
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd
RichEdogra_cmpc: ping12:01
stgraberRichEd: Is it an early or a late meeting today ?12:03
RichEdearly ... looking for ogra_cmpc now12:03
RichEdi have a manic day :(12:03
RichEdanyone else here for the education meeting ???12:04
* gvy leaves for #ltsp12:06
stgraberRichEd: looks like we'll be the usual 3, maybe 2 if ogra doesn't show up :)12:09
RichEdogra_cmpc is in #canonical ... he should pop across now12:10
* ogra_cmpcng waves12:15
highvoltageogra_cmpc: are you there?12:50
highvoltageogra_cmpcng: does it look anything like this? http://www.engadget.com/2008/03/24/intels-netbook-revealed-as-the-2go-pc/12:51
ogra_cmpcnghighvoltage, i'm not registered, no PM for me12:54
highvoltageogra_cmpcng: ah, of course12:59
highvoltageogra_cmpcng: I guess the ng would look something similar to this? http://www.engadget.com/2008/03/24/intels-netbook-revealed-as-the-2go-pc/12:59
highvoltageogra_cmpcng: when I first saw that, I thought it looked very cmpc'y :)13:00
ogra_cmpcngwell, i waont say anything :)13:00
highvoltageogra_cmpcng: ok :)13:11
ogra_cmpcngbut the cmpcng here looks very cmpc'y ;)13:11
ogra_cmpcngbah, the touchpad isnt great ... way to sensitive and the buttons somehow get you to tap while clicking13:12
ogra_cmpcngnot very ergonomic13:12
RichEdstgraber / ogra_cmpc : intel just asked for some guidance iTalc15:18
RichEdif either of you have a chance could you pop a mail reply to them ?15:19
stgraberRichEd: AFAIK italc-client should currently be installed on the classmates, though italc-master (the teacher interface) isn't15:21
stgraberit was planned to have italc-master running on a non-classmate machine15:22
RichEdis it possible to let them know what is needed on the teacher desktop & how to connect them ?15:22
RichEdno need for a full explanation ... pointing to the page in the iTacl doc manual is fine15:23
dtraskas an italc user....italc master is a bit more intensive and the cmpc would probably have a hard time running it15:23
RichEdwith perhaps a comment on what is different about our implementation15:23
RichEdand then point them to dtrask for free user support ;)15:23
RichEdhi dtrask15:23
RichEd^ joke15:23
dtraskI agree with stgraber though....when trying to look at and demo all those screens I think the cmpc would choke on its own vomit ;-)15:26
stgraberRichEd: http://paste.stgraber.org/198715:27
stgraberdtrask: did you try 1.0.7 from Hardy ?15:27
dtrasknot yet15:27
stgraberdtrask: we did quite a bit of optimization for low-resolution screen (resizing the image from the teacher, using MMX, ...)15:27
stgraberRichEd: the "add classroom and computer" part will be automated with my avahi scripts, but that won't be in Hardy and I'm still thinking of an easy way to solve the "copy keys from teacher computer" part15:29
RichEdthanks ... i am multi tasking ... on a conference call, adding moodle users, sending emails ... and trying to get out of here to an appointment in 20 mins15:30
RichEdif you could pop me some info via email i could forward on that would make my day15:31
* RichEd asks nicely15:31
stgraberI have 30min before the QA meeting, so I have time to answer your mail :)15:31
dtraskstgraber: very cool....I look forward to trying it out15:33
dtraskstgraber: hey for the keys part...take a look at an old project called "fanout" http://www.stearns.org/fanout   I've used this to do a lot of stuff with my own network here at school....looks relatively simple and there may be parts you can rip out and use....just FYI15:35
* dtrask is away: Lunch time...leave a msg15:37
=== dtrask is now known as dtrask-away
LaserJockhmm, did a meeting already take place today?15:46
stgraberRichEd: mail answered15:48
stgraberLaserJock: yep, it was an early one15:48
RichEdstgraber: thanks15:48
LaserJockdarn, missed it15:48
LaserJockI'm -----| |------ close to having edubuntu-docs uploaded15:49
LaserJockjust had to do some sed "fixing" of translations15:49
* RichEd measure the -| |- with his micrometer15:50
RichEdahhh ... about 10 mins is that ?15:51
LaserJockwell, you need the right conversion factor to get it into time15:51
LaserJockbut something like that15:51
* ogra_cmpc cries ...15:55
ogra_cmpcmy build server just imploded15:55
LaserJockuh oh15:56
* ogra_cmpc starts another try to get todays classmate image building15:59
ogra_cmpcfunnily it only fails after 3-4h of work ...16:00
ogra_cmpcwell, rather not funny16:00
* dtrask-away is away: I'm back!16:25
* dtrask-away is back.16:25
=== dtrask-away is now known as dtrask
dtraskI'm back!16:25
laga*four* lines to tell people that you're back16:25
stgraberouch, four lines to say you're back .)16:25
ogra_cmpcwe couldnt ignore that :)16:25
stgraberbah, laga was fater16:25
lagastgraber: dude, my BMI is below 25 so you have no right to say that16:26
LaserJockhi dtrask16:32
dtraskLaserJock: hi!16:33
dtraski screwed up....typed away instead of back16:34
LaserJockogra_cmpc: did you see I managed to get a little work done yesterday :-)16:36
* ogra_cmpc hugs LaserJock madly16:41
ogra_cmpcyeah, i saw that16:41
LaserJockand edubuntu-docs is off!!!16:46
Muhammad_SaadHello, I am a little confused about why formats like MP3 are called restricted formats. Would someone please explain it to me in simple words? I have searched at google but did not find something that explains this.16:46
LaserJockMuhammad_Saad: it means in that in some countries (like the US and Japan) those formats are patented and so they can not be freely used without paying the patent holder, or something along those lines16:47
Muhammad_Saadyou mean that in those countries I cannot even record a sound in MP3 format without paying the patent holders?16:49
LaserJockbasically yes16:49
Muhammad_Saadthat is weird.16:50
LaserJockyes, but that's the way it works16:50
LaserJockmany countries don't allow software patents and so it's not an issue for them, as I understand it16:51
Muhammad_Saadso that is why I did not know much about that. :)16:51
LaserJockUbuntu would prefer to use completely free (both in prices and in license) formats because of things like that16:52
Muhammad_SaadSo if I send an audio file to someone who lives in a country which allows software patents, I am doing something illegal?16:52
LaserJockbut they may not be able to legally play it16:53
Muhammad_Saadso it does not affect me?16:54
LaserJockas far as sending files?16:55
Muhammad_Saadwhat about receiving?16:55
LaserJockit depends on the country16:55
LaserJockand I don't know enough about it to know which countries it's ok in16:56
LaserJockthe US and Japan are the big ones I think that *do* have software patents16:56
Muhammad_Saadif someone does not pay those companies, how do they know it?16:56
LaserJockthey don't :-)16:57
Muhammad_Saadso one will only pay if that person's conscience is alive and awake. :)16:58
Muhammad_Saadam I right?16:58
LaserJockbasically yes16:58
Muhammad_Saaddoes it only affect software companies or end users too?16:58
Muhammad_SaadI mean who really have to pay?16:59
LaserJockend users16:59
Muhammad_Saadaccording to the law?16:59
LaserJockunless companies pay for the end users16:59
Muhammad_Saadand big companies?16:59
LaserJockthat's how Microsoft, etc. do it16:59
LaserJockit's something like $100,000 USD16:59
LaserJockfor companies17:00
Muhammad_Saadso if someone installs VLC media player in US, he is doing something illegal?17:00
LaserJockdepending on the codecs installed they could be yes17:01
dtraskApple is an example of a company who pays for the end users...the bundle MP3 capability in itunes17:01
dtraskall that and he just left?17:01
dtraskdoes he work for the RIAA17:02
druecheers - is there any content filtering built into edubuntu?  (sorry if it's an FAQ, i've been looking..)17:02
LaserJocknot by default no17:02
drueLaserJock: any brief tutorial available?  or just go dansguardian + iptables?17:03
dtrask# apt-get install dansguardian17:03
drueexcellent.. thanks!17:03
ogra_cmpceither that or take a look at willowng17:03
LaserJockdansguardian is probably the way to go at the moment17:03
ogra_cmpcif you want something lighter that doesnt need a full server17:03
LaserJockogra_cmpc: Amaranth told me that it's not in working shape17:04
dtraskdrue: what are you trying to do....filter one machine or a whole network?17:04
ogra_cmpcthe bayesian learning doesnt17:04
LaserJockwish we could get it fixed up17:04
ogra_cmpcbut black/whitelisting does17:04
LaserJockwould be great if we had SoC17:04
druedtrask: just a desktop locally, yup17:04
LaserJockogra_cmpc: ah, and can it be easily defeated like before?17:04
ogra_cmpcLaserJock, finishing a SoC project with another SoC project ? :)17:05
LaserJocki.e. just change the proxy setting17:05
LaserJockogra_cmpc: isn't that what SoC is about? perpetual projects ;-)17:05
ogra_cmpcyou can set up an iptable rule that redirects all traffic towards port 80 to willow17:05
dtraskanother one is squidguard which is simply a URL filter   #apt-get install squidguard17:05
ogra_cmpcthats actually something i wanted to add to the postinst17:05
LaserJockogra_cmpc: we should write a little HowTo and stick it on edubuntu.org17:06
LaserJockFiltering Solutions or something17:06
drueogra_cmpc: that's what i had in mind, yeah.  local iptables redirect through a dansguardian proxy17:06
LaserJockit's a fairly common question and if we can at least point people in the right direction it'd help17:06
ogra_cmpcand advertise willow to attract someone to finish the missing bits :)17:06
LaserJockogra_cmpc: agreed, it really is a nice app to work with17:06
dtraskwhat makes wilow better than DG?17:07
ogra_cmpcand i'm not gfond of running a heaviweight like squid for just doing some url filtering17:07
dtraskgood point17:07
LaserJockdtrask: have you ever tried willow?17:07
ogra_cmpcdtrask, have a look at willow17:07
ogra_cmpcevery teacher can understand it within minutes17:08
ogra_cmpcit has a nice gui to cinfigure it etc17:08
dtraskno I haven't....that's why I'm asking....I use DG here for the school network17:08
ogra_cmpcits just not complete17:08
LaserJockif the Bayesian filter was working it'd be the killer filtering app17:08
dtraskrunning on SME server and another on IPCop17:08
dtraskLaserJock: yes it sounds like it would17:08
LaserJockdtrask: with willowng you just install it and basically say "start filtering"17:08
LaserJockit's all GUI17:09
dtraskdo they have a web site other than just the Launchpad page?17:09
ogra_cmpcits integrated in the gnome desktop17:09
ogra_cmpcthey ?17:09
ogra_cmpcthats actually us :)17:10
dtraskoh...I didn't realize it was you....cool...so any screenshots anywhere?17:10
* dtrask is intrigued17:10
LaserJockdtrask: just install the darn thing ;-)17:10
ogra_cmpci dug it up as "willow" and specced something based on this ... Amaranth then took that spec for a SoC17:10
dtraskLaserJock: is it ready for hardy?  I have a hardy install in Virtualbox17:11
dtraskwhat I mean by ready is "installable"17:11
dtrask#apt-get install willowng?17:12
LaserJockdtrask: let me see, I just installed it here17:12
LaserJockdo willowng-config-gnome17:12
LaserJockthere's also a KDE frontend17:13
dtraskafter installing?17:13
ogra_cmpcsudo apt-get install willowng-config-gnome17:13
dtraskgot it17:13
ogra_cmpcjust copy paste17:13
LaserJockit seems to crash here17:13
LaserJocksince it was written during dapper I think it's not a big surprise :-)17:14
ogra_cmpcyeah :(17:14
ogra_cmpcso much dead code in the archive17:14
LaserJockit seems dbus has changed since it was made17:15
ogra_cmpcthats likely17:15
LaserJockdbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name com.ubuntu.WillowNG was not provided by any .service files17:15
LaserJockogra_cmpc: I've uploaded squeak and friends, edubuntu-menus (thought I had already fixed that), and edubuntu-docs17:18
ogra_cmpcright, nothing to fix for hardy17:18
ogra_cmpcLaserJock, oyu rock17:18
LaserJockogra_cmpc: do you have any time to look into a gcompris FFe?17:18
ogra_cmpcits so sad you wont come to prague17:18
LaserJockyes it is :(17:18
ogra_cmpcassign it to me  aned milestone it if its important enough, then slangasek will hunt me down until its done17:19
LaserJockbdoin says there are some important crasher bugs fixed17:19
ogra_cmpci didnt see any crashers during my classmate tests yet17:20
ogra_cmpcand i tested it a lot17:20
ogra_cmpctuxpaint is da evil17:20
LaserJockin the mosaic activity if you click on grey target button it crashes17:20
ogra_cmpci still havent found out why it locks the cmpc if that thing doesnt run at full CPU speed17:20
LaserJock"Fixed many potential crash of GCompris in the key_press activity callback."17:21
LaserJockwhat I can do is file a wishlist bug with the changelog entry, etc.17:22
dtraskOne issue I have with Tuxpaint in Gcompris in  the version I'm using (on Feisty) is that it launches in full screen which my monitors don't like at that resolution.  I have config'd all my menu items and launchers to fire up Tuxpaint in windowed mode17:22
ogra_cmpcyeah i will have to reproduce that17:22
LaserJockbut I think I must be done with Edubuntu for Hardy17:22
ogra_cmpcit defaults to windowed in hardy17:22
LaserJockmy dissertation has really fallen behind in the last couple weeks17:22
ogra_cmpcwhich is merely annoying on the classmate17:23
ogra_cmpcLaserJock, take off then ... do your paperwork17:23
LaserJockstupid school :-)17:23
LaserJockI should have figured out how to get a PhD out of working on Edubuntu17:24
* dtrask is fondly remembering the lyrics to Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall"17:24
* ogra_cmpc needs to do some errands ... bbl17:25
* dtrask is away: One of my users is exclaiming "I can't do email!"17:26
=== dtrask is now known as dtrask-away
LaserJockMuhammad_Saad: btw, right after you left dtrask said:17:41
LaserJockApple is an example of a company who pays for the end users...the bundle MP3 capability in itunes17:41
lagai think fluendo gives out a lib for mp3 playback for free.17:43
=== dtrask-away is now known as dtrask
Muhammad_Saadwho is fluendo?17:45
stgraberMuhammad_Saad: a company working on gstreamer and a streaming application17:45
Muhammad_Saadhow do they manage to provide a lib for free?17:46
Muhammad_SaadI found something that is a little relevant to our discussion: http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/hello_world_patent.html :-D17:57
LaserJockogra_cmpc: well, actually I just decided to merge gcompris and file a FFe and see if it flys18:34
ogra_cmpcsubscribe me to it18:35
LaserJockdoko did a lot of patching in the source tree which was fun :/18:36
LaserJockogra_cmpc: the new version does fix one LP bug though, and probably saves us some more18:37
LaserJockogra_cmpc: bdoin and at least one other person I think are working more on OLPC support for gcompris18:39
LaserJockI think some of that may help the OLPC18:39
ogra_cmpcyay freud18:41
LaserJockthey are working on a skin that will work better on smaller screens I think18:42
ogra_cmpcwide would be good18:47
ogra_cmpcsmall is fine already18:47
ogra_cmpci find it quite good as it is in fullscreen on the classmate ... would just be cool to not have the black bars on the sides18:48
LaserJockhmm, yeah18:56
LaserJockI noticed on my widescreen laptop it does some funky stuff when I open it in fullscreen18:56
LaserJockthe only thing I dislike about working with gcompris is the size of the .orig.tar.gz18:59
LaserJockstill waiting on the current ubuntu package to download so I can do a diffstat19:00
* LaserJock hugs highvoltage 19:20
LaserJockin a purely platonic way19:20
* highvoltage is ok with any kind of hug on IRC19:20
highvoltage(as long as it stays on IRC)19:21
ogra_cmpcwhat happens on IRC stays on IRC19:21
LaserJockwe hope19:21
ogra_cmpc(and in the logs ... on google etc etc)19:21
LaserJockalright, gotta run19:23
LaserJockogra_cmpc: I'll sub you to the FFe request when I'm done19:23
LaserJockjust gotta put the paperwork together ;-)19:23
ogra_cmpcthanks :)19:23
LaserJockogra_cmpc: ok, I got the bug done and you sub'd, just need to wait for Ubuntu Release21:12
ogra_cmpci womnder if i should hide the admin menuitem on cmpc21:15
ogra_cmpcits actually quite pointless for a student21:15
LaserJockgood point21:17

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