
Hobbseenow, how is it best to find under what name a particular block of code is hosted under launchpad?02:15
Hobbseeand how do i search branches on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev ?02:15
Hobbseeis there any way i can find a branch that i've contributed to?02:17
HobbseeFujitsu: got any idea where the ubuntu-restricted-extras stuff was stored?  it's in bzr somewhere, and on launchpad, but i don't know where anymore, and launchpad search is being unhelpful.02:18
FujitsuHobbsee: Well, it should be easy to find...02:19
FujitsuBut of course, LP doesn't do code for packages.02:19
HobbseeFujitsu: it's not a project, apparently.02:19
FujitsuIt must be.02:19
FujitsuAs one can't use +junk for groups.02:19
Hobbseeor i'm looking under teh wrong name.02:19
FujitsuIs there a project linked to the source package?02:20
Hobbseeat least, i *think* it was in bzr.02:20
FujitsuIt has no Vcs-* headers.02:21
FujitsuSo maybe not.02:21
HobbseeFujitsu: i don't think so02:21
Hobbseeyeah, but i may never have put them in02:22
FujitsuTut tut.02:22
* Hobbsee closes 2 bugs.02:31
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thumperHobbsee: can I get you to file a bug with your comments from 4 hours ago, and assign it to me?06:22
Hobbseethumper: about the "how to search for a bzr branch in a useful way" thing?06:22
thumperHobbsee: that was going to be this cycle but didn't make it06:22
thumperHobbsee: I ran out of time06:22
Hobbseeah right06:22
Hobbseeaww :(06:22
thumperhopefully I should have it on edge in a couple of weeks06:22
thumperHobbsee: what do you mean by "a useful way"?06:22
Hobbseethumper: one that returns the results you want :)06:23
thumperHobbsee: I can't yet read minds06:23
Hobbseethumper: awww.  pity.06:23
thumperHobbsee: what fields would you expect it to search?06:23
Hobbseethumper: well, i'd expect that if i knew the name of whatever the thing was, and the project, then it would be able to search and tell me which particular group had ownership o fit, etc.06:26
Hobbseeie, i know that ubuntu.gutsy is the seed list for gutsy, in the project called ubuntu, yet if i don't remember that tha't sin ~ubuntu-core-dev, i'll never find it.06:26
thumperHobbsee: what about going to code.launchpad.net/<project> (and then "list branches" or +branches) , that will give you the branches for the project, then use this new search field and type in "gutsy", you'll get the right thing06:28
thumperHobbsee: you should almost get that now06:28
thumperHobbsee: unless there are hundreds of branches in the project06:28
thumperHobbsee: hopefully my branch should be there soon (RSN)06:28
* thumper goes to sort out kids06:29
* RAOF wonders what that's a euphamism for.06:29
* Fujitsu sorts out RAOF.06:30
Hobbseethumper: where exactly would i find "list branches"?06:30
Hobbseeor does ubuntu not class as a project?06:30
FujitsuHobbsee: Ubuntu has no branches.06:30
FujitsuBecause distros couldn't possibly ever need branches.06:30
FujitsuThis is why we have hacks like putting seeds in /ubuntu-seeds or so.06:30
Hobbseewe have /ubuntu-seeds?06:31
Hobbseeoh, so we do.06:31
Hobbseeyes, nwo about this new search field.06:32
FujitsuYes, because we can't have branches on distros. This makes things messy.06:32
Hobbseethe one that doesn't exist?06:32
* Hobbsee wonders why the distros wouldn't need branches....06:32
Hobbseeanyway, so i've found the project.  there is just no search bar.06:33
FujitsuI forget the reason that was given.06:33
HobbseeFujitsu: because why?06:33
thumperHobbsee: yes I was mentioning this "soon to land" search bar07:50
Hobbseethumper: ahhh, right.07:53
Hobbseethumper: then i will not be confused over why i can't see it then :)07:53
thumperHobbsee: also, as you noticed, distro's don't have branches (yet)07:54
Hobbseethumper: yeah.  so no wonder it all confuses me, which is why i tend not to use branches.07:56
* Hobbsee --> dinner07:57
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McKinneyi have a question about the launchpad ppa. is there someone who can help me?11:29
FujitsuMcKinney: Quite possibly. Ask away, and someone will answer if they know.11:30
McKinneythanks :) i created my ppa and wanted to upload a package. but everywhere i read that i have upload a .changes-file. where do i get that from?11:31
FujitsuMcKinney: How have you created your package?11:35
McKinneyi downloaded the source-pakete and created the origin-package with dh_make --createorig. i took pidgin 2.4.0 to try that.11:36
FujitsuMcKinney: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide will probably help you out.11:37
McKinneythank you11:43
ubotuNew bug: #205586 in launchpad-buildd "Should be able to search for packages across all PPA's" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20558615:56
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sorenDoes anyone have any good ideas on how to map the bzr revision numbers on an import of an svn branch on launchpad to the original svn revision numbers?16:54
Odd_Blokesoren: Asking in #bzr is more likely to get you a useful response. :)17:14
ubotuNew bug: #205629 in launchpad "hwdb should provide a usable manual upload form" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20562917:56
ubotuNew bug: #205637 in launchpad-buildd "Should be able to associate PPA packages with projects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20563718:00
fitoriaHow does a Translation template gets aproved in Launchpad?18:07
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mtaylorkiko-afk: ping? 18:15
mtaylorkiko-afk: nm18:21
mtaylorit was my fault18:21
fitoriaHow does a Translation template gets aproved in Launchpad?18:24
andrea-bsfitoria: maybe this will help you: https://help.launchpad.net/TranslationsImportPolicy18:37
fitoriathanks andrea-bs18:37
ubotuNew bug: #205644 in diff-ext "Please add diff-ext to the rosetta (Launchpad translations)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20564418:44
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