
untrueheroCould I bother someone for help with an install problem I'm having?00:00
Odd-rationalethisdyu: lspci00:00
michalskiuntreuhero: yes00:00
digitalslaveanaoum, youve never messed with tomcat have you :)00:00
arcticpenguin380my gnome 2.22 settings wont screw up 2.20?00:00
unop_untruehero, ask00:00
Flannelarcticpenguin380: You shouldn't have too much trouble, could be a few programs that updated their configs00:00
Dannyboilegend2440, that is no help at all I'm afraid  " To get Compiz Fusion working you have to additionally install xserver-xgl. This will then allow you to boot into XGL and use the built in effects. I’m not sure yet if you need to write a custom startup XGL script or not. I don’t think so and will test this shortly."00:00
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untrueheroi tried installing SageTV... I was hoping I could give it a test run00:00
BagelMasterThere IS a codec that will play .m4a files, right?00:00
anaoumdigitalslave: tomcat - yes i have. why??00:01
untrueheroBut about halfway through it asked for an activation key, I don't have one so I just tried closing the install00:01
Itakue107 requires PHP to be installed or compiled with the MySQL extension to work correctly, please see the MySQL manual for more information. How do i fix that. I installed PHP5 but i get that when i try to install it.00:01
nithBagelMaster: I'll check00:01
digitalslaveanaoum, under debian?00:01
DannyboiI dont even know what XGL means, im a n00b at this, i thought Ubuntu was for people like me who just WANT IT TO WORK WOTHOUT MESSING AROUND lol.00:01
unop_BagelMaster, install the mplayer or w32codecs and you have it00:01
untrueheroNow that's is screwing up anything else I try and install00:01
mad_max02Dannyboi, just install newest ati drivers or nvidia00:01
legend2440Dannyboi: so you have restricted driver enabled?00:01
anaoumdigitalslave: no lol00:01
BagelMasterunup_ and nith, thanks00:01
anaoumwhat is the problem with it?00:01
Dannyboihow do I do that00:01
mad_max02Dannyboi, I presume you have ATI video card ?00:01
untrueheroI'm getting the dpkg --configure -a error00:01
icanhasadminDannyboi: ati or nvidia?00:01
scott_what do I need to burn a dvd using a vedio_ts image?00:01
michalskidesco: how you workin out?00:01
anaoumsomething to do with the jre?00:01
FlannelBagelMaster: assuming they're un-DRMed, yes.00:01
Dannyboiati x130000:01
icanhasadminDannyboi: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_Catalyst_8.3_Driver_Manually00:02
Itakuhow do i make php5 working with the mysql extension00:02
mad_max02Dannyboi, XGL is old news and its not recommended any more since ati has aglx support00:02
tanneranyone know how to run a 32bit mplayer on 64bit ubuntu install?00:02
digitalslavetrust me you dont want to debian seems to change port numbers and vertain things are broken and it just lays around and collects dust - very frustating for java developers!!00:02
legend2440Dannyboi: system>admin>restricted driver manager00:02
LinuxTryerHello, can anyone suggest a place to ask about issues installing 7.10 on VMWare ESX?00:02
mad_max02Dannyboi, I'll paste you a link for ati drivers install00:02
FlannelItaku: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP will get you all set up00:02
mad_max02Dannyboi, here you go man http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page00:02
untrueheroso does anyone know how to quit an install when in the process through terminal?00:02
DannyboiI tried the ati thing...it gets as far as installing the driver..but it asks me to remove fglrx first ?? yet that doesnt seem to exist00:02
nithBagelMaster: works for me00:02
RxDxhow can i active the unstable repository of gutsy?00:02
nithBagelMaster: totem opened up, xmms wont though00:03
ItakuFlannel: i dont want lamp i just want php5 working with mysql00:03
mad_max02Dannyboi, u have a nice giude on that site. If that dont work u can try Envy but make sure that guide work out :D00:03
anaoumdigitalslave: do you use the tomcat deb in the repos? or did u download it manually?00:03
unop_digitalslave, i find that hard to believe given java shouldn't really have to bother with the specifics of the system00:03
FlannelItaku: That page explains how to get MySQL and php5 working, just skip through the apache bits00:03
mad_max02Dannyboi, you have to remove everything u installed :D00:03
digitalslavein their repos and there are many like that its better to just build it yourself00:04
mad_max02Dannyboi, if nothing works try envy but I assure you that guide is good since I installed drivers like that when I had ati video card00:04
fevelcan someone help me set up the python interpreter on eclipse?  my python installation doesnt seem to be on /usr/bin/python and I cant find it00:04
digitalslaveunop_, em for an app server specifics help00:04
wuxiaOT: is there anyway to get strace to show _ALL_ arguments ? if not, is there a tool similar to strace?00:05
sivel_I have a dell latitude d610.  I am trying to activate my wireless by pressing Fn-F2 but it is not activating.  Does anyone know how to get it to activate?00:05
DannyboiI shall give this a go, but I have a feeling i will beback on Vista very soon lol00:05
digitalslaveif i wanted to build everything id be using gentoo00:05
feveljust got it00:05
fevelit was on /usr/bin/python all the time00:06
rbilfevel: it's a softlink, no?00:06
grant_I'm having trouble mounting an external HDD. It worked before now it isn't. Does anyone think they can help?00:06
rbilfevel: do .... ls -l /usr/bin/python00:06
fevelits ok rbil , thanks anyway...eclipse is up and running00:07
digitalslavegrant_, are you trying with a different usb port?00:07
rbilfevel: hehe, good00:07
mad_max02Dannyboi, then just install vista. with that attitude u wont get far.00:07
Dr_willis_looking to learn. vs looking to fail. :)00:08
DannyboiLol Mad_max02   I dont have time to spent days on end configuring an OS to work properly......if some one put a price on Ubuntu id laugh my head off, i want user friendly and useable00:08
Dr_willis_Dannyboi,  thats amazing.. I dont have time to spend days to congifigure an OS properly.. thats why i Stitched AWAY from windows.. to linux...00:09
rbilDannyboi: how much investment in time do you have into learning Windows?00:09
untrueheroCould someone please help me terminate an install00:09
* michalski applauds dr_willis00:09
Dr_willis_You dont want to get me started on the days ive spend troubleshooting windows..00:09
michalskiuntruehero: ctrl+c00:09
digitalslaveDannyboi, windows runs like crap until you configure it no?00:09
untrueheroit doesn't work00:09
untrueheroi tried that00:10
michalskiuntruehero: is this in a terminal or in X?00:10
rbildigitalslave: and even after configuring it continues to run like crap :-)00:10
Dannyboi:P well put it this way.... Vista...drivers for my ati card install automatically..no fuss, end of.... Ubunti...come to an irc forum...try 3 or 4 different ways....find out other people cant get 1280x800..probably end up back at square one...00:10
Dr_willis_a normal windows install takes me about 2-3 hrs to find/download/update the drivers and tools..00:10
Dr_willis_Dannyboi,  windows is not using the latest ati drivers - would be my guess.. and blame ATI for lousy linux support. not the othe way around.00:10
digitalslaverbil, hahaha you everyone should go to unix and command line and be happy - would probably force more outside heh00:10
Dannyboiwindows does use the latest ati drivers....it updates regularly00:11
Dr_willis_'but ati has promized better support'00:11
untrueheromichalski - nevermind that did work, i wasn't in the install when i tried that last time00:11
untrueheromy bad, thanks for the help00:11
Dr_willis_Dannyboi,  it hasnt from what ive seen.. but theres the latest stable.. and the latest cutting edge I guess. Depends on what you want.00:11
michalskiuntruehero: np00:11
digitalslaveDannyboi, updates haha all systems do that and its not our fault ati is a crappy company?!00:11
Dr_willis_I am now nvidia on 7/8 of my machines.00:11
untrueheromichalski - no wait it's back again :-)00:11
DannyboiLol....Dr_Willis...tell me why 1280x800 isnt a default option on resolution selection..even though that is my native resolution00:11
untrueheromichalski - sagetv is asking for an activation key, that's the problem00:12
dabbillAny one able to help with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60888/ ?00:12
untrueheromichalski -  I don't want to activate it, I did crtl-c that worked then I went to add/remove app00:12
Dr_willis_Dannyboi,  all my ubuntu machines get my res right. ive seen windows do similer dumb things as well.  ive noticed that using a DVI conector helps.00:12
rbilDannyboi: I don't use ATI, but maybe you can try just changing xorg.conf to use "ati" as driver, that's the open source one that comes with Ubuntu. Then after you're on the desktop, switch over to the proprietary driver00:12
michalskiuntruehero: haha you are mind bending --- uhm honestly I dont have a clue what(/who) sagetv is00:12
digitalslaveDannyboi, because youve not detected and configured your drive properly00:12
unop_Dannyboi, i find it hard to believe you can't get that resolution even with restricted drivers -- there has to be something you've overlooked00:12
Dr_willis_we can spend all day making excuses or ranting... which leads no where.00:12
untrueheromichalski - it's a streaming media server program.00:13
DannyboiI have literally spent months trying to make this work00:13
Dannyboiand it won00:13
Dr_willis_its possible its his monitor thats being detected/seen/confgiured as only handling the  lower red.00:13
mad_max02Dannyboi, I told you dude. just install vista and forget about it.00:13
Dr_willis_Dannyboi,  about the only thing ive ever had to do to tweak the res was enter the proper mode in the xorg.conf00:13
DannyboiDr_Willis im using a laptop00:13
michalskiuntruehero: are you supposed to register/activate? (theres a legal factor here :)   )00:13
tanneranyone know how to run a 32bit mplayer on 64bit ubuntu install?00:13
Dr_willis_Dannyboi,  so am i. and ive done it befor on other disrtos for my widescreen laptops00:14
untrueheromichalski -  I know, that's why I don't want to install it00:14
Dr_willis_laptop dosent matter..00:14
mad_max02tanner, why would you do that ???00:14
michalskitanner: should be transparent operation00:14
digitalslavetanner, 64 bit why man why??00:14
untrueheromichalski - I thought I could use it as a trial from their site, but I can't just kill in the install00:14
tannermad_max02: because 64bit doesnt support the use of 32bit codecs (which are required for some of the files i want to watch)00:14
digitalslavetanner, we know this but why use 64 to begin with?00:15
mad_max02tanner, thats not true. I watch everything with no problems. its just a matter of how u installed it00:15
unoptanner, you can always install 32bit apps and codecs in a 64 bit environment courtesy of a !chroot00:15
DannyboiWell im DLin the latest version of ubuntu, once ive burned it I will try to install it (for some reason i find only rhe 6.x.x LTS version installs, the newer ones fail instantly with the Xthing (xserver?) failing before it even loads the live CD00:15
mad_max02digitalslave, why not ?? I started with 64bit and never got to install 32bit coz everything works00:15
tannermad_max02: no, read mplayer documentation or hell, confirm in #mplayer, cannot use 32bit codecs on 64bit system00:15
tannerunop, can you elaborate?00:16
digitalslavemad_max02, unless you a video editing or something of the like 64 bit isnt really worth it00:16
poseidonIs there some sort of object dock for ubuntu, like the one for mac?00:16
dabbillI run 64bit cause i wanna use my 4 gigs of ram :)00:16
unop!chroot | tanner00:16
ubotutanner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box00:16
michalskiuntruehero: you are a living breathing human being you can do what ever the hell you want :)   you can hit ctrl+alt+f1 , login as root and type telinit1, thenonce its done with everything hit ctrl+d and it will bring you back to the logon screen00:16
dabbillnothing wrong with 64bit installs,00:16
tannerdigitalslave because i would love to make full use of my hardware.00:16
RavenTrigunI have a question about dual booting.00:16
Dr_willis_Dannyboi,  try 'sidux' if you want - it has tools to update to the latest ati drivers. that may help out with the ati issues.00:16
digitalslavedabbill, hahaha ok ok00:16
mad_max02tanner, dont do that. there is a nice link for installing mplayer that plays everything00:16
thisdyuhow can i tell what is on wlan100:16
thisdyuor if its in use00:17
dabbilland there is a howto on the fourms about installing 32bit codics on 64bit install.00:17
RavenTrigunI got ubuntu a couple of days ago and i find myself lacking games to play.00:17
dabbilli run mplayer with 32bit codecs with 64bit install of ubuntu.00:17
mad_max02tanner, HERE http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=558538&highlight=mplayer00:17
RavenTrigunSo i want to get XP back to play my games.00:17
RavenTrigunHow would i do that?00:17
grant_digital slave:  it isn't the usb port that is messed up, it won't mount a flash drive, or an ipod either (using any of the usb ports)00:17
mad_max02tanner, this is how I installed and I watch everything with no problems00:17
mad_max02RavenTrigun, what games would you like to play ??00:17
michalskiuntruehero: btw this will log you out.....00:18
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php00:18
michalskiuntruehero: lol should mention that earlier00:18
digitalslavegrant_, just asking as ubuntu misses the front ports quite often00:18
grant_it is on a lap top00:18
RavenTrigunHitman,Hitman 2,Hitman 3,Hitman 4, GTA SAMP,00:18
digitalslavelsusb picks them up when you plug them in??00:18
mad_max02RavenTrigun, but why did you install ubuntu in the first place then ??00:18
untrueheromichalski - it screwed up my ultravnc connection00:18
crondoranyone have experience customizing the ubuntu livecd?00:19
michalskiuntruehero: yipes00:19
spinikerhello need help in upgrading firefox on 6.0600:19
TechPepsiis 7.10 for mac?00:19
CMEhitman 1-4 runs fine in wine :)00:19
crondorI want to setup my livecd to automatically enable vino00:19
digitalslavespiniker, download 7.10 ;)00:19
untrueheromichalski - I just want to get rid of the thing, i don't want to use it but it keeps trying to finish the install, i gotta run down stairs to login00:19
michalskiTechPepsi: yes, 7.10 can run on PowerPC processors (mac)00:19
RavenTrigunBecause. I wanted to try it out my and my friend said we would take a look at it. Since we are both programmers and we are tired with the crap of Windows....And the flaws......00:19
dabbillany able to help with 8800gt driver install, i am getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60888/ when i do sudo nvidia-settings00:19
unopcrondor, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo00:19
spinikeric..how do i upgrade to 7.10?00:20
grant_digital slave- it sees the devices when I first start linux, but it can't mount them, and they don't disappear when I disconnect them00:20
mad_max02RavenTrigun, why on earth would you go back to windows then ???00:20
crondorthe problem is, there is no user ubuntu until the livecd loaded00:20
TechPepsioh it can?  I got the soft in the mail...00:20
tannermad_max02: http://pastebin.com/m6a21094800:20
CMERavenTrigun, did you tried wine?00:20
spinikeror is it fresh install all the way?00:20
RavenTrigunI did i get this msg.00:20
TechPepsibut then will it know if its mac or pc?00:20
RavenTrigunHold on let me get it.00:20
michalskiuntruehero: reboot or something and then when you get back on uninstall it from synaptics00:20
stefgspiniker: don't ... wait another 4 weeks and then take 8.04. you'll have Firefox 3 then00:20
TechPepsiwhat about the airport extrmem wif card will it reconize that?00:21
michalskiTechPepsi: the only thing ubuntu and its install will notice as different is the type of proccessor it uses: mac=powerpc/pc=intel00:21
RavenTrigunerr:module:import_dll Library DSETUP.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\crash\\Desktop\\biko3.exe") not found00:21
RavenTrigunerr:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"Z:\\home\\crash\\Desktop\\biko3.exe" failed, status c000013500:21
thisdyuhow do i find out if im using wlan1 for my wifi card?00:21
michalskiTechPepsi: yes00:21
michalskiTechPepsi: just be sure to download and use the POWERPC VERSION of ubuntu00:21
mad_max02tanner, I dont get what you are trying to tell me. Did you check that link I pasted to you ????00:21
unopspiniker, in the meantime, you can download firefox from mozilla's site and install it manually00:22
spinikerand also why cant i download the torrents that i have using azureus?00:22
Zanthhello, is it possible to run compiz without xgl?00:22
CMERavenTrigun, then search for DSETUP.dll and copy it to ~/.wine/drive_c/system3200:22
tannermad_max02: yes, ive seen it before, however, that is a direct output of the configure script from mplayer svn00:22
CMEand setup wine first with winecfg00:22
TechPepsiah ok00:22
mad_max02tanner, I'm a multimedia freak and trust me I got satisfied with multimedia capabilities of ubuntu00:22
thisdyuhow do i find out if im using wlan1 for my wifi card?00:22
grant_*Problem* ubuntu sees my external HDD at start up but cannot mount it00:22
mad_max02tanner, install from the source like it says in that link00:22
Dr_willis_grant_,  what filesystem is the hard drive?00:22
tannermad_max02: svn is the source of mplayer..00:23
unopthisdyu, use the iwconfig command to detect the wifi card and see if that matches up with wlan100:23
Auzybtw, anyone in charge of brainstorm, I think you just ran out of free space on your server00:23
stefggrant_: so run dmesg and look or related messages or warnings00:23
TechPepsihow much space does 7.10 take?00:23
Cackette-Laptophow can i play an embedded quicktime movie in firefox00:23
mad_max02tanner, ur wrong00:23
Auzyuery failed: ERROR: could not extend relation 1663/42430/43486: No space left on device HINT: Check free disk space. in /srv/drupal-qa-tracker/www/includes/database.pgsql.inc on line 12500:23
grant_Dr_willis_, it is ntfs I believe00:23
mad_max02tanner, skip that svn installation and continue one step after it called Compiling and Installing the Source Code00:23
tanneromg, can SOMEONE please explain to mad_max02 what SVN is00:23
AuzyAnyone with access too the brainstorm.ubuntu.com server here?00:23
rbilthisdyu: or run ifconfig and see whether an ip address has been assigned to it00:23
unopCackette-Laptop, as long as you have quicktime codecs installed, totem should handle them00:23
Dr_willis_grant_,  install/run the ntfs-config tool.00:24
michalskiTechPepsi: not 100% sure about the desktop version but it couldnt be more than 4gb00:24
tannermad_max02: what is the output of "uname -m"00:24
mad_max02tanner, dude, I wont loose my time to ur ignorant persona. I tried to help you but ur too stubborn to listen. I wont answer ur questions any more.00:24
=== kandinsk1 is now known as kandinski
Dr_willis_grant_,   You may need  to add some proper fstab entries for the drives. Depending on how you use the disks.00:24
Cackette-Laptophow can i play an embedded quicktime movie in firefox00:24
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Cackette-Laptopunop, my bad00:25
tannermad_max02: what is the output of uname -m on your machine.00:25
Cackette-Laptopunop, where do i get the quicktime codecs, i dont see them inside of apt-get00:25
grant_stefg, log shows this:00:25
grant_[ 2036.496000] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table00:25
grant_[ 2036.496000] device-mapper: table: 254:3: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed00:25
kidsnecesito ayuda con ubuntu!!!!00:25
unopCackette-Laptop, install the mplayer or w32codecs00:25
unop!w32codecs | Cackette-Laptop00:25
ubotuCackette-Laptop: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages00:25
untrueheromichalski - all that did was basically tell me that's open source or something00:25
dabbillany able to help with 8800gt driver install, i am getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60888/ when i do sudo nvidia-settings00:25
Cackette-Laptopi've seen those00:25
legend2440TechPepsi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements/GutsyGibbon00:25
stefggrant_: hardware failure ?00:26
michalskiuntruehero: what?00:26
stefggrant_: harddisk have a fatal tendency to break ...00:26
Cackette-Laptophrmm, unop, they're already installed, but when i load a quicktime movie, FF wont play it00:27
grant_stefg, it won't mount my ipod or flash drive00:27
TechPepsimine isnt 64 its 3200:27
stefggrant_: i see... hal, dbus or another usual suspect ...00:27
untrueheromichalski - sorry it says command not found00:27
Cackette-Laptopactually, unop, firefox crashes when i try to play one00:27
spinikerunop: i downloaded firefox,how do i install it manually?00:27
untrueheromichalski - i rebooted and the damn install started again and told me to end the activation00:28
spinikerits right on my desktop..00:28
michalskiTechPepsi: so....00:28
Cackette-Laptopunop, either that or says (no video)00:28
michalskiTechPepsi: wait holdon00:28
untrueheromichalski - why can't I just cancel the process00:28
grant_stefg, what does that mean?00:28
michalskiuntruehero: it restarted after rebooting?00:28
untrueheromichalski - yea this is like the install from hell00:29
kids_alguien habla español?00:29
unopCackette-Laptop, hmm, not really sure -- try reinstalling the w32codecs and totem-mozilla packages00:29
tannermad_max02: the next time you want to go ranting about how ignorant everyone else is perhaps you should know what you speak of first.00:29
grant_Dr_willis_, how do I add pstab entries for the drivers (or where do I look to learn more)?00:29
unopspiniker, errm, usually you untar the contents into the /opt/firefox directory -- and launch firefox via the /opt/firefox/firefox command00:30
Dr_willis_!fstab | grant_00:30
ubotugrant_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:30
stefggrant_: these are the mechanisms responsible for recognising and mounting the stuff in /media. What ubuntu version is that?00:30
Dannyboiok guys im going to go and insall ubuntu and follow the ATI instrctions best I can00:30
Dannyboiif i get stuck prepare to help00:30
michalskiuntruehero: ok uh go to tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1) logon and issue: sudo apt-get uninstall <package name>00:30
Cackette-Laptopunop, no good00:31
Cackette-Laptopstill (no video) or FF crash00:31
unopmichalski, apt-get uninstall ??00:31
grant_stefg, I"m running gusy 7.1000:31
michalski*** sudo apt-get remove00:32
michalskinot thinking straight00:32
MasterScripthi, my ubuntu get an error when i start it. see this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60932/00:33
unopCackette-Laptop, errm, you could try using mplayer -- remove the totem-mozilla package and install mplayer-plugin -- and make sure you restart firefox, best you close it first actually00:33
Cackette-Laptopok, i'll try00:33
unopCackette-Laptop, mplayerplug-in00:33
michalski#TechPepsi is wondering how to install powerpc version of ubuntu#00:33
stefggrant_: hmm.... instead of running through a full trouble shooting procedure (i.e. pastebin listings of dmesg, sudo fdisk -l and possibly /etc/fstab) it would be easier to boot up a Live CD and see if the problem is the same there.00:34
tashPlease help a little girl! I can't enable compiz on my ATI 2300 videocard.00:34
Cackette-Laptop(no video) or FF crash, still00:35
unopMasterScript, that looks like a warning not a serious error -- have you edited /etc/nss-pgsql.conf recently or installed the postgresql package (or similar) recently ?00:35
kestirHi, my system clock keeps slowing down.  Doesn't matter if I set it to manual or to sync with net servers.  Could it just be my CMOS battery?00:35
michalskiTechPepsi: the most recent powerpc version of ubuntu available is 6.1000:35
michalskiTechPepsi: im still looking as to where to download it00:35
grant_stefg, good idea I'll be back here in 500:35
MasterScriptunop: my ubnutu wont started00:35
rbilkestir: yes it could be00:36
dabbillany able to help with 8800gt driver install, i am getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60888/ when i do sudo nvidia-settings00:36
free1to install vmware, is synaptic enough, or would I have to patch it up?00:36
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poseidonWhat directory does ubuntu install programs?00:37
Cackette-Laptopunop: (no video) or FF crash, still00:37
TechPepsimichalski,  ah ok00:37
kestirrbil: is there anything else I could check before cracking open the case?00:37
rbilkestir: nothing I can think of. maybe someone else has other suggestions00:37
Ashfire908poseidon, /usr00:37
spinikerunop: i untarred it,then what? should i open a terminal?00:37
michalskiTechPepsi: http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-powerpc.iso00:38
free1can vmware be run on 7.10 natively?00:38
pyrakmy liferea keeps crashing when i launch it.  i expect that it's one of the feeds in particular.  can i start it in safe mode or something?00:38
free1or is there a better open source emulator00:38
gnrwhats wrong with this command? cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec00:38
michalskiTechPepsi: im assuming you in north america00:39
untrueheromichalski - well i'm pretty much stuck00:39
untrueheroi can't get out of the install and I can't get into Ubuntu00:39
TechPepsimichalski,  yup00:39
michalskiuntruehero: are you sure that sage tv is a legit app?00:39
thisdyuhow do i uninstall a program i did an aptget on?00:40
michalskiTechPepsi: then you can use that link with supperior speeds :)00:40
untrueheromichalski - yea, i was just in the forums they claim the 15 day trial works on OSX windows... but not linux00:40
michalskithisdyu: sudo apt-get remove <app name>00:40
untrueheromichalski - ill message on their forum but it looks like i might have to rebuild00:41
michalskidid you get sage tv from the ubuntu repositories, or just off that site?00:41
untrueherohmm not sure00:42
michalski(EG: you went into synaptics and clicked install for it)00:42
thisdyuhow do i install a program that ive downloaded the source for?00:42
untrueherono i downloaded it from the site00:42
lusiusthisdyu, compiler?00:42
untrueheroand it had a .sh i think00:43
untrueherobut i can't remember00:43
thisdyunt sure dosent make do thatg00:43
Phonicaarr still having install problems...00:43
Phonicajust getting a blank screen when i try to use the bootcd, even if i select safe graphics mode00:44
michalskithisdyu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo00:44
lusiusi've run into a annoying problem, im trying to play GTASA with SAMP mod, running gtasa works as current user but not as root and samp works as root but not as current user,...any suggestions what may be the problem?00:44
michalskithisdyu: step 400:44
michalskiuntruehero: not the best admin practises :P00:44
untrueheroi'm still learning00:45
MasterScriptMy ubuntu cannot loading. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60933/00:45
untrueheroall i wanted to do was have a media pc run, it worked fine on my XP with Tversity00:45
mythrilDoes anyone know where gnome-display-properties writes it's config file?00:45
untrueherobut now i have had nothing but problems with ubuntu00:45
kindofabuzz_mythril: probabl ~/.gnome00:45
michalskiuntruehero: mythtv works00:45
PhonicaAfter I select "Start or install Ubuntu" or "Start Ubuntu in safe graphics mode" after it does the "Loading Linux Kernel" I just get a blank screen. Any ideas anyone?00:46
kindofabuzz_probably, not sure00:46
lusiusmythril, is it the normal /etc/X11/xorg.conf?00:46
untrueheroI was having issues with that install as well00:46
icanhasadminPhonica: how long did you wait with a blank screen before you shut it down again?00:46
rbilfree1: some people like running VirtualBox .... http://www.virtualbox.org/00:46
dabbillany able to help with 8800gt driver install, i am getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60888/ when i do sudo nvidia-settings00:46
michalski:S hmmm00:46
untrueheroI just did add/remove for it but I was having issue.... twonky was working but now I have this issue haah00:46
mythrillusius: I don't think so because I can't restore a previous one and fix it from there00:46
Phonicaicanhasadmin, about 5 minutes00:46
MasterScriptMy ubuntu cannot open or running. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60933/00:47
PhonicaI wait untill theres no more CD activity00:47
icanhasadminPhonica: yeah read that file, it's probabaly an acpi issue00:47
mythrilif anyone here is ever presented with the option to turn your resolution off inside of gnome-display-properties do not do so, curiosity will kill your cat.00:47
Phonicawhich one?00:47
Phonicaicanhasadmin, which file?00:48
michalskiuntruehero: when addressing something at me, could you put michalski: in front of it so i dont have to go fishing for your responses :)00:48
gnrwhats wrong with this command? cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec00:48
huyhi, if i want to reinstall new alsa driver, i should at least delete the one on hte system first right?00:49
MasterScriptMy ubuntu cannot open or running. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60933/00:49
thisdyuheyive complied my program then when i do make install it says its installed it but it hasnt00:49
michalskignr: enough00:49
gnrmichalski, ?00:49
AdysIs there a way to do a screenshot without triggering any other process than just the copy of the screen in a file or the clipboard?00:49
AdysI want to screenshot a menu, but it closes itself when i try to ss it00:49
michalskignr: (joke, proving to b0xxy that we have humor)00:50
Phonicaarg its an issue with my graphics card lol00:50
rbilAdys: Ksnapshot is nice as you can time when the capture takes place00:50
icanhasadminPhonica: the one someone just pasted for you00:50
gnrAdys,  system preferences keyboard shortcuts00:50
Phonicawas ignoring masterscript00:50
Phonicaye saw that, tisnt the issue00:50
sabre1994im having an issue starting compiz00:50
yoalguein me ayuda00:50
icanhasadminPhonica: does your capslock light blink ?00:51
TechPepsiI will be back if I have aanything more to say00:51
Phonicatheres a known bug with nvidia 8800s :D00:51
Adysgnr, that doesnt solve my problem00:51
Adysrbil: ill look into it, thanks :)00:51
sabre1994geforce 840000:51
yoalguien me puede dar la pagina del chat del cafe x fi00:51
MasterScriptMy ubuntu cannot open or running. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60933/00:51
gnrsurely the menu doesn't disapear if you bind the key...00:51
Adysyes it does gnr00:52
askerhi need help with keepassX. how can i open my password database with my master password, in order to access my other passwords? somehow my file is not recognized.00:52
gnrin what app Adys00:52
flushwhy does my freaking xchat disconnect and wont resolve hostnames anymore after a few days its connected, until i restart it00:52
flushanyone ever seen this bug00:52
yoalguien me ayuda00:52
Adysweb menu00:52
untrueheromichalski: my bad, is there a code to launch ubuntu from that ctrl+alt+F1 at least?00:52
Adysgoogle suggest to be precise00:52
rbilAdys: you'll like Ksnapshot, very nice app00:52
Phonicahmm adding "noapic nolapic pci=noacpi acpi=off" hasn't helped :S00:52
untrueheromichalski: ctrl+D just reloads that, it says logging out but it goes back into it and i have to log into root again00:53
sabre1994i got compiz to start but now have no window decorations00:53
yoalguien me ayuda00:53
Adysflush: try #xchat00:53
yox fiii00:53
=== amidaniel is now known as amidaniel|away
michalskiuntruehero: hitting control d, takes you out of init 100:54
untrueheromichalski: it just restarts it for me00:54
askerhi need help with keepassX. how can i open my password database with my master password, in order to access my other passwords? somehow my file is not recognized.00:54
=== yo is now known as raquel
Phonicagrr this is annoying00:54
askercan anyone help?00:54
Adysgnr: By the way, i cannot take screenshots of regular menus at all with a bound key00:54
untrueheromichalski: i can look through my directories in there and I tried the telinit1 but it couldn't find it00:55
Adysthey dont disappear, the screenshot process just doesnt trigger00:55
michalskiuntruehero: restarts X, or the instalation?00:55
untrueheromichalski: restarts init1, it goes back to the login00:55
untrueheromichalski: it's like an endless loop00:55
michalskiuntruehero: no, you hit ctrl+alt+f1, that brings you to black and white screen, then logon and type: sudo telinit 100:55
Adysrbil: Nice app indeed, too bad for the whole kde thing00:56
untrueheromichalski: k let me try again00:56
Adys82mb to fetch for a screenshot app :(00:56
Diabolushas anyone had problems running apps in wine with 8.04?00:56
oxeimonwhat's the command to open bittorrent?00:56
MasterScriptMy ubuntu cannot open or running. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60933/ <--- can somebody help me pls?00:56
oxeimonit's not "bittorrent"00:56
rbilAdys: you'll probably start using other KDE apps, as there are some good ones. :-)00:57
free1how do you install the vmware workstation on 7.1000:57
michalskiuntruehero: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-7.2-Manual/ref-guide/s1-init-boot-shutdown-init.html00:57
rbilAsys: like Konversation for IRC client :-)00:57
Adysrbil: xchat :)00:57
rbilAsys: I like Konversation MUCH more00:57
AdysMatter of opinion hehe00:58
* michalski cheers on rbil00:58
Phonicawhats the boot time option to force VESA framebuffer?00:58
rbilAdys: yeh, but I'm always right :-)00:58
Adysso am I <grins>00:58
iceswordfree1, ./(excutable)00:58
rbilAdys: I hate KDE, use gnome/compiz, but do like some KDE apps00:59
Diabolushas anyone had problems with wine in 8.04?00:59
gnri tried updating alsa to fix my "no sound" problem and now i get "no volume control gstreamer plugins and or devices found" error00:59
swajxfce seems pretty nice00:59
MasterScriptMy ubuntu cannot open or running. i dont have problem before. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60933/ <--- can somebody help me pls?00:59
michalskiMasterScript stop repeating yourself00:59
Adysrbil: Aye, I just dont like their look and feel in general :/00:59
enchow to change os that grub loads by default?00:59
michalskiif we dont know the answer, we wont answer00:59
Bombino16normal boot (w/o grub intervention) boots me to black screen - when grub > recovery mode > exit, desktop loads w/o issue00:59
rbilAdys: you have to admint Konversation has alot of neat features though01:00
free1icesword: I just can't do it through synaptic?01:00
swajmIRC ftw!01:00
AdysI'm like a deaf mIRC user with the only different that xchat doesnt suck as much, but habbits are hard to break, rbil hehe01:00
michalskiMasterscript, does this happen before or after you login?01:00
iceswordfree1, vmware workstation is not free so it is not in repos,try download it from www.vmware.com01:01
icanhasadminswaj: very useful statement. thanks for giving back to the community ;)01:01
michalskiwhoa its 10pm i gotta go, cy'all01:01
rbilicesworld: since when did Vmware Workstation become free?01:01
swajicanhasadmin, sorry I can't get rid of Windows completely :P  I'm a .NET developer, and I like to play my games.  Unfortunately Wine has a long way to go still, or I'd be using Linux full time :P01:01
free1icesword: true.  do you recommend a free emulator?01:02
MasterScriptmichalski: its was happen after a few days.01:02
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications01:02
swajicanhasadmin, that said, I do run an Ubuntu VirtualBox01:02
* Adys grumbles at swaj a big ew at ".NET"01:02
iceswordfree1, then try virtualbox01:02
Phonicaarg this is a sodding joke01:02
untrueheromichalski: the telinit 1 thing ran, it stopped the sagetv server and then once I exit out it looks like it's booting then the registration information pops up01:02
Phonicais there any way around this bug? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+bug/9155601:03
Genius314The window list in my gnome panel is messed up... I can only click on the first column of buttons and a few pixels of the second column. Does anyone know what causes this, or how to fix it?01:03
icanhasadminswaj: just teasing you mate :D wtg!01:03
swajicanhasadmin, :P01:03
MasterScriptmichalski: just today, my ubuntu wont working. i can use it yesterday01:03
worzelACPI: BIOS age (2000) fails cut off (2001), acpi=force is required to01:03
worzelenable ACPI..01:03
worzelhi there could some one help me im installing ubuntu on a pc but get this come up01:04
swajAdys, .NET pays the bills, and it's pretty darn sweet when you actually spend time with it.  A lot of people just dismiss it because it's Microsoft technology.01:04
untrueheromichalski: I'm just going to call it a night and see if I get a response from sage, if not I will do a rebuild01:04
untrueheromichalski: thanks for all your help01:04
Adysswaj: i tend to dismiss any other language than python, ruby, php, c/c++ and their closest cousins :)01:05
jramseyyou learn c# and you would dismiss most others01:05
Bombino16normal boot (w/o grub intervention) boots me to black screen - when grub > recovery mode > exit, desktop loads w/o issue : < sorry for the repost, I'm attempting to boot into gnome, vid card is x1650 and I've tried both bundled mods as well as ATI restricted drivers, no change01:05
swajAdys:  I have, and still do write php.  But ASP.NET (ala C#) lays waste to PHP in so many ways, imo.01:06
Emilianit isn't hard to lay waste to php01:06
Adysswaj: python :)01:06
thisdyuhow do i set my path01:06
Adysin general i find the .NET languages sluggish01:06
MasterScriptmichalski: so how?01:06
Adysand hate anything that requires a framework to run01:07
Genius314My gnome panel only lets me click on the first column of buttons and the first pixel(s) of the second column. Is there a way to fix this?01:07
MagoonDshould I be worried about viruses on ubuntu gutsy?01:07
AdysMagoonD: nah01:07
Emilianyes you should always be worried about viruses01:07
gnrhow do i install alsa?01:07
PhonicaMagoonD: you shouldnt be worried about viruses in linux really01:07
thisdyuhow do i set my patch01:07
MagoonDok thanks01:07
PhonicaCan anyone help me with this, I can't boot the Ubuntu LiveCD, after it says "Loading Linux Kernel" I just get a blank screen, even in safe graphics mode.01:08
Adysyou shouldnt have to be worried about viruses even on windows as long as you dont download Miss Angela Latest Cam Records etc01:08
swajAdys, Python isn't compiled :P01:08
MagoonDEmilian, what do you recommend for a anti virus program?01:08
swajunless there's a compiler I'm unaware of01:08
MasterScriptif anyone want help me pls join #MS01:08
Adysswaj: you can eventually freeze the code but once again, code efficiently, script easily, or dont do anything at all01:09
Bombino16Phonica: I have same issue, booting from hda1 though01:09
HardyOneMagoonD, no real need for one but clamav it is in repos01:09
PhonicaBombino, I cant even get the LiveCD ot start :(01:09
Phonicasod it im going back to gentoo, at least i can fix that when it goes wrong -_-01:09
MagoonDHardyOne, thanks01:10
swajAdys, yeah, but it seems funny that you mention not liking the whole "framework" idea behind .NET, but then you use interpereted languages like PHP and Python ;)01:10
gnrhow do i install alsa?01:10
HardyOneMagoonD, np01:10
Phonicagnr, you dont install alsa its already a built in part of ubuntu01:10
Adysswaj: talking only about compiled code when talking about frameworks01:10
Adyssee java01:10
Adyshate it just as much :)01:10
HardyOnePhonica, have you tried the Alternate install cd?01:10
vehicleI am new to servers.  I  just installed the latest release of ubuntu server with samba file server on top.  When I rebooted I got "B loading, please wait...  or 18"  I think "or 18" is an error message but i have no idea where to go from here...01:10
vehicleplease help01:10
gnrPhonica,  then why do i get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." on my volume control?01:11
HardyOnegnr, what sound card do you have?01:12
gnrintel hd01:12
swajAdys, is there a decent web framework that allows for python to be used on the web?01:12
HardyOneyou running hardy?01:12
jaekhmm what is a good TV tuner app01:12
Adysswaj: I run python and php along generally01:12
Adysswaj: Mostly because I am used to php so much, if i could i'd only use python but its hard to switch01:13
HardyOneubotu tell gnr about bug 20033801:13
Genius314My gnome panel only lets me click on the first button column, and the first pixel of the second column... I don't know how to fix this...01:13
swajAdys, is there a mod_python or something for apache?  How would you be able to serve up pages using python?  Are you using django or something?01:13
HardyOneubotu, test01:13
HardyOnebug 20033801:14
Adysswaj: theres a plugin in php, as for running python alone Im no help here since i never tried, but i know its possible01:14
evilgnomedoes anyone know what the place of upstart will be in the coming release?01:14
Emilianswaj I use mod_wsgi and django01:14
gnrin not on hardy... on gutsy HardyOne01:14
Jatzhey, could I get a quick tip with grep?01:14
Jatzhow do I search for [!]01:14
worzelHELP please01:15
HardyOnehttps://launchpad.net/bugs/200338 gnr I understand but this might help you01:15
GneaJatz: grep \[\!\] *01:15
AdysJatz:  backslashes01:15
JatzGnea: thanks a lot!01:15
kindofabuzz_Jatz: do a man grep01:15
Jatzthanks lots everyone.01:15
Gnea!ask | worzel01:15
ubotuworzel: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:15
worzelok soory01:15
swajis Python strongly-typed?  that's one thing that drives me nuts about PHP ><01:15
Adysswaj: Yes01:16
Adysstrongly, dynamically01:16
worzeli m trying to install ubuntu on a pc and i get this01:16
worzelACPI: BIOS age (2000) fails cut off (2001), acpi=force is required to01:16
worzel> enable ACPI..01:16
orudiehow would i make a user an owner of a directory ?01:16
Gnea!paste | worzel01:16
ubotuworzel: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:16
Odd-rationaleorudie: use chown01:16
hijynxare there any good alternatives to xchat, I noticed that most distros come with xchat....01:17
Adysorudie: commandline "man chown", gui right click on it, go to owner01:17
Gneaworzel: so what's the problem?01:17
orudieadys: i have no gui01:17
Adyshijynx: depends what you're looking for; customization, good gui..?01:17
Adysorudie:  man chown will help you :)01:17
Adysor man chmod01:17
* Adys doesnt remember01:17
Gneait's chown :)01:18
kindofabuzz_i still can't find out if i put a file in a NFS folder on the client machine is it "pused" to the server?  and if file on server just "links" to the client share01:18
Monkey_armahijynx, i am also looking into alternatives to xchat ..i have heard quite a few people use pidgin but dont know if it is any good01:18
hijynxAdys: more customization than gui.... I was looking at KVirc but it seems to be all bells and whistles.01:18
worzeli cant seem to install ubuntu i need to acpi=force01:18
Adysits commandline, but the most customizable of them all01:18
orudiehow would i quit from man01:19
RandoI'm attempting to install Ubuntu 7.10 to a USB flashdrive by using the directions located on pendrivelinux.com and am running into an error when I go to boot off the stick (kernel not found). I was wondering if there is anyone who might be able to help me troubleshoot this?01:19
* Adys is slow today, Gnea :P01:19
rbilkindofabuzz_: do you mean a mount on the client to the nfs share on the server side?01:19
AdysMonkey_arma: again, what do you need, good gui, customization..?01:19
hijynxMonkey_arma: I'm using pidgin for aim/googletalk right now, it's pretty good.01:19
kindofabuzz_rbil: yes01:19
Genius314I have a problem with the gnome panel window list, where I can only click on the first column of buttons and the first pixel of the second column... everything other window button doesn't work. Anyone know what could possibly cause this?01:19
Gneaworzel: at the boot: prompt, when you have the first menu when booting the ubuntu cd, you can add it there - i think it goes like this... boot: install acpi=force01:19
Monkey_armawell the advantage of pidgin i have heard is that it does multiple protocols01:19
rbilkindofabuzz_: on the client side it's just a mount point, so anything put in there is actually going to go to the share on the server side01:20
Adyspidgin is a general IM client, but in general those are not really nice with irc01:20
Monkey_armathe main problem i have with xchat is that the input box is small01:20
kindofabuzz_let's say i put a file in my share which is the mount from the server.  is that file still on my machine or "pused" to the server and just linked to my share?01:20
kindofabuzz_oh ok01:20
GneaMonkey_arma: have you taken a look at some xchat scripts to see if any of them expand it?01:20
thisdyuhey guys anyone have ne comments about changing from anth5k to madwifi-ng drivers?01:21
kindofabuzz_what about just the opposite?  a file created in the share on server?  is it just a "link" on the client?01:21
ALPSINChi all, how can i run something as root automaticly, upon every startup01:21
AdysALPSINC: you're aware thats a huge security flaw01:21
worzelGnea: not shore what ya mean not all that good with this01:22
Monkey_armaGnea, no i have not ....really though that should not need a script...the designers of xchat should allow altering size of input box..i think its crazy01:22
ALPSINCAdys:  yes, it's an internal server01:22
orudieafter doing chmod u=rw,go= /home/orudie it restricts me for accessing this directory, which is my home directory01:23
BIOSboilerWhat is the command at the bash promp to figure out what my WAN ip is? anyone please help01:23
KyleS-homeBIOSboiler, ifconfig01:23
AdysALPSINC: cant find it right now, think its on my other comps bookmarks but try googling for installing su and enabling root on ubuntu01:23
rbilBIOSboiler: ifconfig should tell u01:23
ALPSINCAdys: ok01:24
AdysALPSINC:  then you'll be able to login as root and enable automatic logging01:24
KeidaleMy update manager is trying to download in to the root directory E: ERROR: could not create configuration directory /home/root/.synaptic - mkdir (2 No such file or directory) I'm not sure how it changed but does anyone know how to get to point to the right file01:24
Gneaworzel: try it and see what happens01:24
Name141My Install seems to be stuck on "decting file systems"01:24
Name141What would I do, cancel and try again?01:24
CapsidI'm trying to use ndiswrapper to run my integrated Intel wireless card. Is their anyway to stop the generic driver and make ndiswrapper default?01:25
AdysALPSINC: but again, its a huge security flaw, even as an internal server id recommend just removing root password and enabling auto sudo bash on login01:25
GneaName141: how long as it been hanging?01:25
KyleS-homedon't need that Adylas01:25
Name141About 2 mins now Gnea01:25
ALPSINCAdys: ok...01:25
KyleS-homejust do a sudo su -01:25
KyleS-homethen you don't need to enable the root account01:25
=== luke__ is now known as NET||abuse
Gneasudo -i01:25
ALPSINCKyleS-home:  how can i run something as root automaticly, upon every startup01:25
ALPSINCthat was the question01:26
Name141Gnea: I am trying to put it on my external drive.  Following the guide given to me in the forums01:26
nigroI have a question, I trying configure mi wireless card BCM4312 but I can't connet to ap with wep01:26
worzelGnea: still the same01:26
rbilCapsid: isn't the intel card supported?01:26
rbilCapsid: I thought they all were by now01:26
nigroany idea?01:26
ALPSINCKyleS-home: would that work for say... a perl script that is ment to hang?01:26
Adysrbil:  yeah intel wireless cards is supported01:26
Name141Gnea: should I wait longer or axe it?01:26
BIOSboilerifconfig only tells me my local ipo, i neeed WAN ip01:26
Capsidit is but it runs extremely slow for some reason01:26
BIOSboilerifconfig only tells me my local ipo, i neeed WAN ip, isn't there a command01:27
GneaName141: try booting the cd with the usb device disconnected - once the desktop is up, connect it and check the status of dmesg01:27
nigroI must try with ndiswrapper?01:27
jimmygoonAnyone got any suggestions of a decent slideshow app for ubuntu that will let me set pictures to music (and MAYBE export it to an avi/dvd)01:27
AdysCapsid: extremely slow in comparison to before/another OS?01:27
Adysor "just extremely slow"?01:27
rbilBIOSboiler: do u use a hardware router? should be recorded there or you can use an utility I run on my websever to find it out: http://w-3productions.com/myaddress.mv01:27
GneaBIOSboiler: traceroute?01:27
RandoI've followed the directions at http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ and am running into an error stating that my system can not find the kernel. Anyone run into this in the past?01:27
KeidaleDoes anyone know anyone who can fix this    E: ERROR: could not create configuration directory /home/root/.synaptic - mkdir (2 No such file or directory)01:28
KyleS-homeBIOSboiler, ifconfig will tell you the ips of all your active connections01:28
GneaKeidale: root's homedir is /root, not /home/root01:28
AdysKeidale:  when does that happen?01:29
Keidalethat is what the update manager tells me when I try to get new downloads01:29
Adysthis might be ugly but can you do sudo nautilus, and create a link in /home/root to /root ?01:29
Genius314The window list in my gnome panel only lets me click on the first column of buttons, and the first pixel of the second column. The rest of the buttons don't let me click them. Any idea what causes this?01:29
Adys(its not normal it asks for /home/root in the first place but...)01:29
mindheavya desktop running 7.10, with usb wireless adapter, im needing to share its internet connection thru the ethernet port to another computer with a crossover cable, could anyone assist or point to a guide? im not finding much01:30
CapsidAdys: When I had Ubuntu 7.10 the wireless card would routinely drop and runs @ 512K. Under Windows Vista home edition it runs fine @ 5mb. Now I'm running 8.10 and the card no longer drops but it still runs @ 512K.01:30
gauze_I'm trying to do "apt-get install libc6-dev" but it'd prompting me for the cd which I do not have here, how can I force it to go to the net?01:30
KeidaleIs there somewhere that I can go to and change the path to download where it's supposed to go01:30
AdysCapsid: Tried #ubuntu+1 ?01:30
Adysgauze_:  go to synaptic01:31
[T]an3i am looking everywhere for a fix to my numlock being stuck on when i am undocked from the docking station... everything i have found does not work. any ideas?01:31
Odd-rationalegauze_: edit you /etc/apt/sources.lst and comment out the cd01:31
mindheavygauze_: you need to comment out the line for the cd in /etc/apt/sources.list01:31
Gneagauze_: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the lines for the cdrom01:31
CapsidAdys: nope, I will go check it out, thank you01:31
Adysgauze_:  repositories, and remove the cd ones01:31
Adysthats the gui way :)01:31
Odd-rationaleI was first! :)01:31
Gneahome run!01:31
DocMangleri was wondering if anybody here has had problems with pdnsd failing after a few minutes or so01:33
bod_guys i have a question,. most apps have ctrl+c & ctrl+v for copy and paste, why does the terminal use ctrl+shift+c/v ?01:33
Dr_willis_bod_,  because MS decided to go against the standard years ago.01:33
Gneabod_: because ctrl-c is ^C or ^break01:34
kindofabuzz_anyone got a quick fix so my dynDNS address does go straight to my router config?? i can't seem to find an answer01:34
kei-cloneit's the same in DOS actually01:34
kindofabuzz_not very secure01:34
bod_Gnea, so in human terms what does ctrl+c achieve in terminal?01:34
Gneabod_: but why bother with that when you can just select the text with the left click, then middle click to paste?01:34
Slicknesshello,i'm running 7.10 and having video problems. with certain vids im getting a green bar at the top,and the colors are messed up,happens both in VLC player and in Totem move player01:34
Adysbod_:  it interrupts an operation01:34
Adysctrl close01:35
bod_Gnea, because it means moving my hand ALL THE WAY to the mouse01:35
DocManglerlol yeah01:35
kei-clonei'm having trouble with my music players01:35
Adysbod_:  alt shift insert :)01:35
Dr_willis_bod_,  time to check out some shell tutorials and guides. :)   Ctrl-c kills the running app normally.01:35
Gneabod_: yes, but it takes less effort, overall :)01:35
Odd-rationalebod_: shift+insert01:35
Dr_willis_bod_,  in the console, you can install gpm and use the mouse to cut/paste also.01:35
kei-clonewas playing music on exaile for a little while, and after a while it stops playing music, and moving to audacious does the same thing01:35
Gneasince you still need to use the mouse to highlight what you want to copy/paste as it is ;)01:35
kei-cloneanyone help me with that?01:35
bod_Dr_willis, yeah,. i just tried,. starts a new line aswell,.,01:36
bod_cheers guys01:36
DocManglerno, no need for mouse at all in console01:36
bod_DocMangler, right on!! ;~)01:36
RandoDoes anyone in here have  Ubuntu 7.10 booting off a USB pendrive?01:36
DocManglerhey bod, have you tried out gnu screen yet?01:36
Dr_willis_DocMangler,  it comes in handy.01:36
bod_DocMangler, no, what is it?01:36
Dr_willis_screen also comes in handy. Heh.01:36
gauze_screen id the shit01:36
Gneascreen > *01:36
mindheavyRando: i've done it01:36
DocManglerit's a terminal multiplexer01:36
DocManglerit's awesome01:37
DocManglerlike console windows01:37
Dr_willis_I have had some issues in the past with screen and mc combined.01:37
Odd-rationaleRando: Consider useing a distro that is meant for doing that. Like DSL or puppylinux01:37
DocMangleri have no trouble with mc and screen now01:37
Dr_willis_'twin' in the console is an interesting tool also.01:37
bod_!language | gauze_01:37
ubotugauze_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:37
DocMangleractually, if you nest 2x screens01:37
GneaDr_willis_: screen and iptraf... phew!01:37
DocMangleri can't get mouse to work at all01:37
deadlockAll of a sudden, my mic sounds like a robot...what the hell could i have done..01:37
Randokk, i'll give DSL a try01:37
Dr_willis_DocMangler,  it seems to be some font issues. I see it with some disrtos and not others. I had to tweak putty for mc also.01:37
DocMangleryeah i think so too01:37
Adysdeadlock: plugs?01:38
Odd-rationaleRando: I like puppy better...01:38
DocMangleri actually set up my mc ini all customized01:38
DocManglernow it's very perdy, and no probs01:38
drewbyHello yes, so when I would try to watch movies with mplayer sometimes after the movie had closed or if I had opened up a flash document simultaneously my sound would stop working.  When I restarted, sound would resume working and I wouldn't worry about it any further.  Today, I stupidly went to try and fix it without researching the issue at all and did a sudo /etc/apt/init.d/alsa-utils start and no my sound no longer works even afte01:38
deadlockAdys: I dont think so. I can try again01:38
DocManglerlol, console in kde all beautiful and transparent01:38
DocManglermy dad wants to puke01:38
Gneaget him a bucket01:38
DocManglerhe's clickin like a madman with the mouse to no avail01:39
Adys!sound | drewby01:39
ubotudrewby: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:39
Gneatrying to click THROUGH the terminal?01:39
DocManglerim not sure01:40
Jon855I have a wireless connection which I would like to share with my desktop through another ethernet connector I have, how do i do this?01:40
DocMangleri just know i wanna connect 13k volts to the mouse so when he touches it he gets zapped on every klikkity01:40
AdysJon855:  I cant really help, but try googling around on how to setup a wireless router with linux01:40
DocManglerahh back to screen, if you haven't used it, it can get kinda frustrating at first01:40
drewbyawww, adys, alsa is selected, guess I'll have to go check out those lins01:41
Jon855I meant, i want my laptop to act as the provider for my desktop01:41
AdysJon855: yep, its the same process01:41
GneaJon855: you could set your desktop up as a router and NAT the connection01:41
DocManglerthe best bet on that, when you figure out how to get your 2nd one open, run the split command, and put man screen on top, and something like mc on bottom01:41
manicnerdmy friends computer got all messed up and she wants me to reinstall gutsy....she does not have an internet connection.....is using just the install cd good enough?  with no internet i dont think things like the nonfree-flash-plugin or anything need installed...01:41
Jon855Gnea, how would I do this?01:41
kindofabuzz_will someone go here? kindofabuzz.homelinux.net  what do you see?01:41
kindofabuzz_not a trick or anything i promise01:41
Adyskindofabuzz_:  timeout01:42
Gnea!iptables | Jon85501:42
ubotuJon855: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:42
manicnerdkindofabuzz_:  timeout01:42
kindofabuzz_ok then it's a loopback thing, i get my router config when i go to it from home01:42
wienwhat is best way to dual boot windows and ubuntu,  xp/windows installed first01:42
manicnerdhere too01:42
GneaJon855: iptables provides NAT capability, and quite well at that01:42
DocMangleraye timeout here too01:42
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kindofabuzz_kk, thanks01:42
Adyswien: Admittedly the easiest way is installing ubuntu8 with wubi, but its still beta01:43
DocManglerwien, grub is your friend01:43
mintsoupwhat's the default gnome window decorator?01:43
Odd-rationalemintsoup: human01:43
Adysmintsoup:  compiz01:43
DocManglerhere's an awesome grub page, one moment01:43
wienwhat is wubi01:43
Gneawien: neither. kill windows, install ubuntu, install vmware, create a virtual disk and install xp in vmware - run them at the same time ;)01:43
bod_guys, on my top panel, on the left of the word 'Applications' there is a small gnome foot icon, how can i change this icon to one that i made?01:43
Adys!wubi | wien01:43
ubotuwien: wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)01:43
Odd-rationalemintsoup: sorry, metacity. human is the theme01:43
Adysmetacity is the window manager, compiz is the decorator01:44
DocManglerthat will help you get grub up and running to dual boot anything, triple boot etc..01:44
manicnerdmy friend wants me to reinstall gutsy on her laptop (she has no internet connection).....is there anyway for me to also take the updates her laptop would require (old dell c600)01:45
jeffMASTERflexAdys: actually, compiz is the window manager.01:45
Odd-rationalemanicnerd: yes. aptoncd is one way.01:45
tashPlease remind me what is name of Compiz plugin that shows all open windows on screen and allows me to choose one01:45
AdysjeffMASTERflex:  not by default afaik01:46
manicnerdtash: scale i believe01:46
kei-clonecan someone help me get my audacious and exaile to work? I can't play music right now, there's the output when I try: http://rafb.net/p/fTY8rf43.html01:46
bod_!aptoncd | manicnerd01:46
ubotumanicnerd: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers01:46
drewbythe mic port was muted ><01:47
manicnerdOdd-rationale: so....i would install aptoncd on her laptop....run it (it will give me an ISO?) then burn that ISO....install gutsy....use that ISO to update?01:47
tashmanicnerd: thank you :)01:47
DocManglerok, so nobody here have pdnsd up and runnin? or had probs with it if you do or did?01:47
jeffMASTERflexAdys: actually, as long as compiz is active, it IS the window manager. it might LOOK like metacity if it uses the gtk decorator01:47
manicnerdtash: np01:47
Odd-rationalemanicnerd: But there is a better way. let me get  the link01:47
ferric84I'm trying to update mysql-server-5.0 through update manager, which was released a few days ago, but during the install I get an error that says: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.0.45-1ubuntu3.3_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 101:47
Odd-rationalemanicnerd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#head-14060f8896fc0efa378412ca379a89c8c332da1401:47
ferric84what does this mean?01:48
AdysjeffMASTERflex: compiz-decorator is the decorator and metacity is the default windowmanager but i could be wrong01:48
crdlbAdys: nope, metacity and compiz are both window managers01:48
jeffMASTERflexAdys: you are. if compiz is active, it is handling window managing duties. that is what it does. it is a metacity replacement01:48
crdlbmetacity is the one that runs when you disable compositing effects01:48
AdysOh right ok01:49
Adysferric84: tried forcing uninstall reinstall on mysql-server ?01:49
manicnerdOdd-rationale: thank you very much for that link....just what i was looking for01:49
Odd-rationalemanicnerd: I knew it would be. ;)01:49
ferric84hrm.. that could be dangerous01:49
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Adysferric84:  try moving /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-5.0_5.0.45-1ubuntu3.3_i386.deb away01:50
Adysand do the download from another mirror01:50
BIOSboileri have a question-- if i plug a usb thumb drive into my ubuntu box, which log file would i look at to see the log of it,in real time?01:51
TheViLliNfinally,   i fixed my onboard ati problem01:51
TheViLliNall it took was buying an nvidia card,   lol01:51
GneaBIOSboiler: tail -f /var/log/syslog01:51
AdysBIOSboiler:  /var/log/syslog?01:52
AdysGnea: fourth time in 30 mins bah :)01:52
* Adys is too tired for that - going to bed01:52
ibbackHi all. Does any1 know how to resolve this problem regarding amarok cos when i try to listen to radio, it alway return "Error reading Media, there is no available decoder, http: blah blah blah"01:54
TheViLliNso,  does anyone have an opinion on halflife and wine.  is there huge performance issues??01:54
HanselTheViLliN - why not read up about it on winehq.org?01:55
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TheViLliNya,  i am.  I jut thought i'd see if anyone else has01:55
DocMangleri actually saw some screenshots where people were getting better fps01:55
DocManglerthen again01:55
DocMangleri saw many with ppl getting 1/2 the fps01:55
DocMangleri keep my windows machine handy for games01:56
Jon855alright, I'm now using firestarter but there still seems to be an issue with sharing the connection01:56
BIOSboilerGnea what is the -f option do for tail?01:56
Jon855I have selected my wifi connection as the internet source and my eth0 as the lan source and internet sharing is enabled but it still doesn't works01:56
TheViLliNthat's kinda what i was thinking too.   just don't want to take this new box down just to play some games..;)01:56
DocMangleraye, it's getting harder for me to start windows01:57
kindofabuzz_will someone help me understand this page? https://www.dyndns.com/support/kb/loopback_connections.html at the bottom, i don't know what to put for there examples01:57
HanselJon855  - sudo iwconfig           what does it say?01:57
GneaBIOSboiler: man tail  <-- explains it01:57
GEISanyone uses mldonkey and knows how to connect to server from webui ?01:57
EtherNethello guys, could anyone give me an URL for downloading UBUNTU LIVECD ?01:57
Oni-Draculahi folks... i'm using ubuntu 8.04 and i installed miro though apt and all the channel names are screwed up.  The actual location of the button is about 50px away from where the name of the channel is being displayed... anyone know how i could fix0r this?01:57
Jon855Hansel, it says ath0 - internet etc, etc, etc...01:57
Jon855nothing else01:57
GneaEtherNet: http://www.ubuntu.com01:57
HanselEtherNet - no, we don't google for you...01:57
DocManglerTheViLliN you know, i know it's not half-life01:58
DocManglerbut... unreal2k4 at least comes in linux version01:58
Romsterhi where is the dd command located? it's not in /bin/ where it's ment to be01:58
DocManglerruns very nicely  ;)01:58
HanselJon855 - well you might not have a valid wireless device connected..01:58
Romsteron gutsy01:58
Jon855Well I do have a device connected -_-01:58
tritiumRomster: type "which dd"01:58
Jon855I'm using it right now01:58
GneaRomster: is coreutils installed?01:58
Romstertryed that and got 3 entrys01:58
Romsterdu works and that's from coreutils?01:59
tritiumRomster: it should be /bin/dd01:59
Romsterthats what i thought too.01:59
jorge_alguien habla español?01:59
tritium!es | jorge_01:59
ubotujorge_: En el canal donde esta solo se premite hablar ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:59
GneaRomster: what version of ubuntu is installed?01:59
Gneashould be /bin/dd then02:00
Romsterand i'm over the phone to the person...02:00
TheViLliNDocMangler: Good call,  excellent game.  I have to check out the spport for it02:00
prince_jammysheh, they changed the factoid from "In this channel" to "In the channel where you are"02:00
kindofabuzz_ok, will someone try kindofabuzz.homelinux.net again? should just get failed to connect?02:00
GEISanyone uses mldonkey and knows how to connect to server from webui ?02:00
GEISStroganoffu there?02:00
GEISStroganoff u there?02:01
Gneakindofabuzz_: yup02:01
kindofabuzz_ok cool02:01
StroganoffGEIS, download a server.met02:01
Romstertrying to get the person to run sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1, to reset the mbr so the person can install windows again.02:01
GEISStroganof, i click on import servers.met, it listed me some servers,but how do i connect to them02:01
GEISim using the webui btw02:01
Stroganoffthere must be some button GEIS02:02
GEISStroganoff,none i searched everywhere02:02
Romsterubunto is ment for new users so is there a simple way of doing that without typing that in a term?02:02
GneaRomster: nope, that's as simple as it gets02:02
StroganoffGEIS, maybe it connects automatically?02:03
Jon855Gnea, if I'm running a nat, should I have dhcp on so that my desktop can connect?02:03
Romstereasy command to install coreutils? dkpg -u coreutils ?02:03
tannerhow can i install a 32bit package on a 64bit system?02:03
GneaJon855: it couldn't hurt02:03
tritiumRomster: sudo apt-get install --reinstall coreutils02:03
Jon855when I do this, it keeps saying failed to start the firewall, but whenever the dhcp is off it'll turn on but no internet sharing is happening02:04
GneaJon855: not sure, but i have to go.. i'm sure someone else can help you from here02:04
daifcan anybody explain how to mount an external harddrive that isnt automatically doing so?02:05
Jon855Thank you anyways02:05
Gneagood luck02:05
tannerdaif, typically "mount -o rw /dev/<device> <mount point>"02:05
GEISStroganoff,why not tell me connect command ,i'll try it in telnet02:06
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daifokay thanks02:06
tannerdaif, although, done as super user02:06
daifalright thank you02:06
mike__Any one use VirtualBox ?02:07
snake__hello. is there any way to install ubuntu from the iso in the hard disk because my cdrom is broken and i can not burn ubuntu in cd02:07
crazy_elfmike_, I do02:07
ALPSINChi all, is it possiable to run things as root, automaticly, after a user has logged in, and under that user's account? (kinda like a promptless sudo)02:07
StroganoffGEIS i dont know any commands, i havnt used mldonkey before02:07
shachafALPSINC: Why do you want that?02:07
leo_rockwALPSINC: you're describing root, apparently02:07
ALPSINCand yes, i know of oall the security risks02:07
shachafALPSINC: There's a point to having sudo.02:07
tannersnake__: have a 1G flashdrive?02:07
leo_rockwALPSINC: why don't you just use root?02:08
shachafALPSINC: Is there something specific you'd like to do?02:08
mike__i wanna know how i can brows a Network share i have Win Xp in virtualbox and C: mapped but ubuntu dont see it02:08
snake__tanner: i thought of it but i gave it to a friend of mine :S02:08
ALPSINCshachaf: yes, i need to run a bot that chroots it's self02:08
snake__tanner: so i do not have one02:08
Scunizimike__, install avahi02:08
kindofabuzz_i know sudo gives you root rights, but is it the exact same thing as running on a root account?02:08
ALPSINCleo_rockw: i need to use as 'user' userland not a 'root' userland02:08
andycrHow would I tell what wireless driver I'm currently using? I looked through the output of lsmod but couldn't spot which one it was without knowing what to look for.02:09
kindofabuzz_i see sites that tell you that you MUST be root02:09
ALPSINCkindofabuzz_: sudo == onle line su02:09
Flannelkindofabuzz_: They aren't written for Ubuntu, or otherwise don't know what they're talking about.02:09
kindofabuzz_well this one site is wriiten for gutsy but a certain part tells you to create the root passwd because you must be root to install02:10
Scunizimike__, I have win2kpro in vmware server with mapped directories and I couldn't get samba to work right.. all the time.. with avahi I can "see" and access the win VM directories with Ubuntu but not vice-versa02:10
FlannelALPSINC: You can tweak the sudoers file to allow certain apps to run without prompts.  What sorts of things are you looking to allow?02:10
Romstertritium, thanks reinstalling coreutils did it02:10
kindofabuzz_so sudo is exactuly the same as logging into root?02:10
tritiumRomster: excellent02:10
leo_rockwkindofabuzz_: sudo == super user do02:11
tritiumkindofabuzz_: not *exactly*02:11
kindofabuzz_so is it the same?02:11
ALPSINCFlannel: one program: my bot that chroots it's self02:11
mike__dude im rly a toltal noob02:11
tritiumBut the effects are similar.02:11
Flannelkindofabuzz_: No, its different, but it accomplishes the same thing.02:11
kindofabuzz_ok then that's why they say you must be root then02:11
FlannelALPSINC: And it runs as your user?02:11
Romstertritium, i use core linux myself, man that's a bit complex for a new linux user. there should be a man page or someting to tell them about that.02:11
crazy_elfkindaofabuzz, su sudo would log you in as root though02:11
leo_rockwkindofabuzz_: i'd say that whatever you do as root can be done with sudo, but they are deff not the same.02:11
crazy_elferm sudo su***02:11
kindofabuzz_so configin sor installing something as sudo is NOT the exact same as doing it as root?02:11
ALPSINCFlannel: it runs as nobody, but it has to chroot to be there02:12
Flannelkindofabuzz_: No, thats not correct.  Theysay "you must log in as root" because they don't understand (assumign written for Ubuntu)02:12
tritiumRomster: about what?  coreutils should have been installed already.  No idea why it wasn't.02:12
FlannelALPSINC: You could set it up as a daemon like everything else.  Or tweak your sudoers I suppose02:12
Flannelcrazy_elf, kindofabuzz_, sudo -i, don't sudo su.02:12
jeffMASTERflexkindofabuzz_: for all intents and purposes, using sudo is like being root. it's safer in that you don't have a persistent root login to screw things up02:12
ALPSINCFlannel: ok...02:12
leo_rockwand you can also limit sudoers, but not root, afaik02:13
crazy_elfflannel, is that a safer method?02:13
Flannelcrazy_elf: yeah02:13
shachafALPSINC: Why not just right run the command you want as root?02:13
Romsterthe command to wipe the mbr so they can reinstall windows.02:13
Romsterisn't there a help page or something in ubunto to warn/inform them02:13
kindofabuzz_so basically sudo -i is so you don't have to keep typing sudo everytime for that session?02:13
shachafs/right // -- how did that get in there?02:13
FlannelRomster: the windows install will install itself, you don't need to wipe anything beforehand02:13
orbisvicishow can i change a user to  system user, id < 1000 ?02:13
tritiumRomster: exactly what Flannel just said02:14
mike__<crazy_elf> do u know any thing about the shared folder feture in Virtual box ?02:14
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shachafkindofabuzz_: That'll be -s.02:14
* tritium thanks Flannel for saving him some typing02:14
Hanselorbisvicis - look up sudo on google and specifically the wheel group02:14
kindofabuzz_i just make alieses, like my sudo apt-get install = sagi02:14
shachafOr -i, I guess.02:14
Romsterfdisk/format for this user kept freexing and using 'lock C: and fdisk /mbr'02:14
snake__anyone one here that can tell me how to install ubuntu from the iso that i just downloaded without having to burn it to cd because my cdrom is broken. i am using ubuntu right now so i am not sure if wubi will do for me02:14
shachafkindofabuzz_: -i is more thorough, like su -.02:14
Romsteranyways it's fixed.02:14
tritiumRomster: that sounds like a windows problem ;)02:15
shachafsnake__: If you're using Ubuntu, why do you need the iso?02:15
Romstertritium, yeah <<02:15
Flannel!install | snake__02:15
ubotusnake__: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:15
Flannelsnake__: that URL has a few methods sans CD02:15
TheViLliNis it possible to take two harddrives,  on with vista and one with linux, (both installed and working) then install grub to dual boot them or should linux be installed after and see the windows drive02:15
orbisvicisHansel, i mean aside from editing /etc/passwd, is there an other way ?02:15
FlannelTheViLliN: Yes02:15
icanhasadminTheViLliN: very possible02:15
Jon855I've a real question...02:16
crazy_elfmike__, I'm not positive.  I haven't tried that yet.02:16
shachaforbisvicis: usermod?02:16
TheViLliNawesome,  thanks02:16
shachaforbisvicis: What's wrong with editing /etc/passwd (/etc/group, actually).02:16
Jon855My network set up is like this. And I would want my laptop to act as a dhcp server for internet sharing...02:16
mike__all im trying to do is share my Linux HOME folder with XP02:16
Jon855Wifi -> Laptop -> Switch -> Computers.02:17
Jon855how would I go about this?02:17
Hanselorbisvicis - man adduser.. look at the possible switches  :)02:17
prince_jammysorbisvicis: man usermod02:17
orbisvicisshachaf, b/c i dont know if i can just change the number02:17
shachaforbisvicis: The number?02:17
shachaforbisvicis: Hansel suggested that you look into the "wheel" group.02:18
orbisvicisshachaf, id like to lower the user id02:18
Jon855anybody mind telling me the differences between ath0 and wifi0 ?02:18
Jester45does anyone have the time to work tough a messed up apt/ /var partition02:18
prince_jammysit's not02:18
shachaforbisvicis: Oh, I must've missed your original question. :-)02:18
mike__ dose  any one know any thing about the shared folder feture in Virtual box ?02:18
shachaforbisvicis: Why do you want to do that?02:18
andycrJon855: The devices are named differently on occasion due to different drivers naming them differently02:18
Hanselshachaf - he wants to change the UID or create a user with a lower UID than 1000... in Ubuntu its recommended to use wheel instead of doing this.  He is kind of breaking with Ubuntu convention...02:18
andycrJon855: ath(x) is usually used my MadWifi drivers for atheros cards02:19
orbisvicisshachaf, the user firebird to administer the database should have been created system but its so now it shows up all over the play in user apps02:19
orbisvicislike gdm and fast user switch02:19
Jester45mike__, i think those added things only work on when the emulated os is windows02:19
prince_jammysHansel: "wheel" or "admin"02:19
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prince_jammysHansel: question mark02:19
snake__Flannel: the method without cd talks about the case when you have windows installed. i have ubuntu 7.10 that i am using right now. i want to install 8.04 in another partition. how can i do this from ubuntu not from windows02:19
shachaforbisvicis: I'd just change it myself, but some GUI might be able to do it if you prefer.02:19
Jon855Okay. i'm just trying to get my internet to be shared over to my desktop02:19
shachaforbisvicis: Make sure you find all the files and chown them, though.02:19
Hanselprince_jammys - I'm the type that doesn't hand hold... I point people in the direction of answers so they can learn  :)02:20
orbisvicisshachaf, yes, usermod does that for me02:20
Hanselprince_jammys - you will notice when I told him the adduser command to look at the switches relevant to UID... ;)02:20
alan_mand.....whats the issue jon855....your not giving us much to go on.02:21
codechAosupgrade to SkynetOS02:21
Jon855I thought I had explained it.02:21
Jon855Wifi -> Laptop -> Switch -> Computers.02:21
Jon855My network set up is like this. And I would want my laptop to act as a dhcp server for internet sharing...02:21
ScuniziJon855, are you saying you don't have internet access on the laptop but you do on the desktop machines.. and you want wireless to work on the lappy?02:21
alan_moh, i thought you had just come in, im sorry02:21
Jester45could someone please look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60935/ and tell me what i should do to fix this02:21
Jon855the other way around Scunizi02:22
Jon855I want to share my wifi internet connection to my desktop02:22
Jon855from the laptop02:22
Flannelsnake__: there's half-dozen methods without CD. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#head-ca8e337bdfab6bfa1d064371898775fe1e9e22fd02:22
ScuniziJon855, yea.. I just read your post before mine just before hitting the enter key... sorry I don't know how to setup DHCP on Ubuntu02:22
mike__<Jester45>  yes my host OS is Ubuntu and my guest os is XP02:24
ScuniziJon855, In thinking about it wouldn't that require 2 nic cards.. in your case one wireless and one hardwired?  If so do you want to provide dhcp via wireless to the other machines? or via the hardwire?02:24
Jon855I already have a nic built into into my laptop, and the wifi is built into my laptop02:24
Jon855I have it all.02:24
Jon855Via hardwire to the machine02:25
Jon855wifi is my internet source02:25
Jon855Internet -> Wifi -> Laptop -> Ethernet -> desktop02:25
ScuniziJon855, that was my point.. ok.. have you checked this out? http://ubuntulinuxhowto.blogspot.com/2006/06/setup-your-computer-to-be-router.html02:26
Jon855am reading it now02:26
cybertuxdnfsoopf ?02:26
juice_anyone know what program to use for sharing mice and keyboards?02:27
ScuniziJon855, looks like that might point you in the right direction02:27
frank23I made an image of a windows partition using partimage. Is there a way to create a bootable restore DVD that would boot and restore that image?02:28
daj0kerjuice_, for a computer next to you? or on a network or what?02:28
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Flannel!afk > JarG0n_afk02:28
juice_nvm i found it: synergy02:28
rathelI'm connected to my ubuntu computer through SSH and using Putty on Windows, CenterIM looks weird and doesn't refresh I have to scroll the the buddy list to see if anyone has signed on or off, how do I fix this?02:29
crazy_elfjuice_, I was just fixing to say that02:29
Jon855Scunizi, I will try  this, thanks02:29
ScuniziJon855, np I hope it works.. little things can be quite a dilema sometimes.02:30
Prefixwhen using sudo, can you type the password in the first command or do you have to use the promt thing02:31
Scuniziprompt thingy02:31
Slicknesshello,could anyone telll me how i would download and install the open source ATI drivers? from the web? from the package manager?02:31
Scunizi!ati | Slickness02:31
ubotuSlickness: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:31
PrefixScunizi: really? what if i needed a sudo in a sh script?02:32
FlannelPrefix: The user needs to sudo the script, or you prompt the user02:32
ScuniziPrefix, that's a different issue.. I'm not sure how to do that..02:33
BramCIhi, I used to have an ubuntu on a small external hard drive but it just crash miserably and I have no windows CD to boot on my windows partition. There's no other solution than reinstall ubuntu on my "internal" hard drive ?02:33
TaRDydoes any1 know what I can do if a command for tcl works when i do "tcl" first but not in my expect script?02:33
BramCI(sorry for my bad english)02:33
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.02:33
TaRDyBramCI, why don't you try booting to a liveCD?02:33
neil_dBramCI: does it have info you must have on it ?02:33
Jester45BramCI, your english is fine02:34
BramCITaRDy: I'm actualy on a live CD02:34
ryrysBramCI, boot from the liveCD of ubuntu :-)02:34
JoelitoHi guys, Is there a software in ubuntu world that allows me to see what dependencies need a given linux binary?02:34
SlicknessScunizi : that seems to be for the restricted drivers,i was told to try out the open source drivers02:34
BramCII have no other way to boot02:34
TheViLliNis there something funny about    umount  that the man does not describe.  I keep trying but it keeps telling my it busy. Even if i try to force it and theres nothing open02:35
BramCIBut now I would like to acces to my windows partition to defrag it to make a new partition to reinstall ubuntu on02:35
Jester45has anyone had a look at my apt problem02:35
WorkingOnWisehow do I reboot a server using putty?02:36
ryrysBramCI, do it with fdisk o gparted02:36
Hanselsudo shutdown -r now02:36
rathelI'm connected to my ubuntu computer through SSH and using Putty on Windows, CenterIM looks weird and doesn't refresh I have to scroll the buddy list to see if anyone has signed on or off, how do I fix this?02:36
BramCIryrys: no risk of loosing data ?02:36
alan_mHansel, that was for WorkingOnWise correct?02:37
BramCII have important things on my windows partition02:37
Hanselalan_m - yes...02:37
zalkerwoot ubuntu02:37
alan_mHansel, just making sure :)02:37
neil_dBramCI: you can try this http://www.grc.com/sr/spinrite.htm it can apparently fix a lot of HDD problems, it isn't free thou.02:37
lhoerstei'm trying to follow the mysql guide on the wiki but i cant set the root user up. whats' wrong?02:37
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ryrysBramCI, depend, if you have a partition ready for install it, no problem, but RESIZE a particion with data, i suggest backup first02:37
WorkingOnWiseHansel: thanks02:37
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KhushilDepHello All - busy night huh.. :-)02:38
BramCIneil_d: it makes horrible sound I don't think I have any hope02:38
BramCIryrys: and there no way to "avoid" grub phase to boot on windows ?02:40
Wrecugh, what's the website called that we use to paste info02:40
BramCI3h of backup data it's a bit hard :/02:40
Wrecpaste something02:40
leo_rockwWrec: pastebin02:40
ryrysBramCI, sure02:41
BramCIryrys: but how ? I've only found solution talking about using windows CD (that I have lost ...)02:42
lhoerstei'm trying to follow the mysql guide on the wiki but i cant set the root user up. whats' wrong?02:42
TaRDydoes any1 know what I can do if a command for tcl works on tcl cli first but not in my expect script?02:42
poseidonWhen downloading programs for ubuntu, I should download the .tar.gz, correct.02:43
leo_rockwposeidon: that's a maybe02:44
crazy_elfposeidon, depends on if you want to compile it or you want it to just be installed from a package.  deb is an automated package install02:44
prince_jammysposeidon: tar.gz is a zipped archive that could contain any kind of file. you want to download a .deb file, or an archive that contains one. (this is of course if the package you want is not available in the repositories)02:44
poseidonleo_rockw, how do I know what to download?02:44
neil_dposeidon: check synaptic first to see if there is a ubunut package02:44
leo_rockwposeidon: you probably want a deb02:45
leo_rockwposeidon: do what neil_d said02:45
prince_jammysposeidon: what program is it?02:45
prince_jammysposeidon: that can be obtained through apt if you add a repository02:45
rathelI'm connected to my ubuntu computer through SSH and using Putty on Windows, CenterIM looks weird and doesn't refresh I have to scroll the buddy list to see if anyone has signed on or off, how do I fix this?02:45
poseidonSorry if this seems trivial, but I just got linux today02:45
leo_rockwposeidon: there has to be a deb for ubuntu around the internets02:45
Jon855differences between i686 and i386?02:46
leo_rockwrathel: i may have a solution02:46
crazy_elfrathel, have you tried pidgin?02:46
alan_mposeidon, there are no stupid questions, just the ones that are left unanswered hehe02:46
prince_jammysposeidon http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-avant-window-navgator-in-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon.html02:46
poseidonThanks guys02:46
neil_dalan_m: there is a big difference between stupid and ignorant.02:47
leo_rockwrathel: try these 2 commands: LANG=en_EN.ASCII and TERM=linux02:47
leo_rockwrathel: that worked for me. i was using ssh from my nintendo DS02:47
rathelleo_rockw: Okay I'll try that, thanks.02:47
alan_mneil_d, true :)02:47
Jon855generally which is better kde or gnome?02:47
neil_doops poseidon : there is a big difference between stupid and ignorant.02:48
alan_mJon855, depending on what you like or are used to02:48
alan_mits really user preference02:48
rathelleo_rockw: That worked thanks. :)02:48
ryrysBramCI, http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/ could help maybe02:48
ScuniziJon855, you can actually have both on the sys at the same time and choose what you want at logon with sessions02:48
alan_mkde to me is beautiful, but gnome is awesome as well..02:48
leo_rockwrathel: don't ask me what it does, i have no idea, haha. i only know it works02:49
alan_mscunizi, yep02:49
prince_jammysJon855: yeah, get em both and then decide. (there's even more if you don't like those)02:49
BramCIryrys: thx I take a look02:49
alan_mkde and gnome are just the most popular jon85502:49
leo_rockwJon855: don't listen to these people, kde is the best (nah, i'm just trolling, try both)02:50
ryrysBramCI, if not, u cant exange the devices02:50
prince_jammyseven though leo_rockw is right ;)02:50
alan_mkde rocks, i do agree, but like i said :)02:50
memianhi everyone, i want to ask a question about live cd users and pass. I'm prepairing a custom xubuntu live CD using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization . i want to create an user/pass.  on the site it's said that i have to crypt password using mkpasswd. in my host system i created password (hash) and enter it to initramfstools/scripts/casper-bottom/10addliveuser. but it didn't work. actually i'm suspicius about the salt (which is created by ran02:50
graftmy boot loader always gets the wrong order for disks... what do i do?02:50
SpudDoggDoes anyone know what might be making my wireless card disconnect all the time while using wpasupplicant?02:50
ryrysBramCI, grub> map (hd0) (hd1) and then grub > map (hd1) (hd0)02:50
ryrysBramCI, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-faq.html#q10 I think this can be work for you :-)02:51
BramCIryrys: you sur ? I think he won't find one of the 2hd and will refuse to load02:52
BramCIoh, I'll try it02:52
ryrysBramCI, whats happens when u do fdisk -l ?02:52
neil_dJon855: and to add another xfce4 is good for a smaller system.02:53
spinikeranybody  knows how to use azureus? im having problem downloading torrents02:53
BramCIryrys: it shows me bunch of information02:53
spinikerit says the tracker is unregistered02:53
Jon855alright, thanks neil_d02:53
BramCI   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System02:53
BramCI/dev/sdb1               1       60801   488384001    7  HPFS/NTFS02:53
ryrysBramCI, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org this to paste large things02:54
zalkerim using azureus02:54
BramCIand other thing but I don't want to flood to much02:54
spinikercan u help me?02:54
spinikerim running dapper 6.0602:54
nico_alguien español¿?02:54
zalkerim usinge 7.1002:54
ubotuEn este canal, solamente hablamos ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:54
BramCIryr: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60938/02:54
spinikerand i cant seem to download02:55
ryrysnico_, usa #ubuntu-es :)02:55
prince_jammyshey, they changed the factoid back'02:55
addicted68098Hi, I am using the Beta 8.04 and whenever I use the workspace switcher the panels crash, does anyone else have the same problem, GNOME has always been a bit funky on my computer.02:55
zalkerhave you tried a differant port?02:55
nico_tnx ryrye!!02:55
ApOgEE-hi, my wget returns ERROR: Certificate verification error for wiki.ubuntu.com: ... any ideas? how can i fix it?02:55
ibbackHi all02:56
neil_dApOgEE-: what url are you using ?  maybe I can check it.02:56
spinikernope,i just used the default..what port should i use02:56
meltdwnhello...I have a small question...I would like a change and am thinking of changeing my DNS server over to ubuntu...do they offer a no graphical server version02:56
meltdwnI have never used ubuntu02:56
ApOgEE-neil_d, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/TranslateFullCircle?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=issue2.tar.gz02:57
zalkeryou should be able to test diferrant numbers02:57
addicted68098I can't start apache because something else is using port 80 is there a way to find the program causing the problem.02:57
ctimkoI have a question on 8.0402:57
mad_max02me too02:57
ryrysBramCI, and you remember in what label was mounted ur ubuntu? so you can exange in grub, for example: grub > map sda1 sdb1 and then map sdb1 sda102:57
mad_max02but someone can try and help you if you ask it02:57
ctimkocan i revert back to 7.10 from the beta02:57
prince_jammysctimko: #ubuntu+1 is the channel you want02:57
meltdwnI have used most other flavors of linux/unix though..02:58
neil_dApOgEE-: I get the same trouble, I have found that some sites block wget, have you tried getting wget to mascruade as something else.02:58
ctimkook, thank you02:58
spinikerany port in particular?02:58
Jaymacctimko, not easily.02:58
BramCIryrys: no, it was on a small external HD of 8go, but I don't remember it's name02:58
nico_can anybody help me plz02:58
nico_im newbie :s02:59
ApOgEE-neil_d, I don't know other way, can u download it using wget?02:59
spinikeri used azureus it before on windows02:59
nico_and im confused with instalations02:59
zalkerim using 36330 and it seems to be downloading02:59
Jaymac!ask | nico02:59
ubotunico: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:59
neil_dApOgEE-: nope.  hang on a sec.02:59
lhoersteI've installed wordpress with apache and php but the php files are just downloading instead of rendering. I have php5.conf in my mods-enabled directory03:00
nico_can u?03:00
Jaymacnico_, what is your question?03:00
nico_about the formats03:00
addicted68098does samba use port 80?03:00
nico_do u want a private?03:00
Jaymacnico_, please ask your question on one line and I'll do my best my best to help you03:01
jsteezeyaddicted no i dont believe so03:01
Jaymacoops... subtract my best - i'm a bit drunk :)03:01
nico_i dont know how to install aplicatiosn03:01
ApOgEE-neil_d, actually i only got parts of broken download using firefox, if i download again using firefox, it will restart the download. I thought I can just continue the partial download using wget -c .. ;)03:01
tux97addicted no port 80 is for websites html03:01
nico_the .tg...03:01
Jaymacnico_, try Applications > Add/Remove Programs03:01
Jaymacoh ok nico03:02
Jaymacif you have a file .tar.gz or .tgz..03:02
neil_dApOgEE-: I tried to get wget to pretend it was firefox but that didn't work. sorry don't know what to do.03:02
ApOgEE-neil_d, ok thanks03:02
BramCIryrys: it's not possible to find it in the grub ? it doesn't keep information ?03:02
lampronsomeone know how to remove the sticky windows in compiz ?03:03
nico_can u jaymac?03:03
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lampronin way that i can move my window and not stick them to the screen side03:03
graftmy KVM is causing X to use really weird modes03:03
Jaymacnico_,  you run it like so: (in a terminal) tar zxvf filename.tar.gz Then, you change to the newly created directory: cd filename/ ... and do: ./configure followed by make && sudo make install03:03
graftwhat can i do about this?03:03
ryrysBramCI, hmmmm maybe this work, try using this in grub: grub > root (sdb0,1) or 1,0 . try this03:03
Jaymacnico_, first, type this in a terminal: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:03
AnimortisCan anyone relate a means to find the official network name of my printer so I can share it over a network?03:04
nico_ill try03:04
prince_jammyslampron it's somewhere in the few hundred options that compiz has. try searching in compiz-config03:04
JohnuahWill Ubuntu 804 fully support EEEpc?03:04
BramCIryrys: no doesn't work03:04
jsteezeygraft force x to use the modes you want by editing your xorg.conf03:05
ryrysBramCI, and using grub > root (sdb0,1) o sdb1,0 o sdb1 either?03:05
crdlblampron: Wobbly Windows > Invert Snap03:05
Jaymacnico_,  i have to run.  if you get stuck, look at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24609203:05
jsteezeydont leave it on auto03:05
Jaymacnico_, good luck!03:05
graftjsteezey: it's very hard to force X to do anything03:05
jsteezeygraft what mode do you want?03:05
nikrudlampron turn off snapping windows under window management03:05
jsteezeyits really easy actually03:05
BramCIryrys: neither, I've tried random number but each time: Error 23: Error while parsing number03:05
lamproncrdlb, thank you !03:06
lampronnikrud, nope, wrong setting, crdlb got it03:06
crdlbnikrud: that only works if you're _not_ using wobbly03:06
crdlbit's odd :/03:06
nikrudlampron hm, I had wobbly off :)03:06
ryrysBramCI, is not a random number, its the number of ur HD, sdb1 shows fdisk03:06
nikrudwobbly sucks, anyway.03:07
prince_jammysshame on you!03:07
bazhangJohnuah: #ubuntu+1 please03:07
prince_jammysjust kidding.03:07
prince_jammysi don't even have compiz03:07
* nikrud eyes prince_jammys, and sidles away, slowly03:08
AnimortisCan anyone relate a means to find the official network name of my printer so I can share it over a network?03:08
graftjsteezey: won't it just not load?03:08
jsteezeygraft you need to edit the xorg.conf file if you want to force it to use a certain resolution03:09
freckledpAnyone noticed Firefox 3 b4 starts in offline mode?  I can't figure out how to keep it from doing so...and nobody on #firefox is answering03:09
graftjsteezey: okay, i'll try that and see if it works03:09
AnimortisTHat's on 7.10...03:09
jsteezeythats why your getting funky modes cuz your kvm is not telling x the proper resolution03:09
jsteezeylook in the section under Display03:09
jsteezeyyou probably either have multiple modes set or none at all03:10
Xpistosanyone familiar with Virtual box03:10
prince_jammysnikrud: will you be my friend if i install compiz?03:10
icanhasadminprince_jammys: i'll be your friend if you don't :D03:10
bazhangXpistos: having issues? please specify03:10
BramCIryrys: looks like I have to backup and tried a new installation03:10
XpistosI have a VM with Vista on it and I am trying to share a folder and also be able to use my cd drive and usb drives so I once and for all strike MS from my system03:11
icanhasadmini love how by default ubuntu will display characters from like any language03:11
nikrudprince_jammys you can be my friend anyway, plenty of them are uncool ;)03:11
memianXpistos: u can't use usb drivers03:11
ryrysBramCI, hmm sorry I dont have another idea :( hmmmmmmm maybe using --boot-drive=sdb1 !03:12
AnimortisCan anyone please tell me how to get my printer's official name so I can use it on a network in 7.10?03:12
Xpistoswhat about a shared folder03:12
prince_jammysnikrud: thanks ;)03:12
XpistosIf I can get that to work I can pass info this way03:12
juice_what do i use to burn a .iso to disk?03:12
ryrysBramCI, restart and use that parameter03:12
bazhangAnimortis: what is the name of your printer? that would be a start03:12
memianXpistos: actually i couldn't make that work, so i used an FTP server03:12
bazhangjuice_: right click open with cd/dvd creator03:12
juice_bazhang: can i mount them too?03:13
BramCIryrys: where will rebooting ? I only have a grub error message and no possibility to act03:13
Xpistoson vista or linux03:13
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bazhangjuice_: if it is a video, or what?03:13
rectec794613how do i join the ubuntu forums?03:13
Animortisbazhang, I don't know, that's the problem. It's an HP Photosmart C4280, but using Photosmart_C4200_series doesn't work in the printer URL on the windows PCs being served.03:13
memiani tried on gutsy to run xubuntu live03:13
juice_bazhang: nvm i got it03:14
bazhangrectec794613: go there create an account and then get the pass in an email03:14
gottadollhairso I installed swat and samba but I cannot get swat to connect i nthe browser. what am i doing wrong03:14
rectec794613i dont see a create account option03:14
bazhangrectec794613: try to reply to a problem there03:15
rectec794613o nvm03:15
memianXpistos: and also keep in mind that virtualBox sends request from not from the specified virtual ip adress.03:15
Xpistosmemain: You installed an ftp server on windows and then used an ftp client to connect with linux?03:15
rectec794613problem solved03:15
ryrysBramCI, ahhhh, what is the error?03:15
Eroickwhat language and GUI toolkit are the ubuntu config apps written with? ie the add/remove programs, network managers, etc...03:16
memianthere wasn't windows. my host system was ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy). i installed an ftp server on my host.03:16
tritiumEroick: many are written in python, and use gtk+03:16
Xpistosokay, what was the vm03:16
Eroicktritium: do the devs use glade or some kind of builder?03:17
memianXpistos: Xubuntu 7.10 Live on virtualBox03:17
XpistosI see03:17
Jester45many use glade03:17
BramCIryrys: don't remember exactly, something like 17 or 19. It appear frequently went I forgot to turn on my hd03:17
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Jester45they have .glade files in some place03:17
memianXpistos: and if files are small consider gmail ;)03:17
Xpistosthey aren't03:18
yoandyhi, is there any guide on installing icedtea-java firefox plugin on hardy?03:18
ryrysBramCI, ah ok, well ur now with the livecd right?03:18
tritiumyoandy: hardy questions in #ubuntu+103:18
BramCIryrys: yes03:18
XpistosI can't get the dvd encoding software to work all that great03:18
XpistosThanks for the suggestions Memian03:18
ryrysBramCI, do this: sudo grub03:18
XpistosMuch appreciated03:18
yoandyok, thanks tritium03:18
memianXpistos: oh wait03:18
memianXpistos: what about samba?03:18
Xpistoswhat about it03:19
=== intravenous is now known as plainclothescop
ryrysBramCI, root (sdb1)03:19
memianXpistos: may be you can use it, share a folder on win and connect from VM03:19
ryrysBramCI, setup(sdb1)03:19
ryrysBramCI, quit03:19
juice_ok i'm trying to boot from live cd but when i select boot in safe graphics mode it says "kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill the idle task" wtf do i do?03:19
XpistosI am having trouble getrint the shared folder to work, but honestly, I have only realley worked on it for about 30  min - 1hr03:20
BramCIryrys: "Error 23: Error while parsing number" for root and setup03:20
tronznot sure if this is the right cannel for this question but.... does any1 know how to set up the serial port to do 115200 baud?? I can get it to work for up to and including 38400 but higher than that and I get garbage out03:20
ryrysBramCI, if doest work, use root (hd0) then setup(hd0) and then quit03:20
tronzI am using C and termios03:20
BramCIryrys: Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition for setup03:21
techqberthow does firefox 3 beta perform on heron?  is it quicker then 2 on gutsy?03:21
anaoumhardy heron ftw03:21
memianXpistos: hmm, FTP may be the best quick and dirty solution for you then.03:21
tech404techqbert, yes i does03:21
techqberttech404: really, I'm almost tempted to update-manager -d on a production machine.. hrm...03:22
XpistosI'll five it a shot and If I find out more I will let you guys know03:22
XpistosThanks again03:22
tech404does anyone know if there is a way to force luks to require 2 keys? Such as a keyfile and a password03:22
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:22
memianXpistos: u r wellcome03:22
exileoh God, i need help03:22
=== [FFS]ABC is now known as abc
abci am having a kinda wierd problem with gusyt gibbon, when i play feull screen games, it will pop outta full screen and go to a windowed mode and then i have 2 manualy restart my computer, is ther a way to fix this03:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:22
tech404techqbert, i would if i was you... hardy is going to be great and it is already pretty polished03:23
CaptMorganhere is a really simple question, how do I verify if a computer has Flash player installed? I need to know to help a co-worker out and I am not infront of the computer, was hoping for a terminal command o something03:23
ryrysBramCI, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60939/03:23
juice_ok i'm trying to boot from live cd but when i select boot in safe graphics mode it says "kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill the idle task" wtf do i do?03:23
tritiumCaptMorgan: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree03:23
tronzmaybe some1 could reccomend a better channel to ask my question in03:23
juice_CaptMorgan: try plaing a video on youtube03:23
amenadoCaptMorgan-> adobe web site has a test for flash plugin03:23
techqberttech404: yeah I've heard the beta is really stable03:24
CaptMorgantritium, thanks03:24
tech404abc, I dont know what the problem is but I used to have the same one in gutsy... do you use the nvidia proprietary driver?03:24
CaptMorganjuice_ so she does have it then cause  I know she is always watching youtube03:24
tritiumCaptMorgan: sure.  That's to test for the ubuntu package, to see if it's installed.03:24
juice_CaptMorgan: word03:24
BramCIryrys: same error for the setup :/03:24
abctech404 i have waht ever it installed automaticaly, linux noob here03:24
AnimortisCan anyone please tell me how to get my printer's official name so I can use it on a network in 7.10?03:25
napiAsk it nicely? :p03:25
juice_anyone know why my kernel isnt syncing when i boot from liveCD?03:25
tech404abc, I would just wait a bit and install hardy from scratch... it has been flawless for me03:25
amenadoone good thing i guess is that nasty npviewer.bin (for flash) does not exist in ubuntu03:25
ryrysBramCI, hmmm I dont have any idea then :(03:25
anaoumubuntu vs debian03:25
Jon855Ubuntu is debian based03:26
Jon855so that's moot03:26
graftxorg.conf is bullshit, man03:26
anaoumtrivia: where did the name "Debian" originate from?03:26
tritium!language | graft03:26
ubotugraft: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:26
Jon855My friend's a Debian nerd, and he says debian is the way to go03:26
graftit's 2008, why do i still have to edit my modelines?03:26
tech404Debra and Ian03:26
tritiumanaoum: please stay on topic03:26
CaptMorgangraft, not for long03:26
abctech404 are u useing the beta? i'm a big gamer and this is driving me INSANE03:26
anaoumsorry tritium :P03:27
anaoumDebra & Ian is correct though03:27
graftCaptMorgan: yeah, i keep hearing that03:27
tritiumAnimortis: how is the printer being shared?  Direct network connection?03:27
abcand i must say i LOVE all the eye candy, am i gonna lose ne of that goin to the newer version?03:27
tech404abc, hardy is already acting better for me the gutsy ever did... and because I have new top o the line hw it was a great step for me.... i bet your in the same boat03:27
tech404abc, no it gets better in the new version03:28
CaptMorgangraft, believe me I hate it to xorg-edit is a simple program that can build your modelines and input them for you03:28
* tritium observes "your" is the most mis-used word on IRC03:28
* nikrud thought it was u03:28
tritiumnikrud: u is not a word.  It's a letter.03:28
napi"its/it's" is probably high up the list03:28
graftCaptMorgan: i don't mind the editing, it's just the thinking about it that i hate03:28
abctech404 thanks for the help, i think i'll save my music and pic and give it a try03:28
Animortistritium, Directly through a home network. I want to share it to an XP laptop, and i'm looking at the wiki entry on printer sharing but the url I put in the Windows "Add a Printer" wizard is http://mypcname:631/printers/PRINTER_NAME and I don't know what that is. I've tried everything.03:28
juice_anyone know where i go to find a L.U.G. in my hood?03:28
nikrudtritium misused outside of it's language ;p03:29
graftCaptMorgan: Xorg should just figure out the optimal resolution and use it03:29
BramCIryrys: well thank for every thing. I'm gonna ask a big hd to a friend to backup03:29
=== abc is now known as [FFS]ABC
tritiumnikrud: indeed03:29
SpudDoggTrying to get WPA working in this machine is giving me a horrible headache.03:29
juice_anyone know where i go to find a L.U.G. in my hood?03:29
ryrysBramCI, oki, good luck ;-)03:29
tritiumAnimortis: directly on the network?  i.e., attached to a router, or otherwise directly via ethernet?03:30
Animortistritium, Yes03:30
CaptMorgangraft: imagine how I feel having a generic no name LCD TV, its like nailing jello to a wall untl i get it down03:30
tritiumAnimortis: well, that URL you gave was for a printer connected to a machine running cups, where the printer was connected to the machine, not the network directly03:31
PicklesQuestion: How do you update your flash player on Opera for 7.0403:31
PicklesI can't get it to work :(03:31
bazhanghttp://$SERVER:631/printers Animortis try this from the ubuntu web browser03:31
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:31
SpudDoggDoes anyone have any insight into getting WPA working with an ipw3945 in gutsy?03:31
Animortistritium, Allow me to clarify, maybe I misunderstood you. An Ubuntu 7.10 PC with a directly connected printer sharing to a Windows XP laptop on a network.03:31
juice_Pickles: use firefox ;)03:32
tritiumAnimortis: you've configured cups to share it?03:32
anaoumubuntu needs to do hibernation like debian!03:32
tritiumanaoum: it does03:32
nomicpickles it may be a browser 'plugin'03:32
Picklesjuice_:Same problem, i've tried it.03:32
usserthere now firefox is not better than opera03:32
bazhanghttp://www.funnestra.org/ubuntu/gutsy/ at the bottom of this page are more hints Animortis03:32
anaoumdoes ubuntu do hibernation in a completely different way to debian?03:33
juice_Pickles: a bar pops up at the top of the page with a button on the right, click it03:33
Animortistritium, I didn't know I had to. It doesn't say anything about that in the wiki. I have the printer working fine on this, the UBuntu desktop with the printer directly plugged in so I assumed sharing was simply a matter of connection.03:33
anaoumi'd think theyd be similar03:33
anaoumbut evidently they are not03:33
tritiumAnimortis: yes, you have to explicitly enable sharing03:33
SpudDoggDoes anyone have any insight into getting WPA working with an ipw3945 in gutsy?03:33
Animortistritium, Alright, how? Or can you link me to something that'll say how? *does wiki search while waiting*03:34
tritiumAnimortis: System -> Administration -> Printing03:34
memstatjust get firefox and install flash03:34
memstatopera is cool but not that cool03:34
bazhangSpudDogg: does the nm-applet not respond?03:35
memstatfirefox is nice, clean , and has alot of support even from big companies03:35
Animortistritium, I've seen that dialog and have the "Share printers connected to this system" check-marked.03:35
memstatplus it is a simple terminal line to install flash03:35
SpudDoggbazhang:  well when i had that "working" it kept dropping my connection then reconnecting.  I read that a solution was to use wicd instead, but I could not get that to connect at all.  Now I've reinstalled network-manager and network-manager-gnome, but my card is not even recognized anymore03:36
tritiumAnimortis: then all you need to do is follow the steps for adding a network printer on the Windows side.03:37
bazhangSpudDogg: what does ifconfig say in the terminal? just eth0 and the loopback?03:37
trr92any one knoe how to stream music to a psp from ubuntu03:38
exile777is there a way to list all the drives, specifically cd and dvd drives from the commandline?03:38
CaptMorganDoes anyone have input as to if 8.04 is stable enough to move to full time yet?03:38
Animortistritium, Ah, that's the problem and we're back to the beginning. What's the name of my printer so I can enter it into the network URL field in the Windows XP add printer wizard (Or rather, how do I find the name?)03:38
bazhangCaptMorgan: #ubuntu+1 please03:38
PicklesOne more quick question, Is there anyway to change the colour scheme for Ubuntu 7.04?03:38
tronzcan anyone tell me what this message wants me to do?03:39
tritiumAnimortis: it should auto-detect via the network03:39
tronz:leguin.freenode.net 506 tronz ##c :Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel03:39
Animortistritium, It does not.03:39
tritium!register | tronz03:39
ubotutronz: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.03:39
memstatamarok will stream to psp03:39
SpudDogg_bazhang:  i manually started nm-applet and it appears to be working now.  however, i get this in my terminal: ** (nm-applet:16454): WARNING **: couldn't communicate with gnome keyring daemon via dbus: The name org.gnome.keyring was not provided by any .service files03:39
=== GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd
tritiumAnimortis: try restarting cups, then: sudo invoke-rc.d cupsys restart, and then try again03:40
tritiumAnimortis: beyond that, I can't help you much, as I don't use windows.03:40
RaditHow do I set ubuntu to automatically connect to a wireless network?03:40
bazhangSpudDogg_: always had trouble with nm-applet and so forth; would you like a guide how to do it the command line way?03:40
memstatRadit just connect to it constantly then it will learn03:40
tritiumRadit: let Network Manager connect to one03:41
SpudDogg_bazhang:  absolutely.  i always prefer command line03:41
nikrudSpudDogg is this running:  /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon03:41
ynHi. I am having difficulty using dpkg-divert to resolve a conflict. I am using Envy to install the latest ati catalyst drivers on 64-bit Ubuntu. When I run envy, it tries to install the package that it just built, and can't install it because there is a conflict with /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1, which is also provided by ia32-libs03:41
memstatRadit: once you connect to the same one it remembers after awhile03:41
tritium!envy | yn03:41
ubotuyn: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:41
bazhangCaptMorgan: /j #ubuntu+1 for Hardy discussion please03:41
bazhangCaptMorgan: just type that in the irc client message window03:41
SpudDogg_nikrud:  yes, it is03:42
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 SpudDogg_ here you go03:42
AnimortisReally quick, what's the cups restart command?03:42
SpudDogg_bazhang:  cool, thanks man03:42
nikrudSpudDogg I guess the best bet is bazhang . Some of the interactions of the gnome tools are not exactly transparent.03:42
bazhangno worries ;]03:42
amenadoAnimortis-> /etc/init.d/cupsys restart03:43
ynok, forget about the fact that I am using envy. Can someone explain just how to use dpkg-divert in my situation?03:43
tritiumAnimortis: sudo invoke-rc.d cupsys restart03:43
tritium(as I said above)03:43
RaditHow many times does it take for the Network Manager to remember? I tried rebooting, but it didn't automatically connect to the last wireless network i connected to.. I had to manually select it..03:43
tritiumRadit: once03:43
bazhangyn hard to forget it when you just said it and this channel does not support it03:43
Radittritium: didn't work..03:43
amenadoRadit-> paste in pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces03:44
tritiumRadit: make sure you don't configure the interface manually (i.e., it should *not* be listed in /etc/network/interfaces)03:44
AnimortisAlright... My laptop can see my desktop now when it browses but cannot access the printer through it. This is a different problem, I know it.03:44
tritiumAnimortis: so, Windows can now see the printer after restarting cups?03:44
ynOK, well, I am sorry about that.03:45
ynIs there an Ubuntu-supported way to install the 8-3 Catalyst drivers?03:45
c0LdIf I install Ubuntu on my USB key (yes, I know it won't last long, but I'd like to boot into it from school), would it mess with my boot table at all? or would the system never know it exists unless the key is plugged in?03:45
Raditamenado & tritium: auto lo03:45
tritiumyn: you've read the manpages, etc. on dpkg-divert?03:45
Raditiface lo inet loopback03:45
AnthraxDreamCan anyone tell me why I can't hear anything?03:45
Animortistritium, It can see the computer, but will not let me see the printers on it. I think this has something to do with the laptop also not being able to get into the Ubuntu desktop for file sharing too, saying it's got permission problems. I am searching for a solution on my own to unlock this unless someone's willing to share...03:45
tritiumRadit: if that's all you have, that's good.03:45
amenadotritium if he didnt have it in the interfaces file,  wouldnt the nm select the strongest signal it can connect to? so it would still forget the last AP it was associated with?03:46
ynI've setup the diversion, but when the dpkg -i happens, it still complains about the conflict03:46
tritiumamenado: I'm not certain03:46
fismoll9hey guys, I get this error whenever I try to play audio: W: couldn't connect to HAL, disabling MediaDevices browser followed by *** PULSEAUDIO: Unable to connect: Connection refused. The audio will play, however. What is HAL, and what does the above error mean?03:46
bazhangamenado: that has been my experience as well03:46
tritiumyn: the debian reference also details dpkg-divert as well.  Perhaps try that03:47
kindofabuzz_with a NFS share, do i have to create the actual mount point foler or will it be auto created?03:47
nikrudfismoll9 hardy? ask in #ubuntu+103:47
amenadotritium i have no problems at all having it set in my interfaces file..so everytime I boot up, same AP I use all the time03:47
amenadobazhang-> what do you  mean? not having it set in the interfaces file?03:47
Radithow do you do that amenado?03:47
tritiumamenado: NM ignores interfaces that are manually configured in /etc/network/interfaces03:47
bazhangamenado: I never mess with that cli stuff ;] just the part about the strongest single being the one it goes for first03:48
amenadotritium if not in roaming mode?03:48
kindofabuzz_example: mount /root/nfs/ wil the nfs folder be auto created?03:48
tritiumamenado: roaming mode means that it's not configured03:48
bazhangerr signal03:48
amenadobazhang okay that I agree on, whatever the strongest it finds, it latch on to it, if you have it set to roaming mode03:48
Ububeginanyone can recommend a simple text editor for writing code...but it can also enable code collapsing (example collapsing code for functions) like as in eclipse...03:49
amenadotritium oh i see, yeah mine is not set for roaming mode and i have set the essid in the interfaces file, so next reboot, it latch on to same AP03:49
bazhangamenado: right; and that is for a laptop I take out a bit; for home network computers with wifi they always choose the home one--never had to set that one up though after the initial time03:49
rhombusI have a server with 12 GB of RAM in it, but Ubuntu Feisty is only showing 4 GB.03:50
rhombusWhat might be causing that?03:50
kindofabuzz_12G of ram? damn03:50
tritiumamenado: you can configure NM to connect to it, and it'll store your essid, passphrase, etc.03:50
rhombuskindofabuzz_: it's a terminal server, it needs it03:50
kalatianrhombus: you have to use 64bit Ubuntu to use more the 4gb of ram03:50
bazhangrhombus: 64bit or 32bit?03:50
rhombusbazhang: I assume it's 32 bit03:50
Picklesrhombus:are you duel booting?03:50
rhombuswhy in hell would I need to use the 64 bit kernel?03:51
rhombusPickles: no03:51
bazhangrhombus: better get 32 bit then if your processor is 64 bit03:51
chris062689!language rhonmbus03:51
AnimortisAck. Then... Can anyone tell me how to allow access Ubuntu from an XP PC? I'm getting "...is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. ..."03:51
bazhangerr rhombus I mean 64 and 6403:51
AnthraxDreamCan anyone tell me why I can't hear anything?03:51
tritiums/duel/dual, Pickles.  (Unless the OSes are sword-fighting)03:51
exile777is there something to list all connected cd/dvd drives from the command line?03:51
kalatianrhombus: why wouldn't you use 64bit on a server, esp. if you need more then 4 gb of ram?03:51
rhombusbazhang: It's a Xeon03:51
bazhangAnthraxDream: not without any info no03:51
amenadotritium my experience has been, as long as in roaming mode, whatever settings i have in the interfaces file, get ignored, and it just choose to latch on to the strongest at the time i guess it scans..03:51
Raditamenado: how do you setup nm to connect to your prefered AP//?03:52
bazhangrhombus: is that dual core or quad core?03:52
rhombuskalatian: I can't support 4 GB of RAM with a 32 bit kernel?03:52
AnthraxDreamWell I have esound installed03:52
tritiumrhombus: npe03:52
rhombusbazhang: no, it's a garden variety03:52
AnthraxDreamBut nothing is coming out of my speakers03:52
AnthraxDreamAnything else I would need to do?03:52
kalatianrhombus: up to 4, no more -- there might be a patch somewhere, I can't remember, that allows you to use 32bit and more ram03:52
amenadoRadit-> i uncheck the roaming mode, then select the ESSD of the AP,03:52
kalatianrhombus: but just using 64bit is by far the easiest way, esp for a server03:52
tritiumkalatian: no, 4 is the limit (2^32 is only so big)03:52
rhombusDoes this mean that the entire system needs to be rebuilt?03:53
bazhangrhombus: or put the ram elsewhere03:53
tritiumrhombus: you get support 4, but that's the limit.03:53
amenadoRadit and add any additional things i may need in /etc/network/interfaces03:53
kalatiantritium: yeah -- I thought somewhere I saw something that would allow one to use more then 4gb of ram with 32bit, but maybe not :D03:53
rhombusI need the RAM, the thing is swapping 2 GB03:53
tux97do you use gtkpod for apple ipods?03:53
rhombusI'll use the 64 bit kernel if that's what's required03:53
bazhangtux97: the newest ones?03:53
rhombuswhat I'm more concerned about is that this is a production machine03:54
Raditamenado: where can i find those settings?03:54
tritiumrhombus: if you need only 4GB, you can get by with a 32-bit system03:54
amenadokalatian->  i doubt it, as matter of fact, i think you're pretty much limited to 3gb..03:54
tux97the one before the newest ones i have photo/video 30 gb03:54
rhombustritium: well, sadly, I need more03:54
kalatianrhombus: 64 bit is just as stable, if thats what your worried about03:54
rhombuskalatian: i'm not worried about stability03:54
amenadoRadit-> if you man interfaces the different options are listed03:54
tritiumRadit: those settings are in /etc/network/interfaces, but it's better to let network manager do the work for you03:54
rhombuskalatian: I'm worried about binary compatibility03:54
crazy_elfdoes anyone know what the best way to convert a folder full of songs to another format with ffmpeg?03:55
kalatianrhombus: x86_64 is backwards compatible with x86, so as long as you have the correct libs, everything should work03:55
fk7_seanybody use adsense??03:55
Raditamenado: man interfaces? sorry, i don't understand..03:55
rhombuskalatian: is there an upgrade path documented anywhere?03:55
bazhangtux97: you can try; if it does not work then you need libgpod 0.6.0 which is a few weeks away in Hardy unless you want to compile it for Gutsy03:55
amenadoRadit-> on a terminal type  man interfaces03:55
kalatianrhombus: you have to reinstall to use 64bit afaik03:55
bazhangfk7_se: not reall an ubuntu question thanks03:55
UbubeginHi guys, i found another cool software..which can do code folding... Its called *Geany* .. tks anyways03:55
rhombuskalatian: ****03:56
ynOK, I see. here's my problem: I setup a diversion for a package. the package has its own diversions when it installs, and its list doesn't include my diversion. It removes all of its "old" diversions (including the one that I setup for it) when it is attempted to be instaled03:56
mike__ dose  any one know any thing about the shared folder feture in Virtual box ?03:56
mike__all im trying to do is share my Linux HOME folder with XP03:56
tux97my gusty sees it but i dont see no songs on it in gtkpod dont see nothing in there how do u set it up in gtkpod bazhang?03:56
kalatianrhombus: if you're really bored and really good with linux, you *might* be able to upgrade from 32bit to 64bit, but I wouldn't try it :P03:56
bazhangtux97: I use amarok03:56
kalatianbut I'm no expert by any means03:56
mike__i wanna know how i can brows a Network share i have Win Xp in virtualbox and C: mapped but ubuntu dont see it03:56
crazy_elfmike__, http://www.mepislovers.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-5152.html03:56
ynThe file that it's working against is just a symlink. Is there a way to setup a dpkg environment so that it just overwrites the file directly?03:56
mike__sweet :D03:56
tux97u use amarok for what bazhang?03:57
ynwithout using --force on dpkg? (this is run from a script that's generates on the fly, too hairy to look through)03:57
busanhow to uese windows wine03:57
bazhangtux97: what was our topic of discussion?03:57
busanwine app?03:57
crazy_elfdoes anyone know how to batch convert a folder full of files?03:57
kalatianrhombus: tritium: here is what I was talking about: http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/2005-August/022327.html03:58
Raditthanks guys..03:58
tux97gtkpod ipods03:58
bazhangyn: may as well uninstall the envy and the ati drivers and get them from the restricted drivers manager03:58
Ububeginwoohoo,*geany* even has a terminal built into it.... woo hoo again... Goodbye VIM and GEdit , i reckon...03:58
bazhangbusan what do you want to do03:58
mike__floola is better03:58
mike__for ipods03:58
bazhangfloola is marginal03:59
tux97ok witch one should i use lol03:59
mike__try em both03:59
rhombuskalatian: I was sure that I could do up to 64 GB with a 32 bit kernel03:59
bazhangtux97: may as well try them all including amarok03:59
ynI've tried the version that's currently in RDM03:59
tritiumkalatian: ah, sure enough03:59
ynHaven't been able to configure it with my hd04:00
busanHow to flood IP on my local network??04:00
AgentHeXi'm running gentoo on a box of mine, but the folks in #gentoo are less than responsive.  i'm having difficulty with a RAID-5 array i've set up with mdadm.  it appears that the chkfs init script tells me that /dev/md0 is an invalid e2fs filesystem, so it tries to recover the journal, but when it tries, it throws a machine check exception and reboots.04:00
bazhangbusan that sounds wrong04:00
ynwhereas the version that came with envy (before this one) worked, but with glitches.04:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:00
crazy_elfbusan, why would you want to do that...?04:00
tritiumbusan: that's offtopic, anyway.04:01
busanWhat? must be?04:01
bazhangAgentHeX: switch to ubuntu then we can talk--- www.ubuntu.com is a good place to start ;]04:01
busanmy conection so slow04:01
teddylol... hes in the ubuntu channel but not using ubuntu?04:01
AgentHeXbazhang: i'd like to, but i want to make sure i won't lose 733GB of data in the process.04:01
Wolf23bruenig:  hello friend, but sorry for asking this important question, i have a folder VIDEO_TS and there is in it files .VOB how cn i burn thsis to a dvd movie please04:01
tux97mike__ floola doesn't show up04:01
YeaSthas anyone tried rhythmbox with mp3 file?04:01
tritiumYeaSt: sure04:01
tritium!mp3 | YeaSt04:01
ubotuYeaSt: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:01
mike__i belive u need to google it04:01
busan oh, sory04:02
robc4Yeast, you need to install other software04:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mdadm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about floola - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:02
rhombustritium: http://www.linux.com/feature/11928704:02
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.04:02
busanto run windows app. on linux?04:02
bazhangmike__: google it is not a good answer; if you dont know then you dont know; someone else may ;]04:02
mike__better :p04:03
bazhangbusan please specify; what windows app04:03
robc4is the medibuntu repo up for hardy yet?04:03
tritiumrobc4: #ubuntu+1 for hardy04:03
busanmy local app, with extension .exe04:03
ynweird, it just worked, identical commands as before04:03
YeaStthe question is I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extra, but rhythmbox still could not play the music04:03
busanlikely translator language04:04
robc4Yeast, you need gstreamer-0.10-ugly04:04
tux97mike__ got screenshots for the floola?04:04
bazhangbusan what specific app please04:04
busanmacromedia dreamweaver04:04
YeaStI have installed that04:04
tritiumrobc4: ubuntu-restricted-extras depends on that04:05
busanI can't use amaya04:05
teddywhich version? dreamweaver 8 can run in wine04:05
mike__tux97 i used floola in windows .. im now installing it in ubuntu as well04:05
bazhangbusan your best bet would be to read through the winehq appdb and see how well those work04:05
busanall windows aplication can run in ubuntu?04:06
bazhangbusan no of course not04:06
Flannelbusan: not all, but wine does a fairly good job.04:06
tux97i see mike__ i installed it but i dont see nothing in the gui lol04:06
mike__Floola requires gstreamer or xine to be installed in order to playback music and videos.04:07
mike__x64 users should refer to online troubleshooting documentation in case of issues on startup.04:07
busanthank you very much:-D04:07
robc4tritium, I had the same problem as Yeast. I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and rythmbox still didnt play mp3's04:07
bazhangtux97: does floola have some docs you can read? best to read them first04:07
robc4there is one more package you have to install, but I cant remember what it was exactly04:07
tux97i'm looking i think i d/led the wrong thing i think i got the extras lol04:08
robc4I wonder if I experienced an anomoly04:08
mike__tux97 did u do apt-get install floola ?04:08
robc4I would imagine there would be a massive bug report if all systems acted like mine04:08
vehicleis there cons using lilo insteat of grub?04:08
tux97yes where it says for ubuntu users04:09
pestilenceis there a way to disable showing of icons on the desktop?04:09
homosaurvehicle: it's pretty much whatever you like more, they both work a lil differently04:09
tux97oops wrong one i did i think it was something esle04:09
YouKnowMeHow can I make a program I started in a terminal, run in the background so I can close the terminal?04:09
Cpudan80YouKnowMe: program &04:10
Cpudan80As far as I know you have to restart it04:10
crdlbYouKnowMe: if it's already running, Ctrl+Z then bg04:10
abocan anyone point me to a good beginner article/tutorial about developping C++ in linux, I'm interested in learning the basics (specially how you used the debugger and make file ) I have prior knowledge in C++ as a language, but always used Visual Studio under windows04:10
ermali86hello. can anyone tell me please how to make wlassistant to run as root at the startup. i am using kde04:10
crdlbfollowed by disown for completeness04:10
tux97mike__ couldn't find it04:10
Cpudan80I didn't know that04:10
YouKnowMecrdlb bg?04:10
pestilenceYouKnowMe: look into gnu screen04:10
crdlbfg will return it to the foreground04:10
PicklesIm trying to install a flash player for ubuntu 7.04 and I can't get it to work, any ideas?04:11
mike__tux97 well i missed the last bit of the page sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin04:11
YouKnowMeoic, Hmm I'll try that thanks!04:11
pestilenceYouKnowMe: or, start it with an &04:11
robc4ahh, got it. Yeast, installed w32codecs from Medibuntu04:11
tux97did that mike__04:11
robc4Yeast : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP304:12
PicklesShould I download a .tar.gz , .rpm , or YUM upgrade for my flash player?04:12
eroscan some i tell me how i can tell if i need to black list a defalt wifi driver04:12
YouKnowMeWell ctrl+z worked just fine! Thanks! Thats one to remember.04:12
tritiumrobc4: that's unrelated04:12
robc4how so?04:12
HorizonXPI'm on a campus residence network that assigns IPs by DHCP. Their DNS server dies all the time, so I'd like to use a free one. How would I specify a static DNS server?04:12
PicklesAny ideas?04:12
robc4it is in the help file on how to play mp3's in rhythmbox04:13
busanwhere im get tutorial kompoZer?04:13
vehicleis there a diference in using lilo vs grub when my server is dedicated to ubuntu server?04:13
pestilenceHorizonXP: how about just running your own?04:13
HorizonXPpestilence: errr.... I think the Reznet gods would frown on that04:13
homosaurthis is not a WHAT IS THE BEST DISTRO question, but are there any distos out there that are specifically aimed at developers?04:13
pestilenceHorizonXP: why?04:14
tritiumrobc4: I guess you're right.  I've never neded that.  I guess that's why it says "some mp3 files..."04:14
tritiumhomosaur: not really.  Each distro needs them.04:14
HorizonXPpestilence: also, it's my main school laptop, don't want to bog it down; because servers are not allowed on the network04:14
pestilenceHorizonXP: don't run a dhcp server...and don't allow incoming dns requests...04:14
zalkerUbuntu gnome is the greatest for me04:14
CVD-PRHey this happend when i log on everytime: "There was an error starting the Gnome Settings Deamon"04:14
abocan anyone point me to a good beginner article/tutorial about developping C++ in linux, I'm interested in learning the basics (specially how you used the debugger and make file ) I have prior knowledge in C++ as a language, but always used Visual Studio under windows04:14
mike__tux97 ive got no idea im still n00b04:14
HorizonXPpestilence: ok, that makes a bit of sense, but how would I populate it?04:14
pestilenceHorizonXP: servers are not allowed to *listen* on the network, for sure.  what could they care if you have one running for yourself04:14
mike__i dunno wtf that Cmd did ..04:14
pestilenceHorizonXP: the same way all other dns servers populate :-D04:15
HorizonXPpestilence: hrm...... ok, I'm intrigued. Links?04:15
pestilenceHorizonXP: sudo aptitude install bind904:15
=== ubuntu is now known as SeanChiarot
pestilenceHorizonXP: then vim /usr/share/doc/bind9/...04:15
pestilence(don't know of any links other than that)04:16
HorizonXPpestilence: Oh yeah, I have a 500 MB download limit... is this going to go above that by populating the DNS04:16
bazhangabo do you have anjuta?04:16
busanwhere im got tutorial kmpozer or amaya?04:16
pestilenceHorizonXP: no.04:16
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pestilenceHorizonXP: it's not going to lookup names unless you request it04:16
HorizonXPpestilence: Nice, I like. I'm installing now.04:16
HorizonXPpestilence: Except that I still need to rely on the campus DNS server to let me download this..... vicious circle! lol04:17
vehiclei just installed ubuntu server and now i want to install samba can anyone give me any help, i know its on the cd, i just didnt install it with the load04:17
artfullylostSo, would Kubuntu or Ubuntu be a better bet for a newcomer?04:17
pestilenceHorizonXP: haha, but that's a catch in any potential solution04:17
CVD-PRHey this happend when i log on everytime: "There was an error starting the Gnome Settings Deamon"04:17
bazhangartfullylost: matter of taste really check out screenshots on their homepages or via distrowatch.com04:18
HorizonXPpestilence: touché, I'm just lamenting.04:18
abobazhang, I've seen it before, I don't have it installed at the moment, but I had the impression that Anjuta generates the Makefile for you,.. I don't want that, I'd like to learn the basics behind.. and then once I'm comfortable with it, I would start using Anjuta / Kdevelop or Eclipse/CDT04:18
artfullylostI mean, it's like a 5 minute operation to change them from one to the other anyway, right, bazhang?04:18
robc4Is there any way to control CPU fan speed on AMD CPU's? I am running 64 bit Ubuntu04:19
bazhangartfullylost: not quite that quick to download the entire desktop suite unless you have FiOS or something fast like that but fairly quick yeah04:19
NasraIs there program to access my pc from anywhere within Ubuntu?04:19
tritiumNasra: ssh, for one04:20
FlannelNasra: yeah, it allows you to login via terminal from an arbitrary computer.  There are others for graphical things as well (and some of them traverse through ssh)04:21
amenadoNasra-> http is a form of access...is that what you meant?04:21
Nasraok...that is good news04:21
Nasralet's say if I want to access my computer from another country or so...04:21
HorizonXPpestilence: so I'm looking at the documenation, and it seems out of the box, this bind9 will provide a "caching" schema04:22
pestilenceHorizonXP: yea04:22
NasraI got 3 good answers thanks guys...04:22
amenadoNasra-> you have to be clear with what you meant by access.. to interact or just knowing your pc is active?04:22
pestilencewhich actually reduces your footprint04:22
HorizonXPpestilence: how do I prevent incoming requests? Or do I not really have to worry, since my IP address really isn't broadcast...04:22
YeaStamarok is so good, it plays my mp3 just after I installed it04:22
pestilenceHorizonXP: well, you should have a firewall, right?04:22
HorizonXPpestilence: Lol....04:23
Nasrato have access to my pc and work from faraway checking files emails, etc....04:23
HorizonXPpestilence: Firestarter? I hated that thing.... is there a better one?04:23
ermali86hello. can anyone tell me please how to make wlassistant to run as root at the startup. i am using kde04:23
talcitehey guys... does anyone know what's going on here? I put a link like www.google.ca into pidgin, and when I click on it... swiftweasel brings me to www.%u.com04:23
talciteit doesn't matter which link I put into pidgin, It always brings me to www.%u.com04:24
LleumasAnyone have any clue as to how to get my video thumbnails back? I'm not sure, I installed xine avi, but still not luck.04:24
busanhow to install kde dekstop from ubuntu command trow console04:24
pestilenceHorizonXP: i don't know what the best gui firewall is these days.  shorewall is a good firewall, but it can be a pain to configure if you don't know what you are doing04:24
bazhangermali86: what do you mean run as root; you want it to connect at startup or other04:24
talciteand ontop of that, I've seen it happen from other programs as well, not just piding04:24
amenadoNasra-> then you must have a server running on your pc..to service the type of access you need04:24
HorizonXPpestilence: wait, I'm on Hardy, and ufw is the new feature. Time to test it!04:24
ChameleonDaveHey, does anyone use Katapult?04:24
bazhangbusan kubuntu-desktop is the package name04:24
jribtalcite: what does system -> preferences -> preferred applications have as your Web Browser *exactly*?04:25
bazhangChameleonDave: do you have an issue with it?04:25
busanto change my gnome desktop to kubuntu?04:25
Nasraamenado....it's not a biggy thing ....it's just wanna interact with my pc from faraway....04:25
bazhangbusan aye04:25
tritiumbusan: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:25
amenadoNasra biggy or smally, same difference, you have to have a server running on your pc to service the type of access04:26
talcitejrib: argh! I JUST went to check that because it came to me as well lol04:26
tritiumbusan: then, you'll have both gnome and kde desktops to choose from04:26
ermali86bazhang: yes i want it to connect at startup04:26
talcitei have swiftweasel %u04:26
Nasraamenado ... I am new to linux....did not know it was good...just exploring from what I used to do in windows.....04:26
jribtalcite: see anything in common?  change %u to %s04:26
talcitejrib: heh. Thanks04:26
amenadoNasra-> oh ubuntu can do a few more without costing you much..04:27
talciteahh there we go04:27
bazhangermali86: any reason not to use network-manager to do that?04:27
talciteall good. Thank you04:27
ChameleonDaveBazhang, yes, I used to use it just fine, but then I lost my /home/david partition, and when I created a new one, Katapult wasn't working.  I don't see why any user settings should be involved.  It's a program that should work for all users out of the box.04:27
ermali86bazhang: network manager keeps getting me problems and doesnt recognize my wireless card so i am bored with it04:28
sk8ballwhere can i adjust/view what the number of colors are that is being used for X... like 16bit, 32bit, etc...04:28
Nasraamenado...in windows spending to much money.....and stilll problem.....I've been forced to learn linux so I can run PBX04:28
bazhangChameleonDave: you might want to check into #kubuntu from time to time as the maintainer of Katapult is sometimes on irc04:28
HorizonXPpestilence: what port am I blocking for DNS packets?04:28
amenadoNasra-> are you a telephony type of person?04:29
ntoridoIs there a flash plugin for gimp ?04:29
Nasrayes man04:29
tritiumsk8ball: /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:29
bazhangntorido: for what end?04:29
sk8balltritium, so ubuntu has no gui solution ... just stuck with editing the config file?04:29
Nasraamenado....have to run the telephony under linux and chose Ubuntu04:29
amenadoNasra-> you'd have your pbx this side or at the far end?04:29
jester7are there a lot of issues with flash and java on the amd64 version of ubuntu?04:29
pestilenceHorizonXP: 5304:30
tritiumsk8ball: not specifically for changing the color depth, no04:30
ChameleonDaveI'm not getting any response in #kubuntu04:30
Nasraamenado.....you talking big time....(my language) correct04:30
bazhangjester7: flash seems to be an issue for some04:30
tritiumsk8ball: it's too rare a task to bother, probably04:30
leechy9hey can any1 help me with the startup splash screen?04:30
HorizonXPpestilence: thanks!04:30
bazhangChameleonDave: well then just be patient04:30
pestilenceHorizonXP: np04:31
sk8ballthats what pisses me off about linux, and is exactly what is preventing widespread adoption ... too much is dependant about manual editing of config files .... i like to be able to edit them manually but i like to have access to a gui frontend as welll... really increases productivity04:31
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Concretesledgeim trying to install ubuntu, i have 3 IDE drives, hda hdb hdc04:31
Nasraamenado: I have not installed it yet ...cause have to learn how to run Ubuntu first04:31
Zorisleechy9: go into add/remove and install "spash screen"04:31
amenadoNasra the reason i asked, because those card that interface with local telco are not compatible in all countries, unless it is homolugated04:31
bazhangsk8ball: offtopic here thanks04:31
Concretesledgei want ALL 3 to be used for the installation, someone said somethinga bout LVM But i dont understand04:31
leechy9i can disable it at startup by deleting "ro quiet splash"04:31
tritiumsk8ball: you're the first person I've seen ask to change the color depth in years04:31
Zorissplash screen*04:31
ChameleonDaveBazhang: Instead of being patient here, I'll just use the forums instead.  They are for non-instant help.04:31
ntoridoSo actually whats the best software  for developing flash in ubuntu?04:31
bazhangChameleonDave: your choice--the maintainer will give you an instant answer when he is around04:32
Nasraamenado: are you familiar with pbx?04:32
jester7bazhang: ahh, so it's not just "broken"  it does work for some people04:32
leechy9no, its the bar at startup, i cant boot unless i always remove   ro quiet splash in the command line at the beginning04:32
jester7thats good to know04:32
ChameleonDavesk8ball: what annoys me is lack of connection between GUI and text files.04:32
amenadosk8ball-> you are refering to single machines, try to use gui if you have to support 200 user pc at a time04:32
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:32
pestilenceConcretesledge: you can have a logical volume which crosses multiple physical volumes04:33
rhombusokay, so I need to build a new kernel -- what's the name of the kernel source package in Ubuntu?04:33
ChameleonDavesk8ball: Too many GUIs give you no info whatsoever about what text files they are editing behind the scenes.04:33
sk8ballchameleon, exactly all these system setup/config should be gui accessible04:33
amenadoNasra-> somewhat..04:33
jrib!kernel > rhombus (read the private message from ubotu)04:33
pestilenceConcretesledge: then you can create a single partition on that logical volume, if you want04:33
pestilenceConcretesledge: (or any number of partitions)04:33
tritiumsk8ball: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic04:33
calcsk8ball: fwiw the new version of Xorg will soon autodetect everything04:33
Concretesledgepestilence: , so make them all logical?04:33
sk8ballcalc, when is it due out?04:33
calcsk8ball: so xorg.conf will be empty (more or less)04:33
ChameleonDavesk8ball: if only they told you what they were doing (e.g. "now modifying /etc/fstab") it would be much easier to learn how to edit the text files yourself04:34
pestilenceConcretesledge: no.  you use LVM, and add all the hard drives to a volume group04:34
leechy9can any1 help with with fixing a bug with the splash screen on startup04:34
Nasraamenado: type of communication ......04:34
calcsk8ball: no gui, it will just autodetect all settings04:34
amenadoNasra yes, am familiar04:34
Concretesledgepestilence: , i didnt see LVM anywhere in the ubuntu install im on live right now04:34
sk8balltritium, is there a way to su to root under ubuntu?04:34
pestilenceConcretesledge: this is completely different than "logical partitions"04:34
calcsk8ball: sudo su -04:34
Nasraamenado: okay.....04:34
tritiumsk8ball: the root account is disabled by default.  use "sudo -i" instead04:34
calcsk8ball: root password is disabled so you can't do a direct su04:34
pestilenceConcretesledge: which version?  i'm not sure if they even had it in gutsy04:34
bazhangtronz do you have a question?04:35
pestilenceConcretesledge: don' t know04:35
Concretesledgepestilence: 7.1004:35
Nasraamenado: just been running linux like a week or so with one reinstall...04:35
HorizonXPpestilence: I'm editing named.conf.options to include the DNS servers of my rez network; but what happens when I move to another network, like my campus wireless, or when I go to my parents? Do I need to update this file?04:35
sk8ballwell really i am trying to run ettercap from the menu "shortcut" that add/remove gave me when i installed it but its not seeing eth0 and i am guessing it is a permissions thing04:35
amenadoNasra-> do a few more re-install to get yourself familiarize with the nuances..04:35
tronzheh ya but I typed in the wrong window ... know anything about witing serail app in C?04:35
kindofabuzz_i just realized i'm only getting 1500KB/s over the internal network, but my connection says 24Mb/s, what's up with that?04:35
Concretesledgepestilence:  there where no options in the partition managers, where would it be?04:35
sk8ballis there a way to edit the params used in the shortcuts in the applications menu04:36
calcsk8ball: ettercap might have to be run as root04:36
calcsk8ball: since it is a packet sniffer04:36
sk8ballcalc, yah i think so04:36
tronzI wanna ask in ##C but I have to register my nick and I can't get that to work properly04:36
Concretesledgepestilence: maybe i can use UBCD, to format them or something AS one large partition?04:36
pestilenceHorizonXP: you shouldn't need a DNS server to run a DNS server.  i think it will still resolve names using the root servers04:36
sk8ballcalc, so will sudo resolve that or ?04:36
Nasraamenado: I find that when I first started running Ubuntu was running smoothly  now I feel is kind of slow.....why is that?04:36
tcpdumpgodHey guys :)04:36
tcpdumpgodand gals :D04:36
pestilenceHorizonXP: i'm not really sure.04:36
calcsk8ball: if you run sudo (ettercap's binary name) yea i think so04:37
kindofabuzz_Nasra: alot more stuff running?04:37
amenadoNasra-> i dont know what you consider slow, its all relative..04:37
pestilenceConcretesledge: no.  you have to use LVM04:37
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pestilenceConcretesledge: i would check to see if lvm made it  into gutsy04:37
sk8ballthere really should be an option in the add/remove dialog to set it up so a program is sudo'd as root04:37
calcsk8ball: looks like the version in hardy is already fixed to run as root04:37
pestilencei am guessing it didnt04:37
ntoridoDoes anyone know any software for developing flash in ubuntu ?04:37
Jordan_UNasra, Did you use a program like envy to install proprietary graphics drivers?04:38
HorizonXPpestilence: Well, we'll see what happens. If my internet doesn't work/is slow tomorrow, I'll know why. :-)04:38
HorizonXPpestilence: Thanks again, I think this is going to help a lot!04:38
Nasraamenado / Kindofabuzz Is it because I am using the terminal a little bit more since I am installing programs here and there....is that what it's?04:38
Concretesledge!google lvm04:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google lvm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:38
calcsk8ball: things generally shouldn't run as root unless they need to ettercap not running as root was a bug which was fixed in the last upload04:38
tritiumConcretesledge: please don't abuse the bot.  Investigate in private.04:38
sk8ballcalc, is there a way to edit the command the shortcuts in the applications menu are using?04:38
Concretesledgepestilence:  what exactly is LVM04:38
pestilenceHorizonXP: it could be that the "caching" mode just queries the dns server you specified, and may not help you a lot04:38
Jordan_UNasra, If so, they would have broken with any subsequent kernel upgrades ( unlike installing through the provided restricted manager ) and lack of GPU acceleration can certainly slow things down04:39
madman5402hey can any one tell me how to install azureus04:39
sk8ballcalc, or someway to fix my menu shortcut for it04:39
amenadoNasra-> nope, its just a perception, put a timer and measure so you can really measure  the effectiveness04:39
calcsk8ball: yea, edit them in /usr/share/applications or copy and override them04:39
pestilenceHorizonXP: you may have to put it into a different mode to have it resolve on its own (without using the campus servers as a crutch)04:39
tronzhow do I register my nick ?? I read online to type /msg nickserv register <pass> but that doesn't seem to werk04:39
NasraJordan_U ...don't think so....just visiting the terminal more often thats all....04:39
tritiumsk8ball: or install alacarte, and use that gui tool04:39
calcsk8ball: if you edit them directly in /usr/share/applications they will get overwritten at upgrade time04:39
pestilenceConcretesledge: Logical Volume Manager04:39
jribsk8ball: just right click on the ubuntu icon and "edit menu"04:39
calcsk8ball: eg:04:40
calc-Exec=/usr/sbin/ettercap --gtk04:40
calc+Exec=gksu "/usr/sbin/ettercap --gtk"04:40
calcthat was what they did to fix ettercap04:40
amenadoNasra-> you may be a bit slower now as you have to still look around for the exact command04:40
Concretesledgepestilence:  could you please tell me how i could find LVM on the ubuntu install disc, while im installing im on a live right now04:40
Nasraamenado on day 1....installed a few programs and came here and ask questions....and they told me should do a reinstall because alot of programs are not supported any more had to d0 somthing about it04:40
Concretesledgepestilence:  could i install and alt-tab to talk in here?04:40
cellofellowConcretesledge: use the Alternate (text) install CD.04:41
pestilenceConcretesledge: i don't think gutsy's live cd has it.  and i kind of doubt that hardy has it either04:41
pestilenceConcretesledge: from google:  http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-over-lvm-filesystem04:41
tritiumsk8ball: alacarte is installed by default04:41
madman5402so dose any know any thing about azureus04:41
Nasraamenado: I do like linux....had I known this before .....would have been a good swimer by now.....04:42
pestilenceConcretesledge: but with that, i'd say good luck...i have to go to bed.04:42
bazhangmadman5402: yes04:42
cellofellowmadman5402: a small amount04:42
Nasraamenado: things to learn more ofter is all these commands....and how to relate works being done like I used to in windows.....oh loll....04:42
Concretesledgeim not doing that.04:43
pppoe_dudehi which program should I use to capture audio/video from a webcam/mic?04:43
Nasraamenado: one site I frequent alot is ----> www.linuxbasics.org is just beautiful....04:44
madman5402<bazhang> i need to know how to install azureus04:44
cellofellowmadman5402: sudo aptitude install azureus04:44
bazhangmadman5402: sudo apt-get installl packagename04:44
cellofellowmadman5402: also there is a newer version available on GetDeb.net04:45
Jordan_Upppoe_dude, cheeze is a very simple program, I am sure there is something better but it works04:47
pppoe_dudeJordan_U, does it take audio too? where does it save files04:47
zalkervlc player can play audio04:47
pppoe_dudehmm yes vlc can record stuff too04:48
Jordan_Upppoe_dude, It takes audio with video only ( afik ), probably not what you want, just throwing it out there04:48
Zorisis configuring compiz different in 8.04? Because I can't seem to get it to work the same way as in 7.1004:48
cellofellowpppoe_dude: for audio-only, use audacity.04:48
pppoe_dudei want audio/video04:49
Jordan_U!hardy | Zambezi04:49
ubotuZambezi: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:49
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please Zoris04:49
madman5402<bazhang> hey thanks man04:49
bazhangno worries ;]04:49
Zorisokay, thanks04:49
raymanhey guys im horrible at irc how can i get to a server i want04:49
raymani need to get to irc.eqemulator.net04:49
raymanwhat commands shall i use =)04:49
Starnestommyrayman: /server new.server04:49
raymanthanks chief04:50
kindofabuzz_if my NM says 24Mb/s and i'm transfering a file from the server to my clint i should be getting more than 1.5Mb/s right?04:50
turboughhello everybody04:50
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: is the first one megabytes or megabits?04:50
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: by NM you mean NetworkManager?04:51
kindofabuzz_cellofellow: yes04:51
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: the second number, 1.5MBps, sounds right in the ballpark of 24Mbps.04:51
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: capital B is Bytes, lower b is bits.04:51
bazhangyes madman540204:52
kindofabuzz_what is MiB?04:52
madman5402<bazhang> so where do i go after it is done installing04:52
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: Megabytes.04:52
abelcan u help me?04:52
JohnMMkindofabuzz_, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibyte04:52
hischildabel, yes we probably can. What is the problem?04:52
JohnMMcellofellow, no a MiB is different04:52
cyntekI installed ffmpeg by using add/remove app, I recieve an error: I/O error occured. when converting avi to vcd. has anyone run into this problem.?04:52
bazhangabel only if you ask a specific question04:52
kindofabuzz_so 1.5MiB is close to 24Mb?04:53
abeli can't play my mp3 file..04:53
cellofellowJohnMM: what's a MiB then?04:53
hischildabel, do you get an error?04:53
bazhangmadman5402: go? to launch azureues you mean? should we in the applications folder or you can type azureus in the alt f2 window04:53
JohnMMcellofellow, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibyte04:53
hischildabel, when you try and play an mp3 file, it will most likely give you a popup box asking you if you would like to install a package. Do you see this screen?04:54
kindofabuzz_see i'm using bmon to check network speed, it's showing 1,5MiB04:54
bazhangabel install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:54
cyntekI installed ffmpeg by using add/remove app, I recieve an error: I/O error occured. when converting avi to vcd. has anyone run into this problem.?04:54
abelthe message is "the file isn't support" some thing likes that...04:54
Bactahow can I get a direct path name using find?04:54
kindofabuzz_so MiB = MB?04:54
JohnMMa MiB is essentially a MB, it's just a more accurate way of representing a MB04:55
hischildabel, alright. Did you see the message from bazhang saying that you should install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?04:55
cellofellowJohnMM: looks like a MiB is what a Megabyte is Supposed to be.04:55
madman5402<bazhang> like what do i do to open azureus04:55
JohnMMyeah, it is pretty much, just a bit more accurate04:55
cabrioleurBacta find --whatever whatever | grep name04:55
astro76kindofabuzz_: MiB was created to solve the problems that technically the SI definition of Mega is 1000, and also that hard drive manufacturers really like the 1000 definition, whereas in computers Mega usually meant 102404:55
kindofabuzz_ok so, is 1.5Mib good for a 24Mb connection?04:55
abelwhere can i get the source...?04:55
bazhangmadman5402: alt f2 type azureus in the window04:55
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: 1.5MiB/s is 1/8 the Mb/s speed.04:55
JohnMMyep Asfaloth04:55
Bactano no04:55
kindofabuzz_MiB i mean04:55
Bactai type find xjc04:55
JohnMM* astro7604:56
Bactaand i get bin/xjc04:56
Bactai want the direct path to xjc04:56
kindofabuzz_i'm confused lol04:56
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: 1.5MiB/s is 12Mb/s.04:56
hischildabel, you don't need the source for that. If you open up a terminal, you can type the following in to install it:     sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:56
abelfor the information... i'm using ubuntu 504:56
kindofabuzz_ok, so not to good then04:56
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: so, it's using half the speed.04:56
hischildcellofellow, don't forget overhead ont hat04:56
PicklesIm having a hard time updating my flash player for FireFox and Opera, anyone have a few min. they can spare? PM me.04:56
RioMercHello #Ubuntu! I have a question about printer drivers. I have a Canon Pixma MP170, which is not listed on the printers drivers menu of Ubuntu. I've tried the gutenprint drivers to no success, and before going ahead with more drivers I wanted to search for solutions. So far, I've found an excessivley long tutorial that seems to have a 40% userbase who can testify it's worked for MP170s. I want to know if anyone can suggest any dr04:56
RioMercivers to use, or to break it to me and just admit there's no way that I'm going to ever print anything in ubuntu short of buying a new printer.04:56
RioMercWhoa, that was long04:56
kindofabuzz_and why is it only 24Mb, when my card and router can do 54Mb?04:56
madman5402<bazhang> awesome04:56
cellofellowhischild: 12Mbps on a 24Mbps connection doesn't take in overhead?04:56
bazhangabel that is no longer supported; upgrade to something more recent04:56
hischildabel, then it would be better to upgrade most likely. That one is no longer officially supported.04:57
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: signal quality/strength.04:57
kindofabuzz_yeah i don't have the best signal04:57
hischildcellofellow, the connection itself would probably carry some overhead04:57
kindofabuzz_NM shows 43%04:57
abelthanks for all guys....04:57
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: mine will drop to 5Mb/s when I'm at a distance.04:57
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: that sounds right.04:57
kindofabuzz_so i guess it's ok then, i was freaking out04:57
RioMercIsn't MiB completley unrelated to Mbs?04:58
RioMercMust wiki this.04:58
kindofabuzz_except why isn't it supporting 54Mb? like it should be?04:58
RioMercAnd there goes all my reliability in information :|04:58
PicklesHow do you update a flash player if its .tar.gz and extracted to my desktop?04:58
PicklesAnyone got any ideas04:58
cabronHello... I'm trying to unpack a .rar file.  When I run sudo apt-get for unrar, though, I get the following error:04:58
cabron"Package unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:58
cabronThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:58
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: I use the netspeed GNOME panel plugin to view speeds. Can be set to both B and b.04:58
cabronis only available from another source04:58
cabronE: Package unrar has no installation candidate"04:58
FloodBot2cabron: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:58
madman5402<bazhang> o hwy also how do you open up you firewall for azureus04:58
turboughI am trying to remotely install ubuntu over a fedora core 7 system which came on a dedicated server. i used the swap space to make a chroot environment using the debootstrap util but when i chroot to it none of the hard drives are registered in the /dev directory04:58
raymanstar you still there?04:58
kindofabuzz_cellofellow: yeah i was using bmon04:58
vehicledoes ubuntu server come with a gui?04:59
RioMercPickles: Is it source? You may have to compile it yourself or find a autoinstall script04:59
kindofabuzz_netsped in the repos?04:59
cellofellowRioMerc: not completely unrelated. MB is in bytes, which are 8 bits.04:59
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: yup04:59
bazhangmadman5402: you need to port forward; best to log into your router and set it there04:59
RioMercAnd MiB?04:59
Starnestommyrayman: if you're referring to me, yes04:59
raymanim trying to get to irc.eqemulator.net guys...but with no luck... how should i type it in ?04:59
GEIShow do i partition the rest of sda freespace to sdb so that i combines and form partition / ?04:59
cellofellowRioMerc: a MiB is 1024^2 bytes.04:59
hischildturbough, you have to mount the /dev in the chroot env04:59
raymanyes star i am sorry for the confusion04:59
PicklesRioMerc: any idea how to compile it myself >_<?04:59
astro76RioMerc: MiB = MB, MiB hasn't really been completely accepted04:59
madman5402<bazhang> ok will do thanks04:59
cabronHi... I need some help unpacking a .rar file.04:59
RioMercastro76: Explains why I have no concept in it.04:59
astro76RioMerc: indeed ;)05:00
RioMercPickles: I have little to no idea05:00
cellofellowRioMerc: MiB is used sometimes to difference from the tendency for companies to label Megabytes as 1000^2 bytes.05:00
Svenstarohey everyone, can I somehow tell ubuntu NOT to write grub into my MBR when installing?05:00
Svenstarocabron, sure wahts up?05:00
abellets get a lunch guys...05:00
kindofabuzz_cabron: right click and hit extract here =)05:00
astro76Svenstaro: with the alternate install cd you can05:00
astro76not sure with desktop cd05:00
turboughhischild: i have never mounted a /dev before i thought they were special files stored on a regular filesystem05:00
cabronSven - I tried to install unrar, but I get an error when doing so...05:00
RioMercPickles: Try googling for tutorials on packaging, or checking the man inside the tar.gz if there's one05:00
Svenstaroastro76, thanks for getting this positive, I supposed I could with the alternate, ill go ahead installing it05:00
RioMercor try waiting for someone more skilled than me to answer05:01
Svenstarocabron, whats the error?05:01
kindofabuzz_cellofellow: does netspeed not create a menu item? no biggie just wondering05:01
Svenstarocabron, it might not be related to the package at all05:01
RioMercI'd like to repaste my question for another potshot attempt, but I'm worried about flooding rules. It's an incredibly long question :P05:01
cabronIf I try to use the default "extract" tool it says "archive type not supported"05:01
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: it creates an item in the "Add item..." dialog for the panel.05:01
RioMerc<RioMerc> Hello #Ubuntu! I have a question about printer drivers. I have a Canon Pixma MP170, which is not listed on the printers drivers menu of Ubuntu. I've tried the gutenprint drivers to no success, and before going ahead with more drivers I wanted to search for solutions. So far, I've found an excessivley long tutorial that seems to have a 40% userbase who can testify it's worked for MP170s. I want to know if anyone can sugg05:02
RioMercest any dr05:02
RioMerc<RioMerc> ivers to use, or to break it to me and just admit there's no way that I'm going to ever print anything in ubuntu short of buying a new printer.05:02
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: "Add to Panel" rather.05:02
vehiclequestion, if i install ubuntu server, then run 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' is that completley pointless?05:02
Svenstarocabron, we're talking the gnome version of the extract tool? ore the kde one?05:02
kindofabuzz_cellofellow: netspeed in term don't work05:02
kindofabuzz_oh ok05:02
hischildturbough, that is correct. If you ever installed gentoo you'll also have to mount the /dev into your chroot env. mount -o bind /dev /chrootenvdevdir05:02
cabronUmmm.... I'm pretty new.  How do I tell which one I have?05:02
Svenstarocabron, at any rate, you might also have to install "rar"05:02
hischildturbough, in short: the /dev folder itself is ok. The chroot dir just doesn't see it, unless you mount it.05:02
Svenstarocabron, did you use ubuntu or kubuntu?05:02
kindofabuzz_cellofellow: network monitor?05:02
kindofabuzz_i have 205:02
xb3rtRioMerc: I've got a Canon IP90, having the same problem05:02
astro76cabron: you are using the gnome version, and yes it's because you need to install unrar, which you are currently having problems doing05:03
cabronOh, okay.  How do I go about that?  I have Ubuntu 7.1005:03
turboughhischild: so i have to do that before i chroot into the new environment?05:03
hischildturbough, yes.05:03
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: there's two of them. One, when selected, says it's netspeed.05:03
RioMercxb3rt: The woes of us poor Unsupported canon-ers05:03
turboughhischild: thank you :)05:03
Svenstarocabron, and to make it easier to read for me what you write in this populated channel, please put my name in front of your message, it will be highlighted for me as it does for you05:03
xb3rtRioMerc: Should we start a class-act on linux05:03
kindofabuzz_cellofellow: got it05:03
Svenstarocabron, in a terminal type "sudo apt-get install rar unrar" without quotes05:03
hischildturbough, according to what i'm reading from the gentoo guide you also should mount the /proc folder05:04
M4rotkuI'm having a problem with my hardware configurations, can anyone help?05:04
SvenstaroM4rotku, whats the matteR?05:04
cellofellowcabron:  you need Multiverse enabled. ;)05:04
RioMercxb3rt: Don't feel too bad, I've also got an ATI card, Dual screens and both of them are 17' that are only VGA, they needs VGA-DVI converters to work with this card. I'm about the most unsupported person around05:04
Svenstarocellofellow, is it not enabled by default?05:04
turboughhischild: yeah. i mounted the proc dir from inside the chroot environment05:04
kindofabuzz_so does ubuntu not support 54Mb network speed?05:04
M4rotkuSvenstaro: I installed an update from the update manager and it wrote over the configurations for my speakers and for my wireless card05:04
cabron<Svenstaro> "Package rar is not available, but is referred to by another package..."05:04
xb3rtRioMerc: how does it feel? :-)05:04
cellofellowSvenstaro: not that I know of.05:05
ibbackm4rotku. How may i help. Pls be more specific?05:05
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: works for me. What wifi card?05:05
gauze_kindofabuzz_: sure it does05:05
cabrioleurkindofabuzz_, it does.05:05
RioMercATI Card + MP170 (Canon) printer + Crappy Screens = One day of getting everything to be recognised properly, before you can actually do serious modification05:05
hischildturbough, ok.05:05
Svenstarocabron, as cellofellow mentioned, you need to open synaptic "sudo synaptic" and activate all repositories in the options05:05
hischildturbough, good luck on the reinstall :-)05:05
cabron<cellofellow> I'm pretty sure that I have multiverse enabled, but still no go...05:05
RioMercxb3rt: It feels odd. It's frustrating to be unsupported, but it's fun to hunt like crazy for solutions05:05
kindofabuzz_linksys wmp54gs with a linksys wrt54gs w/ dd-wrt05:05
busanhow to install new font on linux05:05
Svenstarocabron, then update the packages "sudo apt-get update" and try again to install it05:05
cellofellowcabron: no, hold that thought, the command is wrong.05:05
M4rotkuibback:  I think i overwrote my configuration files for my sound card and wireless card05:05
xb3rtRioMerc: at least you'll learn from the experience05:06
astro76!fonts | busan05:06
vehicledoesn anyone here know anything about ubuntu server??05:06
ubotubusan: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:06
hischildvehicle, if you ask the question, perhaps we do05:06
SvenstaroM4rotku, so you want your old config back i assume?05:06
kindofabuzz_i guess i'm only getting 24Mb/s cause of my signal05:06
RioMercxb3rt: Yeah, Nvidia, 19' Single screen and a shitty Epson for me from now on05:06
turboughhischild: thanks. i'm looking forward to having ubuntu!05:06
M4rotkuSvenstaro: yes, that is what i'm looking for05:06
kindofabuzz_then i only get half of that! lol05:06
tcpdumpgodgood turbough05:06
cellofellowcabron: `gksudo software-properties-gtk` is the command.05:06
SvenstaroM4rotku, was it done through apt-get?05:06
vehicleif i install ubuntu-desktop on top of server is that completley pointless?05:06
xb3rtRioMerc: I might try dual screening in the near future, are you able to mouse from one to the other?05:07
RioMercIf you set it up right05:07
M4rotkuSvenstaro: it was done with the update manager, i'm using the hardy heron developement release05:07
Svenstarovehicle, yes, you might as well ahve installed ubuntu desktop05:07
RioMercI just recently got fglrx to FINALLY work05:07
hischildvehicle, it would not be pointless. I would only wonder why you wouln't install the desktop one in the first place.05:07
RioMercI have to configure BigDesktop today, I'll tell you how it goes05:07
xb3rtRioMerc: What distro are you on05:07
RioMercUbuntu 7.1005:07
kindofabuzz_is there a utility to tweak network card setttings?05:07
cabron<cellofellow> Yes, multiverse has a check mark next to it05:07
RioMercInfact, I think I'll tackle dualies now05:07
vehiclei'm trying to set up a file server that i can access on the internet05:07
ibbackm4rotku. Have you try to uninstall it using synaptic by selecting "Mark for Complete Removal" this option will remove also whatever user configuration file. Try it05:07
SvenstaroM4rotku, okay, which files were affected?05:07
hischildvehicle, you can do that as well via the desktop one.05:08
Svenstaroibback, he wants HIS old config back05:08
M4rotkuSvenstaro: my hardware configuration files, my sound card is not detected05:08
vehicleis the lack of efficiency going to be noticable?05:08
hischildvehicle, no05:08
Svenstarovehicle, most likely not at all05:08
SvenstaroM4rotku, ah which sound card?05:08
M4rotkuibback: i don't know which package it was05:08
vehicleis server only command line?05:08
ibbackSvenstaro!. ic..i hope he got backup otherwise me think it dead meat05:08
cellofellowkindofabuzz_: even when I'm running at 54Mbps, I sometimes only get like 5MBps on LAN file transfers. I think the hard drive is the bottleneck.05:08
hischildvehicle, the desktop and server one use the same stuff. The only difference is that the server doesn't contain a GUI on install.05:08
M4rotkuSvenstaro: it is a realtek, that is all i know05:09
xb3rtWhere does firefox store all of its bookmarked websites that are under the favorites tab05:09
vehiclehrm.. alright05:09
Svenstarovehicle, yes CLI only05:09
vehiclethanks guys05:09
kindofabuzz_cellofellow: yeah my hard drives suck, old computer05:09
cellofellowM4rotku: realtek wireless? I have that.05:09
kindofabuzz_p4 1.5ghz05:09
M4rotkucellofellow: i thought realtek was the speakers, my wireless is, well, idk05:09
SvenstaroM4rotku, good, no creative one. You *could* try to get alsa installed instead of pulseaudio, it might work then05:09
cellofellowxb3rt: it stores the websites in ~/.mozilla/firefox/somejunk.default/bookmarks.html05:10
M4rotkuSvenstaro: i use alsa as far as i know05:10
SvenstaroM4rotku, if you havent installed otherwise, you use pulseaudio which is now standard for heron05:10
Svenstaroif im not completely off that is05:10
xb3rtcellofellow: so it stores all of them in that bookmarks.html file05:10
cellofellowM4rotku: sorry, typed before I spoke. I've had some trouble with my wifi card but got it fixed.05:10
cellofellowxb3rt: yup05:10
M4rotkuSvenstaro: in that case i guess i don't have alsa05:11
eigmaanyone know what files are added by gdm in /etc/event.d?05:11
M4rotkuSvenstaro: but the sound worked before i installed this update05:11
SvenstaroM4rotku, if your system is new enough for toying around, you might try to just install alsa05:11
SvenstaroM4rotku, ah I see05:11
cellofellowM4rotku: ALSA is drivers and a sound API. PulseAudio is a sound server. Runs on top of ALSA.05:11
hischildwhat is the easiest way to connect via nautilus on an ubuntu <--> ubuntu home network?05:11
RioMercWish me luck, I'm going to try to install my dualies05:12
cellofellowhischild: I use ssh://, but setting up Samba may work too.05:12
=== BeBoo_ is now known as BeBoo
Svenstarohischild, most likely samba or NFS05:12
xb3rtcellofellow: that file was actually something different, im looking for the location of the webpages under my bookmarks tab of the Tool bar05:13
cellofellowhischild: I don't think Nautilus does NFS. AFAIK, NFS is implemented in the kernel and with /etc/fstab.05:13
M4rotkuSvenstaro: i gtg, thanks for your help, if you think of anything, i have a thread going on ubuntuforums.org so you could contact me there05:13
hischildSvenstaro, cellofellow, alright. The problem i'm having with it, is that ssh and sftp keep timing out on it and i don't see a problem, since i can ssh from one to the other.05:13
SvenstaroM4rotku, alright, good luck05:13
cellofellowxb3rt: that is where the bookmarks are stored, though. I'm confused now.05:13
Svenstarocellofellow, hischild, you could always mount it to /media and then easily access with nautilus05:14
xb3rtcellofellow: check it out, its just a file for the ubuntu help page bookmarks05:14
kindofabuzz_ if anyone has the problem of cursor theme changing to default when hovering over desktop or panels, then back again in apss, i have the solution.  finally figured it out05:14
cellofellowxb3rt: not mine. Has all of my bookmarks.05:14
hischildSvenstaro, this is NFS we're talking about? If so, them i'm interested in hearing more about it. Do you have a link or would you mind guiding me through it?05:15
=== Ziroda1 is now known as JFerret
Svenstarohischild, its real easy, were talking about 7.10?05:15
JFerretCan someone help me get LIRC and my remote to work please05:15
cellofellowxb3rt: maybe you are using a different bookmarks system. Google Toolbar's bookmarks, maybe?05:15
hischildSvenstaro, one is 7,10, the other 8,04. The one that would act as server, is the 7,1005:15
xb3rtcellofellow: I've got the bookmark toolbar along with my bookmark tab on the top window05:16
cellofellowoh, the bookmark tab05:16
xb3rtcellofellow: yea05:16
kindofabuzz_what's the point of swap if it's never used?  i've opened almost everything i can think of to see if it would get used, my system never touched it05:16
Svenstarohischild, in the one that acts as the server, open /etc/exports with some editor and put the following in there: /home
cellofellowxb3rt: this is the built in toolbar, not an extension?05:16
cabrioleurkindofabuzz_, suspend to swap, hibernation...05:16
Svenstarohischild, of course, change ip and path and even subnet as needed05:16
kindofabuzz_oh, well hib and suspend don't work either lol05:17
Svenstarohischild, be careful to leave a .0 at the end of the ip for the subnet mask to work of course05:17
cabrioleurkindofabuzz_, and in case you do need it. And believe me, Linux is nuts when it's out of swap space.05:17
kindofabuzz_but mine is never touched05:17
xb3rtcellofellow:  you know what i mean, the one thats up alongside file, edit, and the other options....It says bookmarks, and you click it and it shows a list of all your saved pages05:17
hischildSvenstaro, the subnet is ok, the ip is slightly different. The /home is the folder going to be shared? Also, that file doesn't exist, thus i should create it?05:17
Svenstarohischild, yes and yes05:18
hischildSvenstaro, and that ip should be the server one?05:18
cellofellowxb3rt: that the bookmarks.html file. I promise. The toolbar is a folder in that.05:18
kindofabuzz_i wish i could get suspend to work05:18
Svenstarohischild, the one for the client or client range which is allowed to access the share05:18
hischildSvenstaro, alright, done05:18
cellofellowxb3rt: click "Organize Bookmarks..." in the Bookmarks menu.05:18
xb3rtcellofellow: im looking at it, and its not their05:18
Svenstarohischild, on the client, go to /etc/fstab and paste this onto a new line "<server>:</path/of/dir> </local/mnt/point> nfs <options> 0 0" w/o quotes05:19
Svenstarohischild, and of course change as needed05:19
cellofellowxb3rt: in ~/.mozilla/firefox, are there any folders besides the one that has .default in it?05:19
Svenstarohischild, I suggest you create the local mnt point in /media so you can easily access it in nautilus05:19
strikerfalconis this where the helpful people are?05:19
hischildSvenstaro, that is what i planned to do05:20
Svenstarosometimes, strikerfalcon05:20
xb3rtcellofellow: ive got /profile and /pref05:20
hischildstrikerfalcon, if you got a question, then ask :-) that's the best way to find out05:20
cellofellowxb3rt: huh?05:20
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xb3rtcellofellow: those are the two directories under the firefox folder05:20
strikerfalconIve been searching and scratching to find out why my dvd player is not found and no threads have been helpful05:21
hischildSvenstaro, alright one last question: the path/of/dir on fstab should be the same as the one on exports?05:21
xb3rtcellofellow: maybe im looking in a completely differnt firefox folder05:21
strikerfalconanyone dealt with this problem?05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:21
hischildstrikerfalcon, can you be a bit more specific? Does it give you an error? Does it complain about something?05:22
Svenstarohischild, yes05:22
cellofellowxb3rt: maybe use the filesearch to look for more files named bookmarks.html, because that IS where firefox stores the bookmarks. You've probably got the wrong one.05:22
strikerfalconhold on.. let me make it error real quick05:22
Svenstarohischild, I forgot to mention, on the server you ahve to run "exportfs -a"05:22
cellofellowxb3rt: try this `locate bookmarks.html`05:23
hischildcellofellow,  xb3rt, AFAIK it's in ~/.mozilla/firefox/insertwierdlettersfolder/bookmarks.html05:23
hischildSvenstaro, alright will do.05:23
xb3rtcellofellow: found it, was in the wrong dir05:23
Svenstarohischild, well run mount -a on the client and hope :)05:23
xb3rtcellofellow: theirs two files named that05:23
hischildSvenstaro, seem to be missing nfs-kernel-server ... installing =) (with the chance of writing it all over again)05:24
strikerfalcontotem says "i may not have permission" when I put in a video dvd05:24
Svenstarohischild, Oh i thought that one got installed by default, well better make backups of your files05:24
samuelsup all05:24
Svenstaroyo samiam05:24
Svenstaroyo samuel, imean05:24
cha0scan anyone tell me why this command doesn't work (in a script)05:25
cha0snew_src=`echo "$fb_src" | sed s_./_"$2"/_`05:25
samuelanyone know if there is something similar to fedora's server management tools in ubuntu?05:25
cha0sresult: sed: -e expression #1, char 5: unterminated `s' command05:25
hischildSvenstaro, ofcourse we have backups. It's second nature of a linux user to have backups. We make backups so easy we don't even remember where we put them ... wait ... where did i put that file again?05:25
cha0sit appears $2 isn't evaluating before sed is called05:25
hischildSvenstaro, it gave me an option :-) it's done05:25
nikrudsamuel probably ebox is what you're looking for05:26
Svenstarohischild, nice, succes?05:26
SefyrothHi guys, I have a little problem when I try to run the installer for Ubuntu Server 7.10. After choosing my keyboard layout, it says it's looking for my cdrom drive and then tells me it can't find the drivers.05:26
samuelnikrud: thanks ill look into it05:26
egchi all, i have the following command to print a man page: "man foo | col -b | lpr".  Can someone suggest a filter I can use to get this to print 2-up?05:26
strikerfalconI recently upgraded to fiesty from edgy and now no mavies will load05:26
hischildSvenstaro, unfortunately, no. Server is giving me an error. "Neither subtree_check or no_subtre_check specified for export *insert some ip stuff for client*05:27
Svenstarostrikerfalcon, are you using totem?05:27
strikerfalconfor watching factory dvds05:27
fismoll8hey guys, when I type finger in the terminal, my user name pops up three times. How can I be logged in 3 times at once?05:27
strikerfalconnone of the others ive used have worked05:27
nikrudfismoll8 got some terminals open?05:28
xTheGoat121xEvening all.  I noticed that Nautilus organizes my music out of order05:28
jumbersAre there any programs available to bruteforce the password on a .RAR file that I lost the password to?05:28
samuelnikrud: ebox is web-based, im looking for something gtk based, any ideas?05:28
JFerretCan someone help me get LIRC and my remote to work please05:28
nikrudsamuel no, I generally do stuff with the command line05:28
egcnm, i see it.  "psnup"05:28
Svenstarohischild, doesnt it default to subtree?05:28
nikrudsamuel not that I do a lot of server configging, soI don't need much05:29
fismoll8sorry, I got logged out. Does anyone know why my user name comes up 3 times when I type in finger?05:29
nikrudfismoll8 got some terminals open?05:29
fismoll8just one05:29
samuelnikrud: so do i, but i would like to stop have a gtk tool to do simple changes05:29
xTheGoat121xnikrud, ah, now I noticed something odd with my finger... it shows a 3rd login, that isn't my username at all.05:29
hischildSvenstaro, this isn't something i know much about so i can't answer that question ..05:29
Svenstarohischild, put this onto the exports string "(rw,no_root_squash,async)"05:30
cha0snvm, i solved it... $2 contained an underscore!05:30
Svenstarohischild and run exportfs -a again05:30
nikrudxTheGoat121x fismoll8 all I get is my X login (tty7) and the terminal I do finger in (pts/0)05:30
Svenstarohischild just in case also issue sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart05:30
fismoll8same here, but I also get *pts/105:30
fismoll8along with my username05:31
hischildSvenstaro, alright that's a whole list, Give me a min to do it05:31
xTheGoat121xnikrud, hmmm that's not good.05:31
nikrudfismoll8 fismoll8 try lsof | grep pts/105:31
nikrudxTheGoat121x what's the username?05:32
stefan__Hi I'm a noobie and I need help to get my x fi sound card working with linux.05:32
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xTheGoat121xnikrud, "e"05:32
fismoll8nikrud: nothing happens05:33
SefyrothHi guys, I have a little problem when I try to run the installer for Ubuntu Server 7.10. After choosing my keyboard layout, it says it's looking for my cdrom drive and then tells me it can't find the drivers. Any idea?05:33
nikrudxTheGoat121x do you have a user e ?05:33
SefyrothI succeeded in installing Ubuntu regular edition before.05:33
hischildSvenstaro, this is odd. If i do this from the command line (exportfs -o rw it does work. Also, it still complains, yet when running exportfs without options it does show up.05:33
nikrudfismoll8 I did that with pts/0 , got the processes using that pts05:34
Svenstarohischild, uhm05:34
xTheGoat121xnikrud, nope.  The odd thing, it doesn't show as being logged in to anything... like I have my user on both TTY7 and PTS/0 but e doesn't have anything listed next to it05:34
hischildSvenstaro, man is a mighty tool sometimes ... :p05:34
nikrudxTheGoat121x and I don't know why that would be happening. Very suspicious on the face of it.05:34
fismoll8ok nikrud...same here05:35
Svenstarohischild, man can be a mighty fool as well :)05:35
hischildSvenstaro, oh that's true as well, though i try to make the best of it ;-)05:35
fismoll8thanks nikrud---I think everything is fine05:35
Svenstarohischild, anyway, everything working now?05:35
hischildSvenstaro, not yet. Client can't seem to connect05:35
fismoll8I think every time you open a terminal or a program, you get another iteration of your username05:35
nikrudfismoll8 I'm glad you think so. I've never seen anything not obvious in a finger or who05:36
hischildSvenstaro, according to the error it's a faulty file system selection so i'm guessing i'm missing a package05:36
xTheGoat121xnikrud, agreed.  If I type "who" I only get two listings.05:36
xTheGoat121xnikrud, the right ones, too.05:36
nikrudfismoll8 yes, you do. pts/1 , 2 , 3 etc for each term. That's why I asked if you had any open. Should have 3, if you have 2 terms open05:36
Svenstarohischild, on the server do this sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap05:37
Svenstarohischild, on the client do sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common05:37
xb3rtI found the file I want to get to, /home/brett/.mozilla/firefox/jbkvm7gy.default/bookmarks.html    but I can't find it anywhere05:37
=== SStoveld is now known as sstoveld
hischildSvenstaro, that seems to give some stuff to install client side05:38
kindofabuzz_hsichild: you doing NFS?05:38
hischildkindofabuzz_, correct05:38
kindofabuzz_i just did it on mine: best guide i found: http://digen.wordpress.com/2006/04/28/configuring-nfs-server/05:38
hischildkindofabuzz_, Svenstaro, and i just succeeded. Awesome05:38
kindofabuzz_yeah it's pretty easy05:39
Svenstarohischild, it be working? :)05:39
hischildkindofabuzz_, it is, once you know how to do it.05:39
hischildSvenstaro, yes it is. :-)05:39
Svenstarohischild \o/05:39
kindofabuzz_i gave up on samba, screw the windows on my network lol05:39
hischildSvenstaro, \../. _o_ .\../  is more my thing ;-)05:40
hischildkindofabuzz_, i never bothered to try samba as it's a thing for windows which i'm trying to avoid ;-)05:40
Svenstarohischild I'm a bit more on the conservative site concerning emoticons05:40
xTheGoat121xnikrud, I've noticed something else.... does Nautilus not take into consideration dashes in filenames?  Because my entire music collection is set up as05:40
* Svenstaro likes samba05:40
hischildSvenstaro, i understand. But a metal fan has to do what a metal fan has to do05:40
kindofabuzz_hischild: yeah i got samba working to where the windows could see the shares but i couldn't log onto them!05:40
xTheGoat121x<Artist> - <Title> yet it still screws up the order05:40
hischildkindofabuzz_, last time i tried i got the same effect from ubuntu -> windows05:41
sstoveldhi everyone05:41
Svenstarohischild, I have yet to get to know one single linux user who listens to hiphop05:41
nikrudxTheGoat121x screws up the order? what do you mean?  You get a different sort order in the terminal than in nautilus?05:41
kindofabuzz_Svenstaro: hehe05:41
Svenstarokindofabuzz_, you have to reboot windows everytime you want to try out a new samba config05:41
Peddycan someone please tell me if the easy-access audio ports at the front of my PC are worse quality than the ones at the back?05:42
nikrudSvenstaro you gotta be kidding05:42
j_Hey, How many Bytes are in a BMP PIXEL?????05:42
kindofabuzz_Svenstaro: oh, not worth the trouble lol05:42
SvenstaroPeddy, they are because of interference and cable length, but its doubtful you can hear the difference05:42
bullgard4"~$ xmodmap; xmodmap:  up to 4 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):..." What considers the X Window System a 'modifier'?05:42
hischildSvenstaro, i have to agree on that one ... most of the ones i know either listen to metal, alternative or some other non-mainstream style of music05:42
Svenstarohischild ALTERNATIVE all the way05:43
kindofabuzz_<--- jam-bands05:43
hischildbullgard4, AFAIK the thing you're trying to make it execute.05:43
kindofabuzz_widespread panic!05:43
hischildSvenstaro, kindofabuzz_, <-- gothic metal, viking metal, and all the likings off05:43
fk7_sewhats the best version of ubuntu for a older pc, such as a 1 ghz celeron machine05:43
bullgard4hischild: Your answer is too abstrect for me. Can you elaborate.05:43
xTheGoat121xnikrud, well, as an example... I have a band in my collection called Red... their music is interrupted by several other bands, such as the Red Hot Chili Peppers, simply because the title half of the filename starts with an I, for example.05:43
Svenstarofk7_se, thats Xubuntu05:44
kindofabuzz_hischild: viking metal? lol what is that?05:44
memianfk7_se, try xubuntu05:44
hischildbullgard4, if you try to make it execute gedit, the modifier would be gedit afaik05:44
PeddySvenstaro: so it still uses HD audio?05:44
fk7_sethats good to hear because i already have a copy of it lol05:44
xb3rtlets say I have ubuntu gutsy on my system and I want to dual boot with another linux distro live cd installation, what new partitions would I need, and how would I allow them to both use the same swap space05:44
kindofabuzz_i listen to bands that can actually play more than 3 chords05:44
hischildkindofabuzz_, ofcourse. Though i'm afraid we're getting offtopic here. Let's go to offtopic on this one.05:44
kindofabuzz_hehe sorry05:44
PeddySvenstaro: its onboard HD audio btw05:44
SvenstaroPeddy, technically yes, but from an analog viewpoint your soundquality decreases05:44
kindofabuzz_well audio connection chat is off topic too! =)05:45
hischildkindofabuzz_, no problem and i love to talk about it, just trying to avoid a warning ;-)05:45
memianxb3rt, it will use any swap it finds, and if you want a persistent installation label one of your ext2-3 partition as casper-rw05:45
Svenstaroxb3rt you only need one swapspace per computer, it can be used by all 100 linux distros you got installed05:45
PeddySvenstaro: ok, thanks :) and its not physically that far away, because my 'front' sound ports are not in 'front' in that sense. They are on top (closer to the mobo).05:45
fk7_sewill xubuntu run on a 48605:46
PeddySvenstaro: am I off-topic?05:46
nikrudxTheGoat121x oh. I'd never looked at that. So you mean   Red - Echo,  Red Hot Chili Peppers - Some album,   Red - Ideomatic , it would order like that?05:46
SvenstaroPeddy, uhm, well it doesnt really concern Ubuntu what you asked, tho im still happy to help :)05:46
xTheGoat121xnikrud, exactly, and it drives me crazy b/c I'm OCD about my music order.05:46
kindofabuzz_fk7_se: probably yeah, but would still be sloooow05:47
sstoveldhey guys, im looking to install ubuntu for the first time. im a newb here, does it matter if i burn the iso to a DVD instead of a CD? im all out of CD's05:47
Svenstarofk7_se, I suppose it will, but you might want to use Damn Small Linux there05:47
xTheGoat121xnikrud, it's like it doesn't have any respect for the dash that's in between the artist and title.05:47
fk7_sei'll have to experiment with that05:47
Svenstarosstoveld, no wont matter05:47
kindofabuzz_yeah just make that 486 a firewall or something05:47
hischildsstoveld, no. I installed all my os from a dvd05:47
sstoveldok thanks05:47
memianfk7_se, also try puppy linux05:47
fk7_sedamn small linux, just command line?05:47
kindofabuzz_fk7_se: yeah05:47
Svenstarofk7_se, no ,a powerful window manager is what you get05:47
fk7_sethanks for the info i'll check into those05:47
kindofabuzz_used to be only cl05:48
Svenstarofk7_se, about any window manager will work on 48605:48
nikrudxTheGoat121x I keep them in folders, so Red/Echo Ideomatic   Red hot/album  works for me. Make sure it does it as you expect in a terminal, and if nautilus is diifferent file it as a bug. The worst thing that will happen is you'll get a won't fix tag, and maybe an explanation05:48
memiantimes are changing05:48
PeddySvenstrao: thanks my homie g05:48
SvenstaroPeddy np05:48
sstoveldwell this will be my first time installing ubuntu, anyone have a guide or anything that will have some helpful information for me? like is there anything i need to know before i install it?05:48
hischildsstoveld, not really. Is there something you're worried about that might go wrong?05:48
Svenstarosstoveld, are you curretnly using windows?05:48
kindofabuzz_fk7_se: MEPIS has a disro for old computers if you wanna stick with debian, starts with an X i think05:49
sstoveldwell i was, until my pc got all messed when i tried installing hellgate london05:49
xTheGoat121xnikrud, ah, it does it the same way in Terminal.05:49
fk7_sei would get another hard drive to swap in and out, until you set it up how you want05:49
sstoveldso now it just keeps trying to boot, but i get BSOD at windows loading screen05:49
sstoveldso i figure its time for a change05:49
Svenstarosstoveld, lol, what a coincidence that you now want to try ubuntu05:49
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Svenstarosstoveld, are you a gamer?05:49
sstoveldyeah haha, and ive hear a lot of positive things about ubuntu05:50
nikrudxTheGoat121x hm05:50
fk7_semepis, never heard of it, i will check it out05:50
sstoveldnot a big gamer really, hellgate london is the newest game i want to play05:50
kindofabuzz_yeah MEPIS is a debian child like ubuntu is05:50
sstoveldbut i do play some games05:50
Svenstarosstoveld, let me check on linux compability, but quite honsetly, hellgate sucks :<05:50
sstoveldhaha, well i loved diablo, and i havent played it since i bought it a few months ago05:51
Svenstarosstoveld, you are better off playing diablo, hellgate doesnt run on linux as far as I can judge looking at wineapps db and diablo 2 runs like a dream out of the box, and it OWNS05:51
kindofabuzz_you can probably get diablo running with DOSBOX05:51
xTheGoat121xnikrud, yeah.05:51
Svenstarono need for dosbox05:51
sstoveldlol ive never used or even seen any linux os, so im completely confused about whatever youre talking about05:52
cpk1anyone able to help me with hostap? I am having trouble getting clients to authenticate05:52
SmegzorI can connect to XDMC from anywhere in my LAN but not from the internet.  I suspect I need to edit hosts.allow and hosts.deny  Is there anywhere else that might be blocking remote connections?  I can SSH in from the internet.05:52
sstoveldi read some of a guide about linux, ill read it later05:53
tgelterso, I want to ssh into a box and launch an X application on that box...how do I do it? (yeah, I realize this is probably easy)05:53
fk7_sealright i'm downloading a 97 mb iso for dsl, sound right05:53
Svenstarosstoveld, no windows software runs natively on linux, it need to either be emulated or otherwise be made compatible, not all windows apps can be made to work on linux05:53
SmegzorI have set up remote logins correctly in system/administration05:53
kindofabuzz_sstoveld: are you good with coomand line in windows?  if so, forget everything you know about it, get ready for new stuff =)05:53
Svenstarotgelter, a simple "vncserver" does the job there for you05:53
tgelterSvenstaro: no way through ssh?05:54
sstoveldso would i probably be better off staying with my windows xp? cause this stuff kind of seems pretty confusing, is ubuntu easy to learn to use for newbs?05:54
zewbi want to run a telnet bbs on my ubuntu box05:54
Svenstarotgelter, well you can tunnel vnc through ssh, is probably easiest05:54
sstoveldnah i didnt use command line much in windows05:54
kindofabuzz_i got on my dad's XP box, i forgot how to use windows pretty much since i been on linux, and it's only been like a month05:54
zewbdoes anyone know how to run a telnet bbs on ubuntu?05:54
tgelterSvenstaro: no way to just specify DISPLAY to point to the local box?05:54
Angela_SmithHi all! Just got ubuntu installed :) I have an AMD 64bit +4800 x2, Do I need the restricted generic drivers for optimal performance?05:54
Svenstarosstoveld, depends on what youre trying to do, if you want to set up a LAMP server you will run into some trouble, if you wanna browse the web, edit and listen to music and play some games, ubuntu is better than windows by a couple of miles05:55
kindofabuzz_i couldn't even remember all the skeyboard shorcut commands i use to know05:55
hischildAngela_Smith, It usually helps with your graphics card05:55
memianzewb, did you try google?05:55
fk7_seoh definitely helps with gfx card, don't forget compiz if not installed05:55
sstoveldwell i dont even know what a LAMP server is, so ubuntu is sounding pretty good to me :)05:55
Svenstarotgelter, not directly through SSH, you can still forward the X server output to SSH, tho when I tried it didnt work and when it did its performance sucked, it assumes youre on LAN with the server05:55
kindofabuzz_yeah it trips me out how people will pay 200$ for a copy of vista and then all they do is get online and check email05:56
tgelterSvenstaro: alright, thanks05:56
=== Ttech is now known as Retsameh
sstoveldwhat about drivers though? will i need to install my motherboard drivers to be able to access the internet on a fresh install? like my ethernet driver05:56
Svenstarosstoveld, just install "xchat" by issuing a "sudo apt-get install xchat" in the console, log onto this channel and ask us questions05:56
zewbmemian: yes, it didn't help05:56
Svenstarosstoveld, no, you will almost never need to do all that windows bollocks05:57
hischildsstoveld, no. You most likely won't need any drivers at all.05:57
sstoveldoh nice05:57
kindofabuzz_unless you are wireless05:57
hischildin which case you still won't need them most likely05:57
hischildjust a bit less likely05:57
Svenstarosstoveld, there are no real driver installs in linux, all is compiled into the kernel and you dont have to worry about that05:57
sstoveldthe more i hear the more anxious i am getting for ubuntu05:57
=== Retsameh is now known as Ttech
Svenstarosstoveld, remember to install a utility called "envy" (google that, first entry is right) which automatically installs your graphics card drivers05:58
sstoveldwell my iso just finished downloading, is there a special way i need to burn it? or will it work fine burning with dvd decrypter or nero?05:58
kindofabuzz_you'll like it, we just pray you won't get a install "bug"05:58
Esk1is there a way to get my wifi driver installed without connecting to the net?05:58
Svenstarosstoveld, you will sometimes run into a wall and be frustrated, but at least in the linux world stuff brakes because you made a mistake, not the system :)05:58
prince_jammyscareful with envy05:58
hischildSvenstaro, !!!!05:59
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »05:59
prince_jammysavoid it05:59
SvenstaroEsk1, compile the module/kernel on a machine that does and put it over to your machine without intenret05:59
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:59
kindofabuzz_yeah and if you're like alot of linux folks, problems can be "fun" sometimes, well for me they can be, but i'm a geek lol05:59
ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!05:59
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:59
prince_jammysanaoum: /msg ubotu06:00
Esk1thanks sven06:00
bullgard4"~$ xmodmap; xmodmap:  up to 4 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):..." What considers the X Window System a 'modifier'?06:00
hischildkindofabuzz_, oh i like problems. I thrill on them and i love them. :P06:00
anaoumsorry prince06:00
Esk1is there a site that has terminal shortcuts?06:00
mrpocketsi've got a bluetooth dongle for my Motorola cell phone06:00
kindofabuzz_hischild: hehe06:00
Svenstaroproblems are awesome :)06:00
mrpocketsand i wanna pull some pics off my phone06:00
Svenstaromrpockets, per bluetooth?06:00
epitronis there a logfile for gnome session startup? (my gnome session is crashing when i start it)06:01
scream_sayonaradoes someone feel like talking to a retard about media players06:01
Svenstaromrpockets, how do you connect to the phone?06:01
anaoumhas anyone ever setup jungledisk on an ubuntu machine?06:01
epitronwhat's a jungle disk06:01
hischildscream_sayonara, we all do :-) what's the problem?06:02
Svenstaromrpockets, okay, do you have a way to accept bluetooth connection on your computer? like a usb dongle or something?06:02
sstoveldok guys, one more question before i install, do i need to wipe my drive first or can i do that when im installing with the iso im burning to disc?06:02
mrpockets<mrpockets> i've got a bluetooth dongle for my Motorola cell phone06:02
hischildsstoveld, can be done when installing :-)06:02
prince_jammyssstoveld: you don't need to wipe anything.06:02
epitronsstoveld: you can do whatever you want from the installer -- resize partitions, wipe drives, etc.06:02
Svenstarosstoveld, you can do that on the fly06:02
sstoveldthanks :D06:02
sstoveldhaha support here is great :D06:02
sstoveldo rly?06:03
Svenstarosstoveld now try a microsoft hotline06:03
anaoumthere should be a direct link to this channel on the live cd desktop!06:03
sstoveldoh that reminds me of a picture06:03
sstoveldlet me find it :D06:03
scream_sayonarai cant play my john saffran dvds.... ive downloaded a couple of different players but they all need plugins and when i go to the help pages there are never any links.. just words which make little to no sense to me06:03
hischildSvenstaro, you just so much made my day06:03
Svenstarosstoveld dont get discouraged when stuff breaks,of course it would suck if you couldn't even boot to ubuntu, tho theres little probabilty that you cant06:03
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: can you play any dvds?06:03
Svenstarohischild :)06:04
sstoveldyeah, that wouldnt be too fun :(06:04
Svenstarosstoveld whats your video card and processor?06:04
scream_sayonaranah.. totem will play the first title screen and stop, and caffeine just says that it doesnt have the plugin06:04
sstoveldamd 64 athlon 300+ venice06:04
scream_sayonarai can play other video files, just not actual dvds06:04
sstoveldati sapphire radeon x800 GTO206:04
kindofabuzz_anyone got a good guide to running a webserver using apache?  i got it all installed, just don't know what to do now06:04
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: did you install libdvdcss2 ?06:04
b0xxyanyone here have experiance with back-track06:04
hischildsstoveld, that pic reminds me of the internet help desk06:04
Svenstarosstoveld, no problems there :)06:05
scream_sayonaranah what is that and where do i get it? i am so new to this06:05
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: that's the key library06:05
sstoveldonly 1.5gb of ram, problem? or am i good there?06:05
Svenstarosstoveld, sadly ATI doesnt like Linux so their drivers are a bit meh06:05
Svenstarosstoveld, you will feel okay even with 512, but no lower06:05
kindofabuzz_sstoveld: you're good, i only have 75606:05
sstoveldoh so i do need drivers? i thought you didnt need drivers?06:05
kindofabuzz_or whatevr it is06:05
scream_sayonarabut what does that mean? can i check somehow if its on here?06:05
Svenstarosstoveld, well of course you need drivers, just htat you dont need to care about them :)06:06
sstoveldoh :P06:06
Angela_SmithIs a AMD +4800 X2, a K8 processor? TIA06:06
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: type in terminal: apt-cache policy libdvdcss206:06
Svenstarosstoveld, is there any crucial windows software that you need?06:06
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: if it is not installed, you will see "Installed: none"06:07
sstoveldhmm, what would be an example of crucial software?06:07
mrpocketsso yeha06:07
Svenstarosstoveld, something that you cant live without :)06:07
sstoveldmaybe photoshop, flash, dreamweaver, pretty much adobe CS306:07
praveen_dell pf 320 freeze after first boot screen06:07
praveen_can any one help06:08
Svenstarosstoveld, uhh damnit, because the CS3 series doenst yet work im afraid :(06:08
Svenstarosstoveld, CS2 does like a charm, not CS3 yet06:08
sstoveldwell thats fine, i prefer photoshop cs2 better :)06:08
hischildSvenstaro, there are good alternatives to it though =)06:08
Svenstarosure there are, they yet have to top photoshop tho :(06:08
sstoveldbut whatabout dreamweaver and flash? i need to go with flash 8 and dreamweaver 8?06:09
Sykoi'm having trouble finding the xorg.conf file... can anyone point me in the right directoin?06:09
Svenstarosstoveld, let me check06:09
SvenstaroSyko, /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:09
sstoveldk thanks :)06:09
belkinhelp2hello my fellow ubuntu users06:09
Sykosvenstaro thx06:09
Svenstarosstoveld, all the CS2 tools work like a charm06:10
hischildsstoveld, dreamweaver is platinum so should be gd :-)06:10
SvenstaroCS3 works like garbae :(06:10
belkinhelp2have any of you experienced the following problem:  When I watch video clips from youtube or google it seems that every now and again the audio "stutters" anywhere from a second to a few seconds, then the clip continues to play normally.  This happens infrequently and not on ever clip.  Any ideas?06:10
RaditIs there a any program to manage psd files, like acdsee in ubuntu?06:11
kindofabuzz_belkinhelp2: i have the same problem, i thought it may be a firefox problem06:11
SvenstaroRadit, tried fspot and picasa?06:11
androsshi anybody knows how to fix the sound problem with the 82801H (ICH8 Family) card? I know i have to download a package but I dont remember it's name.06:11
belkinhelp2im using ubuntu 7.10 with all the latest updates06:11
belkinhelp2i have firefox on my windows machine and it doesnt do it there06:12
belkinhelp2thats why i thought it was an ubunutu issue06:12
belkinhelp2perhaps something along the lines of memory allocation or virtual memory06:12
sstoveldok installing ubuntu right now, i probably want to check cd for defects firsth eh?06:12
Svenstarobelkinhelp2, are you using adobe flash?06:12
belkinhelp2ubunut has a page file, or swap file i imagine just like windows does correct?06:12
Svenstarosstoveld, no you dont06:12
belkinhelp2svenstaro...thats a good question06:13
kindofabuzz_Svenstaro: yeah, youtube has to use flash06:13
sstoveldno? just go with Start or install ubuntu?06:13
belkinhelp2kindo...yeah i think your right06:13
anaoumwhat package do i install for a text based irc client on linux?06:13
Svenstarokindofabuzz_, theres adobe flash and openflash, which i dont remember the name of06:13
Svenstarosstoveld, yes06:13
prince_jammyssstoveld: yes. checking for defects is optional06:13
kindofabuzz_Svenstaro: gnash i think06:13
belkinhelp2svenstaro...let me look at the browser plugin list...brb06:14
kindofabuzz_when i installed flash on fresh install it gave me option of gnash06:14
sstoveldhere we go :D06:14
Svenstaroanaoum, its called "bitchx"06:14
RaditSvenstaro: When clicking a psd file through nautilus, f-spot doesn't shows a white image instead of the image.. does nautilus show psd files like thumbnails?06:14
SvenstaroRadit, not by default, you might need a plugin for that06:14
bazhanganaoum: there is irssi if you wish06:14
prince_jammysanaoum: irssi. bitchx is not supported any more, i think (though it's there)06:14
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Svenstarotry irssi then, my fault06:15
anaoumi need something that runs on centos 5 :(06:15
bazhanganaoum: you are not using ubuntu?06:15
hischildwhat are the current file systems that are recommended for an external drive?06:15
RaditSvenstaro: do you know any? or know where to look?06:15
sstoveldhmm it seems like nothing is happening now, i got some status bar that filled up then it went to this black screen and now my monitors are blank, and my keyboard lights and monitor lights are flashing06:15
anaoumi am on all my desktops/laptops06:15
anaoumbut i have a vps server running centos506:15
Svenstarohischild, fat32 for sticks, ext3 for platters06:15
belkinhelp2svenstaro....shockwave flash06:15
kindofabuzz_belkinhelp2: i just read on the firfox forums that some people fixed it by clearing there cache in firefox06:15
hischildSvenstaro, platters being?06:16
SvenstaroRadit, sorry. no. You might try google on that06:16
Raditok, thx..06:16
hischildSvenstaro, external ones with drives in them?06:16
THISGUYNEWHow do i uninstall Sound Drivers in Ubuntu?06:16
Svenstarohischild, everything that rotates at 7200 rpm and uses a magnetic head to write bits06:16
belkinhelp2kindofabuzz...my cache is cleared everytime i close the browser06:16
kindofabuzz_oh ok06:16
hischildSvenstaro, mine rotates 5400rpm but ok ... ext3 it is06:16
THISGUYNEWI Need to uninstall my sound drivers in ubuntu06:17
sstoveldhmm should i just restart computer and try this again? nothing happening :P06:17
belkinhelp2this is off topic but does anyone know a good channel where people discuss the upcoming global financial collapse...illuminati type stuff?06:17
bazhangnot here belkinhelp2 thanks06:18
THISGUYNEWIs There a way to uninstall sound drivers in Ubuntu?06:18
kindofabuzz_belkinhelp2: just also read some people switched to an older version on flash and it helped06:18
belkinhelp2bazhang....i was just assuming linux users were more "aware" than their windows counterparts06:18
SvenstaroTHISGUYNEW, "sudo apt-get remove --purge alsa", but you really dont wanna do that06:18
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, why not ^^06:19
belkinhelp2bazhang....looking for that "meeting at the docks" if you get my drift06:19
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, i just want my USB Headsets to work06:19
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, recordmydesktop is conflicting and junk06:19
SvenstaroTHISGUYNEW, then you need alsa, no uninstalling06:19
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro,  =(06:19
bazhangbelkinhelp2: offtopic here thanks06:19
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro,  what should i type tho if not that?06:19
SvenstaroTHISGUYNEW, disable the inputs/outputs as you need in the system volume panel06:19
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, i am confused :(06:20
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, am a linux newbie :(06:21
SvenstaroTHISGUYNEW, well, what exactly do you want to accomplish?06:21
kindofabuzz_woohoo! chatzilla as a seperate process! http://chatzilla.rdmsoft.com/xulrunner/06:21
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, i just want to uninstall my sound card and have only my USB Head sets working06:21
SvenstaroTHISGUYNEW, that wont work like it does in windows, in linux theres one global sound driver for all your sound stuff06:22
kindofabuzz_lemme close this in case it interfers,,i'll be back06:22
scream_sayonarawhy wouldnt i have "software properties" in my system menu?06:22
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, how do i find out what the name of my USB MiC Aspect is called?06:22
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prince_jammysscream_sayonara: you're back. so you are installing libdvdcss now?06:23
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, cause recordMyDesktop asks for a device06:23
sstoveldhey guys am i doing something wrong here? maybe my burn didnt work? when i go to install ubuntu i get the status bar saying loading linux kerner, then it goes to some black screen, then my monitors go blank and nothing happens :S06:23
SvenstaroTHISGUYNEW when you plug it in, type into a terminal "sudo lsusb" and watch out for something that could be it06:23
SykoCompiz? Problem:  When going from "None" on visual effects to "Normal" or "extra" I get a white screen.. Any Ideas for this one?06:23
zewbapt-cache search shows all sorts of software to run telnet muds but no telnet bbses06:23
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, it gives me a bunch of junk06:23
scream_sayonaraprince_jammys: yeah well i downloaded these two files but i dont know what to do with them.. so i went to the help page and now im trying to add these respository things because there's pretty succint instructions on how to do this from there06:24
scream_sayonaraexcept i dont have the menu options that they do06:24
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, theres nothing like Device USBMic06:24
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: ubuntu or kubuntu?06:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x-rar - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:24
scream_sayonara-n :)06:24
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jaekhmm whats a good tv tuner program, xawtv is sooo old school and tvtime isnt working for me06:24
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: try this: sudo apt-get install libdvdread306:25
marjandoes any one knows how can i open a X-rar06:25
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, i am lost :(06:25
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: let me know what happens06:25
androsshi anybody knows how to fix the sound problem with the 82801H (ICH8 Family) card? I know i have to download a package but I dont remember it's name06:25
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, its like set to Device : DEFAULT06:25
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, i need to put my USB Headset device in that thing06:26
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, and i dont know the name exactly06:26
marjandoes any one knows how can i open a X-rar06:26
scream_sayonarao_O and then what?06:26
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: now paste this command::  sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh06:26
THISGUYNEWSvenstaro, anymore ideas man?06:26
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: that will automatically install libdvdcss206:27
scream_sayonaracommand not found?06:27
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: was the install of libdvdread3 successful?06:28
scream_sayonaracan i paste in here what it says?06:29
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: only if it's one or two lines06:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:29
marjandoes any one knows how can i open a X-rar06:29
scream_sayonarawell it says, reading package lists, done, building tree thing, done, livdvdthing is already the newest version, libdvd set to maunal installed06:30
scream_sayonara0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 59 not upgraded.06:30
scream_sayonaraafter i did the first one...06:31
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: that means it was installed already06:31
scream_sayonarabut when i typed the first thing it said it wasnt,06:31
scream_sayonaraand i cant play my dvd ;p06:31
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:31
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: check one more time: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh06:31
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: cut and paste it06:32
niketasGuys, who knows how to bind an "&mdash;" for "Alt Gr"+"-" combination?06:32
scream_sayonarai did cut and paste it and says command not found06:32
scream_sayonaraadministrator@administrator-desktop:~$ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh06:32
scream_sayonarasudo: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh: command not found06:32
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: ok hold on06:33
scream_sayonarathank you, prince of helpful06:33
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: they changed where it is06:33
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh06:33
scream_sayonarasweet that looks like its working06:34
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: now *hopefully* you can play dvds. if you can't, we'll see if you need plug-ins or something06:35
j_Hey, How many Bytes are in a BMP PIXEL?????06:35
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:35
Ademan_j_: 24 generally06:35
j_right, but there can be from like 1 to 32?06:36
scream_sayonaranah they both still say they will not06:36
moe_hay i removed vista last week and i'm using ubuntu and i just have to say UBUNTU IS THE BEST (OS) THE WORLD WILL EVER SEE but i got it all right i just nead some help can anyone please help me06:36
j_24 sry06:36
j_i mean06:36
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: first let's see if we got step one out of the way:  apt-cache policy libdvdcss206:36
j_1 is like gray06:36
zewbthey have synchronet for ubuntu but i don't like synchronet that much06:36
scream_sayonarayeah thats on there06:36
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: ok06:37
zewbi wish there was a telnet bbs server in the ubuntu repo06:37
Ademan_j_: well 24 bits anyways, and i'm not quite sure exactly how "low" it will go, 1 bit per pixel would be monochrome, which i didn't think it supported06:37
Ademan_zewb: lol!06:37
j_1 = monochrome palette. NumColors = 106:37
j_4 = 4bit palletized. NumColors = 1606:37
j_8 = 8bit palletized. NumColors = 25606:37
j_16 = 16bit RGB. NumColors = 65536 (?)06:37
j_24 = 24bit RGB. NumColors = 16M06:37
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: you use Totem ?06:37
j_but this teacher of mine06:37
j_asked a question, how many bytes are in 1 pixel on a BMP06:38
j_so i was like WTF06:38
j_was a singular06:38
scream_sayonaraive got totem and kaffeine06:38
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: use "synaptic" or "sudo apt-get install" the plug-ins in this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html06:39
Ademan_anyone here use something other than gnome-terminal and konsole ? i'm not dissatisfied, just curious if there's anything else worthwhile out there, and no one say xterm :-p06:39
prince_jammysscream_sayonara: dvds are a pain, because of legal issues06:39
prince_jammysAdeman_: yakuake06:40
prince_jammysAdeman_: or "tilda" for gnome06:40
Ademan_prince_jammys: ah yeah, forgot about those, they're pretty cool, ultimately i decided i didn't need them though06:40
j_my teacher hadme write a paper on opensource stuff today ;D, was about linux check it out06:40
Ademan_i just discovered Eterm, but that didn't provide anything terribly exciting imho06:40
prince_jammysAdeman_: i can't live without my yakuake06:40
etylHi, my mouse isn't working. Can anyone tell me the default shortcut for either the gnome menu or the equivalent of windows' start>run ?06:41
j_ctrl f2?06:41
sstoveldhey guys, i seem to be having a problem installing ubuntu, can anyone help?06:41
prince_jammysalt f206:41
bazhangetyl: alt f206:41
j_alt f2, sry06:41
etylj_, thanks, now i can google on something other than the console :)06:42
Ademan_!ask | sstoveld06:42
ubotusstoveld: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:42
sstoveld:) ok06:42
j_why did they wanna make Kubuntu a whole new release06:42
sstoveldwell im trying to install ubuntu, but im having a problem. i boot from cd, choose start or install linux, then i get the status bar saying loading linux kernet, then it goes to some black screen, then my monitors go blank, and the lights on them flash like they would if the computer were turned off, and my keyboard lights are flashing too06:43
Svenstaro_sstoveld, I got you, please try hardy06:44
j_well i know sstoveld06:44
Svenstaro_sstoveld, sadly you have an ACPI problem :(06:44
j_you need to load up safe mode, cuz of your video drivers, or Mobo06:44
j_just do safe06:44
Svenstaro_sstoveld, the development version, hang on, it fixes the prob06:44
sstoveldoh, so try it in safe mode? ok let me try that06:44
prince_jammyssstoveld: or use the alternate cd06:44
Iceman_Bgreetings, anyone know how to make a SATA drive visible in 7.10 ?06:44
light50does anyone know if ooo has support channel?06:45
Svenstaro_prince_jammys he wont have success booting the system after installing from alternate06:45
j_nono sstoveld, same happened to me, just use the Safe install, like second option down on boot screen06:45
Iceman_BI have 2 sata drives, the first one seems to have both paritions mounted, the second one(sdb?) is nohere to eb found06:45
sstoveldok let me try it quick06:45
zewbdoes anyone know of any unofficial repositories that would have telnet bbs software?06:45
spartan7can anyone help me with my sound?06:45
prince_jammysSvenstaro_: you mean he has no option other than installing hardy?06:45
sstoveldStart Ubuntu  in safe graphics mode?06:45
sstoveldthis will install it?06:46
Svenstaro_prince_jammys if he's bitten by the ACPI problem, then yes06:46
Svenstaro_sstoveld, yes try that first06:46
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sstoveldnope, no good06:46
Svenstaro_sstoveld, Im afraid you need to try hardy, let me hand you a link.06:47
Svenstarosstoveld, http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso06:48
bluefoxxsomeone asked if anyone tired the Hardy Heron Beta yet? i am running it now, and i have to say that other than a error with the bootup on my newer machine and having to hunt down certain programs, its kickass fully instaled. there is no way im going back to gutsy now XD06:48
sstoveldwhat is hardy? like a beta of a new release?06:48
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu06:48
Ademan_http://antony.lesuisse.org/qweb/trac/wiki/AjaxTerm   WOW! has anyone seen this? pretty cool idea (though it seems to be slow as piss) basically access to your machine when all you've got is a web browser :-)06:49
bluefoxxi just have to get it to boot from a scsi drive on my other comp06:49
Svenstarosstoveld, its got a better chance of working for you, im sorry it didnt work so far06:49
spartan7can someone please help me with my sound problem  :P06:49
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please for hardy discussion thanks06:49
sstoveldgood thing i just stocked up on dvds :D06:49
sstoveldhaha its no problem, i expected some issues having it being the first time doing this, its not your fault06:49
Iceman_Bnobody around with sata hdd expertise?06:50
SvenstaroIceman_B, I do, what up?06:50
sstoveldgoing to take a while to download this iso though unfortunately :(06:50
Iceman_BSvenstaro: I have 2 SATA ports on my mobo, both with a drive. Im trying to mount the second one(SDB?) which contains 1 NTS partition06:51
Iceman_Bbut ubuntu can find it06:51
SvenstaroIceman_B, bios update :)06:51
niketasUbuntu-people, I'm just stuck: how to bind a symbol for a certain key combination? Like an &mdash; for "AltGr"+"-"06:51
Iceman_Bno I mean it works in windows, I forgot to say06:51
niketasIs it a matter or a keyboard layout?06:51
Iceman_Bso its there06:52
kindofabuzz_what would be the command to make a folder and its contents readable and executable? chmod r+x <folder>?06:52
Starnestommykindofabuzz_: chmod -R +x folder06:52
Svenstarosstoveld, while ur downloading we'll try around a bit, put in the ubuntu disk and boot it to the boot menu06:52
kindofabuzz_Starnestommy: thanks06:52
sstoveldok im there06:52
Svenstarosstoveld, press "e", you can now edit the boot parameters06:52
Svenstarosstoveld, it should be a rather long string06:53
spartan7Im having problems getting sound to play on my ICH8 sound card can anyone help?06:53
sstoveldhmm nothing seems to happen when i press e06:53
Svenstarosstoveld, second06:53
j_what kind of comp, sstoveld06:53
sstoveldboot menu is where it displays the options to install and such, correct?06:53
Iceman_Bthanks anyway Svenstaro, I'll try mucking around in fstab06:54
sstoveldwhat do you mean by what kind?06:54
Svenstarosstoveld, yes, hang on a bit im gonna put in my own boot disc so I get an idea of what im telling you06:54
j_the CD boot mentu06:54
j_well u dont need to sven06:54
j_just google it06:54
j_its on there06:54
Svenstaroj_, he's got a ACPI problem :(06:54
j_well his screen goes blank?06:55
Svenstaroyup, and kernel panic06:55
sstoveldok well, when i press F6, i get this string that says boot options06:55
Svenstaroah right06:55
anaoumhello, i am using pidgin - what do the symbols next to the usernames mean?06:55
Svenstaroyes go to its end06:55
Svenstarosstoveld, go to its end, do you see a "splash" somewhere?06:55
sstoveldyes, last thing there says splash --06:55
Svenstarosstoveld, remove "quiet splash" and boot06:56
sstoveldleave -- in there?06:56
Svenstarosstoveld, yes06:56
Svenstaroultimately, you can now boot ubuntu, if not it will at least display some messages and errors06:56
prince_jammysanaoum: i don't use pidgin, but they probably show whether a user is an op06:57
sstoveldok i see a lot of stuff going on here now06:57
Svenstarothats good06:57
anaoumyes prince, that is what i thought06:57
anaoumif i join a new channel, i automatically become an op?06:57
prince_jammysanaoum: heh06:57
sstoveldooh here we go :D06:58
Iceman_Banaoum: if its empty, then usually yes06:58
sstovelduh oh...06:58
prince_jammysanaoum: oh i see. your own channel.06:58
Svenstarosstoveld, waht up?06:58
anaoumeg /join #anaoum06:58
sstoveldwell it finished going crazy, displayed some new colorful screen and heard some sound, then it all went blank06:58
Svenstarosstoveld, uhoh06:59
anaoumhow do i let other people that have joined become "ops"06:59
Terrasquesstoveld: seems like it just developed a new form of crazy06:59
Iceman_Bdoes ubuntu have a hotkey equivalent to the windowskey+D06:59
Iceman_B(excuse my cursing)06:59
anaoumIceman_B: control a d06:59
anaoumsorry, control ALT D07:00
Iceman_Bah, nifty, thanks anaoum :)07:00
sstoveldhang on...07:00
sstoveldim in07:00
spartan7Im having problems getting sound to play on my ICH8 sound card can anyone help me before I go insane?  :P07:00
sstoveldomg i feel like an idiot...07:00
anaoumand the uqivilent of windows key is alt f107:00
sstoveldi think my monitor just turned off its display07:01
anaoumand windows r = alt f207:01
sstoveldjust had to move the mouse :D07:01
Svenstarosstoveld, ah yeah that happens sometimes to me :)07:01
Svenstarosstoveld, anyway, grats07:01
sstoveldok so now what do i have to do here? just double click the install icon?07:01
zewbare there any virtual modems for ubuntu?07:01
Svenstarosstoveld, yeah or just have a look around :)07:02
sstoveldhehe this looks niiiiiice :D07:02
sstoveldjust to make sure here, i can still use dual monitors yes?07:02
Svenstarosstoveld, sure07:03
sstoveldhehe this is real nice :D07:04
zewblol one thing i hate about community-driven software is that if you need help doing something that nobody cares about anymore, like running a telnet bbs, you're SOL.07:04
lytezewb: you can always offer to pay for support... people tend to care when you do07:05
Iceman_BSvenstaro: what if I manually add my second sata drive to fstab? would that work you think?07:05
SvenstaroIceman_B, do "sudo apt-get install gparted" and then "sudo gparted" and look the hdd up07:06
Iceman_Boh thanks07:06
Iceman_BIĺl try that07:06
sstoveldok so now, how do i set up my dual monitors? like in windows i would just right click desktop and go to appearance tab or whatever it was07:07
ArenlorI've been searching this for a while to find this post I used before to make a minimal install but can't find it, it listed the packages needed for a basic GNOME install from the alternate CD's text only option, anyone know where it is?07:07
spartan7is there a channel who's forte is sound issues?07:07
bazhang#alsa spartan707:07
kindofabuzzi'm back =)07:07
spartan7there alseep07:07
Svenstarosstoveld, hang on a sec07:08
kindofabuzzsstoveld: you on linux yet?07:08
kindofabuzzright on!07:08
sstoveldwell its installing, but im browsing :D07:09
Svenstarosstoveld, system -> settings -> screens and graphics07:09
nomopofomoIs anyone aware of how to configure MythTV as a UPnP server?07:09
Svenstaroor something like that, im using the german localization07:09
kindofabuzzSvenstaro: wasn't that you talking bad about chatzilla?07:09
nox-HandI am looking to build an installable Ubuntu Linux redistribution for release for our schools laptops. I.e I will change bootsplash, themes, default installed apps, settings and more. How would I get this onto an installable CD where you change user name at install or something?07:10
sstoveldhmm i dont see that, i have preferences, or administration in my system menu07:10
bazhang#ubuntu-mythtv will be experts on that nomopofomo07:11
sstoveldand i dont see screen and graphics in either of them :(07:11
kindofabuzzdoesn't the OEM install do what nox is talking about?07:11
Svenstaroadministration it is, right sstoveld07:11
nomopofomobazhang, thank you07:11
Iceman_BSvenstaro: it doesnt show in gparted either. I must say it was and is showing when I boot under windows, but I am having unexplicable errors07:11
sstoveldah gotcha :D07:11
Iceman_Bthanks again tho07:11
SvenstaroIceman_B, this is most strange07:11
bazhangnox-Hand: you are going to individually install them one by one on each laptop?07:12
Iceman_Bis there any way to force ubuntu to do a scan of the...whatever it is SATA drives connect to ?07:12
J-_How do I restart the sound server? /etc/init.d/alsa restart?07:13
nox-Handbazhang: Roger that is currently the idea. We are not sure whether this will be installed as default on laptops or as option for the moment.07:13
bazhangnox-Hand: there is a tool for doing that remix kind of thing similar to reconstructor on fedora; cant remember the name at the moment07:14
SvenstaroIceman_B, hang on07:14
SvenstaroIceman_B, fdisk -l, if doesnt show there you are fuxored :/07:15
SvenstaroIceman_B, ah wait, is it about a whole disk or a partition?07:15
Iceman_Ber both?07:16
Iceman_Bits one drive, connected to the second sata port on my mobo, it contains one ntfs partition07:16
kevinhello, i was wondering if it is possible to pre-order and pay for a copy of ubuntu 8.04?07:16
Iceman_Bwhich Im trying to mount to /media/some_dir07:17
bazhanghttp://uck.sourceforge.net/ this might be it nox-Hand07:17
SvenstaroIceman_B, okay, if it doesnt show in gparted you most likely have it attached to some very foreign controler07:17
jetscreamerfdisk -l07:17
sstoveldhmm ok so when i go in there, it says screen 2 is unknown, so i select the make and model, but i cant select secondary screen, it is greyed out07:17
Svenstarokevin, ubuntu is totally free07:17
Iceman_Bwierd, im using an Asus A7V-600 mobo07:17
Iceman_Bnot the strangest of mobo\s I'day07:18
jetscreamerfdisk -l07:18
Svenstarosstoveld, I'm gonna guide you on this on you installed ubuntu07:18
agenthi room07:18
sstoveldhaha, i love you :D07:18
sstoveldhi, agent07:18
bazhangkevin: you will likely need to wait until after the final release to get it; shipit or osdisc (both do that, one for free)07:19
alan_myou COULD use an alpha cd of ubuntu, but thats not gonna be supported in here, and i should drop it, which i will now. :)07:19
agentSo, i have a problem and i just remembered that there is a chat room!  so here goes!  i am running a multiple video card setup. i have 2 geforce2 cards in my system.  Both are working but i cant get the second card to work with any other driver than the nv one.07:20
bazhangum beta, and discussed in #ubuntu+1 ;]07:20
alan_malpha..beta...its something dangit :)07:20
agenti was wondering if there is a problem with using the same driver on 2 cards at once07:20
Svenstarosstoveld highlight me when youre done07:20
Svenstaroagent, dont you need the nvidia legacy driver?07:21
sstoveldoh you meant when i installed ubuntu07:21
sstoveldok Svenstaro, it just finished installing, restarting now07:21
agenti opened the restricted driver manager and checked both of 'em07:21
agentlegacy and regular07:22
bazhangwhy legacy?07:22
agentthe one that is workin' is a geforce2 mx 400 the other is a geforce 2 GTS07:22
philip__hello everyone07:22
philip__any support here07:22
agentthe legacy driver doesnt happen to use a different name than 'nvidia' does it?07:22
alan_msure we support in here, what seems to be your issue your having?07:23
jetscreamerno it doesn't07:23
agentthought not07:23
sstoveldSvenstaro, the install finished and it said to complete, restart now. so i restarted and now nothing is happening :( monitors are blank again, and this time its not cause the display shut off haha07:23
philip__i got a question, is their anyone who knows how to install the Retail Management System in ubuntu?07:23
philip__have anyone try this?07:24
bazhangphilip__: what is that?07:24
Svenstarosstoveld, when you are at the grub (the boot manager), press esc while the time is running out, you should have 3 seconds07:24
subfreezeI rebooted my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop and ran into "1.044000 Kernel Panic- Not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)".  Kind of sucks, anyone know how to fix this? I get it in normal bootup and single user bootup (safe mode).07:24
philip__well i have RMS (Retail Management System  and i want it to install in ubuntu using wine, anyone tried this before?07:24
sstoveldoh, when i was restarting it told me to take out the cd in the tray and press enter. going to put it back in now07:25
Svenstarosstoveld, no dont07:25
Svenstarowe wont need it07:25
philip__bazhang have you tried this before?07:25
bazhangphilip__: no idea what that is; have you checked winehq's appdb?07:25
sstoveldoh ok07:25
mtx1 xxxpasshacks07:25
Svenstarosstoveld, when booting, you should see some "press esc to enter menu" after which it boots, well youre gonna press esc there07:26
agenti assume that the driver works since the mx400 runs glxgears and glxinfo shows rendern'07:26
sstoveldSvenstaro, im at the screen after the grub07:26
philip__ahh ic....ok i'll check this one07:26
agentbut the gx?  nuthin07:26
sstoveldyes im there now, 3 different selections to choose from now07:26
Svenstarosstoveld, if you see different boot entries now, thats is grub youre seeing :)07:26
bazhang!appdb | philip__07:26
ubotuphilip__: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org07:26
sstoveldoh ok i see :)07:26
Svenstarosstoveld, choose the first and press "e", go to the end and remove splash and quiet07:26
sstoveldi dont see splash, just quiet, so i removed quiet07:27
Svenstarosstoveld, if you think it brakes, just wait a bit, it might work anyway07:28
Svenstaroif not, youll at least see some error07:28
* alan_m gets the can of troll-b-gon out07:28
subfreezeAnyone have an idea on my kern. panic issue on bootup?07:28
agent9639 is the nvidia driver version that should be runnin' right?07:28
sstoveldok, so what do i do after i remove quiet? :)07:28
nox-Handbazhang: Will give it a look, thanks :)07:28
sstoveldhit esc?07:28
Svenstarosstoveld, oh right, press enter and then "b"07:28
bazhangnox-Hand: no worries ;]07:29
Svenstarosstoveld, it should boot you up07:29
bazhangagent this is on gutsy? and that is what the restricted drivers manager has? then should be the right ones, yes07:29
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Anyone have any experience with usb mice not being recognized when plugged in after you've logged in already?07:29
Svenstarosstoveld, im sorry, i wasnt telling the correct thing, are you still are grub level?07:30
OwNsYahey, im trying to install ssh server i do sudo apt-get install ssh. but the only packages that come up is ssh-askpass-gnome and ssh-client ?? lol07:30
sstoveldyes, im at the screen where i can remove the different entries here07:30
sstoveldwhere i removed quiet07:30
SvenstaroOwNsYa, you want "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"07:30
agentthats what nvidia-settings has for driver version07:30
bazhangOwNsYa: what about apt-cache search ssh what does that reveal?07:31
Svenstarosstoveld, k you figured you need to use "d" to remove it, right?07:31
subfreezeI rebooted my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop and ran into "1.044000 Kernel Panic- Not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)".  Anyone familiar with this error?07:31
genuseryes i am familiar with it.07:31
OwNsYathanks, lol.07:31
Svenstarosstoveld, you see the second entry from the top, beginning with kernel?07:31
SeanInSeattleHey all.  Anyone have any experience with usb mice not being recognized when plugged in after you've logged in already?07:31
subfreezegenuser: Any idea how to resolve it?07:31
Svenstarosstoveld, youre gonna go there, press e and go to the end, remove splash, press enter, press b, and hope07:31
genuserwell, do you have scsi driver installed in your kernel?07:32
sstoveldremove quiet from there also?07:32
subfreezegenuser: I didn't change anything.  I have been running Ubuntu 7.10 on this laptop since it came out.  Did not do an upgrade of any sort, just rebooted.07:32
Svenstarosstoveld, if there is a quiet, yes07:32
sstoveldok i see stuff going on now07:32
subfreezeApache started throwing seg faults, then X crashed, so I rebooted and got that error.07:32
genusersubfreeze: did you change or add to anything?07:32
sstoveldlooking good so far :D07:32
Svenstarosubfreeze, you might want to boot with a ubuntu cd, and run a check on those parts07:33
subfreezegenuser: I ran dpkg-reconfigure console-setup07:33
Svenstarosubfreeze fsck -f /dev/hda1 for example07:33
OwNsYahmm, no openssh-server does that mean its the mirrors or something?07:33
agentshould i have both drivers checked in the restricted driver manager?07:33
Svenstarosubfreeze, doesnt sound good i gotta admit :<07:33
SvenstaroOwNsYa, did you activate all repos?07:33
sstoveldSvenstaro, :D im logged in07:34
subfreezeSvenstaro: When I'm in GRUB I can still see the filesystem, which is a bonus, I guess..07:34
Svenstaroagent, you shouldnt need to07:34
OwNsYawhats that mean LOL i only just installed unbuntu.07:34
genusersubfreeze: i feel like you have changed your harddrive in initscript in your kernel from either sda to hda or hda to sda. i may be wrong though.07:34
Svenstarosstoveld, hooray! lets make the fix permanent07:34
bazhang!yay | sstoveld07:34
ubotusstoveld: Glad you made it! :-)07:34
sstoveldhehe, thanks :D07:34
agentwhat is a 'legacy card'?07:34
subfreezegenuser: Is there an easy way to correct this with the inability to boot the kernal?07:34
agentgeforce 2 fall into that?07:34
SvenstaroOwNsYa, okay, open synaptic and in the options select all the repositories07:34
Iceman_BSvenstaro: thank again for your input, I'll see if I can work this problem out07:34
Iceman_B(500GB of anime and music ;_;)07:34
SvenstaroIceman_B, alright, good luck man07:34
subfreezegenuser: Can I change the root=UUID:52abc.... line to root=/dev/sda1?07:35
genusersubfreeze: what output did you get for dkpg-reconfigure? did you run && console-setup?07:35
subfreezegenuserI ran dpkg-reconfigure console-setup  and changed the font size for my consoles.07:35
Svenstarosstoveld, now for our first terminal session :)07:35
chris062689what is the best way to upgrade to Hardy from Gutsy?07:35
bazhanglots of updates ;]07:35
sstoveldSvenstaro, im excited :P07:35
bazhang#ubuntu+1 chris062689 please thanks07:36
Svenstarosstoveld, open a terminal, type "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"07:36
genusersubfreeze: i deal with this kind of thing all the time in gentoo. is there a way to take a look into your kernel? (sorry i'm inexperienced in ubuntu. i run ubuntu on my laptop and that's about it)07:36
orbisvicisi am trying to register a script in /etc/init.d/ using update-rc.d, but it isnt executed and doesnt show up in bum/sysv-rc-conf. Can someone help me debug ?07:36
Svenstaroorbisvicis, is it executable?07:36
subfreezegenuser: I only have access to GRUB.07:37
sstoveldis that Lst? or (one)st?07:37
Svenstarosstoveld ?07:37
Svenstarosstoveld, yes, just lower case07:37
genusersubfreeze:is your grub setting altered? and i don't think grub affects your kernel in any way when it loads. you get this message on your kernel boot or when grub boots?07:37
subfreezegenuser: Kernal boot.  Grub works fine.07:38
Svenstaroorbisvicis, to test this, take the init.d skeleton script, copy your stuff in there and change the runlevel07:38
Svenstaroto test, that is07:38
sstoveldSvenstaro, im in07:38
subfreezegenuser: I'll boot off of the CD and see if I can get anything resolved in that manner.07:38
Svenstarosstoveld, alright, scroll down, you should see the lines that are familiar to you from the grub menu07:38
genusersubfreeze: yeah i would ask you to grep your kernel setting but i'm on jack daniels high and can't remember the commands atm07:38
LupoBluAlfaCIAO RAGA07:38
subfreezegenuser: Isn't good ol' Jackie D a low, not a high? ;)07:39
genusersubfreeze: yes please do. i'm sorry for not helping.07:39
sstoveldyes i see them07:39
orbisvicisSvenstaro, init.d skel script ?07:39
genusersubfreeze: yeah :)07:39
sstovelddelete quiet and splash then save?07:39
Svenstarosstoveld, yup, delete all instances of quiet and splash from the primary entry07:39
subfreezegenuser: Enjoy Jack.  I'll twiddle my thumbs while the CD downloads.07:39
ip81hello how do i use gaim07:39
Svenstaroorbisvicis, yup, if it aint there google for it, you dont need to register the script, just put a working skeleton into /etc/init.d and it will execute07:40
genusersubfreeze: okay good luck. i'll hang around for a bit more and may retire for the night.07:40
sstoveldSvenstaro, ok, done and saved07:40
Svenstarosstoveld, alright, do you by any chance know what harddisk you installed onto?07:40
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:40
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:40
sstoveldSvenstaro, yes, my primary partition07:41
agentunchecking the non-legacy option in the restricted driver manager makes the "nvidia" driver stop working07:41
Svenstarosstoveld, do you know what it is called in linux?07:41
khushilick KhushilDep07:41
=== khushil is now known as KhushilDep
sstoveldSvenstaro, nope :P07:41
Svenstarosstoveld, alright, in a terminal do "sudo fdisk -l" and paste the output07:42
KhushilDepHey all - anyone know what (Details: serial 296 error_code 8 request_code 140 minor_code 14) means when trying to run gxine ?07:42
ScottONanskiWhat's the advantage of compiling a kernel?07:42
sstoveldSvenstaro, what is hotkey for terminal btw?07:43
Svenstarosstoveld, there is none afaik, you gotta define one yourself :)07:43
Svenstarosstoveld, i always got my terminal handy in my top bar07:43
SvenstaroScottONanski, learning, and you can compile defines into it which arent there by default, usually not necessary07:43
turboughi get a warning while using debootstrap from fedora: W: Failure while configuring base packages.  This will be attempted 5 times07:44
turboughdoes debootstrap need to configure the base packages?07:44
bazhangturbough: from fedora? please read /topic07:44
sstoveldhmm, this will be easier to do if i get on irc on my desktop07:44
orbisvicisSvenstaro, unfortunately the script is already made, rtirq.sh @ http://www.rncbc.org/jack/07:44
Svenstarosstoveld, sure07:44
sstoveldis there an irc client already installed?07:44
ScottONanskiSven: Thanks. So, can I compile a kernel according to my machine specs?07:44
turboughbazhang: i'm trying to install ubuntu over fedora remotely07:44
sstoveldor can i just install chatzilla in firefox?07:45
agentoh hey... i think i got it....07:45
Svenstarosstoveld, yes, but I prefer xcaht, "sudo apt-get install xchat" yes or that07:45
agentbut now my top and bottom bars are missing07:45
bazhangturbough: aha what about mounting the minimal iso (9MB) and doing it that way?07:45
SvenstaroScottONanski, yes, but it wont be noticably faster anymore these days07:45
turboughbazhang: can i chroot to the minimal iso?07:45
Svenstaroorbisvicis, I dont quite get what you are trying to tell me there :/07:45
ScottONanskiSven: Okay, thanks.07:45
sstoveldok i will brb07:46
turboughbazhang: i have no keyboard or monitor. it's just a server attached to a network in some building in a different country.07:46
turboughi've been following https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/hppa/linux-upgrade.html07:46
sstoveldok back07:46
Svenstarosstoveld, try "sudo grub-install /dev/hda"07:47
orbisvicisSvenstaro, i cant use the skel script because the script i need <rtirq.sh> is already written and deals with rtprio on realtime kernel stuff07:47
bazhangturbough: you should probably wait until the SSH gurus arrive; I just know how to trigger the bot here ;]07:47
Svenstaroorbisvicis, okay well, then just make a skel script that starts your script07:47
sstoveldSvenstaro, /dev/hda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.07:47
Svenstarocertainly not the fine english way but works07:47
turboughbazhang: thanks07:47
Svenstarosstoveld, okay, looking at /boot/grub/menu.lst again, can you tell which device it is? look at the entry for the primary boot option, the should be a "root" entry07:48
agentok, so now that i am using the legacy driver on login my top and bottom bars start to load and then dissapear07:49
orbisvicisSvenstaro, i did not know this but a init.d script apparently is invalid if it has a suffix07:49
Svenstaroagent, are you using compiz?07:49
orbisvicisso rtirq instead of rtirq.sh seems to work so far07:49
sstoveld/dev/hdc1   *           1       29837   239665671   83  Linux07:49
sstoveldSvenstaro, you mean this?07:49
Svenstaroorbisvicis, I did not know that07:49
Svenstarosstoveld, are wonderful, type "sudo grub-install /dev/hdc"07:50
agenti just made a folder and tried to open it07:51
agenti saw the window for a split second07:51
agentthen... GONE07:51
sstoveldSvenstaro, ok it finished, said no errors reported07:51
Svenstaroagent, are the desktop effects enabled?07:51
Svenstarosstoveld, then lets dare it shall we, reboot :)07:51
sstoveldSvenstaro, hehe ok, wish me luck!07:52
agentcan I confirm that its off commandline?07:52
[nix]Anyone know the name of the mp3 program in this screenshot http://visionsofart.deviantart.com/art/1601-output-7484850507:53
aroonihow do i get xvidcap installed?07:53
hischildis there a good compare tool for comparing 2 folders filled with txt files?07:54
sstoveldSvenstaro, success! TY :D07:54
Svenstarohischild, wanna compare the contents?07:54
julian_hi, i got my first kernels compiled, but they have a version number: and the ones installed with my ubuntu is 2.6.22-14. the problem is now: i cant get the restricted modules to work. cause versionnumbers dont fit together. how can i get rid of this? so how to install the restrictedmodules or how to make my kernel a version number like 2.6.22-14 ?!07:55
Svenstarosstoveld, very nice, please keep in mind that you *may* have to do this after every kernel update, which wont be too often tho07:55
sstoveldSvenstaro, hehe i dont quite know what that means, but sounds good :P07:55
hischildSvenstaro, yes that'd be correct. I got 2 versions of a programming project and i would like to compare them.07:55
Svenstarojulian_, you *don't* want to mix kernel modules of different versions07:56
sstoveldSvenstaro, update manager is telling me i have 202 updates to install, and i dont know what any of them do, should i just install all of them?07:56
Svenstarosstoveld, im only saying that, if you updated and then after rebooting this problem occurs, you know what to do, its a bit inconvient07:56
julian_Svenstaro, i installed linux-source so normally it should be the same? or why should it be different?07:56
Svenstarosstoveld, yes, go ahead :)07:56
Svenstarojulian_, from the ubuntu package?07:57
julian_Svenstaro, yes?!07:57
Svenstarohischild, I wouldnt know a program to do it, but a script should well be possible to do it07:57
sstoveldSvenstaro, oh ok, i understand07:57
Svenstarojulian_, that indeed is strange07:58
hischildSvenstaro, could you help me with something with that?07:58
julian_hischild: there is a programm called Kompare that should help you07:58
ToznoshioHow do I convert a .png picture into .xpm to use it as an icon?07:58
SvenstaroToznoshio, install imagemagick07:58
julian_hischild: its the windows version of WinMerge if this is familar to you07:58
sstoveldSvenstaro, how about installing other applications such as AIM and Windows live messenger? how do i go about doing that? look for a linux version of it on their website?07:58
julian_sstoveld, you just need Gaim, or pidgin07:58
ToznoshioSvenstaro: thanks, I'll try that07:58
hischildjulian_, i've heard of it. I'll look into it.07:59
Svenstarosstoveld, right, you only need pidgin for all your chatting needs, it does them all07:59
sstoveldok, so where can i get gaim or pidgin?07:59
Svenstarosstoveld, its installed by default07:59
julian_sstoveld, there are extra programs for msn trying to get the webcam and stuff working, but none of them work for me with webcam, so i stayed with pidgin07:59
sstoveldoh i found pidgin08:00
julian_Svenstaro, is there a way to tell my kernel that it is a 2.6.22-14? i used the kernel option for arbitraray version number but that didnt work at all..08:00
Svenstarojulian_, you have to do that at compile time, and it depends on the way you make your kernel08:00
julian_Svenstaro, i do it like sudo make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image08:01
ScottONanskiMan, Linux is *so* cool. :) I've just recently made the switch to Linux and I'm stoked about it. I can't wait to start learning how to used the shell and write scripts.08:01
julian_Svenstaro, do i need to use the --revision flag?08:01
shoonWhile installing Ubuntu 7.04 an Unable to install GRUB "Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed." fatal error occurred. If I manually installed and configured GRUB would my install be saved?08:01
agenti just changed all the true's in /etc/compizconfig/config to false in an attempt to 'turn off desktop effects'08:01
agentcorrect y/n?08:01
sherl0ckhey i was writing a post in the forums, and it was in tips/tutorials area, and it accidently was submitted early before i could finish. and said it was sent to moderator, how can i contine working on it08:02
julian_agent normalyl you just need to right click on desktop and change the effects to no effects08:02
agentit is not listed08:03
agentso it isn't running?08:03
Svenstaro__wow i totally got disconnected at 9:00 am08:03
Svenstaro__sstoveld you there?08:03
julian_Svenstaro, i do it like sudo make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image08:03
julian_Svenstaro, do i need to use the --revision flag?08:04
agentso then i have to ask.  "Why do my top and bottom bars disappear when using the legacy nvidia driver?"08:04
sherl0ckhey i lost my post on the forums, how can i find it? i created it08:04
sherl0ckor started the thread08:04
agentThis is not what happens using "nv"08:04
cyntekHow can i find what version of nvidia is installed ?08:04
Svenstaro__julian_, usually yes, but only the kernel itself knows what version it is, I dont think you could ro should enforce that08:04
agenti found it in nvidia-settings08:04
sorsiscyntek: with add/remove programs. look which package of nvidia-drivers is installed.08:05
sstoveldSvenstaro, sorry, wasnt paying attention, looking through all the new exciting things here :D08:05
agent1.00-XXXX where X is shorthand version08:05
Svenstaro__sstoveld, are you updating?08:05
sstoveldSvenstaro, yeah08:05
agent"Also, when opened all windows appear to 'expand' for a split second and disappear08:05
julian_hm ok then i just install the restricted modules by hand no problem. just thought i did something wrong.08:05
Jaffarkelshachello ppl08:06
Svenstaro__agent, are you really sure desktop effects are off?08:06
sstoveldok so how about torrents? does utorrent work on ubuntu?08:06
Jaffarkelshac"when I log on sometimes, my themes and personal settings including screen res. are all changed to something else. , but when i use alt + ctr + bckspace and log back in it goes back to my settings.08:06
Esk10anyone have any idea how to get a wacom bambo working?08:06
agenthow else do I confirm?08:06
sorsissstoveld: use ktorrent08:06
julian_last question: how comes that my compiled kernel is alot smaller, BUT the initrd image is 10 times bigger08:06
Svenstaro__sstoveld, yes it would, but there are linux equivalents08:06
agentno right click option for disable08:06
agentno menues08:06
Jaffarkelshacanyone know how to prevent it from happening08:06
Svenstaro__agent, do this in a terminal "sudo metacity --replace"08:06
bazhangagent just alt f2 metacity --replace no need for sudo08:07
sstoveldsorsis, ktorrent eh? never heard of it, ill give it a try08:07
Svenstaro__sstoveld, no, try "deluge" i like it better08:07
cynteksorsis: The add/remove app: says Nvidia binary X.org driver(new) driver, but, is this as new as the one on the nvidia site?08:07
sstovelddeluge? k08:07
Jaffarkelshac"when I log on sometimes, my themes and personal settings including screen res. are all changed to something else. , but when i use alt + ctr + bckspace and log back in it goes back to my settings. how to i stop this from happening08:08
agentalt f2 doesn't do anything08:08
sorsiscyntek: use nvidia-settings to solve that08:08
Svenstaro__agent, ctrl + alt+ f2 does do it, you will swap to a console08:08
YotoshiWiican anyone recommend a good C++ compiler for a n00b?08:08
Svenstaro__YotoshiWii, mingw08:08
Svenstaro__YotoshiWii, g++ of course as well08:08
agentalt f1 profile says can't open X display08:09
cynteksorsis: how do i access the nvidia settings?.08:09
sstoveldlol ok here's a newb question, what version of ubuntu am i using here? haha is it gutsy gibbon?08:09
sorsiscyntek: from command line08:09
Svenstaro__sstoveld, yes it is08:09
YotoshiWiiok, thank you. :D08:09
Jaffarkelshachow do I use the menu-xdg when i install the package08:10
cynteksorsis: what is the command line?08:10
YotoshiWiiwait, are them programs for windows?08:10
Svenstaro__sstoveld, sudo apt-get install deluge :) as with 90% of the software you want08:10
Svenstaro__YotoshiWii, well you can run them on windows08:10
sstoveldoh ok hehe08:10
YotoshiWiii'm looking for something to run on Ububtu08:10
Svenstaro__sstoveld, open synaptic first and make sure you have all repositories enabled08:11
shoonWhile installing Ubuntu 7.04 an Unable to install GRUB "Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed." fatal error occurred. If I manually installed and configured GRUB would my install be saved?08:11
Svenstaro__YotoshiWii, they also run on ubuntu :)08:11
sstoveldoh i cant do it yet, installing updates08:11
YotoshiWii...and something to correct my spelling. :p08:11
Svenstaro__shoon, yes08:11
cyntekI mean...how would i access the nvidia settings in terminal?08:11
YotoshiWiiok, thanks dude08:11
shoonSvenstaro: Thank you.08:11
Svenstaro__np guys08:11
Jaffarkelshacdoes anyone know to use the debian menu-xdg after installing the package.08:12
Svenstaro__cyntek, nvidia-settings08:12
Svenstaro__sudo sthat08:12
Svenstaro__sstoveld, and yes, sadly thats a little limitation there, you can only have one installation running at once08:12
cynteksvenstaro_: yeah, i want to know what version of nvidia driver is installed.08:12
cyntekBecause i downloaded the new driver from the nvidia website.08:13
sstoveldSvenstaro, hehe, no problem, but what is synaptic and this thing about repositories?08:13
cynteksyntaptic is an application file manager!.08:14
Svenstaro__sstoveld, well in windows if you wanted software you would go to google, find the softwares website, download it, (possibly pay it), double click it and install. In Ubuntu with 90% of the software you dont need to do that, you only open synaptic, your package manager, type in waht you want or even browse if you want to discover new software, and tick to install it. and it will install itself.08:15
Svenstaro__sstoveld, synatic will also keep track of all your packages and update all, automatically if you want, unlike windows where you have to repeat the previous process all the time to update it08:15
Svenstaro__way more comfortable08:16
sstoveldoh ok, sounds good08:16
sstoveldwhere do i access it?08:16
agentok.  when screen2 is using nv and 1 is using nvidia there isn't a problem08:16
Svenstaro__sstoveld system -> admin -> synatic08:17
keonican someone point me into the direction of somewhere where i can find info on how to make a application only launch if a specific system is connected to the network?08:17
Svenstaro__agent, thats super wierd, they should both be able to run off the same driver08:17
sstoveldoh ok, thanks08:17
Svenstaro__agent, the drivers would even clash08:17
agentwell ah dunno08:17
nomopofomoHow do I update my search index?08:17
agenti kinda know what im doing but08:17
sstoveldSvenstaro, ok now, what about connecting to a home network? like my laptop and the other computers in the house?08:18
Svenstaro__keoni, you can constantly ping for a certain ip and make it launch something if the ip goes online08:18
agentwrote my first xorg.conf today08:18
agenthere i am08:18
Svenstaro__sstoveld, as in file transfeR?08:18
sstoveldSvenstaro, yes08:18
crashhandlerhow to change my computer name.Now it is Localhost.08:18
Svenstaro__sstoveld, go to places -> network, and well, browse it08:18
Svenstaro__crashhandler "sudo hostname NEWHOSTNAMEHERE"08:19
Jaffarkelshacok how do i connect to windows shared folders????08:19
agentso what tests?08:19
crashhandlerJaffarkelshac^  tq08:19
agenti am willing to follow a guide08:19
Svenstaro__Jaffarkelshac, go to places -> network, and well, browse it08:19
sstoveldoh! awesome! thanks :P08:19
agentgot nuthin08:19
agent2 hours of googlin and damnation08:19
agentfurther than i was.... at least i get video of SOME kind on screen208:19
sstoveldok brb, i need to restart now, updates all finished08:20
Svenstaro__sstoveld, keep in mind08:20
Svenstaro__sstoveld, you will ahve to fix it again08:20
nomopofomoIsn't there a way to update the index of all files on your harddrive for use with the locate command?08:20
Svenstaro__nomopofomo "sudo updatedb"08:20
sstoveldoh you mean delete the quiet splash stuff?08:20
Svenstaro__sstoveld, yes, wait08:20
Jaffarkelshacit does not always show up, in windows you just type backslash and ip and you are there08:20
DistroJockeyJaffarkelshac: You could try pressing Alt+F2 and typing in:  smb://the.machines.ip.number08:21
nomopofomoSvenstaro__, Thank you.08:21
Svenstaro__sstoveld you can do it now, permantenly till next update, like last time :) sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:21
Jaffarkelshaci will try than08:21
sstoveldoh ok, i dont have to wait til i reboot08:21
sstoveldsounds good :D08:21
crashhandlerhow can i know command for spesific application?08:21
evan_how can i add the program mtpfs to the normal user group?08:22
sstoveldok brb, restarting08:22
gyaresuevan_: gpasswd08:22
Svenstaro__crashhandler, rephrase that please08:23
gyaresuevan_: 'gpasswd -h' for options but it's 'gpasswd -a user group'08:23
Esk10ok guys i can't install opera because of an error unsatisfiable libqt3-mt and i can't seem to get flash to work08:23
Esk10could someone point me in the right direction?08:24
gyaresuEsk10: What version of opera 9.2 or 9.5 beta?08:24
evan_gyaresu, but how do i know wich group mtpfs is?08:24
gyaresuEsk10: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-flash-working-in-opera-920.html08:24
agentshould there be any options on screen 1 in xorg.conf?08:25
agenti am running without any atm08:25
Esk10i can't get opera to download08:25
gyaresuevan_: I don't know what mtpfs is... just finding out.08:25
Esk10or flash in mozilla08:25
gyaresuEsk10: download? Have you enabled the universe repo or operas?08:26
agentgot nologo true and allowglxwithcomposite true for screen 008:26
Jaffarkelshacthe smb thing does not work i still cannot connect any shared folders08:26
evan_gyaresu, its a program wich kind of emulate a mtp mount08:26
DistroJockeyJaffarkelshac: any error messages?08:27
Esk10i'm gonna say no because i'm not sure what a universe repo is08:27
Jaffarkelshacno file or directory08:27
gyaresuEsk10: I'm running gutsy & using the opera.com mirror: deb http://deb.opera.com/opera etch non-free08:27
evan_gyaresu, its usefull for creative mp3´s08:27
gyaresuevan_: hardy?08:27
DistroJockeyJaffarkelshac: Firewall on in Windows?08:27
EruditeHermithi, if there is a bug that says a "Fix is released" on launchpad, how do I find out what the fix was?08:27
Esk10that gave me a 403 error08:28
evan_gyaresu, yes but it can be used at gutsy too08:28
gyaresu!repos | Esk1008:28
ubotuEsk10: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories08:28
Jaffarkelshacjust got it, i was trying it in the shell that did not work i just tried it in X (the gui under network)08:28
agentsame problem when i use nvidia on the other card instead08:28
Jaffarkelshacand i can see it, how its asking for password08:28
DistroJockeyJaffarkelshac: Ahh, *nods*08:28
DistroJockeyJaffarkelshac: use an account you have on the Windows PC08:29
gyaresuEsk10: You can install opera via apt. The line i pasted above is for the opera.com 'debian' package. (it works but of course is unsupported software)08:29
Esk10thanks i'll try it out08:29
sstoveldSvenstaro, i seem to be having a display problem :(08:30
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ToznoshioQ: is it normal for two applications to lock each other out of using the sound subsystem?08:30
Jaffarkelshacthis ubuntu environment the explorer equivalent is it called X08:30
gyaresuevan_: Sorry dude. didn't realise... basketball in 20min. bye. gl.08:30
rush2Is it possible to install ubuntu using boot flash drive ? (without CD)08:31
Toznoshiorush2: yes, google up pendrivelinux08:31
Jaffarkelshacthat is what i am using right now08:31
evan_gyaresu, ok np bye08:32
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:32
rush2Toznoshio: ok, I'll read - thanx08:32
IsotropicSpinhey, I have an AMD64, Nvidia GFX, freezing.... memcheck successful, must be that bug.... is there a "Quick Fix"? complete n00b here08:33
agenti don't even know what to google for here....08:33
Svenstaro__sstoveld you returned?08:34
Svenstaro__sstoveld whats the matter?08:34
Iceman_BSvenstaro__: I just pulled out and re-inserted my SATA cable on a whim, seems to have done the trick just now08:34
sstoveldSvenstaro, well when i booted up into ubuntu, my display is all messed up, i can barely make out some stuff to see it, but no chance on reading anything08:35
Svenstaro__Iceman_B nice going :)08:35
Jaffarkelshacis there realplayer for linux?08:35
Iceman_Btrue :) still strange though. perhaps something it up with the VT8237 chipset08:35
Iceman_Bmeh, it's working so far08:35
Svenstaro__sstoveld Oh shoot, thats what I meant by no ATI love for ubuntu, anyway lets fix it08:35
sstoveldSvenstaro, ive got like the bottom third of my screen all black and ive got my desktop overlapping itself like 4 times going horizontally08:35
Svenstaro__sstoveld, I know what you mean, are you currently booted up like that?08:36
sstoveldSvenstaro, hehe ive lost my love for ATI also, gonna go nvidia next card i buy :D08:36
sstoveldSvenstaro, yes08:36
Svenstaro__sstoveld press CTRL ALT F208:36
Svenstaro__if all runs well you'll get a text console08:36
sstoveldSvenstaro, yes, im there :)08:36
sstoveldSvenstaro, enter my login?08:37
agentdid i mention that i CAN log in (greeting)08:37
sstoveldSvenstaro, ok, now ive got something that kinda looks like terminal08:37
majikinshi - Ihave a question about vmware - I'd like to create an image of my existing xubuntu installation with all its settings08:37
agentthen the background loads, then both screens show the bars (without text or icons), then the bars disappear08:38
Svenstaro__sstoveld, goodie, type "sudo apt-get install mc"08:38
majikinswhat is the best way to go about this?08:38
Jaffarkelshacis there a real player for linux08:38
Svenstaro__installs my favorite console based file browser :)08:38
agentthe right click menu works for a minute, but then stops08:38
majikinsI've read that vmwareplayer can create an image as well?08:38
sstoveldSvenstaro, hehe ok, its going08:38
sstoveldSvenstaro, done08:38
Svenstaro__type "sudo mcedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:39
agentthis only happens when screen 0 and 1 are using nvidia or screen 0 is running nv and 1 is running nvidia08:39
sstoveldSvenstaro, ok im in some blue screen now with some text08:39
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Jaffarkelshacdoes linux have real player (trying to watch BBC click)08:40
Svenstaro__right, thats your Xservers file, the server responsible for drawing pretty graphics, which it obviously currently fails at08:40
sstoveldSvenstaro, haha, yes miserably :P08:40
Svenstaro__press F7 and search for (Section "Device")08:40
Svenstaro__like, enter everything in the brackets08:41
sstoveldSvenstaro, ok, there08:41
majikinshello - can anyone answer a vmware question?08:41
tarkusanyone running ubuntu on a laptop? im wondering how the battery life compares to windows?..08:41
Svenstaro__sstoveld, is there something called " driver "ati" " ?08:41
sstoveldi see Driver "vesa"08:42
Svenstaro__I see08:42
Svenstaro__okay, press F10, get ready for some typing08:42
sstoveldok, ready :)08:42
Svenstaro__back on the console type "wget http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/nvidia/scripts/legacy/envy_0.9.10-0ubuntu7_all.deb"08:42
GEIShow do i combine to hdd together into a single mount08:43
jfti have an acer and it's nearly the same time there08:43
Svenstaro__GEIS you want "LVM" probably08:43
GEIScan someone guide me to command line?08:43
Jaffarkelshachow do i get the menu-xdg to work after install08:43
Svenstaro__GEIS its pretty hard on the command line, also you will lose all data on the drives you want to combine08:44
sstoveldSvenstaro, done08:44
Svenstaro__sstoveld, okay, type "sudo dpkg -i envy_0.9.10-0ubuntu7_all.deb08:44
Svenstaro__it probably throws some errors at you08:44
GEISso i cant combine both hdd to form a bigger / ?08:45
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »08:45
Jaffarkelshachow do i remove firefox plugins08:45
bazhangSvenstaro__: this channel kind of loathes envy08:45
Svenstaro__bazhang we had that a couple of times now :(08:45
Svenstaro__but it makes it pretty easy for now08:45
sstoveldSvenstaro, got a few problems, says dependancy problems prevent configuration of envy08:45
sstoveldthen it goes on to list like 8 problems08:46
Svenstaro__yup, sudo apt-get install -f08:46
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO08:46
bazhangSvenstaro__: you really have done a stellar job of guiding him through this; but envy may cause issues when he upgrades his kernel for instance; just hope he is aware of it.08:46
sstoveldSvenstaro, asks to put in disc, i put in the disc i installed ubuntu with?08:46
Svenstaro__upgrading kernel already causes issues :(08:47
GEIScan i group 2 hdd together during installation?08:47
Svenstaro__sstoveld, oh yeah, were going to remove that repo, no dont insert it08:47
Svenstaro__GEIS, yes when installing alternate08:47
Svenstaro__sstoveld, do sudo mcedit /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # (numeric sign) in front of the Cd: entry08:48
GEISSvenstaro__, how to can u explain to be like im a noob?08:48
Svenstaro__GEIS, well if youre ready to loose all the data i can guide you trhough it08:48
GEISyep im ready08:49
Svenstaro__GEIS, you should read up on LVM a bit for yourself so you know what youre trying to do, know that if one disc fails the volume will fail08:49
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO08:49
sstoveldSvenstaro, hm, when i typed that in it said some stuff, unpacking and some other stuff, now it asks me to insert the disc again, where do i put this #?08:49
Svenstaro__press ctrl + c first08:50
Svenstaro__then do sudo mcedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:50
sstoveldah gotcha08:50
Svenstaro__okay, see where # has to go?08:50
agentmy system log says a lot of "Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:00:00.0 into 4x mode08:51
agentagpgart :08:51
Svenstaro__agent how did you manage to find a system with 2 agp slots anyway?08:51
sstoveldi see where it says deb cdrom:08:51
DistroJockeyGEIS: What sizes are the 2 hard drives?08:51
Svenstaro__right thats where it goes08:51
GEISThe server at www.tldp.org is taking too long to respond.08:51
GEIScan't access08:51
agentone agp one pci08:51
sstoveldput it infront of the deb? or after deb but before cdrom?08:51
Svenstaro__in front of the whole line08:52
Jaffarkelshachow do i enable menu-xdg08:52
Svenstaro__then press F10 and choose to save08:52
Svenstaro__then on console type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f" and everything should be well08:52
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Svenstaro__you just made ubuntu use internet ressources only and not depend on cdrom08:53
tarkusanyone running ubuntu on a laptop? im wondering how the battery life compares to in windows.08:53
Svenstaro__I'm tarkus08:53
Svenstaro__tarkus, about 3 hours when actively working, 2.5h when playing, 4-5h when wardriving :)08:53
sstoveldok cool, how do i get back to my desktop?08:53
Svenstaro__sstoveld, not quite yet :) type "sudo envy -t"08:54
Svenstaro__if it asks, yes you want to install dependencies08:54
tarkusSvenstaro__, thanks, but that doesnt tell me much. i dont know what kind of battery, what kind of system.. i just need to know what is the rated battery life on your system (windows)?08:54
sstoveldoh haha ok08:54
Svenstaro__tarkus, 4.5h, but its an OLD battery08:55
sstoveldinstall the ATI driver?08:55
Svenstaro__and hope, a lot08:55
GEIShow do i rename an whole entire mount point08:55
arooniok team..... with xvidcap.... it records at 1280x1024.... but what video sharing site (free) can i upload at decent resolution?  the video looks pretty bad when i reduce it to 320x240 (youtube quality) .... or is there a better way to record?08:55
tarkusSvenstaro__, so would you say its about the same as windows? or would you say its better? worse?08:55
sstoveld*hopes* :D08:55
Svenstaro__arooni, find a FTP server08:56
Addyfriend of mine is a faggot08:56
Addy[01:47:18] <Xlembros> Can any one be able to help me fix this , i installed ubuntu with all drive space and now i go and try to install window it says drive not found08:56
GEIShow do i rename an whole entire mount point08:56
Svenstaro__tarkus, I'd say that after you've compiled a custom slow-mo laptop kernel its better than windows, just be sure not to wake up the kernel too often by deactivating as many services as poss08:56
bazhanglanguage Addy08:56
tarkusAddy, haha. thats funny08:57
AddyI laughed too.08:57
tarkusSvenstaro__, good to know, thanks.08:57
Addyhe's been bugging us forever08:57
Addy[01:55:30] <Xlembros> like i said addy i could care less if it was mine but its not mine now i am helping some one even if you dont care about me getting it fixed think about how i was only doing it for some one else who wanted ubuntu08:58
tarkusthats awesome08:58
sstoveldSvenstaro, do i want my xorg.conf to be automatically configured?08:58
Addythere he is08:58
Jaffarkelshacdoes anyone not know how to use the menu-xdg08:58
Svenstaro__sstoveld, yes, prolly08:58
AddyI explained it to them wolf08:58
GEIShow do i rename an whole entire mount point08:58
XlembrosCan any one be able to help me fix this , i installed ubuntu with all drive space and now i go and try to install window it says drive not found08:58
Addyrather, I pasted what you said08:58
sstoveldok now restart computer?08:58
Svenstaro__yes, and hope :)08:59
sstoveldhere we go!08:59
Addyhere's an idea08:59
sstoveldplease please please!08:59
Addyread before you post08:59
DistroJockeyGEIS: What mount point are you wanting to rename? And to what? And what device?08:59
GEISmountpoint / to /example08:59
bazhangXlembros: best to ask in ##windows; that will likely require a low-level format as it is a common issue with windows08:59
tarkusAddy, that is soo funny08:59
ere4siGEIS: the mount point will be a dir - rename that and any paths that link to it08:59
Xlembrosoh FFS08:59
Addycalm down09:00
Addyno one's here to wipe your ass09:00
bazhanglanguage again Addy Xlembros09:00
sstoveldSvenstaro, ok i now get something telling me ubuntu is running in low graphics mode, this is where it messef up last time when i hit Configure09:00
sstoveldSvenstaro, should i just hit continue?09:01
aroonihow can i learn what the length and window (of a firefox window are)?09:01
Svenstaro__sstoveld yeah go ahead, we'll fix it on a seperate terminal again09:01
sstoveldwoot! im in :D09:01
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sstoveldok cool09:01
Svenstaro__yes, but low graphics arent you?09:01
sstoveldSvenstaro, yes09:02
DistroJockeyGEIS: hmm. Renaming / to /example is probably not a good idea09:02
Svenstaro__sstoveld, okay well better than nothing, prefer working here or in text console? we'll need to fix up X a bit09:02
moonlighthello, tell me please, what's the difference between apt and aptitude?09:03
sstoveldi prefer not using text console :P09:03
Svenstaro__moonlight, aptitude is a nice frontend for apt09:03
Svenstaro__sstoveld, okay then, open a terminal, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:03
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: Nice than Synaptic?09:03
Svenstaro__depends :)09:03
sstoveldSvenstaro, done09:04
Svenstaro__scroll down to device section "device"09:04
sstoveldSvenstaro, Section "device" # ?09:05
Svenstaro__yes, paste the driver09:05
marazafiJOIN #bordeaux09:05
Svenstaro__uhm do we have any ATI guys in here? we need some help09:06
marshall4warвсем привет09:06
sstoveldi'm a bit of a hassle :P09:06
Svenstaro__dont worry we'll fix her up09:06
Svenstaro__oh i enjoy fixing problems09:06
marshall4warой, не туда поапал ^^09:06
Svenstaro__can you post what screen says?09:06
sstoveldhehe, i used to09:06
Svenstaro__subsection display09:06
DistroJockeySvenstaro__, sstoveld: Running an ATI 9600 here, but am on Hardy atm09:07
Svenstaro__paste the modes09:07
sstoveldhmm, let me get on irc on desktop, easier09:07
moonlighthow to create an alias for an command?09:07
Svenstaro__put it into bashrc09:08
Svenstaro__there are some examples too09:08
Svenstaro__cat ~.bashrc09:08
moonlightanyone know.09:08
Svenstaro__DistroJockey, can you help us with the display modes?09:08
sstoveldSection "device" #09:08
FloodBot2sstoveld: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:08
Svenstaro__moonlight, nano ~.bashrc09:08
sstoveldoops :(09:09
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: Can try09:09
Svenstaro__sstoveld, please just paste what the subsection "display" in "screen" tells you09:09
Svenstaro__and dont paste too much, FloodBot2 will hate you09:10
sstoveldhehe ok09:10
Svenstaro__okay, when youre going for pastebin just paste it all, the whole xorg.conf09:11
Svenstaro__DistroJockey can you help us on this one a bit?09:11
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: Yep, was about to ask for the whole lot also :)09:11
DistroJockeySvenstaro__, sstoveld: Messy :(09:13
Svenstaro__whats your first screens native resolution, sstoveld?09:13
Svenstaro__at ?09:13
sstoveldoh my bad, 60 i believe09:13
Svenstaro__okay lets try something09:13
Svenstaro__DistroJockey, ATI is the open source driver isnt it?09:14
Svenstaro__while fglrx is the closed one?09:14
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: Best to use the OS one, yeah09:14
Svenstaro__lets try ATI then09:14
Svenstaro__sstoveld, on a terminal run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"09:15
agentspeaking of.... see anything wrong with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60965/ ?09:15
Svenstaro__sstoveld, did that just kill your X?09:16
DistroJockeySvenstaro__, Svenstaro__: My working(I think) xorg.conf from Debian:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60966/09:17
sstoveldit didnt really do anything i dont think09:17
hischild_how can i move all the files recursively out of a folder?09:17
sstoveldxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration09:17
sstoveld   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008032505165609:17
Svenstaro__that ones got AILX in there, we dont want that yet, lets just make it working09:17
Svenstaro__k, sstoveld, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:18
Svenstaro__notice this we leave the -phigh aside09:18
sstoveldk, choose yes?09:18
sstoveldattempt to detect video hardware09:18
Svenstaro__what does it choose?09:18
sstoveldk i hit ok a few times09:20
delpierro_147613hi @ all09:20
sstoveldnow it says Video card's bus identifier:09:20
Svenstaro__that ones okay09:20
Svenstaro__memory amount, leave that empty09:21
sstoveldamount of memory to be used by the09:21
hischild_i have a project of about 4000 files, split into multiple directories. How can i move all the files from those directories into another, without keeping the directory tree?09:21
Svenstaro__kernel buffer, leave at default09:21
sstoveldauto detect keyboard layout09:21
delpierro_147613can speak german09:21
DistroJockeySvenstaro__,sstoveld: My openSUSE Live CD xorg.conf for reference:   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60968/09:21
hischild_!de | delpierro_14761309:22
ubotudelpierro_147613: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:22
Svenstaro__hischild_, for file in 'ls -lhar'; do mv /new/dir/*.*; done <- no gurrantee09:22
hischild_Svenstaro__, that's ok, i have 2 local copies already so that'll be gd09:22
sstoveldXKB rule set to use?09:22
sstoveldkeyboard model?09:23
Svenstaro__choose default till you get to monitor09:23
RagonichaFulvaHi everyone09:23
Svenstaro__we dont care about its name, but be careful to choose the correct resolutions09:23
Svenstaro__I suggest you tick 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600 and continue09:24
sstoveldattempt monitor autodetection?09:24
RagonichaFulvaI wonder if someone could help me with this small doubt. I am using this command: cp -ax . /mnt/home in order to move my /home directotry to another partition. I checked man cp but I don't understand what -x and "." do.09:25
sstoveldmethod for selecting monitor characteristics?09:26
Svenstaro__then choose 1280x1024@6009:26
mickpccan someone help out with qjackctl09:26
syphilisbok hrvati09:26
sstoveldwrite monitor sync ranges to the configuration file?09:26
DistroJockeysstoveld: Sounds good :)09:27
Svenstaro__bitdepth 2409:27
syphilishow do I see list of other chatrooms09:27
Svenstaro__now paste your xorg.conf again09:27
Svenstaro__syphilis "/list"09:27
syphilisthx (Y)09:27
Svenstaro__I feel like a help ninja today09:28
Svenstaro__way to many good deeds alright09:28
Svenstaro__time to go commit some sins09:28
DistroJockeycan never have too many :)09:28
sstoveldYou appear to be spamming the pastebin. I hate spammers so I won't let you. If you're not attempting to spam, please enable javascript so you can pass the antispam check09:28
sstoveldhaha svenstaro, youre a huge help :D09:29
sstoveldyeah i know :P09:29
SteffanHi, for my wireless network i have to set the 'encryption' to 'wpa enterprise' but that one is not in my list. Where can i find that option?09:29
anaoumim looking for a west coast datacenter for an ubuntu dedicated server09:29
anaoumthe cheaper the better09:30
anaoumanyone help out?09:30
Svenstaro__anaoum, uhm, there are plenty I reckon09:30
anaoumthat is the problem09:30
Svenstaro__sstoveld, that ones, lame, just enable jscript09:30
sadsackhi. Have a problem booting XP from grub startup menu. I've tryed following guides but they don't appear to fit my problem and i don't get error message, so not even sure what the problem09:30
anaoumif anyone has some recommendations it would be great :D09:30
Svenstaro__anaoum, im using hetzner and theyre the best, but only in germany :)09:31
DistroJockeysstoveld: Much cleaner :)09:31
sstoveldhehe :D09:31
Svenstaro__sstoveld, definately looks good09:31
T-R3xXwho from russia?09:31
Svenstaro__well give it a go then shall we, sstoveld press ALT CTRL BACKSPACE, it kills your xserver and restarts it09:32
DistroJockeysstoveld: Looks good to me09:32
vallhalla81how do you change the name of your pc (note not user name)09:32
Svenstaro__vallhalla81, sudo hostname newhostnamehere09:32
vallhalla81Svenstaro__: thank you09:32
sstoveldwas it supposed to log me out? :P09:33
Svenstaro__funny colors again?09:33
T-R3xXÊòî íèòü ïî ðóññêè ãîâîðèò? =)09:33
Svenstaro__did it work?09:33
Fenixonhhello, how to run *.run file?09:33
sstoveldstill in the same graphics mode, if thats what you mean, should i configure it manually?09:33
dgjones!ru | T-R3xX09:33
ubotuT-R3xX: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:33
Svenstaro__Fenixon, sh *.run09:34
DistroJockeysstoveld: messed graphics?09:34
FenixonSvenstaro__: thanks09:34
T-R3xX=) senks09:34
sstoveldyeah it still is messed09:34
Svenstaro__sstoveld, as in low ress or utter color mess?09:34
sstoveldlow res09:34
vallhalla81Svenstaro__: does it require a restart to take affect?09:35
Svenstaro__sstoveld, did it notify you about running low ress?09:35
Svenstaro__vallhalla81, yes09:35
sstoveldSvenstaro, nope09:35
vallhalla81Svenstaro__: ok thank you09:35
Meneertjehi all, how do you make a backup section which you can use to save all your settings and stuff, that you can use when installing a new version?09:35
Svenstaro__sstoveld good :) go to system -> admin -> resolution, can you choose different rss there?09:35
Meneertjelike "D" drive in windows09:35
Svenstaro__Meneertje, you mean a partition?09:36
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: beat me to it :)09:36
Svenstaro__Meneertje, dont you ahve a usb key or external hdd or something?09:36
Meneertjewith gparted?09:36
Svenstaro__no, like, do you own a usb key? physicially?09:36
sstoveldnope, its at 800x600 at 73Hz right now, can only go to 640x480, and cant change the Hz09:36
lanoxxcan someone point me to a simple introduction on how to set up an ftp server with one user and read write access to a certain directory?09:36
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: Although, I was going to say System - Preferences - Screen Resolution09:37
Svenstaro__sstoveld, sounds bad. something still deosnt want to play nice, can you check if /etc/X11/xorg.conf is still the same as the one you pastebinned?09:38
sstoveldhow do i get back to it again?09:38
Svenstaro__sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:38
Svenstaro__DistroJockey, is it not accepting the driver?09:39
sstoveldk, do you still have the link to the pastebin i linked?09:39
sstoveldyup, its the same09:40
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: should accept ATI or radeon just fine09:40
Svenstaro__okay, scroll down to section monitor09:40
Svenstaro__should we try radeon?09:40
Svenstaro__are there like, 3 drivers? ati, radeon, fglrx?09:40
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: radeon if it's a radeon of course09:40
DistroJockeythink radeon is ATI anyway09:41
Svenstaro__sstoveld, scroll down to section monitor and remove the lines horizsync and vertrefresh09:41
DistroJockeyas in the same driver, different name09:41
Svenstaro__you positive about that?09:41
sstoveldk, then save?09:41
Svenstaro__which ones the closed source driver?09:42
hischild_DistroJockey, afaik it's fglrx09:42
hischild_Svenstaro__, ^09:42
adaccan someone tell me: what can i do with this flash player under ubuntu amd64? it keeps on crashing and one single very low quality stream (not even running, paused) eats my cpu...this is freaking me out09:42
Svenstaro__yes, and press the shortcut again sstoveld09:42
Svenstaro__and hope :)09:42
DistroJockeyclosed is FGLRX, yep09:42
sstoveldctrl alt backspace right?09:42
DistroJockeywe're going OS :)09:42
Svenstaro__I dont get his trouble09:43
sstoveldstill cant change res :(09:43
Svenstaro__aw man, lets go closed source, go to xorg.conf again09:43
Svenstaro__and in the driver section, change ATI to fglrx09:44
DistroJockeySvenstaro__, sstoveld:  Did we cover what version of Ubuntu is being used?09:44
Svenstaro__I know ur using hardy09:44
sstoveldk im in xorg09:44
DistroJockeywill, switch, brb09:44
Svenstaro__driver section09:44
sstoveldwhere do i go in xorg.conf? section "device"?09:46
Svenstaro__yes, in there theres a option called "driver" with the value "ATI"09:46
Svenstaro__change the value to FGLRX09:46
Svenstaro__but in lowercase09:46
Svenstaro__yup and shortcut :)09:47
sstoveld*hopes* :D09:48
sstoveldnope :*09:48
Svenstaro__sstoveld aw man09:48
Svenstaro__sstoveld running outta tricks here09:49
sstoveldmaybe i should try and reinstall ubuntu?09:49
Svenstaro__well lets try software, anybody know how high VESA can render max?09:49
Svenstaro__no, not quite yet09:49
Svenstaro__anybody know max resolution VESA can do?09:49
SmegzorI want to force a distribution upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04  What do I type in console?09:50
Svenstaro__sstoveld, in xorg.conf, edit out all modes for your display except 1280x102409:50
sstoveldk lemme try it09:50
Svenstaro__how can I make sure x isnt using failsafe? does it ALWAYS use xorg.conf?09:51
sstoveldModes"1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"09:52
sstovelddelete all but the first one?09:52
sstoveldsave and shortcut?09:52
frame08asl pls09:52
DistroJockeySvenstaro__, sstoveld: Clean xorg.conf from 7.10:   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/60975/09:53
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:53
Svenstaro__yes, sstoveld09:53
Svenstaro__somehow it seems like his xorg isnt even being used09:54
Jack_SparrowAti video?09:54
Svenstaro__a bad case of it09:54
sstoveldno good :(09:54
Jack_SparrowI ran across this yesterday..  one sec..09:54
Svenstaro__sstoveld, hang on a bit, were all here to help ya09:54
Jack_Sparrowfglrx seems to ignore some changes unless this is used.. aticonfig --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf --tls=109:55
sstoveldhehe i feel bad making all you guys stay up just to help me :P09:55
Jack_SparrowMay I assume fglrx?09:55
Jack_SparrowIs his xorg posted.09:55
sstoveldwant me to pastebin it?09:56
DistroJockeyIt's ok, I fix'em buy day, and night I guess :)09:56
sstoveld6 am here now :S09:56
Jack_Sparrowsstoveld, yes please, 3am here.. I wont be up long09:56
DistroJockey8pm here09:56
Svenstaro__11 AM :D09:56
Jack_SparrowWe just proved the world is round09:56
sstoveldgonna be fun at work tomorrow... err today :P09:57
D|sToRt|oNman i installed satanic edition and my sys would not boot i had to format :(09:57
Svenstaro__D|sToRt|oN thats what you get :P09:58
ubotuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate09:58
DistroJockeygoing to try Sidux again here next :)09:58
Jack_Sparrowsstoveld, You have that xorg pastebin'd yet09:58
D|sToRt|oNthese stock ubuntu themes are so bland tho ...09:58
sstoveldhmm when i clicked this one icon at the top right i got some message saying software index is broken09:58
Jack_Sparrowapt-get update              or fix your sources09:59
D|sToRt|oN8.04 is buggy as all get out ^^ i was being spammed with bug reports09:59
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:59
DistroJockeysstoveld: apt-get update && apt-get install -f   to fix it?09:59
hischild_D|sToRt|oN, no problem on this end, i'm runing it smoothly10:00
D|sToRt|oNwell try it out with Virtual box and Qdvdauthor ....10:00
Jack_Sparrowsstoveld, I had one of those yesterday and we never did figure out why it wouldnt work..   what does fglrxinfo show10:01
sstoveldsudo apt-get install -f10:01
D|sToRt|oNbrb this gnome Xchat front end suxs ^^10:01
Jack_Sparrowwrong terminal10:01
=== amerinese_ is now known as amerinese
sstoveldeh it didnt fix it anyway10:02
sstoveldsaid i got an error code(1)10:02
Jack_Sparrowsstoveld, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)10:02
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:03
DistroJockeyJack_Sparrow: Nice looking command :)10:03
=== D|sToRt|oN is now known as D|STORT|ON
Jack_SparrowDistroJockey, Some of mine get quite ugly as I piece them together from my notes.. ofen in a hurry to help a user10:04
Svenstaro__sstoveld please dont assume that ubuntu installs are usually connected to this amount of hassle :)10:04
DistroJockeyJack_Sparrow: :)10:04
sstoveldi was wondering about it :P10:04
Jack_Sparrowsstoveld, You have one of the hardest cards we run across10:04
sunny1how to get the nice termial fonts (in Konsole under X) when in framebuffer mode...i.e., inittab we have default runlevel = 310:04
Svenstaro__sstoveld lets just try vesa :) change the xorg.conf driver to VESA from fglrx and do the shortcut10:05
sstoveldfigures, i always buy pieces of crap ;)10:05
D|STORT|ONi love how fast my comp is with 50 windows open :D sure beats Winblows10:05
sstoveldk 1 min10:05
vallhalla81my system keeps freezing up and i cant work out why please advise10:05
Svenstaro__anbyody know max VESA ressolution?10:05
Jack_Sparrowsstoveld, I am going to bed real soon, I asked a couple of questions still unanswered10:05
D|STORT|ON<vallhalla81> may be your Pc is overheating ?10:06
sstoveldsorry, i didnt see them :(10:06
DistroJockeyJack_Sparrow: The adding pastebin should be in the topic. Very nice!10:06
Jack_SparrowDistroJockey, cool tool10:06
Svenstaro__sstoveld, cut that, we need both displays at higher ress10:06
DistroJockeyJack_Sparrow: indeed10:06
hischild_D|STORT|ON, i don't have any trouble with virtuablx.10:06
vallhalla81D|STORT|ON: no temp is low it was the first thin i checked10:06
sstoveldoh, dont change it to vesa?10:06
Svenstaro__no, wont do any good10:06
Jack_Sparrowsudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)   is a good one10:06
Svenstaro__well it will work at a *tad* higher ress, still not what you want tho10:06
nocluei'm having a frustrating problem with video playback. it's hard for me to explain, but i have a screenshot if anyone's interesting in helping. http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/2870/badvideoea6.png10:07
Jack_Sparrowvallhalla81, what video card and or driver.. any outside sources added?10:07
Jack_Sparrownoclue, if you have ati and video is tearing you need to disable compiz in the xorg10:07
D|STORT|ONi upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 and had crash repor after crash report , um the hardware test was smooth tho i started getting these crash reports when i opend firefox 3 beta10:07
sstoveld sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)   is a good one, Jack_Sparrow, was that to me?10:07
vallhalla81nvidia card and glx10:08
noclueJack_Sparrow: i have NVIDIA and composite disabled. ;)10:08
Svenstaro__this ati is giving me headaches10:08
Jack_SparrowD|STORT|ON, Please note you are in the wrong channel for Hardy..10:08
DistroJockeyJack_Sparrow, vallhalla81: or run it on display :1 instead of :0  ?10:08
sunny1can someone help we with console fonts please10:08
Jack_Sparrowsstoveld, no.. just tossing some examples of usefull pastebin commands10:08
sstoveldoh ok10:09
Svenstaro__sstoveld, go to system admin and choose restricted drivers10:09
Jack_Sparrowsstoveld, did you run fglrxinfo ?10:09
vallhalla81DistroJockey: how do i do that?10:09
sstoveldJack_Sparrow, what is fglrxinfo? :S10:09
Jack_SparrowDistroJockey, you can also get vreative   sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)10:10
sstoveldSvenstaro, there is one in there, says its In Use10:10
sstoveldATI Accelerated Graphics Driver10:10
Jack_Sparrowsstoveld, a command you type in terminal10:10
brunnerhow stable is hurdy?10:11
D|STORT|ONwhats the command  to join multiple IRC servers it was /server -m irc.*****.**10:11
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu10:11
DistroJockeyvallhalla81:  glxgears -display :1   (for example)10:11
sstoveldThe program 'fglrxinfo' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:10:11
sstoveldsudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx10:11
brunnerJack_Sparrow: I mean, in practical terms, is X going to break randomly with an upgrade, or is it just less stable non-core packages?10:11
Jack_Sparrowdo that..yes10:11
brunnerI remember Debian testing would randomly have horrible issues10:12
brunnerthat broke X