
=== fta_ is now known as fta
=== asac_ is now known as asac
jt1asac: hi15:07
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
Adri2000anyone familiar with packaging firefox extensions?15:38
asacjtv: hi15:57
asacAdri2000: yes15:57
jtvasac: importing XPI.15:59
Adri2000asac: I'm updating greasemonkey to the latest upstream version that works with firefox 3, but seems the directory(ies) where to put the extensions have changed. is there any doc about this?16:00
asacjtv: i had a question about how the exact path looks like in .po:16:00
asacOn the wiki page you show the comment line as:16:01
asac#: en-US.xpi/en-US.jar!/locale/translation.dtd:45(the.firefox.key)16:01
asacHowever in the file supplied the comment line is:16:01
asac#: xulrunner/en-US.xpi/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/necko/necko.properties:43(3)16:01
asacjtv: ^^16:01
asaci assume the latter is right?16:01
asacAdri2000: greasemonkey is already done16:01
asacAdri2000: have you been in my extension packaging tutorial session?`16:02
asacAdri2000: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions16:02
jtvasac: I think the latter is the one you'll see in practice, yes.16:02
jtvasac: AFAIK there's no way for that prefix to get in there.16:02
asacAdri2000: there is a list of extensions. those that have a ubuntu contact don't need attention16:02
asacAdri2000: but there should be others that might need some guidance16:03
asacespecially those already packaged need to attentiona16:03
asacjtv: huh? doesn't that conflict?16:03
asacwhy will i see tha latter in practice, while we cannot get that prefix in there?16:04
asacmozilla bug 31480516:04
ubotuMozilla bug 314805 in Bugzilla: Keywords & Components "create LDAP integration pseudo-user" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31480516:04
jtvasac: the XPI file is the starting point of the paths inside it.16:04
asacjtv: ok thanks.16:05
asacthats ok ... as long as the exported po file containst the app name (somehow)16:05
jtvasac: you can see some of the imported translations on staging now (and request some individual exports if you like).16:05
jtvasac: the app name is implicit in where you request the download.16:06
asacjtv: great. let me first do something else (currently in 4 discussions )16:06
Adri2000asac: ok, that's great, I'll contact jazzva16:07
asacAdri2000: jazzva has it already in the firefox-extensions project16:07
Adri2000I saw that16:08
asacAdri2000: are there other extension you would like to take care of (e.g. those packaged, but not in that list)16:08
asacAdri2000: there is still one more week to get new extensions packaged for hardy :)16:08
Adri2000well I'll take a look, but I'm not at all a mozilla expert :) I started looking at greasemonkey because I was the last upload and someone subscribed me to bug #20216516:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202165 in greasemonkey "Greasemonkey installer is broken. Package needs to be updated with firefox dependancies." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20216516:09
asacAdri2000: ah ok. packaging is really easy nowadays for most extensions16:10
asacthe main work is to figure which extensions have a proper licensing16:10
asacso even if you don't want to package, getting that information and adding suitable extensions to that page (without QA contact) is really helpful16:10
asacjtv: where do i export the translations?16:25
asachttps://translations.staging.launchpad.net/firefox ... that page just has german and its 100% untranslated (or is that figure intentionally wrong)?16:27
asacjtv: ?16:27
jtvasac: just a moment...16:27
jtvasac: if you follow the Download link here, for example: https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/firefox/3.0/+pots/firefox/nl/+translate16:27
jtvasac: try "Show template & all languages"16:28
jtvasac: otherwise the overview will only show you your preferred languages.16:28
asacjtv: and the xulrunner link is similar?16:29
asacjtv: oh ... it tells me that an email was send ... interesting16:30
jtvasac: oh, yeah, it's staging...  Just a moment, I'll do a manual script run.16:31
jtvasac: still exporting.  May be because of the concurrent import.  It's still damn slow.16:38
asacjtv: thats ok. i need to do other things that are time consuming as well in parallel :)16:38
asacjtv: export still progressing?16:59
jtvasac: first one's done, I'll send you a link17:00
jtvasac: http://staging.launchpadlibrarian.net/12801963/launchpad-export.tar.gz17:00
jtvasac: http://staging.launchpadlibrarian.net/12801964/launchpad-export.tar.gz17:01
jtvthey're both done17:01
jtvasac: imports still incomplete though17:02
asacjtv: ok, so would it make sense to reexport once imports finished?17:03
asachow long do you expect them to last?17:03
asacjtv: the en-US.xpi is not included in the export17:13
asacjtv: thought that carlos already had that coded.17:13
asaccan we get that nowish ... or should we assume we got them and wait for lp?17:14
jtvasac: it takes a long time :(17:14
asacjtv: further the tarball appears to be dirty ... i always get:17:14
asactar: Removing leading `/' from member names17:14
asacbut i guess thats already known17:15
asacjtv: but will we get the .xpi's in the end?17:15
asacor do we need another workaround?17:15
jtvI thought they'd be in there.  :(17:15
jtvwe're releasing this week, so difficult time to get other changes in.17:16
asacjtv: #: en-US.xpi/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/cookie/cookieAcceptDialog.dtd(button.deny.accesskey)17:16
asacmsgid "button.deny.accesskey"17:16
asacstill accesskey in msgid17:16
jtvYes, haven't had time to do anything about that yet.17:17
asacthats definitly a mandatory thing17:17
asacthe .xpi are almost mandatory ... we can workaround for specific apps ... but its really painful17:17
jtvasac: I'm sort of beyond the point where I can think straight... can you remind me tomorrow?17:19
jtv(It's past midnight here)17:19
asacjtv: yes. sure ... if the chance of getting the .xpi export in isn't reduced significantly by that i can do so :)17:19
jtvalso, carlos will be back tomorrow17:20
asacsleep well then17:20
asachi fta17:25
asachave to run out now for 1-2 hours ... shipping family back home :)17:27
* armin76 ships asac 17:30
cwong1I am having display rendering issue with www.yahoo.com on Firefox. The "More" button is on the wrong place. Someone said it is a font issue on my system.  Anyone here have any idea?18:12
armin76is alsa-oss still need for flash stuff?18:23
armin76fta: ^18:23
ftadonno, i'm now using pulseaudio18:23
armin76alsa-oss breaks with ff3 beta4, btw18:24
armin76well, it breaks ff3, not itself :P18:24
armin76due to jemalloc, you won't notice it because you use xul18:24
ftaasac, i've added a script to mozilla-devscripts to package the nightlies from mozilla as .deb such as firefox-minefield_3.0~b5~build2008032404-1_amd64.deb18:47
saivannasac : ping19:06
asaccwong1: what font are you using?19:06
asacfta: sounds good. for which applications will that work?19:08
asacsaivann: whats up sir?19:08
saivannasac : I wanted to tell you the status for the ubufox translations. I still just have 5 translations, without proofs that these translations are not poor. I sent a mail to a lot of translation team administrators but it was not really succesful yet19:09
saivannasac : I sent a mail today to the ubuntu-translators mailing list, I'm waiting to get more answers about it19:10
asacsaivann: when did you send the last mail?19:11
saivannasac : few hours ago19:11
asacok lets wait a bit longer19:11
saivannasac : Of course. When will the ubufox code get into repostories?19:12
asacmaybe tomorrow at same time we should reconsider based on whether there are answers or not.19:12
asacsaivann: i will make that dependent on the response you get from the translators list19:12
saivannasac : Ok thank you, I'm subscribed to this list and I will get back to you as soon as I get answers19:13
asacif there is no reply, I will merge them on Thu i guess19:13
asacsaivann: can you bring up a branch with the current translations?19:13
saivannasac : I will do it in a few seconds19:13
saivannasac : I don't think that these translations are really "poor", they "looks" Ok.19:16
asacunless we get any feedback on translators list that suggests us to hold back translations until review, I follow the "eat-this" approach and just present them with those translations.19:17
saivannasac : I'm currently commiting changes to my local branch.. but I'm not sure how I should describe the changes I added to my branch, can you provide me a example?19:29
saivannShould-I describe the changes like this?19:30
saivann* <description of the changes>19:30
saivann   modified : dir/dir/file19:31
saivann  added : dir/dir/file19:31
fta_<fta> asac, regression checking19:32
fta_<fta> but i need to add a DATE option 1st19:32
saivannasac : Don't mind, I just found good examples by looking at your own branch19:36
=== fta_ is now known as fta
saivannasac : The branch is here : https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~saivann/ubufox/ubuntu_translations , I will get back to you tomorrow if I get any answers.20:02
asacsaivann: thanks ... will look20:18
saivannasac : Great thank you!20:20
ftaasac, could you please review/ack bug 206180 ?20:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206180 in prism "Please sponsor prism 0.8+svn20071115r8030-0ubuntu3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20618020:55
cwong1asac: sorry.. I am back.  According to the preference, the font is serif and size is 16. I have try using smaller size and I still see the display issue with yahoo.21:09
asaccwong1: just in midbrowser?21:11
asaccwong1: maybe its gone in latest xulrunner ... if possible, try to run firefox-3.0 package in the same environment21:12
cwong1asac: I will try firefox 3.0 but I have the same issue on my desktop21:12
asacrunning hardy?21:12
cwong1no, running on gutsy21:12
cwong1our internal build of midbrowser runs on Gutsy21:13
asacwhich mor button do you refer to ?21:13
asaci don't see any out of flow here on latest hardy21:13
asac(3.0 beta4)21:13
cwong1in www.yaoo.com there is a "more" button at the top21:13
asacyes ... that displays in line for me21:13
asaclet me see what happens if i fire up ffox 221:14
cwong1What font are you using on hardy?21:14
asacworks well too21:14
asaci am using the default one in firefox21:14
asacand the default one in the gnome font preferences afaik21:15
cwong1what does it say in the preference->content?21:15
asacserif, serif, sans-serif, monospace21:15
cwong1and the size?21:16
asacbut those are just generics and are taken from gnome appearence settings21:16
asacsize: 16 and 1221:16
cwong1hmmm.  do you have a gutsy system that you can try?21:16
asacnope i can try in chroot though21:17
cwong1ok  appreciate it if you could... I am fighting a fire here..some big shot from other group want to do a demo in Intel Developer Conference and he want this fix now.. :(21:18
asaccwong1: indeed21:18
asacin gutsy chroot its bad21:18
cwong1any suggestion on what I can do to get this work?21:18
asachard to say where the fix stems from though21:18
asaccwong1: upgrade to hardy :)21:18
asacit could be fontconfig21:19
asacmaybe try to backport that21:19
cwong1fontconfig from gnome applet>?21:19
asaccwong1: do you link against cairo?21:20
asactry to backport that first from hardy21:20
asaccwong1: no the fontconfig package21:20
asac(Xorg thing)21:20
asaci think cairo or that one are the most best candidates21:20
cwong1I think the new build uses the internal cairo21:20
asacbut then it might not have been fixed in beta221:21
asacthe midbrowser i have here works well as well21:22
cwong1in mozconfig, we dont do --enable-system-cairo anymore?  Should we use system-cairo?21:22
cwong1midbrowser work on hardy, right?21:22
asachmm ... but its built against system xulrunner21:23
asaccwong1: in gutsy system-cairo is too old21:23
asacyou need to backport cairo first21:23
asacbut then you start the maze and have to upgrade everything so in the end you would end up in hardy i guess :)21:23
asaccwong1: i have no idea if your midbrowser packages work in hardy here21:24
asacare there packages i could try?21:24
asaci just know that the beta 3 merge i have here doesn't expose the rendering on my desktop21:24
asacs/rendering/rendering issue/21:24
cwong1I will try it on hardy.  One of my coworker has a hardy image that I can use.21:24
asacif that doesn't work first, try firefox-3.021:25
asacif that still doesn't work we have to look closer21:25
cwong1thanks will catch  you later21:25
ftaasac, you said there was an upload planed for nspluginwrapper for that wakeup issue ?21:36
asacfta: i think so yes22:09
RainCTIs it "normal" that Firefox 3 tries to open everything with evince if I click on it from the downloads window? xD22:13
RainCTof course ^^22:13
RainCTarmin76: the bug is in evince ;)22:14
armin76yuck, gnome :P22:14
asacRainCT: hmm22:33
asaci don't think its righ22:33
asacbut for me that isn't the case22:33
asachowver, i am currently unsure if my profile is broken as it doesn't show any applications in the applications preferences dialog22:34
RainCTasac: mine neither22:49
ftaasac, did you have a look at prism ?22:49
ftahow come bug 206180 doesn't show up in http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/ ?22:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206180 in prism "Please sponsor prism 0.8+svn20071115r8030-0ubuntu3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20618022:50

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