
=== Admiral_1hicago is now known as Admiral_Chicago
ubotuNew bug: #176717 in ubuntu-docs (main) "ubuntu-about not translated to polish" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17671712:41
LaserJockhi wonderful doc people!15:48
LaserJockcody-somerville: I'm thinking keeping all the docs in a single project may become important for bzr15:54
cody-somervilleLaserJock, how so?15:54
LaserJockI played around yesterday with using a shared repo for the docs15:55
LaserJockgot some help from #bzr15:55
LaserJockso I think we could be moving to a shared repo in the nearish future15:55
LaserJockand I'm not sure if that would work if they were in separate projects15:56
cody-somervilleI don't think we really need to concern ourselves with conserving a tiny bit of hard drive space on launchpad's servers.15:56
LaserJockit's not about that15:57
LaserJockit's about speed15:57
cody-somervilleI wasn't aware that shared repos provided any speed benefits15:57
LaserJockwith the shared repo once you have one branch, you only have to get the different revisions on the second branch15:57
cody-somervilleCould you point me to the documentation that says that it does?15:57
LaserJockso like I had edubuntu-hardy already15:57
cody-somervilleHow diverged are the branches now?15:57
LaserJockand to get ubuntu-hardy I only had to grab 178 more revisions15:57
LaserJockout of like 3600+15:58
cody-somervilleOh right15:58
cody-somervilleWe used svn before15:58
LaserJockand also the space savings is significant15:58
cody-somervilleAnd anyhow, we can still have a shared repository even with different products I believe15:58
cody-somervilleAs long as the branch owner stays the same15:58
LaserJockbut I'm not sure if LP would handle it15:59
LaserJockwe can check though of course15:59
cody-somervilleTo be honest, if we got the bugmail stuff squared away, I wouldn't be so interested in having multiple products15:59
cody-somervilleAlthough it makes logical sense the simple principle of single product for a single product15:59
LaserJockhow much bugmail can you possibly be getting?15:59
LaserJocka single project for a single project, I would argue ;-)16:00
* cody-somerville curses launchpad for creating ambiguity.16:01
cody-somervilleAs for bugmail, I find it annoying to have to spend 5-7 minutes checking off 20-50 conversations in gmail to archive everytime I login16:03
LaserJockwell, I know what you mean, but that's basically life working on Ubuntu. I would think the doc bugmail would be the least of your problems16:05
LaserJockI get on an average business day something like 200 of those16:05
amenadoa request, kindly include or modify these documents for 7.10 and the upcoming 8.04 please  https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/index.html  currently they are not available for these versions16:47
nixternalmdke: added the Doc team report, Kubuntu info completed16:52
LaserJocknixternal: just uploaded edubuntu-docs16:54
LaserJockclosed one of the edubuntu-docs bugs16:54
nixternaldid you at least close out those bugs :)16:54
nixternaljust one?16:54
nixternalcome on, those 3 were easy fixes :p16:54
LaserJockyeah, the other ones were actually changing things ;-)16:54
LaserJockwe can work on the other bugs in bzr16:55
nixternalwho cares about changing things with edubuntu-docs..they haven't followed a freeze since dapper :p16:56
nixternalanyways, they are eventually going to the wiki16:57
LaserJockactually the LTSP stuff should go to ubuntu-docs16:57
LaserJockso it would probably be worthwhile to fix those bugs16:58
LaserJocknixternal: do you have more than one doc branch?17:00
nixternaljust kubuntu-hardy17:00
amenadoa request, kindly include or modify these documents for 7.10 and the upcoming 8.04 please  https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/index.html  currently they are not available for these versions17:12
jpatrickamenado: you've said it already, when someone with the power to do it comes by I think they might look into it17:13
=== jono_ is now known as jono
mdkenixternal: thanks20:47
seamus7Just joined the Documentation team .. which repository should I download? gutsy or hardy?23:30
cody-somervilleIs the wiki down? :(23:37
kgoetzseamus7: hardy, but its in string freeze pre release now23:44
seamus7so it would be a waste of time to download gutsy? should I just stick with wiki documentation for now?23:53
kgoetzi'd say stick to the wiki until intrepid forks23:54
seamus7ok th23:54

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