
flintGood evening from frozen Vermont, is it traditional in Xubuntu to use native or ndis drivers for wireless pcmcia cards?00:22
kebi have a fedora 6 system with 4GB free HD space.  will it be possible to do a remote install of Xubuntu 8.04 onto that?02:14
kebthe idea is to migrate over all the app data afterwards, and then wipe the fedora02:16
alex_mayorgahow can I redetect my video card?05:21
alex_mayorgaI'm stuck at a very low res05:21
simihi, i am new to xubuntu, i used ubuntu and kubuntu and now i am tring xubuntu06:17
simiwhere i can increase the system font size?06:17
simii managed to increase the system font but is posible that all aplication to use this fnts like in gnome or kde?06:19
nanitohi, can anyone help me troubleshoot my video? I'm stuck at 640*480 :(06:20
nanitoI've just migrated from win9506:22
nanitoand used to have 1024*72806:22
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications06:22
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:22
simiyou need to reconfigure your xorg06:22
nanitosimi: me?06:23
siminanito: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:23
simiyou will be asked many questions06:23
simiif you do not know just accespt the default06:24
simiand press enter06:24
simiyou will eventualy reach a point where you must select the resolutions you want to use06:24
simiselect the ones you need06:24
simii belive that you must press Space bar to select a resolution06:25
simiafter reconfiguring try to log out06:25
simithen you can chose the resolution06:25
nanitosimi: thanks I'll try that06:26
simithat works always06:27
simiit happend for me the same problem after an update06:27
simiand i just typed in google ubuntu reconfigure xorg and i found the command because i do not remembered it corectly06:28
siminanito: tell me if it works or not06:32
nanitosimi: didn't work06:38
siminanito: do you select the resolutions you wanted? restart X?06:39
nanitoyes I googled your suggestion and push ctrl+alt+bksp06:40
nanitothen I login again and it's back at 640 :(06:40
nanitomy monitor is an old unbranded 12"06:41
simiand had no appeared other resolutions in the display manager? oor where you want to set it?06:41
nanitono, it only show 640 and 320 now the monitor is named Custom106:43
simiyou can try to set this manualy http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-426193.html06:43
nanitothis is my video card 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82740 (i740) AGP Graphics Accelerator (rev 21)06:44
simibut try again the recon figuration program06:44
simithere will ask you the video card, usualy it selects it corect but check to be sure06:45
simifor me always select corect the video card and the open source driver for me is ATI06:45
simitry to ask in #ubuntu or #kubuntu because is not specific tu xubuntu06:46
simiand maybe you can find other solutions06:46
siminanito:  and maybe they know more about your card, for me always vorked that solution06:49
the_alamodoes anyone have a suggestion for a movie organizer or cataloguer?07:52
Ov4lfolks, hello. i just wanted to asked you about thunar and hardy. is gvfs in xubuntu ?08:54
* s_arts loves xubuntu 8.04 :)09:22
maristoI have no problems, and i have no questions...09:57
s_artsneither have I09:57
localesdoes anyone know how you can change java's locales?11:21
s_artsyou could ignore them11:27
simumy xubuntu opens text files with abiword by default, I'm suprised there is no simple gui-editor preinstalled. what editor can I install that fits xubuntu?11:52
simuah thank you11:55
=== HelloMeow is now known as Mesousa
nanitohi, anyone familiar with this error when updating a new install: dpkg: error al procesar /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.6.1-1ubuntu10_i386.deb (--unpack):14:02
nanito files list file for package `libots0' is missing final newline14:02
nanitoI'm also still stuck at 640 by 48014:14
nanitoplease help14:14
kebnanito did you check the /etc/Xorg.0.log to see which resolutions the driver said were compatible with yourmonitor?14:18
nanitoI'm a total newbie, just disembarked from win9514:20
nanitolet me check that14:20
nanitothanks on the help14:21
nanitoked what I'm looking for, there seem to be a lot of info there14:23
keblook for errors14:24
kebor lines that mention supported resolutions14:24
kebor modes14:24
nanitothis seem insteresting  I740(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)14:24
nanitoI used to have that resolution on win9514:24
kebit is likely that the capabilities of your monitor are not available or being used by the Xorg driver14:25
nanitodo I nees my monitor driver?14:26
nanitoI've reinstalled xubuntu a couple of times to no avail14:26
nanitoI've also used "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phig xseerver-xorg" as per suggestions of people here, but it didn't help either14:27
kebyou need to get the specs for your monitor to see what hsync and vsync it supports14:27
kebassuming the automatic configuration didnt work for you14:27
nanitothat would be hard, I was given this old clone machine to play with14:28
nanitobut I don't have the specs for the monitor14:28
nanitothe label on the monitor says "Fountain Technologies" and that's about it :(14:29
kebyou need to know your hardware's specs to use that script also14:29
kebbecause it lets you pick out the available resolutions14:29
kebcheck the back for manufacturer and model14:29
nanitois there a command to figure that out?14:29
nanitomodel L503BGD maker Fountain Technologies14:30
kebwell the automatic detection must have failed so probly not for your case14:30
nanitoI've googled that but the company seems o be gone now14:31
nanitowhat's the command for auto detection of modes?14:31
nanitokeb do you want to se my X.log?14:32
nanitoby the way, thanks a loot on helping me out14:32
kebok. use pastebin.ca or something like that14:32
nanitokeb http://pastebin.ca/95392114:35
kebyep its having trouble finding resolutions for your monitor14:37
nanitoso am I, seems like they gave a bunch of junk :(14:38
kebhow many colors did you get when using Win95?14:39
nanitoor more, I lowered it to 24 for "better" response14:39
nanitoyes, when I do de reconfigure command it does pick up 24 automatically14:40
kebok can you cd /etc/X11 and look at xorg.conf ?14:43
nanitoI'm looking, what do you need?14:44
nanitodo I paste it as well?14:45
kebfind the Section "Monitor" where it says Identifier "Monitor genérico"14:45
nanitofound it14:45
kebwhat HorizSync is listed there, if any14:45
nanitotheres no such thing14:46
kebis there anything in that section?14:46
nanitoOption          "DPMS" is the only other line on that section14:47
kebok we need to find some generic monitor specs that won't blow up your monitor14:47
nanitoOh I also know the monitor is 12 inch14:47
brownknighthello guys. first time here on xubuntu irc14:47
nanitobrownknight hi, welcome14:49
kebmy googling shows the L503BGD seems to be 15"14:50
nanitolet me get my tape14:51
nanitoOk, I've measured it, the window is a bit shy of 1514:52
nanitokeb please pardon my english, I speak spanish :)14:53
kebno problemo14:53
nanito:D gracias14:53
kebok we should be safe with the following settings14:55
keb    HorizSync 30-5014:55
kebmake a backup copy of your xorg.conf file first ;)14:56
nanitocp right14:56
nanitoOK, done14:56
kebnow edit the file and in the Section "Monitor" under the DPMS line add the above14:57
nanitoHorizSync 30-5014:57
keband also:    VertRefresh     50-9014:57
nanitodone Horis and Vert14:58
kebit is possible your monitor can do 1280x1024 but let's not take too many risks14:58
nanitoif it goes to 800 I'll be happy :)14:59
kebnote spelling HorizSync14:59
nanitofrom some googling it seems that 24 is also to high14:59
nanitoOH yes, I copy/paste but then got it wrong14:59
kebok next move down in the file to the Section "Screen"14:59
nanitoI'm there15:00
nanitoI've changed  DefaultDepth    24 to  DefaultDepth    16 :)15:01
kebdoes it have a DefaultDepth ?15:01
kebok in the SubSection "Display" what are the Modes listed?15:01
nanitoModes           "1280x1024" "1024x768" "832x624" "720x400" "640x480" "640x400" "640x350"15:02
kebtry change them to  only "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"15:02
kebnow save the file15:04
kebare you on the same computer now as you  are changing?15:04
nanitoI'm on the computer with the problem15:04
nanitoit's my only one :(15:04
kebyou will have to restart X.  you can do it by pressing Ctrl-Backspace or by rebooting15:05
nanitodoes it make a difference? which is better?15:05
kebi only have one also :)15:05
kebif it does not work, you can login with text mode and put back the original file15:05
kebprobably both are same for this purpose15:06
nanitolet me reboot, whish me luck and thanks yet again15:06
kebgood luck15:06
kebi have to go so i might not be here15:07
kebwhen you get back15:07
nanitokeb I owe you THANKS!!15:09
kebyou can change modes by pressing Ctrl-Alt-+ or Ctrl-Alt--15:09
kebyour computer reboots fast15:10
nanitoI pressed the keys rather than reboot15:10
kebok i must vamos15:11
nanitomuchas gracias ;)15:11
nanitois there a way to go Hardy from Gusty15:12
flintGood evening from frozen Vermont, is it traditional in Xubuntu to use native or ndis drivers for wireless pcmcia cards?15:21
flintGood afternoon from frozen Vermont, is it traditional in Xubuntu to use native or ndis drivers for wireless pcmcia cards?15:21
flintYea, that's better...15:21
nanitoany help for these errors: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-gnome-en-base_1%3a7.10+20080205_all.deb: files list file for package `libots0' is missing final newline15:39
nanitoE: /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-es_1%3a7.10+20080229_all.deb: files list file for package `libots0' is missing final newline15:39
flintthought I would hang on here and see what the xbuntu chats are like...16:07
nanitoanyone aware of problems on libots0 package?16:14
nanitolibots0_0.4.2+cvs.2004.02.20-1.1build1_i386.deb (--unpack):16:15
nanito files list file for package `libots0' is missing final newline16:15
siggjenchat? when did that happen?16:27
nathan42100question, is it possible to download the xubuntu binaries and set up grub to boot them or do I have to do a whole separate install of it?19:10
theunixgeek_I can't get my screen resolution over 800x600. I did the dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg thing and enabled restricted drivers, but it won't let me go to 1280x1024. How do I fix this?19:36
viddanyone know where the .deb's are on the web site(s) so i can dl the app im having an issue with and not use apt-get?20:23
siggjenyou will find the ftp or http url in /etc/apt/sources.list20:26
viddthere are no .deb files listed there20:27
viddfound it...packages.ubuntu.com20:28
siggjenthe .deb files you have downloaded will usually be placed in /var/cache/apt/archives/20:29
viddand they are all scewed up20:30
siggjensounds strange20:30
viddit is strange that a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade would mess up apt so bad that you cant install anything else20:31
siggjencan you paste the error messages to a web pastebin?20:32
siggjenhave you done anything to perl?20:34
viddnot that I know of20:34
viddall we did was sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:35
siggjencould you try apt-get install gcc-4.2-base20:37
viddits just not configured...and wont let itsself get configured20:40
siggjenapt-get install zlib1g20:41
siggjenwhich version did you upgrade from?20:42
viddto 7.1020:43
siggjenvery strange20:43
viddi agree20:43
viddi did a fresh net-install last night20:43
siggjendo you have a fast internet line?20:44
siggjenif so i's apt-get clean20:44
viddmy partner install light-httpd, did update and dist-upgrade...poof, messed up system20:44
siggjenthen doublecheck that /var/cache/apt/archives/ are empty, then try to apt-get install gcc-4.2-base20:45
viddmethinks we got it20:48
viddat least it didnt fail yet20:48
siggjenlet's hope so (:20:49
siggjenyou might have been unlucky and upgraded while the server was rsyncing the packages20:50
viddsounds like my kind of luck20:50
siggjenas long as it is fixable it's not that bad (:20:51
viddi KNOW its fixable (its linux, not windows) the question was HOW20:51
viddwithout formatting the whole thing of course20:52
siggjenmhm (:20:52
siggjenshows the strength of the apt system again20:54
viddI think (based on the solution you provided that seems to be working) that the issue was caused by importing a drive with /var data that was on debian and not ubuntu....20:54
siggjenthere might be a source of problem there yes20:54
siggjenyou can install debian and then upgrade it to ubuntu20:54
viddI had to exclude that /var dive in order to get ubuntu to load20:55
siggjeni don't think it's a good idea20:55
viddwell...install...not load20:55
vidduh-oh! i think in my tinkering that i deleted the ubuntu-keyring20:56
siggjenthat shouldn't be too hard to fix20:56
siggjenguess google has lots of hits there20:56
viddhow do you use dpkg to configure an installed program?20:58
siggjenso funny to read the local paper on the net after there has fallen some snow21:00
siggjenpeople in this city can't handle it21:01
viddwhat city (or state/contry if you dont wish to say the city name)21:03
viddand they cant handle snow?21:05
vidddont it snow like half the year there?21:05
siggjenguess this is the 4th time this year it snows21:05
* vidd is from the USA so he is stupid about "foreign" weather21:05
siggjenrains all year around usually21:06
siggjenchange time to winter in last sentece21:08
vidd4th time this winter? spring started 3 days ago!21:09
siggjentell that to the local weather21:10
siggjeni was having the first beer out this spring yesterday ...21:10
siggjenhad to go inside because it started to snow21:11
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
viddwe call snow in the spring-time "onion snow"21:11
* vidd has no clue why......21:11
siggjenthe problem is the easter holliday21:12
siggjenlots of drivers not used to driving in winter out on the roads21:12
siggjenwell that problem was there every time the snow fell21:13
siggjenguess some people should just start to take the bus21:13
viddeaster is the first sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring....21:13
siggjenyou think about equinox? or what it is named?21:14
vidda concession the catholic church made to indoctrinate the pagans into christian society21:15
viddyes...the spring equinox is the official first day of spring21:15
siggjenand here lots of people go to the mountains during the easter holliday to go skiing21:16
siggjenguess they shouldnt ski with their cars as well d:21:17
viddwell....we still had issues....21:19
viddso I had my partner disable /var on hdc1 and restore /var on hda3, and the issue vanished21:21
s_artsoff-topic: If some xubuntu-devs are available. You might want to take a look at ristretto 0.0.18. (released this afternoon) It 'just works' a little better then
s_artsjust a hint ;)21:21
siggjenis that a xfce4 package?21:22
s_artsits the image viewer.21:23
siggjenok, i didn't know21:23
siggjenhave no idea if the devs are watching this channel21:23
s_artsIt's part of hardy beta.21:23
siggjenprobably better to say it to a mailing list21:24
s_artsI don't care that much myself. I run svn anyways.21:24
viddtheir channel is #xubuntu-devel21:24
siggjenvidd: did you try to copy all from /var to the hdc drive?21:25
siggjenmaybe a good idea to backup the hdc drive first d:21:26
viddi passed that on to my partner21:26
siggjenhumm, sounds like a good idea to have such a partner (;21:27
viddwe in #viddandme21:29
Breakagehey, anyone know how to get the backspace key to work with gnu screen in xfterm4? :)22:00
Rhodetremhi, quick question: what is the default terminal used in Xubuntu?23:22

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