
altermdis there any problem withe the dhcp3 server and unstable version ?11:20
altermddo you use xdmcp in place of ltsp ?11:48
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux
neopsychehow do i create ad-hoc internet share?12:23
kgoetzneopsyche: dont join multiple channels and ask the same question12:24
neopsychekgoetz can you help me with my issue?12:25
kgoetzneopsyche: no, because you didnt tell either channel what the problem *is*12:26
neopsychecan you help me if i tell you what the problem is?12:26
pygiwell,l ol12:26
pygistop asking random questions, and do give us the information to help you12:27
pygiwe can't help you, if you don't help yourself12:27
neopsycheI want to connect my laptop wifi to my main pc with internet connection using ad-hoc. I need to configure the connection on linux. how do i do that?12:27
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:27
pygifirst of all, what this has to do with edubuntu?12:28
pygiother, it is trivial to connect to a wifi, just use nm-applet and click on the network you wanna join12:28
pygilaga, thanks12:28
neopsycheI am using ubuntu but cannot get into ubuntu support channel so have come here to find support.12:29
kgoetzwhy cant you get in to #ubuntu ?12:29
neopsychepygi, im not sure what you mean.. could you please elaborate?12:29
pygineopsyche, ! there's the nm-applet tray icon12:29
pygiclick on it and you get the list of available wireless network!12:30
kgoetzneopsyche: dont PM me please12:31
neopsychethere is a button saying 'wireless networks' but if i click on it nothing happens12:31
kgoetz!private message | neopsyche12:31
pygithat's not a button!12:31
ubotuneopsyche: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.12:31
pygineopsyche, well, then you don't have wireless networks available!12:31
pygithis is really kindof #ubuntu question12:31
pygiplease be so kind to migrate there12:32
pygiin advance, thank you12:32
kgoetzpygi: yes it is12:32
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neopsychepygi, how can i set it up so my laptop can use the internet ?12:32
neopsychelaga.. what do you mean fun?12:32
pygineopsyche, #ubuntu pls12:32
kgoetzneopsyche: i got your PM. go to #ubuntu-ops and talk to them about why you were banned12:32
pygithere were probably reasons why you got banned anyway12:32
neopsychekgoetz, i have tried that .. they are ignoring me and/or not doing anything.12:32
neopsychepygi, yes.. used caps / got frustrated because nobody would help with this issue I have been trying to work out for 3 days.12:33
neopsycheall i want to do is use the internet on my laptop with wifi but nobody will give me a simple explanation on how to configure wifi devices for that on ubuntu.12:33
kgoetzneopsyche: talk to the ops, and hope you can come to an agreement. thats all there is to it. this could be considered ban evasion12:34
neopsycheI am beginning to think it is possible that many of the people on ubuntu help channels are stuck up bastards that enjoy making life difficult for noobies instead of helping.12:35
laganeopsyche: you know, people don't have to help you. people choose to help you because they want to. so going all caps and evading bans and cross-posting doesn't make it more likely to get help.12:35
neopsycheI know.. and I get annoyed because nobody will let it rest.. they are all still fighting with me and all i want is to sort out this issue.12:36
neopsychelike right now for example.. once again.. you wont help me .. even if you know how.. you choose to make my life difficult.12:36
neopsychelaga.. so you are saying I need to wait weeks for the ban to go away while I sit with no wifi internet because you dont want to help because this is 'edubuntu' and not ubuntu.12:37
neopsychecheers.. thanks for nothing.12:38
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
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dev-NETany body can help me19:11
theunixgeek_I can't get my screen resolution over 800x600. I did the dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg thing and enabled restricted drivers, but it won't let me go to 1280x1024. Please help.19:36
johnnythe driver probably isn't loade19:41
johnnyyou should go to #ubuntu19:41
joebake1I recently got an Intel Centrino Dual Core based laptop.  I installed Edubuntu Server on it and added the Edubuntu-Dekstop metapackage.22:47
joebake1It seems like a difficulty adding Adobe's Flash player and getting it to work on the 64 bit system.22:49
johnny_that is known22:49
joebake1Is it still easier to maintain a 32 bit system?22:49
johnny_it's too much of a hassle to set it to work right on amd6422:49
joebake1Thanks Johnny_22:49
johnny_only cuz of flash22:49
johnny_it is possible to make it work22:49
johnny_but if you want it to just work. use i38622:49
johnny_still and amd64 support for flash22:50
johnny_not our fault :(22:50
joebake1I understand.22:50
joebake1So do I re-install the whole operating system as 32 bit?22:51
joebake1I was hoping to get the 64 bit speed boost doing Cinelerra video editing.22:51
johnny_well.. why are you running server?23:05
johnny_well it's up to you if you wanna try to force it23:05
johnny_if nothing else you an install binary 32bit firefox23:05
johnny_and then copy the plugin in there23:05
johnny_tha's what was setup at our store before i got here23:06
lagajohnny_, joebake1: flash is working for me on amd6423:09
lagajohnny_, joebake1: you just need the nspluginwrapper.. i think it's set up automagically, at least for me23:10
laga(on ubuntu gutsy and hardy)23:10

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