
owhGreetings, I'm having a look at bug #203696. As per the instructions from the submitter, I've added the two lines to the imap protocol section and then I've attempted to reload dovecot. I get this error: "Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf line 566: Unknown setting: mail_use_modules" - any ideas?00:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203696 in dovecot ""undefined symbol: quota" on dapper while trying to use imap_quota" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20369600:03
owhI'm doing this test on Hardy to determine if it needs attention before release.00:04
owhCan someone please hit me with a clue-bat?00:05
ScottKlamont`: Here for a moment now.00:28
lamont`wondering what thoughts you have... how do you feel about bind mounting /dev/log and just saying "meh"???00:35
owhmathiaz: FYI, the dovecot bug seems to relate to Dapper only. While it possibly needs fixing, the module/plugin structure for the Hardy version appears to be completely changed. From the changelog to beta4: Replaced mail_use_modules and mail_modules settings with mail_plugins and mail_plugin_dir. I've removed myself from this bug.00:39
owhIs it intentional that the bash complete for sudo is turned off by default on a hardy-server install, or is this a bug?00:41
sommerowh: you know I noticed thst as well00:41
sommerhow do you turn it on?00:41
owhI've just googled and Bug #196021 seems to discuss it.00:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196021 in bash-completion "include bash-completion by default in hardy" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19602100:42
owhsommer: It seems that Mika Fischer is working on it - not trivial by the look of things.00:43
owhsommer: It seems that installing bash-completion makes it work, but there is a big debate about upstream support for it.00:44
sommerah, cool00:45
owhSo, yes, it's a bug and people know about it :)00:45
michalskinext meeting this wednessday?00:46
owhYup, same place, same bat-channel.00:46
michalski(#ubuntu-meeting ?)00:47
* owh nods.00:47
ScottKlamont`: I liked what you said on #debian-devel - that it's tending to defeat the purpose of the chroot.  Personally I very rarely restart postfix and I don't think I've ever had a problem with syslog getting hung.01:09
ScottKlamont`: To me it seems kind of like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.01:10
lamont`it's not restarting postfix that's the issue01:10
lamont`it's restarting syslog without restarting postfix01:10
ScottKRemembered wrong.01:10
ScottKI don't think I've ever had to do that.01:10
lamont`and then you lose the logging from qmgr, master, and any other chrooted, long-lived process01:10
lamont`think logrotate01:10
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ScottKThere's always the fix it the way you want in Ubuntu and then whine to the Debian syslog maintainer, "Well they made it work in Ubuntu, surely you're as capable as those idiots."01:11
ScottKlamont: ^^^01:11
ScottKThere'll be time to do it early in Ibex and still get it back into Lenny.01:12
lamontMaintainer for sysklogd is Martin Schulze <joey@debian.org>.01:12
ScottKWell he probably wouldn't fall for that.01:13
ScottKI do tend to think that if the problem is syslog restarting, it gets a share of the blame.01:14
lamontthe problem is syslog having an API to do this, and that not being exported to other packages to hook into01:18
lamontOTOH, it is limited to something like 10 sockets.01:19
lamontbind mounting a file isn't so bad as bind mounting a directory, since you can't fchdir() to a non-directory fd01:19
_dennisterhey ppl, looking for some help getting phpmyadmin to show up in my apache site05:36
_dennisteranyone awake? :)05:37
fooAsk your question05:39
_dennistersorry foo :)05:41
fooit's ok05:42
_dennisterhow do i get the phpmyadmin to show up in the index of my apache site?05:42
kgoetzdoesnt it have a vhost?05:42
foo_dennister: Put the folder you extract in your web root?05:42
fooWhat do you mean "index of your apache site"  ?05:43
fooYou mean, so you can go to your site/phpmyadmin/ or something?05:44
kgoetzhow did you install it?05:44
_dennisterlol...my site is up, originally it should have looked like this when I first fired up the localhost: http://www.bit-tech.net/content_images/2007/06/build_your_own_server/torrentflux03.jpg05:44
_dennisteri've been following this long howto to make a fileserver, but i was beginning not to trust the howto that much, so installed apache2 the old-fashioned way first, the way i did over a year ago, using ubuntu's official documentation05:45
foook, so you want your site to look like that screenshot05:46
_dennisterwhich is *not* the way the howto from the link^^^ said to do it...yes, i want/need it to look like the screenshot05:46
_dennisterthe phpmyadmin item is missing05:47
foowell, why is it missing? where is it?05:47
_dennisteri have no idea...lol05:47
kgoetzhow did you install phpmyadmin?05:47
* foo seconds kgoetz's question05:47
_dennisterseparately from apache2, with mysql-server05:47
_dennisterhi kgoetz :)05:48
fooDid you grab source?05:48
fooThat doesn't answer the question05:48
_dennisternope, from repositories05:48
kgoetzhello :)05:48
fooSo, apt-get05:48
fooHm, I'm not sure where it puts it or why you want to do that05:48
kgoetz_dennister: have you tried visiting http://localhost/phpmyadmin ?05:48
_dennisteryep, and i can access phpmyadmin and the databases within it by http://localhost/phpmyadmin05:48
kgoetzits in a vhost :)05:49
foohm, I see05:49
* foo tags kgoetz 05:49
kgoetz_dennister: open up the apache config snippet in /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin (or whatever its called) and look for 'basename' line05:49
_dennisterk, think i found what you're referring to (/etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf)05:53
kgoetzthat looks right05:53
_dennisterbut i did a find for baseline and it's not there05:53
kgoetz_dennister: pastebin that file05:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:54
_dennisterk, here it is, i've never edited it at all, so it's the original file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60950/05:56
_dennisternow i have to run and peeeeee :)05:56
kgoetz_dennister: `sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin05:57
kgoetzand your done05:57
_dennisterkgoetz: :) ty, ty, ty :)06:00
_dennisterit's finally there06:00
kgoetz_dennister: hehe. no worries. you might even want to remove /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf to avoid conflicts06:01
_dennisterhmmm...it hasn't so far06:01
kgoetznp then06:01
_dennisterbut i'll remember that...not like "so far" is more than 24 hrs06:02
_dennisternow i'm still having some wierd issues with samba...the smb.conf file keeps losing the workgroup information...it just disappears sometimes06:03
_dennistersometimes the 2 pc's see themselves and sometimes they don't...usually they see each other tho, and in 'workgroup', only one pc shows up06:04
_dennisteroh, well, another day perhaps...have some tidying to do here...g'night, and ty again06:13
Jeeves_kgoetz: Did you succeed?07:07
kgoetzJeeves_: i've had ... 'issues' here, so only partially. systems all yours - i wont have time to do anything useful with it :/07:09
Jeeves_kgoetz: Ah, ok.07:10
Jeeves_Well, it gives me a chance to see if solaris can push more than 1.5gbit over multiple interfaces07:10
Jeeves_Linux won't because ksoftirqd is at 100% cpu load07:10
kgoetzwith 4 gig ports that should be an experiment worth doing07:11
* kgoetz suspects it will07:19
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rhineheart_mhello.. anybody here?12:28
rhineheart_m_ruben, okay.. thanks for responding. well, can you tell me if chkrootkit is reliable?12:29
_rubencant say for sure .. have heard mixed opinions on it over time .. never had any reason to try any of those tools myself12:30
rhineheart_m_ruben, really? so what tool are you using for your server?12:31
fromportrhine: he know what's he's doing and doesn't need a script to tell him if he has a rootkit ?!12:32
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rhineheart_mokay..well. can you tell me what is really a rootkit?12:35
fromportgoogle is your friend12:36
rhineheart_myeah.. I expect that response.. M reading now.. :)12:36
_rubenchkrootkit and similar tools are to check if your server has been compromised12:36
_rubenme not using them keeps me kinda vulnerable in fact .. since i might be compromised without knowing12:37
fromport*grin* sometimes it's better to simply now knowing...12:37
_rubenand then again, i doubt there's such a thing as the perfect rootkit detection mechanism12:38
_rubenmakeing sure your systems are secure is the first step .. chkrootkit is only a tool to help you find out you failed at that12:39
fromport_amen_ ;-)12:39
takedownchkrootkit and similar are useless because only stupid scriptkiddie will use a public rootkits12:41
takedownbest protection of rootkits is a integrity checker such as tripwire and aide12:42
takedownburn database and binary file of aide and do a regural checks thats all you need, if you have been compromised you see it. No matter what type of rootkits will be used12:44
rhineheart_mtakedown, so you are plainly recommending tripwire and aide?12:48
takedownburn to cd ofcourse*12:48
rhineheart_mburn to cd? what do you mean/12:49
takedownrhineheart_m: i prefer aide12:49
rhineheart_mokay.. I will try to look for it...12:49
mok0rhineheart_m: put the database on a CD then even the best hacker wont be able to manipulate it12:49
rhineheart_mBTW.. the one that controls the incoming ports of my box it the firewall in the router.. now.. how could I control the box from the inside?12:50
rhineheart_myeah.. I agree that... but that would mean a little speed12:51
takedownrhineheart_m: when you build you system after all settings run aide and make fresh snapshot of file database, then burn binary aide file and database snapshot to cd. No one can modify you files without you attention, just do a regular update of database on cd.12:52
ScottKlamont: I really don't know what the right answer is for syslog.12:53
lamontme neither.12:53
rhineheart_mtakedown, is aide in the repo?12:53
ScottKlamont: Would you please give back postfix in dapper-backports on all archs except i386.12:53
lamontI may just give up and bindmount /dev/log12:53
takedownrhineheart_m: sure12:54
lamontScottK: I'll poke the OSA when I see him12:54
ScottKlamont: Thanks.12:54
rhineheart_mokay.. it might slow down the server..12:54
takedownrhineheart_m: nope, you need update database only once when you do changes on files such as config and binaries12:56
takedownfor example if you make changes in you /home/docs directory everyday you can just exclude it from config and it will be ignored12:57
takedownYou can choose what files you want to protect, it's flexible13:00
rhineheart_mokay.. how about the aide thing? will it slow down the box?13:00
takedownmy servers just fine aide just compare database with file system when you ask, it doesnt monitor everyfiles everytime so it cant be slow down box13:02
takedownif any file has been changed from last snapshot it will show you13:05
rhineheart_mthank you takedown for your time. you gave me insight on these matters.. :)13:07
takedownrhineheart_m: you are welcome13:07
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JaxxMaxx_is there something built into 7.10 that will search all the mounted filesystems for specific filename patterns?  I seem to recall using "Find"  but that has been giving me no good results lately16:59
nawtyJaxxMaxx_: find would be your answer.17:08
nawtyJaxxMaxx_: what do you have in mind searching?17:08
JaxxMaxx_trying to find various .conf files17:08
nawtyfind / -name *.conf -print17:08
nawtyfind /etc -name *.conf -print17:08
JaxxMaxx_yeah, I need to give it a path, not just a filename17:09
nawtyJaxxMaxx_: so attempt to change the /, or /etc, to where you want ;)17:09
nawtyneogenix@plonker:~$ find /etc -name *.conf -print | wc -l17:09
JaxxMaxx_next is to figure out init.d  so that apache will autostart.  somehow installing it via aptitude didn't add it as a daemon17:10
nawtyJaxxMaxx_: update-rc.d apache defaults :)17:10
nawty(well either apache, or apache2, depending on your install)17:11
JaxxMaxx_that one adds various package daemons?17:11
nawtyyup, that'd be the thing that manipulates the startup links.17:12
JaxxMaxx_hmm, what whould apache2 show up as in ps ?17:13
nawtyhttpd even.17:15
nawtysorry, my bad, i mean apache217:15
nawtyps afx | grep apache217:15
nawtyneogenix@plonker:/$ ps afx | grep apache17:15
nawty10373 ?        Ss     0:45 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start17:15
nawty 3825 ?        S      0:00  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start17:15
nawtysomething like that.17:15
JaxxMaxx_happen to have used Ubuntu in a RADIUS server role?   trying to get freeradius and dialup_admin to behave17:16
nawtyJaxxMaxx_: busy working with that at the moment actually come to think of it.17:18
nawtyJaxxMaxx_: what's not happening?17:18
nawtyJaxxMaxx_: have you installed freeradius-dialupadmin?17:18
JaxxMaxx_dialup_admin pages aren't showing properly17:18
nawtyah, have you installed the mysql php module?17:18
JaxxMaxx_I've got mysql in there, and apparently php5,  is there another package?17:18
nawtyphp5-mysql ;) (package)17:19
JaxxMaxx_what's the proper hotkey in Aptitude to get a package to installed state?17:20
nawtyno idea, i use the commands like this:17:20
nawty'aptitude install php5-mysql'17:20
nawtyto be honest, i've never actually used the gui.17:20
JaxxMaxx_hmm, says it's installed17:21
JaxxMaxx_Essentially, this Ubuntu 7.10 server should be a RADIUS server, with the databases in MySQL, with the dialup-admin interface for easy configuration.  NAS device is a captive portal appliance17:22
nawtyJaxxMaxx_: unfortunately i have to run, if you're still stuck i'll be back in a few hours.17:25
JaxxMaxx_yeah, I'm sure I'll still be ehre. :)17:27
dennisterhey guys...making progress here, but am stumjped with getting the apache server to work under openssh17:39
dennisterfollowed this main documentation howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/httpd.html17:40
dennisterand it all worked before i actually got a site up (for internal use), but have to comment out all the ssh stuff in main config file for it to work17:41
dennisterhi spiekey17:42
dennistercan u help me or r u looking for help?17:42
dennisterspiekey: ??17:45
dennistercan someone help with apache under ssh/ssl/17:51
JaxxMaxx_dennister: Do you mean SSL, and HTTPS services?  or a text based browser inside an SSH session?18:08
dennisterJaxxMaxx_: sorry, didn't see ur message...and i just restarted it all with another try18:18
dennisterJaxxMaxx_: i guess i mean https services, as i'm trying to build a headless server that will host sql-ledger18:19
dennisterhey kgoetz :)18:22
dennisterur awake18:22
dennisterkgoetz: u helped me so much witht he simple symlinking last night...wanna take another stab at another issue?18:25
dennisteri think i'm almost done :)18:25
dennisteranyone have any idea how to change the url that apache under https is listening on?18:39
dennisterunfortunately, port 443 is open on, and i want to change the url18:40
baffledennister: The URL? You mean wich interface/IP it listens on?18:41
dennisterbaffle: yes18:42
dennisterthe ip port 443 listens on18:42
dennisteri used netstat -an to find out what the problem is, so i've now identified that is open and listening for incoming, but i need open18:44
JaxxMaxx_in httpd.conf there is a Listen section, there you can define what ips the service listens on18:51
dennisterthx...will look there to make sure...think i finally did it, after about 24 hours of struggle i finally was asked for my passphrase when trying to restart apache18:55
RainCTcan someone please tell me what the two first lines in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default are by default?19:33
gregbradyameVirtualHost *19:34
gregbrady<VirtualHost *>19:34
gregbradyServerAdmin webmaster@localhost19:34
gregbradyDocumentRoot /var/www/19:34
gregbrady<Directory />19:34
gregbradyOptions FollowSymLinks19:34
gregbradyAllowOverride None19:34
gregbradySorry, too many lines!19:34
RainCTgregbrady: great, thanks! :)19:35
gregbradyRainCT, no problem.19:35
gregbradyAnd the first line should be NameVirtualHost*19:35
RainCTyes, I had deleted that one and it broke my config :P19:36
gregbradyRainCT, It happens.19:36
RainCTbtw, how can I get ride of that message? «apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName»19:37
gregbradyRainCT, sorry I can't help there.  I can find anything installed by default though!19:38
JaxxMaxx_no DNS is available to your server, RainCT?19:38
sommerRainCT: add ServerName localhost to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf19:39
dennisterhas anyone ever used torrentflux here? i'm having a problem witht he search engines19:40
RainCTthanks :)19:40
JaxxMaxx_I don't use search engines for .torrent files, just go straight to the major sites19:40
dennisterthat's the way i'm used to doing it...but i'm trying to do it through my server now so i can shut this htpc down at night19:41
dennisteri have the https services working now :)19:42
JaxxMaxx_search for .torrents on a desktop, then upload them to the server? =]19:42
dennisteralmost done: got lamp under openssh, x11vnc, proftpd, phpmyadmin, mysql...19:43
dennisterjust need to get torrentflux and sql-ledger working now...19:43
dennisterJaxxMaxx_: isn't that for creating torrents?19:43
JaxxMaxx_no no, I mean download the .torrent file to your PC, then FTP the .torrent to the server and load it into the downloader that way19:44
dennisteromg!...that worked! :-)19:46
dennisterthought uploading was just for providing new torrents, and i don't do that...just share stuff already made into torrents19:47
JaxxMaxx_No GUI on the server?   wonder if the site would work in a console/textbased www browser...19:49
dennisteri actually do have xfce on the server, but the whole idea is to make it headless and run it from upstairs on the main floor here19:50
dennisterwanna migrate to a thinner client setup...this home theatre pc is the only one i had for awhile, and it's a pig19:51
dennisternow on to the biggest challenge, and from all accounts, is a big one: getting sql-ledger to work19:51
nxvlmathiaz_: around?19:54
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mathiaznxvl: yes19:56
nxvlmathiaz: i saw your comment20:03
nxvlmathiaz: i also was thinking about the translation20:04
nxvlmathiaz: but there is no way to do it if i don't add the template20:04
nxvlmathiaz: also i haven't change the priority to medium, it was medium, i was surprised to see that too20:04
mathiaznxvl: the priority was high20:07
nxvlno, you are right it is high, on the postinst is that it is medium20:07
nxvli have just saw it20:07
mathiaznxvl: I don't have a problem with translation - just a reminder that we'll have to notify the doc team about that change20:07
nxvlmm ok20:09
nxvlmathiaz: did you want me to do a new debdiff?20:09
nxvlincluding all the comments you have done?20:09
mathiaznxvl: yes please20:11
nxvlmathiaz: ok, working on it20:12
JanCdoes anybody here know if more eBox modules will go into hardy than are already in the archive?20:12
mathiazJanC: no - we're way pass FeatureFreeze now20:13
JanCthat's unfortunate, as most people seem to ask for the mail module, which isn't in...20:14
ScottKThere's always backports once it's in the next release.20:15
nxvlmathiaz: uploaded20:20
nxvljust for the record, that bug was the worst PITA i have had on my way into ubuntu, but the one i learn more from20:22
zulJanC: it doesnt use postfix or dovecot20:44
JanCzul: accordign to the eBox projetc site, it uses postfix by default?20:45
zulJanC: sorry I meant just dovecot20:46
JanCthey seem to use Courier ?20:51
FreeNod1anybody installed gnome on server?21:21
JerenI'm attempting to use the exec() command in PHP to get a directory listing outside of the apache webroot but without success.  It works when accessing a file listing of files in my web folder, though.21:33
JerenGiven that its probably a Xubuntu/Ubuntu security issue (permissions with...something), I thought I'd look here for some help21:33
baffleJeren: Sounds like basedir restrictions?21:34
JerenI'm new to linux, so... I have no idea what it would sound like21:34
baffleJeren: An option in php.ini called "open_basedir".21:35
baffleI haven't really fiddled with PHP much since around the time PHP4 was hot, so not sure where the configuration is located.. It might be in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini21:37
JerenI just loaded it21:38
baffleJeren: Err, or are you actually able to use exec()? And exec('ls') works, but not exec('ls /') ? (I'm not sure about the syntax. :)21:38
Jerenopen_basedir is commented out21:38
Jerenexec('ls') shows my /var/www folder correctly21:38
baffleAh, those restrictions doesn't really apply if you're able to execute the binary. :)21:38
baffleSo it's probably something else..21:39
JerenBut when attempting a folder outside of the www folder structure, it doesn't work.  Yet, I've read several examples online that seem to show exec('ls properly working with other directories21:39
JerenYou'd think, being just a simple directory listing, that I could do it.21:39
JerenI guess this is why alcohol isn't allowed on the job... I'd be grabbing a beer right now <_<21:40
baffleJeren: That depends on what country you're in I think.21:40
baffleJeren: Have you checked the php error log?21:40
JerenI have not...21:41
JerenWhere is that typically at?21:42
baffleJeren: Not sure if it is enabled by default, it should say so in the php.ini file.21:45
baffleJeren: I don't really have any Ubuntu installations running PHP.21:45
JerenAnd I don't think its enabled...21:46
JerenI'll have to get back to you, I'm being called to a meeting21:46
* RainCT wonders what the question is :P21:47
* Jeren simply implied the issue but never used a question mark!21:48
RainCTah found it :P21:48
Bidoumv /home/pc/bidou /home/bed/22:08
RainCTBidou: good night :)22:09
Bidouthx ;)22:10
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JerenThere we go...22:38
spiekeysoren: you there?23:03
Kamping_Kaiserdennister, i just woke up :)23:10
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