
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
bbrazilhow do I track a conffile back to a package?00:05
RAOFdpkg -S $file_to_search_for, generally.00:06
bbrazilthat doesn't work for conffiles, epsecially if they're created by pre/postinst00:08
bbraziland not in this case anyway, neither does poking in /var/lib/dpkg/info00:08
bbrazilah, partial search found a related pacakge00:09
bbrazilhmm, keyboard map is fixed but it restarted X in doing so00:11
mooboo1everybody got xserver-xorg-core in update manager, or just me?00:13
mooboo1i got it 10 mins ago00:13
mooboo1anyone else?00:13
tanneranyone know how to run a 32bit mplayer on 64bit ubuntu install?00:14
mooboo1DanaG, you just got xserver-xorg-core update from update manager?00:15
DanaGHmm, I'll look.00:15
Zanthhi there00:16
mooboo1hi you :)00:16
ZanthI'm hving a major conflict between gnome-session-daemon and the xserver-xgl00:16
Zanthremoving the xserver-xgl means I can work in gnome...but of course no compiz00:17
ZanthI noticed in the hardy forums many have been discussing this issue00:17
Zanthwas wondering if there are any ideas on a fix00:17
DanaGList of changes isn't available; I don't like to install things until I seea changelog.00:17
mooboo1oh, but you do got the updatE?00:18
DanaGIt looks like the updated one may be one to fix the key 'stickage'.00:18
mooboo1indeed it does00:18
bhsxhi, so after installing the "official" ati drivers update manager now says i can update dpatch, fglrx-kernel-source and xorg-driver-fglrx....   these are incorrect, yes?00:18
mooboo1i installed the update, and i tried to reproduce "key gets stuck", but i cant00:18
bhsxcan i choose to set those to ignore somehow?00:18
mooboo1bhsx, i thought fglrx was the official drivers...00:19
bhsxmeaning i downloaded it from ati... didn't do it through synaptic or anything...00:19
poseidonAre you supposed to be able to play youtube videos with gnash?00:19
bhsxi used dpkg to rebuild it00:20
poseidonIt doesn't quite work with me00:20
bhsxgnash is terrible00:20
bhsxuse flash-nonfree00:20
mooboo1bhsx, i thought "Restricted hardware drivers" would install them for you00:20
mooboo1poseidon, not sure00:20
bhsxthey might mooboo...  but i installed from ati.com00:20
mooboo1bhsx, we shouldnt recommend people to use proprietary software :p00:20
bhsxwell, gnash wont play youtube00:21
mooboo1bhsx, i guess its better to let the restricted hardware drivers install them for you...00:21
bhsxand flash will00:21
mooboo1i use youtube alot, so i have flash, but i dont want have flash :(00:21
poseidonYou have to pay for the flash player though?00:21
bhsxi know, but he's asking a question about using gnash with youtube00:21
mooboo1poseidon, no00:21
bhsxno it's "free"00:21
bhsxgo to synaptic and search for "flash"00:22
poseidonmoobool, how can I unistall gnash and install flash00:22
mooboo1hmm... maybe from synaptic00:22
mooboo1or $ apt-get remove gnash00:22
bhsxsudo apt-get remove gnash00:22
mooboo1ya that00:22
bhsxsudo apt-get install flash-nonfree                      <i think00:23
bhsxsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:23
mooboo1i thought if you dont have any flash player installed, firefox will prompt you00:24
bhsxfirst enable your universe and prolly multiverse repositories00:24
poseidonbhsx, that wasn't it00:24
bhsxfirst enable your universe and prolly multiverse repositories00:24
bhsxi have a fresh hardy install and haven't added any repositories by hand00:24
bhsxi have flash and youtube working fine00:24
nomasteryodamooboo1, it should do so00:25
bhsxbut go through System>Administration>Software Sources00:25
bhsxand click to enable the outter repositories00:25
poseidonInstalling it now.00:26
Sykohaving trouble with sound =/00:26
Sykofun huh?00:26
bhsxthere ya go =)00:26
poseidonUbuntu is great once you get your internet going!00:26
* Dr_willis_ crashes the internet00:26
bhsxhardy is MUCH, MUCH more responsive than 7.10 so far00:27
bhsxthe new scheduler rocks i guess00:27
cyclonutI havent noticed toooo much of a difference00:27
bhsxalthough i still dont like that once i installed my 3d drivers everything SLOWED DOWN....   (default beryl/compiz [turn off visual effects])\00:28
cyclonutthe biggest difference for me is about 60mb greater memory usage on boot00:28
poseidonI installed flash, but now firefox is acting like it isn't installed.  And when I go to install missing plug-ins it just keeps searching.00:28
cyclonutbuuut that probably equals your responsiveness00:28
bhsxdid you restart firefox?00:28
jinI have a weird problem... gparted has detected /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 but those 2 don't show up in /dev at all :\00:29
cyclonutposeidon, restart firefox, if not, install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:29
Dr_willis_I dont think one EVER wants to use 'install missing plugins' in firefox00:29
cyclonutprobably not00:29
poseidoncyclonut, I restarted and it still didn't work.  I'll try the other now00:30
adinccan someone tell me how i could make a menuentry in ubuntu for an application i installed myself00:31
bhsxposeidon... did you install it with Synaptic?  or through CLI?00:31
poseidonbhsx, Install which, I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras through CLI00:32
cyclonutadinc, system > preferences > main menu00:32
jinpulseaudio is pissing me off00:32
bhsxi meant the flashplugin-nonfree....00:32
cyclonutadinc, you'll be able to add a new item, much like you'd define a launcher00:32
jinit worked on livecd, but nor after install, I mean audio mixing00:32
larson9999so far this seems to be the most stable beta of ubuntu i've tried00:32
poseidonbshx, I used the firefox install missing plug-ins00:33
bhsxlarson9999 i wouldn't use it for production... but so far it feels snappy and solid00:33
crimsunjin: have you reported a bug?00:33
bhsxdont do that00:33
cyclonutlarson9999, I had better hardware recognition with gutsy, but hardy is more stable00:33
larson9999bhsx, yeah.00:33
larson9999cyclonut, with gutsy at the beta stage?00:33
cyclonutlarson9999, aye00:33
crimsunjin: (otherwise, you need to provide more details regarding what you mean by "audio mixing".  Start by telling us which apps, what audio hardware, etc.)00:33
poseidonbhsx, why?00:33
cyclonutlarson9999, everything worked out of the box with gutsy00:33
bhsxi told you how to do it....  the one that firefox tries to grab wont work00:33
larson9999cyclonut, oh.  same hw detection here.00:34
poseidono, well they should fix that.00:34
cyclonutlarson9999, however, in hardy, I get better acpi support (my avg temp has dropped almost 15 degrees!), aaaaand well, thats about it thus far00:34
bhsxuse the flashplugin-nonfree....  you want it to work as a plugin...00:34
Sykojust you..00:34
cyclonutlarson9999, my only issue this time around was with my network card. The ndiswrapper/ssb issue00:34
bhsxyeah, but Mozilla and Adobe are out of sync on that00:34
jincrimsun: it seems I can't use vlc and movie player simultaneously .00:35
bhsxUbuntu sort of fixes the problem with the flashplugin-nonfree package00:35
poseidonbshx, I did what cyclonut told me to do sudo-apt get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, but it is stuck at 99%00:35
larson9999cyclonut, i don't seem to have that problem.00:35
bhsxso either search for that package in synaptic or use 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'00:35
cyclonutlarson9999, humm, you are lucky :)00:35
poseidonnm Just finished :)00:35
crimsunjin: set vlc to use the esd output, or build vlc from svn to get pulseaudio support00:35
bhsxtrust me... i'm on a brand-spanking-new install and it works fine00:36
larson9999cyclonut, i have a bmc43 card.  ndiswrapper works fine with it00:36
bhsxafter you do that... restart FF and hit youtube to make sure it works00:36
bhsxthen thank me :)00:36
bhsxand the uber ubuntu dev team00:36
jincrimsun: that fixed the problem :-)00:37
cyclonutlarson9999, I am on bcm4328, ndiswrapper works fine, but ssb is forced to be loaded by the latest kernels. ssb and ndiswrapper do not play nicely together in my case. I had to write a script to unload b43,b44,ssb,ndiswrapper modules at boot, followed by loading ndiswrapper,b44 modules00:37
NET||abuseHey guys..00:37
NET||abusegot some basic stuff not right with my new beta install00:37
poseidonIt's almost done.00:37
mooboo1NET||abuse, what?00:37
NET||abuse1. compiz task switcher, alt+shift+tab doesn't go reverse00:37
bhsxanyone know about hardware issues, especially wi-fi, with a lenovo t60?00:38
adinccyclonut: thank you very much00:38
cyclonutadinc, glad I could help :)00:38
poseidonbhsx, it didn't work00:38
mooboo1NET||abuse, it does go reverse for me00:38
cyclonutNET||abuse, thats gotta be a compiz plugin issue00:38
NET||abuse2.. emm, ok, just sorted second issue :) never mind00:38
bhsxok, what did you do, and what's not working?00:38
cyclonutNET||abuse, try installing compiz-config and checking your switcher settings00:39
NET||abusecyclonut, ok, i'll try that00:39
poseidonbhsx, http://pastebin.com/m371ab2400:39
NET||abusei stuck in the awn package and just don't see how to change preferences to stop it acting as a stub below windows00:39
NET||abusehave big empty gap below my active windows00:40
Devolvedmy gdm screen is the wrong resolution, and its causing problems when it switches to my desktop's resolution. how do i set it manually?00:40
bhsxposeidon: i'm not following the paste....   that's all font issues....00:40
bhsxnothing to do with flashplugin...00:40
cyclonutNET||abuse, there is an AWN preferences thing. I think its in preferences. I dont remember if  I had to edit a file to get it to work or if I could do it in the preferences00:40
bhsxpaste the commands you used to install it00:40
cyclonutBHSx - that has to do with ubuntu-restricted-extras00:41
cyclonutbhsx - which includes the flash plugin00:41
bhsxoh it includes the mfttcorefonts too?00:41
cyclonutbhsx - yeah00:41
cyclonutbhsx - it comes with all sorts of good stuff00:41
MethodOnewhen I try to install from the 3/24/08 powerpc live and alternate cds on a power mac g4 agp graphics, they hang when I get to 90%, the part where the files get cleaned up00:42
bhsxposeidon: you're asking me for advice but following someone else's.... (no offense to cyclonut, who knows what he's doing)....00:42
poseidonThats what I got at the end of the install00:42
bhsxbut do this....  "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"00:43
bhsxand restart firefox00:43
picard_pwns_kirkopengl is b0rked for me00:43
bhsxlike i've said since you first asked00:43
bhsxand it WILL work00:43
jinmhh, Ubuntu still doesn't mount my memory card automatically00:43
poseidonbhsx, thats what I did.00:43
DG19075bhsx: What's the sory with the Java not working in the new Firefox?00:44
cyclonutposeidon, did you try firefox?00:44
poseidonbhsx, thats what the error is from00:44
picard_pwns_kirkmy games render like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/16699629@N08/2299007958/00:44
bhsxuninstall the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" for now00:44
NET||abusecyclonut, i had the preference in the old awn from gutsy00:44
bhsxand start again00:44
bhsxDG19075: i have no idea, sorry00:44
NET||abusecyclonut, but i dont' see any setting in the current awn00:44
DG19075Hopefully that'll get worked out00:45
poseidonbhsx, yes.  It still asks me if I want to install the missing plugins, and no video shows00:45
cyclonutNET||abuse, im sorry, I dont use AWN these days, I cant help you.  However, if  you check the AWN forums, I'm sure you will find something00:45
NET||abusecyclonut, stupid me... nvm,,00:45
bhsxyou're on a brand new hardy install poseidon?00:45
MethodOneDG19075, the problem is with java.   install the package icedtea-java7-plugin00:45
NET||abusecyclonut, i was missreading the switch names00:45
cyclonutNET||abuse, join #awn00:45
DG19075Installed all the Java and GCJ plugins Firefox suggests and the new FF still won't recognize Java00:45
cyclonutanywho, brb for some dinner.00:46
poseidonbhsx, yes00:46
bhsxand what have you done now?  have you done a dist-upgrade?00:46
poseidonI've only installed compiz manager, xchat, and the updates00:46
poseidonbhsx, I used wubi from the install cd00:47
bhsxoh, hmm00:47
bhsxi doubt that would be the issue00:47
bhsxbut i've not tried that on any boxes yet00:47
bhsxyou've uninstalled extras?00:47
poseidonbhsx, what do you mean by xtras, firefox add-ons?00:48
bhsxsudo apt-get remove ubuntu-restricted-extras00:48
bhsxfor now00:48
poseidonbhsx, yes00:48
poseidonO, remove, OK00:48
bhsxyeah, do that with flashplugin-nonfree as well00:48
bhsxand we'll start over00:49
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
bhsxbrb wifey callin00:49
DG19075The icedtea-java-plugin doesn't show in synaptic or via CLI00:50
poseidonbhsx, k I have un-installed everything.00:50
bhsx 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'00:52
tgrundleDG19075: i had to remove all java related packages, then install icedtea-gcjwebplugin. finally i had to run 'sudo update-alternatives --auto java' to correct broken links00:52
bhsxsorry, had to go install a TV :)00:52
bhsxyou're welcome00:53
bhsx :)00:53
picard_pwns_kirkI'm having troubles with opengl: http://www.flickr.com/photos/16699629@N08/2299007958/00:53
poseidonSo I uninstalled everything, should I try sudo apt-get install flash-nonfree again?00:53
bhsx 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'00:54
bhsxrestart FF, go to youtube, yada yada00:54
poseidonbhsx, no luck00:55
poseidonI didn't get any errors that I can see that time though00:55
bhsxoh snap...  i can't imagine what the issue would be... youtube works fine over here with a fresh install/update and those instructions00:56
bhsxyou went to youtube and what?  it just doesn't show anything?00:56
DanaGArgh, WoW under Wine won't connect.00:56
bhsxhave you tried any other flash sites?00:56
poseidonYea, no video00:56
bhsxcuz youtube and all others are working fine here..00:56
bhsxyou have 64-bit?00:56
bhsxguess i shoulda asked that a long time ago...00:57
poseidonbhsx, 32 bit, and metacafe doesn't work as well00:57
bhsxis it giving you the missing plugin error in FF?00:57
poseidonbhsx, FF was on when I installed the plug-in, do you think that could have cuased any problems?00:58
bhsxshouldn't, no00:58
bhsxcan you go into your plugins directory?00:58
DG19075tgrundle: Thanks! It works!00:59
bhsx /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins00:59
poseidonbhsx, it doesn't show any flash plugins00:59
bhsxwhat's there?01:00
tgrundleDG19075: great! i have found some applets that don't work, but for the most part you should be good01:00
DG19075Got one site I go to, run by NIST= the folks who bring you WWV, the time station. I use it o sync the puter clock01:01
poseidonvlc media player, windows media player, quicktime, defualt, and some others01:01
bhsxtgrundle: heh, i actually hadn't installed JRE yet, but thanks... yeah, that seems to work great01:01
bhsxso poseidon, if you haven't installed anything else yet... uh, WHY is WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins?01:02
DanaGAnybody here use WoW under Wine?  Logging in just hangs on connecting to the server.01:02
poseidonbhsx, I didn't install those.01:04
bhsxok, well, i cant help you if you dont know what you've done to your machine so far...  sorry01:04
poseidonbhsx, thanks for your time01:05
bhsxnp, good luck01:05
poseidonI'll probably end up re-installing linux :)01:05
HardyOneit is official I do not like kde01:07
DanaGIs there a magic sysrq trigger to go to single-user mode/01:09
bhsxhey, i asked this earlier, but i'm still having some problems... i have gxine, libdvdnav4 and libdvdread3 installed.... but i still cant seem to get encrypted dvds to play in xine or vlc...01:11
bhsxany suggestions?01:11
MethodOnebhsx, you need libdvdcss2. get it from medibuntu.01:12
bhsxwhy is it in medibuntu?   =)01:14
bhsxbut thanks, i'll give that a shot01:14
MethodOneit's there for legal reasons01:14
HardyOnebug 20023801:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200238 in hardening-wrapper "Hardy's hardening-wrapper incorrectly creates symlinks for gcc-4.3 and g++-4.3" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20023801:14
HardyOnebug 20033801:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20033801:14
SpudDogghas anyone heard anything about a fix for hardy breaking wireless?  ipw394501:17
mesilliacSpudDogg: there was a fix for broken wireless in my updates today01:18
SpudDoggmesilliac:  i just upgraded to hardy via update-manger -d and the wireless card is not even recognized as a wireless card....01:19
mesilliacnetwork-manager -> 0.6.6-0ubuntu301:19
mesilliacI don't use wireless, but I saw it in the changelog :/01:19
MethodOnedownload the packages hal and libhal from packages.ubuntu.com and manually install them01:20
SpudDoggMethodOne:  will do01:20
bhsxMethodOne: do you think it'd be possible to do with w32codecs and basically the whole medibuntu repository in the same fashion as they've done with mp3 codec?  that's a slick new addition to ubuntu to be sure...01:24
bhsxwent to play mp3, it told me i couldn't and asked if i wanted to download and install the potentially restricted mp3 codec01:24
bhsxit was slick, and shoulda been done LONG ago on all distributions01:25
bhsxi think it's perfectly legit that way... you're not distributing the binaries with ubuntu, but making sure they're readily and easily available01:26
bhsxi think it's a no-brainer01:26
=== Lukstr|Food is now known as Lukstr
bhsxi hope Mark S. has his gaggle of lawyers working hard on that problem... because it's a big issue with mainstream adoption01:27
HardyOneI did not rob the bank your honor I just left the vault open01:27
MethodOnew32codecs is not in the official repository because they are taken from windows programs having licenses that prohibit redistribution01:27
bhsxbut "we'd" just be linking to them01:28
bhsxnot distributing them...01:28
bhsxwell, not any more than we are now anyway01:28
bhsxand i'm obv using "we" on a grand scale01:28
bhsxi'm NOT a dev01:28
bhsxand have no affiliation01:29
bhsxlol package hot-babe has graphic content01:29
bhsxfunny, i gotta check that one out01:29
bhsxthanks MethodOne, encrypted is working now01:33
bhsxforgot about libdvdcss01:33
AdysOk so lets assume my regular wireless on a laptop doesnt work, my ethernet port doesnt work, and that on neither gutsy nor hh, can I safely assume my network card is dead? :/01:33
bhsxi haven't done a non-upgrade install for over a year01:34
bhsxAdys: can you boot into a livecd.. non-ubuntu?01:34
bhsxeven, bart/win32?01:35
MethodOnelooks like the hardy daily snapshot installed successfully on my mac01:35
CapsidI was wondering if anyone has heard of problems with the integrated Intel wireless card? Under Windows vista the card runs fine at 5mb a sec but under01:35
Adysbhsx:  er, havent tried01:35
bhsxsee if you can.... it's a laptop... so i hope it hasn't failed on you, as that's a pain in the arse01:36
bhsxbetter to exhaust all other possibilities first01:36
bhsxbbiab, wifey calls01:37
CapsidI was wondering if anyone has heard of problems with the integrated Intel wireless card? Under Windows vista the card runs fine at 5mb a sec but under Ubuntu 7.10 the card would routinely drop and run a 512k a sec. I'm no running Ubuntu 8.10 and the card no longer drops but stills runs at slower speeds. Any Ideas?01:37
CapsidI was thinking about disabling the generic driver, then loading ndiswrapper to run a Windows XP driver.....but how would you go about doing something like that?01:39
cyclonutCapsid, you would use rmmod <modulename> to remove the current driver01:44
mooboo1i have wired Ethernet, its much better than Wi-Fi01:44
cyclonutCapsid, followed by modprobe ndiswrapper to get that going01:44
cyclonutCapsid, the intel wireless card has been the subject of a lot of issues today01:44
Capsidcyclonut: awesome thank you very much. I'm wondering why they are having so many problems with it? Ralink wrote the the driver for Windows XP and vista...they also have a version for Linux but I think that the built in one that I'm already using.01:46
HardyOneshe wasnt so hot01:47
cyclonutCapsid, I have no idea...  lately, the kernel has been causing a lot of wifi trouble01:48
cyclonutI think its a speedbump, I dont believe it will go away for Hardy.01:48
ethana2cyclonut: we have kernel freeze for a reason01:48
ethana2cyclonut: more likely than not, it will01:48
jaebirdb43 wifi driver is slow too01:49
jaebirdespecially with my BCM4306(03)...getting 1Mbit01:50
jaebirdat least the latest NetworkManager fixed the hanging issue i was having01:50
CapsidCyclonut: thats interesting....wish I knew more about the Linux Kernel01:50
cyclonutethna2 - true, I lost a little bit of faith with Gutsy, and some issues that remained01:51
cyclonutethana2, buuuuut I keep my fingers crossed01:51
cyclonutCapsid, me too.01:51
mooboo18.04 looks promising01:55
mooboo1doesnt it? ;)01:55
=== anthony is now known as tonyyarusso
mooboo1im using it as my primary os on my production machine and its lovely01:55
mooboo1they really need to fix mouse button 4 and 5 in xorg though :p01:55
tannerhow can i install a 32bit package on a 64bit system?02:00
bhsxhow do i control compiz?  seems like the manager's not installed?  that's a lil odd02:00
JohnPhysbhsx:  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings manager02:01
bhsxyeah i just googled it, but it's odd to install compiz without a way to configure it...02:01
JohnPhysbhsx:  agreed02:02
bhsxi know it's a little late to the party, but that should definately be included if you're gonna include compiz02:02
tannerbhsx: makes it harder for people to screw things up, and thus less support effort02:02
tannerjust a thought02:02
bhsxi suppose02:02
bhsxi'd think it would cause more with ppl asking how to fix it :)02:03
bhsxbut i digress02:03
burneri think there's work on a "simple ccsm"02:03
JohnPhysI'm quite glad hardy seems to not enable "wobbly windows" by default02:03
JohnPhysthat one always drove me insane02:04
tanneri think its part of the "advanced" or more effects setting02:04
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poseidonbhsx, can I re-install firefox?02:06
leo_rockwi was wondering... does kubuntu hardy include compiz by default now?02:06
leo_rockw(i mean, for kde 3.5.9)02:06
bhsxlooking at the packages i'd guess yes02:07
bhsxthere's compiz kicker replacements and stuff02:07
bhsxand compiz-kde02:08
poseidonbhsx, was that a yes to me or leo_rockw?02:08
bhsxto leo_rockw02:08
bhsxi would think you can sure02:08
leo_rockwi think it's kinda pointless to include compiz now that kwin for kde4 has all these composite effects...02:09
poseidonk, I'll try that02:09
* leo_rockw shrugs02:09
bhsxposeidon: did you by chance use the "check disk" option to very your disk integrity?02:10
SodamodoHows the speed of Heron in general working out for everyone?02:11
bhsxvery snappy02:11
poseidonbhsx, where is the "check disk" option?02:11
bhsxon the install disk... i know it's an option when you boot into it.. i'd hope it's an option through the wobi or whatever install02:12
poseidonNo i didn't check that02:12
bhsxyou could probably do it now, but i think you have other issues from installing and playing with crossover office maybe?02:13
bhsxcause you have some funky things in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins02:13
poseidonbhsx, what plug-ins do you have?02:14
poseidonbhsx, sorry I only have flash-plugin in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins02:14
poseidonI thought you were talking about under tools->downloads->plugins02:15
poseidonin /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins I only have flashplugin-alternative.so02:16
bhsxwell, try to uninstall/re firefox02:16
bhsxlike i said.. i really dont know how to help you other than what i've already said02:17
bhsxsorry man02:17
Sodamodothis whole OS is being a bit slow for me02:17
poseidonbhsx, I uninstalled firefox via sudo apt-get remove, then re-installed it.  But it still had all the add-ons, custimzations etc.02:18
bhsxSodamodo: you have a ext3 install02:18
bhsxdelete your home ff folders poseidon02:18
poseidonk, thanks02:19
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ethana2does alien have a gui?02:22
ethana2all these companies ship their stuff as .rpm02:22
SodamodoI do have ext302:22
SodamodoI wonder what that means02:22
Linuturkso, help with audio regression anyone?02:23
Linuturkbug has been submitted02:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205588 in linux "VT82C686 Audio Broken: Gutsy to Hardy Beta upgrade" [Undecided,New]02:24
ArenlorI tried Alpha1 but haven't come back because in that alpha my graphics drivers (FGLRX) had a watermark, does this still occur?02:27
LinuturkI've got an nvidia chipset, so I couldn't tell you Arenlor02:28
ArenlorThat's the only thing holding me back from trying the beta02:29
Linuturktry the live cd. Doesn't it show up there?02:29
ArenlorI haven't tried the live CD yet, didn't think of that, will try it02:30
Randomhow do you un-privatize a bug that was filed?02:32
LinuturkRandom: there should be an option there when you submit it02:33
Randomyes, i mean after the fact though02:33
Linuturkno idea . . .02:33
LinuturkI did all mine when I submitted them :-/02:34
Randomsince, i added a trivial patch  (changed a line or two) to the bug, and nobody has touched it yet...02:34
mooboo1someone have firefox here? can you open firefox, press Ctrl+F, and move your mouse on the [x] button in lower-left corner?02:35
Linuturkwell, there has to be a way to do it02:35
mooboo1does it break the graphics?02:35
Linuturkmooboo1: not for me02:35
JohnPhysmooboo1:  it does not break anything for me02:36
Lunar_LampI'm getting a soft-lockup error and I want to report the bug (dmesg: http://pastebin.ca/956208) but I can't interpret that dmesg output well enough to know where to report the bug.02:37
mooboo1i have ff3b402:37
Linuturkso do I mooboo102:37
poseidonIs there a good object dock for ubuntu? Like the one in Mac?02:37
mooboo1poseidon, yeseldideldoo02:37
LinuturkLunar_Lamp: I say submit it and let the catorgize it. That's all I could do. Someone came by and catorgized it for me02:37
Linuturkposeidon: AWN02:38
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* Linuturk invokes the god of sound troubleshooting, crimsun ;p02:38
charles__does pulseaudio log errors anywhere?02:39
JohnPhysanyone apply the hal update from earlier today yet?  they break anything?02:39
LinuturkJohnPhys: I'm up to date, and nothing new is broken'02:39
nomasteryodaso far not yet here02:39
nomasteryodabut have not restarted either02:40
Linuturklol, neither have I, actually nomasteryoda JohnPhys02:40
poseidonLinuturk, I can't find awn, can I get a link please?  Apperently awn is a popular tla :)02:41
nomasteryodabut could restart hal from init.d02:41
JohnPhysit's fine, I'll just install them02:41
Linuturkhttp://code.google.com/p/avant-window-navigator/ poseidon02:41
JohnPhysI usually like to read the "changes" part of the update before applying it, but that hasn't been uploaded yet02:41
SodamodoDoes anyone know whats up with ext3 and Heron?02:43
Sonicadvance1quick question, ever since I got Hardy, the bootsplash hasn't work, anyone have a fix, or know information about it?02:43
JohnPhysSonicadvance:  can you define "hasn't work"?02:44
Sonicadvance1JohnPhys, Just a black screen when booting. Monitor is blinking to show It isn't recieving anything02:44
JohnPhyssorry, no ideas then02:45
Sonicadvance1k np02:45
nomasteryodacheck cable?02:45
Sonicadvance1nomasteryoda, Still get picture when it gets to GDM and during POST ;)02:45
Sonicadvance1although, this might be useful, in the xorg log, it says02:46
nomasteryodatry hitting esc then e and backspace the quiet and splash away... then press b to boot02:47
nomasteryodamight show something then02:47
Sonicadvance1"Ckuebt 4 rehected frin kicak gist (uid 0)"02:47
Sonicadvance1oh, fingers in wrong place02:47
JohnPhysSonicadvance1: are the res. settings in your /etc/usplash.conf correct?02:47
bod_hey guys, is this normal (b4 hardy upgrade) grub = Gutsy (kernal no.), Gutsy recovery, memtest - Other os. (after hrady upgrade) hardy (kernal no.) hardy recovery, memtest, hardy (different kernal no.) , hardy recovery, memtest - Other os .        ??02:47
Sonicadvance1"Client 4 rejected from local host (uid 0)"02:47
Sonicadvance1JohnPhys, says, 640 and 480, which my monitor supports02:48
JohnPhysbod_:  sounds like it, but what is your specific concern?02:48
bod_JohnPhys, 2 different kernals??02:48
bod_is one on the gutsy kernal and one on the new hardy kernal?02:49
JohnPhysSonicadvance1: maybe try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen02:49
JohnPhysbod_:  nothing wrong with that, 2 kernels probably got installed, use the newer one02:50
bod_kk ty,.,. just checking,.,. cheers02:51
Sonicadvance1JohnPhys, I'll try it02:52
JohnPhysSonicadvance1:  it helped me to correct the res on the usplash screen, though I actually saw a screen to start with, so I don't know if it will help.  Can't hurt though02:53
SodamodoIs there any reason Haron would be going slowly, on a fast system?02:53
JohnPhysanyone in here notice ugly fonts in gnome-terminal and Qt (kde) apps?02:53
Sonicadvance1JohnPhys, any reso code for 1680x1050? :P02:53
JohnPhysSodamodo:  not to my knowledge, unless you have tracker going nuts02:53
bod_just downloaded 204 updates and just as the install started i got this error. -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60937/ -- any thoughts?02:53
JohnPhysSonicadvance1:  not to my knowledge :P02:54
edsiperis there any known problem regarded with the openoffice packages ?02:54
JohnPhysbod_:  I got that yesterday (day before?) just run the updates again, you should be fine02:54
bod_ok willl try,.,. thanks02:55
bod_ok, it said i have 6 broken packages on my machine, and i should use the Broken filter to find them,.,. is synaptics 'Repair broken packages' button thing the right way to fix that JohnPhys ??02:56
JohnPhysbod_:  that should work, but you can also do apt-get install --fix-missing I believe02:57
bod_ok cheers02:57
JohnPhysanyone in here notice awful fonts in gnome-terminal and qt (kde) apps?02:58
cyclonutbod_, interesting you say that, hardy is the first time I've gotten broken packages in linux02:59
cyclonutits happened twice in the last three days02:59
bod_cyclonut, ive only ever used windows and ubuntu,. broken things in both, but fixable things live in ubuntu ;02:59
ctimkoOk how do I revert back to 7.10...if possible02:59
ctimkowithout really losing anything02:59
cyclonutbod_, indeed02:59
Sonicadvance1JohnPhys, didn't work, may be because of xorg rejecting it03:00
ctimkoThe Beta is running really slow for me, and it is a pain in the arse03:00
ctimkoMy XGL doesn't work, the ATI drivers aren't compatible03:00
ctimkoi meant my ATI drivers03:01
ctimkoMy ATI card accelerator drivers crash constantly03:02
ctimkoSo, where do i look to find out how to revert to 7.10 without re-installing from scratch03:04
JohnPhysctimko:  Unfortunately, I don't know that you can03:04
cyclonutctimko, I dont think you'll have much luck with that03:05
snerfuAnyone else notice an error on soundconverter when it tries to read an mp3 tag?  I was going to file a bug, just making sure I wasn't doing something wrong.03:08
ctimkoJohnPhys: I have disabled my graphics driver, hopefully that will speed this up until the actual release03:08
ctimkoHopefully the conversion from Beta to the release will be pleasant03:09
ctimkoAnd do I just keep going to "Upgrade" in apt-get to get the latest in the code?03:10
ctimkoi will be back in a few mins03:10
dredhammerhello can someone tell me if the lack of XVMC support for hardy is deliberate or not?03:10
RAOFdredhammer: In what.  Also, XvMC isn't really particularly useful, generally.03:11
dredhammerwell for video playback03:11
dredhammeri just discovered it was missing03:11
RAOFAgain, in what?03:11
dredhammeri was just wondering if it was deliberate and will be in the final version03:11
RAOFIt's playback-program dependent.03:11
dredhammeror a bug somewhere03:12
charles__does pulseaudio log errors somewhere other than /var/log/messages?03:12
DanaGwtf? brightness hotkeys stop working, completely randomly.03:12
RAOFDanaG: You'd like a plausibly fixed Xorg, right?  You're running i386?03:12
leo_rockwwoah, i have osd for brightness now, kewl03:12
DanaGOh yeah, I downloaded the one linked in the bug report; now I'll try the repo'd one.03:13
leo_rockwctimko: hey03:15
ctimkoCan I report an error?03:15
leo_rockwctimko: what's your video card?03:15
ctimkoATI x1300 Express Mobile03:16
ctimko128 MB03:16
leo_rockwctimko: what's the problem? (i have x1400)03:16
ctimkoWell, with the "Restricted" Drivers installed in 7.10, this was lightning fast03:16
ctimkonow it crashes03:16
ctimkoand I think that the main problem lies with a bug in Gnome-Settings-Daemon03:17
leo_rockwctimko: with restricted drivers everything was fine on 7.10, now i can't close my laptop. i'm on kde03:17
cyclonuthas anyone gotten dual monitors (via xrandr) with exa rendering? I can only seem to get it to work with xaa03:17
ctimko(Ubuntu told me so)03:17
ctimkoI see03:17
ctimkoIs there a way to repair and install03:17
ctimkoor just need to remove03:18
ctimkothen reinstall?03:18
leo_rockwctimko: i'm using the vesa drivers for now03:18
marcoare there plans to include anti-aliasing support in the emacs-snapshot packages03:18
ctimkoI reverted back to the Generic Drivers03:18
ctimkoI am ok now03:18
ctimkojust no 3D...03:18
ctimkoI had XGL running03:18
Sonicadvance1JohnPhys, Found out the error, looked in to the user privaledges and root had NO access to ANYTHING :D03:19
leo_rockwctimko: yup, no 3d, same here03:19
yoandyhi, is there any guide on installing icedtea-java firefox plugin on hardy?03:19
leo_rockwctimko: i can't even use non-restricted drivers besides vesa03:19
ctimkoI see03:19
ctimkoMy wireless card currently doesn't work03:20
ctimkowhich is a bummer03:20
JohnPhysSonicadvance1:  that's quite the error, nice job hunting it down though03:20
ctimkondiswrapper is still on Hardy right?03:20
leo_rockwctimko: what card is it?03:20
ctimkoBroadcomm BCM43xx (rev 02)03:20
ctimkoCan't use the fw-cutter for bcm03:20
JohnPhyscrazy Broadcomm chipsets03:21
leo_rockwctimko: there's a way to solve it. bcm43xx is deprecated03:21
leo_rockwctimko: they are using b43 now03:21
ctimkoi see...03:21
ctimkook, so how do i get that working?03:21
leo_rockwleo_rockw: go to leorockway.wordpress.com i explain how to fix this there03:21
ctimkoi see that it says the b43.fw is missing03:21
* leo_rockw is talking to himself now :-P03:21
cyclonutctimko, I used ndiswrapper03:21
cyclonutctimko, b43 didnt work for me at all03:22
leo_rockweverytime people use ndiswrapper stallman cries :-P03:22
cyclonutleo_rockw, he sheds a lot of tears.03:22
yoandyoh i also have that problem with my b4311, im using b43, installed firmware, i can see wifi with nm but can connect to any one03:22
leo_rockwcyclonut: unfortunately03:22
ctimkoDoes the B43 take better care of WPA now/03:22
leo_rockwi blogged the steps i took into fixing my problem, it may help you03:22
ctimkoIt was a pain with the bcm43xx drivers03:23
leo_rockwi use wep03:23
cyclonutctimko, I had to use ndiswrapper, installed as normal. Then, I wrote a script that, at boot, removes the b43, b44, ssb, and ndiswrapper modules. It then re-adds the ndiswrapper and b44 modules. it works a treat.03:23
yoandyleo_rockw: let's see03:23
leo_rockwyoandy: the url is up there ^03:23
ctimkoOk, i just did this03:24
ctimkosudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter03:24
ctimkois there anything else i should do03:24
ctimkobesides restart?03:25
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ctimkook, brb, gonna restart03:25
leo_rockwctimko: you have to do smth else... check my post03:25
ctimkoand then i have a question on tomcat after I get the wireless working03:26
yoandyleo_rockw: my situation is some diff from yours ..03:26
cyclonuttomcat! as in the apache module? been a long time since I heard about that03:26
leo_rockwyoandy: what's the diff?03:26
cyclonutfirst web server I ever put together, back 10 years ago now ran tomcat to interpret java, if I remember correctly03:26
yoandyleo_rockw: i hav b4311 rev02, i have no problems with device names,03:28
leo_rockwyoandy: the problem with device names happens after you get b43 running03:28
yoandyleo_rockw: i have b43 already  running, using nm-applet i can see some wifis03:28
ctimkoleo_rockw: Question about our 5th line in the first part of your code03:29
ctimko..(not code..syntax)03:29
naught101anyone else having problems auto-mounting usb sotrage devices?03:29
naught101I just hibernated, and now my external hdd won't show03:29
leo_rockwctimko: this one? ../../b43-fwcutter-011/b43-fwcutter -w03:29
leo_rockwwhat about it?03:30
ctimkowhat is that supposed to do?03:30
ctimkoi am confused a little03:30
ctimkoi can see wifi now though...03:30
ctimkoone sec...gonna test something03:30
leo_rockwi got the solution from here http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#devicefirmware03:30
ctimkook, well that didn't work03:30
ctimkomy thought didn't03:30
naught101ctimko: try running "sudo /usr/share/b43-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh"03:31
ctimkook, will do thanks03:31
leo_rockwctimko: this is all one line: ../../b43-fwcutter-011/b43-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" wl_apsta.o03:31
leo_rockwwordpress changed the lines03:32
ctimkoi already installed the fw-cutter though..i am past that03:32
ctimko:- P03:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 182716 in linux "bcm4306, bcm4309, bcm4311, bcm4312 don't work with b43 / ssb" [Medium,Confirmed]03:32
yoandyleo_rockw: when i try to connect to an AP, my logs says: association took too long, failing activation03:33
yoandywell, it says a lot more, but the line that sounds evil is that one.03:33
ctimkowhat directory should i be in when I run that?03:33
ctimkobecause i am in my home directory03:33
leo_rockwctimko: i followed each step exactly as it appears in http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#devicefirmware03:34
ctimkooh, ok, you built from the source03:34
marcoare there plans to include anti-aliasing support in the emacs-snapshot package in hardy?03:36
marcowell, actually, xft support03:36
marcowhich consequentially allows anti-aliasing03:36
RAOFToo fast, marco.  It's already done.03:38
nikrudah, finally03:39
yoandyleo_rockw: at http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-b43-old says: bcm4311 rev 2 / bcm4312 (needs patches for 2.6.24)03:40
ctimkodoes apt-get have an uninstall option?03:40
yoandyleo_rockw: are those patches already included in hardy's kernel ?03:41
tritiumctimko: yes, apt-get remove03:41
leo_rockwctimko: apt-get remove03:41
ctimkothoght so03:41
leo_rockwyoandy: i don't really know03:41
ctimkowhat was your wordpress again leo?03:44
leo_rockwctimko: leorockway.wordpress.com03:44
DanaGArgh, brightness control randomly broke!03:48
fismoll9hey guys, I get this error whenever I try to play audio: W: couldn't connect to HAL, disabling MediaDevices browser followed by *** PULSEAUDIO: Unable to connect: Connection refused. The audio will play, however. What is HAL, and what does the above error mean? I use ubuntu gutsy03:49
leo_rockwkey repetition stops working, booo03:51
mluserany other madwifi users having problems with hardy when resuming after a suspend?03:51
ctimkothey still didn't fix the WPA issues03:52
mluserctimko: I dont think this is a wpa issue.. if I reload ath_pci then network-manager connects just fine.03:53
ctimkoi have to force the connection right away03:53
ctimkoright now it seems fine03:53
ctimkoI have no luck with WPA03:53
snerfuThat apport crash reporter thing is pretty nifty.03:53
ctimkonow WPA2 is a different story03:54
ctimkoYea, windows has that03:54
* ctimko wants to ask another question03:54
ctimkoOk, so here is my second problem03:55
DanaGArgh, when I switch from AC to battery, my brightness control breaks.03:55
ctimkouse the hotkeys03:55
ctimkoi mean03:55
ctimkofunction keys03:55
ctimkoyou can still control it03:55
mluserAlso does anyone know if /etc/default/acpi-support is still being used in hardy for suspend/resume?03:56
DanaGI can't, actually.03:56
ctimkothat stinks03:57
DanaGBrightness hotkeys do nothing once I switch to ACPI.03:57
fismoll9if you install the hardy heron beta, will it be easy to upgrade to hardy heron from it?03:57
DanaGIn fact, catting the /dev/input device that corresponds to it gives absolutely nothing.03:57
fismoll9I don't want it to screw up my computer03:57
DanaGacpid isn't getting lid events, either.03:57
JohnPhysfismoll9:  if you install the beta, you can just keep upgrading through the final release, but if you're worried about screwing up your computer, you should not install the beta03:58
ctimkoi know in gutsy i could not Suspend or Hibernate03:58
eternal_pJohnPhys: where is the fun in that03:58
JohnPhysfismoll9:  as the download site notes, it's not for use on production machines03:58
mluserIn Gutsy I could not suspend/resume if I had the ATI fglrx stuff loaded.. without it.. I had no problems resuming.03:59
leo_rockwanybody has key repetition broken in kubuntu?03:59
mluserIn Hardy fglrx works fine when suspending and resuming, now my only problem is the madwifi stuff03:59
ctimkoi see03:59
leo_rockwyeah, suspend/resume was working w/ fgrlx04:00
mluseranybody else using the madwifi drivers?04:00
DanaGOh heck, even echoing '0' into no_automatic_changes doesn't work.  Perhaps it's a BIOS bug.04:00
ctimkook, what is the point of "tracker"?04:00
leo_rockwctimko: faster searches04:00
ctimkogotcha, just got that04:00
leo_rockwnow, what's the difference between tracker and locate?04:01
JohnPhysleo_rockw:  I thought that was teh point of organizing your files in a manner that made sense? :)04:01
leo_rockwor strigi04:01
leo_rockwi always used locate, i never used tracker or strigi04:02
JohnPhysleo_rockw:  I think locate just caches files, tracker can look in files and cache their contents and metadata I think04:02
ctimkoi don't need to search04:02
ctimkoi know where it is all at04:02
leo_rockwJohnPhys: ooo, ok, thank you04:02
DanaGthat was od. odod04:02
DanaGargh, now I'mg etginggng spammed with my brightness actions from 15 minutes ago.04:02
JohnPhysleo_rockw:  having never actually *used* tracker, I may be wrong, but it seems plausible04:03
DanaGThat was REALLY bizarre.04:03
ethana2is it possible to tell what software a web server is using?04:03
leo_rockwJohnPhys: no, i recall hearing that before, so you're probably right04:03
ethana2..without having to freak it out?04:03
leo_rockwhey ethana204:03
ethana2oh hey Leo04:03
ctimkook, how do I kill the tomcat5.5 server?04:04
robc4is the medibuntu repo up yet?04:04
leo_rockwrobc4: i heard it is04:05
ctimkoOk, So how do I use tomcat?04:08
ctimkoanyone, any ideaS?04:08
pestilenceis there a way to disable showing of icons on the desktop?04:08
leo_rockwpestilence: which desktop?04:09
pestilenceis that what you mean?04:09
pestilencekde has an option to disable showing icons on the desktop.  i don't see anything similar in gnome04:10
leo_rockwpestilence: yeah, i know how to do it in kde, that's why i asked. i never used gnome04:11
pestilenceme either, until now :-/04:11
pestilencehardy is working quite well, though.  except for that minor annoyance04:11
pestilencei suppose i may just rename my Desktop folder to get rid of all the stuff  :)04:12
ctimkoJava and Tomcat...anyone have any idea who I should talk to04:12
ctimkoEclipse is telling me that the JRE isn't specified, how do I do that?04:13
JohnPhyspestilence:  which icons?04:13
leo_rockwpestilence: kubuntu hardy can give you the best of both worlds :-P04:13
pestilenceleo_rockw: well, i thought i'd give ubuntu a shot, since i'm not exactly in love with kubuntu04:13
JohnPhyspestilence:  what icons do you not want on the desktop?04:14
ubuntuim having a problem with my keyboard settings -.-, things are not what they should be like my question mark É for instance...., i checked in the `keyboard`settings and its sent to canadian as default and Logitech COrdless Desktop as the keyboard..... but im still having this problem .....04:15
pestilenceJohnPhys: you know when you have files and folders in your ~/Desktop folder, the icons show on your gnome desktop?04:15
pestilencethose ones.04:15
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JohnPhyspestilence: .......so why store them in the ~/Desktop folder unless you want them to show on the desktop?04:16
JohnPhysI must be missing something04:16
pestilenceJohnPhys: mainly because that's where a lot of things default to saving files04:16
ctimkoOk, why do I have to do Failsafe GNOME all the time04:16
pestilenceJohnPhys: e.g. firefox04:17
JohnPhyspestilence;  ah, well I just change the defaults04:17
pestilenceJohnPhys: i'd rather just not show anything.  because then if something does put a file in ~/Desktop, i'll have to move it04:18
JohnPhyspestilence:  yeah, there might be a way to do it, though I don't know.  it also seems like that's killing the purpose of the desktop, to be able to hold some files/folders if you like.04:19
JohnPhysah well04:19
pestilencefor me, the desktop is a place to have a pretty picture, nothing more04:20
pestilencei don't use the file browser, either.04:20
JohnPhyssounds like you should use fluxbox or something04:20
pestilencei probably should04:20
Linuturkjust use screen04:21
pestilencei have used it in the past.04:21
pestilencei use screen as well :)04:21
LinuturkI hear dwm only has 56 lines of code pestilence04:22
tanneranyone know if 8.04 has 802.11n support built in?04:25
HorizonXPdoes anyone have a link for ufw and how to use it?04:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:25
jester7are there problems with flash and java on the amd64 version of hardy?04:27
pestilencejester7: i can't tell you if there aren't problems, but i can tell you that flash worked for me when i tried it (have only been in hardy for ~1 hour)04:30
pestilencejester7: don't know about the java plugin04:31
leo_rockwif mesa has no 3d acceleration, how com glxgears works?04:37
RAOFBecause mesa has a software OpenGL implementation, too.04:39
leo_rockwRAOF: thank you04:40
Zorisis configuring compiz different in 8.04? Because I can't seem to get it to work the same way as in 7.1004:49
Jordan_UZoris, Can you give a specific example?04:50
ZorisWell, I've installed compiz and all the necessary software, advanced desktop effects works, but there is no "custom" option under appearance>visual effects04:51
Jordan_U!ccsm | Zoris04:51
ubotuZoris: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion04:51
Zoristhatś already installed04:52
cyclonuthas anyone tried the latest hal packages in the repos?04:52
ZorisI can access "advanced desktop effects settings" but I can't activate them04:52
Jordan_UZoris, Someone else was mentioning they had that problem, a while ago, do you have the latest updates?04:53
Zorisyes, everything except for language-pack-gnome-en, which won't install04:53
LleumasI had that problem, but I tried installing it again after it failed and it worked.04:54
Zorisalright, Iĺl try reinstalling04:54
leo_rockweew... impossible to even watch a video with mesa drivers04:54
cyclonutalso, has anyone gotten dual-monitors to work with EXA rendering as opposed to XAA04:55
LleumasUmm, would anyone know how to get my videothumbnails back. They aren't working for .avi that I know of -- I'm using Hardy so I figured I could ask in here. Also, I installed xine which was the only recommendation I could find on the forums.04:55
cyclonutLleumas, can you play them regularly?04:56
cyclonutLleumas, and if so, check your nautilus settings in gconfeditor04:56
cyclonutLleumas, there may be a quicker way, but you should be able to find what you need to specify maximal size to thumbnail for04:56
cyclonutLleumas, thats just my guess as to what is wrong/a fix for you04:57
Zorisokay, that didn work, but installing simple-ccsm did (someone on the forums pointed me to that)04:57
LleumasAlright thanks, I'll give it a shot04:57
Jordan_UZoris, You should be able to save a configuration in ccsm and load it in simple-ccsm04:58
cyclonutagain, anyone running dual-screens with EXA rendering?04:58
Zorisneither was installed to begin with04:58
cyclonutAlso, what do the latest HAL updates change/are they going to cripple my delicate wifi/video situation?04:59
Lleumascyclonut: thumbnail_limit?04:59
cyclonutLleumas, sounds right04:59
LleumasHave any idea what I should change it to?05:00
cyclonutwell its probably in bytes05:00
cyclonutanything over that size will not get a thumbnail05:00
LleumasIt's 5242880 right now05:00
Zorisokay, now my visual effects keep going back to "normal" although I select "custom"05:01
cyclonutLleumas, well, thats about 5 megabytes05:01
cyclonutyou've gotta realize this is a performance issue... I bet theres a btter way to make this work05:02
cyclonutLleumas, you might search around the forums before changing that to some huge number just yet. Perhaps get a sub-5mb video and see if it generates a thumbnail? or, perhaps the option is turned off somewhere else05:03
LleumasI'm thinking it's probably the latter05:03
Lleumasbecause this just mentions images. I think the video options are somewhere else/ I don't have them05:03
cyclonutim sure you have them05:03
cyclonutthey are just somewhere else05:04
cyclonutsadly, I dont know where. sorry.05:04
cyclonutfor now, its sleep. long day tomorrow!05:04
cyclonutg'night everyone and good luck05:04
Zorisokay, compiz is working now05:04
Zorisbut having only two workspaces really messes it up05:04
doofy`before I file a bug report Ill ask in here. My storage drive (/dev/hda1/) worked just fine in gutsy. I upgraded to hardy and it wont mount. When i try sudo mount -a it returns mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist05:08
LleumasThink I may have found the answer, and it was a Hardy related issue. Sweet.05:10
tcpdumpgoddoofy`, what does "fdisk -l" return when the drive is plugged in?05:10
doofy`tcpdumpgod, its not on that list. Yes the drive is plugged in. This happened with hardy alpha as well. As soon as I reinstalled Gutsy it was mountable again.05:11
doofy`tcpdumpgod, my best guess is that the proper kernel modules arent being added for my ide controller05:11
leftyfbHas anyone noticed nautilus bookmarks to ssh mounts/directories need to now be mounted in order to copy files to them? Previously in Feisty and Hardy I was able to drag a file to an sshfs bookmark in nautilus without having to first manually mount it and without it creating it's mount point icon on my desktop. Now nautilus complains that it's not mounted and I have to manually mount it which creates the mountpoint icon on the deskt05:11
doofy`all of SATA drives are showing up05:11
tcpdumpgoddoofy`, i'm thinking so also... have you tried insmoding them?05:12
doofy`tcpdumpgod, im not sure what they are :-/05:12
doofy`havent compiled as kernel since i installed gentoo a while back05:13
tcpdumpgodah, well i doubt they'd differ from 2.6.1 to 3.6.*05:13
tcpdumpgod2.6.*... therefore you could probably boot from a gutsy live cd and lsmod to check whats loaded.05:13
doofy`ill pull down the gutsy live cd now and try it05:14
doofy`this must be a pretty isolated case as i havent read anything elsewhere about it05:15
Jordan_UIs flash working for you guys with pulseaudio? ( it has broken recently for me )05:15
ZorisI'm having trouble playing .ogg in movie player05:18
Zorisand rhythmbox05:18
Zorisbasically the song just won't start05:19
Zorisaudacity reads;05:20
ZorisError while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate.05:20
Jordan_UZoris, Audacity does not work with Pulseaudio05:20
doofy`what happened to home in ff3???05:21
Zoriswhat is pulseaudio?05:21
Zorisdoofy, right-click and then choose "customize"05:21
Zorisyou should be able to move the "home" bookmark and make it a home icon05:21
Jordan_UZoris, It' a sound server that is network transparent, allows independent volume control for each application, and beside not working with Audacity is basically pure win :)05:22
doofy`Zoris, so no home button?05:22
Zoristhere is, you just have to make it basically05:23
doofy`oh whoops, i had the bm toolbar hidden05:23
leftyfbany ideas on my nautilus/sshfs issue?05:24
doofy`tcpdumpgod, you think thats the best way to find the module?05:25
doofy`just compare lsmod on hardy vs gutsy?05:25
tcpdumpgodOr check what chipset you have on your mobo and look up the correct module.05:25
Zorisso how do I play any music?05:25
tcpdumpgodWith a music player.05:26
Zoriswell, rhythmbox doesn't work05:26
Zorisnor does movie player or audacity05:27
tcpdumpgodThen something is wrong with your sound card, not the player.05:27
tcpdumpgodOr the sound card module.05:28
tcpdumpgodOr your output settings.05:28
Zoriswell, it worked perfectly on Gutsy05:28
doofy`tcpdumpgod, weird thing is my disc drives are working which are ide as well...05:28
tcpdumpgoddoofy`, what kind of connection is the drive that isnt working?05:28
tcpdumpgodIDE USB PCMCIA?05:28
tcpdumpgodOkay, and its hooked up to the same channel as the working drive?05:29
tcpdumpgodDude, i dont think its the OS... in all honestly.05:29
tcpdumpgodI guess it has to be though05:29
doofy`guaranteed if i go back to gutsy it will work ;)05:29
tcpdumpgodYeah, thats why I said that.05:29
Zorisis -my- problem is OSś fault? It sure seems like it to me05:30
tcpdumpgodZoris, your problem is that you haven't read enough.05:31
doofy`tcpdumpgod, ill try lsmod and compare it with hardys... though im going to have trouble figuring out the differences05:32
tcpdumpgoddoofy`, SCP it to a remote location.05:32
=== subsume_ is now known as subsume
tcpdumpgod"lsmod >> /tmp/modules.txt" then SCP it.05:32
ZorisI haven't read enough?05:33
tcpdumpgodZoris, i've told you your problem.05:33
tcpdumpgodEither your sound card is incorrectly configured, or your output settings on your media players are wrong.05:33
tcpdumpgodIm leaning toward the 1st.05:33
Zorisand how do I fix this?05:33
tcpdumpgodI'd suggest you start googling.05:34
Zoriswhat command do I use to find out what sound card I have? All I know is itś some integrated one05:35
doofy`tcpdumpgod, wouldnt you think that if the CD drives work that the HDD would too?05:35
tcpdumpgodYes doofy` unless there's something wrong with the drives.05:35
tcpdumpgodHave you dug through the logs doofy` ?05:35
doofy`dont know where to look05:35
tcpdumpgodZoris, "sudo lspci |grep -i audio"05:36
tcpdumpgoddoofy`, "tail -n 30 /var/log/messages"05:36
doofy`tcpdumpgod, ill do this real quick and see what I find, be back in a few minutes05:36
SykoI've had a problem with compiz being disabled after upgrading to 8.04Beta05:43
Sykois there any topics covering this?05:43
ZorisI just got compiz working05:43
GhotiPhuddo you have a mobile ati card?05:44
ZorisI installed simple-ccsm05:44
Zorisno, I'm afraid not05:44
GhotiPhudthey've decided to disable compiz on those05:45
SykoGhotiPhud, I have x1950 ati card05:49
Sykonot mobile05:49
omar_The system crashes on me eventually while doing something.. It turns all black as if I locked the screen, and I can't get it back unless I turn off the machine and turn it back on..05:50
doofy`tcpdumpgod, any easy way to compare these? they aren't sort so a diff isnt very pretty05:51
savvasomar_: while doing what?05:51
tcpdumpgoddiff file1 file205:53
omar_savvas: I'm not sure, I'm surfing the net or playing a game or listening to music.. anything..05:53
doofy`i know, but they arent in any particular order so the diffs came out as big as the files ;)05:53
savvasomar_: a lot of info required to file a bug here i think, you can gather some info from the logs in /var/log/ directory - or look in the menu system > administration > system log :)05:55
Jordan_Udoofy`, What are you trying to compare?05:55
doofy`Jordan_U, two lsmod outputs05:55
Jordan_Udoofy`, use sort05:56
doofy`yea i just sorted a spread sheet with the modules05:56
omar_savvas: I found this one: WARNING: Main daemon: Got SIGABRT. Something went very wrong. Going down!05:59
doofy`tcpdumpgod, only thing that looks worthwhile is nls_cp43706:01
raidiumwhy for the love of god is my gmail showing me this "Enema Recipe - AboutColonCleansing.info - Fantastic Enema Recipes Reviewed And Rated For You!"06:01
* raidium sighs06:02
doofy`well actually take a look if you could... the before file was gutsy after is hardy http://pastebin.ca/95636106:02
tcpdumpgoddoofy`, is it a VFAT partition on that drive?06:02
doofy`tcpdumpgod, no06:02
doofy`i cant remember if its ntfs or ext306:03
omar_savvas: And that one: "init: tty6 main process (4840) killed by TERM signal. ", and there 5 more entries similar to this but with different numbers.06:03
tcpdumpgodI duno dude.06:04
tcpdumpgodyou've got me on that one06:04
doofy`ahh looks like pata_amd :)06:04
doofy`so insmod pata_amd06:04
doofy`is that the correct command? and do i need to restart06:05
omar_savvas: And finally: "gdm [6080]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 "06:05
doofy`ugh nevermind that is in my hardy... not in gutsy06:06
savvasomar_: file a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - use a descriptive title, such as: hardy system crash while in use - Main daemon: Got SIGABRT. Something went very wrong. Going down!06:08
savvasomar_: explain how you installed hardy (fresh install or upgrade), what where you doing when it happened, attach some logfiles :)06:08
savvasomar_: also state if it's updated to use the latest software06:09
Jordan_Udoofy`, Have you tried mounting by UUID ?06:09
doofy`Jordan_U, nope06:10
doofy`how can i figure out the drives uuid?06:11
savvasdoofy`: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/06:11
DanaGor sudo vol_id -u /dev/sd(whatever)06:11
voidmageanyone else having trouble connecting to hidden wireless networks as in bug 200950?06:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200950 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "[iwl3945] network manager not able to associate to hidden SSID (scan_capa = 0x0)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20095006:11
doofy`drive isnt even showing up :-/06:12
doofy`it has to be a kernel module i cant think of anything else it could be06:13
doofy`it doesnt show up under fdisk -l06:13
savvasdoofy`: lspci | grep -i unknown06:13
savvassata or ata?06:14
doofy`worked fine in gutsy06:14
doofy`http://pastebin.ca/956361 thats the diff on the lsmod between gutsy live and hardy06:14
savvasdoofy`: lspci | grep IDE06:14
=== IhateMyFlakeyRou is now known as Jordan_U
doofy`savvas, 00:08.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation nForce3 IDE (rev a5)06:15
savvasnforce drivers..06:15
savvashave you installed those?06:15
doofy`how would i go about doing that?06:16
doofy`from nvidia?06:16
doofy`im not seeing any nforce 3 ones on their site06:17
doofy`it worked fine in gutsy without drivers06:18
savvasmaybe tis one06:19
savvaswell.. dunno :)06:19
doofy`do you know if theyre in the repos?06:19
Jordan_Udoofy`, jocky doesn't work?06:19
doofy`Jordan_U, whats that?06:20
savvasthe hardware drivers in system > administration06:20
Jordan_Udoofy`, It's the replacement for restricted-driver-manager06:20
doofy`Jordan_U, nothing related to my chipset is in their, just fglrx06:20
murlidharisn't compiz fusion-icon working in hardy?06:21
Jordan_Udoofy`, That's odd, unless you have another card in your computer you should file a bug06:22
savvasdoofy`: well try install it, if it doesn't do the trick, file a bug :)06:22
savvascheck your wires too, if you were messing around in the tower06:23
Jordan_Ufglrx can't be much worse with nvidia cards than it does with ATI cards :)06:23
doofy`savvas, hasnt moved ;) In that driver package there is only RHEL, Fedora and Suse folders06:23
doofy`grrr this is killing me06:24
doofy`i suppose ill file a bug report06:25
doofy`any suggestions on what to add to the report log wise?06:25
AnAntHello, I got a problem with networkmanager06:38
AnAntit somehow cannot detect that it became connected to a network06:39
AnAntit always tries to connect to a network (wether wired or wireless)06:39
AnAntfor example today it kept trying to connect to the AP, and then it decided that it failed although it was able to get an IP address !06:40
AnAntanyone has that problem ?06:40
EruditeHermithey has anyone setup google calendar with evolution yet?06:50
bluefoxxcan i report a error im finding in hardy? everytime i try to use tab completion in the terminal with sudo it doesnt work then uses the system bell06:51
bluefoxxother than this and a bit of trouble booting the livecd[had to choose no splash and no quiet else it hung at intramfs thingy] and having to track down all my programs again, its great06:52
bluefoxxthe newest firefox is pretty sweet06:57
bluefoxxim loving the new compiz effects, they will probally be even faster with a 512 MB nvidia 6600/6800 i bet07:00
VanDykeubuntu 32 bit 8.0407:04
VanDykewith gnome07:04
savvasbluefoxx: apt-get install bash-completion07:06
savvasthere's a bug about it07:06
bluefoxxsavvas: will do07:09
KalElwhen i search for a file through the tracker tool, on the left pane it shows a number of files found, but the main box (where the files should display) is blank07:10
hrlrHi there.  I can't seem to find a bug report for the problem that I'm having so I thought that I'd come here to see if anyone else is having the same problem...  My computer is showing up in my router as having the hostname "*"  it used to show up as "ubuntu" or whatever hostname I put in on setup.  Has anyone noticed this at all?07:10
Jordan_Uhrlr, What does the command "hostname" output?07:11
savvasKalEl: run it in terminal, maybe it will popup an error to file a bug :) tracker-search-tool07:12
hrlrJordan_U:  I did try that earlier...  But outwardly the hostname is showing as "*"07:12
KalElsavvas, ran it in terminal, doesn't show anything07:12
KalEli mean nothing comes as a message on terminal07:13
savvashrlr: you can change it in /etc/hosts07:13
savvashrlr: then you use the hostname command to change, but only AFTER you edit /etc/hosts, otherwise you'll get a broken system :)07:13
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
savvasKalEl: report it as a bug, or maybe there's one already07:14
hrlrsavvas:  so this is expected behaviour?  In previous version of ubuntu the hostname would be what it was and not "*" as default.07:14
KalElahh... it's already there it seems, this is exactly my problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tracker/+bug/14930007:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 149300 in tracker "incomplete or missing search results shown" [Medium,Fix released]07:15
savvashrlr: well uh.. file the bug :)07:16
hrlrUnder NetworkManager 0.6.6?07:17
savvasKalEl: apt-cache policy tracker-search-tool | grep Installed07:18
KalElsavvas, Installed: 0.6.6-0ubuntu207:18
savvasKalEl: add a comment that you confirm the problem on that version07:18
KalElok will do... also is there any way to set a flag so that the bug is easily noticeable for hardy?07:19
LynoureKalEl: you could add Hardy in the title07:20
LynoureKalEl: Launchpad cannot split bugs anyway07:20
KalElok thanks07:20
Lynoureso better keep them separate unless you know they are same07:20
savvasKalEl: nominate for hardy on the left menu, I've set that bug report back to confirmed07:21
murlidharstrange  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60957/07:21
_Angelus_is wine gonna be updated to newer releases in hardy?07:21
savvasKalEl: also, try to right click on the tracker tray icon and select reindex, maybe that will fix the problem07:21
_Angelus_or is it gonna stay 0.9.58 ?07:21
LynoureIt was a bit frustrating to see a huge partially confirmed closed as Won't Fix no splitting :/07:21
_Angelus_till the next release07:22
murlidharwatch the line 16 and 1707:22
KalElsavvas, ok... also another thing, the tooltip is stuck at "Indexing 1/11 folders" for a long time - even after i've asked it to reindex07:23
murlidharwhat is the problem?07:25
EruditeHermit_Angelus_: most probably stay the same07:26
savvasKalEl: sudo aptitude reinstall tracker tracker-search-tool07:26
nox-HandTHe insatller just sorta hangs at 66% "Setting up the Partitioner""07:26
nox-HandIs this a known bug, or is it just me?07:26
_Angelus_EruditeHermit, why doesnt the ubuntu team start updating wine so people won't need to add the wine repisotory themselves :/07:28
savvas_Angelus_: because they're probably trying to make open source popular, not windows emulators :)07:29
EruditeHermit_Angelus_: because they release stable releases every 6 months. It doesn't make sense to keep updating things because you cannot guarantee the stability of everything all the time. If they updated everything continually, things would break07:29
EruditeHermit_Angelus_: better to focus on making a stable reliable product once every six months than making an unstable mess07:29
_Angelus_EruditeHermit, understood :)07:31
EruditeHermit_Angelus_: most peoples needs are for stability over bleeding edge and therefore this is their rationale.07:31
_Angelus_EruditeHermit, yes i agree. but in the case of wine, it's getting better and better with every release07:31
EruditeHermit_Angelus_: that may be so, but it takes time to verify each release and package it and make sure there are no bugs07:32
EruditeHermit_Angelus_: by the time that is done, a new release may be out, and you have to do it all over again.07:32
murlidharmy new kernel given with hardy does wrongly identify my ethernet card which makes me use my old kernel of gutsy.   Is there any way i can configure my ethernet card in the latest kernel.????07:33
EruditeHermit_Angelus_: I understand your desire for bleeding edge, but there is just a trade off07:33
murlidhari am not able to use my ethernet card for internet in the new kernel07:33
EruditeHermit_Angelus_: I think 6 months is a reasonable trade off. MSFT and Apple don't release that frequently07:34
kgoetzhi all. should i be installing ubuntu-desktop before attempting to upgrade from dapper to hardy?07:34
chris062689what is the best way to upgrade to Hardy from Gutsy?07:36
bazhangedit your sources list changing gutsy to hardy, refresh then dist-upgrade07:37
chris062689there was another way though...07:37
bazhangkgoetz: from kubuntu xubuntu what?07:38
kgoetzbazhang: from Ubuntu 6.0607:38
kgoetzwith gnome :)07:38
bazhangkgoetz: gnome to gnome? then you should be fine ;]07:38
murlidharchris062689, download alternate cd iso. mount the image and type   ""    sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade   ""07:39
KalElreinstalled tracker, still doesn't work properly07:39
bazhangbest differs around here ;]07:40
bluefoxxwhat package did i need to un-rar .rar files again?its been three months since i last installed all my programs and im so used to them just being there...im racking my brain trying to remember but theres too much r/l stuff there now...not to mention todays events[but noone will want to know those lol]07:40
chris062689there was a command with dist-upgrade I could do without changing my sources.list though07:40
murlidharchris062689, if mounted on /media/cdrom/07:40
murlidharchris062689, do u have a stable internet connection?07:40
murlidharthen is better to follow bazhang07:41
bazhangbig dist-upgrade though; best not be on dialup ;]07:41
kgoetzbazhang: without the metapackage? cheers :)07:44
savvasbluefoxx: apt-get install rar unrar :)07:46
bluefoxxO.o what do the "encript" and "sign" options on the context menu do? i tired them but couldnt figure it out...07:46
bluefoxxsavvas: tyvm^^07:46
savvasbluefoxx: you can encrypt your files for extra protections, but you need a gnupg key first :)07:47
savvasbut without the key, i don't think you can restore that encrypted file07:47
bluefoxxsavvas: how do i get this key?07:48
vega--does anyone have a working sun-java6-plugin in hardy? i don't see it in about:plugins after install07:48
bluefoxxand could i save a backup of it to say, a redundant set of srives[also known as my raid5 external, internal scsi and internal sata]07:49
savvasbluefoxx: applications > accessories > passwords... > file > create new key07:49
bluefoxxsavvas: ty07:49
savvasbluefoxx: oops, not file, but key07:49
DistroJockeyvega--: I tried but couldn't get it to work either07:49
DistroJockeyvega--: not tried very hard yet though07:50
vega--DistroJockey: i've checked update-alternatives and restarted the browser, the basic stuff, but doesn't show up07:50
DistroJockeyvega--: I think I'll try the GCJ07:51
savvasDistroJockey: your nick would be make a nice domain :)07:51
DistroJockeyvega--: heh, yeah, I have the email rented ;P07:52
bluefoxxsavvas: thanks, im on my way now ^^07:52
DistroJockeyWhat are your thoughts on GCJ ?07:53
vega--DistroJockey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/17396607:53
savvasbluefoxx: if you're going to create a pgp/gpg key, set it to expire in 2-3 years, i think that's good for a fine protection method07:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173966 in sun-java6 "java plugin not working in firefox 3 on ubuntu 8.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:53
vega--so that's it...07:53
DistroJockeyTrying GCJ now07:53
bluefoxxsavvas: kk, tyvm07:54
savvasn/p :)07:54
FinnishIs bluetooth working ok in hardy?07:55
FinnishI guess I'm having somekind of problems07:55
DistroJockeyvega--: No luck with GCJ either for the site I'm checking with07:56
FinnishTerminal gives me this error when launching blueman: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files07:56
hrlrIs there anyone in here that can help me to confirm and associate a bug report I just created?07:57
hrlrI'm unsure of what package I should be associating the bug with:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-interbase/+bug/20639207:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206392 in php-interbase "can`t instal at ubuntu 7.10" [Undecided,New]07:59
hrlrSorry...  Wrong bug..07:59
hrlrHere's the proper link.....   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/20638408:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206384 in ubuntu "hostname is incorrect on LAN" [Undecided,New]08:00
DistroJockeyvega--: The 3 terminal commands listed in that bug report seems to have fixed it for me08:03
DistroJockeyvega--: sudo sed -i 's/XINERAMA/FAKEEXTN/g' /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
DistroJockeyvega--: cd /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/08:03
DistroJockeyvega--: sudo ln -s /etc/alternatives/firefox-3.0-javaplugin.so08:03
hrlrDistroJockey:  Would an update to Java break your symlink?08:05
DistroJockeyhrlr: *shrugs* Probably08:05
DistroJockeyhrlr: Only got half way throught the responses on the bug report, but decided to give it a go. Not read the rest yet :)08:06
hrlrDistroJockey:  From what I've read, this bug will not be fixed in Sun Java 6.  Apparently it'll only be fixed in Java 7.  That kinda irked me.08:07
Amaranthluckily we have openjdk 6 in hardy :)08:07
tanneranyone know if 802.11n is enabled in hardy?08:08
DistroJockeyhrlr: ahh08:08
clustytanner, what do you mean enabled?08:09
tannerclusty: for the most part 802.11n is not included by default08:09
DistroJockeyAmaranth: Is that what GCJ is?08:09
clustytanner, i know for a fact that the intel N card words fine08:09
hrlrAmaranth:  Yeah, but will it be the first selected default for users to install?  Also, is it as compatible?  I tried to use Icedtea java with Mercury and it crashes :(08:09
Amaranthclusty: afaik the intel one is the only one08:10
tannerclusty: sure, if you have the code enabled and the kernel configured for it08:10
tannerhowever, for example, in gusty with the default kernel, my Intel 4965AGN card is unable to connect to a N only WAP08:10
clustyi dont have a N card, but a buddy got it working since feisty08:10
clustytanner, that I dont know :D08:11
Amaranthtanner: the driver in gutsy was not certified by intel08:11
clustyhe could just connect somehow :D08:11
Amaranthbecause it was not ready yet08:11
Amaranthit was just a "this is better than nothing" and probably "dell uses intel chips" move :P08:11
clustyand the iwl driver is any different?08:12
tannerclusty: perhaps his AP is in mixed mode08:12
Amaranththe iwl driver was used in gutsy too for the 4965 but it was experimental08:12
tannerwouldnt know about dell, i only use thinkpads :)08:12
tanneri see08:12
clustyi dont like the iwl driver08:12
clustymy connection drops constantly08:12
tannerwell i know that support is there in 2.6.24, but has to be enabled with a patch last i recall08:12
clustyand the blinky light of wireless is not shining anymore08:13
tannerclusty: i have mixed results, seems dmesg reports firmware failures which require me to reload the module to reconnect08:13
tannerclusty: supposed to be fixed just not included/enabled by default in 2.6.2408:13
kgoetzi've dont seem to have an updated update-manager-core available, and when i run do-release-upgrade -d it claims theres no new release found. anyone had this before?08:13
tannerat least according to #ipw210008:13
clustybtw why did they switch from iwp to iwl drivers?08:14
tannermight be best to ask in the aforementioned channel08:14
kgoetzstupid upgrade tools :/08:15
clustyany clue if packet injection works with the iwl?08:15
tannerit would be nice, though probably not?08:15
clustyi used to have a hacked driver kernel just to fool around08:16
* tanner needs 802.11n enabled and working at full speed so he can stream hi def media over his wireless network08:17
oxigenhuh, i dont see navigation panels any more! HELP! I didn't save some stuff on desktop #3 :( what can i do?08:21
oxigeni dont want to ctrl+alt+backspace now..08:21
oxigenany other option?08:22
oxigenthis happen while i was in a toilet :/08:22
kgoetz^ alt [left,right] to switch workspaces?08:23
DanaGgnome panel missing, or window decoration missing?08:23
DanaG^?  Caret?  Don'tcha' mean 'ctrl' ?08:23
kgoetzyes, i mean ctrl. aka ^08:24
oxigenno, this doesnt help :(08:24
DanaGHmm, are the panels missing, or the window manager?08:25
oxigenaaa! :) ctrl+alt [left,right] do the job! thanks kgoetz!08:25
oxigenbut still why panels missing?08:26
kgoetzcould be a number of reasons. perhaps its running, but died off08:26
kgoetzpress alt+f2, and enter 'xterm' - does it launch?08:27
oxigenalt+f2 doesnt work08:27
oxigenhmm, probably was latest upgrade...08:32
oxigenbut ok i have all saved! :)08:32
gluerUsers $HOM/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. Users $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users??08:33
gluerany ideas?08:33
gluer$HOME not $HOM08:34
kgoetzgluer: chmod 644 ~/.dmrc08:34
gluerok will try now brb08:34
Raspberrytanner: I can't seem to get my WirelessN card working as a wireless N ... it is stuck @ G08:35
J-_Does Exaile's EQ work in Hardy?08:36
* J-_ hears no difference08:36
Raspberrytanner: I've got an Intel 4965 AGN08:36
sbingnerRaspberry, try updating your access point to N08:37
gluerdidnt work..appears everytime i login08:37
* sbingner ducks08:37
* J-_ quacks08:37
sbingnersorry I couldn't resist08:37
tanner_well this is peachy, vmware causes a system hang08:38
Raspberry... being an idiot, yeah, I know08:38
sbingnerRaspberry, you'd be surprised how many times questions like that turn out to be the right answer... but everybody's afraid to ask them :p08:38
J-_tanner_: Really? What about vbox?08:38
tanner_J-_: virtualbox?08:39
tanner_havent tried it, not sure windows will like my trying to play it08:39
J-_Oh you're on windows? nvm08:39
tanner_no, on linux08:40
tanner_with a windows guest08:40
Raspberryoh whoops, I guess sbingner was right -- my wireless router was set to b/g only!08:41
tanner_8.04 has many nicieties (mainly the automounting of sata drives, such as my eSATA drives) that are not present in 7.10, but for the majority of what i need seems to be lacking =(08:41
tanner_Raspberry: if i may ask, what were you trying to accomplish08:42
Raspberrytanner_: I'm trying to figure out KVM so I can virtualize my windows guest :)08:42
Raspberrytanner_: accomplish in regards to?08:42
tanner_your WAP and b/g08:43
Raspberryah ... I thought I'd make sbingner feel good about himself08:44
Raspberrymy problem isn't actually fixed08:44
RaspberryI've got a thinkpad with the 4965 AGN card in it... and I can't seem to connect to the N router in Linux, but can in Windows...08:45
tanner_well, T61 or T61p is my guess08:46
J-_Latest updates alright to install?08:46
tanner_SuperView or Multitouch?08:46
J-_I have a R61e08:46
Raspberrywxga super08:46
J-_Works awesome08:46
tanner_how do you like it Raspberry, battery life and everything?08:47
Raspberrytanner_: i get about 4hrs in linux and 6.5 in vista08:47
tanner_J-_: everything on my thinkpad is technically supported, some fall a bit short though :( such as 802.11n08:47
Raspberryturning everything off in linux only gives me ~20 more minutes08:47
tanner_Raspberry: thats disappointing to hear08:47
tanner_although i believe Ubuntu falls very short in regards to laptops and power management (in gnome at least)08:48
J-_tanner_: hmm, weird. Internet works perfect here. I got a Intel Wireless PRO card though08:48
RaspberryI'm just about ready to switch to KDE408:48
RaspberryI was a kde user until I installed this machine in November08:49
gluerraspberry: is KDE4 better?08:49
tanner_J-_: as do i, however, with default kernel and the iwl4965 driver, it will not connect without compiling a special driver08:49
Raspberrykde4 is really nice except the dual display stuff doesn't work right08:49
* tanner_ much prefers KDE, however, not Kubuntu08:49
Raspberryit limits the larger monitor to the size of the smaller one08:49
gluerraspberry: how do i install it?08:49
nox-HandI have next to no idea why, but I cannot run the partitioner in the beta CD08:50
Raspberrytanner_: yeah, that's what turned me off to kde in "ubuntu" kubuntu really mangled the whole thing08:50
nox-HandWell, gparted works, but running the installer it fails08:50
tanner_Raspberry: i would not be suprised if you got better battery life thanks to KLaptop or whatever its called08:50
tanner_yes agreed, Kubuntu butchers KDE08:50
tanner_i personally think openSUSE's kde implementation is the best i've seen yet.08:51
Raspberryless features but working always outweighs more features but broken ...08:51
J-_tanner_: Ah I see.. This is the first time having wireless, so I'm not really too good with it. All I know is, I had a bit of trouble when I first got the lappy, but it's solved from updates and it works awesome. I just can't use WPA2. But yeah, it's been working good. I just have DSL mind you.08:51
bazhangbut kde + ubuntu = win08:51
tanner_J-_: why not?08:52
Raspberrytanner_: I agree I love OpenSuSE's KDE implementation ... definitely the best -- my issue with them is their package management process is horrible... way way way too slow08:52
tanner_J-_: why no WPA2?08:52
J-_bazhang: I agree, but I need to use gnome right now, too used to it. I just installed kde4, tried it for a bit, but meh. Back to Gnome for the most part08:52
tanner_Raspberry: +1, i usually stick to the command line "zypper" instead of the gui, i agree apt-get is nicer08:52
J-_tanner_: Don't know, I have no option to select it with nm-applet.08:52
bazhangJ-_: not so much responding to you; just someone said Suse was awesome kde, but with rpm is it worth it? ;]08:53
tanner_weird, in ubuntu it auto detects and asks for the passkey :-\08:53
tanner_bazhang: as Raspberry said, it is a downfall :( but its implementation is soo wonderful.. wish someone would do that with Debian08:53
bazhangtanner_: yeah I get that too I'm using wpa2 but nm detects only wpa; still connects fine though08:54
J-_bazhang: I responded to you, I know you weren't talking to me.08:54
gluerinstalling kde4 now, 200+mb?08:54
bazhangJ-_: right, well ubuntu and kubuntu differ by so little that it is really eye candy at this point08:54
RaspberryI wanted to run OpenSuSE, but I just couldn't after trying to add packages -- it's just confusing and slow08:54
Raspberrybut like I was commenting in here earlier... Ubuntu could really learn from OpenSuSE's control panel...08:55
RaspberryI can configure my tablet using a GUI.08:55
bazhangJ-_: witness the fact that I spend most of time in #ubuntu and can still answer many gui questions there ;]08:55
Raspberrypen and all with OpenSuSE 1108:55
tanner_yast2 is wonderful08:55
bazhangrpm bleh08:55
J-_bazhang: Yeah, cool.08:56
nox-HandOddly enough, if I select English language, installer works fine08:56
tanner_bazhang: i disagree; while the foundation (ubuntu) is similar, the polish and effort given to the distro's differ greatly, Ubuntu is extremely polished and smooth, Kubuntu seems slopped together, broken, less polish08:56
tanner_mind you, yast2 is the gui configuration tools08:57
J-_Opensuse isn't Ubuntu. There are probably other such channels for that discussion.08:57
bazhangtanner_: sorry; it takes two coins to click ;]08:57
tanner_sorry, unfamiliar with that phrase, though i imagine it has something to do with $.0208:57
bazhangnah it means roughly from the Mandarin it takes two to tango ;]08:58
RaspberryI'm bummed -- I'm stuck with a couple of bugs that I don't think I'll be fixing tonight09:00
tanner_Raspberry: such as?09:02
Raspberrytrying to get MythTV to play some MPEG4 XVID AVI files09:02
RaspberryI can play them on the box, but Myth doesn't like it09:02
Raspberryand I can see what it says since I have a crappy old TV ... the print is too fine09:02
tanner_Raspberry: tired the #myth-users channel?09:02
Raspberrycan > can't09:02
Raspberrythey're only helping women :P09:03
Raspberrysome guy just went off on a tyrade about it09:03
RaspberryI asked my question in there, but my handle doesn't have Vanessa in it09:03
Raspberryso I'm back to poking around09:03
RaspberryI've found a few comments people are making about mythtv 0.21 and xvmc issues09:05
tanner_iamleanardo is usually helpful09:05
Raspberrywhere xvmc is auto-detecting content incorrectly and trying to hardware accellerate video that it can't09:05
tanner_yeah that'd be him09:06
Raspberryi'll keep an eye out from him09:07
tanner_brb, have to restart x :-\09:08
tannerxchat is going crazy09:09
tannerxchat and xorg, eating up my cpu09:09
tannerdamn kvm09:10
Raspberryyou're using kvm? or A KVM?09:11
Raspberrythey should have picked a different name for that software09:11
tannermust have been why vmware was crashing09:11
tannerkvm the virtualization software09:11
Raspberryhow is that working09:12
tannernot especially well at the moment09:12
tanneralthough neither is vmware since the upgrade to 8.0409:13
tannererm so annoying09:17
tannervmware is holding my keyboard hostage09:17
Raspberryit's always nice when the system won't boot properly after a restart09:21
Raspberrythis is a gutsy issue... so I'd better ask the question over in #ubuntu09:21
tannerits always nice when vmware refuses to release the keyboard09:21
Raspberrymy mythtv box is hanging at "No resume image, doing normal boot..."09:22
tannersounds like a hibernation thing09:22
RaspberryCTRL+ALT+DEL gets it to start booting, but it mounts the drive read-only09:23
Raspberrythis is a desktop machine :)09:23
Raspberrythere shouldn't be any hibernating going on :P09:23
tannerunderstandable, however when it talks of a resume image, sounds to me like its expecting a image in swap09:24
Raspberrytanner: I believe all kernels do that now09:24
Raspberrythey look for an "image" to resume from when starting... my laptop does it09:24
Raspberryit's the second (i think) line that pops up ... when the system boots09:25
Raspberrythe system boots fine into recovery mode09:26
Raspberry... or maybe not :P09:26
tannererm, have to restart x 888again8809:27
Raspberryfix your shift key while you're at it09:27
tanneras much as i dont want to i may have to go back to gusty09:28
RaspberryI've been running hardy for a month09:31
Raspberryor two now09:31
* tanner would love to have a myth box (small, discrete) capable of 1080p playback, although id settle for just proper video playback of all formats and high resolution output09:32
Raspberrythis thing seems to be hung up trying to run a disk check on start up09:32
Raspberrywhy do i have a compulsion to hit the thing even though I know that won't fix the problem09:32
tannerwell, gusty works great for me.. sans a few things, primarily Intel HD Sound is really only properly supported in 2.6.24, and in Hardy eSATA is much easier to mount and manage09:33
tannerRaspberry: its how we humans have been fixing things for the last 5,000 years :D09:33
Raspberryit works on a lot of things09:33
Raspberrybut I'm finding that as stuff is more intricate and made out of cheaper materials ... that approach doesn't work as well anymore09:34
Raspberryi'm tempted to just leave it sit @ the "loading" screen and see if it fixes itself09:34
tannerso it seems09:34
Raspberrythere it goes09:34
Raspberryand now VNC works09:36
Raspberryi'm testing out the dynamic remote control key assignments too09:37
Raspberrywhich amazingly seem to work09:37
tannerwhat is your setup for this box?09:38
Raspberryand of course they work... because the control centre utility never updated them :p09:38
NET||abuseHey guys.. i'm on hardy, and i plugin a usb drive, but i get nothing, i'm tailing /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog while doing this but there's no messages coming up?09:39
Raspberryit's just a desktop PC with an Athlon64X2 3800+ and 1gb of memory ... with 1 320gb hdd for the OS / Records and 1 320gb drive for all my music and any videos I convert from recordings... DVD rips... et al09:39
buzi'm fighting with lm-sensors-3 in hardy09:40
tannerNET||abuse: what does dmesg report09:41
buzfan divisor settings are being ignored09:41
NET||abusetanner, yeh, see some messages there now,, hm, why not any under syslog or messages files?09:41
Raspberryi've got a pair of the PC-HD cards cx8800 driver cards that do analog and digital recording09:41
Raspberryand a cheap FX series Nvidia Card with an S-VIDEO out to the TV09:42
tannerNET||abuse: not sure why the system logs wouldnt pick it up, however all device messages will show under dmesg or /var/logs/dmesg*, as long as your device is registering and you see it in dmesg, try going to places -> and seeing if it shows up there09:42
NET||abusetanner, the messages are "hub 5-0:1.0: Cannot enable port 1.  Maybe the USB cable is bad?\n ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: port 1 reset error -110\n  hub 5-0:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -32)"09:42
NET||abusetanner, nothing under places had already checked that09:43
NET||abusethe cable isn't bad, it's been in use on other pc's thismorning already09:43
tannerRaspberry: sounds like a good setup, i'm looking to build a slim profile set top box with essentially the same functionality09:43
tannerNET||abuse: i'm afraid i have no idea what the problem may be, you may get lucky searching google using those dmesg messages in the search query09:44
Raspberrytanner: if I did it again, I'd get a faster processor ... that seems to be the bottleneck09:44
NET||abusetanner, are you looking to basically setup a linux based apple tv/tivo appliance?09:44
tannerRaspberry: in regards to what? hi def playback? or general use?09:44
Raspberryhd playback and commercial flagging09:45
tannerNET||abuse: sorta, i dont really need it to have a capture card though09:45
NET||abuseheard a review of something called the popcorn A100 or something.. one sec09:45
Raspberryit's very slow to transcode shows too09:45
NET||abusei'll get a link09:45
tannerfor the most part, i just want something i can send my files *avi, mpg, mkv, etc etc etc to and have it play on my big screen09:45
Raspberry4+hrs for a 2hr hockey game09:45
Raspberrytanner: than, up until 0.21 that would work09:46
tannerRaspberry: if i was going all out, i'd have a dedicated super server as the backend09:46
Raspberryseems like some funny stuff is going on here with 0.2109:46
tannerNET||abuse: wow, looks interesting09:46
NET||abusethought so09:46
RaspberryI think I'm going to build a second box as a front-end and move this backend to the basement right to where the line comes in09:46
Raspberrythen I can slimline my "front-end" upstairs machine09:47
ccookeRaspberry: heh. I did that this weekend :-)09:48
tannerNET||abuse: sadly i still want to do it myself :( but this seems rather.. ideal09:48
NET||abusetanner, the os that the popcorn thing is all built on is some linux breed, i'm not sure, but it sounds like they support user land tinkering09:48
RaspberryI guess ... to sum it all up - - Ubuntu had the easiest install of MythTV .. that actually worked :)  and the whole process of tracking, recording and playing back video is a lot more resource intensive then I first anticipated...  I'd think faster processor (2ghz minimum) and at least 2gb of ram09:48
Raspberryccooke: better?09:49
NET||abusetanner, well, maybe double check that, but the way I heard about it it might be open for re-working parts of it.09:49
ccookeRaspberry: not as much an improvement as 0.21 was!09:49
Raspberryyeah 0.21 had lots of nice features09:49
Raspberryccooke: are you running off of packages or from source?09:49
tannerseems interesting09:49
Raspberryccooke: the streams package doesn't seem to be updated to .2109:50
ccookeFrom source is all very well if you're the only person *using* the system...09:50
Raspberrymy g/f likes the fact that now she can get movie listings and times for local theaters in about 4 -6 button pushes09:50
tannerI can imagine09:50
ccookeRaspberry: that doesn't work outside the US, though, which is annoying09:50
ccooke(it should actually *say* so)09:51
tannerNET||abuse: seems availability is rather limited09:51
ccookeRaspberry: My apt sources containst this: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu-trunk/ubuntu gutsy main09:51
Raspberrythat's where I get mine from too09:51
ccooke(not running hardy on anything that anyone else depends on, yet)09:51
NET||abusetanner, that's the one issue, you gotta get on a waiting list09:51
SmegzorI want to force a distribution upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04  What do I type in console?09:51
NET||abusetanner, just a really interesting looking product, i hope it gets more traction, it's like apple tv, only not drm'd and evil09:52
NET||abusei like the fact that they bundle a http,ftp and torrent client in the firmware :)09:52
Raspberryit'd be nice if MythTV had torrent capabilities09:53
NET||abuseyou know the market they're trying to appeal to...09:53
Raspberryto share your shows and download others09:53
Raspberryif I had more time I'd write something like that :)09:53
tannerNET||abuse: certainly, i'd like to create an integrated solution similar to that, perhaps using one of those small, mini itx boards09:53
NET||abuseRaspberry, well have a look at the command line torrent clients and some addon app's for myth tv, i'm sure there's a gui page that can be inserted to myth09:53
tannerno MythTorrent Raspberry?09:53
tannersomeone should build a PCI "encoder" card (for lack of better wording, basically hardware decoding of hi def media and such)09:55
Raspberrythat's a pretty wrap app atm :)09:55
Raspberryhd isn't encoded09:56
Raspberrydigital tv is raw09:56
* tanner is thinking more along the lines of HDDVD/BluRay09:56
Raspberryit's the storage that makes it go crazy09:56
tannerbasically i'm talking about a hardware video accelerator09:57
Raspberryccooke: since you upgraded to 0.21... are your hd recordings choopy?09:57
ccookeRaspberry: No hd recordings :-)09:59
RaspberryI know it's with MythTV playback because I can play it back over the wire on another PC and it plays fine10:01
* tanner wonders if there are more solutions like the popcorn thingy10:02
rafaeli just upgraded to hardy from gutsy. now i get some strange gnome errors and also have no sound "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."10:07
shemgpwhere can i find the hardy-dvd-i386.iso.torrent file for hardy beta?10:08
tannerrafael: it is almost best to install hardy from scratch until all the bugs are worked out10:09
tannershemgp: on the download page10:09
rafaeltanner: but i want to stay with my system10:09
tannershemgp: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/  bottom of the page10:09
Raspberry tanner: there are other options i think10:10
fromport"hardy torrent ubuntu.com " in google and feel lucky10:10
tannerrafael: i understand, just saying that a clean install is less likely to have complications10:10
shemgpthanks but those are the CDs.. not DVDs10:11
tannerrafael: also, understand Hardy is still beta software, distro upgrade may produce more bugs than features :)10:11
tannershemgp: ? what are you looking for then10:12
shemgpi found this: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/ but i don't think it's the beta..10:12
shemgptanner: the hardy-dvd-i386.torrent which is for the Beta10:12
tannershemgp: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ is the offical page relating the Hardy10:12
tanneras far as i know there is no dvd specific release...10:12
tannerwhat do you think the DVD is going to gain you?10:13
rafaeltanner: i know but i thought this channel is not existing for just telling those phrases to me. i heard that often and i'm clear about the risk. but here i want to ask if someone had the same experience and maybe fixed it already in his system10:13
tannershemgp: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/hardy-dvd-i386.iso.torrent10:13
shemgptanner: i don't think that's for the beta10:13
TheInfinityrafael: syslog / alsa log / etc will help10:13
shemgpthe files inside that iso are dated before the beta release.. Jan 8, 200810:14
shemgpi'm trying to test whether it's more bandwidth efficient to download the beta DVD using bittorrent when i already had the alpha6 DVD10:16
tannershemgp: hard to say10:17
Lynoureshemgp: not going to be more bandwidth efficient, unless you somehow manage to tell it what parts you have already...10:17
LynoureI'm not a torrent expert, so maybe there is some way to say "I have these files, compare them against the torrent and get me what I'm missing", but sounds more like rsync to me :)10:18
tannershemgp: i'm still not sure why you need the DVD specific release, is it for the extra packages or?10:18
shemgptanner: yes10:19
shemgpinternet is slow here10:20
NET||abusehey guys.. i have some issues with ff 3 beta that is default in this ubuntu business :) Can't get foxmarks or firebug for it10:20
shemgpLynoure: that's why i'm "testing" it :)10:20
NET||abusei've signed up to the foxmarks beta, but even for now, i'd just like to import my foxmarks file into this current firefox instance?10:21
tannershemgp: hard to really say what will save the you the most bandwidth. however i would imagine that getting the most recent CD iso, and adding packages as needed would be the most efficient10:21
warrendaei would like to know if in ubuntu we can compare the dev version of ubuntu (in this case hardy) to lenny in debian?10:22
NET||abusewarrendae, emm, that's rather a massively unspecific question?10:22
warrendaeyeah maybe10:23
warrendaewell lenny is quite stable, is it the case of hardy?10:23
kmaxtorwhat new in the new version of ubuntu10:23
shemgptanner: yes, but i install it in different computers in different locations10:23
jussi01kmaxtor: go read the beta release notes in the topic10:23
Lynoureshemgp: what saves most bandwidth is getting the dvd, burning it, handing it to the person :)10:24
kmaxtork im sorry10:24
tannershemgp: then get the CD, and carry a flash drive with all the deb packages on it;10:24
kmaxtorany repositories to update my videocard10:24
tanneror better yet, get one larger flash drive, install the ubuntu cd to it, and also have the package son the same flash drive10:25
shemgpanyway, thanks guys.. i thought a developer was here that could fix the torrent file in the site to point to the beta DVD iso10:25
kmaxtormy video card is nvidia i can't enabled10:25
shemgpLynoure: :)10:25
kmaxtorwhat i can do to enabled my video card in order to run my compiz10:25
shemgptanner: or use aptoncd.. i think the DVDs easier10:26
tannerkmaxtor: "Envy" can be useful for installing the nvidia drivers10:26
NET||abuseok, used firebug alpha, the 1.2 release10:27
NET||abuseproblem is that won't autoupdate for me from mozilla repository no?10:27
NET||abusewell, that's not a huge issue10:27
NET||abuseok,, fox marks,, anyone know how i can download a backup file from foxmarks site without having foxmarks installed?10:28
tannerknow the url to the file?10:28
NET||abusethere's a url to the foxmarks file for your account?? why is there no bloody link to downoad it from the my.foxmarks.com pag?10:30
tanner_damn, 3:30 already =(10:32
=== jdh6403 is now known as jdh6403-work
shockheadhi folks, anyone know if apt-get has been changed recently to NOT ask for confirmation on upgrades? mine didn't ask... :-(10:34
DistroJockeyshockhead: was it a single package or an upgrade?10:35
shockheadDistroJockey: an upgrade10:35
shockheadwith ~20 packages to do10:35
shockheadhttp://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/733 if it helps10:35
DistroJockeyshockhead: I think I have noticed it randomly decide to ask10:36
shockheadDistroJockey: hmmm... not good! :-)10:37
DistroJockeyshockhead: not played with it for long yet though10:37
DistroJockeyshockhead: no10:37
shockheadDistroJockey: what should I do, raise a bug?10:38
KRFshockhead, use aptitude instead ;)10:39
KRFits better anyway10:39
DistroJockeyshockhead: I've mostly stuck to Synaptic, only really went to apt-get when it broke, and when I asked apt-get to install a single package with no dependecies, it just did it without asking10:39
DistroJockeyapt-get install gnome-mud   as an example10:40
shockheadafaik apt-get doesn't ask for packages that are specified, but for dependencies and upgrades it should10:40
* tanner_ seconds shockhead10:41
shockheadeven if aptitude is better ;-) apt-get should still work10:41
kmaxtorany repositories to update my kubuntu 7 to beta 810:43
Infectohmm can some one tell my why i cant set 32bit on my sda?10:43
Infecto/dev/sda: IO_support    =  0 (default 16-bit)10:43
Infecto/dev/sda: setting 32-bit IO_support flag to 1 HDIO_SET_32BIT failed: Invalid argument IO_support    =  0 (default 16-bit)10:43
kmaxtoralpha edition10:44
kmaxtorhow to update into alpha editon10:44
DistroJockeyshockhead: not sure what you mean by: "afaik apt-get doesn't ask for packages that are specified"10:44
shockheadDistroJockey: if you specify, for example, "apt-get install konqueror" and you dont need any dependencies, then it doesn't ask, since you specified it10:45
shockheadbut if it does need dependencies, then it asks you to confirm the install10:45
shockheadsame for upgrades, usually10:45
jinI have a problem. My system can't see sda1 and sda2 while gparted can10:45
DistroJockeyshockhead: ahh, I see10:45
tanner_jin: what do you mean by your system cant see it10:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 181843 in apt "[hardy] apt-get doenst ask confirmation" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:46
shockheadalready in the bug database10:46
DistroJockeyshockhead: but what if I typed it wrong and realised too late :) It should ask unless I do maybe a -y10:46
jintanner_:  means no sda1 and sda2 in /dev but there is /dev/sda10:47
shockheadDistroJockey: yeah you have that option10:47
DistroJockeyshockhead: ahh, *nods* :)10:47
tanner_jin: sounds like a partition issue, does the issue exist in gusty?10:47
shockheadDistroJockey: you could always do an alias in your .bashrc10:47
jintanner_: in gutsy they worked fine10:47
jintanner_: they are both ntfs partitions btw10:48
DistroJockeyshockhead: True, but as you said it is a listed bug10:49
shockheadyou think it should *always* confirm?10:49
shockheadfair enough... better safe than sorry10:49
DistroJockeyshockhead: for newbies sake I do, yes10:49
DistroJockeyshockhead: for me, don't care either way :)10:50
shockheadi agree though, yeah, makes sense to achieve consistency10:50
tanner_perhpas the best solution should be a configuration flag in a conf file that determines if it always ask or not10:50
DistroJockeyshockhead: but I also agree that having to confirm is very Windows esc10:51
DistroJockeyshockhead: not that you said that, but...10:51
tanner_the general rule is software should NEVER *assume* what you want..10:52
DistroJockeydefault sould be confirm, turn it off if you work out how to :)10:52
Ngsoftware assumes what you want all the time ;)10:52
DistroJockeyyep, bad software bad10:52
* tanner_ rolls up news paper10:53
* tanner_ should sleep before we wakes up at 2pm10:53
DistroJockeybut it is good in a known stable predictable senario I guess10:54
shockheadi think for single package installs though it's not too much of a problem though... it's hard to misspell nautilus so that it reads konqueror!10:54
tanner_nah, software should never assume something, you should however be able to tell it to stop nagging you =)10:54
shockheadand if you get the name slightly wrong, it won't work anyway10:54
shockheadtanner_: true10:55
Lynouretanner_: if it never assumed anything, you would not get any kind of UI layout or any keybindings ever10:55
LynoureBut I'm all for assumptions being easily changed.10:55
shockheadbut you should always be able to change it, right?10:55
DistroJockeyI agree, as per my apt-get install gnome-mud  installing without prompting, if could easily be removed, but when a package installs dependancies anlong with it, those dependancies can't be easily removed10:55
tanner_Lynoure: there is no assumptions about what keyboard layout you have *set*10:56
jintanner_: the hd is ata drive and yet it appears as a sata because it is called sda istead oh hda :\10:56
Lynouretanner_: I'd go nuts if I had to specify every layout and keybinding for every app...10:56
tanner_jin: thats not uncommon as i recall with newer kernel10:56
gluerif ive installed kde4 on ubuntu how do i select to use it?10:56
tanner_Lynoure: certainly, however, those keybindings are specifically defined, no assumptions are made10:57
DistroJockeygluer: At the login screen select Options or Session?10:57
Lynouretanner_: not parsing that sentence... layout does not decide the bindings in apps, someone assumes what the average user with that layout will want...10:58
gluercheers DJ10:58
DistroJockeygluer: np10:58
tanner_Lynoure: however thats not the same as assuming you wish to upgrade a certain package or not.10:58
Lynouretanner_: No, I was reacting to your general statement, not a specific case10:59
tanner_besides, with UI layouts, you get what they decide to give you :-\10:59
tanner_anyway Lynoure, applications should never assume you want to do something, if that wording makes you feel better.11:00
Lynouretanner_: neither of them affected how I felt :)11:01
DistroJockeytanner_: what if they know better? ;P11:01
tanner_DistroJockey: then you should unplug your machine ;)11:02
tanner_before it wont let you ;P11:02
Lynouretanner_: But, yes, I find that more agreeable, but some assumptions are still beneficial. Maybe we need universal prompting levels =)11:02
DistroJockeytanner_: heh, some times they do know better11:03
tanner_Lynoure: indeed11:03
DistroJockeysky-net here we come!11:04
tanner_DistroJockey: of course, however, in such a case where you specify something and the program "knows better" and is sure you wanted something else, it should then prompt to you confirm/offer what it thinks you want to do as a suggestion11:04
DistroJockeytanner_: agreed11:04
DistroJockeytanner_: but that's what Vista did11:04
tanner_now of course, saying something like, apt-get install kde should only install the kde package (and not any dependencies), this is true in a general sense, however as a convince it should install them11:05
DistroJockeyvery hard to balance11:05
tanner_yes indeed11:06
tanner_it obviously cannot be black and white11:06
DistroJockeyLinux is way better at it though :)11:07
DistroJockeybalancing that is :)11:07
tanner_hmm, depends how you look at it i suppose11:07
DistroJockeythe linux community is much better/faster at reacting, which is what is needed to balance IMO :)11:09
tanner_reacting to what?11:09
tanner_well i wouldnt go that far..11:09
tanner_the community would love for VV support in pidgin, but i have yet to see that actually implemented (in the main branch) ;)11:10
tanner_i agree in the sense of security patches and vulnerabilities and such11:10
DistroJockeyI don't even know what that is, hehe11:10
tanner_however, 802.11n support in linux is vastly inferior to that of Windows atm11:11
tanner_VV is voice and video (webcam, calls, etc)11:11
tanner_i mean.. i have a webcam thats just burning a hole through the floor... oh well, no half naked girls for me :(11:12
tanner_features tend to be more slowly adopted in linux than Windows, depending on what sort of feature it is of course..11:13
DistroJockeyI think that is changing for the better11:14
DistroJockeyWith the release of Hardy soon, Linux is going to be very popular11:14
DistroJockeyand the developers are growing all the time11:15
Amaranthtanner_: that's stubbornness from the pidgin side, from what i can tell11:15
tanner_there is no widely adopted perfect solution though, so its a trade off at times. for example, my wonderful Canon 600F scanner will likely never work in linux (boycott canon!), even though i knew this buying the device11:15
Amaranththey are their own little world, not involved with GNOME or Ubuntu or anything else11:15
tanner_Amaranth: entirely, the code has been around since 2005 with gaim-vv11:15
Amaranthtelepathy seems to be the obvious path to getting support for this11:16
tanner_DistroJockey: why do you think it will change with Hardy?11:16
DistroJockeyHP are definately the more supported supplier11:16
Amaranthand hey, it even supports voice for gtalk and i think yahoo11:16
Amaranthand video for one of them but that's experimental11:16
tanner_DistroJockey: tell that to my unsuported HP scanner ;) granted now its 4+ years old.. but still...11:16
Amaranthall printer manufacturers suck :P11:17
DistroJockeytanner_: I think Hardy is the most polished of the distro's to date (even the beta) and it works very well11:17
Amaranthbrother claims to have open source drivers but it's an open source bit on top of a closed source x86-only bit11:17
tanner_Amaranth: i disagree, Xerox is highly unix/linux friendly, and my samsung driver cd included all the files required for cups, even an installer. i was very impressed11:17
Amarantha _small_ open source bit on top of a _large_ closed source x86-only bit11:17
Amaranthtanner_: I don't want drivers, I want specs or code11:18
DistroJockeytanner_: and lots of people have no money now thanks to petrol prices and interest rates11:18
tanner_Amaranth: ppd and a script which is text readable. nothing more is needed. the specs would be nice for reference but not relevant to linux/unix users11:18
Amaranthtanner_: with specs or code we can keep it running forever (or at least until no one cares enough to watch over it anymore)11:18
tanner_specs would be great for say.. me, when it comes time to write custom drives from my custom os :D11:18
Amaranthtanner_: ah, right, xerox makes real printers that you just feed postscript to11:19
Amaranthfor brother it's a ppd file that uses an lpr driver to communicate with the printer11:19
jinomg, I have 5 broken package11:19
tanner_my Samsung CLP-610ND has a ppd and a filter script. and all is well, full color/duplex support =)11:20
Amaranthjin: welcome to hardy, upgrade again11:20
DistroJockeyIf only I could get my Compro T750 DVB to work with Linux.11:20
jinand it is a fresh install11:20
Amaranthexpect more little blips up until the RC release11:20
tanner_DistroJockey: most people do not switch to linux as a result of finances11:20
AmaranthDistroJockey: they can just get windows for free from their nephew11:21
tanner_(except typically in SOHO cases)11:21
jinthis beta release is a bit disappointing :(11:21
DistroJockeytanner_: why do they switch?11:21
DistroJockeyjin: How so?11:21
DistroJockeythe broken packages11:22
tanner_DistroJockey: you'd have to ask them, i imagine some people just get tired of the Windows games (not the actual games mind you)11:22
jinDistroJockey: when updating system, I get sound drops11:22
DistroJockeyjust wait half a day and try again11:22
jinand yea, broken package after a fresh istall11:22
tanner_perhaps some are just into trying new things, curiosity, etc11:22
Amaranthjin: this is still in development, expect more little blips up until the RC release11:23
tanner_jin, sometimes "broken" packages can be fixed with a "-f" flag to apt-get :)11:23
jinand it can't detect my two ntfs partitions11:23
DistroJockeytanner_: Games are all I need Windows for now unfortunately11:23
Amaranthalthough the sound thing is tricky, it won't be properly fixed until the next major release of pulseaudio11:23
tanner_DistroJockey: thats what my console is for =)11:23
DistroJockeytanner_: heh, don't have one of those ;p11:23
AmaranthWii ftw11:23
jinAmaranth: I definitly will disable pulseaudio when Hardy is released11:23
DistroJockeytanner_: then again I mostly MUD11:24
tanner_i enjoy my wii, i however, enjoy my xbox360 a great deal more11:24
Amaranthoh, and portal but that plays in wine11:24
DistroJockeytanner_: so I'll live11:24
tanner_portal on xbox ;) awesome, awesome game11:24
tanner_DistroJockey: no luck with wine?11:24
DistroJockeyPortal is the MUD client I use on Windows :)11:25
DistroJockeytanner_: never really tried11:25
jinI wonder why Ubuntu has included pulseaudio in this (LTS ?) release.11:25
Amaranthportal on xbox would...suck11:25
jinpulseaudio is far form stable11:25
Amaranthdo you get the commentary?11:25
Amaranthjin: pulseaudio is very useful11:26
tanner_we are speaking of Portal from The Orange Box yes?11:26
Amaranthtanner_: yes11:26
jinAmaranth: useful but not ready11:26
tanner_Amaranth: not sure what you mean by commentary..11:26
Amaranthtanner_: the PC version has developer commentary after you beat the game11:26
tanner_jin: even with time it will improve11:26
Amaranthtanner_: you can go back through the levels and there are little icons you activate and they explain stuff11:27
tanner_jin: dont forget, improvements can always be added later to the same LTS release11:27
jintanner_: yea I'm sure it will but it should not be included in a LTS release11:27
Amaranththey certainly won't put the next major release of pulseaudio in an LTS update11:27
jintanner_: but if ppl read that Hardy is a LTS release, they expect quality , stability11:28
tanner_i dont see why they shouldnt include it, by doing so, they can test, debug, improve much quicker11:28
J-_hey Amaranth =)11:28
Amaranthtanner_: because stable means "doesn't change"11:28
Amaranthit doesn't mean "works perfectly"11:28
tanner_jin, with no disrespect to ubuntu, if you really want something stable, Ubuntu should not be your distro of choice11:28
jinyou can't test a software in a LTS release11:28
Amaranthjin: we've flipped the pulseaudio switch before11:29
Amaranthbacked out because it wasn't ready11:29
jinand it still isn't11:29
tanner_Amaranth: there will always be updates, its not as if once 8.04 hits there will be no upgrades/patches/etc till 8.1011:29
Amaranthbut now fedora is using it (probably because redhat employs the developer)11:29
Amaranthtanner_: critical bugs and security updates11:29
Amaranthtanner_: no new versions of stuff11:30
jinyea, but the user expects everything to work fine out of the box :\11:30
Amaranthleast intrusive changes necessary to fix data loss and security bugs11:30
DistroJockeybut if they include it by default, and the next major release is better, why not?11:30
jinor Ubuntu can include an option not to use pulseaudio..11:31
jinand a guide how to disable it11:31
tanner_even if pulse audio has bugs now, they will be patched and included in the LTS eventually. ;/11:31
AmaranthThe only time an older release has every gotten a major new version of an app was when firefox had a big security problem that was really hard to backport11:31
Amaranthtanner_: not likely11:31
Amaranthtanner_: the big problem now is fixed by increasing the buffer size11:31
Amaranththen it works fine for desktop audio but recording and such get broken11:31
jintanner_: erm, Hardy will be released in April, not much time left to patch and test11:32
Amaranthand it'll stay broken for the entire time hardy exists11:32
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
tanner_perhaps so.11:32
jinand I also wonder if Firefox 3 will make it in time for Hardy :\11:32
Amaranthbecause the fix requires a change in the alsa API (although that might already be in the hardy kernel) and a major change to the core of the pulseaudio engine11:32
Amaranthjin: that will be updated later11:32
AmaranthI love rules that change/bend for random reasons11:33
Amaranthalthough we're nearly to the point where all firefox 3 releases will be bug fixing, no new features or major changes11:34
nacersomeone have a tips for restaure the default gnome ubuntu theme ?11:34
Amaranthso i guess it makes sense since we don't want to have a beta for 3 years11:34
Amaranthnacer: choose the Human theme in the theme picker11:34
tanner_Konqueror ftw!11:34
* tanner_ hides11:34
Amaranthkonq blows :P11:34
Amaranthit'll be decent when they finally switch to webkit11:35
nacerAmaranth, a think its not the official theme11:35
naceri am from a upgrade off gusty to hardy11:35
Amaranthnacer: the theme only changed a little bit11:35
nacerso i think i have the old one11:35
Amaranthdifferent wallpaper, small tweaks to the widgets11:35
tanner_konquerors biggest downfail is the UI, which would benefit from taking cue's from firefox, however konq has always rendered faster with less memory whoring11:35
Amaranthtanner_: have you used firefox 3?11:36
zoli2kAnyone noticed, that after 2x"CTRL-ALT-D"  sometimes some of the windows simply disappears from desktop if compiz is enabled? After "metacity --replace" the windows are back.11:36
tanner_Amaranth: i am now, its a nice improvement for sure =)11:36
Amaranthfaster than safari (which is faster than konq)11:36
LynoureWhich is based on khtml... nice circle11:36
Amaranthbut khtml doesn't do as much and is slower :P11:37
DistroJockeyzoli2k: maybe this is a GART issue?11:38
Amaranthzoli2k: this sounds like a gutsy issue11:38
NET||abusei'm trying to get my usb ports working here, http://www.pastebin.org/25237 that's my dmesg output, the only place where any messages are appearing , ther's nothing seemingly relevant in /var/log/messages||syslog||dmesg||dmesg.0   so i'm not sure what i should do at this point,11:39
Amaranthyou're using the showdesktop plugin so it looks like OS X and windows sometimes disappear, right?11:39
DistroJockeyAmaranth: was thinking that too :)11:39
NET||abusethat log is from plugging in various usb devices, i've confirmed that one is definately working11:39
Amaranththat was a problem in gutsy but i've been using the showdesktop plugin since i closed that bug report and haven't been able to reproduce once11:39
Amaranthand iirc upstream says they fixed it11:40
NET||abusethe other is a 2.5" that's giving trouble (it corrupted my gutsy install) i'm trying a usb sata/ide adaptor cable to try and recover data from that drive11:40
zoli2kAmaranth: I had the same problem on Gutsy, but I am experiencing the same problem on Hardy.11:40
tanner_NET||abuse: if the issue is not present in gusty and you can confirm that, it is likely the driver, else its the hub11:40
Amaranthzoli2k: then i guess it's a good thing we don't have showdesktop by default :)11:40
NET||abusetanner_, i had pretty similar issues with my usb hub under gutsy also11:40
tanner_and if its none of those its the device itself11:40
NET||abusetanner_, i think it maybe the driver, as others reporting similar problems11:41
jinis there gonna be another beta release of Hardy?11:41
Amaranthnext release is RC11:41
tanner_NET||abuse: it is unlikely the driver would break significantly. its likely the device11:41
DistroJockeyzoli2k: Might be worth looking in the BIOS and increasing the AGP aperture a bit11:41
jinCan I use the Hardy kernel in Gutsy?11:42
NET||abusetanner_, i remember getting a suggestion to remove a certain driver from the kernel modules to get a usb device running, an ipod was in question, i think it was to remove ehci-hcd11:42
tanner_NET||abuse: perhaps unloading all the usb modules and reloading them11:42
jinmy wireless wrks perfect in Hardy but not Gutsy11:42
tanner_jin: what card?11:42
NET||abuseor something, i run modprobe -l | grep usb/host and get a series. of uhci-hcd|ehci-hcd|ohci-hcd and stuff, where can i find information on what these module are for?11:42
jintanner_: duunno, it is based on the RT61 ralink chip11:42
mrtimdogGot a (probably) really silly problem here. If I set my PATH to "/home/user/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" and /home/user/bin contains a executable script which also exists in /usr/bin, the one in /home/tjones/bin should be found and not the one in /usr/bin. But it's only finding the one in /usr/bin. All permissions are correct...?11:43
NET||abusetanner_, what method should i use for unloading/reloading the modules?11:43
jintanner_: 04:08.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 rev B 802.11g11:43
Amaranthmrtimdog: did you open a new terminal after setting this? bash caches path info for performance reasons11:43
tanner_NET||abuse: from kernel source, should be readme's and such relating to each driver at various places, also if you look at the module in make menuconfig it should give you a small description11:43
jinNET||abuse: rmmod and modprobe11:43
tanner_NET||abuse: rmmod <module>; modprobe <module>11:44
Amaranthmrtimdog: open a new terminal if you set it permanently or run 'bash' to get a new instance if you set it for the current session only11:44
mrtimdogAmaranth: Hi. Yes, I've even restarted to try make sure all is fresh.11:44
jinany chance to use the Hardy kernel with Gutsy?11:44
Amaranthmrtimdog: whereis <binary>11:44
Amaranthjin: it might work but you're completely on your own there11:45
* tanner_ seconds Amaranth11:45
mrtimdogAmaranth: That's what I was using to find out which one it was using. It always shows the one in /usr/bin only.11:45
NET||abusejin, tanner_: when i run sudo rmmod uhci-hcd; modprobe -l | grep /usb/host; i still get the uchi-hcd module listed, it isn't being removed11:45
jinthe crackling sound is pissing me off11:45
tanner_jin: you could, though support may be flaky; you'd be better off grabbing a kernel from kernel.org, or the kernel source from the repos for hardy and compiling it on the gusty system11:46
mrtimdogAmaranth: I have other scripts in the same bin dir, and only there, and they're found no probs.11:46
NET||abusejin, tanner_: i've also tried "sudo modprobe -r uhci-hcd;"11:46
tanner_NET||abuse: rmmod -f uhci-hcd11:46
mrtimdogIs there a bash cache which is persistent anywhere?11:46
tanner_*warning* forced module unloading may hang system :)11:46
NET||abusetanner_, then to re-add the module is just modprobe -i uhci-hcd ?11:46
Amaranthmrtimdog: no11:46
tanner_NET||abuse: just modprobe will suffice11:47
NET||abusetanner_, yeh, rmmod -f uhci-hcd; says no such file or dir.11:47
tanner_NET||abuse: then the module isnt loaded11:47
tanner_confirm with lsmod11:47
evan_hey who can help me my alsa wont get to work i installed both deb and source all those go without error but i cant get any sound but systemsound..... i cant open programs like volume-management and alsamixer.... lspci detects my card but aplay -l wont ... anyone any options?11:48
DistroJockeymrtimdog: There is a Terminal cache somewhere though11:48
mrtimdogDistroJockey: Terminal cache?11:48
DistroJockeymrtimdog: Gnome Terminal11:48
tanner_mrtimdog: you mean scrollback buffer?11:48
jinevan_: look like our sound works, just go the volume control and play with the settings11:48
evan_Jin no i wont detect my card11:49
jinevan_: what card u got/11:49
DistroJockeymrtimdog: close the terminal and reopen it and it remembers what you typed last time11:49
mrtimdogNo, same problem in xterm. Seems to be with my shell.11:49
evan_Jin --> Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio11:49
mrtimdogDistroJockey: No, it's nothing to do with the shell history.11:49
NET||abusetanner_, ok,, i've done that, still no joy getting it to work, http://www.pastebin.org/25238 this is when i plug in my usb mouse,11:49
jinevan_: and you installed alsa form source?11:50
DistroJockeymrtimdog: k, sorry that's all I know there11:50
tanner_NET||abuse: i think your usb controller hub is faulty11:50
jinevan_: I happen to have the same card 00:10.2 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation MCP51 AC97 Audio Controller (rev a2)11:50
evan_Jin both sorces in repo and from the alsa site11:50
jinalmost :D11:50
NET||abusetanner_, really,, damnit.. i'm really up a creek then i guess11:51
tanner_NET||abuse: perhaps not "faulty" in a hardware sense11:51
jinevan_: fresh install or upgrade from gutsy?11:51
evan_Jin install11:51
evan_it worked yesterday11:51
tanner_however it may be out of spec requiring a special work around, no way to really tell11:51
NET||abusetanner_, oh? how do you mean?11:51
jinevan, okay, open the volume control11:51
jinthen Edit -> Preferences11:52
jincheck surround , duplicate front , pcm11:52
tanner_NET||abuse: if it works in gusty but not hardy then there could be any number of reasons why, including possible changes to the usb architecture and or drivers11:52
tanner_NET||abuse: what is your machine?11:53
jinevan_: after that, go to the Switches tab on the volume control window and check Duplicate Front11:53
evan_Jin it isnt there anymore11:53
NET||abusetanner_, it's a hp nx6110 laptop11:53
jinevan_: the duplicate front option?11:53
tanner_NET||abuse: amd or intel?11:53
NET||abusetanner_, intel celeron 1.4Ghz11:53
evan_Jin no the whole volume controll11:53
tanner_damn, was hoping you'd say amd ;)11:53
NET||abusetanner_, hehe, why?11:54
tanner_no particular reason, just to be an ass :D11:54
NET||abusetanner_, my desktop at home which is 1 years and 3 months old and is having faulty issues is amd 3800+11:54
jinevan_: you mean the volume icon on the panel?11:54
tanner_it could be the controller then, i recall my thinkpad t40 having a similar issue11:54
NET||abusetanner_, x64 dual core11:54
evan_Jin ill install the deb first thenn ill have it again11:54
NET||abusetanner_, controller? in what sense is it the possible cause? a driver controller or is this a real hardware balls up?11:55
jinevan_: you can add it by righ clicking on the panel and add to panel11:55
jinor run gnome-volume-control11:55
tanner_NET||abuse: does it work in windows that you are aware of recently? could be either or, or both hardware and software.11:55
evan_Jin i get an error while opening it11:56
tanner_NET||abuse: what is the output of lsusb -vv with the mouse plugged in11:56
jinevan_: do so, and fater that,, check duplicate front and make sure allthe under volume bars are set at full and not muted11:56
jinevan_: what error?11:56
evan_it says translated into english "no volume rules and/or machines for gstreamer found"11:57
NET||abusetanner_, i don't have a windows install, no space on the disk, i need all 120GB for linux :) one sec i'll do the lsusb -vv11:57
jinevan_: go to System -> Preferences -> SOund11:58
tanner_NET||abuse: hell it could be a bios bug :-\ does the issue exist after a reboot?11:58
NET||abusetanner_, ok, here's the sudo lssub -vv output, only the mouse is plugged in at present.. http://www.pastebin.org/2524011:58
jinon the SOunds tab, is Enable Software sound mixing checked11:58
jinNET||abuse: what is the problem?11:58
evan_Jin yes its checked11:59
jinevan_: run lsmod | grep snd  does that give anything back?11:59
NET||abusetanner_, ;i was having usb failures during use with gutsy before, and it would just stop working after a short while, a reboot often fixed the issue,12:00
jinit should give you a lit of modules12:00
evan_jin nothing12:00
tanner_NET||abuse: lsusb does not show any entrys for your mouse?12:00
jinevan_: so no sound modules loaded it seems12:00
NET||abusetanner_, jin: for a short while before and since my drive swap/hardy beta install (had a mechanical spindel failure in the previous 160GB drive) I havn't had any luck with usb connection at all now.. i must reboot and test a bit..12:00
tanner_NET||abuse: i would guess at a BIOS and/or driver issue12:00
jinevan_: reinstall alsa via synaptic12:00
evan_Jin i already did that for like 5 times :P12:01
NET||abusetanner_, basically what modules, your usb host controllers are in lsmod list at the moment?12:01
jinevan_: after reinstall, just restart and check the duplicate front thing. should work12:01
tanner_NET||abuse: sorry i am unable to assist you further, however i must pass out now =)12:01
elmojhas someone problems with guidance-backend and python-gobject packets in hardy?12:02
tanner_NET||abuse: uhci-hcd, ehci-hcd are the host controller modules i believe12:02
evan_Jin must i restart my pc?12:02
NET||abusetanner_, hehe, ok12:02
jinevan_: to be sure, yes12:02
NET||abusetanner_, i see ohci-hcd in my modprobe -l | grep usb/host12:02
evan_that can be it !12:02
tanner_NET||abuse: ohci as i recall is the original along with uhci12:03
tanner_NET||abuse: google the modules and im sure you can find otu specifically what they pretain to12:03
jinNET||abuse: does it work on windows?12:04
jinlooks like a hardware problem12:04
NET||abusejin, unfortunately i've no windows installation to compare with12:04
NET||abusejin, i'm a little frustrated with linux hardware support, i really was hoping it would be as good or better than windows by now :(12:05
* tanner_ is out12:05
tanner_night all.12:05
NET||abusetanner_, thanks for your help12:05
NET||abusetanner_, have a good sleep :)12:05
elkbuntuNET||abuse, has your usb been like this for a while?12:05
NET||abuseelkbuntu, yes absolutely, months12:05
jinNET||abuse: try to google for your mobo model + ubuntu ot Linux ;)12:06
tanner_NET||abuse: the issue isnt about linux hardware support, it is more likely the the controller hardware is faulty that require a workaround driver (produced specifically by the vendor)12:06
jinsome one probably has had this problem before12:06
evan_Hey Jin it works after restarting !12:06
NET||abuseelkbuntu, well, i had a previous machine which had motherboard death (my mother spilled a pint of water over it and then tried to boot it up repeatedly,, dang it)12:06
jinevan_: glad it does :)12:06
evan_Jin do you know mtpfs?12:06
jinevan_: nope12:06
NET||abuseelkbuntu, so i took the drive and stuck it into this laptop,, a hp nx6110,12:07
NET||abuseelkbuntu, have been having intermittent usb issues ever since.12:07
evan_Jin then i hope someone else does :D12:07
evan_who works with mtpfs?12:07
NET||abuseelkbuntu, and now haven't had any usb access for a while,12:07
elkbuntuNET||abuse, damn. no idea then, sorry12:07
NET||abusejin, elkbuntu, tanner_: ok, i'm gonna reboot and see if i get my mouse to work even momentarily.. #12:07
NET||abusecheers ;)12:08
jinI can't stand the crackling sound any more12:11
jinI'm gonna install Gutsy12:11
Infectoby sie zrobilo tak ze czlowieka by ciagali bo podejzenai ze wyludza :) /12:11
Infectojin: ke?12:11
Infectojin: what for12:12
Infectojin: upgrade alsa12:12
Infectojin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller12:12
blackestHi I have problems with the new Xorg my screen isn't detected and its resolution isnt available to set manually12:14
gatestoneWhat is the best way to read kernel documentation? Install the source? Browse somewhere like http://lxr.linux.no/linux/Documentation/kernel-docs.txt? Read which book?12:18
Infectogatestone: what you wana to do?12:19
gatestoneStart kernel hacking, and general Linux develoment work...12:19
nox-HandIs there  a way to get a colour variation on the human-murrine theme?12:19
gatestoneInfecto: I want to start kernel hacking, and general Linux develoment work...12:19
gatestoneRight now, I want to understand the process system12:20
Infectoi`m not a kernel hacker, but if i will be on your place i will read change log of this part source tree12:20
Infectoand se how it grow12:21
evan_Jin lol youve got sound problems too?12:21
Infectoyep, dl the src and try to read it.12:21
Infectoevan_: i paste solution for many problems.12:21
oxigenwhat do i need to install to play audio CD in Totem?12:23
evan_Infecto, ?12:23
oxigenThe playback of this movie requires a Audio CD source plugin which is not installed.12:23
gatestoneInfecto, should you not start with docs, only then go to source?12:23
HardyOneis alsa-base the correct package to install if alsa is not installed on my system?12:24
gatestoneInfecto, Reading the kernel source without reading documentation first seems like hard work to me ;-)12:24
HardyOneapt-cache policy alsa12:24
HardyOne  Installed: (none)12:24
HardyOne  Candidate: (none)12:24
Infectogatestone: doc read is normal :) ofc.12:25
oxigenwhy this totem doesn't thing play by default? why is it here then?12:25
oxigenlame :)12:25
HardyOneoxigen, what does it not play?12:25
oxigenaudio cd12:25
HardyOneyou need to install w32codecs12:26
oxigenin on 64bit12:26
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages12:26
HardyOneok w64codecs12:26
InfectoHardyOne: 64bit :)12:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w64codecs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:26
HardyOneit is in medibuntu repo12:26
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:26
* oxigen hate this copyright crap12:29
oxigeni mean i buy all this cd's to hide them now? c'mon12:30
HardyOnehide them?12:30
oxigenor why i cant play them FREE?12:30
NET||abuseHey guyys, back now, rebooted, logged in, immediately tails syslog, messages, dmesg, dmesg.0 and opened second console tab to hit dmesg command (i find other stuff in there that's not in /var/log/dmesg|dmesg.0, it's weird) anyway, took a bog standard usb stick, checked it works on a working windows laptop here, then plugged into my laptop,, here's the outputs from syslog and the dmesg command output, http://www.pastebin.org/2524412:31
NET||abusecan anyone suggest any other course of action or is my drivers/firmware/hardware just fried? am i up a creek for sure?12:31
HardyOneoxigen, because the codecs needed to play them are not free . they are part of windows programs that are not allowed to be redistributed. blame microsoft and the software companies who make programs for windows only12:31
zumiI hope you can give me some pointers: I'm trying to upgrade to Hardy, but I seems to get unresolvable dependency:12:32
zumilibgnomekbd1: Depends: libgnomekbd-common (= 2.20.0-1) but 2.22.0-1 is to be installed.12:32
zumiand as I see, there's no 2.22.x package from libgnomekbd1 in hardy12:32
HardyOnezumi, install that depend and try again12:32
oxigenHardyOne: yes, i know, i'm just pissed & tired of this 'laws'.. :/12:33
remuhey guys, i just installed the beta last night, and opened an mp3 to play, it tells me to download the codecs, and i installed both of them, it however does not play, and does not give me an error, the slider just doesnt move, and the time doesnt change, i was going to report this is a bug, but i wanted to make sure that that is what it was before i reported it, and incase someone knows how i can fix this issue12:34
HardyOneoxigen, you can always go back to windows where mp3's just play12:34
oxigenHardyOne: i was on VAX before12:34
HardyOne!mp3 | remu12:34
uboturemu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:34
remui installed the restricted extras12:35
remustill same problem though, so thats why i came here12:35
HardyOne!w32codecs | remu12:39
uboturemu: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages12:39
Infectoremu: sound work? in other aplications?12:39
remuinstalled those, aptitude couldn't find them12:39
remuyea, i can play the mp3 in vlc12:39
marlunWhat is the best way to have 2-way sync with Evolution and Google Calendar?12:39
remuim on amd6412:39
HardyOne!medibuntu | remu go here and install w64codecs12:40
uboturemu go here and install w64codecs: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:40
HardyOneremu, did you install ubuntu 32 bit or 64 bit?12:40
remurythmbox recognizes all the mp3s, as does movie player, however when i click play, it says playing, but the slider and timer count dont move at all, and theres no sound12:41
remui installed the 64bit12:42
remui tried installed w64codecs, it said it couldnt find the package12:42
HardyOneremu, from the medibuntu repos?12:43
HardyOneyou need to go to that site and follow the instructions12:43
remufor medibuntu, i should just use the gutsy version?12:43
HardyOneremu, yes12:43
Paddy_EIREhmm.. no matter what I seem to do my keyboard layout stays at the US layout...  must check launchpad12:45
ludditei have a ubuntu gusty to ubuntu heron lan working. they can ping each other and can see each others apache webpages. But the PC without the USB cable connection(heron) cant get onto the internet.12:46
ludditedo i have to had default routes?12:46
Infectomy cd rom from time to time open12:47
Paddy_EIREfree coffee holder12:47
Infectoby him self12:47
Paddy_EIREInfecto: do you still perhaps use the cd-rom as a repo??12:47
remuHardyOne: I followed the medibuntu instructions, still running into the same problem12:48
Infectono i dont12:48
Paddy_EIREhmm.. that is odd12:48
Paddy_EIREgoogled it12:49
remuHardyOne: I followed the medibuntu instructions, still running the same problem12:49
HardyOneremu, dont know what to tell you. I am having major sound issues myself here :/12:49
remusorry to hear that12:50
remumy sound issues were solved from gutsy were solved in hardy, but now mp3 playback is giving me heck, haha12:50
oxigenwhere is hardy sources list on medibuntu.org?12:50
_Angelus_somebody had problems burning the kubuntu-alternate cd image?12:51
_Angelus_of hard12:51
remui could always just convert the mp3s to an open standard12:51
Paddy_EIREHa! nice one, GPU throttling works great with an ati xpress 1100... I now get about 35-45 extra mins!!!12:51
HardyOne_Angelus_, yes told me the iso file was not compliant or some such12:51
Paddy_EIREbrightness down and cou freq scaling also mind12:51
_Angelus_hte md5sum is good12:51
_Angelus_but i  just throwed 5 cds away12:52
HardyOne_Angelus_, the kde4 mix correct?12:52
_Angelus_i dunno if its the cds, the burner, or hardy12:52
ludditehi - i cant get my heron box(latest alpha) to connect to internet via my gusty box.12:52
ludditeany help would be appreciated12:52
HardyOne_Angelus_, try #kubuntu see if they know12:53
HardyOnePaddy_EIRE, :) happy for ya12:54
Paddy_EIREHardyOne: none of the nvidia drivers support GPU throttling on linux at all... so I suppose thats something12:56
HardyOnePaddy_EIRE, indeed. but is it really worth the hassle for 45 minutes12:56
HardyOneguess it is yeah12:56
Paddy_EIREerr... HardyOne yes and zero hassle :P12:57
remuHardyOne: so I converted one mp3 to ogg and still the same issue, makes me thing that the problem is with gstreamer....i think12:57
Paddy_EIREHardyOne: I take it you're not a laptop owner/user12:57
* HardyOne doesnt use the battery much on this laptop so it does not make a difference to me 12:57
HardyOnePaddy_EIRE,  I am just keep it plugged in12:57
HardyOnedont have wireless working on it so I cant go far lol12:58
Paddy_EIREHardyOne: also prolongs the life of the chipset.. reduced heat is always a good thing... I would have jumped hoops for this anyhow :)12:58
Paddy_EIREHardyOne: killing your battery I take it12:58
HardyOneis it?12:58
Paddy_EIRE1 sec12:58
oxigenwhere is hardy sources list on medibuntu.org?12:59
HardyOneoxigen, use gutsy12:59
Paddy_EIREHardyOne: hmm.. there are several hundreds of pages on the subject12:59
HardyOnethere is no hardy source yet12:59
oxigenHardyOne: ok, thanks12:59
Paddy_EIREHardyOne: although I cant find the ubuntu forum sticky13:00
HardyOnePaddy_EIRE, ok will take your word for it and unplug for a while :)13:00
Infecto[ 1852.896693] wlan0: switched to long barker preamble (BSSID=00:18:39:c5:d7:a8)13:00
Infecto[ 1854.811124] wlan0: switched to short barker preamble (BSSID=00:18:39:c5:d7:a8)13:00
HardyOneon battery now13:00
Infectoi have a loot of this in my dmesg13:00
Infectoi have a loot of this in my dmesg any idesa?13:00
Paddy_EIREyeah whats your capacity stand at?13:01
HardyOnehmm dont know13:01
HardyOneI am new to laptops13:02
HardyOnewell I have to get to work13:03
HardyOnehave a good day13:03
h3sp4wnPaddy_EIRE: What do you mean about not supporting gpu throttling - powermizer works fine on my laptop13:03
Paddy_EIREh3sp4wn: not natively within the nvidia drivers though ;)13:04
h3sp4wnPaddy_EIRE: er it does13:04
h3sp4wnits part of them13:04
Paddy_EIREmust be very new :/13:04
Paddy_EIREwell I suppose it is.. :P13:04
h3sp4wnPowerMizer Information - adaptive clocking13:05
Paddy_EIREh3sp4wn: yours is adaptive..13:05
FinnishIs anyone running bluetooth succesfully in beta?13:05
Paddy_EIREFinnish: bluetooth has never worked for me on this lappy13:06
Paddy_EIREalthough it shows an icon on the sys tray13:06
FinnishPaddy_EIRE: My lappy refused to work with BT-USB-dongle, I couldn't get even the icon to appear. Same dongle is working fine in this 7.10-desktop13:07
Paddy_EIREh3sp4wn: you seem to be unique... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29036313:08
h3sp4wnThat post is from say 1.5 years ago13:09
Paddy_EIREI had a more modern one... damn del.icio.us13:10
Paddy_EIREduplicates galore13:10
h3sp4wnI dunno why its enabled for me when I am on AC though13:10
h3sp4wnsame with cpu frequency scaling - its as if the hardware is not even designed to run on full speed anymore13:11
Paddy_EIREahh.. perhaps your cpu frequency scaling governs have a say on how gpu throttling is handled h3sp4wn13:11
Paddy_EIREh3sp4wn: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/11/04/enabling-cpu-frequency-scaling/13:11
h3sp4wnI know how to enable it13:12
AnAntHello, I got a problem with network manager, it keeps trying to connect to the network even when it is connected13:12
h3sp4wn(and change the settings)13:12
h3sp4wndon't know anything more about powermizer than is in nvidia-settings13:12
Paddy_EIREh3sp4wn: if you add the freq scaling applet to your panel on gnome then you will need to execute 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets' in order for permissions to work correctly13:13
h3sp4wnNo it doesn't affect it at all (totally seperate)13:13
Paddy_EIREIMO kde handles that much better.... OTB13:14
Davo_DinkumWill the latest hardy iso be on a local mirror or should I download it from Ubuntu's mirror?13:15
Davo_Dinkumthe latest daily build i mean13:16
h3sp4wnDavo_Dinkum: I would get the beta from a fast mirror13:16
Hobbseedailies don't tend to get mirrored13:16
Hobbseebut, dailies probably won't work, either13:16
Davo_Dinkumim just using it to dist-upgrade from dapper and file bug reports13:16
Davo_Dinkumpresuming i can dist-upgrade from a CD13:16
h3sp4wnonly with the alternative13:17
h3sp4wnand presuming you don't have anything not on the cd to break igt13:17
AnAntwhere can I get linux-image-2.6.24-11 deb files ?13:17
Davo_Dinkumoh so if i use the desktop cd i cant do dist-upgrade?13:17
Davo_Dinkum*from a cd13:17
h3sp4wnDavo_Dinkum: How are you intending to do it ? just with apt-get by itself ?13:18
Davo_Dinkumyeah probably apt-get dist-upgrade13:18
h3sp4wnThere is (nearly) no deb's on the desktop cd13:18
Davo_Dinkumunless i can stick in a hardy cd and tell it to dist-upgrade from that13:19
h3sp4wnActually get the server cd13:19
Paddy_EIREor the alternate13:19
h3sp4wnDavo_Dinkum: I guess thats the only on that really needs to work13:20
Davo_Dinkumwhat is?13:20
Davo_Dinkumbut the server cd is different from the desktop cd, so wouldnt it produce different bugs?13:20
m1ris there any list where i can see what MFP printers HH supports fully ?13:21
h3sp4wnPossibly but who on a desktop would be upgrading direct from dapper -> hardy13:21
Davo_Dinkumsomeone might13:21
Davo_Dinkumthus testing and bug reporting is required13:21
Davo_Dinkumseeing as both are LTS releases13:21
Paddy_EIRElts to lts makes perfect sense h3sp4wn13:21
h3sp4wnIn theory in practice I think its unlikely13:22
Davo_Dinkumso with the desktop cd, i cant dist-upgrade to hardy from a hardy cd?13:22
Paddy_EIREthat does not bode well for canonical then h3sp4wn given its the principal of the operation13:23
h3sp4wnAnd with a full network of people - it would be just reimaged13:23
h3sp4wnNo one would actually do the upgrade on all of them13:23
Davo_Dinkumso with the desktop cd, i cant dist-upgrade to hardy from a hardy cd? <- anyone?13:24
m1rDavo_Dinkum: u need alternate cd13:24
Paddy_EIREh3sp4wn: but I guess that could be very true... also dell only officially support LTS releases13:24
Davo_Dinkumdell is shipping dapper? heh13:25
h3sp4wnPaddy_EIRE: On servers ?13:25
h3sp4wn(There was someone in here with a dell supplied gutsy a few weeks ago)13:25
Paddy_EIREh3sp4wn: across any dell comp server or not its lts only13:26
Paddy_EIREso If you paid for the Dell/canonical deal you loose big time if you are unable to LTS to LTS13:26
Davo_Dinkumis dell only selling ubuntu boxes to the US?13:27
Paddy_EIREDavo_Dinkum: nope over here to13:27
Davo_Dinkumhere is canada?13:27
Paddy_EIREhere is EIRE (Ireland) :)13:28
Davo_Dinkumlol ok13:28
Davo_Dinkumthen why are you in #ubuntu-uk? :p13:28
Paddy_EIREDavo_Dinkum: north of Ireland13:30
jamalfI'm confused... the back button on FF3 on Hardy Heron is not there... Is there a way to enable it?13:33
Paddy_EIREjamalf: ahh yes it is.. did you remove it...13:33
Paddy_EIREright click any toolbar icon in firefox and choose customise13:34
jamalfPaddy_EIRE, I don't think I did... I had 7.10 and upgraded to the Hardy beta using the update-manager.13:34
jamalfPaddy_EIRE, OH RIGHT. Thanks :)13:34
jamalfI forgot about that... Haha thx13:34
Paddy_EIREno probs man13:34
Peter-Hi !13:35
Peter-Does anyone know what is the problem. I launched urban terror (game). I played for while. It crashed. I shutted pc down. Now i launch it, it doesnt have any sounds. I have Ubuntu Hardy.13:35
h3sp4wnjamalf: You can reset it again also to the defaults13:35
=== subsume_ is now known as subsume
jamalfh3sp4wn, yeah i saw that... thanks :)13:36
h3sp4wnIts wierd because I dunno if those actually are the defaults anymore13:36
h3sp4wn(At least on Windows Firefox 3 the defaults are very different)13:36
Peter-Does anyone have any idea? ;S13:37
jamalfh3sp4wn, haha really? interesting13:37
Paddy_EIREh3sp4wn: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=733754&highlight=dell+lts13:38
h3sp4wnPaddy_EIRE: Why believe anything written on there ? So much bad advice13:41
jinwhat is the command to wait X seconds before executing another command?13:41
Paddy_EIREh3sp4wn: as its just a poll the facts still remain13:41
h3sp4wnAll I know is someone said to me in here dell provided them with gutsy13:42
h3sp4wnNo reason to think they lied to me13:42
Picijin: sleep13:42
Lamegojin, sleep ?13:43
jinsleep 5 & cmd  ?13:44
jinwait 5 seconds then execute cmd?13:44
Peter-Does anyone know what is the problem. I launched urban terror (game). I played for while. It crashed. I shutted pc down. Now i launch it, it doesnt have any sounds. I have Ubuntu Hardy.13:44
jinPeter-: try to exit all other programs that are using your sound card13:45
Peter-jin: Okay.13:45
hwildepretty quiet in here13:54
hwildedo we have to wait 30 days?13:54
hwilde8.04 is good to go :)13:54
Paddy_EIREyeah... guess everyone's either filling bug reports or getting drunk... Hurray for drunken bug reports!!!13:54
hwildeare you irish?13:55
jinhwilde: no, hardy is far from ready . not for me :(13:56
spiderfiredrunken bug reports14:01
hwildewhat's irish and sit's out on hte porch ALL NIGHT14:01
W8TAHi just installed heron on my laptop last night -- is there a way that i can help the development? ive not hit any unknown bugs yet14:01
spiderfiremay i suggest pina colloda inspired bug reports. mmmmm14:01
hwildesee I tolja its ready :)  no bugs yet14:01
W8TAHnotice i said no UNKNOWN bugs -- LOL14:02
rinaldi_man, 5 broken packages?14:03
TheInfinityrinaldi_: betas are also known as "welcome to dependency hell" ;)14:04
rinaldi_TheInfinity: yep, can see that14:04
buttterzadinc , hello i have an update14:05
adincbuttterz: cool14:05
adincbuttterz: i'm unfortunately at work, so i'll only be able to make use of your package when i'm at home14:06
buttterzadinc , well there is some weird licenseing stuff14:06
adincbuttterz: i thank you in the name of all truecrypt users14:06
buttterzadinc , were you talking with a dev about this?14:06
buttterzor another dev i should say -- so i can refer back to that14:06
ryanovAnyone else using BioAPI and KDM and having it crash KDM now?14:07
adincbuttterz: no, some users were aasking about truecrypt yesterday14:07
ryanovAfter the upgrade, things worked OK. Come to think of it, a lot of bitching in the syslog caused me to install scim, and I think it stopped working right after that.14:07
adincnot yet, but i wouldn't even know where to ask for it at ubuntu14:07
ryanovBut now I hit enter as normal to bring up the fingerprint prompt, and KDM crashes to a text mode screen. Does not restart itself.14:08
rinaldi_TheInfinity: there is also a 404 with the mplayer update dammit14:08
mindframe-im running 7.10 and whenever i update-manager --devel-release / check, it doesn't give the option to upgrade to 8.0414:09
Hobbseemindframe-: did you enable -proposed?14:09
bhsxhi, i just installed hardy on a t60 and need some help setting up WEP....  i dont see where to enter the key....14:10
rinaldi_bhsx, are you using nm applet to enter the wep?14:10
mindframe-i thought i had that enabled, lemme check14:10
mindframe-Hobbsee, yes it's enabled14:11
bhsxseems that way14:11
ryanovI did not need to enable any proposed, that flag took care of it all for me.14:11
=== hydrogen is now known as Hydrogonication
mindframe-do i need to disable 3rd party software repos?14:11
ryanovI didn't.14:11
bhsx nm?  this is my first time ever trying to get wifi working in linux (used linux on/off since RH 5.2)....  so i'm not familiar with the tools14:11
Paddy_EIREyes hwilde .. yes indeedy14:11
ryanovWhat program is this though?14:12
buttterzadinc , well in any event it is supported and i have it ready for you14:12
mindframe-also i have a feisty source so i can install openssl 0.9.714:12
hwildePaddy_EIRE,   what's irish and sit's out on hte porch ALL NIGHT  :)14:12
ryanovI was using kubuntu.14:12
Paddy_EIREhwilde: what :)14:12
hwildePaddy_EIRE,   Paddy O'Furniture    haahahahahaaaa14:12
hwilde!offtopic | hwilde14:12
hwildeI know I know14:12
adincbuttterz: how are you going to manage it, are you committing it to the rep, or would like to send it to me?14:13
buttterzadinc , i have not decided yet.14:13
bhsxrinaldi_: which tools should i use to set WEP?  what's nm?14:13
AnimazingIs there anybody here I can bother with a freezing update-manager when trying to install hardy beta?14:13
adincbuttterz: i would appreciate if you could send to to me untill your decision is open so i could make use of it14:13
Paddy_EIREbrb.. I'm making some to eat.. offtopic makes me hungry14:13
hwildeAnimazing, get all the updates for gutsy before trying to upgrade tothe beta14:13
rinaldi_bhsx: are you using the app on the top right of yuor screen?14:14
Animazinghwilde: I did that :)14:14
hwildebhsx, iwconfig [interface] essid [yourssid] key [yourkey]14:14
bhsxi was trying to use the admin>network settings14:14
W8TAHcan someone point me to the fix for broadcom wifi cards on hardy?14:14
hwilde!broadcom | W8TAH14:14
ubotuW8TAH: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx14:14
bhsxhwilde thanks14:14
W8TAHperfect - thatnks14:14
Animazinghwilde: Or is it normal that he asks me to update 689 packages but that not all software will work with the normal update manager?14:15
rinaldi_bhsx: or you could use "applications > internet > network manager editor"14:15
hwildeAnimazing, I dunno I don't trust the gui.  apt-get14:15
bhsxk thanks a bunch14:15
W8TAHhwilde, that goes up through gusty -- the release notes on hardy Beta 4 mentioned something about additional stuff for hardy14:15
Animazinghwilde: Could you tell me which apt-get command I can use to upgrade from 7.10 to hardy?14:16
mindframe-i simply cant get the option to upgrade14:16
nikrudW8TAH the latest networkmanager fixed it for me, 0.6.6-0ubuntu3 (yesterday)14:16
W8TAHok --14:16
cyclonutcan anyone enlighten me on icedtea and the hardy java situation?14:16
W8TAHnikrud, did that come in with the latest round of updates?14:16
cyclonutI havent tried anything yet, but I'd rather do it properly from the get-go14:16
nikrudW8TAH it wasn't available day before, but it was yesterday14:17
hwilde!upgrade | Animazing14:17
ubotuAnimazing: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:17
W8TAHok - i just installed last night -- so i probably got it lat night or this morning14:17
W8TAHim looking into the jockey issue too14:17
nikrudW8TAH   apt-cache policy network=manager14:18
nikrud*network-manager that is14:18
adincbuttterz: what did you decide?14:18
W8TAHnikrud, looks like its up to date14:18
rinaldi_W8TAH: yeh jockey messed my install up, I had to reinstall14:18
W8TAHit looks ok here - this is a spare hdd for my laptop so i can fiddle14:19
W8TAHwithout wiping out my dual boot production setup14:19
ryanovAlso, anyone know about a bug with kernel-generic that causes it to hang at "waiting for root filesystem?"14:20
ryanovThis is not -8, it is the latest one... -12 maybe?14:20
cyclonutthe ubuntu Hardware Test just crashed on me14:28
cyclonutironically, my first crash in Hardy14:29
ryanovBasically nothing works since I upgraded.14:29
savvascyclonut: if you can reach the phone, call 911 and say it has crashed on you14:29
ryanovSo I think this machine has been through one too many upgrades.14:29
cyclonutryanov, I had essentially the same situation. I went for the clean install14:29
ryanovWhat ticks me off though is I was going to deal with the upgrade and wait to do a clean install with the final.14:30
ryanovSo I gotta do it twice now I guess.14:30
cyclonutyeah, im in the same boat14:30
ryanovBut there are worse things I suppose.14:30
ryanovIncidentally, how is upgrading while in X at all safe? I would expect any number of problems to result from that.14:30
bhsxryanov: somehow they have separated that out.... i have always thought the same thing, but never had a problem14:32
bhsxeven when doing video drivers14:32
ryanovWow, I'm actually getting 400something KB to download the ISO. I kinda expected this to take hours.14:32
ryanovI guess I'm going to have to document my install this time... that's part of the problem with having a new machine with this stuff... you end up with 200 kludges after 5 releases, and they probably will cause problems for something else down the line.14:33
ryanovAnyone else know what the deal with wlan0_rename is?14:34
cyclonutdag nabbit14:34
cyclonutnow things are crashing readily14:34
cyclonutcheckgmail now14:34
ctimkoSo far my WPA is great...suprisingly, but there is an issue with the "Edit Wireless Networks"14:34
ctimkoWhat is the url for the bug submissions?14:35
ctimkoI have 2 bugs i need to submit14:36
ctimkounless the coders are here14:36
ctimkothen I will just tell you all14:36
cyclonutcheck launchpad.net14:36
Lynourectimko: best to submit them anyway14:36
ctimkoright, I just needed the url14:37
buttterzctimko , i'm working on that now.14:37
hippychicki upgraded to hardy about a month ago, and i keep getting a really long pause during boot up im running it on an eeepc14:37
ctimkogot it14:37
ctimkocyclonut helped with that14:38
ryanovI actually get that too.14:38
buttterzindeed, its kinda my job away from school haha14:38
ryanovMine is not an eee though, it's a Latitude.14:38
hippychickmine hangs for about 3 minutes14:38
buttterzctimko , please submit those bugs officially though / in your opinion14:38
ryanovAh, mine's not so long.14:38
ryanovMaybe 20 seconds.14:38
ctimkoHere, let me ask this before I submit this14:39
ctimkoDid anyone get XGL to work in Hardy14:39
buttterzthere are also kernel issues so we are ironing them out haha14:39
ryanovOn mine, generic waits for root filesystem forever.14:40
ryanovBut -rt does not.14:40
ryanov...though I apparently managed to boot -generic once -- don't think I did anything differently.14:40
ryanovI had first thought that turning off quiet/splash seemed to fix it, but I'm not sure that panned out.14:40
invaderB-laptopi have a Hardy graphics issue14:42
invaderB-laptopcan anyone help14:42
ctimkoIs "Confirmed" what I do?14:42
ctimkoAdd a confirm that I am getting the issue as well?14:42
buttterzinvaderB-laptop , well that depends haha14:42
invaderB-laptopwell i have a dell latitude c60014:42
ryanovNo. Confirmed is generally for folks who have tried it in "the lab" and confirmed it.14:42
kasihi, i cant get wireless or sound working. it was working fine on gutsy, can anyone help? im using a hp dv650014:42
ctimkook, so then it is submitted, and I don't need to worry about it until they fix it14:43
invaderB-laptopand i tried to load 8beta on it and the hardware drivers failed14:43
adinchas anyone a iwl3945 intel wireless device running?14:43
komputeshow can I quicly list what video driver is being used?14:44
ryanovadinc: I did briefly.14:44
ryanovadinc: Why do you ask?14:44
sodokuany idea how to use this  http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Low-pass_filter_for_subwoofer_channel_(HOWTO) with pulseaudio?14:45
Ngryanov: it's fine to confirm a bug if you can sanely reproduce it14:45
adincryanov: since it doesn't work here14:45
adincryanov: do you use it with hardy?14:45
ctimkook, does anyone know anything about Eclipse and Tomcat/14:45
adincryanov: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/185470 this shows a bug which describes my problem, how did it work for you?14:45
buttterzadinc , i do because in my package i want binaries -- and that would not be kosher -- you dig?14:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 185470 in linux "iwl3945 not functioning : microcode error" [Unknown,In progress]14:45
ryanovadinc: I will look.14:45
invaderB-laptopis the Mobility M3 video driver supported in 8beta14:46
ryanovThe stupid LED still doesn't work, which sucks.14:46
adincbuttterz: sure14:46
ryanovOh, no, I didn't get that error.14:46
ryanovI did get the lame _rename name though.14:46
buttterzadinc , did you actually follow that or are you just saying that...14:46
adincryanov: strange14:46
adincbuttterz: what?14:46
buttterzhaha nevermind -- do you want the 5.0 binaries when i finish them today?14:46
adincbuttterz: obviously if you let your package download and compile you have less trouble with licensing14:47
buttterzadinc ^^^^14:47
adincbuttterz: yes please i would love to have them14:47
buttterzalright thats what i'm hoping for as well -- but this should suffice if you need it later -- i'll probably have both committed soon.14:47
adincbuttterz: thank you very much14:47
buttterzi gg14:48
adincryanov: are you running an intel wireless with hardy?14:48
komputeshow can I list what video driver is being used?14:48
ryanovI'm not running anything right now as my X is screwed up... lots of other stuff too...14:48
ryanovBut I did briefly run it and it did work.14:48
adincryanov: than you might be the only one14:48
ryanovI was using just WEP128 though.14:49
ryanovWere you using something more interesting?14:49
ryanovI never got WPA to work with iwl for example... I only was able to get that to work with ipw.14:49
adincno, the problem is more deeper, when the kernel module loads the firmware microcode then an error occurs14:49
adinci would use wep128 aswell14:50
ryanovYeah, I do not have that problem. Let me try to associate now, since I can still use text mode anyway.14:50
adincbut the problem is when you define the name for example like iwconfig wlan0 essid MYNET then you get that error14:50
invaderB-laptopis the Mobility M3 video driver supported in 8beta??? i need help pleasee14:50
adincryanov: that would ben enough, look into your syslog and watch what happens when you call iwconfig wlan0 essid YOURWLAN14:51
ryanovNothing nasty.14:51
nugz1212hey what version of ndiswrapper works14:51
choward__is the issue with no sound after upgrade from 7.10 fixed?14:51
komputeshow can I list what video driver is in used?14:52
nugz1212with 8.0414:52
adincryanov: can you do a uname -a14:52
ryanovLast line is wmaster0: Selected rate control alorith 'iwl-3945-rs'14:52
scientist-when 8.04 hits stable and final, will just going to software update from a beta install upgrade it to the final version?14:52
adincryanov: strange, so can you scan for a wireless network?14:52
ryanov-generic is all screwed up for me... won't boot.14:52
ryanovYeah, scanning worked fine.14:52
adincand you get the results?14:52
orvokkiBtw, does nvidia-glx-new work with -rt kernels in Hardy?14:53
ryanovFound 3 cells.14:53
adinccan you please tell me what lspci says which hardware you have14:53
ryanovWhat specifically are you looking for, the name?14:53
nugz1212does the latest ndiswrapper work on 8.04?14:53
adincryanov: the hardwarename of your wireless14:53
adincryanov: unbelievable14:53
bazhangnugz1212: what card you got?14:54
ryanov"Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)"14:54
adincryanov: unbelievable14:54
adincsame as mine14:54
ryanovWhat's the machine?14:54
bazhangsame here works great14:54
adinccould you do a md5sum for the file /lib/firmware/..../should be called iwl3945 ucode14:54
nugz1212any got a wmp300n working?14:55
adincbazhang: you have the same card?14:55
bazhangusb dongle?14:55
bazhangadinc aye14:55
adinccool, with hardy?14:55
bazhangadinc of course ;]14:55
bhsxwhat's the equivalent of 'pump' these days?14:55
ryanovEnds in 00cb214:55
ryanovBut that's for the -rt kernel.14:55
adincbut many people have problems with this device see the bug14:56
bazhangthat is weird it works very well here14:56
adincryanov: can you paste it please here, i would liek to compare it with mine at home14:56
ryanovI am not using that machine for IRC.14:56
adinci see14:56
ryanovBecause I have various other problems. :)14:56
ryanovI'm going to do a reinstall of fresh Hardy in a little while.14:56
adinccan't you go to pastebin with this machine14:56
nugz1212is This new release going to be better for things like gaming14:57
ryanovIn a couple of mins.14:57
bhsxi tried 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid slovar key [my WEP key]' and that didn't seem to do anything14:57
adincryanov: please keep me updated if this still works with your new installation14:57
bazhangnugz1212: that is mostly a wine issue not ubuntu14:57
ryanovI just don't have a good way of getting the value off there, since it is not on any network at the moment.14:57
adincryanov: ok, but maybe you guys should follow the bug report aswell14:58
bicyclistdoes anyone else have those weird pink shadows in compiz when running Hardy Heron ?14:58
bicyclistSeems to be NVidia Card related.14:58
nugz1212when did I say wine?14:58
bazhangnugz1212: hardy will not change how good wine is; if you mean native gaming then who knows14:58
bhsxhow do i restart the network after using the iwconfig? /been a while14:59
nugz1212I'm talking all aspects14:59
komputeshow can I list what video driver is currently in use?14:59
nugz1212like performance and what not14:59
nugz1212iPhone keyboard is hard14:59
ryanovadinc: going to be around awhile?14:59
komputesbhsx: killall NetworkManager, and then NetworkManager15:00
ryanovOK, just burning the disc for a fresh install.15:00
adincryanov: yes, i'll be here later on aswell15:00
bazhangnugz1212: I have enjoyed sauerbrten so far; you should try it when it hits final and see15:00
adincryanov: good luck15:00
ryanovSort of appears I'll need it, eh? ;)15:00
ryanovIt has been a little discouraging for me to work with bugs and Ubuntu actually...15:01
bazhangkomputes what card do you have?15:01
nugz1212I had that on 7.10 but my friend tried to edit a module and corrupted the kernel15:01
ryanovBecause I'll report something that makes the system unusable, and it will not be fixed or even really looked at sometimes for 2 release cylces.15:01
ryanovA year for a blocking bug? <shrug>15:01
nugz1212also had ETQW15:01
NET||abusehmm, where can i get some details on the virtual machine facilities new in 8.04?15:02
ryanovadinc: PS, does ipw3945 work?15:02
NET||abusecurious about what it can get up to.15:02
bazhangI;m actually thinking of trying wow for the first time15:02
ryanovI always preferred that one anyhow. If I've got an LED on my case, I want it to work.15:02
adincryanov: i didin't use it and is it implemented?15:02
nugz1212thought I'd beta test an OS15:02
adincryanov: it is replaced actually if i'm not wrong15:02
ryanovadinc: They've both been in there for a couple of releases.15:03
ryanovIf it was removed in this one, I am not aware so far.15:03
komputesbazhang: why would it matter, I want to prompt the computer for what driver is in use - anyhow I found this command: xdriinfo15:03
bazhangkomputes excuse me? I thought you were looking for some info--my bad15:03
ryanovadinc: Yeah, I see, it's gone.15:03
adincryanov: the developers have replaced this driver with the iwlwifi set15:05
ryanovPity, since it sucks.15:06
bhsxi cannot get wireless working....   the drivers seem to be fine... it just wont connect... what could i be doing wrong?  (i'm a noob at wifi on linux, please help)15:07
ryanovI tried it a couple of times on gutsy and went right back.15:07
bhsxis there a gui for "finding" wireless nets?15:08
hwildebhsx, wavemon is pretty cool15:08
bazhangnm-applet does that15:08
ryanovbhsx: You say what distro?15:08
nugz1212networkmanager does that automaticlly15:09
ryanovYes, what window manager?15:09
komputesbazhang: I am looking for info, how to get the name of the video driver in use, let's say I have 10, 000 computers, I want a command that will tell me what video driver is in use, what would giving you the make and model of my hardware help you. I am not looking to associate the correct driver to my hardware but to find out how to find out what driver is currently in use15:09
bhsxbazhang: where's the "finder"?15:09
ryanovkomputes: for X?15:09
nugz1212what are you doing with a beta and 10000 computers?15:09
bhsxmaybe i have a hosed install of network manager?  cuz i dont see any options for searching for nets15:10
komputesryanov: yes for X15:10
ryanovkomputes: Couldn't you look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?15:10
bhsxwhere there's the "Networks" box there's only a 'remove' button15:10
bazhangkomputes sorry I forgot my telepathy hat today; that was not in your initial question ;]15:10
komputesnugz1212: testing15:10
nugz1212bhsx: make sure your net card has the drivers for it15:10
bhsxand no networks are showing-up there15:10
Ngryanov: lots of new xorg.conf's won't list a driver15:11
komputesryanov: no I could not, since hardy no video drivers have been set in xorg.conf, the file just says "configured device"15:11
komputesNg: correct, so whats the work around15:11
nugz1212bhsx: are you using a Linux native card or ndiswrapper?15:11
Ngkomputes: /var/log/Xorg.0.log is the output of the running X server, although I'm not sure if you'll find a consistent way to get the information15:11
komputesNg: crummy15:12
bhsxlenovo t6015:12
bhsxi'm pretty sure it's supported, but i'm lookin it up now15:12
nugz1212I don't know much about15:12
nugz1212but make sure the driver is15:12
Ngkomputes: you could use the same method that X uses, which is to compare PCI IDs with /usr/share/xserver-xorg/pci/*.ids15:13
Ngthere may be a proper way of querying the running X server for its driver, but I don't know what it is15:14
bazhangbut for 10K computers that is alot of checking ;]15:14
komputesNg: my goodness, why can't they leave xorg untouched, how is this "simplified"15:14
Ngkomputes: how do you mean?15:14
Ngxorg.conf shouldn't be replaced on upgrade15:14
bhsxlsmod shows iwlwifi_mac80211 so i think it's loaded15:15
Ngbut new ones are generated with much much less in than they used to, because Xorg is getting very good at choosing the right things itself15:15
ryanovadinc: Going to be slower than I thought. I have to back up my machine -- was not thinking.15:15
ryanovMy machine is unfortuantely one partition.15:15
komputesNg: well the new xorg doen't allow you to reconfigure anything, dpkg-reconfigure skips over the video, it's almost impossible to get the driver name which is in use15:15
adincryanov: no problem15:15
bazhanghmm no problems getting the driver name here15:15
komputesNg: good? think again, it's crummy and theres no way to run dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserverxorg to manually configure xorg.conf, people now have to change the file manually which is not good and prone to errors15:16
Ngkomputes: is it choosing the wrong driver?15:16
komputesNg: It has yes, but that is not the issue at hand15:16
Ngkomputes: yes it is15:16
komputesNg: no it isn't15:16
Ngdpkg-reconfigure is a workaround - Xorg should be getting this right15:16
komputeslook at the question15:16
komputeswe see it differently. I think the dpkg-reconfigure should be kept as a last resort15:17
chdstkomputes: Not to be passing the buck, but do you know how to do this in a non ubuntu Xorg 7.3?15:17
chdstIf not, I'd say that the Xorg docs are the place to be.15:17
LamegoNg, that is arguable, calling a manual configuration a workaround15:18
komputeskomputes: no idea, i'm just frustrated that features have been removed making life |<------->| that much harder15:18
chdstkomputes: Figured :)15:19
NgLamego: the point is that Xorg is moving away from the explicit configurations of old. displays, input devices and most of the other things it cares about can be added/removed/resized/rotated far more than ever before, so it has to be more dynamic. If it's not getting something right, there should be a bug filed against it15:19
Lamegothe issue is not about the Xorg ability to select the driver, but about the user's ability to check which driver is in use/setup a specific driver15:19
NgLamego: again - why would they be changing driver? only if the original choice was incorrect. ergo, the choice should be fixed.15:20
komputesNg: which is a good goal, but they should leave the old tools until it has been thoroughly tested  - here we are that I need a driver name, before I could just open xorg.conf15:20
Ngkomputes: no you couldn't15:20
Ngkomputes: xorg.conf may have had a driver, but there's no guarantee X was actually using it because we have the bulletproof X stuff, so it may have failed to use the driver you think it's using and is actually using VESA15:20
bicyclis1Has anyone any idea why camorama states it cannot open /dev/video0 yet Camera Monitor informs me that the cam has been activated  Everything works fine with cheese.15:21
komputesNg: so xorg wasn't the BEST indication of the driver in use, but then what is an efficient way to find which video driver is loaded?15:21
Ngkomputes: I would look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:22
komputesNg: non existent (new OS install)15:22
komputesoh wait15:23
komputesstrike that15:23
amranhaving problems with sound; i get the drum roll at the login screen, but once logged in theres no sound avail to apps15:23
komputesNg: well it's not very efficient (or scaleable), but it may be more reliable than looking at an old xorg.conf file15:24
Ngkomputes: you could drop by #ubuntu-x to see if they have any bright ideas about a programmatic way of doing it15:27
ctimkois there anyway to change the B43 from using 9 MB/s to 5415:28
gregcha117 i have no sound although my sound devices appear to be configured fine and they worked fine before any ideas15:28
komputesNg: will do15:29
kpanicI'm upgrading to beta, let's try15:32
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
Jaymacvivek3, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta15:34
Jaymacvivek3, specifically, this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades15:35
Jaymacvivek3, remember it's beta software :)15:35
vivek3thats okay, my data is safe on another hddd, i just want to mess around, exams over and im bored :)15:35
bazhangwill break ;]15:35
Jaymacvivek3, then go ahead, and have fun :)15:36
vivek3btw will it change and/or delete all my compiz settings, installed s/w and all???15:36
kpanicis there a risk to lose data?15:36
amranwhy would sound fail after login? ie it works in login screen but not within gnome15:36
Jaymackpanic, with any pre-release software, there is always a risk.15:36
bazhangkpanic: of course you should back up ;]15:36
Jaymacvivek3, i shouldn't imagine so, but you'll have to find out :)15:37
kpanicok, on this machine I'll wait then15:37
bazhangvivek3: dist-upgrade of fresh install?15:37
vivek3upgrade from 7.1015:37
bazhangerr or15:37
vivek3oh no15:38
vivek3have been using for quite a while its completely customized in almost every way15:39
vivek3ithink thats what u mean to ask15:39
NET||abusei wanted to start working with the virt-manager stuff in hardy, so i figured i should get a copy of dsl and run as a web server and just test that as a way to road test virt-manager with xen,, however i've never used any virtual machien stuff beyond installing virtualbox15:39
NET||abusewhat do i need to do to run xen on hardy?15:40
NET||abusei'm reading, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen at the moment, but how much of this willl be outdated and not applicaable to hardy heron now?15:40
eMaX_hey all15:40
eMaX_what's the upgrade path from 7.04 to 8.04? do I have to go through 7.10?15:41
darxwhen i set font sizes in system setting under kubuntu, firefox beta 4 isn't honoring the settings. what up with that? what should I do to fix this?15:41
NET||abuseshould i just install "ubuntu-xen-server" and some other tools?15:41
darxcan someone confirm this please?15:42
eMaX_darx: did you try gnome settings daemon?15:42
JaymaceMaX_: he is on kubuntu, not ubuntu.15:43
bazhangkubuntu with gnome? ;]15:43
orvokkiWhy not?15:43
Jaymacis ther15:43
Jaymacoops... is there a kubuntu+1 support channel? or is that this room?15:44
ryanovSAme room.15:44
bazhangall of us kde lovers are here ;]15:44
darxcan someone confirm this please15:45
bazhangdarx you mean beta 3? that is all I have atm15:45
darxif you update it, it'll be beta 415:45
bazhangdarx what font size15:45
darxI went to system settings > appearance> fonts then i hit adjust all fonts, then I checked the size box and set it to a lower size.. everything except firefox honors the new size15:47
darxbazhang: ^^15:47
vivek3this might be a silly question but is there a way to upgrade from ubuntu 7.10 to kubuntu 8.04???15:47
Jaymacvivek3: you will have to update to ubuntu 8.04 and then install kubuntu-desktop15:48
bazhangdarx just to be scientific you want to give me a target? or just wing it ;]15:48
nugz1212good question15:48
bazhangvivek3: sure15:48
nugz1212is 8.04 kubuntu going to use KDE 4?15:48
darxbazhang: try 6 if you have a good eye. :-P15:48
vivek3Jaymac: i heard thats messy and makes a lot of unnecessary menus and stuff15:48
bazhangdarx okay hold on a sec ;]15:49
Jaymacvivek3: well it's the only way to do it without just doing a fresh install15:49
darxbeware it might be too small for you15:49
vivek3Jaymac: ohok thanks :)15:49
Jaymacnugz1212: there will be two versions of kubuntu 8.0415:49
Jaymacnugz1212: Kubuntu 8.04 (using KDE 3.5.9) and Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 (using KDE 4.0.3)15:50
h3sp4wnIs kde4 working pretty well now (I like konq 4)15:50
darxhesp4wn: nope15:51
darxh3sp4wn: ^^15:51
darxcrashes left and right.. for me at least15:51
h3sp4wnI guess if I want kde4 I am better with mandriva cooker15:51
h3sp4wn(or another distro that puts kde first)15:51
darxpossibly. i was seduced by opensuse live kde415:51
h3sp4wnor at least doesn't neglect it15:52
darxas it stands now, kde4 is a lie15:52
bazhangdarx firefox can only be set to 9 from within firefox preferences; whoa this 6 pixel font is tiny ;]15:52
darxbazhang: yeah but thats the document font size.15:52
bazhangbest get compiz zoom on there fast darx ;]15:52
darxI'm fine with 6.. i need a lot of room.15:53
darxi've a good eye too.15:53
bazhangwaaay to small for me15:53
* bazhang sets it back to 2415:53
darxi warned ya15:53
benanzoDo screen brightness controls not work for anyone else in Hardy?15:54
benanzothey broke a few days ago15:54
darxbenanzo: whats you hardware?15:54
benanzoMacBook 1,115:54
darxdon't know.15:55
h3sp4wnBeen broken for me all along (as soon as gnome-power-manager is running)15:55
benanzoThe brightness meter appears but the meter wont go above zero15:55
benanzobrightness is 100%15:56
darxbazhang: firefox doesn't honor sizes > 9 pt too.15:56
hyperairhello there15:56
bazhangdarn those firefoxites!15:56
darxbazhang: why could that be15:56
hyperairanyone here gotten pulseaudio and dmix working together?15:57
darxbazhang: whats your browser?15:57
bazhangdarx firefox 3 beta4 now15:58
darxhmm.. why then swear at firefoxites? :-P15:58
ArandDoes anybody else get brightness stuck at dimmed when that option is enabled?15:58
bazhangdarn is now swearing? ;]15:59
h3sp4wnhyperair: Why would you want to do that15:59
darxbazhang: :-)16:00
hyperairh3sp4wn: for skype16:00
h3sp4wndmix is terrible for sound quality16:00
hyperairi know it is16:00
hyperairbut when i managed to get it up, the sound quality... i didn't notice much problems with it16:00
hyperairsounded the same to me16:00
hyperairdmix + pulseaudio that is16:01
hyperairhowever, i had some issue with assertions16:01
hyperairif module-suspend-idle was loaded, some assertion kept failing16:01
h3sp4wnCan you not just use the alsa wrapper for pulseaudio16:01
hyperairskype doesn't like it16:01
h3sp4wnor the oss wrapper (and the oss skype)16:02
hyperairlatency issues16:02
hyperairmy network isn't very good16:02
hyperaircouple that with the latency introduced by padsp...16:02
hyperairyou get crackly sounds16:02
darxhas someone anyclue as to why firefox doesn't honor global font settings?16:02
hyperairdarx: does for me16:02
darxum? what did you do?16:03
bazhangnot developed by debian/ubuntu most likely16:03
darxhyperair: ^^16:03
hyperairdarx: um i don't know? default installation?16:03
hyperairdarx: i also managed to get it to work with the latest build of minefield16:03
Ngdarx: do you mean font settings for its interface, or for rendering pages themselves?16:03
darxjust a sec.. there is a gtk styles and fonts options16:03
hyperairdarx: seems automatic for me =\16:03
darxmaybe that16:03
hyperairh3sp4wn: any idea?16:04
yao_ziyuani call for all kubuntu users to protest kubuntu 8.04 beta's ugly wallpaper and style/window decoration!16:04
hyperairyao_ziyuan: just change it. i never liked ubuntu (GNOME)'s theme anyway16:05
darxyup.. that was it.. firefox is GTK..16:05
darxwho would have thunk?16:06
hyperairdarx: um what desktop environment are you using?16:06
hyperairdarx: it's thought not thunk16:06
hyperairdarx: there's a setting somewhere inside the systemsettings thing16:06
darxhyperair: thunk is a joke word16:06
hyperairdarx: i thought you were using gnome.. sorry i tend to assume things16:06
hyperairdarx: ._. oh16:06
h3sp4wnhyperair: No idea - I have one box using OSS4 and it bypasses most of these issues16:06
balamurugani have both kde and gnome in my ubuntu 7.10.. now if i upgrade to 8.04 beta using the auto update tool in gnome, will kde3 also be upgraded to kde 4??16:07
hyperairh3sp4wn: OSS4? what's good about it anyway?16:07
darxthanks folks..16:07
h3sp4wnhyperair: mxing handled in the kernel - just works no layer upon layer of abstraction16:08
h3sp4wnCan emulate alsa well enough (for eg flash)16:08
balamurugani have both kde and gnome in my ubuntu 7.10.. now if i upgrade to 8.04 beta using the auto update tool in gnome, will kde3 also be upgraded to kde 4??16:08
hyperairbut i still do like pulseaudio =\16:08
hyperairgot some rather cool features16:08
h3sp4wnYou could rebuild pulseaudio against OSS416:09
hyperairh3sp4wn: what? but i'd first need to get oss4 installed right? any way to go about without recompiling every thing on my system?16:09
h3sp4wnBut then it becomes a pita - (I have done it before but dealing with rebuilding it)16:09
h3sp4wnpain in the ...16:10
jngany dell latitude 410 users with an external monitor?16:11
evan_hey i installed steam under wine and i get shotcuts with an ink extention but hardy isnt understanding that extention16:11
hyperairh3sp4wn: any hint to when oss4 is coming to ubuntu?16:11
Jaymacevan_: that is probably because they are Windows shortcuts.16:12
evan_Jaymac but on gutsy that where just icons16:12
BadRobothi there,so has someone already tried Firefox 3 Beta 5 ?16:13
evan_nope not me16:13
eMaX_what's the upgrade path from 7.04 to 8.04? do I have to go through 7.10?16:14
PicieMaX_: Yes.16:14
PiciUpgrade paths to 8.04 are either from 7.10 or from 6.06.16:14
eMaX_hmm. that basically would mean wiping the machine and reinstall as 7.10 is reported not to work on that box.16:15
h3sp4wnhyperair: Maybe never - not my choice (I would offer the option)16:16
h3sp4wndepending on which card depends on which I prefer16:16
JaymaceMaX_: in that case, you might as well wait until 8.04 is released.  Back-up everything in the mean time :)16:17
evan_how can i make compiz place the seamless virtualbox in the 3th viewport?16:17
hyperairh3sp4wn: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2007/10/get-better-sound-in-ubuntu-with-brand.html <-- there's a deb here16:17
hyperairit doesn't say anything about recompiling applications though =\16:18
BadRobotwhy don't you install 8.04 strait ?eMax16:18
BadRoboti think it would much easier and simple a fresh install of 8.0416:18
bc229is there a known issue with hardy and synergy?16:20
h3sp4wnhyperair: There is a deb on the oss site16:22
h3sp4wnhyperair: You don't have to recompile applications to use them16:22
BadRobotis there anyway to update FF3 Beta 4 to Beta 5?16:23
h3sp4wn(If they support the old oss or libsalsa works with them) - but if you do you get the new features of OSS416:23
h3sp4wn(Pulse would be better like that)16:23
eMaX_BadRobot: as I have 7.04 already16:23
JaymacBadRobot: it isn't in the repos yet, but you could compile it yourself...16:24
JaymaceMaX_: wait until 8.04 is released, then do a fresh install, if it is known that 7.10 doesn't work properly on that hardware.16:24
hyperairh3sp4wn: then what was that about recompiling pulseaudio to use ossv4?16:28
JaymaceMaX_: of course, you should probably try running a Live CD of 8.04 first to verify that it works on your hardware.16:28
h3sp4wnhyperair: It works better if you do16:28
h3sp4wnhyperair: You get a seperate entry in the vmix16:29
hyperairvmix? what's that16:29
nox-HandIs anyone but me of the opinion that Hardy is slower and less responsive than Gutsy? Compiz Fusion for example laggs more16:29
h3sp4wnhyperair: Like oss4's dmix16:29
BadRobothow do i compile it?Jaymac16:29
h3sp4wnhyperair: You don't have to you only can16:29
JaymacBadRobot: I just had a look on the mozilla site and it isn't there - has it even been released?16:30
hyperairh3sp4wn: that's interesting. so i could use skype-oss without padsp in that case..16:30
hyperairand have pulseaudio mixing audio from other apps which actually support it16:30
BadRobotyep.They are using it on Fedora 9 Beta16:31
hyperairh3sp4wn: sounds interesting, i'll try that when i have time16:31
h3sp4wnand such as xine or gstreamer they could output straight to oss (if you don't need any of the pulseaudio features)16:31
hyperairhmmm =\16:31
hyperairsounds darn tempting16:31
hyperairi'll try it sometime16:32
hyperairthanks for the info16:32
BadRobotwhat is a good download manager?16:32
BadRobotif does someone knows...16:32
frank_BadRobot: kget, d4x16:33
frank_BadRobot: maybe others too16:34
hyperairpulseaudio: pulsecore/source.c:278: pa_source_post: Assertion `PA_SOURCE_OPENED(s->thread_info.state)' failed.16:34
hyperairanyone knows what this means? =\16:34
hyperairhappens when i try get pulseaudio to use dmix16:34
hyperairand have module-suspend-idle16:34
hyperairBadRobot: go get downloadthemall for firefox16:35
frank_hyperair: BadRobot as I remember downloadthemall is very cpu intensive as it's a firefox extension16:36
hyperairisn't for me16:36
hyperairi'm on a single core 2.66GHz16:36
frank_hyperair: maybe it changed. I haven't used it in a long time16:36
BadRoboti know kget,but i would like something for Gnome16:37
PiciBadRobot: I know gwget exists, I've never used it though16:38
hyperairBadRobot: what features do you need?16:39
savvasBadRobot: gwget :) easy and user friendly, very basic16:41
axisysi am failing to pass make test for POE http://rafb.net/p/h9RzFa90.html16:43
axisysany suggestion for workaround?16:43
ryanpghi all... I seem to have lost the ability to access gphoto2 file systems recently16:44
ryanpganyone else experience this?16:44
ryanpghrm... perhaps related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gphoto2/+bug/20662716:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206627 in gphoto2 "need 'sudo gphoto' to read camera (canon SD850)" [Undecided,New]16:47
NET||abusemorning all, i'm trying to get xen to work on my laptop for figureing things out, where should i go to read up on using xen on hardy?16:49
NET||abusei want to work with the virt-manager and see what is possible with it,16:49
NET||abusegoing to setup a virtual cluster on my laptop for testing, db server, web load balancer etc.. use some nicely cut down linux distro to do this on, that only needs 100MB ram per image16:50
NET||abuseso with even 5 images i still have 700MB for my desktops own consumption16:50
Klanticushi ppl... how do I update a Hardy beta to the release version when it's launched?16:54
agmishraKlanticus, it would be updated through regular daily updates by itself16:55
bazhangjust keep updating Klanticus16:55
h3sp4wnNET||abuse: If you want to do that why not use the xensource distro @?16:55
Klanticusok... thank you guys16:55
evan_hey is it possible to install gutsy's virtualbox closedsource at hardy?16:55
kswhere's mkinitrd in hardy ?16:55
h3sp4wnNET||abuse: Or RHEL/Fedora / Solaris16:55
NET||abuseh3sp4wn: because i'm an ubuntu user16:56
h3sp4wnvirt-manager doesn't work for deb based distros16:56
hein_Hello, did anybody understand this:16:56
hein_ /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start16:56
hein_ * Starting VirtualBox kernel module vboxdrv16:56
hein_ * No suitable module for running kernel found.16:56
NET||abuseh3sp4wn: then why is it bundled and highlighted as a feature of hardy16:56
hein_ /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start16:56
hein_ * Starting VirtualBox kernel module vboxdrv16:56
hein_ * No suitable module for running kernel found.16:56
evan_hein google it i remember reading something about it16:57
ksfighting with running Xen domu in hardy16:57
evan_and maybe you could use pastebin next time16:57
hein_Thanks evan16:57
NET||abuseks :) i'm just getting going with xen on hardy, do you have a good article to read with the foundation level running xen docs?16:57
hischildhein_, do you get any other errors? and what does lsmod | grep vbox give you?16:58
ksNET||abuse:  it is pretty straightforward :)16:58
NET||abuseks: i'm trying to setup ubuntu-xen-server, it's has issues with some of my networking,,16:58
ksNET||abuse:  what specifically ?16:58
h3sp4wnNET||abuse: There is no point in virt-install for deb based anyway as you can use xen-tools16:59
NET||abuseh3sp4wn: wel ok, that's fine, i just want to do some virtualization on ubuntu :)16:59
ksuh nm found it initrd-tools16:59
NET||abuseh3sp4wn: what is the deal with them publicising the virt-manager and libvirt stuff in hardy though?16:59
hein_hischild: lsmod |grep vbox give no result. vboxdrv ist not started already.16:59
hischildhein_, i see. Does modprobe give you any errors when probing for it?17:00
h3sp4wnNET||abuse: I dunno I guess if they patched it very recently17:00
NET||abuseks: basically it doesn't like eth0, and creates something called peth017:00
ksNET||abuse:  it create a bridge for domus17:01
hein_hischild: modprobe vboxdrv gives: FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.17:01
NET||abuseks: and then it dosen't find the route out of the lan... pinging even the local gatway ip says no route to host17:01
h3sp4wnvirt-install is very easy to use if they set it up so ubuntu could be installed like that then fine but it would be noticable17:01
NET||abuseks: oddly though the ifconfig output shows the ip having being caught from dhcp17:01
hischildhein_, sounds like vbox didn't install properly. can you try to reinstall and pastebin it back?17:01
evan_now i remember! i had the same... i needed to do a sudo apt-get -f install17:02
hein_evan I'll try it. Thanks17:03
loahello i found that my 3945abg intel wi-fi slow down sometimes... what it can be?17:03
PhoulHey all, I was just curious how ubuntu is doing, I havent looked much at it lately.17:03
ksNET||abuse:  you should wait until I come up to this point :)17:03
loai use iwl394517:03
hischildloa, can be a whole list of reasons. Most common one is a bad signal strength.17:03
Raspberryhmm ... so what's this firefox-2 update happening today?17:04
loahischild, nop, i start ping from two computers17:04
JaymacRaspberry: on Ubuntu-QA? It's a test-build.  If you're running Hardy, you're using version 3 of Firefox, so it doesn't apply to you.17:05
hischildloa, you'll have to define your slowing down then. If you're talking about transfer speed slowing down, that is related to signal strenth17:05
hein_evan: Didn't work. The deinstallation and installation works fine. Then starting teh virtual host network works fine.17:05
NET||abuseks: i got very scared when i rebooted, there's no graphical ubuntu loader when the xen kernel boots,17:05
RaspberryJaymac: but it came across in my hardy updates today17:06
JaymacRaspberry: Firefox version 2???17:06
hein_And then I got the error: No suitable module for running kernel.17:06
loahischild, nop tcp connections for example slows down to zero speed =)17:06
NET||abuseks: and i thought it had removed the grub boot menu (i just looked away at the wrong moment) and so i was panicing thinking "oh crap, i can't boot to my standard i386 kernel17:06
RaspberryJaymac: firefox-217:06
JaymacRaspberry: no idea then17:06
hischildhein_, use tabcompletion. It makes the line red and stand out. Type part of the name and hit tap. Also, did you reinstall yet?17:06
RaspberryJaymac: Version
ksNET||abuse:  no panick :)17:07
RaspberryJaymac: nvrmind :)  I guess I have TWO and THREE installed :p17:07
hein_Seems, that the kernel  ( 2.6.24-12-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 23:01:54 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux) is to new. It's the current 8.04 beta. So I'll hae to wait some time.17:07
JaymacRaspberry: I didn't think firefox2 was in hardy17:07
RaspberryJaymac: apparently it is :)  I didn't think it was either ... I don't remember it being an option before17:07
hein_In hardy FF 3 Beta is standard17:07
hischildhein_, i'm running  2.6.24-12-generic which runs fine on this end with vbox17:08
evan_same here17:08
hein_hischild: Could it be, that an old vbox directory in my homedirectory ist the problem?17:08
hischildhein_, shouldn't matter. You can remove them if you want to be sure, yet i doubt any difference. Can you run it from command line and pastebin the entire output?17:09
RaspberryIs there a way to have Ubuntu detect and configure external displays (VGA) on connect and disconnect?   Because THAT would be awesome17:10
hein_hischild: Normally it shoult work. The error indicates, that the vboxdrv and the kernel are incompatible.17:10
amx109Raspberry, thru acpi maybe?17:10
hischildRaspberry, if you're talking about enabling/disabling screens, it does for me. (without rebooting x)17:10
hischildhein_, that's odd.17:10
Raspberrybecause an xrandr --output VGA -off   or xrandr --output VGA --auto   works fine, but it'd be nice if I didn't have to click on my scripts17:11
Raspberryhischild: I can do it without restarting X ... but I have to run xrandr myself17:11
Raspberryhischild: Vista does it -- so I know the hardware sends some sort of signal17:11
hischildRaspberry, i use nvidia-settings for that. You can probably use dmesg for it as well17:12
hein_Yep. But ist my computer at home, there it's not so critical. It was a first test with hardy, before I upgrade my Laptop, whch I need for work.17:12
hein_Thanks hischild. I'll report when I'll get it runing.17:12
hischildhein_, please do. let me know what was the problem.17:12
Raspberryhischild: apparently there's a command ddcprobe?17:12
hackerondoes anyone one how I can provide live stream audio from a microphone? -- i.e. go to an address and be able to hear a live feed of the microphone on the other end17:13
hischildRaspberry, never heard of it, let me check that17:13
Raspberryhischild: has to be run as root / sudo ... bummer17:13
Raspberryhischild: I suppose I can give my regular user account permission to /dev/mem :17:13
hischildhmm ...17:13
hischildRaspberry, i can't seem to find that command17:14
Raspberryhischild: it's part of the standard install17:14
Raspberryhischild: ddcprobe17:14
hischildRaspberry, seems like i'm missing out again on that standard install. I found it now.17:14
Nghackeron: icecast17:16
hackeronNg: how would I stream from microphone with icecast?17:17
Nghackeron: you'd install icecast on a webserver and then run some kind of icecast client that would collect sound from your microphone and send it to the server17:19
napalmfredi am having trouble installing Ubuntu 8.04 - the Hardy Heron. it always freezes up17:19
hackeronNg: hmm, sounds complicated, lol -- I'll give it a try17:19
napalmfredi am currently running it off the DVD right now17:20
savvasThe way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.17:20
savvas--Walt Disney :)17:20
hackeronNg: it seems icecast would require a player like VLC or winamp to play the stream? -- is there anything more compatible that will work with quicktime and/or wmp?17:21
poseidonHow do I portwforward in bittorrent to make downlaods faster.  I'm using azuerus17:21
LeerokWow, quicktime?17:21
LeerokIn Ubuntu?17:21
hackeronLeerok: quicktime compatible encoding in ubuntu, sure17:22
napalmfredposeidon you need to configure your router17:22
savvasposeidon: www.portforward.com17:22
Nghackeron: I'm not sure, but I reckon quicktime and wmp could both play an icecast stream, it's just mp3/ogg/whatever via http17:22
poseidonsavvas, thanks17:22
evan_does anyone know mtpfs?17:23
hackeronNg: according to icecast.org they don't :) - I think they need RTP or some other type of streaming - I guess I could use vlc to stream out the data in a more compatible way17:23
evan_an does anyone know how to mount mtpfs?17:23
hischildevan_, use fstab17:24
bazhangdarx: the firefox 6 pixel fonts finally kicked in after messing with language encoding17:24
schwagnerhas anyone here had any luck with a bluetooth mouse in hardy beta?17:25
amx109schwagner, im slowly starting to think no one has had much luck with anything in hardy17:28
schwagneramx109, ha17:28
schwagneramx109, the only thing i can't get is the stupid mouse17:28
LeerokI just use Firefox and Abiword.17:28
LeerokThey work quite well.17:28
os2machaving problems with my sound card after the upgrade it's a SiS AC'97 sound controller. Any Ideas?17:29
os2macI can see it in LSPCI -v but aplay -l shows no module loaded.17:30
amx109schwagner, im afraid im uinable to be of any help to you ref your problem17:30
amx109os2mac, im havin a v.similar prob. even the alsa snd modules get loaded but alsa refuses to accept its existance17:31
schwagneramx109, no problem, good luck with your hardy issues  - sounds like you have a few :(17:31
os2macamx109: I am in #alsa right now as well17:32
amx109schallstrom, heh ta.17:32
Raspberryguys -- if you're having sound issues... do this for me...  run "sudo lshw | more"17:32
hischilddid they fix the issue yet where the battery notification wasn't updated unless acpi was being run/17:32
Raspberrylook for your sound device and see if it has UNCLAIMED next to it17:32
Raspberryhischild: my battery notification works17:32
poseidonIs there a program to detect what type of reuter I am connected to?17:32
darxbazhang: I fixed it by setting the gtk font options. Is that what you did?17:32
hischildRaspberry, alright tnx17:33
Raspberryos2mac, amx109: I've seen the issue of missing module packages after upgrading to hardy ... did you do a dist-upgrade or was the sound already working in hardy?17:33
Raspberryschwagner: my bluetooth mouse has been working fine since Alpha217:34
hischildok here's a nice one ... what could cause any networked file transfer protocol to freeze after some megs have been transmitted? sftp and nfs have been tried so far, both failed. Ssh connections remain possible and those which are open during transfer don't close.17:34
amx109Raspberry, been using hardy since alpha 5, it seems one of the many updates has broken sound. i get the drum beat at the login screen, but nothing within gnome17:34
bazhangdarx just happened by accident here ;]17:34
Raspberryamx109: ah -- probably the change to pulseaudio... right click on your sound mixer applet and make sure that PCM isn't turn off17:35
chdstRaspberry/os2mac: I was having the same issue and about to ask for some help, but noticed that I somehow didn't get the "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic" package when I made the jump from 2.6.24-11.17:35
Raspberryamx109: right click... preferences... make sure your soundcard is selected and the proper channel is running the volume slider... PCM or master17:35
amx109Raspberry, im unable to. volume control says it cannot find any devices to control17:36
Raspberrychdst: yup -- exactly... I've seen that with at least a dozen people and the box I dist-upgraded from gutsy17:36
Raspberryamx109: make sure the pulseaudio packages are installed17:36
os2macRaspberry: I did a dist upgrade and it was working before... I am showing my sound card as unclaimed in sudo lshw | more17:36
Raspberryos2mac: so ... go into Synaptec package manager and search for ubuntu-modules17:37
amx109Raspberry, ah yes, to add my soundcard *isnt* being shown as unclaimed. i shall check pulseaudio now17:37
schwagnerRaspberry, any tips?  i can get the bluetooth applet to see it, but i can't add it in the input section, and hidd is gone now, so i'm kinda out of ideas17:37
Raspberryos2mac: select ( to install ) all module packages for generic ... and your hardware platform (typically 386)17:37
Raspberryschwagner: yes... it's a common problem -- there's a gnome bluetooth module that needs to installed ...  basically read this and make sure you have all these packages installed17:39
Raspberryschwagner: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46846717:39
amx109Raspberry, i seem to have all the appropriate pulseaudio packages installed17:39
os2macRaspberry: I don't see any packages in Synaptic that are labelled generic I do see some Linux modules marked with an ubuntu symbol that are NOT loaded17:40
Raspberryos2mac: after you install the module packages you can do a modprobe if you know how to do that ... otherwise rebootign will get the sound working17:40
Raspberryos2mac: what are the package names/17:40
hwildeis there any significant advantage to compiling the kernel?17:41
chdstRaspberry: I modprobed, the devices are showing up on the mixer and all, but still no sound. Any pointers/docs?17:41
CarlFKwhere can I see how well a wifi nic is supported?  lspci: 168c:001c  Atheros Communications, Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express17:41
amx109hwilde, would depend on ure needs. do you have any in particular?#17:41
Raspberrychdst: force a reinstall of your current kernel and module packages in synaptic17:41
Raspberrychdst: I found that it's looking for the modules in the wrong library path17:42
hwildeamx109, will it be faster, use less memory, take up less space,  I dunno.  if everything works is there any reason to compile17:42
hwildeCarlFK, the ath_pci module supports the atheros chipset.17:42
amx109hwilde, short answer, no17:42
chdstRaspberry: I hate synaptic, but I'll do the reinstall. Thanks for the help. :)17:43
os2macRaspberry: I think I got it. but  linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic is already installed, however the -386 version isn't ... .lemme try this.17:43
Raspberryos2mac: make sure linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic is installed17:43
amx109hwilde, are you using ubuntu on fairly modern hardware?17:43
Raspberryos2mac: yeah make sure you install the 386 packages17:43
Raspberrythe generic pacakges are just fake / meta wrappers for the real packages17:43
Raspberryor maybe it's the other way around :P17:43
CarlFKI enabled Atheros in the restricted driver dialog, but nothing (iwconfig, ifconfig, dmesg) sees it17:43
hwildeamx109, it ranges, I have some old laptops, some middl of the line desktops, and some brand new stuff too17:43
os2macloading packages right now... please stand by17:44
hwildeCarlFK, soundslike a hardware problem to me.  did you google for other users with the same issue?17:44
hwildeamx109, there are so other factons here that want to go with gentoo and compile everything, or linux from scratch and build it piece by piece...  but as far as i'm concerned ubuntu works so I see no reason17:45
jinCarlFK: restart your system first?17:45
Raspberryanybody else have really poor performance out of Thunderbird over th elast few days?17:45
CarlFKhwilde: not yet.  lsmod|grep ath does show it being loaded - I'll poke at it some more17:45
amx109hwilde, you might be able to tune certain options to make the kernel work 'better' on older hardware. but even on my eee (slow, tho not old) i havent felt the need to roll my own kernel17:45
hwildeCarlFK, modprobe ath_pci17:45
vivek3how do i free up space in /boot !!17:45
jinvivek3: you can't +17:46
vivek3The upgrade aborts now. The upgrade needs a total of 52.4M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 12.9M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.17:46
vivek3now what??17:46
fromportremove unused kernel (if available)17:46
hwildeamx109, I like the eee pc interface tho17:46
macogwvivek3: if you uninstall some old kernels, thatll free space in /boot17:46
vivek3i dont know how to do that17:46
Jaymacvivek3: yeah, i have about 10 old kernels in /boot17:46
CarlFKhwilde: [54691.507105] wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware didn't respond as expected' (HAL status 3)17:47
amx109hwilde, mee toooo. tho sound isbroken on hardy atm. well. semi broken. and prob only for me, such is my luck17:47
fromportaptitude purge linux-image-[version]17:47
CarlFK%d looks like its own bug.17:47
vivek3how do i remove them then???17:47
hwildevivek3,   sudo du -a --max-depth=1 /boot | sort -k1 -n              look at the bottom of the list for the biggest files.  probably some .baks you can delete17:47
vivek3okay doing that now17:47
hwildeCarlFK, there is a new hal coming out - openhal17:48
amx109Raspberry, t-bird is running fine for me17:48
hwildeCarlFK, you could try asking in #madwifi they are shmart17:48
CarlFKhwilde: will openhal be part of Hardy?17:48
CarlFKhwilde: will do17:48
vivek3okay i really dont understand the output, can someone help me with that?? should i paste it here?17:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:49
CarlFKhow do I figure out what package ath_pci is in?17:50
vivek3now what?17:51
Raspberryamx109: I restarted it and it's working fine ... I wonder if it has a memory leak since I leave it open for days on end17:51
amx109CarlFK, erm 'sudo aptitude search ath' ?17:53
amx109vivek3, are you familiar with using apt-get or aptitude on the command line?17:53
vivek3yes use apt-get all the time17:54
CarlFKlook like it is  http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-generic17:54
amx109vivek3, sudo aptitude remove linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic17:54
amx109or whatever hte appropriate package name is17:54
CarlFKso is that teh package I file the wifi%d against ?17:54
savvasCarlFK: dpkg -S file17:54
amx109vivek3, i think using aptitude, it figures out the related/dependant packages to remove also17:55
vivek3did that, its working, should that free u enough space???17:55
savvasCarlFK: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic: /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/madwifi/ath_pci.ko17:55
CarlFKsavvas: thanks: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic17:55
amx109vivek3, you should be ok to remove -14 and -1517:55
hischildok here's a nice one ... what could cause any networked file transfer protocol to freeze after some megs have been transmitted? sftp and nfs have been tried so far, both failed. Ssh connections remain possible and those which are open during transfer don't close.17:55
amx109vivek3, df -h will tell u17:56
vivek3u mean sudo aptitude remove linux-image-2.6.22-15-generic too17:56
amx109vivek3, yea. im assuming your using -16 (uname -r to tell)17:56
savvashischild: you used connect to server from the places menu?17:56
hischildsavvas, i used manual connection via nautilus when using sftp, and nfs was via fstab17:57
vivek3sudo aptitude remove linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic17:57
vivek3oops sorry17:57
vivek3uname -r17:58
vivek3errr.....that means im using 14 right??? and i just asked it to remove that17:58
amx109vivek3, yikes!17:58
vivek3now what!!!17:58
hischildvivek3, reinstall it17:58
hischildand DONT REBOOT17:58
amx109vivek3, is there any reason your using -14 and not -16?17:59
vivek3i dont know17:59
vivek3i didnt really select or ask it to pick a particular one18:00
os2macRaspberry: can you refresh my memory on how to do a modprobe?18:00
savvasos2mac: sudo modprobe mod18:00
savvaslsmod to pick a mod18:00
amx109savvas, quick draw there my friend18:01
vivek3but man, now what??? should i close the remove window?? im sure it has caused some damage atleast,so now what18:01
savvashischild: my sftp connections time out, is that the same case with yours?18:01
amx109vivek3, hav you apt installed -14?18:01
amx109vivek3, did -14 get removed?18:02
savvasamx109: busy hands, I've been translating a book all day :)18:02
hischildsavvas, during active transfer of >2mbps?18:02
apollo13hi, I installed ubuntu 8.04 and I am wondering why the Desktop is showing ~ instead of ~/Desktop; any ideas?18:02
vivek3noe its still working on removing it18:02
savvashischild: um no, while reading the /home/user directory of the remote location :\18:02
amx109vivek3, let it remove. once its finished, apt install it back18:02
vivek3hehe, okay18:02
amx109vivek3, then u shud be ok. what id do then, is reboot, selecting -16. make sure everything works then remove -1418:03
vivek3or if i just upgrade to 8.04 it will reinstall right?18:03
vivek3oh, i guess i can do taht18:03
amx109vivek3, 8.04 will install a new kernel18:03
_moro_bana_how is hardy coming up fellow linuxers*18:03
amx109vivek3, infact, if ure plannin on upgradin to hardy anytime soon i wouldnt bother with my last suggestion18:03
vivek3so i dont have to bother installing 14 again18:03
amx109_moro_bana_, muy bueno18:04
vivek3yes i was upgrading right now, it was hardy that told me i didnt have enought space in /boot to upgrade18:04
amx109vivek3,oh! then no ure prob ok18:04
vivek3:D sweet18:04
amx109vivek3, well...18:05
hischildsavvas, mine appears to freeze during mid transfer of transfers of >2mbps18:05
_moro_bana_amx109: english please, im interested in testing hardy now, just wanna know how well brewed it is at the moment18:05
hischildwhich is why i'm wondering why it does that18:05
amx109vivek3, how much free space does df -h show for /boot?18:05
savvashischild: no timeout error popping up?18:05
amx109_moro_bana_, aplologies. its been quite stable and trouble free (apart from the libc6 mixup)18:05
savvashischild: something about a freedesktop dbus18:05
hischildsavvas, no error18:06
hischildsavvas, it just, freezes18:06
savvashischild: ah ok then, try report yours as well18:06
amx109_moro_bana_, my desktop is running brilliantly, from a fresh install of alpha5. beta is fairly rounded i think18:06
vivek3/dev/hda6              92M   49M   38M  57% /boot18:06
hischildsavvas, alright will do once i get back later tonight ... have to survive first aid recourse tonight first when playing victim ...18:07
amx109vivek3, reinstall -14. remove -16. that shud be more than enough room18:07
savvashischild: play dead and get kissed, my favourite part :P18:07
vivek3okay :D18:07
amx109savvas, lol18:07
hischildsavvas, hahah ... already had that part i'm afraid ... tonight it's scaring some first aid ppl and trying to avoid them helping my sister18:08
_moro_bana_amx109: that is good news, i will upgrade my second install to give it a shot, i loved the graphics the first time i saw em months ago, what does lib6 do  exactly18:08
vivek3i dont know what this guy is doing, its downloading some 70mb to REMOVE 14!!!18:08
vivek3how weird18:08
amx109_moro_bana_, libc6 is a bunch of core c libraries used by alot of things. it breaks, everything built on top of it breaks18:09
hischildgood luck folks, i'm out ... bb18:10
savvashischild: wait till you get into med school, you'll play dead more often, while dodging aroused nurses :p18:10
ubuntunoobhello all18:11
ubuntunoobi need help18:11
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:12
_moro_bana_amx109: got that, i ll be back when i have i problem.thanks18:12
ubuntunoobwill ubuntu install side by side with windows so i can choose which OS i want to run when i start?18:12
amx109ubuntulog, yes18:13
Ngubuntunoob: you get several options during the install, either to take over the entire disk for ubuntu, or to resize windows and have the two together, or do figure it out manually18:14
ubuntunoobinteresting cool ty18:14
ubuntunoobtigerdirect praises ubuntu so i said i will try it... i like the open source end18:14
CarlFKhow do I report a bug against linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic18:17
omarCan I access the trash bin from the terminal??18:17
LnxmadI was wondering if anyone could give me a heads up on major bugs before i install18:18
Raspberryomar: ~/.Trash18:18
Raspberryomar: but as I understand it -- that's only the "local" trash and each drive has it's own trash18:18
LnxmadSo there are no bugs18:18
Lnxmadok sweet18:18
Raspberryin Linux  ... no way18:18
ksquestion: do I need to put options (like  --with=ext3 --preload=ext3 --with=xennet --builtin=aic7xxx --builtin=serverworks --preload=xenblk ) into /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d  ?18:18
RaspberryLnxmad: yes there are bugs18:19
NgCarlFK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+filebug18:19
amx109Lnxmad, a full bug list is avail on launchpad18:19
ksif I wanna create optional initrd image ?18:19
Lnxmadbut i mean are there any real noticable onea18:19
RaspberryLnxmad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy18:19
RaspberryLnxmad: there's one bug right now that sends your browser history to Ubuntu18:19
CarlFKNg: how did you find that?18:20
Raspberrybut I think they're calling it a feature18:20
CarlFKNg: (thanks btw)18:20
Raspberryand they marked it "Invalid" "Won't Fix"18:20
omarRaspberry: Yes but I just have some folders in the trash that the system does not allow me to delete normally 'coz it claim that they are protected and need a permission.18:20
NgCarlFK: start off at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ and search for the name of the package, then go into the Bugs tab and Report Bug18:20
omarclaims*** ><18:20
Raspberryand there's another bug that tracks the document you work on the most and longest and then deletes it after the system (through a complex mathmatical formula) determines that the work you've done is irreplaceable18:21
Raspberrybut that should be fixed by RC118:21
amx109Raspberry, isnt that murphys law?18:21
CarlFKNg: some how all the pages I found the 'bugs tab' were disabled18:21
Lnxmadthatts retarded18:21
NgCarlFK: it depends what you're looking at - e.g. if it relates to a specific binary package rather than the source package it came from18:22
Raspberrythat's they're going to fix it?  yeah, I think they should leave it in... it'll teach people to make frequent backups18:22
* cyclonut throws bugs @ Raspberry 18:22
cyclonutthatll teach him18:22
xopherhi, why is transmission, and not eg. deluge included in hardy by default? Is the focus on ease to use, or performance or why?18:23
RaspberryI think the best thing about linux is the fact that I never get told "this file is in use" -- no more trying to figure out what whacked out background system process is holding my drive or document hostage even though I haven't run it in 3 days18:23
cyclonutxopher, I believe that it is due to ease of use and reliability18:24
cyclonutxopher, personally, deluge crashed on me daily. Azureus is bloated, and the old bit torrent software stunk18:25
cyclonutmy only real gripe w/transmission is the lack of a peerblocking module18:25
xopherwell what's bothering me with deluge atm, is the incredibly slow 'file checking' which seems to happen each time I start the app nowadays, so Im trying transmission now, works fine on os x, so why wouldn't it work just fine here too.. ツ18:26
xopheroh.. :/18:26
omarGuys I have two files in the Trash bin that can not be deleted normally, because the system claims the are protected and need a permission, how do I delete them??18:27
vivek3nothing beats utorrent, pity its not cross platform18:27
cyclonutxopher, deluge does do that horrible file check, but azureus does as well. Granted, I havent really used transmission enough to see if it has the same feature.18:27
cyclonutomar, go through terminal and use sudo?18:27
vivek3deluge takes longer than any other client18:28
Tuv0knot for me18:28
Tuv0ktransmission is the worst18:28
cyclonutagain, I love deluge, but it crashes ALL the time18:28
cyclonutand when it crashes, it wont start up again without deleting the config files18:28
Tuv0kdeluge used to crash all the time, but it stopped18:29
cyclonutno kiddin. since when?18:29
omarcyclonut: Yes, when I used cd `/.Trash command, it took me to different trash, and I didn't find the files I want there.18:29
Tuv0kits the plugins that make it crash18:29
Lnxmadso how buggy is this for everyday use>?18:29
cyclonutomar, try cd /home/omar/.Trash18:29
cyclonutbicyclist, road or mountain? :)18:30
omarvivek3:  I believe Azureus is the best torrent downloader ever. :)18:30
cyclonutomar, it is bloated beyond belief.18:30
vivek3omar: too slw, i got only 512mb ram :(18:30
bicyclistcyclonut: Every day bicyclist. But using a trekking bike ;)18:30
vivek3im running utorrent on wine18:31
Lnxmadhow buggy is 8.04 for everyday use?18:31
cyclonutbicyclist, touring is quite nice, my every day rider is a cyclocross-turned-tourer-turned-singlespeed :)18:31
peter-I got a problem. Its called for urban terror sound problem. In terminal i get http://paste.arkku.net/index.php?id=107941580847e9442479d88 this.18:31
omarcyclonut: Okay, thanks, but I one more problem, the names of the files contain spaces.18:31
bicyclistLnxmad i am running it on my all day machine but then i am a bit of a freak too.18:31
cyclonutomar, when you are specifying a file with spaces, put a backslash before the space18:32
Lnxmadso its not to bad?18:32
cyclonutLnxmad, I get better stability than with gutsy, personally18:32
cyclonutthat said18:32
omarcyclonut: Okay, thanks a lot.18:32
bicyclistIt is quiet stable in my opinion yet it is NOT, repeat NOT recommended for teh machine you depend upon.18:32
cyclonutyou will have to work thrhough a few bugs.18:32
peter-I got a problem. Its called for urban terror sound problem. In terminal i get http://paste.arkku.net/index.php?id=107941580847e9442479d88 this.18:32
bicyclistbut finding bugs can be rewarding and you help making a already great os even better !18:32
peter-Sry of spamming18:32
Lnxmadwell for some reason i am unable to install gusty18:32
bicyclistAnd there is always this great community18:32
LnxmadI use to be able to18:33
=== peter- is now known as Peter-
Lnxmadit gets stuck at loading grub18:33
cyclonutPeter-, thanks for apolgizing  :) unfortunately, I cannot help you18:33
cyclonutPeter-, perhaps someone else here may be able to.18:33
Peter-cyclonut: I hope so.18:34
mib_t3v1a82dHey guys. I just wanna make sure before I file it as a bug. I have Dell D830 with Nvidia Quadro NVS 140M. After installing nvidia driver, X loads with low resolution. Everything was up-to-date18:34
_moro_bana_anyone know of any gui builder18:34
xopheranyone here who knows why my ALC850 sndcard gives me sound to only the front speakers? (And that too only when duplicate front is ticked .. )18:34
amx109_moro_bana_, bluefish?18:34
_moro_bana_amx109: have you ever used borland c++  on windows, i want something like that18:35
amx109_moro_bana_, fraid not. im a java man myself18:35
os2macRaspberry: that seems to have fixed the issue.18:35
* cyclonut is frightened to install HAL and video-intel updates18:36
amx109_moro_bana_, sorry, i meant to say anjuta18:36
_moro_bana_amx109: i see, im always trying new things, i think i should take jave for a ride18:36
amx109_moro_bana_, http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fanjuta.sourceforge.net%2F&ei=QkbpR9-HM4-A0wT2tqmWBw&usg=AFQjCNErvx0mKRvyz_Xz4kx9l9vDAfSMNg&sig2=bsV4DG5HbPQExSsZ-eEeQQ18:37
_moro_bana_amx109: anjunta, tried it, ddint go well wth me, whats does the url have for me18:37
amx109_moro_bana_, sf.net project page, mangled by google search results18:37
amx109_moro_bana_, alot of ppl i know who program in linux use things like vim. simple yet powerful tools18:38
vivek3vim has weird controls.....18:38
cyclonutI never took the leap into vim18:39
cyclonutpersonally, I use eclipse18:39
os2macVI forever!18:39
amx109oh no. ive started a flame war18:39
UnNaturalHighsimple elegant gui18:39
_moro_bana_amx109: i will have to try em all18:39
vivek3vi and vim the same?18:39
os2macamx109: nope just the current battle this war has been around for a LONG time.18:40
amx109os2mac, indeed18:40
mib_t3v1a82dCan someone help me installing nvidia driver?18:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about envyng - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:40
gew1thank you for fixing network-manager :X18:40
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »18:41
mib_t3v1a82dI did install envyng, used it, and now X doesn't start.18:41
vivek3just go to administration and click on restricted drivers18:41
vivek3and elable nvidia18:41
vivek3enable* :)18:41
_moro_bana_amx109: what about you, do you work on linux, one of them developers?18:41
mib_t3v1a82dI tried enabling nvidia from the restricted modules, and it gives me the same result18:41
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, what does ure xorg log say in terms of errors?18:41
monolithI had a 7.10 install, and as my /home is on a seperate partion I just did a clean install of the kubuntu-kde4 beta. At first it was okay, but KDE4 was too unstable so I installed kubuntu-desktop to get kde3 too. However, sound no-longer works. Can anyone help?18:41
amx109_moro_bana_, noooo not me. i just hav an avg amount of linux knowledge. was usin debian before ubuntu came abt. i also hav a few issues with hardy, hence me beig here18:42
vivek3is there anyway i can know what all application are using how much of my internet bandwidth at a given point of time???18:43
mib_t3v1a82damx, how do I view my xorg log?18:44
Raspberryos2mac strange isn't it18:44
vivek3my internet i working real slowly and the upgrade is crawling, was wondering if any application was eating my bandwidth18:44
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, less /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:45
Raspberryi think there are just a lot of people upgrading18:45
vivek3possible i guess18:45
Raspberrymy downloads have been about 40-110kbps from ubuntu and I have a 320kbps pipe18:46
=== Ronald|Laptop is now known as Ronald
vivek3mine have stopped now!!18:46
_moro_bana_amx109:how id ubuntu compared to debian, only tried mandriva then threw it away18:46
vivek3started again 37b/s LOL18:46
amx109_moro_bana_, ubuntu 'just worked'. much slicker user experience. more polished18:47
bicyclistRaspberry well, maybe related to the broken cable in the northatlantic connecting europe with the united states18:47
bicyclistsome servers for me are extremely slow too some just fine but overall i found a decrease of speed.18:47
mib_t3v1a82damx109, interestingly, I don't see any error. It says that everything is loaded and enabled .. etc.18:48
amx109no (WW) or (EE) lines?18:48
vivek3stopped again!! this is going to take forever, can i leave it on for the night and trust it to complete the upgrade or will it ask for password and all every once in a while??18:49
os2macRaspberry: what's that?18:50
mib_t3v1a82damx, there is only one WW that says "the EDID for display device DFP-0 is invalid: that checksum for EDID version 1 is invalid"18:50
doofy_shouldnt the real install be identical to what the live cd is? My ide drive is accesible on the live cd but not on the install (it doesnt even show up in fdisk -l)18:50
mib_t3v1a82damx109, based on that there is another WW that says "Unable to gt display device DFP-0's EDID; cannot compute DPI from DFP-0's EDID18:51
amx109its the EE's that are important i think18:52
vivek3good night everybody i am off :)18:52
_moro_bana_amx109:  got any java links, advice on where to start?18:52
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)18:53
mib_t3v1a82dWell, there is no EEs at all. I have the II and **18:53
amx109_moro_bana_, the online tuts are a good place to start. java trails etc18:53
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, would you put the error log into pastebin for me?18:53
_moro_bana_thanks to everyone18:54
amx109_moro_bana_, java is split into three main areas. j2me for mobile type stuff, j2se for desktop, and j2ee for server-side. i specialise i nthe latter18:55
Peter-I got a problem. Its called for urban terror sound problem. In terminal i get http://paste.arkku.net/index.php?id=107941580847e9442479d88 this.18:55
mib_t3v1a82damx109, I'll try to do that. I am not sure that I can because the computer isn't loaded18:55
mib_t3v1a82dI am using another computer for the IRC18:55
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, you could scp the file?18:55
mib_t3v1a82damx109, yes I can18:56
_moro_bana_amx109: cool! how long did it take you  to come to that level18:57
amx109_moro_bana_, erm. years18:57
mib_t3v1a82damx109, is it possible to scp the file to pastebin?18:59
bhsxok, here's a new one...   after wiping my windows and repartitioning, installing ubuntu, then windows.....   windows will only boot to safe mode :/18:59
stoffer_join #mybookworld18:59
nDuffI'm running Hardy with the nvidia-new driver and a TwinView configuration, and one of my screens occasionally flashes blank for a half-second or so. Known issue, or is there a better-supported dual-head configuration I should be using?18:59
bhsxwhen i try regular mode it just reboots back out to POST\18:59
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, erm dont think so19:00
doofy_anyone know why a disk would be visible on the hardy live cd, but wont show up with fdisk -l on the hardy install?19:00
mib_t3v1a82damx109, how can I show you the file then :S?19:00
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, copy it to ure local machien then upload to pastebin?19:00
sourcemakerhow do I mount a crypto_LUKS filesystem?19:01
nDuffmib_t3v1a82d, I think there's an available "pastebin" command which will post it directly. Not sure what package it's in.19:01
nDuffmib_t3v1a82d, looks like the package is "pastebinit".19:01
sourcemakerI installed the new kubuntu beta yesterday and now I try to copy my home data to the encrypted file system? how ?19:01
nDuffmib_t3v1a82d, ...though there's another, "webboard".19:01
mib_t3v1a82damx109, Amm .. this is kinda tricky in here. :) .. but we will see. I have another question.19:02
mib_t3v1a82dThere is a file called Xorg.9.log?19:02
mib_t3v1a82dThanks a lot nDuff19:02
amx109i think the log files are cycled19:02
nDuffamx109, that number is typically a reference to the X display number, not to log cycling19:03
fr500i installed hardy everything goes fine but direct rendering19:03
amx109nDuff, oh. learn somet new everyday19:03
nDuffamx109, ...but yes, they are regularly overwritten.19:03
fr500i can't read video card related nodes like /dev/nvidia0 as user19:04
fr500i could do that in gutsy19:04
adincare those guys still here who were successfuly using a iwl3945 driver with there intel wireless device?19:04
elliotjhugHi all, Just about to get hardy, but I've been running 32bit ubuntu since breezy - I'm considering going for 64bit now, any compelling applications I'm going to miss out on, or are they pretty much all available now?19:08
nDuffelliotjhug, I'm running native 64-bit, and not missing anything that I notice.19:11
mib_t3v1a82damx109, here is the log file http://pastebin.com/f38b7fc2619:11
elliotjhugnDuff: Thanks - I won't be doing anything too outlandish on it - I'll go for it19:11
nDuffelliotjhug, the only thing I can recall being a real PITA was Dell's VNC-in-a-browser-plugin implementation for controlling DRACs; I ended up using WINE to run Internet Explorer for that.19:12
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, hmm19:13
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, what does a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart get you?19:14
Peter- I got a problem. Its called for urban terror sound problem. In terminal i get http://paste.arkku.net/index.php?id=107941580847e9442479d88 this.19:14
SmegzorI started upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 last night and found the computer frozen this morning.  Its rebooted fine and its still 7.10.  Whats the best way to resume the update from here?  Its reporting a large number of updates available but saying I can only do a partial update from those.19:15
Peter-Smegzor: Do you want to hear easiest way to upgrade?19:15
SmegzorI have /home in its own partition and I do have a spare partition the same size as /19:15
Peter-Smegzor: Download Hardy, burn it to cd. Install it from cd. Voilá19:16
brianskiam i the only one experiencing periodic freezups from thunderbird on an upgrade from gutsy?19:16
sourcemakerI try to mount an encrypted file system with kubuntu gusty... the following message occurred: Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping.19:16
elliotjhugsourcemaker: try #ubuntu19:17
SmegzorI'm wondering if it would be easy to install 8.04 to the empty partion and still have /home in the current /home partition with zero lose of data?19:17
mib_t3v1a82dFor the stopping it says OK, for the starting it says OK. When it loads, it gives me the weird screen, nothing in there. It is as if a wrong driver is installed.19:17
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, weird screen?19:18
SmegzorI also have almost a terrabyte of backup storage so I could back up home before trying to make it belong to 8.04 (I know I can migrate /home to a new install but I've never done it)19:18
mib_t3v1a82dIt is in X, but it is like when you choose a different driver, so the screen is screwed and you can't see the mouse pointer or anything.19:18
SmegzorIs there a guide somewhere on preserving /home after a reinstall upgrade?19:20
marlunWhat could be the reason for the screen to go into sleep mode when gnome is opened? I want to install ubuntu on it. I see the progress bar but when gnome is about to be opened the monitor gets black and the light turns orange.19:20
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, you have a quadro card?19:20
amx109are the drivers installed by envy the correct ones??19:21
mib_t3v1a82dI tried to install the default ones from Ubuntu, but it gives me the EXACT same result19:21
Infectoi have big problems with therma l support under linux :)19:22
Infectoin hp19:22
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, im not sure. at a guess, could it be to do with vert/horizontal refresh or pixel clock setting for your display?19:22
Infectowindows isfrom 20 10 celcius lover than under linux19:22
mib_t3v1a82damx109, I am almost sure it is the reason. Do you know how can I fix that?19:23
TobiasTheCommiecould anyone verify that evdev on hardy is broken?19:23
mib_t3v1a82dBecause I remembered now, 4 years ago I had the same problem and it was with the refresh rate .. etc.19:23
TobiasTheCommiei get a lot of "null" errors for my mouse when using, hardy, and X crashes whenever i press a mouse button except button 119:23
mib_t3v1a82damx109, I think the WW lines refer to that too. (Not sure)19:24
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, you can specify the refreshrates explicity in ure xorg conf19:24
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, yea, i think the EDID info contains that info19:25
mib_t3v1a82damx109, do you have an example on how to write them explicity in /etc/X11/xorg.cong?19:25
amx109mib_t3v1a82d, google your display make/model with ref to xorg and see if anyone has had similar problems. no doubt they have19:25
tapoxiHi all, I had to uninstall xserver-xgl because of compatibility issues after upgrading to hardy. After that, I attempted to use Compiz with Xorg, but it won't work "The composite extension is not available.". I'm using a FireGL 5200 with the fglrx driver. Ideas?19:28
kshow do I create initrd file in hardy ?19:29
Infectocan some one help me with building a kenrle on my own? i can build kernel, thats no problem19:33
InfectoDEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=2 AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic19:33
Infectoi want to name it19:33
Infectoand when i add19:33
Infecto it dotn work, call an error19:33
doofy_would there be a reason that the hardy live cd picks up an IDE hdd but the actual install doesnt?19:34
brianskidoofy_: can you be a little more specific?19:35
brianskiis it your boot hd?19:35
doofy_brianski, the drive is mountable under the live cd (and gutsy) but it doesnt even show up under fdisk -l on the actual hardy install19:35
doofy_brianski, no it is not my boot hd19:36
brianskitapoxi: see if there is a bug report. if not, file one ?19:36
brianskidoofy_: anything interesting in dmesg?19:37
doofy_brianski, after boot?19:37
RaspberryIn KDE4, I can't seen to change my display settings in the Display settings of the System Settings app... the OK button just stays grayed out19:39
Eroickhey, the LTS upgrade is the upgrade from the last LTS version to hardy, right?19:39
doofy_when i try to mount it i get mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist the device node isnt in /dev either19:39
brianskidoofy_: dmesg | grep sd[a-z]19:40
FlannelEroick: 6.06 to 8.04, yes19:40
doofy_brianski, do you mean dmesg | grep hd[a-z]19:40
EroickFlannel: ok, I've got 7.10 so I can just do update-manager with the devel release flag.19:41
FlannelEroick: correct.19:41
doofy_brianski, there is for sd http://pastebin.ca/95709319:41
JediMasterHi, I've just installed Hardy Heron beta (4?), and I'm happy to say no problems with the install and setup (other than the very fast moving map in the timezone selector), and seems to be working nicely, the only issue I've come across is that I can only select 640x480 and 800x600 @ 60Hz, and it says it's not actually using the nvidia_new driver even though it's enabled. Any ideas how I can enable higher resolutions? (it's an older CRT t19:44
JediMasterseeing as the xorg.conf is now *extremely* slim, I wasn't sure where to start, enabling the nvidia_new driver and the resolutions...19:45
doofy_brianski, the only thing i can think of is that a kernel module is not being installed... but i tried digging that up last night and had no luck19:45
bhsxdoes anyone know of a way to playback iTunes-purchased music (my daughter's) in ubuntu?19:48
Sodamodobhsx , What were you saying about ext3?19:50
bhsxthink you got the wrong guy...19:50
SodamodoI said Heron was slow and you asked if I had ext319:51
JediMasteranyone know of any config programs for xorg to change the driver/screen res in hardy heron?19:51
Sodamodobhsx , no bells?19:52
bhsxoh yeah19:52
bhsxor if you were running on ntfs on a virtual drive19:53
amx109JediMaster, gnome-randr-applet19:53
SodamodoIts a straight up ext3, I looked at Gparted19:53
bhsxi actually figured out the answer after some other things you had said19:53
bhsxwhich is why i didn't pursue it19:54
JediMasteramx109: thanks, couldn't find anything but announcements for hardy heron as it says about the resolution app!19:54
JediMasterfrom google19:54
Sodamodoany reason for sluggishness, besides beta-ness that is19:54
bhsxi'm sure there's SOME reason for it... but i'm not seeing it here....   this is easily the best-responding desktop i've ever used (in linux)19:54
JediMasteramx109: doesn't appear to be installed and can't find it with apt-get search19:55
amx109JediMaster, sudo aptitude install gnome-randr-applet19:56
bhsxno suggestions for playback of FairPlay aacs files?19:56
amx109JediMaster, also, use randr for the search term19:56
JediMasterdoesn't help that I've just installed it and not connected it to teh network yet lol19:57
Sodamodobhsx , im going to reinstall, this pushing murderously slow.19:58
Sodamodothis is*19:58
bhsxgood luck19:59
bhsxi'm still having problems with my lappy & XP19:59
bhsxi think Gpartd in hardy may be buggy19:59
bhsxhey how do i brighten my display in hardy?  (i dont have a brightness wheel)20:01
fromportbhsx: laptop ?20:02
fromportsystem -> prefences -> screen resolution20:03
fromporthmmm it _used_ to  be there... looks different ... sorry20:04
bhsxi looked there :)20:04
fromportdid you look under "power management" ?20:05
bhsxhang on a sec... i actually am installing windows atm20:05
flackblagbhsx: many laptops use Fn+F9/F1020:06
flackblagor Fn plus other function keys20:06
flackblagI don't think hardy has a software setting in the GUI20:06
bhsxoh lol, i never noticed that :)20:06
bhsxyup fm +f920:07
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flackblagI would like to track down a sudden sound issue and have a hard time locating where the actual breakage occurred. It seems like a bug to me. Any help would be appreciated:20:10
flackblagSound always worked fine for me, also in Hardy20:10
bhsxflackblag: you mean where you have sound with all applications... then it seems to just stop working?20:10
flackblagYesterday, after installing lots of updates from the weekend, sound in totem-gstreamer stopped working20:10
bhsxi came across that yesterday on this desktop20:10
flackblagSound elsewhere is fine20:11
bhsxmaybe the new totem forgot to setup as pulseaudio?20:11
flackblaggstreamer-properties is set to PulseAudio, as it has been for a while (when it worked)20:11
flackblagwhen I reun the test in gstreamer-properties, I get: "PulseAudio Sound Server: Failed to connect: Connection refused"20:11
bhsxbbiab, gotta go paint a wall (doing 1000 things at once today)20:12
jimmygoonFirefox is crashing every time I try to access live.xbox.com20:12
flackblagBut even if I set it to Alsa, I have no sound in totem20:12
jimmygoonand how can I reinstall Human theme because I'm not on the new murrine theme....20:12
flackblagAll the while, vlc etc works20:12
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flackblagSeems like an issue in PulseAudio in any case, but I couldn't find a report in Launchpad, so I wonder20:13
sarah____anyone here use hardy haron?20:14
flackblagAnd it's weird that totem seems to have no sound with whatever setting I choose20:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:14
amx109sarah____, im guessing most of us do, yes20:15
flackblagsarah: it's the Hardy channel, so I would hope so :)20:15
jimmygoonfirefox crashes on this link. every. single. time. http://live.xbox.com/member/stripclubdj20:15
jimmygoonwith this error. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61046/20:15
sarah____:) cool20:15
sarah____im deciding if i should upgrade... or wait for the release20:15
sarah____any input?20:15
mkarnickihi guys. I want to help translating ubuntu hardy, where do i start?20:15
flackblagjimmygoon: works for me20:15
amx109sarah____, upgrade upgrade upgrade20:16
jimmygoonflackblag, are you logged in? like do you actually see the gamer info?20:16
flackblagsarah: if you need to ask, don't upgrade20:16
amx109jimmygoon, links ok for me20:16
sarah____:) but i have some documents i need, anyone i can upgrade without backing them up?20:16
jimmygoon:( its okay until I login20:16
jimmygoonand it happens on every page I go to20:16
flackblagsarah: see the topic of the channel :)20:16
tanner_sarah____: is there any pressing reason you *need* to upgrade?20:16
flackblagjimmygoon: sorry, I have no accoutn, so i cannot test that20:17
sarah____well i really like ubuntu!20:17
tanner_sarah____: does everything on your computer work properly?20:17
* JediMaster loves Hardy Heron =)20:17
jimmygoonflackblag, well, thanks anyway20:17
bhsxsarah____: can you use gmail or something like mybloop.com to backup before you install?20:17
mkarnickiguys and gals, where can I start helping to translate hardy?20:17
flackblagsarah: it is ALWAYS a good idea to have a backup when upgrading. Things _can go wrong. I know, I once lost 300 GB through user error (I was drunk, but still :)20:17
sarah____it did until i tried to install AWN, messed with the sources.list and i have some broken links hehe20:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about translating - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:18
bhsxmkarnicki: i'm not sure that this would be where to ask....20:18
sarah____yeah i already added my docs to gmail20:18
orvokkiflackblag: Heh, you don't really even *need* a version upgrade for that...20:18
mkarnickiwell i'm sorry, but I don't know where to start. /community/participate isn't much informative..20:18
tanner_mkarnicki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu20:19
mkarnickithank you!20:19
mkarnickihave a good day ^-^ ! cheers20:19
ksi am frustrated with hardy :(20:19
sarah____how does hardy compare to gusty?20:19
tanner_arent we all20:19
KRFwhy is that guidance thing still untranslated? :S20:20
KRFor partly translated20:20
bhsxks: i think it feels a lot more responsive20:20
KRFi'm happy with hardy. suspend/resume finally works ;)20:21
bhsxand of course you can install Brasero on 7.10, but it's a nice integration into hardy20:21
sarah____KRF: what computer specs do you have?20:21
flackblagbhsx: did I understand you correctly that you saw the sound issue, too?20:21
sarah____CPU/graphic card i mean.20:21
bhsxeverything feels very quick and solid20:21
bhsxflackblag: i had a small glitch with sound last night20:22
KRFsarah____, intel T7250, and a nv gf 9800 gt20:22
bhsxnot the same as you though20:22
KRFerrm, gf 8600 gt :P20:22
bhsxand mine "fixed itself" with a bit of fiddling20:22
flackblagok, thanks. Seems not widespread, I guess. Good for Ubuntu, bad for me ...20:22
sarah____KRF does amd/radeon have good support with linux, specifically ubuntu?20:22
theunixgeekHow do I downgrade to Gutsy?20:22
sarah____i read they dont have great support20:22
bhsxthat's always the case, isn't it?20:22
h3sp4wnsarah____: hardy will probably solve all your problems (but just create different ones)20:23
KRFsarah____, nv is better20:23
bhsxand i found an answer to my wifi dilmna too20:23
sarah____you think nv is better? i read radeon in about 10 yrs will over take nv.20:23
sarah____you agree?20:23
flackblagtheunixgeek: by reinstalling20:23
orvokkisarah____: That's the life span of several computers...20:24
Raspberryanybody else have an empty / missing gnome desktop  since the last round of updates?20:24
bhsxit's the intel 3945abg, which has some nice drivers in universe, apparently20:24
bhsxas soon as i'm done installing win32 i'll check it out20:24
h3sp4wnRaspberry: creating a new user ?20:24
RaspberryI can see the Wireless N SSID now :)  But I still can't connect to it20:24
Raspberryh3sp4wn: no, existing user20:24
h3sp4wnSomething got totally mangled for me with network manager20:24
h3sp4wnso I just moved the home dir away - now seems ok20:25
Raspberryh3sp4wn: yeah I could only connect to a single network20:25
h3sp4wnbut loads of the default stuff is missing20:25
Raspberryheh I hate reconfiguring everything over and over again :P  I guess I can drop some of the configs back in like .mozilla and what-not20:25
h3sp4wnI do - using stuff like gconf is annoying for that20:26
Raspberryh3sp4wn: I was playing around with KDE4 ... I had logged in just fine, but wanted to see what the fresh install was like since the latest updates...20:26
Raspberryso I deleted .kde4 and then I couldn't login to KDE4... so I went to log back in to gnome... and I can log back in but no Desktop20:26
RaspberryI hadn't logged out for 2-3 days20:27
JediMastersarah____: generally a machine really needs to be upgraded/replaced every 2-3 years, let alone 10, unfortunately, Intel/Nvidia combination outperforms AMD/ATI in most cases, which sucks, as I'm an AMD fan myself20:27
sarah____me too20:27
RaspberryI'm a big AMD fan, but wow is there a huge difference in performance between Intel and AMD20:28
h3sp4wnJediMaster: Depends on the quality of components20:28
sarah____my pc is 10 yrs old, its in dier need of an update!20:28
Raspberrymy Intel 1.6Ghz laptop out performs my Athlon64X2 4800+ desktop20:28
tanner_Raspberry: you need the development kernel to get N to work properly20:29
orvokkiRaspberry: Core 2 Duo?20:29
Raspberrytanner_: :)  hmm is it available in package form?  Or will the N stuff be put into the regular kernel soon?20:29
Raspberryorvokki: yeah20:29
kshow do I specify --with=xennet --preload=xenblk options for initrd image ?20:29
Raspberryorvokki: the new Santa Rosa20:29
ksfucking hardy doesn't have mkinitrd20:30
h3sp4wnks: I would just edit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules20:30
tanner_Raspberry: perhaps in time for 8.10. if ever manage to get the kernel AND nvidia drivers there after to work ill let you know20:30
orvokkiRaspberry: Core 2 Duo >> Athlon64X220:30
sarah____anyone know the next code name for the next release?20:30
Raspberryorvokki: yeah ... I've learned that20:30
orvokkisarah____: One after Hardy?20:31
h3sp4wntanner_: Is there any drivers for N working in ap mode20:31
Raspberryorvokki: there's nothing in the AMD family that performs at the same level for the $$$ which is a big disappointment20:31
nikrudsarah____  intrepid ibex20:31
sarah____orvokki yes20:31
sarah____intrepid ibex? really?20:31
nikrudhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-February/025136.html  sarah____20:32
orvokkiRaspberry: Well, Core 2 Duo was a success. A bit of an unexpected one too outperforming everything AMD had to offer like that.20:32
sarah____thanks nickrud20:32
Raspberrybrb... gonna reboot and see if this new stuff fixes my desktop20:32
h3sp4wnMy athlon x2 6400 seems to outperform my 2.4 ghz laptop20:32
Raspberryorvokki: and I get ~6hrs of battery life out of my laptop in Windows ... and only 2.5 to 3hrs in Linux20:33
orvokkih3sp4wn: Clock frequencies have mattered little for maybe half a decade.20:33
Raspberryh3sp4wn: what's the spec on your laptop?20:33
orvokkiThat's really saying nothing unless you say the exact brand of the CPU.20:33
h3sp4wnI thought it was presumed it was a recent core 220:33
sarah____what type of repository do you guys have enabled?20:33
h3sp4wnseen as that is what is in discussion20:33
sarah____for your sources.list20:33
orvokkih3sp4wn: Maybe it's Core 2 instead of Core 2 Duo?20:34
h3sp4wnIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7700  @ 2.40GHz20:34
RaspberryI will say that I could see that being possible as the 6400 black edition machines I've built for engineering shops just scream20:34
orvokkiHmm, odd then.20:34
Raspberrythey are dual core with 1mb of L2 on each core20:34
fromportraspberry: that's relative: are you doing the same ? if i leave my laptop idle and consume all power "idle" there's lesse then 10% in battery time between xp and hardy20:34
Raspberrywhich is a big deal for AMD20:34
h3sp4wnThis Core 2 duo has 4mb per core afaik20:35
tanner_h3sp4wn: and by ap mode you mean..to act as an accesspoint?20:35
h3sp4wntanner_: Yeah (ideally with WDS etc)20:35
sarah____Raspberry: what do you mean 6400 "black edition machines" you'be built for engineering shopes?20:35
Raspberryfromport: no, I'm surfing the web, writing notes (tablet) and SSH'd into a couple of servers things of that nature in Vista and in Linux, I'm surfing, and coding20:35
ksh3sp4wn:  is this correct to use modules for --preload=xenblk ?20:36
sarah____can you build me a black edition machine raspberry? :P20:36
h3sp4wnks: given you are using initramfs-tools20:36
Raspberrysarah____: there's a "black edition" of the 6000 and 6400 series AMD AM2 Athlon64x2 processors that have their timing unlocked for overclocking (although I'm not overclocking them)20:36
tanner_h3sp4wn: i believe i recall seeing something a while about about some WAP models (linksys or d-link perhaps?) 802.11n capable that used linux as its base20:36
sarah____just a list of spec, i can do the shopping20:36
sarah____oh i see20:37
Raspberrytanner_: I have one of them20:37
sarah____you a fan of the macbook air?20:37
h3sp4wntanner_: binary only kernel modules20:37
ksh3sp4wn:  i've edited the said file and ran update-initramfs -u20:37
Raspberrytanner_: the Linksys WRT-600n ... I just bought it last week ... and Linksys has released the source... it's a dual-band 2.4ghz and 5.0ghz router20:37
h3sp4wnks: have a look inside to see if it worked then20:37
h3sp4wnks: its a cpio.gz20:38
tanner_h3sp4wn: not 100% sure on that, though i believe work is being made to madwifi20:38
tanner_Raspberry: i have the WRT330N model which i also believe has the source out20:38
ksh3sp4wn:  here is output of boot http://pastebin.ca/95717620:38
DanaGArgh, why does gparted use ntfsclone instead of dd?20:39
Raspberrytanner_: yup I think so20:39
ksh3sp4wn:  see lines 31-32 and 40-4320:39
Raspberrytanner_: I had a NetGear before but it was horrible -- I got tired of restarting it a couple times a week ... or whenever pidgin on linux (?!?!?! why??!) would make it's initial connection20:39
tanner_Raspberry: i generally try to avoid netgear :D20:40
ksh3sp4wn:  i think modules directive loads it too late20:40
h3sp4wnks: Is it your custom kernel ?20:41
h3sp4wnIf it is why do you need an initramfs at all ?20:41
Raspberrytanner_: they used to be good20:41
tanner_Raspberry: ah i see which one you got.. i think the only difference between ours is the NAS20:42
tanner_I suppose, i prefer linksys myself20:42
Raspberrytanner_: really? the 350 is dual-channel? MIMO20:42
h3sp4wnBest router I have is gateway20:42
sarah____linksys is good, but they need to make their products look better20:42
sarah____i like mac's airport extreme wireless20:42
DanaGArgh, why does gparted use ntfsclone instead of dd?  It's so much slower than dd.20:42
sarah____and g-techs wireless20:42
* DanaG uses a Buffalo router with dd-wrt firmware.20:43
DanaGViva la QoS!20:43
RaspberryI wanted to get a Buffalo but they're kinda "unavailable" here in the US20:43
DanaGI wish I could've been the judge in that case.  I would've told the plaintiffs this:20:43
sarah____i thought KFC had them no? hehe20:43
DanaG"Hey, it's unfair to pick on only one company.  If you want to sue one, you must sue ALL of them!"20:44
tanner_Raspberry: i know it supports both b/g and N at the same time (if thats what you are referring to as dual-band) and yes MIMO20:44
tanner_erm, not "and yes"20:44
Raspberrytanner_: no, this one has two channels... so you can connect to 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz at the same time... and / or keep them separate completely ... with different security and everything20:44
ksh3sp4wn:  yes it is20:44
sarah____Raspberry im in dier need of a computer grade. Mine is almost 9 years old.... had it since 99'-00' good old HP still kicking.20:45
h3sp4wnMy router has 2 mini-pci's seperate (b/g and a)20:45
sarah____any input on building a neat pc?20:45
tanner_Raspberry: not 100% on that, the AP actually isnt plugged in yet.. not until i get 11n working20:46
Raspberrysarah____: https://secure.newegg.com/NewVersion/Wishlist/PublicWishDetail.asp?WishListNumber=6671346&WishListTitle=MCE+Order+Sept25th20:46
blizzkidlo all. how can I use the cd after installation? When trying to use apt-get from cd, it fails to mount the cd20:46
DanaGgood site for notebooks: notebookreview.com20:46
sarah____newegg or directiger cheaper?20:46
Raspberrytanner_: as far as I know the WRT600N is one of the only (and the only from Linksys) Dual-Band router20:47
ksanyone knows load precedence of initramfs configs ?20:47
Raspberryif you've got a newer N card ... it'll hop on the 2.4Ghz and the 5Ghz spectrums at the same time and give you more throughput20:47
sarah____Raspberry: i think i need this, http://www.newegg.com/Product/ShowImage.aspx?CurImage=34-220-189-18.jpg&Image=34-220-189-18.jpg%2c34-220-189-03.jpg%2c34-220-189-04.jpg%2c34-220-189-05.jpg%2c34-220-189-06.jpg%2c34-220-189-07.jpg%2c34-220-189-08.jpg%2c34-220-189-09.jpg%2c34-220-189-19.jpg%2c34-220-189-13.jpg%2c34-220-189-10.jpg%2c34-220-189-15.jpg%2c34-220-189-11.jpg%2c34-220-189-12.jpg%2c34-220-189-16.jpg&S7ImageFlag=0&Wa20:47
sarah____ultra portable!20:47
ksas i see /scripts/init-premount  is being loaded before /scripts/local-top20:48
sarah____its like the one Dr Makay uses in Stargate Atlantis20:48
sarah____you seen that show?20:48
Raspberryheh yeah20:48
AthakiI am very impressed with Hardy so far. It's looking to be a great release.20:48
Raspberrysarah____: there's a version of Ubuntu that is specifically made for the UMPC systems20:49
Raspberrysarah____: it's in development through a partnership w/ intel -- so maybe it'll have good power mgmt20:49
blizzkidAthaki: I have to disagree: I'm stuck with an install without nic/wlan drivers, and it fails to use the cd for apt-get20:49
h3sp4wnYou seen the price of those things total rip off20:49
sarah____isn't Intrepid Ibex for UMPC too?20:49
Athakiblizzkid: I'm running it in virtualbox20:50
Raspberrysarah____: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mobile20:50
tanner_Raspberry: interesting.20:51
orvokkiThis looks the start of a happy debug session.20:51
DanaGI've built a desktop once, but if I ever get a desktop again, it'll be an OEM.  YOu know why?  WARRANTYY.20:51
Raspberryblizzkid: so download the nic / wlan packages and then install them via USB drive or something like that ... what machine do you have ?20:51
DanaG(don't mean to be yelling, but I can't do bold or italics.)20:51
sarah____Raspberry what do you think about the ultra light Macbook air?20:51
sarah____worth the buy or not20:52
tanner_sarah____: crap20:52
tanner_sarah____: if your going to waste a lot of money on a ultraportable, you should get a Thinkpad X300 instead :)20:52
blizzkidRaspberry: nice idea, but the only driver is a patched madwifi, that needs build-essential, and that one has too much dependencies to download all of them by hand. Can I put a directory on my harddrive in sources.list?20:52
DanaGUgh, another bad thing about ntfsclone: it runs sched_normal and thus bogs down the whole system quite horribly.20:52
sarah____Thinkpad X300 isnt that ultraportable is it?20:53
Raspberryblizzkid: yes if you do it right :P20:53
Raspberrysarah____: no20:53
DanaGHP 2510p is also nice and light, with up to 9 hours battery life on the 9-cell.20:53
Raspberrysarah____: too expensive yet ... I have a thinkpad X61t20:53
blizzkidRaspberry: can you help me there? (or even better: point to a mounted iso)20:53
tanner_whats not ultraportable about the X300 sarah____20:53
sarah____wow "thinkpad X61t" i like that rotating screen. very neat20:54
Raspberryblizzkid: that'd probably be the best thing to do ... mount the install ISO and point to that20:54
sarah____X300 sarah still looks bulky from the picture20:54
Raspberryblizzkid: again though... what model machine?20:54
tanner_x61t is very nice :) along with X61 and X61s20:54
blizzkidRaspberry: and how exactly would I do that? (machine is Asus F5RL)20:54
h3sp4wnWell thinkpads actually have a semi decent keyboard20:54
tanner_sarah____: less than an inch at its thickest20:54
Raspberryand the thinkpads look the same after 5 years ... not like a cracked and scuffed piece of plastic20:55
tanner_h3sp4wn: thinkpads have the BEST keyboards. period20:55
h3sp4wnAnd don't break easily20:55
tanner_h3sp4wn: fixed that for you ;)20:55
tanner_my T41 can attest to Raspberry's statement20:55
Raspberrymy grandma is running XP on my 10yr old THinkpad T21 ... works great20:55
tanner_erm, T40*20:55
h3sp4wntanner_: I prefer a sun keyboard (UNIX layout)20:55
Raspberrythe only thing I've had to fix with it is replaced the hard drive after it died 3 years ago20:55
h3sp4wncannot have that with a laptop though :/20:56
sarah____macbook air is good, a little expensive, biggest negative factor is only 1 usb port20:56
h3sp4wnI like my X31 though (much better designed than this Compaq)20:56
DanaGOh hey, if you like the IBM / Lenovo keyboards, you can actually get them for desktops, too.20:57
blizzkidRaspberry: how can I point sources.list to a mounted iso?20:57
RaspberryI've owned 3 thinkpads and 1 toshiba and 1 compaq ...  the compaq was an insult ... their customer service was worse...  the toshiba (M200 tablet) was ok, but crappy design ... had to replace the keyboard... case was cracked... dust under the protective screen that can't be removed w/o taking it all apart...  Nothing to complain about with the thinkpads...  The only thing I miss on my X61t is the "ThinkLight" that would light up the20:57
Raspberrykeyboard in the dark20:57
sarah____is it possible to setup my own pop3 email account on ubuntu?20:59
Raspberryblizzkid: google much? http://alecthegeek.wordpress.com/2007/01/06/handy-hack-how-to-install-the-ubuntu-install-cd-onto-the-hard-disk/20:59
RaspberryDanaG: I have one of those :)20:59
* tanner_ loves his thinkpad "nipple" trackpoint21:00
blizzkidsorry Raspberry, I must have overlooked that one (or was looking for wrong keywords ;))21:00
U-DinlowI'd like to get my geforce4 card to output to tv - any help?21:00
Scunizisarah____, do you want ot access a pop3 account or setup a pop3 server21:01
DanaGIf I were to get a desktop again, I'd definitely want a keyboard with a touchpad.  Much less RSI-inducing than my MX700 mouse.21:01
h3sp4wnThis hp has a nipple and a touchpad but I use an external mouse21:01
DanaGoh yeah, the HP 2510p laptop:  http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=390521:01
sarah____scunizi setup a pop3 server21:01
sarah____like ally@myisp21:02
SeveredCrossI've heard terrible things about HP laptops.21:02
* DanaG goes to point at the XKCD comic about the "eraser mice" -- in fact, they left out the term "eraser"21:02
sarah____i can use apache2 for that right?21:02
Scunizisarah____, probably can.. that one I don't know how to do.. might try in #ubuntu-server21:02
DanaGThis is a business one, not a consumer one.21:02
jfmHi, on news.gnome.org, (FootNotes), it says the new version of Totem included in Gnome 2.22 has VLC support.  I would more information about this feature.   Thanks a lot.21:02
SeveredCrosssarah____: Er, Apache isn't for POP3.21:02
sarah____oh yeah..21:02
sarah____i know a few pop3 apps though21:02
sarah____just havn't tried any yet21:02
ScuniziSeveredCross, sarah____  oops.. wrong spot..21:02
KalElstuck with a tracker-search-tool bug21:03
KalElunfortunately cannot even compile it myself for some reason :(21:03
sarah____dovecot might be good21:04
* tanner_ waits until a Thinkpad X series has: widescreen, expresscard, outdoor capable screen, and 6 hours battery life21:04
h3sp4wntanner_: Is there an X series with a quadro ?21:05
tanner_h3sp4wn: nVidia?21:05
tanner_i believe all the X series use integrated graphics21:05
tanner_ill check though..21:05
cyclonuthowdy folks21:05
h3sp4wnMy X series uses a radeon mobility (pretty old)21:06
* DanaG wants something 14" or 15" with an upper-midrange GPU.21:06
h3sp4wnwith xig's x server its cool though21:06
DanaGZig, for great justice.21:06
sarah____hey Raspberry take a look at this21:06
DanaGOr something like that.21:06
sarah____now that is neat21:06
cyclonutso, the newest intel driver fixes troubles with exa. However, I have xaa forced in xorg.conf. I have been seeing performance decreases that indicate EXA may be working, instead of xaa. how might I check whether xaa or exa rendering is in action?21:06
h3sp4wncyclonut: /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:07
tanner_h3sp4wn: i'm pretty sure the integrated intel graphics are superior to the older radeons :P21:07
h3sp4wntanner_: perhaps technically - I guess with xig's intel driver would be much better21:08
cyclonutxig's driver?21:08
cyclonutare there custom intel drivers written?21:08
e\ectro_sarah____: what kinda laptop is that?21:08
h3sp4wnxig has one you can have if you pay for it21:08
h3sp4wn(you can get a demo)21:09
cyclonuth3sp4wn, how do I get in touch with this xig?21:09
sarah____i think its a new "concept" by IBm e\ectro_21:09
e\ectro_sarah____: looks very nice21:09
tanner_h3sp4wn: i'm not sure how relevant it is anymore given the full specs to intels graphics cards are now open :-\21:09
sarah____i want ti!21:10
sarah____want it*21:10
h3sp4wntanner_: Well the full specs for those ati chips were also open21:10
h3sp4wnstill the ati drivers suck/sucked whilst xig's did not21:10
oxigenis Ubuntu Brainstorm available for download like is MediaWiki?21:10
* DanaG now really does want an ATI for next time around.21:10
DanaGI'm sick of nvidia, and I'm willing to take a temporary performance (or even reliability) hit for the sake of being free of nvidia blob.21:11
sarah____e\ectro_ "In addition, Lenovo company has shown photographs of a new concept laptop Thinkpad Reserve Edition. According to the web resource Notebook Italia it will be a powerful laptop (probably will be built on the platform Santa Rosa). Most likely it will be similar to Lenovo Super Sexy “Yoga”, which won the award Red Dot Award for design."21:11
oxigenDanaG: what's wrong with nvidia?21:12
Adysa lot of things21:12
Peter-Hi, could someone help me with Urban Terror?21:12
e\ectro_sarah____: hopefully equipped with SSD :)21:12
DanaGHP one offers SSD.21:13
sarah____would be nice21:13
DanaGOh yeah, and now there ARE 5400rpm 1.8" drives.21:13
bhsxis there a app to fix grub in the livecd?21:13
e\ectro_rpms are a thing of the past21:13
gaminggeekanyone else finding that flash doesnt like sharing sound anymore?21:13
e\ectro_gaminggeek: I know that firefox 3.0 doesnt really care for youtube that much]21:14
* DanaG thinks it's stupid having PulseAudio installed and enabled by default WITHOUT any of the supporting packages (such as libflashsupport).21:14
sarah____i dont know if i want thinkpad x300 or macbook air!21:14
DanaGWatch me perform an impression of Flash:21:14
gaminggeekI dont see why we even need pulse21:14
oxigenis Ubuntu Brainstorm available for download like is MediaWiki?21:15
e\ectro_sarah____: the macbook air is so sexy though21:15
tanner_sarah____: you just have to decide if you want looks, or functionality21:15
gaminggeekall it does atm is add problems21:15
mneptokmove xig. for great justice.21:15
gaminggeeknot ready for prime time IMHO21:15
sarah____right, the air is sexy, but with only 1 USB port, i cant have my ipod or my mouse at the same time21:15
DanaGPulse is sweet if you have multiple audio devices.21:15
sarah____and only a 60gb harddrive, thats too small21:15
RAOFDanaG: I thought libflashsupport was now a dependency of flashplugin-nonfree?21:15
e\ectro_sarah____: USB hub21:15
sarah____but i think you can get an external harddrive21:15
Peter-No-one cant help me on Urban Terror problem?21:15
sarah____USB hub?21:16
tanner_sarah____: dont forget, the air's port is obfuscated, so you may have problems connecting devices21:16
poseidonHow do I edit the appearance of the menus, etc?  I don't want everything to be brownish orange, I prefer more of a blue.  Is there a way I can do this?21:16
DanaGHmm, maybe it is, but the GUI tools are missing.21:16
tanner_e\ectro_: defeats the point of mobility having to carry a hub ;)21:16
RAOFDanaG: Yeah, that's true.21:16
sarah____e\ectro_ good idea, totally forgot about the hub21:16
e\ectro_sarah____: yeah, http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatSectionView.process?Section_Id=20596621:16
RAOFOr you could just have a bluetooth mouse, of course.21:16
mneptoksarah____: are you looking for a nicely portable laptop? or specifically a UMPC?21:16
DanaGAnd if PulseAudio crashes, then it can make media player apps start to rapidly DESTROY ALL MEMORY.21:16
RAOFDanaG: Oh, _that's_ what causes it?21:17
sarah____lightly portable, and functional21:17
sarah____and dont forget about looks! :)21:17
gaminggeekok I have libflashplayer21:17
e\ectro_sarah____: macbook air it is ;)21:17
DanaGI think HP looks cool.21:17
sarah____although, it will set me back a few weeks paycheck!21:17
DanaGI'm going to get the 15" DTR HP business one.21:17
mneptoksarah____: i can higly recommend the Lenovo V200. i have one, and love it. and i know a thing or two about Ubuntu and hardware. :)21:17
DanaGAnd I'll get a case sticker of the Heron!21:17
e\ectro_sarah____: thats what boyfriends / husbands are for21:18
sarah____haha lol21:18
gaminggeekbut flash/paulse doesnt like it if I have banshee open at the same time as a flash video is playing21:18
sarah____e\ectro_ wanna pay for mine? jk21:18
e\ectro_sarah____: my wife is the same way, just shoes and bags21:18
tanner_O.o @ e\ectro_21:18
sarah____e\ectro_ do you know if the air will be replaced by a newer one anytime soon? kinda like with all those ipods/iphones each were replaced with a better model21:18
AdysWhat's the difference between uninterruptile and running status for processes?21:19
e\ectro_sarah____: its inevitable21:19
e\ectro_sarah____: only question is when..21:19
sarah____i remmber the iphone21:19
RAOFAdys: Uninterruptible often means "blocking in the kernel", IE: it's not possible for this process to recieve a signal.21:19
e\ectro_sarah____: right now I'd rather have the android21:19
sarah____was around $4-500 and then, it dropped around $200?21:19
* DanaG admits: he does like HP a little bit too much (minorly fanboyish, but not like the "omg they can do no wrong" Apple fanboys).21:22
orvokkiHmm, I suppose I could've checked for nvidia-glx-new bugs before trying out Hardy. ;>21:24
tanner_its always interesting seeing the apple fanboys go crazy on places like.. digg.com, engadget, etc21:24
Gupphrm i have a problem that i cant enable eth0 for some weird reason21:26
DanaGI'm more like just somebody who goes "hey, look at this!  hey, look at this!  hey, look at this!  hey, look at this!  " (pointing to different things) perhaps a big annoyingly much.21:26
marlunHow can I disable the use of proprietary grpahics (ATI) drivers from console? I enabled it and now as soon as I come into gnome the screen turns white.21:26
DanaGHeh, anybody else think this looks like an RROD'd xbox 360?  http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8355585&type=product&id=117711231443221:27
mneptokmarlun: switch to another virtual console and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"21:29
caesa1help! I changed my screen resolution to 1280*1024 upsidedown, and now all I can see is the mouse. How do I change the resolution in a different init?21:29
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buttterzadinc , ping!21:29
buttterzcaesa1 , i don't understand in a different init21:32
Guppsomeone knows how to change mac address so eth0 will be recognized?21:33
Guppbecouse now it is different from  te .vmx21:33
Guppor is the change generated to static enough?21:33
buttterzcaesa1, in xorg.conf you can change your screen resolution if it isn't booting -- otherwise you can run a xconfig type program to reset the configuration21:33
caesa1buttterz, are you sure? I looked in xorg.conf, but I found nothing related to the resolution, like I usually do21:35
buttterzthats where it resides -- it has to be there21:35
DanaGDid you change it just as a user?  Does the login screen work?21:35
DanaGIf so, it's more likely a user preference.21:35
caesa1here, let me pull it up21:36
buttterzcaesa1 , its in the screen section.....21:36
xopherHow do I like, completely reset my sound / sound card configuration? Cause I can't get my surround/LFE working at all.21:36
caesa1Section "Screen"21:36
caesa1Identifier"Default Screen"21:36
caesa1Monitor"Configured Monitor"21:36
caesa1Device"Configured Video Device"21:36
caesa1that's all that's in the screen section.21:37
caesa1um, DanaG. I did change it as a user. The login screen does work. I did it through preferences.21:37
DanaGHmm, I'll look where it's stored in gconf.21:38
orvokkiHmm, I seriously hope RC and final will be compatible with nvidia glob even though it's not officially supported by Ubuntu...21:39
buttterzorvokki , it should be considering its not part of a distrobution21:40
DanaGthis is one place I found some preferences about screen resolution:  /desktop/gnome/screen/21:40
buttterzyou have to authorize their installation and use.21:40
caesa1thanks, let me check that out.21:40
DanaGso, gconftool --recursive-unset /desktop/gnome/screen/21:40
DanaG(not root!)21:41
caesa1wait, not /desktop.21:41
caesa1can you tell me the full path?21:41
caesa1because ~/Desktop doesn't make sense. Why would there be a gnome folder on my desktop?21:41
DanaGThat's the path in gconf.21:41
caesa1or do you mean ~/gnome/screen21:41
caesa1oh ok21:41
buttterzcaesa1 , it should be there and change that with a known working resolution21:42
buttterzi mean you have to do this in your flavor of editor21:42
DanaGgconftool will unset it for you.21:43
DanaGThat'll let it go to defaults.21:43
buttterzi would set what you know21:43
buttterzto be known good.21:44
DanaGyeah, default/0/%gconf is the deepest file.21:44
caesa1ok, I think I understand your solution DanaG. I need to ask a few questions buttters21:44
caesa1what exactly is this default/0/%gconf ?21:45
caesa1is it a file directory, or gconftool directory?21:45
caesa1or a value to set something21:45
Assidhey dana21:45
rectec794613I need help upgrading to hardy21:45
robinsonjust did a clean install of unbuntu hardy beta.. Seems as though the HD is not responding. Like the OS stalls a lot..21:45
caesa1or what?21:45
DanaGIO scheduler in Hardy seems laggy -- especially when doing gparted.21:46
robinsonrunning dmesg, i have a lot of segfaults21:46
DanaGI'm copying an NTFS partition somewhere, and it's majorly bogging down the rest of the system.21:46
robinsonpossibly just a bad installatin?21:46
h3sp4wnDanaG: switch to another then21:46
caesa1well, I'm going to try that. I'll be back.21:46
buttterzrectec794613 , then i would say you shouldn't my friend21:46
h3sp4wnIf you have working ncq then deadline is pretty good21:46
buttterzplease don't yell.21:46
DanaGSwitch to another?  IO scheduler?  How?21:47
h3sp4wnIts in /sys21:47
DanaGMy 7k200-200 has NCQ, I believe.21:47
DanaGThe USB Fujitsu.... I haven't a clue.21:47
h3sp4wnthe file has the choices in21:48
rectec794613i cant get thru the upgrade21:48
rectec794613its stuck21:48
h3sp4wnIf you have a high quality scsi or fc setup then noop is the best21:48
DanaGnoop anticipatory deadline [cfq]  -- default on both.21:48
buttterzrectec794613 , ok -- whats the deal...21:48
DanaGWhat are the other choices?21:49
lime4x4anyone here running kde4 on hardy? Does it still use a xorg file yet for screen positions and such?21:49
rectec794613its stuck on installing this program called "unzip"21:49
sourcemaker will the next kubuntu release support more than one encrypted partitions?21:50
h3sp4wnDanaG: Well you are using cfq21:50
h3sp4wnDanaG: You can use noop, anticipatory or deadline21:50
h3sp4wnI wouldn't use anticipatory (drops throughput alot)21:50
h3sp4wnnoop probably not good except on high end disks21:51
DanaGHeh, one of my instances of folding@home was still running.21:51
h3sp4wndeadline maybe21:51
DanaGAnother thing that helped was schedtool-ing ntfsclone to SCHED_BULK or SCHED_IDLEPRIO21:51
rectec794613its stuck on installing this program called "unzip"21:52
buttterzrectec794613 , ok -- i mean i need more information than that21:52
DanaGHmm, seems like stopping that may have been enough already.21:52
buttterzrectec794613 , is this an important system that hasn't been backed up??21:52
rectec794613it hasnt benn backed up21:52
buttterzrectec794613 , and i'm assuming this is your main computer at home as well...21:52
buttterzwell first you shouldn't have installed a beta then haha -- but can you crap the upgrade and start over with it?21:53
buttterzor is it hardlocked21:53
sourcemakercan I use a encrypted file system for more then 1 partition? How does it work when starting kubuntu? Will I be asked for 2 or more passphrase?21:53
buttterzsourcemaker , what? are you using truecrypt21:53
rectec794613i can restart the copm but it will probably mess it up21:53
buttterzrectec794613 , it certainly will -- you need to try to restart the upgrade within now with the live cd in -- there is no real way to do this except halt the current if you are SURE its not moving anymore and restart the upgrade...21:54
sourcemakerbuttterz: no... luks...21:54
sourcemakerbuttterz: I have installed the kubuntu beta for testing21:55
buttterzsourcemaker , ok i don't understand what you are asking right now21:56
rectec794613I'm not so sure about this...21:56
Dr_willisIm not paranoid enough to use an encrypted filesystem. :)21:57
buttterzrectec794613 , then let it sit and your computer will stay the way it is -- this is just a bad situation for you -- there is no way really to resolve it without breaking the install process if its halted entirely21:57
* DanaG wonders how large of a drive he would need to keep at least two or three snapshots of a 200GB hard drive.21:57
DanaGI'd be using OS-specific backup things for each of Windows, Linux, and OS ("10, not X").21:58
rectec794613i'll see what i can do21:58
rectec794613btw its already halfway through21:58
DanaGOne big thing I'd want in a backup drive: firewire.21:58
DanaGUSB is like this:  "DMA?  Durrrh, never heard of it."21:58
sourcemakerbuttterz: the new installer of the kubuntu supports to use an encrypted file system... but I use different patitions for my user data... and os data... how does this work? I have then 1 passphrase for each patition? right?21:59
buttterzsourcemaker , yes.21:59
buttterzyou can make them the same though21:59
buttterzare you in the NSA haha22:00
robinsonlime4x4: anyone answer you yet? stepped away for a minute22:00
sourcemakerbuttterz: sure :-)22:00
buttterzi'm just kidding22:00
buttterzsourcemaker , then it would seem if you are NSA the more passwords the better encrypt away!!!22:02
bluefoxx8.04 is sweet!22:06
buttterzhaha you guys should start messing with andrew morton kernels not just new versions of ubuntu22:07
sourcemakerbuttterz: Well... NSA guys won't ask my questions... i think :-)22:08
buttterzsourcemaker , actually i'm trying to get an internship with them from union college (where i attend)22:11
_Angelus_why does hardy recocnize my hard drive as sata? :o22:12
DanaGOoh, deadline scheduler helps quite a lot!  Thanks, h3sp4wn.22:12
jin_Angelus_: that's how the new kernel works it seems22:13
_Angelus_reeding any drive as sata? LoL22:13
jin_Angelus_: it's just the naming I think22:13
_Angelus_when i went to configure LVM during install22:14
_Angelus_it said something like22:14
_Angelus_SATA bla bla bla ATA bla bla22:14
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lime4x4Robinson no22:15
bluefoxxhas anyone had luck booting from a SCSI drive using an adaptec adaptor?22:16
_Angelus_bluefoxx,  no , but i had a (luck?) getting my ATA recocnizze as SCSI or SATA22:16
bluefoxxbrb[booting friends comp into winblows]22:17
h3sp4wnbluefoxx: What is the issue22:17
orvokkiNow, that was interesting.22:18
caesa1hurrah, it works! Thanks DanaG and buttterz. There are still some bugs, so I may ask you questions later. But at least I can function.22:18
bluefoxxmy second computer wont boot off of the 50 pin scsi drive22:18
orvokkiAny ideas on how to get Gnome bars back except killing X session?22:19
orvokkiI seem to have slightly crashed this.22:19
bluefoxxit boots partly then hangs saying "grub" and lights the floppy  light22:19
orvokkiAh, whatever. I can afford killing it, I think.22:20
nextstepHello everyone I am having an issue with my wireless network being locked to 1mb ... can anyone help ?22:27
DanaGAll ATA drivers are now using the SCSI subsystem.22:30
axisysis there a way I can get tv listing in cli ?22:33
axisysinstead of visiting lets say tv.yahoo.com22:34
nextstepcan anyone help with a wireless issue in hardy ?22:40
robinsonhey. I was here just a bit ago whining about Kubuntu Hardy Beta w/KDE4 running VERY slow. I had segfaults for scim-ridge showing under dmesg.22:43
robinsonFixed it by installing "scim"22:43
robinsonnot sure what that does, but it is runny smooth as silk now22:43
robinsonHope this helps someone22:44
AnswerGuyscim is the "simple Chinese input method"22:44
robinsonfreaky.. So, really, nothing scim needs to even be installed?22:44
robinsonwonder why scim-bridge was segfaulting in the first place22:45
AnswerGuyUse for i18n of Chinese (and other Asian languages such as Korean, and Japanese)22:45
DanaGsimple _common_22:45
DanaGnot just Chinese.22:45
SilverDawnHey all, Ive had this issue a billion times but i just dont remember how to fix it, With compiz i have no boarders on the windows and i cant use my terminal (Nvidia gfxcard)22:45
robinsonwhatever the case may be, works now22:45
DanaGIT can also do Latex:22:45
AnswerGuyOops, sorry, my bad.  "common"22:45
DanaGr∠θ    jωL   ℜ + ℑ22:45
DanaGSee?  Nifty.22:45
SilverDawnIts like the window decorator isnt starting22:46
robinsonany idea why this package was causing my system to creep like the dead?22:46
robinsonin Alpha 6 release, by default, some scim keyboard icon was in the taskbar, and it worked fine. IN Beta 1, this icon is not present. Whatever package i installed place the icon back, and now the laptop works22:46
AnswerGuyWell, if the "scim-ridge" was depending on talking to the scim process (server/daemon) ...22:47
AnswerGuyThen it stands to reason that its constant efforts to connect to it (via some UNIX domain socket, for example) might make input very choppy22:47
AnswerGuySince it's a keyboard input processor that would be very bad.22:48
SilverDawnAnyone at all22:48
nextstepwtb wireless that works in Hardy ..lol22:48
SilverDawnHaving a window decorator is definitly nice....22:48
AnswerGuyApparently it's "smart common input method" BTW22:49
cyclonutnextstep, intel or broadcom wifi?22:49
robinsonnother question, then: in KDE4, how do i open a root file manager?22:49
clustyi am having problems with my webcam in hardy. it used to work with the uvcvideo driver22:49
nosrednaekimrobinson: kdesudo dolphin from a krunner will do22:49
clustynow not even the self compiled mod wont work22:49
clustyanyone got it running?22:49
robinsonmosrednaekim: i get an error that says "command not found!"22:50
robinsonit worked fine in KDE 3.5.922:50
robinsonmay just be something broken... it is a beta. afterall22:50
nosrednaekimrobinson: ah... kdesudo seems to be kde3 only.... try kdesu dolphin22:50
robinsonsame thing22:51
robinsonin the package manager, kdesudo-kde4 is installed, though22:51
nosrednaekimrobinson: run a "dpkg -L kdesudo-kde4" to see what files that package installs22:51
robinsonkdesudo is listed as a binary22:52
robinsongo figure22:52
nosrednaekimrobinson: whats the path to it?22:53
nosrednaekim /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kdesudo?22:53
robinsonlet me try with the full path and see what happens22:54
dandelhmm is it me or is firefox2 package not working right... it keeps launching firefox 3.0 only.22:54
nosrednaekimrobinson: try running "kdesudo dolphin" from a konsole instead of a krunner22:54
robinsonfrom konsole, i get a GUI popup that states "command not found!" No extra output in the konsole22:55
nosrednaekimrobinson: whats full path do? same thing?22:55
nosrednaekimrobinson: what about "kdesudo konqueror"22:56
robinsonsame thing with konqueror22:57
robinsonside note: command to make a symbolic link for /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b4 pointing to location /usr/lib/mozilla/pugins22:58
nosrednaekimln -sf source destination22:58
robinsonthank you22:59
robinsonhas there been any progress on getting GTK applications "pretty" in KDE4 yet?23:03
nosrednaekimrobinson: yeah... we are working on it23:05
robinsonYou're a dev?23:05
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nosrednaekimthough I'm not working on that specific thing23:05
robinsonboy, do i feel special! Thank you for working with me on the dolphin thing!23:05
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nosrednaekimhuh... not like I helped any <_<23:06
robinsonwhat is your area of expertise?23:06
robinsonhey, much better response that i would have gotten from microsoft :)23:06
nosrednaekimI work on configuration apps... working on the printer config app right now.23:06
robinsondo you have any information on why i cannot adjust the time and date?23:06
nosrednaekimrobinson: BTW... its not reccomended... but if you must run dolphin as root, give it a shot with sudo.23:07
robinsonI already moved the files i wanted using the konsole, but thanks23:07
robinsonActually, using the tip you gave me for the sym link23:07
nosrednaekimrobinson: and file a bug on that too.23:08
robinsonI wanted to map firefox 3 plugins to another location where the plugins seem to be installing. works fine23:08
robinsonwill do, gimme a few seconds23:08
robinsonwhat do i need to put as the package name, or shall i just put "i dont know"23:10
robinsondolphin-kde4, i assume23:10
robinsonoops, thanks23:10
twbHi, is there an ETA for new desktop-i386.iso in http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/ ?  If so, what is it?23:12
twb(The alpha images have disappeared.)23:12
robinsongot it:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdesudo-kde4/+bug/20686323:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206863 in kdesudo-kde4 "Kubuntu Hardy KDE4 - unable to open a root file manager" [Undecided,New]23:12
nosrednaekimrobinson: great23:14
marlunHow come it is so slow when controlling a computer through Vinagre even though I'm using it locally on a fast line? Window's Remote Desktop is a lot faster.23:16
twbWhat is vinagre?  An RFB/VNC client?23:18
marluntwb: yeah it's the new vnc client in HH.23:18
DanaGugh, ntfsclone seems to be taking a ludicrously long time.  It's getting quite horrible (1-digit MB/sec) throughput.23:19
DanaGdd_rescue (for the sake of not having to choose block size as with dd) gets at least 22 megabytes per second.23:19
googlahHi, was told to change to 2.6.24-11 to get the sound to work. anyone know where I could find this package?23:19
DanaG-12 has been fixed for sound, actually.  You just need the corresponding linux-ubuntu-modules package.23:20
twbmarlun: try enabling JPEG compression.23:20
robinsonin KDE4 systemsettings, where is the "Administrator" button so things can be chagned?23:20
googlahOh, I see. Well, I have the Intel HDA HD Audio on my motherboard. what could the corresponding ubuntu-module package name be_23:21
marluntwb: how? can't find any settings dialog in Vinagre...23:21
twbmarlun: I don't know; I don't use GUIs.23:21
googlahcould try it23:21
googlahthanks DanaG.23:21
twbmarlun: I think it's a choice the (VNC) client requests, rather than being set on the server.23:21
nosrednaekimrobinson: to tell you the truth, I don't know.23:22
nosrednaekimrobinson: what are you trying to change?23:22
googlahDanaG: Was already installed.. but doesn't seem to work anyway.23:22
DanaGOdd.  Anything in dmesg relating to sound?23:23
Agrajag-g'day, i'm having trouble with my keypad, i've got a standard US 105 key keyboard which is selected in keyboard prefs, but the keypad doesn't seem to work in any apps. xev reports the keypresses and has the KeyPress/KeyRelease events, and gives "XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (39) "9"" which looks correct (when i press the keypad 9)23:23
TuTUXG_sweet, suspend finally works on my t61p23:24
googlahDanaG: Looks good there.23:25
DanaGHmm.  Are the sound modules at least loaded?23:25
googlahI guess so, any clue how to check it out?23:26
robinsonnosrednaekim: sorry , got distracted and found a related bug report that may also help with the kdesudo issue.. Check this out: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/18449123:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184491 in kdebase-workspace "[KDE 4] Cannot get admin privileges in KDE4.0 System settings (Date/Time, Login Manager)" [Low,Confirmed]23:27
DanaGHmm, lsmod | grep snd   -- don't paste it; just look if anything seemse relevant.23:28
jessica_hi dose anyone know how to control my fan speed sins putting hardy on my fans running at low speed and my laptop is getting very hot23:28
mneptokAgrajag-: numlock?23:28
googlahYeah, all is there DanaG. The sound control says HDA Intel too, just that I have no sound23:29
DanaGOdd.  Try running alsamixer in the console and experimenting with the various sliders.  Gnome's volume control hides most controls by default.23:30
Agrajag-mneptok: what about it? was that a question?23:30
Ngwhat should I be doing if acpi-support's sleep.sh works, but pm-suspend doesn't?23:31
mneptokAgrajag-: yes, is numlock on?23:31
jessica_how can i control my fan speed23:31
mneptokAgrajag-: if not, that's why the numpad does not output Arabic numerals23:32
googlahDanaG: Okay, I will try do so. That layout was cool, btw. :)23:32
Agrajag-mneptok: clearly it is on, as xev reports the XLookupString, as i already said.23:32
googlahThe command line design/layout for alsa-mixer.23:34
Agrajag-eh.. i figured it out. "Allow to control the pointer using the keyboard" was ticked. i wouldn't have ticked it, something must've happened during the dist-upgrade i guess.. weird.23:36
Agrajag`Agrajag-, so numlock works like normal and all the other keys are non-functional?23:36
nosrednaekimrobinson: apparently, its a upstream bug23:37
jessica_how can i change my fan speed23:38
SilverDawncan anyone here name a good audio player23:39
SilverDawnI dont know much about graphical ones i always just used mpd and xmms2, But now im trying desktops out :P23:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:40
SilverDawnNo issues23:40
SilverDawnJust lookin a nice player23:40
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:40
jessica_dose anyone know about chaning my fan speed23:40
jessica_ok thanks23:40
rexy_warning though23:40
rexy_know what you are doing, it will happily shutdown your fan if you configure it wrong23:40
jessica_ok thanks23:41
jessica_ill be cearful23:41
DanaGLaptop fans actually rarely are controllable.23:42
DanaGWhat brand laptop?23:42
rexy_hmm yeah laptops are a different matter, my dell does it automaticly23:42
rexy_whats the advantage of pulseaudio(vs using just alsa or esd/arts23:43
RAOFrexy_: I get to stream whatever audio I like over to my server connected to a stereo, rather than the anaemic lappy speakers.23:45
rexy_heu that's not new r unique to pulse though23:46
RAOFTrue.  You could _kinda_ do that with ESD.23:47
DanaGUgh, ntfsclone is giving me only 6 megabytes per second.  What's up with that?  It's pathetic!23:47
hischildcould i please get a hand in getting my atheros 5007EG working?23:50
DanaG60GB / (4 MB/sec) = 4.3 hours.  Ridiculous.23:51
hischildscrap that request, it's fixed23:51
DanaGAnd ntfsclone doesn't even give an indication of progress.23:51
plus_MHi, I'm trying out Kubuntu KDE 4.0 8.04 beta in virtualbox, but I can't seem to get the resolution above 800x600.  I explicitly gave some available resolutions in xorg.conf, but it doesn't seem to be accepting them23:54
bhsxi have everything set in power management for brightest display, but i still can barely read my laptop screen....  anyone know how to go in and 'manually' up the brightness?23:54
bhsxfn +f9/10 doesn't work23:54
drsaltoni have a similar problem.. my brightness gets darker as I turn it up, and brighter as I turn it down23:54
bhsxi have to use the ati-supplied driver settings in windows23:55
hmullerWhere does gnome-mouse-properties store it's settings?23:57

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