
=== william__ is now known as baudelaire
epi-hi. what's the right way to report printing bug in 8.04 beta?00:40
epi-there's no sensible info in /var/log/cups/error_log00:43
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drukeok I'm new to the bug team, does something like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/+bug/205378 , go straight to wishlist?02:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205378 in transmission "Transmission should have a tooltip over the notification icon showing global Up/Down-Speed" [Undecided,New]02:42
Nattgewyeah, I think so...02:50
drukeI'm unsure of how to file it as such then02:58
persiadruke: According to the upstream bug, it's fixed in r4704.  I'd set it "Triaged" and "Wishlist".02:59
* greg-g nods03:00
persiaErr.  Nevermind.  It needs a new upstream bug: that bug was to have a different tooltip.03:00
persiaSo, set "Confirmed" (as long as you don't see the data), "Wishlist", and update the upstream tracker to point to the correct enhancement request (possibly a new one)03:00
greg-gthe one linked in LP is a dupe of one that works though: http://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/61603:00
drukeWhere in the wiki is the documentation on howto do all that in launchpad (there are like a million wiki pages on this topic)03:01
greg-g(last comment in the upstream bug report)03:01
* persia looks at the r4704 changes harder03:01
persiagreg-g: Thanks.03:01
persiadruke: Yep.  "Triaged" or "Fix Released" (depending on whether r4704 is in the repos), and "Wishlist".03:02
drukeah I see I'm jsut not allowed to set importance03:03
greg-gappears it will be in 1.10, so not in the repos yet03:03
persiadruke: Click on one of the little arrows next to "New", and you can get it.03:03
greg-gdruke: correct, one of us will do it for you03:03
drukeI confirmed it03:03
persiadruke: Ah.  I'll set it for you now then.03:03
greg-gyou are always welcome to come in here and ask somoene to set importances for you03:03
persiadruke: Could you also update the upstream bug tracker to point at #616?03:03
greg-gjust fyi03:04
drukethanks greg-g , and persia ; It'llt ake me a second to figure that out but I'll do it03:04
drukedo I just change the 'assigned to' from transmission trac #381 to the url of the new one03:07
persiadruke: If you click the expansion icon for the upstream task, you'll be given the option of entering a URL for the correct upstream bug.03:07
drukepersia, Ok I think I did it correct :D03:08
persiadruke: Works for me.  Thanks.  Time for the next bug :)03:09
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drukebug #205406 should liely be made a wishlist, its requesting weather applet's details page to be a gtk normal, instead of a gtk dialog.04:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205406 in gnome-applets "Weather applet won't minimize on window list click" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20540604:15
persiadruke: adjusted04:17
drukebug #205405 and bug #199287 allude to the same thing but a newer (just filed) bug #205418 better adresses the whole issue, should I file the first two as dupes of the new one (even though they are older)05:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205405 in kubuntu-meta "Kubuntu Live CD Beta v8.04 - "Connection preferences" reports a missing shared library" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20540505:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199287 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "File Associations Settings Module Broken Under KDE4 (Hardy)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19928705:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205418 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "many libraries and programs in KDE4 missing - should include the metapackage "kde4" as dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20541805:45
persiadruke: The liveCD is a somewhat special case.  Rather than using the desktop metapackage, there is typically a separate seed for what gets shipped on the CD.  Given the lack of direct response from a Kubuntu person here, you might check to see if anyone on #kubuntu-devel is aware of the issue, and how they would find it most helpful to have the bugs triaged.06:00
persiaAlso, if you use the special text "bug #205405" in a bug comment, launchpad will convert it to a hyperlink to the referenced bug report (this works for any bug number, not just 205405).06:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205405 in kubuntu-meta "Kubuntu Live CD Beta v8.04 - "Connection preferences" reports a missing shared library (dup-of: 205418)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20540506:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205418 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "many libraries and programs in KDE4 missing - should include the metapackage "kde4" as dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20541806:01
drukeid on't suppose one can edit comments eh?06:03
drukei don't*06:04
persiaNext time though :)06:06
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Shubocan someone validate my work on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/205221? i'm new to triaging and i really want some feedback about it09:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205221 in ubuntu "power off after hibernate does not work" [Undecided,New]09:34
Knightlustbug #20507109:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205071 in ubuntu "[Hardy] unable to connect using wireless after update of 21/03" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20507109:50
Shuboi worked on bug #205071 too09:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205071 in ubuntu "[Hardy] unable to connect using wireless after update of 21/03" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20507109:56
affluxmorning :)10:31
IulianHey afflux10:46
* afflux hits the 5-a-day stats page11:07
affluxit didn't count my last 40 bugs :(11:07
gggggigiuuu uu?12:32
gggggigIs possible to fix this bug? Is just a folder to rename..12:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 186141 in nautilus-actions "missing nautilus-actions menu entries" [Low,Confirmed]12:41
jeromeggggggig: well it has to be fixed upstream12:43
jeromegthis is not an ubuntu problem12:43
affluxjeromeg: it seems like it is.12:44
affluxdebian/rules says "DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS := --with-nautilus-extdir=/usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-1.0/", this should propably be "-2.0"12:44
gggggigcurrently nautlius-action in hardy is simply trash..12:45
gggggigit does anything12:45
affluxgggggig: yes, we got it. Thanks for helping.12:45
jeromegafflux: mmm, i thought it was a gvfs problem i'll give it a shot12:45
affluxjeromeg: looking at the bug reported it is installed at the wrong place12:45
jeromegafflux: ok, i'll try to build a new package with your fix12:46
affluxjeromeg: are you a motu?12:46
jeromeggggggig: could you test it if I provide you a package ?12:46
gggggigit just a problem with names.. extensions-2.0/ instead of 1.012:46
gggggigjeromeg: yes12:46
jeromegafflux: no but i can still build a package with my ppa :)12:46
affluxjeromeg: I can do so too.12:46
jeromeggggggig: what arch are you running ?12:46
jeromegafflux: ok, go for it if you want, no problem :)12:46
gggggigjeromeg: hardy x8612:46
affluxjeromeg: thanks :)12:47
jeromego problem :)12:47
jeromegafflux: thank you for your help12:47
gggggigjeromeg: I'm already using nautilus-action with that folder renamed12:47
jeromeggggggig: and it still does nothing ?12:47
gggggigjeromeg: no it works perfectly12:47
jeromeggggggig: oh great then, it should be an easy fix12:48
gggggigjeromeg: it's just for the other users12:48
affluxgggggig: yes, we're working on it. thanks for your work.12:48
jeromeggggggig: of course, such a workaround is really bad12:48
affluxuploaded to https://edge.launchpad.net/~afflux/+archive, waiting for the buildds. Going to lunch now, cya later12:49
gggggigjeromeg: the original authour doesn't maintein nact anymore12:49
jeromegafflux: see you12:49
jeromeggggggig: yep, but in that case it's a packaging problem12:49
jeromegsomething has not been updated with the new version12:50
gggggigjeromeg: but He is looking for a new mainteiner, for now this fix is enought12:50
gggggigjeromeg: is possible to have a fixed version of nact before Hardy release?12:52
jeromeggggggig: if it's only this little problem of packaging, i think it will be accepted into hardy12:52
gggggigjeromeg: yes12:53
gggggigafflux: thanks for committing the fix13:01
affluxgggggig: the fix for your problem will be available in hardy soon.13:28
gggggigafflux: I've tried the deb from your rep and it works13:30
affluxgggggig: perfect, thank you. The fix will be reviewed from the motus and eventually uploaded into hardy.13:31
catterlyhello everyone, what can I do to push this bug up the priority queue, as it seems pretty critical to me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/19361714:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 193617 in gnome-power-manager "Hardy rhythmbox stops screen from blanking on laptop lid close" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:11
catterlyI am on BugSquad so I was able to confirm it but as I just applied to BugControl I can't do much more, I don't think.14:12
greg-gcatterly: I'll set the importance for you14:19
greg-gI'm unsure whether it should be a g-p-m or rhythmbox bug though14:19
greg-gI'm actually leaning towards rhythmbox14:19
persiaI'd be careful about trying to fix that bug.  From what I understand, when the screen blanks, it starts the sleep timer, which can be annoying for someone listening to music with a lid closed.  From what I understand, the power systems don't identify audio tracking well enough to be sane yet.14:21
catterlygreg-g: yeah, I don't understand if rhythmbox is rejecting the request, or g-p-m has some list of things to auto reject14:21
greg-gpersia: ahh yes, good point14:22
catterlypersia: well the more important issue is the second part which the op mentions and I commented on, how you can't shut down the computer14:22
catterlywhich is incredibly important14:22
catterlymaybe it should be split into two bugs, one for screen blanking and one for shutdown/restart requests via a power button etc?14:23
greg-gyeah, the only reason I set it to High was because this could theoretically effect all laptop users14:23
catterlyyeah High is what I would have gone for14:23
persiacatterly: Hmmm...  I'm not sure which use case (turning off without closing rhythmbox or listening to music with the lid closed) should win in this case.14:23
catterlypersia: you could still listen to music with the lid closed, if you have the lid close option set to none. if you don't, then it is doing what you asked14:24
catterlypersia: on the other hand, it is really annoying to shut down/restart/hibernate/suspend/logoff14:25
greg-gpersia: could you comment on that bug with your concerns?  Just "for the record" so someone doesn't overlook that possibility.14:25
persiacatterly: Good point.  My ideal behaviour isn't possible (allowing screen blank but not sleep with audio output), so either seems a reasonable alternative.14:26
persiagreg-g: catterly has just convinced me that it's not ideal to block it.  I'll pursue my use case with a future interaction.  It shouldn't be rythmbox-specific anyway.14:27
greg-gpersia: ok14:28
catterlypersia: so are you using if I have my lid close option set to "blank screen" and also set to never sleep on inactivity, this sleep timer still occurs14:32
catterlypersia: I am just confused because I listen to music with the lid closed all the time without issue14:33
persiacatterly: I think you're right.  I may be confused by something else.14:33
catterlybut maybe you are thinking some people have it set to sleep after a period of inactivity, and a lid close would trigger that start of inactivity, but you wouldn't want music playing to count as inactivity?14:33
catterlyI guess I can see validity there though how to manage that, I have no idea other than through some additional option or exceptions made available to the user14:34
persiacatterly: That's what I want, but it appears the hack to make that work with rythmbox breaks other things too badly.  Better to wait until the audio system can communicate with the power system, so it also works for other music players.14:35
catterlyby the way has anyone noticed tab completion in apt-get/aptitude for install/remove appears not to work? I couldn't find a bug anywhere so I am wondering if it is just me14:39
persiacatterly: I think bash-completion is disabled by default.  Are you sure it's turned on for your user?14:42
greg-gI've seen a bug talking about that recently....14:43
catterlypersia: well I can tab-complete normal commands14:44
catterlyand filenames, etc14:44
catterlyI don't know if that is something different?14:44
persiaThat would be the internal completion from bash itself, rather than the hinting.14:45
persiacatterly: Check your /etc/bashrc and ~/.bashrc.  If neither of them has the strong ". /etc/bash_completion" or "source /etc/bash_completion", read /usr/share/doc/bash_completion/README.gz14:46
catterlyso did something change from Gutsy->Hardy in regards to this?14:46
persiaI think so.  I believe there was some juggling to get all the completion code in the same place, which might affect a standard install.14:47
catterlypersia: oh okay, do you know if it is a bug or a feature? as in should I have to specifically do something to get it to work, was that the decision, or is something just wrong14:48
persiaI think it is considered a feature.  I'll see if I can find a reference.14:49
persiaThe only thing I'm finding is the thread starting https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2007-October/001939.html, but there may have been a policy decision in Debian14:54
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drukeanyone able to confirm Bug #205599 , or bug #205568. I think they're the same bug but it doesn't happen on my system16:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205599 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox crashes on Xbox.com's Friends List" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20559916:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205568 in firefox "firefox 3 beta crashes accessing web page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20556816:44
charle2druke: the second one loads just fine for me16:47
drukeright'o then I imagine they're related ( or at least identical)16:47
charle2druke: the first one gives an "live.xbox.com:443 uses an invalid security certificate" alert16:48
charle2but otherwise seems fine16:48
drukeah I see, well then perhaps your in the same boat as myself where they both 'work'16:50
drukegonna see if I get a different reaction in 32 bit.16:50
charle2I am on 32bit, fyi16:51
drukeah hrmm16:51
sroeckerwhich program sets permissions for /dev/bus/usb ?17:12
james_wsroecker: udev probably, what problems are you seeing?17:14
sroeckerjames_w, I can't access my usb camera anymore17:15
Tuv0kbug #18950617:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 189506 in gphoto2 "Normal user can't access USB camera Error (-53: 'Could not claim the USB device')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18950617:16
sroeckerall usb devices are in the root group instead of plugdev17:16
sroeckerthx, Tuv0k17:16
charle2greg-g: I see you marked bug #205610 a dup, but is it also a dup of the bug we were previously discussing bug #193617? it seems to me that they are all the same17:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205610 in rhythmbox "Rhythmbox prevents sleep (dup-of: 78038)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20561017:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78038 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox interferes with suspend" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7803817:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 193617 in gnome-power-manager "Hardy rhythmbox stops screen from blanking on laptop lid close" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19361717:57
greg-gyeah, they are similar (78038 and 193617) but I'm not certain if they are the same17:58
greg-gcharle2: I am just uncertain, I am of course open to discussion about it, in fact, if others would give their opinion that would be great.  Unfrotunately, right now I must try to ignore the bugs for the day and get some other work done.18:04
charle2greg-g: I don't know if the cause is the same, but in the bug I referenced the person also mentions the issue of not being able to shutdown, etc, so that is why I suggested it18:06
charle2either way would you mind, if you agree, bumping the importance of bug #78038 to High as with the other bug, which is the real issue I was referring to18:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78038 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox interferes with suspend" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7803818:07
charle2I commented on that as well explaining my logic18:07
charle2if they are going to be separate bugs perhaps the other should be Medium and this should be High, or merged as one High18:08
=== charle2 is now known as catterly
catterlyhmm, they both have the exact same pop up error message, "Request to do policy action-- Music Player has stopped the policy action from taking place: Playing." that seems to indicate to me they are the same issue. I will look into this some more later18:13
greg-gcatterly: yeah, that makes sense.  The only confusing bit now is that in a comment from february of 2007 a developer of g-p-m said the issue was fixed in their dev. version (ie: should be fixed in the next release after Feb. 2007).18:15
greg-ga comment from the upstream bug report linked to from 7803818:16
catterlyyeah I am making a somewhat long-winded comment in #19361718:24
catterlygreg-g: okay I just left it, would you let me know if you agree with it when you have a minute18:25
greg-gcatterly: I agree (yeah, I'm bad at ignoring bug issues ;) )18:27
catterlygreg-g: haha, well thanks, now get back to work!18:35
greg-gcatterly: :)18:38
JohnPhy1I could use some help debugging a program/system crash caused in inkscape.  I can reliably reproduce the crash, but would like to know what information is needed (and what steps to take) to inform the devs.18:38
james_wJohnPhy1: if you can get a backtrace it would help a lot.18:39
JohnPhy1I followed the instructions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace , but unfortunately I was dumb and didn't install the debugging-symbols for inkscape, and now my systems seems to have completely hung up (I can't find a way to exit gdb)18:40
JohnPhy1should i just kill the gdb process, install the debugging symbols, and try again?18:40
james_wsounds good to me18:41
greg-gJohnPhy1: if you can't get that working, look in the /var/crash directory and see if there is a .crash file with the name of inkscape in it18:42
james_wCTRL-D should exit gdb18:42
JohnPhy1I just killed it18:42
JohnPhy1I couldn't click on the terminal that had gdb running18:42
JohnPhy1it's a crazy crash18:42
JohnPhy1is there an apt-key for the debugging symbol reps?18:43
JohnPhy1Maybe I asked the wrong question, apt throws an authentication warning when installing packages from ddebs.ubuntu.com, is there a gpg-key to install so the packages can be authenticated?18:47
persiaIt used to be pitti's key, but I can't find the wiki page anymore (and the repo location changed since it was that key).18:50
JohnPhy1ok, thanks18:50
JohnPhy1so I installed the dbgsym packages for what I thought were the relevant programs, and ran the gdb, but I'm still going to have to kill the program manually18:51
JohnPhy1should I file the bug against the launchpad tracker for the inkscape project, or for ubuntu hardy?18:54
catterlyJohnPhy1: I think it is typically done as both, but I am not positive, I would wait for someone else to chime in19:03
JohnPhy1I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with this, but I seem to have encountered 2 bugs:  LaTeX equations will not render in inkscape (running latest hardy), though ps2edit seems to complete fine.  This seems related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/168977 .  If I happen to try using the 3d box tool after that, the entire program crashes, and I don't see any bugs related to that.  Using the 3d box tool without usi19:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 168977 in inkscape "LaTeX formula effect not functional" [Medium,Incomplete]19:13
askandHi, I think #63352 should be given a higher priority19:16
affluxbug 6335219:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 63352 in linux-source-2.6.17 "Creative labs X-Fi sound card unsupported" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6335219:18
affluxaskand: what version of ubuntu are you running?19:19
askandafflux: writing this from hardy daily build19:19
affluxaskand: so hardy doesn't work? are you using kernel 2.6.24-12?19:19
askand afflux: yes 2.6.24-12-generic19:20
JohnPhy1Is anyone in here having issues iwth how fonts are rendered on an lcd in gnome terminal or qt apps?19:21
JohnPhy1on hardy19:21
askandafflux: aplay -l gives me "aplay: device_list:205: no soundcards found..."19:22
affluxaskand: I'm not sure about the importancy, but the affected package is definetly wrong19:24
affluxI'll fix this19:24
affluxwell, I will not fix the problem, but I'll change the bugreport ;)19:24
askandafflux: thanks :) need any more info?19:24
affluxaskand: In case someone requests more information, please subscribe to this bug19:25
JohnPhy1my fonts in gnome-terminal and qt apps (kile, kopete) don't seem to obey the subpixel hinting settings set in System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Fonts19:25
askandafflux: will do19:25
affluxaskand: thanks19:25
affluxaskand: maybe you should attach lspci-vvnn.log which is generated with the following command: "sudo lspci -vvnn > lspci-vvnn.log", but I'm not good at kernel triaging :)19:27
askandafflux: ok will do that19:28
affluxaskand: thank you19:28
askandafflux: Hm i pushed something and somehow the old kernel came back in the report..19:35
catterlyJohnPhy1: you didn't /just/ change it did you? apps need a restart to be affected by that I believe19:35
affluxaskand: right, just closed the task19:36
askandafflux: thanks :)19:41
askandcan someone assign bug 196021?19:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196021 in bash "include bash-completion by default in hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19602119:42
JohnPhy1catterly:  they're not affected even after a reboot, and the bar (with the applications menu and clock and such) seems to reflect the changes immediately19:46
JohnPhy1catterly:  I should add that other apps, such as gedit, pidgin, etc. reflect the changes nicely19:47
askandHm openoffice splashscreen shows 2.3 in hardy even if it is 2.4, is that a known bug?19:53
ScottK2askand: I'm fairly sure it is.19:53
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