
orbisvicisif the /debian/control specifies a different package than the original/older name can i set the new/(changed name) package to 'replace' the original package, that way dependencies can be met ?00:05
orbisvicisaka does the 'replaces' field in the control file work if the packages have different names ?00:12
slangasekthe Replaces field only makes sense if the packages have different names00:15
slangasekbut a Replaces field doesn't satisfy any dependencies.00:15
slangasekrecommended reading: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html00:15
orbisvicisi guess that was an awful explanation; let me read brb00:16
=== ember_ is now known as ember
orbisvicisthen explain better00:16
lifelessslangasek: so00:39
slangasekok, what wireless chipset?00:40
slangasekyou seem to have evaded the hal breakage, at least :)00:40
slangasekhmmmmm, I thought there was a 4965 bug open somewhere00:42
lifelessso I get online at the moment by iwconfig + nm00:43
lifelesshammer iwconfig at it enough and it comes up00:43
lifelessafter that its fine00:43
lifelessit may not be nm, but I blame nm before anything else. With historical reason :)00:44
slangasekpossibly "nm/kernel driver interplay", in this case; the new nm has just changed to make use of the improved kernel stack, which not all drivers support yet (incl. the iwl3945 and iwl4965 drivers we're shipping)00:45
slangasekso n-m may be making some... suboptimal choices00:46
mjg59slangasek: Erm. Got a bug#?00:46
slangaseklifeless: you might look through https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 to see if any of these 4965 bugs match your symptoms; otherwise, dunno00:47
mjg59The only new kernel stack I can think of is the new configuration stack, which is integrated in the mac80211 stack the iwl* drivers use00:47
mjg59FWIW, 4965 works solidly here00:47
mjg59Though I'm using n-m 0.700:47
slangasekmjg59: the mac80211 stack used by the iwl* drivers doesn't know scan_capa00:47
slangasekthere's a bug number, yes00:47
mjg59slangasek: Ah, ok. I think your summary is wrong, then :)00:48
slangaseksorry :)00:48
mjg59mac80211 is the stack everything is migrating to00:48
slangasekyes - but we have a forked version of mac80211 in l-u-m for iwl[34]*, and that version doesn't know scan_capa.  The one in linux-image does00:49
slangasek(don't ask me why we have two different versions of mac80211, that's beyond my ken)00:49
mjg59They're developed against the one in -wireless, which should always be identical or ahead of the one in -image00:49
slangasekthat would imply that scan_capa is going away again, that would be messy00:50
mjg59I suspect it might just be the case that the stuff in l-u-m wasn't updated appropriately00:50
slangasekanyway, bug #200950 is the bug00:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200950 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "[iwl3945] network manager not able to associate to hidden SSID (scan_capa = 0x0)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20095000:50
lifelessthat summary looks exactly accurate00:52
lifelessexcept for the chipset00:52
slangasekyou have a hidden SSID?00:52
slangasekfeel free to update the summary then, and poke asac about adding iwl4xxx to his quirk00:53
vorianslangasek: I'll fix keurocalc straight away.00:57
slangasekvorian: ok, cheers :)00:57
orbisvicisslangasek, thanks for the link, virtual package provides was exactly what i needed00:58
orbisvicisjust didnt want to debuild, then 1/2 hr later find out it actually wasnt correct00:58
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
hmullerAnyone know if there's a method to use hal to set xserver screen properties? (instead of manually editing xorg.conf after 'autoconfig')01:43
slangasekbryce: in what sense is 915resolution no longer supposed to be removed?  The conflict is still there, and my understanding is that the conflict is corret02:17
slangasekor maybe "that should be fixed" is "we should fix that"?02:17
bryceslangasek: yeah I don't know exactly what the situation is there, but I *believe* that we decided if they were using -i810 in gutsy, we weren't planning on rewriting their xorg.conf to use -intel, so we should check to make sure we aren't going to cause this bug in that case02:20
brycebut I'm not sure exactly what we intend to do here though, so assigned to timo to take a look at02:20
jdongbryce: hmm do you have any hints on why xserver-xorg-intel on GMA950, when playing xv after suspend+resume X freezes?02:36
brycejdong: no, I was just looking at that bug report though.  I have a 945 box here, I'll have a shot at reproducing it some time this week02:40
brycejdong: if you can post a backtrace, that could be quite valuable in tracking it down02:41
jdongbryce: what kind of backtrace, and how would I go about getting one?02:41
brycewe've only had a limited set of xorg changes recently that could account for it, so I think it's likely we can get it figured out02:41
bryceah, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingXorg for details02:42
brycebasically ssh into the machine after locking up, and attach gdb to the Xorg process and do backtrace full02:42
jdongbryce: ah, ok I'll give that a shot the next time I have a chance :)02:43
RAOFbryce: Are you aware of the proposed patch (attached to freedesktop bugzilla) for bug #194214?  I don't know enough X to really tell if it's good, but the guy sounds reasonably confident :)02:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19421402:46
jdongbryce: OF COURSE, when I TRY to reproduce it, it doesn't happen02:46
* jdong cries02:46
bryceRAOF, looking02:46
jdongbryce: ok from now on, I will tell you that X crashes each time before I suspend. That seems to do the trick.02:49
bryceRAOF: interesting, the patch so far looks fairly straightforward but it sounds like it's not super thoroughly tested.  I'd sort of prefer giving it more time to be tested before rolling it into hardy, but I could probably roll a .deb for people to test with meantime.  I'll put it on the todo list for tomorrow02:50
RAOFbryce: I'm very happy to attach a debdiff to the bug if that's easier for you.02:50
bryceoh yes that would be great02:50
bryceoh, I notice people have already posted debs, excellent02:51
RAOFI'm not sure which patch they're applying, though.02:51
RAOFThere was an initial hack patch, then the better version on freedesktop bugzilla.02:51
bryceah, then if you could also post a .deb for folks to test that would be handy too02:52
RAOFYeah, I will.  Time to update my i386 schroot.02:52
hmulleron bug #194214:  I experience similar results when using emacs (keys stick) , but the rumor is that mouse events trigger this (Hardy amd64 Beta+)02:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19421402:55
pwnguin(about john nagle's validator service) "This tool is regularly abused as a proxy server. At one point, somebody even built a call to it into the Debian build process because they needed to read HTTPS from some code that didn't know how to talk SSL."04:17
pwnguin"(That's been fixed.) "04:17
pittiGood morning06:14
pittievand, _MMA_: sane does not need the scanner group any more; dev permissions are dynamically assigned by hal now06:17
* StevenK tries to figure out what colour depth his X server is running in07:28
=== _r1__ is now known as _r1_
MithrandirStevenK: xdpyinfo?07:30
StevenKMithrandir: Yeah, remembered that as I hit enter. :-)07:30
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tjaaltonwhat's the procedure for getting new packages (= non-existing in ubuntu) from debian? fontmatrix seems useful08:13
ion_It will be done automatically for intrepid.08:15
tjaaltonI was referring to hardy08:15
ion_I’d guess it’s too late in the release cycle, but i don’t know for sure.08:16
zdzichuBGtjaalton: there a wiki page somewhere, which is called official way and is ignored by develoeprs08:19
tjaaltonzdzichuBG: right.. paperwork it is then08:20
sorenzdzichuBG: The official way is ignored by developers?08:22
zdzichuBGtjaalton: there is also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages08:22
zdzichuBGsoren: thinkfinger was requested by this page for two releases, even with links to debian packages and haven't been included in Ubuntu08:23
tjaaltonzdzichuBG: read that already08:23
sivanghi all08:23
sorentjaalton: What you need to do is file an FFe for it.08:23
sivanghmm, mvo is not online08:23
tjaaltonzdzichuBG: thinkfinger is in ubuntu08:23
sorentjaalton: When that's accepted, you just file a sync request.08:23
sorentjaalton: Well... The sync request could be written as an FFe, I guess.08:24
sivangdoes anybody know a reliable way to find out the component a package belongs to through python-apt ?08:24
tjaaltonseems that fontmatrix has been requested already, bug 19883708:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198837 in ubuntu "Sync fontmatrix from debian lenny or unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19883708:24
sorenzdzichuBG: Erm... A wiki page is not the correct way to request new packages in Ubuntu. I don't know why you think it's official.08:24
sivangcandidateOrigin's component attribute seems to be missing for package like distcc and alike08:25
zdzichuBGsoren: it was. now it states it Obsoleted and bug has to be reported in launchpad08:25
sorenzdzichuBG: So the page even says that it's not the right way to do it... It's hardly surprising noone is picking it up then, is it?08:26
* sivang waits for Michael to come online08:26
sorensivang: He's on holiday.08:27
sivanghi soren08:27
zdzichuBGsoren: it was official 1-2 years ago. Instructions on wiki.ubuntu.com stated, that in order to get package in ubuntu one has to add pointers to software in this page. Apparently process changed since then08:27
sivangand there nobody else who knows python-apt as good as he.. darn08:27
Fujitsusoren: When's he back? I have a question for him too.08:28
sorenNext week.08:28
sorenzdzichuBG: Right. We use wiki pages to track policies and such, and bug reports to handle tasks, bugs, etc.08:29
sorenzdzichuBG: ...because wikis make lousy bug trackers.08:29
sorenzdzichuBG: Basing statements like "foo is ignored by developers" on 1-2 years old empirical data is not very useful.08:31
zdzichuBGsoren: and louse archive tool, too. I can't find this wiki page right now, so I will back out my statement. Sorry.08:31
sorenzdzichuBG: Didn't you just say that it said the page was obsoleted and all that? Where did you see that if not on the page itself?08:32
zdzichuBGtjaalton: see the page I linked. Correct way to have package included in Ubuntu is described there08:33
zdzichuBGsoren: there was a page with long table of software, sorted alphabetically08:33
zdzichuBGsoren: this page was linked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionQueue or similar page08:34
zdzichuBGsoren: whole process involving wiki got obsoleted08:34
slangasekthe main inclusion queue is for getting software into main, not for getting it into Ubuntu as a whole...08:35
zdzichuBG(”This page is obsolete; please file a bug report for each package to be moved to main and subscribe [WWW] ubuntu-mir to the report.“)08:35
MithrandirzdzichuBG: I believe soren knows this, he's been contributing to Ubuntu for years.08:35
zdzichuBGMithrandir: I'm explaining myself08:36
sorenzdzichuBG: Basing statements about policy about A based on wikipages about B is not useful either. *Especially* when you don't even mention that when you're making said statements.08:38
sorenzdzichuBG: It happens to be correct, but as a general rule, I'd advise against it.08:39
zdzichuBGI'm sorry, I didn't meant to offend anybody.08:43
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sorenHm... I happend to notice that a package called "xenman" was removed from Ubuntu with a note saying that it had been renamed to "convirt", but "convirt" wasn't sync'ed. This seems unfortunate.08:47
sorenPackage removal is a completely manual process, is it not?08:48
Fujitsusoren: Some are manually requested, but others are semi-automatically imported from Debian.08:56
FujitsuI'm not sure how semi-automatic semi-automatic is, as the archive admin processes are very secret indeed.08:56
sorenNon-obvious != secret08:57
seb128Fujitsu: what is secret?08:58
seb128Fujitsu: it's all documented on the ubuntu wiki08:58
FujitsuAh, so it is.08:59
FujitsuSo it's "asks for confirmation [for each removal]" semi-automatic.09:00
seb128I don't understand the question09:00
FujitsuI'm not seeing a question.09:00
seb128Fujitsu: what is your issue then, what information would you like to know but is secret?09:01
Fujitsuseb128: Oh, I see you joined afterwards.09:01
Fujitsuseb128: soren asked about how manual removals were.09:01
soren09:47:59 < soren> Hm... I happend to notice that a package called "xenman" was removed from Ubuntu with a note saying that it had been renamed to "convirt", but  "convirt" wasn't sync'ed. This seems unfortunate.09:02
soren09:48:20 < soren> Package removal is a completely manual process, is it not?09:02
seb128ah, ok09:03
sorenI don't know... I guess I just expected that when a package was removed because it got a new name, the new package would be imported straight away without the need for a sync request.09:03
FujitsuI find it strange that removals were processed after the autosync was switched off.09:03
seb128why? we still do cleaning09:04
seb128soren: seeing the reason it's likely manual processing09:05
sorenseb128: That makes it even more strange why the new package wasn't synced, doesn't it?09:06
seb128not really09:06
sorenNo? Hm.. Is that how renames are usually handled?09:07
seb128if you ask me now to remove something because it has been renamed I'm likely to trust you, have a quick look and do it09:07
seb128soren: we get lot of ping on IRC, mails, etc, dunno about this one especially but if the request comes from somebody known and trusted it's likely to be done without a lot of checking09:08
FujitsuIsn't this why a bug trail is mandated?09:09
sorenseb128: Are we talking about the removal of the old package or the syncing of the new one? Or perhaps both?09:09
seb128soren: any archive admin request09:09
sorenseb128: Ah.09:09
seb128Fujitsu: well, bugs are the usually way, but we tend to try to minimize the paper work when it's not required09:10
seb128Fujitsu: I tend to do quite a lot of desktop syncs when asked on IRC rather than asking them to open a bug, then go to find the bug to close it, etc09:10
Fujitsuseb128: For syncs it's not so bad; the requester is generally recorded as the Changed-By.09:11
PecisDarbshi people, question about OpenOffice.org translations - how they get pulled in and how they get updated?09:31
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:48
seb128pawalls: hi10:20
seb128pawalls: want to discuss the mounts listed by gvfs?10:20
tkamppeterDoes someone know if pitti already came back from easter vacation?10:23
seb128tkamppeter: /whois pitti and read the away text there10:24
tkamppeterseb128 thanks10:37
pittihi tkamppeter10:44
pittitkamppeter: I'll upload your packages now, don't worry :)10:45
pittitkamppeter: sorry, I was out for a bit10:45
asac_lifeless: please test if the branch now associated with bug 200950 fixes your hidden connect problem for iwl496511:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200950 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "[iwl3945] network manager not able to associate to hidden SSID (scan_capa = 0x0)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20095011:08
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tkamppeterpitti, it was not primarily about the stack of packages, but that I have good news for you: bug #25966 is fixed. Bugs in the individual packages get now assigned to the packages.11:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 25966 in Ubuntu Hardy "NEW PACKAGE: Printer drivers for Brother needed" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2596611:11
tkamppeterpitti, Now the Brother packages are ready for Jockey.11:11
pittitkamppeter: right, I read it this morning; awesome job of Saivan and you!11:11
pittitkamppeter: looking forward to Austin and discussing how to integrate printer drivers into this11:12
tkamppeterpitti, should Saïvann appy for MOTU now?11:12
pittitkamppeter: he should probably collect some more experience (bug triage, bg fixing, freezes, packaging of free software and best practices, etc)11:13
tkamppeterpitti, I have a question about bug 139665. In the last comment in it there is a syslog with AppArmor messages about smaba files.11:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139665 in cupsys "apparmor profile error messages" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13966511:14
tkamppeterFor me it looks like that for Hardy this is no problem any more, as third-party backends, including smb, are excluded from AppArmor protection:11:15
tkamppeter/usr/lib/cups/backend/* Ux11:16
tkamppeterpitti, am I right»11:16
tkamppeterpitti, am I right?11:16
pittitkamppeter: in theory yes11:16
pittitkamppeter: however, that same relaxed profile is also in gutsy-updates11:17
pittitkamppeter: so I'd ask again for his version, and whether he uses the -update packages11:17
tjaaltonwhat happened to linda? it's not installable11:17
pittitjaalton: it got removed from Debian11:18
pittitkamppeter: I wouldn't mind adding some rm privs to /usr/share/samba, that doesn't hurt11:19
pittitkamppeter: depends on whether it's only through a third-party driver (and thus fixed now) or due to something built into cups itself11:19
Riddellcalc: whats the status of openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb ?11:19
tkamppeterpitti, CUPS is not talking to Samba directly. Using CUPS as a client to an SMB server is always done via the smb backend.11:20
pittitkamppeter: hmm, which is not covered by the AppArmor profile11:21
pittiso it should work11:21
tkamppeterpitti, thanks. Bug closed.11:25
pittitkamppeter: hm, I just followed up with that question11:25
pittitkamppeter: but anyway, if I get a negative response, I'll just reopen it11:25
tkamppeterpitti, I am also closing 153003, as the /dev/tty problem does not break printing and the other problems are fixed.11:30
pittiah, great11:30
tkamppeterbug 15300311:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153003 in cupsys "inode_permission error for cupsd on /dev/tty" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15300311:31
asacany idea if dpkg-genchanges is somewhat broken at the moment? -S -si yields http://paste.ubuntu.com/6057/ for me11:41
asacwhile it works in feisty11:41
asacand works in gutsy11:42
ogra_cmpcasac, do you work remotely and ahve a rinning display as asac on the same machine ?11:44
asacogra_cmpc: no thats locally11:45
ogra_cmpcdpkg-genchanges (or rather gnome-keyrig i think) does use a graphical PW prompt now11:45
asacogra_cmpc: doing the same in gutsy chroot works11:45
asacogra_cmpc: pw prompt? afaik it doesn't sign on its own11:45
asacogra_cmpc: the problem is that the orig.tar.gz is in the .changes ... even though i build with -si11:45
asaci hope that its not pw related :)11:46
ogra_cmpcheh, no11:46
ogra_cmpcbut the .changes need to know the md5 for the orig.tar,gz11:46
asacogra_cmpc: no thats the .dsc11:46
ogra_cmpcso that should indeed show up there11:46
asacit never shows up there11:47
asaconly in hardy11:47
asacfeisty, gutsy, dapper work :)11:47
asace.g. it just doesn't obey the -si flag anymore11:47
asac(at least here)11:47
asacogra_cmpc: you have ralink?11:51
asaccan you test hidden ssid if you have a minute?11:51
asacyou need to remove the connection info from gconf (through nm applet "Edit Connection ..")11:52
ogra_cmpcasac, you have ralink :) its in the classmate :)11:52
asacogra_cmpc: right ;)11:52
asacogra_cmpc: what do you have?11:52
asaci thought you had another ralink of a different kind11:52
* ogra_cmpc would have said now "all classmates are the same" ... but that doesnt seem true anymore ...11:53
asacogra_cmpc: does that work out of the box?11:53
ogra_cmpcbut ours are at least :)11:53
asaca friend complained that his rt73usb doesn't work out of the box in gutsy11:53
ogra_cmpci never tired hidden essid ... but for all other setups it works fine11:53
ogra_cmpcoh, ah, eh ... gutsy11:53
asacogra_cmpc: yes. hidden essid is special.11:53
ogra_cmpcno thats rather gamblinbg11:53
asacogra_cmpc: ok. so hardy is better11:54
asacgood to know11:54
ogra_cmpcgutsy did work depending on the moon phase only11:54
asacare there issues with just installing the hardy kernel in gutsy or should i advise him to upgrade?11:54
ogra_cmpchardy worked with all setups i have tried yet ... no idea about the kernel though, you will need new module-init-tools and udev additionally i think11:55
asaci think he should just hit dist-upgrade11:55
asacwe are at beta stage after all11:56
tkamppeterpitti, thanks for uploading all that packages which I have prepared the last days, now we had real bug closing fireworks. I have now also prepared hplip, see your mail.11:56
ogra_cmpcasac, yeah11:57
ogra_cmpchardy is far beyond wrt ralink11:58
pittitkamppeter: indeed :) uploaded hplip, too11:58
sistpoty|workpitti: please give back haskell-http on sparc, thanks!12:02
pittisistpoty|work: kicked12:02
* Hobbsee gently kicks pitti12:04
Hobbseeif i give pitti back, will he clone himself?12:04
* pitti plops back into existence fourfold12:05
* Hobbsee gives pitti back again12:05
Hobbsee8, or 16 now?12:05
pitti-ENOSPC on my desk12:05
tkamppeterpitti, thanks12:07
ogra_cmpcpitti, hey, you said you like ltsp, i could send you some terminals :)12:07
pittihah, great idea12:07
pittican then someone please clone my wife, bicycle, fridge, and laptop as well?12:08
ogra_cmpcyou want a bike riding harem ?12:08
Hobbseewith a fridge?12:09
ogra_cmpcno, with fat geeky girls i guess :)12:09
StevenKNo, pitti just doesn't like sharing.12:10
StevenKEven with himself.12:10
seb128pitti: do you have an option on whether desktop users should be in lpadmin or not?12:14
pittiseb128: IMHO no12:14
seb128pitti: can you add and configure printers without being lpadmin member?12:14
pittiseb128: no, that needs lpadmin12:15
seb128so you think desktop users should not be able to set up a printer?12:15
pittiprobably 'lpadmin' should have been just 'admin'...12:15
seb128I'm not sure I agree12:15
pittisame question as 'so desktop users should not be able to change the time zone', or install a package12:15
* pitti grumbles about a stale 5-a-day lock on lp bzr12:16
seb128I'm not sure I agree there12:16
seb128with admin rights you can break things12:16
seb128but adding a printer should be no issue12:17
pittiyou can enable printer sharing to the world with lpadmin, or reroute known printers to somewhere else12:17
seb128I'm wondering if it makes sense to have a desktop profile12:18
seb128that's just useless thing, you can't do anything as a desktop user apparently12:18
pittiwhy not?12:18
pittiit's exactly what I'd give to users at an university or an office12:18
pittior my wife on my computer12:18
seb128well, that's just an standard unpriviledged user then, no?12:19
pittii. e. audio, video etc. are fine, but no admin rights12:19
seb128we should have user and admin12:19
pittiseb128: hm, desktop user is audio/video/modem etc.12:19
ogra_cmpcprinter adminstration was possible before for nomal users iirc (with the older print tools)12:20
ogra_cmpcbut never with lpadmin12:20
pittiogra_cmpc: how?12:20
pitticupsys always required being in lpadmin to do administration12:20
ogra_cmpcpitti, i could manage print jobs and add/remove printers with gnome rpint tool  if i'm not totally wrong12:20
seb128pitti: alright, makes sense, I was just checking before changing, thanks ;-)12:20
seb128ogra_cmpc: you were likely in lpadmin12:21
pittiogra_cmpc: I doubt that12:21
pittiogra_cmpc: you didn't need a password or anything, but you did need the group membership12:21
ogra_cmpcand did we use that group for non admin users ?12:21
ogra_cmpci thought i remember it working with such users in ltsp12:22
ogra_cmpcbut i may remeber it wrongly ... you will know petter as the cups maintainer12:23
ogra_cmpcbetter as well12:23
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
_MMA_pitti: The issue is bug #205496. I'm going to grab a new daily to see if the problem persists there still. My installed Hardy still has this issue.12:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205496 in xsane "[Hardy]Xsane needs root to operate scanner" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20549612:34
seb128_MMA_: are you member of the scanner group or not?12:36
_MMA_seb128: I did enable it yes.12:37
_MMA_My 1st post in Bug #205628 shows how to reproduce.12:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205628 in xsane "[Hardy] xsane reports all devices as busy. (dup-of: 205496)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20562812:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205496 in xsane "[Hardy]Xsane needs root to operate scanner" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20549612:38
pitti_MMA_: hm, weird; you shouldn't need group scanner any more, for me it works perfectly without12:42
jdstrandzul: regarding bug #204612 , I saw it the other day (but haven't tried to reproduce it)12:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204612 in nut "nut 2.2.1-2.1ubuntu1 fails to install on Hardy Heron" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20461212:42
zuljdstrand: just tried it here locally in my vm and I wasnt able to12:42
jdstrandzul: the machine it happened on has upsmon enabled, but not upsd12:43
zuljdstrand: hmm...interesting anything in the log files?12:44
_MMA_pitti: It is odd. All 3 of my devices that xsane can see give me busy errors unless I open as root/sudo. This happened a little before beta. I'll see what the daily yields to try to narrow it down to a quirk on my installed system.12:45
ogra_cmpc_MMA_, did you notice that ~/.sane is owned by root automatically if you run scanimage as root ? it wont be writable for your user12:45
jdstrandzul: nothing out of the ordinary (grep ups /var/log/*)12:45
jdstrandzul: but I can't remember quite when I saw it12:45
_MMA_ogra_cmpc: I made sure to clear out any .sane folders and re-run as user.12:46
ogra_cmpcah, k12:46
jdstrand(I new there was a bug and moved on :( )12:46
zuljdstrand: I wasnt getting the udev messages like the user is in the bug12:46
jdstrandzul: oh-- I remember I got udev failed to restart or something too12:46
jdstrandzul: sorry I am not being much help here...12:46
jdstrand(with specifics)12:46
jdstrandzul: I was really just doing a 'me too'12:47
zuljdstrand: yep I got that as well but the upload fixed that and just double checked as well12:47
zuljdstrand: heh12:47
ScottKdoko_: For Bug #199014 (python-xml removal), only zsi remains.  bzed is looking at an svn snapshot for Debian to deal with it, but it's a non-trivial packaging effort.  zsi as is stands needs some substantial chunks from python-xml to work correctly.  I'm not going to have time to sort through it before release.13:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199014 in qm "python-xml removal: please drop/replace (build) dependencies" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19901413:01
Mirvbryce: hi. I don't think the current approachin gnome-control-center to apply a patch (104) to a patch (101) works, the i18n seems to be as broken as earlier. the patch I gave you was supposed to be applied (so as to update the existing 101 patch), not to add as a patch...13:02
Mirvbryce: could you do another upload and also test that the i18n works with a language of your choice?13:02
doko_ScottK: seen.I'll at move the package into a private directory probably, so that it gets out of sys.path13:03
Riddellevand: no-reboot and no minimise button changed made in kde_ui13:25
Riddellevand: do let me know when ui changes like that happen so I can make them happen in kde_ui too13:26
Riddellcalc: thanks for the minimise issue poke ^^13:26
pitti_MMA_: can you please check the ACLs of /dev/bus/usb/...?13:29
pitti_MMA_: and whether ck-list-sessions has a local session for you?13:29
\shhmmm..the compile archs for wine are written in the PAS file?13:31
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evandRiddell: will do in the future and thanks. fwiw, both were on my TODO list.13:52
Riddellevand: then I rephrase, "do let me know when ui changes like that happen so I can make sure they don't get too low priority on your TODO" :)13:54
sistpoty|workpitti: please give back haskelldb on sparc, thanks!13:56
evandRiddell: :)13:57
siretartRiddell: do you remember the dvd playing issue you asked me last week?13:58
siretartRiddell: FYI, I've filed bug #204563 about it13:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204563 in gxine "Update to gxine 0.5.901-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20456313:58
Riddellsiretart: this is gxine only?14:00
siretartRiddell: I couldn't reproduce it with totem-xine, but I have to admit that I didn't have to time to test other players14:01
siretartRiddell: you didn't answer my question what player you have used that time ;)14:01
Riddellkaffeine and xine-ui14:01
siretartok, I'll check xine-ui this evening14:02
siretartbut for gxine, I know that the version in hardy has serious locking issues.14:02
siretartdo you know if the feature freeze request is missing something?14:02
siretartif you have a sek to look at it only, of course14:03
Riddellsiretart: not that I can see, but its for the universe review team to judge14:05
siretartRiddell: err, both apps are in main14:06
siretartboth gxine and xine-lib, that is14:06
siretart(that's why I didn't bother with xine-ui too much, TBH)14:06
Riddellsiretart: Directory: pool/universe/g/gxine14:09
siretartoh? gxine got demoted? why doesn't anyone tell me!14:11
Riddellxine-lib too14:12
Riddellxine-ui too14:12
jdongcan a core-dev look at bug 188261 for me?14:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188261 in pm-utils "[debdiff] pm-utils modunload nonfunctional" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18826114:12
jdongIt's a trivial straightforward fix14:12
jdongmjg59: ^^14:13
mjg59jdong: I'm not a core-dev14:13
mjg59But pitti's been working on pm-utils14:13
jdongmjg59: wha? really??14:15
Mithrandirjdong: uploaded14:18
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buttterzhello, who would i talk to about committing a deb to the repository14:48
Lamegoprobably you should start at #ubuntu-motu, I am assuming it will be an universe package14:49
buttterzLamego , hello again -- its a truecrypt wrapper.14:49
buttterzLamego , appreciated -- i'll take care of it14:52
calcRiddell: ah yea :)15:10
calcRiddell: also if you continue to use the live cd after doing the install it shows all the dirs from the root of the cd on the desktop15:10
calcRiddell: not sure if there is a way to clean that up15:10
calcanyone know how I should make this work?15:11
calcLANG=es_US.UTF-8 oowriter15:11
calcit gives me this:15:11
calc(process:20108): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library15:11
calc(soffice:20108): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale.15:11
calcthen shows it in english for me anyway15:11
Lamegocalc, es_US ?15:11
ogra_cmpcyay for typos15:11
calcLamego: well es_MX does the same, etc15:12
calcspanish US15:12
calcnot typo15:12
ogra_cmpcthats actually existing ?15:12
Lamegothere is a spanish US ?15:12
calcit looks like it15:12
* ogra_cmpc hides again15:12
calceven es_ES.UTF-8 gives me the error15:12
ogra_cmpccalc, you did "sudo locale-gen es_US.UTF-8" before ?15:13
pitticalc: locale -a shows the existing locales15:13
calcogra_cmpc: no, i thought i had made it work in the past without having to do that15:13
Spadswe have a locale for US Spanish?15:13
calci must have just been testing various other countries english in the past15:14
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ogra_cmpces_US will be generated by the language-pack-es-base package i thik15:14
calcwell it works now after doing locale-gen :)15:14
Lamegoyou need to localcal-gen it, it is not generated by default, not if you selected an english install15:14
Lamegoonly en_* are generated if you select an english install15:15
ogra_cmpcwell, all others are generated by iunstalling the $lang-base packages15:15
calcnow i have to remember enough spanish from school to see if this bug is fixed :-) heh15:15
calcthe bug is fixed, yipee :)15:16
calc1 down 44 new to go15:17
calcis there a way to remove a locale i generated if i don't want it anymore?15:18
ogra_cmpcwell, --purge as option to locale-gen would wipe all of the existing ones and only newly generate the one you gave15:19
calcogra_cmpc: or can i just manually remove whatever it generated somewhere on disk?15:20
ogra_cmpcno idea15:20
ogra_cmpci usually use the tools for that15:20
calclooks like it creates a dir under /usr/lib/locale (sounds like a FHS violation)15:20
calcyea rm'ing that dir made it go away from locale -a15:21
ogra_cmpccalc, sudo locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8 && sudo dpkg-reconfigure language-pack-en-base15:21
ogra_cmpcthat will give you all en locales back and delete everything else in advance15:21
calcogra_cmpc: cool :)15:22
calcnow i can test various locales without causing problems :)15:23
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calcogra_cmpc: local-gen --purge doesn't seem to do anything15:31
calcdoh nm15:31
ogra_cmpc       --purge15:31
ogra_cmpc              Remove all existing locales before processing.15:31
ogra_cmpcman locale-gen15:31
calci thought i had a root console but had already exited it when i ran the command15:31
calcnow it works :)15:32
* calc goes to find some caffeine15:32
ogra_cmpcusually if i give lines like the above you can copy paste them :) old supporter habit ;)15:32
calcfor some reason doing that doesn't change the line in15:33
ogra_cmpc(if my fingers didnt play tricks on me with the classmate keyboard indeed *g*)15:33
lagausually i tell people to read the manual.. different school of support, i guess ;))15:33
calcso if you manually add a locale with locale foo it adds it there but when you purge it doesn't update it15:33
ogra_cmpclaga, 1.5years of #ubuntu tought me that ...15:34
calclaga: there's not really a manual in this particular case wrt running dpkg-reconfigure on the lang pack, etc15:34
lagaogra_cmpc: heh.. yeah. also the manual is often non-existant15:34
lagacalc: i know15:34
lagai wasn't being serious15:34
calcogra_cmpc: thanks for the help :)15:34
ogra_cmpccalc, well, the sudo locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8 should have cleared it according to the manpage15:34
ogra_cmpcbut you need to have a new locale as option as i understood it15:35
calcogra_cmpc: it clears out the files in /usr/lib/locales/ but didn't seem to update the static local file in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local15:35
calcnot sure if that really hurts anything or not15:35
ogra_cmpci'm not sure how the backend stuff works here, pitti would though15:35
pitticalc: right, it should remove it from supported.d/local, but it's only a minor bug15:36
calcpitti: ok15:36
calcpitti: i don't know enough about locales to know if it was a big issue :)15:36
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asacTheMuso: awake still?16:41
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LaserJockpitti: I'm uploading a squeak package that's not going to go to source NEW16:55
pittiLaserJock: what do you mean?16:55
LaserJockI'm keeping the naming scheme and licensing of the current packages16:55
LaserJockso it won't go to source NEW16:55
pittiah, I see16:55
LaserJockbut the -sources and -image packages will16:56
pittias you wish16:56
pittiLaserJock: was the licensing situation clarified?16:56
LaserJockdo you want me to split them up so they aren't native?16:56
LaserJockpitti: not terribly well16:56
pittiLaserJock: if they are in Debian, they should be as close as possible to Debian; if not, it doesn't matter much16:56
LaserJockpitti: the author seems to have amnesia about how he licensed his software16:56
LaserJockpitti: well the debian package is an svn snapshot and will be MIT16:57
pittinon-native is always better, of course, but not if it's too much trouble16:57
LaserJockpitti: but the package doesn't work at all16:57
LaserJockso I'm keeping the naming scheme that is used in Debian (and what we were using before) but with the stable packages16:57
LaserJockfor Hardy I'd rather have packages that actually work16:58
LaserJockand for Intrepid we can sync up with Debian16:58
LaserJockas I'm assuming by then the package will have the bugs worked out16:58
ogra_cmpcnot having a working squeak for an LTS would pretty much harm us in the edu world16:58
ogra_cmpcLaserJock, btw, did you ever try it on a classmate ?16:59
LaserJockno, I didn't even think about it16:59
LaserJockI guess since they use it on the OLPC it would be a good thing to try16:59
ogra_cmpci'll do as soon as we have working packages17:00
aguthrieis there a reason why people still have to configure their mice manually using xorg.conf? surely it would be easy to recognize the mouse and automatically set this up so all mouse buttons work by default17:00
LaserJockaguthrie: I've never heard of anybody having to do it manually17:01
jeromegLaserJock: maybe he speaks of 5 buttons mice17:01
ogra_cmpcLaserJock, well, you didnt meet people with 27button mice , fingerprint reader and coffe machine included yet i guess17:01
aguthrieI do17:01
jeromegi've heard some people complaining about this17:02
aguthriewell, most mice have back/forward buttons today, no?17:02
* ogra_cmpc doesnt have one among 20 he owns17:02
aguthrieI mean, I guess most people who use those are power users who could figure out how to set it up with xorg.conf...17:02
aguthriebut I just don't see why the It Just Works mentality hasn't been implemented with this17:02
jeromegaguthrie: the main problem is that the config is different for almost every mouse, so it's not easy to set ;)17:03
ogra_cmpcaguthrie, there is work going on in hal for such stuff17:03
jeromegthere does not seem to be a standard17:03
ogra_cmpcbut that will still take a while (not hardy)17:03
aguthrieogra_cmpc: where can I find out more about that?17:03
aguthriejeromeg: yeah, but there are only so many mice...17:03
ogra_cmpcread the HAl mailing list at freedesktop org17:03
aguthrieogra_cmpc: ok17:03
ogra_cmpcX input is supposed to completely go to hal eventually17:04
ogra_cmpckeyboards as well as other input devices17:04
ogra_cmpcbut as i said, not hardy ...17:04
aguthriehmm... looks like there was a Google SoC student working on that in summer of '07, but there doesn't seem to have been much progress since then17:14
Ngwin 13617:14
jpatrickNg: again? :)17:18
Ngyes, I fail at IRC ;(17:18
ogra_cmpcjpatrick, he wins a lot here17:18
ogra_cmpcall day17:18
LaserJockI need like: win $100000017:19
jpatrickogra_cmpc: haha :)17:19
slangasekpitti: thanks for the e2fsprogs upload17:26
pittislangasek: you're welcome17:28
alex-weejare theme bugs good to be fixed? or is there some kind of UI freeze?17:35
slangasekthere is a UI freeze17:35
alex-weejtooltips in murrine-human aren't using the right keyword17:35
alex-weejso they appear grey and without any padding17:35
seb128alex-weej: hardy will use ubuntulooks anyway17:36
slangasekthat would be an appropriate bug to fix, too, IMHO17:36
alex-weejoh it's being reverted?17:36
alex-weejactually, the Human theme on my system never changed to murrine17:36
alex-weeji just keep seeing it in people's pointless screenshot tour blogs17:36
evandRiddell: Do you have any more casper or ubiquity changes you'd like to get in before I send them to the buildds?17:45
Riddellevand: no (I'm onto oem-config now)17:46
pittiseb128: does nauttilus actually open f-spot for you if you plug in a camera?17:47
pittiseb128: actually, both nautilus and g-v-m are supposed to handle it, but ATM nothing happens at all for me; for you, too?17:47
Riddellevand: I did send casper to the buildds already17:50
zulthom: ping (re: puppet)17:56
seb128pitti: I've be disconnected, did you get my reply?17:59
evandah, so you did.  OK17:59
slangasekScottK: hmm, do you have any idea what's going on with bug #192622, then?  It's been milestoned, I'm not sure whether it should be but if it should then that puts it on my nag radar :-)18:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192622 in kdesudo "[Feature Freeze Exception]New upstream release (kde4 port)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19262218:05
* ScottK looks.18:05
ScottKI'll have to ask.18:06
Riddellslangasek, ScottK: that can be closed, we have kdesudo-kde4 now18:06
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.18:06
ScottKSo marked18:07
slangasekyay, thanks :)18:07
thomzul: yo?18:08
zulthom: i was looking at the puppet stuff and there is a sync request but ubuntu-archive is not subscribed was that intentional?18:09
tsmithehi. could someone take a look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12847770/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-hppa.mscore_0.9.1d%2Bdfsg-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:09
thomprobably not18:10
tsmitheit seems that pdftk on hppa depends on libgcj6, which doesn't exist. in fact, on other architectures, pdftk depends on libgcj8-1, which does exist. what's up with hppa?18:10
thomi think requestsync was bust for me18:10
thomso i c'n'pd, obviously missed the sub18:10
zulthom: i guess it needs to go through motu-release now as well18:10
thomwe really don't particularly want to ship current puppet, it's pretty bust18:10
zulah ok18:11
slangasektsmithe: what's up is that pdftk isn't up-to-date on hppa18:11
slangasekso it probably had a FTBFS18:11
slangasekhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/pdftk/1.41-2 is bound to tell you more18:11
tsmitheslangasek, yeah - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12293105/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-hppa.pdftk_1.41-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:12
tsmithesegfault in compiling18:12
tsmithedoes it need a re-upload to try again? how would one debug a segfault in the build process on hppa?18:13
slangasekno, you don't reupload just to make the buildd retry18:13
tsmithedidn't think so18:13
slangasekyou talk to the porters / buildd admins18:13
Riddellevand: oem-config changes committed, are you planning an upload?  I see a bunch of changes that havn't been uploaded for a couple of weeks18:13
slangasekdebugging -> get access to an hppa, or harrass the porters to do it :)18:14
ScottKtsmithe: For hppa that's lamont18:14
tsmitheScottK, slangasek, thanks :)18:14
tsmithelamont, are you available?18:15
lamonttsmithe: if it's a reproducible segv, then it's "get on a machine"18:15
lamontif it's not so reproducible, well, sometimes that happens... :-(18:15
lamontinfinity: you wanna give back pdftk on hppa18:15
tsmithei'm not sure if it's reproducible... i don't have an hppa machine to check18:15
lamontScottK: what package did you want given back in dapper-backports again>?18:16
lamonttsmithe: the simple check is to give it back and see if it does it again... == "reproducible" :)18:16
tsmithei'm not familiar with the term "to give back" ;)18:16
ScottKlamont: postfix on all archs except i386.18:16
lamonttsmithe: it's buildd-admin speak for "have a buildd try it again"18:18
lamont(give it back to the pool of needs-build stuff)18:18
slangaseklamont: we should start saying "zurückgeben" for clarity18:18
ogra_cmpcslangasek, why did you unmilestone bug #198157 ?18:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198157 in ltsp "ltsp-update-image: /opt/ltsp/i386 is hardcoded in some places" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19815718:18
tsmitheah right, cheers. then, if that succeeds, i could request mscore be given back?18:19
Trollinatordid anybody here ever write a kernel module? I can't compile my kernel module because it doesn't find the necessary include files :/18:19
lamonttsmithe: well, inifinity is really the right one to abuse^Wrequest it of.18:19
lamontI am occasionally willing to abuse my admin-privs for hppa stuff, but I shouldn't, so I tend not to...18:20
slangasekogra_cmpc: because the milestone list needs to be usable as a list of "these things block the release"; IMHO that one should not - please still fix it as intended, but if you don't have time, that looks to me like a fix we can live without18:20
tsmitheok, thanks. infinity, ^^ :)18:20
infinitylamont: given-back.18:20
infinitylamont: Of course, I doubt the ICE was transient...18:20
ogra_cmpcslangasek, damned ... i should stop using it as personal TODO list then i guess :)18:20
slangasekprobably not, it's gcj18:20
lamonttsmithe: ICE (internal compiler error) != SEGV..18:21
infinityslangasek: Yeah, exactly. :/18:21
tsmithelamont, hmm ok18:21
lamontgcj?  hppa?  yeah, like that's gonna work in hardy18:21
slangasekogra_cmpc: you may find https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ogra/+assignedbugs?orderby=status more useful :)18:21
ogra_cmpcslangasek, but you are right, its one of these "if i manage to not forget about it" bugs18:21
lamonttsmithe: failure of a java package to build on hppa/hardy is taken as a given, and certainly does not (should not) be taken as a defect in the package18:22
evandRiddell: I have no additional changes, so if you want to upload it, feel free.  Otherwise I'll take care of it after I upload ubiquity.18:22
Riddellevand: probably better if you do18:23
evandRiddell: will do18:24
tsmithelamont, to be fair, i've never come across an hppa machine, and i doubt mscore (for which pdftk, thus libgcj8-1) will have much use there, so i'm not too worried. i just like it to be clean on the stats :)18:24
slangasekinfinity: say it with me: "zurückgeben"18:25
infinityslangasek: I would, but then the Canonical.de contingent will think they've won.18:25
infinityslangasek: I don't need mvo marching around in my living room and plating flags in my couch.18:26
infinityplanting, too.18:26
slangasekinfinity: it's ok! he'll bring tea!18:26
lamonttsmithe: yeah.  me too.  the issue right now is that java and hppa aren't exactly speaking to each other18:26
mib_t3v1a82dHey guys, I just wanna make sure before I file this as a bug. I have Dell D830 with Nvdia Quadro NVS 140M. After I installed the Nvidia Driver it loads in a low-resolution. Everything was uptodate18:29
_MMA_mib_t3v1a82d: Try using nvidia-settings to set the res. Otherwise I still use a full xorg.conf.18:31
_MMA_mib_t3v1a82d: Is this Gutsy or Hardy?18:31
mib_t3v1a82dIt is hardy18:31
mib_t3v1a82dIn Gusty it was working pretty good18:31
_MMA_mib_t3v1a82d: Then #ubuntu+1 would be the best place to work this out.18:32
mib_t3v1a82dAh OK .. thanks18:32
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evandRiddell: can you merge your changes for casper 1.126 into trunk?  I think you forgot to bzr push.19:26
bryceMirv: actually that patch 101 comes from upstream and is autogenerated based on their git tree, so I'm trying to keep all "our" patches independent to that, so I can update patch 101 periodically as new stuff comes down the pipe, and leave our patches alone19:32
bryceMirv: but I'll redo your patch so it works properly and re upload19:32
Riddellevand: let me look19:43
zulslangasek: any thought on the samba ucf stuff?19:45
slangasekzul: "kill me now"? :)19:46
zulslangasek: heh how about reverting it?19:46
slangasekzul: I don't think that's a good idea19:46
slangasekthis is something that's been needed for a *long* time19:47
slangasekand not having it in hardy will just mean another 5 years of config upgrade problems19:47
zulyay! :)19:47
slangasekanyway, I have a 3.0.28a-1ubuntu1 merge in the works, which I want to finish up and get uploaded19:48
slangasekthen we can look at the remaining ucf issues against a clean background19:48
slangasek(grumble, need an Ubuntu samba branch, mutter)19:48
Riddellevand: should be it now19:49
zulslangasek: if you are too busy I could do it for you19:49
slangasekzul: I'm almost done with the merge, that's the easy part19:50
evandthanks Riddell19:50
slangasekzul: hmm, looks like one thing that will let us get a head start on the ucf stuff would be triaging of bug #20603619:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206036 in samba "package samba 3.0.28a-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20603619:54
slangasekthat's almost certainly ucf-related again, and we may need more detail about pre-upgrade config contents19:55
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Mirvbryce: ah, I understand. but ok thanks, waiting for it.19:57
shayasort of wondering why the vmsplice() security hole hasn't been fixed in gutsy?20:01
shayanevermind, I'm an idiot20:03
slangasekzul: 3.0.28a-1ubuntu1 uploading20:19
slangasek(includes the fix for bug #204703, fwiw)20:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204703 in samba "usershare: insuffisant permissions for anonymous login" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20470320:20
LaserJockslangasek: is removing dependencies on python-xml a release goal for Main in Hardy?20:33
seb128LaserJock: I think it's a doko goal rather ;-)20:34
slangasekLaserJock: uh... python-xml is in universe at this point?20:34
LaserJockslangasek: right20:35
LaserJockI'm trying to figure out the feasibility of doing a FFe for gcompris20:36
slangasekso hopefully there are no such dependencies left in main...20:36
slangasekconfirmed, there aren't20:36
slangasekif you're asking to add it back, that'll be a "no" then :)20:36
LaserJockI just found a Debian changelog entry saying they removed it20:37
LaserJockso I don't know if they added the dep between our version and theres or ...20:37
LaserJockso I guess python-xml is a non-issue20:38
ScottKLaserJock: We're down to zsi as the only python-xml depends in the archive once a few syncs are done, so please don't make it worse.  We are very close ...20:41
LaserJockScottK: no, I *thought* our current package had it because Debian mentioned removing it. Apparently it was added somewhere in between20:43
LaserJockScottK: I was trying to get rid of a dep, not create one20:43
ScottKLaserJock: Great.20:43
ScottKJust making sure ...20:43
LaserJockScottK: np20:45
Mezhmm, building a new pbuild of gutsy, dpkg segfaults setting up udev ...20:47
alex-weejwhat's the consensus on PackageKit? nothing decisive on the LP spec https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/package-kit so i'm wondering if there may be any interest in a policy-kit powered APT without the extra level of abstraction20:55
seb128alex-weej: not a priority for what I know, it doesn't bring a lot over what we have and doesn't reply to the need anyway since it's non interactive and deb can have questions, etc20:58
alex-weejall that in respect to PackageKit?20:59
alex-weejor p-k APT?20:59
alex-weejpolicy-kit APT that is20:59
seb128alex-weej: I think we have other things to solve before trying to switch to a less powerful package management tool20:59
alex-weejseb128: right, but i might be able to have a go at getting something going and it gives me an excuse to learn policykit20:59
seb128alex-weej: packagekit, policykit is a different topic but that's not really an apt thing20:59
alex-weejbasically i'm asking if it would be a good use of my time to create an APT frontend that runs over dbus21:00
seb128you should speak to mvo and glatzor about it21:00
seb128but what would the apt frontend talk to over dbus?21:01
seb128I'm sure that mvo welcomes patches if they are not too crackfuls ;-)21:01
seb128but making apt use dbus might not be that trivial21:02
slangasekyes, I'm looking forward to marking dbus as Essential: yes21:03
slangasekbecause the package manager doesn't work without it :)21:04
alex-weejslangasek: i didn't say apt-get needed to be replaced21:07
alex-weejit's for privilege separation more than anything else.21:11
alex-weejsynaptic still must be run as root21:11
TheMusoasac: I'm around now.21:21
asacTheMuso: thanks. i figured it out. (at least i hope :))21:23
TheMusoasac: Ok.21:24
_MMA_pitti: Thanx! The updates worked. Now hopfully SANE fixes my specific issue.21:35
LaserJockslangasek: would actually uploading hardy documentation for Edubuntu (there is only gutsy documentation now) need a FFe?22:03
mario_limonciellslangasek, it looks like gawk is suddenly gone on any DVD images generated after 2008-03-1822:03
tjaaltonasac: I know you are terribly busy, but could you update your nm-0.7 packages on your PPA some time?-) there's been some 3G love upstream that I'd like to try out22:05
asactjaalton: do the patches still apply?22:06
asacanyway, i plan to do that once i have a free minute :)22:06
tjaaltonasac: no idea.. I just noticed that there's been some progress upstream :)22:06
asaclets see ... running  bzr merge http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/network-manager/main22:08
tjaaltonasac: rock :)22:10
asacstrange .. how the hell can i get a conflict in configure.in?22:10
asaci branched from the same branch and didn't touch that upstream file according to blame22:11
tjaaltonasac: btw, a friend of mine managed to get 0.6.6 working with a 3G card using ppp, but to fully utilize it the 0.7 should be better :)22:11
asacoh shame on me ... i did touch it ;)22:11
lagaslangasek: can you please merge rev1286 from the mythbuntu debiancd branch into mainline? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/debian-cd/mythbuntu-debiancd22:29
lagaslangasek: here's the launchpad interface if you prefer that: https://code.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/debian-cd/mythbuntu-debiancd22:29
asactjaalton: it bails out like http://paste.ubuntu.com/6082/22:39
tjaaltonasac: damn.. thanks for trying though :)22:40
asactjaalton: and access-point.xml like http://paste.ubuntu.com/6083/22:40
asac(just the first lines of course)22:40
asacno idea why dbus binding tool would fail like this22:40
lifelessasac: to test that branch I need to build it locally right ?22:50
asaclifeless: yes.22:50
asacits an all in one branch ... so no orig needed22:50
lifelessok; I'll put it on the todo :)22:51
asactjaalton: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/network-manager/ubuntu.0.7 the branch builds but you need a patched dbus-glib with patch from http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21257222:56
ubotubugs.gentoo.org bug 212572 in Ebuilds "dev-libs/dbus-glib - dbus-binding-tool ignore namespaced nodes & attributes" [Normal,New]22:56
tjaaltonasac: wicked, I'll try it out. thanks!22:59
asactjaalton: i added the url to the bug to the branch whiteboard22:59
asacok off for today22:59
Riddelldoko: which bug is used to track the gutsy-proposed upload of icedtea?23:24
twbHi, is there an ETA for new desktop-i386.iso in http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/ ?  If so, what is it?  (The alpha images have disappeared.)23:27
dokoRiddell: #20422123:29
Riddelltwb: beta was last week23:36
twbRiddell: where are the .iso's then?23:36
twbI specifically want the casper/ubiquity .iso, not a jigdo one23:36
Riddelltwb: #ubuntu23:39
twbI want a *hardy* image.23:39
twbI asked #ubuntu+1 and was ignored.23:39
lagano daily images anymore?23:43
lagagreat. :)23:46

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