
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
ubotuIn ubotu, vocx said: case is Everything in Unix and Linux is case sensitive04:11
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
MTecknologyanybody around?07:08
MTecknologyI don't know where to report it, but could somebody maybe take a look at http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatIsubuntu/releases ? I get the message "You are not authorized to access this page."07:09
Hobbsee(dealt with)07:12
Hobbseegood?  bad?09:56
Tm_THobbsee: both :))10:30
Tm_Tquite ok what I've seen10:30
Tm_THobbsee: what's about?10:30
Myrttihello noober, how can we help you today11:06
elkbuntunoober, this isnt a channel for chatting or idling, so please state your issue11:08
jussio1hello LjL-Temp11:57
SomsAny ops around?13:36
LjL-Temphow can i help you?13:36
SomsMind unbanning neopsyche so he could apologise?13:36
SomsHe'd like to apologise for his behavior.13:36
SomsNot too bad, how is your easter?13:36
LjL-Tempi can unban him from here, yes, but i'll warn that apologies won't necessarily help very much13:37
SomsI understand.13:37
Hobbseeoh, there you go13:37
neopsyche I just rememberd that IRC here is logged. I fear my entire image on here and possibly in general has been tarnished now because of comments I made out of frustration .. I have learned my lesson but feel my attitude even though not all that bad has completely ruined things as nobody will help me and I am permanently banned it seems.13:38
* Soms waves13:39
SomsHappy Easter all.13:39
neopsycheI dont even want to use this nick anymore.13:39
LjL-Tempneopsyche: few bans are permanent13:39
neopsycheI am going to read the rules now.13:39
neopsycheI feel sick about this entire situation.13:39
neopsycheThe Ubuntu community is a good thing to be involved in and I dont want to be excluded from that.13:40
LjL-Tempneopsyche, reading the rules is certainly a good start13:40
neopsycheI have even tried phoning dennis kaarsemaker to apologise.13:41
neopsychediddnt get through.13:41
Seveasneopsyche, my phine is switched off and I definitely don't appreciate unsollicted phonecalls13:41
neopsycheapologies for that too then.13:42
neopsycheI dont know what else to say.13:42
Seveasalso be glad it's easter and I'm in a good mood. I demolished some old furniture from my mother in law. I've unbanned you but please behave13:43
neopsycheThank you, hope you enjoy the rest of your day.  This entire experience has been very humbling.13:46
elkbuntuis rayb0t a bot?14:03
elkbuntuer, rayb0t_14:04
pleia2-!- emma [n=emma@unaffiliated/emma] has left #ubuntu-women ["Check out ##club-ubuntu"]14:28
pleia2appears she's now choosing to spam in /part messages (ugh)14:29
Hobbseepleia2: another piece of spam.  Thanks for reporting it.14:29
elkbuntuthanks pleia214:29
Hobbseeso, uh, how long will we let her continue to get away with it for?14:29
elkbuntui wonder why she only quit there?14:31
Hobbseeeither way, i'm getting really sick of her spamming, and consistently wanting not to change.14:39
elkbuntuor, constantly wanting us to change how we would and do treat anyone else doing the same thing14:40
MrUnagii was just wondering if i am still banned from #kubuntu or if i wasnt banned from there on this connection......i would rather not be accused of ban evading again16:33
fdovingMrUnagi: your ban matches the .comcast.net connection. not your current one.16:50
MrUnagidoes that mean that i should leave until my ban is lifted on my other connections?16:52
fdovingi don't think bans are automatically lifted. so that could take a while :)16:53
MrUnagii notice that i am still banned in the other channels which is why i was wondering16:53
fdovingwhat did you do? 16:53
MrUnagii was accused of ban evading which wasnt true and when i tried to explain i was laughed at and banned from here........so i was irate and flamed in each channel until i got my point across16:54
Myrttiuntil you got your point across... irate, flamed, unsolicited pm16:55
MrUnagiim not denying any wrong doing i did after i was wronged myself16:55
MrUnagiand i never did16:55
fdovinganyway i don't think it's up to every irc user to check if there are any bans matching their current host at any given time.16:57
fdovingbehaving and not be banned is what users should do. :)16:57
MrUnagiim just making sure that if i stay in kubuntu, that i am not accused of ban evading as i was before16:57
MrUnagii would love to  not be banned........i came in here as requested to ask for my initial ban to bbe lifted when i was accused of ban evading16:58
fdovingasking for anything in this channel usually is pointless.16:58
MrUnagii was told to come back after 2 days to request a ban lift16:58
jribimmediate ban on the rickroll wasn't too much was it?17:09
ikoniais he a known issue ?17:18
ikoniaI've never seen the nick17:18
nikrudusually known as unagi if it's the same guy17:19
ikoniain that case jrib "no"17:20
SeveasI've just been rickrolled as well17:20
Seveasmtv-like channel in NL just aired the video as a part of a "90's top 25" :)17:20
* nikrud is culturally deprived: Had never heard of Rick Astley till now17:22
ikonianikrud: where are you based ?17:23
nikrudlos angeles17:23
ikoniaahhh yes, Rick never made it out of uk17:23
nikrudrecently; lived up and down the west coast, all the major cities at one time or the other17:24
Seveashe made it to mainland europe17:24
ikoniaSeveas: no way 17:24
ikoniaSeveas: I thought we banned him with shame17:24
SeveasI got chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiils17:25
Seveasthey're multiplying17:25
* nikrud goes off to get edumacated17:25
* Seveas ♥ 90's music :)17:25
nikrudhm, firefox is freezing the youtube video. Maybe it knows something I don't?17:26
ikoniait's protecting you17:27
MrUnagiso when exactly were my bans to be lifted?17:29
nikrudMrUnagi you need to talk to the person who actually banned you.17:31
MrUnagilol if it wasnt ljl im not to incredibly sure who it was.........and if it was the same person on each connection17:31
naliothMrUnagi: after this: 1206291260 11:54 < MrUnagi> i was accused of ban evading which wasnt true and when i tried to explain i was laughed at and banned from here........so i was irate and flamed in each channel until i got my point across                 I suspect it'll be awhile17:34
MrUnagithats exactly what happened...17:34
MrUnagidid i say something wrong?17:35
naliothtwo wrongs don't make one right17:35
MrUnagii never said i was right...17:35
MrUnagiwho do i find out who to inquire about a ban lift17:37
MrUnagier how rather17:38
naliothas was mentioned, the banning op will have to figure it out17:42
MrUnagido you know who banned me on each connection?17:43
Myrttiyou do realize that you should've come here to ask your ban lifted BEFORE going to the channels you were banned from and THEN come to make sure it's not treated as ban evading17:43
MrUnagii did17:43
MrUnagithat is when i was laughed at17:43
MrUnagiand then banned from here17:44
Myrttisince it, to be totally honest, is probably what it's going to be interpreted as17:44
MrUnagii came in here very nice and respectful accepting that i went against coc and  have learned that microsoft discussions are against o4o and asked if my ban may be lifted, i was then accused of ban evading17:44
Myrttiand ban evading usually prolongs the original ban17:45
Myrttiand causes the evading host to be also banned17:45
MrUnagiwhich is understandable if i actually ban evaded....17:45
Myrttiyour words, not mine17:46
MrUnagii said i was accused of ban evading........i never said that i did because i didnt17:46
Myrttibut you're on #kubuntu now?17:50
MrUnagiwhich is what brought me here with my initial question that is still unanswered17:50
Myrttias I said, it's probably going to be interpreted as ban evading17:51
MyrttiI sure would17:51
MrUnagiwhat exactly is 'ban evading'17:51
MrUnagisince i am obviously confused17:52
Myrttiyou know you're not allowed to go into a channel, and do so anyway, using another connection, nick, whatnot.17:52
MrUnagikonversation is set and has always set and will always be set to automatically go to my usual channels17:53
Myrttiwhat I'd suggest you should do now is to, as a sign of good will, leave #kubuntu and the other channels you're not supposed to be on, and wait for the op who banned you to come online and answer your questions17:55
MrUnagii left the channel already, and again.......i do not know who banned me on each connection17:56
Myrttiwell, who banned you the first time?17:56
Myrttithe original connection17:56
Myrttithen I think it's up to him to make a decision17:57
MrUnagiso its soley his decision?17:57
Myrttiwell not entirely17:57
MrUnagithats good........because in all of this he violated the code of conduct as well17:58
MyrttiI know I'm not making any decisions since I don't know everything17:58
MrUnagiso id rather an op that can follow coc be the one to make decisions17:58
Myrttithat's a strong accusation there17:59
MyrttiI wouldn't go tossing it around that lightly17:59
MrUnagihe knows he did because he appologized17:59
theunixgeek_For some reason I can't join #ubuntu-fr.19:47
theunixgeek_Am I blocked or something?19:47
nalioththeunixgeek_: almost the right channel19:50
nalioth #ubuntu-irc svp19:50
ikoniaLjL-Temp: your a wanted man20:06
LjL-Tempikonia: i'm afraid i know20:06
ikoniaha ha20:06
* jussio1 hugs LjL-Temp20:07
ikoniaLjL-Temp: got a moment for a pm ?20:09
LjL-Templet me check my agenda20:09
LjL-Tempyes, i think so20:09
Tm_Thi kids20:12
jussio1hei isi :)20:13
ubotuzwnj called the ops in #ubuntu-ir ()20:16
ubotuebrahim called the ops in #ubuntu-ir ()20:19
nalioththey've got their own bot, which responds to ( guess what ) !commands20:20
LjL-Tempwhich one should be kept? theirs, i assume20:21
mohiLjL-Temp: when would you send ubotu back to #ubuntu-ir ?20:24
LjL-Tempmake up your mind20:25
naliothmohi: i've answered that question in #ubuntu-ir20:25
mohinalioth: aha! ty ;)20:25
mohiLjL-Temp: we solves the problem. please bring ubotu back :) 20:29
mohinalioth: ^20:29
mohitanx :)20:29
mohidoes ubotu supports "seen" ?20:38
Pici/msg seenserv help    <-20:38
mohiaha! ty  Pici :)20:38
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ir, Siavash said: !forget test21:01
ompaulSeveas, <ebrahim> ompaul, can you remove @ sensitivity of ubotu for #ubuntu-ir? 21:12
ompaulcan that be done?21:12
ompaulthat ubotu will not react to @ in that channel?21:12
ompaulthought as much but had to ask21:12
ikoniahey hey ompaul 21:23
ompaulthats me21:23
ubotuIn #kubuntu-devel, travlr said: ubotu: thanks. is it up to date for KDE4 though?22:40
LjL-Tempubotu is a bot, travlr :)22:40

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