
nixternalmdke: doin' fine, a bit busy though01:25
kanadiannixternal: hi, im looking to dig into some ubuntu documentation but I'm more or less new at linux and documenting for that matter01:26
nixternalgroovy...documenting is a fairly straight forward and easy process01:26
nixternalthe "new at Linux" part usually takes a bit to get over01:27
kanadiani stumbled upon your blog the other day and was actually talking to you just yesterday. do you remember "ubuntu"01:27
nixternalyup, in #kde01:34
kanadianyup, well anyways, Im not sure how I stumbled on your blog but I did somehow through google and ended up back at ubuntu/community01:35
nixternalhehe, so it is working then :)01:35
kanadianif you mean the google hits then yet01:35
nixternalhonestly, documentation wise, I am working more in KDE now more so than Kubuntu especially with the release of KDE 401:36
nixternalthere is so much documentation work to get done01:37
* dsas_ flogs nixternal harder01:37
nixternalno flogging!01:38
kanadianyeah I realize this is a pretty busy point for kde4, i've been waiting anxiously for it to be released in mainstream distros, I need a stable system so I haven't installed the core packs for testing01:38
kgoetzhi all. whats the best practice for tellin gpeople to edit files? someone just pointed out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide#check uses 'gksudo gedit' to edit files. someone in #kubuntu was trying to install gksudo and gedit to be able to fllow the guide :)02:51
Flannelkgoetz: For them, they should use kdesu kate03:04
kgoetzFlannel: yes, i know. but how do you say that in guides? do you say 'or in kubuntu blah' or is there a page to link to?03:06
Flannelkgoetz: And for xubuntu, gksu mousepad, hmm, its difficult to be specific enough to not be confusing to users, but vague enough to allow that sort of stuff.03:06
kgoetzFlannel: which is why i thought there might be a page :/03:08
Flannelkgoetz: I know for installing, they usually use "Any Method" for installing (synaptic, adept, apt-get, etc)03:08
FlannelBut, I can't seem to find that page.03:08
Flannelbut, perhaps its time we make a page like that for editors as well03:08
Flannelhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware I guess is the one.  And there's also a note here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto03:09
* Flannel realises he's in -doc03:09
ubotuNew bug: #205408 in ubuntu-docs (main) "package ubuntu-docs 8.03.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20540804:21
mdkepopey: the shuttle I showed you. It seems to work great.09:38
ubotuNew bug: #205456 in ubuntu-docs (main) "package ubuntu-docs 8.03.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 134" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20545609:40
kgoetzhm. dupe.09:41
mdkenot so sure09:50
mdkethat one looks rather different09:50
mdkeit's slightly worrying, that's the third bug I think we've had on failing to upgrade.09:50
mdkemaybe something is wrong with scrollkeeper09:50

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