
hellhoundI am having trouble with samba i am able to view my shares but for some reason i do not have write access.  i have pasted my smb.conf at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61075/00:00
zylstra555Hello. I am just curious, is the Kubuntu 8.10 BETA going to be the next version at the same time as Ubuntu 8.10?00:05
madooy guys ... hello there ...00:06
Daisuke_Idozylstra555, um...  what?00:06
madodo you think it is wise to install kde4 yet? ... or schould i install kubuntu 7.10 with kde 3.5*?00:06
zylstra555Daisuke_Ido: Ubuntu 8.10 is being released in 30 days, is this the same for Kubuntu?00:07
Daisuke_Ido8.10 isn't being released for another 7 months...00:07
zylstra555mado: Definitely not on a production machine. I tried out 8.10 with KDE4, VERY unstable.00:07
zylstra555Homepage of www.ubuntu.com says:00:07
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:07
mado8.10 ??00:07
Daisuke_Ido8.04 is being released in 30 days (or so), and yes, kubuntu will release the same time00:08
hellhoundcan anyone help with samba i am able to view my shares but for some reason i do not have write access.  i have pasted my smb.conf at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61075/00:08
zylstra555"The new Ubuntu, 30 days to go"00:08
madoi thought 8.04 would be the next ?00:08
Daisuke_Idomado, it is00:08
madoso ... was "8.10" a typo?00:08
Daisuke_Idoi would imagine00:09
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zylstra555Ah, it is 8.4... thought it was 10 for some strange strange reason00:09
madook *smiling*00:09
madoerm ...00:09
nosrednaekimits 8.0400:09
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madoi want to run linux on my computer and the system should be stable ... i guess that means i should install 7.10 ?00:10
madoand would it be a problem if i reinstall my computer in some weeks to install 8.04?00:10
zylstra555mado: I tried out 8.4 Kubuntu with KDE4, it had quite a few bugs that needed to be worked out. I cant say if 8.4 without KDE4 is very stable or not.. But, from my experience, dont get KDE4 and 8.4 quite yet.00:11
madook ... thanks zylstra55500:11
madonow i have think about the partitions and the size of them00:12
nosrednaekimmado: of course, there is still a kde3 version of 8.0400:12
madothere is?00:12
[Relic]64bit version good and stable?00:12
ubotuKubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 4 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported.00:12
SlimeyPete[Relic]: yeah00:13
[Relic]then I can go quad with 8G ram  :)00:13
nosrednaekimI really have never had any stability issues with 64 bit00:13
Daisuke_Idounless of course you like doing things without hassle -_-00:13
madowhen is it wise to use a 64bit-version?00:13
[Relic]when you have more than 4G  :)00:14
Daisuke_Idothat's not ubuntu's fault though, the only issues are with 3rd-party software00:14
* zylstra555 over and out...00:14
madolast week i finally got a new computer ... a laptop ... of do you call it "notebook" ? ... :) ... it has a dual-core-processor :)00:14
madowell ... i just have 3 gb ram00:14
[Relic]got my quad core guts with a decent cooler under $720 with shipping so far, still working on finalizing it00:15
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: true :)00:15
madoquad-core? ... nice00:15
[Relic]with 8G  :)    I have a tad bit of a problem with blender and 1G of ram  :)00:16
dwidmann[Relic]: I just ordered mine today .... cost me $1084 though00:16
[Relic]what spiffy cooler did you get?  :)00:16
dwidmann[Relic]: umm, let me dig up the link00:17
madowell ... nothing beats the old "liquid-nitrogen-cooling-system" :)00:17
nosrednaekimcompusa has an amazing sale on a quad core phenome for 40000:17
dwidmann[Relic]: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683510610200:17
nosrednaekimwith HD, RAM, etc00:18
dwidmannmado: sounds expensive00:18
nosrednaekimand explosive..lol00:18
dwidmannexplosives = fun00:18
madodwidmann: don't know ... it was just a joke ... i once just thought about how "cool" it was :)00:18
dwidmannmado: expensive, but that doesn't mean I don't want one :D00:19
[Relic]no HD or DVD-RW right now I will use the case, hd, and dvd-rw I have for a while  :)00:20
nosrednaekimheh.... this reminds me of a UserFriendly comic strip :)00:20
eixmy installation was interrupted during the update-grub stage (or right after it) because of power down. What installation steps am I missing now? :( please help me00:20
madodwidmann: ... well ... i am happy just to have a new laptop now ... it took me years to finance this thing ... but ok ... i'm currently just a student with very little money00:20
[Relic]dwidmann, http://secure.newegg.com/NewVersion/wishlist/PublicWishDetail.asp?WishListNumber=5980945   <-   so far   :)00:20
JasonWardHi. how do I upgrade specific applications through the command-line? or if its possible with gui how do I make it only update specific programs?00:21
[Relic]they sell HDs and DVD-RWs for so cheap these days, the quad and 8G is more important right now  :)00:21
U_Dinlowso... I reinstalled gutsy, got restricted drivers for my geforce4 mx460 (sh1tty) card - now what was needed to get tv-out? I only want this for my nippers pc00:21
madoone thing more about the "liquid-nitrogen"-cooling-system ... what is more effective / explosive -> nitrogen or hydrogen?00:21
U_Dinlow!tv-out | idiot00:23
ubotuidiot: For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)00:23
vijaywht is the name of the music application in thhis screenshot??? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Underworld+theme?content=3655400:23
[Relic]says so right on the bottom of the screen  :)00:24
sudobashthats a nice looking linux customization00:25
Daisuke_Idothat may be the ugliest theme i've ever seen00:25
sudobashyeah i dont like the theme but the visual style is nice00:25
Daisuke_Idoand right there, that's why it's nice that it's infinitely customizable00:25
sudobashbut it looks to much like vista and XP00:25
madoare you talking about the wallpaper or did i get this wrong?00:26
madoi'm sorry ... maybe i'm a bit too tired ;)00:27
JasonWardHi. how do I upgrade specific applications through the command-line? or if its possible with gui how do I make it only update specific programs?00:27
nosrednaekimJasonWard: yes, it is possible in adept, click on any package that needs updating and it will have the option to do so00:28
madodid i frighten you off guys?00:28
madoor did you just not answer my question because it is a question you don't "support" ? :)00:29
Jucatoonly Kheops can frighten me...00:29
Jucatoor not...00:29
dwidmann[Relic]: one sec, I'll pull out my wishlist00:30
Jucatosome annoying git00:30
dwidmann[Relic]: http://secure.newegg.com/NewVersion/wishlist/PublicWishDetail.asp?WishListNumber=472972900:30
eixis there anything else after the update-grub install stage?00:30
kuohyouhi, how do i play rmvb files in kaffeine on kubuntu?00:31
madouhuu ... ok ... well guys ... i will be back in some minutes ... i guess00:31
Jucato!w32codecs | kuohyou00:32
ubotukuohyou: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages00:32
Jucatokuohyou: that's usually all I need00:32
urlialguien puede decirme por q no puedo bajar la web cam a linux??00:32
Jucato!es | urli00:33
ubotuurli: En este canal, solamente hablamos ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:33
urliall right00:33
urli no problem00:33
kuohyou /msg ubotu medibuntu00:33
madoerm ... do you guys know a software which runs under 7.10 where i can play a piano and maybe compose something?00:34
fridabuenas tardes00:34
urlibvuenas tardes00:34
JucatoEnglish only in here please00:34
Jucato!info rosegarden | mado00:35
sudobashhey LJL you around?00:35
urliyes no problem00:35
Jucatomado: though not really a piano00:35
urlihi everybodi00:35
LjLsudobash: yes00:35
Jucatohm... bot's lagging...00:35
sudobashis Prot a bot?00:35
[Relic]dwidmann, ewww!  a q9300!00:35
madorosegarden ... hmm *thinking*00:35
LjLsudobash: hm?00:36
madois it easy to use ... and what did you mean by saying "though not really a piano" ?00:36
Jucatomado: you need to have MIDI working though (playign .mid files, etc)00:36
Jucatomado: it's a music composer thing... you know, notes and staves...00:36
[Relic]dwidmann, should have waited for the 9450  :)00:36
Jucatono keyboard00:36
madouhuu ... well ... i guess that is complicated ...00:36
sudobashnvm... would you consider letting me back in to Ubuntu?00:37
madobecause ... i don't really know much about notes and some stuff00:37
madoi just thought it would be nice if there was a software ... kind of virtual piano ... so that i can just press some keys ... like on a real piano00:38
madoif it wasn't so expensive and if i had the time i would learn it at the local music school :)00:39
sudobashthats pretty funny mado... I have seen Guitar Hero mods for pressing Function keys but not piano... there are virtual piano's though00:39
Jucatoonline pianos...00:39
Darkrift2is there somewhere i could find a list of some usefull 3rd party sources for apt?00:40
Darkrift2i know i found a few on my last install i used a lot (wine and cant remember what else)00:41
ubotusource-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.00:41
Jucatooh... hm...00:41
madois anyone of you able to play a music instrument?00:41
U_Dinlowi play the herdygurdy00:42
madowhat is that?00:42
dwidmann[Relic]: why so?00:43
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dwidmann[Relic]: waiting isn't my strong point00:43
madomy dictionary and wikipedia doesn't tell me what this was00:43
dwidmann[Relic]: nothing stopping me from upgrading later either :)00:43
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madouuuh ... now i found it00:44
U_Dinlowyou like?00:44
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Darkrift2i tried to isntall build essentials but it wasnt found. I think i have almost everything enabled in my source list00:45
Darkrift2what could i be missing00:45
[Relic]dwidmann, the 9300 will perform a bit lower than the q6600 due to the 6M cache vs 8M00:45
madowell ... i haven't heard of this music instrument before ... i'm sorry ... so i can't tell you if i would like it00:45
=== Krodolfo_ is now known as krodolfo
madoit could be that i heard the sound of it in some songs but i'm not sure00:46
U_Dinlowmado: it's rare00:47
madoyeah ... i guess so00:47
dwidmann[Relic]: though, the fsb is a fair bit faster00:48
dwidmann[Relic]: total system performance should be a bit better, I would think00:48
[Relic]dwidmann, the multiplier is lower00:48
[Relic]been  reading overclockers stuff lately to figure out what is good  :)00:49
[Relic]bet you will have better temps though00:49
madoone more thing ... before i install linux on my computer ... is it safe (will there be data loss) when i resize "ntfs"- / "ext3"- / "fat32"-partitions ?00:49
madobecause i thought i will install windows on a 10 gb partition ... and if i need more than that ... i will resize it00:50
madoi would also do that with the other partitions like "/" "/home" ...00:50
madowhat do you guys think?00:50
roozbehHello everyone! I use Kontact KMail 1.2.6 and when typing a text, it does not do viewing word wrap by itself. If I set word wrap column, it also sends the text in the exact columns cut. Do you have any suggestions for this?00:51
dwidmann[Relic]: ah, I haven't been keeping up in the last couple years00:51
nosrednaekimmado: its good to have a separate /home00:51
madoa seperate? ... you mean "/home" on a seperate partition?00:52
madooh shame on me ... two typos :)00:53
madowell nosrednaekim ... this are some of the partitions i thought of ...00:54
mado"/media/windows" ... 10 gb -> if i need more i would resize it00:54
mado"/" ... 15 ... ext3 ... i would also resize it if i need more00:55
mado"/home" ... ? gb ... ext3 ... i would also resize this partition00:55
madoand one fat32-partition so that i can save some files there which should be accessible for linux and windows00:56
nosrednaekimhow much space do you have total?00:56
madoerm ... 146 gb00:56
nosrednaekimwindows can look at ext3, and linux can read Windows file systems00:56
madowindows and "ext3" ? ... that's some news for me00:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about et3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:57
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org00:57
nosrednaekimmado: then I would personally do it like this. 20GB for windows, 1 GB for swap, 25GB for / and the rest for /home... unless you have alot of windows games00:58
madoi will install it on my laptop ... i have not much games but i will play those on my brothers pc ;)01:00
madowhy would i need so much for "/" ?01:00
madoand why should i use the rest for "/home" ?01:00
nosrednaekim /home is where all of your personal files are stored01:01
nosrednaekimyou can probably get by with less on /  it all depends on what you are loading01:01
nosrednaekimmore programs == larger /01:01
nosrednaekimmore personal files (videos, pictures,music) == larger /home01:02
roozbehI have a qiuestion about KMail. Can anybody help me?01:02
madowell ... i don't think i would need that much space for personal files :)01:02
madoi don't have much pictures / songs01:02
nosrednaekimmado: then give more to windows01:02
madoso ... you say i should use the whole space i can use01:03
nosrednaekimof course :)01:03
madoand resizing a partition is not wise?01:03
madoi thought that if i let some space left i can resize the partition :)01:04
nosrednaekimif you have an empty disc right now, its far better to make a partition you like the first time around... resizing CAN be danguerous01:04
madouhuu ... ok ... i didn't know that01:04
nosrednaekimyou can't extend a partition01:04
nosrednaekimon shrink it01:04
dwidmann[Relic]: this is actually my first intel build .. any recommended (internet) reading material?01:05
madouhuu ... ok ... hmm *thinking*01:05
madoso ... the program you showed me ... via the link ...01:06
madoif i install it under windows i can access my linux-partitions?01:07
nosrednaekimmado: yes01:07
_dennisterk, having a perms problem: sql-ledger's faq says my webserver (owner is usually apache or www-data) has to have write permissions to the sql-ledger/users directory, which I see is currently owned by root:root, but i also see that sql-ledger/users directory is a "locked folder" and linked to /var/lib/sql-ledger/users01:07
madothat makes the "fat32"-partition unnecessary01:07
_dennisterso my question is, do i change ownership of /var/lib/sql-ledger/users? and to what? apache or www-data?01:08
_dennisterif i'm to change /usr/share/sql-ledger/users' ownership, how do i do that with a locked folder?01:08
JasonWardHi. is ntfs writing stable? apt-get automatically downloads sometimes, how do I make it ask me everytime? coz sometimes I want to check the filesize01:09
madoone more thing nosrednaekim ... does it quite stand out that english isn't my mother-tongue?01:10
nosrednaekimmado: nope :)01:10
mado:) ... thank you01:10
madoif talking in english would be as easy as writing it :)01:11
nosrednaekimJasonWard: yes, its stable01:11
nosrednaekimmado: hehe... yes that is the tough part I can write spanish decently... but I couldn't speak it for my life01:11
madomy problem is that i am quite nervous at school when we have to talk in english ...01:12
madoof course i can pronounce most of the words correctly but i feel a bit ... i think ... edgy is the word i'm looking for :)01:13
nosrednaekimenglish is supposedly a hard language.01:14
lopovhey guys, im having issues with my nvidia driver... ive installed the packages required and everything seems to work fine, but when i do glxinfo it outputs dri no and my diplay is set to 2???01:14
madomy dictionary also said i could use the word "jumpy" or "tingly" but i guess those two words are only used when you are in love with someone aren't they?01:15
JasonWardapt-get automatically downloads sometimes, how do I make it ask me everytime? coz sometimes I want to check the filesize01:15
lopovbut when i set the display path to 0 everything seems to work fine01:15
_dennisteranyone wanna tackle my webserver's ownership & perms problem?01:15
nosrednaekimJasonWard: do man apt-get ... there should be a command line witch01:15
madook ... sorry ... i know ... "off topic"01:16
waynrdudeis there a cli like cat /proc/cpuinfo for finding out info about my memory?01:16
nosrednaekimwaynrdude: free -m should do it01:16
JasonWardnosrednaekim: thanks. How do I remove entries from my kmenu?01:16
nosrednaekimJasonWard: right click->edit kmenu01:17
waynrdudenosrednaekim: is there a reason why my machine has 512 megs with only 60 free? does kubuntu take that much to run?\01:17
stdinwaynrdude: look at how much in the the cache, add that to the "free" amount to see how much is available01:18
nosrednaekimwaynrdude: check out the second line... the first line doesn't really count01:19
dwidmann[Relic]: http://lly316.blogspot.com/2008/02/core-2-quad-q9300-vs-q6600-benchmark.html01:20
Jucato!ram | waynrdude01:20
ubotuwaynrdude: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html01:20
waynrdude-/+ buffers/cache:        215        287 = 256mb?01:20
nosrednaekimwaynrdude: sounds about right01:20
madoi am not an expert but i guess that can't be ... because kubuntu ran on my eight year old computer which only had 256 mb ram01:21
waynrdudethat make more sense to how this machine acts01:21
waynrdudethanks nosrednaekim stdin01:21
nosrednaekimi'm using 538... <_<01:21
* stdin has you beat01:22
stdin-/+ buffers/cache:        708        29301:22
eixcan somebody please give me sources.list for Kubuntu 7.10?01:23
stdineix: /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list01:23
madonosrednaekim: ... can i show you my new list of partitions when i'm ready ... currently i'm chewing over it01:23
* Jucato thinks a new sources.list can be generated if the Software Properties thingy is used01:23
nosrednaekimstdin: what are you running!?01:24
nosrednaekimmado sure01:24
* Jucato is scared of mado... partition-chewer...01:24
madoJucato: ... don't be afraid ... i'm not eating any partitions :)01:24
eixany idea why smbfs package can't be installed?01:24
eixstdin: ok, thnks01:24
stdinnosrednaekim: hardy, this is my development box/laptop.01:24
stdinnosrednaekim: 01:24:10 up 21 days, 21:04,  3 users,  load average: 0.63, 0.52, 0.54 ;)01:25
Jucatomado: the fact that you're just chewing on them is scary enough :P01:25
Erickj92when i try to play Runescape, i get the "Error loading applet" message. anyone know whats up?01:25
madoi'm vegetarian ... i know that i'm eating your food's food but hopefully you understand :)01:25
dthackereix: not unless you give us error messages01:25
Jucatoeix: try installing using apt-get to see the error messages01:25
eixJucato: already doing that01:25
nosrednaekimstdin: ah yeah.... what would happen over time01:25
madorunescape? *laughing*01:25
[Relic]dwidmann, still think you would have been better off waiting for the q9450  :)01:25
eixdthacker: it says that the package is obsolete or something like that01:26
madosorry but ... nearly everywhere i went the last few days i heard someone mention "runescape"01:26
madoi guess it is a curse or something ... it follows me around :)01:26
JucatoErickj92: you might need java or something.. maybe there's a #runescape channel you can ask in01:26
Erickj92Jucato, i have java, but the java website says it out of date. how would i get the new one?01:26
madoisn't a new one in the repositories?01:27
JucatoErickj92: install sun-java6-plugin?01:27
_dennisterhey guys :) 2 of my fav helpers :)01:27
Jucatoor just install Kubuntu Restricted Extras01:27
dthackereix: apt-get and friends will *try* to do the right thing.  Maybe you should pastebin the error?01:27
Erickj92Jucato, no i think i got some odd one off apt-get01:27
madoand erm ... jucato ... why is it scarry that i am chewing on partitions?01:27
_dennisteranyone know which system owner should own httpd? apache2 isn't a valid user, apparently01:28
nosrednaekimmado: chewing == eating01:28
eixdthacker: ok..but it might not be English01:28
madoyeah ... so?01:29
Jucatonosrednaekim: you eat gum? :P01:29
Jucatoanyway.. offtopic heheh01:29
madook ok01:29
madoeveryone who wants some bubble or chewing gum :) come and follow me :)01:29
dwidmann[Relic]: probably, but I was half impatient, 1/4 nervous wreck, 1/4 nervous, and 100% impulsive01:30
madooops ... i guess "anyone" is the correct "*one"-word?01:30
dthacker_dennister: www-data01:30
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stdinmado: both work there01:30
[Relic]dwidmann, in that case you want to impulsively buy my wishlist and send it here  :)01:30
madothank goodness! .901:30
dwidmann[Relic]: I'm impulsively broke01:31
dwidmann[Relic]: I just ordered my list at about 4am01:31
_dennisterdthacker: ty...i just tried that, but confirmation i'm on the right track helps01:32
[Relic]dwidmann, ok, reroute it here and buy your self a nice new one with better parts   :)01:32
[Relic]dwidmann, have fun with it  :)01:33
dthacker_dennister: what are you trying to accomplish?01:33
martin_hello good evening!01:33
Erickj92Jucato, still having issues with runescape loading even after updating Java plugin01:35
yovani'm just testing01:35
JucatoErickj92: hm.. what browser are you using?01:35
madonosrednaekim: ... do you use the program you showed me yourself?01:35
Erickj92Jucato, FireFox 201:35
dthackeryovan: seems to be working :)01:35
yovani'm french01:36
nosrednaekimmado: no I do not.... I have not used windows in 5 years01:36
_dennisterdthacker: i'm having real probs installing sql-ledger on what will be a headless server01:36
yovanand new to kubuntu01:36
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:36
slewhen i installed kubuntu i didnt have it co nnected to the internet now adept installer greys everything out how do i turn i ton01:36
nosrednaekimsle: go to Manage repositories in the adept menu and enable them all01:37
slethanks nosrednaekim01:37
madouhuu ... ok ... well ... unfortunately i have to use it on my notebook ... i need it at school01:38
yovanhey guys can anybody help me about installing shockwave on kubuntu gutsy?01:38
madofor linux?01:38
dthacker_dennister: good luck! I've just verified that www-data is the stock apache user.01:38
_dennisterdthacker: no matter what i do, tho, i can't login as the superuser; all i ever get is error! users/members problem, and the sql-ledger faq says this about write permissions01:38
madosince when? *big eyes*01:38
yovani don't know if it is possible01:39
nosrednaekimyovan: install the package "flashplugin-nonfree"01:39
dthacker_dennister: do you mean the superuser of sql-ledger, the super user of mysql, or the super user of the OS?01:39
yovani did01:39
yovanit works01:39
madoyovan: i am not an expert but i heard there wasn't shockwave for linux01:39
_dennisterit seems lots of other people have trouble with sql-ledger...i mean the superuser of sql-ledger01:39
yovanbut on some sites it needs shockwave01:40
madoflash works ... but shockwave?01:40
Erickj92Jucato, any ideas why its not working? I had issues with Java on Gentoo also01:40
_dennisteri need to get in somehow to get the first database setup, but i can't if the su i created is denied all access01:40
nosrednaekimwhats the difference?01:40
JucatoErickj92: not really. sorry... might be some firefox-java setup01:40
madoyovan: ...01:41
madoUnlike Flash, the Shockwave browser plugin is not available for Linux or Solaris despite vocal lobbying efforts01:41
dthacker_dennister: can you access mysql at the command line?01:41
Erickj92is there a firefox channel i might ask in? or a java channel?01:41
madoquoting wikipedia01:41
dwidmann[Relic]: I hope I will. I hope the !@#$!@#$ thing works when all is said and done too01:41
yovanthanks man01:41
_dennisterdthacker: yes, i can, but sql-ledger actually uses postgres01:41
madoyovan: ... wait!01:41
madoHowever, the Shockwave Player can be installed on Linux with CrossOver or by running a Windows version of a supported browser in Wine01:41
JucatoErickj92: #firefox I thik01:41
dthacker_dennister: you've just left the boundaries of my expertise. sorry :)01:42
sonoftheclayrHello all I just recieved a wireless mouse and am trying to set it up. Does anybody know how to does this and if so could they please help out01:42
yovanyes i herad of that01:42
dthackerI *want* to play with Postgres, but haven't had time01:42
yovanbut it is not linux...01:42
yovani don't like wine01:42
* dthacker must....resist...bad...beer....joke....01:43
gttmy kcontrol applet for disks and filesystem doesntwork01:43
_dennisterdthacker: i know what u mean...i've been wanting to try this sql-ledger for a long time, but there were probs with an out-of-date postgres dependency in the repositories...now i really need swl-ledger's inventory module01:43
yovana,d one more thing guys . i want to put all my downloads on a windows partition.01:44
madodthacker: ... that sounds like the guy in "anger managment" ... the guy who curses when his favorite sports team loses a game01:44
gttI get this error : the module Disks and Filesystem could not be loaded01:44
yovani use ntfs-config01:44
dthacker_dennister: sorry I can't help, stop by offtopic and ping me if you get it going.  I'm married to this window's loving accountant.....01:45
ere4siseems I can't run konsole without any border...01:45
_dennisterthe other inventory programs available seem to be way too huge, enterprise-level, and i need to keep track of hardware components in the used-pc-building.............ok i will, not a great accountant here01:45
dthackerere4si: I agree, you can't01:49
ere4sidthacker: just been googling it and there's alot of people asking for it...01:49
* dthacker hugs his Konsole. Tabs are cool!01:50
_dennisterdthacker: OMG...think i'm finally past the ownership/users problem...onto more configs :)...maybe i'll have a successful sql-ledger installation soon :) yayyyyyy!01:50
dwidmanndthacker: yakuake ftw01:51
Erickj92am I able to update Kubuntu to 8.1 through terminal?01:51
nosrednaekimErickj92: you mean 8.04?01:52
nosrednaekimErickj92: yes01:52
Erickj92umm yeah01:52
Erickj92sorry my bad01:52
* dthacker runs off to look at yakuake01:52
Erickj92nosrednaekim, so it can be done without formatting my hard drive and everything?01:52
turkeyNeckanyone running ubuntu on virtualbox?01:53
nosrednaekimErickj92: sure01:53
dwidmannErickj92: sudo -s; sed -i /etc/apt/sources.list -e "s/gutsy/hardy/g"; apt-get dist-upgrade; ............ or some such01:53
Erickj92lol dwidmann, right over my head01:53
turkeyNeckgot a question regarding screen resolution with kubuntu and virtualbox01:53
stdinErickj92: hardy is still in development, do don't expect a fully working system (or even a working system)01:54
Erickj92stdin, i was mainly waiting for the final release. i was just wondering if it could be done01:55
madoa pity one of my friends isn't here turkeyNeck ... but i guess the other guys can help you too01:55
stdinErickj92: then there will be one command "sudo do-release-upgrade" (when it's out)01:55
Erickj92ok, sweet01:55
Erickj92oh BTW Jucato, i got Runescape to work. i selected another signed aplet at the detail page.01:56
turkeyNeckthe kde display manager doesn't show any higher resolution than 800x600. can anyone shed light into this? i have the VBox guest additions installed01:56
nosrednaekimturkeyNeck: just ask01:56
Erickj92turkeyNeck, could it be outdated drivers, or no drivers?01:56
nosrednaekimturkeyNeck: do you have it set to auto set resultion or whatever?01:56
turkeyNecknosrednaekim: auto set resolution hasn't been set01:58
johanhi, is there a way to disable eth0 so it will not show up in "ifconfig" ?01:58
madoerm guys ... i heard there was function ... i don't know what it is called but ... if you choose this function the notebook will not shutdown but write some files (from ram?) on your hard-disk so that you can continue your work if you forgot to charge the battery ...01:58
nosrednaekimturkeyNeck: its somethere in the Vbox menu.. but I can't remember where.... you may also have to set kubuntuto use the Vbox x driver.... in any case, the best place to ask is 3vbox01:59
nosrednaekimmado: suspend01:59
madowhat is the function called? / and does it write the files on swap?01:59
nosrednaekimor hibernate01:59
nosrednaekimhibernate writes files to swap, suspends writes them to RAM01:59
madowhich files does hibernate write to swap?01:59
nosrednaekimmado: the contents of the RAM02:00
turkeyNecknosrednaekim: k. thx for the info02:00
nosrednaekim#vbox, sorry02:00
turkeyNeckheh, yeah i figured02:00
madoso ok ... i guess that means i should use at least as much swap as i have ram?02:00
nosrednaekimmado: correct, the standard amount is about 1.5 times your RAM02:01
madohmmm ok ... then i will use 5 gb swap02:01
madobecause i have 3 gb ram02:01
nosrednaekimmado: dang.. thats a ton of ram :)02:02
Jucatonosrednaekim: is that still applicable? I mean, imho it's indirectly proportional to RAM02:02
madowell ... yeah ... my notebook is a newer than my pc02:02
nosrednaekimJucato: for hibernate? certainly....you can't hibernate if you have less swap then ram02:02
madodarn ... the 'a' shouldn't be there ... sorry02:02
Jucatonosrednaekim: really? oh...02:03
* Jucato didn't know that about hibernate02:03
Jucatoalthough I couldn't suspend in hardy either (last I tried002:03
nonewmsgsshouldnt hibranate work if most of ram is empty?02:05
nosrednaekimnonewmsgs: i'm not sure actually.... but all I know is that you do that to be safe02:05
nonewmsgsnosrednaekim, it does make a lot of sense02:06
madoerm ... when "hibernate" writes files from ram to your "swap"-partition in kubuntu ... what kind of files does "suspend" write?02:06
nosrednaekimmado: suspend is entirely different.... that just freezes the contents of your ram.02:07
nonewmsgsan RITer! one of my best friends in college did a year in RIT02:07
pyro17nonewmsgs what about rit02:07
nonewmsgspyro17, it just brings back pleasant college memories02:07
pyro17look at my hostname02:08
ejmaugh..whenever I need help, #ubuntu has way too many users, while #kubuntu has the right amount of traffic and brains.02:08
nonewmsgsejm agreed02:08
ejmanyway, I have a compaq laptop with an atheros wifi NIC.02:08
nosrednaekimejm: oooo atheros... my favorite :)02:09
ejmI'd like to get it working. would it work automatically after I install? or not?02:09
nonewmsgsusually ejm02:09
ejmor do I have to ndiswrapp it?02:09
nonewmsgsejm sometimes you have to but most of them work fine out-of-the-box or with a few madwifi commands02:09
ejmbecause I can live w/o wifi on it.02:09
nonewmsgssee if it works with the livecd02:10
nosrednaekimejm: depends on the model.... usually, if atheros'don't work right away,they won't work at all.02:10
nosrednaekim(except with ndiswrapper)02:10
nosrednaekimthey work VERY well with ndiswrapper02:10
ejmbest buy needs a bit more selection if I get one from them again.02:10
ejmmaybe an IBM, or leveno02:10
nonewmsgsi buy a lot of netgear cards all with atheros and i have had good luck with them02:10
ejmI'll try it then..this is going to take a while as vista is preinstalled..maybe I should dump the trial software before I partiiton everything.02:11
ejmthat'd take a while.02:11
nosrednaekimyeah, I researched the card I got for my desktop and it works perfectly02:11
madonosrednaekim: i'm nearly ready02:12
Strogolubuntu br02:12
ejmwhich card is it?02:12
Strogolubuntu pt-br??02:12
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:12
nosrednaekimejm: netgear I think... TL221 or seomthing like that02:13
ejmdang...they probably have that one there!02:13
nosrednaekimI got this one off of Newegg for like $1502:13
ejmIf only I was in boise and not twin falls. idaho.02:13
ejmok, I'll go start partitioning. thanks for the input.02:14
nonewmsgswhat kind of chipset do you recomend?02:16
nosrednaekimor INtel02:17
nosrednaekimjust make sure you get the right one02:17
nonewmsgsoh yes intel but they only deal with built-ins02:17
madonosrednaekim: ... do you know how good the tool works you showed me?02:23
madoor does any other one know more about it?02:23
nosrednaekimmado: I have heard that it works perfectly fine02:23
madook :)02:24
ejmdang it! HP disabled overclocking the AMD cpu!02:25
ejmThat's like 1/2 the reason I got it!02:25
ejmI went into the bios, and there's no options for overclocking, or doing anything except for some virtuilization crap that I'll never use.02:26
kgoetzyou seem supprised02:26
kgoetzdesktop or server?02:26
ejmyes and no.02:26
ejmit's a laptop02:26
nosrednaekimoh... you can't overclock laptops normally!02:27
nosrednaekimonless you get like an ASUS02:27
kgoetzheh. not sure overclocking a laptop is a good move *grin*02:27
ejmI'm not suprised because HP and compaq could get sued by a lot of people. but it'd be nice for us who like to live on the linux side.02:27
madoand erm ... i heard it was possible to read / write / delete / alter / ... files on NTFS-partitions with kubuntu 7.10 ... is this true?02:27
ejmyeah, I'd only do it for a few minutes, then probably go back to what it was.02:27
ejmi'm not sure02:28
ejmI know you can read02:28
ejmthat sounded just plain mean02:28
nosrednaekimmado: yep... this is true02:28
ejmyou can read an NTFS partition, but I've never tried writing.02:28
kgoetzyou can write02:29
madowhy mean?02:29
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:29
madothanks nosrednaekim ... kgoetz02:29
ejmI said I know you can read. If there was some brainless person, they'd think I was saying you could read, like read a book or read a sign.02:29
ejmok, time to get the partitioning started.02:30
jhutchinsIf you bought a system that can be overclocked significantly, chances are you paid more then you would have paid for a system that runs at the "overclocked" speed in the first place.02:30
nosrednaekimjhutchins: LOL...++02:30
madois it allowed to use this symbol '_' in the middle of two words when you create a partition?02:32
kgoetzmado: not sure. in the label perhaps02:33
nosrednaekimmado: for the mount point?02:33
madowell ... /media/abc_xyz ... for example02:34
nosrednaekimmado: thats fine02:34
madoand when isn't it allowed?02:34
nosrednaekimit always is...02:34
nosrednaekimjust wasn't sure what you were askin02:34
madowell ... i want to create "/media/abc_xyz" when i install linux02:35
ejmyeah, when I overclock my sempron, it seems to go slower than when it's at normal speed02:35
nosrednaekimmado: yeah, thats fine02:36
nosrednaekimmado:  I have to go.... good luck :)02:37
nosrednaekimmado: oh, and install windows before you install linux, it makes things easier02:37
madocan you wait just a sec ...02:37
ejmfirefox is at version now.02:37
madoi have it ready now ...02:37
madothe sizes02:37
madoor is anybody in here too who can help me to tell me if this was a good idea?02:38
kgoetzmado: if you need to ask about something, simply ask about it ;)02:40
ejmfor wat?02:40
kgoetzif you need to paste usea pastebin02:40
ejmwhat? not wat02:40
madook ... well ... here we go ...02:40
ejmyou guys ever get an email from Randy white?02:40
madothe hard disk's size is 146 gb totally02:42
fridahola buenas noches02:42
fridaalguien habla español02:42
fridano o creo cierto02:42
madoand i thought about some partitions ...02:42
ejmhow much ram do you have?02:43
madoerm ... 3 gb02:43
ejmany more partitions?02:43
ejmcause it sounds good02:43
ejmlooks great02:43
madowell ... it took me about an hour to think about it :)02:44
ejmwhat are you doing? just setting it up for linux the first time?02:44
ejmit took me longer when I first dual-booted.02:44
madobecause i thought about all the programs i need at school ... they only run under windows02:44
ejmyeah, that looks good.02:45
kgoetzmado: please dont paste in here02:45
kgoetz!es | frida02:45
ubotufrida: En este canal, solamente hablamos ingles. Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:45
ejmpending on the distro, I'd go with 20gb or bigger, but that's just with other linuxes.02:45
madowell ... it is my first time i install a dual-boot system on my own computer ... some months ago i installed linux for my father too because he wanted to see it ... but i didn't think so much about it then02:46
madowell ... i wanted to use kubuntu 7.10 ...02:46
_dennisterman this sql-ledger is a bia**ch!02:46
madomaybe 8.04 with the old kde when it is out ...02:46
ejm16gb should be enough for / .02:46
Y-Townis there a way t make the number pad turn on during boot?  before kde fires up?  I have it enabled to be on when KDE comes up but im looking for earlier....02:46
ejmhit next or whatever lol02:46
_dennister<----is thinking of writing a howto to install this thing.....02:47
ejmhit shift and num lock02:47
ejmoh wait!02:47
madowell ejm ... first of all i have to finish the windows-installation02:47
ejmyeah there's a way02:47
madopardon me ejm ?02:47
ejmi was talking to someone else about the shift and num lock thing02:47
ejmyou're fine mando02:47
madouhuu ... ok ... sorry02:47
Y-Town<--- someone else   :o)02:47
ejmok...that makes your keypad become a mouse...lol02:48
mado*smiling* nice to meet you Y-Town alias someone else :)02:48
ejmit's really easy to do, and I can't remember how to do it.02:48
Y-Townmado: dito02:48
madoerm ... guys ...02:48
ejmgoogle will be useful in a sec02:48
ejmY-Town, check your BIOS settings.02:49
ejmthat's the way I know of right off my head.02:49
madowho of you learned english as mother-tongue? ... (i'm sorry i can't phrase this sentence correctly)02:50
Y-Townejm: Ok.. I will check into it02:50
madoyeah ... ok ...02:50
madoerm ... when you read my nickname here ... mado ...02:50
madodo you read it like "mad o" ?02:50
madook :)02:51
ejmyeah, I read it like mad o or "mad uh"02:51
madomaybe this was the correct sentence ... who of you is a native english speaker? ... ejm ?02:52
ejmYes, I am.02:52
madonah ... i wanted to know if this was the correct saying02:52
madoif you ask somebody what his mother-tongue was02:53
madohow do you ask somebody this question?02:53
pyro_17what is your native language02:53
madothanks pyro_17 !02:53
ejmgoing brain dead..need to jump to #gentoo for a bit. that'll make me feel like a little fish in hot water.02:53
madowell ... as you now can see ... english isn't my mother-tongue02:54
madoejm: ... why?02:54
pyro_17indeed not02:54
Alucard_Hellsingsorry to interupt. but i was wondering if anyone here knew some who goes by the name of StateofTrance02:54
madopyro_17: ??02:54
madocan you explain that to me why you said "indeed not"?02:55
pyro_17you said "well ... as you now can see ... english isn't my mother-tongue"02:55
pyro_17i agreed02:55
madook :) thank you02:56
ejmI sit too much in front of a computer. that's why mado02:56
madouhuu ... i know this habit but i'm not telling you why *whistling* :)02:57
madoand one more thing ejm ... and you other guys out there ... i don't know how mado could be pronounced correctly ... but mado stands for "mario do***" ... my name :)02:58
Alucard_Hellsingi guess not....  well then could any one here help me to conect to the morpheus irc server02:58
madoAlucard_Hellsing: ... i am sorry ... i am new around here ... when i see this person you were talking about i tell her / him that you wanted to talk to her / him02:59
ejmsweet name mado03:01
ejmok you atheros nuts! I rebooted, and it's not finding a wireless signal, much less a wlan003:01
madowell thank you ... :)03:01
ejmcan I kick and screen like the people that call dell?03:01
madoAlucard_Hellsing: ...03:02
madoi found a website ...03:02
madoit says this room morpheus ...03:02
madoit's in "P2PChat"03:02
madobless you!03:02
Alucard_Hellsingyes ty03:03
orehonI using Kubuntu 7.10 and I have a problem with bluetooth... I can send a file from my laptop to my cellphone... but I can not send a file from my celphone to my laptop or browser the cellphone files... How can help me?03:03
madono problem ... i don't know what it is but i hope you find what you are looking for03:03
madoAlucard_Hellsing: ...03:04
madohttp://irc.netsplit.de/webchat/?net=P2PChat&room=%23Morpheus ... here!03:04
madothere is a web-applet!03:04
Alucard_Hellsingty vm03:04
madooh dear guys ... i am very sorry but i have to go now03:16
madoi hope to see you soon03:17
madogood bye03:18
madoand thank you very much for your help03:18
orehonI using Kubuntu 7.10 and I have a problem with bluetooth... I can send a file from my laptop to my cellphone... but I can not send a file from my celphone to my laptop or browser the cellphone files... Anyone can help me?03:19
_dennisterkgoetz: hey there :) making some progress on this thing...:)03:23
dekhow can I make OpenSSH server not start at startup (that it has to be started manually after booting)?03:24
kgoetz_dennister: :)03:26
_dennisteri think i have to write-up a howto for this bia**ch of a sql-ledger tho, 'cuz the documentation sucks03:27
=== ldoran is now known as MasterLee
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foibleshi there03:39
foiblescan someone help me mount my /dev/hda1?03:39
foiblesits not doing it03:39
K`zanAnyone know what is going on with k3b?  Thought my DVD/RW had gone bad and ordered another only to find out that they both work fine with nero under wincrap :-(.03:39
foiblesthats my fstab03:39
_dennisterK`zan: i've been having probs with k3b myself, and the underlying cdrdao...i think it's a bug with the latest updates03:40
_dennisterbut i haven't looked it up yet03:40
K`zan_dennister: Something def wrong with some element, tried google and it was a ZOO :-(.03:41
K`zanApparently going on for a while now :(03:41
K`zanOne solution is to make and iso on a wincrap partition and use nero to burn it.  Sucks, but is better than making tgz files and sending those over.03:42
_dennisterluckily i don't have to burn dvd's very often...busy working on this headless fileserver :) almost done...if i can get the bi*ch of a sql-ledger finished installing03:43
K`zanLOL, heard good things about that sql_ledger.03:44
K`zanI just use it for backups mostly.03:44
_dennisterfoibles: i took a look at the pastebin...does it mount at bootup?03:45
K`zanNot sure what to do, someone said the entertainment mafia paid them to screw it up, not sure I believe that though.03:45
foibles_dennister, no03:45
foibles_dennister, i have to do it manually03:45
foiblesthe uuid is correct03:45
foiblesi just think i don't have the commands right03:45
_dennisterK`zan: u heard "good" thiings"? about using it, or installing it?03:45
K`zanI always replace that uuid crap with the dev entry, works for me...03:46
compilerwriterHelp Opera keeps complaining that it can't find the java plugin I have tried several things I have found online and not gotten the issue fixed.03:46
K`zan_dennister: Using it.  Got a friend down under that runs his business off it, or at least was from what I gathered.03:46
K`zanHe didn't indicate a problem installing it IIRC.03:47
_dennisterfoibles: i see u have 'user' as an option...but uid and gid specifies you, 1000, instead of root, and root needs to mount it at bootup, but isn't allowed03:47
_dennisterK`zan: who installed it for ur friend?03:47
foibles_dennister, won't that just make the whole drive only root accessable?03:47
K`zanHe did, considering where he is (a million miles from anywhere :-).03:48
_dennisterfoibles: not quite, not if u use 'users' as the fstab option, and make sure that you have a group called users with yourself and root as part of that group03:48
K`zanWell, sigh, I guess I need to create a huge wincrap partition for creating ISOs on so I can burn them using nero :-(.03:49
_dennisterK`zan: we need some better documentation than what exists for it...which distro does he use?03:49
K`zanMy backups are as old as I am comfortable with them being.03:49
K`zan_dennister: gentoo last I heard.03:49
dekhow can I edit the list of daemons that run at startup?03:50
foibles_dennister, isn't that default?03:50
foibleswhats default uid for root again?03:51
_dennisteri c...i have a working gentoo installation on my htpc upstairs, but installation, maintenance, and compilation take sooooooo long with gentoo, my isntallation hasn't had much luvin' lately03:51
K`zanfoibles: 0:003:51
dwidmannwow, so fewer interupts in hardy x86_64 ... I have it down to 135/s03:52
_dennisterK`zan: could u help foibles here? i'm not the best helper in the world...i sometimes give users a bum steer, so i try to write things down rather than give live help...i forget what default is in relation to fstab options03:52
foibles_dennister, thanks none the less03:53
K`zan_dennister: foibles: OK, what I would do is use one of the lines there hacked to the partition I want and once it mounts on boot, hack to suit...03:54
K`zanless /etc/fstab03:54
foiblesK`zan, http://pastebin.com/m18dab21c03:54
foiblesthats my fstab03:55
dbrickCould one of you guys tell when what i need to edit so kde wont load on start up?03:55
_dennisterlol @ K`zan i don't even follow that... and i think foibles might be newbier than I :-)03:55
K`zanfoibles: This is what I use for my vmware partiton, it works:  /dev/sda6               /home/vmware            ext3    defaults        0 203:56
K`zanI own everything on that partition (me the user, not me root :-).03:57
_dennisterthat's better :)03:57
foiblesK`zan, so just put default?03:58
foiblesand the 2 option03:58
foibles_dennister, i concur with your statements03:58
K`zanBe aware that there is something strange with ubuntu where sometimes it will not mount on boot and other times it appears not to mount, but it is actually mounted.03:58
K`zanYes.  Confusing :).03:58
K`zandefaults works fine for me and the 0 2 is just the sequence to check the drive.03:59
K`zanIIRC :)03:59
foiblesK`zan, ill try it03:59
K`zanGood luck with it, make sure you mod it to what partition and type you want to mount.04:00
foiblesK`zan, what exactly do you mean by "mod"04:00
K`zanchange the /dev/sda6 and ext3 to whatever partition and type you have.04:01
foiblesK`zan, ah, right04:01
K`zan  /dev/hda1               /media/hda1            ext3    defaults        0 204:01
K`zanI think :-)04:02
K`zanmake sure /media/hda1 exists...04:02
Frederickfolks have anyone here ever used hibernate relational persistence for java in ubuntu? isnt there a package for it?04:03
MrJoeyWhere do I find the list for the major and minor to supply for mknod ?04:05
K`zanI always look at those values in /dev :-)04:06
foiblesK`zan, it exists04:06
K`zanafter you put it in fstab and save it, try: mount /media/hda1 and see what happens04:06
Frederickfolks is it my impression or tghe last kubuntu is releasing a lot of new packages updates everyday?04:07
FrederickI have like 98 ackages to updare and ive update like 4 days ago04:07
K`zanFrederick: Sometimes it happens like that...04:08
pleasethankyouhow can i install nvidia driver in ubuntu from the offcial and latest one?04:09
TeslaTony pleasethankyou: NVidia usually has them available for download off their website04:10
K`zanNight folks!04:11
pleasethankyouTeslaTony yes but it tells me excuses like i have to log into terminal 3 or soemthing and no x allowed while insalling04:12
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lanoxxwhats the name of that handy tool to view diskpsace usage on ubuntu, can i install it on kubuntu?04:17
ere4siI just use   df -h   in konsole04:18
foiblesdf -h is very handy indeed04:18
foiblesas is locate04:18
foiblessomething i didn't know existed for the longest time04:18
lanoxxdf -h |sort -n is better04:18
foiblesanyone else have any handy commands they want to confess to?04:18
lanoxxstill sometimes a gui makes things a bit handier04:18
* DOOM_NX good morning all! :)04:28
pleasethankyoui want to isntall latest nivdia but it tells me excuses like i have to log into terminal 3 or something and no x allowed while installing04:29
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WoxdeeI have a directory on an NTFS partiton I have write permission to, named "Torrent downloaded from demonoid.com.txt", which I can't delete nor rename, I just get "no such file/directory" when I try.  How can I get it deleted?04:36
pat5starWoxdee: are you escaping the spaces?04:37
WoxdeeYessir, even tried 'rm -Rf *' both within and outside the directory it resides in.04:38
WoxdeeEqually undoable from a GUI file commander.04:38
pat5starWoxdee: I'm not sure then, I don't work with ntfs much, hopefully someone else can help04:39
ere4siWoxdee: in that dir do   ls    then copy/paste the file as ls shows it, put quotes around it, then   sudo rm -f it04:41
foibles"Mac: the worlds most advanced operating system is here!"04:42
foiblesgood jeezus, lets all get a mac, it must be true!04:42
Woxdeeere4si: Already tried that, just gives "no such file or directory"04:43
TeslaTonyfoibles: Are they backing that statement up with anything?04:44
Woxdeehehe.  Mac even outdoes microsoft when it comes to hyping it's products.04:44
foiblesTeslaTony, only the "hi im a pc, im a mac" advertisement04:44
foiblesi can't stand mac04:44
foiblesits very hard for me to use04:44
TeslaTonyfoibles: Because right now I'm seeing the first episode of Space Invader Zim: "It's advanced!"04:44
pat5starfoibles: I love those commercials tho, they were brilliant :)04:45
foiblesTeslaTony, heh04:45
TeslaTonyI rather like Macintosh. Apple has yet to make a claim (directly) that wasn't completely untrue. Their fanbase, on the other hand...04:46
foiblesto the non-technical person ill bet all the flash really does make it amazing04:46
TeslaTonyMy problem with Mac is that their computers don't do what I need them to04:46
Woxdeehmm...  I should correct my statement; they're the king of creating a hyped-up fanbase.04:46
TeslaTonyHyped-up? That's all?04:46
TeslaTonyI was thinking "Foaming at the mouth and probably rabid"04:47
pat5starI'm afraid to buy a mac. everyone I know that owns one has become diehard obsessive about them, I don't want to turn into an apple zombie :)04:47
* pat5star is the pot calling the kettle black when it comes to linux04:48
TeslaTonyYeah...scary thing about Linux users and being fanatics is that they frequently have facts to back them up...04:49
WoxdeeWhat I hear more than anything fromt the macnatics is that they're 1) pretty, and 2) streamlined and tend to do everything for you.04:52
TeslaTonyWhich works for my parents rather nicely04:52
WoxdeeWell, ever since they switched to posix-based OSX I have to admit they've become slightly alluring...04:54
TeslaTonyI'm a huge fan of having lots of available choices04:55
TeslaTonyKnow your application, then apply the right hardware/software solution04:55
TeslaTonyfamily: Jo04:56
familyhow is everybody doing  tonight?04:56
WoxdeeAs far as this segment of everyone goes.04:57
TeslaTonyWe were about to have our ritual sacrifice of a goat to the great god Foss04:57
TeslaTonyCare to join?04:57
familythis unduntu had to be the easiest install i have ever done.04:57
WoxdeeThe goat food gawd.04:57
TeslaTonywe're having goatburgers afterwards04:57
familynice - lol04:57
* TeslaTony laughs04:57
Woxdeegoat-cheese goat burgers04:57
TeslaTonyI was having a lot of fun looking stuff up and talking to people while installing my OS...the LiveCD is fantastic04:58
familywooly burgers - lol04:58
familywhat distro are you running - kunbuntu ? unbuntu?04:59
TeslaTonyHrm...goat patty...feta cheese...yoghurt..cucumber...olives...this may be a smash hit!04:59
TeslaTonyI'm running Ubuntu with the kubuntu-desktop package installed (so, essentially, a chimera)05:00
WoxdeeOdd as it may seem, it does sound good.05:00
familyyep sure does.05:00
familyis  it the gutsy gibbon?05:01
familyWTF  man remove your nick - your just asking for issues05:01
TeslaTonyYou know what one of the big things that got me hooked on Linux was? Krecipes. It is hands down the best recipe manager I have ever run across...including a few that you have to pay a good amount of money for05:01
familyso we have a chef05:02
WoxdeeI thought I knew all the cool kde-applications there was to know for me.05:02
WoxdeeI have to see this.05:02
TeslaTonyIf you like cooking, try it05:02
familyhey chef how many primary elements are there?05:02
TeslaTonyI used it to manage catering a wedding05:03
WoxdeeAlready installing it.05:03
familyoh no man my suse distro has these apps beat hands down - but  this seems to be pretty clean i noticed the amarok is back - dont like  that sound app.05:03
WoxdeeNutrient info import function.05:04
TeslaTonyOne part that's really nice is if you want to make a particular menu--say chicken soup, ceasar salad, rice pudding, eggplant parmesan and fruit punch--you can tell it to make a shopping list05:05
pleaseandthankyocan i install ubuntu edubun xunbu kubuntu at the same time?05:05
Woxdeepleaseandthankyo: You could have them all on the same machine, but installing them simultaneously might be very tricky ;)05:05
TeslaTonyBefore you export the list, though, you tell it which ingredients you already have, and it lets you remove them from the list05:06
matt1728does anyone know how to make the K-Menu transparent?05:06
Daisuke_Idonot tricky, just install each -desktop package05:06
Daisuke_Idoxubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, etc05:06
familynot usually a good idea to install o/s 's at same time but if your actually asking about a dual boot - it should work but you might run into issues.05:06
WoxdeeOh, I thought he meant installing them as seperate os'es.05:06
pleaseandthankyowhy doesn't everyone do that05:07
TeslaTonypleasedanthankyou: Yes you can, I've done it, but xfce has some issues with gnome because of using different video rendering engines. If you want to keep it to KDE/Gnome, that seems to be OK, because that's what I have now05:07
familyanyone know how to init the samba service on the gutsy gibbon  7.10   to see a  win partition ?05:07
pleaseandthankyoTeslaTony so installed xbuntu and edubuntu how can both use kde?05:08
Odd-rationaleCould someone help me with dynamic dns? I have an account at dyndns.com but I'm not sure I know how to use it...05:08
familysure man all you need to do is to  put in the IP of  the machine where your putting up your web server.05:09
familynight all have to crash - peace out - later!05:09
Woxdeematt1728: Go to System Settings, click Appearance, go to Style and enter the 'Effects' tab.  From there you can choose 'Menu Effect' and set it to 'make translucent'.05:09
Woxdeenite family05:09
Odd-rationalefamily: I thought you were going to help me... :( J/K!05:10
michaelanyone have experience with wine + gecko?05:10
Woxdeematt1728: Not that Compiz has a better way of making menus transparent, so if you're going to use that you should disable KDE's way of doing it.05:11
Woxdeemichael: Some with wine.05:11
michaelThere seems to be some recent problem, where once you run wine gecko www.whatever.com05:11
michaelit leaves the gecko window up, blank, doing nothing, it's frozen05:12
michaelSo when I either run the command again, or use Steam (which depends on gecko for emulated browsing capabilities) I get blank pages/crashing05:12
TeslaTonyWoxdee: I'm using the KDE menu transparencies with Compiz with little to no trouble right now...although getting Compiz to behave last night was a headache...05:12
Woxdeeheh, tell me about headache..  I have an ATI card :p05:12
tomahasamootI'm expirmenting with CrossOver Games, and it tells me that my nVidia driver is out of date... but there's no newer driver in apt-get05:13
tomahasamootshould I try to get an update from nVidia?05:13
michaelI never use apt-get for nvidia drivers05:13
Woxdeemichael: Really hard to say what the issue is, as I don't use Gecko.  But when it comes to wine, functionality is still a bit of a gamble.05:13
michaelyou have to use the nvidia blob from their website05:13
tomahasamootmichael: so what do you sugest?05:14
ubuntuhello, everybody05:14
Woxdee'lo ubuntu05:14
tomahasamootmichael: does it work well?05:14
michael@toma, you need a bit of experience, but using the binary blob from Nvidia, you can run just about anything05:14
WoxdeeTeslaTony: Thanks for pointing it out to me, this program is a bulls-eye.05:14
ubuntuI am installing kubuntu8.04 from disk now.05:14
michaelI personally need it to run Team Fortress 2, and things that require REAL 3D acceleration05:14
michael@toma, It works perfect, but it's not problem free :\05:15
michael, once you get it working05:15
ubuntuand it's 87% now , I'm execting.05:15
Woxdee..you can get Steam working in Wine now?05:15
michaelSteam works 100%05:15
TeslaTonyI've been hearing about steam for a while now05:15
michaelI'm having problems with Gecko (needed to use Steam's built in browser"05:16
michaelThe winehq channel doesn't have anyone active currently...05:16
michaelI take that back, steam doesn't work perfectly, it always detects your pointer about 8 to 10 pixels above where it actually is05:17
michaelmaking navigating steam a huge headache05:17
michaelIt's a piece of rubbish as it is, this just makes it worse. :\05:17
WoxdeeSo we've gone from 100% to "rubbish" ;p05:17
michaelProgram design and speed05:18
Woxdeehm, yeah05:18
WoxdeeIt's slow even in Windows for me.05:18
TeslaTonyQuick question: Does anyone have a quick link or suggestion for upnp?05:18
TeslaTonyI want to get upnp up and running for my xbox and archos 60505:19
Woxdeeer.. lemme see, I was doing read-up on upnp a while back.05:19
TeslaTonyBonus points if it includes something that lets me access it over the internet, but that might be a different problem05:19
Woxdeemeh, I obviously left that bookmark folder on my trashed partition.05:19
ubuntuyear, it's 98% now, later I will have kubuntu8.04 beta.05:20
michaelThat's what I wanted to ask05:20
michaelif ... Hardy Heron? is out05:20
michaelor what it's final release date is?05:20
ere4silate april05:21
ubuntuI install from disk, not from CD.05:21
michaelapt-get dist-upgrade, I assume?05:21
TeslaTonySweet. How's 8.04 looking so far?05:21
ubuntuNo, I download a iso file05:21
ubuntubye, I reboot now.05:22
michaelAnyone else use KDE 4 yet?05:23
Woxdeemichael: I've tried ;)05:24
jujimufuI have Gutsy installed, how do I upgrade to the beta version of Hurdy without re-installing kubuntu?05:24
michaelI hated KDE4, it was really wonky05:24
michaelI didn't use it more than like twice, but I didn't like it while I did05:24
Odd-rationalemichael: I holding on to kde3. But kde4 does look promising. maybe in 8.10 or 9.04 the latest.05:25
michael@Odd, I have high hopes for it, but it seemed equally as confusing as vista to use05:26
WoxdeeI know the arguments for it are good, but I still think it was a mistake to call it 4.005:26
WoxdeeIt's not stable or finished.05:26
michaelI didn't like how it behaved05:26
michaelit still felt unusable05:26
WoxdeeAnd a lot of basic stuff, like simple configuration settings for heaps of things, was missing last I checked.05:26
Odd-rationalemichael: or unused to it... ;)05:26
WoxdeeLooks very promising, though, I'll say that.05:26
WoxdeeI haven't used it since the first two weeks after the 4.0 release, though.  Perhaps it's come ahead since.05:27
michael@Odd, indeed, like all good interfaces, things take getting used to05:27
Odd-rationaleI still like kde better than gnome. But that is my opinion. I've heard of people swithing de because of kde4.05:27
TeslaTonyHow much of the trouble with KDE4 comes from a) interface changes, and b) software not being up to speed just yet?05:28
michael@Odd, gah, sounds like Windows Vista all over again. Blech05:28
michael@Tony 80% from interface changes05:28
michaelI remember I couldn't figure how to delete things from the desktop05:28
michaelit would like remove the icon05:28
michaelbut it would be back on reboot05:28
michaeland it had this ridiculous looking box around it05:29
WoxdeeMy biggest problem with the interfaces wasn't that they'd changed, but that they weren't near finished and basic things simply couldn't be used on anything but a curious basis (konqueror, the panel, etc.).05:29
Odd-rationalephonon, solid, akonadi, and all those other goods stuff do seem quite an imrpovement.05:29
michael@Odd, KDE is still one of my favorite interfaces of all time, it's really easy.05:30
Odd-rationaleAnd I really like that I can (will be) able to use my favorite kde apps on any OS - Mac, Windows, etc05:30
michaelwhen I got 7.10 here working in Kubby, Dolphin blwe my mind, I love it to death05:30
Odd-rationalemichael: I still liked konq...05:30
michael@Odd, Konq felt a bit... Explorerish, to me05:31
michaelWith Dolphin, all the places I go the most are on the side, and I LOVE that relevant options are on the right05:31
matt1728do dolphins bookmarks crash for you?05:32
michaelfixed by doing05:32
michaelsudo chmod 777 -R /home/whatever/.k3........05:32
matt1728ahh nice05:32
michaeland making the bookmark location accessible05:32
michaelI see something about permissions that's harmless, I change it05:33
michaelStarting with slackware teaches you a lot : \05:33
matt1728is it hard to use?05:33
michaelWeird, since it JUST started happening to me, I had no idea why, but I slapped it in it's crashing face.05:33
michaelSlackware, from what I hear, is a veteran linux05:33
michaelI spent most of my time in the command lnie05:34
Odd-rationalemichael: I used arch linux for a while.05:34
michael@Odd, is arch tough?  I've only seen the name.05:34
Odd-rationaleWith slackware, do you have to find all the deps yourself?05:34
michaelDependency hell, I ate that for breakfast, lunch and dinner05:35
TeslaTonyIsn't Gentoo pretty bad about that, too?05:35
michael@Tesla for the most part, Gentoo blew up my computer every time I tried05:36
Odd-rationalemichael: Not hard to use at all. It has a nice package manager (pacman) which is why I chose to use it over slackware. It is very fast and small. And has a nice community.05:36
jujimufupacman is pretty nice05:36
michael@Odd, that's awesome, Kubby is still my favorite by far.05:36
=== lanoxx is now known as lanoxxth
jujimufugentoo takes ages to install big packages (try kde), since emerge compiles everything from scratch05:36
=== lanoxxth is now known as lanoxx__
jujimufuI've tried a LOT of distros, but not Slackware05:36
Odd-rationalemichael: arch also have their own kde called kdemod05:36
michaelYeah, gentoo... I like that everything is from scratch05:36
jujimufubut it takes ages05:37
michaelHold on, gotta test out TF2 real quick05:37
Odd-rationaleaptitude > pacman, imo05:37
jujimufuand too much time editing config files and configuring everything to your system05:37
Odd-rationaleOne of these days I'll try LFS05:37
jujimufuhaha :P05:37
jujimufuLFS seems like a hell of a difficult thing to do05:37
Odd-rationalewhen i have plenty of time to kill....05:37
jujimufuand takes a lot of knowledge and time05:37
jujimufuheh, yeah05:38
Odd-rationalejujimufu: Yeah. Might spend more time actually reading the manuals.05:38
TeslaTonyYeah. I wanted to try Gentoo out, because it sounds like a great system for a server or a workstation, but I'm constantly installing new packages and trying stuff out on my system, and I don't need THAT much performance (2gb corsair ram, 2ghz core 2 duo and GeForce 8800...to surf the web)05:38
jujimufuOdd-rationale: I sure did, when I was installing Gentoo a few years ago05:39
jujimufuOdd-rationale: it was a period I was going for optimisation, and I initially wanted to head for LFS, but after finally managing to install Gentoo, I said "no. way." and after having gentoo for a few months, I switched to something less hardcore05:39
Odd-rationalejujimufu: Have you tried sabayon. It is suppose to be to Gentoo what Ubuntu is to Debain.05:40
kgoetzmuch bloatier? :p05:41
Odd-rationalekgoetz: That part of it...05:41
WoxdeeSabayon is pretty good.05:44
WoxdeeUsed to be my favourite.05:44
WoxdeeBut yeah... bloated.05:44
Odd-rationaleMy top three distros are k/Ubuntu, Arch Linux, and Puppy Linux. In that order.05:45
WoxdeeAnd much though I loved the idea of compiling binaries from source for optimized performance, I think that'll be for any server I set up.  On a desktop it just gets really cumbersome when you want to try out lots of software.05:45
TeslaTonyMy complaint exactly05:47
TeslaTonyAny system that you set up and leave, though, it sounds great05:47
Odd-rationaleanyways. I gotta go to sleep. see you all later!05:48
WoxdeeMe too.05:53
WoxdeePeace unto ye, folks.05:53
cpk1anyone know how to configure dhcpd to hand out two different netblocks on one interface so I can have trusted IP's and untrusted IP's? would I simply just have be one zone and be another zone05:54
Darkrift2anyone know if any really unique looking themes? I want something that is really different and ive been browsing kde-look for a while now without finding anything05:54
kgoetzcpk1: yes05:56
cpk1compiling everything like gentoo doesnt really add all that much iirc...05:56
cpk1kgoetz: ok thanks, thats simple enough =)05:56
kgoetzcpk1: at worst you'll have to add a virtual interface :) but i doubt it will come to that05:57
cpk1now I need to see if I can make a disallowed list and assign ips based on that, I dont want to block people trying to steal my net, just mess with them =P05:57
kgoetzcpk1: you'd have static asignments for people you know (by mac addy) and then 'other'05:58
calcmandanhey yall05:58
FirefisheHello, everyone.  Good evening :)05:58
calcmandanhi firefishe05:59
pleaseandthankyook installed xubuntu and and goubuntu  on top of edubuntu where are they now? and how do i load them?05:59
ritalinin the x11 display manager should be an option05:59
Firefishehi calcmandan05:59
ritalinwhen you login05:59
calcmandanoh riddell is here05:59
pleaseandthankyoritalin only qubuntu and gnome option06:00
ritalinhmm no clue then06:00
ritalinyou can manually add them though06:00
cpk1kgoetz: well ideally I would want 3 "zones" statically assigned people who are always allowed to use the network, then guests with limited access and then people I want to mess with06:01
kgoetzpleaseandthankyo: you wont see a 'gobuntu' option.06:01
pleaseandthankyokgoetz so how do i load goubuntu?06:01
kgoetzcpk1: you seperate full access/partial access via firewall rules :)06:01
ritalinits probally just a package of mobile tools06:01
ritalinyou dont "run"06:01
kgoetzpleaseandthankyo: you dont. its a metapackage.06:02
kgoetzritalin: actually its the 'free' ubuntu06:02
FirefisheI'm running Feisty Fawn, 2.6.20-15-generic kernel.  I'm having kind of an annoying issue with my Broadcom 4306 chipset in my laptop.  I keep having to remove the bcm43xx-fwcutter package, reinstall it, then reload the firmware drivers from the winXX files to get the card to work.  Is there any way around this?06:02
ritalinits all free!06:02
ritalinfree beer style06:02
kgoetz!gobuntu | ritalin06:02
uboturitalin: gobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..06:02
kgoetzoh nice. not even "GNU/Linux" in the factoid *heh*06:02
cpk1kgoetz: yes, but wouldnt it make my job easier if I could just tell iptables what to do with each range?06:03
Firefisheritalin?  obscure a.d.d. reference? ) hee06:03
kgoetzcpk1: sure.06:03
ritalinheh not so obscure but yeah06:03
kgoetzcpk1: you can have (aiui) as many ranges as you want. its just where you stick the ip address and mac thats the question :)06:03
ritalini used to take it as a kid06:03
kgoetzcpk1: i suggest doing something like putting each ranges macs in their own file (eg # list of laptops06:04
kgoetzinclude "/etc/ltsp/laptopList";06:04
cpk1ohhh, didnt know I could do that06:04
cpk1that would clean up dhcpd.conf a bit06:05
kgoetzmneptok: wb... didnt know you lurked here06:05
kgoetzcpk1: its awsome :D06:05
ritalinkde4 rocks06:05
* ritalin plays with it06:05
mneptokkgoetz: wait ... where am i?!06:05
kgoetzmneptok: hehe. kubuntu06:05
kgoetzritalin: its interesting seeing different peoples reactions to kde406:06
mneptokkgoetz: THREE OR FOUR?! *panic*06:06
* kgoetz grin06:06
kgoetzmneptok: 3.67!06:06
mneptokohno. the future again.06:06
mneptoki hope i'm not a woman in this one.06:06
kgoetzheh. just gota  terrible pain in all the diodes down your left side?06:07
ritalinziggy says theres a 2.4% chance you could be hit by a car mneptok06:07
ritalini bet ziggy ran kubuntu06:08
cpk1kgoetz: and the include just needs to be thrown into dhcpd.conf and only includes the host arguments for each client?06:08
kgoetzcpk1: if i understand your question correctly, ye :)06:09
mneptokritalin: "could be?"06:09
TeslaTonyHow do I find my own IP address?06:12
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TeslaTonyanyone here familiar with gnump3d?06:16
Daisuke_Idoa little bit06:17
TeslaTonyIt will make my collection available over the internet, correct?06:18
Daisuke_Idoas far as finding your own *external* ip, check something like whatismyip.com (ifconfig will show your internal IP)06:19
Daisuke_IdoTeslaTony, if configured to, yes06:19
Daisuke_Idothough honestly, you're better with something like fish, if you're just accessing your music from elsewhere06:20
TeslaTonyWhy fish over gnump3d?06:22
nixternalTeslaTony: mt-daapd06:22
martinjh99Does anyone have a way of setting up Thunderbird to run Firefox when clicking on links in a mail message?06:23
nixternalthat is what I use...it is the same type of server that iTunes uses for sharing...pretty easy to setup and configure06:23
* Daisuke_Ido raises an eyebrow06:23
Daisuke_Idoi'm going to have to check that out06:23
Daisuke_Idoi thought gnump3d was just awful06:23
nixternalI can't live w/o my mt-daapd server06:23
nixternaland even iTunes machines see it06:23
nixternaland I think Rythmbox does as well...Amarok works fine with it06:23
TeslaTonyDoes mt-daapd have support for upnp within the same network?06:27
TeslaTonyI.e. can I use my xbox on it?06:27
nixternalif you X-Box can see an iTunes setup, than yes06:27
nixternalTeslaTony: http://www.fireflymediaserver.org/06:27
nixternalmore info there on it06:27
TeslaTonyHrm...good question06:27
martinjh99Nix will daapd go from a normal linux server to a xbox360 without having Itunes?06:28
nixternalI am not familiar with upnp at all06:28
peter__what is a good dvd back up06:28
TeslaTonyY'know, iTunes can stream to a 36006:29
nixternalFirefly == mt-daapd btw..so you can easily apt-get install mt-daapd06:29
Daisuke_Idoas i understand it, if the 360 can pick up an itunes server, it should pick this up06:29
Erickj92what is a good uptime meter for kubuntu?06:30
Daisuke_IdoErickj92, go to a terminal and type "uptime"06:30
Erickj92ahh that works even better06:30
martinjh99Just wondering actually as one of these days I'll get enough disc space in the server at home to put some music on it...06:30
martinjh99Does anyone have a way of setting up Thunderbird to run Firefox when clicking on links in a mail message?06:30
Daisuke_Idonearly 50 days right now -_-06:30
nixternalquote from Firefly forums:  "I connect to mt-daapd on several boxes, ranging from a XP pc, a PPC G4 Mac (iBook G4/Quicsilver) and an xbox with XBMC.06:30
Daisuke_IdoXBMC isn't quite the same thing though06:31
nixternalmartinjh99: is it launching konqueror now?06:31
martinjh99Nix it's not launching anything at all.  I set the preferred apps to Thunderbird for mail and Firefox  for the web but nothing seems to be happening06:32
nixternalhrmm, that is what I was going to have you look at, but since you have been there done that, I really don't know...I don't use any Mozilla products, so I won't be of much help06:33
martinjh99:) Hey no worries I'll have to do some googling or go back to Gnome where it all just works!  I'd prefer KDE though06:33
nixternalyou prefer thunderbird over Kontact/KMail?06:34
nixternallast I tried Thunderbird it was as bloated as its browser counterpart06:34
Daisuke_Idoso i'm just guessing you're NOT a fan of flock :P06:35
lanoxx__what means this error: sh: /sbin/lrm-video: not found06:35
lanoxx__its from modprobe nvidia06:35
martinjh99Yup - To be honest never tried KMail - Only thing is having to recreate a load of email filters...  Is there a way to take Thunderbird filters and translate them into KMail filters?06:35
Daisuke_Idowhy are you manually loading the nvidia driver?06:35
nixternalmartinjh99: found something06:35
nixternaladd this -> user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "/usr/bin/mozilla-firefox");06:35
martinjh99To Thunderbird where?06:36
nixternalto this -> ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/ whatever that weird string is in the file 'user.js'06:36
nixternalafter that, restart tbird if it is open06:36
martinjh99If its not there I create the file yes?06:37
nixternalshould look something like ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/A903AE580.default06:37
nixternalmartinjh99: yes, create the user.js06:37
nixternaland if you are using Firefox 3, then the location should be /usr/bin/firefox-3.006:38
nixternalif you are on hardy, don't think ff3 has been backported to gutsy at all06:38
martinjh99Not on Hardy yet... ;)  Will probably be when its released...06:40
martinjh99Didn't work - Closed and restarted TB and its not doing anything...06:41
martinjh99Yeah my thoughts exactly... ;) I'll google it I think bound to be a page out there...06:41
nixternalmartinjh99: is Firefox at /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox or /usr/bin/firefox?06:42
martinjh99Neither - just checked.06:42
manglahi dudes06:43
nixternalwell, you need to find out where your firefox executable is and change the location in urser.js accordingly06:43
kgoetzmartinjh99: type 'fire' and press tab a few times06:44
kgoetz(in konsole)06:44
kgoetzdoes it complete?06:44
martinjh99Actually there is a firefox in /usr/bin which points to the same file in /usr/lib/firefox06:44
martinjh99and it does complete...06:45
kgoetzmartinjh99: now put 'which' in front of it and run the command06:45
martinjh99v /usr/bin/firefox is what comes back06:46
martinjh99Had to put the v in front as Konversation tried to run it...06:47
=== Admiral_1hicago is now known as Admiral_Chicago
apparleIs the KDE4 not going to be shipped in hardy CDs07:47
ubotuKubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 4 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported.07:48
apparlejussi01: release for KDE4 is not available through CD07:49
apparlejussi01: release for KDE4 is not available through shipit CD07:49
jussi01apparle: Im reading...07:50
jussi01apparle: I will check it with Riddell07:50
apparlewho is Riddell07:50
jussi01apparle: https://edge.launchpad.net/~jr07:52
jussi01He is the Kubuntu lead.07:52
hellhoundhow would i configure my xorg.conf for two monitors and two graphics cards?07:52
jussi01!dualhead | hellhound07:53
ubotuhellhound: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama07:53
apparlejussi01: Release available through CDs for groups who need it (ie. LoCo teams, conference teams, etc.) What does it mean07:54
hellhoundjussi01: ok that is great I know know what it is called but that link or the Xinerama link did not provide any how to information or xorg.conf examples07:56
jussi01hellhound: this one is much better: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo07:58
jussi01apparle: I can read. :) Just that it is a wiki, and the person writing it is not always correct, so I will see clarification.07:59
hellhoundjussi01: thank you ... it mentions that if I have nVidia than I should use TwinView but it also seems that TwinView is for one card split across two monitors.... but it does not mention what to do with two graphics cards and its examples only refer to one card08:02
apparlejussi01: I am asking what does that line mean, not that you have not read it08:03
jussi01hellhound: ok, Ive never done it with 2 cards, so Im not sure how to help you with that.08:03
jussi01apparle: whats written in the wiki means that certain groups will have cd's made for them. I local teams and so on08:04
DarkriftX 01:07:06 up 23:51, load average: 0.27, 0.15, 0.1008:07
DarkriftXlol, not bad for a handheld :S08:07
apparlejussi01: thanks, I'm so worried about shipit because I don't have net at home and am waiting for hardy to try out KDE4. Anyways I will come to know when Hardy is released. It will be released next month, isn't it??08:07
jussi01apparle: yes, on the 24th is the schedule08:08
apparlejussi01:  :( My exams will start from 21st. Which will be the next version after Hardy, I mean 8.xx??08:09
ubotuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex08:09
apparleCan I upgrade from a shipit CD??08:11
Darkrift2how do i set firefox as my default browser so links clicked open in firefox and not konq?08:11
emilsedghDarkriftX: System Settings->Advanced->Default Applications (i think)08:11
emilsedghDarkrift2: ^08:12
emilsedghKubuntu Interpid will really rock! with KDE 4.1.2 probably08:12
Darkrift2nice, ty08:14
apparleCan I upgrade from a shipit CD??.08:14
Jucatoemilsedgh: or 4.2?08:14
emilsedghapparle: no, you could upgrade from a alternate disc08:14
Jucatoemilsedgh: ah nvm08:14
* Jucato isn't sane08:15
emilsedghJucato: 4.2? no i dont think so, how much time we have until Interpid? about 7 months, right?08:15
Jucatoemilsedgh: I was thinking Intrepid = 9.04 :P08:15
emilsedgh4.2 will come in about a year08:15
emilsedgh4.1->4.2 will be more than 6 months, between 7-9 months is planned i think08:16
jussi01Jucato: go to bed!08:16
Jucatojust woke up...08:17
Jucatoemilsedgh: the plan is a 4.x release every 6 months, and a 4.x.x every month... let's see if this happens :)08:17
emilsedghJucato: no no, 4.x is planned for 7-9 months, with just 4,1 as exception of 6 months iirc08:18
apparleCan I get an alternate CD from shpit08:18
Jucatoapparle: nope08:19
apparleSo I don't have any other option to update other than by downloading a CD image08:20
emilsedghisnt there any plan to ship DVD's through shipit? that would be awesome08:20
apparleemilsedgh: ya that would be AWESOME 8-)08:21
Jucatothat would be... but c'mon guys.. don't get spoiled :P08:22
emilsedghapparle: btw i think you could order DVD's from stores...08:22
apparleI can't afford DVDs every 6 months08:22
apparleand I don't like OLD version08:23
emilsedghapparle: their cheap, a few dollars08:23
nevilleAren't they like $8AUD?08:23
nevilleEven I can afford that :P08:23
apparleI am student and I don't earn money08:23
nevilleYes, so am I08:24
emilsedghi prefer the money that goes to shipit, goes to some good advertisement (but not on ubuntu, just on kubuntu) :P08:24
apparlebye guys. Will talk to you later08:26
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jussi01!nickspam > windows_was08:32
nevilleWhat is nickspam08:32
Jucatoneville: /msg ubotu to see08:33
jussi01!nickspam > neville08:33
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needhelphi i've got a lzh file..how to uncompress in kubuntu?08:33
nevilleTa ;)08:33
drifneedhelp: tried installing lha first, then using context menu of kde?08:36
needhelpohhhhh lha08:39
needhelpcan its uncompressed thanks08:39
needhelpany .dbf viewers for kubuntu?08:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dbf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:40
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drifneedhelp: dbase?08:41
jussi01!info dbview08:41
jussi01!info dbview08:42
claderaHi ALL08:48
claderaI have a problem on my Kubuntu server..08:49
claderaThe keyboard is delay when I type of press the keY.08:49
claderaMay can have a advice from all here.08:50
Jd0ggaside from Konversation is there any other irc client worth using, i'm on XChat right now, i don't really like BitchX.08:53
cpk1kopete does irc if you already use that for other protocols08:54
Jucatodepends on what you consider "worth using". there's KSirc (unmaintained...), KVirc, Kopete, Pidgin, etc08:54
cpk1gaim also does irc08:54
Jucatocpk1: pidgin == gaim08:55
drifirssi ;)08:55
jussi01irssi ftw!08:55
cpk1oh, oops08:55
Jucatoany problem you're having with konversation?08:55
Jd0ggjust looking for a client that can manage multiple server connections and multiple channels real well, decent color scheme, and notifications08:56
cpk1pretty sure konversation fits that bill...08:56
Jucatovery much08:57
Jd0ggJucato, no problems was just testing the waves with other programs seeing what was out there08:57
jussi01when it comes out properly, quassel will be really nice.08:57
Jucatowell, you can rule irssi out for the "decent color schemes" and "notifications" :P08:58
Jucatomaaaybe :P08:58
jussi01Jucato: rubbish, you can get notifications with irssi08:58
Jd0ggcpkl, yeah i wasn't disappointed... only thing i was confused on was on another network i'm playing idlerpg and when i level up, konversation doesn't give me the notification "you found this weapon, luck is with you, etc..."08:58
Jucatojussi01: built-in?08:58
jussi01and my irssi looks good :)08:58
JucatoJd0gg: you can set custom highlights/notifications08:59
anton__hello all08:59
jussi01Jucato: you need to install a few packages or something, cant remember, jdong was telling me about it.08:59
jussi01libnotify iirc08:59
Jucatojussi01: I'm talking about built-in of course :P08:59
anton__i'm from USA08:59
Jd0ggJucato, i understand what you're saying, but it wasn't displaying in the channel window, i was displaying in the server window instead, i didn't know if there was a way to make it display in the channel window as well... sorry i know i'm a newb to the *nix environment.09:00
anton__\etc\bin  hello09:01
Jucatoanton__: this isn't a social chat channel09:01
anton__ok, i understund09:02
cpk1Jd0gg: I guess it depends what notices, chanserv notices show up on the channel I am currently viewing09:02
Jd0ggcpk1, that makes sense... i'll check into it later and see what i can't turn up, just didn't know if that was something someone knew off hand.09:03
cpk1still the tab that the notice comes from should highlight itself if your name is in the message09:04
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Jd0ggright, and the channel tab highlighted for the level up message, but i failed to recieve the 2nd message that comes up when you find an item lol... idk if you're familiar with idlerpg or not... game people play on irc when they are bored.09:05
Jd0ggcpkl ^^^09:06
JucatoJd0gg: you can even set Konvi to play a sound for a specific highlight... so you can record yourself saying "You found this weapon..." and hear it everytime :P09:06
Jd0ggJucato, lol that's cool... yeah i'm really liking the linux environment alot, i've been meaning to give it a test drive for a while now just didn't know i could resize partition tables without losing data, bad experience with partition magic on windows, but i found another editor to do the job.09:07
Jd0ggalso was glad to hear that mounting ntfs volumes has become easier over the years, and i knew you could mount them and read, but i love the fact they have something that allows you to write to NTFS... made things much easier to convert to *nix.09:09
Jd0ggi think kubuntu will convert alot of windows users over time, can't wait to master it to the best of my abilities, and it'll also help me get A+ certified sense CompTIA is requiring basic Linux knowledge i do believe.09:11
Kheopssomebody can help me to mount a ntfs partition with read-write-execute access ?09:18
KheopsJucato: ?09:19
JucatoI don't do NTFS stuff09:19
llutz!ntfs-3g | Kheops09:19
ubotuKheops: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:19
Jd0ggKheops, i can try to point you in the right direction, i haven't done this yet... if you goto the K-menu then Add-Remove Programs09:20
Jd0ggat the top in the search box type NTFS hit enter09:20
Kheopsi have the driver09:20
Kheopsfor ntfs09:20
Kheopsi just want to mount !09:20
prince_jammysKheops: do you have a line in  /etc/fstab>09:21
prince_jammysKheops: so that it automounts later?09:21
Kheopshmm i think so09:21
Kheopsi added09:21
Kheopsby myself09:21
prince_jammyspaste the line here09:21
Kheops /dev/hdb1       /media/hdd40    ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222  0 009:22
Kheopslook if he is correct09:22
Kheopsi don't understand what means nls ?09:22
Kheopsand utf809:22
prince_jammysit mounts, but not with the permission you want, correct?09:22
Kheopsu understood well09:22
Kheopsplease explain to me what means nls=utf809:23
prince_jammysi don't know09:23
Kheopsbut u can help me to give permision that i want ?09:23
prince_jammysbut umask should be 00009:23
prince_jammysif you want EVERYONE to rwx09:23
Kheopsky 10x09:23
Kheopsi will try09:23
Kheopsthat's it ?09:24
llutzKheops: nls= National Language Support09:24
prince_jammysright now it's 222  read execute, no write09:24
Kheopsllutz: 10x09:24
Kheopsand utf8 ?09:24
Kheopsky prince_jammys i will do09:24
prince_jammyscharacter set09:24
Kheopsencoding what llutz ?09:24
Kheopsky Jucato09:24
prince_jammysthat's it, encoding09:24
Kheopshmm prince_jammys i can do it manualy without rebooting09:24
sonoftheclayrDoes anyone use Opera and know how I can disable the menu that comes up when I double click?09:24
Kheopsplease if u know paste me the command09:24
prince_jammyssudo umount /media/hdd40 && sudo mount /media/hdd4009:25
prince_jammysthere's a way with "remount" but i forget09:25
Jucato"mount -a"?09:26
Jucatono not that...09:26
Jd0gggod i love the knowledge in this room... fyi i will be asking alot of questions so for future knowledge, sorry if i become annoying, it's going to take me a while to get used to this stuff.09:26
prince_jammysunmounting and remounting should do it09:27
Kheopsprince_jammys: the command must mount it directly with access and all stuff09:27
prince_jammysKheops: once you change fstab, it will09:27
Kheopshmm realy ?09:27
Kheopsit's a good tip09:27
prince_jammysit should09:27
Kheopswait to modify09:27
prince_jammysit reads the mount options from fstab09:27
prince_jammysthat would do it09:28
Kheops3 zero09:28
Kheopsand now ?09:29
prince_jammystry remounting with the above commands09:29
Kheopsi did09:29
Kheopsand ?09:29
needhelpi know this shouldn't be here but, is it possible to uncompile a dos .com file to see its source code?09:29
prince_jammyssee if you can create a file there09:29
Kheopsas root ?09:29
prince_jammysmmm. try without09:30
martalliFor some reason, my keyboard shortcuts don't seem to be working.  alt-spacew doesn't bring up katapault, but alt-F2 doesn't work either.  I checked ps aux and katapault is running09:30
Jucatoneedhelp: ##windows (and the term, I believe, is "decompile")09:30
Kheopsread only09:30
prince_jammys  /dev/sda1       /mnt/windows    ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=227     0       009:30
martalliWhere can I look to fix it?  I'm sure that some setting is mis-set somewhere09:30
prince_jammysthat's mine09:30
prince_jammysbut mine is not writable. you need to change to 00009:31
Jucatomartalli: in ps aux, see if kded or kdesktop is running?09:31
prince_jammysKheops: or 02709:31
Kheopswhat sould i do ?09:31
Kheopsmodify again ?09:31
Kheopswith 027 ?09:31
Kheopswhere i can find the umak access09:31
prince_jammysthat will make it rwxr-x---09:31
Kheopsa list09:31
martalliJucato: Both appear to be running09:31
Kheopsor something09:32
prince_jammysKheops: are you the main user?09:32
Kheopsprince_jammys: can u tell me a list with all access of umask ?09:32
Jucatomartalli: are you  using Compiz?09:32
Kheopsbut i want all users09:32
martalliJucato: no09:32
Kheopsto write and read09:32
prince_jammysKheops: then 00009:32
Kheopsthe information on that partition09:32
blackwaltzWow ....... I've got my laptop down to using ~13.5 watts on idle ... I could probably get 7 hours on battery off a full charge :D09:32
Kheopsit is 000 man09:32
Kheopscannot create directory `sasd': Read-only file system09:33
martallicompiz not installed (I had it installed in thepast)09:33
Kheopspfff pfff pfff09:33
Jucatomartalli: logging out doesn't fix it?09:33
martalliNo, it hasbeen like this for weeks.09:33
Kheopsso can anyone knows what to do ?09:34
Jucatohm... sorry no idea martalli :(09:34
Jd0ggi know i'm not much help but maybe dismounting and remounting will do the trick Kheops?09:34
prince_jammysKheops: /dev/hdb1       /media/hdd40    ntfs-3g    nls=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000  0 009:34
martallino problem Jucato09:34
lopovanyone know why my display driver is set to display :1 ??09:34
martalliThanks for the thoughts, though09:34
prince_jammysKheops: try that09:34
Kheopswhy ntfs-3g ?09:34
Kheopsi don't have that09:35
prince_jammysKheops: you can comment out the old one by putting # at the beginning of the old line09:35
Kheopsi know09:35
lopovive been trying to install the nvidia driver in hardy but no luck :(09:35
prince_jammysKheops: if you don't have it, install it09:35
prince_jammys!info ntfs-3g09:35
Kheopsnot necesary09:35
Kheopsi have another09:35
Kheopsand driver09:35
Kheopsnot necesary to install all ntfs09:35
Kheopsin the world09:35
lopovif the diplay is set to 0 it looks like its working fine09:35
Kheopsto make a good mount is't it ?09:36
lopovbut not sure how to hard code it to use display :009:36
Kheopsi will change only with nls=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000  0 009:36
Kheopsky ?09:36
prince_jammysKheops: see what happens09:36
prince_jammysKheops: i don't know about drivers other than ntfs-3g09:37
llutzntfs-3g is the recommended way for writing-access on ntfs-partitions09:37
Kheopsllutz: i made it with other drivers09:38
Kheopsfrom kubuntu repository09:38
llutzKheops: but root only09:38
Kheopshmm ?09:38
Kheopswhat root only ?09:38
llutzKheops: there are only 2 ways: 1. is kernel-driver called "ntfs" 2. is 3rd party-driver "ntfs-3g"09:39
Kheopsprince_jammys: don't work09:39
Kheopsyes kernet driver09:39
llutzKheops: with ntfs-kernel driver only root may write09:39
Kheopsno no :)09:39
prince_jammysKheops: it must have to do with the drivers09:39
Kheopsi can't even write as root man09:39
Kheopsthat's the problem09:39
prince_jammysany reason why you don't want ntfs-3g?09:40
cpk1Kheops: is it mounted rw or ro?09:40
Kheopsi think ro09:40
Kheopshow do i can change ?09:40
llutzKheops: better so, writing with ntfs may break your filesystem, it's buggy09:40
prince_jammysit's mounted with umask=00009:40
cpk1remount it rw09:40
Kheopsllutz: the partition is single :)09:40
Kheopshow to break my system ?09:40
Kheopsi don't have any system on it09:40
Jd0ggKheops, he said filesystem, you may end up losing data or corrupting the file table/indexes on the NTFS hard drive.09:41
Kheopsso good ppl in this channel what should i do to mount my ntfs partition and write read and do what i want on it ?09:41
prince_jammysinstall ntfs-3g09:41
Kheopshmm hmmm for ?09:41
Kheopsmounting ?09:42
prince_jammysso you can WRITE09:42
Kheopsky :)09:42
Kheopstell me the steps09:42
prince_jammyssudo apt-get install ntfs-3g09:42
llutz!ntfs-3g | Kheops  read this09:42
ubotuKheops  read this: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:42
Kheopsi read09:42
Kheopsit from ntfs-3g official site09:42
Kheopsit is nice program09:42
llutzthen follow instructions09:42
KheopsE: Couldn't find package ntfs-3g09:43
prince_jammysinsteresting. i show it09:43
llutzit's in main09:43
=== neville is now known as neville_
prince_jammys!info ntfs-3g09:43
prince_jammyswhat's up with the bot?09:43
prince_jammys!info kaffeine09:43
prince_jammys!info kivio09:44
Kheopshe is sleepy :)09:44
llutzwake up bot!09:44
drifyeah, yelling will do the trick ;)09:44
Kheopsllutz: i want to know how i can mount with my driver09:44
Kheopsand i can write with root only09:44
Kheopsshow me how09:44
llutz!ntfs | Kheops  and read this09:45
ubotuKheops  and read this: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE09:45
jussi01the bot is sick :(09:46
prince_jammysi don't understand how you don't show that package09:46
prince_jammysi thought it was in the main repository09:47
drifit is09:47
SlimeyPeteold version of kubuntu, perhaps?09:47
prince_jammysyou wouldn't perchance be using a another distro?09:47
blackwaltzubotu must be on strike09:47
prince_jammysah, older version maybe09:47
drifactually it's on the universe09:49
drifI missed that09:49
Jd0ggi got a question regarding dosemu , when trying to play quake (first person shooter) i can't do 360 degree turns cause the mouse comes off the window i'm playing in, how can i make the mouse 'snap' to the window and not move?09:49
drif'main' word in your sentence earlier09:49
Jd0gg(or DOS emulator whatever you want to refer to it as.)09:51
prince_jammysKheops: enable the universe repository to install ntfs-3g09:51
prince_jammysdrif: makes sense09:51
prince_jammysi've come to rely on the bot too much09:52
Jucato(ntfs 3g should be in main though, since it's installed by default since 7.10)09:52
llutzntfs-3g - :500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main Packages             main, not universe09:52
prince_jammysKheops: forget that last message09:52
drifllutz: Section: universe/otherosfs09:52
Jucatodrif: what version of *buntu are you using?09:53
prince_jammysKheops: UNLESS you have an older kubuntu09:53
llutzdrif: gutsy?09:53
drifllutz: I checked it from my kitchen comp, which runs feisty09:54
Jucato<Jucato> (ntfs 3g should be in main though, since it's installed by default since 7.10)09:54
llutzdrif: we're talking of gutsy... 7.1009:54
drifI wasn't aware which version the person in questio nwas using09:54
ActionParsniphey all09:54
drifllutz: well, if he's using gutsy, and it should be installed by default...?09:54
drifdidn't make sense, so I thought it was feisty09:55
llutzdrif: he only needs to use it after reading documentation09:55
prince_jammyshe left us to discuss this among ourselves09:55
llutzdrif: he only wanted to use kernel-ntfs09:55
prince_jammysyeah, hopefully he's reading the directions09:56
Jucatoprince_jammys: don't be surprised. his typical behavior09:56
drifllutz: well, I catched the conversation on ntfs-3g..09:56
prince_jammysJucato: ah, there's a history09:56
llutzdrif: that's what we recommend, but he ....09:56
StrangeletI use Konqueror as my file manager (love it), though I prefer to have the tree view. Everytime I try and chane the view, it resets back to the normal view when I next start up Konqueror. How do I finalize my view?09:56
prince_jammysllutz: that's when the CAPS started coming out over here09:57
Kheopsi i read09:57
prince_jammyshe's back!09:57
Kheopsnothing usefull09:58
prince_jammysKheops: what version kubuntu do you run?09:58
Kheopsi have the good driver and i just want to mount with access09:58
Kheopshmm wait09:58
Kheopsto see09:58
jussi01Strangelet: change it, then save view profile from settings09:58
llutzjussi01: that won't work10:00
KheopsLinux version 2.6.15-28-38610:00
Strangeletjussi01: oh! it works! thank you! :D10:00
llutzStrangelet: you have to change embedded directory properties in konq-settings to tree-view10:00
Kheopsprince_jammys: Linux version 2.6.15-28-38610:00
drifkheops: mount -t ntfs (or ntfs-3g) /dev/sdXY /mountpoint -o uid=0,gid=0 - was it the syntax you were after or..?10:01
llutzStrangelet: it works until you open a picture in konq :(10:01
ActionParsniphi jussi0110:01
Kheopshmm i just want a command to mount corectly my ntfs and give write read and execute rights10:02
Kheopsthat's all i need10:02
prince_jammysKheops: lsb_release -a10:02
prince_jammysKheops: what does that give/10:02
KheopsDistributor ID: Ubuntu10:02
KheopsDescription:    Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS10:02
KheopsRelease:        6.0610:02
KheopsCodename:       dapper10:02
ActionParsnipKheops: then ntfs-3g is what you'll need10:02
Kheopsi have what i need10:02
prince_jammysKheops: enable universe repositories and install ntfs-3g.10:02
llutzhe still resists...10:02
Kheopsi want the command10:02
Kheopsi have the driver ppl10:03
ActionParsnipKheops: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g10:03
Jucato<Kheops> E: Couldn't find package ntfs-3g <--- so how did you get the driver?10:03
Kheopsnot this one Jucato10:04
Kheopsanother but it is good10:04
Kheopsdo same think10:04
prince_jammysapparently not10:04
llutzKheops: it won't, how often should we tell you10:04
KheopsI DON'T NEED ANY DRIVER just a correct syntax to mount dam NTFS partition10:04
llutzman mount10:04
JucatoKheops: do not shout10:04
Kheopsit is so hard to do it ?10:04
ActionParsnipKheops: it was pasted before by Jussi10:04
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey
Kheopslol Jucato i can't shout10:04
ActionParsnipmount -t ntfs (or ntfs-3g) /dev/sdXY /mountpoint -o uid=0,gid=010:04
Jucato!caps | Kheops10:05
ubotuKheops: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:05
prince_jammysit's already mounted10:05
prince_jammysbut he can't write10:05
ActionParsnipKheops: best way is to have a shared fat32 partition or have an FTP server like me :)10:05
KheopsActionParsnip: with that command i can write read or execute on that partition ?10:05
prince_jammysKheops: i gave you the correct command, and the fstab line. you can't write because of driver issues10:05
drifkheops: I already you gave you the syntax you were shouting for..10:06
Kheopsdrif: i can write read or execute with that command that u gave me ?10:06
drifkheops: if you use ntfs-3g10:06
drifkheops: also add (just in case) rw to -o options10:07
Kheopsi run10:07
ActionParsnipKheops: you should try man mount too. Gives a lot of info there10:07
drifkheops: although if you use 0 as id you give permissions to root10:07
Kheopscould not enter that partition...10:07
Kheopsi want all users to have access to w r and x10:08
ActionParsnipCould it be a group membership thing10:08
Kheopsto that partition10:08
drifkheops: did you just use /dev/sdXY? X and Y you need to know yourself..X is from a-> and Y from 1->10:08
Kheopsthat command don't do anything10:09
drifsd if you use scsi/sata-devices10:09
Kheopsso how can i mount it ?10:09
drifdo you know which device you need to mount?10:09
Kheopscan u know how ?10:09
driftell us10:09
ActionParsnipKheops: did you google this any or did you just come straight here?10:10
drifand you used that in the mount-command?10:10
prince_jammys /dev/hdb1 is his device10:10
KheopsI SEARCH for 4 days10:10
Kheopsan answer and still no10:10
Kheopsand nothing happened10:10
drifkheops: and came across pages like this? http://linux.die.net/man/8/mount.ntfs-3g10:10
Kheopsi read all !10:10
Kheopsall about ntfs10:11
prince_jammysyou did not install ntfs-3g10:11
Kheopsllutz: u want to help ?10:11
ActionParsnipKheops: add this to your /etc/fstab:  /dev/hdb1  /mnt/win  ntfs  nls=iso8859-1,ro,umask=0  0  010:11
Kheopsyes because i have the right driver10:11
prince_jammysyou are spamming now10:11
Kheopsso no need another10:11
drifwhat do you mean nothing happened? if mount command doesn't give you any anything (errors etc.) then it's _succesful_10:11
llutzKheops: you refuse any help, so why should i?10:11
Kheopsdrif: dosen't matter if your command syntax it is good10:12
Kheopsit matters if can do anything for my partition10:12
Kheopsu got it ?10:12
ActionParsnipKheops: have you tried adding that line to /etc/fstab ?10:12
KheopsActionParsnip: what means nls=iso8859-1 ?10:12
ActionParsnipKheops: back it up first. You'll need gksudo to edit ti10:13
KheopsActionParsnip: what means nls=iso8859-1 ?10:13
prince_jammyswhy are you changing his fstab to ro?10:13
ActionParsnipKheops: no idea I just googled it.10:13
prince_jammyshe's just a troll.10:13
JucatoActionParsnip: gksudo is for GNOME10:13
ActionParsnipKheops: give it a go, you can always roll back10:13
Kheopsu paste me here command that u can even know ?10:13
Jucato(gksu/gksudo, kdesu/kdesudo)10:13
ActionParsnipor kdesu, Kheops do not use sudo kate or whatever, it breaks things10:13
prince_jammysKheops: try this: /part10:13
llutzActionParsnip: he wants writing-access, so mounting "ro" won't help10:14
llutzprince_jammys: +110:14
Kheopsprince_jammys: try don't flame here or u will break the rulles of the channel10:14
Kheops+2 :)10:14
ActionParsnipllutz: hopefuly he'd use his loaf and change it10:14
ubuntuquick Q if anyone can try to answer10:15
Kheopsso any usefull help ?10:15
ActionParsnipubuntu: shoot10:15
Kheopshmmm seems usefull channel...10:15
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=== Name is now known as Moretea
ActionParsnipKheops: who cares if its known. it was on a forum with a successful story10:15
Kheopslol ?10:15
ubuntui have wireless card on my laptop but i did something and cant connect to router so i need to reinstall KNetworkManager but cant without internet...but i got it runing from Live CD10:15
ActionParsnipKheops: if it doesnt work just roll back the file. Its a 3 second test10:16
Kheopssomeone know How can i mount a dam NTFS partition or no ?10:16
ActionParsnipKheops: we've all told you lots of solutions10:16
Kheopsbecause i waste 3 days on this "Usefull" channel and still no answer10:16
Kheopsu told me nothing it is still as the begining10:17
ActionParsnipubuntu rename you /etc/network/interfaces file and reboot10:17
prince_jammysJucato: are you an op?10:17
Sir_CorgiI remember you were on here last night, Kheops.10:17
wonderfulanyone who knows how to install sphinx4 ?10:17
Sir_CorgiOh, well there we go.10:17
ActionParsnipKheops: sudo kate /etc/fstab10:17
ubuntui dont understand10:17
prince_jammysJucato: thanks10:17
llutz3 cheers to Jucato10:17
Sir_CorgiAnnoying bitch.10:17
JucatoActionParsnip: didn't you just say not to use sudo kate? :)10:17
Sir_CorgiDoes Kubuntu have a program similar to Vista's Gadget thing?10:18
ActionParsnipubuntu you rename your network config file and reboot. When you rerun network config you will be able to set it up again.10:18
ActionParsnipubuntu are you running on LiveCD10:18
Jucato!superkaramba | Sir_Corgi10:18
ubotuSir_Corgi: superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org10:18
Sir_CorgiOkay. Thank you.10:19
JucatoSir_Corgi: the question should have been "does Windows have a program similar to Mac OS X's Dashboard or KDE's Superkaramba or GNOME's gDesklets?" :D10:19
ActionParsnipubuntu, yes but is it on your hard drive or are you running from the live cd?10:19
ubuntuits on the HD and currently im on LIVECD10:19
JucatoSir_Corgi: nvm10:19
SlimeyPeteSir_Corgi: Jucato means "yes" ;)10:20
Sir_CorgiI understand the humor.10:20
SlimeyPeteit's called Superkaramba10:20
Sir_CorgiI'm not retarded, Slimey.10:20
Jucatoeasy now. don't be like Kheops :)10:20
ActionParsnipJucato: it should be. "Im sick of vista being garbage but like a particular feature. Can I please have it or something similar in a much better operating system"10:20
Sir_CorgiNo, I asked a question, recieved an answer and then said thank you.10:20
Sir_CorgiI didn't say NOOOOO a hundred million times.10:20
SlimeyPeteSir_Corgi: "..." usually means "I don't get you" ;p10:21
Jucatoright... on with the show :)10:21
Sir_CorgiI use "..." to convey the emotion of being annoyed.10:21
* Jucato looks away for a while... IRC can be... addictive...10:21
Jucatoworks both ways :)10:21
ActionParsnipubuntu, boot to your hard drive and rename the file with omething like: sudo mv /etc/netork/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.old10:21
ActionParsnipubuntu, then reboot10:21
Sir_CorgiNow, how do I get SuperKarama?  Is it just something I can install from Adept or Synaptic?10:22
ActionParsnipSir_Corgi: sudo apt-get install superkaramba10:22
JucatoSir_Corgi: yep10:22
Sir_CorgiI like when things are that simple.10:22
ActionParsnip!superkaramba | Sir_Corgi10:23
ubotuSir_Corgi: superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org10:23
JucatoActionParsnip: done that already :)10:23
Jucato(scroll up a bit)10:23
Sir_CorgiI don't like when people do that.10:23
ubuntuthankyou! ill try it10:23
JucatoSir_Corgi: don't get annoyed too much. sometimes with heavy traffic, people don't see lines10:23
Sir_CorgiI understand it's easier, but it makes me feel retarded.10:23
Jucatoit happens. no one's perfect10:23
=== ubuntu is now known as LilJon
ActionParsnipLilJon: np dude10:24
LilJonill be back if it dont work!10:24
Jucato(this is relatively low to medium traffic even... wait till a new release is out... all /dev/null breaks loose)10:24
ActionParsnipyes > /dev/null :)10:24
Sir_CorgiI think I'm going to pass on Hardy for a while.10:24
Sir_CorgiIt worked. Thank you. :)10:25
ActionParsnipSir_Corgi: cool, welcome to cli installs10:25
Jucatoa wise strategy is to wait about a month after a release... to observe what problems creep up10:25
applehypnosisActionParsnip? Good name10:26
Sir_CorgiI won't even be in the United States when the new release comes out.10:26
Jucato(*if* you absolutely need stable. otherwise, we need testers too :)10:26
ActionParsnipapplehypnosis: its a harry hill joke10:26
Sir_CorgiNo way.  I tried to update to the beta.  Uh uh...10:26
Sir_CorgiNever doing that again.10:26
ActionParsnipJucato: i'm getting it now for a virtualbox for me to play with when work is dead10:26
Sir_CorgiBacking up.. what does cli stand for?10:28
Sir_CorgiOr is it even an acronym...?10:28
tysinehello, please have some help with knetworkmanager?10:29
JucatoSir_Corgi: Command Line Interface10:29
ActionParsnipSir_Corgi: command line interface (or interpreter)10:30
Sir_CorgiI figured the cl stood for command line.10:30
ActionParsnipSir_Corgi: basically you type commands instead of clicking stuff10:30
Sir_CorgiI just didn't know what the i stood for.10:30
Sir_CorgiI understand.10:30
ActionParsnipSir_Corgi: cool :)10:30
ActionParsnipSir_Corgi: you may want to type sudo apt-get clean too :)10:31
Sir_CorgiLearning Linux is an interesting process, but it results in remembering how to do things much more easily than it is with Windows.10:31
Sir_CorgiI think I've done that once.10:31
Sir_CorgiBut I forgot what it does.10:31
ActionParsnipSir_Corgi: deletes all the old packages you have downloaded from temporry storage10:31
* Sir_Corgi nods head.10:32
Sir_CorgiLovin' it.10:32
Sir_CorgiLovin' it.10:32
* ActionParsnip cheers for Sir_Corgi10:32
JucatoSir_Corgi: that, of course, depends on how you're trying to do things. modern Linux desktops are as easy to use as Windows (point and click?). It's just that some people prefer to give answers/help with commands10:32
Jucatobecause they're easier to convey.. doesn't mean they can't be done using the GUI method...10:33
ActionParsnipSir_Corgi: plus you can copy/paste :)10:33
Sir_CorgiYes. There is that.10:33
Sir_CorgiAnd drag and drop.10:33
Jucato(there's always the danger, though, that the command might not be correct and might do more harm than good...)10:34
robbieWhoever it was just a few minutes ago that helped with NetowrkManager...Thx and your a Pimp10:34
Sir_CorgiYeah... but... in Windows you can screw something up just by looking at it funny.10:34
JucatoSir_Corgi: you can screw something up just by booting into it or logging in :P10:35
ActionParsniprobbie: think it was me dude :)10:35
Sir_CorgiHey!  That kind of looks like... Oh my dear lord!10:35
robbieYea thanks!10:35
ActionParsniprobbie: you basically wiped the config to zero. then you can set up a new one.10:35
* Jucato hopes that robbie didn't mean "a Pimp" in an offending way :)10:35
ActionParsniprobbie: if you go to you ~/ and type ls -a yu will see all configs for lot of other apps10:36
Sir_CorgiI've screwed up enough times in Linux that I've needed to reinstall it.10:36
Sir_CorgiBut I haven't had to in a while, so... :D10:36
ActionParsnipSir_Corgi: best way to learn10:36
JucatoSir_Corgi: ouch.. :)10:36
Sir_CorgiNot when you use unetbootin to install it.10:36
* Jucato has probably been lucky never to had to reinstall because of a screw up10:36
Sir_CorgiWhich takes FOREVER10:36
robbieok thanks, and no i didnt mean it offensively10:36
ActionParsniprobbie: not taken as :)10:37
tysinehello, please have some help with knetworkmanager?10:38
ActionParsnipi believe robbie can ;)10:39
ActionParsniptysine: wassup?10:40
tysinemy wifi setup is a mess10:40
tysinei think it has something to do with my interfaces file10:40
Jucatopesky interfaces file :)10:40
tysineessentially, i want to connect to my wifi router, however, when i right click the knetworkmanager icon near the clock, no wireless networks are listed, when i know there are at least 510:41
robbie:D for the KNetworkManager Problem try Sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.old10:41
robbiethen reboot and ur off :D10:41
robbiei just used that and it detects wireless routers and works now :D10:42
Jucato"sudo" (not Sudo)10:42
Sir_CorgiYeah.  Case sensitive.10:42
ActionParsniprobbie: Linux is very CaSe SEsiTiVe10:42
Sir_CorgiWhich is strange.10:43
robbieoops sry10:43
Sir_CorgiBut whatever.10:43
JucatoSir_Corgi: inherited from Unix10:43
Jucato(it does make it flexible to have Foo and foo and foO and fOo... :P)10:43
SlimeyPeteI wonder what the original reason for it is10:43
* Jucato doesn't know that one...10:43
ActionParsnipSlimeyPete: gives you mre file names :)10:44
Jucatothough I don't really mind, since I do programming, and in most languages, identifiers are case sensitive too10:44
SlimeyPeteif your files/apps are differentiated only by case then you need to figure out a better naming scheme ;)10:44
ActionParsnipSlimeyPete: agreesd but thats what it gives you10:45
drifkheops is definitely a) mental patient b) totally without a clue c) sick bastard d) all of the above10:45
Jucatodrif: that's over already10:45
drifJucato: not really..10:46
Jucatoat least here it is10:46
kmaxtorplease help me to install nvidia driver's my video can't activate10:46
kmaxtormy video card is nvidia10:47
Jucato!nvidia | kmaxtor10:47
ubotukmaxtor: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:47
Jucatokmaxtor: you can also try going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Restricted Manager10:47
Jucato(if you're on Gutys only)10:48
ActionParsnipkmaxtor: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx10:48
Sir_CorgiGutys. lol10:48
JucatoI used to spell it Gusty :)10:48
Jucatosoon I'll have to learn to fast-type Intrepid and not Interpid :)10:48
Sir_CorgiPronounced "goo-tees"10:48
Jucatoor "gut-tees" :)10:49
Jucato(or "gut-ties"... whatever :P)10:49
Sir_CorgiI just immediately think "goo-tees."  Probably because I'm learning Russian right now.10:49
LilSargLilSarge  =  Robbie10:49
Sir_CorgiIt's nice having this week off from it, though. :)10:50
kmaxtorK Menu -> System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Restricted Manager can't activate10:51
ActionParsnipkmaxtor: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list10:52
ActionParsnipkmaxtor: uncomment the restricted repos and run sudo apt-get update10:52
jermainhi everyone11:01
ActionParsniphi jermain11:01
ActionParsnip!hi | jermain11:01
ubotujermain: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:02
jermaincan i ask something about VIM?11:02
Dr_willisYou just did. :)11:02
Dr_willisWhat about it.11:02
Sir_CorgiWhachootalkin'bout Willis?11:02
* Dr_willis is slowly upping his vim-fu-skills11:02
jermaini want to set auto indent11:02
jermainthe command is supposed to be "set ai"11:02
Sir_CorgiI feel ashamed for making that joke. lol11:02
jermainbut when i hit the s, it goes to insert mode11:03
jermainand the joke wasnt that bad ^^11:03
SlimeyPetetype :11:03
SlimeyPetethat'll bring up the vim command prompt11:03
Sir_CorgiI'm going to make a wild guess here... SuperKaramba shouldn't be used with Compiz running?11:03
jermain-.- the evil : again11:03
jermainit haunts me11:03
jermainthanks :)11:03
Dr_willisjermain,  yes it is.. or use :set noautoindent   :set autoindent11:03
Dr_willisjermain,  vi basics here man. :)11:03
Dr_willishow eles ya going to set it on the fly...11:04
Sir_CorgiWait. Scratch that.11:04
Sir_CorgiI was doing something retarded.11:04
Dr_willisYou could put it in your .vimrc or other config files11:04
Dr_willis!info vimtutor11:04
jermainyay it works!, ty :)11:04
jermain!info vimtutor11:04
Dr_willistheres a few gui variants that have pull down menus.. helps ya learn some of the commands also.11:05
Dr_willistheres a vimtutor command for a basic tutorial.11:05
Dr_willis!find vimtutor11:05
ubotuFound: sh:11:05
Dr_willisbut the bot seems tobe brain dead today11:05
jermaincool, for once i can be smarter than the bot11:05
Jucatoit seems !find doesn't work11:05
Sir_CorgiTime to pull the feeding tube.11:05
* Dr_willis resists doing a !find find11:06
jermaini feel so pro now that i can do stuff in vim11:07
jermainwhen i grow up i wil master VI!11:07
Sir_CorgiWhat is this vim...?11:08
Dr_willisVi IMproved11:08
Sir_Corgi... that doesn't help me much, but thank you for de-acrynomizing it. :)11:08
Dr_willistype vim and seee....11:09
jermainits notepad in the terminal11:09
JucatoSir_Corgi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vim_(text_editor)11:09
Dr_williscomparing it to notepad is like comparing a  unicicle to the spaceshuttle.11:09
Jucatojermain: comparing it to notepad is...11:09
Sir_CorgiOh... okay.11:09
Jucatobah.. Dr_willis is too fast :)11:09
jermainso the space shuttle has some more wheels, what of it?11:09
* Dr_willis envisions an astronaut on a unicicle.11:09
* Jucato envisions going to the moon in a unicycle11:10
Dr_willisits amazing that windows can still ship such a crippled text editor.. .. but it fits the rest of the os i guess. :) /rant off..11:10
* Sir_Corgi imagines the astronaut crash landing on the moon because he died from his oxygen running out in the first few hours.11:10
Sir_CorgiBut that's just me...11:10
JucatoDr_willis: the point is that you don't do much text editing there the way we use editors here11:11
jermainlol, where is your <rant>11:11
jermainyou cant \rant without a <rant>11:11
* jussi01 envisions #kubuntu as a support channel :)11:11
Dr_willis:set offtopic11:11
jermainno, you need an [offtopic]11:11
jermaini hate you!11:11
* Sir_Corgi sets out to destroy your vision.11:11
Sir_CorgiWith flames.11:11
Sir_CorgiAnd... unicycles.11:11
Sir_CorgiFlaming unicycles. That's it!11:11
jermaini got go afk, thanks agin for the help guys11:11
Dr_willis /blink Wow /blinkoff11:11
=== LilSarg is now known as MacDaddy
Sir_CorgiI love being able to stay up all night and then sleep all day without having to worry about the things I normally have to worry about.11:13
Sir_CorgiClass break is awesome.11:14
=== MacDaddy is now known as MacNasty
=== MacNasty is now known as LilSarged
=== LilSarged is now known as LilSarge
* Dr_willis goes back to reading the various computer news sites..11:17
=== LilSarge is now known as macnasty
Sir_CorgiDamn.  I just got internetz challenged.11:18
Sir_CorgiI correctly identified the lady in that animated gif that says "Internet" as the mother from the newer Carrie movie, but now I have to identify what she is really saying.11:19
=== Jaikao is now known as Jaikao|away
jussi01!away > Jaikao|away11:21
Jaikao|awaymkay i think about it :D11:23
Dr_willisHay! you are not really away!11:32
jermaini have returned: awe in my presence!11:42
Sir_CorgiHow about no.11:43
Jaikao|awaymy "konversation" starts to blink when somebody says my name...11:43
Jaikao|awayor when somebody querys me (in this case ubotu)11:44
Jaikao|awayim not shure...11:44
Sir_CorgiI'm watching every part of the 2002 version of Carrie to freakin find out what that lady in that picture is really saying.11:44
* Dr_willis thinks Sir_Corgi has a bit TOO much free time.11:45
clau30_Jaikao|away: it's default behaviour, you can change that11:47
Sir_CorgiBut if I answer the question correctly I get ten free internets!11:47
Sir_CorgiCome on!11:47
Dr_willisShes saying "Eat more popcorn!"11:48
Dr_willisOh wait - that was the Subliminal message in the  intermission11:48
* Dr_willis goes to the lobby, to gets himself a snack.11:50
Dr_willisbye all11:50
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azukikde runs really unstable her11:54
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ActionParsnipbit quiet12:05
ActionParsnip!hi | mangla12:10
ubotumangla: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:10
drifActionParsnip: all quiet in the western front..12:10
mangladoes anybody run ubuntu on an acer 5720z?12:11
drifacer is a tricky thing :-\12:11
manglano good?12:11
drifwell, haven't had much success with three different models12:11
jussi01mangla: please be a little more specific in your question12:11
manglajussi01: sound aint working12:12
jussi01mangla: whcih versin of ubuntu/kubuntu (gutsy, feaisty etc) and which sound card?12:13
manglathe kubuntu beta12:13
manglawith kde412:13
jussi01mangla: #kubuntu-kde4 then. :)12:14
manglagreat help jussi. thanks anyway12:14
jussi01mangla: if you head over there, Ill try to continue helping :)12:15
manglano. i am staying12:15
manglahi jermain12:15
jermainhi mangla ^^12:16
jussi01mangla: then please constrain your questions to kde3 stuff. thanks :)12:16
manglaget a life jussi0112:16
* jermain is overwhelmed by the love in here12:16
manglawe love each other jermain, we just arent acting as if12:17
jermaincan someone tell me how to add a user in the console?12:17
jermaini tried sudo adduser12:17
manglajussi01 knows how - i bet12:18
* jermain stares at jussi0112:18
jussi01jermain: try adding a name after that. ;)12:18
LadyNikon"sudo useradd -d /home/testuser -m testuser"12:19
jermainwhat does the -m do?12:19
LadyNikoncheck out useradd help12:19
jermainnvm i'll use12:19
jermainyes i was gonna say man12:19
LadyNikonjermain: never use a command without finding that it does12:19
jermainty ladynikon12:19
Jd0ggi got a question regarding DOS Emulator (dosemu) , when trying to play quake (first person shooter) i can't do 360 degree turns cause the mouse comes off the window i'm playing in, how can i make the mouse 'snap' to the window and not move?12:20
Sir_CorgiDear Lord.12:22
Sir_CorgiI figured it out.12:22
Sir_CorgiShe is actually saying "Internet"12:22
Sir_CorgiI cannot believe that.12:22
Jd0ggThe interweb is quite tangled12:22
Sir_CorgiWhoa.  Different people in here.12:22
jermainno its just one guy running between many many computers ;)12:23
jermainand i'm out of breath12:23
Jd0ggyeah, i'm Jdogg / Jeff ; i recently got on to Kubuntu as my pick to 'test the waves' with the *nix environment, i like it alot12:23
LadyNikonkde is awesome12:24
LadyNikonfluxbox is better.. but kde is still awesome ;)12:24
SlimeyPeteJd0gg: ctrl-alt-home?12:24
Jd0ggLadyNikon, i love it too.12:24
Jd0ggi have no idea what that does but i smell a noob-trick :P12:24
SlimeyPeteJd0gg: no, I just googled and that's the only suggestion I can find12:25
SlimeyPeteJd0gg: apparently it jails the mouse inside dosemu12:25
Jd0ggooh, you're answering my question. i'll have to try it, do i hit the same hotkey to 'release' it12:25
Jd0ggand fluxbox, interesting i'll have to look that one up LadyNikon12:25
SlimeyPetedunno... doesn't say, and I don't have dosemu to hand12:26
jussi01Jd0gg: there is a fluxbuntu :)12:26
Jd0ggi like KDE cause it's got the 'windows' feel to it, and i grew up on windows, so it's not /quite/ as intimidating to learn the new environment12:26
jermainladynikon, i read the man page and i dont think i get it. -d specifies the homedir and basedir, why is -m still needed to specify the basedir again?12:26
Jd0ggis there any major differences between fluxbox (fluxbuntu) and kde (kubuntu) that is worth point out?12:27
Sir_CorgiSame here, jd0gg12:27
jussi01Jd0gg: the memory usage, the de lots12:27
Sir_CorgiAnd I like compiz because it has that "WindowBlinds" feel to it.12:27
jussi01jermain: you are just trying to simply add a new user, correct?12:28
jussi01jermain: sudo adduser newusername12:28
Jd0ggjussi01, "the de lots"? are you saying kde uses more then flux?12:28
jermainso for me it would be sudo useradd -d /home/quincy -m quincy12:29
jussi01Jd0gg: sorry, no, I meant the DE, Lots of stuff12:29
Jd0ggooh that's a good question, what filesystems are you all running here12:29
Jd0ggDE = ?12:29
jussi01Jd0gg: this isnt just a general chat area, please use #kubuntu-offtopic for that :)12:29
jussi01Desktop Environment12:29
jussi01jermain: no, just: sudo adduser quincy12:30
jermainjussi, i did that, but i need him to have a hom dir aswell ^^12:31
jussi01jermain: it should automatically create one12:31
jermainty :)12:31
jermainit worked!12:32
jermainnow to add a pass (don't say, i want to see if i can find out)12:33
jussi01jermain: did it not prompt you for that?12:33
jermainnvm it prompted12:33
jermainits not supposed to do that according to the book, but the book has a suse cd in the back12:34
LadyNikonsuse >.<12:35
jermaini'm too much of a linux newb to understand the difference between flavours12:36
jermaini just know i like ubuntu12:36
jussi01great. now Im off home, so Ill see you all later12:36
jermainsafe trip jussi12:37
_Angelus_later jussi01  , peace12:37
_Angelus_dont shoot too much people :p12:37
Sir_CorgiWhen I was first introduced to linux, it was suggested to me to try Linux Mint.12:37
Sir_CorgiI tried, but couldn't get it to install.12:37
jermain*too many people (heil grammar!)12:37
Sir_CorgiAnd then I was like o hai, Kubuntu!12:37
modepolif i have an ircd. can i hide the ip of servers by which users connect to the network?12:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about addon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:48
jermainthe useradd is driving me nuts12:52
SlimeyPetejermain: what're you trying to do?12:53
jermainim trying to learn to work with linux from a book12:54
jermainim supposed to make some useraccounts12:54
jermaini made one using sudo useradd quincy12:54
jermainit failed12:54
jermaini tried other stuff12:54
jermaindeleted it12:54
jermaintried the same thing again12:54
jermainand then it worked12:54
jermainnow i need to make another one12:54
jermainand i get no confirmation or error12:55
jermainbut no prompt for password and stuff either12:55
SlimeyPetehrm, I didn't even know kubuntu *had* useradd12:55
SlimeyPete"adduser" is the one that's most frequently used12:55
SlimeyPeteit does the same sort of thing12:55
jermainuhm not in kubuntu itself but in the console12:55
SlimeyPetejermain: yeah12:56
SlimeyPeteuse adduser.12:56
SlimeyPeteuseradd is the complicated version.12:56
SlimeyPete(run "man adduser" for instructions)12:57
* SlimeyPete wanders off, good luck :)12:57
jermainit worked ty12:59
modepolif i have an ircd. can i hide the ip of servers by which users connect to the network?12:59
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BunnyRevolutionwhere is the place to change the monitor/display in kubuntu kde4 version?13:26
Jucato#kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 questions (though I think displayconfig hasn't been ported to KDE 4 yet...)13:27
Jucatoprobably System Settings -> Display as usual13:27
lopovhas anyone had issues with nvidia driver? such as xserver defaulting to display 1.0?13:28
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sigma_1234any chance kde4 hardy will have amarok2 and the kde4 kontact?14:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about addon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:09
neville_Amarok 2?14:09
neville_How much better can Amarok get? :P14:09
stdinsigma_1234: 1) it does, 2) when kdepim comes otu14:10
sigma_1234neville_: if it could play video that would be great14:12
stdinan audio player that plays video? but that's media player surely ;)14:13
Sir_CorgiVLC FTW14:13
sigma_1234stdin: are the other kubuntu apps like k3b and kaffeine going to be ported?14:14
sigma_1234stdin: id prefer having one program to play everything. like win media player14:15
stdinsigma_1234: they aren't "kubuntu apps" they are kde apps, but probably yes. dragonplayer is a replacement to kaffeine for now14:15
stdinsigma_1234: that's when you get bloatware14:15
sigma_1234sorry meant kde apps14:15
sigma_1234true i dont ever recall using amarok and kaffeine at the same time14:16
eslamim eslam14:21
romunov_where in kubuntu do i set pretty little icons for different documents?14:21
romunov_for example, OO.o documents look like "generic" with no special icons14:21
azukiso I guess kde4 would be more stable?14:21
jussio1romunov_: right click doc, click permissions, click spanner, click icon14:22
jussio1azuki: no14:22
azukijussio1: I was actually shocked how unstable it is,, I am back to gnome now..14:23
azukijussio1: which sucks.. 'cause the optionality was pretty cool14:23
jussio1azuki: kde4 stuff really belongs in #kubuntu-kde4 but it is still a 4.0 release, wait for 4.1 for stability14:24
romunov_jussio1: much obliged, as always!14:24
jussio1romunov_: no probs :)14:25
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:29
simula_i'm having the toughest time getting a drive mounted via fstab that a normal user can write to :/14:29
simula_i put this into fstab:14:30
simula_  /dev/sdb1 /archive ext3 user,noauto,noatime 0 214:30
simula_i first used fdisk and got it set up as an ext3 partition /dev/sdb14:30
simula_i do a mount /archive14:31
simula_and i can add stuff to it as root, but not as a user :/14:31
simula_normal user i mean14:31
jussio1simula_: unmount it, and then make sure the permissions on the folder are available for the user to write to14:32
simula_ok jussio1, i'll give that a shot.. thanks!14:33
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simula_jussio1, i chmod 666 /archive14:36
simula_unmounted, remounted (both as su and normal user)14:37
simula_and i can enter the directory and get a listing14:37
simula_but i can't mkdir14:37
romunov_i had to install Vista today14:39
romunov_because ubuntu/kubuntu wouldn't boot for some reason. i tried three different cds and versions14:39
romunov_i kept falling into the busybox14:39
maroohey folks, is it safe to perform a "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel" atm?14:45
marooor what I would prefer a "do-release-upgrade --devel-release" ?14:47
Darkrift2my cursor is gone :(14:49
Darkrift2i restarted x and its still gone14:49
Darkrift2when i move the mouse, i get mouseover tips and stuff, but no cursor14:50
nitinwhy does kopete crash when trying to use msn?14:51
marooDarkrift2: hmm maybe try to set another cursor theme? alt+f2 -> kcontrol -> search mouse and tab around -> Cursor Theme?14:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adept-fix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:54
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto14:54
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:54
Darkrift2didnt work14:54
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marooDarkrift2: hmm have you changed anything on you system?14:55
Darkrift2no, i went to bed14:55
cuzntsudo dpkg --configure -a14:55
cuznttry just that14:55
cuznti use that when my apt front end crashes14:56
cuzntif you restart your desk top <alt> + <ctrl> + backspace and restart in safe mode the terminal there worked best for me, as nothing is up14:57
Bauldrickwhats the best way to convert my .m4p's to mp3?14:57
AngelusBauldrick,  lame?14:58
marooBauldrick: best or easiest? :). best for me: mencoder + lame14:58
cuzntfriends dont let friends make mp3's14:59
Bauldrickeasiest then!!!15:00
maroofor i in *.m4; do mencoder "$i" -o "${i/m4a/mp3}" -oac mp3lame ; done15:00
maroo*.m4a or what ever .)15:01
maroohttp://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Audio_conversion <- there are more scripts google just revealed15:01
marooalso m4a to ogg to make cuznt happy :)15:02
jussio1Bauldrick: I think soundkonverter does that graphically if you prefer15:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adesklets - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desklets - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:05
matt1728does anyone know how to use adesklets?15:05
JucatoI've heard about it. haven't tried it yet. have you tried superkaramba?15:06
matt1728no. have you used it?15:06
Jucatosuperkaramba? before yes15:06
matt1728is it easy to use?15:06
ubotusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org15:07
yao_ziyuani have a question15:07
Jucatowebsite is http://netdragon.sourceforge.net/ssuperkaramba.html15:07
yao_ziyuani'm in china, and my home uses a cable connection to the internet15:07
yao_ziyuanthere is a hardware router attached to the cable line15:08
yao_ziyuanthe router is a required thing installed by the local government ISP15:08
yao_ziyuanits purpose is to filter political keywords15:08
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yao_ziyuanthis implementation can relieve the server load of the Great Firewall15:09
matt1728your goverment filters the internet?15:09
yao_ziyuanof course15:09
matt1728so what cant you go to?15:09
maroomany goverment do.. not as extreme as china, but they do15:09
yao_ziyuani wonder, whether the government can use this router to see or manipulate data in my computer?15:10
matt1728if you're on their network15:10
yao_ziyuani use kubuntu now15:10
yao_ziyuanand in the "Remote Places",15:10
yao_ziyuani don't see anything suspicious15:10
matt1728hmm lol15:10
marooyao_ziyuan:  use tor and make sure your computer is secure from a local network..15:11
blindfishi don't think they _want to_ manipulate your data15:11
yao_ziyuanhow to make sure i'm secure from a LAN?15:11
marooi.e. don't run unnecessary services on the network15:11
yao_ziyuani don't15:11
marooyou should be pretty safe then ..15:11
yao_ziyuanand i have no special ethernet card drivers15:12
yao_ziyuanall drivers are provided by ubuntu15:12
marooi just would recommend using vpn or tor to make sure your traffic isn't logged15:12
yao_ziyuani know that15:13
maroostill nuts to filter the net with a provided router.. :) would be interesting to hack it and publish the list of keywords etc.15:13
yao_ziyuansomeone proposed to "paralyze the Great Firewall",15:13
maroobut i guess this is getting OT :)15:13
yao_ziyuanbut when i consider this hardware router,15:13
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yao_ziyuani don't think the GFW can be paralyzed...15:14
marooyao_ziyuan well you can atleast dig tunnels or drill holes :)15:15
blindfishyao_ziyuan: i don't think anybody knows how intelligent the "GFW" is15:15
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blindfishso if you don't have anythink you should worry about (abc-weapon plans? ^^), just try it out15:16
ubotusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org15:16
blindfishfreenet / entropy can tunnel their communication through standard-protocols by default15:16
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yao_ziyuanman, mentioning this word (fri:net) can draw their attention15:17
marooblindfish: i guess you don't need abc weapons for that i bet a little tibet is enough :P15:17
yao_ziyuanwhat exactly is abc weapons?15:17
yao_ziyuanyeah. to paralyze china, you just start the HAARP machine and make a little snowstorm15:18
blindfishyao_ziyuan: thermonuclear weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons ;)15:18
blindfishmaroo: well i think you're right15:19
yao_ziyuanit's actually interesting to see that during the recent tibet events, there has been a flamewar at youtube about whether 'tibet is, was and will always be part of china',15:20
yao_ziyuanand china blocks youtube these days,15:20
lars_hello! i have a question about the virtual desktops of kubuntu. how can i manage, that a application ist only displayed on one virtual desktop an not on everyone?15:20
yao_ziyuanand some pro-communist guys are calling for people to "go to youtube and help the flamewar"15:21
yao_ziyuanbut how could people "go to youtube"? these pro-communist guys are giving away tools like tor, freeg@te, ultr@surf now15:21
yao_ziyuanto them, tibet has a higher strategic value than online censorship15:22
blindfishchina doesn't just block youtube in china. i read there were some german, who were pro tibet, aggressivly hacked from china. seems that they want to block the whole world15:22
flipstarlars_: on kwin? right click on the title and then see15:23
Sir_Corgiyao_ziyuan: Do you speak English as a first language?  If not, you speak it flawlessly.15:23
yao_ziyuanthis is another story... i exposed to english information more than my peers since childhood, and i have researched linguistics15:25
lars_yes i can choose on which desktop the app will be displayed, but even if  i just chooese desk 1, it is also displayed in the taskbar of desk 2 for example15:26
Sir_CorgiI'm always amazed to meet people that learn English so well from things like television or the internet, rather than from a class.15:26
yao_ziyuanSir_Corgi: it has to be learnt that way15:26
_Shade_i have recently changed the host name by hostname command and since then i am unable to use sudo command15:27
ghostcubehi guys15:27
_Shade_i got "sudo: unable to resolve host linux-desk"15:27
ghostcubeis kde updating kde3 if i install it or will it be installed side by side ?15:28
Nyadis there a standard repository of kde wallpapers that I can download?15:29
flipstarlars_: yes..this is typical.. a workaround would probably enable 'show only minimized windows' in kicker (the taskbar)15:30
flipstarghostcube: it will be installed beside kde315:31
flipstar!themes > Nyad15:31
ghostcubeflipstar: so i need to set the session to kde4 then correct ?15:32
flipstarin kdm, correct15:32
ghostcubeany howto for installing korrekt into gutsy ? or just kde4-desktop15:32
lars_hm, i now recognized, that the apps dont appear on the wrong desktops, but are always in the taskbar15:32
flipstarghostcube: theres a good tutorial..see the topic in #kubuntu-kde4 for details15:33
ghostcubeoh thx :) flipstar15:33
lars_i woult like, that only the app of the desktop i use  appears in the taskbar15:33
Darkrift2anyone have any idea why sometimes i need acpi=off to boot and sometimes i dont?15:33
matt1728is there a way to run an application from the terminal but  have it run on its own?15:34
lars_i found a way  to fix that! thank you anyway115:34
flipstarmatt1728: add "&" at the end of the command15:34
flipstarlars_: how .. ?15:35
Darkrift2normally when i boot without it, i get odd graphical problems and it wont finish booting, but someone told me to use noapic and nolapic to fix my wifi which worked and I booted without apci=off, but its not working now and i am unable to boot without that option (which causes my wifi to not work)15:35
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ghostcubeflipstar: thx found it :) btw is there any news for the "module couldnt be found for ..." in admin sessions kcontrol15:35
Odd-rationaleflipstar: Go to "Comfigure Panels..."15:35
flipstarghostcube: on hardy .. ?15:35
ghostcubeno gutsy15:35
ghostcubekde 3.5.9 started in 3.5.8 with an update the is an bugtracker  about i thought maybe any news15:36
Odd-rationale*configure taskbar...15:36
ghostcubeu cant get to system admin mode in kcontrol or systemsettings  it doesnt find the modules15:36
lars_i am from germany so i can just discribe how i dit it: right click on the taskbar --> Kontrollleiste einrichten --> Fensterleiste --> bei "die Fenster sämtlicher Arbeitsflächen anzeigen" den Haken entfernen15:36
ghostcubeso still sudo kcontrol ?15:37
lars_translation in english: right click on the taskbar -->konfigure control bar --> window list --> remove the x at  "show the window of every desktop"15:38
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nick_i try to install gaim-xfire but i got a message libssl0.9.7 dependency is not satisfiable15:45
BluesKajnick, check this out http://gfire.sourceforge.net/snapshots/15:47
_Shade_i have added a public file server applet to my kicker. How can i access it?15:51
BluesKaj_Shade_, that's a result of your using the share option on a folder. I think if you right click on the icon you can quit it.15:54
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randomLongWorkabHi. I have a dual boot with kubuntu and windows, now if I intall another distro and I tell it not to install another bootloader since I already have grub. will my grub pick it up?15:55
BluesKaj_Shade_, unless you intend to share the folder on the internet or network.15:55
llutzrandomLongWorkab: not automagicly15:55
randomLongWorkabwill it be difficult to modify?15:56
llutzrandomLongWorkab: nope, let the next linux-installations write their grub into partition, then add a chainloader into your present grub/menu.lst15:56
_Shade_BluesKaj: i think i diidn't get what you mean... all i wanted was to open up konqueror, type in the ip and browse what i share15:57
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BluesKaj_Shade_, sharing on a network ..type if you have samba installed type smb:/ into the konq addressbar .It will show your network shares.16:00
_Shade_BluesKaj: i am going to share it over the net... there's an applet thingy that seems to does so. I've set it to wait for connections on port 80 but it came to nothing16:03
thiemsterhow do i add widgets in kde4?16:04
llutz_Shade_: ask in  #kubuntu-kde416:04
BluesKajhmm , port 80 ... is that safe llutz ?16:04
llutzthiemster: : ask in  #kubuntu-kde416:05
llutzsorry _Shade_, didn't mean you16:05
_Shade_llutz: why should i bother kde4 folks... it's 3.516:05
_Shade_llutz: ah ok :)16:06
llutzBluesKaj: safety isn't port-dependent16:06
randomLongWorkabllutz: How do I add a chainloader into the grub/menu.lst?16:06
randomLongWorkabwhat is that?16:07
BluesKajahh, hard for me to get rid of the windows mindset16:07
crookshankshey guys, is there a script i can put somewhere that KDE will execute when i logout?16:07
crookshankssimilar to .kde/Autostart, except for logging out16:07
randomLongWorkabcrookshanks: are those scripts python scripts? I haven't heard of this before, or is it a shell script?16:07
crookshanksshell script16:08
llutzrandomLongWorkab: it's a way to load a 2nd bootloader. just add 2 lines to your exisiting menu.lst: "title new-linux"  and "chainloader(hdX,Y)+1"   <- XYpartition for new installation16:08
crookshanksAFAIK, you can put any executable file in .kde/Autostart and it will run when you login16:08
crookshanksi was wondering if there was a logout equivalent16:08
llutzrandomLongWorkab:  e.g. if you install the new linux into /dev/sda5, it's "chainloader(hd0,4)+1"16:09
VermuxI downloaded samba doc. how do I search and open the documentation?16:10
BluesKajVermux, open konq and type locate:samba in the addressbar , you'll get a few hits :)16:11
FSHeroHi eveyone: can I ask for help on using OpenOffice here?16:12
randomLongWorkabllutz: so. "title suse10.2" and "chanloader(sda2,0)+1".  I don't get what you mean about install it into "/dev/sda5" because don't I install it into a new partition and not there?16:12
llutzrandomLongWorkab: nope, grub calls disk/partitions different then kernel does. so /dev/sda2 = (hd0,1)16:13
randomLongWorkabso 0=a  and the 2= 1+116:14
llutzrandomLongWorkab: yes, sda2=1 because grub begins counting at 016:15
llutzrandomLongWorkab: just make sure that opensuse writes grub into it's own partition, not into MBR.16:16
randomLongWorkabwill do. thanks16:16
llutzrandomLongWorkab: then you need to reboot into your kubuntu to modify menu.lst once before you can boot suse16:17
llutzsounds more complicated as it is :)16:17
Dark-Alien-Corehi guys16:20
Dark-Alien-Corecan the programm ffmpeg convert a flv file into a wmv?16:21
randomLongWorkabif ogg is the mp3 of linux. what is the avi of linux?16:21
llutzavi is a container, not a format16:22
Dark-Alien-Coreno its flv file i have kubuntu16:22
SlimeyPeteogg vorbis is the mp3 of linux. xvid is the divx of linux.16:22
Dark-Alien-Coreand i have an pda with windows16:22
llutzogg-theora is a free format16:22
Dark-Alien-Corei wanted to confert the flv to an wmv file so that the pda play it16:22
SlimeyPeteogm is the avi of linux, I guess, but it's not used much.16:22
MinnozzHi, I have a problem with my audio. Recently, I tried to install the official driver from my (Asus) motherboard sound chip, and a script ruined my sound. Music and normal sounds still work, but when I launch Unreal Tournament 2004, only a bunch of noise/cracks/etc comes from my speakers. How can I fix this?16:23
Dark-Alien-Corebut on  the pda is not linux its windows16:23
Dark-Alien-Coreit can only plays wmv16:23
randomLongWorkabDark-Alien-Core: you can play flv with vlc and kaffeine16:23
Dark-Alien-Coreyes with linux i can but i have downloaded a video file in flv,so and i have transfer to my Pocket Pc Pda but it doesnt can play flv why its windows16:24
Dark-Alien-Coreit only can play wmv files16:25
randomLongWorkabwhats a Pocket Pc Pda?16:25
Dark-Alien-Coreits like a mobile telefon16:26
Dark-Alien-Corein german like pda16:27
Dark-Alien-Corethe os is windows mobile 616:27
llutzDark-Alien-Core:  try  ffmpeg -y -i video.flv  -vcodec msmpeg4 -vtag MP43 -acodec mp3  2pda.wmv16:28
brother-good ideas anyone? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61133/16:29
brother-aptitude wasn't able to remove it and I, as SU, was neither.16:29
compilerwriterHow is the beta working for you folks?16:32
|Dreams|can some help me i cant create a key with kgpg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61134/ is the error16:33
stdin|Dreams|: check the permissions of /home/dreamcoder/.gnupg16:35
|Dreams|it says it belongs to root16:36
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|Dreams|so i change by writing "sudo chown dreamcoder" ?16:36
SlimeyPetesudo chown dreamcoder .gnupg16:37
jpatrickremember to backup .gnupg regularly..16:37
|Dreams|ok thanks i wasnt far wrong bad for a newbie haha16:37
stdinsudo chown -r dreamcoder:dreamcoder ~/.gnupg16:37
|Dreams|not bad sorry16:37
|Dreams|it says -r is an invalid argument16:38
|Dreams|invalid option sorry16:38
SlimeyPetemight be -R16:39
SlimeyPeteyeah, it is16:39
SlimeyPete|Dreams|: if you type "man chown" you'll see a manual16:39
|Dreams|yeah it was -R16:39
MinnozzHi, I have a problem with my audio. Recently, I tried to install the official driver from my (Asus) motherboard sound chip, and a script ruined my sound. Music and normal sounds still work, but when I launch Unreal Tournament 2004, only a bunch of noise/cracks/etc comes from my speakers. How can I fix this? (repost :x)16:39
jpatrick|Dreams|: it's for recursive, so folders inside the folder, will change permissionss too16:39
|Dreams|ah i see16:40
|Dreams|what size would you reccomend16:40
|Dreams|key size16:40
jpatrickfor a key? 1024 has always worked fine for me16:41
|Dreams|12months for expiry16:41
* jpatrick never sets an expiry date, but it's your choice :)16:41
ticohello yesterday i successfully installed compiz fusion in my machine but when i tried to do the cube and those fancy effects my keyboard suddenly got blocked so i can't type anything16:43
ticois there a way to prevent compiz to load automatically?16:43
jpatricktico: remove the autostart script?16:43
jpatrick|Dreams|: I suggest you read the gnupg miniguide: http://www.dewinter.com/gnupg_howto/english/GPGMiniHowto.html16:44
sigma_how do i delete a entire folder and all the contents inside it via konsole??16:45
llutzsigma_: rm -rf folder/16:45
jpatricksigma_: "rm -r" - warning16:45
sigma_jpatrick: whats the difference between your command and llutz's command?16:46
jpatricksigma_: his will delete all without question16:46
flipstarrm -r also ..16:46
llutzsigma_: it does what you want16:46
flipstaronly rm -ir not16:46
ticojpatrick: that's what i thought i did but it still loads16:47
jpatricktico: kwin --replace removes it?16:47
ticojpatrick: i can't type anything in X16:48
sigma_um guys i ran that command and it seems to have deleted half my operating system16:49
jpatricktico: hmm, well sorry, don't know16:49
jpatricksigma_: I did say "warning"16:49
flipstarsigma_: what did you set as <folder> ..?16:49
jpatrickpoor guy16:49
=== dyve is now known as Divilinux
ticowhat i did was to mv ~/autostart/startcompiz.sh ~/Desktop/16:49
jpatricktico: KDE autostart scripts are in ~/.kde/Autostart16:50
flipstartico: you probably missed to install/start an window decorator - like emerald16:50
|Dreams|right thanks for your help got it sorted16:51
|Dreams|appreciate it16:51
jpatrick|Dreams|: you're most welcome16:51
|Dreams|:) byee16:52
ticoflipstar: i have emerald running16:54
ticoits in my startcompiz.sh file16:54
jpatricktico: then remove it16:55
ticojpatrick: thats what i did but compiz still loads16:56
flipstartico: ls $HOME/.kde/Autostart doesnt list it anymore ?16:57
techbwhi, all.16:58
flipstarhi techbw16:58
techbwhow can one specify service name for a pppoe connection.  I have search config files, with no success.16:58
ticoflipstar no16:59
techbwI read that it should be in pppoe.conf in /etc/ppp/ but no such file exists on kubuntu16:59
techbwthe info was for fedora i think16:59
flipstartico: did you run 'kwin --replace' before reboot ? maybe its still loaded due saved session16:59
flipstartechbw: maybe its /etc/ppp/options17:03
techbwthanks flipstar going to check17:03
flipstari dont know much about ppp since i dont use it17:04
techbwjust running home quick17:05
vijayfor some reason amarock is unable to display albumart ; when as the same files work perfectly on audacious / rhythmbox (sys specs : ubunut hardy beta , kde4-desktop installed on gnome-ubuntu )17:07
squixlslimey pete ;)17:13
squixldo you know iptraf?17:14
techbwflipstar --> I don't see any option to enable in options file. if I add in the options file, what is the syntax to use?17:15
squixldoes someone know iptraf?17:15
flipstaryep.. whats up with that squixl ?17:16
techbwflipstar...was that directed at me? if you mean -->that is to show that i am speaking to u17:18
flipstartechbw: as i said i dont know any about ppp try man ppp or so or wait until a expert for this appears :)17:20
squixl@flipstar i like this tool17:21
squixlits so cool17:21
squixldo you know if there is a tool collection with such security tools,17:22
flipstari like iftop more..since it its more human readable :)17:22
squixli'm interested in it, and i only found this tool...17:22
squixli have to try ;)17:22
kemalhi, i've such a strange problem here, I've been connect to internet via dial-up using kppp, everything seems fine, i can ping throug www.google.com, i can connect other web sites with w3m (console web browser), and i can also connect to IRC with konversation, but i cannot connect to web with konqueror or i cannot connect to msn network with kopete, any suggestions?17:22
squixlis it in the repo?17:22
squixli got it ;)17:23
squixli gonna try ;)17:23
flipstarsquixl: iptraf is no security tool at .. it only lists the net traffic..search in adept for security .. :)17:23
squixlokie ;)17:23
techbwflipstar: thanks for trying though! I have been looking for the past 2 months on and off...but going to internet cafe each time i want to connect is a little too much now..especially since i am paying for internet at home as well17:23
techbwjust don't know where to look any more17:23
flipstartechbw: hm normally kppp should detect it ..17:24
techbwkppp does not detect my config... or at least don't know how to configure it. ;-P17:24
flipstarit has a wizard i think17:25
randomLongWorkabtesting 117:25
squixlwhats your problem?17:25
squixlwith ppp?17:25
techbwneed to specify ppp service name.17:25
techbwin ppp config17:25
squixltry pppoeconfig17:26
squixlin shell17:26
squixlthere you can configure your "ppp" connection with user and password, in kubuntu17:26
squixlin other distributions you have to install ppp support17:26
techbwit does not work as there are more than one service name on the network, it detects the wrong service, and does not authenticate17:26
squixlthan you can start pppoeconf17:26
techbwyes, I can...but authentication failure usernam pass not working17:27
algyztechbw:  sudo ifconfig "good device" up17:27
squixlin /etc/ppp/ you find the configuration files17:27
algyztechbw:  sudo ifconfig "bad device" down17:27
squixlin /etc/ppp/peers there are you're provider17:28
squixlperhaps you have to configure the files manually, for example the right eth device17:28
squixland a good advice would be to17:28
squixlmake ifconfig ethX down for all devices,17:28
randomLongWorkabwould there be any sound quality benefits if I convert my mp3 files to ogg files?17:29
squixland only use one eth device,17:29
squixland configure it,17:29
squixlbecause if you use more network cards,17:29
squixlyou have to configure the right path for your connection17:29
squixllike routing ... ;)17:29
squixli think17:29
=== jhutchins_ is now known as jhutchins_wk
llutzrandomLongWorkab: no but it won't sound better because mp3 already uses lossy compression, so information is lost17:30
squixl@flipstar ;) iftop is also cool ;)17:33
llutzsquixl: try whireshark17:33
squixlbut how can i see the values ?17:34
llutzsquixl:  wireshark17:34
squixli installed iftop, but no values are there17:34
squixlwireshark -> tcpdump ;) or?17:34
flipstarsquixl: you ran iftop with sudo .. ?17:35
squixlhow would you run iftop?17:35
flipstarjust sudo iftop17:36
squixlit can't open eth1?17:36
flipstariftop -i eth1 then17:36
squixlno flowrate is detected ;)17:37
squixli mean17:37
squixlahhh i see17:37
squixli got it,17:37
squixldoes iftop also list udp packages in screen?17:38
squixland others?17:38
elvinHi, is there a way to see a list of installed files for a package through the console?17:38
squixllinke icmp, pings ;)17:38
squixland so on17:38
flipstarelvin: dpkg -l17:38
elvinhey thanks17:38
squixlhi slow-motion17:39
flipstarsquixl: man iftop :)17:39
squixlokie ;)17:40
squixlflip ;)17:40
squixlbut iftop was a fine advice ;)17:40
slow-motionhi squixl17:40
flipstarsquixl: tiger is also an good security tool .. it analyze your system and shows you prossible security issues17:41
randomLongWorkabllutz: but if I convert from my music cd straight to ogg would it be better than the mp3?17:41
llutzrandomLongWorkab: yes, ogg at same bitrate sound better than mp3 (imho)17:42
squixlwhat fs you prefer?17:42
squixlext2 or ext3 ?17:42
flipstarbetween these..ext317:42
jpatricksquixl: ext3 is ext2 with jornualing17:42
randomLongWorkabwhat is journaling?17:42
squixlyes journaling means that the filenames are more often on your hdd disk17:42
squixldata is once?17:42
squixlif you do not use raid17:43
nosrednaekim!info kgrubeditor hardy17:43
randomLongWorkab!info kgrubeditor hardy17:43
llutzrandomLongWorkab  squixl: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journaling_file_system17:43
squixlis it like a DB?17:44
flipstarsquixl: with journaling its usally easier to recover17:44
squixlso it seems to be more secure?17:44
randomLongWorkabisn't ext2 much _faster_?17:45
squixlif you can recover ;)17:45
flipstarsquixl: thats what fsck is for :)17:45
squixli always asked myself how i can read out the fat from a fat fs17:45
squixlis there a tool ?17:45
squixlif i would create a device like17:46
jpatrick!enter | squixl17:46
ubotusquixl: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:46
squixldd if=/dev/zero of=fsfat && mkfs -t vfat fsfat17:46
squixland copy some files there,17:47
squixlis it possible to show which files are there, without mounting the fs?17:47
randomLongWorkab isn't ext2 much _faster_ than ext3?17:47
squixl@randomLongWorkab i also think that17:47
squixlbecause i heard ext3 needs more performance cause of this redundancy17:47
flipstaryes..but it is very configureable17:48
randomLongWorkabflipstar: the filesystem/17:48
squixlzfs should also be nice i heard17:48
squixlits also a journaling fs17:48
jpatrickrandomLongWorkab: I suppose, but less easier to recover thanks to no journaling17:48
randomLongWorkabI read this from the link that llutz sent me. Such file systems are less likely to become corrupted in the event of power failure or system crash.17:49
flipstarsquixl: it depends very on your needs..ask google for an comparison17:49
randomLongWorkabthat is ext3 with its journaling17:49
nosrednaekimbots dead <_<17:49
squixlahhh my digitalfriend google, oke ;)17:49
jpatricknosrednaekim: no !info17:49
flipstarhe's alive in privat query17:50
flipstarmaybe he was banned or so..17:50
randomLongWorkabI have a lot of power failures so I don't want stuff to just go missing, unless this means if I was in the middle of a download or a copy from one device to another and not for normal browsing on my HD17:50
nosrednaekimjpatrick: isn't !info the bot?17:50
squixlthan its better for u 2 use a journaling fs17:50
jpatricknosrednaekim: must have cleared it's apt cache17:51
ksalhi, is there something like Vmware Workstation for Linux, but free of course ?17:57
mueslivmware player17:57
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:57
vitokHallo Leute! Kann mir mal wer sagen, wie ich bei dem Acer Aspire mit Kubuntu 7.10 das Bild an einen Beamer schicken kann?17:57
muesliksal: oh, that kind of free, sorry :)17:58
jussio1!de | vitok17:58
ubotuvitok: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:58
nosrednaekimvirtualbox beats the pants off any vmware product17:58
vitokHeißen Dank!17:58
vitokHallo Leute! Kann mir mal wer sagen, wie ich bei dem Acer Aspire mit Kubuntu 7.10 das Bild an einen Beamer schicken kann?17:58
jpatrickvitok: /join #kubuntu-de17:58
ksalthanks :)17:59
ksalis it available in repo?17:59
flipstaryes..in the universe repos18:14
nosrednaekimtoo late18:14
flipstarbut virtualbox cant play vmx images..or ?18:15
nosrednaekimhey does anyone here have a Ubuntu Dell?18:15
nosrednaekimdoes the 1GB version use two 512 sticks or 1 1GB stick?18:16
flipstargoogle says [2 x 512]18:18
nosrednaekimflipstar: thanks!   (and for making me look lazy <_<)18:19
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* genii sips some cough syrup18:37
Daisuke_Laptopnosrednaekim: i do have an ubuntu dell, 2x1gb :)18:38
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nosrednaekimDaisuke_Laptop: yeah, I think thats what i'm going to get....(I might be getting a new comp)18:40
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squixl@flip ;) hexedit is also a nice security tool ;)18:51
squixl(: you can watch files in hexformat ;)18:51
llutzsquixl: it isn't a security-tool at all18:51
squixlnot really a security tool18:51
squixlyeah you're right,18:52
squixlbut i mean a nice tool, ;)18:52
squixlits a better editing tool i've seem18:52
squixlcause you can do all things you want,18:52
squixlsearch ascii/hex save/ or exit18:53
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St4rd0gso... amarok tends to hang after first start...... everytime....... anyone?18:53
squixlinstall mplayer?18:53
squixlapt-get install mplayer18:53
St4rd0ggot it...18:53
ere4siSt4rd0g: changed where you're files are?18:53
squixli want to learn something about security ,18:54
squixlbut i dont know where to learn ?18:54
St4rd0gi don't know... cant remember doing anything... it just startert to act strange out of the blue18:54
squixlmore about it,18:54
flipstarsquixl: http://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/index.html18:55
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St4rd0git hangs, when trying to start a melody.... and on the second start everything works18:57
venikI was transferring a 4.7 gb file from my hard drive to a USB hard drive, when it STALLED.  How do I restart it?18:57
ere4siSt4rd0g: try removing where it looks for files and reloading it18:58
St4rd0gere4si: ok... will do... thx for now18:58
ere4siSt4rd0g: good luck18:59
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geniivenik: What file system is on the USB drive, FAT/VFAT?18:59
Kr|ptiXcan someone help me fix my sound it was workn but when i woke up its not workn now18:59
flipstarsquixl: try tiger..install it and then run "sudo tiger -e" and see at the log file when it is finished19:00
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:03
geniivenik: Because for instance 4Gb is the largest file size that you could put on that kind of filesystem.19:06
Kr|ptiXgenii: u kno anything bout sound19:09
geniiKr|ptiX: I have a problemmatic intel HDA adapter which required recompiling ALSA. But generally no19:10
* genii hands BluesKaj a coffee19:10
Kr|ptiXgenii: :(19:11
nosrednaekimgenii: can't wait for hardy so we don't have to deal with those IntelHDA's anymore19:11
kaminixAnyone here know how to create a winrar archive with file1 and file2?19:12
kaminixThen split it up in 8192kb parts, but I think I can solve that part myself.19:13
sisonoob here....quick question...trying to get the bcm43xx-fwcutter with apt-get on Feisty, and dpkg is returning an error. Ideas?19:13
geniisiso: What error, exactly?19:13
Kr|ptiXgenii: how do i kno wat soundcard i have19:14
Frederickfolks which packages do I need for latex in kubuntu?19:14
siso"subprocess post installation script returned error exit status (1)19:15
sisoIt's sending an HTTP request and getting a 404 error, as well19:16
kelsa|martalliFrederick: In adept, find latex...click the about and it will show you which packages latex depends on19:17
sisoAny help? Or is there more that I can find out?19:18
flipstarsiso: youre on 64bit ?19:18
geniiKr|ptiX: If the system recognised it, then: asoundconf list                   if it didn't see it then: lspci | grep Audio19:19
sisoflipstar: no, PPC19:19
flipstarhm the 404 then probably means no ppc package availible19:19
sisoI know that it will work...i have seen it work , just not sure what I'm doing wrong...19:20
Kr|ptiXgenii : i guess this is wat i got Names of available sound cards: Intel19:20
sisoit downloaded the package just fine, it's the install script that's getting the 40419:20
flipstarsiso: maybe you'll get more output with aptitude19:20
geniiflipstar: I suspect "post install" means it downloaded. But likely the firmware isnt around possibly19:20
sisoflipstar: yeah, I'll check that out19:21
sisogenii: it offered to fetch the firmware for me, I selected yes19:21
geniiKr|ptiX: What does the: lspci |grep Audio             report? Some HDA adapter?19:21
Kr|ptiXgenii: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)19:22
geniiKr|ptiX: I would suggest then to follow the instructions to recompile the ALSA stuff19:23
Kr|ptiXwhere i get instructions?19:23
genii!intelhda | Kr|ptiX they are found here. But use most recent ALSA19:23
ubotuKr|ptiX they are found here. But use most recent ALSA: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:23
geniiKr|ptiX: The ALSA download page, to get latest: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Download19:24
squizl@flipstar ?19:25
squizlwhich antivirus do you use for linux?19:25
squizlor which should i use for kubuntu19:25
flipstari dont need an antivirus for my linux19:25
squizli heard there is a scanner for linux?19:27
BluesKaj!antivrus | squizl19:27
flipstarsure..klamav for e.g19:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about antivrus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:27
flipstarsquizl antivirus on linux usally just search for windows viruses19:28
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:28
algyzsquizl:  antivirus in linux is used to scan windows partitions19:28
flipstarsince they are no linux viruses in the wild19:28
squizlcause the updates are faster?19:28
algyzsquizl:  no, cause of different architecture19:29
BluesKajsquizl, read this http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:29
flipstarsquizl i have a script that searches for changes/rootkits http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61149/19:30
flipstarof corse you'll need all apps listed there, then19:30
squizl@flipstar -> there is a tool called chrootkit or so19:31
squizlfor scanning19:31
flipstarchkrootkit, right..just look at the link above19:31
flipstarit never detects any..but im kind of paranoid19:32
farzad56colors = on19:32
geniisiso:You might find some info here on what firmware to get, where from and so on http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4319:33
Kr|ptiXgenii: now my sound is workn an i didnt even do shit lol19:34
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jpatrick!ohmy | Kr|ptiX19:34
ubotuKr|ptiX: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:34
geniiKr|ptiX: Well, if you find later the microphone input for instance isn't working, follow the instructions from the link19:35
sisogenii: I think I may have found the problem... you were correct, BTW...the page that the install script was linking to in order to get the firmware is gone. I just have to find it and use the fwcutter manually19:35
ubuntuAndrew Doades, are you here?19:40
ubuntualso, hi everybody!19:41
jpatrick!hi | ubuntu19:41
ubotuubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:41
maxnorldhi there19:42
sisoGotta reboot and try this....thanks for the help genii and flipstar19:42
ubuntuI'm new to Kubuntu though I have had openSUSE on KDE before, what's IRC?19:42
flipstarIRC=Internet Relay Chat, the chat you just entered ;)19:43
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:43
maxnorldi already install kubuntu feisty ... and i need upgrade to kubuntu 7.10 .... what do i need to do?   just change the sources.list?19:43
jpatrickubotu: welcome :)19:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about welcome :) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:43
smokeITI just started up my pc and my screen resolution was only 640x480 and i cant get it back to normal19:44
smokeIThow come?19:44
tzangergood afternoon everyone19:44
blubluanyone tried grub and truecrypt to combine to boot a encrypted win drive?19:44
blubluis this possible?19:44
tzangerwith openoffice, there used to be a program called spadmin to configure the printers with openoffice... I can't find this with Kubuntu 7.10, and openoffice printers do not match the kprinter printers (obviously) -- is there something simple I'm missing19:44
flipstarblublu: this is quit difficult..better use LUKS/cryptsetup19:45
blubluhm have u tried this?19:45
blublui just killed the TC mbr19:45
Darkrift2ere4si, are you around?19:45
flipstarno i'm afraid of tc19:45
blublubacked it up before19:45
enbyhello kubuntu masters! i can't get my monitor to go higher than 60Hz, using nv driver. If i change to nvidia, then i get smth like "no monitors detected" :(19:45
ere4siDarkrift2: one min pls19:45
flipstarblublu: luks is much better for linux i found out19:45
blubluis it complicated?19:46
flipstarits just faster19:46
blubluoh i dont need it for linux, i need it for windows, because i got some sensible data on it :/19:46
blubluand i need windows because some software we bought is written for windows19:46
blubluthats the only reason why i installed truecrypt...19:46
ubuntuMerci beacoup flipstar19:46
flipstarblublu: you dont need to crypt the whole drive..you can make a crypted partition then19:46
maxnorldi need to upgrade feisty to kubuntu 7.10 .... what codename use this version?19:47
blubluhm yes or i could use container...19:47
blubluso i think i have to try to revert my oeh actions?19:47
flipstarmaxnorld but better use apt..19:47
blublusry my english is not the best19:47
maxnorldso.... just change   feisty by gutsy in sources.list ?19:47
flipstarmaxnorld this would be one method..19:47
flipstar!upgrade | maxnorld19:48
ubotumaxnorld: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:48
ere4siDarkrift2: hi, what's up19:48
maxnorldthanks again19:48
Darkrift2sorry to keep bothering you but you are the one who always solves my problem19:48
ere4siDarkrift2: use my nic pls - doing lots atm19:49
flipstarsmokeIT: you could just run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh or edit the xorg.conf19:49
Darkrift2ere4si,  you had me add "noapic nolapic"and remove apci=off19:49
ere4siDarkrift2: yep19:49
Darkrift2ere4si, it booted that one time and everything was perfect, but after a reboot, it wouldnt boot, i got the graphics error again that acpi=off fixes19:49
Baulderssoundkonverter doesnt support m4p, how do i remove drm from m4p so they are m4a (then convert to mp3)19:50
tzangerahh it is still spadmin19:50
tzangerit's just not in the path19:50
ere4siDarkrift2: if I remember right you had the acpi=off before noapic etc so try it with acpi=off at the end and reboot19:51
smokeITflipstar: the shell command didn't work, where do i find the xorg.conf19:52
azukiwhat is kubuntu's text-editor called?19:52
tzangervi? :-)19:52
tzangerkate works19:52
flipstar!editor | azuki19:53
ubotuazuki: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code19:53
flipstar!xorg | smokeIT19:53
ubotusmokeIT: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:53
azukikate!.. that was it.. thanks :)19:53
tzanger:-) np19:54
Frederickfolks I have the folowing error in kile Undenined control sequence \includegraphics but ive installed texlive-latex-extra any ideas?19:54
flipstarsmokeIT: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:54
ubuntuUtilisateurs Bonjour! Quelqu'un ici parler français?19:54
ubuntuJe suis de Paris et à besoin d'un peu de19:54
ubuntu Conseils sur la Kubuntu19:55
ubuntuMerci, au revoir!19:55
npurcifulwhat is the kubuntu hardy channel19:55
flipstarFrederick: you might try in #latex19:55
flipstarnpurciful: #ubuntu+119:55
Darkrift2ere4si, so i added acpi=off again and now wifi (and other stuff) isnt working again19:56
Darkrift2i was wondering what could have changed to make that happen19:56
Darkrift2ere4si, ive installed lots of dev apps (openembedded and soem other stuff) and did upgrade on all my packages, but i dont think i did anythign that messes with boot19:56
Darkrift2sorry ere4si the computer im leeching internet off shutdown :(19:57
ubuntu  Hola gente. Mi nombre es Pedro y me hablan español, ¿hay alguien aquí que hable mi idioma? Muy apreciado!19:58
ere4siDarkrift2: hmmm19:58
Darkrift2did you get all that i said?19:58
ere4siDarkrift2: 3 entries?19:58
Darkrift2i dont understand19:58
=== ubuntu is now known as Pedro-spain
Pedro-spain  Hola gente. Mi nombre es Pedro y me hablan español, ¿hay alguien aquí que hable mi idioma? Muy apreciado!19:59
Darkrift2Pedro-spain, try #kubuntu-es19:59
Darkrift2i think19:59
genii!es | Pedro-spain19:59
ubotuPedro-spain: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:59
ere4siDarkrift2: what is the notebook model pls?20:00
Darkrift2compaq presario20:00
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Pedro-spainI was just messing about, my name is Peter and 'm English!20:02
Pedro-spainSorry lol20:02
Darkrift2basically i need to know what apci=off does that fixes my video because that conflicts with my wifi/audio/power management/cpu scaling, but without it booting gives me a plasma like display with white/black/grey lines that swirl around (its not just x because ctrl-alt-bkspc doesnt give me a prompt)20:02
=== [hawk] is now known as vincenzo
Pedro-spainauf weirdessen20:06
nosrednaekimPedro-spain: please stop20:06
Pedro-spainmye germen isnot verry good20:06
jussio1Pedro-spain: this is a support channel, if you just want to mess around/chat, please go to #kubuntu-offtopic20:07
Pedro-spainWhy should I stop?20:07
geniiBecause it's irritating, for one reason20:07
Pedro-spainYou lot are so easy to annoy!20:07
Darkrift2no, you are just good at it20:07
Darkrift2years of practice i bet20:08
Pedro-spaincorrect! lol20:08
Pedro-spainerm, well I will go in a min, just completing the live cd install of kubuntu!20:08
Pedro-spaintthen I will be out of yor hair!20:08
Pedro-spainI am on a macintosh20:08
Pedro-spainI'm in Offtopic now|! so if anybody wishes to be annoyed an irritated, get in there lol!20:10
nosrednaekimhey ritalin20:10
geniiDarkrift2: By chance do you have some intel based chipset?20:10
=== Pedro-spain is now known as ubuntu2776
ubuntu2776yes I do20:11
Darkrift2i htink its a nvidia chipset20:11
jhutchins_wkDarkrift2: acpi is the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface - so mostly power management.20:12
Darkrift2have yuo ever heard of my video problem before?20:13
Darkrift2its a very odd thing to watch20:13
Darkrift2the first time i saw it, i was almost scared I had fried something because its so abnormal20:13
geniiDarkrift2: There is another kernel option which sometimes works when you get odd things between the mouse/pointer and keyboard/sound/wifinot working, which is usb-handoff20:14
Darkrift2well as it is, with acpi=off its just hte odd display (as far as i can tell, that stops me from seeing what happens), but yesterday i booted just fine without acpi=off and everything worked20:15
Darkrift2erm, i think i said that wrong20:15
Darkrift2acpi=off boots, but nothing works, without it i cant boot *(except once yesterday, and everything worked perfectly)20:15
Darkrift2also i get an error during boot about bios problems20:16
Darkrift2lemme get a dmesg20:16
Darkrift2[   51.877671] PnPBIOS: You may need to reboot with the "pnpbios=off" option to operate stably20:16
Darkrift2coudl that possibly be an issue?20:16
Darkrift2i didnt want to just start changing things without knowing what they did20:17
Darkrift2and since ere4si told me to remove acpi=off yesterday and it worked (just once though) im figureing that setting should work, but something else changed20:17
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nosrednaekimDarkrift2: its not going to blow up your computer ;)20:18
jhutchins_wkDarkrift2: Is there an update available for your BIOS?20:19
Darkrift2yeah, but if i change too many things i might not remember all i changed if it messes something else up20:19
Darkrift2im not sure, but i can check20:19
* Kr|ptiX Is Now-[Away] Reason-[its a nice day so im outside need me call 740-821-7977 after 7 though lol :)] [modified]20:19
jhutchins_wkKeep notes.20:19
Darkrift2will i be able to update from linux? arent most bios updates from windows?20:19
jhutchins_wkChange one thing at a time and keep notes.20:19
jhutchins_wkDarkrift2: You may need a dos boot disk to run the updater.20:19
jhutchins_wkDarkrift2: Good manufacturers will offer a link on their update page.20:20
Darkrift2doesnt seem to fix anything important cept for fan issues20:22
jermaindoes anyone have here experience with virtualbox?20:22
Darkrift2if thats even newer then what i have20:22
Darkrift2but ill try it20:22
DarkriftXand i ahve my handheld in here so i can stay connected :S20:23
Darkrift2wait, its a windows only exe :(20:23
Darkrift2and i wiped my vista partitions yesterday20:23
nosrednaekimjermain: a little20:24
jermainall help is welcome ^^; i can't get around the no bootable found20:25
jermainand i want to boot from cd20:25
Darkrift2ok, extracted all the files from the exe with cabextract and it appears its almost all dos batch files... ill try to find a dos boot cd or an image i can boot from a usb key20:25
jermaini unmounted my cd in my gutsy host20:25
milohi all20:25
nosrednaekimjermain: are you trying to boot an iso file, or from a actual cd?20:25
jermainand checkd the mount drive box in the vb settings20:25
milosorry for kubuntu italian???20:25
jermainan actual cd20:25
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:26
Darkrift2nevermind, all the utils that do the flashing are win32 exe's :(20:26
nosrednaekimjermain: so you checked that... and its still not working?20:26
jermaini even tried it again and checked the passthrough thing20:26
jermaindidn't work either20:26
nosrednaekimdoes the liveCD boot in the actual computer>20:27
jermainhmm.. havent tried that..20:27
peppelorumI'm having a hard time to login in to my newly installed kde4-session, I get a message that says "call to lnusertemp failed (temporary directories full?) check your installation", if I check /var/log/kdm.log I see http://paste-it.net/760420:27
nosrednaekimyou may have burned it wrong20:27
peppelorumsomeone with a solution to this problem?20:28
jermainI'll try it on my pther comp20:28
nosrednaekimpeppelorum: oh... I saw that before.... but I forget the fix20:28
peppelorumnosrednaekim: someone mentioned deleting .kde and .kde4, which I'm not gonna do..20:28
jermainnvm, the other comp is occupied, i'll try it tomorrow and if it doesnt work i'll boot from an iso20:29
nosrednaekimpeppelorum: you can try temorarily moving them20:29
jermainits betty by time anyway hehe20:29
jermainthank you for help norednaekim20:29
nosrednaekimjermain: :)20:29
peppelorumnosrednaekim: of course, but the log says the error is in some permissions in /tmp20:30
nosrednaekimpeppelorum: ok... seems you don't have write permission to /tmp which is odd20:30
peppelorumnosrednaekim: I have, but /tmp/1324085555/ is owned by root and not by my user20:31
azukiwhen switching to KDE it kinda made my original GNOME desktop disapear..20:32
azukianybody know if it's totally gone?20:32
DarkriftXok, i found the problem20:32
DarkriftXmy /boot/grub/menu.lst keeps getting overwritten20:32
nosrednaekimpeppelorum: try sudo chown -R yourusername.yourusername /tmp/thatlongnumber20:32
DarkriftXi had typo's in th eother one (i put noapci nolapci instead of *apic) and its getting changed back each time20:33
DarkriftXediting the menu.list file only seems to work for one boot20:33
peppelorumnosrednaekim: the number gets regenrated every time I try to login so I'm not quite sure that would work, but it is one way around it20:34
geniiDarkriftX: Remember it's noacpi  and NOT noapci20:34
DarkriftXi know20:34
DarkriftXactually no20:34
DarkriftXits no APIC and nolAPIC20:35
DarkriftXbut the first time i tried it, i typed it wrong20:35
DarkriftXand every time i reboot, it reverts to that20:35
coggzwhere do i ask hardware questions?20:35
nosrednaekimpeppelorum: oh right... didn't think of that20:35
Darkrift2everything is working perfect again20:35
Darkrift2but if i reboot, it wont work again20:35
Darkrift2what would be causing menu.lst to be restored each boot?20:36
geniiDo you have some separate /boot partition?20:36
nosrednaekimcoggz: here20:36
Darkrift2ext2 and swap20:36
Darkrift2im editing the menu.lst~ hoping thats what its restored from20:37
Darkrift2so if it does restore, it restores from a good copy :)20:37
geniiDarkrift2: You're editing with admin rights, hopefully20:37
Darkrift2how do i compare 2 files?20:39
Darkrift2to see all differences20:39
coggzok... i have to choose between buying a motherboard and fitting it into my box, or buying the board in a case with PSU, and a cd-rw. It needs a sata drive either way, and just the board needs a heat sink... what is better?20:39
Darkrift2they seem to be the same now20:40
Darkrift2im almost afraid to reboot20:40
Darkrift2here goes nothing20:40
geniiIt should only be overwritten when you have a kernel upgrade20:40
=== myrtille is now known as _myrtille_
DarkriftXit gets overwritten every boot20:40
DarkriftXive changed it 3 times now (last 2 were tests)20:41
DarkriftXso now the backup is identical to the orig20:41
DarkriftXso it shouldnt matter , unless there is another backup i dont see20:41
nosrednaekimcoggz: go iwth whats cheapest20:41
jhutchins_wkDarkriftX: menu.lst~ is a backup file.20:41
jhutchins_wkDarkriftX: You can just remove it.20:41
DarkriftXw00t, works20:42
jhutchins_wkDarkriftX: Really?20:42
coggzok, both are 3ghz, 512mb, and the board is £50 £3.99 for heat sink, in case is £99 need sata for appr. £3020:42
DarkriftXso it was some sort of auto restore causing it20:42
jhutchins_wkWhere were you editing it before?20:42
geniiDarkriftX: Maybe make sure your changes are not between the lines: ### BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST and ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST20:42
DarkriftXbecause ere4si told me to add "noapic nolapic" to mny kernel boot (which fixed my wifi problems)20:42
coggzor... i could go for a rm tablet pc for £45 and have to find a digitizer pen...20:42
DarkriftXi did, but i spelled it wrong20:43
DarkriftXafter i fixed the spelling error, it worked great, then i rebooted and nothing worked....20:43
DarkriftXbecause after the reboot it was rewritten20:43
andybleadenHi kubuntu newbie20:44
coggzwhat are tablets like on linux?20:44
peppelorumIn what package should I find kde4-config for gutsy?20:45
nosrednaekimhi andybleaden20:45
xenolhello, can some help me plz and tell me where does kubuntu store colour schemes?20:45
geniicoggz: The default xorg.conf setup supports wacom tablets pretty much "out-of-box"20:45
MacTayloris 8.3GB a lot for kubuntu?20:45
Agent_bobwhat's that konqueror command to open an ssh connection ?20:45
coggznot graphic tablets, i mean tablet pcs20:46
DrakeJusticexenol: /home/user/.kde/share/*...20:46
Agent_bobMacTaylor for system yes20:46
xenolDrakeJustice: ty20:46
nosrednaekimMacTaylor: if you have plenty of programs installed, no20:46
Agent_bobanyone   what's that konqueror command to open an ssh connection ?20:46
nosrednaekimxenol: .kde/share/config/kdeglobals to be precise20:46
geniiAgent_bob: ssh -l username -p port# url/IP20:47
MacTaylorive used 5.1GB all ready.20:47
geniiSorry, terminal/console20:47
Agent_bobnosrednaekim you have installed that much ???20:47
MacTaylorso say around 6GB then?20:47
nosrednaekimAgent_bob: fish:/ or ssh:/20:47
nosrednaekimAgent_bob: I'm using about 5 right now, and I don't have any games or such installed20:48
geniiAgent_bob: ssh://name@place:port                 but it just opens up Konsole anyhow20:49
Agent_bobgenii no the one that lets konq browse the ssh connection20:49
geniiAgent_bob: Then    sftp://name@placename/directory/to/open:port20:51
=== bony is now known as Bony
andybleadenPeople here had any joy trying the kde 420:52
coggzwhat are tablets like on linux?20:53
jpatrickandybleaden: we hang out in #kubuntu-kde420:53
nosrednaekimandybleaden: I've been using it for 3 months or so20:53
andybleadensorry- has it been problematic20:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:53
andybleadencool cheers for that20:53
Agent_bobgenii   konqueror address bar >>  fish://user@ip20:53
matt1728is there anyway to make a command begin on startup20:54
Agent_bobmatt1728 several ways20:54
MacTaylorwill switching to jfs Make my computer load faster?20:54
andybleadenput a bash command script in the kde folder20:54
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.20:54
andybleadenha beat me to it20:54
andybleadenI have it for my wireless connection20:54
nosrednaekimandybleaden: not really, some of the features are missing..but you can supplement them with kde3 apps20:54
matt1728k thanks20:54
trappistMacTaylor: maybe a little faster, maybe a little slower, but almost certainly not noticeably different20:55
andybleadenah right....will join the chat room later20:55
MacTaylortalking miliseconds if speed difference?20:55
andybleadenHave any of you had a play about with conky20:55
Darkrift2thanks for the help everyone, I decided to post my problems/solution to the forums so that maybe someone else might be able to fix thier issues with my solution. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4592489#post459248920:55
Darkrift2if it worked for me, might be some other poor fool out there with the same issue who will get stuck with vista because he cant figure it out20:56
trappistMacTaylor: probably something like that.  jfs is fast, but it has more journaling overhead, generally, than ext3.  reiserfs might make more of a difference, but I've had too many stability problems with it to recommend it.  xfs is also fast, but grub hates it.20:56
MacTaylorso just stick with ext3?20:56
ere4siDarkrift2: glad you got it sorted pal :)20:56
trappistMacTaylor: I've tried most of what's available over the years, and now I'm back on ext3.  that's my recommendation.20:57
trappistMacTaylor: ext3 has one other bonus - it's the only one with decent recovery tools if you, say, accidentally delete something and your, um, backups fail for some reason20:58
=== ubuntu is now known as profoX`
MacTaylorok i will stick with ext3 then.20:59
pleaseandthankyodo you have to respect and let them know that you respect others beliefs? what if someone hurt you for not respecting?21:00
Darkrift2me too ere4si, windows is unreliable even when your not booting from it (i was using a crossover and ICS to get internet on my linux laptop from windows when wifi wasnt working)21:02
andybleadenAnyone here got any new tricks with conky...got a normal set up but want it to tell me more21:02
geniipleaseandthankyo: This channel is for technical assistance with kubuntu. If there's an answer to your (non technical support) question it's unlikely to be found here.21:03
Jucatogenii: you need coffee :)21:03
jpatrickgenii: troll :(21:04
geniiJucato: Probably, I've been on the flu medication all day21:04
Vermuxhow do I list processes that are running. I have few of them I want to kill21:04
ere4siandybleaden: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=171 is good for tricks21:04
Jucatogenii: aw.. hope you get better :)21:04
Jucatojpatrick: botroll :)21:04
geniiJucato: Heh, thanks.21:05
Vermuxeverything is stuck here21:06
geniiJucato: I see now I really must need caffeine. They left before21:06
andybleadenthanks ere4si21:06
Vermuxkds not responding21:06
ere4siVermux: top    in konsole21:06
geniiAlso ps ax     or such21:07
Darkrift2whats the best way to get a root console?21:07
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:07
Darkrift2i mean from an icon21:08
Darkrift2i want an icon on my desktop/menu that opens a root console21:08
Darkrift2i have soemthing that im building in a platform that needs root or fails (yes, i know thats stupid but i cant fix it)21:08
Darkrift2and i want to make a way to open it from my quicklaunch21:09
ere4siDarkrift2: that could be a security risk...21:09
Darkrift2i thought there was something like gksudo konsole21:09
geniiDarkrift2: kdesu konsole21:09
ere4siDarkrift2: kdesudo konsole21:09
nosrednaekimor just sudo -i21:09
ere4sistill asks for password21:09
Darkrift2thats good21:10
Darkrift2and can i pass export commands to the console while its opening?21:10
Darkrift2from the icon i mean21:10
Darkrift2.desktop file (i think thats how ill have to do it)21:10
pleaseandthankyo why don't you kill people who are on good situations than people who are on bad and make them suffer like you did? i know i have21:12
peppelorumnosrednaekim: seems to be some bug/error/thingie with libqt4-core, so I reinstalled it and now I can run kde4-apps in my kde3-session, lets see if I can login to the kde4-session as well, wish me luck=)21:12
nosrednaekimpeters__: ok21:13
nosrednaekimDarkrift2: yes... just drop the export I think21:13
nosrednaekimeg "export KDEHOME=/home/user/.kde" should be entered as "KDEHOME=/home/user/.kde"21:14
Darkrift2does this look liek it will work in the .desktop file?21:15
Darkrift2Exec=kdesudo konsole  --workdir /stuff export PATH=/stuff/bitbake/bin:$PATH | export BBPATH=/stuff/build:/stuff/org.openembedded.dev21:15
nosrednaekimtake out the exports21:16
nosrednaekimjust the words21:17
Darkrift2i c21:17
Darkrift2i got an error about not finding /bin/sh :S21:17
Vermuxa window :kdesudo open but it froze21:17
Darkrift2should i simlink it to bash?21:17
geniiDarkrift2: It should already be a symlink to dash21:18
Darkrift2actually, siad "kdeinit could not launch '/bin/sh'"21:18
VermuxI have no idea what to do. everything is stuck here. I want to kill kdesudo window and another window which is called information - kdesudo21:19
geniiVermux: ctrl-alt-esc    then put the X on the offending window and click. Or esc to abort21:21
Alucard_Hellsingany one know where i can get a working debian qtparted21:23
maxnorldi need download mplayer from SVN ..... but i cant find the SVN client under kubuntu?  does have a metapackage ?21:23
genii!info qtparted21:26
Darkrift2ok, im adding my usb drives to my fstab, and was wondering if anyone could let me know if you see anything wrong with the entries before i save it21:28
Darkrift2/dev/sdc1       /usb            auto    user,rw,sync    0       021:28
Darkrift2/dev/sdb1       /storage        auto    user,rw,sync    0       021:28
Darkrift2/dev/sdb3       /storage2       auto    user,rw,sync    0       021:28
=== jorhumcc is now known as kuadrosx
Vermuxgenii: it doesnt do anything21:28
Vermuxgenii: the alt ctrl esc doesnt do anything21:28
Alucard_Hellsing!info qtparted21:29
Darkrift2maxnorld, in terminal type 'sudo apt-get install svn' (worked for me)21:29
geniiAlucard_Hellsing: qtparted is available to install in kubuntu, just use your Add/Remove Programs21:30
azzcoAfter following a tutorial on how to setup a xbox controller modprobe is exitting with abnormal status. Could it be a certain module I tried to load?21:30
Alucard_Hellsingno my iso was curopt21:30
Alucard_Hellsingi didnt get the install package21:31
geniiVermux: Likely then because it's running with admin/sudo privelege. In a konsole find the PID by something like: ps ax|grep kdesudo            then kill it with: sudo kill <PID>        PID = leftmost number next to processname21:32
Alucard_Hellsingthe name is in add/remove but it is shaded out21:33
Alucard_Hellsingi also need a video driver for ATI Radeon 925021:34
geniiAlucard_Hellsing: Perhaps from commandline: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install qtparted21:35
Vermuxgenii: I killed it but the small windows still running. kde is stuck21:35
Alucard_HellsingIgn cdrom://Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1) gutsy/main Translation-en_US21:36
Alucard_HellsingIgn cdrom://Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1) gutsy/restricted Translation-en_US21:36
Alucard_HellsingE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)21:36
Alucard_HellsingE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it21:36
Vermuxgenii: ok one is dead21:36
Alucard_Hellsingwas my answer21:37
ere4siAlucard_Hellsing: you need toshut add/remove21:37
Vermuxgenii: ok, I killed them both but the kde is still stuck21:37
Alucard_HellsingReading package lists... Done21:38
Alucard_HellsingBuilding dependency tree21:38
Alucard_HellsingReading state information... Done21:38
Alucard_HellsingPackage qtparted is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:38
Alucard_HellsingThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or21:38
Alucard_Hellsingis only available from another source21:38
Alucard_HellsingE: Package qtparted has no installation candidate21:38
flipstarVermux: use top/htop to find out whats blocking21:38
ere4si!paste | Alucard_Hellsing21:38
ubotuAlucard_Hellsing: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)21:38
ere4si!repos | Alucard_Hellsing21:39
ubotuAlucard_Hellsing: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:39
Agent_bobok from fish://* is it possable to drag/drop to local ?21:39
geniiVermux: Then you just have to try and figure from the results of ps ax    which might be the offending process. the command: top        might show you the resource-heavy things running right now (q to exit it)21:39
Agent_bobcause i'm not seeing any way to drop to local21:39
Agent_bobwait.   let me recheck.21:39
Vermuxflipstar: and how do I recognize a blocking process?21:40
flipstarits probably this one that uses most cpu resourses21:40
Alucard_Hellsingk thx  but now i still need a ati driver21:43
flipstar!ati > Alucard_Hellsing21:43
Vermuxgenii: rebooting21:43
geniiVermux: OK21:44
Agent_bobok sorry for the brain fart.    it was a permissions locally that kept me from dropping.21:45
Agent_bobi was like "duh"   root@remote* != root@localhost  ...21:46
_Vermuxthe old methode works also with Linux! rebooting!!21:47
Agent_bobQ does fish:// drag and drop preserve owner/perms  ?21:47
_Vermuxsomething is still wrong21:48
_Vermuxwhen Im using the mouse wheel it switched tabs in konversation. help21:48
Agent_bobumm  reboot doesn't fix things in linux.  it only resets them  (some of them)21:49
geniiThats normal21:49
_Vermuxgenii: it is not normal. even when I move the mouse it switches tabs in Konversation21:49
flipstarSysinfo for 'CraY': Linux 2.6.24-12-generic running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz at 2398 MHz (4796 bogomips), HD: 0/0GB, RAM: 972/1011MB, 141 proc's, 6.39h up21:50
genii_Vermux: When the cursor is on the tabs, rolling the mouse or scrolling cycles through the tabs21:51
Agent_bobhmmm short A, no fish:/* does not preserve owner21:51
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.21:53
flipstarups did i posted that ? :S21:53
_Vermuxnow, cant minimize the window21:54
_Vermuxstuck again21:54
Angelusadept crashed and im getting this error when i try to update21:55
Angelus http://rafb.net/p/flHPVd16.html21:55
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code21:57
genii_Vermux: I'd suggest disabling session saving and logout/login21:58
_Vermuxhow do I do that?21:59
genii_Vermux: System Settings...Advanced Tab...Session Manager               Check off "Start with an empty session"22:01
utrangeДоброй ночи:)22:14
^u^utrange: english please22:14
SmrtSkosoutrange: good night22:14
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:15
utrangeplease help. i can'n uderstand how to patch files:( i have a *.diff file & driver for patch. what i must do?22:17
=== dario is now known as confrey
confreyhi everybody22:18
^u^utrange: was there a readme file with the patch?22:19
confreyI've just installed kubuntu hardy beta, I'm using vesa driver in xorg, because ati driver is not working on my laptop22:19
confreyis there a configuration utility for using fglrx, as in gnome?22:19
^u^!hardy | confrey22:19
ubotuconfrey: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:19
nosrednaekimconfrey: go to #ubuntu+1 for hardy problems22:19
confreynosrednaekim: I've no hardy problem22:20
confreyI'm asking about kubuntu, not hardy22:20
^u^confrey: "I've just installed kubuntu hardy beta"22:21
confreyin ubuntu-gnome is a restricted-manager utlity, is there one in kubuntu?22:21
nosrednaekimconfrey: kubuntu hardy support is in #ubuntu+1 as well22:21
nosrednaekimconfrey: try systemsettings->advanced22:21
nosrednaekimgenii: that was replaced in hardy22:21
nosrednaekimwith jokey-kde I believe22:21
geniinosrednaekim: Ah, OK22:22
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support22:22
nosrednaekim!info jockey-kde (hardy)22:22
confreynosrednaekim: I can't see anything about in advanced22:23
flipstarconfrey: kmenu->sytem>driver manager22:23
nosrednaekimrestricted drivers?22:24
waynrdudenosrednaekim: any idea if hibernation will be fixed in hardy?22:25
confreynosrednaekim: no, I can't see restricted drivers in advanced, may be something is missing22:25
nosrednaekimwaynrdude: it all depends on your hardware22:26
confreynosrednaekim: I found it, as flipstar said22:27
confreyI'll reboot now, thanks22:27
flipstarconfrey: anyway..goto #ubuntu+1 for further questions22:27
Tristam_Greenhello, i have a question on behalf of my father i need answered; he's kinda panicking22:30
nosrednaekimask :)22:30
Tristam_Greenhe dual-boots Kubuntu 7.10 and Vista Home Premium, and while Windows was loaded today, his house experienced a power surge22:31
Tristam_Greennow, when he boots the machine, instead of the GRUB boot menu, all he gets is a a screen with the word "GRUB" all over it22:32
Tristam_Greenhe's asking me for assistance, but i've never heard of anything like it...and i don't know or cannot remember the commands to fix it22:32
nosrednaekimTristam_Green: ok22:32
crimsun(he can recover by using the desktop cd)22:32
nosrednaekimTristam_Green: can he boot a liveCD?22:32
Tristam_Greeni have him booted into the desktop CD right now22:32
crimsun(or the alternate cd, for that matter)22:33
nosrednaekimTristam_Green: ok, its fairly simple then... is there only one hard drive on the computer? and is it sata or IDE22:33
Tristam_GreenThere is one SATA HDD and one USB hard drive hooked to the computer22:34
Tristam_Greenhe has reason to believe that Kubuntu somehow installed onto the USB drive (i am unsure of this, as I did not perform the install)22:34
Tristam_Greenhow could i check the installed location of the filesystem by using the liveCD?22:37
Tristam_Greenalthough; i know the MBR is located on the SATA drive22:37
Erickj92what is the command to start or restart apache?22:37
^u^Tristam_Green: in konsole type   sudo grub22:38
flipstarTristam_Green: you probably could find out by looking at the filesystem type22:38
flipstar"sudo fdisk -l"22:38
^u^Tristam_Green: then   find /boot/grub/stage122:38
^u^Tristam_Green: there yet?22:41
Tristam_Green^u^ yes; after a little confusion:  (hd1,1)22:41
^u^Tristam_Green: then type  root (hd1,1)22:42
Erickj92anyone help with with a restart of apache?22:42
Tristam_Green^u^ error 23: error while parsing number22:42
^u^Tristam_Green: then type   setup (hd0)22:43
Tristam_Greensorry ^u^ he screwed the command up22:43
flipstarErickj92: in systemsetting>advanced>services or sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart probably22:44
Erickj92ok thanks flipstar22:45
Tristam_Greenok ^u^: checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists . . . yes22:45
Tristam_Greenchecking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists . . . yes22:45
Tristam_Greenchecking if "/boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5" exists . . . yes22:47
=== ubuntu__ is now known as gobi
Tristam_Greenrunning "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)" . . . 17 sectors are embedded.22:48
^u^Tristam_Green: if it is done type   quit   close konsole reboot and check22:49
ubuntu__im on a live cd, and trying to mount a harddrive, but when i mount it says i dont have permission to access it, because i mounted it as root, but i cant mount it under any user but root, how can i mount it and it be accessed by all users?22:50
Tristam_Greenawesome ^u^ thank you22:51
^u^Tristam_Green: it is all ok? - great22:51
Tristam_Greenan old man in south florida who doesn't know squat about linux or ubuntu thanks you very much22:51
Tristam_Greenand a much-younger man who is his son who knows not enough about linux thanks you as well :)22:51
^u^Tristam_Green: tell him it was my pleasure to help :)22:51
Tristam_Greenheh, i'm saving the transcript for future use ^^22:52
^u^Tristam_Green: I wrote it down ages ago22:52
Alucard_Hellsingubuntu i can help22:59
Alucard_Hellsingopen terminal22:59
Alucard_Hellsingps this is assuming that it is not ntfs fileing system23:00
Alucard_Hellsingfirst find the dir name of the hd23:00
Alucard_Hellsingprob it is /mnt/hda123:00
Erickj92how do i reinstall Apache223:02
Alucard_Hellsingu have to set the read and right priv so   type      chmod 664 /mnt/hda123:02
Alucard_Hellsingthat should alow u read and wright23:02
Erickj92Alucard_Hellsing, you talking to me?23:02
Alucard_Hellsingwht did u need23:03
Erickj92was just wondering how reinstall apache223:03
algyzErickj92:  sudo aptitude reinstall apache223:04
Erickj92ok, thanks23:04
Erickj92i am about to cry... stupid apache will not work23:07
algyzErickj92:  why so?23:08
Erickj92i cannot access my server though my ecternal IP23:08
Erickj92only my internal23:08
chrisn2323I installed kubuntu, how do I set up the internet to work with my wireless card?23:08
algyzErickj92:  if you use a router, you must do port forward23:08
Erickj92i did23:08
Erickj92followed the guide at portforard.com23:09
flipstar!wifi > chrisn232323:09
Erickj92set up the port 80 and 44323:09
chrisn2323? flipstar?23:09
flipstarchrisn2323: look at your private messages23:10
algyzchrisn2323:  try to clear up chipset of your wireless card and search for a driver, or use windows driver23:10
chrisn2323how do I set it up if it has WPA?23:11
chrisn2323it says it isn't supported in GUI23:11
Erickj92anyone have any idea why apache2 wont work? i have done port forwarding and everything23:14
algyzdid you start it?23:14
flipstarErickj92: maybe try in #ubuntu-server23:14
algyzErickj92:  try sudo nmap -v, if you don't have the package, install it23:15
algyzoops, sudo nmap -v :)23:15
flipstarno need for sudo ..23:16
Erickj92algyz, now what?23:16
algyzdoes it show port 80 open?23:16
algyzsomething wrong with installation of apache then, i guess23:17
Erickj92algyz, i just reinstalled it23:18
ere4siErickj92: try        apt-get purge apache      then install23:19
Alcherai get an interesting (actually annoying) Grub error when i plug a sata drive in .... Hard Disk Error .... that's it! any clues as to why grub is insisting on trying to boot from a blank sata?23:20
ubuntu__how can i mount a harddrive to be used by a user that isnt root (im on a live cd)23:21
now3dAlchera: is your BIOS set to boot from that drive?23:21
now3dubuntu_: mount is fine as user23:22
Alcherait does get altered when plugged in .... i swap the order back .. same23:22
now3dubuntu_: just add to fstab, as user mountable23:22
now3dAlchera: what is the boot order in your BIOS?23:22
ubuntu__now3d: what would that line look like? the device, then the folder to mount it to?23:22
Alcherain linux terms ... hda, hdb, sda23:23
Alchera40Gb ide is the primary .. 80Gb ide is the secondary23:23
algyzAlchera:  try to look into grub.conf. kate /etc/boot/grub/menu.lst23:23
Alcherait's perfect23:23
algyzkate /boot/grub/menu.lst23:24
Alcherai pull out the sata and all boots perfectly23:24
now3dubuntu_: yes, just copy an existing line, and add "user", without the quotes! and a comma after!23:24
ubuntu__there is no existing line23:24
ubuntu__it dosnt show up in the fstab23:24
Alcheraok algyz .. which bit you want pasted23:25
algyzAlchera:  paste all file somewhere23:25
Alcheraokey dokey23:26
flipstarin the topic is a url23:26
flipstarfor pastebin23:26
Alcheragot it23:26
Alcheradelayed because i was "spamming" .. apparently .. lol23:28
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algyzAlchera:  everything seems ok  :)23:29
Erickj92no one in ubuntu server is answering me. i am stumped completely23:29
Alcherai reinstalled grub from a live cd with the sata plugged in too many times to count23:29
algyzAlchera:  maybe try to format this blank drive?23:29
Alcheralivecd & knoppix can access the sata23:30
Alcheraalgyz: i got the same error when it was bare (when i got it home) ... and then after using gparted tp partion & format (ext3) it23:30
Alcherathe bios detects it perfectly .. a tech at the shop where i bout the sata is even confused23:31
Erickj92is there anyone that is really good with apache223:31
flipstarErickj92: in #ubuntu-server maybe23:32
algyzErickj92:  maybe try to look here, at the end about network configuration, hope, it will help http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-lamp-server-setup.html23:32
Erickj92flipstar, went there23:32
Erickj92thanks algyz23:32
Alcherabout /bought23:33
Erickj92well would you recomend me install a server version of ubuntu?23:33
flipstarconfiguration of apache is probably the same23:35
Erickj92what about installing webmin?23:36
Alcheraalgyz: tech has had a brainstorm ... he has the drive atm .... he's wiping it clean and going to format in ntfs ... his latest theory is that grub doesn't like the file system.23:36
flipstarErickj92: did you looked at the link above ? maybe it helps you solve the prob23:37
Erickj92flipstar, i looked23:37
Erickj92but i dont see anything about network condig23:37
flipstarErickj92: stupid question maybe but did you disabled/configured the firewall ?23:39
Erickj92flipstar, i was told Kubuntu didnt have a firewall enabled by default23:39
flipstarso the port is reachable from external ?23:39
algyzErickj92:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61180/23:39
Erickj92flipstar, i didnt do anything with a firewall23:40
ubuntu__how can i mount a harddrive to be used by a user that isnt root (im on a live cd)23:41
flipstarubuntu__: adding "user" to fstab didnt helped ?23:42
algyzErickj92:  your port 80 is closed23:42
ubuntu__the drive isnt in fstab23:42
Erickj92algyz, then is there a firewall?23:42
algyzErickj92:  maybe install firestarter and open it?23:42
Erickj92one sec23:43
devilsadvocatehi. I just installed 8.04, did a full upgrade, and my sound stopped woring. I've got Intel HDA (probably the sigmatel chipset)23:43
flipstar!intelhda > devilsadvocate23:43
devilsadvocateany help to figure otu whats wrong would be appreciated :)23:43
flipstar!hardy > devilsadvocate23:43
algyzdevilsadvocate:  had the same problem with alpha 5 :)23:43
devilsadvocateah, my apologies23:43
devilsadvocategutsy gibbon, i am on now23:44
Erickj92algyz, ok installed23:44
flipstar!sound > devilsadvocate23:44
algyzdevilsadvocate:  one of the best guides - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544923:44
Erickj92algyz, i have it running, but im unsure of how to do the settings23:45
algyzErickj92:  open port 8023:45
Erickj92algyz, i meant he initial set up23:46
flipstarjust click ok several times :)23:46
flipstarthe default is probably ok23:46
Erickj92that is what i normally do23:46
flipstarif you worried you can still read what it suggest :)23:47
_dennisterok guys...how do you change the port something's listening on again? i did it the other day and forgot it :(23:49
flipstar_dennister: for which application ?23:49
SlimeyPetedepends which app23:50
SlimeyPeteyou have to change the configuration file (or use the preferences menu if there is one) for the application in question23:50
_dennisterpostgres...right now it's on the loopback, but i want it on my static ip address23:50
SlimeyPetethere'll be a file in /etc/postgres I imagine23:50
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_dennisteri already edited that one, and used my fwdn in the listen_addresses line23:51
_dennisterheck, i even rebooted23:52
SlimeyPeteyou probably just need to restart postgres then23:52
SlimeyPetemight be best to ask in #postgres23:52
SlimeyPeteor #postgresql ... not sure of the channel name23:52
Erickj92algyz, what am i supposed to do now?23:52
algyzErickj92:  I guess you made mistake in port forwarding, you have only 21, 23 and 443 ports open23:53
kgoetz_dennister: listening on your FQDN wfor listen_addresses will only work if you have a valid dns IP for that hFQDN23:53
kgoetzso make sure the FQDN resolves if youw ant to listen on it23:53
_dennisterbut it's a simple thing...i did it a day or two ago23:53
Erickj92algyz, what is the protocol supposed to be?23:54
flipstar_dennister: in a shell ?23:54
flipstar_dennister: if so then try history | grep post (or any part of the command)23:54
_dennisteri can't remember how i did it...i check the ports with netstat in a shell23:54
algyzErickj92:  you must have 80 port open for apache to work23:54
Erickj92i know23:54
Erickj92but the protocol23:54
Erickj92coz thats the only thing that could be messed up23:54
_dennisterah yes,...forgot about history :)23:55
[Relic]Hello :)23:55
algyzErickj92:  Protocol is http I think23:55
Erickj92i have to choose between TCp or UDP or BOTH23:55
Erickj92ok algyz, does it say port 80 is open now?23:57
algyzErickj92:  seems that no :(23:59
Erickj92port 443 is working, then port 80 should be working23:59

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