around messing with my system. I already cleaned up /etc/network/interfaces, doesnt really help07:11
unop_bullgard4, the messagebus user is the user that the dbus daemon run under07:11
xJPM100xbulgard4, yes I was thinking about that, but was wanting to try it out before its release with hardy heron XD07:11
belkinhelp2hmm...how do i force VNC to close...the application crashed07:12
unop_belkinhelp2, the client or the server?07:12
belkinhelp2!unop client07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unop client - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:13
belkinhelp2!unop the client on ubunutu07:13
unop_belkinhelp2, stop putting ! infront or peoples names -- you are trying to run a command with the bot07:13
unop_just the name will do07:13
belkinhelp2oh...i was wondering what the hell that was...and those bot msges all teh time07:14
belkinhelp2ive been up too long...missing details like that07:14
Gneajust ignore the bot, unless it speaks directly to you ;)07:14
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unop_belkinhelp2, hold down CTRL and click outside the vnc-viewer's screen -- then use your favorite tool to kill the viewer process07:14
belkinhelp2unop it closed07:15
unop_belkinhelp2, so, all working now?07:15
crucified_how do I playback mp3 under Kubuntu?07:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:16
* RoBzZ is now playing Ed Banger - Ménage à Trois [Mixmag Presents-Ed Banger Ménage à Trois | 2008 | 185 kbps]07:16
belkinhelp2yeah, i got it to respond...the program terminated07:16
bullgard4unop_: What configuration file lists all users of my computer?07:16
unop_RoBzZ, thats unnecessary spam07:16
bazhangcrucified_: install kubuntu-restricted-extras07:16
unop_bullgard4, /etc/passwd07:16
bazhangRoBzZ: stop07:17
RoBzZunop_: Sorry man I didn't even do that, my client is fucking up07:17
belkinhelp2unop shouldnt the windows IP be sufficient?07:17
bazhanglanguage RoBzZ07:17
unop_belkinhelp2, you might need to append :0 or :1 after the hostname/ip address07:17
crucified_bazhang, so you want me to apt-get right?07:18
unop_belkinhelp2, thats to distinguish different sessions running on the vnc server07:18
bazhangcrucified_: that is the fastest; up to you really07:18
RoBzZI'm supposed to type /np to use that script but i didn't even have the tab open...07:18
belkinhelp2unop...just tried both appendages, cannot connect07:18
belkinhelp2HOLD on07:19
unop_belkinhelp2, ??07:19
belkinhelp2unop....you are the man07:19
belkinhelp2thank you07:19
bazhanghe certainly is ;]07:19
unop_ahh finally .. phewww07:19
belkinhelp2now this windows box is going into the cellar and let it whine its ass off down there07:20
belkinhelp27 diskdrives get pretty loud with emule running07:20
unop_belkinhelp2, why didnt you use remote desktop? :)07:21
bazhang#ubuntu-fr aicou07:21
aicouyes sry07:21
belkinhelp2unop...that works for entering files into emule but when I archive across the several disks i would need more access07:21
belkinhelp2let me try somthing geeky here07:22
unop_belkinhelp2, well well, thats your choice, anyway -- glad you're sorted07:22
Belkinhelp3ok...this is reall geek stuff here....im using VNC to access the windows machine to type this07:22
belkinhelp2that was awesome07:23
ThreeFingerPetecan someone recommend me a KVM Switch that is 'buntu and xp friendly?07:23
bullgard4unop_: I understand that top's 'messageb' is short for /etc/passwd's 'messagebus'. Why have people included messagebus as a _user_ of of my computer?07:23
belkinhelp2unop now what can i do for you in exchange?07:23
oZmO-xWitam ;)07:24
oZmO-xmam lat 12 i zalozylem sobie neostrade :P:)07:24
xJPM100xhow woudl I go about removing all files associated with pidgin from my system?07:24
unop_bullgard4, the reasoning is that you dont want a system service (like a messagebus) to be running with root's privileges, so you enforce the policy of least-privilege by creating a user with limited rights and running the service under the context of the user07:25
bazhangpolish oZmO-x?07:25
oZmO-xbazhang: yes07:25
StarnestommyxJPM100x: try sudo apt-get remove --purge pidgin07:25
bazhang#ubuntu-pl oZmO-x07:26
oZmO-xPanowie.. jak usunac skrot kosza z kosza ? :))))))))07:26
unop_bullgard4,  that way if the service is compromised, it has little capability to ruin the system07:26
unop_belkinhelp2, if ever i need anything from your download collection -- i'll ask :)07:26
belkinhelp2unop...cool, you got it07:26
Black_MagicErr Im getting Errors like "No Space on Device" but i know i have about 3 Gigs left07:27
bazhangThreeFingerPete: you could /msg ubotu hcl for info and a link07:27
ThreeFingerPetethanks bazhang07:27
sheleztthi people) how can i watch xvid movies? i've already installed all codecs i'm probably in need. Lastly i installed mplayer and codecs via automatix) help, please)07:27
bullgard4unop_: I understand that this is a security measure. Why didn't the programmers create a messagebus _group_ instead?07:27
bazhangsheleztt: automatix uh oh07:28
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shelezttwhat? )) automatix is bad?)07:29
unop_bullgard4, a group is only necessary when you have 2 or more users with some common trait or function -- but only one user is needed here, therefore it makes no sense to have a group (although one could have been created, it'd remain redundant)07:29
bullgard4sheleztt: Yes, automatix is evil.07:29
bazhangsheleztt: may as well back up and reinstall07:29
yowshigrrr i cant get compiz to do the cube desktop thing07:30
Black_Magicbazhang: Err I think Supybot is related to my problems My Install is reporting that my Log Dir in Supybot thing is taking up 3.8 GIGS but there isnt anything there :/07:30
bullgard4unop_: Thank you very much for explaining. --  A happy Easter to you!07:30
unop_bullgard4, same to you! :)07:31
xJPM100xStarnestommy: does the cmd you gave me also remove the config/setting files as well, and also the dir they were in?07:31
yowshianyone been able to get this cubed desktop?07:31
bazhangyowshi: yes07:31
yowshibazhang: able to offer some help on what to activate07:31
StarnestommyxJPM100x: I think so07:31
bazhangneed 3D drivers first yowshi; then install ccsm; next go to general in ccsm and set virtual horizontal desktops to 4 and desktop cube is yours once you activate the plugin and disable wall07:33
yowshithat was the problem heh07:33
yowshii thought my nvidia restricted drivers were active...they werent07:33
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xJPM100xI removed pidgin how you said and through add/remove and its still somehow on my sysytem XD07:34
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Gokee2_LaptopWhen is the latest relase coming out?  If I go to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown it askes me for a password!07:36
bazhangApril 24th or thereabouts Gokee2_Laptop07:36
Gokee2_Laptopbazhang, Ok thanks07:37
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for more Gokee2_Laptop07:37
Gokee2_LaptopWow when did 8.04 get on the main page?  A min ago I did not see it.....07:38
yowshihmmm restruicted 3d drivers enabled07:39
yowshiand yet no cube :(07:39
xjohnthomasxhi .. my APPLICATIONS drowdown menu won't appear from my main toolbar... HELP??07:39
Bossmanbetaanyone familiar with FreeNAS?07:40
vijayhow to enable scattering of windows(expose) in compiz ; when i press F9 or F8 the windows will scatter around desktop for easy access ; i forgot wht option to enabel (u know there are many option to choose from in compiz :P)07:41
xjohnthomasxhi, anyone help.. my APPLICATIONS menu on the main menu bar doesn't drop down, and i can't access all my programs in there.. what happened?? help????07:42
Gokee2_LaptopAlso on http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/faq is says "The current development version is called Gutsy Gibbon, which will become Ubuntu 7.10. It is due to be released in October 2007.:  Someone may want to fix that07:43
vijayhow to enable scattering of windows(expose) in compiz ; when i press F9 or F8 the windows will scatter around  desktop for easy access ; i forgot wht option to enabel (u know there are many option to choose from in compiz  :P)07:43
Gokee2_LaptopEvery time I try and find up to date informartion on ubuntu releases I seem to end up here....07:44
crdlbvijay: please ask in #compiz-fusion07:44
SilvrAnyone in here use VirtualBox with their wireless card?07:44
unop_Gokee2_Laptop, please report that in #ubuntu-devel07:44
vijay@crdlb k07:44
vijayi will07:45
Silvrnobody? I am trying to get it working with parprouted but its not working. Can anyone help???07:45
xjohnthomasxcrdlb: can you help? i can't see my applications!07:46
bazhangvijay: scale07:46
xjohnthomasxbazhang: can you help? i can't see my applications drop down menu! it won't appear when i click it!07:48
unop_xjohnthomasx, have you tried logging out and logging back in?07:48
yowshibazhang: i cant find virtual horizontal desktops in the ccsm07:48
xjohnthomasxunop_: yeah, i've tried everything i can think of..07:48
bazhangyowshi: under general07:48
bazhangxjohnthomasx: how about right click on panel add07:49
BossmanbetaQuestion: I am trying to format an external USB drive with FreeNAS and I get 2 errors. (1) gpt add: /dev/da0: error: no secondary GPT header; run recover and (2) newfs: /dev/da0p1: could not find special device .... any ideas?07:50
yowshiin the general section is just the general options and none of the tabs in general options has virtual horizontal desktops bazhang07:50
xjohnthomasxbazhang: the most suspicious thing is, when i go to system, admin, and main menu, and try to load that control panel, it just processes and then disappears.. doesn't run or load any applet..07:50
xjohnthomasxunop_: you see that?07:50
unop__xjohnthomasx, aye07:50
bazhangyowshi: in advanced desktop settings manager? you need to look carefully because it is there07:51
unop__xjohnthomasx, sounds very strange -- so does logging back/ rebooting in help07:51
xjohnthomasxunop_: no07:51
yowshibazhang: are you talking about horizontal virtual size? and number of desktops?07:51
brent113yowshi: yesa that's it07:52
brent1133rd tab in general options07:52
bazhangyowshi: from the beginning yes07:52
unop__xjohnthomasx, from a terminal -- what happens when you type this out -- gnome-system-monitor07:52
yowshibazhang: next time please be more accurate in the wording of the option07:52
yowshileave vertical size as 2?07:52
bazhangyowshi: you are welcome.07:52
murlidharis this is right channel for setting up my printer ????07:52
brent113personally, I set mine as 2x2, it's completely up to you though07:52
ThkaalHi all, got a question here.  I have a geforce2 mx 400 video card that won't let me load up ubuntu.  it just goes black from the usplash screen and then dies.  If I don't have the card in, it works just fine.  The card works on other systems.  Looking in the forums, it says I need to install the nvidia-glx restricted driver.  how do i do that from the recovery prompt?07:53
xjohnthomasxunop_: i get the system monitor..07:53
unop__xjohnthomasx, it stays open right? doesnt close?07:53
xjohnthomasxunop_: right07:53
unop__xjohnthomasx, how about? gnome-control-center07:53
yowshibrent113: i am tyring to get that cube desktop thing going but nothing i do seems to do anything not even changing the virtual desktop number07:53
murlidharcan anybody help me setting up my epson printer???07:54
xjohnthomasxunop_: i get the control ctr..07:54
iceswordmurlidhar, dirver installed07:54
brent113yowshi: have you enabled desktop cube?07:54
ThkaalHi all, got a question here.  I have a geforce2 mx 400 video card that won't let me load up ubuntu.  it just goes black from the usplash screen and then dies.  If I don't have the card in, it works just fine.  The card works on other systems.  Looking in the forums, it says I need to install the nvidia-glx restricted driver.  how do i do that from the recovery prompt?07:54
yowshibrent113: yes and the cube rotate thing07:54
brent113yowshi:and what's not working07:54
yowshiabsolutly anything fancy heh07:55
unop__xjohnthomasx, i think i might have read you wrong -- you said "control panel" and i assumed control center .. bahh07:55
murlidharicesword, i didn't find any drivers for it . epson CX280007:55
yowshii do have the restricted drivers enabled for my nvidia card07:55
brent113yowshi: go to system->preferences->appearence07:55
yowshiso it isnt a lack of 3d support07:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about epson - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:55
xjohnthomasxunop_: when i click, in the control center, "main menu", it just processes and then loads nothing..07:55
brent113yowshi: then choose the visual effects tab, is it on custom?07:55
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:55
yowshiaaaah thank you brent07:56
brent113yowshi: no problem07:56
yowshithat is just soooo cooo;l07:56
xJPM100xcould someone help me, I can't seem to remove piding from my system07:56
xJPM100xI think it might be because I compiled it from source, its version 2.3.107:56
arteniusxJPM100x: use your package manager07:57
xJPM100xtried, add/remove/ synaptic, terminal07:57
arteniusrm -r the whole thing07:57
Guest41828any hackers around?07:57
brent113jpm100: you can reconpile, but instead of make install, try make clean07:57
xjohnthomasxunop_: you get that last msg?07:57
unop__xjohnthomasx, i'm not so sure then -- thing is i dont run gnome and wouldnt know where's what, etc07:57
bazhangGuest41828: wrong channel07:57
StarnestommyxJPM100x: do you remember where you extracted the sources and are they still there?07:57
unop__xjohnthomasx, yep07:57
YashyGuest41828: taking a poll?07:57
Guest41828Yashy ?07:58
Guest41828bazhang point me to right ones07:58
murlidharicesword, my printer's model is not up there. So it won't support linux ?07:58
xJPM100xwell I redownloaded the source07:58
bazhangGuest41828: anywhere but here07:58
xJPM100xhave it extarcted07:58
xjohnthomasxunop_: besides this, gnome runs better than kde for me.. what do you run? can anyone else help me? unop, do you recommend anyone in particular in here who might be able to help??07:58
ethan961xJPM100x, cd to the source directory, and perform "sudo make uninstall"07:58
arteniusGuest41828: try #losers07:58
Guest41828bazhang i just got pissed on dalnet. can you point me where i can find bros like me07:58
unop__xjohnthomasx, what you could do is probably try deleting the panel files -- somewhere down in  ~/.gnome2/07:58
Guest41828artenius that aint for me07:58
arteniusI'm sure it is07:59
Guest41828artenius for sur07:59
bazhangartenius: now now07:59
xJPM100xI tired, I get07:59
xJPM100xcoty@Sasquatch:~/Desktop/pidgin-2.3.1$ sudo make uninstall07:59
xJPM100xmake: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.07:59
yowshigrrr for some reason my intiate trigger keeps vanishing07:59
ThkaalAny ideas on how to handle a geforce2?07:59
unop__xjohnthomasx, i run some parts of gnome on fluxbox07:59
Guest41828ok. never mind.....07:59
StarnestommyxJPM100x: try make deinstall07:59
brent113make remove maybe?07:59
xjohnthomasxunop_: i already tried deleting the panel files and cleaned them completely.. and then restarted.. and it still didn't work..07:59
arteniusGuest41828: you got mad at someone on dalnet, so you want a hacker to do your dirty...07:59
arteniusahh he left07:59
xJPM100xsame thing08:00
bazhangbest never to call names here though08:00
xJPM100xwigth both08:00
* artenius shrugs08:00
ethan961is it make remove?08:00
ThkaalHi all, got a question here.  I have a geforce2 mx 400 video card that won't let me load up ubuntu.  it just goes black from the usplash screen and then dies.  If I don't have the card in, it works just fine.  The card works on other systems.  Looking in the forums, it says I need to install the nvidia-glx restricted driver on 7.04.  how do i do that from the recovery prompt?08:00
iceswordmurlidhar, i would say,maybe it isn't ,you know linux has a universal support for print08:00
pretenderCan anyone point me to where i might find a DVD Case Template for the Gimp08:00
xJPM100xtried make remove, same thing08:00
arteniusI apologize, I've no tolerance for that type of stuff08:00
brent113thkaal: do you have dpkg or apt-get in recovery mode?08:00
arteniuswe're here to help and be helped with Ubuntu, not hacking08:00
iceswordmurlidhar, if you cannot find the specific one,just use the common way to try it08:01
bazhangartenius: me either; just send them to ##windows ;]08:01
unop__xjohnthomasx, can you try this -- create another user -- log on that user and see if they experience the same problem08:01
xjohnthomasxartenius: can you help me? i dont know why my applications drop down menu doesn't appear.. i can't see my programs!08:01
xjohnthomasxunop_: same problems. tried that. no luck.08:01
arteniusxjohnthomasx: using gnome?08:01
xjohnthomasxartenius: yes08:01
bazhangxjohnthomasx: you have some suspect repos?08:01
xjohnthomasxbazhang: what do you mean? i dont think so.. it's possible.. how do i know, and what would that do?08:02
arteniusxjohnthomasx: have you tried logging out and changing sessions to KDE or another desktop environment?08:02
yowshigrrr i completly lost the cube thing after using atl+tab08:02
bazhangxjohnthomasx: well that would break your system perhaps08:02
xjohnthomasxartenius: dont have kde on here. tried logging out. tried clearing panel files. tried new user. all same problem.08:02
murlidharicesword, my printer is not there.08:03
arteniuslspci | grep vga08:03
xjohnthomasxartenius: it's just the applications drop down menu. the places and the system drop down menus appear fine.08:03
arteniussounds like a video card issue maybe08:03
bazhangxjohnthomasx: how about pastebinning your sources.list08:03
xjohnthomasxbazhang: ok, one sec.08:03
arteniusxjohnthomasx: installed any new themes in gnome lately?08:04
iceswordmurlidhar, is your printer recognized?08:04
xjohnthomasxartenius: dont think so..08:04
xjohnthomasxbazhang: where do i find said file08:04
murlidharicesword, yes08:04
iceswordmurlidhar, then what doesn't work08:04
xjohnthomasxwhere's "sources.list"?08:05
Starnestommyxjohnthomasx: in /etc/apt/08:05
ThkaalAlright, can someone tell me how to load up my desktop so I can get the right drivers installed?08:05
unop__xjohnthomasx, you could try reinstalling all the gnome components -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(dpkg -l | grep -iE "gnome|gtk" | cut -c 3-30)08:05
murlidharicesword, it shows me a list of printer's driver but there i can't find this printer's name.08:05
unop__xjohnthomasx, /etc/apt/sources.list08:05
brent113thkaal:ctrl-alt-backspace will restart x, ctrl-alt-f7 to switch to graphical, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop if it's not installed08:06
brent113thkaal: what specific issue are you having?08:06
iceswordmurlidhar, you said your printer is recognized?08:06
ThkaalHi all, got a question here.  I have a geforce2 mx 400 video card that won't let me load up ubuntu.  it just goes black from the usplash screen and then dies.  If I don't have the card in, it works just fine.  The card works on other systems.  Looking in the forums, it says I need to install the nvidia-glx restricted driver on 7.04.  how do i do that from the recovery prompt?08:06
Thkaalthat one08:06
brent113!repeat | thkaal08:06
ubotuthkaal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:06
xjohnthomasxbazhang: here you go: http://pastebin.ca/95253308:07
murlidharicesword, it shows that i have CX2800 but it asks me for drivers08:07
brent113thkaal: like i said earlier, do you have access to apt-get from wherever you're at?08:07
Thkaali think so08:07
g3istieCould someone please help me with a "GRUB Hard disk error" during boot up?08:07
Thkaalsorry, i didn't see you ask that.08:07
arteniusThkaal: try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx08:08
brent113thkaal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx-new08:08
iceswordmurlidhar, ohhh,ask you for drivers?what about you try other empson driver?08:08
brent113nice thinking artenius :)08:08
xjohnthomasxbazhang: what do you think? you see?08:08
arteniusbrent113: I could be wrong08:09
murlidharicesword, u mean some other model of epson ?  will it work?08:09
CRINGOhow do you rename something?  I can't remember.  Is it with mv?08:09
bazhangxjohnthomasx: well artenius seems to have the right idea; did you install some themes of late? they might be causing this08:09
musikgoatCRINGO: yes08:09
musikgoatmv oldname newname08:10
xjohnthomasxartenius: dont believe i installed any themes of late.. though i would eventually like to try that.. ha.08:10
bazhangmv is move08:10
CRINGOyou dont' have to use any special arguments08:10
xjohnthomasxbazhang: no new themes, i dont think08:10
rymIs there a possibility to restrict flash from occupying my sound device ?08:10
xjohnthomasxstill have the original "human"08:10
Thkaalokay, going to test that brett, thanks.08:10
yowshihmmm  ctrl+L is supposed to make virtualbox "seemless" with my ubuntu desktop. but i dont find this the case. it seems to just make it glitch out and show part of a ubuntu thing and part of the windows thing. anyone able to help me with this?08:10
g3istieafter install, without any errors, i get a "GRUB Hard Disk Error" does anyone know what this means? It is a relativly hold HDD will this matter/be the reason?08:10
brent113yowshi: sure, i'm running vbox right now :)08:10
bazhangyowshi: ubuntu on windows?08:10
murlidharicesword, http://www.picturewizard.com/pic.asp?u=13266C2/0/Screenshot-NewPrinter.png08:10
CRINGOoh, what if i'm renaming a directory?08:11
yowshiwindows on ubuntu08:11
CRINGOand I'm in the directory?08:11
arteniusxjohnthomasx: out of curiosity have you tried rebooting?08:11
yowshii would never boot into windows08:11
xjohnthomasxartenius: yes08:11
CRINGOcan i say mv . newname?08:11
yowshivista ruined it for me :(08:11
musikgoatCRINGO: yes08:11
brent113yowshi: and it works for me perfectly, what's it do for you08:11
unopCRINGO, you cant rename something you are currently in08:11
musikgoatCRINGO: mv oldfoldername/ newfoldername/08:11
arteniusxjohnthomasx: and when you click applications does a box still come up? just empty?08:11
musikgoatCRINGO: mv oldfoldername/ newfoldername08:11
yowshiwell for me is removed the entire bottom panel and most of the top and then imposes one of my open ubuntu folders onto the windows desktop08:11
xjohnthomasxartenius: it highlights, and there appears a tiny square, but no real drop down menu08:12
unopCRINGO, you'll need -- cd ..  first08:12
murlidharicesword, and then when i press forward it shows me a list of all epson printer except the required one.08:12
iceswordmurlidhar, when i once visit epson site,i remember they offer linux drivers,i am not sure08:12
J-_How can I add a CUPS user with admin privs that won't be a security risk with no GUI?08:12
CRINGOyeah, i just cd ..08:12
brent113yowshi: I'm not sure why it would do that.  are you running any programs that might cause that?08:12
yowshibrent113: it happens to pop up what ever window i last used before switching to the windows virtual machine ontop of the windows desktop08:13
arteniusxjohnthomasx: that is very odd08:13
minion_hey anyone got a few secs, need some info about running aps with term08:13
yowshibrent113: i dont think so08:13
xjohnthomasxartenius: yes08:13
murlidharicesword, i didn't see any . moreover it they give it on site . then they would surely included it in the cd given along with macosx and windows drivers08:13
CRINGOthanks musikgoat, unop08:13
arteniusxjohnthomasx: did it ever work right? I assume so08:13
xjohnthomasxartenius: yes08:13
brent113snap, wrong key08:13
=== [2]TheDarkBGM is now known as TheDarkBGM
arteniusxjohnthomasx: when did it stop and can you recall someting you changed or installed?08:14
_doolzzright click, add to panel08:14
xjohnthomasxartenius: a few weeks ago. i can't recall.08:14
=== Ghoster is now known as xoRock
xjohnthomasxartenius: can you open a private msg channel with me?08:14
yowshibrent113: yes?08:15
arteniusxjohnthomasx: I could, yes, but I'm not sure I'm skilled enough to solve your problem08:15
xjohnthomasxartenius: whom do you recommend?08:15
cqwhere is the transition from the debian to ubuntu archives controlled, i.e. which debian packages make it over and which don't?08:15
brent113yowshi: sorry, hit a wrong key.  From what you described it sounds like the intended behavior.  can I get some clarification on exactly what you don't think it should be doing?08:15
arteniusxjohnthomasx: are you able to atleast see Add/Remove ?08:15
xjohnthomasxartenius: where?08:15
unopxjohnthomasx, did you try my suggestion of reinstalling all of the gnome components?08:15
bazhangcq the developer level (not here)08:15
xjohnthomasxunop: what do you mean08:15
unopxjohnthomasx, run this command from a terminal -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(dpkg -l | grep -iE "gnome|gtk" | cut -c 3-30)08:16
yowshibrent113: hmmm i dont exactly know but i cant use the windows desktop like this, i didnt think it was meant to disable that08:16
yowshibrent113: if i click on the window it pulls me out of the virtualbox and into ubuntu's desktop proper08:17
brent113yowshi: when it acts like that, if you press host key+ home, does that fix it?08:17
iceswordmurlidhar, total name of it,model is cx2800?08:17
yowshibrent113: yes it does08:17
xjohnthomasxunop: couldn't find package.. gnome..-en-bas.. ?08:17
murlidharicesword, epson stylus cx280008:18
unopxjohnthomasx, where are you seeing this?08:18
brent113yowshi: that's a workaround I found, but I'm not sure how to permanatently fix it08:18
xjohnthomasxunop: in the command, where i ran your command08:18
unop!pastebin | xjohnthomasx08:18
ubotuxjohnthomasx: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:18
murlidharicesword, it is all-in-one printer.08:18
unopxjohnthomasx, can you pastebin that please?08:18
xjohnthomasxunop: pastebin what?08:18
yowshihot key + home brings up a drop down menu08:18
unopxjohnthomasx, what you are seeing08:18
arteniusunop: he's in revovery mode I think, will that still work there?08:19
brent113that's true, and I think it resolves some focus issues too.  if that's not the problem though please correct me08:19
yowshihmmm now it works.... kind of08:20
xjohnthomasxunop: how do i copy from the xterm? it isnt letting me..08:20
unopartenius, recovery mode? do you mean runlevel 1? or a failsafe gnome session?08:20
arteniuscontrol + C08:20
xjohnthomasxunop: i just ran your command, and it said ... couldnt find package language-pack-gnome-en-bas08:20
arteniusunop: I'm not sure exactly what he's in, he just said recover mode08:20
yowshii have no alt+tab with the virtual box in focus08:20
unopxjohnthomasx, select the text you want to copy --  open the firefox window -- and middle click08:20
yowshinor do i have access to the cube effect either08:20
xjohnthomasxunop: have no middle button to click08:21
yowshibrent113: i had to hide both top and bottom ubuntu panels and the windows panel08:21
unopxjohnthomasx, ok -- then your middle click is both buttons at the same time (left click + right click)08:21
xjohnthomasxunop: http://pastebin.ca/95253808:22
|Cain_|i cant join #kubuntu08:22
yowshibrent113: my mistake it didnt fix anything selecting seemless mode from the drop down menu just cut me out of seemless mode08:22
brent113yowshi: when windows has focus, you cannot use the desktop effects.  also, all commands such as alt+tab will be directed to the guest and not the host08:22
|Cain_|can someone tell me how to change the color of the kicker? (KDE{08:22
yowshibrent113: yeah i kind of figured that was the case08:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about respin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:23
brent113yowshi: you should notice though that if you click something on the ubuntu desktop, then these features will work again08:23
iceswordmurlidhar, seems they don't offer any linux drivers,damn.then have wish for the universal driver for printer of linux08:23
yowshibrent113: i also thought just maybe seemless mode kind of was a work around for that08:23
unopartenius, it should work anywhere thats not runlevel 1 -- he seems to have a GUI up, it shouold work08:23
xjohnthomasxunop: you see?08:23
iceswordmurlidhar, i am sorry08:23
unopxjohnthomasx, pastebin.ca seems to be timing out on me -- can you use pastebin.com please?08:23
arteniusseems like a repo isn't set correctly?08:23
brent113yowshi: i see what you're saying.  yes, in my opinion seemless mode is useless, it offers nothing fullscreen doesn't08:24
murlidharicesword, well i guess then i have to continue using printing in windows only.08:24
iceswordmurlidhar, try it out,every way you can08:24
unopartenius, why do you suppose that is?08:24
xjohnthomasxunop: http://pastebin.com/m41fc4e0b08:24
yowshibrent113: i think of it as alot more then useless considering it doesnt do a damned thing for me08:25
arteniusunop: I'm guessing that since it couldn't find the package08:25
Possum234i would like to know if someone could describe a grub 17 error?08:25
unopartenius, but it used to work before -- so obviously the package was (and still probably is) installed08:25
brent113yowshi: I usually stick to the fullscreen mode personally.  remember virtualbox isn't the only virtualization software out there.  vmware and one other that escapes me are possibilities worth trying too08:26
unopxjohnthomasx, try this -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(dpkg -l | grep -iE "gnome|gtk" | grep -vi "lang" | cut -c 3-30)08:26
murlidharicesword, u might get interested in this. http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Epson-CX280008:26
yowshianyway onto something else thats bugging me. brent113 in vids i have seen of this each side of the cube had a window fullscreened but my cube doesnt seem to do this. i get three blamnk desktops instead08:26
StarnestommyPossum234: it can't read the filesystem08:26
arteniusunop: I learn as much from helping people as I do from getting help, so I'm just trying to guess at this point. I have no clue why it wouldn't find the package08:26
yowshibrent113: meh virtualbox works i was just trying to get a little fancy with it :)08:26
iceswordmurlidhar, what you mean,there is a guide in there,right?just follow it?08:27
arteniusmakes no sense to me08:27
xjohnthomasxunop: it's asking for media in cd drive. i dont have media for cd drive.08:27
brent113yowshi: in advanced desktop config doohickey, genreal settings, 3rd tab, what do your options read from top down (hor., vert., # desks)08:27
arteniusxjohnthomasx: open /etc/apt/source.list and put a # before the line with the CD ifo08:27
murlidharicesword, perhaps this driver can help but i don't know how to install it.08:27
yowshi4 2 408:27
brent113yowshimine reads 2,2,1, try that08:28
iceswordlet me check out08:28
yowshihor 4 vert 2 number 408:28
yowshinow i thought i had it 2x208:28
unopartenius, yes, sure, me too - what i think is, the menu files for the particular menu might be corrupted/missing08:28
brent113yowshi: change # desks to 1, and try 2x2 or 4x1 for hor. and vert sizes08:28
bluebananaHello. I'm installing Xubuntu 8.04 beta on a computer. In final stage (Step 8 of 8), the advanced option has a check mark on the box beside "Install Boot Loader". The following line has "Device for Boot loader installation.". In the dropdown list, "(hd0)" is what was preselected. Is this correct? Or should I change from (hd0) to "/dev/sda" or to "dev/sda1". Please help! Thanks08:28
yowshioh wait thats right 2x2 just gives me no cube and a coin flipping effect when i try to show the cube08:29
chacureuilI'm looking for some on how set up a dual boot on a ibook G4, with  ubuntu powerpc and os x08:29
BelisarivsHi all.08:29
Gneabluebanana: it's grub, so keep it as (hd0)08:29
bluebananaGnea: thanks!!!08:29
arteniusxjohnthomasx: after you edit sources.list to comment out the CD line, unop's command should work without errors08:29
Gneabluebanana: enjoy :)08:29
Possum234how common is grub 17 error?08:29
bluebananaGnea: do i even need to install boot loader?08:29
gylan1979pls any 1 hlp me, my atheros wireless network cannot work, pls kndly tell me how to setup my wireless on my laptop08:30
bluebananaGnea: ( there's no other os on.)08:30
Gneabluebanana: if you want to boot the computer, yes08:30
yowshioh yeah thanks brent11308:30
xjohnthomasxartenius: trying it now.. dl/installig..08:30
bluebananaGnea: there's no windows, no other ubuntu flavor08:30
xjohnthomasxunop: trying now..08:30
brent113yowshi: did 4x1 fix it?08:30
bazhangbluebanana: please go to #ubuntu+1 thanks08:30
Gneabluebanana: doesn't matter, any OS needs a bootloader, that's just how pc's work08:30
Possum234and it seems to me my boot loader is broken08:30
CyberCoddoes anyone know much about remastering Ubuntu?08:30
bluebananaGnea: ok. Why then do they allow a user to remove the check by the checkbox "Install the boot loader"?08:30
Possum234and i haven't even done anything with linux yet08:30
yowshinew question is on a 4x1 how do i spread windows about08:31
TtyS2i see that my cpu is stucked on 99-100% constantly, but i dont find whats keeping it upp there, is this normall that it is this high??08:31
Gneabluebanana: depends on the setup - i fyou know what you're doing, you could uncheck it. best just to let it install :)08:31
unopbluebanana, because the windows bootloader can be used instead08:31
bluebananaunop: i see.08:31
unopbluebanana, or any other bootloader that you might have08:31
bluebananaso i'll set it to (hd0).08:31
bazhangyowshi: control alt down08:31
brent113yowshi: you can drag windows onto different desktops, or ctrl+alt+shift [arrow] brings the window with you08:31
yowshithat gives me access to them so i can lopen stuff in the, but doesnt let me move an already opened window08:31
xjohnthomasxunop: im getting a lot of .. error.. coudlnt raise bookmark file.. etc.. then it keeps going.08:32
Black_MagicCan Someone Please Help me My Ubuntu install is giving false readings about Space left it says its 4gis (the real one) then a couple mins Later it says about 36.0KB08:32
unopxjohnthomasx, ok, let the command complete -- and then pastebin again08:32
bluebananawhat happens if i change device from (hd0) to "/dev/sda"?08:32
yowshibrent113: thanks08:32
bazhangBlack_Magic: how about deleting that dir? does that do it?08:32
Black_Magicbazhang: It was '/'08:33
Starnestommybluebanana: grub probably wouldn't recognize it08:33
yowshii never ever thought i would like something that was so purely eyecandy as much as i love this cube08:33
unopbluebanana, grub uses the (hdx) syntax -- it doesnt recognize linux devices08:33
Black_Magicbazhang:  You really wont me to delete that..?08:33
bazhangBlack_Magic: then do not delete ;]08:33
xjohnthomasxunop: this is a pretty darn long, crazy command.. what exactly is it doing? : )08:33
zachstarWhat is the command to close down X server?08:33
yowshiand i have room for 2 more desktops08:33
unopxjohnthomasx, reinstalling everything pertaining to gnome08:33
Black_Magiczachstar: ctrl+alt+f208:33
brent113yowshi: try the desktop wall too, it's pretty cool too08:33
zachstarThank you08:33
yowshibazhang: thanks for you help as well man08:33
bluebananaStarnestommy: unop, thanks. but why then are "/dev/sda" and "dev/sda1" in the dropdown list for "device for boot loader installation"?08:33
bazhangyowshi: try the scale plugin too08:34
bazhangits the expose effect08:34
yowshibrent113: is there a way to save the current setup to some kind of profile? so i can try different stuff without everything resetting on me?08:34
Black_Magicbazhang: Err so what you want me to do..? it may have to dow ith a Supybot... let me scan home again08:34
Ademanzachstar: to actually kill the xserver permanently or restart it? cause ctrl+alt+backspace will restart it, you'll wanna kill gdm if you want to get rid of Xorg totally ( sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop )08:34
nightersomeone have a good apt source for beryl? i use gutsy. Got problem to find a good apt source08:34
nickrud!beryl | nighter08:35
ubotunighter: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz08:35
unopbluebanana, thats probably where grub installs itself -- but grub would then be configured to use (hdx) behind the scenes08:35
iceswordmurlidhar, it said there is no such a driver in their database,google it,then08:35
unopbluebanana, where are you seeing this? when installing ubuntu?08:35
brent113yowshi: sure, you can do this many ways.  probably the easiest would be to create a new user or backup your ~/ (home directory)08:35
bazhangbluebanana: that is advanced right? and this is Hardy, so the channel you want is #ubuntu+1 thanks08:35
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion08:35
arteniusxjohnthomasx: you're using Ubuntu 7.10?08:35
bluebananaunop: yes, when installing hardy xubuntu beta. I asked at ubuntu+1, but no one is helping. you are more helpful08:35
xjohnthomasxartenius: yes08:35
Possum234I have a question. How do I fix grub 17 error? I have 2 hd's, one with Windows XP and one with Ubuntu. When I restarted my comp I recieved a grub 17 error. I am using 7.1008:35
Black_Magicnickrud: Erm Could you help me i think my Supybot is triggering things that make the system think that it only has 36.0KB of Memory left..08:35
yowshibazhang: what exactly does this scale plugin do. the only thing i can currently do is shift+a;t+up08:35
bazhangyowshi: you mean the session08:35
J-_Where is cupsd.conf located in 6.06?08:36
nickrudBlack_Magic never messed with irc bots08:36
unopbluebanana, do you have windows installed too? are you trying to dual-boot?08:36
yowshibazhang: i mean save my settings so i can load them up later once i decide which set of effects i like best08:36
bluebananaunop: no windows. actually, windows and everything on the hd has been wiped clean by xubuntu installer.08:36
unop!grub | Possum23408:36
ubotuPossum234: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:36
bluebananai'm just having problems installing the xubuntu.08:36
nickrudBlack_Magic and are you sure you only have that much left, you are accounting for the disk cache, right?08:36
Black_Magicnickrud: Well i get this from the bot it could just be reporting the error Anyway, here's the exception: IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device08:36
Black_MagicException raised in log.exception.  This is *really*08:36
bluebananalike it won't install onto the hard drive.08:37
unopbluebanana, in that case, it might be ok to use /dev/sda1 as the location for grub08:37
bluebananaif i remove the cd, and then reboot, the computer says "No operating system found."08:37
brent113yowshi: in the settings manager, click preferences, then save a profile08:37
Possum234but I didn't install Windows last. I installed Ubuntu after windows08:37
bazhangyowshi the scale effect spreads all open windows on that desktop out like the OS X expose effect. and you save that session in gnome08:37
xjohnthomasxunop: ok, it just finished.. now what should i do? should i retry things, or reboot?08:37
nickrudBlack_Magic nope not a clue08:37
bluebananaunop: ok. i'll try /dev/sda if it does'nt work for now08:37
zachstarWho the heck told me Ctrl alt F2 was the X close key?08:37
unopxjohnthomasx, a reboot would be good, indeed -- but you might want to save a copy of this command's output if i have to review it later -- paste the contents into a text file or something08:38
yowshibazhang: oh fudge now thats handy08:38
Black_MagicOk then08:38
nickrudthat was cruel08:38
bazhangzachstar: no one; they said control alt backspace did that08:38
Black_Magicnickrud: I have a WD Passport and Ubuntu doesnt notice if i plug it in.08:38
harry_hi, I'm migrating an office to LTSP / Gutsy but having a bit of problem, could someone please help. The LTSP server is setup, I tried connecting from my laptop and it's ok. But when it's on my friend's office, none of their computer will show the GUI. The GUI seemed to be about to come up at first, but then all went back to the console. No /var/log/ldm.log, so I'm at loss. Any idea where else I can look for clues ?08:38
brent113(1:33:33 AM) Black_Magic: zachstar: ctrl+alt+f208:38
xjohnthomasxunop: how do i copy it all? i dont think i can even see it all.. it was so many lines..08:38
nickrudBlack_Magic the syslog doesn't see it?08:38
dannywhat is .ace?08:38
unopxjohnthomasx, ok -- well, copy as much as you can see08:38
nickrudBlack_Magic hm, why'd you tell him that?08:38
=== nobblynu is now known as sobblysu
zachstarSo just to be sure CTRL ALT backspace will CLOSE not restart X?08:39
sbingnerzachstar, CTRL-ALT-BKSP will KILl X08:39
nickrudzachstar close and restart08:39
brent113sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop closes x08:39
sbingnersomething else may well restart it08:39
sbingnerbut that has nothing to do with ctrl-alt-bksp08:39
Black_Magicnickrud:  huh...?08:39
yowshibrent113: you were suggesting the wall? what all would go good with that?08:39
xjohnthomasxunop: i can't get it to scroll up while highlighting??08:39
nickrudBlack_Magic the clt-alt-f2 above.08:39
=== sobblysu is now known as chickbot
zachstarbrent why must one do such a command to close X?08:40
Black_Magicnickrud: Well CTRL+ALT+Backspace closes Xserver08:40
nickrudsbingner in the context of ubuntu, that's the end result.08:40
brent113yowshi: the wall lets you slide in 2 dimensions, I find it easier to access the various desktops08:40
bazhangctrl alt f7 gives it back zachstar08:40
=== Basil is now known as bakom
sbingnerX closes with ctrl-alt backspace... the daemon that is running to start X for logins, notices it was killed and starts it again.08:40
nickrudzachstar it's a quick way of shutting X down if it's runaway08:40
brent113zachstar: that's simply the control script for gdm08:40
brent113sbinger: ctrl alt bkspc does not close x08:40
Black_Magicnickrud: No it doesnt also it doesnt get listed in /dev/08:40
unopxjohnthomasx, what you could do is -- scroll the xterm window right upto the top -- start selecting and then drag the mouse-pointer towards the bottom .. it should scroll and select text at the same time08:41
sbingnerbrent113, it does.08:41
brent113sbigner: no, it's equivalent to sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:41
sbingnerbrent113, check the PID of your X server before and after.  it will be different08:41
nickrudBlack_Magic there's going to be something in syslog.  tail -f /var/log/syslog , and plug in the device08:41
sbingnerbrent113, not even close08:41
zachstarJust to understand here I am having a massive issue where a Compiled Mesa 3D has taken over my config file and using the ubuntu drivers method is not reseting it back to the card08:41
bazhangsbingner: restarts it different from dropping to a virtual term08:41
yowshi desktop wall doesnt wanna stay active08:41
sbingnerbrent113, what you said will restart gdm08:41
brent113and so does ctrl alt backspace08:42
zachstarSo I went to the Nvidia site and got their installer but it says it has to have X CLOSED08:42
nickrudsbingner and since gdm is running in X ...08:42
sbingneromg, this is linux not windows... it would be nice if you guys understood a little of the mechanics behind the scenes if you feel you need to correct me08:42
brent113zachstar: use the /etc/init.d/gdm stop, that's what you want08:42
zachstarok will do08:42
bazhangsbingner: well it is linux during a full moon ;]08:42
nickrudoh. nvidia install. Context is everything :)08:43
sbingnerbaz, lol08:43
CyberCodI tend to use envy for the nvidia installs08:43
CyberCodmuch easier08:43
zachstarIm about to do this command is there anything else I need to know?08:43
bazhangCyberCod: no!08:43
unopbrent113, CTRL+ALT+Backspace is useful for when you might not have a display manager running -- i.e. you dont run the GDM (or KDM or whatever) and launched X via startx .. its definitely not the same as restarting the display manager08:43
brent113zachstar: use the /etc/init.d/gdm start to start it08:43
CyberCodis it bad now?08:43
nickrudzachstar sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start to get it back08:43
brent113unop: thanks for the clarification, my mistake08:44
bazhangCyberCod: ask nickrud08:44
zachstarok thanks but I will just restart08:44
zachstarwhen the install is done08:44
zachstarThat will bring it back right?08:44
CyberCodnickrud: whassup with envy?  I used to hear good things about it... I've never had a problem out of it08:44
nickrudCyberCod an unsuspecting user will have issues when he gets a kernel upgrade08:44
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
CyberCodyeah, but then you just run it again via command line08:45
CyberCodno biggie08:45
nickrudCyberCod unsuspecting, CyberCod . If you're comfortable, use it. But please don't recommend it to someone who's still low on the learning curve08:45
CyberCodtrue true08:45
Black_Magicnickrud: Nope t doesnt show anything just stuff about ath0 aka my network dvice but thats there as soon as i do tail -f08:45
CyberCodit SHOULD come with a warning label08:46
CyberCodit was scary the first time08:46
bazhangit does08:46
nickrudBlack_Magic have you tried plugging in the device with the tail -f  running?08:46
Black_Magic*device it08:46
Black_Magicnickrud:  i just did that08:46
nickrudBlack_Magic then if the kernel isn't even seeing it ...08:46
CyberCodmy mother-in-law is pretty comfortable getting thru kernel upgrades with envy now08:46
nickrudheh. My boss would have a heart attack08:47
Black_Magicnickrud:It worked when i first got it about 3 days ago >.> something happend between there and now i dunno08:47
ThkaalHi again.08:47
CyberCodmy mother-in-law has a pretty stout ticker... I've had her on ubuntu for about a year solid now08:47
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nickrudBlack_Magic try reading it in windows, if it's an ntfs partition. Or better yet, format it as ext3 :)08:48
ThkaalBrent113: Remember me?08:48
Black_Magicnickrud:Err its not ntfs08:48
brent113thkaal: that I do, how'd it go?08:48
Black_Magicnickrud: its formatted is fat3208:48
nickrudBlack_Magic then possibly it's broken. Or, the cable at the other end is loose.08:49
Black_Magicnickrud:  windows can read it and other windows machines can read it08:49
Black_Magicnickrud: and backtrack sees it08:49
nickrudBlack_Magic without any stuff from syslog, I'm clueless08:49
Black_Magicnickrud: also the blue light comes on and it makes noise also08:49
Thkaalwell, lost connection four times, but finally got it installed.  The black screen shows up right after the usplash.  Now, if I do it in recovery, things go fine.  And if I remove the card, things are fine.  But I can't seem to get it to go just far enough for me to use the restricted devices activator08:49
nickrudgood to see the competition joining us08:50
skillzhow do  i disable the screenlets manager, as i have encountered a problem that wheni boot up, 2 instances of it shows in my tool bar08:50
arteniushehehe, that's what I was thinking08:50
=== minion_ is now known as M|N|ON
CyberCodhas anyone used reconstructor to remaster ubuntu?  any opinions?08:50
Steve_JobsHey everybody. I'm a switcher.08:50
brent113thkaal: after you install nvidial-glx-new, you need to run nvidia-glx-cnfig08:50
arteniusSteve_Jobs: welcome aboard, bout time...08:50
brent113thkaalL excuse me: nvidia-glx-config08:50
CyberCodknew you'd come around steve-o08:51
skillzhow do  i disable the screenlets manager, as i have encountered a problem that wheni boot up, 2 instances of it shows in my tool bar08:51
Thkaalbefore the card is installed?08:51
brent113thkaal: any time is fine08:51
skillzhow do  i disable the screenlets manager, as i have encountered a problem that wheni boot up, 2 instances of it shows in my tool bar i have tried system monitor but it doesnt appear there08:51
nickrudskillz do you have it in system->prefs->sessions?08:51
Black_Magicnickrud:  Maybe its the kernal should i try switching kernals?08:51
nickrud!repeat | skillz08:51
ubotuskillz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:51
artenius!patience | skillz08:51
ubotuskillz: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:51
Thkaalit would have to be before it's put in the machine, otherwise...oh, i can do it in recovery08:52
nickrudBlack_Magic like I said, without any syslog stuff I'm clueless. I can work from there, but not below08:52
skillznickrud: i have the screenlet deamon in there08:53
Black_Magicnickrud: brb..08:53
nickrudskillz hm, I only ran screenlets for an hour or so. I found it buggy myself. Not sure then what's causing your issue08:53
brent113to anyone I was helping, I'm going to brb, need a little bit of a break.08:53
skillzok thanks08:53
yowshiwhats the command to force a 32bit something like the flash plugin for firefox to run on a 64bit os?08:54
navilonhey guys, what is wrong with this bash line?08:55
nickrudyowshi nspluginwrapper I think08:55
navilonfor file in *.7z; do mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/_n64//'` ; done08:55
nickrudnavilon you might find someone in #bash if no one speaks up here08:57
navilonalright cool, thanks :)08:57
jindal2hey guys, how to upgrade from gutsy to latest hardy beta? (replace gutsy to hardy in sources.list and update + dist-upgrade?)08:58
nickrudjindal2 ask in #ubuntu+108:58
Thkaalwell, it didn't work from recovery.  the needs there are too advanced for me.08:59
yowshiwhat exactly do i do with the pluginwrapper08:59
Steve_JobsAll of you should switch to Windows.09:00
arteniusSteve_Jobs: we've been down that road... too many reboots09:00
M|N|ONwhat, this isn't a windows chat?09:00
brent113it is, ubuntu is an anagram for windows09:01
M|N|ONdon't reveal our binary secrets09:01
bakomhm, what do I have to configure to be able to connect to my zope server via localhost?09:01
bakomhttp://localhost:8080/ does not work yet09:01
Black_Magicnickrud: [  113.272000] usb 3-4: device not accepting address 9, error -7109:02
Black_Magic[  113.384000] usb 3-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1009:02
Black_Magic[  113.792000] usb 3-4: device not accepting address 10, error -7109:02
ompaul!offtopic | Steve_Jobs09:02
ubotuSteve_Jobs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:02
slenentineanyone know how to change a "(" in a string (with sed) to "\(". essentially how to i escape an escape character in a sed expression?09:03
mehrabhello everyone!09:03
Thkaalbrent113: Booting now.09:04
unop_slenentine, you probably want to ask the folks in #sed that09:04
mehrabI have a little problem, I want my swap partition to mount automatically after startup.09:04
mehrabthis is my fstab http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60508/09:05
ompaulmehrab, it is not available to write to09:05
mehrabwhat should be changed?09:05
unop_slenentine, doesnt this work ??   sed -e 's/(/\\(/'09:05
Thkaalbrent113: problem persists.  It goes to usplash and then goes to blank screen.  completely blank.  ctrl-alt-backspace does nothing, nor does ctrl-alt-f709:05
mehrabompaul: I know, but I want to mount automatically, not to write on it09:06
ompaulmehrab, it is a normal swap entry - type swapinfo and see it there09:06
ompaulmehrab type free and see it there09:06
ompaulmehrab that is *normal* entry for swap09:06
rymGrabit trough Wine disappears when i switch workspace09:06
rymis there anyway to bring the process back to front ?09:06
brent113thkaal: sorry to say, I'm out of ideas.  I'm not sure what's causing that.  if you don't get a useful response from someone else here, maybe try posting to ubuntuforums.org09:06
unop_slenentine,   echo "this is (a) (test)" | sed -e 's/(/\\(/g'09:06
Thkaalshould i mention i'm on an hp?  from about 5 years ago?09:07
brent113probably not an issue, but i'm not certain at this point09:07
mehrabompaul: at every startup I mount swap manualy to have a better performance in ubuntu, I want it to mount automatically, just this09:07
nickrudThkaal system specs never hurt09:07
Thkaalnickrud: That's just it, I'm still having trouble collecting them.09:08
Odd-rationaleHow do I find out my DNS ip address?09:08
nickrudOdd-rationale should be in /etc/resolv.conf09:09
Odd-rationalevia cli09:09
brent113odd-rationale: ifconfig for starters09:09
Thkaalbut it's a 1.2 ghz, with 383 mb ram, with geforece2 mx400 card.  with card, it goes from usplash to blank screen.  without card, just fine.  but the card works in my other systems.09:09
unop_Odd-rationale, cat /etc/resolv.conf09:09
Odd-rationalebrent113: tried that alraedy09:09
arteniushmm mx40009:09
=== chuy is now known as chuy_max
slenentineunop_: yes, thank you09:10
Odd-rationaleok thanks!09:10
nickrudThkaal edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf , and change nvidia to nv for now, that should get you a screen.09:10
rymGrabit trough Wine disappears when i switch workspace, is there a way to get it back?09:10
arteniusrym: try /join #winehq09:11
rymallright, ty09:11
Thkaalnickrud: okay, trying that.09:12
nickrudThkaal actually, try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg , that will make that change to nv for you, and set up some other stuff for compatibility.09:13
* artenius suggests autobanning ProbeDot 09:13
ProbeDotartenius why09:13
arteniusyou know why, that's why your nick is banned on dalnet and probably other networks09:13
ProbeDoti have a text file having one word on each line. how can i delet duplcate words?09:14
unop_ProbeDot, cat file | sort | uniq09:14
ProbeDotunop exact way?09:14
ProbeDotunop i meant like with an example?09:15
nickrudThkaal yes, it resets the driver to what ubuntu/X thinks is best for your card. The mx400 is a well known, tested card09:15
nickrudProbeDot that was an example, just substitute your file name for file in that line09:16
ProbeDotnickrud and it will be have duplicates deleted?09:16
unop_ProbeDot,  echo -e "foo\nbar\nfoo\nquuz\nbar" | perl -nle 'print unless $seen{$_}++'09:16
EdganWhat is the status of Ubuntu and multi-lib support? Is it still lacking and just chroots?09:16
nickrudunop now, no showing off ;)09:16
ProbeDotunop i thought you wanted cat09:17
unop_nickrud, it works no? :)09:17
nickrudI'll take your word for it. Perl is an abomination unto humans :)09:17
unop_ProbeDot, put whatever you want there -- cat file | perl ...09:17
[hardy]ogreim setting up kttsd for a blind friend and I have festival installed. when I try to add "talker"  it doesnt appear to go to the right directory. any suggestions?09:17
chuy_maxI just installed 8.04 and started to get bugs since the installation, I don't know where to start :S, I've got two bugs with installer, and 1 with xorg/dpkg-reconfigure09:18
unop__nickrud, yea yea09:18
nickrudchuy_max start in #ubuntu+1 :)09:18
arteniuschuy_max: /join #ubuntu+109:18
ProbeDotnickrud if there are sentences on each line instead of words. then what will this do. cat /home/a.txt | sort | uniq   ?09:18
unop__ProbeDot, as long as the sentences match exactly yes09:18
chuy_maxoks nickrud, :D09:18
nickrudProbeDot remove duplicate lines I believe09:18
ProbeDotnickrud hm. only the exact maching duplicate lines?09:19
unop__ProbeDot, the only problem is that the output will be sorted -- something you might not want -- use the perl example if not09:19
=== Ghoster is now known as xoRock
ProbeDotunop_ sorted.. what problem will it give09:20
nickrudProbeDot unop_ is the real sysadmin here, I ask him about stuff like this09:20
Thkaalnickrud: booting now.09:20
Odd-rationaleHow do I remove a DNS from the list in /etc/resolve.conf ?09:20
nickrudProbeDot that would depend on your use case, you would know the answer to that09:20
unop__ProbeDot,  echo -e "foo\nbar\nfoo\nquuz\nbar" | sort | uniq  -- will give you "bar foo quuz" instead of "foo bar quuz" ..09:21
nickrudOdd-rationale it's normally placed there by your dhcp09:21
brent113unop, can I get some clarification on the differences between ctrl+alt+backspace and the gdm stop/restart scripts?09:21
Thkaalnickrud: Nice blue screen that says, "failed to start the x server"09:21
unop__brent113, sure09:21
Odd-rationalenickrud: Is there a way to remove one of them?09:21
ProbeDotunop_ nickrud ic.  but something tell me i should not go with echo thing. shoud i?09:22
ProbeDotunop_ nickrud this will not be sorted? 1. helo how are you 2. helo how @are you        (both lines will be untouched)?09:22
unop__ProbeDot, they dont match exactly - therefore they will pass through untouched09:22
ProbeDotunop_ thanks !09:23
nickrudThkaal you sure it's an mx400? The nv driver is supposed to support that. Hm. this time, do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg , it should ask you for a driver and resolution. Pick vesa as the driver, and a resolution you are certain the monitor can handle09:23
unop__brent113, did you want me to explain? or were you going to ask some questions?09:23
nickrudProbeDot they would be sorted if you used sort, but neither would be deleted09:23
Thkaaland yes i'm certain, i did a part check before i went looking for fixes09:23
ProbeDotunop_ nickrud thanks09:24
brent113unop, oh sorry. yes, from earlier I still had a few lingering confusions I wanted to iron out.  1) how do you stop x (properly), and is that different from the /etc/init.d/gdm stop, and how is all that different from the ctrl+alt+backspace hotkey09:24
nickrudThkaal ok. Just I don't remember anyone ever having issues with one.    lspci | grep -i  vga will tell you for sure09:24
ProbeDotnickrud unop_ i have another small txt files. each line with one word. how do i delete the words in a.txt that match with words in the small file b.txt ?09:25
[hardy]ogreim setting up kttsd for a blind friend and I have festival installed. when I try to add "talker"  it doesnt appear to go to the right directory. any suggestions?09:26
Yanchohow much normally does an upgrade of ubuntu need free space pls?09:26
unop__brent113, the CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE combination is hardcoded into X/Xorg -- this is so that you can exit the current X session if you dont have a button or menu entry that can do this -- e.g. some esoteric window manager like fluxbox/openbox -- the gdm script control the daemon, if you stop the daemon -- any processes it has spawned will also stop -- which is why you are returned to the GDM when you CTRL+ALT+BS under gnome09:27
Thkaalnickrud: I can't do anything with the card in the slot.  Well, I can go to recovery, but that's it.09:27
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nickrudThkaal ah, you have onboard!!!09:27
Pirate_Hunterwhere cna i download the alpha/beta version of the next ubuntu?09:27
brent113unop__: so fundamentally to stop x you should use the control script?09:27
ani1!hardy > Pirate_Hunter09:28
Thkaalnickrud: um...yeah.09:28
nickrudThkaal in your bios, disable the onboard.09:28
Thkaalnickrud: can't find it.  i thought of that first.09:28
Pirate_Hunterani1: nothing popped up09:28
nickrudoh, that sucks.09:28
ani1Pirate_Hunter: read the topic and join #ubuntu+109:28
ProbeDot i have another small txt files. each line with one word. how do i delete the words in a.txt that match with words in the small file b.txt ?09:29
unop__brent113, though it appears that CTRL+ALT+BS and "/etc/init.d/?dm restart" do the same thing under gnome -- they dont actually -- one stops the gnome session, another restarts the display manager, but both take you to the GDM screen09:29
Pirate_Hunterani1: yeah the bot opened separately09:29
brent113unop: so how do you stop x then09:29
brent113do you use the control script?09:30
unop__brent113, it depends on how you want to stop X -- if you stop X via the key combination -- GDM will see that the process it spawned exited, and will take control and take you to the login screen -- if you stop the GDM, you are taken to a virtual terminal09:30
nickrudbrent113 to completely stop X (including the gdm login screen) yes, use the control script.09:30
Thkaalnickrud: oh, and now.... i can't get any image.  i can login, but after usplash, even without card, screen is blank.  but i can log in and get the sounds and everythign.  and the ctrl-alt-backspace and ctrl-alt-f7 don't work09:31
unop__brent113, it depends what i am doing -- if my gnome session failed and the menus werent working -- i'd use the key combo .. if i wanted to make changes to how the GDM/gnome behaved .. i'd stop the GDM using the control script09:31
brent113unop: so which program runs first.  x runs gdm within it, correct?09:32
nickrudThkaal with vesa as the driver? I'd bet if you hooked up a monitor to the onboard, you'd see the desktop09:32
Thkaali couldn't get to change it to vesa09:33
Thkaalum....it WAS to the onboard09:33
unop__brent113, errm .. i'd say the GDM invokes X for its functions and the GDM needs X .. so i'd say they cohabit09:33
bullgard4unop__: Why did /etc/passwd choose the identifier 'messagebus' and not 'dbus'?09:33
nickrudThkaal In your shoes I'd check for arguing video output09:34
unop__bullgard4, i'd suppose its because you could use another messagebus daemon thats not dbus -- then you dont have to create another user for that service09:34
lesshastewhat's the easiest way to make flash animations in linux?09:34
brent113unop: thanks for sticking with me here.  So gdm executes x for its functions, which is why the gdm control script will shut down x completely.  likewise, startx is dependent on gdm, so it will execute gdm.  Is this a correct statement?09:34
bullgard4unop__: Ok. thank you.09:35
Thkaalnickrud: shoes?  I'm a newb09:35
unop__brent113, startx doesnt need the GDM -- startx starts a new X session from the command line, so your logon screen here is technically the shell you use09:35
ani1ProbeDot: i think this is what your looking for http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/10416-delete-lines-file2-beginning-w-file1.html09:35
nickrudThkaal if you have two monitors, hook up to both outputs.09:35
nickrudlooks like ani1 has the google fu09:36
unop__brent113, i'd say this -- the GDM like startx starts a new X session -- the difference is the GDM is a GUI, startx is a cli09:36
Thkaalwell, that'll take me about thirty minutes.  so we'll go with one monitor09:37
brent113unop: alright, thanks for the clarification.  one last.  what would be a situation when you would need to use /etc/init.d/?dm restart?  I can't think of one.  It seems either you need to restart x with the hotkey or just stop ?dm.09:37
Thkaali'll try a few other things and see what happens.09:37
nickrudThkaal then switch outputs, and reboot. See what happens09:37
Thkaalthat's what i do every time i try something.09:38
unop__brent113, i'd use /etc/init.d/?dm restart after having made changes to something like xorg.conf09:38
brokenWhat package contains the libz headers?09:38
brent113unop, and why wouldn't ctrl+alt+backspace work for that?09:38
unop__brent113, although i suspect using the key combo would achieve the same effect09:38
brent113unop: i'm about 99% there, enough to explain it to someone I think, just have to mull it over I guess09:39
brent113thanks so much for the help09:39
nickrudunop__ logging out is sufficient, since gdm starts a fresh X session for itself each time a child X process exits, it will see the new xorg.conf09:39
unop__brent113, i'm not sure if the xorg.conf is reread once you logout from your X session -- therefore the GDM that appears then might not have all the xorg.conf directives loaded09:39
unop__brent113, it's a guess, i'm not sure on that09:40
unop__nickrud, makes sense09:40
ProbeDotani1 thx09:40
nickrudunop__ for a while it didn't, then it started doing so09:40
unop__brent113, see nickruds last statement -- restarting the GDM would work no matter which version of it you used .. logging out might not guarantee that09:41
bullgard4[Scrollkeeper] I have read Synaptic, Wikipedia, the scrollkeeper project website and man page. Still I do not understand the Synaptic explanation: "A free electronic cataloging system for documentation: Scrollkeeper stores metadata specified by the 'Open Source Metadata Framework'." What is the main use of Scrollkeeper in Ubuntu 7.10?09:41
brent113alrighty, pretty sure I got it, thanks to both of you for the clarification.09:41
nickrudbullgard4 http://scrollkeeper.sourceforge.net/09:43
nickrudbullgard4 used by the gnome docs09:43
bullgard4nickrud: What are 'gnome docs'?09:44
nickrudbullgard4 the documentation you find under help for each application09:44
bullgard4nickrud: Do you mean 'Yelp'?09:45
unop__bullgard4, things that yelp deals with09:45
unop__bullgard4, it's not exclusive to yelp tho09:45
nickrudbullgard4 yep :)09:45
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs09:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:46
nickrudcould not remember the name, and yelp is no longer available under the menus ;(09:46
unop__nickrud, it's probably called gnome-help or something like it09:47
bullgard4unop__: Why did scrollkeeper-update keep my CPU busy for a quarter of an hour this morning with 60%? I would not believe that there are so many text pages in Yelp to be updated.09:47
nickrudunop__ yelp is still there, but it brings up the ubuntu docs. Not sure if that's a redirect or just using yelp for reading09:48
unop__bullgard4, it was probably indexing all the relevant document content on your filesystem09:48
nickrudbullgard4 scrollkeeper has always been a dog, it used to be much worse09:49
unop__nickrud, it appears that gnome-help and yelp launch the same application  -- $ ls -l $(which gnome-help)09:49
unop__lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2008-01-22 04:19 /usr/bin/gnome-help -> yelp09:49
Pirate_Hunterif i was to download hardyheron should i get alpha or beta release?09:49
nickrudand the package is yelp also09:49
waylandbillmorning all (even if it's just morning for me)09:50
ani1!hardy | Pirate_Hunter09:50
ubotuPirate_Hunter: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:50
ani1                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^09:50
nickrudmorning, early moring to you krushaaar09:50
krushaaarlate afternoon to u :-)09:50
Pirate_Hunterani1: i know that i just want to see it before the due date but i want to know should i get the alpha 6 release or beta09:50
unop__Pirate_Hunter, beta is always better than alpha -- what do you think? :)09:51
bullgard4nickrud: My native language is not English.  Does "scrollkeeper has always been a dog" mean that Scrollkeeper is a mammouth (very large and clumpsy) program?09:51
nickrudPirate_Hunter the people who are paying attention to stuff that will let them answer that question hang out there.09:51
nickrudunop__ not this time ;(09:51
unop__nickrud, no? well, there's always exceptions09:51
nickrudbullgard4 yes, exactly09:51
avatar_anyone who can help with audio driver problems?09:51
* Thkaal sobs in great mournful wails.09:52
bullgard4nickrud: Ah, thank you.09:52
Pirate_Hunternickrud, unop__ : if i knew how stupid the question was i wouldnt have asked and if i knew difference that wouldve helped :(09:52
Thkaalnickrud: The vesa thing didn't work.  Took the res down to 600x40009:52
nickrudPirate_Hunter it's a very good question. It's just that hardy questions aren't answered here, until april 2409:52
ani1Pirate_Hunter: the point is you should be asking in #ubuntu+109:52
bullgard4! sound | avatar_09:52
ubotuavatar_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:52
unop__bullgard4, it could mean that it tries to be too friendly (like a dog) too :)09:52
avatar_thanks ubotu09:53
Pirate_Hunterani1, nickrud: sorry for that next time will do so09:53
bullgard4unop__: with the tongue in your cheek.09:53
nickrudThkaal then I don't know whats up with your system. Normally nvidia is a snap09:53
avatar_but apparently there is a knowm problem with mine. I have a Dell Vostro 1500 laptop with Sigmatel HD Audio09:53
avatar_I installed gutsy gibbon and it has picked up everything except my web cam and the sounc card09:54
avatar_i've installed the latest ALSA drivers09:54
avatar_even compile them with the "with-cards=snd-hda-intel" flag09:54
avatar_still no dice09:54
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion09:55
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Thkaalnickrud: well, it is an hp, hecka old.  i'll try flashing the bios and hopefully that'll work.09:55
Yanchohi - i am loading gparted inside my ubuntu and it is finding just 1 of the usb keys i have plugged in .. i just plugged a new one and it is not being found - however i can access the usb key in /media/usbdisk-2 from root09:55
Odd-rationaleWhat port am I using when I browse the web, i.e. send http requests?09:55
unop__Odd-rationale, any port >= 102409:56
nickrudOdd-rationale varies. you can see what each connection is using with netstat -t09:56
Odd-rationaleunop__: ok Thanks09:56
ani1does anybody else lag horribly?09:56
krushaaarits a random outbound port, normally if you're trying to do something with a firewall it's best to classify using dst-port09:57
Zambeziani1: In Hardy?09:57
ani1no in this chan09:57
ani1i just had a 4 min lag09:57
Zambeziani1: Not me.09:57
J-_what command will let me clean up stale packages that are installed?09:58
J-_sudo apt-get clean, or autoclean?09:58
* J-_ forgets09:58
nickrudJ-_  autoremove09:58
unop__J-_, that only cleans up the package files that were downloaded from the repositories09:59
J-_Cool, thanks09:59
nickrudJ-_ those two clear out the download cache09:59
J-_Thanks. =)09:59
lesshasteI am using fglrx and get (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering in my X logs.. how do I fix that?09:59
dtRznyakoi ot Bulgaria ?10:00
davidchaki have a question10:00
davidchakcan i erk10:00
davidchakinstall ubuntu and Window at the same time?10:00
davidchaki am trying to learn Ubuntu10:00
davidchak*linux os10:00
Gneadavidchak: you can install them in sequence, yes.10:00
dgjones!bg | dtRz10:00
ubotudtRz: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently10:00
davidchakwhat if10:00
unop__!bg | dtRz10:01
davidchaki already have window in my laptop10:01
dgjones!dualboot | davidchak10:01
ubotudavidchak: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:01
davidchakso i just insert the cd i got from ubuntu and install?10:01
dtRzubotu mersi no nyama nikoi v kanala ;(10:01
davidchakmine is x3210:01
Odd-rationalekrushaaar: well i'm trying to use something like http://www.powerunblock.com/ as a proxy. How would I do that?10:01
bullgard4Pirate_Hunter: Please join the channel #ubuntu+1. There your question will be answered more thoroughly.10:01
nickruddtRz ubotu in -bg ?10:02
dtRznickrud yes10:02
arteniusdavidchak: also http://apcmag.com/node/5162/10:02
nickruddtRz I will check10:02
dtRzbut in ubuntu-bg here is no people10:02
nickruddtRz no one to turn on ubotu now10:04
davidchakanyone here?10:04
sbingnerdavidchak, nope :p10:05
dtRzi don`t speak english very well..10:05
nickrudI don't speak bulgarian at all ;)10:05
rickyrichhi all, i want to change my laptop cpu that is a 2,8ghz p4  socket 478 with a new one that is a 3,2 ghz but i don't know if my motherboard support this new one10:05
dtRznickrud i need bulgarian ;)10:05
dtRzbut there is nobody in ubuntu-bg10:05
J-_!dualboot > davidchak10:05
J-_crap, sorry10:06
davidchakgot it10:06
nickruddtRz I saw. For ubotu , ask in #ubuntu-ops later10:06
arteniusdavidchak: which windows version are you wanting to dual boot with?10:06
J-_that's what I get for being scrolled up.10:06
krushaaarOdd-rationale: I pm'd you some more info10:07
dtRzokay thanks alot10:08
nickruddtRz ask in #ubuntu-irc10:08
Odd-rationalekrushaaar: ok10:08
Odd-rationalekrushaaar: Are you registered?10:08
Odd-rationale !register | krushaaar10:09
ubotukrushaaar: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.10:09
rickyrichhi all, i want to change my laptop cpu that is a 2,8ghz p4  socket 478 with a new one that is a 3,2 ghz but i don't know if my motherboard support this new one10:11
krushaaarhmm, trying to do that now10:11
rickyrichi have this one http://processorfinder.intel.com/Details.aspx?sSpec=SL7EY and i want to change with this http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SL8JZ10:11
rickyrichit's possible??10:12
ani1!ot | rickyrich10:13
uboturickyrich: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:13
cojones_anyone awake?10:14
cojones_i'm looking for some troubleshooting with Mupen6410:14
nickrudrickyrich maybe ##hardware (or #hardware, I can never remember) can answer that10:14
rickyrichtnx ^^10:15
cojones_anyone use a joystick in Mupen64?10:16
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arteniusyes yes10:20
tiaxI tried mapping some shortcuts in GNOME, WindowsKey(Mod4)+T for Terminal works, but WindowsKey+H for "open home dir" and WindowsKey+L for "lock screen" doesn't. Why not?10:21
unop__tiax, what commands are you mapping exactly?10:22
tiaxunop__: actually I've just been using that shortcut dialog in GNOME10:23
unop__Win+H should be "nautilus ~" -- Win+L should be "gnome-screensaver-command --lock"10:24
unop__tiax, -- have a look here -- http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-desktop-x-windows/64208-howto-windows-key-l-lock-screen.html10:25
stimpiecould someone give me a pointer howto forward a port with ipmasq ?10:25
unop__stimpie, why not use use iptables for that?10:26
stimpieunop__, I have ipmasq functioning at the moment10:26
wizohey, erm i'm on my laptop, and i realized i can't adjust the brightness for my laptop, but the keys for my sound are working10:26
wizohow can i get my brightness keys to work?10:27
tiaxunop__: oh, ok. Didn't know there was a bug. Thanks10:27
Need-BoyBrightness keys with"Fn"?10:27
wizoNeed-Boy: yea10:27
wizopressign fn and f8 or f0~ can adjust the volume, but it doesnt work for my display brightness setting10:28
=== c9s_ is now known as c9s
wizowhich are fn and f6 or f710:28
aileanhow can i create DVDs from *.avi files?10:29
unop__stimpie, have you checked out the "Linux IP Masquerading Howto" ?10:29
Need-BoyU should get a new driver...wizo10:29
wizoack, really?10:30
wizoa new graphics driver?10:30
Need-Boynot graphics diver...10:31
Need-Boythere is a driver for your laptop from the OEM10:31
unop__ailean, http://atomized.org/2005/03/converting-divxxvid-avi-to-dvd-with-ffmpeg/10:31
unop__ailean, !google10:31
ttt--hi, is it possible to have to desktops open? (and switch between them using ctr+alt+f keys?)10:32
wizoNeed-Boy: hmm i guess there is a driver, cause it works ok in windows10:32
aileanunop__, how helpful. idiot10:32
unop__ttt--, why not use workspaces?10:32
unop__!ops | ailean10:32
ubotuailean: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!10:32
mitanI added a freshly installed Windows harddisk to my ubuntu computer.  Anyone know how to make GRUB give me the boot choice?  Ubuntu is on /sdb and Windows is on /sda10:32
ttt--unop__: i'd like to be logged in with 2 different accounts10:33
wizowhat's the difference between desktops and work spaces?10:33
bullgard4unop__: Who invented the identifiers 'Super_L' and 'Super_R'?10:33
ttt--x-window system?10:33
Seveasbullgard4, Super_MAN :)10:33
=== mitan is now known as Mitanc
unop__bullgard4, errm, i'm not so sure -- they were probably adopted on by Xorg after microsoft keyboards started becoming popular10:34
unop__bullgard4, thats just a guess10:34
MitancI added a freshly installed Windows harddisk to my ubuntu computer.  Anyone know how to make GRUB give me the boot choice?  Ubuntu is on /sdb and Windows is on /sda10:34
Seveasunop__, neh, super and hyper existed before that :)10:34
ani1!grub | Mitanc10:35
ubotuMitanc: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:35
unop__Seveas, what did super_l and super_r used to represent before ?10:35
Need-Boydesktop is not a virtual desktop...but a workspace is10:35
unop__Seveas, .. out of curiosity10:35
Seveasunop__, on (old, maybe new ones as well) sun keyboards they're little black squares instead of windows logos10:36
Seveasand those keyboards are older than windows :)10:36
unop__Seveas, i should imagine :)10:37
unop__bullgard4, see Seveas's last statement -- probably came about then10:37
jinis it possible to make a custom application menu with another name and a custom list?10:37
mark[oz]does nautilus control the window resizing?10:37
mark[oz]mine just stopped, and i cbf restarted X10:37
wizoso how can i get my display brightness keys to work?10:38
mark[oz]what process can I kill that make it work again?10:38
wizomy screen is kinda dark now =/10:38
sharperguyis anyone else having trouble downloading firefox extension updates@10:38
unop__mark[oz],  the window manager controls those aspects -- killall nautilus perhaps?10:38
mark[oz]thought so, thanks unop__10:38
=== laurent_ is now known as Lau_
wizohey i do not understand this description. "This package is a meta-package that, when installed, gaurantees that you have at least one of the four server-side versions of the PHP5 interpreter installed. Removing this package won't remove PHP5 from your system, however it may remove  other packages that depend on this one."10:43
PietroBI got a problem on startup: if I use an external monitor the startup takes 2 mins, if I startup without the external monitor (i.e. using my laptop monitor) it takes 15 mins, anyone can help?10:43
jinwhere can you download more gnome-panel applets?10:43
wizoso if i install php5, it will install php into my system?10:44
bullgard4unop__: See the diamonds next to 'Alt' and 'Compose' in http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://docs.sun.com/source/802-2109/images/21-1-159B09.gif&imgrefurl=http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/802-2109/6i63jrkah%3Fq%3DOpenStep%26a%3Dview&h=381&w=1085&sz=13&hl=de&start=1&tbnid=CaiIp__JG95kGM:&tbnh=53&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2522sun%2Bkeyboard%2522%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DG10:44
unop__wizo, yes -- installing php would probably install php5 anyway10:45
XiXaQHas anyone else experienced problems with nVidia 7-series proprietary drivers since they updated the driver?10:45
YanchoAnyone can please guide me how to resize a partition (there is the whole filesystem on it) using gparted so that I make use of a unallocated 15GB space please? Also is this operation risky?10:45
unop__bullgard4, yea, i just saw that :)10:45
wizounop__: so why doesnt removing that package remove php from the system?10:45
XiXaQIndyGunFreak, which card do you have?10:45
msinghanyone having problems with freevo?10:46
danandXiXaQ - what problems are you having?10:46
XiXaQdanand, the system freezes.10:46
unop__wizo, what does this command return -- dpkg -l | grep -i php10:46
ameriohey guys , is there any problem in sound in Hardy heron , I've updated from gutsy to hardy beta and sound stopped working , I have creative emu10k1 sound card and the Onboard card is disabled , any idea?10:47
wizounop__: it returns nothing10:47
XiXaQit started in gutsy, I believe after an update of the proprietary driver.10:47
=== mitan is now known as mitanC
wizounop__: the command returns nothing10:48
=== mitanC is now known as asphalt_
wizounop__: i'm just confused by the description in the package manager10:48
PietroBhey anyonecan help?10:48
unop__wizo, then it appears that php isnt installed -- unless you installed php by another means -- from source perhaps10:48
danandXiXaQ - do you get error messages in your /var/log/kern.log? I get similar thing, albeit very rarely. I get cryptic errors in my logs.10:48
wizounop__: i havent installed it, i'm just confused by the description, i'm not sure what it meant10:48
mitanIs there a way to update grub's parition map?10:49
unop__wizo, whats confusing you?10:49
XiXaQdanand, not that I can see. What kind of errors do you get?10:49
unop__amerio, make sure you have set the right default sound device -- see !sound for that10:49
wizounop__: "Removing this package won't remove PHP5 from your system, however10:49
linggzI just install my fresh ubuntu 7.10 everything seems OK but I can't hear anything from my laptop speaker.. the hardware is intel HDA, anyone help me please10:50
mitanSuper weird, when I cat the device map of grub's it shows /dev/sda, but my ubuntu image is on /dev/sdb10:50
wizounop__: "it may remove other packages that depend on this one"10:50
msinghwhere do package maintainers hang out10:50
msinghi want to report a bug10:50
=== anaxagoras is now known as bonhoffer
wizounop__: i don't quite understand why i can use it to install php, but i cant use it to remove php10:50
ameriounop__ lspci show my card , but it doesnt work10:50
danandXiXaQ - cryptic :) - wait one i'll dig and error out the old logs10:50
XiXaQlinggz, does it report your audio hardware in System > Preferences > Audio?10:51
linggzit does but still silent..10:51
foldart!bug | msingh10:52
danandXiXaQ - kernel: [ 5403.461755] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 6, PE0002 126c ffe9e4df 0002effc ff74726f 0000000010:52
ubotumsingh: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:52
linggzI got HDA Generic in my preferences10:52
unop__wizo, well, as the description also says "This package is a meta-package that, when installed, guarantees that you have at least one of the four server-side versions of the PHP5 interpreter" -- meaning, it depends on the real php packages, so when installed, it pulls them in -- but the real php packages dont depend on it, so when you remove it, they remain behind10:53
Sludge321Hi guys - could anyone help me to troubleshoot this bug (SSH X11 Forwarding over PPTP VPN breaks connection): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/20502310:53
unop__wizo, much like the ubuntu-desktop package -- it's a metapackage too and when removed, does nothing significant10:53
linggzXiXaQ, I'm using Acer Travelmate 629110:53
wizounop__: so if i want to remove php, i have to remove the individual packages manually?10:53
unop__amerio, what does this command return -- asoundconf list10:54
msinghfoldart, thanks but i dont think i'll bother10:54
danandXiXaQ - did a google search on that ... turns out a lot of people have been experiencing this. System all of a sudden freezes, but mouse _may_ still work; or everything gets _really_ choppy on the graphics front, then the system freezes after. Nothing seems to help but a hard reboot10:54
unop__wizo, probably -- but synaptic and apt-get can list all the installed packages by a search term and remove them on one go10:54
ameriounop__ nothing10:54
foldartmsingh: If it's important to you, please do.  It may be important to others.10:55
XiXaQdanand, then I guess the best "solution" will be to do a clean install of gutsy and not install updates.. :(10:55
wizounop__: i see. so what's the difference between PHP5 and the libapache2-mod-php5 ?10:55
ChadOk, I just did a pretty huge gut rip on my pc. Basically, I took out my ram, hard drive and video card, and stuck it into a dell with a better cpu, and overall better motherboard and case. Problem is OSS isn't working, but alsa is. Do I need to setup OSS to work with this new audio chipset? and how?10:55
wizoi'm getting kinda confused10:55
unop__amerio, i think you need to ask the guys in #ubuntu+1 -- hardy is still prerelease and has bugs for sure10:55
msinghfoldart, just the freevo package is broken but i dont know if its part of official ubuntu so maybe they wont even care to admit those bugs10:55
ameriounop__ ok thanx10:56
ChadIt's only a problem cause I want to run a game in alsa and play music in oss on xmms like I'm used to doing10:56
linggzplease help me to configure my sound card.. I hear nothing..10:57
YanchoI have /dev/hda6 with 15GB and 300mb used - so I remove its free space so I have 15GB unallocated . Now I tried to make /dev/hda7 15GB bigger by allocating the 15GB (unallocated) space it had before but there is no option (or i am too stupid to see it) to do it. both are ext3 - anyone got an idea what to do please? its gparted10:57
foldart!info freevo10:57
ubotuPackage freevo does not exist in gutsy10:57
unop__wizo, the former is the actual interpreter -- the second is the module that gets installs mod_php (php in the apache environment to give data/state persistence across multiple runs of the interpreter)10:57
danandXiXaQ - or not use NVidia's driver - switch to nv driver.... think there were some suggestions on the net ie workarounds. Check through your kern.logs first to see if your getting similar problems10:57
Chadsince alsa doesn't allow xmms and games to access it at once10:57
foldartmsingh: hm, not an ubuntu package, so you're probably right.  Better to report it to the package provider.10:57
wizounop__: oh, so i need to install both? so the mod actually calls the interpreter?10:57
msinghfoldart, no idea who he is10:58
unop__wizo, you dont need both -- you can run use php in CGI/ISAPI scripts -- or you can get apache to handle requests and content via a special php configuration10:59
foldartmsingh: 'apt-cache show freevo | grep Maintainer'  (guessing freevo is the package name)10:59
XiXaQdanand,  yes, that might be a solution if only I could get a decent resolution. I've tried and tried again, but I cannot get higher resolution than 800x600.10:59
wizounop__: hmm alright, i'll play around with it, thanks!11:00
danandXiXaQ - with the nv driver?11:00
wizounop__: you have been most patient with me, thanks11:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:00
unop__wizo, it depends on how you are constructing your website -- you should investigate both setups and choose the one best suited for you11:00
XiXaQdanand, yes.11:00
Chad!open sound system11:00
msinghfoldart, i probably cant just email those addresses because i have to sign up or some crap11:00
* msingh sighs11:00
wizounop__: will do, i need the thing to run certain scripts on the user account.11:01
danandXiXaQ - did you try setting the resolution with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg /11:01
XiXaQyes, except I didn use the traling slash.11:01
danandXiXaQ - typo - should have been a ?11:02
danandXiXaQ - )11:02
danandXiXaQ - :)11:02
XiXaQmy xorg.conf is empty too.11:02
foldartmsingh: righto then11:02
msinghif i want to use an older version of a package11:03
msinghcan i just download the deb11:03
danandXiXaQ - empty? you mean totally empty?11:03
msinghand try to install it, will it still pull in the right dependencies?11:03
linggz!info kismet11:03
ubotukismet (source: kismet): Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2007-01-R1b-1.1 (gutsy), package size 950 kB, installed size 2452 kB11:03
unop__msingh, that might not work -- you'll need to satisfy all dependencies for that version of the package11:03
XiXaQdanand, no, not entirely. I'll show you..11:03
linggz!info zimbra11:04
ubotuPackage zimbra does not exist in gutsy11:04
unop__msingh, you could try this to install an older version of the package -- sudo aptitude install package=version_number11:04
msinghunop__, and if this is a fresh install, and i've not instaleld the older version before?11:04
unop__msingh, same same11:05
linggz!info gambas11:05
ubotugambas (source: gambas): Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.18-2 (gutsy), package size 957 kB, installed size 2232 kB (Only available for i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386)11:05
msinghunop__, ok, cheers. i'll give it a go.11:05
foldartmsingh: play and learn :)11:05
Sludge321!info roundcube11:06
uboturoundcube (source: roundcube): skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1~rc1~dfsg-2 (gutsy), package size 451 kB, installed size 2668 kB11:06
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.11:06
linggz!info wine11:06
ubotuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB11:06
XiXaQdanand, actually, I can't. When I use the propritary driver, xorg.conf is used properly. Perhaps I could use that as a base. I'm connected using nx now, so I cant check.. :(11:06
mildner need help to change the menue colour of firefox...how11:07
danandXiXaQ - k11:08
vincen1Hi there!11:09
vincen1Anybody using 8.04 beta right now?11:10
bo-dicklooking for guys who use the bluefish editor11:10
bo-dickit's a popular editor isn't it?11:11
vincen1yes, bo-dick, it is>11:11
vincen1what's your question?11:11
sjovan_what kinde of editor is it11:11
=== sjovan_ is now known as sjovan
danandXiXaQ - you might want to take a look at <http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=58498> Didnt help me, but its worth a look11:11
bo-dickvincen1: have you fixed cpp keyword support?11:12
sjovannever heard of it11:12
foldart!info bluefish | sjovan11:12
ubotusjovan: bluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-2 (gutsy), package size 1584 kB, installed size 6756 kB11:12
navagoshello,does anyone know where i can get information about kernel modules? .../initrd/capability.ko module cannot be loaded,i read somewhere that it conflicts with the apparmor module loaded by default in ubuntu11:12
sjovanfoldart: thanks :) have to wright that down in case i need it in the future.11:13
bazhangapparmor in gutsy navagos?11:13
bo-dickvincen1: do you ever to d++?11:13
boebieverytime I try installing Ubuntu, it says: 'creating file system ext3 ... failed'11:13
boebianyone have a solution?11:13
vincen1nope, mainly php11:13
linggz!info picasa11:13
ubotuPackage picasa does not exist in gutsy11:13
bazhangboebi: is this the live cd?11:13
boebibaz, yea, i boot from live cd and try to install11:14
bo-dickappears as if bluefish doesn't come with c++ syntax highlighing :|11:14
Ardinanyone know of a decent mp4 to avi converter? shell script, package, source, it doesnt matter, i just need one :)11:14
erUSULArdin: ffmpeg11:14
msinghfoldart, haha, they wont accept my email because i am not a member11:14
fluxyHello people - I heard reiserfs / jfs / xfs could be 'better' than ext3. Anyone got any experiece/an opinion regarding this?11:14
erUSUL!info ffmpeg > Ardin11:14
bazhangboebi: did you check the md5 sum? perhaps the iso was corrupted; also might either try burning at a lower speed or the alternate installer--would this be for a dual boot or ubuntu only?11:15
ArdinerUSUL: preferably something that already has the work done in it.. i know someones had to have written one already11:15
danandboebi - have you tried partitioning and creating the filesystems for ubuntu with gparted on the live cd, then trying the install?11:15
erUSULfluxy: i use jfs it is faster but a little bit less robust on power outage11:15
ani1linggz: http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/11:15
boebibaz: dual boot, and the md5 is alright11:15
boebiand i have tried creating the partition in the installation process11:16
vincen1Allright, here comes a question: I'm unable to succesfully install new fonts under 8.04 BETA. I can install the fonts through 'sudo nautilus' and drag them to the fonts folder. I have also changed the permissions, so that ROOT can acces them. In 7.10, that worked fine. But now it doesn't. Does anybody have a clue?11:16
bazhangboebi: that is odd; you get all the way to disk partitioner and it just dies?11:16
erUSUL!hardy | vincen111:16
ubotuvincen1: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu11:16
zaljubenima li nekoj so razbira makedonski11:16
kalatian!hardy | vincen111:16
bazhangvincen1: that would be #ubuntu+1 thanks11:16
boebiyea, i partition it up, i get comfirmation screen, and then i click forward, and it errrors11:16
fluxyerUSUL: less robust? that's not very reassuring....in what ways is it less robust? consistency? u ever lost data?11:16
zaljubenima li nekoj so razbira makedonski11:17
kalatianboebi: are you deleting partions or anything?11:17
boebinope, i have my partitions and i just try to install it and it doesnt work11:17
mypapitanti khairy !!11:17
zaljubenaman be nema li nikoj11:17
boebii tried deleting partitions, remaking them in linux, remaking in windows11:17
boebiit keeps giving the error11:17
erUSULfluxy: i have got corruption on some files after a power outage (it was firefox history file so no big deal but i guess that if i were working on something else not just browsing it could have been other files)11:18
NaViBorNHi people!11:18
danandboebi - that is odd; try creating partitions and filesystems using gparted on the live cd first. Then install. That way you can just point to the partitions you want to use in the installation setup11:18
fluxyhello NaviborN11:18
=== Diamond is now known as Di
boebidan: i sortoff already tried that, by creating the partitions using disk director, a program in windows11:19
fluxyerUSUL: ah..and it terms of efficiency, is it a LOT more efficient/fast than ext3?11:19
=== Di is now known as Diamonds
DiamondsHello people11:19
NaViBorNcan you tray to use ubuntu on faloimitetor?11:19
DiamondsÏðèâåò ëþäè11:19
erUSULfluxy: yes you can notice it and the fsck are only a few seconds11:19
ani1!en | Diamonds11:19
ubotuDiamonds: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:19
Diamondsani1: whot is it?11:19
igor777ani1: h111:20
=== igor777 is now known as DeaDSouL_[NEET]
Diamondsani1: !ru11:20
fluxyerUSUL: thanks - i'll give it a spin11:20
DeaDSouL_[NEET]zaljuben: what?11:20
NaViBorNHow many people use ubuntu in fallas?11:20
wizobtw, how can i add an item into my ubuntu right click menu so that i can right click and just select the terminal? i have to go to applications, accessories everytime11:20
Sludge321Hi guys - could anyone help me to troubleshoot this bug (SSH X11 Forwarding over PPTP VPN breaks connection): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/20502311:20
DiamondsDeaDSouL_[NEET]: You name is Igor?11:20
jinhi, any way to add multiple custom application menu?11:20
DeaDSouL_[NEET]Diamonds:how do u think?11:21
zaljubendo u know html11:21
DeaDSouL_[NEET]zaljuben: a litle11:21
NaViBorNplz, suck my balls stuipde linux users11:21
DiamondsDeaDSouL_[NEET]: I think Yes11:21
danandboebi - hmm, disk director may have created the partitions for you, but i doubt it created the filesystems... you need to format the partitions your gonna use for ubuntu as ext3 (linux 83 i think), and the swap partition as swap :) (Linux 82)11:21
DiamondsNaViBorN: shat up please11:21
IndyGunFreakNaViBorN, well, thats a good way to get a response.11:21
NaViBorNDiamonds: îòñîñè Òûáëàêà11:21
Diamonds!en |NaViBorN11:21
ubotuNaViBorN: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:21
fluxyNaViBorN: get a better spelling before calling us stupid11:21
NaViBorNIndyGunFreak: ÷åãî ãåò?11:21
boebidan: it has created it, its formated for ext3 and linux swap11:22
NaViBorNDiamonds: ïø¸ë ô ïèçäó òûáëàêà11:22
DeaDSouL_[NEET]fluxy: ))11:22
DeaDSouL_[NEET]fluxy: +111:22
boebibut ill try creating it in gparted.. thanks11:22
ani1!ops | NaViBorN11:22
jinwhere are th ops?11:22
ubotuNaViBorN: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!11:22
DiamondsNaViBorN: çàòíêèñü ñó÷àðà11:22
DeaDSouL_[NEET]Diamonds: pozor))11:22
NaViBorNDiamond is girl with pennis11:22
DiamondsDeaDSouL_[NEET]: :)))11:22
DavieyNaViBorN: You are aware this is an english only channel?11:22
IndyGunFreaki hate early in the morning when ops aren't available.11:22
DiamondsNaViBorN: it is false!!!11:22
NaViBorNDaviey: i'm from english11:23
ani1i know11:23
IndyGunFreakdavid, just put themm on ignore.11:23
NaViBorNbut i live in spain11:23
zaljuben i like study any progrm language or web or...... please tell me who is the best11:23
linggz!info eclipse11:23
ubotueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 125 kB, installed size 412 kB11:23
DiamondsNaViBorN: you realy GAY! Go out!!!!!!11:23
ani1!ops | Diamonds11:23
ubotuDiamonds: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!11:23
Daviey!ops Diamonds11:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops diamonds - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:23
Diamondsani1: sps11:23
* fluxy ignores Naviborn11:23
NaViBorNfluxy: ìíå ïîõóé11:23
jpatrickHobbsee: Diamonds and NaViBorN11:23
zaljubenmala noce11:23
DeaDSouL_[NEET]how to patch kde2 for FreeBSD ?? )11:23
bazhangHobbsee: NaViBorN11:23
ani1DeaDSouL_[NEET]: this is ubuntu chat not FreeBSD nor KDE11:24
bazhangDeaDSouL_[NEET]: this is #ubuntu11:24
bo-dicklol, bluefish is a popular editor but noone on earth has added the lines required for c++ support11:24
HobbseeNaViBorN: Diamonds: guys, behave please.11:24
zaljubenlinux is stupid sistem11:24
bo-dicki just don't believe this11:24
zaljubenmac is the best11:24
DeaDSouL_[NEET]bazhang: oh sorry )) i thought you know11:24
jpatrickzaljuben: then use mac, your choice11:25
bazhangzaljuben: then visit ##apple thanks11:25
rskzaljuben: dont troll here, go somwhere else and enojy your mac11:25
fluxywhy are we even replying to him??11:25
jinhi, any way to add multiple custom application menu?11:25
erUSULfluxy: people fell the need to feed the troll ;P11:25
Hobbseedon't feed the trolls.  that's silly.11:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about feedingthetroll - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:26
jinany oen got an idea?11:26
fluxyjin: what do you mean by multiple custom application menu?11:26
unop__jin, were you asking about panel applets earlier on?11:26
jinfluxy: instead having all app category in one menu, I want to put Internet, Office, Programming as  menus on the panel, in other words, using the panel itself as the root11:27
sisfHello guys. i`m trying to set up a share to be visible from any windows xp machine, and also to be writeabe. But each time I try to connect, it ask for an user / password, and I can`t figure it out which one is it. Here is my smb.conf (http://pastebin.com/d4eee0aec). Can somedoby please take a look at it and tell me what I did wrong ?11:27
HobbseeNaViBorN: if you want to stay here, you need to ask good questions, and not spam the channel with characters.11:27
jinfluxy: if there is another solution to do that other then creating multiple application menus, will do too :-)11:28
danandsisf - have you enabled or set the password in the samba password database?11:28
jinI just want to make access to my favorites applications faster even having them in menus11:29
fluxyjin: try gdesklet11:29
unop__jin, or keyboard shortcuts11:29
sisfdanand: yes, I did11:29
danandsisf - you may need to run: sudo smbpasswd -a username and sudo smbpasswd -a username11:30
fluxyjin: maybe there is a desklet that would enable you have a toolbar with links to ur fav apps - and look great at that too11:30
emjaI need to install a source package (specifically, gspca-source) via synaptic. How do I compile and then install the resulting binary?11:30
ani1does anybody else have sever lag in this chan? like 3-4 mins?11:30
danandsisf - oh :) ok11:30
jinah gdesklet. I can use that..  tho the performance is not so good11:30
kjozsaI've upgraded to hardy beta today, my sound (emu10k1) has gone completely. modprobe also says cannot find its modules.. anyone experienced something similar?11:31
emjadoes the installation process compile the source package? or do I need to learn dpkg (or similar)?11:31
jinkjozsa: yes11:31
kjozsajin: any pointers?11:31
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:31
emjakjozsa: you might be better in #ubuntu+111:31
kjozsathx emja11:32
fluxyjin: true - see adesklet (supposedly lightweight, but i never tried it)11:32
jinkjozsa: yes11:33
jinkjozsa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#head-083f68c150e8cc9de635a7ab89b8ccfc6100ecf811:33
danandsisf - your just trying to set up a share on your ubuntu box to be accessible from windows. correct?11:33
tristan__hi. new ubunto convert here...can anyone recomend a nice gui based dictionary app?11:33
tristan__*ubuntu :)11:33
sisfdanand: yes. And to be writable too11:33
jinkjozsa: where --with-cards=<insert driver> , you should enter yours tehre, the driver name can be found here http://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main11:33
ani1!hardy | kjozsa11:34
ubotukjozsa: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu11:34
ani1     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^11:34
Sludge321tristan__: There should already be one under Accessories in your Applications menu11:34
kjozsajin, i dont think i should compile alsa-drivers manually for such a popular card like audigy11:34
kjozsaani1, i noticed already, thanks11:34
Hobbseetristan__: don't know about a GUI one, but 'dict <word>' from the command line works nicely.11:34
linggz!info patienos11:35
ubotuPackage patienos does not exist in gutsy11:35
danandsisf - for the most part you can keep the standard smb.conf file as it is. There is no need to heavily edit it. I have samba up and running on my box and can connect to it from windows machines. would you like me to pastebin my smb.conf so you can have a look?11:35
tristan__Sludge321: Yep, i found this one. but it works by issuing word requests online? i'm actually after one for offline use11:35
yowshianyone know of a way to get a compiz effect like a cube rotation without having to use the keyboard?11:36
|2-bits|Hello. I am having some difficulty with the totem movie player. No matter what video I play, It automatically pops into fullscreen, and I cannot take it out of fullscreen. Also, the onscreen controls are messed up as well11:36
sisfdanand: yes, please.11:36
YanchoHi, I have a strange problem. I want to mount /dev/sda1 to /media/dbhdd and it is in fstab. On boot it doesnt get mounted .. if i do sudo mount -a it gets mounted without any problem .. any idea why please?11:36
fushortsyowshi, i use the mousewheel11:37
yowshiwhat buttonis that?11:37
Sludge321yowshi: Try using the mousewheel when the mousepointer is over the desktop11:37
tristan__Hobsee_ thanks for that11:37
craigis there anyway to resume a torrent started in windows in ubuntu? :{)11:37
tristan__*Hobbsee_ thanks for that11:37
|2-bits|Clicking the leave fullscreen does nothing11:37
yowshiwhat button would a mouse wheel scroll be?11:38
Sludge321|2-bits|: Try ALT+F2 then type "metacity --replace" - then run totem again and bring it out of full-screen.11:38
keshavkheraIs it true that the Ati Radeon Xpress 200 drivers are not compatible with Gutsy and cause freezes (with intel motherboard)?11:38
eisenhowerI need help. i can bloody get the firefox profilemanager to come up. i've tried in console firefox -Profilemanager but that just brings up a instance of firefox11:38
fushortsyowshi, not sure it is set up by default on mine11:38
|2-bits|Sludge321: Thanks, that did it11:38
Sludge321|2-bits|: You can then re-enable your 3D effects by ALT+F@ and typing "compiz--replace"11:39
Hobbseeeisenhower: firefox -P11:39
fushortsyowshi, did you get the advanced compiz settings manager11:39
yowshifushorts: yes i did11:39
Sludge321yowshi: If you don't gave a mousewheel, try pressing and holding both the left and right mouse buttons at the same time while over the desktop11:39
danandsisf - my smb.conf is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60520/plain/ . Compare (use meld or diff) to the stadard one to see what was changed. Hope that helps you out11:40
yowshicompizconfig settings manager11:40
sisfdanand: thank you11:40
eisenhowerHobbsee nothing. it should be a little window that comes up over firefox right?11:40
Sludge321*have a mousewheel11:40
danandsisf - np11:40
Skiessiany questions around here?11:40
yowshiSludge321: i have a mouse wheel11:40
Sludge321yowshi: Just try spinning it while over a blank desktop11:41
ani1eisenhower: its ProfileManager11:41
yowshicompix defaulted the rotate to ctrl+alt+button111:41
Hobbseeeisenhower: strange, that used to work11:41
fushortsyoushi, mousewheel up is Button4    mousewheel down is Button511:41
yowshifushorts: thanks11:41
eisenhoweryea -ProfileManager doesn't work either11:41
fushortsyowshi, however mine is set up like that in viewport switcher11:41
fushortsnot the cube11:41
tristan__Hi, Could someone please tell me the string to use in 'Removable drives and media prefs' so VLC player runs instead of Totem when media is inserted11:41
Sludge321tristan__: for a DVD: "wxvlc dvd:///dev/dvd"11:42
yowshigrrr when i change the button settings it disables11:43
wizo_why doesnt the audiofrom my speakers cut off when i plug in my headphones into the headphone jack11:43
tristan__Thanks again.11:43
eisenhowerOkay, Found the solution: you have to have all instances of firefox already closed11:44
eisenhowerincluding hidden ones11:44
Sludge321Hi guys - could anyone help me to troubleshoot this bug I just reported (SSH X11 Forwarding over PPTP VPN breaks connection): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/20502311:44
cqOK, something is messed up in this computer, I get HD errors that completely crash or even trash the system from time to time, memtest+ shows no problems, neither does smarttools on the HD... any other diagnostic ideas?11:45
fushortscq, bad hd motors, they might be going out??  perhaps11:46
cqHD ist fairly new...11:46
cqcomputer is 2004 ish11:46
wizo_can anyone help?11:47
mohihi all, would you mind helping me about this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5989/11:47
fushortscq, then that should not be the problem but still may be. how many hds do you have?11:47
cqjust the one...11:47
wizo_i cant figure out how to make ubuntu stop audio output from the laptop speakers when i plug in my headphones11:47
cqthat's what's weird, i'm starting to think about it being a mainboard issue11:47
danandcq - what error messages do you get concerning your disks?11:47
eisenhowerI have one more problem/ question. How do I edit settings in the wireless Network Manager?11:48
cqdmesg says want 124549992 limit 5609891711:48
cqon the hda1 device...11:48
cqbasically it tried to read beyond the device end11:48
cqthe second number is correct, its a 28gb partition11:49
cqentire disk is 30gb11:49
danandcq - is the disk correctly detected and setup in the bios?11:49
cqI can tell you in 20 minutes... smart tools recognizes it correctly at least11:50
binociao a tuttiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!11:50
cqI'm running a long diagnistic right now11:50
yowshigrrr anytime i try editing a compiz action so it runs off a mouse button or disables11:51
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:51
cambazzhello. my ubuntu system is a lot slower from when I installed it first. what might be the cause or where can I start debugging it11:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about t60p - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:52
tristan__I'm on an AMD 64bit processor. Is there a work around for the flash-player problems?11:53
Sludge321trsitan__: What problems are you experiencing?11:53
wizo_anyone know a fix for the laptop speakers to shut off when headphones are plugged n?11:54
Sludge321tristan__: What problems are you experiencing?11:54
linggz!info kde411:54
ubotuPackage kde4 does not exist in gutsy11:54
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde411:54
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anteranyone here has Intel 4965 AG/AGN Wlan card running in Ubuntu 7.10? :)11:54
tristan__Sludge321_: Installer fails...ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by Flash player installer11:56
Sludge321tristan__: You should be able to install flash using the ubuntu repositories - how are you attempting to install it?11:56
ani1* Ping reply from leguin.freenode.net: 49.68 second(s) omfg11:57
tristan__d/l from Adobe website and extraction/install of tar files11:57
tristan__i guess ill give the package manager ago11:57
ani1tristan__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29078511:58
Sludge321tristan__: apt://flashplugin-nonfree11:58
tristan__thanks gents11:59
keshavIDENTIFY <watpassword>11:59
Sludge321tristan__: If you are funning Gutsy - you don't want to follow the instructions in the forum11:59
Sludge321tristan__: Just install the package "flashplugin-nonfree" from the repositories.12:00
Sludge321tristan__: from the command line, type "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"12:00
tristan__OK. I'm d/l this package now12:00
Cew27hey guys i need help, is there anyway to reconfigure my grub i messed it up12:01
tristan__yes i'm on Gutsy12:01
juannicolasHelp, I hav eno audio in my gutsy with my IBM t60p12:01
tristan__thanks for your help x312:01
turbojust trying ubuntu12:01
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Sludge321tristan__: no worries - hope it works ok :)12:02
d4rkmonkeyHey, I'm using a wacom graphire 4 tablet, and I can't quite get the stylus to work right. I've been following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151 and what happens, is whenever the stylus comes close to the tablet, it thinks that I'm pressing it down, so it registers it as a click. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?12:03
tristan__crikey. 30+mb just to install flash player12:04
Sludge321tristan__: Don't you just love Adobe!12:04
Cew27hey can anyone help me re-configure my grub12:06
cambazzwhere does ubuntu keep index files?12:06
anterI need help with Intel WLAN card in Ubuntu 7.10 - anyone here who can share some info/tips/links/etc? :)12:08
juannicolascan someone help me with my audio?12:09
christian__Cew27, here?12:09
Cew27christian__: yes12:10
christian__what's your prob?12:10
christian__with grub12:10
Cew27christian__: i messed it up i need to get the defaul;t back12:10
christian__it does start up?12:11
d4rkmonkeyHey, I'm using a wacom graphire 4 tablet, and I can't quite get the stylus to work right. I've been following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151 and what happens, is whenever the stylus comes close to the tablet, it thinks that I'm pressing it down, so it registers it as a click. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?12:11
Cew27christian__: yes but i cant load windows12:11
christian__ah ok12:11
christian__what's the output?12:11
rymi trying to install snack library for sound in Amsn, but when i try  to compile the sources it tells me i dont have TCL installed12:11
rymeven if i point it to /usr/lib/tclsh8.4 it tells me it's not there12:12
rymthough iti s12:12
rymis there maybe a package containing the snack libraries?12:12
anterrym, you probably need to install the development headers for tcl/tk too12:12
rymhow would I do that12:12
rymor, where would i get those12:13
cambazzdoes ubuntu keep a log of packages installed?12:13
hg@search perl toys12:13
anter"apt-cache search" could help, or Synpatic from system-menu12:13
antercambazz, if you use Synaptic, I think it will, but if you use the console, I don't think so12:14
antercambazz, but I could be wrong :P12:14
cambazzanter: ok did it12:14
antercambazz, uw12:14
cambazzdo you know where ubuntu keeps the index files12:14
antercambazz, no, sorry12:15
danandcambazz - to list all installed packages on your system type dpkg -l in a terminal12:15
anterI need help with Intel WLAN card in Ubuntu 7.10 - anyone here who can share some info/tips/links/etc? :)12:15
raw-binGreets. Am currently throwing caution to the winds and trying an upgrade from gutsy -> hardy beta. Am facing "dhcdbd: symbol lookup error: dhcdbd: undefined symbol: dbus_watch_get_unix_fd". Any clues on this one ? This prevents network-manager from doing its thing.12:16
rymfound the dev headers in synaptic.12:16
Cew27christian__: soo how can i reload my grub to what it was before i tinkered12:16
danandcambazz - you might wanna pipe that to less - dpkg -l | less :)12:16
Ace2016_-Hi all12:17
christian__Cew27, wait a sec12:17
Ace2016_-a word of caution, apparently if you install a retail copy of vista or any other os on a hp laptop you will void the warrenty, reading between the lines that means that you should not delete the primary parition or delete the recovery partition12:18
christian__are you comfortable with the shell?12:18
fushortscew27, i can help you fix it but i lost the link i woudl ahve to type you the commands12:18
raw-binAnyone attempted an upgrade from gutsy to hardy beta here ?12:18
Ace2016_-or desktop12:18
fushortshad the problem earlier12:18
Sludge321!hardy | raw-bin12:18
uboturaw-bin: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:18
Ace2016_-resizing the vista partition should be ok as long as you resize it back when you send it off for repair12:18
raw-binSludge321, ubotu : Thanks.12:19
ubuntu-partypeu-t'on installer Itune en l'émulant sur Ubuntu ??(dsl je parle pas anglais)12:19
Sludge321!fr | ubuntu-party12:19
ubotuubuntu-party: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:19
cqessaie ubuntu-fr12:19
Cew27fushorts: ok12:19
ubuntu-partyok merci12:20
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Frogzoois there a repo for firefox 3 ?12:20
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fushortscew27, may want to take it into a pm it is sort of lengthy even though it is only a few commands dont wan to spam the cahnnel with commands12:20
Sludge321Frogzoo: Firefox 3 b3 is available in the "backports" repository. You can enable this from "Software Sources" in the Administration menu.12:21
Sludge321Frogzoo: You will probably want to disable the backports repository once you have installed Firefox 3.12:21
jinSludge321: why should a user disable the backport repo?12:24
Sludge321jin: If they just want to install Firefox 3, then keeping the backport repo enabled would also upgrade a load of other software.12:24
Sludge321jin: Which may not be as stable / supported - and could confuse the user.12:24
jinSludge321: if you disable it, wouldn't the depencies break after that?12:25
Sludge321jin: If the user enables it only to install Firefox 3, then this will be fine (as long as no other software is upgraded). The backports repository is disabled by default, and updates in it are unsupported.12:26
MangoI have a pretty simple problem here :o12:27
MangoI need to access my Vista HD to backup my files from an Ubuntu live CD12:27
MangoBut I keep getting mount erros and whatnot12:27
jinany way to use a folder as a menu in gnome-panel?12:27
Sludge321jin: The comments for the backports repository state: Software from this repository may not have been tested as extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features. Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.12:27
Mangowhois Mango12:28
foldartjin: there is a Drawer applet, not sure it's what you want though12:29
jinfoldart: I tried it,  it's a bit sluggish12:29
Sludge321Could anyone help me to troubleshoot this bug I reported today (SSH X11 Forwarding over PPTP VPN breaks connection): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/20502312:31
* foldart adds a Drawer to the Drawer to the ...12:31
ompaulmango which operating system do you want running when you do the backups, it is not obvious from your questions12:31
nonojoeee no consigo meterme en el canal de aprendices12:36
nonoalgien me puede ayudar??=12:37
ompaul!es | nono12:37
ubotunono: En el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.12:37
aoupihi, I have some problems with keytouchd not doing what I want, it opens different applications than the ones I've set, and when I start it from terminal it complains about some keys already being bound by some other program, how can I find out which?12:37
cory__Anyone there12:37
ompaulabout 110012:37
cory__I think i messed up XD12:38
cory__This is lame12:38
Tm_Tcory__: hm?12:38
ompaul!enter | cory__12:38
ubotucory__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:38
cory__I cant get ubuntu to recognize my windows partition12:39
ompaul!ntfs | cory__12:39
ubotucory__: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE12:39
cory__Thanks, let me try this site out12:39
Cew27i need help i cant get my monitor to full res with a dell 24087wfp monitor12:40
fushortscew27, did you fix grub?12:41
Cew27fushorts: no, dont get me wrong i live linux but i have nothing but problems with the graphics , can you help me get to my proper res12:42
bo-dickanyone here use bluefish editor for c++?12:42
cory__That didnt work. It came back as No Usable Windows/Mac Partitions found.12:43
fushortscew27, system > administration > screens and graphics.  i had to use a plug and play monitor with the resolution i wanted it on for a while to get proper resolution12:44
cory__Any Other ideas?12:44
cory__Do you guys think i might have installed wrong?12:45
floodiecan anyone direct me to a good troubleshooting site for opengl in ubuntu ?12:45
cory__its 5am, and i cant get my pc running.. :(12:45
Cew27can anyone help me with my resolution, i have an 8800 and a dell 2408wfp and it can go to 1920 x 1200 but at the moment i can only get 1600 x 120012:45
gnuskoolcory__: you wake up early, or you been up all night? Wats wrong anyhow?12:46
cory__There is a 100gig partition floating around but ubuntu cant seem to find it.12:46
floodieCew27: there is a widescreen checkbox you should use12:46
fushortscew27, system > administration > screens and graphics.  i had to use a plug and play monitor with the resolution i wanted it on for a while to get proper resolution, with the wide screen checked12:46
cory__i have been up all night. I got ubuntu from a friend at work and decided i would attempt to use it on my gaming machine, however somewhere something went horribly wrong12:47
gnuskoolcory__: what filesystem is it?windows or linux?12:47
cqcory try the gparted live cd and see what that sees?12:47
cory__the filesystem im missing is windows12:47
gnuskoolahhh, you have to mount it first12:47
cory__i ran gparted and it found nothing12:47
=== ganteng is now known as co_romantis
floodiecan anyone help me to get opengl up and running, i would love to be able to use compiz fuzion12:48
cory__just sda1 sda2 and sda5 which were Linux, Ext3 and something else...12:48
cory__When i try booting off the live CD it doesnt load correctly..12:48
cqcory is it on the same HD or is it a different HD?12:49
cory__its the same HD12:49
cory__It partitioned my HD, 100gigs are Windows Partition, and the other 200gigs are Linux controlled..12:49
cqpaste a sudo fdisk -l somewhere?12:49
mad_max02on pastebin12:50
cory__Disk /dev/sda: 200.0 GB, 200049647616 bytes12:50
cory__255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24321 cylinders12:50
cory__Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes12:50
cory__Disk identifier: 0x1549f23212:50
cory__   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System12:50
FloodBot3cory__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
cory__/dev/sda1   *           1       23330   187398193+  83  Linux12:50
cory__/dev/sda2           23331       24321     7960207+   5  Extended12:50
mad_max02paste on pastebin12:51
cqread the channel title...12:51
cory__http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60524/ I guess would be the address12:51
hikenbootgreetings all--can anyone tell me if there is a way with the alternate cd to setup multiple ecrypted partitions so I could have a seperate home directory?12:52
cqhow big should the drive be?12:53
floodiewhen i try to enabl custom visual effect i just get an error : Desktop effects could not be enabled , i believe its because opengl is not / can not activate propperly, can any help me out ?12:53
cory__the drive should be 300gigs12:53
cq /dev/sda is a 200gb drive with a 188GB oartition and two smaller partitions that take up the 200gb.12:53
cqthat's what it says... could be the kernel can't see anything bigger?12:53
cqwhat does windows say?12:53
cory__It wont let me boot back into windows12:54
cory__when i restart it loads Ubuntu automatically12:54
gnuskoolcory_:is that with the cd out...?12:55
cory__Yes it is12:55
bullgard4Can you confirm that rarian-compat will replace Scrollkeeper completely?12:55
gnuskoolcory_:in terminal type sudo fdisk -l12:55
cory__http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60524/ is my sudo fdisk -l12:55
cory__Do you guys think i might have completely formatted my harddrive on accident?12:57
gnuskoolcory_,is the other vista or xp?12:57
cory__xp 64bit12:57
gnuskoolcory_,well you say its 300gig but fdisk says its 20012:58
cqcould the kernel be seeing something smaller than reality?12:58
cqotherwise it is a 200gb disk with only linux12:59
cory__Yes i noticed that as well, i have no idea what happened to the 100gigs. During install it asked me about the partition and i used the slider to 89% because i wanted a smaller partition just to run ubuntu in.12:59
gnuskoolcory_,are you on the cd or booting off hd now?13:00
cory__Straight off the HD13:00
ufak2cHow do I change the blue sound hole on my pc into the main sound hole? (because the green one is corrupted)13:02
cory__Do you guys think i might just be screwed?13:03
ufak2cHow do I change the blue sound hole on my pc into the main sound hole? (because the green one is corrupted)13:03
ufak2cpffffff I have no sound13:04
rymCan anyone reccomend me a file browser for ubuntu...13:04
ompaul!sound | ufak2c13:04
ubotuufak2c: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:04
ufak2cdone that allready..13:04
ompaulrym, menu: places -> home folder13:04
rymgood alternative then ? :P13:05
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ferocehow can i set the correct path to my kernel source in the environment variable to install virtual box in an ubuntu 7.04?13:05
bobborym; Have you tried pcmanfm or Thunar? They are lightweight alternatives to Nautilus13:06
ompaulrym, that has a fair few options what is it you require in a file browser?13:06
rymHmm i dont really like the feel of nautlilus, feels kind of sluggish13:07
rymin windows i could get to my paths relatively quick13:07
rymit might just be getting used to of course13:07
cory__This stinks13:07
bobborym, if you are wanting something lighter than Nautilus, definately give pcmanfm a try13:08
=== oTkrz is now known as oTkrz`sleep
cory__i guess i will just reinstall everything using linux13:08
cory__err ubuntu13:08
bobbo!patience | cory__13:09
ubotucory__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:09
cory__and say forget the windows partition13:09
eyyYoIs it possible to encrypt an entire drive, without loosing the data on it (result = the data gets encrypted), when using TrueCrypt?13:09
rymhmm this is nice, thanks bobbo13:10
gnuskoolcory_,have you got partition recovery software?13:11
cory__The only thing i have is the Gpart13:12
gnuskoolcory_gparted live cd?13:12
cory__I installed through applications add/remove13:12
XB23is it possible to block certain ports so users cant run ircds for instance?13:12
cory__i just go to settings then admin to Partition Editor13:13
arttiHow i upgrade x server?13:15
tristan__can someone please give me a link/ or a tip for installing the java plugin for ubuntu 7.1 gutsy- 64bit13:15
jpatrick!java | tristan__13:16
zthin Enlightenment the windowmanager, my USB hdd wont detect. But in GNOME it detects and runs fine. how can i fix this for E? dont work in E even if i log Gnome 1st then logout and enter E13:16
ubotutristan__: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)13:16
mad_goldfishOK, I'm trying to record in Audacity. I can hear my voice echoed through the speakers but whether I choose ALSA, JACK or OSS, Audacity can't open the device, and neither can Gnome Sound Preferences :-( Sound Preferences says - Unable to open device /dev/dsp for recording: Device or resource busy13:16
tristan__ubotu__: Thank you13:17
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:17
cory__!Steam | cory_13:17
ubotucory_: Steam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/13:17
arttiHow i upgrade x server?13:17
mad_goldfishzth, does your HDD turn up in ~/Desktop under E? It might have a bad name stopping it being displayed?13:17
kane77hi, do you know of any program that can generate diagram from database?13:18
cory__Anyone here run steam in ubuntu?13:19
rskcory__: #winehq13:19
WAKDkane77 goto mysql.com and have a look there - I take you are using mysql of course13:19
cory__Thank you Rsk13:19
zthmad_goldfish: yes it does show, but it cant be entered through the link. it's not in /media so where do i find it u think?13:19
mad_goldfishzth, does it turn up in /media when you're using Gnome? If show, what does it show as?13:21
ilh700hi everybody13:24
ilh700i have a question: how can i boot ubuntu to don't load the auto-resizing geometry? thanks13:24
arttiI'm searching help how to get x server version to the latest available version.13:25
jribartti: why?13:25
zthmad_goldfish: yes, it does show up when i use gnome. It shows as a folder called Walhalla13:25
jrib!timebasedreleases > artti (read the private message from ubotu)13:25
gnuskoolcory_,seems to me you may have overwritten your partition, but to be dubbly sure get partition magic or other 'pro' software to see if the partition is lurking there, try use live cds cause the more you write to the disk, the less chances you have of recovering stuff, then get a cd of power data recovery 4 or similiar13:26
arttiBecause i can't install matrox g200 video card.13:26
ilh700artti i have a matrox g200 millennium and it works fine with vesa13:27
mad_goldfishCan you mount that folder from the command line in E?13:27
arttiDuring install it says: Can't find the X Server version you are currently running (1.3.0) in13:27
arttithis installers database, so for your convenience, I'll try to install13:27
arttithe latest available version (7.1.0) onto your system.13:27
zthmad_goldfish: solved it, started metacity and then it worked through checking Computer in Nautilus. thank you very much for your help, now i will go see Sopranos xD13:27
arttiilh700, vesa is general, and i can't then right resolution.13:27
CurtmanI tried upgrading to Hardy beta from Gutsy, and now when I try to log in with Gnome it just hangs.  If I run 'strace gnome-session' it seems to be hanging while reading from the Gnome keyring socket.13:27
CurtmanAnyone know why?13:27
jrib!hardy | Curtman13:28
ubotuCurtman: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu13:28
Curtmanubuntu+1 it is.. Thanks.13:28
ilh700how can i load the kernel without the auto-resizing geometry? thanks13:28
ilh700i need it for an old pc13:28
clare_server disconnect13:30
ilh700does anybody have a solution please?13:30
mad_goldfishzth, no problem :-)13:30
mythis there a way to get my screen not so dark on my laptop? have tried xgamma its just not enough13:33
finekhow to unpack a file xxx.7z??????13:33
biczmyth: try with Fn bottom13:34
mnemohow can I find out what program handles .RAR files in my Ubuntu computer? like if I double click them in nautilus what command does it run?13:34
jrib!rar > mnemo (read the private message from ubotu)13:34
jrib!7z > finek (read the private message from ubotu)13:34
Mushroomshas anyone had problems with youtube, firefox and ubuntu 7.10? as soon as i install the gnash plugin, it hangs my system forcing me to do an alt-sysrq-reisub13:35
Crusader_TechHello All.  New Linux user, and I've been running Ubuntu 7.10 in Virtualbox on Windows.  I downloaded the 8.04 beta, but when I install it in it's own virtual machine, I cannot get any resolution higher than 800 x 600.  Any thoughts?13:35
jribartti: it's not really going to be straightforward for you to upgrade X on ubuntu.  Ubuntu makes a stable release every 6 months and then freezes the repositories (with exceptions for things like security bugs).  You should look to how you can get your card working on the current version of X imo and wait about a month for the release of hardy which should have a later version of X13:36
finekCrusader_Tech, try to install grapic drivers13:36
jribCrusader_Tech: hardy support is in #ubuntu+113:36
Crusader_TechGot it.  thx all.13:36
mnemojrib: i dont want to know how to unpack rar files, I want to know how to find the command that nautilus runs when I extract from GUI... this is because I want the binary name of the archieve manager..13:38
myth_i mean unrar x file.rar13:38
myth_GUI sucks :)13:38
Mushroomsso i guess no one else has had the same problem here? >.< it does look like (from the bugs.launchpad.net) that i'm not the only one who's had this problem....13:38
jribmnemo: file-roller is the gui.  unrar is probably what actually extracts it13:39
mnemojrib: aha thanks, that's exactly what I wanted to know...13:39
gnuskoolMushrooms: mine works mint, bt with adobe flash, dunno bout gnash13:39
Mushroomsgnuskool: there was an option to install the adobe one too, but it kept saying "this  plugin has already been installed"13:40
ferf4545suse = microsoft linux13:40
gnuskoolferf4545: lol13:41
Mushroomsgnuskool: i was wondering if you would be able to give me a quick tutorial on how to install the adobe one >.<13:41
flash-roBonjour à tous13:41
jrib!fr | flash-ro13:41
rodrigohey guys... there is any "current-iso"... like a gutsy iso with all "new packages" ?13:41
ubotuflash-ro: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.13:42
rodrigoand upgrades..13:42
ere4siMushrooms: I only ever need the shockwave flash plugin for youtube13:42
jribrodrigo: not that I have seen13:43
rodrigojrib: =/13:43
gnuskoolMushrooms: in terminal, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree13:43
Mushroomsere4si: but when i search for "flash" in the synaptic package manager it comes up with a lot of stuff that i don't really understand what it is for13:43
ere4siMushrooms: I'll get you the link13:44
Mushroomsgnuskool: :o is that all? i read in the bugs.launch.net that one had to go and download the .bz.tar file or something directly from adobe...13:44
Mushroomsoh dear, i'm so confused >_<13:45
gnuskoolMushrooms: try that13:45
ere4siMushrooms: are you using 64bit?13:45
Mushroomsgnuskool: ok, i am giving it a go now13:45
WAKDMushroomos - http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Browser_Plug-ins13:45
Mushroomsere4si: no i'm not13:45
MushroomsWAKD: i'll i'll check that out too13:46
noelferreirado i need xserver-xgl to run compiz with ati xpress 200 M?13:46
ere4siMushrooms: another one - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:713:46
Armedking_laptopanyknow know a good doc about building the madwifi drivers from source. my card is not supported by the restricted modules package13:46
WAKDhttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy should really be first port of call for all Ubuntu newbies really :-)13:46
jribMushrooms: if you get an error, do *not* follow the fix on that link you were just given, just tell us here13:46
WAKDArmedking_laptop - untar the source and do ./configure --help or read the README files that come with the source mate.13:47
MushroomsO_O this sounds exactly like it, when i tried to install the plugin by clicking "install plugin" from firefox, it kept saying to me that it wasn't installed13:47
Mushroomsthis is what i get: Download done.13:48
Mushroomsmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz13:48
MushroomsThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.13:48
Armedking_laptopWAKD, yes that i know m8, but somehow the modules dont get loaded even with manual load. i get dmesg output "Hardware didn't respond as expected"13:48
myth_is there a way to get my screen not so dark on my laptop? have tried xgamma its just not enough!13:48
jribMushrooms: pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree'13:48
jrib!pastebin > mushrooms (read the private message from ubotu)13:48
WAKDArmedking_laptop - what chipset?13:48
addicted68098I think I found a very minor bug in the beta and not sure if it is just me. In system > Preferences > Removable Drives and Media: the multimedia tab is missing? Was it there in the first place?13:49
Mushroomsoh sorry about the flood >.<13:49
Armedking_laptopWAKD, Atheros Communications, Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)13:49
Cew27hello i really need help i have a problem with my gub it messed it up and was foolish enough not to back it up is there anyway to reload it to default13:50
wrezhi can someone help me to setup ubuntu-desktop on a ubuntu server machine ? i only have root/ssh access... so i need to setup a vncserver aswell13:50
gnuskoolMushrooms: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4073291 i see what you mean te fix is there13:51
WAKDArmedking_laptop - In a terminal'modprobe ath_pci'tThen do lsmod |grep ath to make sure that worked. Also do 'dmesg |grep HAL' if you get nothing back, that's a good sign. If you get back something like HAL error 3 or error 13 or something else, that's not a good sign.13:52
Mushroomsgnuskool: so what should i do? there are so many "work arounds" which one should i choose?13:52
jribMushrooms: please pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree' ?13:52
Cew27hello i really need help i have a problem with my gub it messed it up and was foolish enough not to back it up is there anyway to reload it to default13:53
addicted68098 I think I found a very minor bug in the beta and not sure if it is just me. In system > Preferences > Removable Drives and Media: the multimedia tab is missing? Was it there in the first place? I think it is a conspiracy to force us to use Rhythmbox13:53
unop__wrez, you can install the ubuntu-desktop package and use the Xforwarding option of ssh to get the remote display locally13:53
Mushroomsjrib: I did that, but i'm not sure what to do with it, i chose to use "bash" and pasted it.. what do i do after that?13:53
jribMushrooms: give us the url13:53
Mushroomsjrib: i see, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60533/13:54
lordleemoCew27: check this site out http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub.html13:54
gnuskoolMushrooms: get the tar http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&ogn=EN_US-gntray_dl_getflashplayer13:54
Armedking_laptopWAKD, wel wakd i gor both 3 and 13 perhaps iu gotta look for a patch for my chipset, the chipset is aka AR5006EG13:54
jribMushrooms: no, can you run the command  'apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree'  and show us the output of that?13:54
jake2point0hello.  i turned on my computer and the desktop is locked in 640x480 mode.  i try and change the resolution but none are available.  what could i check to see what failed to load?13:54
jribgnuskool: please don't recommend that, the package in -updates works fine13:55
gnuskooljrib: does it....thx13:55
jribgnuskool: or at least it should :)13:55
Mushroomsjrib: ok i'll try to do that now13:55
wrezunop__ i installed ubuntu-desktop and i installed the vnc4server aswell got vnc4server to run and al but when i connect via vnc from my local computer i only get a grey screen and a terminal in a white box.... i tried to do startx in the terminal of the vnc but nothing happends :S13:55
jake2point0everything was fine yesterday but today im stuck in 640x48013:56
jrib!resolution > jake2point0 (read the private message from ubotu)13:56
Mushroomsjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60534/13:56
gnuskoolanyone here using firefly or an enterprise cms?13:57
jake2point0i guess ill just go back to windows... i didnt do anything to deserve this13:57
alanbshepard70Sometimes when I lose a wifi signal and my computer tries to reconnect everything freezes up. First the keyboard stops working then when I try to reboot or shut down after clicking the shut down icon the window never shows up and finally the only thing left working is the mouse though it can't be used for anything. It forces me to do a hard reset and I lose data. How can I investigate this problem?13:57
jribjake2point0: deserve what?13:57
jake2point0your bot didnt tell me anything at all13:57
unop__wrez, i think you might be seeing the twm -- thats normal -- if you want gnome displayed in a VNC session, you'll need to configure your ~/.vnc/xstartup file -- see http://skullbox.net/vncserver.php13:58
jribMushrooms: k, go to  System -> Administration -> Software Sources  in your menu and enable "Recommended updates (gutsy-updates)" and "Important security updates (gutsy-security)"13:58
wrezunop__ ok i will look at that link13:58
jrib!resolution | jake2point013:58
ubotujake2point0: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:58
amenadoalanbshepard70-> i can only confirm same events happens to mine if the system attempts to re-associate to the AP sometimes, not all the time just some time..specially if firefox is also attempting to connect to a remote site13:58
unop__wrez, but beware of this setup tho -- you can only use the gnome session from one source -- the console or vnc -not both13:58
Mushroomsjrib: ok done, reloading the list now14:00
alanbshepard70amenado: Sorry to say that I'm glad I'm not the only one having this issue. I'll see if there is a bug report for it.14:00
jribMushrooms: after that, try installing flashplugin-nonfree again14:00
commonidiotis there way to remove one and only one package14:00
WAKDgnuskool joomla!14:00
commonidiotwithout removing related stuff too?14:00
yowshigrrr somehow my windows have begun maximizinv to take up the entire screens14:00
jribcommonidiot: be more specific14:00
commonidiotjrib, i want to remove nvidia-kernel-common package without also removing linux-generic and a host of other essential stuff without which i am screwed14:01
Mushroomsjrib: wow! magic it installed14:01
gnuskoolWAKD: i tried installing joomla yest'day but when i click the php file to install, it just keeps opening new tabs, but im suspecting my php install,14:01
amenadoalanbshepard70-> its related to i/o interrupt failure..and am not sure any software can handle that level of failure..when one attempts to establish connection with AP, the system does i/o interrupts and am not sure a driver can handle that if the i/o faults14:01
gnuskoolWAKD: myphp loads just fine reads mysql, php --info shows the php packages are installed, how do i check a php install?14:02
unop__commonidiot, what other stuff is being removed?14:02
jribcommonidiot: if nvidia-kernel-common package is a dependency of those other packages, then no (not in a straightforward way).  Why do you want to?14:02
Cew27hey people ! i need help i havew yellow caps on my compiz cube and i cant figure out how to get rid of them14:02
Mushroomsjrib, gnuskool: thanks for your help today, it is greatly appreciated14:03
b47619should I use the alternate install cd?14:03
commonidiotUnFred, it removes restrictedw hich i need for wireless14:03
yowshioh it is just this one window that is so maxxed14:03
jribCew27: try #compiz-fusion14:03
unop__b47619, if you are confident enough using it -- if this is your first time installing linux, then its probably not a good idea14:04
amenadob47619-> whats the problem with the other cd?14:04
b47619maybe it will fix the no /etc/gnome/config error and the system sumping me back at the login screen in a normal session?14:04
b47619mentioned above14:04
b47619this is not my first time installing linux14:04
ompaulcommonidiot, so you need to hack the kernel all by your loansome14:04
gnuskoolMushrooms: no probs14:04
ompaulcommonidiot, or the answer no, you can't get there from here14:05
commonidiotthis is extremely retarded of apt14:05
unop__commonidiot, the only packages i see that depend on nvidia-kernel-common are the  linux-restricted-modules -- which shouldnt really have anything to do with your wireless14:05
commonidiotunop__, my wireless drivers are obviously restricted ones14:05
ompaulunop__, depends on his cards :-(14:05
unop__ompaul, hmm, didnt know that14:06
amenadoyeah, someone mentioned nvidia network chips..14:06
commonidioti dont have a nvidia network chip14:06
unop__commonidiot, i guess you are stuck with nvidia-kernel-common then -- why is it so itching that you have to have it removed?14:06
b47619I have no /etc/config/gnome and also whenever I try to login to a normal session the xserver restarts (system stops outputting video and dumps me back at login)  I also have 2 sound cards and 2 network cards 1 onboard of each (built in to mainboard) and also an add-on card for each if that could be a cause this issue is only present in 8.04 alpha and beta onboard ATI card restricted driver for it causes more issues...14:06
commonidiotunop__, because as soon as i reboot after installing and testing the nvidia drivers using the nvidia installer script ... it will no longer work14:07
Cew27hey people ! i need help i havew yellow caps on my compiz cube and i cant figure out how to get rid of them14:07
commonidiotie, X wont start, gives some module error14:07
commonidiotwhich goes away once nvidia-kernel-common is removed14:07
ompaul!nvidia | commonidiot14:07
ubotucommonidiot: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:07
WAKDCew27 - take off cube-caps win the compiz manager14:07
Ashfire908Anyone know a XDMCP Client for windows?14:07
amenado!hardy | b47619->14:07
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:07
commonidiotno the stupid ubuntu packages dont work for me and never have for anything i've owned14:08
commonidiotati or nvidia14:08
commonidioti've tried it anyway, and it didnt work14:08
scraga1opera's broke since the latest update, anyone know what the problem may be?14:08
unop__Ashfire908, you could use cygwin for that -- but it's probably overkill -- i think the best way is via VNC14:08
Ashfire908unop__, VNC is too slow.14:09
ompaulAshfire908, you want to use cygwinx and then run  X -query server -- you don't need to specify which port14:09
arvindscraga1,no one seems to have any problem14:09
Ashfire908ompaul, where can i get that14:09
amenadoAshfire908-> look into freenx or nomachine implentation of it14:09
NativeAngelswhats the command to get your localip from the shell14:09
ip81good day, im having trouble with dictionary14:09
unop__NativeAngels, ifconfig ?14:09
ompaulAshfire908, the big G has an address for it - careful make sure you install the x version14:09
NativeAngelsthats the one14:10
ompaulAshfire908, someone made me do it once14:10
ip81there duplicate in the sources that i cant delete14:10
ip81can anyone help?14:10
scraga1arvind: I get a segment fault when it runs :( maybe I should reinstall14:10
NativeAngelsi was usin ipconfig14:10
amenadoNativeAngels-> maybe you had it confused with  ip addr ? <wink>14:11
NativeAngelsno i just wanted to get the local ip so i can open ports14:11
arvindscraga,have u enabled hardy repos?14:11
DieHard2008my new install of GG  wont update14:11
amenadoNativeAngels-> ip a  would do same14:11
scraga1 arvind: no14:11
arvindthen try reinstalling14:12
krisbo9000can anybody help me? I tried to install grub on my usb device but it didnt work and now i cant boot into ubuntu. How do i install grub on my usb device?14:12
Ashfire908ompaul, where can i get the program?14:12
amenadokrisbo9000-> sudo  grub-install --root-directory=/boot  /dev/sdb1  assuming /dev/sdb1 is your usb14:13
devkidhi, i'm trying to mount my external hdd with `sudo mount -t ext3 -o umask=000 /dev/sde1 /media/storagebird/` but `dmesg | tail` shows me: "[ 2766.935265] EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "mask=000" or missing value"14:13
edu_estou tentando usar o kopete no ubuntu 7.1014:13
jpatrick!it | edu_14:13
ubotuedu_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:13
amenadodevkid-> is /media/storagebird an existing directory ?14:13
krisbo9000thanks so much amenado14:13
devkidamenado, yes14:13
alterunehey, guys! I can't seem to play .avi videos anymore on my computer. I could play them a week ago but now all Totem does is quit when I try to play14:13
devkidamenado, i think it doesn't like the umask option14:14
Ashfire908ompaul, nvm found it14:14
amenadodevkid oh, it says that umask=000 is not valid..so you have to man mount and look for what values you can use for umask14:14
unop_devkid, umask is invalid for extX14:14
edu_I am trying to use the kopete on ubuntu 7.1014:15
ompaulAshfire908, if you get stuck with it ping me -- have had to show people it a few times14:15
kebinusanIm trying to install alsa 1.0.16 from source, but when I do sudo checkisntall -D make install it bitches about trying tooverwrite an existing package, but if I uninstall the existing package synaptic forces me to uninstall all my audio apps, any way around this?14:15
alteruneedu_: kopete is a KDE application; you need to have KDE installed14:15
wrezunop_ i edited the xstartup file now... do i need to restart the vnc server now ? how do i do that i really looked on google i could not find the command to do that :(14:15
=== ed-opensuse is now known as Ed_
devkidunop_, can i do this in another way? i want all new files on the disc to have the 777 flags14:16
edu_ 14:16
edu_I am with him installed on gnome14:16
Ashfire908ompaul: ok thanks14:16
chazcoHi... I'm trying to play a DVD on 7.10... but only one chapter seems to play in Totem. I can also see one chapter in the DVD "folders" as well. Kaffeine can play all chapters and show the menu however. The DVD is unencrypted and was recorded on a standard DVD recorder... any ideas?14:16
=== subsume_ is now known as subsume
aileanis it easy to build ubuntu from source?14:18
rskailean: no14:18
ompaulailean, not overly14:18
amenadoompaul-> if you run X -query serverhost  thats insecure right? so you use that only locally on local lan?14:19
ompaulailean, you can if you want14:19
aileanok :)  are there any advantages to doing it?14:19
edu_ 14:19
ompaulamenado, correct14:19
edu_You goodbye14:19
rskailean: not really. some 1% or soo speedup14:19
ompaulailean, no14:19
rskand it takes days if you haven't done it before14:19
ompaulailean, you will not see that difference14:19
ompaulit will take days for a full desktop rebuild anyway14:19
rskand if you want all packages optimized14:19
rskheh then it will take more than a year14:19
aileanreally? wow14:20
rskto build over 20.000 packages14:20
amenadoailean-> maybe your advantage will be learning packaging process?14:20
aileanwell there is that amenado14:20
ompaulAshfire908, ^^ see amenado's comment14:20
aileanthat's why i'm asking14:20
aileanbut i'll prob just leave it for now :)14:20
aileanthanks for the answers14:20
jim_beamcan anyone help me with e17 setup14:21
alterunehey, I need help in trying to get video files to play on 7.10 - it worked a week ago, now Totem just quits when I attempt to play a file14:21
aileanbuilding a hardware-specific kernel might help though, eh?14:21
ompaulailean, not overly as only the modules needed are loaded14:21
wrezdoes anyone know how to restart vncserver ?14:21
amenadoalterune-> i suggest perhaps going over same tutorial you used to load the codecs, and other libraries for a re-install of those?14:21
ompaulailean, if you want to build it don't justify it to yourself just do it ;-)14:22
ompaul!compile | ailean14:22
ubotuailean: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:22
aileanok i need to do my homework :D14:22
jim_beamgdm won't load i need to edit gdm config14:22
jim_beamfo e1714:22
aileanok thanks ompaul :)14:22
amenadoailean-> if you are interested in doing that kind of thing, maybe look into embedded linux? like ucLinux  ? gets you to build everything14:22
alteruneamenado, never used a tutorial to load a codec or anything, I did install XFCE and KDE before I saw this problem, though14:23
aileani'm just interested in learning a wee bit more about it14:23
goose_I have a memory card that will only mount as read-only; how can I format it so I can get it to mount as read/write?14:23
amenadoailean-> then ideal to learn is the embedded linux...14:23
aileanembedded linux, isn't that for mobile phones etc?14:24
tarkusim trying to think of a good community website to build, something to do with opensource and design. any recomendations?14:24
amenadoailean-> one of the apps is mobile phones, network appliances, sbc..etc14:24
aileanamenado, but i wouldn't get any real use from it other than learning about linux, true?14:25
aileanamenado, so i could set up a wee partition just to play with14:25
amenadoailean-> off course you'll get plenty of use, and some may even hire you for knowing how to build kernels...progression is to building drivers after14:25
differentrealityhi, does anyone know how i can add multiple graphs on the same axes using openoffice calc OR how i can add grid lines using gnumetric ? OR some other program with graphical interface that can implement the previous ? thank you14:26
goose_I have a memory card that will only mount as read-only; how can I format it so I can get it to mount as read/write?14:26
aileanok thanks :)14:26
ailean@ amenado thanks :)14:26
aileangoose_, edit /etc/fstab14:26
amenadoailean its a big industry.. embedded stuff..like symbian14:26
aileanamenado, yeah, but i'm no programmer :D14:26
amenadoailean you are on your way to become one are you not? :P14:27
aileani'm an engineer - i've done plenty of programming in the past, but i now work with mechanical plant14:27
amenadoailean even more so, using whats that called process management system  ..used to monitor health of systems14:28
roychriI am trying to find a document/instructions on how to install ubuntu over suse (or how to keep my /home and /usr/local intact).  But google is not helping and neither is help.ubuntu.com.  If anyone know of any document off their head, I would appreciate it.14:28
amenadoailean SCADA ?14:29
goose_ailean, Warning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/fstab" -- using "application/*"14:29
goose_Error: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/*"14:29
aileanamenado, yeah, same thing14:30
aileanamenado, linux would be used in a lot of that14:30
amenadoailean okay..so you know they been using that for that special purpose..so you are in-tuned14:31
aileanamenado, right i'm convinced14:31
aileanamenado, i'd work with on a higher level though.  the os used on such a system wouldn't matter to me14:32
amenadoailean-> ahh where the big bux is...hehe14:32
jtravnickis anyone here seeing what im typing??14:32
aileanamenado, probably :)14:32
lynxqui parle france ici14:33
aileanamenado, i don't concern myself with how the internal components work - more how to design a building14:33
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:33
amenadoailean i think most large industry is in the process of revamping/retooling their SCADA..i know local gas and electric here is14:33
aileanamenado, what i would be interested in, though, is creating modelling software that would be able to automate a lot of the design work necessary in heating systems, ventilation etc.14:34
jtravnickhello can anybody see what im saying??14:34
Sancho-hi all14:34
Sancho-yes jtravnick14:34
roychriWhen installing 7.10, on the prepare disk space screen, it asks you between guided - resize, guided - use entire disk, or manual.  Which one should I choose if I want my /home partitions intact (not format, not resize) ?14:34
roychriI think Manual, but I want to make sure...14:35
jtravnickSancho-, thanks was starting to wonder14:35
aileanamenado, i'll see you later14:35
amenadoailean laters14:35
jim_beamE: e17-cvs: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 114:36
jim_beamwhat the heck14:36
arvindcan we use edubuntu as a live cd?14:36
jtravnickwas in the #css with over 200 users asked for help and never got a replay14:36
DeXÄåíü äîáðûé14:37
corhave a litle css knowladge  can i help14:38
arvind_can we use edubuntu as live cd?14:38
DeXÏîäñêàæèòå ïîæàëóéñòà... ñ êàêîé ñèñòåìû ñòîèò íà÷àòü îñâàèâàòü ubuntu14:38
Sancho-arvind_:  why not?14:39
krisbo9000hi ... i tried to install grub from the live cd and it says 'Could not find device for /boot/boot: Not found or not a block device.' - what should i do?14:39
jtravnickcor, just wanting to add a couple of columns to my site but every css page or templet i look at just confuses me more14:39
arvind_can we use edubuntu as live cd?14:39
=== Lainy is now known as xlrr
arvind_can we use edubuntu as live cd?14:40
TailsfanHello, Is it safe to use Wubi on the Hardy Heron Beta?14:41
TailsfanYes arvind_14:41
TailsfanThere is a seperate Image for that14:41
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.14:41
nairbHi! I need help pls. at first I can logged in as root on ubuntu desktop, then I installed ubuntu-studio and after I restarted my computer I get the error that root login was not permitted14:42
corjt let's move to #css, try to help you there14:42
copdips!wiki gif14:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki gif - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:42
arvind_talisfan,how?it takes me to installation screen at the startup unlike ubuntu14:42
nairbI set AllowRoot=true already14:43
TailsfanWhich Image did you download, the Desktop CD or the Alternate CD?14:43
nairbhello! I need help pls. at first I can logged in as root on ubuntu desktop, then I installed ubuntu-studio and after I restarted my computer I get the error that root login was not permitted14:44
Squa7chI built Pidgin from source, worked fine, but I don't have an icon in the programs menu14:44
Squa7chwell I do, but its not the right one14:44
GarethAdamsWhy would I be getting "Bad passphrase, try again" when `ssh-add`ing a private key which works fine in Pageant on my Windows box?14:45
Ashfire908ompaul, i installed it. when i run the command i get a window with that X cursor, and with a crosspatern (with is hard to look at)14:45
TailsfanHow what?14:45
FLeiXiuS`Durig the install of ubuntu, is ther a way to prevent it from copying all of the debian files into he var/apt/cache..I need to install ubuntu on a 1.5GB hard drive.14:45
TailsfanFLeiXiuS, I don't think that's possible, because Ubuntu requires more that 1 1/2 Gigas14:46
amenadonairb i dont use ubuntu-studio, but can you ctrl+alt+f1 and log on?14:46
arvind_talisfan,pls help me14:46
ompaulAshfire908, you need to make your server talk xdmcp14:46
nairbw8 ill try14:46
Ashfire908ompaul, it does (or it should be)14:46
FLeiXiuS`I have ubuntu install right now and it's using about 1.4GB14:46
RainCTHi. Is it normal for GDM to use 130MB memory (ie, the memory usage incrementing in 130MB after doing "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start")?14:47
ompaulAshfire908, that is an indication that it is not - just an X mid screen14:47
ompaulon a grey background?14:47
amenadoRainCT-> X is memory hog..dont know how much it takes though14:47
Ashfire908ompaul, dithered gray? yea14:47
arvind_can we use edubuntu as live cd/14:48
ompaulAshfire908, ok your xdm is not broadcasting14:48
Tailsfanarvind_ http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/ports/releases/7.10/release/ download the Desktop CD14:48
* ompaul goes to poke menus for same14:48
Tailsfanthat is teh Live CD version of Edubuntu14:48
RainCTamenado: thx14:48
floodiehey, im currently on wireless, it works great, but i have to manually choose "connect to other wireless network.." since my access is kinda buggy and not visible, the manual configuration does not seems to work for me, is there another way to force it to connect to a specific wireless network ?14:48
arvind_talisfan,i received a copy from ubuntu.is that a live cd?14:49
TailsfanNo, that's the alt. cd14:49
nairbamenado: yes I can14:49
Ashfire908ompaul, do i have to restart X/gdm to get it to start broadcasting?14:49
amenadofloodie-> you can set the essid manually in /etc/network/interfaces and it will only connect to such AP14:49
krisbo9000i am trying to install grub on my usb (from live cd). I tried it like this: sudo  grub-install --root-directory=/boot  /media/disk-1 .... and i get this:  'Format of install_device not recognized'. I also tried it like this:  sudo  grub-install --root-directory=/boot  /dev/sdc1  ....... and i got this message:  'Could not find device for /boot/boot: Not found or not a block device.' ......... can anyone help?14:50
floodieamenado: thx ! i will take a look at that right away14:50
ompaulAshfire908, can't remember14:50
TailsfanThat's it arvind_14:50
amenadonairb-> so you are able to log on as root, just figure out how to use ubuntu-studio14:50
nairbamenado: I set the AllowRoot=true already14:50
ompaulAshfire908, I'll restart X here to find out14:50
arvind_thank u14:50
TailsfanOnly the Ubuntu and Kubuntu Shipit CDs are Live CDs14:51
jah_dread_what program do i use to create iso-files from a cd/dvd?14:51
TailsfanI use Alcohol 52%14:51
chazcoHi... can anyone explain the best way to copy a home DVD to the HDD and a good application to cut parts out? Kaffeine can play the (unencrypted) DVD, but Totem cant. Running Ubuntu 7.1014:51
krisbo9000i know those were the right destinations ........ but its not working14:51
Ashfire908ompaul, eh it's ok i'll just try it14:51
ompaulAshfire908, having issues with the hardy heron ...14:51
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt
Ashfire908*try it here14:51
jah_dread_for ubuntu14:51
ompauli had it working on two other versions earlier this week14:52
arvind_ompaul,what issues?14:52
viciouslimetrying to get mythtv to use XvMC as output, once set to do so, mythtv crashes as soon as I try to watch TV. The frontend log file shows the following: GLVid, Error: Fatal error mythfrontend.real: main/renderbuffer.c:2153: _mesa_reference_renderbuffer: Assertion `oldRb->Magic == 0xaabbccdd' failed.14:52
ompaularvind_, xdmcp14:52
* ompaul goes to attack em with an axe14:52
Acoustykis there a way to have two or more gnome sessions?14:52
krisbo9000i am trying to install grub on my usb (from live cd). I tried it like this: sudo  grub-install --root-directory=/boot  /media/disk-1 .... and i get this:  'Format of install_device not recognized'. I also tried it like this:  sudo  grub-install --root-directory=/boot  /dev/sdc1  ....... and i got this message:  'Could not find device for /boot/boot: Not found or not a block device.' ......... can anyone help?14:52
AcoustykI want to theme them differently14:52
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krisbo9000i know those are the right destinations: whats going on14:53
ompaulAcoustyk, xdmcp -- different users with keep different desktops14:53
amenadoAcoustyk-> on a different display perhaps like :1 or :214:53
krisbo9000and i already formatted the disk in fat1614:53
Acoustyki cant have multiple sessions that I can choose from at login?14:53
amenadokrisbo9000-> you have to mount the usb drive?14:54
krisbo9000its mounted14:54
nairbis there a way to bring back the ubuntu-desktop?14:55
amenadoAcoustyk-> you can try gdmflexiserver -n -l  or man gdmflexiserver14:55
nairbi have ubuntu-studio installed already14:55
lesshastehow do I get compiz to work?14:55
steph__lesshaste, compiz --replace output in terminal ?14:56
amenadokrisbo9000-> its mounted to which mountpoint?14:56
ZiRo`hackintoshwhen i remote desktop / vnc to my ubuntu box, if i move a window, or it changes, it doesn't update on my viewer14:56
yowshiLOL i just spent the entire morning and part of last night figuring out how to make compiz do what bi wanted14:56
krisbo9000its mounted to /media/disk-114:56
floodieamenado: could you show me an example of how to add a essid manually ?14:57
AdministratorHello, i have problems installing GRUB from a Ubuntu 7.04  LiveCD14:57
igorshow can i read the docs i have in /usr/share/docs? i've installed devhelp, but it doesnt find all the docs i have there...14:57
ZiRo`hackintoshif i drag a iwndow for example, i can no longer see its contents unless i mouse over an element that had a mouse over state14:57
=== Administrator is now known as SubMiSSi0n
spudraticany guarddog experts in here?14:57
Ashfire908ompaul, nope.14:57
SubMiSSi0nCan someone help me with GRUB install from a LiveCD?14:57
lesshastesteph__: Checking for Xgl: not present.14:57
lesshasteNo whitelisted driver found14:57
lesshasteaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity14:57
amenadokrisbo9000-> you do have  /boot in that usb drive?14:58
* N3bunel saluta14:58
krisbo9000no i'll try that14:58
amenadofloodie  iwconfig wlan0 essid "MyhomeAP"14:58
SubMiSSi0nCan someone give me support for a GRUB install ? :)14:58
steph__lesshaste, so you 've got an ATI video card, right ?14:59
amenado!who | krisbo900014:59
ubotukrisbo9000: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:59
krisbo9000sorry amenado14:59
lesshastesteph__: yes.. looks like I need to install xserver-xgl right?14:59
unopSubMiSSi0n, whats happening?14:59
steph__somehting like this yes14:59
lesshasteok.. loggout out15:00
goose_I need to format a memory card plugged in via USB that's locked itself up into read-only15:00
steph__have you checked the restricted drivers manager ?15:00
SubMiSSi0nunop, thx for helping me..so..15:00
SubMiSSi0ni followed this guide   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435115:00
Cew27hey all i neeed help, i have a microsoft habu mouse i need to set up and i cant its agony please help all i want is my thumb buttons!15:00
Shubbari cannot print with my Canon printer, it says it may not be connected15:00
krisbo9000its still not working amenado - hmmmmmmmm15:00
steph__goose_, the format command looks like mkfs.<filesystem> yourdevice15:00
SubMiSSi0nbut i cant run the find /boot/grub/stage1 command15:00
unopgoose_, does the card have a write-protect lock?? look along the side of it15:00
=== CMooney_ is now known as CMooney
igorshow can i read the docs i have in /usr/share/docs? i've installed devhelp, but it doesnt find all the docs i have there...15:01
steph__unop, you're more clever than I am :D15:01
GarethAdamsWhy would I be getting "Bad passphrase, try again" when `ssh-add`ing a private key which works fine in Pageant on my Windows box?15:01
goose_unop, no it doesn't. It locked itself up when I plugged it into my friend's phone which screwed it up and corrupted all my files15:01
amenadokrisbo9000-> do you have all the particulars on that /boot directory? like the initrd and vmlinuz and other stuff it needs?15:01
Shubbaranyone has a Canon printer?15:01
Sancho-anyone here who has bluetooth working with an Acer laptop???15:01
Sancho-Shubbar: yes me15:01
goose_steph__, so 'mkfs /media/V/'15:01
krisbo9000no i dont have anything on it - i dont really know what it needs15:01
amenado!who | krisbo900015:02
ubotukrisbo9000: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:02
ShubbarSancho, did u use drivers from canon?15:02
Sancho-Shubbar: nope15:02
amenadokrisbo9000-> may i suggest you read a tutorial on creating a bootable usb drive..15:02
ConstyXIVubuntu doesn't have some sort of virus/malware cleaner to clean up a windows install from livecd?15:02
Shubbarwhat did u use then?15:02
jribImS: will you be staying this time?15:03
krisbo9000ok -....15:03
SubMiSSi0nunop , when in grub i do the command 'find /boot/grub/stage1'  i get Erroe 15: File not found15:03
gregoryConstyXIV: no15:03
Sancho-i just looked under system > administration and there printer15:03
ConstyXIVoh well15:03
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> means it can not find it..no stage 1.5 files15:03
Sancho-(i work in dutch, so administration can be wrong :p)15:03
ConstyXIV"nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure"15:03
SubMiSSi0nSo how do i continue the GRUB install then amenado ?15:03
ichatConstyXIV - why whould you want to use  a linux live cd to try and hack-together a way to fix a win box15:04
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> do you have the rest installed and only trying to clean up with finishing touches of grub install?15:04
ConstyXIVichat: well, if said windows machine up to it's eyes in malware, it'd be nice to have a clean, immune enviroment to work from15:05
SubMiSSi0namenado, i installed a Slackware based distro, wich came with LILO, but LILO doesnt seem to work (at boot i get: Could not find operating system) so i want to get rid of LILO and install GRUB15:05
kevin_ConstyXIV:  you could probably boot from the live cd and install clamav15:05
spepshey guys how can substitute an audio track with another one on a video with ffmpeg?15:05
SubMiSSi0namenado, i am now with a Ubuntu 7.04 LiveCD15:05
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> you have to have the correct files in /boot and /boot/grub15:06
Skiessispeps, you add or replace?15:06
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> i  am not familiar with slackware's name for  initrd and vmlinuz files15:06
ichatConstyXIV:  -  windows have all sorts of crap closed protocols and stuff  - verry not fun to work with from a linux box on... id not recoment it  ... rather use a  windows live cdrom instead - but thats a non ubuntu topic i feal :P15:06
krisbo9000amenada, i checked a guide - but im not sure what my usb stick is in boot cood - i dont want to install grub to hd015:07
krisbo9000boot code15:07
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> ubuntu uses those two plus System.map and config files in /boot15:07
=== evalles is now known as effie_jayx
Sancho-anyone here who has bluetooth working with an Acer laptop???15:07
amenadokrisbo9000-> read up on more tutorials regarding putting together a bootable usb disk, am not 100% in-tune with it15:08
SubMiSSi0namenado, then how do i 'copy' them to the right location? I am a linux beginner , i need grub installed on my HD, do i have to run the command grub-install ?15:08
krisbo9000ok thx15:08
jmccarth_nljoin wiili15:08
mohihi :)15:08
SubMiSSi0namenado, i read that if i install GRUB, it simply overwrites LILO, thats why i dont bother the lilo install15:08
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> may i suggest using ubuntu liveCd to install? and not mixed and match slackware and ubuntu stuff?15:08
gregorySancho-: just ask your specific error message question and people will answer if they know15:08
SubMiSSi0namenado, well i am in the LiveCD ubuntu on my main computer now...15:09
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> yes you can install grub but i believe it looks for other files like i said, vmlinuz and initrd15:09
Sancho-gregory: thats the problem :p my bluetooth doesnt work on my Acer laptop :(15:09
Sancho-how can i make my bluetooth work on an Acer laptop, better? :D15:09
Cew27hey people i really need help i am getting frustrated, compiz wont work, i reconsifureed my xorg and now i cant launch compiz15:09
ShubbarSancho: i used drivers provided by canon, but still cannot print, it says Not connected15:09
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> then just go ahead and click the install to install ubuntu...well talk to you after what 45 minutes of installation?15:10
Sancho-did you check in system > admin > print?15:10
SubMiSSi0namenado, the problem is that i really need that slackware based distro i have.. with GRUB15:10
mohican anyone help me about this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5995/15:10
gregorySancho-: so its a problem of "ubuntu kernel does not recognize hardware". try to find a tutorial on how to investigate. its a routine of manual steps (which i dont know, sorry)15:10
SubMiSSi0namenado, cant i just install grub with the LiveCD like in the guide here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435115:10
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> the thing is this is not slackware support, am not familiar with slackware..so im not able to assist, maybe #slackware  channel15:11
maneyHardy looks pretty good so far, but where the heck did they hide the control so that some accidental "gesture" doesn't switch workspaces on me?15:11
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Sancho-mmm gregory, i looked around on the net, but havent found anything yet :(15:11
SubMiSSi0namenado, thx for the channel, but i think it haves nothing to do with slackware, because i dont have to do something with the slackware files, just installing GRUB15:11
Jack_Sparrowmaney, they hid it in #Ubuntu+115:11
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> you can try that, but as you can read from the guide, the first thing is to find  menu.lst  which apparently you dont have? or the /boot/grub dont exist on yours?15:12
maneyJack_Sparrow: sorry, what does that mean?15:12
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> rather, its looking for /boot/grub/stage1.5 ?15:12
Jack_Sparrowmaney, You need to ask questions about Hardy.. in the hardy room  /j #Ubuntu+115:12
amenadoman i cant type, with no coffee yet...brb15:12
SubMiSSi0namenado,  its looking for stage1 yes15:13
SubMiSSi0nBut i dont need that, i have NO grub installed, i just want it to be isntalled from scratch15:13
Jack_SparrowSubMiSSi0n, are you also running ubuntu dual boot or something15:13
gregorySancho-: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=acer+laptop+bluetooth+on+gutsy&btnG=Search could help you, try to change acer to acer model xyz15:14
unopSubMiSSi0n, it might be easier just to use the grub-install command15:14
SubMiSSi0nJack_Sparrow, i have 3 OS's , the linux one is a slackware based one15:14
SubMiSSi0nunop, ok, i will try it out15:14
unopSubMiSSi0n, i had to go afk, did you manage to get the output of that command i asked you to run15:14
Sancho-lets see gregory, thx in advance15:14
SubMiSSi0nunop, no i didnt manage..15:14
maneyJack_Sparrow: oh, okay.  I see the reference to the "alpha" release in that absurdly long topic now that I look for it.  Since I was getting advice last evening based on someone else's Hardy setup I assumed it wasn't inappropriate here15:14
unopSubMiSSi0n, can you pastebin the output of this command --  cat /etc/fstab; sudo fdisk -l15:14
Jack_SparrowSubMiSSi0n,If you are not running ubuntu please see the channel of the distro that you are running the differences are subtle but signigficant in therms of support15:15
ompaulAshfire908, ok - for restricted drivers a restart in full needed, for xdmcp then gdm/kdm/xdm needs to be restarted, resolution changes can be done in different ways but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial ;-) my preferred method being sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:15
Ashfire908ompaul: i restarted the comp and it's now responding to XDCMP, but it won't login15:15
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:15
UrthmoverI have broken my xorg.conf and don't have a working backup.  Is there a CLI utility that will test many resolutions then generate a working xorg.conf?15:15
postmananyone knows the exact release date of hardy?15:15
unoppostman, 26th april i think15:15
ompaulAshfire908, think username password for that box and are the languages the same15:15
ompaulAshfire908, or locale15:16
Shubbar_i got disconnected ..15:16
postmanurthmover - go to the terminal and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:16
ompaulAshfire908, suggest you test with a test user and a simpler password15:16
Jack_SparrowUrthmover, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (to just set res) If you get locked out Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max res.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults15:16
postmanunop, this is a confirmed release date?15:16
Urthmovercool thanks postman15:16
Shubbar_can someone help me with my canon printer15:16
Ashfire908ompaul: i don't get a login screen15:16
unoppostman, i asked an op the same question -- his reply was "~26 april" -- so give or take a few days15:16
Ashfire908ompaul: i think i know the problem though. one moment15:16
ompaulAshfire908, what are you getting?15:17
=== malakhi_ is now known as malakhi
Bateljecan anybody help?i'm on the 8.04 xubuntu live cd, i need to copy my MP3 files from disk1 to disk (sda and sdb)before i go and install it. but the files are at a map on my desktop on disk1   and i cant reach them (when i want to go to the map 'desktop' ) he says 'permission denied. how can i have administrator rights on a live ced ?15:17
postmanunop, thanks15:17
Jack_SparrowBatelje, Please ask in #Ubuntu+115:17
SubMiSSi0nNevermind people, i have to go on the slackware channel, if any further help is needed, i will return, thanks unop , Jack_Sparrow and amenado15:17
ompaulAshfire908, know that the screen with X and the "bad grey" background comes from the local server on cygwin15:17
amenadoSubMiSSi0n-> okay, we will be here15:17
unopSubMiSSi0n,  you can always - man grub-install15:17
lesshastesteph__: well it's hard to tell if it worked :)15:18
gregorypostman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule is the page where you can track the status in case there might be delay15:18
ompaul!grub | SubMiSSi0n  * this should work15:18
ubotuSubMiSSi0n  * this should work: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:18
SubMiSSi0nThank u!15:18
steph__lesshaste, is it working now ?15:18
amenadoShubbar_-> what have you done so far? how is the printer connected? network? usb? parallel?15:18
postmangregory, gotcha thanks15:18
spudratichow do I find out what to open in guarddog to get shoutcast tv in vlc?15:19
lesshastesteph__: I *think* so.. what's the right way to start compiz?15:19
Ashfire908ompaul: works. i had to switch the remote mode from "Same as local" to "Plain with face browser". (it's a bug)15:19
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, compiz --replace        comes to mind15:20
spudraticis there a fire wall gui section on freenode15:20
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: does that make it the default at startup?15:20
amenadospudratic-> here's what i would do, open the firewall, and run your shoutcast, see which ports are used, then make note of it, then enable those in your firewall and activate your firewall15:20
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, It should be yes15:20
ompaulAshfire908, hmm I don't have that issue with any of my boxes (running iit on a few different versions)15:20
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: cool.. let me test that out15:20
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, You are running gutsy correct?15:20
Ashfire908ompaul: i think it's a bug on gutsy15:21
steph__Jack_Sparrow, too bad =)15:21
orudieanyone here ever installed HlstatsX ?15:21
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: no it didn't start up when I logged out and back in15:21
spudraticamenado read that myself lol but I have no clue hw to do that.was going to use wire shark but it will take me a week to read on that lol15:21
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, You are running gutsy correct?15:22
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: yes15:22
steph__lesshaste, have you installed the ATI drivers ?15:22
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, /join #Compiz15:22
lesshastesteph__: yes15:22
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: I can start compiz from the command line15:22
ompaulAshfire908, let me check15:22
steph__then, what's the output of 'compiz --replace' in terminal ?15:22
steph__it's successful ?15:22
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)15:22
nevoeirodoes anyone know when this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/153195) is going to be fixed? it's really annoying to have the computer using almost 30% cpu all the time. i thought hardy 8.04 beta would fix that, but it didn't... argh..15:23
spudraticamenado I can't find the log for guarddog15:23
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: http://paste.stgraber.org/184515:23
Jack_Sparrownevoeiro, Please ask in #Ubuntu+1  the Hardy Room15:23
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: and great command line trick!15:23
ompaulAshfire908, I am running same as local here15:23
nevoeirojackster: i did but no one answered15:24
ompaulAshfire908, maybe you changed something else at the same time15:24
amenadospudratic-> i dont use guardog, try to look around /var/log/ dir15:24
nevoeiroJack_Sparrow: i did but no one answered15:24
xlrrHello, does anyone know how I can setup my computer so that via another linux computer I can ssh onto this computer?15:24
nevoeirojackster: sorry, my mistake, hehe ;)15:24
jacksterno probs :)15:24
amenadonevoeiro-> just hang out there, and be patient..15:25
nich0sHey all! Being the slave to asthetics that I am, I was curious if there is anyway to install system transparency?15:25
yesttomHi.  My sound works fine under Windows but since switching to Ubuntu six months ago i have never been able to get the sound to work.  It crackles regardless of volume level.  This is true in all applications that play audio, including all the TEST buttons in the Sound Preferences dialog in Gnome.  I have a Asus F3T notebook, which uses ALC861VD Analog.  I think the ALSA wiki tells me i should be using snd-hda-intel, which I am.15:25
amenadoxlrr-> install openssh15:25
spudraticamenado did that no luck in finding it I'm still do not know enough I guess15:25
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, can I confirm you ran this    apt-get install xserver-xgl15:25
xlrramenado: Thank you.15:25
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: I did15:25
amenadospudratic-> you can google for how to use it?15:25
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, xorg-driver-fglrx15:25
Jesiegmannhey there can someone please help me with menu.lst from Grub15:26
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: I should install that?15:26
funalienI need your help! I can't configure any programs in Ubuntu, because /usr/bin/ld cannot be found. How can I solve this problem?15:26
ompaulxlrr, sudo apt-get install openssh-server << step one - two is >> make sure you have a hole punched though any routers to allow traffic hitting the router go to port 22 on the box you want to attach to15:26
ompaulor some other port15:26
nich0sJesiegmann: What do you need help wiht?15:26
Jack_Sparrowlesshaste, You should have already done that.. verify you have it installed15:26
ompaulxlrr, ok?15:27
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: got it.. I should say it is pretty much all working now15:27
unop_funalien, what does this command give you?  ls -l /usr/bin/ld15:27
Ashfire908ompaul: this thing is not working very good.15:27
gregorynevoeiro: it has status importance undecided. this means that it is not of high priority know. try to contact someone of kernel team politely and ask if they can shift priority (maybe they are just overloaded with issues in launchpad)15:27
spudraticamenado will do but I was on this last night for 4 hours lol reading and I still don't get it lol oh well let me look some more15:27
Jesiegmannnich0s, the partion numbers have changed and I can't fix it15:27
gregorynevoeiro: to be more correct15:27
funalienunop, -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 437908 2007-09-19 03:15 /usr/bin/ld15:27
krisbo9000does anyone here understand grub? How do I find out which drive is which? Is there a command that lists drives in grub?15:28
gregorynevoeiro: undecided is not even low, there was no decision made yet15:28
ompaulAshfire908, hmm, it should be flying if they are on the same lan15:28
amenadospudratic-> things sometimes takes time to learn...15:28
nevoeirogregory? having 30% of cpu running all the time is not considered important? ok......15:28
lesshasteJack_Sparrow: the only annoying thing is (EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727)15:28
lesshaste(EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering15:28
unop_funalien, so ld exists -- can you show us some text/output of a command that says /usr/bin/ld cannot be found15:28
Ashfire908ompaul: it's like i'm running a beta or alpha or something15:28
amenadoxlrr-> install openssh ... sudo apt-get install openssh-server15:28
nich0sJesiegmann: Are you having errors editing it? What do you mean that you can't fix it? :P15:28
ompaulAshfire908, of cygwin?15:28
gregorynevoeiro: no, there just was no decision yet15:28
nich0sHey all! Being the slave to asthetics that I am, I was curious if there is anyway to install system transparency?15:29
xlrramenado: I did 'sudo apt-get install ssh'. How do I ssh to my computer from another linux computer?15:29
xlrramenado: oh ok let me try openssh-server15:29
nevoeirothx gregory for the info15:29
Ashfire908ompaul: i assume it's cygwin and not the comp i'm not connecting to15:29
unop_funalien, use the pastebin to post that output15:29
ompaulxlrr, scroll back I told you this stuff already ;-)15:29
spudraticamenado yes I agree been fighting and just starting to win a little at a time I come across things that i need to know from time to time15:29
funalienunop, I know. One a minute15:30
spudraticok later all Happy Easter15:30
xlrramenado: I can ssh to my own computer via username@computername, but I am unable to do so on another computer. The command returns 'Name or service not known'.15:30
funalienspudratic, thanks15:30
krisbo9000i dont know what the drive number of my usb disk is in grub. can anyone help me?15:30
amenadoxlrr-> what is the ip address of your host? the remote host?15:31
gregorynevoeiro: kernel bug team is ~"drowning" in issues: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.2215:31
Aval0nhey guys if I want to start a program on startup as a non-root user how would I go about doing that?15:31
xlrramenado: Host is my own computer?15:31
Jesiegmannnich0s, i try to eplain the best i can, when grub is loading i get an error 17, i already new that my partion numbers have changed after i edit one of them, i just tried to change the numer to the number i thougth its right but nothing changed. now I#m running the system with a slackware cd but i cant excute grub, so i can't simly use the grub console15:31
Jesiegmanni hope you understand what i'm trying to say15:31
unop_xlrr, if you want to use username@computername - you'll need to add an entry to /etc/resolv.conf for it15:31
funalienunop, http://pastebin.mozilla-russia.org/9106515:31
unop_xlrr, sorry, /etc/hosts not /etc/resolv.conf15:32
amenadoxlrr host is generic term to be any pc..thats why i said your host and then remote host15:32
ompaulAshfire908, perhaps I am happy enough with the way it is here - on that other platform you don't do some of the stuff you would do in a native situation, for instance X -query boxrunningxdmcp on a native platform is sudo X :1 -query boxrunningxdmcp ..  there 1 is a viewing terminal ctrl alt F7 / 8 / 9 depending on how you are set up15:32
xlrrunop_: Do you know where I can find more details on how to accomplish that?15:32
Aval0nhey guys if I want to start a program on startup as a non-root user how would I go about doing that?15:32
Aval0nI'm using feisty15:32
unop_xlrr, simple really -- examine /etc/hosts -- and follow the format for one of the existing entries --  gksudo gedit /etc/hosts15:33
ompaulAval0n, what program - ?15:33
Sancho-gregory: no new or better answers, but ill keep on searching :)15:33
Aval0nit's a daemon15:33
Aval0nmyth transcoding deamon (mtd)15:33
pipHello,I installed ubuntu within vmware running on windows OS,can I mount windows partitions winthin that ubuntu ?15:33
gregoryAval0n: maybe sudo -u username, see man sudo15:33
amenadoAval0n-> daemons are owned by root..what happens when the daemon dies..?15:33
Aval0ngregory: I'm talking about an automated startup script15:33
ompaulAval0n, then you could use rcconf and stick it in /etc/init.d/15:34
Aval0nthat only works on user name15:34
funalienunop, any suggestions?15:34
Aval0nahh the other once is icecast15:34
Aval0nI want that to run all the time even if the machine reboots15:34
Aval0nbut it WONT run as root15:34
Aval0nit dies :)15:34
unop_funalien, you shouldn't really censor output like that - the problem is not with /usr/bin/ld not being found -- but crtl.o not being found by /usr/bin/ld  -- post the entire output, let's see what the reason is15:34
ompaulAval0n, so you use runas in your startup script15:35
funalienunop, from config.log?15:35
xlrrunop_: Thanks for your help. I'm in gedit now, but I think I need more help as to what exactly add there? An ip address and some sort of name? How do I find those values?15:35
Aval0nI need noshell for that?15:35
bullgard4What is the main difference between sql-lite and my SQL?15:36
Aval0nhow are the startup scripts I have in /etc/init.d/ running right now?15:36
Jesiegmannnich0s,  are u still with me?15:36
unop_funalien, no -- the output of ./configure15:36
bullgard4What is the main difference between sql-lite and mySQL?15:36
Aval0nbecause rcconf is not even on my machine15:36
Aval0nwhat tells those to run15:36
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
unop_xlrr, what is the IP address of the host you wish to map??15:36
unop_xlrr, you can find that out with ifconfig (on the other machine)15:36
funalienunop, thats was all. Only 12 strings15:36
amenadohow is that new upstart  daemon working for anyone? have you added a new script or jobs or services in /etc/event.d/  ?  is it working okay? havent heard anyone mention that here..15:36
Jesiegmannok again is there someone who can help me editing grub menu.lst15:37
xlrrunop_: You mean I have to specify the IP address of whatever computer I am connecting from?15:37
unop_funalien, you posted 22 lines there -- i'm sure there's much more :)15:37
Aval0nif I just add an executable script to /etc/init.d is it going to run?15:37
BorisDmitriJesiegmann: what do you want to do?15:37
yowshianyone know how to get flash installed on a 64bit os?15:38
BorisDmitriYowshi:  just install flashplugin-nonfree15:38
unop_xlrr, if you are on compA -- and want to add an entry for compB (so you can do ssh user@compB) .. then you need compB's address -- get on compB and find out it's ip address15:38
NIghtFireI am having an issue figuring out how to set VLC to play my purchased DVD movies any suggestions ?15:38
amenadoAval0n-> man update-rc.d  or invoke-rc.d15:38
JesiegmannBorisDmitri, fix it ;) I changed my partiontable and now the numbers are diffrent, i already know on which partion my root system is, but i just can't fix my grub it always brings me an error 1715:38
CMooneyHi all, Just testing I have XChat set up correctly15:39
unop_yowshi, search the ubuntu forums -- there's a nice post detailing the procedure15:39
Newbuntu2_I'm having problems reading a file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60369/ How can I recover it??15:39
BorisDmitriyowshi: update first, because there was a problem with the previous instalation scropt15:39
funalienunop, I can post in pastebin all content of config.log15:39
unop_funalien, sure, why not?15:39
Parsec300How do I give an idea in the Ubuntu brainstorm forum points? Like how do I upgrade it?15:39
yowshiBorisDmitri: this is a fresh install installed last night15:39
yowshierr couple nights agfo15:39
BorisDmitriupdate first15:39
yowshiso unless the update was wiothin the last 5 days i doubt i need to update15:40
xlrrunop_: Okay when I do '/sbin/ifconfig/ on the other comp, I get an IP adddress after inet addr: in the 'eth0' row. Do I add that to /etc/hosts?15:40
funalienunop_, http://pastebin.mozilla-russia.org/9106615:40
unop_xlrr, yes -- to /etc/hosts (on this computer)15:40
BateljeWhen i install the 8.04 beta, will i need to download the final release again ? or does everything just happens with the updates ?15:40
=== dubby is now known as dubbydubby
Ashfireompaul, it's working decent now.15:40
Beshr_Kayaliis there any way to run the regular x86 ubuntu on x64 without downloading the whole cd?15:40
Beshr_Kayaliwith some kind of a twist or something?15:40
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
knoppixHi. I want to copy some files which contain "--" in their names. How can i copy them via cp ?15:41
ompaulAshfire908, the fix was?15:41
ENTERCOMMDoes Ubuntu support a PS3?15:41
AboSamoorBeshr_Kayali are you from Jordan ?15:41
Beshr_Kayalinop... syria15:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:41
Bateljeentercomm : no15:41
dubbydubbyENTERCOMM yes15:41
qwo_knoppix: cp -- source dest15:41
jacobi manually extracted bcmwl5.sys into /lib/firmware, what is it that i need to do next to have my wireless working15:41
unop_funalien, have you got the build-essential package installed?15:41
aoupihi, is it possible to make the terminal background transparent? ( true transparency, not where you only see the background image. And not like with alt+scroll in compiz that also makes the text transparent)15:41
yowshiBorisDmitri: apt-get says the update didnt find a more recent version then the one i installed before updating15:42
ENTERCOMMdubbydubby, Do you know how?15:42
Bateljeentercomm : they do not support it,but you can put the distro on the ps315:42
Jesiegmannthe person who helps me with my grub problem i will warship for the rest of my life :)15:42
jacobi manually extracted bcmwl5.sys into /lib/firmware, what is it that i need to do next to have my wireless working15:42
dubbydubbyBatelje is correct15:42
dubbydubbyyou can put it on15:42
unop_knoppix, cp /path/to/*--* /path/to/dest/15:42
ENTERCOMMoh ok ty15:42
dubbydubbythere is no support15:42
fabouneyhello guys15:42
duryhi there all :)15:42
fabouneywhen i try to launch a flash application, i've got thiserror message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60550/15:43
amenadoJesiegmann-> you want my paypall to deposit? :P15:43
Ashfire908ompaul, none really. i restarted but only because the thing caused gdm to not be able to log anyone in15:43
funalienunop_, no, i havent15:43
ompaulAshfire908, ack15:43
unop_funalien, ok, run this then -- sudo aptitude install build-essential15:43
duryis it possible to setup Skype in this distro?15:43
Jesiegmannamenado, when u can solve my problem we can talk about it15:43
qwo_knoppix: cp -- --sourcefilename --destfilename should work15:43
amenadoJesiegmann-> haha..15:43
Jesiegmanni really need to fix that soon15:43
amenadoJesiegmann-> state the problem clearly..what is it?15:44
fabouneywhen i try to launch a flash application, i've got thiserror message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60550/15:44
Jack_Sparrow!flash | Jesiegmann15:44
ubotuJesiegmann: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:44
=== lipsin is now known as lipsinOffline
orbisvicisi built some libraries myself, how can i blacklist their synaptics version from being installed ?15:44
dubbydubbyfabouney install flash-plugin-nonfree15:44
xlrrunop_: I added '172.xx.xx.xxx compB' after the other IP Address + name entries in /etc/hosts. Now I still cannot ssh username@computername from compB.15:44
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow,  i don't need that but thanks15:44
knoppixit looks like it works . although  i don't know why bash doesnt complain anymore that "--" would be an invalid option15:44
thingershow do i install mplayer ?15:45
durywhat about SKYPE for Ubuntu15:45
yowshiis a install of winxp running off virtualbox able to be virused?15:45
duryis it possible15:45
unop_xlrr, you're to edit /etc/hosts on compA  if you want to "ssh user@compB" .. get me?15:45
Jesiegmannamenado, ok i changed my partiontable and now the partionnumbrs have changed, my root was sda7 and is now sda8, i tried to change that in my menu.lst but still get an error 1715:45
boebiwhen i try creating a ext3 partition from unallocated space, it always says something like:'space is in use by system, cant be used for ext3!!'15:45
amenadoxlrr try pinging first...can you ping both ways?15:45
J1MB0Hi folks, is there a quick and simple solution to get ubuntu to log on using AD credentials.... not just use AD resources (e.g. file and printer shares) but to log on from desktop....???15:46
kebinusanis it remotely safe to add say, the debian sit repositories to synaptic to install a newer version of alsa?15:46
fabouneydubbydubby, already installed15:46
unop_kebinusan, no15:46
knoppix@qwo_ @uno_ thanks15:46
jimmygoonAny good reason why I can connect to my server from my windows box but NOT from my ubuntu machine OR the windows VM inside ubuntu?? this is the craziest thing evar15:46
knoppix@unop_ thanks15:46
unop_knoppix, yw15:46
kebinusanunop_: didnt think so, bleh.15:46
boebiwhen i try creating a ext3 partition from unallocated space, it always says something like:'space is in use by system, cant be used for ext3!!'15:46
Jack_Sparrowkebinusan, absoultely not15:46
boebiany ideas?15:47
unop_kebinusan, technically you can -- but you'll end up with such a broken system, you'll pull your hair out15:47
dubbydubbyfabouney: reinstall and delete swfplayer because the two must be conflicting, check about:plugins in mozilla to see which one is being used15:47
amenadoJesiegmann-> did you modify your device.map? upgraded grub so it can find where things are?15:47
Jack_Sparrowkebinusan, join #Alsa and use ver 15 not 1615:47
aoupihow do I enable this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpTT6sj6Xmo I tried clicking Ctrl + Alt + Up but that did nothing15:47
NIghtFireDury: It works I have it installed15:47
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box15:47
funalienunop_, how to download package from repository instead of package from cs with apt-get install?15:47
* yesttom still has sound problems.15:47
unop_fabouney, that looks like swfplayer is poorly coded, you might look into another player15:48
unop_funalien, what is cs?15:48
Jesiegmannamenado, nope how do i do this and i can't excute grub because I'm running a slackware cd :/15:48
amenadojimmygoon-> its possible, depends on how you have the network config of the vmware, or vbox..15:48
maneyjust a quick observation: #ubuntu+1 migt be a great idea, but it seems to have little useful content.  maybe everyone's napping...15:48
orudiehey all, anyone here ever installed HlstatsX ?15:48
[agatha]i have "lost" my reboot / turn off options i the "quit" screen... i would need to use them since rebooting the computer has become a bit of a challenge... i have not turn anything (that i know) they just disappeared in some point in the last 24h :S15:48
duryNIghtFire: but not package for Ubuntu or yes15:48
funalienunop_, * CD15:48
NIghtFireYes under ubuntu 7.1015:48
fabouneyunop_, i tried to launch application with gnash, the application works but bad :)15:48
amenado!boot |  Jesiegmann15:49
BorisDmitr1funalien: sudo apt-get -d install packagename15:49
ubotuJesiegmann: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto15:49
jimmygoonamenado, not a virtual remote though... and it doesn't work from ubuntu proper which is the bigger problem15:49
unop_funalien, what does this command return--  apt-cache policy build-essential15:49
duryNIghtFire: and which additional packages15:49
kebinusanJack_Sparrow: yeah, I was trying to compile an app but it requires libasound2 1.0.1615:49
BorisDmitr1funalien: it will download, to your /var/cache/apt/archives15:49
jetscreameryou don't get the shutdown options in gnome if you don't use gdm15:49
jetscreamerif that helps15:49
amenadojimmygoon-> there are network settings on vmware or vbox that guest can not access the host..15:49
funalienunop_, says, that they aren't installed yer15:50
Jesiegmannamenado, ?hm ok i will read15:50
xlrrunop_: I setup ssh on Comp A (the comp I am on right now). Now the username@compname method aside, I used 'ssh username@ipaddressofcompA' from comp B and got connected, but it prompts me for a password which I don't know of. I tried all of my passwords but it returns 'Permission denied...'. What did I do wrong? Thanks again.15:50
unop_BorisDmitr1, that could technically download the file from the CD if the CD is the main source for the package (as per apt-cache policy ..)15:50
ricosecadaI am messing around with ucarp a bit, and I have got the two machines setup up so one is the master and the other is the backup, and they switch state if I unplug one. I have one problem, if I ping the virtual IP from a third machine, I don't get any responds, what can I be missing?15:50
jimmygoonamenado, wait. are you saying the virtual box could interfere with ubuntu's native ability to connect to FTP... thats not acceptable15:50
Jack_Sparrowkebinusan, chasing dependencies on outside programs is enough to make you crazy..   Just make sure you backup before you do something very hard to fix15:50
duryNIghtFire: what's the command to know which ubuntu I have15:50
jimmygoonamenado, but it makes sense a bit15:50
x0x«HeLLo» «EvErY» «OnE» «« x0x »» «Iz» «BaCk» «To» «RoCk» «YouR» «HeArT» «AgAiN»   ABC Script15:51
unop_funalien, ok, there should be more information there -- pastebin15:51
x0xhi there15:51
qwo_u r cool15:51
amenadojimmygoon-> what am saying is from your host you can not get to your guest directly or backwards15:51
funalienunop_, it's in russian15:51
duryNIghtFire: uname -a probably15:51
unop_xlrr, you probably don't have a password set for that user -- you can change it by using -- passwd15:51
Jack_Sparrowdury, lsb_release -a15:51
NIghtFireDury: none that I know off I downloaded and installed I it has been a while since I did the install and I don't remember but it was either apt-get or the Synaptic package mgr15:51
x0xis it possible to install sony ericsson egde modem on ubuntu?15:52
ubotuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers15:52
qwo_xoRock: you're rocking my heart15:52
amenadoricosecada-> what is ucarp?15:52
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box15:52
unop_funalien, ok, does it say something like -- version table,  version #1 ,  500 http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/main Packages  ...15:52
steph__x0x, what d'you mean connection it ?15:52
steph__install it**15:52
J1MB0xox I was reading about someone who got a three mobile dongle (usb) working in the UK on Ubunut so I am sure someone will be able to help you15:52
patrick_is there a disk defragment utility for gutsy?15:52
x0xsteph__ yes15:53
funalienunop_, yes, it says that15:53
arrowI've had problems getting certain websites to work with firefox, specifically I can't download the zipfiles off of librivox and  a lot of government sites either won't work or won't let me view the pdfs.  any  help is appreciated15:53
unop_funalien, then, all you need to do is -- sudo aptitude install build-essential  - -- and it should pull the package from the repositories15:53
lesshasteif I want to look at the traffic going to my computer (which is a wireless laptop) how can I do that?15:53
fredreichbierjust a little question: is it allowed to use the ubuntu circle of friends logo for marking a download as Ubuntu Package?15:53
gregorypatrick_: generally you dont need those tools on linux15:53
NIghtFireArrow: that is often the site's problem15:53
qwo_x0x: you would need to execute a few more ulTra C00L ScRipTs you like did above first, then your modem might work ....15:53
duryI got gutsy15:53
x0xi love ubuntu but i stop using it bcoz of edge modem...15:53
Jesiegmannamenado, I don't think that this will work, i don't have an ubuntu cd only slackware15:53
xlrrunop_: My terminal begins with username@compnameA. I did passwd and changed the pw (it was the same as before). Now I still cannot 'ssh username@compnameA' from compB. Thanks.15:53
patrick_gregory okay thanks =)15:53
steph__x0x, to backup files ? to send messages ? to synchronize your phone ?15:53
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durywhich is 7.1015:54
xlrrunop_: Sorry I meant 'ssh username@ipaddressofCompA'.15:54
amenadoJesiegmann-> grub requires those files in /boot  /boot/grub to exist, or else it would not install15:54
unop_xlrr, did you change the password on compA or compB ??15:54
funalienunop_, there are  500 cdrom://Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016) gutsy/main Packages too15:54
NIghtFiredury: slang name gutsy Gibson15:54
x0xsteph__ i dont need them, i just want connect to internet15:54
dubbydubbyanyone is it possible to install microsoft under chroot?15:54
xlrrunop_: compA15:54
gregoryparadon: defragmentation also exists on linux physically, but its nothing to worry about us as normal users15:54
[agatha]anyone has any clue why the restart / turn off computer options had disappeared from my computer????15:54
unop_xlrr, so you are on compB now trying to ssh into compA ??15:54
Jesiegmannamenado, these files exit on my root partion15:54
xlrrunop_: That is correct.15:54
steph__x0x, okay, we aren't talkin about a mobil phone15:54
qwo_x0x: first install the ulTra C00lness RocK yOUR heart package15:55
amenadoJesiegmann-> so you if you dont have the required files, then yeah grub will not install15:55
arrowNIghtFire, I understand this, but is there a workaround or something?  I contact the administrators and they say they only support IE 6.0 and just say they hope to support more in the future15:55
steph__qwo_, rofl15:55
dubbydubby[agatha] press the power button on your box :-p15:55
gregorypatrick_  defragmentation also exists on linux physically, but its nothing to worry about us as normal users15:55
gregoryparadon: sorry15:55
x0xqwo_ you sure its will work?15:55
amenadoJesiegmann-> listen,  i said  /boot  & /boot/grub structure  not in /15:55
unop_funalien, well, it;s like this -- its going to install the package from the source that has the highest version number -- which source has the higher version?15:55
x0xcoz i have to download ubuntu then install it.15:55
[agatha]dubbydubby,  that's exactly what i don't want to press... when i click on "quit" in the menu, i have everything, but reboot / turn off ;)15:55
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann, which is part of the reason we ask people using a different distro to go to their room for help15:55
[agatha]and i don't know why :D15:55
J1MB0x0x: Did you say you were using Edge as opposed to 3g?  Why did you choose edge may I ask?15:55
* N3bunel brb15:55
duryI did  sudo apt-get install skype15:55
NIghtFireThe only thing you can do and not in the linux world is get the "open in IE" addin for FF15:55
amenadoJesiegmann-> per Jack_Sparrow  ..visit #slackware15:56
durybut not package with this name15:56
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto15:56
x0xJ1MB0 i am from bangladesh. thatz why :D15:56
unop_xlrr, are you sure you got the username correct in the ssh command?? make sure you got the case right, capitals and small case are different, make sure you have the right hostname/ip address too15:56
J1MB0x0x: ahh fair play :-)15:56
funalienunop_, http://pastebin.mozilla-russia.org/9106715:56
Jesiegmannamenado, ok i don't get it, on my sda8 are my system files also /boot & /boot/grub and i tried to edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst15:56
x0xa world of slow internet connection :D15:56
unop_funalien, do you need the CD anymore??15:57
amenadoxlrr-> before going to the other computer, in each pc, do a  ssh localhost  to test availability of sshd running15:57
jimmygoonamenado, I know that. I'm literally just connecting from my ubuntu machine to a machine half way across the country that is just a plain windows box w/ ftp...15:57
J1MB0x0x: I did read an forum post or launchpad question where some guy got one of the UK Three Mobile dongles working on Ubuntu.. so I am sure there is a good chance you can get yours working15:57
unop_funalien, because you can remove the CD repo from the picture totally15:57
jimmygoonthe vmware machine was a machine on MY computer testing the ftp client as well to see if I could connect...15:57
funalienunop_, yes i still need the CD15:57
unop_funalien, are you asked for the CD then you run the command?15:58
amenadoJesiegmann-> tell you what, can you paste in pastebin  the contents of your /dev/sda8 /boot & /boot/grub  ?15:58
dubbydubbyhey what day does hardy become full release15:58
funalienunop_, yes, I'am15:58
unop_dubbydubby,  ~26th april15:58
[agatha]so this is basically the thing http://img156.imageshack.us/my.php?image=whereisitcs2.png and the whole problem :P15:58
amenadojimmygoon-> your guest has an ip address of what? your host is what? does your front router forwards connection to both?15:59
unop_funalien, hmm, have you updated the package list lately?15:59
ShizuoDoes this no-partition thingy from Ubuntu 8 works?15:59
gregorydubbydubby: : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule is the page where you can track the status in case there might be delay15:59
duryso better to download the package through skype site and install it, is it right?15:59
folehow can i set a bug to "triaged". I cannot confirm the bug because i do not have the same version, but believe all information needed is available15:59
durybut needs dependencies15:59
amenado!hardy   folks visit #ubuntu+1 please15:59
jimmygoonamenado, I'm sitting in the DMZ here. the host is remote at Cox Hosting...  the guest VM doesn't matter. I was just testing. I can leave it out of the picture completely and have the same problem15:59
Jesiegmannamenado, sure but what is pastebin16:00
ShizuoWhat is Hardy?16:00
jimmygoon!pastebin | Jesiegmann16:00
ubotuJesiegmann: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:00
funalienunop_, I don't. I'll try to download with synaptic16:00
x0xhttp://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/products/pccards/overview/gc89?cc=us&lc=en << i am using this modem. is it possible to install?16:00
unop_funalien, you can do this too -- sudo aptitude update16:00
xlrrlain         w|#irssi        e|#lainy       ]16:00
xlrrlain         w|#irssi        e|#lainy       ]16:00
gregory!hary | Shizuo16:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hary - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:00
gregory!hardy | Shizuo16:00
xlrroh my16:00
xlrri'm sorry16:00
ubotuShizuo: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu16:00
ShizuoWhat IS hardy?16:00
amenadojimmygoon-> the remote host has the vmware or your host in the DMZ?16:00
bazhangShizuo: Hardy is the next release-- #ubuntu+1 please16:01
jimmygoonamenado, neither have vmware16:01
xlrrunop_: It still doesnot work. Can I confirm with you that the IP address of comp A is what follows 'inet addr' in the eth0  row from a '/sbin/ifconfig' and that my username on compA is the same as what appears in front of every line in my terminal,  i.e. 'username@compAName:~$'?16:01
ShizuoWhat a lame name16:01
amenadojimmygoon-> if not vmware ..vbox?16:01
jimmygoonamenado, no ;)16:01
J1MB0x0x: read this.. it's not quite what yoyr after but it's close http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26286716:01
amenadojimmygoon-> am lost, what is the issue again?16:01
gregoryShizuo: we dont care about names much, we like that it works16:01
unop_xlrr, if your nick is registered on freenode -- pm me and we'll take this into private chat -- it's hard following you16:01
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:01
J1MB0x0x: that's the the 3Mobile dongle post16:01
jimmygoonamenado, my machine here. plain ole ubuntu with filezilla can not connect to Cox Hosting servers... but my windows machine downstairs can16:01
Jack_SparrowShizuo, It isnt the name that counts.. it is what you find under the hood16:01
=== xlrr is now known as Lainy
funalienunop_, everything is ok. I've turned off Ubuntu CD's repository16:02
ShizuoDoesn't stop the name from being lame16:02
ShizuoJust call it beta16:02
qwo_its tradition16:02
amenadojimmygoon-> and your ole ubuntu do have access to the internet? no firewall rulez active?16:02
gregoryShizuo: please goto #ubuntu+1 and complain there16:02
Jack_SparrowShizuo, Please stay on topic16:02
Shizuogregory: No16:02
bazhangShizuo: this is not the chit chat channel please visit #ubuntu-offtopic thanks16:02
ShizuoWhat a bunch of polite folks, here16:02
jimmygoonamenado, correct. and my plain ole ubuntu is sitting in my networks' DMZ16:02
ShizuoI guess the marketing department is off atm16:02
gregoryShizuo: this is international irc behaviour16:03
irelinquishhey whats ther terminal command to identify drives like /dev/sda1 or sda2?16:03
bazhangShizuo: you have been asked several times16:03
knweissuboto: FWIW the Hardy release notes refer to #ubuntu not #ubuntu+1.16:03
Kevin`does the ubuntu oem install do hardware dection on the first boot (for device names and such)16:03
amenadojimmygoon-> okay, just for confirmation, from dmz ubuntu can you ping www.ibm.com ?16:03
jimmygoonamenado, yes. In fact. I can even get on #ubuntu on freenode :P16:03
Jesiegmannamenado, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60551/16:03
funalienunop_, thanks, I've installed build-essential. But now I've another problem installing leafpad16:04
bazhangKevin`: no need to use the oem install the regular does fine in that department16:04
irelinquishcan anyone help me?16:04
unop_funalien, wow, whats the problem?16:04
bazhangplease ask irelinquish16:04
jimmygoonirelinquish, sudo fdisk -l16:04
irelinquishthank you16:04
jimmygoonirelinquish, see if that does what you want?16:04
unop_Lainy, do you see me chatting to you?16:04
amenadojimmygoon-> you do have firewall activated on your dmz ubuntu yes?16:04
Lainyunop_: Yes.16:04
Kevin`bazhang if I move it to a different computer the mac address and similar unique ids will change and it will get a new device name16:04
duryanyone could help me to install SKYPE please16:04
jimmygoonamenado, no. I turned of ufw16:04
sharperguydoes anyone know if there are any major problems in the hardy beta that I should know about?16:04
Jack_Sparrowdury, that link had all the info you needed..16:05
bazhangsharperguy: #ubuntu+1 please16:05
Jack_Sparrowsharperguy, se above16:05
funalienunop_, GTK+-2 cannot be found16:05
jimmygoondury, skype offers ubuntu deb packages on their website16:05
sharperguydarnit yeah sorry16:06
amenadojimmygoon-> you can not ftp nor telnet to the Cox hosting servers?16:06
durydrive me please16:06
jimmygoonamenado, correct... but just for reference I can connect to my Site5 server16:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shype - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:06
amenadoJesiegmann-> that looks okay, now  what is the contents of that  /boot/grub/device.map  ?16:06
durywhere that16:06
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto16:06
amenadojimmygoon-> and where is this Site5 server? at Cox also?16:06
Jack_Sparrowdury, wait for it the bots are sleepy this am16:07
unop_funalien, you probably need this packages -- aptitude install libgtk2.0 libgtk2.0-dev16:07
jimmygoonamenado, nah, different hosting company16:07
Possum234can someone explain to me how to fix grub error 17? I have an xp drive and a  ubuntu drive. Somehow after recieving that error after a few restarts my xp MBR came back16:07
jimmygoondury, V16:07
jimmygoondury, http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/choose/16:07
jimmygoondury, click the one that says ubuntu... and install... and done16:07
amenadojimmygoon-> you have netcat, try to use netcat to connect to your Cox hosting16:07
Jack_Sparrow!grub > Possum23416:07
Possum234I know I need to use my live cd again16:07
Jesiegmannamenado, (hd0) /dev/sda16:07
Possum234Windows MBR > grub16:07
jimmygoonamenado, "no ports to connect to"16:08
amenadoJesiegmann-> that should be  pointing to  sda8 eh?16:08
Jack_SparrowPossum234, please see the gub link provided16:08
duryjimmygoon: great16:08
jimmygoon!grub | Possum234  click the second or third link. it will tell you how to recover grub from live disc16:08
ubotuPossum234  click the second or third link. it will tell you how to recover grub from live disc: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:08
amenadojimmygoon-> what do you mean no ports to connect to? whatever port you have available at Cox..80? 23? 22?16:08
Jesiegmannso the line should be (hd0) /dev/sda8 ?16:08
jac0bI am having a problem with gusty. I can't open nautilus I can open programs but can't go to harddrives or folders its like the file browser is dead16:08
unop_Lainy, you there mate?16:08
commonidiotdoes backports mean older versions/16:08
Possum234no but i installed ubuntu after xp16:08
Jesiegmannamenado, so the line should be (hd0) /dev/sda8 ?16:08
jimmygoonamenado, thats the output from netcat16:08
funalienunop_, how can I get know what I should install?16:09
duryjimmygoon: downloaded it16:09
Lainyunop_: Yes, I got it work with ssh -XY16:09
amenadoJesiegmann-> hd716:09
Lainyunop_: I'm not sure why though.16:09
Possum234its nto xp afte ubuntu16:09
fabouneyunop_, i tried to launch application with gnash, the application works but bad :)16:09
Possum234its the opposite16:09
fabouneyunop_, sorry16:09
duryjimmygoon: then16:09
fabouneywhen i try to launch a flash application, i've got thiserror message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60550/16:09
amenadojimmygoon-> what is the exact command you tried with netcat?16:09
Lainyunop_: From compB that is. Thanks for your help and patience.16:09
dubbydubbydoes anyone know if there is a way to use hamachi logmein without downloading their client16:09
unop_Lainy, strange, well well, all good16:09
Jack_Sparrowfabouney, Dont have both installed at the same time or neither will work right16:09
jac0bI try to open nautilus via the terminal but it just sits there and nothing happens16:10
Lainyunop_: :)16:10
dubbydubbyI have vpnc and openvpn installed16:10
jimmygoonamenado, I typed "netcat" with the correct ip address16:10
Jesiegmannamenado, could i show u the content of my menu.lst just to make sure i didn't screw it up16:10
David[A]I'm eating cheesy grapes.16:10
amenadojimmygoon-> try netcat 2316:10
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)16:10
unop_fabouney, you could try this package -- libflash-swfplayer16:10
fabouneyJack_Sparrow, i have only swfplayer installed16:10
amenadoJesiegmann-> sure, paste it in pastebin16:11
duryjimmygoon: may it will require dependencies16:11
jimmygoonamenado, (UNKNOWN) [ip address here] 23 (telnet) : Connection refused16:11
fabouneyunop_, i use it16:11
jimmygoondury, maybe? if you double click the deb it will install them16:11
amenadojimmygoon-> use a known port you have at Cox end,  80 maybe?16:11
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funalienunop_, i need to have some experience to install software easy?16:11
unop_fabouney, it's different from swf-player -- have you tried that too?16:11
jimmygoonamenado, I tried 80... It "took it" I guess and is just sitting there on a new line16:11
Nameless_onehello, I am trying to use aptitude's search function but not everything seems to work as written on the manual, unless I am doing something wrong16:12
snerfuI didn't know cox hosting to have telnet, weird.16:12
jac0bgot it I just killed all the running nautilus processes16:12
dubbydubbyeveryone loves cox .. hosting16:12
Jack_Sparrowjac0b, Were you running Nautilus as root by chance..16:12
unop_funalien, knowing what to install is tricky -- if you are compiling something from source and it complains it's missing some package -- you need to have the -dev of that particular package installed -- which is why in this case we install libgtk2.0-dev for Gtk+2 ..16:12
jimmygoonno I hate their isp service and their host is slooow16:12
J1MB0Does cox hosting not use SFTP/SSH as opposed to FTP?16:13
dubbydubbylook at their name... it says it all16:13
Nameless_oneI am trying to search for packages that anjuta depends on and aren't installed, so I probably have to use the  terms ~Rdepends: and !~i. I can't find a way to search for packages that match both16:13
Nameless_onecan anyone help?16:13
unop_Nameless_one, whats not behabing as it should?16:13
funalienunop_, :)16:13
jimmygoonJ1MB0, no. I can connect FTP from a windows machine in my basement16:13
Nameless_oneunop_, PM?16:13
unop_Nameless_one, better in here -- other people can help and learn16:14
fabouneyUnFred, when i try to install it i have this message :  Dépend : libgtk2.0-0 must be not installed16:14
J1MB0jimmygoon: but no SSH?16:14
jac0bI did but I closed that session16:14
fabouneyunop, when i try to install it i have this message :  Dépend : libgtk2.0-0 must be not installed16:14
amenadojimmygoon-> you are good to go?16:14
jimmygoonJ1MB0, bope. I'm on a windows machine16:14
fabouneyunop_, when i try to install it i have this message :  Dépend : libgtk2.0-0 must be not installed16:14
J1MB0jimmygoon: WINSCP?16:14
jimmygoonamenado, ... no :( I still can't ftp to it :S16:14
jimmygoonJ1MB0, doubt it16:14
jac0bJack_Sparrow: I did just too see if natilus was still working16:14
Jesiegmannamenado, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60555/16:14
amenadojimmygoon-> whats the ftp port?  try using that with netcat to test16:14
duryjimmygoon: installing it... how can I run it now16:14
Nameless_onethe manual states that aptitude search term1 term2 will match packages which match both terms, but in practice, I get packages which match either term16:14
J1MB0jimmygoon: fair play16:14
dubbydubbyI think I hosed my comp...16:14
keshavkherai have a problem regarding graphic drivers..please help16:15
duryjimmygoon: here it is16:15
jimmygoonamenado, ok16:15
Nameless_oneand somewhere else in the manual, it says that aptitude search term1 term2 will match packages with either term16:15
unop_fabouney, ouch -- what happens when you try and remove libgtk2.0-0 ?16:15
Jack_Sparrowjac0b, I was just checking as that could have been the source of your problem16:15
dubbydubbyeverything is getting errors16:15
jimmygoondury look in the menu or hit Alt+F2 and type "skype" and hit enter16:15
renfrewgreets all, does anyone know of a command to list infrequently used apps/packages?16:15
jimmygoonamenado, same thing. it seems to work and then just sits there after I hit enter16:15
unop_Nameless_one, search term1 term2 will match either term1 or term2 -- if you want to match both -- you need to use a regular expression -- aptitude search "term1.*term2"16:15
duryjimmygoon: got it, thanks I really appreciate your help and support16:16
jac0bJack_Sparrow: I think it has to do with the too many threads problem16:16
Nameless_oneso if I want to search for packages that anjuta depends on and aren't installed, I can't combine the two patterns16:16
jac0bJack_Sparrow: have you heard of that?16:16
jribNameless_one: what exactly did you try?16:16
unop_Nameless_one, give me an example of what you are trying so far?16:16
amenadoJesiegmann-> i am not a fan of using UUID in grub, use /dev/sda8  instead and remove  quiet and  splash  to see everything while booting16:16
fabouneyunop_, i try, but it's a critic package no ?16:16
Jack_Sparrowjac0b, not really, but it is still early here... not entirely awake16:16
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Nameless_oneunop_, I can't because the terms aren't string patterns, they are aptitude's search terms which match packages relating to their state, eg, ~Rdepends:anjuta returns all packages that anjuta depends on16:17
Jesiegmannamenado, ok i post it again after the changes16:17
durythanks channel :)16:17
amenadojimmygoon->  netcat is just to test a port if its active, not to interactively correspond to it..unless you write a script, thats use ftp client or telnet for interactivity16:17
unop_fabouney, i suspect yea -- but it's strange a package conflicts with it, so i am interested to see what happens -- you dont have to remove libgtk -- just see what happens16:17
jimmygoonamenado, oh16:18
duryreally appreciate it16:18
dt84Newbie question: my Ubuntu doesn't recognizes CD's That burned in Windows. It's loading, but nothing further. How can I fix this?16:18
unop_Nameless_one, you there?16:18
jimmygoondt84, what do you mean "It's loading"16:18
gregorydt84: did you burn it as iso or as a data cd?16:18
jac0bJack_Sparrow: thanks for the help anyways, at least now I think I know what to do when it happens again.16:18
Nameless_onedid you miss my last message when you left the channel?16:18
amenadojimmygoon-> what is the ip addres of that cox host, want me to try ftp or telneting to it?16:18
unop_Nameless_one, i think i might have -- yes, i got disconned16:19
dt84jimmygoon: I can hear that it's loading the16:19
Nameless_oneunop_, I can't because the terms aren't string patterns, they are aptitude's search terms which match packages relating to their state, eg, ~Rdepends:anjuta returns all packages that anjuta depends on16:19
unop_Nameless_one, can you repeat please? :)16:19
jimmygoonamenado, no. thanks though. I'm gonna reboot and try a few things16:19
Nameless_oneI did16:19
Jesiegmannamenado, like that: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/605516:19
Nameless_oneI can't = I can't use regular expressions16:19
snerfujimmygoon: did you add anything custom to your iptables?16:19
combotechsound does not even work for root and my soundcard is found16:19
dt84jimmygoon: I can hear that it's loading the CD, but it's not showing it under "computer".16:20
JohnMMJesiegmann, invalid link16:20
combotechis there other components that can be out of order?16:20
amenadoJesiegmann-> its not ready, cant get to it16:20
dt84gregory: It's data CD.16:20
amenadoas per JohnMM16:20
Jesiegmannups http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60556/16:20
Jack_Sparrow!sound | combotech16:20
ubotucombotech: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:20
gregorydt84: yeah, i figured out that i misunderstood your question. you already have ubuntu installed, right?16:20
unop_Nameless_one, i guess you might need to use pipe and grep then -- aptitude search .. | grep blah16:21
dt84gregory: Yes, I'm on ubuntu 7.10 right now.16:21
Nameless_oneyeah, that sounds like a good temporary solution, although I would have to match p<tab>16:21
=== gregory is now known as gregory_break
fabouneyunop_, I begin to uninstall libgtk2.0-0, but I stopped going, how do I reinstall everything?16:22
Tu13esis this tutorial still applicable for Gutsy/Hardy? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12240216:22
amenadoJesiegmann-> its not hd0,8  its  hd0,7   for /dev/sda816:22
unop_Nameless_one,  aptitude search ... | grep -iE "p\t"   perhaps??16:22
amenadoJesiegmann-> also your device.map you have changed?16:22
Jesiegmannamenado, kk and than it should work again?16:23
unop_Nameless_one, that is if you meant <tab> as in whitespace16:23
Jesiegmannamenado,  yeah i cnahed it to (hd8) /dev/sda16:23
amenadoJesiegmann-> you still have to run that grub-install or grub-update i believe16:23
unop_fabouney, if you didnt uninstall libgtk, there should be nothing to reinstall16:23
Nameless_oneunop_, yeah, that's what I though, thanks. I actually want to learn how to do it with aptitude to have more control over my system. The people at #debian sent me away :-S16:23
bthorntonDoes Ubuntu 7.10 use the same kernel for both the 32-bit and 64-bit distros?16:23
amenadoJesiegmann-> follow that grub tutorial to confirm the naming convention16:23
Jesiegmannamenado, thats a huge problem bechause with this fucking slackware cd i can't run grub16:23
amenado!grub | Jesiegmann16:23
ubotuJesiegmann: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:23
fabouneyunop_, :( so my gnome enrionnement will be unstable ? :(16:24
bazhanglanguage Jesiegmann16:24
Jesiegmannsoory bazhang16:24
amenado!language | Jesiegmann16:24
unop_Nameless_one, if you've caught this easter-egg in aptitude it says "this version of aptitude does not have super cow powers" .. if you get me? :)16:24
ubotuJesiegmann: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:24
fabouneyunop_, if i desintall completely libgtk and reinstall it, it's good ? you think ?16:24
jalonsocan anyone here help me with VBOX? I know it has its own channel but noone is answering16:24
Jesiegmannyeah I'm sorry16:24
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann, Please watch the language...   and slackware cd is not helping your case with this channel16:24
unop_fabouney, did or didnt you uninstall libgtk ?16:24
amenadoam off for a few..16:24
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow,  i have no slackware problem i cant start my ubuntu *Cry*16:25
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann, No ubuntu livecd?16:25
unop_Nameless_one, sometimes, it's not possible for an app to do everything, sometimes it's easier if you use a variety of tools to get the job done,,.16:25
fabouneyunop_, 16:25
fabouneyI stopped the installation underway16:25
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow,  i would use is if i would have one16:25
fabouneyunop_, I stopped the installation underway16:25
funalienunop_, thanks!! Working on linux whole year, I've installed my first software from source only today16:26
tons_plz haiiiiiii16:26
unop_fabouney, so, you dont need to do anything now then -- just relax :)16:26
unop_funalien, congrats :)  and happy easter :)16:26
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann, have you posted the fdisk -l from your drive?16:26
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow, not yet should i16:27
fabouneyunop_, But some packages have been uninstalled anyway, I can already see that in my toolbar icons have disappeared16:27
snerfuJesiegmann: maybe chroot into your ubuntu partition and rub grub-setup from it. you are just trying to get into an installed ubuntu right?16:27
tons_plzHelp me man....:(16:27
server1happy easter everybody!!!16:27
funalienunop_, thanks, happy easter too!16:27
unop_fabouney, ok, list the packages that were removed from the output and install them again16:27
Jesiegmannsnerfu yes16:27
Stroganoffhello tons_plz16:28
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann, hd0,8 is not sda8   correct?16:28
fabouneyunop_, where i can see that ?16:28
unop_fabouney, sudo aptitude install package1 package2 ...16:28
bazhangtons_plz: please specify your problem16:28
unop_fabouney, in the output of the last aptitude command16:28
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow,  ?hm i think so16:28
tons_plzhow i join other channel,, i am newbie :(16:28
server1a repented windows user has finally give up his so to linux...!!16:28
steve176Hi, I want parse a comma separated string into a command, e.g. "a,b,c,d" => somecommand -arg1 a -arg2 b -arg3 c. Tried various methods with xargs, awk etc but can't help feeling there must be an easy way. thx16:28
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann, hd0,8 is not sda8   correct?   hd0,0  is first partition    so hd0,8 would be sd916:28
Stroganofftons_plz: /join #channel16:28
bazhangtons_plz: /j #channame16:29
Jesiegmannso i nee hd0,716:29
EythanHello, i try to install ubuntu on an USB stick, i followed a tutorial, but it doesn't work, anyone can help me ?16:29
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann, hd0,7        would be sd816:29
johnny_#join padang16:29
tons_plztons_plz: /join #bekasi16:29
server1guys I need good documentation on ubuntu...  I still getting used to all this...16:29
Alivesi just hosed my apache configs... what is the easiest way to just completely reinstall apache without dependancies?16:29
=== gregory_break is now known as gregory
Stroganofftons_plz: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html16:30
Stroganoffread it16:30
gregoryEythan: post the error message, someone will answer16:30
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann,   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60557/16:30
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow,  ok i think i got it16:30
Eythangregory> there is no error message, it doesn't boot16:30
sinboxwhen I go to the character map and it tells me to type "U+00E0"  what is U?16:30
tons_plzThanks a million St Rogan16:30
eliaskatei'm trying to use bind9 like a webserver, but im having a problem, that server cant be seen from pc that not are in my local network16:31
eliaskateany idea?16:31
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow, ok i will try that i hope it will work16:31
Jack_SparrowJesiegmann, good luck16:31
Jesiegmannwhen it works i will come back to warship you16:31
dannyHow do I open an .ace archive? ://16:31
jrib!ace > danny (read the private message from ubotu)16:31
unop__eliaskate .. bind9 is not a webserver -- what made you think it was?16:32
dannyjrib  thanks :]16:32
gregoryEythan: i have no personal experience with that very sorry16:32
bazhangEythan: what did you dio wrong? and from what tutorial-- www.pendrivelinux.com has a few16:32
Majornikkuthe latest ubuntu beta. will it work with nvidia 1.12TB raid? if i GPart to 4 parts with WinBlows® and ubuntu?16:32
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please Majornikku16:33
Majornikkuwhats the command to change.16:33
Eythanbazhang> just no boot, i followed a tutorial from doc.ubuntu16:33
Kevin`Majornikku I reommend using software raid if possible rather then bios/driver/dmraid16:33
Jack_SparrowMajornikku, /join #Ubuntu+116:33
Eythanbazhang> thx for the link16:33
dannyit lets me see the files in the .ace, but when i try to extract, i get 'An error occurred while extracting files.'16:33
bazhangEythan: then you should format and try again--the link I gave you has some nice ones16:34
jribdanny: did you install the package the wiki said to install?16:34
server1Guys I need basic directions here!!!   I've been trying to install programs on this 5.xx version of ubuntu, and I can't dman it16:34
Jack_Sparrow!eol | server116:35
ubotuserver1: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle16:35
bazhangserver1: upgrade as that is no longer supported16:35
gregoryserver1: 5.x why not use 7.1?16:35
Stroganoffdanny: try sudo apt-get install unace-nonfree16:35
Eythanbazhang> i have formated several times, same effects16:35
fabouneyunop_, How can I be sure that the start of uninstalling libgtk2.0-0 has not erased packets important?16:35
server1cause its my first time using this thing16:35
Eythanbazhang> i run out of ideas16:35
Aliveshow do i tell if i have desktop or server installed?16:35
Jack_Sparrowserver1, Please install nothing older than 6.0616:36
dannyk, it's installing16:36
gregoryfabouney: ubuntu takes care of that with dependencies16:36
Jack_Sparrowserver1, Dapper Drake...  even that is ancient compared to Hardy16:36
bazhangEythan: that is something that takes some tries and a bit of patience--you really should read up on the site I gave you16:36
fabouneyunop_, For example icon of filezilla disappeared16:37
unop__fabouney, you look at the output of the command and ascertain what has been removed16:37
bazhangEythan: one other alternative is that your computer bios does not allow that sort of boot16:37
server1I bet16:37
Eythanbazhang> i am reading it and looking for another way16:37
fabouneyunop_, can you tell me the command ?16:37
fabouneyunop_, APTITUDE SHOW LIBGTK-2.0-0 ?16:38
Eythanbazhang> the BIOS allows that kind of boot16:38
dannyso i do 'unace x file_name.ace' and it says it's extracting, creates the folder, then nothing else.  :/16:38
server1can I upgrade from 5.xxx?16:38
=== warlock_ is now known as warlock_handler
server1just by downloading the new 8.xxx?16:38
unop__fabouney, when you ran this command earlier -- aptitude remove libgtk-2.0.0 -- some output was generated -- you need to go through that output and find out what was removed16:38
AlienXanyone know if hardy will/does support install time encryption and, if I'm installing it over a gutsy system with an encrypted filesystem, will there be any issues?16:39
unop__danny, not that i use unace -- but there might be some flag needed to extract all the contents16:39
NitramusaHi, can i run the 'apt-get install grub' command off a LiveCD and actually install grub on my HD?16:39
gregoryserver1: no upgrade, only fresh install and manual copy of data files you want to migrate16:39
unop__AlienX, question for #ubuntu+116:39
Stroganoffdanny: try winrar with wine (works very good)16:39
dannyah, i didn't know winrar did ace :x16:40
AlienXunop_, yeah, it's quiet in there so i figured someone here may have an answer.16:40
=== warlock_ is now known as warlock_handler
JohnMMmmm Stroganoff :)16:40
jkliffhi folks. i'm just upgrading from gutsy to hardy (still in progress)16:40
gregoryserver1: btw you can also ask in #ubuntu-server16:40
Stroganoffmmm JohnMM :)16:40
jribdanny: why aren't you using the gui like the wiki says?16:40
bazhangjkliff: #ubuntu+1 please thanks16:41
unop__AlienX, i'm not sure of the answer to your question but when doing something as significant as upgrading a system, it'd be best to ensure all data is backed up first, thats a responsibility16:41
jkliffbazhang, thanks ;)16:41
AlienXunop_, yeah, that's not really an issue, I'm simply more curious as to what to expect.16:41
jribdanny: never mind, I misread16:41
dannyjrib: yeah, you have to do it through terminal ://16:42
nulledvoi-dhi all :D16:42
nulledvoi-dim looking from a C source what check some user password, someone knows one [simple] ? :D (sorry 4 my bad english)16:42
unop__AlienX, and if you are upgrading (not doing a fresh install) -- i dont see that being an issue -- but this is not an official stance16:42
server1alright thanks16:42
bazhangnulledvoi-d: for what purpose?16:42
Stroganoffnulledvoi-d: try #c16:42
Marostexcuse me... does anybody knows about notebooks sold with linux as default o.s.?16:43
jadams_anyone here have a lot of experience with pulseaudio?  I can't see one of my machines from another one inside of padevchooser16:43
AlienXunop_, i tend to do clean installs when I switch up to a more recent distro...tends to clean out some of the crap :)16:43
rskMarost: dell does that16:43
bazhangmarost system76.com and dell among others16:43
Marostrsk: ok, thanks a lot16:43
AlienXMarost, sager used to, but i'm not sure if they still do.16:43
unop__AlienX, thats a very windows-ish approach to things :) i find that really to be a complete waste of time16:43
unop__Marost, check out dell, they do linux notebooks16:43
Marostthanks to all i begin my research...16:44
SquawkHey guys, on my machien I have three OS's (ubuntu, gentoo and XP). I have just installed vmware under gentoo. Is it possible to get access to my ubuntu install using vmware, or do I have to install ubuntu using vmware in order to get access?)16:44
AlienXunop_, i don't know, i've only been using linux for 11 years or so. In my experience, upgrades tend to break a fair bit  ;)16:44
nulledvoi-dtjust check password16:44
bazhangSquawk: what is the host os?16:44
burkendo i have to uninstall old nvidia drivers before upgrading?16:44
nulledvoi-dc share no xD16:44
nulledvoi-dthx all !16:44
bazhangnulledvoi-d: to crack passwords? not supported here16:44
Squawkbazhang, computer is running gentoo, would like to use ubuntu/XP using vmware16:45
Lainyunop__: Hello again. I can ssh to compA from compB with ssh -XY compA'sname@compA'sIPAddress. After adding 'compA'sIPAddress test' in /etc/hosts, I cannot ssh to compA from compB with ssh -XY compA'sname@test'. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.16:45
poseidonAnyone know of linkt to a comparison of ubuntu and kubuntu?  I'm trying to decide which one to install16:45
Jesiegmannhey there again16:45
bazhangSquawk: that really is a gentoo question sorry16:45
unop__AlienX, i'm not saying its the wrong way to do things -- but you never figured out how to fix things broken in upgrades? :)16:45
nulledvoi-dbazhang: https://mlabs.dontexist.org/sconn/?do=login :D im making a sys admin web interface,16:45
nulledvoi-di like to use PAM auth16:45
soreauI forget, forgive me. What is the name of the gdm configurator program? Please /msg me or use my nick in response16:46
Squawkbazhang, im not after a full tutorial, just knowing whether or not its possible. Put it the other way around if you want, if I was running ubuntu and ran vmware, could I load my current XP install, or would I have to install XP inside vmware?16:46
KiborgWhy wouldn't Pidgin open my MSN contacts? I have it all set up...16:46
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE16:46
unop__Lainy, in compB's /etc/hosts -- make sure you have the right IP address for compA16:46
Jack_Sparrowsoreau, gconf-editor ?16:46
naxahi! I've got a pinnacle pctv analog pro usb, and i would like to wathch tv16:46
AlienXunop_, i don't mind fixing things (it's what i do every day at work) but I've always personally seen doing clean installs as being the way to go.16:46
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.16:46
Lainyunop__: I don't have sudo access in compB.16:46
bazhangSquawk: not really sure about that; sounds intriguing though16:46
soreauJack_Sparrow: Thank you very much kind sir :D16:47
soreauJack_Sparrow: But that's not it16:47
Jack_Sparrow!helpme | Kamus_H_Zwisch16:47
ubotuKamus_H_Zwisch: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience16:47
joankii'm using sftp to download files from a remote server - i used the get* command, and it appears to have worked, but i can't find my files anywhere - can anyone help?!16:47
soreauJack_Sparrow: I'm looking for the one to set gdm splashes etc16:47
unop__Lainy, then there's little you can do -- why don't you have sudo access?16:47
Jack_Sparrowsoreau, np...  People sometimes ask your question, but really want just the editor16:47
Jack_SparrowKamus_H_Zwisch, Lose the caps please16:47
Lainyunop__: CompB is a school computer. I am trying to connect to my laptop (compA) from school, that's all.16:47
naxahow can i watch tv in ubuntu?16:47
pagan0mehey, i just managed to install ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop, however the installer was unable to install GRUB, so i cant boot it, its installed onto sda with ubuntu on sda2 and vista on sda1, how do i manually install grub, su grub-install sda doesnt seem to work16:47
soreauI forget, forgive me. What is the name of the gdm configurator program to change the login splash screen? Please /msg me or use my nick in response16:47
Kamus_H_Zwischbut is realy a invasion16:48
warrendaenaxa : miro16:48
chaitan3soreau, i think it is gtweakui16:48
naxawarrendae, thanks16:48
unop__Lainy, hmm -- is your laptop on the same network as the school comp?16:48
warrendaenaxa : are you talking about TNT?16:48
bazhangKamus_H_Zwisch: this is #ubuntu not #pest-control16:48
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork16:48
Lainyunop__: Yes it is.16:48
Kamus_H_Zwischhave a pest-control channel?16:48
Kamus_H_Zwischthank you16:48
joankii'm using sftp to download files from a remote server - i used the get* command, and it appears to have worked, but i can't find my files anywhere - can anyone help?!16:48
soreauchaitan3: That's no it. I would know it if I saw the actual command16:48
Lainyunop__: Isn't host > ip translation done on client, not server?16:49
naxawarrendae, not, i don't know what is tnt. i want to connect my video recorder via a pinnacle pctv analog pro usb to digitalize home video.16:49
bazhangdid he really go there?16:49
soreauJack_Sparrow: What was that all about?16:49
warrendaeok, so mire isn't the program16:49
joankican anyone please take a look at my q?    GREATLY appreciated!16:49
warrendaewait a second...16:49
blahbohi all. i'm running hardy-dev. i noticed the link sensitivity in iwl3945 is much workse than ipw394516:49
bazhangjoanki: where are they generally downloaded? check there16:50
blahboany way of improving the sensitivity in iwl3945 or to revert to ipw3945?16:50
naxawarrendae, i can find the picture in windows' pinnacle software, but there is no audio (only at tunning, when i save settings, it disappears). however in linux i cannot find my video recorder yet.16:50
blahboor is there a specific channel for hardy heron?16:50
unop__Lainy, the host needs to query a server -- the DNS server on the network -- it's possible that your laptop's name is registered on the DNS server (via DHCP) (but that depends on whether the sysadmin set it up) .. try using the full hostname of your laptop   i.e.  ssh user@laptop.domain16:50
bazhang#ubuntu+1 blahbo thanks16:50
fabouneyunop__, i have look in historic of installed / uninstalled package and reinstall it16:50
=== pagan0me is now known as pagan0ne
warrendaecan't help you :s16:51
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow, ok i start crying soon, where can i download a ubuntu live cd?16:51
Lainyunop__: How do I find the full hostname of my laptop?16:51
unop__fabouney, you can examine  /var/log/apt/term.log16:51
bazhangwww.ubuntu.com Jesiegmann16:51
naxahow can i watch tv with an usb tv tuner in ubuntu?16:51
joankibazhang, thanks.... i looked in the wrong place16:51
Kamus_H_Zwischexcuse-me and my ants :( sorry for that16:51
unop__Lainy, the hostname is what you gave it -- the full hostname is that name + the domain name of the local network -- that can usually be found by issuing hostname (on compB in this instance)16:52
Jesiegmannbazhang, i can only find the normal distrubtions is there no small version?16:52
coleosisCould someone please help me, I had my wireless working in Ubuntu 7.10, and after after a couple reboots wireless is not even listed anymore. I used the madwifi-ng drivers.16:52
bazhangJesiegmann: sure there is a 9MB minimal installer if you wish16:52
alquaHallo there I got a question that bugs me, I have installed Ubuntu 710 server edition in VirtualBox but all I get when I start the server is a massage the the CPU is to old the be running the server. Whats the solution?16:52
bazhangalqua: the solution is in the message16:53
warrendaewhat is the preocessor? ;)16:53
=== sharpie_ is now known as Sharpie
wersis there anything like tekken or street fighter for ubuntu? hehehe16:53
Lainyunop__: Hm, still doesn't work.16:53
unop__bazhang, :)16:53
fabouneyunop__, i thing that i reinstall good package16:53
bazhangwers check dosbox and www.abandonia.com16:53
alquaits a P416:53
Lainyunop__: I'm just confused why I can use the ip address and not translate that to a name to use instead.16:53
Jesiegmannbazhang, i just need an image to boot an reinstall my grub i may be stupid but i can't find the small version16:53
zero88Im new to using Fluxbox, and I have already succecssfully installed a new style. but now when Im trying to install a few more they are showing up. Can anyone help???16:54
zero88they are NOT16:54
unop__Lainy, i dont think the network is setup for all this -- you might need to stick with with IP addresses16:54
bazhangJesiegmann: ah then you can get the super grub live cd for that16:54
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:54
Lainyunop__: Alright, thanks againfor your help.16:54
unop__Lainy, well, you can use a name provided that name is registered in one of two ways -- the /etc/hosts of the local machine or on a DNS server16:54
gtThey! Can anyone help me? I wanna make an audio CD into an .iso image...donno how.16:54
coleosisCould someone please help me, I had my wireless working in Ubuntu 7.10, and after after a couple reboots wireless is not even listed anymore. I used the madwifi-ng drivers.16:54
Lainyunop__: I see16:54
Jack_Sparrowbazhang, I have less than 50% success with SGR cd...16:55
Jesiegmannbazhang, ok will look fpr that16:55
Shubbarmy Canon is still not printing16:55
Jack_SparrowgtT, use the dd command16:55
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow, so you don't think it will help?16:55
Shubbarcan someone please help me with my printer16:55
bazhangJack_Sparrow: thanks! just heard others and was following the crowd; would something else other than livecd be better in your opinion?16:55
unop__Lainy, in this case - you dont have sudo access to modify /etc/hosts and the DNS server isnt setup for Dynamic DNS16:55
Lainyunop__: I see16:56
bazhangShubbar: what printer please16:56
pierre222Hi there, i'm hoping someone can help me.  I tried the new screen orientation feature on 8.04 and I am now locked in a sideways screen... X is unuseable16:56
Jack_SparrowgtT, Create ISO of CD Rom... dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/YourUserName/Desktop/file.iso bs=2k16:56
gtTjesiegmann, i tried, it doesnt work - forums say it doesnt work w/ audio cds16:56
bazhang#ubuntu+1 pierre222 thanks16:56
pierre222I tried resetting xorg.conf, or looking for a seeting to change in there, but no luck16:56
Nekromanplz je tu niekto zo SR alebo CZ????16:56
krushaaarHI NIGARSHH16:56
Shubbarbazhang: Canon LBP 330016:56
Yanchohi guys .. I had this : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d24bb249d but after I continued following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168221 when I restarted it didnt work, now the problem is that when I change the rule, and run sudo mount -a I get this : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/DBhdd, ..16:56
krushaaaroops sorry16:56
bazhangkrushaaar: stop16:56
JesiegmanngtT i only ahve DVDs anyway16:56
Yanchothis is my rule at the moment : SYSFS{serial}=="222262A50472",KERNEL=="sd?[0-9]",NAME="DBhdd",SYMLINK+="usbhdd/db" and this sudo udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdb1) gives me : no record for 'sdb1' in database even though fdisk -l puts it there16:56
Stroganoffpierre222: sudo apt-get install grandr16:56
unop__Lainy, you could use a shell trick like this --  alias my_laptop='ssh user@ip.add.re.ss'  .. then all you need to do is type out my_laptop16:56
taime1x11vnc will not stay connected... no matter what i do. but tightvnc works great, but is slower and starts two programs everytime.. its annoying.. is there some reason x11vnc wont stay connected?16:56
coleosisCould anyone please help me with my wireless fiasco?16:57
coleosisAfter a couple of reboots, it just stopped working.16:57
[SAFC]stevec_come on Sunderland!!! Get in there Chops!16:57
coleosisI was using madwifi-ng16:57
bazhang[SAFC]stevec_: #ubuntu support question?16:57
Lainyunop__: Cool, thanks16:57
[SAFC]stevec_bazhang: sorry wrong window!16:58
Nekromanhej je tu nejaky slovak alebo cech????????????????16:58
bazhangcoleosis: what card please16:58
ubotuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.16:58
coleosisAtheros, I'm not sure how to find the model, if you tell me how I will let you know the exact model.16:58
bazhangNekroman: see above please16:58
coleosisI'm running a 2nd Gen MacBook Pro16:58
unop__Yancho, can you pastebin the output of the command?16:59
bazhangcoleosis: booted into ubuntu now? then open a terminal and type lspci please16:59
coleosis0b:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5418 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)17:00
taime1x11vnc will not stay connected... no matter what i do. but tightvnc works great, but is slower and starts two programs everytime.. its annoying.. is there some reason x11vnc wont stay connected?17:00
Yanchounop__ : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d7f9b5e5e17:00
bazhangcoleosis: what does ifconfig say in the term does it show a ath0?17:00
coleosisOnly eht017:01
Yanchounop__ : remember my disk (Seagate) is in a USB BOX (J Micron) Connected with a USB2 HUB (Manhattan)17:01
bazhangcoleosis: it was working before in ubuntu? do you recall after what sequence of events it stopped working?17:01
coleosisbazhang: It was after I rebooted, I had it working and then I installed my updates...and then it made me reboot and no wirless was present.17:02
=== Charitwo_ is now known as kirby
fridgeHi, is there a tool for extracting data off bad CDs? I know of cdparanoia, but it is only for audio, I need to try and extract data17:03
bazhangcoleosis: I dont know much about atheros but was it using the restricted drivers? or how did you install them?17:03
Jesiegmannbazhang, could it be that it is not pssible to burn the super grub disk on dvd?17:03
xqfridge: bad data or just bad cd?17:03
unop_Yancho, you are testing /dev/sdb here, are you sure it's that and not one of /dev/sdb[1,2]  ??17:03
tannerwhats wrong?17:03
bazhangJesiegmann: Jack_Sparrow recommends using something else so I must defer to him; do you have a fast internet connection?17:04
coleosisThere was a page in the ubuntu wiki for MacBook Pro, using daily snapshots to install17:04
coleosisThis is the page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro#head-688700b3e0e48847a28daba8bc557d4439a3092717:04
coleosisThat's how I installed the drivers.17:04
Yanchounop_ testing in which sense?17:04
nonix4fridge: well given that the kernel uses the part of checksums that actually is there... you should be able to use ddrescue17:04
fridgeit is a bad cd, kind of scratched, but I am able to list the contents of the CD, when I try to copy a big file in particular it throws IO errors, I tried dumping the cd with dd & conv=noerror, but that didn't work either17:04
unop_Yancho, udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdb)17:04
tanneris it possible to install ubuntu 7.10 on a PowerBookG4?17:04
bazhangtanner: aye17:04
Jesiegmannbazhang hm could be faster17:05
fridgenonix4: I'll look into ddrescue, thanks17:05
tannercool, but ima stay with leopard...17:05
Jesiegmannwhat do you recommend?17:05
Yanchounop_ i followed the tutorial : udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdd) .. the parition i want is sdb117:05
unop_Yancho, and can you also pastebin your udev rule?17:05
Jack_Sparrowbazhang, he really needs to have a live cd around anyhow.  it would not be wasted time even if it was to fix this one task.  he may have ore going on.. requiring reinstall17:05
Jack_SparrowGotta go.. play nice17:05
Jesiegmanni have now also a knoppix would that help?17:05
taime1x11vnc will not stay connected... no matter what i do. but tightvnc works great, but is slower and starts two programs everytime.. its annoying.. is there some reason x11vnc wont stay connected?17:05
Yanchoyancho@Ubuntu:~$ sudo udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdb1)17:05
Yanchono record for 'sdb1' in database17:05
bazhangJesiegmann: well I think there is some disagreement on this; the livecd is the best option naturally and please see his message just above17:06
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow, i swear i will download the live cd after i fix that17:06
bullgard4Using gconf-editor 2.20.0 > / > apps > metacity > global_keybindings I created a run_command_15. This works well. But why does the Configuration editor warn: "This key is not associated with any schema." What do I need here a schema for?17:06
tanneror order it for free :)17:06
bazhangyeah and wait 6 weeks ;]17:06
Yanchounop_ the rule is : SYSFS{serial}=="222262A50472",KERNEL=="sd?[0-9]",NAME="DBhdd",SYMLINK+="usbhdd/db"17:06
tannerif you dont need it that badly it dont really matter, like me17:06
tannerpowerbookG4 with Leopard...17:07
danand_Yancho - hello - still playing with udev?17:07
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow, how big is the ubuntu live cd?17:07
naxa700 mb?17:07
Yanchoyes danand_ .. it seems it cannot get to work bloody rule :(17:07
bazhang680 some MB Jesiegmann17:07
tannerat least 65017:07
danand_Yancho - :(17:07
tannerbut remember, cd's can only go to 70017:07
unop_Yancho, what does this return - udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdb1 ?17:08
coleosisAny idea bazhang?17:08
Jesiegmannbazhang hm can't be helped, ok, but u really don't find a "live cd" on ubuntu.com17:08
tannerdid anyone know that MAc OSX has a17:08
fabouneywhen i try to launch a flash application, i've got thiserror message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60550/17:08
tannerLINNUX CORE :D17:08
bazhangtanner but offtopic here ;]17:08
unop_tanner, you need to get your facts straight17:08
Yanchoyancho@Ubuntu:~$ udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdb117:09
Yanchono record for 'sdb1' in database17:09
tannerno im just reflecting that anything i can learn here in terminal applies to mac.17:09
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download Jesiegmann17:09
bullgard4How is a 'session' defined in the X window system?17:09
Jesiegmannbazhang ok thx17:09
Jesiegmannargh 33 minutes17:10
tannerthats not long17:10
bazhangcoleosis: did you try to recreate any of those steps? I am sea when it comes to Macs and ubuntu17:10
fridgenonix4: thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't get any further than dd -- bombs out after copying 600k, I tried a few options but to no avail17:10
Jesiegmanntanner i'm sitting here for hours and i'm srting to starv17:10
unop_tanner, OS X has a BSD unix core -- whats common between unix and linux is some of the command -- so yes, some stuff you learn here applies, but there are differences not all applies17:11
fridgenonix4: it's not that important, just an old movie I wouldn't mind watching again -- Brazil :)17:11
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
tannerbut dir doesnt work lol17:11
unop_dir is not a standard unix command17:12
tannerwhat is the equivalent?17:12
danand_Yancho - did you take a look at the bottom of the page here - http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html. Might help you out some... example udev rule for external usb disk17:12
Yanchounop_ did u see my paste of the command?17:12
Yanchoreading it danand_ :))17:13
unop_tanner, there's no way of telling because there's no standard -- dir could list contents of a dir. or take you to the moon .. it just depends on the individual system/shell17:13
tanneroh and bullgard4 asked: How is a "session" defined in x windows system17:13
tannerlol i wished dir took me to the moon17:14
bazhangcmon tanner17:14
Stroganofftanner: try "ls" instead of "dir". btw: osx is based on freeBSD. bsd is based on unix, much like linux is based on unix17:14
coleosisbazhang: Thank you for all your help, the answer was quite obvious and everything is working well after a reinstall of the drivers =]17:14
unopYancho, can you paste again please?17:14
tanneraha ls worked thanx17:14
Yanchounop_ : yancho@Ubuntu:~$ udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdb117:14
Yanchono record for 'sdb1' in database17:14
oTkrzwhat is the Bulgarian channel for help?17:14
ubotuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently17:15
Stroganofftanner: there "ls -l" and "ls -al" are pretty handy too17:15
danand_Yancho - try sdb instead of sdb117:15
FloodBot3srikar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
Stroganofftanner: if you have more demand: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto17:15
bazhangsrikar please stop17:15
Yanchodanand_ this is the paste of sdb : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d7f9b5e5e17:15
srikarthese stickers are cool17:16
bazhangsrikar: wrong channel17:16
srikarall ubuntu lovers download them17:16
tannerthis is a help channel not ad channel17:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about initramfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:16
unopYancho, does the command work on sdb2 ?17:16
rsbee movie17:17
Yanchoyancho@Ubuntu:~$ udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdb217:17
Yanchono record for 'sdb2' in database17:17
tannerwhat are you trying to do , Yancho?17:17
Yanchotanner make a rule so the usb hard disk i have gets moutned always at the same name so then i can mount it in fstab17:18
unopYancho, any luck with the command on /dev/sdb2 ???17:18
danand_Yancho - do you have multiple partitions on the usb disk17:18
sotoHow do I apply only security updates from Aptitude?17:18
soto(or apt-get)17:18
Yanchounop : no record for 'sdb2' in database (sorry i pasted without highlighting u)17:19
Yanchodanand_ yes 217:19
danand_Yancho - you need to adjust your symlink rule to account for this ...17:19
TooSadwhat is the file with the links of program in menu of xfec?17:20
tannerif you can make a bash script, put it somewhere- like root dir, go to settings>sessions and add a new session with the name of the script and make it so it will run on startup. but youll have to figure out the commands, i am no bash commander :D17:20
danand_Yancho - you cant have one symlink or node in /dev for 2 partitions17:20
TooSadmy openoffice in menu does't open the right progam17:20
gyaresusoto: You'd have to do some apt 'pinning' iir. Been some time since debian... that was before i was gentoo...17:20
mneptoksoto: comment out all repositories except -security in /etc/apt/sources.list and 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'17:20
Yanchounop / tanner / danand_ was thinking of updating the rule to this : SYSFS{serial}=="222262A50472",KERNEL=="sd*",SYMLINK+="usbhd%n"17:20
tannerToosad: what version of ubuntu do you have17:21
sotogyaresu, mneptok: Alright, thanks.17:21
tannerand what does it do in open office that makes it not work17:21
TooSadxubuntu 7.1017:21
mneptoksoto: be aware that -security updates may depend on things in main17:21
tanneri only have edu and reg,17:21
tannerwhat does it do exactly?17:21
fabouneyI have this error message when i try to launch flash application with sxfplayer : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60570/17:22
naufragofear perseus mandate savegames17:22
unopYancho, I would cut this down to simplicity to test whether it works -- maybe just SYSFS{serial}=="222262A50472"  for now17:22
danand_Yancho - thats all good except SYSFS{serial} bit... that belongs to your host controller rather than the disk17:22
bullgard4How is a 'session' defined in the X window system?17:22
bazhangnaufrago: not here17:22
Yanchodanand_ : KERNEL=="sd*", SUBSYSTEMS="scsi", ATTRS{model}=="USB 2.0 Storage Device", SYMLINK+="usbhd%n" according to tutorial17:22
danand_Yancho - I would replace with SYSFS{vendor}=="ST316081"17:23
=== Newbuntu2__ is now known as Newbuntu2
bazhangnaufrago: stop17:23
fw0127hello, how can I find the starup log message, there are some errors, but passed to fast...17:23
rryanfw0127: 'dmesg' from the command line17:23
tannerbullgard4: i uess it is the GUI over the kernel that allows for easy acess of "commands" and starts when you log in. think of it as a GUI over a command line.17:23
danand_Yancho - that should identify your disk ok to udev17:23
Yanchodanand_ / unop : so which one should i call? the host / the hdd itself? because u both suggested different17:23
TooSadwhat is the file with the links of program in menu of xfce 7.10?17:24
tannerthats what i think anyway17:24
rryanfw0127: 'dmesg | more' will make it so you can see things one page at a time17:24
fw0127thank you rryan17:24
unopfw0127, or examine /var/log/{syslog,dmesg}17:24
tannernot the actual definition17:24
danand_Yancho - disk, you cant mix controller and disk in one rule17:24
tannerbut hopefully informative enough17:24
fw0127thanks, i will try..17:24
danand_Yancho - see in that tutorial17:24
Yanchooki danand_ :)17:24
bazhangTooSad: many here likely run gnome; you could try in #xubuntu17:24
danand_Yancho - then again i could be wrong :)17:25
Yanchodanand_ this is how it is : SYSFS{vendor}=="ST316081",KERNEL=="sd*",SYMLINK+="usbhd%n"17:25
tanneredu and regular ubuntu all have gnome prepacked17:25
gyaresufw0127: If it's a graphics error you might also look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:25
tannerso, unless you changed it, we pretty much all have gnome17:25
danand_Yancho - that looks ok to me... give it a try...17:25
bullgard4tanner: I disagree. I believe a definition should allow to determine the begin and the end of a session.17:25
kkerwinHi. I upgraded to 8.04, only to find that it broke my wireless network. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to figure out what went wrong. I was wondering if there was an easy way to downgrade back to Gutsy?17:25
tannerlet me see if i can find you a def. bullgard17:26
bazhangkkerwin: sadly no17:26
danand_Yancho - rather than rebooting try out udevtest... you dont need to reboot for udev to pick things up ...17:26
kkerwinbazhang: Is there a hard way to downgrade to Gutsy? :-)17:26
jribkkerwin: back up data and reinstall is the easy way17:26
bazhangkkerwin: well you know that one I would wager ;]17:26
fw0127there is no such infor17:26
Yanchodanand_ does this looks ok? : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d65d03a3a17:27
gyaresufw0127: ?17:27
kkerwinHmm. Curse words are verboten on this channel, yes?17:27
HetaUmais there any known issues with wifi cards and hardy? I have the same problem with kkerwin17:27
tritiumkkerwin: yes17:27
JesiegmannJack_Sparrow, can i bother u again?17:27
Yanchosorry i pasted the wrong danand_17:27
tannerahh g2g17:27
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please HetaUma17:27
danand_Yancho - yeah.  I think so. try and mount it17:27
fw0127i mean with dmesg, i cannot see the error after bootup message "loading...."17:27
Yanchodanand_ : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d67ac6cb817:28
=== PmDematagoda_ is now known as PmDematagoda
gyaresukkerwin: you could always change your source.list back to gutsy repos. Worse that could happen is that it's a massive mess. Backup ~ then reinstall.17:28
=== stoian is now known as dns-away
gyaresufw0127_s: What is the problem? Errors happen sometimes because installed packages that you don't even use aren't configured properly.17:28
kkerwingyaresu: I tried that, but it didn't cause a downgrade.17:28
danand_Yancho - :) Can you mount the disk though??17:29
Yanchodanand_ this is my line in fstab : /dev/usbhd1 /media/dbhdd ext3 defaults,rw 0 0 .. now im trying to sudo mount - a17:29
fabouneyI have this error message when i try to launch flash application with sxfplayer : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60570/17:29
gyaresukkerwin: If you do reinstall make sure you take all the packages with you17:29
fw0127i think something with resume, i am not sure...17:29
kkerwingyaresu: That's the cache, yes?17:29
Yanchodanand_ seems it worked :D17:29
gyaresukkerwin: aye.17:30
fw0127gyaresu, how can you send private message17:30
danand_Yancho - :D COOL!!17:30
Yanchodanand : /dev/sdb1 79G 939M 75G 2% /media/dbhdd17:30
Yanchobut problem is in desktop i have dbhdd and dbhdd(2) lol17:30
AlexLatchfordHey guys, anyone have any ideas on how to stay connected to a Netgear Wireless Card after a restart? I have the card working using ndiswrapper, but every time I reboot it appears as though ndiswrapper is not loaded..17:30
bullgard4Using gconf-editor 2.20.0 > / > apps > metacity > global_keybindings I created a run_command_15. This works well. But why does the Configuration editor warn: "This key is not associated with any schema." What do I need here a schema for?17:30
gyaresufw0127: Generally don't send pm. use the group knowledge to help you.17:30
danand_Yancho - noooooo.....17:30
gyaresufw0127: Sometimes people give bad advice.17:30
Ramunashello, I have a 5.1 soundcard and I'm trying to connect regular earphones to it, but when I do connect them, only one channel plays, if I connect them to anothe socket, there is no bass. How do I get it to work normally?17:30
gyaresuRamunas: We need more information. What card? What have you done already?17:31
danand_Yancho - another few hours trying to get rid of dbhdd(2) :)17:31
Ramunasgyaresu: c-media pci cmi8738-mc617:31
Yanchodanand_ please look at this : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d3a36753217:31
gyaresuRamunas: Checked that the channel is up?17:32
fw0127there is a erro17:32
eradicusubuntu rocks17:32
gyaresueradicus: That's great but you need to say that in #ubuntu-offtopic :)17:33
fw0127after the x windows launched, the terminal is black, and there is something with resume17:33
danand_Yancho - ok, that looks fine to me ... what are you worried about?17:33
bpitchgrüß gott :)17:33
eradicusgyaresu, oops, my apologies17:33
Yanchodanand_ the second dbhdd(2) and also the fact that the second partition it did not mount17:33
pbugni_hi patrick_17:33
bpitchwer mag einem neueinsteiger wie mir mal ein paar fragen beantworten17:33
fw0127guten abend :)17:34
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:34
Ramunasgyaresu: what do you mean?17:34
fw0127woher kommst du, bpitch?17:35
gyaresuRamunas: (I don't use gnome so I'm very command line oriented but...) If you run 'alsamixer' from the command line it will show you the soundcard levels. Just check that you have both right & left up on the PCM & MASTER channels17:35
Ramunasgyaresu: yup, both are up17:36
RoAkSoAx!enter > Kumool17:36
melvsterhow did you know i was from nuernberg?17:37
Zack1403hey can anyone help me out as to what the reverse to alt+tab is (windows was alt+shift+tab)?17:37
jribZack1403: same17:38
fw0127come back17:38
danand_Yancho - I only see one /media/dbhdd in the output ... that dbhdd(2) may dissapear when you restart x .... As for the other partition have you tried to mount it yet? mount -t ext3 /dev/usbhd2 mountpoint ?? You'll need a second entry in /etc/fstab for that partition17:38
Zack1403jrib: hmm is there a reason i would get no response to alt shift tab?17:38
jribZack1403: what window manager are you using?17:38
fabouney"Your X server expects RGB24 pixmap data for standard mode." 17:38
fabouneyWhat does this mean?17:38
Zack1403jrib: whatever the default is for 717:39
Yanchodanand_ im trying to put the 2nd partition to mount also on fstab but im getting : mount: mount point /media/extrahd does not exist17:39
jribZack1403: do you have effects enabled?17:39
melvsteris there any rdc alternative to krdc on ubuntu (im running kubuntu 7.10)17:39
danand_Yancho - you need to create that folder in /media first17:39
fw0127why my tty1 is blank after x up?17:39
Zack1403jrib: when i enabled my restricted graphics card it looks like they got turned on by default17:39
boebiwhen i try installing ubuntu, it gives an error when installing grub 'error: GRUB cannot be installed (hd0), this is a fatal error'17:39
fabouneyunop, y problem comes from the server xgl (What does this mean?)17:39
Yanchodanand_ : a yes stupid me :)17:39
fabouneyunop, my*17:40
Zack1403jrib: *restricted driver17:40
danand_Yancho - long day?? You've been at this a while :)17:40
jribZack1403: seems to be ctrl-alt-shift-tab in compiz-fusion (the thing that gives you effects)17:40
gyaresuRamunas: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-385794.html Is this similar?17:40
fabouneyunop, Your X server expects RGB24 pixmap data for standard mode. i have this message when i launch flash application17:40
No1CaNTeLhello all, hopefully this is q will be easier for you guys then me :P How can I find out which process is keeping my dvd drive in use? I currently share via samba  my dvd drive on the network so that my xbox can connnect and play media using my PC's DVD drive. Now I have the share working just fine, the movies/music play, but the dvd drive refuses to release saying that it is still in use when it is not. This only ha17:40
Ramunasgyaresu: that guy is trying to get surround, I'm trying to get rid of it, and use normal earphones17:41
No1CaNTeLI've checked if it was virtual box, but that didnt get me anywhere, and now I was going through the processes and, well, I'm still a bit new to linux so I haven't a clue what is what :P17:41
Zack1403jrib: excellent thank you, where can i mess with my window manager settings? (possibly to change this)17:41
Yanchodanand_ worked fine .. except that i got extrahdd(2) too now :| its like the rule is being called twice :(17:41
pianoboy3333Anyone know about setting up a Philips web cam? Mine works, but I was wondering how to optimize it, maybe make it so my flash isn't on all the time, etc17:41
gyaresuRamunas: Cool. This? http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Cmipci17:42
danand_Yancho - thats on the desktop only right?17:42
Yanchoshould i restart to see whta happens?17:42
jribZack1403: if you install the compizconfig-settings-manager package, you will be able to use "custom effects" in your System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Effects tab.  You should be able to change it there.  If you need more details, the folks at #compiz-fusion can probably help17:42
aroonii just plugged in a creative webcam.... it seems ubuntu sees it but i cant use it with skype (all i see is black background)....... any ideas?17:42
leladiaplease i am wondering if anyone here knows of a chat room where function point counting is discussed?17:43
danand_Yancho - yeah, was gonna suggest that... Desktop may have got itself in a pickle. I'm betting those duplicates will dissapear with restart.17:43
bullgard4Using gconf-editor 2.20.0 > / > apps > metacity > global_keybindings I created a run_command_15. This works well. But why does the Configuration editor warn: "This key is not associated with any schema." What do I need here a schema for?17:43
Yanchorestart it is :D17:43
danand_Yancho - see you in a bit :)17:43
r0landhello everyone17:43
Yanchodanand_ no im not on it .. im on a windows pc17:43
Zack1403jrib: thank you, you have been most helpful17:44
danand_Yancho - :O17:44
danand_Yancho - ok :)17:44
r0landcould any help out plz by pointing me out to a certain soft i could install into my ubuntu to b able to send/recieve files through bluetooth!17:44
boebiGRUB cannot be installed (hd0), this is a fatal error.17:44
boebihelp? lol17:44
unop_fabouney, errm, probably means you aren't running xorg with a colour depth of 2417:45
Skiessido you have boot sector protection set enabled in BIOS?17:45
Skiessiboebi, do you have boot sector protection set enabled in BIOS?17:45
unop_fabouney, what does this return?  grep -i defaultdepth /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:45
boebiskiessi, I dont think so, not even sure if i have that option17:45
No1CaNTeLcan anyone help with the above q? it is getting real tedious and annoying to have to reboot my pc everytime I use my dvd drive over the network and that is what I have been forced to do each time :(17:45
fabouneyunop, i paste it to you wait :)17:45
r0landcould any help out plz by pointing me out to a certain soft i could install into my ubuntu to b able to send/recieve files through bluetooth!17:46
Skiessiit could be called also virus protection or something like that17:46
Yanchodanand_ damn it :( they didnt auto mount17:46
chazcoHi... trying to use k9copy to create a file copy of non-encrypted DVDs... the sound seems to be nothing but static though, and sometimes the application appears to abort early. Totem cannot play the DVD, but Kaffeine can. Running Ubuntu 7.10. Any ideas?17:46
fabouneyunop, Defaultdepth    2417:46
Skiessir0land, you mean like cell phone?17:46
boebiskiessi, the weird thing is i can select ubuntu in the WINDOWS BOOTLOADER, but that only starts a sort of debiant terminal17:46
gyaresuboebi: Which version are you installing?17:46
Ramunasgyaresu: its about this card, but again, it talks about enabling surround, not how to use the card in normal mode17:46
rdm-arwhey..sup all17:46
r0landSkiessi,  yea17:46
jake2point0where does ubuntu install programs to.. what directory should i look in.17:46
ConstyXIVis there any way to search for files by creation date?17:46
ConstyXIVjake2point0: go to Applications ->Add/Remove17:47
Skiessir0land, do you know how to install packages?17:47
r0landSkiessi,  i have a bluetooth enabled laptop but i cant scan/send/recieve files on it17:47
unop_fabouney, errm, do you have mplayer or vlc installed?17:47
danand_Yancho - you'll need to set auto in the /etc/fstab file for that17:47
r0landSkiessi,  ya.. i tried the ones existing in add/remove.. they didnt work!17:47
fabouneyunop, yes17:47
Yanchodanand_ defaults by itself is not enough17:47
fabouneyunop, VLC17:47
gyaresuRamunas: Sorry man. I'm just trying to find appropriate documentation. I don't know exactly what might be the problem.17:47
hermanI have a problem, for some reason programs like pidgin, azureus and netwerk-manager don't 'dock' anymore in my gnome-panel. Also when I click on on System->Shutdown, the screen freezes and I can' t shutdown ubuntu proparly. How do I fix this?17:47
rdm-arwdoes anyone here already had success with ohphone to make it work with netmeeting17:47
LjL-Temp!bluetooth | r0land, checked this out?17:47
ubotur0land, checked this out?: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup17:47
lordleemor0land: add remove programmes search bluetooth.  i use obex server ,bluetooth filesharing17:47
jake2point0im trying to find xmms program to tell firefox to use that program to play from shoutcast.com17:47
unop_fabouney, why dont you try and play the file with vlc?17:47
Ramunasgyaresu: nah, its okay, that still can be useful, thanks anyway :)17:48
Skiessir0land, install package-called gnome-bluetooth17:48
r0landSkiessi,  ok17:48
Skiessi*package called17:48
hermanthis started when I installed apache2, mysql en php BTW17:48
fabouneyunop, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60574/ here my xorg.conf17:48
leladiaplease i am wondering if anyone here knows of a chat room where function point counting is discussed?17:48
r0landlordleemo,  i tried tht didnt work..17:48
r0landSkiessi,  installing17:48
ConstyXIVjake2point0: /usr/bin/xmms17:48
boebiso anyone know how to fix? GRUB cannot be installed (hd0), this is a fatal error.17:48
jake2point0constyxiv thanks17:49
lordleemor0land: hang on ill shove my bluetooth in and test17:49
fabouneyunop, I can not launch the application regardless of the software (swfplayer, gnash, vlc ..)17:49
r0landlordleemo,  k17:49
r0landSkiessi,  its already installed17:50
unop_fabouney, is this for any file? or just one particular file?17:50
Skiessiok, try to start gnome-obex-server17:50
No1CaNTeLlo?? anyone?17:50
ConstyXIVboebi: when you're installing, on the last step (7 of 7), find an (advanced) button.  where it says (hd0), replace with "/dev/hda" if you have a IDE drive, or "/dev/sda" if you have a SCSI, USB, or flash drive17:50
Gralcodoes anyone know where i can get some good skydomes for compiz17:51
fabouneyunop, i have not tested with another flash application17:51
gyaresuherman: I'm sure someone would help if they knew. I for one don't use gnome.17:51
ConstyXIVboebi: this isin't a eee by chance, is it?17:51
fabouneyunop, but it's not normal17:51
lordleemor0land: you need the bluetooth obex server17:51
unop_fabouney, indeed17:51
leladiaplease i am wondering if anyone here knows of a chat room where function point counting is discussed?17:51
r0landlordleemo,  Skiessi  where do i install it from17:51
unop_fabouney, i want to know if you can play any files at all17:51
Skiessiit comes with the gnome-bluetooth package17:51
adorablepuppyMP3 profile not working on sound juicer even though I have lame installed.17:51
lordleemor0land: i used add remove17:52
chazcoHi... trying to use k9copy to create a file copy of non-encrypted DVDs... the sound seems to be nothing but static though, and sometimes the application appears to abort early. Totem cannot play the DVD, but Kaffeine can. Running Ubuntu 7.10. Any ideas?17:52
fabouneyunop, ok i try, thanks for your help :)17:52
Skiessir0land, did you start gnome-obex-server?17:52
r0landlordleemo,  i installed everything related to bluetooth from the add/remove and nothin worked17:52
r0landSkiessi,  dunno hwo17:52
fabouneyunop, and sorry for my bad english ! im french17:52
unop_fabouney, you speak french?17:52
LjL-Templeladia, we're not an encyclopedia =) i don't even have a clue what the term you mentioned means. try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic, although i doubt you will have too much luck17:52
fabouneyunop, oui17:52
lordleemor0land: did u install  bluez-gnome17:53
ythe1300Hi all17:53
themimehow do i make a program (like sshd) start at startup?17:53
unop_fabouney, est-que vlc marche avec quelque fichers ?17:53
leladiaLjL-Temp: thanks17:53
fabouneyunop, oui j'arrive a lire pas mal de vidéo17:53
LjL-Tempthemime, sshd will automatically run at startup if you have it installed, by setting up an appropriate /etc/init.d script17:53
LjL-Temp!fr | fabouney17:53
ubotufabouney: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.17:53
No1CaNTeLHow can I find out which process is keeping my dvd drive in use? I currently share via samba  my dvd drive on the network so that my xbox can connnect and play media using my PC's DVD drive. Now I have the share working just fine, the movies/music play, but the dvd drive refuses to release saying that it is still in use when it is not. This only happens when I share the drive.17:53
fabouneyubotu, les personne aide mieux ici que sur le channel francais :)17:54
lordleemor0land:  bluez-gnome bluez-utils gnome-bluetooth17:54
fabouneyubotu, est sont plus sympathique17:54
fabouneyubotu, et*17:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about et* - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:54
themimeare you sure? my computer shut down and when i start it back up i couldn't connect to it17:54
Skiessiam I missing some messages or wtf17:54
themimei had to manually install it with apt-get17:54
Benandrovlc marche très bien17:54
unop_fabouney, Pas seulement les fichiers flash?17:54
LjL-Tempfabouney, but this channel is enough of a mess, without everyone speaking a different language17:54
fabouneyLjL, i speak english sorry17:55
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: lsof might help.17:55
Skiessi-> /join #ubuntu-fr17:55
No1CaNTeLconsole command?17:55
Gralcoso im downloading WoW right now and it says "Your computer appears to be behind a firewall" can someone tell me where the firewall is in ubuntu17:55
No1CaNTeLI'm a bit new to nix so I need a bit more then that if ya can :P17:55
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: try '/sbin/lsof /dev/dvd'17:55
ythe1300Hey I am having trouble configuring my wireless.   I have the driver installed and it says it sees the hardware but I can't change it. ( the driver is netwm126)17:55
justseehi, can't remember the package to install which has all the basics: java ttffonts etc all in one?17:55
r0landlordleemo,  lemme try17:56
themimegralco: that might be a router/port forwarding issue, are you behind a router?17:56
SkiessiGralco, what says that?17:56
themimeskiessi: the "blizzard downloader" is what hes using17:56
Gralcoskiessi, the wow downloader17:56
themimeskiessi: it uses bit torrent technology17:56
r0landlordleemo,  no blues gnome werent installed.. installign now17:56
Gralcothemime, my router isnt under a fire wall i dont think17:56
Skiessi:I I had no problems with that when I tried it once17:57
No1CaNTeLBenando: still no luck :(17:57
Gralcothemeime, if it is i might just connect my modem17:57
themimegralco: if you have the ability to do that, that would be a good temporary fix17:57
unop_fabouney, you there?17:57
Benandrowhat is the erropr msg, No1CaNTeL?17:57
ythe1300err I meant netmw12517:57
Gralcothemime, what is that you mean17:57
Skiessir0land, check the menu there should be a bluetooth filesharing thing if you have gnome-bluetooth installled17:57
gyaresuGralco: You have an adsl router? Do you know what ports you need open?17:57
ConstyXIVyou can't "install" software from the livecd, can you?17:57
fabouneyunop, yes, you don't see my private message ?17:58
themimegralco: i think its the router though.  im new to ubuntu but 99% of the time its a router issue. idon't think ubuntu has a firewall like you think, like windows does17:58
r0landSkiessi,  k found it after instalation.. now wht17:58
Gralcogyaresu, netgear17:58
No1CaNTeLit gives me a msg saying cannot eject volume, An Application is preventing the volume from being ejected17:58
unop_fabouney, are you registered on freenode ?17:58
No1CaNTeLbut no reference to which app17:58
themimegralco: if you can just directly connect to the router, itll be a lot faster.  but it would be more of a permanent fix to forward the ports17:58
unop_fabouney, hmm17:58
Gralcogyaresu, its still downloading but a firewall may be slowing it down17:58
gyaresuGralco: And there must be a WoW support site that mentions necessary open ports?17:58
themimegralco: http://portforward.com/17:58
r0landSkiessi,  lordleemo  k i turned bluetooth on my cell... now how do i send a file to it or recieve from it17:58
adorablepuppySomeone please tell me why my sound juicer MP3 profile isn't working. It doesn't even show up in the list of things to choose even though it's marked active and i've got lame installed.17:58
themimegralco: that site has everything, find your router, and choose the game (wow obviously) and itll tell you everything17:59
No1CaNTeLand all apps I have used with the drive have been shutdown, including powering off my xbox which is what is accessing the drive17:59
gyaresuthemime: You can type the first couple of letters of a name and then hit TAB to autocomplete.17:59
Skiessir0land, you know how to send files with your cell phone, right?17:59
themimegyaresu: i think you have me mmistaken for someone else17:59
Benandroin fact it depends: when I said '/sbin/lsof /dev/dvd', I assumed that your dvd drive is on '/dev/dvd'. you have to change '/dev/dvd' by '/dev/YourDVD_device'17:59
unop_fabouney, are you getting my private messages?17:59
r0landSkiessi,  ya of course.. i search for available bluetooth devices... nothing shows17:59
gyaresu < themime> gralco: that site has everything,17:59
fabouneyunop_, yes17:59
No1CaNTeLkk, one sec17:59
fabouneyunop_, are you identify on freenode ?17:59
lordleemor0land: aplications accesories bluetoothe file sharing17:59
Gralcothemime, actually ubuntu has a firewall update18:00
themimegyaresu: what does that have to do with autocomplete?18:00
Skiessir0land, do you have the bluetooth icon upper right corner?18:00
r0landlordleemo,  it just opens an icon in the bar next to the clock.. thts it18:00
themimegyaresu: we're talking about port forwarding for a router, not autocomplete18:00
Skiessi*icon there18:00
r0landSkiessi,  the bluetoth file sharing.. yes18:00
themimegralco: ah, then that could also be an issue as well, im not sure about the ubuntu firewall18:00
gyaresuyou typed gralco which is different to Gra* etc.  Case sensetive.18:00
lordleemor0land: what are you trying to connect to ?18:00
themimeaah ok18:01
Gralcogyaresu, ubuntu has an update in which there is a firewall18:01
r0landlordleemo,  wht do u mean! i just search.. and when i find my pc i send to it..18:01
fabouneyunop_, i see ur message and you ?18:01
unopfabouney, allez a #ubuntu-fr, je vais la bas18:01
fabouneyunop, ok18:01
gyaresuGralco: yeah but you haven't installed it right?18:01
lordleemor0land: thats what i did18:01
r0landlordleemo,  well the pc doesnt show18:01
Gralcogyaresu, yes i alway install that attachment18:02
themimeGralco: even if you have the firewall installed, the router would still be an issue as well18:02
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: first of all, you have to know which (file) device represents your DVD hardware. Usually it's /dev/dvd. So, the 'lsof' command will show you the apps using this (file) device (lsof = LiSt Open Files)18:02
Skiessir0land, rightclick the icon, open settings and make your pc visible if it isn't already18:02
lordleemor0land: system administration sessions do you have bluetooth in there18:02
gyaresuGralco: what netgear do you have?18:02
r0landSkiessi,  theres no preference.. theres just "about and Quit"18:02
r0landlordleemo,  lemme check18:02
Gralcothemime, yes, i will most likely directly connect the modem soon18:02
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Gralcogyaresu, WGR614 v618:03
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themimeGralco: haha, thats the exact same kind i have18:03
RobDhi all,18:03
r0landlordleemo,  yes.. bluetooth manager18:03
gyaresuGralco: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Netgear/WGR614v6/World_of_Warcraft_Downloader.htm18:03
Skiessiand r0land, what version you have?18:03
No1CaNTeLBenandro well I am not sure which represent my drive so I tried all that are in dev and have anything to do with a cd/dvd drive18:04
Skiessiof ubuntu18:04
lordleemor0land: and its ticked ie activated18:04
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r0landSkiessi,  gnome server 0 9 118:04
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r0landlordleemo,  yes18:04
Skiessir0land, but of ubuntu :I18:04
gyaresuGralco: themime Yeah. It's using 6881-6999 TCP which is usually for bittorrent18:04
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RobDI have a problem recovering a RAID-1 Gutsy server install - I need to mount the RAID partition and the boot partitions in order to install an older Kernel (my PC really doesn't like the stock Gutsy Server Kernel) but cannot get /dev/md0 to mount via the recovery cd. Any ideas?18:04
lordleemor0land: do you use usb card or is bluetooth in built18:05
No1CaNTeLwhen I check properties I get my drive at /media/cdrom018:05
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: try this one: 'cat /etc/fstab |grep cdrom' (without the apostrophes)18:05
r0landSkiessi,  7,1018:05
hywis there a way to list all the boot partitions in my pc for example hd0,1 hd1,1  the ones which are used18:05
Benandroyeah! ok!18:05
Gralcobyaresu themime, ill be right back guys im going to directly connect my modem18:05
No1CaNTeLnothing happened :(18:05
Benandroso the command 'cat /etc/fstab |grep cdrom' will give you something like '/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0'18:06
sensaeIs anyone using multiple monitors?18:06
xtknightsensae, yea18:06
Cpudan80sensae: Yeah18:06
cayohola buenas tardes18:06
r0landlordleemo,  its builtin18:06
No1CaNTeLthere was no response, just a blank line18:06
Cpudan80sensae It's a royal pain in the ass though18:06
gyaresusensae: aye18:06
Cpudan80Especially if you have an ATI card18:06
sensaeThat's what I was afraid of :/18:06
xtknightnvidia isn't so bad18:06
No1CaNTeLthe command didn't seem to to anything18:06
Cpudan80NVidia works ok18:06
DualBootWhere is a good place to ask a question about an issue with VirtualBox and NAT?18:07
Benandrocopy & paste this into a shell: cat /etc/fstab |grep cdrom18:07
xtknightthe only thing that irks me is a lack of LUT support on dual heads with TwinView.  i'm sure most people dont care about that.  other than that it's fine18:07
proximohi there, ive got a comp with a corrupt XP install and 210GB of data i need to transfer to another comp running Vista, could i use Ubuntu livecd to find the Vista comp on the network and transfer the files ?18:07
Gralcothemime, okay18:07
lordleemor0land: ok m8 if its an acer or asus they usuasly have a button on the front to switch bluetooth on . near your mouse pad is it on ?18:07
gregoryDualBoot: #virtualbox18:07
No1CaNTeLI did that without the quotes already18:07
|Zippo|which option on rsync we can sync dirs in both way?18:07
gyaresusensae: Nvidia is fine. nvidia-settings18:07
r0landlordleemo,  its a toshiba tecra, and ya its on.. cos am on wireless18:07
AzraelHello everyone! I am hoping someone can help me, I'm not a total newbie, but have come up against a problem that I haven't been able to resolve. My ubuntu machine no longer recognises my dvdrom, nor a cdrw I transplanted in this morning. Both devices work elsewhere. Can anyone advise me how to proceed?18:07
sensaegyaresu: ATI card :/18:08
No1CaNTeLI'm a programmer, just new to nix ;) those things I am aware of :P18:08
DualBootthanks, gregory18:08
Benandrohuh... try '/sbin/lsof /media/cdrom0'18:08
lordleemor0land: ok has the bluetooth symbol appeared on your desktop top right corner18:08
gyaresusensae: Ah. Well AMD is making them better. There's that. At least they're not completely useless anymore.18:08
r0landlordleemo,  ya the file sharing tht exists in accessories18:08
No1CaNTeLare these supposed to be sudo'ed?18:09
r0landlordleemo,  just when i click on it..18:09
sensaegyaresu: Yeah, doesn't change the fact my next purchase will be NVidia. Oh well, I'll just forget dual monitors, don't need em that bad18:09
No1CaNTeLnone of the lines you have given me have returned any responses yet :(18:09
techqbertcould any1 tell me why playing xvid avi on my ubuntu machine in vlc creates a green bar on the bottom of the video and inside totem totally blurs the image of the video18:09
* nomi1 has dual 24" monitors running off an ati card :)18:09
fredreichbieri need a ogg -> mp3 converter which converts the id3 tags too. any ideas?18:09
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Benandrohuh, sorry! it's not '/sbin/lsof'. The right one is '/usr/bin/lsof'18:10
lordleemor0land: ok exit that one ie file sharing . then turn off and on your bluetooth18:10
No1CaNTeLkk, one sec ;)18:10
nomicfredreichbier there are perl scripts which do conversions like that18:10
Benandroso: /usr/bin/lsof /media/cdrom018:10
fredreichbiernomic: where? :)18:10
nomicgoogle it18:10
r0landlordleemo,  done18:10
sensaeOnly thing left to do is get my sound working.18:10
mich54hey guys , i have a problem with hardy beta , is this the right place to ask about it or there's another channel ?18:10
lordleemor0land: has  a symbol appeared ie bluetooth18:11
gyaresufredreichbier: kaudiocreator18:11
r0landlordleemo,  no18:11
sensaeI have an intel HDA chipset. Anyone gotten that working?18:11
No1CaNTeLstill nothing, nothing is printed back to the console in response to any of the commands :( not even an error or anything18:11
nomicmich54 ubuntu forums are quite fast at asking questions18:11
xtknightmich54, #ubuntu+118:11
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:11
lordleemor0land: have you turned off the file sharing one18:11
r0landlordleemo,  yes18:12
fredreichbierthanks gyaresu, nomic, i'll use http://pacpl.sourceforge.net/downloads.html18:12
RobDok - have managed to mount the RAID partition (or at least it looks like I have) Anyone know which linux-*** package is best to install for old hardware compatibility?18:12
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: Might not be an open file. Might be samba.18:12
lordleemor0land: you installed gnome-bluetooth18:12
gyaresufredreichbier: np18:12
r0landlordleemo,  yes18:12
No1CaNTeLis there a way to disable then re-enable samba with0ut rebooting?18:12
lordleemor0land: ok it should come on ie the icon appear when you turn on bluetooth18:13
r0landlordleemo,  its not :(18:13
milkman3hi all18:13
No1CaNTeLto me it seems like the xobx is not sending anything back to the host to tell it that the drive is not in use anymore18:14
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: IMO, lsof don't find any app blocking the device. What's the matter? why do you need to know which app is using the device?18:14
Cpudan80Does anyone know what port the remote GDM uses?18:14
No1CaNTeLbecause I cant eject18:14
lordleemor0land: can you go to synaptics search bluetooth and tell me what you have installed please18:14
No1CaNTeLwhile this is happening18:14
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: You've restarted the xbox... right?18:14
No1CaNTeLshut it down completely18:14
hywCan anyone help me fix this Error 12: Invalid device requested  for WinXP18:15
No1CaNTeLI cut the connection between them but it seems like that is too late18:15
gyaresuCpudan80: 6000 for X conections (are you editing the gdm.conf?18:15
Belochkaздрасте народ18:15
No1CaNTeLI have tested if it was due to VBox hosting the drive but shutting v-box down does nothing either18:15
steve176screw you guys, I'm going home ;)18:15
GreenChaihow i update to 8.04 or 10??18:15
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:15
Cpudan80gyaresu: No - I am trying to bulletproof this box18:16
Cpudan80gyaresu: I dont like how firestarter works -- so I am going to do the IPTables manually18:16
Cpudan80Looks like I am open on quite a few ports18:16
Cpudan80Gotta figure out what apps are using those....18:16
r0landlordleemo,  bluez cups, bluez gnome, gnome bluetooth, blues utils, libbluetooth2,libbtctl4,libgnomebt0, nautilus snedto, osso gwconnect18:17
No1CaNTeLI just dont understand why ubuntu locks the drive like that. in windows you can atleast force it open through the little hole, when i do that in nix the drive will not re-register the new disc inserted if I am in this state18:17
gyaresu!hardy | GreenChai18:17
ubotuGreenChai: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:17
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: I can't say as I don't use samba18:17
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: Is the drive on the xbox or your machine?18:17
JoeShmoanyone happen to know if the patches to libxcb from 3-16-2008 made it into the 8.04 beta yet?  I'm getting the 'ol locking assertion failures.18:18
lordleemor0land: thats all correct. i just thought didnt look proper at your last are you using bluetooth wireless now18:18
No1CaNTeLwhat I find wierd is that when I force the drive open and insert a new disc, in Ubuntu it will not register the new disc but in virtual box it does18:18
No1CaNTeLon my pc share over the network to my xbox18:18
Jack_Sparrow!hardy | JoeShmo18:18
ubotuJoeShmo: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:18
No1CaNTeLmy xbox drive is messed up so I need to use my pc's18:18
r0landlordleemo,  ya am connected wirelessly to my routher18:18
spiderfireWhats steps can i take to rescue a task from a lockup?18:18
JoeShmoyes, I know what hardy is...18:18
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: mount18:19
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LjL-TempJoeShmo: try to read the entire sentence :)18:19
No1CaNTeLhow do I go about mounting?18:19
No1CaNTeLuber nood over here :$18:19
Jack_SparrowJoeShmo, All HArdy questions.. should be asked in #Ubuntu+1  thanks18:19
Cpudan80No1CaNTeL: What do you want to mount?18:19
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: from cli: (without quotes) type 'mount'18:19
No1CaNTeLgyaresu suggested mount, not sure why yet :P18:19
geektasticgirlHi ya all.  I just have a quick question.  What is the shell command again to reconfigure X to use my Nvidia 7950gt card again?  I am not getting 1920x1200 resolution.  It was some command with a few arguments.18:20
Cpudan80No1CaNTeL: Oh an xbox... ehhh.... you would use the mount command -- but I dont know what FS an xbox uses18:20
xtknightdoes anyone know if ubiquity can install to a /dev/mdx device after you mdadm --assemble ?18:20
No1CaNTeLcommand line interface18:20
No1CaNTeLI think :P18:20
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: that'll tell you if /dev/dvd is mounted. If so then unmount it.18:20
arttiHi. Anyone have experience with wine?18:20
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: try 'mount' within a shell, and see if the DVD device is mounted.18:20
YanchoMy usb hdd is not always being loaded from fstab .. How can i write a init.d script please to have it load? Anyone has any good tutorial for that please?18:20
No1CaNTeLin properties is says it is not18:20
gyaresuYes to cli.18:20
No1CaNTeLbut hold on I will try that in console18:20
LjL-Temp!anyone | artii18:20
ubotuartii: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:20
spiderfireartti: sorta18:20
BenandroThe 'behaviour' you're reporting when forcing an eject is due to some auto-mount problems ;(18:20
lordleemor0land: how are you connecting to your router via a wireless card  or bluetooth18:21
Jack_Sparrowgeektasticgirl,  was it  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (to just set res) If you get locked out Select vesa as your video card and 1024 max res.  Use tab or enter to accept all other defaults18:21
r0landlordleemo,  wireless card18:21
mesconSorry, but I just upgraded to the Hardy Heron beta from 7.10... now the soundcard doesn't seem to be loaded, lshw -C sound gives me 828001G ICH7 HD Audio Controller (UNCLAIMED)... what module needs to be loaded for it to work?18:21
mesconive googled everywhere18:21
LjL-Temp!hardy | mescon18:21
ubotumescon: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:21
zero88Does anyone know how to hide the borders or Eterm Terminal?18:21
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: Humour me :) if it's not mounted then type 'eject' (or 'eject /dev/dvd')18:21
maghettociao ciao18:21
arttispidefire, when i insert cd or dvd for installing something, then popup doesn't appear.18:21
geektasticgirlthanks sir sparrow :)18:22
lordleemor0land: same as me should not make a difference though. can you turn off bletooth ie hit the switch and try turning on again18:22
r0landlordleemo,  ill have to dc..18:22
No1CaNTeLI am :P and I think it is mounted18:22
No1CaNTeL /dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,user=me)18:22
gyaresuthere you go. 'umount /media/cdrom0'18:22
boebiExecuting 'Grub-install (hd0)' failed. This is a fatal error.18:22
lordleemor0land: why disconnect18:22
r0landlordleemo,  wht do u do if u wanted to send a file from ur pc to a cell!18:23
r0landlordleemo,  bluetooth/wirless are in the same button18:23
proximoive got a comp with 210GB data on NTFS partitions that i need to move over to another comp running Vista, would it be possible (and not extremely complicated) to boot from ubuntu livecd and find the Vista comp on the network to transfer files ?18:23
gyaresuboebi: Did you try the 'advanced option' and set it to hda or sda?18:23
boebii tried '/dev/hda' yes18:23
Stroganoffproximo, yes though i would use Knoppix18:23
boebishould i try '/dev/sda' ?18:23
arttispidefire, and when i go /media/ and there watch the contents of disk, then there are questionmarks replaceing filenames.18:23
No1CaNTeL:P ty, but my pc does seem to be done with you guys yet, sorry :(18:23
No1CaNTeLsays device is busy18:23
gyaresuproximo: No. It would be fairly easy if the network device etc. is recognised.18:23
Benandrook so it's mounted.18:24
boebishould i try '/dev/sda' ?18:24
lordleemor0land: normally when i turn on bluetooth an icon appears i can then scan send etc18:24
gyaresuboebi: No. You should find out what your drive recognised as first.18:24
proximoStroganoff: why knoppix ? not used to knoppix at all18:24
r0landlordleemo,  :s18:24
boebigya, how do i find that out?18:24
proximogyaresu: i reckon it should be, im running on that comp using pclos livecd right now18:24
Stroganoffproximo: just because it specializes on being a livecd18:24
r0landlordleemo,  u think it might b a driver prob!18:25
spiderfireartti: no idea what that is18:25
Stroganoffproximo: it's very easy to use, debian and kde based.18:25
gyaresuboebi: open a terminal and type 'sudo fdisk -l'18:25
Adyshmm, how do i change the default icons for  specific mime type or extension?18:25
No1CaNTeLanything else I can try?18:25
Stroganoffproximo: ntfs and samba support are built in18:25
boebigya, ok and then what? cause im in windows and need to reboot everytime, i have no internet in ubuntu yet18:25
lordleemor0land: im not sure maybe someone else has same laptop. are you sure there is only one button18:26
proximoStroganoff: hmmm ok, ill give it a look then, just hate to start using something ive never seen before =P18:26
r0landlordleemo, ya ya i use it on both vista and xp.. am sur eof it18:26
gyaresuStroganoff: proximo and knoppix has the command 'sambastart' which is a script for sharing your hard drives over samba. very friendly18:26
jacobcan somebody assist me in having my wireless connections work?18:26
lordleemor0land: what make is it ill have a look on net18:26
gyaresuboebi: This sort of thing is always easier with a second machine to irc/surf with.18:27
r0landlordleemo,  dunno as i said its built in.. as for my laptop is toshiba tecra a918:27
boebigya, i know but everything is packed since im going on holiday tomorrow lol18:27
boebiill see, thanks18:27
proximoStroganoff: hehe sounds fairly easy, have been put off by knoppix reputation for not being "the beginners distro" =P18:27
IndyGunFreakr0land: what kidn pf problem are you having on that?.. no sound?18:27
gyaresuboebi: if it's /dev/sda then select that. if it's /dev/hda then you put that in... if it's /dev/sdb etc.18:28
Stroganoffdifferent distros for different purposes, proximo18:28
Stroganoffand its debian based so no harm is done ;)18:28
hywCan one help, I cant boot windows only linux18:28
r0landIndyGunFreak,  no.. sound is working perfectly.. but no bluetooth18:28
lordleemor0land: ok give me 5 ill have a look please ask again though maybe someone else can help with why its not working18:28
IndyGunFreakr0land: oh ok18:28
gyaresujacob: I can help.18:28
arttiWhen i watch cd content, then it is empty.18:28
r0landlordleemo,  sure thing.. thank u :)18:28
No1CaNTeLI'm not sure if this detail helps but when I use a paper clip to eject the drive, then instert a new disc, Ubuntu does not register that a new disc was inserted but in VirtualBox/XP it does18:28
ZiRo`osxis there anyway to have ubuntu announce bonjour services>?18:28
r0landIndyGunFreak,  but now tht u mention it.. if i plug in a headset the sound from the builtinspeakers keep on playing18:28
No1CaNTeLI cant eject the drive from within the vbox though18:28
No1CaNTeLas well as ubuntu18:28
Benandroyour '/dev/scd0' device is mounted on '/media/cdrom0'.18:29
Benandrotry 'umount /media/cdrom0'18:29
Benandro(better: 'umount -l /media/cdrom0').18:29
IndyGunFreakr0land: you probably hav IntelHDA, which support sucks for in Feisty/Gutsy.. i think its fixed in Hardy18:29
r0landIndyGunFreak,  hmmm then i have to wait for the next stable release of hardy and upgrade18:29
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: what you are describing is an automount problem.18:30
lordleemor0land: please type this in a terminal  sudo toshset -bluetooth on18:30
jacobgyaresu, ok let's get started18:30
jacobgyaresu, thank you18:30
No1CaNTeLBenandro ------ THANK U!!18:30
vydraWPjoin taintedbagel.net18:30
No1CaNTeLit is open, and for once I didnt have to reboot!18:30
r0landlordleemo,  result "bluetooth attached"18:30
themimei just ran apt-get install vim-full, it looks like its installing some gnome stuff....is it doing a full gnome install?18:30
No1CaNTeLthank all of you :D18:30
themimethere is no GUI at the moment by the way18:31
gyaresujacob: much linux experience?18:31
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: so it worked. but... which command? ;)18:31
No1CaNTeLthe last one, umount -l /media/cdrom018:31
LHoT10820hi everyone18:31
jacobgyaresu, about one year of experience18:31
No1CaNTeLthe second it didnt say device is busy :P18:31
No1CaNTeLI knew something was working18:31
jacobgyaresu, or about 7 months18:31
LHoT10820I need to normalize the volume of an ogg track so I can hear it on my arcades ITG2 machine.18:31
lordleemor0land: apparently on your model bluetooth is turned off on reboot  u must use that command to start it see here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ToshibaTecraA918:31
gyaresujacob: K. well i'm a command line guy so. what's the card (lspci)?18:31
LHoT10820Can anyone help me18:31
nagarajanwat is the channel for compiz fusion?18:32
spiderfirewhat steps can i take to save the process?18:32
LjL-Tempnagarajan #compiz-fusion18:32
arttiWhat every dvd or cd is empty, when i insert it to dvd-rom!!118:32
r0landlordleemo,  thank u18:32
r0landill give it a look18:32
Benandrotype 'man umount', it'll explain you what's the meaning of the '-l' option.18:32
Flannelthemime: You want just plain "vim" to install the non-GUI stuff too18:32
lordleemor0land: got there in the end your welcome18:32
Stroganoffthemime: you want to use "nano" instead of "vim"18:32
No1CaNTeLI will look that over is a sec, right now I want to get that line in a launcher on my desktop :P18:32
Traveler3hi, whats the latest version of ubuntu that is actually released? 7.04?18:32
jacobgyaresu, it says 'Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM431218:32
Benandroand... try not to force an eject, as it doesn't work well with automount features18:33
FlannelTraveler3: 7.1018:33
jacobgyaresu, i'm using ubuntu 8.04 by the way18:33
themimeStroganoff: i don't have gnome installed, and i don't want full gnome installed.  is full gnome apart of vim?18:33
Adyshow do i change the default icons for a specific mime type or extension?18:33
Stroganoffthemime: nano is a console based editor18:33
gyaresujacob: DUDE.18:33
themimeStroganoff: so is vim18:33
jacobgyaresu, the hardware drivers in the admistration menu has a firmware but it freezes my computer everytime18:33
Flannelthemime: No, but vim-full installs gvim, which will drag in some gnome libs18:33
LHoT10820Hi, I need to normalize the volume of a song, can anyone help?18:34
gyaresujacob: You broke my heart. Wrong channel :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/203819/+viewstatus18:34
Jay_LevittAll: apologies for the netiquette, but the wiki is dead.  Anyone know *anything* about locales?  I went from Dapper to Gutsy, my locale went from "" to (I guess) "en_us.UTF8", and now Postgres is complaining.18:34
FlannelJay_Levitt: Did you go straight from dapper to gutsy?18:34
themimeFlannel: bah, im following "the perfect server" ubuntu install and it said to do that, grr18:34
Jay_LevittFlannel: fraid so18:34
Jay_LevittFlannel: Actually, what I really did is a fresh install of gutsy18:34
Flannelthemime: HowToForge is a load of rubbish.  Don't touch it.18:34
spiderfireLHoT10820: audacity18:35
LjL-Tempthemime: no, full GNOME is a part of emacs, not of vim18:35
jacobgyaresu, this bug reported was for ubuntu 8.04?18:35
FlannelJay_Levitt: Ah, that's not so bad then.  What exactly is postgres complaining about?18:35
Daniel^yay 4 ubuntu18:35
LHoT10820spiderfire: Okay.18:35
themimeok, as long as its no wasting a ton of time with full gnome, i guess itll be alright, thanks18:35
jacobgyaresu, i made it work for ubuntu 7.10 by the way18:35
Jay_LevittFlannel: It says " Error: The server must be started under the locale : which does not exist any more."18:35
No1CaNTeLyeah, I was hoping I wouldn't hav eto force eject, I prefer to do it right instead of just hacking a way that just works18:35
Flannelthemime: well, for future reference (and probably today too) stop reading HowToForge, and use the Ubuntu wiki intsead18:36
No1CaNTeLthanks again guys, gonna try this a few times, make sure I am set :P18:36
Jay_LevittSo I'm guessing my database files say "Hi! My locale is blank!" and Ubuntu says "My locale is en_us.UTF8!" and so the database protects me from me.18:36
FlannelJay_Levitt: sounds like you'll need to migrate your DB from the old postgres to the new one.18:36
Jay_LevittFlannel: Yep.  Unfortunately, the only way to migrate Postgres (that I can tell) is to export it... which requires Postgres to be running..18:37
hywCan one help, I cant boot to windows only to ubuntu18:37
Jay_LevittFlannel: Don't suppose you know how to change a system locale?  I don't even know what determines that on Linux18:37
FlannelJay_Levitt: hmm, You might ask in #postgresql, they're far more likely to be able to help than I am18:37
Jay_LevittFlannel: Hah.  They sent me over here, since locale is OS-level :)18:38
jamewill_hyw, post your /etc/fstab file to pastebin18:38
Jay_LevittI refuse to be transferred again!! Let me speak to a.. oh, wait, this is IRC.18:38
FlannelJay_Levitt: They can't tell you how to migrate though?  Locale is a subissue, I would think.  Its just a symptom of the DB version mismatch.  But, lets see..18:38
Jay_LevittFlannel: Oh, no, sorry - I'm using 8.1 in both cases18:38
hywjamewill_: how do I type it sudo /etc/fstab?18:39
Jay_Levitt(I *did* build 8.3 by hand, but quickly uninstalled it when I realized I needed 8.1 to do the export.. so I installed the standard 8.1 packages)18:39
danand_Jay_Levitt - you want to set the default locale on your linux box?18:39
Jay_Levittdanand_: Yep!18:39
jamewill_hyw, in a terminal window type cat /etc/fstab18:39
gyaresuhyw: (without quotes) in a terminal: 'cat /etc/fstab'18:39
danand_Jay_Levitt - hold on ... i'll pastebin a text note i wrote for myself ...18:40
pianoboy3333what's the name of the graphical xserver configure program?18:40
gyaresupianoboy3333: for what card?18:40
No1CaNTeLsorry guys, one more q for yas :P is there a way to add more then one command line to a launcher?? I would like to the line you guys gave me followed by an eject command in one launcher if it is possible18:41
ackehey im installing ubuntu on my ps3 and im getting this error: (in swedish) error in archivemirror.  ubuntu-archive not availible or not correct release file.  what should i do?18:41
Traveler3thanks flannel, i guess its a better version18:41
pianoboy3333gyaresu: I have a nvidia, but it shouldn't matter... there was a new program to ubuntu in the current version which was a graphical way of configuring X, vs. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:41
YanchoAnyone can please link me to a how to upgrade from 6.06 to a newer version please? I need 20.5 : xserver-xephyr: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4-1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.5 is to be installed18:41
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: &&18:41
saxofoneranybody know how to change sound channels per application?  Ideally, I'd have skype working through the headset while I output sound through the speakers18:42
No1CaNTeLsweet, so 'umount -l /media/cdrom0 && eject'18:42
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: "ls && pwd && fortune"18:42
spiderfirepianoboy3333:  nvidia-settings18:42
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: shell scripts. The power of a real OS ;-)18:42
pianoboy3333I did something to X and now I can't get out of 800x60018:42
Jay_Levittsaxofoner: My knowledge on that is about two years out of date, and more Mac-oriented, but: There was this thing called "JACK" that was a low-latency audio routing system18:42
ackeMy install process halts at 82% while configuring apt. can i discontinue the install application and have a working system anyways?18:42
No1CaNTeLyes :P I'm still learning though..18:42
gyaresusaxofoner: skype has settings for that.18:42
OonSuomestaCould someone help me to change the keyboard driver to evdev? I tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-409870.html but it didn't work18:43
ace_ace121When i login, i get a dialog saying: HAL not started. I have to manually start it each time. how to start HAL at startup??18:43
ace_ace121i tried sudo update-rc.d hal defaults18:43
ace_ace121which gives this message " System startup links for /etc/init.d/hal already exist"18:43
Benandroyeah! this one too! '&&' if you want the second command to be launch after the first one suceeded, or ';' if you want it to be launch whatever results the first one gave.18:43
saxofonergyaresu: but I have a headset plugged in, I'd have to tell the OS that, say, audacious should still use the speakers18:43
gyaresusaxofoner: two sound cards? (one onboard or whatever)18:44
FlannelYancho: you can upgrade to 6.10 (and then to 7.04 then 7.10) or you can upgrade directly to 8.04.  which, at the moment is still beta software, but if you wait for a month, will be final.18:44
No1CaNTeLso  ; is like an OR?18:44
danand_Jay_Levitt - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60578/ hope that helps18:44
saxofonergyaresu: no, just one... I think I'll give up for now18:44
No1CaNTeLor like a if?18:44
FlannelNo1CaNTeL: No, it's "do this, then do this"  || is an or (if the first one fails, do the second one)18:44
OonSuomestaCould someone help me to change the keyboard driver to evdev? I tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-409870.html but it didn't work18:44
YanchoFlannel i just need to update so i make use of that package .. which is the ubuntu i need from those please?18:44
No1CaNTeLkk, that is good to know :P18:45
Jay_Levittdanand_: Yes, thanks, that should help a lot!18:45
No1CaNTeLinfact I have a use for them all ;)18:45
danand_Jay_Levitt - np18:45
fw0127why i cannot use system menu?18:45
FlannelYancho: Xserver-xephyr is in dapper.  Is there something wrong with that version?18:45
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: ';' is just in pascal language18:45
hywjamewill_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60577/18:46
No1CaNTeLI'm only familiar with python :P I havent really worked with pascal to know it :P18:46
YanchoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:46
Yanchoxserver-xephyr: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4-1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.5 is to be installed18:46
YanchoFlannel I got that error msg --^18:46
Dukantenho duvidas18:46
gyaresuNo1CaNTeL: Obvious but remember to 'man bash'18:46
titonhey i'm in need of a tool that can compress and resize a folder full with pictures from my digitalcamera. anyone know of a good one?18:46
LjL-Temp!br | Dukan18:46
ubotuDukan: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:46
Dukaneu sei18:47
FlannelYancho: You're not using the dapper package.  just 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr'18:47
Dukantô mostrando a um amigo aqui que vao me jogar pra ubuntu-br18:47
pulpfictionwhat's a good torrent client?18:47
Dukanubotu, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk18:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:47
pulpfictionlike utorrent for windows18:47
gyaresutiton: zip18:47
No1CaNTeLok, man is the manual command, and bash is what I am looking for detail on?? (i wasn't joking when I said nix noob lol)18:47
SupaFlytiton: azureus18:47
gyaresupulpfiction: gui or cli?18:47
FlannelYancho: You're not using the dapper package.  just 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr'18:48
Dukanhi, shakass18:48
titonzip that reseize the pictures to?18:48
Dukani'm bugs18:48
titoncuz i dont wanna put them in a zip archive...i just wanna reseize a folder full with pictures18:48
pulpfictionazureus, last time i used, was quite heavy18:48
jribNo1CaNTeL: what's your question?  'man bash' is bash's man page18:48
surajIs it possible to add some event on flash-drive detection?18:48
titonazureus is way to demanding and it sucks....utorrent is better18:48
gyaresutiton: if they're jpegs you won't resize them anyway. jpeg _is_ a compressed file.18:48
ackedo i use mirrors in sources.list, and only there`??18:49
gyaresutiton: Resize? imagemagick18:49
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: IMO, a shell script is better. For example, create a 'bin' directory within your home dir. create a new file which'll countain all your 'commands'. First line is '#!/bin/sh'. Put this script within the desktop properties. Advantages: can be easily modified and used within other commands or within a shell ;-))18:49
titonyea resize as in changng from a massive resolution to a smaler one in one command line for all pictures18:49
titongyaresu thx i'll try18:49
pulpfictiongyaresu, any hint? :)18:49
YanchoFlannel : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d2c504fbd18:50
surajIs it possible to add some event on flash-drive detection?... Any Hint?18:50
FlannelYancho: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list18:50
TaRDywhen I click on the network icon it says "no network devices found"18:50
gyaresutiton: imagemagick is a suite of awesome progs. http://www.imagemagick.org/18:50
FlannelYancho: and with that, the output to apt-cache policy xserver-xephyr18:50
ackehey where do i config my mirrors?18:50
jribsuraj: google "writing udev rules"18:50
gyaresupulpfiction: I only use rtorrent18:50
Flannelacke: sources.list (or software sources, for a GUI)18:50
gyaresunot a gui18:50
No1CaNTeLBenandro: sounds like the right way to do it but for now I think a few more baby steps are in order, I do not want to get too far ahead of myself as that is where you start mucking things up more then learning :P18:50
ackeflannel, thanks18:51
gyaresuTaRDy: What version of ubuntu?18:51
RobDanyone know if it is possible to apt-get install an older version of the kernel?18:51
titongyaresu i'm installing it now thx buddy. will see how it goes hehe18:51
gyaresuTaRDy: Output of "lspci" can you see it there?18:51
ackefor a basic install, do i need both ubuntu-ports and deb-src paths in my sources.list?18:52
Flannelacke: no18:52
No1CaNTeLI plan to dive into all of everything sometime soon but for now I think a couple of launchers to do my deeds is just fine and less confusing. but gimme a few weeks or so and I'll bug ya about that too...18:52
ackeflannel what would i need then?18:52
Jack_SparrowYancho, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)18:52
kevin5why does ubuntu 7.10 use twice as much memory as 4.10? and how can i reduce it to make 7.10 faster18:52
pianoboy3333System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution won't let me go past 55 Hz for a refresh rate, but I know my monitor can do at least 60, is there anyway to fix that?18:52
TaRDygyaresu, yes i see both of them there18:52
FlannelYancho: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list, and the output to apt-cache policy xserver-xephyr18:53
LjL-Temppianoboy3333, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and make it18:53
pianoboy3333ok thanks18:53
gyaresuTaRDy: 'iwconfig'18:53
BenandroNo1CaNTeL: I agree! As you're a programmer I'm sure you'll get the max from you linux box... soon ;) Good luck, and good 'man xxxxxx' :-))18:53
Flannelacke: deb-src if you're planning on grabbing source from stuff.  backports are actually a little dangerous to have in your sources.list18:54
TaRDyshows lo, eth0 and eth1 all with "no wireless extensions" after each18:54
TaRDygyaresu, forgot to say your name: shows lo, eth0 and eth1 all with "no wireless extensions" after each18:54
hywjamewill_: got the ilink?18:55
gyaresuTaRDy: two cards and neither recognised as wireless devices. it's kernel drivers then.18:55
ackeflannel, i c thanks, im installing ubuntu on my ps3. but it hangs at 82% while config apt. its doesnt seems to be anything to put in the source.list to make it happy. i dont know what to do, cancel the install wizrd, and hope to have it running anyways? i have internet.. apt-get update works.......18:55
wsv123456editing .bashrc18:55
YanchoFlannel : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d6651242718:56
pianoboy3333modprobe adds a module, what removes one?18:56
Flannelacke: Did you verify the CD? (check for defects)  Is this the alternate CD or desktop CD?18:56
xb3rtif i put ubuntu on my 360, can i still play the 360 like i do now18:56
TaRDygyaresu, I was fooling around with /etc/networking/interfaces trying to get it to allow incoming eth1 to use eth018:56
ackeflannel, no verify... desctop cd it is.18:56
gyaresuTaRDy: So this was working at some point?18:57
TaRDygyaresu, yes it was18:57
Flannelacke: Verify it, to make sure the CD doesn't have errors18:57
Kamus_H_Zwischhello, no ants at this time :D18:57
FlannelYancho: delete the last two lines of your sources.list (the ones with edgy in them)18:57
ackeflannel ubuntu-7.10-desktop-powerpc+ps3 was whats on the cd.18:57
Kamus_H_Zwischwhen i try to use java in opera i got this: Runtime link error - it appears that libXt got loaded before libXm, which is not allowed.18:57
TaRDygyaresu, not the allowing eth1 internet through eth0 though thats what i am trying to do ultimately18:57
Kamus_H_Zwischand java doesn't works18:57
Kamus_H_Zwischsomebody have the same problem?18:58
YanchoFlannel done :) seems it is working now18:58
ackeflannel i got it from here. doesnt seem to be any method to verify it? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_318:58
YanchoFlannel : Setting up xserver-xephyr (6.6.1-0ubuntu3) ... thanks alot !! :)18:58
RobDany body got any ideas re installing an older kernel?18:59
Flannelacke: There's an option on the boot menu.  Or should be18:59
StroganoffRobD, why do you wanna do that?18:59
FlannelYancho: no problem18:59
RobDStroganoff - cos the kernel in Gutsy isn't supported by my CPU and panics on boot / init19:00
IronMarxHey Ubuntu IRC, I'm a Linux rookie. I've been trying to figure out why I can't get any sound out of my Linux. Can any body point me in the right direction?19:00
Kamus_H_Zwischwhen i try to use java in opera i got this: Runtime link error - it appears that libXt got loaded before libXm, which is not allowed. Somebody have solutions?19:00
gyaresuTaRDy: You're in the wrong place for that.  Just fix your interfaces file and reboot.19:00
proximohi there, im running livecd to copy some files from a ntfs partition to another comp running Vista, its working allright but its extremely slow and estimates 5- hours to transfer 34GB data, can this be improved _19:00
basvghi all .. Ijust found out that `latex bla.tex' actually runs pdflatex... I really prefer normal latex to generate a .dvi. Any clue how to fix that?19:00
Cpudan80Hello all19:00
Flannelproximo: Transfer over what?19:00
bluebananai don't get it. no matter how many times i try "Install Xubuntu onto computer", the Xubuntu 8.04 beta install CD does'nt instnall on hard drive.19:00
ackeflannel thx19:00
basvgshort of removing the symlink that is ;-)19:00
proximoFlannel: over network, 100mbit19:00
ackewhats the difference between alternat isntall cd and desctop install cd?19:00
wsv123456somebody talking about editing commands in bash files19:00
StroganoffRobD, have you filed a bug report yet?19:00
Flannelbluebanana: Try an Ubuntu alternate CD, install  GUI-less system, and install xubuntu-desktop (and go to #ubuntu+1 for hardy support)19:01
TaRDygyaresu, i think the interfaces is fixed now, i am somehow on the internet whereas before it broke, thank you for your help19:01
Flannelacke: Alternate CD is a textmode installer instead of the liveCD/installer19:01
Cpudan80So I am trying to apply iptables at boot time --- but I am having a problem with the tutorial at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo --- it says to open /etc/network/interfaces and add something for the interface I need the iptables applied to --- but there are no interfaces listed in there?19:01
Kamus_H_Zwischwhen i try to use java in opera i got this: Runtime link error - it appears that libXt got loaded before libXm, which is not allowed. Somebody have solutions?19:01
Kamus_H_Zwischwhen i try to use java in opera i got this: Runtime link error - it appears that libXt got loaded before libXm, which is not allowed. Somebody have solutions?19:01
ackeflannel thx.19:01
Flannelproximo: FTP or what?19:01
gregorybasvg: maybe latex is a shell wrapper script that calls the unwanted program?19:01
RobDStroganoff - not yet no - didn't think it was a bug TBH, unless Ubuntu is expected to support every hardware config under the sun :-)19:02
basvggregory: could be.. hmm, figuring that out, bbl19:02
proximono i just found the vista comp in network neighbourhood and chose to copy19:02
StroganoffRobD, actually it is ^^19:02
Jack_SparrowKamus_H_Zwisch, were you ban forwarded here for something earlier today19:02
proximoFlannel: so i guess its SMB _19:02
=== Kamus_H_Zwisch is now known as kamus_se_retirou
bluebananaFlannel: wouldn't doing so install cruft into my system, which would later be hard to remove?19:02
BuFFafter installing a new theme i lost my ctrl+alt+F* sessions, could u tell how to restore them ?19:02
proximoFlannel: _ means ?, ive got the wrong keyb setup here :P19:02
kamus_se_retirouJack_Sparrow, yes, the ants question :D19:02
IronMarxI can't seem to get any sound out of my computer when I'm running Linux. Can someone point me in the right direction?19:03
ompaul!sound | IronMarx19:03
ubotuIronMarx: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:03
StroganoffRobD: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic19:03
Jack_Sparrowkamus_se_retirou, I thought that was lifted..  was there another issue19:03
RobDStroganoff - well smack my ass and call me susie. Have installed that and it still doesn't work19:03
Stroganoffsee the list on the right hand similar packages19:03
kamus_se_retirouJack_Sparrow, sorry, i don't undesrtand what you say oO19:04
StroganoffRobD, or compile your own kernel. its not THAT hard19:04
Jack_Sparrowkamus_se_retirou, no problem.. my mistake..19:04
[BT]JaChi there, i have a minimal ubuntu install, how can i fix apt-get19:04
kamus_se_retirouJack_Sparrow, :D19:04
Flannel[BT]JaC: fix it?19:04
Jack_Sparrowkamus_se_retirou, I just wanted to make sure I lifted it after we talked..19:04
[BT]JaCFlannel apt-get doesnt find a thing19:04
RobDStroganoff - :-) so says you. Off hand do you know which Kernel Fiesty used as I can get that to install without issue19:04
Stroganoffok gutsy has no old kernel in the ropos19:04
kamus_se_retirouok :D19:05
kamus_se_retirouwhen i try to use java in opera i got this: Runtime link error - it appears that libXt got loaded before libXm, which is not allowed. Somebody have solutions?19:05
Flannelproximo: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-518929.html samba apparently can be configured to go faster (although that may or may not be the issue).  Also, make sure you don't have any media running on the Vista machine (audo/video)19:05
[BT]JaCits only got two lines in /etc/apt/sources.list19:05
Flannel[BT]JaC: What two lines?19:05
StroganoffRobD: feisty used linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic19:05
[BT]JaCsec Flannel19:05
Ertylehi, is the live cd the same as the installation cd?19:05
proximoFlannel: ahh ok, the latter may be the issue, a kid was playing WoW on the comp at the same time :P19:05
=== kamus_se_retirou is now known as Kamus_H_Zwisch
StroganoffRobD: but you can't install it unless you modify your sources.list19:05
RobDStonganoff -nope - just realised that. Ok so it looks like a RYO or reinstall with a different version.19:06
[BT]JaCdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy contrib19:06
[BT]JaCdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy main19:06
kevin5how can i stop 7.10 being such a memory hog19:06
[BT]JaCthose two19:06
bharadwajErtyle:you mean alternate installation CD?19:06
RobDStonganoff - will that work?19:06
manlymatt83Anyone around?  I have tow interfaces - ppp0 and eth0.  eth0 is my friend on a direct crossover, and we can ping each other.  I'd like to route her so that she can access the net on ppp0.  Is there a howto?19:06
StroganoffRobD: it might19:06
StroganoffRobD: thats for you to find out :D19:06
[BT]JaCFlannel ?19:06
RobDStonganoff - you fill me with confidence :-)19:06
[BT]JaCwanna take it to PM?19:06
Ertylebharadwaj: no i mean the normal cd, i mean is it both live and install19:06
Flannel[BT]JaC: well, you should be able to find some packages with that.  But I agree, thats spartan.19:06
BenandroGuys: is there any reason why using 'apt-proxy' causes 'apt-get update' to be laggy, compared to before?19:06
[BT]JaCFlannel do you use ubuntu?19:07
Kamus_H_Zwischmanjahrow, echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward19:07
Kamus_H_Zwischiptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -s -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE19:07
RobDStonganoff - ok - will give it a whirl. I've nothing to lose but time in any case19:07
Kamus_H_Zwischjust change the ip and interface19:07
bharadwajErtyle: yeah you can install the OS with live CD just with couple of clicks...19:07
Kamus_H_Zwischmanlymatt83, i hate this tab echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward19:07
Kamus_H_Zwischiptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -s -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE19:07
chazcoAnyone know why Acidrip produces an audio track full of static on some DVDs? It may be related to the fact that the same DVD wont play in Totem, but will in Kaffeine.19:07
Kamus_H_Zwischmanlymatt83, just change the ip19:07
manlymatt83you hate what?19:07
Flannel[BT]JaC: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60583/ should be everything you need19:07
[BT]JaCo ok19:08
Kamus_H_Zwischmanlymatt83, the tab for nick autocompletion19:08
Ertylethanks bha19:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blackberry - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:08
manlymatt83That's temporary though right Kamus?  After reboot it won't route anymore?19:08
high-freqanyone got the tethering to work on a blackberry curve 8300?19:08
BenandroGuys: is there any reason why using 'apt-proxy' causes 'apt-get update' to be laggy, compared to before?19:09
Kamus_H_Zwischmanlymatt83, excatly. just make a script and put into /etc/init.d, give execution permission and add  the script to the boot with the "bum"(boot up manager apt-get install bum)19:09
OonSuomestaHi, I have a volume knob on my keyboard and it doesn't work. How can I make it work?19:09
TaRDygyaresu, its back to how it was before, thank you19:10
gyaresuTaRDy: welcome19:10
manlymatt83well Kamjus, I just want it to be temporary :) thanks! :)19:10
Kamus_H_ZwischOonSuomesta, system/preferences/keyboard shortucuts19:10
Kamus_H_Zwischmanlymatt83, you are welcome :D19:11
OonSuomestaKamus_H_Zwisch: My computer doesn't even detect the volume knob19:11
OonSuomestaI've tried xev and it says nothing19:11
jessidhello. I have a little question. is it possible to play a sound for example in amsn when a message has arrived????19:11
Kamus_H_ZwischOonSuomesta, uhh, this is a problem19:11
Stroganoffjessid: yes. check the preferences19:12
OonSuomestaKamus_H_Zwisch: I have used google and found that people say the knob is a device of its own19:12
Kamus_H_ZwischOonSuomesta, model?19:12
OonSuomestathe model is HP19:12
Kamus_H_ZwischOonSuomesta, i think i can't help you so :(19:12
manlymatt83works well, thanks :)19:12
nono# aprendices19:12
jessidStroganoff yes that is what i say: in the preferences it has a play $sound commmand. in need to replace that play command for something else...that somethin else is what i would like to know19:13
Kamus_H_Zwischmanlymatt83, :D19:13
OonSuomestaHi, I have a volume knob on my keyboard and it doesn't work. How can I make it work? My computer can't detect it (I've tried xev) and when I looked at google, there were some stuff related that said the knob is a device of its own.19:13
user01is there a way to download an enitre website for use locally?  There i an online dictionary site that would be helpful to me in areas i dont have internet access19:13
Rytron7hi everyone19:13
Kamus_H_Zwischwhen i try to use java in opera i got this: Runtime link error - it appears that libXt got loaded before libXm, which is not allowed. Somebody have solutions?19:13
Kamus_H_ZwischRytron7, hi19:13
Rytron7hi Kamus19:14
OonSuomestauser01: I don't think that's possible.19:14
Rytron7Ubuntu is awesome19:14
gregoryuser01: whats the address?19:14
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Rytron7Using it now for one month19:14
Stroganoffjessid: just googled some bit. try "aplay $sound"19:14
fridgeuser01: if its static content you could with wget -r19:14
chazcoAnyone know why Acidrip produces an audio track full of static on some DVDs? It may be related to the fact that the same DVD wont play in Totem, but will in Kaffeine.19:14
jessidStroganoff thanks19:14
OonSuomestaSorry for spam but.. I have a volume knob on my keyboard and it doesn't work. How can I make it work? My computer can't detect it (I've tried xev) and when I looked at google, there were some stuff related that said the knob is a device of its own.19:14
user01gregory, www.wordreference.com19:14
user01salut nono19:14
Kamus_H_Zwischwhen i try to use java in opera i got this: Runtime link error - it appears that libXt got loaded before libXm, which is not allowed. Somebody have solutions?19:15
Stroganoffjessid: is there a reason for you not using pidgin? webcam?19:15
=== nono is now known as owen10
gregoryuser01: its not possible :-(19:15
jessidStroganoff yes19:15
=== OSUKid7` is now known as OSUKid7
gregoryuser01: http://www.wordreference.com/english/FAQ.htm19:15
ffmMy sound stops working randomly, and a reboot usually fixes it. Is there a service I can restart to accomplish the asame thing?19:16
yigaldoes anyone know how delete duplicates in f-spot?19:16
gregoryuser01: #519:16
flash-rosalut à tous19:16
saxofoneris there an ubuntu off topic channel?19:16
yigalor using exiv2?19:16
puplinsaxofoner: #ubuntu-offtopic19:16
saxofonerah thanks19:16
saxofonervery intuitive name19:16
ffm!fr | flash-ro19:16
=== parker is now known as pyrak
ubotuflash-ro: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:16
user01gregory, oh ... grrr19:16
yigaldoes anyone know how delete duplicates in f-spot? or just delete duplicate photos using exiv2 or another application?19:17
gregoryuser01: you may try to find a real "free" dictionary. google can help you19:18
user01gregory, its more the form of phrqses thqt is helpful19:18
OonSuomestaSorry for spam but.. I have a volume knob on my keyboard and it doesn't work. How can I make it work? My computer can't detect it (I've tried xev) and when I looked at google, there were some stuff related that said the knob is a device of its own.19:18
boebii installed ubuntu without bootloader because it kept giving errors, is there a way to install a bootloader from windows side?19:18
ligarboebi use a linux live disk19:19
gyaresuOonSuomesta: Is it listed in 'lspci'?19:19
gregoryuser01: you may search for a free "corpus" of the lanugage you are interested in. "lingustics" would be a helpful keyword for a search19:19
user01gregory, makes no sense says it is the internet it is free and then says they haev a strict copyright19:19
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gylan1979I need help on how to configure my WEP secure wireless network on my ubuntu gutsy? pls help19:19
TwoOxidehow exactly gylan197919:20
yigalgylan1979: don't use wep19:20
=== TwoOxide is now known as HtooO
RobDStroganoff - well that kind of worked but I have a few modules / init scripts that fail to run - still looks pretty good to me!19:20
gregoryuser01: the whole company is probably is based on this database. its their "nuggets". its any easy bussiness. still no chance, too bad.19:20
boebiligar: i cant, it gives errors all the time19:20
gyaresugregory: user01 Can you guys take your chat to offtopic. Very interesting though it is :)19:20
afrolhi- are there any packages for newer versions of qt for 7.10? (i.e. 4.3.3-2?)19:20
gregorygyaresu: yes :-)19:20
StroganoffRobD: well19:20
StroganoffRobD: good luck in fixing these :D19:21
OonSuomestagyaresu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60587/19:21
OonSuomestaI'm not sure if it's listed or not19:21
bluebananare: boot loader: which device should i install boot loader: /dev/sda/ or /dev/sda1?19:21
gylan1979TwoOxide: I had get my atheros wireless work on my ubuntu, but i do not know how to connect to my router, pls help. I have spend hole day to deal with it but fail.19:21
user01gyaresu, where is offtopic?19:21
gyaresuOonSuomesta: Doesn't look like it. How does it behave in windows?19:22
OonSuomestaIt works in windows19:22
gyaresu!offtopic | user0119:22
ubotuuser01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:22
RobDStroganoff - I may just live with them TBH - it;s only App Armor and Kernel.maps_protect19:22
boebihow can i install a bootloader for ubuntu from the windows side?19:22
boebigrub always errors19:22
gyaresuOonSuomesta: Yeah but how. Does it just adjust your main volume or is it a second card. What's the exact model of this keyboard?19:22
OonSuomestaBut there happened a strange thing: All the rest of the special buttons stopped working but the volume knob didnt19:22
StroganoffRobD: you can disabe app armor with "sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove"19:23
ar0nboebi you cant19:23
=== Ghoster is now known as xoRock
gylan1979yigal: do u mean there is no way to connect ubuntu to wep wireless, isn't it?19:23
dan__wall of text19:23
ar0nyou can download the grub bootloader iso and burn it off and use THAT as a boot loader isntall19:23
RobDStroganoff - done19:23
Stroganoffi dont know about the other one19:23
Benandroboebi: I don't think so. windows is 'really' windows centric. Linux let you boot other OSes. IMO you have to make your multi-boot within Linux (grub, or lilo)19:23
Stroganofftheres always "bum" (boot up manager)19:23
=== sdh_ is now known as sdh
OonSuomestagyaresu: It adjusts the main volume, for all sound cards, and I don't know the _exact_ model, but this keyboards manufacturer is HP19:24
gyaresugylan1979: What's the problem? Have you tried the wireless manager to connect to your network?19:24
boebiaron, im trying the vistaBoot right now, it might work, it supports multiple OS's19:24
=== phil_ is now known as Phil__
nagarajanubotu, ty..19:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ty.. - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:25
=== Phil__ is now known as Phil-_-
bluebananai'm installing xubuntu beta 8.04 on a computer. the computer will have nothing else on it (no windows, no other linux). which device should i install boot loader: /dev/sda/ or /dev/sda1?19:25
gylan1979gyaresu: yes, but fail to connect..!19:25
OonSuomestaand gyaresu: just for more information, this keyboard is coming through wirelessly with USB and the same USB device can take a wireless mouse too19:25
gyaresugylan1979: Fail? fail to authenticate?19:25
[BT]JaChi, how can i change the ubuntu hostname?19:25
RobDStroganoff - no worries - at least I now have a live server - I can work on the details as I go along - Thanks for all your help19:26
boebiwhere can i get a .iso for GRUB?19:26
dan__I'm so confused19:26
boebiso I could install GRUB, i installed ubuntu without bootloader because it kept giving an error19:26
gregory[BT]JaC: edit /etc/hostname19:26
gylan1979gyaresu: i can't even ping the router...what is the problem then?19:27
internet_NE one know where I can change application preferences?19:27
Stroganoffinternet_: sudo nano /usr/share/applications/default.list19:27
gyaresugylan1979: open a terminal and type 'iwconfig'19:27
Stroganoffinternet_: or nano ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list19:28
gylan1979gyaresu: it seems like unreachable.. ok19:28
gyaresugylan1979: then tell me the network name (eth1 ath0 etc.)19:28
gylan1979wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:off/any19:29
gylan1979          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated19:29
gylan1979          Bit Rate:54 Mb/s19:29
gylan1979          Encryption key:off19:29
gylan1979          Power Management:off19:29
FloodBot3gylan1979: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:29
gylan1979          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:019:29
Stroganoffboebi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows19:29
internet_Stroganoff both files are empty19:29
zero88when using fluxbox, how do i get a file browser that Ubuntu Gnome uses?19:29
Stroganoffinternet_ there was a typo in the first one19:30
gylan1979gyaresu: wlan0, i'm using ndiswrapper.19:30
gyaresugylan1979: K. now type 'iwlist wlan0 scan'19:30
Stroganoffinternet_ it's sudo nano /usr/share/applications/defaults.list19:30
OonSuomestaso gyaresu can you help me with my problem?19:30
biousercan someone help me translate these javac windows instructions into ubuntu-ease?19:30
[BT]JaConce i done edit /etc/hostname, it doesnt change19:30
boebiim trying this here as bootloader19:30
gylan1979gyaresu: no scan results.19:31
=== zaggy-nl_ is now known as zaggy-nl
agelwarghas anyone tested vmware-server on hardy (beta) host?19:31
zero88when using fluxbox, how do i get a file browser that Ubuntu Gnome uses?19:31
flickhow can i emulate a puppy linux type windows start menu?19:31
gyaresuOonSuomesta: sorry. probably not. You can't tell me what keyboard it is and its not a recognised device. did you try xev?19:31
Stroganoffzero88: sudo apt-get nautilus19:32
sirjoebobhello all. i an running chatsniff and it is throwing up a slew of errors on launch and does not seem to be functioning. I have had it working before and able to intercept messages... anyone have any ideas or alternative programs to intercept IM traffic?19:32
zero88Stroganoff, thanks19:32
OonSuomestagyaresu: Yes I did try xev.19:32
gyaresugylan1979: wlan0 is a virtual device what's the actual device name? eth1?19:32
Stroganoffzero88: you might want to use thunar instead, its more lightweighjt19:32
LeetbumbleNeed some serious help: I had a windows vista system die, pulled the hdd and copied the raw data into a file on my desktop. Now i want to copy/move the data back to a working vista as raw data in a file... what is the best way to move the data (note my portable hdd is not an option and im moving 25gb so cd/dvd sucks too) can i remote desktop into one system / i cant get a shared linux folder to work... any ideas?19:32
gyaresuOonSuomesta: and nothing?19:32
sirjoebob---purely for testing purposes19:32
OonSuomestaya nothing19:32
GreenChaiI'm having trouble seeing my hdrive19:32
* Kamus_H_Zwisch is away: PLAYING PINGUS19:32
GreenChaiI have ntfs installed19:32
GreenChaistill unable to see any mount ...19:32
gyaresuGreenChai: livecd or running system?19:32
gylan1979gyaresu: atheros -->ath, i think...19:33
GreenChaigyaresu running system19:33
GreenChaigyaresu i have restarted the computer19:33
OonSuomestabut hey gyaresu: It might be able to work when I set the keyboard driver to evdev, but I can't do it without losing functionality of my DEL, PGUP and PGDOWN and arrow keys19:33
gyaresugylan1979: think? iwconfig should show ath0 then.19:33
gyaresu!ntfs-3g | GreenChai19:33
ubotuGreenChai: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions19:33
gregory[BT]JaC: /etc/init.d/hostname.sh stop and then again start19:33
internet_Stroganoff: OK got it I am looking for one that would change xchat-gnome to plain xchat.19:33
Stroganoffinternet_: Ctrl+W -> xchat19:34
gylan1979gyaresu: because i'm using "windows wireless drivers", i c only eth, lo and wlan019:34
Stroganoffinternet_ or edit /usr/share/applications/xchat.desktop19:34
=== slipttees_ is now known as slipttees
gyaresugylan1979: But wifi manager 'sees' your network?19:35
gylan1979gyaresu: eth0 and lo0 have no wireless extension19:35
fledi lost my sound in ubuntu. what can i do?19:35
OonSuomestabut hey, could someone help me change the keyboard driver to evdev? Last time I tried it, my keyboard stopped working19:35
gylan1979gyaresu: sorry, i don't understand the wifi for?19:36
StroganoffOonSuomesta: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:36
fledi lost my sound in ubuntu. what can i do?19:36
Stroganoff!elaborate | fled19:36
ubotufled: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)19:36
gyaresugylan1979: k. you know the key though?19:36
whileimherehi. I have two text files that have been modified. Is there  a program out there that will let me compare them to the original files?19:37
fledi had sound and something happend i dont have now.19:37
fledwhere is the sound config?19:37
gyaresugylan1979: so just go through the motions. 'iwconfig wlan0 essid _your_net_name_'19:37
gylan1979gyaresu: yes, but i'm confuse bcos there are three type of WEP key19:37
Stroganoffwhileimhere: use the diff command19:37
spunkloafcan somebody help me figure out how to enable graphics acceleration in ubuntu?19:38
fledi had sound and something happend i dont have now. what i can i do?19:38
GreenChaiits not working at all Mounting /media/M4A1 failed.]19:38
flickhow can i change my interface to something like puppy linux's start menu?19:38
GreenChaiI have either choice 1 or 219:38
Stroganoffwhileimhere: or try fldiff and kdiff319:39
whileimherestroganoff what is this diff command? Is it a cli only thing?19:39
gyaresugylan1979: There is but one will be ticked. 'use first key' or similar.19:39
gylan1979gyaresu: after that, it prompt  ">" , next ??19:39
Stroganoffwhileimhere: yes. the other last two ones are graphical19:39
whileimhereI love the command line but I want to go graphical in this case19:39
gregory!sound | fled19:39
Stroganoffwhileimhere: or try fldiff and kdiff319:39
ubotufled: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:39
whileimhereis fldiff in the repos?19:39
Stroganoffwhileimhere: or try fldiff and kdiff3 <-- those are graphical19:39
Cpudan80flick: Looks like puppy uses KDE19:39
Stroganoffits all in the repos19:39
gyaresugylan1979: What? What prompt ">"19:39
fledgregory, i dont have volume control19:40
spunkloafAnybody good at manipulating graphics driver settings to work with Ubuntu?19:40
Cpudan80flick: In which case, you'd need to use KDE too19:40
CyberCodanyone good with creating launchers?19:40
flickCpudan80, oh ok thanks19:40
Flannel!hostname | [BT]JaC19:40
ubotu[BT]JaC: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab19:40
aih1013Hello! I have a problem with WiFi card. I installed 8.04 without any problem and it had found my WiFi with WPA and connected. After that, I downloaded updates and rebooted. Now  it does not connect with the network, however it sees it.19:40
aih1013Any tips?19:40
Cpudan80flick: If you already have Ubuntu, you can download the kde-base package19:40
gylan1979gyaresu: after i enter the command, then next line, it prompt only ">" symbol.19:40
flickCpudan80, oh i can do kde in ubuntu?19:40
flickok thanks19:40
StroganoffCyberCod: cp /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop ~/Desktop19:41
Cpudan80flick: Sure - it's just another package19:41
whileimherenext question is this. I want to be able to boot Ubuntu but I dont want to go into a heavy desktop. I want to book directly into my advmenu program that needs X but not GNOME or KDE.19:41
StroganoffCyberCod: just copy the .desktop files, those are launchers19:41
GreenChaihow i change /etc/fstab???19:41
GreenChai/dev/sdd1 /media/M4A1 ntfs-3g defaults,force 0 019:41
StroganoffCyberCod: you can edit them too19:41
CyberCodStroganoff: what I need to know is how to chain two commands together in a launcher19:41
gyaresugylan1979: 'iwconfig wlan0 key DEAD-BEEF-DEAD-BEEF-DEAD-BEEF-DE'19:41
TtyS2what command do i need in cli to see what dns ath0 uses19:41
nagarajanhey.. sudenly my xchat window went fullscreen by itself.. how do i change back to normal?19:41
gyaresugylan1979: obviously change that to _your_ key19:41
CyberCodie   xmms && gedit19:41
CyberCodor something19:41
Cpudan80whileimhere: You might be able to edit /etc/passwd and change the default shell to your program19:41
StroganoffCyberCod: edit them, go to "exec" line and write somtehing like: pidgin && xchat19:42
gyaresuGreenChai: Can you use nano or vim?19:42
Cpudan80whileimhere: It's the last column in the line19:42
mademoislhi all, i am connected here from a windows compurter via wireless, on my ubuntu computer i can not connect to the same wireless although i entered the password correctly, can someone help me? thanks!19:42
nagarajanhey.. sudenly my xchat window went fullscreen by itself.. how do i change back to normal?19:42
GreenChaigyaresu nano / vim???19:42
spunkloafAnybody good with getting graphics to work?19:42
CyberCodStroganoff: does the && work ?  I tried semicolon and the | pipe thing19:42
nagarajanspunkloaf, what graphics do u mean??19:43
whileimhereilllook into19:43
StroganoffCyberCod, yes19:43
StroganoffCyberCod, it might be only one &19:43
gregory! ask | spunkloaf19:43
Stroganofftry it19:43
ubotuspunkloaf: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:43
CyberCodthe && didn't seem to do anything but start the first19:43
StroganoffGreenChai: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto19:43
CyberCodthanks will try19:43
digitalslaveryany raid5 experts in the house?19:43
gylan1979gyaresu: the key is no like 0193284942  <---this one?? but i know ? confused.19:43
FlannelCyberCod, Stroganoff, it's &&, it starts the first, then when the first completes sucessfully, it starts the second19:43
gyaresuGreenChai: Text editors. vim is a favourite super powerful text editing program. nano is easier to use (apparently, but i don't think so).19:43
Benandrospunkloaf: what do you mean by 'getting graphics to work'?19:43
gregoryCyberCod: && starts command2 if and only when command1 has ended successfully19:44
whileimhereWhat package will install python as a IDE?19:44
GreenChaigyaresu i never had a problem like this19:44
CyberCodso if I did "xmms && gedit" the text editor won't start til I close xmms?19:44
FlannelCyberCod: correct19:44
spunkloafBenandro: getting "extra" to work in visual appearance19:44
gyaresugylan1979: In your router the key will be set to some hexidecimal string (characters 0-9 plus A-F). you see the 4 Keys. only one of them is selected. That's the one you want.19:44
gyaresuGreenChai: Never had a problem like what?19:45
OonSuomesta<Stroganoff> OonSuomesta: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:45
moonlighthello all, when i restarted the ubuntu, i was unable to see my network, to connect to internet, ping says network unreachable19:45
OonSuomestanow my keyboard is totally messed up19:45
moonlightwhat is this ..19:45
HtooOhow do i start a second x-session?19:45
GreenChaigyaresu with the ntfs setups19:45
eisenhowerhey, whats a good app for c++ in ubuntu gnome?19:45
jazzanovatring to install cinelerra, its not in the repositories ?19:45
mademoislcan someone help me connect via wireless ?19:45
gylan1979gyaresu: i nvr set the key like tht for windows, ..ok i try to look for it19:45
GreenChaigyaresu it suppose to remount all hdrive with ntfs19:45
Benandrospunkloaf: it depends of your graphic card. Any error message?19:46
gyaresuGreenChai: linux has had a read-only driver for years.19:46
OonSuomestaHow can I return the defaults to xorg.conf file?19:46
* Kamus_H_Zwisch is back (gone 00:13:46)19:46
Benandrospunkloaf: is 'normal' working?19:46
Flannel!away > Kamus_H_Zwisch19:46
gregoryeisenhower: you have to decide. install 3 and then pick the one which suits you needs best ;-)19:46
gyaresugylan1979: You did. At some point you did and it remembered it. Otherwise you have an open network.19:46
GreenChaigyaresu i try reboot19:46
eisenhowergregory: which three?19:46
anderbubbledoes anyone have experience getting an rtl8187b chip working in hardy?19:46
gyaresuGreenChai: you don't need to19:46
spunkloafBenandro: Normal does nto work.  "Composite extension not available".19:46
mademoisli use wlassistant and i get "no default gateway" although on this windos computer i can connect with the same ssid and key19:46
OonSuomestaHow can I return the defaults to xorg.conf file?19:47
GreenChaigyaresu I don't need too?19:47
GreenChaigyaresu what else can i do?19:47
gregoryeisenhower: i am a nono in c++. you may browse the packet manager to see whats available19:47
gyaresuGreenChai: You can just try mounting the ntfs partition manually first. _then_ write it into your /etc/fstab to make it permenant19:47
digitalslaveryhi everyone19:47
gylan1979gyaresu: it is an open WEP... normally i set only the password..19:47
spunkloafBenandro: It appears my Radeon x1200 is not FULLY supported, but is there anything I can do to get desktop graphics to work anyways?19:47
utarpradeshwhat mount option do i use for mounting an Ipod??19:48
utarpradeshit's not detecting it automatically19:48
utarpradeshand won't manually mount19:48
GreenChaigyaresu you mention nano . Is that a program or a way of saving it into etc/fstab19:48
mademoislwhy can i connect to wireless internet with windows and not with ubuntu ?19:48
gyaresuGreenChai: Read the documentation and you'll see the commands.19:48
Cpudan80mademoisl: Do you encrypt your wifi signal?19:48
gyaresuGreenChai: 'man nano'19:48
kafiHello, how do I resize the /home partition?19:48
Cpudan80mademoisl: If so you should really ditch it and just mac filter it19:48
HtooOhow do i start a second x-session?19:49
Cpudan80No - mac filter is not secure - but it at least keeps the morons next door out19:49
utarpradeshwhere documentation? what is the mount option i use for mounting of iPod19:49
internet_Stroganoff: Still does not work, how can I reset firefox? Maybe that is the problem. Before when I clicked on a link it would open up another small window asking me what app I wanted to use to download a file and I would say xchat. I told firefox to always use xchat but it no longer launches xchat like it used to19:49
mademoislCpudan80, I have no acces to the modem19:49
gyaresugylan1979: You use a passphrase. cool. then the command would be 'iwconfig wlan0 key s:99io3i4io23'19:49
mxartesanoHola a todos!19:49
GreenChaigyaresu so i nano /etc/fstab19:49
Cpudan80mademoisl: Ok.... but then how do you know the WEP key (or whatever it is)19:49
gyaresugylan1979: the "s:" is to show the next bit is the password.19:49
GreenChaigyaresu in terminal whats next19:50
utarpradeshwhere do i find the mount option for mounting an ipod??19:50
mxartesanoalguien que hable español?19:50
gyaresuGreenChai: are you sure it mounts yet. i posted that you should try it first. did you?19:50
GreenChaigyaresu should i reinstall or remove ntfs??? and the settings19:50
ompaul!es | mxartesano19:50
ubotumxartesano: En el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:50
duffbeerubuntu won't install with my 8800gt :(19:50
GreenChaigyaresu it mounted one hard drive the others none19:50
gyaresuGreenChai: don't worry about the native ntfs driver.19:50
mademoislCpudan80 its a friends computer thats connected with windows, i try to conect to the same network with her passwd on my ubuntu but it doesnt work19:50
gyaresuGreenChai: How many ntfs partitions do you have?19:51
Benandrospunkloaf: AFAIK, you have to add some options into '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'. I don't own a Radeon, but even my Intel 965 works ;)19:51
Benandrogoogle is your friends19:51
whileimhereI have heard that Python is a really simple language to start off with and it has gui programming does anyone know about this?19:51
Cpudan80mademoisl: Are you sure you have the encryption type set correctly and stuff?19:51
internet_How can I reset firefox? Maybe that is the problem. Before when I clicked on a link it would open up another small window asking me what app I wanted to use to download a file and I would say xchat. I told firefox to always use xchat but it no longer launches xchat like it used to19:51
Benandro(or the Ubuntu doc wiki ;-))19:51
duffbeeryeah whilei, it's a great starting language19:51
gyaresuwhileimhere: Try the python channel19:51
OonSuomestaHelp! I have lost the functionality of Alt-key combinations!19:51
dshockHey, I've been wanting to install ubuntu on my pc, which currently has fedora - but when i insert the disk (ive used both x86 and 64 bit versions) i get no response for ubuntu install even on system reboot, how can i get it to install over fedora?19:51
mademoislCpudan80 how can i check that ? i use wlassistant19:51
gyaresuwhileimhere: http://tryruby.hobix.com/ ruby too.19:52
whileimhereAhh but of course it will nothing but how wonderful python is there that is why I asked here.19:52
duffbeerI would reccomend python before ruby19:52
Cpudan80mademoisl: look on the windows computer and figure out what encryption it uses19:52
duffbeerI've learned both, and although python syntax is a little confusing at first, it's much more uniform than ruby19:52
Cpudan80that's the easiest way19:52
GreenChaigyaresu in the program ntfs shows none but in my desktop view its only one harddrive showing19:52
gyaresuwhileimhere: That's fine but see what happens. Best to take this to offtopic :)19:52
internet_How do I reset firefox?19:52
duffbeerlater on though, ruby has some awesome metaprogramming stuff that's loads of fun to learn and introduces some advanced techniques really well19:53
GreenChaigyaresu one is mounted19:53
gylan1979gyaresu: thx, do i have to disable the gui setting 1st? then wht should i do next19:53
dshockI guess I'll assume noone here knows? lol19:53
gyaresuGreenChai: 'mount'19:53
kafiQuick question - I need to resize the /home partition, how would I go about doing this?19:53
Benandrodshock: no response? do you mean: no error messages??19:53
ka2dshock: knows what?19:53
Flanneldshock: Is it booting to the CD or what?19:53
vistakillerWARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_new failed: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_new19:53
vistakillerWARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_legacy failed: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_legacy19:53
vistakillerWARNING: modinfo for module nvidia_new failed: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_new19:53
dshocknope - Flannel19:53
Flanneldshock: Is your BIOS set to boot to CD?19:53
vistakilleri have this problem with the driver manager19:53
dshockka2: Hey, I've been wanting to install ubuntu on my pc, which currently has fedora - but when i insert the disk (ive used both x86 and 64 bit versions) i get no response for ubuntu install even on system reboot, how can i get it to install over fedora?19:53
gyaresugylan1979: Well if you've correctly set it you should be able to 'iwconfig wlan0' and see that it's associated.19:53
dshockyes Flannel, indeed19:53
Flannelkafi: reboot to a liveCD and use gparted19:53
dshockI have it set as top priority19:54
spunkloafBenandro: Got that file up in terminal, what options do I add and how?19:54
kafiah, thanks19:54
mademoislCpudan80 its WPA encryption19:54
Flanneldshock: Did you burn it properly? (a bunch of files on the CD, as opposed to a single iso file)19:54
duffbeercan I get some help with getting ubuntu installed with my graphics card?19:54
whileimhereyep I see.19:54
whileimhereStill best pace on the net for Ubuntu help is right here!!! :)19:54
GreenChaigyaresu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60593/19:54
dshockguess not...19:55
Cpudan80mademoisl: ok - so set the settings in ubuntu to mirror the settings of her pc19:55
mademoislCpudan80 I have WEP on ubuntu, so i guess thats the problem, how can i change that ?19:55
ka2duffbeer: what graphics card?19:55
dshockwhat do you mean? i made it the iso file i burnt that19:55
ka2!justask | duffbear19:55
ubotuduffbear: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:55
mademoislCpudan, where can i do that ?19:55
Masticor1How do I set the cpu to 100% ?19:55
gyaresuGreenChai: That line:19:55
=== Masticor1 is now known as Masticore_
GreenChaigyaresu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60593/ and the error is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60595/19:55
gyaresuGreenChai: That line:19:55
gylan1979gyaresu: i hv send u the output in private, is they any problem??19:55
Cpudan80!wpa | mademoisl19:55
ubotumademoisl: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:55
ka2Masticore_: what do you mean?19:56
gyaresuGreenChai: That line is fine: /dev/sdd1 /media/M4A1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 019:56
Cpudan80mademoisl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo is the page19:56
Flanneldshock: The iso file burns to a CD as a bunch of files (the iso is an image, you burn the contents of the image to the CD).  Some people burn the actual iso file to the CD, so it has one file as its contents (it contains so-and-so.iso)19:56
yigalMasticore_: use cpufreq-set19:56
Cpudan80not sure why ubotu didn't just hand you that one directly19:56
gyaresugylan1979: I don't see private messages.19:56
GreenChaigyaresu then what can be the problem?19:56
mademoislCpudan80, thanks, ill try it19:56
Benandrospunkloaf: As I said, I don't own an ATI. You have to google a little bit19:56
gyaresuGreenChai: Well what other drives are you trying to connect to?19:57
Cpudan80mademoisl: Start with the wpasupplicant step -- ignore the ones before it19:57
dshocki can check, one moment19:57
duffbeerlol, sorry.  I've got a GeForce 8800GT that I just installed and works flawlessly with windows, but I can't get ubuntu installed with it.  Even form the alt CD, I get the error PCI: failed to allocate mem resource at address [address] and I get kicked to an initramfs prompt.. apprently the gui doesn't want to work for me19:57
Masticore_ka2: When i used Visa, the sound was fucked up, so I sat the cpu to 100% performance and the sound was fine, and now in ubuntu the sound is also fucked up like in Vista19:57
spunkloafBenandro: thanks19:57
gylan1979wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:off/any19:57
yigalMasticore_: did you see what I wrote19:57
GreenChaigyaresu just hard drive. to the computer19:57
gylan1979wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:off/any19:57
utarpradeshhow come when i plug in my ipod it says "unable to mount; invalid mount option" ?19:57
GreenChaigyaresu everything is connect19:57
GreenChaibut not showing in  computer:///19:57
gylan1979          Bit Rate:54 Mb/s19:57
Benandrospunkloaf: something like:19:57
BenandroSection "Extensions"19:57
Benandro    Option "Composite" "enable"19:57
Flannel!paste | gylan197919:58
ubotugylan1979: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:58
Masticore_yigal: yes, but I dont how to use it19:58
gylan1979          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated19:58
GreenChaigyaresu not showing at all only the BLACK BOX19:58
utarpradeshwhere can i find a list of mount options?19:58
mademoislCpudan80 ok19:58
gyaresuGreenChai: You added that to the /etc/fstab but did you mount it? 'sudo mount /dev/sdd1'19:58
GreenChaigyaresu which now i can't unmount blackbox now19:58
audimageI am having trouble with Compiz. I just reinstalled Ubuntu Gutsy, compiz was working, and now it isn't. When I try to enable it through System>Preferences>Appearance>Visual Effects I get a message saying the composite Extension is not available19:58
dshockwhne i press open folder to view files on windows - it shows a lot of files lol so i guess i did it right19:59
GreenChaigyaresu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60598/19:59
gyaresugylan1979: 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up'19:59
mademoislCpudan80 can I install wpasupplicant without being connected to the internet ?19:59
Cpudan80mademoisl: no19:59
gylan1979how to use the command?19:59
gyaresuGreenChai: does /media/M4A1 exist?20:00
Cpudan80mademoisl: you'd need to have the ubuntu cd at the very least --- but I dont think that's on the CD20:00
Cpudan80!info wpasupplicant | mademoisl20:00
Cpudan80..... no?20:00
Benandroaudimage: something like:20:00
BenandroSection "Extensions"20:00
Benandro    Option "Composite" "enable"20:00
GreenChaigyaresu yes20:00
ubotumademoisl: wpasupplicant (source: wpasupplicant): Client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is important. Version 0.6.0+0.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 256 kB, installed size 648 kB20:00
Benandroin /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?20:00
mademoislCpudan80 the irony ! to make the connection work i need to have a connection20:01
GreenChaigyaresu i mean the hard drive is plug20:01
GreenChaigyaresu but not showing20:01
dshockFlanel, dont know if you seen but yes, it shows a bunch  of files when i load it up on windows20:01
db-keenI'm working on customizing the live-cd using the directions on the wiki, and I can't figure out how to get apt-get and co to work with the live-cd instead of my system20:01
Cpudan80mademoisl: lol20:01
GreenChaigyaresu can't open or see it20:01
audimagethanks benandro, i'll try that20:01
mactimesHello!  Could someone, please, tell me how can I make my EPSON LX 300 printer work under gutsy gibbon?20:01
gyaresuGreenChai: unplug it then plug it in again.20:01
gylan1979gyaresu: already... how to paste the output20:01
TaRDy##networking was uesless20:01
utarpradeshwhat is a mount option??20:01
GreenChaigyaresu then i have to shutdown20:02
gyaresugylan1979:just tell me if 'encryption key' is 'on'20:02
orbisvicishow do i change from generic to rt (realtime) ?20:02
gyaresuGreenChai: why?20:02
duffbeerI've got a GeForce 8800GT that I just installed and works flawlessly with windows, but I can't get ubuntu installed with it.  Even form the alt CD, I get the error PCI: failed to allocate mem resource at address [address] and I get kicked to an initramfs prompt.. apprently the gui doesn't want to work for me20:02
TaRDyany1 know how to allow an incoming eth1 to use my eth0 internet?20:02
Flannelorbisvicis: Why do you want to do that?20:02
GreenChaigyaresu is a internal hardrive20:02
GreenChaigyaresu its not a external hardrive20:02
mademoislCpudan80 cant i download wpasupplicant as a deb package and put it on a usb key ?20:02
gyaresuGreenChai: then don't worry about that.20:02
Cpudan80mademoisl: Yeah - but I dont know where to find the package though20:03
musikgoatutarpradesh: when you mount something, you set conditions for the mount, those are options20:03
orbisvicisFlannel, for audio (high rez timers, tickless, and jackd)20:03
utarpradeshhow come wheni plug in my iPod it says "unable to mount invalid mount option" ??? what is the correct mount option? where do i find it?20:03
dshockFLanel - any ideas or nah?20:03
RequinB9I have a somewhat complicated question about OOo.  I need to change the first line of each page break (also could be found in a search via the - character right after the line) to a style such as "Heading 2."20:03
GreenChaigyaresu so u want me uplug it when its shutdown and boot up the computer20:03
gyaresuGreenChai: Did you run the command 'ntfs-3g /dev/sdd1 /media/M4A1' before to test that it mounts?20:03
gregoryRequinB9: try #openoffice.org20:03
gyaresuGreenChai: No.20:03
GreenChaigyaresu then shutdwon and plug back in and boot again/20:03
GreenChaigyaresu o20:03
GreenChaigyaresu  i did sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdd1 /media/M4A120:04
keithclarkIs there anyway to play video/x-msvideo avi files in ubuntu?  I've tried everything I could find in the forums with no luck.20:04
musikgoatutarpradesh: does it show what the mount command is?20:04
wsv123456Tardy have you tried disabling eth1 card?20:04
Flannelorbisvicis: Ah, the correct reasons.  linux-image-rt is in universe20:04
craigif i download and install hardy heron will it just update to the final release when that comes out?20:04
GreenChaigyaresu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60603/20:04
Cpudan80keithclark: Yeah, you need to enable the mediabuntu repository20:04
FFEMTcJDoes anyone have sirius radio and listen to the online player with ubuntu? They have a requirement of windows media player, but i was wondering if theres any sort of ubuntu/ff plugin that will allow it20:04
musikgoatcraig: yes20:04
Flannelcraig: yes.  #ubuntu+1 for hardy support20:04
danand_Cpudan80 - sudo apt-get --print-uris --yes install wpasupplicant | grep ^\' | awk -F\' '{print $2}' should give you the download url20:04
craigoh sorry thanks though:)20:04
gyaresuGreenChai: muh huh. and...20:05
gylan1979gyaresu: Encryption key:3031-3638-3838-3136-363820:05
Cpudan80mademoisl: see danand_'s comment20:05
orbisvicisFlannel, i have that, and rebooted, and i look in / and find vmlinuz and vmlinuz.old, but uname -a returns 2.6.22-14-generic20:05
Jack3hey, i deleted my linux parttions off my dual boot sysem with windows, and now i cant start windows cause GRUB is starting up and giving error 17. how can i fix this?20:05
samiAny support for Zune?20:05
orbisvicisFlannel, is there an extra step ?20:05
Flannelorbisvicis: You'll need to select the RT image from GRUB20:05
ubuntui need help please20:05
GreenChaigyaresu sorry about that http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60604/20:05
Cpudan80keithclark: The package you need is w32codecs (use w64 if you have x86_64 ubuntu)20:05
gyaresugylan1979: the 'iwconfig wlan0 key 3031-3638-3838-3136-3638'20:05
KyleS-homeWell guys...I must say20:05
Cpudan80!ask | ubuntu20:05
ubotuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:05
TaRDywsv123456, why would i disable eth1 card? i want my ps3 to hook into eth1 and get onto the internet20:05
ubuntui cant detect my hdd to install Gutsy Gibbon20:06
KyleS-homethe beta is wonderful20:06
gyaresugylan1979: 'ifconfig wlan0 up'20:06
chazcoAnyone know why Acidrip produces an audio track full of static on some DVDs? It may be related to the fact that the same DVD wont play in Totem, but will in Kaffeine.20:06
gyaresugylan1979: 'dhclient wlan0'20:06
orbisvicisFlannel, ah. Thanks20:06
ubuntusudo fdisk -l doesn't detect my hda?!20:06
odla_ KyleS-home: i downloaded it and i've thought about it installing it ... i've been running debian here and am thinking i might finally make the move to ubuntu20:06
Flannelubuntu: you see sda, right?20:06
qcjn_i'd like to know how to share an externel hd from a network20:06
gyaresugylan1979: and you should have net. if not then check iwconfig to see if it's connected.20:06
Cpudan80ubuntu: it's probably listed as sda20:06
orbisvicisthe vmlinuz in /boot not in /20:06
nDuffubuntu, what shows up in /proc/partitions?20:06
audimageWhen I try to enable compiz now, through menu>system>preferences>appearance>visual effects i get a message saying desktop effects could not be enabled20:06
ubuntui see nothing20:06
wsv123456Tardy so you want to only chg recognized order/20:07
keithclarkCpudan80, thanks!  I'm working on it now.20:07
gyaresugylan1979: (and maybe) 'route add default gw 192.168.1.whatever.address.of.gateway'20:07
ubuntui tried to run the installer but it shows nothing on step 420:07
Cpudan80keithclark: also make sure you have ubuntu_restricted_extras20:07
utarpradeshMusikGoat: no, there's no mount command20:07
ubuntui have..or had 6.0.6 on it20:07
KyleS-homeodla_, I use Arch Linux myself...but 8.04 is very smooth20:07
keithclarkCpudan80, yes, I've done that one already20:07
nDuffubuntu, I'm very surprised that "cat /proc/partitions" is empty -- at least your CD-ROM drive (or whatever you're booting off of) should be there.20:07
ubuntui have the Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 live cd20:07
LukstrQuestion: I'm trying to build OpenSceneGraph 2.0 on 7.10, and it's complaining that some X11 headers are missing (namely x11/Intrinsic.h), but apt reports that libxt6 and libx11-dev, etc, are installed and updated, any suggestions?20:07
KyleS-homeIt's responsive as well, much MUCH better than 7.10 was20:07
musikgoatutarpradesh: what is the full line of that error?20:07
GreenChaigyaresu  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60604/20:08
KyleS-homeThey've really outdone themselves on this release20:08
KyleS-homeand Gnome 2.22 is beautiful20:08
ubuntunDuff : tru20:08
Hamledhow do I tell ubuntu to always mount a specific external drive to a specific folder (rather than assigning it disk-# depending on when it was connected in relation to other external disks)20:08
TaRDywsv123456, i'm not sure what you mean, i tried using Firestarter as it has a gui option for similar to what i would like, but that says eth1 is not ready20:08
ubuntuhang on and i'll check20:08
dshockdoes anyone here know, or wha20:08
astro76_Hamled: one simple way is to give the disk a label20:08
ubuntumajor minor  #blocks  name20:08
keithclarkCpudan80, nope, no luck20:08
audimageWhen I try to enable compiz now, through menu>system>preferences>appearance>visual effects i get a message saying desktop effects could not be enabled20:09
ubuntu7     0     657224 loop020:09
odla_KyleS-home: i'm running debian unstable but i'm getting tired of the running unstable software if you will ;) ... also i like the extra benefits you get with ubuntu over debian ... also i have to admit i use the ubuntu artwork in debian ;)20:09
dshockif not, i mine as well go to bed i've been at this for 3hrs + trying to uninstall pos fedora and install ubuntu; lol20:09
Cpudan80keithclark: what are you using to play the file?20:09
gylan1979gyaresu: ok, i'm trying20:09
utarpradeshMusikGoat: "Cannot Mount Volume Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'BIBLIOTHEQU'."20:09
=== astro76_ is now known as astro76
wsv123456Tardy what does dmesg say20:09
keithclarkCpudan80, VLC20:09
bowwowadminanyone have any luck running photoshop in wine?20:09
Cpudan80keithclark: What's the file extension? AVI20:09
KyleS-homeodla_,   the theme they're using in 8.04 is spectacular I think.  It's really orange, but it actually works very well20:09
ZoiXbowwowadmin: me20:09
keithclarkcpudan80, yes20:09
BernardBIs it possible, in XChat, to - when you copy a line (or multiple lines), you copy the timestamp too?20:09
audimageWhen I try to enable compiz now, through menu>system>preferences>appearance>visual effects i get a message saying desktop effects could not be enabled20:10
odla_KyleS-home: i know i already stole it and put it on my debian box ;)20:10
TaRDywsv123456, it says a whole bunch of stuff20:10
ubuntui was figuring that if i can find my hard drive, there must be some cmds that can just install from disk through the cli20:10
Cpudan80keithclark: yeah I had some trouble with it -- but I did eventually get it to work...20:10
CyberaiI'm having trouble with emerald themes. I have emerald/compiz etc installed, yet when I seelct a theme in the emerald themer, nothing happens. Can anyone help?20:10
KyleS-homeI must say though, I'm very impressed with this beta20:10
Benandrobowwowadmin: do you really need photoshop? isn't The Gimp working?20:10
Cpudan80keithclark: Is the audio playing but no video by any chance?20:10
keithclarkcpudan80, hmmm, I hope to as well.20:10
gylan1979gyaresu: put in the ip only, netmask no need??20:10
KyleS-homeNormally Ubuntu is like "oh, that's nice" to me20:10
KyleS-homebut 8.04 is really something on a whole other level20:10
keithclarkcpudan80, nothing at all.20:10
GreenChaigyaresu  should i reinstall ubuntu 7.1020:10
TaRDywsv123456, it spit out a whole bunch of eht1 link up link down link up link down20:10
musikgoatutarpradesh: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab20:10
dreadknothow can i make my oen kdm theme20:10
ubuntuis there anyone here that can help me install please?!20:11
gylan1979gyaresu: i pasted the output at pastebin20:11
GreenChaigyaresu  should i reinstall ubuntu 7.1020:11
Cpudan80keithclark: Try adding non-free-codecs and ffmpeg codecs too20:11
wsv123456Tardy use grep command something like dmesg | grep eth1 or 020:11
utarpradeshmusikgoat how shall i do this?20:11
utarpradeshwere do i find fstab20:11
KyleS-homeubuntu, what are you wanting installed?20:11
audimageWhen I try to enable compiz now, through menu>system>preferences>appearance>visual effects i get a message saying desktop effects could not be enabled20:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:11
keithclarkcpudan80, I believe I did that already20:11
sladenKyleS-home: how is the beta "a whike new level"?20:11
bowwowadminwell I guess i could use gimp I should say flash cs3 is the only thing I need20:11
ubuntuhello KyleS-home20:11
ubuntu7     0     657224 loop020:11
Cpudan80keithclark: Use the ones from medibuntu20:11
Benandroutarpradesh: within '/etc' directory20:11
ubuntuoops, 7.1020:11
KyleS-homeIt's put together nicely like before20:11
musikgoatutarpradesh: type cat /etc/fstab  and put that in pastebin20:12
KyleS-homeonly this time, it's responsive20:12
witblitzhello all20:12
keithclarkcpudan80, will do!20:12
KyleS-home7.10 seemed laggy to me20:12
KyleS-homeIt might just be the kernel20:12
ubuntumusikgoat: r u talking 2 me?20:12
TaRDywsv123456, may i send you a chunk of the output in PM?20:12
Cpudan80keithclark: You did update your repository list after adding medibuntu right?20:12
musikgoatubuntu no20:12
ubuntuok soory20:12
sladenaudimage: probably you have a graphics card/driver combination that cannot currently support compiz20:12
dshockill send whoever has a way that will allow me to install ubuntu over my Fedora installation (i msick of fedora) $50 paypal20:12
wsv123456tardy sure20:12
Cpudan80keithclark: IE. are you sure that w32codecs installed?20:12
ubuntui know a little about linux; enough 2 get around20:12
audimagesladen, it was working perfectly earlier, and it's not now20:13
utarpradeshmusicgoat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60609/20:13
ubuntui just need some help20:13
BadManNxdoes ubuntu live cd have ntfs-3g in native?20:13
TaRDy[ 2527.016000] eth1: link down.20:13
TaRDy[ 2529.616000] eth1: link up.20:13
TaRDy[ 2530.584000] Unknown InputIN=eth1 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:15:c1:ca:4e:a5:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=328 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=16 ID=5894 PROTO=UDP SPT=68 DPT=67 LEN=30820:13
TaRDy[ 2558.956000] eth1: no IPv6 routers present20:13
TaRDy[ 2569.196000] eth1: link down.20:13
Hamledastro76_, how would I give it a label, I tried to rename it in nautilus, but it says I cannot, (I was able to specify a mount location for the volume though, but a label would be nice)20:13
FloodBot3TaRDy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
ubuntugood question20:13
TaRDy[ 2571.624000] eth1: link up.20:13
TaRDy[ 2750.236000] eth1: link down.20:13
danand_BadManNx - yes20:13
sladenKyleS-home: sorry, are you saying the beta is "good", or "bad"?20:13
keithclarkcpudan80, it said it installed it!  How to be sure?20:13
ubuntui have alrdy triple booted my hard drive20:13
gylan1979gyaresu: hv u check the output20:13
audimagei installed a program called ubuntu-tweak, which is an easy to use GUI for some features of ubuntu. I believe this program is the culprit, i've deleted it and it is still not working20:13
Cpudan80keithclark: ok that should be good enough20:13
KyleS-homesladen, the beta is wonderful20:13
Juppwhat's the best way to delete all the files listed in a text file?20:13
TaRDyoops those newlines screwed me over, sorry about that20:14
ubuntui had ubuntu 6.0.6 on the last part20:14
=== Flare183 is now known as Flare
KyleS-homeI'm very impressed with it20:14
ubuntui was wanting to go to 820:14
BadManNxdanand_, what version20:14
=== Flare is now known as Flare183
ubuntubut the upgrade didn't work20:14
sladenaudimage: "deleted", or uninstalled?20:14
keithclarkcpudan80, nope, everything is installed and still no luck.20:14
ubuntui got som strange prompt20:14
Hamledhmmm, when I give it a mount location like ext-data it mounts it with an underscore appended, like /media/ext-data_20:14
ubuntuifsoram something20:14
audimagesladen, i typed sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-tweak20:14
Cpudan80keithclark: hrm...20:14
seventhdoghello anyone can help20:15
ubuntui dont get it20:15
odla_the installer has a resizer on it right?20:15
Cpudan80keithclark: I'd try asking #videolan20:15
sladenodla_: yes20:15
GreenChaigyaresu  are u there20:15
seventhdoghello anyone can help20:15
Cpudan80keithclark: does it play in some other thing (ie. Totem)?20:15
odla_sladen: thanks20:15
Cpudan80seventhdog: not until you ask a question20:15
gyaresugylan1979: GreenChai sorry. Caught up on phone.20:15
ubuntuit works with 6.0.6, slackware 9, DSL, XP, vista, but ubuntu 6.1 or higher wont detect my drive20:15
seventhdogi got problem with no screens found20:15
danand_BadManNx - Version: 1:1.913-2ubuntu120:15
keithclarkcpudan80, nope, I've tried them all20:15
TaRDysorry wsv123456 i don't know how to get a tab open to just you to send the info20:15
seventhdogmy grapic card nvidia geforce 7000M20:16
gyaresuI'm going to be a while. better ask the others.20:16
Cpudan80keithclark: hrm....20:16
seventhdogim using acer 452020:16
gylan1979gyaresu: ok...pls check the output20:16
ubuntui even tried ultimate ubuntu 1.3 & 1.720:16
_moro_bana_hello everyone, anyone know of any software to convert videos to ipod format20:16
Cpudan80keithclark: do any other avi files player?20:16
keithclarkcpudan80, yes, very frustrating20:16
rsk_moro_bana_: ffmpeg20:16
dreadknothow can i install xmms in kubuntu? the error is libmikmod2...20:16
wsv123456tardy ok I AM NEW MYSELF :)20:16
ubuntuim using the live gusty 7.10 cd now20:16
GreenChaigyaresu  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60604/20:16
Masticore_How do i reload ALSA sound modules ?20:16
GreenChaigyaresu  should i reinstall ubuntu 7.1020:16
_moro_bana_ffmpeg tormat works?20:16
_moro_bana_rsk: format*20:17
BadManNxdanand_, what version of ubuntu does contain ntfs-3g?20:17
rskffmpeg format what's that20:17
gylan1979gyaresu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60608/20:17
TaRDywsv123456, did you get my PM? if so if you respond i might be able to send the info20:17
wsv123456Tardy it seems your connection is going off and on what software r u running with it20:17
danand_Masticore_ - sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart should restart alsa for you20:17
keithclarkcpudan80, yes, some do, some don't20:17
BadManNxdanand_, because I see on forums that poeple install that, and I will have the internet with cd20:17
Masticore_danand_: tnx20:18
TaRDywsv123456, firestarter i think is trying to connect it20:18
=== ethan961_ is now known as ethan961
sladen_moro_bana_: ffmpeg is the low level library that all the conversion tools such;  you can use it directly, or via another (eg. GUI) program20:18
markelhashi ppl i've update to ubuntu 8.04 and now my xorg is consuming to much CPU. Any tips to solve this!?20:18
CyberaiI'm having trouble with emerald themes. I have emerald/compiz etc installed, yet when I select a theme in the emerald themer, nothing happens. Can anyone help?20:18
ubuntuWIll someone please help me?!.20:18
gylan1979gyaresu: brb20:18
seventhdoganyone?? i got problem with no screens found..im using acer 4520...graphic card NVIDIA Geforce 7000M20:18
Cpudan80keithclark: yeah - I dunno man :-/20:18
sladenmarkelhas: disable the desktop effects?20:18
wsv123456tardy post connection20:18
danand_BadManNx - that version is on Ubuntu Gutsy 7.1020:18
danand_Masticore_ - np20:18
_moro_bana_sladen:think i got it, thanks20:18
musikgoatmarkelhas: hardy support is in #ubuntu+120:18
markelhassladen, done that, same problem20:19
markelhasmusikgoat, oki thnks20:19
TaRDywsv123456, sorry I'm not sure how20:19
keithclarkcpudan80, no problem, thanks for trying.  I appreciate it.20:19
sladenmarkelhas: file a bug report and help solve it before release20:19
seventhdoganyone?? i got problem with no screens found..im using acer 4520...graphic card NVIDIA Geforce 7000M..using ubuntu 7.04.0420:19
wsv123456tardy do you have to use firestarter/20:19
TaRDywsv123456, no i do not20:19
Bob_DoleSo, why does typing init 3 even when logged in as root not do anything? (same goes for init 2) and why doesn't init 1 not actually even let me type in my root password?20:19
Bob_DoleI tried telinit in place of init a few times too20:20
sladenBob_Dole: what are you trying to do?  (remeber that Ubuntu uses 'upstart' for init)20:20
wsv123456tardy try different software if possible and rerun commands to check output20:20
Bob_DoleJust trying to run in the CLI with no GUI in the background eating resources20:20
ubuntuI need H E L P! Plz20:21
sladenBob_Dole: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop20:21
seventhdog i got problem with no screens found..im using acer 4520...graphic card NVIDIA Geforce 7000M..using ubuntu 7.04.0420:21
ubuntuIs anyone there?20:21
gregory!ask | ubuntu20:21
musikgoatubuntu: state you problem again20:21
utarpradeshmusikgoat http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60609/20:21
ubotuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:21
Bob_DoleUbuntu- you kinda have to aska  question to be given help20:21
ubuntuwill do.20:21
sladenubotu: yes, there are 1282 people listening...20:22
seventhdog i got problem with no screens found..im using acer 4520...graphic card NVIDIA Geforce 7000M..using ubuntu 7.04.0420:22
musikgoatutarpradesh: ok, its not there...  next cat /etc/mtab20:22
ubuntuI can not seem to have the installer for 7.10 auto detect any of my partitions on my /dev/hda20:22
musikgoatubuntu: did you cat /proc/partitions20:22
ubuntuits done it on some other distro's of ubuntu but not all20:23
sladenseventhdog: you've asked that several times;  try the alternative drivers (not the binary ones).  Try googling for the error message you have20:23
ubuntumusikgoat: yes20:23
Jos1hi, im about to go buy a hd for a ubuntu installation. Any suggestions? thanks20:23
utarpradeshmusikgoat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60610/20:23
mademoislCpudan80: i followed the howto, edited wpa stuff and so on, how do i connect now ? in wlassistant nothing changed...20:23
db-keenCan you chroot to a folder that doesn't have bin/bash?20:23
=== reconnect is now known as recon
ubuntui got the terminal up now20:23
sladenseventhdog: did you change anything before this happened;  did you upgrade?20:23
Cpudan80mademoisl: Uhh I dont really know - sorry20:23
sladenseventhdog: did it work before, or has it never worked on that machine20:23
db-keenI keep getting "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory "20:24
sladenmademoisl: click on the wireless network icon at the stop of the menu bar.  You shouldn't need to manually edit anything20:24
Aval0nguys I currently use cifs to mount my windows drive to my linux system20:24
ubuntuwhat do you mean "did I cat /proc/partitions"20:24
seventhdognever work..just starting to download ubuntu..only prompy20:24
gregoryJos1: anything, normally hd make no problems. other then printer, graphic hardware, etc..20:24
Aval0nhow can I share my linux drive to my windows system?20:24
musikgoathmm utarpradesh,  its not there either,  now output the command dmesg | tail -n 1020:24
sladendb-keen: have a look, does    ls -l  /bin/bash   show anything20:25
RequinB9how do i access the context.xml in a OOo doc20:25
mademoislsladen: can i do that in terminal ? im on fluxbox...20:25
musikgoatubuntu  in the terminal,  type: cat /proc/partitions20:25
Jos1gregory: thanks just makin sure :)20:25
ubuntuyes i did the cat /proc/partitions... 7 0 657224 loop020:25
musikgoatubuntu, that was the only line?20:25
ubuntuthats right20:25
utarpradeshmusikgoat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60612/20:25
musikgoatubuntu, there is definately a problem then20:26
db-keensladen: I know I have /bin/bash, but I'm inclined to think it needs bin/bash in the folder I'm chrooting, which doesn't exist20:26
MasterScriptwhat libtcl for eggdrop?20:26
sladenmademoisl: run  'nm-applet &'20:26
ubuntumusikgoat: what do u mean20:26
BernardBIs it possible, in XChat, to - when you copy a line (or multiple lines), you copy the timestamp too?20:26
Rattbertwhat is this crap20:26
sladendb-keen: no, it doesn't20:26
[BT]JaChi there, when i'm in the dir and i try to run the program, i get this error:20:26
[BT]JaCteambt@DuPLeX:~/samp022$ ./samp022svr20:26
[BT]JaC-bash: ./samp022svr: No such file or directory20:26
sladenRattbert: "what" "is crap" ?20:27
Tu13esany idea why I'm getting "read: Connection reset by peer20:27
[BT]JaChow can i fix that20:27
Tu13eswhen using sshfs?20:27
FloodBot3[BT]JaC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
ubuntuwhere do i need 2 go to get some support for this issue?20:27
musikgoatubuntu:  /proc/partitions  is supposed to show you every identified partition you have20:27
sladen[BT]JaC: chmod a+x ./samp022svr20:27
MasterScriptwhat libtcl for eggdrop?20:27
mademoislsladen: ok, tried that, it returns a process id but no connection yet20:27
[BT]JaCsladen already tried that20:27
utarpradeshmusikgoat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60613/20:27
Rattbertubuntu> your gay lover?20:27
musikgoatubuntu: so the fact that its not, means there is some problem i'm not aware of20:27
ubuntuwell i have alrdy had my drive partitioned20:27
musikgoat!language | Rattbert20:27
ubotuRattbert: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:27
ubuntubrb i need to take my landry out20:28
db-keensladen: well, then do you have any other ideas. I definitely have /bin/bash20:28
MasterScriptwhat libtcl for eggdrop?20:28
Rattbertgay != family friendly,interesting20:28
yarodis there an app for aircards on 7.10?20:28
Rattbertno,ubuntu users20:28
musikgoatRattbert: its offensive20:28
sladenmademoisl: gnome-keyring-daemon &    also first if you need a key/password to log on to the network20:28
gregoryRattbert: please watch your language. this is an international channel20:28
ubuntuok im back20:28
DeadLy_spu need tcl8.420:28
LjL-TempRattbert, what have you done since you've joined aside from saying seemingly random and sort of inappropriate phrases?20:28
MasterScripturl for its?20:29
DeadLy_spyarod, need tcl8.420:29
ubuntu7     0     657224 loop020:29
utarpradeshmusikgoat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60613/20:29
yarodDeadLy_sp, cool thanks20:29
ubuntuok i pasted it20:29
Rattbertthis is a family friendly channel,so i cannot tell what i have done20:29
[BT]JaChi there, when i'm in the dir and i try to run the program, i get this error:20:30
MasterScripthi, what libtcl for eggdrop and where i can get it?20:30
musikgoatutarpradesh: can you try connecting the ipod again,  getting the error, then typing that command20:30
[BT]JaCsladen, how can i fix that20:30
LjL-TempRattbert: do you have an Ubuntu support question?20:30
RequinB9I have a somewhat complicated question about OOo.  I need to change the first line of each page break (also could be found in a search via the - character right after the line) to a style such as "Heading 2."20:30
simarahow I enter in ubunto-br?20:30
gregoryRattbert: think as if you were in college ;-)20:30
LjL-Tempsimara: /join #ubuntu-br20:30
Bob_DoleCollege students can be the dumbest people..20:30
gregoryRattbert: in class20:30
mademoislsladen: hm nothing happens when i run gnome-keyring-daemon...20:30
TaRDyBob_Dole, now that's not fair20:30
gregoryBob_Dole: yes, i know20:30
ednosBob_Dole: yes, we are20:30
ubuntuLjL-Temp: i have a support question.20:30
Rattbertyeah,ubuntu vs OpenBSD,for example20:31
LjL-Tempthat is not a support question20:31
musikgoatis troll offensive?20:31
Rattbertsupport my cause20:31
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mademoislsladen: actually i get no network devices found from nm-applet20:31
gregoryRattbert: you are very welcome in #ubuntu-offtopic. with appropiate language20:31
Bob_DoleYou ever seen Them out front of the University of Florida.. It's a green light, sign clearly says do not cross.. 5-6 will walk across the street.20:31
ednosI have a support question--when I try to choose "Normal" or "Extra" effects from Appearance Preferences, I get an error: "The Composite extension is not available."20:32
MasterScriptubuntu: what libtcl for eggdrop and url ?20:32
ghoulkarI've got an atheros wlan card. When I install linux-restricted-modules the wlan device comes up as expected. The problem is: linux-restricted-modules installs nvidia-kernel-common which makes my previously installed nvidia driver to stop working. Is there a way to install linux-restricted-modules without nvidia-kernel-common or to install the module ath_pci directly?20:32
utarpradeshmusikgoat: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60616/20:32
[BT]JaCWhen i try to run a program, i get this error even tho i can see the file is there AND chmodded:20:33
[BT]JaCteambt@DuPLeX:~/samp022$ ./samp022svr20:33
[BT]JaC-bash: ./samp022svr: No such file or directory20:33
[BT]JaCany ideas?20:33
biouserto make a .bin executable?  chmod20:33
ubuntuMasterScript: What do you mean?20:33
sharperguyanyone know how to get java working in firfox 3?20:33
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC: is the file executable?20:33
derfermani just installed the hardy beta, and have two icon in the top menu bar for search, "desktop search" and "tracker"20:34
musikgoatutarpradesh: have you installed gtkpod?20:34
derfermanare these the same?20:34
[BT]JaCyes it is saminthemiddle20:34
utarpradeshmusik yes20:34
MasterScriptubuntu: i configure my eggdrop. but error. checking whether the Tcl system has changed... yes20:34
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, hmmm20:34
MasterScriptubuntu: i configure my eggdrop. but error. checking whether the Tcl system has changed... yes configure: error: Tcl cannot be found on this system20:34
* luka :P20:34
ubuntuwhat it the Tcl?20:34
ubuntuand a "eggdrop"?20:35
ubuntu***thinks about Easter20:35
JohnMMeggdrop is a irc bot20:35
musikgoatutarpradesh: what OS did you use the ipod on before, mac or linux?20:35
mademoislok, i think connecting to a WPA encrypted network on ubuntu is ROCKET SCIENCE, not for the average user, on windows its fully automatic, sad but true!20:35
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, what is the script? maybe it's not the executing of the file that is the problem but the error is formed from the script itself.20:35
SNuxollMasterScript: do you have the TCL dev packages installed?20:35
StarnestommyMasterScript: make sure tcl8.4 and tcl8.4-dev are installed20:35
musikgoat*mac or windows20:35
utarpradeshi used it on windows20:35
chazcoAnyone know why Acidrip produces an audio track full of static on some DVDs? It may be related to the fact that the same DVD wont play in Totem, but will in Kaffeine.20:35
TaRDyubuntu, tcl is a scripting language20:35
ubuntu<------------needs support please!20:35
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle its a game mod and i know it runs on ubuntu because ive ran it on a different ubuntu server before20:35
ubuntuTaRDy: Will you be able to help me?20:35
SNuxollubuntu: what's you problem?20:36
TaRDyubuntu,  i know very little TCL/expect but I can try, please state your question20:36
musikgoatubuntu:  start with being clear,  you have no partitions being identified by /proc20:36
ubuntuSNuxoll: Installation of Ubuntu 7.10 Gusty Gibbon20:36
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, great, is it a bash script? in other words, if you load it in a text editor does it start with #/bin/bash?20:36
SNuxollubuntu: what part is confusing/not working for you?20:36
ubuntuMaybe i just need to reboot and try agian?20:36
saminthemiddleIphorita: hi20:37
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle no, you cannot modify it20:37
musikgoatubuntu:  try it20:37
ubuntuSNuxoll: OK..20:37
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, well, I could modify the kernel in a text editor if I really wanted to >;-)20:37
MasterScriptSNuxoll: tq i found it20:37
ubuntuSNuxoll: I just want to take this first moment to thank you for your time and help.20:37
SNuxoll MasterScript no problem ;)20:37
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle yes but it comes up with crap20:38
IphoritaI'm looking for a good soul to check if my e-mail is understandable. English isn't my native language and it is known that Linux users are literates :-p20:38
ubuntuSNuxoll: My trouble is getting the installer on Gusty Gibbon 7.10 to find my hard drive to partition20:38
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle, no matter what i run, it gives the same error20:39
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle i cannot run anything20:39
SNuxollubuntu: anything special about your hard drive setup?20:39
ubuntuIts a 250GB IDE Master Hard Drive20:39
RequinB9I have a somewhat complicated question about OOo.  I need to change the first line of each page break (also could be found in a search via the - character right after the line) to a style such as "Heading 2."20:39
gregory!pastebin | Iphorita post it and we'll read it. but it will be saved publicly20:39
ubotuIphorita post it and we'll read it. but it will be saved publicly: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:39
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, wait, in otherwords, you can't run ANYTHING, or just not that file20:39
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle anything20:39
ubuntui wanna say it a Western Digital (WD)20:39
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gregoryRequinB9: they were not helpful in openoffice.org?20:40
IphoritaThank you gregory20:40
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, wow okay, can you execute things like ls, cat, cp that kind of thing?20:40
ubuntuI have a 512 Nvidia Gforce 7300 AGP :(20:40
chazcoAnyone know why Acidrip produces an audio track full of static on some DVDs? It may be related to the fact that the same DVD wont play in Totem, but will in Kaffeine.20:40
SNuxollubuntu: so what part is not working, is it detecting your hard drive?20:40
Masticore_How do I remove OSS ?20:40
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle yes20:40
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle just cant run ANYTHING with ./20:40
ubuntu2 GB of DDR pc3200 400 Mz of RAM20:40
gnychisare the win 32 codecs in the restricted formats package? (ubuntu-restricted-extras)20:40
wsv123456ubuntu output of dmesg20:40
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, okay, because that's "something"20:40
ubuntuSNuxoll: yes, on step 4 of the instalation20:41
RequinB9gregory - someone told  me to lookin the xml file but wouldn't say how20:41
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle any idea?20:41
omarGuys, I'd like to ask, what's that XMPP console in Pidgin??20:41
SNuxollubuntu: so it's just plain not seeing the disk?20:41
gylan1979gyaresu: r u there?20:41
gregoryRequinB9: wow, thats quite hakerish20:41
ubuntuthats just it; there is no drives detected from the GUI20:41
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, okay, try running ls from the /bin directory20:41
musikgoatutarpradesh: this is what i get when connecting  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60618/     do you have anything like any of those lines in dmesg?20:41
musikgoatutarpradesh: drop the | tail -n 1020:41
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle works20:41
SNuxollomar: it allows you to access a console that lets you send raw commands to a XMPP(jabber) server20:41
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, go to /bin and run ./ls20:41
gylan1979gyaresu: r u there? hello?20:41
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle yep, works20:42
SNuxollubuntu: very strange, yes, a reboot would be a good idea20:42
ubuntuis there any commands that i can use to get my hda to show20:42
FordCortinaif an xserver fails to start and then the failsafe mode kicks in, how do i get to the log  file for the failed server startup? It seem like the failsafe mode overwrite the log file?20:42
ubuntuare there any boot command that i need to use?20:42
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC okay, go back to the directory in question and run ls . (with the dot)20:42
omarSNuxoll: for doing what?20:42
LiMOhow can i use ipv6 on XCHAt20:43
ubuntuSNuxoll: I had Dapper on it first.20:43
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle works20:43
gylan1979gyaresu: r u there?20:43
SNuxollomar: don't worry about it, you probably don't need to use it20:43
gylan1979gyaresu: r u there? hello?20:43
ubuntuubuntu 6.0.620:43
SNuxoll!u | gylan197920:43
ubotugylan1979: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..20:43
honwahi people20:43
IphoritaHi honwa20:43
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, okay, so it's not  a problem with linking and you can definitely "see" the contents of the folder20:43
ubuntui tried to upgrade to 8.0.4 i think20:43
omarSNuxoll: It's okay, but I'm just curious, since I'm an IT guy. :)20:43
Iphoritahonwa I want to recruit you20:43
musikgoatgylan1979: if he/she was there, they would have responded20:43
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, just for laughs, have you tried with the absolute path?20:44
ubuntubut on the reboot it comes to a strage command prompt20:44
MattJomar: Look into Jabber/XMPP, http://xmpp.org/20:44
eisenhoweris the defualt installation of ubuntu able to run kde apps?20:44
ompaulLiMO, just give the sixes address to the machine20:44
ubuntui had the same issue with ultimate ubuntu 1.720:44
omarSNuxoll: Thanks a lot. :)20:44
ompaulLiMO, in place of server put that sixes address in20:44
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC naturally, but worth the effort, once I spent three hours on the phone with someone diagnosing their printer when it wasn't plugged in20:44
gylan1979musikgoat: ok...i know20:44
dshockthis crap will never uninstall20:44
honwajust installed ubuntu 8.04 having repositories problem e.g berly installation20:44
MattJomar: If you want to know more about Jabber, join the jabber room on conference.jabber.org20:44
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle ROFL20:44
gregoryeisenhower: no, but you can anytime do sudo apt-get install kde4-core20:44
ubuntuare there any more channels i could get some help at?20:45
ubuntuI think i need 1on1 support20:45
ompaul!beryl | honwa ( and 8.04 support is only in #ubuntu+1 it is alpha software)20:45
ubotuhonwa ( and 8.04 support is only in #ubuntu+1 it is alpha software): Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz20:45
omarSNuxoll: Thank you very much! ^_^20:45
ompaul!support | ubuntu20:45
SNuxollompaul: it's beta now actually >_>20:45
ubotuubuntu: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org20:45
ompaulSNuxoll, shh they'll all want it ;-)20:45
ubuntuompaul: can you help me?20:45
utarpradeshi get something like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60620/20:45
honwabut is there any other alternative20:46
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle - http://paste2.org/p/1699220:46
dshock$75 then, i need to install ubuntu over this fedora20:46
ompaulubuntu, I really don't do one on one in pm20:46
Peter-Hi. I would need help with Ati Radeon hd 3850 drivers. Could someone help me?20:46
Someone7Yo. I just bought the cheapest Linux PC on the market. It came with its own OS, the gOS, which is just Ubuntu with Enlightenment on it. Well, I quickly decided that thing had to go, and used the Synaptic Package Manager to uninstall it and install Gnome-Nautilus-Metacity. I have a few minor problems.20:46
gylan1979ubotu: i don't understand why cannot use short form????? like u, r and so on?? ?20:46
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saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, I'm looking at that now20:46
=== LainIwak2ra is now known as xlrr
LjL-Tempgylan1979: not everyone in this channel is a native English speaker. people expect you to use the proper forms, "you", "are" and so on.20:47
ompaulgylan1979, cos most people here who speak english don't have it for a first language and it is hard to convey meaning with short words don't u no20:47
Someone7For one, the new XChat is annoying. I want to see a list of users in the channel on the right side, but I can't see you. Can anyone tell me a quick fix?20:47
tpw_rules_prop2guess what i am running irc on?20:47
kadakasdoes anyone know how to run uTorrent WebUI on a Ubuntu Server box?20:47
musikgoatutarpradesh: unfortunately, I don't know how to assist with that... I would suggest posting that information at the forums,  because line 32 looks like it should then mount20:47
gregorygylan1979: for instance, most people dont know the word "convey" ;-)20:47
Peter-Hi. I would need help with Ati Radeon hd 3850 drivers. Could someone help me?20:47
LjL-Tempgregory: but they can look it up on a dictionary. they can't quite look up "u".20:47
gylan1979i see, ok everyone, i understand now...  ;-)20:47
SNuxollkadakas: utorrent is not available for linux20:47
ompaulgregory, you don't say, old chap, now do you, really?20:47
Someone7Two: I have to put "Metacity &" in a terminal window to get the windows manager working after a reboot. Is there a permanent solution?20:47
SNuxollkadakas: you might want to try an alternative, PHP based torrent client called 'torrentflux', it's very nice20:48
kadakasSNuxoll: im running utorrent on my ubuntu desktop with wine as we speak20:48
chazcoAnyone know why Acidrip produces an audio track full of static on some DVDs? It may be related to the fact that the same DVD wont play in Totem, but will in Kaffeine.20:48
musikgoatSomeone7: you can add it to a session20:48
gylan1979gyaresu: are you there?   ;-D20:48
MattJSomeone7: Is it xchat-gnome? That doesn't show the user list all the time, normal xchat does20:48
musikgoatSomeone7: its like autorun when you login20:48
gregoryompaul: i do, but i am in my 20ies and non-native, but student20:48
Someone7It is normal Xchat.20:48
napiiCould any one give me some help on getting my email work please? Have explained the problem here; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4566293#post456629320:48
utarpradeshmusikgoat should i format my harddrive and reinstall ubuntu?20:48
kadakasSNuxoll: most torrent clients besides utorrent are banned from my torrent sites :(20:48
gregoryLjL-Temp: yes20:48
=== TJ_OOC is now known as Buggeredfstab
ompaulgregory, no problem.20:49
SNuxollkadakas: well, I can't help you there :P20:49
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, I am stumped, all I can think of is that it's a tar file creating a non existent file or something20:49
musikgoatutarpradesh: it seems to me that the issue could be with usbcore driver... but i'm not knowledgeful on that...  Try running a liveCD and see if it mounts there20:49
gregoryompaul: i mean i know what i means, but havent read it often and had to memorize it with a flashcard program.20:49
gregoryit menas20:49
BuggeredfstabIn 7.10 Ubuntu, how do I set up a VPN connection?20:49
[BT]JaCits DEFINATELY there20:49
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, but again, I have never even heard of that happening20:49
dshockyou're joking..20:49
hellues_how to install skype on ubuntu 7.1020:50
ompaulgregory, to put across a meaning was the use within the context U sued20:50
clover2203hello... im on the verge of installing UBUNTU on my laptop but im getting an error.. can someone please help ?20:50
ompaulgregory, sorry typo, I used20:50
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, corrupted file system maybe? have you checked the FS for errors?20:50
[BT]JaCyeah nothing20:50
Gearpartsanyone know how i get radeon hd 3850 drivers work?20:50
Starnestommyclover2203: what's the error?20:50
eisenhoweris kubuntu really worth installing?20:50
gylan1979do anyone know how to enter the encryption key into the secure wireless ?? do we need to put the dash in gui way.20:50
Peter-Hi. I would need help with Ati Radeon hd 3850 drivers. Could someone help me?20:50
gregoryompaul: yes, i know what i means ;-)20:50
clover2203failed to start the x server20:50
gregoryompaul: yes, i know what it means ;-) i shut up know. offtopic20:50
musikgoateisenhower: depends on your reasoning20:50
honwacought my attention20:51
Buggeredfstabclover2203: do you have an nvidia card?20:51
clover2203buggeredfstab: yea20:51
eisenhowermusikgoat: whats your reasoning?20:51
whileimhereI am trying to figure out how to use my GPS ETREX with linux. I know that Google Earth works on here but are there any other good progs?20:51
musikgoateisenhower: its a matter of opinion whether kde or gnome is better20:51
Chris_____I always trusted Ubuntu, but now it's backfiring on me. I can't install Hardy. Every time I try, it loads and everything then straight to Busybox...20:51
dshocki know ubuntu hs a built in vpn gui20:51
eisenhowermusikgoat: kde has a bunch of differn't apps to though right?20:51
Buggeredfstabclover2203: Did you try to install the nvidia drivers?20:51
Chris_____How can I install Ubuntu?20:52
_Tux_ helllo ubuntuers!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:52
clover2203buggeredfstab: i havent installed the OS yet20:52
AnteHey all, can someone help me? I wanted to install wine but the PC I had with Ubuntu on it didn't have an internet connection. So I head to the wine channel and someone gave me a driect link to a *.deb file. How do I install that on Ubuntu? just double click it?20:52
musikgoateisenhower: kde uses different default apps,  most if not all of which could be installed in gnome20:52
IphoritaHello _Tux_ !20:52
hywChris_____: too many issues with installing ubuntu it seems, especially for new users20:52
Buggeredfstabdshock: Do you know the package name?20:52
LiMOhow can i install ipv6 on ubuntu?20:52
gregoryChris_____: try to start the installer with: noapic nolapic acpi=off20:52
LiMOXCHAT client20:52
_Tux_is there anyway to get information on a package using 'apt-get' or something else before installing it??????20:52
=== tom__ is now known as wanda
eisenhowermusikgoat: do you use kde? or gnome?20:52
musikgoateisenhower: but everyone should try both environments to find what they think is best20:52
Peter- Hi. I would need help with Ati Radeon hd 3850 drivers. Could someone help me?20:52
Chris_____I tried noapic...20:52
clover2203buggeredfstab: the error pops when i try to run the LIVE CD20:52
hywChris_____: what is the error?20:52
Starnestommy_Tux_: try 'aptitude show packagename'20:52
Chris_____No error...20:53
Chris_____Just straight to busbox20:53
musikgoatkubuntu uses kde by default, and ubuntu uses gnome20:53
_Tux_Starnestommy : thanks!!!!!!!!20:53
=== xlrr is now known as anil
Buggeredfstabclover2203: So this happens on a live boot then. I would suggest checking the disc for errors first20:53
MattJ_Tux_: apt-get show20:53
=== anil is now known as anli
propdude2000everything is working!20:53
_Tux_MattJ : thanks!20:53
MattJOops, aptitude too :)20:53
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, well, all I can think of is that, knowing what do about directories, it's possible that a directory thinks that there is a non-existent file in it20:53
clover2203buggeredfstab: but when i run in safe mode.. its ok.. should i install the os20:53
jklehmwhats is the name of hte default pdf-viewer?20:53
musikgoateisenhower: i use gnome, i like gnome20:53
propdude2000more test20:53
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, can you manipulate the file with cp, mv, etc?20:53
Chris_____I tried everything, and I searched Google, the forums and everything, I can't find anything!20:53
gregoryPeter-: try to ask your question more concretely. what works, what doesnt work? error message?20:53
eisenhowermsukgoat: aite20:53
Chris_____It's making me upset cause I want my Ubuntu!20:54
gregoryjklehm: evince i think20:54
dekchi i've got a problem with firefox can somebody help me?20:54
Peter-gregory: The whole problem is that i dont know where / how to install the drivers.20:54
honwaIs there any 1 run ubuntu 820:54
jklehmgregory: thanks20:54
clover2203buggeredfstab: should i go ahead with installing on my HD and hope the error would disapper ?20:54
Buggeredfstabclover2203: Safe mode? hrm. I would suggest a reboot, and instead of going to install, just check the disk for errors. If there are any errors, just download and burn a new one20:54
gregoryhonwa: try #ubuntu+120:54
clover2203buggeredfstab: :)20:54
pushpopWhen I boot up my Ubuntu box I get a Grub error 22, anyone know how to resolve that?20:54
sharperguyanyone know how to get java working in firefox 3?20:55
hywChris_____: try ubuntuforums till someone comes here20:55
musikgoateisenhower: if you want to try kde, without having to install kubuntu all over again,  check this out: http://www.debianadmin.com/install-kde-desktop-in-ubuntu.html20:55
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle yes20:55
clover2203buggeredfstab: ok20:55
dekchi i've got a problem with firefox can somebody help me?20:55
hywChris_____: and google20:55
Chris_____hyw: thats the thing, I tried all of those!20:55
MattJdekc: Maybe, tell us what the problem is20:55
honwapls give me a link20:55
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, try "bash ./whateverthefileis" if that does not work try "sh ./whatever"20:55
MattJhonwa: Type: /join #ubuntu+120:55
dekcit crashes when i stay a lot of time on youtube or flash websites20:55
Peter-Hey, would someone tell how to get ati radeon hd 3850 drivers?20:55
napiiCould any one give me some help on getting my email work please? Have explained the problem here; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4566293#post456629320:56
utarpradeshdoes halflife and world of Warcraft work in Ubuntu?20:56
pushpop!ubotu grub20:56
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:56
utarpradeshdoes it run smoothly with emulators?20:56
Chris_____utar: Yes20:56
gregoryPeter-: google: gutsy install ati radeon tutorial in domain ubuntu.com20:56
honwaok tahnks20:56
[BT]JaCteambt@gaming:~/samp022$ bash ./samp022svr20:56
[BT]JaC./samp022svr: ./samp022svr: cannot execute binary file20:56
utarpradeshdo you run WOW in ubuntu?20:56
utarpradeshusing WINE?20:56
rinaldi_utarpradesh: check winehq, but half life and many steam games work in wine20:56
Chris_____I used too.20:56
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, yes?20:56
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle read below your name20:57
[BT]JaCteambt@gaming:~/samp022$ bash ./samp022svr20:57
[BT]JaC./samp022svr: ./samp022svr: cannot execute binary file20:57
Chris_____Utar: It's not worth playing WoW in Ubuntu.20:57
musikgoat[BT]JaC: what does dmesg say?20:57
dekcknow  why happens this to firefox?20:57
utarpradeshhow can i play starcraft II in ubuntu?20:57
[BT]JaCmusikgoat ??20:57
musikgoat[BT]JaC: type dmesg in the terminal20:57
rinaldi_utarpradesh: go here and type the name of the app you want to install http://appdb.winehq.org/20:57
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, oooh, progress! It sees it at least!20:57
[BT]JaCoh nothing happens20:57
musikgoatand pastebin the last 20 lines or so20:57
[BT]JaCmusikgoat when i type it nothing hapens20:58
musikgoattyping dmesg  gives you no output?20:58
Peter-gregory: Could you link for me?20:58
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC try cat /var/log/messages20:59
gregoryPeter-: ok hold on20:59
Peter-I will20:59
Chris_____Ever since the new kernel... Ubuntu has been messing me up...20:59
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle http://paste2.org/p/1699520:59
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle http://paste2.org/p/1699520:59
[BT]JaCoops, sorry for double post20:59
gregory!abc | gregory21:00
saminthemiddleno problem21:00
Sato1142hi guys21:00
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, nothing interesting in there anyway21:00
Sato1142are you guys into clustering?21:00
guest2161Could anyone help me with SAMBA printing?21:00
takiSup Guy, I have migrated from Gentoo linux to mint which is Ubuntu and I was just wondering, whats the difference between, gutsy, feisty, edgy etc.?21:00
musikgoat[BT]JaC: so is the binary set to executable? and are you the owner?21:00
Sato1142anyone knows something about clustering?21:01
TaRDydoes any1 by chance know how to change how mms links are handled? (which application is opened)21:01
musikgoattaki: they are just releases21:01
Flanneltaki: They're different versions of Ubuntu, time-wise.  So, they have different versions of software21:01
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, yes, please paste the output of ls -l21:01
musikgoattaki: like 2007.1 2008.1 in gentoo21:01
gregoryPeter-: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rndis - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:02
Peter-gregory: I hope those helps, thanks21:02
takiwould older software work on a newer release (edgy to gutsy)21:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wm6 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:02
Flanneltaki: Probably, but no guarantee.  What are you trying to use in gutsy?21:02
xfreakkQuestion: How do i get Nvidia OpenGL drivers on Ubuntu 7.1021:02
musikgoat!info kiba-dock21:03
Chris_____WHat exactly is apic, and acpi?21:03
ubotuPackage kiba-dock does not exist in gutsy21:03
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xfreakkI have a geforce 7800 GtX21:03
alphaaafemale ubunta21:03
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pushpopWhen I boot up my Ubuntu box I get a Grub error 22, anyone know how to resolve that?21:03
clover2203buggeredfstab: the CD dosent show any defects.. please tell me the next step21:03
nelson_hello, I am using Ubuntu for some time now and got an annoying compiz bug that makes some of my windows go black when they open. I have seen some forum entries regardind this subject but none that actually solves the problem. My hardware is a NVIDIA 5200 FX board, dual monitor, the driver I use is Envy installed nvidia proprietary driver version 169.09 twinview enabled. 169,12 is already avalilable but envy will install it only in Hardy Heron, and mine is21:03
nelson_still Gutsy Gibbon. Anyone know any guide that can solve this ??21:03
[BT]JaCmusikgoat yes21:03
dekchow do i watch video on youtube if firefox crashes???21:03
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle 1 sec21:03
takiI have to add deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy to install21:04
Buggeredfstabclover2203: Go ahead and start up the live CD21:04
danand_guest2161 - you might want to look at the cupsaddsmb command21:04
clover2203did it21:04
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, musikgoat, I'm sure this isn't what is going on but it would be a great prank to create a bash script w/ commands written in hex to display an error message just like that one. Hillarity ensues!21:04
gregorydekc: upgrade to ff321:04
clover2203buggeredfstab: did it21:04
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle musikgoat http://paste2.org/p/1699721:04
nelson_forgot to say that this bug occurs with COMPIZ enabled only21:04
Buggeredfstabdshock: I might have missed it, but, did you find out the package name?21:04
gregorydekc: and use latest flash version21:04
guest2161Thank you Danand21:04
guest2161let me try21:04
Servergodis there a ubuntu mobile channel?21:04
danand_guest2161 - np21:04
musikgoatlol saminthemiddle21:04
Buggeredfstabclover2203: Go ahead and install21:04
xfreakkQuestion: How do i get Nvidia OpenGL drivers on Ubuntu 7.10?21:04
dekci have the latest but i heard it's flash that is bugged21:04
clover2203buggeredfstab: u mean gi ti safe mode and install.. i hope the error wont bug me afterwards21:05
guest2161The problem is that my printer is not browsable21:05
dekcdo i have to make a downgrade?21:05
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle its definately a legit program i have it running on other servers right at this moment21:05
guest2161I've got it configured21:05
gregorydekc: thats true. adobe flash is closed source, so its difficult to 1. investigate 2. fix21:05
hellueshotw to install skype on ubuntu 7.1021:05
gregorydekc: no downgrade21:05
clover2203buggeredfstab: go go safe mode ...21:05
Buggeredfstabclover: which version of Ubuntu? 7.10?21:05
musikgoattaki: you can try to compile the source,  but i'm not familar with that app21:05
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, musikgoat, all I can think of is a corrupt file system or a trashed bash21:05
pushpopWhen I boot up my Ubuntu box I get a Grub error 22, anyone know how to resolve that?21:05
rathelHow do you make sudo stay sudo if your doing multiple things? it's just '-s' right?21:05
dekcwhy not?21:05
Buggeredfstabclover2203: Just the regular install21:05
musikgoat[BT]JaC: or the binary is not valid21:06
musikgoat[BT]JaC: any other problems with you machine, other than not being able to execute this bin?21:06
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, musikgoat, and since "sh ./file" didn't work either and because dmesg doesn't work I'm inclined to say: you're computer seems to have something major wrong with it21:06
[BT]JaCnone at all21:06
takithanks, given my 3 year gentoo exp. compiling from source souldn't be a problem21:06
clover2203buggeredfstab: i need to use the safe mode to view the live CD,as it dosent start normally.. and then choose install (on the desktop) and go ahead ..right ?21:06
gregorydekc: downgrade means older version. old bugs. and not much support. i use ff3 in hardy beta. i had much lesser flash crashes then with ff221:07
napiiCould any one give me some help on getting my email work please? Have explained the problem here; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4566293#post456629321:07
takieasy nvidia driver installer: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html21:07
Buggeredfstabclover2203: you mean it's not booting to the CD, or?21:07
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, doh, can you cat the file and get a meaningful output?21:07
dekcok i will try it thx and bye21:07
gregorydekc: good luck21:07
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, scratch that, ANY output will do at this point21:07
[BT]JaCnope, just a load of shit21:08
[BT]JaCyeah i get an output21:08
[BT]JaCbut nothing i can understand21:08
musikgoat[BT]JaC, saminthemiddle: then its likely a correct binary21:08
DeadLy_sphow can i change of workspace from bash?21:08
musikgoator a binary at least21:08
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, right, I'm starting to think something wrong with bash21:08
clover2203buggeredfstab: its the the booting cs.. i am current on the splash screen with various options.. first one (start or install --> dosent work) (2nd one-->start in safe mode -- works)21:08
summoningMy monitor did not receive a videosignal during the ubuntu installatio, so I installed via the alternate-cd. Now I don't get a video signal after booting, of course. I suppose I have to alter my xorg.conf, but what do I have to alter?21:08
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle i did apt-get remove bash the apt-get install bash21:09
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, but since it's also affecting sh, I'm starting to think rootkit21:09
[BT]JaCstill doesnt work21:09
[BT]JaCsaminthemiddle its a new server21:09
spork969anybody here ever try LinCity-NG?21:09
Buggeredfstabclover2203: ok, go ahead and install in safe mode21:09
keithclarkspork969, yes, but it crashed two of my machines21:09
clover2203buggeredfstab: ok..as u say.. goin ahead !21:09
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, try purging it21:10
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, apt-get purge bash, apt-get install bash21:10
Zanthhi there, I just installed the beta for HH and I'm having some issues, the main one is the mouse is not supported at all and compiz crashed horribly21:10
spork969keithclark, crap, i have a cruddy computer21:10
Starnestommy[BT]JaC: what's the output of 'file ./samp022svr' ?21:10
Zanthalso, it seems I "can't resolve host" so that means I can't sudo at all21:10
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, but honestly, when something as core as bash goes I think about re-installing21:11
Jay_LevittAnybody know enough about locales to know what might have changed from dapper to gutsy?  I'm getting Postgres errors that imply that my dapper install had a blank/null/empty locale, and I can't figure out how to do that in gutsy.21:11
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, things like bash don't break themselves, it could be anything from a bad disk or filesystem to a cracker21:11
musikgoat[BT]JaC: have you looked at the option to run under nohup?21:12
keithclarkspork969, I know!  I even tried to install SimCity 3000 under Wine, and because it is two CDs, it just did not install.21:12
spork969keithclark, seems like us linux users are doomed to forever be banned from maxis games21:13
spork969keithclark, unless of course, we want to go back to simant21:13
keithclarkspork969, there is/should be a solution somewhere out there.21:13
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rabbitSimant! Bring back games with lawnmowers!21:13
keithclarkspork969, I miss SimCity!21:14
rabbitI miss the original civilization.21:14
saminthemiddlerabbit: just as long as it isnt the sims21:14
rabbitHow about modding simant so that little people run around getting eaten?21:14
rabbitlittle sims21:14
rathelHaha The Sims, that was fun for the first 5 minutes.21:14
musikgoat[BT]JaC: http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Linux_Server#Running_your_server21:15
DeadLy_sphow can i change of workspace from bash?21:15
saminthemiddlerathel, that's just because you don't have the 50 million expansion packs installed21:15
nulledvoi-dsomebody knows one web server light, stable & very simple for C or C++ ??? :D [sorry 4 my bad English]21:15
rathelsamiam, lol Soo true.21:15
Flare183nulledvoi-d: what other language do you speak?21:16
ffm /part21:16
napiiCould any one give me some help on getting my email work please? Have explained the problem here; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4566293#post456629321:16
nulledvoi-dFlare183: C or C++ ?21:16
Flare183nulledvoi-d: nevermind21:16
Iphoritanullevoi-d : Real life language, rofl ?21:17
nulledvoi-dnative spanish xD21:17
Iphoritanulledvoi-d : You geek21:17
Iphoritanulledvoi-d Hola y es todo lo que sabe en espanol21:18
Iphoritanulldvoi-d : no puede ayudar te21:18
theseushey -- i just lost su on my machine21:18
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, and?21:18
theseusi.e. my su password no longer works21:18
nulledvoi-diphorita: i know xd21:18
theseusam i screwed?21:18
[BT]JaCstill dont work21:19
spork969keithclark, you ever try micropolis?21:19
theseusi've been posting lots of config files online21:19
Starnestommytheseus: does sudo still work?21:19
musikgoattheseus: sudo passwd21:19
theseuspastie . . .21:19
theseusupdated successfully21:19
theseushow do i know if my sys has been compromised21:19
theseussudo wasn't working21:20
chuyis there some GUI to remove splash screen?, I've disablet it in menu.lst in the past, but everytime the kernel is updated, I get the splash screen again21:20
theseussorry, linux noob21:20
Starnestommytheseus: what error does sudo give you?21:20
Flanneltheseus: This is why we recommend uses not use the root account21:20
keithclarkspork969, can't remember actually.....I'm thinking back here....21:20
theseusi am not21:20
theseususing root21:20
musikgoatchuy: not that i'm aware of21:20
theseusi couldn't sudo21:20
Flanneltheseus: if you haven't set a root password, you can't use su.21:20
musikgoatsudo is working?21:20
Someone7How do I stop Nautilus form displaying the contents of a video file in the icon?21:20
sourcemakerHow can I encrypt my file system? And are there any problems like recovery or performance issues?21:20
Flannelchuy: You need to change it on the kopt= line (yes, it's commented)21:20
spork969keithclark, apparently its pretty old21:20
theseussudo is working21:20
theseusnever su'd before on my box21:21
theseusalways sudo21:21
keithclarkspork969, I seem to remember that.  Very ugly.21:21
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, honestly, I have run out of ideas21:21
Buggeredfstabclover2203: ok, after you install it, you should be good to go, if not, you'll need to go in and edit your Xorg.conf21:21
musikgoattheseus: you can look at logs to see when its been changed, if you are thinking someone gained access21:21
Starnestommy[BT]JaC: try this: file ./samp022svr21:21
clover2203buggeredfstab: now u r scarin me..21:21
keithclarkspork969, I just want my simcity back!  It was fun.  Of course, I don't want it bad enough to switch back to windows!21:21
spork969keithclark, EA actually made it and released it under the OLPC plan. cool.21:21
[BT]JaCfile command not sound21:22
[BT]JaCshal i apt-get install file ?21:22
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, file should be installed21:22
musikgoat[BT]JaC: can you output $PATH21:22
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, it's kinda like mv in that way21:22
[BT]JaCnope returns nothing21:22
Buggeredfstabclover2203: It's not as scary as it sounds. I had to do the same thing.21:22
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Starnestommy[BT]JaC: if file fails, apt-get install file21:23
musikgoat[BT]JaC: your shell is borked21:23
[BT]JaCteambt@gaming:~/samp022$ file ./samp022svr21:23
[BT]JaC./samp022svr: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped21:23
Flanneltheseus: Then you don't have a root password, and su won't work.  What's the problem?21:23
Buggeredfstabclover2203: besides, it's a great way to learn your way around a command prompt text editor :)21:23
Starnestommy[BT]JaC: what's the output of uname -m?21:23
keithclarkHas anyone else successfully installed a two CD program successfully under Wine?  I have a problem where it asks for the next disc, but you can't eject it as it is in use.21:23
[BT]JaCroot@gaming:~# uname -m21:23
Starnestommy[BT]JaC: are you using the 64-bit version or 32-bit version?21:23
theseushold on -- there might not be a problem21:23
[BT]JaCtheres only 1 version21:24
spork969keithclark, im considering making a partition just large enough to have simcity on it21:24
saminthemiddleStarnestommy: if it says x86_64 then it's the 64 bit version21:24
Starnestommy[BT]JaC: er, are you using the amd64 version of ubuntu?21:24
musikgoat[BT]JaC: you are running an x64 version of ubuntu21:24
[BT]JaCso i need the 32-bit?21:24
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musikgoatcant run 32bit binaries on 64bit21:24
musikgoatnatively, i believe21:25
saminthemiddlemusicgoat: you most certainly CAN21:25
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[BT]JaCso why isnt it working?21:25
Starnestommy[BT]JaC: try linux32 ./samp022svr21:25
musikgoati stand corrected21:25
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, because your computer is trashed :-)21:25
clover2203buggeredfstab: now that im on my live CD desktop,i can see (nvidia accelerated graphics driver..not in use).. i think this is whats buggin me21:25
gregoryIphorita: ping21:25
odysseybmxI shut down my box with ubuntu last night and now X can't start21:25
[BT]JaCteambt@gaming:~/samp022$ linux32 ./samp022svr21:25
[BT]JaClinux32: ./samp022svr: No such file or directory21:25
gullstadHello. I was wondering how to connect to a samba fileserver whit ubuntu?21:25
odysseybmxit boots up but the screen is black21:26
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odysseybmxI hit random keys and got an error that X couldn't be started21:26
Buggeredfstabclover2203: ok, that sounds like xorg.conf is thinking the Nvidia driver is installed already21:26
odysseybmxis there a key combo to try to start it?21:26
jordilingullstad, go to Places, connect to server21:26
saminthemiddlemusikgoat, yeah, Intel was very careful about that, I think them 64bit kernels can run 16 and 8 bit programs natively in a 64bit environment too!21:26
saminthemiddlemusikgoat, why you would want to run an 8 bit program at all, dunno21:27
clover2203buggeredfstab: so delete xorg.conf for misbehavin ?? :) just jokin.. what should i edit in that ?21:27
Buggeredfstabclover2203: go to a command prompt and type the following: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:27
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, honestly though, this sounds to me like a trashed filesystem or trashed core tools21:27
Buggeredfstabclover2203: NO do NOT delete it21:27
NW2190Hi, my sound device (under System > Preferences > Sound) is working fine for one of my users, but doesn't even show up on another user... Anyone know how to fix that?21:28
clover2203buggeredfstab: sure as hell i wont :)21:28
nikrudNW2190 you need to add that user to the audio group21:28
bob_anyone know how to get ie to run in wine?21:28
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, from your reports you're never going to get this thing fixed right; you should do a clean install. and while you are at it, check the disk and memory for errors21:28
nikrudNW2190 then log that user completely out and back in21:28
odysseybmxhow can I boot into shell or whatever the CLI is?21:28
NW2190nikrud: ok thanks, is the group called 'audio'?21:29
Buggeredfstabclover2203: once you get that up, let me know21:29
nikrudNW2190 yes,  sudo adduser <name> audio  will do the trick21:29
clover2203buggeredfstab: sure.. hang on a sec21:29
Deusdiescan anyone please help me? Ubuntu doesn't recognize my TV card! :(21:29
NW2190nikrud: K I'll try that. Thanks.21:29
nikrudNW2190 do  groups  in a terminal as yourself, you'll probably want to add that user to some of those21:29
saminthemiddleDeusdies, that happens a lot21:30
rpj8Hey guys. I installed nvidia drivers from nvidia's site instead of through the repos. How do I compeltely remove the newly install nvidia drivers so that linux will use the older one? I'm pretty sure my kernel still thinks it's using the new one, so there's a version mismatch causing x to not start.21:30
Deusdiessaminthemiddle, that means that there is solution, right? :S21:30
gullstadHello. I was wondering how I can connect to a samba fileserver whit ubuntu?21:30
Buggeredfstabrpj8: you'll need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:30
saminthemiddleDeusdies, no, I'm saying that support for TV cards is weak at best21:31
saminthemiddleDeusdies, are you sure that it is a supported model? what is the chipset?21:31
musikgoatnikrud: didn't you make op?  do you know where i send an email for a problem on the ubuntu.com site?21:31
rpj8Buggeredfstab: uh..21:31
Deusdiessaminthemiddle, but it used to work! Chipset is SAA713121:31
rpj8Buggeredfstab: No. See, it's trying to use a different version of the nvidia kernel driver.21:31
saminthemiddleDeusdies, hmm, have you tried to manually modprobe the modules?21:31
rpj8Buggeredfstab: I want to remove the newer version's nvidia module from my kernel and replace it with the older version21:31
nikrudmusikgoat what problem?21:32
spunk_loafnoob here--how do I add a line to my /etc/apt/sources list?21:32
nikrudmusikgoat and mini-op , by the way.21:32
musikgoatnikrud: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown21:32
Deusdiessaminthemiddle, yes. I've tried modprobe saa7134 card=65 tuner=54, no success21:32
Buggeredfstabrpj8: yeah. likely still looking for the driver named Nvidia - you want to roll it back to Nv21:32
musikgoatnikrud: well thats good in and of itself21:32
[BT]JaCok thank you for all your help saminthemiddle and musikgoat and anyone else that helped.21:32
Chris_____How can I install without my installer dropping me into BusyBox?21:32
rpj8Buggeredfstab: No no, the nv is the open source one. I still want to use the proprietary nvidia drivers. but I DON'T want to use the new ones that I installed from the nvidia main site.21:32
saminthemiddle[BT]JaC, you're welcome21:33
Chris_____I've tried noapic, and linux acpi=off...21:33
rpj8Buggeredfstab: In other words, I want to roll back to a previous version21:33
nikrudmusikgoat click on contact us at the bottom of the page21:33
Deusdiessaminthemiddle, the problem is that LSPCI does NOT list my card...21:33
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DeusdiesBut it used to, a while ago. Then I was away and haven't been using PC for a month21:33
musikgoatnikrud: i sent an email to the webmaster,  but never got a response... this was like 5 days ago... oh well21:33
saminthemiddleDeusdies, ooh, that's interesting21:33
Arrickanyone here know what it is that I have to put at the end of grub for video to allow me to actually install ubuntu server on a Virtual pc VM?21:33
DeusdiesYup :S21:33
Buggeredfstabrpj8: ah well, your best bet would be to roll it to Nv, uninstall the current Nvidia, then install the preferred one.21:33
mebaran151I'm doing a lot of python dev now21:34
Arricknvmnd, got it21:34
mebaran151and I was wondering what you guys would recc for a good python ide21:34
rpj8Buggeredfstab: Yeah I did actually try that, but that didn't work. I asked in #nvidia and they gave me an answer: nvidia-installer --uninstall21:34
nikrudmusikgoat heh. Not sure otherwise. Maybe when you see mneptok ask him21:34
saminthemiddleDeusdies, because LSPCI should show ALL PCI cards whether or not they are supported21:34
mebaran151gedit is a little bit basic21:34
rpj8Buggeredfstab: Thanks for the help, mate.21:34
saminthemiddleDeusdies, maybe you have a dead card, sometimes they break21:34
musikgoatnikrud: ok, thanks21:34
Chris_____Why does my Gusty install drop me into Gusty?21:34
DeusdiesNo, it might be because I've changed a PCI slot a minute ago...I'll switch back to the old one now21:35
saminthemiddleChris_____ because it's a Gusty install?!!21:35
Chris_____Sam: I meant BusyBox...21:35
clover2203buggeredfstab: k its on21:35
spunk_loafcan somebody tell me how to add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list?21:35
xfreakkhow do i install Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu 7.1021:35
odysseybmxhow do I reconfigure xorg.conf from the command line?21:35
odysseybmxI'm in recovery mode21:35
musikgoatspunk_loaf: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:36
spunk_loafmusikgoat: thanks21:36
ZiRo`osxanyone familiar with svn hooks?21:36
Deusdiessaminthemiddle, one Q: if I have SAA7131 Philips chipset, do I have to use BTTV or no?21:36
Buggeredfstabclover2203: search through the file, and look to see what the driver name is21:37
clover2203buggeredfstab: k21:37
cody-somervilleodysseybmx, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:37
saminthemiddleDeusdies, sorry, I'm not familiar with the chipset21:37
Deusdiesok :)21:37
odysseybmxcrap I have another problem21:37
microwaverHello, any wow players here?21:37
saminthemiddleBeusdies, but it won't hurt to try to modprobe it21:37
LogicFroggood moaning21:37
odysseybmxdpkg-reconfigure isn't working21:37
odysseybmxnor is apt-get21:37
odysseybmxit's telling me to use apt-get to install apt-get21:38
propdude2000a lot of people here!21:38
saminthemiddleDuesdies, but if lspci doesn't pick it up, it's not bttv's fault!21:38
Buggeredfstabrpj8: sorry I couldn't be more help there.21:38
saminthemiddleDuesdies, anyway21:38
microwaverpropdude2000, anyone who can help me rig mine?21:38
DeusdiesOK, I'll switch to the other PCI now...my PC is now open. Do I have to restart ubuntu in order to "refresh" lspci?21:38
saminthemiddleDuesdaies, I'm going to go to bed, all the scrolling text combined with the fact that it's late is making me sleepy21:38
whileimhereI have 1867 compressed .7z files that I need to recompress into .zip files. Is there an easy way to do this?21:38
Deusdiesk k, thanks a lot mate!21:39
saminthemiddleDeusdies, PCI cards are NOT hot-swappable21:39
Deusdiesthx :)21:39
saminthemiddleDeusdies, never remove those things with power on, you can seriously damage them21:39
saminthemiddleDeusdies, no prob21:39
propdude2000whileimhere: you can write a shell script to uncompress them and then recompress them as .zip21:39
DeusdiesI've switched off the circuit that leads to PCI cards...don't ask. xD21:39
clover2203buggeredfstab: "vesa" it says (generic video card).. i hope im doing well21:39
propdude2000gotta go21:40
whileimherepropdude2000 I am not that good.21:40
saminthemiddleDeusdies, * unless you're ultra geeky and have figured out how to control power and signal to them with fancy BIOS and kernel stuff (I know some servers can hot-swap PCI cards, but your computer isn't one of them)21:40
microwaverIf anyone can help me with WoW on ubuntu, hear me out :)21:40
saminthemiddleDeusdies, anyway, night21:41
Buggeredfstabclover2203: hrm. Do you see anything that says Nv?21:41
symptomhas OO.o been uploaded to hardy yet?21:41
clover2203buggeredfstab: searched for the phrase.. couldnt find it21:42
odysseybmxdammit the whole time I've used Ubuntu I've had nothing but problems21:42
microwaverIs there a game support channel anywhere?21:42
K4k-laptopodysseybmx, can we help somehow?21:42
odysseybmxxserver is messed up21:42
kindofabuzzi set up NFS and in /etc/exports i have the rw option, but i still can't write to the folder21:42
odysseybmxand I can't fix it from recovery mode21:42
odysseybmxapt-get isn't even installed21:42
symptomhas OO.o been uploaded to hardy yet?21:42
bluefox83is anyone else having trouble getting the repo for qbittorrent to work?21:43
xZEXxanyone know how to get vnc server to start before login screen so that login can be done remotely?21:43
odysseybmxdamned thing is now telling me to use apt-get to install apt-get21:43
symptomdownload the package and use dpkg21:43
odysseybmxdpkg doesn't work either21:43
odysseybmxtried using it to reconfigure xserver21:43
Zanth_is hardy haron beta support now in +1?21:43
symptomdo you have gcc?21:43
=== Zanth_ is now known as Zanth
odysseybmxdammit if I had a bigger HD I'd go back to windows21:44
kindofabuzzput 98 on it21:44
master_alvaroit is possible to run/check suspend (uswsusp -> user space suspend to disk) on Virtual machine (VirtualBox)?21:44
Buggeredfstabclover2203: hrm. Do you see anything that says Nvidia?21:44
odysseybmx98 on a 2GHz Celeron?21:44
odysseybmxI think it's too new to boot it :P21:44
anakin_hello all i've tried apt-get dist-upgrade and it won't pick up anything from hardy heron.21:45
kindofabuzzbut you don't have enough room for windows? if you got room for ubuntu you got room ro XP21:45
anakin_do i have to modify sources.list before i proceed?21:45
clover2203buggeredfstab: i couldnt find Nv by Ctrl+F.. Nvidia wont be there too21:45
copdips!wiki gconf21:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki gconf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:45
odysseybmxI don't have the Windows CD anyways21:45
copdips!wiki gnome21:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki gnome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:45
symptomi ran xp on a 1ghz celeron21:45
xZEXx!wiki vnc21:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki vnc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:45
odysseybmxthe whole reason I have Linux on it is because I got the comp free with no OS21:45
xZEXx!wiki vncserver21:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki vncserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:45
kindofabuzzodysseybmx, if you have that many problems, just reinstall from scratch, chalk it up for a learning expierence21:46
symptomodysseybmx, why not do a fresh install?21:46
Buggeredfstabclover2203: duh. silly me.21:46
odysseybmxcause I have some files I need21:46
symptomhi Andreabont21:46
kindofabuzzback them up21:46
odysseybmxand I don't feel like reconfiguring everything i have set up21:46
flavioribeirohi all, after make some wrong changes in modprobe, my usb audio doesnt works anymore...  there's my lsmod and lspci; http://pastebin.com/m2b60f3a621:46
jurgentjeHi... anyone who can help me remove an application? (I would like to uninstall EasyEclipse... didn't install it using repositories, don't remember how it got on)21:46
odysseybmxI hate having spent so much time getting certain video formats to work, etc and then to have to do it all over again21:46
Zanthhas anyone here come across a denial of the sudo command after an upgrade?21:47
kindofabuzzwell if you installed windows you might as well just reinstall ubuntu21:47
srmHello, next to me lays a laptop with breezy 5.1 installed. How can i update it to 7.1 without an ISO ... the option to upgrade to the current version is missing in the update-application21:47
ZanthI keep getting "unable to resolve host"21:47
Zanthwhen I try to use sudo21:47
xZEXxanyone know how to get vnc server to start before login screen so that login can be done remotely?21:47
odysseybmxI can't install windows because I don't have the CD21:47
microwaverjurgentje, you're using gnome?21:47
jurgentjemicrowaver: actually, I'm under KDE, but I can switch as easy as that...21:47
odysseybmxah shit I need to find an Ubuntu CD to try to repair it21:47
yowshidammit i wish i had a better memory i just needed to kill a process but i couldnt remember the command syntax to get the things uid21:47
kindofabuzzwell then quit complaining and reinstall ubuntu, back your files to cd21:48
Buggeredfstabclover2203: I'm looking through mine. This may take a moment21:48
microwaverjurgentje, under gnome (don't know out of my head) there is under applications > add/remove21:48
microwaverjurgentje, and it will apear in the list21:48
yowshinice to finally figuhreout how to drop down to a dos prompt though with the multiple desktops21:48
joshmy mouse laggs sometimes like i have alot of cpu usage, but i dont' have any cpu usage, what could cause this?21:48
kindofabuzzdos prompt?21:48
microwaverjurgentje, or you can do apt-get remove <name> in terminal21:48
kindofabuzzthere is no dos21:49
kindofabuzzdos is microsoft21:49
Buggeredfstabclover2203: under Section "Device" what does it say for driver?21:49
yowshikindofabuzz: i am not a moron i just dont conisder it a cli since it sint a terminal window21:49
kindofabuzzbut it's not DOS21:49
yowshidos prompt is what i grew up on though so i call it that21:49
yowshiI KNWO IT ISNT DOS21:49
anakin_can someone please help me to upgrade from gutsy to hardy heron?21:49
kindofabuzzDOS is a totally different operating system21:49
jurgentjemicrowaver: problem is... easyeclipse is an eclipse derivation... so I tried installing and removing eclipse... but easyeclipse is not in the list itself21:50
yowshino fragging sh8943 kindofabuzz21:50
morherr... could anyone tell me what could be the problems source with Gutsy freezing before 1st launch (before installation, runned from original CD shipped) on a GA-K8NS-Pro, when mandriva07 and knoppix are starting without any problem?21:50
kindofabuzzfragging sh8943?21:50
clover2203buggeredfstab: device: - identifier = "generic video card", driver=" vesa", Busid= "PCI:0:18:0"21:50
gregoryanakin_: hardy is still beta. you really want to switch?21:50
anakin_gregory, i don't mind.21:50
kindofabuzzanyways, anyone know much about NFS?21:50
microwaverjurgentje, het gaat ook niet weg nadat je eclipse hebt gedeinstalleerd? heb je al een autoremove geprobeerd?21:51
anakin_whats the worst that can happen, right? :D21:51
josh my mouse laggs sometimes like i have alot of cpu usage, but i dont' have any cpu usage, what could cause this?21:51
EdwardXp3whats the command to search for something specific using ls -l ?21:51
Buggeredfstabclover2203: Ok. now, remember that command I told you to use to open the gedit window? Do it again, this time, have sudo in front of it21:51
EdwardXp3ls -l *alsa ??21:51
jurgentjemicrowaver: let's go pvt... (language in the channel)21:51
=== wof is now known as al
clover2203buggeredfstab: sure21:51
kindofabuzzdo gksudo gedit21:51
=== al is now known as wof-
squarebracketwhere do i configure my computer's hostname?21:51
kindofabuzzif it's graphical, you should use gksudo21:52
gregoryanakin_: 1. backup your important files 2. sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade (do not 2 before 1!)21:52
Buggeredfstabclover2203: now, go down, and replace "vesa" with "nv"21:52
musikgoatsquarebracket: graphical, System > Administration > Network21:52
ompaul!nl | microwaver21:52
ubotumicrowaver: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl21:52
anakin_gregory, thats not working :(21:52
Chris______My Gusty install drops me into BusyBox, how can I fix it? I have searched the forums, Ubuntu Wiki, Google and I have no explanation or fix...21:52
KalElrdp server for ubuntu?21:52
squarebracketmusikgoat, ah right, thanks.21:52
musikgoatsquarebracket: in the general tabl21:52
ompaul!bootoptions | Chris_____ ( you might find this interesting and relevant:21:53
ubotuChris_____ ( you might find this interesting and relevant:: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:53
jribanakin_: ask in #ubuntu+1 for hardy support21:53
mohamed_is there method to control cpu fan speed ?21:53
InGunsWeTrustHey I have a wireless problem: I use a network called "thing" and there is also an unsecured linksys network nearby and once i accidentally connected to the linksys one now about half the time it tries to automatically connect to linksys. How can i make it never connect to linksys again?21:53
clover2203buggeredfstab: done.. now save ??21:53
Buggeredfstabclover2203: yes, then reboot21:54
Chris______ompaul: I've already tried that last time.21:54
srmHello, next to me lays a laptop with breezy 5.1 installed. How can i update it to 7.1 without an ISO ... the option to upgrade to the current version is missing in the update-application.21:54
crhylovewhat is the chan for reporting bugs in the latest firefox beta?21:54
InGunsWeTrustHey I have a wireless problem: I use a network called "thing" and there is also an unsecured linksys network nearby and once i accidentally connected to the linksys one now about half the time it tries to automatically connect to linksys. How can i make it never connect to linksys again? I use Gutsy Gibbon21:55
musikgoatcrhylove: bugtracker21:55
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:55
musikgoatsorry, launchpad... i'm used to other bug reporting tools :-p21:55
InGunsWeTrustHey I have a wireless problem: I use a network called "thing" and there is also an unsecured linksys network nearby and once i accidentally connected to the linksys one now about half the time it tries to automatically connect to linksys. How can i make it never automatically connects to linksys again? I use Gutsy Gibbon21:56
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:56
deurytehey guys, i deleted my multiple desktop switching pannel in the task bar, how can i get it back?  thanks21:56
deuryteubuntu 7.1021:56
tweaktI have a server where a huge portion of the packages (in aptitude) are listed as "obsolete or locally created"... this includes things like "21:57
dark_harmonicswow who needed the "!patience"21:57
odysseybmxwrong window21:57
tweaktI have a server where a huge portion of the packages (in aptitude) are listed as "obsolete or locally created"... this includes things like "bash" "apt" etc...21:57
JohnMMhey odysseybmx21:57
JohnMMdidn't know you hung out here21:57
Starnestommydeuryte: right click on the panel, select add to panel, select the workspace switcher, then hit the add button21:57
musikgoatInGunsWeTrust: i'm finding again where those listings are, hang tight21:57
morhlads, does anyone knows anything about Gutsy freezing probs during 1st run from original CD? searched google, searched ubuntu forums, bothered friends, found no answer to this one. hard: amd athlon 64 3000+ 2.01Ghz, 768 ram; Gutsy freezes on the last square of the progress bar and the pc freezes... however, knoppix and mandriva07 are installing without any problem...21:57
odysseybmxJohnMM: I'm only here because my system screwed up yet again21:58
tweaktive triple checked i have the right sources.list set up21:58
deuryteStarnestommy: thank you,21:58
Buggeredfstabmorh: check the CD for defects21:58
flavioribeirohi all, after make some wrong changes in modprobe, my usb audio doesnt works anymore...  there's my lsmod and lspci; http://pastebin.com/m2b60f3a621:58
tweaktwhat's going on? any ideas?21:58
dark_harmonicsmarh did you try it with the nosplash option on the kernel parameters?21:58
morhBuggeredfstab - done it, no defects21:58
gregorymorh: npapic nolapic acpi=off?21:58
musikgoatInGunsWeTrust: ok,  you'll find the network you want to remove here:  ~/.gconf/system/networking/wireless/networks/21:58
dark_harmonicsyea gregory has it21:59
musikgoatInGunsWeTrust: just remove the linksys directory21:59
InGunsWeTrustmusikgoatL Thanks a lot!21:59
Buggeredfstabmorh: hrm. 64-bit, eh? Doing this for a server, or desktop?21:59
morhgregory - i'm kinda noobish with linux, could You explain me how to do it ?21:59
dark_harmonicshit escape as it boots morh21:59
dark_harmonicsto get to the grub menu21:59
morhBuggeredfstab - desktop21:59
odysseybmxhow do I repair with a CD?21:59
deuryteStarnestommy: im outta here, thanks again, you guys r bug help21:59
dark_harmonicsand add those parameters onto the string21:59
gregorymorh: these are boot parameters for the installer that disable portions of hardware  which _tend_ to cause problems21:59
dark_harmonicsits not as hard as it sounds actually21:59
Buggeredfstabmorh: I got a 64bit chip, but I run 32bit. That works great for me. But, I'd still give what gregory is saying a shot22:00
morhgregory so, where to put them ?22:00
gregorymorh: in the installer scrolldown menu go to the entry where you can add those parameters. in hardy its f6, but i dont know about gutsy. people in channel will correct me22:01
morhBuggeredfstab: i've tried both Gutsys: for 64 and for 32bit, the only strange thing is: mandriva and knoppix are installing without any problems22:01
morhgregory: thanks a million, lad22:01
Buggeredfstabmorh: sometimes that happens22:01
gregorymorh: just try, nothing can break, sucess _not_ granted ;-)22:02
odysseybmxcan someone tell me how to repair my installation with the Live CD?22:02
IronMarxSo I finished all the troubleshooting and I give up; I can't get any audio through my speakers when I run Linux.22:02
morhBuggeredfstab yeah, the SSDD rule, aight :> ?22:02
Buggeredfstabmorh: with my rig, Fedora core 4 always went nutter on me22:02
Buggeredfstabmorh: exactly :)22:02
morhgregory: of course, if that won't work i'll come back to bother You all again and again :]22:02
gregorymorh: your very welcome22:03
obiwannekodyodysseybmx, did you make /home a seperate partion?22:03
morhk, gotta try it before i'll go to work... cheers lads, once again: thanks a million22:03
odysseybmxobiwannekody: what?22:03
BuggeredfstabHow do I get access to the gui VPN setup?22:03
odysseybmxI have 1 partition22:03
gregorymorh: noapic nolapic acpi=off (my last message had a typo)22:03
morhk, thanks22:03
odysseybmxI need to repair the installation22:03
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
sapHi, is there a method to update some of my favourite applications automatically , instead of having to build from source each time a new version is released (for example Pidgin , openoffice etc). ?22:04
JoCoguys i just installed ubuntu but when i try and enable the gfx driver i click 'enable' then it says "The software source for the package nvidia-glx-new is not enabled." my internet is connected and everything22:04
BuggeredfstabJoCo: you need to enable the repository in Synaptic22:04
nikrudsap if you're dedicated to running the latest right after it's released, ubuntu is not the right distro for you22:05
JoCoBuggeredfstab: how would i go about that?22:05
obiwannekodyodysseybmx, if you have your /home directory on a different partion you can(if you are lazy like me) just do a clean install and re-use the /home directory22:05
odysseybmxit's on the same partition22:05
yeonhoo_on "displayconfig-gtk" menu there is 1280x800 monitor but there is not option for 1280x800. there are inferior resolution....22:05
BuggeredfstabJoCo: fire up Synaptic Package Manager22:05
odysseybmxI know there's a way to repair the installation22:05
odysseybmxbut how do I go about it?22:05
renfrewis anyone running heron alpha 6?22:05
tsukasa__renfrew, sup22:06
BuggeredfstabJoCo: Then go to Settings -> Repositories22:06
sapnikrud, hmm... i've been using ubuntu only for many months now , but maybe not right after its realeased , say a few months after it is released22:06
JoCoBuggeredfstab: ok then what22:06
obiwannekodyodysseybmx, what is broken? (everything?)22:06
renfrewnot having a problem as such.. just thinking of switching before the stable relaese.. are you running aplha 6?22:06
gregoryrenfrew: try #ubuntu+1 alpha is beta 1 now22:06
odysseybmxobiwannekody: X22:06
JoCoBuggeredfstab: check off all the boxes?22:06
tsukasa__renfrew, im running beta22:06
tsukasa__renfrew, it works fine on a direct installation, id hold off on wubi'ing it though22:07
styrmanhow do i turn off energy savings on monitor22:07
renfreware you finding it prety stable?22:07
styrmani got laptop22:07
tsukasa__renfrew, yeah22:07
BuggeredfstabJoCo: Make sure you have main, universe, restricted, and multiverse all checked22:07
gregoryrenfrew: _if_ hardware and ubuntu cooperate22:07
Malik_hey everybody22:07
renfrewI've got the standard dsktop install.. gonna give it a go... can I just do a dist-upgrade?22:07
ed_edstyrman: Right click on the battery icon, and go into preferences.22:08
tsukasa__renfrew, no, dont. if youve kept to convention just back up your home folder22:08
BuggeredfstabJoCo: after that, it'll ask you to restart your Package Manager. Then, once you do that, you should be able to install22:08
JoCoBuggeredfstab: Thank you sooooooo much your a great help I really appreciate it!!!!!22:08
sapIsn't there a way I can add a line to the repos for it to check for program updates when it is released (like I remember reading something similar for WINE ) ?22:08
Malik_TuTUXG_: u there22:09
tsukasa__renfrew, you can even make your home folder its own partition before the reinstall so you dont have to mess with recopying stuff22:09
obiwannekodyodysseybmx, i'm sorry, i don't know enough about how ubuntu goes togeather to assist you there, although you could try editing your xorg.conf from the live cd22:09
renfrewhome is a separate partition :).. I can always scrub '/' and go back to 7.10 if any problems with 8.04..22:09
BuggeredfstabJoCo: You're welcome. Just doing my duty as a member of the Ubuntu community :)22:09
gregorysap: you can install a cron job22:09
tsukasa__yup, there you go22:09
nikrudsap if someone provides the repos. You might want to look around ppa.launchpad.net . Those are  *use at your own risk* , of course22:09
SeanInSeattleHey all, any thoughts on how to change the CLI (command line interface) resolution from its default (really HUGE) to something that better fits my monitor / graphics card capabilities?22:10
nikrudSeanInSeattle   sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup22:10
SeanInSeattleI tried using different kernel options in /boot/grub/menu.lst22:10
sapgregory, how do i install cron job? and what'll it do?22:10
SeanInSeattlenikrud:  So, that's a gui-way of configuring the CLI?22:10
dark_harmonicsno thats from the command seaninseattle22:10
renfrewthanks for the input tsukasa__ and gregory... I'm gonna give hardy a go...22:11
nikrudSeanInSeattle it's not a gui, it's an ncurses interface that will run on the console (near greenlake, by any chance?)22:11
sapnikrud, for example I'd like to update Pidgin messenger, so could that be possible with adding a line or something in the repo ?22:11
srmwell, i now changed breezy to gutsy in the sources file and now crossing fingers while dist-upgrade is running :)22:11
gregorysap: cron job is a meta facility to program your computer to do certain things on a fixed time. like a sceduler-calender program22:11
goose_how the f*ck do I get VLC to play a DVD?22:11
nikrudsap if you find someone who's providing packages, yes.22:11
Buggeredfstab!restricted formats22:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:11
SeanInSeattlenikrud:  Eh, not so much near greenlake I'm happy to say. ;0)22:11
Slartit might just be me and my computer but for some reason I can't choose my default soundcard any more.. or does it require a reboot to "stick" ?22:11
SeanInSeattlenikrud: In bothell.22:11
dark_harmonicsgoose clean up language22:12
nikrud!language | goose (file->open disk)22:12
SeanInSeattlenikrud:  so i run that program, and it will run on top of my cli, or it will help me config the cli?22:12
nikrudSeanInSeattle ah, down near rat city :)22:12
ed_edgoose_: Ctrl+d22:12
nikrudSeanInSeattle config22:12
goose_dark_harmonics, sorry.. this is the ump-teenth time I've tried to get this to work22:12
SeanInSeattlenikrud: you jest, I hope....22:12
sapnikrud, so it has to be a .deb package? or can it be a source as well ( i was thinking of linking it to the download page on the application's website ) ?22:12
dark_harmonicsi know how you feel goose_22:12
SeanInSeattlenikrud: lol.22:12
nikrudSeanInSeattle back in my day that's white city ;)22:12
goose_ed_ed, it doesn't do anything22:12
dark_harmonicsdid you try configuring it to use the x11 driver?22:12
SeanInSeattlenikrud: cool man, I'll try that, and see what happens.22:12
srmgoose_: what's the problem? missing libdvdcss ?22:12
goose_srm, it literally does not do anything22:13
dark_harmonicsgoose_ did you try turning off compiz?22:13
sapgregory, umm.. I'm not sure if cron job can help me update some of my preferred applications automatically. can it??22:13
liquid1033can anyone help me with some keycode trouble?22:13
goose_dark_harmonics, how do I do that?22:13
SeanInSeattlenikrud: by white you mean lacking a multi-ethnic community?22:13
hanevarhi 2 all22:13
dark_harmonicsi have had issues playing DVDs with that enabled22:13
dark_harmonicsmetacity --replace turns off compiz and you can re-enable with compiz --replace22:13
hanevari got font problem22:13
dark_harmonicsjust hit alt+f222:13
nikrudSeanInSeattle in the 70's the area between bothel and south seattle was called white city, that was it's name22:13
Scuniziliquid1033, are you trying to find keycodes?22:13
bAndie91hi all22:13
ed_edgoose_: Is your computer reading the dvd?22:13
biouseranyone know about SBML?22:14
hanevari got font problem on my ubuntu gusty gibbon22:14
xZEXxanyone know how to get vnc server to start before login screen so that login can be done remotely?22:14
hanevarhow to solve it ?22:14
biouserlibSBML and SloppyCell in particular in ubuntu22:14
goose_ed_ed, it reads it, totem tries to play it but totem is retarded22:14
dark_harmonicsgoose_ you will lose your desktop cube while you play the movie but hey its better than no playback22:14
liquid1033Scunizi: i have a remote and some keys have more than one keycode22:14
dark_harmonicsgoose_ did you try the instructions at mediubuntu (or something like that)22:14
dark_harmonicsill look for a link if you want goose_22:14
hanevari got font priblem on my system22:15
kbrooksum, question. i want battery status22:15
liquid1033Scunizi: i'm looking for a config to change them to only one keycode22:15
Malik_wat desktop looks the best gnome or kde22:15
Scuniziliquid1033, I don't know if it will work for a remote but I used evtest to find keycodes for a multimedia keyboard22:15
SlartAnyone knows how to set default soundcard in ubuntu gutsy, 64-bit, with 2 soundcards?22:15
gregorysap: not by itself. you would have to program it to call the update-manager program with the interval you choose (2 sec, 1 day, very flexible)22:15
kbrookshjow do i get it?22:15
hanevarafter downloading the font how to make it visible ?22:15
Andre_Gondimwhen I go to System --> Administration --> Channel sources is write 5.04 Hardy Heron, how may i fix this?22:15
goose_dark_harmonics, I just want a GUI program that will play DVD's. It doesn't necissarily need to be VLC. Any suggestions?22:15
nikrudSeanInSeattle doh, brain fart. Thinging burien for bothell. Wrong end of the lake22:15
dark_harmonicscheck this out goose_ http://www.medibuntu.org/22:15
gregoryMalik_: kde22:15
hanevaris there anyone her ?22:15
SeanInSeattlenikrud: interesting tidbit.... on the subject of the console setup, its giving me a crap-load of keyboard options at the beginning...22:15
hanevaris it the official chatroom ?22:16
Scunizigoose_, mplayer always worked for me22:16
dark_harmonicsit has info related to making your DVD playback work properly. Most of the time VLC just works22:16
SeanInSeattlewhat should I choose, I'm not finding a basic keyboard layout22:16
hanevaris it the official chatroom ?22:16
Malik_wat does gusty come on with22:16
gregoryhanevar: hello, we can read you. yes :-)22:16
keithclarkhanevar, support room, yes22:16
* dark_harmonics agrees with scunizi22:16
Scunizigoose_, although on Dapper I had to compile it myself to get it working correctly.22:16
drukexZEXx, thats more a part of the remote login stuff, beyond vnc22:16
gregoryMalik_: gnome22:16
hanevari got font problem on ubuntu22:16
Malik_but KDE looks better rite22:16
sapgregory, but can it update manually installed programs also like openoffice Pidgin etc?22:16
hanevarwhen i connect a to website22:16
Scunizihanevar, that's a statement not a question22:16
Malik_and has a beter apperences and effects22:16
microwaverDang it, always get a hard lock when I try and run WoW.exe22:17
mokkpr01can anybody tell me where i can get wubi for ubuntu 7.10..22:17
gregoryMalik_: so you can choose Kubuntu = KDE+ubuntu22:17
Cew27hey all i have a problem i have cod 4 mounted on the desktop twice, one does nothing the other is the original mounting22:17
Scunizi!ask | hanevar22:17
ubotuhanevar: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:17
nikrudSeanInSeattle just accept the presets, you'll get to some character resolutions later. Not as nice as a framebuffer, but they work.22:17
evandmokkpr01: you can't.  There was no 7.10 version.  Your best bet is the version on the Hardy Beta CD.22:17
gregorysap: manually installed programs - no. thats a limitation of the update manager. it only watches for debs designed for ubuntu22:17
schultzai have a friend who is getting a message when installing sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-bin and other packages.... but gets cannot resolve depencies due to virtual packages. what are we missing?22:17
niketasGuys, what is the best choice of plugins to play avi/wmv/mpeg4 etc?22:18
mokkpr01i did with the one inside Hardy Beta CD, the wubi 8.04 but it just picks up the Hardy version..22:18
Cew27hey all i have a problem i have cod 4 mounted on the desktop twice, one does nothing the other is the original mounting how can i fix it22:18
liquid1033Scunizi: i can't find it, what package is it?22:18
nikrud!gutsysources | schultza (try this first)22:18
ubotuschultza (try this first): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).22:18
Slartniketas: I use vlc, no pluings required22:18
evandmokkpr01: why is that a problem?22:18
sapgregory, even if I had used "checkinstall" option when manually installing?22:18
Scuniziliquid1033, evtest22:18
=== peanuter is now known as pnut
mokkpr01i got an iso download of the 7.10 version, i was actually trying to install that..22:18
hanevarwhen i connect to a website like chinese website etc ... the page not display correctly22:18
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hanevarhow to make it visible ?22:18
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gregorysap: which program are you talking about exactly?22:19
dark_harmonicsniketas: i usually just do the sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:19
evandmokkpr01: trust me, you don't want to use any 7.10 version of Wubi that you find.22:19
sapgregory, Pidgin and openoffice :)22:19
dark_harmonicshas java, flash, and codecs22:19
styrmaned_ed: dont have battery icon22:19
SeanInSeattlenikrud:  does it take forever to reconfig the kernel and stuff after choosing all the appropriate options?22:19
niketasSlart: is it a player or plugins pack?22:19
kavelotmy video card (8086:2a02) it blacklisted to compiz... is there some alternative?22:19
SeanInSeattleit just finished.... I'm not patient.22:19
tobiI've got an atheros wlan card.22:19
tobiWhen I install linux-restricted-modules the wlan device comes up as expected.22:19
tobiThe problem is: linux-restricted-modules installs nvidia-kernel-common22:19
tobiwhich makes my previously installed nvidia driver to stop working.22:19
tobiIs there a way to install linux-restricted-modules without nvidia-kernel-common22:19
tobior to install the module ath_pci directly?22:19
FloodBot3tobi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
niketasSlart: afaic it's a player22:19
Slartniketas: it's a player22:19
gregorysap: sorry, which packet-manager-program are you talking about exactly?22:19
Slart!info vlc | niketas22:19
ubotuniketas: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.c-0ubuntu5.1 (gutsy), package size 1135 kB, installed size 3228 kB22:19
Scuniziliquid1033, sorry  it's part of another package called dvb-utils22:20
yeonhoo_i dont have modeline 1280x800 where can i find it??22:20
mokkpr01okay, thanx evand.. i have the hardy version on one of my laptops.. i was trying to put the gutsy gibbon on another..22:20
yeonhoo_i dont have modeline 1280x800 where can i find it?? for xorg 7.322:20
mokkpr01so that i need not run regular updates for time being..22:20
hanevarnoone help me22:20
sapgregory, u mean synaptic package manager (that's what I use)22:20
DeadLy_spi need print some info of df -h but for root info ?22:20
dark_harmonicskavelot: if you think that it is supported, then do a sudo gedit /usr/bin/compiz and add it to the whitelist22:20
niketasSlart: thanks!22:20
mysterycoolany good c/c++ compiler for linux?22:20
hanevaris it really the official chatroom22:20
liquid1033Scunizi: just found it.. thnx22:20
gregorysap: yes22:20
drukemysterycool, gcc22:20
sapgregory, k22:20
Slartmysterycool: the gnu compiler22:20
evandmokkpr01: understandable, but the 7.10 version was never finished.  So I imagine the Hardy version is more stable than that now.22:20
Cew27hey all i have a problem i have cod 4 mounted on the desktop twice, one does nothing the other is the original mounting how can i fix it22:21
evandmokkpr01: best of luck going forward22:21
dark_harmonicskavelot: sometimes you need to do this for the FGLRX driver (ati)22:21
home_!patience | hanevar22:21
ubotuhanevar: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:21
mysterycooldruke: a compiler that is in gui plz?22:21
mokkpr01okay, evand i get the picture now; i thought so looking at the sourceforge repository..22:21
ed_edstyrman: Plug in your charger and it should appear.22:21
tobiI've got an atheros wlan card. When I install linux-restricted-modules the wlan device comes up as expected. The problem is: linux-restricted-modules installs nvidia-kernel-common which makes my previously installed nvidia driver stop working. Is there a way to install linux-restricted-modules without nvidia-kernel-common or to install the module ath_pci directly?22:21
JoCo_eyy guys im having another severe problem, just finished the install of ubuntu and enabled the graphics driver but when i restart the loading bar loads then the screen goes idle and black and nothing happens22:21
mokkpr01thanks evand, i think i will just go ahead with the hardy version then.22:21
ompaul!bootoptions | JoCo_22:21
ubotuJoCo_: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:22
dark_harmonicstobi: did you try madwifi?22:22
drukemysterycool, you want an ide, not a compiler anjuta is good22:22
hanevarwhen i connect to a website like chinese website etc ... the page not display correctly22:22
Malik_o man i dk wats going  on...all my files r gone in ubuntu22:22
dark_harmonicsmaybe you should lay down the wifi driver22:22
hanevarwhen i connect to a website like chinese website etc ... the page not display correctly22:22
Malik_and aim gettign so many messages22:22
home_Wow, it's even busier than last time here22:22
liquid1033Scunizi: similar to xev22:22
hanevarhwo to display it correctly22:22
tobii installed madwifi-tools if u mean that22:22
home_!intel graphics22:22
Slarthanevar: you might want to explain a bit more about your problem.. be specific.. what is wrong.. what did you expect.. what results did you find when googling for a solution.. in your case.. url of page that didn't work would be one thing22:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel graphics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:22
evandmokkpr01: you're welcome :)22:22
dark_harmonicsand then install the nvidia driver on top of that -> tobi22:22
sapwell gtg get a dose of tremulous :D22:22
sapthanks all22:22
Scuniziliquid1033, yes.. however xev couldn't see the codes from the keyboard I was trying to use  evtest did.22:23
gravemindhey - system monitor says my network is doing things -- is there a tool I can download to find out what exactly it's doing?22:23
dark_harmonicsi have an nvidia card and madwifi working with no problems on a macbook pro santarosa22:23
drukemysterycool, under add/remove applications in the applications menu, goto programming and type in c++ anjuta is under there, there are also other apps if you feel adventurous22:23
hanevari just ask where is location to put the font file22:23
gregorysap: i cant find this option in the manpage and via ./program --help. generally: i recommend just sticking with the debian repos. they also provide fast updates. other then that you would have to use a different distro, which will not be as comfortable as ubuntu regarding user experience22:23
hanevarlike in window s ?22:23
tobii already tried to install the nvidia driver(downloaded from nvidia) after installing nvidia-kernel-common, but it only works correctly when i have no nvidia-kernel-common installed22:24
dark_harmonicstobi are you using the drivers from nvidia for your display?22:24
liquid1033Scunizi: i think the problem isn't the assignment but that 3 keys are "activated" at the same time22:24
frost0hello all, i just messed with a partition, and when i boot into ubuntu, the screen looks a little stretched and the font is mushed...what is wrong/22:24
drukemysterycool, though, are you doing things for school or other very small scale projects?22:24
pushpopWhen I boot up my Ubuntu box I get a Grub error 22, anyone know how to resolve that?22:24
sapgregory, hmm.. ok. well thanks for your efforts; will then stick to manual updates for now I guess , if necessary .22:24
gregorysap: sorry, i meant stick with the ubuntu repos22:24
dark_harmonicstobi you could try finding the windows driver and using ndiswrapper to install it22:24
sapgregory, k22:25
Cew27can anyone tell me why my pc is mounting my media twice22:25
Scuniziliquid1033, is it like a shift keystroke function?22:25
dark_harmonicsi do reccomend the NVIDIA custom drivers so i think you did that right -> tobi22:25
mysterycooldruke: ? er, my own projects, but what does that matter?22:25
liquid1033Scunizi: yes22:25
tobiye i know, but i wanted to try it without ndiwsrapper22:25
Slartpushpop: did you change anything to your box? added a hard drive? repartioned a drive? anything else?22:25
liquid1033Scunizi: control_l shift_l and d22:25
pushpopSlart: I may have changed the sata port on the mobo of a hd thats it!22:25
schultzathanks, he didnt have two of them checked out of the four... other screens were fine22:26
johnny2008is latest Ubuntu out yet?22:26
dark_harmonicsif you have already laid down madwifi and the NVIDIA driver correctly i am at a loss bud :(22:26
tobimy nvidia driver(downloaded directly from nvidia) are working ... until i install the nvidia-kernel-common package :-)22:26
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dark_harmonicsdo you need that package?22:26
johnny2008!latest version22:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about latest version - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:26
drukemysterycool, well you may want to just beef up gedit alot, thats what I use for college and such, if you care for a link22:26
dark_harmonicsis that part of the download from them? tobi22:26
Slartpushpop: I'm not sure about that error code.. but I think you may have changed the order of the drives.. so drive 2 isn't drive 2 any more.. and then grub doesn't find the boot files..22:27
Scuniziliquid1033, same issue on my keyboard.. it had an Fn button.. push one button individually at a time to find the scan code for each one. then do the combo and compare the output. if you're lucky you'll discover a new number. that will typically be it.. also hitting the combo then type dmesg in a terminal SOMETIME will reveal it.22:27
gravemindjohnny2008: it'22:27
gravemindit's coming out in april22:27
tobino, its part of the linux-restricted-modules package22:27
pushpopSlart: how would I resolve that22:27
johnny2008gravemind: it?22:27
johnny2008gravemind: what happened to March release?22:27
dark_harmonicsok maybe what you really need is to find out what part of the linux-restricted moduels you actually need22:27
dark_harmonicsand then install only that22:28
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gravemindjohnny2008: hardy is 8.04-- it comes out in april22:28
dark_harmonicsif you need it at all22:28
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dark_harmonicsi dont have have it on any of my computers22:28
Slartpushpop: there are many ways.. you can reinstall grub.. or just change the boot drive number setting (not sure exactly how to do this)22:28
liquid1033Scunizi: i try22:28
kbrooksi see a plug icon in my taskbar not a battery icon - gnome power manager - and i want a battery icon22:28
johnny2008gravemind: what happened to March release?22:28
kbrookswhen i click on it it shows only "ac power"?22:28
Slartpushpop: here's one guide.. it might work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows22:28
drukemysterycool, http://ca.rroll.net/2008/02/05/ruby-on-rails-development-with-gedit/ is a guide for ruby onr ails but it works just as well for toher progamming languages22:28
kbrookswhen i click on it it shows only "ac power".22:28
Scunizikbrooks, is the laptop plugged in?22:28
dark_harmonicsmaybe install that and then remove the nvidia package that is screwing you up? tobi22:29
dark_harmonicsjust guessing really22:29
kbrooksScunizi, um?22:29
kbrooksScunizi, why ask?22:29
Scunizikbrooks, is it a laptop? if it is and it's plugged in then it's letting you know it's plugged in..22:29
tobiwhen i remove the nvidia-kernel-common package, the linux-restricted-drivers package is removed too22:30
kbrooksScunizi, ummmm, it is a laptop. when it is plugged in, it shows the battery icon, with a very small plug in the battery icon.22:30
kbrooksScunizi, i mean normally22:30
Scunizikbrooks, oh .. ok.. sorry I don't do laptops..don't really know the power manager.22:31
obiwannekodydoes anyone in here know if it is possible to set the editor in Eric4 to work like vi/vim?  (and if you do know how to, please let me know?)22:31
gravemindhey - my system monitor says my network is doing things -- is there a tool I can download to find out what exactly it's doing?22:31
odysseybmxhow do I mount hda1 in terminal?22:32
distaticaDoes someone know of a GOOD spreadsheet program, other than open office? I need something for my parents and it's going on a 233MHz laptop, OO is a bit heavy. I already have abiword for the text processor.22:32
cookiehow do I modify my welcome message for bash22:32
Slartdistatica: there's gnumeric.. don't know if it's good22:32
liquid1033Scunizi: no didn't wokr22:32
Scunizidistatica, gnumeric is the other standard22:32
underdawgMy networking was working fine- but not it's not, I have an eth0 and an eth1 showing up (only have one networking card) and eth1 keeps increasing in 'errors' and eth0 won't even let me ping my router22:32
obiwannekodyodysseybmx, sudo mount /dev/hda1 /path/to/mountpoint22:32
Scuniziliquid1033, sorry,, I'm out of ideas.22:32
distaticaScunizi: comparable to OO and MS Office at all?22:32
underdawgwhat can I do?22:32
cookiewhen I login to bash...I want it to display somehting nice and some ascii pics. So how do I change that?22:33
atlantisSmith Carolina - Manual Typesetter with grid paper - very light on the proccessor22:33
odysseybmxobiwannekody: what doI fill in for mountpoint?22:33
Scunizidistatica, yes22:33
distaticagreat, thank you22:33
Scunizidistatica, although if they are use to excel typically the OOo version is easier to move to.  Not that gnumeric is hard.  they all have slight differences.22:33
obiwannekodyodysseybmx, where do you want to mount it?  you need a folder which doesn't have anything in it, and select that22:33
cookiewhen I login to bash...I want it to display somehting nice and some ascii pics. So how do I change that?22:34
cookiecould somebody please help22:34
underdawgMy networking was working fine- but now it's not, I have an eth0 and an eth1 showing up (only have one networking card) and eth1 keeps increasing in 'errors' and eth0 won't even let me ping my router - does anyone know what I can do to troubleshoot?  Is there a way to disable eth1 or does linux have 2 'devices' per network card?22:34
liquid1033is there any file, in which a key can be assigned to a couple of keycodes22:34
odysseybmxobiwannekody: what?  I'm in the LiveCD22:34
distaticaScunizi: hmm, the thing is they live in the bush. This laptop is the first computer they've used in about 10 years, the last being a 486 with win95 (offline)22:34
arteniuscookie: , edit your /etc/motd file22:34
Slartcookie: I think there is a file called .bashrc in your home folder.. it might be useful for this22:34
obiwannekodyodysseybmx, ie sudo mkdir /hda  && sudo mount /dev/hda1 /hda  would mount it there22:34
liquid1033Scunizi: is there any file, in which a key can be assigned to a couple of keycodes22:34
cookiethanks artenius, thanks Slart22:35
Slartcookie: the motd file might be a better choice though22:35
clover2203*pretty lame this is .. but can i store files in my 'root file system' partition or i need to create a fat partition for that ?*22:35
Scunizidistatica, if you are looking for lighter weight stuff then gnumeric22:35
Scuniziliquid1033, I'm not sure.. I just started diving into this type of thing in the last couple of days... it's frustrating!22:35
Slartclover2203: you can store files in your root file system.. but you'll be a happier person at the end of the day if you store them in your home folder22:36
Scuniziunderdawg, disable eth122:36
liquid1033Scunizi: yes it is ;)22:36
Terminicoi have a problem with installing C&C REd Alert 2 with wine22:36
rskTerminico: ask in #winehq22:36
SlartTerminico: ask in #winehq22:36
ScuniziTerminico, try #wine22:36
olieHi I have recently setup a ubuntu 7.10 server with apache2 ssl. The problem is that when apache starts it asks me for my pass phrase for ssl and at the same time i get a login prompt which just fucks both ssl pass phrase and the login up. Is there a way to get the server to wait for me to enter the pass phrase before continue with the booting sequense ?22:36
=== loki_ is now known as Buggeredfstab
clover2203slart: i c..currently im installing ubuntu and allocated 10 gb for '/' (root partition) .. i have more 1GB memory..do i need to create swap ?22:37
Scuniziolie, this is a family friendly channel.. carfull.  as for the server stuff it's probably better asked in #ubuntu-server22:37
olieoh ok22:37
dark_Harmonicsclover2203 it is worth it to let it create the swap22:37
Slartclover2203: perhaps =).. I'd create a 1.5 - 2Gb swap partition just to be safe22:38
BuggeredfstabVPN issue: When going through Applications menu, get the following: Failed to execute child process "nm-vpn-properties" (No such file or directory)22:38
Sonjahow do i create a nautilus script that simply moves the file to a subfolder called "foo" ?22:39
Ima_Hackeri am an elite hacker.22:39
* Ima_Hacker bows22:39
takihi elite hacker22:39
SlartIma_Hacker: that's good.. have a cookie and go outside and play22:39
* Ima_Hacker has an e-cookie22:39
liquid1033anyone else some ideas about my keycode problem?22:39
ed_edI found a solution to the vlc problem.22:39
* Pelo has gone 14 days without a wine update, and he's jonesing 22:39
clover2203slart: isnt swap used like a fast accessable memory like RAM ?22:39
Peloliquid1033, can you restate the problem ?22:39
ed_edsudo apt-get install libdvdread3 libxine1-ffmpeg totem-xine build-essential debhelper fakeroot22:39
ed_edsudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh22:39
dark_Harmonicsclover2203 its hard drive space that your computer uses as an overflow when it needs extra ram22:40
SlartSonja: there is a package for creating nautilus actions.. search in synaptic for it.. then you create a small bash script to do the actual moving22:40
dark_Harmonicsbetter to have it then to run out of memory clover220322:40
dark_Harmonicsjust in case you actually do run something that uses up what you have22:40
clover2203yeah.. dark_harmonics22:40
Slartclover2203: it's used when you run out of regular memory..22:40
liquid1033Pelo: i have a remote and some keys are assigned to more than one keycode.. i want to change this22:40
=== Ima_Hacker is now known as linux_loon
Peloliquid1033,  did you do a search in the forum for the model ?22:41
underdawgScunizi: it doesn't work when I uncheck it22:41
obiwannekodyIma_Hacker, if you are so elite, can you hack out a plugin for eric4 which allows me to use Vi style editing in it?22:41
ubuntuo pessoal alguem sabe como instalo ntfs-3g22:41
Sonjaok Slart22:41
Pelo!es | ubuntu22:41
ubotuubuntu: En el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:41
Pelo!pr | ubuntu22:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:41
Slart!it | ubuntu22:41
ubotuubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:41
PeloSlart,  are  you sure ?22:41
liquid1033Pelo: the remote was shipped with the laptop.. i didn't find a forum22:41
anasferi have a problem with instaling creative live! cam vista im to ubuntu 7.1022:41
Buggeredfstab!pt | ubuntu22:42
ubotuubuntu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:42
SlartPelo: nope.. just guessing =)22:42
dark_Harmonicsobiwannekody im sure its but a trifle for him to do. Much below is instantaneous hacking abilities: reference the Die Hard movie here22:42
Peloliquid1033, www.ubuntuforums.org ,  look up the model of the laptop22:42
PeloSlart,  I was gunning for either spanish or portugese22:42
SlartPelo: brazil.. I think =)22:42
Slartpele: ^ ^22:42
Malik_can some1 help me i got some scary problem!!22:42
Buggeredfstabpt is portugese22:42
Slartor.. wait.. Pelo.. sorry22:42
SlartPelo: I think there is a !br factoid too..22:43
PeloSlart,  you are correct,  his whois said .br which means brazil making it portugese22:43
PeloSlart, there is22:43
PeloMalik_, state the problem22:43
SlartPelo: I was wrong.. I guessed italian.. I'm not even on the correct continent =)22:43
xb3rtIf I have ubuntu installed, can i use a live cd installation and automatically create a dual boot during installation22:43
anasferdobry wieczór wszystkim witam z Polski22:43
DeadLy_spPLEASE a df -h for root partition ?22:43
Malik_Pelo: black screen with stuff22:43
Slart!pl | anasfer22:43
ubotuanasfer: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl22:43
mohamed_is there a program to flash bios in ubuntu, ?22:43
Sonjacp is for copy. how do you move? is it mv ?22:44
* Pelo thinks slart probably failed geography in highschool22:44
SlartSonja: yes.. mv is move22:44
PeloMalik_, what stuff ?22:44
xb3rtSonja: yes22:44
Malik_Pelo: I donot know wat happ i jus turned ubuntu on and i get all this stuff22:44
Sonjait's like DOS but shorter eh22:44
SlartSonja: and you can use ./ for current folder22:44
Malik_Pelo: can we talk in private jus so its more clear22:44
PeloMalik_,I don'T allow private msg , talk to me here,  tell me what kind of "stuff" you get22:45
linux_loonDeadLy_sp, what are you talking about?22:45
knightonwhiteHello, can someone recommend me on good web browser for Ubuntu ? (beside mozilla)22:45
Peloknightonwhite, opera22:45
rskknightonwhite: opera and konqueror22:45
linux_loonAre you trying to find out what partition on your system is the root partition?22:45
liquid1033Pelo: :(22:45
Malik_Pelo: it says 524.604124 sro: cdrom (icot1) erroe, command: test unit read 0000000022:45
Peloknightonwhite,  you can also give epiphany a shot22:45
liquid1033Pelo: didn't find anything22:45
Malik_pelo: and the numbers keep going up and up22:46
foldartMalik_: looks like a bad CD22:46
PeloMalik_, sound like your cdrom it not being recognised,  are you tring to run the live cd or is this a properly installed ubuntu ?22:46
Malik_foldart: i already installed linux and used it22:46
Malik_pelo: i laready install unbutu22:46
Malik_pelo: it was workign a whiel ago22:47
PeloMalik_, try this , open your box,  unplug the cdrom , and reboot , see what happens22:47
knightonwhitePelo: does it possible to install Opera via synaptic or command line (sudo apt-get install) ?22:47
Malik_pelo: open my computer?22:47
Peloknightonwhite, opera is supposed to be in the repos22:47
PeloMalik_,  yes22:47
PeloMalik_,  unless it's a laptop22:47
NW2190hey, my brother's account's terminal is acting weird, it puts ^]]A , ^]]E, etc.. when an arrow key is typed and an actual tab space when tab is hit.  Does any one know how to fix that?22:48
anasferdzięki ubotu22:48
knightonwhitePelo: i cant find it on "Synaptic", (i am new to Ubuntu) can you help me install Opera from the command line ?22:48
Malik_pelo: i donot think this is a cd rom problem cause this is wat happ. i ran ubuntu and i got a few wierd error messages but unbtu ran, that i restarted  and i relized the cube effect and by desktop stuff was gone, then after final restart some other stuff was gone, and after that this came up22:48
liquid1033Pelo: do you know where else to search for... or for what to search (sorry for the bad english)22:48
PeloMalik_,  if it's a desktop ,  just turn off the power,  open the box,  locate the cdrom drive , and must unplug the power cable from it ,  it's usualy a whitish nylon plugwith 3 or 4 coloured wires in it22:49
Malik_Pelo: u think thats atucally the problem though?22:49
BuggeredfstabNW2190: what's on the screen right now?22:49
jaramilloHi, im having a problem using xterm. It doesnt behave as gnome-terminal/konsole/others when I do alt+backspace. How do I configure it?22:49
Peloliquid1033, that was my only guess for specific model info, you can try doing a search for keywords iike remote , or remote buttons and such22:49
odysseybmxmy HD still won't mount22:49
odysseybmxI get an error every time I try22:50
odysseybmxthe drive shows up under Computer in File Browser22:50
PeloMalik_, you are getting an error msg that you have a problem with the cdrom ,start there,  but after what else you told me I'm wondering if your motherboard is not going south22:50
odysseybmxbut when I right click and click mount it gets an error about it not being a removable volume22:50
NW2190Buggeredfstab: um well the terminal.  It works 'fine' except for navigational things. like when i type cd Desk + tab it puts a tab instead of filling out Desktop22:50
odysseybmxI want to save my home folder before I reinstall22:51
PeloMalik_,  start with unplugging the cdrom, if that doesn't work ,  plug it back in and try booting hte live cd , see if that works22:51
Malik_Pelo: alrite my computer is opened but i donot really now wat wire to pull or take out gude me22:51
gullstadHow can I mount a samba nettwork filesystem in ubuntu?22:51
arteniusNW2190: echo $SHELL22:51
Slartgullstad: smbmount is one way22:51
Slart!samba | gullstad22:51
ubotugullstad: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:51
therealpxcquick question about the Hardy Heron beta release22:52
odysseybmxugh I'm really starting to hate Ubuntu22:52
Malik_Pelo: can u guide me in how to unplug cd rom22:52
PeloMalik_, you'll need to turn off the comp first,  locate the cdrom on the from of the comp , at that height inside,  fine the back fo the cdrom unit,  see the plug with the colours wires stiking out of it , usualy just on the edge of the unit,  just pull that out22:52
NW2190artenius: ah... It's using sh instead of bash.  Thanks for the help.22:52
therealpxcif I install it now, will I be able to smoothly transition into the final release, or will I need to do something ugly, like replace it the old fashioned way or change me repos?22:53
arteniusNW2190: no problem22:53
Pelosean2000, we need questions22:53
sean2000i'm new for linux22:53
sean2000i need help to view DVD movie22:53
sean2000how can I do that?22:53
Pelo!dvd | sean200022:54
ubotusean2000: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:54
Malik_Pelo: there is 2 of em i pulled out the coner 1 now there is 1 in the middle22:54
PeloMalik_,  just the corner one22:54
Malik_Pelo: alrite22:54
Tournicotisay , can anyone tell me if there is an integrated tool to copy the content of the install cd to HD , so the installer doesn't ask for it each time i want to install pa package?22:54
Pelo!hi | moonlight22:54
ubotumoonlight: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:54
sean2000I just installed ubuntu linux and it has totem movie player but it complained missing codex22:55
moonlightanyone can say, why to upgrade feisty to gutsy, i see no reason;)22:55
sensaeHello. I'm still having some graphics problems. Enabling fglrx in the restricted manager and restarting gives me a black X session that won't die.22:55
PeloTournicoti, you can remove the cd from the sources list and just get the packages online22:55
moonlightwhy do i need to upgrade feisty to gutsy22:55
Tournicotipelo: what ini file do i need to modify?22:55
PeloTournicoti, menu > systm > admin > software srouces,  , first tab ,  uncheck the cd from the bottom22:55
tritiummoonlight: you don't *need* to, but a reason might be for the new features22:55
Tournicotii dont have a gui22:55
Tournicotiim using server22:55
arteniusmoonlight: google feisty vs gutsy22:56
Pelomoonlight, more recent packages   many fixes  etc, but you don'T have to if you don'T want to22:56
PeloTournicoti, edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file , comment out the cdrom line, at the top usualy22:56
Tournicotipelo : thnx a lot , ll have a look22:57
PeloTournicoti, might be  sources.lst22:57
* Pelo has paint in his hair 22:57
moonlightpelo, i think i will upgrade feisty to hardy when it's will be ready..=]22:57
ana-mariwhat do you guys use for ipods? I do not use an ipod but I am trying to hook up my sister with Ubuntu.22:57
Malik_Pelo: now tha i turn it on it says friver 2 not found22:57
tritiumPelo tiene pinta en su pelo22:57
moonlightthere are new features that i like..22:57
Malik_Pelo: strike f1 key to continue and f2 to run the setup utility22:58
Pelomoonlight, you won,t be able to upgrade to hardy from fiesty,  either from dapper ( the last lts ) or from the previous release, you can'T "skip" a realase when upgrading22:58
emjaanyone here willing to delve into gspca land? I've got the driver installed but /dev/video* doesn't appear when I plug the cam in. other /dev/ devices do (usbdev1.7_ep0*, etc). I'm stumped.22:58
ana-marigtkpod and rythmbox confuse the crap out of me but that's perhaps cause I don't know anything about ipods.22:58
PeloMalik_,that's the bios stuff, f1 to continue22:58
jacekowskianybody have working tvout with output cloning on nvidia graphic card22:59
moonlightPelo, then i will be needed to upgrade feisty to gutsy =]22:59
Pelotritium, exacctly22:59
Pelomoonlight, pretty much22:59
Malik_Pelo: alrite ubntu is loading22:59
sean2000anyone knows how to get Totem movie player working in Ubuntu?  it complained missing codex22:59
=== ana-mari is now known as fadec
moonlightto not upgrade the feisty too gutsy it's a sin :D23:00
Malik_Pelo: now iam in a black login screen23:00
moonlighttoo hardy23:00
moonlighti mean23:00
Malik_Pelo: and i enter my password23:00
Pelojacekowski, it is doable but I think you need to use the binairy driver to do it , no garrantie, I just think I saw someone mention it here,  chek in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org23:00
PeloMalik_, and ?23:00
Slartemja: what webcamera are you using? when I tried using gspca I had to use the included viewer.. something like luview.. can't really remember23:00
Tournicotipelo : found it commented it , all works great , thnx a lot for the quick responses again !23:00
odysseybmxcan anyone help me?23:00
Jaymacsean2000, what type of file are you trying to play? you can find most plugins in the gstreamer plugin pack23:00
odysseybmxit won't let me mount the HD while I'm in the Live CD23:00
emjaSlart: z-star23:00
Malik_Pelo: it says ubntu comes with abolutley no warranty to extend premitted by aplicable law23:00
Slartemja: luvcview was the name23:00
PeloTournicoti, np , it was an easy one23:00
emjaSlart: not going to help much of /dev/video* doesn't appear though, right?23:01
sean2000jaymac:  it's regular dvd movie disc23:01
Slartemja: ah.. mine was a logitech ultra.. can't really help you then23:01
PeloMalik_,  I don't need a play by play , just tell me if you get to the desktop or not23:01
emjaer.. if23:01
emjaSlart: thx23:01
Malik_Pelo: it doesn't take me there23:01
PeloMalik_, try typing startx23:01
ScoldogI've recently change the theme that Ubuntu uses, including the login screen.  For some reason, there is still a brown screen shown for about 10 seconds after I log in before the desktop is shown.  Does anyone know why this is?23:01
CopyWriterwow... i've never seen so many pe\ople in irc before23:01
Slartemja: I'm not sure if the /dev/video thingy showed up before I used the luvcview thingy.. I don't think gspca is really finished.. at least not the parts that I needed23:02
Jaymacsean2000, you'll need libdvdread and libdvdcss which may or may not be legal in your location.23:02
Malik_Pelo: takes me to another black screen23:02
liquid1033Pelo: thnx for your help23:02
CopyWriteri love this place already23:02
PeloScoldog,  that the background  before the wallpaperloads, you can change that in menu > system > admin > login screen , look for a color selector on the first tab I think23:02
sean2000jaymac,  ok so how can I get those?23:02
tritium!dvd | sean200023:02
ubotusean2000: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:02
ScoldogPelo, Already changed that23:02
luigi__scusate avrei bisogno di un piccolo aiuto23:03
tritiumsean2000: /msg ubotu medibuntu, and he'll give you more info23:03
SlartScoldog: it might be the default background color too.. it's in a pretty sneake place.. hang on.. I'll see if I can find it again23:03
Malik_Pelo: saying build operating system: linux Ubuntu...( its a black screen full of writing)???23:03
PeloMalik_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg,  if your video card is not shows select the vesa driver and leave all other answer to default unless you absolutely know better,  , then reboot23:03
luigi__vorrei capire perchè nn mi si apre emule23:03
PeloScoldog, no idea then23:03
ScoldogPelo, Changed that as well, mate.23:03
Jaymacsean2000, type into a terminal sudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine1-ffmpeg libdvdread323:03
DeadLy_splinux_loon, im talking about print free space /(root) disk23:03
Malik_Pelo: wat?23:03
sean2000tritium:  I'm window guy so know nothing about Linux23:03
DeadLy_spwith df isn't possible?23:03
CopyWriteri have an out of range monitor when i startup but it always worked fine until i started up this evening23:04
Jaymacsean2000, once you have installed those, i think the command is sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh23:04
odysseybmxcan anyone help me?23:04
tritium!medibuntu | sean200023:04
odysseybmxI need the files23:04
PeloMalik_,  type the command i gave you and follow the instructions23:04
ubotusean2000: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:04
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:04
ScoldogPelo, It's not a problem, just more of an annoyance.  I love  Ubuntu but hate the default brown theme23:04
tritiumsean2000: the short answer is that you'll need the libdvdcss2 package from the medibuntu repositories.  Also, read the URLs I had ubotu paste for you above.23:04
Pelosean2000, you can play with it a bit , mine isn't so brown anymore , just a bit more orangy , I kind of like orange,23:05
tritiumsean2000: even your help system has a section on DVD playback.23:05
gew1hey guys  , i wanna start using cli from time to time but i dont wanna remove gui ... how do i stop using gui ?23:05
Jaymacgew1, just open the command line instead :)23:05
Malik_Pelo: i enterned the command and i get anonther screen of words wat do i need to look for?23:05
sean2000tritium, you meant go to applications->add remove to install that?23:05
ScoldogPelo, Try and do my computer up to look like somethng out of a movie, and I have this brown screen coming up and destroying it all23:05
gew1Jaymac: no thats not it23:05
gew1i wanna be able to boot in cli23:05
tritiumsean2000: no, I gave you a URL to read.23:06
Jaymacthen just don't start gdm23:06
Pelosean2000,  because of copyright restrictions in some countries,  the ubuntu team cannot include dvd support right out of the box , so you need to install a few pacakges to get it going, just follow the instrucions in the links we gave you , if you get stuck at one of them just ask us how to do that one and we'll help yo9u out23:06
SlartScoldog: look in the file /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default   at the end there is something called BACKCOLOR... took me a while to find23:06
jon_how do I burn a bootable dvd using k3b?23:06
Jaymacor hit Ctrl Alt and F1 to get to a CLI23:06
JaymacCtrl Alt and F7 brings you back to the GUI23:06
PeloMalik_, I think you need to reinstall ubuntu23:06
sean2000tritium, www.medibuntu.org ?23:06
Malik_Pelo: o man23:06
Pelojon_,  it is an iso ?23:07
tritiumsean2000: that's one of them.23:07
gew1Jaymac: how do i stop gdm from starting up on bootup then23:07
jon_Pelo, Yes23:07
PeloMalik_,  it will be easier then running down your problem23:07
Malik_Pelo: r u sure i hav no other chooice and do u know war the problem was23:07
=== jon_ is now known as Anderson
CopyWriterman i've learnt like 5 things since just reading what you guys type23:07
tritium!dvd | sean2000 (one more time)23:07
ubotusean2000 (one more time): For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:07
Pelojon_,  look in the menu under tool for burn dvd image23:07
SlartScoldog: I think that's the color that is set before it loads any of your personal preferences.. so you get a flash of brown before your own colors show up.. unless you change that line there23:07
CopyWriterhello sensae23:07
Malik_Pelo: so i connect the cd driver back rite23:07
AndersonPelo, what do I use for the boot device emulation.. i.e. bootable floppy (I changed back to old nick)23:08
sean2000ubotu, thank you..... I'm reading now23:08
Jaymacgew1, you could install boot-up manager (bum) and deselect gdm23:08
PeloMalik_, I just think it will be simpler,  plug the cdrom back in , boot hte live cd and copy your /home to a seperate partitons, you can then mount the /home where it is when you install23:08
druid_hello just testing23:08
tritiumsean2000: ubotu is a bot.  I had him send you those URLs.23:08
underdawghow do I diagnose why my network just stopped working on my ubuntu all of the sudden (using active windows computer on network now)23:08
EugZol_hi all23:08
Jaymacgew1, the command to start gdm from a commandline is sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start23:08
gew1Jaymac: thank u!23:08
panicbytehey could someone explain what the heck "Internet Time" means on the gnome clock applet... where it displays some number like "@6.03"23:08
PeloAnderson, what was your original nick ?23:08
CopyWriterhi EugZol_23:08
Malik_Pelo: do wat with home ????23:08
drydergood morning ever123:09
Malik_Pelo: and wat is home?23:09
sean2000tritium,  ok thanks23:09
AndersonPelo, jon_23:09
CRINGOHow do you search for a file in your filesystem if you don't know where it is?  What command?23:09
[agatha]is there any way to format an ntfs partition to ext3 without losing some stuff??23:09
JaymacMalik_, /home is your personal directory23:09
Malik_Pelo: wat does thats hav to do with reinstallation23:09
CRINGO[agatha], when you format, it wipes it clean23:09
PeloMalik_, your /home folder, create a new partiton on your hdd,  copy the /home folder from your current ubuntu installation to that new partiton , then reinstall ubuntu on it's original location ,  that way you won't lose any data or settings23:09
wsv123456How do I mount ipod for gtkpod?23:09
AndersonPelo, when I burn my dvd iso image for linux, it will automagically be bootable?23:09
[T]ankanyone here able to help me with pppd in ubuntu gutsy?23:10
tritiumCRINGO: which and whereis are two you can try.23:10
JaymacCRINGO, you could try whereis or locate23:10
sensaeI can't get my X server to work with ati or radeon drivers. It's complaining "No matching device section for instance (PCI:1:0:1)"23:10
[agatha]that is a great idea... i want to delete the whole windows up... but there are some things i wouldnt like to lose, yet they are not really important... i can get them again23:10
[T]anki am connecting a verizon evdo card using kppp and it connects for about 1.5 minutes and then it dies with an error status 1523:10
CRINGOthank you tritium and Jaymac23:10
PeloAnderson, when you burn an iso you get an exact copy of the original cd the iso was made from , no need to select anyother details23:10
sensaeMy device section is set to PCI:1:0:0. If I change it to 1:0:1 it complains it can't find 1:0:023:10
Malik_Pelo: its okay i didn't hav any important data23:10
dryderverbose question about my install requirements - may I ask it?23:10
[T]anki have read that there are bugs in ppp but have not found a way around this.23:10
[agatha]just wondering if i convert the partition from ntfs to ext3 with gparted will delete the things, i think the change from ntfs to fat does not delete the files. what a mess23:10
EugZol_I want to play Laser Age game on wine. But when I do 'wine LaserAge.exe' I get error: 'Beatnik did not initialize, please make sure that a Beatnik Soundbank has been loaded properly'. There are some .RMF files in the game folder and so it seems wine could load proper codec for them. Could somebody help me with this issue?23:11
PeloMalik_, your settings for aps are also in the /home fodler but if you don'T care , just clean install  the regular way23:11
AndersonPelo, gotcha, I must have been looking at a different project earlier or something.23:11
cookieHELLO AGAIn23:11
EugZol_*wine could not load23:11
cookieI have a big problem23:11
FlannelEugZol_: Have you tried #winehq?  They're more apt with wine than we are.23:11
Jaymac[agatha], i'm pretty sure changing a partition from ntfs to ext3 will completely format it23:11
Pelo[agatha], all data will be lost23:11
sensaeCould anyone help me with my X server / ATI card?23:11
EugZol_Flannel: I will23:11
JaymacEugZol_, try http://appdb.winehq.org23:11
cookieIn the log files...it only tells me if a user logged in...if he tried a wrong password or if he failed to guess a username(sshd)23:12
Slartpanicbyte: might be this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time23:12
AndersonIf I was using ubuntu, and I switch to fedora, will my home partition still be mountable?23:12
Flannelcookie: yes23:12
cookieis there any way to find out what passwords he actually tried?23:12
Flanneler, Anderson, yes23:12
Flannelcookie: No, that's a security risk23:12
[agatha]hmm ok so before making it i need to move a few things... but just in case so later i save the questions, i open gparted and unmount the partition and change to ext3 and that's all? it's dev/sda1 will it be a problem?23:12
fr500where is the sdlmame executable located23:12
[agatha]what a mess -.-23:12
AndersonFlannel, Thanks23:12
PeloAnderson,  yes but there might be some issues if the aps you use are not the same versions23:12
vasylhello, can someone tell me if gparted that comes on ubuntu live cd can resize ntfs partitions without data lossÉ23:12
cookieFlannel: Why? I want to know what passwords my user tried to login with(me being an admin)23:13
panicbyteslart, thanks23:13
Pelovasyl, yes it cna but defrag and backup first just to be safe23:13
[agatha]vasyl,  resize them probably yes, i did already, but not convert them :P23:13
CopyWriterthis place is great23:13
Slartvasyl: most of the time it can.. but backup your data first23:13
panicbyteslart, and you are correct, thats the one23:13
PeloCopyWriter, we try our best23:13
TaRDywsv123456, i may have a solution to my networking problem from earlier, (testing now)23:13
* CopyWriter absorbing knowledge23:13
vasylSlart: well it a new pc so nothing to backup :D thanks23:13
Flannelcookie: because other users would be the same, (you'd be able to see their failed password attempts) and that would give you hints as to their password (here, or otherwise).23:13
martynAlright everyone. Can anyone point me to a howto or similar that will help me obtain an IP address from my router. Using Gutsy and RT2500 driver with Ndiswrapper (thought the provided RT2500 might be the cause. Anyway - card is running well and can see all the Wireless NW in the area - but cannot obtain an IP address. Any ideas?23:14
[agatha]and your best is really good Pelo  :) keep on the good job you all, i'm gonna mess with my partitions a bit :P23:14
CopyWriteri'm gonna reformat using ubuntu right now23:14
Andersonmartyn, do you have dhcp enabled on the router?23:14
CopyWritertried kubuntu but didn't like kde23:14
* Pelo pumps more info into CopyWriter 's brain in the hope of triggering some kind of helpfull regurgitation 23:14
napiiHey all. Could some one help me with getting emails to work please. Have made several attempts at setting up postfix but not getting very far. Read a load of setup guides to see about the options and different ways, and went with virtual users & domains (best matches my setup)23:14
napiiI followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto - but when I test it by sending an email, it just gets queued, and the directories don't get created.23:14
napiiTried making the directories myself then sending another email, but again just gets queued. Not entirely sure what to try next. Theres no errors or anything getting in the logs (apart from postfix-hast dictionary package)23:14
cookieFlannel: Exactly. So could it be possible to modify the sshd logging system to give passwords too?23:14
martynAnderson - Yes. DHCP - plenty of 'free' addresses. (using 3 out of 20).23:14
Andersonmartyn, did you run dhclient?23:15
CopyWriteranytime i boot it gives me out of range monitor error23:15
Malik_Pelo: alrite aim reinstalling it after it installs can u help me configure my wirless internet23:15
CopyWriterbut works when gnome loads, any ideas23:15
Flannelcookie: I would hope not.  Since that's really a bad idea.  What do you hope to gain from doing so?23:15
martynAnderson - No - will give that a blast. Thought it might be WPA issue but same problem with no security.23:15
dryderhere goes --- 5 HDD system - 2 sata, 3 ide. My OS' are each on a different drive - I installed Feisty (and earlier versions) by unplugging all other drives to force grub onto the feist hdd and not interfere with the mbr. I don't want multiple OS grub/mbr or chainloaders. I have a default boot (Feisty) but can choose via F12 which disk to boot from. Useful for Windows which runs what Ubuntu can't - Garmin GPS and a few media apps. I want23:15
katsu_moooanyone have gnome-settings-manager issues after updating to all newest packages?23:15
atlantisanyone know of a good 64bit filesharing app.... limewire/frostwire no go. emule too slow.23:16
Andersonmartyn, it could be because I think ndiswrapper only supports wep23:16
tritiumkatsu_mooo: they have not been updated recently23:16
cookieFlannel: Well, for the past 2 days...some fuckers try to connect to my box with users like admin, root and fluffy(wtf?). they connect to me from firewalls and switches23:16
PeloCopyWriter,   look at the lable on the back of your monitor ,  fine the horizontal refresh rate , often listed as just H ,   note it , the edit the xorg.conf file , find the horiz sync  value and extend the range so your montiors value is in the range23:16
martynAnderson - same problem with no security.23:16
cookieFlannel: all the ip's come from italy23:16
danand_martyn - why ndiswrapper? Think that card is supported - see http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page23:16
Andersonmartyn, try dhclient with out security.23:16
katsu_moootritium: damn.. i am not having any luck fixing it -- i just went straight from alpha 6 to beta23:16
CopyWriterthanks Pelo23:16
* Pelo ' s brain will explode 23:16
tritiumkatsu_mooo: you need to be asking in #ubuntu+1, then.23:17
Flannelcookie: knowing the passwords they're trying won't really help.  You should look into denyhosts23:17
katsu_moooatlantis: mldonkey / mlnet is the best -- you must tune it a little to make sure your main firewall forwards your ports properly tho23:17
tritiumkatsu_mooo: hardy isn't released (or supported in this channel) quite yet.23:17
Jaymaci've got an annoying network-manager bug - connecting to a 64/128 Hex WEP network, it connects fine first time, then fails immediately the next time it tries to connect - only solution is to click Connect to Other Network, and then re-enter the information - rather annoying23:17
sensaeI'm trying to switch to the ati drivers and X dies with "no screen found"23:17
danand_martyn - also see the output of modprobe -l | grep rt223:17
[agatha]ok... another one... http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=whereisitvj6.png can anyone workout what i've messed for the reboot and turn off options to disappear??23:17
katsu_moootritium: thank you :)23:17
martyndanand - yes, card is supported. I "upgraded" from Xubuntu when all was well - when using Ndiswrapper. As Gutsy has the drivers included thought that that could be a problem....23:17
cookieFlannel: Yes. And leave them a nice little message. GET THE F*** OUT23:17
jessicahow can i get my webcam brighter ?23:18
flavioribeirohi all, after make some wrong changes in modprobe, my usb audio doesnt works anymore...  there's my lsmod and lspci; http://pastebin.com/m2b60f3a623:18
cookieFlannel: that is also legal. thanks23:18
Pelolater folks23:18
martynAnderson - trying dh without security....23:18
Flannelcookie: DenyHosts is in the repositories too, if you didn't notice.23:18
odysseybmxI managed to get into my HD from the live CD23:18
sensaeDoes anyone know why X complains about no screens found on the ati and radeon drivers?23:18
odysseybmxhow would I log in or whatever to get into the locked files (like .mozilla)?23:19
odysseybmxit says I don't have permission23:19
odysseybmxI need my FF bookmarks23:19
Cazzizquick question, with witch(other word you pronounce the same way) command do you join another channel?23:19
jessicahow can i get my webcam brighter23:19
FlannelCazziz: /join #channel23:19
propdude2000odyessybmx: do you have the root password?23:19
danand_martyn - could you not just try a modprobe rt2500... ? see if you get any luck. I have a ralink card and its supported "out the box" in 7.10 ... just worked with the network manager23:19
Flannelodysseybmx: You shouldn't have problems opening them via liveCD.  Just make sure the partitions are mounted properly.23:20
jessicawhat network carnt are you trying to get working martyn23:20
Malik_Pelo: after this reinstalls can u help me configure my wirless internet on ubntu???23:20
odysseybmxFlannel: I don't have permission to23:20
brazil_nuti cannot able to listen the sound, i dont know its stop working23:21
underdawghow do I diagnose why my network just stopped working on my ubuntu all of the sudden (using active windows computer on network now)23:21
martyndanand - will also try that. Jessica - it is a Belkin F5D7050 (RA chip). Was working fine in Xubuntu (after a headache setting up).23:21
odysseybmxFlannel: it's only for certain folders in it, I need my FF bookmarks but .mozilla has permissions set wrong23:21
underdawgplease pm me if you can help23:21
* gyaresu had a lovely 3 hours sleep. Who needs help?23:21
jessicai need help23:21
danand_martyn - is it pci or usb?23:21
[agatha]me too :P23:21
jessicai want to know how to make my webcam brighter23:21
jessicasurly it carnt be diffuclt23:21
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Malik_where do ppl get all the other cool effects compiz doesn't giv all of em???23:22
gyaresu[agatha]: better state the problem ;)23:22
odysseybmxjessica: link us to your webcam so we can see how dim it is? (jk)23:22
pros977Get the webcam tutor. It will improve your webcam's GPA in just 6 weeks.23:22
martynFlannel - still on DHCP offers recieved even with security off. Strange thing is, when using a wired connection the router happily throws IP addresses out (to same laptop) with no problem... Danand - It is USB23:22
Malik_like the cool matrix background23:22
jessicaok thanks23:22
gyaresunow now. back on topic.23:23
martynFlannel - still NO offers, bad typo there!23:23
=== Charitwo_ is now known as kirby
[agatha]i already did no one answered :P gyaresu  the problem is that when i go to "quit" the turn off and restart buttons are not there. http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=whereisitvj6.png (for more details) and i don't have a clue what i have messed up :P23:23
Flannelmartyn: I think you're not trying to talk to me.  jessica, perhaps.23:23
gyaresujessica: What are you using with it at the moment. skype? (I've not got a cam so may need to do a bit of reading).23:23
Andersonmartyn, looking for me?23:23
jessicaim on www.stickam.com23:24
jessicaits like a chat website which you broadcast your cam23:24
odysseybmxlink to your page?23:24
martynOops - sorry. Yes Anderson.23:24
odysseybmxI know what stickam is23:24
ere4sihelp with iptables rule to limit clients to 2 connections per 300 seconds please23:24
odysseybmxcan you give us a link to yours to see how dim it is?23:24
Malik_can some1 help me my ubuntu installation is stuck on ....valisating ethtool on 6%23:24
Andersonmartyn, check iwconfig to make sure that your nic has associated with your access point23:24
odysseybmxjessica: try turning on some lights?23:25
martynAnderson - will do.23:25
jessicai have23:25
Andersonmartyn, if it has you will see the MAC address of your access point.23:25
jessicabut thanks i think i sorted it out23:25
danand_martyn - if what your trying doesnt work for you ... make sure ndiswrapper etc is not gonna interfere and then so modprobe rt2500usb23:25
odysseybmxjessica: can you give me a link to see what's wrong?23:25
gyaresujessica: What was the solution?23:25
jessicausing a building light shining at me23:26
martynAnderson - Access Point - not associated.23:26
Andersonmartyn, what does it say for ESSID?23:26
jessicaits very bright but its really brightend things up23:26
martynIt has my wireless network name on (my home adddress).23:26
BreetaiHi all, are there any known problems with b43 after the latest updates?23:26
odysseybmxcan anyone help me now?23:26
odysseybmxthe folder can only be opened by the owner, is there a way I can authenticate myself?23:27
Andersonodysseybmx, just ask your question, if someone can help you they will23:27
odysseybmxI did23:27
odysseybmx[19:27]  <odysseybmx> the folder can only be opened by the owner, is there a way I can authenticate myself?23:27
odysseybmxI'm using a Live CD to get to the files on the HD23:27
kakooniaim using ubuntu, and i was wondering how can i plugin my external video camera to my laptop.. i wanna watch recorded videos through my pc.23:28
danand_odysseybmx - can you not use sudo to copy files etc?23:28
martyndanand - will go back to original Gutsy driver after this - but not sure it is a driver problem as it can see loads of W/L networks in my area - I cannot get a IP address on wireless only (works with wired connection to same laptop). Exactly same problem using 'native' drivers.23:28
Andersonodysseybmx, did you use udo?23:28
odysseybmxhow do I use sudo to open it?23:28
odysseybmxI need one file out of it23:28
Andersonmartyn, looking for me again?23:28
crackhead100hey can anyone help ... i can't see the APPLICATIONS from the main menu!?? the system and places drop down works fine, but the applications menu doesn't appear and show my programs??!!23:29
crackhead100artenius: are you still around?23:29
gyaresukakoonia: how do you normally plug it in?23:29
=== crackhead100 is now known as xjohnthomasx
Andersonmartyn, try this 'sudo iwconfig ap any'23:29
martynAnderson - this time no - danand (I think) was talking to me too - suggesting to go back to Gutsy driver. I will do that but am not convinced that is the problem - asI had the same issue with 'native' driver.23:29
martynAnderson - thanks. Will try.23:29
kakooniauhhmm i have no idea.. i just got the camera from a friend of mine.. and i got a SVideo Cable i can use to plugin.. im not sure how does it work...23:30
forgetscoanyone have any idea how to fix the error Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library?23:30
danand_odysseybmx - hmm, not exactly sure what problem your having... are you trying to mount the hd, or is the hd mounted and you can read files in a certain dir?23:30
kakooniagyaresu : ..23:30
joshi'm reconfiguing my kenrel so that it will support serial for my tablet, i'm at the configuration menu where is it that i enable serial?23:30
napiiCould some one help me getting email to work please? Am trying to do virtual users (and domains) - have setup the vmail account, done the alias files and the virtual_ settings in main.cf, but when I send an email to one of the accounts it just gets queue'd. vmail doesn't make the new directories. I tried adding them myself then sending another email but it still gets queued23:30
odysseybmxdanand_: the HD is mounted, I need to open a folder23:30
Andersonmartyn, hopefully someone can give you a hand. it has something to do with you not being associated to the AP. You should be able to if there is no encryption, but make sure you are using the same 802.11 protocol and that all of your configurations match up.23:30
odysseybmxdanand_: I don't have persmission to open the folder23:30
Andersonmartyn, I am getting ready to go out so I'm gonna log off.23:31
martynAnderson - thanks v. much. Have fun.23:31
danand_odysseybmx - are you using teh terminal or GUI file manager?23:31
receptorwhat happened to the killall command in ubuntu jeos 8 beta?23:31
odysseybmxdanand_: I can use either, I'm using the GUI atm23:31
kakooniagyraesu: i have my bands show taped on it.. and i wanna download it.. thats the main idea..23:31
gyaresukakoonia: Well you need some way of connecting _in_ to the laptop. The svideo cable problably has connections on the end to go to a tv. Is it a digital cam. Does it have a firewire port?23:31
JoCohey guys for some reason ubuntu isnt detecting any of my netwroks, any solutions here?23:31
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UzLinuxHey all23:32
gyaresuJoCo: what version of ubuntu?23:32
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:32
zcat[1]hmmm.. I seem to be running xchat elsewhere23:32
bobesponjamy windows partition is on hda5, what should I add to my grub so it get picks up? I tried (hd0, 5) but nope :/23:32
JoCogyaresu: 7.1023:32
odysseybmxdanand_: can you help?23:32
danand_odysseybmx - ok, use the terminal and sudo -i to become root... be careful! and then cd into the dir you want23:33
kakooniagyaresu: ye... it has a firewire and its a digi-cam. though im not sure i have firewire on my laptop. how should it look like?23:33
josh<josh> i'm reconfiguing my kenrel so that it will support serial for my tablet, i'm at the configuration menu where is it that i enable serial?23:33
UzLinuxJust started using Kubuntu after using Centos5 on my laptop - Kubuntu is way cool!23:33
gyaresuJoCo: and the wireless manager doesn't find anything? is it installed or livecd?23:33
danand_odysseybmx - sorry slow typist23:33
danny_how do i open a instal.sh file in terminal as root?23:33
jonalegendbobesponja: grub start with (hd0,0)23:33
odysseybmxdanand_: what do I do now, I CD'd to it23:33
odysseybmxerr crap23:33
odysseybmxit looks like it's empty23:33
gyaresukakoonia: Like mini usb does but a bit different. F23:33
jonalegendbobesponja: so your 5th partition would be actually hda0,423:34
xjohnthomasxdoes anyone have any ideas ?? i can't see my programs in the application drop down menu. the application menu doesn't drop down! the places and system menu appear fine, though...???23:34
danand_odysseybmx - :(23:34
receptorthats really weird, no killall in a unix system?23:34
odysseybmxwhere are the FF bookmarks stored?23:34
JoCogyaresu: installed, i dunno everything was working when it was first installed but now im having more problems with ubuntu than i would have hoped for, black screen after splash screen, dl'ing grapchics card ruins things and now network23:34
odysseybmxif they aren't in .mozilla23:34
JoCoit just doesnt list any23:34
JoCogyaresu: and i just tried rebooting to see if that was the problem but now im getting a black screen right after the boot (again)23:34
bobesponjaok thanx jonalegend23:35
nikrudxjohnthomasx try   alt-f2  killall gnome-panel  , should cause it to reload/reset23:35
JoCoso i guess i dont need the network help lol23:35
ere4sihelp with iptables rule to limit clients to 2 connections per 300 seconds please23:35
kakooniagyaresu: yeye!! i just googled it.. i got it.. theres a number written on it (1394) well.. damn i dont have the frickin' wire here..23:35
xjohnthomasxnikrud: i've cleared the panels. same. i tried a new account. same. i tried reinstalling everything gnome related.. same thing..23:35
gyaresuJoCo: :( that's annoying. Is it a base install or have you enabled repos?23:35
gyaresukakoonia: At least that's a start :)23:35
kakooniai thought it would work with my usb cable23:36
xjohnthomasxnikrud: when i go to control center, and click main menu there, it processes, and then no configuration applet appears... ??23:36
nikrudxjohnthomasx try clearing out ~/.local/share/applications23:36
odysseybmxdanand_: I CD'd to it and it didn't open in filebrowser this time23:36
JoCogyaresu: i enabled repos anfter the fresh install, the repos got my nvidia driver and ever since i dled that driver and restarted ive been having sooo many problems23:36
danny_when I try to login to root, if I am even doing this right by type su it will not take my password says authentication failure. Wouldnt it be the same password I login with?23:36
MoKor_899Once you recompile your kernel, what is the best way to re-install the nvidia drivers? On ubuntu 7.10 you cannot change the run level to 3. What other options are there?23:36
gyaresuJoCo: Since the nvidia driver?23:36
srm*doh* looks like I totally screwed up. When trying to upgrade from breezy I'm now stuck with the following error everytime I try to invoke apt-get: "E: Malformed 3rd word in the status line" "E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status" ...23:36
JoCogyaresu: yea23:36
nikrud!sudo | danny_23:36
ubotudanny_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.23:36
xjohnthomasxnikrud: will that really have anything, if i already tried reinstalling everything gnome related?23:37
nikruddanny_ the root account is disabled by default23:37
odysseybmxdanand_: how would I copy the files in the folder to my flash drive?23:37
danny_how do i enable it?23:37
nikrudxjohnthomasx it's where any custom menu stuff would be placed. Just the first place to look23:37
nikruddanny_   sudo -i  for root terminal23:37
gyaresuJoCo: Well if that's all you've done different. You could manually install the latest nvidia driver (with the knowledge that it'll break things when you upgrade to hoary). But if it gets you going then a reinstall for the new release is a good thing anyway.23:38
danand_odysseybmx - have you plugged in your flash drive?23:38
xjohnthomasxxjohnthomasx: i havent modified anything custom. it was all freshly reinstalled last night, to try to alleviate this problem.. didnt work..23:38
danny_k thanks that worked so how do runa file in root now jsut sh then file name?23:38
odysseybmxwell, more or less I need to open the bookmarks file23:38
odysseybmxwould it be bookmarks.html?23:38
danand_odysseybmx - do you know where its mounted - ie /media/....?23:38
CopyWriterlol, ok i changed the horizontal and vertical sync but now it doesn't go farther than running local boot script23:38
nikruddanny_ yes, you are in the equivalent of su -23:38
JoCogyaresu: wait so should i reinstall ubuntu?23:38
odysseybmxdanand_: no, how do I check?23:38
gyaresusrm: from breezy? You would be very well advised to do a backup and fressh install.23:38
CopyWriteri love playing around with this23:38
LjL-Tempsrm, erm, i think i really should suggest installing a more recent version from scratch, rather than upgrading from breezy. breezy has been unsupported for a long time23:39
odysseybmxdanand_: I know what it is now23:39
srmgyaresu: I know, but I wanted to give it a try without the ISO23:39
danand_odysseybmx - k23:39
Sonderbladewhat does mdadm do and do you need it?23:39
gyaresuJoCo: No.23:39
=== prak is now known as prak75
drydermay I re-ask, pls? I want to install another ubuntu on a separate hdd without interfering with any other grubs or mbr - but I don't want to unpolug drives to do it?23:39
danny_argh, i ran sh instal.sh and it just gives me areadme type file is that normal? IM installing the divxlabs for linux23:39
LjL-Tempsrm: i think i'd declare the try failed :)23:39
danand_odysseybmx - then cp * /path/to/flash/disk23:39
gyaresuSonderblade: RAID programme.23:39
kakooniagyaresu : Thanks budd.. but just one more little question, lets say i got the firewire cable and all is pluged.. what should i do to make it show/download content?23:39
srmLjL-Temp: :) *leave no man behind!*23:40
gyaresuJoCo: You should pastebin the /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:40
nikruddanny_ it would really depend on what the .sh file does.23:40
amenadodryder-> possible, go and install -- just select the different partition to mount as /23:40
odysseybmxdanand_: the flash drive is two words with a space, and I get an error when I try to copy to it23:40
gyaresukakoonia: Well you would probably run 'kino'23:40
JoCogyaresu: how the hell would i go about that lol?23:40
danny_well it said to run it in  root and it would install the codec23:40
gyaresukakoonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firewire23:40
danny_maybe it did let me see if its in acidrip23:41
kakooniaok! Thanks dude.. ;)23:41
gyaresukakoonia: start there. get cable. come back with questions :)23:41
JoCogyaresu: alright ill check that out thanks a lot23:41
underdawghow do I diagnose why my network just stopped working on my ubuntu all of the sudden (using active windows computer on network now)23:41
underdawgplease pm me if you can help23:41
pimplifehey how can i change screen resolution in live cd so i can install ubuntu23:41
oriezhow can i restore the default for the x config23:42
gyaresuJoCo: install programme pastebinit (if you have a connection)23:42
JoCogyaresu: alright i think i have a start it might be like a 64-bit version that is screwing things up and i might reinstall 32 bit and see if that works23:42
gyaresuunderdawg: best to keep questions in channel as you'll get more help. is it wired or wireless?23:42
oriezi change it and now i see green screen when i'm trying to boot ubuntu23:43
gyaresuJoCo: 32bit is the way to go. 64 just doesn't have accross the board support and really doesn't do anything better.23:43
danny_nope didnt put it in there unless livdv is the same as divx?23:43
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pimplifehow can i change screen resolution in live cd so i can install ubuntu23:43
themimewhat is this asking in laymans terms -> "Continue installing libc-client without Maildir support"23:44
JoCogyaresu: how do i install 32 bit version, do i reDL the iso or is there an option on the livecd?23:44
rahdukeplease help, big problems: after a ctrl+alt+bksp i lost access to xserver, I get the following error when trying to boot ""Could not start Xserver due to some install error, contact system admin restart when problem corrected"..... so far i have tried to reconfigure xserver via  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg..... needless to say it didnt work23:44
gyaresupimplife: You can always try the 'alternate' ubuntu install disk. It's the same but doesn't get you to a 'desktop' session so no gfx problems.23:44
rahdukeim on a live cd right now23:44
Gurenhi, how do i install ipx-utils23:44
gyaresurahduke: can you pastebinit your /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:45
DragonulRosuhello, I'm new to ubuntu and I can't install vmware-player, any advice ?23:45
Gurenwhat's the package name?23:45
oriezi change the screen setting and now i see green screen when i'm trying to boot ubuntu23:45
pimplifewhich is that23:45
nikruddanny_ I don't know anything about that app. Since it's not in ubuntu you'd probably have better luck finding out about it on it's site or irc channel if it has one23:45
rahdukecan u giv me instructions please?23:45
rahdukeim on a live cd and im pretty new to linux23:45
underdawggyaresu: my network connection is wired23:45
underdawgit all of the sudden stopped working23:45
gyaresurahduke: You're on livecd now yes? So only one computer?23:46
Sonderbladewhy do i have devices in /dev/evms when i don't even have evms installed?23:46
rahdukei found the file23:46
rahdukewhat should i do with it gyaresu23:47
igorguehow can I autocomplete my apt?23:47
SupaFlyautocomplete your apt?23:47
igorgueI remember that I set up something to do so23:47
SupaFlypress tab twice you mean?.23:47
igorguefor parameters23:48
underdawghow do I diagnose why my network just stopped working on my ubuntu all of the sudden (using active windows computer on network now) The connection is wired23:48
igorgueSupaFly: you know how?23:48
SupaFlysudo apt-get (tab) (tab) (list of options is shown) sort of thing?23:48
rahdukegot it23:48
underdawghow do I diagnose why my network just stopped working on my ubuntu all of the sudden (using active windows computer on network now) The connection is wired I can not even ping my router23:48
rahdukecan someone take a look at that23:48
SupaFlyjust do that then23:48
rahdukeive completely lost access to xserver, im on a live cd right now23:48
gyaresuunderdawg: open a terminal and type 'ifconfig'23:48
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:48
SupaFlyigorue type this into terminal: sudo apt, then press the tab key twice23:48
Tu13esany suggestions for HTML/CSS editors?23:48
igorgueSupaFly: not working... I guess that I have to install something or change something in bashrc23:49
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/23:49
odysseybmxTu13es: a text editor.23:49
SupaFlyso nothing happens when you press tab key twice after typing sudo apt?23:49
underdawggyaresu: do you want me to pastebin?23:49
underdawgcan't lol23:49
frost0anyone know of a task manager app for gnome?23:49
gyaresurahduke: Preface your comment with the persons name (in my case start typing gya and then hit the TAB key) It'll help for us to see the comment.23:49
odysseybmxapparently I did all this for no reason23:49
frost0it would be very helpful b/c i don't always know the names of the processes :(23:49
odysseybmxmy system works again23:49
oriezi changed the screen setting and now i see green screen when i'm trying to boot ubuntu23:49
rahdukeoh thanks23:50
igorgueapt-get insp[tab][tab]23:50
gyaresuunderdawg: nothing yet. is there anything under inet address?23:50
igorgueapt-get ins[tab][tab]23:50
igorguealso does not show any options23:50
rahdukegyaresu: http://pastebin.com/m5d1da78d thats my log file23:50
underdawgmy inet address is a LAN addy
themimeok, i know what maildir is now, just read about it, but how do i know if i need it or not?23:50
frost0jrib, do you know of a task manager for gnome?23:51
nikrudthemime maildir is very nice, each mail is in it's own file in real directories. Makes it easy to manipulate with tools other than your mail program.23:51
underdawggyaresu: did you get that last one?23:51
gyaresuunderdawg: k. well let's see if the router is talking to you. let's ask for an ip address 'sudo dhclient eth1' (if it's on eth1 it may be eth0)23:51
SupaFlywhat happens when you type "sudo" [tab] [tab]23:51
Picipodsystem-monitor in gnome is a task manager23:51
themimenikrud: why does this tutorial tell me to not have it?23:51
hydrologyGreetings there, coming here as a last-resort :)23:51
underdawgok thanks gy23:51
shoudenHey all, is anyone able to give me some tips on getting my USB headset working? I have it working on 7.10 but not 8.04. It records fine, but audio output still comes out my laptop speakers.23:52
pimplifehow can i install ubuntu without having to use the live cd23:52
mostyi am having trouble booting the 7.10 live cd on my old duron machine, it boots and goes ok for a while, but when it's almost about to start X (i think- i can't see logs or anything...) it reboots and starts again. how can i find out why it's rebooting?23:52
nikrudthemime could be it's a brain dead howto or program. That is, it depends on the context23:52
hydrologyI'm going to describe a problem in the shortest manner as i know off :P)23:52
hydrologyUsed hardware: http://www.lex.com.tw:8080/product/CV700A.htm23:52
hydrologySetup: Diskless running of modified slackware 11.0. NFS mounted root on NAS trough nfs v3 TCP23:52
igorgueSupaFly: I had to install bash-complation23:52
hydrologyProblem: cron does not execute any of it's jobs when it gets executed from the rc scripts during init 3. Whenever it get's 'restarted' by hand after init finished (so after bootup) cron does execute the jobs as it should do, but only after you manually restart it.23:52
igorguethanks anyway23:52
SupaFlyah ok23:52
hydrologyTested software: fcron, dillons cron (dcron) and ucrond.23:52
themimehmm ok, thanks23:52
hydrologyOkay, Does anybody have any clue? :)23:52
nikrudthemime I keep all my mail in a maildir, and access it via imap. I can use any client and they see the same mail, I can move/rename folders on the command line and the clients respect it ... all kinds of nice things come from maildirs23:53
underdawggyaresu: what do you want to know?23:53
pimplifewere is the alternate ubuntu install disk23:53
rahdukegyaresu: are you checking that log out?23:54
gyaresuunderdawg: did you run the 'sudo dhclient eth0' ?23:54
underdawggyaresu: yes23:54
gyaresurahduke: Yeah. No errors. Does the screen go completely black after startup?23:54
underdawggyaresu: it said that there's no dhcpoffers received23:54
rahdukethen when i ctrl+alt+del23:54
underdawgno working leases in persistend database23:54
drydersorry ppl - I',m new to irc - - is there a way to filter out messages not answering my question? NOT impatient just the concentration is hard following it all :)  - read the docs on irc and couldn't see a reference to it ..23:54
underdawgi should tell you it's a wired connection that is connected to a buffalo router which is running in 'bridge' mode23:55
rahdukegyaresu: i get a blue screen with the following error "could not start xserver due to install error23:55
gyaresuunderdawg: Ah. but when you then run ifconfig does it still have an ip address?23:55
J3KYLLhi i just installed ubuntu on a hd i bought today. i was wondering what can i do to change the resolution? right now its around 1200x ... my monitor is 1600x23:55
rahdukegyaresu: after ctrl+alt+del w/ black screen23:55
Streifenhoernchemy kubuntu image always stops burning on 66% >-<23:55
Flanneldryder: Not really, no.  Just only read the ones that are highlighted (and as such, addressed to you), and before to highlight the people you're responding to.23:55
Picipoddryder: no, not really23:55
underdawgthe inet address is a LAN addy instead of a WAN addy23:55
prodigel Hi. I'm search for a client that can play sopcast channels. I was using gsopcast before, but now I want a better one. Can miro play those?23:55
vltHello. I want to install ubuntu on a machine w/o cdrom drive. What is the easiest way? (It can boot PXE and I have another machine here with dhcpd, tftpd, and nfs.)23:55
Flannel!install | vlt23:56
ubotuvlt: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:56
=== prak is now known as prak75
vltFlannel: Thank you.23:56
pimplifegyaresu: how do i get the alternate instalation disk23:56
underdawggyaresu: I've manually config'd my computer for that ip because my Buffalo isn't running DHCP - only my Netgear is (remember It's a wirelss bridge)23:56
underdawgthis config has worked fine in the past23:56
underdawgit just broke23:56
gyaresuunderdawg: well you may have set that statically. did you?23:56
J3KYLLhi i just installed ubuntu on a hd i bought today. i was wondering what can i do to change the resolution? right now its around 1200x ... my monitor is 1600x23:56
gyaresupimplife: It's available from any of the mirrors.23:56
underdawggyaresu: yes  - i should tell you I have an eth0:avah showing up?  it seems to be getting a 169.x.x.x ip23:57
gyaresuunderdawg: Ah.23:57
underdawgis that pertinent23:57
srmhmmm....looks like it's working now :) removed the lock file, the status file and touched a clean one, the reconfigured dpkg and then the dist-upgrade worked...at least it didn't error out. Reboot and now fixing xorg :)23:57
dryderFlannel -Picipod - thx ...23:57
gyaresuunderdawg: yessum.23:57
mostyhow can i see kernel messages when the ubuntu livecd boots?23:57
warddr!resolution J3KYLL23:57
Phlogi__how is it possible that minefield uses a different font for its gui than ff? How can I configure that? The font size is different from gtk apps either.23:57
mostyor logs of some sort. is there an expert install mode?23:57
* underdawg almost explodes23:57
warddr!resolution | J3KYLL23:58
ubotuJ3KYLL: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:58
underdawgI'm very interested to see what this is, it's the first real trouble I've had with ubuntu23:58
eradicusmosty, dmesg23:58
gyaresuunderdawg: You have a route problem.23:58
J3KYLLwarddr: thanks ill let you know if that works23:58
oriezwhat's the command to get a list of file in a directory23:58
Starnestommyoriez: ls23:58
underdawgwhat is the :avah device?23:58
mostyeradicus, i need to see logs before i login (the livecd reboots before it lets me login)23:58
underdawgI have an eth0, as well as an eth0:avah issue23:59
asthegloriousHey, I'm having trouble with the latest beta of ubuntu23:59
underdawgI mean device23:59
asthegloriouswondered if you guys were aware of it23:59
asthegloriouskeyboard does not work at all23:59
gyaresuunderdawg: I'm not sure what you've got. I don't remember reading about a "(remember It's a wirelss bridge)"23:59

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