
Belboz92Hey all, I'm trying to modprobe lirc_serial, but it keeps on telling me the device or resource is busy, any ideas?00:05
Stemming78Trying to install ndiswrapper; "make distclean" from ~/ndiswrapper-1.43 and -1.5200:20
lagaBelboz92: setserial. use it free the device00:20
Stemming78Geting error: cannot find kernel version in /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/buiild.  Is it configureed?. Stop.00:21
Stemming78*tried 2 different versions00:21
Stemming78Think prob may be a result from not having Linux Headers installed...00:24
Stemming78How should this be entered:  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`00:24
Belboz92laga: sorry, I'm not very familiar with setserial's syntax, could you give me more info on that?00:25
lagaBelboz92: i suggest you check the forums or google, i don't remember it off-hand. if you're using hardy, please file a bug report. it's supposed to be automagic there00:26
Belboz92k, thanks laga00:27
Stemming78Nevermind previous comments;  was using the wrong charactor; used ' instead of `00:29
majoridiothave we seen anything from superm1 tonight?00:39
lagahe's probably at work00:40
rhpot1991not yet00:40
majoridiotk.  no idea what his sched is like... will finish up a coupla things and be back in a few.00:40
rhpot1991I think he is central time, so thats going for 8 there00:40
majoridiotyes, he's central.  will check back after 8... good timing for me too.00:41
rhpot1991laga: that worked btw, thanks00:41
Belboz92okay, I got the module loaded, now I'm having an issue where lircd dies whenever I try to access the ir blaster00:43
Tuv0kgotta love that00:45
superm1hi majoridiot00:48
Belboz92hey, can anyone assure me that upgrading to Hardy will solve this problem with more ease than trying to figure out wtf is wrong with all this Gutsy stuff?00:57
superm1Belboz92, can't assure you, but it's likely :)01:00
Belboz92superm1: thanks, I'm upgrading now :)01:02
Belboz921407 packages to upgrade :-P01:04
Tuv0kit always helps to try to determine the cause of issues01:05
Tuv0kcause once you upgrade to hardy, and hit a bump, then what?01:05
Tuv0kgood luck though01:06
lagaTuv0k: and if you upgrade and it's suddenly working?01:06
superm1Tuv0k, then we are able to fix said bump :)01:06
Tuv0kthen you just started froma clean slate, that could have happened with a clean install of fiesty01:06
Tuv0kor dapper01:06
lagaand if you're stuck with a bug when no developer wants to spend time fixing old packages?01:06
Tuv0kthats if the package was the fault to begin with01:07
Tuv0kbut how would one know, if they just upgraded?01:07
lagahow would they know if they didn't upgrade?01:08
Tuv0khow would they know if they did?01:08
Tuv0kif one does not isolate the problem, then they don't know anything about what will or will not fix it is all I was saying01:09
Tuv0ktake it or leave it01:09
Stemming78Finalizing installation of my wireless card.  What to use WPA2 Personal;  any documentation on setting this up?  thanks01:10
lagayeah, but isolating the problem is a bit more sensible after upgrading to a version which has seen some bug fixes, especially wrt irblaster support :)01:10
lagabut of course, upgrading can be a bit drastic just to get lirc working01:10
mcquaidhmm, on reboot my mixer has mic as record capture, not my cd audio line01:10
mcquaidis there a place to specify what source myth captures audio on?01:11
mcquaidi don't see it there. never looked before. didn't have this issue with .2001:13
Tuv0kmcquaid, as long as you don't mention ubuntu #mythtv-users has some great advice there. They are not as tolerant of not doing your homework first though.01:18
Tuv0kyou get your hand held here01:19
Tuv0kwhich is not a bad thing at all01:19
destructarhi all, i just had some major problems with mythtv after upgrading to 0.21 on ubuntu 7.10 so I reinstalled01:19
destructarnow I can't get my capture card recognized01:19
Tuv0kuh oh01:19
Tuv0kwhere do we start?01:20
destructarusing an HDHomeRun box... after selecting it in mythtv-setup I get a blank menu in Input Connections01:20
destructarwhen I go to channel editor and attempt to scan for channels it acts as though it can't see the capture "card"01:20
destructarhowever I'm able to detect HDHomeRun box and also ping it so I know it's there01:21
Tuv0kwell the blank menu is the show stopper01:21
Tuv0kthis is a clean isntall?01:21
Tuv0knot an upgrade?01:22
destructarI'm guessing no as it seems to have saved my menu settings (using the apple tv rip off menu) and also all my channel info from before01:22
destructarhowever I did uninstall via synaptic and then install via synaptic (using mythtv 0.20)01:22
destructarcorrect it's not an upgrade01:22
Tuv0kits not a clean install its a upgrade01:23
destructaralso when running the frontend and attempting to watch live tv I get a message that says something along the lines "all inputs are being used"... i'm assuming it relates to not having a capture card working though01:23
Tuv0kif thats the case, you will need to nuke all the old settings and start fresh01:23
Tuv0kdo this first01:23
destructarah i see... how the heck do I get this thing uninstalled?01:23
Tuv0kdelete all capture cards01:23
Tuv0kthen readd them01:24
Tuv0kthat should do it01:24
destructar"unable to delete capturecards for ubuntu"01:24
Tuv0kdo it in mythtv-setup01:24
destructarok ran the other option "delete all capture cards" and it seemed to work as I got no error01:24
Tuv0know readd the card01:24
majoridiotping: superm101:25
destructarafter adding the card it takes me back to the "capture cards" menu that shows "new capture card, delete all capture cards on ubuntu, delete all capture cards".... but hdhomerun isn't showing... should it be? I can't remember from last time01:25
superm1just come join the dev channel majoridiot01:25
superm1we'll talk there01:25
destructar(also input connections is still blank)01:26
Tuv0kdestructar, after deleting it readd it as I've repeated01:26
Tuv0kone step at a time man01:26
Tuv0kyour getting ahead of yourself01:26
destructaryou mean add via mythtv-setup under option 2. Capture Cards, right? that's what I did01:27
Tuv0kdid it show up after you deleted them all?01:27
Tuv0kare all cards now deleted?01:27
Tuv0know go back to capture cards, and attempt to search for yours01:28
destructarok, choosing "HDHomeRun DTV tuner box" from Card Type.01:28
destructarentered on "finish"01:29
destructarback to the "capture cards" menu... hdhomerun card is not listed here01:29
destructarit is as though it refuses to add the card01:29
Tuv0kdo you have the correct device set01:29
destructarexactly my thoughts... it's what I was trying to explain further up the chat but failed to convey :)01:30
Tuv0kas in /dev/video001:30
destructarnot sure let me check01:30
Tuv0kor /dev/cideo101:30
destructarwhere do I check that?01:30
destructaroh i see... for most cards you have that option01:31
destructarnot for the hdhomerun device though01:31
Tuv0ksame place as ...01:31
destructarit's an external box01:31
Tuv0kbelow the cards selection01:31
destructaryea that option doesn't exist for hdhomerun01:32
destructaractually yes it does: it has device id which is correctly set01:32
Tuv0ktry changing it01:33
destructarit's something different than /dev/video[whatever] as it is an external device... just uses a hex id01:33
Tuv0kdestructar, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HDHomeRun#head-1e1c830e6c6aadfe236d7e56698a762d73e3d7fb01:34
Tuv0kever seen that?01:34
destructaryea tried using it but it didn't help01:35
destructari'm thinking that I should just completely reinstall mythtv01:35
Tuv0kthe upgrade was not a good idea01:36
Tuv0konly I can do that l)01:36
destructaryea no doubt01:36
destructarso i'm looking at synaptic and apparently I don't have mythtv-backend-master installed.. should I?01:37
Tuv0kits not required01:39
Tuv0kbut your database needs to be reconfigured01:39
Tuv0kand or backed up01:39
destructarhow to reconfigure?01:39
Tuv0kyou'll need to read up on it01:41
Tuv0kdpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database01:41
Tuv0kjust like anything else01:42
destructaryea doing it now01:42
Tuv0kor phpmyadmin01:42
destructaractually i guess it's already done... that seemed fast01:42
destructarok: reconfigured the database, attempted to add the capture card, no dice.01:46
Stemming78Need assistance with my Wireless Device...  Have it connecting to the router, but cannot assign an IP.  Could someone look at my /ect/network/interfaces to see if it is correct?01:54
majoridiotnot t01:57
=== MythbuntuGuest96 is now known as JoshT76
JoshT76anyone home?01:59
Stemming78Well, if someone can be of assistance, here are my settings:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61085/02:01
JoshT76any one else experiencing issues with watching tv doing weird things with the video?02:01
superm1Stemming78, those are static settings?02:10
superm1not dhcp02:10
Stemming78Yah, I can set it using DHCP but am failing when I try and assign the IP address...02:10
Stemming78Wasnt sure or not if I had gateway or something else configured incorrectly02:11
superm1looks sane02:12
superm1and/or correct02:12
Stemming78strange, must be something with the router than (port not open) or something.02:12
Stemming78I GOT WIRELESS WORKING!!!  very excited over here.  Ready to turn in my green hat fellas02:30
frank23quick question: is the mythnettv plugin available in hardy mythbuntu?02:30
* majoridiot wonders if it will survive a reboot02:31
Stemming78it did!  thats the greatest thing02:31
majoridiotnow write down what you did.02:31
majoridiotbefore you forget.02:31
Stemming78Yah, will be a bool02:31
Stemming78If anyone is needing help, just ask...  I think I graduated today;-)02:33
JoshT76is there a way to make a php script that will make a podcast/vodcast from the contents of a folder?02:33
majoridiotif you can code php, i would think so.02:34
Stemming78not sure if this will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythExport02:34
famicomJoshT76, there are better ways of coming out of the closet02:35
JoshT76that makes this much sense02:37
famicomthe same goes for asking a php question in #ubuntu-mythtv02:39
JoshT76thanks for the link, i have my iPod file already generated, just lloking for a script that will allow me to use them in a podcast type format02:39
JoshT76famicom, its related i just didnt type the preface, sorry02:40
famicomyeah, i shouldnt be a douche either02:41
famicombut, i guess what you need is a cli oneliner02:41
majoridiottouche, douche.02:41
famicomfirst of all, are tthe files you are trying to combine all in the same format02:41
famicomas in02:41
famicomall mpeg, all ogg all divex02:41
famicomor whatnot02:41
JoshT76i have a user job that ustilizes ffmpeg to convert my recordings to an iPod compatible format and saved into a specific folder as an .mp4 file02:43
JoshT76i just was curious if anyone had a php script that may dynamically generate podcast/vodcast rss feed based on the contents of this particular folder02:44
frank23quick question: is the mythnettv plugin available in hardy mythbuntu?02:46
JoshT76there is something similar called dir2cast that works for mp3s and i was asking if there may be something similar that folks here would use for video from mythtv in this manner02:46
destructarhi. i think I have royally screwed up my system... tried to upgrade mythtv to 0.21, then uninstalled it via synaptic, then reinstalled version .20, then capture device (hdhomerun) couldn't be detected even after deleting all cards and trying to re-add...03:02
Stemming78Is there a way to import imdb data from Backend Machine to a freshly installed Frontend box?03:02
Stemming78*and posters03:03
destructar... then removed via synaptic again, installed mythbuntu control centre, still couldn't get capture device recognized... seemed troubles were coming from database so I backed up the db and then removed it from mysql... then uninstalled mythbuntu and reinstalled... now can't connect to database (on install mythbuntu didn't bother to make the db for me again)03:03
destructarso in short: WTF??03:03
rhpot1991restore your database backup03:04
destructarthen I'll be back to square one03:04
rhpot1991well when you upgraded it convereted that to 0.21 scheme03:04
rhpot1991so you can't use that with 0.20.203:04
rhpot1991it made a backup then03:05
rhpot1991go find them and restore from them03:05
rhpot1991I believe it left mine in my recordings directory03:05
destructarhmm why so it did, just found it03:06
destructarsweet jesus! rhpot1991: i owe you my first born child!03:11
superm1rather than that, just 'pay it forward' :)03:12
Tuv0kdestructar, you get your tuner back?03:13
destructarit was all due to a bad database03:13
destructarplus now I'm using mythbuntu rather than regular mythtv which i think will make life easier03:14
superm1well that's the goal at least ;)03:15
Tuv0kfigured it was the db03:15
destructaryea... that makes total sense now... i thought that upon uninstall the db would be removed and then recreated on reinstall... but no03:17
* rhpot1991 crushes everything wifi related around him03:17
rhpot1991np destructar03:18
destructarnow the question is: will my hd channels work again? they were seriously messed up upon attempted upgrade to .2103:18
mcquaidi applied this patch to mythweb's stream module http://cvs.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/5006 which provides nuv streaming by using mencoder instead of ffmpeg03:50
mcquaidbut currently it's behaving the same as with ffmpeg.  it shows the first frame but never plays the video in the flash player03:51
mcquaidis there a log for mythweb? something that would show the ffmpeg/mencoder requests? i don't see anything in the apache logs03:51
Tuv0kmcquaid, yeahm its called mythlog03:56
mcquaidyou mean /var/log/mythtv/ ? already looked in there. saw no mention of my streaming requests03:57
mcquaidthought mythweb might log somewhere else03:57
Tuv0kits in mythweb03:58
Tuv0kdo you have mythweb up?03:58
Tuv0klast link to the right03:58
Tuv0kbackend log?03:58
mcquaidok in the backend i see this: Could not connect to server "" @ port -103:59
mcquaidnumerous times. i'm just testing this on a lan.  does a port have to be open for mythweb to stream?04:00
Tuv0kmcquaid, depends where you are streaming from04:03
Tuv0kbut on a lan , no04:03
Tuv0kunless you have a firewall on the mythbackend04:04
Tuv0kgenerally port 8004:04
mcquaidno no firewall04:04
Tuv0kI'm streaming via flash from 30 miles away through a firewall, with only port 22 open04:04
Tuv0knot able to stream .asx through the ssh though04:05
Tuv0kthus the flash in the browser viewing04:05
Tuv0kI don't want to open port 80 though04:06
Tuv0kthen I'd have to setup a login for mythweb04:06
Tuv0kand I don't feel up to it just yet04:06
mcquaidi wonder if the login could be causing the issue. the pkg provided in mythweb allows one to configure a login04:07
mcquaidthis is what i keep seeing when trying to stream04:07
mcquaidwell, i think those errors are referring to my stream attemtp04:07
mcquaidas i configured a login and you mention you haven't yet04:08
destructar*sigh*... about to give up for the night... front end was unable to connect to the backend so I restarted... now I can't even run mythtv-setup04:14
destructarwhen running this or trying to start front end, process hangs at "new db connection, total 1"04:14
destructarbackend log says "No setting found for this machine's BackendServerIP." and tells me to run setup, which of course I can't04:15
Tuv0kmcquaid, never was asked for a login04:15
Tuv0kbut I believe you guys run "mythbuntu"04:15
Tuv0kI don't04:15
Tuv0kjust mythtv04:15
mcquaidi'm running hardy beta with it's .21 in the reps04:15
Tuv0kI don't go for the prepackaged04:15
Tuv0kme too04:15
Tuv0kso you should have more latitude04:16
Tuv0kI need to learn how to better help others04:16
Tuv0kI can fix any issue of my own04:16
Tuv0kothers not so much04:16
destructar"unable to connect to database. driver error" wtf?? "sqlquery::exec database not open"04:16
destructarmysql is running though04:17
Tuv0kthe login info for your database may be off?04:17
Tuv0kthe frontend and backend pw not matching?04:17
Tuv0kthe database need to be repaired then optimized?04:17
destructarhow to edit this? is there a file to edit? can't run any setup programs04:17
Tuv0kall things I had to check and double check when I had similar issues04:18
destructari'll try to repair i guess... *sigh*04:18
Tuv0kI use phpmyadmin when and if I can't pull up mythweb04:18
Tuv0kI even will use webmin to administer my database04:18
mcquaidmake sure /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt has the correct db username password04:19
Tuv0kI have several methods to do one thing04:19
Tuv0kthats right04:19
mcquaidalso somehow my mythtv user didn't have privledges for mythconverg db04:19
Tuv0kit helps to be a little experienced in linux to play with myth04:19
Tuv0kthat also is pertainent04:20
mcquaidonce i fixed that, and made sure mysql.txt was right. everything worked04:20
Tuv0kthe documentation out there for myth is awesome04:20
Tuv0kso is #mythtv-users04:20
Tuv0kbut if you mention ubuntu too much there, they point you here04:21
Tuv0kthey aren't as nice but very knowledgable04:21
Tuv0kchannel stays axtive04:22
destructaroh crap04:22
destructari just saw my problem... have the ip address set to instead of
destructarcrap... any easy way to change this in a file or somewhere? i have no way of getting in to setup04:23
destructarapparently setting wrong ip addy in the front end makes for bad experiences04:24
rhpot1991careful modifying that file04:24
Tuv0ktry http://localhost/mythweb04:24
rhpot1991mysql.txt that is04:24
mcquaidi've made some bonehead moves the last few days as well ;)04:24
destructarmysql.txt doesn't contain the ip addy04:24
rhpot1991destructar: if its for the frontend you can do that in the setup menu under the frontend04:25
rhpot1991if thats for a backend, it can be done under mythtv-setup04:25
destructari can't run either setup script though... it just hangs while attempting to connect to the database on the wrong ip address04:26
destructarerrors just slowly scroll by on terminal04:26
rhpot1991destructar: if you let that run long enough I believe it will pop up anyways04:26
rhpot1991and then you can change it04:26
rhpot1991provided I am thinking about the same thing as you are saying04:27
Belboz92Hey all, which IR transmitter do I want to select in the config?04:27
destructari see... ok i'll leave it alone04:27
destructarat this rate I might as well go to sleep first04:27
Belboz92I have a home-brew IR blaster with a Motorola DCT222404:27
rhpot1991destructar: shouldn't take more than a few minutes though04:27
mcquaidhe's probably referring to the bind-address in /etc/mysql/my.cnf04:27
Belboz92Do I want "Command IR:   Motorola Cable Box"?04:28
mcquaidi make that the actual ip address of the box so other frontends on the network will work04:28
destructarit's already been at the very least 10... it keeps trying to connect "no error type from sqlerror? strange..."04:28
rhpot1991destructar: do you have a /home/<your user>/.mythtv/config.xml file?04:30
destructaryes but it's empty04:31
rhpot1991there should be a mysql.txt there as well04:33
mcquaidhmm, i tried watching a stream while looking at wireshark, but didn't see anything relevant as to why streams don't work04:39
mcquaidnothing in myth's log.  i just connecting ip addy... in the browser i'm trying to watch04:40
destructarha! unplugged my internet and then ran mythtv-setup... made it get past all the failed db connections in a hurry04:41
destructarof course frontend still can not connect to backend server... so i'm still screwed... so I shouldn't be all that excited i guess04:42
destructarawesome! got it working along with HD04:54
destructargeez... well that only took the entire night04:54
superm1whoops :) dog04:54
rhpot1991!pastebin | superm104:54
ubotusuperm1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:54
=== rhpot1992 is now known as rhpot1991
flower_girlhey all, I seem to missing all the text on the main menu of both the Frontend and Backend Setup, any ideas?05:33
flower_girlthe menus still work btw, I can get to the TV by pressing enter05:34
=== flower_girl is now known as Belboz99
foxbuntuBelboz99, try exiting the frontend and run it from terminal like this: mythfrontend -O ThemePainter=OpenGL05:35
Belboz99foxbuntu: thanks!05:37
Belboz99what was the problem?05:37
foxbuntuBelboz99, you need to set the Frontend to use OpenGL05:38
Belboz99okay, done05:38
foxbuntuok..that should take care of things05:39
foxbuntuQT is default and doesn't always work05:39
foxbuntudepending on your video card05:39
Belboz99hey foxbuntu, I now have video0, video24 and video32 listed in /dev, but video0 won't probe in Mythsetup, any ideas?06:12
foxbuntuBelboz99, what type of tuner?06:12
Belboz99Hauppage PVR-15006:13
Belboz99it was working just fine a minute ago06:13
Belboz99the system did hang for some odd reason when I went to vi a config file for lirc, but lirc now works06:14
foxbuntuBelboz99, pastebin your dmesg06:16
Belboz99foxbuntu: only thing I find is this written with every attempt: [ 1021.444128] ivtv0: Failed to initialize on minor 006:17
foxbuntuBelboz99, reboot06:18
Belboz99alright, I'll brb06:18
Belboz99back, I think06:24
Belboz99foxbuntu: that fixed it, but do you think it will break again next time I run the channel changer?06:26
foxbuntuBelboz99, shouldn't, but I suggest enabling the IVTV Driver tweak in Mythbuntu Control Centre, it will reduce the chance of issues with that card06:29
Belboz99k, thanks06:30
Belboz99damn, still doesn't change channels :(06:34
foxbuntuBelboz99, what method did you setup for changing channels?06:36
directhex|workfoxbuntu, curiously, the "no menu text with qt" thing happens on mythfrontend/win3209:43
Aquahallicif initramfs blewup and won't let me boot into any kernel.... (can't find root filesystem) is there a way to boot with a cd and repair it?14:23
superm1boot the live cd, mount the partition to somewhere14:24
superm1and then sudo chroot location /bin/bash14:25
superm1and then in there14:25
superm1update-initramfs -u -k VERSION14:25
superm1where VERSION is your kernel version14:25
Aquahallick... I tried chrooting in with linux rescue but it wouldn't let me use update-initramfs14:25
Aquahallicoh and... btw.. laga hit my "smurfs" after hardy upgrade on ATI dead slam on the head14:26
Aquahallicit jacked my hue14:26
Aquahallicthanx again superm114:28
superm1no prob14:29
superm1you fixed the blue tint?14:29
superm1by turning off xv pic controls?14:29
Aquahallicnope... just my hue was turned all the way down to 014:30
AquahallicI set it to 50% (where it usually sets by default) and it was fine...14:30
Aquahallicwho'd a thunk it14:30
superm1can you add that to the FAQ?14:30
Aquahallicsometimes it's the SIMPLEST things that stump us the most!14:30
JGleichCan/does Ubuntu/MythTV download & playback content from sites like CBS Interactive, NBC's Hulu, etc?  Or do I need additional 'tools' like Miro, VLC, etc?14:30
superm1JGleich, you need additional tools for that currently14:31
AquahallicYup... I can do that.. it might already be out there... he said he knows about it and it should have been fixed though14:31
superm1JGleich, and remember those are in flash video format, so i'm not sure how nicely they will play in the internal player14:31
AquahallicI pasted my xvinfo to  him14:31
JGleichsuperm1: Hi.  For the DL, or the playback or both?14:31
superm1so you can try at least14:31
JGleichaha ...14:31
superm1JGleich, for the download for sure14:31
superm1playback maybe14:31
JGleichsuperm1:  Let's assume I use "another tool", then, to DL the content.  Can MythTV be used to manage the content ... and then invoke a different tool to playback?14:32
hugolphi, I am not sure if its how it should be but myth .21 backend its a lot more cpu than .20 backend14:33
hugolpanyone else have notice?14:33
superm1JGleich, yes that's possible14:33
Aquahallicsuperm1: you want me to post it here??14:33
superm1Aquahallic, in the link in there is a FAQ page14:34
superm1click that and the link in side that link14:34
superm1hugolp, not on the backend, but the frontend uses more14:34
superm1see the faq :)14:34
JGleichsuperm1: That's good enoughh, then.  Now to find a spare box around here ... thanks.14:34
hugolpsuperm1:  then something is wrong with my backend14:34
superm1best of luck with that JGleich14:34
superm1hugolp, well is it the transcoding eating up CPU?14:35
superm1or comm flagging?14:35
rhpot1991_laptopsuperm1: not sure I put that in the faqs14:35
superm1or actual recording14:35
hugolpI have a Via C3 running only the backend, and I can tell you it eats more cpu14:35
rhpot1991_laptopguess I'll do that now14:35
superm1yup Aquahallic14:35
hugolpno, no transcoding happeninng, not in a C314:35
Aquahallicjust click edit and edit that page at bottom?14:35
superm1haha hugolp okay.14:35
hugolpI have the backend configured to not do any type of job14:35
Aquahallicaight.. I saw that before.. I didin't know if you wanted me editing that page or not14:35
rhpot1991_laptopAquahallic: yell when you are done editing, so I can add words about more cpu usage14:35
superm1hugolp, is it a severe problem?14:36
rhpot1991_laptopits a wiki, so anyone can edit it14:36
hugolpsuperm1:  well, my server runs quite a few programs (myth backend, asterisk, torrentflux, a couple of personal web pages) and now sometimes it gets too loaded14:37
hugolpbefore it wasnt happening14:37
EvilGuruMythTV stores its data in /var/lib?14:37
hugolpalone the load is not a problem but when everything is running it becomes a problem14:37
directhex|workEvilGuru, by default14:38
EvilGuruthat is where I will mount my LVM thingy then, thanks14:38
superm1hugolp, all that stuff on a little C3?14:38
hugolpyeah :-)14:38
superm1sounds to me like you are asking for trouble and are lucky this didnt happen soooner :)14:38
rhpot1991_laptophugolp: you are crazy14:38
hugolpbut the web pages are for my personal use only14:38
rhpot1991_laptopupgrade that to a c7 :)14:39
hugolprhpot1991_laptop:  send me a donation and Ill upgrade14:39
rhpot1991_laptopI just sent donations to my own upgrade14:39
rhpot1991_laptophugolp: you know about the gPC dev kit?14:39
hugolpits not that bad, I have asterisk set up so there isnt any kind of transcoding. And mythtv backend to not do any kind of job (transcoding, ad discovery,...) etc...14:40
hugolpno, whats the gPC dev kit?14:40
rhpot1991_laptopgPC is the $200 VIA C7 box from everex14:41
superm1rhpot1991, oo that'd make a nice cheap new mobo/cpu for a backend14:41
superm1that's incredibly affordable14:41
rhpot1991_laptopthat there is the mobo/cpu for it14:41
rhpot1991_laptopsuperm1: microatx for you too14:41
superm1you should have told me about that before i spent 110 dollars on that other deal14:41
superm1for the AMD6414:41
rhpot1991_laptopI wish it was mini-itx still, but walmart had them put it in a larger case cause their customers equated size of the case with power of the computer14:42
rhpot1991_laptopsuperm1: that thing would not play back HD well14:42
superm1no xvmc?14:42
superm1its via?14:42
hugolprhpot1991_laptop:  I can get a C7 with gigabit ethernet case with pci space, power source, etc... for 120 dollars14:42
rhpot1991_laptopno tv out for one, and you'd need to use XvMC all the time otherwise14:42
pdragonnot a good backend computer. very low end CPU14:42
superm1rhpot1991_laptop, VGA out14:42
rhpot1991_laptophugolp: got a link?14:42
superm1that's all i need14:42
superm1pdragon, i use low end cpus for backend14:42
superm1my old backend is a 700mhz p314:42
rhpot1991_laptopthe tv I'd want to put a C7 on needs svideo out14:43
pdragondon't do HD?14:43
superm1pdragon, i don't transcode on that backend14:43
superm1pdragon, but recording HD takes nothing14:43
hugolprhpot1991_laptop:  the C7 can indeed play HD the problem is that VIA doesnt have proper drivers for linux, so all the work is on the cpu14:43
hugolpand then it cant handle it14:43
superm1hugolp, it isn't supported by openchrome?14:43
hugolpsuperm1:  3D and mpeg acceleration is not suported in openchrome14:43
rhpot1991_laptophugolp: ya thats what I meant, but in my bad english way of saying it14:44
rhpot1991_laptopI've heard bad things about the VIA video drivers14:44
rhpot1991_laptopbut I'm still tempted by them14:44
directhex|workc7 is shite, buying one is a mistake14:44
hugolprhpot1991_laptop:  there is even an online sing up asking VIA to release proper linux drivers14:44
directhex|workso sayeth directhex14:44
hugolpdirecthex|work:  so what low consume cpu would you buy?14:45
directhex|workhugolp, intel14:45
Aquahallicrhpot1991_laptop: go ahead... I had to reset my password and it's taking a bit to send it14:45
directhex|workhugolp, intel beats via into a pulp for performance-per-watt with their last-gen stuff. current and next-gen, no contest14:45
hugolpI have my server 24/7 on, and dont want my electricity bill to go skyrocket14:45
AquahallicI'll post it later today.. I gotta head to work... once I fix my initramfs issue I'll post that also14:45
rhpot1991_laptopalright Aquahallic14:46
hugolpdirecthex|work:  ok, but at what price? C7 is old and you can get it very cheap. cheap and low consume, for me is the perfect myth backend14:46
hugolpand if VIA had proper linux drivers the perfect media player14:46
directhex|workhugolp, not all mhz are equal. an intel mhz is about 6-10x faster than a via mhz. 7w gets you a 1ghz epia, 8w gets you a 1.06ghz core 2 duo. 2.5w gets you a 1.8ghz dual core Atom14:46
DaveMorrisI use a mini-itx frontend with via chiposet and openchrome no problem at all14:47
DaveMorrisusing TV-OUT14:47
directhex|workgive http://www.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=11976 a read14:47
hugolpok, I will14:47
rhpot1991_laptopDaveMorris: SD or HD?14:47
DaveMorrisas to a low powered backend, I've got a p450 with a couple of tuner cards, it runs fine14:47
directhex|workpaying money for idt winchip which hasn't gotten any better in 5 years is embarrasing14:47
DaveMorrisSD since I don't get a HD signal14:47
directhex|workDaveMorris, i'd take a p2 before a c714:47
EvilGuruThey probably have similar floating-point performance14:48
Aquahallicrhpot1991_laptop: aight... I got it.. let me know when you're done and I'll post....lol14:49
rhpot1991_laptopAquahallic: go ahead, I haven't started14:49
directhex|workEvilGuru, the p2 will outperform the c7 on floating point and several basic instructions14:49
Aquahalliclol... k14:49
directhex|workEvilGuru, test it for socket performance, no contest14:49
DaveMorrishttp://www.mini-itx.com/store/?c=2#p1646 is what I use on the fronted14:50
EvilGuruStill skimping on the FPU then, some things never change14:50
DaveMorriswith digital sound out14:50
directhex|workthing is, they're directly comparable. c7 is a minor update to c3, is a repackaged die-shrunk idt winchip. which was a budget-end p2 competitor for people who wanted to stick with socket 714:51
rhpot1991_laptopI wonder how the amd geode compares to the VIA chips14:51
DaveMorristhe reason it does will for me, is our TV signals are broadcast in MPEG2, so it's done in hardware14:51
directhex|workgreat, as long as you never want to watch dvd rips or somesuch14:52
DaveMorrisdvd rips have been fine on it tbh14:52
DaveMorrisI use my DVD player for DVD's14:53
EvilGuruI had a DVD player once, got rid of it as soon as it would not do what I told it to14:53
directhex|worksee, here's the thing14:54
hugolpdirecthex|work:  but the problem with VIA is the lack of linux drivers, so trying to play mpeg videos or 3D like Elisa doesnt work cause the cpu is all alone with that14:54
EvilGuruhugolp: Is that because lack of specs, or just lack of interest?14:54
directhex|workDaveMorris reads epia as "it's great, it can do mpeg2 decoding in hardware", whereas i read "epia is so low end, it's only able to watch tv using an unreliable mix of drivers and app support and hardware, which allow some assistance with a small selection of codecs"14:55
directhex|workit's all in the eye of the beholder14:55
hugolpdirecthex|work:  there is and old VIA linux program that will allow you to run and old mplayer version (but you have to be root to watch a video...) and it plays mpeg2 with 5-10% cpu14:55
hugolpEvilGuru:  because of lack of specs14:55
directhex|workhugolp, i cover VeMP in my review14:55
hugolpa lot of people was interested on developing VIA linux drivers but they just gave up because of VIA attitude14:56
directhex|workwhich is why i have no hesitation in disrecommending them. they offer nothing better than the competition14:56
hugolpdirecthex|work:  we agree in that14:58
hugolpbut the problem is that intel low consume procesor allways come with motherboard with intel gpu's (wich are crap)14:59
hugolpso I have still to find a good low consume system as linux media player14:59
hugolp(and since I only use linux ...)14:59
directhex|workhugolp, intel's gpus are better than via15:00
directhex|workand there are plenty of good reports using them for linux, including HD in myth15:00
hugolpdirecthex|work:  no g-sync on intel gpu's15:02
hugolpdirecthex|work:  have any link on a low consume intel system?15:02
directhex|workhugolp, look for intel atom, for their next-gen power-saving architecture15:04
hugolpdirecthex|work:  is it at sale allredy or is the future chip?15:05
hugolpcause Im looking for low consume media players this days15:06
Aquahallicrhpot1991_laptop: You're up!15:06
EvilGuruRight, 8.04 beta installed, fantastic!15:07
DaveMorrishugolp: you could still get a VIA board and stick a Nvidia card in it15:09
DaveMorrisEPIA SN 18000EG 1.8GHz C7 support PCI-E15:10
rhpot1991_laptopDaveMorris: I wonder what effects that would have on cooling it15:10
DaveMorrisstick a 'The' infront of that15:11
DaveMorrisno idea tbh15:11
hugolpDaveMorris:  guess its an option15:11
EvilGuruI am currently setting up my system and am trying to configure video sources (listings), however XMLTV is not listed. I am using 8.04 beta15:47
foxbuntuEvilGuru, you need to install the XMLTV Grabber first15:53
EvilGurufoxbuntu: Will do15:54
EvilGuruOkay done, is there a guide for setting it up?15:58
DaveMorrisEvilGuru: http://www.mythbuntu.org/installation_manual should get you through, although it's from the previous version16:03
EvilGuruIt is more how I set up xml tv itself for my country16:06
DaveMorrisAFAIK you don't se XMLTV for the UK16:16
* DaveMorris slaps himself16:16
DaveMorristhats schedule direct I was thinking of16:16
foxbuntuDaveMorris, was going to have to slap you myself16:16
DaveMorrisfor RT (radio times) and XMLTV in the uk16:17
DaveMorrisI personally use the free transmitted guide in the UK16:18
EvilGuruNo freeview where I am16:21
npurcifulwhats goin on16:27
DaveMorrisEvilGuru: you aware you can get freeview over a satellite?16:36
EvilGuruDaveMorris: We can kind of get it, but until the switch over most channels are out of reach (BBC1,2, ITV, C4)16:43
salmanh_has anybody run myth tv on a linksys/cisco nslu2?16:44
DaveMorrisEvilGuru: sounds like Eastbourne16:46
EvilGuruDaveMorris: Pitstone (Bucks)16:47
HEP85I want to enable automatic shutdown. Is it right to enable mythwelcome in /etc/mythtv/settings to do this?16:47
EvilGuruHmm, I am trying to create a new video source using XMLTV (radio times), however when I go finish it seems to hang at 50%16:54
salmanh_has anybody run myth tv on a linksys/cisco nslu2?16:54
HEP85How do I enable mythwelcome?16:56
directhex|workEvilGuru, alt-tab17:00
EvilGuruI had to ssh and kill the process, namely sh -c tv_grab_uk_rt --config-file '/home/freddie/.mythtv/RT.xmltv' --configure17:00
EvilGuruwhich if I run it myself gives nonsensical output: config file /home/freddie/.xmltv/tv_grab_uk_rt.conf does not exist, run me with --configure17:01
directhex|workEvilGuru, no, you didn't. the xmltv config runs in the shell which spawned mythtv-setup. you need to switch to that window to configure xmltv17:01
EvilGuruQuestion is how do I execute a command in the terminal window17:12
HEP85I don't get the question17:15
EvilGuruI am trying to get MythTV to grab the listings using XMLTV from the radio times. I select everything in the dialog fine, but when I go finish it crashes on fetching the XMLTV information17:16
HEP85No, I mean the last one17:17
EvilGuruI think i have worked that bit out17:18
EvilGuruRight, it does seem to be doing something17:20
ViakenX crashes when I connect via VNC.17:54
ViakenUsing Hardy17:54
cosmichi @ all18:12
cosmicIs here anybody , who would be so kind to explain me how to force the mythfrontend to create a pidfile ??? is it even possible ?18:12
cosmicsorry for my bad english18:13
foxbuntucosmic, why do you need the frontend to create a pid file?18:23
cosmicto control it via monit18:23
foxbuntuit should already create one18:23
cosmicsometimes it breaks , as the backend does too , then monit restarts it and gives me information about how much resourcess these processes use for themselves18:24
cosmicI dont , find any pidfile of the frontend ... only of the backend18:24
cosmicand i dont find any argument like : --pidfile=/var/run/myth.pid .... or something18:25
cosmicfor the frontend18:25
foxbuntuthe actual process is mythfrontend.real18:25
cosmici think i understand18:27
cosmici will have a look at it in a mom ..... by the way foxbuntu , how many TV Cards doe you use ?18:27
cosmicwitch kind ? DVB-T ?18:28
foxbuntunope...Im in the US, DVB doesnt work here18:28
foxbuntuwell...it doesn't work legally here18:29
cosmici didn't know18:29
foxbuntuits ok...wish they did18:29
cosmicso you use analouge Cards ?18:29
foxbuntuI have 2 QAM tuners for my digital cable18:30
foxbuntuand 2 analog tuners for everything else18:30
cosmicwhat did you want to tell me by : <foxbuntu> the actual process is mythfrontend.real18:31
foxbuntucosmic, if you look at 'top' in console, you will find the proccess id and process name mythfrontend.real18:33
cosmicyap , right18:33
foxbuntuafter I looked at it I think it doesn't create a pid because its really just dynamic content18:33
cosmici know the process name , and i find the process PID , but thats not enough18:33
cosmicdynamic content ?18:36
cosmicits a binary as every process is ?! , i dont understand sorry ... would you please try to explain your last sentence in different words18:36
foxbuntucosmic, Mythfrontend is basically an XML library of 'web page like' content, all the grapics and fonts are rendered on the fly18:38
cosmici didnt know18:38
cosmicis that really performant ?18:38
cosmicperformance ?18:39
cosmicforget it please ;)18:39
foxbuntuwell...its for performance and for scalability18:39
cosmicok i see18:40
cosmicdoes your myth - backend OR frontend breack down often ?18:40
foxbuntunot often18:40
foxbuntuusually if anything breaks it will be the backend, and that has a pid and a good log file18:41
cosmiccould you define "not often" for me please ? , once a day ? once a week ? , only if you do something special18:41
foxbuntuusually less than once every few months, only when I do something to break it :)18:42
cosmicyour right  with the log file18:42
cosmicwhat do you do then ?18:42
foxbuntufix it...I am one of the devs on the mythbuntu team, so if i break something its usually because I am testing new code18:43
cosmicoh , i see18:43
cosmici have an new Computer , so i installed as a test mythbuntu 7.10 x64 since three days18:44
cosmicThanks for all that WORK , by the way18:44
foxbuntucosmic, 8.04 Beta is fairly stable and works quite well...many new features18:44
cosmici will when HARDY is avaliable as stable version18:45
foxbuntucosmic, thanks...we like hearing good things back from the community that uses our software18:45
foxbuntucosmic, only 4 weeks away from that18:45
cosmicfine, then it is a muss to thank for this good WORK18:46
cosmicwould you tell me on witch part "you" are developing ?18:46
foxbuntucosmic, I have done most of my work in the themes, lirc support and some in mythbuntu control centre18:48
foxbuntuI am working on a new application like mythbuntu control centre to make remotes even easier to setup, I hope to release it durning the 8.10 devolpment cycle18:49
cosmicgood , there is a problem  ! ;)18:50
foxbuntucosmic, godo talking but I have to leave now. Let us know if you need more help18:50
cosmicThanks very much for your help @ the moment ... i will report on the mailing list .... Have an nice evening .. ant thanks for all !18:53
EvilGuruAnyone have any advice on debugging TV out problems using an nvidia GF4 card19:38
EvilGuruI have the card's s-video out connected to a s-video to composite adapter which goes to a 14" TV19:52
Stemming78I am without video; working with VIA Chipset and not getting video on TV - would like to know HOW I can revert the changes and get back to video on monitor....20:11
Stemming78*xorg modified20:11
Stemming78Please help; at the end of my setup and really do not wish to reinstall20:15
nettow0822_tgm4883 I was talking to you about a problem a couple of days ago about the show selection in the program guide.....20:25
nettow0822_I would select a show to be recorded and the next day it wouldn't selected20:25
nettow0822_you gave me a command and I forgot what is was.20:26
tgm4883_laptop!logs | nettow0822_20:27
ubotunettow0822_: Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/20:27
nettow0822_ok ty20:28
npurcifulwell i am using hardy now, but irexec is killing lircd20:55
npurcifulokay figure out why it dies no how do i fix it. could not get file information for /dev/lirc021:00
Stemming78MythVideo and Video Manager are missing after setting up a remote frontend machine; was using FSTAB to "mount" folder on another computer.  Any ideas?21:00
npurcifulyou have to install mythvideo on the frontend21:01
* majoridiot drops a pin21:25
majoridiot'lo laga21:31
laga'lo majoridiot21:31
npurcifulwoot! fix lirc21:32
majoridiotsudo /etc/init.d/good_job start21:33
npurcifulah the hardware.conf has changed for lirc i was trying to used canned one21:35
npurcifuli should have diff the to and i would have known right away instead of spending 45min on it21:36
* npurciful idiot!21:37
majoridiotthen you would have an extra 45 minutes to kill...21:37
npurcifultrue, i have one last nitch with hardy, but have to talk to kubuntu devs about that though21:38
Stemming78npurciful: MythVideo is installed on the Frontend machine...21:39
npurcifuli think you have to share the 'video folder' via the network21:39
Stemming78Strange issue, but I can browse the videos on the Frontend Machine, but they will not play.  The Backend machine; missing the Video Directory and VideoManager21:40
Stemming78Shared folder: has music, video, recordings, pictures on Backend21:40
Stemming78I can play recorded shows on the frontend21:41
majoridiotStemming78, info is being pulled from the database21:41
Stemming78"Video" is shared from another PC; using FSTAB21:41
majoridiotStemming78, running myhfrontend from a terminal, what errors do you see trying to watch a video?  also, wht errors in backend log?21:42
Stemming78can you help with that? commands21:43
majoridiotopen a terminal on the frontend21:43
majoridiot$ mythfrontend21:44
majoridiottry to watch a video... on error, exit mythtv21:44
majoridiotlook @ the terminal output21:44
majoridiotmythbackend logs are in /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log21:44
majoridioton the backend machine, of course.21:44
Stemming78Not finding any errors in the log file...21:49
Stemming78Shows UPnoMedia: buoldmediamap done. found 210 objects21:49
majoridiotwhat about frontend?21:50
Stemming78Frontend upon exit, not sure if this is of any importance: Destroying SipFsm object21:50
majoridioti would think the frontend error would be a little more obvious?21:51
Stemming78Line entry:  2008-03-26 ... Using Protocol version 40,  Destroying SipFsmObject,  2008-03-26 ... Deketung UPnP client.  That is all21:52
majoridiotthat's *everything* in the terminal window from the time you ran mythfrontend to the time you exited?21:53
Stemming78Total of 4 entrys; those were the last 3...  First line is connecting to backend server (try 1 of 5)21:55
Stemming78Other than that, nothing21:55
Stemming78Major: it seems like I am taking steps backwards with each successful install;  I got the Frontend machine setup and now the backend machine no longer has video.  Got the Frontend to connect wireless, after installing Unichrome now that isnt working...  just at a point where I am throwing my hands in the air...21:56
Stemming78Only successful install that didnt break something else was configuring the remote control using Xmodmap21:57
Stemming78What do I do?21:57
majoridiotone step at a time21:57
majoridiotwhat happened to the video on the backend?21:58
Stemming78Can watch recordings and live tv.... MISSING MythVideo and Video Manager -= Doesnt appear on the menu anywhere....21:59
majoridiotso install mythvideo plugin21:59
Stemming78WTF, I could have sworn I did this earlier....  It installed...  Why would that have been removed?22:01
Stemming78Strange - working again.....22:01
Stemming78Now, onto the frontend...  wondering if you feel I should start with a fresh install22:02
EvilGuruHmm, since I can not get my GF4 working with TV out I think I'll try a 6200 AGP22:03
Stemming78List of things not working:  MythVideo - cannot play movies...  Wireless is not fuctioning anymore; sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart will not bring up a link however the router is assigning an IP address22:05
majoridioti would say fix wireless first.  until that is fixed, the frontend is dead in the water.22:06
mcquaidnever had this before. a recording from earlier today seems to play at proper speed, but the pitch is really low22:11
mcquaidoprah sounds like she's getting ready to make crank calls, the gf ain't happy i tell ya22:12
mcquaidrecordings prior to that are fine, and so is live tv now22:12
Stemming78Is there a way to remotely connect to the Mythboxes and have admin rights?  I use WinSCP which only allows "guest" accesss22:12
majoridiotthere are tons of winzode ssh clients22:14
npurcifulanyone here use xvmc with HD sources22:16
Stemming78will check....  have 3 keyboards and mice on the desk...22:17
PeriumHello, I used to use Knoppmyth with my system but I recently loaded Mythbuntu 7.10 and for some reason channels that are above channel 14 are all fuzzy.  Any help as to what I need to look at?  I have 2 pvr 150's in my system and both have the same issue23:07
tgm4883_laptopPerium, did you set your source to cable or broadcast?23:11
WcktKlwnI made the same mistake...23:11
Periumah, let me check23:11
WcktKlwnit doesn't say broadcast.. it says bcast23:12
EvilGuruAGP 8x cards are backwards compatible with 4x slots aren't they?23:13
Periumtgm4883, I had it set to default, i set it to us-cable23:13
Periumtgm4883_laptop, its reloading now23:14
tgm4883_laptopwell it would depend on what you had set as the default23:14
Periumtgm4883_laptop, not sure where that setting would be, should be negated anyways by setting it to cable there now wouldnt you think?23:15
tgm4883_laptopyou set the default in general settings, then you can set a per tuner option23:15
tgm4883_laptopthe per tuner option does take priority23:15
Periumthat makes sense23:15
PeriumI will double check once mythfilldatabase stops running, accidently hit yes23:16
Periumtgm4883_laptop & WcktKlwn, thanks that fixed the issue23:23
OpenMediaHi superm123:30
lagahey steve23:30
free1do pinnacle usb tuners work with myth?23:35
free1I have seen the wiki, but it says only ota digital. so if I plug in my standard cable, will it work?23:37
free1superm1:  whatever happened to the Chicago MUG?23:41
free1Mario. Paisan23:49

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