
fdovingit is so stupid to have separate channels.00:03
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apacheloggerjussio1: because?00:56
jussio1apachelogger: often people working on the packages understand well how they work, as well as how to use them, thus bein able to offer valuable help to others if they have time :)00:58
apacheloggergood point00:58
apacheloggerthough, if one needs a pro to understand the packages, there is something wrong usababilitywise IMHO00:59
seeleif you ahve to understand the packages to use kde4 there is a problem01:19
nixternalheh, for having such a small community, we have 4 IRC channels01:28
jussio1whats the fifth?01:28
nixternal#kubuntu, #kubuntu-offtopic, #kubuntu-kde4, #kubuntu-testers, #kubuntu-devel01:29
jussio1kubuntu -devel -offtopic -kde4 and ??01:29
jussio1ahh, testers01:29
nixternalI forgot all about #kubuntu-kde401:29
jussio1just testing there were you nixternal? :P01:30
nixternalno, I ran the wrong command to join the channel01:31
* nixternal removes that ancient script01:32
seelewhat is kubuntu-offtopic?01:32
nixternalIf I type /jo and hit tab to complete, it will do /joinopped01:32
nixternalseele: just a channel for offtopic talk01:33
nixternalrather boring actually01:33
* seele looks around01:33
jussio1seele: somewhere to just chat about whatever01:33
jussio1Alrighty then, Im off to bed.01:45
jussio1bye all01:45
CheGuevaraRiddell, can you take a look at bugs 204848 and 199287 please02:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204848 in meta-kde4 "[Hardy] KDE4 Konqueror and System Settings complain about missing shared library" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20484802:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199287 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "File Associations Settings Module Broken Under KDE4 (Hardy)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19928702:21
ScottK2CheGuevara: Riddell's not around this weekend I don't think.02:21
nosrednaekimRiddell away till tomorrow night02:21
CheGuevaramay be he'll see it when he wakes up02:22
CheGuevaraanyone else who can deal with the meta seed can take a look as well :P02:22
CheGuevarasleep time03:05
CheGuevaragood night03:05
drukegreetings, Druke here from the bug team, I jsut wanted to know the best way to triage https://launchpad.net/bugs/205418 this for you guys since we're not getting alot of kubuntu response on launchpad06:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205418 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "many libraries and programs in KDE4 missing - should include the metapackage "kde4" as dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:02
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nareshovDoes anyone have the earlier vladstudio wallpaper of hardy?14:41
nareshovI upgraded and lost it :<14:41
jussio1nareshov: I think its available from the vladstudio site15:13
* nareshov seeks the wallpaper15:19
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etretyak_nareshov: try to download prev version of kubuntu-default-settings15:44
etretyak_nareshov: or where is it located (i mean wallpaper)15:45
nareshovetretyak_: I got http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/icons_screensavers/vladstudiowallpapersetvolume8.html instead ;p15:50
etretyak_nareshov: is it with vladstudio (c) in bottom right corner?15:52
nareshovit does has vladstudio written down there. :|15:52
etretyak_nareshov: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/kubuntu-default-settings/1:8.04-9/+files/kubuntu-default-settings_8.04-9.tar.gz15:59
etretyak_nareshov: look in artwork/kubuntu-wallpaper.jpg ;-)16:00
* nareshov *drools*16:01
fdoving where is the scaling_governor set/reset on suspend/resume? - mine always is set to performance after resuming. and it's not the stuff one would expect, in /etc/acpi/16:17
apacheloggertxwikinger: doesn't triaged mean a bug has a solution and therefore is ready to be fixed by a dev?16:22
txwikingerapachelogger: That is the general aim, yes16:23
txwikingerwell, one of the three outcomes16:23
txwikingerit could also be rejected, because of duplication or not a bug etc.16:24
apacheloggerbug #189920 was just wasting my time then :P16:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 189920 in kdebase "Google reader don't work wery well with kde4's konqueror" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18992016:24
txwikingerWell, why?16:25
apacheloggerbecause we have to wait for upstream16:25
txwikingerwell.. aren't you upstream too?16:26
apacheloggeruhh KDE is not only khtml :P16:26
txwikingerWell the bug is reported and confirmed in the KDE bugtracker16:27
txwikingerSo I would hope they fix it16:27
txwikingerAnd due to the low severity, I do not think there is any reason for a kubuntu specific patch16:27
apacheloggerI doubt they will do it16:28
apacheloggergoogle breaks their stuff every once in a while16:28
apacheloggerI think you need a full time employed dev to keep up with all the changes in google's sites16:28
txwikingerwell.. we could also decide not to fix it then.16:29
txwikingerHowever, I don't want to make that decision by myself... but I would support it for this report16:29
apacheloggerjust mark it confirmed so I don't look at it the next 5 times I upload a new base :P16:30
txwikingerDo we have any meeting/panel/council to make such deicion?16:30
txwikingerok.. I will16:30
apacheloggerhttp://suseforums.net/index.php?showtopic=39593 sounds rather strange  which is what https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-kde4/+bug/183289 is about16:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183289 in kdeutils-kde4 "Superkaramba-kde4 is not able to run some themes" [Low,Confirmed]16:30
apacheloggertxwikinger: in my most humble opinion we should just forward upstream bug reports and close the bug in launchpad16:31
apacheloggerI don't see much need for us to track such bugs since we are certainly not patching such a fix in our packages16:31
nosrednaekimhow well does superkaramba-kde4 work?16:31
txwikingerwell.. I think we should have a status .. forwarded16:31
txwikingerit should be closed when the fix is synced16:32
apacheloggernosrednaekim: I have no idea16:32
apacheloggertxwikinger: as long as it doesn't flood the open bugs list anymore I am happy16:32
txwikingerotherwise it is more difficult to search for duplicates16:32
* nosrednaekim apt-get installs it16:33
txwikingerwell.. how about a filter confirmed|triaged with no forwarding16:33
apacheloggernosrednaekim: please also install kdeutils-dbg-kde4 and see whether you can gather some information why liquid weather fails to run16:34
nosrednaekimalright... I'll see how bug that is16:35
txwikingerapachelogger: Did you see this one? Bug #20551716:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205517 in dolphin "[hardy] Problem launching Kate by choosing a textfile from Dolphin" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20551716:36
txwikingerI think I should forward that one, or does it have something to do with the kubuntu environment?16:36
apachelogger1. is that kate 3?16:37
apachelogger2. if so, it is a common issue16:37
apachelogger3. I have no idea why this happens and last time I checked back with some devs they weren't very willing to investigate16:37
txwikingerIt is Kate 416:37
apacheloggerthen it should not happen16:37
txwikingerMy question is, does it only occur on Kubuntu, or also on other KDE installations16:38
txwikingerI guess I will have a search in the KDE bugtracker16:39
nosrednaekimapachelogger: well, just tried loading all three of my superkaramba themes and they are all complaining about KROSS stuff.... I should probably install the kde3 version of superkaramba16:39
apacheloggerI dunno16:39
fdovingis kate the default editor?16:39
apacheloggertxwikinger: btw, it is caused by kdeinit AFAIK16:39
apacheloggerfdoving: no16:39
txwikingerI open with "open with"16:40
apacheloggernosrednaekim: did you install the dbg package? if so, start skaramba from konsole and paste the output16:40
apacheloggertxwikinger: oha!16:40
txwikingerkdeinit is kdebase?16:40
apacheloggerthat is nifty16:40
apacheloggertxwikinger: libs I think16:40
apacheloggerthere it is16:40
apacheloggergod, I hate that bug16:40
txwikingerDon't complain.. fix it :D16:41
nosrednaekimBBIAB, lunch16:41
apacheloggertxwikinger: that is an awful amount of work16:42
apacheloggerespecially since the new attitude in all KDE projects seems to be 'cut-the-debug-output'16:42
txwikingerwell.. less partying for you then ;)16:42
apacheloggerI had to add 30 debug messages to track a bug in amarok's media detection16:42
apacheloggerhere is my thought about superkaramba + kross: our kross is missing stuff16:43
txwikingerNothing in the kde bugtracker yet16:44
apacheloggerI only see kross core stuff in our packages but not the actual language libs16:44
txwikingerwell.. there is an old bug on 3.2.016:46
drukedid you guys get my message about Bug #20541816:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205418 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "many libraries and programs in KDE4 missing - should include the metapackage "kde4" as dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20541816:47
* apachelogger starts smashing his head16:47
apacheloggerkdeutils-dbg-kde4 depends kdelibs-dbg-kde4 which is actually kde4libs16:47
apacheloggerthat makes me cry16:47
apacheloggercan't get unified package naming ... once16:47
apacheloggerhm, leaving is always a good idea :P16:48
txwikingerdo we have already a proper liveCD for KDE4?16:49
cheguevara_ooh apachelogger more dependency hell :P16:49
cheguevara_txwikinger, yes16:49
apacheloggerproper is a dangerous word16:49
txwikingerNo.. not the word... the confirmation is :D16:50
apacheloggercheguevara_: one day....16:50
apacheloggerI have the most awesome solution for the konqueror kcm issue16:50
apacheloggerwe just move all the konqueror/html related stuff in the konqueror package16:50
apacheloggeractually I think it's the same way in KDE 316:50
cheguevara_what about big meta from debian?16:51
cheguevara_or is that irrelevant16:51
apacheloggercheguevara_: metas don't fix dependencies16:52
apacheloggerthey make them even worse16:52
apacheloggerbecause it takes longer to spot the issues16:52
apacheloggerI found kross16:52
cheguevara_i made diff16:52
cheguevara_not meta16:52
cheguevara_don't know where meta came from :P16:52
apacheloggerwell, since debian caused the issue... :P16:54
cheguevara_may be something to bring up in #debian-qt-kde16:54
apacheloggeryeah, just not by me as I am a foulish ubuntu dude :P16:56
apacheloggerwhy does that package not create packages?16:56
nosrednaekimapachelogger: kdeutils-dbg-kde4: Depends: kdelibs-dbg-kde4 (>= 4:4.0.0) but it is not installable16:56
apacheloggernosrednaekim: I saied that earlier16:57
nosrednaekimapachelogger: ah.. is that what all that was about :p16:58
apacheloggerI always like a good copyright file16:58
apacheloggernosrednaekim: yeah16:58
* apachelogger is braindumping right now16:58
Riddellhi all, what did I miss?16:59
apacheloggerha! just in time17:00
apacheloggerwb Riddell17:00
* apachelogger gives Riddell the award for the strangest package ever seen17:00
nosrednaekimhey Riddell :)17:01
apacheloggerkross supports 4 or 5 languages17:01
apacheloggerand we have packaged ... one17:01
nosrednaekimRiddell: apparently apachelogger had too much coffee....17:01
apacheloggeronly 217:02
apacheloggerthough, I just wanted to improve the base-kde4 packaging and meanwhile read like 20 bug reports and investigated on 3 more packages... that is not going to end well17:02
nixternalhow many of these changes will be overwritten with changes when kde 4.0.3 is released in a couple of weeks?17:03
Riddellapachelogger: kdebindings is very incomplete17:04
Riddellthe debian maintainer of qtruby is supposed to be doing that side but hasn't17:05
RiddellI should add qyoto to it but havn't17:05
* apachelogger nods17:05
Riddelland pykde is now made by a separate package17:05
Riddellso infact its not used at all currently17:05
apacheloggerwell, superkarmba does17:06
apacheloggerbug #18328917:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 183289 in kdeutils-kde4 "Superkaramba-kde4 is not able to run some themes" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18328917:06
apacheloggerRiddell: so, should I improve the kdebindings-kde4 package or leave it rotten?17:07
Riddellapachelogger: if you want to add ruby and c# support to it that could be great17:09
Riddellnot sure if there's other languages in it17:09
Riddellalso comment out pykde until it gets synced with Jim's version17:10
nosrednaekimRiddell: nothing on the kde-print mailing list BTW...17:13
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, if you have time... gtk-qt-engine-kde4 is waiting in the hardy queue17:14
Riddellnosrednaekim: hopefully that means everyone agrees :)17:14
nosrednaekimRiddell: :) won't that nasty Oxygen problem need to get fixed first?17:15
Riddellnosrednaekim: it would be nice, but I don't think its a requirement17:16
mhbgood evening my friends17:21
fdovingevening mhb17:21
nixternalinteresting...someone decided to continue syncing smb4k incorporating the super old releases which allow it to totally muck up your sudoers file17:26
fdovingnice feature :)17:26
nixternalI had the fix cherry picked at one point, but that has since been removed17:26
nixternalScottK2: can I FFe smb4k from 0.8.6 to 0.9.3 to fix a critical bug or do I have to cherry pick through the code again?17:27
mhbhmm, a bit more people than yesterday, so I'll ask again: what's your opinion on PolicyKit? Is Kubuntu planning to embrace it because our Ubuntu friends did? Do you think it's a neat idea?17:28
Riddellmhb: yes but its an upstream issue17:30
fdovingwhat is it?17:30
nixternalif we don't implement it, we would be the only distro not doing so it seems now17:30
fdovingi already hate apparmor.17:30
mhbI guess I'm the only unix loving person around :o)17:30
txwikingerHappy Easter folks17:31
nixternalhappy easter to you too txwikinger17:31
ScottK2nixternal: What all uses it?  If it's just used by KDE4, then I'd go FFe.17:31
nixternalsmb4k is a kde3 apps17:31
nixternala fairly popular one17:31
nixternalif I can just ffe it that is great, otherwise I have to do the entire security route and cherry pick through the repos17:31
mhbhappy easter17:31
ScottK2nixternal: Apply engineering judgement and look at the risk.17:31
ScottK2happy Easter mhb17:32
nixternalthat's what I am doing now17:32
ScottK2nixternal: You tell me what the best answer is.  If there are regressions are you up for chasing them?17:32
mhbfdoving: it somehow elevates an applications privileges using the panacea of the day, D-Bus17:33
mhbfdoving: which I'm sure will complicate code and slow down the system so we can have this nice unlocking like OS X does17:35
mhbfdoving: all above personal opinions of a person sceptical of most of the "wow" technologies Ubuntu is adapting17:36
fdovingit most certainly is better than kdesudo anyway. so if keeping that is an option  i'll vote for policykit-integration :)17:36
mhbwhy so?17:37
fdovingkdesudo sucks.17:37
mhbyou mean the concept is better than sudoing?17:37
mhbthe app is not good17:37
mhbtwo different things, I think17:37
fdovingor the app is not good. a complete rewrite to use policykit would probably be a good thing :)17:38
mhbyou mean rewriting ALL the apps that want more privileges is better?17:38
nixternalScottK2: you want to know who did the sync request that killed my changes in smb4k?17:38
nixternala cookie if you can guess :)17:38
mhbnixternal: I'd say it was me, but I wasn't, so I blame you17:39
Riddellapachelogger: accepted gtk-qt-engine-kde417:39
fdovingmhb: not unless upstream starts depending on it. we can't rewrite KDE to work with it.17:39
mhbI still think we're doing too many "wow! New dbus thing, let's adopt it!" decisions17:40
mhbwe as in both Kubuntu and KDE17:40
RiddellI'd say not enough17:41
fdovingkde already use dbus everywhere. dbus is nice.17:41
mhbRiddell: when last we have decided something that speeds the system up, that simplifies code?17:41
* mhb doesn't remember17:41
fdovingusing something else to do that kind of stuff is just plain stupid.17:42
mhbsure, this whole rights concept in UNIX never worked17:42
mhblet's abandon it17:42
apacheloggerRiddell: thanks :)17:42
fdovingwhat happens with ubuntu is that their upstream, gnome relies on policykit. they can't ignore it.17:42
mhbfdoving: so I guess I should shut up and not ignore it, too?17:43
fdovingmhb: my opinion is that this is a kde issue. discuss it there. send a i-dont-ever-want-policykit-support mail to kde-core-devel17:44
mhbah, I forgot, this is not a discussion channel17:45
Riddellmhb: kde 417:45
apacheloggerthe need for discussion is a usability issue IMO17:46
fdovingi didn't mean that we shouldn't discuiss it. but i don't think it makes sense for kubuntu to implement policykit in kde. also if kde starts depending on policykit we can't remove it.17:47
* mhb gets back to CS theory, where elegant solutions are appreciated17:49
mhbfdoving: I'm afraid I'm not on the right secret MLs, so I tend to discuss stuff here.17:51
fdovingbrb. move to the correct gate.17:53
mhbit's totally offtopic, but I'm feeling more and more detached from KDE (and GNOME) because of the decisions the project make17:55
mhbwhat I think is that they're trading old and very functional concepts for bling17:56
mhband they're not looking into the future much17:56
mhbI'm fairly sure PolicyKit will be replaced by yet another concept in KDE 517:57
mhbbecause why not? It'll get rewritten anyway17:57
RiddellKDE doesn't have any secret technical mailing lists17:58
mhbRiddell: I'm sure they're just talking about the philosophy of life there, nothing techinical :o) What I mean is, every decision related to KDE is technical to an extent, and there are secret mailing lists where those are being made18:03
mhbRiddell: it's all about how you treat the people - if they treat me as second class, as a non-member, I'm not willing to promote them.18:04
Nightrosemhb: what stops you from getting in?18:07
Riddellthat's quite a serious acusation, and i can assure you it's not true18:09
mhbRiddell: so you say nothing techical whatsoever is discussed there?18:10
Riddellmhb: correct, the e.v. list is quite strictly controlled for that18:11
mhbRiddell: good18:12
mhbalthough I'd prefer if there was a way I could see for myself18:13
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mhband not just me, everyone18:13
Riddellyou want to see what e.v. discuss?  here http://ev.kde.org/reports/2006.php18:14
mhband that's certainly all of it18:15
mhbno other discussions were there18:15
mhbnah, I'm fairly sure there were other ones, even if it were "unimportant", I still can't see for myself18:16
Riddellthat's all that was discussed at those meetings18:16
mhbsee for oneself means seeing without having to trust an insider18:17
mhbforget it18:17
mhbit's just my personal definition of "free software" as in "uncensored"18:18
fdovingnice, dbus-daemon segfaulted.18:19
mhbRiddell: also, I don't think KDE 4 is any faster than KDE 3, perhaps by a small constant18:20
mhbRiddell: but forget that as well18:21
mhbit's just me18:21
mhbhave I ruined your mood or something? :o)19:34
Riddellmoi?  I'm in bed with a beautiful girl, my mood is good19:41
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* yuriy wonders why/how he's on irc if that's so19:42
nixternalRiddell: simmer down!19:42
jussio1Riddell: your laptop? :P19:42
Riddellbeautiful girl and laptop and I just killed ktip19:43
* ScottK2 wonders if the laptop has a camera.19:43
Riddellmy mood is good19:43
nixternalhahaha, buhbye ktip!19:44
* jussio1 leaves...19:44
Riddellno camera19:45
Riddellkrissy would dump me if i did19:46
Riddellshes lovely19:46
nixternalI haven't heard the word "dump" in reference to ending a relationship since high school :p19:46
nixternalRiddell: you been drinkin' the Irn again?19:46
Riddellkrissy wrote it19:46
nixternalRiddell: you are so KDE it isn't even funny, your girlfriend's name even starts with a K :)19:47
mhbah, the mood's up again :o)19:48
Riddellshes ery proud of that19:48
nixternalhehe, groovy19:48
nixternalhaha, my x calls my daughter vivi, so we were just chatting and it hit me, so I started calling her emacs...my daughter didn't get it but my x did19:49
nixternalI would call her Kate, but that is my other x's name, and my other x, whom I am working at reconciling with, would kill me19:50
mhbtoo many variables :o)19:51
mhblabel the other one y19:51
mhbso we know which is which .o)19:51
nosrednaekimy should x be named y?19:51
mhbor perhaps indexes19:51
mhbthe relationship is a complex equation, after all19:52
ScottK2Riddell: I'm testing the updated kdebase with cjwatson's man page change now.  I'll likely upload it later today.19:52
RiddellScottK2: great19:52
mhbbut luckily, there's always a solution19:52
mhbthe fundamental theorem of relationships guarantees that19:52
nosrednaekimmhb: women == sqrt(evil)?19:53
mhbnosrednaekim: like that one too19:54
nixternalmhb: you just expressed a new level of geek, when you request variables for relationships :p19:55
nosrednaekimnixternal: you running hardy? how do the ati drivers work with suspend?19:57
nixternalati/radeon or fglrx?19:57
nixternalfglrx sucks so I don't use it19:58
nixternalnever tested suspend19:58
nixternalfglrx + KDE 4 + compositing == freezes for me19:58
nixternalthat is on amd64 though19:58
nosrednaekimare we releaseing a beta close to april 1st?19:59
nixternalwhy, you have a good joke to go with it?20:00
nixternalI am already planning on "Microsoft chooses GPL" one20:00
nosrednaekimturn the whole KDE4 CD into "OMG PONIES" and pink fluffy bunny theme XD20:01
nixternalthat is a good one...didn't we do that for one release before?20:01
nosrednaekimnot while I have been around20:01
nosrednaekim~2 years20:01
nixternalmaybe that was the naked people one or something I am thinking of20:02
nosrednaekimsince the communtiy CD is user supported and all, does it fall victim to the UI freeze?20:03
nixternalnot if it is a joke I wouldn't think20:05
nixternalthough we just did some UI changes which totally hozed all of our documentation, and there is nothing that can be done to fix it20:05
* nosrednaekim goes to check out the release schedult20:05
nixternal^^ that was a joke btw20:05
nosrednaekimit doesn't say when the next RC/beta is coming20:07
nosrednaekimwho would I have to ask to do a thing like that?20:09
ScottK2kdebase uploaded.20:10
* ScottK2 crosses fingers ...20:10
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Riddellnosrednaekim: ubuntu?20:27
Riddell   April 17th20:27
Riddell 20:28
Riddell   April 24th  FinalRelease20:28
apacheloggerRiddell: the ruby bindings have no soversions, though the libs' name changed from korundum.rb to korundum4.rb ... should I name the package libkorundum4-ruby1.8?20:30
apacheloggeror libkorundum4-0-ruby1.8 ... woah that looks awful20:31
Riddellapachelogger: dunno, is there a Debian Ruby policy?20:33
apacheloggerthere is really a policy for everything :D20:34
dasKreechIs there a policy for exceptions to policy making?20:36
nosrednaekimRiddell: ah, ok, I was looking at a ubuntu page an it was a bit old20:39
apacheloggerapparently libkorundum0-ruby1.8 shouldn't have been named libkorundum0 but libkorundum-ruby1.820:41
apacheloggerthis is all going to end in one big mess20:41
apacheloggerwell, there is the problem -.-20:43
Riddellapachelogger: if its messy just leave it as it is and let the Debian maintainer sort it out20:44
Riddellelse we risk messing it up the wrong way20:44
apacheloggerRiddell: ultimately I make everything explode, so nothing to worry about20:44
nosrednaekimRiddell: so, I guess if there isn't going to be a beta released then, it be kinda hard to do a april fool's release?20:44
Riddellnosrednaekim: if you have a comedy april 1st joke we can upload that easily enough20:45
Riddellnosrednaekim: did you fix anything in system-config-priner-applet-kde?20:50
nosrednaekimRiddell: yeah, I did, as well as added a feature commit. you can now pause jobs that are being "processed"20:52
Riddellrdieter: has fedora packaged python-kde4?20:52
Riddellnosrednaekim: you set APPDIR="/home/michael/kubuntu/kde-port", do you know why you had to do that, didn't if os.path.exists("system-config-printer.ui"): APPDIR="."  work?20:53
rdieterRiddell: python-kde4?  Is that kdebindings and/or PyKDE4 or something else?20:54
nosrednaekimRiddell: ah,ok, I was just going to change around the Kde4 theme to being Pink and all...I guess I can just send someone a modified kubuntu-default-settings (or is there an equivalient package for kde4?20:54
nosrednaekimRiddell: no, it didn't...20:54
Riddellrdieter: its in kdebindings yes20:54
nosrednaekimoh wait... maybe it would have if I would of commented out your line...20:55
rdieterRiddell: then, yes.20:55
rdieterRiddell: for system-config-printer-applet-kde ?  :)20:55
Riddellrdieter: yes, I want to put it into KDE 4.1 and I'm wondering if its a good idea to make it a pykde app or keep it pyqt20:55
rdieterRiddell: for kde-4.1 would be fabulous (imo).20:56
nosrednaekimRiddell: oh, the one thing I added was "--show" so that I wouldn't have to start a print job to see the GUI. It would be better if I could make a dbus call to pop up a already running instance, I guess and I'll look into that.20:57
rdieterif so, makes sense to go pykde... I assume that pykde would buy you some nice features and other benefits than sticking with pyqt.20:58
rdieterRiddell: for me, I'd be happy either way.20:59
Riddellnosrednaekim: I've merged trunk from your branch21:01
nosrednaekimRiddell: uhh, let me disable something before you package it up. I have a Printer pptions tab now that really doesn't do anything (and all the widgets on it are disabled) I should probably hide it for the time being.21:04
dasKreechnosrednaekim: Put up a theme that looks like Luna :)21:04
nosrednaekimdasKreech: nah...M$ jokes are kinda old...21:04
nosrednaekimi'm gonna do the "Hippy Horse" release.... OMG ponies and fluffy bunny plasma theme :)21:05
Riddellnosrednaekim: I'm just looking at the applet today21:05
nosrednaekimoh, alright.21:05
Riddellnosrednaekim: but do let me know when its ready for a package update21:05
yuriyi feel like pink and fluffy bunnies has already been overdone on planetkde21:06
nosrednaekimok, should be soon.21:06
nosrednaekimyuriy: I semi-agree....but not everyone reads planetKDE21:07
Riddellpink and fluffy is good, but we've yet to successfully package a pre-configured plasma theme21:07
Riddellactually, maybe I'm wrong, apachelogger did have that in the first version of kde4 k-d-s21:08
apacheloggerRiddell: wasn't working21:08
apacheloggerthe problem is that one has to create a fullfeatured plasmarc and unfortunately plasmarc holds quite static position values of the applets21:09
nosrednaekim:(... I didnt think of that....21:09
apacheloggerbut theming works :D21:09
apacheloggerRiddell: which name to use for the Qt C# bindings?21:16
apacheloggerqyoto? kdebindings-kde4-qyoto?21:16
apacheloggerlibqyoto?... again I can't find a soversion21:16
Riddellapachelogger: same as currently, libqyoto4.3-cil21:20
Riddellapachelogger: and obviously copy as much as you can from the current qyoto packaging21:20
apacheloggerah, there is already a qyoto package :D21:21
Riddellapachelogger: yes, sorry thought you knew21:22
apacheloggerRiddell: thanks21:22
apacheloggerRiddell: so the kdebindings should superseed the current package?21:24
Riddellapachelogger: yes, qyoto doesn't make releases any more it seems other than kdebindings21:26
Riddellwhich is how it should be, not all confusing like pykde21:26
dasKreech!info hello hardy21:33
ubotuhello (source: hello): The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-2 (hardy), package size 19 kB, installed size 584 kB21:33
jjessehappy easter for those that celebrate21:42
jussio1hrm, saw on the release notes that there was some compiz settings manager. I dont seem to have it...21:43
jussio1happy easter jjesse21:43
jjessethanks and you to jussio121:44
Riddelljussio1: desktop-effects-kde21:47
Riddellhi jjesse, sorry about the book issues, unfortunately last minute changes are the nature of this cycle :(21:48
jussio1Riddell: curious, its the newest already.. am I missing something?21:48
Riddelljussio1: is it in your kmenu->System menu?21:49
jussio1ahh, yeah, should it not be in system settings though?21:50
jjesseRiddell: no problems, i didn't want to sound like i was complaining about how kde4 works and looks21:52
jjessei love it21:52
jjessejust a little frustrated about having to redo it21:52
Riddelljussio1: ideally yes21:56
jussio1Riddell: ok. is that planned? is there something I can do to help it along?21:58
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Riddelljussio1: can't be done in kde 3 (the app is written in qt 4), doing it in kde 4 would need a libpythonise port22:01
jussio1oh. ok :(22:01
dasKreechjjesse: What happened with the book?22:09
dasKreechKDE4 changes?22:09
jjessedasKreech: yeah.... long story need to redo what i did22:10
* dasKreech nods22:10
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Riddelloh well, can't use KApplication, it loads QtDbus which breaks when python-dbus is loaded22:14
travlrHi all. Question: Is Hardy-beta mostly stable ... no real problems to speak of?22:23
Riddelltravlr: yes22:23
dasKreechtravlr: For today :)22:23
travlrthank you22:24
travlrdasKreech: und danka zu dich.22:25
travlrAnother Question: Is deb packaging using CMake now for KDE4, or is it still based on autoconf, etc. blah?22:30
travlrOk, I see something mentioned in the PackageingGuide about CMake now, but no CDBS yet? Is all the info in the KubuntuPackagingGuide up to date?22:35
Riddelltravlr: KDE 4 uses CMake, KubuntuPackagingGuide is obsolete22:36
travlrWhere to go for up to date info. if any?22:37
travlrdebian dev pages?22:37
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports22:37
travlrubotu: thanks. is it up to date for KDE4 though?22:40
Riddelltravlr: KubuntuPackagingGuide is a redirect to PackagingGuide/KDE and its not badly up to date22:42
Riddell" You can get a suitable kde.mk by downloading the source for kde4libs and copying debian/cdbs."22:42
travlrRidell: ok thank you I want to start packaging all my local source builds if CMake is being used now. I never did want to learn autoconf blah.22:43
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jeroen-is Keep still the default installed backup tool?22:47
jeroen-in Hardy?22:47
Riddelljeroen-: in kde3 kubuntu yes22:48
jeroen-Riddell: thanks22:48
jeroen-I was just wondering, because it wasnt a new version22:48
yuriyshall i fix the LTS typo in UWN?22:50
seeleanyone here do anything with amarok (besides use it)22:51
Riddellyuriy: what's the typo?22:55
Riddellseele: apachelogger, Nightrose22:55
seeleRiddell: yeah, got Nightrose's attention but thanks22:55
yuriyRiddell: that it says Kubuntu 8.04 LTS Beta release22:55
yuriyas somebody pointed out on the ml22:55
Riddellyuriy: go ahead22:56
yuriyjust making sure some crazy magic didn't in fact just happen22:56
nosrednaekimwhats the "default settings" in hardy for kde4?23:09
nosrednaekimthe default settings package that is23:09
apacheloggersame as for KDE 323:10
nosrednaekimsame package?23:11
nixternalOK, where are my python mastahs?23:14
* Riddell hides23:14
nosrednaekimi'm not a master... but maybe I can help23:14
nixternaltake a look at that and provide feedback...23:15
nixternaljust a script to download gpg keys and install them from whatever team you provide as an argument23:15
nixternalmessing around with urllib23:15
nosrednaekimI thought you had given up on python23:15
dasKreechhe likes to wrangle23:16
nosrednaekimoh... nice! embedded kate in konqueror4....23:16
nosrednaekimbeautiful syntax coloring...23:17
nixternalwhen it works it is nice :)23:17
dasKreechdidn't we have that in kde3 ?23:17
dasKreechoh what happened to kwrite?23:17
nosrednaekimyeah..... well I hated konq3 for web23:18
dasKreechit's all pow-wah-ful and sexy23:18
nosrednaekimnixternal: you don't really need the __name__ ==__main__  part, but other wise it looks nice a slick :)23:20
nixternaltrying not to do C/C++ stuff was a bit tricky in there...but I did that w/o using a book or the internet...just using the api docs23:20
nosrednaekimlooks nice, but instead of telling the person to run that command, you COULD just run it yourself.23:22
nixternalwell, now what I am going to do is play with created a gui and what not for it...probably not distribution worthy anyways23:28
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