
psyke83_MMA_, I've got the fix for deluge ready, one min00:59
_MMA_hahaha. :P01:00
psyke83_MMA_, it's more difficult to fix that I imagined, this is the best I can do: http://connogriofa.googlepages.com/gtkrc01:03
psyke83it's still dark text, but the "unfilled" background is lighter01:03
* _MMA_ grabbs01:04
psyke83if I lighten the text, then the expander arrows in gconf/nautilus will break; we need to find a way to fix that better01:04
psyke83despite the hack, it looks nice IMHO ;)01:04
_MMA_(testing now)01:06
_MMA_I can see the text now. :) What else will this effect?01:07
psyke83nothing, I can guarantee you that.01:07
psyke83(I don't know, heh)01:07
psyke83I think it only effects that particular widget, but we need to test01:08
_MMA_Cool. :P01:08
_MMA_Are you happy with this for now?01:08
_MMA_Take tomorrow for testing?01:08
psyke83sure, we can do that01:09
_MMA_psyke83: I do have another "white text on white background case but this should be a upstream bug.01:10
psyke83in what app?01:10
_MMA_Audacity has this "Welcome" screen where it looks like they hardcode the background color to white. Which sux for white text.01:11
_MMA_(Im guessing they hardcode)01:11
psyke83is Audacity installed with UbuntuStudio?01:11
_MMA_I believe so. I think it came in at great user request.01:12
psyke83yes, that's hardcoded01:15
psyke83I'm not touching the theme for that, it's non-standard :)01:16
_MMA_Naa... We'll just file a bug. :P01:16
_MMA_Get some sleep. I'll spend tomorrow opening up and going through every app/dialog I can think of.01:17
kwwiibersace: btw, I had to change the gdm theme look again13:40
kwwiiit was vetoed from on high13:41
_MMA_kwwii: What?!!13:49
Cimiubuntu cairo package is buggied and causes glitches13:49
_MMA_Cimi: Best to file a bug against the package. Nobody in here can do anything about it.13:50
Cimi_MMA_, which version you're running?13:51
_MMA_No clue.13:51
Cimicould you take a look?13:51
_MMA_Not atm. Im trying to help work out a issue with xsane.13:52
* Cimi hates ubuntu and its mass patches, they ruin the original software in most cases13:52
Cimiok no problem13:52
_MMA_Even then, I cant *do* anything about it.13:52
Cimi_MMA_, just tell me if the bug is reproduceable13:52
kwwii_MMA_: don't hate me14:07
bersacekwwii: hi15:54
bersacekwwii: did you commited your changes ?15:56
bersaceactually i dislike the new enlighten pinken bg15:57
bersacekwwii: the bounding box is nice however16:05
bersacekwwii: could you make the backend a little more brown16:06
bersacerather than pink16:06
bersacekwwii: pushed updated HumanList16:08
kwwiibersace: yeah, I tried to stay away from pink but it might need a bit more tweaking16:32
psyke83kwwii, just curious, but is Human-Mod going to be accepted for Hardy?20:45
kwwiipsyke83: not sure yet21:04
psyke83kwwii, I found a bug in it (progress bars don't use the right orange background). I'm going to try and fix that for you, just in case you can include it21:05
kwwiipsyke83: please do, and send me a copy :-)21:05
psyke83I will :)21:05
psyke83kwwii, a little help, do you know the name of the widget that seems to be the same as GtkProgressBar? You can see it in Network-Manager, Deluge, Gnome-System-Monitor, but it's NOT the same as the bar in twf... any idea?21:39
kwwiipsyke83: nope, no idea what it is called21:41
kwwiiI wonder why they make an extra widget just for that21:41
psyke83apprently it's the same widget, but my theme doesn't seem to support it properly in some situations21:42
kwwiihehe, yet another bug in human21:43
psyke83kwwii, I've sent the update to your email addy, it's fixed now :)22:24
psyke83it's a bug that was exposed from the Color Picker stuff, not Human's fault this time ;)22:24
kwwiipsyke83: excellent got it22:35
kwwiiI'll look into it tomorrow22:36
psyke83sure thing22:36
kwwiior later tonight, depending ;-)22:36

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